lenaluvbot · 2 days
Lights down low
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I saw this i KNEW i had to write something
(Smut,Daddy kink,Choking kink,Degration kink,Savior kink,Domination kink)
Smut below the cut!
You had no idea what has happening but didnt want it to stop as he bent you over his work desk.
It was after hours which wasnt a problem, since the entire floor was empty.
"What did i tell you about wearing these dresses? You know only men work here, they were all looking at you honey. I had to wait hours for you too finally be free baby". he whispered into your ear from behind your back.
He unzipped your dress with his teeth as he ran a hand down your back, his big manly hands caress your shoulder blades as he unclipped your bra "it wont be staying on a while anyway". He chuckled as he bit off your underwear, his fingers gliding against your clit, which was already soaked.
he shoved one finger into you, then another, til he had three fingers in you, pushing them in and out of you with friction.
"You like that? you like when i finger you baby? You want more? ill give you more." he pushed another finger into you as he spat on your asshole pushing it in his hand thumb.
you let out a gasp and held onto the desk when he dropped his jeans, taking off his boxers and geting spitting on your clit before he plunged inside you, the feeling was immaculate when he groaned in your ear, whispering thing that made you wet as could be.
Your moans fuilled up the enitre office floor as he fucked uou into the desk
"move your hands, dont make me ask you again" he hummed in your ear as he grabbed your hand and interlocked his fingers with yours as he grunted into your ear "Come on, push out for me, keep going." He grunted as he came.
thick white ropes shot into your cunt as he softly pushed into you to keep any from spilling out of you.
"Next time lets just have brunch together? No more dropping any off".
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lenaluvbot · 2 days
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saw this on twitter and immediately thought of DICKGRAYSON since we all know he had multiple baby mamas
You were angry.
You had every right.
He promised you a life of hope and happiness and left you for some team? It was ridiculous! Yet here you were at titans tower knocking like a crazy woman.
Suddenly the door flew open as he was infront of you. The previous nights all came back into memory as you glared at him
“Child support.”
“Nice seeing you too.”
You couldn’t believe in a time like this he had jokes “I’m being serious, pay up.”
“Okay okay relax pretty lady, just give me two more weeks”
“You said that four weeks ago.”
“I know what I said.”
“So why hasn’t it been done.”
You weren’t in the mood for games as you let yourself in
“Let me guess who payed for all this, This all Bruce’s money?”
“Don’t do that”
“If he can pay for this im sure he wouldn’t mind paying for child support.”
“I said don’t”.
He looked down at you and smirked “You look good, when was the last time we talked?”
“When you signed the birth certificate.”
“Oh right.” A dry chuckle escaped his lips “Listen, you know I love you.”
“Oh really.”
“You know stuff just gets complicated but you know you’re my main girl.” He grased your shoulder
“Yeah you’ve told me that about seven times already.” You rolled your eyes, but you’d be lying to yourself if you said his touch didn’t still make you feel something
“So how have you been”
“Don’t do that”
“Do what?”
“Make me feel something that isn’t there anymore.”
“Nothing ever goes away with us you know that.”
“Don’t avoid the topic”
“You know I’ll pay, I always pay.”
“So do it on time”
“Come on.”
He sighed and grabbed his face “I missed you,like alot.”
He leaned closer, standing over you, touching your hair, his and narrowly missing your ear
“Come on, jst let me do this please.”
“You don’t want to kiss me you know that.”
“Yeah you’re right I don’t want to kiss you.” He smirked “I wanna fuck you.”
It was all the same to you as you rolled your eyes
“Yeah I do.” were the only words it took for him to unbutton your pants and his, pushing himself inside you, covering your mouth with his hand. His thrusts were fast and hard as he fucked you against the wall.
Nine months later you were back were you found yourself, at least this time he held your hand when giving birth.
new beginnings you guess?
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lenaluvbot · 2 days
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| toji, katsuki, dick grayson, simon riley, eren, getou |
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lenaluvbot · 7 days
So true
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lenaluvbot · 26 days
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being the daughter of a famous superhero definitely had its perks, especially when the superhero was superman.
yet now you were lost gotham city after missing your dad on a trip, thankfully mr wayne was such a gentleman.
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“Oh don’t worry, This hotel is lovely. I’d know since i own it.” He smirked at you and you nearly fell over in your shoes.
Being in gotham definitely was a downgrade from the city, but at least Mr wayne or “Bruce” was kind too you.
Showing you around the city and even letting you stay free of charge at one of his hotel branches.
He was so kind and so courageous he had everything you’d want in a man, expect the fact he was batman.
