#idol izuku
xskyll · 1 year
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“Todoroki-san…” Shouto had never cared about honorifics before, but something about Midoriya’s voice speaking his name with such careful, precise formality made him feel like he’d stepped into a fog of humid air. It was thick and oppressive and uncomfortably stifling in a way his quirk could never abate. “It’s not Ka—Bakugou-san—it’s not him I’m avoiding. I mean,” he bit his lip in the same way Midoriya did when he wanted to slow his speech, to ensure he took the time to choose his words carefully, “it’s true that it’s weird for me. It’s not just the cousin thing. Or, I mean, maybe it is, in the end, but it’s just…where I’m from, my Katsuki, he’s always protected me. So it’s odd, being near yours. I know your Izuku isn’t me, but…well, we’re similar, right? I think maybe we have to be. So I don’t like the idea that there’s a version of me out there that a version of my cousin could hate. But more than that…Todoroki-san, more than that, the person I’m avoiding is you.” “Midoriya.” He wasn’t sure what he was going to say and he wasn’t given time to figure it out before Midoriya was speaking again. “I’m sorry,” he said, gripping the edges of his jacket and twisting them in his hands. It was a nervous gesture he’d seen dozens of times, performed by hands that were rough and mangled and broken and nothing at all like the pristine hands he was now looking at. “I’m sorry,” Midoriya repeated. “It’s such an awkward situation. I sort of…I thought maybe your teachers, or your heroes, or whatever it is, I was hoping they would figure things out and this wouldn’t come up. But they haven’t and…I’m so sorry, but if I’m being honest, Todoroki-san, it really hurts to look at you and it feels unfair, because the others, they say I look a little different from your Izuku, but for me, you look just the same. You look exactly like my Shouto, so when I see you, it’s hard because…because in my world, Shouto is…he’s everything, Todoroki-san. To me, I mean. He’s everything. And I know he feels the same because he looks at me like I’m everything, so when I see you and you’re looking at me like you don’t like me, and it’s with his eyes—” “I do like you,” he interrupted. “Or him. Midoriya. The one from my world. He’s one of my best friends.” Midoriya smiled and any words Shouto had left to speak turned to dust in his mouth. Midoriya smiled like he’d been hurt. He smiled like he wanted to apologize for his own injuries. “It’s not that kind of like, Todoroki-san.” Understanding bled through him like a slow-growing stain, permanently altering the fabric of his person. “You mean…you and me…?” “Right. And so that’s why. A Katsuki that isn’t my cousin and a Katsuki that dislikes me…that’s odd and it makes me feel a little strange, but it isn’t something I can’t handle. But a Shouto that treats me like I’m only a friend…that’s more than I can bear. So please. I know I’m overexerting myself. I know it isn’t healthy to keep practicing like this. But right now, this is all I have. So please, Todoroki-san.”
Don’t mind me, I’m just back on my nonsense. Anyone who knows me knows I love Idol Izuku, so this is just based on one of the many daydreams I’ve had on that subject. In this one, a quirk accident causes Izuku to swap places with an Izuku from an alternate universe. This Izuku is cousins with Katsuki (thus the eye color change), has a quirk that is related to increased agility (which he uses for dancing), and is dating Shouto. In this world, there are no heroes or villains, but simply law enforcement and criminals. Quirks aren’t as strong or diverse as they are in the normal bnha world. UA exists, but rather than training heroes, it’s simply a renowned school for specialized career training. Izuku is in their music academy, under Hizashi. Shouto and Katsuki are in the law academy, maybe?? Katsuki wants to grow up to be Izuku’s bodyguard, lol. Enji is a professional fighter—sort of a quirk MMA type of thing—and he wants Shouto to follow in his footsteps. Shouto doesn’t want to. I’m thinking he might want to be a defense attorney. Anyway, I’m never going to write this as a fic but enjoy this little blurb!
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Hello and welcome to Day 24 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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Sorry if this is posted a bit late, I have been feeling bad in the last 2 days. Maybe I caught a cold? Who knows...
Either way, for today, I have a very old fic idea to talk about. This is once again a My Hero Academia plot bunny.
