#idk if this makes any sense to anyone else…
littlelovedemon · 2 days
I’ve literally never posted on Tumblr before but uwjjqnsiakiqbs I feel like I need to say this
Idk if this is a controversial take, but like it’s always low-key kinda bothered me when people write Asmodeus in a way that he’s incapable of being monogamous BECAUSE of his lustful nature (rather than in the sense of headcanoning him as polyamorous, which is an entirely different case, you’re soooo valid for that mwah mwah!!! I eat it up!! <3)
But other than that?? Idk chat it just makes me feel kinda sad :(( like he’s being mischaracterised??
I’m bad at wording things but u know it’s just like mmmm he’s been waiting his WHOLE LIFE… LITERAL CENTURIES!! For someone to just see past his beauty and looks… and see him more than just an object of lust and desire… but when MC actually shows genuine interest in HIM?? This man is FLOORED… like they actually want to know HIM, all sides of him, wholeheartedly.
He would be absolutely SMITTEN with them, why would he need anyone else in any sort of intimate way when he has someone SO perfect right there??? Like he is absolutely down BAD for them, he is so obsessed!! HE ADORES AND LOVES MC SO MUCH!! Have y’all seen this man acts around them canonically?? Is anything I’m saying making sense?? Idk!! Lmao
Ok byeeee <3 pls don’t attack me I’m just yapping my thoughts at the end of the day y’all can do whatever!! :0 I’m just very VERY passionate about him as a character
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writing-whump · 3 days
Hola👋🏻 I was wondering that can you write a fic that Hex calls Isiah in the middle of the night to say "can u come get me?"
I knoooow that Hex would rather die to say that such a thing at first hand but well, Arnie was quite shaken since the accident and Hex wouldn't want him to worry him again🤷🏻‍♀️ i'm sure you find a better reason for this but maybe he was hurt pretty bad over a pack fight, or saving someone from his pack or sth. Hex would normally handle this quite well, but what about the other group is outnumbered and Hex's shadow is a bit weaker than normal when it comes to healing since he overused it recently?
Idk if this idea making any sense but I'm excited with the idea that Hector has to call Isiah for help, especially for himself awww🤭🤭
This is an absolutely excellent idea and I had been obsessed with it since I saw it! Thank you so much!!
Big brother for help
Hector forced his eyes open. He couldn't remember when he closed them.
Everything was blurry and spinning, the ground coming in and out of focus...the ground? Why was he on the ground?
He lifted himself up on shaky hands. Did he pass out? It couldn't have been long, because nobody found him. There were shouts coming up a few streets down, the Stark wolves following him, but if he had really really passed out, they would have found him already.
And finish what they started.
There was blood running down his arms and neck all over his shirt. The smell should have been enough - would have been enough for older wolf too - but the Stark wolves were just pups. Teenagers.
It was enough to go upwind and hide behind the buildings to block the smell and their tracking.
He tugged the jacket tighter around himself. Throwing it over the wounds haphazardly helped keep him off radar, but the bite wounds under him that marred his arms and torso were bleeding all over. The sticky feeling of blood clogging up on his skin made him shudder.
Another bad thing was that his sense of smell was shot, the iron scent of his own blood too strong in his nose. Or maybe his nose was bleeding too or it had blood on it from him swiping his bleeding hands over his face. Who knew.
This was starting to be a bit of a problem though.
Hector tried to stand and found that his legs were too shaky - there were bite marks under his pants too, but not strong enough to pierce the cloth, just to claw up the skin underneath.
His vision blurred out again and he spat onto the sidewalk. Yep, his spit was bloody too. Just his luck.
Maybe he was bleeding internally too, because when he pulled at his shadow, it was his stomach it focused on instead of the giant open wounds seeping blood all over him. His middle felt heavy too, like it was bloating up, growing in proportions. There were sloshing sounds now when he tried to move, like his belly was filled with liquid.
Not the kind of liquid it could digest.
