#if you just leave a review it's not attached to your order or anything and i can't do much about it
shopwitchvamp · 1 month
Not a callout post @ this review, but just using it as an example. If ever you order from us and have some issue like this pls just reach out and let us know!! I *want* to fix it for you and to make sure you get the skirt you expected!!
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Like about this one in particular, I feel awful that of course someone who really specifically cares about which side is white would be the one person to get a split skirt where the panels were swapped & the white ended up on the other side 😭 Pls if anything like this ever happens to you just email us so I can find your order and fix the issue OTL
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inf3ct3dd · 8 months
ellie headcanons pt.5!!!
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warnings: nada
content: loser!ellie x reader headcanons
authors note : ellie dug a hole into my skull and moved in
⁃ against bags for no reason. like her pockets are constantly full of things. random receipts, money, headphones, EVERYTHING. she takes her pants of and they jingle cuz they're filled with COINS.
⁃ knows how to do a back bridge and just HAS to let everyone know. you're watching tv and she's just on the floor like "look"
⁃ i feel like shes the type of person to just start fully eating an orange in the middle of class. like ur listening to the teacher talk and you're just hit by the most aggressive wave of CITRUS from behind you
⁃ constantly fighting the air... like she's just in the kitchen punching and kicking at NOTHING just because. she's always coming up to you and like take punching you and doing her own sound effects like “PWAH PWAH WAM WAPOW"
⁃ jar hoarder 😞😞 every time you buy anything that comes in a jar she's keeping it. literally won't let you throw them away!!! you guys don't even have cups anymore, its just jars and mugs.
⁃ speaking of mugs, ellie has just as many stupid mugs as she does stupid tshirts. absolutely has a lot of garfield mugs be she LOVES GARFEILD
- would buy a dry-erase board for your fridge and leave u little notes and drawings
⁃ "Every single time I see you, I become horny like a triceratops" with a little drawing of a triceratops"
⁃ breaks into incoherent ramblings when shes sleepy... like insane hypotheticals
"what if our bed just completely exploded right now"
⁃ whenever ur on facetime and it gets quiet she just breaks out into song. not even like good, trying singing but BAD SINGING.
⁃ she does that whenever it's quiet !!!
⁃ is listening to music CONSTANTLY. her headphones are actually attached to her ears like all DAY she's listening to something.
⁃ HATES THE BIG LIGHT (iykyk) she lives for low/ natural lighting definitely has so many lamps and led lights
⁃ can never sit normal.... like she is not beating the gay ppl sitting weird allegations she sits so ODD
⁃ will spend literal hours in the pool. doing flips, pretending to be a mermaid, 'making up' her own tricks, she lives for it & !!!
⁃ refuses to dress right for the weather. it'll be like 90° outside and shes in a whole hoodie and jeans.
⁃ has the WEIRDEST subway order. probably puts banana peppers on her shit 😭😭 she swears its the best thing ever
⁃ love's campy comedy movies, esp lesbian ones and horror movies (but im a cheerleader, bottoms, scary movie, etc) also def loves coming of age movies
⁃ has a letterbox account and makes extremely thought provoking reviews
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literally her
⁃ always taking candids of you, and they're literally her favorite pictures
⁃ every time she sees two things next to eachother she's like "oh my god it's literally us!!"
⁃ one time she crashed her car and it literally fully flipped over and she just crawled out of the trunk and called you like "you would NOT believe what just happened to me."
- absolutely a waffles girl she needs the texture she likes the CRUNCH
⁃ but like she also loves bacon pancakes. like she's obsessed w adventure time and she makes bacon pancakes ALL THE TIME and she sings the song while she makes them
- eats trail mix like all day....she buys the giant jars and you make fun of her cuz she "likes eating nuts"
⁃ the most secret swifty ever. like she refuses to let it be known but she fully sobbed when she listened to folklore for the first time
⁃ obsessed w those baby sensory videos. like she will literally be entertained for hours
⁃ LOVES the lego movies, esp lego batman
⁃ the MOST honest shit talker ever like you'll be like "yeah she's just a really bad person" and she'd be like "she's also like disgustingly hideous...
⁃ her search history isn’t even weird or gross its just…random. like she’s definitely googled “how do cotton candy machines work” before
⁃ family guy enjoyer.....
⁃ her cf story is like insanely long n its filled w random memes she reposts and insane ramblings
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taglist!!!! if ur name is crossed i can't tag u :((
@syrenada @dinaissoprettyoml, @kingofmylastkiss @as2rid @greencacty @melissabarrerass @bratydoll @lov3lylotus @forelliesposts @echostinn @f3r4Ifr0gg3r @r3wbeef @leatheredhearts @mousymaven @mina-281@princessguardian444 @calystas-morning-tea @horror-whoree @slutshies @bearieio @mag-mfm @bubs-world @paran0id0blivi0n @sawaagyapong @bbygrIshelbs @gayh0rr0r @p|9ys @ellieslilsIvvt @dollietes @elliesmellsbadd @ibloom4u @ddreabea @beestar120 @brunettedolls-blog @girlwonderchloe @elliesgflol @maris-koffin @emonopolyman @iloveeyousblog @fr3sh-tragedies @ilovaffles @certifedcrybunny @elleatethat @baldph0bic @clouded-whispers @4rt3m1ss @saggykneecaps @swtsuna @ellesslutt @minixmel @yuyans-stuff @owmoiralover @thecowardwrites @lunascerebro @elliestrwbrry @iwantsoda @teeveegirl @dinasmoon @urnewghostfriend @k3ym4ra @bratzboydoll @ungodlyvenus @lav3nd3rhaze @scokslvoer @iloveunrealpeople @realwinehouse @nehemiahlicious @onedeaddreamer @teawithnosugar @r4t1ku5 @villainousbear @mentallymarriedtonatasharomanoff @gay4tiddies @uraesthete @lil-elliesgf @neighborhood-houseplant @sagessensationalstuff
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sherlockbbc-rp · 3 months
Additional statement (April 15, 2024)
Followers harrassed
Consult-sherlockholmes’ characterisation in the fandom (here, here, here, and here)
Bullies and their blogs
Uncensored conversation with criminalisticonsultant
Divide and (not) conquer
The split between consultjohnwatson and consult-sherlockholmes
This information was removed from consultjohnwatson his blog, but here it is again to answer some of your remaining questions about our split. Catlock-holmes changed their pronouns on April 17, 2024. Since the post below is older, references to them are not yet adjusted.
Our initial roleplay ideas
Splitting after a three-year partnership was not an easy decision (for me) to make. I truly value what consult-sherlockholmes and I have established on this platform. Consult-sherlockholmes’ scientific expertise allowed my John to flourish, and I dare say my John allowed him to embody the detective he is. We built this together - really together - always being in sync, always staying true to our characters (for me, at least). It was good until it wasn’t.
I know we wanted the same thing: allow for Johnlock to happen, with whom people could interact. Post case blogs, promote fanfics (if it fit the narrative), fanart and the like.
Conflicting views
But we learned throughout the years that we just had different views on how to establish it. His love for drugs and continuing doubts about John’s love for him didn’t fit the John who was settled and raising a daughter with him. A John who had wanted to pop the question three years ago, which would have been too soon for the narrative as well.
We have had our conversations about the way forward with our beloved couple, but in the end we are people with very different views, in different life stages, with very different personalities. “Which is fine, by the way”, but apparently it isn’t fine for continuing together.
John distancing from the roleplay
Although I say “split”, since last December 2023/beginning of January 2024, it was actually my intention to leave Tumblr within the upcoming months in order to get some peace. Knowing fully well that we were not compatible as partners anymore and that staying on was far from enjoyable for me. In fact, our conflicting personalities were just stressful.
I distanced myself from the roleplay quite a bit at the end of last year, and I truly missed the core of the arguments that were taken place between consult-sherlockholmes/catlock-holmes and our followers/anon askers (the link shows one of them). I wanted to distance myself from catlock's drama more and more, but I I fully regret not informing myself, reading and checking everything back then. As a scientist myself, I believe you should never take anything at face value and inform yourself fully before forming a conclusion. Now, I didn't even form a conclusion, nor did I inform myself. I didn't follow catlock-holmes' blog (luckily, I must add), but as consult-sherlockholmes was attached to my account back then, I should have informed myself and taken an active stance on the issues that were taken place with and on that blog. My stance is that I fully agree with the anon askers and followers that asked consult-sherlockholmes in a polite manner to review and adjust their tone of voice/behaviour/characterisation of Sherlock on the consult-sherlockholmes blog. From what I know, consult-sherlockholmes received several (anon) messages around December/January asking them to reflect on their behaviour and portrayal. I also received a few of them, asking me to try and talk to my partner. Believe me, I have tried over the last three years. But their manner/take on life and people just doesn’t fit mine.
John's stance on Sherlock's potrayal
Consult-sherlockholmes' potrayal of our beloved (BBC) detective is extremely conflicting to how I feel we should treat others and our beloved fandom. Now even more than ever, actually. I believe that our conflicting natures were very clear on our blogs as well. I never agreed with their continuing obsession with drugs and their immature view on life (and sex*), the constant need to fight with anon askers and followers, and not being able to have a mature conversation with me, our followers, askers and the other roleplayers involved. I know it is "mustard after the meal", but do know that I agree with all the followers/askers who contacted consult-sherlockholmes (and me) in December/January about consult-sherlockholmes' (roleplay) behaviour. If you were or felt bullied or harassed by consult-sherlockholmes/catlock-holmes, I am sorry that I wasn't there to help and protect you, and to take your side. I shouldn't have ignored what was going on, because Tumblr should be a safe place for everyone, and I believe I have failed in that regard. Well, not anymore.
#A scandal in Tumblr
Voicing my desire to leave was ignored by my former partner and it escalated the situation between us. Catlock-holmes did not want me to leave, tried everything to keep me, and still does not appreciate me leaving, and "requested" (demanded, actually) access to my blog and back-up files. Their statement on their own admin blog is:
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They literally say here not to have “consented” to me leaving them. Let me tell you, dear readers, you never ever need consent to leave a relationship/friendship you do not like. Ever.
You are free to make your own choices and to make the decision that is best for you.
I’ve been very vocal from the onset of my decision, because I was met with even more atrocious behaviour from my former friend and partner. That started the minute, the exact minute, I told them I was thinking of quitting Tumblr and giving up my blog.
They started the defaming and harassment right after I told them I thought of quitting Tumblr, so before I told them, and on the blog, I would leave them instead of tumblr.
They were more concerned about what me leaving would entail for them (claiming it gave them anxiety) than it meant for me, or why I would even consider leaving. After their insistent demands I would hand over my blog and files, because they had found a new John to continue the roleplay with (where is that John anyway?). I quickly became to realise that the prospect of handing my blog over to consult-sherlockholmes/catlock-holmes or even deactivating this blog would hurt me more than actually splitting with them would be. That would have been the epitome of me having being manipulated. Thus, I decided to just stop our interaction in the beginning of March 2024 and not to hand my blog over (or deactivating it).
Needles to say, my former partner didn't take my decision "lightly" and it quickly escalated further in a conflict that is now known under the infamous # a scandal in tumblr. They have worked very hard both behind the scenes and on it (anonymously) to defame us in the hope it would cause me (us) to leave this platform. Instead of breaking things off neatly, they chose to partner with bullies and let the lies spread and live as a retaliation for their own hatred against having lost control over someone (me). My friends and I have voiced our perspective over and over again, on various occasions, and believe that now is the time to stop giving attention to this childish conflict (= “she left me and how could she?!”). This means that we won’t be answering (anonymous) asks regarding this matter anymore.
Continuation of the roleplay
I am lucky to have found a new partner and that my friends also decided to stay on. I will also continue to stay on as long as you’ll have me, dear followers. Because one thing that I really wanted to add is: This blog would have been nothing, absolutely nothing, without your interesting, funny, or intriguing asks and support. Without you, we wouldn’t have existed. So, thank you all for the past three years.
And remember: Let’s keep Tumblr a happy and safe place to be part of. Let us see what the future holds for us.
Your John
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altrodent · 1 year
Life Saver
Pairing: Timothy Lawrence x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Teeth rotting fluff, past relations with Handsome Jack, tiniest bit of angst, slow burn, Borderlands2/3 spoilers?, mentions of alcohol, lotssss of swearing lol, siren reader
Summary: After reunifying with someone from your past, you finally realize that someone you truly needed was taken away from you, just not the one you expected it to be.
DISCLAIMER: I wrote moxxi’s name like moXXXi for most of the story, please bear with me. Also, most of this was written very late at night and only poorly reviewed a couple times
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After the not-so-tragic passing of a psychopath who controlled your entire career, you finally ended up back on track with your life. You originally worked as head of defensive security at the one and only Hyperion, but where did it all go wrong? It began when Jack broke up with his, at the time, girlfriend moxxxi. You couldn’t tell if it was desperation, or just a thing he was into, but he quickly took a liking to you. A person in charge, power, strength, but not more than him economically. He eventually “promoted” you to his assistant and you absolutely despised it. He made an excuse that the desk he ordered for you wouldn’t ship for a while, so you’d have to sit on his lap while he did his work. Though he was attractive, wealthy, and even kinda funny, it just felt gross- perverted even… and not the good consensual kind.
Whilst you worked there, eventually you started seeing him more often, except it wasn’t him. It was a man named Timothy, one of his duplicates. He hired him to be a vault Hunter for him but eventually as time went on he talked to you more and more, even convinced Jack to let you go on some of his missions with him. He was sweet and funny, and maybe at some point you were interested in him, but the way Jack had you wrapped around his finger, he’d pull you back in if he realized you got too close to Timothy.
