#i just added dream there for funsies
satogumis · 4 months
umm okay so i think i know how misun’s storyline is going to go like ive always had this idea set ever since she was rory and was an hyeju fc lol but i just. Mehh because ive always treated misun like she’s separate from nct but i feel like everyones mostly following for the scenarios and stuff with dream which i definitely get but they dont follow for the heavy grittiness of her life and how she is who she is currently 💀 plus im lowkey scared cause its very triggering topics and i dont want people to be like ‘??? wtf why would you write abt that’ so it kinda … sets me off of actually publishing any of her chapters
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taecdimples · 1 year
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jellymish-art · 2 days
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I've dreamed of doing this for years and now that I've finally gained the Secret Knowledge of Foam Armour, I can finally go for it!
Jokes aside, I asked a couple of cosplay pros for advice at the last con and they were all super nice & answered every single one of my questions, in detail!
So far the breastplate, backplate and badge are done and I'm super happy. Detailed process under the cut!
How it went:
First, the pattern! Shoutout to the guys at cosplay-atelier for the recommendation. They pointed me to kamuicosplay, because they sell downloadable patterns for all sorts of things, including armour. Which is how I got to this:
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Downloaded two of their breastplate patterns, smooshed them together and altered them to fit my body and the look I wanted. I did all of that with thick paper. Then I took it apart again and traced the bits onto 5mm EVA foam that I ordered from a cosplay store.
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Then I numbered and cut all the pieces and glued them together! I used hot glue, cause it's more accessible and less intimidating for me than other types of glue. It isn't as strong as other recommended glues, but works fine for me. (used many pointers from this tutorial.)
However, safety point: I've seen it recommended to wear breathing protection when heating up foam in any way whatsoever, and that includes hot glue, heat shaping and heat sealing. Use a respirator or other breathing protection that is made specifically for chemical fumes & work outside or in a well ventilated area (i.e. open ALL the windows)! Ask at your local hardware store if you're unsure.
PSA over. Now to the painting stage!
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The scratches I made with my fingernails and the tip of a pair of scissors. XD Then I covered everything in 2 layers of black flexipaint (which is a water-based flexible paint/primer that works really well on foam). After that, I worked with regular artist's acrylic paint. Above you can see the first layer being applied with dry-brushing.
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Then I went over it with a dark brown wash to make it look dirty (mix black & brown acrylic paint with water & apply liberally)
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Then I went over it again with bronze by applying the paint with my fingers, wearing a plastic glove. (Same tutorial as before.) making sure I don't get any paint in the scratches. And then finally, another dark brown wash to make it all look nicely weathered. I did accidentally remove some paint by going over it too often with the wash, but it wasn't too hard to fix.
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And this is the costume test, after adding velcro! It's really easy to put on and take off. I'm a bit worried about the velcro on the sides, but I can always add straps on the outside if it doesn't hold up.
Next was the badge:
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I referenced a pin badge that came out as a collectible a few years ago (sadly out of stock), cause I love the design! Carved in the letters and lines by drawing on it with a ballpoint pen and applying a lot of pressure. Then painted it with the same process as the breastplate, just with copper instead of bronze.
And just for funsies: here's the back of the breastplate in all its glorious mess XD
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On the right side you can see how I attached the badge: By cutting a slit through the breastplate and making a velcro attachment. That way I can remove the badge and add, say, a sprig of lilac, should my fancy take me there. Reason being that our biggest con is in May.
If you know, you know.
Annnnd here it is; the finished breastplate with badge:
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I'm honestly having the time of my life. It's a super fun project and I am very excited to see how it turns out! I'm already working on the cape with a good friend of mine (I despise sewing, she loves it XD) and have materials on the way to make some bits of chainmail.
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It's been a minute since I made one of these long boi posts, so here goes:
Things I want to see in the next Steven Caple Jr/Knightverse Transformers G.I. Joe crossover movie:
Decepticons!!! Oh how I've missed them! I want to see some new badass Decepticons make an appearance and be scary af and cause drama for the Autobots, and what I assume will be their new allies, the Joes.
GENTLE TOUCHES BETWEEN NOAH AND MIRAGE! I don't give a FUCK if they're both dudes or whatever! GIVE US SOME GENTLE TOUCHES, GODDAMMIT! Remember the cute little finger grasping thing that Charlie did after she calmed Bee down when he went into his kill mode? Give us something like that where Noah wraps his tiny fingers around Mirage's HUGE digits.
Give us some hugs! I want to see Noah and Mirage hug affectionately, not minding the size difference at all. Either a full body hug or a face hug works, or both. Both is good.
Can we please have Noah boop Mirage's nose as a joke or for funsies? 🥺 I would love to see how Mirage would react to that touch.
Noah placing his tiny hand on Mirage's faceplate! Gahh! If Charlie can do it, so can Noah! 😤 Could happen in a reassuring/comforting scene.
Hand holding or grabbing. Like Noah grab's one of Mirage's digits with his tiny hand or Mirage holds Noah's tiny hand in his massive servo. Just hand touching in general please! 🥺
More teasing and flirting from Mirage. Since the PCS basically hinted that Miroah is a done deal, I would like to see how Mirage would up his game. Like what if he increased his teasing and flirting with Noah and says something even more outrageous than, "You've been inside me!"? What if him and Noah are having a casual convo (ideally in front of a small audience, like other Autobots for dramatic effect and added wow factor) and in response Mirage says something like, "That's not what you said last night, babe. 😉" Imagine Noah's reaction and the audience's reaction. 🤣🤣 Though, considering how hard the studio had to fight to keep the inside me joke in, that particular line may be "too spicy" for Hasbro. But something more mild or along those lines would be greatly appreciated.