But who was he supposed to call? There was a problem with the Stark wolves, he was the strongest wolf in his branch. If he couldn't handle it, there was hardly anyone else who could. Who should.
He crawled down the sidewalk, shivering. There was a wet red trail behind him. It felt like he was leaving parts of him behind as he moved.
There was one person he could call. Someone strong enough to help, someone who could handle this and who would actually be willing to do so. Only one.
Hector didn't want to call him.
It was lame and stupid, to call someone from another pack to get involved with his business. And it was terrible specifically for Hector as the branch leader that he couldn't keep order in his own territory.
He also didn't want him in particular anywhere near, when he was losing.
Hector was not going to be the kind of person who called his big brother anytime he couldn't handle something.
The noises came closer again as Hector shuffled on his hands and knees behind a corner, breathing hard. He felt sick, tasting iron on his tongue and he felt weaker by the minute.
Maybe this really wasn't the right hill to die on.
He leaned back against wall and pulled out his phone out of his pocket. With shaky fingers dripping blood, he found Isaiah's number.
Couldn't he just message him?
Then again, it was two in the morning. If Isaiah wasn't awake, he would see this way too late.
Hector swallowed back the blood and saliva gathering in his throat and hit the call icon.
Isaiah came to his location quickly and quietly as a shadow, long black coat flying behind him dramatically.
At the sight of Hector he didn't yell. It was all very professional. He just narrowed his eyes and let his shadow cover the street.
He wasn't hiding his location or power. No, he was announcing himself.
No, even more, Hector realized, he was chasing them out from the streets onto the main square. Gathering up all the wolves that attacked Hector.
They ran rather quickly, trying not to look behind them at the large shadow filling the streets like a flood of pitch.
"Stark pack. How wonderful," Isaiah murmured, passing Hector without a glance, like he wasn't seriously injured. "If I may, boys, what exactly are you doing on the Wolfson territory in the middle of the night?"
Hector didn't reveal himself to them, but he had a good angle to watch from across the square.
The wolves in question were young, barely out of teenagehood. Which meant strong shadows and powerful energetic bodies with very little sense or experience. They posed a threat, capable of going against untrained elders.
One of the older wolves who might have fancied himself the position of the leader of the group said boldly: "We were taking a claim on a piece of the territory. We have a right to make ours bigger by taking from others...sir."
Isaiah looked around like he was considering it. His voice was entirely smooth and unmoved, like this wasn't something that upset or surprised him, but there was a stern edge of power to it. "Yes, that is a valid reason. It just makes me wonder why you think this should be done secretly at night. Without the patrols standing guard, because they trust the alliance with the Stark pack."
The oldest boy had the decency to look down while the others visibly cringed.
"I'm also assuming you don't know who you were facing either."
Hector supposed that was good for him though. His reputation might have helped, but this loss would hurt it a lot.
"You want to lead an assault? Take a bite from the quarter? Go ahead. Use strategy. Attack your peers. Fight one-on-one to see who will win. This kind of group attack against one, how far you were willing to go...what exactly do you think would happen tomorrow? No information who you are fighting is sheer irresponsibility. If this was one of the higher ups of the Wolfsons, you would have the rest of the pack on your case tomorrow. You could have started a war if the injuries were lethal."
Hector scoffed under his breath. He wouldn't die because of a bunch of barely grown pups attacked him. Okay, maybe they weren't that much younger from him and there was more than six of them and he underestimated the numbers a little...
"It's entirely natural and understanble for pups your age to lead attacks and missions," Isaiah continued, purposefully insulting the young men by calling them pups. "But what exactly do you think it proves to gang up on a wolf like that? It certainly doesn't prove your strength. Or any sense of honour or good will. Or manners. Or skill or knowledge of etiquette."
That had all the boys bowing their heads in shame.
"Anyone can be defeated by numbers. That doesn't make you strong as individuals. And it doesn't make for a very good image for your pack, when its pups think they don't need to respect rules or order, when it can overwhelm with numbers alone. You know why we don't do it that way?"
