#i made this without mentioning monster energy a single time and you should be proud of me
viviaubm · 9 months
Autumn screams about how good monster hunter designs are 2: Astalos & Boltreaver Astalos
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i dont care who you are. i dont care how you were raised. you have to admit this fuckin roblox overseer looking freak is cool as hell. even its goddamn name is cool. this thing will steal candy from babies and then attack those babies. i mean LOOK AT IT. ITS GOT A DAMN SAWBLADE ON ITS HEAD. ITS BLACK AND GREEN WHICH IS SCIENTIFICALLY SICK AS HELL ACCORDING TO THIS BIOLOGY POST IM MAKING. EVEN THE MUSIC UNDERSTANDS THAT ITS SICK AS HELL. ITS ONE OF THE ONLY THREE MONSTER THEMES IN THE MAIN SERIES THAT USES ELECTRIC GUITAR. THEY FUCKIN KNOW, MAN.
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like come on dude. this is fucking sick as hell. i love the fucking insectoid theming on this bastard. green lightning? fuck yes. god yes. thats so good. fuck. i dont even have as much to say about this guy as i did with shara ishvalda. i just thing hes cool as fuck.
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like im not even sure i have to put into words how cool this fuckin guy is. look at those glowing green eyes. i need you to fucking imagine facing off against this roided out wasp wyvern and then tell me about whether or not you believe in a god.
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i will admit though most of my bias towards this guy is that i used to be a young boy before becoming a hot babe and that young boy thought the color combination of black and green was awesome. which i still stand by. and that dragons are cool as hell. which i still stand by. and that electric powers are cool as hell. which i also still stand by. this vile beast is like everything that i thought was cool as a kid. and like being able to recreate the whimsical thoughts of a child is like the best thing one can do when making a fantasy creature design. thank you for coming to my ted talk
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scripts4dreamers · 4 years
Not Your Hero. chapter 5.
Prologue, Chapter one, Chapter two, Chapter three, Chapter four, 
AN: Let The Games Begin.
Characters: Finnick Odair, Coriolanus Snow, Mags Flanagan
Pairings: Finnick x reader
Spoiler(s): None
Warning(s): Mentions of blood, death, murder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, psychological manipulation, intimidation, sexual harassment 
Prompt/Inspiration: Cringe - Matt Maeson
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By the time you made it back to the tribute center, you’d stopped crying and had instead gone numb. You’d taken your shoes off at some point. Your feet were cold. You sniffed, rubbing your eyes with the back of your hand and remembered, too late, the make up you’d been wearing.
“Fuck,” you said, without any real emotion as you took in the black smudge-marks on your hand, “that’s annoying.”
You weren’t surprised to find Finnick in your living room when you opened the door to your suite. When your client had first started to pull you away, you’d panicked and searched for Finnick with your eyes, but you never found him. Now, some part of you was grateful for that.
He looked a mess. His blazer was flung haphazardly over one end of the couch, his bowtie was loose, the sleeves of his shirt were dirty and rolled up past his elbows and his auburn locks were sticking up in all directions, like he’d been carding his fingers through his hair. He was watching a recap of the tribute parade on television but, when the door clicked into place, he whipped around. His eyes met yours and, as soon as they did, as soon as you saw the care there, the fear and tenderness all swirling together in the eyes of someone you trusted so much, you broke.
You pressed a hand to your mouth, tears spilling over your cheeks in a rush as sobs threatened to tear themselves free from your throat. In a second Finnick had leapt over the back of the couch and was in front of you, his arms half outstretched, like he wasn’t sure whether or not he could-
You launched yourself into his arms, collapsing against his body and letting him engulf you in a firm embrace. He smelled like vanilla and bourbon, and something cool and wild, like the ocean and you clung to that like a life raft, letting it flood your senses and block out everything else. Finnick held you like you were something precious, letting you cry into his shoulder while he stroked your hair and whispered comforting words into your ear. It was so gentle, so loving and tender that it made you feel painfully fragile, like you might shatter into a million little pieces at any second. Part of you wanted to pull away and hide, to push Finnick out and never let anyone touch you ever again. The other part thought that, if Finnick ever stopped touching you, you might die.
“I’m okay,” you eventually sniffed, your voice thick with tears and muffled by Finnick’s shirt.
“No you’re not,” he replied, squeezing you tighter, “I know you’re not.”
“I am,” you insisted, pulling away slightly to look Finnick in the eye, “I mean, I’m not but, the worst is over now, right? It’s done, I don’t have to be afraid of it happening anymore because it’s already happened.”
Finnick looked concerned, like he was fighting the urge to argue, but eventually he nodded.
He reached out and brushed your hair out of your face, making you shiver, “Come on, you should get cleaned up.”
For a moment you panicked. The thought of being alone with your thoughts suddenly so overwhelming that your heart froze but, as Finnick gently took your hand and led you down the hall, you realised what he’d meant. Finnick Odair had no intention of leaving you on your own, he wanted to take care of you. Without so much as a word, he washed your face, combed out your hair and put your shoes back in your closet. He waited outside while you showered, scrubbing yourself clean more times than you needed to because you couldn’t escape the feeling that you’d missed a spot. When you were clean and wrapped in a bathrobe, he helped you pick some pyjamas, three sizes too big with long sleeves and long pants and, while you changed, picked up the dress you’d stepped out of and took it away, putting it somewhere where you’d never have to look at it again.
By the time he got back, you felt almost like yourself again, or more accurately, like someone who could be you, given time. You’d slipped into bed and were sitting up against the headboard, staring into space and trying to convince yourself that it was time to sleep. Finnick, still without speaking, clambered in on the other side and shifted so that his side was pressed against yours. You snuggled into him, resting your head on his shoulder and letting him wrap an arm around your waist. It was comforting and warm and safe with Finnick, the kind of safe you couldn’t remember feeling since the games and you thanked your lucky stars that you’d met him when you did.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Finnick asked.
You shook your head, “Not really. I think you can probably imagine what happened.”
“No, some banker’s son named Proculos. He said he liked my hair.” you explained.
Finnick nodded, “I’ve met him. He’s a prat.”
“He is a bit,” you agreed, “but at least he’s too stupid to be mean.”
Finnick chuckled, even though nothing about the situation was funny, and gave you a gentle squeeze as you lapsed into comfortable silence.
“Thank you, by the way,” you eventually said, “for being here.”
Finnick smiled to himself, “Nowhere else I’d rather be.”
From there, life took on a strange kind of normalcy. Most of your time was spent coming up with strategies for your tributes or watching past games and taking notes. You hung out with the other victors in the sponsor rooms, made connections, charmed people, did interviews. You never talked about what happened with your clients and Finnick never asked you to, but he did watch you a little more intently than before, searching for any signs of distress. On his part, Finnick felt like he was being ripped in half. Every second spent worrying about you was a second he wasn’t spending on Annie and, every second he spent with Annie was a second not looking out for you.
How had this happened? How had Finnick Odair, king of the capitol, known bachelor and playboy, become so deeply entangled in the lives of the people around him?
“Hey, you,” you greeted, breathing heavily as you took a seat next to Finnick, “why the long face?”
You looked incredible, Finnick noticed with his usual pang of annoyance, with your hair pulled off your face and tight fitting training gear on. You’d taken Gloss up on his offer to train you in your free time, building up your strength and endurance with the fiery determination that Finnick had always admired in you so much. It was working too. In the few days it’d been happening, Finnick could already see the beginnings of real improvement. It made him absurdly proud.
“Annie.” He explained, “She’s not getting the buzz she needs from sponsors.”
“There’s still time,” you assured him, “and maybe when the training scores come out-”
Finnick cut you off, shaking his head sadly, “She won’t get higher than an eight.”
“An eight is good!”
“An eight is standard,” Finnick corrected, “at least for us it is.”
“I’d pay someone to give Adam an eight,” you sighed, “right now I’m expecting a five or six.”
Finnick cursed his own insensitivity, “Sorry, Y/N. No one really cares about the training score anyway, unless it’s super high or unreasonably low. They’re not really an indication of how well he’ll do.”
You shrugged, drinking deep from the water bottle you were holding, “I know,” you replied, “I only got a five on my year and look at me now.”
“Exactly,” Finnick smiled, “but for careers…”
“You’ve got to be better than good to stand out,” you commiserated.
You opened your mouth to say something but, before you could, Gloss called you over. You shot Finnick one last sympathetic look and stood to leave.
“I’ll see you tonight, yeah?” you called.
Finnick nodded, pushing down his disappointment, “Yeah, of course.”
“Good,” you smiled.
And, just like that, you were gone, leaving Finnick with his thoughts. He knew he was moping, that there were surely better ways for him to be spending his time than sitting around feeling sorry for himself but, as he watched you and Gloss training in the distance, he couldn’t muster up the energy to do any of it. Without meaning to, he let his mind drift back to that first, horrible night when you’d broken down in his arms.
Never in his life had Finnick been so filled with rage. Not when he was reaped, not when his parents had died, never. That night, for the first time, Finnick had understood the desire to cause pain and fear in another human being. He hadn’t wanted to kill the person who’d touched you, he’d wanted to destroy them, to slowly cut away little pieces of them, one by one, until nothing was left but the raw, ugly, corrupted heart of them. He wanted to make them so afraid, wanted them to feel the pain they’d caused so acutely that they begged for death. Only then did he want to kill them.
It was a terrifying feeling, knowing that that monster lay inside of him somewhere, that it could come out at any time and do something terrible to the people he loved. How could a man be capable of such thoughts, such passionate hatred and such tender care? How could a man be both, without the two sides tearing one another apart?
Despite popular belief, Finnick wasn’t actually an idiot, he knew it was because of you. He knew he cared about you more than he should and his feelings were just a reflection of that but, nevertheless, it made him deeply uncomfortable. That’s why he’d decided to keep his distance a little, put some space between the two of you, redraw those lines separating friendship from more that had become so blurry. It was harder than he’d thought it would be. You were just so...you all the time, and he wanted to be around that every single day. But he couldn’t. He shouldn’t. For both of your sakes, it would be better if he wasn’t. He had other obligations after all, other responsibilities. Annie needed him focussed.
He remembered the look on her face when she stepped on the train like it was yesterday, all wide eyes and abject terror.
“This is insane,” she muttered, “Fin, what’s going on? How is this happening?”
He shook his head, still reeling from the shock himself, and pulled her into a rough hug. His ears were ringing, his fingers were numb, everything around him felt like it was happening in slow motion. Annie? Why Annie? She’d never taken out tesserae, she wasn’t a star pupil at the academy... It didn’t make sense. Why had no one volunteered? Why had she ended up alone on that stage?
It’s because of you, the voice in his head whispered, it’s because of you. You did this, you doomed her. Because of course it had been rigged. There was no way that, in all of district four, Annie Cresta, known associate of Finnick Odair, could be picked randomly for the Hunger Games. It couldn’t happen. This had to be some sort of message from Snow.
Which meant, Finnick realised with growing horror and dread, that it was his fault. She was here, sentenced to die, because of him. Shame wasn’t a strong enough word for what he felt.
He pushed himself up and made his way back to the elevator, determined to get some work done before the event that evening. Finnick could hear your voice echoing against the walls and, for a second, he considered just staying for a little longer. He’d almost decided that he would stay when the elevator door closed behind him and Finnick was reminded, once again, that he was alone. With a sigh, he pressed the button for the fourth floor. He felt like he was making the right decision, but why did it have to be so hard?
When the big day came you felt woefully unprepared. Ever since the victory tour you’d spent every free second trying to make sense of this moment. The start of the games. The first day. Everyone told you that the first one was the worst that, as the years went by, it would get easier. It was meant to be comforting but, to you, it had always sounded more like a threat.
You took a deep breath in, exhaling slowly through your mouth as the hands of the clock ticked on, bringing you closer and closer to the moment of truth. You were vaguely aware of the other mentors flitting around the large viewing room but they were like flies or little birds; pretty, but ultimately distant and unimportant when compared to the screen in front of you. You cracked your knuckles. It should be starting soon. Where was Adam right now? You wondered. Was he in the loading bay? Did he have his tracker in? Had his stylist helped him into his clothes already? Surely she must have. Your eyes flicked to the clock. Yes, by now he would be dressed and ready, maybe even already in the tube. What did they have in store for him?
Your heart was pounding in your ears as you swallowed hard past the lump in your throat. Arketia was explaining what to expect and you were trying to listen, you really were, but your eyes kept being pulled towards the glass ascension tube in the corner of the room. It was like a magnet, pulling you closer and closer to death with every passing second and there was nothing you could do but stare.
A rough hand under your chin pulled you back to the present.
“Focus!” Arketia insisted forcefully, “I’m trying to save your life here you silly girl.”
You winced as her grip dug into your chin, but nodded, recognising the sincerity in your stylist’s eyes.
Her gaze softened and she let go, gesturing to the outfit in front of you again, “Like I was saying; this is all cotton or some other lightweight fabric designed to breathe,” she explained, “except for the jacket. That means hot days and cold nights, you understand?”
“Yes,” you answered, looking over the beige and khaki outfit with a growing sense of dread.
“I would bet on it being some sort of desert,” she continued, “like a savannah or veld land.”
Your bottom lip trembled with the effort to stop yourself from crying, and you could feel the tube pulling your gaze, but you resisted. Arketia was trying to help. And, some part of you pointed out, this might be the last friendly interaction you would ever have.
“If it is, you have to find water, and soon,” she told you, a sort of desperation in her eyes, like she was trying to burn the information into your brain with only her gaze, “you’ll lose a lot in those high temperatures, more than you expect. And it’ll get extremely cold as soon as the sun goes down, so try to find somewhere sheltered to sleep, alright?”
You nodded, biting back a comment about how that was fairly general advice and letting her help you strip out of your fancy capitol clothes. All too soon you were dressed, and all you could do was wait together, sipping on bottles of water like they were a lifeline and letting your anxiety creep up and up and up and up.
“Jesus Christ, you’re really not listening to me, are you?” A voice questioned, snapping you out of your reverie with a jump.
Finnick collapsed onto the couch next to you, his perfectly sculpted face the picture of calm. You could see the tension he was holding in his body though, in the way he held his shoulders and fists. As you examined him further you could see the signs of sleepless nights in his face too. You smiled weakly.
“You look wrecked,” you teased, “your stylist didn’t have something to cover up those designer eye bags?” You asked, poking his cheek with your finger.
He laughed, moving his head away from your prodding, “Hey! Who asked you, kid? It’s rude to pick on me in these trying times.”
You scrunched up your nose, “Oh come on, you know you look perfect as usual. I pick on you purely out of jealousy.”
The banter was light hearted and joking but you both knew that it was nothing more than a smokescreen, a comforting exchange that kept you both from spiralling into uncontrollable panic and fear.
“Aww, Y/N/N,” he replied, the smile not quite reaching his eyes, “you’ve got nothing to be jealous of, kid.”
You flushed but, before you could answer, the anthem rang through the crowded room, silencing everyone and drawing their eyes towards the screens. You felt Finnick tense up beside you but you were frozen in place. Your heart was pounding in your ears as the cold hand of dread gripped your heart. For a moment, as the screens came to life, all you saw was the savannah, the miles and miles of brush and sand and the blistering sun, and the cornucopia; blindingly bright in the sun. And you were right back in it. Only the faint brushing of Finnick’s knee against yours pulled you back. You took another deep breath.
“I can do this,” you promised yourself, “I can do this.”
And with that, you pushed your panic deep down into the recesses of your mind and focused on the scene before you. You heard Finnick sigh with relief, and a few quiet sounds of celebration from the other mentors and you couldn’t help but agree, feeling the knot of worry in your chest loosen slightly. The arena was green, with sloping hills creating a sort of river basin and a towering wall of concrete and cement in the distance that looked like a dam. That fact, in particular, made you smile. Your district was full of dams, they were how you generated power and, even if the dam in the arena was unhelpful, you knew the sight of it would give your tributes some comfort the same way the river would for the tributes of district four. James caught your eye and gave you a brisk nod.
You heard the booming voice of Claudius Templesmith as he announced the start of the games, and the roaring cheer and excitement of the crowds of thousands of Capitol citizens who had gathered in the outside viewing areas. It made a rush of bile rise up in your throat.
The countdown began and, instinctively, you reached out and grabbed Finnick’s hand, squeezing tight as your eyes finally found Adam.
“3….2….1,” the robotic voice called.
“And so it begins,” Finnick said softly.
You nodded, “And so it begins.”
@i-love-you-green​ , @heatherhollowayst
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softsillytwsted · 4 years
The Sleep of Blue Roses
I had this thought in my head of a what if story about an Ace betrayal and couldn’t stop myself from writing this until it was done. This is honestly not what I usually write because it’s kinda dark, but hey - it fits October doesn’t it?
Warnings: implied character death, implied domestic abuse, angst, the slow crawl of helplessness
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Somewhere between now and back when you were still here, Deuce never understood limits. How can he? You were magicless, but you selflessly faced those impossibly stronger than you and succeeded. Deuce felt that nothing was out of reach when he was with you, with Ace, with Grim, Jack, Epel, Sebek...
When did things go wrong?
After weeks of strategizing a way to rescue Grim, who’s habit of eating everyone’s negative energy finally caused him to overblot, the gray monster was finally back to normal. Looking back, Deuce could only see how reckless and impossible the task was. They were up against a monster that had the combined magic and unique magic of the 7 strongest students from an academy of elites. The situation that promised death loomed over everyone, yet with you there, no one had any doubts they would fail. Not Riddle, not Leona, not Azul, Kalim, Vil, Idia, nor Malleus. And the impossible was made possible.
And you left this world thinking the impossible can be made possible.
“I arrived in Twisted Wonderland right after my mom contacted me,” you admitted shyly. “I haven’t talked to her since I was a kid because my dad always told me to stay away from her but... I really want to see her again.”
You were in front of the mirror, bags packed and your friends surrounding you. You can finally return back home and with a piece of the Dark Mirror in your hands you can communicate with them whenever you desired.
Deuce beamed at you, “It’ll go great, I know it will! My mother is always kind to me and she wanted what was best for me. I’m sure yours will be the same too!”
Ace hugged you before you left. “It’s seriously going to get so boring without you around. You better contact us or I’ll go over there and kick your ass.” Jokes aside, you and Deuce could tell by the glint in Ace’s eyes that he meant every word. You smiled at him then, because despite knowing each other for a year, the three of you shared an inseparable bond.
“I promise.”
You left them.
Days passed, then weeks, with no word from you. After one month, Ace angrily stormed into the Mirror Chamber and demanded to go see you.
“They do not exist.”
“Of course they don’t fucking exist, they’re in another world- now lead me to them!”
“They do not exist in this world or in any other world.”
“What the fuck do you mean by that!? They were here just a month ago!” Ace lunged at the mirror. His fists futilely pounded on its glassy surface before he tried to shake the mirror out of its placeholder. Deuce had to restrain the wildly thrashing Ace before the ginger stilled in his arms- lifeless. “Whatever, I’m over it.” He took a deep breath and walked away, ignoring Deuce’s and Grim’s cries after him.
If Deuce took better notice of the chill that followed Ace’s steps, maybe things would’ve been different. Instead, he visited the Mirror Chamber until a year passed and he too gave up- only visiting again on occasion, whereas Grim still stops by everyday.
Ace’s friendship with Deuce and Grim were strained at best. The ginger acted the same, but something was different. Like a cherished photo misplaced. Deuce didn’t question when Ace started hanging out with Kalim and Jamil more and Deuce and the other first years less. Nor did he stop to think about why Ace volunteered to do errands for Azul and Crowley. He even looked away when he saw Ace chatting it up with the two princes of the school.
They graduated like this without mentioning the name Y/n.
“AAH! Oh no are you alright?” Deuce yelled after you when you somersaulted from a heavy onslaught of his color-changing magic. “I’m so sorry!”
You could only giggle at your current state. Ace warned you not to get close to Deuce while he was changing the colors of the roses, but you assumed being behind Deuce would be safe. You were now paying for your mistakes. “Don’t worry about it Deuce,” you paused. The smile you flashed him revealed a weariness he couldn’t comprehend. “It was my fault too.”
Two years later, Deuce finally passed his test to become part of Rose Kingdom’s Elite Division. Right after orientation, he was pleasantly surprised by a visit from Ace who threw an arm over the bluenette’s shoulders and cheekily grinned at him like the two never grew apart. For a long moment, Deuce believed they never did as the two went to a bar to celebrate and catch up. Deuce breezed through all the sleepless nights he spent studying and training; Ace regaled his continuation of his internship. 
“They loved me so much they made a new position to get me to stay!” he said. “And guess what? He said that if he becomes prime minister he’ll make me one of his advisors. Not too bad huh?”
Deuce couldn’t be happier for Ace. He always wondered what Ace, who blanched at the idea of the future, would do with his life. He admits, however, that politics was the furthest thing he would ever imagine his friend doing. “Being in the political scene can be dangerous I hear. Luckily I can assign my own bodyguards, including a certain elite policeman.”
This was news to Deuce. He was unaware of any political strife that would need the Elite Division, which specialized in magic-related crimes, to act as bodyguards... Maybe he needs to follow the news more closely. Regardless, Deuce grinned with all teeth and slammed his fist in his palm. “Just leave it to me, no way in hell I’ll let my buddy get hurt.”
“...Glad I can count on you... buddy.”
Deuce helped you up and tried to wipe off the paint on your uniform. You didn’t bother telling him that he was only smearing the paint into your clothes because of the look of concentration on his face telling you how hard he wanted to make this right. “Oh Deuce, you ended up painting the finished roses blue too.”
“What? Oh no...” he groaned at the extra work he’ll have to do. Will he be in time for the Unbirthday Party?
“Hey relax, I’ll help you out! We should be finished within an hour if we hurry,” you reassured him. He flashed you a grateful smile which you returned with a soft smile of your own.
The time between then and the election passed with a blink of an eye. Once his candidate won, Ace swaggered over to Deuce’s department with the confidence and authority that didn’t fit a 21 year-old advisor. It didn’t take long for Deuce to find himself a part of Ace’s security detail. It took an even shorter amount of time for Deuce to feel like he was slowly crawling into a waking nightmare.
Deuce tried to ignore it, tried to give Ace the benefit of the doubt, but he couldn’t excuse the things Ace did right in front of him. Dismissals of important emergency committees, deregulation of organizations with authority, increased spending on militarized weapons. The public blamed all these new policies on their new prime minister, but Deuce knew who the real mastermind was.
It didn’t take long for him to confront Ace - especially after he realized that the recent strings of overblot cases popping up across the country were a direct result of Ace’s policies.
“So what are you going to do about it?” Ace sneered. Deuce looked away; the gun in his hand hung lifelessly by his side. “You couldn’t even stop Y/n from leaving to die. You definitely won’t stop me from having my way with this country.”
“Don’t give me that... You know exactly what I’m talking about.” Ace looked at Deuce like he was a bug beneath his shoe, but the quake in his eyes said otherwise. “You’re hereby dismissed from your post. If the next time I see you and you try to stop me, I’ll crush you.”
Ace walked away from Deuce- just like he did years ago.
“I’ve done too much to have you get in my way.” 
Deuce felt so lucky to have met you, despite the rocky beginning. You never hesitated to help and encourage him. Sometimes, when his vague idea of an honor student wasn’t enough to guide him, he would look to you.
He wondered if you knew how much he wanted to repay you for being you.
He wondered if he can one day be someone you would be proud to know.
He wondered... what you thought of him.
The familiar halls of Night Raven College felt comforting - a temporary balm to the turmoil Deuce felt lately. He had hoped to see some of his old teachers and Crowley, but the school’s headmaster was tasked to find the Magic Mirror, the legendary mirror that the Beautiful Queen used once upon a time. No doubt, this was Ace’s doing.
When Deuce reached the Mirror Chamber, he was surprised to find Grim was nowhere to be found. Deuce ignored the churning in his stomach and thought to himself that maybe he was just early. After all these years, Grim never stopped believing that you would return to them. Crowley always spoke with pity in his voice about how the little monster would visit the Dark Mirror everyday- waiting, staring.
Deuce respectfully crouched in front of the mirror - like a mourner in front of a grave. 
“Hello Y/n I’m sorry it’s been a while since my last visit,” Deuce began, he softly smiled while thinking of all the memories he had of you. “I was able to pass the qualifications to be part of the Elite Division. One of my first assignments was actually to guard Ace, can you believe that?”
He paused and tried to gulp down the lump in his throat. “Um… about Ace he… he’s made it big as a politician. He’s my friend and I was happy for him but… a part of me is scared. He’s not the same anymore after you left Y/n. Looking back, I can’t help but think how reckless and dumb we were to risk our lives against people we had no chance against. But we always made it through thanks to you.” Every single sentence, every single word came out in a rush. It was a confession to all the sins he committed letting Ace go. A realization that he could never be the man he wanted you to be proud of.
“You somehow make the impossible possible… I… I really need that right now...” He begged, “Please… I need...”
Deuce didn’t realize he was crying until the tears flowed down his cheeks and onto his clenched fists. He looked up at the Dark Mirror and activated it. “Oh Dark Mirror, show me Y/n.”
“They do not exist.”
“Hey Deuce,” you began as you picked up a blue rose. The two of you were almost done cleaning up the mess Deuce made and you decided now was the time to take a breather. Deuce slouched in the shade of the hedge, too tired to do anything but hum to show he was listening. “In my world, blue roses were never found naturally, so they symbolized the impossible. But after years of research, my world was able to grow one.”
You handed Deuce the rose, its petals shone brilliantly despite its withering edges. Deuce took it curiously and the two of you shared a sweet smile.
“They now symbolize miracles.”
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letterstomilen · 4 years
i discuss the classification of igneous petrology as you fall asleep during my lecture (PART 1) (ASMR)
Childe/Zhongli, Alternate Universe (read part 2 here) When Childe's younger sister tells him about the volunteer at the library, he does not make the connection between that and his new favorite ASMR YouTuber, Rex Lapis.
Childe has a very effective method of getting through college. His little sister, who’s caught him making coffee at three in the morning on more than one occasion the past week alone, would beg to differ. 
“You’re the best older brother,” she starts off, and he’s sure she’s trying to convince herself more than him at this point, “but you need to fix your sleeping habits.” Then, because she’s his little sister, she’d flash him a smile and pat his shoulder reassuringly.