MIRAGE'S KILL MODE!!!! I WANT TO SEE MIRAGE GO INTO BERSERKER MODE because someone had the audacity to harm or attempt to harm Noah!!!! Battle mask on and weapon charged! I want to see him absolutely enraged and start shooting up the place. But in a controlled rage like Bee had where he aimed at vehicles instead of people. Maybe Mirage could aim at Decepticons or some other enemy. Point is, I want to see Mirage use his battle mask and go to town blasting! And then I want to see Noah gently calm him down and give him a gentle touch or say something soothing to help calm him down.
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Give us this Mirage right here! Battle mask on, weapon charged and ready to fight everybody!
Or instead it could be Mirage just naturally protecting Noah from an enemy that triggers his kill mode. But this could be Noah's first time seeing Mirage like that, so we could still get that delicate, gentle moment between those 2 once Mirage calms down.
CHARLIE AND BUMBLEBEE REUNION!!!! I had a dream recently about Charlie playing a sort of game of tag that was an extension of the ending scene in Bumblebee, when Bee scans his new alt mode and Charlie is amazed by it and then Bee drives off. In my dream Charlie is running in front of Bee laughing while he drives very slowly behind her to chase her. I have no idea where that dream came from since Miroah has been living rent free in my brain for months, but it makes me want a Charlie/Bee reunion extra bad now!
More Mirage and Arcee sibling energy! I think we were absolutely ROBBED of Mirage and Arcee moments in ROTB, so I want more in the next movie! Big sister Arcee scolding or teasing Middle child Mirage about something. It would be glorious! 🤩
Mirage introducing Noah to new Autobots and being all proud like. Like, "Yup! That's my human! He's mine." or whatever the robot equivalent would be. I don't know why, but every time I read a Miroah fic that has Mirage refer to Noah as his human, my heart swells a little. It's just so cute. It's giving cat owner energy for some reason. 🤣
A Mirage and Noah mission scene where they're officially partners. All the jokes, all the teasing, all the flirting, just all the general Miroah shenanigans. But now they are officially on an Autobot/G.I. Joe mission together.
I want Breanna Diaz to meet Mirage! I need to know if she will pull out a chancleta and try to strike Mirage with it. 🤣 'Cause you know the Diaz family loves to resort to violence whenever they first see Mirage. Noah with the metal pipe and Kris with the baseball bat. I need to know what Breanna's weapon of choice is. 🤣 But also, I want to see her warm up to Mirage and him being all charming and kind towards her.
I would love to see some Mirage and Bee shenanigans. The 2 Autobots with human companions need a scene together! Maybe even give us some Mirage and Bee sibling energy. And maybe even a double team up with Mirage and Noah as partners and Bee and Charlie as partners.
A Mirage pamper scene or flashback or mention of how Noah pampered him up real good to make him look all shiny and brand new. A perfect chance to slip in some flirting from Mirage praising Noah for a job well done. 😏
MORE ELENA!!!! Elena is also a queen and I want her in the next movie coming in with that artifacts knowledge and general warm-hearted and caring Elena energy that we all know and love! 🥺
This might be a stretch, but what about Arcee becoming fond of a human and she ends up getting her own human companion? It could be Elena or another female character. That would be so cool!
The main reason why I made this post is because A LOT of the stuff I wanted to see in Transformers EarthSpark S1C actually happened (I still need to make a post about that) and it makes me feel like if I keep making these long boi posts, I can continue to manifest my own desires and head canons. *cue maniacal laughter* No, but for real, can we please get a Noah/Mirage centric animated series?? It would be wonderful! 🙏🏾
Okay, that's all for now. If I can think of anything else, I will definitely edit this post. Thanks for reading! ~
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flamestar126 · 3 months
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Give me a "M"!
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Bonus + related art + rambling under the cut
Originally I just wanted draw Dexter in a cheerleader outfit (an excuse to put him a skirt for pure funsies) and so I did! Which is art is below that i drew like a long time ago now.
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It was just Dexter at first but I am a dexdark shipper so I had to have him react somehow. Then I remembered there was a comic about an athletic Mandark so I added him in his outfit from the comic.
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Then my mind like it always does, wandered and created a short story to make sense of why they would be in this position in the first place.
After years and years of competing with Dexter relentlessly, Mandark had gotten into a rut during his high school years. He's absolutely frustrated that he's STILL second best to him.
(The time the art is placed is late hs years)
So what does a teen genius do? He explores outside of the science community and what do you know. . . he's actually not half bad at sports. He quickly abandons science for it. Mandark is thriving. Why didn't he try this sooner? And Dexter? He's so confused. Never thought his greatest rival would ditch him science for a mere physical activity. Determined to find the bottom of this he goes directly to the source of his confusion and asks. It goes as well as you think. Not at all. Plan B. Find a way to get close enough without raising too much suspicion. How? Cheerleading.
It honestly wasn't that hard to join. He's cute and flexible enough due to the battle he's faced through out the years. Plus a recommendation from his dear sister, Deedee, quickly received him a spot.
The idea seemed brilliant at the time. That is until he found out he had to wear a skirt of all things. Deedee secretly tricked as a little bit of revenge. It wasn't too bad in the end. He rocks skirt ngl. With the excuse of having come to rehearsals and games that involved Mandark, things have become much easier to keep a closer look on him.
His sudden presence certainly didn't go noticed. Mandark's eye often drifted to the redhead that cheered him on during events. And oh, what an ego boost. His former rival cheering on? Yelling out his number whenever he had the ball? Wishing for him to succeed? Even if it was for only the cheerleaders' expectation to do so. How addicting.
He cornered Dexter right after. "That 'M' for me, McPherson?" Mandark teased. Knowing the "M" was their school's name. "How kind of you." "In your dreams, Astronomanov." It continued on like for a while.
They lap it like fucking cream. They've missed this. The feeling buried was bubbling up to the surface once again. Stealing quick glances, the playful jabs, grins matching the other's.
Who made the first move? It wasn't clear. It seemed so natural to be in the other's presence. Both just eased into they didn't even noticed.
Meanwhile, the science department was taking heavy losses. They lost their best two students. Ended up begging the two come back.
Eventually Dexter and Mandark did return but as partners this time.