There was a beat of silence, as none of the boys dared to speak up anymore.
"Because someone will always have more people than you. It would turn into chaos. No skill, no purpose, no morals. Like a bunch of animals." Isaiah curled his lip in disdain. "Actually, real wolves act with more sense than you."
Another heavy silence followed while Isaiah's shadow pulled closer around him like a giant black lake in the middle of the square. It was a frightening sight.
The boys kept their heads down, their shadows pulled back like tails between their legs. The first one might really had the most brains, cause he went down on one knee, bowing in apology. The others followed suit a heartbeat later.
"You will go back home and tell your elders what happened," Isaiah commanded, "and you will accept any punishment they give you or you can be sure I'll hand it to you myself."
It took a bit more of Isaiah's shadow threateningly waving from one side to the next until the kids got the clue they were dismissed.
Hector slumped more against the wall, closing his eyes until he felt Isaiah coming closer to him.
Isaiah didn't crouch down and didn't offer any sympathy. His face was stone cold, and his eyes burned with criticism that would have Hector recoiling from him, if he had the energy. "And you."
"Me what?"
"What exactly were you thinking? Alone, without backup plans, with a compromised shadow?" Isaiah's shadow didn't go down yet either, curling around angrily. It sort of surrounded them both like enormous bat wings hauled over the ground.
"They were just kids. I simply didn't expect them to be so many." The report talked about a trio. And Hector went alone because he had been MIA for the last week since the accident and wanted to make up for the lost hours. As much good as that did.
"Or you were simply arrogant. Going out so soon after the incident, when your shadow isn't ready to heal you so fast yet. This is why you take at least two wolves with you, out of sight if needed. And you certainly don't go around risking yourself as the branch leader. Do you even realize the responsibility you have for the whole pack? What would happen to them if they found you dead in the Danube in the morning?!"
Hector head ached. "Geez, chill out. I wouldn't die."
"Oh yeah, you look so okay to me. I told you, you are pushing yourself too much with too little help-"
"Christ, fine," Hector growled. "I don't need a lecture. Sorry I disturbed your fucking sleep. Thanks for the help. Night."
Did Isaiah really have to make such a big deal out of a little bit of bite injuries and blood? Hector was counting on him being calm and helpful in that kind, subdued manner he had been with him lately. If he expected half of this coldness, he wouldn't have dared to call.
Except maybe this wasn't coldness. This wasn't distance. It was something else Hector wasn't used to.
"Yeah, sure, you dumbass. I'm just gonna leave you to bleed out on the fucking street. That's what I'm here for." Isaiah finally bend down, throwing Hector's arm around his neck unceremoniously and lifting them both up.
Hector bit back a groan, head spinning immediately at the movement. He felt something slimy climb up his throat, but managed to swallow it back down.
Isaiah was uncharacteristically rough as he dragged him over the empty night street to his car. He also stayed silent, glaring in front of himself while his shadow swirled around them like a protective orb.
Isaiah opened the door on the backseat, tossing Hector inside with a little growl.
Hector should have been very curious and maybe alarmed by the display of anger. The last time Isaiah acted like this, they were still back home. Isaiah as Executioner getting coldly angry and disdainful...usually in reaction to various troubles, provocations and insults that Hector threw at his way to get his attention.
Except his head was buzzing too much and he was making quite the heroic effort in swallowing down hot vomit tasting a lot like blood. He pressed his lips tightly together as another wave of nausea rolled through him.
His arms twitched a little to the direction of his bloated stomach, but the pain that sparked at various places on his arms had him abounding the effort quickly.
Isaiah glared at him, before tugging at the sleeves of his jacket and pulling it off without warning.
"Oww. Be careful, would you?" Hector hissed in pain as the cloth pressed into his wounds, curling into himself. The sticky blood coming down with the fabric felt like it was tearing at his skin.
