#i wish i had any form of chill lmao.
jvzebel-x · 7 months
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sadtonight · 2 years
Kissing you, kissing you, kissing you, kissing you- (additional entry)
Summary: you kissed him in more ways that he could imagine and more times he could count. But he had his preferences in kissing of course, reaching cloud nine when you did his favourite types~
Characters: Ace, Leona, Jade, Rook, Malleus;
Warnings: none, lots of kissing, a bit spicy, mentions of blood in Jade's part, reader is gender neutral, established romantic relationships;
Side notes: ah, those individuals. It's like love/hate thing depending on what sort of content of them I will encounter. Except for Rook, he's such a freak I'm kinda smitten ha ha... But if I knew any of them in real life, we would throw hands on every second encounter lmao.
— what Ace really hates is the concept of hesitate. What's there to be unsure of? Just pick something and be done with it. Yeah, that's why after short lived pining and countless lame "are we together or something?" hints the ginger came up you to one day and encouraged you to finally admit that you definitely had a thing for him;
— how you become a couple was rather straightforward and casual, and yet Ace hated how his cheeks were so hot, praying for his heart not to break his ribs from how much it was pounding at that moment. The way you stupidly smiled and how you told him that you indeed liked him very very much almost made him howl from happiness;
— Ace is experienced in dating or at the very least he knows what to do, like hugging, holding hands, cuddling, eating from the same plate, playing with each others hair, going to college together etc etc. Oh right, and kissing of course!
— the ginger was such a tease and he knew that. He would intentionally sway his face from you when you reached out to meet his soft lips, which at that point needed a punch instead of a kiss. It was strange how professional and amateur he was in making out at the same time. Angling your face with one hand, the other resting in your shoulder, but his tongue being all over the place. Ace preferred that kind of kisses, or at least that's what he told you;
— one time you stayed over in Heartslabyul dorm, both of you chilling out in his shared room that was lucky empty that evening. It was a comfortable silence — Ace was a bit groggy from a hard day so he didn't speak much. You laid on the bed beside your boyfriend, watching him play some game on the smartphone, his head currently resting close to your chest;
— all while you combed his hair in a steady, lulling motion. Ace almost succumbed to sleep, until he heard you quietly wishing him good night, and feathery pressing your lips to his face: his eyelids, his forehead, his cheekbones with cheeks, his nose, his jaw and finally his mouth. Why in Twisted Wonderland you were so damn adorable?? After saying it out loud, he opened his eyes and turned his head to the side. Ace was as red as roses he often painted, and despite not saying a single word after, he hoping you would continue. Hey quit staring and... please continue kissing him...
— generally nonchalant about kissing. If you want to stick to lion's side, clinging to his arm and leaning on his chest he wouldn't mind at all, unless you get in the way. Although same doesn't applies for kissing: if you demand kisses he would poke fun at your "desperation" but if you politely ask for permission to peck him he will, with a scowl or pokerface, give in and let you do the thing, with great reluctance in public though;
— honestly he didn't care, lazily making out when both of you are cuddled somewhere warm was amazing, case closed. But Leona wouldn't say it's his top one choice — however, if asked about his favourite type he would change the topic, unless it's you who was asking, because in that instance he still wouldn't give you a solid answer. The truth is that both of you knew what it was;
— the prideful male hated, despised, absolutely loathed how you could just come up to his sitting or laying form and...kiss his head. That's right, that's it. First you lightly ruffled his hair with your hand, and when Leona started to grumble, you would crane down and press your lips to the crown of his head or to the space near his ears — the worst places by far;
— it's not supposed to feel so nice, it was unfair how this tiny stupid gesture made him all warmed up inside. Like he was some plain house cat or something. The beastman now has to be on an extra lookout for the annoying hunter: if that creepy guy found out about how vulnerable Leona is to head kisses...it won't end well. Similarly, if Ruggie found out, then the lion can expect constant snickers and mockery from the hyena boy;
— but if you point it out, while actually pressing kisses onto his head, which was resting on your chest, Leona would tell you to shut up already. Provided you feel bold enough to keep teasing him about his soft side, he would bring you down, pinning your hands with one hand while squishing your face with another, loom over you. Care to repeat what you have just said?
— if you want to be "roughed up" so badly you should have just asked, he is more than happy to put you back into place. Oh? Leona won't stand a chance against you? Hah, sounds like a bunch of crap but sure, amuse him will ya? He already won you over, little battles like these are child's play.
— now if you only knew Jade on the surface level, as a prim and proper, polite and kind person, a true gentleman if you will, then it would "shock" you to know that he really really enjoys all kinds of unexpected kisses from his beloved partner;
— merman couldn't just get enough of them! Ordinary things that ordinary land couples do were very educational and, simply put, nice to experience: it involved so much mouth work and care, like not losing track of time in order to not forget to breath, or not to bite your tongue off in the heat of the moment. If any of the aforementioned situations happened, your boyfriend would actually feel just a drop of guilt instead of pure gloat, rubbing circles on your cheeks in a comforting manner as you heavily pant or swallow saliva mixed with your own blood;
— when it came to unexpected kisses however, Jade would rather not be a "surpriser" but a "victim". He was merely browsing books in the college library when all of the sudden you popped up out of nowhere and unexpectedly smooched his slightly parted lips and skipped off to do your things. Weren't you the most adorable one? Albeit bystanders were not all too pleased...
— said bystanders were mostly Floyd and Azul that did not, in fact, asked to be subjected to your amorous business. Floyd had to drag his twin brother away to finally get to alchemistry classes when your hugging and pecking was taking way too much time. And Azul had to literally make a fake coughing fit just for his vice dorm leader to finally tear his face away from yours and give him proper attention;
— what gets Jade to absolutely lose his mind is lipstick that easily leaves marks. When he sees the beauty product carefully applied to your lips he can't help but playfully, expectantly smile at you. At first he was quite upset upon seeing his face, neck and shirt covered in a colour of your lips, yet it was weirdly fascinating. Merman helped you apply lipstick back, gently gliding the tube along your lower lip while holding your chin up, but insisted on leaving those pretty love marks you left intact;
— the reaction it raised from his dear brother and dorm leader was priceless. Hmm? You want to say that Jade has a lipstick marks on his shirt's collar, neck, jawline, cheeks and everywhere near his mouth? Oya, you are absolutely correct, he must have not noticed it, how careless of him. Your watchfulness is much appreciated. Que to Azul gagging mentally, and Floyd physically.
— mon amour, there is no type of affection in the whole universe and beyond that Rook Hunt doesn't love or hasn't expressed yet!! The man showers people with all sorts of commentary on whatever attribute has caught his keen eye, so naturally he can't seem to stop showering you with praise on whatever topic he witness you get involved in;
— the huntsman is very physical with his partner too, if you don't mind that is, since he respects and cares for your wishes. Rook always has one on his hands on your body, like resting his hand on your waist or cradling your hand in a loose hold. Bien sûr, he also never left without planting a kiss onto your being!
— ah, pressing his lips to the back of your hand when you visit Pomefiore, pecking the side of your face when you don't face him directly while you sat together, lurching to your mouth to taste the last bite of the dessert from the your tongue — the delicious looking sweet treat he has been watching you idly eating in the courtyard on the bench for the past fifteen minutes;
— it's easy to kiss Rook once or twice, yet impossible to make out with his mouth running French miles each time you pull away just a little to take a breather or to shift. Additionally, your boyfriend was unreasonably busy, leaving you very little time to get things truly going;
— do not fret through, the huntsman tries his very best to clear his schedule enough to spare you the right amount of time, so you both wouldn't rush things before they escalate to something more... something he admitted to be enjoying way to far;
— Rook is the most desperate when you initiate long, slow, steady and oh so sweet make out session. Sitting or laying down as close possible, limbs wrapped around each other's bodies. It was incredibly warm, like you went ablaze, no matter how much clothes were discarded;
— the pace at which your lips unhurriedly shifted was driving Rook insane, his constantly sharp hunter senses dulling ever so slightly, the only thing on his air deprived mind being to kiss you again, again, again and again for as long as humanly possible. French words and phrases would seep out of this throat, worshiping your sheer existence. L'amour dangereux, he kept chanting, yet kissing you once more, for longer than before.