. . . Douglas? He was thrown out of the loop about the entire thing. He missed out a lot when watching from afar. No one told him they were switching sides! What the heck guys. :/
He wouldn't survived the switch anyway. He's athletic pathetic. Stay on your game boy, Douglas. It's better this way.
Details I didn't include
Mandark was indeed incredibly suspicious of Dexter's switch
He was a total tsundere about Dexter's outfit (he did like it)
They had a talk about why they made a switched. talk about it and sealed it with a kiss (maybe :3)
Mandark said science for geeks but he's a geek through and through. he couldn't resist science for too long
Sports department was crying after
They do the same thing in college but in different uniforms (already drawn but not sharing that here :>)
I'm definitely forgetting more details but i am drawing blanks here
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"You know there are male cheerleaders, right?"
"I like the breeze it gives." Half truth. Was told they ran out of male uniforms. <- Lie by Deedee
"Hm. If you say so." Gay panic
Inspired by a scene of Daffy Duck from Looney Tunes (2011)
Thank you for reading!
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youreternallover · 1 month
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Kira Everhart is my MC, also known as ‘Main Character’, for the game “Heart Fragment”. Anyone besides my own characters belong to the creators. I’ve been working on this character for quite some time, as I’ve enjoyed the game severely for a long time and wished to contribute. I hope if anyone decides to read this or know more about my character enjoys their time reading.
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Kira stands at 5’8 feet tall. They’re comfortable in this height, they don’t want to be taller or shorter, this feels perfect to them. They do wear platformed boots for fun. Their hair goes down to their mid-back. Kira’s hair colour is a softer shade of brown, the name of the colour being ‘Tuscan Red’ when found using the HEX code. They have recently dyed the ends of their hair a soft peach pink in an ombré style, the name of the colour being ‘Pastel Pink’ when found using the HEX code. The images below are the colours of their hair, the base colours as in upcoming art their hair colour may differ due to different shading and so on.
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Their skin tone has soft rosey tints to it most commonly, making it warmer. The colour when used HEX code is called ‘Apricot’. The image below is the colour of their skin tone, though it is often darker due to shading and so on, these is just the base colours. I’m going to give two colours for examples.
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Kira’s eye colour is a pretty mix of blue and green, giving a nice teal colour. The colour when used the HEX code is called ‘Wintergreen Dream’. The colour is just the base colour for their eyes, many different shades and hues are used when drawing them but this is a good base colour for their eyes. I’m going to give two colours for examples.
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They don’t have a main outfit as of right now, but the one I am drawing her currently in may become their main one and so it’s going to be the one I am going to describe. I’ll be using images I have used as references for their outfit, found on Pinterest. They also have a Pinterest board, right here.
Kira wears a black long-sleeved shirt underneath a soft cadet-grey colour cardigan. The clothing articles shown below.
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Additionally, they wear high-waisted grey jeans ribboned on the side alongside a pair of black boots. The clothing articles shown below.
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Now moving onto accessories. Kira almost always wears a rose gold ring on their thumb, to mess around with when in stress or feeling anxiety. Another accessory they almost wear every day is a star shaped necklaces, personally one of their favourites.
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Alongside these current accessories, they also wear a belt and some fingerless gloves with the outfit.
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Depending on what route I write them with, and the face originally I made them in the thought of Kay’s route, they wear the necklace given to her. Though I might add it as an Easter egg if I write or draw them with Clive, just for funsies.
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That’s currently it for the appearance, I may have forgotten some stuff and if I do remember I’ll just update this. But as of right now, that’s it.
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Kira goes by They/She and is a Panromantic Demisexual Demiwoman, although they aren’t out to many people.
They only started dyeing their hair due to feeling down for a handful of weeks, thinking that maybe if they added something brighter or more colourful would help them feel less gloomy or depressed. Currently, they are letting the colour fade out.
When they were younger, around 14 to 16, she did get bullied in their school for quite some time. Though when their friends found out, the bullying quickly stopped as the teacher and principal was informed. Though the bullying wasn’t too bad, it still impacted them and is one of the main reasons she doesn’t have many friends and doesn’t want to make new friends.
She had developed a crush on Shannon over the years when they were younger, but they pushed those feelings away. Kira didn’t have many queer figures in their life that could reassure them that it’s fine, and they thought that Shannon would never see them that way. After a year, her feelings for Shannon faded and they still remain best friends to this day.
It took a lot of time for Kira to accept their identity and sexuality, like mentioned before, they didn’t grow up with many queer figures in their life, plus they couldn’t talk to their father about it since at that time they still believed he hated them. Only after three years did they accept who they were, though having come out to a very small group of people.
During those difficult times, getting stabbed and all, she was upset when she found out her father treated Kay more like his child more than he did his own child. But in the end, they were glad that Grey looked out and cared for Kay.
Originally, Kira was paired to be with Kay, but after many playthroughs and journeys I decided I’d also pair them with Clive. Her ship name with Kay was ‘Mending Heart’ and is now shared with Clive until I find a good ship name for them and Clive. I’ll be switching around writing for which ever pairing I prefer at that moment.
For the longest time, they genuinely believed that Grey hated them or perhaps wished he didn’t have a kid, or at least didn’t have a kid like her. It started when she first was taken in by Grey, and that feeling stayed throughout the years even if it didn’t seem that bad now that she thought about it. During current times, their relationship with their father is much better and she started calling him ‘dad’ again.
Even after everything has been settled, Kira still has a fear of Jasper coming back. It got pretty bad but with some appointments with their therapist, they’re getting over it slowly.
They never really looked for love, they always thought that looking for love was pointless and that they’d rather let it happen naturally than seek it out.
Kira has a matching bracelet with Shannon, although they don’t wear it they keep it in a little box in their room.
More often than not, Kira wears long fingerless gloves with her outfits. They’re pretty self conscious of their arms for no specific reason. They are so self conscious about their whole body in general, always having some sort of jacket with them.