(The comment is not lost on him though. He understands his sleeping situation will eventually wear him down if it hadn’t already, but he believes if he’ll drink a coffee every morning and a Monster every night, he’ll get through three days. By the third day, he’ll hardly be coherent but that doesn’t matter because he’ll conk out for the next twelve hours and then repeat.)
“Don’t worry, Tonia,” he says, trying to sound as reassuring as possible as he contemplates whether it’s worth it or not to swallow a pill of 5-hour energy with his morning coffee. “Once break ends, I’ll get back to normal.”
“You said that six seasons ago.”
Childe frowns, trying to remember if his sleeping schedule was this dysfunctional last year. “Huh?”
“The Walking Dead seasons,” Tonia clarifies, as if she’s not twelve years old and the show is for grown adults. He thinks. He hasn’t checked Commonsensemedia ever since La Signora labeled him as a “helicopter parent” and his Netflix tab has been playing How to Get Away with Murder as background noise for the past few weeks.
Isn’t it a show about zombies though? Tonia’s sheepish smile tells it all, because it’s the same exact guilty look he had when he got caught red-handed as a kid.
(Once he remembers later, Childe promises himself, he’ll check out The Walking Dead.)
“Oh. Well. I have a lot of shows to catch up on, you know. Not to mention a ton of my professors gave me reading for over the break.”
A half lie. They did give him a lot of reading because each professor assumed that their classes were his only one, and with seven days left, he still has a textbook worth of reading to go through. But there are no shows that Childe would sacrifice his precious sleep for. As a matter of fact, he would love to sleep. He’s spent the majority of his classes back in high school sleeping and faking attention, saving his grade at the last minute — it was quite the extreme sport really, if he says so himself.
Whenever he tries to sleep recently, his thoughts run at several hundred miles per hour, and he spends several hours staring at the ceiling before succumbing to the computer at his desk and watching trashy movies. At this point, he must have gone through the entire romance comedy list on Netflix. (Not a proud point in his life but if anybody ever wanted him to give a list of best to worst romance comedy movies, he now has one.)
Tonia, on the other hand, isn’t incredibly convinced.
Admittedly, the excuse was lame. Also, he can’t easily lie to his little sister, who’s far shrewder than he takes her for at times.
“You never start your reading in advance. You like to speed read it right before your class or watch a five-minute video on the chapters while your teachers take attendance. But that’s… uh, ‘a bad work ethic.’” Tonia looks immensely proud of herself as she says this, finishing it off with, “Zhongli told me that.”
“Zhongli?” he repeats, trying to remember if that’s one of her classmates or some stranger that’s hoping to kidnap his sister.
“The guy that volunteers at the library sometimes. He recommended me a loot of good books to read, but he talks like an old man.”
“How old?” Childe can tell she’s enjoying this — talking about her new friend at the library that he’ll probably have to run a background check on.
“Like he’s in his sixties or something. But he looks… actually, he looks your age! And he’s a student too. I told him all about you.”
Well, that doesn’t sound very reassuring coming from the mouth of a twelve-year-old. He’s not sure if that translates to his social security number, his current dilemma, or just that he’s her older brother.
“Like all of the stories you told me when I was a kid. And then when Lumine came to pick me up, she stayed to show him pictures of you too.”
“Of course she did,” he mumbles, ruffling her hair. One of these days he’s going to move without telling his classmates and the twins won’t enter his apartment unannounced. (But Tonia adores their company and the stories they tell her far too much for him to actually do it. But that doesn’t mean he’s above making threats when they tell his little sister about the bet he made about white-out and how it could dye hair. The jury is still out on this one.) “She’s just mad because I get away with it and she doesn’t. But don’t do it yourself. It’s a bad habit,” he adds, remembering that he should at least try to be a good influence on his younger sister when he can.
“Okaaay,” she says unconvincingly, before shaking her hair and running off to her room with lunch he prepared for her.
Watching her close the door and no doubt continue her binge of The Walking Dead, he takes out his phone and texts Lumine.
ur a horrible influence on tonia
and whos this ZHONGLI
also is twd appropriate for 12 y/os
 Twin 1
a normal person would say hi
 Twin 1
also 1. me n aether watched it when we were 12 so probably and 2. some guy at the library that also goes to our school
 Well. At least he’s somebody they know. But The Walking Dead?
thats not very convincing
also dont ppl DIE? get BITTEN???? what if she gets nightmares
 Twin 1
isnt she 12 r u telling me u weren’t watching R rated movies at 12
thats very different from a 10 season long show that is hailed as “one of the greatest horror shows in history” and “paved the way for post-apocalyptic horror”
 Twin 1
well if she has trouble sleeping she could always watch asmr. that helps me during midterms idk
whats asmr
asking for my sister btw
 Twin 1
A feeling of well-being combined with a tingling sensation in the scalp and down the back of the neck, as experienced by some people in response to a specific gentle stimulus, often a particular sound.
 Twin 1
people on the internet make random sounds or just talk into a mic n its supposed to be very relaxing. how have u never found out abt this?????
idk the only thing on my youtube recommended r greatest stunts and chapter review videos
 Twin 1
… makes sense
 Twin 1
check out rex lapis’ channel he looks like ur type
i thought we were talking about my sister????
 Twin 1
[message screenshots.jpg]
 Twin 1
ya she told me everything
 Twin 1
have fun i need to convince aether to not commit arson bc of his TA
hope he does it
He opens his Youtube app, typing in Rex Lapis and expecting Lumine’s suggestion to be a joke. Despite them being friends for nearly two years now, she’s never made any indication of knowing his type. And he’s sure he’s never been that vocal about it either, only shooting appreciative looks at history majors and paying more attention than necessary to the TA for ‘Tradition of Justice and Law.’ (It’s unfortunate that those short-term crushes never led to anything, but maybe that’s for the better seeing that Childe has never understood the appeal of relationships.)
It is an ASMR channel, judging by the ASMR playlist he finds as he scrolls through the account. The icon shows no face — only a microphone — which leaves him skeptical. Most of the video titles belong in a petrology lecture as well, which makes him even more convinced that it’s a joke. He finds a few readings of ancient literature and decides to pick ‘I discuss the classification of igneous petrology as you fall asleep during my lecture (PART 1) (ASMR)’ because that’s exactly what he needs. (Not the very moment — but ten hours later when he’s in the bed memorizing the pattern of his ceiling wondering why he stole from his fifth grade teacher’s candy jar during lunch.)
When Childe opens the video, he damn near gasps.
The man in the video is exactly his type. His eyes are a soft amber color, framed with long lashes, and it’s almost enough for him to lose his dignity and message Lumine a long thank you text about how she is always right and he’ll pay for her coffee for the following week.  He smiles at the screen, albeit a little sheepishly, dark hair framing his face with a long ponytail that Childe can’t see the end of. On his right ear, there are a pair of earrings with a single feather that brush against his neck when he moves his head.
Even before he speaks, Childe is mesmerized, sure he’ll already memorize his features from the curve of his nose to the way he tilts his head, displaying the expanse of his neck.
Really — he reminds him of actors in historical dramas, the way he sits regally, and how he speaks. His voice is low and slow as he adopts a careful manner of speaking, leaning into the mic.
“I’m Rex Lapis, and I’ll be discussing igneous petrology today, which is part one in a three-part petrology series. I apologize in advance, seeing that my knowledge is limited compared to many petrologists out there but my friend Venti said that many of my viewers are here for my voice, so I’m very excited to start today’s video.”
Holy shit.
For the following week, Childe learns less about petrology, the philosophy of economics, and historical revisionism concerning matters of war and more about Rex Lapis, who is not in love with his voice but often finds himself in the middle of long tangents without explanations. His favorite book series is the Legend of the Lone Sword, which he says he’ll look forward to reading out loud for the channel. (Childe replays that part of the video again and again, captivated by his excitement as he mindlessly taps the mic while he speaks, his tangent cutting off mid-word — as it usually does, much to his dismay.)
His guilty obsession is not lost on Tonia, who realizes that instead of drinking Monster every night he’s been engrossed in his phone completely, often not noticing her or when the water starts bubbling. But because his sleeping schedule has been alleviated, she says nothing until Lumine comes over as she always does, not forgetting their weekly schedule of watching trashy movies while leeching off of Childe’s food.
Because he doesn’t trust the twins with the kitchen — even if they can cook — she instead spends her time sitting next to Tonia and spreading more of her anti-Childe propaganda while they wait. This usually involves Tonia occasionally calling out Childe’s name and asking, “Is that true?” or “Did you really do that?”
This time is different though.
Worried that Lumine finally decided to show Tonia a video of last semester’s presentation, he leans over, looking at the computer screen.
And he’s wrong. Unfortunately. Maybe it should’ve been his presentation because even if he botched it and accidentally projected his work process — screaming notes and all — to the class instead of his actual presentation, it would’ve been better than the two of them watching one of Rex Lapis’ videos together.
The ‘I read Erosion: Essays of Undoing to you as it rains outside’ video, to be specific, which is where Rex Lapis is embarrassed by Venti mid video when asked if this was his idea of a date with a lover. (And then it ends with Rex Lapis asking for video suggestions from the commentors, his face still flushed from the previous comments.)
Oh God — oh fuck.
“So he is your type,” Lumine says, her expression a bit too smug for his liking. Tonia looks half awake, scrolling through articles as the video plays, more interested in ‘Top 10 Glenn Rhee Moments’ than Childe’s crush. Her expression is a bit guilty as she does so — she’s biting her lip and avoiding his gaze, but he assumes that it’s just because they went through his YouTube history.
“I can neither confirm nor deny that statement,” he retorts, but the YouTube history she pulls up once Tonia hands the computer over to her says it all. (It’s quite mortifying, really — even Tonia is giving him a look, but it’s not as bad as Lumine’s shit eating grin.)
“Well… he does have a nice voice,” Childe finally says, thinking that perfectly encompasses his most recent obsession. Because he does have a nice voice — it’s soothing and speaks to him without really speaking to him directly. (The good looks are a bonus, he assures himself. A fantastic bonus, but a bonus nonetheless.)
“He does,” Tonia confirms, smiling toothily up at him, and he resists the urge to ruffle her hair with Lumine staring at him so skeptically. “But I don’t understand much of what he’s saying. He — heh — talks like an old man.”
“Don’t worry, Tonia, your brother likes him because he’s attractive,” Lumine informs her, now fast forwarding on one of Rex Lapis’ videos. “Did you know that he lives nearby?”
The knife he’s holding clatters to the floor, and the two look down and back up at him with— hold on, why does it feel like they’re in on a secret he doesn’t know about?
“Yeah, he’s working on his grad thesis I think… Aether told me it was about something on history,” she muses. “That’s why I recommended his channel to you. He’s a bit of a celebrity in his department.” Childe’s sure his jaw dropped now, trying to maintain his facial expression as he takes out a new knife to chop up the onions.
“Really,” he tries to say as calmly as possible, wondering how he should accompany Aether to his lectures without trying to seem as obvious as possible. His voice is a bit shaky he realizes but he can’t quite make the connection between Rex Lapis and actual graduate student that goes to his university.
“Yeah, actually…” Lumine is definitely pretending to think now, enjoying this far too much. “He—”
“It’s Zhongli!” his little sister yells excitedly, practically jumping up and down at this point as if she won the lottery. “Zhongli runs an ASMR channel and he talks just like that in real life! Right, Lumine?”
Childe sighs, holding a hand up to his face. The realization that he’s been obsessed with the same guy that hears about every stupid thing he did secondhand is way too much — and the fact that he’s been listening to his voice every night before he went to bed the past week is way too much. He’s sure his face is redder than before judging by the amused expressions on Lumine’s and Tonia’s faces — really, they’re mirror images of each other right now.
Not for the first time, Childe swears to himself that he’ll never let her into his apartment without signing a contract ever again.
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
Missing - Part 3.3
There will be one more part to finish this chapter.
“Thank you for coming on such short notice. We just have a few questions to ask you.”
“Of course! Anything to help!”
“I guess to start: What is the nature of your relationship with Marinette Dupain-Cheng?”
“She’s a cool kid. She works hard, goes above and beyond, and is really creative. She’s got talent, let me tell you!”
“I see. So you’ve had interactions with Marinette? Perhaps even meetings?”
“Well, sure. I’ve commissioned a few things from her. She’s one of the only ones who gets my style, you know?”
“Were these meetings generally private?”
“Yeah. We kind of have to keep them on the down low. She’s just a kid, after all and the last thing anyone wants is for her to be hounded or bothered by the media. So it’s just me and my team and her and her parents.”
“Wait—and her parents?”
“Of course! Have to get the parentals’ okay before asking their little girl to make anything, regardless of what I’m paying for it. It only seemed right since my requests are taking up her time. She’s just started working on a new jacket that includes an accent that is supposed to glow in the dark!”
“Yeah. Plus Tom and Sabine are awesome. Even if they put their foot down about allowing her to try and make a jacket for pet—”
“Sir, are you aware of Miss Dupain-Cheng being in a relationship?”
“You mean that blond kid she’s crazy about? Did she finally ask him out?”
“Well, no. There have been some reports of her having an...um...older boyfriend?”
“And that he looked like...you?”
Paris was a lovely city. Full of equally loving people.
“Here!” Andre held out the ice cream with a joyful note in his voice. “A magical treat for our magical savior!”
Ladybug started in surprise. She tried to decline politely even as she couldn’t help but eye the ice cream with longing. “Oh, I couldn’t—“
“Nonsense!” He reassured her, pushing the cup to her. “It’s the least I can do after all you’ve done for Paris!”
Well, if he insisted...
She accepted the offering, feeling the chill in her fingers even through her suit. “Thank you.”
“But of course! And who knows? Maybe it will help bring love to your life.”
She highly doubted ice cream could accomplish that.
“You never know.” He told her as he gave her a conspiratorial wink. “There is all sorts of magic in this world. You are proof enough of that!”
She simply smiled and bade him a good day before leaving with ice cream in hand.
Such a strange man, she mused. But the offer was nice of him. And the ice cream was rather good.
The people here were quite kind. Upon seeing her, many of them had wanted to give her such treats or other foods for free. Part of her felt bad for accepting the offers, even as they insisted it was out of thanks for helping them so much.
But as much as she wanted to decline—and probably should have at points, she kept accepting. It seemed likely for the best though. And now she wasn’t sure she should refuse.
She hadn’t realized how tired she had been getting until after that first incident of a civilian insisting on giving her cookies. While she had reluctantly accepted at the time, she had noticed a marked difference after ingesting the first one and almost inhaled the rest afterwards.
It was…unusual. She didn’t remember being like this before.
But it became more clear over time that she was losing energy. And food—particularly sweets and confections of that like—would be enough to recharge her strength.
When she first realized she was able to stay out longer after a battle, she had taken to patrolling and trying to track down any potential akumas before they could reach their target in hopes of determining their origin and where Hawk Moth may be hiding. But she hadn’t made any progress after the first couple of days, and didn’t realize just how much energy she was using up.
Now, she was trying to be more cautious and conserve her strength. After all, Hawk Moth was bound to send out an akuma sooner or later. And while she hoped to find the butterfly before it could akumatize anyone, Paris was a big city and it was not logical to expect she would just happen to be in the right place at the right time to find it before an attack could occur. In that event, she needed to ensure she still had energy for the battle. So while she would still patrol regularly, she had been making a point to take breaks and rest more often throughout the day.
But why was she still out? What normally happened once the fights were over to restore her strength? And why wasn’t it happening this time?
Something felt wrong, but try as she might, she couldn’t figure out what it was.
She paused for a moment, considering.
Perhaps Hawk Moth was planning something?
It had been a good few days since the last akuma. And he had yet to try anything since.
She frowned. It was rational, but something felt wrong.
She drew out of her musings to look around the park. It was rather empty, but it was also getting late so there were less civilians around. There were only a couple of people in the area. One was a young woman walking a dog. Two kids who were cutting through the park to get somewhere. And a single elderly man in a Hawaiian shirt who was seated on a bench nearby and appeared to be having tea.
Noticing her gaze, the man smiled and nodded to her in greeting.
“Hello, Ladybug. It is a rather lovely evening, is it not?”
“I suppose.” She replied, more out of politeness than any real agreement. It was just another day in Paris, as far as she could tell. Though the lack of an akuma was nice.
The man smiled, not at all put off by her response. “It is getting later, though. I imagine many people are are returning to their homes.”
She nodded. That made sense. And explained the growing lack of people in the area.
He looked up at her, seemingly curious. “Should you not return to your home as well?”
Ladybug blinked at that. “Home?”
“Certainly. I am sure that even a hero of Paris has a place she can rest at the end of the day.”
She frowned, trying to consider his words.
She had been active for days. Probably a week or so by this point. Whatever was supposed to happen after an akuma fight hadn’t this time, so she didn’t have a place to go.
“I have nowhere else I need to be.” She replied simply. It was true enough at any rate. Clearly dealing with Hawk Moth was the priority, and this was as good a chance as any to try and gain some advantage or intel.
The man, however, appeared concerned.
“Do you not have a life to return to? A family waiting for you?”
A life? A family.
How bizarre.
Such little things. So pointless. They would only hold her back and distract her from the mission at hand.
“Of course not.”
Homes and families were for the civilians she protected.
She didn’t need those things.
Why would she? She was Ladybug.
Just Ladybug.
Kim liked to think he had grown some since the school year started. A bit at least.
He would admit he wasn’t the smartest person—that title belonged to Max and he was quite proud of his friend for it. After all, not just anyone could make a working robot that could live and feel.
But nonetheless, Kim wasn’t stupid. He just liked to believe the best in people.
Granted, that didn’t always work out—like with his attempt to ask out Chloe on Valentines Day.
But then there were the times it did—like when he sacrificed himself to save Chloe and his other classmates during the whole ‘kissing zombies’ incident.
Well…sort of. Chloe was still Chloe either way. But at least the zombies were dealt with. And Chloe…did seem to be trying to do better.
Emphasis on ‘trying’.
But in that regard, Kim had been trying as well. He had undergone some changes since the start of the year. He didn’t like to think it, but he hadn’t been the most observant or empathetic guy. He was self-centered in a lot of ways, not out of any malice, but simple ignorance. He had often done things without thinking. And while he may not have intended to be mean, he would still act in ways that would upset others without realizing he was doing it.
But having a friend turn into a stone monster and try to kill him made Kim reevaluate his idea of friendly teasing or just how he interacts with people in general.
And his idea of gentle ribbing may not be so gentle or friendly to others. It was…something he’d had to learn the hard way. And even relearn, given the panther incident. And again with Odine…
It was something he was still working on. And had to catch himself at times. Whether or not he intended harm didn’t matter. That he had been trying to be helpful in his own way also didn’t matter. Because Kim’s idea of tolerance and what was okay or too much or not enough was different than other people’s. It was something he still struggled to be mindful of.
That was why he didn’t comment on the strangeness of Lila’s injuries.
A sprained wrist should have been in a brace of some sort. Some of her reported injuries should have had indicators like scratches, bruises, or red marks. Her claimed arthritis should have involved swelling or tremors. But there was often nothing.
There were points when Lila’s claims of being in pain made him raise an eyebrow.
Kim was an athlete, and had his fair share of experiences with people who had injuries and how they worked. So it was strange to him that Lila could be lacking any of the common indicators. But some injuries couldn’t be seen easily, and he also had experience with what could happen if they weren’t treated appropriately because of assumptions based on that.
Lila’s symptoms were strange and all over the place. But Kim wasn’t a doctor. It wasn’t his place to judge or determine.
Not to mention that people were different. She could just have a lower pain threshold. And it was possible her body could just outwardly heal fast as far as appearances go.
Kim had no way of knowing for sure without either questioning her or becoming invasive. But he wanted to take her word for it, so he continued to help her out. He didn’t mind, really. What was a lunch tray or an extra bag to carry for a few minutes anyway?
He understood Marinette’s anger at the idea of being used. He didn’t like the thought either. But if it did turn out that she was lying, what did he really lose? He still would have helped out. There didn’t need to be any injuries involved. Honestly, he would have done the same if any of the other girls had asked. Heck, even if one of the guys had.
There was nothing he lost by a few minutes of kindness here and there. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t worth questioning or trying to argue over.
While he could understand why Marinette might be upset if she thought Lila was lying, he didn’t see any reason to actively try to disprove it.
It was like people with allergies or unseen medical issues. Just because you couldn’t see where they had a health problem didn’t mean it wasn’t there.  Even if there isn’t necessarily active proof, it was safer to treat the person like the condition was real because you don’t know for sure. And you could just be making yourself out to be a jerk either way if you did act on it.
Even if the napkin incident was kind of lame.
He saw the way the class almost got up in arms over Lila’s claimed injury by a napkin. He saw the way Max clearly wanted to say something to correct them. He also saw the way Marinette only got upset because of it. Maybe he should have spoken up then, but he didn’t want to be dismissive of Lila’s health issues regardless of how real he thought they were.
Maybe catching the napkin WAS enough to bother her? It could have been the movement of her arm rather than the weight of the napkin. He didn’t know. And he’d had enough instances of being a jerk because he questioned and pushed things instead of simply accepting them.
He did feel bad for Marinette though. If she was so distrustful of Lila, he was sure she had reasons. But trying to disprove someone’s medical condition in such a blatant show wasn’t really the best way to go about things if she didn’t believe they were real. He agreed with her that it was fishy, though, and considered that if it kept happening, maybe they could try some other way of finding out for sure. Talk with the teachers about their concerns. Check with the nurse to confirm if any of this is in her medical history. Maybe see if as the Class Rep, Marinette couldn’t get in touch with Lila’s mom to determine her needs. That way, they could at least be sure and have all the information straight.
He figured he could talk to her about it at some point when there was time.
He thought they’d have time.
But life happens.
People act without thinking.
Akumas go on a rampage.
Friends go missing.
And suddenly little things like whether a classmate is faking injuries for perceived special treatment he would happily have given regardless seemed a lot less important.
He had to have priorities.
His main priority at this time, other than schoolwork and sports, was to try and find Marinette or any clues on what happened to her. Which was why he was still going out on the streets after school to search.
It had been something he started since the class initially discussed plans to try searching themselves. And it’s something he hadn’t stopped since then either.
Admittedly, it wasn’t the brightest move to go searching alone, but that was why he had Max on speed dial in case anything happened to him. His parents were informed and knew where he would be each outing. And he also had his phone set up to keep track of his location, which his parents could easily find and Max was no doubt keeping track of even at this moment.
They made a good team this way. Not just brains and brawn, since Max wasn’t weak anymore than Kim was stupid. But they both had their strengths and they worked best as a team when they each played to their strengths.
In this case, Max was searching as well in his own way, even if that way was from his computer rather than in person. Kim could get farther faster on foot whereas Max could span miles in minutes by computer. That way, they could coordinate and cover more ground.
They kept in touch constantly though. Which is how Kim knew something was wrong.
“Max? You there?”
There was only silence.
He looked at his phone in worry. Of the two of them, Kim was the one who was supposed to be more likely to encounter some sort of trouble. What could possibly happen to Max in his room?
“Max? Anyone?”
That wasn’t Max.
“Oh thank goodness!” The AI spoke from the phone screen, clearly frazzled. “An akuma appeared and took us!”
“Wait—what?! Why?!” Max had been in his room! Why would anyone try to go after him and Markov specifically? Kim frowned, eyes narrowing as he took charge. “Do you know who it is?”
“From my data, the akuma was a match for Lady Wifi.”
Kim gasped. “Alya?”
It made sense, now that he thought about it. He hadn’t been there for the incident, but he had heard from others in the class how Alya had apparently been suspended after supposedly attacking Lila while they were alone in class. He wasn’t sure he believed it, as that sounded particularly out of character for the blogger. It was now with a sickening realization that he remembered the last time Alya had been suspended in what was later revealed to be an unfair manner.
If Alya had been wrongfully accused and punished—especially if she was suspended a second time for a similar reason—they should have figured that Lady Wifi would be likely to make a reappearance.
But why go after Max? He hadn’t even been involved!
“What should we do?” Markov asked. “I’ve routed myself to Max’s phone to contact you, but I don’t know how long it may be until she realizes it.”
“Do you know where she’s taken you guys?” Kim asked, glancing around his own location and already starting to work out what would be the best course to take.
“We appear to have been taken to a cellphone tower. One near the TVi station.”
“But why there?”
It didn’t make sense. If Alya was Lady Wifi, wouldn’t she go after Lila? Or the school? Or really anywhere that has more cellphones around for her to make use of?
“I am uncertain.” Markov replied, all the more worried. There was a pause, seemingly as something was happening on Markov’s end that Kim couldn’t hear. “She wants us to hack the tower. What should we do?”
Okay, this was time for action. Alya was the akuma, meaning the Ladyblog wouldn’t alert anyone of the attack. Quickly, Kim sent out a mass text to the class to give warning in case Lady Wifi would try going after them as well.
“Do what she says for now and keep an eye on her and Max. I’ll try to see if I can’t find help.”
Ladybug had been patrolling more actively lately, hadn’t she?
He just needed to find her.
Kim: Need to alert LB nd CN. If anyone gets ahold of them, let us know!
A few minutes later, he had a response.
Adrien: Just spoke to Chat. He’s on his way.
By the time the two came down from the roof, school was already over.
Nino noticed the time and groaned once he realized how late it was. “I’d better check in with Alya and let her know we’re okay.” He pulled out his phone and started up a text as the two continue walking out of the building, passing other students. Nino gave a mutter about how he was already going to have one lady angry with him once his mom found out he’d skipped the rest of his classes for the day.
Adrien smiled sympathetically, but knew he wouldn’t be much help. He was pretty sure his father would be furious with him as well once word got back to him. So focused on their encroaching doom, neither noticed that they had passed Ivan and Mylene, getting their attention.
“Wait, Nino? Haven’t you heard?” Mylene called out to him. Nino and Adrien drew to a stop as the couple approached. There was something about Mylene’s terseness and Ivan’s frown that made them worry.
“Did something happen?” Nino asked. He and Adrien had been on that roof for a while, so there was no telling what they may have missed.
“Alya’s been suspended for fighting.” Ivan told the, looking distressed.
Both boys gaped.
Mylene nodded, upset. “Rose and Juleka came in and told us that Alya attacked Lila.”
“Where is she?” Nino demanded.
“Lila’s at the nurse’s station.” She continued with a gesture back towards the school. “She had a mark on her cheek but wasn’t hurt otherwise.”
But Nino only shook his head, appearing more frantic. “No, not her! Where’s Alya?”
