#im actual trash ok bye
todayisafridaynight · 8 months
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storiesofsvu · 4 months
Happy Thursday hoes, let’s get to it!
Todays pros: citytv thinks im in TO so I’m getting it started at six!
Cons: no subtitles.
Alright, OG up first.
Love this new detective that’s a fanboy of everyone, makes me miss rollins lol
Pls let it be a female perp. We love a good female perp.
Okay seriously, this very subtle shaky cam is fucking terrible and hurts my head.
The GROAN I let out at the sight of Samantha in her well fitted pants suit sitting there like a fucking badass pissed off look on her face. Ma’am. Please. (yes, she is the only reason I watch this show)
Okay, the pedo may be the only eye witness, but they still have blood on the murderers pants, don’t they? Would that not tie it together enough? Or is it because the eye witness was the one who lead them to him? God I hate the legal system.
I REALLY wish this show would show more of the arguing between Nolan and Sam, like these two do NOT see eye to eye or have the same opinions on basically anything. And while I know major fighting would be called unprofessional, we at least used to see the lawyers get into it, or bantering. There’s so many times that you can tell just by the look of her face that Sam’s pissed, that she doesn’t think highly of him or his decisions on cases, like she hates him. I wanna see that play out on screen LOL
SVU time!
Let’s see if this week is any better than the last ones
Liv back in therapy, we love to see it.
A crumb of EO? Will that keep the crazies at bay? (like, I don’t even ship it but fuck am I sick of it now, the baiting is hella annoying and terrible, make it happen or not, don’t keep leading the actual ship fans on…)
Uhhh… is there not some kind of patient dr confidentiality? Like this bitch could have just lost her job (esp with someone like mcgrath involved… wtf..)
ITS THIS KIND OF SHIT THAT MAKES ME FERAL. In previous episodes they’ve had situations where shrinks couldn’t testify when they were the ONE witness, and like the entire case went into the trash because of it based off this exact type of situation… where TF is the continuity??
Okay… so she’s a minor so I can see the loophole here, BUT the therapist should have told her parents….
I knew it wasn’t the math tutor…
Ok… so mcgrath threatens to kill the math tutor, but when they’re picking up the son across the street he goes rage on benson?? And the iab captain? Shouldn’t you be attempting to punch the kid or something? God I really hope this ep is his last…
“can you drop that to me?” good thing Bruno’s there cause fin would have ZERO ideas on how to do that…
“until the age of 25 the male brain is about as useful as an electrified meatball” jfc… that wins for best line of the night.
Where the fuck is Velasco? Like.. man deserves his paycheques too..
Okay, mcgrath’s wife needs to shut the fuck up, liv’s trying to help her daughter and she accuses liv of gunning for mcgrath’s job.. jfc..
I was expecting mcgrath to throw hands not pull out his fucking GUN jfc… and like.. that was infront of two cars, that’s gonna be on a dash cam somewhere…
This is one of those one case turns into 4 but there’s only 5 mins left of the episode… cmon…
“I guess I didn’t see it in myself…” THANK YOU I was just gonna bring up the whole half assed back plot of mcgrath being abusive… (which is on par for cops, and ironic that the woman playing his wife was the wife of a cop who abused/raped her in 1.o)
This very much seems like a good bye. Pls let it be a good bye. Petition to bring back Garland!
Okay… im confused, I looked at my phone for 5 seconds and lost track of what was happening. Is the iab captain joining svu, cause that doesn’t work…theyre both captains. Or is she saying she’ll be filling in for mcgrath in the meantime??
Onto OC!
Okay, I am incredibly thankful for carisi on oc, but he’s the *sex crimes* ada.. not the only Manhattan ada, he wouldn’t be prosecuting this case… lol
Me: “wait I thought he was an officer.”
Reyes: “detective?” *side eye*
Me: ah yes, okay he was promoted the writers didn’t forget between weeks.
God this entitled pos teenager… wtf… its not *your* house bitch.
Ah, thank god, here’s the arguing that was missing in OG, not surprised its Elliot. Lol.
Oh god..the bratty teen overheard that didn’t she? Fuck..
God… this girl is gonna blow the entire thing, isn’t she? Like, in todays day and age with all the social media and how teenagers (and some adults) don’t know how to go without it, there’s no way they’d cut contact with everyone and delete socials and keep things quiet.
Aaaaaannd here we go. 5 seconds in and she’s blown their new location. (also WHY would the cops even tell them the location? That seems like something they wouldn’t do until they were halfway there…)
Okay… we’re missing a daughter.. I don’t know if this is supposed to be Maureen or elizabeth but I’m assuming liz as it looks like her kids are twins and she was the twin… Also where’s dickie? (I know the brother said something about someone not being able to get a flight? Im just deaf and without subtitles I couldn’t tell ya what exactly was said lol)
How old is this younger brother supposed to be? The only info online I can find is the actor is 50 which im not sure I believe.
Okay there’s dickie he’s in the background!