Once during a thunderstorm, they ran to their friends house because they weren’t doing well even when told not to. They are too stubborn. Kira was soaked head to toe but she made it there and made sure her friend was fine.
They don’t have a stable music taste, it all depends on their mood. Most commonly listens to Heart Fragment though. The band got them through many hard times.
Kira has a small star and moon charm attached to their phone case. They’ve started using StarxSocial more often despite being hesitant to try it out at first. Now they post songs from their music playlists or some art they create.
They were absolutely shattered when they had to choose between saving either Kay, Clive or Jasper. It wasn’t fair. Why should she be the one to decide who lives? They all deserve a chance at life. Even Jasper. Sure, he tried to kill them, but it’s not exactly his fault. He believes it’s destiny. They hated having to choose and wished desperately that they could save them all.
At some point during the whole situation, they believed that if they hadn’t existed none of this would have happened. She wished she never existed. She had wished that for years, but never as much as she did right then.
Kira enjoys music, as seen for their love for bands, and had been singing during their music classes in school when they were younger. They were pretty good at it, playing a guitar along side their singing, but after some time they quit. There were too many eyes on them while they sung, it was too stressful. They also felt that they weren’t that good at it. They still sing to this day, though very rarely and only if their friend convinced them or when she’s purely alone.
They draw a lot. Growing up, Kira always wanted be an artist, always channeling their feelings while growing up into art. Whether it was writing, singing or drawing. Currently, they wish to pursue drawing and painting as a career.
They enjoy reading and have a small collection of various books going. Most of the books in her collection are Fantasy, Thriller or Romance books.
Kira absolutely despises coconut water or coconut flavoured things. Will die on the inside when given anything coconut but to not hurt someone’s feelings they will try their best to eat or drink it.
Their nickname for the longest time had been Kiki when she was small, due to it being a ‘cutsey’ nickname for a child growing up. They absolutely despise it nowadays, due to it being embarrassing.
They hate the fact that they’re a mutant, they still haven’t accepted themselves and the fact that they aren’t normal. They’ve thought of themselves as a freak upon finding out that all that talk of powers wasn’t crazy talk.
Their favourites colours are Purple, Blue and Red. Any shade of them.
Kira’s birthday is on the 19th of October, which means they’re a Libra. Their birthstones are Opal and Pink Tourmaline.
They also have a playlist I created for them, it’s a mix of things they’d listen to or that remind me of them. (link)
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cinnamonrollorder · 7 months
I was… definitely wrong about Mikoto being the actual killer and the alter being innocent, but after watching Double my thoughts on the verdict haven’t changed any.
I think the dilemma Mikoto is supposed to represent is a lack of how the law can actually handle alters that commit a crime when another was just dormant. John expresses confusion when Es explains to him that the law won’t just… not punish them both, even if Mikoto truly had nothing to do with what happened.
And in terms of DID, yeah this technically falls under murderous alter, but I think MILGRAM is trying to make it very clear what they’re doing. John is… aware he killed someone, but from what we see in Double and Neoplasm, it’s less he enjoys and wants to hurt others and more he had no clue what he was really doing and was just… reacting because Mikoto had just formed the alter. Doesn’t make it okay, but I think it gives some context to why. Everyone in Mikoto’s life was adding stress, so a newly formed alter might have lacked the context and stability to do anything but lash out in the moment.
And - there’s a lot of emphasis on dreaming. Mikoto wanted to stand up for himself. He also likely, in his exhausted and burnt out state, had thoughts of just lashing out because it would feel cathartic, though it’s clear that Mikoto would never genuinely entertain the thought in a better state of mind. The alter seems to have deliberately tried to take up what Mikoto wants to say or do, and do it himself, not understanding that isn’t going to help.
John’s an extremely protective alter that just. Didn’t help with the whole “coping” part of coping mechanism. And he realizes that now, and is clearly distressed by it.
So I wouldn’t jump on MILGRAM for what we learned in Double (though I get why ppl might be annoyed), because there’s a lot more nuance to it than just. Murder for funsies. Neither side enjoys it, it was John not grasping things when he’d just been formed and only having Mikoto’s desperate thoughts to work off of (because John was formed in the midst of Mikoto’s desperation and him trying to find some reason to keep going).
FORGIVEN vote, for me. What happened was awful, but understandable. Not to mention, the man we are judging clearly never meant for this to happen. We can’t hold Mikoto responsible for the actions of an entirely different person.
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mtreebeardiles · 2 months
15 Questions for 15 Friends
Double tagged! by @dandenbo and @ad-astra13 --many thanks! Are you named after anyone?
Nope! My mom wanted to name me after some character from some soap opera she loved, apparently, but my brother, at the wise age of five, insisted they name me what would become my birth name haha. My chosen name is kind of in honor of that in it's own way, because it's still one of my favorite stories of my brother
When was the last time you cried?
Like an hour ago. 911 season 2, episode 8 you know what you did.
Do you have kids?
Nah, and don't want any.
What sports do you play/have you played?
I did a lot of activities as a kid, not because I was particularly athletic but because I got bored easily and they kept signing me up for them. I remember soccer, softball, dance, gymnastics... all of which I quit because 1) bored and 2) i didn't like being told what to do.
I did enjoy playing badminton in high school though, but didn't play on the team. Sports and shit like that should be for funsies when you're a kid idk, just not that competitive i guess
Do you use sarcasm?
I did and arguably still do, but I seem to have segued into puns and bad dad jokes somewhere along the way ;)
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Probably how they carry themselves/how they talk? I tend to vibe best with people unafraid to show off their sense of humor so long as that humor isn't mean-spirited
What is your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
I am a massive romantic and sap at heart, which apparently surprises people who know me irl haha. Give me fluff, give me sap, throw in some drama, and if there has to be tragedy it better damn well be earned
What are your hobbies?
Video games, reading, writing
Do you have any pets?
