#i should probably eat but ugh... i don
dummerjan · 2 years
i am so done with covid but sadly covid isn't yet done with me
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sweetestpjm · 9 months
never trust a skinny baker
pt.1 of ?
Never trust a skinny baker.
"1...2..." Jimin pursed his lips, wondering why he only had two and a half dozen of his signature cookies made. He swore that he'd put in 3 dozen. Okay, maybe he'd eaten one of them. Or two— just to make sure it was good. And then maybe 3 more while they were still in their warmest state. Then that last one for good luck...
Okay, maybe it made sense why there were only 2 and a half dozen left now. It made sense, it added up.
"Hyung?" Hoshi said, poking his head into the kitchen, making his way in once he realized that Jimin was just organizing the baked cookies onto trays. "Someone's come in, they want to apply for a job here."
He practically lit up at that— he really needed more help. Hoshi was great but he knew running the entire bakery together was difficult. They'd learned that on their first holiday rush. Valentine's day, if one could even call it a real holiday.
"I'll be right out. Just get them something to nibble on while I finish with these," he said, shooting a smile, "and let them know that the job is probably theirs."
"Got it, boss hyung!"
Jimin rolled his eyes at the excessive formalities, but he'd scold him on it later.
Eventually he put the tray out— though he nearly dropped it upon seeing the male that Hoshi was giving a croissant to. Oh he was really handsome and dressed well, which had Jimin instantly attracted to him. But that was easy, he was one of those universally handsome guys, after all.
"Hi, sorry for the wait," he apologized, shimming his curvy body through the little area and joining them at one of the booths— of 3 booths. Pretty big for a little bakery but still not many.
The man shook his head, standing up and giving him a respectful bow. "Hi, I'm Jeon Jungkook. It's no worry, I was just coming around wondering if you were hiring still?" he pointed to the door, where there was a 'hiring' poster.
"Yea!" he said, a hand on his nearly aching belly as he thought, "let me just interview you. Got a resume on hand?"
"Hyung! I got the job," Jungkook squealed, jumping as he put his hands on Yoongi's shoulder, "ugh, you would've loved it there. And the baker..he's really cute."
"Oh? Really cute?"
Jungkook shrugged, "like a doll. He's pretty and cute and— well, I quite like him since he's given me a job even though I've only been a bartender and an assistant carpenter.."
"Weird jobs of yours," he chuckled, still chopping vegetables, "but sounds nice, I'll be sure to drop by."
"And eat, because the food is to die for. Like, the fumes of the bakery are like a happy pill, or something.."
Yoongi rolled his eyes, still focusing on finishing chopping the last of the cucumbers. "I'll be sure to. Weird of you to tell me how hot your boss is, though. You usually don—" He finished up chopping, setting the knife down and grinning at Jungkook. "Someone's already got a crush on their new boss, mm?"
"A little? I mean, keep your options open, baby. You'd like him."
"Any pictures? I'm always keeping our options open, darling."
Jungkook nodded with a wide smile, opening up the instagram for it. It took some time until he found a post featuring the owner, Jimin. A few pounds lighter for certain. Once he found it, he put it up to Yoongi's face who instantly melted at the sight.
"Oh he's really cute. Ah, you should invite him over, I'll cook him a nice meal." Yoongi cooked for a living rather then baked, so it was a regular offer he'd make. New friend? 'Bring them over, I'll cook them a meal. Find out their favorites.' Meeting family? 'I'll cook them the best meal of their life, invite them over'.
"Maybe after I've worked there some time?"
"Really? Fine, shy boy. But I'd be interested too if his personality is as sweet as his looks are."
"Oh, most definitely."
"Just tighter, please. However it needs to be so you can tie it," Jimin said, not sucking his belly in this time. The attempt before when he did, it undid itself the moment he'd relaxed. Not this time. This plan was undeniably foolproof.
The younger nodded, trying again and eventually it worked, somewhat. "There, hyung. I— if you need to extend the ties, I can do it. I used to sew."
Jimin turned around, nodding his head, though he could see his cheeks were red. "That— that would be great, I really don't want to buy a new one, this one just.." he tried to flatten it better, "holds a special place in my heart."
"I get it.." he said, an idea coming up. Perhaps now was the time? It had been three months and well..he couldn't compose himself much more. Especially with all this tying business. "Maybe I could fix it up at my place and you could join us for dinner? Us being me and my boyfriend. My boyfriend's a private caterer, so he cooks," Jungkook said, "whatever you'd like to eat."
He instantly smiled, nodding his head. "That'd be lovely! I was wanting to invite you for a meal for some time but I am a bit shy." Jimin's belly rounded out more and well— the ties undid. His cheeks were red hot again.
"Don't worry about it. How about just leave it like this?"
Jimin nodded, shyly stroking his belly. "Yeah. Guess it's the muffins doing their work, huh?"
Jungkook nodded, not sure when he'd gotten red from this encounter. "I— well, guess so."
"Lovely to have you over, Jungkook tells me all about you. Best baker in the world, hm?"
Jimin smiled sheepishly, shrugging his shoulders and looking at the food on the table. Were there others coming? It looked like quite a lot for how small and lean they both were. "Maybe one day. I can tell that you're good too. Are you excepting another?"
Yoongi tilted his head, then noticing his confusion's reasoning, "ah, no. Just us three." He pulled out another dish, just some baked bread and set it on the table. "Sit, dinners ready."
Jungkook sat down, as did the other two shortly after. And so dinner and small talk began.
"Caterer, huh?" Jimin said, between his bites, "no wonder you are, this is delicious. I really love food— clearly, and this is great. Really great."
"Your bakery is great," Yoongi said, nearly choking at Jimin's comment towards himself, "I'm happy you're enjoying it."
Jungkook perked up, "oh, Jimin hyung, you should tell Yoongi about your muffins! He likes them a lot, he's actually really good at making them but—"
"Gguk here accidentally broke my muffin mold tray, so now I make him buy me muffins to make up for it." Yoongi bit back his smirk.
"Aah.." Jimin giggled, tilting his head at Jungkook like a puppy, "no wonder you're always so insistent on taking some of the muffins home. That's adorable."
Jungkook tried not to visually show how something as simple as those words was making him quite happy. Really happy. "I owe Yoongi big time plus I can never say no to him. Look at those eyes, imagine saying no to those eyes."
Yoongi made the effort of batting his eyelashes at Jimin who chuckled, a hand over his mouth. "That is pretty cute. I wouldn't say no either."
Now Yoongi was further understanding Jungkook's crushing. There was just something about Jimin. Something adorably soft and intriguing for certain.
It wasn't often they agreed about someone, after all. Yoongi nor Jungkook was taking to it lightly.
As the evening went on, they glanced at one another making it obvious to themselves that this was universally agreed on between them.
For Jungkook, it was his sweetness of course. His praising, his attitude and he could admit (not aloud of course) that he was very fond of that bakers tummy he had going on.
Yoongi on the other hand, quite liked his storytelling and his joking. He kept wondering if he'd get even cuter and each time he did indeed get cuter. Mumbling on about baking, about his old cat and especially about the latest BL he'd been reading (which was great information for him to behold).
They were just very glad they were on the same page.
At last, they could agree on doing this; asking that chubby (and clueless) baker out on a date.
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arrowjaeger · 2 years
Basic Bayverse TMNT (2014 - 2016) Headcanons
some 18+ themes ig
probably a swifty
fluent in japanese
writes everything in japanese mostly so his brothers can’t read it as easily
refuses to call his brothers by their nicknames
probably has horrible taste in women tbh i am so sorry
thinks sugar is the devil
pretty much only drinks tea
and he sweetens it with honey
tries to be the son Splinter wants him to be
probably sings the first line to the pokémon theme in his sleep
“i want to be the very best”
always wakes up first
the mom friend but he acts way more like a mom than normal mom friends
“ugh my head hurts!”
“it’s cuz you’re always on that damn phone!”
thinks the games his brothers play are violent but he literally carries katanas with him pretty much everywhere- he’s hospitalized dozens of foot soldiers but noooo shooting a few pixels on a screen where only people’s pride is getting hurt is violent.
wears his gear like 24/7 “if there is an emergency we won’t have time to get ready”
as much as he says he doesn’t like tv, he gets obsessed with shows easily
he’ll also watch tv with Splinter since he likes older action shows
works out at 2 am for no apparent reason
can’t sleep? oh! i should work out!
always states how much protein is in whatever he is eating
like we care, Raphael
i’ve said this before but he dry scoops protein powder, he just does.
barely knows english
forgets words and has to play charades until someone knows what he is trying to say
most likely to have had an emo phase
still listens to Black Parade occasionally
either listens to heavy metal or pink floyd
cracks his knuckles and neck way too often
drinks monster energy 24/7
will drink red bull if there is no monster left
smashes the empty cans with his forehead
has asked Donnie how to delete his search history before. Donnie definitely didn’t help him and just looked at Raph’s search history.
we all knew Raph would be into some weird shit
is constantly chewing on things as he works: pens, erasers, his lips, the insides of his cheeks. and he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it
breaks pencils when he’s stressed
has a box for the broken pieces on his desk
listens to way too much dubstep and basshunter
lives in sweatpants
like he’d fight in them if he was allowed
favorite poptart flavor is hot fudge sundae or just hot fudge. either way, those are the only poptarts he will eat in it’s entirety
otherwise he just licks the frosting off of them. he claims it helps his brain work.
probably plays dating sims in his free time
plays mystic messenger
projects onto 707
is sorta in love with MC
has one of those huge desk calendars but never has any plans
fluent in japanese and spanish in addition to english ofc
learned spanish in like three weeks for fun
he really just listens to any music unless it’s country
he’d rather be double mutated than listen to country
only drinks soda/energy drinks if they are purple
monster energy ultra violet and grape crush are his go to’s
put food coloring in his apple juice to make it purple so it would go with his brand
will not wear anything that is one of his brother’s colors
so he ends up wearing purple, gray, or black
prefers dc over marvel
the boy knows EVERYTHING about nintendo
in fact, he’s a walking encyclopedia/almanac. if you make any sort of statement, he has to tell you a fun fact about what you just said
used to say “interesting factoid” (like Olive from ANT Farm) but after his third interesting factoid Raph punched him in the face, which is why his glasses have been taped back together
only uses wooden pencils. none of that plastic stuff
definitely twirls his pencils in his fingers and probably practices bo fighting techniques with it as he thinks
one day a monitor from his set up disappeared. Leo brought it up and Don just shrugged it off.
it is definitely in his room, and it’s where he looks up more delicate topics.. he definitely watches porn on it-
hates 90% of what comes out of Mikey’s mouth
smells like coffee and motor oil
addicted to froot loops
types ridiculously fast for only having three fingers
hates when people mix up Star Wars and Star Trek
points out flaws in movies and theorizes the plot out loud
spoils most movies for his brothers unknowingly
hates when the strong female characters start dating the asshole male lead by the end of the move
cries by the end of any movie
craves attention
needs to be pegged
beat boxing legend
lives off of totino’s pizza rolls
probably eats them frozen
is obsessed with retro video games
keeps breaking their atari
the only thing Mikey knows how to fix is NES cartridges
*aggressively blows into the bottom of the cartridge*
always loses the tv remote
does he best batman impression out of all of them
collects human things
is definitely making a fort out of old pizza boxes
is the most stereotypical gen z
is cracked at fortnite
uses gen z words like cheugy
probably wanted to be a vsco girl back when they were popular
kesha stan
he has more orange crush in his veins than blood
probably watches David Dobrik
gave Raph a full soda can for him to smash
he smashed it successfully just soda went everywhere and he had to clean it up
while watching sports, he roots against his brothers for fun
prefers marvel over dc
makes horrible “yo mama” and “deez nuts” jokes at every opportunity
eats so many snacks during movie night
chews with his mouth open
laughs at all the wrong times
loves cringey movies
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piraticusdorm · 2 years
Piraticus Chapter 3: [Second Star to the Right]
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Three (and a half) students stand in one of the great halls of Night Raven, the one donning a heart crosses his arms indignantly.
Ace: Blaming me without any proof, I'm hurt Prefect! How will you ever make it up to me?
Deuce: If I were looking for a culprit, you'd come first to mind too
Ace: Hey!
Deuce: But if it's pranks, Piraticus is probably the culprit.
The name rings a bell, but there are so many dorms and names and life-threatening situations to get out of that Gwen can’t pay attention to it all.
Grim: Piraticus…? Oh! The ones with all the colors?
Ace: Yeah, those. They're always standing out with their flashy clothes.
Deuce: They're troublemakers. That fairy of theirs keeps crashing our tea parties and driving Riddle up the wall.
Ace: Yeah, hasn’t a lot of annoying stuff been happening lately? Monstro Lounge was missing things, Epel heard Vil demanding security footage, and Jack complained Savanaclaw has stuff broken all over. I bet they’re behind that too.
Grim: If they’re that bad, can't they kick them out?
Ace: It's not that simple. Even if you know they were behind something, you can't do anything without proof.
Deuce: And when you find proof, that dorm leader of theirs twists things so it becomes useless.
The two slump their shoulders, as if nothing could be done about it. Gwen will simply disagree. Catching naughty kids and grounding them is nothing new to her. The sneaking, the traps, the arguing, being called a killjoy… if she has to become that sort of person again… Well, if she must, she will. Just for a while.
▶ We should look into them
Grim: Proof or no proof, they'll pay for ruining my lunch!!
▶ Maybe we can catch them red-handed if we hurry!
Footsteps light and quick, both girl and beast dash towards the hall of mirrors, leaving behind their two friends to wallow in their bad luck. While tiredly walking in the same direction, a thought strikes.
Deuce: … Hey Ace, did you notice? Her footsteps were really quiet even though she was running.
Ace: You just noticed? Whenever there’s trouble she always does that. Some things need a delicate hand to get away with them. A brutish delinquent like you wouldn’t understand~
Deuce: HAAH!? Say that again you punk and I’ll-
Ace: See? Just like that.
Deuce: …tch.
Trying to keep her breathing even, Gwen leans on the corner of the hall, Grim in her arms. It’s hard to not see the students they sought, if not for the flashing colors of their clothes then for the loud bickering amongst them.
??? : Come on, we gotta bring all the proof to the Captain
??? : Ugh, I wanna go back to the Lagoon, it’s so hot out…
??? : Eyepatch's stew should be about done now~
??? : You guys can't focus!
Sneaking around suspiciously like that… Hmh. Gwen will investigate further. Nodding at each other, Grim jumps to the floor as the duo approach the gate. Sparing a glance, she notices the treasure chest next to it. Like in movies she takes one golden coin and mockingly bites on it, and it cleanly snaps. A chocolate coin! How sweet.
Thinking twice on how long these must have been out here, Gwen decides to not eat it after all, giving her coin to Grim as he chomps on a few more without even taking the wrapper off.
Gwen takes a moment to admire the mermaid statuette at the top of the gate, delicate scales reflecting the colors of the rainbow ribbon it props up. The skulls at the pillars are more goofy than scary, with gems places inside their eyes. The stone anchor resting at the steps is more realistic, so much so Gwen touches it. Is she allowed to touch it? There’s no sign so it should be fine, right?
Well, if the name wasn’t obvious enough, the rest of the motifs made it clear this is a dorm of pirates. Tricky, shady pirates.
She can do this. What's a pirate if not a grown tricky boy?
A deep breath and a twinkle in her eyes, and Gwen steps through.
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Requested to be tagged: @starshiningsirius @onlywished
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get-shiggy-with-it · 3 years
Ch. 4
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18 + Minors DNI Please Check Rules Before You Follow
Pairing: Tomura Shigaraki x fem!Reader (brief reference to Dabi x Hawks)
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: smut, allusion to nausea (once), brief sacrilegious language (dabi), mentions of alcohol (dabi), mentions of smoking (dabi), dabi is just a whole warning of his own, gender neutral pronouns for reader, fem cause they're called a woman as an insult, Shiggy is an asshole, grinding, degradation,
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6
Summary: In which a project is completed and a new one begins
AO3 Mirror
Taglist: @dillybuggg (shoot me an ask if you want to be tagged)
Your project was almost complete.
In some ways, it sort of felt like the end of an era. To Tomura, who was a creature of habit by nature, it was doubly strange to imagine no longer spending hours a few days each week locked away in your little study room with you bugging him to teach you simple html and him not-so-discreetly sniffing your hair.
He still hadn’t asked you out or whatever he’d been trying to do, much to Dabi’s chagrin. And because of this, Tomura was consistently plagued with the feeling of time running out.
You were supposed to meet today for probably the last time seeing as the presentation was coming up at the end of the week. He knew it was now or never at this point. If he didn’t fucking say something now, he never would and then he’d have to live with the same his roommate wouldn’t let him live down.
So instead of heading directly to the library after class, Tomura took the old route back to his apartment and shot you a quick text—praying to the fucking boner gods, as Dabi called them, that you’d take the bait.
would you mind putting the finish touches on shit at my place?—
there’s some parts i gotta do from my desktop—
That wasn’t completely a lie. It was nicer working from his pc setup, but before he wouldn’t have let you come anywhere fucking near there. Not until he’d finally accepted that you’d wormed your way into his brain somehow and he couldn’t live another day not knowing what your tongue tasted like.
bitch (endearing):
—no problem
—what’s your address?
Tomura’s heart fucking pounded mercilessly against the bony prison of his ribs. It wasn’t like he was a stranger to some good old fashioned anxiety, but he’d never felt a strange stirring in his stomach quite like this. Like he might puke, but in a good way.
He quickly sent back his street and apartment number, and waited on the corner until you texted back that you’d be there in an hour before he rushed inside.
“What the hell are you doing, creep?!” Dabi snapped at him when he burst through the door and yeeted his backpack onto the kitchen table.
Tomura didn’t answer, just made a beeline for the bathroom and slammed the door. He doused himself in record time, unbothered by the hot water causing red, patchy flare ups to bloom over his skin. He was almost disgusted with himself for putting in this much effort for someone like you. Someone being definitely kind of a slut if the way you dressed was a good indicator. But he just kept thinking about the way your hair or skin smelled so goddamn good when you leaned in close and he wanted you to be obsessed with him in the same way. Wanted you to want to bury your face in his neck and breath him in.
When he stumbled out into the hall moments later, towel drying his hair roughly, Dabi was taking a shot over the sink.
He looked at Tomura like hell had frozen over.
“Two showers in like a month?” he mused, sucking his teeth as the alcohol slid down his throat. “What’s the occasion? The fucking, second coming of Christ?”
“Well the bitch is coming over so…”
“Oh, that is a fucking miracle,” Dabi whistled and knocked back a second shot.
Tomura glared, stepping into his room and tossing his towel aside to tug on his nicest pair of black joggers and t-shirt that gapped a bit at the front, showing off a large expanse of his chest. It made him a bit nervous even just looking at his reflection but you definitely stared the few times he’d taken off his hoodie while you were working, so the risk seemed worth the reward.
“Yeah, well you’re gonna have to piss off for the night,” Tomura shouted into the kitchen as Dabi sauntered over to lean against his doorframe.
“You know, I conveniently do have a dick appointment with my own bitch, but now I don’t want to go.”
His tone was teasing, eyes hooded and clearly enjoying how flustered Tomura was already before you’d even gotten here. Tomura moved to snatch another pillow and do battle but Dabi raised his hands up quickly in defeat.
“Oh no, no, I just fucking did my hair for this Keigo asshole you are not gonna ruin it with that petty shit,” he shot back and disappeared somewhere into his own room. “I’ll be out of your greasy ass hair don’t worry.”
Tomura seethed and bit back of reply of his hair for once not being greasy as hell, but the multiple cum stains—both his and his nasty fucking roommates—marring the comforter caught his eye.
“Ugh,” he mumbled and balled the whole thing up, shoving it under the bed and spreading out one of his merch blankets from that manga you both liked.
Hopefully you wouldn’t think that was too cringey, but he had definitely seen your room plastered with merch in the background of your social media profiles which he totally did not stalk at all and maybe jerk off to on occasion.
The rest of his room was quickly cleared by a combination of shoving random crap into his closet and filling up their recycling bin to the brim with empty energy drink cans. He tackled the kitchen next which wasn’t as hard as he’d expected. Neither he nor Dabi cooked all that frequently, so the dishes weren’t an issue and the vague, lingering smell of whatever the fuck Dabi had been smoking early was cleared out a bit by leaving the balcony door ajar.
He checked the time on his phone obsessively, about ready to pound on Dabi’s door and throw him out on the step when the man in question emerged on his own—black platform boots donned with his ass hugging ripped jeans and a loose tank top.
He had on fucking eyeliner.
God and he thought Tomura was being desperate.
“What? Wishing you’d locked this down first?” Dabi sneered, grabbing his jacket from the rack and shoulder checking Tomura on his way to the door.
“I—” he stammered for a second, bristling as Dabi towered over him a bit in those fucking boots. “No, asshole, just leave before they get here.”
But at the exact moment that Dabi rolled his eyes and flung open the door, Tomura’s phone buzzed in his pocket. Looking up in mingled horror and embarrassment, he watched the door hit the wall and reveal you, a little more casually dressed than usual looking stunned as Dabi grinned down at you with pierced lips.
“Hi, I’m-” you started but Tomura’s live-in nightmare cut you off.
“Oh I know who you are, dollface,” Dabi wiggled his fucking eyebrows at you, clearly playing up the dramatics as much as possible to a degree even Tomura didn’t think he could pull off. “Name’s Dabi—”
“Uh, yeah and he was just leaving,” Tomura hissed and placed his shoulder firmly in the center of his roommate’s back, launching him onto the welcome mat as you side-stepped through the door.
“Yeah, see ya later creep,” he fucking winked as the door slammed shut in his face.
Tomura’s cheeks burned in the following silence which was only broken by your quiet chuckle. He noticed you did that a lot. Laughed at things without even thinking about whether it would sound weird.
“He seems like a lot,” you mumbled and glanced around at the living room/kitchen/foyer of his tiny apartment.
He thought he might feel the same sort of disturbance he usually did when Dabi brought his dates home but you seemed to fit easily into the space, unobtrusive but bright against the dingy walls.
“So, should we get to it?” you asked with a wry smile, spinning to face him and silhouetted by the sun set filtering in past the balcony.
He may not have felt the usual discomfort of intruders in his space, but his hands shook where he clutched at his thighs nonetheless. And just like always, if you noticed the bunched up fabric and the not so slight tremor in his bony arms, you didn’t say a thing about it.
You looked so good propped up on his bed, back against the wall and legs dangling off the sides as the now strangely comforting sound of your furious typing filled his room. It had been a few hours now, and Dabi had been true to his word, seemingly gone until tomorrow morning. The room was illuminated only by your screens and his small desk lamp that lit up your legs like a stage spot light.
His mind fogged over more than once with the fantasy of laying in between them.
“I just shared the final bit of script,” you said, breaking the comfortable silence.
