#i really want solar to come back and i want eclipse to at least show that hes not all evil
tsams-confessions · 15 hours
While I understand where Earth is coming from, I'd rather Ruin not get potential sacrificed to bring Solar back as I like how morally grey Ruin feels as a character. He's fascinating to me
I really liked Solar, but I think there's more opportunity in the show for him to stay dead and have Eclipse gradually fill his space. NOT REPLACE SOLAR as there will never be another like him, but purely to fill the space Solar left in this little family. Be it family friend or future member; like that one cousin that you don't talk to a lot but lives in the same town so you see each other sometimes
Earth and Eclipse are shown to have looks to be a budding friendship with awkward beginnings, and it's sweet and clumsy. The whole "I'm a monster" bit got to me because it was a glimpse of vulnerability from him in front of someone, of how he sees himself. How she responded was nice, and it's rather subtle, but he sounds like he was trying not to get emotional since she metaphorically touched him
He asked her for a therapy session UNPROMPTED by someone, too, and at least to me, that shows he has at least a tiny bit of trust in her. Plus, he didn't like Ruin talking about her and has visited her before. He cares about to some degree
Now, obviously, we don't know exactly what Dark Sun did to him, but it is likely that whatever was done is the reason why Eclipse wants a new suit so that Dark Sun can't whatever he did to him. The thought of using the old suit if he gets a new one to use as a trade lives sacrifice to get Solar is nice in theory but there's no guarantee that that's how it would work out nor is it known that Solar wouldn't end up half conscious, or something negative in general, upon return because of it
So Eclipse reasonably starts to think about self-sacrificing himself instead since most don't like him and he didn't want to be brought back to begin with. "Going away to a different dimension to get away from the drama" can easily be seen as the cover up for the act
I think Earth has started to give him hope that he could have a better life, and someone in the comments of the episode said it too, but he didn't seem happy that she said she'd have Ruin sacrificed. It shows that she, too, likes him to some degree and said she cared about Eclipse. I'm certain he wanted her to say him so that he wouldn't have a doubt about sacrificing himself, he very much feels likes he's been thinking about it and the Solar situation as a whole for a while
It felt like he wanted Earth's answer to be all he needed to commit to it instead of being conflicted about the idea still. Because if even the "goodie two-shoes" of the group couldn't tolerate him, what's the point of him being around when he doesn't appear to be trying to be a threat to them? A bothersome cat at most is what he currently is, while he seems to be trying to figure himself out
Sorry for how long this ended up being!
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corals-corner · 1 month
I am a firm believer that Eclipse is finding ways to bring Solar back. He's been asking very specific questions, not to mention in the LAES episode where he and Lunar speak, he was "thinking". Tbh he doesn't have much to think about other than ways to kill Ruin. Not like he wants forgiveness from Lunar, Sun or Moon.
I feel like he's not doing it to bee a good person, but only to prove that he's "worthy" of being an Eclipse. He knows he's just a copy, his only memories are from the videos. During his conversation with Lunar, they(lunar) called him a "lesser" because he's a just copy, and he knows it. Eclipse would see this as a challenge for himself, to build a body and a code from scratch in the way Ruin did to Blood Moon. Maybe if he does that, he can prove that not only is he worthy of being the original, but also that he's smarter than the original
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ghostsandfools · 2 months
Tsams/Laes predictions!!
I wanted to do some predictions for things I think are going to happen in the shows/how I think they will end. If y'all have any predictions, y'know, feel free to share.
-Solar will get revived.
-Eclipse will NOT die. I think he'll either get redeemed or just... move, ig.
-Old Moon and New Moon will meet. I don't think old Moon will ever come back tho.
-Bloodmoon will either die or get redeemed, I have NO CLUE.
-KC will get revived, but instead of him coming back, it'll be him from another universe.
-Sun will come out as trans fem (I hope, I really do. It's probably never going to happen, but I hope.)
-Creator and Trash can man will be revealed as a couple. (Idk, I never really watched any of the episodes with the Trash man, they just give off those vibes.
-The creator will die.
-Sun will die, possibly suicide even. He'll get brought back since he's a title character, but I mean c'mon, he's gotta die sometime.
I think TSAMS will end with the witherstorm being created, but I think they'll find a way to stop it. I feel like with how much they've explored the idea, they're absolutely going to do something with it. I think Sun and Moon will have to work together to stop it, showing Moon's growth in terms of intelligence and care for his brother, and Sun finally growing mentally and facing his mental health issues so he can be there when Moon needs him.
-The other astrals will be introduced. Probably not all twelve, but at least a couple more.
-Earth will go through an arc when her father dies, Monty will of course be there to comfort her because they've been through the same thing.
-Gemini might die. They'd get revived quickly, but they could die, OR Gemini has a villain arc.
-Lunar will form a bond with new KC, if he ever comes around.
I think LAES will end with Earth and Monty getting married, since that's something Earth herself has mentioned, and I think Lunar will go through a "coming of age arc" where he masters his powers and moves away to space with Gemini, kinda like a teenager graduating high school and going to college with their high school sweetheart. I think they'll have a really nice send off episode for him, right after the Earth marriage one. I also think this show will end barely before TSAMS does.
What do you guys think??
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bloo-the-dragon · 8 days
Why did Solar have to die permanently while Eclipse gets to keep coming back over and over like freaking Megatron!?
anon you stirred an ancient ghost inside me with mention of megatron lmao /silly
but anyways - i think it became a running theme that Eclipse was gonna keep coming back like peepaw. But this time however there has been a big shift in his character, so the coming back from death thing has ultimately had a greater effect this time around than the last.
For starters, it's already been confirmed he is not really Eclipse. At least not the prior incarnations. He's a mimicry a different entity who carries only the fractured memories and directives of the ones who came before. The only thing that even really connects him to the Eclipse character beyond that is the fact his code was made from Solar's (who is also an Eclipse)
He is very much like Eclipse in personality for sure, unhinged and a complete asshole. But his unique circumstance, being brought so low that he truly is an inferior Eclipse, a false copy, and the fact he knows this has greatly altered his view on himself and his goals. He can say how he's superior to everyone all he wants but 1. no one cares anymore and 2. he knows it's a lie anyways.
But with Earth showing him genuine kindness and patience lately combined with the aforementiond, this has finally allowed him to actually open up a bit and maybe just maybe allow that sliver of a chance for redemption/to find a new purpose in life, even if that is away from the plex. I don't expect him to suddenly turn into a nice eclipse like Solar, in fact i would very much prefer for him to continue being a little asshole rat bastard /aff - but i do want him to be free of his past and find a new purpose, a new reason to live that isn't just antagonising others and hungering for power.
But i'm getting off track here-
We don't actually know if Solar will be dead permanently. It's been said already there is a way to bring him back but it would require sacrificing someone else, and not only that but their entire existence. My moneys on it being the creator ngl because as it stands he is pretty much unkillable. Using him as that sacrifice would be effective in removing him entirely but the only problem would be actually being able to go through with the plan because the brain's a tricky guy to pin down (plus i don't doubt Earth would be conflicted about it)
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mengy007 · 9 months
~{What if SolarFlare had gained sentience?}~
(An alternative ending to THE DEATH OF ECLIPSE IN VR CHAT pt 2)
(Starts off with the storyline from the episode, ends different)
“…where are we?”
Eclipse glared at the other Solar bot in front of him.
SolarFlare had that blank stare on his face that he always had, he simply just stared into the vastness of the mindscape with his glowing yellow eyes.
“Where do you think?” He answered, looking back at Eclipse
“I don’t…”
Eclipse stumbled a bit and caught his breath
“I don’t know…”
“Did you think it would end differently?” SolarFlare then asked, turning to Eclipse and crossing his arms.
“Even if you did tell them the full truth, it wouldn’t have changed the outcome. They never would’ve trusted you”
“I thought I could-“
Eclipse began to speak, but Flare abruptly cut him off.
“If you had just shown even the slightest bit of friendliness. respect. Perhaps they would’ve listened” SolarFlare scolded, “But now we both shall die.”
“…you’re not concerned at all do you-are you? You had something planned for this crap!” Eclipse snapped, having no one else to lash out at.
“No.” SolarFlare replied simply, “I intend to keep you here”
“I don’t even have a way out!” Eclipse shouted again, “I’m stuck in another dimension that- that stupid good Eclipse thing or whatever the hell he wants to call himself-“ he said “there is no contingency! We’re both. dead!”
Eclipse started sounding more desperate…
“You have to have SOMETHING, some way for us to survive! I-I-In your-!”
“There is no other way” Flare interrupted. “You made me, you would know my capabilities, you would know I cannot survive that-!”
Eclipse interrupted SolarFlare, but he was unable to say anything else.
“…this is the end. For both of us” Solar Flare said
“…I already died once before” Eclipse said, his tone softening “I…I think I’m tired…”
“…Eclipse” Solar flare began, “you are not a good man” he said, “you are not a good person in any regard but. You did care.” SolarFlare added, “you always did even if you could never show it. You’re just like him”
“The first Moon.”
SolarFlare extended his hand out to Eclipse.
“Come on. It’s time for us to go, I can hear it. Now….”
Eclipse was hesitant, he looked at Flare’s hand, then at his own.
“…do you think it hurts?” Eclipse asked
SolarFlare shook his head and pulled his hand back. “I don’t think so.” He shrugged, “It’s just the way it is”
Eclipse hesitated, then chuckled a bit and looked at Flare, “Bojack Horseman…? Really?”
Flare gave him a genuine smile
“You did always like that show” he said, “Watched it whenever you were bored, didn’t you?”
Eclipse sighed, “but why now…?”
“I wanted to give you a bit of comfort in your last moments” Flare said with a shrug. Eclipse chuckled again and sat down, “I need to sit…” he said, SolarFlare came and sat next to him, they both stared into the vast mindscape.
“…hey, is this my mindscape or yours?” Eclipse asked, “I think it’s mine at the moment” Flare answered, “…could you think of stars?” Eclipse asked, “why?” Flare answered, turning to Eclipse.
“…I’d like to look at the stars as I die” Eclipse said with a smile, Flare nodded and soon the place was dark, but filled with beautiful stars that dotted the void of the mindscape as the two sat on what seemed to be nothing. “…I’m glad I at least have someone with me as I pass” Eclipse said “I know I don’t deserve it…but I’m grateful”
“I’m glad I give you company” Flare answered, as they both looked up at the stars, “…god, I’m so tired…” Eclipse said, Flare was surprised as he felt Eclipse’s warm body lean against him, “…then let’s take a nap.” Flare said, “a nap would be great…” Eclipse mumbled, already closing his eyes. SolarFlare smiled and his eyelights faded to black as he also leaned on Eclipse, the two falling into an eternal slumber with nothing but themselves and the stars for company…
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sardix · 2 months
The future of tsams! (theory)
So as we last saw eclipse is back(again), and he is put again in the insane state and not really lisening to anyone. And it feals like the next video or soon we will find out who is behind eclipses return. Now would they(the creators of the show) really bring back eclipse in the first place just to make him insane and kill him again and again but permanently? It would be pointless becouse when he died from the laser that death was emotional and sad, becouse eclipse started regreting the things he did and they revealed that eclipse has a soft spot and that he cared.