I've got a 13 year old flame-point, doll-face Himalayan who is the chattiest office buddy you could ever hope for
How tall are you?
5'2''...and a half!
...Im a hobbit
Favorite subject in school?
Lit theory
Dream Job?
Eh. Just want to be paid well and not feel so ground down, ya know? wouldn't mind doing something more community-based in the future.
Let's see, let's see...
@tiny-banana-time @theoriginalladya @dilfbuck @aleiocus @illusivesoul @urdnotflexthejedibard @solstheimtxt @bluerose5 @korblez @bisexual-kaidan-alenko @bagog and anyone else who hasn't been tagged yet and wants to participate! No pressure as always
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jadedharleys · 16 days
i love your tagging system so much
HEHEHE its so funnnn i would NEVER be able to keep up with it if it wasnt for xkit shortcuts...you dont actually wanna know how long i spent typing these out. by hand. every single time. shudders. but now that it is faster i cannot stop making new fun tags!!!!
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i dont tag every single instance of a character its more like. it started out as something adjacent to kin tags just for jade and callie and terezi. and also vriska cause im gay. butttt then i was like hmmm i would love to be able to look at a bunch of art of (character) being cool and started tagging more stuff!!! and tagging specific Vibes also. its very funsies. even my answered asked tag is so fun :3 teehee
tags for general art of characters are usually quotes about them or said by them. (callies is from jade talking abt alt callie, jades is from her pesterquest route title, pm's is from a quote she says abt mail lmaoo) and Emotion Specific art is from song titles (originally i just had heir of grief for john angst, then i added savior of the waking world/dreaming dead, and then i added at the price of oblivion). i have like 4 separate vrisrezi tags (which r mostly quotes, one is a song lyric, and one is a song title) because im clearly normal abt them . and emoji ship tags just for fun (ig its nice to be able to tag a pairing without being like omg op the romance and theyre just hanging out lolz) theyre so funnnn
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rei-does-stuff · 3 months
As a 90s anime lover (nostalgia + the only one I've seen lol), here's a free coupon to rant about what about it you don't like. For funsies
Ikuhara rlly said “how about I change everything about these characters and make them completely opposites of how they’re supposed to be from the manga and make them all terrible”
I could literally complain for HOURS about how Ikuhara completely ruined Mamoru’s and Rei’s personalities esp
Like Mamoru in the manga is so nice and sweet and genuinely cares about Usagi meanwhile he’s a complete dick in the anime PLUS they made him way older than usagi which made their relationship way more creepy??
fucking Rei and Mamoru don’t even interact much in the manga so I??? Don’t understand why they did that???
It’s the only adaptation to make him like that afaik hes manga accurate even in the MUSICALS SO LIKE???
This image rlly shows the difference between both Mamorus
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And Ohohoho Rei Hino. Tell me how they made the characters who says she hates men in almost every scene boy crazy and desperate for a boyfriend (which is Mina’s character trait but whatever) and they also made her a dick too??? Like I don’t understand why they made so many characters be a dick to usagi when they weren’t supposed to be
Also for Rei specifically its so funny bc she has SO many lesbian moments with Mina in the manga, like the iconic “we don’t need men in our lives anymore” scene like???? You’re gonna make THAT Rei obsessed with men….Okay…..
And then there’s seiya,,
And like, whilst it is cool that the 90s anime made her genderfluid in a way (her being a man in her civilian form and changing into a woman for her sailor form) it was ONLY done so that her and Usagi could have more romantic tension (which you still could’ve done if she was a butch/gender ambiguous woman like in the manga? Naoko famously didn’t rlly like and was disappointed by the change which honestly fair bc they changed so much of her story I’d be mad too—)
And also the pairing is just annoying bc in the manga she KNOWS her feelings are unrequited because Usagi is already with someone, she isn’t pushy and respects Usagi a lot, (like yeah she does kiss her but honestly who HASNT kissed usagi like it’s everyone she has those kissable vibes) but in the 90s anime they forced this rlly weird rivalry between her and Mamoru and it’s like???? Stop??? And she’s way a bit more pushy “aren’t I good enough?” it’s just bleh, and what sucks is that in the 90s anime shes a lot nicer than mamoru (HER CANONICAL SOULMATE) so like yeah she would be the better choice for usagi in the 90s anime which just shows the fucking biggest problem of it!! It doesn’t understand the characters!!!
The anime had a weird obsession with making a lot of relationships way creepier
Like Helios and Chibiusa they made Helios rlly creepy and it didn’t help he was voiced by a grown ass man when he’s supposed to be like 12 like???
There’s also smaller stuff like Demande which isn’t small actually and here’s why
Now I don’t remember much of the black moon arc in the 90s anime but from what ik they tried to make him more sympathetic which like??? No???
He forcefully kissed Usagi and had this weird obsession with her (because he thought she was neo queen serenity) and didn’t actually see her past his delusion HE IS BAD
In the 90s anime they removed the forced kiss and tried to say he loved Usagi as a person which like?? Goes against his entire character?? No??? Stop???
The ONLY THING character wise the 90s gets right is Haruka and Michiru, but they fucked up everything else!!!!!!!!!
Watch crystal and read the manga PLEASE its so much better and you can read the manga for free on Miss dream (no ads dw <3)
Anyways them!!!!
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freneticfloetry · 2 months
bad wip reads
Welcome to the latest tag game: summarizing your WIPs badly. I am your host, the woman with way too many of these to list (so I'm only going with the ones in active development).
Rules: describe your wips badly and let people ask questions about them!
Thanks to @liminalmemories21, @rmd-writes, @alrightbuckaroo, and @reyesstrand for the tags.
Junior chaos demon tests the limits of nature vs nuture
Gay roommates fail to communicate despite ease of access
Disaster bisexual has bad dreams, realizes far too late that they might Mean Something
This looks so much easier in the Hallmark Christmas movies
Despite repeated railings, dude still isn't miraculously bilingual
Local paramedic adds to concussion count, promptly forgets the time he proposed that didn't end in existential trauma
Fellas, is it gay to ask your best guy friend to be your sex Yoda
Miracle device does not work as planned
AITA if I try to win back the love of my life after I left, didn't talk to him for two years, and only got back in touch after I kinda sorta killed his fiancé?