The notification pinged at the top of his screen and he hummed in acknowledgement, plugging in your last pieces of text and saving the program.
And just like that.
It was over.
“I think we’re done,” Tomura whispered.
He didn’t really mean to say it so softly, but it felt strange to talk at full volume so he rasped out the words, knowing you wouldn’t care how shitty his voice sounded.
There was a creak and soft footsteps behind him as you shuffled off the bed and over to his desk. Your hands rested way too close to his shoulders than necessary while you leaned over his chair to look at the finished product.
It was still a little rough around the edges but Tomura found himself feeling a swell of satisfaction now that it was complete. All things considered, you’d come up with a pretty damn good concept and he liked knowing he played a role in helping it come to fruition.
The piece you picked was weird as shit. Some political satire about eating babies, lots of juxtaposition about the private life versus the public self and some bullshit rants on the nature of humanity blah blah blah.
It actually reminded him of you a little bit, now that he thought about it as he took advantage of you position to stare intently at your eyes scanning the screen. Not the eating babies thing, but the whole private self stuff.
In the half semester he’d spent locked away with you in quiet rooms and noisy, dimly lit basements, he could see such a stark contrast between the you he’d known from class all those weeks ago and the you currently sighing in relief over his shoulder.
Softer, more real—not so Stacy, bimbo, pick me slut like he’d always imagined you to be.
“Damn, we did it my guy,” you nodded, clearly impressed with yourself and him as well, which had Tomura’s chest puffing out just a bit under the attention. “I could fucking kiss you, I thought we’d never get it done.”
You turned to him, eyes closed in a half laugh but Tomura was so far from laughing. Cause you were really, really fucking close and he could smell you again and you’d been chewing that fucking gum cause it was hot on your breath. He knew, he really did, that you were kidding, that this was just a thing people said when they were relieved but he couldn’t help the weird, deer in the headlights stare that his face froze in.
Blinking, you raised your eyebrows at him questioningly when he didn’t make some crude comment about your chest brushing against his arm or shrug you off like he might have before.
And then you got this knowing, little mischievous look that reminds him far too much of Dabi for a split second before you pressed your face just an inch closer.
His eyes flicked down instinctively to your lips and his face burned when realized there was no way you didn’t see how he looked at you. Shockingly, despite the churning in his gut and the shaking in his legs, Tomura leaned forward just a bit too, working up enough scant courage to maybe close the gap. But then you started laughing?
It bubbled up quietly in your chest, more of a giggle than anything else.
You were laughing and shaking your head and his stomach fucking dropped to the ground and his face was on fire cause you were laughing and that meant he’d been fucking played like a goddamn fiddle but—
But then you gave him this faint smile and you weren't laughing anymore, because you were kissing him.
You were fucking kissing him.
Which, while yes he had set out to have this be the end goal of the night, he hadn’t actually believed it would ever happen. He’d never felt it in his bones like he thought he was supposed to.
And holy shit your lips were so soft??
So soft and smooth with no cool, sharp metal poking or pulling at the splits on his. It was like fucking crack, or what he imagined crack might be like with the way your mouth just glided against his. It was so easy to follow you, which was good cause he didn’t have a goddamn clue what he was doing for the most part. But you made it feel simple, and you even ran your tongue over the little scar that bisected his lips in this painfully adorable way that had Tomura pitching a tent in his pants like lightning.
God and when you pulled back and just enough to look at him again:
It was like every one of those cutesy, shojo manga suddenly made sense. The panels where the main characters look at each other and flowers bloom off the fucking page while they stare with those dark, hungry eyes—
Yeah he got it now.
And he was gonna ride that wave while he had it. So Tomura steeled himself and surged forward, grabbing both your arms and smashing his face much less gracefully against yours. He stood and you straightened with him, that same half giggle slipping out in the gaps where your lips parted on his as he clacked your teeth together and pulled back at the jarring sting.
“Eager are we?” you had that stupid smile on your face again but he honestly didn’t care anymore if it was an act or if your face really just looked like that with no fucking ulterior motive.
“Shut up,” he muttered, trying to catch your lips again and you mercifully let him.
Tomura nearly fucking came in his pants when you licked into his mouth and oh fucking god he really could taste the gum and that loud ass shit you were always drinking. Dabi was right, this was a fucking miracle.
Did other people always taste this good or was it just you?
He responded enthusiastically to say the least, sucking your tongue into his mouth and letting out a choked little noise when you prodded the back of his teeth. The movement of your legs, pulling him back towards the bed went mostly unnoticed until he felt himself tipping forward, landing with a thump on top of you as you both tumbled onto his mattress.
Tomura’s lips wondered boldly down your throat, smelling the soap or lotion or whatever the hell made you so fucking baby smooth compared to him and he actually growled into your nape when you laughed again.
“God, what the fuck is so funny?” he sounded muffled from where he was tonguing at the fleshy joining of your neck and shoulder.
“Sorry, sorry,” you pressed your lips against the peeling crown of his head and that alone made up for the interruption, “I’m just basking in the glory of being right.”
“About?” Tomura nipped at your skin once before lifting his chin to rest on your sternum.
“I just always thought you were sorta into me, but it was hard to tell cause you’re so quiet about that kinda thing.”
“....oh,” he didn’t really have an argument for that so he didn’t try to fight you.
“Did you think I didn’t notice all the convenient excuses to touch me or like the fact that you’re mean as shit to everyone else but me?" you asked not unkindly as you stroked a hand through his hair, frizzy from being left to air dry. “I also got the vibes you thought I was a slut anyway and it wasn’t super clear if that was a turn on or not.”
He cringed a bit at the blatant way you acknowledged all ruder inner monologues about your character.
“Well, I did a bit initially,” Tomura glanced off to the side, suddenly finding the chipping paint much more fascinating. God he really wanted to get back to the good stuff. “But I don’t now…”
“Oh no,” you cupped his face, running a thumb against the cracked skin on his cheeks and didn’t cringe when the drying skin flaked onto your shirt, “that was a pretty astute assumption.”
“Uh, what?”
He felt his draw drop and you dipped your thumb past his front row of teeth, toying with the pooling saliva.
“All the better for you though,” you continued dragging his chest against yours so he could feel your nipples through his shirt, “cause that just means I know how to show you a good time, and I get the feeling you’ve never had that happen before.”
You punctuated your words with roll of your hips against the fucking iron rod in his pants. The noise that left Tomura was inhuman.
He thought back to the day you got partnered with him. How he thought it would be a fucking nightmare and Tomura wanted to let the record show that he officially retracted that statement. This was in no uncertain terms, actually a wet dream come true and he was sure Dabi would never fucking believe him unless he walked through the door right now.
“That works,” he stuttered around the finger in his mouth and you reared up to wrap your legs around his waist.
Your lips found his again and he hummed in approval only cut off as you rolled so he was laying back and looking up. When you pulled back, he shivered at the way you raked your nails over his chest.
“So, you gonna tell me how much of a disgusting whore you think I am?”
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sagemusesoutloud · 3 years
Anti-Romantic, Part 3
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(credit to the original owner of the image)
Character | Jaehyun x reader
Genre | nonidol!au, Mutual Pining, Slowburn, Fluff, Angst
WordCount | 2.5 k
Author'sNote | I know I promised this would be up Monday, but life has a funny way of getting in the way sometimes. I honestly don't know what came over me, but I woke up at 3 am and just HAD to write this down. Hope you like it ^^
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Sorry I’m an anti-romantic, I want to run far away
My heart that already chases after you, Blazes up with a small flame
You begin to regain consciousness as the pain in your neck increases. Ugh, this is why you brought your pillow from home. Rolling your neck in the other direction, you reach your hand over from the warmth to fluff the pillow when you feel movement under you.
You freeze and open your eyes, the light so bright that you immediately shut them again. Once your watery eyes calm down, you try opening one at a time. The sun was shining directly on you from the window behind you, you’d guess it was probably early morning. What shocked you into panic mode was the fact that you were still on the sofa and not in the guest bedroom like you had planned last night. Lightly lifting your head, you peek over at Jae to find him still sleeping.
Sometime during the night, both of you must have shifted to a laying position on the couch. Jae was still under you, his arms wrapped around your lower back. Well, there are worse things to wake up to. But now that you were up, so was your bladder. Do you just get up and leave? You didn’t drink that much water; you eyed the half empty water bottle on the coffee-table. Yeah, you could hold it. You relax your body and plan to drift off again when you feel Jae’s chest move with a deep breath, stretching an arm over his head. Crap, maybe I should have moved earlier…is it gonna get weird? Will he be mad?
You’re so deep in thought, it takes you a while to realize he’s not pushing you away but pulling you closer. He places his arm back, this time cradling your head as he peeks at you. “You’re awake?”
“No, I’m sleep-talking.”
You feel him rather than hear him chuckle. He rolls you both over so that you’re lying side by side and able to see you better.
“We fell asleep on the couch…did you sleep ok?” the sun hits half of his face, one of his eyes shining a deep honey color. Even the dust motes help make him look ethereal. Curse him for looking so beautiful first thing in the morning.
“hmm, yeah. Don’t get too close though, I have eye-boogers,” you try to bring the blanket up from your waist but it’s stuck so you opt to covering your eyes with your hands.
“shut up, as if it weren’t normal,” he groans as he pulls you into his chest. “It’s still early, just go back to sleep.”
“I can’t”
“…You can’t?”
“oh…” he lets you go and scoots as far back in the sofa as he can, “sorry.”
“I’m just gonna go freshen up,” you say as try your best not to fall flat on your face trying to untangle from the blanket, “I’ll be back.” Your only response is a groan before he presumably falls right back to sleep.
As you take care of your business, you can’t help the heavy feeling in your chest. What you were both doing, was it wrong? Did something change or are you overthinking things? It’s happened to you before, where you get too ahead of yourself and end up in misunderstandings. You wanted to enjoy whatever step it was that you both took together last night, but you needed that reassurance or confirmation that it wasn’t all just in your head. Jaehyun would never hurt you, not intentionally. But his cold exterior had been known to break a few hearts here and there throughout your childhood. Heck, even at work nowadays. Now that you think about it, the only times he’s hurt you he hadn’t even been aware of it. You desperately wished you could just waltz right up to him and demand answers; you just didn’t want to make yourself look like a fool for diving straight in to the ‘something more’ stage.
Up until the night before, you had been content with the game of push and pull and if someone would have told you yesterday that what transpired the night before would happen, you would have thought they were joking, but…they do say that the body makes known what the heart wants. You were still in a mess when you realize that you’d been washing your hands for long enough that the water ran cold. You decide that now was a good time as any to wash your face and brush your teeth, combing your fingers through your hair. If he wasn’t going to say anything, why should you? Yeah, this is all probably too much too soon to mean something more, so you were just going to enjoy it while you can. If anything, this could be like a free trial before committing to the long-term subscription. Yeah, that’s simple enough.
You get back to the living room to find Jae still on the couch. An arm covered his face blocking the sun and the other splayed out next to him, an invitation. Or was it? Stop it. You can’t be the one to blame when he’s taking up the whole space. You pick up the blanket from the floor and lay it half on him, leaving an opening for you to slither into. Leaning over the sofa, you move the sheer curtains to cover half the window. they didn’t do much but Jae did move his arm in alarm at the change of lighting, “oh, you’re finally back.”
“yup, all good now.” You nudge your way back into his chest as you laid down facing the room. If you really were going to sleep, you don’t know how much rest you’d be getting if you were facing him again. “good, we can sleep an hour or two more,” his arm reaches around you to pull you even closer, “don’t want you to fall off.”
And there it is, the ‘excuse.’ Is that all this was?
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It all felt so intimate and personal. Jaehyun wasn’t sure if the excuses he kept giving you since last night were even believable anymore. He just couldn’t get enough of your closeness. Like a man starved, he kept drinking in the sight of you next to him, the feel of your body along his. This had officially been his best birthday to date.
He was aware that some deep, deep part of him was tensed up waiting for something to go wrong or to bolt at the first chance. But for once, his heart was louder than those thoughts. He wanted this, he wanted to have you. All of you. In turn, he wanted to give you all of him as well. That’s what scared him the most, he’s known he’s wanted you since forever, but the fact that he needed to you to embrace all of him? That he needed you to be his safe space?
In a way, he’s always known about all of this. It’s why he’s kept you at a distance for so long, but maybe he was finally ready to open up to you and be completely honest and vulnerable. Fuck, he can’t even believe it took him this long to actually do something about it.
You both wake up later in the morning. Jaehyun’s preparing coffee while you whip up breakfast, an easy pattern you both fall into. He’s not sure if the silence is a comfortable one or a heavy one, but you did seem to be in a good mood. While he’d gone to freshen up, you had connected your phone to the Bluetooth speakers and had a light melody playing. He makes a mental note to ask you over more often, he would gladly become a morning person just to see you fit so seamlessly in his home.
As you both settle down to eat, he hears you let out a gasp, “I forgot!”
“What is it?”
You whine, “aww, I wanted to give it to you on your birthday. It’s the whole reason I needed to see you.” You get up and dash over to the guestroom before he can even stop you.
“So you didn’t come just to spend time with me? Ouch,” he zeroes in on your form, hiding something behind your back. “Don’t tell me you got me flowers.” Your smile drops.
“No, they’re not flowers,” you roll your eyes. You pull his arm out, guiding your hand down until you grasp his hand. He hopes you don’t see the way he shivers at the contact. “Here,” you place the red-velvet heart-shaped box in his palm. He gasps, “oh.”
For a moment, he doesn’t know how to react. Is this what he thinks it is? No, you couldn’t possibly have, you for sure would be way more nervous if you did. But it did look like jewelry, expensive jewelry. “well, are you gonna open it?”
He wordlessly lifts the lid and finds an exquisite bracelet inside. Jaehyun wasn’t much of a guy for jewelry, but it was simple enough to be worn as everyday type of accessory. It was a thin silver type of chain, the clasp had his initials and a heart hidden on the inner-side of it. “Just so you know, the heart was part of the model,” you begin explaining, a nervous shake to your voice, “but I did ask them to engrave your initials on it to personalize it. You don’t have to like it, like I said, I saw it while out shopping and thought of you.” He glances at you to find your ears red but your expression was drawn. Fuck, were you even real?
He hands you the box back, for a second, he sees your shoulders deflate before clarifying, “I’m gonna need some help to put it on.”
“Why do you always tease me?” but you concede his request, taking out the chain carefully and pulling his wrist closer to you. Because I love you…
Because this is the only way I can show you affection without scaring you…
“Because I love your reactions.”
You let go of him as you finish your work, inspecting the way it looks. “I’m glad I knew your size,” you mumble, “it fits you perfectly.” He doesn’t miss the way he feels it weighing down his wrist. Was it a comfortable weight?
“Of course it does, you got it for me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” your eyes are piercing his, no doubt that your thoughts are probably going a hundred miles per hour. “What I just said,” his eyes are staring you down, “anything you give is perfect to me.” You weren’t going to make him spell it out for you, right? Not after last night.
You frown at that, “what if I don’t want to ‘just’ give you this?”
He finally looks away as he finds the courage to say, “what are you willing to give?” He’s treading carefully, he can’t mess up now.
“I don’t know.”
That stings. Are we back to playing games? So soon?
He’s tired of it. Forget tired, he’s exhausted from it. And all it took was one night to help him realize that he really doesn’t want to continue playing, not when it comes to you.
“Then, I would be happy for the time you spent together with me last night. I would be grateful it happened but I probably wouldn’t feel comfortable being that close to you again.”
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Did he just say that? Maybe this was all a dream still. A cruel nightmare.
So he doesn’t want to move things further, is that what he’s saying? After all the moments you just shared, that’s all he’s got to say to you?
“I’m sorry I crossed the line then,” you need to go. Before you say something more and before he sees the tears that are just itching to be released.
You force out a laugh, “but thank you for being honest, I guess.”
You grab your plates and move towards the kitchen. Almost there, please don’t fall. He will not see you cry. God, you knew this was getting too good to be true. You knew it had to be a trick, you were back to square one! Man, you felt so stupid now. Did you really think one night would change everything?
You don’t realize he’s quick to go after you, grabbing your arm to face him. You let the plates crash on the sink, the sound startling him as you push his hold off you. You almost make it out the kitchen when he pulls you back again, this time pushing you against the counter standing chest to chest.
“No, you’re not listening to me.” He grabs you by the shoulders. Your heart is pounding furiously against your ribcage. You finally break down, “No, you’re not being honest.”
“If you had told me last night that I make you uncomfortable, I would have respected your boundaries, Jae.” You push down a sob, “If you had no intention of—of being that close—” You can’t even find the right words to express yourself. You spent so much time thinking about what you wanted to say earlier and now you couldn’t recall a single sentence.
He cuts you off with groan, “How can I make myself any more clear? What do you want me to say?” He lets go of you and takes a few steps back, “that it scares me? How much you know? How much you hold over me?”
“Hold over you?? You keep me at a distance! You always draw the line! Even last night, all you could do was excuse each and every one of your actions. What, you thought I wouldn’t catch that?? You don’t leave room for misunderstandings; you are crystal clear.”
You get close enough to poke his chest, “YOU—it was always you! I’ve always just been happy to go along at your pace. FOR YOU. And for years, too. So no, YOU don’t get to throw it back in my face like that. YOU—”
He pushes your hand away, “Me?! Ok no, you’re joking right? This push and pull cycle? I’m not the only one to blame and you know it! What about all those relationships you’ve been in? All those relationship questions you’d ask me, literally just a few weeks back! This is not entirely my fault either. Because guess what sweetheart, it takes two to tango.”
You’re so angry at upset, because how dare he?! Was he not the one that would sleep around in high school? The one that decided to study in a different freaking country?! Leaving you and your friends behind? Leaving the sport he oh so loved behind? He’s just running away again.
You don’t realize how hard you’re breathing and how close you’re standing until you can literally feel his breath on your lips. It’s the whisper you barely catch against the loud ringing in your ears, “You want me to be honest?”
You freeze.
“I’ll be honest with you, you can’t fault me for what I honestly need to do.”
Who made the first move, you’re not sure. But the moment his lips touched yours, it was game over.
EndNote | hahahaha... and there it is. Will there be more tension or are they finally gonna stop being so stubborn?? I honestly don't know, but this has to have been my favorite chapter to write 🙊
In the future, is it ok to post short but daily? Or would people rather I post the whole story in a single post?
Previous: Part 2 | Next: Part 4
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wistfulrat · 3 years
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this week’s fics! feat. bakeries, bookshops, bisexual awakenings of the angsty and fluffy sort, wolfstar goddads being tender as hell, desi harry reconnecting with his culture, domestic drarry, a lap dance set to akon’s smack that, and more!
But That’s History by @ebbet - 54k - T Harry Potter starts his first year as Muggle Studies Professor only to find that Draco Malfoy has been hired to teach History of Magic.
listen to me. this is one of the funniest drarry fics i've ever read. i was cackling in my bed at 2am because harry’s internal monologues throughout this fic are unhinged. insanely quotable. “what was he, a lothario” and “you were crushing me with your muscular thighs!” are lines that live rent free in my empty head. harry has never played anything cool a day in his life. there’s a faculty meeting where the teachers are planning the yule ball and debating the merits of a DJ when harry decides he must defend his muggle-music-loving honor by dancing seductively to akon’s smack that while a blushing draco loses his mind. i fucking screamed. and the best part is that in between the comedic scenes threading the overall story, you have extremely tender moments of like, padma patil helping harry become a more rooted desi by sharing their cultural traditions, harry proudly donning his sherwani. draco wrestling with his past, going to harry’s lgbtq+ club for students, being sheepish with ron and hermione. ugh, comedic writers with emotional depth are clever and talented as hell!!
Realities, Unfurling by @ebbet - 45k - M Draco Malfoy is released from Azkaban into a changed world.
incredible collage-fic told from multiple povs. 8yrs post-war and everything’s changed. the current state of the magical world unfolds via slice-of-life snapshots from a truly stunning cast. non-binary harry whom is running a non-prof org dedicated to building tolerance and establishing equality for marginalized identities. post-prison-release draco whose life will be changed by the internet. neville’s tender relationship with blaise. andromeda’s fiercely protective mothering. remus and sirius being alive and very hot and just, the tender goddads harry deserved. cho chang being brilliant. baker pansy’s softened edges. found families abound. harry being flustered by their crush on draco and making personalized playlists on an iPod nano.
that all might sound narratively cluttered but the author more than pulls this off. glorious, start to finish.
Knead by @jovialobservationanchor (an @hd-erised​ fic) - 83k - E This is not a story about Harry renovating Grimmauld Place. This is a story about coffee shops and brewpubs, about Ginny and Luna on a farm with creatures, about magical Oregon, coastal road trips, flying, friendship, and Draco Malfoy's lean arms.
cinematic. a love letter to oregon’s expansive landscapes and lively cities. it’s harry finding home in unexpected places and people. in the vast silence of rolling fields, endless coasts, and starry night skies big enough to feel like you’re adrift in space. and it’s also the lingering, intimate quiet of early mornings in a bakery, sitting on a park bench overlooking the city as you eat ice cream next to your crush. it’s harry watching ginny and luna dance and work around each other like bees. it’s the slow unfolding of harry and draco’s relationship as they fill each other’s quiet. finishing this fic is like waking from a good dream. transporting, immersive, lovely. 
Harry Potter and the Bisexual Awakening by @writcraft - 20k - E Harry is perfectly content being single, heterosexual and living in Godric's Hollow with his very clingy rescue dog, Snitch. When Draco Malfoy turns up on Harry's doorstep demanding that Harry teach him how to drive, things quickly become a lot more complicated.
first of all, i feel very seen by draco being a gay-who-can’t-drive. it’s called representation. but mostly i love the ease of harry and draco’s banter, a flustered harry discovering his sexuality, and the way this fic addresses biphobia. also very emo over this exchange: “I think I might be scared of you, but probably not for the reasons you think.” “Yes.” Draco stares at Harry. “I think I might be scared of you too.”
Forged through flowing water by @tedahfromtayla (an @hd-erised​ fic) - 40k - E When Hermione sets up a diplomatic mission to begin repairing the damage British colonisation did to Indian magical communities Harry isn’t going to pass on the opportunity to visit and help his family’s home country. Maybe he should have asked a few more questions about the personnel she had recruited for it before signing on because Malfoy surely has an ulterior motive to be there.
so much to love about this fic. the beautiful settings, from kolkata to mumbai, to the holi festival and colorful lively streets, to remote cave settlements and old intricate temples. it’s harry in the homeland, reconnecting to his family’s heritage and confronting the weight of imperialism in his history. it’s nipping the white savior complex in the bud. this part: That is what England left behind. That is what it still stands for, despite whatever mask of respectability and honour it presents. . .You don't get to step aside and let someone else deal with the mess. You have to listen and learn and then act, Malfoy, you need to learn how to fix your own mess. This is why we're here. my indigenous ass cheered. HP certainly sells the british fantasy but HP fanfic?? fuck jkr, fuck the crown. i love that this fic doesn’t romanticize england’s history. i love that we get to see the vast resilience and beauty of post-colonial india.
