#if you want one from this year
5ivebyfive · 1 year
For the Spotify thing, Trimberly and 12!
This is my last spotify wrapped fic from last year. I thought about it a lot and it didn't come out how I had envisioned it, so I sat on it. I'm gonna go ahead and share it though, and may possibly write to this song again, because it's such a great song for them and what I still have in my head for it needs to be written. But for now, here's this.
12 - More Than Words - Little Mix
"Always been there for me, now I'll do the same. Oh, I need you more than words can say."
Kimberly sat on her bed, leaning back against her propped up pillows against the headboard. She watched as Trini paced in front of her bed in her dorm room, ranting about her parents. Kim barely heard a word. Trini was disheveled with frizzy hair, wet from walking from her dorm in the rain. It reminded Kim of the first day they spoke, when Kim pulled over on the way home from high school because she saw Trini walking home in the drizzling rain. Kim had been drawn to Trini at the time. The new girl was declared “a loser” by Kim’s friends, because she always walked through the halls with her head down and her headphones on. Kim didn’t think she was a loser. And she learned quickly that she was right. Trini was kind, funny, and pretty. Had Kim not had a boyfriend, annoying as he was, she might’ve had a crush on Trini. As it was, they became good friends, despite what Kim’s friends said. 
And here they were, three years later, after everything about Kim’s life had changed. Ty had dumped Kim for her best friend Amanda. Kim decided to get even by sending Ty a very unfortunately planned text message and picture. And Kim lost her friends and her social standing. Trini was all she had for the rest of high school, and while Kim made friends in college, no one was as close as Trini was. But Kim was okay with it, because Trini was…better than everything she’d had before. It took her some time to get to that point, but it’s where she was. She spent all of her time with Trini, and that thing about maybe having a crush on Trini? That was definitely a real thing. She couldn’t help it. Trini was amazing, and beautiful, and she had really been there for Kim after her breakup and social fall in high school. So it was Kim’s mission to always be there for Trini, and her hope that one day, soon preferably, she could kiss her.
Trini finished her rant and flopped onto the bed on her back. “They’re so unreasonable,” she muttered.
“Totally,” Kim nodded, realizing she didn’t even hear most of the rant because she was too busy thinking about Trini. She moved so that she was laying on her side next to Trini and ran her fingers through her hair. “They don’t get you,” she said. “That’s their fault and their loss.”
“But they don’t even try.”
“I know,” Kim said. “I wish they would. You’re great.” And I’m in love with you, she didn’t add. How could she not be? Trini was always so good to her. Trini comforted her after the disaster with Ty, and did it while hating Ty’s guts. She probably got so sick of hearing about it, but she didn’t let it show. She just held Kim’s hand and told her how none of those people deserved her. Told Kim that despite her doing a bad thing she wasn’t a bad person. And that all the bad thoughts running through Kim’s head would pass. Trini’s eyes had actually welled up in tears when Kim finally told her the most damning part; how the whole thing, what she had done, made her want to die. Trini had hugged her tightly and made her swear she wouldn’t act on those feelings, because she couldn’t bear the thought. And it had only made Kim cling tighter to Trini. Now, she snuggled up to Trini’s side and rested her head on Trini’s shoulder. “The best,” she added softly.
“I’m glad someone thinks so,” Trini said softly, wrapping an arm around Kim. Kim picked up Trini’s hand and threaded their fingers together and squeezed it.
“Whoever doesn’t think it doesn’t deserve you feeling upset about them.”
“Think so?” Trini asked.
“I know so,” Kim replied. “I’m very smart and perceptive.” 
“You? Perceptive?” Trini asked in a joking tone.
“Extremely,” Kim said with a nod. 
“That means you pick up on little things and have great insight into people’s feelings.”
“I do!” Kim claimed.
“Tell me what I’m feeling right now,” Trini challenged.
“You’re feeling…very grateful to have such an insightful best friend.”
“Insightful about…” Trini led, tickling Kim’s side.
Kim laughed and squirmed. “About the fact that you think I’m the best best friend anyone could ask for and you don’t know how you got so lucky.”
