#i totally coulda made this romantic
siren1song · 5 years
@impatentpending @reddstardust @sher-soc-the-famder @blazingstarininkydarkness @mariniacipher @theotherella @notveryglittery(peeps who wanted to be tagged in this! sorry cj idk why it won’t let me tag you)
Platonic roceit high school au where they start off as rivals that slowly turns into best friends because of a common enemy (the school board threatening to cut the theater program)
It starts off with Roman being his natural dramatic self on and off the stage and for some reason, Roman's loud, charismatic self just... grates on Deceit's nerves 
Like God what does this pompous ass know about theater? What does he know about living for the role he's in, about inserting himself so deep into character that he becomes the character until he's off the stage.
What does Roman know and why the hell is he so much better? it just irritates the hell out of Deceit, the jealousy he feels
One day, when Roman is talking loudly with his friends who aren’t in theater but band (Patton), art club (Virgil), and the robotics club (Logan), Deceit makes a snide, passive aggressive remark about Roman being a traitor to the theater program by mingling outside of the group. it pisses Roman off and the rivalry starts hot and strong.
Over the months of lets say sophomore year they're always at each others throats, getting along only when their characters call for it on stage and it drives everyone else in the department nuts because during the rehearsals they're fighting, making crude comments and mean insults rather than practicing and the quality of their acting goes down because of it.
One day a representative of the board of directors watches their worst performance yet and... silence. deceit knows they were there, he heard the theater teacher talking about it with the principal in the hallway during his free period. roman doesn't and remains oblivious to the danger they're in.
Until Mr. Octavius (cause why not name October that) gathers the theater club together a week later and says, with a solemn look, that the club is getting cut from funding and the next year drama will no longer be available.
Deceit and Roman both are pretty heartbroken at the news, but Roman refuses to give up the idea of "saving" the club and it drives Deceit mad. what can they do to change the mind of the board of directors? They're just kids! and one day, after hearing Roman plot with his friends, he snaps the same question, going on about how it was all their fault because Roman was too arrogant to see past his rivalry to actually work together
roman ignores the indignant rage at having the blame pinned on him for a moment because deceit is crying and, though he knows he'll refuse to admit it, he wants to help
"Then lets both work together. Make this club so good, so amazing at what we do that the next time some board of whatsits member comes down to watch, they HAVE to keep the club."
Deceit is shocked into silence before quickly frowning. “What do you propose we do that will make them actually come and visit again, then?”
Roman shrugged, getting up and beaming at his rival. “First we’ve gotta improve our acting skills and working together skills before we worry about getting their attention again.”
Deceit, still shocked, just nods and Roman’s grin grows. Behind him, Deceit sees his friends roll their eyes affectionately at Roman’s determination.
It’s hard for them at first, Deceit wanting to try but struggling to because he’s so used to working against Roman that working with him was just... difficult.
But he did his best, barring the sassy insults because keeping Deceit from calling Roman the queen of the castle was like keeping an ostrich from trying to mate with humans. Necessary but difficult and not most bothered.
After a particularly nasty insult (that Deceit actually felt kind of bad for letting slip), Roman snapped.
“What is your issue, Hamlie! I’ve been doing my best to get along with you, trying to fix our mistake and yet you can’t seem to make the same effort!”
Deceit flinched at the nickname, scowling. “As if you’re blameless, Turkey,” he muttered, crossing his arms.
Roman gasped at that. “You take that back!”
Deceit blinked, his arms dropping to his sides. 
“You understood that insult? I thought you were an idiot.”
Scoffing, it was Roman’s turn to cross his arms. “As if I haven’t studied various stories like that. Greek and Roman history and religion? My favorite things to research.”
Okay... maybe Deceit underestimated him just a tad.
“Alright, fine. I’ll... try harder to get along with you.”
Roman frowned. “You haven’t answered my question.”
“What question?”
“What is your issue, Nagini.”
Deceit sighed, looking out at the seats of the theater, both being on the school stage right now to practice extra for the next show.
“I’m...” Deceit grit his teeth, grinding them together, “I’m jealous. Of you.”
Roman was quiet, so he continued.
“You’re talented. Better than me at getting into character, figuring out how they would act and speak. You learn the character and then you become the character and I’m always just slightly to the left of where I need to be, never really sticking the landing of who I need to be and it’s infuriating because it doesn’t even look like you try.”
More silence.
“Well, it’s not like I don’t work it at... I try just as hard as everyone else.”
Deceit finally looked back to Roman to see him... blushing? and not looking at him.
“Listen you want my advice? It’s the little things that matter. I put a lot of thought in the characters I play. Where did they grow up? How did they grow up? What drives them, their goals? It’s... a lot of work. I usually practice with Patton a lot to get a better understanding of what they’re like.”
Deceit sighed, running a hand through his hair, his hat tossed to the side with his coat so he wouldn’t feel too hot under the stage lights.
“Alright, enough with the mushy stuff, let’s get back to work.”
Roman grinned and nodded.
After that they did work a lot better together, Deceit having a new respect for Roman after learning just how much effort he puts into his work.
It wasn’t long until the first performance where they actually worked together came and passed, the show being such a success they actually felt ready to talk to the principal about convincing the representative to come back and see them in action.
Skeptical, the principal agreed to try, but made no promises.
They did their best to practice for the next performance but the hope and dread that they had swirling in their heads was distracting.
One day when they were taking break in Roman’s room, Deceit spinning in Roman’s desk chair while Roman laid on his bed, Roman spoke up.
“What if they say no?”
Deceit stopped, raising an eyebrow at Roman. “What if they don’t?”
Roman raised up on his elbows, frowning at Deceit. “No, you don’t... Deceit what if they say no.”
Deceit tilted his head, fidgeting with his hands in his jacket pockets.
“Then we’ll petition for the drama club to be reopened next year.”
Roman sat up properly now so he could chew on a fingernail. “And if that doesn’t work?”
Deceit hummed. “We’ll keep trying. What’s wrong, Roman, you don’t seem the type to lose hope.”
Roman puffed up his chest. “I’m not! I just... I’m worried. Theater is what I want to do with my life, if I don’t have my high school years to refine my skill and get scholarships to a college with an amazing theater program, what am I going to do?”
Both brows raised, Deceit leaned forward to get a better look at Roman.
After a moment of silence, he nodded. “You’ll find another way. You’re a fighter Roman, I doubt you’ll stop until you’ve exhausted every option and then some.”
Roman stared at Deceit, brow furrowed before suddenly grinning.
“You’ve grown soft.”
Deceit glared, grabbing a pencil from the desk and throwing at a laughing Roman.
The Board of Directors agree to send another representative, and Roman hugs a blushing Deceit so hard at that news he lets out a squeak. 
They practice together even more, Roman and Deceit both surprising the rest of the club when Roman breaks character to make Deceit actually start laughing (well, snickering is a more accurate descriptor).
After a nasty stumble of lines on Deceit’s end that sends Roman into a fit of laughter while Deceit can’t resist the grin at making the other laugh, he suddenly realizes that... shit he thinks of Roman as a friend now.
He enjoys Roman’s company, even seeking it out when he knows he’s not going to be with his other friends, loves to make the other laugh so hard he lets out an ugly snort.
It’s... nice to have a friend that isn’t Remus, honestly.
With that realization, Deceit works harder to get better, not only for the sake of the club but also to make his new friend proud of his progress.
They managed to put on the best performance they could have, and the school gets to keep the drama club.
Deceit is so happy, he actually laughs out loud in genuine joy, turning to Roman with a wide grin, having that same smile returned to him it’s... exhilarating. 
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kravkalackin · 4 years
The thing was, Kravitz was actually quite good at his job. He recognized that it was a very difficult job and that some cases took longer to bring in than others. Still, except in cases where he saw cause to give someone a second chance, he always brought his bounty in. 
He wasn’t used to losing like this. To being outsmarted. It left him frustrated, but more than anything it was leaving him confused. Liches were dangerous, and they were powerful, but most of them lost the intelligence they once had in life. 
This one certainly hadn’t. 
“Shit,” he said, barely able to dodge the necrotic beam of energy. That was all he could seem to do in this fight, jump out of the enemy’s attack with little opportunity to get close enough to use his scythe. When he tried to dive in this time, he got a large blast of fire in his chest for his efforts. 
“Ya know what, that’s enough,” he huffed, drawing back. Throwing his hands up, he let his scythe disappear. Any normal lich would immediately lunge, taking the opportunity to try and tear him apart once and for all. This lich of course didn’t do that. Instead he also pulled back some, lowering his wand the slightest bit. 
“If this is a trap you know I’m not gonna fall for it bud,” the lich said, sounding suspicious but otherwise unremarkable. 
“No, no trap, I just want to talk,” Kravitz insisted, because at this point he just wanted some answers. He doubted he’d get anything trustworthy from a lich, but he could at least figure out what his lie was. The lich chuckled, and he didn’t sound evil or anything like that, just amused. 
“Well if you wanted to talk you coulda said that a long time ago,” he said, and there was almost some relief there. Like he didn’t want to fight. “What do you want to know?” he asked, and the question sounded so earnest it threw Kravitz off guard for a moment. 
“Your name is Barry Bluejeans, correct?” he asked, receiving a nod. “You’re a lich who has died a whopping total of 16 times, yes?” he continued. 
“Got it in one,” Barry said, not sounding phased in the slightest. 
“Do you know who I am?” he asked this time, and the lich shrugged. 
“Figured you’re a reaper for the god of death in the world, uh, the Raven Queen unless I’m mixing it up with somewhere else. I don’t like, know your name or anything like that though,” he said, and Kravitz frowned a little. It was certainly an odd answer, if not an incorrect one. 
“Yes, and it’s Kravitz,” he said, feeling like he could at least tell him that much, to make the conversation easier. “Alright then, well, not a lot of my bounties are usually up for a friendly chat, but it seems you’re different,” he said, and once again Barry chuckled. 
“I guess you could say that, or maybe I’ve just gone crazy enough from the loneliness that I’m willing to talk to the grim reaper,” he said, and Kravitz would have believed that if it actually seemed like Barry Bluejeans has lost his mind. 
“I just want to know why you became a lich. I’ve been hunting you for four years now, how have you managed to keep your sanity for so long?” he asked, and he swore this lich somehow managed to smirk at him. 
“Bud, I’ve been a lich for twenty five years,” he said, and if Kravitz’s wasn’t in his reaper form he probably would have choked. This man had only been on their books for four years, that simply wasn’t possible. 
“That’s not-” he started, but Barry raised a hand, cutting him off. 
“Do you have time? I could tell you the story, but it’s kind of a long one,” he said. Kravitz quickly checked in with The Raven Queen, getting a silent affirmation in his head before he nodded. Keeping a good distance from the lich he sat down, the spectral robed figure doing his best to mimic him. 
“So, it actually started over a hundred years ago, at a scientific institute, the Institute for Planar Research and Exploration, specifically...” 
By the end of the tale Kravitz wasn’t sure what to believe. After speaking it over with the Raven Queen, they both decided that leaving this particular lich alone for the moment might be for the best. He wasn’t actively harming anyone, so until they could get some more concrete answers it wouldn’t be the end of the world. 
Six years later, and Kravitz couldn’t help but think of the lich’s story as Taako shows him a bowl and made a very confusing metaphor about edge cases. It wasn’t until a few months later, and several dates later, that he actually got around to asking about it. 
“Taako, did you ever know anyone named Barry Bluejeans?” he asked, and immediately a surprised and delighted smile spread across his boyfriend’s face. 
“Oh shit, you know Barold?” he asked, and Kravitz nodded a bit hesitantly. 
“In a way,” he said, and Taako seemed to think it over for a moment. 
“That makes sense, I guess he is dead now. We met the dude on our way to Phandalin the first time, but he beefed it when the rest of the town got glassed. Why, did he ask you to pass on some message from beyond the grave?” Taako asked, and Kravitz was sure there wasn’t any lie there. Maybe it was mostly the romantic in him, but he trusted Taako not to lie to him about something like this. 
It had been a long time since he had last spoken to Barry, and he had only heard the story once. It had stuck with him though, the longing with which he spoke about his family. The determination to get them back. 
“He misses you all,” he said, and Taako only looked surprised for a moment, before snorting in amusement. 
“Yeah alright, tell him we miss him too I guess, even if Merle did think he was a douche,” he said, and Kravitz laughed a little at that, nodding. 
“Will do,” he said, and Kravitz intended to follow through on that. 
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2rat2touille · 3 years
anyway everyone points to the MCU as the shining example of “planning out a movie series” so here’s all the things that make it obvious they did not have a fucking plan
-Thanos smiling at the mention of “courting Death” at the end of the first Avengers movie only to have his motive have nothing to do with courting Death and his signature smile being a shallow nod to the comic that now feels really fucking out of character. his mid-credits tease in Age of Ultron also makes no fucking sense with what we know now
-The infinity gauntlet being on display in the first Thor until they went “oops nevermind it’s a replica”
-Thor: The Ragnarok being teased as a dark event in Age of Ultron until they changed their minds and made it a funny romp type thing
-Spider-Man being introduced in The Civil War at the last minute since Marvel made a deal with sony within less than a fUCKING YEAR OF IT’S RELEASE
-Civil War changing it’s whole plot in one movie where it starts out as being about whether or not superheroes need to be held accountable by governmence until it just decides ehh fuck it they’re fighting over Bucky now speaking of
-Bucky being useless
-Star-Lord and Gamora’s arc in Guardians of the Galaxy The Vol. 2 being about realizing they both need to mature as friends before entering a romantic relationship only to just immediately make out in The Infinity War before she gets fridged
-Spider-Man turning down the iron spider-suit and being an avenger at the end of The Homecoming only to get an iron spider-suit and become an avenger in The Infinity War
-Russo Brothers obviously having no fucking clue what to do with Hulk in The Infinity War and The Endgame like what’s so hard to understand guys he’s a big green guy who go smash
-oh um it turns out Captain Marvel was the reason for the Avengers existing the whole time guys we swear
-Captain Marvel’s whole inclusion in phase 3 in general like yeah let’s introduce a brand new character at the last minute before The Endgame cuz we have no fucking concept of patience here at Marvel STUDIOS
-Rocket being the only living Guardian of Galaxy in Endgame only to like only have interaction with Thor and barely any interaction with anyone else like maybe if you’re gonna have one Guardian of Galaxy alive in your The Endgame movie you should have them be important KEVIN
-Hawkeye is so sad about his family that he becomes a horrible assassin murderer with no morals left he has become a man his family would no longer recognize so obviously we kill Black Widow
-Back to the Hulk did they like make Bruce Banner half man half hulk in The Endgame just so they could have someone do the reverse snap and survive like you coulda had Thor do it he’s a god and it probably makes more sense for him to do it character arc wise considering how guilty he feels over not killing Thanos before the snap
-was Captain America supposed to move on from his past or not cuz if yeah then why the fuck would you have him go back in time to alternate timeline to be with whats her name
-Oh yeah no guys the Eternals were totally there the whole time they just didn’t stop thanos cuz they were told not to interfere with uh with with uh with conflicts involving the um checks notes the deviants????
-fuck it Wanda has an american accent now and Wanda and Vision’s romantic relationship happened off screen between The Civil War and The Infinity War but it definitely happened guys please
-Thanos been got built up as big main The Endgame bad guy since 2012 only for his worldview to never be challenged and when you get down to it the whole The Infinity SAGA conflict of the The Infinity SAGA came down to who can do punch better
-introducing tony’s stark’s child kid in the same movie he dies in guys did you maybe wanna do that first like if not you could’ve done without the kid i’m sure the nerds would’ve cried anyway or is she dgonna take up the iron man mantle (iron mANTLE IHAHHAAHAHHAA kill me)
why am I talking about this go watch a Scorsese movie
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aslibekroglu · 3 years
Soooooooo, what do u think of Son Yaz’s finale? Man, if this show had a chance to show its full potential, what an amazing ending it will be! I mean, I’m happy with the happy ending, but this is like nothing compared to what it could have been! Here are my shoulda, coulda, woulda takes on what’s missing:
Can u imagine how tense the jealousy game will be between Cihan-Yagmur vs Akgun-Cemre? I wish we had time to explore Soner & Naz, as this relationship really need some take & give from both sides ( and not to mention Emel too)
And how intense Selim & Sare will play each other? Speaking about Sare, I think she’s the most underrated & wasted character in the show, she is such a good opponent to Selim and I secretly wish she’ll partner w/ Selim in future operations.
Cihan & Kiymet have some secrets that need to be uncovered. Man, I was really hoping Cihan will teach Akgun a thing or two on how to treat Yagmur. On the other hand, I think he’s a bit of a psycho underneath 😅
I read somewhere that Selcuk & Kiymet is behind this whoooooole mess. Not only Selcuk ordered to kill Akgun’s mom, but together with Kiymet ordered to attack the Kara family or kill Canan because they wanted to get rid of Khalil Sadi. Mind you, this is a theory, but I think it totally makes sense, don’t u think?
Mmmm, I liked it and I didn’t like it. My only true complaint was that the episode just seemed a little disjointed and messy to me, but I am fully willing to excuse it knowing that the writers basically had to rewrite and rearrange ep26 since they were already in the process of writing it when the show got cancelled. And all the storylines that they just started within this episode (like yagmur finding out about sare or selcuk and cihan’s mom’s relationship or the war that is most likely going to start between the mertoglus and the sancaktars) kinda bothered me too because of how undone and up in the air they were. But again, knowing that the writers did that just in case the show gets saved by some miracle makes me excuse it.
