#i'm not looking for a debate on this i just did not like the film
mostremote · 3 months
Can you talk about your opinion on Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes? Interested to hear why you dislike it. Loving the fic, my flatmate and I basically have a bookclub about it every Friday.
Thanks for the ask and I'm glad you like the fic!!
I’ll keep my Ballad criticism under the cut. I will only speak to the film, as I’ve only read little bits of the book. I also saw the film months ago so some of the details are fuzzy now.
Political philosophy. There are two versions of Snow’s origin story you can tell. One is political and the other is psychological (or you could combine these). A story about the rise of a dictator ought to have something to say about the nature of oligarchy, or how political systems thrive off psychopathy, or the banality of evil, or whatever it’s going to be. The Hobbes vs. Rousseau human nature question is Ballad’s only concern, and it explores this in no depth whatsoever. ‘I think there’s a natural goodness born into us all. […] You can either cross that line into evil… or not. And it’s our life’s work to stay on the right side of that line.’ This is so shallow, and we have no idea what good and evil even mean to these characters. And because Lucy Gray’s philosophical position and her vague exhortation of ‘freedom’ is so undeveloped (which is really just about rural vs urban aesthetics rather than any rights-based issue), she has no political role in a narrative about a future-dictator. Her role is almost entirely romantic, and unsuccessfully so (see below).
As for Snow’s philosophy, there is zero engagement with the dictatorial system that defines Snow in the original films. His final conclusion, ‘the whole world is an arena and we need the Hunger Games […] To remind us all who we truly are,’ has the seed of an interesting idea in it, but is unexplored. Why do people need to be reminded of their inherent brutality? What purpose does this serve? Why is it only the Districts who need to participate in that reminder, if this is supposed to serve as some self-revelation? Given that the Capitol is artificially engineering this brutality, how does that relate to some essentialist view of human nature? None of this is explored.
Psychologically flat/confused. Is this a story about corruption, a good man becoming bad? Or an exploration of psychopathy & violence, a bad man thriving? The problem is that this film depicts Snow’s first acts of violence, and yet they have no impact on him. His first murder is a completely justified act of self-defence. His second murder, too, is enacted to prevent a group of people getting hanged. He seems almost completely unaffected by these killings. Sejanus’ death provokes an emotional reaction, but given Sejanus is his friend this informs us about his feelings on guilt and loss, not about his feelings on murder. Which he seems to be fine with. Meanwhile, he has no moral qualms about become a gendarme for a fascist regime. Snow appears to have a psychopathic level of comfort with violence, and I would love if this was a film about a psychopath thriving in a society that inadvertently enables and celebrates such behaviour (Nightcrawler, There Will Be Blood), but it isn’t. We learn so little about the society itself and so little about Snow’s psychology that this falls completely flat.
Incompatible with Sutherland’s characterisation. Ballad’s version of Snow simply isn’t compatible with Sutherland’s regarding his thoughts on love and Katniss, and Sutherland’s paratexts are the entire reason I’m in this game. Snow finds Katniss exceptional: ‘no one else has been a threat to him and she was the very manifestation of threat,’ ‘Katniss Everdeen is the first person who has excited Snow, who has stimulated him.’ He is a man at the end of his life falling in love for the first time. And I find that wondrously compelling given the absurdity and horror of the circumstances of that love (she is ¼ of his age, he is the source of all her trauma). And he falls in love with her because she is a threat to him, not because she is pretty, or politically useful. In Ballad, Snow’s obsession with Katniss is completely reconfigured so it’s spurred by her superficial resemblance to Lucy Gray. I find this incredibly dull, and also confusing, given that Snow’s obsession with Katniss is weakest in the first film and strongest by the conclusion. Also, he is 18 in Ballad. 64 years pass before he meets Katniss. He should not still be obsessing about a teen fling. Gives it weird Humbert Humbert Annabel/Lolita vibes.
‘It’s the things we love most that destroy us’ is also weirdly revised in Ballad. In Mockingjay 1 it has the obvious immediate relevance to how Snow uses Peeta to control Katniss, sure, but as Sutherland acknowledges it also refers to Snow’s love for Katniss. What does it mean in this context? His love for Lucy Gray destroyed him? He didn’t seem to love her, and it barely affected him. His love for power corrupted him? But he’s never corrupted: he supports state power from the outset.
The Romance. Lucy Gray is a deliberately ambiguous character, and we never know if Snow really loves her or if she really loves him. Two dangerous characters manipulating one another with ambiguous motives can be fascinating (save me, House of Cards’ Mattie/Urquhart), but this lacked depth and clarity. Lucy Gray is too opaque, and Snow too underwritten (a better actor than Blyth could have maybe done more with this). Apart from both being pretty and (the film tells us) charismatic, there is little to make this romance compelling. This would have worked better for me if Lucy Gray had an actual political position that tempted Snow, but again, it’s too thin.
Ultimately Ballad is a pretty shallow film, and that’s whatever. The Hunger Games series is hardly a triumph of political philosophy. But as someone who loves Snow, and loves what Sutherland did with Snow, it’s jarring to see that interpretation thrown in the trash in favour of a few half-baked musings on human nature and such an uncompelling romance.
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my love if i may request a whiskey with dbf!joel or dbf!bucky with the prompt “i’ve wanted this for so long” and mayhaps if it’s not too much to ask for but some breeding kink👀👉🏻👈🏻
Promises, Promises.
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warnings - smut. cursing.
I figured I'd make this dbf!bucky, because i've done a dbf!joel fic for this celebration already. y'all, I read the words dad's best friend and go fucking feral. this one got away from me.
3k celebration post here. 3k masterlist here.
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You're the last person Bucky expected to be at his front door at 3am.
"What's wrong, honey?"
"Locked myself out of my goddamn house, and my parents are still on vacation. Can I crash here tonight? Please?"
Who is he to turn down an offer that tempting?
"Course. Come on, it's too cold for you to be stood out here."
The two of you sit down on his couch, settling in to watch some TV.
"Bucky Barnes. Are you watching a romcom?"
He blushes, a slight flush creeping up his cheeks.
"If you tell anyone, I'll kill you. They're my guilty pleasure."
"It makes me like you more, if anything," you grin. He can't help but smile back at you, less embarrassed now.
"Look, my love life is fuckin' terrible. I live vicariously through these cheesy films right now."
"You? Terrible love life? Those two phrases don't usually go in the same sentence."
You're teasing him. Seeing if you can get a rise, hit the right button.
"Oh, shut it. Just because you're on a new date every week."
"I'm... what?"
"Your Dad seems to think you're dating a lot."
You quirk a brow at him, amusement curling at the corners of your lips.
"Is that so?"
"I'm only telling you what I've heard, honey."
He crosses his arms across his chest, biceps threatening to break free from the confines of his t shirt.
"He's wrong."
"Is that so?"
You roll your eyes.
"I have a friend, he's a guy. My Dad automatically assumes we're dating because we hang out. But we're not."
"And why not?"
"I don't know, I guess he's just..." you debate your answer, realising it's now or never. "He's not old enough for me. Not mature enough."
Bucky bites his lip, eyes scanning your face.
"He's your age."
"Exactly. Boys my age don't know shit."
He laughs, but it's dark and low, something brewing beneath the surface.
"You always were too smart for your own good, huh?"
Bucky's thigh is pressing into yours, the warmth from his skin seeping through. His rough fingertips glide across your arm, slow and soft. He's testing the waters.
"I shouldn't want this," he murmurs, barely audible. "Neither should you."
"But I do," you whisper. "So fucking bad."
"Me too."
Bucky grabs the back of your neck, smashing his lips to yours. You grip at his hair, his biceps, his shirt - anything you can get a hold of. You feel like you're dreaming, your filthiest thoughts coming into fruition.
He pulls you into his lap so you're straddling his hips, grinding down and panting into his mouth. You're both breathless, but neither of you want to be the first to pull away.
Bucky rips your shirt over your head, instantly attacking your chest with kisses. He's marking you up, claiming you as his. You should be worried about the repercussions, but you're not.
You pull his shirt off and rake your nails down his front, grinning when he shivers. Suddenly, Bucky stands up, setting you on your feet.
You blink at him, processing.
"Strip, baby. I won't tell you again."
You shimmy your pants down your legs, your underwear going too. Your mouth waters as you watch him undress, admiring the angles and smooth ridges of him. A Greek God.
Bucky stalks over to you and hooks a foot behind your ankle, sending you both flying onto the rug on the floor. He cushions your fall, not letting go of you once. Running two fingers through your wet heat, he groans.
"All for me, pretty girl? What did I do to deserve somethin' this sweet, huh?"
"Need you," you whine. "Please, Buck."
"I've wanted this for so long," he murmurs, lining himself up. "Fuck, you're a dream."
You both gasp as he slides home, your back arching and his jaw falling slack. Bucky rests a hand against the base of your throat, the weight grounding you back down to Earth.
"Need you to move," you choke out. "Fuck, I need it, Buck. Please."
"Oh you need it, do you?" he smirks. "My needy girl."
He snaps his hips into yours in long, careful glides, very aware of the effect he has on you. Before long, his restraint snaps, and his thrusts get harder, quicker, more frantic.
"Gonna fill you up, baby," he's muttering under his breath. "Make you mine. You want that? To have everyone know who you belong to?"
You're nodding rapidly, tears gathering in your eyes, bottom lip caught between your teeth.
"How are we gonna keep this a secret if you're pregnant, huh?"
The thought makes you moan, a breathy, gutteral sound.
"You like that? Want me to make you a mommy? Fuck, I'll give you everything you ask for. I'll buy you a house and knock you up, you'll never want for anything."
His low, honeyed words throw you over the edge, squeezing and clenching around him. Bucky groans, deep and rumbled, the sound vibrating through the both of you. You find your releases together, panting and out of breath.
"House first."
"Huh?" he breathes, raising his head from your chest.
"Buy me a house first. Kids second. Maybe marriage in between."
He laughs, floating and content. You both know he meant what he said, not just a heat of the moment confession.
You stay wrapped up in each other for hours, on the rug in front of the fire.
You'll deal with the repercussions later.
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httpswritings · 3 months
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discovering true love — alexia putellas x reader
Warnings: mentions of past sexual abuse (without getting into detail on how that happened) and what it leads to for reader, therefore mentions of anxiety, fear to be touched, etc. 
Word count: 1392
Summary: Alexia and reader get into a relationship together, and reader have the need to tell Alexia about her past. Alexia comforting reader.
A/N: I've already warned about these sensitive topics above, so please only read if you feel like you can. 
You had been debating how to tell Alexia what happened to you in the past. 
You warned her about not sleeping with someone on the first date nor on the second or on the third, and she had no problem with it.
“I'm not interested in you because I want to take you to bed.”
Her smile was sincere, but somehow you couldn't believe.
Alexia did not question why you wanted to wait to have sex, many people need to get to know the other person better before they have it, so she didn't pay any attention to it.
What Alexia noticed was some behaviours, like tensing your muscles or flinching, you had, especially during physical contact.
It was not something regular, as if you'd only experienced that a few days a week, but you had a worried facial expression every time that happened.
Alexia kept asking if everything was okay and you nodded. 
You didn't want her to feel bad for wanting to touch you, but you knew the truth would eventually have to come out one day.
And that's what happened during an afternoon where you went to Alexia's house to have lunch and then watch a film.
As you were cuddling with her, she lowered her hand until she reached your elbow.
You instinctively flinched slightly, and she took it as if she had tickled you by accident.
She laughed and began tickling you, and you told her to stop.
For someone who didn't experience what you had to endure, tickling was something funny, but for you was a nightmare.
“Please, Ale, stop.”
You said it in a quite low voice, but she heard you perfectly.
Your heartbreaking tone alerted her.
“I'm sorry, my love, what's wrong?”
You knew you had to tell her what you were going through, but you didn't want to have that conversation, as you knew it was going to be a really tough one.
“Thank you for stopping.”
Alexia frowned. 
The look on your face screamed fear, accompanied by your chest showing a rapid rhythm of breathing.
“Of course. Why wouldn't I?” 
You shrugged and suggested to keep watching the film.
Alexia could feel how tense your body was, as if you were on alert, but she didn't know how to start the conversation.
At first, she thought that you had misinterpreted her, thinking that she wanted to take you to the bedroom, as you insisted quite a lot when you got with her that that was not going to happen until some time later.
[...] When you turned around, you saw a stunning blonde woman looking at you, holding your wallet, as it has fallen out of your purse.
You kept thanking her.
“I'm Alexia, by the way. Do you live around here?”
Her hazel eyes mesmerized you, making you respond some seconds later than expected.
You told her your name and the area where you lived.
Her vivid smile made you bit the corners inside your left cheek, making you more appealing to Alexia, knowing she had to try to get your number.
“Only if you want to, don't feel pressured to give it to me. You seem lovely and... yeah. I'd love to get to know each other.”
You accepted her request, making her smile even more, which send you over the edge.
“You seem lovely, too, Alexia.”
As you were about to say goodbye, you warned her about not sleeping with someone until you had known them better.
You were worried about if you had offended her, but she just shook her head, thinking you were probably tired of people only being attracted to you, and judging by your appearance and how appealing you were to her, she thought that used to happened more than you wanted.
“Don't worry. Just a casual date.”
But when Alexia remembered how you looked at her, as if you were a little bird on the street begging for some mercy, she knew something was off. 
Alexia did not touch you as you watched the film.
Many ideas crossing her mind explaining why you were behaving like that, most of them with the worst outcomes.
The film ended, and you turned around to looked at her. 
She smiled at you.
You recognized that smile.
It's the one people usually have when you told them about your past.
A compassionate smile that made you uncomfortable.
You didn't want compassion, you didn't want to have to go through the same conversation every time someone got closer to you.
There was no way Alexia knew it with certainty, but you could see in her eyes she could guess the problem.
Her hands were resting on the sofa.
You got nearer her face, tilting your head to the left to then ask if you could kiss her.
Alexia's smile changed.
She nodded and you kissed her delicately.
You placed both of your hands on her cheeks, laughing at the feeling of butterflies in your stomach, making her laugh too.
As you broke the kiss, you noticed her hands were still in the same position.
As if she didn't want to touch you, just in case you were going to break.
Sighing, you knew the time for the conversation had come.
“Ale, I want to talk to you about something.”
She simply nodded, as Alexia didn't know how to face that situation.
“Just... Don't get scared, okay? If it's too much for you, tell me, and I'll stop talking.”
You saw her frowning, so you decided to go for it.
As you were explaining to her what happened, you could see Alexia's face changing its expression.
Your eyes got teary, but you felt as light as a feather. 
Whatever Alexia's reaction would be, getting that off your chest was something you desperately needed.
“I know it's a lot and I still have a long way until I heal, so that's why I'm giving you the opportunity to break up wit—”
She didn't let you finish your sentence when she shook her head.
“I guess it's going to be challenging for both of us, but let's leave some things clear. Firstly, it was not your fault, therefore, do not feel as if you were a burden or as if it was your responsibility. Second of all, we'll have to have a few conversations about this topic, but do not feel pressured to talk about it. Third of all, we are not going to do anything you don't want to, as well anything I don't want to do. No matter how far we've gone, you can refuse to continue if you don't feel comfortable. And last, if I ever do something that makes you uncomfortable, please let me know. I will stop at that exact moment. I'm so sorry about the tickling before but—”
She broke down crying and you rushed to hug her. 
“I'm not crying because you made me feel bad about it but because of what you had to go through. I promise you are going to be safe and understood with me.”
You looked at her eyes, who were covered by tears, and for the very first time, you believed you were going to be safe around someone.
“I know, Ale, I know. Also, I want you to have one thing clear. If you feel like this is too much, or you feel uncomfortable, please tell me. I know you want to take care of me, but this can be really tough for you, too. So, let's have a good communication about it, okay?”
She nodded and sniffed, and you thought you had never seen something more adorable than that.
You took her hands.
“I'm going to place them around my waist. I'll probably flinch a little bit, but do not worry, I really want to try this.”
As she encouraged you, you placed her hands around both sides of your waist.
Your body tensed a little bit but you nodded at her as a way of agreeing to feel her touch.
You kept looking from her hands to her face, making you know that it was her who was touching you.
“Good job, my love. Let's leave it here for today, if that's alright? Little by little and step by step.”
You placed a quick kiss on her lips, finally tasting what true and genuine loved tasted like.
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lesbianpepsi · 1 year
'Cause I'm a jealous, jealous, jealous girl
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Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Fem!reader
Summary: A visit to the doctors was only supposed to bring good health, not jealousy.