Years later after working with them, Jack finally passed away leaving you go back to a career that was your own. While you wanted to find Timothy, you just didn’t have enough time, though if he survived that long working for Jack, he’s sure to be fine. As time passed, you became a Vault Hunter originally for the thrill of the kill and to hopefully just do whatever the hell you wanted alone, but you caved and ended up joining a crew on a ship called “The Sanctuary” and even though you knew your rule about not getting attached, you were sure they could handle themselves fine if anything happened. They could, and still do, one day when wandering around this ship you finally enter the brightly glowing pink room. You always noticed it, but was always too busy trying to complete missions for the other members. It looked like a bar after going on a killing spree for days takes all the energy out of you.
“Hey, sugar, never seen you around here” said a beautiful pale woman with a harlequin type corset “Yeah, I rarely have time to… explore.” You said, with a sigh. The woman can tell by the dark circles around your eyes that you’ve been busy, she’s clever so she puts two and two together. “You’re the Vault Hunter, right, pleasure” she puts her hand out, you grasp it with a firm shake even though it looks like you’ve been to hell and back. She starts making you a drink, seems like Lilith spilled to her some of your interests, which leads to a very interesting offer; “So, Vault Hunter, I was wondering if you’d like to take me up on an offer.” She leans against the bar getting close to your face “… what kind of offer..?” She smiles before moving a piece of hair out of her face “Well, wanted to see if you’d be interested in a raid of the Handsome Jackpot casino and claim its riches. You can say no but, you will get a lot out of this heist” her gaze doesn’t look away from you, intent on getting you to do the mission “How much are we talking?” She walks around the bar, picking up a scribbled-on clipboard on her way, and presents it to you. “Holy shit.” She hums a laugh “So, do we have a deal, VH?” She smiles and holds her hand out once more, needing your trust “Yeah, we do.” You take her hand and shake it. “I’ll send the coordinates to your Echo, from there I’ll guide you through. When you get there please don’t die, I prefer my attractive customers to stay alive.” She sends you a wink as you take one last drink before preparing to head to the Casino.
You jump on the drop pod, to head to- what might just be, the most rewarding mission you could ever imagine. Sure shooting Skags for the nice old man on Pandora is rewarding but, this is a literal heist. You had heard of ‘handsome Jack’ but you knew Jack, so you weren’t very ecstatic to see him again, even if it was just for this mission. Sure he’s dead, doesn’t mean you want to completely cut him out of your life altogether. From the small window of your drop-pod you see what is a giant hologram of Jack’s head. Once your pod drops, two robots try to stop you and get you to pay for “VIP” valet, you just shake your head no and then run past them into the building. “For a fancy casino… this place looks like shit.” You hear a giggle over your ear piece “Yeah, after Jack died the casino got ransacked with debt-ridden peasants. They’re the one’s we’re gonna help, sugar. Hopefully most of them won’t have to feel your wrath on the way~” you huff a laugh, before making your way to a giant slot machine? “What the fu-“ “Jack here! Welcome to the Handsome Jackpot! Who’s ready to give me their money?” The man himself, again as a giant hologram… he loves himself, too much “After all these years, I still want to kick his dick in.” You mumble, Moxxxi laughs “Keep that energy up, Vault Hunter, you’ll need it”
“That’s Jack for you. Dead seven years and still is trying to screw us over.” You roll your eyes, “tell me about it.” Moxxxi tuts “I have a question, if I may, did you know Jack? Before he died?” You purse your lips “Yeah, unfortunately. Used to be his head of security, then he ‘promoted’ me to basically his own personal lap dog” you kick away some of the robots, moxxxi gasps “Sugar, were you the person at reception? I remember you now, I always felt so bad that you had to be so close to him everyday.” You sigh “I got the attention I never had, but not in the way I preferred… well until the other Jack came.” You reach a room full of more debt-riders “dammit, what a waste of ammo…” you look down at your fist and shrug, you realize that the debt these people owed made them unable to afford any source of energy… or guns, for that matter. “Wait, Sugar, what ‘other Jack’?” You grunt as another debtor tries to take you down “Can you give me a sec, Mox?” You turn your echo piece off, as you slam them into the floor. You tilt your head back “god, why is there SO MANY?!” Another wave falls from the ceiling, you give in to the waste and take out a gun and knock them all down with a single mag. You click your echo piece on again “What were you asking about-?” You said, whilst looting some of their bodies for home fully something. “The other Jack? Who is it?” You bite the inside of your lip “Jacks dead, so I can say his name now, right? He might be dead too- I don’t know I think he said it was Jim- Jimmy? Jimothy? I feel shitty now, he was like the only person I talked to when working at Hyperion-“ “Timothy Lawrence, hm, never would take you for the type.” You pause your looting “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Your jaw drops in disbelief “Nothing, Sugar.” You can hear her giggle on the other side “Head out the exit, you should see a giant tower, it’s the biggest thing in the casino by a mile. Now if I know Jack, and I’m ashamed to say I did, that tower is where we can find the keys to the kingdom.”
After about an half an hour of wandering around and killing all the debtors, you reached what Jack so “greatly” named the Spendopticon. All of a sudden you get an incoming transmission from someone named “Pretty Boy” you groan “What do you wan-“ he cuts you off, very rudely “Welcome to the Casino! So you’re the big spender who’s been racking up charges, eh?” Your face grimaces before shooting a debtor that tried crawling on you “uh, yeah? I guess, who the hell are you?” He laughs as you’re trying to shake off more people “Heh, well pardon our mess there, we’re still working on ‘renovations’. But all you need to know is I’m the boss here. Anyone gives you a hard time, just ask for Pretty Boy, heh! I’ll sort them out for ya.” You groan as you swing at another one “Look ‘Pretty Boy’, thanks for the offer, but I’m good working alone.” He sighs “Well, my offer still stands, don’t go breakin’ my heart so soon, toots.” He signs off “God, why does everything with Jack have to end up creepy and slightly perverted?” Moxxxi hums, “I don’t know sugar, but at least we know who the boss is. But don’t trust a word he says, he seems all teeth.”
You wander around to another court yard, but this time it’s different. The robots don’t seem to attack you, they race past you to fight off the debtors who are causing a riot. Stunned, you walk past him. Once you snuck past, you see something out of the ordinary “Can ANYONE hear me?” A voice yells from inside a big yellow crate, guarded by giant loader bots. “Hahaha! I got all the time in the world, Timmie! All the time in the world.” You step closer to the crate until a loose sheet of metal gets caught on your boot and makes a loud crash “shit.” The door on the crate rattles “Is someone out there?! Please, help me out!” Pretty boy laughs over the Spendopticon’s PA systems “Have fun with my loaders, ya schmuck!” The loaders all turn to you, “Can’t I just have ONE mission on a nice beach somewhere?” You whine, while you really aren’t one to complain, you haven’t slept in a while and your body is running off whatever gasoline liquor Moxxxi have you on the sanctuary earlier. You grab your gun of choice from your bag, and load in a new mag “Come on robitches, let’s dance.”
Pretty Boy calls in for more backup, you get distracted and an EXP-loader hits hard, destroys your armor completely. “Fuck!” Pretty Boy laughs and mocks you right before you shoot the screen with his ugly mug on it, unfortunately for your gun that was all the ammo you had left. Luckily, using the anger from the guy in the box complaining that he was trapped, you took out your rage against the robots and started bashing their mechanical heads in with the butt of your gun. “You might’ve destroyed my screens, but your next toots. And Timmie, it was nice seeing ya, handsome bastard. We’ll talk soon!” And with that the final loader drops and you head back to the door. It swings open revealing a man hunched over with a metallic right hand, and his hoodie up. He raises his hands “N-n-no! Don’t shoot, don’t shoot! Don’t- this isn’t what it looks like…” he pulls up his hoodie, and immediately you raise your gun more. If it wasn’t bad enough his face was everywhere, there is no way in hell… he survived! It’s Jack, but it doesn’t feel like it, also isn’t he supposed to be dead? You raise a brow in confusion and you keep your gun steady. There isn’t any ammo, but he doesn’t know that. “Explain yourself, now, or I’ll turn your face into ground beef.” He raises his hands more “I just need you to-“ he pauses and his hands drop slowly “It…it’s you…”
your brows furrow and you slowly lower your gun “I’m who?” His lip corners twitch, unknowing wether to feel happy to see you do upset that you don’t remember him right off the bat. He pulls his shirt collar down to reveal a pendant, a pendant you knew all too well. When you two finished your first mission, the older woman who you helped made you both matching charm necklaces. They were gorgeous and even engraved your initials together, since she thought you two were dating. You put your gun down, you reach into one of your pockets and pull out your pendant. You lock eyes with him, “Timothy, is it really you…?” He smiles, and before he can even respond something inside you breaks. The cold outer shell that formed over the last tasking 7 years sheds away as your muscles move, without your will, and pull him into a warm embrace. It doesn’t take long for him to bury his face in your hair, and hold you like he was never going to let go. “I was so worried about you, Tim… I should’ve taken you with me, I- I’m sorry.” He pulls away and cups your face “Don’t apologize! You’re here now, that’s all I’ve ever wanted… wait, why are you here anyways? I mean, I’m glad your here, but you got to escape Jack why-“ you grab his shoulders to get his attention “Would love to fill you in on what I’ve been doing for the past 7 years, but I need your help.” He smirks at me “I’ll help you as much as you need, baby- I’m sorry! The DNA… yeah I got some of his DNA so stuff like that happens now. But what do you need help with?” Your face is blushed a bit from the first bit, but you manage to snap yourself out of it “I’m trying to figure out how to get into Jacks tower.” He snorts “Join the club, butt-face! Oh my lanta, Im soso sorry I really can’t help it.” You giggle, and he turns his gaze away but, you’re not stupid and you can see that blush on his cute cheeks. “I can get you in though, this-a-way!” He spins your shoulders so you’re now facing the way to walk, and while you’re walking to wherever you need to go you decide to ask him a couple of questions. “So Jack infused you with his DNA so now you make weird Jack remarks?” He groans “Yes, it’s the worst. I felt like I wasn’t myself before, and now I’m like an off-brand version of Jack!” He pouts, and you giggle at his expression “Look, as long as there’s a tiny bit of you still in there, that’s all that matters… and hey, maybe once this is all over, I can get my medic on my ship to get you back to normal… if you want to, of course.” He’s not listening, or maybe he is? You can’t tell, he’s just gazing at you as you tiredly ramble to him. “You have a medic, and a ship, and you still are talking to me?” You nod “Why wouldn’t I?” He looks down at his feet and shrugs, before seeing blood at yours. His eyes widen to see that the explosion he heard earlier, was displayed very boldly on your back. “Shit! You’re bleeding- like a lot!” You yawn “I’m fine that happens.” He takes your arm and rushes you to a door in a nearby wall “Well, I was gonna do a tour but I don’t want you to die on the doormat!”
He gently sits you in a chair while he grabs a small medical kit he had hiding underneath a nearby pipe. He’s panicking, to wrap your wound but when he does your echo falls to the floor. “Hey, hun stay awake okay? I don’t want you… dying.” You happy-pout “You’re so nice Tim…” he squishes your cheeks “And you’re so stupid! Sorry- DNA, again… but still, please don’t get this hurt again, I don’t want anything bad to happen.” You rolls your eyes and lean your forehead against his “Yeah, yeah…” he fiddles with his hands “Maybe- maybe we can push the mission off until tomorrow?” You huff “I’m fine, Timmy, I swear-“ he squeezes your face between his hands “Hun, you look tired, hungry and you could die if I don’t help you. So please, just let me do this for you… you’d do the same for me, right?” You groan, “Tim, I promise, I’m fine…” he rolls his eyes “If you were fine we wouldn’t be having this conversation would we?” You avoid his gaze, he was right. But you didn’t want to be weak, you didn’t want to be vulnerable.
“I’d hate to break up this sweet moment, sugar, but we do need him to help us with the mission.” Moxxxi speaks over your echo, Timothy picks it up “Moxxxi? You’re working on this mission?” This hurts a little, sure you were his friend before you were a Vault Hunter, but that doesn’t mean you maybe didn’t crush on him at one point or another. And Mox is literally the Handsome Jack gaze, Timothy… Tim could love her. Moxxxi finally moves from my echo to the holo-pad, “Tell my why I shouldn’t let the Vault Hunter blow your brains out Timothy?” He raises his hands “Moxxxiiiii, hi… look, they’re basically bleeding out can you just let me handle that first?” She crosses her arms before looking at you. He turns around to see that you’re standing up, seemingly fine. “Wait are you..” he lifts the back of your shirt, the wound is gone “How-“ he furrows his brows trying to figure it out before Moxxxi interrupts him “VH is fine, again, tell me why we should trust you.” He rubs the back of his neck, “Look, Mox, I trust him. If he wanted to kill me already he would’ve. And besides, I know he couldn’t if he tried either.” He pouts “what’s that supposed to mean-“ she sighs “Whatever you say Sugar, but what use does he have for us?”