All of the Akmur scenes were so good and well done. Hafsa and Alperen did such an amazing job, they are magic together!! I loved seeing Selim get the will to live again for his kids. Seeing him apologize to them made me cry. I would’ve loved to have seen that in its fullest potential. That development would have beautiful to watch. Like you, I wish we could have seen more of Sonnaz’s relationship and seen more of how they were adjusting to life as a married couple and all of the compromises that takes. I especially wish we could have seen more of Soner dealing with trying to go the straight and narrow. Again, another bit of character development that would have been great at its fullest potential!
Sare, too actually! Her whole secretive backstory would have been so good to watch if we had the time. It would have been interesting to see her genuinely care for Akgün and Selim (although hopefully not romantically) as much as she seems to genuinely care about Yagmur and whether or not that would have affected her need for revenge. Either way, throughout the course of the season, Sare surprised me. After the first episode, I definitely thought she would be a full blown antagonist who I would ultimately dislike since she was essentially trying to harm the Kara family. But in seeing her care for yagmur, and trying to help fix yagmur and selim’s relationship, and seeing her breakdown in the bathroom that one time, she became such a more interesting and multi-dimensional character. And I loved seeing her go back and forth with Selim. It was so so interesting to me how evenly matched they were work-wise. Like Selim is known to be one of the best at his job, so seeing Sare being able to guess all of his moves was so impressive to me. And then in turn Selim knowing that Sare would guess all of moves was also so interesting. It was like watching a game of chess being played, they could just read each other like a book. Their dynamic was so interesting and I would have loved to see how it would’ve played out.
Unfortunately, in the short time we had, I never really began to actually care that much about the other Sancaktars. If we had more time, I think I definitely would have gotten invested because I think the characters had a lot of room for interesting development. Cihan is clearly unstable, between locking Soner in a safe when they were younger, obsessing over Yagmur and essentially stalking her, and his mother seemingly worried about him doing something dangerous, it’s clear that it was only going to be a matter of time before he did something crazy. It would have been so intriguing to see him lose that structured, polite exterior as he became less and less stable. Burak kinda reminded me of early Soner, kind of the black sheep of the family, desperate to prove himself and never getting any respect. I don’t know if he would go to the fullest extent as Soner and end up leaving the mafia world, but I feel like he would have found some self respect and would have gotten out from under his brother’s control. Cemre, well Cemre I just did not care about at all. They never really did anything with her, so I guessing I’m happy that the show ended before they had a chance to throw her into something with Akgun (although ngl I would have loved to see a Yagmur, who was still denying her love for Akgun and throwing all her anger towards him, being jealous of Cemre for some “unexplainable totally non-jealous reason 😉”).
And the Selcuk and Kiymet (thank you I could not remember that lady’s name) thing, idk I was just so confused. I guess I could see them planning the whole thing, both Semiha and Halil Sadi’s murders, so they could end up together, but idk. The writers just always made it seem like Selcuk really cared for Semiha, between that scene in ep11 when Selcuk told Akgun that his mom would be proud, and when Akgun said in ep16 that his dad always carried a picture of his mom. That’s why I was so looking forward to this season, to find out Selcuk’s true intentions!! And plus Kiymet didn’t know what happened to Halil Sadi, whether he was dead or alive, so I guess maybe Selcuk was the mastermind behind the whole thing (although he didn’t know what happened to Halil Sadi either). And WHAT was the deal with the car?!?!! How did Selcuk end up having the car that Selim used to kidnap Halil Sadi?!?! Was it Selcuk’s car to begin with? If so, how did Selim get it?! That was the biggest puzzle to me during this finale, it didn’t make any sense. WHICH IS WHY WE NEED A MIRACLE SO THIS SHOW CAN GET SAVED!!! WE NEED MORE ANSWERS!!!
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dragqueenpentheus · 3 years
Okay no one has to read this but i DO have to write it:
Ya bitch needs an art break bc im getting angry about voices existing as i try to keep myself entertained. Today is NOT a god one for sinking into repetitive line work and that’s just about all i have on the table atm
SO! Im gunna do a little thinking about my little meow meows all fucked up by religion. Just a comparison for my sanity and interests. Pyroc is my baby i wrote him for the first time years ago. Five?????????? Whadda hell. Going on six.
ANYWAY john joined religion because of his trauma. His sister died and he felt lost. He was unmoored in this fishing village and looking for reason looking for hope. Hed had his heart broken and trying to make sense of tragedy on his own was totally beyond him. Thats why his interactions with riley in AA are SO good like. He knows that confusion and he knows the rhetoric that’s supposed to combat it. Only it dooesnt work for riley.
The same sort of thing happens for pyrc, only inverted. Loss urns him away from god and religion because its SO strong in his family and not only is he loosing trust in god, but his kin as well. He’s suspicious there’s mre they arent telling him, at the point of his fathers death. And he agrees to, on the surface, absolutely wholly throw himself in to being the second the family and the village need. But he’s keeping his treachery under wraps.
That’s one of the coolest things about father paul imo is like. That slow unraveling of what is. Frankly. An awful half assed plan, driven by fear and loneliness and desperation and dementia and love. Even VERY obvious things like. Taking down the newspaper photo of his young self ‘slip’ by him. I think, on some level, its DEEPLY intentional. He wants people to CHOOSE this. He wants people like bev. He wants people who see him and are in aw of him beating god. Of killing death. He wants to be worshiped and adored and for people to come to him willingly, no tragedy driving them to his arms.
Pyroc also wnats to be worshipped, but he ALSO wants to do the worshipping. He really longs for an element of almost????? But not quite??? Subjection?? He wants to be shown something and for a Great Voice to tell him, unquestioningly and unerringly that it is GOOD. Full stop. And then he wants to spend his life worshipping it. But this booko is an exploration of how….. no such thing exists. And more importantly no great voice exists either. There is nothing wholly good, nothing wholy evil. His lack of faith in himself once he becomes god is him starting to understand that as well. Thats on purpose baked into the lore. The starting point was ‘what if god was a position and in order to get promoted you had to be a murderer. No matter what’. He understands things are not wholly good, at that point. I onder how long it will be for him to realize they are not fully evil as well?
Bc pruitt does hm hm hm an interesting move. Where he takes something the narritve is very sure to communicate is EVIL no wiggle room just fact. Even if its driven by animal instinct its. Evil. And he makes it, not just good, but HOLY. And god i LOVEEEE that for him i ADOREEE that what a MOVE. Driven by desperation and dementia and relief and ‘if god saved me than maybe i can be good despite loving and sinning and maybe if i defeat god then i will be Thee Good’. SO sexy of him. Im really fascinated by his morality. He seems to have an understanding of the shades of grey in some respects??? But if he had a BETTER one with more forgiveness in his heart i feel like hed have left the church anyway after sarah was born??? Even if millie didnt ask him??? That might just be my own sensibilities creeping in but ….. like he culd have seen her on the weekends. He can do other jobs. Hes straight (??? Not totally convinced of this) he could have just dated her that makes me crazy. LIKE OBV HE HAD LINES HE THOUGHT THAT WOULD CROSS AND HE HAD INTERNALIZED THE CHURCH AND THE RULES AND SHE WAS MARRIED AND ECT ECT i know he couldnt have really but. Thye were straight. They coulda.
Im not gunna do fantasy homophobia bc i think its …………….. Boring. But i think some element of??? The vindlegaurd line MUST be passed along and for that particular rules must be applied. But thats also boring as hell :/ maybe i can work in my parthenogenesis lore?????????? I bet pyroc would love building that spell in any universe. That’s the sequal when he goes to magic university in helsin. But yeah i do like the concept that. Anyone can have a baby thru magic its just a time and energy commitment. Just a matter of wanting it enough together. Every baby is so deeply wanted and its mere existence is proof. Thats dope i love that. HMMM to be decided at a later date when im deeper into the story i think. I still havent figured out fully how and where and why orion is going to be invovled and if???? Pyroc and orion are even going to be romantic??????? Im torn im TORn…….
Thikns about john bonding w sarah over science and learning and starts wEEPING…. Like theres some surity beloved. Its just a matter of uncovering. I think sarah felt that same thirst for answers and hunted them differently. Her faith is in logic and science. I loveeee her god. Every scene w her and her dad absolutely RUIN me like!!!!!! SHE DOESNT KNOW!!! SHE DOESNT KNOW HOW LOVED SHE IS!!!!!! I hope at hte very end she saw the blood as the gesture of love it SO clearly was and not him trying to poison her. God i love that she spat it out. GOD. Thats about being gay, btw. Spits the religious offering that could save you across the gasoline soaked church floor like BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think we as a collective should talk about the possibiites around sarah/erin more. Bc their defiance combined would be. Earth SHATTERING for crockett.
In the future pyroc gets a kid. Ever since that campaign where Enemy ended up playing his daughter im like. How did i NOT know this idiot wanted nothing more in the entire world than to travel it with his daughter. I dont care how or why hes getting a kid. Hed be so doting and awful abut it. He would need orion as a co-parent for the kids self esteem to be normal levels. thINKS ABOUT PAUL GETTING TO RAISE SARAH AND JUST ABSOLUTELY GASSING HER UPPPPPPPP HANGING EVERY DOODLE SHE EVER MADE ON TEH FRIDGE. BOASTING ABOUT HER SCEINECE PROJECT OT ANYONE WITHIN EYESIGHT EVEN THOUGH ‘WE K N O W JOHNWE WERE ALL AT THE SCEINCE FAIR’!!!!!!!!!!! Let these fuck ups be doting fathers im fucking begging. That scene where paul is like. You take ccare of everyone on the island sarah. Its more than being a doctor. You comfort them.
HM HM comfort is such a thing for Miss Bitch like!! He sees it as a Good Thing. He tries to bring it for riley by asking to hold the AA meetings on island ((also manipulation. Obvously also manipulation. I wouldnt have bene shocked if he was slipping the vampire blood into the coffee every meeting either. But thats just a theory. A game theory.)) ANYWAY he sees comfort as hly. The church gave it to him when he needed it. The angel gave it to him in the cave. Feeling safe and warm is HIGH on his list of priorities and what makes him hand over respect.
I think pyroc has lived a very comfortable life in SO many ways, but in none he. Activly recognizes. A key part of his character arc his him…. Opening his eyes to the world around them. Seeing the privilege he has and being like. Wait. This isnt Right. We have to change thi. And when no one agrees ti shifts to I have to change this. With Violence. A little revolutionary <3 it only costs the life of his whole ass family
Thats more fun comparison ground like…… paul is SO much about I know whats right and there is a cost but i AM ignoring it. Like HE KNOOOOWSSSS he knooooows he just doesnt want o See. I’m not sure if im going to surprise yroc with the ……megadeath of. His whole family. Or if it’s a choice he has to activly make. I think a choice makes it more compelling, more layerd. It has to be in the moment though, becaus ei think thats. A key difference between them. Pyroc wouldnt do it.. hed just leave hed peace out and do what he could in small ways. But he wouldnt do his big stand off with god. Hed shrink his goals in order to not hurt his family. Out of love?? Intimidation?? Some instinct wihtin him that balks at the idea of disobedience??? I think even he doesnt know. But i LOVE john becaue he jsut decides to lie. He closes his eyes and says i am being stupid on purpose. I think thats PERHAPS more compelling than good guy coward pyroc BUT!!!!! Thats who he is rip to ths little man. Cant change him now hes a whole ass child in my head. The PLOT i can change. Him….. not without massive character development <3
UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MM set my brain on FIRE!!!! Im so glad nano is coming up. I love sharpening pyroc against the comparison of other AMAZING characters. Father paul hill my beloved millstone <3 anyway sorry to anyone who reads this its literally me unhinging my jaw and emptying my brain out. I had to write stuff that wasn’t novel or fic. A little character time down and dirty. I wil NOT be editing this love and light to future me trying to decode this
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rappaccini · 3 years
tua season 1 re-rewatch
1x08 | the far more detailed one
the episode opens with 'stormy weather' covered by emmy-raver lampman, allison's actress. aside from the levels of meta at play here, allison being a great singer is brilliant. it's another talent totally based on her voice.
makes me kind of want a version of this story where allison's a pop star instead of an actress. oooh or maybe allison starred in musicals instead of romcoms. that'd be neat!
we still haven't even seen claire in the comics, so we don't know how old she is. here she seems around 4-6. so she happened after luther was in his coma. i get the sense that's the case in the comics, since luther doesn't even know she exists until the funeral.
tua s1 really did such cool things. including a whole animated, comics-style sequence all about the kids. god i want a tua animated show.
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also, allison romanticizing her missions for her daughter says a lot about how she processed it. she's not nearly as over it as she says she is.
and the eiffel tower mission is canon (but happened after they were 13). we just didn't see it for budget reasons.
we don't know what caused allison and patrick's breakup in the comics. here, it's clearly her rumor that did the job. you lose em how you get em, allison.
because yes, that's how she got him. that little "i heard a rumor that you love me?"
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constant: allison always rumors patrick to love her.
yes, that's who she's rumoring in that flashback. just because you hate a ship doesn't mean it has to be toxic.
look it's weird af that vanya never saw or questioned that mailbox. someone should've caught that.
in hindsight, luther having a dubconny encounter that's played for laughs and treated as funny for being dubconny was foreshadowing for the writers thinking that lila tricking diego into fucking her and then drugging and kidnapping her is a-okay.
am i overthinking it? yeah. but swap the genders and we all know both storylines would have been written and received differently.
speaking of, those two + allison getting her rumoring of patrick swept under the rug... this show has a bad double standard about female-on-male abuse and sexual situations (and... given how much toxic shit vissy get away with, female-on-female, so it's really just 'female-initiated instances of at-best-toxic or at-worst-abusive behavior in intimate settings'). fucking incinerate that before the reboot please.
constant: klaus can conjure spirits
variable: in the comics he does it easily, in the show he hasn't done it since he was a preteen. i like the change-- more development this way! klaus is pretty flat in apocalypse suite, which works because it's a six-issue comic with not enough time to give all seven characters extended arcs-- but in adaptation into a tv show that doesn't fly. going this route with klaus not only keeps him busy for the season, but makes him dynamic (and sets up the vanya twist, what with how his powers are affected by his substance abuse). i love it!
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also shoutout to lauren schmidt hissrich and sneha koorse, the only female writers on the s1 crew, for penning this episode all about allison and vanya, centering them and their struggles. and shoutout to hissrich for escaping tua to showrun the witcher and taking koorse with her. you made it ladies. wish you coulda taken these characters with you.
i've neglected discussing the hazel/cha cha plotline for a while bc it's all show, all here to pad the runtime, all here to keep them as long as possible. i'm fine with it, just little to say other than 'k' and 'dang you fucked up by making them have no romantic chemistry since their relationship breakdown is because of romantic jealousy on cha's part.'
also, i feel like allison chasing after vanya finally makes sense here. honestly this should've been the first time she does it. we need to mark changes in her behavior over a season, and thus far allison just does everything perfectly for only the purest of reasons. which is boring.
okay. copwatch again.
so in the buildup to season 2 i recall emmy mentioning in an interview that allison comes from a present-day world where ~difference is celebrated~ and... man tua decided to go with a racism-is-solved future, didn't they?
i think allison, after growing up in such a specific, sheltered environment and then immediately leaping into fame, having this kind of reaction feels about right (and it builds that sense of absolute culture shock when she lands in the past and actually has to deal with what she's been shielded from by her fame and her power with no protection whatsoever). but i don't think the cop would be that friendly to her before he knows who she is.
anyway. allison palling around with a rural cop sure was a choice. i like seeing her manipulate her way around, but i think it'd be so much stronger for her to just have to figure shit out on her own.
also, cheddar namedropping sandra bullock is interesting from the prespective that allison, a romcom/feelgood movie queen referred to as a 'sweetheart' is on her level star-wise.
just to reiterate the importance of that particular term when describing allison as a public figure... hollywood puts its women in boxes, and the 'america's sweetheart' box is the wholesome, lovely woman that women want to be and men want to take home to their mothers. you have to be beautiful, sweet, charismatic and squeaky clean. mary pickford, debbie reynolds, mary tyler moore, meg ryan, julia roberts and sandra bullock are the actresses allison is in conversation with (the latter literally). and the 'america's sweetheart' box is, to this day, one that no actress of color has successfully occupied, because the box was designed to keep them out of it.
since tua s1 is set in that we're-gonna-pretend-racism-was-solved conceit, they don't really go into depth as to what that really means. allison achieved a level of success and mainstream adoration (a cop in the sticks instantly recognizes and adores her, and the public adores her even after her messy divorce and custody battle) that no black actress has achieved even today (like... zendaya'll probably be there in ten years, but still). the fact that she used her rumor to attain it is so fucking interesting and yes, allison did it because she wanted attention, and not because she cared about the art, but the fact is that she made it there. and she was probably the only black actress to do it.
man it would've been interesting for allison to discuss what that was like in s2-- especially given that allison definitely did not care about that or think about the implications at the time, i'd have loved to see her really realize how important she actually was and how much she could have helped if she hadn't been absorbed in her own ego-- but no, apparently not. apparently, allison needs to learn that peaceful protest is the only way! ~honor and dignity, kids~
also.... yeah i am realizing that the namedrop was foreshadowing for how the show would totally scrap the alternate universe. instead of leaning into the made-up world, they bogged it down with real celebrities and then abandoned it completely.
god. what a waste.
god diego's plot is bad. it just exists to get cha-cha's gun onstage so it can be used on vanya and like... you can get any gun there in any way.
a change to vanya's character in the show i love is how she practices violin continuously. in the comics, she does it as a kid, gives up at eighteen and doesn't touch it until she's thirty. here it's her occupation, her dream, her hobby, and her comfort mechanism. a wonderful evolution. it needs to stay.
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i love how the show bothers to go in-depth about what exactly had reginald decide to turn against vanya and hide her powers. we never get that answer in the comics, and it being that she wouldn't let him control her, and was capable of harming him, is brilliant.
and sigh remember when vanya's powers made sense and were consistent? remember when she couldn't make it snow or fly or bring children to life or pass her powers on for the hell of it?
