#i think he finds a lot of enjoyment in the natural world around him
blank-house · 4 months
What are the cast's favourite flowers? I was thinking sakura for Percy of course, maybe sunflowers for Elio, but what else?? I'm so curious 🙈🙈🙈
aha, actually it might surprise you to see what the answers are. these aren't rooted in flower language or anything, mind. it's just what we think they'd generally like on the basis of objective prettiness:
percy: doesn't actually like flowers. but, he thinks clovers are cute.
elio: ālula, which is endangered. it's prehistoric. he just thinks it's pretty neat and would only want to look at it from a distance.
jamie: whatever's in season. he likes all flowers.
deja: honeysuckles, but her preference for jasmine-scented things would mislead you by a mile.
cameron: sunflowers!
reynah: roses. they're a classic for a reason.
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tavyliasin · 5 months
Villain-Fucker Angst Hours
Good timezone, darlings~ Are you ready to get all up in your feelings? No? Me neither, loves, but here we are regardless so the words are going to flow as they usually do... This is focused on Raphael from Baldur's Gate 3 and his fandom, but the latter section can easily apply to any villain fandom.
Self-Analysis of Devil-Fuckery, Or Why Do I Adore Raphael When He Is Very Obviously Evil: A Short Essay by TavyliaSin (Who Still Cannot Name Anything With Less Than A Full Paragraph) ((NSFW)) (((Game Spoilers)))
The following may discuss heavier topics, but without specifics, so whilst it should be safe for most to read without triggering any difficult memories please be aware of Raphael's entire vibes, the content and context of his story, and I'd also like to mention that this isn't a "woe be us for we are terrible people" piece, it's actually more about:
"There is an inherent kindness and warmth to much of the Raphael fandom, and I think there could be some common threads behind that, pulling us all in closer in a comforting blanket that we wrap around each other to keep out the cold of the world."
So, what in the nine hells am I on about? Well. Raphael-fandom is a wild and wonderful place to be. The rest is in sections, so feel free to skip through to what you feel is relevant to your interests. I am so prone to waffle I should open a restaurant~
Who Are Fans Of Raphael? What Do They Want?
We are feral, unhinged, all sheets to the wind "I want that devil man, carnally, and there is no force in all the planes that could stop me". There's the vanilla to the extreme and every level in between, tops, bottoms, versatiles, Doms, subs, and switches - there are a whole lot of people who would love to get their hands on either (or both) of Raphael's forms, for a simple smooch or something far more spicy~ [edited in] To add on to this, not all of us even desire him in a sexual way, for many it is romantic, soft, or even just the rather pleasant thought of spending an evening with drinks by the hellfire because he would be fascinating company. Aces, Aros, and AroAces may all find themselves well within the devilish corners of fandom too~ which is a whole other essay~ [end edit] So, I see you. I'm one of you. Extremely loud and utterly hingeless in my fan appreciation for Raphael. He's one of my favourites to write about, I seek art of him, and the same goes for his mirrored other half, Haarlep, who I arguably love more despite there being far less content of them in the game.
And the Fandom? The Vibe?
From my experience in the Raphael Fandom areas, we have a very deep and abiding understanding of consent, respect, and treating each other with an absolute and uncompromising kindness. We've had talks about keeping each other safe in fandom, exchanged details of people we have encountered who need to be avoided, even shared details between moderators of different fandom servers to pre-ban people proven to be creeps and/or art thieves. We've also discussed consent, including the issues with it in the game, and how areas of the story can only really be considered dubious at best and could easily be triggering for people. And these discussions have been open, honest, fair, and with the acknowledgement that most of us love these scenes anyway. So there's a sense of care that runs through everything, behind the horny-posting and fan content, behind the endless thirsting after our favourite fictional characters. We have a depth of kindness that warms my sinners soul every time I see it.
What Does This Have To Do With Self-Reflection, Raphael, or Villainy In General?
Well let's look at Raphael. He's a villain, obviously. He's manipulative, devious, and inherently evil by his very nature. He keeps Hope chained in his basement, constantly subjected to endless torture. There's also mention of how Gortash was sold into his service at a young age, clearly not an enjoyable experience given the other details and how things turn out (particularly as Raphael would need Gortash's own plans to fail entirely in order for him to succeed in his own and get that crown). And as fans, we accept that. We don't sit making excuses, or trying to say "well actually Gortash is a little shit and Hope probably deserve it", and we don't shy away from or conveniently ignore those darker sides of him with malicious intent to enable more evil to flourish. What I noticed, when I allowed the thoughts to continue, is that there is a theme here.
If Evil Can Be Loved Then So Can I
That's the core. Of course, darlings, I am not claiming to be a heinous monster. I certainly do not have a laundry list of crimes that would make the devil himself say "Uh, that's a bit much." But I sure as fuck treat myself like I do sometimes. You see, I think a lot of us have that tendency, to judge ourselves far more harshly than anyone else. Our patience, understanding, and forgiveness for others runs deeper than the Mariana Trench, but when it comes to our own flaws? One minor mistake and we think ourselves to be the worst beings ever to disgrace the earth. Thus, the villainy we see reflects how we are treating ourselves. So by loving and accepting all of those things that should be terrible, hated, we are actually learning that no matter how poorly we think of ourselves that we can be worthy of that same love and acceptance. We are extending the affection we are unable to show ourselves to someone we see the worst parts of ourselves amplified within. And that's why villains attract the people with the most kindness. The most forgiveness. Because it takes someone with a truly huge amount of empathy to find love for the embodiment of evil.
Or, IDK, maybe villains are just hot and we're too far down to care.
But wait, before you go!
All of this is about FICTION. We should never be accepting of the kinds of evil we see in the game irl. We do not owe anyone kindness if they do not show it to us.
What is hot in fiction is not always OK IRL.
Look after yourselves out there, remember that consent is key in all things, and please do try to learn to love yourselves, darlings, you are worthy of it and you should judge yourself by the same standard you judge others. If you are in doubt, if you are worried, if you feel afraid - reach out, talk to someone. There are many who will listen.
Treat yourself as you would treat a friend. You deserve that much.
Oh, and all Raphael fans who understand kindness are welcome around me, any hour of the day, I adore our little fandom circles and would gladly collect all of us together. I'm following a lot of you as soon as I find you, like hunting shiny pokemon~
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See you in Avernus, my darling Little Mice, may we all find joy in the Cambion's Embrace~
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night-raven-tattler · 5 months
Hello Mx Tattly! I really enjoyed your ideal types post involving Heartslabyul characters. I like the idea of Riddle liking his significant other being someone earning his respect. So in this request, if they are open, of Riddle having a Yuu!Female reader s/o that is naturally gifted prodigy in fencing & swordsmanship, making her a bold, fiercely talented swordswoman who usually wields double swords (but is just as well with one). Both mostly got closer after his overblot since she was involved in defending him (somehow).
Just headcanons of Riddle having a s/o that is physically stronger than him (and affectionate when just the two of them since she also isn’t much of a pda person)
Extra: After getting to know a bit more of Diasomnia, she also manages to go under Lilia’s training after finding out he trains Sebek and Silver because she wants to continue sharpening her skills and seeing any form of improvement.
(She’s originally an OC of mine but idk if you take OC requests and didn’t wanna assume, so 😭)
Anyway thank you! I’m sorry if I wrote a lot.. 😭
Hello anon! Mx Tattly appreciates your kind words! Currently they don't do OC requests, however she might consider answering such requests in the future. He is sorry if the writing is not what you envisioned, especially since she didn't include Riddle being "protected" per se by the reader character, as they considered their narrative choice is one Riddle would appreciate more. He is also grateful for the brainrot you caused, as they are an enjoyer of sword weilding characters themselves. Hopefully you can still enjoy!
A knight fit for a queen
Characters: Riddle × F/GN!Reader* (romantic, pre-established relationship)
*the reader character has no gender defining charactersitics mentioned
Warnings: swords, book 1 spoilers, violence, mentions of hospital-like settings
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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Ace laughed in your face when you told him, Deuce and Grim to wait in front of Ramshackle for you to get something, and you came out of the dorm with a pair of swords dangling from your waist, supporting your dominant hand
“Why are you bringing a sword with you? Where did you even find that thing?!”