These guys KNEW they were in a high risk situation and none of them have a vest anywhere near them? ARE WE DUMB?! IS IT OUR FIRST DAY ON THE JOB?
Okay, there’s the other kid.
Maureen and Kathleen giving side eye while sipping their drinks while the tea is being spilt is the highlight of this moment.
This is SOOO awkward for everyone else at the table jfc… ESPECIALLY Eli’s poor girlfriend.. like. Welcome to the family drama, don’t worry we never have to come back…
Why the fuck did jet not grab the other gun?!
Me: unfazed at Elliot body slamming a teenager.
Bell: *casually* “I’m shot”
I knew this other captain was going to be coming more into play, but im pissed its cause bell’s out with a gunshot wound.
Okay well, another week and OC is continuing it’s reign as superior of the three!
Some pics for context/hilarity
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unidentifiable-body · 2 months
S a little short but uh
“...so the flaps on the wings direct the pitch of the plane, which is the up and down movement, see?”
Steven pointed to small flaps on the model plane’s wings, moving them up and down with his finger. Francis was entranced.
“Woagghh…so when you're flying you use those?”
“Yep! It's real important, it helps me steer the plane. Obviously.”
He chuckled a bit, taking a cracker off the plate between them and flipping it like a coin. Francis caught it in his mouth. Steven smiled, ruffling his new friend’s hair.
“You're a hungry fella, aren't you? You're like a walking trash can.”
Francis would normally be a little insulted by this, but how Steven said it made him want to curl up in a tiny ball and squeal really loudly. In a good way.
“Mmm…m just growing, s all…”
Steven tilted his head.
“Didn't your brother say you were the same age as him?”
Francis stared hard at the table.
“Uh…yeah, I just…I have a condition. I grow all the time. You just can't tell because I also shrink. That's why I have the bloody spotches all over me. Yeah.”
“Huh! Never heard of something like that. Must be tough.”
Francis shrugged.
“I can deal with it, it's fine.”
Steven laughed, turning back to his model. Francis watched, enraptured. There was a practiced ease to Steven's movements and it was entrancing. Sure, he was just gluing things together, maybe tightening some screws here and there, but it seemed so easy. Francis stayed silent the whole time, not daring to disturb a master at work.
“Remember to breathe, sweetheart.”
Francis jumped in suprise.
“I wasn't?”
Steven shook his head. He had a bemused smile on his face.
“You are one weird guy. I don't mind it, though. I just can't see how you're twins with Francis. You must have taken all the personality, huh?”
Francis kicked his legs under the table, giggling.
“Yeahhh, he’s a bit of a drag. But that's ok! I balance him out!”
“That's a really good thing in my books.”
Steven picked up the plane he had just assembled.
“Here. Your brother is gonna pick you up soon, you can keep this.”
Francis took it gingerly, holding the model like it was a holy object.
“Really? For me?”
Steven nodded, and Francis began jumping around. Steven grabbed his arm.
“Woah there, horsie! Less trotting, you might break the plane!”
Francis clutched to plane to his chest.
“Sorry! I was just so excited…”
“Hey, hey. I’m not mad. I’m glad you like it, I just want you to, y’know, have it.”
Francis nodded. Steven had his hand on his shoulder and it was making him want to bite. He kept his mouth shut, though. It didn't take long until there was a knock on the door.
“That must be Francis 1, huh? See you later, buddy.”
Francis left, meeting the…actual Francis. The pair began walking back to the original Francis’ apartment.
“Did you have fun at Steven's?”
“Yeah! He gave me a plane!”
Francis cast a glance at it.
“It's a nice plane. Did you say thank you?”
Francis 2 froze in place.
Francis 1 shook his head.
“Well, I guess you have to say thank you next time you see him. Right now, it's dinner time, ok?”
Francis 2 trotted into Francis 1's apartment with him.
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gaywiththesauce · 10 months
Wait one more thing oh my god I’m so sorry I was rereading your thoughts on my fic remembering Giyuu doing CPR on Sabito while I was writing I was like “wait his whole head got. Mega Smooshed. Why would he be doing CPR what is he stupid (yes)” but then. I pictured little Giyuu like dragging Sabito(‘s body) away from the battle and he isn’t an idiot he can tell he’s long dead but he just can’t accept it and tries and tries and tries and tries anyways bc he didn’t even GET to try with his sister so he has to try he has to and when he gets home to Urokodaki (alone) Urokodaki just takes one look at him sees all the blood on the sleeves of his little training robe thing and KNOWS because his eyes are so far away he’s just completely catatonic and doesn’t speak for like. Weeks probably.。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
Anyways. IM ANIME ONLY I DONT EVEN KNOW IF THEY EVEN WENT THROUGH FINAL SELECTION TOGETHER AT ALL so this is all just bullshit but. I’m so sorry please ignore me I just had to put that out into the world so it wasn’t torturing my brain anymore ok bye again I’m so sorry
I KNOW I WAS LIKE "did he??? did he actually?!!??!??" and I'm anime only as well but like they have the same pattern so that's my excuse. I say they went through Final Selection and now Giyuu cries alone :) also THANK YOU for sending me this bullshit, one person's trash is another person's food and oh boy is this the Good Bullshit!