'your powers are tied to your emotions' yeah of course they are, this is a dark phoenix story, and in dark phoenix stories, women who are too powerful for their own good have to be put down because their emotions make them too dangerous.
(and no they're clearly not because vanya can consciously control them by thinking it through)
this being said i like that vanya gets to actually explore and train with her powers. in the comics she never gets a chance, in season 2 she doesn't either. i think it's really good for her to get the opportunity to learn her abilities.
also, not me realizing that the episode written by the women makes it clear that reg imprisoned vanya and got rid of her powers because he realized she could stand up to him, and one episode later, the one written by the men goes 'actually vanya was a KILLER and THAT'S WHY he locked her up' which is the impression the audience leaves off on (even though chronologically speaking, it absolutely was that vanya proved she could stand up to reginald). the foreshadowing for the butchering of her character in season 2....
god i wish allison just did this herself. i think it's interesting that her habit is to just have people do things for her, whether rumoring them or using her fame, and that she is profoundly manipulative... but she really. needed. to do this herself.
(god i wish s2 showed the contrast between allison routinely having people do shit for her and her having to struggle to get the hang of ordinary life.)
“you’re a cop. you gotta protect me no matter what. right?” “it’s my sworn duty.” 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬
and for what it's worth, vanya's power leaping out of her and being used to kill people, and leonard using that to draw her close to him? i love it. let's keep it.
remember when vanya simply thinking she was being abandoned by her lover sent her into a panic attack so intense she awakened repressed memories? the vissy plot sure doesn't when her lover does abandon her, literally because she's repulsed by who vanya really is!
and tua x phantom: a Special Mirror awakening our heroine and being the key to a dark cavern where she is trapped by a madman because of her musical ability?
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i love the addition of the anechoic cell. it's terrifying, it makes perfect sense, and it's a great setting. wonderful expansion of vanya's power being repressed. let's keep this always.
also, because it's one of the abuse symbolism things i brushed on in the first watchthrough, but no one discusses it (or if anything tries to act like klaus was the one who went through it): okay. so. tua uses allegory as a way to discuss issues about abuse. allison's rumor being her repeating her father's abusive practices on her daughter, grace's roboticism with being a battered wife, all the hargs being overgrown kids.
so. there's one more thing: so, we now have imagery of a grown man taking a little girl under his guardianship into a secret corner of the basement he set aside just for her, where the only piece of furniture is a bed. where she is kept, until he takes the other young girl (to reiterate, just the girls) down there to convince her to do something to her that will traumatize them both forever, and turn them into a frumpy, sexually repressed young woman who hides herself in layers of covering clothing, and a people-pleaser who fucks up the consent in every single relationship she ever consummates.
you see what i'm getting at, right?
variable: allison rumors vanya into forgetting her powers.
i love it. the show really does solve that comics-issue of how exactly vanya forgot about a power that strong. and the exploration of how the sisters were turned against each other is so gripping.
but i really feel like we missed out on an opportunity for allison to know everything and consciously choose not to tell vanya because she's afraid of the consequences.
it feels too convenient that she Suddenly Recall It All Right Now, and it robs us of the intrigue of allison slowly unearthing these memories over the course of a season, or even just this one episode.
and i really feel that allison being so nice and apologetic to her since episode 2 was a mistake. this is when that turning point should come: when allison realizes just how responsible she is for vanya's condition. and just how terrible an effect her rumor can have.
“and then he asked me to do something i never understood until now” 
bad phrasing. makes it sound like allison totally knew the whole time, which she didn't. wording matters.
and allison... had to be mean to vanya. because that moment where vanya instantly assumes allison did it intentionally needs to make sense. and if all we ever see is allison being dismissive, catty and cold to vanya, and leonard being gooey, charming and handsome, we would totally understand why she'd believe that.
as it is, vanya isn't making much sense because all the audience has seen is allison being kind to her and leonard being creepy.
and the rumor itself... needed to be executed better: either make it a panicked impulse, or make allison so angry that she does it anyway.
as it is, it's a little dumb: hey why don't i do the worst thing i could do in this situation?
that aside, the look in vanya's eyes is incredible. it all comes together here. this is maybe the one scene in which it really feels like page captured that rage at the heart of vanya's character. he has it here, but idk where it went for the rest of the show, esp the climax.
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anyway. this is how angry vanya needs to be. she needs to be livid and she needs to be frightening.
constant: allison always tries to rumor vanya, and vanya always slits her throat to stop her.
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in the comics, it happens at the climax. it's a cold, petty, battlefield decision on both their parts.
in the show, it happens here. it's a spur-of-the moment, emotional, bloody choice.
i like it better like this. what a gut punch it is on a first viewing, what a damn-near-perfect moment in hindsight (but man do those little fuckups shine through. a few tweaks to the conversation, and a change in the buildup through the season and this could be perfect).
also, the unfortunate implication talk: quite a few people hated this scene specifically because of the racial subtext. and while it would've always happened no matter what the characters looked like, yeah, on paper it absolutely is a white woman slitting the throat of a black woman who is just trying to help her, literally robbing her of her voice and her power, and leaving her for dead. and in one episode said black woman is going to be made by the narrative to say 'ah yes i was the one in the wrong, i have no hard feelings, and am immediately forgiving you. it's all about you, vanya!' and that's not good.
the show should not have had allison do that in episode 9. as for the rest, .... yeah. again. woc vanya. would've built on so much of the subtext, esp with how the sisters were pitted against each other, and would've gotten rid of so many of the implications.
see writers? you didn't have to kill patch to make this shit dramatic.
and jesus christ who edited this scene. just pick one take, don't slam us through them all.
also, constant: luther has the strongest feelings about this.
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so in general this is an episode that is so close to perfect, but can't get there because of a few missteps and a lot of failed buildup in the episodes prior. i wrote a whole essay on that in the og rewatch post, and don't like repeating myself.
but from an adaptational perspective, this is the best the show's done on its own. taking a few scattered concepts from the comics (vanya slitting allison's throat + answering how vanya got her powers repressed) and whipping it into something wonderful. and letting vanya get a taste of her power too!
vanya and allison have no real interactions in apocalypse suite, so i love them getting those here. but i think it's a massive missed opportunity to not spend that time cooking the pressure that'll explode in 108. the show handles them with kiddie gloves and coats their scenes with sugary ~girls supporting girls~ shit and that's... absurd when you think about what they do to each other. let them be angry, so when we diffuse that anger and have them grow into a kinder relationship it actually means something.
101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | x | 109 | 110 | overall
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kinda hard to explain this one honestly. and I literally dont know what the transitions are through this story. like, I try to go back in time a little bit, but it just looks weird so please if this looks weird, dont judge me-. i'll be honest with you guys here, i dont really like the way this one turned out, but maybe you guys will, so dont be discouraged to read it by me! here's the prompt, and the creator is @write-it-motherfuckers. stay safe, kith 😙💖💕
Kokichi teases y/n about confessing until they do
Lately Ouma had been teasing you to no end. Anytime you're even close to him, he'll walk over and begin teasing you.
"Hey, Y/n-san! Who do you liiike?"
"Nobody, Ouma-kun, I've said this before."
"Awwwh, that's too bad. I totally coulda hooked you up!"
"Sure, Ouma-kun."
Everyone had always found Ouma annoying, but you actually found him quite interesting. Of course he was still irritating at times, but you preferred to look over that and try to see if you could break his emotional mask.
Over time you seemed to be the only one close to Ouma. Your peers always strayed away. Well maybe except for Saihara sometimes, but those interactions were usually initiated by Ouma.
You two were practically joined at the hip. Ouma mainly following you, but you wouldn't hesitate to find him if you were bored or needed someone to talk to.
It had been about three months of school and you two were known in your class as the top couple.
There's actually a top five chart in your class. #1 goes to you and Ouma, #2 is Kaito and Maki, #3 is Saihara and Akamatsu, #4 is Tenko and Himiko, and #5 is Kiibo and Miu.
Your class is.. awfully strange.
You had always brushed the chart off, just wanting to pay attention to your studies and how you could break the leader's mask.
But Ouma tried to use it against you.
"Y/n-san, look! We're the number one couple!"
"Ouma-kun, we're not even dating."
"Maybe we can change that.."
You were only caught off guard the first few times he did it, now you only scoff and blush slightly.
The closest you've ever seen Ouma to breaking was when someone showed him general genuine affection and when people would call him out on a well hidden lie.
You found these out through your friendship. You being you, you did it on accident the first few times, but after realizing it, you would study it and try to use it against him.
"Ouma-kun, come here."
You stretch out your arms, clearly stating what you want.
Ouma seems to get tense for a second, his facial expression a slight look of surprise, but changes quickly to a smile.
Ouma jumps into your arms and somehow manages to get his legs around your waist so your carrying him.
He takes his head off your shoulder to look at you.
"Nihihi..~ are you sure we're not a couple, Y/n-san?"
You could see some blush on his face with how close you two were.
"Ouma-kun, are you blushing?"
Again his face shows surprise, quickly going back to normal.
"Y/n-san, just answer the question!"
"Yeah Ouma-kun, I'm sure."
"Awwwh! And here I was hoping you'd kiss me."
Your face flushes red as he jumps from your arms and runs off like nothing just happened.
That was awhile ago. Now you usually end up just carrying Ouma, him even coming to you when he claims hes tired.
Now you had been in school for about 6 months and you were getting stressed.
All this time you were trying to break the Ultimate Supreme Leader's mask, yet you seemed to be breaking yourself.
You had never really known someone so strange and so normally unlikable.
And yet you seemed to be slowly falling in love with the Ultimate Supreme Leader, Kokichi Ouma.
You decide to tell him at lunch that day.
You grab your lunch from your locker and begin walking down the halls. Surprisingly, Shinguuji calls your name as your walking.
"Good evening, y/n-San. How are you?"
"I'm doing pretty good actually. I was just on my way to lunch. Did you need something?"
"Ah, yes, I noticed how close you and Ouma-kun were and I was wondering if you perhaps had romantic feelings for him. I pay no regards to that silly chart our peers have made. This is from my own studies."
While Shinguuji was trying to explain his reasoning behind his prediction, your face lit up like a christmas light.
Was it actually obvious?
You had no time to dwell on that now.
"Y-yeah.. I think I do like him, but I have to go now! Dont want my lunch to get cold! Bye Shinguuji-kun!"
You run off hoping Shinguuji wont be mad since you just kinda left. You get to the lunch room and see Ouma sitting at his usual table alone. Like usual.
You sit down and a smile appears on his once bored face.
"Y/n-San! You're late, what happened?"
"Oh, Shinguuji-kun wanted to talk to me. I tried to get here as quick as possible so I had to run away. I really hope I didnt make him mad."
"What'd he want?"
You remember what Shinguuji asked you and you feel your face heat up. But you quickly get yourself together so you can get these feelings off your chest.
"I have to tell you something."
"Oooh~ are you about to profess your undying love for me, y/n-san?"
"Yes, I am."
You confess to Ouma, all the while, looking down. When you finish, you look up and see that Ouma's face is mostly unreadable except for the harsh blush on it.
Had you finally broken the leader and his mask?
"Holy crap y/n, did you break him!?"
Kaito seemed to take notice of Ouma's state and made you two the center of attention.
"Hey guys look! Y/n broke Ouma!"
Suddenly, a somewhat surprising amount of your classmates gather around your table.
"Ah, so it is true that you have romantic feelings for Ouma-kun."
That was the last thing you heard before you felt someone drag you off.
"Nihihi~ You cant just confess to me and not expect attention from those idiots y/n-San! Now..."
Ouma suddenly stops and grabs you by the shoulders.
He pulls you close and softly kisses you. Ouma pulls back after a few seconds and grins.
"Nihihi~ look at you y/n-san! You're all red! *Gasp* Does this mean we're dating now!? Are we, are we!?"
You stood there in shock for a second. You honestly got lost in thought for a second. But you regain your thoughts again and look down at Ouma.
You kiss Ouma on the cheek before smiling at him softly.
"Yeah Ouma-kun. If you're sure."
"O-of course! Nihihihi~"
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Can I request numbers 32+23, or 44+19 as harringrove prompts? Only if you feel up to it. Thank you.
Thanks for the request! Lowkey I think they all kinda make sense together so I’m gonna try to include them all 😬 I was lowkey imagining a modern college au but it never actually comes up sooo 🤷‍♀️.
23: “Come near me again and I’ll kiss the shit outta you.” “Don’t you mean ‘kick?’” “No.”
32: Angry love confession
44: Workout buddies
19: “You do know it’s rude to stare, right?”
I’m using a new list for all future prompts!
Read on ao3
Steve was laying on the floor.
He had been working his core when he noticed Billy doing squats and lunges up and down the length of the gym’s back wall. He had a bar on his shoulders, the weight of it and the added plates somewhere near two-hundred pounds. Steve was focused on his legs, the short shorts he was wearing kept riding up, tightening around his ass as he squatted and lunged.
Steve wasn’t even pretending to do anything besides openly watch. It wasn’t like he was the only one; most people, most women, would watch him go through his routine. Steve couldn’t blame them. Billy’s hot.
“You do know it’s rude to stare, right?”
Steve turned his head on his mat. Another guy was placing a mat down near his, throwing Steve a wink and beginning his own crunches. Steve smiled sheepishly. The guy was cute, not Billy hot, but he had a nice smile and pretty green eyes and Steve though why the fuck not?
He and Billy had been friends for a few years now, with nothing else developing between the two of them. Maybe it was okay to, move on.
“Nah, just makin’ sure the idiot doesn’t hurt himself. He likes to show off.”
“Good to know you don’t like show-offs, I was definitely gonna try that.” Steve flushed. It’s been a while since he’s been hit on. Most people see him with Billy and assume.
“Billy’s a bit of an attention whore,” the guy snorted. “I’m Steve.”
“Aidan.” They shook hands, Aidan holding onto his a little bit longer than necessary, although Steve wasn’t complaining.
Billy clued into Steve laughing from across the room. He was sitting up from where he had been laying pathetically watching Billy. He was laughing with some guy, obviously turning on the old Harrington charm. Billy finished his reps as quickly as he could, it wasn’t totally worth it if his Pretty Boy wasn’t gawking from across the room. He plopped down next to Steve, leaving no space between their bodies.
“You ready to go, Sweet Thing?” Billy was intentionally ignoring this other guy, slinging an arm around Steve. “You wanna grab dinner on the way home?”
“Well, I mean, Aidan asked me out. To dinner. Tonight.”
Billy was gonna lose his fucking mind. He smiled, making sure to show all his teeth to the fucker that thought he could swoop in on Steve, on his Steve.
“Have fun, then. I’ll see you at home, Pretty Boy.”
Billy got up and left, turning up his music as loud as he could stand and seethed all the way home.
He angrily took a shower, angrily made dinner for himself, and angrily sat in his room listening to music on his big headphones.
Steve came in a few hours later, banging around the apartment like he always did, humming to himself and just making more noise than one person should be able to make. Billy thinks it's endearing. Steve likes noise, growing up in that lonely house made him resent quiet. Billy likes that he can always hear Steve, know where he is in the shoebox they share.
Tonight, Billy is too pissed off to think it’s cute. Especially ones Steve comes happily slamming himself into Billy’s room and onto his bed.
“That was more fun than I’ve had in a long time. Fuck I haven’t been on a date in so long.”
“Can you get the fuck off my bed, please? Thanks.” Steve sat up, furrowing his eyebrows at Billy.
“Bill, are you okay? Did something happen?”
“Yes, Harrington. Something fucking happened. Just leave me the fuck alone.” Steve’s face fell. Billy was usually better these days, softer, especially with Steve who needed soft.
“Are you sure I can’t do anything to help you?” He shuffled up the bed a little bit. Billy sprang up and stalked to the bathroom.
“No, you can’t. You are the reason I’m feeling like this.” He slammed the bathroom door loud enough to cover Steve’s miserable little gasp. He could hear Steve shuffling around in the hall, obviously battling with his need to respect Billy’s wishes to leave him alone, and his need to comfort and protect Billy.
He knocked softly on the door.
“I’m sorry for, whatever I did. I don’t-I’ll leave you alone I guess.” Billy swung the door back open.
“Come near me again and I’ll kiss the shit outta you.” Steve whirled around.
“Don’t you mean ‘kick?’” his eyebrows furrowed.
“No.” Billy swept past him and into his room again, trying to shut the door only to have Steve throw it back open.
“Billy, what the fuck?” Steve was tense, obviously pissed off. Billy, quite frankly, didn’t think he had a reason to be. “You can’t do this.”
“Do what?”
“All the time, you never make a fucking move. We’ve lived together for years. We know, pretty much everything about each other. We’re so touchy, because you know that I’m tactile and clingy, and-and you play with my hair and let me sleep in your bed and don’t judge me for the dumb shit I do, and I have been in love with you for years. YEARS, Billy. And you know, no one has hit on me in a really long fucking time, because people assume you and I are together but finally, finally, a cute guy flirts with me, and I decide that maybe I should move on, because being in love with my asshole roommate, who has fucked every guy in this city except for ME, is shitty! It sucks, Billy. So I go on a date. And I have a good fucking time. And I want to come home and tell my best friend that I had fun on a date, but you pull this shit, and say stuff about kissing me and Billy, it’s not fucking fair!”
Billy had never seen Steve worked up like this, even when people at his job were being shitty, even when he got a bad grade on something and got emotional about it.
“I’m-I’m sorry. I didn’t, I didn’t think you felt like that about me, I was kinda just, taking what I could get from you. And you haven’t been with someone in so long, I could deal with, with pretending but then you were ALL OVER that fucker and I got so mad. You’re not like that with me and I couldn’t, pretend, anymore.” Billy felt like a fucking idiot. 