Purity Control by yrfrndfrnkly - 28k - T In which Harry tries to ignore his trauma with fantasy Quidditch but Malfoy's Thereness™ is distracting and all his classmates want to talk about are unicorns, virginity, and Muggle music.
tender 8th year fics where they go from bristly as fuck to understanding and soft 100% guaranteed to make me emo as hell. all the teens have traumas and no one wants to talk about it but eventually Things are Talked About. it’s good of the adults to finally notice. everyone just wants someone to hold their hand. and this part: “You’re the only person around here who’s a bigger mess than I am.” “I thought maybe we could be a mess together,” pls don’t look at me as i weep over their gentle empathy.
Advent, a comic by dustmouth - WIP - T It's Harry and Draco's first Christmas together and Draco is determined to live his full yuletide fantasy, come hell or high water.
dustmouth, patron saint of whimsical drarry. whose illustrations singlehandedly reinvented wizarding fashion. whose cheeky and tender comics are like a soothing balm to the utter depravity of this carnal world. harry and draco being domestic, draco’s xmas spirit brand being “traditional unhinged”!! extremely my shit. we’ll absolutely be reading this all december.
Little Spaces by @dracoladon and @lazywonderlvnd​ - WIP - E Draco's back from France and working on the spell damage ward at St Mungo's with Hermione, who invites him over for dinner. Without telling Harry. This is a roleplay, which means Harry is written by one author (lazywonderland) and Draco by another (dracoladon).
the switch in distinct character voices works so well for this fic!! tonally i feel like i'm watching an episode of the office. i personally love harry and draco being Pissed Off at how much they want to bone each other. the battle of the tapenade was the most riveting dinner scene i've read in a minute. clever, hilarious, emotionally tense. can’t wait until that inevitable moment post hate-sex when they’re gonna be like “oh noooo it’s a Heart Boner as well!! >:((” hell ya we’re subscribing for chapter updates.
Dragons Don’t Know Paradise by @teacup-tai​ - WIP - E In 2004, when Remus spends two scary weeks in the ITU due to complications of pneumonia and his HIV condition, Sirius walks around the house like a ghost and Harry finds comfort and strength in Draco through a chat in an online LGBT forum. Harry falls for him, but Draco has a lot of secrets and, before long, will need to come clean—even if he believes that no one is able to understand a dragon.
non-magical bookshop AU. remus and sirius’ relationship is a marvel. the ease of their affection with harry makes me so emo. draco’s friends being insistently present even as he tries to isolate himself. this is a story about acceptance, found families, and falling in love at a distance. the intimacy, the longing, the tenderness. what a fic!! i keep coming back to this part:...he looks at ease, inside his body, a body he needed to fight for. He’d made peace with his struggles and his scars. And Draco realises he wants that. He wants to be at ease inside his body, the body that now carries a virus. He wants to be at peace with his own existence. you hurt for draco so deeply but you get moments like these where he affords himself a kindness that feels foreign and it’s just!! the boys navigating grief and learning to be vulnerable. so good.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Dino Troubles (Kellex x Little!Reader)
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Request: cute slightly Bratty Little!Reader with a reference to diapers. (nonsexual ageplay and lots of fluff between Little!Reader, emily and Rose) 
Authors note: So this goes in the same Little!Verse as Little Problems. I really like these, and i think i’m going to keep doing them. This is non-sexual Ageplay. Also I freaking Love Roary and will totally be using him often. 
USNWT dinners were typically calm affairs, where the team could relax and destress from the day. It was an opportunity for the littles to be little and for the caregivers to get the opportunity for A) adorable photos of the team’s babies interacting, and B) to get a little break from watching their little ones (as they rotated who was in charge of the itty bitties). 
You yawned lightly, cuddling further into your Mama’s shoulder, clutching your stuffed triceratops, Roary, like your little life depended on it. You weren’t little around the team often, still too shy to let go enough around anyone who wasn’t your mama (Alex) or your Mommy (Kelley). But today’s match against Canada had been tough, and you had been unwilling to let go of the comfort they gave you, and if Emmy and Rosie could do it, then you were pretty sure the team wouldn’t care if you were little either. 
You hid your face into your Mama’s chest, ignoring the coo’s of your teammates as she carried you past them towards the food table, silently lamenting that you hadn’t kept your Batman blanket wrapped around you like a cape. 
“Alright baby what do you want to eat?” Alex asked softly, soothingly rubbing your back and encouraging you to look up. 
“Dino nuggies and Mac pwease,” You mumbled into the soft material of her sweater, her scent keeping you calm. Your little self was even shyer than big you was. You could practically feel the eyes on you, and it was making you a little bit jumpy. Kelley and Alex shared a look, not quite sure if the two desired foods were really a good idea. Big you liked to eat super healthy, and they were pretty sure that Dino nuggets were not on your list of foods.
 Kelley shrugged, if little you wanted to have a cheat day after the shit show of a game you had endured, then little you were going to have a cheat day. Alex nodded back, placing the desired foods onto a separated plate (little you hated when your food touched, and with you already being tired and grumpy, they didn’t want to insight a tantrum because you got cheese on your chicken). 
“Pick a veggie darling,” Kelley said softly, running her fingers through your hair and surveying the various options. 
“Don wan veggie, Dey mean,” You grumbled, still refusing to leave your hiding spot in Alex’s cardigan.  
Alex let out a laugh at the blatant petulance.“They’re not mean, they make you strong and you even like some of them,” She smiled, kissing the crown of your head, and rocking you lightly. 
“Stupid veggies taste like grass, no want,” You huffed, too quietly for them to make out what you were saying. 
“They have carrots, you love carrots,” Kelley added looking over the options and nudging you lightly. You shook your head rapidly in Alex’s chest. 
“No want stupid freakin carrots,” You whined loudly, throwing you head back in frustration and pouting. You were tired and all you wanted was to eat your dino nuggets and go to bed. Canada had been meanies and now your mommies were being meanies too. 
“Language short stuff” Alex scolded you lightly, swatting your bottom (which you probably didn’t even feel through your diaper, but it still shocked you slightly). They had been very lenient with you tonight, allowing a little bit of brattiness because they knew how tired you were, and how much pain the many tackles by Canada had caused you, but this was slightly over the line. 
“Sorry Mama,” You said softly, settling back on her shoulder but still frowning at the offered orange vegetable. You didn’t wanna eat it. Kelley and Alex shared a quick look, an idea popping into the taller woman’s head that would probably help them avoid the coming argument. 
“You know, Roary really likes carrots, so how about if we get some just for him?” She tried, and you held the dino tighter to you. Roary couldn’t eat Dino Nuggets, he was a vegimatarian. And if Roary wanted to eat carrots, then you did too! You didn’t do anything without Roary. 
“Fine,” you nodded, accepting defeat. 
You carefully scooped a spoonful of carrots offering some to the Dino sitting beside you before placing them in your mouth. Your Mommy and Mama had dropped you off at the littles table beside Rosie, who was trying to feed her stuffed puppy macaroni and Emily who was shoving her dino nuggets into her mouth. 
“Hey Y/n, who dat?” Emily asked with her mouth full, pointing a half-eaten nugget at your stuffed dino. 
“Roary,” You murmured shyly, turning the red and yellow stuffie around and waving to her with one of his legs. 
“Emmy has a Dino too. Mr. Rex,” Rose chimed in from your other side, bumping Roary with her puppy in greeting. Roary nudged him back, happy to have made a friend. 
You turned back to Emily, nodding your head towards the Stuffed T-Rex sitting on her lap. 
“Be frens? Like Emmy is my fren?” You asked, holding up your dino. 
“Nuh Ugh, Mr. Rex is a carnavator, he eats Dino’s like Roary,” Emily said adamantly shaking her head. You frowned, tears coming to your eyes, no one was going to eat Roary, he was your bestest friend. 
“Mr. Rex no eat Roary. Dey play nice,” You sniffled, repeating the words your mommies used when you had a playdate and pulling your triceratops closer to your chest to protect him from Emily’s mean stuffie.  
“No, he chomp Roary like you chomp nuggies cause he’s top of da food chain,” Emily smirked, biting off the head of her Triceratops chicken nugget to prove the point. 
“No!!!” You wailed, tears leaking down your cheeks. You didn’t want Roary to get chomped. 
“Whoa, what’s going on here,” Alex asked, rushing over when it seemed that you guys weren’t going to be able to work your problem out on your own. They had been watching your table carefully, enjoying the adorableness, and how comfortable you looked in your little state. Rose and Emily were your big selfs’ best friends, so it was only natural that you were little friends as well. Sure the two girls were slightly older than you (hovering around 4 while you were usually around 2), but all seemed to be going well. You had even shared some of your mac and cheese with Rose. Then it all went downhill and now you were in tears. 
“No want Roary get eaten, love Roary,” You sobbed, your entire body trembling. Alex immediately lifted you from your chair, rocking you back and forth to soothe your crying. Her eyebrows furrowed after she tried to decipher your incoherent sobbing. What she could understand were the words Roary, Rex, and Eat.  
“Who’s eating Roary?” She asked you softly, kissing your ear. 
“Mr. Rex, cause he’s a predator,” Emily chimed in, with a shrug, smiling guilty at her mommy Lindsey as she approached. She just said that Rex and Roary couldn’t be friends because what if Rex got hungry? She didn’t know if she could stop her own stuffie from eatin yours. 
“Emily Ann, what have I told you about being mean to Mal and Y/n?” Lindsey glared at her little, unhappy that she hadn’t been a good friend with you. You weren’t really comfortable being little around the team, and she had hoped that little Emmy would have eased your discomfort, rather than threatened the life of the stuffed toy that you were attached to. 
“Not to, but I wasn’t bein mean, just tellin the truth,” Emily pouted back. Her mommy always told her to tell the truth, but one glare from her mommy told her that she should not push that point right now. “Sorry Y/n, Mr. Rex No eat Roary,” She quickly amended, holding up her stuffed T-rex and nudging Roary with his nose in a peace offering. You nodded at her hesitantly, both accepting her apology and Mr. Rex’s offer of friendship towards your dino. 
You yawned loudly. Snuggling deeper into your mama, who shared a look with your mommy. 
“This been enough excitement for one day. I think someone needs a diaper change and it’s time for bed,” She mumbled lightly, bouncing you and patting your bottom. You nodded into her shoulder, you did need a diaper change, and you were rather tired. 
Your first little outing with the team had gone pretty well, perhaps next time Roary and Rex would be able to play nice. Maybe Rosie’s puppy would want to play too! The three of you were hell-raisers when you were big, so the caregivers wouldn’t know what hit them when the three of you were little.
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jflemings · 4 years
Rudolph ; oliver wood
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warnings: light swearing, not proof read
authors note: first fic posted! i originally had a fred fic lined up but could’t get this idea out of my head. reader is in Gryffindor!
It was approaching christmas time and as per usual Hogwarts was all decked out with decor of all kinds, christmas songs playing, rich scents of cinnamon and fire and of course the snow that covered the campus every year.
It was utterly magical.
You had been on the Gryffindor quidditch team since your second year as a chaser and since then you had made it your mission for your team to dress christmas theme for your last game of the season before break. This year was no different.
The bag of charmed headbands swayed in your grip as you walked through the cold halls to find your teammates. Donned in your gryffindor quidditch sweater, school skirt and casual shoes you were practically skipping down the corridor while looking out to the snow covered courtyard. With your head in the clouds and your mind on the festivities coming up you were blissfully unaware of the pair of Weasleys that were currently barreling toward you before it was too late. 
Frantic hands made their way to grip your shoulders with anticipation before a female voice was booming down the stone halls, echoing directly to your direction. 
“y/n! please! you have to help us. We swear we didn’t mean it!” George’s voice filled your ears while he continued to duck behind you
“yeah honest! we had no clue that angie was walking our way!” fred flailed before hiding behind his twin who was hiding behind you. Before you had time to properly retaliate a fuming Angelina was heading straight for you and the boys. 
“You two have done it this time! do you know how long it takes me to wash my hair let alone style it exactly how i want it!? ugh! and we have a match this afternoon I’m not going to have enough time!” Angelina launched herself over your shoulder in an attempt to grab their shirts 
You were always somehow caught in the middle of the twins an angle’s antics. Moments before disaster struck the chasers wrists were caught in your hands.
“angie! go find hermione, she surely knows a spell to fix your hair. she has a spell for quite literally everything!” your face was soft as you spoke in an attempt to sooth evergrowing temper. She took a deep breath in and out and nodded to you, giving you the okay to let her go the twins still making the effort to stay behind you where they thought they were safe. 
Once Angelina had stalked off to go and find the young witch you turned around to face the pair of freckled faced fifth years with your hands on your hips, silently waiting for an explanation. 
George was the first to break. 
“y/n we swear on our own graves that the slimey slugs were’t meant for her! we swear!” the younger twin pleaded
“please don’t tell Mcgonagall! or wood! oh for the love of merlin and mum’s apple pie please don’t tell Oli anything”
at this point the pair of them were practically on their knees which is a sight your personally don't see too often but unfortunately all good things must come to an end.
“truthfully boys as much as i would love to stand here and have you beg on your knees for my forgiveness I have things to do today, starting off by giving you two the prop for this year’s last game!” the enthusiasm practically seething off you as you rummage through the bag to find the two matching headbands you had organised for the boys.
“like every other year, identical and charmed to stay on all game: just how you liked it.” 
the pair beamed at you and gratefully took them from your hands 
“you two would’t have to know where golden boy is, do you? i want to give him his now before he gets too in ‘in the mode’ for this afternoon” 
the twins looked at each other thoughtfully “we saw him in the great hall before running into you. he was alone and kind of just minding his own business so you should get to that asap” Fred answered, proping his arm up on his other half’s shoulders. 
George was trying to get a peak inside the bag you were still holding, probably to try to see which headpiece you had picked to sit on top of your captain’s head for the game. 
“Say, y/n, what do you have dear ol’ oliver wearing this year? trying to see who’s the favourite” 
Fred lightly scoffed “C’mon Georgie, you and I both know who the favourite is” 
Although he wore a playful smirk and his tone was half joking he was right. The twins, along with literally everyone else, knew exactly who your favourite was but it’s not like you made any proper effort to hide it. As you got older, the less care you had about exposing your own feelings to the whole school. You had become shamelessly flirtatious with your captain with him often returning the comments; despite this you never did truly understand where exactly you stood with oliver. you knew he liked you but you did’t know the extent of it or if he only had eyes for you. 
you went along with fred nonetheless.
“yeah sorry, G you know who’s first place in my book” you said confidently while pulling out a set of antlers and a bright red nose. The twins stood dumbfounded before snickering.
“he won’t wear that” fred said flat out 
“hmm not too sure about that my dear brother”
“you have more of a chance of Georgie here landing a date with Angelina than you do getting wood to actually wear that on the pitch against Slytherin”
you smirked wickedly and turned on your heel “you, my dear friend, are going to be proven wrong”
okay so Fred wasn’t that wrong.
“Oli pleasee, we do it every year” you dramatically drew out 
currently, you were sat straddling the seat whilst looking at oliver infront of you who was running over the drills out in front of him. He looked up from his parchment at you and tilted his head 
“l/n I’m not wearing antlers and a bright red nose to a quidditch game! i probably won’t be able to play”
you huffed but refused to give up the fight.
“they’re charmed to stay on through the whole game so you can play AND they will bring you extra good luck while we’re out there” you exclaimed as you picked up the red nose from the table and began fiddling with it. Oliver looked from your hands to your face and sighed.
“what do you mean ‘good luck’” he raised an eyebrow at you with curiosity laced in his words, almost like he wanted to believe you. You grinned.
“Because your favourite chaser is giving you them of course!” the grin etched upon your face somehow widened at the sight of a slight tinge of rose pink dusting the keeper’s cheeks. 
This prompted an eyeroll and a sigh escaping his lips. “just because you’re the favourite doesn’t mean I’m wearing a nose” your ears perked at the unexpected response you just got and you leaned in closer to his face.
“So i am the favourite, huh?” the smirk gracing your lips was cocky yet it flattered when he turned to look at you.
His honey coloured eyes drifted from your eyes to your mouth and back to your eyes “you know damn well you’re the favourite” 
You felt as though a whole zoo had been let lose in your stomach and the soft smile that then graced your lips was the only tell sign of that. You did know, of course. Everyone did. But it’s not like he’d ever said it out loud and if he had it certainly wasn’t to you or while you were around. 
“But you aren’t getting me in that headband and nose” 
your head dropped before throwing it back dramatically “Oliver wood you are going to look like a fool if you’re the only one on the team without a costume” 
“then i’ll look like a fool, darling” the smug smile off his face never left until he watched you get up and walk out of the great hall to go and find the remainder of your team, leaving behind the costume for him on the table. He smiled softly to no one but himself before returning back to what he was doing.
Lunch time had rolled around and you were sat with Lee and the twins discussing the match you were set to play in less than few hours with wood nowhere to be found. You found yourself pushing your food around your plate with your fork in an effort to think of another way to get oliver to wear the stupid antlers. It was only one match for crying out loud! you were all going to look like idiots anyway so why not join in.
Your train of thought was broken when Lee Jordan had directed the topic of coversation away from the match and onto you and oliver.
“y/n would so make the first move are you kidding? I love wood as much as the next guy but all the quidditch going on in his head has surely been a distraction from his plan about how he’s gonna plant one on y/n” Lee was confident in his answer and Fred agreed 
you looked up from the miserable plate of food infront of you to hear george speak 
“oliver is as dense as a doorknob when it comes to his feelings for y/n. if they were gonna kiss he would just do it as a spur of the moment kind of thing, no think just do and hope for the best.” he shrugged as he spoke through potatoes while waving his fork about, angelina and katie agreeing by his side. Then they all turned to you.
“We haven’t kissed, if that’s what you are silently asking” you dropped your fork with a clank “but since we’re talking about it, I would be the one to make the first move, no questions asked” the smirk on your face was triumphant and Fred and Lee high five you from over the table.
“Let’s make a bet then” George piped up “five galleons to me if Wood makes the first move or five galleons to Lee if y/n makes the first move”. He scanned your group looking for a sign of protest before shaking on it with lee 
“Don’t lose me those five galleons, y/n” Lee complained.
you shifted in your seat and gave him a thumbs up and the best smile you could muster while eating food. All you had to do was think of how you could get wood to wear that darn costume and then give him a big ol’ kiss, no worries at all.
It was go time. 
The whole team was ready to fly, charmed headbands and new plays were ready to go but your fearless captain was no where to be seen. 
Anyone who knew oliver knew that he lived and breathed all things qudditch and now with such an important game about to start he was no where to be found. nonetheless, the team was lined up with angelina filling in as captain for now because it seemed you didn’t have one at the minute.
this made you unbelievably nervous, so much so that you felt like you were about to pass out and if it wasn’t for the twins and their antics you might’ve been on a one way trip to the hospital wing right now. 
“do ya reckon oli is dead? because I mean why else would he be late to a match against Slytherin?” fred deadpanned while george stood behind him snickering to no one in particular.
you had momentarily thought about fred’s statement simply because you really couldn’t think of any other reason why oliver wouldn’t be here 2 minutes before you were set to fly. Your hands were now starting to lightly cramp around your broom and you were beginning to nervous sweat despite winter being right around the corner; internally you were an absolute shitshow. volcanoes were erupting in the depths of your stomach and your heart was hammering against your ribcage and the only thing that was on your mind was where the hell was oli?.
As if the gods above had heard your question one frantic keeper donned in red and gold came barrelling through the change rooms and you swear on your own grave you had never felt so much relief in your life. 
“sorry I’m so late! I lost track of the time and was trying to find something important” oliver apologised 
walking through your team his hand found your shoulder and he leant into your ear “can’t have all my reindeers losing their way because they don’t have a Rudolph” 
looking up at him, he sent you a cheeky wink while putting the nose and antlers on his head before returning to his rightful place in the front and centre. 
“You guys know what to do, let’s stomp on some snakes” the confidence oozing from his voice was indescribable. the way he spoke was powerful and reckless yet when he turned to look at you over his shoulder the facade dropped when he began to speak softly “Hope my favourite chaser is ready to win” 
a warm smile graced your lips “always, captain” 
The sheer determination and house pride coming from the stands was overbearing. the screams, cheers, house war cries and encouragement made the desire to win even stronger than before. You, Angelina and Alicia were flying laps around Slytherin; your teamwork unmatched as you continued to set up and score goals for your friends. Fred and George were on their A-game. their aim had improved tremendously since last season with them becoming more coordinated to make sure you and the girls were able to score all you needed. Oliver was so focused on the opposing team and their chasers that you were certain he was unaware of the close score right now. It was 100-110 with Gryffindor taking the lead. all harry had to do was catch the snitch.
He had spotted it and now was neck and neck with malfoy. they were flying dangerously close to the stands where screaming students were situated. this was going to be the closest game you had had in a while. 
Just as Alicia had set up a goal for you to score harry caught the snitch and your whole team hollered at the outcome of the game.
“YES! GET IN HARRY!” George had yelled at the top of his lunch while Fred and Alicia laughed in delight at the sight of George almost falling off his broom. 
You flew over to an exhausted looking Angleina and did your best to pull her into a hug mid air 
“You were amazing Angie! absolutely brilliant! the hard work payed off!” you praised your close friend and the two of you made your way to the ground where students had begun piling off the stands but there was only one person you wanted to see down there.
The sound of your broom hitting the grass could be heard by the people around you when you caught sight of oliver hopping off of his broom. You ran to him and flung your tired arms around his neck with him instantly returning the favour  as his arms held a tight grip on your waist. 
“Oli we did it! everything that you drilled into us payed off, all the early morning training, that staying up into the early hours of the morning, all of it! every single bit!” you exclaimed and pulled away to get the first proper look at him that whole afternoon. His smile was splitting his face in half and for the first time in a while it felt like the two of you were the only ones in the world. 
One of his hands moved from your waist and up your back to grip your shoulder from behind before he dipped you and gave you the most passionate kiss you had ever gotten.
it felt like the twins had let a bunch of fireworks loose in your stomach, his neck felt hot under the touch of your calloused hands and his lips melted perfectly with yours. The both of you pulled away for breath, still not breaking eye contact.
“If I get this lucky every time I wear these stupid antlers I might as well glue them to my head” he half heartedly laughed at himself while continuously ignoring everyone around you who had now decided to pay attention.
Lee’s voice rang out over the microphone.
“Y/N! I thought i told you to not lose me those five galleons” he groaned while George grinned in triumph 
Oliver, who still had you dipped but was now looking up at lee, looked back down at you “you placed a bet on our kiss?” he quizzed you while an eyebrow raised.
all you could do was laugh and feel your heart swell in your chest 
“sorry, love. but i was fairly confident that our first kiss was going to be my doing” you smirked and grabbed his face pulling him in for yet another kiss.