“She left, man.” Ivan answered, drawing the attention to himself. “She was taken to the Principal’s office and her mom came to pick her up.”
Mylene shuddered. “I’d never seen her so angry before.”
Nino and Adrien shared a look, both worried and feeling a sense of foreboding.
“This is bad.” Nino moaned.
Adrien wilted in on himself at the news.
“It had to have happened just after I left.” He murmured in dismay.
Was this his fault?
Would it have been prevented if he had stayed?
“Wait a minute. Adrien, were you there?” Mylene asked.
He froze at that. They...they wanted to know, right? They wouldn’t be asking if they didn’t. Part of him wanted desperately to tell the other two what had happened.
But would they believe him?
“Go ahead, man.” He heard Nino say from right next to him. “They’ll listen.”
Both Ivan and Mylene nodded encouragingly.
He didn’t want to say it.
He didn’t want to revisit that moment of heartbreak, even as he tried to convince himself that none of it was true.
“Lila said that Marinette ran away.“ Seeing their horrified expressions, he steeled his resolve and continued. “Because of us.“
Mylene gasped.
Ivan clenched his fists, his smile dropping in an instant. “She what?!”
“They were already arguing by the time I got there.” Adrien explained. “Alya was angry. Lila was taunting her. Saying...all kinds of hurtful things.” He took a breath. “She admitted to lying about everything. Insulted Alya and everyone else for believing her. And she said…” He felt Nino’s hand come to rest on his shoulder, encouraging him and emboldening him to continue.
“She said we were bad friends and it was no wonder Marinette ran away.”
“Are…” Mylene hesitated, looking pale and stricken. It was clear she didn’t want to believe it. “Are you sure you didn’t mishear? Or maybe misunderstand?”
Adrien started to shrink in on himself, uncertain and beginning to second guess everything he’d witnessed. Maybe he had misunderstood? Or Lila meant something else? Or—
Nino’s grip on his shoulder tightened—not painfully, but enough to remind Adrien he was there and that he had support.
“That could explain one or two statements, but not everything.”
But it wasn’t Nino’s voice that spoke up in his defense.
Mylene wasn’t the only one to look to Ivan in surprise. The bigger boy looked angrier than they’d seen him since the start of the school year. Adrien was half worried he would become akumatized again.
It wasn’t long before Mylene appeared angry enough to match him. It was to Adrien’s relief though that both seemed to be angry on his behalf rather than with him.
“If that’s true, then it’s no wonder that Alya slapped her.“ She said darkly, sounding as though she wished for the chance to do so herself.
“I don’t think she did.“ Nino said flat out, drawing everyone’s attention back. “Alya texted me about that time to let me know what happened and asked me to look for Adrien. If she was rational enough to put a friend first after a comment like that, I don’t think there’s much else Lila could have said to make her react violently.”
Ivan started in surprise. “So you don’t think Alya attacked Lila?”
Mylene even looked to Nino, almost hopefully.
Nino shook his head. “Adrien said that Lila’s been lying about a lot of things. She was probably lying about that too.“
“No wonder Marinette didn’t like her.” Ivan murmured. “She’d been trying to counter any of Lila’s claims all this time. She probably knew they were lies.”
“I thought it was jealousy.“ Mylene admitted, guiltily. “Or maybe that she had just gotten the wrong impression like she did with Adrien at the beginning of the year.“
“I think we all brushed it off more than we should have.” Ivan took her hand in his own, giving a gentle squeeze in comfort. He straightened though as he remembered something.
“But what about the mark?
Nino scowled at that. “I’d be willing to bet Lila did something to make it look like Alya slapped her in order to gain sympathy and discredit Alya if she tried to tell anyone the truth.”
Adrien’s mind flashed to his initial meeting with Lila. How she expressed an interest in superheroes only after seeing him reading about them and the disappearance of his father’s Book shortly afterward. How Lila went so far as to get a necklace to try and pass off as a Miraculous in order to convince him she was a superhero.
“I wouldn’t put it past her. She’s certainly done it before.” He admitted. “But what can we do about it?“
Alya was already suspended. Lila had no doubt spun her web and shared her “version” of events with everyone. The teachers, the administration, the rest of the class...she probably had them all hanging off her “sob story”.
To everyone’s surprise, it was Mylene who stepped up to take charge.
“Adrien, you need to go to the Principal and tell him what really happened.”
He balked at that. “But I wasn’t there for the actual incident.“
“But you were there for what set it off.” She gently reminded him. “If nothing else, that gives context and at least shed some doubt on Lila‘s story.“
Ivan grinned. “That’s right! If you tell him that Lila instigated the incident, he may reverse the decision—or at least the suspension.”
“Do you really think so?” Adrien asked. He wasn’t used to authority figures listening to him and changing their minds about things like this. He was still half convinced his father’s agreement to letting him attend school was a fluke. His father’s response to the loss of the Book during the Volpina incident certainly hadn’t helped with that.
“It’s worth a try.” Nino said, encouragingly. “I know it’d be at least one more voice in Alya’s corner than she had.”
“And Alya’s parents would know if nothing else.“ Ivan added. “Even if the school decides to keep the suspension, it would certainly make a difference to her parents to know the full extent of what really happened. They may lessen her punishment at home, or at least not ground her.“
Adrien fought with himself.
There was that part of him—an admittedly big part that wanted to stay out of things. It would prolong the conflict. Lila was dangerous. She had some sort of influence on his father. She could get akumatized again. She could hurt him. Nathalie could find out. His father could find out.
He’d told Marinette once that he was in her corner and hadn’t followed through.
And regardless of the reason she was gone, if he did ever see her again, he at least wanted to be able to look her in the eyes.
He didn’t think he could do that if he just abandoned her best friend—HIS friend when she needed him.
“Okay.” He agreed at last. “Principal Damocles is gone for the day, so I’ll come see him first thing in the morning and tell him what I know.”
The other three beamed at him. And for a moment, Adrien actually felt like things might just work out.
Then a text came that brought everything crashing down.
Kim: AKUMA ALERT!!! Lady Wifi is back and kidnapped Max and Markov!
It had been a peaceful evening. Ladybug appreciated it and resented it at the same time.
Appreciated it for how the peace meant that the civilians of Paris were safe.
But resented it because it meant she had no akumas to track for leads to Hawk Moth. And if things were peaceful, it was likely that he was plotting something. Like the calm before a storm, knowing something was bound to happen but not necessarily what or when.
It also meant she was stuck with nothing but her own thoughts. About her presence here outside of akuma battles. About her general lack of purpose outside of fighting. About the inexplicable sense of longing though she knew not what it was for. And now about that elderly man she had met.
Asking questions that made no sense. Bringing up concepts that didn’t apply to her. Making her wonder things that didn’t matter.
And worst of all was that expression he had. There was a look in his eye as he gazed at her. Concerned and sad and disappointed all in one.
And she didn’t know WHY!
It was irritating. An intrusive, niggling feeling that just wouldn’t go away. And for all that she tried to brush it off, the strange thoughts and the man’s expression kept flickering back into focus as soon as she let her mind wander.
So she was grateful for any distraction by that point, even if it was a message from Chat Noir.
At least it was something useful for once.
“Ladybug! I just received word that Alya has been akumatized.”
Well, that was a relief. There was an akuma at last. However, the way he said that made it seem like the akuma was the lesser issue than who the akuma was. Which led to a problem on her end.
“Who?” The name sounded vaguely familiar, but didn’t stand out to her.
He paused at that, frowning in confusion. “Uh...Alya? From the Ladyblog?”
“Oh, that little fan site?” It was cute for what it was.
Chat’s frown only grew at that. “It’s not just a fan site. You’ve done interviews with her before, remember?”
Did she? She didn’t know why. It seemed silly to indulge something so inane. Not to mention dangerous to encourage the blogger’s antics and insistence on getting footage of akuma battles. The last thing she needed was for a civilian to jump into the fight, distract her, and get in the way. Not to mention how much more difficult it would be to deal with the akuma while trying to protect the civilian who lacked the sense to leave the area.
She shrugged.
“It doesn’t stand out.”
He gave her an incredulous look and mouthed the words to himself like he wasn’t sure what he was hearing. She didn’t know why this came as a surprise to him. Or why he would have such a reaction over something so frivolous.
“Okay…” He said, uncertain. “I got the report from a classmate that she’s taken hostages to the TVi station. I’m already on my way there now.”
“I’ll head that way as well. Stay in contact just in case.”
Chat seemed perturbed, but didn’t argue.
That may have been because he didn’t get the chance, as a sudden yelp from nearby caught Ladybug’s attention. A passerby dropped his cellphone just as the screen sparked and a figure appeared.
The akuma.
“Lady Wifi is here.” She muttered into the communicator.
That was rather fast. But at least it didn’t mean wasting more time than necessary.
It seemed she didn’t need to go to the TVi Station after all.
“Hang on! I’m on my way!” Chat’s voice exclaimed before the call ended.
However startled Ladybug was by her sudden appearance, the akuma even seemed just as surprised at seeing her there.
“Ladybug?!” She gasped out. But her eyes narrowed. “No. I don’t know how you found me, but you are not getting in my way!”
Wait. Found her? But she hadn’t even started looking for her yet!
There was no time to question it, however, as Lady Wifi proceeded to go on the offensive. Ladybug ducked out of the way just in time to avoid the multiple symbols being flung at her from the akuma’s phone.
She flipped backwards and landed on the lower roof behind her, breaking line of sight with her enemy. Taking advantage of the moment, she then jumped from to a ridge on an adjoining building where she would have cover and not be easily viewed from above. Glancing up, she frowned when she noticed that she could not see her foe. It was like she had disappeared.
Or...had she simply left altogether once Ladybug was out of sight?
Strange, shouldn’t Lady Wifi be looking for her? They had only just crossed paths. Normally, akumas would attempt to continue pursuit.
She jumped down to street level and kept looking around, warily. Perhaps the akuma had gone into one of the buildings?
There was a sudden outburst of screams from a nearby store as several civilians ran out of the building. She rushed over and noticed that...yes, it was a phone store. And sure enough, the akuma was inside and the cause of the scare that drove all potential customers away. Without hesitating, she ran inside to continue the fight.
Lady Wifi growled in frustration at her appearance and sent more attacks at her. Ladybug dodged them easily enough, but to her surprise, Lady Wifi simply took off shortly afterwards, rushing out the back and out of the building altogether. Her attempt to follow only drew her further into the busier part of the city. And soon enough, she had again lost her target.
Until there was another flash followed by a shriek from a nearby civilian who had been hiding from the chaos. Sure enough, Lady Wifi was once again present, only looking all the more agitated once she appeared and saw Ladybug already there.
“How do you keep finding me?“ She demanded as she swiped at her phone again.
Ladybug didn’t bother to respond as she simply ducked, dodged, and jumped out of the way.
But the angry accusation kept ringing in her head. Because the truth was that she didn’t know. Really, she had thought it was the other way around. Why would Lady Wifi leave just to keep coming back? It wasn’t even a fighting tactic as she wasn’t utilizing any element of surprise it could grant her.
A purple glow appeared over the akuma’s face. No doubt Hawk Moth was trying to give her orders.
But...Lady Wifi just blew him off?
“No! I’ll get you your stupid jewelry, but right now, I need to keep looking while I still can!”
Looking? For what?
The glow only increased in response. The akuma seemed to shudder under an unknown force.
“All right. Just to get her out of the way.” She agreed before switching symbols on her cell and sending them flying at Ladybug.
Unimpressed, she prepared to move. If she jumped, she could go over the symbol and even Lady Wifi herself. She was close enough that she could land behind her and then try to take her out. Just keep her yoyo at the ready to tie her up and—
“Look out!”
Something slammed into her from the side, sending her and whatever the force was rolling towards a nearby truck. There was at least partial cover between them and the akuma now, but it ruined her plan and now she was on the defensive.
She looked over to see...sure enough, Chat Noir had interfered.
“Are you blind?!” She hissed, pulling him fully behind the cover.
“She was attacking you! I was just trying to help!” He said, defensively.
“You can help by not getting in the way.”
His ears lowered. He looked genuinely hurt. “Sorry…”
“Look, let’s just get this over with. I’ve been stuck playing ‘Hide and Seek’ with this akuma and I’m tired of it.” She pulled out her yoyo. “We’ll split up and come at her from both sides. Then I’ll tie her down and you can break her phone. Ready?”
There was a pause.
But he didn’t move.
She raised an eyebrow in annoyance.
“Well? What are you waiting for?”
He simpered, gesturing pathetically at her yoyo. “Uh, aren’t you going to use your Lucky Charm?”
She gave him an incredulous look.
“Why would I do that?” Really, the Lucky Charm was useless and a waste of her energy. It only served to force her out of the fight sooner.
“Well—” He stammered. “I mean—you usually—it’s always…” He seemed to realize it was a stupid question and looked away. Whether in understanding or embarrassment, she didn’t particularly know.
“Just go already.”
Honestly, the flinch was unnecessary. It wasn’t like she’d struck him.
She wasted no more time worrying about her partner and whatever his latest antics were. Instead, she put her focus back on the akuma where it should be.
It wasn’t a very complicated plan. And it didn’t need to be. They had fought this akuma before. It wasn’t like it was that hard. With Chat charging from the front and taking her attention, Ladybug leapt out from the other side and had Lady Wifi trapped in her yoyo wire, forcing her arms to her side and sending her cellphone clattering to the ground.
For all the trouble and annoyance, the fight was over disappointingly quick.
Within seconds, the phone was broken and the akuma released. A simple flick of her wrist and the butterfly was purified and sent on its way. And soon enough, Lady Wifi was a normal human teenager once more. Ladybug sighed in relief that the latest upset was dealt with at least.
“Miraculous Ladybug!”
The Cure did its work per the usual. But something seemed off. And there was a small amount of the ladybugs that seemed to hover around her before she waved them away. Honestly, she shouldn’t have to keep doing this every time.
Taking no notice of her state, Chat bounded up to her, fist out.
Except Ladybug had already turned away, leaving Chat feeling put off and especially alone.
He frowned, uncertain.
“Uh...Ladybug? Is everything okay?”
No. She was lost and confused and that strange man’s words wouldn’t leave her mind.
She had no home. Nowhere to go.
So why did she feel she was supposed to be somewhere? And ‘where’ was she supposed to be?
“I’m fine.” She told him as she turned and walked away.
She was fine.
He ran down the street, cursing himself the entire time. He should’ve known something would happen! Alya had clearly already been upset. While he had talked to her about not confronting Lila, he knew very well how Olea was and that there was only so much she could hold back if directly confronted.
Alya had been the one to text him to warn him to look out for Adrien. His focus has been on finding his friend at that time, that he had completely neglected to consider how she would even know about the situation or what her knowing had to mean.
If he had been there, he could have backed up Alya. Been a witness to counter Lila’s lies about being attacked—if a single slap she more than deserved could even count as that.
No! No. Not the time! Alya now. Deal with Lila later.
Because of that, Alya had been suspended. Her parents had no doubt been given the wrong version of events by the school thanks to Lila, and probably grounded her on top of that. Right now, Nino must have been the only one Alya knew was on her side. She wouldn’t know that Adrien knew the truth or that he would even speak up in her defense. She only knew she was alone and everyone was against her.
And now Lady Wifi was back. And while he knew that Lila was responsible, he could not help but blame himself for failing to be there for her.
That was why as soon as he got Kim’s message, he had taken off for where the alert said Lady Wifi was attacking. Maybe he could calm her down? Or at least be there for her once it was over.
Because surely the heroes would be fixing all of this soon enough.
It was the Ladybugs that led him to her. A small group that seemed...a bit detached from the rest. Following them, he found the aftermath of the battle. Both Ladybug and Chat Noir were moving away, leaving Alya just...sitting there on the sidewalk.
Wait. What?
Didn’t they normally talk to or try to comfort the akuma victims?
Glancing over, however, he noted that both appeared to be rather tense. And Chat in particular seemed worried. He didn’t know why. They were a distance away and quiet enough that he couldn’t hear. But neither seemed happy. Maybe the fight was harder on them than it seemed?
His focus, however, went to Alya. She seemed almost out of it by the time he reached her.
But when he called out her name, her eyes met his immediately. And her face crumpled into a sob.
He was there by her in an instant, holding her as tightly as he could and whispering reassurances.
He’d lost one friend.
He didn’t want to lose her, too.
Alya didn’t know what happened when she was an akuma. Nobody ever really remembers, after all.
But she knew...she’d been looking for something.
Desperately trying to find something.
And she half believed that something was her best friend.
She hoped, at any rate.
It was dark out by the time the fight was over, and Nino was walking her home. He promised that he would also talk with her parents to let them know what’s going on with Lila and that she was lying about everything. Neither of them knew just how much good it would do since it was their word against Lila’s, and anything he tried to say might just be construed as solely a defense due to being Alya’s boyfriend. But it was something and it was certainly more than she’d had when she was on trial at the school.
The worst of it all as that her thoughts kept going back to Lila and those damn words.
“Don’t blame me just because you’re a bad friend. Honestly, it’s no wonder Marinette chose to run away.”
Maybe...maybe Lila was right?
Maybe she did run away?
She took a breath and forced herself to focus.
Facts, Alya. Think about the facts. She had made enough poor decisions without bothering to get information. Now was the time to not repeat those mistakes. The first thing to do was look at the facts of what she knew.
Fact: Marinette was her friend. Even at times when Alya wasn’t the best friend to her in return, Marinette still cared. This was clear in the way that Marinette still tried for her—continuing to try to warn her or look out for her and yet going along with her even after the way Alya acted.
Fact: Marinette was stubborn to a fault. If she knew there was something she could do about a problem, she would keep trying. And it would take something pretty severe for her to give up.
Fact: Despite how strained their relationship had become, things had not become so broken that they would stop being friends. That tension was nowhere close to being severe enough for Marinette to give up.
Fact: Marinette was not one to seek attention. She never needed to. She never did anything to intentionally draw attention to herself and if anything, had willingly given up chances to get attention if it meant helping or supporting someone else.
Fact: Even if Marinette was having trouble in the class, she still had support. And more importantly, she had her family. She would never allow her parents to be hurt because of her.
With these facts in mind, Alya knew with some certainty that Marinette would not run away.
She just had to hold onto that.
“Marinette wouldn’t have done it.”
Nino started at that. “What?”
She turned to him, looking tired and weary, but so very certain.
She looked up at Nino, resolutely. “We made the mistake of not believing in Marinette before. We didn’t trust her when we should have. But just because we didn’t believe in her doesn’t mean she ever gave up on us.”
Alya smiled. “That’s just the kind of person Marinette is.
She rested her head on his shoulder.
“That was why she was our Everyday Ladybug. Because big or small, no matter the problem, she was there. Trying for us.”
She wouldn’t just leave.
Alya couldn’t expect Marinette to always be there. That wasn’t fair to her. To be required to keep trying despite the futility of it all was a burden that no one should ever be expected to continue to carry, especially if it was only hurting her. She knew that eventually even Marinette, as kind as she was, could have enough of the strain and move on. But she also knew that in her kindness, Marinette would never just disappear without a word.
She would never leave without saying goodbye.
“That’s why I know she didn’t run away.”
Because Marinette hadn’t said goodbye.
Nino took a breath, hesitating.
“You know that means that...something...probably happened to her.”
Alya nodded, barely holding back the tears as that horrible truth fully presented itself.
“I know.”
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spirit-science-blog · 3 years
“Time not important… only life important.” yep, we’re going there, things are about to get a little bit philosophical now that we’re dealing with the Fifth Element...no..not the Alchemical Quintessence, but close! That crazy 1990s Sci-Fi about a killer planet, the power of love… and… You know, Bruce Willis’s Wacky Taxi Adventures... and all that…
So, major spoiler alert… The fifth element is Love. Well, kind of...it’s this woman called Leeloominaï Lekatariba Lamina-Tchaï Ekbat De Sebat… For short, Leeloo is the fifth element, and in essence: a perfect, supreme being of sorts. In a way, she’s kind of like Avatar Aan, destined to unite with the other classical elements in an ancient Egyptian temple to act as a defense system against this super evil Dark Force called Mr. Shadow - which takes on the form of a cruel planet, whose only goal is to destroy life in a cosmic cycle every 5000 years.
It’s a movie that’s had its fair share of criticism, especially in the gender department… Leeloo is the only real female character, with others appearing randomly throughout as passive objects, sex objects, or with most of their femininity stripped away like Major Iceborg. Aside from the fifth element herself, there’s a real lack of divine feminine in this story, but then again, her nature itself does embody many characteristics of the divine feminine: powerful, unique, and beyond the understanding of nearly everyone that she meets.
Regarding the plot, we have kind of a Raava vs. Vaatu thing happening like from Legend of Korra… and it’s hard not to draw lines to Avatar here considering the whole elemental theme huh? In the intro, we see an archaeologist deciphering ancient words regarding the conjunction of celestial bodies, something we should all do more of you know? Which, by the way, if you haven’t picked up your edition of the 2021 Almanac of the New Age, I might highly recommend it, because it helps you do just that without being randomly surprised by a giant robot-alien! Before they show up though, the archaeologist has to keep yelling to Aziz to wake up, as the kid keeps nodding off… I wonder if this is subtly depicting how humanity keeps falling asleep and thus the light that illuminates sacred knowledge is not currently stable. Yet when the advanced beings come to show the way, the light is blinding… Powerful and concrete.
There’s also a sense here that humans are the custodians of Earth, so we have to protect it from darkness and destruction ourselves, and while these higher beings help when the time is right, they cannot do it for us. While Love is shown as this mythical force that these advanced beings can use to defeat the darkness, it could also be said that Love is neutral energy between Light and Dark, one that is capable of harmonizing both sides, ultimately resetting the cycle, something that is echoed in Zorg’s speech later on.
All this knowledge is of course passed down through a secret brotherhood of priests, acting as keepers through the generations, of which there are many stories of secret societies doing the same in our history, and amazingly in the future where the main story takes place, Priest Cornelius is also an “Expert of Astrophenomenon”. He’s not just an expert on the metaphysical, but also seemingly the scientific study of space, and there’s certainly a sense that he’s got that whole balance thing down to a tee, working to better his understanding of both science and spirit by combining the two fields.  
So when the military fires a bunch of missiles at Mr. Shadow, it’s interesting to see how they treat Cornelius, who tries to explain to them what Mr. Shadow is, to which he is mostly ignored, and they continue trying to brute force the problem. Yet Evil begets more Evil - as Cornelius explains, subtly referencing that the military's weapons, or at least their intentions. Mr. Shadow - symbolic of “our” shadow selves, demonstrates that it will grow in power if you try to destroy it with the same mindset that created it. The only way to truly harmonize the darkness is through love.
Even more impressive is this disconnect between the President of Earth and Earth itself. While, of course, they are trying to protect the earth and all of its life, when we see the world, we have to ask… are those living? Police and robots so heavily control everything, it’s smoggy, you see some crazy representations of people like the guy who tries to rob Korben in his apartment, and I’m not sure I saw a single tree…
Now, Major Dallas, to that end, of course, represents the divine masculine, also fulfilling the warrior archetype. While, of course, he checks all the classic hero tropes of the ex-lone warrior destined to save the world and fall in love with a perfect supreme sacred woman, the way it plays out DOES provides us with a bit of wisdom for ourselves concerning synchronicity. He describes that what he wants is to meet that perfect woman, and she falls from the sky into his cab. Perhaps this is a nod to manifestation in some way, as it’s their love story that’s the key to resolving the movie's conflict. It’s also a reminder for us that when we stumble into synchronicity, we have to be willing to take that leap of faith and follow where it leads us. For Korben, he has an opportunity to give LeeLoo up to the coppers but ends up putting his whole life at risk for her instead, but it’s THIS path that leads to the world being saved. Korben has to ask himself what’s important, following his heart and helping someone in need or earning more points on his taxi license…
Now, Leeloo on the other hand, through her character explores the nature of spirituality, DNA, and the physical capabilities of our souls within a body. A big topic in spirituality today is the science of ascension - we made a whole workshop on that which you can watch for free if you like - and what enlightenment might look like or do to our physical bodies. Leeloo’s DNA is perfect.. But it isn’t inhuman. There’s nothing really out of the ordinary about her DNA, she has the same genetic composition as us, just more of it, more tightly packed, allowing for greater inherent genetic knowledge and potential. Perhaps there’s a message here that the human genome is already whole, we just need to utilize its latent capabilities to find inner harmony, leading to a leveling up of what we are truly capable of.  
So if Korben was like Link and LeeLoo was Princess Zelda, Zorg would be Ganondorf, completing the trinity. Zorg actually drops some pretty interesting wisdom in his discussion with Cornelius. Despite his “evil” role, his whole name is Jean Baptiste Emanuel Zorg, being named after the prophet and saint in many religions, and Emanuel meaning ”God is with us” in Hebrew. Zorg explains that life itself results from chaos and disorder at times. He believes that by creating a little destruction, he is encouraging life to renew itself, so the Priest and he are really in the same business… while it might just sound like he’s been brainwashed by the Shadow, when we look deeper, we do find some hidden spirituality!
His ideology is in alignment with the wisdom of the importance and honorable role of darkness in our reality. Much like the tower or death card in the major arcana or the shells of the Qliphoth in the Kabbalah, agents of darkness often come to give structure, boundaries, and direction for light to move through, as well as clearing stagnant energy to make way for new and evolved paradigms. Much like the cycles and sine waves that move through nature, energy flows through peaks and valleys that balance each other out.
Zorg knows he is a monster and is proud of it. He’s a businessman at heart, powerful from the money of capitalism, and a reflection of society's state of awareness and evolution. As we mentioned, this future society is portrayed as consumerist and still dwelling on issues of pollution and crime, even in spite of great new technologies. Perhaps that’s why the Darkness had to come, to help propel the evolution of consciousness forward and bring about divine love. However, while the love between Korben and Leeloo is highly symbolic, it doesn’t seem to affect basically anyone else, which might call us to ask ourselves… would it have been better for humanity and its pollution to be destroyed? This - at the very least - seems to be the underlying thinking behind Zorgs criminal activity. Ultimately, in the face of darkness, humans must come together to accomplish things and stop evil, something we wouldn’t do otherwise… This is what makes us evolve as a species.
Zorg perfectly encapsulates his philosophy in his quote about glass, saying “this glass is serene and boring, but when destroyed, a lovely ballet ensues full of form and color”. He then knocks it off the table and a bunch of little vacuum cleaner droids come and clean it up. Describing that the “People who created them, technicians, engineers, now have money to feed their children. They are part of the chain of life".
