#if you can't tell these two series have a chokehold on me
hellsquills · 1 month
Malpractice VS Manslaughter: The Polls
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staytinyville · 4 months
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Stay Alive (42)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: none
A/N NOT BETA. I am back to writing! I am crying. You have no idea how terrible this past two weeks was for me. I felt so out of place not writing but for some reason I couldn't find it in me to get back to it. I had lost literally all passion for it. So much happened that really didn't put me in the right state of mind. But I got back to it and found my passion again! So here is the long awaited Hobi chapter! I'm so excited to hear your thoughts on this one.
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Hoseok lived in the same region your grandparents had. It was nice to take in the beautiful sights you were so familiar with. However, watching as creatures and different kinds of magical beasts mingle about. The flora and fauna were much different to your own home–it seemed like everything flourished a lot more. 
Taehyung had told you about how witches and faeries lived out in nature because it made them feel connected. As you held onto his hand, you smiled softly as his fingers weaved between the bushes and trees that covered the path they were taking. Your eyes widened as the foliage seemed to bloom and follow along with his hands. 
“Hoseok!” Someone shouted, moving along the path as they came upon a large cottage. 
You smiled to yourself, finally seeing the kind of house you had assumed this world would have. However, it was still large. You were sure the inside looked spectacular. 
You let go of Hoseok’s hand, allowing him to embrace his mother and another woman who was crying. 
“Oh, my baby boy!” His mother smiled, looking over his shoulder to find you. “This must be your mate.” She exclaimed walking over to you to give you a hug. “I’m so happy to finally meet you.”
She turned around to her son, smiling as he was being bullied by the other woman. She had him in a chokehold, laughing when he tried to pull at her with the grass that was growing exponentially. 
“I came home when mom called to tell us that you finally came back.” She smiled, patting Hoseok on the back. 
“All thanks to (Y/N).” Hobi smiled, reaching out for your hand. 
“We owe you so much.” Hoseok’s mother smiled softly, dropping her hand onto your shoulder. 
“It was nothing.” You smiled bashfully. 
“Nonsense!” Hoseok’s sister exclaimed. “Please, allow me to give you something in return.” She reached out to hold your hands. “Not only did you bring my brother back but you also brought his coven home. I'm sure their families would give you something as well.” She told you softly. 
“I don't know—” You tried to tell her it was alright but she just gave you a smile. 
“Let me give you a reading.” She stopped you.
“A reading?” Your eyebrows furrowed, looking over at Hobi. 
“Jiwoo is a master at reading people.” He explained. “Witches clairsenses are a lot stronger than anyone else. We can predict futures, see the dead, see what haunts you. It's part of our abilities.” He told you. 
You grew interested, being reminded about how Taehyung had explained his abilities to you. He did tell you that you could find out what Hobi was capable of if you asked him. You assumed readings were part of the things witches could do that faeries couldn’t. 
“Taehyung can't do that then?” You questioned. 
“No.” Hobi answered. “Telepathy and mental manipulation is our thing. He can't do any of that.”
“Fairies have energy manipulation which is a very powerful thing.” Jiwoo told you. “However we have healing and can control the elements.”
You looked down to the grass, seeing that it had gone back to normal now that the siblings weren’t play fighting. You also remembered how the leaves and the trees followed after Hobi’s fingers as he passed them. You wondered what it was like to watch him play with fire or water. 
“That's so cool.” You breathed out. 
“Come.” Jiwoo quickly brought you into their home, the decor modernized as you guessed. “Sit!” She pushed you to sit at the dining table, moving a chair in front of you and taking your hands. “I already saw a lot the moment you walked in.”
You could feel something tingle at your fingertips, making you tilt your head. You suddenly felt something hovering over your shoulder. Hobi and his mother were standing behind Jiwoo, watching with curiosity. You wanted to turn your head and see what it was but Jiwoo stopped you before you could. 
“Oh.” You watched as Jiwoo’s eyebrows rose, making you glance up at Hobi. 
“I think the first thing I should say—you have a past with our world.” Jiwoo turned up to you. “Don't you?” She asked. 
“Yeah.” You sighed, thinking about your grandfather. “Apparently I do.”
Jiwoo nodded her head, smiling over your shoulder. “You have a protector too. They've been there since you were a little girl. Butterflies are what I see around you.” She explained, running her fingers along your palms just to get a sense of your energy. 
“Nabi.” Hobi spoke up. “It was a name you kept saying but didn't know where it came from.” 
“They're someone very important in your story. Both the past and this one.” Jiwoo nodded to herself, pausing as though she was listening to someone. “I'm positive they were the ones who led you to my brother and his coven.”
“You really think that?” You asked, eyes wide. 
“Of course.” Jiwoo hummed. 
You flinched just for a moment, hearing a childish giggle from behind you. Hobi and his family must have heard because they all looked over you, smiling softly. You turned around, frowning when you couldn’t find anything. It was clear that the Jung family could see things that you were not. 
“Now something I find extremely fascinating is the number 5.” You quickly furrowed your eyebrows, wondering what that would mean. 
“It keeps turning up–four and then two. They are different animals–different creatures.” This only served to make you more confused. If it was about the boys there was seven of them, not five. It made you worry, thinking something was going to happen. 
“I can't really tell what they are going to be but I know they have to do with the boys.” Jiwoo turned around, quickly pulling her brother to the table. “Hobi, come here.” She told him, making him place his hand over your own. 
“Ah!” Jiwoo gasped out, hands flying away from the two of you as though she had been burned. “I found it! Babies!” She jumped up, her face having elation as she turned to her mother.
“Babies?” You asked, still confused. You looked up at Hobi, watching as he seemed to have a frown on his face and looked beyond confused. 
Hobi was nowhere near as powerful when it came to his clairsense like his sister was. The most he knew was his mental abilities so watching how his sister made him take your hand brought things out of him. He saw the animals that seemed to scurry around. They were small things, indicating something childish and small. It was clear that Jiwoo knew exactly what they all meant by her screeching. 
“Eomma!” Jiwoo shouted. “Five grandbabies!”
“Five?” You whispered, wide eyed.
“Grandbabies?” Hoseok repeated. 
Hobi’s mother and sister took a moment to gush and talk about it–claiming that Hobi was going to be one of the babies' fathers. However you just kind of sat there with a wide eyed expression trying to go through the motions. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t want children, it had more to do with the question Taehyung had asked you when you had visited his family. If you were to have their kids did that mean you were going to stay with them? Was that your answer without you even reaching it on your own?
Later that night, Hobi had taken you to his room–showing off everything he could. You smiled softly when he showed you his elemental manipulation. He created ice sculptures for you, made the wind blow through your hair, and had a flicker of fire crackling at his palms. It served to entertain you for a while, keeping your mind off what had happened with his mother. 
But after she came to bid you both a goodnight, you were left awestruck once more at the happy expression the woman had on her face. You couldn’t know how she must have felt–spending ten years without her son only to come back and hear that he had finally found his forever and was going to make a family of his own. 
It must have been something that one would think hard on–especially because the one who was meant to be the mate to seven men was human and not from their world. 
“Five children.” You brought up, laying on Hobi’s chest. “Oh god.” You chuckled quietly. 
“Wow, wow, wow.” Hoseok sat up, bringing you along with him so he could look at you properly. “You're okay. You're fine.” He tried to tell you. “Let's not think about it at the moment, yeah?” He said softly. 
“How can I not?” You sighed. “Jiwoo told yoru mom it was going to be her grandchildren.” You smiled lightly, memorizing Hobi’s face. “Does that mean I'm going to have a family with you?” You whispered to him.
“Not everything is set in stone.” Hobi’s shoulders dropped thinking it wasn’t something you wanted. “You can always change your future.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, pulling a hand up to his cheek. “What if I don't want to?” You whispered.
His eyes went wide, looking at you incredulously. “You want—to start a family with me? With us?” He gasped, lip trembling as he thought about it. 
“I don't think we're there yet but, staying with you all has been on my mind.” You laughed lightly.
“Who told you?” Hobi pouted, knowing it had been one of the boys who brought it up to you. 
“Taehyung.” You giggled. 
“Such a boy.” He rolled his eyes. 
Taking a glance over your face, he smiled softly, moving to rub a thumb across your cheek. “Hey, I love you with everything in me. You have done so much for all of us that it's hard not to love you.” 
“But we want you to know that even if we do love you, it's not our choice to make.” He added softly.
“I love you, Hoseok. I love you all so much I don't think I'd want to be away from you.” You leaned forward, breathing against his lips. 
“We have to save everyone first. And then we can talk about our coven.” Hoseok told you. 
He leaned down capturing your lips in a kiss. 
And so you smiled at him, knowing exactly what you wanted to do now that you had heard it from them all. You weren’t going to leave them. It would hurt too much. So you knew that deep down this was your story alongside them.
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Series Masterlist
@h3arteyes4mingi , @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh , @rinkud, @rln-byg , @singukieee ,  @hoshi-is-ult-bbg , @ldysmfrst , @juju-2275922 , @alienchickenpoop , @dreamerwasfound , @afangirl91 , @psiphidragon , @puppyminnnie , @shyloh-the-cornsnake , @ollyoxenfrees , @whynotlarene , @beeltsumu , @cryingpages , @milopenne , @belikejk , @thatonedemigodfromseoul , @woozixo,
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regulusrules · 1 year
Ranking the best 10 Merlin episodes + a fic rec based on each one:
(absolutely not based on how gay they were) ((no order for the eps; they're all chef's kiss)) (((last two fics have a hold on me that levels the show itself; worth scrolling for)))
1. The Poisoned Chalice
Look. There is something just absolutely entrancing about introducing this episode in the first five of the entire show. Like, this hands-on was the sole reason everyone fell for those two idiots. It beautifully captured how the saving each other thing is reciprocal, because the first three episodes you just have to watch Merlin run around saving Arthur, never the reverse. Producing it early on in the show was the decision that, in my opinion, held everyone in their chokehold for eternity.
Fic rec: you are my favorite mistake (it can only be fate) by @multifandom-jess.
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2. The Death Song of Uther Pendragon
I could go on and on for how this episode singlehandedly carried s5 on its shoulder. Like, okay I unfortunately love s5 with all my fucking heart, but this episode was perfect. Ghosts? Check. Banter? Check. POETRY?? Check check. A slap to Uther's face? Oh how beautifully checked.
It's so easy to recall how Arthur truly loved his father, but in this episode, the turmoil you see in his eyes from the actions of his father and how he resorts to saving the ones he loves (Merlin) over his father, is just too beautiful to be overlooked. Ever since Arthur became king, we see him struggle from his father's legacy. But in this episode, he begins to detach both consciously and subconsciously from him. Whether it's in his decision to save the old sorceress in the beginning, or to shun Uther's ghost, both the literal and the figurative, from his life any longer. This was one of the episodes that captured the true essence of King Arthur.
+1: the innuendos of this episode were 🤌. They knew what they were doing, you can't convince me otherwise. (are you threatening me with a spoon? / I'm teaching him some poetry.. he can't get enough of it! / what was that? h-horseplay. why don't I show you?)
Fic rec: My heart is readily yours by @regulusrules. (absolutely love how after all this introspection, i decided to throw it all away and made uther stab merlin in the fucking heart instead. but still it was my honourable attempt to shit on the finale and give them the happy ending everyone deserved).
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3. The Sword in the Stone pt. 2
OKAY. This episode! Aside from how badass Merlin was in both pt.1&2, but here, especially in the part where us audience were impatiently waiting for the revival of the sword in the stone, there could've been nothing more perfect. Just like their adaptation of the round table scene, this was perfect in its own way for how different it was. They didn't make it so that people will finally find a king; they made it so that the people believe in their king. And more than that, for Arthur to believe in himself. With the estrangement and losing his crown, the writers gave him the best way to re-establish his inner glory. And Merlin being this guide; what more perfect culmination to their relationship?
You have to believe, Arthur.
Fic rec: Couldn't choose between Only Friend by @captain-ozone, and Fathom Me Out by @supercalvin. Brilliance ahead in both of them, I tell you.
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4. The Eye of the Phoenix
Magic. Gwaine. Quests. Need I say more to explain that this was the show's holy trinity?
Fic rec: From Past to Present by flowersheep. (Prince Merlin. Archer Merlin. Perfection my friends).
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5. A Servant of Two Masters
Look look; if there's an honourary wall of opinions for all the people who've watched Merlin, I DARE you to find just one who disliked this episode. Like, the series was so full of BS sometimes, but this episode was above all. The level of brilliance in this episode; showing Dark!Merlin, who's at the same time hilariously funny, and seeing him BAMF his way with Morgana, even when he's chained and tortured.. oh dear holy Lord. His "do me a favour, could you? let Arthur know." was able to steal all breath from my lungs the first time I saw it (and until now).