Christmas had certainly come early this year. 
tags: @castieltrash1​
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migeviellardi · 3 years
Out Of Comfort
Rottmnt Donnie Centric Fanfic
Genre : Adventure, Action, Humour, Hurt/Comfort
Summary : Things happens sporadically at times, especially when you meet an interesting stranger that saves you from a lonesome rock decides to fell on your head.
Chapter 3 The Stranger
Mikey : All clear.
Leo : What do you mean ‘all clear’?
Mikey : I’m making sure there’s no police around.
Raph : I thought they’d let us go.
Splinter : They are. But that doesn’t mean that you boys don’t behave.
April : It’s alright, Splints. I’ll make sure they won’t cause any troubles.
Casey : Ugh, what’s the point of life if there won’t be a trouble?
Baron : That you won’t be here, existing.
Casey : WHAT?!
April : Okay. You need to chill.
Donnie walks right behind the group as they strolls the Hidden City’s streets. Head covered in his hoodie with his hands shoved in his pockets. So far, they hadn’t realize he’s being quiet. He’s not having the mood to talk to any of them. 
Although, he agrees with Mikey, he still hasn’t trusted this whole situation. He looks around to make sure there’s no undercover cops or something, perhaps Big Mama’s goons. 
Big Mama. What could she be doing right now? There’s no telling if she’s watching or plotting something. Two years after the incident of ‘You-know-who’, was caused by that wretched spider-lady. 
Nobody knows what her deal is. Her fanatic obsessions about Battle Nexus always made everyone in the world got involve. She had no chill, she never does. Which come to wondering why would his father dated a girl like her?
April’s voice startled him. The group had their heads turned to him. “You okay?” 
Donnie : Uh, yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.
Leo : Uh, no. You’re not.
Donnie : Can it, Leo!
Leo : You were spacing out again, Don! And considering we’ve been brothers for like,  forever, usually that means you’re not.
Donnie : Oh, so you’re an expert now?
Leo : I’m an expert to know what you’re thinking, Donnie.
Donnie : No, you’re not.
Leo : Yes, I am.
Donnie : And, why is that?
Leo : ‘Cause we’re twins.
Donnie : We’re not twins.
Leo : Whatever you trying to say, Don. I don’t care. We’re born with the same age.
Donnie : And that doesn’t MEAN that we are. We’re not even the same-
Leo : Ah ah ah, don’t wanna hear it! Lalalala~~~
Donnie : Leo-
Raph : ENOUGH!!
The twins startled at Raph’s shouting. Raph sighed, pinching his nose-bridge.
Raph : We’re here to have some fun, okay? And if I see you two fight again, imma  SHOVE YOUR HEADS into a toilet. Y’all understand me?
Leo : Yeah, yeah.
Donnie : Hmph.
Raph : Good.
Splinter groaned, massaging his constant headache. Why can his sons just behave?
Splinter : Alright, since you two done arguing, why don’t we split up-
Baron : I’ll call dibs with Mikey.
All : .............
Leo : Whoawhoawhoawhoa, did you just say ‘dibs’?!
Baron : Yes, I did.
Mikey : Aawww, okay Barry. I’ll go with you.
Leo : Does nobody questioning that he said ‘dibs’?!!
Donnie : Great, now it’s haunting me.
Raph : He looks weird saying that.
April : Am I hearing things, Barry? Did you eat something alive at your lab again?
Casey : Why you making this a big deal?
Leo : Of course, it’s a big deal. Calling ‘dibs’ is our thing!!!
Splinter : For the love of Hamato, please don’t say that ever again!!
Baron : Don’t worry. I already regretting ever saying that. But my point still stands, I’ll  go with Mikey.
Mikey : Don’t listen to them, Barry! You did a good thing.
Donnie : Michael, you better stay out of his head!
Splinter : Okay, fine. Baron will go with Mikey. I’ll go with red.
Raph : Sure thing, pops.
Leo : Nah, fam. I got somewhere else to go. I’ll fly solo.
With that, Leo took off immediately.
April : What about you, Donnie? Are you fine on your own?
Donnie : Yeah, I’ll be good. You go ahead dealing with the....
Casey : .....
Donnie : Uuh-I’ll go this way. 
Donnie left the group. He can sense for-sure that Casey staring at him. He doesn’t know why she terrifies him so much, she hasn’t done anything to him, regardless of those times they fought her while she still a Foot-recruit. Maybe he’s just paranoid, the fact that he did forgot to take a battleshell with him. 
His hoodie made it obscure and that his brothers didn’t warned him about it means they didn’t know he didn’t use it. With that in mind, he should be more careful and not get himself involve on a fight. The fact that he also didn’t bring his bo. 
“What is wrong with me?” he said to himself. Now fully knowing that he’s extremely vulnerable and too open for an attack, he began to be more cautious. Perhaps he needs to visit a place where there’ll be no violence. A place that strict with rules, like a Mystic Library. 
No. Raph ever told him that their last visit got thrown apart by the Foot-Clan, and if he make a noise above whisper, he’ll be send to a Kiddie Room that filled with hungering monstrous children-behaved Yokais who’s out for blood.
Guess not every safe places are safe after all. 
Then, Donnie yelped as he felt being pulled backwards. Suddenly a huge rock drops in front of him and shattered to bits. Donnie went shocked as he tumbled and fall on his back. A short flying yokai flew down to him.
“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. Are you okay?” she apologized, her wings flutters real fast as he helped him up. 
“Uh, yeah yeah. I’m okay.” the fairy like yokai blew away some dust from him.
“Oh good, I am very glad.” then she turned to his left. “Thank you kindly, sir. I’m not sure what will happen if you didn’t save him.” 
Save him? Donnie looked to his left. A tall human stood still with a sharp gaze staring at him. Donnie flailed back at the guy. The stranger gave him an unexpressive look. He’s a few centimeters taller than him. His slim posture stood steady and a bit stiff. 
He’s unruly silverish grey hair nearly obscuring his slanted grey pupils in his pale skin tone. He’s collar on his cyber yellow jacket unfolded. It also unbuttoned that reveals a white blank T-shirt underneath. His hands shoved in his navy blue pants pockets, looks somewhat made out of a comfy fabric. He’s black and intricate design shoes looks appealing as well.
Donnie don’t know what to say. The stranger keeps staring at him, not saying a word, not even when the fairy said her final apology and flutters off. 
And there it was, the awkward silence. Donnie held his hands close to his chest, he knows he’s extremely vulnerable, but he needs to be ready for a fight. 
Then, the stranger walks towards him. Donnie instinctively walks backwards, keeping his distance from him. He startled and horrified as his shell hits a wall, he was cornered. The men were an inch away from his face. Donnie pressed himself against the wall, body’s trembling in fear, seeing the guy eye to eye.
Then, the guy swept his shoulder from the leftover dust. Donnie flustered by his gesture. The air somewhat less tense than two seconds ago. 
“You alright, kid?” the stranger finally asked. He spoke in a low tones, but not a deep one. Donnie was stunned, he would say something but he can’t. “Are you shook?” 
Once again, Donnie couldn’t speak. Some lump in his throat made him unable to let ou a single word. The stranger sighed, arms crossed.
“I assumed that you are, so I don’t think leaving you here alone will be a good idea.” he walks away from him. Donnie still flustered of what just happened. He stares as the guy moved away then startled when he turned back to him. “Come.” 
He ordered. Donnie isn’t sure if he should trust the guy, let alone that he’s a human. Since when there’s a human besides April and Casey walking in the Hidden City? But he did saves his life. If that rock got him without his battleshell, he probably be dead by now. 
Donnie took a deep breath and release, he followed the stranger somewhere. At least he still have his phone with him, so whenever he’s in trouble, he could call for help. Right now, he keep his distance to the guy in front of him.
What was he doing here? Is he from New York? Because he doesn’t look like he does. And his aura are extremely, menacing. He can’t see it, but he could feel the tensity whenever he got close to him.
The stranger stopped and turned to his right. Donnie was confused when he realize that he took him to the Run-on-the-mill Pizza place. Huh, so he likes pizza too.
Donnie followed him inside, he took a side on the sofa side. He points at the other end of the table, telling him to sit down. Donnie do what he told, and things back to its awkward silence. This time, the guy took his attention at his phone, ignoring Donnie’s constant staring at him. 
Donnie probably would do the same if it wasn’t with the awkwardness hanging in the air.
“Good day, gentlemen.” Donnie look up to see Hueso stood there with his notepads on his bony hands. He seems unimpressed seeing Donnie. “Anything you would like to eat?”
“Order up, kid. Don’t wait for me.” the stranger said, eyes still on his phone. Donnie blinks at the words. He looks back at Hueso who’s staring at the guy then back at him, raising his boned-eyebrow. 
“Uuuh, as usual. Please.” Donnie forced out to smile. Hueso notice that, he wrote his order at the notepads. Then, turned to the stranger. 
“Whatever the kid’s ordered, make it two. I’ll take the bill as well.” he said, still not looking up from his phone. Hueso wrote it down and took off, he took the chance to pat Donnie’s shoulder.
It made him jumped, not sure what’s that for. He watched Hueso leave until he’s longer visible.
“Something bothering you?” Donnie looked back to the voice. The men stares at him at last. The lump in his throat is back, but he knew he can’t stay quiet forever, the guy knew he could speak. He might gets angry and pissed if he didn’t talk.
Donnie clears his throat, gathering his courage to speak up.
Donnie : Um, thanks. For saving me.
Stranger : It won’t happened if you didn’t spaced out.
Donnie : Oh, yeah, that I...*rubbing his neck* I didn’t mean to- Well, I guess I can’t help  it.
Stranger : Can’t help what?
Donnie : Well, I dunno. I just can’t think straight for these past years, science block often  drives me crazy.
Stranger : Science block?
Donnie : More of a tech block, I guess. I just, every time I tried to built things it’s just  didn’t work, all I do it’s fix and fix and FIX-
Stranger : Kid.
Donnie : -it keeps jeopardizing my usual productivity, if wasn’t for a certain  ‘you-know-who’ who took pleasure destroying my LAB that I built since I was  NINE-
Stranger : You what?
Donnie : -destroying my techs like layers of newspapers, my home, my family’s life!!  Sure, we start off with new lifes now that we’re ‘Hamatos’, elite group of ninjas  or whatsoever. Yeah, life was good, until I certainly am NOT!!
Stranger : Okay, kid-
Donnie : -And what would I do? Quit? Run away? Oh, I could. I thought about it. But of  course, my father won’t let me. Keeping me in full surveillance 24/7, For  YEARS!!
Stranger : KID!!
Donnie flinched, then he looked around to see Hueso, with their orders in his hands, and all the customers staring at him. Donnie felt very embarrassed, he pulled down his hood to cover his face, looking away towards a wall. Hueso sighed heavily. 
“Here are your orders.” he puts down two large portion of pizzas on the table. Donnie held on to his hood, ducking his head onto his arm. “If you like, I’ll call Pepino to-”
“No.” Hueso blinked, “No, please don’t! Don’t call anyone!” his voice was semi-whispered. Hueso can see his hand trembles clutching the fabric of his hoodie. Hueso felt sympathetic, it wasn’t the first time the turtle took this place to vent his feelings. 
“I will get some coffee, my treat.” Hueso took off again. The Stranger glanced at the kid, he could hear some sniffles coming off of him. He knows the kid’s crying. He held on to his hoodie for dear life, not wanting everyone to see his tears.
He hates it, Donnie hates it. Crying means weakness, feelings that aren’t supposed to show that make him more vulnerable. He can only hope his family and friends didn’t know about this. He doesn’t want them to worry, he wanted them to stop. He’s fine, he can take care of himself. He’s also a Hamato, he can fix his own problem.
“Sorry.” the word took him back to reality, he sniffles as he slowly peeks from below his hoodie. “Didn’t mean to upset you, kid. I just concern that if you keep spacing out like that, you might hurt yourself.”
The stranger apologized to him, why? What did he do? It was him that supposed to be sorry. For what he done, Donnie just revealed his whole problems to a total stranger. Now, he’ll probably payed the price. Way to go, Donnie. What a way to keep yourself from trouble. Now watch this stranger use your weaknesses to enslave you.
Suddenly, a small blue entity appeared on his face. Donnie flinched, the blue thing looks at him. It looks like a little ghost, with it looks limbless and its body looks like tiny tendrils work as torso and arms with its round head containing two white friendly eyes.
The little thing squeaks, tilting its head. It was a cute to look at. It then flew close to Donnie’s face and hugged his cheek with its tiny tendril arm. It felt warm and comforting, as if it was a real hug. Donnie hovered his hand onto the thing, wondering how to hug back the thing without squishing it.
It then let go of the hug and gently patted his head, telling him to calm down. Donnie wipes his tears, he smiled at it. The blue thing smiled back, twirls happily knowing its attempt of comfort works.
It then flies towards the stranger, perching on his finger. The stranger smiles down at his little friend. It squeaks away, seems talking to him. Donnie titled his head slightly, curiosity began to appear.
“What is that?” he asked. The stranger glances at him. “It looks, cute. It’s that a ghost?”
“This is a wisp, kinda like a small ghost. And also, it’s a ‘she’. Not an ‘it’. Her name is Sia.” he explain. Sia waves happily at him, Donnie waved back. 
“Their more of a soul remnants rather than ghost. Whenever someone or something died, their memories remains, in a form of a wisp.” he added. Donnie blinks, he don’t know souls did that.
“So, are you a....psychic?”
“So, you can see ghost. And,....her type of thing?”
Sia flew circling the stranger’s head, “Yes, that’s what psychic means.”
“Well, I know. It just--are there more around here?” 
The stranger looks around him, from corners to corners. Then back at Donnie. “There are, but not much. Five including the one besides you.”
“My what?” then a small greenish entity appears right beside him. Donnie startled. It looks exactly like Sia, only it’s on different color. Donnie somehow felt a familiar precent from it, suddenly a tear came down to his cheek. He startled, what makes him cry?
“Who-who’s this?” he asked.
“Some wisps might wanders around aimlessly when they separated from their souls.” Donnie glanced back at him, “Others, might come back and followed whoever they’re close to.” 
“Whoever they close to?”
“The same case with the one in front of you.” Donnie’s eyes widened. This wisp is whoever close to him? Who was it? Why it felt familiar? 
“And, I believe it’s a ‘she’ as well.”
Donnie gazed back at him, tears began to streams out some more, “And, her name is Karai.” the men revealed. Donnie shocked hearing her Gram-Gram’s name. He looked down to the wisp, she nodded at the sound of her identity. 
Donnie’s tears began to burst. It might not be a real form of her body, but it’s enough to make him pulled her small presence into a hug. Donnie let himself cry one last time, holding close the wisp of his dead Gram-Gram to his chest. 
He could feel the wisp hugged him back. He felt it somehow, the warmth of her arms began to wrapped around him, hugging him close. Almost felt like she never left, that she’ll always be there. Watching over him, accompanying him. He didn’t get to spent much time with her, he wish he could. He wished she still alive. Here with his family.
Donnie let go off the hug, wiping his tears. He cupped his hands to let his wisp sits on his hands. He smiled, she’s not Gram-Gram, but she’s the closest thing about her.
Then, he realized that the stranger still there. He quickly dried his tears with his sleeves, gathering back his bearings.
“Sorry, I...Name’s Donnie by the way.” he finally introduced himself. The stranger raised his eyebrow. He held out his hand at him. Donnie stares at it and took the handshake gesture.
“Silver. Just call me Silver.”
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novantinuum · 4 years
Intake (SUF one-shot)
Fandom: Steven Universe
Rating: Teen Audiences (TW: brief discussion of mental illness related topics like suicide ideation and intrusive thoughts.)
Words: 2800
Summary: Steven fills out an important form.
This is set multiple months pre The Future, and is a small glimpse into Steven’s journey to find a therapist.
If you read this and enjoy, I’d greatly appreciate your support through reblogs here, or kudos/comments on AO3 as well. AO3 link will be provided in the reblogs. Thank you! <3
His leg bounces with a restless fervor as he slumps in the waiting room chair, clutching the clipboard and pencil the receptionist gave him with a white knuckled grip. Gaze hardened, he takes a good long look at the other patients spread across the room, a few of them appearing equally as spent and fidgety as him, and hunches over the intake form so his answers will be conclusively obscured from their view.
He grimaces. Ugh. Why would a place like this lay out their chairs so close, anyways? Why even give people the option of being nosey? He may be stuck seeing this therapist Connie’s mom recommended because he’s all messed up in the head, but it’s not like he wants the whole planet to know about it. Goodness knows all of Beach City and Little Homeworld already does thanks to his little ‘incident’ a month back. That’s bad enough.
His chest almost feeling hollow as he sighs, he scrawls in his name, his birthday, his cell number, address, and an emergency contact (Dad, who left for the car to give him privacy after signing a few forms he can’t fill out as a minor) on the lines indicated. He leaves out his many middle names for once, all of them leaving a bitter taste in his mouth at this present moment. Briefly, he wonders if this will be a problem, as these past few weeks Dr. Maheswaran assisted his dad in finally acquiring legal documentation and health insurance for him, and per those records he’s officially ‘Steven Quartz Universe’ in the eyes of the law.
Eventually he shrugs, figuring the likelihood of there being another sixteen-year-old ‘Steven Universe’ here today to confuse him with is nearing zero.
Okay, what’s next?
He briefly skims over the next few passages— a bunch of legalese about the terms of counselor-patient confidentiality and when they might have to breach that for safety reasons— and signs where indicated so they know he looked over it.
Someone sitting two chairs away coughs. He can’t help but flinch at the sudden noise, and folds himself tighter in his own seat as he flips over the first page of the form and continues to read.
In a few words, explain why you’ve chosen to reach out to us today. How can we help you?
Steven frowns, fingers twitching around the shaft of the pencil as he contemplates how to respond. For whatever reason, the question “explain why you’re here” feels very blunt and antagonistic to him in a way he can’t quite ascertain. Like... in a “give the wrong answer, get booted right out the door” sorta way. He lifts his head, peering at all the humans spread across the room, each and every one with their own story, the central character of their own worlds. Some are texting on their phones as they wait for the receptionist to call their names, others are filling out forms as well. What brought these people here, he wonders? Surely there’s plenty of people having a worse time than him right now. Surely there’s people with real problems, people who are literally struggling just to stay alive from day-to-day. He’s not like that, right? Besides that one little wobble a month back, he’s been handling his problems on his own fairly okay. Hasn’t he? So what makes him selfish enough to think that he’s worth anyone’s time?
In his pocket his phone vibrates, knocking him back into reality. He yanks it out and switches it on to look at the new text splashed across the lock screen:
Dad: Hey Schtu-ball, just wanna let you know that I’m proud of you and love you very much. You’ve got this!
He stares at these words for a good minute, the kind sentiment— despite reading as a little hopelessly over-encouraging— filling the hollow space in his chest partway. Even if his dad’s been a bit overbearing in his affections this past month, it’s clear he means well.
So. Why am I here today, he thinks, reading the question over again. He folds his fingers up into a stiff fist, pulling his thumb across his knuckles. After licking his chapped lips and shoving his phone back in his pocket, he scribbles a hasty reply.
I feel really angry and empty and tense and just want to be better.
The teen pauses, allowing those words to echo over and over in his mind, to truly sink in. It’s such a succinct and to-the-point admission that he suddenly wonders why he ever doubted he was less deserving of aid than anyone else in this waiting room.
His countenance a little lighter now and his shoulders growing less stiff, he moves on to the next section.
To aid our counselors in providing you the best possible care, please rate the following statements on a scale from zero to four, zero meaning “not at all like me,” and four meaning “extremely like me.”
Steven’s eyes dart across the length of the massive table below these instructions, his previous anxiety rushing back into his brittle bones as if it’d never left. Each row is host to a short sentence and five blank boxes, numbered zero to four. Read it and rate yourself, right? Should be simple enough. But as his glance flits over these statements and he understands the sort of personal, probing questions they’re asking through them, he begins to mistrust his previous burst of optimism. Dread floods his system, making his cheeks flush bright pink. Heart pounding at the mere thought of people staring, he drops his head lower, successfully hiding most of his face behind the clipboard until he can coax that betraying glow into fading away.
In the end, this goes to prove that it doesn’t matter if everyone says therapy will be ‘helpful’ for him; reflecting on all this junk is still gonna suck.
Quietly, he takes a steadying breath and forces himself to read on, to crack open the hornet’s nest that is the depths of his crap brain.
1. I am shy around others.
He considers this for a moment. Shy. Historically, this has never been a word people would use to describe him. For years he reveled in the thrill of meeting new people, new Gems. His childhood eagerness to engage in fellowship with those around is half the reason Era 3 even exists. And he’s fine around people he knows. Like, on a rare good day he has no problem playing board games or watching cheesy soap operas with his friends. But to be fair... as of late, his eagerness to meet anyone new feels like it’s all but vanished. Is that being shy? Or is that just him failing to care for anyone beyond his inner circle?
With a small shrug he checks the box for one, and moves on.
2. I don’t enjoy being around people as much as I used to.
Hmm. Probably a three. People are unintentionally exhausting these days. He used to be energized by social interaction, and now it just leaves him sucked dry. Most days he’d rather stick to his room.
3. I feel isolated and alone.
The weight of the diamond embedded in his belly— something he normally barely notices— grows ever more apparent as he marks off a four.
4. My heart often races for no good reason.
Uh, yeah. What happened just a minute ago is a pretty good tell. Four.
5. I have spells of terror or panic.
Another four.
6. I am anxious that I might have a panic attack while in public.
Four once more. He holds his pencil tighter, squirming in his seat as he tries (and fails) not to think about the pale scars spread across his back, hidden in his hairline, and on the underside of his arms, indentations that once marked the base of the crystalline spines that jut out from between his scales.
7. I think about food more than I’d like to.
Steven pauses at this one. For once, he’s not sure he can say this statement applies to him. Truth be told, he only started caring about what he put in his mouth earlier this year, when he cut meat and fish out of his diet. And that’s not... a bad thing? It’s not bad to want to consider the impact your food choices have on the environment? He definitely didn’t choose to do so for self-denying reasons, and that’s probably what they’re asking about. He checks zero, and moves on.
8. I feel out of control when I eat.
He almost checks another zero, but then he remembers that day after the proposal... and the week after his incident. And he decides that even if he doesn’t consciously obsess over the food he eats, there’s still a few occasions where once he starts snacking he finds it difficult to stop. A one it is, then.
9. I have sleep difficulties.
This statement nearly makes him laugh. Does he have sleep difficulties. Hah. He doesn’t think he’s gotten a truly restful night of sleep since he sacrificed himself to Homeworld at fourteen.
A solid four. No question.
10. My thoughts are racing.
11. I feel uncomfortable around people I don’t know.
Hmm. Two.