Before I get into the idea itself, I need to say this: I have been obsessed with music related anime and games for a long time. This only got worse when I got into K-pop during college because of my best friend. I was fully expecting, at one point or another, to have the idea I wanna talk about. What I did not expect is for one tiny idea to get so big in length inside my head. (I am sure I have over 30 chapters planned for this... and it's not even remotely close to finish)
With that being said, I present to you:
"V/H - Stepping into the Spotlight." - a MHA Idol AU
In this story, I want to make Izuku change his views a bit. In my eyes, Izuku's status as a Quirkless person led to his obsession with Pro-Heroes. And it got to the point where if he can't be a Pro-Hero, he might as well not exist. And this is baaaaad. Like bad bad. Especially for his mental health. The fact Izuku never had any other hobby than "hero analyzing" is also very tragic. He got to a point where he couldn't even ask himself a very important question: "Just because I don't physically save someone, does that mean I can't be called a hero?".
There are people all around the world struggling with something and feeling like they don't belong or that they don't need to exist. These people's mental health can benefit from small things like a song that makes them happy, a drawing they saw and adore, a book they started to read, video games that give them some hours of escaping realiy, hell - even just a "thank you for your help" or "good job with this" can help them somewhat. Personally, just having my friends around to talk with or fangirl about a song/book/anime/fanfic is just such a relief - they may not have had to physically save me from a villain's clutches, but they are no less than heroes in my eyes. They saved me from loneliness and from my own depression. Here, in this fic, I want to give Izuku something like this - friends that will save Izuku from himself - and help Izuku do the same to others.
How, you may ask? By giving Izuku the chance to meet someone who doesn't care about becoming a hero; what that someone wants is to create music that can save others and can touch someone's heart. And because of this meeting, Izuku rethinks his life until then and, later on, chooses to share that person's dream. In this fic, Izuku will realize that you don't have to physically save someone to become their hero.
On a different note, am I the only one who believes the whole "All Might leaves Izuku on the rooftop of a building" situation to be a plot hole? Like, Japan (as far as I know) is notorious for having their rooftops not available to the public. This usually means they are locked. So how the hell did Izuku get down? Like, how did he get down and not have the cops called on him? A child on a rooftop will raise red flags for everyone. I don't believe that would have happened without the police getting involved and Inko being called. (And All Might would also be in trouble because he left a kid on a freaking rooftop. Like, Toshinori why?)
So to combat that little plot hole, meet Miyuki Haruto, a 13 years old child and a resident of the building All Might leaves Izuku on the rooftop of. He has a bit of a bad habit: he secretly goes on the rooftop of the apartment building he lives in all the time, even though it is technically illegal. And this time, when he goes to the rooftop he end up hearing the last part of Izuku's conversation with All Might - when All Might tells Izuku to be "realistic" and "think of another job". Haruto is both pissed off at All Might for the words ("Couldn't you have chosen less harsh words when letting someone's dreams shatter?") and worried because: 1. Izuku is crying and 2. they are on a rooftop - a lot can happen on a rooftop.
Out of worry of Izuku jumping, he approaches and tries to give Izuku comfort the only way he knows how - humming a song while waiting for Izuku's tears to dry. After that, Haruto assures Izuku that if he doesn't want to, he does not need to explain anything and says that he is more concerned about Izuku than how he got there in the first place. Still worried, Haruto offers to walk Izuku home and Izuku, who, for the first time, is treated nicely by someone other than his mother, accepts.
On the way to Izuku's home, Haruto hears a bit more about Izuku - like how he is Quirkless (Haruto sees no problem with that and Izuku.exe has stopped working at that point), how he was attacked by a villain today (now it's Haruto.exe that stops working) and how Izuku is bullied at school. Of course, Izuku downplay all of these facts, but Haruto is not dumb; he knows deflection when he sees it. He just doesn't call Izuku out on that cause he doesn't want Izuku to be uncomfortable or, worse, panic. So what Haruto does is listen and give advice: "Why don't you tell your mother about the bullying? You mentioned she is really nice. Don't you think she will be sad if you choose to stay at that school and continue to be hurt like this?"
Before Izuku has the time to respond, they both hear the battle with the Sludge Villain that is trying to take over Bakugou's body. Instead of blindly rushing in, like in canon, Izuku has a panic attack here. Remember, Izuku had a very bad day, was attacked by the same villain just a while ago (so trauma) and is mentally drained from crying his eyes out. Haruto take him out of the public reach, and as All Might appears again and saves Bakugou and the day, Haruto is doing "The 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique" to calm Izuku down.