And don't get me started on the Protective!Arthur we got. Caring for Merlin, screaming for him when the rocks fell between them, silencing Agravaine immediately when he told him he's sorry for losing such a loyal servant because bullshit if he doesn't reign down hell before he loses Merlin. And ofc, Courage and Strength on their way to find Magic, which just filled my heart with an 'aaahhh!' moment, because we didn't get enough Gwaine-Arthur-Merlin shenanigans. And at last, the Hug™. Fucking screamed let me tell you.
It is an episode that truly showed everything; from comic elements to fluff and angst and everything. The only thing it lacked was, as always, giving Arthur the space to know. Because ffs what would they have lost if they made Arthur understand that Merlin's under Morgana's control? It wouldn't have exposed shit. It would've just been a plus to us to see Arthur caring for Merlin even more. They tried so hard that it completely backfired sometimes.
Fic rec: Still I Surface in Morning Light by @queerofthedagger. (I swear to you, anything written by this author, I readily throw whatever in hand to read it).
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6. The Dragon's Call
Let thy gif caption speak.
No but really, that first episode was the stuff of legends. I could list down tens of tropes they did in just that episode alone. Honestly, no "family" show I've ever seen had started this powerfully. Just the music alone, the beauty of beginnings, not the CGI, was truly so gripping. Also bonus points for just Colin Morgan's sass abilities. None can compare.
Fic rec: This Time Around... series (incomplete) by Oneiric (lkdaswani). (this is a time travel AU, but the way the writer rewrote this episode was one of the best deviations I've read for an episode I already find near faultless).
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7. The Sins of the Father
I might be subjecting myself to true wrath with my upcoming statement, but here we go:
S2 sucked.
From the beginning of the season, Arthur's shift in characterization from the honourable lovable prat of s1 to a letting Merlin act as a horse stool got me going wtf? It was like they deliberately ruined everything in their relationship and started out fresh just to force the Arthurian narrative of Arwen. And it's fine by me, truly, even if I'll never ship them, but they could've developed Arthur's character SO MUCH in that season beyond comic relief and romantic rendezvous.
Anyway so that I don't stray so much from the topic; this episode was, by fair comparison, the best in the entire season. By now it's pretty obvious that I gravitate towards all the episodes that give Arthur a semblance of agency. Him going against Uther and his maniac murderous agenda was the start of actually seeing King Arthur in front of us. Also, him listening to Merlin when he was on the verge of committing patricide was one of the things that gave me hope in how there's still hope in them. Even if they ruined it with making Merlin lie to Arthur, but the writers practically ruined every good episode with this.
+1: Morgause's intro was badass.
Fic rec: The Sins of the Father (and how to right them) by @cupcakezys. (what we deserved. to see arthur with agency, with an ability to decide for his future without being lied and deceived to).
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8. Diamond of the Fucking Day
No matter how much I hate this episode, I can't, in good conscience, deny its hold on my heart. As I wrote before, there could've been no better magic reveal than this. And for all of my bitterness over their decision to kill Arthur, I sanely admit how it was a decision that insured the immortality of this fandom. It's been ten years since that episode aired, and I bet my ass off that it will still feel the same even after countless more decades.
Fic rec: literally the entirety of the fandom's fix-it fics. We all started from there, didn't we? Choosing only one would be so undervaluing to all the brilliance I've seen. However, my tags filter for it usually include: fix-it, angst with a happy ending, court sorcerer merlin, shitting on bbc writers 101, canon era, not canon compliant, everybody lives especially king arthur you mfs.
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9. The Wicked Day
Throw me from the highest tower there is because every time I remember this scene, I just want to fade into the light. The sheer level of love and understanding shimmering between those two. Sometimes I marvel at the choice of bringing Colin and Bradley together, because no two could have achieved such chemistry, platonic or not, as those two did. This whole episode of showing Arthur's grief, and Merlin's desperation to heal it, was truly unforgettable. I try not to linger on its ending, Arthur denouncing magic for the millionth of time, but other than that it was a gem served to us on a silver platter.
Also seeing Uther finally die was a plus.
Fic rec: As much as I'd love to recommend my own fic for this, but honestly, whenever I get the chance, I will always take it to scream and wail about one of my absolute favourite fics of all time, which really isn't given ANY of the goddamn credit or attention or kudos it deserves. Beauty in the Ashes of Our Lives by Fulgance. I swear to you, you will never read something as beautifully heartbreaking as this. This fic resides in my mind rent-free. Basically any work by Fulgance is amazing, but this fic— oh God, my heart cannot take it sometimes.
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10. Arthur's Bane pt. 1
Fuck, that episode was a masterpiece. You know, if it was all in my hands, I would've magic revealed at this particular episode. It was just.. the perfect opportunity. King Arthur in his glory, beginning of the season, enough time for Arthur to fully understand the depth of what Merlin did for him. Also, the range Arthur was given starting from here; God it's what we deserved. I always blame the writers for being inconsistent with his characterization (s2 and all), but they beautifully crafted it in the end, and it was their perfect chance to even explore the whole extent if only they made the magic reveal earlier.
Fic rec: Our broken pieces by @aramblingjay. Okay so this fic rec isn't necessarily linked at all to the episode, but I can't, in good conscience, recommend fics and not include it. Technically context wise it fits s5, for in it you see Arthur in his grandeur as king. This shall be my only exception because it's the only fic that was able to make me cry. Truly, I never shed tears, but in this, my heart stuttered. The fact that it is so unnoticed makes my blood boil because of how much praise it deserves. I can never recommend it enough.
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To conclude, BBC Merlin has a powerful hold on everyone because of the fact that they knew how to eternalise it. It is significantly unique in its interpretation of legendary figures. I think I watched nearly all adaptations of King Arthur throughout the years, but even with how great some really are, to me none compare with this sword-swishing, banter-driven, CGI-messing, emotionally-killing 2008 show.
Honorary mentions:
| The Labyrinth of Gedref | Gwaine | Le Morte D'Arthur | Lancelot | The Coming of Arthur | The Moment of Truth | The Hunter's Heart | His Father's Son | The Darkest Hour |
[Short fic recs]
[Long fic recs]
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jayenator565 · 7 months
My Tanthamore Comfort Fics
We were talking about comfort fics in the Tanthamore discord and I realized I have too many for a normal sized reply, so here's a tumblr post instead. In no particular order i've reread these fics...maybe too many times.
I'm just gonna list em by author cause that's easier. Keep in mind we may have different definitions of the word comfort.
650 ft2 - Ok so like envision these girls have been best friends for forever and they've been secretly pining for ages, no sense of personal space, they can read eachother like books AND they were roommates!
The Tanthamore Affair - This fic has everything, one bed, fake dating, celeb au, the fic that changed the meaning of a certain emoji and all the tropes you could want really
We've got to find other ways to make it together - this one line says all you need to know
"It is the greatest irony of Jade Claymore’s life to be a certified genius who is nevertheless in love with an idiot."
More Than Just Survival - as far as 5+1 fics go this one has me in a CHOKEHOLD
I scream at your chest for as long as I must
one night at the start of the end of the world
@ilovemyships (i think you need an AO3 account to read these gems)
you won't believe it (they think we're lovers)
don't wanna pressure (but friends don't kiss friends)
@acre-of-wheat - Acre's way with words should be studied
Network Connectivity Issues - I have never related to a character more than I relate to this Jade
The Dark
The Bite
Out of the Cuirass - one of the first tanthamore fics I ever read actually and I still come back to it every so often
lay down your armor (come lie bare with me) - saintbot has a catalogue lemme tell ya but this one for tanthamore is just so heartwarming
Escaping Fate - the Kit runs away fic that everyone needs
Dil3mma (idk their tumblr right now sorry)
A Sword And A Shield (And Everything In Between)
Deja-Brew - the loveliest coffee shop one shot
Jad3dEt3rnal (idk if they have a tumblr either)
This Daydream is Dangerous - cuddly vampire Jade, need I say more?
ana_chronistic (idk if they have a tumblr either x3)
Oops. I proposed. - fake dating x 100, fake proposal it's like fake dating to the next level and I love the growth of communication and pacing in this.
do what you feel now
you want a good girl that does bad things (to you)
fulfill (an obligation) or keep (an arrangement)
we simply don't have time to unpack why these are comfort fics, we're just going to accept it and keep going.
Sword and Shield - I love this look at what post S1 life could have been like for the gang, revisiting Nockmaar, seeing Galladoorn, getting into the evil Elora storyline with Graydon, spending more time with the Nelwyn and in the Wildwood it's just everything
What a pleasant surprise - a fic of one of my other comfort fics, I know it's like fic-ception in the best way possible. If you liked Tanthamore Affair I have an inkling this will be right up your alley
@isabrella @jade-claymore @allthefakepeople @resurrecho
those rumors they have big teeth - BAND AU need I say more? I don't need to but i'm going to, this fic has everything Kit and Jade in a band, Kit's leather pants, gay-ifying songs, MAMA MIA, totally gay best friends who have basically been dating for years but won't admit to it, Jade gets to be a bit problematic as a treat, inner band fighting, what more can you want?
meet you where the spirit meets the bones (tanthamore 90s werewolf au) - its a SERIES of these repressed gay DORKS and they're werewolves, there's such a charming way to how this author writes them I legit can't even with these two gays
these walls come tumbling down - look, we don't have time to unpack why there's so many were-related supernatural esque fics on my comfort list and I know this is only 2 chapters in but I can already feel the comfort in all the hurt ok I dont even have to wait I already know i'm gonna be rereading this like monthly
I'm gonna have to stop there even though I know i'm still missing some! If someone asked me what my favorites are we'd be here all day XD
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alovesreading · 8 months
any fic recs? like fics you just cant live without other people reading?
okay i might not be the best person to ask this because i'm writing two long series at this moment and i barely have time to properly read fics like i used to but i can defo give you a little list of recommendations!
when you say fics i can't live without other people reading, Nothing Revealed In A Common Crisis by my wonderful and incredibly talented best friend @imagine-that-100 is the first to come to my mind! An absolute masterpiece of a fic, alex turner x reader x matty healy love triangle that's just so well written and thought out that it makes me scream. I'm entirely obsessed with it and it truly is my roman empire LOL! (it also introduced me to the 1975 so we love it!)
make sure to check out the rest of N's work fr, all of her series are amazing and if you want one shots, Will We Talk is insanely good and I'm eager for her to post part 3 and All Is On My Side is everything to me as well!
of course, i have to add Aphasia by another one of my besties @red---moon 'cause that fic is just so damn good. I will be forever obsessed with the way Red writes and her characterisation is just so raw and real, it's genuinely inspiring. also if you want some george x reader x matty brainrot, her one shot Indecision is surely gonna drive you mad.
another one of my incredible best friends, @kennedy-brooke put out her first fic Dress which has a part 1 and part 2 and it's so fucking good, I think every George girlie needs to read ASAP!!!!
if you wanna indulge in some fun and really well fucking written gatty content, i have to send you over to read everything @vinylandcoffeecollection has out! In particular, The Cellophane House and its sequel Lost Boys had me in shambles and I loved it so much!!! Another gatty legend is @drinkurkombucha and i would defo recommend all of her work! my favourites will forever be Talking To George and Stranger Than (Fan)Fiction!
i fell in love with a Ross fic i read the other day by @butyou-callmewhenyourebored and i think it deserves more attention. i fully was almost crying by the end of it, it was so sweet and well written!!!
now if you need filthy smut to read, i will definitely be sending you over to @lottiecrabie! she is the absolute queen of smut and everything she has written has left me jaw dropped and gasping for air lollllll!!! (such a shame she's leaving but she will never be forgotten)
also Three's A Party by @abiiors!!! jesus christ almighty, when i tell you i died reading this, i mean it. pure ross x reader x george brainrot.
another one that had me gagged was Satiate by @heavenhealy! that fic had me sweating and screeching like an idiot.
and for the last filthy one that comes to my mind it is @toomuchracket one shot inspired by politician!matty that truly ended my life in the best way when i read it the other day.
let me end this all in a wholesome cute note and put you on dad!matty because Playing On My Mind by @ughgoaway has me in a chokehold and the little extras they have been posting have me swooning and wanting to die for dilf matty!
it's fair to say that this fandom is filled with talent and i have too little time to properly indulge in all the great pieces everyone puts out so this list is way too short! but i hope you enjoy this messy but great list lol!!!! i really hope that by the time i'm done with the long series i'm currently writing, i can read much more and actually give a longer and more organised list. hope this helps anyway!!
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wannab-urs · 4 months
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Pedro Pascal Character Fanfiction Recs | Vol 32
AO3 | Kofi | Main Masterlist | The Spreadsheet Masterlist
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Howdy folks!
Welcome to The Spreadsheet Digest, my weekly(ish) fic rec list. I read a really long fic this week, so almost everything else I read was a one shot that I kinda crammed in between chapters of the long fic. We have a pretty good variety of pedro boys this week! I'm actually running low on one shots on my TBR, it's full of series. So rec me some one shots!
All info provided by the author unless it was blank, in which case I filled it in.
Fic Recs Below!
