#i'm so sorry guys i just really love my mutuals😭
tulipsforvin · 29 days
Helloooo vinnn 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
How are you? I have a quick question actually :')
I remember once leaving alot of asks in youre box and I'm terribly sorry if that made you uncomfortable and you obviosly have alllll the time in the world to answer them–but I'm not sure if all of them got in ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙
So one of them was about Louis and the song yandere and how good it would fit him, maybe you can tell me if it got in? Also, i got another thirst!
The first one : Lovesick William (⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠)
He cant help but fall in love with you. He is so attracted to you he always melts when you Smile at him, always wishing he could just kiss you stupid— as if you were'nt that already. But thats what he loves so much about you <3 Youre like a star to him. Invisible to the people of the day and norm, but bright and beautiful to him. He could never imagen you away. Youre person just interest him so much, youre like a little mistery box for him to open. He always sees lots of new parts of you that he would have never guessed would belong to you. Youre such a open but at the same time complex person. You care so much for him, always helping even though youre so scared of doing something wrong. Youre awkward and usually in youre head but god he wishes to kiss that dreamy look on youre face. You look so calm and cute when you daydream about something he doesnt know and has acces to find out about. But he wants you to look at him. Like—Pleasepleaseplease look at me more with this sweet,sweet awkard smile that you show when you have no idea what they are talking about. He often finds himself secretly staring at you, dreaming about what it could feel like to kiss you, but only till he foresees that someone is going to talk to him. Youre really smart, a strong feeling of justice and emphatic. But you cant put that to help. But on the other side, it often seems like you drift away from their group. Or you just daydream about a better place to be, a place where you could actually feel loved, happy and not so lonely anymore. He barley sees you sad. But he knows you are most of the time. Leaving to get time with youreself where you could fall deeper into this feeling of lonelyness and that no one actually understands you. You dont cry, he found out by one of youre conversations that you have given up that ability to apear more strong and helpfull for the helpless ones around you. You dont know how to speak up for youreself or how to voice youre opinion. You also have a hard time understanding their plans on how to put this cruel system to an end. Whatever it is, everything about you is alluring to him. The way you smile, laugh or the look on youre face when you have no Idea about something. The lost one when you forgot what you were about to do and the scared one. Youre Expression when youre mad or daydreaming, youre struggle to express youre feelings and thought, the stuttering when you try to tell a story but you dont know where to start, everything. But just how is he supposed to make you feel what he is so desperatly thinking about? You still dont know how you feel about him. Thats the problem. You problaby feel threathen because he is so tall and so much smarter. Or maybe because you cant read his intentions when he smiles and you with eyes full of love? Hes not sure yet. But he cant stop thinking about hugging you. His heart beat dangerously fast when you actually smile at him. He loves you so much, he doesnt see why you just cant feel the same way about youreself? Really everything about you is adorable. Oh boy, just how is he supposed to make you understand that? He doesnt know yet, but he is sure that hes not going to give up. Even if it will take a lifetime to do so, because he is just that in love with you.
EHM— right sorry that was too long again, and problaby ooc, well anyways SOOO(⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠)—
The second one was about William needing youre help. Youre on a festival with lots of noble woman which just cant stop bothering him :') So he excuses himself to get to you and ask if you can speak. ALONE. You have tons of ideas on why he wants to talk to you, now. But youre worrys flyyyy away when//shyly/// he asks if you got any lipstick with you and if you could leave a few lipstick stains on his face and play his lover. not the best idea he knows. But its not like he wasnt just about to be crashed by thousannnds (dramatic ik) of woman? All with the intention of courting HIM? Right. Youre unsure at first but agree on the end. When you take out the little mirror to applie the lipstick you notice His expression behind you. Its weird. You cant really see what kind of expression hes making but it seems a little eager and happy. That confuses you. Like really. Asking you to leave lipstick stains on his face? Isnt that a little.. I dunno, weird? Considereing youre not actually his lover and youre supposed to kiss him. On the cheek, obviosly but that doesnt matter. Its still a intimate act. But you dont have much time to think about it, the noble woman outside are starting to grow impationt and looking for him. You put away the lipstick and mirror and carefully held his face in youre hands. You cant look him in the eye, embarresed as you are you even blush. But its not like William is the same, of you thought so. Because William just looks like he is already waiting for you to do it and seems even a little happy... Weird, weird really. Wait,no. Ofcourse he is, he doesnt see that as anything other than a spontanious additional act for the mission, besides, hes been waiting for you for now like 5 minutes and when youre done the woman will maybe leave him alone. A reliveing thought, right? Before you start to kiss his cheek, William suddenly speaks up. "Is everything alright? You seem nervous. You dont need to do this if it makes you uncomfortable, you know?" You quickly tell him that everything is fine and that youre just a little stressed. He seems realived to hear that. So you take all youre courage and kiss his cheek. After all, it was his request, right? You pull away and ask him if one is alright. He then makes a expression that could be thought as dissapointed. " Hm, no. If it',s fine with you, could you put a few more? I'm afraid only one won't look convinceing enough. Just place a few all over my face, got it?" You nodd, take a deep breath and quickly place around three on various places in his face before he stopps you. Youre relived because you think that may he enough, but youre shocked to hear that if you put them so fast the coulor won't stick. "please be a little slower. Okay?" Extremly embarresed you do as he says. You notices that he seems to be somewhat relived. A sigh escape him. 'Hes problaby glad I can finally do as he says' you think. But in Williams mind all he can think of is how good youre lips feel on his face, and his heart beats so fast he feels like fainting. Sighing again he thinks to himself "God lord .This might be heaven.." He has to restrain himself to let out a humm. His face expression change to something else, satisfaction? Is he really enjoying this right now?! And really, William is so enjoying this right now. So much he even leans more. He leans his head a little to the side so you can place more kisses on his face. He doesnt want this to stop, but on the other side, he thinks that, if this won't stop, he's going to kiss you. He's already having a hard time keeping his smile and humms to himself, slowing losing himself and the ability to fight back this urge in youre kisses. In the end he gives up and leans away. (There was a little more but Tumblr didnt let me Finish. Meh)
That ends in a whole make out Session and William ends up introducing you to the woman as his lover. END
alright, i'll start off by answering your louis related questions. i did get the louis x maid reader fic you requested, which i've finished.. i think about a quarter of? it was a really adorable idea, so thank you for that. but i didn't receive the song ask for some reason?? maybe tumblr ate it - you can send it to me again and let me know, i'd love to listen to it!
OKAY BACK TO TALKING ABOUT THOSE TWO IDEAS, to me the first one definitely gives a lot of potential angst (or maybe it just seems that way to me because i'm an angst enthusiast) but i can definitely feel the distance reader keeps between reader and him and how badly smitten william wants to overcome that wall that reader puts around themself. i feel like reader feels insecure and uncertain about certain aspects or things in their life and that william just wants reader to see themselves the way he sees them.
second one also kind of gives off the 'unrequited love' vibe. (using 'you' instead of 'reader' bc my hands are a little tired) william has fallen in love with you and wants you to fall in love with him too, which is why he decides to use an upfront yet sly method of hopefully making you feel the same way he does. he thinks the best time to do this would be through the guise of a mission. as you're applying lipstick, making sure you're doing it correctly with the help of a mirror infront of you, you can't help but take every few glances at him through the mirror. and when you do, you always notice william staring at you with an expression you've never seen him make before. before long, you're placing a kiss on him, he wants more so he says that it wouldn't look convincing, you place some more kisses on him and he can feel himself losing the composure he's always known to hold. things happen and in the end of the kiss, he leans back practically panting from that passionate make out session. and so the two of you walk out; you with smudged lipstick on your lips and william covered in lipstick marks from you.
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troublcmakcrs · 8 months
//i respect literally no one on tumblr except my mutuals on this blog specifically i'm so serious
#misc :: ( ooc )#//I LOVE YOU ALL YOU MAKE THIS DASH SO COZY#//I NEVER GET SICK OF HANGING OUT HERE#//you know those people who are like. ''you can't write with my male canons if you don't write with my female ocs''#//never understood them until now. so tempted to do that with this blog LMAO#//sorry you don't follow the south park blog so you get NO onceler and NO arcane!#//whenever i follow someone from all my blogs and they follow back every one but this one it immediately deletes my trust in them#//LIKE I HATE YOU I HAAAAATE YOU#//jk hate is maybe a strong word BUT I REALLY DON'T LIKE YOU A LOT#//i'm having a moment dw abt it#//half tempted to go on another blocking spree on the rest of my blogs DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT#//me @ my mutuals on other blogs: you can come back / get unblocked when you follow craig & tweek like you're supposed to#//jk (mostly) LMAO#//I JUST LOVE THESE LITTLE GUYS SM... ;;#//sometimes i doubt whether or not i'm actually autistic and then somebody refuses to engage with one of my special interests#//and i have such big intense violent emotions about it like okayyyy bitch calm down 😭#//if you ghost me when i bring up my special interest or don't follow my special interest blog#//or tell me to my face (DMs) that you ~don't fuck with it~ then i don't like youuuu!! I DON'T LIKE YOU!!#//which is why everybody on this blog is safe and i am giving you the biggest gesture of affection you are personally comfortable with#//on the scale of respectful fist bump to tongue full in mouth you get to decide 🥰
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rotisseries · 8 months
just remembered in march how I scrounged through the entire ellabs ao3 tag on some sort of feverish mission after binging playthroughs of both tlou games in the span of about 3 days. who else here remembers that
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lizthewriter · 9 months
hii! so first of all, i LOVE your work and your writing style so much. so i was reading your last theo nott drabble and an idea came to my mind: it’s a gryffindor (maybe) party but it’s acc a theme party. the theme is dressing up as another house and reader (not a slytherin) borrows some of the boys’ quidditch clothes (like a bomber jacket or a jersey) and theo/mattheo get super jealous even though reader and him aren’t together. but it’s like he’s been after her for the whole year but she likes to play hard bc he normally doesn’t have to make any effort to have whoever girl he wants at his feet, and she doesn’t want to be just another girl, if you get what i mean? so she just shows up wearing another guys’ name and he goes feral.
A/N I'm so sorry this took me forever to write 😭. I've started college and boy is it overwhelming. Well! Here's part one to your request ehehe *burnt out* I really hope you enjoy! Thank you so much for showing support anon, I really appreciate it! If you guys get this to 1250 notes, I will prioritze part two &lt;3
you make me jealous / theodore nott
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PAIRING  Theodore Nott x fem!Reader
SUMMARY  part one in an upcoming series. you and theo have been flirting with each other for months, but neither of you have made a move. you don't want to be just another girl for theo, and theo's to afraid to commit to a relationship with the most amazing girl in the world, afraid that he'll eventually break your heart. you get confronted at a party and an argument ensues.
TAGS  Theodore Nott x reader, mean!theo, jealous!theo, theo is kind of a dick here, sorry babes 🤷‍♀️, mutual pining, parties, underage drinking, ginny is a good bro, ron is a good bro, reader is not gryffindor, angst
"I'm so chill, but you make me jealous," - So it Goes . . . by Taylor Swift
WRITTEN  2023.09.13
You could feel Theo's eyes burning through your dress as soon as you entered the room, but you were sure to absolutely avoid any eye contact with him. Tonight's mission was simple: break him. You and Theo had an interesting little dynamic, that was for certain. You had spent months flirting with each other - smooth lines that had you blushing, "accidental" caresses that made Theo ache for more of you, almost-kisses that haunted both of your daydreams. Oh yes, the two of you were smitten for one another. There was just one small, tiny little problem. Theodore was spoiled rotten. He was so used to girl's plopping themselves in his lap and vying so desperately for his attention. He was so accustomed to this, in fact, that he went through girls like toilet paper. One week he's chatting up Romilda Vane in the corridors and the next week it's Tracey Davis, and so on and so on. You didn't want to be just another girl, you wanted to make him work for you. Still, that didn't mean you couldn't nudge him in the right direction.
You don't know what miracle Merlin had pulled in the afterlife, but he had somehow lsitened to your prayers and granted you the perfect opportunity to piss off Theo. The Gryffindors were holding a themed party where all the attenders must dress as someone from a different house. You, of course utlizied your connections and talked with your very dear friend Ginny. You had decided to borrow the letterman jacket she had gotten as a member of the Quidditch and, even better, had asked her to act a bit more friendly towards you than usual.
The music in Gryffindor Tower boomed so loudly that you practically feel the beat vibrating in your chest.You descended the stairs, dressed in a tight golden dress with the burgundy jacket swung over your shoulders, the word WEASLEY spelled prominently on the back of it. One arm was intertwined with Ginny's, the other raised so that your hand could fix up your hair. Ginny's arm was wrapped around your waist as she lead you down the stairs, and as soon as her friends looked up, they all let out a roar. Seamus and Ron came over, harking on about some drinking game ans begging the two of you to join. Ron would usually take the piss if he saw someone with Ginny, but you and her had informed him of what was really going on, so he wasn't in a mood at all.
"Come on, Dean's just told us about it, it's called Beer Pong," Seamus told the two of you, leading you to a table with plastic cups aligned in the shape of a triangle at each end. He handed you a ball and explained how it worked. "You and Ginny are on Harry and Ron's team, that's this end of the table, and me, Dean, Lavender, and Parvati are over here. Now, you're gonna throw this ball and try to get it into one of our cups. If the ball lands in the cup, someone from my team has to drink whatever's in thay cup. Whoever has no cups leftover in the end loses, yeah?"
You glanced towards Theo, standing in a dark corner with a few of his Slytherin friends. The drink he held in his hand was hovering near his face, his eyes dark as he watched your every movement, while his friends were having a lively chat. You grinned and turned back to the others, standing right in front of the edge of the table. Ron and Harry started to cheer for you, Ginny ran a hand down your side. You sent a small smile your way before tossing the ball down the tablez landing it right in the first cup. The other team groaned and Seamus downed the alcohol, tossing the cup to the side.
The game went on for quite some time - your team had won, but only just. Ron had drank most of the alcohol and was now flirting very obviously with Hermione, who seemed unsure of whether to continue studying or listen to him. As a new song came on, Ginny pulled on your hand, dragging you to the crowd of the dancing bodies.
"Come on!" She exclaimed over the loud music. "I promise, he'll be mad once he sees us dancing together!" She grabbed your arms and threw them around her neck, her hair swaying as she nodded her head to the beat. You danced with her, your faces so close to one another that you could feel yourselves sharing the hot breath that left your mouths. Ginny glanced at something behind you and said, "He hasn't done anything the entire night, he's just been standing there. I think he needs a little more motivation."
Something mischievous twinkled in Ginny's eyes - you narrowed your own at her. "Just what exactly are you thinking, Ginerva?"
Ginny scoffed, a wide grin forming on her face. "Did you seriously just call me by my full name?"
"As a matter of fact, I did. I don't like that look on your face."
Ginny rested her hands on your waist, swaying her hips in unison with yours, bringing her face close to you. "I promise if you kiss me, he'll do something about it." She rushedly added, "I won't do anything if you don't want to though, it was just an idea."
You bit your bottom lip, contemplating the idea. Ginny wasn't necessarily wrong, it was a pretty good idea and would probably get some sort of rise out of Theo. You glanced back at her with assured eyes, asking, "Is he looking at us now?"
"Yeah, why -"
"Good," you responded, smashing your lips against Ginny's. It didn't feel like anything you've felt with anyone before - no butterflies blossoming in your stomach, no fuzziness growing in your head, just lips against lips. You pulled away suddenly, looking at Ginny with wide eyes. "Sorry!" You exclaimed, now thinking you should have asked her if it was okay before kissing her. But she wasn't looking at you.
You turned to look at what she was smirking at and found Theo marching over to you, drink in his hand discarded. You turned to look back at Ginny, but she had disappeared, leaving you alone to deal with the fallout. When you turned back, he was standing in front of you.
"I know what you're doing," Theo said, his breath erratic and not at all uniform. You smirked up at him, stepping closer so that your head was practically meeting his chest. Your fingers crawled up his arms and you watched his reaction.
"And what exactly am I doing, Theo?" He scoffed and glanced away. He said nothing, causing you to frown. You grabbed his chin with your hand, turning his head so that your eyes met again. "Come on, say it."
"You're trying to make me jealous!" He exclaimed angrily. "Waltzing around on her arm, kissing her, when we both know that you don't even like her like that."