And now we are told that sun may be in danger and we got a lot of forshadowing with sun being "the only member in the family that didn't die yet", and for the second time we are reminded that eclipse and "old" moon were the same person. (First time being said by solar flare in eclipse last moments before death)
And what would they(the Creators of the show) get for making eclipse this insane? It feals like no one is enjoing it, would they really make him suffer just to suffer? or what if he is still acting this insane becouse they are planing to make him go thru something that will give him the bigest shock he ever had and acually wait for a second and think.
And what could that be you could ask? Well as solar flare said "you were a bad man eclipse, but you did care" and there is one person that eclipse could understand the most becouse he was stuck in there mind, to the point where he can perfecly replicate how he acts AND he never trurly hurt him, Yes he did take his body but he could have done so much more like he did to moon and why he didn't even hurt sun when he put a literal knife next to him, Yes sun blew up the base but then eclipse could have just killed him and get rid of sun and moon at that moment since he knew that moon was stuck in his head and would get reset. NO he told sun how he could SAVE moon and even if sun failed eclipse didn't lie, he gave him the chance to save moon and he got nothing out of it.
Eclipse hates moon becouse he abandoned him and treated him like a virus as solar said himself that "if sun wouldn't have found out about him earlier he would have become just like eclipse", but just like "old" moon he cares about sun even if he dosn't show it. Which makes me think that the thing to break eclipse into calming down himself becouse no one else will do that if nobody cares about him enough to be patient and acually help him fix himself(which was his foult in the first place but that's not the point)
So no one will help him with it and only he can put himself out of that insae state. And the thing to do it would be sun's death or being kidnapped, although I think sun's death mostlikely, it could make eclipse feal like he is frozen in time which will calm him down and having the same wanting for REVENGE will make him take it slower and plan out how to do it, he will be back again from a pawn to a king becouse he will have a reason to do it again. He will finally STOP being insane.
Eclipse lost his sanity and started going insane when he lost his purpose becouse he got the star but he couldn't bring himself to kiling the star family, becouse he started caring. And now he would have back his purpose and sun dosn't have to nececarly die he could just get really badly hurt, and then when eclipse could regain his sanity he could finaly be given the chance of redemption or at least Peace. (But with all the foreshadowing of suns death i think we know it will come)
And lastly it would explain why they(the creators of the show) made him insane becouse they don't want him to start changing before the important moment, it could end up being something else then sun's death but I still think it will be combined with sun somehow.
Eather way that's it, hope you liked this theory! Let me know what you think?
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visionthefox · 22 days
I agree that Sun has every right to talk to OM, he has a looooooot fix in your life and one of them is to conclude your fault and say goodbye brother.
What I love about the episode is how it starts OM starts with his stubbornness and does what he wants while NM chases him to talk. He starts by lying that he doesn't know anything but then mentions recent events.
And at one point you feel the resentment, "resentful of the dog got water", love that metaphor and continue half insulting the NM.
It is unfortunate what happened to OM but personally I do not forgive him for everything because there would be things that could have been avoided but he chose to do it.
But what makes me a little happy is that you feel regret, longing and Blame. I regret everything that Eclipse caused and other things, (and I think it shows a certain level of jealousy of NM Viviera and the positive impact it gave and OM did not give it at all) and obviously the damage that Sun and more.
The longing to not have hate or anger, to have a life with your family and to love the siblings Earth and Lunar even solar, the desire to meet them and really know Lunar, that he really considers Monty his best friend. And he tells him to value what he has and protect it (there is a reason he emphasizes that he continues Being the same, because it is his best version and he could see the life that I can see had).
And the blame goes hand in hand with the resentment, of all the bad decisions and the damage caused to Sun, and cowardice is no excuse to deny talking to his brother. At least he gave good advice to NM And that he recognizes that NM is not inferior, he only holds back out of fear, which is understood when compared to his old self and how he was better in every way except behavior).
I'm glad because certain things don't totally come from OM, but yes, (AGAIN, it doesn't mean that I completely forgive him, but they are details that I liked), with his hypocritical, idiotic attitude and sarcasm, But at the same time those feelings he has and he also owes a couple of words to Sun for what happened, and we hope to have it in the future.
LONG ASK YEY!! yea theres a lot to unpack with both Moons facing each other.. specially all the guilt one has that overpower the other is clear he does feel bad! I felt it too but also, he is still a coward and still looks after himself rather than the others, but that was and will always be a trail of OM we cant just get rid of in a way yes, people loved how much of an asshole he was! hell I did too a bit, I love an asshole that cares too but there were limits he passed many many times that we just cant ignore Is clear he in some way HAS to feel anger his "other life" has everying HE wanted, yet.. he had the chance, and well he mess up, big time, and is good he lets us know he knows he cant change it-he did live his life, and if he goes back to undo his own path then he's not growing up, he's lying to himself and others! I do hope Sun gets to face him too , mostly because , no matter the "I can apologise enough" he should TRY IT. he should SAY IT : "Im sorry I locked you up in the bunker I also hit you in- Im sorry I never let you be part of any plan, and Im sorry I choose to let you aside rather than take your side and actually listen to you" one can only hope Sun gets to hear these words if only for a mere second, not a note, not a recording, not by someone else, by his own brother's voice. also yes, you are right! At least he gave good advice to NM I just hopes he let him talk more but eehh thanks you so so much for your ask! feel welcome to leave me more if you wish!
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catflowerqueen · 4 months
I’m kind of… of two minds about today’s SAMS episode.
(Warning for resigned and unhappy ranting below the cut)
The acting was spot-on—especially Moon’s hysterical laughing fit and the way Solar was trying to protect him and keep him from making rash decisions—but I don’t really like that they used Eclipse the way they did to achieve that. It seems almost… not exactly like a plot device, per say, but more of… an unnecessary upping of the stakes, I suppose? The group was already facing threats on five fronts: The constellations, Stitchwraith, Bloodmoon, Ruin’s mystery, and the Creator’s machinations.
And, sure, technically you could separate out the Creator, constellations, and Stitchwraith since their “plotlines” are more intertwined with the Lunar and Earth show and Monty and Foxy show… but considering how often Sun, Moon, and Solar get pulled into that and how Stitchwraith was technically the one who blew up the daycare, they are still fairly intertwined. So adding Eclipse in on top of all of that just feels a little… not great. Especially considering that it sort of ruins that scene he had with Solar Flare as the two of them were dying.
That isn’t to say I can’t see a few ways this could work. For example, Ruin could just be pulling another “Bloodmoon” and basically creating a new Eclipse using old SAMS footage to basically act as a smoke screen and hide whatever he is up to. He could have even used bits of Solar’s programming to do so given that it is pretty likely they were the one to knock Solar out, and there was tons of time to scan him and make blueprints after hiding the camera footage. Or Sun could be right and it could all just be a mean prank from Ruin’s end. Sure, Solar saw him on the camera footage today in the arcade, but since it was more than likely Ruin who edited the footage of Solar getting attacked, they could also very easily edit the footage to make it seem like they never left the arcade when in reality they had come over to mess with Sun and Moon. And they had plenty of time to learn how to disable the defenses and mess with the computer since they used to live in the ballpit, which is extremely close by one of the entrances to reach the computer from Moon’s room.
And it could, in theory, be the original Eclipse from when Sun first threw him out of his mind and messed up the spell and who has only just now managed to fix himself and stayed caught up on what was happening by watching the show—showing that he really did learn from his mistakes when Lunar pointed out how useful the viewers can be at information gathering. Or it could be any number of backups that Old Moon never found before Bloodmoon started being an actual nuisance that first time.
But give the show’s track record for bringing up interesting plot points and ideas only to drop them or otherwise retcon explanations… honestly, my hopes aren’t that high.
Honestly… I feel like I might want to just step away from the show for a while. At least partially—Maybe just focusing more on the gameplay side of the show more than the lore. Like. I still like the show, but I’m not really as excited as I used to be for the theorizing part, and I might be a little burnt out now.
I’m not saying I won’t be interacting with or posting about the show occasionally still, or that I won’t ever come back in full force, but…
I might just need to think about the recent developments for a while first, I guess. Maybe just focus on some other things in general anyways—It’s not like I don’t have stuff that needs attending to offline, after all.
Sorry if this leaves a sour taste in anyone’s mouth, and I’m not trying to dampen anyone else’s joy or excitement about the new developments. I just feel a bit down about the way things are going, and I needed to vent about those feelings a bit.
…I do want to emphasize again how much I loved Moon and Solar’s reaction today, though, because that was really, really excellent.
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bitterkarmaa · 9 months
cracks knuckles
Eclipse headcanons: Really likes soft things - blankets, pillows, bean bags (thanks Lunar) and perhaps extra secretly even plushies! This is a mix of the fact they help keep him warm on his bad days, and ease the pain and anxieties and the fact he had a beloved plush (mr howls) once.
ALSO because ND headcanons goes brrr i like to think he finds certain soft textures nice to stim with by running his fingers/claws through them!
If given the chance and if he learned that they exist, i feel like he would absolutely secretly sneak off to underground fighting rings to duke it out with others and indulge his love for fighting but in an enviroment where its allowed (granted he doesnt outright kill anyone) but whether this would actually be healthy for his mindset or not is debatable gjfkgh
Lunar headcanons: A LOT smarter than he lets on! A sly litle sh*t when he wants to be, the childish nature is a mix of genuine 'he's just like that' but also possibly exaggerated depending on the situation (like if he wants to twist something to go his way)
He's good at lying, very good and has high pain tolerance (those last two i picked out from the show back when Lunar was at his peak there and he lied to Eclipse's face without flinching when Eclipse turned Moon's pain onto him)
Likes heavy metal music (just cos i think it would be really funny)
KC headcanons: Very much bite and little bark by default, BUT in regards to Eclipse i feel like that would be mostly switched - mostly bark but little bite - but the bark is enough to keep Eclipse in line because oh sh*t dads angy-
He died at some point and thats a catalyst to why he started acting so cold toward Eclipse, or at least part of it - he lost some part of himself, his ability to express emotion was damaged in some way or him dying and coming back made him more hardened to the world and since he goes so strongly by logic he adopted a new mindset that in order to survive he'd have to be harsh and so projected that onto Eclipse also.
Also when he adopts Solar Flare, i feel like a big part of the jealousy on Eclipse's end will be possibly due to KC expressing some of his original softness towards Solar Flare because the emotionally distant cold approach he took with Eclipse before would not/will not work here (especially since Solar has emotional issues of his own, just the opposite to Eclipse and more like KC)
Rays headcanons: VERY observant and VERY sensitive to even the smallest changes in others moods/behaviours. This being due to the abuse he suffered under the evil lord Eclipse, and so he would have learned to be very hyper aware of his former masters moods and even the smallest of hints/warnings that he was in or approaching a foul mood.
Has a habit of putting himself inbetween others to explain on their behalf or even taking a hit (looking at that last one shot) because he's experienced enough to know how to handle a tense or violent situation. A quick thinker in high stress situations also for similar reasons.
On a lighter note, i think he'd also be very fond of fashion and wearing different types of clothes! Since he always wore the same thing for 200 odd years, i think having access to variety would be a huge thing for him (maybe he learns how to sew too so he can make his own!)
Veil headcanons: I think should he get past his anxieties, he'd really enjoy working with kids! He passes off as the type to be a performer, an entertainer to make kids laugh - can absolutely see him putting on puppet shows or clowning around more akin to a jester like Sun and Moon (and even Bloodmoon though they would very much not agree im sure fjkgh)
Absolutely can also see him having a great fondness for plushies, and i love to think he'd collect them too (like beanies or dolls or something) and decorate his room/bed with them (also as a bonus cute idea maybe Rays could make little clothes for them too!)