“You wouldn’t have had to pretend if you had gotten your head out of your ass.” Steve looked disgruntled, his arms crossed in front of his chest.
“I blew it, didn’t I? You got that other guy now.”
“You didn’t blow it. You just owe me a lot of good dates.” Steve turned on his heel, walking towards his own room, stopping in the doorway to speak to Billy again. “And he was a fun date, but I don’t think I’ll ever love anyone as much as I love you.” He continued walking. Billy stood shell-shocked as the door to Steve’s room quietly clicked shut.
Billy was up early the next day, pulling out all the stops for breakfast. Eggs, bacon, hash browns, sausage, fresh fruit, pancakes, Billy had made it all. Steve liked stupid romantic shit. Billy was hoping if he went above and beyond enough, he could fix everything.
Steve wandered into the kitchen blearily just as Billy was searching the tiny kitchen for some sort of tray he could use to bring Steve his breakfast.
“No! I was making you breakfast in bed! Go back to bed!” Steve looked at Billy blankly and continued pouring himself a cup of coffee. “Fine, you little shit. Here’s your food.” He gestured around the kitchen.
“Uh, thanks, Bill. What’s it all for, though?”
“Well, I fucked up. I know that, and you said I didn’t totally blow it, but that I owe you some really good dates, and I know you love that soft shit, so I called out of work, and I was gonna bring you breakfast in bed, and I thought we could, like, eat it together?” Billy’s face was bright red, he just knew it. Steve’s face, on the other hand, had lit up, his eyes going all soft.
“God, Bill. That’s so sweet. Thank you.” Billy’s pretty sure that Steve’s smile could end wars.
“And I don’t think I told you last night, but I love you. I love you so fucking much and I’m sorry for being a jackass about it, before.” He moved over to Steve, pressing him against the kitchen counter. Steve scooched himself until he was sitting on the counter, Billy standing between his thighs.
“I forgive you, Bill. I really do. I mean, I coulda made a move too. I just-you know I doubt myself and you know I’m scared of, of rejection and all that good stuff. And I think I'd die if I got rejected by you.”
Billy leaned in to kiss Steve. He tasted like coffee and morning breath. Billy is sure he tasted like the cigarettes he had nervously chain-smoked out the kitchen window this morning.
“Baby, I’m never gonna reject you. Mac n’ Steve, you’re it for me.”
“God this feels like a sappy fuckin’ dream.” Steve giggled. “Grab the food. Let’s go to bed.”
They spent the sweet morning in bed, eating breakfast and lazily kissing, the first date of many.
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hollywoodhangar · 4 years
If you're still accepting, the goblins for the ship meme pls :>
send me a ship and I’ll tell you.. // @silvcrreaper & @wolfofwinchester! ps. it’ll be my pleasure! c:
Who said “I love you” first
Azrael. While Claudia did the chasing and certainly planned to be the one to do the first “I love you”, he took her by complete surprise by being the one to say so first, because being the romantic he is, of course he would. Point for the Fox! She gets him back later when she proposes.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background
They both do! Claudia’s is currently one of UT & Gelert all cuddled up and mushed together in bed snoozing the day away (her silver boys!), and his keeps changing because she has so many moments where she’s just perfect for a picture; right now, it’s a picture of her coyly peeking over a book and smirking at him (the book is titled “101 Ways to Hide a Dead Body”, btw). 
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror
They both do. From sweet messages to tic-tac-toe to secret codes of information concerning their sources and whatever case Claudia might be working on at the time, along with leaked information from the Queen that he’d find interesting. Mirrors are their thing. Eventually there’s going to be an enchanted mirror involved, I swear.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts
The cheesiest thing they have is “If lost, return to Little/Big Spook” & “I’m Little/Big Spook” poet shirts and it was an idea born from the both of ‘em. Otherwise, their gifts really aren’t that cheesy? They’re mostly handcrafted things, unless you count toys as “cheesy”, then Claudia’s the one to be the cheester due to how she always makes fun wooden gadgets for UT. Spinning tops, wooden cats, dice, a small deck of wooden cards.
Who initiated the first kiss
Azrael. Here he is stunning her with another first move that she very well intended to take! I imagine it being very sweet too, like I just get the image of her chasing him around the forest behind the manor and when she finally catches him behind a tree, he gently rests a hand against the trunk and leans down to press a kiss into her lips. The golden glow of the autumn sun catching her eyes and the silhouette of leaves dancing across her face just made it too perfect for him to resist. Totally flustered her, but also made her melt. Point two for the Fox! 
Who kisses the other awake in the morning
Claudia’s the morning person (although it’s so fun to stay up late and run amok in the night with her spook), so she’s always the first one up. The hot iron’s worn its straightening affect from her hair, so raven blue curls tickle Azrael’s face as she leans down to kiss her Prince Charming awake, and proceeds to pepper his entire face with kisses and little sneaky nips until he wakes up!  
Who starts tickle fights
Look at them, they can’t keep their hands to themselves. THEY BOTH START IT. It’s just a matter of who springs it the quickest! Rascals, both of ‘em!
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower
I think UT has this one! I can see him asking if he could join instead of suddenly springing it on her --- unlike Claudia, who does spring it on him with little-to-no warning, especially if it’s in the morning and she needs to rush to duty! He just feels her presence, turns and HELLO NAKED LOVE OF MY LIFE FANCY MEETING YOU HERE. (sorry man, she’s yours to deal with now)
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch
They both do! Him moreso because she can get very enraptured in her daily duties and needs someone there to put a hand down to make her slow her roll so she can eat. She’s an unstoppable force who needs an immovable object to make her take five! Which he, very successfully, is! But she does still have her very copious times where she’ll stop by and bring him a basket full of goodies to munch on and tug him away from mortuary work to eat. They both see each other fed. uvu They fuss over the other like that. 
Who was nervous and shy on the first date
I believe you mentioned he’d be a little nervous because of what this could do to her public image, but she soon takes those worries off his mind and it just settles into a really, really sweet and romantic date that just lasts for hours upon hours. It’s an affair that started early in the day and ends sometime past midnight because time just got away from them. Hours tend to do that when they’re hanging out period, 1pm suddenly becomes 6pm. It only makes sense for a date to have such a strong effect as well. Neither regret it. :’)
Who kills/takes out the spiders
Both! Claudia either captures them (spells & potions could always use spiders :)) or she sets them free, but UT .. as you said before .. eats them, and it never fails to make her body jitter as she gives such a visual reaction of disgust; shaking her head, hanging her tongue out, making noises of disgust! “Why ya do that?? That coulda been poisonous!!” “Yet I’m still standin’. c: Plus they’re very crunchy~” “BLAUGH.” and if he ever tries to lean in to kiss or nip at her, he gets her palm directly planted into his face shoving him back. “Oooh no, no, no! You wash that mouth of yours before ya bring it near me!”
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk
Claudia.... She’s even serenaded him a few times with her fiddle. It’s always.. shockingly good, too? She’s drunk off her rocker but she’s out here singing an Irish Ballad of Love pretty damn well while proclaiming her love for him! Get you a woman who’ll romance you even when she’s completely schnockered? //laughs
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LOAFT prompt: Patton wears makeup for the first time, the others are really gay about it
Pattonis unfairly gorgeous.Hisboyfriends already knew that, but it never hurts to have a reminder.
Pairing:Platonic Pattmile, romantic LAMP, background romantic remile
Wordcount: 2960
Warnings:guilt, mentions of isolation/bully, public kissing
Notes:part of the expanded universe of Love and Other Fairytales, beginningimmediately after Brilliant. Author knows NOTHING aboutmakeup, all make up talk sourced from google
Ao3 Series Link
Emilewas not nervous.
Okay,actually, yes, he was nervous, just a little.
Whichmade him feel just a little bit silly because… he probably wasn’tnervous for the right reasons.
TheSpider Prince was sitting on the edge of the haphazard circles oflawn chairs in the Waller’s yard. Patton was sitting next to him –well, for a given definition of ‘next to,’ with his legs drapedacross the princes lap – and Elliot was on his other side, speakingmore animatedly that Emile had ever seen. The prince and Patton wereboth smiling down at them.
Occasionally,Logan or Roman would circle back to them, for quick kisses or to sitbriefly.
SoEmile was not nervous because he thought the Spider Prince washostile, or because he thought the fae might become hostile –he seemed perfectly content to sit with his boyfriend and listen tohis friend talk.
Emilewas nervous because of Patton.
Andmaybe ‘nervous’ wasn’t quite the right word.
Thiswas Patton’s house – he was the host. It was, by all rights, hisparty.
Emilewas here because of Remy, and Remy had been invited by Roman. Kai,Corbin, and Sloane were Thomas and Logan’s friends, and Elliotbeing friends with the Spider Prince was the second worst kept secretin town – they were here because of the prince.
Itwas Patton’s house, and nobody had come here for him.
Itwas Patton’s party, and he was sitting on the edge of it, notmingling or speaking to anyone but his boyfriends and Elliot. He’dgreeted everybody, but only when they’d come up to him first.
Sono, ‘nervous’ didn’t seem like quite the right word for the pitin Emile’s stomach.
Itmight be a little closer to ‘guilt.’
Emilehad spent years terrified of Patton – everyone had. Mickey Talbot’sstory back in kindergarten was, in hindsight, clearly exaggerated,but at the time it had been totally petrifying.
Andby the time it had occurred to Emile that he’d never seen Patton somuch as try to speak to another student on purpose, let alonecompel anybody to do anything, Patton- Patton had made friends, goodfriends who clearly loved him and Emile had just… tried to ignorethe fact that he’d been…
Well.He’d been pretty darn terrible, honestly.
Butwas impossible to ignore it now, with Patton – what? Stuck to thesidelines in his own home? It made the shame that had been simmeringfor years threaten to boil over completely.
Thelittle group caught his attention again when the prince, clearlyunder encouragement from the other two, took Patton’s empty pop canand threw it nearly twenty feet into the trashcan with a flick of hiswrist. Patton cheered, and Elliot gave a little fist bump.
Emilestood up.
“Whatchadoin’ Babe?” said Remy, looking up from his seat curiously.
“Somethingstupid, maybe,” said Emile, swooping in and pecking him on themouth, “Be right back, sugar,”
Remygave him quizzical look, but he didn’t press. Emile detoured pastthe cooler and grabbed two cans of pop – orange soda, because hewas pretty sure that’s what the can-projectile had been, and asprite for himself – and made his way over to the three of them.
Theprince noticed him first, narrowing his eyes, but more confused thanwary. Patton followed the line of his gaze and outright startled whenhe saw Emile.
Emilesmiled, as friendly as he could manage, and tried not to give awaythe rampant anxiety in his ribs.
“Itwas a good shot!” he said brightly, and the Spider Prince cocked anamused eyebrow.
Emileturned to Patton and held out the pop, “So I figured I’d, um- youknow. Save you the trip,”
Pattonglanced down at the can, his eyebrows pinched in confusion.
Slowly,almost like he was waiting for Emile to jerk it away, he took it. Hegave Emile a polite, if still baffled smile.
“Thankyou,” he said.
Emileswallowed, braced himself, and jumped.
“CanI sit?”
Patton’spolite and befuddled smile stayed frozen on his face just long enoughfor Emile to start sweating under his collar.
Andthen it widened, solidifying into a genuine grin with the corners ofhis eyes scrunched up, and nodded enthusiastically.
“Yousure can, kiddo!”
Emileown smile brightened in response, because how could it not? Itwas one of the most infectious smiles he’d ever seen.
Hetook the red lawn chair next to them, readjusting his flower crown.
“Itwas a really good shot,” he repeated, “How’d you get such goodaim?”
“Throwingknives,” said the prince bluntly.
Pattonwhacked him gently on the chest and Emile tried not to keel over onthe spot.
“Youcoulda just said practice, sweetie,” said Patton, a littleadmonishing.
Helooked more annoyed than scared, and Elliot was biting the inside oftheir mouth like they were trying not to laugh.
Emilegot the distinct feeling someone was joshing him.
“Myuncle can throw a hatchet,” he said, “He tried to teach me, but,well,”
Hegestured to his whole self.
“Notexactly much of a, uh, fighter, over in this neck of the woods,”
“That’s…that’s silly,” he said, a little haltingly.
Emilewrinkled his nose.
“Whatdo you mean?”
“Whenyou came to school in that dress the first time?” said Patton, likehe was saying something obvious, “Gosh, Emile, that was- that wasso brave,”
“I-I don’t know about that-”
“Itwas!” insisted Patton, “And you always wear such pretty clothesand flower crowns, and you’re so good at make-up! I’d never bebrave enough to wear any of that kinda stuff. Definitely not toschool,”
“Well…it’s been a long time since anyone’s said anything, everybody’spretty used to it, I think,” Emile reasoned, “I could lend yousome? I have some older ones I think, in your size. And I have tonsof makeup,”
Pattonsnorted, bright pink.
“Maybe-maybe the clothes,” said Patton, “If you- if you reallywouldn’t mind, but I don’t think I’d look right in makeup,”
“Whynot?” said the prince suddenly, his eyebrows pinched, “Like lippaint?”
“Yeah,but there’s a lot more now,” said Patton, “And it’s ‘cuzI’m all freckly. I’d need a whole bottle of foundation to coverthem up,”
“Whywould you cover them up?” came the incredulous response.
Pattongave his boyfriend a strange look.
“That’s-that just what make ups for,” he said, “To cover up bad spots,”
Theprince looked genuinely offended.
Theycontinued their back and forth, and Emile glanced over where Remywas, and Emile’s bag hanging on his abandoned chair.
Hestood up suddenly, and held out his hand.
“Comeon,” he said.
Pattonstartled, looking up at Emile’s face and then his hand.
“Come…where?” he said warily.
“I’mgonna do your make-up,” said Emile, “No foundation required,”
Abeat, and then Patton shrugged, laughing a little.
“Okay!”he said.
Emileswept his bag up while trotting past his chair, blew a kiss andanother “be right back” over his shoulder at Remy, and they madetheir way into Patton’s house.
Pattonclosed his eyes and barely startled when the soft brush moved overhis eyelids.
“Thisis a sorta forest-y green, with a little bit of gold,” explainedEmile, “Next is the eye liner,”
“Uh…I don’t know about that,”
“OhI’m not gonna put it one your waterline, don’t worry,” saidEmile, stowing the eye shadow palette as Patton opened his eyes. “I’mtrying to make your eyes look extra big and shiny, I’m afraidlining both will mess it up. And you do not wanna go throughthe mess that is removing waterline makeup,”
Pattondid, tap-tap-tapping on the counter of the bathroom sink he wassitting on.
Emilepulled a little bit at the corner of Patton’s eye – it feltweird, and then there was a quite swipe of some kind of creamy penciland Emile let go.
Pattonturned his head.
Thiswas… weird.
Pattonwas trying not to feel like it was weird, but… well, it just wasweird. It had been years since he’d been alone with anyonewho wasn’t his parents or Roman and Logan – if he ever had,honestly. Part of him was waiting for Emile to come to his senses andrun away.
Evenmore weird was the fact that Emile had approached him. OfferedPatton clothes and make-up, and make-up lessons, which bytheir very nature implied Emile was willing to be in close proximityto Patton for extended amounts of time, multiple times in the future.
Itwas… just weird.
“Okay,so now,” said Emile, the next time Patton looked up, “I’m justgonna hold this out, and you’re gonna blink, mkay?”
“Isthat… purple mascara?” said Patton incredulously.
“It’lllook black from far away,” explained Emile, “But it’ll pick upall the gold in your eyes,”
“Well…alright,” said Patton dubiously.
Finally,Emile put something on Patton’s lips he didn’t quite recognize –it seemed too liquid to be lipstick, but it stayed on much betterthan he though gloss would. Emile pulled back, smiling.
“Alldone! Take a look,”
Pattonhopped down off the counter and turned.
Hiseyes looked huge in the mirror, and almost honey colored. The pink onhis cheeks and lips, and the forest green on his eyes made him look…
Well,almost fey. Ethereal, definitely.
Butthe confusing part was that it looked like every one of hisgolden-brown freckles was still on full display.
“Ithought you put cover-up on me?” he said absently.
“Justtinted moisturizer,” said Emile, “I was pretty sure if I coveredup your freckles your spooky immortal boyfriend would be a little bitsalty with me,”
“Youmade me look so pretty,” blurted Patton.
Emilewas quiet for a long moment.
“…You were already pretty, Patton,”
Pattonturned away from the mirror, smiling.
“Thanks,”he said, because it was polite to accept a compliment.
Emiledidn’t seem to buy it.
“Youare pretty! And really nice, and… you seem like a lot offun, and-”
Pattonwas starting to feel a little confused, and then a lotconfused, because he was pretty sure Emile’s eyes were getting alittle shiny.
“I’mreally sorry, Patton,” he said suddenly.
Hecocked his head.
“Emile,what- what on earth are you sorry about?”
Emilestared at him.
Pattonwaited, still wondering what Emile could possibly be talking about.
“Becausepeople were so mean to you in elementary school,” said Emile, “AndI never did anything. And then you had Logan, and then Roman, but Istill… I still should have said something, but I didn’tand-”
Hesniffed, dabbing the corner of his barely-leaking eye with hisknuckles.
“You’rereally nice,” said Emile, “And you deserve lots of friends. AndI’m sorry I never tried to be one,”
Thebathroom fell quiet. Patton shuffled a little awkwardly.
“It’sokay,” he said, but Emile was shaking his head already.
“Alright,maybe not… okay, exactly,” said Patton fairly, “I- Iforgive you, though,”
“Idon’t really know if you should, Patton,”
Pattoncracked a smile.
“Well,good think it’s not up to you if I forgive you, huh?”
