#i mean yeah sure it’s definitely a downgrade
kiwisandpearls · 20 days
i feel like that homer simpson meme where he’s peaking outside the window when i saw the lego monkie kid fandom’s reactions to the season 5 trailer despite being kind of in the fandom myself lol
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lenaluvbot · 18 days
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being the daughter of a famous superhero definitely had its perks, especially when the superhero was superman.
yet now you were lost gotham city after missing your dad on a trip, thankfully mr wayne was such a gentleman.
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“Oh don’t worry, This hotel is lovely. I’d know since i own it.” He smirked at you and you nearly fell over in your shoes.
Being in gotham definitely was a downgrade from the city, but at least Mr wayne or “Bruce” was kind too you.
Showing you around the city and even letting you stay free of charge at one of his hotel branches.
He was so kind and so courageous he had everything you’d want in a man, expect the fact he was batman.
You had nothing against the fact he was a vigilante it just made you laugh how he dressed as a bat to fight crime.
You couldn’t say much as your father did fly around with a S on his chest.
Here you were hours later sitting in the hotel bed desperate for something to happen as a call rang through the hotel phone jolting you from your sleep.
“Hi is this mrs kent’s room?”
“I didn’t ask for room service..”
“You can’t recognize my voice? How mean, I thought you knew me.” His laugh was so enticing.
“Oh i’m sorry mr wayne i was sleeping..”
“Don’t call me ‘Mr’ Bruce will because just fine.”
“Alright..Bruce, why’d you call me?”
“I have an event i’d like to avoid tonight, care for me to join you in your room tonight?”
This was shocking.
He was asking if you wanted him to come over?
Obviously you did!
“Oh sure i’d be happy, i have no plans.”
“Alright superstar i’m coming.”
The knocking at your door was from the billionaire himself as he smirked while holding a bottle of a wine brand you couldn’t even pronounce.
"Hi mr wayne"
"Again, just call me bruce". he smirked, letting himself in. he set the wine down on the counter as he grabbed a glass from the cabniet.
"So, how are you liking gotham so far?" Pouting a glass that seemed so slam in his hands, or maybe his hand was normal sized and the glass was tiny?
Snapping back into reality when the glass set on the kitchen counter with a ding.
"well its defenitly more...dull compared to metropolis but i dont complain". Youre smile showed off your pearly whites that were a tad irregular given your kryptonian dna. You could pass for human sure but somethings were still ailenable.
"Do you drink?"
"Well im not really 21 quite yet"
"Oh? How old are your super star?"
"Im- Wait what did you say?"
"Superstar,since youre supermans daughter you know. The whole super thing. im sure your father teases you about it. Have you considered being a super yet?"
"Im only nineteen so i dont really use my powers" His face practically bloomed as he looked the other way
"Ah so youre in college?"
"yeah i go to a community"
"whats a supergirl like you doing at community?"
"Its all my dad could afford on the reporters sallary"
the room went quiet as he handed you the glass
"But im under"
"dont worry, i wont tell."
He watched you as you drank, encouraging you to drink more and more, only too see if that super durabilty was a super light weight.
Which you were.
He laughed at your city girl jokes as he put a arm under your shoulder you were so tipsy you couldnt help but giggle at everything bruce said
"Youre how old again? Go on super say how old you are". He grinned
"Im nineeeteen,i turn twenty in five monthsss on my birthday". Grinning from ear to ear he rubbed your back.
"Oh really? what number comes after 20?"
"Uhhh 22?"
"Wow look at that, you are smart". Chuckling he looked at you sighed
"Its getting late i should leave,i have all these adult dutys you know"
"No no dont go we were having fun!" you pouted your lip as you leaned against bruce
"Alright then well ill stay for you".
He grinned as he whished the drink around in the glass, he got closer to you on the bed he leaned down and kissed you
"Was that okay" his stumble grazed your cheek and his cologne made you forget all your morals.
"Yeah that was okay..." You kissed him back and pulled him closer by his face, your kisses were sloppy and lazy as the liquor took over before your stamina could.
He laughed at your drunkness, it was cute seeing you try to fight off the sleepiness at a chance to get laided
"How old are you.." you asked breathlessly as your hands digged into his hair "Old enough to be your father". He picked you up under his arm and put you on the bed, unbuttoning his jeans, he started to bring don you pants with his teeth.
Kissing your waist line he aligned his tip with your soaked cunt.
"Fuck youre tight" He grunuted as he started to push himself inside you "Gosh" You softly moaned and closed your eyes "Look at me" His voice was laced with tiredness as he grabbed your hand and held with "You a virgin?" You nodded "Kryptonians have this healing facor,everytime i break my hymen it grows back, i havent gottten father than tampons." You answered drunkenly
"So you havent taken dick yet?"
"No i guess i havent..."
"Alot of pressure on me then huh? Dont worry ill give it too you good". Sliding into you with little ease he let out a soft moan, grippping your hand as he persuaded you through it
"Come on be a big girl you got this, look at me, youre a super come on act like it" He grinned as you let out soft moans, your legs squirming. "Quit all that moving,its okay you can take it. And this is me going slow."
He kissed you slowly, holding onto your chin as he grinded against you in the bed, picking up the pace he kissed you, not because he wanted to feel your lips but because he wanted you to stay quiet while the other guests all came back from the event bruce was currently avoiding.
He couldnt let his fellow peers know he was currently taking superman daughters virginity.
your moans that he did let out were heavenly as the pushed bruce to keep going. Reaching his own peak he pulled out and finished in his hand, letting it coat your stomach.
"Fuck youre amazing, ill fly you out first class back to metro tomorrow morning".
He was obviously lying as the first thing he was goign to do was fuck you out of your hangover, then maybe breakfast in bed.
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memyselfandmya · 7 days
Spoilers below the cut, and warning it's long. My thoughts are all over the place rn so you'll get more organized posts tomorrow
Ep. 1
“Just the one.” FML
Darius you’re such a funny little guy
“I’m not talking about the island I’m talking about what happened after.” AHHHHHHH. The way this line was delivered and animated.
The family photos on the wall feel so symbolic. 
It’s sad how Darius has to go through this process of grief again.
What’s Brand doing to get himself into trouble?
*soft music plays* “And here with me live are the improbable survivors of the Jurassic World incident, the Nublar Six” CAN YOU HEAR ME FUCKING SOBBING.
Ben scrunched over that little compute please I can’t 😭
What’s especially sad about Darius’ grief is that he’s not just sad and depressed as if he’s accepted her death, it’s that he pushed himself into a sort of state of almost denial where he’s still calling her and stuff.
These raptors are freaky
1st episode over yayyyy
Ep. 2
Not the keys Darius 
The tensionnn
Ben and his driving skills 
Ben’s poor van
Ben still being the well prepared man he is
Ben…I’m concerned what is that board you have going on there
Why are these grown ass men living such horrible lives? Eating canned cheese out of a dirty mug? A spoon in a boot that makes sloshing noise?
Ben back at it w the shaving cream/ whipped cream. 
Darius is so unconvinced
BEN throwing Darius phone out like it was nothing plssss and his reaction 
She’s so pretty though
Very ominous great way to emphasize Ben’s paranoia 
These poor traumatized kids
“Is your friend okay?” “No.” PLSS I’m glad he knows it
Ep. 3
Sammy’s ranch is so cuteeee
The locs thing omg 
“Have you seen my pitchfork” she asks casually as if she’s a witch hunter during the Salem witch trials 
What do you mean Sammy isn’t talking to her parents 
Their reunion is soooo cute 
Sammy you are a queen and I love you.
I forgot we were in Texas lmao
OH MY FUCKING GOD IT’S SAMMY SEEING BROOKLYNN FOR ME 😭 now it’s definitely for sure that Sammy died her hair in honor of B. Brooklynn’s jacket 😭
SAMMY 😭😭😭 “or Yaz pulling away from me”
Got me ugly crying 
Ep. 4
Darius’ humor is immaculate 
Everybody’s calling Ben by his full name and I love it
Nooo the brothers are fighting
Kenji has… downgraded
Oop- no the money loss
Sammy that kick was awesome marry me plz wait no u have Yaz marry her and then marry me
I knew they were fighting but god damn he rlly just shut the door or Darius like that
Kenji I love you dude but take this seriously 
Ooh the tension
Ouch, brooklynns death
Double ouch, Kenji blames Darius. Of course 
“Once you lose my trust, you lose it. Forever.” Damn. Hang on let me go check off Kenji and his daddy issues off my bingo card rq
The girlies aren’t in a good place 😭😭 “why did she say something?” Plssss
I love how Sammy car jacked Ben by tickling him for his keys
Them abandoning Darius with Kenji 💀
I  love the rock climbing scene 
“where were you the night Brooklynn died?” Oop- we’re doing up this now?
OH!? oh
Awww fuckkkkkk 😭
That’s another mark on my card
but also damn… poor Kenji 
“Wait how do I get back down?” You’re so real Darius 
Aww bumpy noooo
Ep. 5
“Hey that song kinda reminds me of that” *turns music off* oh
“Not taking family advice from a kid who hasn’t called his own mother in over a month.” OH. WERE YOU SILENT OR WERE YOU SILENCED. THE BOYS ARE TAKING SHOTS AT EACH OTHER 
“Oh yeah, Darius warned me. LMFAO
Ohh she told you Benjamin. No more carob. 
The gyrosphereeeee
Oh fuck this guy whoever you are.
“Free the Dino’s.” YESSSSSSSS 
I had a feeling we’d see kenjis dad
“Did you have Brooklynn killed?” Oh going in hot ig
OK, I feel bad for Sammy because even after all of these years, she makes one mistake by spying for mantah corp and people still kind of hold it over her head, even her best friends. that must suck 
Ooh the tension
“Don’t do the Japanese thing. You know I don’t speak it.” Ooh we’re bringing the culture too! JW ain’t playing 
Oh shit-
I love how Ben and Sammy take down a Dino abuser just as a little side quest
Aww they’re so cute  OH MY GOD WTF HE’S THE “WEVE GOT A PROBLEM DUDE”???
“Im not afraid to get my hands dirty” oh shit-
she’s so pretty thoughhhh
Aww brooklynnn 
Aww the trauma poor baby I just wanna give her a hug
“Any particular reason I’m here and not Sammy?” Ooohh
Yaz I love you. You’re so pretty, and cool, and just a bunch of good things
Are you gonna answer the phone Yaz?
“Wait you’re coming here?” You can hear the panic in her voice.
Yaz is definitely suspicious. 
I love this episode already
It’s so amazing that they’re actually addressing their mental health. I don’t think I’ve ever heard children’s shows say the words  traumatizing and ptsd.
Oop. So this is where you live Yaz?
Awww I love Ben and Yazs friendship so much
Ooh time to drop the news
This place is so pretty and nice and Yaz genuinely seems to be happy. Also she knows people :)
“Benny Boy.” Aww
Sammy is not enjoying this place lmao
“You’re favorite.” Oop-
Oh shit
I love that Sammy is trying to protect Yaz but she is taking it a little too far. Ben is me, I can’t see I’m blinddddd blinddddd blindddd
But also Yaz you didn’t keep in contact?? 