You had nothing against the fact he was a vigilante it just made you laugh how he dressed as a bat to fight crime.
You couldn’t say much as your father did fly around with a S on his chest.
Here you were hours later sitting in the hotel bed desperate for something to happen as a call rang through the hotel phone jolting you from your sleep.
“Hi is this mrs kent’s room?”
“I didn’t ask for room service..”
“You can’t recognize my voice? How mean, I thought you knew me.” His laugh was so enticing.
“Oh i’m sorry mr wayne i was sleeping..”
“Don’t call me ‘Mr’ Bruce will because just fine.”
“Alright..Bruce, why’d you call me?”
“I have an event i’d like to avoid tonight, care for me to join you in your room tonight?”
This was shocking.
He was asking if you wanted him to come over?
Obviously you did!
“Oh sure i’d be happy, i have no plans.”
“Alright superstar i’m coming.”
The knocking at your door was from the billionaire himself as he smirked while holding a bottle of a wine brand you couldn’t even pronounce.
"Hi mr wayne"
"Again, just call me bruce". he smirked, letting himself in. he set the wine down on the counter as he grabbed a glass from the cabniet.
"So, how are you liking gotham so far?" Pouting a glass that seemed so slam in his hands, or maybe his hand was normal sized and the glass was tiny?
Snapping back into reality when the glass set on the kitchen counter with a ding.
"well its defenitly more...dull compared to metropolis but i dont complain". Youre smile showed off your pearly whites that were a tad irregular given your kryptonian dna. You could pass for human sure but somethings were still ailenable.
"Do you drink?"
"Well im not really 21 quite yet"
"Oh? How old are your super star?"
"Im- Wait what did you say?"
"Superstar,since youre supermans daughter you know. The whole super thing. im sure your father teases you about it. Have you considered being a super yet?"
"Im only nineteen so i dont really use my powers" His face practically bloomed as he looked the other way
"Ah so youre in college?"
"yeah i go to a community"
"whats a supergirl like you doing at community?"
"Its all my dad could afford on the reporters sallary"
the room went quiet as he handed you the glass
"But im under"
"dont worry, i wont tell."
He watched you as you drank, encouraging you to drink more and more, only too see if that super durabilty was a super light weight.
Which you were.
He laughed at your city girl jokes as he put a arm under your shoulder you were so tipsy you couldnt help but giggle at everything bruce said
"Youre how old again? Go on super say how old you are". He grinned
"Im nineeeteen,i turn twenty in five monthsss on my birthday". Grinning from ear to ear he rubbed your back.
"Oh really? what number comes after 20?"
"Uhhh 22?"
"Wow look at that, you are smart". Chuckling he looked at you sighed
"Its getting late i should leave,i have all these adult dutys you know"
"No no dont go we were having fun!" you pouted your lip as you leaned against bruce
"Alright then well ill stay for you".
He grinned as he whished the drink around in the glass, he got closer to you on the bed he leaned down and kissed you
"Was that okay" his stumble grazed your cheek and his cologne made you forget all your morals.
"Yeah that was okay..." You kissed him back and pulled him closer by his face, your kisses were sloppy and lazy as the liquor took over before your stamina could.
He laughed at your drunkness, it was cute seeing you try to fight off the sleepiness at a chance to get laided
"How old are you.." you asked breathlessly as your hands digged into his hair "Old enough to be your father". He picked you up under his arm and put you on the bed, unbuttoning his jeans, he started to bring don you pants with his teeth.
Kissing your waist line he aligned his tip with your soaked cunt.
"Fuck youre tight" He grunuted as he started to push himself inside you "Gosh" You softly moaned and closed your eyes "Look at me" His voice was laced with tiredness as he grabbed your hand and held with "You a virgin?" You nodded "Kryptonians have this healing facor,everytime i break my hymen it grows back, i havent gottten father than tampons." You answered drunkenly
"So you havent taken dick yet?"
"No i guess i havent..."
"Alot of pressure on me then huh? Dont worry ill give it too you good". Sliding into you with little ease he let out a soft moan, grippping your hand as he persuaded you through it
"Come on be a big girl you got this, look at me, youre a super come on act like it" He grinned as you let out soft moans, your legs squirming. "Quit all that moving,its okay you can take it. And this is me going slow."
He kissed you slowly, holding onto your chin as he grinded against you in the bed, picking up the pace he kissed you, not because he wanted to feel your lips but because he wanted you to stay quiet while the other guests all came back from the event bruce was currently avoiding.
He couldnt let his fellow peers know he was currently taking superman daughters virginity.
your moans that he did let out were heavenly as the pushed bruce to keep going. Reaching his own peak he pulled out and finished in his hand, letting it coat your stomach.