"And why wouldn't I like her, Nott?"
"Because you're supposed to like me!" He huffed, his arms raised like a petulant child. "What, you're going to pretend as though you haven't spend months flirting with me?"
"Are you?" You returned with a raised eyebrow, taking a step forward. "Don't pretend as though you didn't have your tounge down Daphne Greengrass' throat only three days ago!"
"I don't care about her, I care about you!" He shouted back.
"Then prove it! And that's not an invitation for you to kiss me, that's me asking you to show me you really do care about me."
"Fine then! I will!"
Thank you all for reading! Be sure to like, reblog, and comment! I really appreciate it ^^. If you have any requests, by inbox is open but make sure to check the list of characters I write for here. If you want to be tagged in any upcoming fics/headcanons of mine, let me know. If you want to see more from me, go ahead and check out my masterlist here!
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spookykoolkat · 9 months
Plus Size!Metalhead!Reader x Eddie Munson smut idiots to lovers!
The reader is Robin’s best friend and has just moved back to Hawkins after studying abroad.
When she returns she is introduced to everyone and quickly becomes part of the gang. Eddie quickly falls for her as the two have quite a lot in common, however, he doesn’t act on his feelings as he thinks the reader is Robin’s girlfriend. Little does he know she has major feelings for him as well but she thinks him and Steve are together. Eventually they are forced to bunk together on a camping trip (orchestrated by Steve and Robin who have been dying for the two to finally admit their feelings) at first things are awkward between the two but they soon heat up into something neither of them expected.
the cabin in the woods - e.m. request*
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main masterlist
an: just a story i tried to convey the best, about two very confused adults who don't really know how to communicate! i hope this does your idea justice it took me FOREVER i'm so sorry 😭 and its so long omg this is my longest work ever PLS I HOPE ITS NOT BORING THANK U FOR SENDING UR REQUESTS I LOVE THEM 🩷🩷 i'm also doing requests for kinktober if anyone wants to send them in :p thank u everyone to all of ur love on all of my fics u dont even Know how much it means to me 🥹
wc: 10.4K
warnings: 18+ ONLY, mentions of mutual pining, explicit thoughts, mentions of eddie and you wishing the other weren't gay, lots of mentions of sexualities, miscommunication, porn with a plot, p in v, (unprotected. do NOT do this), oral sex (m and f receiving), slight ass play, ownership, pet names (sweet girl, baby, princess, pretty, sweetheart, etc)
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IT WAS WEIRD BEING BACK IN HAWKINS, being back in the states in general felt like a culture shock. and disappointing. the euphoric feeling of learning and living in another country for a year was not comparable, and you promised your best friend robin that when you got back, you'd tell her all about it.
over the year you were gone for your studies, she told you about a few people she met while she was in high school, and had been with ever since. she was excited about bringing you to a party the night of your arrival so you could meet everyone, she said you were all she ever talked about, and how excited everyone was to meet you. 
robin was insistent on your attendance, getting small hesitation on your part, and she swore up and down that you'd fit right in. you questioned her judgment sometimes, especially in women, but you had no other reason not to trust your best friend.
you and robin were complete opposites, you were the girl who liked metal, death metal, and occasionally rock music and she enjoyed the oldies, harboring weird talents and interests that you enjoyed learning about. but you clicked so well, meshed together in a way where you could never be separated.
it wasn't long before you arrived at her place, dressed and ready after hitting your house first, and was met with a lethal scream of your name and tears of joy. it didn't take long to catch up, talk, cry, and laugh so the minute robin decided it was time to go to this party, you guys drove into the city together.
"are you excited?!" she dragged as she noticed your fingers tap against your faded gray jeans that were maybe two sizes too bog, hanging low on your hips with the help of a belt. 
"i'm fucking nervous." you admitted and ran your fingers through your hair.
"for what? dude, these are not people who need to be impressed. they're going to love you and i know it!" she exclaimed.
it was a bit before they drove past buildings, and turned into nothing until they pulled into a trailer park. 
“eddie’s trailer was the destination party zone tonight, so, yeah.” robin said as she parked next to a van, presumably eddie’s. you weren’t one to judge a single person, especially not one you didn’t know, so you just nodded with a smile and stepped out of the car. 
you adjusted your black tank top that, unlike your jeans, was maybe two sizes too small and hugged the curves and rolls of your body.
you liked the way you looked, your wrists covered in bracelets with studs and beads on them, your hair parted down the middle and frizzy from the hawkin’s heat. the makeup you had on was minimal, just black eyeliner smudged around your eyes and lipstick that was lined with black and filled in with a blood red. 
robin was so drawn to you when she first met you. she thinks about it as the two wait at his front door, and how she was so lucky to meet you. to bring her out of her shell and be honest with herself.
she knew being with you meant zero judgment, and if someone dared to fuck with you or robin, robin knew you’d be quick to defend her with your life. you honestly reminded her a lot of eddie once she met him, telling him she had a friend that he would just love. he doubted it of course. eddie didn’t think there was another person like him that existed, impossible.
but robin knew, she believed she knew everything. and she made a small promise to herself that she’d help you find someone, even though you insisted on being happy alone. she knew it was true, but when she first met eddie she realized maybe she could play cupid when you came back into town. 
“robin, did you bring the-” eddie said, opening the door, until he looked beside the skinny, jittery girl.
you didn’t blush at the unsaid compliment, you just watched as eddie looked over your full figure.
“eddie… you’re staring,” robin said, looking between you and eddie to make sure he wasn’t scaring you off. you just laughed a little. 
you stuck your hand out and introduced yourself by your name, “i’m robin’s friend.” 
he took it with grace and stuttered out a small hey, as normal as he could but it was indeed weird. eddie looked at robin, gleaming with pride, and he tried to put two and two together, failing miserably. 
“friend?” eddie asked, looking between the two of you before letting go of your hand. 
“yes idiot! she just moved back to hawkins, she’s the one i’ve been talking about!” robin said as she grabbed your hand and dragged you inside. you give him a smile, and a look over, going with your friend. 
she’s the one i’ve been talking about. how could he be so stupid? he totally forgot about this girl he’d been hearing about. robin would go on and on about her friend coming back from another country, and how much she adored this friend and missed this friend and how badly she wanted the group to meet this friend. 
he didn’t think too much about it, he didn’t want to assume. everyone knew robin played for the other team, so he wasn’t sure if you were her friend or her friend. so, he took advantage of the gray area and checked you out as robin introduced everyone to you. eddie saw how robin held her arm, close to her and tight.
he also tried to pay attention to the groups reactions, to see if maybe they had the same idea as him. he was a shit expression reader. he was going to feel bad about staring at this girl,  imagining her in every way he could, if you were in fact robin’s girlfriend. 
as the night went on, it seemed like it got more difficult. you kept seeing him stare at you sitting on the floor in between nancy and robin, he watched you as you drank and laughed and got to know the crowd that robin found herself in. you enjoyed everyone, nancy was such a nice girl to you, constantly asking if you needed anything and if you were okay.
you wondered if eddie would come over to you and maybe try to talk to you, but he just engaged in conversations with steve.
you got to know everyone, who was studying what, if they decided to go to college next fall or not, life plans and enjoying each other’s company. it wasn’t often you were alone, but the minute robin and nancy got up to get another drink from eddie’s fridge, he slithered his way to sit next to you. 
“i was wondering when you were going to stop staring at me,” you spoke, turning your head as you sat crisscrossed in front of the small coffee table.
“i was trying to figure out, and i’m being honest here don’t laugh at me” he warned before speaking again, “if you were real.” 
you laughed a bit more than you expected, feeling it in your tummy and he gave you a pout. 
“and your conclusion?” you asked, taking a sip again. 
“honestly? i’m not so sure yet.” 
it was the beginning of long conversations, laughter, bonding, and hidden flirting. the two of you were dancing around each other, bouncing off of each other's wit and casual snarkiness. 
it was fun, you could admit. and you finally assessed him, his faded metallica shirt was paired with black jeans that might’ve been tighter than yours, almost the same bracelets. his arms were covered in aimless tattoos that were small and looked like they were just drawn on from how many he had. you loved them. 
“i love metallica,” you murmur against your cup, indulging in eddie while everyone talks amongst themselves and listens to the music.
it was loud enough to not hear your conversation if you were someone else, that you were grateful for. you watched as he sat up a bit to glance at his shirt, and gave you a nervous smile.
“wha- oh, right yeah. me too, i can play a few songs on my guitar actually.” he tried to impress after remembering the shirt he was wearing, and it worked. you were a sucker for guitar players, especially ones who preferred metal and rock. 
“oh yeah? are you in a band or something?” you laughed softly, there was no way he was actually in one because it’d make it ten times harder not to want to jump his bones. “what guitar?” you asked excitedly. 
you appreciated the instrument even with no knowledge about it and would appreciate it more seeing him play it for you. eddie liked seeing the excitement on your face, the way you got closer to him sent excitement somewhere else for him. 
“i am actually, maybe i can play for you one day.” he teased and finally, you blushed.
the way his eyes met yours made you want to melt into it, have his gaze consume you whole. he was everything, he was adorable, handsome, sexy, attractive, funny, and god was he charming. he didn’t even have to do much to send you pining after him.
“it’s on my wall, in my room if you wanna see it,” he suggested and you raised an eyebrow, too distracted to remember what he was talking about and he notices, “the guitar, i don’t use it often but i think this one time is an exception, afterall you might just be my favorite guest. wouldn’t want any of my hospitality going to someone like steve,” he joked and steve whipped his head around. 
“i heard that, asshole.” steve replied over the music, sending you to laugh before looking back to eddie who blew him an exaggerated kiss.
“i’d love to see it,"
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you were staying for good, which meant you had all the time in the world with eddie when he wasn’t working at his uncle’s mechanic shop. he would brag about being the one to take over, shaking his head at the thought of going to college.
you didn’t mind though, you told him that college isn’t for everyone and it’s okay going a different route despite ghosted voices that were haunting him about it.
he admired the fact that you were so similar to him, finding himself getting lost in you when you explained the lore of texas chainsaw massacre and actually being interested in it too. he heard everything you said, listened to every story you told about being in france, and helped you through whatever hump you were trying to get over.
you didn’t believe robin when she said he was actually the only other guy she got along with besides steve, and how she believed it would be the same for you. she was right, but you’d never tell her. 
and she’d never tell you her true intentions by introducing you to eddie, and how she wished that maybe he’d open you up enough to the idea of possibly dating again. but, she didn’t really think it through. she figured maybe she’d let the universe handle it, but then started to notice the dynamic of your idea forming about eddie. 
you found yourself at his trailer a lot, smoking his weed that he offered and drinking, watching movies and enjoying the company of one another while robin was busy. 
he gave you soft touches here and there, let you sleep in his bed with him when you were too high to drive back, gave you massages, picked you up when you needed a ride. he was there when you needed him, there at any moment you called for him. 
and so were you. you really liked eddie, the feeling weighing on you everytime you let yourself take his flirting and touches for more than what they were. you felt guilty for lying next to him or on him when you passed out during a movie, you felt guilty for thinking about his lips on yours and on your body. 
the only problem that kept the two of you from indulging in the fantasies you both had was… you strongly believed that eddie was in a relationship with steve harrington. and as for eddie, he was fully convinced that you were off limits because you were going with robin buckley.
and this was the problem robin worried about.
you knew robin was lesbian of course, and she knew you were bisexual. unfortunately, eddie knows robin is lesbian but figured you were lesbian as well. he couldn’t shake the feeling of craving you and wanting you the way he has, and he felt guilty because in his mind you were robin’s girl.
so, all of his dirty thoughts and ideas about you felt wrong, and instantly tried to bury it when one night he found himself wishing you liked men.
but where was the harm in imagination? eddie was so infatuated with you that his self indulgent behavior was harmless. he knew he couldn’t have you, he knew you only saw him as a friend and that was that. but he was so wrong, and so were you. 
he thought of you daily, and in ways that were almost embarrassing. he craved you, the desire and want he had every time you were near was almost uncontrollable. 
you never asked anyone if eddie was gay, to be fair. it wasn’t your place to ask of course, plus you figured if eddie was into you he’d just simply tell you. 
you just assumed, and the way that he and steve interacted all the time made you think maybe they were romantically involved. eddie’s teasing and flirting towards steve made you wonder if eddie was completely off limits, but affirmed it when eddie would plant a wet kiss on steve’s cheek.
you didn’t know, but that was just what eddie did. 
eddie was a flirt, to everyone but robin in their group. even if it was out of nowhere, that’s just how eddie carried himself. of course in your mind, you hoped that he was at least bisexual.
you felt incredibly guilty about that too because regardless if he was bisexual, in your mind he and steve were still a couple. to not only hope he turned out to be bisexual, but to fantasize about someone else’s partner was just incredulous to think about. 
but there you were. daydreaming about the guy who sat next to you almost every other day on his couch after work, and would have to snap back into reality when he asked you if you wanted to smoke.
it was a routine.
you’d say yes, the two of you would smoke and listen to his cassettes, talk about urban legends and myths, movies and how you always felt like you could act—you couldn’t—and topics that seemed to flow between the two of you. 
it was easy with him, and you appreciated it. 
the only thing hard about the relationship you hold with him is that you’re thinking of being face down for him on your bed with your ass pushing against him. you were fighting every nasty thought of your friend, wondering how he’d feel inside of you and if he’d be able to make you cum.
the attraction the two of you had for each was obvious, so obvious that the entire group were pointing it out to each other. 
robin needed a plan. and quickly, because she couldn’t fathom another minute of you denying yourself as well as him just because he thinks you’re lesbian. she didn’t want to address it actually, she wanted to scheme and plot. better to make them think it was coincidental when really she had something to prove. 
robin felt weird about plotting a set up for you, especially because robin knew there was obviously a better and more logical way to approach this miscommunication between you and eddie. so, in hopes of setting the two of you up, robin goes to steve with her probably weird borderline disturbing idea. 
turns out, steve and robin felt the same way. watching you two was just as painful for them as it was for the two of you. thus, mission cabin in the woods was put into place. 
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you regretted this terribly. you weren’t an outdoorsy person even though the place you were staying was like a cabin. just a cabin in the woods, six young adults, left to their own devices for two days. it wasn’t the absolute worst you soon found out, the cabin was right near a lake that had a long extended pier, trees and dirt and grass surrounding you, and a large bonfire opportunity behind the cabin, right before you went to the lake.
it was more modern than anything, as everyone settled in and went around the cabin, pairs started calling dibs on the three rooms, leaving you and eddie the last pair to bunk together. 
“robin, i thought we were going to stay together? what the hell?” you whispered as you grabbed her arm to drag her down the hall away from everyone. you already settled in while eddie quietly took his things to his side of the room. 
“oh! um, right,” she didn’t think of what would happen after phase one of her and steve’s plan, nervously glancing at steve who was peeking at the girls from his door frame.
“steve, i mean you know steve, he needed to talk to me about how he keeps getting rejected by every woman, like ever. he was a little upset about nancy and jonathan rooming together.” 
she was lying, and you followed her awkward gaze to steve, when he immediately withdrew himself from peeking and behind the wall. but you heard a small gasp from that room since it wasn’t too far from where you and nancy stood at the stairs.
it was steve’s gasp, because when he rested his back against the wall and opened his eyes again, eddie was standing there in front of him with his arms crossed. 
“dude, what the fuck,” steve said, and eddie shook his head. 
“i should be saying that to you. care to tell me why on earth i’m rooming with her?” eddie asked condescendingly, expecting the truth. 
“what’s wrong with that? i thought you guys were friends. robin, she needed my advice to-”
“i’m going to ask you again.” eddie said, “why am i not rooming with you?”
steve looked defeated and he hasn’t even tried, but he knew if he gave no excuse it would be worse than a shitty one. he was also a little scared that robin would become unfathomably upset if steve told eddie what was really going on.
and so would you, so before either of the two could mutter out another lie while you and eddie interrogate them unknowingly at the same time, nancy ended up coming out of her room with a grin, 
“i need to go swimming, come on!”
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the entirety of the day you spent at the cabin on your first day of a three day trip, you spent at the lake. not by yourself of course, you and the other two girls swam and tanned as the guys sat in their swim trunks, drinking beers.
to make things more interesting, the three of you decided to have fun diving off the pier and into the lake, splashing each other, and playing marco polo. 
now the three of you swam around each other, keeping yourselves afloat to talk and converse. the conversation started about you being in france again, and if you met anyone there, if you had a french lover for the semester or if you were too busy with your head in books. 