It was an older pair of swords you found abandoned in one of the Ramshackle rooms, mere days before Ace and Deuce decided to challenge Riddle for his housewarden spot
Something about them told you they would be useful in the situation at hand
But even after hearing your reasoning, Ace still laughed in your face
Boy, was he proven wrong not too long after...
Riddle was just punched by Ace and, before your brain was able to catch up to what was happening, Riddle spiraled out of control
Everyone was trying to reason with him, yet it seemed as if he completely shut out everyone around him
Everyone turned from disobedient students into living targets of his fury
The gravity of the situation finally sunk in when Riddle summoned the rose trees all around the maze and ordered them to attack Ace
Yet, before thinking in through, you jumped in front of Ace and sliced away the threatening branches
They detached from the trunk, turning into cut pieces of cards as they flew past you and your friend
If you wouldn't have stepped in, Trey’s signature spell would’ve kicked in too late
The sky darkened as Riddle’s inner world started to collapse, bringing chaos and destruction to the outside world as well as he overblotted
“In my world, I am the law. I am order made manifest! The only response I will accept from you is ‘Yes, Housewarden Riddle’! All who defy me will lose their heads!”
And, while your Heartslabyul friends and Grim decided to face Riddle head-on, you decided to stay back and protect any incoming danger towards the students the Headmage was evacuating
The crowd of students around the magic mirror diminished, so you returned to the main place of action
Which turned out to be a good call, as a lot of flying debris caused by rogue spells kept flying towards the students
And you managed to redirect any incoming danger with your mysterious swords
Just in time to see Riddle collapse to the ground
You stayed close to Riddle when he woke up and was taken to the nurse's office, and visited him as often as you could
While you felt a personal duty to help out Ace and Deuce repair their destroyed labyrinth, you also wanted to keep Riddle company, mostly to assure him there were no hard feelings between the two of you after what happened
…But your intention were not as clear as you intended initially
Riddle was mostly silent and cautious, and so were you, which made things kind of awkward
Compared to his wary nature, you were trying to be at least a little bit comforting
And he finally realised your intentions when you brought him some tea in a thermos
He was truly astonished by your gesture, even touched by your small kindness
It was some milk tea with herbs he didn’t quite recognise, sweetened with a bit of honey
Bits and pieces of a memory of his crying about milk tea with honey flooded his mind, piecing together the puzzle of your intentions
Not only did you remember such a small thing, but you also went out of your way to cater to him while he was still atoning to his mistakes
Shortly after, Heartslabyul started getting back to its orderly peace as the unbirthday party put together was fast approaching
And you were very satisfied with the peace and quiet
What you didn’t expect, however, was Riddle’s sudden summon to his room directed to you and you alone
You entered Riddle’s room, and he turned around in his chair towards you, leaving the paperwork he was looking over unattended
He was back to working as diligently as ever, something you weren’t sure was appropriate so early in his recovery
But Riddle’s face looked serene and at peace despite his serious eyes, and you decided not to comment
“I believe it is time for the two of us to have a proper conversation about what happened. I know your visits while I was bedridden were… not the most conversation-filled, but I would rather not leave any rocks unturned.”
As gentlemanly as ever, Riddle guided you to an empty seat in his room, and he sat down only after you sat down yourself
“I want to apologise to you for what you witnessed.”
You wanted to interject, but Riddle stopped you with a gesture of his hand
“As a housewarden, my duty is not only to maintain order within the group of students under my guidance, but also to ensure their safety during a moment of crisis. As I was the, um… ‘crisis’ in this case, I was unable to do so. I apologise for falling short on my duty, and for having you make up for my mistakes.”
You were taken aback by the apology, but Riddle was not done yet
“I would also like… to thank you.”
You listened as Riddle poured his heart out to you
“I have heard you were a main participant in ensuring the safety of the student body. It might be hard to believe, but…”
Something in Riddle’s eyes softened, before his gray eyes regained their composed coldness
“I am not cold hearted. I may be harsh, but I care about my card soldiers.”
And you were aware of that
While you helped the Heartslabyul students put themselves together, you’ve heard the grateful stories of a relieved group of students who praised Riddle for his dedication and meticulous nature
They told many stories about Riddle taking time off his schedule to tutor struggling students, who always did his best to offer guidance and who never raised his voice while explaining to students how to tend to the Heartslabyul animals
“I may have fallen short, but you have proven yourself to have a good head on your shoulder in times of need. I thank you for ensuring the safety of my card soldiers.”
You took a few seconds to process his words before formulating your response
“I was just… fulfilling my duty.”
“I mean, I am the ‘prefect’, right? I also have a duty to the students. I just did my best to act according to my role.”
Riddle’s eyes widened slightly, and something sparkled in his eyes as a proud smile blossomed on his face
And your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat, being witness of the first time you gave Riddle a reason to smile
“That’s a very elegant answer. You sure are an interesting person, Prefect.”
As time went on, you and Riddle became good friends
Your friendship mainly consisted of you finding your way to Riddle and striking conversations as you followed him around
You didn’t have a particularly threatening aura, but the swords you used during the Heartslabyul event became a permanent part of your uniform
Initially the teachers were not too on board with a permanently armed student, especially since the student body was filled with rambunctious individuals
Yet, Riddle vouched that you knew when it was appropriate to use the swords, putting the professor’s minds somewhat at ease
Lines started blurring little by little as your attachment to Riddle became more obvious, and Rook’s teasing towards Trey about him “losing his spot as Riddle’s knight” started reaching your ears
But you didn’t quite mind
And neither did Riddle
He was, if anything, in awe at your abilities
Riddle was amazed at how natural swords looked in your hands, how your sways and slashes were always forceful yet elegant, wide yet precise
And the sweaty sight of you after a training session did, admittedly, leave Riddle with a racing heart and mind
But, above all, he admired your dedication to improve despite having no guidance
And, with a little push from Ace and Deuce, he put together a plan to help you in that regard
You just entered your dorm when the most unusual gathering of people was seated in your living room
While Ace and Deuce were around often enough to become honorary Ramshackle members slash dorm decoration, Riddle, Sebek and Silver were not part of your usual guest list
You were surprised to hear the invitation extended by a sleepy Silver and a very reluctant Sebek for you to join their training sessions
And it was revealed how Riddle used his connection to the two guards as fellow equestrian club members to ask them for a favor
After you all settled some details with the guards, they took their leave, and exited the dorm as Sebek kept yelling about not allowing you to fall short
And being the teasing pieces of work that Ace, Deuce and Grim were, they left you and Riddle alone as they winked at you
“Is this your way of making sure I keep ‘fulfilling my duty’ as the resident day saver and Hearstlabyul knight?”
Your teasing made Riddle throw you an unimpressed glance that was quickly replaced by a smile
“I am quite sure this will do nothing to diminish the use of your newly acquired moniker, but my priority is to ensure you keep honing the craft you are so obviously proud of.”
Riddle’s words were truly touching, and it was so like him to go out of his way to help the people he cared about…
“Besides, I don’t really mind the moniker. It must mean the students are starting to recognise your skill and dedication.”
That statement really made your heart skip a beat
You hesitated before you took Riddle’s hand into your own
“Well… If you don’t mind the nickname, then I don’t mind it either.”
And you brought Riddle’s hand to your lips, leaving a kiss so soft Riddle almost though he only imagined the soft press of your lips to his knuckles
He took his leave soon after your biggest show of affection yet, but you didn’t mind
Despite Riddle’s reddening face usually being considered a bad omen, you quite enjoyed the brilliant glow of red on his cheeks as he left your dorm
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yellowocaballero · 10 months
dude psyched ur reading orv, insanely curious about ur takes
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My friend @charterandbarter put it best.
ORV is pretty fascinating to me. It's really just a self-insert isekai OP webnovel, and it is nothing else. Its medium is trashy and lowbrow, and its genre is almost devoid of high art. OP isekais are 'id' stories, meant to be satisfying and fun and contain very little of substance. ORV is a very well executed OP isekai - it contains the elements of the genre that make it satisfying, it understands why people read the genre and enjoy it, it reproduces those elements very well, and it is very concerned with telling an enjoyable story. ORV really, really loves webnovels and isekais and shitty wishfuillment stories. There's a lot more to ORV than the 'fist pump' moments of kdj doing something cool or pulling a fast one on a shmuck, but those moments are the undoubtedly the point of ORV, as they are the point of all SIOC isekai OP webnovels. And that's the point of ORV.