Oh shit Yaz has a point though *shrieking*
Not the fucking time Ben 
I take it back this isn’t my favorite episode I don’t love this episode
Ben struggling to give advice plssss. I love you dude
I love Yaz and Ben’s friendship so much though
“When me and my girlfriend—“ the swoop up, like right Yaz. “I’m sorry girlfriend?” Right. That’s what we’re all wondering
“Why does everyone act so surprised when I say that?” BECAUSE YOU’RE GAY??
aww poor Sammy I just thinks Yaz needs some great room. 
Sammy was definitely abt to say “how the hell”
The little side eye Ben gives Yaz after “big Ben’s got moves” <3<3
OH FUCK THEY ARE TRAPPEDOh dpw is here they got it
the little hand hold <3<3
Ep. 7
Oh they are under under.
My worst fear lowkey
oh shit…
poor kenji… awww fuck this is so sad. 
Who is this guy??
Uh oh… the dpw
Kenji poor baby
Ben really? Ductape
That’s my strong girls 
Nah this shit is terrifying 
Oh thank god 
Oh shit we’re finding out what happened 
Aww a little girl 
Oop corruption… but for a good cause?
Oh shit
How tf did Brooklynn not feel those footsteps?
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.
Is Brooklynn actually dead? Moment of truth.
Awww no no no no 😭 Darius fuckkkkk 😢
I can’t believe they actually showed a pool if blood. Brooklynns pool of blood
Wait so they saw her dead body? So she’s actually dead? Or what?
Oh fuckkkkkklk 😖 
Not the random Italian 😭
Ben was WAITING to throw those phones
Yaz I love you. “I am so going to haunt them from beyond the grave.”
Her house is so cuteeee
Please Sammy your voicemail 😭 I love how we’re getting to hear everyone’s voicemail
Oooh the plot thickens
Ep. 8
KENJI YOU CANT BE SCREAMING LIKE THAT ALSO WTF WAS THAT SCREAM but also I can’t judge that’s me when I see a spider 
Oh I forgot abt all of those voicemails Darius sent
Aw lowkey poor dinosaurs
Who is he?
Kenji you’re such a goofball. Eew no I take it back gagging barfing gross wtf 
No Brooklynn what’d we say abt the baby talk pls no
Yes, Darius I am sufficiently uncomfortable 
Uh oh the boys are tussling I’m getting flashbacks to Ben and Darius 
Awww dariusssss 😭
Camp fam try not to get recognized by strangers challenge quick, start
Damnnn Sammy that was smooth. 
Darius… why are you in that gross ass tub
Camp fam boys try not to be gross challenge 
Please get out of the fucking tub
You don’t know what’s been done in there
Are we just abandoning all self respect we have 
oh is it the video? The video of her death?
Oh fuck… 
YAZ 😭😭😭 “boo.” Please I love youuu
Right, that’s my reaction lmao
Oop Brooklynns mad
Nah cause she stared at that dinosaur for 3 straight up seconds girl has your time on numblar taught you anything??
no wonder your ass got ate
I’m sorry that’s mean.
I love you girly
Oh fuck.
Girly is dead
“You and me, we’re brothers right?” STOP YOURE BREAKING MY HEART 😭😭😭😭😭
Will we ever find out why Darius wasn’t there??
Oop dinosaurs 
What’s wrong with bumpy??
“What are you looking at?” Pftttt
Uh oh. He’s dead…
Oh well
Oh now they’re really looking 
“Yeah I don’t like that at all.” Yeah but I loveeee you Sammy 
Ep. 9
Poor Sammy but girl you need to chill
Awww. I love yasammy and seeing them work through the it issues. ASWWWWWWW
OOH the gangs all here
How tf did Darius and Kenji scale that fence
Oh shit,
Miss ma’am you are too pretty to be participating in nefarious acts like this 
Lmfao “okay we get it you’re a climber”
What did I tell you girl? Way too pretty to be doing this shit
Come on Kenji put those protein drinks to work
Yaz wearing a crop top 🥰
Awww bunny nooo fuck fuck
Awww Ben 💔
Oh fuck no I would not be climbing up there 
the gangs all here
Okay kenji 
Damn Sammy you stay trying to knock kenji out I love you ❤️ 
Also the part where Yaz is covering both their mouths? So badass
Awww reunion how sweet
Oh so when they said international they meant international 
Oh shit…fuck… Brooklynn :(
cmon did you rlly have to ruin the happy moment?
Ep. 10
Oh the plot THICKENS 
oh shit…
WAIT so it was the atrociraptors that killed Brooklynn???
what if it’s Ronnie?
Oh it’s Mateo okay. 
Aww yasammy
Oh?? The Broker??
Lmfao not them shitting on kenjis camper
Are they going to Brooklynn’s apartment?? Abroad?? 
AWW FUCK :( :(
wait…… is she texting…
Wait wait wait this could be either good or bad but I’m thinking good
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mrmaybank · 1 year
Fandom: TBP
Title: Jealous Much?
Character(s):Vance Hopper, Matty, Matt, Buzz, and Moose
Request: No
Genre: fluff,
TW: Use of the f-slur
A/N: Reader is Buzz’s older brother
Moose lightly shoved (M/N), which earned him a shove back. But instead of lightly shoving him like Moose had done to him, he shoved him so hard he ended up on the floor. Which caused Matt, Matty, Buzz, and (M/N) all to laugh.
Moose glared at (M/N) as he pulled himself up and back into his seat. “Asshole,” Moose mumbled but it was just loud enough for (M/N) to hear.
The boy in question but on a fake look of offense, “Wow, Moose and thought we were friends.”
“Well after that stunt were definitely not friends anyone,” Moose replied.
“Damn!” (M/N) exclaimed, “well guess I gotta send Vance after you.”
Moose laughed, “Like i’m scared of Vance.”
“Mhm, sure you aren’t,” (M/N) replied.
“Speaking of Vance, Moose what did you do to piss him off today?” Matt asked.
Moose looked at Brunette confused, “What did you mean? I haven’t seen or talked to Vance since fifth period.”
Now it was Matt’s turn to look confused, “What do you mean? He’s glaring at you right now and Robin’s whispering something to him.” Moose along with Matty and Buzz turned to around to see Matt was telling the truth.
Though once Vance’s baby blue eyes locked with (E/C) ones his expression softened. (M/N) smiled at Vance and Vance smiled back. Buzz rolled his eyes, “Oh my god, can’t you two be fags somewhere else?” The ginger asked.
(M/N) quickly turned around to face his brother, “Oh I know you aren’t talking,” The (H/C) boy told his brother, “Because I think we all know what you and Matty are actually doing when you say your studying.”
(M/N) smirked as both boys turned a flushed pink color. “Yeah that’s what I thought.” Before either Buzz or Matty could reply the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. (M/N) quickly said goodbye to friends before making his way over to Vance.
The two walked side-by-side with each other, as they made their way to the cafeteria doors. Neither of them saying a thing until they were outside of the cafeteria, “Why was Moose sitting with you guys?” Vance asked.
(M/N) couldn’t help but roll his eyes, “Is that seriously the first thing you say to me?” The (H/C) boy asked, “Wheres the ‘Hello, (M/N). How are you?’ or ‘Hey babe’?”
“Sorry. Hello (M/N), how are you?” Vance asked.
(M/N) smiled, “I’m good, how are you?”
“I’m good,” Vance replied.
“Good, now what did you wanna ask me?”
“Why was Moose sitting with you guys?” Vance repeated his question from earlier.
“Because he’s friends with Buzz, Matt, and Matty,” (M/N) simply replied.
“Well, I don’t like him being so close to you,” Vance told him.
That’s when hit (M/N) causing him to stop dead in his tracks and turn towards Vance. “You’re jealous!” (M/N) exclaimed.
Vance scoffed, “I am not jealous, I just don’t like Moose,”
“Mhm, sure you aren’t,” (M/N) replied as he started walking again.
“I’m not!” Vance insisted.
“Okay, so you wouldn’t mind the fact that i’m hanging out with Moose after school?” (M/N) asked.
Yes, Vance thought to himself, he would mind. He knew the (TALLER/SHORTER) male wasn’t going to drop it until he admitted so he sighed in defeat, “Fine, I’m jealous,” Vance admitted.
(M/N) smiled at Vance before taking there hands and locking them together, “Firstly, I knew it,” the (H/C) boy smiled at his little victory, “Secondly, you have nothing to be worried about. Nothing is going on between me and Moose, besides your the only guy for me.”
“Good,” Vance replied, “because how imagine how pathetic that would be going from me, a wonderful masterpiece, to whatever the fuck Moose is,”
(M/N) couldn’t help but laughed, “it would be a very extreme downgrade,” (M/N) eyes went wide as they landed on a clock, “shit! We need to hurry up we third seconds to get to the other side of building,”
“Do we really?” Vance asked.
“Yep, all race you there,” (M/N) told him, but before Vance could reply he took off.
Vance shook his head, “Asshole,” he shouted. One of these days that boy was gonna be the death of him.
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engelfeather · 2 months
This is chapter 9!! I couldn't add a title here (sos)
"You're hungry?" Angel tilted his head, confused. How could he already be hungry so soon. Sure, he was small, but he had eaten a day or two ago. He didn't need to eat so soon, that would be bad. But the growling noises coming from Xavier's stomach didn't just concern him, but also creeped him out. Seeing Xaviers cheeks go red and him covering his stomach with his arms, indicated to him that he didn't seem to enjoy this noise either.
After another deep breath, Xavier nodded, his stomach was causing him serious discomfort now. "Yes, I'm hungry. Starving even! Can't you.. I don't know.. give me a breadcrumb or something?? Ehh..heh- if you want of course" He gave an awkward smile, hoping he didn't anger the giant, seeing how deeply he seemed to be staring into his soul.
"But you just ate.." Xavier flinched at Angels sudden words, but, mostly irritated, answered "No.. I am seriously hungr-" he got cut off."
You just ate."
Angel repeated, furrowing his brows.
"I ate like two days ago!"
Xavier responded annoyed now, with a hint of fear in his voice. He didn't want Angel to break more of his bones or.. do something worse- "So? You still have like.. a week until you're allowed to eat." Allowed!? A week! He couldn't wait a week for a bit of food! So in the most polite way he could muster up, even adding a friendly smile into the mix, he asked "Are.. you not allowing me to eat for a week..to uhm... Torture me or something?" This seemed to surprise Angel "Huh? Did I say that? No. Your body wouldn't allow that! I'm helping you out here with your.. strong urges to eat I guess- I think you should get that checked out by a doctor" he whispered the last part, leaning in close doing so.