12. I drink alcohol frequently.
The only alcohol he’s ever had is a tiny sip of his dad’s with permission at Garnet’s wedding reception, and it tasted terrible. He has no interest in drinking again. Zero.
13. When I drink alcohol I can’t remember what happened.
14. I drink more than I should.
Zero again.
15. I have done something I have regretted because of drinking.
Another zero. It almost makes him feel better, just knowing there’s a decent number of lines on this paper that aren’t a carbon copy of his lived experience.
16. I feel sad all the time.
Aaaand back to “the story of his life.” Briefly, he wonders if ‘feeling sad’ is the same thing as feeling nothing at all. But then again, does the difference really matter? He checks the box for three.
17. I am concerned that other people don’t like me.
Three. Although honestly, he’s even more concerned that people continue to like him after everything he’s done.
18. I feel worthless.
Steven nibbles at the inside of his cheek as he reads this statement, memories automatically flashing through the pathetic events of the last few weeks, through all the days he barely crawled out from under his covers, all the days he didn’t even manage to brush his teeth or run his fingers through his greasy, knotted hair, all those awful days he couldn’t so much as play one of his video games without growing tired of it in minutes and taking a restless nap for the rest of the afternoon instead.
19. I feel helpless.
Two. Everyday affairs are a drag, but at the very least he knows he can fight his way out of danger in a pinch. He wouldn’t call that helpless.
20. I have thoughts of ending my life.
He freezes. Goes back, reads this line again. Reads it a third time to make sure he’s not horrendously misconstruing the prompt he’s been given.
(Tries not to think too deeply about the graphic images that flood his imagination some nights. It’s just stray thoughts, though. He’s fine.)
One, he marks, although his muscles can’t help but twitch as he shifts his wrist, as if deep down he knows he’s underplaying his answer.
21. I feel tense.
Steven gives a small snort under his breath. Yeah, he outright admitted as much earlier in this form. Four.
22. I get angry easily.
His grip tightens.
23. I have difficulty controlling my temper.
He swallows hard, his mouth feeling abnormally dry. He’s not sure he likes how blunt and probing this questionnaire is becoming.
24. I sometimes feel like breaking or smashing things.
His knuckles go white around his pencil, and he only barely resists the temptation to snap it in half as he feels a rush of hard light flow the distance from his gem through the veins of his arm. Geeze, it’s not like he means to break things! It’s just that all of his stupid powers are linked with his emotions, and whenever he gets even marginally upset now things start to splinter, crack in half, and inevitably end up broken. Just another sign he’s fated to ruin everything around him forever, and that his intent doesn’t matter. Why do they have to pry into this? He already feels terrible enough for thinking these things.
Three, he checks, his eyes damp, but mostly because he’s too scared what their response will be otherwise.
25. I am not able to concentrate as well as usual.
He takes a deep breath, coaxing his body to return to a baseline state. Eh. He’ll give this a two.
26. I feel self-conscious around others.
His glance skirts over the edge of the clipboard to monitor the four others currently spread out across the room. One’s rhythmically swinging their legs, another is still filling out a form like him, but sitting criss-cross on the chair, and the other two are quietly typing on their phones. Thankfully none of them are pressing an ounce of attention his way, (at least, not right now), but that doesn’t stop him from feeling like an exposed nerve. Three.
27. I am afraid I may lose control and act violently.
The raw memories hit like lightning before he can even think to prepare.
Flashes of Pink. Orange fragments, cold and slick in his palms. Thunder splits the skies overhead, each cacophonous sound manifesting in perfect synchronicity with his erratic heartbeat, with each tidal wave of thoughts gushing like a maelstrom through his head: SHATTERER, I’m a shatterer, I’m—
Feeling almost dizzy from the intensity of his heart’s pulse, he knows with full certainty that his cheeks are glowing bright pink again. All he can do is clench his fists, suck down whatever amount of fresh air his lungs will allow, and pray to the very stars themselves that it’ll fade away before it garners the attention of every last human in this place.
He checks the box for four, pencil marking so hard that slivers of graphite splinter off onto the page, and moves on before he can be cowardly enough to change his answer.
28. I have thoughts of hurting others.
His fingernails claw into the thin denim at his knee, limbs outright quivering as he stews in his seat, as he’s forced to reflect upon all the ugly, ugly thoughts that have flit across his awareness over the past weeks. Thoughts about one Gem specifically. He’s... always been angry, always harbored deep resentment... but ever since his most recent trip to visit Her, he hasn’t been able to shake this awful idea: a vision of him standing over the remnants of her gemstone, shattered, fragments spilled across the otherwise pristine floors of Homeworld. He... he didn’t do it when he had the chance. He wouldn’t do it, would he?
(Orange fragments, cold and slick...)
Would he??
And yet nevertheless, the thought tortures him with its frequency, makes him feel downright nauseous at every turn. He doesn’t want it. He doesn’t want to feel this way at all.
29. I am unable to keep up with my schoolwork.
Stop. Sharp inhale. Staccato, shaky exhale. Repeat, deeper this time. Repeat.
(He can no longer see neon pink reflecting in the smooth metal clasp at the top of his clipboard.)
Okay. Schoolwork.
N/A, he writes in one of the boxes, arm still trembling from the last two questions despite his attempt at cool-down exercises. Not applicable. He hasn’t even been to school, and dreads the inevitability of this therapist asking about that mess.
30. It’s hard to stay motivated for my classes.
31. I feel confident that I can succeed academically.
N/A, once more.
And like that, the questionnaire is over. Steven is quick to hide his answers behind the front page, and slides the pencil through the length of the metal clip. He glances around him, drinking in his surroundings with pinpoint precision. Despite his earlier concerns, no one is maliciously staring. No one’s whispering. He internally wrestled with a few challenging subjects and what do you know, it didn’t end in an embarrassingly public meltdown. He— he wipes a stray tear from his eye with the butt of his palm— he took a solid step forward today.
Coercing his body to move, he pulls himself out of the cushioned chair and crosses the room.
“I finished,” he says softly, proudly, as he hands the clipboard and pencil to the receptionist. She smiles and accepts his hard-fought offering.
For the first time in a while, the smile he instinctively flashes back almost feels genuine.
I want to be better, he thinks. I will be better.
This fic is loosely based on my own experience of the intake process, and the questionnaire I had to fill out. No two intake experiences are the same though, of course. This is merely one possibility. I also take personal liberties on the way I depict Steven’s struggle with mental health, and acknowledge and respect that no two fans’ interpretation will be the same.
Additional notes: -Steven’s still a minor, so he can’t actually sign contracts. I figure Greg signed a handful of forms beforehand as his guardian, and then left to allow his son a bit of privacy with filling out the questionnaire stuff. Since he's a teen, they're still giving him the full confidentiality clauses to look over so he's wholly aware how that works, though.
-To expand on a brief comment made in the midst of this, I headcanon that Steven cut both meat and fish out of his diet, and thus actually slipped up on his vegetarian diet when he was training with Jasper. I interpret this as further showcasing how the poor kid— due to being mentally vulnerable at the time and thus liable to coercion/unwise decisions— began to take actions that went against much of his established morality. He ended up sacrificing his dietary choices during those days, just like he briefly sacrificed his pacifistic views to fight Jasper.
-I also headcanon that the therapist Steven is going in to see after this isn’t the one he eventually sticks with and mentions as “my new therapist” in The Future. It’s totally normal and okay to try a few different people to find someone who you click with, after all.
Thank you for reading!
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Oblivious Actions Part 2 of 2
Revali x Reader
5827 words (hey you asked for a big boi so)
Part 1
Thank you for your patience! I really love how this turned out, even though I suck at endings. Critiques and any typo finds are appreciated if I missed anything. Anyway, enjoy!
Music filled the air, the stable was lively, and full of chatter. Understandable, considering it wasn’t everyday the Champions would grace the common folk with their presence. Many travelers were already making their way up the bridges to Rito Village, in anticipation for the Champion celebratory party set for that night. Around Rito Stable, workers had begun lighting up amber lanterns, in preparation for the sun setting in a few hours. A few Hylians were walking about. One Sheikah was playing his instrument by the campfire, humming a familiar tune, while others watched and danced along. Rito and Hylian children zigzagged between the large, wooden crates, painted with the Hyrulean crest. A worker with a maroon tunic was stirring a large pot of stew, its savoury aroma filling every part of the woods. The winds rustled through the dancing trees, creating its own, cutting melody. However, the chill was not felt from within. 
Inside, the curtains by the stable entrance were half drawn, people lounged around tables, talking and eating. Warm, yellow light illuminated the room, the lanterns occasionally flickering. Workers and guests clattered about. A few men in the corner were on their third pint of ale, while a few Rito women were giggling from across the room, staring at a particular Rito and Gerudo. 
He hadn’t bothered to wear his blue scarf, even though he adored it (and he would never say so out loud), he found that its emblem attracted much unwanted attention. Urbosa, on the other hand, had her sky blue skirt on, draped across the stool she was sitting on. It was the figure of a Gerudo so far into the Tabantha Region, combined with her Champion status that attracted attention. So in essence, it was her that negated any efforts Revali made to stay away from the crowds. He leaned back in his seat, staring at the ceiling restlessly, waiting for her to be finished with the last of the lingering fans.
With a flick of her wrist, Urbosa finished writing her name across the piece of parchment. The black ink at the tip of the quill soaked into the paper, leaving Urbosa’s cursive name in large letters. A thin and lanky Hylian man took it excitedly.
“T-thank you, Chief Lady Urbosa ma’am! Really! Truly! This means a lot, I’m going to— I mean… my kids are gonna love this.”
The Gerudo gave him a kind look and tilted her head, her emerald eyes gleamed. There was not a sliver of annoyance or mocking on her face. “It’s not a problem at all, sir. I find it encouraging whenever people come up to greet and support us. Don’t you think, Revali?”
Although the blank, wooden image of the ceiling was very entertaining, Rito pried his gaze away and narrowed his eyes at the two of them. The man was rocking back and forth on his heels, hugging two pieces of paper to his chest. One, already autographed with Urbosa’s loopy handwriting. The other, blank and waiting. His posture was jittery and nervous. The Hylian was switching his gaze between the Rito and the quill on the table. 
“Why yes, Champion Urbosa. It’s always nice to meet the adoring fans.” Revali enunciated the end of the sentence carefully. He continued with a regal tone. “Especially, since we’ve wasted the last hour of our free time watching you write the same word over and over. Theoretically speaking, we have greatly supported the ink business with our presence alone.” He leaned forward, speaking directly to the Hylian. “However, I think we’ve taken enough of this gentleman’s time, so why don’t we send him on his way. After all, I’m sure there are more actually important matters that we all need to attend too.” He flicked his wing in a motion towards the stable exit. 
A beat of silence. Then, the Hylian started to sputter, his cheeks reddening. “O-Oh... oh-oh yes, yes! Of course! I’ll just…” he took a shaky step back, “...be on, my, way, then. Thank you very much for your time!” He shuffled outside, nearly tripping on the step out the exit. 
Letting out a huff of air, the Gerudo Chief muttered under her breath. “Ink business...hilarious as always, Revali.” He let a smirk cross over his feathered face, “Yes, I already knew that, thank you.”
Revali turned his gaze back towards the ceiling, finding comfort in the fact that all the pestering fans were gone. Urbosa rolled her eyes. “Would it kill you to be nice? Or at the very least, polite?” He scoffed. 
“I don’t think having to endure lines of mindless devotees is part of our job description. Last I checked, I was chosen for my masterful skill set and bond with Medoh, not my penmanship.”  
She gave a tired sigh. “We both know that’s not the point, it’s about inspiration and giving people hope.”
“If people are so eager to have my name on a piece of paper,” he picked up the quill the Hylian had accidentally left on their table, “they can write it out themselves. By this point most people have the ability to spell, correct?”
The two continued their idle banter for a bit. The conversation at this point was mostly out of a lack of other things to do, as no food or drink had arrived yet. Then, another Hylian approached their table, cheerfully.
“Excuse me, Champions, I have—”
“OH for the love of Hylia!” the Rito interrupted, “I’m afraid I’m not in the mood to deal with whatever requests you have for me.” He held his head towards the ceiling, exasperated. 
“So pardon my bluntness, but why don’t you—”
“Revali,” Urbosa interjected.
He looked back towards her, a sarcastic response already at the tip of his beak. That was when he caught a glance at the Hylian woman in question.
She was holding up a wooden tray, dark and stained. A large pitcher sat on top of it, and she balanced two cups on either end. Her leather cap sat lopsided on her yellow hair. The symbol of a horse etched onto the fabric of their hat and tunic. The look on her face was that of confusion.
The stable worker cleared her throat with a forced cough. “Um, you ordered the apple cider, right Champion Revali?” She set the cups down without waiting for a response. The Rito fixed his eyes on his drink, mumbling. “Yes, thank you Lucile.” At least, that’s what he thought her name was. He couldn’t bother to remember all of [Name]’s friends. The bronze colored liquid swirled in his cup.
Attempting to lighten the mood, Urbosa quipped in. “It wouldn’t be very responsible of me to let him get drunk, lest he become even more dramatic than usual.” She exchanged a quiet laugh with the waiter. Revali clicked his tongue. “I am in no need of your motherly supervision, Urbosa. Besides,” he laid his wing across his chest, theatrically, “I’m sure I can handle my drink much better than anyone here ever could.” At that, Urbosa gave a wink towards the waiter, whispering something about ego.
After pouring their drinks, the Hylian that was probably named Lucile put the pitcher back on the tray. “Alright, well, call for a refill when you want it. And don’t worry about the price or anything. [Name] said to put the rupees on their tab.” 
At the mention of their name, Revali perked up. “Wait, Lucile, I noticed I haven’t seen [Name] around yet. Are they…?” he let his voice trail off. It’s not like he cared that much, he was just curious. He hadn’t seen them all day. It’s not like he was looking forward to their interactions or anything. Yeah, curious, that was the word.
“If you’re referring to your little get together later, they’re still on for that.” Lucile gave a warm and knowing smile. “The place is busier than usual, thanks to you guys. So it’s ‘all hands on deck’ if ya know what I mean.”  She gave a quick nod outside, where a savoury aroma was starting to swirl its way inside. “They’re making your on the house dinner right now, so just wait a little bit longer.” Lucile tucked her blonde hair behind her ears, and picked up the tray. “Okie dokie, then. I’ll be seeing you.” 
The Rito allowed himself to look outside. The view was partly obstructed by the purpleish curtains on either side, but the unmistakable glow of embers and flickering firelight could be seen. Craning his head forward a bit, he caught a glimpse of a coffee colored boot in front of a cooking pot, tapping along with the music. Huh, only one stable worker he knew would still be dancing along to the music despite working all day. Revali thought back to that time when [Name] would force him to sing along with the sparrows, just to annoy him. Or how he would invite them to Warblers nest to listen to the Rito kids chirp their tunes. I wonder how they’re doing, have they been working all day? Have they taken a break yet? I know I’ve been caught up with Champion duties, but maybe tonight—
“Wandering eyes kill, little Rito.”
Snapping back into reality, Revali quickly blinked and turned to face Urbosa. There was a calm and almost pitiful tone in her voice that he wasn’t exactly thrilled to be at the end of.
“Ah, my apologies. I should have asked for your permission to use my sense of vision.”
Unbothered by his comment, she kept the smirk on her face. “You know, I’ve never seen you laugh so easily until the other day.” He let out a loud scoff. What was that supposed to mean? Am I not allowed to express emotion on duty? Perhaps I should don the same stupid expression as that little knight.
“Well, perhaps that’s because everyone else in the group is boring.”
Urbosa leaned forward in her seat, letting her elbows rest on the table. “Let down the act, Revali. Everyone can see the big picture but you.”
“What are we even talking about?”
“Uh-huh. Right, I think it would save us both time if you bothered to be specific in what you mean.” He lifted his wings in fake surrender. “What about them? You insulted by their choice in flower crowns? ”
Putting his wings down, he went for his drink. Taking up the cup of cider, Revali lifted it towards his face, using it as an excuse to not continue further into the conversation Urbosa so clearly wanted to have. Urbosa let out a huff of air. “Look, I’m just trying to compliment you two. You really are a cute couple.”
Instinctively turning to the side, Revali spat out his drink wildly. His coughing fit caused the surrounding conversations in the stable to trickle into curious whispers. A few other Rito in the back were giggling. Thankfully, he hadn’t sprayed anyone as no one was in range. He wiped down the front of his clothes and part of the table with his wing. He cleared his throat and half stood up, addressing the people that were looking at him quizzically. Revali’s voice raised in pitch and his speech quickened.
“AHEM! Wow, that was absolutely appalling and disgusting. I can’t believe the staff would be so careless as to let a dragonfly swirl around in my cup! I WILL be sure to speak with someone later concerning the cleanliness and hygienic practices of this place. So...yeah…” he let his voice echo in the room for a few more moments before sitting back down completely. Urbosa’s hands were folded as if in prayer, but her fingertips were pushed in front of her lips, as if to keep from laughing.
“Great save.”
“Shut up, will you? What in the hells did you just say? Couple? I think you’re clearly misreading things.”
She let out a short laugh. “Well, the fact that you reacted so enthusiastically says otherwise.”  
“Wha—what…?” He shook his head quickly. “Urbosa, whatever you think you saw the other day isn’t what you think. [Name] and I are very obviously not dating, or seeing each other, or whatever your proper terminology is.”
“You both are very obviously into each other. You always hang out, you have cute banter. You’re dating, no?”
“NO!” He quickly shushed her comment, lowering his own voice and glancing around to see if anyone else was listening in. “The answer is NO because I don’t even like them that much. They’re very stupid, and unattractive, not to mention a Hylian. They’re an acquaintance at most. Maybe a friend.” He propped his own wing on the table and rested his beak on it. “Or close friend. A confidant...or—agh! Point is we’re not whatever you think we are!”
Urbosa let out a huff of air, letting her shoulders slump. “For a Rito, you are quite blind.”
He went for his cup again, fiddling with the chipped white paint that decorated the side. Revali didn’t bother to look up at Urbosa, for fear of unconsciously communicating something with his eyes. “Fine, then. Please, enlighten me into what I am so blind to.”
She furrowed her brows in confusion. Was he seriously not getting it? “You and [Name] seem to talk and visit each other all the time, considering you even know the staff here. You both have known each other since childhood, no doubt you’ve formed a bond. Both of you were so incredibly flustered just being in each other’s presence yesterday. Also,” she held up her head to imitate Revali’s posture, “You look pretty too!’ Does that comment ring any bells? Come on, Revali. And this is only the stuff I’ve seen in one day.” 
Shocked and speechless, Revali let the silence between them settle for a bit. He considered her argument, thinking over what to say next. “OK fine, I tolerate them. Sure. That doesn’t mean it happens both ways…”
The Gerudo Chief looked as if Revali had just told her that the current King of Hyrule was five stacked cuccos. “They practically invited you for a date earlier.”
“But, we do that all the time.”
“You do!?” it was Urbosa’s turn to be shocked.
“Wait,” Revali narrowed his eyes, wheels turned in his head. Did that time he invited [Name] to watch his archery practice count? Or when [Name] had baked him a fish pie when he came to visit them even though they were sick? Wait, wait, no. Friends do that all the time, that’s absurd. Yet, he couldn’t ignore the incessant fluttering in his stomach whenever he thought about braiding their hair...or laughing beside them...or— ah! What did it all mean? He scrunched his face in confusion, lowering his voice to a whisper, “Have we already...what does...are we dating?”
Urbosa held the bridge of her nose with her fingers, sighing. “Everyone with eyes can see it. You are.”
Revali practically squaked. “WE’VE BEEN DATING?”
“Oh, you’re... dating Urbosa?”
Both Revali and Urbosa whipped around in unison to face [Name], who was standing behind them holding two hot bowls of spicy meat stew. 
Spirits bless his quivering soul, [Name] was here. There were still droplets of cider on his clothes, his braids were probably all frizzled from the trip down here. Was what he was wearing too formal? Too casual? Maybe he should have worn something more colorful. Hold on, was [Name] wearing their hair differently? When did they start wearing that yellow ribbon? It looked nice...should he say something? What was that new leather pouch on their belt, did someone give them that? Why all these changes? Are they seeing someone? Well it would be fine if they were...considering they were just friends. Right, they were friends— Wait a moment, did they just ask if he was dating Urbosa??
The Gerudo Champion, ever quick to regain her composure, was the first to respond. “Unfortunately, no. I’m afraid I’m a bit out of the Rito Champions league. We were talking about something else.”
The slight tension in [Name]’s shoulders relaxed, just barely noticeable. They chuckled, setting down the stews. “Ah-ha, well that’s good. Hylia knows Revali’s much more trouble than he’s worth.”
The Rito in question, who had still been sputtering over the several revelations he had come across over the last few minutes, finally regained the ability to formulate words. “...What? Hey! I’m right here!”
“Oh, sorry about that!” [Name] leaned down to face him, “I didn’t see you there. When you’re sitting down, you’re even shorter than usual! ” To further add to their quip, [Name] booped the tip of his beak with the end of a spoon. The feathers on his neck poofed up from embarrassment, though probably no one but him noticed. After placing napkins and silverware on the table, [Name] gave a deep, exaggerated bow. Their leather pouch hung out, half-open, revealing a few colorful hair ribbons. “Enjoy the meal, and thank you for staying with us, esteemed Champions,” their words were more of a tease towards Revali. “Just holler if you need anything, Revali! I’ll see you...later.” And with that, [Name] strode back outside, the brisk breeze fluttering the edges of their maroon tunic.
Revali’s thoughts were racing. Mainly centered around one word.
Urbosa looked at Revali, a twinkle in her eye. “Truly, you are made for each other. They’re the only one I’ve seen with the ability to actually make you shut up.”
Ignoring her comment, the Rito continued to stare at [Name] as she bantered with the other guests and workers outside. Then, he exhaled quickly, muttering comments that would make any mother click their tongue. Attempting to alleviate the tension, Urbosa asked, “Can I ask you a question?”
Quickly rebuilding his walls, Revali let out the usual quip. “You just did, but you have my permission to ask a secondary one.”
“Do you believe they like you back?” 
He rolled his eyes. “Ugh, spare me your useless fledgling gossip and prattle. What are you going to do, exchange handwritten love letters between us? Unfold the schoolyard drama? Maybe later we can skip around in circles as we talk about our crushes before bedtime.” 
She rolled her eyes. It might as well be an exercise when around Revali. “How about you answer the question?”
He turned away, looking outside and watching the dancing trees and people. “[Name] and I have been friends for years. I think I’d know if we had mutual feelings.”
Taking a napkin and placing it on her lap. She focused on enjoying her meal. “Oh but you do. You’re both clearly head over heels for each other already. Considering you're already basically dating.”
Turning back to face her, he started sputtering. “Wait, wait. Let’s back up, shall we? If we’re, as you said, basically dating, does that mean they know this? Do...do they already consider me their significant other? Do they know we’re…” he lowered his voice again, gesturing at himself wildly, “...you know.”