"Fuck youre amazing, ill fly you out first class back to metro tomorrow morning".
He was obviously lying as the first thing he was goign to do was fuck you out of your hangover, then maybe breakfast in bed.
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lenaluvbot · 26 days
I shouldn’t have too tell you twice
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Warnings: Choking, hair pulling, foul language, slapping, degrading, spanking
I wrote this while high so my apologies
It was difficult with jason, not in a bad way.
You enjoyed when he fucked you, however he’d often fuck you so good you lost a bit of yourself, being taken over by some attitude as he calls it.
Shoving your head down on the bed he shouts at you “What the fuck did I say hmm? I told you too watch that damn mouth about ten times today, yet here we are.” Scoff.
He knew you would never listen u less he finally showed you what happens when you don’t. So he did exactly that.
It was fast and unless you felt a swift hand hit your bottom, making you yell out for a second.
“Be glad I let you keep your pants on or else that would’ve been ten times worse.” His voice was dark and annoyed as he slapped your ass again. Yet this time you just couldn’t take it, crawling away for a second on the bed almost made him laugh.
Picking you up now and setting you across his lap he laughed “You think crawling away is gonna stop me? These are the consequences of your actions ma, don’t get scared now.” Another harsh slap was given as he pulled your pants down to your ankles.
He put a hand over your mouth and his free one rose to slap your bottom “You know how to count.”
It was hard and made you want too yell out
You were practically crawling away from his lap as he dragged you back
“Come on make it too three.”
You were whining as he began kissing your back “You did such a good job for me baby, such a good job, i just get so angry, you know I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He smirked as he picked you up and tossed you on the bed
“I’ll make it up to you.” He smirked as he covered your mouth and lined himself with your backside, pushing in hard with a gauntly moan “Fuck babe, did you get tighter?”
His strokes were slow and rough as he began picking up pace, making you moan out as you dug your nails into the bedspread, putting his head over your shoulder, bring down so you’d be forced to make sound.
“Yeah let it out, let everyone bear who made you loose that attitude.” He chuckled as you began to rub circles on your clit, pressing him thumb against your clit while praising you.
"Youre such a dirty bitch you know what? I bet your ex boyfriend never got you this wet, i bet he nevered fucked you like this." He chuckled as he pulled out his finngers
"Hey...?" you panted, confused as you were about to rech your peak.
"Brats with attitude dont get to cum."
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lenaluvbot · 26 days
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warnings!: straight up smut, cursing, dom kink, Matt gets straight up really mean, user is a mutant werewolf, forest sex, p in v sex
synopsis: you were fighting human nature and he couldn’t stand it. He was the last push you needed.
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It was warm in the apartment, so why’d you wake up in a cold sweat?
The room was dark as you sat up in bed, his arms wrapped around you in the bed falling off your waist
He stirred in his sleep, not feeling your warm body against him, sitting up in bed he questioned you “Whyre you up so late?”
“Bad dream, go back to sleep.” Getting out of bed and going directly to the bathroom
“You’ve been having a lot of those recently, baby when was the last time you went to the doctor?” He rubbed his face, his stubble growing back in.
Coming back into the bedroom with a look of worry “Matt I told you those don’t work for me,it’s not dreams it’s the moon.”
“Oh.” His elbows rested on his knees as the bed spread covered his waist “You need me to relive you or something?”
“What happened the other time? I know you remember come on.” He smirked
Flashbacks echoed in your mind as you remembered what it felt like when he had you pinned onto the hard forest ground, thrusting you into the ground so hard you could feel your claws holding you steady
“Go on, embrace the wolf, let it out.” He grunted as you tried holding back a howl
Squeezing your cheeks for making you open your mouth he made you look up at the moon.
Snapping out of it you were brought back to reality of you putting your hair into a ponytail
“No,no I don’t need that again.’ You ignored him as you got ready
“I don’t like when you leave, it makes me scared for you, you shouldn’t have to leave me for so long."
"I don't like it anymore than you do". You were all ready for whatever adventure you were going on, dressed in some of you bummiest attire you left the apartment.
Matt had been anxious since your departure and against your advice he followed you.
yes you told him to stay back but come on! He had to make sure you were safe.
Yet he found you in a corner of the forest, seemingly holding back as he crept up behind you
He was nearly struck down by you as your k-9s were enlarged to the size of a bullet and nearly missed his face. "Woah woah calm down its just me". He tried to calm you down but it was no use.
You were hysterical, fighting your own transformation, clawing at trees and snarling.
Lunging at him again you were easily knocked down as he sensed your next movement before you could even lift a paw.