“there was this one girl, god she was like five foot eleven and just, she was so fucking gorgeous. we met at a cafe and we talked for like a few days until she was like, ‘well i don’t really think i’m gay,’ and i was just,” you explained to the girls and paused. “we kissed and i guess she wasn’t into it so i never heard from her again.” 
“you’ve lived like ten lives.” robin deadpanned and it made a laugh bubble to your throat. 
“so you’re bisexual?” nancy inquired, genuinely. “you know i thought you were straight actually.”
“yeah i thought i was a lesbian for like six years but then i started dating this guy during high school but i still liked girls so, figured i was bisexual.” you said with a small laugh, and the girls smiled at you. 
“so, do you think eddie knows?’ nancy asked the two of you as you guys kept afloat in the water and you raised your eyebrow, looking between robin, nancy, and even glancing over your shoulder to the guys who were now smoking so you could look at eddie. 
only for eddie to already be looking at you while you swam in the water. a blush creeped onto your skin, thanking god that your slight sunburn covered it. 
“knows what?” you asked. 
“that you’re not actually a lesbian,” nancy laughed and you heard robin wince and say nancy’s name.  
“what?” you couldn’t help yourself from the high octave in your voice, and nancy looked surprised.
“she didn’t know, nance.” robin said bleakley and nancy mouthed a small sorry to her. 
“explain. now.” you demanded, swimming your way to the pier to pull yourself up and sit on the ledge. the girls followed you but stayed in the lake. 
“well, see, he kind of thinks that we’re together, like girlfriends. and well, fuck,” robin said as she looked behind you and hit her wet hand against her hand. 
“what?” you asked worriedly and saw a forced smile creep onto her lips. 
“hey!! eddie!” robin said dramatically and you looked behind you to see eddie, standing in nothing but his black swim trunks and right in back of you. so much as to where you were practically face to face with his groin. you whipped around quickly. 
eddie was watching you all day. he couldn’t help but watch you. your bikini set didn’t help him either, steve actually had to tell him to close his mouth when you pulled yourself up from out of the water and onto the wooden pier, every movement causing a bounce and jiggle in your body and sending an ache to his cock. 
he was thinking of you so impurely, so twisted that he didn’t even feel like he was being himself. he didn’t understand why he was so obsessed with you, why everything about you made him want you even more. 
“well apparently those two assholes have suffered major injuries to their legs because they both asked me to come over here and tell you two girls,” eddie said pointing with his index and middle finger at nancy and robin, “that you are wanted as of now.” 
you didn’t bother turning around to peer up at him again, instead you just watched the girls look at you, then at each other, then swimming to the stairs of the pier. eddie takes a seat next to you, legs dangling off the pier. you feel the burn of his body heat sitting right next to you, and you look down to see the distinction between your thighs and eddie’s. 
he’s like half your size. 
you were nervous, you knew that you were a bigger girl and didn’t care, but suddenly you felt like you were taking up too much space. but he sat this close to you for a reason, your thighs spilled over to touch his at this point. 
“is it just me or are they acting reaaaaaaaaally weird?” eddie asked, peeling his eyes from the crease between your tummy touching your thigh, and how the bikini bottom you wore pressed into your hip, to robin and steve. he needed to distract himself before he felt himself forming a tent in his not so stretchy swimming trunks. 
you watched robin and steve from across the lake, sitting in lounge chairs and talking, while looking at the two of you. you tried to think back on the way robin had been acting this last month, wondering if she was showing any signs of suspiciousness to understand why she had been so secretive. 
“he kind of thinks we’re together, like girlfriends,”
you were thinking back to finding out you weren’t sharing a room with your best friend, and instead the man you’ve thought about between your legs. 
she was fucking lying. 
“right…. hold that thought, actually.” you said blankly, lifting yourself from sitting on the wooden edge of the pier and fast walking your way to robin’s seat. 
one, it was hard to sit next to eddie without being awkward about his presence. and two, this would be your only time to talk to robin about whatever she had up her sleeve. 
eddie watched you walk off, how could he not, and watched as the pumpkin orange bikini get taken in between your asscheeks. he was definitely enjoying this view of your curvy silhouette, the rolls of your back, where the strings of your bikini bit into. he was enjoying all of this, and he immediately felt his cock harden again as he let himself consume all of you, and the way your thighs jiggled with every step. 
eddie could say he wouldn’t know what love is, which would be true, but whatever it was, he felt it when you came into the picture. he had crushes before, girls in the classes he barely went to, his newest supplier, a girl he made eye contact with once. but you, you torched his body into flames with every touch and laugh. he was consumed by you, his mind only thinking of ways to make you smile, to make you happy. he remembered your favorite foods, what color you chose to wear out more, and even your own childhood crushes. 
he wanted to be buried in them, to feel the way they suffocate him when he’s face to face with your thick core, spreading your lips to taste all of you. he couldn’t name a person that made him feel like you do, and he couldn’t imagine anyone else being made for him like you were. 
knowing eddie’s eyes were on you, you ignored it as you pulled robin up from her seat. 
“you were lying! steve didn’t fucking need your help, you were trying to set me up with eddie!” you hushed out, your cheeks hot. 
“what?! i would ne-” you tilted your head and looked at her blankly. 
“fuck okay, fine but steve helped me too!” your head whipped to steve who glared at robin and held his hands up in surrender. 
“why would you help?” you asked, confused as ever now. you looked between the two as they looked at each other as if they know something you don’t. 
“i mean, why would you want to set us up? eddie’s gay!” you said, as a matter of fact. 
“and he’s dating you is he not?” you asked questionably, pointing to steve and now as you understood their faces more. 
“what? no! you thought he was dating me?” steve exasperated from his seat, which wasn’t that far from where you stood. 
“eddie’s not gay… that’s why we tried to um, set you guys up because both of you thought the other one was dating us. so, we took it upon ourselves.” robin explained and you crossed your arms over your chest to put a hand on your forehead. 
“why would you think me and eddie were dating?” steve kept on, and robin shushed him as she looked back to you. 
“i mean does it seem like we’re dating? like, am i-” 
“steve. not now.” robin said curtly and you tapped your forehead. 
“eddie’s… not gay?” you whispered to yourself and looked back to him, only to see him standing behind you. 
“you thought i was gay?” eddie asked, finding it a little funny. he was amused, at least. not angry. 
“um, steve i need, uh,” robin said and looked at steve. “that thing, you know like that thing i was talking about that time-”
“just go!” you grumbled, keeping your eyes on eddie as you heard their footsteps falter. 
the only sound you can hear is nature, the lake, and your breathing. the sun was going down already, and the pink hue of the sunset coated the sky, and glimmered on eddie’s face. he looked beautiful, his curls were tighter given the lake water from earlier, dry now and his pale body was glistening with a small sheen of sweat from the humidity. 
“you thought i was dating robin.” you said to defend yourself and his eyes went wide.
“you’re not dating robin? but she’s been like talking about you since forever and the way she talks about you━wait so you’re straight?” he said once he remembered what he was talking about. 
“well no, i’m bisexual but, still like men.” you smiled.
there was a shift in the air once those words left your mouth, and when eddie’s eyes fell over your body from your face to your toes, you felt your core clench around nothing. there was something in his eyes that you’d never seen before, knowingly at least, and when your eyes raked over his body, you noticed a bulge in his trunks. 
now you felt bare to him, only in two pieces of small cloth that covered your most vulnerable areas. something that eddie noticed too, knowing that he could get you naked bare for him with a pull and a tug on your swimsuit. 
“so you’re single?” you blurted and bit your lip.
eddie smirked at the question, and stepped a little closer to you. 
“and ready to mingle, baby.” 
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it was fairly surprising that everyone decided to shower and settle for watching a movie on the tv in the cozy living room. the fireplace was lit, only because it was practically freezing inside. 
you were the last one to shower and after you finally got dressed in the humid bathroom, you ringed your hair dry with your towel and shook the strands apart. you decided that you were ready to hit the sack, wanting to get as much rest as possible before you find yourself out of breath and passing out from heat exhaustion the next day while you’re on your hike with the group. they wanted to actually try the whole campsite thing, roasting marshmallows and drinking water out of a can, meanwhile you just wanted to go dip in the lake again. 
you decided to say goodnight to everyone who was downstairs, half already snoring, sprawled out on the floor. one person you didn’t see was eddie, who you actively looked for until you guessed he was in the restroom. your heart was already in your chest as your feet hit each stair, only taking you further to having to spend eight hours in the same bed with eddie munson. 
maybe you were nervous. the thought of feeling this guy lay next to you in bed was putting a flutter in your tummy, everything felt like it flipped upside down when the confusion was cleared up between the two. no one ever made you feel like this, not even the six foot straight french girl who seduced you. 
before you could even open the door to the room you were hoping that you’d be asleep by the time he came upstairs, just so that the ache between your legs would finally settle down. but to your dismay, you opened the door to eddie, shirtless and laying on his back over the comforters. 
he sat up without a second thought, and you almost got whiplash with how quickly he moved and looked at you. 
“i can take the floor if you want,” suddenly you felt small. it was a weird feeling, but walking into this room to sleep with him only felt like it was an invitation for more. and you wanted more. 
“no it’s okay, i’m just ready for bed.” you said and smiled, closing the door and going to the right side of the bed. 
“can i turn this off?” you asked looking over your shoulder just to see him looking at the bare skin of your back that your skimpy little shirt didn’t cover. 
“you can do whatever you want, princess.” he muttered under his breath and you turned your head, smiling and pulling the beaded string until you heard a click. his lamp was still on as you pulled your legs into the lifted covers, sliding down to lay on your side and face the opposite direction of eddie. 
eddie on the other hand was thinking of what to say as he turned his lamp off, doing the same maneuver you did to get comfortable, except he was facing you. staring at your back again, his eyes went lower until the blanket was resting at the curve of your waist. he noticed where your shirt copied the and molded your rolls and back. 
eddie felt like now it was a free-for-all. knowing you’re not tied down to someone, and knowing you were still very attracted to the opposite sex. 
“steve and robin tried to set us up didn’t they?” he asked you from behind, his voice still very close to you. 
“they did,” you confirmed, softly. 
“did you want to be set up with me?” he asked, a little nervous. 
“if i tell you then robin and steve would be right.” you said and turned awkwardly to face him, now eye to eye. he couldn’t help but notice the way your tits pressed together. 
“who said we have to tell them the truth?” 
his hand didn’t waste a second to press into your cheek, his thumb rubbing over your lips to trace them. 
“you really want me?” eddie asked. 
there it was, the shift in the dark air that was only scarcely lit by the full moon flooding in through the bare window. 
you didn’t answer, you only shifted from your position to your knees, moving the blanket off of eddie to see his pale white skin, and straddle his hips when he laid on his back. your hands moved to his chest to steady yourself and his hands fell naturally to the dip of your curve, gripping into the fat of your hips.
he tilted his head to look up at you, your hair cascading down your shoulders to create a sort of shield around your face. he couldn't help but tug at a strand,making you smile. 
you just decided to go for it. all the nervousness and teasing and flirting built up to this, when you leaned down to press your lips into his. 
it was odd because eddie pictured this moment just like this, with you straddling him in just shorts and a loose fitting tank, watching your soft lips come closer to his with your eyes closed. you were so fucking cute, and he tried to constrain himself from going wild by digging into your skin. 
the kiss was soft first, eddie let you move your lips on his before he found a rhythm and moved with you, gentle, soft, teasing kisses to test the waters. you were growing wet with every minute you fixed your lips to his, using one hand to put right under his jaw, rubbing his throat with your fingers. 
you thought maybe eddie was just enjoying the kiss way too much as you got a little more messy, the two of you giving hard kisses, but the minute you felt something poking your inner thigh, you realized you had been grinding down on him the entire time. 
you pulled away first, leaving him just as breathless as you, but he followed you and sat up with you, chasing your lips. he had a dumb grin on his face, looking over your disheveled look to see where you two met. god, she looks fucked out already. 
“eddie?” you hummed, letting your fingers trace the small tattoos and the ones that lead to his manhood. 
“fuck, yes baby?” he breathed and watched you take your plush lip between your teeth and sit back fully on his clothed cock. he let out a strained groaned and it brought a smile to your face. 
“can i suck your dick?,” you asked unabashedly, “i’ve always wanted to, wanted to taste you,” 
eddie was practically already close to exploding in his pants, and you felt the throbbing of his cock against your ass now that he’s fully hard. you were sure that a wet stain would be left on his light colored pajama pants.
“you can do whatever you want with me doll, i’m for your pleasure,” he said as he watched you slide back down between his knees, eddie spreading them so you had more room to lay between him, and you rubbed at the skin above the hem of his pants to admire the growing bulge that was asking for relief, pleading. 
“you’re so fucking pretty, baby, can’t fuckin’ believe i could’ve had you since the beginning,” he said in a hushed voice. 
you didn’t take long to drag his pants down to his ankles letting eddie kick them off as your eyes stayed pointed at his cock. it looked almost painful, for you and him. he was throbbing, his cock jerking against his abdomen. you salivated, looking at him as you grabbed his shaft at the base and softly stroked him lazily, looking at every vein, every little freckle, and the waay his slit dripped with beads of pre cum. 
it was a sight to see. you heard eddie’s low moans as he sat up against the headboard, getting a view of you jerking him. 
“you’re dick is so pretty,” you murdered as you watched your fingers tease his slit to use the precum as some sort of lubricant, massaging the head. he let you take full control of him, and the way he tries to buck into your fist made your cunt clench around nothing. 
“baby, please,” he begged as you kept your lazy pace up. he was craving your mouth and before he could ask again, you directed his tip into your mouth to let your tongue swirl and play with the angry head. 
“ah, fuck-shit,” he hissed, finally feeling your mouth envelop him entirely, not faltering when you tried to stuff as much of his as you possibly could. you hollow your cheeks as you sucked him gently twice, releasing him with a pop, and smiling. 
he was focused on only you, not the laughter that came from downstairs, not the crickets singing outside of the window, only the way you went back down to take him in your mouth, reaching the back of your throat this time and gagging. 
“my fuck- fuck oh my god,” he strained, letting his hands find your hair to get a better view of your face. 
“so fucking good, taking my dick so well baby,” he praised and you moaned with your mouth still taking all of him, keeping the steady pace of bobbing, up and down his shaft with a hand wrapped around his girth, following the same motion of your mouth. 
it was a euphoric feeling eddie had, to see his crush be the one to take, or try to take all of him. the girl he’d dream about, think about going down on, was laying between his legs playing with his cock like it is your favorite thing to do. 
and slowly, it was becoming your favorite thing. your air was coming in through your nostrils as you cupped his balls, using the slobber that was falling down his cock to massage and fondle them as you flattened your tongue under the base of his shaft, forcing yourself to take all of him. he was trying to cover his moans with pants, but it wasn’t happening.. 
“fuck, just like that, you’re fucking filthy,” he said sitting up fully now so the top of your head was touching his belly button, still letting your drool and spit create a mess under your hands. you were loving this even when your jaw was crying, you liked being the center of attention for eddie. 
you released him again with a long string of spit connecting from your lips to the head of his cock, sitting up on your knees to become eye level with him, still using the spit to jerk him. your grip tightened, loosened, and teased around his red tip to watch his buck, and jerk his body to you. 
“need you to fuck me, please,” you asked politely, the spit still on your chin, your eyes watery and your nose a little runny. taking all of him was impossible for you, maybe with his help he’d be able to squeeze the rest of him down your throat to make room, but that was for another time. 
eddie’s eyes were on yours, then back between your two bodies to see how your hand worked against him, he felt the heat building up in his stomach, feeling the strings snapping with every stroke. 
before he could even release, he grabbed your wrist and halted your movements, using your vulnerability to flip you on your back, gripping your wrists beside your head. 
“so you do want me?” he queried, and you giggled. 
“no eddie, of course i don’t want you, i’m totally not soaking my panties right now,” you said unbelievably sarcastic as he moved to kiss your cheeks, your neck, licking your jawline and kissing you once more on your lips before he straddle you. 