He had three bite wounds on his right arm and two on his left. They came from shadows when they assumed very wolf like forms during assault moves. They were deep, ragged and open, all the way in his flesh. Not bleeding as strongly anymore, the blood clotting obediently after the first sweep of his shadow. The wounds refused to close though.
Isaiah scowled as he inspected them without touching. "I'll bind them to stop the bleeding. Concentrate on them with your shadow as much as you can. They will get infected if you leave these open for long."
Then he looked down at Hector's pants, seeping a bit of wetness at the places of the bites.
"'eve them," Hector waved him off. "Not that deep." Certainly hurt a lot less.
"Anything else?"
Hector wondered how he should explain the pooling heaviness in his stomach. Was he making it up or was that some kind of real problem? Like internal bleeding?
The blond reached for his shadow, letting it decide where to concentrate, what to heal. It did indeed choose his torso as its focus, needling around at something deep inside that has his skin crawling. He let out a pained gasp, squeezing his eyes shut as the pain lessened, though the heavy feeling did not.
His shadow receded at that, like an elastic cord snapping shut. He couldn't hold it stretched for longer.
He slumped back in the seat, panting from the exhaustion and from the shameful prickles left in the wake of Isaiah's disapproving green eyes.
Hector must have dozed off. Only the sharp sting of pain had his eyes shooting open.
Isaiah was wrapping his left arm in bandages. Quite tightly. "Hold still," he commanded in the same voice he used on the enemy wolves.
Hector squirmed, the pain worsening the hot sticky feeling at the back of his tongue. "Isaiah-"
"Shut up and keep still for once. I need to finish this last one-"
"Isaiah- for real-" Hector leaned forward, his own body feeling like a weight that dragged him down. "Get- o-out of the way-"
It was all he managed before the burning liquid went up his throat and shot out his mouth.
Isaiah jumped away on instinct, in time for Hector to vomit blood into the gap between the open car door and the sidewalk. Hector lurched forward painfully, almost involuntary movement as another wave went up.
Dark red droplets sprayed over the sidewalk and on the road beneath it. The smell and taste had Hector retching again, almost falling forward and out, wasn't it for Isaiah gripping his shoulder.
Hector burped up another mouthful of the bloody puke, coughing to clear his throat. He sagged forward, caught by Isaiah's hands as his older brother propped him back up against the seat.
Hector's body have a whole-bodied shudder. But his stomach felt lighter, better somehow. The nausea went down considerably, though now he could feel the burning on his arms more strongly.
He balled his hands into fists at his sides, moaning.
Isaiah sighed into his ear, carding a hand through Hector's sweaty hair. It was the kindest touch he gave him all evening.
Hector felt something unraveling inside him at the sensation, sniffling. He was drowning in various kinds of liquids today.
"Hey, you are going to be okay. Your shadow will come back in a few hours and the injuries will get better quickly. It's all over now," Isaiah said quietly, regaining some of his usual softness.
Hector felt stress tears from the pain slipping down his cheek, wondering if he was dirty and bloody enough for it not to be noticeable. "That's not how it usually looks like. I can handle a fucking handful-"
"I know." Isaiah sat down on the edge of the seat beside Hector, wrapping an arm around his back. "It's not because you are weak. It's the strong ones that get hurt the most. You stand at the front, you bear all the risk, you face all the odds."
Hector sniffled again, but he couldn’t help leaning into Isaiah's side.
"I'm sorry," Isaiah said, shifting so Hector could lie against his shoulder more comfortably. "I get frustrated when I see how- when I see you get hurt for something that could have been prevented."
Hector shut his eyes, his tired mind figuring why Isaiah didn't feel distant. The older wolf was very much present.
"I wouldn't have called if I could help it just a little," Hector said in a small voice.
Isaiah ran his hands through Hector's hair again, scratching against his scalp. "No. I meant, you should call me sooner than this happens. Take me with you. I deal with packs all the time, why couldn't I help you? Before you get all torn up and bloody, preferably."
Hector snorted. "You wanna come have some fun next time? I won't leave you much to do though."