It's a Terrible Life, Actually
Harbored feelings hurt, story at 11
I suspect that everyone's already been tagged, but I'm adding @hoko-onchi-writes, @mixtapestar, and you just for funsies!
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casdeans-pie · 7 months
Season 16 should be Dean gets himself booted out of heaven. It’s five years since he died in earth time. He has to be really careful not to disrupt the timeline so that Sam can still keep living his post-SPN apple pie blurry wife life. Some angels are trying to find Dean and drag him back to heaven, some demons are also keen to find him (to torture him for funsies.) The demons keep threatening Sam’s life so Dean has to stop them, sneakily. He’s essentially the guardian angel of Sam’s happiness in S16. Sam must never know Dean is there. We see cheesy snippets of Sam’s white picket fence life, interspersed with Dean in the background kicking ass. Sam is oblivious. It turns out Cas is also back on earth. Jack made him human and gave him a chance to earn his way into heaven as a human soul. So Cas is trying to live a life of service, volunteering at local clinics and shelters and soup kitchens. Keeping a low profile. Trying to be a good human. But he’s poor and lonely. He struggles with being human, having no powers and the knowledge that no matter how good a person he tries to be, ultimately he worries he’s only doing this so he can see Dean again in heaven (where angels are not allowed, according to the new rules.) When Dean shows up, Cas is even more conflicted. He knows he should help the angels find Dean and get him back to heaven where he’ll be safe and not at risk of disrupting the timeline, but of course he also wants nothing more than to have Dean stay. This is what he has dreamed of. Just being alive with Dean. And now he has it. (How will this be resolved? Hmm. Probably ultimately Dean does go back to heaven. But before he does.. fanfic style shenanigans can ensue! Dean and Cas will see each other again in heaven. Cas will keep leading the best life he can, doing good, helping people. Dean will see him up there soon, he knows it. Because he knows he didn’t change Cas and make him care about the world. Cas always cared. He always wanted to do the right thing. That is why Dean knows Cas will make it to heaven. Dean will tell Cas he loves him. He might kiss him. But even if he doesn’t, it will be satisfying knowing the love is mutual and Dean believes in the inherent goodness of Cas just the way Cas believed in the inherent goodness of Dean. Cas doesn’t need to worry about his intentions being impure. Dean knows his heart. It’s sweet and satisfying and we all enjoy watching it in exactly the way we did NOT enjoy watching the finale. A ten episode season, minimum. Preferably on Netflix so no ads. Sam is only featured minimally so JP can keep working on his other show (and Sam gets to keep his “perfect” ending.) Everybody’s happy.
Ooooohhhhh !!!!
This is an interesting season 16 idea!! I enjoyed that immensely. I'd watch it 👏 (said like someone who already knows they'd end up on a Netflix binge watching it all in one go)
I love how everyone has different ideas on stuff like angel!cas vs human!cas and whether to preserve what happened in The Winchesters or not and whether to keep Sam unaware or in the loop. The different paths these characters can take !!
It's soooo endlessly fascinating to me how many different ideas can be born from one really bad finale. Like, if they'd stuck the landing I don't think anyone would be too bothered but because the ending was just SO bad it's become the perfect fuel for how to try and fix the mess they made
I love hearing possible season 16 ideas if anyone has any more please send them to meeeee
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two-red-lungs · 2 years
I haven't watched lost boys in 100 years but as a kid I had dreams about Alex winters character and his beautiful hair. Do you have any headcanons for him?
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TLB Marko Headcanons (SFW):
Just like all the other gang members, he's a psychopathic adrenaline junkie with impulse issues but that surprises literally nobody
WAY more feral/animalistic than his blood-brothers. He'll bite people even when he doesn't need to feed. He just likes doing it for funsies and to see their reaction and fear/upset
Loves to catch/control things. People for hunting, but animals for fun
By this mean I mean he literally GRABS pigeons and crows and rats just to watch them squirm before letting them go. One time he caught an owl and ran into the lobby with this great big flapping nightmare in his hands, scratching the shit out of him, to show it off
The boys enjoy a good hunt. But Marko and Dwayne extra enjoy it. Like, too much
He cackles. Over everything. This isn't a man this is a hyena
For such a defensive, quick-to-anger, competitive, fucked-up little guy, he has a surprisingly dependable and amical relationship w/ Paul. Like, they are best best friends. If push comes to shove it's them against the world
He's Italian. I'll fucking DIE on this hill. A bit of a brat, and a beauty, always used to getting what he wants? This dude was a highly sought-after High Renaissance model in Florence (esp. considering the beauty standard in art at that time was youthful athleticism)
CAN and WILL cuss you out in Italian like a little blonde mobster, even while he's getting hauled away by Paul for Starting Shit
Short fuse. Bad temper. Again, brat.
He won't stop putting stuff in his mouth. Remember the biting thing? It doesn't just extend to people who annoy him. He'll bite on coins, the hems of his gloves, his nails. Bottlecaps and chopsticks, too
Is similar to Paul in the sense that he's gross. Real nasty man. He dropped a piece of orange chicken on the sandy boardwalk? Oh yeah. That's getting eating 100%
Marko comes off as the most overtly inhuman. In the animalistic way he moves, his little feral grins, the way he very obviously eyes people up. His aura is... weird. It's good that the other boys are there honestly bc alone he'd creep people out
That jacket is literally the prized piece of his collection. It reeks and he wears it every night: he's been adding shit onto it since he got it in the 50s, and by "adding shit" I mean "asking Dwayne to do it" because he's shit with a needle
His favorite places on the boardwalk itself: The arcade w/ Paul, the rollercoaster (he likes to stare at the people in front of him and make them uneasy), and the crowded beach (he roams between the bonfires, flirting and being a menacing little shit in equal portions)
Enjoys being a center of focus/attention, but often doesn't get to do it because he's part of a pack now, and David leads
Speaking of David, if anyone else told him to do something??? Marko would be like "literally fucking bite me, I'm not doing that" but if David tells him to jump he'll say "how high?"