Warnings: dislocated ankle, tripping, swearing, jealous tara...?, bad writing, not proof-read
Words: 6.634k (ik.)
A/N: i fucking suck at summary's. but on a happier note i've finished all my exams, yay. my enthusiasm can clearly be detected. my first shift at a new job is tomorrow and i am shitting dicks from nerves, it's at a icecream shop but that doesn't make me less nervous rvkjnoxnoa. anyway, hope you enjoy this!!<33
part II
“It cannot be topped. The Babadook is top tier and nothing will change my mind.” 
You rolled your eyes as you turned your head to look at Tara, raising your eyebrows slightly. “You’re such a snob when it comes to horror it’s unreal.” Tara gave you a fake hurt look at your comment, you could tell she’s faking it since the girl has a small smile on her pink lips.
“How am I a snob just because I enjoy horror movies that aren’t teens getting killed at a camp that has some cheesy name like ‘Camp Cover.’” 
“Don’t you dare disrespect Friday the Thirteenth or Sleepaway Camp like that!”
Throughout your and Tara’s walk around Central Park the topic of horror movies has been one the two of you debating on. You taking the side of defending slashers meanwhile Tara taking the side that elevated horror is much better. 
Did you expect your peaceful walk with your crush best friend would turn into a horror movie debate? No, but it didn’t surprise you either. In fact horror is what made you and Tara even become friends.
You had been at a party and after a while it had died down and you ended up with a group of people sitting in the living room putting on a horror movie. After a few arguments on what to put on everyone decided to simply put on the latest Halloween movie, Halloween Ends. 
You weren’t particularly enjoying the film much and ended up chatting with a girl named Anika while the movie played. At the halfway mark of the movie a poor drunken soul asked a question that ended up turning into a full on debate in the group. 
“Who would win in a fight, Micheal or Jason?”
Almost immediately after the person uttered those words people started voicing their opinions.
“Micheal obviously, he’s been in the game longer than Jason.” 
“Micheal. Literally nothing kills him meanwhile Jason has been killed a shit ton of times.” 
“Jason is a mommy’s boy who didn’t even show up till the second movie. Definitely Micheal.” 
You were alarmed with the amount of comments made slamming Jason, so naturally you went to defend him. Your strongest argument was the fact Jason was factually stronger than Micheal, something everyone had to accept. 
“Sure Micheal did crush someone's skull with his boot in the twenty eighteen Halloween, but in Jason Takes Manhattan Jason literally punched a guy's head off. Jason would destroy Micheal.” 
You knew you were on the right side since even horror nerd Mindy agreed with you before going on a much longer speech. 
Not long after Mindy had finished her speech most had either gotten bored and left or decided to head home anyway. but a small group of you still stayed to finish the movie, one of those people being Tara. 
“I bet Mindy’s glad somebody else agreed with her.” Was the first words Tara ever said to you. To which you replied with. “I’m just surprised how many people underestimate Jason.” 
And the rest is history.
You became closer with Tara and all of her friends and after a few months even snagged the ‘best friend’ title, but it only took you a few weeks for Tara to snag the ‘crush’ title for you, something you’d take to the grave. 
On this particular sunny day Tara has begged you to join her for a walk, in the beginning you declined since it’s boiling and would’ve much preferred to stay inside in your room reading. Unfortunately for you, you and Tara both know you can’t say no to her. 
That’s how you and Tara ended up walking around Central Park talking about random things until the topic of horror movies came up.
Tara rolled her eyes as she shook her head in amusement, staring up at you as the two of you walked. “Alright then, what’s your top three horror movies then?” She questioned with a raised eyebrow, her smile turning into a playful one.
“Easy. You’re Next, My Bloody Valentine and,” You pursed your lips as you tried to think of your third favourite names such as Bride of Chucky, Ready or Not, Stab, Evil Dead, Halloween, Friday the Thirteenth swirled in your mind until one particular movie landed in your mind. 
“Hush.” You finally added with a confident smile, taking a few extra steps in front of Tara as you turned your entire body to face her, walking backwards. “You’re Next has one of the best female leads who fights fucking back and even kills the douchebag brother with a blender. Iconic. My Bloody Valentine is easily one of the best horror movies that came out in the eighties, tied with Sleepaway Camp and The Thing. For the eighties the gore is insanely well done and its plot and acting is just spectacular.” 
You took a second to catch your breath before you began to talk about your final favourite horror movie. 
“Hush is one of the most underrated horror movies in history, don’t even try to change my opinion on that.” Tara lets out a small giggle that makes your heart skip a beat at the angelic sound. “Its plot is downright scary and the acting by Kate Siegel is truly out of this world for this role of Maddie. An intense movie that in my opinion was one of the best one of that year.” 
As you carried on talking the more engorged you got into the topic meaning you simply got even more excited like a puppy getting a treat. Your smile at its best as you walked with a slight bounce, your eyes focused on Tara’s dark chocolate brown ones. 
“Honourable mentions are definitely the classics such as Halloween, Stab, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday the Thirteenth and Nightmare on Elm Street. Without a doubt each movie holds one of the most infamous horror villains ever made. Micheal Myers, Ghostface, Leatherface, Jason Voorhees and Freddy Kruger. Even if you don’t like horror you still would know those names.” 
Just as you finished your sentence you went to turn back around to actually look where you’re walking, you spun around quickly as you tried taking a step forward. Apparently your pain couldn’t handle the simple task which inevitably ended up with you falling to the ground, landing on your ankle funny. 
You groaned as you could feel the harsh pain in your left ankle already, looking down at your legs before you turned to look for Tara who is crouched next to you already, a worried look on her face.
“Are you alright?” She asked in a rushed tone as she looked you up and down, a small frown tugging at her lips. The small crease between her brows told you she’s worried, one hand behind your neck and the other on your side confirming that thought. 
You give a stiff nod as you push yourself up with your arms, biting at your bottom lip to not let out a strangled yell at the pain radiating from your ankle at the movement. “Peachy.” You mumbled through clenched teeth as you give her a non-convincing smile. 
The brunette gives you a ‘are you being serious’ look as she swiftly moves one of her hands to grab yours, the feeling of her hand in yours erupting butterflies to go off in your stomach.
Not the time to have a gay panic, you mentally yell at yourself.
“It’s just a scrape, Tar.” You reassured as you manoeuvred your right leg to try to stand up, Tara swiftly stood up herself as her grip on your hand only tightened. The second you moved your left foot the pain increased, you bit at your bottom lip roughly to stop yourself from screaming. 
Deciding to simply fight through the pain you placed your right foot flatly on the ground, ready to stand up. You look at Tara who looked down at you with an even more worried expression than before.
 “Help me up?” You asked which she did, she began pulling you up slowly until you had to place your left foot flat on the ground to stand up, deciding to bite the bullet your roughly moved your foot to place it flat. 
The second you felt your left foot make contact with the ground you stood up quickly, tears swelling up in your eyes at the immense pain radiating from your ankle.
“Y/n I don’t think it’s just a scrape.” The worried Tara announced as she took a step closer to you and placed a hand on your shoulder comfortingly.
You smiled softly at her as you shook your head ‘no’. “Alright then a bruise, which is still manageable.” Tara gave you a pointed look as she gazed into your eyes, her soft dark brown eyes making your knees feel weak. 
“I don’t believe you.” She states.
“I’m fine. I swear, T.” You replied as you squeezed her hand in reassurances, trying to ignore the horrible pain in your ankle. You didn’t want to worry the girl even further.
The smaller girl insists on a silent staring content as she challenges you, if you back down that means she’s right and you’re wrong, if she backs down that means she’ll drop it for now. Your gaze never breaks as your eyes bore into hers, an eyebrow raised challengingly. 
Tara shows no sign of backing down either with her own brows raised as she stares at you, her lips pulled into a straight tight line. The deadpan glare really reminding you of Sam.
The pain from the ankle radiated higher up the leg with much more fierce pain which forced you to hold back a whimper at the pain, at the feeling of pain you relent and back down from the contest, breaking eye contact first.
“Fine, you win.” You grumble, crossing your arms over your chest like a child losing a game. Tara’s grins smugly as she sticks out her tongue to get all the glory possibly at the small win. “I knew I’d win.” Tara says her tone dripping with smugness, oh the things you’d do to wipe that grin off her face.
Luckily you didn’t have to do anything since Tara’s eyes suddenly widened as if she just remembered why she was competing in the first place. “Shit your leg.” She mumbles mostly to herself as the worried look replaces the one of victory. 
The brunette glances around the park and notices a bench not too far away from you two. You watch as she mutely nodded her head to herself as she planned a plan in her mind, her head turning back towards you a few moments later. 
“I’m gonna carry you to the bench and then I’ll check your ankle.” Tara explained as she took a few short steps closer until she’s invading your personal space. You give the Carpenter girl an amused smile. “Okay then Doctor Carpenter how are you planning to carry me over when I’m literally taller than you.” 
“I could carry you if I wanted to.” She remarks as an offended look appears on her face, her own arms folding over her stomach. You rolled your eyes as you let out a huff, without much more explanation you wrapped an arm around Tara’s shoulder, pulling her in. 
Ignoring the sudden warmth you feel in your cheeks you raise your left foot off the ground, using Tara to lean on. “C’mon,” You mumble as you begin to hop forward with your right foot. Tara immediately complies and begins walking with you, her own arm tightly wrapped around your waist, her free hand raised to hold your hand which dangled off her shoulder, something that most definitely didn’t help the blush on your cheeks.
Damn your gayness. 
After a handful of grunts, a few stops and a thousand “Are you okay?” from Tara the two of you reached the bench, Tara making sure to lower you down slowly. 
Sitting down you could feel the throbbing pain in your ankle as if it had another heartbeat there. Clenching your jaw you look at Tara who is kneeling in front of you, one hand on your calf and the other near your left foot.
“I’m going to take off your shoe okay, I promise I’ll try my best not to hurt you.” Tara affirmed softly as her eyes gazed up into yours not trusting your voice you gave her a curt nod signalling her to go ahead. 
As she untied your shoe laces you began to loathe your past self for deciding to wear converses. Every small movement she did the pain only intensified making you flinch or let out a pained moan. 
“Sorry,” Tara apologised as she began to take off the shoe. The throbbing pain in your ankle only got worse, you raised your hand and bit at your knuckle harshly as Tara kept apologising as she took the shoe off. 
The second your foot was without a shoe you could feel a slight relief but the pain didn’t change much. “Jesus Christ.” Tara gasped as her delicate fingers gently wrapped around your calf. You let out a humourless chuckle as you looked down at Tara and your swollen ankle. Your ankle had already began to swollen as a nasty dark purple began tainting the skin around it, you grimaced at the sight of your fucked up ankle.
“Maybe it isn’t that bad?” 
“-severely dislocated ankle.” 
So it was as bad as it looked.
You sighed as you glanced over at Tara who is standing next to you paying much more to what the nurse said than you. Her worried look hadn’t slipped away for a second ever since Sam dropped you two off at the hospital, in fact you’d say it’s probably even gotten worse.
The older Carpenter sister couldn’t come in with you two since she had a shift at the bar she worked at.
“You’ll be given crutches to help you keep weight off the ankle as well as an ankle brace that you’ll have to wear for a few weeks. Medication will also need to be taken three times a day with each meal.” The nurse listed off in the most montoned voice you’d ever hear, seriously, it competes with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Terminator. 
You nod your head weakly as Tara nods her head curtly, an appreciative smile forming on her lips. “I’ll make sure she takes them, thank you.” 
The nurse mumbles something under her lips before turning to glare at you, her blue dull eyes void of any emotion. “The doctor will be here in a minute to give you some painkillers to ease the pain.” 
“Okay, thanks.” You replied with a small smile, the old nurse glare got even colder before she abruptly turned her back and walked away. You sigh dramatically as you lean your head even further on the thin hospital pillows, looking over at Tara who’s already right by your side. 
“I can’t believe you got so excited over horror movies you sprained your ankle, that is more nerdy than Mindy.” She teased in a playful tone as she slightly leaned on the side railings of the bed, her eyes focused on your face. You could tell she’s trying her best to try to find humour in the situation rather than turning into a worried mess.
You let out a laugh of disbelief at that smirk toying at your lips. “I could’ve cosplayed as Jason and broken my arm over getting so excited and that still wouldn’t be enough to beat Mindy.” You retort in the same playful tone as you pushed yourself further up on the bed, flinching at the pain radiating from your ankle at the movement.
“Once you’ve gotten your painkillers we can leave, we’ll just stop by my apartment so I can get a few things then go to yours.” Tara declared as her hand moved to lay on top of yours, her warm hand warming up your cold one. 
You tilted your head to the side like a confused puppy at her words. “What do you need from your apartment?” You asked, flipping your hand over so you could lace your fingers with Tara’s. 
Tara’s eyes averted from yours and flickered down to your linked hands, the tip of her ears turning red at the contact, you couldn’t help but feel a surge of hope at her reaction. The brunette stared at your hands for a few moments as if she had completely forgotten you asked her a question.
You smirked as you gave her hand a squeeze making her eyes snap back to yours straightaway with an embarrassed smile on her face as she let out a dry cough. “What?” She stuttered out.
“What do you need from your apartment?” You repeated for her sake, the smirk never leaving your lips. “To get some spare clothes, charger, headphones and my spare inhaler.” 
“I already have a spare inhaler at my apartment.” You say right after she mentioned the spare inhaler. Tara’s eyes softened even more at that, her nervous smile turning back into that sweet smile that made your heart beat increase. 
Something you became incredibly aware of as the monitor to your heart started becoming louder and more frequent. 
“Really?” She asks as her eyes flicker over to the monitor before coming back to you. You nodded your head. “Yeah just in case of an emergency or you’d forgotten yours at home.” You answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
Before Tara could reply, heavy footsteps are heard walking towards the two of you, both of you snapped your head towards the noise and that’s where you see the second most gorgeous human being on earth. 
(Tara obviously being first)
The doctor had long black hair that reached a few inches below her shoulders, her eyes a dark brown colour that almost looked black. The woman looks around thirty years old, one or two barely noticeable wrinkles on her face. With or without she had your gay heart speeding at the sight of her. 
She strutted closer to the two of you with a warm smile on her lips with a clipboard in the clutches of her right hand. “Y/n L/n?” The doctor asked in a raspy voice that told you she’s most definitely smoked a handful of times in her life, the thought somehow made the woman even hotter to you.
“Yes.” You stuttered out, starstruck at the pure beauty of this woman. She flashed a grin as she started to prepare the IV for you. “I’m Doctor Edwards and I’m going to give you some painkillers to ease the pain, is that okay with you?” She confirmed which you could only dumbly nod at.
The older woman let out a low laugh at your reaction which made heat rise to your cheeks at the sound. Jesus who knew older women had such an effect on you? 
A tight grip on your hand made you let out a low whine as you turned to look to your side to see a not so happy looking Tara Carpenter. Her smile had completely vanished and her soft looking lips pulled into a tight line. 
“You okay?” You whispered to Tara bringing her glaring eyes away from the doctor and to look at you. She replied in a curt nod as her features slightly softened at the sight of you. 
Before you could reply you felt a cold hand graze across your elbow, firm fingers taking a tight yet somehow soft grip on it. You turned to look back at the Doctor Edwards who is now closer as she prepared to insert the needle attached to the IV full of fentanyl in you.
“This might feel a bit uncomfortable honey.” She told you as her eyes glanced towards yours, your heart monitor frantically picking up at the fact this practical milf just called you ‘honey’. The dark haired woman smiled reassuringly at you as she positioned the needle at the top of your forearm. “It’ll be over before you know it.” 
“Okay, thank you.” You croaked out as the grip in your and Tara’s interlocked hands got even tighter. This time you squeezed back as you felt the needle start to stab into your skin, you’d never been a fan of needles. 
“You’re doing so good for me honey.” Doctor Edwards encouraged in a honey sweet voice that would attract bees.
God is she trying to kill me, you thought to yourself. 
After a few seconds you could feel something flow into your body which made you grimace at the feeling before you eventually relaxed as the pain instantly started to calm down in your ankle. 
“All done.” You turned back to look at the doctor who took a step back moving to grab her clipboard and scribbled a few things down on the paper. “I’ll be back in a few minutes to see how you are and then you’ll be good to go.” 
“Thank you so much.” You replied as you gave her a smile, the painkillers coursing through your veins soothing you. She looked at Tara and gave the grumpy looking girl a smile before she took off to deal with other patients. 
You sighed in relief.
“So unprofessional.” Tara mumbled next to you in a low voice. 