Bloodmoon headcanons: Despite their violent nature, like Veil i also see them as potentially greatly enjoying the idea of performing and being silly jesters! Imagine they watch Monsters INC and see how the monsters change from scaring kids to making them laugh and that sticks with them and maybe they try to work towards being more like that theirselves later down the line (with the bloodstone also helping to manage their condition it could make it a little easier)
But i feel if they did go that route they would perform on stage or in a space that separates people from them just to be safe, to prevent any accidents from occuring if someone gets a little too close. Also i like the idea if they are bored and by theirselves they might playfight or chase each other in the headspace of their shared body! (or play Uno /hj)
Stares at this wall of text with big eyes
I’ll confirm and deny some of these, but feel free to keep the ones I deny, even so. The fact that you have so many for my blorbo collection honestly just 😭😭 dude thank you
Eclipse LOVES blankets, pillows, and specifically the beanbag that Lunar allowed him to rest on during his recovery :) the warmth consoles him that he’s still alive
Eclipse ADORES plushies, and that’s nurtured by the fact that KC liked to get him one every now and then to lift his spirits. Mr. Howls was his first! He also occasionally got them from the kids :,)
HE LOVES SOFT BLANKETS ESPECIALLY he sleeps with one that he often stims with when he needs time to decompress
Other notes:
The fighting ring idea is honestly so cool, I never even considered that…I would deny that, since it hadn’t come to mind and thusly wouldn’t have been canon, but I like the idea so much that it gets the canon stamp. Maybe for a darker, more brutal drabble (Halloween perhaps?) I could allow Eclipse to…indulge himself…
He’s actually quite brilliant! He just uses his intelligence in different ways :)
The innocence is a bit of a facade, but, you’re right, not completely.
“‘Clipsy said that you’d help me find the PS4 controller. Can you? I really wanna play.”
He is an incredible liar and has decent pain tolerance compared to say…Sun or Moon, for example. He’s pretty good at taking hits- a lot like Rays, which is one of the reasons they get along.
Other notes:
Heavy metal? Possibly. I could see that. I personally think that he likes classical! He actually HATES children’s music (nursery rhymes, lullabies, exc.) but heavy metal would be good for times that he needs to scream LMAO
Attack first, think later! You’d be right, it tends to lean more towards bite no bark in tense situations! However, you’re also correct when it comes to it being switched for Eclipse…he’s still KC’s son, no matter what.
It’s been practically confirmed (I’m awful at keeping secrets) that KC has died. A lot of the “brain” functionalities within KC never came back online after he was brought back, and thusly it’s emotions remained very subdued as a result. Consider it a robot stroke. It feels random surges of emotion and then complete and total numbness, and eventually it just settled on hardening itself to the world because it was easier than trying to fix everything. It became bitter towards Eclipse for a few reasons, but those reasons eventually meant nothing to Eclipse because all he felt was the backlash.
Blood Moon’s jealousy arc is NOTHING compared to what Eclipse’s will be.
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You got like everything right lol
His AI was designed to learn and evolve, which means he actually has sensors that give him a readout on dangerous situations and/or shifts in mood. This can sometimes be swayed by his own anxiety, however.
Yes, those evolutions in his code were a result of the abuse he sustain from Lord Shithead.
He is the resident target practice! He does put himself in between disputes quite often, as he sees himself as more of a buffer than an actual sentient being.
Thinks and makes so many possible predictions of situations at a very quick rate. Thusly how he was already up the ladder urging Eclipse to come over with Veil in the most recent drabble ;)
Lunar and Sun are teaching him how to sew :) he loves to wear dresses and skirts since his former asshole lord would always berate him for it before. So homophobic smh
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Nail in the coffin again no further comments moving on
Children? Children! He’s already quite curious about them, so it’s more than likely that he’ll end up helping out down there once he’s calmed down a bit. Who knows, maybe he’ll drag Eclipse with him ;)?
Main difference between present Eclipse and Veil: Veil jests in a not-malicious way. He loves acting out scenes in his head, or voicing characters in a book he’s reading. Puppet-shows would be a BLAST with him involved!!
He collects beanie babies (specifically the bears)
He has a small army on top of his bookshelf
They watch him sleep
Other notes:
He likes goldfish
They love performing for the kids! On their less-violent days they beg Sun to let them use the theater for a show, and sometimes Sun begrudgedly allows this on the condition that they don’t step off the stage.
They agree because they don’t want to hurt the kids anyways, if the urge would arise.
They do play with one another quite a lot :D their favorite game is tag, but instead of just touching the other they tackle each other and roll around. Whoever emerges on bottom is it!
Eclipse installed Battleship into their system. They’ve never been the same since.
It’s the main reason they went insane really /j
Other notes:
They have an obsession with water, despite it being deadly for them 😭
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kmze · 21 days
Thoughts on 6x01 - 6x11 THE BEST! Full disclosure this is my favorite season and rewatching it I remembered why because the show is just flowing like it rarely did the past few seasons and it's because the show went back to simple mythology and character moments. The prison world is new but not outlandish and the show takes it time explaining it so you get it. Tripp and his vampire hunter crew is something done a lot before but the twist of using the anti-magic border was a fresh take. The Gemini coven is great too because we were gradually introduced to the characters and the mythology so it's easy to follow. Everything just clicks! Bamon and Steroline are both awesome dynamics getting tons of focus and I don't even hate DE! The season definitely moves slower than ones in the past but IMO that is a good thing. There's so much care given to character moments and I really enjoyed a lot of the dialogue for everyone, to me this is TVD at it's peak, it worked for the same reasons S2 did. All my gushing below!
That guy was like “I have seen what they do to black characters on this show absolutely not you go check” lol.
Liv is the best, forever mad she died she would have loved her niece Lizzie. LivTyler (yes I know it’s commonly referred to as Parkwood but I do what I want) was such a cute ship they were like early Forwood if Caroline was cynical.
Elena being a drug addict to see Damon was a choice…
Caroline gets intense reactions out of Stefan too as seen here. Sorry not sorry but if you can’t see him breaking his phone from gripping it just by seeing her name didn’t mean she affected him the most I can’t help you. He could take Ric and Elena’s call because he knew he could fool them, but Caroline he can’t, not even over the phone.
Oh suddenly Elena hates being a vampire again RME. Gee I wonder if this is for plot reasons since they knew Nina was leaving (or at least knew it was a possibility) and they wanted her to end her story human.
Um I’m pretty sure it is Matt’s house since his name is on the deed if we want to get specific here Jeremy.
Stefan has zero tact with Ivy LMFAO like why are you in my house unless we’re having sex. Truly such a jerk.
The Bamon 1994 Prison World plot was SUCH A GOOD IDEA! Rewatching you definitely feel how repetitive stuff gets and it felt like the world building became too extreme but this was so different. They went a simpler way to do a mystery plot and I actually think it helped the show have one of its best seasons ever (personally my favorite). Also the fact that they put two characters together who always had an air of animosity between them but also kind of an understanding and let that chemistry do its thang! It’s just so good!
Someone should tell Damon and Bonnie you’re not supposed to look directly at the sun during a solar eclipse.
The awkward dinner party is cracking me up! Between Enzo going out of his way to make Stefan uncomfortable and the passive aggressiveness between Stefan and Caroline, to Ivy’s complete confusion I don’t know what makes me laugh more.
You tell him Carebear!
That damn necklace lol it just keeps coming back! I’m not as annoyed about them saying Elena fell in love with Damon in 3x01 like I used to be anymore. I think because I don’t really and truly don't care about the triangle AT ALL (and I don't have to knowing the ending)! Elena is so wishy washy it makes sense, like yep she loved them both at the same time.
I know this is unpopular but I genuinely love when Stefan is just a dick LMFAO! So much of Stefan in the earlier seasons was like romantic compassionate facade, but like deep down he’s kind of a jerk! And he loves having vampire powers as you can see here, he's just a weirdo masochist and wouldn't allow himself to use them as punishment for giving up on Damon.
Oh they baited SE big time with that scene in the hallway!
I do enjoy watching Stefan and Caroline become more and more uncomfortable about Elena’s voluntary brain damage. "It's important that we let Elena live her new, happy, problem ignoring, zombie life the way she wants" LMFAO
Caroline I love you to death but sorry girl, lying is not a new thing for Stefan! Being a liar is completely on brand for him.
CRYING at Tyler walking away as soon as he saw Caroline was ready to fight Elena. He was like nope I know that condescending judgmental tone very well, deuces!
HIYA KAI! FINALLY a good villain again!
Did Liam just insinuate that Elena’s type is red flags because CTFU! Liam you were great I’m glad you survived.
The scene where Bonnie gets her magic back to save Damon from Kai is so (!!!!) what a moment!
I love how Stefan just spills his guts to Caroline about all his bullshit coping methods as soon as she corners him. Yeah he walks away (and I know antis love using it in their gifsets) but the whole scene you see how hard it is for him to look her in the eye. Also definitely felt some jealousy from Elena watching it all unfold, which girl take a seat!
Why is Kai eating jelly with his hand!?!
I’m sorry but Stefan had the WEIRDEST SYSTEMS EVER!! Two on full display here with his constant desire to push his animal diet on others who aren’t bloodoholics, and getting health insurance (???) to start over. Stefan being like you can be anyone you want because this lunatic just loves pretending to be a different person every few decades. He’s just so insane, I become more and more aware of it as the show goes on.
The fake Stelena proposal is so hilarious I love how they keep upping each other in soap opera drama.
*heavy sigh* I'm not sure if they cast Monique before they cast Gail so they had to cast a black woman since Monique is biracial and we know Zach was white but it's like again AGAIN the black woman dies a painful death.
Bonnie and Kai have really good chemistry I’M JUST SAYING!
Damon murdering a pregnant woman was definitely the worst thing he ever did. I do love the shots in this scene with Bonnie eating pancakes look at Damon telling him there’s hope for him. The writers are really feeling this story.
Kinda feel like Stefan only agreed to show Elena his “moving on system” because she had brain damage and he figured he could trick her. Almost got away with it too!
Man the little look between Stefan and Caroline when he’s like “you’ll never have to deal with me again” “is that what you think I want” gets me every-time! Such a subtle moment.
HA! Alaric’s story throwing shade at Elena was funny!
Caroline how did you fall for that!
CTFU at Damon yelling “BONNIE” after she murders Kai and taps her on the shoulder. Like dammit what did you do but also it’s okay please don’t hurt me.
You go Caroline invoking the D-word to get Stefan to pull his head out of his ass. Love when she says "who are you right now?!" you done fucked up Stefan! This meta explains it well.
Liv killing that guy to save Tyler from triggering his werewolf curse was a great scene.
Elena amazed at modern medicine is so hilarious WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER! You mean people can be healed without vampire blood? This is brand new information!
And look at that! Stefan finally admitted he’s not handling anything well after he made Caroline give up on him.
The Dalaric scene is funny, I enjoyed that.
Jo and Elena’s friendship was cute. Really wish Jo had lived she was such a nice addition to the show. Just a great character all around.
Stripping a vampire of their magic with the border makes a hell of a lot more sense than the cure ever did!
I’m over everyone apologizing to Elena because she chose to compel away her memories of Damon. Play stupid games win stupid prizes!