You were pinned underneath him,looking up you saw the moonlight. The moon slowing starting to disappear into the night, you only had a little while left to contain yourself. You could do it right?
No time to think as he brought you back to reality wih his spew of words that if you were strong enough you'd curse him out for.
"Look at you, big strong puppy that cant even hold off me. A week blind guy, i mean seriously im not even trying to fight you."
It was pathetic honestly.
"Im not a puppy" Snarling at him you wanted to rip out his throat
"Oh? i didnt know dogs could talk? say something else for me puppy"
"Ill say something too you when i rip out your-"
You couldnt even finish your spewing of curses as he kneed you in the crotch, shockingly to you, you were wetter than a rivers edge and the moonlight was only making it stronger
"Go on, finish that sentence." His knee pressed against your crotch as you instinctively closed your legs around him "Yeah thats what i thought. You know i think its time my little puppy learn a lesson in being a good dog what do you think?". He waited less than a second for you to reply before dropping his jeans, unbuttoning your pants but waiting. Almost teasing you as his tip pressed against the edge of your clit.
Needing the friction you grinded against him.
Thats it.
That was all it took for matt to push your pantys to the side and thrust into you.
"Fuck...I forgot it felt this goood to fuck you, especially when youre being a bitch. Literally and physically." he chuckled as he rammed into you. it felt so good you didnt even care if he was fucking you so hard the world was practically shaking.
lucky you the moon was almost completly covered.
or lucky him?
from his eyes you were both lucky, not everday you let him fuck you like the dog you are.
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lenaluvbot · 27 days
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manipulative JASONTODD who begs you too let him go in raw.
“Baby you know im gonna pull out, and it feels better raw, you know you like it better raw anyway.” He smirked as he ran his ran up and down your leg
It only took a few hand movements for you to agree, and suddenly he was inbetween your legs. Your cunt so wet he kept slipping out.
“If your cunt keeps pushing me out I might try the other hole baby.” He smirked as he pushed himself against you so hard you could feel your muscles tensing.
He was near his end when you started to remind him of what he said “I know I know..But think about it, you want a family right?” His thrusts were sloppy
Filling you up all the way he grunted “Fuck you took it all.” Laughing on top of you “I’ll get you a plan B in the morning.” He grunted as he fell ontop of you, his head ontop of your shoulder.
He was definitely going to forget to but that plan B until you texted him before his shift in the morning.
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lenaluvbot · 1 month
writing smut is my therapy
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lenaluvbot · 5 months
First time for everything
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warnings!: (smut/degration kink/praise kink/hair pulling kink/choking kink/dom sub underlines/domination kink)
smut underneath the cut
It was strange.
Orm knew he’d have to stay low til people believed her was dead like his brother told him, but that do mean he actually wanted too?
The first green flag he got he practically ran (his new favorite thing to do) his way to the city called the quote “big apple”
He had never gone away from the ocean unless absolutely necessary. Yet here he was walking awkwardly amongst a group of people when he felt a tap on his back.
“Are you okay sir?”
You had to ask! He was walking as if he’d been shot in the ass.
“Yes..Perfectly fine- But i have a question miss..Where’s this self proclaimed big apple?”
You burst out laughing.
“Self proclaimed big apple?”
“Isn’t this the right place? i’ve been here for days yet no big apple.”
Holy shit! he was seriously saying that!
“You know that’s just a saying right? This isn’t an apple?”
“I wouldn’t know, i’m not from here” Shit. God he couldn’t keep anything to himself.
“Oh really? Where you from pretty boy?”
“Out of town, reallyyy far south like really far i doubt you’ll know where”.
“Uh sure something like that.” He smirked, this was the longest he’d talked to a surface dweller. Let alone the fact it was a woman. A hot woman at that. Shit he hadn’t spoke in a good thirty seconds and now she was staring awkwardly.
“I um have to go but here’s my number, incase you want to actually tell me where you’re from.” You gave him your cell number and smiled as you walked away. If it wasn’t for your scheduled dinner you would’ve continued talking to the mysterious man, even though you sub conscious was telling you to run.
Damn you and being attracted to hot guys.
He continued his walk with a satisfied smirk, was it really this easy to attract women on the surface?
He continued his quest to find said apple but grew bored as he checked into a on surface hotel. He eventually dialed your number into his hotel phone (since he didn’t have a actual one yet)
“It’s me the guy who was trying to find the apple earlier”
“Oh..Hey, call me to finally say where your from?”
“Something of the sorts, you should come over so we can discuss it.” He smirked looking down at the bed.
“Sure, i’ll be over in a few.”