I'm inspired for the angst after my long day today sooo
(No graphic description of violence or gore.)
Giyuu knows that it was useless to try. It was completely useless. Urokodaki's technique was only for people whose heart stopped beating and their chests stilled with the lack of breath. It didn't work for people who were bleeding out. It didn't work for people missing body parts. It wouldn't work for Sabito.
But, he couldn't give up. Sabito never gave up, so he couldn't either. The sun dawned on them for the sixth day, meaning things should get better now. The sun was a good sign, wasn't it?
His little hands couldn't move faster than the rate of the song he hummed to himself through broken sobs. The song Urokodaki taught him for the correct rhythm of a beating heart. Sabito's heart didn't beat like that right now. Sabito's heart didn't beat at all.
He couldn't give up despite his rational mind screaming at him the truth. It was right in front of his eyes, so he closed them and counted in his head until he had to force air into Sabito's lungs. Gently, he did so, but gentle wasn't in Sabito's vocabulary. He doubted if it would even work for him if he had a chance to save him.
Soon enough, his hands- entwined like he practiced on straw dummies- wouldn't go as deep as he urged them too. He didn't know what else to do. This was his only chance to try, he would never get another after this. He had to do something. The sun moved positioned and he could barely breathe with his efforts. He slumped forward, struggling to keep his eyes open as he passed out from exhaustion.
It was midday when he awoke again. Flies circled around both of them. Giyuu only had one thought in his mind. Sabito's body would not be eaten. He didn't have any tools other than his sword, so he went to digging a small hole in the ground. It was almost sunset when he made it deep enough to keep him level with the ground.
The shallow grave was covered with loose dirt and leaves. Giyuu did his best, he really did, but it was quite obvious that something was hidden underneath. He kneeled down, said a short prayer for him to rest in peace and to keep his body hidden, and turned around to face the moon.
Revenge wasn't his to enact, but one day, someone would be strong enough to decapitate the hand demon...
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dezmondmyles · 4 months
Tagged by @schmooplesthesecond oh boy here we go
5 Songs (from my 2023 spotify wrapped playlist lol)
A-Ha, "The Blood That Moves the Body
My Chemical Romance, "Cancer"
Megadeth, "How The Story Ends"
Des Rocs, "Used to the Darkness"
Disturbed, "The Infection"
1. Three ships you like:
Almond, duh of course who else would be here
My own OCs ships thank you lmao
Vulpes Inculta/F!Courier, but my courier in particular 'cause im a trash mammal
2. First ship ever: maybe Ash/Misty?? Probably??
3. Last song you heard: More like album, but "Paradise Theater" by Styx
4. Favorite Childhood Book: Holy shit I also actually really loved Bunnicula as well haha. My faves were all in series though, so like Magic Tree House, Junie B Jones, Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing, Captain Underpants.
5. Currently Reading: I used to read... Those were good times...
6. Currently Watching: That's not a twitch stream or youtuber? Uh- Oh! Well I am loosely watching Quantum Leap, trying my best since they moved the days and time it airs on, but I genuinely love it.
7. Currently Craving: Sweet relief
oh my goodness who will i tag in this? oh gosh ok i guess i will tag @wolfofwhat @seventhstrife @leonleonhart @punkasshunter and uh whoever else wants to do it and tag me as tagging them i guess idk idc im not your mom
okay thanks bye <3
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glutenfree-rootbeer · 4 months
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Feb. 2024
Been a busy week
Its been pouring rain here in california all week, one cat is cold so he keeps trying to cuddle the other cat. (This is the progress hes made lol)
Also another one of our tenants left so ive been demoing and patching and ripping up floors w/my brother so im exhausted and when i get home i make dinner and watch some garbage tv to relax or play minecraft
(And i made the most delicious shepherds pie on sunday so heres a photo of that)
Ok bye
Gunna go make some curry rice and play minecraft and watch a disney movie 🥱
(Hot tip from your local tumblr landlord- leaving things you think ‘the next person will want’ is just leaving your garbage. Dont fucking do that. I dont want your planter/spice rack/toilet storage rack/squatty potty/extra toilet paper/door hooks. Thats fuckin trash bro and now i had to spend time hauling it to the trash for you. Yes my time and energy costs money.)