Your brows furrowed together as you turned to look at her, that annoyed look still on her face. “How was she unprofessional? She was lovely and gave me sweet drugs to ease the pain, what’s not to love about her?” You defend as you look at her. 
Tara scoffed as she dropped your grip and crossed her arms over her chest like an angry toddler being told ‘no’. “She was flirting with you. She’s the doctor and you’re the patient, that’s beyond unprofessional.” Tara argued back, dropping to sit down on the small one person blue chair next to your hospital bed. 
You could already begin to feel the effects of the painkillers, must’ve been a high dosage, you thought. You cocked your head to the side as a teasing smile complimented on your lips. “If she was then I might ask for her number before we leave.” 
“No!” Tara said a bit too loudly making you let out a giggle. Damn, how strong was the dosage? 
“Why not? She’s the first woman in months to actually flirt with me.” You retorted as Tara’s stare hardened as her eyes glazed over to the doctor a few beds down talking to another patient in a leg cast. 
Tara looked back over at you as she tried to think of a suitable reason why you should reject the apparent flirting doctor. You smirked as the silence filled up between Tara and you telling you that Tara didn’t have a solid reason for you to not ask the doctor out. 
Your eyes slowly averted to the older woman who had a soothing smile on her lips as she talked to her patient, you could tell she actually cared for the people rather than just taking the job for money. 
“I just don’t think you’d be a great match that’s all.” Tara’s voice piped up resulting in your eyes glancing back over to the sour looking girl. The strong painkillers already having an effect on you, boosting your confidence and lowering your care as a teasing smile emerges on your face.
“You didn’t even speak to her, how could you tell she isn’t good enough for me?” You pressed, wanting to get a bigger reaction from her. You’re no Emily Prentiss at reading people but even you suspect that Tara Carpenter seemed a little bit jealous. 
The thought egged you on to try to get the green eyed monster to erupt in hopes of the girl maybe actually doing something rather than sit there seething with jealousy. 
Tara shrugged her shoulders as she bit the inside of her cheek, a bad habit you’ve noticed she keeps doing when she’s either annoyed or stressed. She doesn’t give you a verbal answer as her eyes refuse to make contact with yours. 
“Alright then,” You begin as your eyes gaze into Tara’s side profile, she glaring at the innocent wall rather than looking at you. “If she isn’t a good match for me, who would be then?”
“Anyone else.” Tara replied swiftly as her eyes maintained on the wall. 
You nodded your head weakly to yourself, the teasing smirk still on your lips. “Anyone else?” You repeat her words as she hummed in agreement. “So do you think Quinn would be a good match for me then? Quinn has great humour, she’s a part of the friend group so you can trust her and she definitely knows how to please someone in bed.”  
Tara still refused to look at you as she spat out her answer. “Quinn is a heartbreaker and prefers to have flings rather than stay in a relationship.” 
“No Doctor Edwards and no Quinn, how about Sam then.” Tara’s head snapped to glare at you in such a fast movement it looked like she could get whiplash from it. She shook her head curtly. “No.” Is all she says in a low voice. 
You let out a laugh as mischievousness swirled in your eyes as they locked with Tara’s dark brown ones. You bit at your lower lip for a second before speaking. 
“Well who then? You?” 
The annoyed glare on Tara’s face dropped as a stunned one supplanted it. Her eyes widened as her once tightly pulled together lips now relaxed, her dark chocolate eyes melting as they didn’t tear away from yours. A scarlet red hue of a blush accompanied her cheeks the longer you gazed into each other's eyes.
A lazy smile complimented your lips as you raised your eyebrows at the girl, silently asking her ‘Well?’. Tara stayed quiet. She didn’t nod her head, she didn’t shake her head either. All she did was gaze at you and your lazy grin.
Her mouth opened but no words were uttered, she looked like she’s mimicking a fish. Tara shut her mouth back closed and stayed like that for a few moments before she opened her mouth again, more prepared to say something this time.
“Are the painkillers working, Y/n?” Doctor Edwards interrupted as she appeared from thin air, standing next to Tara whose glare instantly focused on the doctor. You couldn’t help but let out a giggle at Tara’s pissed off look as you turned to look at the older woman. 
You smile loosely as you give an awkward thumbs up to her. “Superb, doc, now I understand why people like them so much.” She chuckled as she nodded her head stepping closer as she pulled the IV needle from your forearm, a small dot of blood appearing at where the needle once was. 
You stared in awe as she moved to grab a cotton ball from her trey of medicine on the other side of the bed, pressing the ball against the blood before she taped it there with medical tape that made sure it stayed there. 
She smiled kindly at you before she checked your vitals quickly, once done she took a few steps back to get a good view of you. “You’re good to go, Y/n. I’ll write you a prescription for your medicine and get you your crutches and then you can leave.” 
You sighed in relief as you nodded your head giving her a thankful smile. “Thank you, I’m pretty sure you saved my life.”
She shook her head as a raspy laugh escaped the older woman’s lips. “I think that’s a little bit over the top but either way it was my pleasure.” Before you could reply a cough is heard from next to you. 
You turn to look at Tara who is now standing up and much, much closer to you now. A fake sickeningly sweet smile plastered on her face as she looks over at the doctor, her hand on your shoulder. 
“Thanks for all your help doc but we should really get back home and make some dinner.”  Tara says in an even more sweet voice that you just know is fake. Your eyes avert back to the doctor who has a smile on her lips as she looks between you and Tara. 
She hums as she takes a singular step back. “Don’t worry honey I know you two just want to get home and get into bed together and sleep after such a stressful day. I’ll be back shortly with the crutches and prescription.” She promises as she turns on her heels and exits the room to do what she just said. 
“Bitch.” Tara grumbled next to you as she glared at the woman walking away. Her fake smile vanished into thin air. You roll your eyes as you carefully push yourself to the edge of your bed, stiffly moving your legs off of the bed. 
“There’s no signal inside the hospital. Do you wanna go outside and call Sam? She’s probably finishing her shift around now since we’ve been here for hours.” You asked her, as you moved your left leg back and forth steadily, sighing at not feeling much pain anymore due to the painkillers. 
“Okay, I’ll be back in a second. Do not leave this bed.” Tara demands with a threatening point of her index finger that simply makes you giggle, raising your hands up with a goofy grin on your face. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” 
Tara stares at you for a few moments before she hurriedly walks out of the room, taking her phone out of her pocket and already trying to call Sam. You didn’t look away at her retreating figure until she was fully out of your view, only then turning your head away. 
“She has to be jealous, there’s no other explanation for her behaviour.” You tell yourself as you observe the seat Tara was sitting in a few minutes ago. 
“Oh she’s practically the green eyed monster honey.” A voice says from behind you. 
You jumped as you snapped your head to look in the direction of the voice to see Doctor Edwards standing there holding crutches and a small slip of paper. You sighed dramatically as you dropped your head.
“How the fuck do you move around so quietly? You’re like a cat.” The woman chuckles as she walks in front of you presenting you the crutches. You smile weakly at her as you take them, quickly putting your arms through the holes and gripping the grey handle. 
Slowly, you push yourself up until you’re fully standing up, your left foot hovering off the ground as you bend your knee. “The older I get the quieter my steps become.” She replies stretching her arms to your sides ready to catch you in case you’d fall.
You smile bashfully at her as you steadied your stance. “Well you don’t look a day over twenty five.” You compliment her, your voice coming out much stronger and confident that you anticipated. 
These painkillers are really having a toll on me.
“I think the drugs are really starting to hit you now, sugar.” She says as if she heard your thoughts, her eyes glanced away from yours to behind you for a second before they smoothly returned to yours. 
The older woman leans closer until her mouth is not too far away from your ear, in a whisper she says. “Tell her the truth.” You quickly put the pieces together and guess what she’s talking about. “What if she doesn’t like me back?” You questioned worriedly in a whisper.
She lets out a low chuckle as she pulls away looking behind you once again but for longer this time. “I know the look of love as well as I know the look of jealousy, dear.” You turn to look at what the older woman is already glancing at; not surprisingly you see a proper pissed off looking Tara near the doorway. 
You smile happily at Tara as you retrieve the prescription from the doctor’s hand, gripping it in your non-dominant hand. Glancing back at the woman she steps aside gifting you a soft smile. You wordlessly nod at her before wobbling over to Tara, grunting at every hop you took with the crutches. 
Tara snaps out of glaring and briskly makes her way over to help you, that gorgeous smile not showing on her face. 
“Sam will be here any minute.” Tara confirmed as she took the slip of paper from your clutches to give you more of an advantage. You mutely nod your head at her words.
By the time you and Tara left the hospital, having to take one too many stops since you were struggling with the uncomfortable clutches as you felt more and more tired with every passing moment, Sam is already there in her car. 
The car ride to the Carpenter’s apartment was filled with low music from the radio and no small talk being made. You sat in the back with your crutches while Tara and Sam were in the front. You took that time to check your socials and ramble to Mindy about your massive gay panic at the hospital. 
Before you know it you’ve stopped at the Carpenter’s household and now just arrived at your apartment complex. Flinging the car door open, you grunt as you lean out of the car putting on the crutches, Tara somehow appears in front of you and guides you to stand up with much less of a struggle. 
You give Sam a wave and a smile as you hop over the driver’s side window where Sam has rolled down the window. “Thanks for the lift, Sammy.” You mumble tiredly to which Sam rolled her eyes at. 
“Don’t call me that.” The older Carpenter sister grumbles in her usual grumpy tone. You grin lazily as you take a small step backwards. “You know you love it.” 
“I don’t. I hate it as much as I hate you.” Sam said as she shifted the gear stick as she started to drive off. “Love you too, Sammy!” You yell as she drives off, giggling like a child when Sam’s hand emerges from the window flipping you off. 
“Let’s get inside.” The tired Tara says from behind you, her hand pressed against your back gently. You turn to look at her letting out another weak chuckle. “Please.” 
Tara smiles softly at you as she begins walking by your side into the apartment complex. Taking the elevator, the two of you staying in silence the entire journey until you both arrive at your apartment, Tara unlocks the door with her spare key and walks in first flicking on the lights as she holds the door open for you. 
You smile appreciatively to Tara as you wobble over to your bedroom, desperate to get to your bed. Tara closes the front door before she follows you into your bedroom, dropping her blue backpack on the floor outside your bedroom before entering. 
“Oh sweet bed how I have missed you.” You murmured against the pillows your face dug deep inside of them, your forgotten crutches thrown on the floor beside your bed. You feel a dip in the bed at the side of your head, you roll over to lay on your back as you look at Tara sitting beside your head. 
“You can’t sleep in those, Y/n, you need to change out of your jeans.” She reminds you in a knowing tone causing you to let out a loud groan, covering your face with your hands. “But I just sat down.” You say in a muffled voice behind your hands. 
Tara laughs sweetly as you feel her weight move off of the bed, her footsteps telling you she’s headed towards your dresser. Peeking through the crack of your hands you see her pull out your favourite pyjamas. 
Is it completely childish? Yes. Do you care? Not at all. 
The brunette pulled out your deadpool pyjamas, the set being your all time favourite piece of sleep clothing. She throws it over at you before heading towards the door, leaning against it as she turns to look at you once again. 
“If you need help just yell my name.” She offers before silently leaving and closing your door quietly. You sighed as you sat up grabbing the clothes that landed on your lap. 
You took your time changing into the pyjamas. Taking off your shirt and bra and replacing them with the red oversized deadpool shirt took a few seconds at most. The real challenge being taking off the thick long grey boot on your leg foot before slowly shuffling out of your jeans and into the sweats. 
Once changed and the brace back on you move to lay back down on your bed, your eyes fighting the urge to shut with every passing second. Right as when you start to feel yourself drift off to sleep a knock is heard at your door. 
“Y/n? You good?” Tara’s muffled voice is heard through the door. 
You smile as you nod your head as if she can see you. “Yeah you can come in if you want.” Tara quickly takes up on that offer and re-enters your room with a small smile on her face as she walks over to you. 
She had also changed into her pyjamas which consisted of an old shirt she stole from you which practically devoured the girl’s figure. You couldn’t help but grin at the sight of her in your clothing. 
“How’re you feeling now?” Tara asks as she sits down near your head once again, you look up at the sitting girl with a smile. 
“You never answered my question.” You tell her, completely ignoring her question. The Carpenter sister faintly cocks her head to the side with confusion clear in her eyes. “If you’d be a good match for me.” You add as you blink slowly at her. 
Tara’s breath hitches. Her eyes averted from yours to look at the doorway. “Do you still feel high from the painkillers?” She questions back. 
You giggle as you nodded your head, raising your hand and hovering your index finger over your thumb. “Just a tiny bit.” Tara scoffed a laugh as she nodded her own head weakly, finally looking back into your eyes with hers. 
“Then you probably won’t remember this in the morning then.” She mumbles mostly to herself with a smile. Tara sighs as she leans down to give a soft kiss to your forehead, your ears burn at the feeling as butterflies erupt in your stomach at the feeling of Tara’s unbelievably soft lips. 
“If you remember that in the morning I’ll tell you.” She whispers against your temple before she pulls away, making you frown. Tara gets up from the bed and retreats back to the door making you even more confused.
As if reading your thoughts Tara leans against the doorway, the light from behind her shining around her figure. “I’m sleeping on the couch tonight and don’t even bother trying to make me sleep in your bed since you need the space with the brace.” 
You let out a huff at that, not agreeing with Tara’s words at all. You hear her chuckle as she pushes herself off the doorway. “Goodnight, Y/n.” She says. 
“I’ll remember in the morning.” You say confidently as you lay your head back down on the pillow, your eyes lingering on Tara still in the doorway. “I hope so.” Tara whispers before exiting the room and closing the door shut silently. 
“Me too.” 
A/N: part 2 anyone?👀
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muwapsturniolo · 9 days
✯𝐂𝐲𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐱 3✯
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐰𝐚𝐩𝐆𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐢 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐛
IN WHICH… Matt and Chris Sturniolo are just two inexperienced losers.
𝐂𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞
WARNINGS: NSFW CONTENT AHEAD! mentions of camming, blowjobs, spit, little bit of sub!matt. that's all i think of let me know if i forgot something.
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"Can’t wait to see you again, maybe this time you won’t be as shy and you will actually look at me 💕"
Matt has been staring at those word for what seems like days, but in reality was really 30 minutes. He didn't know if he wanted to jump in excitement, or crawl into a hole and never come out.
He knew she caught a glimpse of his face in the diner, however, he didn't think she would recognize him and choose him as the winner. Part of him was hoping that she got too many submissions and would miss his, finding someone better than him.
There had to have been someone better than him. After all, he was nothing but a virgin who kept his head in books and the occasional video game. He wasn't experienced in her extracurricular activities.
So why did she pick hi-Mika.
Mika must have been with Y/n when going through the submissions and noticed Matt, thus being the reason he was picked.
Mika probably thinks he's some kind of freak for watching her best friend's streams. They were probably laughing at him right now, Mika going on to tell Y/n all about how they had to teach him how to take a picture of his dick.
He's mortified.
His phone ringing pulls him out of his thoughts, he glances over and his heart drops seeing the contact name.
Is she calling to make fun of him? To call him a perv for entering in a contest to win a date with a cam girl?
He shakily answers the call and places it on speaker, his voice cracking.
"Matt we need your help!"
"With wh-So I'm at my friend's place and her camera is acting stupid! I know you are majoring in film so I was wondering if you could come over and help?"
He debates on helping, not really wanting to face Mika and the sheer embarrassment that she knows about the contest. "I-I don't know Mika I'm pre-Please Matt? I really need my camera fixed."
An all too familiar voice flows through the phone making Matt tense.
The voice was a bit higher pitched, the words whiny, but also sultry.
He swallows harshly as he begins to sweat, he wasn't expecting to hear her voice at all. "Please Matt? I'll pay you."
Her words have an underlying tone that makes Matt all the more nervous.
"I- Ok...Yeah, I'll come help." He looks at himself in the mirror and grimaces at his outfit and hair. He had just gotten out of the shower not too long ago, his hair still partially wet and his pajamas on.
"Perfect! I'll have Mika send you the address! bye, pretty boy!"
Matt feels his face warm at the nickname, loving how it made him feel.
His phone lights up with text stating the address and his eyes widen.
They live in the same apartment building.
How did he never notice they lived in the same building? he's on the third floor and she's on the fourth, he should have noticed. How have they never run into each other?
He chooses not to dwell too much on it, and rushes out of his apartment, heading right towards the elevator.
He arrives at the door and shakily raises his hand, knocking on the wooden frame. Not even a second later it swings open, Mika standing in front of him.