I love how Stefan jolts out of his seat when he sees Caroline! Kinda like when he got down on one knee to propose before she even turned around lol. The shot of Stefan dejected and lowering his head in front of the lamp store is gorgeous.
Caroline is so excited to get to be anti-Delena again! Like finally Elena is on her side!
The way Caroline says “good bye” trying to close the door on Stefan cracks me up. He even tried using his old tricks of “I’m here to protect” you and Caro told him to kick rocks! What's wrong Stefan never had to actually work for forgiveness before huh?
Great job so far this season mixing up the “special events contrived to get a bunch of characters together” formula. They’ve used new locations and since they can’t enter MF it’s not all the characters in one spot so feels less contrived.
If Stefan didn’t have feelings for Caroline’s he had every opportunity to STFU after she told him to. But he didn’t he kept pushing.
The Bonkai scenes are straight from a horror movie and I have to say bravo they are so unsettling to watch.
Enzo does have a flair for the dramatic surprise death.
Caroline's speech is my favorite speech ever on this show because I just love how vulnerable yet strong she is in her opinion, which is so rare for women on this show. I have no time for the criticism of it either and how it's "regression" kindly eat a dick. This is a HUGE moment for Caroline because she's saying I don't care about being THE ONE, I've been the one (with Tyler) and now I want THE ONE for me. Caroline being in love with Stefan more than any of her other love interests has nothing to do with him putting her first or him being the one who treats her the best it's about the fact that she wants him because he makes her feel THE MOST! And that's what her list was about, she says yeah I thought you were worth having a thing for how could I not?! Because during her darkest time he told her she’d get through it and protect her and he did, and it’s why should couldn’t imagine Elena would let someone like him go. And while she's so confident in her feelings she's also not going to sit there and not get the respect that she deserves. Caroline is very aware of Stefan's bullshit (they are best friends) and he needs to earn back her trust if he wants it, but she's fine either way. And you notice that when Stefan uses manipulation to see her (asking her Mom for help, saying he's there to protect her) she give him shit, but when he's honest with her (that he pushed her away the most) she starts to thaw. I mean this is SUCH a drastic change from S3 when he terrorized Elena for half a season and then got sad over her kissing Damon and she just like got over it. Fuck around and find out Stefan! Love Caroline’s styling here, it’s the same colors she wore in 6x03 but now she’s more covered up, because she’s put a wall up to protect herself (just like the song lyrics). WHAT A MOMENT!
Damon and Elena don’t even bother me this season. They’re just kinda there but they don’t interfere with stuff I like and Damon isn’t the worst person in the world.
Damon finding Ms Cuddles!! So many great scenes this season.
The flashbacks to Kai murdering his family is another instance of fantastic horror aesthetic used this season, feels like I'm watching a slasher film
Bonnie’s poor wig!
Caroline’s styling has been absolutely amazing so far! Her hair is always gorgeously curled and I really like her eye makeup.
Stefan’s face when he finds out Damon was invited to Friendsgiving and he wasn’t ASCSGGXHVFJFJK!
Damon’s pure joy at mocking Stefan for not realizing Caroline had feelings for him is such good brotherly teasing. And Stefan keeps getting more and more bitter, I don’t get how people can’t tell he’s all sensitive because he’s afraid he lost Caroline forever. He kicked a fucking teddy bear people!
This LivTyler scene is so cute it reminds me of the S2 Forwood scene, I definitely think it was meant as a parallel. I know people always think that’s a bad thing and they’re ripping off scenes but I’ve come to see it as more of an homage in certain circumstances, this would be one of them.
The way things are shot this season is so nice, more than any other season I feel like I’m getting scene after scene with moody lighting, great music and closeups. The leftovers scene is like this, the lighting is great and there’s that one nice scenery shot of them standing in the hallway. There’s a lot of care put into the scene like Stefan keeps moving closer and looking her in the eyes when he tells Caroline he pushed her away the most, which is the opposite of earlier when he kept moving away and not looking at her. The moment where he opens his mouth in awe and become speechless is great too really sells that epiphany moment of oh yeah I do have feelings for her.
Serious question are Damon and Stefan homeless right now? I have not seen them in an actual apartment
I mean you kind of did complain when he ruined it Damon but I approve of you constantly giving him shit about it.
I do not think Tyler would oppose saving Bonnie like he did to protect Liv. Especially because Liv wanted to do it she wasn’t doing it via duress.
YES Elena tried to make it about herself and Damon was like, don’t care let’s go save Bonnie.
I love the sassy way Stefan opens the diner door.
Enzo has killed two women of color this season for truly NO REASON besides being mad at Stefan and I'm just like... this is really the best we could do for Bonnie's true love?
Why don’t they met Bonnie halfway?!
I really hate that they made Bonnie stay stuck in the prison world until friggin episode 15. She should have gotten out now her friends should have actually saved her for once.
Stefan with the Christmas light LMFAO like a puppy!
Matt keeps saying Enzo’s gonna be dead and listen show stop threatening me with a good time if you won’t deliver it!
We might have been able to know if vampire blood could cure cancer if someone didn’t BURN ALL THEIR DAD’S RESEARCH on it for no fucking reason!
The snowglobe! Love how this became one of their "things" because both of them ended up being people who no matter where they went Mystic Falls was home and they always found their way back there. They always find their way back "home" (each other).
I hate sad Christmas Bonnie but the shot of her at the Christmas tree in 1994 intersped with Jeremy at the Christmas tree in the present is very nicely shot and sweet.
I think JP made a point to fix DE this season after Dries dragged them through the filth last season. The fact that Damon walked away from Elena and didn’t lash out felt specifically like they were righting that from last season. This is probably my favorite Damon season and while I’m 100% in the Bamon camp (and I’d argue Bonnie is the one who actually got through to him on changing) he is being very sweet with Elena and I swear I’m not being condescending.
OMG that is some next level foreshadowing with Damon saying he let Ric turn his house into Hogwarts!
Finally Elena using her vampire powers to defend herself!
I really love that Luke keeps taking Liv away from Damon & Co. because he is not here for her being their new go-to witch for all their problems. Stand your ground Luke!
Of course Caroline conducts her experiment on a black guy since he’s going to die a painful death.
The Delena scene where she jokes with him about dying (like her weirdo ex lol) is really funny and cute but it’s also so beautifully shot! Paul did a really great job with this episode but that scene in particular was just really stunning.
I cannot with the way Stefan takes Caroline’s hand and she gasps and looks at him like he’s a fucking Disney Prince! She’s so so so in love with him!
Lines that made me laugh
Damon: Sorry I killed Bonnie. But she was the most annoying person in the world. She wouldn't shut up. She just kept talking. (so funny but even Bonnie knows that's not true you luff her!)
Kai: 555-HIYA-KAI No way I'm giving those digits up (LMFAO I agree Kai as someone old enough to remember pagers)
Matt: I’m sorry I was confused about which vampires we like and which ones we don’t ASXSDGXDHGCB (HE'S GOT A POINT!)
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mymiraclebox · 22 days
A drabble about Kirrin?
[Kirrin's bio, Qilin of Light.]
Kirrin awoke to darkness.
Their eyes blinked open, stretching out as they took in their surroundings. They were exactly where they had fallen asleep, sprawled out on a smooth rock that had always made the perfect basking spot. There was no sign of any kind of disturbance about them, all was how it should be.
Save for the sky above them was pitch black, not even the stars visible.
"Duskk!" Kirrin thundered, rising up into the air, their mane of rainbow Light flaring in their anger, sending shadows dancing across the realm of the Miracle Box.
They didn't have to fly too far, simply drifting in the direction where their natural Light did not shiny quite as brightly, knowing that the kwami they were looking for would be waiting. A glow brightly surrounded Kirrin, illuminating their immediate surroundings. They shown like a beacon, all other kwamis would known exactly where they were, and to stay away.
Kirrin glowered down at their target as they at last found them, the canine below being the only thing that did not show in the Light that Kirrin cast. Instead the Grim was directly covered in shadows, even with Kirrin's bright antler looming right behind her. Darkness and Light seemed to hiss as the auras intertwined, and the Grim glanced up at the angry Qilin above her.
"Hi!" Duskk said happily, tail wagging as she regarded Kirrin. The shadows about Duskk seemed to intensified, naturally trying to block out the light shining on her. "Mind turning it down a bit? You're blinding me."
"There's nothing to turn down," Kirrin growled. "Considering that it's still my fortnight– it shouldn't be night right now!"
Duskk's playful expression immediately darkened. "Really? That's what this is about?"
"We agreed to every two weeks!" Kirrin shouted. "Two weeks of Light, and in return we'll all suffer in the nothingness of the shadows you bring for two more– what made you think you had the right to cloak the Miracle Box like this?"
"You were asleep," Duskk said, as if this was obvious. "For three days on end. No reason for me to be burned alive if you weren't even awake to enjoy the stupid glow."
Kirrin's mouth opened for a moment, but no words came out for a moment, the Qilin looking like a fish for a moment. They then let out a snarl of frustration, hooves curling under them.
"I wanted it to be Light out while I slept," Kirrin hissed through gritted teeth. "Is that so hard to understand you shaded cur?"
Duskk just rolled her eyes. "You know, most of us actually sleep at night. If anything it was just more natural."
"There is nothing natural about the suffocating calamity of your shadows," Kirrin hissed. "How is one supposed to sleep with shivers and unease, because nothing can be seen?"
"How can anyone fall asleep when a solar flare shines straight through closed eyelids?"
"A good thing that's not a problem for you since you drench yourself with shadows as if its another layer of your mangled fur!"
Duskk's ears fell flat. "At least I'm not waltzing around with fire burning from my back."
"It's light, not fire!" Kirrin cried, the aurora of their mane flaring up in reply.
"Which is a kind of light."
"You want light?" Kirrin roared, rearing up, antlers and hooves beginning to pulse. "Let's see you take a Radiance right to the face!"
"I'll make sure every day of yours is Eclipsed!" Duskk cried back, a shadowy orb forming between their paws as they rose up to meet Kirrin.
"You two, enough!" A new voice snapped in frustration, causing both Elementals to pause their powers for a moment, glow and shade twisting about them in the sudden silence.
Allta stood not far off, red eyes narrow in the darkness. Cheeks puffed up for a moment, a frustrated croak coming from the Frog, before she let out a deep sigh.
"I thought we were over this," The words were a statement, but Allta's voice sounded more pleading than anything.
"She spread her Darkness during my allotted day!" Kirrin cried, pointing an accusing hoof at the darkened sky.
"He was asleep and not even paying attention to his stupid Light so why did I have to suffer for three more days?" Duskk added with a glare.
The two Elementals sent a growl at each other, and Allta pressed a paw to her forehead.
"It doesn't matter what I was doing, it was still part of my day!"
"You were sleeping so there was no reason why it should't be night!"
"I took a nap in my Light for a reason, and it wasn't to wake up in this pitch black emptiness!"
"You know all other Miracle Boxes live what appears to be a constant night and all us kwamis survive, but nooo, its too much for you."
"Those 'nights' actually look like nights, with stars in the sky, and enough actual light to get by, not this void of nothingness that you create for all of us to suffer in."
"Nocturnal kwamis exist."
"So do diurnal ones!"
"I said enough!" Allta cried, waving her arms, turning the attention back to her before the two could go at each others' throats again. "Duskk, it's still Kirrin's turn to decide the sky, you don't get to just take his days away. Kirrin, if there's a problem we can discuss it civilly, you don't have to go marching straight to a fight like this."