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Somewhere Beautiful
Din series by @peetiespetals
Summary: You have been working as a slave since the demise of your people and destruction of your planet. A stranger passes through your life and you make a bid for freedom, thwarted by the very man who inspired you to reach for it. In a twist of fate, the two of you are thrown together and must learn how to live with each other as the lines between slave and master begin to blur. Can you really tell the difference between duty and devtion?
Tags: smut, fluff and smut, angst, rough sex, bdsm, abandonment, neglect, physical abuse, love stories, shower sex, mutual masturbation, dom/sub undertones, oral sex, shameless smut, praise kink, bondage, biting, slow burn, spanking, orgasm control, orgasm delay/denial, cock warming, master/slave, vaginal fingering, deep throating, breast worship, pussy spanking, ball play, public creampie, edging, anal sex, foot jobs, handcuffs, cock bondage, panties in mouth, aftercare, jealous din djarin, hurt/comfort, overstimulation, strong female characters, hurt no comfort, porn with plot, sexual tension, porn with feelings, canon typical violence, slow romance, fluff and angst, anxiety, manhandling, pov second person, vaginal sex, nipple play, dirty talk, hair pulling
Thots: this fic had me in a chokehold all fucking week and then when I finished it I immediately started part two. Obsessed.
Take What You Need
Frankie one shot by @yespolkadotkitty
Summary: Frankie needs to calm down before flying you "over the fucking Andes, man," so you help him out
Tags: SMUT. Porn with a flimsy nod to plot.
Thots: Redfly is such a dick. but anyway, I love this concept. reader providing some much needed stress relief? yes please. And it was HOT. I love this so much
I cannot get you close enough
Max Phillips one shot by @leslie-lyman
Summary: “You have to invite me in, sweetheart.” Oh. Right. Vampire. “Come in, please,” you say demurely, and Max’s smile widens as he steps over the threshold into your apartment. He reaches for you again immediately, kicking your door closed and pulling you close. “Good girl,” he murmurs. “Such a polite little Omega.”
Tags: A/B/O dynamics; one small scene of men being creepy and threatening towards reader (but, perhaps surprisingly, one of those men is not Max); extremely self-indulgent Halloween costumes on the part of your author; a bit of angst; fEeLiNgS; absolutely way too much plot and character backstory for what was supposed to just be porn; Alpha!Max is his own warning; heat sex; biting; blood-drinking; breeding kink; many, many creampies; Max has an absolutely filthy mouth; look, it’s heat sex with Max, it probably (hopefully?) entails exactly what you think it does
Thots: I think this my favorite pedro fandom abo ever. it’s so fucking good. i love how max takes care of her like a good alpha, but it's not completely mired in shitty omega stereotypes. She still has a whole career and a life and hobbies and shit. Plus the smut is top fucking tier good god.
Dieter one shot by @covetyou
Summary: Off the back of a two week retreat to the middle of fuck knows where Dieter Bravo doesn't seem quite himself. You soon figure out why.
Tags: chastity pollen (the opposite of sex pollen - our man can't fuck), mention of past drug use, masturbation, not phone sex but phone sex adjacent, brief mention of Dieter pissing (twice), cock and ball pain (not cock and ball torture), a brief thing with a glove that isn't sexy at all for anyone involved but it's there, the vaguest of dub-con for the ending (Dee sends you pictures of his dick that you didn't ask for/technically said no to but jerk off to anyway)
Thots: This had me dying. It was funny as fuck. Poor Dee... but then the end... that shit was hot in like a totally pathetic way... This came off that list of reverse fandom tropes, and now I want to see more of them.
illicit affairs
Joel one shot by @chaotic-mystery
Summary: it’s my take on what illicit affairs means. Every time I listened to it I imagined Joel, specifically dbf Joel. I hope the swifties go *easy* on me and pls don’t say anything if you didn’t like it.
Tags: angst. And more angst. Swearing, forbidden relationship, arguing, fwb, alluded age gap but not specified. Use of nicknames (kid, baby……don’t look at me ok I didn’t do IT), reader is not physically described, no use of y/n.
Thots: Mads broke my heart with this one. Joel is such a dick, expecting reader to just put up with the shitty treatment because why? because she's young? Fuck him and good for reader. I kinda wanna see Joel's internal struggle for the next few weeks after this scene.
Was it all a dream?
Din series by @beskarandblasters
Summary: You’ve always had vivid dreams, an escape from your monotonous life. But one night, something appears in your dreams that keeps reoccurring; a pair of brown eyes. Or Two people, in completely different parts of the galaxy, find each other in their dreams and try to make sense of the strange connection they share.
Tags: canon divergent (long live the Razor Crest), switches between Reader and Din’s POV, story takes place in the dream realm and the real world, set somewhere between the Book of Boba Fett/very beginning of season three, eventual smut (starts at chapter 4!), line between reality and dreams gets blurred, use of Mando’a words and phrases, no use of y/n
Thots: I could not be more excited for this series. It's a brilliant idea and it's so fucking cool. I love reader and Din's relationship. I love the parallels between them. I'm so ready to hype this fic up for the next several weeks AGH.
Trigger Points
Ezra one shot by @whataperfectwasteoftime
Summary: Ezra is a massage therapist. What kind, you ask? Internal massage. That’s it that’s the fic.
Tags: Medical kink, massage kink (is that a thing?), erotic massage, mentions of sexual dysfunction and difficulty orgasming, consent forms, the clinical is erotic now, power imbalance due to the masseur/patient dynamic, mentions of uhhh *checks notes* anal massage, lots of vaginal fingering I mean massaging, pelvic floor massaging but make it erotic, dubcon only in the sense that Ezra says orgasm is not the goal and then definitely deliberately gives her one anyway, g-spot orgasms, squirting, Penny gets on her soapbox at the end
Thots: i think i might have a masseuse kink... anyways... there's something about the overly clinical language that made this so hot. like the lack of trying to make it sexy somehow made it sexier. i'm short circuiting
forever is the sweetest con
Joel series by sistersadeyes (AO3)
Summary: your life, post-apocalypse, and the surly old survivor who darkens your door. Growing up with a doomsday prepper as a father hadn't been easy. But after the Outbreak, you can't help but feel a little grateful to the old man. You're almost sad he didn't make it long enough to see how right he'd been. You inherit the farm, the stockpile, and the bunker months before the Outbreak. And in the aftermath, you use it to prove that human kindness still exists, helping all those you can. Set 5 years after the Outbreak.
Tags: no use of y/n, fluff, domestic fluff, romance, eventual romance, post outbreak, eventual smut, texas, homesteading, doomsday prepper, age difference (14ish years), fluff and angst, canon typical violence, canon divergent/not canon compliant, smut, pining, mutual masturbation, mutual pining, vague timeline, time jumps, forehead kisses, fingerfucking, oral sex, penis in vagina sex, praise kink, sir kink, breeding kink if you squint, emotional hurt/comfort, protective joel, angst, vaginal fingering, daddy kink, possessive joel, somnophilia, consensual somnophilia, cowgirl position, creampie
Thots: This fic made me cry tears of pure joy at the end. It's so sweet and precious and full of domestic fluff. But there's also some fucking heartwrenching angst. And really fucking cool action too??? It's a total rewrite of canon and I thought it was super fucking creative and so fun to read. The smut is also... good fucking god is it hot. Joel is perfect in this fic.
go slow
Joel one shot by @frannyzooey
Summary: In the quiet of your bedroom, Joel guides you through it.
Tags: riding, joel talks you through it, p in v sex
Thots: Hot, sensual, perfect, amazing smut.
Honor and Obey
Frankie/Santi/Reader one shot by @magpiepills
Summary: You are Santi’s wife and when Frankie moves in, you have an idea that Santi helps you make a reality.
Tags: SMUT! Threesome, sort of fucking, oral m and f receiving, m/m dynamics, sort of dom reader, sort of sub Frankie and Santi, Frankie is the Pussy Eating King, big dicks, teasing, flirting, mentions of alcohol, mentions of curls, fuck licking, cum shots, creampies, a little overstimulation, one spank, pwp, just porn.Y'all know I love my subby boys... and I really love a MMF threesome.
Thots: This fic had me sweating. Frankie and Santi are so gorgeous together. Pussy Eating King Frankie is always a welcome addition to any Frankie fic, also. Just fucking magnificent, truly.
Blessing in Disguise
Lucien Flores one shot by @pedgito
Summary: you're his best-friend's daughter and he's at a party he can't be bothered to care about, luckily you're the one thing that catches his attention.
Tags: no use of y/n, age gap (not specified, but it's girthy) smoking, semi-public sex, daddy kink, f!oral, unprotected piv, light choking, mentions of reader having hair that can be grabbed (to some degree), lucien is a major dilf and divorced
Thots: I am astronomically down bad for lucien flores. It's giving latino dbf!joel. Every single second of this fic is hot. I need a cold shower. and a nap. and maybe a cigarette. Maybe Luce will share one with me. I hope he smokes spirits.
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My Recent Fics
Ravage - smut | AO3 - Ezra x f!reader
Type: one shot Word Count: 1.6k Summary: “Oh birdie… I could just eat you.” OR Saltburn-style hate as consumption Tags: Weird vibes, period/menstruation smut, bloodplay and blood consumption, weird classism stuff, biting, fingering, oral f!receiving, Saltburn AU
Only Good Girls - smut | AO3 - Dave x f!reader
Type: one shot Word Count: 1.3k Summary: Dave reminds you why you should always be a good girl for him.  Tags: PWP/plot what plot, Reader has hair that can be pulled; fingering f receiving; squirting; multiple orgasms; overstimulation; choking; rough sex as punishment; unprotected p in v; mirror sex; bondage (necktie around the wrists behind the back); toaster strudel not a twinkie; excessive hair pulling; spanking
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Happy Reading!
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28 notes · View notes
short-black-diamond · 7 months
Imagine they had a break so they went to a mall w Yena to see what she's into right??
( Cuz they're all DOWN BAD for her )
And Yena knows they r😘
SO!! She decides to tease them w a somewhat revealing fit🤭
Corset type of top
Hair down to flex ✨
Tight jean shorts around upper thigh
Thigh high socks or stockings?
Her thighs be looking THICC
( isagi w the thigh fetish😱😍)
After that, the boys can't keep their eyes off of her, they also cant keep it in their pa-
Yena obvi teases them calling them a perv and (MAYBE??) get kaiser and ness to pay for her stuff (CUZ THEIR RICH🤑) and they do it because
Yena : 😘😚
Everyone : 🙏😋🧎🧎‍♂️
You can add wtv else u want!! :))
Is it okay if I try to bring an OC into this? it's a boy btw
However, I'd like for yena to not know that the bois are simping for her, so I will build up the tension and then let her find out!! Also I don't want Kaiser to pay for her stuff because she kicked him-she kicked ness too but he forgave her, you know? So I'd rather have Reo pay for her or she pays herself because Yena (you are) is a strong independent woman.
warnings/summary: you and teieri become besties, has Nagi a foot fetish?, jelly Rin, slurssss, you a bad bitch, soft/angst moments with kunigami, otoya whimpers and you have butterflies in your tummy from that, you meet kiyora, kurona and niko for the first time
Word count: 6.6k words wtf..
Just a quick and gentle reminder that everything I write is in headcannons and good fun, and if it bothers anybody, then they should stop reading this series.
"Yo, she's a pro." ...part five
part one, part two, part three, part four
You had tears flowing down your eyes, but you were also smiling with a blush. you loved seeing Rin smile, it just made your worst days more precious. you sighed as you closed Rin's door and made your wy to your dorm.
You were just rounding the corner when you nearly bumped into Teieri. She was just about to speak to you, so it was a good thing you two met. "Ah, yena, I just wanted to speak to you!", she said in a cheery tone, though you took a few steps back with a frown.
and...were you trembling...?
She flinched before she waved her hands around. "N-no! It's nothing bad this time, Yena! Please calm down! I just wanted to tell you that you'll be able to go and have some free time now. The weekend is free, so you can do whatever you like on saturday and sunday!", she exclaimed in a rush, not wanting the only other female in this facility to be scared of her.
you sighed in relief. "Thank you, ma'am. And will you have some free time too? I guess not...", you mumbled, feeling bad for the manager. she only shook her head wiht a smile. "It's all good, really-" "I heard there's a discount on the women's articles this weekend...", you interrupted her.
She pressed her lips together with a frown. "If you want to, I could look at some stuff for you. What is your style, teieri?", you asked politely. you felt bad for the woman and buying her something she liked would for sure come in sweet.
"w-well, I really like cute stuff and all...", she started, but you only raised your hand. "Cute stuff, got it. Let me surprise you.", you then said with a ghost of a smile before you retreated. She huffed in amusement at you.
"Oh, and yena?" "Yea?"
teieri smiled at you. "You know that you're holding the boys in a chokehold, right?", to which you turned to her completely.
She giggled. "Yena, none of these players had shown this much enthusiasm and motivation to train until you came, you know? I think most of them got a crush on you~", she mused and poked your sides.