“you’re gonna lay there, your hands up just like this, and you’re gonna be a good girl and take it, yeah?” he shifted, his voice dark and his eyes pitch black as he grinds his naked cock into your thin shorts. 
“eddie,” you pleaded, not wanting to keep your arms in the fixed position he held them in. 
“need you out of these fucking clothes now,” he said and immediately yanked your shorts and panties down, moving to your shirt. 
“take it off for me,” he encouraged and you did, reaching your tank and arching your back to get rid of it. he marveled at your complete nakedness, spreading your legs to situate himself between them. lifting your legs in the air while spreading them, eddie leaned back to take a mental picture of the way your pussy was dripping for him. slick sliding between the cheeks of your ass, over your hole and onto the bed sheets. 
“this all for me? no one else?” he asked as he tugged on his cock, stroking himself. 
“yes, you, only you, please,” you were bracing for the impact of his hardness pressing and stretching you out, but instead you felt the pads of his fingers trace down your tits, to your belly, to your fupa, and spreading the fat of your pussy lips to see all of you completely.
what he conjured up in his mind was nothing near the actual sight. it was breathtaking, the way your hair fell into a ring around your head, how your tits moved and jumped with every movement you made, the way your belly creased and curved with your legs mid air, the way your thighs looked so meaty with his inbetween. this was heaven, and you were god. 
he watched you completely as he sat back on his achilles, your legs still spread for him like the good girl you were, and teasing your clit. 
“i need to taste you,” eddie groaned, taking the wetness from your clenching hole up to your clit, rubbing smooth circles. 
“eddie, no fuck, please i wanna be full, please,” you moaned, louder than you intended, “you’re just so fucking big, and fucking pretty i just need t’ feel you, need all of you please eddie, give it to me,” 
he’d never seen you so fucking responsive, so vocal with him. he was remembering the way your voice dripped with urgency, and seduction. he couldn’t ever tell you no, even in circumstances of being fully clothed and feet away from each other. 
“just a taste, please baby,” he bargained, too distracted with the way your cunt sounded as he plays with your pussy. he was teasing your hole at this point, threatening to let you feel the stretch of one finger until he got too impatient to wait for your answer. he quickly dove down onto his stomach, letting his arms hook around your thighs and latching onto your cunt like a fucking bottle. 
“you-what the fu-, my god,” you tried to spit it out, but fuck his tongue swirling around your clit and the way his fingers kept your lips spread made you grind against his hand, moving your hands from where eddie told you to keep them and into his curly hair before he pulled up and landed a small slap on your pussy. he watched in enjoyment as it jiggled. 
“what’d i tell ya, keep those fucking hands right there baby, be good for me yeah?” he breathed, going back down to lay on his stomach, arms hooked even tighter now. Your hands were thrown up above your head, gripping onto the edge of the bed to stop yourself from yanking his long hair. 
“eddie, please, fuck,” you moaned out, the feeling of his finger inching inside you was a fucking tease. 
“shit, didn’t know you’d be this tight for me, needa stretch you a little bit, that okay?” 
“yes, fuck eddie it’s okay, just, fuck i need more,” you found yourself out of breath, eddie’s arm reaching from your thigh to toy with your nipple, watching every reaction he pulled from you. 
“pretty fucking pussy baby, look at you, taking my fingers so good for me,” he continued with the praises, the small words as he released your clit to focus on the way you were sucking his fingers, your walls gripping him tight. 
“fuck baby, cum for me, need to taste more of you,” he groaned, unable to help himself when his puts you back into the position of having your calves resting on his shoulders. until he folds you even more with his large hands, to where your knees are touching your shoulders, or at least as far as he could bend you to his preferred shape with your belly in the way. but he liked it, he loved seeing you so mendable for him, pushing your limits of how much you can take. 
he wanted you to be pon full display for him, being able to see both holes shine with your wetness.he practically held your ankles bound together to push against your chest, going back down for the third time to watch your cunt spread for him like this, to watch how you leaked down to your asshole. 
he licked a wide stripe from your clit to your asshole, licking and spitting on your tight hole to start rubbing his thumb to create a ring of spit on it. 
“tell me you want me, princess,” he ordered, eyes trained on the sight in front of him. 
“eddie i want you, fuck, fu-,” you breathed and tried to gasp for air, “need it,” 
“so good baby, look at you holding those pretty legs for me, let me eat you right,” you didn’t even notice your hands went from the edge of the bend to your legs, holding yourself spread open just for him. If anyone walked in right now, they’d see everything. 
the way you were laid for him made you wetter by the second, never being folded or manhandled this way, but as he grabs the cheeks of your ass to move and spread them, he spits on your cunt again and goes back to brutally assaulting your oversensitive bud. 
that pressure on your spine was familiar, and the way you felt tingles spread from your inner thighs to the rest of your body, even your legs going weak as you struggled to keep your eyes on his. it was beautiful, mesmerizing even the way he ate your pussy. it was pornographic, the slurping and wet sounds were only growing louder as eddie shook his head, his ose rubbing against your clit when he goes to lick and fuck your hole with his tongue at the same time. 
“i’m, cum, gonna-fuck eddie, im fuck-” you couldn’t even get it out before your eyes were clenched, your pussy pulsing and throbbing, pushing all of your release out of your hole where eddie was to lick up every drop.
the moans were eccentric, he’d never heard you this way and seeing you come undone because of him made his cock scream for touch. it was something he could listen to for hours, only wanting to finger fuck you and eat your sweet cunt just so he could listen to the little noises that made him feral.
“need to feel you sweet girl, let me fill this pussy,” he lets your legs fall from where they rested after you went slack during your orgasm, letting your feet plant on the bed bent at the knees. 
“can’t fucking  think when you’re looking at me like that, princess, do you want me to cum already?” he smiled, watching you watch him with pure adoration and desire, not seeing him as a freak or a lowlife.  
he saw your softness in your eyes, soothing a part of him that has never been healed until now. 
“please, eddie i want you to make me cum again,” you gasped, lifting your head a little to look over your stomach as much as you can, now letting your eyes lazily travel between eddie’s eyes and where he prodes your entrance with his tip. 
he took pride in the way he made you feel, how you looked sweaty and cockdrunk already. he couldn’t get enough of your frizzy hair surrounding you, and the smell of your shampoo mixing with sweat. 
“can’t believe you want me, you’re unbelievable,” he said, letting his cock slip between the fat of your pussy lips. he wanted to be covered in you, all of you. 
“you’re so big, eddie,” you groaned, feeling his length slip back and forth between your wetness. 
“you want it, baby? want me to fuck this pretty pussy?” he asked, his palm flat against the bed next to your head, gripping his manhood with the other. 
“fuck eddie, yes i need it, need all of you fuck,” you cried, gripping thr back of his neck to lift your head a little, watching your hips try to pushed down on him. 
“let me watch you take it, yeah? wanna see you stretch just for me, only for me,” 
he sat up on his knees and spread your legs, lifting them to rest on his shoulders as he admired your glistening sex. every part of you felt like you were burning up, all of your nerves subsiding and turning into pure greed for him, your want stronger than anything else. 
he pushed in slowly, softly, watching the fat head slip and disappear into your tight hole. 
“holyfuckingshit,” he rushed, watching you take him with a little resistance. it felt like a sting, but spreading into pleasure when you feel his balls against your asshole, filling you up completely. 
now, he pressed into your legs to fold you again, this time he was able to watch you and force you to see him as he ruined you for anyone else. 
“you’ve got to be kidding me,” he was out of breath already, the few slow strokes he did to the sound of your moans were to stretch you enough for him to lose control on you. 
“so, f-, so fucking big,” you almost felt the wind get knocked out of you as you feel the loss of his warmth and length, only to be pushed back into you with more force. hitting the back of your cervix repeatedly, he was lazily smiling at the sounds you were making for him. 
“oh baby, there you go, sound so fucking pretty for me,” he encouraged, letting his arms hook around your thighs for more leverage. he pushed you up a little further, almost bringing your chest to your chin as he pounded you harder. 
“e-eh, fuck, eddie, s’ lot- it’s, oh eddie,” you cried watching him, grinning with an open mouth as he pants out groans and moans from the way you gripped his cock. felt better than anything and anyone he’s ever fucked. 
“what, too much for my pretty girl? what happened?” he cooed, “thought you were, fucking hell, thought you could handle it,” he teased, taking your legs from his shoulders and using his hands to grip at your ankles, spreading further so that your legs are flailing in the air as he fucks you. 
it was fucking intense. you couldn’t make sense of anything but him buried inside you, the way your cunt twitched and squeezed around him, and just how close you were to another orgasm. 
“fuck, this pussy is mine.” he growled, gripping the fat of your stomach and waist, massaging, “always gonna be mine, sweet baby.” 
“tell me, sweetheart . tell me whose pussy this is and i’ll, jesus fucking christ,” he was cut off by the clenching of your cunt, your hole rapidly pulsing as his two fingers dove down to play with your clit, rubbing in lazy fast circles. 
“i’ll let you cum, tell me baby,” he urged and you tried to form the words, but nothing but sounds were coming out. the way your breasts jumped with every hard thrust, the way your fat jiggled on your thighs and tummy, how smooth and warm you felt under him, he was losing his mine. 
not to mention your little sounds. the whimpers, the silent begging, the cries and gasps for air, it was going straight to his cock that was already starting to twitch from your eyes on him. 
“it’s yours eddie, only you fill me up like this, please,” you finally mustered up the words, and you felt your own ball in your tummy growing bigger and bigger with the way you obsered eddie. 
out of breath, his hair was clinging to his sticky face and his silver chains he never took off dangled above you. you watched as his muscles flexed and gripped the hard biceps when he pulled you in for an embrace, holding you as he fucked you. 
your forehead rested against his right shoulder, peeking down to watch the sloppy mess between you grow wetter and messier. he looked down with you, pressing kisses into your damp hair and face. 
“look at that baby, creamin’ all on my dick, my fucking messy girl,” he was aggressive, more aggressive than you’d ever seen him and so much more filthy than anyone could comprehend. 
“look so good, fucking me,” you whispered, not even trying to get him to hear but he did. and he was encouraged by it, looking down again as he heard your labored pants in his ear. it was a beautiful sight. 
your pussy lips enveloped him completely, letting his length reach the deepest parts of you over and over again. your arousal was dripping down your ass even more now that the two of your juices were mixing together, and forming a white-ish ring around his cock. and it just kept building with every thrust, sending your pussy to clench around him again. 
your head was completely empty, nothing but the sensation of being filled to the brim over and over. it was incredible, and having already reached your peak once, to do it again was going to ruin you. 
he was already ruining you, the way he turned so dirty so fast, how he spoke to you and watched you completely. he took all of you in as much as he could and let himself watch you undo beneath him. 
“cum on my dick, baby,” he said, “pussy feels so fucking good sweet girl, don’t wanna fuckin’ pull out,” he sounded like he was slurring, and his fingers went faster on your overstimulating bud. 
he felt the clench of your cunt at his words. “aw you like that? wanna be full of me? give you my babies?” 
it was impossible not to scream no, tell him that mentioning babies was practically a threat to you, but the way he moaned those words as his hand went up to your throat just to grab a hold of you, and his other started to toy with your nipples. 
“eddie,” you dragged, crying out with your back arching when you felt your buildup finally crash over him. you didn’t even need to tell him, he could feel it by the way you twitched and how you clenched so hard you practically pushed him out of you. 
“fuck baby,” he said as he fucked your hole with his tip, the feeling of the curve and edge of the fat cockhead was a different sensation, and as he kept fucking you like that, slow and soft, you felt an oddity in your new buildup. 
it was faster, stronger, and as he teased your hole with just his tip, you were cumming again, but this time it was wet. you could heard the small gush over his cock, coating him and his pelvic bone as he gleamed at the sight below him and feeling his own release starting to snap. 
“fuck, eddie please, you fuck me so good,” you breathed as you pulled him flush to your chest, letting him still slip in and out of you lazily. 
“fill me, please, fuck i don’t care i need it, mark me, make me yours. please, its your pussy please cum inside of me,” you whispered in his ear in a cry, scratching down his pale back as he moaned against you. the vibrations of his noises sent a tingle all over your body, your nipples hardening again. 
the thought of eddie getting you pregnant was intense. for you at least, for eddie, he thought it was the best decision to ever make. of course he’d fill you up. why would he have the opportunity and not take it? he wanted everyone to see you knocked up with the freak’s baby, he wanted everyone to know even if you were too smart and too goddess looking for him, he had you. 
it was even sending another pulse to your cunt, letting your weak and abused hole tiredly clench on his. you were losing your breath at this point, you’d never been fucked and pleasured like this ever, never for this long either. 
he made sure to worship you, to cherish you, to make you feel sexy. he wanted to make you see what he saw, make you feel the way you made him feel. and this was it. 
he was falling in love with you, the way he felt like you were made for him even now was pulling at his insides, pulling hard enough to finally let him still his hips inside of you and letting his cock twitch at the deepest part of your cunt. 
“fucking, mine. my fucking pussy,” he groaned into your chest, your hands gripping in his hair and rubbing on his scalp. 
“s’ yours, only yours,” you said softly as you felt his cock twitch even more, until he groaned and slipped out of you. 
it was a new feeling, still feeling full even though all contact was lost between you two. still feeling warmth inside your cunt, until you felt the mixture of both of your releases leaking out of your hole and sliding down your ass. your eyes were closed after he got off of you, and you weren’t sure how he put on his clothes so fast but when the door opened again you saw him walk back in with a wet rag. 
“baby?” he asked, craning his neck to see your face in the dark. 
“mmm?” you hummed, still laying on your back after turning your head back to the ceiling. 
“let me clean you up and we can go to bed, does that sound good princess?” he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed to separate your legs again. 
you expected to feel the coldness of the rag, but you instead felt his fingers softly spreading your pussy lips apart and it sent a chill through you. 
“look so good like this, fuck, i think i really truly want to die by your pussy. please?” he said, letting his finger dip his cum back inside of your whole. 
“eddie,” you dragged, clenching your thighs together. he just smiled and chuckled a little. 
“alright, lets get cleaned up and you can take my shirt,” 
you lay there, trusting eddie as your eyes fluttered closed and felt him wipe between your legs and wipe your thighs, finding his shirt that he threw on a chair in the corner to bring back to you, but he already hears the soft snores coming from your body. 
he shook you a little before you finally opened your eyes again and smiled sheepishly at him, before listening to his commands and following them, still half asleep. 
all he asked was that you sit up and raise your arms, and he tugged the faded iron maiden shirt that was too big for him, but fitting just loose enough on you. before he could even pull the covers over you, still with your eyes closed, you gripped the blankets and pulled them over your bare legs up to your chin, and nestled into the softness. 
eddie was a man who did his fair share of sleeping around, with all types of people, and he’s been with older, smaller, skinnier, taller, bigger. but being with you, watching you and being able to sleep next to you was a fucking blessing he didn’t deserve. 
so he indulged in it, letting himself wrap you in his arms and holding you until you push him off because you’re too sweaty. 
but you don’t do that. you let eddie hold you all night even after hardly any words were exchanged after. and in your dream that night besides dreaming about your future with eddie, was a dream of you thanking robin and steve for their ridiculously foul plan. 
a ridiculous foul plan that worked. 
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Omg I just accidently found your blog and I'm so freaking happy, cause there are not enough writer who writes for Deacon 😭 unfortunately I'm super obsessed with him, with an unhealthy amount of fic ideas in my brain xD so I give it a try and send you one of those, hopefully jot annoying you with this (or with my shitty English, it's not my first language, so I'm sorry).
Well buckle up for my request:
Reader is a new Swat member and instantly everybody loves her, with her bubbly friendly self. She's bonding great with her teammates and especially her and Deacon grow super close (they develop feelings for each other but don't want to tell the each other afraid to ruin their friendship, so their feelings stay hidden). When one day a case goes sideways and it leaves her injured (maybe a concussion or something like that) Deacon blames himself for her injury and the next days he distances himself from her, cause he thinks that it is unhealthy for him to have such deep feelings for her and him constantly worrying for her wellbeing. She notices his change of behavior and she's super sad. He starts to being unfriendly to her and being a little bit of an ass?! Even alerting the other members with his behavior. The whole situation is taking a toll on her and she is starting to effecting not only her poor heart but also her health. (so maybe she falls sick, but keep it from her teammates especially Deacon, cause she thinks that after her injury during a case he thinks of her as not capable or something like that). That is until one day she doesn't show up to work which very uncommon for her, cause she's always on time and the first one at the station. They're all worrried and Hondo tells Deacon that he has to drive to her apartment. Well he tries to refuse and send Stress but Hondo insists, so Deacon drives to her apartment. He finds her suffering from a very high fever..... So maybe with a happy ending like Deacon regrets his shitty behavior, she instantly cries when she recognizes him in her feverish state, asking him why he hates her suddenly, which is now breaking his heart. He cares for her and nurses her back to health, or at first tries to bring her fever down. Later he confesses why he was an asshole.