Metanarrative stories are cheap. Neil Gaiman's written 30 and millenials love waxing philosophical about the power of narratives. These metanarratives tend to describe stories as a theoretical framework through which we understand the world and our lives. Therefore, stories are tremendously important and valuable because they contain the totality of religion, history, culture, relationships, and lives. ORV says this too. But this theory tends to land at mystifying and exalting stories on virtue of them being stories, which I think misses the point. Stories aren't special because they're stories. They're not more sacred for containing our lives. What ORV says is that stories are important, because our lives are important. I like that a lot more.
ORV says that stories are our way of ordering a disordered world. A history, culture, nation, and religion are stories. None of those stories are true or real, because histories/cultures/nations/religions are constructs - they're how we interface with reality. They're created with a purpose, told for a point, pulled together into a narrative, and are satisfying or dissatisfying based on certain factors. ORV's perspective on fiction is deeply seeped in its own nature as 'low art'. There's something very cynical and commercialized about narratives in ORV, and every narrative in ORV is being told for a quick buck or to try and spread an idea for an individual's gains. It's a very unromantic, unimpressed view of narratives and fiction. It's pretty much the only way a SIOC OP isekai webnovel like ORV can talk about it without being disingenuous. And it's remarkably raw and visceral as a result, because ORV loves SIOC OP isekai webnovels like kdj loves yjh. Fiercely, insanely, like breathing, exactly for what it is. No pretensions.
It's bizarre, because ORV is about love. It's not about love for anything that deserves it. Not for a story with a lot of literary merit, a main character who is a remotely kind or lovable person, or art itself outside of its commercial or philosophical value. kdj really, really, really fucked loved TWS - because it was there, and because it lasted 15 years, and because it was fake, and because it was what he had. He loves yjh because yjh was his only companion in a dark world. That's fiction. Fiction helped him survive, because love is a way of ordering a disordered world.
I'm still reading myself, but ORV seems to be about how we manage to live in a hard world, and how to find it within ourselves to love each other and find meaning in that hard world. I see why kdj's the protagonist: he can find merit in something for existing, and loving it for being there, and he holds onto something because he has it. He sees the value in that. He read it in a book.
TL;DR: ORV is well-executed trashy commercialized art that is so obsessed with trashy commercialized art that it's looped straight back around into being somehow the most raw and visceral depiction of love I've seen in a long time.
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yuusishi · 1 year
Hi hii !! :3 May I request Ace, Deuce, and Idia hcs with an s/o that has a lot pf pillows on their bed? Like 12 pillows and one really soft comfortable blanket?
Bonus if their bed is an absolute mess 🫶🫶
pairings : Ace Trappola , Deuce Spade , Idia Shroud x gn!reader (sep.)
genre : fluff , can be read as platonic
cws/tws : none
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Ace Trappola !!
He sneaks out/finds excuses to go to your dorm often to a. spend time with you and b. your bed.
Aren't you supposed to also be a broke college student like him? How can you afford so much high quality bedding and pillows?
Hell, he even thinks that your pillows might even be the same quality of those in Pomefiore, specifically Vil's.
Whenever he comes by your dorm he'd greet you then immediately run to your room and crash on your bed, especially after a long day like exams or Professor Trein's tests.
Your bed is messy enough from you not wanting to fix it just yet and Ace is there to mess it up even further. Not tossing pillows type of messy, but somehow the pillows that were originally below the headboard ended up either on the floor or on the foot of the bed.
Which leads to you either putting the pillows back yourself or scolding Ace to do it himself. 50% chance that he'd do the latter though.
He likes that your bed smells like you, not in the creepy way, but after a while he thinks of you as a person he'd like to have around him for the rest of his life so naturally he finds your scent comforting in a way.
He has like 12 pillows surrounding him the entire time he's laying there.
Most of the time when he and the other first years hang out in your dorm, all of you stay in your room since 2 out of 5 of them are laying on the bed without a care in the world (aka Ace and probably Epel).
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Deuce Spade !!
A slightly more respectful version of the Ace portion, still crashes in your dorm after a long day, though. At least he bothers to remove his shoes before entering the dorm.
Honestly Deuce won't immediately just body slam himself into the bed, even when both of you have gotten really close already.
He'd calmly sit down first then just crawl into the bed, maybe even put on the blanket if he feels like it.
The type to hug one of your pillows because of how soft it is, he kinda looks like he's suffocating it in his sleep though...
I feel like he'd still end up messing up the bed in the times he falls asleep (which is often) because he gives off the energy of someone who'd move around a lot in his sleep.
Evil warm pillow enjoyer, the warmer your pillows the eepier he gets.
If the first years are over, he'd just sit on the floor then lean on the side of the bed, occasionally he either sits on one of your pillows or unconsciously holding one.
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Idia Shroud !!
Oh my god he's in heaven.
His routine (after class) is usually just "play games, sleep on bed", his bed is a 7/10 at best. Pillows are average, the saving grace is that hanging phone holder he has placed on his headboard.
But sometimes he comes by your dorm to hang out and play games, most of the time in your room to sit with you on your heaven-sent bed with the softest bedding and comfiest pillows he's ever felt.
Sometimes he falls asleep because of how comfortable he is there and gets embarrassed when he wakes up laying down with the blanket on and 3 pillows surrounding his sides.
When those situations happen he doesn't know if he should get up and apologize for falling asleep or stay there and just enjoy the moment.
He doesn't really mind the messy bed actually considering his own room is pretty much a mess as well. But sometimes he'd help you fix up your bed to just do something nice.
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p1xe1sd34d · 10 months
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Miguel o'Hara sfw headcannons!
Some platonic, some romantic, some angsty a bit of everything if you will :}
Miguel does not know how to cook for his life, he will somehow make simple things like eggs burst in flames
On the contrary he's very good at preparing meals that don't need to be cooked like salads, sushi, fruit platters he would bring tea and fruits every morning
He is very and I mean very clingy he would be distant at first but once you're close he won't let go he would probably track you with his cameras if you stayed out for too long, he's incredibly afraid of losing you like Gabriella so he would do anything to protect in a way that doesn't destroy the canon
If you are from an earlier time period then he is, he would show you all the tech his dimension has and would love coming to your dimension to see the "primitive" technology
He would let you be the first to try on his new prototypes(if they're safe) and always uses your feedback to make them better! He even makes personalised versions for you based on the things you like
He is a very traditional guy, he would bring you flowers and make sure to get you in best wedding attire he could possibly find, the honey moon phase would last forever with him♡♡♡
If you don't understand Spanish he would try to teach you it, wanting to show his love to you in ways English couldn't convey
Miguel is AMAZING with kids, he would help Mayday with anything and keep her entertained however he doesn't this way Infront of people apart from Mayday since he gets embarrassed easily
At the start of your relationship, Miguel was a stay at home person, he'd rarely leave his apartment unless it was for a mission or he's being forced out by you or Peter
However when you became closer he developed a love for travelling and he started taking you out to restaurants, shops, nature walks wherever you like every month or so as he doesn't want to neglect you since when he became Spider-Man he became more distant with most of his loved ones and he holds you too dearly to not bring you to places with him
Miguel may accidentally become your sugar daddy, due to being the leader of spider society and constantly fighting anomalies he is often away and to compensate for his absence he will spend lots of money on you and bombard you with gifts since he doesn't want you to think he doesn't love you anymore
Miguel tears his bedsheets and other fabrics on a regular basis once there was an ice cream van outside and he was looking out the window and the music started playing and he ripped the curtains apart from being startled ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
He likes almost all music genres due to living in 2099 it's very common to hear music inspired by cultural music around the world that uses different scores, scales e.t.c as a result he will listen to practically every genre but he particularly likes ranchera, bossa nova and blues
Miguel created replicas of everything Gabriella owned since all the things such as drawings plushies clothes all disappeared along with her when the dimension collapsed and he sleeps with her plushie replicas every night (if he can even sleep) and placed her football on her offrenda (⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠෴⁠ ⁠༎ຶ⁠)
Dude is a sore loser whether it's monopoly, uno or Scrabble he will start flipping tables and shouting if he loses if not that he will huff for an hour and refuses to talk to anyone
He LOVES massages due to not being able to stick to walls and instead pulls his body weight up via crawling his back muscles be burning and sore after every mission and releasing all that tension in his back is incredibly relaxing and enjoyable for him
When he first got his DNA spliced and became 50% spider he didn't have any shots to suppress the spider DNA so often he would hiss and growl at people instead of telling them to go away like a normal person he doesn't do it anymore but he gets so embarrassed when he says someone on the street who he growled at and they look at him weird
When he first entered Gabriella's dimension he needed an excuse for having red coloured eyes, claws and fangs compared to the 'real' miguel having brown eyes and no non human features so he told Gabriella he was having a vampire transformation and Gabriella was gonna have one when she's older and she was really excited for when her fangs grew in
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shoujomangathoughts · 9 months
Shoujo Thoughts - Snow White with the Red Hair
This is another series that I've heard about for years and finally gave it a chance (watched the anime then immediately went to the manga). It's a series that I find very charming, relaxing and was a nice change of pace for me and my usual tastes.