Interestingly though, Zorg is only a monster because life experiences took him there, but he started like any of us. There is a nice lesson from Cornelius about how fickle life is: all of Zorg’s power counts for absolutely nothing when his entire empire comes crashing down because of one little cherry. Cornelius saves Zorg’s life regardless, showing us the virtue of the angels, even towards the demons.
When the team finally makes it to the alien space opera, we get to meet Ruby Rhod and Plavalaguna. Ruby is one of the most unique parts of this movie… Crazy sexual antics aside, he is unapologetically authentic to his true nature, bending gender standards and seemingly embodying masculine and feminine with grace and humor. Perhaps the epitome of the wacky human spirit. And then as for Plavalaguna, she has some very ascended master vibes. The Mondoshawans entrusted her with the safekeeping of the elemental stones, who actually carries them inside her body as a safeguard. From a Spiritual perspective, this seems to describe how we all embody the classical elements within us. She even senses Leeloo's presence behind a wall down the hallway, implying she has some measure of clairvoyance. Interestingly, like the Mondoshawan from earlier, she doesn’t seem overly concerned with her own death, echoing the movie’s sentiment that time is not important, only life. Deeper though, it appears that she knew she was going to die all along, in order for the stones to get out of her…. We’re not even gonna ask how she got the stones inside her in the first place...that’d be one hard pill to swallow, let alone perform an entire opera with these giant rocks in your belly. Mad props to her.
Perhaps the reason superior beings don’t fear death as we do is that they know the bigger picture, they know these lives are transitory, so they don’t mind dying for a cause, as they understand the purpose of this life in the bigger scheme of things. Knowing that the flux and flow between life and death is transient, they’ll be back in the right place and the right time as life requires it. In the same way, in traditional tarot the horse Death is riding, is stepping over a prone king, which symbolizes that not even royalty can stop change. Plava understands her role and accepts her death, after imparting wisdom to Dallas that Leeloo is still fragile and somewhat human, despite her seeming physical evolution.
This idea of Leeloo still being human, however, forms a key part of the ending, as up until this point she has been learning all of human history via an alphabetical database… When she learns of war, she loses hope in humanity after seeing the darker sides of our past. Certainly, we can’t blame her, humans are the only species to cut down a forest to make room for a billboard that says “stop deforestation”, I’d be pretty shocked about our history too. However, Korben’s love shows her that love is an undefinable thing, it’s not a stone like the other elements, but a feeling between people that permeates everything and is worth fighting and caring for.
It’s pretty funny that when it comes down to it, none of the characters actually know how to activate the super-love bomb. Leeloo doesn’t know what will happen, but she continues to follow her divine calling to be on that platform without second-guessing herself, even if she didn’t know at the end how to activate the final “weapon”..she follows her own inner voice and calling and is guided into defeating the darkness, speaking to the importance of following our intuition and own inner guide.
Ultimately love is shown to be something with no boundaries, no clear explanations, but still exists through us, changing our lives in powerful ways. And through thousands of years, it will stay as the most important thing worthy to fight for. It’s no accident that in a time of such modernized technologies and possibilities humanity once again has to turn to nature for help in the form of the elements. It reminds people that technology cannot always provide protection, it is nature that always has been the source of power, as it exists forever. And only things that are eternal, like nature and love, are of true significance. Today, it seems people either love or hate this movie, but whatever way the coin falls, it is undoubtedly a fun experience, and packed to the brim with spiritual wisdom!
So until next time, be mindful of what you do with the gift of life, cause we never know when a sentient evil planet might try and eat us. Toodles!
This video was created by Team Spirit Connect with the team at https://spiritsciencecentral.com/about
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전웅, Jeon Woong
anonymous asked:
Ooo could I request a Woong scenario where you’re a successful solo artist and you’re Woong’s crush, and he ends up meeting you at an award show and you guys become friends? And maybe after a while he confesses on how much he likes you and it’s just fluff? Thank you so much! I also enjoy your other scenarios and I cant wait for future works!
Group: AB6IX
Member: Woong
(A/N) Listen to this with Winter Bear by V 
Woong watched you perform with admiration-filled eyes. 
When Donghyun had first posed the idea of going to watch a concert of a newly debuted artist, he wasn’t all too sold on the idea. On his day off, he would’ve rather stayed in bed and relaxed, but he was beyond relieved that Donghyun had convinced him. 
“Since she just debuted,” Donghyun had said, “the tickets are super cheap. If she blows up, they’re never gonna be like this again.” 
Woong furrowed his brows contemplatively. “I don’t know...” he trailed off. “I kinda just wanted to pass out today.” 
He crossed his arms and pouted. “Please?” he asked, puppy-eyes prominent. “It’s late, so you can still laze around all day.” 
Finally, Woong had relented. “Fine!” he groaned. “I’ll go with you.” 
And God, was he glad that he did. 
There was something about the way your voice melded with the instrumentals, the way you were able to easily ad-lib when you felt like it, the stability in your tone as you danced, your ability to entrance the whole crowd with a single pointed glance into the camera. 
Donghyun took a break from cheering to playfully nudge the boy beside him. “This is awesome, right?” he laughed. “Aren’t you glad you came? She’s so cool!” He stared at Woong who sat unmoving, his eyes fixed on your performance. 
“Dude, are you okay?” he chuckled. “You look smitten.” 
Woong nodded slowly, just barely registering what he’d said. “I am,” he said, quieter than the music. 
Donghyun leaned in closer, cupping a hand around his ear. “What?” 
He finally tore his eyes away from the stage. “I am!” he shouted. “I think she’s my ideal type.” 
Woong groggily woke from his dream, blinking at the afternoon sun that seeped in through the curtains of the living room. He sat up on the couch, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 
He looked around drowsily before sighing. He often dreamed of that memory, trying to recall the retails of that night. He had such a flutter in his chest from the concert and his adrenaline and excitement was so high, it was as if it had never happened at all when his high wore off. 
As time went on, it was harder and harder to recall the exact details, everything feeling like a fuzzy blur. “I feel like I’m suffering from early-onset dementia,” he huffed to himself, falling back on the couch. He just wanted to remember a fun concert.
Was that too much to ask?
He was certain that he understood ABNEWs better now. This was the legendary ‘post-concert-depression’ that he’d heard so much about on Twitter. 
It was absolutely terrible. 
All he could think about was the flashing lights and the screams. It was so hard to remember the words that you had spoken or the expressions that you had made. 
He wanted to remember that experience he had at your concert all those months ago, and he wanted to remember it well, but he was having the hardest time doing it. He’d gotten a headache over it once or twice. 
He kept mulling over the fact that he’d been so close to the stage. He’d probably never get a chance to be that close to your stages ever again, ever since your popularity skyrocketed. 
What started out as your simple debut a few months ago had shot you into a flash of cameras, overseas trips, a sizable fan-base and the fitting title of: ‘Newest Global Monster Rookie’.
As a fan, he was proud of you. But as someone who wanted to see you again, he was sulky, because he felt as if he’d never relive that moment of being so close to your passion for the stage. 
Daehwi sprinted into the room, jumping onto the couch next to him. It almost gave poor Woong a heart-attack, but the youngest member decided to ignore that small fact. “You excited?” he asked, an eager enthusiasm glimmering in his eyes.
“For?” Woong asked, taking a deep breath after his scare, via Lee Daehwi.
The youngest nudged him a little. “For tomorrow,” he clarified. “Award Show appearance? Ringing any bells?” he teased. 
A soft smile grew on his face. “Yeah,” he said while nodding. “I’m really excited for it.” He leaned his head back, closing his eyes and trying to envision what it would be like for AB6IX to receive an award... Would it be beautiful? “I hope we do well,” he said honestly.
Daehwi chuckled. “You know, I would’ve thought you would’ve been a lot more excited about this,” he said, settling into the cushions and pulling out his phone to mess around on. 
Woong crack open an eye. “I am excited,” he assured him. “What’re you talking about?” 
“I mean, you’re crush is gonna be there, so I just thought—”
Woong shot up, making the youngest jump. “She’s gonna be there?” he asked, suddenly short of breath. Daehwi nodded. Suddenly, Woong felt very self-conscious about his appearance. He messed with his bangs, trying to pull them down further. “Should I get a haircut?” he asked.
Daehwi raised an amused brow. “Why?”
He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to judge the layers through touch. “I just mean, I don’t want it to look ratty,” he said. “Should I cut it?” He ran his fingers through it again. He nodded to himself. “Yeah, I should cut it.” 
Daehwi laughed. “Oh my gosh—your hair looks fine!” he cackled. “You care an awful lot about this,” he noted, raising a brow. 
The older member sighed. “Yeah, I guess I do,” he huffed. He rubbed his eyes, as if hoping that would wake him up further. “It’s dumb, right?” 
“Just a little bit.”
Woong nodded slowly, staring up at the ceiling. “Yeah... Yeah, it’s dumb,” he said, mostly trying to convince himself. He chuckled. “It’s a big event. Chances of me even actually seeing her anywhere other than on stage is really unlikely.” 
Daehwi tilted his head, staring at him curiously. “You know, I’ve never seen you like this before,” he mentioned. “Why do you like her so much?” 
He shrugged, honestly trying to figure it out himself. “I don’t know, really,” he said. “With the heart of a fan, I can simply say that she makes me happy and I want to support her, but I don’t know what else to say other than that. I guess I’m just so interested in what she’s like on-stage, I’ve gotten really curious about the off-stage aspects of her, too.” 
“You know,” Daehwi started, “she’s probably not exactly the same off-stage, right?” 
Woong scoffed under his breath. “Are any of us, really?” he asked. “We all change little aspects about ourselves that we think people will find unlikable. It’s just how our minds work.” Without realizing it, a small smile formed on his lips. 
“That’s why I think it’d be cool to know her personally,” he continued. “I’d like to know about the flaws that she tries to cover up, and maybe one day, she’d be able to see that flaws aren’t so bad. They’re just unique.” 
Daehwi started laughing. “You’re so whipped,” he said in English. 
His brows furrowed. “Wait—what’d you say?” he asked. The youngest only laughed harder, doubling over and nearly flying off the couch. “Lee Daehwi, what did you say?!” 
The group stepped out of the car with excited butterflies in their stomachs. They’d enviously looked at those able to walk across the red carpet before, and now they’d be the ones doing it.
It was a memory they’d keep with them for a long time.
Woong touched Woojin’s shoulder. “You gonna be okay?” he asked, referring to his ankle. 
Woojin nodded. “I’ll be fine,” he promised. He frowned. “I wish I could perform, though.” 
He gave him a small smile. “You’re doing enough,” he assured him. “You’re cool just by sitting there.” He scanned the crowd of reporters and paparazzi. It was overwhelming, but in the best way possible. 
It was like the thrill he got on stage; making him gain energy rather than fear. 
The inside was even more intimidating. There were so many people in the audience, all eagerly awaiting the upcoming performances. It was finally settling in for Woong that he would be performing on that stage soon. 
Him and his group. 
Those bright lights, cameras and expectant eyes would all be on them in less than an hour. It was a sensation that made shivers creep down his spine, but it was in an exhilarating way. 
He took a deep shaky breath and gave his pale cheek a light smack. “Let’s do well, okay?” he told himself under his breath while he looked up at the massive stage from his seat in between Youngmin and Woojin. 
He felt a light tap on his shoulder. It was so feather-light, he didn’t even jump. 
“I think you’ll do well,” he heard. 
He turned around; he felt his heart lurch when he saw the face of the person talking to him. It was the same face he’d seen months ago, though a new color had been dyed into the hair. 
It was your face. Your face that he’d looked up at as you performed on stage with such an addictive fire in your gaze. 
He stood up hurriedly, clumsily pushing his chair back with his knees. Luckily, you caught it and shoved it back upright before it could fall to the floor. He bowed a full 90 degree angle, his cheeks flushed red. “Thank you for saying that,” he choked out. “I’ll try my best!”
His words felt like vomit slipping uncontrollably out of his mouth and he was completely embarrassed (it especially didn’t help that his members were quietly laughing at him and silently judging him), but he was still grateful, down at the core of everything. 
He managed to say something at least. 
He had originally thought that if he finally got to speak to you, he’d be utterly tongue-tied, unable to say anything of true substance, but at least something came out. It was better than an awkward nod or a series of ‘um’s and ‘er’s. 
You laughed at him. “Why’re you being so formal?” you asked, tilting your head. “I debuted after you.”
He stood up straight, his cheeks burning. He couldn’t bring himself to meet your eyes, so he just stared at the floor. “That’s true,” he stuttered, “but...” 
Daehwi turned back in his chair, looking at you. He beckoned you closer, making sure that Woong was still busy searching his brain for decent words. Once you’d leaned close enough, he whispered (not so subtly), “He’s a fan.”
Woong’s eyes widened. “Lee Daehwi!” he snapped, feeling the sudden need to smack the youngest in the face. 
He saw you cover your mouth, holding in a screech. “I’m a fan, too!” you blurted out. His jaw dropped. “That’s one of the reasons I was so surprised when I saw that I got to sit behind you!” 
He watched you stomp your feet with cute excitement. “I’ve been an AB6IX fan since pre-debut!” You looked to Woojin. “How’s your condition, by the way? I saw in an article that you weren’t doing so well.”
Woong supposed that was how his friendship with you began. After that small interaction, Daehwi and Donghyun kept forcing small-talk with you throughout the night. 
A simple ‘how are you enjoying the show so far?’ turned into a congratulations when you won an award, and then one for them when they won, and then exchanged phone-numbers. Fans of both you and AB6IX had gone crazy over the interactions, thinking it was the most endearing thing ever caught on camera.
Woong didn’t really know why, but he was incredibly grateful that his fans liked you as much as he did. There was a certain comfort in it. A feeling like, “Oh. I can openly be friends with you without upsetting the fans that I love”. 
It felt like having a never-ending army of support, and it made him feel warm.
He had always thought that if he kept his heart warm, a person with a warm heart would appear. He’d found himself wondering often nowadays if that warmhearted person was you. 
True enough, his first thoughts about you had been only platonic. He had a school-boy crush on you and he accepted that. He knew you’d be the person that made his heart flutter childishly, but he also expected it to fade quickly once he got to know you. 
He figured he would realize that you were both good friends, but nothing more.
Unfortunately for his busy heart and mind, that wasn’t the case. It wasn’t the case at all. 
In recent weeks, he’d started to find everything you did unbelievably endearing. Even the things he hated—like when you came up behind him and tickled under his arms—he found himself not being able to get enough of it. 
He wanted to be annoyed by you more. He wanted to be teased by you more. He wanted to marvel at you more. He wanted to laugh at your dumb jokes. He wanted to make fun of you for your ugly expressions (which he thought were cute, not ugly).
He wanted to sing with you more. He wanted to learn more choreography together and complain about things with you. He wanted you to stay his friend for a long time. He wanted for you to grow into his best friend. He wanted the both of you to continue to grow from there. 
He wanted your permission to love you fully.
He’d steeled himself in his mind. If he didn’t have your permission, he would give up. It would be slow and painful, but he would do it for your sake. If he couldn’t have you as lover, he refused to lose you as a friend. 
You’d grown too precious to him. 
That’s the reason why he was so hesitant to look at you as you both looked out the window, watching the sunset. 
You glanced at him, a chuckle creeping up the back of your throat. “Why aren’t you looking at me?” you asked quietly, not wanting to disturb the nice atmosphere that was floating around.
He shrugged. “You look ugly,” he said simply. 
You faked a gasp. “I think you mean: gorgeous!” you said, flipping your hair sassily over your shoulder. 
He started laughing. You had a way of putting him at ease. “Fine,” he sighed, finally looking at you. “Gorgeous.” It might’ve just been the color of the sky seeping through the glass, but it looked like your cheeks had flushed red. 
He scanned your features. 
Everyone on the earth has two eyes, a nose, and pair of lips. Overall, nobody is that different from the other... So, why did you look so ethereal to him in this moment? Why did you make his heart hurt so much he felt like crying?
Why did his eyes actually well up?
You looked at him with such concern, it made him grateful for you all over again. “Woongie?” you asked, shuffling closer to him. “Are you okay?” You put a hand on his shoulder. A small show of affection, but greatly appreciated. 
He gave a watery smile, shaking his head. “I don’t know,” he said, wiping his eyes. “I honestly don’t know.” He threw his head back and breathed deeply, trying to keep his tears from spilling out. “I guess I just fully realized that you’re actually beautiful,” he sighed out, his voice raspy. He felt your hand tense on his shoulder. “Like, in that indescribable way you hear about in stories.”
You tittered nervously. “What’re you talking about?” you asked. “You’re acting weird.” 
Once he was sure that his tears would stay in (at least for the time being), he looked to you, trying to gauge your expression. You didn’t look like you would pull away from him. He could trust that much. “Can I ask you something?” he wondered out loud.
You nodded slowly. “Of course you can,” you said. “Anything.” 
“Do you think I deserve to be happy?” he asked with an underlying hesitation in his tone. He didn’t want it to sound like he was guilt-tripping you. 
You looked shocked at the question, your eyes widening. You nodded without hesitation. “Of course I do!” you said. “There’s no one in this world I know that deserves more blessings than you.” Your hand fell from his shoulder, resting unwittingly on his thigh. “All I wish for you is a hopeful life,” you admitted. 
He nibbled his bottom lip thoughtfully, contemplating whether or not he should actually say what he was thinking. With a shaky breath, he made the decision to do so. He didn’t want to live with the regret of never saying this to you. 
“You know...” he started nervously, his palms becoming sweaty and the tips of his ears turning red. He shifted in his seat, not meeting your eyes. He swallowed the lump in his throat. “I’d be really happy... with you,” he finally said. 
He could sense your silence. Your lack of response. It scared him. 
“I’m not saying this to make you feel like you have to return my feelings,” he blurted out, forcing himself to meet your shaking eyes. “I’m saying this because I just wanted you to know how I felt, but I’m putting no pressure on you whatsoever.” 
He stood up, taking a deep breath. “So,” he started, “we can make a decision right now, and you can change your mind whenever you want; no strings attached.” He stood straight and closed his eyes tightly. “If you want things to stay the way they are now, stay seated. If you want... something more,” he said, the scarlet of his ears darkening, “then you can take a step closer to me.” 
He waited with bated breath to hear anything from you. 
A word. A breath. A slight ruffling of clothes, but he heard nothing. 
After what felt like an hour of deafening silence, he finally heard you say something. “On the count of three?” you said in a small voice. Dare he say, shyly. 
He nodded vigorously—reminiscent of a child—his eyes still shut tight. “One,” he started.
“Two,” you continued.
His heart was beating out of his chest. He would guiltily admit to looking forward to hearing you step toward him. He knew it was wrong, but he was left hoping and wanting. He was hoping so much. 
“Three,” he said, barely above a whisper. 
He waiting, his hands shaking. 
Nothing. Not even a noise. 
He chuckled at himself, trying to mask his disappointment. He started opening his eyes. “So, I guess you don’t feel the—?” He was cut off by your arms wrapping around his middle. 
“I’m sorry,” you said, muffled by his chest. “I was zoned out, so I didn’t hear the ‘three’.” You nuzzled farther into him. “I like you, too...” 
He blinked in surprise, not even able to hug you back. Instead, his arms just hung awkwardly in the air, stiff and unmoving. “You... do?” he stuttered. He shook his head, as if trying to wake himself from this unrealistic dream. “For real? No jokes? No feeling obligated to like me back?” 
You laughed at him, pulling away just slightly to meet his eyes. You grabbed his wrists and pulled his arms down farther so that they could snake around your waist. “I’m not kidding,” you said, your eyes turning damp. “I like you,” you whispered. “I really like you.” 
Woong felt a smile spread across his face, growing uncontrollably larger as the second ticked by. “I really like you, too,” he said, a light, fluttery feeling in his chest. “Like... A lot!”
What did people call that feeling?
Affection? Fondness?
Ah, right!
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Hmm.... Mayhaps I am a little fond of this boy. J u s t maybe. 
Thanks for the request, Anon! I had a lot of fun writing it. I hope you enjoyed it a lot and I hope it met expectations. Have a good day/afternoon/evening!
Feel free to stop by again. ^-^
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arkus-rhapsode · 5 years
My Hero Academia Chapter 211 Review
Ummm, Early chapter this week. But were on break next week soooo... I guess this is fine. (Note: there has been an edit made to this review to respectfully not spread any misinformation) 
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So w e oddly start this chapter with a little character background from Monoma. Apparently he always wanted to be a hero, but due to the fact that his quirk can only copy others, he will have to depend on others which is not what an active hero should have to do. I actually really like this cause its something we ever got from any other 1-B student, the motivation behind their path. It always made them feel a bit more shallow, so I appreciate Monoma getting a scene like this.
Also he now compares himself to Shinsou. How the two are the same is the fact that their heroic aspiration were denied based on their quirk. The difference though is Monoma still made it into the hero program and not Shinsou.
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Now this scene, of Monomaa saying that doing unhero like things to those who are more gifted is okay, is likely reflective on the fact that being a hero is also a popularity contest in this world. To stand out and inspire, you’ve gotta be the best, and sometimes to do that, you do some things you might not be proud of. And with a mentality like that, its easy to see why someone like Stain is so pissed at society when it churns out heroes that will willing do un-heroic things. But then you can’t blame Monoma and Shinsou who are just trying to do their best, but given their genetic lottery they have to work harder than most.
But enough of this flashback, we need to cut back to the present where Deku is slowly losing control.
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So Deku’s new black energy is emerging from his arm and Deku is quite literally fighting back against is. Monoma wonders if this is a new power to which I’m gonna save my thoughts on this till later.
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Yeah Deku, its almost like the plot decided to fuck you over for the sake of this twist that I’m pretty sure no one wanted and that we could just keep to the usual flow of this arc, but no, we had to veer off in this direction because-Okay okay, I’ll save that for later too. I should really speed this up.
So its turns out that black stuff isn’t actually lightning, but more tendrils. Yeah cause that’s what One for All needed, tentacle hentai. Actually with theses black tendrils, now every fan fic writer who made a Deku as Venom AU (yes those exist) has just been justified.
Anyway, Deku releases what looks to be a beam of energy (I honestly can’t tell) and fires it off at Monoma who Deku at least warns to run.
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Okay so, first off, good job Monoma. I’m glas we did make a joke out of Monoma being arrogant enough to think he could handle this. Second, what the fuck is wrong with class 1-A. I’m not saying they should act like they just watched a puppy get shot, but their classmate literally seems to be destroying everything. Now you could say that Todoroki did the same thing when he cranked up the heat, but the difference is that fire is a part of Todoroki’s quirk. Black tendrils has never been apart of his power. I know that not every kid in a classroom has to know or care about all their classmates, but I’d be concerned.
Third thing, So it seems OfA really is sentient as its jittering and moving around like it has some sort of self awareness. And finally, Yup. Can’t control your power. After we had come such a long way, you somehow are forced back to square one. I’ll talk about it later as the darkness begins to overflow.
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Gotta feel bad for 1-B who just came here for an exercise, now they might die by black energy.
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We see the darkness start sticking to objects (wow it really is Venom) and hoists Deku into the air. Yeah, I don’t now is this is something a user of one for all cold do, but boy its a little goofy. Uraraka and Shinsou seems to be the only people who now gives a shit about how this darkness is surging.
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We now see this darkness is actually fighting against Deku, smashing him into a wall. All Might, makes a good fucking call and wants Aizawa and Vlad to shut this down. Which I’m sure Aizawa is perfectly fine with. Vlad has also had like no lines this round, like I’d love to hear his commentary.
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(Yes, I realize there is an eye looking thing in the darkness, but it took me so long to find that I’m honestly might not even be sure that it is an eye.)
This scene... Breaks my heart. This in a nutshell was why I’m so opposed to this twist. After 200 chapters, Deku finally, FINALLY, doesn’t have to worry about hurting himself. He can now catchup with everyone else and it was finally time to show it off, but now. Now its fighting back. One for All is literally making him lose control when there should be no reason for him to. Has Deku master One for All? No. So there was still a chance things would go wrong, but not like this. Why? did it have to be the moment when finally the first year is coming to an end does One for All show that Deku is still not ready.
And Deku’s reaction to this is perfect for this. He’s not thinking about how he should be strong enough to resist this, showing he grew to arrogant and this is teaching him a lesson. No, Deku is sad. He’s upset that after all this time people didn’t have to worry for him. He was now strong enough to fight like Bakugou and strong enough to make 1-B actually consider him a threat, but now... Now he’s lost control.
Now it is possible that this is do to quirk singularity a topic that I’m doing a post on later, but in short it was brought up about like 50 chapters ago and its when a quirk becomes something that humans can’t control anymore. But again, talking about that later.
I’ve heard the possibility that, this darkness is actually One for All in a sentient state. Much like the previously mentioned before quirk singularity. That this is like genes being passed down so long and growing complex enough to the point that they are no longer controllable. Now there have been plenty of theories that have come out about this, but out of all of them, in general they likely relate to this. The darkness is literally fighting back against Deku as sign of his lack of more than 20% control and thus the quirk seems to quite literally be swallowing him whole. It feels like if this is the case, then Horikoshi realized that he made it so Deku was now fully protected from damaging himself thanks to his quirk. But he could just make it seem like Deku was just arbitrarily growing stronger without having any difficulty, so he developed a way for Deku to quite literally fight himself in his struggle. It was no longer limb destruction, Deku is literally fighting so that he has the right to use this quirk to its fullest extent.
If that is the case, I can’t say I agree with it. Look, I’m sure anyone could say that this doesn’t bother them. That this makes it so Deku and One for All are like Naruto and the Nine-tails, Ichigo and the hollow, Asta and the demon, etc. And those aren’t things I’m opposed to and are things that I enjoyed. But this isn’t the same. The monster inside that gives you more power worked for those series because that was their power system and world allowed for that. But MHA, quirks are more similar to Goku and Luffy. Their abilities are what is to be heightened and their second release: Super saiyan and gear two, are derivative of their competence of their biology and their power. And Deku was like that. He has a quirk that has nine generations worth of power in it and to use that power he had to learn how to take more in. His super saiyan was him at one million percent. It would destroy his body, but for a time he could use all that power. But I guess this new problem has occurred and we’ll have to see where it goes.
Anyway, the chapter isn’t done as Uraraka floats up to him.