You squirmed with a blush. "N-no way that's true...", you wheezed as she started to tickle you. "Oh yes, Reo, Nagi, Rin, Bachira, Isagi, and all the other boys you've interacted with!" Anri was truly the mother you wished you had.
you may not look like it, but you were just the sweetest thing on earth...even if you kicked ness and kaiser in the groins and absolutely bruised Otoya up by shredding him with a ball.
She only shook her head with a fond smile before she went, you'd tell the others anyway.
"SHOPPING SPREE!!!", everyone cheered. more like reo, accompanied by Nagi who said it more sleepily and you in a monotone voice. rin only raised his fist. you were there with Reo, Nagi, and Rin. Bachira texted you that he was already checking out a store with Isagi, so it was just you four for now.
And, well, as you were strolling through the first few stores, disconnected from the outside world as your focus was directed towards a top which you were admiring... the boys only looked around sheepishly and blushing. They were all following after you like lost puppies, not wanting to part from you.
And now back to the top, it wasn't any type of top either. It was a dark green corset, with black embroidments and dark silver bones to uphold the form.
You were blushing at the piece. Something about this corset was just...so...etheral, so old-fashioned and pretty. you truly loved the victorian age and gothic aesthetic...and when they meshed...an impulse-buying Yena got born.
"This looks ravish...", you breathed as your eyes were wide, and you stood there for a moment before you quickly took all the other corsets you found and weren't similar to the ones you already had.
you felt like you were in paradise. You were glad that you came here early. you were glad that this shop was still nameless. you were glad that-
"Mind if I hold that for you?", Reo asked softly, tearing you out of your onslaught of praise to...no one. You blinked a few times before you dumped your items on him and went to the shorts section. you were too engrossed in what you were doing that you didn't even notice Isagi and Bachira come into the shop as well.
Rin's eye twitched when he saw Bachira's grin and Isagi's smile, both blushing when they saw Yena at the pants section. "what are you guys doing here?", the dark haired boy asked in a mean tone as he watched the two with a disgusted face.
Isagi and Bachira only frowned at him. "Yena invited us!", Bachira cheered before he slung his arm around Isagi's neck with a grin.
Rin groaned internally. you were a sly witch, he had to give you that. Wanna know how you managed to get him to go shopping? Chat:
Rin - Morning, Yena. You - Hey Rin. Wanna go out? Rin - (5 min later) In what way...? You - What do you mean what way, if you don't wanna hang out just say it damn😒 Rin - Well I'd like to know if it's Rin - Just the two of us You - WE CAN MAKE IT IF WE TRY~ JUST THE TWO OF US Rin - Or where we are going (WE CAN MAKE IT IF WE TRY~ JUST THE TWO OF US) ↳ Rin - Really? You - What that song slaps harder than you can score a goal👆🏻(middle finger*) Rin - ...ok You - also ye, we're going to that mall if you're ok with that. I need new clothes... Rin - ok, let's go.
Never in his life would he have thought that you meant only the first fifteen minutes alone with him, because right after the fifteenth minute ended, Nagi and Reo rounded the corner and he was surrounded by other boys who were crushing on you. And it also helped even less when Bachira and Isagi came.
He started to hate Bachira when he saw how you and Bachira were dancing with each other the day prior. Rin never danced with you, even though he was your childhood friend and knew that you did ballroom dancing before you turned into a soccer protégé. However, he knew your clothing style best out of all the males around you.
He was your childhood friend, after all. So, he made it his mission to look at other stuff you'd like, and he stumbled upon the jacket section. He rememberd vaguely that you once mentioned of wanting to have a leather jacket because you liked biker dudes and wanted to impress them (he started taking motorcycle riding sessions), which is why he looked at the one which would suit you the best.
Nagi watched as you were checking out some shorts when he caught sight of a white one. "How about this?" "ew, I don't like white, Nagi."
Cue him looking at you with a hurt expression. "...what?"
You looked at him with a raised brow, confused to his reaction. Then it dawned to you.
nagi had white hair.
"NO! No Nagi, not like that! You have great hair!", you exclaimed and shook his shoulders, trying to convince him.
He still pouted as he averted his eyes. You could make out the blush on his cheeks though. you remembered how he sometimes turned red when he was angry. "hey....Nagi, you're not mad at me, right?", you asked softly, genuinly feeling bad now.
"'m not mad...", he spoke quietly before taking the white shorts. "I still want you to try them out though. I want you to have a white outfit. Please.", he pouted.
You sighed deeply before you nodded. "Alright...make me a pastel goth.", and he quickly went away to pick you light coloured clothes, with you deadpanning at him.
Reo shook his head in amusement before he got another pair of shorts. Isagi stood next to him, looking through some skull shirts. "They're pretty cool...!", the blue eyed boy gushed, holding one up in the air. You turned around.
"Mhm, that would suit you, actually...", you said, a finger on your chin in thought as you took a step back after you took the shirt from his hands and held it in front of his torso, getting an image of him wearing it. You were having a serious expression on your face as you frowned at him and the shirt.
"Yeah, along with some eyeliner and a few rings on your fingers and earrings, you'd make a good goth.", you said before handing him back the shirt. "try it on later, alright?", and with that last question, you went away with Reo following you. Isagi held the shirt close to him with a precious grin and blush at your words.
You let your eyes wander through the shop before you found what you wanted. Thigh highs with boots right next to it. Perfect.
You went to the aisle with determined steps, but a voice caught your ears. "Yena?", Ness' voice asked and you turned to the boy. "Oh Ness, hi."
(everyone forgot to put away the earpieces, so everyone could understand each other, but not that you needed earpieces because you could speak japanese and german.)
Ness blushed a little when he saw your street outfit. As it was getting rather warm at the moment, you simply decided for a gown with a long vest and converse shoes, your hair put in a high pony. You didn't really look like a goth at the moment, but you were shopping, so maybe he could see what you'd wear on any other day?
At Blue Lock, you also wore a uniform, and that pastel pink dress (once) or your pijamas.
"You guys shopping as well?", Bachira asked with a grin and a red cheeked Isagi followed before frowning at Kaiser, who also came.
"Yeah...thought we'd check out some stores...", Kaiser answered, having a stare-off with Isagi. You were gone to let the boys attend to their meet.
'Whoah...look at the pattern! And the boots are to die for!!!', you thought as you glared at the thigh highs and boots you fetched quickly. 'Okay, now only changing the clothes to see if they fit and quickly before Nagi-' "Okay, I have everything.", you heard Nagi's calm voice.
You huffed under your breath. you really didn't want to wear something light, but if it was for Nagi's sake...
"Okay, I'll change. Gimme."
"Yena, please come out now.", Nagi spoke loudly, with Kaiser and Ness sitting next to Reo, Nagi and Bachira. "Why are you guys still here??", Rin asked after he came back with the (in his eyes) perfect leather jacket for you.
He saw Ness and Kaiser talk to the others and got a vague idea on their personalities, and he especially kept an eye on Kaiser. However, he was also looking out for Ness, who fidgeted with his hands and also looked down at them nervously.
"U-Um there was a snack shop Yena's been mentioning, and there were...um..."
"Penis waffles!", you yelled, opening the curtains violently as you looked at Ness with an excited grin. His mouth stood open and trembled as the german looked at you with a flustered and red face. you had white clothes from head to toe, and some strands adorned your face which fell down when you put on the shirt and thin vest.
you wore a tight white top, a white vest which went down to your knees, and a pretty white shirt, along with white thigh highs and also white high heels. You were surprised how fast Nagi purchased these items. Wait, he bought them...
"Nagi, did you already buy them?! Ah- HEY, STOP TAKING PICS OF ME!!!", you yelled in embarassment as you threw your high heel at Nagi. He caught it and then he examined the shoe. "Your feet are very small."
"Do you have a foot fetish or what."
nagi stared at you. You just closed the curtains again and changed your clothes. time for the second set. the better one.
the gothic one.
Nagi stared at the shoe. Reo leaned back. "Nagi...that's too much, even for you.", the purple haired guy spoke softly, and Nagi whipped his head towards him. he had a slight frown, and his face was beet red.
"I don't...", he only said softly.
Reo didn't believe him. Isagi didn't believe him. Bachira didn't believe him. Ness didn't believe him. Kaiser didn't believe him. Rin didn't believe him.
"uh...can somebody come in and help me for a sec?", you spoke as you held the strings to your corset. it had a different way of getting closed, and you didn't want to tear the threads apart.
There was a short moment of silence before you heard shoes shuffle, some voices, grunting and cursing, saying "fuck off!" "I wanna do it!" "I'm her childhood friend, I should do it."
However, all their efforts to come to you came to waste when a taller frame -taller than Nagi- came to view. he was a muscular, handsome and mature looking man. he had fierce black locks which made him look all the more etheral looking, like a greek god, and he stood in front of your curtain. "Yena.", he said in a calm tone. no emotions, just your name.
you flinched before you opened the curtain excitedly. "Victor!? what are you doing here!?", you exclaimed before you pulled him inside. He took care of the corset, pulling together the strings as you babbled away happily, although in another language. However, since everyone still had earpieces on, they could hear every word inside the cabin.
that didn't mean that they were okay with you chatting with a stranger or random dude. Ness's eye twitched and he bit his lip, Kaiser only glared at the boy man who stepped inside the cabin, Reo stared in shock, Nagi frowned slightly, Isagi and Bachira pouted while Rin stared at the guy who dared to come in as well.
they were all jealous of the "Victor" guy. what did he have that they didn't? Sure, he was taller and more muscular than them all, and he actually wore a suit, his blazer/jacket in his hand. And now, he was pulling the strings.
Rin was angry. however, his anger dissipated when you opened the curtains again, and you wore your goth-outfit. The dark corset from earlier having tightened your waist and pushed up your boobs, the black shorts which made your thighs spill out, making Isagi gulp down his oncoming stream of saliva, the thigh highs you wore only spurring his thigh fetish on more and also the black platform boots you wore had that little something which made the guys swoon for you. also, your hair was more disshelved and open, and Victor seemed to have given you a pair of earrings, because instead of the usual black diamond studs, you wore earrings which had a spider dangling from a thin chain on either earstud.
Still, you looked hot and cool at the came time. everyone blushed. However, they all had sour faces when they saw Victor who smirked at them. "Yena, who's this guy actually?", asked Rin.
He was the closest, and glared at Victor. you just tapped Rin's peck. "oi, no glaring. it's Victor. he's my ex.", you said in a nonchalant tone, and Rin, as well as everyone else turned surprised.
"you...had an ex?", asked Reo. you had never mentioned you were dating anybody. Nagi stared at the taller guy. Rin gulped. he never heard of a Victor.
why was there suddenly a Victor?
Bachira and Isagi, as well as Ness and Kaiser were dumbfounded. looking at the reaction of Reo, Nagi and Rin, it seemed like you kept your relationship with the guy a secret.
Victor stepped forth, out of the cabin and turned to you.
"Yena, would you be amenable to a wardrobe alteration? Numerous establishments in this locale await your perusal, and I am eager to explore them with you.", he spoke in a gentle, sophisticated tone, and you nodded before you walked back and closed the curtains.
Victor now stood in front of the curtain as some sort of warrior.
"Allow me to introduce myself as Victor Manchester, who, for a duration of two years, occupied the role of Yena's significant other. Regrettably, I opted to terminate our association before her involvement with Blue Lock ensued.", he said in a monotone voice before his expression turned into a solemn smile.
"I find myself harboring a wish that circumstances had unfolded differently.", he said softly.
"...why did you break up with her then?", Kaiser asked, and everyone else was dying to know.
"I must admit to possessing a rather pronounced inclination towards jealousy, and the prospect of remaining in a relationship with her while observing her amidst the company of other gentlemen proved untenable for my sensibilities. The strain upon my heart would have been insurmountable.", he explained, and he also had a pained expression on his face.
"The divergence in my emotional landscape was negligible when she transitioned into a state of singularity, despite her proximity to you. If anything, witnessing her in the company of your collective presence served to exacerbate the anguish in my heart.", Victor muttered, a slight frown on his face before he closed his eyes and sighed.
Everything about him screamed Yena's type. A calm, smart, mysterious lover, who took care of his body. His most noticable trade-mark must've been his piercing icy-cold, light blue eyes. Victor Manchester was nothing if not perfect. the way he spoke in such a deep and soothing, as well as overly sophisticated tone, or how he raked a hand over his jetblack locks, the slight blush when he spoke about you...Victor was still smitten for you.
These past months must've been hell for him, Reo thought. He really had guts to break up with Yena and destroying his life like that. how could he even just--watch her interact with a few boys like that?
Victor suddenly spoke again.
"May I inquire whether the young gentleman with tangerine-hued hair, by the name of Kunigami, is presently in attendance?"
"uh, no, he is not presently in attendance.", Reo spoke, trying to sound as sophisticated as him. Victor sighed softly before he had on a small smile.