— the fae could have never imagined how charming the kissing process actually was: not long after you two begun kissing on the regular basis he finally realised the appeal. Truly, you will never know until you try it for yourself;
— Malleus acknowledged your affection that was present in the every lightest peck to his skin, soon enough his own infatuation translating into pressing his lips to the part of your face he could easily reach. He adored how surprised you were at the start, your little heart freezing for just a moment when his mouth connected with your forehead. The astonishment quickly wore down after a couple of months unfortunately, but nonetheless the kissing part never got tiresome or boring;
— you had to explain each and every kiss you made since your boyfriend hardly could see the difference. The results and intentions are all the same isn't that right? Turns out formal hand kissing could be romantic too. Malleus found it incredibly amusing, to the point of smirking like a child, when you took his large hand and gracefully yet casually drew your face forward to meet his pale knuckles. It felt so gratifying to receive such treatment considering he was a future king of Briar Valley — something which you regarded without fear or apprehension;
— in turn, dragon fae wished to return the favour. Not a single type of kiss could be satisfactory to the degree that in his opinion would make you as delighted as him. Malleus had tried to apply already existing knowledge of kissing onto you, only to teleport away, with no explanation, to ponder on what else to test when he didn't get the reaction he expected to prompt;
— you never minded the weird antics your boyfriend sometimes drabbled in. He was yours after all, and you loved him either way. You cuddled up to his chest, adjusting in his lap while Malleus was reading an old book. Taking note of your movements, the male brushed the side of your face with his fingers painted in black nail polish;
— you used this opportunity to catch his hand and snuggle into it, pressing light quick pecks all over the slightly cold skin. Malleus could crash gemstones with his bare hands, lift the heaviest objects and ignite or freeze his limbs in a split second, but you adoringly squeezed them with your weaker ones, just having your lips resting on his wrist. Such a precious, mortal, beloved being you were, weren't you?
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clockwayswrites · 8 months
OKAY, so I have been rereading some of your stuff, as anyone with a wonderful taste does /j. And I got to the One Stop Soup Shop? I hope that titles right lmao; anyway. So rereading that, and I got to the part where Jason and Danny are talking right after Jason wakes up, right? And I managed to overlook it for the first few rereads but the conversation where Danny is explaining what he used to be and what Jason is now makes me think of a couple different theories on what Danny could be now? Because he's almost, or he is implying, he isn't a Halfa anymore.
So, Fascinating. And I have a couple theories on that? So; here they are,
My first thought was Danny is the ghost version of a liminal. Like the opposite of a liminal. Ghost with human traits, instead of a Human with ghostly traits.
My second one was that whoever had him/captured him basically forced him, either permanently or until something can be done ie with Frostbite the yeti doctor or some other means, into his Ghost form, unable to turn back into human/living form.
My third was that, on the basis that a halfas core is connected to their heart, they tore Danny's heart out from the core, Either by the Fentons misguided attempts at believing Phantom was hiding in their now dead-from-the-portal-opening boys body, so taking his heart out to both kill Phantom, seeing him as some kind of parasite now, and allow Danny to be laid to rest, or the GIW got him, saw it, was wishing to experiment on it, did so, and when Danny was escaping, he tried grabbing it, and the pieces wouldn't rejoin, having been apart for a little too long, leaving Danny as this Halfa Husk, almost but not quite. A Core with a human body but missing the most vital piece of being alive, a heart. So he's essentially stranded to be a ghost, unable to turn human without dying slowly, and painfully. Again.
.... As you can see, I am so normal about OSSS. Clearly. Lmao, anyway, yeah I have gone slightly insane but it is so good, it's worth it, honestly. I think i have said enough to last a thousand years about OSSS. But I will leave with the fact that I am so excited to go reread, and spin in my head with OSSS, LBFD and BWAO. Hope you've been taking care of yourself, all the writing and head thinking you've been doing, okay? Great writers must be kept happy or something like that
I had to sit down and reread the first fic of this just to make sure I was thinking right LOL which was enjoyable, so thank you for that. It's always nice to have a reason to reread my own work, even if it's at the cost of your sanity I suppose? ^_^;
Like most of my fics, I have the scaffolding but not necessarily the details. Bobi esp was written more on vibes than on a plan. That said, your third one is closest.
Spoilers, I guess lol
But Jazz talks Danny into revealing Phantom to their parents, who go the route of being convinced that Danny is dead and his corpse is just being puppeted by Phantom. And in their experimentation he tips from being balanced to being more dead. The details I don't know, though your idea of heart is chilling! Basically Danny has a 'living' form that breaths and bleeds and is solid, but it's only that way because he started as a halfa. Unlike before when he had to transform to use some of this powers, he's always basically more ghost than not and so can turn off any of that. And he's still alive in his unique way.
JLD would have a fit meeting him lol.
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claraxbarton · 4 months
You might have answered this before, BUT I’m a recent follower and curious ok!! Generally speaking, what is your writing process like? I’m genuinely so impressed by how many different fics you’ll have going simultaneously and they’re all updated SO frequently. AND THEY’RE ALL SO GOOD?? Like do you have vague plans/outlines or drafts that you expand on/edit? Your accountability post will mention writing a few thousand words and then there’s an update the same day and it’s written so well lmao it blows my MIND bc it seems like you just come up with the plot on the fly and then casually write a lil masterpiece after work like it’s nbd. All of this to say I appreciate your work so much ♥️
So uh, to start off with, I'm guessing when you say you recently started following me, you're probably just reading my HRPF fics? I SAY that/ask that because I've bounced through a few fandoms and I kind of go back and forth between being VERY prolific and finishing up projects and kind of... losing steam.
To be fair to me and not to scare anyone off, before this year I have, for the last decade and change, been juggling two full time jobs, part time work, childcare and a lot of volunteer work PLUS trying to write so like, I'm cutting myself some slack on abandoned projects. Because I'm finally down to 1 full time job and 1 part time gig that is only during the summer. I will ALSO say, in December I switched meds for my anxiety/depression so I'm on a new dose, new meds for the first time in 5 years and I do think that's been really impactful in a positive way.
SO, exposition and TMI out of the way:
I wish I could say I had a really clear process that I follow every time, but I don't want to lie. I create docs with notes - I'm thinking about including those as an epilogue chapter on the fics I'm currently working on, if anyone is interested in my scribbles aside from myself and my beta - and SOMETIMES I create outlines. A lot of the time, I will write a chapter or two and THEN create the outline? That's what happened with Gold Rush, but also with Gold Rush, I have already deviated from the outline like... a lot.
I'm trying to be way more chill with myself than I used to be. I was in this deep grind of forcing myself to be productive because that's where my value was (@kangofu-cb is a real one and has been trying to beat this out of me for years. Beating with love). And I'll be honest, being kinder to myself and putting less pressure is, like, so far, so good.
I usually have about, like... a dozen or so fic ideas in my head at any one time (@dwisp can attest to the DAILY messages of 'hear me out' as can @kangofu-cb), but I uh, I really feel 4 long fic is my simultaneous max.
I also have a problem with like, so if you DO want to read some of my not HRPF stuff, I think a good primer is the WinterhawkHood month I did in October with a fic a day, and the consistent issue is: I feel like I'm really good at creating a premise and that premise wants to exist beyond 2-5k. So longfic is probably the format to best tell the stories I want to tell, but, like, writing shorter fic is a lot of fun? That also does NOT answer your question.
Oh! MUSIC! It's so so so so important to my process. I used to put on specific artists, like really get into a singular vibe for a fic. But these days it's just my routine sleepy sad girl playlists (name coined by a former assistant and like she wasn't wrong). Which also probably explains how much sad sack Leon there is in my current fics. I should probably like, get some new playlists going...
Uh, in terms of like, my style/my ideas... so my professional life is theatre adjacent, and I think because of that, dialogue and THE INCITING INCIDENT are really important to me. So usually any fic idea forms around the kernal of the meet ugly and some choice words.
Like, for Gold Rush, I absolutely started from the idea of Leon being a bitch to the press and getting a text from an unknown number/Matthew and it just grew from there.
For Playing Favorites, I absolutely wanted to have former camboy Vince realize his new... work colleague??? Adam Larsson knew he was a former camboy. Which is funny because that moment happens in the middle of the fic (which I AM going to update again soon, y'all might vote consistently for Gold Rush in the polls but this weekend I think it's gotta be some love for my two Lars&Dunn fics).
For Northern Attitude, that inciting incident is, uh, about to occur in ch4 that I'm currently working on. And it's. Well. Yeah. So I got the idea for that 'scene' if you will first and then figured it out backwards?
For Wildfire that, too, has an inciting incident that has yet to make it into a chapter. But she's coming soon.
So really, only Gold Rush started as the beginning as far as ideas went for me? That said, I still START at the beginning when I write. I used to scribble down scenes and then piece them in, but I honestly found it constrained me more than anything else and I'm aware that doesn't make much sense.