After all this, they finally get to Izuku’s house safe and sound, even though Izuku is even more mentally and emotionally exhausted. Haruto just tells Izuku to think about telling his mother about what he is going through and what he feels. "It is worth a shot" is what Haruto says. Izuku, reluctantly, agrees and they part ways.
The next day, which is a Saturday, Izuku decides to take a leap of faith and talk with Inko. The talk ends with both of them in tears, and with Inko telling Izuku that he can move schools if he wants since his 2nd year of middle school just started. Izuku agrees and the following weeks are full of them making preparations to transfer Izuku somewhere else.
That somewhere else ends up being Kanamizawa Middle School - a school where using Quirks is forbidden (and enforced by the teachers), with a very good record when it comes to studies and this school also has a vocational studies program that students can choose to attend outside of the general school hours. All in all, Inko thinks (and prays) this school will be good for Izuku.
The transfer is successful, and in the 2nd month after the beginning of the school year, Izuku started attending Kanamizawa Middle School. Which turns out to be Miyuki Haruto's school as well.
Haruto, not only glad that Izuku actually listened to him and transfered but also excited to have him as his new classmate, is all about showing Izuku around the school - from the best places to study in peace to where you can get some awesome food. Haruto even ends up introducing Izuku to some other students - specifically one Manami Kyosuke, the resident cat dad of the school who knows and feeds all the stray cats around, including a very affectionate ginger cat named Pumpkin.
Things are going great for Izuku and his improving mental health now. His second year was way more peaceful than he expected, and he even made friends. In his 3rd year, Izuku is required to join one of the vocational courses - be it music, creative writing, painting, or sports - because he needs some credits in that department. Generally, all students do a vocational course in their 1st year there, and then they can choose whether they want to continue it or just focus on their studies.
Izuku, knowing Haruto and Kyosuke are in the music course, chooses to attend that class. And it turns out he has a pretty good voice for someone who never sang before. As the year passes, Izuku finds himself more and more fascinated by music, composition, and how easy it is to express his feelings with them. Izuku fully accepted that he can't become a hero now, but he finds himself drawn to the idea of singing on the stage with Haruto and Kyosuke. And this time around, while this dream is hard to achieve, it is not impossible for someone Quirkless like him.
And so Izuku trains to be accepted in the same high school as Haruto and Kyosuke, where all of them hope to make their dream of becoming idols true.
Some details I wanna add:
Haruto has a Quirk that let's him control small amounts of fire. He can't create the fire but he can control it if it is already there.
Kyosuke has a Quirk that let's him create ice around him in a circle and he should be able, by Izuku's understanding of his Quirk, to actually make the ice into different shapes around himself with enough control.
When the 3 go to high school, they basically enter a trainee idol program. The school trains them, and they can choose to start their idol work either after they graduate or during high school (mostly on the internet with a performance being scheduled depending on their sucess. Their high school basically has the role of an agency for the students. They can choose when they debut. Izuku, Kyosuke, and Haruto make their debut as a unit under the name 3M (because all of their last names start with M) during their 1st year.
Izuku works extra hard to catch up with the other two during middle school. It pays off since not only does he get accepted with Haruto and Kyosuke into the high school, but he is also able to keep up the two of them now.
During high school, 3M makes friends that they end up in an idol group with (the other characters' names are not fully made up in my brain yet). The group has 8 members in total, and their name is "V/H." The name is mostly a reference to the "Villains or Heroes, which are we?" idea. The idea stems from Izuku thinking that both sides can influence the public in their own way, but the public chooses which one is the "villain" of the story and which one is the "hero." So basically, they want the people to choose how they see them.
The whole fic idea started initially because I found out Diaki Yamashita (aka Izuku's VA) also voiced Sakuma Ritsu from the group Knights in Ensemble Stars. Now I can't unhear Izuku anytime I hear Ritsu singing. This also gave legitimacy to my "Izuku can sing" canon.