Urbosa slurped her stew, but held Revali’s gaze. She enjoyed its warmth and savory smell for several, several, several long seconds, still looking Revali in the eye. He spread his wings, exasperated. “Your condescending stares aren’t improving the situation.” 
Finally, she finished her sip, giving a satisfied sigh. The spicy taste tingled in her mouth. “Mmm. Delicious. [Name]’s cute and a good cook. You have good taste.”
“Did you just make a pun?”
“Pfft, like you haven’t done that before?” Revali responded with a grimace. 
The Rito asked again, “Can you just please take this seriously and help me with all this? You should already be flattered that I’m even bothering to continue this conversation with you. I don’t just babble about [Name] with anyone. So just...tsk...I don’t know, grace me with whatever wisdom you have.”
Urbosa raised an eyebrow, “Oh? Why should I? I’m not your mother or anything…” She flipped her velvet hair and looked away dramatically. Seems the Rito’s personality rubbed off on her.
Revali rolled his eyes, “Are you really going to make me—”
“Yes.” she said bluntly.
“Well, I’m not—”
“I said—”
“Can you—”
Revali sat there, eyes narrowed. Seems there was only one way he was gonna get her to talk. Urbosa gave a hearty laugh, her chocolate smooth voice echoing through the room. She kept her eyebrows raised, looking at him expectantly. After letting out another sigh, the Rito grumbled, barely opening his beak. “Can you please help me with all this...” Urbosa cupped a hand around her ear, a smirk plaster on her face. Revali quickened his speech. “...ugh you’re insufferable...considering you are the closest thing to a parental figure in my life and you’re more of an expert in this than I am, please tell me what in the hells I should do about [Name]—THERE! Happy?”
She started chuckling again, laughter must come easy for her. Shooting him a wink, Urbosa mused, “I think that’s satisfactory. Was that so hard?”
She snorted. Leaning back in her seat, she jeered him further. “Alright, maybe I won’t let you crash and burn this cute relationship of yours, considering it’s my responsibility to look out for all the little children in my life.” Revali scoffed.
Before he had the chance to nag her further, Urbosa continued. “So, Revali, from my own expert deductions on your whole,” she moved her spoon towards him in a circular motion, “situation, I’ve concluded that you’re both idiots.” He grumbled and shot daggers at her.
“Thank you. Very helpful.”
“You’re welcome. Now,” she set down her spoon, “Listen close and listen well, Revali. You’re both in the same boat here. [Name] didn’t react that badly at the prospect of you going out with me. However, their eyes immediately lit up when I clarified that you were not, infact, taken.  
“This means that they also don’t realize the obvious fact that you’re dating each other. Yet, they reacted with a hint of jealousy, so there’s no question they’ve got it for you.” Revali shifted in his seat, but allowed her to resume.
“They were completely oblivious to Daruk’s earlier comment about you being cute together. Yet, they’ve continuously made moves that suggest they really like you. Did you see their face when you put your wing around them yesterday?” She sighed. “ Who knows what other signs you’ve both been oblivious to all your lives.” Finally, she leaned forward and pointed a finger at Revali.
“You’re both too lovestruck to see how lovestruck your loves are for you.” Then, she went for her drink, sipping it slowly.
Taking her silence as a cue to speak, he asked softly. “Alright, so what do I do?”
“I don’t know,” was all that came from behind the cup.
He practically squaked again. “What? But? You just? Why—”
She held up a finger to shush him. “The best I can say is that you should probably openly confess so there’s not anymore confusion between you two fools. How, where, and when? Well that’s entirely up to you. Maybe at the party tonight you can whip up something.”
The likelihood of someone like [Name] showing up to a party filled with stuffy nobles, pestering fans, and overall loud people seemed slim. From experience, Revali probably thought [Name] would spend the night in the woods or something, searching for wildflowers. “I can assure you that’s not going to happen.”
Urbosa gave a final shrug. “Well then, good luck.” She went back to eating the rest of her meal.
Revali cast his eyes to the floor, deep in thought. What was he gonna do? 
Several minutes passed, and Urbosa basked in the rare occurance of the Rito Champion's silence. Thoughts and anxieties swarmed his head like bees to a courser honey comb. Then, the wind swept past the curtains and through the stable entrance, fluttering something under Revali’s foot. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a feather. It was a familiar deep blue, bordering on indigo, the edges were stroked with white. The color and hue was unmistakable.
Losing one or two happened everyday, sure, but what was peculiar was that this particular feather was that it seemed to be from a fledgling. The white marks faded to grey slightly, indicating the not yet fully formed colors of a young Rito hatchling. 
Tsk. I’ll admit I have youthful looks, but I’m not that young.  
Picking it up off the floor, he studied the stiff end of the feather, he was surprised to find it was decorated. A yellow ribbon was wrapped around its end. At one point, it was a brighter, daffodil like color, but now it had faded with time to a more pastel shade. The color matched well.
Why on earth does someone have my—
Suddenly, Revali stood up, almost flipping the table. “Hey!” Urbosa held the table steady. “Revali? Are you alright?”
Earlier, they were wearing a new leather pouch. It was half open, there were trinkets...ribbons inside.
When they were joking around, they fake bowed. Did this...did this fall out?
“Are you alright? Where’d you get that feather? Is it yours?”
[Name] kept this? After all this time? That idiot, don’t they know about Rito custom by now? Someone might get the wrong idea.
Or the right idea...GAH! Whywhywhywhywhy—
Breaking his eyes away from the feather, he pushed in his seat and started to leave. “Well, you’ve had your free meal, hope your food was good Urbosa. Now I have to go.” Revali started shuffling out towards the exit, hastily shoving the little feather into his own pocket. “I’ll meet up with you at that idiotic party later. Right now I need to be somewhere.” 
Urbosa started to chuckle. “So, heading out early to your date?” Nearly outside, The Rito abruptly stopped and turned to face her. Her eyebrows were raised in suspicion. “And Urbosa, if you tell anyone at all, and I mean even the slightest whisper in the breeze, about our conversation, I have a bomb arrow nocked and ready for you.” He gave her a death stare, but she just laughed.  
Her chocolatey voice resonated through the air once more, laughter must truly come easy for her. After shooting him a wink, she smiled.
“Good luck, little Rito.”
- - - - - 
Ironic, that the Champion of the sky would frequent the area of his first failure. But, the woods had their own calm and beautiful atmosphere, made all the more pleasant when he and [Name] would hang out here through their childhood. Revali knew these trees all too well, from when he first crashed into them as a child to when he practiced his archery in the time before the Flight Range was built.
Walking along the dirt path, he spotted them up ahead. Their secret spot wasn’t that secluded, it was by a small grassy clearing within the forest. Tall pine trees swayed in the wind, the setting sunlight was cut apart by the shifting shadows. The rose, orange, and yellow light coated the sky and shimmered through the branches. The bushes during this time of year held small buds, some had already bloomed into more colorful yellow flowers, although most were still a young green. Kneeling on the ground [Name] was shuffling through a leather pouch, spilling the contents on the ground and searching for something among the mess. A few hair ribbons, a spare quill, a comb, empty elixir bottles, and other junk cluttered the forest floor. Sensing a presence behind them, [Name] spun around to find Revali, standing there with his wings folded behind his back. 
“I don’t suppose all that is to help the fertility of the forest?”
[Name] rubbed the back of their neck, brushing aside their hair, embarrassed. “No, I was just...organizing my things.” Trying to move the conversation away from that, they asked, “So, how’ve you been, Master Revali?” 
The Rito brushed his wings against the pocket on his side, where a certain item was tucked away. Tilting his head, he innocently asked, “Are you sure you weren't looking for something just now? We both know you have a habit of being terribly irresponsible.”
[Name] started to formulate an excuse at the tip of their tongue, but one glance at Revali’s expression told them it would be useless. “Alright, fine. Yeah, I lost something, but I’ll find it later. We don’t need to worry about it right now. Why don’t—”
“What did you lose?” He didn’t mean to come off so blunt, but he needed to know. He wanted to be sure. He needed to remove any doubts from his mind. [Name] gave a hasty shrug.
“Uh, just an old trinket. It’s nothing, really. It’s just this dumb thing I had as a kid—”
“So what is it?”
“Nothing! OK? You don’t need to push it, there’s no need to concern yourself with it…” their voice trailed off.
“Was it blue?”
Both their hearts stopped. [Name] suddenly looked up into Revali’s eyes. The looks they both gave each other confirmed their wordless questions. Letting the silence fall a bit longer, [Name] finally dared to whisper.
“How did you...?”
He reached for his pocket. He meant to do this confidently, to swoop in and present it with flair. Perhaps say a quip like “Aha! Of course you kept this. My feathers are of the most dazzling color and quality after all!” Yet, no words escaped his beak. He held out his feather, the pale yellow ribbon hung lazily in the wind. He held it out in front of him, his usual confidence left him. No need to get my hopes up early, just please tell me, if it’s true.
The feather stood between them, shifting back old memories. The sounds were only that of the forest. Crickets softly chirped, and the wind danced through the trees. The sunset trickled through the leaves. Revali let out a cough.
“Ah, well....I believe you left this at our table.” 
Neither of them made a move. [Name] was just standing there, bewildered, their gaze constantly shifting between Revali and the feather. They rubbed their boot on the ground awkwardly, unsure of what to say. Finally, the Rito started to speak again.
“Did you know—”
“Yeah,” they said. “Yes...I’ve known about the whole Rito culture thing since when we were kids. You exchange feathers to show that a piece of you is bound to that person for eternity. Then you can, like, braid it into their hair or something? You only do it with your soulmate, or significant other, or whatever the proper terminology is.” Memories started to stir in the back of Revali’s mind, but they continued, waving their hands in front of them in surrender. “I mean, when I first asked you for it, I had no idea about the custom. I just thought it looked nice,” they rubbed the back of their neck, their cheeks rosening. “When I got back to the stable, some elderly guy told me about it. But I didn’t have the heart to throw it away or anything. I just kept it under the floorboards so no one would find it. 
“Ah, but tonight there were so many people, plus the Champions… I thought it would be safer on me.” They gestured to Revali, “And, of course, I was wrong, haha….” They let their shoulders slump. “Goddess above, I’m sorry, this is so weird huh. I didn't want to tell you in case you...took it back. I probably should have, I don’t have the right to keep something that should be sentimental...but…”
Their voice trailed off. Revali continued to say nothing. Taking this as a cue to say something more, [Name] added, “I’m sorry, obviously when we were kids you didn’t mean anything that way. I should have told you sooner.” 
His heart was racing. Well, both of their hearts were. Taking in their words, Revali could feel his stomach start to flutter, the winds played with the end of his braids. Still holding the feather in front of him, he extended it towards them shakily. “Well, take it. It’s yours.”
They looked up from the ground in shock. “R-Revali! Don’t feel obligated to do anything just because I—”
“And there’s a comb among the junk you’ve littered on the forest floor, correct?”
They took a step back. “Wait, wait. Does this mean you—”
He suddenly took their arm and twirled them around, facing them away from him. “Yes, now sit down already. I’m not gonna do this standing.”
His feathers were poofed out, from the mixed emotions of pride, embarrassment, and adoration. Plopping [Name] in the grass, he went over and picked out the wooden comb among their belongings. 
Seeing [Name] about to churn out more excuses and questions, he held up his wing to shush them. “Shut up will you? This is long overdue.” He sat down behind them, the grass prickling against his feet. Revali started to carefully undo the yellow ribbons in [Name]’s hair. Softly, they asked “So for you, how long? When we were kids? Teens?”
“A while,” he simply stated. “It just took me some time to really accept it I suppose.” Silence overtook them once more, though its atmosphere was much more pleasant and warm. Parting their hair into sections, Revali started to lighten the mood with a quip.
“Did you know we’ve already been dating over the last few years?”
“Yeah, you’re pretty much an idiot for not seeing it. I mean, all those times we’ve been in each others’ company. I don’t know how you’ve gone this long without realizing.”
They laughed. “Maybe the idiot Rito I’ve been hanging out with rubbed off on me.”
Finally, he placed the feather within their hair. After braiding it halfway, he twisted the yellow ribbon with it, and finished off the braid. The colors of his feather and the ribbon matched perfectly.
“Is it done?”
Before he could give an answer, [Name] brushed their hand against their hair. They both sat there, in the grass, for another eternity. Suddenly, [Name] turned around, and planted their lips on his beak. After releasing him, they stared into each other's eyes for a moment. “Heh, I’ve been waiting a long time to do that.” they mused. “What’s with the look? Should I enlighten you on the Hylian custom then?”
His feathers were now fluffed up mainly from embarrassment, but he regained his composure at their smile. “I’m quite aware of what a kiss is. It’s just that Rito have something better.”
Revali wrapped his wing around the back of their head, moving it gently towards his. Pressing their foreheads against each other, they both smiled, half flustered. His soft face tickled their skin, but they smiled for more reasons than that.
“This works too.”
“Of course, I’m an expert at this sort of thing.”
A beat, and then they both laughed. The sun was almost completely swallowed by the horizon . The Rito Champion was probably going to miss the party, but it didn’t matter. He was busy with more important matters, anyhow.
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maiuowrites · 4 years
Training Gone Wrong
     How long has it been, he thought… How long since he and Sans came here? Since he escaped that hell hole that he knew would have been both their graves? Where was it? How long was he aimlessly walking for? It began to blur the more Papyrus tried to think…
...Stars, it was getting difficult for him to remember anything... 
“Papy!” Came Sans voice, jolting Papyrus out of his thoughts. 
“oh... heya, bro.” Papyrus replied, rubbing his younger brothers skull with a relaxed smile. “shit, don’ scare me, thought ya were’a Mugga, heh… come ta steal m’Soul n’ all m’bones!”  
Sans only huffed, batting his brothers hand away as he put his hands on his hips. “Quit being weird, Pap! It’s training day! You promised to take Al and I out to Waterfall! What’s taking so long!?” 
Geez, his bossy little brother… How did he get like that?
“was waitin’ on yer slow butt. did’ja two eat?” Papyrus stretched, his joints letting out quiet hisses as he yawned. 
“We’ve been waiting on YOU to eat!” Sans retorted with a huff. “Did YOU?”
Papyrus folded his arms behind his head, lounging on the sofa as he closed his sockets, smirk still on his face. 
“Liar!” Alphy’s came out of nowhere, slamming a plate of leftovers on his chest. “You have to eat, Papy! Or else you won’t be able to teach us… We want to know all we can before Dad gets back!” 
Papyrus left out an ‘Oof’, only to glance at the plate wearily… His appetite had driven down to the ground recently, he couldn’t even stand to smell the stuff. But looking at his siblings faces, Sans huffing and irritable expression mixed with Alphy’s worried yet stern glare, he sighed before sitting up. 
“...allright, allright… i’ll eat on th’way there, how’s tha’ sound ta ya both?” He said tiredly with a snrk, watching them both quickly bolt to grab their training gears.
“About time! Let’s go, let’s go!!” Sans practically yelled.
“Dang it, Sans! Stop! We gotta wait for Pap!” Alphy said, bolting out and holding Sans back by his clothing and weapon, creating a bickering between the two.
Sans excitement never ceased to amaze Papyrus… 
Getting up, he had spots dotting his view, but chose to quickly force a bite down of the food. Though the magic seemed to fizzle normally, he almost couldn’t handle the sensation that streamed down his bones. Hiding a gag with a cough, he went and put his shoes on quick enough, simply slipping the things on and grabbing his sweatshirt. 
He had placed the plate down, but took a napkin and wrapped the rest of the food up in his palm, putting it in his pocket for later. “Sans, Al, y’guys get’cha selves Seasalt Tea b’fer headin’ out?” 
“Eeeeew! NO! I hate that shit!” Sans growled, finally able to get Alphy off his shoulders. 
“It is not that bad, Sans.” Alphy deadpanned. “...i mean… It’s gross, but-”
“I know, i know…” Papyrus shook his head in amusement. “bu’ y’know why we need it. get yer boney butt back in thare n’ get ya n’ yer sis a couple o’bottles. er else… i’ll jus’ tell Mr. Li ya’d rather get’cha self killed early n’ not learn how ta heal yerself. he’d go on n’ on on’a rant ‘bout tha’, y’know...” 
Sans sockets went wide before he puffed his cheeks out angrily, only to quickly run back into the house as Papyrus took one last bite of what he could handle before wiping his phalanges on his pants. He stood by the door, waiting for the kids to come barreling back out as they always did, and locked the door behind them. 
Pocketing the keys, they all were off to Waterfall. 
“Why do we gotta walk, Pap? Can’t we port, like you normally do?” Alphy said, looking back.
“ya kids have so much energy… plus, consider it part o’yer trainin’. wha’ does yer Dad say all th’time, Al?” Papyrus said easily, hiding his shaking hands in his pockets.
“Can’t rely on you guys for everythiiiiiiing.” Al groaned, slumping before turning around and walking backwards. “But who else has that power?! It’s so cool, Papy!” 
“I bet i have it!” Sans said almost too proudly. “I bet I have more powers than Pap!”
“Ew, the only power you’ll have is chomping someone in half, Sans! What with them massive chompers!” Alphy teased, stretching her gums to show her own before laughing as he scowled at her.
“shhh, keep yer voices down, ya dorks.” Papyrus warned with a smile. “we’re gettin’ outta th’safe zone… r’memba, quiet is key, so watch each otha’s backs like we taught ya.” 
“Right!” They both said in unison.
Damn, it’s going to be a long walk…
     When they finally got to the Safe-zone of Waterfall, Papyrus had to sit on the ground to catch his senses. Even now, his mind was hazing a bit, but… He simply took out the remaining food and began to try and shove some of it down since his siblings pointed it out. Papyrus blamed he didn’t want people seeing him eat, because that would make him an ‘Easy Target.’
He saw the doubt in their eyes, seeing how he’s done it plenty of times before… But he reminded them that they were also with Lizando and he isn’t as young as he used to be. With that excuse, they dropped it… 
As they warmed up how Lizando showed them, Papyrus tried to eat all he could of the food, even if he was getting close to vomiting it all back up. Chasing the thought of that away, he watched them both with a certain emotion swelling in his chest of seeing his baby siblings being so old now… 
...Either with Pride or he was really close to vomiting now was hard to figure out…
Pocketing the empty napkin, he swallowed the final pieces and washed it with a swig of Seasalt tea, his bones tense as the magic coursed through him. Damn, he doesn’t understand what’s been going on recently, knowing what he’s been eating should be a lot better than what he used to get…
Ugh, he’d really have to find fresher ingredients next time, blaming it on spoiled magic.
After watching the two a bit more, making sure he could see correctly, Papyrus got up and walked over to start their training. 
“allright.” He said, accidentally startling Alphy as she left out a squeak. “...rule numba one, Al?” Chuckling with a brow raised, she slowly turned to face him.
“...Uhm… Always be ready for an attack?...” She murmured.
“yeah, n’ don’ squeak like’a chewtoy. ya want all th’dogs o’Snowdin comin’ afta ya?” 
“good, strike next time, allright? cause who knows, it might not be me.” Papyrus said, patting her head. 
“But… I don’t wanna hurt-” “How are you going to know it’s him exactly next time someone is standing behind you?” Sans deadpanned. “Best to strike than someone backstabbing you, Al!”
“S-shut up! What if it’s someone scared then, huh?!” Alphy retorted. “What if it’s an innocent!?”
Sans took his wooden stick and took a strike at her. “Innocent my ass, if they pop up behind you; it’s only to kill! Until we get a hold of our abilities, these lousy things are only good for one thing! What does Li say!?” 
“Gah-! Sans, quit it!” Alphy took to fighting back against Sans, their sticks clashing at every blow. 
“What does he say?!” Sans growled more, getting harsher with his swinging and able to hit Alphys on her knee.
“Ouch! You-!!” Alphy boiled with rage, going after Sans. “Dad says to always anticipate the worst!” 
Papyrus stood, watching the two chase each other a bit more… Before he finally told them to come back. He chuckled as he saw Sans now had a few markings on his bone cheeks from the slaps of Alphy’s weapon, while her arms and knees held welts from Sans. 
“allright... so, were gunna practice magic t’day.” Papyrus said, watching the excitement bubble in their eyes. “bu’, we’re startin’ slow. y’guys know how ta form pellets from last trainin’… do a couple.”
The two formed their own pellet bullets, though he noticed Alphy’s had a bit of difficulty forming hers. 
“r’lax, think ‘bout a small ray’o’light, n’... thare ya guys go. good.” Papyrus praised, nodding as they both now fully formed two each. “now, y’guys recall how ta make ‘em hurt?”
“Of course!” Sans said, his sharp smile wide. “You have to feel Angry!” 
“No, you have to feel threatened!” Alphy corrected.  
Before either of them could argue, Papyrus coughed into his hand. “y’guys are on th’right track… bu’, wha’s th’ strongest emotion tha’ can cause’a Monsta damage?” 
“...Uhm… Disgust?” Alphy tilted her head. 
“No, idiot! Hatred!” Sans rolled his eyelights.
Papyrus snrked. “right, hatred. bu’ Al, disgust is one o’hatreds many different forms. howeva, ya can even be filled wit’ hate n’ it still won’ cause any effect… why is tha’?”
“Oh! Because one needs the intent to harm!” Alphy’s eyes went wide, Sans pouted at not being able to answer first. 
“correct. ya gotta both hate n’ wanna harm someone in orda ta do damage… bu’ tha’s fer’a stronger effect. so long as ya guys have jus’ th’intent ta harm, any negative emotion b’hind it will be’a boost.” 
Papyrus took a moment to look around before landing his sights on a couple of red echo flowers. With a grin, it would be the perfect target for the two since they’re fully made of negativity, the words alone would get a small monster absolutely furious. 
“see th’Echos ova thare?” Papyrus pointed to the small bundle of red that was by a tree. “get closer n’ shoot at ‘em. think o’th most disgustin’ thing ya can, or somethin’ ya hate th’most, n’ try ta rip th’Echo’s flower petals wit’ th’intent ta harm it.” 
The two looked over and began to get closer, only to halt at the same time. Apparently the two looked at one another with challenging smiles, perhaps whispering bets that they picked up the habit of doing, to probably see who gets the other's treats for the next week. 
Papyrus watched as Alphy’s went first, her first pellet coming and just grazing a petal that earned her a few curse words from the Flower itself. 
“s’allright, Al. use them words ta fuel yer intent.” Papyrus encouraged. 
Alphy nodded, taking her other pellet, carefully aiming… And getting the Echo smack dab in the middle, completely shutting it up. 
“I DID IT!” She screeched in glee, jumping. 
“Show off! Move over!” Sans scowled at her, quick to take her spot and aim for another flower… Before something else caught his eye. 
Before Papyrus could tell what, Sans went and shot his pellet out over the bundle of red Echo’s, only for a sudden deep, guttural growl to come out that shocked all three of them. 