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So Uraraka is holding down darkness Deku and calls out to Shinsou and that’s where our chapter ends. Now, if people remember my FT reiewing days, they’re probably to call this a BS ship moment that defies reality and serves to pander a single fanbase. Well, no. Cause that’s not what this is. Uraraka is doing what a hero should do. She’s trying to save someone in danger, and this isn’t presented as this overtly romantic moment like say Sakura hugging curse mark sasuke, no this is actual danger that isn’t stopping so Uraraka is at risk of getting hurt here.
Now, I’m not saying you can’t take this romantically, I mean there is a lot of evidence that the two like eachother, I’m just trying to say, power of love, isn’t what’s stopping this madness, hell its evident that Uraraka needs Shinsou and his power to try and stop it. So this trope is still being done, but there is some logical weight to the solution.
Post Chapter Follow Up: So I wanna first say, this chapter is really short. Like its about 13 pages and it has very, very little dialogue. I did almost felt like I was reading a Bleach Chapter, but in fairness, this had a lot more detailing and was clearly used more as a way to show the sheer scale and weight of what the hell this thing is. Plus more detailed art, so I don’t thing the bleach comparison is entirely fair.
I am disappointed with the page count, given the break next week, I would’ve really appreciated we ended on more of bang than this. All its done is left me wanting more, but not in a very good way.
In terms of negatives, this chapter has pretty much confirmed team Deku vs team Monoma has gone off rails and that our conflict is going to actually be how do we solve this darkness. Last week, I talked about my thoughts on why I’m not a fan of that as this seems like a transparent way to make deku lose as well as seems to imply that Horikoshi had no real intent on making this fight actually work with their combatants. This not only makes this exercise feel like it will ultimately be pointless, but as I said, it screws Deku out of getting to go plus ultra while everyone else got to show how far they’ve come.
One could say that seems like bias and that the point was to get shinsou to help with the vestiges, but that doesn’t fully work cause there had to be other ways than this to make it so Sjhinsou would have to work. I mean, this was that same problem I had with the overhaul arc at the end. It was gong fine until Ryukyu dropped in with a powerup for Overhaul and then deku had to use Eri like a power-up and it just became a cluster fuck. I’m not against twists mind you, all arcs need them, the one he did with Gentle was great in my opinion, but these twists overall hurt the story cause the story was going great up till now and we’ve entered cluster fuck land.
Now look, I’m not gonna let my own opinions impede my objective view point. This twist was built up to. As we saw with the mark on Deku’s hand as he used One for All in his sleep. The fact his quirk has been feeling funny, and the fact that All Might seemed curious about this. So I can not in all good conscious call this a bad twist, but it is still one I don’t agree with.
Other positives are definitely the characterization. Aside from us getting Uraraka getting to act like a savor, we get some great development for Monoma. My only issue would have to be the timing of it. He doesn’t do much this chapter. You’d think that this would’ve been used before Deku went all darkness on us.
So what will the final verdict be. Initially I was thinking of giving this a below average, but maybe because the more chew on to this, and the more I see others reactions to this, it seems this hits that uncomfortable spot of being up to the reader to tell if they liked it or hated it. And those are always hard because there is a fair amount of good and nothing I can call really bad, but that good really isn’t enough on its own so there is an enjoyment factor that can’t be accounted for. Kinda like Aquaman. So where do I stand on this? well I have to be honest with myself as this is my review and I gotta say.
Final Verdict: 5/10
This is something you need to experience yourself to really tell if you enjoy this twist or not
There is some good action and good character development
The pacing feels rushed and there isn’t enough time to fully show this off satisfyingly
I do like the ending
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fyeahwonderbat · 5 years
Keywords #7
Theme: Commitment Rating: PG / T Word Count: 1,635 words
As he held Diana in his arms, Bruce stared down the man who claimed to be a god, the lord of death, the ruler of the Underworld. Having lived his entire life haunted by the two exact instances where his parents were gunned down by some lowly criminal in Gotham City, it dawned on him when he met those cool grey eyes that every moment of his life meant that he had been fighting this one man in some way or another. He didn’t believe in mythology or even in religion and so his take on the afterlife was much more morbid than the average person could take. However, when he gazed upon the physical embodiment of loss - of the grief he lived with for all but eight years of his miserable life - it staggered the typically composed Batman.
“Barry,” He murmured low under his breath.
“On it.” Whispered back the speedster as he lowered himself into his racing pose. Bruce felt the static in the air against the lower half of his face just before the Flash vanished from sight. 
It was at that moment that Diana tried to rise up onto her feet, obstructing his view of the Godkiller disappearing from its position in Hades’ throat, disappointing him to some degree. By the time she had risen, Barry had returned with the sword in hand and he immediately presented to Wonder Woman. She would have taken it from him, had she not been distracted by the helping hand the shot out at her, garnering the attention of everyone in their presence.
“Diana,” Hippolyta choked on her daughter’s name and it managed to stir something in Bruce’s gut. Just as she had in the great hall of Themyscira, the queen tried and failed to remain composed in a moment when her heart strings were being tugged. In front of him, the woman he had come to see as a warm and passionate partner now looked like nothing more than a wax figure of herself, incapable of moving or reacting to what or who was right in front of her. 
For once, he couldn’t be accused of ruining an emotional moment, as Hades took it upon himself to ruminate aloud, “How long has it been since an Amazon has come into my chambers? Not since her highness i believe, has one of your kind approached me so openly, begging for my… aid.” 
“Scan complete,” a computerized voice muttered in Bruce’s ear piece, along with comms of every other League members’. “No vital signs detected. Oxygen levels: zero. Heart rate: zero bpm.” Victor’s ability to examine Hades from across the chamber did very little for them other than confirm what they already knew. Still, Batman always relied on scientific avenues of research before he allowed himself to believe in the fantastical. 
The god of the Underworld could not be slain like his brothers and sisters it would seem.
Having no foreseeable way to defeat him only enraged Diana further and she stomped her foot forward in an agitated stride as she screamed, “Don’t you say another word!”
“No, I will not be silenced in my own home,” Hades barked back. “I’ve waited centuries to once again have such arousing company.”
“That only proves that you were a fool to choose Persephone over me.” Hecate growled venomously. She had retained her animal-like mannerisms since Bruce had last seen her and it made him worry to himself over what she might do to them should she ever see the Justice League as her enemy. 
Before he could dare antagonize the seething goddess further, Hippolyta walked a few paces ahead of her daughter and demonstrated the exact sort of domination he expected from her. “That’s quite enough. These foolish games you’re playing have garnered the attention you so desperately craved. If you want to see your regency unharmed, I advise you to remain silent and allow us to depart in peace.”
“What!?” Hecate’s screech reverberated off of the many stony edges in the Underworld, her immense displeasure palpable by every single person present. The queen held out her hand in the direction of the infuriated witch, her elbow bent so as to appear less authoritative and more sincere. Then, she carried on. “I warn you now, Hades. We have all lived without our gods for many years, and should you choose to challenge the forces of the Amazons and these heroes of mankind, you will be reduced to the very same state as your brothers and sisters: dead--”
The mere mention of death made him cackle at the proud queen. For a man who appeared to be so lifeless, his amusement only made him seem even more sick and twisted. Everything about Hades reminded Bruce of the horrible villains he dealt with in Gotham - drunk on their own power and existing solely to torture others. “Pitiful Hippolyta! To think that you would have the gall to threaten me? We both know that none of you could stand in my way, no matter what it is I plan to do.” “And what is this plan of yours?” Bruce challenged him with the same amount of aggression he usually reserved for the Joker. He walked up to Diana’s side and simplified his inquiry for the man who enjoyed dodging whatever it was they said to him. “Why make some demon army just to leave alone to kill each other in Russia?”
The interrogation amused Hades, and he knew it. “To grow stronger in a human-made cesspool of energy.”
“Why!?” demanded the Batman. While he panted after releasing such a harsh shout, the lord of the Underworld stared at him with an eerie smile on his face. He even looked past the Amazonian queen to stare into Bruce’s soul, almost as if he was communicating the answer he sought through the silence that befell them all. But no, he realized soon enough that he didn’t say a word because he didn’t need to. “You know, don’t you?”
“Know what?” Asked Hecate, panic in her tone.
“Indeed I do.” Hades confirmed.
“What do you know?” Taking a step backwards, Hippolyta turned to face Bruce at a proper angle as she looked to him for an answer.
Eyeing Diana, he decided if it was best for her to decide if her mother needed to know what it was the League was made for, or why she was on a team with superpowered men. Diana appeared grateful a mere second before she acknowledged her mother and explained, “There is a threat coming to Earth from beyond the cosmo, from another world.”
“It’s why you have your precious team,” Hades acknowledged with an unflattering sneer. “To protect this planet from the reach of those who wish to claim us all as theirs to control. I will not be anyone’s subject. I will take control over the Earth before I allow an alien to take what is rightfully mine!”
“None of us are YOURS!” 
“You have no right to the Earth!”
“How dare you threaten all of mankind!”
So many cries of disapproval and trepidation sounded off once he had admitted to his scheme, but that wasn’t what Bruce had his focus geared towards. No, all he could think about was the probability of a mythological god defeating an alien that commanded a legion of creatures like Doomsday. He fretted instantly over the lives that would be lost between two almighty forces colliding if they made the earth their battleground. All he heard was more and more chaos spilling out of Hades lips and he couldn’t stop himself from spewing out some tactless words of his own, “Those monsters you made are nothing compared to the alien that Diana and I have already faced.”
Once more, Hades zeroed in on the anxious Bruce and paid him the closest attention. With a tilt of his head, his leer somehow became even darker, even more devastating as he lifted his hand into the air. “Those ‘monsters’ were merely for the numbers. What I have in my grasps is all I truly need.” Then, he snapped his fingers loudly enough to rival the sound of Hecate’s shrill wailing. 
Bruce was prepared to deliver to him the very same snide remark about how his plan would fail, about how there was no secret weapon to overcoming the monsters that could descend upon them from outer space. 
Until he heard a familiar boom in the distance. He had no idea which direction it came from. All he knew was that one moment there was only Hades glaring at him. 
And then next, there was a reincarnated Superman hovering at the lord of the Underworld’s side.
Bruce heard Diana gasp with the exact same amount of shock that he was feeling, but he had his breath stolen from him at the sight of their deceased friend under the influence of Hades. The entire purpose that the two of them had made the Justice League was gather together the strongest people on Earth and protect it, in Clark’s memory. Their shared commitment to Superman, to Lois, to the human race was meant to carry on the promise he’d once made to Superman: to save.
“Diana,” his voice broke as he said her name, as did his conviction.
“Bruce,” she replied with the confidence in her voice that he needed to rely on in that moment. Within the depths of the Underworld that he never thought could exist, locking eyes with the friend he believed he’d never see again, the only one who could pull him out of his stupor was her. And she did just by saying his name. 
That’s why they were a team.
That’s how they were going to defeat the unkillable god of death.
Together, with their team.
To be continued...
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for-a-flower · 5 years
Daily Report
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           When Frisk returned to the caverns of Waterfall, Sans was back behind the wooden stand as if he had never left.  He waved to Frisk so the child joined him.  "We should hang out again sometime," said Sans.
           Frisk nodded.  "We should."
           Sans winked.  “Alright, see ya, kid.”  Frisk sighed and continued deeper into the cave.  That young, dinosaur-like monster wasn’t near the drop off on the right anymore.
           "You lost your chance.”
           Frisk immediately stopped only a few steps around a corner.  He looked behind him again, but no one was there.  He had no idea why he kept hearing things.  Was he hearing his own, dark thoughts as if someone was silently speaking to him?  Was this normal in the Underground?  Frisk thought about asking Sans about it but decided against it.  Telling someone he could hear a voice in his head was creepy . . . not to mention strange.  One thing was sure, he knew something more had to be going on.  His gut told him that much.
           While Frisk moved through the caves, he passed blue and pink crystalline formations in the rock.  They glinted and sparkled in the cave’s dim light.  This wasn't the first time Frisk had heard a voice since he arrived.  Now that he thought of it, he had heard a different voice before.  It had been much lower, clearly male.  He sounded like someone with wisdom and many years of experience.  He was calling the name Chara and said not to give up.  That had happened when Frisk’s life was fading.  Curiosity came over the child as questions poured into his mind again.  Who in the world was Chara?  Who was talking to them?  And why had Frisk heard the call?  Perhaps he would never know.  In any case, he had to keep going.  Frisk crossed a shallow stream that flowed over the path.  He glanced to his left toward the source of moving water.  It was flowing down the rock wall from a ledge above.  His gaze shifted to a higher ledge as he walked.  He could see more crystals and large stalactites hanging from the cave ceiling.  His eyes caught sight of a shadowed figure standing on a higher ledge in the dark.  Frisk froze.
           Someone was up there.  They stood between shadows of several large stalagmites in a full suit of armor.  A large plume of red hair came from the top of the helmet, flowing gently in a soft breeze.  They seemed to be facing away at the moment.  Obviously, Frisk hadn't been seen or heard yet.  The child’s eyes darted over the cavern area ahead, searching for a place to hide.  There was a patch of tall, thick grass across the path only a few yards away.  Frisk made a run for it, ducking down as he slipped between their long leaves.  Once he felt safe among bluish colored grass, Frisk peered up between the leaves to wait for the monster to leave.  Papyrus stepped from a tunnel on the left and approached the other.  Frisk watched in complete silence.
           "H . . . Hi, Undyne!" Papyrus said.  "I'm here with my daily report."  Frisk stared.  So this was Undyne.
           She replied in a low, serious tone of voice.  "What report?"
           "Uh . . . regarding that human I called you about earlier."
           Undyne turned to face him, her armor reflecting what little light there was in the cavern.  "Did you fight him?"
           Papyrus seemed surprised.  "Hu?  Yes, of course I did!"  He raised his head with a proud grin.  "I fought them valiantly!"
           Undyne glanced away.  "Did you capture him?"
           Papyrus paused nervously.  "W . . . well . . . no.  I tried very hard, Undyne, but in the end . . ."  He glanced down and frowned.  "I failed."
           Undyne sighed.  "You know, what?  It's okay.  I'm going to take the human's soul myself," she said.  Frisk subconsciously covered his chest with his right hand.
           Papyrus stared back with wide eyes.  "What?"  He moved closer.  "But Undyne, you don't have to destroy him!  You see . . . you see . . ."
           Undyne spun around to glare at the skeleton.  "Enough, Papyrus!  I will do what I must do!"  Papyrus stepped back, retreating from her as she spoke.  "Look.  We need that human's soul . . . and you know it."
           Papyrus sighed.  "I understand," he said.  "I'll help you in any way I can."  The skeleton turned and bolted back the way he had come.
           "What?" said Frisk.  Undyne’s head turned to look in his direction.  She stomped to the edge, looked down at the grass, and scanned over it with a single, glowing eye which glinted under the darkness of her helmet.  Frisk closed sunk down further in the grass, hoping he wouldn’t be seen.  Undyne lifted her right hand.  The shape of a blue, glowing spear appeared in her grasp.  She pointed it down at the grass below as she continued to scan for movement.  The spear throbbed with magic energy in her grasp.  She knelt down, ready to throw it at any sign of movement.  Frisk sat quietly in the grass, holding his breath as his little body trembled in fear.  Seconds dragged by.
           Finally, Undyne stood and lowered her hand.  The spear vanished with a flicker of light.  She backed away from the edge and vanished within the shadows beyond.  Frisk waited quietly for a minute or two longer to be sure she had really gone.  He let out a relieved sigh.  He got to his feet and moved through long grass to a path on the other side.  He peeked out to make sure the coast was clear then stepped into the open.
           "Yo!" called a voice from behind.  Frisk turned around.  The little monster kid jumped from the grass.  He smiled at the human, bouncing up and down with excitement.  "She was looking right at you!  What did you do to get her attention?"
           "Uh, I guess she heard me talk," said Frisk.
           "That was cool!  I wish I was that lucky!  Come on!  Let's go watch her beat up some bad guys!"  The kid took off before Frisk could respond.  He tripped and fell flat on his face a few feet ahead.  Frisk was going to offer help, but the little guy scrambled back to his feet and hurried off.  The child watched him go then paused to lean his back against the cave's rock wall.  He put a hand over his chest, remembering that glowing, red orb Flowey had showed him and had called his soul.  That orb . . . the essence of his being . . . that was what Undyne and the Royal Guard wanted from him.  Frisk knew they’d have to kill him to take that power.  And he didn’t want to die . . . not again.
           As the kid stood quietly in a dark cave leaning against the left wall, he began to dread what was to come.  Undyne was a full-fledged warrior . . . a fully armored knight . . . the leader of the monster's Royal Guard.  How would he, a young human with nothing but a toy knife, make it passed her?  Frisk sighed and closed his eyes a moment.  He could go back, couldn't he?  Eventually he'd make it.  All he had to do was keep trying.  A soft glow against his face caused him to open his eyes.  Frisk caught sight of a yellow spark before it faded.  He smiled and stepped away from the cave wall.  That was it . . . determination.  That's how he was marking the timeline.  That's how he had saved himself.  He hadn't been willing to give up.  He wanted to keep going and that will had brought him back.  It made a little more sense now.  But what did this mean?  Could he go back at any time?  Or did he have to die first?  And if he could, how exactly would he go back without being at the point of death?  Frisk started walking again.  He'd figure it out eventually and if he could . . . he'd go back and save Toriel.
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thezomblr-blog1 · 5 years
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I'm following suit and doing my own #FollowForever to celebrate my one year on this blog (Which actually was April 30th Oops!) Just wanted to take some time to appreciate my ride or dies and friends I've made over the course of this year. I'm so glad I made the choice to give Tumblr RP a chance because I've met so many fantastic people and inspiring writers. Overall this RPC is incredible and deserves all the positivity I can possibly fling at it. I can't believe there are 649 following this trash fire. Thank you all for the support!! Every single one of you liking threads, fics, participating in events, and sending in asks means the absolute world.
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Just as you started with me, there's no one else I could have started with but you. I was so shocked by how instantly we connected. Even before we talked OOC our writing meshed together so flawlessly without any prior plotting or discussion. We've always been on the same wavelength to the point it's almost creepy and yet in the same breath, we can still inspire and surprise each other with new ideas and plots. I never expected to find a friendship like this in the RPC, and so quickly. We've said this before but you are a breath of fresh air into my life and the first person I've been able to bond with so closely in a long ass time. Grim, you inspire me not only in terms of writing but also in my day to day life.  I don't think you'll ever understand how much of a blessing you've been to me. You've given me the motivation to work harder, to constantly improve myself, and do better each and every day. You've empowered me to take control of my life and stop coasting through it mindlessly. Our relationship means so much to me and I gotta stop now or this whole post is going to end up being about how truly incredible you are. 🐱 ♥ 🐺
@youngsouthey​ This time I actually get to write a bit for you instead of someone I just watch from afar! It was my first Follow Forever that actually got us talking and contrasting how we both played Brian! I'm never going to forget that moment when your incredibly talented self told me that you admired me – when I was the one admiring your work. It felt like I had been noticed by a celebrity honestly. It was insane. I'm so glad that its spawned a solid friendship where we can sit and talk about our OCs for hours on end just shooting the shit. I cannot wait to see where another year takes us.  God your art and writing ideas just take my breath away. It's honestly crazy to see how rapidly you keep improving. Just when I think your artwork can't get any better it does with the very next drawing or sketch and I have to pick my jaw up off the ground. Your artwork and headcanons made me feel so validated with my own (and I'm so glad to have someone else in Team Top Damien Bottom Brian – but you me and Grim go on about that for hours haha
@shadow-of-fear-and-doubt​ / @a-poisonous-gamble​ By now almost everyone has heard about how you were the first blog I encountered in the Monster Prom community. About how I was scared that I was going to be the only Monster Prom blog before we found each other and screamed about these idiots. I'm so proud of all the progress you've made personally and how you tackle challenges that come your way. A lot of other people would have let that defeat them or made them turn bitter. I admire your genuine positive attitude towards people around you. It's absolutely awesome.
Where would a Follow Forever list be without you? You've installed yourself as a centrepiece to this community from the get go. You've spent so much time and energy maintaining the Masterlist. You're constantly showering the dash with them positive vibes and reminders that the RPC tends to need more often than not. Not to mention your version of Scott is absolutely flawless. Brian and Scott have not gotten to interact as much as I would like but he will support him dating his purple eldritch daughter any day. One day our jobs will stop kicking our asses collectively and we'll be able to interact ahaha.
@zombfear​ / @d-e-lioncourt​ Honestly the best duplicate I could have asked for. I love how we forged a relationship between our Brian's that works so well for our canon. The idea of them as cousins is so fucking heartwarming and I want to make an effort to get more zombie cousins back on the dash again soon!! I also super miss your Liam and the 'dirty little secret' plot between Brian and Liam in their ship verse. Interactions with you are always so much fun to watch and take part in!
@hellrexgn / @gruselhigh
I don't think I have EVER seen a multimuse run so smoothly. You run the gold standard for multimuse blogs. How you keep interactions between all the muses even and active is just astounding and I only wish I had more energy to play with the ships we have concepts for because I love them all! Honestly, I do not know how you do it but other multimuse blogs should look to you as an example. You're so fun to chat and plot with or just talk stupid headcanons about their day to day. When things do go amiss in the plotting phase you are so easy to work with and have things rectified and it's never felt awkward or forced. I also LOVE that you indulge Grim and I with three-person threads! So many other people are scared of doing them, but I love that we can have our characters slip in and out of threads as they are needed. You're so accommodating and adaptable. I love it.  Thank you for putting up with my shit.
@screvvedloose​ / @outofthemaiinstream​
AAAAAHHH !! The relationship between Vicky and Brian is one of the most simultaneously heart wrenching and adorable thing I've written. The way you so readily took the role my Brian needed in his life is incredible and exactly what I pictured when I first conceptualized the headcanon and I'm so thrilled that you had a similar take on the relationship between these two! I also am a huge fan of your Liam and hope he and Brian will also get to interact more soon as what I've seen of them already is fantastic.
I think it's so rare and fantastic to see someone so invested in other people's storylines on the RPC – I think you were the Damien/Brian ship's original cheerleader on this blog and at some points Oz became the mouthpiece for what a lot of others in our captive audience were thinking at the time when Dame and Bri were torturing themselves. It's really good to see someone try to foster platonic connections and take part in being part of a cast of characters rather than the one on one stuff you see most often on the RPC. It's been cool to get to know you over the past year and here's to another year of fun times.
@spoiledfins​ / @idowatercolours​  / @revcnga​  I LOVE YOU! Even though you aren't active on Miri so much I still love your take on her and I've got a Brian/Miri ship with your name on it whenever you wanna start working towards it. I'm so glad we've started to get to know each other OOC because you make me laugh so fucking much. Your stories are fucking gold as is the cursed content you provide! I can't wait to get to know you better as I think this is the start of an amazing friendship.
MORE FANTASTIC PEOPLE (Lets Interact More I Love Your Shit)
@caelestalis | @glitchwalking | @glamourwitchcraft | @quamxmulti | @fudox | @eldfic | @oz-answers | @electrifyingstitches | @howlkissed | @airxn​ | @bestiadeluna​ | @best-wolf-boi​ | @purpleshopkeep​ | @karismatickitty​ | @lcbotomy​ | @lxrosalita​ | @zgords​ | 
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storyteller15 · 5 years
Selectiontale Side Story: A Valentine To Remember
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Hi, guys! Happy Valentine’s day from me and Cinna! Enjoy another side-story about Zefie’s best friend, Bethany! Enjoy!
Valentine’s Day, a holiday where it’s all about celebrating the meaning of love with those we hold dear. A day favored mostly by girls; except for a shrew like me.
When the crack of sunlight hit my eyelids, I forced one eye open and grimaced at my window. The typical sounds of birds chirping, and the waves crashing on the shore in the distance weren’t enough to make me forget that Valentine’s Day is today. I turned my body over under the sheets.
My plan to celebrate the fourteenth was to skip school and sleep in. Instead, I still have to go and endure all this lovey-dovey crap. But everyone knows that Valentine’s Day isn’t a public holiday. So, everyone still has to go to work and school.
Usually, I’d spend this day with my best friend, Zefie, doing nothing but waste time at the Sapphire Sea Café while she worked. Unfortunately, that’s not gonna happen this year. After she was chosen to enter the Selection, I have nobody to waste time with for today’s event.
I know I’m usually laid-back and don’t give a damn on what I gotta do, but today? I can’t take it! It fucking sucks!
Three loud knocks suddenly echoed throughout my room. My body jumped. Oh, no . . .
“Beth, time to get up! You’ll be late for school if you continue to sulk in bed!” Mom‘s voice barked from the other side.
“But what if I wanna sulk in bed?!” I whined as I pulled the sheets over my head.
“That’s what you say every year when Valentine’s Day comes up,” She remarks in a teasing tone. “But you and I both know the answer to that, missy. I want you out of bed in five minutes, all dressed and eating breakfast at the table. Now.”
I raised my head up from my pillow and groaned. “Fiiiiiiine.”
I kicked the sheets off my body, swinging my legs over the bed and stretched. I let out an exasperated groan.
Ugh . . . Five seconds off my bed, and I already hate this day.
I unplugged my iPhone 7 from its charger before the screen flashes on. Checking my phone is always a habit of mine, especially when I always feel anticipated for any texts from Zefie. Five unread messages, all from her and I’m beaming. I waste no time finding my clothes for today, stripping off my pajamas and slipped them on. Like always, I brushed the tangles out of my hair and tied it into a ponytail—presentable enough to not have my mom nagging about my bed hair.
Just as I leave my room, the smell of my mom’s homemade croissant seemed to have boosted my energy of going through this horrifying day. I make my way into the kitchen, taking my seat over at the table where a plate of two steaming hot croissants waited. I waste no time on tackling the first one, stuffing it with Nutella. This hazelnut, chocolatey goodness is heaven to my tongue!
When I saw a bouquet of fresh peonies over the island counter, I held back an eye roll. They were tied and assorted professionally in a pink bow as they bunched up in a crystal vase filled with water. Dad knows better than to get Mom roses, she thinks they’re clichè. At least he remembers that she loves peonies.
“Just on time,” Mom chirped without looking over her shoulder. “I figured you’d come out of your bat cave if I baked my famous homemade croissants. Your scrambled eggs are almost done by the way.”
I chuckled. “Thanks, Mom.”