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I remember seeing people warning others how "you shouldn't read the manga" because apparently it gets boring and is overstaying its welcome story-wise. While I don't think everything that has happened so far is entirely necessary, I think this sentiment comes from people wanting the more romance focused parts from the beginning to remain throughout. If you haven't read the manga, Shirayuki gets (and takes) an opportunity to help her studies as an herbalist but this results in two years away from the palace, and therefore Zen. They're still together here and there, but the manga starts leaning in a more slice of life direction and the romance is a bit more subdued. I actually appreciated this and found the individual adventures and growth of Zen and Shirayuki more interesting at times as Zen tries to learn and be a better prince and Shirayuki continues her studies and tries to reach people.
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Zen and Shirayuki do have a nice relationship though and I find the romance to be pretty well done. They both have that awkward energy and are trying to navigate their own lives as well as their relationship.
The presentation and world of this series is another captivating point for me. The anime was visually great and I thought the manga's art was really nice too. It has a whimsical style and shows you a lot of small interactions and details. It makes the world feel lived in and allows you to have a clear idea of the cast and their personalities. I specifically really like the visual of Lilias and its snow covered imagery (as well as the wintry outfits).
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The main cast is also mostly likeable. The way they interact with each other feels natural and they each have their own charm that adds something unique to the dynamic. Even the part that had people frustrated with Mitsuhide didn't bother me as much because I could understand how that was a very in-character decision for him.
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Favorite character : Obi
I do find that Obi is the most charismatic character in the series for me. He's obviously had a difficult life but he also seems so genuinely affected by having found a group of people that he comes to value. Every time he's around he adds something, whether it be a witty remark or demonstrating his ability to be a bodyguard. Yes he loves Shirayuki, but the series doesn't really show that Shirayuki loves him back (basically the series isn't really leaning into the love triangle direction). Though I do appreciate that she has on multiple occasions told him how much she values him because he does do and help her a lot. He also seems to have good chemistry with the rest of the cast (particularly in his interactions with Shirayuki and Zen though I also love his relationship with Ryu).
All in all, I've found this to be a really enjoyable series up to the current chapter (sad to see it's on hiatus, hope the mangaka is doing well). I'm not entirely sure how long it will continue as the scope of the story seems to suggest it still has a while left, but I'll be continuing it whenever it does come back.
It's been a little bit since I posted one of these but as always, thanks for reading!
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macabrecravings · 3 months
Ohhhhhh... Very optional. And, naturally, something that could have multitudinous answers, so multiple could absolutely be given. But ALSO...
Given that they're talking again/have made up, enough that they could get away with it, what do you think the first non-"book criminal" thing Sydney would write on Kylar would be? Would Sydney change how they write book criminal on them, even, like they do for PC? Or would they not write on Kylar at all, maybe!
(BONUS: ADORE YOUR WRITING!! The thought you put into Sydneyposts and both your understanding of him and how he'd articulate things absolutely fucks to read :} your ocs seem really cool too... well wishes)
I HAVE!!! SO MANY THOUGHTS about Sydney (& Kylar) bodywriting <3 This got LONG but I'm genuinely rotating this so hard, thank you for prompting me.
— When they're closer, I imagine the normal "Book Criminal >:(" would become “Book Criminal :(“ with a sad face. Reason being...? Well, he's disappointed that Kylar's still destructing school property, even after all of his lecturing
— It's really fun to picture Sydney writing "Interesting" on Kylar, like he does to the PC when he's intrigued by them/getting closer to them. Interesting is... definitely one way to describe him, for sure. Kylar scrunches his face at it, trying to decipher what he means by it. Gets all grumpy and huffy, tries to glare at him but he just kinda looks like a wet cat LMFAO.
— Playing off of another canon Sydlar scene, I'm going to go ahead and take his "Kylar >:(" and make it "Kylar :)" [The original scene happens while Sydney & Kylar are fighting over PC and taking turns writing on them, but in this scenario I imagine it like most of his other PC bodywriting scenes.] - "Hey, can I write something on you?" - "Ah? Uh... y-yeah, I guess...?" - **Kylar :)** Kylar stares at it, confused. Why'd he... label him?
— Putting aside the fact that Sydney is super organized & clean, I loooveee the idea of him being a doodler. Hence why he draws little hearts and faces on people. Unlike Kylar, he refrains from drawing on school assignments & library books, but he still finds it enjoyable!! So, hear me out. Little stars, hearts, swirls, dotting the back of Kylar's hand and up his arm after he sits at the same table as him :)
Bonus points if Kylar rolls the sleeves of his school uniform/jacket down over them and forgets about them until that evening when he heads home. When he sees them again, the little red doodles are all smudged and he's kinda like, "Ah. Right." Maybe daydreams about it a little bit before he washes it off.
— Bit of a mushier, more self-indulgent one here but ummm...! Sydney writing nice little quips / little motivational phrases on Kylar's arms. Supportive little phrases to boost his confidence and keep him going throughout the day when things are rough. He rolls his eyes at the gesture, thinks it's dumb. But... at the same time, they’re validating. Having genuinely supportive reminders on his skin that contrast his scars? Ough...
(P.S. That means THE WORLD to me...!!!! My absolute favorite part of writing is characterization & I genuinely put so much thought into taking canonical bases and fleshing them out / expanding them while trying to keep it in the general realm of possibility!!! A lot of the time w/ the roleplay account, it's like taking a shot in the dark and running off of pure vibes so I looveeee that y'all enjoy what I do w/ it :))
Also. I'm so obsessed with my OCs, I can't wrap my head around the fact that people enjoy them as much as I do but I wouldn't change it for the world ;w; Characterizing and fleshing them out is a blast too, I'm not limited by anything really,,,, I find myself going "ugh I wish ____ would do *this* and I've got to be like. "I mean... who's stopping you...?" </3 Be free!!! Do whatever you want forever!! <3)
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mortemersgf · 10 months
beckett & MC headcanons
a/n: random post i threw together lol beckett enjoyers come get ur food… lmk if u ever wanna be added/removed from the taglist!
taglist: @mm2305 @holystxne @simpforbeckett @itsjustwinter @theclassycandy @sylviefilms @bluebellot
rating: R – be warned there are themes of PTSD, anxiety, insomnia, descriptions of scars, suggestive, NSFW 18+ headcanons which i’ve sectioned off in this post. please be advised and read with caution <3
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- because eden and beckett quite literally grew up in different worlds, they have endless options when it comes to summer vacations. they spend half of their time in the attuneless world, the other half in the magickal world, acting as tour guides for one another.
- eden has a blast making up bizarre facts about tuneless things to trick the ever gullible beckett. she doubles down laughing when he realizes she’s messing with him.
- beckett always carries a camera with him when they go on trips. he purchased his first camera to capture photos of flora and fauna he would encounter on his ~ scientific nature ~ walks, and he’s gotten really good at photography. aside from greenery, eden is the subject of all his photographs.
- eden, on the other hand, snaps the randomest pictures of beckett with her phone. her photo album features beckett taking naps with his eyes slightly open, him shirtless doing morning yoga, eating something mid-bite, pointing out exhibits and plants in museums and nature, etc.