He quickly notices the girl behind her, dressed in a pair of skimpy blue shorts and a matching tube top. It’s something about the brown girl in blue that does something to him.
Y/n catches him staring and smirks to herself, purposely crossing her arms so her boobs are pushed up. “Matt?” He snaps out of his trance and looks back to Mika
"S-sorry, what did you say?"
Mika rolls her eyes and pulls him inside, slamming the door in the process. "OK so I have to run and grab the food we ordered, I shouldn't be long. You two get the camera fixed." Mika quickly exits the apartment, leaving the two alone.
Y/n smirks as Matt refuses to look at her, his finger twitching as he becomes antsy. She takes a few steps until she's right in front of him, "You ok Matt? You look a bit sick."
'I-I'm fine-" He clears his throat and finally looks up, making brief eye contact before looking around the apartment. "-where's the camera?" He completely ignores her question, just wanting to fix the camera. the quicker he finishes his job, the quicker he can leave and be able to breathe properly.
She motions toward the hallway, a mischievous glint in her eye,
"my bedroom."
His mouth runs dry as she grabs his hand, guiding him to the bedroom he's seen multiple times through a screen. Y/n looks back at him and giggles, "What you've never been in a girl's bedroom before?'' Her question makes him blush, his hair falling in his face as he looks down. He quickly walks over to the bed, grabbing the camera. He looks over it, trying to see exactly what the problem is. He doesn't find anything so he averts his gaze to Y/n who's already looking at him.
"Um, what exactly is wrong with it?"
"It's not focusing and every time we take a picture, it doesn't save." Her words are whiny, a sense of urgency in her voice. He hums and looks back at the camera, turning it on and trying to see what she's talking about. He raises it up and focuses on a random doll on her nightstand. As she watches Matt get distracted by the camera, she takes the time to look him up and down.
She figures he just got out of the shower, seeing that his hair is wet and dripping onto his pink shirt. His sweatpants hang low on his waist, showing the band of his boxers.
He looks good.
“Are you going to accept the date.”
Her words make Matt fumble with the camera and drop it on the bed. She giggles and takes a step closer to him, her sweet perfume making its way through his nostrils and invading his senses.
“The date Matt, are you going to accept?”
He swallows harshly, wiping his sweaty palms on his sweatpants. “I-I don’t know.”
She frowns at his answer, she was expecting him to say yes. Matt notices the look on her face and begins to panic, “n-not that I don’t want to! You’re great! I-I’m just n-nervous…”
“About what?”
Y/n tilts her head to the side.
He’s nervous about her?
“Me? Why are you nervous about me?” She watches as he looks everywhere but at her, even going as far as taking a step back. She smiles and takes a step towards him, watching as he swallows harshly.
She delicately trails her hand over his tattooed arm, allowing her nails to gently scratch over the black ink. "Are you nervous right now?" She looks up at him, enjoying the anxious look on his face.
"Y-Y no..." He lies softly. The girl hums and cocks her head to the side, "You sure? You seem really nervous. Maybe I could help you with that." She gently pushes him down on the bed, immediately dropping to her knees. Matt quickly adjusts his glasses and looks down at her with wide eyes.
If it wasn't already, his heart was definitely pounding out of his chest. He feels his mouth run dry as she places her hands on his thighs, rubbing over his sweatpants slowly. She chuckles under her breath as she watches the tent rise in front of her, "Someone excited."
She slowly inches her hands toward the tent, pulling it away at the last minute. "You know, I really enjoyed your video Matt."
"Y-you did?" He curses as his voice cracks, the tension in the room making him shake slightly.
"Mhm, I loved the setup you had, I loved the way you pulled your sweats down and started to tease yourself slowly, building up your release. I loved the way you moaned and whimpered my name, begging your mommy, to let you cum. I didn't take you as a mommy kink person."
Matt is breathing harshly at this point, nothing but dirty thoughts that have his face turning red intruding his mind. He doesn't understand how Y/n manages to look so innocent when she's on her knees in front of him and talking about him masturbating.
" But you want to know what I really loved?"
He sucks in a sharp breath when she finally lays her hand on his tent, palming him gently.
"How big you were. You should have seen how wet I got when I saw it. I imagined how it felt in me, the way it would slip in so easily. The thoughts became so intense I ended up playing with myself." she admits without a care in the world. She was a sucker for dirty talk, the erotic words always going straight to her core as her brain managed to develop the images as if she was in a dark room with a Polaroid.
She could tell the titillating words were getting to him as well, him now sitting there nonverbal and only breathing raggedly.
"Can I see?" She asks in faux innocence, her hand still moving against his tent at an agonizingly slow pace.
He wants to say yes so bad, he would be an absolute fucking dumbass not to, but he's worried about Mika walking through the door and catching them. Y/n notices the way his eyes frantically switch between her and the door, finding it amusing that he's worried about being caught.
"Don't worry about Mika. Let me help you relax," her hands go toward the knot on his sweats, taking her time untying them before pulling them down gently.
He's wearing a pair of blue boxers that happen to sheer against his growing bulge, a dark spot sitting where his tip lays from precum. She lays her head on his thigh, beginning to palm over him once again before circling the nail of her index finger against the covered tip. Matt bites his lip in trepidation, his skin getting hot as she teases him.
He whimpers as she plants feather-like kisses on his tip through the cotton material, her tongue darting out and licking a fat strip over the tent not long after.
She's going to be the death of him, he's sure of it.
Before he knows it, her fingers are hooked into the waistband of his boxers and they are being pulled down, his cock swinging up and hitting him in his abdomen.
Just like the other night, Y/n can feel her mouth watering and an ache forming in between her legs.
It's even more appealing in person.
She wraps her hand around the base and moves closer, planting a small kiss on his tip. She looks up at Matt and maintains eye-contact as she gathers a bunch of spit in her mouth, soon opening the orifice and sticking her tongue out.
Matt flinches as the warm saliva drips onto his tip, his fingers twitching at the sensation of it running down the side of his aching cock.
She uses the spit as a natural lube and begins to move her hand up and down, making sure to work him slowly so he won't cum fast. She plans on dragging this out as long as she could.
Matt's eyes flutter shut, his teeth digging into his bottom lip harshly as he holds back a moan. This was a whole new experience for him, only having started masturbating a few months ago. He was used to his own hand, and setting his own pace, but this?
This was a feeling that he knew he would chase till the end of time.
Her hand feels completely different from his, the skin a bit softer as well as the touch. Her movements were fluid, yet staggered at the same time.
He wouldn't trade it for the world.
His eyes snap open feeling her lips suddenly engulf his tip. He lets a low groan escape his throat as her tongue swirls around the red mushroom top.
She hums, watching as the vibrations make him shiver. It's not long before she decides to take him fully in her mouth, hallowing out her cheeks. Matt lets out a choked gasp at the unfamiliar feeling.
"Oh fu-ck!" His hands have an iron grip on the pink duvet as she proceeds to bob her head up and down. He doesn't know what to focus on.
Does he focus on her mouth and hallowed out cheeks? Or does he focus on the way her tongue is gliding against the side of his dick?
He truly doesn't know considering his mind is all over the place, the only thing he can focus on being this newfound pleasure.
The lewd slurping sounds along with Matt's moans and whimpers bouncing off the walls drive Y/n even more. She keeps her eyes trained on Matt as she takes him all the way down her throat, watching him close his eyes and throw his head back. His moans go straight to her core, but she does nothing about it, her only goal as of right now is to give Matt the best head of his life.
And she's doing just that.
She speeds up her motion of bobbing, enjoying watching him crumble above her.
Matt feels like the soul is being sucked out of him, quite literally. His breathing speeds up and his knuckles remain a sickly white as his stomach begins to cave in on itself.
"Shit I'm close- Oh fuck please!" He begs, unintentionally bucking his hips further into her mouth.
She hums once again, making Matt damn near cry as the vibrations send him over the edge.
His head falls forward, his jaw dropping as his eyes close. Y/n keeps bobbing her head, moaning as she begins to taste the semi-salty liquid coating her taste buds.
Matt whimpers as she proceeds to suck him off, the overstimulation quickly becoming too much. His thighs begin to shake and he finally speaks, "s'too much!"
Y/n slowly stops bobbing her head and pulls away from him with a pop, a thin string of spit and cum attaching itself to his cock and her lips.
Matt swallows harshly and pants as he lifts his head, watching with hazy eyes as Y/n licks her lips.
"You look more relaxed now," she teases, a sly smile making its way on to her face as she manages to still look at him innocently.
Before either of them could say anything else, they hear the front door only a few feet away swing open.
"I'm back and I got Chinese food!"
Y/n quickly stands to her feet as Matt hastily grabs at his boxers and pants, the two trying to put themselves together quickly. Just as the two manage to look presentable, Mika walks into the room.
"Sorry it took me so long, they fucked up the original order and they had to remake it, but they let me keep the fucked up one so now we have double the food!" Y/n nods, trying to act completely normal.
"Matt why are you so red?" Mika asks looking at the boy who is in fact red in the face. "i-it's just hot..." He attempts to lie, hoping Mika will just drop it. Fortunately for him, the girl does in fact drop it, too hungry to care.
"Ok well lets eat. Matt you want to stay? We have more than enough food." Matt freezes at the offer.
He would like to stay, but he doesn't know if he physically could. He just got the blowjob of his life from the girl of his dreams, he doesn't know if he would be mentally able to sit and eat with her.
He would probably combust.
"yeah, Matt stay! " Y/n begs, that mischievous glint returning in her eyes.
"I-ok," he gives in easily, finding it hard to say no to the girl and her puppy dog eyes. She smiles and grabs his hand, leading him to the kitchen. They stop in front of her fridge and she swings the door open, bending over directly in front of him.
Matts eyes widen feeling her ass rub against him, "what do you want to drink?" She asks as if she's not teasing.
She's going to be the death of him.
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alright, i finally gave yall pt 3😭 this was supposed to only be three parts but i feel bad for posting without @guccifrog so when pookie comes back imma give yall a pt 4💀 i hope yall enjoy
𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 🍑: @mattslolita @thenickgirl @guccifrog @luverboychris @zayyluvz @mrsmiagreer @chrisssluttywaist @78yaz @hoesformatt @freshloveforthefit @3lizaluvs @mattsturniolosgirlfriend @jetaimevous @luxy-nyx @ts-is-my-spirt-animal @iihrtsturniol0 @idontexistman @katw4shereee @madisturn @starlace111 @zivall @adoreindie @imwetforyourmom @sturnsxplr-25 @sturncakez @theyluvme-2315 @moonk1ss3d
special tags: @lovetriplets @summerssover @m0r94n @certifiednatelover @mattsturniololoverr @luvulots @nena1256
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wingedjellyfishflight · 4 months
Staying In
König has only been there a few weeks when he overhears Ghost and Soap discussing plans after work.
"Mind if I tag along? I'd love a drink at a local place." König asks innocently enough, feeling like he has built up a bit of a friendship with them.
They shift nervously before Soap blurts out, "Sorry mate. You're a bit intimidating. We are going to pick up girls tonight, so you can't go." König is hurt by their honesty, but it isn't the first time he's been told he's too big for something.
"Oh, right. Yeah, I just want a drink, anyway. I'm fine sitting it out. No worries." He stiffens his posture to hide his embarassment and walks into the nearby rec room. He stops in his tracks when he sees you draped across the couch, settling in to watch a movie. He debates leaving, but you pat the couch, not even glancing at him. When he walks over, you lift your legs to give him room.
"Wanna stay in and watch the telly, König? I've got a bootleg of that new action film that comes out next week. Not even in theaters, yet." You turn your head to smile up at him. "Got popcorn and spiked lemonade, too. Just don't tell anyone. They don't think I drink since I won't go out to the bar."
"Uhh, yeah. That sounds way better than the bar." He sits carefully next to you, trying to scrunch up at the end of the couch. You set your legs across his lap and hit play.
"Relax, I don't bite unless you ask for it." You shoot him a wink as he coughs in surprise before turning to watch the movie. Slowly, he relaxes into the couch, snacking alongside you and enjoying the movie despite some of the weird cuts in it. When it ends, he happily chats with you about all the things they did wrong and the few things they got right. It's nearly midnight when Soap and Ghost stumble in, having struck out like usual.
"What's this, then? Gettin all cozy with yer teammate?" Ghost sneers at both of you. At least, you think he does under his mask. You just shrug.
"We work together. We're supposed to be cozy, idiot. Strike out at the bar again, then?" He shrugs off the question, unwilling to admit anything.
"Ah, well. Good night, guys. I'm gonna go crash. It was nice talking with you, König. I never get to watch movies with the team anymore." He acknowledges you with a wave, leaving to his own quarters at the same time.
The next weekend is the same and the next and the next. König doesn't even bother asking to go out again, realizing how much more fun it is to relax with you. By the third movie, he sits and rubs your feet. The fourth was full of jump scares and had you pressed into his side. You don't remember the fifth because you spent the entire time laying on his chest, kissing him. The sixth movie was an official date, and you let him take you back to his quarters. Stumbling out with a satisfied grin the next morning, you ignore the stunned looks on Soap and Ghost.
As König watches you walk away, he decides that being too intimidating to go out to bars was the best thing that ever happened to him.
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gyusimp · 4 months
I’d like to request Gyutaro and fem reader having a disagreement so they play a game doing the 69 position and whoever cums first wins
°•Competing with Gyutaro (Nsfw)•°
Thanks for this request, hope u like it, it's a little short but it unblocked me and I had a lot of fun!
⚠️WARNINGS: NSFW| Smut | 69 | Minors PLS DNI!! | Modern AU
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Today was Sunday afternoon, outside the sky was covered in clouds and it seemed like it could rain at any moment, you and your boyfriend were alone in your apartment so since both of you felt brave enough to cook dinner or something so you simply decided to suggest watching a movie or a series together, to which Gyutaro gladly agreed. You two went to your room and got on the bed to turn on the television and enter one of the series platforms.
Gyutaro took the remote control and, together with you, navigated through the entire repertoire of series and movies. It was quite an extensive catalogue, from comedy and horror to romance, action and documentaries. A few days ago you saw a summary of a romantic comedy on social media so you suggested that movie to watch together while Gyutaro suggested an action trilogy, bloody and exciting. You didn't dislike these types of movies, but you didn't feel like watching them at this exact moment, your eye was on that romantic comedy and you wanted to give it a chance.
"I'm not gonna watch that thing, I'll end up asleep within the first 15 minutes." Gyutaro told you, with reluctance in his voice.
"Well, I don't want to hear gunshots every 5 seconds and see guys running on roofs either, not now at least."
The two of you continued debating on which movie to watch, it was taking you longer to look for one than it did to watch a movie, it would even be close to dusk. Neither of you two got a second choice to propose, so the only two candidates were the films you had chosen from the beginning.
"Well, we have no choice..." You said, placing one of your hands behind your back, looking at your boyfriend squarely. "Rock, paper..."
"Wait a second." Gyutaro said, to which you listened to what he had to say. "What if we better play another game to decide?" His smile was unpredictable, bold and malicious.
"Sure, that's what I was about to do."
"No, not that kid shit. How about we do this: let's do a quicky 69, and whoever cums first will be the winner."
His idea surprised you, you were not horny at the moment and Gyutaro was usually very easy to get aroused so both things were a disadvantage for you at the moment, you thought about the game for a few minutes while planning how to obtain a sure victory so you ended up accessing.
"Ok, I accept!"
Gyutaro began to take off his clothes just like you, you undressed easier since you were only wearing a bra, panties and a long, loose t-shirt, you got rid of all your clothes until you were completely naked just like him. Gyutaro laid down on your bed and then patted his lap for you to climb on top of him.
"Make yourself comfortable, honey." He invited you, his voice deep and provocative.
You straddled Gyutaro, placing one leg on either side of him but with your back to him, you positioned yourself so that his wet cock was in front of your face, your breasts were crushed on his abdomen and you could sit almost on his face. Gyutaro's view was perfect, he could admire on his face your thighs hugging his sides, your butt on his chest and your small pussy half open in front of him, making him spank you on impulse, making you moan. The idea of this game was to make your opponent feel the slightest pleasure to prevent him from cum but still make a little effort since it was against the rules to stay completely still.
"Ok, go ahead doll. Start sucking" Gyutaro said.