“So– I do,” said Patton, “And- we can just be friends now.If you want to,”
Emilegrinned, nodding quickly.
Pattonbeamed right back, and Emile grabbed him by the sleeve.
“Comeon, sugar, time to knock your boyfriends’ socks off,”
“Oh,that’s- you’re being silly,”
“Iwill bet you money at least one of them is gonna be totallyspeechless,”
“Emile,you goof,” Patton laughed.
Theyexited the back door, Emile scanning the crowd. He spotted one ofthem, and gave a sly smile.
“Lookslike Logan’s first,” he said, “This is gonna be adorable,”
“Whatdo you-”
“Oh,just wait,” said Emile, pulling again on Patton’s sleeve andmaking his way over to the cluster of younger students.
“Hey,Logan,” said Emile, with that note in his voice like he thoughtsomething hilarious was about to happen.
Loganturned, politely attentive.
Pattonsaw the exact moment Logan caught sight of him – he froze, his eyeswidening to near perfect circles, and then turned bright,fresh-carnation red.
Pattongiggled, and so did Thomas beside his brother, who made some kind ofgarbled, incomprehensible noise in response.
Movementcaught Patton’s eye on the ground, and he giggled again – a riotof flowers was crowding around Logan’s ankles. Lavender roses werethe most prominent, as well as regular old lavender and what Pattonwas pretty sure was gardenia.
“Whatdo you think?” said Patton.
Loganhesitated, before walking forward – Patton giggled again whensimilar batches of greenery unfolded in his footsteps, and slowlytook Patton’s hands, like he thought Patton might disappear if hemoved too fast.
Along pause, and Patton prompted, “Yes?”
“Iam having trouble finding an adjective that is even remotelyadequate,” said Logan, his voice slightly strangled.
Pattongrinned, and Logan’s expression went from stunned to outright awe.
“Resplendent,”he said suddenly, and Patton’s heart felt too big for his chest ashe gave Logan probably the soppiest expression he was capable of.
“Itis still not… quite sufficient,” said Logan, slowly raising onehand to brush his knuckles against the bend of Patton’s jaw, “Butthe closest I can think of, I-”
Heswallowed, shaking his head and smiling, soft and disbelieving.
“Patton,holy shit,” he said breathlessly, and Patton lost it.
Emilecut through his giggles, with a smug expression.
“Onedown, two to go,”
Logannodded enthusiastically.
“Romanis very poetic,” he said sagely, “He will be able to give you anadequate compliment,”
“Yourcompliment was plenty adequate, sweetheart,” said Patton, takingLogan’s hand as Emile started weaving them through the crowd.
Romanwas with Remy, and he didn’t look up at first. Emile broke into theconversation, giving Remy a quick kiss, and then said somethingPatton didn’t quite hear.
Romandid turn then, and the smile that burst across his face could haveshamed the sun.
“Oh,Patton,” he said, a little breathless. He covered the spacebetween them in a single breath and swooped Patton into his arms,spinning him, and Patton shrieked in delight.
“Oh,look at you, Goldilocks, my god,” he said, “Spun from beams ofsummer sunlight. Cast from gold and brought to life like Galatea, Iswear it-”
“Roman,”exclaimed Patton, covering his face.
“No,no, don’t hide from me, beautiful. Let me see your sweet smile,look at you, you’re an absolute knock-out-”
“Oh,you- you-!” Patton stumbled and then cut himself off, gigglinghelplessly.
“Oh,where’s Tall, Dark, and Spooky,” said Roman, “I have to see hisface,”
Romanstarted moving towards where Patton had been sitting with Virgil, andhe seemed to have no intention of putting Patton down. Patton loopedhis arms around Roman’s neck, making himself comfortable and stillhalf giggling. Logan followed, but Emile hung back, waving as thethree of them walked away. Patton gave him a quick wave back and agrateful smile.
Asthey approached, Thomas was just pulling Elliot away with a sly lookon his face. Virgil was giving Thomas a wary look, and Elliot lookeda bit confused, but whatever Thomas was saying seemed to convincethem, and then Elliot and Thomas were walking away.
Ittook only a moment longer for Virgil to notice them, and Roman satdown with little ceremony.
Virgilsmiled at the three of them, and then he saw Patton, and his smiledropped entirely.
Hestared, looking totally stunned for… a little longer than Pattonwas strictly comfortable with, and Patton started to squirm a littleawkwardly.
“I-”Virgil started, and Patton wasn’t quite sure if it was meant to bean actual word or just a punched-out noise Virgil made.
“Beloved,”he said suddenly, his voice reverent, and Patton barely had time toregister the starstruck burst of joy in his chest before Virgilsurged forward and caught Patton’s mouth in a kiss.
Andkiss was underselling it, because Virgil had pretty muchinstantly tangled his hand in Patton’s curls and sucked Patton’sbottom lip between his – Virgil’s other arm had wrapped almostentirely around Patton’s waist, so Virgil was practically joiningPatton in Roman’s lap.
Andspeaking of, Patton could feel Roman’s breath, warm and just alittle unsteady on his temple, and Logan’s hand hesitant onPatton’s back and feeling like brand even through his shirt. Virgilgave a slow graze of teeth to Patton’s lip and hoo, this wasgetting very out of hand very fast.
Hepushed gently on Virgil’s shoulder, and Virgil pulled back –barely, but he did – just as breathless as Patton felt and his lipssmeared faintly pink from Patton’s.
“Weare, um,” Patton said, a little nervous but mostly fond, “Sort of– very out in the open, sweetie,”
Virgilhad a sort of dazed, confused look on his face, and it looked like ittook him a minute to parse the sentence. Then he turned bright,searing scarlet, sending a quick, horrified look at the clusteredhigh schoolers, all of whom were very much not-looking at them in atotally unsubtle way.
Pattonsnickered, and Virgil groaned, hiding his face in Patton’sshoulder.
“Wayto make a guy feel good about himself, though,”
“Youare hazardously beautiful,” muttered Virgil.
Pattonwas smiling so wide the apples of his cheeks ached. He pressed a kissto Virgil’s cheek, and giggled at the pink he left behind.
Hewas definitely taking Emile up on the makeup lessons.
@toujours-fidele @guardian-of-the-bears @patton-loves-coloring @nonbinarynerdbot @cloudchaser7 @lesbian-velociraptor @fall-chemically-atthedisco @alien–puppy @constantly-fatigued @idiotauthor @pinkeasteregg @mantha-has-fallen @v-blue-writer @lucifer-in-my-head @pearls-of-patton @221biotchplease @jungshookaf @sporadiccheesecakecat @greeneggsandham1998 @generalfandomfabulousness @never-saygood-bye @sleepyssnail @moonstone-fox @sos-fandoms @radioactivehelena  @jemthebookworm @runofthemillnb-pan @friedlieb-ferdinand-runge @erlenmeyertrash @flix-net @burningpersonflapsuitcase @whizzie72 @crazyfangirls-stuff @justadamfangirl @holy-anxiety-batman @starrycari  @flamingfawkes @hiddendreamer67 @storytellerofuntoldlegends @animegirlz7 @acoustic-sodapop @magimerlyn @quietwords-loudthoughts @bluebellflames @anxie-teaa @sweet-and-sour-shadowling
Love and other Fairytales
@cosmic-melodies​ @thisis-theroad-toruin @satanblessi @tom-is-in-a-trashcan @the-skeleton-in-the-potc-ride @ab-artist @levy-the-b00kw0rm @justanotherpurplebutterfly @cefinitely-rolo@agirlinthegalaxy @why-should-i-tell-youu2@tacohippy56900 @awkwardcat @lovelylogans @notall2gether @ravenclawunicorn1 @anxiousandanalytical @potato–justpotato @oddball-wqri
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annavolovodov · 5 years
ya girl saw the downton movie and has some Thoughts
if you followed me at all from 2011-2015 then you'll know i am firmly Team Downstairs and did not want this movie to happen, just so you all know what position i'm coming from here.
everything below is gonna be spoilery af. if you haven't seen it yet and want info just hmu. if you have seen it and want to talk about it please message me bc i’m always up for chatting about Downton.
okay but the title sequence with the music building and cresting as we come up over the hills and get our first shot of downton... goosebumps. tbh i don't know shit about film making but i can't fault the technical aspects (costumes, music, cinematography). the impact of the increased budget was felt from the very first second.
for the plot i’m gonna split things by character to make it easier. i’ll probably go to see it again and maybe after that i’ll have some deeper Thoughts but i missed being able to liveblog during the film so enjoy my rambling first reactions.
upstairs peeps
everything with violet was iconic. i'm glad that they didn't neglect her relationship with isobel and ofc maggie and imelda played fantastically off each other. pretty much everyone has already highlighted the scene with violet and mary at the end and it tied things up perfectly between them. violet and mary are so so similar and violet has been pushing for her to inherit since before S1. the movie showed us that mary is basically running the estate even if she doesn't get the the title and i can totally see why violet is confident in the future of downton now. that being said, i don't think violet will actually die. maggie has been talking about leaving since 2012 and fellowes obviously put this in as a get-out clause for her should she want to go, but i reckon they’ll convince her to do more. if carson's palsy can be mysteriously cured, so can violet's conveniently vague illness.
i already knew that robert and cora weren't gonna be in it much, but i wish we could've seen cora finding out what was happening with edith and helping her out. it wouldn't surprise me if there was a deleted scene there cause that whole storyline felt a little disjointed. i completely forgot that cora knew about the pregnancy and was so confused at how the queen foud out about it all. i don't think we got anything in robert and cora's bedroom, or anything with cora/baxter and robert/bates, which would've also been very welcome but i guess they can only fit in so much.
onto mary: this may be an unpopular opinion but god i miss her long hair. yeah i know it wasn't the style of the time but her wig in this one was tragic and they need to fix it. i absolutely love that t*lbot didn't exist for a solid 95% of this movie and mary got her rightful place ruling downton. i wouldn't say i’m the biggest mary fan but her arc felt like one of the more satisfying ones of the movie imo.
as someone who has been firmly #teamedith from day one i am delighted to see my girl happy and successful. literally all her outfits were A+ and not to be gay on main but those scenes of her in her nightclothes getting ready for bed gave me my rights. i’m sad that she seems like she's either given up her magazine or has less of a role in it now based on what they said outside???? she did seem unsatisfied with aspects of her position so hopefully she'll go back to doing some writing and publishing cause that was a good fit for her, and if edith and bertie are “modern” enough to travel without servants surely edith moving away from traditional grand lady duties and back to her magazine that wouldn't be an issue. 
the mention of sybil being gone seven years? yeah. thanks for the pain. tom accidentally saving the monarchy on no less than two occasions is the ultimate "congratulations you played yourself" moment but the fact he thought the army had sent someone to check up on him is the level of republican i'm trying to be on. i'm a bit ehhhh on his relationship with lucy, mainly cause i'd rather the screentime given to the newbies had went to established characters. but like sybil/tom was a wholeass epic romantic slowburn spanning several years through a war and across class divisions n shit and meanwhile lucy/tom have known each other for forty eight hours and had three conversations in a hallway so like obviously that’s just gonna pale in comparison????? like it just is???? i guess i don't hate it but it just was a bit unnecessary and the time coulda been spent on better things.
isobel didn't have all that much to do on her own but i appreciated her scenes with violet and i love that she was the one to figure out that lucy was lady whatever's daughter. penelope wilton's facial expressions during some of the exchanges with violet were great. i see lord merton has also undergone a miraculous recovery from his apparently serious anaemia but he also didn't appear much which was a big win for me!
team downstairs aka the ones i turned up to see
as a downstairs supremacist who has watched the screentime distribution in previous fifty two eps of the show, it’s fair to say i had low expectations going in. i expected a grand total of 10 minutes for the servants combined and i think that's why i was unexpectedly happy with what we got. ideally we would've ditched the subplots involving the personal lives of the royals and all the stuff w imelda staunton and her maid but oh well it could’ve been worse and i'll take any breadcrumbs i can get. anyway i'm eagerly awaiting the team downstairs cut of the film one of yall will hopefully make when the dvd comes out. the only part that was far, FAR too upstairs heavy for me was the last sequence of the film after the royals left and i think we would've benefitted from rounding things off with team downstairs after the ball.
so i guess retirement magically cured the palsy carson had, but i guess after matthew’s miraculous recovery anything can happen at downton when it comes to health. Fellowes is getting a free pass for retconning this one cause i cba with more death/loss. mary going to carson for help and him immediately coming to her aid was very sweet. kinda wish we'd find out what he was up to post-Downton (except for his gardening) tho.
i was expected zero carson/hughes content in this movie and yet !!!! and yet!!!!!! we were somewhat well-fed. like carson (incorrectly) thinking he can control the other servants and mrs hughes' "oh that went well charlie, start as you mean to go on" hdjksjs i love them. and the lil scene in their cottage ugh. also we got more of them using their first names and yeah i guess that makes sense given they've been married for a while now but as i said, i had low expectations.
mrs hughes is still like the best person ever but wbk. her vs. the royal housekeeper = iconic. i kinda felt bad for royal whatsherface in some ways because she clearly didn't know who she was up against THE elsie hughes who has vanquished much scarier foes in her time. the other servants were never gonna win that battle.
the 0.5 seconds of baby bates *chef's kiss* perfection. god i am slightly bitter it was only 0.5 seconds given the fuckin multiseason journey leading up to his birth. tbh we should've ditched everything involving the personal lives of the rando new characters and let baby bates have some of that time but fellowes loves upstairs too much to let that happen. the small interaction was adorable though and i'm glad the mention of his name was subtle enough that we can retcon it cause i truly believe anna and bates would've came up with a more creative choice than that. genuinely i'm so curious about their whole living situation and how they cope with a smol child while working full time but i doubt fellowes even considered that so y’know. what can we do. i enjoyed the breadcrumbs but i wanted more.
i did go into this film with the mindset of "something awful will probably happen to anna or bates," cause that's what usually happens in these things but plot twist!!!! we saw them smile on multiple occassions!!!! what a nice change for us all! i swear every time anna bates smiles an angel gains their wings. her scenes with mary were good and i'm happy their friendship made it into the film. you know what else i was happy to see? the EXTREMELY UNDERRATED brotp between anna and baxter. there was a couple of moments with them standing next to each other or talking to each other and it warmed my heart. like yass two of my fave people are friends. it's a big win for me. 
i'm sure i read something about brendan being involved in another project which meant he couldn't film too much (i'm curious to whether this impacted the lack of baby bates scenes?) and while it's true that bates didn't have a ton of scenes, i didn't feel like he was absent which was good.
thomas had the best storyline imo. i don't blame him for being angry that mary brought in carson and it was actually very iconic of him to go off in the library like that. i found it hilarious that while everyone else was panicking at downton he went off on gay adventures. i really wish we'd gotten this "thomas makes a gay friend then discovers the village's underground gay scene THEN gets a boyfriend" in the show cause that would've been SO MUCH BETTER than some of the other stuff that got stretched out across the last couple series (like the love quadrangle with daisy/ivy/alfred/jimmy). like, imagine thomas’ movie plot as a series-long arc. the impact. i liked the guy that was his maybe-boyfriend and i hope any continuation keeps that relationship going.
mrs p and daisy continue to be the mother-daughter duo of the century. i thought both of them were supposed to be moving to the farm post-S6 but i suppose that would've meant they wouldn't be in the film hence why it didn't come to fruition. i guess they could all move once daisy and andy get married. mrs patmore didn't get a great deal to do but i still feel like i saw her a fair amount. comrade daisy was awesome and is definitely me when i see any monarchy-related stuff. somewhere over the last few seasons she's developed into one of the most interesting characters in downton and we don't talk about that enough. andy trashing the boiler was immature af but at the same time i feel like it completely makes sense for daisy to take that as a compliment. it’s just such a daisy thing to do?????
now, there is one thing i kinda fucked up here. while i went into the film with low expectations for everyone else, i fully expected baxley to be A Thing because how could i not and boy did i come out looking like boo boo the fool. i guess baxter and molesley have continued the tradition of Agonisingly Long Downstairs Slowburns which would be okay if we were still getting one season per year but is quite frankly rude when we're on rationed content like this. the first half of the film i thought it was gonna be revealed that they were together or something but then that scene at the end implied they're dancing around each other and my god is it frustrating. i would give so much to trade tom and lucy's romantic subplot for a baxter/molesley one but once again i know that's an unrealistic dream.
definitely not enough baxter in general but that one shot of her, anna and mrs hughes standing in the same frame was worth the price of my cinema ticket. still love molesley even tho he's a monarchist.
in terms of the overall downstairs stuff, i'm euphoric at seeing all these people interact with each other again. as we all know, found family is the best trope and since the servants are literally the epitome of that every moment focussed on them is like chicken soup for my weary soul. was the revolution against the royal servants realistic? no. was it realistic for the two people who came up with most of the plot to be the ones who went to jail for doing literally nothing wrong and would therefore want to avoid stuff that could get them in trouble with an all-powerful family? also no! however, seeing downstairs all working together for a common goal is content that appeals directly to me and i am thankful.
shoutout to the last scene which is the best way the movie could've ended it for me. use of first names AND walking home together? thank u fellowes.
tldr; team downstairs fan who was strongly anti-movie, went in with low expectations, was pleasantly surprised.  there are a shit ton of things i’d change but i just really loved seeing these characters who all mean so much to me again. obviously the only reason this film happened was for financial reasons rather than a desire to continue the storyline (cause the finale tied things up perfectly imo) but i wish they'd done a two-part miniseries instead to ensure everyone gets some screentime. two ninety minute specials every few years would work much better if everyone wants to keep downton going but i guess that doesn't bring the cash in like a movie does.