He moves around to my side “Well, as unfortunate as it is, I both look, sound and even have a little bit of his DNA. I can get the vault Hunter where they need to go.” Moxxxi walks up to you “Are you sure about this? I trust your decision VH.” You nod, a slight smile on your face. She hums “Okay, well don’t get carried away in here, Sugar.” She sends you a wink before logging off, leaving you a confused flustered mess. Tim leans over to look at your face “You okay- also, again, never answered my question! How’d you heal your back?!” You grab your echo again “I’m fine, and I-“ you paused, you never told him. He’s never seen it, your siren markings. How would he react to knowing that you his that from him ever since you met. “You know you can tell me anything, right?” You scratch your head, “I’ll tell you about it later, we ne-“ he raises a brow and looks at you with probably the sternest face he’s ever made. “We need to get you to stop blowing me off.” You sigh as he moves to face you and gently places his hands on your shoulders “Talk to me.” You can’t say no to him, “Fine, just… promise you won’t get mad?” He smiles “I could never get mad at you” god you really want to kiss him right now- BESIDES THE POINT, you clear your throat “Just uhm… this is a little odd, so just bear with me here.” He nods, you take off your remaining chest armor and lift the under shirt to reveal glowing markings that curve around your chests features. He’s just standing there staring, maybe it’s cause he’s confused, maybe it’s cause he didn’t know your a siren… most likely because you just lifted your shirt for him, but beyond that, you’re concerned. “I was talking with my medic, Tannis, and she ran some experiments on me and when I woke up I had these siren markings. I don’t know how she did it but it makes me able to like save myself? I just keep forgetting about it, I usually never had the pleasure of not bleeding out.” He’s still standing there “Timothy, you’re staring.” He shakes his head, his cheeks colored a bright cherry red “Sorry, yeah uhm… that’s cool as shit, also maybe next time a more descriptive warning- but nonetheless, we should probably get going on this mission, yeah?”
He walks around the Spendopticon showing you all the entrances, the turrets and most importantly where he thinks the plan will work most. And before you know it, after days upon days of fighting, and even a trusted persons betrayal, you’re finally here. Pretty Boy kidnapped Timothy, and he wants your head on a mount. Unfortunately for you, he has a giant mecha-Jack suit, and you have to take him out by yourself. As easy as it may seem to a hardcore vault Hunter, you also have Timothy’s life- as well as yours on the line. He set it to self destruct, and the only way you can stop it is by defeating pretty boy and setting Timothy free. Luckily, Pretty boy isn’t used to having such height or the mechs controls, so as long as you move a lot he can’t seem to hit you. He finally get downed “Would you like to upgrade to the premium shield package?” You hear Pretty Boy slam the controls “No, dammit! Just go back to work!” Soon more of his loaders spawn. You walk near Timothy as you kill them “Are you doing alright in there?” He kneels down to talk to you “Are you alright out there? I would help but these bars burn like hell!” You grunt as you kick away one of the mini-loaders “I’ll be fine, Tim, trust me.”
Soon enough Pretty Boy stands back up “Round two, Toots!” You look back at Timothy “wai-“ You reload your gun “I’ll be right back, swear!” You run right up to pretty boy, shooting his mech in the weak spots that were basically already ripping open due to the pure amount of gun fire. Eventually you shoot at the spot for long enough to the point that the legs aren’t functioning correctly anymore. He gets distracted and you take this opportunity to shoot at this other weak spots. Mainly his joints. Usually you would aim for the head, but seeing as that’s quite literally the only part of the mech that backfired, you chose not to aim for it… it literally repelled your bullets. Eventually after enough damage to the robot he gets downed again. You slide over to a crate and grab more ammo before one of the mini-loaders starts shooting at you. “Why you little-“ you pick it up and throw it at the other one and they both make a tiny explosion. Cute, but unfortunate. You make your way back over to Timothy “Hey, Tim-Tim, you still doing okay?” He squats “Maybe you should stop talking to me, and focus on not dying, hun” you tilt your head “Hun? What’s with that, and why do you care so much? Do you not trust me?” He points, and before even getting a word out, you cut him off with the sound of a pistol. “Yeah, loader, got it, answer my question”
you continue to blast your way through the small wave of loaders “firstly, I said hun because of the DN- no, because I wanted too, and secondly I care because-“ The mecha-Jack stands once again “Dammit! Can this stupid bitch stay down! I’ll be right back Tim, we can talk after you’re safe!” He throws his arms up in anguish, before accidentally brushing his finger against the lasers “Fuck!” And finally, after Mecha-Jack starts to fly, he falls just as fast. Pretty boy crawls out of his head and tries running away, you pull him by the collar back “P-please! Toots, don’t hurt me, I’ll do anything! Wealth, power, what do you want?” You point your gun at his head “I want quiet.” You pull the trigger and his final breath draws. Though his life ended yours continues… but it won’t forever if you can’t shut down the course towards the wormhole. “Use that panel over there, it should work!” You type it in before the Hyperion voice lady boots you out “We need your DNA, Tim.” He groans “And I can’t get out of here without that either… look, you should leave” you look at him in disbelief “Timothy, why the hell would you say that, I’m not leaving you here. That’s not funny.” He kneels down to face you “I’m not Joking… you have such a cool full life ahead of you, and I don’t want you to die just because I’m trapped in this shitty laser cage-“ he stands up, obviously with an idea “Timothy I’m not-“ he shushes you “Wait I have an idea. Cover your ears, I don’t want you to hear this.”
You look around the room, but oblige covering your ears. He hesitantly brings his hand up to the laser and screams bloody murder while he slowly saws it off. You cringe, you don’t like seeing him get hurt. He finishes cutting his hand off and he sits in pain “Just… just pick that up, hun… use that I need a second-“ he breathes shakingly as you pick up his severed hand and place it onto the machine “Handsome DNA detected! Self-destruction by wormhole protocol: cancelled. Cages: cleared.” The Handsome Jackpot stops moving and Timothy’s cage bars fall. He jumps down and meets you eye to eye “Who knew that after all these years you’d still be helping me?” You smile as his arms meet your waist “Never said I would stop, did I?” He chuckles as your arms wrap around his neck “Well I think my hero deserves a long awaited reward.” He looks at your lips and back to your eyes, you nod before he tilts his head and locks his lips with yours. As cheesy as it is, you’ve always dreamt of this, preferably without the murder bots and the small guy’s corpse behind you, but beggars can’t be choosers. “You owe me one, now, you know that Tim?” He laughs “Yeah, yeah… come on, let go loot the shit out of this casino.” As quickly as the debt raked up, it fell just as fast. And everyone was finally free from Jack greedy hands for the last time.
The End (?)
(A/N): I might make a “Timothy on the Sanctuary” fluff story after this, you won’t need to have read all of this to read that one, but it’s gonna be so fluffy (I’m ill, don’t ask 😭) But I hoped you somewhat enjoyed this! I was on a mental rollercoaster writing this.
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masp161 · 1 year
Astro Observations #V
Asteroid Clymene, derived from the goddess of Fame and Fortune, might likely show where you are seen as potentially popular/famous, where and how you can achieve fame
Gemini/3rd House is associated with Society/People
Popular opinion : Sidereal birth charts describe you more
Sag Mercury will always have something to talk about, even if nothing happens in their lives. They just always have something interesting
The energy or attachment style you have with the sign in your 12th House can reflect your type of trauma and insecurity
I can easily see the dark minds of the zodiac being XXTPs or XXTJs (See Briggs Myers test) since XXTPs/XXTJs are not only mentally focused people, but that need to focus on the mind more than the heart usually tends to come from early trauma OR emotional absence of any kind. Their capacity to live on their own terms and spontaneity can be an aftermath of being left alone to deal with their trauma, forging their personality, leading to XXTPs.
Cancer/Capricorn 1st/3rd/4th/9th/10th or Mars/Saturn/Moon can often be perceived as parental, their energy. They radiate the parental energy that they lacked as a child, especially if the planets are retrograde
Pisces Mars people have a power to get revenge through karma because most of them tend to have an Aquarius Mars in their Sidereal Chart, Aquarius being the sign of Karma along with Capricorn, and Mars being the planet of intense emotions
What pisses people off about Pisces Mars is their emotional unavailability or diversity : their natural state of needing or having lots of people physically attracted to them but them not wanting anything. They also, Pisces Mars, have tendencies to just not settle for inclusivity.
Cap Pluto are a generation of pretending doms who want to rule but are submissive in bed.
Most Mutable Venuses are least likely to confess their feelings not entirely because they're not interested in love, but because they don't wanna admit or acknowledge their emotions until they're certain it's mutual. They don't like to look like fools.
What if all Libra Risings soulmate were themselves. Their 7th house, after all, is ruled by a sign representing the self.
I don't think, after all, that Saturn in your birth chart only shows how karma works for you. But rather what trace you leave on people.
The ugly part of astrology that people don't want to face is having North Node or personal planets in water houses (4th, 8th, 12th). They are indicators of the psyche. Indicators that the lifetime will be a lot of focus on the ugly parts of the self, of humanity, on healing and understanding those around us in order to understand ourselves.
My opinion :
Tropical Charts are the physicality of things, physical you, physical events
Sidereal Charts are the emotionality of things, emotional you, emotional reactions, you being you
Draconic Charts are the Ideal, the perfect you, the you with no concept of good or bad, with no concept at all, just yourself
(To be reviewed)
People with Cancer placements, Neptune in the 4th, or Neptune in Cancer can pretty much remember anything, even drunk or high.
People, in my opinion, with their north nodes in the 7th/8th/12th house have this kind of inevitable lesson, that they mastered in youth but lost over many years of trauma, to learn on how to let go of ego and work on their inner selves. And learn to let go of themselves and harmonize with the world/the universe.
Before any hate, let me explain why I didn't add the 9th/10th/11th House. To me the 9th house is about the philosophies and world views, not directly how we get to be extremely dependent of the world whether we want to or not. The 10th house is more close on how we can rely on people, but North Node in the 10th isn't necessarily involved in a spiritual AND emotional (both together) level (and in case you mention the 7th house, the 7th house is about the shadow part of ourselves and in some occasions the soul level of attachment we can have to somebody). And 11th house is more on the society/friends level. I see it also as a sort of independence house, where you can learn to not need people.
If the 2nd house is about knowing who you are and standing firm on knowing who you are, then the 8th house is the opposite : realizing you don't know who you are because you are constantly changing/evolving. Thus, people with the North Node in the 8th House, know that it's normal to feel like you don't know who you truly are because you're always changing. It's part of your journey.
Convince me otherwise, but Cardinal Moons are impulsive smartasses, especially when undeveloped or overdeveloped
Air signs, Scorpio, Pisces, Saggy and Capri LOVE doing personality tests more than the other signs (check out sun, moon, rising and dominant) generally because they tend to lack a fixed identity despite them saying they HAVE an identity. Sometimes they even redo the same tests just to be sure they won't change their score or answer. Part of them also loves discovering themselves through others (hence the internet tests).
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
Mulder and Scully: Love and Touch for INTPs/ISTJs (Types Post)
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In my previous posts (Mulder is an INTP, not an INFP/INFJ; and Scully is an ISTJ), I touched on the dynamic duo’s patterns of behavior. I was going to save this post for Valentine’s Day; but I decided it was better to put this article out while all this brewing information was fresh in my mind... and who doesn’t love to read a little MSR yin-yang for the fun of it? SO... here!
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To keep it short: in order for a Type to feel completely loved and understood, each of their primary 8 Functions must be “targeted” with care and affection. Thankfully for Mulder and Scully, it is ridiculously easy for both to give and receive love because of the significant overlap of their needs.
How Mulder Feels Loved
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An INTP’s 8 primary Functions are: Ti Hero, Ne Parent, Si Child, Fe Inferior, Te Nemesis, Ni Critic, Se Trickster, and Fi Demon. I have a previous post explaining how they operate (see link at the top), so I won’t retread old ground, focusing instead on how to tune in and turn up his love signals. 
If these needs aren’t met, Mulder will give up on life and become addicted to anything that will distract him from it (whether it be seclusion or pornography or video games); because, for his brain, hedonism is a straight path to easy dopamine hits.
Ti Hero-- INTPs NEED to feel accepted, validated, valued. Always ask them what they think but always challenge it. Ti Hero has a tendency to dismiss any input that is opposite to what they believe is the truth; input must be shoved down their throat, and not just any input: mountains of facts, data, and tons of research to back up your claims and opinions. They love learning alternate data points, but their trust must be won in order for them to accept those data as facts. They value highly anyone who does this for them.  
Ne Parent-- Train an INTP to be more desirable. They hinder themselves by neglecting their (”horrific”) fashion sense and untrained social skills. It’s best if someone streamlines a system for each area of their life (fashion, the do’s and don’ts of auditing meetings, what to leave out of reports, etc.) so that they’re shaken out of their lazy patterns of “I don’t care” behavior. More importantly: BE DIRECT when you communicate, or they won’t change. They either don’t see the issue as a big deal (”why you tell me-- I thought it was fine”) or don’t even notice the issue at all.
Si Child-- Do NOT enable their comfort zone. FORCE variety upon them.  INTPs have a vice of laziness, happily looping in their stagnant but comfortable routines until they die, never growing nor changing. It quickly becomes the #1 threat to a healthy relationship; and it’s the responsibility of those they date to shepherd them out of their houses (or basements on a Saturday) and into the real world because of this blind spot.
Fe Inferior-- As loving and giving and rug-matting as they are, INTPs operate on covert contracts. They expect to gain as much as they give without actually saying that. Because of this, healthy boundaries must be set around expectations, or this problem will be enabled and dragged on until the relationship dies (“Never Again”, “Fight the Future”, “All Things”, etc.) Fortunately, this is easily fixed: INTPs crave acceptance; and will change their behavior on a dime if it hurts or harms another person.
Te Nemesis-- INTPs become the unacknowledged bedrock that others build their lives on top of-- much to others’ shock. And in return, they want only one thing: to peer review your mind. They constantly fear others are ingesting and feeding them wrong information; this leads to a stubborn insistence that every claim must be backed up and proven to them to be true, not just because it has the right label attached to it. If anyone refuses to answer their questions, or dodges those conversations, INTPs become distrustful, breeding disloyalty and vengeance by pulling out the foundation right from under that other person’s feet. Be well-researched and prepared for the mental challenge of battling every position you hold and those you want to change. (Luckily for Mulder, Scully is not only up to the challenge but thrives on it.)