Chills passed through your entire spine when after hearing him speak, you felt a wet and hot sensation on your slit making you moan, it was Gyutaro's tongue running through your folds, sliding between your lips. You couldn't stand by and do nothing or Gyutaro would automatically win, so you turned your gaze forward and found his cock in front of you. You took it between your fingers and began tracing small lines with your tongue over his slit at the tip, causing Gyutaro to move his hips as he sucked on your pussy and thighs. You had to do whatever it took on their own to cum as soon as possible, so you settled yourself better on top of Gyutaro and spread your legs wider, opening your cunt better so that Gyutaro's tongue had better access. You began to move your hips on top of him, slow, circular movements to make your clit slide out of your folds and rub against Gyutaro's mouth as you slid your hand down his length again and again. You could feel your core wet and throbbing just like Gyutaro's cock in your hand. You decided it was time to take him out of your mouth and instead began sucking on his balls and leaving wet kisses along his length and both thighs. Gyutaro's moans told you that you were doing an excellent job, even if he didn't tell you in words. You continued to move your hips on top of him, wanting your orgasm badly but you didn't feel wet enough yet. You saw Gyutaro's tip in your hand, dripping with precum so your instinct led you to immediately lick it before he noticed, you looked at his face again but he was drunk enough with lust between your legs to notice that his liquid was appearing. Gyutaro took his tongue out of your hole and decided to thrust one of his fingers in, making you arch your back along with a loud moan.
Wet sounds could be heard every time he arched his finger inside you, stretching you and you sucking on it to clench around him. You wanted to keep your moans hidden as much as possible so as not to let him see how good he was making you feel and suddenly stop so you took his length in your hands again and took it almost completely into your mouth to start sucking him while you accelerated the movement in your hips. You felt on your lips how Gyutaro contracted and his moans became louder which meant that he could cum at any moment so your hips went faster and faster making his finger start to get wetter inside you. You felt a couple of gags in your throat and your mouth became wet, drooling down the sides tasting Gyutaro's precum giving you the idea that he would be the winner until due to your rough movements on his face and your clit rubbing against him, you had to take it out of your mouth to scream with pleasure and feel how all the discharge of your orgasm came out of your body and seconds later that of Gyutaro. Gyutaro approached you and took care of separating your lips with his fingers and eating you whole until the last drop, leaving you with a slippery, wet and hot sensation between your pussy and your legs, sliding down to your butt. Now you were the winner.
"Well...we'll see what I want, okay?" You said, feeling victorious.
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helloalycia · 5 months
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summary: when you stumble across Jackie after she's just broken up with her boyfriend, you feel a moral obligation to make sure she's okay. Naturally, that turns into something more.
warning/s: none.
author's note: it physically pained me to write soccer instead of football for this lol, a few 'football's might have slipped in out of habit. But yeah, hope you like this! it's a three parter and jackie taylor deserved better oops
also y/bf/n = your best friend's name
two / three / masterlist / wattpad
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My fingers fumbled for the catch at the back of my camera, opening it up and revealing the freshly wound up film. As I grabbed it, I barely had chance to think about my next move before the door behind me slammed into my back, knocking me forward and making the roll fly in the air momentarily.
"No!" I yelped, reaching out to catch it before it could hit the concrete stairs and roll away into oblivion.
"Shit, sorry," someone said with realisation as I caught the roll and sighed with relief.
Gripping the roll tighter than ever, I closed the camera and let it hang from my neck as I turned to see who it was. "It's fine, maybe I should stand somewhere other than the entrance to unload my– shit, are you okay?"
My brows furrowed with concern at the sight of Jackie Taylor, the captain of the girl's soccer team. Her presence wasn't what concerned me, but rather the obvious tears on her face that she awkwardly tried to wipe away when our eyes briefly met.
"Yeah, I'm–" she started, but was interrupted by her own sniffling, and she completely turned away in an attempt to collect herself.
This was the opposite of the Jackie Taylor I'd come to know over the years. Having witnessed her rise into captain as I photographed the team's success – the Yellowjackets – for the school paper had given me enough time with her to know she was usually a happy, confident girl. I'd never seen her cry like this before, especially not at school.
"What happened?" I asked gently.
She shook her head, forcing a smile. "Nothing, I just– I broke up with Jeff."
I wasn't sure what to say at first, familiar with her boyfriend but knowing they were known for having their breaks here and there. Still, this looked worse than usual.
"I'm sorry to hear that," I finally spoke, chewing on my lip. "Is there anything I can do?"
She shook her head, straightening up suddenly. "No. But do you know when the next bus arrives? I was supposed to get a ride home with him, but–"
"No, er, I don't really get–" I started, but amended, "I mean, I can check, but–"
"Forget it," she said with a sigh. "I'll figure it out. Thanks."
Without another word, she walked past me and down the steps. I watched her, debating whether or not to offer her a ride since I knew for certain I'd never seen her catch a bus in my life, and it was well after school hours so they might not even be running now. There was also the fact that she was clearly upset, and my conscious wouldn't rest easy knowing I'd left her alone.
"Jackie, wait," I called out to her, pocketing my film canister and jogging to catch up to her. She stopped, turning around, and I pulled out my car keys. "I can give you a ride."
A little surprised, her hazel eyes widened slightly. "Oh. Are you sure?"
I nodded. "Yeah. C'mon."
She silently followed me to my car, getting into the passenger's seat as I did the driver's. It was never awkward between us before, but our exchanges were always limited to greetings, soccer talk or photo ops. Now however, there was a slight tension in the air, mainly because of her situation. She didn't speak except for when she told me where she lived, and after that, I didn't speak up either, not wanting to pressure her into sharing if she didn't want to.
"Thank you," she muttered halfway through the drive, and I glanced over at her to see her watching me apologetically. "Is your camera thingy okay? Whatever I knocked?"
"The film, yeah," I assured her. "No worries. It was just the roll from the baseball game yesterday. So pretty low value considering they always lose."
It was a poor attempt to make her laugh, since it was universally known that the school baseball team were below average, especially compared to the Yellowjackets, but it seemed to work as she let out a quiet chuckle. I smiled, glad she was cheered up a little.
"Well, sorry anyway," she added politely.
I shrugged. "No harm done."
Another silence fell upon us the remainder of the drive to hers, but it wasn't awkward any longer. Once I pulled up outside her house, I tried not to let my amazement at how huge her place was show. I'd always known she was rich, but this was another level.
"Thanks for the ride," she spoke, pulling me from my stupor.
I met her gaze, expression softening slightly. "You gonna be okay?"
She nodded, and I had no choice but to believe her.
"Okay then. Well, see you tomorrow, Jackie."
She smiled a little before getting out the car and heading inside. Despite her feigned confidence, it was obvious she wasn't happy, and I only hoped she would feel better tomorrow. Whatever had happened between her and Jeff hadn't been like the usual, not judging by the state of her.
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The next day after school was when I had chance to properly check on Jackie. I was at the Yellowjackets' practice, shooting for the yearbook, and she was there too.
"You gonna make us look good, right, Y/L/N?" Nat, one of the players, asked when she saw me heading on the field.
"Always," I returned with a smile, and she grinned as she jogged away to get started.
My eyes scanned the field before I spotted Jackie by the goal, using the post to stretch. I subtly approached her, not wanting to draw too much attention in case she hadn't told anyone about the breakup.
"Hey, Jackie," I greeted her, making her pause from her stretching. "How are you doing? Y'know, about the yesterday thing?"
She smiled gratefully, nodding. "I'm good, Y/N, thanks."
I wasn't sure if she was telling the truth, but I also didn't expect her to confide in me, so I simply nodded.
"Good, well... if you ever wanna talk about it, I'm here."
"Thanks," she said quietly, smile fading a little. "I appreciate it."
I gave her a genuine smile. "Anytime."
And with that, I left her to it, feeling a lot better knowing I'd at least offered up my help.
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The Yellowjackets' soccer game was after school at the end of that same week, and I was paying them a visit beforehand to wish them luck and also gift them some candid portraits they'd asked for a few weeks ago.
When I let myself in their locker room, they were pretty much dressed in their uniforms, some helping each other out with braiding their hair back or engaging in some pre-game superstitions. It always made me smile because they never failed to hype themselves up and it showed.
"Heeeeeyyyyy! Y/N's here with our close ups!" someone shouted, and everybody cheered as I rolled my eyes playfully.
First on the pile of photos in my hand was Van, who I found searching in her locker whilst singing along to a song that was blasting from the stereo in the corner.
"There's my favourite goalie," I greeted, and she laughed as I handed her the photograph in a plastic wallet. "For you. The one you liked in the paper, right?"
She straightened up when she saw it, smile brightening on her face. "Oh, hell yeah, this is so badass! Thanks, Y/N!"
"No worries," I said dismissively, before moving around the room to hand out the rest of the photos.
Everybody seemed pleased with what they got, which was always reassuring to hear since it was supposed to be my best skill.
"Last but not least, Jackie," I said, finding the team captain by her locker, fixing her hair in the mirror that hung inside.
She flashed me a smile as I handed her the photograph. In it, she was mid-kicking a ball into the net, scoring a goal for the team.
"Y/N, I love it," she said with gratitude, eyes taking the whole image in before looking up to me. "Thank you."
I held out another photograph, earning a confused look from her. "It's a little bonus photo. Thought it might cheer you up after everything."
She raised her eyebrows slightly, before accepting the photo and studying it. This one was a photo I'd taken at the Yellowjackets' last game, moments after they'd won. Jackie was cheering with her teammates and I'd managed to take the perfect picture of her as she was surrounded by them, a grin on her face, eyes bursting with excitement. It was probably my favourite of the two.
"You didn't need to..." she started, but stopped herself. And then she surprised me with a hug, wrapping her one free hand around my neck. "I really appreciate it."
Before I could even think to hug her back, she pulled away to give me a heartwarming smile.
"Anytime," I told her, acutely aware of the mild butterflies in my stomach from her gaze, but that was merely because I wasn't stupid and Jackie Taylor was very pretty. "If you're ever thinking about you-know-what, just remember. At the end of the day, he's just some guy."
Her smile widened and then she let out a laugh. "Very true. I won't forget."
I smiled, nodding and taking a step back. "I'll leave you to finish getting ready. Good luck tonight. Not that you'll need it."
"Be sure to get my best side," she joked, turning her head to the left.
I laughed. "Jackie Taylor doesn't have a bad side."
She winked playfully, and I left her to it as I headed out to the field to get ready to photograph tonight's game.
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As expected, the Yellowjackets won and I got a lot of good shots in of their winning goals. Even though a lot of the photos were similar to others I'd taken, I didn't mind it as it challenged me to try out different things with my camera, like messing with the shutter speed or even using a double exposure to create cool effects.
After snapping some final shots of the team celebrating on the pitch, I moved out the way of the friends and family who were there with them and focused on changing the roll of film in my camera. Just after rewinding the current roll and opening the back of my camera, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder unexpectedly. Startled yet again, my hands twitched and the roll flew up and out the camera. I managed to catch it before it could fall into the grass, and turned around to find Jackie failing to stifle her laughter.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, I didn't mean to scare you again," she said apologetically.
"Oh, it's fine," I said sarcastically, stuffing the roll into the canister in my pocket. "It's only the winning goals on film."
She sighed through her nose, her lips pursed into an amused smile. "Sorry. I came because the girls wanted a team photo."
I gave her a knowing look. "On it."
After gathering the team together and replacing my film, I took a few photos of them with their medals and trophy before my job was officially done for the afternoon.
"They come out good?" Jackie asked afterwards, as I put my camera away.
"I'd like to think so," I said sarcastically, making her roll her eyes lightheartedly.
"So, the party tonight," she started, piquing my interest. "You're coming, right?"
I quirked a brow. "Huh?"
"It's at the usual spot," she added.
I pursed my lips, unsure how to tell her that though I knew what she was talking about and I'd always been invited, the post-soccer game party wasn't my thing.
"You don't usually come, do you?" she caught on, crossing her arms with amusement.
"It's not really my scene," I admitted.
"Well, d'you wanna perhaps make a change tonight?" she asked, pleading with her eyes. "I'd love to see you there."
I wasn't sure why she suddenly wanted me there – maybe because I'd been extra nice to her recently and she felt she owed me? And I also wasn't sure if she knew the effect she had on people when she gave them her whole 'innocent doe-eyed' look, but maybe she did since it seemed to work.
"Fine," I gave in reluctantly, making her grin. I nodded to my best friend, Y/BF/N, who was sat in the stands as she made notes on tonight's game – she was a journalist for the paper. "Can I bring Y/BF/N?"
"Duh," she said like it was a dumb question. "You're both always welcome."
I nodded. "Okay, I guess I'll see you tonight."
She tilted her head, eyes sparkling with her usual Jackie mischief. "See you tonight."
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"I'm so glad Jackie convinced you," Y/BF/N was saying with excitement as I drove us to the deserted clearing where the party was being held. "I've always wanted to go to one of these things, but you always say no."
"I've literally never stopped you," I said, giving her a sideways glance.
"I couldn't just go without you," she said, in a somewhat sweet way which made me feel guilty for never going to one of these things with her.
"Well, feel free to go crazy tonight," I said with a slight smile. "I'm driving."
"Oh, you bet I will," she said eagerly, making me laugh.
When we got there, the party was in full swing. A bonfire was set up in the middle, with a lot of people from our grade hanging about. Some were dancing, drinking and chatting away, celebrating the Yellowjackets' win. As Y/BF/N and I passed a few of our classmates to reach Jackie and the team, I was reminded why parties weren't my scene, but sucked it up for Y/BF/N.
"And there she is!" Nat shouted, spotting me first and pulling me in for a side hug. "When Jackie told us you were coming, I could swear she was bullshitting."
"It's good to see you too, Nat," I laughed.
"And Y/BF/N is out tonight too," Lottie noticed with a smile. "It's nice to have you both here."
"Anything to support the team," Y/BF/N played along, making everyone laugh. "Now, what's a girl gotta do to get a drink around here?"
As Nat tugged her away to find her a drink, Jackie approached my side and nudged me gently.
"I'm glad you made it," she said, eyes doing a once over of me which admittedly made me nervous. "You look pretty. And it's the first time I've seen you without a camera, who knew it was possible?"
I rolled my eyes, though a smile ghosted my lips. Judging from her stifled grin, she was impressed at her own joke.
"You want a drink?" she offered, already about to leave and grab me one, but I shook my head politely.
"Thanks, but I'm designated driver tonight."
"Me and you both," Shauna said, raising her cup of water.
I cracked a smile as Jackie looked back to me hopefully.
"Okay, well how about a dance?"
I tried to hide my surprise, unsure if I could handle dancing with the Jackie Taylor without freaking out. No, I wasn't insanely head over heels for the girl, but yes, I had eyes and knew I'd get nervous dancing with a flirt like her.
"Maybe when a good song comes on," I settled on the safe response.
She studied me curiously. "Hmm. And what's a good song?"
I listened to the music that was on now, definitely not my style, and truthfully answered, "Definitely not this. Maybe some [your favourite artist]?"
She sighed defeatedly. "Your lucky day. I don't think anybody brought that tape."
I shrugged playfully. "Shame."
It was her turn to roll her eyes, feigning annoyance, but she got me a cup of water nonetheless and I stayed to chat with her, Shauna and a few others in her team. Y/BF/N returned with Nat not long later, and conversation soon changed from the soccer game to the paper. I didn't mind, enjoying talking to them about it all, as did Y/BF/N, but then a few of them were after some more fun 'party' stuff, and headed over to get a little more drunk.
Shauna and I, designated drivers as we'd established, stuck together for most of the evening. She watched as Jackie danced the night away with the others, and I watched as Y/BF/N had the time of her life, flirting with some of the jocks. By the time an hour and a half passed and my social battery had completely drained, Y/BF/N was pretty drunk and I knew we had to leave.
I said my goodbyes to Shauna before finding Jackie to the do the same. She wasn't as drunk as Y/BF/N, but definitely tipsy. As soon as she spun around, a massive grin fell on her lips and she hugged me.
"Okay," I said with surprise, receiving a lot more hugs from Jackie Taylor this past week than I had in my life. "I've gotta get Y/BF/N home now, Jackie. Just wanted to say goodnight."
"Thank you for coming," she said, pulling back with a drunken smile, but alert eyes. "And for the photos you gave me. And in general, for being a really great friend."
Yep, definitely bordering drunk.
"Thanks for inviting me tonight," I said, patting her arm before letting go. "I... liked it."
Okay, maybe not, but she was trying to be nice and I had to return the favour.
Jackie Taylor wasn't stupid though, even in this state, and a quiet chuckle from her told me all I need to know. "You owe me a dance."
"One day, maybe," I breathed out, glancing at her.
She smirked. "I'll take it."