Soooorry it's so long. There's so pressure for you to write this. Maybe you just want to use some ideas? Well I would be so happy.
Please take care lovely
Here you go, hope you enjoy!
“Nice!” Luca exclaimed as the team watched you send rounds down range from your firearm.
With the increase in officer related shootings, LAPD had decided to provide each team a SWAT medic and you were the newest member of 20 squad. 
“Who knew girls can shoot?” You heard Deacon asked. You turned to playfully scowl at him and noticed him wink at you. 
“Better watch it, Kay, or I’ll show you just how good I really am.” 
You had been a part of the team for just over two months and they were the best guys you had ever worked with in your career. You truly became a part of their family – you had their backs and they had yours. There was one that was different though. 
David Kay. 
You had noticed him watching you on more than one occasion, stealing winks from you, sharing small, flirtatious smiles. You weren’t sure if your attraction to him was mutual or not, but if you had to guess, you would say yes. However, you didn’t want to complicate anything by dating one of your teammates and you didn’t want to ruin the friendship you had developed with Deacon. You assumed Deacon adopted the same mindset because he never brought it up either. 
However, that didn’t mean your flirting with each other fell on blind eyes. 
The entire team noticed it and often gave you both shit over it. 
You both were in the middle of denying another teasing round of friends with benefits accusations from your teammates when you were dispatched to a school shooting. 
The mood immediately sobered up as all of you put on your gear and grabbed your bags and firearms. The ride to the school in Black Betty was quiet minus updates from Hondo. 
“Stay liquid, guys,” He told the team as you pulled up on scene. 
There were multiple reports of injured children inside of the school. 
This call was all yours. 
It was going to be your job to go inside and assess each injured child to see how critically injured they were. It was your team’s job to protect you while you did that. You were going in without any knowledge of where the shooter was, but you knew if you had children, you would want someone to go in and save your baby. You swallowed your fear and prepared to do your job. 
You got out of the armored truck and took your spot in the middle of your team. You slowed your breathing down to get your heart rate under control and keep your emotions in check. 
Deacon made sure that he stayed close to you as you entered the school. He knew his teammates would have your back too, but he felt… differently about you. He cared about you a lot. He had quickly fallen for your smile and your personality. You didn’t let the team’s banter intimidate you one bit from the start. You were quick and witty with your playfulness with them. You were smart as hell when it came to medicine and you had proven to be a solid member of the SWAT team in training exercises and on calls you had run together. He wanted so badly to ask you out to dinner, but he wasn’t willing to change the dynamic of the team by adding a relationship to the mix. However, that didn’t mean he couldn’t be protective over you – whether you noticed it or not. 
That was why Deacon had taken it so personally when you were knelt down, applying a tourniquet to a fourth-grade student’s leg and got shot by the hidden gunman. His team covered him while he immediately turned to you to make sure you were okay. The round had struck your vest, but you knew it had broken ribs. The pain you felt in your side was unmistakable. Regardless, you threw your body over the child’s to protect her from the gunfire that ensued. Deacon and Luca dragged you both behind a desk behind a wall in a classroom. 
“Are you okay?” Deacon asked without taking his aim from the door way. 
“We’ve got to get her out of here.” You ignored his question as you continued to try and stop the little girl’s bleeding. 
Your voice was forced and you were breathy. 
“I asked if you were okay,” Deacon said angrily. 
“I’m fine.” You retorted. 
You soon heard Tan’s voice over the radio that the shooter had been neutralized. You didn’t know if there was more than one shooter, but didn’t see any signs of one so far. When you got the clear from Hondo, you radioed for another team to come in and get the girl out and get her to a hospital. Once she was safely removed, you resumed your formation in the middle of the team to continue to clear the school building. Deacon could tell you were injured because you didn’t shoulder your firearm correctly, but he didn’t see any blood so he let it go. He was pissed off at you for not stopping and going to get help yourself, but he was even more pissed off at himself for not seeing the gunman before he shot at you. 
It took two hours to clear the rest of the school and stabilize the remaining children. By the time you were done, you were visibly diaphoretic and short of breath. You could hardly manage three words without stopping to catch your breath. 
“20-David to command,” Deacon radioed, “We need an EMS unit to our location, we have a team member who needs to be checked out.” 
You were in pain, you couldn’t breathe, and you were pissed off that Deacon asked for EMS without consulting you first. 
“Why did you do that?!” You managed to asked through clenched teeth. “These children need those paramedics.” You took a few shallow breaths, “Not me! Cancel. Them.” 
If looks could kill, your sergeant would be the one who needed a medic unit, not you.
“Officer,” Deacon said sternly, “You look like hell and you cannot breathe.”
You started to open your mouth to cut him off, but he started speaking loudly again.
“Now, I suggest you shut up and listen to your sergeant. I am not the one who takes orders from you.” 
His harsh words hit you harder than the bullet hit your ballistic vest and left you just as speechless. David had never been so disrespectful to you. If the paramedics hadn’t arrived to assess you, you would have turned in your badge right there. You knew the rest of the team had noticed as well because they were all silent which pissed you off even more. Where was your support?
The paramedics tried helping you onto the stretcher, but you refused it. Despite not being able to speak for being short of breath. You held onto the stretcher for support and walked to the ambulance. By the time you finally made it outside to the ambulance, you were physically unable to get into the ambulance because you were hurting so bad and so short of breath. The EMS providers finally convinced you to get onto the stretcher and they were able to load you into the truck. 
When you arrived to the ER, you were taken to a trauma room due to the fact that you had technically been shot. Your chest x-ray revealed a collapsed lung due to the broken ribs. 
The rest of the team finished debriefing before being cleared to leave for the day. Hondo met Deacon in the quiet locker rooms since most of everyone else had already left. 
“Deac…” Hondo paused, knowing he needed to tread carefully, “What was up back at the school? I have never heard you speak to anyone like that – especially one of our teammates.” 
Deacon slammed his locker shut. 
“Hondo, now ain’t the time, brother.”
The lieutenant raised his hands in surrender. “Okay, I won’t press, but I do ask that you consider an apology. It was unwarranted today. We all performed immaculately given the circumstances.”
“No, Hondo. No. We did not all perform immaculately.” His tone was biting. 
Deacon walked passed Hondo and left the locker rooms. He left the station and threw his duffel bag in the backseat of his truck. He climbed in, started it, and drove to a nearby lake that off the road and would likely be deserted after dark on a week night. He parked in the dark and slammed his fists against the steering wheel in frustration. 
Tears filled his eyes as he mentally kicked himself in the ass for missing the shooter that injured you today. He didn’t fight the tears as they spilled down his cheeks. What had gotten into him? Why were you different? Why was he so upset? Why did you getting injured bother him so badly? You were okay and you were expected to make a full recovery according to Hicks. Where along the line had he developed feelings and why was he so afraid of talking to you about them?
You spent 6 days in the hospital, 4 of those with a chest tube before being discharged home. During your entire hospital stay, Deacon had not been by to see you once despite daily visits from the rest of your teammates. It made you mad, but most of all, it hurt your feelings. You really liked you sergeant – or you thought that you did. His actions since you had been injured spoke louder than any words that could have been said. 
Luca and Chris were there to take you home and help you get settled. They carried your bags in and Chris helped you unpack your things while Luca cooked supper for the three of you. Chris helped you remove your bra so you could put on a loose, comfy t-shirt. Being the only females on the squad left you two comfortable around each other. 
“That is one hell of a bruise, babe.” She said as she looked at your black and purple side. 
You had to agree – the entire left side of your torso was bruised. It looked awful. Thankfully, the doctors had been able to help manage your pain with narcotics. 
“I’m glad it finally looks worse than it feels… Which is saying a lot because it still hurts like hell.” 
You slipped on a pair of sleep shorts and made your way back into your kitchen with Chris. 
You took a pain pill and joined your teammates in your living room to eat the spaghetti that Luca made. 
“Thank you so much for taking care of me guys,” You said several hours later as you walked Luca and Chris to your door. 
“That’s what we’re here for, love,” Luca said, pulling you into a gentle hug. 
You kissed his cheek, “Supper was delicious, Dom. Thank you times a million.” 
He returned the kiss to your cheek and Chris pulled you in for a hug. 
“Call us if you need anything?” 
You smiled at her after the hug, “You know I will.” 
You settled onto your couch with a glass of wine. You knew the alcohol and narcotic wasn’t the smartest elixir, however, you needed to mask more than your physical pain. 
You couldn’t get Deacon off your mind and your heart had yet to stop hurting. Your emotional pain screamed much louder than your physical pain. 
“Dammit!” You heard through clouded consciousness. “What the fuck?” 
You felt yourself being picked up and carried to your bed. You recognized a familiar cologne but quickly disregarded the scent and winced at the pain in your ribs before drifting back off to sleep. 
You woke up the next morning nearly in tears again as you entered a coughing spell. You managed to get out of bed and make your way to the kitchen where your pain pills were, but you were scared shitless by a man sitting at your kitchen table. As soon as your heart began racing with fear, the fear subsided, realizing that it was Deacon sitting inside of your home. 
“Jesus Christ! What the fuck, David?” You held your chest with one hand and braced your broken ribs with the other. 
He didn’t answer you. 
You ignored his silence and took your morning pain medication. 
“Ya know… I said the same thing last night when I came over and found you unconscious on your couch. So, I can also say, what the fuck? What were you thinking?” Deacon’s voice grew steadily louder as he stood up and turned to you. “Pain pills and alcohol?”
You were angry. “Something to make this shit stop hurting,” You spat as you snatched up the side of your shirt to reveal your black and blue torso. 
You could tell the extent of your injuries caught Deacon off guard. His facial expression softened and he didn’t respond. 
You let go of your shirt, letting it fall back down to your waist and continued fixing yourself a glass of water to take your pain pill with. You took your medicine and continued to ignore your sergeant as you turned your back to him to get the milk out of your refrigerator to fix yourself a bowl of cereal. His hand stopped yours mid-air reaching for your cabinet. He gently held your wrist with one hand and you felt the edge of your shirt being lifted again. He let go of your hand, staring at the bruising that covered you. You could sense his demeanor soften. 
There was a long silence as he took in your injuries. 
“I’m so sorry…” He whispered. 
The tone in his voice felt like a hug to your soul. 
“Deacon-” You turned around to face him. 
“No, listen to me,” he interrupted you. “This…” He grazed his fingertip down your side, “is all my fault.”
The confusion was written all over your face. 
“I should have seen that bastard before he ever had a chance at you.” 
You began shaking your head but you weren’t quite sure what to say. 
“You’ve been an asshole to me ever since it happened, David, what the hell has changed now?” You were beginning to grow angry again. 
“Look, I am so, so sorry.” His voice was gentle. “I should have stopped that guy before he shot you. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like I did. I should have visited you in the hospital. You are a teammate and I failed you, but I really should have told you from the get-go that I have developed feelings for you.” He didn’t take a breath the entire time he spoke so you struggled to follow him, but his last sentence hit you like a ton of bricks. 
“Excuse me?” 
“Ever since you have been on the team with us, you have become more than just a teammate to me. Truthfully, I have liked you from the day that I met you and my attraction to you has only grown every single day. I like you so much more than just as a teammate. I would dare say that I am falling in love with you.” He slowly reached up to cradle your face with his hand, hesitant, wondering if you would allow him to touch you. 
You did. 
“I am so, so sorry that I have treated you so poorly this week – so wrong. It had nothing to do with you and everything to do with the fact that I hate myself for not being able to protect you like I should have. I’ve been so afraid to let you know how I feel about you. I’m sorry I was more afraid of affecting the team than I was giving you the honesty that you deserve. Please, please forgive me.” 
He looked into your eyes as he nervously chewed on his bottom lip. 
“Deacon…” You said quietly, leaning into his hand caressing your jaw. 
He took a deep breath and continued, “If you don’t feel the same way, I understand, but I came over here last night to apologize and tell you all of this. When I found you passed out on the couch, barely responsive, it frustrated me. So, I stayed here last night to make sure you were okay. Please don’t be mad.” 
Silence fell between you while you considered how to respond. Given the emotions that you had worked through over the past week, going from feelings for your partner, to physical and emotional hurt, to anger towards David for not visiting, texting or calling, resentment towards yourself for having feelings towards David despite how cruel he had been to you with his absence while you had been hospitalized, you struggled to find any words.
Deacon watched you suffer through a week’s worth of feelings as he watched your eyes. You took a deep breath. 
He decided that you were taken too long to respond and if he didn’t act now, he never would. 
He leaned down and softly pressed his lips on yours. 
You instinctively closed your eyes and allowed David to kiss you. When you didn’t pull away, he parted his lips just enough to run his tongue tenderly along your bottom lip. You opened your lips, allowing him to kiss you deeper. You began to return the kiss when David went to place his hands on your waist, forgetting about your injuries. You stopped kissing him and winced. 
“God, I’m so sorry,” he said.
“It’s okay.” You whispered, your voice shaky. 
Deacon noticed the tears that trickled down your cheeks. 
He wiped them away with his thumbs and began apologizing to you again. 
You interrupted him with another kiss. You reached up and intertwined your fingers behind his head, softly rubbing his neck with your fingertips. He moaned quietly into the kiss. He grabbed your arm and squeezed it, needing to touch you, but being mindful of your injuries. You enjoyed the feeling of his tall, muscular body, towering over yours. You felt protected. 
He pressed his forehead to yours, brushing a stand of hair behind your ear, “Mmhmm?”
“I love you.” 
"I love you too."
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arlestial · 9 months
hello hello! i'm really fan of your work and i'ld like to know if you could make rin boyfriend headcanons please? thanks in advance! :) bisous de france and don't forget to take care of yourself <3!!
❝He looks up grinning like a devil❞
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synopsis : Rin Itoshi thought he wasn’t ready for love, ever. Until he met you. And now; his heart isn’t really his anymore.
pairing : Itoshi Rin x genderneutral!reader •— Blue Lock
tw : none, just some fluff, some suggestive mentions - (just some kisses) but nothing really developed nor important here (kind of enemies to lovers at first, tho)
word count : 1850~ words
author-note : it’s been 8 months guys, and I’m deeply sorry for this - clearly not intentional - hiatus ! I’ve been busy with my studies and my mental health but it’s all better now <3 I’m going to answer to the few requests I have in my ask box as soon as I can. It’s longer than what I excepted 😭.. Thanks for your request, hope you like it anyway. Gros bisous à toi, et passe une super bonne journée ! (N’oublie pas de te reposer surtout)💗 take care of yourself ♡
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RIN ITOSHI was an actor. Always playing the rude, cold guy. The emotionless, indifferent man who was in fact a broken little boy inside. He was a huge liar. Constantly putting a facade between him and other people. Maybe it was a shield, not to be hurt again. Maybe it was a weapon, not to be approached again. He was lonely. And he knew it very well, deep inside of his slewed heart. But wasn't solitude better than suffering? So he sticked around his old mentra. He had other things to attend to, to think of.
RIN ITOSHI despised you. No- he hated you, with all his guts. You were so annoying; always talking to his teammates, laughing with them as you brought water bottles so they could drink. Could you just do your job without talking for once ? When Ego announced you were going to replace Anri for a few weeks, because she was severely ill, he swore he was going to jump out of the window. It could’ve been anyone else - but no, Ego chose you, you out of all the qualified, useful, and actually smart people out there who wanted the job. Why ? He wasn’t the type to complain, he couldn’t care less, but just seeing you on the field made him feel a boiling anger deep in his stomach, and you felt it the first time you laid your eyes upon him.
"You got a staring problem, perhaps ?", you asked, raising an eyebrow at his staring. He looked so fucking irritating, his cold and condescending gaze fixed on you. Your tone betrayed your harsh thoughts.