Also if you take anything from reading all this just remember this: to remove those lil command strips for hanging things on your wall, pull the tab straight down towards the floor. Thats how they work. (I literally just figured this out myself actually like wtf)
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wooahaes · 2 years
(why does it have me so soft that you thought of me fhhjfh i'm easily moved lol but i rlly like talking to you) thank you sm<3 i'm doing better! I'm struggeling a bit with my health rn but I also have a big ass essay to write and it's just A Lot but I'm sure I'll manage!! I'll just speak it into existence lol
hgjfhgj omg that fight thing is so cute but I can picture it so well for them T-T also on the topic of dino - because of his nickname i always have to think of him when i see adorable otter content now. Like, I'll be seeing stuff like this and my brain goes :( dino :(
"pick a god and pray" is probably the best one ever across any of the games honestly. I also love Jakobs crit lines in fate he's so sassy "time to take out the trash" "you are excused" "you're about to be served" - what a legend IKR like. claude?? please be a little more subtle about your thirsting
okay but catching cheol feelings over writing UtS is absolutely valid. as someone who is cheol biased lemme just say the way you write him in UtS? perfection. i have way too many feels for this man and your writing makes me love him even more T-T
saame i love that petty drama queen. oh god seungkwan would have the best quotes in battle fdjhfjs
I'm so sorry about your fucked up sleeping schedule but I'm glad you at least found a way to deal with the pain >_<
good thing you're a little better over all<3
aaaa i get the same way tbh!! ppl dont rly think of me often i dont think but when they do it means a lot and im always emotional as a result <3
i'm glad you're doing better!! i hope ur health struggles aren't too bad and that u do well on ur essay!! that reminds me i have a discussion board post i need to do but i have time lol im fine w doing it a lil late
(link is safe for anyone who wants to click on it <3)
stop thts so cute omg <3 i would like to also share tht chan always holds hands w reader when he sleeps bc he just likes being connected to them in some way (and usually someone else wants to cuddle too so he'll at least hold hands w them bc cuddling is nice. which isnt to say chan doesn't have times where he just wants to keep reader to himself--he just doesnt want to be possessive and keep them from cuddling w the others if they want) and i imagine it's probably jeonghan who looks at them and he's like wow... just like otters since they hold hands when they sleep to keep from drifting ykno. honestly he probably holds hands w anyone but esp reader lol
LITERALLY its such a powerful line i love quoting it casually lol also im not a huge fan of jakob as a unit but his crit lines are always great. i appreciate the ones that are just like "bye <3" too tbh sfkhsd
writing cheol in UtS just really makes me appreciate him more as a person too tbh like. hes SUCH a good leader in general??? and i just kinda hope to do him justice with the way i write him and according to a lot of ppl im doing well there? i just love and appreciate him a lot even if he's not in my top three members of svt <3 like i said... 3 biases, 10 bias wreckers at all times.
haha fun fact actually: cheol is one of the characters who always loves reader despite whos part ur reading. it's always a matter of him putting their happiness first even if it kinda hurts tbh haha what who said that
oh absolutely <3 i think minghao would have some pretty solid battle quotes as well.
its ok!! literally today is the earliest i've gotten up in the past week-ish so maybe i can start fixing my sleep schedule lol
thank u layton anon ily i hope u get to take it easy and rest soon <3
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solardick · 4 months
Happy BS day. Its valentines. I’m not allowed knowing love. Because god’s an asshole. And enjoys fucken with me. And it’s always ever going to be just me. And know that in dying. I dont care anymore. That stupid girl they always talking about is going to be there. Today, yay! My lung hurts. Smoke another ciggarette.
Wonder whys the dovstor arw going to say when i ask to be euthanized. Just send me a guy already so i can spend the rest of my short life being fucked. Like i have been since my first memory. And Since im never going to add anything to life. And for the first tome this year theres the semblance of winter. Its only ten degrees warmer than it should be today and not 20.
Oh and the girl is gone. Wonder who’s gonna replace her.
Yay for being punished all fucken day. Get the fuck out of my way.
And fuck tarot im done. All y’all fo id give me the oppositre of what i create and my intent. Fuck this rapist culture. Soend tbe rest of my short life gaming and hetting drunk. An dmy dragon image in now trash.
Not allowed being healthy others control my life. Wonder what having independance from malicious influences. Something id like to experiemce before i die. Ive never been. Maybe one day. Ill go. Lol.
I nailed it in that dragon image though. My perfect reflection. And the tower crumbles. Everytime.
Mmmnn i can feel it. Serpent. Its stirring. And after fetting hit in the face with a box. Fuck this. Im done. Fuck all of you. Go sit in the corner and wait.
Souffy, fuck off pls.
And… uh, maybe she realized she was in love with me. And could no longer stay. It was a nice two step dance we did though. Was fun. Bye luv. Maybe one day.
It’s always sexual. I have a very lovable image. I just be me. I always get fucked over. But circumstances won’t allow. Im locked down. Man. And they won’t leave me be. I left my family what eight years ago now. Haven’t had any peace pressence has always been there. … born in hell. I dint know what else to say.
Well you know what they say. Gotta poor your sexuality into something else. Like making love to god. Or jesus. Or blogging indiscriminately, unfiltered. It has to be raw. Or. Not at all. When uou have nothign good to say you sys nothing at all. Maybe in. Fairy tail ‘bout being saved by thee glorious father.
Maybe her boifriend, will show up and beat me up. Because she flirted to spite. Spite. Yeah, yeah. That word, works well. Think im being framed up again? Probably.