Because Izuku doesn't go to UA, Mirio gets One for All. But Izuku still saves Eri and Kota, tho differently from the canon. Izuku bumps into Eri after she runs away from Chiaki and brings her to a police station since he recognized the signs of an abused child. What Izuku doesn't know is that Eri heard his voice on a radio show and that his voice calms her down so much - for her, Izuku was her hero even before finding her. Meanwhile, for Kota, well... Sosaki Shino (aka Mandalay), though it will help Kota to have some fun experiences and brought him to a performance of 3M. Kota got lost and Izuku helped him, and, after finding out that Kota's parents died recently and how he feels about it all, Izuku gives Kota the same advice Haruto gave him before: "Talk with your aunt. Unless you tell her how you feel about everything, she will make assumptions about it. And the assumptions will start hurting you. So, trust me. Talking and letting your feelings out is the better option. Crying is not a weakness, nor is it something bad. Letting all the hurt out will definitely make you feel better - I experienced that myself." So, Izuku is again Kota's hero without the need to face Muscular.
It would be hilarious if after 3M or V/H debuts (1st or 2nd year of high school), Jiro and Denki start listening to their music. Jirou's bias is Haruto, while Denki's is Izuku. The two are absolutely in love with the group as a whole and with their biases. And after 1-A gets into the dorms, imagine these 2 introduce the rest of the class to their new boy group obsession. Katsuki's face once he sees Izuku on stage would be hilarious.
Speaking of dorms, from the very beginning of their 1st high school year, Izuku, Haruto, and Kyosuke (as well as the rest of the student body) are moved into dormitories Izuku and Haruto share a room, while Kyousuke is with another future member of V/H.
Izuku and Haruto have a duo unit as well named "Eclipse" - Haruto named this one cause he feels like Izuku is a little ray of sunshine while he is more akin to a moon.
Honestly, the songs that I can see the members of V/H singing are more K-pop oriented (like Stray Kids, TxT, Ateez, and so on) while 3M has a more 3Racha vibe to their songs (aka rap group - let's be fair, Izuku would be a good rapper), and Eclipse (and other units with the other members + solos) fall into the J-Pop category (songs from like Idolish7, Uta no Prince-sama, Ensemble Stars and other anime that have songs I like). This is just how I find myself thinking of the groups and units in this fic idea.
There will be other groups as well - both boy and girl groups. We are gonna have some be in Izuku’s year while others are older than them or (later on) younger than them.
I wanna put an emphasis on the fact that you don't need a Quirk to have a life. The media finding out about Izuku being Quirkless would be a good way to promote awareness towards Quirkless Discrimination and give other Quirkless kids some hope through Izuku.
Because of this, however, All Might's image might suffer - specifically, imagine All Might is asked what he thinks of someone being a Quirkless Hero on TV because the interviewer had Izuku and his group before on the show and she was curious about what would the No.1 Pro Hero think - afterall there are heroes that fight in hand-to-hand combat because their Quirks are not combat oriented, so it's like they fight quirkless). All Might (the stupid idiot) says the same thing he told Izuku - that it is not feasible and that people shouldn't encourage this. Cue to a lot of people (who pay attention to details of other Heroes), bringing up those with non-combative Quirks and starting to not like All Might as much. Then there is Aizawa and Nedzu who are both pissed off at All Might for saying this - not to mention Gran Torino who is like "Why in the world would YOU of ALL PEOPLE say this, you dumbass". Needless to say, All Might doesn't have the best time here.
One last little detail: Shigaraki Tomura ends up as a V/H fan. Having Tomura fanboying over a boy group (and some other groups from the same agency V/H is) is both reassuring and concerning to Kurogiri's Inner!Oboro because: 1. Tomura needs a hobby, and if said hobby is listening to music, then that is great, and 2. Inner!Oboro is very much concerned about the group members if Tomura ever meets them since Tomura can be a bit.... extreme, to say the least. Now, imagine that Tomura's new interest in music leads (someway) to him distrusting All For One, and he (and most of the other villains) change sides. Like, really, Tomura is smart. Give him some therapy in the form of music, and maybe, just maybe, we can have Tomura change sides before the war fully begins. All of this is possible because Haruto found Izuku on that rooftop.
P.S.: I have some art I made a long time ago of Izuku, Kyosuke, and Haruto - they are not the best but I tried. (And yes, I am also @ayameakuma on this, but I decided to open a new account, so I have one specifically for fanfic ideas)
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And this is about it for this idea.