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
FFT: babes in toyland; adam page
originally sent to me by @vonschweetz​ on snarkandsarcasmwrites which is about to become my personal blog + main, I thought I’d just move this here onto it’s own post. Part 1 of a 3 part mini fic thing.
Grace has a huge crush.. No, the hugest crush on Adam. Who is... going through things. Grace gets tipsy and winds up needing to go replace lost luggage. A trip to a sex toy shop -among other places, is made. Part 1 of 3.
Adam Hangman Page x OFC, Grace
uhh... mentions of toys, innuendo, awkward flirting and alcohol tw. 
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“I just feel so bad. Like, he’s obviously going through it and it seems like none of his so-called friends give a shit?” Grace stated as she caught herself staring in Hangman’s direction again. As soon as she saw him heading for the hotel bar all alone, she sighed.
“Don’t just sit here, go do something! Hey, look.. If I finally got the nerve to go for it with JB, you totally can. And you’re right. Adam is a nice guy. He does not deserve the shit that Kenny and the Bucks are putting him through.” Aurora spoke up from beside her, giving Grace a gentle nudge to her side, nodding in the direction of the bar.
Grace eyed the bar and shook her head quickly. One, people who’d been drinking kind of lowkey scared her a little and two, somehow she highly doubted Adam wanted the likes of her, popping up yet again. No matter how nice she tried to be lately, it was almost like it didn’t register with him or something. And heaven forbid I try to flirt, she found herself lamenting internally, because if he’s not picking up on me trying to be friends then he’d definitely not picking up on me trying to subtly flirt now and then. Another sigh left her lips and she tried to take her focus off the bar Adam had just wandered into and turn it elsewhere, but she kind of couldn’t.
She had a 3-hour layover that was probably going to be filled with nothing but worry now because the man she secretly loved was sitting in the hotel bar. Alone. On Valentine’s Day, at that.
“Grace, what’s so different about Adam, huh? You’re usually not one to let someone get to you this much.” Aurora asked a perfectly good question. It was a question Grace didn’t have the answer to, though she’d been asking herself the same thing for months now. He wasn’t the type of guy she usually fell so hard for, she normally had the absolute worst radar when it came to her and the men she chose. And he was beyond out of her league in her own opinion. Galaxies beyond out of her league.
Aurora snapped her fingers in front of Grace’s face as she stood. “C’mon. I’m going to find JB and Marko. You can walk over with me. Maybe it’ll give you an excuse to get closer and at least think about going in there so that poor man isn’t left all alone on the most romantic night of the year.”
“Right, because that’s gonna be such an easy thing. Just go for it.” Grace pouted and stood, grabbing her one remaining bag. “I guess I could hail a cab and go to that shopping center nearby. I mean… The airline has yet to find my suitcase and I’m sick of wearing the same 4 articles of clothing.”
Aurora groaned and palmed her forehead dramatically while shaking her head at Grace’s stubbornly continuing to put off something that she obviously wanted to do more than she’d ever wanted to do anything. She really didn’t see why Grace didn’t just go for it.
Then again, Aurora reminded herself, not everyone is like me. Grace has always been a little bit quieter and it takes a little longer for her to really open up.
As soon as she caught sight of her boyfriend Jungle Boy, she ran towards him, climbing him like a tree, full on squealing and taking his face in her hands to kiss him. It made him laugh as he kissed her back. He nodded in the direction of Grace, a new hire and apparently, Aurora’s old friend from high school. “Did you talk to her yet?”
“I mean, I tried but as usual she dug in her heels over approaching him, why baby?” Aurora asked, snuggling herself against JB, her arms around his neck.
JB smirked as he pulled back a little to see her better as he spoke. “Because maybe when I sat behind him on the plane earlier, I saw him scrolling through her Instagram. Over and over and over. I think if anybody is gonna make him feel better right now Bubbles, it’s gonna be her.”
“So you think he likes her?”
“Pretty sure he does, actually. Marko pointed out that he’s always kind of… watching her.” JB shrugged as Aurora climbed down out of his arms, taking his hand instead.
Grace found herself ducking away as soon as Aurora was reunited with Jungle Boy. Before she realized what she was doing, she was standing in front of the doors leading into the bar and she took a deep breath.
“Nope, nah. I can’t do it.. But maybe.. I mean I could go in and have one drink, just to take the edge off of potentially flying out tonight.” and taking yet another shaky but deep breath, Grace wandered into the bar, wandering up to the bartender.
She didn’t even realize she was actually standing right next to the stool Adam was currently sitting on, tossing back drinks until he eyed her as if confused. “Didn’t know you drank.”
Adam raised a brow. Her entire face was turning a soft shade of pink beneath her makeup and he found himself wondering why. He said nothing, waving over a bartender and ordering himself another drink instead. Grace’s drink came and she grabbed it, taking a long sip and grimacing as if she were going to spit it out.
Adam chuckled to himself. She was so fucking cute. All sweet and quiet. She didn’t have to do anything, he found himself smiling just a little bit if he caught sight of her backstage. She hadn’t answered his question and he’d kind of started to think she wasn’t going to.
“I hate planes, okay? I thought maybe.. I don’t know, I thought maybe taking a drink before would take the edge off, keep me from breaking the hand of whatever poor soul happened to be my seatmate.” Grace said it so fast her words stumbled out practically on top of each other and she wanted to kick herself. She wasn’t always this bad with the whole talking to people thing but there was just something about Adam that kept her… Distracted.
Her brain seemed to stop functioning properly and it annoyed her. It made her tense.
Adam cleared his throat. “Worst part is the take off and the landin, darlin.”
Grace eyed her own drink and she picked it up, practically shot-gunning it, despite that being a very, very stupid idea. The stupidity continued when she ordered another glass and did the same. And then she ordered her third glass and sipped a little, deciding to stop now before she got so sloppy she couldn’t even walk onto the flight by herself.
She felt a little light-headed already. That was enough for her, thanks. Apparently it helped erase some of those self-inflicted inhibitions of hers a little, because she found herself just sort of staring at Hangman and for once, not bothering to hide it.
Adam thought he’d be slick and steal a few glances while he drank but to his shock, he caught her mid-stare. There was this look in her eyes that had him shifting in his seat a little on sight because it made bright brown eyes almost seem to glow. He chuckled quietly, looking back down at his own drink. That was ridiculous to even think, he thought to himself, why would she be starin at me like that?
Grace swayed just the slightest and he caught hold of her, looking at her as he tried not to laugh. “You coulda just ordered a beer, darlin. Ya basically just slammed back two and a half glasses of 90 proof. That’s the fastest way t’ mess yourself up.” Adam’s words slurred softly and Grace found herself really focusing on his mouth and how much she wanted to kiss him senseless. But it’d be crazy to do that. She barely knew the guy, no thanks to her little ‘brain function problem’ where he was concerned.
She remembered that she’d been planning to go to a shopping center nearby and pick up some clothing and a few other items she needed for their next stop. She stood too fast.
Adam reached out, grabbing her when she seemed wobbly. “Where ya goin?”
“I need to go to that shopping center nearby. Airline lost my luggage.” Grace drawled, an accent she normally went above and beyond to hide coming back in spades and making Adam blink a little because it caught him off-guard.
… I could listen to her talkin all night… the thought had him shifting in his seat again and before he could stop himself, he was on his feet too, nodding to the doors. “Might be f-for the best if I come with ya, darlin.”
Grace swallowed hard but nodded. If he wanted to spend the next two hours and forty-five minutes watching her shop, she wasn’t about to stop him because she wanted him there.
“ I mean, I’m not gonna.. Stop you.” Grace muttered, that lazy drawl creeping in real heavy and making her cringe at the sound of her own thick accent as she lazily palmed at her face and giggled. “Oh noooooo.”
Adam snickered quietly. “What’s wrong?”
“ I try so hard not t’ talk like that. Then three drinks in me and it’s back!”
“You don’t drink much, do ya?” Adam tilted his head, staring down at her. He found himself stepping closer to her almost protectively. Grace shook her head and sheepishly admitted, “Not at all, actually?” as she dragged her hand through dirty blonde waves.
He shook his head, grimacing and nodding to the door of the bar. “It’s better if we get ya outta here then.”
He felt himself sobering up. Having something to do, having someone around were great distractions for all the crap going on in his head right now and honestly, he’d rather make sure Grace got all the stuff she needed for the rest of their time on the road rather than sit here, brooding over everything his so-called friends kept telling him and the way they kept acting towards him.
She leaned against him heavily and he looped an arm around her, the two of them navigating the crowd clumsily, attempting to make their way towards the floor to ceiling glass doors leading into and out of the airport. By the time they were outside and attempting to summon an Uber, Adam was feeling a lot more relaxed, even laughing a little. He wasn’t dwelling on the shit that happened earlier in the night during the tag match.
“Gotta..” Grace belched and immediately went red in the face, her hand over her mouth, frozen for a few seconds. It was the cutest damn thing he’d ever seen. He chuckled and asked with a smile, “Gotta what, darlin?”
“F-first of all. My battery operated buddy was in my suitcase. Definitely g-gotta replace that.”
He eyed her a few seconds, clueless as to what she was talking about until suddenly, it hit him. And when it did, he found himself shifting the way he stood because his mind was flooded with images and thoughts. He didn’t quite know how to respond to her just blurting it out, either. Before tonight, it was definitely not something he’d ever have thought she’d just say at random.
A crowd rushed past, heading into the airport and it pushed them closer. Adam caught hold of her hips, biting back a quiet groan by covering with a laugh as he stared down at her. “Let’s get ya in the backseat, darlin.” he helped Grace get into the seat of the Uber. Adam got in beside her and Grace sort of curled herself against him.
He never would’ve taken her for the openly affectionate type before tonight, either, but since they left the bar, it honestly seemed as if any excuse to touch him was being taken full advantage of and Adam didn’t really know what to make of it.
He happened to glance down at her and he caught her staring at him again. “What’s up, darlin?”
“You’re freaking gorgeous, holy shit.”
Adam’s mouth opened and shut and he swallowed hard. It had to be the 90 proof talking. He kept trying to tell himself that. But that look was back in her eyes and as she said it, she sort of trailed her fingertips gingerly over his bicep. He sucked in a breath and tried not to tense. The las thing he wanted right now was for Grace to think he didn’t like her touching him because the opposite was true. He wanted her to keep on doing it.
“Thanks.” he laughed quietly, telling the Uber driver where they wanted to go. As the car headed towards their destination, he slipped an arm around her over the back of the seat. To take some of that heavy lingering tension he was picking up on away, he spoke up.
“What else did ya need to get, darlin?”
Grace nearly dropped her phone and she swore under her breath, reaching to retrieve it where it settled between them. She felt her face burning hot as her fingers brushed right against thick thighs that she’d definitely fantasized about touching on more than one occasion. After two attempts and finally fishing it out from between them, she took a deep breath and managed to get herself to meet his gaze so she could answer.
“Clothes, shampoo. Oh, finishing powder, I accidentally dropped mine in the hotel bathroom when me n’ Rora were havin drinks before we went down to the beach… That’s pretty much it. I mean unless I see shoes.”
Adam snickered to himself, muttering before he could stop himself, “You’re so fuckin cute, ya know that?”
She put her hand at her face, giggling as she shook her head no, but Adam nodded; firmer. “You are.”
“I’m nooooot.” Grace insisted, shaking her head. The car came to a stop and Adam got out first, holding out his hand. He wound up reaching in and kind of guiding Grace off the seat, chuckling quietly as he did so. Once she was out, he turned to the row of storefronts. “This is your trip, darlin.”
Grace’s eyes darted up and down the row of stores and her face burned hot as soon as they settled on the adult store towards the end of the area. She’d already pretty much done the most to embarrass herself, she figured, so it wouldn’t hurt anything to get that one out of the way.
Lacing her fingers through his, she started to walk in the direction of the adult store and as they came to a stop in front of its door, she glanced up at Adam. “You don’t have to come in, I mean..” Grace stumbled over her words. She was starting to get really frustrated with herself because while her inhibitions were lower to an extent, they still weren’t gone and she found herself kind of walking this erratic line of constantly almost doing too much and making an idiot of herself and feeling like she hadn’t actually done much at all.
He was just a man. Sure, he was sexy as hell and she wanted him so bad she could taste it, but he was still just a normal guy. She needed to get a grip already; there was no sense in being so utterly caught up that she couldn’t function around him.
…. Aurora’s right. I need to just relax. I need to go for what I want. I can flirt, it’s not like that’ll hurt anything, I mean thanks to liquid courage, I’ve been doing that so far and it hasn’t been a complete disaster… the thought raced through her brain taking hold and she made up her mind. She was going to at least try to flirt with him.
Adam eyed her and snickered, gazing up at the three backlit neon x’s floating over the door to the building and he shrugged. “What, darlin? Ya think I can’t handle a lil adult store?” he was almost teasing her at this point because it was so hard not to flirt with her just a little. And seeing her actually open up like this was just too damned cute to resist doing so, especially when he liked her so much already.
“I.. fuck.. I didn’t mean t-that. I just..” Grace fidgeted a little, dropping her gaze. Adam tucked his finger underneath her chin, raising her gaze back to his face. “It’s okay, darlin.” he chuckled as he reached for the door, letting her step into the store first. To his surprise, she went straight for the back. While she was doing that, he was looking around, raking his fingers through his hair before turning to a display with a pair of red fuzzy handcuffs, picking up the box, blue eyes scanning over it.
She skipped back over to him, shuffling her feet against some deep purple carpet, a curious little gleam in her eyes. When she saw the fuzzy handcuffs he was holding in his hand, she bit her lip, eying them first and then him. “Those break real easy.” Grace blurted it out before she could stop herself and Adam swallowed hard, blinking a little, sitting the box down on the shelf he’d gotten it from. “Oh? If I were lookin for cuffs I’d get the real ones anyway. Rope’s better though. No key to risk losin… I mean I’d imagine that would be a worry.” he said it in that teasing tone again and Grace fidgeted. As she reached out for a display of whipped cream, edible body paint and edible body glitter, he could’ve sworn he heard her muttering a swear or two under her breath and he couldn’t resist smirking to himself.
She clearly hadn’t been expecting him to say something like that. Or have ever previously toyed with the notion of using anything extra in bed. He studied her a few seconds, leaning in to mutter next to her ear, “Find what you were lookin for back there?” and after a few seconds of fidgeting with her mouth opening and closing, Grace eyed him and nodded, the corners of her lips turning upwards in a playful smile. “Mhm.” as she stepped closer to him. Given that she was still a little wobbly, Adam kept his hand at her lower back. She held up a deep purple and black bag and he bit his lip as his eyes darted down to the bag and then up a little. Focusing on her mouth.
Just the temptation to kiss her had him gripping her lower back a little bit more. Trying to reign himself in and resist doing it. Grace was lightly pressing against him and after a second or two of staring at his lips and trying to keep herself from doing something silly like gripping the front of his black tee shirt and pulling him down so she could kiss him, she nodded to the door. “We’ve o-only got 2 hours left.” she said it with a pout because she didn’t want their little outing to end just yet.
“We better get movin. Probably best if we just start at the store beside this one and work down.” Adam suggested after finally managing to tear his eyes off her lips. Grace nodded and she shifted her bag from one hand to the other, lacing her fingers through his fingers again as they walked towards the door of the shop. Adam held it open and Grace walked out.
This time, Adam was the one who grabbed hold of her hand, lacing his fingers through her fingers. He just wanted to see how she’d react. When he glanced down at her and she was blushing and biting her lip, he gave her a playful smirk as he grabbed the handle of the clothing store right next to the adult store. They stepped inside and Grace started to walk towards a section of swimwear.
She figured she’d probably need it given they were going on Jericho’s cruise thing next and all the swimsuits she’d packed for Miami and the cruise were now god only knew where.  As she rifled through racks, Adam watched her, nearly coughing when she picked up a crocheted bikini, holding it up to herself in the mirror. Before he could stop himself he was catching her gaze in the mirror, smirking a little.
Even though just the thought of her wearing it in front of everyone else had him thinking if he were her man, he’d probably want to fight every guy on the cruise by the end of it.
It honestly surprised him as he watched her grabbing things because a lot of the things she was grabbing, he never would’ve thought she’d wear. Then again, he never really crossed paths with her when they weren’t at a show or waiting at the airport.
The thought of her having more than just that sweet and quiet little cute side had him beyond curious.
He stepped up behind her and leaned down a little, whispering against her ear, “Kinda like that pink one.” as she held up a sundress against herself. “Pink always looks real pretty on you.”
Grace gulped and nodded, turning to actually face him. “Oh?”
“Yeah, that one sweater you always wear that’s pale pink.. It’s one of my favorites.” Adam trailed off, aware that she was pressing against him a little more. His hand squeezed her side and he took a deep breath.
“I’ll, um.. I’ll definitely keep that in mind.” Grace managed to answer as she stared up at him, trying to get herself under control. Control was fast slipping through her fingers. And she found herself getting the strong suspicion that he was flirting with her right now.
She also found herself wondering why. And not daring to hope that it was for the same reason she was flirting with him a little bit. But curious. So she decided to test her theory, pressing into him a little heavier, lightly rubbing against him. She did it carefully enough that she hoped it would seem like an accidental thing.
Adam’s grip on her body tightened and he chuckled quietly. “Everything okay?”
“Everything is fine. Thank you for coming with.” Grace practically purred as she gazed up at him and smiled.
“I couldn’t just let ya wander around alone.” Adam played it off as if it were nothing. Grace reached out for a pair of jeans and added them to the growing pile in her arms.
After grabbing another pair of cut offs and some crop tops, she rose to tiptoe, fluffing at the front of Adam’s hair. “I’m gonna go try these on now.”