Xavier tries to push Angels face away, his hands merely sinking into his soft fur. God damn it. Why does his body also have to be squishier than a damn sponge
"What-.. what the hell is that even supposed to mean! I.. I'm literally trapped here-! Why would my body even need a week to be able to eat again? ....how many times do you think we have to eat in a week-" Angel was slightly surprised at Xavier's more loud exclamation, considering recent events, yet he rolled his eyes and responded in a sarcastic tone "Well surely it's every day almost every hour, with the way you're acting. Oh please.. you'll be fine for another week or so." Xavier looked at him dumbfounded.
Was this guy serious?
"sigh, yes. Yes I do. Normally three meals a day with some snacks on the side.. if I can afford that." He mumbled, he would just be honest, hoping he wouldn't use this info for some personal twisted use. He shivered at the thought of him capturing humans, just to let them starve. As much as he wanted to believe that no one would do that, he trusted this giant to perform such a cruel act. Looking back up, he expected a sadistic smirk, but was instead met with curious eyes, like some child that just found a shiny rock. Great. Now he was downgraded down to a shiny rock.
Angel gently wrapped his hand around Xavier, who was still floating mid air and placed him on his pillow. Patting the humans head, definitely not to play with his hair, he laid down on his stomach. With his hands on his cheeks and his legs propped up, kicking them in the air, he asked "You actually have to eat that much? That sounds.. overwhelming. Sad.. oh you sad, sad creature with your weird anatomy." Xavier shot him an annoyed glare, which he found quite amusing.
A small growl from Xavier made him hug himself again. He whined to himself, quietly, he just wanted a piece of food. Could this giant not ask questions later? With gritted teeth, he spoke "Yeah yeah, I'm pathetic, I think I got that so far. Can you please just get me something to eat." Angel, noticing the impatient tone in Xavier's voice, sighed deeply. If this meant the little dude wouldn't die, then he'd oblige. "Very well, it shouldn't be too hard to get you something to eat. I'll be right back!" With that, Angel quickly got up and ran out of the room, as if to quickly get away from a bomb that was about to explode. A few, agonizing, minutes later, Angel returned to Xavier, who was now curled into a Ball, clutching his stomach tightly. In a soft tone, he said "Dont worry, I got you something to eat.."
Opening his hand, he dropped a pile of large leaves in front of Xavier. At first he thought, maybe these were leaves used for a salad, though upon further inspection, Xavier realised that this was grass. Plain, simple grass. Was this some stupid joke?
Looking up at Angel however, only revealed that not only was he serious, he seemed to desperately want to watch Xavier eat this grass. As if he was some hamster trying to eat, with their owner watching over them, constantly awing at how adorable it was. At least now he wasn't a shiny rock anymore..
"...A- Angel, uhm.. what the hell is this? Do you think we eat grass or something?" With big, awaiting eyes, Angel nodded, pushing the grass blades closer to Xavier. "I tried plucking the best ones for you.. they all look the same to me though, so I'm sorry if this isn't up to your standards." Xavier tried to find a mocking tone in Angels voice, yet only seemed to find genuine care, which he found somewhat unnerving. "Err..it's nice that you're trying to feed me the good type of grass, I guess, but.." he gently pushed the grass away from him, "We humans don't eat.. grass." Angels mouth widened, a small gasp escaping his lips, surprised by this. "You.. don't eat grass? But I thought.. you did. I mean.. some of you had small patches of grass outside of your house... I thought you ate the grass from there."
Xavier shook his head in disbelief, did this guy know nothing about humans? Considering he seemed to only visit his world to torment the people there, that seemed to be true. "Those are gardens.. yes, some plant vegetables or fruits in their gardens, but they don't have them to eat the grass from there." Angel seemed to be genuinely upset by this and took away the grass. He let out a small snarl "I only wanted to help. What do you eat then, human." Xavier responded in a more friendly way, lest he anger the giant.. again. "Well, all sorts of things.. fruits, vegetables, meat and, yes, even things that are cooked, fried or what not." Angel stared at him, as if he had just revealed some dark secret humans had, before bursting out laughing, causing Xavier to flinch and stiffen up.
"You- hah.. you eat meat!? Hahaha! Look at your scrawny form! As if you could hunt animals! That's something I'd love to watch, watching you run around and fail to hunt even the simplest animals! You can barely even catch up to animals like rabbits and you're telling me you eat meat!" Xavier frowned at the mocking comments being made about him, not that they were necessarily wrong, but at least he didn't chase after helpless people that were barely a dusk speck compared to him.
His stomach grumbled again, seemed like he wasn't the only one who was annoyed by Angel. "Can you not give me some of the left over curry? Unless you already ate everything..-" Angel stopped laughing and went back to staring Xavier down. "No, I threw it away after you landed in my food. No offence, but I don't want your dirty germs all over my food."
As if you care about cleanliness.
Xavier thought, side eying Angels dirty room. With a heavy sigh, he looked back up to Angel "Could you.. perhaps cook me something?" Angel looked away, finally averting his gaze "I don't have any food right now.. I mean.. I only buy food when I want to cook something, so currently I have no food available.. ehe-" In a dramatic fashion, Xavier let himself fall on his back. "But.." Angel said slowly, "I could go out and get some food.." Xaviers mood lifted slightly, he could wait a little longer if that meant he would get some dinner soon. "However, you're coming with me. I am not getting food you can't eat in the end. That would just be a waste of product." Well there went his good mood. "Come.. with you? Outside where other giants like you are? ....no thanks. I'd much rather stay here." the giant placed a finger against his chin "You're not wrong.. I don't need them to know you exist, not that they run away screaming or something.." Angel mumbled.
Xavier thought Angel misspoke "Wait what? 'Run away screaming' why? Why would they do that" Angel nervously chuckled and looked away. Tripping over his words, he answered "Ehh.. Ehe, let's just say, they ...well uhm.. f.. fear you guys. Your whole world to be precise. Honestly anything that isn't from their world. We.. err aren't allowed to exit our world either. So it's best if no one finds out about your existence here." Xavier just looked at Angel as if he just told the most obscure and bizarre story ever. "Are you fucking with me right now?" Angel raised an eyebrow and looked him up and down. "No, I think both of our clothes are still on, unless..~ nevermind.." "What..?" Xavier, uncomfortable, scooted away slightly "No, that's not what I meant, weirdo- I meant.. how on earth are your people afraid of us!" Scratching the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact, Angel answered in a whispering tone "Well.. lets just say.. they have a different image when thinking of a human" Xavier's curiousity was peaked. "Different you say? Why, what do they think when thinking of us?"
"Let's not waste any time now! We...heh We don't want ya starving any further haha! Here let me hide your scent for you" He quickly grabbed Xavier and rapidly began licking him from the bottom to the top. Xavier thrashed around, trying to push away the fleshy muscle to no avail. Seemed like the giant was done with the conversation.
With a hefty sigh, Xavier let Angel lick him. If it was to taste him or to actually hide his scent, somehow, he couldn't tell, maybe it was both. After Angel was done, he tried to rub off some of the saliva with his sleeve, whilst kneading his chest fluff, with his other hand, to loosen it slightly. "There.. now you're all ready!" He lowered Xavier into his fur, squishing his fur together to prevent his new passenger from slipping down. Walking towards the door, he opened a small closet, where he grabbed his keys and a jacket he put on. Pushing away some of his stuff that laid around in there, revealed a small hidden drawer in the closet. Quickly he unlocked the drawer with a key and pulled it open. The object inside caused Xavier to flinch.
There, laid a gun with swirled rose-golden and white engravings on it. Whilst Xavier was clutching Angels fur in nervousness, Angel, on the other hand, didn't seem to mind, happily taking it out and viewing it. With a shaky voice, Xavier asked "Why- why are you taking that out. We.. we are just going to run some errands, right??" Angel gave a small nod "Yes, of course. But ya never know what could happen. I'm just making sure we'll stay safe, why, do you not own a gun?" Xavier wondered in what kind of neighborhood Angel lived in, where it was that dangerous, that he had to take a gun with him. Shaking his head, he answered "No. Why would I? I'm not American." Angel looked at him irritated, but didn't answer. He just shrugged and hid the gun in his chest fur, causing shivers to run down Xavier's spine.
Angel hummed as he walked down the streets with his company safely secured In his fur. Even if the human was tiny, the warmth radiating from his body made him shiver ever so slightly. He enjoyed it, he enjoyed every moment being near the human, feeding off of his energy and short temper. It amused him, in a way even made his day. In fact, a part of him enjoyed teasing the tiny more than torturing him physically. Screams were fun, but the ability to control every part of someone, to stop them from speaking further or choosing what they had to eat, simple things like that, made him feel even better. He was in control of Xavier's every action and he knew it. It's not like the human could put up a fight against him. The psychological torment gave him such a thrill. He grinned, his tail swishing around behind him. Looking down, he saw how Xavier looked around frantically, flinching every time a person walked by. How adorable.
Xavier looked around, his heart was in his throat. These creatures seemed to come in all sizes and forms. Some even towered over Angel, whilst in the corners of the streets he could see people his own size, if not slightly taller. They seemed to be waiting for.. something. Squinting his eyes, he tried to see what they could potentially be waiting for. There, a small platform lowered to the ground, with the tiny folks stepping on them, getting lifted into the air. Following their ascent upwards, he noticed long tubes spanning across the houses, with these smaller people running through them. That was definitely one way to get around, whilst also not risking getting stepped on. It didn't seem that any of the giants seemed to mind them though, which surprised him slightly. Though perhaps, if Angel had some kind of powers, so did they. Meaning they weren't as defenceless as he was. Just his luck..
Swallowing hard, he tried to somehow back away from a giant that passed them. Luckily they were too busy talking to someone on the phone, however their loud laughter rumbled through his ears, hurting his sensitive ear drums Glancing up, he saw how Angel seemed to be amused by his suffering. He frowned, averting his gaze quickly. He wouldn't cater to his amusement. With another giant passing them, he groaned, displeased with his current situation. Trying to lower himself into the fur, Angel chuckled slightly, using a finger to press him down. He glared at him, trying to whisper a curse up to him, though was met with a mouthful of fur, which strangely tasted like marshmallows.
With a sigh, he spat out the fur and gave the biggest pout he could muster up, making sure Angel knew that this wasn't funny to him. So what if that only made it funnier, the giant already knew he hated this, why hide his emotion.He continued his pout until his mouth ached, making him stop. Though it seemed that not only he stopped, but so did Angel. With a shiver running down his spine, he heard the dreadful words.
"We're here."
Previous chapter:
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tiredcowpoke · 10 months
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Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader Request: Not a request. Previous part: [X] Blurb: You had always assumed the stories of time travel in your family were just that. Stories. At worst, maybe an inside joke. However, your world starts to shift when your grandfather leaves his home to you in his will. The old Sinclair house, one that has been passed down for generations. Taking up the task of moving into and upgrading the home, a man dressed like he just stepped out of a western arrives, unconscious, on your porch with a letter in his hand.  Warnings: Mentions of a previously abusive relationship (not graphic.) Note: Catching up Tumblr to the AO3 version of this since I plan on trying to pick this back up. Sorry about that. 
Arthur turned the baseball cap over in his hands as if it was going to bite him as you walked back into the house after shoving a bag into the back of your car.