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Jackie had always been friendly with me around school, but since that week, it was as if she made more of an effort to be. Whether it was saying hi to me in the hallways, smiling at me between classes or chatting to me more whenever I was taking photos, she was more involved in my life. I didn't hate it of course, but it was something new.
One weekend, I was running some errands around town when I decided to finish up at one of my favourite coffee shops and treat myself. Armed with my purse and current read, I headed in and ordered myself a mocha with the intention of settling in the corner of the store and having some 'me' time. Of course, when I collected my drink from the counter, a familiar voice called my name and I spun around with furrowed brows.
To my surprise, it was Jackie waving at me from her table by the window, seated opposite Shauna. It felt a little rude to ignore her, so I headed over and smiled at them both.
"Fancy seeing you here," Jackie said with a grin, before motioning next to Shauna. "Join us?"
I glanced at Shauna, who had a welcoming smile on her face, so I replied, "Oh, er, thanks. Good to see you guys!"
As I took my seat, I left my bag next to me, expecting my reading time to become nonexistent now that I'd joined the two soccer players.
"We're not bothering you, are we?" Shauna asked considerately, making me smile with amusement because she was so different to an oblivious Jackie.
"Nah, you're good," I assured her, before looking between them. "What are you two up to then?"
"Oh, just having a girls day," Jackie answered, leaning back in her seat and flashing me her signature smile. "How about you?"
"Just running some errands," I said with a shrug. "Picking up some more film, getting some stuff for my mum, not much."
"So, I take it you finished the English assignment due tomorrow?" Shauna asked.
"Oh, yeah, got that done weeks ago," I said like it was a silly question, and then I saw the look Shauna shot Jackie and realised. "Wait, you haven't finished it?"
Jackie scoffed playfully. "Oh, come on, of course I have!" When Shauna kept staring at her, she continued, "I just need to write the conclusion."
"And the introduction," Shauna mumbled.
"Okay, yes, fine," Jackie gave in. "But it'll be done!"
I quirked a brow at her. "You not even worried? Mr. C isn't known for his leniency."
"Oh, Mr. C does not scare me," she said with assuredness. "Besides, I reckon I can talk him into giving me a two day extension."
I exhaled, trying not to laugh. "Of course you can."
I was convinced that there wasn't something Jackie Taylor couldn't do, and judging by the satisfied smile on her lips, I think she knew it too.
The three of us stayed there as I finished my coffee, and continued to sit there chatting about all sorts. I'd never really hung out with them properly outside of school, so I was oddly surprised with how well we got along.
Eventually, Shauna checked her watch and was sorry to interrupt our fruitless conversation about the rumours regarding our Chemistry teacher and IT teacher hooking up.
"I'm sorry, guys, but I gotta shoot off," she said with a slight frown.
"Oh, no worries," I said, straightening up, ready to leave the booth so she could leave.
"Aw no, really, Shauna?" Jackie said with a pout. "It's not even been an hour!"
"Hey, I'm not stopping you from staying, but you'll have to catch the bus home," Shauna replied with a chuckle, making Jackie scrunch her nose with disgust.
As I got up, letting Shauna stand, I realised what the problem was and looked to Jackie. "I don't mind giving you a ride."
And just like that, her smile returned. "Really?"
I shrugged. "No biggie."
"Awesome, thanks, Y/N," Shauna said gratefully, squeezing my shoulder. "Can't have Princess Jackie stranded without a carriage."
I laughed as Jackie rolled her eyes at the insult, and Shauna tried to hide her smile as she said her goodbyes.
"It's not that funny," Jackie stated, when she saw the smile still on my lips.
"It kind of is," I said with a breathy chuckle.
She crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at me lightheartedly. Now that we were alone, I figured now was a better time than any to properly check in on her.
"So, how have you been doing?" I asked carefully. "Since the whole you-know-what?"
Unlike the last time I asked her a few weeks ago, she actually seemed to be doing a lot better, no hint of sadness in her eyes. "Pretty good. Think I might be over it now. You know how boys can be."
I hummed, awkward smile forming on my lips as I suddenly distracted myself with whatever was going on outside the window. I failed to remember how observant Jackie was though.
"Wait, have you never had a boyfriend?" she asked with surprise, leaning forward slightly.
I settled with shaking my head, and she tried to make me feel better by shrugging and sipping her milkshake from the straw.
"You're not missing out on much," she assured me.
I couldn't help but snicker, shaking my head, though grateful for her attempt at putting me at ease. "That's what people who've had boyfriends usually say."
She smiled, cheeks dusting pink when I caught her out, and now it was my turn to assure her.
"It's fine," I said nonchalantly. "Boys are gross anyway."
She snorted with amusement. "Amen. It would just be easier to date girls, wouldn't it?"
I was surprised she'd said that, staying quiet for a second too long, and her eyes widened with realisation.
Suddenly embarrassed, she stuttered, "Oh, you like– I mean, you're– you're a–"
"Lesbian?" I finished with an entertained smile. She nodded awkwardly, and I confirmed, "Yeah, but I don't exactly go around shouting it out. People don't tend to react well when they find out."
She exhaled softly, eyes flittering around the table nervously. "Oh. Well, I won't tell anyone if that's what you're worried about."
I shrugged, soaking in a flustered Jackie for a little longer, holding in my laughter. Truthfully, it was very amusing watching her figure out the best reaction because I knew she was harmless. It would have been easy to embarrass her a little more for fun, but she was clearly going through it with her deep pink cheeks, now matching the colour of her lips.
After a moment of collecting herself, her hazel eyes met mine in an attempt to return to normal. "So, are there any girls you're interested in?"
It was impossible not to laugh now as I gave her a questioning look. "Really, Jackie?"
She nodded quickly, eyes returning to the table. "Right. Sorry."
I giggled at her expression before changing the subject, knowing it would definitely make her feel better. Despite my confidence in my sexuality, a small part of me hoped she wouldn't treat me any different after finding out, and thankfully, she didn't. We still chatted like usual, enjoying each other's company, until she finished her milkshake and it was time to head off.
It might have been the sugar from her milkshake, or just her plain inability to sit still, but when I was driving home, she wouldn't stop messing around with the radio stations, trying to find a good song.
"Oh my god, you're driving me insane," I finally said, making her stop.
"Not my fault the radio is garbage," she said in a knowing tone.
I rolled my eyes playfully before nodding to the centre console. "I have some cassettes. Find something you like and please stop breaking my radio."
She smiled cheekily before doing just that, flicking through the tapes I had. Finally, she decided on some Mariah Carey and managed to keep quiet the rest of the way. Occasionally she'd hum along, but I much preferred that over her touching the radio a million times.
When we reached her house, I pulled up outside and offered her a smile. "Was cool hanging out with you and Shauna today."
"It was," she agreed, before grabbing her purse and resting her hand on the door handle. "We should do it again sometime."
I shrugged, not minding, and her smile widened before she got out.
Leaning her head down to look at me through the open window, she added, "Thanks for the ride. Again."
I cleared my throat, a smile ghosting my lips as I said, "In the wise words of Shauna Shipman, we can't have Princess Jackie stranded without a–"
"Ass," she mumbled, leaving before I could finish, but a smile crossed her expression as I laughed to myself.
I suppose hanging out with Jackie Taylor wasn't so bad.
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poomphuripan · 5 days
what do you think of the comments on mdl of my stand in calling ming a cheater?
hi nonnie []~( ̄▽ ̄)~* that's actually something i've been thinking to write about because i saw those remarks as well but it is such a controversial thing to discuss. if you don't mind, this discussion post will be filled with mild spoilers of the novel.
!!!!!! novel spoilers warning !!!!!!
alright so first of all, @ineffable-opinions wrote an excellent post about the danmei tropes in my stand-in (which i highly recommend everyone to read). this is a great post as they discussed the white moonlight trope presented in my stand-in.
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i don't consider ming, a cheater because as i see it, tong was simply ming's white moonlight. ming never established a physical nor emotional connection with tong, throughout his time knowing joe. tong was always an idealised fantasy, he's mistaken it for it to be love. in other words, i see it as ming looking up tong like a delulu fanboy with an idol crush than him actually having any substantive feelings for tong ever. i mean if you had a partner that looked like a kpop idol, and sex with your partner makes you feel like you're achieving your sexual fantasy, are you cheating on your partner? maybe? maybe not? probably controversial and debatable question but for me, i don't consider it 'cheating'. i do think ming took for granted joe's genuine feelings and did not fully appreciate joe's affection (ming you ungrateful bish, repent).
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during their time together playing pseudo 'not boyfriends', ming showed that he could be an okay partner. whether it's caring about joe's day at work, how hard joe's job as a stuntman, accepting joe's invitation to accompany him to his wrapped filming party.
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i mean it's really bare minimum but that's already quite a lot coming from the dude who's afraid as hell once joe started mentioning the 'faen' word, triggering his self-defense mechanism, depreciating himself trying to claim that joe wouldn't be able to stand him.
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i think one of the most obvious example of how afraid ming was to lose this relationship, was him using the word 'faen' in the last breakup fight with joe. this line was very ironic of him to say, because i'm sure even ming knows this line applies more to himself (how in this life, ming won't be able to find a better boyfriend than joe).
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i absolutely love ming's emotion progression in ep 4 because it encapsulates perfectly his 21 year old spoiled brat attitude. he was confused when broken up over the phone, then mad and started throwing tantrum trying to get joe to coax him (like joe always does), until he realized it wouldn't work this time and he started frantically begging for joe to stay so they could go back to playing house and being happy.
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personally, i don't consider it cheating because by around ep3/4, you can already started seeing ming settling down with the option that makes him "happy". some may even argued that by this point, he has 'recognized' his feelings (not me though, i think he just wanted his simple happiness/domestic bliss back, i still think it's during the period he lost joe 1.0 that he learned what love truly is).
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now the most important question of all: is ming cheating on joe 1.0 with joe 2.0 or vice versa?
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to quote chapter 63 of Professional Body Double (My Stand-In novel), i think the author puts it best how ming views joe 2.0.
He has fallen to the point of looking for the shadow of that person in a substitute. This is his punishment. When he thought that he was using [Joe] as [Tong]’s substitute, he was not aware of the actual person who had entered his heart. He had failed miserably with this method but still could not help himself from wanting to try. There are no other reasons. Just that he was in too much pain. He can’t endure anymore. He was adamant that [Joe] is not dead but no one could confirm it. That little doubtful voice in his heart is getting louder and louder, but is roughly suppressed by him time and time again. To continually be persistent with this thought, he needed a lot of willpower. He knew better than anyone else. Even if this [Joe] could bring him a little comfort, he wanted to be close to him, just like a long frozen person wanting to be close to a matchstick. This can’t save him… but he couldn’t stop himself from taking that little warmth.
i LOVE this metaphor and this little inner thought of ming we got because we can see how he's very much aware that he's falling right back into the bad habit that got him into trouble in the first place but... he's a fucking fool... who resorts to spiritual shamans for hope...
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but also the familiarity he got from joe 2.0 is way too strong to joe 1.0. so for me, i'm seeing it as ming is using joe 2.0 as a means for comfort and relief as well as keeping him close to observe the similarities between him and joe 1.0, rather than viewing joe 2.0 as a replacement for joe 1.0 (because keep in mind, at this point he doesn't know they're the same person yet).
so !!!!!!!!! BIG WARNING of spoilers from the novel !!!!!!!!! if joe had considered joe 2.0 to be a direct replacement of joe 1.0, i don't think he would have had this conversation with joe 2.0 about joe 1.0.
Ming spoke right at this time. His voice sounded very faint and very soft, “Joe, are you hiding something from me?” Joe didn’t know what Ming meant by this. He asked cautiously, “I don’t understand what Khun Ming means.” Ming, “The feelings you give me is too familiar. It’s as if I’ve known you and have lived with you before. Why is this?” Joe forced himself to responded, “Maybe this is fate.” If it wasn’t because they are fated, they would not be in the predicament of today…with a relationship that is so unclear in both past and current lifetimes. “Joe. Tell me….If a person had been missing for more than two years, do you think he may still be alive?” Joe’s tensed up and smiled, “Most likely impossible. If still alive, he would have come back already.” “Why can’t he be alive? It could be that he didn’t come back because he doesn’t want to come back.” Joe is silent for a moment, “Khun Ming, are you talking about the other Joe?” Joe clearly felt Ming’s body stiffened. Then Ming asked, “How much do you know about him?” “I don’t know anything at all. I just heard from what others have said.” Ming quietly asked, “Then do you know what relationship I have with him?” Joe’s heart tightened, What relationship? You say, what relationship? He clenched his teeth in the dark, “I don’t know.” Ming’s voice is like the rising of the quiet abyss, cold and empty, “I feel that he’s not dead. He just doesn’t want to come back.” Joe heard his own voice dissociated from his thoughts and automatically asked, “Why won’t he want to come back?” Ming didn’t respond to his question, instead he tightened his arms around Joe.
i like that in the 2.0 timeline, we got ming learning but also not learning his dumbass mistakes at all. ming learned that he should be upfront about his feelings and be straightforward with his sexual partner, but at the same time he's still impatient, hot tempered and say hurtful things easily.
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so i think through and through the second half of the series, you'll see his fidelity to joe (the soul) only. while perhaps it was the shadow of a back that mesmerized ming in the first place, but it's the kindhearted soul of joe that ming truly fell in love with, the person that showed him what love means, the only period in his life where he felt happiness.
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© gif courtesy of the talented @alienwlw
you can also check out @befuddledcinnamonroll and @ineffable-opinions discussion on matters of transmigration, attachment of the soul with the body in their excellent posts, here and here. to sum it up, i think up kinda succintly puts it here in this interview.
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of course, this is not to excuse dating/fucking anyone who resembles your missing ex but then treating them like they're your object ;_; like i'm just saying i don't think what ming is doing with joe 2.0 can be categorized as cheating (for me). it's something scummy, foolish, dumb, really stupid but... not cheating ┗( T﹏T )┛.
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also if you notice, ming doesn't sleep around. surely he could have slept with dozen of nice looking man with similar physique to joe 1.0 to "keep the warmth" if he was that type of dude... but he doesn't... so for me, i see this proposal he has for joe 2.0 is not simply because of a physical attraction/similarity to joe, but it's the vibe/the aura/the ✨energy✨ that joe 2.0 radiates that is too similar to joe 1.0, drawing ming to him again.
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tldr: ming is a lot of things but for me, i would never characterize him as a cheater. ming is a scummy, spoiled, arrogant, entitled, hot tempered hi-so brat but also a foolish little crying bag with zero wife-chasing skills. his only tactic is begging and getting his waterworks flowing.
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ps: i'm not sure if this ask actually answers your question at all but hopefully some of my thoughts made sense ಥ_ಥ
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judysxnd · 9 months
Hi it's me again
I have an idea for pedro×reader
The reader is an actress and she is going on tour for her new movie so the videos came out of the two of them joking around and her Co star putting his hands on her waist so pedro gets jealous and call her or maybe show up to her hotel
I debated a long time to find a co-star. I didn't want someone too young, but not too close to Pedro, I wasn't happy. So I ended up putting Y/c/n (your co-star's name) Y/c/l/n (your co-star's last name).
I wrote this a long time ago, and I re read it before publishing it. I saw I rushed the end a lot, so I had to write more. I don’t really think I did more but it really felt rush. ANYWAY. Enjoy.
PS: I do not forget about the requests, I already said before that I was taking my time writing them, and that I would write them by the inspirations and ideas, not by date. Also, this past month I was trying to write most of them before publishing progressively because I didn’t want to be overwhelmed by the requests, but it’s really hard, I still have like 6 requests! Don’t worry I’m on it! The requests are still open. Thank you for everything!!
"Today we're in the company of Y/n L/n and Y/c/n Y/c/l/n for their latest movie coming out on the 1st of August." The interviewer said to the camera. "Hi" she said this time to the both of you.
"Hey" you said in unison
"How are you doing today?"
"We're great" you said with a big smile "How are you doing?"
"I'm great thank you!" She looked at her papers. "So.." she looked up at the both of you. "Pretty excited about the premiere?"
"Oh yes!" you enthusiastically said, moving your arms up, almost hitting your co-star, making him laugh
"A little too much, I am scared for my life" he joked, pretending to be scared and moving a bit away from you
"Oh come on" you laughed, hugging him from the side "why are you acting like I hit you" you were both laughing. You pretended to hold his neck
"She is very nice and gentle with people" your co-star said to the camera. Everyone was laughing
"Okay let's be serious for a second" you said, sitting straight on your chair
"So yeah you seem pretty excited" the lady said laughing
"Yeah" you chuckled "yeah" you said again more seriously
"The story is set in strong environments, was it hard to film in those different places?"