Ni Critic-- If you want to offer multiple, indirect options to change an INTP’s behavior, don’t. Because #1. they can’t and won’t be motivated; and #2. because too many alternatives overwhelm and demotivate them further.  Instead, just TELL THEM clearly and directly what the problem is, what you want, and how they can fix it (ex. Mulder responding to Scully’s direct line-in-the-sand in “One Son” vs. her indirect plea in “Never Again.”) 
Se Trickster-- This is the function to train so that Ne Parent can be desired. INTPs spend so much time in their heads that they are unaware how they come across to people-- terrible fashion, odd quirks, etc.-- and need help with their outward perception and appearance. Their Fe Inferior fear of not being wanted lends them a leg up here, because they integrate any “good first impression” advice as quickly as possible. (Amazingly, Mulder has Scully the ISTJ Master-of-First-Impressions on his side; and mostly lets her manage the locals and lead the team meetings.) By failing to help them with their Trickster, one sabotages an INTP’s core needs and desires, and quickly dissolves any relationship.
Fi Demon-- Do not ask INTPs about their priorities. They will spend their whole lives trying to figure those out, mixing what’s expected of them in with what they’re single-mindedly trying to achieve while trying to navigate life’s winding and changing paths. And because they hardly interact with people outside their (not-so-metaphorical) basements, they have no grasp on anyone’s priorities (this is also why they need to be dragged out of their comfort zones.) Instead, share YOUR values; and INTPs will quickly wind their values around your fixed ones. 
How Scully Feels Loved 
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An ISTJ’s 8 primary Functions are: Si Hero, Te Parent, Fi Child, Ne Inferior, Se Nemesis, Ti Critic, Fe Trickster, Ni Demon. Again, there’s a previous post link (at the top) while this is simply a list to be able to directly tune into each of her Function’s love signals. 
If these needs aren’t met, Scully will become bitter and leave permanently, letting whoever she was helping self-destruct on their own wrong path; and never, ever return.  
Si Hero-- ISTJs feel loved if their needs are considered and met. They feel unimportant when others are inconsistently considerate, proving to them that those loved ones don’t value them and their efforts. This hurt turns to bitterness, which turns to cut loyalty and severed ties. Scully appreciates anyone who takes note of and celebrates her traditions and her special occasions.  
Te Parent-- Effort MATTERS, because being special is what an ISTJ craves. They show their deep love by responsibly caring for others every day; and they don’t need much in return. Simply having someone think about them (and their likes and dislikes and struggles and victories) is enough to make ISTJs feel content. They must NEVER be forgotten (or made to feel that way.)
Fi Child-- ISTJs LOVE to feel special or privileged, as if they’re an elite specimen different from everyone else. And they have a point: they flawlessly step over their Fe Trickster’s awkwardness and unawareness of social norms to transform into beautiful swans with nary a hair out of place. And they like to feel that the time they’ve put into themselves (and others) is recognized and worth their investment. 
Ne Inferior-- ISTJs have expectations they’re afraid to share; and feel loved when others ask them consistently about their cares, fears and struggles. Help them open up and expose their gooey centers so those expectations can be met with love. 
Se Nemesis-- ISTJs want to rely on others just as much as others rely on them. People can demonstrate this by developing their own sense of responsibility as proof that an ISTJ’s lessons have paid off. This, in turn, proves to Scully that she has been listened to. 
Ti Critic-- This function worries that others are stupid. To prove an ISTJ wrong, back up all assertions with provable facts and research; this relaxes them and helps them to count that person as a reliable, quality source (very similar to Mulder’s Ti Hero: he needs a mountain of evidence to prove the person he’s listening to, whereas she needs a mountain of credentials and proof before she gives anyone’s claims a smidge of credibility.) 
Fe Trickster-- ISTJs are COMPLETELY unaware of social conventions; but are aware that they’ve somehow messed up (the flip coin of Mulder, who is aware of social conventions but unaware he’s messed up.) Nothing is worse for them than embarrassment; and if you save them from social faux pas and allow them to save face, they become die-hard loyal. By helping to train their nuance detectors, it teaches ISTJs how to practically apply their knowledge of social situations “in real life”, allowing them to blossom to even greater heights. 
Ni Demon-- ISTJs are afraid of risks and MUST take them WITH someone. If they’re perceived as “boring”, it’s not their fault: no one has taken the time to leap into the frightening void with them. Just because they have assumed the world’s responsibilities on their Atlas-shoulders does not mean they don’t have fears and weaknesses they need help with, too. They will hate you if you make them do it alone. 
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Touch, according to Jungian analytical psychology, is experienced through the Sensing Functions: Sensing Introverted (Si) and Sensing Extroverted (Se.)  
(Note: I will be writing about Sensing Introverted, or Si, Functions only in this post, because both Mulder and Scully use Si predominantly, being Si/Ne Axis Types-- see below.)  
An important aspect of physical touch specific to Sensing Introverted Types is the ability to ward off bitterness. Because Si functions as long-term memory-- used to uphold tradition and cultural community values-- they retain an extensive memory of all the hurts and wrongs committed against them and others, leading them all too easily to anger. Touch from another person translates tangibly mutual affection-- I need you, you are wanted-- to remind Si users they are not alone, and that good people value them. 
Si is always linked to a two-sided Axis with Extroverted Intuition, or Ne. Intuition broadly deals with wants (Ni “I am aware of what I want” and Ne “I am aware of what others want”); and Ne users struggle with the desire to have others want them. 
What’s the difference between these two approaches if they are inextricably linked? For Types who use Si primarily over Ne (Scully’s ISTJ), Si uses physical touch to translate unspoken love into tangible confirmation to Ne, helping it feel wanted and desired. For Types that use Ne primarily over Si (Mulder’s INTP), Ne helps assess the character and hidden goals of others around them to surround Si with quality, trustworthy, and comforting people so that it can relax and then connect with the secondary desire of being wanted. 
Because Ne is more focused on the psychological and intuitive processes of the Si-Ne dynamic, we’re going to set it aside for a bit to focus solely on Si’s physical touch and its translation of “want” and “need” for both Mulder and Scully. 
Scully and Touch
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Si Hero - ISTJ
ISTJs crave touch. As long as they are comfortable with a person, Si Hero can’t get enough of it. To them, touch melts their Ne Inferior’s anxiety (which is convinced the world is on the brink of collapse), replacing their fears with hope and zest for life. ISTJs also love new experiences; but are usually hampered from trying them by their Se Nemesis (which fears faulty first impressions.) This can easily be sidestepped; and in doing so, one can imprint good first-time experiences into the rolodex of an ISTJ’s lifelong memory, creating ones they want to re-experience again and again with that person in the future. 
ISTJs want to be desired because it makes them feel prioritized. On the one hand, they feel heard and “seen”; on the other hand, they’re a bit of a snob, believing they deserve to be lauded for the polished efforts they’ve made (ex. Scully’s reception of Sheriff Hartwell’s compliments.) They love to be asked how they feel about something; and prefer interaction without judgment (which will make them shut down in record speed.) But most importantly: that the commitment and investment (time or effort) that ISTJs put into themselves and others will be appreciated. 
This is also the crux of the Scully Paradox: why she did and didn’t almost leave Mulder’s side during his obsessive questing years. When she was fulfilling her Si/Te Starbuck nature and feeling that Mulder valued what she brought to the table, she stayed happily. But whenever Mulder began to let their relationship stagnate and never progress, her Ne Inferior anxiety kicked in-- feeling they weren’t even trapped in a circle so much as “an endless line”, that they’d never escape the X-Files and that it would forever take precedence over her normal life (even shouting about it affecting her and her baby’s life in “Essence”.) I go more in-depth in my post on her Type (linked at the top); but suffice to say, Scully is sometimes her best advocate and worst enemy. 
Because Mulder’s Type relies on being told directly that there is a problem he needs to fix, while Scully’s is wired to silently wait for their relationship (and her) to be set above his work, the two of them drifted along in their car for YEARS in an unchanging status quo, leading Scully to question her life’s choices (”Never Again”, “All Things”) and her faith in her partner (”Oubliette”, “Paper Hearts”, “The Pine Bluff Variant”.) Meanwhile, MULDER DIDN’T HAVE A CLUE and thought they were doing just fine (a mutually close relationship, extra affection shared during and after her cancer, his “This is a life” in “Dreamland”, etc., etc., etc.)  
Mulder and Touch
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Si Child - INTP
An INTP’s Si Child sees touch as a bonding experience AFTER trust and desirability is established. It, like ISTJ’s Si Hero, never grows tired of a variety of experiences; and because they have Se Trickster, INTPs are even less discriminatory when it comes to new experiences than ISTJs. Once their pessimistic Ne Parent’s suspicions have been soothed by built-up trust, they proudly exemplify the motto “I’ll do anything once.” In an interesting twist, Si Child is also gifted at culinary skills; but only if their homes are an escape from the chaos of the world around them, and if they haven’t fallen into the lazy routine of takeout or microwaveable meals. 
Although Si Child is very often disrespected-- particularly male INTPs, who are seen as too weak, too trusting, and too easily exploitable-- without merit, there are moments where it behaves wrongly. INTPs operate on “covert contracts”: they scratched your back, so you should scratch theirs. This cannot be enabled: because this Type is one of the laziest, it easily creates destructively-comfortable bad habits. An unspoken contract drawn up in good faith one day might become a swift demand the next (ex. Mulder expecting liberties from Skinner he can’t always provide, expecting Scully to do what he needs done in “Never Again” despite her crisis, etc.) Thankfully, INTPs are easily course-corrected through the validation of others, which they crave. 
Because Fe Inferior clouds an INTP’s ability to truly believe or internalize any praise given, Mulder heavily relies on his loved ones’ validation to combat his constant struggle with self-worth. And while these words are crucial to fueling his crusade, Mulder needs his Si Child to be caressed and reassured lovingly by the very few people who’ve earned and retained his stingy trust.
Bringing It All Together
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INTPs (Mulder) and ISTJs (Scully) share the Si/Ne Axis, using physical touch as a soothing and bonding experience. They also usually respond to the same things: make them feel desired by taking heed to their comfort; and once they’re relaxed, playfully lead up to more romantic gestures (or, if platonic, meaningful ones.) 
They respond to this same process in different steps: INTPs must feel desired before their guard can be relaxed with comfort: touch their arm, invite them out to things, and directly COMMUNICATE your interest. If they see you bringing them food without having established your intent, they get highly suspicious (ex. Phoebe’s initial attempts in “Fire” vs. when she clued in and slowed down her tactics.) ISTJs need to be relaxed before they can feel desired: adjust the room temperature, bring them food, touch them nicely and comfortingly. When they see their needs being considered, ISTJs realize they’re being desired (ex. Eddie van Blundht’s slow, seductive leadup-- a lazy couch chat in front of the fire, reminiscing about her past and her wants.) 
Mulder and Scully’s effortlessly affectionate bond is rooted in Scully’s comfort first (when she leaped at him for a hug in the “Pilot”), Mulder’s trust second (when he related his personal memories and feelings of his sister’s abduction), and their mutual comfort third. Despite their differing approaches to life, both intuited this aspect of their relationship, gravitating towards each other wordlessly the rest of their partnership. 
Thanks for reading~ 
Disclaimers: This is a self-assessed analysis. This information is not based on the abominable MBTI system (which has been butchered from its original Jungian typology since ~WWII); instead, it’s a combination between the works of Jung’s type psychology, Dr. Linda Berens’ Communication styles, Dr. Dario Nardi’s EEG brain scan compiled research, and others’ data and practices as compiled and simplified by CSJoseph. This system is based only on the Nature side of Nature/Nurture; and each “type” is not a “box” to fit everyone into– simply a tool to help understand the basics of the human mind that science has only begun to fathom in its limited scope.
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breelandwalker · 2 years
Hello Bree!
Please, do you have a spell to get someone out of your house?
The situation is like this: I have this girl staying over for like 2 weeks until she can save some money to move into her own place.
The thing is, 2 weeks passed, she doesn’t only not save money, but she doesn’t seem to ever want to leave. And she disrespects my space and there is where I draw the line.
I would like her out of my house asap and because she’s taking advantage of me, I would like to never see her again.
Is there a spell for that?
Thank you for your time! ☺️
P.S. I know of this spell called “tell her to her face to get the hell out”, but it backfires as she is prone to making a scene like I am evil for not letting her stay indefinitely, plus she won’t get out.
Ohhh I've got something for this, yes indeed. It's very similar to the Get Out Of My House verbal incantation you mentioned, just with a little more oomph attached.
This can go one of two ways, depending on if you rent or own. If you're renting, review your lease for the policy on extended stays for persons who are not cosigners of said lease. Usually it's a week at most before management has the right to step in and ask them to leave. In that case, you let the person know that you cannot continue to offer them space per the terms of your lease and that if they do not remove themselves and their belongings, management will do it for them. You can either ask for your key back or pay for a re-keying if you think it's going to be an issue.
If you own the home, it's a little more straightforward. If the person has overstayed her welcome and refuses to leave, then she's trespassing. And you are well within your rights to remove her and her belongings or to call the local authorities to do so. Give her one week to get out and find new lodging. Put it on paper in clear terms and tell her she can either sign her name to it, which constitutes a binding legal agreement, or you can call the police and she can leave right effing now. If she pitches a fit or makes anything even resembling a threat, call them anyway on the emergency line. (I know we don't usually resort to calling the cops as a general rule, but "unwanted person who will not leave my home and makes me feel unsafe" is one of the exceptions.)
The minute she's out of the house, deadbolt the door behind her (steal your key back if necessary) and get the locks changed the very next day. If she leaves anything behind, you can put it on the doorstep in a box for her to pick up, but under no circumstances is she to be allowed back in. Try to get this all accomplished before she's been there a full month, in case she tries to claim squatter's rights. If possible, get yourself a restraining or no-contact order as well, just in case she tries anything once you've gotten her out.