- it embarrasses beckett to no end and he’s always whining about his ‘reputation being ruined’ if those pictures were to somehow leak.
- study dates, so many study dates. you can always find the pair in the library, local cafe, laboratory, sun/metal-att classrooms, or their dorms working on assignments, projects, experiments, or training. eden and beckett are powerful magickal users within their respective attunements, and they learn a lot from each other.
- book nerd beckett who annotates whatever he reads for eden because he knows she’s as much of a nerd as he is.
- he’ll comment on magickal theories, share his own thoughts, and give more insight on certain sections of content so that eden has a bit more context. she’s still learning her way around the magickal world, and beckett wants to help in any way he can.
- they’d read on the couch together, sometimes the same book, sometimes different. every so often when they’re engrossed in the same book, beckett will read aloud and eden would hum quietly, resting her head on his chest.
- early bird beckett and night owl eden. beckett who’s waking up, greeted by eden who is finally tuckered out enough to sleep.
TW - allusion to PTSD, anxiety, insomnia, repeated nightmares, descriptions of scars in the next section.
- eden isn’t a night owl out of her own volition. sometimes, she has trouble sleeping, remembering battles, killing raife, kane hurting her friends.
- her heart beats so fast she thinks she might be back in the battlefield, fending off shadow monsters while fretting over her friends’ safety.
- beckett isn’t any better at times. he’d wake up with a start in the middle of the night, having one of those nightmares where raife and kane had taken his friends from him, taken eden from him.
- the two of them stay up until the early hours of morning, talking about everything and nothing at all to soothe each other’s worries, promising one another they’ll always face everything together, no matter what.
- because of the many fights they’ve been in, they’ve earned themselves countless scars. when they shower together, they can’t help but marvel at the patches of skin that are discolored and textured from being stitched closed on each other.
- eden likes tracing the large scar beckett has right down the middle of his back. she can’t help pressing her lips to his right shoulder blade from where the scar begins.
- eden’s favorite place to kiss beckett; however, are the apples of his cheeks. she likes cupping his face and bringing him really close so she can count the freckles dotting his skin. she’ll laugh when she notices his face growing pink and pepper kisses all over, deepening that shade of pink to a bright red.
- beckett’s favorite place to kiss eden is her neck. once he found out that’s her sensitive area, he uses it to his full advantage to render her incoherent. he’s always sputtering and blushing from her teasing, so it pleases him deeply seeing eden all flustered when he presses light kisses along her throat.
CW - NSFW 18+ hcs begin here!
- eden is a big tease, but beckett shouldn’t be discounted as one either, especially in bed. he likes to test her breaking point, so orgasm denial/control is a big thing for him. he feels feral seeing eden all flushed and glistening and pliant just for him.
- to elaborate, beckett likes drawing out eden’s pleasure. he likes making her feel good, and he wants the sex to last as long as possible because it’s a really intimate act after all. rushing through it never feels as good as it does when he takes his time with her.
- however, on the occasion they can’t spare hours exploring each other’s bodies, they turn to quickies.
- beckett is less a fan of them than eden, who finds enjoyment in the neediness, greedy touches, and searing kisses that come with quickies.
- most of them happen in the shower. whether it be in the morning when they have class soon or in the evening and they have a dinner reservation to make, trust they’ll find time to fuck.
- beckett can be dominant, yeah, but he also has a subby side, and he trusts eden will take good care of him just as he does with her.
- sometimes, beckett gets so whiny and whimpery for eden she has to shut him up with a gag or a really deep kiss that steals his breath away, leaving him dizzy.
- beckett enjoys fighting for control, as does eden. they’re competitive by nature and their contesting knows no end. the satisfaction of being the winner adds to the pleasure, and they’re all smug until the other one flips the role.
- eden never cares to hide that she ogles beckett, especially when he’s under her. beckett with his pink, freckled cheeks, mussed up hair, and well defined muscles all slick with sweat, throwing his head back to moan… eden can’t help but let her eyes and hands wander.
- cleanup takes seconds (hint: magick) so after sex, they can spend up to hours in bed, talking and cuddling and laughing.
- there’s gonna be some teasing, like “i can’t believe how loudly you moaned!” or “you bent that lighting fixture out of shape again!” eden owns up to it, but beckett will groan in embarrassment as she pokes fun at him. that usually ends with him attacking her with an onslaught of kisses or another round.
- eden knowing blood magick is a big bonus. she’s gotten good at soothing pain, so if one of them feels sore the next morning, she’ll just cast a neat lil spell to take the aches away.
- those two suck at being subtle. when they go on vacation with the rest of the pend pals and their friends see a stream of light or the sound of metal bending coming from beckett and eden’s room, they all share a knowing look (atlas shares more than a look, she audibly gags).
- doesn’t really matter how quiet they’re being, their friends know what’s up when they see eden’s glowing face and beckett’s awkward shuffle into the living room, as well as his turtleneck that he certainly wasn’t wearing before…
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
I’m team william and kate definitely, but lately I’ve been assessing things to kind of get in the bottom of things and understanding where it all went wrong. I like to be more nuanced in viewing these people. I think some people can get carried away with viewing them in the worst way possible. While I do see Harry and Meghan as very problematic people, I wanna be careful about getting into batshit crazy conspiracies. Reading about all the conspiracies sugars have about kate’s condition opened my eyes a bit. There are a lot of people who hate h&m that actually sound as crazy as the sugars, but the difference is their conspiracies are directed towards h&m instead of w&k.
That being said, all the stuff with Christian Jones and Dan Woottoon seem shady to me, but tbh I don’t really fully understand what everyone’s been saying lol. But tbh, if Christian Jones asked Omid for Finding Freedom excerpts in order to bury the affair rumors, I don’t think that’s throwing Meghan under the bus exactly. We all know from the Jason Knauf emails that Finding Freedom was viewed by the KP comms team and Harry and Meghan as a way for them to correct narratives, so using excerpts from Finding Freedom to bury the affair rumors is like using positive Meghan stories to bury rumors about William that may or may not be real. So in a way, Christian Jones was just doing his job in a hitting two birds with one stone kind of thing by protecting two of his bosses in different ways. Idk, does that make sense?
It does, you make a lot of sense.
Scobie's issue seems to be two-fold:
He isn't as objective in his reporting of the royal family as he claims to be. Which is fine - everyone has a bias and a perspective that influences the way we see and interpret things. Where Scobie gets into trouble is by telling us he's completely objective, but not ID'ing who his sources are and telling us to "just trust me" instead.
He's right there in the thick of everything going on. To use a Superb Owl analogy, Scobie can only see the linebacker right in front of him, while we're up there in the sky box with a vantage point to see all the players, all the refs, all the coaches, and we're getting the commentary and analysis.
Both of these go hand-in-hand and affects how Scobie sees things. His experience of being welcomed by the Sussexes while being pushed away by the Cambridges, and similarly seeing the Cambridges push the Sussexes away at the same time, makes him more sympathetic to the Sussexes. He's more inclined to see things through their eyes because he has the same experience. And again, there's nothing wrong wtih that. It's human nature to bond over shared experiences. Where Scobie takes it too far is by refusing to consider other explanations, especially ones that are outside what he saw for himself. Maybe he doesn't see them because he's right there in the thick of things, or maybe he sees it as spin from the opposing side.
I do think you're doing the right thing, anon, to take a more critical approach to royal-watching. Royal-watching, like all hobbies and fandoms, is a spectrum that runs the gamut from toxic extremes to indifferent neutrality. Figuring out how you like to look at these things and doing the work to find where you fit in on the spectrum can make it a little more enjoyable, because then you're around more like-minded people and the discussions and the conversations are more open, especially and particularly when you disagree.
I like nuance too (in case you haven't figured it out yet) and I like looking at things critically. For me, the world has more colors than black and white, and there are more options than a binary either/or solution. I admire the people whose convictions are so strong that everything fits neatly into an either/or model, but I know I could never be like that. I'm too fascinated by "well, if I turn my head this way and if I sit down and I squint, does it change anything?" And sometimes it does. It's why I like reading the royal books; sometimes I learn new things that change how I think. For instance - Sally Bedell Smith's 2017 book on then-Prince Charles changed my perspective on Charles. Scobie's chapter on race in Endgame made me see that he does genuinely care about the firm needing to look like the people it serves and he isn't only doing it for the headlines or because he's in Meghan's pocket - and if that makes me a sucker, so be it.