She was starting to sober up and honestly, she was starting to think back on just what she’d managed to do and say to embarrass herself thus far and she made a decision then and there.. Might as well just go for it and be an outright flirt, she thought to herself, It’s not like I can do anything to further ruin any shot I might have had. Not only that, but it got daunting sometimes, censoring her true self because she was secretly afraid that if she didn’t, people would think she was too much and be put off.
She’d been trying to ease into letting more of herself out since she started working at AEW, but it was almost agonizingly slow. Only Aurora really knew her.
… And I really want Adam to know me too, I can’t hide that fact… the thought came to her and it stuck the entire time she was in the dressing room, undressing to try on clothes.
She’d just gotten the bikini laced up and secure when Adam knocked. “Everything goin okay?”
“Yeah.” Grace opened the door, leaning in it, the bikini managing to somehow be both modest and leaving little to the imagination.. “It’s not the most practical for swimming.” she shrugged.
Adam bit back a groan -covering with a cough, and as subtly as he could, he moved so that he stood in front of her, blocking the view of anyone else who might see her standing there like that.
“Well?” she asked after a few seconds, fidgeting nervously under his intent gaze. Adam chuckled and stepped closer. “I think it looks good.”
She smiled brightly, disappearing back into the dressing room. A few seconds later he heard swearing and the door opened again slightly as she peeked around it. “Hey, uh.. Can you tie the back of this dress?”
She turned so that Adam could loop the laces to the pale pink sundress through the holes they went in and he chuckled quietly. “ Damn.”
“What? It doesn’t fit, does it?” Grace pouted a little. She’d really liked the dress. More to the point, she liked the way Adam was looking at her right now, in the dress.
“Oh, no. Fits real good, darlin. Just..” Adam pressed against her a little after he managed to get his fingers to stop shaking enough to finish looping the laces through the holes left to go and he muttered quietly next to her ear, “I was just thinkin about the hassle you’re gonna have lacing and unlacing this.”
Grace turned to face him only she turned faster than she thought and as a result, she kind of catapulted herself right against him. He laughed quietly, shaking his head.
“What’s so funny, huh?” Grace pouted a little when she met his gaze in the reflection of the mirror.
“Nothin.” Adam found himself staring at her mouth intently, even bending his head down just the slightest as he continued to blurt out, “Just thinking about how hot it is when you get all flustered and you’re blushing. Kind of like you are right now, darlin.”
Grace swallowed hard, her mouth opening and closing as she rose up on her tiptoes just a little bit.
Adam’s hand wandered down, gripping at her ass, pulling her up just a little. “Just curious.. Is there any reason you’re blushing so much tonight?”
A throat cleared from nearby and the two of them sprang apart, Grace pouting a little about it as the saleswoman made her way past, heading to the back of the store.
Adam figured she’d use the interruption of the sales clerk who’d approached to avoid answering his question, but to his surprise, she rose to tiptoe and whispered quietly against his ear, “You.”, her tongue just barely grazing against the edge of his ear before practically bolting into the dressing room to hurry through trying on the rest of the clothes she’d picked out to take with her on the cruise.
He was left to stand there and wait, staring intently at the door, fidgeting as things slowly started to click into place. And he started to think that maybe, just maybe, he had an actual shot in hell at one thing he really wanted working out for him. He decided then and there to really go for it. And he planned to just as soon as Grace came back out of that dressing room this time.
Grace tried on the last outfit, the pair of high waisted cut-offs and the crop top and she turned in the mirror a time or two to make sure it at least looked halfway decent.  She stepped out the dressing room door and literally right into Adam’s arms, which she wasn’t expecting at all. A second later found her with her back against the wall and his hips pinning her in place as his hands gripped and squeezed and groped their way over every inch of her body. “Stop me if..” he muttered just before hesitating long enough to let her answer.
Then his mouth crashed against her mouth, claiming it as her lips parted and his tongue slipped past, taking control of the depth of the kiss before Grace could even begin to dare to try. She squeaked when he accidentally squeezed her ass just a little harder than he’d been intending to and he muttered quietly into the deepening kiss, “Shit. Sorry, Darlin. Got carried away.”
At last, her brain finally seemed to un-freeze and she seemed to catch on to what was going on, her hand going to the front of his shirt, clutching at it just to keep herself upright.
Her hand raked through his hair, tugging and her leg raised to his hip. One of his hands wound up there, squeezing her thigh and sort of rubbing her right against him, drawing a gasp of surprise from her when she felt the way he strained tight against the blue jeans he wore. As the kiss was starting to slow down and they were both trying to catch their breaths he muttered against her lips softly, “I have wanted to do that a while now, darlin. It was kinda driving me crazy.” he stepped away just a little, worried that he might have just taken things a little too far.
Grace, however, seemed to think otherwise. She stepped close, her arms going around his neck as she pressed against him and stared up into his eyes intently.  “You wanted to kiss me, huh?” she was more than a little shocked as she answered and Adam could see it on her face. He bent slightly, his face closer to hers as he nodded and spoke again. “I did. Why?”
She walked her fingers up his chest, trailing the tip of her index finger over his lip as she did that cute little blushing smile up at him. “Because maybe I wanted to kiss you too.”
He pretended to pout a little, all that liquid courage from earlier still hanging around and making him flirtatious and playful. “Maybe?” he asked, his tongue lazily tracing the shape of her lips. When he felt her shiver, he responded with a whispered laugh against her mouth as he pulled her closer all over again.
“Okay, yes.” her fingertips dug into his shoulders as she trailed her tongue over his lower lip and continued, “ I wanted to kiss you. So much.”
When Grace’s cell phone began to ring loudly, Grace swore in frustration because she’d been just about to go for it and steal another kiss. Adam chuckled quietly and muttered against her mouth, “Ignore it, Grace.”
“That’s a really good idea, actually.” Grace giggled into his lips as his tongue slipped between hers, parting them. The grip on her ass tightened and this time, he rubbed her against him, earning him a needy whimper as he did so. Grace was so hot for it already that her knees were shaking and Adam hadn’t really done much of anything to her yet. Her hand rested across the back of his neck, driving his mouth into her own deeper. In the midst of it, her cell phone started to ring again.
Adam broke the kiss and Grace dug around, finding her cell phone in her pocket.
“Where are you, woman?” Aurora asked, barely hiding a teasing laugh. Grace could practically feel her smirking through the phone. Her heart began to pound and she asked Aurora in a rush, “Oh shit, the flight.. We didn’t miss it..”
Aurora giggled and stepped away from Lucha Express just to have a quieter conversation with her best friend. “ Actually, it’s delayed. We have to be back at the airport at 10 am. You never answered my question, by the way.” Aurora reminded her friend.
Adam wandered over, slipping his arms around her waist, nuzzling his nose against her neck as he bent down. He could hear Aurora’s loud giggly voice through the phone and he chuckled. “Hi, Aurora.”
“Holy shit.. Was that… Did you.. Did you FINALLY talk to him?” Aurora’s questions came in a flood and Grace took a deep breath, tensing slightly. “I mean.. Kinda? I wandered into the bar to get a drink..”
“But you don’t drink.” Aurora eyed the phone in her hand, trying not to laugh. Grace still sounded a little tipsy, but not as bad as she’d always thought Grace would if she were to drink.
“I also hate flying, duh.” Grace butted in and continued to speak, “Anyway.. I may or may not have shotgunned 3 glasses of some 90 proof drink thing and.. Whoo boy, I feel so good right now. I mean I’m sobering up.. But Adam, he’s a real sweetheart. He offered to come down to the shopping center with me!”
“That’s good. But have you at least TALKED to him? Ya know.. At least hinted at how you feel? I mean.. I had to physically restrain you to keep you from throwing a shoe at the television when Matt pulled that stunt earlier and wouldn’t let him tag in.”
Adam was overhearing everything and all Grace could do was blush all over her body and tense slightly, because this was… Not how she planned to tell him the way she felt.
… But he kissed me, like that… he’s gotta feel something, right?…
She knew Adam had gotten an earful when she felt his hands wandering just a little more. It flustered her almost immediately; to a point where she had trouble getting her words out when Aurora asked her question again.
“I,uhh.. I was.. I’m working up to it, okay? Look, not everybody has a giant swinging set of brass ones like you, Rora.”
“Oh, but see, the thing here Grae. You do. I know goddamn well you do. Use them. That poor guy is suffering and I’m sick of watching you, watch him.. But refuse to do anything. I swear to God, Grae.. If you don’t say or do something. I’m gonna come down there to that shopping center and I’m gonna do it for you. I just want you to be happy like me.”
Grace went to respond to Aurora’s impassioned lecture, but all she got was a dial tone and she found herself dreading the second when she’d have to turn around knowing full well that Adam heard every single word most likely. Before she could turn around on her own, Adam was turning her around, a questioning look in those high definition baby blues as he fixed them on her intently.
“That was an interesting conversation.” he chuckled, but inside his heart was about to swell and explode because he’d never really.. Considered.. The possibility that she might like him just as much as he liked her. To find out that apparently, she did was just… It was the best end to a pretty shitty night.
… but it could get even better, he thought to himself as he went into planning mode because now we’ve got an all-night delay… She still wasn’t saying anything, just standing there looking all cute and flustered with her mouth opening and closing until it finally closed and she shuffled her feet as she let her eyes dart to the floor.
Adam reached out, fingers curling beneath her chin, making her look back up at him as he bit his lip. Stepping closer, he repeated himself, more firmly when he added at the end, “Is there somethin you wanna tell me right now, darlin?”
“I.. I mean you heard it all, thanks to Aurora being loud as hell.” Grace thought that would be enough; that he wouldn’t push. Apparently, Hangman was in the mood to pick and push at what he’d heard though. Not that she minded, it’s just that she’d have obviously preferred it if he hadn’t found out thanks to her friend being a big-mouth. “She’s so freaking bossy.” Grace pouted, folding her arms over her chest as she gave a quiet giggle and shook her head about it all. It was kind of funny if you really stopped to think about it.
“Maybe she had a point though,” Adam spoke up, catching her eyes with his, smirking just a little. His hand settled on her hip, pulling her closer. Closer wasn’t close enough now that he knew. Even if she hadn’t said it yet, she wasn’t denying it either. And now that he was going back over the few interactions they had over the past few weeks… It had him wondering about certain little things he’d noticed. He took a deep breath and continued, “All you have to do, darlin, is tell me.”
Grace bit her lip, swallowing hard as she nodded. “Tell you, huh? It’s so much more complex than that.” she was stepping even closer, his back brushing against a rack of clothing. He chuckled a little, coughing when his eyes met her eyes and he saw the desire burning just beneath the surface.
“Okay, so maybe you can show me.” he leaned into her slightly, her forehead against his and both of his hands on her hips, his thumb trailing over soft skin hidden beneath the thin violet-colored tee shirt she was wearing. She gasped and her breath caught in her throat, but she nodded towards the door. “One thing.”
“Anything, darlin.”
“Get me out of here, Hangman.” Grace grabbed the pile of clothing she’d been planning to buy and then she grabbed his hand, giggling as she practically pulled him towards the first open register. Adam laughed and as soon as she was being rung up and standing still in front of him, his hands wandered down, squeezing and kneading her ass through the jeans she was wearing as he whispered quietly, “I’ll gladly get you outta here, darlin. Where do you wanna go, hm?” and nuzzled his nose against the side of her neck.
“Anywhere with you.” she managed to gasp just as he squeezed her hip, rubbing her ass right against himself. She barely managed not whimpering and as she reached to take her change after paying for her clothing, her hands were shaking a little. She turned around to face him and he chuckled, leaning down to brush his lips against her forehead.
“C’mon, darlin. Let’s get you to a hotel and soberin up first. Because you are in for it now. Being such a little tease tonight.”
Grace bit her lip and giggled, her hand raising to her mouth. “Oh.. you caught onto it, huh?”
“Kinda hard not to, darlin.” Adam teased back, putting an arm around her as they walked out of the store and towards the Uber, waiting to take them to the nearest hotel….
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mautadite · 4 years
june book round up
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18 books this month! this is late because i just couldn’t find the time to sit down and write it but it’s finally here! and i completed my reading challenge! whoo! mostly e-books and audiobooks once again, and also a good few arcs. (i’m still so proud to be able to say that lol.)
the 7 1/2 deaths of evelyn hardcastle - stuart turton ⭐️⭐️⭐️ a murder mystery/thriller that takes place in the midst of a house party. kind of a groundhog day thing; the same day repeats over and over, and one of the guests wakes up in the body of a different guest EVERY day, and will do so until he solves the mystery. this was one of the cleverest books i’ve ever read, seeing everything come together was so good. but the last reveal left me kinda like... was THAT the point of all of this?? also one part of this book is grossly fatphobic.
breeze of a spring evening and other stories - yu dafu ⭐️⭐️⭐️ collection of short stories written and set in 1920s china/japan. there was a lot of examination of men’s desire towards younger women which bored me. but the writing was good, and i really enjoyed when the writer talked about being chinese and living in japan; that feeling of isolation of loss of self and country,
her lady’s honor - renee dahlia ⭐️⭐️ first arc of the month! historical f/f romance set after wwi. one character is a vet (in both senses of the word, she served as an animal doctor during the war) and the other is the daughter of the first character’s old captain. i wanted to like this a lot more than i did but the writing was dull, needed a better edit, and the structure/plot was just all over the place. the characters were fine, but not hugely compelling, and i didn’t fall in love with their romance.
his cocky cellist - cole mccade ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ really good m/m romance about a cellist/masseur and a young billionaire who end up becoming entangled. fictional billionaires are the only good ones. this had really pretty prose (sometimes a liiiiiiiiiiiittle bit purple), great characters, great chemistry, and just a lovely romance overall.
his cocky valet: after story - cole mmcade ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ cute coda to the first book in the series. a HEA in a way that works for these specific characters.
night owls and summer skies - rebecca sullivan ⭐️⭐️ another arc, another book i sadly didn’t enjoy much. this is ya f/f, about a girl who is sent unwillingly to the camp that she attended in childhood. the bare bones of the writing was fine, but it tried to be a romantic comedy in ways that just didn’t work. a lot of the humour was a total miss. and the book dealt a lot with bullying, while also letting the love interest get away with some truly shitty stuff. 
arms wide open - donna jay ⭐️⭐️⭐️ contemporary f/f romance about a married couple going through some rough patches, who decide to try to spice things up by inviting a third person into their bed. it was cute, not spectacular. while i liked the characters a lot, because the book opened with them already in love (having problems, but never OUT of love) this book was missing what i love about most romances: the falling in love bit!
my heart’s in the highlands - amy hoff ⭐️⭐️⭐️ another arc and oh man this is an extremely generous rating for a book that really wasn’t that good, but hit the spot for me in specific ways. it’s historical f/f time travel romance about a woman from the 19th century who travels back to the 13th century and falls in love with a gruff highlander warrior woman. this is not very well written, has so many unexplained plot points, (how did a woman from the 19th century build a time machine? none of our damned business) didn’t seem too concerned with historical fidelity, and had some dubcon, which, bleh. but i still REALLY liked parts of this. i’m just so weak for historical f/f romance.
when all the world sleeps - j.a. rock and lisa henry ⭐️⭐️⭐️ contemporary m/m romance between a chronic sleepwalker who lives in fear of the things he does when he’s sleeping, and a cop. this was fine. sometimes sad and sweet, sometimes weird and overdone. the police character was fine most of the time, but he also reminded me of why i don’t like reading romances with cops. especially In These Times. every tiny abuse of power made me want to snap. the actually romance was good, but i’ve read better.
yellow jessamine - caitlin starling ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ another arc! fantasy sort of horror with some f/f leanings. really wonderful prose, AMAZING characters, and really lush, unsettling horror. i don’t read/enjoy a lot of horror but this was great. i adore complicated women so much
where the forest meets the stars - glendy vanderah ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ on a genre scale i guess this is contemporary/mystery? a moving novel about a biologist (who’s a breast cancer survivor) who meets a little girl claiming to be an alien who comes from the stars. it didn’t go the way i was kind of expecting it to, and i enjoyed it. it had an m/f romance that i liked... mostly? there were some tropes i coulda done without, and it was really lazy in the way it addressed trauma.
silver ravens - jane fletcher ⭐️⭐️⭐️ yet another arc! i really enjoyed fletcher’s celaeno series so i was excited to be approved for this f/f fantasy/adventure novel. an out-of-work IT professional is swept into fairy world with fae and mystery and intrigues aplenty, and a mercenary captain she falls for. the writing was fine, but some of the world building really bugged me, and there wasn’t enough romance imo.
second nature - jae ⭐️⭐️⭐️ f/f paranormal romance about a writer who’s begun to have strange dreams about a society of animal shifters, and the liger shifter who’s been tasked with finding her, and if need be, killing her. this could have been a great book (i especially really liked the characters and how they were described, and the plot) but the writer did one of the things i really hate: giving us the pov of the villain from the very beginning, letting us know his plans, motivations, EVERYTHING. it felt like we spent the entire book waiting for the protags to catch up, and it just wasn’t entertaining.
dragonoak books 2-3 - sam farren ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ the last two books in the dragonoak series, an f/f high fantasy series. they were too long, the plot was shaky, and there were some irksome bits but holy crap, i loved these books so much. SO MUCH. they have some of my very favourite characters and tropes EVER. lots of queer ladies, lots of trans characters, necromancy, batles, found families, friendships, damaged characters, REALLY EXCELLENT ROMANCE.. the book had flaws aplenty but i’m ready to forgive them all. (
when i was you - minka kent ⭐️⭐️⭐️ i don’t usually read thrillers, but i decided to try this out on a whim after seeing the cover and it was... fine. it helped that i didn’t read the blurb, bc that meant i had no idea where it was going. after the first huge twist it did become kinda meh tho.
the hole -  hye-young pyun ⭐️⭐️⭐️ psychological horror about a man who survives the car cash that killed his wife. he ends up paralysed, and is living with his mother in law, and one day he looks out the window and sees her digging holes in the garden. this was an EXTREMELY slow book. it took ages for anything to really happen. there were a lot of flashbacks and internal monologuing. the absolute best part of this book came at almost the end, where there was a big sorta revelation and the writing became really crisp and cutting and just really good. it had a really fitting end.
the silvers - j.a. rock ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ m/m sci-fi romance. humans are in search of water for earth, which is running out. they come across intelligent life on a new planet: a race of people called silvers. the captain of the mission and one of the silvers develop a close relationship... this was really good; i loved what it had to say about humanity and nature and the ways we can and do hurt each other. very interesting, i don’t think i’ve ever read anything like it.
and that’s it for june! i ended up reading a fair few things out of my usual comfort zone. for july, i think i’m going back to a majority romance; i’ve missed that. currently reading to have loved and lost.