Hahah. Ugh. I mean. Im pretty celibate. So its usually from the opposing parties. Thats how it started. Even down near 6-8 yr’old. If its coming from women, its either a good desire that would play out right if present corcumstnaves werent treating me lije a marionnette or there wasn’t amole amounts of violent carnage preventing any act forward. Or its a dirty desire. And im turned off. And do the morally good thing. Ethically may be skitchy. The couple times it did. Treatment and marionnette and all that. Not in a healthy state of being. And thats beside the while line up of scripted ones. There to be serpents. Other people serpents. The white ones with the crow.
Where do you want me to step? Here?
Uh, ok. The added script. Strength from mother to the “king” the child as self. Mother to child. Leo. And death. A parental bond with mother. One showing trust and support. Missing piece to the script. My own, fuck her. Man. I cant do it. There’s nothing there. And for as long as im nothing but tred, i couldn’t afford to care even if i wanted to.
Now to see of i camt find something to watch that isnt predomiantly gay, or gradually drawn into being. Risky stuff. I live dangerously.
Like tomorrow war, where the threat is actually the russians. With there symbolic connection to man and the machine vs. Women and temptation. Gotta fight the good fight. It had monsters and russians in it. I should have known better. In godzilla it was what the Chinese? God sake. Gotta keep my uranus in sag occupied. Uh?
I soent what 20 years in a hole. Not being a part of the system. And then as soon as i do. “Covid”happens. Yeah, ok? Where the real world? I dont think ive met it yet.
Anyway. Crazy bs aside. Im grateful she left. Better pay, closer to home. Can’t go wrong. Even though she hurt me in two ways. Knowing that she wasn’t there to get in my way today. Was awesome. And the good feeling remains. The Dove and the Dragon. The dove, a portent to positive experience. This land is populates by too many crows though. The most dominate species here. Only in the spring and summer are they mostly chased away. Creating a loop of conditional experience. That of using the the functioning increases of solar energy to overcoming the negative association to growth. Its not at all different that the tv. Of fighting monsters and such. Except that there’s not an overlaying fabricated script over nature. And this function is towards the means of reproduction and establishing a suitable nesting home.
In high populated city zones, the natural is all but lacking. Amd the mass lives within a bubble of conditioning. Which cost millions of lives to make possible. While claiming peace on earth. Though millions of lives doesn’t seem so consequential considering the what now, eight billion?
Twisted metal does seem promising. Thanks justin.
No, it’s just sneaky. It hook punches you.
Well guess im goving up media. And going back to the wind.
Well y’all could give some hearts if your going to stock me anonymously. But no. Only the bad stuff.
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mx-t4t0 · 11 months
anyone want my review of lollapalooza day 1
uhm. most monstrous queue i've seen in my life but once that was done i heard 5 artists (one just because i was In The Area not on purpose)
Picture this [Alt stage - 17:30/18:15]: Not really my thing but they're ok they're good they got vibes 👍
Maisie Peters [Alt stage - 18:45/19:15]: This girl does what Taylor Swift thinks she does. Cunt was served and exes were verbally trashed. Good for her.
Lindsey Stirling [Main stage West - 20:00/21:00]: Indescribable amounts of cunt were served. Shredding on a violin is possible and by god she does it. SHE CAN PLAY WHILE DOING AERIAL DANCE. HELLOW??
Damso [Main stage East - 21:00/22:00]: Only heard incidentally because main east and main west are BASICALLY the same stage lmao. Uhm. Music is very subjective and I tend not to say music I don't like is bad. with that said that was not good.
Stray Kids [Main stage West - 22:00/23:15]: I'm like if a guy didn't listen to k-pop so I didn't know what to expect in the slightest with this one, only that most people were there for them (literally everyone i talked to was here mainly for stray kids. get it i guess). But like yeag ok I'm with the kpopies on this one that was fire they went hard as fuck. Also bonus points for them literally pausing in between songs a couple times whenever they spotted someone passing out. You love to see performers actually looking out for crowd crush and the like even when they have a crowd this big.
ok im gonna get ready for day 2 now bye
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moonguilt · 4 years
RPing with a friend and our OCs are remarkably compatible/would likely get along very well under normal circumstances, but they have been enemies fighting each other on the battlefield for years and growing increasingly hardened, and now the war is over and they are struggling to navigate their dynamic when they are no longer enemies but cannot seem to break into the realm of friendship despite there being an unspoken respect between them that has persisted even through the years of them commanding troops against each other.......
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crabmandible · 5 years
Reminder: I am a real human being with actual emotions, experiences and troubles. Please dont treat me like an entity, treat me like a human that is real and of equal value to you, thanks.
Some people have started treating me like im better than them or that im an idol or holy being of some sort and?? i dont know who any of you are so please stop its disturbing and it makes me really uncomfortable. just be nice and respectful im trying to have fun.
Also while im here if you feel neutral about, respect, or suport: pedos, nazis, terfs or abusers (or anyone of that sort) then block and unfollow me thanks!
Okay bye!