"No. Just wondering why you look so boring and annoying even though I’ve never talked to you.", he answered, with a mocking tone - still, his face remained neutral, judgmental even. You scoffed.
"The feeling’s mutual."
Since that day, you two argued with each other constantly. His teammates never seemed to understand why; and Rin was too busy thinking about what comebacks he could said to your petty insults to actually explain them why you were so.. frustrating. He couldn’t understand it either. But seeing your shocked face, your scoffs and your protests, your upset behavior tainted by a sharp words just brought something new in him, something he couldn’t explain with proper words. Joy maybe ? It was fun to tease you. And it was also easy, too.
RIN ITOSHI, in all honesty, took a liking in this little game. He wouldn’t admit it, though. So, when the day came when you stopped answering his bittersweet notes and decided to ignore him, he felt strange. Weird. Why ? Wasn’t it the whole point ? Bore you until you stop to annoy him ? Why was he missing your plain, insignificant comebacks ? Your rude attitude towards him ? And now he was jealous. Jealous to see that his fellow teammates had all your attention. He wanted your attention all to himself. Because what Rin Itoshi wants, Rin Itoshi gets. And there was no way you were going to ignore him longer. He couldn’t bear it.
RIN ITOSHI decided - by his own chef - that it was enough. You were surprised, to say the least, to see Rin in front of you, completely silent, looking at you dead in the eye. You frowned, taking a step back. (Definitely not scared because he was creepy)
"Okay… I don’t think that staring is your only problem, I guess.. Can you-"
"Can you shut up, for once ? I need you for something.", he cut you before you could even finish, and you rolled your eyes. So ignoring him didn’t solve the whole thing.
"So now, you need help ?", you added, amused, "I thought you were a big boy that didn’t need the help of a "unqualified, dumb, assistant","
"I’ve changed my mind. Do you want to be the one to blame if we lose the next game ?"
You weren’t paid enough for this job. So you just sighed, accepting your defeat and your fate. Without further discussion, he dragged you to the gym. And that’s when the whole, well, quite unusual tradition took place at first.
RIN ITOSHI apologized. For his rude behavior, for his sharp words, while he was training in the gym - as you were watching his progression, of course. Every day, you were at the same hour at this exact spot in the gym, talking to Rin as he was training his already sculpted body. He was still teasing you, but this deep boiling anger in his stomach became, day by day, more.. pleasant. Until the day Isagi walked in, interrupting your little chat, and winked at him, murmuring in his ear to "make a move". That’s when he connected the dots. He had feelings for you.
Confessing his feelings was hard. Especially since Anri came back. You were supposed to leave in a few days, and Rin couldn’t help but feel the sting in his heart. Was he going to see you again ? He couldn’t let you go just like that. Not after what you’ve did to him. So the last day, after you had greeted all his teammates, you walked out the door of the Blue Lock’s building, a sigh leaving your lips. He wasn’t there. How foolish to think that maybe, your feelings were reciprocated. You walked away, until something - no, someone, grabbed your wrist. It was Rin. You turned to face him, surprised. You opened your mouth to say something-
"I like you. A lot. Fuck- No. I love you. Don’t go just yet. Please."
And how could you refuse this confession ? (You can’t anyway.)
RIN ITOSHI and you started dating after that. He was a little stiff at the beginning; the man wasn’t used to be loved nor taken care of. So you taught him. Light touches here and there; Rin was a quiet, shy, yet attentive lover. He wasn’t too fond of PDA : first, he didn’t want to include you in paparazzi issues, and second, he wasn’t completely comfortable in public in general. He would put his hand on the small of your back in a crowded street to show you the way, lock your pinkies together all the time, probably press a kiss on your hairline; but that’s all he would do in public.
"This way, love. Careful, we don’t want you to get lost, do we ?"
RIN ITOSHI, in private, is a touch-starved, self-deprived boy who needs your whole attention and affection. Please, cuddle him. Let him be the little spoon, and he would absolutely melt. He’s putty in your hands as soon as you reach for him. Lay down on the couch, with him resting on your chest, your heartbeat lulling him to sleep as you fingers play gently with his hair, softly scratching his scalp just like he likes it. If you stop, he will wake-up in no time; glaring at you with a slight pout on his lips.
"I didn’t know I asked you to stop."
"My hand hurts, Rin."
"Bold of you to assume that I care."
"Please ? Just for 5 minutes.", he added in a whisper after some seconds, practically begging for your touch. His sudden change of attitude caused you to chuckle.
RIN ITOSHI absolutely dies for your kisses. He lives for them, okay ? Your plush lips pressed against his, with you sitting on his lap as his hands traveled to the back of your thighs, holding you in place. One arm around his neck, the other hand supporting yourself by grabbing his shoulder, he swears he could spent hours just making out with you. His tongue buried down your throat, bodies grinding and pressed against each other’s as you both let your eager lips devour your love.
RIN ITOSHI who kisses your insecurities away (literally). He knows exactly what it feels like to have insecurities and to be misunderstood about them, so don’t worry (he’s definitely an overthinker too.) You’re not going to be insecure on his watch. He would reassure you all the time, taking his precious time whispering sweet nothings in your ear, hyping you up. He wants you to be the most comfortable possible around him. Communication is the main key in your relationship. He took some time to finally let down his walls, so he intends you to do the same : without any pressure, of course. You can trust him, he can trust you. You both rely on each other’s back, and you can always count on him for anything. He’s not a man of many words, but for you, he would make an effort.
"Shh, darling. Come on, look at me, please,", he gently tilted your chin up for you to look at him, "dry those tears, my love. I’ve never met someone as strong, as beautiful and as courageous as you. If only you could see yourself with my eyes.. Don’t listen to them. They’re just jealous of you. Honestly, they should be jealous of me. After all, what did I do to deserve an angel like you ?"
RIN ITOSHI was an actor. Always playing the rude, cold guy. The emotionless, indifferent man who was in fact a broken little boy inside. He was a huge liar. And perhaps you could heal the broken inner-child that still suffer in silence today. But with certainty, with you, behind closed doors, maybe- maybe, for you, he could grow into a whole different person.
"I think that.. I think that I like the person I am when I’m with you. Does it make sense ? Yeah. You bring a side of me that I don’t want to let go. I think it’s a soulmate thing, don’t you think so ?"
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absolutelyzoned · 2 months
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hey!! my name's ferrin (or crimson! i use both equally), welcome to my silly little blog!!!
a bit about me:
► i love mcr, pierce the veil, fall out boy, and a lot of other bands!! :3
► i am so normal about no man's sky that game has not permanently altered my brain in any way (lie) I LOVE NMS I NEED MORE NMS MUTUALS
► i am autistic
► i am a vampire. fr. if you guys care
► i am a minor. i say really sexual shit. i do not care what you say to me 😭 just don't be really fuckin creepy
► asks are ALWAYS open. say things to me. please.
► i rp as my killjoy oc, red thrill
► i am really fucking awkward im sorry guys
► i swear WAAAYY too much
► @valfuckingvelocity is my val rp sideblog
► i can't swim
► i can't dance
► i don't know karate
► i'm never gonna make it
basic DNI stuff + zionists fuck off, this blog supports palestine
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wolfytae-exe · 9 months
Hiii, I'm here to make an ask jsjss
I've just been thinking about giving Soobin maybe not his first, but definitely his best handjob ever
Like maybe you're both in a new relationship together and you just want to help him because he's stressed and AGHHHH 😩😩😩
I bet he's the type that says "fuck being quiet if it feels good" so he's literally as loud as he can be, not caring anymore
(mention of alcohol, drabble-ish, slight exhibitionism, Soobin is whiny tbh, Beomgyu is kind of a dick, this is like borderline crack in the beginning, drunk sex acts, shitty ending, subby-ish soobin, slight exhibitionism)
Bunny (s)(d-ish)
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Soobin and you have been dating for about a month now, introduced to each other by some mutual friends. I was only common for you both to attend certain house parties said friend hosted from time to time.
Yeonjun loved throwing parties, but especially loved when you and Soobin showed up, you both always truly enjoyed hanging out with him and never go just for the free booze. It really means a lot to him to know you both are his friend too and that he was able to bring you both together, it’s the hopeless romantic in him.
You and Soobin were separated in the crowd, him playing beer pong and you dancing away to the heavy hip hop music; you liked r&b more but a couple drinks loosened you up. Speaking of a couple drinks, Soobin was currently losing and drinking wayyy to much to be the designated driver, you both knew staying over was the only option at this point.
The song switches up a few times and you’ve left to the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge despite the crowded space in the house. You pulled out some lime whip shots and started spraying it into your mouth before sneakily putting it back and grabbing left over pizza from the near back of Juns fridge.
You closed up the fridge and lifted your pizza above the sea of bodies while squeezing past, you grip on the crust was actually quite impressive because you managed to make your way into the back of the house without losing not even a freezing cold topping.
You sat on one of the plastic seats as began to eat, ignoring the way Beomgyu walked by and make the most disgusted face you’ve ever seen. “Cold pizza is fucking nasty.” He commented. “Suck my dick.” You replied with your mouth full, opening your legs into a manspread and looking up at him. “I’d rather not take my chances at herpes.” He responded quick, leaving you to gasp and shut your legs as he laughed and patted your back before leaving.
A pout emerged onto your face as you continued to eat your oh so cold pizza. “Y/N!” you heard under the loud music. “Y/N~” You heard again, a bit louder this time “Bunny?” You called back, recognizing the slurred voice. “There you areee~” Soobin giggled as he stumbled out the house and over to you.
“Just eating pizza.” You smiled as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and crouched down. “Yummy- Ahhhhhh” He opened his mouth wide, wanting a bite, this is why you guys were so perfect for each other. You put the pizza in his mouth and pulled when he bit down, breaking the piece off.
Soobin hummed and stood up, planting a kiss on your forehead before letting you know he was heading inside to use the bathroom. You simply nodded and let him leave. Soobin left you with the crust of the pizza which was way to hard to bite so you just threw the rest away.
You took yourself back inside and began asking around for your boyfriend, but the moment you made it towards the steps upstairs you got a text from him telling you to come to the bathroom near the guest room. With a sigh you trudged up the steps and down the hall.
Once you were in front of the door you knocked, not bothering to pay attention to the moans on the other side of the door because it just sound like it was coming from one of the neighboring rooms. When you walked in, really knocking to announce your presence, you were stunned, slamming the door behind you and leaning on it as Soobin leaned on the sink jerking off with muffled moans.
“Fuck, bunny.” You sighed at his unbothered state, jerking off faster now that you were here. “H-help-“ He panted, thrusting into his hand while you just stared. “Y/N!” He whined and you broke out of whatever trance his cock put you in. “Can I?” You asked him with big eyes, contrasting his lust hazed hooded ones. Soobin just nodded, letting go after a few more pumps before you took him into your hands.
His cock was bigger than you thought, his hand made it seem like an average thickness but the moment you touched it you knew, your fingers couldn’t even close around it. “You’re so big, Bunny.” You comment, jerking him off. You both were drunk, not even realizing you were in Yeonjuns guest bathroom or that you were at a party. Not to mention this was your first time being intimate together.
The whine that Soobin let out made you squirm, jerking off the red tip of his cock. “Oh- Fuck- Just like that please- Make me cum please.” He whined and babbled, hips thrusting into your fists.
Your thighs rubbed together and a whimper left your throat. “You like that, Bunny?” You asked, jerking him off faster and planting a kiss to the base of his cock while looking up at him. Sweat sheened on his forehead and neck and his head fell back, “yes-yes, so good-“ Soobin panted, trying hard to whisper.
You couldn’t help but kiss up his shaft and squeezing your fist around the tip of his cock as a response, giggling at his whiny voice. “So cute, Bunny, you’re so loud.” You tease as he loses all control over his voice, the tightness around his cock making his eyes roll back. “Fuck- fuck being quiet- ngh- so good-“ Soobin whimpered, “Cumming- oh fuck im cumming-“ the taller warned with a loud long groan before cum spewed out into your tight fist, throbbing and pulsating hard.
“My god- Binnie~” You gasp as cum dripped down your forearm, you let go of his cock and more cum flung out at the release of pressure, making you yelp when it hit your chest and chin. “Holy shit!” You giggle before standing up and licking the cum of your chin like frosting. “You’re so hot.” Soobin slurred with half open eyes.
“You’re hotter, Bunny.” You slurred back before turning on the sink behind Soobin and running the water over your arms. Soobin moved away from the sink and pulled up his pants. “Thank you, honey.” He mumbled, now tired from one of the best handjob orgasms he’s ever gotten. “For the compliment and the handjob.” He rambled out before jumping hard, feeling his heart jump out of his chest at the loud knock on the bathroom door.
“YOU GUYS BETTER NOT BE FUCKING IN MY BATHROOM.” Yeonjuns voice blared from the other side of the door. “fuck.” You both whispered at the door.
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luvxiem · 2 years
the stars aligned for us
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word count ! 【idk】idk【idk】 pairing ! luxiem x gn!reader (separately) genre ! fluff, mild angst on luca's part summary ! different soulmate au tropes w our faves bc i'm weak and love self indulgence 🤭 soulmate aus my beloved cw ! non-explicit violence/injuries on luca's part notes ! this was written on my phone so sorry for the uggy formatting and any typos 😭💔 btw tysm for 100 followers 🥺🫶 i appreciate y'all lots for enjoying my shit LMFAOOO it's just me projecting on here but i'm glad u guys enjoy it anyways when u wanna read a fanfic so bad but it doesn't exist yet so u gotta write it urself also kindred plz don't kill me for calling vox an asshole i meant it endearingly (insert "'i hate him' while putting up his picture" meme here)
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.。.:*☆ IKE EVELAND !
ike's world has been black and white for as long as he could remember
his friends have always told him how beautiful everything be came after they made eye contact with their soulmate for the first time
despite them trying their best to describe colors (what does a "warm" color even look like anyway?) it was hard for ike to really care
after all, how can you miss something you never experienced?
but more than seeing colors, the novelist just wanted to meet his soulmate
it wasn't that he was lonely; ike had his fair share of relationships in the past with others like him (those who haven't had the chance to meet their soulmate just yet, but wanted to date anyways)
however being a writer comes with a certain sense of romanticism and a lust for life, and ike was no exception
he's always loved the thought of meeting someone who was perfect for him in every way; a person who he could be his honest self around and love with all his heart
this is why when he suddenly started seeing colors he never could've imagined on a busy sidewalk, he immediately started scanning the crowd for you
he spotted you under the canopy of a nearby cafe. you were looking around with clear awe on your face, mouth slightly agape as you took in the new world around you, not even noticing the grumbles of passerby who narrowly avoided you.
you looked almost ethereal in your (now known as blue) button up, the sunshine leaving your skin in a warm glow. the gentle breeze ruffled your hair just right, and the novelist couldn't tear his gaze away.
as much as ike wanted to admire his new view too, he was more focused on making sure he didn't lose you. he's thought about it countless of times—dreamt of it, even—of somehow meeting his soulmate and losing them right away, never to be seen again. ike's lost enough sleep over it and he was determined to not make his nightmares a reality.
pushing past shoulders with rushed "sorry's" and "excuse me's," ike rushed to get to you as quick as possible; and soon enough, he was now standing face to face with you—the person who would become the love of his life.
your gaze fell onto him and an unspoken realization was met. you could feel it to; the ecstasy blooming in your very core at finally meeting your other half.
"hi," he breathed, a broad smile adorning his face. "i think i'm your soulmate."
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woe is the soulmate of a certain blonde haired mafia boss
injuries came with the job, unfortunately, but the soft-hearted man couldn't help but feel sorry for his soulmate
luca knew some most of his injuries weren't normal. civilians don't get bullet wounds in their arm or knife slashes to the chest
did his soulmate worry for him? or were they wishing they weren't fated at all? as much as it hurt, luca couldn't find it in himself to blame them if they did
the small pricks he felt on his fingertips from presumably paper cuts can't compare to literally getting stabbed in the back
eventually it came to a point where luca tried to stop going outside altogether
he can't obtain any further injuries if he's always at the base, right?
but that fantasy couldn't last forever.
the one day he had to be escorted to a different location, him and his guards got ambushed
luca was the only one who got away, but not without sustaining a bullet wound to his shoulder
it wasn't as bad as it could've been but it still hurt like a bitch
stumbling into an alleyway, the blonde collapsed next to a dumpster, creating a loud thud that echoed into the night
luca was ready to rip off a piece of his shirt to wrap his shoulder when suddenly a bright light momentarily blinded him
standing a little bit away was you, pointing your phone flashlight on him while gripping your shoulder in your other hand
"so you're a med student?" luca asks, gritting his teeth when you dab at his bullet wound with rubbing alcohol. tossing the cotton ball, you reach into your first aid kit for gauze.