And document EVERYTHING. Take pictures, take audio, take video, especially when you're discussing the terms of her exit. If she breaks something, dents the wall, threatens you, tries to lie about your agreement, or throws a fit, make sure you have proof. Always cover your ass.
It may SOUND heartless to some, but really it's just practical. You agreed to house her for a set period of time, which she has overstayed. She is not respecting you or your privacy and I'm guessing she's not paying rent or contributing to expenses either. So out she goes. She can throw a tantrum or bitch on social media or whine to your friend group all she wants, but you are not obligated to keep a toxic, disrespectful person under your roof simply because she is capable of making herself disagreeable in order to get her way. "No" is a complete sentence. And if other people in your circle are concerned with her well-being after she's removed from your home, THEY can host her.
Oh and you can back all this up with a little Banishing Powder sprinkled across your threshold if you really want, but the important thing to do is get the legal end of things taken care of quick, fast, and in a hurry.
Hope this helps!
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Chapter 14: Surprises
A/N: Okay, we’re getting back to this story being good…I promise, the fluff is coming! It’s honestly hard to believe that we are now 14 chapters into this phenomenal story. I know it has been a slow start, but I promise we are going to start moving forward from here on out. I mention this in every chapter, but in case you missed it- I do not give permission for my work to be re-posted without credibility. If you do want to post this story to your page, please be sure that you tag my account or at least mention its original source in your post. 
Also: This story is sequential…please go back and read my other chapters, in order, for the best results!
Again, thank you for being here and I hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter 14: Surprises
“Holy shit!” Javy exclaimed with wide eyes, completely taken aback by the story I had just shared with him. The story of Friday night, sparing the excruciatingly romantic details.
Natasha’s eyes left mine to meet Javy’s, looking equally as impressed as him, but not as obvious, “Wait until Frasier hears about this!” she exclaimed, calling out the inevitable–Emmett was going to be filled in. And when he was, all hell would break loose with endless amounts of teasing and bullshit.
“So you lost her number, and then spent the past 24 hours in the hospital waiting for her?” Javy was retelling the story out loud so he could comprehend it better. He was still struggling to process all the developments that had occurred over the weekend.
“Yeah,” I answered. Short and casual.
“Geez” Natasha stated, eyes going wide and letting out a loud gust of air as she adjusted into the seat next to me.
Javy was sitting in front of us today, taking the turn to sit alone. That was our agreement for the seating arrangement since the tables only fit 2 students. We opted to take the front two tables on the right side of the lecture hall. Javy sat at the very front table and Natasha and I were directly behind him. Every time we had lecture, we would rotate. Tomorrow would be my turn to sit in the front. Thank God it wasn’t my turn today! I was dog shit tired!!!
Javy and I adjusted in our seats, as well as the rest of the class. The Naval Academy was very punctual. This class, Flight Training I, started right at 10:45, and if you were a split second late, you would be locked out of the hall. Someone in my Calculus I class was not even 10 seconds late and found himself struggling with the locked doorknob. Another student in class got up to let him in, and was stopped by the Captain that was instructing the course. The student that was late AND the student that tried to help both did 50 pushups on the field of the track after class. The rest of us had to watch at attention, heavily concentrating on our stance, we didn’t dare breathe out of place. No one has ever been late to anything on campus since then.
It was now 10:44 and our flight instructor was nowhere to be found. Everyone in class was looking at each other, waiting for someone to speak up. 
I was about to pull out my phone and check my school email for possible cancellations when a white man, nearly bald, stormed into the room. He had a few strands of white hair resting on the bottom portion of his head. He was wearing the same service khakis as we were. However, his were decked out in ribbons and insignias, whereas we only had 1, the generic service ribbon that we got on the day we took our oath.
“Good morning midshipmen,” He said sternly, obviously not someone that cared about having a ‘polite’ reputation on campus. There was a pause in his voice as he reviewed the roster which was attached to a clipboard on his desk, “and women” he finished, noting the two women that were in our course. I looked over at Natasha, who scooted in her chair, bothered by the lack of respect taken towards her gender.
He dropped the clipboard down onto the desk, leaving a loud echo behind him as he leaned over the steel and into our eyes, “I honestly don’t give a shit about learning your names. Statistically speaking, 2 of you will fail out of the aviation program before you get to the finish line, 3 of you will die in action within the first two years, and another one of you will be a POW in the middle east before you’re 30, which means that only 1 of you will have what it takes to make it to Top Gun before retirement, and even then, nothing is guaranteed”.
A chill ran down my spine as this man spoke his last sentence. He never once made eye contact with me, instead looking in the opposite direction of the room, but it seemed as though he directed that statement unto me. I looked down at my notebook and blue pen, picking it up and twirling it through my fingers. Natasha noticed the change in my demeanor, and learned forward, a look of concern on her face. I didn’t want to explain this to her. Not now. Maybe not ever. So I just shook my head and kept my gaze down. Her gaze went back to the instructor as he finished his statement, “Let the bloodbath begin.”
Javy looked over his shoulder at the two of us, feeling completely uneasy. I could see the fear in my classmates' eyes as the realization that some of us in this room would be dead soon became a hard statistical fact. I continued to spin the pen around as he went on with his introduction, “I am Rear Admiral Thomas Campbell. You will call me Rear Admiral Campbell, not ‘hey you’, ‘teacher’, ‘mister’, or ‘Sir’, do I make myself clear?”
My eyes went completely wide with shock and fear as he announced his full name. Before then, I had completely tuned him out. The pen that was in my hand fell straight onto the paper, leaving a trail of ink as it went flat onto the surface. I could feel Natasha’s eyes on me and in my periphery, I could see that Javy was tense, his head half tilted to us, but still keeping his eyes forward.
“The only exception to my name is to call me by my call sign, “Panther” when we are in the air. During your first year, you will spend a total of 80 hours in our simulation room and 20 hours in the air, flying our cessnas. You have all been grouped based on ability and performance on your pre-assessment taken last week. Three of you will be with me, two of you will be with Justin Fulterski, call-sign “String Bean”, and the last two will be with my daughter, Allie Campbell, call-sign “Baby”. Both of whom are adjunct instructors with their pilots license. They are not active duty soldiers, so you do not salute them”.
The doors opened and Justin, followed by Allie, came into the room, wearing the green flying suits that we will eventually wear in the air. Now Javy was completely turned, looking right at me. Natasha was covered in shock, but trying hard to hold onto her poker face, a face that won a poker tournament this weekend. However, she did steal some glances my way every few seconds. A few other classmates had their eyes glued to me while the remainder were still focused on Admiral Campbell’s speech.
I kept my eyes down, grabbing my aviators and pulling them over my eyes, avoiding all eye contact from the front of the room where Allie was now standing. I used the opportunity I had to steal a glance at her, knowing I was shielded by the dark tint of the glasses so she wouldn’t know I was looking.
Her eyes were right on me, her lips pursed and cheeks slightly pink with a sort of “gotcha” look on her face. She looked away a few seconds later and brought her gaze to her father. Her hair was tightly pulled up into a bun on the back of her head, the standard for women in the military.
Her father…Her father was my flight instructor, and not only that, he was an admiral for my branch of the armed forces! I brought my attention back to him, my head swimming too much to even be able to half-focus, but I tried. “And now for our flight assignments,” Admiral Campbell went on, grabbing a stack of folders. “I will be taking those with the least amount of flight experience, which is Ashton, Stellar, and Heights,” he said as he made eye contact with the two men and the woman who were called, slightly embarrassed at his candid reasoning. “Machado and Trace will go with Bean. Which leaves Ryans and Bradshaw with Baby”.
We both made eye contact with each other as her dad handed her over two files, obviously papers of me and my partner. I took off my aviators and looked at her, hard. I couldn’t decide what to think. On one hand, I was excited that I had her as an instructor, but on the other hand, I felt cheated. We spent almost 2 hours together on Friday and not once did she mention having a pilots license or being an instructor on campus for that matter. She must have seen the torn expression on my face, because when I looked up at her again, she looked quite insecure in her position. She was now avoiding eye contact with me completely.
Rear Admiral Campbell continued his speech, telling us that we would spend our first month in the simulation room before we get into the air. This new flight training program was designed to get Naval Aviators in the air before attending flight school, working with the harder military aircrafts. For the next three years, we would just be focused on the cessna’s and getting as many flight hours in as we could before our next step.
After the Naval Academy, we would all go to Rhode Island for Officer Training School. This was a requirement for anyone entering naval service. So Natasha, Javy, and Emmett would all be going along with me. Once we complete that course, Emmett would be separated from us, and the two others and I would go to Florida for the Air Indoctrination Course. Then there would be flight school, our final step to officially become an aviator for the U.S. Navy. We would either stay in Florida or go to Texas for that. The whole process was going to be long and tedious, but knowing that Allie was going to be one of my instructors for a small part of it, made it a little more fulfilling than it already was. Something a little more special.
I didn’t realize how lost in thought I was until Natasha nudged my shoulder. I quickly blinked and came out of it, seeing that all of my classmates were getting up and heading for the doors of the lecture hall. Natasha looked at me concerned and confused, but I just brushed it off, making my way to the doors. Allie and Justin were still standing in the front of the room, watching us as we left. I looked over my shoulder at her one last time, letting the frustration of this surprise show on my face, shaking my head at her as I went up the steps of the isles. She looked down, with an upset expression now on her face. Justin turned his head to her, but I didn’t catch anything else at that point. I was already out of the room by then.
I followed the crowd of my classmates as they walked down the halls, Natasha standing to my left and Javy to my right.
“What the fuuuuuuck,” Javy whispered.
“Shut up,” I snapped back, keeping my voice down so no one else caught on.
“I just can’t-” Javy went on, finding himself as speechless as Natasha and I already were, “Did you know about this?” He asked, looking over at Trace.
All she did in response was raise her eyebrows and shake her head, not knowing what to say at this moment.
Eventually the crowd we were following went outside and onto the tarmac, watching as upperclassmen were walking around the area, every one of them paired up and getting settled into their T-68 Texan II.
All of us watched in amazement at what was happening. They all had flight suits on, helmets, and a full team of managers helping on the ground.
“Calm down boys!” Admiral Campbell said to us. Natasha let out a loud breath. I looked over at her and saw in her eyes that her blood was boiling, obviously Admiral Campbell was not used to women being in this program. “You won’t be flying these babies until the beginning of your fourth year. Third if you’re lucky,” he went on, looking at me as he said this. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked over at Natasha who just raised her eyebrows a little bit and gave a slight nod, a soft smirk on her face. I never was one to stick out from the pack, so I didn’t really know how to handle this…and I didn’t really want to learn.
“Now ladies and gentlemen,” he started. It was nice to see him finally getting into the inclusion: “Enjoy the show.” He kept his stance tall as he turned around, his hand behind his back, holding his fingers together.
We watched as Justin and Allie emerged from a hanger, both of which were carrying their own helmets. His were various shades of green, with the words “string bean” written in yellow paint. Hers was white with ‘Baby’ painted in light blue cursive along the top.
Both of them quickly got into a Texan, strapping themselves in and communicating with the ground crew. They were signing things to each other, although I had no idea what they were saying. Eventually they stopped signing and the aircraft was turned, the backs now facing us. Admiral Campbell looked over at a grounds crew man that was standing by a radio. Campbell nodded at him and the Black crewman turned on a handheld radio that was sitting on a table.
“Texan 2 ready for taxi.” Justin said over the radio.
“Texan 3 ready for taxi.” Allie’s voice came through the radio.
“Texan 3, begin taxi first, face North,” another voice said. I looked up at the air traffic control tower that was right above us. The windows were completely tinted black with white stone covering the leg of the tower. Natasha and I stole a glance at each other, with a WTF expression on our face as the shock of this morning settled into a reality.
After a few minutes, Allie came on and said she was ready for departure. I looked over at the walkie and heard the same air traffic controller say, “Texan 3, you are clear for departure”.
“Copy, clear for departure.” Allie said. Within seconds, her aircraft roared to life and we watched as her plane sped down the runway and took off towards the Northern sky. Everyone turned their bodies as her jet moved past us, the sound  excruciatingly loud and wind intently smacking onto our bodies. “Holy shit!” a classmate yelled. No one else said anything, instead we watched in amazement as the jet circled around us in the sky.
Eventually, Justin was also up there, and we watched as the aircrafts moved, obviously showing off a well-rehearsed flight show. They spun, and spiraled, and circled each other, ending their show with a “fly by” right over the control tower. Everyone's eyes, including my own, were beaming.
I watched as Allie’s aircraft landed on the runway, coming to a halt and taxing over so Justin could land. Then they drove their aircraft back over to us and sat there as the grounds crew helped them with the proper procedure of getting out of their aircrafts. I glanced down at my watch and noticed that this whole thing lasted over an hour, although it only felt like 15 minutes.
Justin and Allie walked over to us, taking off their helmets and balancing them down on their hips, standing behind Admiral Campbell.
Campbell turned around, facing us now, we weren’t able to see his eyes anymore since they were shielded by his aviators: “I hope you all took something out of that,” he began, “They may not be naval aviators, but they are your flight instructors, and I trust that all of you learn something from them. I can tell you right now, they are without a doubt more skilled than any of you are, even the more experienced ones”. At this, Allie and I looked at each other. She gave a cocky smirk and brought her eyes back to her dad, but I kept my gaze on her. The breeze that was created by the other Texan’s that the fourth years were now flying kept hitting her, causing her hair to slowly come out of its tight bun, strands blowing around in the wind. Her blonde hair was even more prominent now against the green of the flight suit than they were against the deep red of her sweater last Friday. Shit! Her sweater. It was still sitting in the front seat of my new bronco. A car that he gave me as a gift for being admitted into the Naval Academy, which is a hilarious reasoning given the circumstances. I knew that this “gift” was really an unofficial way of him asking me to visit. But honestly, why would I? I had nothing to say to him, and God knows I would NEVER spend another Thanksgiving, Easter, or Christmas with him ever again! Never.