“Sans, th’hell did’ja aim for!?” Papyrus quickly got to the two, grabbing them by the back of their shirts and keeping them close, getting ready to take a quick port. 
“I-... I-I thought it was a hive!” Sans stuttered, trying to get his balance as Alphy clung to Papyrus’ pant leg.
“even if it was, ya fuckin’ aim wha’ i tell ya ta aim at! undastand?!” Papyrus began to drag them both back as his sockets grew, seeing what Sans aimed to start moving.
A low growl was coming from the large forming Creature, the welt from the child in clear view until Papyrus realized what it was… 
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slimysnaildaddy · 4 years
Please. We need MC with Tourette's and the brothers/undateables all reacting. Bonus if it's Chaotic!MC.
(For context I told the person asking this to send me this prompt bc I have tourette’s but feel weird abt writing shit on here without being prompted, this isn’t just some random person coming into my askbox like LETS JOKE ABOUT DISABLED PEOPLE i genuinely have TS and told them to do it please don’t flame silver here because he lovely and deserves only good things)
HELL. YES. Get ready for chaos. And I’ll be very careful not to hit the stereotypes, but I am one of the 10% who exhibits coprolalia (the much-lauded swearing symptom of Tourette's, literally meaning “Poop-speak” in Greek) so expect some of that. It should also be noted that I, personally, am completely fine with jokes about tics or laughing when they make for good situational humor, but mocking someone for having tics is a BIG no-no. This does not represent the TS community as a whole and you should always ask the person what level of joking they’re okay with.
I didn’t do all the undateables but this is ridiculous and self-indulgent anyway so no one cares.
The first time he heard MC tic, it was when he was coming into the HOL after MC had been brought there by Mammon. He heard this puny human shout “SON OF A DONKEY WHORE” at the top of their lungs and automatically assumed they were in the process of being eaten by Beel or something of that nature, so he power walked (though he will deny it later) to their room only to find them casually re-arranging pillows and giving themself an occasional smack to the chest or making a strange yipping sound, perfectly safe.
Once MC explained it to him he simply sighed and came to the conclusion that this is going to be a long, long year.
He does get headaches sometimes, so he’s snapped at MC to keep it down once or twice and gotten chewed out as a result. It really isn’t something you can help, and MC makes that very clear.
Lucifer learned not to say anything of that nature, because somehow MC’s wrath is even worse than Satan’s.
He occasionally finds it hard to tell if MC is having a tic or causing problems intentionally. He wonders if they’re doing that on purpose. He is correct. He wonders if he can stop them. He is incorrect.
After he gets more comfortable with MC and learns the boundaries he will make jokes related to their tics.
“My hovercraft is full of eels!” “Perhaps you should invest in eel-catching equipment.”
If they’re having a bad day where they can’t stop hitting themself or might injure themself because of some of the more unpleasant tics, he will ask them if they need help with something, like a cushion.
Actually cracks up at some of the funnier tics. One time MC got him to spit coffee all over Diavolo with a perfectly timed tic. It was glorious.
Will facepalm if they say/do something particularly inappropriate.
First time he heard (or rather, saw) MC tic it was when he was unlocking the door to the HOL for them for the first time and they made a loud whooping noise and clapped very loudly.
Naturally this startled the shit out of him cause he’s a pissbaby lol. MC didn’t say anything about it cause they were too busy expecting to be murdered by this powerful demon lord who has been just this side of hostile to them ever since meeting them. They didn’t know he’s a pissbaby yet.
After a little while they mentioned “Oh hey i’ve got tourette’s” and here’s how THAT went.
MC: Yeah, I have Tourette’s Syndrome so if I start saying or doing weird stuff-
Mammon: WAIT. Isn’t that the swearing disease. (sighhh)
MC: *deep sigh* only 10% of us have coprolalia-
Mammon, barely remembering ancient Greek: WAIT SO YOU SHIT YOUR PANTS-
Satan tries correcting him but MC cuts him off like “no no, i want him to keep thinking that it’s funny as fuck”
Mc then proceeds to torment Mammon by threatening to shit on his belongings. Keeps him from stealing their wallet.
Literally takes him until he makes a pact with them to get the proper explanation (and to get roasted for making that assumption in the first place)
100% jokes with MC about their tics.
Still gets startled by the more sudden/loud ones and has jumped into Beel’s arms bc of this.
First time they did a tic in front of him was when they were trying to figure out how to find Goldie.
“Maybe we should look in the- *starts smacking chest repeatedly* GARGOYLES GARGOYLES ughhh hang on this is gonna take a few minutes to stop GARGOYLES GARGOYLES”
Levi: *white guy blinking gif*
They do not look in the gargoyles.
MC explains it to him and he’s just like “OH I’VE SEEN MOVIES WITH THAT”
MC stares off into the distance like a character from The Office
He ends up being responsible for them having MULTIPLE tics where they imitate anime attack calls or gestures, peppered with occasional magical girl transformation lines.
They say rurin in a cutesy little voice every 5 minutes for a whole week and everyone’s glaring at Levi the whole time.
Thinks some of their tics are REALLY CUTE AND ANIME and is not shy about saying this.
MC: ugh, you know this is a GENUINE DISABILITY, right?
Levi: omg i’m sorry
MC: lol i’m just fucking with you- RURIN~!
He noticed MC being a bit twitchy from the moment they arrived, but simply assumed they were nervous and a bit flinchy because of that. Of course, they totally were nervous but also their brain was just like “time to clench all of your muscles at once instead of paying attention to this very important conversation”.
After that he just notices more and more, and honestly he probably reads a lot so it’s likely he already knows about Tourette’s or similar tic disorders, it’s entirely possible that he asks them about it or mentions it casually in conversation.
Is honestly fascinated by their tics and what can trigger them, when they’re more or less frequent, things that cause them to get better or worse, etc etc. MC may have to actually tell him to stop treating them like a case study.
Or, even better, they may just intentionally fuck up his observations.
Knows a thing or two about how it feels to not be able to control yourself when upset. Whenever MC gets a tic attack he’s ready. He looked this up.
Tries not to crack up when they say or do objectively funny shit but sometimes a tic is times just PERFECTLY and he can’t help but snort.
The first time he heard them tic it was a mild disaster.
“Kissy poo~”
“nonono wait-”
Thinks some of the tics are cute and will absolutely let MC know. Even if they tell him to fuck off lol.
He sees a nasty bruise from one of MC’s more unpleasant tics (eg: chest smacking, slamming their head/arm into something on accident from a flailing tic) and doesn’t just have a cow, he has the entire damn pasture. MC simply CANNOT have such marks on their gorgeous skin! Don’t worry, he’s got creams and makeup for that :^)
Is a little too enthusiastic about offering to help MC relax if they’re having a bad tic day. He suggests massages. Massages are always good.
He’s happy to provide the massages.
Please MC let him give you a massage.
First time he saw them tic it was during breakfast and they whistled very loudly right next to him.
His poor ears :( how could you hurt him in this way MC
Once they explained it he was like “Oh. Okay.” and moved on with his life.
He gets the whole “having urges to do shit you shouldn’t do” aka eating something he shouldn’t. He does his best to distract MC if they’re having bad tics.
mc: oh sorry i just need to touch something haha tourette’s is wild right *full on grabs beel’s chest* beel: :?
MC can ask him to restrain them if they’re having a really bad time with stuff and he’s more than strong enough to help lol. UNLIKE MY MOTHER SORRY MOM
Always apologizes if he accidentally triggers a tic.
MC starts climbing on him. Tourette’s compels them. He allows it. Jungly gym beel?
No lie I have a tic that’s just me saying “I eat worms!” in a cutesy voice and- IMAGINE
First time he saw them tic it was while he was still in the attic, they started jerking their head around during a late night visit and he was like what the fuck are you doing-
Thought it was incredibly annoying at first. I don’t blame him honestly. Tourette’s more like Annoying Asshole syndrome am i right (haha that internalized ableism)
Subtly triggered their tics intentionally cause haha stupid human
Once he got out of the attic and made friends with MC properly he was just kind of like “oh that was pretty shit of me wasn’t it”
Honestly doesn’t know how to help so he just ignores it lol.
The one time he tries to help them when they’re having a bad tic day he makes them take a nap with him because clearly if they’re asleep they can’t tic, right?
Surprise! They still can. Enjoy the knee to the stomach, B.
Encourages them to use their powers for evil. Like telling them to spill something on Lucifer and claim it was because of their Tourette’s.
Note: don’t do that, mc only obliges bc this is chaotic mc. TS not a toy etc etc
Read that MC had tourette’s on their file, but honestly didn’t know what it was. Probably just assumed it was a heart condition or something, so when MC comes over for the retreat him and Dia are not expecting the tics.
The first time they tic in front of him it was at the retreat. He had just served them tea and tourette’s said yeeting time and they chucked the teacup. It hit him in the forehead. Tea all over his face. His hair. His suit. The wall. The floor. Maybe some on Diavolo too. He’s both impressed by their aim and wanting to fucking die.
Mammon is howling with laughter.
MC explains it to him while he’s still dripping with tea and he just smiles in a very strained manner and goes to get changed and wash his hair.
At the retreat when MC and Solomon make human food, he quickly learns that MC should not be around sharp Devildom knives. Or a stove. Or anything dangerous.
Gets weirdly protective over them, especially if they DO end up handling potentially dangerous stuff.
Keeps trying to find better ways to serve them drinks so they don’t break all the fine china, like plastic cups with lids. Stuff still gets spilled everywhere so he tries to get them a travel mug. The handle snaps and the lid leaks. Eventually gets them a sippy cup for toddlers, which works wonders. MC thinks it’s hysterical and makes him put a label on it with their name.
He seriously considers investing in Gyro Bowls as well.
After MC accidentally turned a platter with a soup bowl on it into an impromptu catapult with a poorly aimed table smack, he does just that.
One time they mention having a very strong urge to put their hand over a burning candle and he makes sure no candle is ever near them in the palace.
honestly i have too many ideas for barbatos so he’s getting a whole ass fic.
The teacup incident was also the first time HE learned the true nature of Tourette’s syndrome. Once the whole deal was explained (and he knew mc wasn’t maliciously throwing things at Barbatos) he thought it was the funniest shit.
Bless his heart honestly.
Tries to not laugh at first bc he thinks it’s probably disrespectful. Meanwhile MC is cackling like a mad scientist bc they dabbed for the 343643th time today and Lucifer looks like he’s about to blow a gasket as a result.
Lowkey I can kind of see him as being one of those “Oh my goodness you are so BRAVE for going through this” meanwhile mc stares off into space like they’re on the office
Is astounded at all the unique challenges humans have to go through meanwhile MC is yeeting cups at barbatos
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beetlegoose01 · 3 years
Frostbite Chapter 4- Broken Promises
AN: Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all enjoy Chapter 4. :D
Previous Chapter: https://pepperimps01.tumblr.com/post/646112113682710528/frostbite-recovery-chapter-3
Summary: Casey and Donnie struggle with their feelings. Leo reunites with the new mutant, and finds more info about them.
Casey grunted and grumbled as he wandered downstairs, still in his pajamas. Predictably dad wasn't in the kitchen, so he fixed himself and Riley a bowl of cornflakes. Dad was rarely ever at home, usually cruising through different bars to stay occupied, so Casey had to step up.  He wasn't really a cook, not that he would have time to make a meal.
"Riley, breakfast!" He hollered, running his hand through his messy curls.
The chipper girl skipped down the steps two at a time. She plopped down, inhaling her cornflakes like she hadn't eaten in days. She was already dressed in a blouse and skirt, the uniform required at her middle school.
Casey joined her, eating his cereal a bit slower as he fixed his hair. Not that he cared too much about his appearance.
"You know a comb would be more effective." Riley teased, mouthful of milk and cereal. "Something really weird happened last night. I almost thought it was a dream but it couldn't be."
Casey raised an eyebrow.
"I ordered food from Murakami's. I was so hungry, you know."  She continued. "And I walked home with my noodles and these assholes started attacking me."
Casey dropped his spoon so loudly it made a clanging noise. "What? Did they hurt you?"
She scoffed. "No, that's the best part. Sure, I was holding my own, but this guy with his sick karate moves saved me! And Sparky too! My pet racoon."
He wanted to tell her that a raccoon didn't qualify as a pet, and heck, he didn't even see the little rodent, but he was too concerned about his sister's wellbeing. "You're lying. You just did your homework last night."
"Except you know I never do my homework." Riley said snarkily. "No...he was really nice. Actually he was a bit strange. Donatello was his name." She perked up. "You wouldn't believe what he-"
"Shut up Ri, stop talking nonsense." Casey rolled his eyes. "Get ready for school. April's walkin' with us today."
"But he-"
Riley frowned, slumping over, but complying as she grabbed her backpack moodily.
He chewed at his lip. He knew he was being a total jerk, but he also wanted his sister to just be lying. She was known to tell tales but he hated being so dismissive. He'd have to ask later.
After getting dressed and actually combing through his hair, he heard a knock at the door.
"I'll get it!" Riley shouted, clumsily leaping over a bookbag, nearly crashing into the wall as she ran towards the front door. "Hi April!"
"Hiya Riley," The redhead said. "You guys ready to go?"
"I am. Yo Casey, are you?"
"Yep." He grabbed his bag.
"Let's go then."
The trio headed out the door, Riley chattering mindlessly about something.
"I'm gonna stay late today." She said. "Baseball practice."
"Baseball?" April looked at her quizzically. "I thought you played hockey."
"I play both. Duh." Riley rolled her eyes, avoiding a crack in the sidewalk. "I'm the best player on the team, even though I'm the only girl. Hockey..." She cringed. "I prefer to watch, I think." She stopped, crouching down to watch a raccoon scurry through some trash.
"Come on Riley, we're gonna be late." Casey said.
"But he's so cute." Riley cooed. "I missed you Sparky!"
"How do you even know that's the same possum?"
"Racoon. And I just know." She scratched his furry head. The creature's big black eyes widened, accepting the pets happily.
"Ugh, no, he could have diseases or rabies or something-" Casey grabbed her by the backpack straps and pulled her away. Ignoring his sister's struggles, he looked at April: "Did you do Ms. Thompson's homework?"
"Yes, last night." She hummed, glancing back at him. "No, you can't copy it."
"Damn. Can you help me with it?"
April chuckled. "Sure thing."
"You're the best, Red."
She smiled, taking his hand in hers. "I've missed you, Casey."
"I've missed you too."
"Guys!" Riley interrupted. "Stop ogling and take me to school already!"
They blushed, April easily slipping her hand back in her pocket as if nothing had happened between them.
Thankfully, her school was just around the corner, giving him and April plenty of time to talk on their way to the high school.
"So...Red," Casey said, fixing his hair self consciously. "There's a new Beetlewoman movie comin' out on Friday."
April nodded. "There is."
"I heard it's even better than the last one."
She hummed. "I heard that too."
"Do you wanna go with me?"
"Are you asking me on a date?" She asked bluntly.
"That depends, are you gonna say yes?"
April stared at him for a moment, contemplating her answer carefully.
"It's a no, isn't it?" He sighed, defeated. "I could have sworn this would be the day."
"Jones," She said firmly. "Casey, you know I like you a lot."
"I have an annoying feeling that there's gonna be a 'but' somewhere..."
"But, I need to focus on myself right now. Dating is just another thing to worry about. My life is crazy enough." She laughed weakly. "You do know I like you and Donnie, right?"
Casey made a face. "What does this have to do with Donnie?"
"Everything." She looked away wistfully. "You'll figure it out eventually."
"Whatever you say, Red. Come on, the bell's about to ring."
Peace and quiet was all Donatello craved. The brief moments of silence he received when working on a project were always savored. Even as a curious little tot, he loved blissful quiet. Which was difficult when living in the same sewers as three other rambunctious turtles- but he made do.
Hunched over his desk, he carefully followed the instructions written down. Deja vu was a common occurrence now, and it certainly didn't help with the gelatinous blob form of Timothy watching him work.
"Don't worry Tim," He said through a yawn. "I won't rest until you're cured, buddy."
The floating eyeballs blinked back at him. Looking at him too long was sure to make anyone squeamish, but Donnie could only feel guilt and pity.
"Nothing will stop me from-"
"Yo D!"
Donnie massaged his temples, recognizing the voice immediately. For once, he wished it was Mikey who had interrupted his work.
"Don't you have school?"
"What are you, my mom?" Casey scoffed. "Nah, school's out." He flopped onto the lab table, sitting directly on Donnie's notes.
"What do you want now, Jones?"  He still couldn't forget his brother's teasing, and he wasn't looking forward to dealing with his own feelings. If they caught him talking with Jones, there was no doubt they would make fun of him.
"Oh, nothing." Casey took a seat on the table. "Check it." He slid a disc towards Donnie, who examined it. He couldn't believe what he was looking at- and that it was real.
"No. Way." He breathed. "The Electric Skullz's Dynamite album?"  He had to bite his tongue in order to prevent himself from squealing.
Casey grinned. "You know it." He placed his hands in his lap, thinking. "I figured we could...listen to it sometime. Together! Since we both like it." He paused, scrunching his face. "Stupid idea, probably."
Donnie's features softened. This kid...he did something nice for him. He didn't have to, but he did. And Donnie was touched. But also midly infuriated. How dare Jones make it so difficult to hate him?
"It's not stupid.. That's what friends do, don't they? Listen to music together?"
Friends...it sounded weird out loud. Not that either teen disliked it.
Casey raised an eyebrow. "Wait...we're friends?"
Donnie shrugged. "I don't know. But arguing is exhausting. And you had a point. We both love this band, so why not?"
"Sounds good to me."
Donnie eagerly popped the disc into his homemade music player, turning the volume up. Timothy pitifully stared through the glass container, as if he wanted to jam too.
"Listen Don, I meant to, well," He rubbed the back of his neck. "Talk to you as well."
Donnie stopped the music abruptly. He glanced at Casey, who looked uncomfortable. "Yeah?"
"Oh- er- uh." This was proving to be more difficult as he stared at the tall turtle's mahogany brown eyes. "I don't hate you."
"No, wait. I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. Ever since we've met. But I don't want to fight anymore. I like talking to you about music. You're kinda cool."
Donnie didn't say anything.
"Red doesn't want us to fight. And if you do care about her like I know you do, then you'd respect what she wants. Right?"
"Yes, I agree. The trouble is..." Donnie looked down guiltily. "I don't know what I feel. About us." He gestured at himself, then at Casey.
"You don't have any answers?"
"No. For once, I don't."
Casey exhaled. "I don't either."
Donnie hummed, waiting for anything to ease the awkwardness. Before he had a chance to return to his work, Casey spoke up again. 
"My sister said something weird." He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably.
"She said some guy named Donatello saved her from some creeps. Is that true? Or was she just makin' stuff up?"
Donnie paused, a small smile revealing. He looked as if he was debating if he should tell Casey or not. "She wasn't. I did, though I didn't know she was your sister at the time." Donnie replied honestly. "Riley, right?"
"She didn't mention you were a turtle though." He joked.
"She didn't seem to mind."
"Guess those things don't really matter, huh? It's all about...what's in there." He patted Donnie's scratched up plasteron. Brown eyes met darker brown, and he backed up slowly, unsure if he should move closer. "Sorry. But thanks for helping her. She means everything to me. I'm sure you know how that feels."
Donnie's breath was caught in his throat. He gulped.  "I...of course."
"Oh shoot." Casey checked his phone as if nothing had happened. "Sorry dude, I promised Raph I'd ride bikes with him. Catch ya later?"
"Yeah!" His voice cracked. "I'd love that."
As Casey left with a cheeky grin and wave, Donnie felt a sinking feeling in his stomach.
He glanced at the jar of guts that once resembled another teenaged boy. "Tim, I think I'm in trouble."
That sinking feeling in his stomach didn't leave even hours later. Donnie had tried to push it off, move forward and continue like normal. It wasn't even a big deal. He saved Casey's sister, and that was that. He would have saved any other human just the same. Then why did he feel so weird? He wouldn't lie, he wondered how Casey would react if he knew. Would he be proud of him? Maybe their friendship could expand and their infamous rivalry could finally end.
They had more in common than either boy had realized. They enjoyed the same music and food at least, and according to 'bro code' that's all one needed in a friendship. They did have fun bonding over the Electric Skullz...
But then there was April. She clearly didn't seem enthusiastic in dating either of them. Donnie's pursuit of the beautiful redhead seemed to lose interest as time went on. Each look she gave him was not one of admiration, but of pity. He still liked her a lot though.
'I don't have a chance with her.'
Did Casey? Casey had the added benefit of being human. But he was also charming, handsome, had curious chocolate brown eyes and...and...
A really cute smile with little dimples on each cheek. And confidence to boot, something Donnie had always secretly admired.
Donnie rolled over in back, staring at the wall. What was he even saying? Casey wasn't...he didn't.
'Don't think that. You're not gay. You like April. You like April. You like April.'
He heard Raphael's voice in his mind. 'Who are you even trying to convince? Me, or yourself?'
Who was he trying to convince?
He slid out of bed as quietly as possible. He wasn't going to get any sleep at this rate.  Might as well work on the retromutagen and get his mind off Casey for once.  And it would be less of a time waster than staring at the ceiling and tossing and turning.
'Casey's still human, you know.' The little voice reminded him as he stepped out of his room, blinking blearily. 'You've got the same chance of impressing him as you do April.'
"I know." He muttered under his breath, this time aloud. "I don't like him like that. He's just a friend. I think?"
If he was human, he wouldn't have this problem. Maybe he could have dated them both. Though even for humans that was considered taboo.
He shook his head, glancing at the lab clock. 3:32am. No point in going back to sleep. His laptop had been left open too from a few hours ago. He sighed, typing into his old friend Google what exactly his feelings were.
Article after article, the only sound being the ticking clock, he found his answer. But not in the way he expected.
What is...bisexuality?
Hamato Donatello knew a lot of things. But one thing he was always going to struggle with- was romance. The best course of action was to simply avoid these emotions and put them off until he couldn't take it anymore.. Little did he know, he wasn't the only turtle struggling. His hand stopped moving the mouse, hearing shuffling noises from outside. He came to recognize each individual footsteps his brothers and father made. Mikey usually had a bounce in his step, Raph dragged his feet or stomped about. Splinter's paws were very quiet and had his tail dragging behind him. But these steps were nearly silent, as if he was standing on his tip toes, eager to not wake the remaining members of his family.
"Leo?" He uttered, careful to keep his voice low. He didn't need to turn around, he knew exactly who it was.
But when he saw the distraught, bloodshot eyes of his oldest brother, he moved closer. Leo flinched.
"Leo?" He repeated. "Why are you awake?"
"I couldn't sleep." His voice sounded hoarse. "And you?"
"Same as you, I guess." Donnie quickly slammed his laptop shut. "You look exhausted."
"I can't stop thinking about her." Leo murmured, nearly inaudible.
"Her?" Donnie stared blankly, wondering if Leo was sleepwalking and somehow stumbled inside the lab. "Karai?"