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turtsy · 6 years
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I just love the idea that he just wears the gizmo glasses while he works ok bye 
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If Voltron Were a Romance Movie || VLD Recut Trailer Preview 
@oquiznakitznary @spacedorksandlions this is the thing I was talking about HAHAHAHA 
this is still a rough WIP btw 
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milfs4lif3 · 3 years
“Don’t ya Think?” Ymir x Reader
Contains: stupidness.
authors note: ok so i was rlly, rlly bored, and decided to make a ymir x reader thing. ya’ll this is fucking shit, and im sorry lmao. also uh im taking requests, so yeah. uh if you do request something, here are my rules: no rape, no harassment,, and i do write stuff with death. also; im fucking trash at writing smut and angst so like, PLEASE dont request that bc it would turn out so crappy. uh i do write drabbles, reaction shit, mini series, scenarios, and some more. the animes i can/feel most comfortable, writing for are; Assassination Classroom, Attack on Titan, Jututsu Kaisen, Haikyuu, Tokyo Ghoul? (MAYBE mha, and tokyo revengers) but yeah, so if you want to request something, send me an ask and i will try and make it as fast as i can! <3 
“You know? We would make a pretty nice couple… maybe even a pretty nice married couple. Don’t ya think?” Ymir threw an arm around your shoulders and pulled you to her side. You had to admit, you did want to at least date her; but you didn’t think that she even liked you. You tried to act like you didn’t like her, and it worked… for a while. Until you had told Sasha about how badly you wanted to date Ymir. And Sasha being Sasha, ‘accidentally’ told Connie about it. And of course, Connie told everyone he knew. Luckily Ymir didn’t find out. “Yeah. Whatever. Go flirt with some other girl.”. “It’s not flirting. It’s just saying the facts. And I think that we would look good as a couple! So what do you think?” She smirks. You slightly push her away. “We have to eat, you idiot.” You flick her forehead, and walk towards the mess hall. After getting your food, you sit down at the table Connie and Sasha are at. “I saw you walk in with you-know-who~” Connie teases. “Be quiet, egg head.” You say as you bite into your bread. “I think you two would look good together!” Sasha says with her mouth full of food. “I’m going to tell her. And you know that I will, Name” Connie says. “Mhmm.”  You hum with your mouth full of bread. You weren’t actually listening to him, you were just pretending you were. Connie grins, and stands up. He walks over to Ymir, and whispers in her ear. She smirks, and gets up. You lift your head up once you hear Connie laughing. Ymir then sits across from you and puts her chin in her hands, and looks at you; while having a stupid smirk on her face. “So we are going to make a pretty nice couple.” She taps her fingers on her cheeks. “What?” You ask. “You like me I like you- No, no, no.. Let me change that… you love me, and I love you. And I have decided that we are a couple, now!” By now everyone is either clapping, cheering, or just staying quiet (P.S, Annie). You give Connie the “I’m going to fucking tear you to shreds, but thank you because I didn’t have to confess my feelings to her, and that would have been so fucking scary. And I bet that if I were the one to tell her that I liked her; I would have most likely had a voice crack, or I would have been really scared and ran away. So thank you, but I’m still going to beat you up” look. Connie just smiles and waves. (Smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave. bfjks im sorry) You look back at Ymir and slightly smile. “I guess we will be a pretty nice couple.”
I feel bad for whoever reads this horrible story
Its so cringy bghfpo
But yeah uh bye :p
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miyasins · 3 years
(◞‿◟)hq hc // they built different
pairings: oikawa tōru, kageyama tobio, terushima yūji x gn/reader
summary: ahaha.. 😗 boyfriends that aren’t the best boyfriends.. just word vomit i swear
containing: fluff empty thoughts angsty, just angst, teeny crack, ANGST, toxic relationships, alt universe, !! SPOILERS !! for shittykawa, nsfw bc im a dumb bitch and h word so 18+
an// i am trash and im here for it. big sad at the moment so why not torture myself with this shit and writing about hq characters fucking me over but it had to be done and it was done terribly thank (*´꒳`*)
+ i can’t believe i’ve done this to terushima im so sorry 🥲 ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
oikawa tōru
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numero 1 on the list but certainly just as Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑) as the others
love love love pancake tōru i’d let him use me any time anywhere tbh
big dick, pretty dick, shlong dick and a filthy mouth?? please🥵
ruin my life
committed relationships on the other hand.. absolute trash
yeah mans devoted to volleyball but that’s basically his first and last love, no in between
this shithead literally moved to argentina to beat his rivals ಠ_ಠ
if that doesn’t say committed then idk what is
he’s the kind of boyfriend that would treat you so good and give you all the attention in the beginning
emphasis on the beginning;
you’d think he’s the perfect package; tall, charming, pretty face, in tune with his emotions and others, intellectual, athletic
and damn he could be from what i just listed off ugh yum 🤤
but his personality is just so ,,,, not with the program
even if you guys started dating during high school or met him in argentina
he be out here making you feel special for like a min then make everything about him the next
he’d take you out on fancy dates, cute pictures with you at osaki hachiman-gu shrine or when he took you to la boca for their beautiful caminito street museum in buenos aires
homeboi would then ditch you all of sudden bc he’s like
‘sry i scheduled a practice at __ time’ ‘i forgot i have to meet up with iwa-chan ok bye’ ‘i need to practice my serves now to become the best player in the world’ 🥺😔