I think he views David as the reason why he has brotherhood (and also looks up to the collected, dark, casual aura David has because he's got such a short fuse himself)
Real talk??? Genuinely??? Probably the vampire you would LEAST want to run into alone. You'd die. Probably with the others, too, but with him there is zero chance to negotiate. He will not listen.
If he has a target, he hunts it, and nothing you can say will change his mind.
I hope these resonate with you guys, I think about Marko all the time (✿◠‿◠) he is a terrible little lad. If anyone wants headcanons for the other boys lemme know and I'll write them!
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munsonsreputation · 1 year
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five hundred followers...FIVE HUNDRED?!?!?! YOU GUYS THIS IS SO FREAKING COOL!!! the comments, replies, reblogs...EVERYTHING has been so SWEET to see and read. i want to thank you guys for caring about what i write and taking the time to give me feedback and send me cute little reaction pics to the stories which make me day ALL THE TIME!!!! 🥺💘
to celebrate this spectacular milestone, i'm opening my requests!!!! I'll be taking requests for all of the older stranger things characters (steve, eddie, robin, nancy, and jonathan). however im totally cool with adding the other characters into the writing ex: writing about steve and reader taking the kids to the fair, ect.
this is open to everyone and i hope all of you get to send me your requests!!! also multiple request are more than ok!!! don't be shy--im more than willing to write fluff, angst, and smut
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#1 song fic 🎸 - send me any song or specific lyric you would like me to base an imagine off of with your character of choice.
#2 prompt 📄 - send me a sentence or phrase with your character of choice and i will write you a short imagine. here are a few prompts i've reblogged if you guys need some inspo
#3 wips 📎 - interested in knowing what i have in the works? send me a character and whether you would like to have a sentence or moodboard based on whatever wips i have coming soon!
#4 taylor x stranger things 🧣 - send me your character of choice and a taylor song and ill write a short imagine based on it!!!! (yes queen taylor gets her own prompt alright!!!! HAHAHAAH)
#5 funsies! 💫 - tag me or send me some fun tumblr games to play!! or just ask me questions or rant or literally ANYTHING...let's just have fun and be respectful!!
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i really can't wait to go through all your requests but just please be patient with me as i don't want to rush any of your wonderful requests because you all deserve a nice written imagine ✨🫀🌙
once again, thank you so much for the love and support...everything and all of you mean the absolute world to me and i wouldn't be able to do this without you all...I FUCKING LOVE Y'ALL...my dear lovers MUAH!💘
🖨 no pressure mutual tags: @eddieandbird @wordsbymae @sodapop182 @chervbs @str4ngerthingshavehappenedhere @lilacletter @munsonswhore86 @sillypurplemurple @moonxxlight @hstoria @rvdsxmz @zariaskz @mapleransom-blog @eagerbby @mediocre-daydreams @maddipoof @new-romqntics @translatemunson @esme-viridian @tvserie-s-world @pbs-theundeadmaggot @sunflowerharrington @dukesmebby @softharrington @spideyharrington @newlips @sattlersquarry @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @taintedcigs @fleurfairie @rustedtelephones @l0ttiee @bestdressedfearless @bisexual-byers @evergreennwilloww @schoopsahoy @suncatcherss @moonpops @oogachakaooga @munsonsbait @vigilanteshit @swivel-swiftie @eddiesdoll @mirrorbaaall @kennedy-brooke @manda-panda-monium @givemeth @steveharringtonswife @fckthtgetmoney @loving-and-dreaming
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yeowangies · 1 year
Fic Author Self Rec Tag
I was tagged by @carnal-lnstinct ♥ Thank you!
I won't tag anyone, almost all my mutuals get tagged before I can tag them so 😅
Five favorite fics from my own fics (All of these are NSFW because I'm a slut.)
Childish Plot | GokuxVegetaxReader
This was such a challenge to write and I'm truly happy about it. It's literally straight up self indulgent porn because I love both Goku and Vegeta, and I also love them together together, if you know what I mean 😉
Close Encounter | RaditzxReader
I'm only linking the first chapter that was originally a one shot because it's the one chapter I'm the most proud of. The idea of the reader and Raditz meeting when he gets out of the pod and fucking in the next five minutes is hilarious, but also, who wouldn't, right? This is one of the best smuts I have written, and I'm incredibly proud of it.
Edge | VegetaxReader
I wrote this in like a day and I still can't believe how well it turned out for something that was done on the spur of the moment. This is also just the first chapter, but the second one was just as fun, and if you want to attempt to dominate a Saiyan, well... you can check out what the consequences would be on chapter two.
Attitude, Dream of Mine | GokuxReader
This came from one headcanon about Goku: he likes to tease and he's fun in bed. I like reading fics where he dominates, and he does that a little in this fic, but I also think he enjoys teasing his partner a lot, for the funsies. I don't know if I delivered that well, but I still love how this turned out, and this Goku is just so sexy to me...
Dangerous | VegetaxReader
My very first dbz fic... I was so nervous about writing Vegeta in this situation, but I'm also very proud of everything in this fic. The only thing I regret a little was rushing into things so fast because this was original a three chaptered fic, but I'm writing more for it, and I plan on adding details that I didn't add before. So if you like this, stay tuned!