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Kokichi, kiibo, miu, kaede and perhaps kaito as well with an s/o that’s like ibuki? Loved ur Mikan one !
TYSM HAD FUN WRITIN FOR IT ! I also did rantaro cuz hehe I like him a lot
Rantaro likes the energy you bring, your style catches his eye almost immediately. Your first conversation was interesting, he found you .. well.. kinda enjoyable to be around. You didn’t think much of the situation you guys were put in at first. The more he spent time talking to you and being around you the more he liked you. He tried to understand you more as time went on, and he would learn that you were a very caring individual. You’d make him do exhausting exercises, which he thought you simply did because it’s what you always do. That’s partially true, but he finds out it’s also to help with his memory and figuring out his talent. He thinks it’s really.. sweet of you to do that for him and go through the effort for him. “I appreciate it, really. But.. it’s okay, yknow?” “Dawww… rantaro!” he feels some protectiveness of you, but that’s normal for him. However, he knows you’re smarter than you look and you certainly pick up on his protectiveness. He takes an interest in your talent, finds it … interesting when he finds out the reason you separated from your old band was due to creative differences .. and he finds out what those creative differences were. He always listens to you when you talk about your old band but he’s glad you don’t regret anything. The guy is secretly clingy, but even moreso upon finding out you’re a little lonely at times because of your separation with your band. You two always talk about being a music duo or something. “Hey maybe you could be the ultimate drummer! That’d be pretty awesome wouldnt it?!” “Yeah… heh.. would be a dream.” he to this day, is still in awe by how you can be so energetic at the most ungodly hours. “Good nom nom noming rantaro!!” “Good morning sweets…” he is one of the few people that recognizes your excellent hearing, as well as your many other useful talents and genuinely see it as useful outside of class trials. He likes hearing you talk about songs to write for and always tries to help.
Kaede loves your energy! You both become fast friends from the moment you meet, and hey you’re both into music! Different kinds, but still! Having a mutual interest is always good and makes for good conversation! You’re easy to talk to so you talk a lot! She spends a lot of her time with you since your energetic nature rubs off on her and she loves it! She so much more optimistic (somehow) with you around. “Good nom nom noming kaede!” “Ahh… good morning y/n..!” she likes to learn more about you, and she’s surprised to find you used to be a part of a band that you left, due to creative differences. Eventually she’d understand why, and just kinda laughs about it. Makes sense. But she’s glad you don’t regret anything within being in that group, but she understands the feeling of being alone. After all, not many shared her love for the piano. She probably offers working together on something for music but you both have very… different ideas. As a result she tries to help you when you’re coming up with new songs and lyrics. She likes your randomness and finds it to be amusing. “Hey kaede! Lemme bite ya!” “H-hey! Cmon!” she often talks to you about random things, but she truly cannot keep up with your crazy routine in the morning, she cannot understand how in the world your so full of energy so early and how you can do so much running and other forms of crazy exercise.
Miu is a bit rude to you for awhile, for a long time it’s just natural for her since you don’t seem to care at all and even ignore it and continue on. However, that’s what makes the two of you genuinely friends. Especially when you go out her way to interact with her more. She finds your energetic nature to be exhausting and she will go out her way to tell you that much. She will never participate in any crazy routine you have, but she may make an invention for you to do it while your sleeping. She will try to flirt with you, but when you flirt back she kinda crumbles. “Heh! looking good hot stuff!” “D’aww thanks babe! You’re smokin hot today!” “H-huhhhh! I-I mean! Of course I am!!” She absolutely loves your music by the way, she will willingly go to any of your concerts, and when you tell her you used to be a part of a band but left due to creative differences, she’s flabbergasted. “The fuck?! You’re way better than those bitches! Don’t even think about them!” you may find she’s also rather clingy in her own roundabout way. Even if you’re energetic at the most ungodly of hours. “Good mongrel miu!” “The fuck does that even mean?!” she acts like she cannot stand your random nature at times, but you understand her well enough to know that’s not accurate. “Heyyyy! Did you know that if you cross your eyes like this, it gives you double vision!” “As per usual you say the stupidest shit!” “Hey! Lemme bite ya!” “W-whaaa!!! S-save the kinky shit for the bedroom! U-unless you’re into exhibitionism… I don’t mind..”
Kokichi definitely likes you pretty quick, since you’re pretty easy to trust. He also finds it easy to tease you since he can trick you pretty easily. Or that’s what he thought for awhile, till he figured out you went along with a lot of his tricks simply because you wanted to try shit out. Probably because you knew you’d be fine, any normal person would be exhausted by the stuff he makes you do but for you it’s no problem! Color him surprised! Your energy makes you more physically capable! He teases you a bit, mainly for your music, but he won’t turn your loneliness and what happened with your band a joke, he just kinda jokes about how you’ll never be alone with him around, which isn’t really a lie. Although he may act annoyed by your energy at times, he’s just joking and actually likes your nature, it makes you not boring after all! You remind him of kaito but like… not annoying! Though he will admit he may get a little annoyed if you get off topic during a class trial lol. Your randomness for the most part is liked by him though. It just gives him an opportunity to be just as random. “Goooooood moooorning my dear!” “Good mongrel kokichi!” “WAAAA! WHY DONT I GET A CUTE PETNAME!! YOURE SO MEAN!!” “Hey!!! You’re actin totally crazy again! Those are fake tears!! Right???!” “D’aww how boring! You caught me..”
Kaito and you are unsurprisingly a good match and get along almost instantaneously. He loves your energy and he’s one of the few people that can match it at any time of the day! You two will work out and train together and hype eachother up constantly. Especially in the mornings or late at night since nobody else really does it with you two. Well other than maki! He may not LOVE your music like crazy but he’s supportive of it and tells you how awesome it is, and he helps you with your loneliness as well. He hates the idea of you feeling alone since he thinks you’re amazing! He also finds you’re extremely useful when it counts. You’re both your best selves when with one another. He’s always eager to see you and just doesn’t feel his best without you. “Good morning my dear!” “Good nom nom noming my beloved!” You are just that couple everyone knows about (and everyone’s annoyed by.) He likes how random you are and finds it amusing! For the most part, anyway. “Hey! Praise me praise me! I helped ya!” “Of course hun! You did great! You’re amazing!!” “Haha great! Now lemme bite ya!” “H-hey!!!” there’s been a couple times you’ve barged into his dorm, whether because he forgot to lock it or you asked him to unlock it. You come in at late hours just to bother him, or to spend some time with him. He truly doesn’t mind. He appreciates those rare times where you’re serious, it shows you care enough to be that way with him because you’re close.
Kiibo finds your energy to be quite different and on another level. As a robot he’s one of the few who can match up to your pace and he will admit for a human you’re abnormally energetic. He doesn’t mind it though, it’s part of the reason he was so interested in you to begin with. He finds that you’re pleasant to be around, so often he exercises with you when nobody else will, and likes listening to you talk about random things. He tries to remember specific things you prefer to talk about but honestly the stuff you talk about is always so random and they’re all unrelated to one another, it’s hard to keep up. However he will remember certain phrases you say, and may repeat them. “Good mongrel kiibo!” “Good nom nom noming y/n!” honestly to everyone else, it’s hard to tell if he’s saying it to appease you or if he doesn’t know the shit you say sometimes is absolute nonsense. At times, he tries to help you stay focused when it’s important, but for the most part likes your attitude. “Meoowwww!””y/n!! Please focus!” he’s pretty understanding of your situation with your old band as well, especially after he listens to your music, he doesn’t find it unpleasant but it definitely sounds… different. “Well.. whenever you get lonely, just know you always have me. I’ll always be by your side, I promise.” “D’aww! Thanks keebs! You’re the sweetest!”
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logicpng · 8 months
Hello, you said you are ok with oc questions, right? If so...
I'd love to know some of Aster's (all 3 of them) favorites, favorite animal to watch videos of or learn about, favorite type of game(plataformer, shooters, puzzle, rpg, etc) to watch,favorite memes if any, favorite computer program or website.