“Wellll,” Trini said. “That is true. You are and I don’t.” Trini held Kim tighter and Kim pressed her face into Trini’s neck.
“It’s because you’ve been such a good friend to me. You helped me at my worst, and…” Kim exhaled through her nose then breathed in Trini’s warm scent. “I just want to return it.” She wasn’t even sure if she could properly return what Trini had done for her. All Kim knew was that, curled up in Trini’s embrace, she could hardly breathe and her heart felt like it was a butterfly in a cage; flapping for release. All of that, and that Trini deserved the world. At that moment, Kim had never wanted Trini more. Emotionally, mentally, and physically. More than anything that she could possibly say.
“I did what any friend would do,” Trini protested.
“No. Not anyone would,” Kim said.
“Well…you were like my only friend at the time. I had to hold onto you.”
“Oh, is that all it was?” Kim laughed. 
“And…I guess, you were a good friend, too,” Trini said with a shrug. Kim started tickling Trini again.
“You guess? You guess??” Kim asked as she laughed. Trini squirmed and laughed and tried to push Kim’s hands away, but Kim was using her strength to keep Trini down. “How can you guess? I happen to be the best friend anyone could want.”
“By murdering me with tickles?” Trini asked, trying to sound outraged, but laughing all the same.
“Exactly,” Kim grinned. She stared down at Trini and got lost in it. Trini was so beautiful. Her hands slowed, as distracted as she was, and she barely noticed Trini staring back. “Trin…that was the worst time of my life so far…and you’re the only thing that kept me going.” Her hands stilled. One rubbed up and down Trini’s arm. Trini stilled, hair caught in the corner of her mouth, and stared. Kim noticed that time. Neither said a word for a bit. They just watched each other. Kim’s heart was pounding hard in her chest. “I’m serious,” she whispered.
“You deserved it,” Trini murmured, moving a hand through Kim’s hair. Kim did the same, pulling Trini’s hair from her lips. And then stared at her lips for a moment. When she looked back up she saw Trini staring at her with slightly widened eyes. Her lips were parted and she was breathing hard. Kim felt something between them. Like a gust of hot wind pushing them together. A magnet maybe. 
“You really think so?”
“Of course,” Trini replied, still stroking Kim’s hair. “You always have.”
“Trini…” Kim’s eyes closed, she couldn’t help it. Trini’s fingers in her hair felt so good. 
“Kim?” Trini’s hand moved to her cheek. “Are you okay?” Kim shook her head, eyes still closed. “What is it?”
“I…don’t know,” Kim lied.
“Kim…look at me.” Kim did. She opened her eyes and watched Trini closely. Trini’s eyes were narrowed in thought. “What are you thinking right now?” Kim, always reckless, decided in the spur of the moment to just say it. What was the worst that could happen? Getting turned down by the first (only) person she had ever loved?
“I’m thinking…that I want to kiss you,” Kim whispered. She watched for any reaction on Trini’s face, but there was no visible one. Time drained slowly, thick honey going down the drain. Kim could feel her heartbeat in her head as she waited. Then Trini spoke.
“Then do it.”
“Kiss me,” Trini said. Kim gulped and was still a moment before she leaned closer. She paused, lips inches from Trini’s.
“You sure?”
“Yes,” Trini almost hissed. So Kim did. And it was amazing. Their lips parted and moved together seamlessly. Their tongues touched and sent a shiver down Kim’s spine. She melted on top of Trini and deepend the kiss, not wanting it to ever end. Would it be the only one she’d get? She heard and felt Trini moan softly and it encouraged her to run her hands down Trini’s sides and grip onto her hips. They parted, just barely, and exchanged hot breaths. 
“Wow,” Kim whispered.
“Kiss me again.” Trini lifted her head for their lips to connect again, but Kim pulled back.
“Wait. Is this…is this happening?”
“Do you not want it to?” Trini asked, hurt in her tone.
“No,” Kim said. “I mean, I do want it to happen. But…do you?”
“Would I be asking you to kiss me if I didn’t want you to kiss me?” Trini asked. Kim looked at her, and Trini looked back, her eyes impossible to read.