I took a few gulps of my orange juice before I began to munch down my second crescent-shaped pastry into my mouth. It wasn’t long before Mom came over with my eggs, placing a kiss over my forehead before taking her seat across from me. Over to my left was an empty chair—Dad’s usual spot when he’s not always working too early, and too late.
He mentioned that he had to leave for work early. Dad and the other officers got a lot to do in their hands due to today’s big event. Later in the afternoon, the town square will host a celebration for Valentine’s Day. There will be a cook-off, games, a dance, and fireworks later on tonight that will always be the highlight of any holidays or festivals in Aura Cove. Of course, Mom will join Dad a little later to make up for the rest of the day together; just the two of them.
Mom eyed my t-shirt suddenly and raised a brow. “Really?”
I looked down at it and smirked. A recent birthday present from Bryn—Zefie’s older sister. The shirt was white with red and black fonts. The text itself read: “Love is in the air. Try not to breathe.”
“Hey, at least I’m getting into the spirit of Valentine’s Day. It points out on how much I love this holiday. You’re the one who told me to get up and go to school anyway.”
“Point taken,” She chuckled in defeat. “Oh! That reminds me, how’s Zefie doing in Berdea? I’m sure the King and Queen must’ve planned a big event to celebrate as well.”
“Yup! Zef told me that they’re preparing for tonight’s nightly event. She’s in the middle of baking Valentine themed treats with Queen Toriel for the ball. She mentioned that everyone went nuts over some of the treats she made last Halloween.”
Mom’s eyes widened in astonishment. “Really? Baking with the Queen sounds very exciting. It’s good that her desserts still puts a smile on people’s faces just like she did here. Her personality is full of smiles and joy.”
“Of course, Mom. No one can resist Zefie’s charm. I keep telling her that she’s what the prince is looking for, but she thinks otherwise. Zefie is compassionate, can bake yummy treats, make funny puns, and show hints of leadership when the serious stuff pops up.” I said proudly.
“I agree. Everything about her is what Auradon really needs in a future queen. And I’m not saying that just to favor her out of the remaining twenty left. But one day, we’ll all look back at what Zefie once was before she became Aura Cove’s Selected competitor.”
A pained tug made my breath hitch all of a sudden. All this talk about Zefie just made me realize how hard it’ll be to celebrate without her here—how hard it’ll be to realize that one day, she may never come back if she’s the one. It’s gotten a bit lonely now even if I still have friends to talk to.
I felt Mom's Hand fall over mine and squeezed it. “I know, Beth. I miss her, too.”
I nodded and felt my lips quiver—just a little. I’ve never felt more proud of Zefie’s progress and accomplishments over at the palace of Berdea. She’s slowly becoming less timid, and growing a bit more bold as she keeps seizing each day with determination. The Selected girls should be afraid of her; she’s not someone to take so lightly.
When Mom cleared her throat, I was snapped back to reality. “You know, now that Zefie has finally set her heart towards the Prince, perhaps it’s time that you should look for the love of your life, too. Don’t you think so?”
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Since when did this conversation shift from Zefie over to me now?
“No way,” I scoffed. “Sorry to break your hopes, Mom, but I’m not relationship material. It’s never gonna happen. Nein. Naddah.”
She chuckled. “Oh, come oooooooon. Don’t be such a grump! You can’t just tell me that you’re gonna grow up and die single.”
“Can, and will.” I remarked.
She sighed, but not in defeat. “Alright, tell you what. I will let the whole ‘find your other half’ topic drop, if you promise me to just at least give this year's Valentine’s Day a chance to explore your interests in guys, whether it’s a human or monster. I don’t care.”
“I just don’t want you to be lonely! Just promise me you’ll try? Pleeeeaaaassseeee? And you'll never hear a word about being involved with romance. Ever.”
I gave her a skeptic look at first, her smile not dying down until I groaned and gave a soft nod. At least she’ll drop the subject if I just go with it. Finally. My mom just likes the idea of me being in love with someone as she does with my dad, and I don’t blame her. But deep down, there are some people like me that can live without a partner. Sometimes being assertive doesn’t always go through that head of hers.
That at least made her grin ear-to-ear until she looked at the clock and gasped. When I looked, too, I gaped. Shoot! I’ve got ten minutes to spend my free time before school starts!
“Time for school, Beth. Drive safe, I love you,”
“Alright, alright. Love ya, too.” I rose up from my chair, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.
I walked past Mom and kissed her cheek, waving her goodbye before I marched out the front door, fishing out my car keys and climbed into Whitey—a nickname I picked for my dad’s pickup truck, but now it’s mine. I buckled my seatbelt before I looked at the head view mirror. Staring right back at me is my cyan-green eyes—they look exasperated and tired. I took a deep breath in, then exhaled.
Right, I can do this. Once the keys went to the ignition, the truck sputtered to life before I backed out of the driveway and took off.
The drive to school was quite repulsive. Red and pink colored banners decorated the streets, ribbons were twisted and tied around from one light post to the other. Heart-shaped balloons were being tied onto several booths and storefronts as I drove by. Customers rushed in and out of the Bakery with desserts packed in boxes. The local flower shop was even packed, the employees hurrying to arrange and prepare bouquet of flowers—most of the customers were guys that probably forgot to get their lovers something. I shook my head at the madness. Can this get any worse?
Turning into the school’s parking lot, I waste no time finding a parking spot, turning the engine off and climbed out of Whitey. I sling my backpack over my shoulder again, speed-walking across the parking lot. Suddenly, I hear a chime ring from my pocket. I quickly fish it out to find another text from Zefie.
*Just finished helping Queen Toriel with the goodies, on my way to my room to be dressed in a gown. Should I wear red, or pink?
I chortled and began to twiddle my thumbs swiftly. Pink is too innocent for her, she needs red to look seductive and make Prince Asriel swooned for her. Earlier, I was told that all the girls were eager for his attention, since today is all about expressing one’s feelings towards the person you love. So, I told her to act how she and I usually feel before—act casual about it and brush it off like today means nothing. And in her case, she needs to play hard to get.
Just as I was about to press send, my body slams into something to hard and rigid enough to make me stumble back and fall. I let out a loud, pained groan. Shit.
“Whoa there, dudette, you ok?”
I felt a rather big hand tug me up by the arm gently to help me up. “Yeah, bro, I’m all good. Sorry about bumping into to ya—“
The moment I laid my hand over the person’s arm, I stopped talking. My lungs began to ache as if I lost the ability to breathe. Towering over me was a dragon monster—a familiar one I once met back when I was a little brat. All the memories of him began to flood in my mind as if they were the long lost pieces of a jigsaw puzzle left unsolved.
He smiled a toothy grin and crossed his arms over his buff chest. “Pfft, you better be sorry. It was pretty much your fault for bumping into me. Don’t you know that it’s dangerous to be texting and walking in the school parking lot, Winchester?”
“Haha . . .  Heeeeeeyyy, Everflare.” I managed a smile.
Drayce Everflare, a dragon monster who is a fucking cunt; but has the heart of gold that he shows to those who are close to him.
Zefie and I first met him back when we were still living in Elridge as kids. I remember it as if we’re just yesterday. We were the first to befriend him a few months after the barrier was destroyed. It was very hard for Drayce to settle back then. The humans were still getting used to the idea of monsters roaming among the surface. So, the two of us helped him open up more until he eventually gained more friends.
Unfortunately, Zefie and I had to say goodbye to our friends, even Drayce, because we were moving to Aura Cove. To be honest, I thought that this was the last time we’d ever see him until three years ago—a party at an old classmate’s house just down the street from my aunt’s. I invited Zefie to come with me to visit my mom’s side of the family back in Elridge.
When my attention wavered back to Drayce, he no longer stood five feet tall. In fact, he had a huge growth spurt, now towering over me—I was around five-foot while he was now six-foot and twelve inches tall. His scales were black as night, but they give off a hint of a sapphire color underneath the sun’s rays. Drayce’s pupils glowed in a smokey-ashed ember color, a black slit stayed in the center of his pupils—similar to a snake’s and cat’s eyes. And as always, his mane, shimmered in a silvery-color just like the moon.
“It’s good to see ya, Bethany.”
“You too, Drayce. So, you’re attending Aura Cove High now?”
“Yup, it’s my first day. My family has had enough of the cold climate of Elridge, so we decided to move south. And you know our kind never do well in cold weather even though Elridge never has snow.” He says as we walked inside the school building.
Apparently, he and his family moved to Aura Cove a few days ago—enough time for them to move in and settle. And now that Drayce is attending Aura Cove High, I decided to point out directions without using the map he was given by the office. I know the school grounds like the back of my hand.
As we walked around, nearly half of the girls were already swooned by his appearance. Can’t blame them really, especially when there’s a new student who’s tall, buff, and eye-catching—more like eye-candy. However, he seems to be unfazed about the girls drooling over him. What a surprise. Once Drayce understood where to go, we had to get to our classes when we hear the bell ring. We briefly say our goodbyes before I turn the opposite direction for my least favorite class: History.
“Good morning, Bethany! Happy Valentine’s Day!” Suzy beams and hands me a mini bag filled with all assorted candies.
I grumbled, but took the goodies anyway. “Hey, Suzy. And yeeeaaaah, you, too. What’s up?”
Suzy Marsh is an optimistic lamb monster, and one of the members of the Student Council. She’s known as the social butterfly, getting along with every student in our school. It’s without a doubt that Suzy is an extrovert.
“Quite crazy to be honest,” She gestures the hallway as students hurried to get to class. “The school will be hectic today, because of Valentine’s Day as you can tell. So, it’s going to be quite an exhausting day for all of us.”
Suzy was right, the whole school was already getting into the Valentine’s Day action. The girls receiving flowers, a heart-shaped box filled with all the junk chocolates, and love notes from their partners. And as for the single ones? Possibly trying to muster up the courage to confess to their crushes—if they decide to. When Suzy and I turned to our first class, we caught a quick glimpse on our school’s most popular, but ignorant girl.
Felicity is always the one who gets the most gifts. Dozens of roses laid in the crook of her arm as she opens her locker to find lots of love notes. I grimaced when she pretended to look surprised before shoving an expensive chocolate box inside and heads to class. Suzy and I shook our heads. What a boastful brat.
Once we find our assigned desks for History, I leaned back against my seat. I’m not surprised that the teacher was going over a mushy myth about how red roses came to be, because it was Valentine related. According to Greek mythology, it was told that Venus—or Aphrodite, if any of the students wanna argue about the goddess of love’s true name—fell in love with a mortal hunter named Adonis. And Mars, who also loved Venus, grew jealous of her love for a low mortal like him. He sent out a boar that ended up injuring Adonis during the hunt, but later died by the time Venus came to aid him. The blood he shed mixed with Venus’ tears is what gave birth to the blood-red rose.
All of the girls sighed in awe while I groaned. I get it now. No wonder red roses are the most desired in Valentine’s Day.
Suzy suddenly leaned over and whispered. “I just got a text from the Pres, it looks like I won’t be able to join you on fifth period. Markus bailed on his promise to volunteer on delivering the candy grams. So, I’ll have to take his place and do it. Wanna join? We could always use another hand.”
Oh, god. Not that . . .
Our school prides themselves into having candy grams—a spiffy, but stupid nickname for love notes taped with store-bought candy—delivered by cherubs every year on Valentine’s Day. It’s where the students have the opportunity to go and write a “love note” to the recipient, but the notes can be friendly, too. All they have to do is go to the sign-up table—ran by a few of the student council members—to fill up an order slip for the candy grams. The sender can choose to write their names, or remain anonymous.
After that, the cherubs—students that volunteer to be messengers—go and deliver the notes. Here’s the catch: they have to dress up and wear wings as they frolick throughout the hallway, while carrying the notes in a red sack. But for monsters who already have wings can skip wearing one, spared from humiliating themselves any further.
“No thanks, I’m too lazy to do it even if it means avoiding class. Try ask Angela. I think she said something about not wanting to do class work. And she’d be the perfect person to do an easy job.”
“Alright, I’ll ask her next period. By the way, I noticed that you were talking with the new student who transferred from Elridge. Do you two know each other?”
“Oh, you mean Drayce? Yeah, we were just classmates back in grade school. He’s an old friend to me and Zefie.”
Suzy blinked. “Aw, that’s it? Just friends? But you two looked quite compatible for each other. Nearly half the girls of the school are so drawn to him almost as much as Prince Asriel himself.”
“Haha, nah. I hate to break it to ya, but we’re just friends, Suzy. Good friends till the end of time. So, he’s all theirs for the admiring. Though I have a feeling that he’s still in a relationship.”
For some reason, I felt a painful tug in my chest enough to make it hard to breathe. Why did it hurt just now? I shook my head. Nah, maybe I’m just feeling drained about today.
“Aww, phooey . . .  And here I thought that Eros, the god of love, has struck the two of you with his gold-tipped arrows altogether in one pull. It’s a shame he’s taken.”
I chuckled. To the girls, it is a shame.
This charade of students playing as the cherubs delivering notes went on for the last seven hours. And in each class, about three-to-five people gets a note or two that comes with a heart-shaped lollipop. Sometimes they even get gifts that comes with a card, just to add the surprise to the recipient. Like always, I don’t get any notes or presents—just the way I like it. That is, until my name was announced last during class all of a sudden.
“Bethany Winchester?” A student calls.
All I heard was collective gasps and whispers. My head shot up from my from my written essay. Shit.
“Uh, yeah . . ?” I think my stomach is doing summer salts.
A big white parcel was wrapped in both gold and purple silk ribbons as it sat in the crook of her arm. Heart-shaped balloons were tied around a stuffed, chubby Poro plush from League of Legends, its tongue holding a heart card that reads out “I WUV U!” My eyes narrowed. Whoever the sender was that sent me that shitty trash is gonna get it—
“And, it looks like the sender wrote their name! It’s from . . .“ She pulls the card from the parcel and gasped. “Oh my god! Your sender is Zafrina Alban! Mailed from the palace of Berdea!”
My jaw dropped in an instant. The classroom was now buzzing with loud, surprised clamorings. I quickly got up to take my presents, before walking back to my seat and stared at them.
The envelope itself was beige, the Delta Rune crest stamped over a wax gold seal. And just like the letter that had my application for the Selection—that I quickly denied filling—it smelled just like butterscotch and cinnamon. I chuckled. Seriously, Zef?
Scratch that, the sender won’t get it. And the surprise presents were no longer shitty. I should’ve known that it was from Zefie since she’s the only one who knows I play the game, and my love for the Poros.
The girls that sat near me pouted when I decided not to open Zefie’s gift, yet. I swear, ever since she left, everyone in school thinks of her as a celebrity—except for Felicity, still being a sour puss for not getting picked. And that honestly had me smirking.
Once class was done, it was lunchtime. I made my way inside the Cafeteria, getting in line and grabbed a tray filled with today’s lunch menu. After paying, I head over to the usual table where Zefie and I always sat together. Now? It was now occupied by Suzy, Angela, and Taryn. I honestly didn’t mind their company, it’s somewhat nice to have other people to talk to.
As I was eating, I hear them talk about how many candy grams they received. That is until they asked me about what I was to Drayce. Like I said to Suzy, I only see him as a friend. And then, Taryn spotted my candy gram from Zefie before Suzy and Angela begged for me to open it.  
I gave in eventually and opened it, hearing them gasp behind me. Inside was a clear box of different flavored macarons, a pair of brand new black Adidas shoes, three comfy looking t-shirts, some denim jeans, and twenty packs of Spider Bakery’s Butterscotch Pillows—my all-time favorite chewable candy to eat that only exists in Berdea. It’s actually just homemade marshmallows dipped into caramel-butterscotch with a creamy texture. The baker, Muffet, is the sweet genius monster who created this delicious treat inspired by Queen Toriel’s famous pie. I can only grin. Zefie always nailed the present giving.
However, the thought of having only one candy gram broke the moment I hear a classmate of mine announce my name. Cursing under my breath, I waved Jeremy over to hand me my candy gram. It was sent anonymously, and I honestly didn’t care who it came from.
After seeing Jeremy off, I turned my head to glare at them when their snickers became uncontrollable laughters. I gave up and threw the card inside my parcel. I didn’t bother looking in the card on what the person wrote. I just wanted this day to be over.
I swear to the Goddess, I. Hate. Valentine’s Day.
Hours later, school was finally over. I painfully climbed into Whitey, placing my Valentine’s Day presents and backpack on the passenger seat, buckled my seatbelt and put the keys into the ignition before I took off. Gym was a pain-in-the-ass. I hate it almost as much as I hated Valentine’s Day, and I knew it hated me back so much.
So, it decided to show me some love by having our gym teacher make us run a two-mile-lap. Eight stupid laps! Running is evil! It was bad enough that the girls wouldn’t move their asses faster, because they were too busy going googly-eyed over Drayce! Apparently, he and I have that class together, but it ain’t too bad since we can now talk to each other and catch up.
To my surprise, Drayce offered me to stop by his party he was holding tonight. It was suspicious at first since today’s Valentine’s Day. However, Drayce promised that it’s nothing lovey dovey themed, and he wants me to come really badly. So, I told him maybe, if he promises that there will be food. Any nachos being served at a party, it’s a yes from me.
My body winced a bit, causing me to breathe in sharply. Ugh. Like I said: running is evil. Now that my body is all sore from the running, an idea hit me. When I turned my key to start Whitey, I hit the gas pedal and took off.
It was a short drive there, turning right after the stop sign and followed a road up a big hill that overlooked the east side of the town and ocean, now parking in front of Zefie’s house. Today I’m paying a small visit to Ms. Cordelia and Bryn—they offered me to join them for early supper that I gladly accepted. Stopping by to see them is my way of reassuring Zefie that they’re both okay, and keeping them company from her absence.
They’re like second family to me, especially when they always welcome anyone with open arms—except for Bryn if she finds out someone hurts Zefie. Like the usual, I spent my time talking to them while eating a bowl clam chowder with Ms. Cordelia’s famous blackberry cheesecake macarons. There are times where we all stare at the empty chair where Zefie once sat. But one day, we all believe that we’ll see her again soon.
By the time I finished helping Bryn cleaning the dishes, I bid them farewell before heading out the door. As I was climbing inside my truck, I realize it was five o’clock. Damn, time went by so fast! I said to myself. Huh, come to think of it, Drayce did say his party is at six, and I have an hour to think about it.
Hmm . . . Drive to the party, or go home? Decisions, decisions. Oh! That reminds me.
I quickly fished out my iPhone, sliding and pressing a few buttons over the screen. Within three beeps, a familiar face pops up and beams back at me along with loud music playing in the background.
“Bethany! You called just in time!”
“Did I? It looks like the ball is going great for ya. You sure it’s a good time?”
Zefie waved her hand. “No, no! I promise, it’s perfect! The ball is nearly over, and I’m just standing by the buffet table like always. All that dancing with Asriel got me so tired, that I decided to trudge on over and grab some bites.”
“True, food is a must-need fuel. And look at you, all glitzed up and stuff! Red really does look good on ya.” I commented.
Zefie’s hair was fashioned in a romantic-styled bun, fastened with ruby-red rose pins. Her eyelids were colored in a gradient style from gold, peach, and then red—staying natural without overdoing her face. As promised, Zefie was wearing a sweetheart-neckline gown that matched the color of ruby, dusted with iridescent glitter. The only thing that didn’t quite match with her look, was her seashell-shaped Aurora crystal pendant. Regardless, she still looked beautiful, extravagant, but seductive tonight.
She rolled her eyes. “Thanks, but red is too seductive. I can barely stand having that color on me.”
“But you still decided to wear it anyway. You know far too well that my advice is always right, and hard to deny.” I remarked. Her irritation grew, but giggled.
“Okay, yes, I did decide to take your suggestion to wear red for a change. I have to admit, it did catch Asriel’s attention. I even took your other suggestion and pretended to be unfazed about it.” She admitted.
I threw my head back and burst into laughter. “That’s my Zef! By the way, thanks for the Valentine’s Day presents. You really shouldn’t have.” My tone of voice changed, making Zefie giggle mischievously.
“Oh it was nothing,” She says. “I just wanted to show you, my best friend, how much I love you and appreciate the full support as I compete in the Selection. Were you surprised? Or did you plan on threatening to throw the presents away if they hadn’t announced my name?”
Damn, she knows me so well.
“Both.” I admitted as she giggled.
“Well, I’m glad you didn’t even though it would’ve been funny to see who else sent you those candy grams.”
I suddenly made that exasperated look before she gasped.
“No way, did they really?!”
“Yeeesssss . . .” I whined, slamming my head over the wheel.
“Oh my god . . ! Did they write their name? Or, was it anonymous?”
I placed my phone over the holder attached to my dashboard, before I took off away from Zefie’s house. As I was driving, I listen to what she was saying about how crazy her day was over at the palace. The ball was extravagant, but a wee bit crazy since the candidates wanted to dance with Prince Asriel. I grew irritated when she told me that he danced with her last at first. But I think it was a good thing? Zefie said something about the Prince telling her that he saves the best for last.
I honestly don’t understand romantically-clichè stuff. But it did make me smile when Prince Asriel gave Zefie a simple gift: a rose dipped into rose-gold to keep the flower’s form sealed forever. It was how she liked it honestly. No large diamond, or wealthy gifts can satisfy Zefie.
As I was driving back to my house, I stepped on the brakes to stop in front of the traffic light and cursed. I swear, this one takes forever with her demonic flower friend, Flowey. I don’t know how the hell she managed to befriend that little prick, but at least he kept her company. So, I guess it was okay to me. In my peripheral vision, I spotted the moon. That was when I remembered something and looked at my phone.
I gnawed on my lower lip. “Do you by chance remember a . . . Certain black-scaled dragon with a silvery-lilac mane?”
“Bethany, are you talking about Drayce Everflare? Our Drayce who we met back in the outer province of Elridge?” She cocked a brow.
“Yeah,” I sighed as I leaned my head against the steering wheel. “That’s him.”
“Then, of course I remember him. How could I forget someone like Drayce? He’s literally the first monster we’ve ever befriended. Why bring him up?”
I exhaled softly before looking up. “Well, you see . . . I kinda ran into him this morning when I got to school, literally. Today was his first day to attend Aura Cove High. He and his family moved here two days ago, so.”
“No way! I can’t believe it! So, what happened? Did he say, or do anything peculiar between you two?” Her eyes widened with astonishment.
“Peculiar?” Flowey intervenes into view. “Ooh, I like where this is going, keep talking. I do love a good, juicy gossip.”
I grimaced at Flowey. “No, nothing at all. Except, Drayce invited me to come to his ‘welcoming’ party. Everyone’s invited, and some Elridger friends coming, too.”
“But . . . For some reason, part of me says ‘go, because he’s got food,’ while my brain says ‘fuck it, let’s go home and call it a day.’ Now you see what the problem is?”
Suddenly, Zefie’s expression became frantic with worry. She opens her mouth, but no words came out and closes it. It looked like she wanted to tell me something I don’t know, but doesn’t know how to. For once, that actually scared me. Before she could say anything, the light turned green in my peripheral vision and I had to move. I didn’t wanna risk any of the cops giving me a ticket for breaking a few traffic laws, nor do I have the gold to pay the fine.
Feeling frustrated, I decided to park into a stall in front of the mall. All this talk about Drayce was driving me crazy, that it’s considered unordinary.
“Sorry,” I said before I turned my truck off to save gas. “It looks like you’ve got something in you mind. What’s eating ya up?”
In her point of view, I saw that Zefie was scurrying away out of the ballroom as fast as she could to avert the now loud music blaring out anything she could’ve said. Of course, she ended up bringing her demon-flower friend with her, making a few turns in different corridors until she stopped inside the king’s botanic garden.
She lets out a loud exhale and sat over the grass. “Sorry, had to move somewhere else, too. The music got too loud. Anyway, what I was trying to say earlier, is why don’t you go? I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to stop by.”
“Seriously? You want me to go?” I asked in disbelief. The troubled look on her face is already giving me signs that she definitely knows something I don’t.
“Yeah. You and I both know that Drayce makes any party very entertaining. Do you remember the party we went to when we ‘snuck out?’ I didn’t wanna do it, but you insisted we should to see familiar faces.”
A wicked smile appeared over my face. “Of course, can’t forget about Jasmine’s party. Someone drank a lot of spiked punch, that they tried to skydive from Jas’ roof. The poor monster guy lost a tooth, but it was so hilarious!”
“See? Now you know the party won’t be anything you expect it to be. If it is, just do some small talk and go. Afterall, Drayce didn’t suggest you to come for nothing.” She says.
“Point taken,” I chuckled in defeat. “Alright, I’ll go. But, will you wait for my next call if anything happens? I hate to drive back home alone with no one to talk to.”
Zefie lets out a chuckle. “I’ll never abandon my best friend. I’m one phone call away.”
“Why bother enjoying the party, when you can spoil the mood by eating all the food?” Flowey says with a nasty smirk.
I looked at Zefie in the eye. “How the hell did you befriend this psycho again?”
“How the heck did this potty-mouthed idiot become your best friend?” He shot back.
“Why you cheeky, little—!”
“Alright, alright, enough already,” Zefie cuts us off. “Bethany, go have fun, I’ll be right here if you need me. I have a feeling that Asriel is gonna try to look for me. Don’t forget to try to have fun!”
In three beeps, her face disappears, leaving me by myself again. I sighed softly. Okay, go to Drayce’s party, talk a little, and try to have fun. Yeah, easy for you to say, Zef.
I punched in Drayce’s home address on my map and let Siri do the talking. It wasn’t long before I arrived, seeing that his huge house—almost as big as Felicity’s—was crowded just as he said it would. Right, the plan is simple: go inside, talk, have fun, leave. I repeated the mantra in my mind over and over, as I climbed out and locked my truck.
Nearly half the students from school are there, some greeting me as I make my way inside the house. Music was blaring through the speakers, monsters and humans socializing near the living room, and some dancing by the porch. In the corner of my eye, I spotted Felicity flirting with an unfamiliar monster. However, the only person who I didn’t spot was our party host.
I shrugged softly and walked towards the long table filled with appetizing food. Oh well, I could care less for now. The only thing that caught my attention, was the spicy cheese sauce waiting for my nacho chips to dive in and burn my tongue. I grabbed a plate, taking a handful of nacho chips and a hotdog. And then, I stared down at the cheese dip.
My tongue snakes out from my lips as I rubbed my hands together deviously. “Come to Mama. I deserve you, dammit.”
“Well, hello there, blazing blondie. I see you haven’t changed a bit.”