Isaiah's voice had a sparkle in it as he said: "We'll see who will get them first."
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satogumis · 4 months
umm okay so i think i know how misun’s storyline is going to go like ive always had this idea set ever since she was rory and was an hyeju fc lol but i just. Mehh because ive always treated misun like she’s separate from nct but i feel like everyones mostly following for the scenarios and stuff with dream which i definitely get but they dont follow for the heavy grittiness of her life and how she is who she is currently 💀 plus im lowkey scared cause its very triggering topics and i dont want people to be like ‘??? wtf why would you write abt that’ so it kinda … sets me off of actually publishing any of her chapters
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only-god-canstopme · 9 months
aaron forgiving andrew for killing tilda when he has children of his own because he thinks that if she were around he never would’ve let her meet them.
(and if he didn’t want his children near her, or any children near her, that means that he, as a child, should’ve never been near her. and he gets what andrew did bc he would kill to keep these children safe too.)
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shadow-the-crow · 2 months
I think i finally understand how the Distortion works. I mean, i don’t think it’s possible to ever fully understand it, and i don’t know the whole picture yet because i don’t know what Helen will be like, but i feel like i’ve just been granted a glimpse at the lovecraftian (as in ineffable) thing that is this being.
It’s not a person and a creature fighting inside one mind. There’s no Michael clawing himself to the surface to express his emotions and get his revenge.
Michael Shelley is dead. The Distortion became Michael. It sounds so simple, yet a least in my opinion it’s hard to fully understand.
I think what provides the best metaphor is a small thing the Distortion says after becoming Helen: "without a proper mind." The Distortion does not have its own mind. It’s only a what, but in order to really exist in this reality, it needs a who. It needs a body, but also a mind.
So if i understand this right, it’s like this: Michael Shelley is dead. His conciousness is not there anymore. And the Distortion got forced into that mind, an empty mind of a dead person. This doesn’t make it human, it’s still able to understand the impossible, it’s still the thing that was created to scare and kill. But in the mind it’s living in… the previous owner’s furniture is still there. It gets the dead person’s memories. It becomes Michael, in the sense that it has to be someone. Its existence got tied to being Michael, although Michael Shelley is dead.
When Michael got "emotional", that wasn’t Michael Shelley coming through. It was the Distortion grappling with the side effects of being someone - of living in a mind with all the memories and the human emotions that a human mind can’t fully turn off, even when the thing inhabiting it isn’t human at all.
The Distortion was Michael in the sense that it was thinking with Michael Shelley’s mind. When it became Helen, its consciousness, its being stayed the same, but it needed to adapt to this new mind. It could see clearer now, realizing that the windows of the previous house had been dirty, realizing that the wirings of the previous mind had driven it to do something that it actually didn’t want to do. The throat of the Spiral itself getting caught in the spiralling of its own, borrowed mind.
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sugarsnappeases · 3 months
rita skeeter, at the end of the first war
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skunkes · 3 months
the way I've been raised has shown itself in a recent awful experience I had and the realization won't leave me because I'm not sure what to do about it.
I don't like feeling anger/upset and it's rare for me to feel it anyway but it's led to me being unable to tell what's worth getting upset over anymore. If my wants upset somebody, then, well, maybe I shouldn't have them? What is so serious that I need it to go completely my way...? What desires am I allowed to have. It's not that serious, it's okay if not, you can't always get what you want....
every time I feel Upset I am later wracked with guilt because it wasn't a big deal and I was just being selfish... What IS a big deal then? How can I tell? Its admittedly never a big deal... But I keep being upset. And stepped on....