like it’s valid for him to be confident in himself and whatever but he’s such a self centered asshole too focused on his career to think about your relationship
you wholeheartedly support his dreams, but he doesn’t see you in it for the long run
his priority is and will always be volleyball in his eyes
it takes a toll on his love life every single time duh
and does he care? not really
to him he can find someone else if you break up with him 🤢🤢
with his career, it’s a go big or go home situation like that’s not even a question
his time with volleyball >>>>>> his time with you (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
i need a moment
like y’all don’t even date for more than 3 months so he’s not that attached to you as you are to him
big ouch
that made my heart pee tears for a bit
anime boys ruining my life: confirmed
however those are the circumstances that comes with oikawa tōru
you and his previous relationships really do be out here thinking that you’d be the one he changes for
sorry honey don’t even bother
kageyama tobio
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the reason? a n g e r management issues 
and overall dumbassery on his part
ok no, we’re not timeskipping this version of kags bc tbh he was one of our babies who had the best character development
you know what
actually maybe like 2nd and 3rd year timeskip yama
does not comprehend romantic feelings at all 🥺😣
no experience in the love department; zinch, nada, no tienes 
he didn’t even know how to socially interact properly until his first year in high school
baby boy is getting there ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
but to be fair, he had a lot of misfortunes growing up so valid
doesn’t mean it hurts any less
you guys would fight a lot; and i mean A LOT
usually it’s with you trying to tell him to take a break from overworking himself and maybe go out on a date to let him breathe
the answer is no and brushes you off; CUE THE ARGUMENT
sometimes they’re the worst things like
he doesn’t want to meet your parents, he doesn’t want you to meet HIS parents, forgotten dates; that he would arrange himself to try and make up for his incompetence, ignoring you for days when a big game is coming up
it hurts you and he knows that. he just continues to do so when you say you understand
he doesn’t know how to read the room most times m(._.)m
his relationship with you would surprisingly last for quite a while though
only because you had some good memories with him despite the rocky situations
whenever ennoshita or yamaguchi cancel practice, you guys would go out for a bit; albeit awkwardly bc hinata would crash your dates then proceed to ask kags for a toss
it’s okay though bc he’s a cutie sunshine and you also enjoy watching them practice
there’s also that one time he won two entry tickets to the carnival during a sports event at school and he won you a stuffed kumamon toy
you named it yama-kun ♪(´ε` )
vbc boys are very confused as to how kageyama managed to make your relationship last
but the members are just like ????? good? for? you? i? think?
and he’d let them congratulate you guys for your 1 year anniversary; nervously laughing when one of them asks when the wedding would
but in reality; he just didn’t know how to break up with you
you overhear him talking to tsukishima weeks later when you were on your way to the gym and your heart just plummets to your stomach
tsukki as usual was making jabs at kageyama and teasing him about you guys’ relationship, telling him that you’re still with him bc the sex is good
you haven’t even touched third base with him bc he’s always focused on volleyball
tho before you can announce your appearance, kags is already fuming and like
‘i don’t even like them that much! i never meant to date them for this long! i just don’t know how to break up with them!’
ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ (ㆀ˘・з・˘)
just absolute silence after that
yachi or hinata would notice you first and starting slapping kageyama to shut up, giving you pitying glances
and when he sees you, he knows he’s fucked up
would immediately follow you once you run out of the gym and you’re hoping to hear him say that he didn’t mean and that he actually loves you
but nope 🤢
that’s not the case
he literally goes
‘sorry you weren’t supposed to hear that’
then continues on explaining that your relationship isn’t working out and makes a half-assed apology on how he shouldn’t’ve taken advantage of your feelings for him
as tears stream down your face bc what the fuck right
wasted 12 months with his dumbass only to get dumped with the ‘it’s not you it’s me’ cliche
safe to say he attains the reputation ‘king of heartbreak’ instead of ‘king of the court’
and yama-kun stuffie meets their end in a dumpster lit on fire 🥰✨
terushima yūji
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he’s such daddy material it hurts to put him here
not the good kind of daddy if you know what i mean 🤤 😋
wink wink nudge nudge
but moving on 
no canon hairstylist yūji here folks just an alternate universe bartender dickwad
obviously the reason why he would be a terrible partner to you is his fuckboy vibes
constantly cheats on you and blames it on the alcohol, never himself (´・_・`)
he would be the type to flirt with everyone while he’s on the clock and giving the hot ones drinks on the house before he’s off at a stranger’s place at the end of the night
while you’re at home waiting for him, worried bc he’s not answering your calls and messages (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
i hate myself
you know he was off fucking around when he returns to your shared apartment, smelling like booze and a fragrant perfume so different from yours
not to mention the amount of hickeys he doesn’t bother covering up, probably because he’s drunk off his ass
im scared how easy it is for me to write him like this
furudate please forgive me for tainting your characters 😔😭
you’ll be constantly fighting after those nights, throwing things at him from around your place, having a screaming match with yourself while he’s trying to beg for your forgiveness