It was an early morning, almost six, and you could feel it. Still, you knew you had a bit of a drive ahead of you and you wanted to get to the motel by evening. A part of you was struggling not to let the stress of the situation get to you, but…well, you had no idea how someone would react to seeing their own grave. Still, Arthur had confirmed again that he wanted to do this. (Judging from the look on his face when you asked, you had a feeling that he was getting tired of you asking…) Still, the sight before you made you pause, a small grin crossing your face.
“The Elks aren’t my favorite team either, but it won’t bite you,” you said, gesturing toward the cap in his hands as you tried to lighten the mood.
“It’s the team’s logo on the front,” you explained, “...Listen, I’d let you wear what you want, but there will be pictures there of old gang members. You included. I can’t risk someone recognizing you, as much as they probably will just think it’s a coincidence.”
“This hat and outfit will do that?” Arthur asked, sounding somewhat disbelieving. At that, he put the hat on. It fit nice, at least, his eyes peering out at you from under the brim.
Knowing who he was, you could easily tell it was him but…well, it was enough to not get people to take a second glance. He definitely looked like someone you’d pass by on the street without much thought. It was a downgrade. The cowboy fashion suited him, that was clear. Still, you didn’t want to risk it.
“Yeah, it’ll do,” you said with a nod, “Though, I guess I’m ready to go if you are.”
“Sure…” Again with the uncertainty, though from the glance he tossed over your shoulder, you had a feeling it was more about the car this time.
You never had to explain a car to someone before, but you’d certainly try. Offering Arthur a small smile, you gestured that he leave the house before you followed him out. You locked the door behind you, watching as he looked over your car with some mild unease. Arthur had ‘died’ in 1899, he was right on the cusp of a lot of technological advances. Yet, you had to realize that even the things that seemed new and innovative back then would seem outdated now.
“You used to rob trains, right?” you asked, stepping down from the porch as Arthur glanced back at you.
“Well, this is kind of like a train,” you said, gesturing toward your car, “Minus the coal, steam…it functions like one. Kind of.”
“Damn small train…”
“Yeah,” you said around a laugh, “There’s some technology in here that makes it move. In all honesty, we might be here a while if I tried to explain all the parts but…it’s safe. I’m a good driver. You can just sit and relax.”
“I’ll have to take your word for it,” Arthur replied, finally approaching the passenger side as you lingered by the driver’s side, “Kinda looks like a coach, just without the horses…”
“Yeah, horses aren’t that common for transportation these days,” you explained, opening the door, “I mean, some places may still, but I’d get used to cars.”
“Damn shame.”
Offering him a somewhat understanding smile, you got into the driver’s seat as Arthur opened his door after you. He watched somewhat curiously as you put on your seat belt, causing you to glance at him as you pulled out your keys. You were about to point out that he’d need to put his on when Arthur seemed to catch on, mimicking your movements with some hesitation. You turned on the engine, Arthur tensing somewhat but seemed to relax once he saw nothing else happened.
Some faint music played out of the speakers, but you flicked it off for now. As much as you could explain how that worked, you didn’t want to overwhelm him.
Though, he adapted well as you got onto the road into Strawberry. A little tense, his gaze mostly looking out of the window and windshield. If he was overly uncomfortable, he didn’t say much about it but you figured getting him into some conversation would help him adjust and make the drive not too insufferable without music.
“The gang…” you started, making him glance toward you, “You guys were out east near the end of the century. You ever been to Strawberry?”
“Yeah,” Arthur replied with a small huff, “Ain’t much there, but I used to have some lastin’ damage on that town.”
“Lasting damage?”
Arthur paused for a moment, almost like he was debating getting into it. “Well, if you know so much ‘bout me, the gang, guess you’ve heard of Micah?”
“Yeah. He’s definitely intertwined into the narrative of the downfall of your gang,” you replied, picking your words carefully, “He’s a…strangely divisive figure, though I don’t understand why.”
“Yeah, opinions are split. Nobody argues that he was a good guy or anything, but whether he was just a greedy bastard or if he just wanted to separate Dutch and didn’t think his actions would cause it all to fall apart.”
“Let me tell ya somethin’,” Arthur started, his voice tight, “Knowin’ Micah, that first impression is the only one people should have. Rat bastard cared for nobody but himself.”
“As much as I wish I could just say that’s that, unfortunately nobody’s going to believe me about…this whole situation. Still, I agree. It’s just people liking to be contrarian. There’s a number of debates about you that I’ve seen.”
“Yeah?” he asked, now catching his attention as you nodded, slowing the car somewhat to take a turn.
“It’s about morality, I guess. Also some dispute about events that happened in your journal and arguments about bias. It’s a lot to get into. The most common one I’ve heard is if you had good morals to begin with or if you only changed because of, uh, the TB.”
Arthur sat on that for a few moments, staring out as the outskirts of Strawberry approached. You were worried you had crossed a line, but you didn’t want to lie to him. It was clear people cared about the story, the events and the reality of the Van der Linde gang. People talked about it, and had differing opinions.
“What’s your view on that?”
“I, uh…” Well, you certainly weren’t expecting to have to give your input. Really, the old west and the Van der Linde gang wasn’t in your usual scope of historical interest.
“I think human nature is a little too hard to wrangle,” you continued, letting out a small sigh, “It’s a bit of a mess trying to guess the nature of historical figures. Though, based on your journal, it’s clear you had a shift in perspective. Wanted to help those closest to you, and had some more empathy. The TB gave you a different perspective, along with the downfall of the gang. Whether you would have developed it if you were sick or not doesn’t really matter when you are looking at the historical facts.”
“...Guess I can kinda understand that,” Arthur replied, watching as some more buildings started to pass. “Is this Strawberry?”
“Yeah,” you said with a nod, “It’s definitely more than that little town you’re probably used to, but it’s still not much. A little too touristy, but some people settled here a little further out. Me included.”
It was a nice little town, though. You had seen more than enough wedding parties pass through to have celebrations and photo-shoots in the mountains. Retirees and vacation homes. It was far from the little town you saw in the grainy photographs in the town’s local museum. There was a lot more ‘life’ in Valentine an hour or so away. They had always retained their status as a farming town.
As much as you associated Valentine with your ex, you also knew their little summer end festival was coming up. Fireworks, camping, horseback riding, and dancing. You had always enjoyed it as a kid. Went on a couple dates to the festival itself over the years. A part of you wondered if it changed much. It might be worth going to. You figured it could be worth asking Arthur about, even if he didn’t seem the type to like crowds.
Still, after the small conversation about the gang and historical legacies, he didn’t speak up too much outside of asking the odd question about where the two of you were or how long it would take.
As much as you tried not to show it, you were nervous to show him Beaver Hollow. You had no idea what to expect, but you wanted him to do what he wished.
Arthur was placed in your care for a reason, you figured you might have to let him lead every now and again.
It was about 3 am when a voice cut through your sleep-addled brain, causing you to stir somewhat.
It took you a moment to register the unfamiliar surroundings of the dark motel room, an air conditioner in the window humming quietly in the background. Shifting you noticed Arthur leaning down toward you, hand on your shoulder. At your waking, he removed his hand from your shoulder, shifting to let you sit up with a yawn.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Ain’t an emergency. Just…well, I’m starvin’.”
“Oh,” you replied with a small, somewhat breathless chuckle.
You both had been driving all day and finally reached a small town a few minutes from Beaver Hollow. The motel wasn’t exactly glamorous and didn’t offer much in the way of food. You figured you would just sneak out in the early morning to get some breakfast for the both of you and stop on the way back for a proper meal. You had ordered whatever room service they had there, but it wasn’t exactly appetizing. So, as much as you weren’t expected to be woken up, you probably should have expected that.
“I’m sorry,” you replied, gathering yourself up to a stand before digging around in your jacket for some change, “I think there’s a vending machine down the hall, I’ll get us something to eat. Hang tight.”
The wooded area had gotten significantly cooler after the sun had gone down, though the time of year still had it feeling pretty warm at night. The woods up near Strawberry were pretty, along with the mountains, but the forest out here was dense and almost dark. You recalled Arthur making a comment that it was worse back in his time, and you could believe that.
Making your way across the cool flooring of the balcony of the second floor, you approached the machine to buy a couple chips and snacks. Looking at it now, you realized that maybe you should have made more of an effort to feed yourselves. Even if you could sense the amount of nervousness that hung over the both of you.
Grabbing the food and stopping to purchase some bottled water, you wandered back toward the room.
Arthur was almost a silhouette in the darkness of the room as you closed the door behind you, but at least he was awake and sitting up. Turning on the lamp on the table between the two beds, you passed him some of the food.
“This is beef jerky and some chips,” you said, watching as he took them from you and turned them over in his hands with a somewhat confused expression.
“Everythin’ come wrapped up like this?” he asked, lifting the jerky package as you found a small chuckle escaping you.
“Mostly,” you replied, “If you want something to eat that’s quick and easy, it’ll probably come in a package like that.”
“Well…thank you,” Arthur replied, which you returned with a small, tired nod of your head as you started to eat. It was purely junk, but late at night like this you didn’t particularly care.
Though, Arthur at least seemed particular about the jerky, which you figured probably struck him as familiar. At least, somewhat. You didn’t know what he ate in a day, but most of the time he didn’t complain about the food you cooked him. Unless it really was something he had never put together before. Though, you figured his exhaustion might be making him quiet.
You had been hoping to sleep through the night and just head out into the big day tomorrow. It gave your mind a chance to wander, and you found yourself glancing up at him again.
“So, what are you expecting tomorrow?” you asked, “With the tour and…?”
“Ain’t sure,” Arthur replied after a moment, seeming more preoccupied with digging around for the last of his snack for a moment. “I guess…just to see. I remember a lot about that camp, but obviously…not what happened after.”
“It’s just…” you started, trailing off as you tried to gather your thoughts, “I’m worried about you, y’know? How you’ll handle it. It’s one thing to talk about it, but…seeing your own grave. That would be a lot for anybody.”
“I’m the one who wanted t’see it,” Arthur replied, glancing up at you, “You don’t have to worry about me.”
“See, I just can’t,” you replied in some light humor, but there was a touch of seriousness to your tone, “I mean…Francis clearly knew…or knows, more about the outcome of this whole thing than I do. He dropped you here, at this specific time and with me, for a reason. So, I guess I feel some responsibility. I just hope in you wanting to do this, it won’t…leave you worse off than you already are.”
“I ain’t gonna pretend I know anythin’ ‘bout that whole…time travel business, but…” Arthur trailed off, glancing toward the closed bathroom door in thought. “I dunno. You didn’t ask for this, I certainly didn’t. If there’s a way to make this easier, some way to get back…maybe I’d find it here.”
“Arthur…” you started, leveling him with a sympathetic stare as you tried to find a way to say what you wanted to say without hurting him too much. “I don’t…I don’t think there is a way for you to go back. I know Francis set this whole thing up, but at this point…in both your timelines, you’re…”
“Dead,” Arthur said, finishing your thought with a small nod, “Then…guess maybe seein’ the grave might put the ideas outta my head.”