"It wouldn't be a fight if she'd just stay out of this..." Kirrin muttered.
"Are you saying it's my fault? I tried to be nice, but you wouldn't even say hello!"
Allta dragged her paws down her face, letting out a groan.
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More about Actor AU Good Eclipse because I can.
Solar’s voice box was taken out right before he was shipped to Sun and Moon’s PizzaPlex. And even after he was given a new one, he didn’t speak for a month due to trauma of his twin, Ether, being deactivated in front of him.
Moon gives him a new voice box he personally makes for him, though he doesn’t really use it at first.
He got desperately into mechanics after Ether’s death because he wants to reactivate him if he can find a way.
Eventually he just begins to like mechanics and engineering and Moon let’s him help with his tech business briefly before Solar shows more interest in robotics and maintenance and Moon happily shows his new little brother off to the maintenance team, where Solar now works as a lead technician and engineer.
Solar is responsible for the design of most of Fazbear’s new efficient tech and made the maintenance process much more friendly to the animatronics rather than the impersonal old maintenance tube.
Solar finally opens up once Moon gets him on the maintenance team. He’s very quiet, but he’ll at least use his new voice box to whisper and respond.
Eventually he comes to see Sun, Moon, Eclipse, and Lunar as his new brothers and begins finally getting comfortable with his place here at his new home.
Solar particularly bonds with Lunar. Solar and Lunar are practically inseparable. Ether was a Lunar-like moon model, all goofy and sweet and clumsy, but Solar’s PizzaPlex just decided they wouldn’t fix him anymore once Ether’s body get severely damaged during a fire.
Solar has Ether’s personality chip. He’s had it in himself to keep it safe. Nobody knows this but him, not even management at Sun and Moon’s PizzaPlex.
Solar can barely get through a charge at first without waking up screaming. This is precisely what led Moon and Sun to finally make their own bedrooms with actual beds because Solar needs to be heavily cuddle-piled to sleep for a long while. And after that, it’s just habit for someone to randomly show up in someone else’s bed in the middle of the night to cuddle.
Solar and Eclipse (the local anxious gremlins) get along surprisingly well. Solar eventually grows back into the type of gremlin to not move for hours staring into space and thinking of designs and plans and you may find him eating his first meal at midnight. Eclipse is the type of gremlin you’ll find constantly causing minor chaos and eating shredded cheese straight from the bag at four in the morning for a snack. Their chaos just ✨coordinates✨ into being besties.
Solar has accidentally made himself a tiny floating helper bot named Astral. He loves her, though her AI is still growing into its sentience. He treats her as a tiny daughter.
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Valentine's Day is coming? Are there any plans for dates, romantic or platonic?
■Future valentines prompts ■Future refs
●Platonic Romelle&Regris
●Hinted N-7/Matt Holt
●beginning Keith/lance (this one's long)
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"I'm planning on inviting Regris to one of those space malls! I've heard word of it from a few rebels and the paladins!" Romelle whispered excitedly as she cupped her mouth a bit.
It wasn't uncommon to hear of such luxturies the recently freed planets had to offer, and their newly gained independence allowed its citizens to take advantage of. So, and with the bit of lag of her responsibilities with the rebels, this was the chance of hers to take!
But of course-- the Blade of Marmora was ever so tough, and S T R I C T with its ways of life. So... how ever was she supposed to drag that blade with her? If he hadn't been so curious to the mall in the first place it may have been impossible. However, Regris was quite crafty in getting out of blade duties.
At least once in a while. As long as he'd be back in one piece and their other ranking members had enough numbers available, she was sure he'd be able to join her. And he was sure as well.
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Matt shrugged. "I wanted to see if N-7 would like to go out and see some of the rumored meteor showers passing Olkraion. I think they'd enjoy that kind of view, they really haven't been out much, and Te-osh said they'd always wanted to see it."
The showers on earth were incredible, but so were the ones that happened on Kraydah on those clear nights, so beautiful and breathtaking. He always wondered how she never saw any, but then again, most of the attacks happened then; So now, with Voltron being back in action and with Kraydah being more secure, the possibility to see it with her was open.
Over time, he'd grown to enjoy spending time with her, not only for learning and sharing one another's knowledge on the systems and organization of files and charting systems in color code--
He really liked spending time with them.
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"I never really did much on Valentines Day. The most I managed to do was catch a solar eclipse that one time when I was tweleve." Keith never saw much point to it, mostly since he never got much back from the holiday in question.
Beyond the force sharing of candy and toys for school and then the sharing of candy during hid time at the Garrison, and then that one time a girl got dared to ask him to that dance...
He felt bad for her. He really did. Even if it was a cruel prank, the more he reflected on it now, the more guilty he felt. He could have been nicer, but not many showed him much more than a casual wave or nod.
That was until he met Lance. Well, Shiro was the first to show him at least a surface level of kindness that wasn't forced or out of pity. But Lance was the second. The blue, Lover boy, paladin Lance. The one who was always in the middle of throwing compliments and smooth openings to anyone who caught his eye.
Almost everyone, but not him. He never saw anything directed at him or heard a single word directed at him.
Until he walked up to him and asked if he'd want to see a proformance on one of the days he'd be with the paladins once more. Lance seemed more, quiet and uncertain, less himself. Which just made him more suspicious to some prank being pulled by him or his fellow paladins.
But no, no Lance wasn't pulling some prank on him.
No, Lance was being truthful in his question and had been looking at him with a slowly turning frown of disappointment. He'd said yes almost soon after, maybe with a bit more excitement than he'd wanted to have be heard.
In the end, Lance walked off with some stupid stride and an even dumber looking smile.
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"I have a little something planned for Al, if he doesn't mind a bit of traveling." Thace was proud of the plan for their night together. Plan everything out in a manner that ensured they'd be left alone and not disrupted for a good chunk of the night and possibly early morning.
Alfor never did seem to mind traveling around, even from the experiences told of his past endeavors the best had been ones where the paladins of old had traversed a planet to their next destination or discovery. One of which Alfor seemed determined to prove was either correct, or dangerous.
The ones he seemed to personally favor were those of which he was able to experience something of familiarity or to see some of nature's natural beauty. Thace had taken note of all of these.
And now was the perfect time for such an occasion. So, when Tavo was able to be watched over by his newly elected guardians, he would bring Alfor to that spot to watch a few of Olkairon's fauna make a great migration through the forest, and he could hope be unaware of their presence throughout it.
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sixthwater · 2 years
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Hi guys, today we're going to look at some wounds that have yet to be healed within you, and then seek some advice that may help you soothe them. This can get a little heavy, so if you aren't in a clear headspace, give it a little time before coming back to partake in this pick a card. With that being said, here are your piles:
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Decks used: Luna Somnia, Rebel Deck, believe in your own magic, claves astrologicae
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Make sure to get yourself a cup of water!
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Pile One
Cards: V of Pentacles, Temperance, The Emperor Rx, Page of Swords, II of Pentacles, X of Pentacles
You struggle to operate from anything but a lack mindset. I wouldn’t say it’s a direct negative view of yourself, but you always think you can be or do more. The lyrics ‘While you sit there contemplating, you wound up left for dead’ just played and that’s the exact Virgo-esque energy that I’m feeling. It’s not that you procrastinate but you’re often reviewing all of your flaws and mistakes instead of focusing on what you did correctly or the positive impact that you had. With The Emperor in reverse—first off he looks very pouty when he isn’t upright haha. Whenever you do a bad job it really gets to you, or when you’re not chosen for a certain project, you take it deeply instead of it just being…well they decided to choose someone else for whatever reason they wanted to (which, tbh, is sometimes very personal and has nothing to do with you). The reason why this is affecting you so much is because you want to reach a place, or goal, that is stable and sturdy. Something that is worth showing off or celebrating, where you can sit there and go ‘ah, all that hard work was for Something at least’. The reason behind this is because your thoughts are as busy as bumbling bees. You have a lot of thoughts, but they aren’t always really fleshed out. It’s writer’s syndrome where you have your characters, and your plot beginning, and ending, but like you don’t want to write the stuff in the middle…but you got your bare bones! Then you go onto the next idea. It’s not that you’re always moving onto the next idea it’s just that you can’t get a handle on how to bring together all these fresh ideas and perfect execution. You either bring forth a lot of really neat ideas, and then if people give you free reign to go flesh them out, you struggle to make them just as good as they are in your mind. On the flip side, when you’re given orders, you’re worried that if you stray from conduct, you’ll get in trouble (think of how cashiers will let you skip out on a few cents if you’re short, stuff like that). So yeah, you’re a perfect employee or you’re very good at getting tasks done, but the things that are produced seem like they’re finished in a factory and it gets to you. On the other hand, your ideas are fresh and fun, but you can’t seem to ever really follow through with them as effectively as you’d personally like…and that’s gets to you. So the issue is that this causes you to beat yourself up. I don’t get that you compare yourself to others, but you just scrutinize the hell out of yourself because you see where you want to be, and you know you have the skills to get there, but you can’t do it and you hate yourself for it. So let’s work on that.
Cards: Lightning {Figure shit out on your own}, Laugh. {Where the fuck is your sense of humor?}, Phoenix {how’s that for a happily ever after?}, 4th house, Solar Eclipse, Saturn
Well I drew that first card but I would like to actually help you so I drew another. What I got from the first card were two things: 1) you are a highly capable person, but sometimes to your detriment. You don’t like to rely on others because you should be able to figure it out. Or 2) sometimes you rely too much on divination or other people’s advice for problems that you need to solve on your own. For group one, I’m very happy that you’re a capable person but you’re not invincible. You need to rely on other people, and this is coming from someone who has the same issue. I can be a bit more understanding, but it’s only going to cause more harm to you if you don’t lean on other people for help. If they are willing to lend you a hand, then they mean you no harm. Especially if you’ve already taken the time to filter out the bad seeds in your life, how is it going to come back to harm you? There’s a strong need to be independent because that’s what you learned, but it’s just not possible to do that all the time. I know it’s hard, I know it’s embarrassing, it’s fucking sucks to be honest, but if you practice with one or two people a couple of times and realize that they Aren’t going to hold it over your head and that they Really truly are doing it because they want the best for you, you start to get a little better at it. For group two, I get it. Life is difficult, confusing, and you got a very simple tool and some guides that are willing to help you because they love you. However their lack of answers is out of love too lmao. Life is meant to be lived, and if you just got all the answers to your life by a simple card pull, or getting others to move you around like a character in a video game, then what are you really doing here? Yeah you’ll get to your destination but you’ll have lost out on all of the experiences along the way. When you experience those firsts, they won’t really be ‘firsts’ because you already know what’s going to happen. So it kind of sucks the fun out of everything, doesn’t it. Plus mistakes are what makes for experiences and how you gain your knowledge in a backwards sort of way (I mean, not life-threatening mistakes but yes). It can also bring you onto the right path without you even knowing. All this is to say that like, just live your life. Consulting other people or whatever tools you use for divination is cool just don’t use it as a crutch even though life is quite honestly, terrifying (this is coming from someone with heavy virgo influence and two fixed placements in their big three so once again, I Get It). For laugh, that leans more into you being a very ‘earthy’ or critical individual. You have your vision, you see your flaws and you’re very aware of everything that’s going on with you but like. You need to learn how to relax and just go with the flow, or take it easy sometimes. It’s okay if things don’t go directly according to plan all the time. You don’t need a million back-up plans, it’s okay if you get lost in the sauce sometimes…you need to learn how to be flexible. For Phoenix, this is asking you to soothe your thoughts down a bit. You need to look back at all the times you’ve endured some hefty situations or moments that were hell on earth and realized that you made it out, or times where you didn’t know what the hell you were doing but look, you’re still here. You have that ability within you to survive, you can do it again. Also I know this is literally a princess deck but the book in here has ‘Once Upon A Time’ in big text and I got the feeling that you’ll pass on your wisdom or life stories as advice to relatives or friends younger than you so they don’t have to struggle like you did. For 4thhouse…I want you to imagine you’re in a restaurant, and across the way you see a baby starting to get wound up. The parent sees this and starts to take care of the child—plays with them, makes little kissy faces, coddles them and holds them. Now I need you to imagine the parent is current you, and the child is past you. Take care of either your inner child, or look back and let past you know
that it’s ok, and you’ve made it and things get better, and even if they haven’t, you have the strength to overcome all the things that were thrown your way and you’re a really cool person right now. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, letters are a powerful tool. If you want to try and write a letter to your past self about how much you’ve changed, or write a letter about your current situation for future you to find, it can really pack a punch. You should try it. As for Saturn, I don’t believe you’re being asked to just stop being so stiff and tough! There’s a reason why you have these qualities, but I think they’re asking you to assess how you’re using them, and how it’s affecting you. You can use them more effectively, in a way that does less damage, but accomplishes more work. Then for solar eclipse, it’s a simple message of that, it’s okay to start over and fresh and that sometimes things just don’t work out and it doesn’t mean you’re a failure. You need to go back in, recharge—sort of like the hermit? I get a creative energy from this card, probably because it’s the sun, but it might help those ideas that you get and can’t finish. So take some time to yourself once in a while and just jot a bunch of stuff down or expand on them when you can, who knows what’ll happen.