How would they react to sessitive content? (I'm in vet school and heavy imagery is on my screen nearly daily, so I wondered how they'd react
Does Urs have or would like to have any pets? Or plants.
If so do they show Aester pictures of them, via sending the pictures to themself and opening them on the computer? ( and yes I'm asking this becase Rigel asked to see my plants)
gosh that's a bit!! there's a lot to respond to in here (and sadly i don't have the brainpower right now to cover all of this) so i'll just put it under cut
okay so Rigel is fascinated with the natural world in general, despite not being able to interact it for real. he'll honestly enjoy learning of any animal, though he notably enjoys learning about the sheer variety of cat and dog breeds. he finds them cute in general, but the fact that it can be the same species and look completely different is definitely something that stands out to him. (i don't think he fully understands why there's so many yet don't tell him). then there's also bears, but that's more of a sentimental association. as for games, he leans into more simple, casual but fun games you'd find either in flash or shared around on usb sticks back in my childhood
Vega is generally more focused on the internal world of the OS and the machine hosting them. he does however see a bit of himself in felines and big cats. aesthetically enjoys wolves and bats as well. While Rigel can enjoy puzzles too, for Vega games are more enjoyable when he's able to analyze and take a while to think. as long as the processing power allows at least X').
Aldebaran isn't quite decided yet. it's a little difficult to talk about aldebaran's preferences given that he starts out as a more uneven mix of rigel and vega. initially he'd just tell you he likes what both rigel and vega enjoy, but i think once Things Happen and he gradually starts growing into his own person, he takes a liking to birds like peacocks, flamingos, and eagles. not sure about games yet
being software aster doesn't have the natural living being response to certain heavy imagery. i think logically they understand why humans tend to respond badly to this. or, at least they know what sensitive content Is, but it takes them a little bit to understand Why they're given that knowledge and what it does to a human.
software, memes, and websites is sadly where my brainpower on them runs out, so moving on to Urs!
Urs being a newly working young adult doesn't quite have the time or energy for pets. they have to make do with their small teddy bear collection <:).
i think pets aren't something on their mind at this point to begin with, so they wouldn't be able to tell you their preference either. all pets being traditionally kept as pets are quite cute, but they require work to take care of and have their needs met. they do feel a connection to bears (because of, well, his name), but not to the point of wanting one as a pet either!
same story with plants, but they do eventually get a simple succulent to take care of. (no surprise it's the bear paw one). Unlike the previous iteration of the project, the webcam isn't actually busted, so they just show it to Aster through the feed of the laptop!
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kiragecko · 1 year
I always wonder if people have/get kids because they like kids or if being a parent makes you enjoy kids more? I headcanon Bruce as the latter type. and that it took him a while to notice he likes kids. What are your thoughts as a parent and batfan?
This is a really hard question.
For me, I like kids. Always wanted to be an auntie. But I had a baseline of knowledge that meant I liked ACTUAL KIDS, rather than the idea of kids.
I knew they were difficult, and required a lot of their parent's time, and wanted different things then their parents. I'd babysat, and watched other kids grow up - both as a younger kid seeing older kids grow and worrying about it, and as an older kid watching little kids with a brain capable of forming a more mature understanding. (I have around 20 cousins, and saw them regularly.) I was healthily worried about parenthood, as well as excited.
Real kids are way better than I imagined. Far more rewarding. I'm less depressed, life has more meaning. But I don't think I would have this perspective if I had gone in without knowing how unique childhood is.
Because they're REALLY hard. And if you're doing it right, you care about them a lot, and can see that you're making mistakes. Which feels BAD. (Powerful motivation to grow.)
Bruce seems to have been extremely socially isolated from the age of 9. He was NOT babysitting his neighbour's kids, or trying to figure out how to get along with tiny cousin Kate while her parents visited. Other than what he saw while traveling the world (a time where he was laser-focusing on a succession of goals that didn't leave a lot of space for being part of children's lives) he probably had very little experience with younger kids before he took Dick in.
That isn't a good set-up for falling in love with parenting. He'd be expecting a lot of the good stuff, but unpleasantly surprised by the bad. Which really exaggerates how bad something seems.
Or maybe he WOULDN'T be expecting the good stuff. The man tends to assume the worst. So both bad AND good would be surprises. That complicates things.
But I don't need to figure that out.
To directly answer your questions, I think there is a 3% chance that Bruce knew he liked kids before becoming a parent, so parenting almost certainly caused him to like kids more.
I also agree with you that it probably took a while for it to click that Dick = kid, and liking Dick might indicate an enjoyment of children.
Look, I do not think it's a good idea to have children expecting to start liking kids after. Please put in the work beforehand. Find some place you can interact with/observe children, and learn the basics. Get really annoyed with them multiple times, and learn to control your temper. Get used to them being gross. Get used to them doing really inappropriate and/or dumb things. Get used to them being as opinionated and unreasonable as adults, about things you don't consider worth it.
Also start looking for things you enjoy about kids. Ways to interact at their level. Ways they're cool and clever. Get practice recognizing that stuff, so you have a chance to find it in your kids, too.
Modern society no longer normalizes children/teens having responsibility for younger kids, and people are growing up without the knowledge that used to naturally developed in those situations. Anything you can learn before you start parenting means something that you don't need to practice with your first child.
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tuesday again 4/11/2023
more concise than usual. don't get used to it.
the trombone is an underutilized instrument in indie rock. this is a delightful music video, the vocals bother me a lot less now that i know they're deliberately going for a robotic effect.
if you liked the Killing Eve soundtrack (largely brought to you by Unloved and Junoire), that sort of very smooth lightly psych-rock flavored thinking woman's music to smoke clove cigarettes to while slouching around used bookstores, you may like this song! reading this back it sounds kind of snotty but sometimes you need a french woman main character song to make doing errands feel like being on a secret mission
i found one of their previous albums, Psycho Tropical Berlin, sort of a one-hit wonder with Hypsoline (the credits song for As Above So Below) but it really is a fucking banger
i want the album art as a shirt So Bad but not enough to pay $25 shipping from france about it.
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i think this was off the spotify weekly discover playlist? can't imagine where else i would have run across it
remember the vampire-adjacent private detective novels i was reading? not the ones from last week, the earlier ones. the author alexis hall chucks you a free short story Sand and Ruin and Gold if u sign up for his mailing list.
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i think the orca comparisons are a touch heavy-handed at times, but the imagery in this thing...i really am a sucker for the rot of a coastal tourist trap. i bear no fondness, but i do give them a weary nod of acknowledgement. this town is a construct for other people to enjoy. i typed out a very long thing about how the economics of tourism shaped the town and everything about the civic calendar down to the school year, but--it was not really meant to have real residents or be a real place. there was absolutely nothing to do and nowhere to hang out without paying for anything in the off season.
It was just after closing on Reunification Day, the last of the stragglers gathered up and banished back to their world. A spiral of faded, plastic bunting from the celebrations had blown into one of the pools. I went to get a pole to hook it out but heard a splash and turned in time to see Nerites leap from the water in a gleam of skin and scales. The wind whisked the ribbon from between his fingers, and he reached after it, his body twisting sinuously in the air before he crashed into the pool again.
I’d never seen him—or any of them—move like that before. The jumps and slides we taught them were supposed to mimic their natural behaviours, but they rarely performed them spontaneously. And this was something else again: a wild leap and an ungainly splash, more beautiful to me than the most perfect bow or spin because it seemed so absolutely heedless.
He surfaced again, almost vertical, spinning in the pale-grey spray, one hand catching for the bunting’s tail. A tug, and it tumbled from the sky, nothing but a lifeless piece of string.
i am beginning to remember that all the shit that really sticks in my brain is in short stories and novellas you (general, including me) have never heard of.
star wars resistance. i am finding this far more enjoyable than the bad batch or the mandalorian bc it has something of a storyline that it sticks to, even though most of the runtime is a teen... he's not really a teen, he was a new republic pilot so he's probably like twenty but in my heart he's like fifteen. part of the appeal of ds9 for me was a very consolidated set of recurring background characters and getting to see that there are other things/factions/people all working for their own ends. baby's first practice spy mission.
the ship design is really killer: it asks and answers the question "what if a pirate spaceship was also a galleon?"