He shook his head. "Sorry, I'm talking nonsense aren't I?"
"A little bit, yeah."
Leo chuckled softly, then turned somber. "I was thinking about the mutant. I'm worried. I mean, she could cause some serious destruction."
Donnie's eyes widened in realization. "You were going to try to find it...her, weren't you? That's why you're wandering around at 4am."
Leo didn't answer. He didn't have to. His eyes told Donnie everything.
"You're dead on your feet. You definitely shouldn't go searching for a deranged mutant when you can barely stand. And alone, of all the crazy things. Come on, Leo, let's go back to sleep."
Surprisingly, Leonardo agreed, as if Donnie was the older sibling and not the other way around. "You're right. I don't know what I was thinking. But you should sleep too."
Donnie relaxed, grateful that there wasn't an argument involved. "I think I will."
"I'll walk with you to your room."
"And you promise you'll go to bed?"
"I promise." Leo vowed, leading the way back to their individual rooms.
Donnie slipped inside his room, practically melting into his bed, exhausted. His eyes fluttered close.
"Oyasumi." His brother whispered.
"Hai, oyasumi." He mumbled under the blankets, instantly comforted.
"See you in the morning, brother." Leo tucked him in gently. "I'll be back as soon as I can."
And for the first time in his life, Leo had broken a promise to his brother.
The moonlight glowed over the cityscape. Leo tumbled to the ground of the rooftops, checking the area, knowingly being followed. He wasn't afraid, but he knew he had to keep alert. This enemy was unknown, and if he made one false error, he couldn't rely on his brothers for help. Each sense perked up anxiously, waiting for any sign of attack.
Another movement came from behind. He stopped abruptly, skidding to a halt.
"Show yourself." He commanded, one katana raised high, its brother still in its holder.
"Oh, but that would make things less fun..."
Leonardo turned around fiercely. "Every moment you hide in the shadows you only prove your cowardice."
"Cowardice? We'll see about that. You're the one who's afraid."
"I'm not afraid." He said defiantly.
"You soon will be..."
And then it crawled forward. Slowly, claws stepped towards him, revealing the hidden mutant reptile that resembled a crocodile. Her voice, though menacing, still had a feminine tone that made his heart race. Her body was a beautiful emerald green, with piercing gold eyes and cream undertones. She flicked her long, thick tail back, fangs curling into a sinister smirk. Though she was bigger than he was, he wasn't about to show any sign of fear. She then circled him like a predator with her prey. Though he had dealt with much deadlier villains, he still felt uneasy. 
"Miss me?" She snarled. "It's been a while."
Leo narrowed his eyes. He recognized her of course, though they had never spoken. Their last fight had ended less than pleasant. Both he and Mikey had to make a hasty retreat. Leo had regretted it ever since.
"I don't think I ever caught your name." He growled. "If you have one."
"I didn't throw it." She said, then relented. "Nova."
"What are you?"
She licked her lips. "The last thing you see before you die. The banter was cute, sugar, but I'm hungry. That's all I need."
Beyond her wild eyes was a look of fear, and true hunger. She wasn't lying, she looked as though she hadn't eaten in days.
"Nova please. I'm- I'm Leonardo."
She pounced forward, pinning the turtle to the ground. "So long, Leonardo."
"I don't want to hurt you." He wheezed.
"What a shame, because I so want to hurt you. Your pathetic attempt at kindness only shows how weak you truly are."
With his free leg, Leo kicked his shin upwards to hit her underbelly. She yelped, falling backwards. Her malnourishment was proof she needed help. But clearly she didn't want any.
"So much for not hurting me." She spat, acid leaving her lips and barely avoiding Leo's toes as he lept away. When she moved closer towards him, he softened slightly. He avoided staring at her shark like teeth.
He held out a hand. "I meant what I said. I can help you. Food, shelter, a chance to be with other mutants. I don't want to fight you."
For a brief moment, she looked as if she was going to comply, even eagerly with his convincing tone. Her muzzle grazed his cheek, vulnerability clear in her gold eyes. Then she turned away viciously, reconsidering.
"I don't want anything to do with you, Leonardo. Any hope of happiness is finished., My humanity is gone. I'm a freak, like you." She spat. "I had everything. Fame, fortune, my beauty..." Her claws extended. "All of it is gone."
He shook his head. "No it isn't. There is still hope. I promise, I'll help you."
She rolled her eye slits. "How very noble of you." Her tongue slid out, resembling two separated spiky parts.
"It's not just about being noble. It's about doing what's right." Leo held out his hand once more, echoing the wisdom of Captain Ryan. "Are you willing, Nova?"
Snapping her jaws back, she raised a claw to swipe at him. He flinched, waiting for a swift but agonizing feeling. But nothing happened. She had moved away. He didn't even need to draw his swords.
"That's your answer. See you soon...sugar." She hissed, disappearing into the shadows once more.
"Wait!" He cried. But she was gone.
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strawberriestyles · 4 years
Chapter 11
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(Banner made by sweet sunshine @harry-nofookingway-styles​)
Harry X OFC (AU)
Sequel to Brutality: In which Melody and Harry must relearn how to navigate one another among a flurry of changes.
Read previous parts here.
Author’s note: Heyyyyyaaaaaaa. I’m going to be honest with y’all. I have not been working on this story like I should have since I started posting. That being said, I do have a few more chapters completed but then things get a littleeeeee fuzzy bc I’ve been slacking. I’m going to try to keep up with the posting schedule I have rn, but if that doesn’t work out, please forgive me. I may need to pause for a few weeks to stack up some more chapters. BUT CROSS YOUR FINGERS I GET MY SHIT TOGETHER. As always, please like and reblog and leave me an ask if you can. :’) When you’re done reading, I would love for you guys to go find a petition you haven’t signed yet. All of my love. Xx
Melody still had nightmares. Horrible ones. Awful, haunting dreams that pressed at the edges of reality, blurring lines between sleeping and waking. But they somehow became less constant and more bearable within the next few weeks. Whether it was due to Harry’s constant, tender touches as she fell asleep every night, or to the ugly, unartistic paintings and incoherent writing she’d forced out, there were no clues. She thought Harry deserved the credit, but he thought it could be a mix of both.
Early snow dusted the city like powdered sugar, lightly enough to look pretty without making traffic a mess. Melody felt the cold dampen her mood, but Harry only seemed to brighten at the prospect of a blizzard warning. Snow dazzled him. Despite everything he’d experienced in his relatively short life, somehow winter had always remained a sort of sanctuary for him. And he’d softened himself toward everyone as a result.
“Ugh, do I have to go?” Melody asked aloud when she reentered the bedroom to find him laid out on her bed. He looked so cozy and warm in a pair of sweats with his hair mussed atop his head. She bent over him to plant a chaste kiss to his lips.
“No,” Harry said, “yeh don’.”
She smiled ruefully and stole another soft kiss from him. “Yes, I do.”
“Yeh don’ have to. Could stay here with me.”
“Harry.” Melody accepted his return kisses as he sat himself up, swinging his legs over the edge of the mattress.
“Melody.” He ran a thumb over the curve of her chin and sighed.
“I need to go. Please, be nice to Bea.”
“Always am.”
“Sure you are.” She pressed her lips to his one final time and let them linger a few moments too long, until she felt his fingers sneaking around the back of her neck. If she let him touch her too much she’d end up late to her own match. “Okay, I’m leaving,” she insisted as she backed away. “I’m going. Bye.”
Harry watched her slip out of the room, collecting her gym bag on the way. He was relieved that she hadn’t told him she loved him. Every time he heard the words on her tongue he felt his very organs shift, felt them contort and fold in on themselves. He would never, ever tell her the way it made him feel, but he hoped that eventually, when he still wasn’t saying it back, she might just let the sentiment die. Wishful thinking, perhaps.
“Let’s go, Harry!” Bea called from the living room.
He sighed as he rose to his feet and lumbered out of the bedroom, his cane clicking on the hardwood. The door to the apartment closed before he made it past the threshold of the room. It was only him and Bea left. There was still an awkward air between them, but it was beginning to thin. Harry thought it was because of his help with Melody’s nightmares. He didn’t like the idea that Bea had ever thought he’d be useless in a situation like that. He didn’t like that doing the bare minimum to comfort Melody had somehow made Bea more open to him.
“You don’t look enthused.”
“I don’ like to bullshit,” Harry responded.
Bea grinned. She patted the cushion beside her and waited for him to sit. She didn’t seem bothered that he sat farther from her than necessary.
“Aren’t you wondering what we’re gonna watch?” Bea asked.
Harry shrugged. “Not really.”
“What if I picked a chick flick?”
“Then I’d just fall asleep.”
“You’re not falling asleep tonight,” Bea stated. “We’re watching The Silence of the Lambs.”
Harry’s lack of reaction seemed to deflate her. She clicked a button on the remote and the opening credits of the film began to roll.
“I have no clue how you’re with someone who writes and paints,” Bea murmured.
“If yeh figure it out, let me know.”
The pair lapsed into silence as the movie started. And didn’t even exchange a glance when Queenie appeared, curling up on the cushion between them.
Bea paused after a bit to take a call from Josie and microwave a bag of popcorn, and when she returned she found her cat sprawled across Harry’s lap, purring loudly, much to Harry’s chagrin. She had to consciously stop herself from spitting out laughter. Instead, she sat back in her seat and slid the bowl of popcorn into the spot that Queenie had abandoned.
“That was fucked up,” Harry eventually said, when the end credits of the movie had been rolling for a few minutes.
“He wore the guy’s face.”
“He eats people. I feel like that’s the more fucked up of the two.”
Harry shook his limbs, as though he could expel the disturbing parts of the movie from his memory. Queenie, who hadn’t moved since she settled into his lap, took unkindly to his movement, stretched to the floor, and bounded into Bea’s bedroom.
“Glad Melody didn’t watch this one.”
Bea drew in a deep breath and shook her head. “Melody loves scary movies,” she informed him. "But that’s because she knows they’re not real. She’s not—It’s different when you live it, right?”
Harry fell silent. Whether she agreed or not, he was the one that had dragged Melody into a horror film of her own. Now she could barely sleep in her own bed because of his brother. And he didn’t know how else he could help, how else he could ward off the monsters.
“Speak of the devil,” Bea said as she caught sight of Harry’s phone, where it buzzed on the coffee table. “Mel” was spelled across the screen. Harry leaned forward to answer the call and bring the phone to his ear.
“Hey, man.”
Sean’s voice sounded muffled and uneasy. Harry felt himself stiffen almost immediately, and his body language conveyed something to Bea. She unfolded her legs to place her feet flat on the floorboards.
“Wha’s wrong?”
“Why does something have to be wrong?”
“Because yeh’re callin’ me from Melody’s phone and yeh sound like yeh’re about to get in trouble. Don’ fuck with me.”
There was a brief hiccup of a chuckle on the other end of the line. It was a nervous sound. Harry didn’t like it one bit.
“Uh, she lost her match.” Sean cleared his throat before he went on. “She’s about to get an X-ray of her torso done right now. I’m sure it’s just—”
“Fuckin’ Christ, Sean! Yeh could’ve led with that.” Harry was already on his feet, reaching for the arm of the sofa to keep his balance when he realized he was forgetting his cane. He doubled back and waved off Bea’s desperate vie for information.
“She’s probably fine!” Sean defended. “I don’t think she broke anything or she would’ve been a little more hysterical.”
“For fuck’s sake. I’ll be there in fifteen.”
Harry hung up before Sean could respond. “She’s gettin’ X-rays at the hospital,” he spat at Bea, who was following him around and demanding to know what was going on. “Might have a broken rib or somethin’.”
So much for this strange bonding experience that Melody had insisted on. It felt more like something sorority sisters might do on the weekends than anything else, anyway. And Harry didn’t wait for Bea as he hobbled down the complex stairs, struggling into a jacket while supporting himself with his cane. But somehow she ended up in the cab with him, and their mutual silence felt unifying.
“Floor two,” the woman at the lobby’s desk said. Harry was already crossing to the elevators, so she nearly shouted the room number to him. Bea, despite being in perfect health, had to rush to keep up with him. Her curls bounced with every hurried step.
“Harry, I’m sure she’s okay.” She tugged the zipper down on her jacket as they waited for an elevator and tried to catch her breath. This felt like exercise, and Bea hated exercise. “Not that you shouldn’t be worried,” she continued, “but don’t act like she’s on the brink of death. She’s used to injuries.”
Harry snorted humorlessly. Melody didn’t know what injuries were. She told him once that she’d never been to the hospital for herself. It was always a cousin giving birth or her father getting stitches. She had never split her skin open far enough to get stitched up herself, or been hit so hard that her insides were bleeding, or snapped a bone.
There was a musical ding as an elevator reached the ground floor. Harry didn’t wait for the family on it to exit before he shouldered past them and jammed his thumb into the button for the second story. Bea was more patient. She allowed everyone out before she stepped in beside Harry and watched him smash the button to close the elevator doors. It was almost endearing to see him so concerned, but it was also too intense for her tastes.
There was no elevator music to lull the pair of them. They waited in silence until they reached the floor that Melody was on and then navigated through the halls quickly until they found the correct room number. Sean was just inside the door.
“Ah, I thought you’d gotten lost or—”
“Fuck you,” Harry snapped as he stepped past his friend. Melody was laying in a hospital bed. This setting was so familiar to Harry, but with the roles reversed, it felt like he was having a nightmare of his own.
“You don’t have to be rude to him, you know,” Melody muttered.
She had an awful, swelling bruise on her forehead, so close to her temple that it could’ve made Harry sick. She was in a sports bra, and for the first time he noticed Vanessa, who was meticulously wrapping up Melody’s ribcage.
“‘S not broken?” was the first thing Harry said.
“No,” Vanessa answered.
“Bruised.” Sean took a step forward, trying to insert himself back into the conversation that he had been ejected from. “She was doing really well and then—”
“I don’ wanna hear from you,” Harry interrupted. Melody rolled her eyes. Sean sighed.
“Fine, I guess I’ll go home,” he said. “I’ll let Goodman know you’re out for at least a month.”
Melody’s eyes widened and when she moved, the pressure on her ribs made her flinch. “A month?”
“At least,” Sean repeated.
“It’s a bruise.”
“‘S a bruised rib, Melody,” Harry snapped.
Sean left without any goodbyes. Bea leaned up against the wall where he’d been standing and lifted an eyebrow. “Thought you had defenses like a brick wall,” she teased.
“Shut up,” Melody mumbled as Vanessa finished her work. The room fell silent.
“Do you want some ice for your face?” Vanessa asked eventually, when Melody had been avoiding everyone’s eyes and the rest of them were sick of looking at each other.
“No, I can just—”
“Yes, she’ll take some ice,” Harry cut in.
“You tend to interrupt people,” Melody informed him. She laid back gently against the pillows that had been propped up behind her. “Have you noticed?”
Bea snorted. “Pretty sure he does it on purpose,” she said before wandering out of the room. Vanessa glanced between Harry and Melody and then followed Bea. The tension that had already filled the air seemed to thicken, settling over the two of them like an unnavigable fog. Harry sliced through it first.
“This is why I don’ want yeh fighting,” he said.
“You’re such a hypocrite, Harry,” she muttered. Then her voice rose. “If you were still in the ring you’d be getting injured, too. And I—”
Harry ignored the sting that he felt, the knowledge that he couldn’t box in his current condition. What if she wasn’t able to write? These days it seemed just that she didn’t want to, but if she wasn’t able to, wouldn’t she feel this same sort of despair? “Mel, yeh bruised your fuckin’ rib.” He took a step further into the room. “A little more pressure and it breaks. A little less luck and it punctures a fuckin’ lung and yeh’re chokin’ on blood. These are not just injuries. Yeh didn’ just fall off a bike and scrape your knee.”
Melody paused. She didn’t know how to respond. That sounded like her own fears spit back in her face. A half inch to the left and that bullet would’ve killed you.
“Are you going to keep yelling?”
“‘M not fuckin’ yelling. Do yeh want me to yell?” Harry’s brows knitted together and he shook his head. “What did yeh expect, me to lay down next to yeh and tell yeh ‘m so glad yeh’re okay? ‘S not happenin’. Think I’ve made my feelings pretty clear when it comes to this.”
“Actually, I didn’t expect anything. I didn’t want to call you.” Melody licked her lips as she studied the anger etched into the lines of Harry’s face, and then the minuscule shift as he realized that Sean was on his side. At least in this moment. “It comes with being a boxer,” she said after a pause. “You told me that once.”
Harry sighed. “Yeh’re not a fuckin’ boxer, Mel. Yeh’re a writer. Yeh’re a painter.”
“I can be whatever the fuck I want to be, Harry. And you’re not going to tell me what that is.”
His features hardened for a moment and then he glanced out the window. There was snow falling, slowly and gently, without the force of the brutal wind that would arrive in the coming weeks. It was so peaceful out there, and Harry wondered how he’d let himself become so resentful.
He stared outside for a few long minutes and then let his eyes wander back to Melody, who was already picking absentmindedly at the wrappings of her ribcage. His legs were growing weary and he was on the verge of needing to sit. Melody glanced up when she felt the weight of his gaze.
“Can we go home now?” she asked, and her voice was so soft, so at odds with the way she’d spoken her last sentence, that Harry could feel himself physically jarred by the shift.
“I can’ help yeh walk,” he said, though the words tasted like acid. “Yeh’re gonna need Bea and I dunno where she went off to.”
Melody chewed on her lower lip. She felt guilty for the short argument they’d had, and she could see that same feeling reflected back at her. The match had tired her out, her bruised rib hurt with every expansive breath. In vain, tears began to collect at the corners of her reddening eyes.
“Don’,” Harry said, taking a shaky step forward. He could sense the shift even before he saw her chin trembling. “Please, don’.”
“I’m not, I’m not,” she murmured, pressing her fingers to her eyelids, as if they could keep the water back like a dam. “Uh, how was the movie?”
“It was good,” Harry assured her, surprising himself. He hadn’t known that he enjoyed it until then, when he was put on the spot. Bea appeared like she’d been summoned.
“I heard that!” she nearly shouted. “He liked it!” Then her eyes fell to Melody and her snide grin tipped into a frown. “Why are you crying?”
“I’m not crying,” Melody said with a discrete sniffle. “Can someone ask Vanessa if we can leave?”
“She said you just need to take it easy for a few weeks.” Bea shuffled past Harry and pried Melody’s hands from her face. “Which means no training.”
“Perfect,” Melody mumbled. She allowed Bea to begin shifting her out of the bed, gently twisting her limbs, trying not to tweak her rib. Harry had to lower himself into the chair a few feet from where he had been standing to give his legs some relief.
“The wraps are just for you to get home.” Bea paused as Melody bit back a whimper, waiting for her to straighten her torso. “And she’s hooking you up with some pain meds.”
“Yeh’ll need ‘em,” Harry muttered. He stood back up as the girls made their way toward the door. They were a conspicuous group, with a cane, a wrapped ribcage, and shuffling footsteps. Eyes followed them through the halls, all the way to a cab.
Melody’s lips grew white as Harry helped her out of her wrappings. She screwed her eyes shut and her fingertips curled into his knee.
“Okay,” he whispered as he tugged the final loop of fabric loose, leaving her skin bare. The sight of her flesh made him hiss. “Who the fuck hit yeh, the Hulk?”
Harry pressed a hand to her cheek. Her skin was hot, damp, and he could feel her jaw twitching, like she might be grinding her teeth. Her breathing was shallow.
“Let’s get yeh some o’ those painkillers, yeah?”
“No, I’m okay,” she whispered, though her voice shook.
“Mel.” He pressed a kiss to one of her closed eyes. “I’ve had a bruised rib before.”
She didn’t respond. He heard her try to take a deeper breath and then felt her neck quiver beneath his fingertips. She shook with the effort of stifling a cough.
“Don’ do that.” He pressed her backward and she gasped, clinging to his arm and letting out an agonized sob at the sharp intake of breath. “‘M sorry,” he rushed. “Love, ‘m sorry. Just sit back for me.”
She let him lower her away from him, eyes still squeezed shut and chin beginning to tremble like it had in the hospital. Her eyelashes were wet and Harry touched his forehead to hers. “Okay?”
He let out a short huff of acknowledgment and then lifted the pillow from beside them, holding it tenderly to her chest as he leaned back. “If yeh need to cough just hold this to your chest. ’S still gonna hurt but it’ll be better.”
There was a pause before she wrapped her arms around the pillow and sputtered out a few gentle coughs. Her eyelids fluttered, nails biting into her palms, lips curling into her mouth.
“Melody, yeh don’ have to pretend yeh’re not in fuckin’ pain,” Harry told her, pressing a hard kiss to her cheekbone. He brushed hair away from her forehead, carefully avoiding her bruise, and then used his thumb to pry her lips back into place before kissing them. “Not on my account. ‘M sorry I got angry. I don’ want yeh to fight. But if yeh’re hurtin’ like this ‘m not just gonna tell yeh to suck it up.”
Harry stroked her ear and her tensed facial muscles began to relax. Her lips parted. She opened her eyes to glance up at him and almost immediately let them fall closed again as she began to cry.
“Okay, okay,” he mumbled. He didn’t know whether it was for her or for himself. And he didn’t know if her tears were solely from the pain or for another reason entirely.
The mattress shifted despite his best efforts as Harry climbed off the bed. He hurried into the kitchen, gathering Melody’s prescription, a glass of water, and an ice pack. He almost didn’t even realize he’d forgotten his cane until he was laying himself down beside Melody, who had pulled the pillow up to cover the bottom half of her face, stifling her shallow sobs. But this wasn’t a moment to celebrate.
“All right, love, take some o’ these.” He shook out a few pills and reached across her for the glass he’d put on the night table. She lowered the pillow enough to toss the meds back and swallow a gulp of water, but Harry had to tug it from her grip so he could position the ice atop her angry, swelling bruise. Somehow, he’d finagled her bra over her head before attempting to unwrap her, and her breasts erupted in goosebumps at the cold touch.
“It fucking hurts,” she whimpered out.
“I know, I know.” Harry settled his hand over the ice pack, pressing his lips to Melody’s shoulder. “Give the pills a little bit o’ time.”
He fell silent and stroked her wrist with his free hand until her tears began to ebb. The clock read one in the morning. Bea had gone to bed as soon as they’d gotten home because she needed to work on a group project the next morning. Harry was beginning to feel tired himself, and he couldn’t imagine how exhausted Melody was.
“Just one problem after another,” he finally said. “Just can’ seem to catch a break, can we?”
“Wouldn’t life be so boring?”
He chuckled against her skin. “Just a little break would be nice, though.”
Melody didn’t respond. Her shallow breathing was beginning to slow. Harry kissed her cheek to check that she was truly asleep before he removed the ice pack from her side and very carefully covered her with the sheets. And he hoped that the rest of her healing would pass more smoothly than this first night.
Chapter 12
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