"For me it was in Egypt." Your co-star started to answer. "It was too hot"
"Too hot?" You asked confused "like the negative temperatures we had in Canada were nothing?" you chuckled
"all of them were challenging, but it was better in Canada then in Egypt"
"oh hell no, it was better in Egypt, living in the cold out there, no thank you"
"It's easier to get warm than to get cold"
"true, but it's too cold outside you can't do anything but stay inside"
"Same with both" you co-star kept going
"We're having a huge debate" the interviewer added in between
"no, you can do things outside, also you wear less clothes, you can tan, eat outside and swim, you know, just little pleasures" you listed "I can add more things if you want" you said, turning a bit towards your co-star.
"no no I think we get it" he laughed "you win"
"as usual" he tilted his head
"sure sure" he said patting your thigh "what makes you feel better"
"oh shut up" you both laughed
"You seem to have a great chemistry, did you hit it off right away?" your co-star put his harm on the back of your chair, making him turn a bit towards you. You looked at each other.
"Yeah I think so" he said
"What do you mean 'I think so'?" you laughed
"Well, we met at the read-through, we had to get into our characters right away, at first we mostly filmed during the time"
"oh yeah yeah"
"and we were simply like filming-eating-sleeping" you chuckled "so we didn't have time like to really know each other at first"
"yes that's true"
"I see" the interviewer said "but it didn't change anything for the chemistry in the movie?"
"no not really" you said" we're professionals" you joked. Your co-star was looking at you, eyeing your face. And that's when he couldn't take it anymore. Pedro closed his computer, rolling on the bed to get up. He sighed, then left the bedroom.
He missed you like crazy. You left two weeks ago on tour for your new movie and he was struggling. While you were filming the movie, he was at home, and while you were finally home, he had to leave to film too. You were both busy, and the only thing that kept you in touch was mostly texting and some phone calls here and there. When you both got back, three days later you were already gone on tour.
And now Pedro was home alone, missing you, and seeing you being close to your co-star like that made him pretty jealous to say the least. He isn't able to make you laugh, to touch you, and he can? That's the perks of being actors you might say, and yes that's true. But sometimes it doesn't make it easier.
Once Pedro was in the living room, he grabbed his phone, and tried to call you. It was ringing for a long time, he didn't think he would get you, but you finally picked up.
"Hi baby" your soft voice made his heart beat fast. He wasn't thinking rationally anymore, he had to do something, he couldn't take it anymore.
"Where are you staying for the week?" he quickly said, hoping he could join you, but fearing the answer, like you would be moving in another country for the next interviews, or that you would just say no.
"hum, wait I don't know the name of the hotel" he could hear you get up. You were probably in bed. "It's the Hestia hotel, actually not far from the airport" you paused "why? are you planning to come?" Pedro heard the excitement in your voice, reassuring him a bit.
"Yes, I don't have anything planned for the next week and I miss you so I wanted to join you, if you want to"
"of course I want to! I miss you too much" your voice gave a hint of sadness. "It's been some hectic days here, and it's been too long without you"
"tomorrow I'm here"
"good" there was a pause
"I'll see you tomorrow cariño"
"can't wait" he knew you were smiling "I love you"
"I love you too" you both hang up, going back onto your lives. Pedro already felt better after the call. He was getting very excited. The next hours were going to pass slowly as he couldn't wait to finally be with you.
Hours went by and Pedro managed to fall asleep pretty quickly, but moved a lot during the night. He woke up at 6am and left to the airport around 7:30am to get on his plane an hour later. He arrived a few hours later. As he was walking towards the exit, he noticed someone he knew. It was you. Neither of you said anything about picking him up at the airport, but you couldn't wait, even for just a few minutes more.
He stopped when he saw you, relieved. You were there, standing in front of him. He dropped his luggage when you ran to him. He picked you up in his arms and held you tight.
"finally" he muttered. Once he decided to let go, he kissed you passionately, his hands on your cheeks. It felt surreal. You saw it in his eyes when he looked at every detail on your face, as he still held it. Your hands were on his waist, and you brought him closer to hug him again. You left the airport hand in hand, feeling nothing but happiness. You were finally reunited, and it was going to be at least longer than before.
“What made you come so suddenly anyway?” You asked as you both entered the car.
“Hum, I just missed you a lot” he half-lied. It was true, he missed you too much, it was unbearable, but he also couldn’t stand having someone else touch you and be close to you like your co-star did.
Pedro thought he got away with it, but when he turned to look at you, you were eyeing him. You do know him too well.
“I appreciate it but I can feel that’s not the only reason” you stared at each other
“How’s Y/C/N?” He tried to change the subject
“Oh he’s fine, we were about to have a little dinner together”
“Just the two of you?” He shyly asked, feeling his confidence running away. You started to drive back to the hotel.
“Yes, and then we were thinking about heading to bed you know to have a little fun” he looked at you with big wide eyes. “So that’s the other reason” you joked
“My big jealous man” you said caressing his chin for a second
“You weren’t really going to go to bed with him, yeah okay I see the sarcasm” he rolled he eyes, looking at the road, avoiding you.
“I’m not cheating on you Pedro”
“I am not doubting you”
“But you flew to another country because you trust me so much”
“I trust you” he immediately looked at you “it’s the others that I don’t trust”
“Like who?”
“Like Y/c/n? I saw the interview, hands on your thighs, the way he looked at you”
“He doesn’t even stand a chance” you joked
“That’s not the problem, he won’t stop”
“He is just being friendly” you looked at him from time to time
“I’m sorry, it’s just- I didn’t get to see you a lot, I really missed you and it drove me crazy seeing this” you put your hand on his thigh
“I know I know, and I missed you more” his heart was beating fast because of nervousness. He hated feeling vulnerable, but especially showing it to you. Jealousy can be perceived badly, like not trusting the person and such, but it’s not true.
Once you arrived at the hotel, you were met with your co-star on your way to your bedroom. He did seem confused and a little sad when you cancelled the dinner with him. But none of you talked about it and decided to move on about that. If he was interested he definitely knew he had no chance now.
The next few days have been perfect. It was getting calmer, and the fact that Pedro was here helped you a lot. You didn't have this anxiety of being away anymore. Pedro wasn’t feeling jealous anymore but he was still watching your co-star from a distance. At the end of the week you were getting nervous because Pedro was about to leave again. But, as a surprise (not really you discussed it), he actually stayed longer. He had nothing to do that couldn't be done on the phone or on the computer, so he stayed for the rest of the tour.
Being in each other’s presence was helping you. He calmed your anxiety, and he was reassured and not jealous anymore.
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snapscube · 7 months
So you mentioned the Amazing Spider-man movies, what are your thoughts on them? For me; I was pleasantly surprised by 1 AND 2. Like 2 is bad, real bad, but the jokes were legit, Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are just...an amazing on screen couple and until the transformation Harry is a really fun villain....just sucks that most of the movie is exposition about peoples relationships to one another or experiments done mostly off screen.
TASM1 is perfectly serviceable as a standalone project and was definitely not the worst jumping off point, but it struggles to really properly understand Spider-Man/Peter as a personality. Peter absolutely doesn't have to be a goody two-shoes loser, all of the best adaptations of Peter imo can have some serious attitude and grit to their persona, but TASM1 kinda over-corrects on the Tobey Maguire "shy nerd" angle by making Spidey a bit too much of a dick. I remember the movie getting a lot of praise for finally making Spider-Man funny and quippy, praise I similarly gave at the time, but it really... doesn't do that nearly as much as ppl gave it credit for??? There's like ONE scene where Spider-Man is kinda jokey with someone he suspects to be Ben's killer, but that scene kinda stinks because he's not quipping as much as he's like actively cruel lmao. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone had great chemistry though and you can tell Marc Webb knew his stuff when it came to directing that kind of romantic tension, seeing as how his previous project was 500 Days of Summer. All-in-all, it's a Fine movie but it's not a fantastic adaptation of the things I personally like about Spider-Man.
TASM2 is so much more intriguing to me to watch and to talk about. It's genuinely baffling how that movie ended up like it did, but in a way that almost anyone could have predicted. That movie STINKS. It's really really bad. But it also has kind of the opposite problem to TASM1 in that... TASM1 is a good movie that doesn't properly showcase the character of Spider-Man, whereas TASM2 is a garbage movie that features some of the best live action Spider-Man scenes/setpieces we had seen and would ever see to this day. It's sincerely tragic how many great INDIVIDUAL MOMENTS are in that movie, and how loosely connected they are by some monumentally stupid studio meddling. That movie has everything going in its favor with Andrew Garfield in the lead, the best live action Spider-Man suit to this day, the most thrilling and well rendered swinging sequences put to film, and the occasional glimpse of a true Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man that is down on the ground connecting with and watching over not just the city itself but the people within it. There's a montage in the middle of the movie that features Spider-Man on his daily patrol and he comes across as just so PRESENT and on the same level as the people he protects, meanwhile in the audio track you hear newscasters and interviews fiercely debating whether or not what he does is actually worthwhile. And that shit HITS. But unfortunately that kind of stuff is still too rare and it far overshadowed by Sony desperately trying to make a Spidey Cinematic Universe without earning it. Ultimately they had all of the pieces to make a truly definitive adaptation of Spidey that I feel like almost anyone could get behind, but they just... couldn't. Even Spider-Man PS4, commonly lauded as one of the most definitive Spidey stories of all time, uses SO MUCH of the same DNA of the Amazing Spider-Man films, but the difference is that it had the space to be only exactly what it needed to be. Nothing more, nothing less. Anyway I could talk more about this for sure but I'm looking at the length of this write-up and wincing already LOL.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
How about digital circus x princess! Reader with their very own castle. Elegantly leaning out of their tower singing lullabies for anyone to hear. Ps Keep up the great work 👍
TADC cast x princess!reader
I know I usually stress that I answer stuff chronologically but I misread this as just jax (I'm sleepy!!) So I went to search for a princess reader post i did weeks ago, snagged the link then reread the request and saw it was the whole cast... but I've already committed to the bit by searching for the link sooooooooo
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You and I both know hes goinv to use the fact ypure a princess for IHA... captured princess trope stuff, basically! So have fun with that! Absolutely loves your singing, so so much. Probably joins in with you, complimenting your part..or perhaps he hums.. other princesses have cute fairytale animals accompanying them, and you have..... bubble..... huh....
Really ups the whole... act when talking to you.. bows deeply, waves his arm around in a grand fashion when showing you to a room, ect ect ect
Has probably subconsciously/accidentally said you were pretty outloud. Gets absolutely lost in the sauce when you sing. Like just stands there, hands awkwardly clasped together in front of her as she listens. Probably sways side to side too. Gets very pink when talking to you, her face does the O^O thing... absolutely smitten
Ah my favorite, royal princess x common lady... well, at least aesthetically... whether or not you're royalty in the real world is debatable... anyways, that aside, I think this is probably one of my favorite ship dynamics... I love.. similar to pomni she is very bad at hiding her feelings around you. Tends to stare with a blushing face. Loves making you dresses; assuming you can swap out dresses considering the whole "their clothes are attatched to their bodies" thing
While I doubt your clothing can rip or tear thanks to the properties of the digital world, I think if she could, she would patch up any holes
Honestly I think out of this entire post, kinger is the only one who gets a platonic/found family take on this... just an old king and his princess kid. Again I'm not sure if he truly believes he royalty or if he was trying to appeal to the gloink queen by saying "as a royal myself.." but.. honestly I like the idea that he just likes playing the part. Like he knows hes not royalty but. You know? Let this man embellish himself
Pillow fort? No, pillow TOWER! No... pillow CASTLE! Pillow kingdom!!!
Nothing too hyped specific here he's just your dad here
Oh? Cool. I mean your singing isnt really their cup of tea, they look like they're into alt/indie stuff tbh...maybe rock. Confession I'm terrible at identifying genres so I'm literally speaking out of my ass rn on what type of music zooble would listen to I'd have to list specific artists and songs
But this isnt about that
Depends on what kind of princess you are
If you're independent, resourceful, and badass I think you guys could build some chemistry
If you're like, damsel in distress, ,kind of stuck up, whiny, prissy, ect then it's a hard no
Not many ideas here tbh <\3
Also thinks you're very pretty! Also loves your singing! I think she grew up on disney films, and even if she doesnt remember them it's still a core memory that like. is kind of instinctive atp. So she finds comfort around you, you know? LOVE that trope btw, where a character doesnt remember something but still finds comfort in it while not fully understanding why because as far as they know this is the first time with the thing
Absolutely melts if you compliment her. Sure, she would still melt if you weren't a princess.. but having someone so pretty and graceful saying it hits a certain way for her
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yeeterthek33per · 9 months
Love it, Love you (Caitlin Foord x Reader)
A/n requested
Summary: You and Caitlin are filming for the disney matildas series.
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Slow motion scene of Caitlin bounding over to you on the sideline, hands grabbing your face, pressing your lips together after scoring against Spain. There's a soft flow of piano music over the top.
"Ya know, I don't think we ever really explained that one to the girl's either."
Caitlin chuckles softly and shakes her head in agreeing negativity. Both of you are sitting on the white couch in your house in London. You're tucked under her arm.
"Yeah, no, I don't think we'd told them at that point. So I think they kind of freaked out on us after the game."
You lean off the couch with a soft laugh, head in your hands, ruffling your hair slightly.
Caitlin shakes her head with a sigh.
"That's an understatement. Poor Steph, girl was getting bombarded as well. Not that she knew either. Cait and I were just sitting there while they all kind of just lost their minds. Steph looked utterly disappointed that we hadn't told her sooner."
"Your sister.. well."
You give Caitlin a look.
"My sister looked ready to deck you. Macca looked like she would probably have to hold her back and Sam just facepalmed and told the girls to cool it so we could actually answer. Tony didn't even bother sticking around for the whole debacle."
"Yeah, that was a tough one. I don't think Lans has been able to trust me properly since. I love the girl, but man does she hold a grudge."
You slap her on the shoulder with an eye roll.
"Excuse me, you forget you're engaged to her sister here. I imagine any protective older sister would be peaved about one of their best mates suddenly sidling up with their sibling. Also I'd like to point out you could very well still call that woman to help you bury a dead body and she would do so no questions asked. So I'd like to think she still trusts you very much thanks."
Cut to a video of Caitlin celebrating with Alanna after a brilliant header from the defender against Jamaica.
"Don't know if that makes it better, honestly. I'm afraid she'll stick me in my sleep one day."
Cut back to the couch, You give her a playful glare.
"Just because you copped the shovel talk from one of the tallest girls on the team, does not mean she'd actually murder you. At least not without prompting. I can't imagine she would kill you without you doing something first."
Caitlin just turns her head back to the camera with an incredulous look.
"Anyway, that was four days before our third anniversary. Literally two days before I proposed. I think Alanna might have been too late to stop it or you know, try to break us up. Ya know?"
You fake a cough into your balled hand, turning away slightly.
"What? Did she actually try? Oh my god, I swear I will kick her butt if she actually tried."
You whip your head around at her, a disbelieving laugh leaving your lips.
"Oh you'll kick her but will you? What happened to being terrified of her?"
Caitlin keeps her mouth shut and you tut softly, hand resting on her knee.
"That's what I thought. Yes she did try to forbid me from dating you, cinderella style and all. But after some convincing, she switched it up to reminding me that I could still dump you if I changed my mind and she wouldn't totally gut you afterwards."
Caitlin looks dead on into the lense, an unimpressed look of told-you-so playing on her expression. You burst out laughing at that.
"See what I have to deal with? Why did I agree to marry you again?"
You smack her on the chest, backhanded.
"You're the one that proposed doofus."
She just grins cheekily.
"Oh yeah, I did too. is it too late for a refund?"
You roll your eyes, and scoff.
"Give you 'refund'."
She rubs your shoulder, pecking you on the cheek.
"You love me."
You receive puppy dog eyes in return and poke her nose, a resounding groan as you push her slightly, turning back to the camera again.
The video fades to black and shifts to a new scene between you.
You're standing in your backyard watching Caitlin run around and play tug of war with Peach.
"I'm so proud of her, everything she does is just phenominal and I'm glad I got to be part of her journey. The moment I got the call from her saying she'd been considered for an Arsenal transfer, it was then I knew I would follow her anywhere."
Cut to footage of Caitlin scoring against Aston Villa.
Cut back to you looking at the brunette, with major heart eyes.