I feel like this entire answer is a total nonanswer of me just blathering away. I hope at least part of this is what you wanted and uh... sincerely? Thank you for asking. It means a lot and like, my process is weird and inconsistent but I do genuinely love to talk about my writing.
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carcrash429 · 9 months
fic writers showcase game 🥰 thanks for the tag @im-95-not-dead!!
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
First Fic: Still Breathing, not even 9 months old yet but it's the first of many platonic Clint & Bucky fics and the origin of my "the Avengers find out about Clint's shitty childhood" tag. written because I could not (and still cannot!!) get @superalk's Hawkeye Timeline out of my brain and how people would react to knowing all that
Last Fic: chapter 1 of Defrosted, which will eventually be part 2 of a 2-part series I'm casually dubbing the Barton Morse Halfway House for Unfrozen Supersoldiers a la my fave series from @kangofu-cb
Only Once: almost everything so far lol, but Smile will probably be the only Clint/Duke crossover I write because it's so niche and self-indulgent (they're the same person, if you like Clint you'll like Duke, please someone chat about this parallel with me)
Popular Ship: Major Confusion is technically tagged with Steve/Bucky although it's a blink and you miss it reference that is very easy to read as platonic. also my most popular fic, probably because of that very tag lmao
More People Should Read: The Ocean. It's less than 700 words, it's basically a poem, and I am SO happy with the writing style and metaphors
Agonized Over: Star-Crossed Brothers, which originally had a much more confrontational Natasha v. Barney convo viewed from Bucky's POV. translating a scene from Bucky POV to Thor POV?? 0/10 very difficult, do not recommend
Fully Formed: the first part of king and lionheart. I could just SEE that final scene with the reveal in my head and it deserves to be visualized artistically, I just can't art well enough to do it justice. but. magical tattoos. the weight of destiny. "it means the king is dead." gave myself chills with that one, gotdamn.
Proud Of: all of them 😌 but I think Star-Crossed Brothers (for the parallel) and Hard, Glossy Armor (for the perpendicular) are good examples of me successfully making a point with a story
no pressure tags for @trashkingtater @merelypassingtime @superalk @sugaraddictarchangels @schildmehdchen and anyone else who wants to play :)
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likesunsetorange · 3 months
bodyguard au snippet
lol i'm rewriting the club scene (mostly staying the same but adding a bit) and this little piece of dialogue made me chuckle i love making mikasa so funny she really is ruining eren's life lmao
“Hi, Eren,” she quips, the corners of her mouth upturned and the pink of her lips sparkling under the lights from her gloss, painting her words almost as pretty as she is. “Didn’t expect to see you here,” she adds innocently after in between absentminded stirs of her drink. It’s clear Eren’s presence poses no threat to her; she knows her fun is soon to come to an end, but it’s clear she’s enjoying this little tryst of hers. 
Eren can feel his eye twitch at her lack of gravity for the situation, he struggles to hold onto the last remaining bit of sanity he has within him. As someone who feels almost painfully apathetic about almost everything, he can’t remember the last time he’d felt so intensely about anything, but in this moment, Mikasa had him particularly vexed. In the week since meeting her, Mikasa had quickly become an expert in just exactly how to get under his skin, something few could truly do. 
Eren takes a deep breath before he speaks, trying not to let his jaw clench through every word—he had no desire to waste any more time for her silly games. “We’re leaving, Mikasa,” he orders, any previous trace of empathy within him nowhere to be found. 
Her face falls, eyes going a bit wide and her mouth forming into a pout—it makes Eren sick to himself how he almost wants to succumb to her petty wishes, too. “You’re no fun, don’t you wanna stay a while?” She muses. Her free hand runs along the curve of his bicep as she continues speaking, her eyes sultry, asking for him to cave in—she really is the devil. “C’mon, Eren, loosen up a bit. I think you could use a break.” 
Eren can feel the chills run down his spine at her touch, but he wouldn’t fall for her act a second time, no matter how pretty she may be. He shakes his head, attempting to regain clarity and remember why he’s here in the first place—she drugged him—the anger within him begins to resurface at the thought.
“You really think I want to just loosen up? You have a lot of fucking audacity trying to play these little games with me still, Mikasa,” he scoffs. “First, you spend the entire week insulting me and treating me like absolute shit. Next, you pretend to be nice to me, even bothering to give me a sorry ass apology, and then you drug me? And you couldn’t even bother to use something useful? Benadryl?” He says trying to be heard over the music, his words starting off in anger, but quickly transitioning almost into that of disbelief, an angry chuckle emitting from his lips.
“What? You didn’t want to be visited by the Hat Man? Heard it’s kind of fun actually,” she jests, clearly amused at his outburst. “Did he tell you anything funny? Or are you just still seeing all the black spots?”
He stares at her in disbelief, if he wasn’t so angry, he might’ve laughed at her joke, but the rage continues to push through due to her sheer level of audacity. “Not only are you terrible, but your parents are drowning in money, and you decided to knock me out with over-the-counter drugs? I guess I wasn’t worth the effort of seeking out actual drugs?” Eren says, clearly taken aback.
Rather than dispute him, Mikasa simply rolls her eyes before finally setting her drink onto the counter behind her, seemingly finally growing tired of her game and their petty back and forth. “Sorry for being considerate and not drugging you with actual drugs, Eren. Next time, I’ll remember to go for the hard stuff—don’t you worry.”
“Glad you’re so sweet, Mikasa. I should be so thankful to have a boss as considerate as you,” he pipes back, glaring down at her. “Now, let’s go.”
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cloudbells · 6 months
4, 9, 18, 38 for your mcu ask game! ILY❤️
4. NOTP (Least favorite ship)
I have a couple answers to this that I can be normal about hating…but I fear the facade of me being not absolute bonkers coo coo crazy has long faded. So I will answer this with truth.
If I could mentally eradicate the existence of WinterIron from the minds of every single person who has contributed to its success…I’d wallow in the ethics of that for about 5 minutes and then immediately do it #mindwipingiscoolactually #giveMEthemindstone. I truly, truly, despise that ship with everything in me. And this isn’t a secret! Anyone who has ever spoken to me knows I hate this ship. Just the mere sight of it makes me sick to my stomach oh my goodness. Everyone knows to the point where I'll get disclaimers about any hint of winteriron in fic recs (also i love you guys who do this y'all are so REAL). And it’s not even for, like, morals reasons. I just hate it so much because of how I’ve seen it portrayed. I wish I could say the ship not making sense is the reason I hate it most, but it isn’t! Even though I firmly believe it makes no sense. That’s not anywhere near my main problem with it because I have plenty of ships that don’t make sense (Never ask user cloudbells what her current favorite ultra-sparkly rare pair is [the two characters aren't in the same fandom or even sister fandoms]). 
I hate it for petty reasons. And I hate that it’s so popular. Why is it one of the most popular ships?! Why do people like them? Well, I know why people like them, but I wish I could live my entire life with never seeing it ever again. Every time I’ve ever saw it, it involves some weird ass Steve characterization. But also, I just hate the idea of taking Steve’s top ships and making them in love with each other and then all the weird hateful undertones when it comes to Steve? Plus, in no way are Tony and Bucky ever getting together. I can’t even stand them as besties if we’re gonna get real lmao. I can handle them becoming friendly…maybe friends eventually, but anything further than that and I need Ativan or something to chill out. Omg, I can’t think about this anymore, someone get the straightjacket. I’ll admit myself to residential. But I do always love the chance to talk about things I don’t like. 
9. Favorite fight scene
Gotta say I’m a sucker for the scenes in CATWS where Steve fights Bucky. I love them so much. I love how you can clearly see the way his body twists, the way his muscles tense and release, the way his strikes flow - how sharp his jumping, punching and kicking are. UGH. It does everything for me. I loooooove Steve’s fighting choreography. He fights so clean…at least to me, someone who isn’t a trained fighter. Hm, well, maybe with this in mind, I should say I love the elevator fight. Or Hell - Natasha’s fight scenes. Side note that has nothing to do with the MCU: this just reinforced how much I love hand to hand. I remember when I watched Naruto and used to complain constantly over the lack of good taijutsu fights. I like seeing contact!!
18. Things you'd do if you're one of the MCU writers
Erm…SteveTony canon? Just kidding. But I wouldn’t say no to adding more undertones.