#talkys#this is what led to me Staying for as long as i did#there would be issues but if I brought them up i wld then be made to feel guilty for feeling that way#but i cant reverse that bc well!! its true like is it really a big deal? life isnt that serious I dont need to get upset...#i get upset at something my parents do and in the end i feel ungrateful and selfish#i really cant tell anymore which is why i Stayed as mentioned above#in the sense of well yeah the way im being treated doesnt make me feel good but why do i need to feel good?#isnt that selfish...isnt that asking too much...isnt that making yourself out to be Better Than...#i really dont know. i get so ready to give up my position on anything because I dont want to be selfish#and because im no better than anyone else#my mom caused some drama on my birthday wrt my sister's family and it led to me not being able to go to the duck#pond on my birthday... which is the only thing i really wanted to do on an otherwise uneventful day#i was meant to feel shame abt it because well we can always go any other day!!! relax!!!#and it is true....!#we can go any other day why did i get upset? its not that serious...nothing is that serious...i feel so guilty + spoiled + selfish#i just felt humiliated for wanting to go in the first place. and for getting upset that we couldnt go. like a toddler.#*not that i actually get Toddler Level upset...but it always Feels like i did...ykwim#i just dont understand......idk if i can Repair this....
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scover-va · 9 months
Hey does anyone know any like. Good security breach rewrites w/ Vanessa being the protagonist while keeping her and Vanny as the ‘same person’ (<- wants to see of anyone else has picked up on the missed potential that is the psychological horror of it all) (if not i can and will start going into depth on my rewrite sooner. Because i am deranged)
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autistic-katara · 2 months
there r fics that make u insane (so amazingly good it’s removed ur sanity) and then there’s fics that make u insane (you need to fistfight the author for how they did a specific thing that caused u to rant for hours)
#i know i just posted that other thing but ffs that is NOT how u handle someone in that situation everyone involved made everything 10x worse#yet it’s being treated like the right thing to do (which again ofc they’re cops they don’t understand harm reduction but still) like#seriously everything’s so forceful like u seriously think forcing ur friend to talk to u or forcing a patient to talk to a therapist under#the threat of being admitted to a psychiatric hospital is gonna make her feel comfortable talking to u? or anyone? she’s just gonna trust u#less and get better at hiding it and speaking of which the taking away all sharp objects thing makes sense in theory but like think abt it#for a minute she confirmed she isn’t suicidal and this is her only way of coping so do not just forcibly take away all her coping mechanism#like yes she is hurting herself but it’s a COPING MECHANISM. she’s coping with something. help her with that don’t just take away her penci#sharpers or whatever (which btw since she’s an adult she could easily buy more stuff and yk learn to hide it better) which again has to be#voluntary it isn’t gonna work if u force someone to do smthn they don’t want to like as ur friend u could’ve made it clear u care abt her#and wouldn’t judge her for anything and r here if she wants to talk don’t just say “you have to talk to me” and casually threaten#hospitalisation when she isn’t ready in the moment like seriously if this wasn’t a badly written fanfic she would completely stop trusting#bcz given that this wasn’t even done out of panic i would like ffs u are NOT doing any of this right#oops sorry ranted abt the bad fic in my tags-#it’s not where the author’ll see it and know it’s about them i don’t feel bad abt it#this was my first time even looking at stuff for this fandom so#cw self harm in tags#idk if i need to tag anything else for that 😭#fanfic#ao3#ryan shut the fuck up
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I know we tend to joke abt how much we love to traumatise our paras but how tf am I supposed to explain triggering daydreams to others? Like, "hi, I just spent the last few hours willingly imagining deeply emotionally scarring scenarios that will leave me spiraling for weeks. Yes, I highly enjoyed doing so, and I will most definitely do it again. Please do not disturb me I am in a very dark place rn" just doesn't really roll off the tongue now does it
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higher-noon · 4 months
So, let's consider
The main antagonist in 4 is gonna have a tk implant, right?
Spoilers for the phantom medal reveal under the cut (and like... all of ieytd3 ig)
The letter you pull put out of the safe makes it pretty explicit that Zor used to work for the agency (and while I have some suspicions surrounding Director Morales, I don't have much at all to base them on). This means they are definitely familiar with a lot of agency practices, interpersonal info, and supplies. They have to be to successfully plant each of those medals in a time, place, and puzzle that they know an exceptional agent would have the logic and resources to access.