“Is it just…is this an in the moment thing? Or-or…” Kim didn’t know what words to use. Trini sighed. She glanced away for a moment and seemed to think about it. That didn’t make Kim feel well about it. In fact, it made Kim start to panic and pull away from Trini. Trini grabbed onto her arms.
“Wait.” Trini took a deep breath. “Don’t make me regret saying this…but…no. I’ve been wanting this for a long time. I just didn’t think you did.”
“I did,” Kim answered hurriedly. 
“Oh. Okay,” Trini said, relaxing back a bit. “Then what’s wrong? Was it bad?”
“No!” Kim answered. “The opposite. Total opposite. I just didn’t want this to be a fluke in our friendship. I…I love you and I can’t bear it being a one time thing.”
“I love you, too, Kim,” Trini said in a small voice. “I’m with you.”
“Then…we’re okay?”
“Of course, Princess,” Trini said. “But lemme say it again. Kiss me.”
“Happy to,” Kim grinned, leaning in to do just that.
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#selfie bee#good evening friends!! how are you doing! C:#I'm very very sleepy I got a new ikea office chair and I build it all myself#I think it went okay! I don't think I pulled the back screw tight enough and now the back is a bit loose#I can probably fix it but I can also ignore it for the next 18 years#thats how long the old chair held up!! in germany it could now drink vodka and drive a car!!#not at the same time that is illegal! not at the same time!! (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*#but the day is not over yet my uncle asked me for a big art quest and I do not want to disappoint#he wants a muppet tattoo and asked me to draw it#my uncle has started to get tattoos a few months ago#as far as I know he has now gotten 3 note clefs 3 stars a flower and multiple birds#he also started getting piercings but so far I managed not to know exactly where#I think tattoos are super cool (´。・v・。`) I wish I had a good idea for a tattoo but the last time I was very sure about getting a tattoo#it was heath ledgers face as the joker#at that point I was 12 and would not see the actual movie for two more years#a muppet tattoo is a way better idea!! he asked for the count van count! that is also one of my top 3 muppets ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎��#I always thought I knew a lot about muppet lore but since I started looking up muppet pictures I think there are still a lot of secrets#can the muppets from the Sesame Street actually leave the Sesame Street?#I think Kermit is both on the Muppet Show and on Sesame Street but he is also like the boss muppet#he might have special abilities#I hope you're having a good day friends!! C:#I think I'll post a Sherlock comic later this week#miss you!! ♥♥♥
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ruporas · 11 months
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the blank ticket in your hand is just waiting to be filled in.
happy birthday vash! (ID in alt text)
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mimimar · 1 month
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finally completed my comic based on the song ivy by taylor swift!✿ please zoom in to read the text and see the details~
you can get the digital zine pdf here! it includes extras like character profiles, costume design, more art of willow and ivy, zine-exclusive sketches and an illustrated guide to the symbolism of all the flowers in this comic.
you can also get prints of individual pages here!
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cracklewink · 3 months
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Harmony Syndrome Part 5/5
The last chapter of my mlp infection AU! Thank you to everyone who followed along. Some final thoughts on my twitter @cracklewink if anyone's interested : )
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Don't Wormy About Me.
[First] Prev <–-> Next
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pokimoko · 2 years
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People seemed to really like last year's critters, so I'm back to celebrate Ace Week again with some more simple little artworks of silly little creatures. ✨Keep being amazing, fellow aces.✨
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astearisms · 7 months
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Huntress’s Moon 🌕
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morganbritton132 · 28 days
Eddie during a Q&A where he specially asked his fans to ask him questions about his marriage: Oh, just saw the question who proposed to who and-
Steve, loudly off-camera: I proposed to him and he said no!
Eddie: …first of all, you couldn’t even get gay married at the time. And second, I said no because I-
Steve: He said no because he wanted to propose to me and then DIDN’T
Eddie: I did!
Steve: A year later.
Eddie: I had to plan! I had to prep! I wasn’t going to halfass our gay fake wedding!