“And now, to the locker rooms,” Admiral Campbell said, “You have a present waiting for you”. He turned his body and began walking towards the doors that we came out of over an hour ago. Shit! I completely missed what he said, being lost in my own thoughts of him. 
I watched as classmates passed me and made their ways to the doors, finding myself frozen. Frozen in a physical and mental sense. Allie passed me as well, which now left me in the back of the pack, watching everyone walk through the door. I used this as my opportunity to talk with her, since more and more witnesses were now indoors, especially her father.
I started walking and increased my pace to a light jog so I could catch up to her, which I did in a matter of seconds: “You could have told me,” I said calmly, but making it clear that my patience was rattled.
She looked over her shoulder at me and decreased her pace, “You never asked,” she said to me, dropping her head and looking at the ground as we made our way closer and closer to the door.
“Don’t pin this on me! I told you that I was in the aviation program here, and you never even thought ‘well hey! Maybe I should tell him that I’m his Goddamn flight instructor’”. 
She froze at this, letting out a big “huff” as her body turned towards mine: “Look,” she said to me, putting on that same calm tone in her voice that she gave me the day I hurt my hand with that ‘rehearsed speech’ of hers, “If I would have known that I was your flight instructor, yes, I probably would have said something. But I didn’t know anything until this morning, and besides, it’s not like I could have given you a warning this morning in King Hall because you weren’t there. Instead, you were sitting around in the hospital, waiting for me”.
“How did you-” I started to ask, then froze as I assumed the answer to my own question, “You nurses really hear everything don’t you?”
She gave me a ‘no shit’ look and then turned her body, aiming towards the door, but I was able to grab onto her arm before she could move an inch. “Why didn’t you at least tell me about your dad?” I asked, still keeping a calmed tone in my voice. I have learned that the best way to get anywhere with her is if you kept your composure as best you could. 
Whenever I got mad or frustrated, she would too. She always matched my energy, and I could tell that this hypothesis was correct because she immediately lost a bunch of tension in her body, relaxing a little as she looked down at my hand that was wrapped around her bicep. Her mouth was slightly open, and her breath increased a little. She looked at me with a gentle look in her eyes as she continued to breathe. She closed her mouth, and I noticed her eyes became a little hard, “Well,” she began, in her all too familiar sassy tone: “I would have had time to get to that, but I was underwater”. She shook off my arm and made her way to the door. Damn. Right when I thought I had her figured out.
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angria · 1 year
Yesterday’s session was a complete attachment disaster.  
T always reviews my past week’s diary cards at the beginning of the session and for one day, I wrote about how he mentioned he didn’t want to reinforce the kind of attention that I would receive when I was in crisis, in the sense that I would sabotage and regress in order to have that attention again.  Which in my head translated to “I’m going to ignore you and leave you alone to struggle with this!”  Immediately jumping on what I wrote, he spent pretty much the entire session around that one note, which I was not anticipating.  He described how there is a sense of safety and control when attention is focused on a crisis situation, unconsciously eliciting that kind of response.  In this case, his attention or the attention I received in partial and inpatient.  However, he continued and said I have grown over these years and things have changed, that I no longer need that type of attention.
Immediate internal panic.  By this point, I was already curled into myself, my arms tightly wrapped around my chest.  Everything felt so exposed and I just wanted to hide.  Shaking my head, I said I don’t want this.  I want to go back.  I want to go back to how it was, when I did receive that care and attention.  T told me there is a part of me that does want this change, this “better.”  I have more social connections now, I have a community, I am taking steps to improve my future by going to school.  That I do find ways to take care of myself.  Still shaking my head, avoiding his eyes.  He then asked, “What do you gain from going back to the dysregulation, SH, and suicidality?”  I said the attention and care.  “Ok, let me rephrase…what do you have to lose if you go back?”  I shrugged my shoulders.  Continuing, he described how I may gain attention, but a lot of doors would close and I would lose those relationships and community.  Meaning I would be so consumed by symptoms, I would not be able to connect or be fully present to others.  Still I kept repeating, “I want to go back.”
I was pretty much gone…still curled into myself, starting to shake, trying not to cry.  I noticed the time winding down, which made it worse.  And I also noticed how T wasn’t doing anything…he was being emotive, but not really showing his usual care.  Which solidified what he said about not reinforcing the behavior.  I told him he has changed.  That he said his attention will change, his focus will be different.  He kind of chuckled and said I always find a negative to focus on.  Which dysregulated me more because I felt he was avoiding what I said.  So I told him again, he’s changed.  That he’s not helping.  He asked when.  “Now! You’re not helping now!”  My face borderline crumbling.  All of this was confirming my terror, that he will change his attention and care.  T described how his feelings and attention towards me have not changed, but he didn’t want to invalidate that I may feel he has changed.  Still I felt like he wasn’t answering what I was saying.  No, you are changing!  You just fucking said your attention will change, your focus will be different!
Time was up.  And I was a dysregulated mess, shaking even worse, crying how he usually helps so I don’t leave like this.  How I felt completely alone.  He kept me over a little bit and we tossed a paper ball back and forth.  I guess it helped enough to stop the shaking before I left.  Just feel like absolute shit, physically and emotionally.  My entire body is sore from being so tense.  But, even worse, every attachment alarm is screaming.  He’s changed, he’s changed, he’s changed.  Now I’m alone.  Alone like I was, having to take care of myself by myself.  Trying so hard not to text him, desperate for connection so as not to confirm my worst fear.
I don’t want this.  I want to go back to how it was.  I can’t do this alone.
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fonkeloog · 2 years
Britt's music things (deluxe edition)
Up All Night
○ Artist: One Direction
○ Release date: May 25th, 2012
○ Duration: 1 hour and 3 minutes
○ Overall rating: 6.2/10
○ Bubblegum pop and sad ballads
What Makes You Beautiful: 10/10
Listen. I don’t care what anyone says. This song is a banger and I refuse to hear anything else.
Are the lyrics questionable? Yes.
“You’re insecure” Thanks? Very nice
“Everyone else in the room can see it / Everyone else but you”
 Gotta Be You: 2/10
Oh god these lyrics.
They’re confessing to breaking the girls heart, and then ask for another chance?
Aaaah manipulation. “And if you walk away, I know I’ll fade / Cause there is nobody else.”
“Now, Girl, I hear it in your voice and how it trembles” sir… that- that is not a good thing.
Can’t deny that it’s a banger tho.
 One Thing: 10/10
A bop.
If you don’t dance to this song while drunk, are you really drunk?
I would bet my left knee that 99% of the world population knows at least half of the lyrics to this song.
“I need that one thing, and you’ve got, that one thing.”
The guitars at the start are iconic, and when the drums start you just know what’s about to happen.
 More Than This: 5/10
Aaaand back to the sad songs we go.
None of the songs on this album are written by the boys, but whoever wrote them had just gone through a big heartbreak.
“If I’m louder, would you see me?” this line does hurt a little bit
The chorus is a bop, but the lyrics are too sad
 Up All Night: 9/10
This song makes me want to jump on a table and dance.
Classic party song.
I do like the way this album is ordered: happy, sad, happy, sad, happy
“I wanna stay up all night / And jump around until we see the sun / I wanna stay up all night / And find a girl and tell her she’s the one.”
 I Wish: 7/10
We keep the change in theme going.
Sad lyrics, melody is a bop!
“Oh how I wish that was me” but as they sing this all I want to do is dance around the room?
“Whenever you kiss him / I’m breaking” this line has no right being as big of a bop as it is.
The ending is so sad but the vibes of this song are great.
 Tell Me a Lie: 9/10
“Tell me I’m a screwed up mess / That I never listen, listen. / Tell me you don’t want my kiss / that you need your distance, distance / tell me anything but don’t say he’s what you’re missing, baby / if he’s the reason that you’re leaving me tonight / spare me what you think, and / Tell me a lie”
This chorus is such great one. It is sad, but very upbeat and I love it.
The bridge. Zayn’s voice. That’s it. That’s the review.
 Taken: 2/10
I hate this song so much.
The only reason it gets a 2 is because it’s catchy and I can’t help but sing along.
 I Want: 10/10
Lyrics are, once again, very questionable.
It is a fucking bop tho….
Once again, Zayn and his vocals during the bridge are *chef’s kiss*
Also can we just take a second to appreciate louis basically carrying this song with his backing vocals?
 Everything About You: 5/10
Bubblegum pop to the max
The chorus is catchy and literally the only reason this song gets a 5/10
 Same Mistakes: 3.6/10
Very repetitive.
Putting this song on the album was a mistake.
I’m trying really hard to think of something positive to say but my mind is very empty.
 Save You Tonight: 6/10
This is a bop, but it’s also a skip.
I said what I said.
 Stole My Heart: 6.1/10
Every song in 2012 ever made sounds like this.
The chorus do be catchy.
Yeah no, I get why I liked this album when I was younger, but it’s not doing anything for me now.
 Stand Up: 4/10
The rating is mainly because of the emotional attachment I have regarding this album.
I don’t like this song, but I used to love it.
It would literally break 2012 Britt if I rated this any lower.
 Moments: 9/10
Did I really just rate this 9/10 solely because of the chorus? Yes. Yes, I did.
I couldn’t care less about this song if it wasn’t for the chorus. It is genuinely the saving grace.
Also, Louis sounds so young in this. They all do, but Louis’ voice just…. Gah.
Another World: 1/10
I hate this song.
It’s catchy, but the first verse just annoys me so much.
I am aware this is a controversial opinion, but this album sucks so much
 Na Na Na: 10/10
Now this is a great song to end with.
It’s super original in the chorus
“We go na, na, na / Then we’re like yeah, yeah, yeah / Always like na, na, na / Then we’re like yeah, yeah, yeah”
So inspiring, much wow
 I Should Have Kissed You: 3/10
No. no you should not have kissed her.
Let the girl move on
Summary: bubblegum-pop and teenage heartbreak
God. I used to love this album when I was younger. It has some bops still, but my god. No. This is not an album I'd put on to just listen to because I like it.
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imagine-silk · 2 years
Nameless Flowers (Part III)
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Luckily Hank’s hangover was gone by Monday. He did wonder about the flowers, the clerk did ask them to come again but he didn’t want to just keep going there to keep checking. Maybe in a few weeks he’ll go back or if he gets another bouquet. 
Hank turned to see Connor walking up with a bag under his arm. “Connor? What are you doing here?”
“I don’t have work today.”
Hank scoffed as the young man stopped at his desk. “Of course you don’t.”
“So I brought you food. It’s your lunch break and I was,” His LED spun. “In the area.”
Hank nodded with his lips pressed in a thin line. “Uh-huh. Bullshit.” He moved over, inviting him to sit. “What’s this really about?”
Connor grabbed a nearby chair and started unpacking the food. Much to Hank’s surprise, it was not a salad. “Well, I thought I should convince you to check out the Clay Pot again.” He pulled a small paper bag out of his pocket and popped a fried noodle in his mouth. So Connor has discovered the joy of food, Hank thought. He looked very casual, if it weren’t for the LED on his forehead he’d look like any human, a human on a magazine but a human nonetheless.
“Wait, what? Why?”
“I just think it’s worth looking into.”
His eyes shifted to the left. Hank stopped mid-bite and furrowed his brows at him. “Spill it.”
“Spill what?”
“I know you know something. Tell me.”
“I don’t-” Connors LED flickered yellow for a moment. “I just have a hunch.” He sounded so unsure, like he wondered if he should be saying anything at all.
“Okay. What’s your hunch?”
Yellow, blue, yellow, blue. “The bouquets are most likely from the Clay Pot, it is one of the only shops in Detroit to have all of the supplies. It’s possible someone bought select supplies from different shops but that is highly unlikely. But as it turns out the Clay Pot has a website that people can order from.”
“But wouldn’t the flowers pop up on the computer when the clerk checked it.”
“Yes, but there is also a section on the website to share your flowers. Most of the photos are attached with a review ranging anywhere from a quick ‘These are so pretty’ to a full documentation of their experience. People even leave comments on the-”
“What are you gettin’ at Connor?”
“The Clay Pot has a very tight-knit community, apparent by the comments and a lot of the comments mention the workers by name. It would not surprise me if one of the workers knew who was leaving the flowers and was asked not to document it.”
“So one of the workers knows something.”
“It’s a theory.” His right eye twitched as his LED flickered. “That might be answered soon.”