Now consider all the Kinesium research Zor is funding throughout all of 3 and all of Dr. Prism's existing research from her time in the agency that we know she gave up to Zoraxis, which would likely include her development for the implant itself. The blueprints, materials, procedures for implanting and training each agent, etc.
Then introduce an inventor like the Fabricator, or a chemist like Daniel Sans, or any of the numerous medical professionals we could only assume work under the Zoraxis Conglomerate, who would be able to not only reproduce, but modify Prism's design.
We have a pretty solid formula for a telekinetic Zoraxis agent, physically unable to defect lest the implant in their brain short circuits a la mimic mask, designed and directed specifically to stop little old Phoenix.
And from the looks of Zor's letter, I'm not sure they want, or even (if I dare say it), expect us to die.
They want to recruit us. I wouldn't be surprised if another kidnapping was in our very near future.
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bluegarners · 3 months
bruce and dick got some emotional incest going on
hmmm not sure i quite agree anon! i can see where that might be the case, as even i tend to harp on those co-dependency these two display sometimes, but i don't think emotional incest is what is going on there. for those that do not know what this term means, emotional incest is when a parent or primary caregiver begins to rely on their child like they would a partner for their emotional needs. it does not involve any sexual or physical intimacy, as that would be sexual abuse. while i do think what bruce and dick shared was something close to toxic, it was also how they in general functioned? idk that doesn't make sense. i'll put it like this- bruce never thought to rely on dick for emotional needs. in fact, i would argue he tried not to rely on anyone for his emotional well being, and this is what causes most of the divides and troubles in his life. however, dick being a naturally perceptive person, recognized how closed off bruce is/was, and took it upon himself to try and get bruce to open up more and be emotionally present instead of constantly shutting down and shoving people away. the whole "child of an alcoholic" sums it up neatly, imo, bc bruce never intentionally relied on or even asked for dick to help solve his problems. a lot of the bumps in their relationship came from the fact that he felt dick was getting too close or wanted to help bruce too much, which not only frightened bruce but i think also made him aware of how much he couldn't do without the help of dick pointing things out to him
emotional incest isn't quite the right term to describe them, imo, and i think when you get into a space where ppl are constantly talking about it and implying that sort of thing, it's easy to be convinced that that is what they have. it's important, however, to also look at how bruce and dick are doing currently/in the past current canon/past the batman and robin dynamic. one of the long-term affects of being in an emotionally incestuous relationship is being unable to set boundaries or even recognize what a normal relationship with others is like, and with the added context of this being a superhero/vigilante world, i would argue that they are both doing just fine without each other. obviously we have to account for the sheer number of times they've been in life or death situations and whatnot, but i think dick functions quite well on his own and with the others in his life, and bruce does, too. both are mentally ill, i think, but they are also coping pretty well imo
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lastsblue · 5 months
Does any1 remember that time when Taylor swift was wearing fedoras c.2014. who else was wearing fedoras around that time. what other band was her lyrical inspo on speak now? none other than American rock band fallout boy and its lead singer Patrick stump
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transmascrage · 2 years
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It's interesting how whenever I look at a denier's bio 99% of the time they're tme.
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rosicheeks · 1 month
To anyone who messages me - I’m sorry. Im sorry I suck at replying 99% of the time. I’m sorry I don’t have the mental capacity to hold a conversation. I’m sorry if you see me active on here reblogging and answering asks but I still haven’t replied to your message. I’m sorry I want to talk to you but I get overwhelmed by the smallest things.
I really really really hope you never think I’m purposely ignoring you or trying to hurt you in any way. I hope you can understand that I’m truly trying my best.
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angelmichelangelo · 9 months
if 2012 splinter had a premonition on how he was going to die, do you think there was a reason as to why he took raph and april with him up on that rooftop? because like. in the perspective of the show, it's always been leo that has those big emotional moments with splinter. you'd think the writers would have put leo up on that rooftop instead of raph but. yeah. i wonder if there was ever any reason for that
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