“I’m sorry…” you said around a small sigh, reaching across to place a comforting hand on his knee, “I mean, I can’t say anything with certainty but looking at this as rationally as I can…well, I doubt if there is a way, it’ll be here.”
“I still wanna see it,” Arthur replied after a moment, glancing back at you as you removed your hand from his knee and leaned back against the headboard of your bed.
“Then we’ll see it,” you replied with a short nod, “I’m not saying we shouldn’t.”
“I know. I…I appreciate this,” Arthur said, which made you give him a small grin.
“I’m still figuring everything out, too, but…well, I want to do what you feel is important to you,” you explained, “Even if I can’t wrap my head around it, I’ll help.”
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bunbeeplays · 2 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 56 - A Summer Wedding
It's time for Summer Holiday to become Summer Eggleston. Doesn't quite have the same ring to it, but Summer wants to share a last name with the love of her life more than anything.
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Xander, I get you're just Ophelia's plus one and you don't really know these people very well but you could at least pretend to care! I raised you better!
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Summer: Mark, we both know I'm the best, but you make me an even better Sim. You taught me that caring for someone can be even better than just caring about myself.
Mark is just like 'what a woman' haha. They're perfect for each other.
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Mark: A Strangerville townie with a base game baddie? I'm the luckiest Sim alive. I promise to spend my life being the man you deserve, and you deserve a lot, baby.
Summer, of all people, feeling bashful? Mark's opinion must mean the world to her. Look at how happy she is!
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Time to exchange rings! They go great with the rings The Watcher already put on them.
Becca: We're never going to get a wedding like this, The Watcher will probably make us get married off-screen!
Travis: Just be grateful we're getting screentime again, babe.
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Congratulations to the Egglestons!
Ophelia is overjoyed for her friends, especially Summer. She deserves this.
With all the wins she's had recently, Ophelia's been very cheerful. I guess enjoying the little things and looking on the bright side is just part of who she is!
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Mark and Summer have their first dance away from the crowd.
Summer, for once, doesn't want to be the center of attention. She just wants this moment with her husband.
Also, they refused to dance on the dance floor because there was a trellis on it, I guess.
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Apparently if your cooking or mixology skill is high enough, you can improve the drinks from the drink fountain. You learn something new every day.
I don't know what Ophelia put in the punch but it's up to her refined celebrity tastes now.
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Libby: Feefs, hey! I see you brought a plus one too.
Ophelia: Libby, you remember Xander. You probably saw our status update on Social Bunny.
Libby: So he was your mystery man all along! Should have guessed. You take good care of her, okay?
Xander: That’s the plan.
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Libby: There you are! Ophelia, this is my new girlfriend.
Olivia: Name’s Olivia Meyer. Lib didn’t tell me her ex is a rising star. Looks like she downgraded.
Ophelia can’t help but feel like Olivia looks… oddly familiar. Like if her reflection was goth.
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Olivia: Oh, you're with a guy. I thought you were into women.
Ophelia: Uh, I mean, I am. I’m pan.
Olivia: I guess not anymore, huh?
Ophelia: …that’s not how it works.
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Ophelia: Sweetie, why don't you introduce yourself to Travis and Becca? You haven't met them yet.
Xander: Sure thing, Lemon Cake.
Xander’s secretly relieved to get away from that conversation. Becca shows him about 7000 baby pictures. He seems like he's enjoying that more.
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Libby: You’re never going to believe who Olivia works for. Tell her, babe.
Olivia: it’s not that big of a deal. I’m a street artist but my day job is working as a maid for Brytani Cho.
Libby: Small world, huh?
Ophelia: Yeah, sure is.
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Becca: So you guys just… mutually agreed to start dating?
Xander: Yeah, it was pretty smooth.
Becca: That’s boring. No one would read that.
Xander: I’ll make sure something dramatic happens to us to please the readers next time.
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Xander: Listen, I don’t want your first impression of me to be that I’m a jealous boyfriend, because I’m not, but is it just me or-
Travis: Does Olivia look a lot like Ophelia if she was alt? Yeah, definitely.
Xander: Oh thank Watcher it’s not just me.
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Becca: Yeah, it’s weird.
Travis: Mark, Becca and I have been begging Summer not to bring it up in front of them. We’re still trying to figure out if talking to Libby privately about it is appropriate, but Summer isn’t really known for her tact.
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Of course Ophelia needs to talk to the bride.
Ophelia: Congratulations, you look gorgeous!
Summer: Thanks, girly! I'm so sorry things didn't work out with Moses but Xander seems like such a sweet guy.
Ophelia: …I love you, Summer. Never change.
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Xander: Congratulations to you both. Thanks for letting Ophelia bring me.
Summer: No prob! But let's make one thing clear. If you hurt that woman, I will end you. I may not have the evil trait, but I will make your life hell.
Xander: You better hold me to it, Mrs. Eggleston.
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totheidiot · 6 months
oh my god. i had the most profound experience that feels like it's from some lit-fic novel??
this happened two days ago and it was the day the report cards would be published. it wouldn't really matter for me; I am literally moving to another country come january and i will definitely not be sticking around for the next school year. i could fail if i wanted to and nothing would happen to me. i didn't fail, but I did very bad. was twenty-seventh in class out of fourty-seven people. I was eighteenth the previous year. so, yeah. downgrade.
my head teacher – he's our math teacher, he's been our head teacher for two years and i am pretty sure he's the first teacher who cared about me enough to actually remember my name – gives me a very disappointed look. "you did horrible this year," he tells me and I nod, but it still hurts to let him down, i suppose.
now, i ask if I can see my answer scripts because i was absent that day. he lets me and i go to the teacher's study. i take the graded paper of my math and science exam and check it. that's when the teacher comes as i was taking so long. he looks at me and then, at the paper, shaking his head. "fifty percent," he says as he points at my math paper. "what went wrong?"
i don't answer him, the real reason was probably because I was so sad because i was leaving everyone i loved but that's a stupid thing. he goes on. "and you're best friends with melody*. all your friends are bad kids and academic derelicts. your only fault is the bad company you keep."
that took me so off guard because I have always thought that the only interesting thing about me, the only thing worth keeping me around was my friends. I am not an interesting person at all, and they were the only part of me that I can wholeheartedly love. my silly little gay friend group, people who have never passed every exam, mental healths are questionable, but it was the best thing about me.
i don't know. if i ever wrote a memoir, this is a scene i know I will have to include because it's just a perfect demonstration of what people think of me vs what i think of myself. and it just means that my teacher is one of the many many many people I have let down.
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chainoftalent · 2 years
Full Kokichi Yandere Alphabet
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Well first of all expect pranks, so many pranks, Kokichi just inherently finds you to be an incredibly fun person with no boring reactions so you just know he's going to be milking out as many as he can. Beyond that when he realizes he wants more then just pranks expect stolen but fancy gifts and to be randomly grabbed by the hand and whisked away on a likely somewhat illegal adventure. He wants to have fun and he wants you to have fun as well, so he's going to be a whirlwind of activity and shenanigans. Just be sure your gifts can't be tracked back to you and put your foot firmly down on any adventure that's too far. He'll whine but he's good at adjusting and you being unwilling for any risky ventures would just put you two in more danger if he insisted so he'll drop it. Also lots of physical touch, he's going to tackle the shit out of you, say goodbye to your kneecaps. At least you get your own DICE scarf out of it!
If he's been pushed into kidnapping then expect really the same shit but like, more low key. You're still going to get pranked and given lots of gifts, but your adventures will downgrade from graffitiing the town hall to running through the woods that surround your new house handcuffed together. He just can't sit still in a boring house for long even with his beloved partner in crime making it less boring!
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
While he’s willing to get rather bloody if he has too, it’s super last ditch for him. He and DICE follow strict rules around violence and murder and Kokichi intends to follow them. So if he does have to get physical he prefers quick precision victories over torture or drawing it out. It would take a situation where he genuinely felt it was his/his partners/DICE’s lives were in very real danger and he has no other option but to not hold back to get him to actually kill.
He’d totally upend a tub of legos in a rival’s house though, the monster. Minor harm is totally on the table and he will abuse the hell out of that loophole if he feels he should. Yeah sure he won’t kill a rival but if all their milk seemingly constantly spoils over night and they keep finding needles in their socks then well, that’s pretty unfortunate. At his worst though he might be willing to push people towards hurting themselves or getting hurt by other unrelated people, but it’d take a lot to bring him to that point.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He couldn't resist mocking them, taunting them for their trust despite how many times Kokichi told them to be careful with that trust. After a few hours of teasing though his face would suddenly go blank and he'd tell his partner in crime the new rules and expectations, then he'd leave to let them sit on what happened. Face blank and giving nothing away as he walks away from his partner in their restraints. If they brought up the lack of emotion on his face at any point, he'd gaslight and guilt trip them about how cruel they are for calling him emotionless, is that really how they see him? That's so mean! He has emotions! He's being super expressive! How dare! Definitely a lot of mood swings.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Do pranks count? Besides the occasional joy buzzer and glomp for lack of a better word, he'd only really do things he thinks he has to. So he wouldn't like, force a kiss on his partner in crime but he would force them to eat and drink. I know some people see him as really touchy and while I think that's a part of it I do think he'd be a lot more clever about this whole thing and move a lot slower than people would expect.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
While most of what he admits is full of lies and twists, there is a kernel of truth to it all. It's up to you to figure out what it all means, and how you can use that in your current predicament. If his partner in crime got to a point where Kokichi trusted them, he might start showing them things like scars and be a bit more open about a handful of things. Trust his actions over his words, that's where the closest thing to honesty happens.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Definitely finds it amusing, he loves the thrill of the game, however to the victor goes the spoils in any game, and he's going to win, every time. I do hope his partner can pay the price of their resistance as for every inch they hesitate and flinch, Kokichi will take a mile of manipulation and guilt trips. He's going to make them feel soo bad about how Kokichi has been nothing but nice and how he totally could have hurt them or cut them or done worse to them but he never has and yet they keep trying to make him into the bad guy. He hasn't done anything but be nice, and yet they kick at Kokichi? They kick at Kokichi like football? Shame for partner! Jail for partner!
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It’s definitely a game, that’s not to say he’s not taking it incredibly seriously, but its still a game and he doesn’t like to lose. As such while he does enjoy to see their partners mind twist and see what they come up with, he’s quick to sabotage attempts and will even purposefully imply things to put ideas into their heads just so he can rip it away from them later as just another one of his schemes. However, even Kokichi will eventually get tired of this game and speed up towards ending it. As much as he loves the back and forth he wants his found family already dammit!