Like you said you arrived at the hotel with a shirt that made your breasts practically pop out the shirt, pushy? yes. sultry? yes. but he had already called you over so it was obviously worth it.
“You loook…Great.” He grinned at you.
“Thank you.” Your were practically begging to climb the guy down.
“Come in come in.” He ushered you in with his arm, his hand on your back and trailing lower..Giving you a gentle squeeze. You sat on the bed with a little distance.
“Come on, i’m not gonna bite.”
“I know i’ve just never done this before, like going to see a guy at a mysterious hotel, if you weren’t hot i truthfully wouldn’t have even came over.”
“In all truthfulness, i haven’t either.”
“You don’t have to lie to make me feel better.”
“I’m far from a liar.”
“I doubt a guy like you has never gone to a hotel to meet up with someone.”
“A guy like me hasn’t even been to the surface before”
Surface? What the hell was he talking about?
“Surface? Okay you don’t have to be sarcastic.”
“Look between you and me, i’m not from around here. I’m from some place a little further south, And i’m here lie down for a little and just learn a few new things..” His hand slid up your thigh “If you’re willing to teach me.”
“Teach you?…Have you never had sex where you from?”
“Something like that.”
“Well i’m down to teach you as long as you finish telling where your from first.” You smirked, a deal for a deal.
“I’m from atlantis. That city in the water? Yeah that’s me. But i kinda got kicked out momentarily.”
“So are you like the king or something?”
“Well kinda-“
“Because that’s really hot.”
He had to continue the lie now.
“Yes i’m a king. A king who’s never been with a human, one with your beauty at that.”
He kissed you and slid a hand up your shirt and squeezed your breast, your already hard nipples being squeezed made you practically squeal.
“Oh? Humans can do that?” He grinned and grabbed your other breast making you practically moan so loud even the orca whales could hear you from here.
He grabbed your legs and flipped you over his lap so now you were straddling his lap..then he stopped.
“What’s that for?”
“Well underwater we usually do it differently so-“
“Oh..Well humans do it a little differently, want me to guide you?”
“Please yes.”
You kissed him and pushed him back into the bed, un buttoning his belt as you unzipped his jeans. Precum leaking through the base of his undergarments.
You took out his cock and palmed it, already hard he let out soft whimpering from the feeling. “Keep going.”
“Please keep going..”
“You going to good just let go..release in my hand come on- no pun intended.”
Almost on command he came in your hand as you slowly let yourself onto him. And god his size truly changed from palming it to now feeling it inside you.
“Now you just have to move you hips and i’ll do the rest-“
He grinded “Alright then…” He moved his hips slowly and started to make you bounce on him, you let out soft moans as you put your hands on his shoulders.
“I get it now.”
He flipped you over onto your back as your ankles were now on his shoulders as you thrusted into you hard.
“You know underwater- The current gives so much movement it’s hard to honestly get a good rhythm but here! God! It’s great! And humans truly are much more flexible-“ He grabbed your leg and pushed it over your head
“Just amazing.” He knew exactly what he was doing. Pushing his luck.
He knew humans weren’t as durable as atlanteans. But god it was fun. Watching his seamen fall out of your cunt.
He chuckled as you reached another orgasm. Calling out his name as you had never felt someone practically break through you before yet here he was. His first time ever feeling the warmth humans had to offer and he was making you throw your head back as another orgasm made way.
“Fuck-k orm please don’t stop.”
“I wasn’t planning on it, you know what i was planning on? Settling down with you..Maybe making a baby? You want me to fill you up and make a half breed baby? I can imagine it. You just full of my royal seed.”
His own words made him cum (again) as he thrusted into you. His cum leaking out as a trail as he pulled out.
“Thank you,for showing me the way of humans…It’s truly amazing.”
Hopefully plan B still worked when it came too atlantean seed.
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lenaluvbot · 6 months
Snow lands on top
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When the games ended you were more the saddened to leave coriolanus. The connection you both had grew to eachother after the games was something so intense you’d be sure to never forget him….
Fast forward two weeks later and you were already back in your district, back with your now ‘boyfriend’ after you two had broken up for the reaping. He clung back onto you the moment you stepped foot off the train and practically threw his actual girlfriend aside.
It didn’t make it any better when you knew you both were using eachother for something. Even though it wasn’t the same thing. Him using you for popularity and You using him for leverage to fill the whole that was left after coriolanus. You lay awake at night staring at your bedroom ceiling wondering if he did the same. Think of you.
And your thoughts were answered when he popped up one day. With his beautiful locks shaved down to the buzz and his formal red suit reduced to a blue miner outfit. He explained to you that he’d been sent to repay his debt to the capital for cheating abd how he begged to be sent to your district just to see you again.