"My apologies for any confusion. As a recent entrant into this milieu, I've been privy to information about Rin, Sae, Nagi, and Reo from Yena. However, my understanding is incomplete, as I am yet to acquaint myself with the other gentlemen in our collective. I would be grateful if you could facilitate introductions to the remaining individuals, as Yena has only shared details about Reo, Nagi, Sae and Rin.", Victor spoke again, and Bachira looked at Isagi.
"did you get a word he said?", Bachira asked, but Isagi only shook his head.
Rin stepped forth this time.
"I am Rin Itoshi, a longstanding confidant from Yena's formative years. Intriguingly, she has never relayed any mention of a figure by the name of Victor Manchester in the course of our discussions.", he said, and the others were surprised by how well mannered Rin spoke.
He stared at Victor, and Victor felt Rin's aura. they seemed to have a stare-off now.
"Indeed, Yena and I, by mutual agreement, maintained a discreet stance regarding our relationship, influenced by my inherent shyness in the presence of unfamiliar faces. Despite this discretion, my sincere desire is to cultivate a deeper understanding of your collective camaraderie, as an assurance that those with whom Yena associates are individuals of admirable character."
Victor then smiled at Rin, who glared at him.
"I can assure you that I am Yena's most trusted friend, but what about you? tell us about yourself. where do you come from? what do you do at the moment? are you at high school or studying? I don't know a damn thing about you and it's giving me the creeps that she'd hang out with somebody I don't even know.", Rin answered, still having his glare set on Victor.
"I hail from Great Britain, currently enrolled in studies at Harvard. My portfolio includes the oversight of several thriving business ventures. A notable aspect of my preferences lies in a genuine affection for biscuits."
Rin narrowed his eyes at Victor, but before Rin could say anything else, you stepped out with the items. "okay, Let me buy them real quick, you guys can go and check out the other stores.", you muttered as you checked if you had everything you needed.
the boys, however, didn't budge. Ness, Kaiser, Isagi, Bachira, Reo, Nagi, Rin and Victor only looked at you. Victor and Rin were the first to take the clothes from you. Reo and Nagi, as well as Kaiser and Ness were the first ones to take out their wallets to pay. Isagi and Bachira just stood there dumbly, not knowing how to please you or confused as to what the others did.
"I can pay for myself, you know?", you grumbled as you sat there with your chocolate milk in your hands as you huffed. the four boys were having a big slight argument over who got to pay for you, and they decided to split up the bill.
Bachira and Isagi were seated before you, Rin and Ness on either side of you, and Kaiser next to Ness, with Victor sitting next to kaiser, and reo and nagi between Rin and Bachira. You guys were sitting at a big, round table.
Everyone bought a small thing for themselves, Isagi also bought the shirt you told him would look good on him with a smile and blush. Nagi was content that you didn't give away the white clothes. Victor was stealing glances at you with a blush as you were grumpy. Rin waited for the food. so you guys were all just basically scrolling on your phones and waiting for the food at a restaurant.
"Huh, and here I thought you dissappeared, Victor!", an utterly high pitched voice broke the pleasant silence. You freezed, frowned, and turned to Victor. He looked at you in horror before he turned around.
Rika Shinkamu.
the blonde bitch he slept with.
Victor cheated on you with this japanese pick-me girl. her body screamed Barbie, with blonde hair, blue eyes, a thin body, but it seemed like she went underneath the knife, because she looked like shit. flared up tits, BBL on her butt, and also syrenged lips.
somehow, her body looked unnatural. she looked weird.
"Oh? and if this isn't Yena Hideyo...! wait...did you leave me, your girlfriend, alone to spend time with that slut?!", Rika exclaimed and stomped on her high heel.
Victor glared at Rika. "You're not my girlfriend, stop being so delusional.", he said, and his sophisticated demeanor was gone, instead a cold shoulder apparent.
ness, Kaiser, Isagi and bachira and the others just sat there, cringing at the girl. You sighed and rubbed your temple. They all however, didn't let Rika's comment slide.
Rin's eye twitched when he heard Rika call you a slut, when Rika looked like one, and a real ugly one at that.
"Can somebody please knock out that whore?", Rin asked, but he only stared at Victor, as if silently demanding him to leave with Rika.
"Hah?! The fuck did'ya just say?!", Rika scoffed before she turned to you. "All I'm saying is that Victor fucked me instead of you, which means he likes me more, and you're the one who is surrounded by boys! So, you're a slut! And look at your body, small boobs, eyebags, and your hair is sooo uncharismatic!", she exclaimed in a sassy tone before she whipped her blonde hair back and looked you up and down.
Victor stood up abruptly. You huffed in amusement. "I'm not going to argue with a person who had to undergo surgery for her body to look like mine.", you stated, and Rika glared at you.
But, you were not finished. "also, these guys are my friends, and I wasn't a whore or slut before I settled down with Victor, unlike some pathetic and poor excuse of a woman.", you said, and looked back to your phone.
everyone was silent after that. It was true what you said though. Rika has been hopping from male to male before she 'settled down' at Victor. Victor himself stood up and sighed.
"I'm sorry for ruining your day, I will leave now.", he said before he quickly went away, with Rika following after him, telling him to wait with tears in her eyes, her high heels being too much for her to actually go after him.
"that was...cringe.", Kaiser spoke, and you all agreed. Reo and Nagi, as well as Rin looked at you with either betrayal, concern, or both.
"What was that girl's deal, anyways? Starting a fight with you all of a sudden?", Ness asked as he pouted. you just sipped some more on your chocolate milk before the waitress came and served you guys your food.
"Long story short, I've been dating Victor for two years, but he cheated on me because he didn't really like me, and the person he cheated on was that blonde Rika. it seemed like they broke up, but Rika is just---delulu delusional and thinks Victor still likes her? she should go and seek therapy.", you muttered before you bit into your food.
Bachira huffed. "that's still no reason of her to call you these insults." "but Yena told Rika off good!", Isagi exclaimed after Bachira's words, and everyone agreed and you smiled softly. "thanks, guys."
"she looked like a fricking character from those old movies where the women look so weird...", Reo spoke with a frown, and again, everyone agreed, and laughed as well.
Rin then looked at you before leaning down to whisper in your ear. "please don't let anything get to you, Yena. you're the prettiest girl in the world.", he said quietly, and you blushed a bit. "thank you, rin.", you said back softly with a smile.
RIn nodded before he kept eating.
after everyone was done, and Kaiser and Ness bid their goodbyes, Bachira and Isagi had to leave too after a while to hang out with the others, and it was now only you, Rin, Reo and Nagi.
They all froze in place when you walked into a pink shop, with pink and cute accesoires. they blinked before they looked at each other with panicked expressions.
"Did she just--" (Reo)
"huh-" (Nagi)
"Y-yena!?" (Rin)
Yeah, they were all concerned. All three boys walked in after you, very concerned looks. Rin and reo took either side of your shoulder and pulled you back.
"quick, let's get her to the hospital!"
"Dial 911!!!"
"guys...it's for Teieri.", you spoke up with a huff. Rin and Reo let go of you, and Nagi forgot about his mission to take you out of the cutecore store as he looked at cute keychains.
"...cute..", the albino haired boy muttered. Nagi was at the other end of the store as you three were in front of the entrance.
"oh, sorry.", Rin coughed with a blush and took a step back to give you some space.
"but it really scared us when you went into the shop.", Reo exclaimed softly and with an apologetic smile.
you just shook your head. "it's alright, really. now I really wanna buy something super cute for Teieri..."
"I'll help you!", Rin and Reo spoke at the same time a determined expression on their faces.
You looked at them for a moment. They haven't really bought a lot of stuff, and you shook your head. "c'mon guys, go buy yourselfves something."
Nagi then came with one of the super cute keychains. "is it okay if I have this keychain? it looks...cute...", he mumbled with a small blush as he looked down on it at his hand.
Reo and Rin snorted, and you did too. "Of course, Nagi."
Reo and rin then left the store, and Nagi kept browsing through the aisles. you hummed in thought as you looked at the variety of goods.
'hmm...what would Teieri like...? I think I'll get a...a sweet notebook...with a cute pen...maybe an adorable pencil case? Hm!...and a few t-shirts would be nice too for her...oh, some of them have flowers...huh, it's actually good...I think I'll get her an M size...because of her...ahem...chest...', you thought with a blush as you put many products into a shopping bag.
Nagi appeared again. "I think this one looks better...no, this one...maybe the first one...? uh..such a hassle...Yena, help.", he spoke in his monotone voice and pouted.
you looked at the keychains. one was black and the other one white. "would you like to have one? you don't have a keychain yet..."
"huh, you're right actually...okay, I'll have the black one. and I think I'm done buying stuff for Teieri.", you muttered as you looked at the full bag with cute stuff.
nagi nodded and took the bag from your grip. "what are you doing?" "Don't want you to carry it. it's heavy...a heavy hassle..."
You only rolled your eyes playfully before you pai- no. Nagi paid.
you only shook your head.
"wha....wha...!? Wha-!?!!", Teieri exclaimed when you were over at her room as some sort of girl's night and smirked proudly when she looked at the different items with an excited expression.
She fell in love with each thing you bought. Pens, pencils, pencil sharpener, sweet jewellery, clothes, hair pins, an adorable hairbrush, a few plushies, you bought it all. anri cooed at everything.
"waaaaa! Thank you, Yena!", she exclaimed happily before she hugged you tight. you grunted before you hugged her back softly. "It's the least I could do, Teieri."
she took all the shirts and went to her cabin. "I-I'll put it on and show you, okay!?", she yelled in excitement and you threw a thumbs up.
You were scrolling on your phone as she changed and raised your brow. 'a message from Ego...one month left at blue lock...oh...', you thought as you read through his message. so you could only go to france, england and italy, because currently, you were slowly finishing it with spain, and you were at bastard münchen already.
thirty days. ten days with each team. then you're gone...unless...?
Victor said he had some businesses, and some of them included football. 'wait...he wouldn't, would he?', you frowned, but your train of thoughts vanished when Teieri jumped out of her walkable wardrobe to show you the t-shirt you bought for her.
"what do you think!? Super cute, right?!", she exclaimed with a blush and a huge smile. you smiled back at her softly. "yes, super cute."
you liked the fact that even grown-ups felt safe enough to act childish around you, and you huffed in amusement when anri hopped back into the changing cabinet to put on another shirt.
today was a sweet girl's night.
"Nine months, huh?", Kunigami muttered after you answered his question on how you became so good at football, and you explained it to him in the same way you did to barou. you and Kunigami were sitting together in the cafeteria and were now on your way back to the halls. you two would have to say goodbye to each other soon.
"yep, but there were also other games I played, nine months, however, was my absolute fave.", you said calmly before you looked at him.
'damn he's so fucking hot...' "what did you do this weekend, actually?", you asked. you were a bit down when he had rejected your offer to go to the mall with him, as he was the first person you asked. (you wanted it to become a date.) he said no and you went with Reo, nagi and the others instead.
"I spent some time with my family...I...I hope you bought some nice stuff for yourself?", he asked in a shy tone and blushed when he thought back about you wearing that pink outfit.
"yeah, I did actually. it was really fun at saturday, I wish you came."
Kunigami averted his eyes with a red face now. "N-next time..."
You blushed more. "...promise?" You asked gently and softly. Kunigami blinked a few times, looking to the ground as he did so, and nodded only.
You were celebrating in your head as you smiled at him. "I'm already looking forward to it."
Suddenly, Victor came to view as he bid Ego farewell. you locked eyes with him, and he smiled. "Ye-", he stopped when he saw Kunigami. He stared at him.
Kunigami raised his brow.
You frowned at Victor, not really wanting to see him at the moment. "Come on, Kunigami, let's go somewhere else.", you muttered and walked into the other direction. Victor, however, wanted to talk to you.
"w-wait, Yena! Please, let us speak for a moment!", Victor said urgently, as he took his steps to your direction. you sighed before you looked at Kunigami. "could you leave us alone for a moment?"
Kunigami switched his gaze between you and the stranger, then he huffed. "sure..", he mumbled and left.
"I'm sorry that I took your time away from...him...", Victor muttered, as he glared at the orange haired wild card's retreating form.
"Is it about saturday?", you asked with a raised brow.
"Yes, I-I'm sorry about what happened...Rika...she stalks me...", he sighed. Sucks for him.
"is this the only reason?"
"No, I...I wanted to ask you if we could be together again."
you just looked at him with a blank face, before you laughed your ass off. "AHAAHAH...HAUhahahahahahahajdwjjah.." and you kept chuckling for a bit.
Victor looked at you awkwardly, and with a hurt expression.
"no.", you said, and turned around to leave.
he made the mistake of touching you without your consent.
the moment you felt his "soft" grip on your wrist, you gave him a roundhouse kick to the cheek, and he got kicked to the side. you glared at him.
"how dare you touch me without my consent? how dare you come back again after we resolved this peacefully, ah!?", you seethed angrily, as you looked down at Victor who held his cheek, looking up at you in fear.