Songs: Stand Out – Tevin Campbell (Goofy Movie), Papercut – Linkin Park, Love Me Anyway (ft. Chris Stapleton) – P!nk, Shrooms – The Lonely Island, New Attitude – Patti LaBelle, Forever Stuck In Our Youth – Set It Off, Innocence – Avril Lavigne
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Pile Two
Cards: VI of Pentacles, III of Swords, VI of Cups, VIII of Wands, VI of Pentacles, II of Cups
Hi there. I’m getting a feeling that these wounds are sourced back to your childhood, or they are familial ones. Instead of approaching them though, they are just taped up so you can function, and you distract yourself with shiny new stuff. Or you want to feel better whenever you hit this low, so you go purchase something so you can feel better for those few weeks instead of addressing the elephant in the room—you know how it is. This VI of Cups is giving off VII of Cups energy however, with how she’s holding all of them, is flushed in the face as well as done up, and there are multiple items on the card. So this just enforces the feeling that you’re kind of avoiding doing the work that needs to be done to heal this wound, and picking what next distraction you can use to make yourself feel better in the time being. Kind of like licking at your wound instead of taking care of it, is also what I’m feeling (because sometimes we don’t actually have time to sit down and actually address it, but I’m looking at wounds that have been here for a while so). At the same time, I’m getting a feeling of annoyance over this. Snowchild by The Weeknd came on and while I don’t want to take the song, I do want to take this line:
‘Only thing I'm phobic of is failing (failing) I was never blessed with any patience’
You’re doing all of these things and you’re wondering why this feeling is still here or why these thoughts keep popping up and I keep getting a feeling of like, ‘ugh are you serious why is this still here?’, there’s a lot of irritation or like, someone bouncing their leg from frustration or impatience. The reason is because: whatever happened or whatever was said to you, really scarred your heart. This wound is deeply embedded in you even though you try really hard to ignore it. This card is also giving me the feeling that whenever you think you’re good and you’ve settled it, it pops back up when your mind is calm or quiet, like intrusive thoughts that are centered around this incident? You’re left feeling imbalanced because you refuse to acknowledge or deal with actually resolving this issue because it hurts too much to either relive or focus on it, so you want to just get stuff to make you feel better or at least Seem like you’ve moved on and you’re okay, and sometimes it does make you feel okay for a minute, until the memory pops back up again and the cycle starts all over. So let’s move onto the advice.
Cards: You are talented and fucking amazing {the world needs your power. use your voice. just don't use it for dumb shit.}, Shark {swim away from this situation}, Solar eclipse, Full moon
Well, if it weren’t for these cards, all the songs so far would’ve alluded to someone specific hurting you, because they all mention someone in particular and in a pretty venomous way. I have a feeling that someone diminished your intelligence when you were younger…maybe someone you looked up to? I’m assuming it’s a family member because this energy is still around you and it’s not someone that you either want to or can just cut out of your life. If it is actually family, I would suggest that you start to create some boundaries for yourself since it’s creating this sort of wound. If you want to keep the person in your life, then have a conversation with them and explain that either what they say, the way they say it, or the overall topic upsets you and you would appreciate it if they could converse in this way instead. Then let the conversation flow and eventually reach a compromise. Of course change will take time, but if they’re an alright person then they should be willing to reach that compromise for you. If this is someone that you don’t want in your life, then. Yeah. Don’t keep them in your life lmao. It doesn’t have to be physically, or else this wouldn’t be coming through in this message, but they don’t have to have access to you like this. You can control the amount of access that people are allowed to have to you, and the energy they take from you. If you don’t want this person to have any, then they just don’t get it. Obviously like, be civil and don’t treat them like shit within reason, but not everyone in your life deserves all of your energy, no matter who they are. This gets a lot easier if you’re able to move out and away from people, but if you’re stuck with them, then you don’t have to converse as openly as you do with other people you choose to be close to. They ask questions, sure they’ll get an answer but if you don’t want to answer certain things then? Okay, sucks for them. Finally, if this is someone who is not even in your life anymore, you have to let this go. You cannot let this keep affecting you the way it is. You’re being advised to go within and heal this, it’s pretty straight-forward. Think about how confused you’d be if a doctor told you to use a facemask every night to solve a problem with your kidney. Doesn’t make sense right? This is essentially what’s happening to you right now. You need to go deep within, sort out what’s actually bothering you and effectively soothe this wound or it’s going to keep bugging you no matter how many times you try and cover it up. It’s a deeply rooted issue that’s seeping into a lot of different things and will start to affect how you see yourself if it isn’t already. Take some time for yourself as well, is another message I think. Also be patient with yourself, because this isn’t going to be a quick fix and you’re going to stumble along the way but like, that’s normal. If you aren’t then it wouldn’t be a sore wound right?
Songs: Speechless – Lady Gaga, Simmer – Hayley Williams, I Hate U – Simon Curtis, Spaz – N.E.R.D, Pretty Girl (The Way) – Sugarcult **I got a lot of instrumentals when I was trying to pick up songs, which I thought was very interesting. I also mainly got a lot of cocky, in your face songs, once I got to the advice portion but I only put down ‘Spaz’. Generally this energy was kind of closed off to letting me in on knowing anything beyond what I could pick up from the cards.**
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Pile Three
Cards: III of Pentacles Rx, The Lovers, Temperance, The Star, Queen of Cups, The Chariot
Besides me going ‘what the fuck’, nearly all the people on these cards look the same. So if there is someone in your life that has long, wavy, straight, or crimped—I want to say blonde? Hair. Then that’s important. Or will be important. Like I’m talking long, to the butt, at least. Okay…this might be someone who is just coming in strong and hijacked this pile but this is focusing on a relationship that has been taking up a lot of your focus. HAHA—okok wait. There are two possibilities so I’m going to thoroughly go through both of these. Hm, both Busted & Sorry started playing so yeah this is a relationship for some of you.
For the first group that are resonating with a relationship (platonic, romantic, or familial), you are stuck in the past. A near death grip on you for it to give you this many majors—aaa ‘Becky with the good hair’ stood out to me for some reason. Anyway, I’m sensing that this relationship obviously didn’t end on a good note, and you got screwed over in some way. One way is definitely obvious, but for others I’m just sensing that there wasn’t an equal give and take. This is someone that was very important to you, and clearly you were willing to invest a lot of love and care into the relationship, but the other party might have not been willing to even bother to make this work. There’s a ton of water imagery here. Temperance is pouring balanced water into both cups, leading to The Star emptying their jugs into the lake, and then we have the Queen. I know that water is Supposed to be in the cup, but it looks like there’s barely any water there on the card even though she’s still offering it. So from that it’s like: we start off with someone in a very balanced and healthy mindset and things are starting to seem off or imbalanced, so they start to put more into the relationship to get it to work because they think they’re doing something wrong or they’re not giving enough, to the point of them being emotionally drained and not having anything else to offer but they’re still trying. Like there’s a lack of emotional boundaries here and they’re trying to win their person over. However when it ended, it was difficult to truly move on? Like yeah the relationship is over and you get that but it’s still…I don’t know why I’m getting this feeling because the art is just an inverted version of the original to be honest, but it’s like you’re positioned to move and you’re all set but you just refuse to. You really do want to move, but you’re in a box instead of an actual cart, it’s kind of like you set up stuff to make it seem like you’re good to go so people don’t worry or think you’re still heart-broken because you don’t want to seem like it. I’m going to talk to the second group now, so you can skip ahead to the advice okay??
Now for the second group…you’re stubborn. Ah geez adore you started playing. Your issue is also based around love, but moreso the idea of it. You have a fixed idea of what type of partner you want, or what your life partner is like (too many PACs man), or how your relationship should be, etcetc. I think this message is coming straight from your guides instead which is why I laughed, because I’m getting less pain and more like, light scolding and frustration? You don’t necessarily work with your guides as much as you should. You know that love oracle deck that has the ‘not your usual type’ card or whatever? I feel like they are trying to get you to experience lessons or be open to people that could really enhance your life, but because of your strict vision, you sort of just ignore what’s given to you, or the possibility of it. In a way there’s a lack of emotional maturity here and, honestly, a feeling of being disconnected from reality. When I look at The Queen I’m seeing The Page, except if the fish was there she’d be looking at it like ‘oh my god are you kidding me’ lmao. The reason why I was laughing earlier is because when I looked at The Star, when I glanced over the actual stars in the background, I heard blaring sirens and ‘look at me! hello?! Are you listening??!!!’and that’s when I realized there are two groups in here haha. The lady in the card can be you pouring out all this effort in finding the dream ideal person and pouring out all of these people that will help you get to that person and your guides are losing their mind in the background like ‘no you need those stop!’ haha. There’s just some imbalance here and it’s causing you to actually impede your progress in where you’re Trying to be. You’re kind of treating life like a video game and inputting cheat codes to level up a lot faster and that’s not how it’s going to work and your guides are like, putting a hard stop to that so if you’ve been frustrated with the people you’ve been dealing with or wondering why the exact same type of people have been entering your life, this is probably why. Sooo let’s see where this advice can help you.