In all honesty, if we’re not talking about re-writes…I would absolutely give more weight to the Clint and Natasha relationship. I just mentioned this to someone, but I would do anything for a movie or mini-series or something just to see the moment where Natasha came to kill Clint and he instead decided to take her in, convince Fury to help, assisted with deprogramming her, ect. I’d love it. Seeing Natasha learn to trust again, seeing Clint struggle and being active in her healing. Natasha coping with everything she’s done, ect. Their bond forming…I need it. If any has any fic recs…
If we’re talking about Steve specifically, I would single-handedly force everyone to keep his deleted scenes and find somewhere to put them. I just wish we had more context on Steve himself. Like, I don’t need to see him having a self vs self angst we see with many other characters, because he’s not the type that needs that - but his external circumstances are fucking shitty and I’d love to see those explored more. I’d rewrite CACW to be more blatant on Steve’s motivations. I mean Hell, they were pretty damn clear to me, but apparently I can’t use myself as the leading authority on things like this (boooooo) and since it’s a CAPTAIN AMERICA movie, it should center around him. I shouldn’t have to defend Steve from the fandom concerning his own damn movie. 
I have some more thoughts but this post is getting long omg, I might not have enough space.
38. Favorite and least favorite villain
Favorite? I really like the potential Kang has (though he wasn’t really…great to me in Ant Man tbh). But anyways, my favorites are Alexander Pierce and Killmonger. I’ve mentioned why I like Pierce as a villain before, but it boils down to how calmly and near seamlessly he executed his power. I’ve always loved a villain that is so outwardly calm and calculated and manages to manipulate even the most suspicious of people, precisely because from his view, his goals aren’t very different from some heroes’. And because he believes in his evil so deeply, it makes him more patient and determined to carry forward. I like that. Chills!
My like for Killmonger is more…it’s a little removed from the MCU verse. I’m a black American, so I really understood where his anger and sense of betrayal came from. I mean, we're also from the same exact city. And I grew up with all typa diaspora wars between black people and African people that felt reflected in the movie…it all just really connected with me. He’s still the villain no doubt for how he went about it, but I truly, truly got his resentment. His emotions and motivations make sense! And I love a character that makes sense. 
Least favorite? The Howard guy in WandaVision. Ouuuuu, put me and him in a room for 2 minutes and he’ll be handled, permanently! I don’t even think he’s a badly written character because he (unfortunately) makes sense. But oh my goodness, I hate him so much. Now, least favorite as in boring or bad? Ultron, in my opinion. He could have been so much cooler, much more formidable, much more terrifying…but if they really dived into it, Ultron’s reign wouldn’t have started and ended in just one movie. But damn, was he disappointing.
Oh! If Namor counts as a villain (he does) I really like him. And NOT just because he's sexy and I have had a period of time where I had a very guilty and shameful crush on him.
Thank you for the ask!! <3
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THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME @koro-is-caffeinated HERE WE GO
Nickname: Moth!! Could you have guessed
Sign: okay no wait I learned recently there's 3 of them at least. Taurus Cancer and Gemini
Height: More than you
Last Thing Googled: "human anatomy" for the Wikipedia page
Song stuck in my head: NONE MY BRAIN IS UNUSUALLY SILENT RIGHT NOW WHAT IS HAPPENING. I TURNED OFF THE PODCAST SO I COULD TELL AMD THERES NO NOISE HELLO WHERE IS THE SOUNDTRACK oh no wait there it is. It's Jaws (Lemon Demon) but it's like morphing into My Trains (Lemon Demon) why 😭😭 like it's like the "but OH MY SHIT jaws jumps out and quint gets bit right in half like a KitKat bar!! Up in the sky there's a shooting star that's quint up in heaven he's a star now it's like MAGIC!! magic trains I wish these trains would take me AWAYYYYYY"
Followers: 262!! How
Amount of sleep: no idea at this point it doesn't do anything for mee LMAO
Lucky Number: 3 and 13. I just like them!!!
Dream Job: PENTESTER, or something general red team!! (Ethical Hacking)
Movies/Books that summarize me: Okay I think this one is like. Why are you the way you are but explained in the form of media and I think the media you've consumed?? I'm not limiting to books and movies bc that makes things very hard lmao I'm gonna dig deep for this one too like 6th grade deep that's as far as. It goes
Despicable Me 1 and 2, largely (god the minions phase....). The Magnus Archives (I'm listening to MAG 65: Binary right now oh my godddd I love this ep). Puppet History (obviously). The Hot Daga (obviously). Welcome to Nightvale (username origin!!). Be More Chill (this one makes the everything about me make an unfortunate amount of sense). Monster High (this one also makes things make sense but in a less unfortunate way). iCarly (yeah). Sanders Sides (I've had a signed poster up in my room for however many years now)
Favorite Song: currently Redesign Your Logo (Lemon Demon) or PRESSURE BOMB 2 (Jhariah)!!!
Favorite Instrument: Slide Whistle. LMAO
Favorite Author: Kevin Mitnick currently!!
Aesthetics: Obviously like tech aesthetics but my mom has also introduced me to grannycore and I enjoy it immensely.
Lots of bright bright colors lots of strange style choices lots of gluing things to my face like googly eyes!!
Favorite Animal Noise: whatever the fuck deer have going on
TAGGING : @natdrinkstea @freakingpeepseverywhere @aquatic-surfin @water-that-is-liquid I CANT THINK OF ANY MORE USERNAMES ANYWAY THIS WAS FUN!!!!
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mystifiedmess · 1 year
ok ok ok ash, i hope you’re ready for my HCs—i can’t seem them being as good as u bc u set a high and but i’m gonna give it an honest effort.
1. ambivert leaning towards introvert? u prefer having a smaller group of friends that u can let loose w & u social battery takes time to recharge.
2. not a big fan of alcohol? like—u try it, gives u the ick & the you’ll nurse the same drink for a long time.
3. u were the smart kid in school—slightly overachieving, liked sitting in the front, had the answers type
4. you’re good at like. crafts and stuff? all that DIY stuff—bracelets, jewellery, photo frames idk
5. not a big sports person but swimming is good stuff
6. u have a high pain tolerance (this has to be true bc what u told me about ur tattoo—)
7. ur parents r pretty chill w you and u get a lot of only child benefits but ur also not like. a spoiled brat?
8. a rambler!!! can talk for days about anything & everything, interspersed w so many tangential stories & events
dude you said you don't see them being as high as mine and then having the first one dead on correct is most i didn't study for test but topped class behaviour jsjdh
1- my irl friends have this ratio that is just my speaking and interacting with people is inversely proportional to the no of people. it doesn't matter if these are people i have known all my life. like at max i can stay at my bffs house for 5 hours then i Just start getting the hives and it's too much
2-ohkay so i haven't gotten hammered yet (haven't had the chance, but so far my experience was that i liked it enough, i am cautious with it tho but that's more getting caught by family ke karan wala scene)
3-i wish lmao why do people have this perception (you're definitely not the first) but i was an above average kid till like 10th. i had something of a harry scene like where he's smart but he doesn't have studious habits so it didn't really translate to grades you know. the sitting in first bench thing is slightly true (i want to sit infront at time cause i can't see past my hands without glasses,my eyesight is just the most whack thing)
4- oh yeah this is dead on like i didn't do jwellery but i did make a lot of other creative stuff as a kid loved arts and crafts. I'm that stationary friend even now my pouch is 1/2 kgs 🥲
5-ooh so i love running (like track/relay races and stuff) i love cycling just the feel of being so fast that the wind just kisses your face and you get the temporary relief from heat or the world even becomes blur i love that feeling
also love swimming as well tho but besides that don't like any games that involve balls so you're right in a way
6- yeah you're right about it, even rn i ahve a injury which i thought i was adequately describing to mom but turns out just sayin I'm okay and it's not that bad when it is bad doesn't work who knew 🙃
7- bhai so you're dead on for half that I'm not a spoiled brat (also does anyone else physically get the ick when they have to compliment themselves in any form and even if it's a very true statement)
but while i am an only child. my parents are bihari which idk if you've heard about them but they have a reputation ™
they are the strictest species to be on this planet and that's why i am Machiavellian and just like a liar ™
8- did you by chance speak with my friends cause!!!!!! i get this so so so much i can't be on a topic for more than 5 mins. i could start with history of earth and will somehow reach to the depths of feminism and it's reality in india to some meta discussion about a character
I'm that one friend that's just like- so what topic were we in again
the other friend : which one of these 18 topics are you talking about
over-all dude you've got a pretty good idea about me 🫂
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cantillat-moved · 1 year
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@ad-simul 1 and 2 buckle my shoe /shot and 14, 15, and 7?