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Roxas the Wingman
Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Sora, Jasmine
Requested By: cornholi4 (FanFiction)
Additional Tags: College AU
A dreamy smile was on Sora’s face as he leaned over his desk with a lightly blushing cheek in one hand with the other slowly, methodically, absently twirling his pencil, hazy blue eyes currently locked onto the radiant young woman seated exactly two rows ahead and one seat to the left of him. A deep, admiring sigh exited his lungs as he sat there admiring her, not even paying attention to the droning of their history professor pointing at some map or another on the PowerPoint. Her name was Jasmine, and she was the most beautiful creature that he had even seen; thick, luscious dark brown hair that framed her face in flowing waves, beautiful caramel latte skin that glowed like the desert’s setting sun, warm brown eyes with thick brown lashes that Sora so easily envisioned himself getting lost in. His elbow slid over the smooth surface of the desk as he craned his neck further trying to get a better look at her; all he succeeded in doing was slamming his head down onto the table with a loud smack! He flushed pink at the chorus of giggles that bubbled up around him, namely from one of his best friends that was sitting beside him- Roxas.
“Dude, would you just man up and get her number already?” the blonde boy snorted in derision. Sora growled lightly in response, peering through his spiky brown bangs up at the sneering guy.
“Shut up, Roxas, it ain’t that easy…”
“You talking about Jasmine?” Xion asked from Roxas’ other side, leaning forword so that she could be involved in the conversation. “Isn’t she dating that Aladdin guy?” For effect, the raven-haired girl gestured to the Arabian man seated beside Jasmine who was feeding his totally illegal pet monkey apple slices under the desk. Sore grunted in a bout of triumphant laughter.
“Nah, they’re just friends.”
“You know that, but you don’t know her number?” Roxas tutted with a shake of his head. “This is ridiculous. I can’t deal with your groaning and moaning anymore,” he muttered. Sora lifted up his head as Roxas scrawled something hastily on a piece of notebook paper, tore it free from his binder, and crumpled it up into a ball.
“H-hey, what’re you- Oh my God, no!” Sora hissed in utter dismay as Roxas reared back and launched the wad of paper at the back of Jasmine’s head. Roxas had a pitcher’s arm, and the projectile smacked right into his intended target; she gasped lightly aloud and her hair whipped over her shoulder as she wildly glanced back, eyes darting through the crowd to see who would dare chuck the paper at her. Sora had slammed his head down on the desk again and was shielding it with his arms, whining miserably. Through the small gap in his arms, he saw Roxas motion to her to open up the paper. Warily, Jasmine did as bid, leaning down to retrieve the crumpled ball and, as quietly as she could, unwrinkled it to see what was written on the page.
“I hate you.”
“You ain’t about to in five seconds,” Roxas laughed back. Whining with the pitch of a wailing jet engine, Sora could only watch in dismay as Jasmine’s brown eyes danced over the penciled words. He jumped violently in his seat as they darted back to lock right onto him, so violently in fact that he kicked his backpack two feet forward and made the desk screech against the floor, making the whole back of the class snicker at him again. He shrunk down into his chair with a raging blush, wishing for nothing more than to melt through a hole in the floor and never return, as the girl’s piercing eyes regarded him levelly. Slowly, note in hand, she turned around to resume listening to the teacher’s lecture. Sora wasn’t sure if it was a good sign that she gently laid the note down on her desk rather than crumpling it back up and beaming it right for his bright red forehead. “Relax,” Roxas chuckled as he slapped Sora on the back encouragingly. “I got this.”
Sora only responded with another wheedling groan. He would have to get the notes from Xion after this, because there was no way in hell he was going to be able to focus because he was too busy wondering which way Jasmine was gonna smack the hell out of him after class. Upside the head? On his cheek? Maybe she would go straight for an uppercut or a sucker-punch… Sora spent so much time spiraling into worse and worse probabilities that he didn’t even notice class was over- that is, until the girl he was currently panicking over was standing right in front of his desk. When her pretty manicured nails tapped lightly on the surface of the desk to get him to lift his head, which was shoved down into his arms, he did way more than that; he jerked up like a rod, vibrating the desk as he quivered in absolute alarm. When she quirked an eyebrow at him, he felt like he was gonna explode.
“H-h-h-hey J-jasmine…” Roxas was bent over double trying to contain his laughter at the horribly pitiful display he was putting on. At least Xion tried to smile at him- at least, for all of three seconds before her cheeks bulged out and her hand flew to her mouth to contain the loud snort. Sora deflated, hand delving into the spiky tufts of his brown hair. “Look, Jasmine, I’m sorry. Ro-“
“Is it true?”
“Do wut?” He gaped owlishly at her. She flipped the note around and his blue eyes slowly drifted down to the messy writing scribbled across it basically admitting that he was totally over-the-moon for her. His cheeks turned the color of cherry blossoms as his startled blue eyes rose to her inquisitive but not judgmental ones. “Oh, hehehehe… Um…. Yeah…” he admitted in a teeny-tiny shy voice. He smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “I guess you’re, uh, gonna tell me to buzz off or somethin’ now, right?” Of course she is! She’s so pretty and outta my league… I totally fudged it about Aladdin, too; what if they are dating? I mean, I can take that guy, but still!
“No…” He looked up with bugging eyes as her pretty lips curled into a shy smile. “I was going to say that if you’d like, I’ll meet you at Starbuck’s at three to chat.” Sora gaped stupidly at her while his little pea brain attempted to process what she had said. When it did, it didn’t have nearly enough capacity to form coherent sentences, so he settled for wildly nodding his head instead. As she giggled girlishly and gave him a small wave before strutting off, Sora melted into a pile of lovestruck goo against the desk.
“Ah… No way… We’re gonna go to Starbuck’s <3” he cooed as he basically reached nirvana. The tingling that was traveling all over his body surely signaled the release of his soul from his material form. Well, he had to grab it and force it back in, because there was no way he was gonna miss his date! Now that the girl was gone, Roxas no longer cared about somewhat preserving Sora’s dignity; with an unrestrained howl of laughter, he began beating his fist against the desk while he remained bent over from cackling so hard.
“Holy shit! You looked so uncool! You better count yourself lucky that she likes goofballs, because Jesus Christ!” With a deep gulp for air, he sat up, face flushed and tears at the corners of his eyes. Sora didn’t know whether to glare at him or laugh with him, because loathe as he was to admit it, he probably did look like a big bungling buffoon. Par for the Sora course. Roxas continued chuckling as he wiped the tears from his eyes. “Ahhh, man… That was good… Ehe, you owe me ice cream for this one, Sora.”
“Yeah, I suppose I do. Thanks. Though I coulda done without you laughin’ at me.”
“Look, I’m nice, not a saint.”
“Heehee, you two… Sora, three o’clock isn’t far off. You should probably hurry!” Xion told him. With a gasp, Sora leaped out of his desk. Well, he attempted to leap, but his foot caught on one of the desk chairs and he ended up sprawled out on his belly. Groaning, he stretched out an arm to retrieve his backpack and then hurriedly scrambled up, yelling good-bye to Roxas and Xion as he hauled ass out of the lecture hall. He could barely hear the shouts of protest as he barreled down the hallway and out the building, shooting down the sidewalk in the direction of the campus library. He didn’t hear them, because his heart was singing with joy. He jumped up to pump his fist in the air with a hyped crow of his voice.
I got a date with Jasmine! Thank God for wingmen…
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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pass-the-bechdel · 5 years
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend season four full review
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How many episodes pass the Bechdel test?
100% (seventeen of seventeen).
What is the average percentage per episode of female characters with names and lines?
How many episodes have a cast that is at least 40% female?
Thirteen, distinctly over half, and with nine of those hitting or exceeding 50%, and two of those making it to/over the 60% line.
How many episodes have a cast that is less than 20% female?
Zero, unsurprisingly.
How many female characters (with names and lines) are there?
Thirty-nine. Sixteen who appeared in more than one episode, five who appeared in at least half the episodes, and two who appeared in every episode.
How many male characters (with names and lines) are there?
Forty-three. Twenty who appeared in more than one episode, seven who appeared in at least half the episodes, and one who appeared in every episode.
Positive Content Status:
Nothing to write home about. It isn’t devoid of good qualities, but it also isn’t half as good as it seems to think it is, and it rarely makes any genuine effort to try (average rating of 3).
General Season Quality:
Patchy. Never regained the highs of the series-best third season, though it showed some potential now and then; likewise, never dragged down the way the show did at its worst in series-low season two, but still definitely wandered in that direction time and again. Comes to a conclusion as predictable as it is boring.
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) under the cut:
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Ok, since full-season reviews for the final season of a show have a tendency to take on strong full-series overtones, I’m gonna keep this simple, and just focus on the way the character’s storylines came around (or didn’t) by the last episode. Considering that they used that abominable time-skip technique to neatly skip major developments yet again, they made it very easy to reflect on what the narrative has positioned as core to the character’s lives.
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First, a note on time skips: like any technique, they have their place in a storyteller’s toolbox, and it is completely possible to use them to strong effect. Time skips, in and of themselves, are not the devil, nor are they automatic signs of lazy storytelling - they just need to exist for a good reason. Having serious changes take place in the interim, and dropping the audience into the chaos on the other side so that they can unravel all that change and work out how things developed and how they fit together now after the fact? Great use of a time skip, because it still uses the interim developments for active storytelling, and drives viewer engagement by making you pay attention to put the pieces together. There’s heaps of potential in that, plus you can bring vitality to plot development that might actually have been laborious to watch in real-time; when viewed in retrospect, it can become much more interesting than it would have been as a chronological thread. The two big time skips we had in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend? Categorically not that. The first one, in season three, was essentially a way of going ‘nothing interesting whatsoever happened in these character’s lives for eight entire months’, which is just abysmal storytelling, and the only real explanation for why they bothered with the time skip at all was that they wanted to fast-track the pregnancy plot (which, I’ll say again, I am still really disturbed by - it meant declaring that absolutely nothing that happened - for Heather, as a pregnant person, or for Darryl as an expectant parent, or for Rebecca as the egg donor who never really addressed her own feelings about her decision (this season limply acknowledged that in one episode, but you know what would have been better? The inclusion of emotional ups and downs over time! It’s only EXACTLY the kind of thing which is deeply pertinent to Rebecca’s mental state!) - none of it was meaningful enough to be worth telling a story about, and that’s depressingly lazy and insulting to the characters, frankly, and NOT just because of my own pregnancy-related feelings). Skipping eight months of your own story without using that missing time for anything is ridiculous (and if you don’t want to waste time on a plot thread, don’t include it in the first place - since the entire baby storyline came to a big zero on character and narrative development anyway, they might as well have not bothered pretending). The entire year they time-skipped in the final episode of this season? Kinda the exact same problem, even though they did include little flashback scenes this time to pretend that anything meaningful happened. If it actually mattered, you shoulda built it into the course of the actual season, instead of handwaving it in at the eleventh hour without any development or fallout. This is not how storytelling works.
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And what did we get as the sum total of our character development in the time-skipped year, what action was jumped over and then treated as the culmination of each individual’s life and time on the show? Well, Josh got a new serious girlfriend. One of the better characters on the whole show, a highlight when there was sometimes little light to be had, and he...got a girlfriend. Wow. Josh’s story really went places, huh? Nathaniel? Quit his job and went to work at his favourite place, the zoo, which is a much more interesting development and easily my favourite one, but also, they didn’t build towards that at all. You could be forgiven for forgetting that Nathaniel likes going to the zoo when he’s sad, because that was just a bit from a song one episode, long ago, and the show never reinforced his interest in the zoo outside of that. Objectively, I love this as an end-place for his character, but in the context of his development on-show, it’s kinda out of left field, they did not incorporate it in to his narrative the way they should have if they were gonna use it in this way. Similar problem: Paula, whose Great Achievement was bringing pro bono work to her firm, only, we’d never had any real indication that she was passionate about it before, it was just something she started doing to support Rebecca. This doesn’t feel like a development that actually has anything to do with Paula at all, and it certainly doesn’t bring things around on any part of her personal plot in a way that could be considered meaningful. Valencia finally gets to be engaged, she makes it happen for herself by being the one to propose, and that’s nice but hardly less of a bland culmination than ‘and Josh has a girlfriend’. Darryl’s relationship and child-in-the-making is also ho-hum, and kinda reinforces the idea that they coulda just skipped the stupid Hebecca plot since it was seemingly just a way to preoccupy Darryl while they couldn’t come up with any real story for him, only to have his story end with achieving the same thing he had already spent the previous season achieving, just with a partner involved this time. Heather, Hector, White Josh? No meaningful developments, they were never important. Greg? Something restaurant related? I literally can’t even remember already, that’s how much I don’t care. Why was he even here? Nope, still don’t care.
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And then of course, Rebecca. She sure did ‘resolve’ her BPD as a plot point by taking medication, so, not impressed by the way they handled that in the end, and in the meantime she finally realised that her happiness was not and should not be defined by relationships and that she should pursue the things in life which actually make her happy within herself, and that is...exactly the basic conclusion that I assumed this show would come to back when it started. I somehow foolishly thought they would have to have something more up their sleeves than ‘don’t define yourself through your relationship with someone else’, especially after they doubled and tripled down (get it, tripled? Because of the three guys?) on the idea that romance was part of the endgame for Rebecca, literally to the last episode; turning around and pulling a ‘but romance isn’t the most important thing!’ after THAT MUCH time and energy spent on forefronting it in the late stages of the show doesn’t feel like some kind of clever twist, it’s something really obvious that the show had various leaned on at other points in its run, only to return to the romantic centre with a greater and greater vengeance. By this point, blowing off the romances with all three of these other characters that Rebecca had already blown off - numerous times! - in the past isn’t some revelation of character development, it’s just pattern repetition. For the sprinkling of other plot threads they wrapped up for Rebecca this season, each of them applauded to some extent for whatever catharsis they brought, this ultimately ended her story in the most redundant of ways, placing at the core of her story the very same thing that the show had already denounced and restored time and time again. But anyway. This all sounds awfully series-review-ish. The moral of the story is, I hated the final episode with a passion and it made me feel like the entire show was largely pointless viewing, and that’s unfortunate because there were various glimmers of thoughtful wrap-ups across the rest of the season. Anything else, I guess I’ll talk it out in the only place left for it: the full series review.
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thegeminisage · 5 years
Merlin, Arthur, Gwen, & Morgana
ok i did merlin here & arthur here
How I feel about this character: I LOVE GWEN…every time anything bad happened to her i became utterly livid. the single time i unstanned arthur was in late season 4 after That Happened. not even my love for arthur would stand for that nonsense 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: oh man, like, everyone, anyone, as long as she’s happy…my favorite is gwen/morgana but i also really like gwen/lancehot, gwen/gwaine, gwen/merlin although i think they’re like…very good platonic friends who do romantic stuff together sometimes just cause. they’d be fine sharing arthur honestly they’re tight like that
My non-romantic OTP for this character: gwen & merlin!!!! as said above and in the other ask i think they’re in that weird space between platonic & romantic so they can go either way…
My unpopular opinion about this character: idk if it’s unpopular but someone should have known abt that enchanted bracelet or w/e. that was fucked up and it makes me really uncomfortable
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i wish gwen had been able to save morgana from herself because that’s love babey. like i would have been happy w/ any “”redemption”” arc at all from her (more on that later) but it would have been super special to me if gwen, the one person who never hurt her, was also the one person who could save her
How I feel about this character: oh boy. i feel she was horribly mistreated by the writers…she & merlin coulda been out here like magneto & professor x but instead they made her ~totally evulz~ which meant she was willing to hurt people like gwen & arthur who had (arguably in arthur’s case) never done her any real harm…i don’t like it. give that girl some fucking DEPTH, y’all were SO CLOSE…she could have been such an aesop character, the result of what blind hatred like uther’s brings…instead she just stood in as an ineffective villain for two and a half seasons and got dumped on constantly
All the people I ship romantically with this character: gwen & lowkey morgause. YEAH I SAID IT katie mcgrath does too shut up
My non-romantic OTP for this character: MORGANA & HER DRAGON :(((
My unpopular opinion about this character: i guess that i think she should have gotten a “redemption arc” i see so much “DIE MORGANA DIE” material on ao3 if it’s written post s4…although i will say after what she did to gwen in late s4 lowkey i was in that camp too. i know it’s not her fault but UGH
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i think “redemption arc” for morgana is the wrong term bc i don’t think per se that her pain is wrong or that she did anything wrong in acting the only way she knew how, as someone who would be killed by uther for what she was…she doesn’t need to MAKE UP for anything really…i guess “reconciliation arc” would be more appropriate…she was so miserable and alone and she used to be such good friends with everyone, i really wanted her to come thru the misery and be…not who she was before all of it went down, but someone who was able to move forward and become whole. instead she died broken and alone like everyone else in this stupid show
(send me a character ask)
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