Eddie: And, just for your information, internet! He’s complaining and he’s making me look bad but do you know what he did? Do you know what he did the next day? I put together this beautiful ceremony with all our friends and family and you know what he did the very next day?
Eddie: He went to the courthouse and married a woman!
Steve: …Well that was for tax benefits
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spielzeugkaiser · 10 months
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The ages in this show!! I have made some jokes about this before, but it gets me - with aging Ciri up and bringing her closer to Jaskiers age when they meet I can not help but draw parallels. Like Geralt bonded way differently with both of them (which makes sense because Ciri has been his Child surprise since birth and Jaskier just randomly turned up one day and followed him like a puppy) but it's so funny to me. also I'm 100% sure Jaskier was horny as fuck from the beginning so there was a whole different vibe from the get go
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cinnamon-flame · 5 months
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Starting off the new year with I think the most background heavy piece I've ever made! I think Rainwings and Nightwings would celebrate their traditional holidays together after the events of The brightest night. So this drawing is meant to show their cultures kind of blending together during a very joyful time. I remember talking about this concept with someone on tumblr a year ago but when I went back through my posts I couldn't for the life of me find it - so if your reading this, I remember you and this drawing stems from that conversation so thank you!
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madneywedding · 2 months
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the way i would pay for oliver to write meta about buck's character
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aro-aizawa · 9 months
i like to think everyone has a colour associated with them, whether its just your fave colour or what you generally wear most of or what colour your bedroom walls are. i always associate the name sophie with dark blue, my mum is always a nice turquoise, i like to think my colour is a bright sunflower yellow.
if you have a specific shade pls tell me i adore when ppl have associated colours and tell me them, bc i think of them when i see that colour
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ruporas · 1 year
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[ID: A limited palette of green and pink, Vashwood comic. The first page serves as a prologue. The first panel shows Vash speaking to someone off screen while Wolfwood is lingering behind him. A black arrow is drawn pointing at him. In the second panel, Vash is buying donuts in the distance while Wolfwood is once again in view, lingering. and the black arrow is drawn pointing at him. In the third panel, Vash is leaving a cubicle and turning towards his right with a slightly peeved expression. He sees Wolfwood, leaning against the cubicle, waiting for him, and with the black arrow drawn, pointing at him, implicating the consistent hovering of Wolfwood’s presence during Vash’s everyday. At the bottom of the page, they’re drawn out of panel with Vash turning to Wolfwood and saying with an irritated expression, “You’re really following me everywhere, huh?” Wolfwood responds, “What, you got a problem?” Vash responds without hesitation, “Yeah, kinda...”
The second page starts with a new day. In the first panel, Vash is seen alone, weighing apples in his hands at a mart, with crowds passing behind him. In the second panel, he turns to his right and starts to say, “Hey, Wolfwood...” In the third panel, he’s startled from seeing a stranger, whom he’d accidentally called out to when he was expecting to see Wolfwood. He says, “Oh, you’re not him. Sorry!” In the fourth panel, the stranger walks off and Vash muses, “Right, he said he had something to do today...”
The third page begins with a close up of Vash's miffed expression, the continuation of Vash's thoughts, "Now that he's not here, this is just like how I used to be, but... It feels lonely somehow. Oh well, I'll see him again tonight, like always." In the second panel, it shows Vash walking through the marketplace crowd, alone. In the third panel, the door panel is a close up of the door opening with a peek of Vash's head. He says, "Wolfwood!" In the fourth panel, Vash is holding a bag of food with a bright smile and says, "Are you hungry? I got you something to eat today!"
The fourth page begins with a shot of the room, two beds being highlighted, one of them being made properly with the blanket draped over the bed and the other with the blanket folded and pillow sitting on top of it. There's no sign of Wolfwood. The second panel shows Vash with a disappointed look as he thinks, "He's still not here?" The third panel shows Vash putting the bag of food on the table. Stapled to the paper bag is the receipt with a written note "For Wolfwood." Vash's thoughts continue "He does like to stay out so, I guess there's no reason to worry..." The fourth panel shows Vash sitting his bed somberly with his thoughts continued, "It's not any of my business anyway..."