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1. Which muse(s) is/are your favourite(s)?
I don’t think I have a favorite muse per say, but currently my most active ones are the Emiyas. I have been considering roleplaying as Shirou and Archer since circa 2013 give or take, but at the time the seething hate towards Shirou thanks to the studio DEEN adaptation butchering his personality made me afraid – I’m pretty sure this is a feeling that Umineko fans can relate. It was before the release of the UBW anime – in fact, the DEEN version of UBW was the one floating around. Another muse that was dear to my heart back when it had his own blog is Narukami. I loved the original game when I first played, but when I finally got the Vita version I was in a similar headspace : I was moving from one of the largest cities in the world back to my hometown, a place with tons of fog and my parents’ place is right next to three communications towers. You can pretty much hear “Who’s there?” playing during raining days. And, of course, Snoopy. One of my former classmates says she recalls me liking Snoopy since my daycare center days so I’m like… Fan of him since I was 2 years old? Technically speaking that’s the longest I’ve been fan of anything lmao (and everyone likes a fluffy mascot).
2. Which muse(s) do you wish had more interactions?
So many to be honest. Kiritsugu has been just chilling, Waver and Gray are good beans too. I also wished my Code: Realize muses had more interactions but I understand they are very niche. Some of the muses in my new secret menu are in there because they seldom got any interaction and some are new and I’d like to take them for a spin. I also have promised myself to try to have more interactions with my OCs.
14. What is your favourite fandom to write in? Why?
I love the Fate fandom and its universe. It is also pretty compatible with crossovers for anything that happens in the real world. Persona? Sure, the Palaces, Metaverse and the Midnight Channel could be forms of Reality Marbles for example. Madoka Magica? Well, Kyubei could be a foreign entity up to no good. Fatal Frame? Just look at how often ghosts show up in the works. So on and so forth, all we need is to sit down and brainstorm a bit.
15. What is a fandom you wish to write in one day?
Right now I don’t think I have any particular fandom I’ve been eyeing. Maybe something niche like the long dead Shadow Hearts or Phantasy Star.
7. Do you have crossover verses for the muses on your blog?
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…Puyo. I do have a Fate AU for Snoopy as a Servant (he is a Ruler, but he can also manifest as a Rider in his Ace form fyi). Believe me: if I don’t currently have a crossover, I’d love to make one.   I do have a Persona 5 AU for Shirou and a prototype Pokemon verse for him. I also have a fully fleshed-out Pokemon and Fate AUs for Hajime. I also have an Opera Omnia verse for Rufus (aka: the Dissidia verse so he can interact with any FF muse). Give me ‘em AUs. AUs, crossovers, verses, I love them.
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effrvsnt107 · 4 months
So I definitely thought they did especially in that scene where she's in bed and he's comforting her...only to find out it's post her aborting Lee's child. But it could have been both. Perhaps some time after that and she wanted comfort. Either way, their relationship was laughably inappropriate and Ellie's faces at their interactions were gold because you could hear her thinking are fr right now?! Having said that, a tryst with Claire definitely would have sent Hardy into cardiac arrest but hey. A part of me believes Ellie wanted to take Claire's assault allegations against him seriously not because she believed he'd ever, but to comfirm that they really *did* have an inappropriate sexual relationship and that was why he was being so dumb about the entire case. I wish they delved into it a bit more because to say Alex was naive isn't even scratching the surface and I wonder if parts of it was because he was vastly underestimating the women around him in a misognyistic way.
I apologise for typos, I can't find my glasses!
Don't be sorry about the typos, that happens to me basically every single ask i have ever sent ever, lmao. I hope you don't mind but i'm going to give my opinions out of order based on what intrigues me, if you disagree that's chill I just like to talk a lot.
To say Alec was just naïve about Claire is a total understatement and does not show just how desperate he was. To set a woman up just out of town secretly, hidden away from everyone as a form of witness protection, when Ellie rightly points out she is a suspect in Sandbrook just tells you everything you need to know about him mindset going into Sandbrook for the second time. Not only did he ignore all logical instinct, but he always intended to keep Claire there, showing how he was always going to back to Sandbrook, because Alec as a character is completely and utterly tethered to his past.
Prefacing this by saying I absolutely adore Alec and believe he had no malicious or condescending intent, but I think he completely underestimated Claire because she was a vulnerable woman and he feels a sense of duty over that. When he feels trusted, he will go to any lengths to keep it and prove himself (as we saw with Sandbrook and also after Ellie finds out Joe is the killer he lets her see him despite it absolutely violating protocol) because of a killer sense of duty and the want/need to be the protector of women. He saw Claire, her husband just got arrested (for a crime she also committed) saddled with a child which she proceeded to abort and that blinded him to seeing certain traits as guilt or suspicion. He saw someone he wanted to protect, and then after your wife and mother of your child cheats on you with someone in a position of inferiority, I think that intensified that sense of duty. Adding to the protector role, hello?? the whole thing with Tess where he took the fall despite it being completely her fault?? He clearly has an issue with this and this rather than being a quirk is a pattern of behaviour.
That sense of duty blinded him completely to the very obvious conclusion that Claire stole the locket because he never saw Claire as a real suspect. What is worse, he knows this is his flaw and he knows too well it will bite him in the arse but he does it anyway and continues to put duty over logic.
I do not think Ellie ever believed that Alec assaulted Claire, and I do not believe it at all, but she wanted to take it seriously like you said just to confirm. Ellie is the character who is a lot more in touch to people and the way they behave while also being able to see Sandbrook objectively, and all she has seen of Claire and Alec demonstrates a very inappropriate relationship. She has seen is Alec and Lee having a dick swinging contest, which can defiantly be attributed to the obvious 'he's the key murder suspect' but it almost feels too personal to be that with the way they behave - coupled with the fact he continued to dodge the question of "did you have sex with Claire?". Not only that, but this type of isolation and abuse is frighteningly common. Then add the fact every man Ellie has a personal tie to is very dodgey (that's putting it lightly), it makes sense why she'd want to investigate. I think it was intentionally written like that because somewhere floating around is a sippet of Chibnall saying in the early stages that was going to be a plot point but got dropped. With this I do not believe Alec had a sexual relationship with Claire, but I think it was written in such a way because of the early development plans.
I personally find him not sleeping with Claire far more interesting than if he did because while a fucked up sexual relationship with a woman who has caused your mental/emotional/physical wellbeing to crumble is very interesting, delving into his motivations without that leads me to a lot more interesting conclusions about him as a person, lmao. Like doing it not out of sexual gratification but out a sense of 'somebody needs me' and trust that she was innocent because he wanted to believe that and he wanted for once to see the good in someone. He felt betrayed by Tess and he assumed Claire felt betrayed by Lee and wanted to find some some joint comfort in that while not know she killed Pipa. Parallels Ellie and Joe a little bit I think.
Despite that, I am always willing to engage with anybody with a different opinion. If English Lit taught me one thing is that I will believe you if you have evidence to back it up (and you defo do because they were very...themselves). I just want a discussion what can I say! I'm a whore for discussing media and seeing it from other peoples POV!
As to Claire's voice waking him up after the pacemaker got installed - no idea mate. And yes, that scene you were saying about after she aborted Lee's child made me felt mildly uncomfortable because I was like "what the hell is going on between you two". Like you said, Ellie's faces were priceless and upon rewatch I was copying most of them. They are both a bit too close to not have you wonder what's going on.
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gothamcityneedsme · 2 years
i was too tired to do anything last night so i read some umineko ep1 since i didnt have spoons to do anything unfamiliar (and the beginning of umineko is practically rote memorization for me). so. Ive been Thinking.
ep1 and ep2, Legend and Turn, as authored by [redacted] form our understanding of the setup for all of the following episodes--of which the gameboards are authored by Tohya of course. I interpret the authorship and the works existing as fiction as being non-magical tellings of the board, ie like traditional mystery novels. I do not think fantasy scenes or tea parties (exception of ep7 tea party which is the representation of what lies within the Book of the Single Truth) were written in the novels/forgeries.
Anyways with that established. The point i have here is that i loveee that [redacted] wrote in a way that properly introduces the mechanics and characters, and even hid their own identity within. And that they wrote claiming they were Maria for both of their forgeries....and the implicit implication that other forgeries written by them were lost to sea.... I wonder if all of their forgeries had these set up elements--they wanted their writings to be found, they wanted to give enough context for a story to be plausible, for a beloved mystery, for an answer to the tragedy that hides their own self.