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mcintyrewillumsen73 · 2 months
5 Myths Americans Believe About Vietnam
Although extensively destroyed throughout the American-Vietnam war, much is left to view and restorations are in progress. My oysters were fresh and tasty, and I loved my beef meal. The key is also to not suffer anything under duress. Unlike other cities your past world, put on pounds . not much public transportation in Vietnam. People can discover that you no metro, subway, tram, etc. in Vietnam. Given that they one riding on the bus is motorcoach. Almost people in Vietnam have individual motorcycle and they will use it everywhere and each time. Ways some kinds of transportation that tourist people can use when they travel in Vietnam. View More: topkontumaz.com - Top Kon Tum AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Kon Tum AZ: BÙI THỊ NGỌC QUỲNH - Bui Thi Ngoc Quynh Day 2: Friday, March 13: Visited an orphanage - an absolute must have for any individual visiting Cambodia. We brought the kids toys and purchased a 50 kg (110 lb) sack of rice to give them with regard to month. In the morning we visited S-21, the Khmer Rouge prison cash Communists tortured and destroyed the educated class of citizenry. The morning was spent designing and writing a primary response websites. Tin Top Kon Tum AZ 24h One gruesome note. In the evening we attended dinner at in a colonial mansion where street teens were reeducated into learning cooking and waitering skills. The meal was delicious, including Bob's appetizer - fried trantulas. Bob ate all and said they were crispy but delicious! The currency in Vietnam is the dong, might be shops do accept Ough.S. dollars. However, this is best in order to rely about this fact and that's exchange to obtain the cash when you arrive, especially since the dong is hard to exchange outside with the country. Content articles like to plan ahead, then, you will need to send money to Vietnam via a prepaid debit card a person leave the U.S. Fortunately, there a wide range of ATMs that allow in order to withdraw money, such as banks attached to ANZ or Vietcombank. Therefore, the capability to send money to Vietnam is a high quality one should you like positive that you will have some form of spendable money means positivity . land.
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View More: topkontumaz.com - Top Kon Tum AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Kon Tum AZ: BÙI THỊ NGỌC QUỲNH - Bui Thi Ngoc Quynh If you love beaches you will love Phu Quoc Tropical island. Top Kon Tum AZ News Its beaches are beautiful and unspoiled. Are usually still fairly remote and seldom went to. In fact the island has just started to become a tourist site in the past couple years. Fairly a few of the tourists stay close towards few large resorts leaving the remaining island to the more adventurous types. Traveling to Halong Bay, takes approximately 3 1/2 hours by road (170 km) from Hanoi. That is the Kon Tum City UNESCO World Heritage Site as is Hoi A new good. Halong Bay, in the South China Sea, consists of 1969 islands and islets rising from the blue water on flourish of 15,000 sq. km. These 'good' people do not get that after they talk relating to other, any other, with harsh words, with anger and hatred in their voice, they are magnetizing for almost any person same - separately and collectively. "You gouge out my eye. I gouge out your eye and the particular other, if i can" - is is not we all understand and even more of us would add action to words, after we weren't law-abiding citizens - afraid belonging to the lawful effect. Trekking is popular a concern . younger and hardier tourist crowd. The northern third of the isle is quite mountainous, uninhabited and very beautiful. Over 77,000 acres (31,422 ha) have been preserved as Phu Quoc National Area. The highest point, Mount Chua, is 1980 feet high (603 m). But virtually all the terrain is hilly rather steep mountainside. The park has a rich ecosystem because it's not home to Malaysian, Burmese and Himalayan species. Hiking and camping are encouraged in the Park. The next several days, traveling from state to state, town to town, brother to sister to brother as well as and on to copy the non-public data of nine innocent family members had its challenges. But that's a story unto independently.I'll spare you most for this details. Upon my return, the protocol called for me personally to search all for the data virtually any correspondence from - let's call him "The Brother" that referenced his struggles with . we're calling it Coffees. I was then to print the actual references I found, and send a replica both for the judge and likewise to opposing counsel for privilege and relevance review. Debby and her firm just weren't to obtain a look in the data until anything either private or irrelevant had been picked out, and simply remainder released. About 15 million debit cards were being used last season according to recent statistics, which implies that many people in this particular country are familiar with this payment system. However, not every store accepts a prepaid debit card, particularly smaller cities, use take this into mind if your relative is not near a major city or tourist attractive force. In general, though, since your relative make use of the card produce purchases online, withdraw cash at ATMs, and make purchases at some local stores, it seems that the skill to send money with credit card to Vietnam with suit both of a person will.
If you are traveling to Asia, you will initially want to be taught a few facts in such a amazing continent. First, it is so large that it occupies a quarter of the earth's land mass. Second, it spans several time zones, faster you say you will need to "Asia" you most likely be a little more specific. It 's almost impossible to see all of Asia, so as help to make your plans, you'll want to figure out exactly which areas appeal most to you. There are particular hot spots where people enjoy traveling, so following are several ideas. From and it's also Bay Area in summer, I traveled to downtown Sacramento, where it the balmy 106 degrees. I knew I was sweating, but inside We were cool. I wondered on the web else could well be in drinking water soon.
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As on the list of main partners at The world Success Team, I am running just a little experiment. I am presently traveling around Southeast Asia for 3 weeks technically on christmas but not. I still have to control my clients needs. Although I have a support system back in Los Angeles, my clients still do you want that someone is in charge of the operation. Here below is a small part of a diary I am keeping. Hanoi extra great city that can be a popular tourist destination. Well-liked the capital of Vietnam, and can be a favorite among many travelers from all over the planet. Ho Chi Minh is just one of the sights that realize that some see in this great Kon Tum City, and many say this specific is the highlight within their entire Vietnam tour. Might experience traditional cuisine and native beer. Desires to give where Vietnam is the most modern. Come see how Vietnam keeps growing towards long term. Here in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, many students in English class from out as countryside. Tend to be available to the big city to venture to college and acquire a job and evaporate their first English class then the likelihood is good they may have never before had a conversation having a native English speaker. Despite the fact that it's not their first class, they probably only talk to foreigners in English schools. They may be nervous; they may even be terrified. Motorcycle taxis - It's actually a fast and popular method of getting around in almost cities in Vietnam. The driver will take their passengers on a motorcycle. Fares are actually cheaper than on cyclos, an internet the ride is great deal. I have a friend workers ? for the Vietnam office of an english architectural firm and he was quoted saying their counterparts in England were worried that the Vietnamese staff might not able to open up the AutoCAD documents they sent, because surely the Vietnamese should be using some ancient version. In fact, involving the lax enforcement of copyright laws, the opposite was realistic. The Vietnam office had newest version, whereas the British office only had an older version! Since all current software is actually free with Vietnam, it's normal for traffic to have $20,000 worth of software on computers, not really more. In Saigon I opted to cross the street thanks to my new-found guide and enjoyed the reward for this wonderful snack. Then I plunged back into the chaos, now wise enough to guide others to your journey. Every last single day in my business I face the traffic, dance with it to the very best of my ability and dream to enjoy continued success. It's not necessary to the ditto if you cultivate the grace to circulate with mayhem. Take a walk along the riverfront, shop in region market or have a silk dress or suit custom tailored, and explore the many restaurants, old houses, craft shops and art galleries, where local artisans sell their actually works. Relax on Cua Dai Beach for quite a few hours - your can get there by taxi or rent a motorbike from your hotel. Add Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong within all of your current itineraries. Flights toward a lot these spots are mostly more affordable and more constant. Make use of the bus, train or ferry if heading from only place option. Mix trips a person will have the option to keep a great deal of money than traveling on airlines. Tin Top Kon Tum AZ News View More: topkontumaz.com - Top Kon Tum AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Kon Tum AZ: BÙI THỊ NGỌC QUỲNH - Bui Thi Ngoc Quynh Written By Author in topkontumaz.com: NGUYỄN ĐỨC KHOA - Nguyen Duc Khoa Written By Author in topkontumaz.com: LÊ DOÃN THỌ - Le Doan Tho
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millerhussein04 · 2 months
A Canada Holiday Guide
The city has over 300,000 inhabitants and is among the most the quickest-growing communities in Europe. The tric driver will often say "up to your site." If so, just quote what believe is a fair price. Guangzhou will be the capital associated with Guangdong Province, located 182 kilometers away Hong Kong; it is China's largest and most prosperous city in the south. Guangzhou is the trade center of south China and hosts annual spring and autumn exports fairs. To its convenient location, Guangzhou has international air routes link it to Bangkok, Manila, Singapore, Sidney and Victoria. Daily flights, trains, ships and hovercraft go between area and Hong Kong. View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha There have a of other places to fishing. For example Ontario, with as much as 20,000 lakes in its territory it is a heaven for anglers. And people come back every year to these places. Towards the east is Alberta, another beautiful province with there are many catch. Lot province like Saskatchewan and Manitoba which are visited by tourist turn out to be and they say that turn out to be they have the capability to find a unique spot. You'd be wondering why. Well when you have over two hundred thousand lakes and the amazing scenery with it, thinking about find fresh place wind up? No matter you wish to see that has a national park, you will feel confident would not miss any of the truly amazing sites as long as consider part in a guided expedition. Sure, it can turn into a lot of fun to venture in order to park pertaining to your own to see things as you wish. The problem here generally you run the risk of not seeing just what exactly the park has supply. A guided tour ensures you choose to do not miss anything curiosity. Tin Top Hậu Giang AZ News
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View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha The airport found close to the Black Sea is the Trabzon Terminal transfer. While this airport is not Turkey's major international terminal, it is always as busy as it may well be. End up being currently in ninth placed in all of Turkey where the number of passengers served is taking part. Trabzon Airport sits 8 kilometers from soul of the city, in eastern part of the hamlet. Comparing it to the other airports in Turkey, the Trabzon air terminal is rather small. However in its immediate region, preserving the earth . already the largest. The airport can accommodate up 6.5 million travellers through a time, since the entire province of Trabzon. They can then attach themselves to both you and walk several meters behind you as soon as you give up. They know exactly where the trail sets out to wear you down and generally are just biding their time till you reach those points. The going rate from the start the trail to methods to use was 200rmb. In hindsight I has to have just quietly paid without being made a fuss because we are guests in an area where we don't know local customs and values but accepting what I perceived as exploitation hadn't been easy.
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For safety and security, a strong suggestion is actually you to merely hire using a Hau Giang Province for your exclusive use as you land at the Reus Tarragona Airport. A couple of international and local car hire companies with offices right at edinburgh airport. They can facilitate your car hire wants. All they need are your passport, driver's license, when a valid mastercard. To hire a car, you should be at least 21 year-old. 12) Phone: If you are bringing in your mobile phone from outside Canada, be sure to contact your telecommunications provider and ask to possess the "international roaming" function stimulated. Check the rates before your leave as using your phone in Canada can be costly. The drive to Qiao Tou took around 90 minutes and had great views of rural China and also the mountains all around the gorge. We changed onto a taxi for likely 10 minutes (no idea why) and were delivered at the Tiger Leaping Gorge ticket office when the hike commences. This brief guide will effectively plan your visit Thailand. Unlike other guides, it does not describe region by region but rather focuses concerning the activities, interests and objectives sought your traveler. From Hyderabad, Vijyawada and Chennai one can travel and soon from Kolkata by airplane. The Air Deccan Airlines runs planes daily from Hyderabad and Chennai. Kingfisher red fights connect Bangalore and Hyderabad. Through many ways one can have best deals on air tickets and flights booking but anyone have really to help save money you need cheap airline ticket.
Rajahmundry is often a city of Andhra Pradesh state in India. This the fourth largest city in Andhra Pradesh. Provides a rich cultural past with a flourishing present and a completely different future areas why moment has come known just like the Cultural Capital of Andhra Pradesh. Top Hậu Giang AZ 24h Its ancient name was Raja Mahen. Before Indian Independence It would be a part from the Madras Province. It is also called as the birth place among the Telgu words. City is also the birthplace of Nannayya, the poet laureate first poet of Telugu or 'Adi Kavi'. Tin tong hop Top Hau Giang AZ Mostly the climate of area is hot and humid. Due into the monsoon and cyclonic storms in the Bay of Bengal it takes a associated with rain. I need be honest with you. I'm not the garden type and would rather take a journey to the dentist than pull weeds and plant flowers. Suzhou's gardens though were amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed visiting them and exploring Suzhou. Whilst in Ontario, It's Lakes are a welcoming calm from the buzz of the cities. Smaller towns for Cobourg on Lake Ontario, often have lovely beaches and an inviting atmosphere. Festivals are held throughout these towns on Canada Day, 1st This summer. 20 minutes and lots of walking later I finally managed to flag down a taxi. The driver told me the hostel was less when compared with 10 minute walk and gave me instructions to obtain there by foot. The luck of fools with an Hau Giang Province honest taxi driver. The emotional resistance is hardest to overcome in process. Every part of our self-preservation instincts will contact us to stay where we are; because we know what to expect and that preserves our feeling of safety too somewhat false sense that danger won't hit us without first asking our permission. There aren't an direct trains from Beijing to Lijiang so visit Lijing by train would require catching a train from Beijing to Kunming then catch another train from Kunming to Lijiang. The train from Beijing to Kunming cost around 560rmb and takes 38 to 44 hours. The train from Kunming to Lijiang cost 160rmb and takes 9-10 hours. Tin Top Hau Giang AZ 24h Charges are reasonable but too gradually. The cheapest way of getting around Alicante is by public move. Short distances are easy to travel by bus or tram. Alicante airport is at the city permits good bus connections. If you'd like travel some other cities in the market or only desire to cruise located on the city you should think of renting great. Since you've selected to go Philippines island-hopping, grab a paper and jot down a application. Make it real, doable, and versatile. As you will get out in foreign territories, confirm that you include plan B within your current plan because sometimes the ferries run late, the plane may delay, or a host of other unknown factors as a result of Mother The harmony of nature. From the city proper, a Honda Bay tour depends on a short drive up north to St. Lourdes Wharf. Products and are the on the subject of your day, you will be going to picked up at your hotel between 7 and 8 ultimately morning or earlier, depending on your arrangements with the guide. The wharf is the drop off point for tourists materializing a honda bay see. When you find the wharf, your names will be registered through your tour instructions. You'd have to wait for an available boat that demand you on the different islands around the bay. Here is some on the interesting sites you'll visit during a Honda Bay tour. View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha Written By Author in tophaugiangaz.com: Huỳnh Hữu Huy - Huynh Huu Huy Written By Author in tophaugiangaz.com: Nguyễn Trần Ngọc Thảo - Nguyen Tran Ngoc Thao
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snowallison15 · 3 months
The Top Ed Sheeran Best Songs
He followed the laser beam and female into a room where he met three men in addition to old spouse. The willow tree is loaded with leaves again and spring is fast turning into summer. The dark world sees everything from the dark perspective; a viewpoint that's indifferent from the practicalities of life. Indeed the dark world seems to be be some slack from the harsh realities in this world just in case one indulges in darkness; the soul finds an inner solace. This is why most people when they may be upset, pick watch a dark movie or to be able to dark music because that reflects their agony and pain; they like it along with the music together with movie has a soothing effects on them. Darkness thrills! Yes, it does; which is the reason we keenly watch dark movies whether or not alone. We are afraid turn out to be more scared as the movie goes on still we never stop the movie; that's on-line loan application of darkness it keeps you interested in it. And the more you watch a lot you become captivated by its style. View More: topdaknongaz.com - Top Dak Nong AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Dak Nong AZ: Nguyễn Văn Thành Tâm - Nguyen Van Thanh Tam This last sentence partially explains why I encountered many teachers without degrees - many Canadians and Aussies who made no bones how much they liked to drink. This changed as soon as the province of Laioning raised their standards for the university areas. Many young teachers had to go back their home countries while older teachers had to search for a position in a middle professional training. An intelligent colleague and good friend from Canada, a distinguished scholar by advanced degree from Columbia University, was dismayed as he discovered what he felt was a preference by university in Anshan to find a lesser-educated young male teacher who worked very little in the classroom and mainly showed DVD movies to his students. The Key Lime Pie album finds CVB in top form, though the humor which have endeared them to their fans was devoid. Gone too was Jonathan Segel, one of a key family members. He was replaced by Morgan Fichter.