So, what do you think? Good? Bad? Let me know!
This was a blog that turned out longer than I thought it would be, and it is currently almost midnight where I live, so I am gonna go to sleep.
Hope you guys enjoyed this idea! Have a great day/night and take care!
See you tomorrow,
-TooManyPlotBunnies-Send Help
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puppyaulait · 4 months
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Idol cards from this month’s Patreon
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amaranthdahlia · 2 years
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am + bkdk trio >>>
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epickiya722 · 7 months
On today's news within the BKDK NATION...
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mettywiththenotes · 7 months
This was probably obvious but I'm going to say it anyway
Tomura talking to Izuku using "hero", referring back to their labels and how their fight is supposed to be between enemies (not saviour and victim), "That's what makes us heroes and villains" etc
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Tomura talking to Izuku using his actual name, all the while goading him and playing on his feelings with All Might. He's making the situation more personal in order to distract Izuku from what he's doing/needs to do
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delawaredetroit · 7 months
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I do think this is an underrated moment of character development for Izuku. Ochako's story is the first time he really thinks about why other people want to become heroes. Because until this point, the only other hero student character motivations (Bakugou and Iida) are similar to Izuku in that they were based on admiration of a current pro hero
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rudtndudwo · 1 year
This year UA Bunkasai(School Culture Festival) Class A decide to perform as Idols. 5 boys was chosen included Todoroki Shoto. When Izuku with the rest of class come to support, he look for Shoto at Back stage and he shook.
Part 2
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lunejump · 4 months
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I swear to god I had an explanation for this. I don't have it anymore
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midoriyaas · 2 years
like in this one you don’t know eachother at all but you do know that you went to ua together
just him having a really popular stan account for you but no one knows it’s their number one hero behind the screen 🥹
shows up to as many of your fan events in a disguise bc he’s yknow, deku!! worlds greatest hero and all that jazz!!
will try so hard to learn your group’s choreos but he needs to clean up the moves a lot 🥹
when you release your first solo album you bet he’s buying every version available
one day his manager calls him to tell him about a photoshoot for his new merchandise with people from the sponsor company but they don’t disclose with who….
to his surprise it’s you!! his favorite idol!!
he has to hold back from fanboying too hard in front of you, but he can’t hide his blush when you mention that he’s your favorite hero 🫶🏽
you two get to talk to eachother during a short break in the photoshoot while they set up the next shots, and you realize you have a ton in common
he also comes clean about being your number one fanboy which causes you to go slack jawed because “DEKU?!? THE WORLDS GREATEST HERO?!? LIKES ME?!?”
face fully flushed and feeling like you’re on cloud nine, you get changed into the next outfit for the last part of the shoot and it goes smoothly!
you exchange numbers at the end of the shoot and start talking after that
that’s when the dating scandals start up, paparazzi catch the two of you at hero museums, and hold i hands at theme parks, they also catch izuku coming out of your agency’s building a few times
you post very vaguely about someone new in your life and the netizens go wild putting two and two together
-you were seen wearing one of deku’s famous “t-shirt” shirts during rehearsals….
-you’re taking pictures in an apartment that looks eerily similar to deku’s……
-and when the pictures from the photoshoot are released people begin theorizing even more, especially since both of you have a two page spread together,,,, and you look like such a power couple
-people also catch deku staring longingly at your advertisements during his patrols
so they catch on really quickly lol, y’all aren’t slick at all 🙄
when y’all do end up announcing your relationship there’s mixed reaction from both of your fanbases, on one hand your true fans wish nothing but the best for your new relationship, on the other hand there’s people calling you a gold digger and saying that you’re just gonna distract their number one….
everyone shuts up real quick when you post a video of the two of you dancing together under a starry night sky, you can vaguely hear laughter and people can notice that he’s nervous to step on your feet, although people cant see your faces fully due to the dark lighting of the video, they can just tell how perfect you are for eachother.
anything you guys do or anything you promote sells out in seconds….powercouple i tell you
icons in love
okay i have no more ideas the brain worms are gone, but i need izuku to say i’m his fav performer of all time please i’m begging g u universeee 😭
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writersmorgue · 1 year
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what a king tbh
thank you anon sorry for throwing off your groove ✨
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marieabubb08 · 1 year
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Miss Manager
It all started with your aunt.