"I'm not going to be together with you again, ever. now get the hell outta here.", you growled, and walked away.
still, Victor was persistent. "L-look, I'm sorry Yena. I'm sorry for having had intercourse with Rika when I was together with you. I'm sorry for having taken you for granted. Please, just give me one more chance..!"
you only scoffed. "you think I want you after you were inside another woman? you think I want to get back to a guy who didn't want me at first? keep on dreamin', bitch."
and with that, you left. you weren't in the mood for that, even less considering getting back together with him. Victor didn't follow you this time. you were glad.
Kunigami was waiting around the corner, his eyes closed. you blushed. "god he's pretty..."
Kunigami opened his eyes as he looked at you and blushed. "thank y-you...", he muttered and looked to the side sheepishly.
you were frozen. 'did I...did I just say that out loud...I did...'
"ah- s-sorry, it just slipped out-" "I-it's okay, I enjoyed the compliment, really! Y-you're pretty too!"
you two looked to the ground with red faces, being complimented by each other, and giddy smiles.
[get a room for fuck's sake...]
"so...you will leave in a month...did I get it right?", kunigami spoke softly after a while, and you two leaned against opposite walls on the hallway.
"yeah...", you answered, feeling sad.
kunigami sighed before he stood straight and walked towards you. you looked up at him, confused as to why he was walking to you.
he was blushing. even his ears were red.
"Yena, I li-" "Yena! Yena come quick, you've gotta see that!", Oliver exclaimed, having appeared from nowhere.
liver would've pulled you by the wrist, but then he remembered how you were, and he also saw you beat that guy.
Oliver held a save distance from you.
you frowned. "why should I?"
"Otoya has made a cool ninja trick but ended up hurting his nuts, now come on!", oliver yelled with a mischievous, but also childlike grin. Kunigami was glaring at Oliver.
"heh, serves him right. Kunigami, what did you want to tell me though? you "li-"?", you asked as you looked up to him.
Oliver scowled.
Kunigami averted his eyes in embarassment. "ah..i-it's not that important."
Oliver smirked. "alright, let's go then!!"
'I thought he wanted to confess...how stupid of me...he must already have a girlfriend waiting for him..', you thought, and walked away with Oliver.
once you two rounded the corner, Kunigami slid down the wall, his head looking up, and he covered his eyes. "why did I chicken out...? was it because of Oliver...?....fuck..."
you were wheezing.
ringing for air.
otoya was laying on the side as he curled up in a fetus position, both his hands on his crotch.
"y--you...huhehuehheuheehueheue...y-you...oh go-ho-hoooood...!", you wheezed as you pointed around in his dorm. Karasu and Oliver were chuckling at Otoya, and Yukimiya was still training.
otoya had made the mistake of wanting to do a backflip on a chair, and hi nuts collided against it's back when he landed.
"that's what you get for being such a dumbass, moron."
"shut the...fuck...up, karasu...oww...", he whimpered.
something stirred inside you. ()
oh yeah.
you were crazy for whimpering boys. you looked down on Otoya.
"Otoya, let me help you.", you said in a serious tone. he looked up at you through teary eyes. "Really?", he mumbled softly.
you were an angel in his eyes right now. 'maybe she'll massage them...hehe..'
never in his life would Otoya have thought that you'd kick his nuts. He was moaning, and mewling in pain, and curled up even tighter. he was now crying and whimpering on the ground.
Karasu and Oliver laughed more.
"this is for the sauna incident.", you lied. you just wanted to hear more of his whimpers. he had a good whimpering noise.
you looked at Oliver and Karasu, and both stopped laughing, holding their crotches. "We're sorry" "We're very sorry", they said.
you walked out of the dorm with a satisfied hum.
Then you encountered Kurona, Kiyora, and Niko. the cutest boys of blue lock until now. you didn't meet anybody else yet. "hellyu."
"hello, Yena." "Hi." "..."
ah yes, Niko Ikki was the shyest of those three. so cute.
"is everything okay with you guys? are you about to train or.."
"train, train.", Kurona spoke. Kiyora looked at you, having a small blush on his cheeks. "please train with us...", and niko nods with a heavier blush.
'huhgewfjwifjiejiofjqiowjfijiwofjo THEY'RE SO CUTE WHAT THE FUCK THANK YOU GOD FEIFJJFIWJIFI', you thought with a blank face, and nodded. "sure, let's go."
They were decent and humble players. Kiyora jin put up a respectable match, kurona was a great teamplayer, and Niko was also great with his vision. they all were.
you praised the hell outta them.
jeowefowfowp sorry guys I'm such a simp lol
@meryqi, thought I should tag you, love :}
guys if you want another part please tell me, or more interactions ejifiwjfiejwifjwi
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fatuismooches · 7 months
hi :) i see your responses to my asks :) i see your reblogs :) i am absolutely not about to add sodium to the tea i am having rn :)
in all seriousness though oh my goodness smooches ;; i am glad i decided to take a little break from writing for now and be greeted with an influx of notifications alongside your responses to my asks and reblogs to the little thingies i published, just the perfect obliteration my heart needed to perfect my night <3
in response to your excitement about my kabuki series, ME TOO !! good god you don't know how over the damn moon i am just thinking about tomorrow like .. i should probably get a breather because this much excitement, while not new to me because i'm always excited, is about to annihilate my heart lmao
and now in response to your reblog of my fatui kuni drabble, yes. fucking yes. sorry excuse my language BUT. I GET IT. dearest when i tell you it's something i think about a lot — that drabble is actually what i wrote back when i was taking a walk near the seashore about i believe two weeks ago! but that aside, walks around snezhnaya with scara are like everything to me. like imagine him accompanying you to town or along the outskirts — very and i mean very attentively listens to you musings about everything and nothing because he doesn't have much to offer in comparison to what he wholeheartedly believes to be heaven in your eyes as you talk about very simple things ( i shall cut my rambling there because i have a whole series for fatui kuni that is primarily themed around that concept hehe ).
as for the 'nushi thesis...............
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
oops ~
no but this bitch had me on a chokehold for SO LONG, that i ended up writing not only lore but many, many other things as well from the small to the big deadass ended up being a presentation because i have arranged a design sheet and even chose a fucking theme for him. but king deserves it so (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
there is so much i could say right now, so much i can express but bloody hell i like, can't because i have successfully melted into a puddle out of sheer joy :')
goodness .. dear smooches, dear mutual, dear fellow tea addict /lh lover, to say that your responses have made my night would be one of the biggest understatements i've ever made in life :') like omg i am thinking of a way i could respond to every little thing you mentioned in your responses to my asks and in your reblogs, but i think the bright smile painting my puffy face rn is more than indicative of how genuinely thankful and happy i am 🤍
thank you and incredible lot. i hope mundanities with kabukimono hits in all the right ways and you get to enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing for it. i cannot wait to walk this journey with you and many others <3
— signed with much ( platonic ) love, ayame.
( don't tell kuni that i almost cried because tumblr ate the ask i previously sent you, please and thank you :') ).
the way i am actually about to cry because tumblr keeps having the ask i sent you just a minute ago as a meal............. i swear to god if this one gets sent unlike the other i am going to swallow a biscuit whole /j /nsrs
AYAME NOOOO IM SO SO SORRY TUMBLR CAN BE AN ASS LIKE THAT SOMETIMES 😭😭 But i am so glad to have received this ask from you omg, i love it sm ❤️ And you don't even need to thank me, I'm always happy to support and gush over your writing :)) I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND ABOUT BEING EXCITED TO POST there have been a bunch of times when i wanted to just post something at that instant instead of waiting (kabukimono series was an example when i literally posted back to back instead of spacing it out, i was SO READY 😭)
AND NGL YOU LITERALLY OPENED MY MIND TO SNEZHNAYAN WALKS WITH KUNI... i never thought about it before but. MWAH. i love the idea because i love walks and the cold especially if Kuni will be there to keep me warm hehe. Him being a silent listener is so so cute and real because you think he doesn't listen but then he brings up something random you said weeks ago and your heart just goes boom. (I propose to you now, you and Wanderer visiting Mondstadt/ Dragonspine and walking along the snowy path there too! Wanderer just has so much overflowing memories of the two of you doing the same thing in Snezhnaya, but you don't remember :( but at least he has a second chance with you to make new memories)
OH MY GOSH THE KURONUSHI STUFF EBWDBEWF bro. i so understand because when i saw him there i was excited beyond words. like FINALLY we were getting some Scara lore after like a year or something?? i also remember being sad that the furniture for the teapot wouldn't change to his picture :( but omg i love your dedication to him sm ITS SO SWEET I CAN'T WAIT TO READ MORE ABOUT YOUR THOUGHTS ON KURO BC IM SO INTERESTED.
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bookhighlightss · 7 months
Twisted series book review
☆ Twisted Love
1. This book was amazing. The plot twists will blow your brains out.
2. Alex Volkov. That's it. Just him. Like he is just amazing.
3. Pretty words and pretty faces don't equal pretty souls. This line. This. Freaking. Line. It had me crying.
4. Also the way he just walked her home for a year without them talking.....AAAAHHHH just everything in this book was amazing.
5. In book 2, 3 and 4 there relationship just was so pretty even if they were there for like 1 page.
☆ Twisted Games
1. I love the whole bodyguard princess thing like I'm here for it.
2. I read this book 1 year ago I don't remember the details well but I loved Rhys and Bridget.
3. The whole you and me against the world, princess was just so sweet and cute and asfkjhjilw
4. I love how Bridget just overall slays with her feminine energy as Queen and shit like slayyyyy
☆ Twisted Hate
1. Okay this book was hilarious. There were so many funny scenes and their back and forth bickering was just everything.
2. I also loved how josh and Alex became friends again in this book like we all knew they were gonna but the whole conversation was epic and alex asking for permission to marry ava was just beautiful.
3. The possibility of you is better than the reality of anyone else. This quote people it was just amazing. I was like dayum I need to take two minutes and scream.
4. Overall the plot was actually pretty lit in this book but the one thing I didn't like about this book was how they fucked every two pages literally but they were kinda friends with benefits but I'm a hopeless romantic so when I was expecting a cute angry confession I got an angry sex....
5. I also love how they actually struggle with money lowkey because all the other book the characters were loaded with cash so that was a bit realistic yk
☆ Twisted Lies
1. Omg when I tell you this book was perfection I mean this book was perfection. It was like Ana huang took all the critics and molded this book into perfection. It was everything.
2. The way Christian was obsessed with her from the moment he saw her but never labelled it as love but just everything he did was wow. I will worship this man he's amazing.
3. Touch another man, he dies. Let another man touch you, he dies. Tell me I can't touch you...and I die. This had me in a chokehold I was like.....AAAAHHHHHHHHH
4. Also the way all the other 3 men just made fun of Christian and the scenes where all the characters were together was just really funny.
5. I love how Christian was always there for Stella and supported her ❤ like asjdhrkjdhsk
Overall all the books are amazing. These people live rent free in my head. But the fact that all of them got a happy ending and are successful and shit is like probably the fakest shit ever but then again it's books so eh. But on a real note photographer, queen, lawyer and fashion designer like are ya kidding me??? And the diversity their friend group has like Asian, European, American like wow. I have to say I'm not a huge fan of the smut in the book but then again that's just my personal opinion a lot of other people loved the smut tho so idk. And can we talk about how all of them have the prettiest names ever??! My most to least favorite book would be
Twisted lies
Twisted love
Twisted hate
Twisted games
My most favourite to least favourite twisted men would be
Christian harper
Rhys Larsen
Alex volkov
Josh chen ( his I lied thing just set me off)
My most favourite to least favourite twisted women would be
Ava chen
Jules ambrose
Stella Alonso
Bridget von ascheberg ( I don't like her being last but I love those three way more )
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maestro-of-clockwork · 7 months
Darkness was the first thing they registered when they awoke from their heavy, heavy slumber. Neither of them could remember what happened, but despite not being able to see where they were, they immediately felt the oppressive air of somewhere they weren't supposed to be.
Remembering wasn't at all as much as a priority than figuring out what was going on. It didn't help matters that they seemed to be chained down to chairs at a table...
"H-hello?" Sketchbook hesitantly whispered out.
"Sketch?" came another voice from right beside her.
"Larry!" Sketchbook called out his name in a relieved sigh, but it was soon overshadowed by the unmistakable tremble of fear. "Wh-...where do you suppose we are...?"
"I don't know," he replied, "but I have a damn good feeling of who brought us here."
To their surprise, another voice shortly cut in:
"You're so smart, Leonard."
At the utterance of that last syllable, the lights came to life, revealing both the room and the gravity of their situation.
The room was big, and not unlike a basement built from concrete. The chairs and the table they sat in were steel, just as the chains that bound them. However, nothing about this was more horrifying than what was in the center of the room.