Just to see you again.
It lingered in your mind as you took a shot of whiskey. Just for your now boyfriend to ruin the moment and go up to you.
Making some kind of joke you pretended to not know him, You are far to distracted by corio and how you wondered if it was possible you’d ever see him again. Just when you felt the cold eyes of someone staring at you.
It was him. He just happened to actually be…here? You wanted to go up to him but felt your body be dragged away to the dance floor where you saw his cold eyes turn into a glare.
You sloppy danced before feeling someone grab you by your waist and pull you out of the crowd.
“What’re you doing with him?”. Strange he cared wasn’t it?
“Coriolanus what’re you doing here? I though you were staying in the-“
“What’re you doing here, with him.” He didn’t care for reintroductions. He wanted to know what you were up too.
“I’m here having a good time with my boyfriend..” He eyes lit up as you rambled about how it wasn’t anything serious but accidentally let one tiny thing slip.
“Yea we planned on getting married and settling down so i don’t get selected again in the games next year.”
“Your engaged?” He got closer and looked you up and down “Really?”
“Wel not engaged- engaged we’re just discussing it.”
“Sure.” A scoff was followed after “I have to go, but meet here tomorrow.”
“For what?”
“Just do it, please.”
You silently agreed as you departed and returned home.
Now you fell asleep staring at the celing thinking of how the man you once thought would never see you again was now seeing you again tomorrow.
You returned to the spot the next day, shivering at the spot as you waited for him. Until you saw him in his blue attire and you noticed. His curls. They’d been shaved.
“It’s so good to see you again.”
“I was going to say the same thing.”
You embraced eachother and felt him run his hand in your hair, he smelt of sweat and some expensive cologne he must’ve brought with him from the capital.
He let go as he looked over you. “Hey, what’s that?”
He point at the now ring on your finger.
“Oh it’s nothing.”
“Sure seems like something.”
“Nosey aren’t ya? It’s just a promise ring.”
He knew very well it was most definitely an engagement ring. “Are you?..Engaged?”
“What? No no it’s just a promise ring no where near time for the wedding”
“So there will be a wedding?”
“No no i didn’t mean to say that”
He obviously was taken aback as he looked a little angry now “So how long have you and your ‘fiancé’ been together.”
“He’s not my fiancée.”
“Mhm well it sure seems like it.”
“After i came back from the games i waited..And we just got close again and we’re going to take things slow, we’re not really gonna get married just saying that so it looks good in the paper.”
It was bullshit and you both knew it.
You only had to get married so you wouldn’t have to work as much and because you couldn’t own what you won by yourself.
“So are you two..Serious?”
“What does that mean? Or why do you wanna know?”
“Because i want too know what my ‘friend’ is up too.”
Friend. You guys were friends now? After all of what you went through?
“Enough about me corio you nosey boy, What’re you doing here?”
“The capital sent me to work. But in so glad to see you again.” He hugged you again, taking in your scent. You smelt so sweet he didn’t want to pull away.
“Can you come with me? It’s a place in the woods. Only a few people know about it. Don’t worry.” I tried pleading with him
“Only for a few moments.”
“Great, come on.”
Taking his hand you dragged him along through the meadows and the trees, he couldn’t stand the outdoors. The capital really did a number on him.
You both finally made it and he looked..to say the least disappointed as if he were expecting more. Must’ve forgotten this wasn’t district 13.
He followed behind you, and for a moment you swore you felt his hands on your waist. Actually. You knew you felt his hands on your wait. Then he turned you around and looked at you.
“Please. Don’t do this to us.” He was begging now but for why?
“It’s not up to me. I have to marry him! If I don’t I’ll be sent off.”
Suddenly a look of anger went across his face, he grabbed you by your face and kissed you so hard. “Can he do that? Hmm? Can he kiss you like that?” Shaking you practically “Does he do that for you? I fucking doubt it!” The walls seemed to shake as you just stared.
“Answer me!! Can he??”
“No he can’t..”
“That’s what I thought.”
You knew the answer so clearly yet you couldn’t wait for the opportunity to kiss him again, so why wait?.
You dug your hand into his face as you kissed him with such passion you couldn’t practically moaned out ‘I love you’
Pulling him to you the tension between you both getting cut by your clothes dropping to the floor, you ran your hand down his cold back and felt something, almost velvety. His scar. From the bombing of the games.
It only distracted you for a moment as the next second you felt him kissing your stomach while repeating your name over and over as if he was in a trance.