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Hmm that’s a hard one that I’ve had to rewrite a few times, Kokichi tries to be very careful with how he goes about his work on his partner to avoid breaking them but not also making them complacent. In general the worst would definitely dealing with a loss of control, as Kokichi can be rather controlling as part of his leadership talent. As long as you’re good though it shouldn’t be too hard to adapt. Even if your bad he’s very good and experienced in threading that needle between too vicious and too giving. It’s hard to push Kokichi to do something super drastic to his partner, though not impossible.
it would take a lot of really close escape attempts and really clever but not fun resisting to break Kokichi’s patience down enough for thing to get as bad as possible. Eventually though, he will just get so fucking fed up with the game that he’s more willing to leave a few….cracks to finally win already.
In which case, say goodbye to your nico nico kneecaps as he makes you reliant on him in every way he can. You’re not so much as able to move your arms anymore without his express permission. You’re basically going to be his living doll to dote on and gaslight and if you’re good you can start earning back privileges, like the privilege of wiggling your fingers freely! Aren’t you so cute like this! Like a sweet little marionette! Look how you dance on these strings!
…Yeah it’s going to be a slow process earning back the ability to do anything substantial for yourself. He just needs to have this control, you’ve made him feel completely out of his element and out of control and he fucking hates it so he’s going to take full control of you to chase away that skin crawling feeling of thinking he might somehow be losing this game. Eventually, he’ll break you down, even if he has to shatter you just a touch to do it. That’s what you get for refusing to bend, because when thing that don’t bend meet enough force, they’ll eventually snap and fall anyways. He’s certain he can put the pieces back together once he’s finally won anyways. Honestly DICE might even schedule an intervention at this point that’s how bad it’s gotten for both of you.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He wants two things from his partner in crime, he wants to do flashy phantom thief crime stuff with them, and he wants to cuddle with them in a soft bed when the crime is over for the day. So ideally he'd have a secret base in like a cool forest or something where he can just chill and hang out and access to a town or city for crime, though likely it would be more of a driving distance then a walking distance, can't be too careful! Beyond that lots of sugary sweets and games and fun things to do and also several horses.
If his partner in crime refuses him or doesn't like the crime, then he switches to the domestic ideal completely. Wants them to look pretty and snuggle them and see them in soft comfortable clothing and maybe sometimes make him food and wash his hair and just all this gooey domestic bliss that he will DENY that he wants to his DEATH BED. Maybe even eventually some children when he's older, he thinks that might be fun, but definitely not yet though. Also they have to become a member of DICE, they don't have to go out on missions, but they have to be a member. Also more horses.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Yes, absolutely, 100%, unless it's other members of DICE and even then it's still maybe a little jealous just not a lot. He tries to hog up as much of his partner's attention as possible along with using his own reputation to secretly drag down yours, he doesn't want you to have friends and loved ones outside of him and DICE because he doesn't think they deserve you, thinks there boring and lame. If you're good and give him lots of attention and is made the priority he can tolerate his partner having a few friends outside of him and DICE as long as he can monitor it, though he doesn't get why his partner puts up with outsiders.
If you ignore him or chose other people over him however, then the jealousy really spikes and prepare for escalating pranks and social sabotage. He's totally going to get anyone you start dating to break up with you one way or another and make all your friends believe some nasty rumors. If this goes on for too long he might start getting desperate and that's how you end up tied in the trunk of a stolen car though whether its a fake kidnapping so he can swoop in and save you to earn favor or a real kidnapping depends on his mood.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Before they reveal their true feelings, Kokichi is constantly bothering their partner in crime, following them around and trying to rope them into shenanigans. They wanna have fun with their partner, whether it by pulling pranks with them or on them. If they have a partner that tolerates touch they're going to abuse the crap out of that, constantly tackle hugging and kissing and just dramatically swooning into their arms. Honestly, if you enjoy the company of tricksters he's genuinely pretty fun to be around like this.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
All his pranks and gifts mentioned above IS his courting! He sees someone he likes and he grabs them by the wrist and runs straight into chaos and fun. He'll likely build up to actually asking to be his partner in crime though, lots of fun to be had until the perfect dramatic moment strikes and he can ask you while running from cops or something. It's all very action movie romance in a way, constant go go go. If your hesitant or resistant to him, he'll definitely push harder into trying to butter you up and seem more approachable and chill. Likely hanging around you often to try and acclimate you to him. If you refuse to indulge his adrenaline or can't do huge action movie scenes, he'd probably do it over a bet where he crushes you at poker and now you have to be his partner.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Shockingly for the king of masks himself he's really not that different. Maybe a bit more serious, a bit more regal, bit more clingy, bit more entitled, but all and all it's still that same Kokichi as before.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He much prefers to reward good behavior then punish bad behavior as he knows its a much more effective method of conditioning but when he does need to punish he does not hesitate. While he prefers the easy way he loves the game of the hard way, the back and forth, will against will, it's entertaining as all hell to him to see his partner's ingenuity and deception in full swing.  
For the actual punishments he enjoys psychological punishments, commenting on your bad behavior with a snide mocking voice as he picks apart every mistake you made. Very much like he's talking down to a child as he explains that you can't lockpick with a single bobby pin you need two or showing how much of your great scheme was all actually planted by him in the first place. Then leave you alone with your thoughts in a silent but comfortable room with no distractions. Though within a few hours to at most a day he'll happily flounce right back in with that same old excited grin as he drags you out to binge a new anime like nothing happened.
He really doesn't want to chain you down or lock you in a single room for very long though, that's boring! He will if he has to though, don't make him feel like he has no choice but to have to restrain you to properly teach you.
His favorite punishment though involves a game of chess. No fancy rules, no fairy chess like he makes you play for kicks when he's bored, just plain chess. Throughout the match he'd psychoanalyze his partner's playstyle as he wins over and over again. Explaining how they are like their playstyle and that's why they never win, and until they can beat him at chess, they have no shot at getting away. Kokichi is a grandmaster though, so don't expect that to be easy.
He doesn't mock you for losing, or make jokes as he observes how your playstyle reflects you, he just wins over and over calmly as he explains your every flaw in how you plan and maneuver around the board, might even praise you occasionally for your improvement and for clever thinking even as he checkmates you again. All to try and show you that you can't win against him but you can be on the winning side with him if you just listen to him, that he can lead you properly.  
He's not trying to hurt you, he's trying to teach you where your shortcomings are by showing you the gap in strategic almost militaristic at times leadership between the two of you along with just generally improving your rational thinking. Plus it has the bonus effect of distracting you because humans are inherently competitive and time spent studying chess maneuvers to try and prove a moral point against him is time not spent trying to escape.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Ideally none, he wants to have a partner not a toy. If you're good the worst you'd probably get is a tracker and he reads your texts messages under the guise of it being his job as a leader to keep an eye on his subordinates, maybe the occasional day where you're not allowed to leave the house and have to snuggle him all day.
Though if you're bad you'll find yourself in a locked house with a strict schedule with him controlling the food you eat and the clothes you wear with no outside contact beyond DICE who definitely will not help you beyond making you some food or bringing you a new board game.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
To an outsider, they might not seem all that patient with how they constantly bother and tease and annoy their partner in crime. However, he's actually incredibly patient as every move he does is specifically calculated to have a specific effect. This makes it really hard to throw him off rhythm or frustrate him because everything including their partner in crime's reactions and tantrums is all accounted for in his plan, and even if they did take him off guard his improvisation will make it really hard to tell. Maybe with a group it's not so hard to throw Kokichi's plans off the rails but one on one is in his element of control and puppeteering. Sure sometimes he might toss the plan to the side just to have some fun if he is bored, but nothing he can't easily adjust his plan to accommodate.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
It really depends, if his partner manages to escape he's going to be hellbent on tracking them down, as time passes the intensity might start to waver but he'd never give up his search, not ever. However, if you died and he confirmed your death he'd fall into a state of shock and mourning. He'd make sure to thoroughly destroy what or who killed you in your name that's for sure. After some time of mourning though he'd be able to move on. He'd likely have a permanent shrine to your memory at DICE base but Kokichi has other people he loves that depend on him and he can't afford to fully break. So he moves on even if he'll mourn forever.
It helps that he's a people hoarder, he doesn't just have one person to obsess and dote over, he has all of DICE to adore and enjoy. Even after you're gone he's going to find new people to obsess and dote over and drag into DICE. I know a lot of people think Kokichi would never be able to move on or could only ever hold one obsession, but that just doesn't fit. He's a leader, and you can't make an organization with only one other person. Everyone Kokichi holds close are people he obsesses over. Every member of DICE has a similar origin story with varying degrees of fighting against Kokichi and his hoarding. While he's really picky about the people he hoards and finds each one irreplaceable in their own ways he's never going to stop finding new people for his hoard, for his family. So while the loss of one may seriously hurt, it's not a fatal blow.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Absolutely not, he's an evil supreme leader he can't be allowed to show weakness, besides he can give you a better life than anyone else ever could, if his partner in crime would just stop squirming so much he'd have plenty of space for you to safely roam where he could always have an eye on you.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Kokichi is a natural born leader and as such inherently wants to guide and protect those he cares about. However, his experiences as a street kid and leading DICE has warped his inherently innocent wants into something more restrictive and paranoid. This along with his inclination towards greed means he like a dragon wanting to hoard everything he desires, and breathe fire and destroy any who dare try to take or hurt his hoard. When you get used to having nothing and having thieves what you can keep in your hands becomes incredibly valuable and something to fiercely protect. This is why when you just go along with it he’s friendly and charming and why when you resist he tightens, almost like one of those finger trap. He needs to be in control to guide and protect you and just have fun with you and everyone outside his small circle is a potential threat he doesn’t want to have around. Though a hint of it is curiosity, he likes to observe his partner and how they react, and them in peril as he watches them think so so hard about their predicament is interesting and fun in it’s own special way.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
In general, he loves reactions, he loves watching his partner in crime yelp in shock when they get pranked or hearing them scream his name in annoyance, he craves that connection, he craves response. He is absolutely constantly pranking anyone that catches his eye just to keep them focused on him.
However, in a more serious situation like a kidnapping he just kinda lets it happen, it's an adjustment period for their partner in crime so trying to interfere would just make it worse and they know that. After a few weeks though he'll definitely start getting really annoyed because it's just pointless noise and not the attention he wants so he would try and snap them back down to reality, yes this happening, no he won't stop, and no this yelling isn't helping either of them. So shut up and deal with it.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Kokichi even as a yandere does not kill and avoid serious physical harm if at all possible, not only does he find that too easy and distasteful, it's against the rules of DICE and as such he will stick to it. Minor harms on the table though if someone who has a crush on you steps on a thumbtack covered in lemon juice that's fair game.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Definitely his need for adrenaline and excitement, push him harder, encourage him to go bigger. He's only human so eventually a heist is going to go wrong and hurt him or you two are going to get separated somehow despite his best efforts. Use that time to escape, whether it's by fleeing the country or going into police custody. Just know he's never going to believe you left by choice and is going to do everything to track you back down. If he does, I definitely wouldn't volunteer the information that you left on purpose to him and just play along with his rescuing of you.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
He prides himself on his control so it would take a LOT to drive him to do more then like tackle you into hugs which definitely bruises your knees as you crumple from an Ouma Missile. However if you pushed him for enough with escape attempts or attacking him and he feels like it's the only option he will hurt his partner in crime. It will be very precisely done though, less lashing out at his partner and more calculated incapacitation. He would REALLY prefer his partner in crime in one piece though so even then it would take a lot of pushing after that to do anything truly permanent beyond small scars after it's healed. It would take a will of pure stubborn iron to not have caved to some degree to him and DICE though.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
They don't worship his partner in crime, he views you as an almost equal partner who's really really fun and makes life exciting! So of course he wants to keep them nearby from how well they chase away his boredom. He doesn't view the lengths he goes to extreme because he's a Supreme Overlord of Evil who does Crime so this is all a normal tuesday for him but normal people do not jump off a skyscraper while holding their partner in crime close for the parachute they APPARENTLY just HAD before dramatically kissing them as fireworks go off around them. He's going to fill his beloved's life with so much fun and excitement and adrenaline they could never imagine a life without it, without him.