lying to you about how he’s not going to do it again
and he’ll change for you he promises, just don’t leave him
you’re the only one for him he swears, he loves you with all his heart
those would be his exact words every time you catch him cheating on you
and you’d forgive him bc you believe he’d change back to the same terushima yūji you fell in love with in highschool
the one who used to bring you flowers on your monthsaries and proclaiming his love for you at the top of his lungs through the hallway (〃ω〃)
the one that would cuddle you in bed and talking to each other about the weirdest shit
usually memes and the, do you think we’re just living inside a black hole and everything we perceive are just situations we’ve recycled through the years but we’re actually just rotting brains the governments’ controlling? banters ٩( 'ω' )و
the yūji that your parents loved whenever he came over bc he was so charming and made them laugh
the same yūji that would ultimately shove you into the bathroom after dinner with his fingers occupying your drooling mouth to shut you up while he pounds into you against the sink 🥵💃🏻💃🏻
he’s really not the same anymore, but you’re still holding onto the past and you know it 
you choose to throw that aside because you love him
you’re relationship is just a constant cycle, hurt and broken promises piling up and burying the precious memories into the ground
he really is still in love with you, as fucked up as it is, remembering your anniversaries and keeping a picture of you inside a locket around his neck
treating you so well whenever he’s sober and taking you out on dates, to places you both love and cherish  
but the adrenaline and actions of being with someone behind your back is so addicting to him
he knows he doesn’t deserve you, but selfishly holds on because you’ve been the only constant in his life, the only one that understands him
it’s a toxic relationship you both can’t get out of
the same cheat, fight, beg, and make up shit
but once everything becomes clearer for you, once you’re out of the past, that’s when it boils over
you know he’s not the same terushima yūji you fell in love with
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
The ‘holy shit how is it the finale already???’ reaction dump:
ayyyyyye here we gooooooo!!!
I'm simultaneously excited for tonight but hella nervous of the potential cliffhanger they'll leave us with (get it, cause the rig goes down a cliff???)
(no im not)
can we stop talking about placentas in smoothies
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oh so the real cliff hanger is gonna be early, huh? on the bright side that means we know nothing terrible happens to bobby since we know he's all healthy like at the vow renewal
I'm no firefighter but even I know yall didn't properly anchor that rig. Clipboard Buck would NEVER
Man the 118 has a shitty record with fire trucks lmao
Bobby bby don't internalize it
Buddie BFFs back on my screen doing adorable husband things
Eddie laughing at his own fix-it joke, being all sassy and shit
S6 better be the rise of Sassy Diaz, I'm just saying
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MADNEY ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Hell of a miscommunication there Chim holy god
Well, that was dramatic
I'm gonna be sick too, don't worry
Chim in the background wincing away omg I love him
But also, this gif is worth repeating since they once again are gonna make me barf
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Denny!!! He's so big!!!!
Uhm, so wait - not a henren renewal????
No complaints tho, cause Toni and Clive are fucking adorable and I love them
Someone give Karen a hug for me :(
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Maddie taking big steps for her future (starting over), we love to see it!
Buck, what was that face lmao
Ravi running interference, love it ♥
"Knowing they have your back" - Ravi ships Buddie is canon yall
JFC what was that????
Sorry, I'm still thinking about Ravi's words of wisdom and how they literally called back to Buck and Eddie's "You can have my back any day" and "Or you could have mine".
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(thats literally fox trying to gaslight me into thinking I'm not seeing the buddie moments)
This rescue is giving me too much anxiety yall
I need them to be ok
Buckley sibling moments, inject them into my veinssss ♥
Buck you are literally talking about you and Eddie, you realize that right? Like you both have been at rock bottom with each other and came out on the other side tOGeTheR
But also, Maddie listen to your brother because that accurately describes you and Chim
This couple is killing me (in a good way tho)
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I don't know that I've ever been this invested in a rescue couple but I do know that I love them and they must be protected at all costs
There's 15 minutes left for BT breakup and a wedding, how the fuck do they fit it in with the commercials ? ? I really think we needed another ep or two - the last couple have felt so packed and fast paced and they could have benefited from more time to wrap things up.
In my heart I want a Buddie "oh" moment during the vows but I know we wont get it, so fellow fic writers pls pls pls deliver k thanks bye
"I'm sorry you're still upset" is such a shitty non apology
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"Two days of traffic collisions and trash fires will take care of that" idk why that was so funny to me
Eddie looked so cute when Bobby opened that door ♥
I fucking love this scene so much, Eddie and Bobby needed this
"You saved my life, and my sons" brb sobbing and throwing up
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The 118 is such a tight knit family, they keep saving each other and half the time they don't even know they're saving each other
Toni aayyyyyye surprise vow renewal!!!!!!!!
Karen, don't worry I'll take the deviled eggs
Amicable ? Did not expect
Now to wait until September ahhhh
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