Strapped tightly to a metal platform that was adjusted vertically...was Colin. He looked unconscious, so he must have been given heavy sedatives...both Sketchbook and Larry were mortified into silence until Antonio strode in from behind the mechanism that held their best friend.
"You fucking bastard!" Larry yelled, "Let Colin and Sketchbook go! They didn't do shit to you!"
"Larry, no!" Sketchbook plead, terror in her eyes as she snapped her head to Larry's. "No! I'll stay here, you can't put yourself in danger-"
"Oh, now, now, children, quit your bickering..."
Antonio strode towards them, mania in his eyes and teeth on full display in a grotesque grin.
"None of you are going anywhere! Not any time soon..."
As soon as Sketchbook's eyes locked onto him, she fell into a dead silence, stuck in a thousand-yard stare.
Sensing Sketchbook was too afraid of Antonio to speak, Larry didn't hesitate to interrogate the man in her stead. "What do you want from us this time, you fucking freak?!"
"Oh," the word was drawn out in an excited shudder, "we're all going to play a very special game this time!"
Antonio gave no room for a response, continuing on, "I want to see just how strong that bond of yours to each other truly is! I want to see how far you would go!"
"I want to see if you would rip each other's eyes out and claw your own organs out just to keep Colin safe!" The frantic joy tightly held their tormentor's voice in a chokehold as his body visibly shook with near-madness.
"But first," Antonio stopped in front of the table before his gloved hands abruptly crashed down onto the metal table as he loomed over them. He smiled wider when they jumped. "First, I'm going to tell you the rules!"
Larry bared his teeth in a snarl, "No. We're n-"
Antonio's sudden and demented aggression immediately wiped the scowl off of Larry's face. He quickly realized that the blight upon his friends' lives was much more erratic and dangerous than usual. He'd have to force his rebellion aside and tread carefully this time.
"Your friend over there is completely unconscious, and will be for a while! I found a way to shut off his mechanical brain entirely. But," Antonio interjected, "I ensured that I did no harm to any of his memory, drives, motherboards or processors..."
"Now, what I want you two to do, is follow a series of little challenges I've made for you! You have a time limit to complete them...and every time you run out of time or refuse to play along..."
He leaned in closer, "...I'll corrode a bit of his brain. Once it is fully corroded, your poor cyborg friend will die...and I won't revive him."
Sketchbook broke into heavy sobs and Larry actually found himself shaking in disgust and terror at the prospect.
"You're fucking sick!" he screamed, the fear and panic on full display as tears welled up in his eyes.
"Oh, shh-shh-shh-shh..." Antonio gave a sickening chuckle, "That's only if you misbehave, my darling! If you play my game all the way through and correctly...I will let all three of you leave."
Larry's soul ached with agony as he heard Sketchbook weeping during the half-minute of silence that followed...so, he continued to speak when she wasn't able.
"How-...how many challenges do we have to do...?"
It twisted Larry's stomach to see Antonio's expression gain a hint of hedonistic satisfaction.
"However many I decide. Am I understood~?"
Larry looked towards Sketchbook, who tearfully nodded, still hiccuping through her crying. Larry looked back to Antonio and nodded shakily, his agreement tumbling out, "Okay...fine. Anything for him..."
Antonio stood upwards, "A wise decision, dear friends!"
"Ah, one more thing," he added. "We will also have an audience...would that be alright with you~...?"
Antonio didn't wait long enough for a response before he let an unhinged laugh escape him, turning his back to them and starting to walk away.
"I'm only asking to be polite, of course. I don't care if it's alright with the both of you or not~..."
Sketchbook was trying her best to quit the tears and patch up her resolve while Larry did his best to emotionally support her in his sympathetic silence.
"I'll give you a day's grace period before we start," Antonio chimed in again, opening the exit to that hellish chamber.
"Savor it while you can."
The heavy door shut and a sturdy deadbolt locked it in place.
As soon as he was gone, Larry leaned on Sketchbook's shoulder.
"It'll be okay, Sketch. The three of us have survived him for this long...who's to say we can't survive this...?"
Despite Larry's encouragement, he sounded unsure of himself, but Sketchbook appreciated the gesture nonetheless.
"You're right. I-...I just hope we satisfy him enough for him to let us out...all we can do is try," Sketchbook replied feebly.
Although they were terrified out of their minds, all Sketchbook and Larry could do was hope for the best...and their care and trust for one another was already deep enough for them to know that they'd do anything it took to save Colin.
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vivid-ink · 8 months
Hello babe <3 If you don't already know, I am obsessed with your story the Love Shack! Since it has come to a beautiful close I figure it was time to pay my respects and let you know specifically why this story is so fantastic.
First of all let me start by saying, I was so entranced by this story and emotional over it that after reading the last chapter I ended up talking about it with my boyfriend for over an hour! He let me reccount the whole story in full detail while we ate dinner and let me tell you, he got invested!! At first he was just listening to be nice to me but it got to a point where when I would pause to scarf down food for a few minutes he would get so impatient for me to continue. He's just glaring at me like "Bitch, what did Neyomi do? You can't leave me hanging like that!" I thoroughly enjoyed it, so basically he too is a fan now.
Girl, the way I went into this series thinking "ooh this will be a nice steamy threesome" and then somehow ended up balling my eyes out with every chaper, ILLEGAL! You had me crying within the first few paragraphs of the last chapter. Just for some perspective I actually don't remember the last time I legitimately cried full on while reading. I was holding back sobs so my roomate wouldn't come check up on me. Needless to say, you had me in a chokehold, sis. And I'm living for it! This will definitely be one of my favorite stories to reread and I think about it very often.
I could go on and on about the specific reasons I feel that this story enraptured me, but here are just a few.
Your depiction of Neteyam is honest to Eywa one of my all time favorites! Not only do I feel like he is very representative of the canon character but also extremely captivating. One of the reasons I think Neteyam (and truly all Na'vi men) is so hot is becuase of the raw male power tha radiates off of him, and I mean in the best way possible. Like other Na'vi males he shows that he can be a provider and protector (which biologically does something to me so I can not be blamed for finding this appealing haha) while also holding himself with a confidence and sense of responsibility that only a true man can capture. You get so many reminders of this power in your writing, even just in the way you describe his attire. Things like his battle band and sheathed knife or bow all serve as visual reminders that Neteyam is a respectable powerful and influential male that will someday be Olo'eyktan. And then to see him crumble and shake and quiver for Neyomi....that is so hot! I'm not sure if any of that made sense but basically, you nailed Neteyam. (not mad about the double meaning there haha).
Then there's Lo'ak who I have decided is the MVP in this story AND NO ONE CAN CHANGE MY MIND! He shows such a wonderful side of Lo'ak's character that doesn't often get displayed. He is still rebellious and free and a troublemaker, but deep down he loves his brother so much and isn't wiling to let Neteyam get in his own way of his happiness. Not only did the poor man have to witness Neyomi and Neteyam disregard his advice constantly while he suffered to watch but he straight up took a few punches in the face just to get Neteyam to work out his own shit. That is the fire I love about, Lo'ak. Consequences be damned, he will do what needs to be done. He is the ultimate wingman and I truly love him so much in this story. Without him let's face it, those two would have ended up miserable. He is the hero of this story and the main person that made me hold onto hope throughout each chapter.
Neyomi was also such a beautiful character. She is a perfect blend of independant and strong while still embracing her feminine side. I love seeing female characters like this because it shows that this duality exists and it's okay to embrace our own masculine and feminine traits within each of us. Sure she was stubborn as heck (and so was Neteyam of course) but she never completely surrendered herself to grief. She let herself cry and feel her emotions, but still tried to press forward with her life no matter how much her heart ached. I respect that.
What I'm trying to get at babe is that you have TALENT! Your storytelling completely transported me and I wish I could read the whole thing again for the first time. Please write a book or something because I would genuinly read an 800 page book if it meant you were the author. Thank you for all the time and efffort that you have put into your stories and into this community. I know how long projects like these take and I really do appreciate you putting the work in. I hope you have fabulous day! Thanks for reading my very long ramble. Sending you many forehead kisses <3
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Oh my goodness, @wheneclipsefalls THANK YOU for your amazing message! I can't believe you got your boyfriend invested in 'The Love Shack'! Your storytelling skills must be A+++ if you recounted it all to him & it kept his interest! 🤣 My husband sighs every time I start talking about Avatar lol!
GURLLL, we all go crazy for a big, strong man who has a good balance of dominance and tenderness... I'm glad you like my portrayal of an adult Neteyam. 😁 I try to keep my characters as well-balanced & as true to canon as I feel they should be. As for my OCs, I always create a little mindmap of them and what their personalities/characteristics are before I start writing. It's like I need to bring life to them that way first. I wanted Neyomi to have a good balance of hard and soft, if that makes sense (I feel like I always write my female leads this way, in different ways), so I'm happy if you feel I've nailed this. I seem to have an inability to write quick drabbles (you may have noticed lol), so the result is usually fleshed out characters and fleshed out plots. 😛 Lo'ak is absolutely MVP #1 in 'The Love Shack'. I often see Neteyam being touted as the 'bestest big bro ever', which I completely agree with. I wanted to portray a more mature Lo'ak who loves & appreciates his big bro, so I thought what better way to do this than to have him repay the favour and look out for Neteyam. 🥰
You want me to write a book?? 🥹 I'm so flattered. I kind of did, in a way. My first Neteyam story 'Violet Eyes' is 20 chapters and 150k words. I always promote this work because it's my proudest achievement to date. It's a real unpredictable rollercoaster with a completely original narrative. Give it a try if you haven't & I hope you love it too.
Honestly, thank you for taking the time to leave me your message. This past 10 months has been full of creative fulfilment writing for the ATWOW fandom. All my works are in my masterlist. It is always such a JOY to hear from readers who have been moved by my work. You have absolutely made my day, my lovely. 😘😘😘 Thank you, THANK YOU so much for your support. A thousand forehead kisses back at ya. xx
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bookaddict24-7 · 2 months
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119. Delinquent Daddy & Tender Teacher, Vol. 2 by Tama Mizuki--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The way this series has a chokehold on me. The adorable little kid? The heartwarming relationship between the characters? The slowly increasing seriousness of their relationship? Please, this is both the cutest and sweetest series.
This was also surprisingly...spicy? I was not expecting that LOL.
I also thought the way Mizuki marked the passing of time by seasons was really smart and well-done. It also helped set the pace of the relationship between the two MCs.
I can't believe we only have three volumes out physically in North America 🙃
120. Delinquent Daddy & Tender Teacher, Vol. 3 by Tama Mizuki--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Omg I love seeing the jealousy in this one because it helps bring to light some of the insecurities so the main couple can have solid communication about it all. I love these two because even though they get frustrated or hurt, they always manage to talk things out. I also loved the introduction of another set of characters and a new situation that proves to both be challenging for the little one, but also a chance to further showcase how much these characters care for each other.
I do like that one of them, despite his fears, was able to set his boundaries so well. I think that was pretty well done, as opposed to a few other storylines I've seen where everything happens so quickly and it's like boundaries don't even exist or matter.
I honestly need more. I want to devour everything this author brings us with this series.
121. Murder Road by Simone St. James--⭐️⭐️⭐️
While Simone St. James is definitely an auto-read for me (I still haven't read her older stuff, but don't judge me too much, please), sometimes her books can really be a hit or miss.
MURDER ROAD is a story that kind of sits in the middle for me. It was...okay? And I kind of wanted it to end by the time I reached around the 70% mark. The mystery itself was intriguing and I loved that twist of this being set in the 90s (those comments about Princess Diana and Kurt Cobain threw me the hell off and I kept thinking "Who's gonna tell her?"). The twists were good and so were each of the reveals.
The thing is that something about this book just...felt off to me. I think it was just very slowly paced. The story starts off strong and metaphorically punches the reader, but then it just kind of...enters this moment in the story where it's both frustrating and drags on a bit.
I'd still recommend this to thriller fans, since I can definitely see this grabbing a thriller addict's attention, but I do wish the book had kept that same energy of the beginning all the way through the book.
122. Deep Wizardry by Diane Duane--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I think DEEP WIZARDRY was better than the first book. While it still had some of the confusing magical math that the first book had, it wasn't as dense. We still got to see a lot of the magic at play, especially when the kids find themselves in a dangerous ocean.
This book also gave me heavy A WRINKLE IN TIME vibes. I think if this book was on today's book cases, it would be a pretty strong seller. It has the friendship goals of two young magicians, skeptical parents, and the wild adventures that kids are somehow surviving when we know in real life, adults wouldn't survive.
This also did have some creepy moments, especially when we meet some of the characters.
Okay, will be attacking book three soon!
123. Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I spoiled myself for who Sookie ends up with and while I was disappointed, I HAVE enjoyed seeing her navigate her relationships. DEAD RECKONING doesn't disappoint as we learn some truths about Sookie's relationship and the heartbreaking reality of her situation.