My eyes widened. Wait a second, I know that voice.
I whipped my head in an instant and gasped. “Cassie?! Is that you?!”
“The one and only. Come here, you!” In an flash, I was pulled into a rather tight bear hug, feeling her scaly arms rub against my cheek.
Drayce has two sisters, and Cassie is one of them—only three years younger than him. Like her brother, her height still towered over me due to being a dragon herself. Cassie’s scales glowed in an iridescent color like an opal, her eyes sparkled like Pyrites.
And as for the second one, her name is Moon. Sweetest little human toddler, hyper like a wildfire. She does have a dragon form, but she’s still learning how to transform on her own due to her young age. Moon is considered a hybrid since their dad and stepmom are different species. They named her Moon, because her silvery-white hair is the same color as the moon.
“It’s been far too long,” She releases me. “And here I thought it’d be the last time Dee and I would ever see you again. Poor little Moon kept asking us if you’d come to the party.”
I chuckled. “Hey, you could’ve spotted me at school. Where were you?”
“Ah, about that, I actually got to school late. I was admiring the bracelets that has the famous Aurora crystal on it.” She blushed, holding up a white wool-braided bracelet with the crystal carved into a butterfly.
“I can see why. Regardless, welcome to Aura Cove: where the land meets the sea and the sun kisses your skin.” I lifted my plastic cup as cheers. Cassie grabbed a cup of her own from the table, and clinked it against mine as thanks before the two of us gulped our sodas down.
“Nice motto you guys got there, now I know my family and I are going to like it here already.”
“Oh, you guys definitely will. Which reminds me, where’s your folks at?”
“Ah, they left ten minutes ago to a dinner date at some fancy restaurant. You know how my dad is, wanting to ignite the love he has for my loving stepmom,” A soft smile grew on her face. “After that, they left me and Dee in charge, so it’s only us to keep an eye on the house—and yes, little Moon, too.”
My eyes widened. “If that’s the case, where is Moon?”
“Upstairs in her room, Drayce is up there still putting her to bed. And if you think the loud music will wake a six year-old, guess again.”
Cassie beckoned me to follow her to the backyard, where most of the guests lounged near the pool. Most of the lawn chairs were occupied by some familiar faces I once knew back then. When we reached the end of the poolside, Cassie dipped her legs in while I sat next to her with my legs crossed.
After that, Cassie and I spent who knows how many minutes on catching up, laughing about stories we experienced last time we spoke. Things like hilarious memories of us playing ding-dong-ditch as kids, sneaking into farmer John’s cow pasture, and the time where young Drayce drinking my cup by mistake. And to my surprise, I actually remembered that I drank over the same spot where his lips touched—Zefie and Cassie used to assume that it was like an indirect kiss, but I found that information bullshit.
I grumbled as Cassie wheezed. “Oh my god, I still can’t believe he drank it! I even teased him about getting cooties!”
“Hey, I’m not the cooties carrier! So what if I drank over where Drayce drank? It’s my cup. It’s his own fault for not knowing. And besides, we were just children.” I retorted.
“Oho, and that one time you guys played Seven Minutes in Heaven. Zefie refused to kiss any strangers, but you got balls of steel for joining the game and got my brother on first—”
“Seven Minutes?” I raised a brow. “I don’t even remember playing that with Drayce and our friends. Was it at the party?”
Cassie stared back at me in shock. “Seriously? You really don’t remember? That was the highlight of your night! I thought that Zefie—oh. Oh, uh. No, never mind. Sorry about my rambling. Forget what I said.” She waves her clawed hand to disregard it. I gawked at her.
Okay, now I know something’s up. First Zefie, and now Cassie? Geez, what the actual fuck? I sighed. I decided to forget it and thought of a new topic.
“You know, I’m really glad that your dad finally found someone special seven years ago. I remembered how sad he was until he met Lindy.”
“Yeaaaah. And she turned out to be the best mother figure to Me, Dee, and little Moon,” She leans back to look up. “But it’s a shame that we weren’t able to see Zefie sooner, before she left for the Selection. I’m still in surprised that she was chosen; a good surprise that we all can’t get over. You remember how she has always admired Prince Asriel?”
A knowing smile appeared over my face. “And she always will. All she did was take a look at the TV screen, and bam! Her life was changed forever.”
“Well, I hate to tell my friends from Elridge, but I’m rooting for Zefie. She’s got my vote since day one of meeting you and her.”
“You better,” I teased before we began to laugh.
“Ugh, can you believe that girl?” A familiar voice grumbled.
My chest tightened before Cassie and I turned our heads towards the glass table. The group that occupied the spot was none other than Drayce’s longtime friends, including the human chick with long raven hair standing next to them. I bit on the inside of my cheek, not understanding why I’m suddenly feeling nauseous. The girl had brown eyes, heart shaped lips, perfectly-average bust size,and a body in a shape of an hourglass that would make any guy go nuts for. However, that resting bitch face that dresses over all the physical beauty is Natalia Grace—Drayce’s girlfriend he’s been in a relationship with for three years straight.
“I mean, I am still shocked that the Prince still kept some of those posers in the competition, especially that one girl. Has he not yet realized what an arrogant, snob Zafrina is? Honestly, she’s such a selfish girl, pretending to be so kind and promises to support the rest of the candidates if she doesn’t get picked.” She scoffs, rolling her eyes annoyingly.
I tightened my fingers around my plastic cup, feeling Cassie’s hand restraining my arm. My blood was boiling so much just from hearing Natalia talk shit about Zefie. She has no right to say something that’s not true at all!
A monster Lizard groaned. “Calm down, will you? What do you have against Zafrina anyway? She’s cool and funny. You already know what she is to Drayce.”
“I am only speaking the truth, Owen,” She grits her teeth. “That girl is nothing but a phony. I don’t give two shits if her foster mom is best friends with the King and Queen, that just weighs another bad reputation among herself.”
“Oh, yeah? And where’s your proof on Zefie being fake? Lady Cordelia has the high title of being the King and Queen’s longest, loyal friend among their court anyway. Regardless, you can’t blame Zefie if she was adopted and raised by Lady Cordelia. There’s a lot we don’t know about on their situation. And we have no right to judge her this badly.” Another guy objected, earning an icy glare from Natalia before she continued.
“Zafrina’s involvement with the Selection will always be looked at as bad. Think about it: she could be befriending the royal family on purpose, just to stay in the competition. And how could the King and Queen say no to someone who’s the adopted spouse of Lady Cordelia? What a fraud that human mage is presenting herself; so shady and disgusting to be raised as to be taking advantage on the royal family’s kindness. If I were the Prince, I would’ve booted her conceited face out of the competition and focus on the beautiful, elegant, headstrong ones like Malachite. Unlike Zafrina, she’s got class, experience with dating, and understands how to talk in public. She’s got everything a potential Queen needs to lead Auradon. It honestly puts fake, scaredy-cats like Zafrina to shame. Of course, we all couldn’t forget about the chaotic mess she made at the children’s school in Berdea. Ugh, poor Malachite, having her thunder stolen.”
“That rumour died weeks ago,” Owen argued. “It was a big misunderstanding.”
She huffed. “That’s what the media wants us to think. But one thing is true: Zafrina is fake.”
The guys shift uncomfortably in their seats, feeling speechless about it as Natalia began to let out a haughty laugh. I wrench my arm away from Cassie and stood up in an instant, making my way towards them. Malachite? An idol of elegance? More like the total opposite. Last time I remembered, Zefie mentioned that Malachite thought she put herself in danger with the demons on purpose. She low-key bullies the other competitors if they get too close to Prince Asriel. And yet, Natalia thinks she’s got what it takes to be the Queen? Yeah, as if! As for that dumb rumour, that was all on Malachite. That bitch made her fans bully Zefie while playing victim. That is not how a Queen should act!
The moment I arrived, Owen clears his throat and waved.
“Ayyyyyye, Winchester! Good to see ya! It’s been awhile!” The guys join in, too, saying their hellos before Natalia whipped her attention towards me.
“What up, nerds? Did I miss anything important at all from this conversation? I couldn’t help but overhear about Prince Asriel’s Selection. Do tell,” I forced a smile, my fingers gripping the cup more.
Owen swallowed hard, but Natalia gladly speaks. “Bethany Winchester, so good to see you! How’s your parents?”
“Both at the town square. Care to help me catch up on the topic you guys were talking about?” I pressed again, my smile not faltering.
“Oh! Silly me, so sorry about that. We were just talking about the girls that are still in the Selection. The ones that don’t deserve to stay, because of their fraud personality.”
“Really? I think some of them deserve a chance from us to get to know them—whether they’re being fake or not. That’s the Prince’s job to find out anyway. The media can only say much, but there are people like me that know a lot more about the candidates personally. Like Zefie for example.”
She gasps surprisingly; a fake one I can see through so well. “O. M. G. I totally forgot you’re very close with Zafrina! Oh, you poor thing, having to coach her on how to talk to the Prince himself! It was a silly mistake of Mettaton to pull her name, instead of someone else from Aura Cove.”
The boys behind her began to shrink back with fear, as my fingers began to break the plastic more as she rambled on. Mistake? How the fuck does pulling her name randomly become a mistake?
“You still have her number, right? Maybe you could help her out by talking her out of the Selection. I’d hate to be in Zafrina’s shoes right now and make an embarrassment out of the royal family and myself. And besides, I don’t think she’d do well in bed with him. She is asexual, right? Her anxiety is such a big turnoff just like the time we played Seven Minutes in Heaven at Jas—“
I splashed my soda at her face as she gasped, hearing loud gasps from the guys enough to make the entire party stop. When Natalia cried out, I chuck my cup at her after. My fingers curled into tight fists at each sides of my body. I’ve never felt this angry than the time Felicity tried to bully Zefie for competing. But now? This one takes the cake; big time.
“You listen here, bitch,” I walk up to Natalia, staring down at her shocked expression. “You can talk shit about anyone you like that really needs it, but nobody, not even you, are allowed to babble things about Zefie that are not true. I don’t care if she’s timid. I don’t care if she’s the adopted child of Runa Cordelia. I don’t care if some people think her kindness is looked as arrogance. But I certainly care if people like you throw dirt at her appearance! You and I both know the real truth about Zefie, and I am so disappointed that you’re deciding to trash it.”
Behind me, I felt Cassie stand behind me while the crowd whispers, hearing soft clamorings before I spoke again.
“You complain that she’s timid and quiet, but she at least has one thing that will make everyone see her differently. And that’s courage. So, if I were you, Natalia, I would actually shut the fuck up and keep my mouth shut, before I make a fool out of myself.” I square my shoulders and stood straighter. “And don’t worry about me sticking around, I was just leaving anyway. It really is good to see that you haven’t changed one bit. Enjoy the party.”
Just as I turned my heel to walk away, Cassie gasps. “Bethany, look out!”
I whipped my head back behind me far too late. Natalia angrily lunged at me to knock me back against the pool, but I quickly grabbed her arms and pulled her down with me. The water crashes against our bodies, hearing nothing but loud splashing until my head broke through the surface and gasped for air, suddenly feeling something grab my hair. I growled and began splashing at Natalia nonstop.
“Let go!” I snarled, splashing right at her face. Above us, I hear the crowd cheering at our fight until a loud roar stops us.
Before I could look up, a clawed hand outstretched towards me to take it. I swallowed and grabbed it before I was reeled out of the pool. A bystander also helped pull Natalia out, seeing Drayce stare back at me with worry. Oh.
“Bethany, are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Drayce, no worries—“
“Baaaaaaabe!” Natalia cries out. “Just look at what Bethany did to me! I’m all soaked, and my makeup is ruined! All we did was share a conversation, and she got mad at me for saying something and pushed me into the pool! I only grabbed her just so she’d get wet, too!”
My jaw dropped before I grimaced at her. Why that lying, piece of shit—!
“I want you to apologize to her, right now!” He growled, his voice suddenly spine-chilling. What . . ?
I sighed disappointingly. I should have known, a downright shame of me thinking he’d pick his best friend over his girlfriend. I can’t blame him on that, no matter how much fault she was involved in. I bit on the inside of my cheek and stared back at the haughty face, sneer Natalia was making before I breathed.
“I’m very sorry for pulling you in with me, after you pushed me in for busting you on talking shit about Zefie,” A loud, collective ooh’s sounded throughout the backyard as I held my head up proudly. I suddenly felt Cassie standing behind me, draping a dry towel around my body.
Natalia scoffed and shook her head. “Can you believe her, Babe? Her apology is nothing but lies!”
“I wasn’t talking to you, Winchester,” He says before he turned to glare at the now surprised Natalia. “Now, I‘m waiting. Do not make me repeat it.”
“Excuse me?” She scoffs. “Why should I apologize to her when she started this?! Bethany was being butt-hurt over something I said and threw her soda, and cup at my face! It’s not my fault if she can’t handle the truth about—“
“The truth about who?” He snarls to a point where everyone stopped breathing. His claws begin to flex, watching Natalia’s face grow pale with fear as he kept a hard expression on his face.
I placed a hand over Drayce’s tensed arm before he turned to look at me. “Stop, it’s okay. She’s right, it’s my fault.”
“What? No, it’s not—“
“It’s fine, really. I’m sincerely sorry that I ruined your welcoming the party. So, I should leave.”
I quickly said my goodbyes to Cassie, walking away before Drayce could stop me. My teeth gnaws the inside of my cheek so hard, I can taste iron. I ignored everyone I move past, not hearing their cheers for fighting with Natalia.
When I walked past Felicity, she chuckled. “Nicely done on insulting the mouthy-whore. Quite a mistake of her to be running her anger towards Zaf—”
“Fuck off, I don’t need praises from a hypocrite.” I hissed without looking back. Though, it was surprising to hear that from someone like her.
My body began to shiver since my hair and clothes were still dripping wet. What’s worse? My favorite shirt was all drenched! And my phone must be dead, too! I snarled. I stand corrected with what I said before: I hate Valentine’s day. I want to go home and end this turd of a day.
I climbed inside Whitey, slamming my door shut and gripped the steering wheel tightly. In an instant, I let out a loud, distressed scream before I slammed my fist against my dashboard and leaned against the wheel. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Just then, I hear Zefie’s ringtone buzzing on my dashboard.
I gasped. Holy shit, I forgot that my phone was here inside my truck! I exhaled loudly. And here I was thinking that Natalia drowned my phone! Thank god. I answer quickly, seeing that Zefie is in her pajamas instead of her dress, hair down and brushed.
“Hey, Bethany! I know it’s super late of me staying up, but I wanted to—huh? Hey, what happened to you?! Why are you all wet?!”
“A lot,”
I sighed before I start my truck and drive off to who knows where. Along the way, I explained the whole story as short as possible, including the encounter with Drayce’s mouthy-girlfriend. When I turned to a familiar dirt road, I follow it and drive all the way to the top of the highest hill that overlooked all of Aura Cove. I cut the engine off and changed out of my damp clothes, before grabbing the new ones Zefie sent me. I was disappointed that my hair smelled and was a mess. So, I free my hair to dry as I started walking towards the wooden split rail fence, with my phone in hand before climbing over and sat on it.
Beyond the distance, I can hear faint music blasting from the town square, the flickering lights glowing white, pink, and red. The sounds of the waves crashing against the shores echoed into my ears enough to give me chicken skin. Zefie and I remained quiet, just listening to the sounds Aura Cove made like we used to. It gives us comfort, knowing this is what home is. Both of us are still surprised that no one discovered this place—except us, which is why it was considered our secret place to go.
“I’m so sorry about what happened,” Zefie says suddenly. “At Drayce’s I mean. I should’ve told you not to go if I knew this would happen. It’s all my fault.”
“That’s not true, Zef. Don’t blame it on yourself. It’s my fault, really. No one knew this was gonna happen; but I did. I already knew it the moment Natalia talked about you and whoever else that is completely innocent.”
She sighed. “I didn’t even know she thinks of me as arrogant. She was a nice girl last time I spoke to her three years ago.”
“Yeah, me too—“ My head perked up suddenly. Now that I think about it.
“Zef? Mind if I ask you something?”
“Of course, what is it?”
“Well, tell me something I don’t know. And don’t hold back whatever it is that you heard me say once, ignore it. Please, you have to tell me what you’re not telling me. I already know, because Cassie mentioned the Seven Minutes in Heaven game that I clearly don’t remember. Natalia, too, before I threw my drink at her.” I say, looking at her.
Zefie blinked, her mouth opening again before closing it nervously. “A-are you sure . . ? You really don’t recall anything at all?”
“No, please tell me, Zef. Please,” I plead with all my might. “If It has something to do with the sudden knots forming inside my stomach when I first saw Drayce after so long, or that sudden pain I feel when I try to breath at the mention of his relationship. If it helps fit the missing pieces together, then I have to know.”
Zefie hesitated, but I stared back with plea for her to say more.
“Whatever burdens I left for you to carry alone that were meant for me, I’m so sorry, Zef. I want to take them back and resolve it together with you; right here, right now. It won’t hurt me, I promise.”
I watched nervously as Zefie closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, exhaling heavily and looked at me in the eye.
“You remember everything about Jasmine’s party, correct?” I nodded. “All except a certain memory that will answer the unanswered you wondered this whole time you were with Drayce?”
“Yes,” I breathed.
“Bethany, all of that happened, because you were in love with Drayce. Three years ago, at the party.”
Oof, not this again . . .
“What? But I don’t love him! I just see him as a friend! How many times do I have to tell people—”
“Yes you were! And you always have! None of that ever happened, because you let Natalia have him, Beth!” Tears were streaming down her cheeks before she continued. “This whole time, you were trying to muster up the courage to tell Drayce how you felt. That opportunity ignited the moment you two saw each other again. After that, the embers turned into flames when you and him kissed in Seven Minutes.”
I swallowed hard at what she was telling me. “W-what . . ? What is this? A fairytale? Those things are for people who have high hopes of meeting their so called other halves.” I stared back at her in disbelief.
“. . . I know, but that was you before, Bethany. But you never got the chance to be with Drayce. Because you told me Natalia guilt tripped you that she wanted him first, and you felt terrible. So, you allowed her.”
“If that’s the case . . . Then, she got to him first and I was rejected?”
“No you weren’t, Bethany! And that was the thing! You told me that Drayce loved you back after Natalia told you she wanted him!” She shouts at the top of her lungs.
I swallowed hard at Zefie’s words before she calmed down and continued.
“What I’m trying to tell you is, you were the one who said no to him. . .”
“And then . . ?”
She looked at me. “You wanted to forget about being in love with Drayce. You so badly wanted to stop feeling the pain of losing him, knowing that he now belongs to Natalia. You begged me to cast the forgetful spell on your memories—a spell that’s meant to aid those that went through something traumatic. And I did it, of course I did. After that, those memories disappeared the moment the spell erased them from your mind.” She choked, hearing her voice tremble. I felt so guilty for having to ask of her something this painful.
“So, that’s why I couldn’t remember any of it . . . If that’s the case, then why did my heart go all nutsy?”
“Honestly? I don’t know. I think the spell itself can only wipe away something simple like your mind, but it can never force your heart to—it can never forget about the person who impacted your life the most. Remember: this is a spell that erases something so traumatic; not something that can completely erase someone from our lives. And don’t ask me why, I never went to an actual Mage school. But what mattered is the spell doing its job, until you ran into Drayce. To put it bluntly: your heart went wild the moment your eyes met his. That action itself is what initiated your heart to make you remember who he was to you.”
I felt my stomach twisting into knots again, shuddering under my breath. I was in love with Drayce? And my heart was trying to tell me this whole time?
“You were ready to take the chances of a distance-relationship with him, Beth,” She speaks again. “You were so ready to sacrifice everything you will make just to be with him; and he was, too. Hell, you admitted that sneaking out of your aunt’s house was the best thing you ever did until Natalia, uh . . . Spoiled it . . ?”
“Yup. What she said, Winchester,”
My body flinched before I turned to find Drayce standing in the middle of the empty parking lot, before he walked towards me. Through my phone, I can hear Zefie gasping. My eyes never left his gaze, even when he stopped several inches away from me. Then, he turns to look at my phone and grinned.
“Long time no see, Zefie. You still look fantastic as ever.”
She smiled back. “Right back at you, Draco. You’ve gotten taller and muscular!”
The entire time, I couldn’t stop gazing at him like a moron as he took a spot next to me. When he turned to gaze over at the town, his eyes sparkled like a thousand gems and smiled in awe. After a brief silence, Zefie clears her throat loudly and we flinched. Oh, right.  
“What’re you doing here? How did you find me?”
Drayce lets out a chuckle. “Yeah, about that. I came here to apologize over what my ex did to you, and for insulting Zefie.”
“Ex?!” The two of us exclaimed in unison.
“Yeah. I tried to tell you that I broke up with Natalia about a year ago, but you walked away before I could finish. Her habit of talking shit behind people’s backs was part of the reason why I left her.” He sighed as if a weight has been lifted.
Zefie blinked. “Then, how and why did she show up at your party?”
“That's the thing, she wasn’t invited and wasn’t supposed to know. Sadly, Natalia made one of my friends spit out the information before forcing him to drive her all the way here. Natalia thought of getting back together with me, but I harshly told her it was really over.”
I rolled my eyes. “So thirsty and desperate. You made a great call on breaking up with her.”
“Ditto,” Zefie shrugged at Drayce before he laughed.
“Yes I did. Now, before I forget, I am actually here to check if you were okay, Winchester. So, I guess you can say that I followed ya and flew up here until I caught up to what you and Zefie were talking about.” He confesses, rubbing the back of his neck meekly.
“That’s okay, it actually involves most of you,” I responded before turning to Zefie. “So, now that we're all here, mind if you can wrap this up?”
Zefie looked from me, to Drayce and began to speak. “Well, that’s it really. And if you want your memories back, then that’s gonna be a problem. The Book of Spells mentions that you cannot regain memories that are lost. Once that action is done, you can no longer undo it—not even a spell or time traveling can help.”
“That’s okay, I really don’t need them. At least, not now. Thanks for helping me out. I owe you so much.” I smiled.
“Of course, no pro—“ She stops at mid-sentence to let out a long, tired yawn. Oh crap, I forgot that it’s super late for her!
“Yo, Zefie, you look awfully tired. I think it’s time for ya to hit the hay. Don’t worry about Bethany now, I can take it from here.” Drayce says, with me and Zefie gasping in unison.
“A-are you sure? I can stay up to—“
“You need rest, Zef,” I waved a hand. “All the decorating, baking, dancing, and helping me out is far too much for you. So, you deserve to rest. I’m okay now, I promise.”
Zefie looked from me to Drayce before making a knowing smile. “Alright then, I trust you two will be fine. Do it right, and no more running away. Happy Valentine’s Day to you guys, goodnight!”
“Goodnight, Zef!” Drayce and I waved before our FaceTime ended.
After that, we were silent. My heart wouldn’t stop racing now that I know why. This honestly makes me understand how Zefie feels when she’s around Prince Asriel. It’s emotionally exhausting.
“How did you find me?” I asked suddenly.
“Ah, about that,” He chuckles nervously. “After forcing Natalia to go home, I ran to come look for you. So, I flew around the town till I spotted you sitting here by yourself, until I heard most of the deep conversation you had with Zefie.”
I huffed softly. “If were weren’t buddies, I would’ve called you a stalker. So, I’ll let you off the hook. But, yeah, now you know.” I say, my eyes lingering over the town.
“This hill, I can tell that you come here often.”
“Heaven’s point? Not always; it’s a place where Zefie and I go to when worse things bums us out. We sit here in silence, taking in the beauty of the town before one of us vents. Sometimes we come alone.” I say.
“So, this hill has some kind of magic power of taking away grief and anger?” He asks.
“In a way, yeah. But when Zefie left for the Selection, I came here for the past two weeks. I just couldn’t bear the thought of never seeing her again, while I support her to become Berdea’s future Princess at the same time. Sometimes, I wished that she would come back and . . . Oh, god. I feel selfish for saying that.”
He lets out a chuckle. “It ain’t a selfish at all. We all do miss Zefie’s company. You two are always inseparable and very close—two peas in a pod. Don’t lose hope, I’m sure one day the Prince will let his candidates see their loved ones soon.”
“Yup, you know it.” My train of thought abruptly stops the moment I felt a hand cover mine.
I gasped and turned to find Drayce staring back at me intently. Oh. “Uh, Everflare, your face seems to be a little too close.”
“Nope, I think it’s just where it should be,” He lifts my hand and kisses my knuckles. “What Zefie said was true. I did confess and asked you to be mine. In fact, I have always had a thing for ya, especially the day when Zefie broke the ice to make us talk to each other . . .”
“D-Drayce, I don’t know what to say,” I admitted.
“You don’t have to. Except, maybe telling me your honest answer I’ve been waiting for?” His face inched closer until his snout touched my forehead and kissed it, earning a small whimper from me.
God dammit, I cursed. My cheeks burned madly, that I think it’s ten times darker than my skin-tone! When his clawed fingers combed through my damp hair, I instinctively closed my eyes and felt his hot breath vent against my trembling lips.
“D-Drayce, I . . .”
Just as I was expecting lips, a loud boom echoed enough to make us to jump, turning our heads to where the sound came from. I gasped. Bright streaks of vibrant color shot up into the sky, before exploding into a blaze as it illuminates over Aura Cove. Oh! I forgot about the fireworks showing up! God dammit.
When Drayce’s arm curled around my waist, I bravely moved over to sit on his lap, moving his thick arms around my waist as we watched each one burst, the sparkling particles scatter before new streaks of light takes over and combust into a different color. The more I hear the fireworks blare into my ears, the harder my heart thundered against my chest.
I swallowed hard. Exactly how long do I wait for the right moment on situations like these? Fuck it, I can’t wait any longer. Chick flicks, don’t fail me now!
I turned my body and clutch his scaly face between my palms, his gaze now locked onto mine suddenly. When he opened his mouth to say something, I leaned in to press my lips over his, feeling his arms hold my body to reel me closer to his firmly. And that was when I felt it. My body felt like it was on fire, remembering the feeling of Drayce’s lips brushing against mine, parting slightly to nibble on my lower lip as I whimpered. The urge to kiss him was so intense, I really didn’t want it to stop.
Even though my memories of falling in love with Drayce disappeared, I still had something better to regain. When I was out of breath, I pulled away as my lashes fluttered. My cheeks heated when he was breathing heavily as well. His scales were glowing in different hues from the glimmering lights the fireworks made, letting the tip of my fingertips brush over them as he groaned.