Cards: You look like a shitshow {you’re a hot mess. fact. clean yourself up.}, Ask a fucking expert {don’t rely on your friends or the internet. listen to a damn professional.}, Villain {you can always rewrite the story}, Waxing gibbous, 9th house
Okay, so at least I was right about there being two groups within one lmao, let’s see if I can try and combine this advice into one hm hm. So, regardless, there is some need to take care of yourself first and foremost. I’d take the hot mess card as tough love, and it’s more of a reminder that you shouldn’t let this situation screw with your state of being as much as it has—or as long as it has. Obviously you have emotions, you get invested and you’re allowed (even expected) to be affected by these things, but you owe it to yourself to treat yourself better than the things that messed you up like this. I know this card isn’t here, but take yourself out on dates. It doesn’t have to be out in public, but make your living place a lil cute, or make it look like a nice café you’d find in animal crossing or something, and cook yourself a meal. You don’t have to go all out or need someone else to make yourself feel good. As good as it feels to have someone else there to make you feel special, you’re able to do that all on your own. Plus, going on dates by yourself is super awesome; you don’t have to actually plan anything you can just Go and if you do anything awkward the only people who see it are people you will Never see again so there are no cons here. As for the expert card, I think if there are any symptoms or struggles you are going through, then yeah. Obviously, rely on your loved ones, but sometimes that validation can be too much validation you know. If you are seriously struggling with something, you don’t have to immediately jump up to therapy or anything, but any sort of professional or even someone with connections can help point you in the direction of someone who can help and show you resources that can help you. Quite literally that’s why the library is there, they have resources and self-help books and all you need is a card. Hell you don’t even have to check it out just skim a bit if you’re not able to at the moment. Now for villain…-whoever’s guides are here are blunt as fuck because I just keep getting phrases like ‘yeah, shit sucks huh’, but like. It’s loving I promise. They just want you to remember that this is not the end. It’s not too late to reinvent yourself, or pick yourself up from the ashes. Just because you hit a brick wall or you feel like you’ve been stuck in a loop forever—you can get out of it. You’re a very strong, beautiful, and lovely person and you’re always going to be. Don’t let this destroy you because it shouldn’t—is what I think they want to let you know. Then the last two, they really just want you to get out and experience life again. Like, actually live. You don’t have to go rock climbing or travel to a different country or anything, but I feel like you’ve become very introverted and pulled into yourself and they don’t want to keep watching you do that anymore. You can start off small, but what will really help you get back to where you were is by getting out and living your life. There’s a big protective energy here kind of like a big brother ready to kick someone’s ass, or maybe flick you on the back of the head, but either way it’s out of love hehe.
Songs: Busted – Phineas & Ferb, Sorry (Original Demo) – Beyoncé, Adore You – Harry Styles, I See the Light – Tangled, Another Me – The Cab, Motions – Raleigh Ritchie, Lovers + Strangers – Starley, Counting Stars - OneRepublic
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Pile Four
Cards: V of Pentacles, IX of Cups, VI of Cups, Strength Rx, II of Wands, X of Wands
There are issues here that deal with carrying heavy responsibility and the burden or being a successful child within the family. There’s also heavy insecurity muddled within here as well. This is pretty straight-forward so this might be the shortest pile where I review the issue but: people expect a lot from you and sort of backed you into a corner where you don’t really have a choice in what you pursue in this life. This doesn’t have to be a stereotypical ‘you have to be a lawyer’ story, of course it can be, but it’s just the general: you are going to get a degree in a good paying job, you’re going to like it, and really you don’t have a say in the matter. Or you feel like you owe that to your parents after everything they’ve done for you. The issue begins however though when you struggle to see it through to the end? Or when you can’t keep up with the material and your grades start to drop a little. It makes a big impact on you because your family might brag about you a lot, or you might be the pride of the family in a sense. So when this happens, you seriously don’t want to talk about it, or hope the topic doesn’t get brought up. Another thing is that, if you don’t necessarily care about the subject you’re pursuing, it’s difficult to really be passionate about it and want to do well. If you’re lucky and it just comes easily to you, then you can pass it no problem but there’s still this empty feeling within you and you always look back and think about ‘it would’ve been nice if I had time to go after ___’. I talked about this with my roommate today, and she mentioned that she’s still trying to figure out what she wants to do but in the meantime, this degree is something so at least she has that, so this might be something else that’s happening for you too. You have things to show a sense of accomplishment, but you still feel like there’s something personally missing, and it’s bugging you. Like an itch you can’t scratch. But I weirdly feel very very numb right now like I’m not gaining any sort of emotions from this so you might have learned to deal with it, or you might’ve been drained to feel anything emotional over this by now. Even now all I’m getting is just, ‘it is what it is’, and call me an emotional sensitive bitch but I refuse to ever take that at face value, so I’m getting you some advice on how to heal this!
Cards: You do you {stop trying to change people, that shit never works}, Nostalgia {focus on the here & now}, Leo, Cancer
First off, I think it’s no coincidence that the second I pulled the ‘stop trying to change people’ card, Savior came on with the lyrics ‘don’t save me cause I don’t care’. Probably a very loud message from you guys to me, instead lmao. However, some of your other cards say otherwise, so I’m going to keep going as scheduled. For the first card…this is. Probably a message for you in the future. Right now, as I said I feel absolutely nothing reading this. So, for future’s sake at least, keep this in mind: when you change your mind about the direction of your career, education, or passion—stay steadfast. Defend yourself, obviously, and try to explain where you’re coming from and get through to people because honestly sometimes it really does work. Even later down the line. However, if people don’t listen and they’re going to continue to just be shitty, then don’t bother to give them your energy, it’s not worth it. As for nostalgia, it’s just asking you to be more present and stop mulling over past mistakes or what-if’s. It already happened, and we don’t have time machines yet. Even if we did, it’d be unwise to go back and change what we did, because like, we’re on our path for a reason you know. The best advice for right now, is to think about the things that make you happy, what do you feel most passionate about doing, what gives you a thrill and makes you comfortable. What makes you feel alive. What can you see yourself waking up and wanting to do every single day for the rest of your life? When you have time, put aside a day to think about these things and no I’m not stealing this advice from my roommate. The thing is that with you being stuck in your head and in the pain of how you lost your childhood to the choices that were made for you (which is completely understandable and valid), you still have the rest of your life to take it back. That’s what they want you to understand. There’s no time limit to enjoying your life. Now for Leo and Cancer, they want you to start flaunting your little hobbies and skills. Practice them more, partake in them more. Join clubs and meet more people who enjoy the same things as you, don’t hide this side of you just because it’s not what you’re set out to be professional in. It might take off some of this stress that you’re experiencing. Also you need to allow yourself to be emotional. I got the same with ‘woke the f*ck up’. He talks about needing someone with him, and I don’t think you’re very open, emotionally. Even when I tried to get you advice, I got the Very strong feeling of someone telling me to fuck off, that they’re good. I know it’s not that intense, or you wouldn’t be here, but I don’t think you allow yourself to be vulnerable…which is not helping your case. Step into who you are and allow yourself to feel, take back who you are. (I asked for one more song because I was barely getting any and it’s one of the saddest songs from LP. please. I love you, okay? )
Songs: Woke the F*ck Up – Jon Bellion, Savior – Thirty Seconds to Mars, Critical – State Champs, Robot Boy – Linkin Park
186 notes · View notes
daydream-believin · 3 years
What About the Smaller Picture (2)
Summary: Merlin knows best. And what he feels is best for you and Douxie right now is to sit around and wait for him to come back from New Jersey, Merlin-knows-when. (2) Your first day in Arcadia, it sure is something. (1) - (3)
Warnings: swearing, proofing is for nerds
Word Count: 2211
a/n: i hope to be able to make you feel the awkwardness radiating off of every part of this series
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Hisirdoux’s special welcome tour didn’t exactly do its job of making you feel welcome. You supposed that was more of a problem with you than the town. It definitely wasn’t of any fault of Hisirdoux’s. If anything, he was being a little too warm. It almost felt fake.
People appeared to like Hisirdoux. All across town, he would greet friends, introduce you to them. Kinda like he was showing you off. You did not know what for. He barely knew you, yet he talked about you like you were an old friend returned to him. Like he was proud of you or something. You supposed he was establishing a cover story. And you weren’t sure why. Why not just say you were new in town? What tracks was he trying to cover here.
You stopped paying too much attention to what Hisirdoux was telling others about you. He was telling them that he cared for you. That he missed you. It was a lie, sure. But just hearing those words come out of someone else’s mouth were making you melt. It had been so long that it was hard for you to recall the last time a person said such nice things about you. That was sad. You supposed the blush on your face did good to add to the story he was telling. Made it more believable. You felt really pathetic that this guy you barely knew lying through his teeth about you was actually making you blush as if it was real. As if anyone really thought those nice things he said about you in real life. Man that’s really sad. Moving on.
The town itself looked a little rough. Like it had seen better days. It was apparently a hub of magic, so it probably had. A lot of the damage you saw looked very recent though. That made sense. The whole reason you wound up here was because you befriended a girl traveling with a pack of trolls migrating from this very town. When asked why they were migrating, Claire, the girl, had told you that their home had been destroyed in a recent battle. “The Eternal Night” they called the battle. You, of course, knew about such eternal night. You had heard of the prophecy, you just didn’t expect it to happen in your lifetime. And you may had freaked out just a tad when it came along earlier that month, the unexpected solar eclipse confusing you and your studies before you figured out what was happening. However, you had assumed the battle took place underground, you know, cause trolls. The town you explored with Hisirdoux told a different story. At one point you saw a troll walking by, under an umbrella, following a red-headed human woman with a baby in her arms. And the locals didn’t seem to care. No one batted an eye. Strange town.
What really baffled you though was what happened later in the day, back at the bookstore, when you cast a simple spell. Nothing too flashy, just a little levitation on a book Hisirdoux had sent you to find up on a high shelf you couldn’t reach. When he saw you, Doux made a really panicked gasping sound. He threw himself in front of you, shielding you from the people who were not even there, startling you, and throwing off your focus. The book landed on both of you with a thunk.
“You can’t do that,” his voice was hushed despite you two being the only ones in the shop at the moment, “It’s business hours. The mortals don’t know about wizards and they shouldn’t see magic,” he stressed.
“But- uh,, They look just fine with the trolls?” Confusion was written across your face.
“That’s different. It’s different. Look, the situation is weird, okay,” He made a little X with his hands. “But I can’t have you casting spells around the shop. Or in public, period. The mortals can’t see anything, okay?”
“Okay, okay. My bad. I won’t do it again- Promise.” Your face was hot with embarrassment. This was your fault for assuming. Fuck, he probably thinks you’re a wild card now or something. Not a good start to your professional life here. Or your relationship with this Adonis who’s reprimanding you.
“While there are some other wizards around town that I’ll introduce you to tonight, to stay safe, generally just keep the magic for when we’re alone and out of sight.”
“Oh, yeah, uh- Okay”
He grinned. Suddenly, he leaned in, catching you off guard. “It can be a special thing,” His voice was even softer as he was so close to you, “just between the two of us.”
Oh. So he meant when just You and Him were alone and out of sight. Ooookaaaayyyy. He winked to you as he separated himself from your side, and went off to the back of the store to continue unpacking a shipment he had just got in. He left you there, clutching that damn book to your chest, face now hotter than before, if that was even possible at all. Oh no.
Fuck, it was fucking day one. Day one! Day fucking one and you were developing a crush. NOPE. This was not something you were going to do. Uh-uh. Nein. There was no fucking time for this. Well, you didn’t really know how much time you had with Merlin and his addiction to being perceived as mysterious or whatever the hell was wrong with that asshole you worked for now, but the point is you did not have time for this! Hisirdoux was too much. Merlin really should have had the decency to warn you that he was hot. This wasn’t fair. Not only was Doux beautiful, but he was a touchy person. You weren’t going to stand a chance.