Meanwhile ep3, 4, 5, and 6 were all both online and published novels by Tohya....who approaches with a very different intent than [redacted]. Tohya approaches with a fascination for the event, with the assumption that you have read or know of eps1 and 2. The exposition is cut away to various mysteries, living in the mythology set up by our original author (and inspired by the real life true crime lol).
Side note (again. I am terrible lmao) but I wonder if Tohya at first thought his obsession (which was HESITANT and UNCOMFORTABLE to start) was due to just...fascination with the true crime? Like. Thats where Ikuko is, though i believe her feelings for the event deepen and shift as she encourages Tohya to help him, and as she faces for him to the public, even taking his name, which is ironic considering she gave him her name and that the surname is hers. Ep4 and ep8 sort of skirt around the true crime thing but its presented more as people being interested in devouring a story destructively--"rip out the guts".
Anyways ultimately im just interested in authorship and what that means, and the fact that Tohya, as one of many forgerists (but the only one permitted to do so imo which is part of why we are only really shown his forgeries--again im cutting out metaworld things here, as like, ep7 lion as someone bern discovered *could* be a 'forgery' but im going with the literal sense--not what exists in fantasy but what was published in reality--which cuts out all of the metaworld), works on what [redacted] built. Its like how they used to write together, make stories for each other.... Except its unknowing, and quite complex on Tohya's angle because acceptance is something hes strangling himself with. His identity and memories all jumbled and terrifying.
Ep3 as his first work is interesting--that is why ep3 is the first episode we see with a survivor--the "canon" survivor. Ep1 and ep2 were written as concepts, revenge fantasy and wishful thinking by [redacted], before any actual events. The catbox, before it was shut. Ep3 is obviously written post-catbox, using what little initial info that exists and that is known at the time...... Its just.... Interesting.
As more of Tohya's memories return, his writing becomes more directed. Ep5 is striking here especially with the appearance of "the man from 19 years ago". He's written so terrifyingly, its actually sort of chilling that Tohya writes this figure, someone [redacted] doesn't appear to have conceptualized. This is both Tohya's self-fear to me, but also truth-learning--I dont recall how Tohya and Ikuko would have learned of this truth, but I don't believe they could invent this character without knowing.
It makes ep6, the "game" a much more...gentle and wish fulfilling thing. Tohya, underneath including everyone's (witch hunters') favorite plausible OC, wrote a story where no one had to die, where things happened differently, and in that, imo, shows truly that his terror has started to shift. He has started to be less afraid of these stories, and more motivated by love.
This isnt organized or anything, just a lot of thoughts I've been having....
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I’m not sure if you have ever written smut, but all of your sfw giyuu pieces make me think that he would be such a softie during his first time with his s/o. If you feel comfortable, could I request some nsfw hcs about that 🥺💙 thank you!
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I actually haven’t written smut before lolol but I think I’ve read enough to write a decent one lmao
I usually make my fics gender neutral unless otherwise stated but I would prefer knowing the gender specification for smut so I know how to write it lol. But don’t worry too much about it, it’s all good :) and thank you for wishing me a good day! I actually did have a good day :D
Giyuu Tomioka x Fem!Reader
⚠️ nsfw headcannons below cut! ⚠️
♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ 
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♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡
image by: @/zenitsu-dandelion 
Giyuu would be so so so nervous his first time with you! What really helped his nerves calm down was that this was also your first time so he didn’t feel much pressure of having to be an “expert”
He constantly keeps asking if you’re doing alright, if he needs to slow down or stop and if you’re feeling good. He always makes sure to ask for permission and consent to continue on further
“Are you okay with this, Y/N?” He’d mumble out gently between soft pants, “Are you alright with me going on further?”
He wanted to get intimate with you, but he was just so nervous to ask. He didn’t want to initiate incase you didn’t want him to. He also couldn’t figure out how to even ask such a question without it being awkward. Luckily, you were able to ask him in such a way you both felt comfortable
Now here you were, in a dim lit room, slowly roaming your hands across each other and holding on to one another as if you’d fall if you dared to let go.
When you guys started, his cheeks were a burning, bright red and his eyes kept darting away, trying to look anywhere but you. He couldn’t get his words out without a nervous stutter. But the way you stroked his cheeks and ran your fingers through his long hair soothes him enough to make nothing but eye contact
Giyuu’s eyes kept scanning all over your body, taking everything in. He stared as if he was trying to remember it all in the case he’d never see such a beautiful sight ever again. His hands grazing over every part of your body, leaving a chilling trail of goosebumps.
“Y/N.. you’re so beautiful... how does someone like me deserve someone as spectacular as you...?” He whispers almost inaudibly as his lips lingered over your. His eyes never leaving your lips until he finally made contact and held your face to deepen the kiss.
He was super nervous at first grabbing any intimate part of your body but you helped guide him telling him it was alright and that you wanted him to. It was Giyuu’s first time feeling breast so he was really shocked by how soft and squishy they were.
But he loves playing with them now. He likes to massage them with his larger, calloused hands while his other grabs every other part of your body and he kisses and sucks at your neck and collarbone. Giyuu also likes to squeeze them when he’s railing you from behind ;)
His hand hesitantly slid down to your clit asking for permission to proceed. You give him the okay and he starts to circle his finger around it, massaging it in the perfect way. You mewl out in relief from the sensation which makes his heart skip a beat. Seeing you so worked up just turned him on even more
He would proceed to finger you, watching your reaction to make sure it was okay to add more fingers. All of this was helping you get aroused enough to get ready for penetration
He also found out that he freaking loves when he’s teasing your entrance and you buck your hips up to feel more of the friction while you cry out, “Giyuu... please... more...” between moans and heavy breathes. This got him super hard in seconds.
Giyuu’s foreplay during your first time was pretty timid. He would bring his hands around you slowly to make sure you were okay with what he was doing. His foreplay consisted with a lot of pillow talk, touching and kissing every part of your body and just staring in amazement he kept whispering everything in your ears which made it even more of a turn on
“Y/N you look so good... God you’re so beautiful.” “You feel really good.” “Your body feels so soft” “Your lips taste so sweet, I can’t get enough of them...”
He would have added in oral for your first time because he really wanted to devour every part of you and taste you but he felt too nervous of messing up since he was a virgin. So you both kept away from oral this time around and decided to try it out another time
After a lot of foreplay because this man grew a liking to teasing you Giyuu lays you down gently and lines himself up to your entrance. He was already hard from just seeing the way you squirmed beneath his touch, breathlessly calling out his name and begging for him to let you orgasm
“Y/N, can I put it in...?” He asks nervously, his full and soft blue eyes not daring to part from yours. Your cheeks were burning up as his cool breath fanned over your face. You could hear him whimpering, waiting for your response so he could finally release himself and feel you warm walls around him
Once you gave him the okay, one of his hands intertwines with yours, sinking deep into the bed as his other guides himself in then proceeds to kneed at your waist once he got the tip in. He lets out a shuddering breath, feeling you around him for the first time. He had to bite his lip to hold back from moaning so loudly and keep himself from ravishing you right then and there.
He feels around your entire body a lot. Giyuu wanted to feel every part of your body when you were losing your virginities together. There were so many loving parts of your body he’d never explored before and this was the perfect time of course. Giyuu could not keep his hands off you!
He goes in slowly to make sure he wasn’t hurting you too much, but thanks to all the foreplay, there wasn’t as much pain due to all the arousal. It still felt tight and weird but him going slowly also was a huge help. Once Giyuu finally was all the way in and you had told him to continue on, he gently pushed his hips back and forth, hand still wrapped around yours. He kept his eyes on your face to make sure he wasn’t hurting you after stretching you out
You guys did missionary for your first time because it wasn’t anything fancy and was a good starter position. When you started to feel really aroused, you wrapped your legs around Giyuu’s waist and pulled him in close. This really made his heart pound and made him moan right next to your ear.
Giyuu also kissed you a lot during your first time and kept his body really close. It just made him feel more intimate and secure with you so close to him. Each time Giyuu would start to shiver from the static feeling of your walls clenching around him, he had to remove his lips off of you to just take in sharp, shaky breathes. He kept nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck, panting and moaning right next to your ear, making you feel even more ecstatic.
The more aroused you both became, the rougher it got. You raked your fingers across Giyuu’s back, pulling him in even tighter. His hands gripped your waist as his hips snapped against yours and his forehead laying against yours. His thrust became faster and harder the more he heard you moaning and gasping
His eyes half lidded filled with lust hooked onto yours as he breathed out, “Y/N, I’m... I’m about come...” this sent sparks through your body as you purred back, “I’m gonna come too...”