"yeah," you say quietly, starting to wrap his shoulder. the blonde frowns noticing how you refuse to meet his eyes. he opened his mouth to say something but you beat him to it.
"i chose this path because of you." at your words luca's eyebrow raises in question. you finished wrapping him up and now rest your hands in your lap, fiddling with your fingers. "you got so many injuries growing up and i didn't know what to do. i was worried you didn't have anyone to help you so i wanted to learn how," you explain quietly. at this the mafia boss's gaze softens.
"how'd you know? that i'm your soulmate, i mean," he asks. reaching up, you gently grazed the large scar on his abdomen with your fingers.
"i recognized your injuries," you said. luca shivered at your touch, raising his non-injured arm to cover your hand with his.
"i'm glad i ran into you then, soulmate."
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.。.:*☆ MYSTA RIAS !
mysta's known since he was five that he had a soulmate, just like every other five-year-old in his class
but there was one teeny little problem
ok actually it was a major problem
his timer seemed to be broken
instead of the few years or days or months like his friends had, his timer was set to decades
because of how long his timer was set for, mysta was teased mercilessly for "having a soulmate who doesn't even want to meet him"
this followed him for most of his youth until eventually he covered up his wrist and tried to forget about it alltogether
if he wasn't going to meet his soulmate until he was old and gray, why should he even care
that was until he fell through that damned portal and landed in 2022
he noticed it after he got out of the shower, spotting his wrist in the mirror while brushing back his hair
mysta's mouth dropped open in shock, dropping his arm to gently run his fingers over the numbers
the timer that was the bane of his younger self's existence was down to the hours
the detective was antsy, understandably.
a lifetime of thinking he wouldn't ever meet his soulmate suddenly turned into meeting his soulmate in twenty minutes. mysta wasn't sure what to do, how he should act. should he go outside? he should, right? how else would he meet you?
filled with a newfound sense of determination, mysta grabbed his keys and darted into the london night.
there was hardly anyone out this late; maybe his timer really was broken? what were you doing out at one in the morning, don't you know that's dangerous? who knows what kind of dangerous people were prowling outside right now.
mysta started walking briskly toward a more crowded area of the city. if he had to meet you, it would be somewhere safe.
settling on standing in front of a pub he's been to a few times with friends, the detective started counting down the minutes till he would meet you. he kept glancing at his wrist, watching the numbers go down one by one until there was only a minute left on the clock.
mysta tapped his foot impatiently as he glanced left and right down the street until suddenly, he felt the lightest tap on his shoulder. he spun on his heel and low and behold, there you were.
grinning, you spoke.
"nice to finally meet you, soulmate."
and mysta couldn't be happier.
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.。.:*☆ SHU YAMINO !
in all honesty, shu couldn't care less about having a soulmate
the idea of the universe choosing who he would fall in love with didn't sit right with him
not to mention how frustrating it would be sometimes when the two of you switched bodies at inconvenient times
like in the middle of one of his experiments
or when he's talking to one of his fellow sorcerers
or how about that time he was meditating in a lovely, perfectly quiet room for the first time in ages as a way to destress only to suddenly wake up in your body in the middle of a bustling city
yeah, shu wasn't all too happy about it, but what can he do?
so while all his friends were out actively searching for ways to meet their soulmate in person, shu was directing his energy toward mastering his powers instead
but the thing about having a soulmate is that you can't exactly reject them altogether
they're your soulmate for a reason, after all
so despite his resistance, the purple sorcerer found himself falling for you all the same
he grew antsy at particularly long periods without switching and eventually started leaving notes behind for you for when you would eventually switch
including a bright purple post-it with an address and a time and date
shu sat inside the cafe anxiously, bouncing his leg under the table while sipping his drink. he hoped that his note was obvious enough that you saw it the last time you guys swapped bodies, but how could he know for sure? you didn't leave a reply on his note, and the swap period was rather short that time too.
minutes passed the written time and the pounding in shu's chest grew louder and louder in his ears. he looked up at every tinkle of the bell above the door, hoping that it was you only to be disappointed when it wasn't. he kept glancing out the window rather obsessively, and soon enough his cup was empty too.
after 40 minutes had gone by, the sorcerer had just about given up. letting out a disappointed sigh, he rose from his chair to leave his tray and finished drink on the counter only to pause when the bell jingled one last time. shu looked up on instinct and his breath got caught in his throat.
in the doorway was you, slightly sweaty and definitely out of breath, looking frantically around the cafe before your eyes landed on him. shu was still holding the tray in his hands when you ran up to him, still in shock at seeing you in the flesh for the first time and not just through a mirror.
"h...hi..." you stutter, gripping the strap of your tote bag tightly in your fists. "i'm sorry i'm late. but i'm so glad i found you." shu broke out of his trance and smiled, setting the tray back down on the table.
"i'm glad you found me too."
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.。.:*☆ VOX AKUMA !
fitting for a voice demon that the first words his soulmate says to him is permanently printed onto his skin
"you're gonna have to try harder than that if you wanna impress me, pretty boy" decorated his ribs under his right pectoral
now vox knows he's hot
he's well aware of the power he holds fucking asshole and uses his charm and good looks to his advantage
the demon spent most of his early years dropping one liners and introducing himself with various pickup lines in an attempt to find his elusive soulmate
and many have tried to pretend they were his fated one but they never succeeded
after the death of his clan and being transported to the future, it took vox a long time to feel ready to find his soulmate again
slowly he started visiting pubs and parties in an attempt to socialize
it was at one of these parties that he met you
beer in hand, vox pushed past a group laughing with each other in the hallway to slip out onto the balcony. he was hoping to get a chance to breathe and get away from all the sweaty partygoers, but there was already another person out here with him. figuring it wouldn't hurt to say something, the demon let a familiar smirk slip onto his face as he approached you.
sensing his presence, you turned your head to look at him in curiosity, fiddling with the many rings on your fingers.
"why hello there; what's a gorgeous person like you doing out here all alone?" he drawls, sliding up next to you. a breathy laugh escaped your lips, dropping your head to your chest for a moment before you looked back up and meeting his gaze dead on.
"you're gonna have to try harder than that if you wanna impress me, pretty boy."
at your words vox faltered, the smirk falling from his face as his lips parted in surprise. the skin where his soulmate mark was seemed to tingle.
it seems like you figured it out too; your eyes widened and suddenly you were tugging your shirt up to show a matching tattoo on your ribs. you let the fabric fall back down and looked back up at him, a softer smile now gracing your features as vox reached over to intertwine his fingers with yours.
"would you look at that," you laughed happily. "guess you really did impress me, pretty boy."
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WRITTEN ! 080222
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riacte · 6 months
Space Opera AU dashboard simulator 2 (but there's plot if you squint) (probably worse than its predecessor)
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🚀 renthepilot
HAPPY BITRHDAY TO ME!! I TURN 7!!! :D :D :D <3 <3 <3 RD
❤️ falsewell
Happy 7th birthday Ren! :)
🚀 renthepilot
Thank u FalsE!!!!!! :DDDDDD >.< RD
🍵 cinnamontea Follow
... Why is my 17yo ET1blr mutual talking to a 7yo on Sunblr. I came here for analysis posts but apparently she's babysitting her cousin or perhaps a strangely intelligent dog??
❤️ falsewell
I mean, I would be worried if a 7yo was piloting the glider I race in 🤨
🍵 cinnamontea Follow
🍀 et1vision Follow
Chat do you remember when we found RK and QoH's Sunblr accounts from when they weren't famous and were just two kids in illegal races. Because it was hysterical. Hands up if you thought falsewell was someone's canon url and not QoH herself.
🪓 handoftheking
That interaction was pretty cute to be honest. Ren's still 7 the last I checked.
🪸 hoes4redking Follow
[deep sigh] littlewood at the scene of the crime as always
#WHYYYYYYY is he chronically online #he needs to be stopped and locked up #i bet he scrolls through the treebark tag every day #he knows Too Much #do you think he brings up sunblr during dinner #and etho and bigb look at him like hes insane
7,207 notes
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🔥 yaoihell Follow
save me queen of hearts
🔥 yaoihell Follow
queen of hearts
🔥 yaoihell Follow
queen of hearts save me
🏐 apollos-dodgeball 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 Follow
Congratulations on the prophecy!
[Beep boop, this is a gimmick blog!]
🔥 yaoihell Follow
what the actual fuck.
🌼 fast-and-bifurious Follow
i think i hauve the plague
47,981 notes
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🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
hi babes the demons in my head won so new fic!!
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i'm your biggest fan, i'll follow you until you love me, pa-pa paparazzi
pairing: the red king x blue stalker (they/them) (exterra 1 rpf)
summary: why are you as a bounty hunter so intent on hunting ren down? what do you want to do with him? pin him against a wall and kiss him until he's breathless and melting like putty in your hands?
word count: 10.1k
tags: enemies to lovers, angst, hurt no comfort, whump, ust, no actual smut, making out, blood, slight knifeplay, submissive rk, open ending
Keep reading
🏹 queenofheartsfanclub Follow
Listen, I don't do RPF, I can handle Treebark (because I have eyes), but this is crossing a line. Especially after the accusations by RK. I think his evidence is pretty compelling.
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
dead dove do not eat. i am aware this is a fucked up dynamic but it's fictional. it's not like the real blue stalker has a toxic codependent attraction to the guy they're assigned to kill (btw i mained qoh so i completely understand where you're coming from)
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
🏹 queenofheartsfanclub Follow
so do you wanna kiss before the haters get to you?
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
of course. can we get married
#love can be found on the battlefield in more ways than one #fave post #annoying treebark fans fuck off!!!!!!
1109 notes
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🌹 fyeahroseduo Follow
Coming out as a falsedog shipper is harder than coming out as gay
🦇 starshipspachelbel Follow
Time is not real
🌃 nightpatrols Follow
I had vivid flashbacks. I feel faint. This post caused so much drama omfg. I need a treebark equivalent on my desk by 8am sharp next morning
🪓 handoftheking
Coming out as a Treebark shipper is harder than coming out as bi
🌃 nightpatrols Follow
#HES IN OUR WALLS #HE STARTED THE SHIP #this is gonna sweep the next unhinged moment poll #??!?1!?!???!?!?! #HATE THIS LUMIAN GLOWY ASS #btw for non et1 mutuals: this man is literally bi #yeah hes really gay for his pilot. yeah we all know #theyre always holding hands and shit #edit: DID HE REBLOG THIS AT 7:30AM #IDK HOW PLANETZONES CONVERSATION WORKS #*conversion #listen i failed school 2 years in a row ok 😭
19,626 notes
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🎵 daily-music Follow
Music video of the day is: R8cer Boi by Avril Lavigne!
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🎵 daily-music Follow
who the fuck is renn dog
🎵 daily-music Follow
who has little wood
🎵 daily-music Follow
why are y'alls twink racers larping as royals from medieval era planet earth
🎵 daily-music Follow
sorry for calling the queen of hearts a twink. im sorry women
#im so done with yalls bullshit #who are these people #why do they show up in my tags
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walrus150915 · 8 months
Goldenheart headcanons for when they have only started dating and were awkward as hell
(because I am a trans bi teenager who wants to experience mlm love yet can't because I'm afraid to date boys due to my dysphoria)
I noticed you people like when I make long posts like these and I love them too so I think I can share some hcs of mine about this stage of their relationship bc I have a lot honestly :]
- they started dating when they were around 16yo
- none of them actually had feelings for each other before puberty hit and they were like "damn my bestie is kinda fine- WHAT"
- Bal fell first. Ambrosius fell and broke the floor under him bc boyyyy did he fall HARD
- Bal navigated his feelings like "Ugh okay I guess that's what happens when you're friends with a handsome guy everyone has a crush on. That'll pass. That's part of puberty. Stay calm" meanwhile Ambrosius screamed in his pillow and freaked out and cried only to pretend nothing bothered him. It was hard to pretend when you literally study at the same academia/school/whatever and see each other every day bc you're best friends
- during the mutual pining era the PE lessons were DIFFICULT. Especially when they were put up against each other
- they look like friends who had no problem hugging/brushing each other's hair/being close physically in general yet when the feelings appeared, the things which used to be very easy turned torturous
- Ballister was the one to ask if Ambrosius saw that their friendship changed. Ambrosius couldn't hold it in anymore and mumbled through his confession so fast and awkward Ballister has only understood phrases like "I really like you" and "romantically I mean" and "you're very cool and that'd be sick if we became boyfriends"
- Bal turned his face to the side and muttered something like "yeah I think it would"
- and so they became boyfriends!!
- has something changed in the way they behaved around each other? Yeah but also not really. They were still besties and the physical contact became A LITTLE easier now that the sorta relationship they had was clear between them, but they just couldn't help but blush while touching each other
- their first kiss was a mess dude😭😭
- Ambrosius wanted it to go as smoothly as possible so he watched romantic movies and practiced kissing with his hand (embarrassing? Yeah I now) but when it was time to finally show off his skills he panicked and pressed his lips to Ballister's for a few seconds then his nose almost bled out bc of the nerves (not me projecting on Ambrosius but that's literally what happened to me when I had my first kiss)
- Ballister seemed calm about this whole thing but it doesn't mean he was. When they had their first ever date he brushed his teeth extra clear just to make sure he'd smell good during their first kiss. Bro was THRILLED
- basically Ambrosius was overthinking this and Ballister was... Also overthinking I'M SORRY THESE TWO ARE HORRIBLE
Now the headcanons are for the time when they've been dating for like more than a few months and have kinda got used to each other in this new ~romantic~ way
- Bal's way of flirting wasn't really obvious since he doesn't look like a guy who can come up with romantic compliments on the spot, however I think he touched Ambrosius if he wanted to express his feelings for him. Stroke his bleach-damaged hair, make their pinkies intertwine, put his head on his shoulder and nuzzle into him - this or he'd infodump new history/physics/chemistry facts he learnt
Bal: Okay, did you know that [some really complicated science stuff I cannot describe in words because I'm a literature major]
Ambrosius, heart-eyed, no clue what he's talking about: Wow that's really interesting anyways do you want me to change my surname to Boldheart-
- Ambrosius looks like a total theatre kid so I think he often flirted with Bal by quoting some love poems they had in their curriculum. Of course he quoted their analogue of Romeo's monologue under Juliet's balcony why do you think he wouldn't
- Having said that, whenever he quoted something which referred to a woman, he changed pronouns and general words bc he's attentive like that. Sometimes it got absurd tho. "Manservant of the moon" instead of "maid" like dude😭😭😭😭
- Ballister tried his best not to laugh but also not to pass out bcuz of the amount of praise his boyfriend gave him which was actually a lot. My man is as much of a mess as Ambrosius is let's not forget that
- one day Ambrosius quoted something which was not from the curriculum but instead from Bal's favorite book. I think Bal liked adventure books about knights which sometimes included romance and I imagine the dialogue going:
Ambrosius: "And even if I had to turn against the whole world to follow you-
Them together: "-I would do it with no hesitation-"
Ambrosius: "Because you are my world, Sir Redsword"
Them: *staring at each other*
Bal, all blushing: ...that's not from the books our teacher told us to read
Ambrosius, also blushing madly: Yeah but I figured I like some variety
- That's when Bal knew this guy was his forever soulmate
- Bal used to be taller than Ambrosius for a long time of their early years but then Ambrosius got late height boost or idk how it's called. Basically dude went from 5'5 to 6'1 overnight and I know Ballister was PISSED
- these two totally kissed in the janitor's closet when they needed some privacy I'm telling you (not even in a "steamy" way although I think some sort of tension existed - cmon they were late teens bro do you really think puberty is nice to teenagers???).