Time wasn’t up for waste as he dropped his pants the moment he stopped kissing you and thrusted into you so hard you could feel the bed shake. His movements were hard yet pleasurable as you moaned out his name. Yet it was over powered by his preaching.
“Tell me..Tell me could he fuck you like this? Make you scream his name like this?” He wasn’t one for disrespect as he used his hand and gripped your jaw forcing you to look at him.
“You and I both know he couldn’t. He could never- do this for you like I can..You wanna know why? Because I love you!-“ his breath was heavy yet his words rang clear in your mind.
He loved you.
He loved how you felt ,how you spoke, fuck even how you cried moans of pleasure. It brought a smile to his face.
“Who can fuck you like this hmm?”
“No on-ne but you Coriolanus…No one but you”
“That’s right, who’s making you feel so fucking good right now hmm?” Thrusting on the last word before giving you even a second to think. God he was cunning.
“You. Coriolanus. You it’s always been you.”
“That’s right, that’s fucking right.”
His thrusts grew shorter as you clawed at his back, if only he wasn’t so narcissistic you wouldn’t have this problem of eye contact.
Yet here you were avoiding his gaze, you couldn’t let him see you like this. You knew he’d have something smart to add.
Until you felt a sensation growing in your abdomen that made you want to moan so loud even the mocking jays could recite it.
“Look at me. Look at me when I make you come.” He spat at you grabbing your jaw.
“Fuck- I can’t I can’t..” you hesitated til you felt him give you last thrust making you open your eyes coming face to face with the man responsible.
Your hearing and vision blurred as it felt like you were in the most beautiful place on earth.
The low gutteral moan of snow made you look back up and see him smirk
“It’s beautiful isn’t it? The feeling. I wouldn’t want it to be with anyone else besides you.”
You knew this couldn’t happen again. You were getting married in two weeks.
But who was counting anyways?
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lenaluvbot · 11 months
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Summary: Angsty sex with your husband miguel whose been away a lot longer then usually lately…
Paring: Miguel ohara x Wife
Warnings: SMUT,Dominance kink,Choking kink,Cursing,Breeding kink (for like two sentences)
A/N: I apologize if the spanish is off i had to use google translate <33,anyways i want this man so bad so enjoy this angst i wrote.
Word count: ??
It was you and your husbands three year anniversary for your marriage,You were so excited too celebrate it with him…In anyway possible.
Hours passed as miguel didn’t come home,you sat on the couch in the living room as you waited for him to walk threw the door,arms open and waiting to hug you,But you waited..and waited..until you were passed out on the couch;a blanket that you and miguel had made together layed over you.
You were awoken by the sound of miguel closing the door,locking it,not being quiet in the slightest. He was hours late. So late the food you had made for the both of you was practically frozen.
“Hey honey” He called out to you as he walked over to the couch,his spider-man suit glistening in the cracked moonlight that fell threw the curtains,his tone was blunt as he knew one wrong word would spark and argument.
“Don’t hey honey me,you’re hours late miguel. You didn’t spend anytime with me today,and it’s our anniversary!” “Don’t start this Y/N,not tonight” “No no i am starting this! I made you a full meal that took me all day and you can’t even come home on time” “You know i was working,when we got together i told you me being spider-man would take some time away” “Some time? Some fucking time? Miguel it’s nearly one in the morning. I can’t with you.” You stormed off and walked angrily up the stairs heading to the master bedroom you and your husband shared as he was hot on your tail.
“Baby just calm down…The days not really over- I can make it up to you” He pleaded with you as he followed quickly after you “No miguel,You’ve done enough” He then stopped at the stop stair and looked down crossing his arms.
“La puta” You stopped in your tracks and turns around on your heel “What did you call me...?” “A bitch. Because it’s what your acting like, a greedy bitch who can’t accept the fact I’m busy” “You can’t call me that, I’m your wife!” “I know you are, that’s why I called you it. You need to accept the fact that I'm not always going to be home in time. I do everything for you and you still complain!". His words cut deep as you knew he was right. He was a superhero after all.
"I just wanted to spend our anniversary together, and you make me sound like a bitch for that? You are unbelievable Miguel" "Oh so now I'm the bad guy? Just shut up already. All you do is complain and nag in my ear!" "Fine Miguel. You win. I'm sorry, you were just doing your job and I over reacted...I just missed you" "I know... I know and I'm sorry for getting mad at you honey... I just get so stressed with work, I'm sorry I missed our special dinner...let me make it up too you." His words made you ears perk up as you turned around to face him. His hands were on his hips. His offer sounded interesting as you wanted to know what he really meant.