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vampysparkz · 1 year
The Fool pt. 1
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Ajax Petropolus X Oracle!Reader
Word count: 1,084
Trope notice:
Later Angst
Secret Admirer
Border Credits: @rpinkling
This depiction of Y/N is derived from a poll I made! Y/N has been built as using She/Her pronouns, and is biologically female. There may be a little bit of self deflection here, just for funsies because I love character building. | This current chapter is safe, but a later chapter is planned to contain smut, so keep that in mind if that's not something you're comfortable with! I'll be sure to add a pre-added warning when I post it to let y'all know. | The song that is used in this fic is Black Honey by Thrice (highly recommend giving it a listen, especially while reading) | Language | Mentions of Readers mother being in a hospital
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"I keep swingin' my hand through a swarm of bees"
"I can't understand why they're stingin' me"
"But I'll do what I want, I'll do what I please"
"I'll do it again 'til I've got what I need"
"Y/N !!"
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Y/N's head snapped up when she heard the muffled beeping of her alarm, the deafening noise is drowned out by the blasting music on her Bluetooth earbuds. She sighs, taking the earbuds out of her ears, Dustin Kensrue's voice and the beat of the drums still audible from the headphones, dropping them onto her nightstand. As her ears adjusted to the noise that engulfed her surroundings, she roughly smacked the off button on the alarm clock, silencing the ear-splitting repetition.
"What was I dreaming about again?" She mutters, sitting up and slowly dragging herself out of bed, picking up the blue constellation-print blankets off of the floor, and setting them on the bed, before looking down at her pajamas. She huffs, untucking her t-shirt from the band of their bra, and rightening the band of her shorts.
Before her mother went insane, she had said her dreams were a 'gateway into her divination', so Y/N was constantly trying to recall whatever fantasy she had concocted, but she always came up fruitless. Her dreams escaped her as soon as she opened her eyes, so she wore the headphones, trying to drown out whatever possible premonition that would make its way to her.
Y/N yawns, stretching with a soft yawn, and looking towards her backpack, that was propped up against her vanity. "Right... First day of school, better get ready" She sighs to herself, and went about getting dressed, pulling on the standard Nevermore uniform, and put on her array of crystal and protective jewelry. She made sure to keep the necklaces tucked into her shirt, but paused when she looked down to her jewelry holder, eyes trained on the carnelian necklace that sat on the plate.
(Note: Carnelian is used to boost confidence, self esteem, energy, creativity, sexual energy, amongst other things)
"Wouldn't hurt" She shrugs, picking up the necklace and fastening the clasp around her neck, tucking the crystal into her shirt. Once she deemed herself ready, she grabbed her backpack and made her way out of the bedroom, and into the dusty hall, walking down the staircase. Blue and purple light streamed in through the tinted windows as she walked into the kitchen, stepping around the empty wheelchair to grab the loaf of bread, tossing a few slices into the toaster.
She was caught up in her head, relaying over usual first day of school thoughts, absent mindedly picking up the jam and butter from the fridge, setting it on the counter. Once the toast popped up from the toaster, she quickly made her pieces of toast, and looked over to the nearby clock, noting the time... It being 5 minutes after her usual leaving point.
"Shit!-" She shouts, cramming both pieces of toast into her mouth as fast as she could manage without choking, before bolting out the door. Heavy platforms flunked against the concrete as Y/N booked it out of the large, empty house, and towards the academy's bus queue.
This was her first day at Nevermore, she'd been to similar schools, there being one or two for the 'magically gifted' or strange, but as her mother changed hospitals, Y/N had to change schools. Overall, she was okay with that, she never made a lot of friends, and she had never made plans to be 'lifelong besties' with the ones she made.
Luckily, the bus was empty when it pulled up to the stop, her house being the only one on the street. She climbed into the bus, giving a half hearted wave to the old Gorgon bus driver, before going to sit down in the nearest possible seat.
She then pulled out her phone, opening up her messages, and then her mother's contact, staring at the thousands of unanswered messages. Y/N wrote to her mother daily, good mornings, good nights, life updates, when she'd visit next, but they always went unanswered. Her mom could barely even gather her thoughts enough to lift the phone, Y/N just assumed she let her phone die at some point and never plugged it back in, or maybe the orderlies took it.
"You alright back there honeybun? Looking a little forlorn" The old man calls, causing Y/N to look up from her screen, and over to the bus driver. "Oh, yeah I'm fine... Just uh.. Nervous about today" She lied, in reality, she was perfectly fine with starting at the new school, she had done a card reading or two, and established that everything would (hopefully) go fine. "Ah, well. I don't know if things have changed since I last attended Nevermore, since that was a few decades ago, but I'm sure things will be fine" He nods with a smile, which made Y/N give a soft smile in return, at least he was sweet.
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When the bus pulled up to the academy, Y/N hopped off the bus, waving to the bus driver. "Bye Mister Chesnok!" She calls, waving to the old man on the bus, who gave a feeble wave. She then turned towards the school, looking over the crowds of students, already gathering in their cliques as staff loaded up their luggage onto the trolleys.
She gave a soft sigh, putting in her headphones to drown out the surrounding voices, pressing play on the side of the earbuds as she walked to the steps of the school.
"I'll rip and smash through the hornet's nest"
Y/N made it about halfway up the stone steps, before she felt someone tap on her shoulder. She gave a soft sigh, and turned down the music, before looking up and turning. There stood six students, of various species, each of them looking at her with hopeful and expecting expressions.
"...Can I help you?" Y/N sighs, her voice clear, speaking with a sort of assertiveness that she portrayed when dealing with peers. "Hi! Uh.. You're the new oracle kid right?" A small gorgon girl squeaked, clutching her backpack. "I'm not reading y'alls fortunes, if that's what you're trying to ask" Y/N rolled her eyes, turning away from them, before a vampire boy cleared his throat. "Well pay you" He chimes, peaking Y/N's interest.
"Do you understand I deserve the best?"
She gave another soft sigh, and turned back to the group. "One reading per person, I charge extra for relationship readings. Schedule with me beforehand, so I can write in breaks." She quips, she usually knew better than this... But the offer of payment was always something that broke her. She was an opportunist after all.
The turned her music back up, and turned back towards the door, walking into the school, leaving the group wonderstruck.
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Part one is done! Second part is already being written, so be on the lookout!
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