If he so happens to drag you on these adventures every single time you had something planned with someone else then that's just an unfortunate coincidence, and if rumors of these escapades make people pull away in fear that's on them for being cowards! He's so fucking intense in everything he does, and he knows just how to spin things to make all the BORING people back away and leave you two alone to have fun forever. Not to mention he's having DICE 100% help bring you slowly into the DICE found family, coaxing you into becoming the eleventh member and that they're the only family you need, don't think about the losers who couldn't handle your true self, DICE has you.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Kokichi has been yearning for quite some time, and I don't think there would be one specific snap moment. The ideal circumstance for him is a slow and methodical turning up the heat in isolating and manipulating his partner in crime into only trusting him and only wanting him.  He never really truly snaps because he's very good at controlling himself where it counts, there is no sudden moment of Kokichi turning into someone scary and possessive or breaking character to threaten you, it's a very natural progression from point a to point b with him. A lot of natural feeling little things that slowly build up into something really dangerous as he methodically and gradually takes more and more control over their life. While he would kidnap if he feels that's the ideal option, it's definitely more of a Plan B.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Not on purpose, however, if against all odds, and many plans to make sure the transition is as seamless as possible, their partner in crime did break, he'd be right there to put them back together, when a favorite toy breaks you don't just throw it away, after all, you fix it back up! He's got plenty of experience with molding people, he'll make their partner in crime right as rain again!
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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@shining-stxrs sent: "Meg obviously downgraded. What does she even see in a twerp like you anyway?" (Meg's ex for Morty)
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If looks could kill, the one Morty shot the idiot would have burnt him alive. Had those words truly just left the other's mouth? The guy who had mistreated, humiliated and emotionally abused Meg? If he thought that he was being insulting or that he could hurt him with that sort of bullshit, he was very, very wrong.
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"D-Downgraded, you say? A-Agree to disagree on that," he started in a tone that was both defiant and mocking. "B-But if with that you mean tha-that she found someone who treats her with respect, w-who's good to her and makes her happy, w-who's a person with a functioning brain...T-Then, yeah, she definitely 'downgraded'. I-I mean, wouldn't you? 'C-Cause I would if I had a boyfriend like you."
Hazel eyes scanned the other teen up and down for a moment, holding the most unimpressed look ever.
"A-Anyway, I have better things to do. S-Same for Meg. H-Have fun being the upgrade no one wants or-or whatever. B-But a word of advice. I-I'd stay away from Meg. W-We wouldn't want you to get hurt."
And with that, he turned on his heels and walked away. The brainless jerk could think and say whatever he wanted. Morty couldn't have cared less. Not when the reality of facts was loud and clear on who was right.
And if the guy had decided not to heed his warning, well...he had plenty of ways to make sure that he would never forget it again.
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ejzah · 2 years
Kensi and Deeks have a conversation like this on a weekly basis:
Deeks: No, Eric, we really appreciate it, but I don’t think Rosa needs a Lamborghini just yet.
Eric, incredulously: Why not?
Deeks: Because she’s 16 and doesn’t have a license yet. Besides which, the thought of my teenage daughter being responsible for a vehicle that costs more than I make in three years is honestly terrifying.
Nell: Ok, I understand. How about we downgrade to a cute little Volkswagen and a state of the art computer set up?
Eric: Ooh, I can build her a custom made computer!
Deeks, glancing at Kensi helplessly: Or she’d be perfectly happy with an iPad.
Roberta: I was thinking when Rosa gets back from school we could go shopping and then grab some dinner.
Kensi, tilting her head: Didn’t you guys go shopping last week?
Roberta, dismissively: Yeah, but I saw these shoes that I think Rosa will just love. We gotta snap ‘em up before they’re gone.
Deeks, raising an eyebrow: Mama, you do know that Rosa’s not your chance to relive your youth, right?
Roberta: Are you implying that in not young any more?
Kensi, quickly: Oh, definitely not! Uh, maybe you could just go for a causal dinner, and wait a couple weeks before you buy Rosa anything else. She has everything she needs and wants right now and we don’t want her to get overwhelmed.
Roberta: huffing: Having grandkids is supposed to be fun. But of course I get stuck with a couple of killjoys.
Deeks, proudly: I think that’s the first time we’ve been called that. It’s surprisingly enjoyable.
Callen, casually leaning against the fence in his backyard: Alright, pull your arm back a little more. Yup, just like that.
Deeks, appearing beside him: Uh, pretty sure we have a rule against this.
Callen: You said no guns, no knives. Never said anything about archery.
Deeks, glaring at Callen as he grins smugly: Do you want your godfather status revoked? I’m sure Eric and Sam can manage just fine on their own.
Callen: Uh-uh, no backsies.
Rosa, calling over her shoulder: I suppose that means the hunting trip is off?
Callen, sagely: Ok, that one’s on me.
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maddy-ferguson · 10 months
s3 was so uninspired it is so bad. ''i am not a hater'' well idk abt other people but i AM a hater of S3 actually. its like they stuff from s2 but made it worse. like you said, the possession storyline but make it mean!william rather than good!william. mindflayer but make it meaty this time. up the teenage drama and then also added worse stuff like incel!hopper shallow!mike and some red soviet scare stuff on top of it to make it shittier. s3. you will be disliked by me forever.
i like how you said shallow!mike like shallow!mike deserves a ! that was funny. but yeah definitely like i can appreciate the horror of the bodies being melted to become the mind flayer and stuff like i get it i understand it. there's actually interesting relationship things going on (i guess. definitely not with j0pper and s3 jncy is what it is) even if it's teenage drama that's annoying to watch. but going from s2 mind flayer to s3 mind flayer is definitely a downgrade it's a crazy downgrade and yeah the whole supernatural plot with the possession and billy literally being the new will as will puts it is like. literally s2 but bad. i'm sure you can find reasons why the bad william being possessed instead of the good william this time is interesting or whatever but i don't think anything could convince that it's yk. good
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darthkvznblogs · 1 year
SBT was just a suggestion, but there are a couple ways around these issues, like maybe downgrading Titan’s size/power a bit, or having Mutrad be hit by the Black Order before the point it would have attacked Galaluna. There are a few other series that were underrated or cut short that I’ve managed to find that haven’t been mentioned or included already, but I don’t think that they would work unless they were just characters or as Multiverse worlds, like Dead End, Twelve Forever, and/or MLAATR. Have you heard of Cybersix, BTW?
I mean, yeah! I'm sure I'll eventually find something that contradicts this, but I do believe there's a way to adapt everything. Of course, I'm less inclined to try if I'm not invested, y'know?
To be honest, I didn't really vibe with Dead End (but I did only watch the one ep). Something about it gave me the heebie-jeebies (probably the, uh...creamy slenderman? Not sure how else to describe that sh*t). From what I understand, its depiction of the afterlife might conflict with some stuff I have setup behind the scenes, too. I'll probably binge it sometime down the line but right now it's unlikely to be included.
I did watch Twelve Forever! Definitely a very unfortunate fate with that show, but I enjoyed it. Not sure why you don't think it could fit - there's so many pocket dimensions just in Marvel canon alone that the Kverse must be chock-full of it, and I feel like the whole imagination realm concept (can't remember the name rn) could fit right in.
I'm assuming that's My Life as a Teenage Robot? That show freakin' ruled, I'd love to include it. Definitely would have some issues, but I'd love to iron them out if possible. If not, we're definitely seeing an alternate universe version of Jenny sometime.
I've not heard of Cybersix, no, but I recognize that character design, at least. What's it about?
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her sister; his girlfriend - part 2/3
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summary: When Y/n gets a phone call finding out about the death of her sister, she's worried. The only thing that could make this situation even worse? When she finds out her 4-year boyfriend, Eddie Munson, is somehow involved.
warning: swearing again, still not proofread
word count: 1598
Part 1
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As promised, Y/n burst through the doors of Family Video within the next 5 minutes. Thankfully there were no other customers there at the moment, or else she’s not sure she would’ve been able to spot Dustin and his friends. 
As soon as she saw him, memories of playing DnD with the 7 or 8 year old version of him came rushing back. But the person who really caught her eye was none other than the former-asshole: Steve the Hair Harrington. 
“Hey kiddo, Harrington,” she greeted, her tone switching from light to snarky between the two. “And I’m not sure I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you two.”
“Uh, Robin,” the other Family Video worker introduced herself, and Y/n turned to the redhead.
“I’m Max.” 
“Well, Max, Robin, it’s an honour to make your acquaintance, my name’s Y/n.”
“Right, Dustin said you have a lead for where Eddie is?” Max asked, skipping to the point. 
“Okay, yeah, so, you probably know that Eddie’s a drug dealer-”
“You really downgraded from dating me, Cunningham,” Steve muttered jokingly under his breath, interrupting you. 
“Bitch, you cheated on me and slut-shamed my best friend, I’m pretty sure I could’ve dated literally anyone and it would’ve been an upgrade, shut up.”
“Ookayyy, now I can see why you didn’t want me to call Y/n. Anyways, back to where Eddie is,” Dustin intervenes, not wanting them to get sidetracked. 
“Right, sorry, it was just a joke, I get that, I apologise. I’m just on edge because of… Chrissy,” Y/n explained. “But yeah, Eddie gets his drugs from a guy named Reefer Rick and I’m almost 100% sure that he’s hiding out at his house.”
“Okay, well why not just go to this Reefer Rick’s house then?” Steve questioned. 
“Right, I definitely didn’t think of that, thanks Steve. It’s ‘cause I don’t know where his house is, it’s not like drug dealers are advertising their location to everyone.” 
“Okay, well, did Eddie ever mention this guy’s last name?” Robin asked, starting to pace.
“No, I don’t even think Eds knew his last name. It’s not really something you want to give out during business deals.”
“I bet the cops know his last name,” Steve commented off-handedly. 
“What?” Max said. 
“Cops,” Steve repeated. “I mean, listen, if this Reefer Rick is actually a drug dealer, I guarantee he’s been busted at some point. Means he’s in the system.” 
“The cops? Really, Steve? That’s your suggestion?” Dustin asked. 
“I mean, I just think, at this point, they should probably be filled in on what we know, what’s going on.”