"Go on..." "Let me make up for my mistake today baby" "How are you going to do that exactly?" "I'm going To make you feel better...emotionally and physically." He got closer to you and wrapped his hands on your waist as he brought his lips to your ear "Let me take care of you, show you how sorry I am.." His words sounded promising as you craved to feel his touch.
He walked with you too the bedroom, his hands on your waist as he took the lead.
Miguel layed you down on the bed as he crawled on top of you, his suit rubbed against your skin causing slight friction as he unbuttoned your skinny blue jeans.
"The moment i saw you put these on today i wanted to rip the off your body, taunting me with you tight ass" He whispered in your ear as he tore them and your shirt off your body, leaving you in your red lacy undergarments.
"So you chose to wear those tonight eh? God you're such a tease" He growled as he bit off your underwear with his teeth, his fangs grasing your inner thigh as he pried your legs open.
"You going to let me fuck you mi amor? Let me fuck your tight pussy tonight? Yeah...Yeah you are". He groaned as he unzipped his suit taking it off in one quick movement as his arm wrapped around your waist. he lifted your legs around his waist so you were lifted up.
His boxers had a hood on them from his erection which was pressed against your inner thigh "You feel that? I'm going to give it all to you tonight baby." He smirked and bit his lip, flashing his fangs at you momentarily. He pulled them down as his cock slapped up aganist his lower abdomen, dripping with beads of precum.
Usually, Miguel would tease you a little, eat you out for a few moments so you could be wet enough where his size wouldn't have been so painful. But tonight, was different. he wanted you to take it all with no prep time.
Without warning he slid into your slick clenched walls and let out a thick groan "Oh god....You feel so fucking good baby, unclench, I don't want to cum yet." He said as he pushed in three of his nine inches inside. His girth practically splitting you in two.
You gasped out from the sudden penetration, cocking your head back into the pillows arching your back to accommodate his size more. "Oh no, I'm going to do all the work here." He said as he dug his talons into your waist, forcing you to stay straight. He pushed in another two inches keeping eye contact with you the whole time, your expression with your eyes rolled back and a gaping mouth where silent gasps came out of it.
He seemed to have grown impatient as he shoved the remaining four inches into your cunt, he began to thrust into you hard. the sound of his cock slamming against you was loud. Almost deafening as he noticed you squirming, still trying to adjust to his dick.
"You aren't getting the point are you? Stay still. The more you move the more you aren't going to get the reward. I know you want it" He moaned as he slammed back into you again. He started using a pace that was pushing you over the edge as you closed your eyes, it was too much.
You were caught off guard as you felt his free hand grip your jaw "Look at me when I fuck you" "I cant Miguel...Its too much- you're too deep" "No I'm not. You want to know what's too deep?" He pushed so hard into you the only sound that left your mouth was a loud moan "That was too deep, but you took it anyways, you are such a good girl for me, you know that?" He said going out and slowing his pace as he felt your orgasm approaching. "Hold it." "Miguel please let me cum-" "I said hold it". He said as he put his hand on your neck. choking you as he flipped you ontop your stomach thrusting back into you from behind.
"You feel even better from behind baby.." He said as he grasped your hair in his hand, yanking it back in his palm, forcing you to slam into him which only made you moan out more.
Using his free hand he forced your body into doggy position, his hands on your hips now as your face was pushed further into the pillows. "Cum. I need you to cum first baby" He said as his animalistic urges took over. he started humping you from behind, slamming your g spot repeatedly. "Miguel I'm gonna-""Go ahead and cum let me hear you moan out".
Your orgasm was downright disgusting as the moan came from the deepest part of your body. "Look at that. You cumming for me like a good girl.So fucking wet and tight..Seeing you like this makes me want to cum,maybe even inside you.Do you want that? Want me to cum deepinside your pussy? Make you a mami?" "Yes..Please,ill withhold your children" "Thats good..Because i feel like im just about to....oh fuck,thats it." He said as he grunted and shot his hot sticky load deep inside you. You felt it start to drip out as miguel used his fingers to push the substance back into your pussy.
"Wouldnt want any of it to leak now would we? How else am i going to make you a mom?" He said snickering as a popping sound was made from when he took out his fingers.
He kissed your back and pulled back the bed sheet covers and crawled into the bed, laying next to your warm body. His arms wrapped around your waist pulling your naked body to him.
"Happy anniversary honey".
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lenaluvbot · 1 year
me going to bed every night after reading the most nasty, sheet gripping, toe curling, filthiest smut about a blue fictional alien
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lenaluvbot · 1 year
defending evil and hated female characters online is a full time job and i clock in every single morning.
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lenaluvbot · 2 years
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