Your aunt has been a music producer for different artist for as long as you can remember.
By the time you graduated college, you were in desperate need for a job.
And your aunt heard about this and so she reached out to you about this important job.
“This one company I worked for before is debuting a new boy band and they are in desperate need of a manager. You can try to apply if you want.”
Now, your aunt told you the company was a bit small so the salary wont be too big
But you were desperate. After all, it was better than none and you needed the money fast.
And so you applied.
The interview was nervewracking but definitely not as challenging as you thought.
They asked you a few questions about yourself, your work ethic and other questions that really told them about your personality.
Just after a few days, you already received a call back from them anndddddddd…..
Surprise suprise
You got in! Congratulations!
The next day you met up with some staff who taught you the things you’re supposed to do.
Reviewing and reminding the boys about their schedules. Checking up on the events, stylists, their lessons. Scheduling their calendars. Talking to producers, event organizers etc etc
Needless to say, you are packed madam
But no worries. You are used to stress and you say yes to everything without no second thought.
After that brief showcase of your supposed job, the staff introduced you to the 5 boys.
Izuku Midoriya, the sweet, shy main vocal and leader of the group who proved to you that singing isnt just about belting because his voice serenaded you with how sweet, sincere and emotion-filled his singing was.
Shoto Todoroki, the cold and stoic song-writer, vocalist of the group who you thought would be pretty popular with the ladies once they debut because of his handsome face.
Katsuki Bakugo, the hot-headed producer, rapper of the group who was rather brash and looked to be rather stagnant in his work only for you to be surprised that he can play a few instruments and is the jack-of-all-trades of the group
Eijiro Kirishima, the talkative and bubbly singer, dancer who may seem clumsy with some normal things but when it comes to performing, shows why he was chosen for the group. His passion shines through making him very ‘manly’ in your eyes.
And finally, Denki Kaminari. The flirty main dancer of the group who can move his body incredibly fluidly and flawlessly as if bending your back towards the ground while doing a split was as easy as walking.
Now everyone was very polite and welcoming to you (even Bakugo no matter how ummm…unpolite he was) telling you that if you needed help they will gladly help.
But you shook your head, telling them to focus on themselves and their performance on stage and you’ll worry about everything that happens behind and before the stage.
A few months before the debut date, you had approached all the members individually asking them on what theme they want for the structures of their sound and message to look and sound like.
And that interview brought you a lot closer to these boys as they talked to you about their ideas, personal experiences and personalities.
Izuku told you that he wished their message would integrate that of never giving up hope and to always looking at the beautiful things in life rather than looking at what things you dont have.
A lesson that he had learned growing up from being always bullied about alot of things. His appearance, his life etc. And he wanted everyone especially the youth to feel like he knows how it feels to be alone and to feel like the world is against you.
But looking at the things he loved and he had like music, performing, his friends and his mom made him realise that all his wishes were just his wants and all his needs are already given to him.
Katsuki wanted to intertwine the main idea Izuku gave with adding the lesson he learned from his now band leader.
The lesson of the power of compassion and empathy. He was a prodigy in everything he did and so he felt cocky about it and almost like he was ontop of the world and everyone was just below him.
He even told you that he was one of the people who bullied Izuku but changed his ways once he realized how empty he felt even with all the glory.
Feeling something towards others made him feel more whole and important to the world and he wanted to teach everybody who was and still an asshole just like him that it is better to care than not caring about anything rather than yourself.
Shoto wanted to integrate the journey of the long road of unbias acknowledgement and acceptance of oneself.
He was a victim of parental abuse from his father that left him and his whole family scarred.
His mom especially, was damaged to the point where she became insane and detested anything and anyone who reminds her anything related to his father.
And him, getting some attributes from his father made him hate those parts believing them to be a curse, something monstrous like his father.
But once he learned how to accept that those parts arent Enji Todoroki but rather fully him, Shoto Todoroki was he able to let go of all the hate towards himself and his isolation from others.
And now that his father is trying to redeem himself from his past mistakes, he is no learning not to forgive yet, but to acknowledge that his father is trying without the bias of just chalking his father up to be just bad.