“You think Eddie’s guilty, don’t you?” Dustin accused. 
“Woah, woah, woah! I believe is innocent until proven guilty, all that constitutional shit. I just- you know… just don’t think we can rule it out.”
“That’s precisely what we’re trying to prove here, Steve.” Max said. 
“And maybe, we’d have a little more luck if you spent less time trying to find a girlfriend, and more time trying to find Eddie.” Dustin’s tone started to get a bit angrier. 
“Ok, well somebody has to tend to the customers!” Steve defended.
“Especially if they’re babes, right?” Robin asked, winking. 
“Hey! Not fair, okay? I attend to all customers equally, babes and non-babes alike. We’ve got a very big selection in here, alright? It can be super overwhelming for these people.”
“Yeah, it can be,” Robin smiled to herself. 
“What are you doing?” Y/n asked as Robin turned around and started typing on the computer. 
“Maybe we don’t need a last name,” she replies.
The rest of the group gathers around her, watching as she hits the enter button and 12 different accounts with the first name Rick pop up. 
“12 Ricks have accounts here.”
“That’s a lot of Ricks,” Max comments. 
“So let’s narrow it down.” 
Once the 5 of them had decided which Rick was Reefer Rick, they immediately hurried out into Steve’s car and sped toward the location: 2121 Holland Road. 
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Because of Rick Lipton’s house being located in the middle of nowhere, the drive there was long and pretty awkward, with Y/n smushed in the back seat with Dustin and Max. Thank god she wasn’t stuck in the middle seat. 
“So, Dustin, how have you been?” she asked, trying to break the awkward silence. “High school turning out to be not so scary after all?”
“Pretty good I guess, especially now that Eddie’s take us in. Before that it was rough.”
“Oh my god, bullies pick on you?”
“Yeah, fucking Jason decided he wanted to turn his whole basketball team against us.”
“Wait wait wait, Jason Carver?”
“Yeah, you know him?”
“Ugh, unfortunately. He’s dating Chrissy- or… dated Chrissy, I guess.” Y/n’s voice lost its cheerfulness as she was once again reminded that her little sister was gone. The conversation died down after that. 
The rest of the ride was filled with silence, Yn quietly humming as she listened to some music through her headphones, and hushed conversations between Steve and Robin, mostly about someone named Vickie. 
They arrived late at night, and somehow, after getting no sleep for the past 24 hours, Y/n was still up and running. 
Dustin aggressively rang the doorbell, once, twice. And when no one answered, again, knocking a bit too. 
“Okay, well, that’s settled, I guess he’s not here,” Steve said. 
“Eddie! It’s Y/n!” 
“Great,” Steve rolled his eyes. 
“Look we just wanna talk, okay?” Dustin added, ignoring Steve’s annoyed quips. “No cops, I swear, we just wanna help.”
He banged his fist against the door, still ringing the doorbell, as Y/n started travelling around the house, shining her flashlight through every window she found. 
“Reefer Rick!” Dustin shouted.
“Don’t scream that,” Steve reprimanded. 
“Hey, guys?” Y/n called out, the rest of the group going over to see her pointing her flashlight at a rusty old shed. 
The group hurried toward it and timidly circled the shed, until they found the door unlocked.
“Hello?” Robin called out, peeking her head inside and slowly going in. “Is anyone home?”
“What a dump,” Steve commented. 
After a couple minutes of searching, Steve grabbed an oar he found and started attacking a crate covered in a tarp.
“What are you doing?” Y/n glared at him.
“He might be in here.”
“Yeah, okay, and just fucking attacking him is gonna do wonders, Harrington. What the fuck is wrong with you? Just take the tarp off!”
“If you’re so brave, you take the tarp off!”
“Oh my god, Harrington, there’s nothing to be brave about, it’s just Eddie!”
“Okay, right, and you’re sure that ‘just Eddie’ isn’t going to hurt you?”
“Yes, I’m sure!” 
“Hey, look over here,” Max said, the bickering between Y/n and Steve stopped. “Someone was here.” She pointed her flashlight at a table covered in empty bottles and wrappers. 
“Maybe he heard us. Got spooked and ran,” Robin suggested. 
“Don’t worry,” Dustin said sarcastically, “Steve’ll get him with his oar.”
“I know you think you’re being funny Henderson, but considering that almost everyone in this room has nearly died a hundred times, personally, I don’t find it funny in the slighte-” 
Steve was cut off by Eddie jumping out from one of the crates with a broken bottle and pushing him toward the closest wall, glass at his throat.
“Woah woah woah! Eddie! Eddie! Stop!” Dustin screamed. 
“Eddie,” Y/n spoke calmly, keeping herself at a distance, but close enough that he could see her face, “Eds, it’s just me. It’s Y/n, okay? And Dustin, and that’s Steve, you remember Steve right?”
“He’s not gonna hurt you,” Dustin stressed, helping her out, “Right Steve?” 
“Right, yeah,” Steve whispered. 
“Steve, why don’t you drop the oar slowly?” Y/n suggests, groaning when he lets it go and it hits the ground loudly, further startling Eddie. “I said slowly, Harrington!”
“Eddie, Eddie, baby… I promise nobody here wants to hurt you? Okay?”
“What are you doing here?” he asks in a hushed whisper. 
“We’re looking for you. We’re here to help. These are my friends,” Dustin says, “This is Robin, you know Robin from band. This is my friend Max, the one who never wants to play DnD. And, look! It’s Y/n too!”
“Eds, we’re on your side. I promise! I flew down here to help you, Eddie. I swear, all we wanna do is help!” 
It took him a moment, but Eddie gave in. Letting Steve go and walking toward Y/n, his eyes crazed. 
“Hey baby,” she whispered, slowly wrapping her arms around his waist as he plopped his head on to shoulder. His breaths were laboured, and she knew then that he was still in shock. 
Carefully, Y/n brought one hand up to his hair, tangling her fingers between his soft locks. His fingers laced with hers, the hand previously wrapped around his waist clasped tightly with his. 
“Y/n,” he whispered, holding on to her tight. 
“Hi love.”
“You- you don’t think I did it?”
“I know you didn’t do it, Eds. And I wanna know who really did, that’s what we’re tryna figure out here.”
“Right, if you could tell us what happened, maybe it would help us do that?” Robin added in softly. 
Eddie pulls away from his girlfriend’s hold, looking into her eyes. “You won’t believe me,” he says, his voice breaking. 
Y/n looks over Eddie’s shoulder and locks eyes with Dustin. “Do they know?” she mouths, and when he nods, she turns toward her boyfriend. “Try us.” 
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citrusreadstoa · 2 years
Reading The Dark Prophecy: Chapter 4 (SPOILERS)
"UNION STATION . . . She veered right and stopped in front of a wall." They gonna run right through it and end up in a secret railroad line that takes them to a magical wizarding school? "The Waystation is more than a building." Casita?
"There's a reason a snake on a rod symbolizes medicine. Venom was one of the earliest cures." You learn something new every day. So now we know about the snake. What about the rod?
"Despite the cheerful pink curtains . . . the bedroom felt abandoned, preserved like a museum exhibit." Somebody died here. Or ran away or disappeared and they're waiting for her to come back home.
"I'm not sure how she noticed us." They're called footsteps, Apollo.
"I thanked the gods we were not in Ohio and our dragon was not named Festo." Idk this was funnier than it should have been. At least you have Emmie. Also, you mean the dragon that you left behind?
"By themselves, blemmyae are pretty harmless" That makes more sense. It's hard to imagine so many malicious creatures gathering in one area without the place getting a reputation or becoming a warzone. It makes sense that the blemmyae are usually pretty normal Indianapolian citizens. I'm guessing they got recruited by the Triumvirate, then.
"Lady Artemis's orders." So they are associated with her in some way and keep in touch. Interesting. I can't imagine what myth(s) this could be based off of. "[Artemis] was such a doomsday prepper always hiding things from the other gods like . . . small nation-states." I can totally imagine doomsday prepper-Artemis. I wonder if there's any mythological precedent to the nation-state thing. Also, do you think she's stuck in her own punishment? If she's a doomsday prepper, then she definitely had her own thing going on during the debacle with Gaea and maybe during Kronos, too. If Zeus found out about her defying the Olympus lockdown, there's no doubt she'd be punished.
"maybe get Leo here some clothing." Oh yeah, he's still in his underwear. "let Hemithea tell it." Ah, hEMIthea. Emmie. "In fact, I turned [Emmie] into a god." That's not what I expected. She was a god and still joined the Hunters? Seems like a downgrade. The Hunters really don't discriminate between what kind of people join, do they? But why is she aging and dying now? Sure, gods look old sometimes, but Apollo specifically said he could tell she was dying. Did leaving the Hunters strip her of both kinds of immortality? Cowabummer.
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snapbackslide · 1 year
Okay I decided to listen to the Wideman podcast even though I don’t wanna hear about the cab thing again but he’s on my team and I’ll listen to any hab talk tbh :)
The guys won’t let him speak ffs… annoying AF hosts.
“spend every waking hour with caufield” LMAOOOOOO
I’m not a wideman girlie but I will say that his voice is really soft and nice to listen to 🥰
11 year age gap between him and Cole and they get along super well 😭 age doesn’t mean SHIT sometimes I swear gosh i was the bestest of friends with my supervisor at my previous-previous job and he was in his 60s bruh
Gotta love every podcast asking guys about Arber haha everyone wants to know what he’s like & i get it 😌
I never came back to complete this but anyway I’m here now.. hearing him talk about Dadonov and how he wasn’t portrayed right in the media definitely makes me understand him a bit more, but it still doesn’t change the fact that he did not want to play in Montreal nor did he care in the least about this team & this city 💀 it probably didn’t help either that we had no other Russian on the team & Montreal’s far enough from Florida, where his family is. Either way it doesn’t matter anymore because thankfully for both sides, he’s gone.
Oh great the ebug situation again 🙄 i understand he was frustrated it was a bad game but geez stop defending the comment, it doesn’t matter just let the guy play what’s it gonna change for you… not everything’s about you 💀 yeah sure it could mean whatever but it’s extremely childish and immature like bro lmfao just shut up
He’s buddies with Matthews & Brady?? 💀 bye leave my team pls LMAO
He was traded to Edmonton?! I do not recall this at all 😭
Aight now I’ll chill on Dadonov but not Hoffman 💀 don’t care if they’re “misunderstood” and I also don’t believe Wides saying he doesn’t know what happened between him and Karlsson, especially since he keeps saying “i see what people write in the media” like we all saw what Hoffman’s wife wrote at the time. It’s messed up and I also just don’t like the player anymore and would prefer if he left asap. I never wanted him to sign here in the first place like I still remember my panic attack the day of the news, it’s such a downgrade from Toffoli 🤠 I liked him once upon a time but that lasted like, less than a year. so. anyway.
So they just asked him if he spoke French and he said a little bit and they just moved on and didn’t even ask him to say something? They just ignore everything he says and cut him off so much hahahaihatethesehosts
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