One of my favourite things about this series, now that I'm one step closer to finishing, is how much Sookie has grown as a character. Thinking of how she was in book one in comparison to her now is wild. Her naive nature has changed and she is much more aware of her humanity and fragility. She is also more aware of the people around her and how her actions affect those she loves.
This instalment also tackles a situation that has been brewing for several books and it had a very, very satisfying conclusion. I'm also now very curious about what's happening with a few certain people in Sookie's life.
I'm excited to get to the next book because I'm so, so close to the end!
124. Stay Out of the Basement by R.L. Stine--⭐️⭐️⭐️
STAY OUT OF THE BASEMENT was entertaining for what it was--especially since the concept of plants becoming self-aware and actively trying to get humans is a creepy topic. The story itself was entertaining and less frustrating than other GOOSEBUMPS titles.
There is some language in this that are very reminiscent of the 90's blasé way of speaking. Calling a kid "Fatso" because she's skinny, and having that girl make her younger brother by one year sandwiches every time he was hungry were a couple of the things that threw me off. I don't even know how many times I asked myself "Doesn't this kid know how to make himself a peanut butter sandwich? She's eleven and he's ten..."
Anyway, another classic GOOSEBUMPS bites the dust.
Have you read any of these books? What were your thoughts?
Happy reading!
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Now that tlou is over for now I need more father & found kid media in my life. Do you have any recommendations? ❤️
Well, the two off the top of my head are obviously The Mandalorian, which I'm sure I don't need to explain, and another Star Wars media: the animated series The Bad Batch - which the fandom jokingly calls the Dad Batch because it's a show about a group of brothers who are "defected" clones and they find themselves taking under their wing a little girl named Omega who is technically their sister because she's the first and only female clone.
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And while Omega has a very special and unique relationship with each one of her brothers, one specifically stands out.
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While the others are like brothers/uncles, Hunter is truly a father. They have a special connection from the start, as you can see here in this pic she's his little shadow and loves to mimic him. At this point in the story, he's all about giving her a life she deserves, away from danger and just letting her be a kid. He's a tired dad but he loves being a dad. And everyone can tell by just looking at him.
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Another pair I've been recently obsessed with is Stephen Strange and America Chavez. Even if you're not into MCU, go watch Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness because the boost of serotonin the Instant Adoption trope in this movie gives you is everything you hoped for and more.
Like, the protective instinct in Stephen pops up out of nowhere and he's like what the hell?! I can't turn it off! But do I want to turn it off? Nah, not really.
Istg, maybe there's not a lot of content with just one movie but the FICS?! The fics are chef's kiss!
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Then there are other more famous pairs like Hopper and El from Stranger Things or Geralt and Ciri from the Witcher. But those I think I don't need to explain because their cases are widely known. So I'm gonna go in a different direction.
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Oldie but a goodie. Marcel Gerard and Davina Claire from The Originals. Used to be my whole personality like Dick & Rachel and Joel & Ellie are now. I'm not gonna lie, my heart got broken many times and they are the reason I have trust issues but god they were so good. Like c'mon, the man saves her from literally being sacrificed in some ritual and instantly goes "yup, you're my child now", dials up his protectiveness to 11, creates her a beautiful room in the old church's attic, and even if he fucks up many times, I haven't seen a man love stronger before I met Marcel Gerard.
And of course:
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SAVING THE BEST FOR THE LAST HAHAHA. DICK GRAYSON AND RACHEL ROTH, DC TITANS. But if you followed me for a while, here or on Twitter, you know the drill already. No need to explain, all my fics will do it for me 💙🖤 "we were supposed to save each other"/found you through a dream/invisible string/my reason to live all in one??? Got me in a chokehold since the pilot and is keeping me there for four years straight. The loves of my life. Can shake hands with Joel and Ellie because they took "if you're lost in the darkness, look for the light" literally. BOTH LOST IN THE DARKNESS, IN HER CASE LITERAL AS WELL AS FIGURATIVE. BROUGHT LIGHT TO EACH OTHER'S LIVES. SAVED EACH OTHER FROM ROCK BOTTOM. YOU CAN'T GO BETTER THAN THAT.
I'm sure there's more but these are the closest to my heart right now. Hope that'll help fill the void!
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violetmina · 1 year
Hey! I forgot to tell you as soon as I read it, but I absolutely LOVE the Chokehold series. The slow build up, the tension, the descriptions 😩 I really really like all the training scenes (after reading I searched up how to do a triangle choke, really useful to learn, you never know), the sexual tension is killing me. You write beautifully, can't wait to read the next chapters 🥰 Could you please add me to the tag list if it doesn't bother you?
Hope you're having a great day <3
Thank you so, so very much for this @marksassybanana ! It's made my day. 😊 Especially that you like the training scenes! I struggle with describing these moves in a way that isn't boring, manual-ish lingo, and trying to keep tension. So it's a relief to know that people actually enjoy them. I also like the fact that you and others might actually look up these moves, a fun rabbit-hole to fall into! Triangle choke is one of the staple moves and is VERY effective. Kinda scary to be in, but sooo much fun to do 😈 Side note; if you look up more BJJ moves that I mention, or just BJJ in general, Chewjitsu on YouTube is one I highly recommend.
I'd be more than happy to add you to the taglist! Not a bother at all. Thank you so much for the kind words. I just went to a No-Gi seminar with ADCC world champion Amy Campo yesterday, and it's really inspired me (and slightly crippled me tbh 😅). Been in a hell of a slump till now, so I plan to work on the next chapter, maybe two, the next few days.
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galatially · 2 years
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 — 𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 🫧
𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛
of the essence by @inklore — if y'all haven't read anything from lauren before, let this be your introduction; she's a fucking artist the way that she weaves her characters into existing universes and i can only hope to write half as well as she does
lovelorn masterlist by @tomdutch — do you like pining? roommates to possible lovers? all set in a college au with peter parker, reader, and cindy moon? well, s had you covered; or, the masterlist stayed in my drafts to remind me to read the updates and my jobs have killed my brain cells so please read this brilliance and give it lots of love!
sunrise, sunset by @peachyteabuck — i don't need to gush about how much i need lukis to fucking produce epics, but i will lol. they've taken such a sensitive topic and beautifully drawn us a world where grief is complicated and new normals are harder when you love people. honestly, this story made me fucking cry and do all the fangirl feel things and i need them to just never stop writing
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friction by @faeology — this is my first time seeing @faeology on my dash but thank fuck i did because this was hot and needy and i could fucking feel the tension across my own skin between eddie and reader. if you're looking for palpable angst and genuine chemistry, go to sav and you'll be in heaven
it happened one night in detention by @mypoisonedvine — let me tell y'all something! the chokehold this had on me and my drafts was fucking insane! i'm pretty sure i read this five times before reblogging this because i was in such awe; the descriptions, the world-building! i wanna write like j.d. when i grow up lol
i don't play with my pen (i mean what i write) by @edens-pen — as a connoisseur of thirst tweet videos, i wish that this episode was real because goddamn! i love a good cocky!eddie fic and this did not disappoint. something about artists that are hot, know they're hot, but are still fucking cool and shit? unmatched energy. not gon' hold y'all though, i'd have been loud and proud about wanting eddie to just ruin me on twitter dot com lol
june baby: one, two, three by @luveline — i fucking love this series and every day i get on, i'm hoping to see that jade's updated so i can follow the adventures of eddie, reader, and june bug! i'm so attached to these three like they're friends of mine and i love watching their relationship deepen and, as a fervent slow burn lover, i'm foaming at the mouth for them to finally kiss!
a little mean for me by @upsidedownwithsteve — firstly, i love steve harrington, right? like, he went from being this asshole who's only personality trait was his money and his status to being a real fucking person, you know? one of my favorite characters, hands down. secondly, just because of this story, i want him to affectionately bully and kiss the tears away
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my feet can't touch the bottom of you by @sunderlust — i know nothing about the top gun franchise other than tom cruise is in it and val kilmer used to be, lol. but the way people like laur and sol write about the characters, maybe i'll bite the bullet and watch them? even if i don't, sol's description of jake "hangman" seresin is perfectly arrogant and aloof and i wanted to grind his balls under my foot for hurting my bartender babe
veracious and coveted facade by @inklore — laur, at this point, this is my proposal for your hand in matrimony because why the fuck do you write such masterpieces for mere mortals like me to gaze upon? who told you?
lurk by @zstrn — tori, my love, i stand ten toes on what i said: bradley 'rooster' bradshaw can have his feet planted on my mattress to turn me into slime. UNTIL THE FOULEST OF STENCHES LEAVES THE ROOM OKAY
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𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — i didn't read much because of jobs and lack of time after them but i did read some real gems so please, please give the lovely people reads and keep them writing!
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iknowitwontwork · 1 year
heloooooooo, i;m sorry you're not having the best day!
if you haven't drunk any water in a while, please have a small glass, and maybe put one of those vitamin c dissolvable tablets in if you're feeling under the weather, it might help.
if you've been sitting for a while, stretch your legs and maybe sit up straight to give your back a break, or get a pillow or something.
if you're cold, get a jumper or a blanket or something cozy, and have a snack if you're hungry!!!!!
i'm so sorry if things aren't going incredibly well for you this week or today or whatever time period it is, but i promise you it will get better and you will feel good again and you know tomorrow is another day, and it may surprise you by being an absolutely amazing day that you weren't expecting!
i hope you walk somewhere today and see a cat and are able to stroke it a bit and have a nice couple minutes with the cat, and then you get a muffin or brownie or some crisps or cake or soemthing along those lines and and eat it whilst watching gilmore ggirls or another comfort show, and the day's overall quality just goes up!
ummm, what else. i can tell you about my day. i have eaten my body weight in special k istg. the chokehold that cereal has on me is ridiculous. i realized that once upon a time is no longer on netflix and is now on disney+, with i dont have, which was pretty annoying as i am currently craving hook/emma interactions and cuteness. yk how sometimes you are really just in the mood for one specific type of cute couple will they wont they enemies to lovers interaction, from two specific people, and then when you realise it's not available to you it'sjust so annoying. yeah, that kinda sucked, but i just watched rory and logan episodes of gilmore girls and felt better :)!
also, i just bought shadow and bone, the first book from that whole series. i was wondering if you've read it? i've heard from some people on here that it is really good, sothat is something to look forward too :)!
ummmm, what else is there to ramble about. idk if you've noticed but i'm trying to distract you from any bad or not nice things that might be happening, and i am going to continue to do this until i run out of words in my brain. gotta cheer up my favouritr tumblr big sister!!!
i have been obsessively listening to maisie peters today! do you watch caitlin marie reacts an youtube? i love her and i just binged all her maisie reactions this morning and spent the rest of the day obsessively listing to her eps and watching live performances. if you haven't already, you should listen to her music! it's really good! i watched her performance with james bay of funeral so many times today, it's just so good! so yeah, that's what the music has been like today.
oh, also i was sitting on my bed, just listening to music, and i was sitting cross legged, and my cat came and sat on me, kinda facing outwards and stretching his whole body out onto my leg, which was really cute and adorable, but he is also a large boy and didn't get off for an hour so by the time he did, the leg cramp was ridiculous istg. it took me five minutes to be able to use it again. so yeah, that happened. he's very sweet though so i'll forgive him.
have you got any plans for the next week? if so, what type of things are they. it is currently a week off from school for me so i am going to laze around, study a bit, listen to music, and maybe see friends at some point. very lazy week :)
soooooo, yeah. i can't really think of anything else to day but i hope this maybe made you feel better and if you were already feeling better before reading this then i hope this kept your mood at that good level.
idk, the amount of rambling in this is riduclous, i should stop, so yeah, byeeeeeeeee
(also no pressure to answer this, i just hope it makes you smile)
hellooo izzy🥺💗
i'm feel a lot better now :) i ate smth and took a bath so :) and i'm pretty cozy in my blanket rn :)
right??? cereal is so good??? wtf??? oooh i haven't watched ouat so as i have disney+ i might watch it now :D and yes yes yess i totally get that feeling bestie!! sjsjsj u can always count on rory and logan to make u feel better lol<3
noooo i haven't read it :( tho it's on my tbr FOREVER aahh!! also i heard that shadow and the bone trilogy is not that good but six of crows duology is better?? idk anyway rn i am ready city of bones by cassandra clare it's good i think tho i am not getting much time to read :(
awww i noticed🥺🥹💕 ilysm for this<33 and i'm so happy that u see me as a big sister ilyilyilyyyy
i don't listen to maisie but maybe now i will :) also yesss i watch caitlin marie reacts on yt!!
omg hgfdsdfgh ur cat sounds adorable<33 u should share a pic of him🥺 and i'm sorry for the cramp izzy ily
aaah that's nice!! i don't have much plans but to study as my exams are from march 1 so yeah :')
AND YES YES YESSSS THIS MADE ME FEEL SO MUCH BETTER ILYSM MWAH (and yes ik i think i already said ily in this like 10 times but hushhh)
and nooo it's not ridiculous at alll!! ramble whenever and whatever u want to me :)
take care of urself<3333
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