The rhythm in Giyuu’s thrusts became uneven along with his quickened breath as his eyes shut tight. He was digging deeper into your core at a faster pace. You could feel yourself melting as the shaky feeling of an orgasm began to overtake you.
You felt your whole body clench and hold on to him tight as you succumbed to your orgasm, moaning out his name and he continued to pump into until he came as well.
After you both catch your breaths from your orgasms, he pulls you in for a tight hug, kissing you affectionately and cupping your cheek. He tells you how much he loves you, how much you matter to him and how beautiful you are. Giyuu’s after care is very sensual and cute. This is when he’s most vulnerable with you and does a lot hugging, holding, cuddling, kissing and pillow talk. Giyuu also of course helps you clean up any mess that was made
Overall, Giyuu is a complete softie during your guy’s first time. His cheeks, nose and ears get super duper red and it’s really cute. Giyuu always made sure you were okay, comfortable and excited through the whole experience and made sure you orgasmed first.
The next morning, he got super shy because of how embarrassed he was that he actually had sex with you and said all that sappy stuff. You teased him a little which earned you another blush that spread from ear to ear. Giyuu eventually got braver to start initiating sex and would usually start it off with touch instead of words since he’s not very good at forming his sentences at times.
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legendary-cookies · 3 years
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I compiled all of the title screens that had a Legend in the foreground and/or the background
Although I checked all of them at least 5 times, I could've missed one so don't kill me if I did lmao
The picture frames also cut off quite a bit of the title screens too, so there's also that
»»———— ༻✧༺ ————-««
A few things I noticed:
- Pitaya and Ananas are the only Legends that don't appear in any of them (though they technically do in a way as a silhouette in their dragon forms but I didn't count that)
- Moonlight appears in only one (Legend of the Millennial Tree), but she's cut out by the picture frame
- Dark Enchantress is in the same screen and also cut out by the picture frame
- Wind Archer is in the most title screens (5) and is also the only one to appear in a costume
- Millennial Tree and Dark Enchantress both appear in the Grand Cookie Party screen and I find that unreasonably hilarious
- Fire Spirit chilling in the background of the Grand Champions League screen that is all
- I wish I had played earlier because I feel like I'm missing out on some Legendary lore here
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Anyway they should make a title screen with all of the Legends or one with the Four okay I'll shut up bye
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mamamittens · 2 years
Seasons of Love - Obsession
It is done! Hopefully it is up to snuff, @useless-potatho!
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Very atmospheric (I want to strangle the man who created them for making the hair so damn hard to draw, lmao).
If I had any skill or knowledge on making gifs, this would absolutely be one of them, but for now, just assume this is just before the light hits them. I do not want to go back and add highlights around them and risk ruining the spooky eye vibe we have going on here.
Drabbles of "trying to get the reader's attention' is below for each of them!
Warnings: Definite implications of murder, stalking, and general unpleasant yandere behavior but nothing explicit or overly... much. Gender neutral reader.
Also, I absolutely more or less guessed for their occupations, so if you have a die hard headcanon that fantasy AU Kirishima is actually a dragon, Bakugo is a tribal chief, or that Kaminari is... idk, a LARPer from modern day, you will be disappointed. I'm sorry. But there really isn't a confirmed story for this really cool aesthetic, unfortunately. So I just went with the most popular ideas I could find online.
Total word count: 926
It was a dark and stormy night and you… you were on the run. Though he was quite deceptive at first glance, you knew better than to underestimate him by now. The storm was reaching a head but had yet to break. Lighting flashed through the trees and in the sky.
But somehow, you still failed to run fast enough from…
Smoldering ruins laid around you, collapsed structures cooling in the night air. And he stood there among the cinders.
Bakugo Katsuki. King of Dragons.
You had only meant to stop for the night to take shelter from the storm, but he found you first. Or rather, he knew exactly where you were going to be next and cut you off. You wish that this outcome was more… unexpected. But you had known from the start that people were going to be hurt by his hands… and in a twisted sort of way, your actions.
Ruby red eyes glimmered in the dark as he gave you a smug grin, arms outstretched as his cape fluttered in a stiff wind. Beaded necklaces clacking together as he chuckled low in his chest. Smoke curled out from his clenched teeth as you clutched your cloak tighter around your shoulders.
You really shouldn’t have run but what other option did you have?
“Hah! Finally!” Bakugo declared as he took bold strides towards you, stopping mere inches from your face. You couldn’t look away, terrified of the consequences if you did. “Your eyes are right where they belong. On me.”
Rain began to fall in a straight downpour, hitting the both of you like a heavy blanket. You almost missed his next words, whispered against your skin as he clutched you tightly against his chest.
“Keep it that way.”
His words felt like fire against your chilled skin as icy water dripped down your spine.
Panting for breath, Eijiro Kirishima held his firm stance for a few more moments. The dark clouds rumbled as the storm paused before it inevitably released the tension. Broad shoulders relaxed as he beamed at you with triumph. Sharp teeth undercutting the bright smile somewhat. Eager for your attention, he bound over to your shaking form.
You had a feeling he was off from the start. You didn’t think it would go this far though.
He ripped the rope around your wrist with his bare hands, lifting you up into his arms gently. Seemingly unbothered by your trembling, he kissed your hair soothingly.
“Now that that’s taken care of, we should head out of here. Looks like nasty weather, huh babe?” His steps were light, like he didn’t just spend fifteen minutes fighting bandits and wasn’t carrying you in his arms. Not that you expected anything less. Kirishima had always been incredibly strong despite his easy going attitude.
Red wine eyes locked with yours as his gentle smile grew sharper. Almost knowing. But of course it was.
He knew that you knew, after all.
That your ‘dedicated bodyguard’ against the dangers in the world had hired the bandits to begin with.
“The world’s pretty dangerous, isn’t it? Next time, stick closer to me. I’ll keep you safe. Just don’t let yourself wander off again.”
It began to drizzle then.
But you knew it was only a matter of time before it started to pour.
You had never wished so hard in your life that you would get lost in the forest instantly. Preferably the kind of lost where no one ever saw you ever again. Including Denki Kaminari. He flashed a smile at you, tipping his hat with a flick of his fingers.
“What a small world, huh? Still interested in a pretty bauble, darling?” Kaminari asked, flipping a medallion necklace you made the mistake of admiring almost three weeks ago, “I saved it just for you, you know. I can’t imagine anyone else wearing it.” He commented casually, like you were in the market place.
And not in a clearing surrounded by thick woodland with a storm moments from breaking overhead.
Having shaken his trail at least five times already. You weren’t buying anything he owned, including the convenient excuse that he was simply traveling the same way you were as a part time trader. When he wasn’t offering to duel on your behalf as a musketeer. Over literally anything.
“I-I’m trying to save my money, actually. You know… for an inn.” You glanced up as another lighting strike cracked the sky in two. You couldn’t hold back the flinch as it shook the ground.
Kaminari at least had the decency to grimace in turn.
“Yeah, I suppose that’s not a bad idea.” He moved swiftly, throwing his arm over your shoulder in a firm motion, “How about we split the cost of a room? I’d love to enjoy your company for longer! You can have the bed, gentleman’s honor!”
Any attempt to remove his arm or move away from his side was useless, his grip on your shoulder unyielding.
“Thought you’d be sick of me considering how often we run into each other.” You dodged the question but he simply laughed, eyes electric in the dim light of the forest.
“Of course not! Time spent with you is practically priceless! I wouldn’t want to travel with anyone else!” He declared.
Clearly, he was going to have your time too. Whether you wanted him to or not.
The rain began to fall in a steady and unending drone as Kaminari laughed.
You didn’t think you were going to lose him anytime soon.
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blackbat05 · 3 years
First Contact (Part 2)
A/N: Part 2 I guess! Let’s see where this goes! Do like and comment if you wish! Thanks for reading! I’m almost done with my internship but I still have assignments and documents to submit lmao. Happy start of the week I guess? HAHAHA
Genre: PG-13 
Warnings: None that I can think of at the moment? May be potentially long. 
P.S. I love this gif he looks so confused help my heart! 
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‘Meet me at the Korean BBQ restaurant. Tomorrow, 6pm.’ 
That message came in at three in the morning as Rick was filing away some documents that Waller needed. Just what were you planning? 
He waits for the lights to turn green, crossing the road to see you in a denim one piece. Something about seeing you outside other than work was starting to form butterflies in his stomach.