"We were only together for about a few weeks at that point, but having been close friends before then made it feel like longer. She wasn't one hundred percent in it, especially since she thought she'd be leaving me in Australia on my own since Alanna was about to transfer to tottenham too."
Footage switches to Alanna, in a Manchester City hoodie, sitting in her own living room.
"I felt weird, leaving my sister, we'd always been one for one, and this was the first time we'd properly been separated by ocean. She came with me to Orlando and before that, had stayed with our parents. We both got contracted for Sydney and just hadn't really separated after that. Though I was pretty chuffed to find out she was moving closer again, with my best friend at that."
Back to you in the backyard, Caitlin now sat beside you on an outdoor recliner.
"Surprised the hell out of me, getting that call from my manager, he was like, Y/n, I've got big news, Arsenal want you. I think I was so shocked I just laughed. I thought he was one crazy a****** for joking about that. What are the chances I get contracted by the exact same club as her within just weeks of each other. Surprised her too."
Caitlin puffs out a laugh.
"You didn't mention why though. Surprised because I just mopily walk into training, thinking about how to deal with the distance anxiety and just, in you walk, day thirteen of me being in London. 'Hey, sweetheart, how's your day been? Oh yeah by the way, I'm playing here now'."
"To be fair, It was meant to be a surprisez considering I basically had to schedule everything perfectly. Without Steph's help, because ya know, that would've been suspicious."
You lean your head on her shoulder, her hsnd comes up to run through your hair.
"Stephs face was pretty funny though, what are the chances three Aussies all get contracted within just weeks of each other. The older girls were all like 'what is jonas thinking?'. It's definitely been remarkable though, both of them are phenominal and they deserve every bit of everything we achieve with the gunners."
She looks down at you with a loving smile and you grin widely back up at her.
Footage of Steph and Caitlin's starting for Arsenal, standing in the lineup, your face new amongst the starters further down the line, right beside Leah Williamson.
"It was certainly something else. Being able to play with such big names at the time. Kim Little was one in particular that I'd been terrified of in that moment. How many times I'd seen Caitlin go head to head with her. Now I know her better though, she's just a big softy and she's got a soft spot for me, too."
Caitlin shakes her head.
"I think she means spoilt, this one can do no harm in the captains eyes. The baby of the team she likes to claim. Even though she's only like two years younger than me."
You protest.
"Twenty-three was pretty young, obviously not the youngest on the team, but it's not like I was pushing thirty already, jesus."
Caitlin gets an offended look on her face.
"Excuse you, thirty is not even that old. 'Pushing thirty already' you're twenty-six, thats not far from thirty thank you, also don't let Kimmy hear you say that."
You chuckle.
"Eh, she loves me. But you're closer to thirty than me so."
And you poke out your tongue at her. Your girlfriend just looks at the camera again.
"Bloody childish, what do I tell ya?"
You kiss her cheek, a small smirk on your lips.
"You love me."
Video footage of the two of you making a huge passing play up the left side of the field, playing against England. The ball gets switched in a fast tikki taka motion as you both move up the line. You make a run for the box and it's like Caitlin doesn't even have to look for you as she sends the ball right to your head for you to sneak past Earps, who despite her best efforts, can't make contact with the ball.
Cut to you both walking through a forested walkway outside of the city. A long shot from the back, and then flicks to a full shot at the front as you both slowly walk down the concrete pathway.
"When she received her first call up to the team, she called me frantically, practically balling her eyes out."
"Balling my eyes out, I could hardly talk into the phone to get it out. Coach had called me when I was at home on my own, and Caitlin was in at the office."
"I stand by this, but you'd actually called me at the worst time too. I was sitting beside my coworkers on a mini break, one of them is a physio on the Arsenal team as well as one for where I work. All they hear coming from my phone is just incoherent blubbering, followed by "Babe! I GOT IN!" Of course, I wasn't following exactly what she meant and my dumb brain just went, in like, the ice bath?"
Your laughter rings out at that.
"That's what you thought I meant?"
Caitlin nods slowly, a small blush developing on her cheeks.
"That's just what we'd been talking about at the time, including how you in particular refused to touch the ice baths for the first six months, someone basically had to carry you in with them. So like, I was excited for you to finally have gotten over that fear on your own."
You push her slightly, a loving smile making it's way onto your lips.
"That's really sweet, but no I did that three months after that, when I finally decided to stop being a wuss, now that I was actually playing in the big big big league, I had to. But that's beside the point."
"Uhuh, sure sweets, anyway, when she finally started going into the phone call itself, it did finally click in my head because I never actually explicitly mentioned the ice bath either so we were both still pretty excited, but for different reasons."
"Yeah, I did not like her initial reaction at the time."
"I was still super confused why you were like full sobbing about it though. I was like 'okay, congrats baby, you did it, no big deal'. I think she was ready to hit me after that one."
"Mild understatement."
Caitlin chuckles, bringing your knuckles up to her lips.
"so when she brought up how amazing it felt to finally break onto the national team, I just was like 'Ohhhhh... oh.... OH, Congrats baby!'."
The footage cuts to your hands linked in the between you, her thumb gently caressing the skin there before cutting back to a mid shot of you both from the front as you giggle softly.
"I just kept thinking, what did she think I meant, what does she mean no big deal. Cocky woman. To think I wanted to marry her too. She did get super excited for me, though, after that. She's a little slow, but I love her."
You give her a shit eating grin as she glares at you.
"She's honestly such a little brat sometimes, can you believe this?"
You giggle softly, bumping hips with her.
"You love it."
Footage of some of the afterparty in the locker room plays, Caitlin clearly in view sculling champagne out of the trophy.
"Back at the Cup of Nations. We were out celebrating in a VIP bar, and they'd given us free entry, the whole team, I mean. There were drinks being passed around every two minutes. I think we were just so ridiculously drunk after that. Steph was the only one not really drunk. "
"Well yeah, to be fair she was kind of... well."
You roll your eyes at the striker.
"She was injured, so she had to kind of not drink. Caitlin, the dumby, dropped her kitbag in the doorway, so when we drunkenly stumbled in, we kicked it out of the way. Out popped the engagement ring. Luckily, I didn't notice. But neither did Caitlin. Steph did though, pretty sure it was the first thing to catch her eye as she dropped us both off in the hotel room. She just picked it up, threw it back in the bag, and when we were both on the beds."
"Somewhat. She took a photo of us, sent it to Caitlin, and said, "Congrats, don't let Lans see you propose." Not the message I was expecting to see that morning. I'd accidentally picked her phone up.-"
Cut to you sitting at the kitchen island in your house, Caitlin standing at the stove.
"You claim it was accidental, but we both know the truth, babe."
"It was! You left your phone right next to where I charge mine instead of on your own bloody bed side. Anyway! That was how I found out she wanted to propose. Because my lovely fiancee here couldn't put her stuff away. As always."
You give her a mildly playful, unimpressed look.
"Pfft, that was all drunk caitlin, I don't associate with that chick. She's an idiot."
You purse your lips.
Caitlin stays stirring the pan for a second before turning around suddenly to your suppressed laughter.
You let it out at that point, shoulders wracked with laughter, head on the bench. When you finally catch your breath, you look at her again, but she's turned back to the stove. What you can't see is the small smile on her lips, which the camera does.
"Love you."
She turns her head slightly to say something back.
"You better. Ya dork."
It's your turn to pout again.
You gesture to your girlfriend in front of you, eyes in contact with the camera.
"See what I have to deal with? Won't even say it back, so mean."
She turns back to you with a small wink, smirk playing at her mouth.
"You love it."
The image switches to you both sitting laying back on a lounge chair set up outside the back door, watching the summer sun go down in London.
"I'm so grateful we get to be together throughout this whole experience. She's the love of my life and she's an amazing football player too."
You smile up at her from your place leant against her chest. The camera pans around as you both share a quick kiss.
"I don't know, feels like you've got me beat. I feel like I don't tell you I love you enough."
Caitlin gives a quick glance to the camera lens.
"She does it every two hours and still says that."
You pout up at her. She pinches your cheek softly, kissing you on the forehead.
"You're lucky I love you."
Caitlin looks fully up at the camera this time.
"Oh my god. Hush up"
"You love it."
"I love you."
She chuckles and you just shake your head and bring her in for a full kiss. Fade to black.
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bengiyo · 8 months
GMMTV 2024 Part 1 Stray Thoughts
I have finished viewing the trailers. I'm feeling relatively cool about most of it, and I had a strong negative reaction to the announcements about two adaptations.
Here is what intrigued me in order:
My Golden Blood - When Joss and Mond rose off the ground, I also ascended. Joss and Gawin wasn't on my radar as a potential option, but I am so here for it.
Wadee Gooday - I'm so here for the adult romance, and Thor is here. A boxer and a doctor have such fascinating potential.
The Trainee - OffGun workplace romance and Love Score is playing. We are so fucking back.
On Sale - TayNew in a ghost romcom? We are so fucking back.
Pluto - Film and Namtam and Namtam is lying? I am here for it.
Kidnap - Ohm is back in BL and they gave him a gun and a little brother who shares his name. This is probably gonna be a mess but it looks fun.
Only Boo - Not sure how I feel about an idol trainee show, but Louis is here.
We Are - Why are there four couples? Engineering? Hopefully, this is going to be like MSP, and let us put this behind us.
High School Frenemy - I will have to watch School 2013 before this airs because it looks like the original was well-received and this trailer just looks like boys fighting the whole time.
My Love Mix-Up - Fourth doesn't seem to do slapstick well in this trailer, and Gem doesn't look serious enough. New Hashimoto doesn't have that glint in her eye. New Aida looks solid. I'm skeptical. More thoughts below.
Ossan's Love - Literally why?
Summer Night - Phuwin and Dunk pratfall kiss bait into het nonsense with a BL side. No thanks.
My Precious the series - I feel like any hype I had for this has evaporated. I'm past it.
Ploy's Yearbook - Apparently step-siblings fall for each other in this? No thanks.
Enigma 2 - No idea what's going on but it has clear vibes.
Alright, I'm just gonna say it: The My Love Mix-Up trailer was not good. I love Fourth and Gemini a lot. I think Fourth is really talented, and I think he and Gemini make a good team. That being said, there is a reason KH continues to get content shared on this website, and right now I don't think Fourth and Gem showed the juice to match Michieda Shunsuke and Meguro Ren.
I don't think Fourth is going to generate meme material as Thai Aoki the way Michieda did if this trailer is indicative of where he's going. I don't think Gemini is hitting the seriousness of Ida well here at all. Ida is a demisexual icon and so important to the genre, and I just don't think Gemini has this in him right now.
For those wondering why I feel so strongly about this, I will remind you that Kieta Hatsukoi is free on Viki.
We are now seeing cross-cultural adaptations of BL work, and I think that it's incredibly important to view the source work before we get into big discussions about what each adaptation does well. I am so concerned about Kieta Hatsukoi being adapted because it's so distinctly Japanese in its stylings and the dramatic tension underpinning it. The Thai trailer feels lacking to me because the angst felt so ungrounded. Fourth can moon over Gemini just fine, but there's a specificity to the mooning that he just isn't hitting here.
I will be talking about My Love Mix-Up Thailand as an adaptation of Kieta Hatsukoi. I will not be entertaining debates or discussions about it as an independent work. The trailer has called directly to the Japanese origins and it will be judged as such. If you haven't or won't watch the original or read the source work, please don't tag me, because "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore."
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kerrikins · 3 months
Jin and the video
Or, a plot-line I think the writers may have misjudged.
In the most recent episode, we had Jin confessing to Phee that he posted the video. To most this was validation of what they already believed, to others it was confusing as there have been some contradicting clips that show Jin with a computer that was a different colour, as well as the screen flipping back and forth from night and day mode.
While this debate still continues a bit, particularly since we already knew that Jin probably thinks he must have posted it, I think the renewed reaction has cemented for me my thoughts that I think that this is a plotline the writers misjudged.
See I still - at least at this point, with the caveat that I could be proven wrong as this is horror/thriller - believe that Jin is intended to be a character that people can somewhat empathize with. He's not like Top, Por, or Tee, who are shown to be cruel and dismissive to Non. Though people deny it and talk around it, Jin is the one character that showed empathy to Non, he stood up for him, etc.
But the audience mostly doesn't empathize with Jin at all, and I think this is because the writers miscalculated.
People were already frustrated with his character even before the video incident, but the video really pushed it over the top and now Jin is the most despised character on the show.
However, I'm not sure whether the writers actually anticipated this reaction properly. The way that the show has handled it makes it seem like they haven't, because the video hasn't been touched on all that much, at least not to the extent I might have expected if the intention was 'yes, this is the worst thing done in the show, Jin is the villain who you should all hate and want to die'. We have other characters fitting that bill - Tee's uncle, Top, even Por to some extent.
Yes, the video has been mentioned, but only briefly. It doesn't hold the weight in the discussions about what happened to Non that I would expect it to if I thought the writers felt that this was the worst of the worst in the story they're constructing. (Again, it's possible that something will happen in the next two episodes that will counter this.)
And then there's the fact that people are still questioning whether or not Jin posted the video, given the different colour computers and different colour scheme. Personally I'm inclined to just go with what Jin said at this point, but at this point that's mostly because I feel like it's not going to matter.
I don't want a reveal because it's not going to make a difference. It's not something I have any excitement for, though I originally did, and it's because I know that for most viewers it's not going to land, it's not going to have the intended impact. Reveals usually are supposed to have an effect on the emotion of the audience, to make them view a character a different way, or perhaps empathize with them (or hate them more).
Though I will briefly add that of course it's possible that (if this is included) the writers anticipated this and are thinking more about the impact to the character who would be at fault, which is certainly a possibility. But if they have any intention at all for it to be a change in how the viewer looks at Jin, it's not going to land. Most fans aren't going to care, they aren't going to change their minds.
The only acceptable ending to most at this point is for Jin to die.
So with that in mind I think that the writers made a mistake with this plotline IF their intention is to write Jin as a character the audience could empathize with, because most do not. He's not coming across as grey, he's not coming across as someone people can understand or empathize with.
The act of filming and/or posting the video is, for the audience, making Jin the ultimate villain and if the show gives them anything other than validation of this thought, they are going to be unhappy.
Time will tell.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 6 months
Okay, okay. Let's do the following debate or analysis.
In the novel Journey to the West Wukong killed the six-eared macaque, and in other films and versions he is not even mentioned. In Nezha Reborn, Wukong impersonates him to protect his true identity.
while in LMK Macaque (or Liu'er) was Wukong's right-hand man and best friend.
So, imagine, depending on the universe. Macaque is also in love with you, that is, Y/N or reader.
How do you think that situation develops?
Since in LMK Macaque and Wukong's relationship was not the best, imagine that Wukong finds out that his ex-best friend is deeply in love with his consort.
Also, what would happen in the other universes?, in which Wukong and the Six-Eared Macaque are enemies
or in nezha reborn, where Wukong impersonates him.
How do you imagine this situation?
Well, in the animal world, males fight over a female.
and men compete for a woman's attention HAHAHAHA
Don't you think it would be a rather interesting situation to pose?
Okay I thought I asked you to give me an easier question But i'm answering this one anyway.😜😜😜😜😜😜😝😝😝😝😝😝
It really depends on the universe's wukong. Like the monkey king reborn one Yup he ain't sharing you he does not care. And if he's going to have to fight someone He once called a friend then it looks like history's fitting to repeat itself.
Me personally Nezha reborn wukong Disguise was a very poor one I mean all he did was add extra ears to me. He's gonna have to pull out all the stops if he wants to keep your attention and affection Because Imagine if we were younger and Macaque is Basically him in black fur.
Monkey king Netflix Would be so funny and cute because I can imagine 2 little boys fighting over a cute girl, They found out on the playground and The two would shower her with gifts so he can keep their attention on them before the one does something else.
Hero is back wukong Yeah that's fifty/fifty But like everyone else he's Put up a fight so you don't end up losing you.
There's also the matter of us, Not really knowing the situation like we didn't know about him being in love with us. There also might be acting on their instincts due to be in monkeys So of course you're gonna be a little loss. Also how we are treated if macaque is some miraculous way treats us way better than Wukong Then we're gonna lean towards him and wukong's Going to be triggered.
But yeah I just see this whole thing being A bunch of teenage boys on the school yard fighting over a Hot/cute girl And it's all Is fueled by Is territorial instincts and testosterone levels 😒😒😒😒
The only reason I'm not talking about Lmk Wukong is because we all saw what happened already And he lost likeability points from me😠 meaning I like him but.........he disappointed me on a grand scale ⚖️ and I don't really display it
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