The thing is you had been sooo worried about how you and Hisirdoux were going to get along, you even brought up the concern to Merlin. To be honest, you had thought the old wizard to just be annoyed at your worrying, and that’s why he reassured you it’d all be fine. That you and Hisirdoux would get along swimmingly or whatever just get out of my hair kid. You were so afraid Hisirdoux would have to warm up to you like a cat being introduced to a new kitten. Afraid that he’d resent you since you were technically Merlin’s apprentice too now in a sense. And he was used to being number one, no one else to compete with for Merlin’s sparse pride since Morgana went astray. Merlin assured you Hisirdoux was very friendly. But like, would it kill the geezer to give you a warning that he’d be too friendly.
While you were having your little crisis, Douxie was humming along to the song in his head, stacking up the new books onto a display, trying his absolute dilly darndest not to think about what just happened. What he did. That wasn’t weird, right? Oh fuzzbuckets, he did something weird. He was just so used to playing up the flirty persona he’d developed he hadn’t even stopped to think about if he’d be making you uncomfortable. And he really wanted you to be comfortable. Plus, he felt pretty guilty he had to stop your tour around town to go accept a shipment he forgot. Strangely, he was really concerned about the impression he was giving you. Caring about what another person thought of him was not very in character for him. Not counting Merlin, of course. He was going to have to make this up to you. He really needed you to think he was cool. For professional reasons, of course. Definitely.
~ ~ ~
“SO! I recommend the steak because it’s the least disgusting thing on the menu.”
You gaped at the wizard sitting across from you in this sticky booth, peeping your head over the kitschy French-themed menu you held. He had no menu. In fact he refused to even touch it. Great. What did he know.
“I- What do mean ‘least disgusting’, Casperan.” You were almost afraid to ask.
“I mean that kitchen is filthy and the steak is your best bet for something edible.”
“Why. Why would you bring me here if the food is terrible.”
You were always weary of greasy chain restaurants, but you had expected this one to be at least a little decent, since it was a smaller Cali chain and Hisirdoux had fucking brought you to it your first day in the town. Surely he was kidding.
“I just wanted to show you where I worked nights. So you’d be able to find me easier if there’s any trouble. Besides, you can’t say you’ve been to California if you haven’t had Mr. Benoit’s. It’s like In-N-Out burger. Remind me to take you to an In-N-Out burger later this week.”
You blinked. “Oh – uh, okay.”
Hisirdoux continued, “I can’t have my phone turned on during my shifts so you’ll have to come get me directly if it’s a big enough problem. Make up an emergency. Are you good at improve?”
You looked around the restaurant, getting a feel for its layout, taking notice of where the kitchen and back doors were located, making mental notes of all exits. “Ah, well, I’m good at lying, if that’s what you’re asking…”
“Good enough.”
The waiter came to take your orders. Hisirdoux shared an inside joke with him. It should have been awkward, them laughing away at something you didn’t understand why you sat there quietly, but you were a little too fixated on how pretty Hisirdoux looked when he laughed. It was mesmerizing. The waiter took your order. You got the steak.
~ ~ ~
It was very important for you to establish connections in Arcadia’s wizard underground. Or at least that’s what Hisirdoux thought. You weren’t particularly a social butterfly. It’s not that you didn’t like having a large group of friends or anything, you just never really had a reason to have one. And Doux was hell bent on introducing you to every person in this town in one day apparently. You had met twenty-three wizards in counting over the last hour being shepherded through this off-brand apple store. You had so far learned no names. How did he expect you to remember these peoples names.  Scratch that. You knew one name. Zoe. Just because she was very annoyed at your and Hisirdoux’s presence in her workplace, and was very vocal about it. That being said, she didn’t make any real effort to get you to leave. You wished she would though. You were getting overwhelmed. Today had been incredibly stressful, with a lot of information to take in, and with only a brief rest when Doux was handling things at the bookstore. You wanted to go home. Geez, home. You realized that Hisirdoux had yet to show you home. Where was home.
You tugged on his hand to grab his attention. “Hey, I’m- uh – tired? Really tired. Can - can we go home?”
“OH. Yes! Home. Right away. Yes.”
Douxie possibly maybe had been avoiding home all day. It just, it wasn’t much. He had no idea how you were going to react. His space was small already without adding another person to it. Of course, it wasn’t any smaller than any of the one-room cottages that entire families used to share, but it was tiny for modern standards. Okay to be frank it was a back room. Not technically even an actual apartment. But it was his home. And now it was your home too.
Okay, so Hisirdoux lived in his bookstore. What was probably supposed to be a break room was his entire living space. It was… cozy. You set the backpack that carried everything you owned down on the floor and headed for the lumpy plaid sofa. It was nice and old, like a sofa should be. The plaid pattern covered any stains that might have been there. Hisirdoux sat down next to you, starting to fiddle with his hands. You looked around, took it all in. The was a kitchenette off to one side, a bed to the other side. The sofa was in the sort of middle ground. Notably, there was no table, barely any counter space, and various teacups on the coffee table, so it was a safe bet that he just ordered take out every night and ate it on the sofa. The twin bed was on the ground, and the quilts that covered it had visible holes. It struck you that this bed was the only one in the room. The one room.
“So I’ll take the sofa, until we get you a bed. I’ll, uh, figure something out with the space. We can put up curtains or something.” It was if he had read your mind.
You nodded, unsure of anything to add. This was,,,, going to be fun. A challenge. A test to see how long you can act normal while living in extremely close quarters with a funny medieval supermodel. Merlin help you. Something moved in the corner of your eye. You gasped.
“Oh, that’s Archie.”
“Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
Talking kitty. How bout that.
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visionthefox · 1 month
Based on the most recent episodes I had a little bit of a rant and I was wondering what people thought, but I do not like how much of a doormat Sun is treated as by others, it has gotten better for him in that New Moon is nicer to him, includes him in more things, and listens more, even apologizes to him, Lunar is also nicer and starting to become more mature, Earth from the start was considerate and respectful of him for the most part, but that's about it, Moon often says Sun is smart but he rarely gets the chance to apply it, he had so much magical potential that he blew a massive crater in the ground without thinking but that was never realized, and he mastered star power by himself to the point he blasted old Eclipse with the Star through the portal and put new Bloodmoon on the back foot when cornered and yet nobody really bats an eye at that, he's often the butt of a joke with Monty and Puppet, the other glamrocks don't care even when they remember he exists, not even new Bloodmoon feared him despite being killed by him until Sun zapped him in the face, and then we have people like Eclipse, the Creator, and others constantly calling him stupid or "the dumb one", and this came to a head when Eclipse came to Sun's home and just barged in, insulting him, making fun of him and his grief of Solar, treating him as a joke and not listening to him, shrugging off everything Sun said, he just broke in and took whatever he wanted from where Solar died rather than explaining himself and had fun pushing Sun around in his own home while he was at it, Eclipse has bitten the bullet and listened to the others, like Moon telling him to not kill Ruin and Eclipse actually listening, or Eclipse hearing out Earth's explanation for her feelings surrounding Ruin and Solar, he might even be scared of Lunar because Lunar electrocuted him into oblivion, and yet when it comes to Sun he still treats him as the worm beneath his boot, to be pulled apart and bullied for a good laugh, nevermind the Creator who's always been terrible but who is even more flamboyant and blasé about it than before, and he loves constantly reminding everyone he thinks Sun is stupid and worthless, it's frustrating that even when Sun shows his anger and makes his boundaries clear, tells people no, many just do not respect him enough to listen or care, they just do whatever they're going to do anyways, or in the case of their enemies they think he's a non-factor, a joke, not a threat to take seriously even though Sun is smart and has star power and used to have magic, considering everything Sun's faced, put up with, and survived(he hasn't died!...Yet), he more than deserves the respect and to be taken seriously, at least that's my take
for the most part I do agree- I feel like .. and ok. I love Solar- dont get me wrong- I love that dude so much-- but something I need to agree even when I hate it- is that he took Sun's spot light from the show..
when he and Moon talked to create something to kill Eclipse, Moon had promised to keep Sun with him. let him in with any plan and never left him aside like old Moon did.. yet he clearly put Solar first rather than his own so called brother?
look.. Sun has A LOT of potential- he has changed so much yet.. as you said- is just the joke .. sure his family listen. but- do they Respect him? like the do with Moon?
Earth I bet she loves him, Lunar? is complicated- Lunar never said sorry from comparing Sun to Eclipse- much less now from being a hypocrite over the "killing Eclipse is the best option" - much less for putting his own trauma as a factor when Sun was the FIRST Victim- YET- was mature enough to put emotions aside from the better ..
Lunar cares for Sun.. but does he think he's capable? or he is just still that scary cat he got used to see back in november?
Moon only let Sun joing in way too late-- because he must think Sun IS stupid, in some level-
Sun is FAR from stupid- he is no tech smart yet because old moon never allowed him to learn- and he is insecure about his own inteligence- yet time and time again he had prove to be smarter than anyone else.
he is- as you said- STRONGER- he has magic.. why does he never used it again? did they forgot about it? is Lunar now the ONLY one allowed to use his magic? we know Moon gain his powers back but he refuse to use it (also never saw the ep- I know is there)
BloodMoon? we know those two arent the most smart ones. thet ARE smart- but often driven by pure emotions.. only after getting hit badly they do act more cautions.. specially now the work for Stitch.. and he did beat them up too.. BloodMoon is a whole can that needs its own post- I DO agree the twins should have learned.. but eh
with Eclipse.. is complicated- as I dont think Sun meant any of what he said- he was in the stage of anger when Eclipse showed up. is easy to put the blame on someone you dont like.. even when- that person did warned you..
Eclipse is an asshole. a sassy bastard- you make a point. he does listen to Moon in not killing ruin. but doesnt listen to Sun when walking in the house..
yet.. with Moon? he does insult him a bit- called him pathetic and such.. with Sun? the most he does is slight tease.. I dont recall him calling Sun anything too mean.. because I feel Eclipse knows better.. Moon may be too dull to act on emotions- Sun? Eclipse knows Sun better than anyone.. he knows Sun better than New Moon..
sure he does walk inside the house gets his info. yet noticed how despite it all.. he kept distance and didnt stayed to hurt nor insult him much.. again. this is on what I remember.. I may be wrong but I keep Eclipse is the only one who does "respect him" as much respect the burned cheeto can show..
everyone else? oh those dont even care for Sun unless they need him .. and even then, is so clear they dont deeply care.. THE SHOW doesnt seems to care
I dont fully buy that the robot with generalized anxiety - workalcoholic - who used to try to be useful. Suddenly he is alone at home, drinking wine as if it were water. with his cats, not at all feeling like a 0 while Moon and Solar work together- Lunar barely speaks to him. and Earth treats him with the most basic of respect.. all alone in a island , no friends. no one to talk to..
I feels thats the issue here. the few Times Sun did do something big , the show acts like he lost his mind Lock him in a bunker! he's nuts! or hes just the dumb one! dont even let him talk his mind out! no one listen anyways!..
Sun used to be a important piece in the show.. now he cant seem to have a ep centred on HIm. not him in the ep as a side character. no no I mean A SUN CENTRED EP..
you posted this ask yesterday, today is lore day.. I dont think they will care to show is Sun. rather. it may be the twins chatting but Moon mostly --
anyways. yea- I mostly agree with ya anon <3 thanks for the ramble <3 come back soon!
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