You see him and your lips curved upwards. ‘Rick! I didn’t think you made it but here you are! Come on, let’s go in, I’m starving!’ You causally grabbed his hands, pulling him in into the authentic restaurant that was buzzing with a mixture of orders, chatter and the smell of meat on the grill. The two of you slide into a booth at the end.
‘So, take your pick! We’ll be sharing the meat though,’ you passed the menu to him before enthusiastically scanning through the potential dishes you were going to devour. Rick can’t help but to let out a small chuckle.
‘What’s so funny Mister?’
‘You’re cute.’
The menu in your hands froze midair, momentarily unsure of how to respond. Rick realizes that he had just let the cat out of the bag a few seconds too late.
‘I- I meant-’
Before he could retract back his supposed blunder, you went on the attack. ‘I think you’re cute too.’ You hoped your voice wasn’t a dead giveaway despite hiding your face behind the menu.
Two bowls of black bean noodles, a set of six piece dumplings, two servings of meat and four bottles of soju later, you found yourself giggling at a story that Rick was telling you as you both walked under the shelters, away from the rain.
‘God you should have seen the way Waller looked at me, I thought I was gonna die,’ he drawls. You couldn’t imagine how Rick had managed to be so brave, going as far to make a joke on Walker’s outfit.
‘Oh you poor thing,’ you teased him, slightly feeling the effects of the alcohol. He looks down at your cheeks that was now tinted with a shade of light pink. He has never felt this comfortable with anyone at work.
Just then a delivery truck zoomed by, with no signs of slowing down at the huge puddle of water. You didn’t see it but Rick did. He pulls you towards him, taking a huge dose of water on his large frame. The sudden movement woke you up as you registered what just happened.
‘Oh my god, Rick! Are you ok?’
‘Peachy darlin’, but maybe we should get off the sidewalk before I look like the loach ness monster.’ Rick takes a moment to recover before taking your hands gently with his large ones. Just when things were going well. He tries not to show his disappointment at his misfortune.
‘Looks like that ice cream date is out of the picture for now,’ you mused thoughtfully. ‘Come over to my place then, I have a change of clothes for you. It’s just a few blocks down. We don’t have to do anything, just chill.’
Any men would have been taken aback by your straightforwardness. A single woman, living alone, inviting a guy to her house at eight in the evening? Not Rick as he finds himself nodding naturally to your proposal.
He walks around the place that you called home, looking at the belongings you had placed around the living room while you went to ransack your closet for the shirt that your older brother had left behind when he visited to you the last time. The shelf with various books - from fiction to research journals on correctional services lined up neatly for display.
A lava lamp sits on a small side table that was placed next to your sofa. You come out of the room, shirt in your hands. ‘I finally found it! I hope it’s not too small though, my brother gained muscle weight since then,’ you grin at Rick.
Rick remembers seeing a photo frame of you and your brother. The athlete’s built was hard to hide behind that loose hoodie he was wearing in the photo. As if you could read his mind, you answered, ‘My brother’s a gym trainer, he’s traveling around with one of the basketball teams this season so he’s barely around.’
The thumping in his heart slowed down. Rick was a god damn SEAL, why was he so nervous about the news of your brother?
‘Go change, I’ll make us some hot chocolate,’ you made a beeline towards the kitchen counter, starting up the coffee machine.
Rick exits the bathroom as quickly as he entered it, wearing your brother’s navy blue shirt. Thank god the machine was making the drink for you because you would have spilt the brown liquid all over the counter upon seeing his well defined muscles through the shirt.
The two of you take a seat at the sofa. He takes a whiff at the fragrant smell of the hot chocolate in hopes that it would calm his heart down. Clearing his head, he goes on the offense.
‘So, what made you come to good ol’ Belle Reve?’
‘Waller,’ Rick raised his eyebrows, encouraging you to go on. ‘She made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. I was in a difficult situation back then - financially.’
Waller, it was always Waller and her manipulative ways, Rick thinks. That explained why someone like you ended up here. He couldn’t come terms that you possibly walked into the high gates of Belle Reve on your own.
‘But it’s not so bad,’ you quickly reassured him. ‘I mean as time gets by you get used to Digger’s quips what have you not. Besides, not everyone is some hardened villain who’s out for the Dark Knight’s blood. Look at Cleo.’ You pause, unsure of whether to continue. It must have been the remnants of Soju in your stomach edging you on.
‘And I realize the people around me aren’t bad either.’
Rick places the mug down gently, turning to face you. If you were working up the courage to admit your feelings, there was no reason why he couldn’t.
‘You know… I feel the same way too.’
The only thing you could hear was the honking below your apartment and the rain that was drumming on your windows. It was starting to get louder but you blocked it out more. Right now you could only look at the man’s emerald eyes dumbly as he stares straight back into yours.
Maybe it was the silence, but Rick snapped out of it first. Should he have said that? ‘God I’m so sorry,’ he begins only to be cut off by your lips. You move back a few inches to look at him, to wait for any signs of reaction. And he does.
His hand moves to your spine rift, bringing you closer to him. Perhaps it was the hot chocolate, but it made it so much sweeter. You snake your hands around his neck, deepening the kiss. It was a cold Saturday evening but your body felt on fire.
The two of you finally break away, feeling breathless.
‘Wow,’ the two of you breathe out simultaneously, bursting into laughter - not the awkward type of laughter, but one that was genuine and natural.
‘What now?’ You asked as you came down from your high.
Rick muses. He wasn’t going to risk anything. No one at work can know. The last time that happened, he had to rip a witch’s heart out of his ex-girlfriend’s body. He wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice.
‘I know what you’re thinking about - Waller,’ you decided to be straight with him. ‘We’ll make this work Rick,’ you were determined not to let him go now that you had bravely confessed your feelings. ‘We’ll make this happen even if I have to fight the damn world for it.’ You wrapped your hands around his, feeling the roughness on it that reflected the years on the field.
He was the soldier but at this moment, Rick couldn’t help but to admire your guts. You were risking it all, being brave for love. It probably sounded cheesy but hell - he was falling into your charms deeper by the minute.
Rick comes closer, putting his forehead against yours. He doesn’t move and neither do you. You just want to stop time and run away with your Prince Charming to Neverland.
The rain doesn’t seem to agree though as it only gets heavier, wind starting to howl. ‘Rain‘s not going to slow down soon. You’re welcome to stay if you like,’ you whisper as if afraid to break the intimacy you created.
‘I didn’t know you moved this fast,’ it was his turn to tease back. You shrugged at him.
‘Well what can I say? If I see a man this fine in front of me, I’m not gonna let him go. Now you staying or not?’
— — —
The clock reads at two in the morning. The rain was still going steady but this time it had been reduced to patters. Two pairs of feet were tangled together in the sheets.
Rick’s abysmal sleeping patterns left him awake. He turns on his side, mentally tracing your features in the darkness.
Yes, he had admitted that you were similar to June - he always had a thing for intelligent women. But the similarity stopped there. You were quiet but feisty - not backing down when you believed in something.
And right now, you believed in him.
Rick was always afraid to open up his heart - his dad said that it was weak. No dad, he thinks. The only weak thing I did was listening to you.
A strand of hair falls, covering your face. He reaches out slowly, as if fearful of waking up from the dream, to find himself back in the four walls of his depressing home.
Maybe it was because you were trained to help others, to let them know that they weren’t alone as you shift slowly in your slumber, reaching out for his hand that was on your cheek. 
‘I’m not going anywhere Rick. I’ll be here.’ As if to reassure him, you moved yourself closer to him. 
For the very first time in a long while, Rick feels safe. He wasn’t the only one giving in the relationship. All this while, he was so afraid of making the first contact again but you gave him the courage. 
Who knew that the first contact with you in that musty prison would lead to something greater? 
Body relaxing a little more, he finally sinks his head into the pillow, arms thrown over your waist, allowing the rain to put him to some much needed sleep.
Tags: @lacontroller1991 @torchbearerkyle
- Hello dear I hope I didn’t disappoint! Thanks for being really supportive towards my work!❤️ if you’re ok with me continuing to tag you for Rick Flag stories, do let me know but I’m sorry that I won’t be writing any smut because I have zero skill in doing so and it won’t do this man any justice🙃
And anyone who wishes to be tagged in my future stories of any characters that I’m currently writing please let me know and I’ll take note! Feel free to visit my masterlist to see what characters I’m currently writing~
A/N: Ahhhhh~ I hope this was ok! For sure I’ll be writing more about Rick! Who knows, maybe my future pieces would be connected to this? Really hope y’all enjoyed the fluff(?) I always had difficulty writing the romance genre(?) but you know, it never hurts to try right?
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