He knows that the world is morally gray, and so is his father whom he is now trying to erase the view of him just being the devil himself with a black, inked heart but rather a man realising the large doom he put onhis family cause of his mistakes.
And thats what he wants to share to the world. You dont have to forgive someone, but you need to forgive yourself if you want to move forward in life. Just because you remember a trait as something evil doesnt mean it is because like he said, the world is morally gray and so wait befor you judge.
Eijiro wanted to add the sense of positivity and being brave.
Being brave doesnt mean having no fears but rather fearing something but still facing it.
Its what makes a person so manly as he says.
And so many people bring down themselves just cause of the misconception of bravery.
They let their minds pick up on their flaws so much that even strengths will be considered as a flaw just because them or society doesnt like it.
And so he wants everyone to feel as positive about themselves as possible because you cannot be brave about external forces when you hide and run away from your internal insecurities and fears.
Denki, being last that you asked found out about each and everyones ideas and suggested only one thing. A story.
If its a love story, a self-ove one, a story of that of a hero, etc etc.
What he wants is something that would start as flawed just like he was when he started training in this company.
But he wants that one day if this band does seperate, he can look back on it and tell himself.
'This was my-no our story on how we recognised who we are, our strengths and weaknesses. This is our character development, the era where we improved our flaws and make our goods as excellent as possible. And I think we did it correctly.’
And hoped that maybe the future generations who’ll find their music, if they were lucky enough, would find this story and tell themselves that its never to late to start the journey they went through.
All of these made you cry small droplets of tears.
Each went through alot of things that may seem shallow but is actually so rooted and deep once you dig deep enough.
But you notice one motif of their ideas: The want to help, teach and reach out to everybody.
Your mind brightened as you ran to the office to suggest them an idea that popped in your mind.
“Why not call their group name: Hero? It fits with their whole theme and wants for their careers.”
Needless to say the boys, the staff and some higher ups liked it and decided to stick with that.
And so the day they debuted came and you were amazed with their talents when ir came to acting on the music video (just as you though their talents were just in performing, you were wrong they were excellent actors as well)
The song ended up becoming well. The views werent that bad and they were earning a few fans here and there.
You thought it would be the best to let them perform on a small scale and schedule those on small auditoriums(?) with the maximum of a hundred people with only 2 performance a week.
Well your mind slowly started to change about that decision when you saw them practice their song at 1 in the morning. All of them drenched in their sweat but they all enthusiastically agreed when Izuku asked for another rundown.
They reminded themselves of the promise they all told each other:
“Even if thousands, hundreds or even one person came to see us, we’ll still perform like its our last.”
And they definitely did.
Ome of their first performances infront of the public only had less than a hundred but they all performed like they’ll die if they did not give a 110% of their power
You can bet that after that one performance, all 60 people who came to watch their performance were in awe and some even at the state of open mouthed shock because of how charismatic and mindblowing everything was.
You were also in big awe. You were used to watching some performances by other artists that were more well known.
But this. They were spectacular even if there were no special effects or fireworks, no nothing. Just the passion, talent and hardwork of these boys.
After the stage, the 5 approached you, before bowing their heads as low as they can. Thanking you for your hardwork on setting up a stage where they can perform like they have always dreamed of.
But you also bowed your head, but this time in apology.
You admitted that you had indeed doubted their skills. But with just this one performance, you were convinced that they could do so much better and alot of people deserved to see their love of performing.
You promised that from that point onward, you will do more than your best and not doubt them because they are clearly using everything they have.
So what is holding you back from doing the same.
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This turned out to be longer than I thought oml-
Part two coming soon (probs today cause I dont wanna listen to my online class-)
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bnhaidolzine · 9 months
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🌟BIAZ is coming soon to a stage near you! We've got a great lineup of goodies, including this stellar poster by @/littleskrib (Twitter).
Don't miss the opening of our pre-orders in just ONE WEEK on August 5th!
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teenytinybeanie · 9 months
Have you ever been interested in a BKDK and SRRK idol au? Idolize is one of my current ongoing fics, updated every Thursday (unless life gets in my way).
Check the tags before reading!
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honey-dork · 2 years
"My Frankenstein" from dead end: paranormal park but it's Midoriya singing about All Might
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idol deku au my beloved
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