- why would you get a private space where you can explore this side of your relationship safely when you can have a literal closet with racks and mops and buckets, am I right
- Ambrosius tried writing poems for Ballister they SUCKED
- Ballister still saved each and one of them. One day, he'll sort through his things to move to his own place after the wall comes down and find these yellow checkered sheets of paper, full of bad rhymes and silly words. He'd bring all of them to his (and Ambrosius's) new apartment
Okay now the last hcs which I honestly have no idea how to call but umm ✨what people around them thought about their blooming romance✨
- Queen Valerin understood something was up on the spot. Like, for a straight woman, her gaydar worked flawlessly😭 it was enough for her to see them hide the fact that they held hands to go "I know what you are". She was pretty supportive although she did ask Bal on their one-to-one meeting to "use protection" like all moms do🖐
- The Director also knew something was up but her reaction was more like "Sir Ambrosius will grow out of it". As you know, he never did LMAOO
- Todd was hilariously oblivious despite teasing Ambrosius like "HAHA LOLLLL GOLDENLOIN WHY R U ALWAYS WITH THIS COMMONER GUY ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH HIM OR SOMETHING". He did it in a cishetero "haha gotta mock my homie for being gay" yet DID NOT REALIZE his homie was, indeed, gay
- some cadets could pick up on it, some didn't
- anyway I think the general public knew nothing about it bc if they did that'd be a scandal worse than Henry the 8th's when he created a new religion bc his loins were on fire thanks to Anne Boleyn
ALSO GET THIS LITTLE PIECE (which I don't really like bc of the coloring choices) OF THEM :D
I swear Ambrosius isn't yellow irl😭😭 I'm myself asian I now better than that
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That's about it I guess! Lemme know what you think (if you wanna use/adopt these hcs, feel free to do whatever you want with them! Just tag me so I could see it wjsjjajaj!!!!) ;3
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mochinon-yah · 2 months
I just realized we all technically have the power to ask any questions on this site, and I never got to doing it. So....
[Points S.E.E.S evoker at you]
Who are the fictional characters you ship your mutuals to? Doesn't have to be necessarily their self-ship. I am deadass curious. Spill the tea, Imbibitor's lover—
We can lower that down, brynn- no need to get all aggressive now-
*cough* ANYWAY!
I'll list them down below, and if they're not accurate or you're actually gonna fight them rather than making out with the characters that i chose then yeah, that is probably my plan 😀 /silly
Oh and! I'll mostly be using genshin and hsr characters because yeah-
@beloved-brynn -> heizou and ratio. NGL, YOU + HEIZOU, OR YOU + RATIO, OR EVEN THE THREE OF YOU WOULD TOTALLY BE SO FUNNY AND CHAOTIC 😭☝️ they can counter your wild statements while also being the (somewhat) saner one but could also say smth wild as well. I could see you and one of em (possibly ratio) be like "oh yeah, the other day, i was eating my lunch while watching that gorey movie-" "what." "yeah, i was hungry at that time, so like why not yk-" (this is based on my real experience guys, guess which dialogue is me lmao)
@meimeimeirin -> hmmmm, koh zhongli maybe? Okay, let me tell you the reason why... it's simply because she NEEDS someone who can pamper her! I don't know where that conclusion came from, but yeah. Anyway, if we're talking about other characters, then i think welt, or even zayne from lnd could fit. Basically: "I need someone older, just a little bit colder." lmao (oh, mochi, did this conclusion came up because you know rin's the youngest in her family and now you ship her with men older (and more experienced) than her? whaatt... ofc not, haha-)
@leftdestiny-posts -> absolutely cannot see them with anyone other than dottore. Cute and kind but is secretly crazy "i want to watch the world burn" x The human version of the word 'crazy' "as you wish, my love" would be their dynamic, i suppose...? WAIT OH! I can actually see shiro with ayato or maybe sunday! I bet they would like such a cute, innocent-looking darling to control, but then they would get so surprised and maybe super interested into trying to control the darling despite how crazy the darling actually is- (shiro ily, if ur crazy then we can be crazy together 💐)
@navxry -> arlechinno, and maybe black swan. Yeah, that's it. No explanation needed.
@jessamine-rose -> hmmm, would it be weird if i say capitano? I don't know why or how did i get to that conclusion, but yeah. And maybe blade? IDK WHY I'M PARTNERING HER WITH CRAY CRAY MEN- SORRY JESS, I (subconsciously) THINK YOU CAN LIKE CALM THEM OR SMTH AJFIAWOF-
@stardust-for-your-soul -> funnily enough, i can see her with aventurine. They'll say sweet words that probably have a double meaning and also probably have a teeny tiny bit (maybe a lot lmao) of 'enemies to lovers' moment. (wow, cherry, your new bf is a gambler- /smack). But anyway, i could also see her be with march 7th who is so bubbly and sweet, and i'd think cherry would love to tease march hehe
@teabutmakeitazure -> ACTUALLY NGL DAN HENG????? He would listen to her ramblings and also help her write her fics. It just sounds so cute in my opinion lol. Other than dan heng (who is obviously the best choice), zuri would probably look into red flag charas, like... yeah, aventurine- but still tho, dan heng! But i get what zuri is thinking tho, red is such a sexy color- /smack
@harmonysanreads -> ngl alhaitham or kaeya would be cute if paired up with her! Idk where did kaeya come from, but when i thought about it, instantly "cute!". I think, harmony has this really 'weird' calming aura that could make those two charas just fell in love with how comfortamble she can make them feel. BUT LIKE IDK THO-
@fishanonishere -> Albedo...... i think? Fish, i know what you are- i mean like as in how chaotic and just how 'what in the world is this person thinking???' you are. With how calming and 'would jump into any interesting topic' he is, i think fish and him could be such a cute duo. Fish's ramblings and their drawings are some of the things that make him really interested in fish
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 9 months
[resting in bed, kicking their feet and slaying the fluffy pink pajamas as well as bright fluffy pink socks —for real—] Teehee, I have a writing prompt for you!
Which kind of pajamas the mercs use? How do they sleep with them?
Take care! ^-^
What Kind Of Pajamas Do The TF2 Mercs Wear?
Sometimes I forget people have nice pajamas, I wear a pair of thrifted men's pajama pants with holes and a hoodie 😭 (I love it dw)
Mutual appreciation comment time! Love seeing you pop up! I'm always like ❗️that's my mutual! They're so cool!!!
Demo- This man wears wine mom pj's and I will die on this hill. He wears a shirt that says "wine o'clock!" And has pajama pants with little wine glasses and bottles on them. Has multiple other wine pun-themed pajama shirts, each time he wears one you can feel Scout physically cringe. He's just so silly like that. But I don't think he sleeps in the wine shirts, he just wears them when he has to put a shirt on after he's ready for bed. Also has wine socks, to match his whole outfit ofc.
Engineer- Wears dad pajamas. I'm sorry. But like? He seems like the kind of guy to wear thick ass flannel pajama pants with an equally as thick matching button-up. He's got fuzzy slippers (also flannel). Wears socks with those silly dad socks. Wears the entire get up to bed every night. Such a silly goose!
Heavy- Genuinely wears old man pajamas. Wears a plain T-shirt, some warm pajama pants, and a robe. Has bunny slippers, please let me give this man bunny slippers. I don't know guys, in my head, he's so cartoonish. Sleeps in a bed with a patterned comforter has his slippers on and likes handing out the blanket bc it's too small. Ough, silly guy.
Medic- I'm frothing at the mouth. But I'm also torn. I want to say he dresses up in that goofy-looking "Christmas Carol" nightgown with a nightcap and everything but at the same time? I can imagine this man in either white, pink, or red, silk pajamas, you know the ones. In my mind, fits his whole teen girl vibe. This all implies he sleeps, which is a rarity, but when he does it is very glamorous.
Scout- Minecraft pajamas. Kidding! Half kidding? I think he sleeps in a t-shirt and boxers instead of actual pajamas. Minecraft t-shirts and themed boxers? Yeah. Has some thick pairs of clothes for colder nights. Mainly just some nice pajamas pants and a thick hoodie.
Sniper- No pajamas. Wears jeans and a tank top, and a T-shirt if it's chilly. I don't think this man has ever worn pajamas. But in fairness, I don't think he ever continuously falls asleep. Just works and works and ends up passing out in whatever he's wearing. If he ever does finally decide to actually get some rest he has been known to just sleep in boxers.
Spy- Old Hollywood robe. All I need to say. Has an intense sleep routine, wears an eye mask, puffs up all his pillows, and flops onto his bed dramatically with a sigh after a long day. Dramatic bitch. (loving) Sleeps with a blanket pulled up to his chin, and has like eight fans going. Has to have specific conditions to sleep. Crazy man.
Soldier- I can't tell if this man respects the flag code with every fiber of his being or if he'd wear an entire American flag-themed pajama set. I'll go with a mix of both. Wears sweatpants and one of those cliché 4th of July t-shirts that every beer drinking white dad wears. Or he doesn't wear anything, the TF2 fandom has seemed to deam this man someone who doesn't understand the importance of clothes.
Pyro- Unicorn onesie! Or some other form of onesie. They aren't particular. They like comfortable clothes and bonus points if it's really cute too. Has a collection of them. One time Pyro saw Ppy wearing an eye mask and bought one to try. Looks very silly on top of their gas mask. Overall, all these guys are really silly.
Used the word silly way to much. Probably used goofy too much too. I was in a mood you could say.
I hope you like this! This was a favorite to write:) Sorry it took so long, I got way too tired last night to finish this. Also, hope I answered the question right because I kept second-guessing myself halfway through each one 😭
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haecien · 9 months
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Good kisser — C.SC | warnings - a bit suggestive(?), kissing
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I found this cool prompt generator for ships! If ya want the link its here ;D
469 words, 2.4k characters , fluff
Link to the masterlist
Pt. 1 Choi seungcheol
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You've just gotten into a new relationship with a guy, but you didn't expect that he was THAT unexperienced in relationships...
From what you heard from your friends that helped you got into the relationship since you had mutual friends that said he was a relatively good guy, yeah sure he was charming but they never really knew how bad his flirting skills were.
After a few weeks of you dating you both did those lovely dovey stuff like cuddling, holding hands in public, calling each other pet names but... felt like something was missing, you've rarely kissed. Even on your first date there was no passionate kiss all you did was a mere hug.
You were just chilling with your boyfriend in his bed, you were both cuddling his face was buried in your neck as for you, you were scrolling on your phone. Suddenly your boyfriend lifted up his head with a pouty expression.
"Y/n.. do you think I'm a bad kisser? " he looked up at you making eye contact.
" Well how could I know? You never even kissed me yet, even on our first date you just gave me a hug! " you whined while looking at your boyfriend.
" Well, to be honest.. I don't really know how to kiss much... it looks easy on movies but I've tried it before and, I don't think I've ever gotten it right.. " oh you poor baby, it all makes sense now.
" Oh, I mean. I could teach you if you wanted to?.. " your boyfriend instantly got up and sat beside you waiting for what you will do
" So.. first try keeping your lips soft and relax, you don't want to just go straight in with a rough kiss.. also try to keep eye contact, maybe caress my face too? "
Seungcheol looked a bit embarrassed and hesitant at first but he got a bit close and started to caress your face, you got a bit flustered by his touch. You felt a tingly feeling in your stomach. He started to lean in closer to your face as your lips met, you both had closed your eyes but after a few seconds he pulled away
" Im sorry... was that good enough? " Yes, it was more than good. The feeling of his soft and plump lips pressing against yours felt nice. You were left speechless for awhile, was this guy really not experienced in this kind of thing?
" I- that was good, oh my god are you really sure this is your first time? " you covered your face in embarrasment you didn't expect him to be that good and the surprised expression on his face made you crack up
" Really? I guess I should kiss you more often. " you hit his shoulder playfully as he gave you a peck on the cheek.
(Lmao I see that he's gnna tease you with this new trick he learnt😭😭)
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Cien rambles
I CAN NOT SLEEP WHAT SO EVER. ITS 11PM. But the rest are comming soon don't worryy~ keep an eye out for jeonghan and Joshua very soon👀
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bourbon-ontherocks · 2 months
20 questions for writers
I was tagged by @pia-writes-things (ty!!! ❤️)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
703,271. Which is, um, a lot.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Good Girls (formerly), HPI (formerly), and l'Art du Crime. There's also a random bit for les Combattantes, and one GG fic has a shared universe with Graceland. I'm very mono-fandom lol.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Take A Dip
It's All Coming Back To Me
It Hurts When I See You Struggle
Love And War
We're Living In A Powder Keg And Giving Off Sparks
Unsurprisingly, these are all GG fics, although I don't think my kudos ranking is accurate because most of these were impacted by the great kudos-bombing gate from 2020 so it's hard to tell what's actually my most kudo-ed fic.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely. My secret goal is to keep the conversation going back and forth for the longest possible time because I love the opportunity for a good ramble about my writing 😈
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I wanna say Ad vitam æternam (L'art du crime)? I mean, it's literally an MCD fic, so, not that merry... Also if I remember correctly, Always lost in the sea (HPI) doesn't end on a very hopeful note either.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't know? All of them? None? I generally tend to go for happy open endings with that extra bit of bittersweet so I really couldn't tell. But hey, maybe the ending to that thing I'm currently writing actually is the happiest of it all, because oh boy, things do get cheesy at some point 🥺
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No at all! Unless you count that one person who commented on several chapters of whichever long GG fic I wrote just to point blank hate on Beth character lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Of course I do (in English only), I like my porn toxic and desperate and angsty with just the right amount of power play and mutual hatred. Basically, I write hatefuck 😂
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really, no... I've tried a couple of times, but I think I'm better at/more interested in mimicking existing interactions than inventing a dynamic between characters who never met canonically (and also, boy the kind of SETUP you need to justify some characters crossing paths... it's just too much work). I'm more of a cameo/easter egg kind of writer, so once in a while I'll allow a character from another fandom to pop up in a fic and say hi, but it's really a blink-and-you'll-miss-it kind of encounter.
I guess my craziest attempt would be that Crazy Ex-Girlfriend / Good Girls crossover that I never finished though, cause like, super different moods?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of but I don't really attempt to know
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! By myself lol. I once posted a fic in two languages before acknowledging it was a hell of an additional work 😭
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Kinda? We never finished nor even posted it but at some point we shared a quite unhinged co-writing story with @whiskeyjack and @00gangfriend00 and it was a lot of fun 🥰
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
You... you guys have that? You don't just live by your Ship of the Moment just to instantly forget about it and hop on the Next Ship when it shows up? I'm sorry but I don't think I have one of those.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
What a trap question!!! 😂
It's All Coming Back To Me, obviously. Look, I really really want to finish it, not even for me at this point, but for the 120-something people who subscribed to it, for the faithful readers who still leave me comments every now and then hoping for closure. I know how it ends. I have it partially written. I just don't seem to know how to write for Good Girls anymore, and getting my head back into it feels like such an insurmountable load of work, I just- I'm trying, ok?
But like, if someone's interested in helping, or even writing that ending based on my notes (and getting full and proper credits for it obvi), just let me know! I'm really open to it 🥲
16. What are your writing strengths?
Probably dialogues? I've been told many times that my dialogues feel very close to the original, and the thing is, I write about TV shows and I have a very good ear so I think I catch quite easily the actors' voices and tones and mannerisms in my head, so every time I write down a line, I play it several times in my mind with the character's voice to determine whether they would say it like that or not. Looks like it's not working so bad.
Also I *think* I'm not too bad at stream-of-consciousness inner monologues. At least it's one of my favourite things to write so there's that.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes (that includes sex lol). Filling the gaps between the important parts. Descriptions. Setting up the scene.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Like, featuring two different languages inside the same fic, or writing in different languages? I'm not sure I've ever really written the first one? I guess I find it a bit clunky, occasionally I've written scenes that included a character whose native language wasn't the one of the fic, and I'd give them a line or two if that's relevant to the plot (for instance, if characters are lost somewhere in another country, I can add a line/dialogue in another language for comedic effect. Or it can be a way for a character to whisper something for themselves), but the logistics are quite nightmarish, you gotta either assume your audience knows the second language, or translate the lines in the author's note, or have another character translate it in a way that doesn't sound too articifial, that's really really tedious haha
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Good Girls.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
You think I know that? Out of FOURTY-SIX??? Lol. Get out.
Tagging: @sdktrs12 @joeyjoeylee if you're around @riosnecktattoo @humanbra @hemerae-ramblings @sothischickshe @asteraceae-blue
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