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i find myself excited to watch the next episode, which is not a familiar feeling when i watch star wars stuff. i really hope s2 holds my interest as much as s1 did.
why am i doing this? i have seen all the star wars except for: most of the LEGO stuff, most of the addendum and errata for tcw (including the crystal crisis arc), the holiday special, and most of the droids and ewoks animated shows. like i am Really scraping the bottom of the barrel here, even though i'm not really sure why this show fell into such obscurity.
a bit cranky with weird west, bc i think to get past this stealth level i will have to dismiss my companion (can't seem to knock out guards unless i'm standing up, the companion AI has a very loose definition of "staying close" and is only "invisible" if you're also crouching, and you can't direct your companion to stay put in one place OR to stay close/stay crouched permanently. i may have exhausted most of the appeal of the world on my first fifteen-hour run through the first story. i am more than a little disappointed bc i did have a fuckton of fun in those fifteen hours and was expecting the good times to continue.
still halfheartedly poking away at the baby blanket, less than half a repeat this week and i don't feel like getting up, digging the blanket out of the catproof bag, and putting enough lights on for a real photo. this is repeat 7/10 tho so we are slowly approaching the end
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I need to know more about Voievod! How long have you been working on it? How do you find the balance between storytelling and providing historical information? I'm about to start reading it, and I'm so interested in the process! Bonus question: do you have any playlist or type of music you associate with it?
Oh my God, thank you so much for dropping this into my in box, loveliest! This really makes my entire day. 🥹❤️ Please, excuse my ramblings if this gets too long sksksk.
First of all, thank you so much for giving my fictional monolith a chance! I appreciate it more than words can say and hope you will find it enjoyable! ❤️ I also do think that it is important to mention that it tackles a lot of dark and gory themes so, please, always check the trigger warnings first — some works are not that heavy, but others might be more explicit and graphic in nature, so never hesitate to skip some of them if you find them uncomfortable.
Now on to your questions!
How long have you been working on it?
Voievod in its current form is actually my third attempt, but I have been playing around with Vlad’s story for nine years now. I started working on my first story in 2015, but that was a blend of Vlad the Voivode and Dracula the Vampire — basically, it focused on how he became a vampire. I eventually abandoned that project because I did not really have patience with it and kept rewriting and re-editing many parts of it, and maybe it was a good thing I did because I gradually came to realisation that his character as a mortal man is so much more interesting than the vampire thing.
I tried to give it another shot in early 2020, this time focusing fully on Vlad as the historical figure. The first wave of COVID granted me a lot of free time, so I tried to use that opportunity to work on the story, as well as catch up on any new information from historical research. I wrote a few drafts but abandoned it again after a few months because I sincerely felt like I did not have enough writing experience to pull it off in a way I would be satisfied with.
I started working on the third and current version in February 2023 — I randomly revisited the old drafts from 2020 and started playing around with them a little, expanding the ideas until I managed to write two pieces I was quite proud of. I approached this with a great deal of respect and fear, then realised that I felt confident enough in my writing to perhaps try again. I think it was a good decision to wait and get enough writing experience before getting back to it because, looking back at my previous attempts, my world-building and characterisation have improved. Still, I am taking this as an opportunity to push myself and let myself grow — and every new piece is quite the lesson as I am often plunging into places I thought I would never dare before.
How do you find the balance between storytelling and providing historical information?
I think the hardest part of working on such a project is the research itself. To depict the historical events as accurately as possible, you have to read anything you can get your hands on and absorb as much as possible. I have loads and loads of files filled with notes on figures, events, culture, etc. not only for one but four separate countries as all of them are crucial for the work. Vlad’s story is even more specific because you really have to separate facts from all the debris and junk of propaganda against him that shaped what was known about him for a long time.
Once you become intimately familiar with the research topic and can swim easily through that sea of information, it is not that hard to find that perfect blend. In fact, having that historical information at your disposal really speeds up the process because you do not have to agonise over the plot — all those events are already there, you just follow them. When it comes to many characters from Voievod, we know what their life was like and what their personalities were, so I follow their lead in that regard. And it is fascinating because real life sometimes writes the most compelling stories.
What balances this out is the freedom other aspects give me. We usually come to know historical figures as legends and larger-than-life beings, and they were undoubtedly extraordinary, but they were people first. I get to breathe that humanity into them by depicting what they think, feel, desire, and fear. I make them make mistakes and laugh. There are also people in their lives that we know little or nothing about, so that gives me a lot of space to create characters from scratch — Cătălina is a perfect example of that, and I love having the opportunity to create such a rich and wonderful character. Ultimately, personal relationships give a lot of space to create dynamics as I please, because we know so very little about the private lives of these people.
Do you have any playlist or type of music you associate with it?
Ahhh, I love this question so much! Here is my opportunity to share my beloved baby lmao. 🤭
I have a “soundtrack” playlist on Spotify, which you can find here. I love visualising scenes and playing them in my head like little video tapes, and the right music helps me grasp the mood and emotion of those moments when writing them. Almost all the tracks are actually tied to specific scenes or works. (One is already published and bears the same name. *wink wink*)
Also, as a bonus (let me brag there for a second), here is a Pinterest board for some of the characters from Voievod. ❤️
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for-dramas-sake · 1 year
My Favorite SHORT Dramas
My latest obsession in dramaland are mini dramas. They can go from 15 minutes to even 1 minute long per episode! 0_0 Here are my favorites!
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The Only Girl You Haven’t Seen [MY FAVORITE SHORT DRAMA!]
An assassin is killed by her master and wakes up in the body a newly married bride to an idiot prince. But he’s not as dumb as he seems. These two go through multiple trials including war, disease and scheming princes not to mention their own secrets that threaten their marriage. 
Both of them are cuties and their love is adorable and simple. But then they are both bad asses in their own right and kick a lot of ass in this show. I love not only them and their love, but their growth into their identities. They prove that power couples are still possible!
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Maid’s Revenge [BEST CHEMISTRY!]
After the murder of her entire family, a girl becomes the maid of the man who killed them. She plots her revenge against him not knowing the full truth of what really happened or who is really responsible for her family’s deaths. 
The main guy was perfect for this role: broody, commanding, sexy as hell and pining for the female lead. As for her, I like this actress after watching her in other cuter dramas so seeing her in this more serious drama made me appreciate her acting even more. There’s a lot of angst in this drama. You can drink with a straw. And the story’s not bad either. 
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Dangerous Love [WISH THERE WAS MORE!]
A little scaredy cat marries a scary duke who supposedly killed all of his previous wives! She is terrified of him, but he isn’t as scary as she thinks he is. 
Another marriage life drama: this one with more comedy than The Only Girl. The girl has all these misunderstandings about her husband, and it doesn’t help that he doesn’t try all that hard to refute them. His way of winning her over is a bit different. The drama is silly but overall a great watch. 
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Love for Two Lives [CUTEST DRAMA!]
A modern girl suddenly finds that she is living next door to a king from an ancient country! He makes his queen to avoid marrying someone else. She comes in and modernizes the palace to the king’s enjoyment, but not everyone likes her or her “tricks”.
A refreshing story! What do you get when you mix old school palace royals with new technology? This story. It’s hilarious and you love all the characters. The two leads have natural chemistry and I so want a 2nd season!
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A modern gal gets into an accident and becomes a general’s bride! The overbearing general doesn’t want her as his bride but with her fantastic cooking skills and her bright personality she slowly wins him over. There’s another gal who wants the general for herself and proves to be the thorn in everyone’s side about it.
I liked this drama pure for the story and the WHEN! This is a slow burn romance so relax, put up your feet and wait for the general to come around. There is plenty to like otherwise: the comedy, the foodie prince who is always eating and plot that keeps that story rolling.
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Bossy Husband Who Loved Me [Season 1] [MOST CREATIVE!]
A novelist is pulled into her own story and in order to get out she has to progress the story along, BUT the main character in the novel, who is also her husband, can read her mind and thus foils all of her plans. She has to deal with the aftermath and has no idea he can hear her thoughts.
This drama wins just for creative writing. Any story with someone falling into a story, a game, another world, etc. I am interested to see what craziness happiness. For this drama, that someone is the novelist herself, but she can’t succeed with her husband ruining everything she does. This is just season 1 so their story isn’t done yet. Let’s bring on season 2 and all that comes with it!
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