The fifth page starts with a close up his blank expression as he looks downwards, thinking, "Even if he left completely... That'd be understandable and better for him. I'll just travel alone again... like before... Huh?" The next panel shows Vash's composure break, tears welling up in his eyes suddenly, as he didn't expect to cry. He starts to sob, putting his hands to his face to quiet himself and wipe at his tears, as he says, "Ugh... Dammit... I miss h..." The last panel shows Vash leaning over into his hands, still crying, and in the back, the door swings wide open with a bam as Wolfwood walks through with the punisher swung behind him. He shouts, "SPIKEY! You in here?!"
The sixth page starts with Wolfwood confused, looking at Vash and Vash looks back, just as confused, with tears in his eyes and snot out of his nose. Wolfwood starts saying, "Ah? You..." No longer in panels, at the bottom of the page, Wolfwood takes the Punisher off of himself and starts to walk towards Vash, continuing with slight concern, "What's wrong with you? Did something happen?" Vash, hurriedly begins to wipe at his tears, denying immediately, "No! No, I'm fine! Nothing happened!"
The seventh page, Vash points towards the table, with a hand still wiping at his tears and he smiles as he says, "I uh got you food. On the table." Wolfwood looks towards to the table and responds, "Oh. I was getting hungry, thanks." He turns his head back to Vash immediately after with an uncertain expression, knowing the other wasn't responding to his concern, and says, "But, I know you're an idiot with this stuff, so I'm reminding you again. Don't brush it off if it's an issue, alright?"
The eight page, Vash's tears have dried and he looks to Wolfwood with a soft smile and responds, "Yeah. It's okay though..." A panel at the center shows a side view of Vash approaching Wolfwood. At the bottom of the page, with no panel, is a close up shot of Vash's hand, holding onto the edge of Wolfwood's jacket sleeve, as he says, "Because you're here now. Wolfwood."
The final page is a back shot of both of them standing next to each other, Wolfwood's head tilted slightly to the left, not fully believing Vash as he says, "That doesn't answer anything, Spikey." Vash responds, "There's no need to talk about it! You should enjoy your food. Let's have a drink too?" Wolfwood responds, "Tsk, tsk. Fine, yeah. I could use one." END ID]
#vashwood#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#trigun#trigun maximum#but onto this comic... i think and talk a LOT about vash's loneliness bc trigun is just. kind of central on that for a good while! esp in#the original manga he was alone for a good portion of it and he tends to keep others away like how he ran away from meryl and milly when#they tried to tag along. and he was kind of bothered when he realized ww was following him around Too. at the core even though he loves#humans and he loves deeply the people he does know -- he isnt really much of a people person and i think thats been the case since he was#young considering his initial doubts towards humans... with the exception of kids bc kids dont give him moral conflicts. so suddenly#here comes wolfwood!!! his guide. someone TRULY affixed to him until he has to get to knives. someone who isnt budging and someone whos#really good at following him around and even seems like he goes like 5 steps ahead to make sure vash doesnt run on him#in one way its - i don't want you to follow me bc i don't want to burden you and i don't want you to kill the people i want to save.#in another way its - i like this companionship. i like waking up to you and i like ending the way with you. i like talking to someone who#knows my world. i like being in your space and sometimes i enjoy talking about our day#theyre just living together. like. roadtrip buddies or theyre also under the same roof because they're going everywhere together.#trimax they mainly spend their mornings together and if they had personal business attend the other person would usually know and itd only#be during the midday. anyway bc of this kind of companionship i figure that vash eventually grew accustom to it and he really. cant go back#to the kind of loneliness from before. it's harder to imagine and it'd be harder to withstand. esp after 2 years with lina and her grandma.#ruporas art
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batcavescolony · 4 months
just saw someone say Rick Riordan making a TV show is just as bad as anything JKR has done. BFFR you're comparing Rick Riordan trying to make his world more inclusive, changing some parts because of money/time constraints, or just making changes cus he thinks they're needed, to JKR being a terrible person!
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heartorbit · 6 months
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