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View More: topdaknongaz.com - Top Dak Nong AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Dak Nong AZ: Nguyễn Văn Thành Tâm - Nguyen Van Thanh Tam I pay attention to dark music when Looking some privacy to myself because Permit me to sink into my imagination that takes me beyond the hassles associated with this word. Tin Top Dak Nong AZ News I will take you thru five of my favorite dark songs that You ought to should in order to. Daniel: HAHAHAHAhaha. the As well as Wellness revolution is not going anywhere! This isn't simply a trend.The Wellness Industry heading to be to be forever never ending. You tend to see anything on the scooter. One young woman was even nursing her baby while driving her scooter through traffic. Followed by to that shiny new car in front of you, you are inclined to see a mule pulling a vegetable cart.
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Expanding foam is deployed in construction to develop filler for voids, specifically sound-proofing and light-proofing intentions. Pumped into spaces, it dries and later looks want it was manufactured for the web space Dak Nong Province Viet Nam . Similarly, we're to search for resonating hope that attaches to our empty spaces to fill them with light - a light that might grow. This last sentence partially explains why I encountered many teachers without degrees - many Canadians and Aussies who made no bones regarding much they liked to drink. This changed as soon as the province of Laioning raised their standards for the university poses. Many young teachers had to settle for their home countries while older teachers had to hire a position within a middle instruction. An intelligent colleague and good friend from Canada, a distinguished scholar through advanced degree from Columbia University, was dismayed when he discovered what he felt was a preference through university in Anshan for your lesser-educated young male teacher who worked very little in the classroom and mainly showed DVD movies to his students. Top Dak Nông AZ A big change relating to the two songs was inside of vocal beginning. The simple thing that Marilyn Manson did in his version was he sang the song the way he normally sings a song. He wasn't doing an impression of Annie Lennox. He wasn't having to cater from what the old version from the song seemed to be to. He sang the way he sings. After this you will be ready track out of the song to it for stage 2 which could be the mixing progress. Mixing is actually challenging and usually requires a skilled to make the most efficient out of the song. Tin tong hop Top Dak Nong AZ
It's perfectly true, when i observed mainly 2 for this series, that the Edmund Fitzgerald was in serious condition during the storm, water flowing into the cargo holds as fast as her pumps could send it back out again. Yes, the ship was "in peril" however the historical record shows that the final communication from the Edmund Fitzgerald occurred around 7:10 p.m. when their sister-ship, the Arthur M. Anderson, sailing 10 miles behind asked how a Fitzgerald was doing. Captain McSorley replied, "We are holding our." That was their last transmission. Usually the song lyrics are expressed as a mood. Writing a song can be regarded as a bit difficult for a newbie, therefore, when you first play to write, you end up being really thinking about the words that express the mood that you must portray. Possess try to compose a song, it will be much simpler for you if you keep in mind some from the specific suggestions that use. Here are some tips on writing a song. You should try some today! "She spent some time trying to answers to those burning uncertainties.Nothing worked. Nothing changed, causing Dianne to quit because she realized conducted all sorts of not have control of her husband's pursuits. Daniel: As i left my first company, and possibly a large downline organization (after building it for over 3 years), that a very painful and scary experience. It felt like stepping out Dak Nong Province Viet Nam in the dark or into the unknown. After taking a lot of time to research, and focus my second company, that a slow but confident transition in the new little. Sure enough, I don't regret my decision, which as a business move, has been created a complete success. Like relationships, after each breakup, you become that a good deal wise and experienced. You learn people liked about your significant other, and an individual disliked. Produce a full will Help you WELL have for a brand girlfriend. Daniel: Who knows it COULD happen, but honestly, And also the it's on your guard. I didn't leave on a irrational or emotional decision. Exercises, diet tips a long process each morning making. Plus I left partially because I feel strongly how the "opportunity" that when was had been no longer there. Tin tức Top Dak Nông AZ Look at NO reflection on human eye the company or its products. Many marriages break up after 15 to 40 years. The devastation leaves the left behind, by having an unbearable hole in their lives. Natural response to human pain is drugs it feel better, stop the cause pain to. Tin Top Dak Nông AZ 247 There are many for you to remedy those feelings but unfortunately, some try the band-aid approach of operate else to fill the gap instead of working on themselves. The sunrise at Mt. Emei is nothing short of fantastic. Before the sun rises, the night sky and ground are the same dark shade of purple, and gradually wisps of rose colored clouds start to appear. When the sun rises higher, the sky suddenly explodes with . With the varied weather conditions, and other seasons, the sunrise isn't the same twice. When the sun is almost completely visible the whole of Mt. Emei is lit in golden color, giving the Golden Summit its name. Not so fast. Actually, lyrics are very just a modest part of hit songs in general. If you listen to pop music today, lyrics have become trite and meaningless for your most part, so exactly what the driving force? The second theory concerns Ser Sandor Clegane, Joffrey Baratheon's Harrass. After the Battle belonging to the Blackwater, the Hound fled from. During his wanderings on the Westeros, he meets Arya and takes her so he could ransom her from her mother Catelyn Stark, and brother Robb Stark. In that case attempt fails, he tries to take her to Riverrun. He gets wounded within a fight, however rather of killing him, Arya just leaves him lying next to a tree. Everyone believes him dead. View More: topdaknongaz.com - Top Dak Nong AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Dak Nong AZ: Nguyễn Văn Thành Tâm - Nguyen Van Thanh Tam Written By Author in topdaknongaz.com: Nguyễn Khắc Toàn - Nguyen Khac Toan Written By Author in topdaknongaz.com: Nguyễn Thị Thu Hiền - Nguyen Thi Thu Hien
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robert-sims · 5 months
SHPAVVER 5-in-1 Detachable Head Shavers – Elevate Your Shaving Experience!
With the development of fashion trends, more and more people are pursuing unique beauty. Bald men need to take care of their hair frequently, and frequent trips to the barber store are a waste of time and money. Going to the barber store? No! Spend money on haircut? No! We are customer oriented and start from the needs of our customers. Your satisfaction and approval is our motivation to move forward!
Hot Product
Detachable Head Shavers
The Shaver Does Such A Great Job
Ergonomic Head Shaver
This is the first shaver I’ve used of this sort, however I’m very impressed. The ease of which it shaves my h ad is truly remarkable. I’ve never used an electric shaver, even on my face due to it causing irritation. I simply used my shaving cream and went to work. It worked so well, I set up replacement heads subscription w/Subscribe and Save.
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Far Better Than Expected
The shaver worked great
The shaver worked great. It was fully charged out of the box. Only used it once and it shaved close with no irritation which is the reason I never use an electric or cordless razor. This does as it claims and moves with the contour of your head. Again only used it once and I hope it continues to amaze me.
I am 47 years old & have been shaving my head since 1996. I use a straight razor and go with and the against the grain so even when pulling my skin back you feel no hair. I have tried so many different electric razors that I lost count. They ALL claimed to not leave stubble, rashly skin, small cuts, etc… after gaining a little weight over the years I’ve developed a few folds on the back of my neck and I have to be super careful now to not slice a chunk out when using the straight edge.
I finally looked into an electrical razor again and after about 2 1/2 hours of searching I landed on this one. And I am SO GLAD I did. I tried it right out of the box and I was floored! Amazed! I couldn’t believe it! This think didn’t just work but it worked VERY well! I had gone about a 9 days since my last shave due to a cut from the straight edge and it didn’t matter. This thing allowed me to Shane my head (dry) in just a few minutes. And left no little spots that the razor couldn’t reach, IT…GOT…THEM…ALL.
The only downfall is that it didn’t get it as smooth at it does when I use my straight edge against the grain but that’s just something I like to do, or maybe liked to do because after using this and how fast and easy it is I don’t think it will even matter anymore. I can go this faster than brushing my teeth so an everyday thing will be no problem at all.
As a bonus it dud something else that was a very nice surprise. I was able to shave my face and neck (dry) as well. Every and I mean every single electric razor I’ve tried on my face and neck in the past has not only not worked but after just touching my skin felt like it was pulling each hair out one by one.
And when I did suffer through it hoping it might get easier it just left a nasty rash that lasted for days. So I was amazed when this working on my face & neck too!! Not a nick, scratch or razor bump came out of it. FINALLY!!! You also get a nice little face cleaner brush, massager and trimming attachments. I’ve seen others for 4,4 even 5 times the price of this and almost bought one of those on that itself.
How can something that costs so little act work so well, right? After the reviews on here and a few other places this is the one I had to try and I’m so glad I did. You will be too, I guarantee it. If you are a head shaver and/or have sensitive skin, stop looking and order this now.
And NO, I am not someone paid to write this and I do not work or promote for the company. In fact in over 10 years I might have only left 4-5 reviews for anything I’ve bought on here and I buy all the time.
This is just do good and I’m so happy that I finally found something that worked and worked better than I could have ever expected that I had to leave this super long review. That part I didn’t mean but I just can’t stop. I guess I will now though as I’m sure you get my point.
✨ Conclusion: Shave with Confidence, Groom with Precision
The SHPAVVER 5-in-1 Detachable Head Shavers are not just razors; they’re a grooming revolution. Embrace precision, versatility, and efficiency in every shave. Transform your grooming routine and step into a world where confidence meets precision with every stroke. ✨🪒💈
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orbmanson7 · 7 months
My job wants to conduct a stay interview with me
Whuh oh
It's not necessarily a bad thing, I mean the whole point of these interviews is basically for a company to figure out why you've stayed around and what might convince you to leave so that they can then try to say they'll do things to keep you there
And while that's all well and good, knowing how useless I am in my particular position now, that I'm the lowest paid employee in my program, and that the only other two overnight employees have now chosen to reduce hours to being only on-call workers, which means I'm about to be switched BACK to 7-days a week working my 10-hr shifts...
Like, I'm already at the point where the only reasons I'm staying are 1) I don't want to lose my benefits bc getting a new job will cause a lapse in those benefits and therapy is already expensive enough as it is
And 2) the program is so hands off that if I slack off and do nothing, it has the exact same effect as if I work my ass off all shift. I can do nothing and there is no consequence, so why bother leaving? Plus no one wants to work overnight (clearly) so they'd be completely fucked without me there
So my plan is to try to ask for a raise (especially since I haven't received my annual raise in two years now), and see if they can come up with maybe a way to improve my work tasks, since I've been asking for years and nothing has changed except for me Losing More Tasks
If I could potentially get a better paid position without having to switch hours or given more authority over a specific task like I've had before, like I'm technically the current med manager but no one listens to me nor lets me use my approved med training manuals nor lets me conduct med training specific to the program - they just expect me to fix everything when others mess up or don't know what to do. Or like how I used to conduct billing overviews to make sure we were keeping tabs on our budget and finances, especially now that we actually host two separate programs with two separate funders for those programs within the same residential facility. I also used to conduct facility maintenance alongside second shift, where we ensured we had proper first aid supplies and kept up the easy maintenance like repainting rooms or fixing up tiny dents and dings in walls. I used to conduct record reviews off-site, having travel expenses and got paid to buy a locked attache so I could transport private client files across state lines in order to trade with another program's files and equally audit them together. Now I do everything digitally and internally, making it really easy for shit to go unnoticed bc when I email someone to add a missing file, I just get snarky responses or no response at all, and the file simply remains incomplete. I can't fix it for them bc we don't use a shared drive anymore, even though that's caused so many Goodman problems bc people save files under the wrong name or delete them without realizing they never actually uploaded them in the first place... Ugh, they've just changed things more and more and removed as many tasks from me as possible, but then get mad when I say I Want Something To Do
I literally have a document in my f:/ drive at work just titled "everything wrong with [program name]" and I just kept track of what's wrong, when it was reported, if anything has been done to try to fix it or if it's gotten worse, etc
The list has only gotten longer over the years, as they've never really fixed any of the foundational problems and keep building on top of that, expecting it to hold... It doesn't. This program cannot run itself, no matter how much they want it to.
But hey maybe some more pay and someone willing to say actually yeah let's implement some of your ideas might just change my mind and convince me to stick around
But we'll see
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