“Wow, you still kiss better as I remembered, Win—“
“Yes,” I breathed. “Yes, I want to be yours, Drayce.”
His body flinched, hearing his heart hammering loudly. “S-say my name again.”
“Drayce,” I call him again. “You’re the best thing I never knew I needed. Even though I made a mistake of letting Natalia have you to herself, I’m starting to feel glad that I waited this long to change my mind. So, I want you to be mine, too. Well, of course I’ll share you with your family and friends.”
“Then be my Valentine already, dammit! I want you, all of it. And don’t you dare come up with anymore excuses. You are the only girl I see that exists within my eyes. Hell, I’ll beat the shit out of anybody who gets in my way from taking you.” He snarls against my cheek as I laughed.
“Oh my god! You did not just ask me to be your Valentine!” I card his mane with my fingers, hearing him purr.
“Yes I did, two times. Didn’t you get a candy gram? I could’ve sworn I sent you one.”
“Wait a second, that anonymous card. That was from you?!”
“Yes?” He huffed. “I figured I would’ve gotten you to remember why you’re worthy of being mine; to look at today’s holiday as a reason to love it.”
“Craaaaaap, I didn’t read it!” I said as he peppers angry kisses on my lips.
Behind me, I hear multiple thunderous explosions ringing from the distance before the fireworks show ended, leaning my forehead against his and sighed.
“You know who else is gonna be the happiest person in the world?”
“Mm, I bet it’s Zefie. I give credits to her for bringing us together.” Drayce chuckled under his breath.
“Yes, but so will my mom.” I groaned as my conversation with her played in my head.
“What’s wrong with that? She’s bound to know who’s making her daughter smiling and blushing.”
I shove down a Scotch Pillow into his maw, his eyes widening before he began to chew. My smirk grew wider the moment he swallowed.
“Is that what I think it is?!” He eyes the other piece I was holding between my fingers.
“Mhmmmm, but they require a price.” I said.
He cocks a brow. “Lemme guess, two-hundred fifty Gold?”
“Nope,” I wrap my arms around his neck and leaned close to his face. “Endless numbers of kisses.”
Drayce smiles a toothy grin and kisses me softly, before he takes my fingers into his maw to steal another scotch pillow. “Deal. Happy Valentine’s Day, Baby.”
“Two seconds after saying yes, and you’re already giving me pet names?” I grumbled as he showered more kisses on my cheek, to my ear until I gave up. “Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too, Love.”
With a smile, my life as a single person has officially changed forever. As funny as this sounds, I for once take my words back about this stupid holiday. After all, it’s a Valentine to remember. What I’m not looking forward to, is the endless squealing from my mom.
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thotyssey · 6 years
On Point With: Cissy Walken
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A rising star in the NYC drag scene, this vivacious queen sings, dances and makes us laugh. But pretty soon, she’ll be paying homage onstage to one of pop music’s most tragic figures. Thotyssey takes a hike with the fascinating Cissy Walken!
Thotyssey: Cissy, hello! Happy DragCon week! Will you be present at the Javits this weekend?
Cissy Walken: Hello hello! Yes, I will be! I’m working for Headcount.org on Saturday, getting people to register to vote and become more involved in their local elections.
OMG, you’re actually going to be doing something for the good of humanity and not just self-promoting! Have you found yourself being more politically aware / active in the past year, especially as a drag queen?
You know, yes and no. I think when I first started drag, I really wanted to be a political queen who cares about our dying planet. And I first started out with that focus at heart; it’s what made me create my Celine Dion mix. But recently, I think I’ve gotten really wrapped up in the throws of it all: make a mix, do shows, turn the party, get your coin. And while I love doing shows, I think its time to go back to Cissy The Politician.
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Speaking of mixes, congrats on winning last week’s Open Call--the new weekly drag competition that Maddelynn Hatter hosts at the Ritz--with a particularly deft and funny one! You had live singing, lip sync, kooky choreo... and you totally dropped and smashed the mic, but you did it in a pretty seamless way and never stopped being entertaining while Maddelynn repaired it and handed it back to you!
Haha, oh yes! Thank you for that. I always try to remind myself to not drop the mic, but that night I didn't actively do that... which is why it probably fell. But the show must go on, and there was no way I was gonna stop the DJ. We drag performers work so hard to just get to that one moment in the night where we can perform, and I wasn't about to let a mishap ruin that for me. I'll always keep singing!
Rockstar! So, where’s your hometown... and were you always a performer of some sort?
I'm from a small town in the middle of New Jersey called Hillsborough. It's cute, but I had to get out. I didn't know it at the time, but I was really in search of a gay community that matches me. 
And it was there that I first started performing. When I was 3, I gave my family Shania Twain shows off her Come On Over album. And then in middle school, when I made the decision that sports would never work for me, I tried out for the school play and got the bug!
Do you have a favorite musical?
West Side Story. It's the ultimate musical (sorry, R&H junkies).
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How then did the drag bug bite you?
So I was a good kid, and didn't go to the bars until I was 21. I had just moved to Astoria, and my roommate started talking about Drag Race, and so we would watch a few episodes... and of course, Gay Gay Me gagged over it. But then I started looking for drag shows around me, and I saw this queen was having a show in my neighborhood. So I stumbled into this dive bar; I wasn't carded (which to me is like... well, damn, I could have done this sooner), and Sutton Lee Seymour began her show. 
And as I watched her sing and tell jokes and stories, I started to realize, "Hey I can do this." As a young actor, I kept feeling like I never had the skill set needed to succeed in the business. And that was only partly true; I did get work, and I did a fair amount of shows for the amount of time I spent working. But I saw my potential in drag--I love music sung by women, I love clothing and costuming, and I love to create a rapport with my audience.
How did you begin performing as Cissy?
Well, first I went out in drag without performing, once. But I was like, "yeah, I might look beat, but I really want to get on that stage." I went to Look Queen one night because my bestie and I love to dance at the Monster, and did the thing. It wasn't great by any means, but totally a learning experience. And quickly, I started to hear from other girls that I should do this open stage and this contest. So I showed up. And when I didn't do well, all I could hear from more experienced queens was, “keep showing up.”
So for the first few months, I kept doing that until working three jobs and showing up to midnight contests got the best of me, and I revisited what was possible for me. But it was never a question as to whether performing was right for me. I just began to shape my life around my dreams as a performer instead of the other way around.
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You remind me a little bit of Gilda Wabbit: you have similar looks, you're both singers and you both have this kind of feral energy... have you heard that comparison before?
All the time. It also didn't help that we were both Astoria girls at the same time. But whereas some girls would get threatened by someone similar looking with similar goals, she has always been kind and accepting towards me. She refers to me as "the dollar store Gilda Wabbit," which I hold close to my heart.
Ha! Well, you're definitely creating a different look for yourself. When I last saw you, you had a very exaggerated lip... and I understand that crazy nails are trademark of yours?
Well. I love nails but I don't wear them all the time for a couple reasons. If I have a reveal, then my talons don't work best for me because I'll lose them. The other reason is because most of my sets are all busted. But I'm not gonna throw out usable product, so I figure it out! Now as for my makeup, I definitely thought I painted my lips a little too big that night. But I've been pushing myself with my makeup to take risks and learn from them. And actually, since that night I've already learned new things about application and my own anatomy that are making my process easier with better results.
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You recently competed in the first season of Iconic, a new drag competition that had several weekly preliminary rounds Icon. The competition seemed VERY challenging, I must say. How did you enjoy / survive the experience?
Well, I survived! It was very challenging, and I enjoyed the challenge overall... even if it has left me exhausted. There were moments from the show I really enjoyed, one specifically at the finale when the audience showed their love for a number about my Nonna. 
Ultimately, I did have a lot on my plate this summer. What kept me sane during it all was knowing that no matter what I was doing at one show, I had something else going on at another show.
That is comforting! So where can we find you in the next few weeks, before the big show?
I'm back at The Ritz on Friday [for the paid booking at Open Call that was won last week]. And I'm with Heidi Haux at The Duplex on October 10. But really, I'm putting all my time on this [upcoming] show right now.
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Let’s talk about this show! First of all, tell us about your relationship with Amy Winehouse's music. Were you always a fan?
I first got into her when she became a mega star from "Rehab." I remember coming home from school (before I did theater) and watching TRL. “Rehab” was the number 1 video for so long that by time they got to it, they would only play, like, 15 seconds of it because we all had heard it so much. I listened to her album, but didn't (and couldn't) understand it as a single, social, sober kid. And I think the community I came from pushed aside her work because of her drinking problems. 
But I got back into her albums in college, after she died. And everything changed from there. The Lioness became the album I immediately associate with my first fall in New York. I would listen to her cover of "A Song For You" and had no idea WHAT those words were, but I still got every bit of the story. Here I am, this kid in a big city and her music spoke to the loneliness I felt.
So putting together a stage tribute to her must be a very cathartic and emotional process. How did the idea for Back to Life come about?
Well, it started with my original Amy number. I figured out a way to tell a story through her own music. And as I continued to dig into her own music, I saw how her experience informed the music, and her stories became so relatable to my own stories. So her music needs to keep being performed, so others who respond to it like I do have an outlet for it. Her story needs to be retold so that she doesn't rest as "The Addict" or her father's most cherished love... because her life and death were treated terribly. She needs to reign victorious, even if that's in her afterlife.
Well said! You will star in Back to Life at the Laurie Beechman Theatre on October 12th and November 9th. What can we expect from that show? Will you actually be playing Amy as you sing her songs?
You can expect that I will play Amy, but not for the entire show. We're working on mechanisms to help switch between Cissy and Amy, because I do want moments of third person narrative where I can relate her songs back to my own experience.
But I'll be singing everything! And I'll be doing the numbers I already do, plus a bunch of new ones. Which is pretty daunting to learn in such a short time, but such a great challenge and opportunity.
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Sounds like we're in for a stellar showcase! Is there anything else that needs to be mentioned about it?
Something I need to say, just because this is my first time publicly talking about Amy, is that I hope people who knew her know that I do this act from a place of love and respect. She is one of my greatest inspirations, and I'd hate for her family to ever feel I maligned their loved one.
I think her family would be proud! Okay, final question: what will you be for Halloween this year?
High and drunk. If not, working.
We’ll see you out there one way or the other! Thanks, Cissy!
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Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Cissy Walken’s upcoming appearances, and follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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seyaryminamoto · 6 years
It Had To Be You - Christmas
At last, a glimpse at IHTBY's sequel. It's not finished, but it's as good a time as any to post the first bit :) hope you all enjoy it! Happy Holidays!
The monsters were coming down on them in waves, and all their eyes glowed red. All of them were out for blood. All of them meant to destroy the pair in the tunnels.
“I told you we had to go the other way, you idiot!” she shouted, casting wheels of flames repeatedly to rid herself of the threats, but no matter how strong she was, or how many supplies she had, her energy was only going to continue dropping as the snakes, spiders and scorpions rushed to attack them.
“I’m sorry, okay?! Next time I’ll listen to you!” her hero companion yelled back, sweeping his twin swords back and forth, attempting to shove the enemies away through his special techniques, which had the power to blast the creatures off, but new ones always took the places of those he had cast aside.
“Oh, sure, because there’s going to be a next time!” the pyromancer exclaimed.
“You know, this might not be the best moment for sarcasm! Oh, shit, I need potions!”
“I’m running out already!”
“You’re WHAT?! Didn’t you stock up when we were at the village?!”
“Well, sorry if I didn’t think we’d need ninety-nine potions! For crying out loud, we’re better off dead!”
“No, no! Don’t give up on me, we can still…!”
But even though he was advocating for her to carry on fighting, a scorpion struck him with its sting. He was paralyzed, incapable of fighting if only for ten seconds… and ten seconds was all it would take.
“No, no, NOOOOOOO!” Sokka shouted, striking the buttons with unreasonable force, but there was nothing he could do. BoomerAwesome’s HP bar dropped to zero, and his avatar blinked a few times before disappearing.
Sokka grimaced and dropped on his couch’s backrest as his character was reset into the nearest village. He glanced upwards warily, to find Azula was snarling at the screen, doing her best to survive despite he was gone, but the odds weren’t good. She cursed under her breath repeatedly until she huffed in frustration and pushed away from the computer, glaring at him so fiercely he thought she’d burn a hole through his forehead.
“I told you we had to go through the tunnel on the right” she said, slowly, proof she was quite angry “I said it time after time, and yet…”
“Now, I… I know I should have listened, b-but my instincts…!”
“Your instincts were proven wrong, weren’t they?!” Azula exclaimed, exasperated “Ugh, honestly, Sokka! I know it was a fifty-fifty chance, but still! Now we’ve lost all our supplies and all the progress we had made through that blasted cave!”
“I know, I know” Sokka replied, his eyes dropping before he looked at her apologetically “Sorry…?”
Azula’s eyebrow twitched upon the look on his face.
“Sorry… sorry doesn’t fix anything” she muttered, gritting her teeth, trying to remain unaltered despite his expression made her feel like smiling at him “Next time we’re doing what I say, simple as that”
“And what if you fuck up like I did this time?” Sokka asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, that’s the thing: I won’t” Azula stated, proudly “Because unlike you, I don’t make decisions things based on my ‘instincts’. I’ll think things through”
“Heh, as you said, it was a fifty-fifty chance” said Sokka, pouting “And that’s how everything goes in that cave. So how are you going to think things through if it’s all on chance?”
“Simple” she said, with a malicious smirk “I’ll send you first, and if you don’t survive, I’ll know I must go the other way. See?”
Sokka was the one glaring at her now, and Azula smiled proudly.
“Oh, I should’ve seen that one coming, huh?” he said, and she shrugged.
“It’s the price to pay for following your instincts, Boom” she declared.
“Well, then, as far as prices go, I think you’ve got to pay one too for being so mean…” he said, cracking his knuckles and standing up, moving over to her side of the table.
“How exactly…?” she said, still smiling but looking at him warily.
She didn’t want to smile at all afterwards, but she broke into full laughter, unwillingly, when he started tickling her. He sat on the couch next to her, reaching for her every weak spot while she tried to push him off her to no avail.
“Stop! Stop it!” she exclaimed, in the middle of her laughs, but he didn’t budge. He smirked at first, proud to make her giggle uncontrollably, but soon enough he was laughing as well as she succumbed to the tickling.
“Who’s laughing now, eh?” he said, as they ended up splayed over the couch, his fingers still dancing over her flanks.
“Stop it, you… damn it, can’t you let me be mad at you for once?” she asked, still laughing.
“Nope” he smiled, nuzzling her neck “How would I ever live with that?”
Months had passed since their fateful discovery of who the other truly was, since that first, unbeknownst to them, date they had shared together. They had spent said months basking in the other’s company, both by going out together and by playing in Dannan, as they always did. Nowadays, Azula would bring her laptop with her to Sokka’s house, where they could play together, in person, and enjoy themselves to the fullest.
They would play in the living room, specifically, on the long coffee table. They placed their laptops back-to-back and sat across the other in the comfortable couches that surrounded the table. At times they would sit side by side, but not when they were undertaking serious missions such as the one they had just wasted. They would have more chances to do it, but it was a time-limited quest. The sooner they finished it, the less pressure there would be.
“Alright… you won’t have to live with that, but I’ll be calling the shots next” Azula declared, looking at him defiantly.
“Ow, boo. Now that’s something I definitely can’t live with” he said, smirking at her before leaning in to kiss her.
Azula smiled despite herself, knowing he would let her lead this time around without question. She suspected he wanted her to fail to get them to the end of the quest, if just so he could throw at her face that she could make mistakes, all the same as he had. Still, if they succeeded, as she was certain they would, then it would be a good thing for both of them.
“Well, that’s too bad for you, because that’s how we’re doing it now” Azula stated, sitting up again, Sokka’s arms draped around her shoulders.
“Fine, then” he said, with a dramatic sigh “Let it not be said I don’t keep my wife satisfied”
“You know, that can be misinterpreted easily” Azula said, giving him a sideways look, and Sokka raised his eyebrows, amused.
“Well, how foul-minded of you, Gil” he exclaimed “I didn’t see that one coming!”
“Oh, please…” she said, rolling her eyes as Sokka shook his head dramatically.
“I married a pervert and I didn’t know it…” he said, as she laughed again.
“You might be glad about it one day, you know?” she replied, and he looked at her with amusement.
“Oh, really? Well, dang, Azula…” he said, as she laughed more and buried her face on his shoulder “Here I thought you were as innocent a girl as humanly possible…”
“Every single time you assume something about me, Sokka, I prove you wrong” she said, smirking “One would think you’d be used to it by now”
The sound of footsteps coming from the stairs made Azula pull away from Sokka instinctively, and he raised an eyebrow at her bashful behavior just as Kya, Sokka’s mother, appeared in the living room, carrying a large box with her. Azula had been coming to Sokka’s house frequently for quite some time now, but she still was somewhat cautious regarding displays of affection in front of Sokka’s parents. She was more than willing to kiss Sokka in school, for she didn’t care what her peers might say, but Hakoda and Kya’s opinions of her, on the other hand, were actually important for Azula.
“Mom?” said Sokka, standing up and walking towards her to help her with the box “What exactly…?”
“Oh, I thought you were busy playing so I didn’t ask for help” she said, smiling at Sokka and afterwards at his girlfriend, who was looking at her with confused eyes “Are you taking a break from the game?”
“Yeah, Sokka got us killed” Azula said, simply, and Sokka pouted while Kya laughed softly.
“Well, you can take that break by helping me with this, if you wish” said Kya, setting the box on the floor. Azula raised an eyebrow and stood up, walking towards the box while Sokka looked at his mother with a grimace.
“Uh, mom, I don’t think so… I mean, Azula is a guest, after all, so it’s not really appropriate for her to help, you know…?”
“A guest? I’ve been coming here almost every day for over four months” Azula said, raising an eyebrow at Sokka, who pouted again.
“Still, it doesn’t mean you should work in this… whatever this is” said Sokka, frowning before turning to his mother “What is this, actually?”
“Oh, Sokka, you promised you’d help me this year” said Kya, looking at her son reproachfully “Don’t act innocent. You know all too well what time of year it is”
Sokka’s eyes lit up upon those words, while Azula was still rather confused.
“I… I did promise, yeah” he said, smiling weakly “But maybe we can postpone it or something? Do it tomorrow? Azula is here today, after all, so…”
“What exactly are we talking about in the first place?” Azula asked, raising an eyebrow “What did you promise, and what are you keeping in that box?”
“Well, it is November 15th already” said Kya, smiling “And it’s the date in which we traditionally set up Christmas decorations in our house”
Azula stared at Kya in surprise, as Sokka smiled at her too, enthusiastic upon the very mention of the word “Christmas”. Azula blinked a few times and smiled weakly, despite herself.
“Huh. So that’s what you’re up to” she said “So early, though? It’s still mid-November…”
“It’s never too early” Sokka said, proudly “But we always do it on November 15th. That way we get to enjoy the Christmas cheer properly!”
“Okay, then” said Azula, with an awkward smile that made Sokka freeze.
“Wait” he said, looking at her worriedly “Don’t tell me… you don’t celebrate Christmas? Is your family Jewish? Because we can have Hanukkah stuff over here too if you want it, right, mom? We don’t mind! Cultural diversity is always good!”
“It’s good to know you’re not opposed to the idea” Azula said, amused “But that’s not it, Sokka”
“Then what is it?” said Kya, worried “You don’t like the holiday season, perhaps?”
“Well, I… wouldn’t exactly put it that way” said Azula, with a grimace “My family has never been one to celebrate Christmas much, is all”
“Really?” said Sokka, surprised “Well, we do celebrate it over here. We set up all the ornaments, and the lights, and keep to the traditions and…”
“Heh, don’t tell me you’re the sort of families that set up so many lights that you end up taking out the power of the entire block” Azula said, teasingly, looking at Sokka with amusement.
“N-no! Well, it only happened one year, it doesn’t happen all the time!” said Sokka, an eyebrow twitching now as Azula laughed.
“As you probably can tell for yourself now, Sokka is a big fan of Christmas” said Kya, surrounding her son’s shoulders with an arm. Sokka chuckled at that “As are all of us. It’s quite a fun season of the year for the family”
“Well, I can’t say I’m surprised” Azula said, smiling “He did seem the type who would get excited over Christmas”
“I just hope you don’t dump him now due to incompatibility, though” said Kya, jokingly, and Sokka looked at Azula, aghast.
“You wouldn’t!” he exclaimed, as she laughed.
“If incompatibility over small things was a reason to break up, I’m pretty sure we would have done it ages ago and for reasons other than Christmas” she said, and Sokka wasn’t quite sure if he should be reassured by that.
“Not like we’re that incompatible, girl…” he said, pouting “We’re the best duo in Dannan, and you know it!”
“Even if your instincts do get us killed, yes, I suppose we are” said Azula, smirking, and Sokka grinned guiltily now.
“Well, then, uh… should we really do this?” he asked his mom “I guess it could be fun to try and get Azula into Christmas spirits, but maybe we can just set things up on the weekend instead…”
“But you two always go out on the weekends anyways” said Kya, raising an eyebrow “All things considered, you actually spend most your time together. If you want to wait until she’s not with you, I think we’ll end up setting the decorations by Christmas Eve instead…”
“Well, that’s what my family does” Azula said, shrugging, and Sokka looked at her in disbelief.
“Say WHAT?!” he exclaimed, his eyebrow twitching “You’re joking, aren’t you? You guys wait till Christmas Eve?!”
“Yeah. I thought it was fairly normal to do that” said Azula, blinking a few times.
“B-but… but when do you go shopping for Christmas presents for your friends and family?” Sokka asked, his eyes wide “And setting up the tree? And how about reading ‘The Night Before Christmas’? And the food, the Christmas feast?! Don’t you guys do that?”
“Well, we don’t read that, no” said Azula, shrugging “My mom handles the food, usually. And she takes care of shopping too, though the matter of presents in our house is probably fairly different from yours. One day my dad decided to sit us down, Zuko and I, because he had to tell us something important, and without further ado he said Santa Claus wasn’t real and that the presents that we’d found under the tree didn’t come from him. So we haven’t had Christmas presents since… since I was four, I think”
“WHAT?!” Sokka said, his jaw dropping as he paled considerably. Kya as well was horrified, her hands on her mouth “Y-you were… four?! Y-your dad told you this when you were FOUR?!”
“Well, yeah. What’s the big deal?” said Azula, frowning and looking at Sokka with confusion “Really, relax. It’s not like he ruined us by doing that… at least, he didn’t ruin me. I had already figured the big legend with the fat guy and the fancy beard made no sense, so…”
“You thought so when you were four?!” Kya asked, baffled.
“Yeah, I mean… how could he possibly visit every single home of every single child in the world in a single night?” she asked, raising her eyebrows “Reindeers that fly, one of them with a glowing red nose to light their way? It all sounded so very ridiculous that I didn’t really believe it, so when dad admitted it was a lie I was almost relieved…”
“B-but Azula, the magic of Christmas…” said Sokka, his eyes tearful as he looked at her in disbelief “You never ever believed in that?”
“Uh… no?”
“Hell… the incompatibility is too strong now. I’m not sure I can handle this” he said, his eyes wide as Azula slapped his shoulder.
“Stop that. Sure, we had different childhoods, so what? It’s not like I lost all my innocence because of this. If you’re worried about me not getting enough gifts, don’t be. My father buys me and Zuko whatever we might ask for, so…”
“B-but that’s not the point!” said Sokka, grimacing “You’ve never experienced the Christmas cheer properly and that’s unacceptable!”
“Oh, and what exactly am I supposed to do about it now?” Azula asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow “You can’t go back in time to convince my parents to share the proper holiday cheer with me, can you?”
“No… but we can have you experience it now!” he said, with a determined smile. Azula’s eyes widened.
“Wait… huh?” she said, as Sokka clasped her shoulders with his hands.
“Azula, you’re about to find out what Christmas is all about!” he declared, to Kya’s approval and Azula’s utter confusion.
“I am?” she said, as Sokka let go of her shoulders.
“You don’t have to work too much, if you don’t want to” he said, grinning “But we’re going to set up Christmas decorations and start spreading Christmas cheer in hopes it infects you!”
Azula looked at her boyfriend with disbelief as he and Kya opened the large box, revealing all sorts of Christmas decorations to place around the house. She wasn’t entirely sure how she’d gone from setting hideous monsters on fire at Dannan to watching Sokka digging through a box for Santa Claus figurines, a toy train and its tracks, and several other Christmas-themed gadgets. But then again, things always had a way to change drastically when it came to her and Sokka. Fortunately, most those changes had been for the better ever since their relationship had begun. Maybe this would be for the better, too. She had never cared much for the Holidays, personally. Her uncle’s Christmas parties annoyed her to no end, and she had little to no interest in Christmas in itself… but perhaps this year she might see what was so special about this particular holiday. Much had changed over the course of a few months… so her stance on Christmas just might change a little, too.
She approached Sokka as Kya left to fetch another box, and she smiled despite herself as he pulled out Santa Claus hats, a bright smile on his face.
“You guys actually have those?” Azula asked, and Sokka chuckled “I hadn’t thought that you guys would be such a Christmas-enthusiast family, but it makes sense that you are…”
“Does it annoy you much?” he asked, as he put on his hat “Because it’s a lot of fun once you get used to it”
“Of course you’d think so. You’re a Christmas enthusiast after all” said Azula, with a smirk. Sokka chuckled and offered wordlessly to put a hat on Azula’s head as well. She paused as she looked at the red hat with uncertainty “Uh… must I?”
“If you’re going to experience Christmas first-hand, Azula, then you must indeed” said Sokka, proudly, as his hands reached out to put the hat in place. Azula grimaced and Sokka chuckled “Come on, don’t be a party pooper. It’ll be fun!”
“So you say” said Azula, but she smiled nonetheless.
The process to set up Christmas decorations took far longer than Azula expected it to, but to her surprise, it was far more enjoyable than she could have imagined it would be. She didn’t doubt that she had only found it so enjoyable because of the company, though. Kya and Sokka’s enthusiasm was as infectious as they had promised it would be, and despite Azula wasn’t about to show it overtly, she soon found herself quite cheerful as well. The colorful sights were rather beautiful, each decoration special in its own way, and watching Sokka and his mother as they debated on where to place everything was quite enjoyable.
She found herself helping them willingly, following Kya’s instructions as she and Sokka set up wreathes in the halls, holly and ivy to be found at every corner of the place. Sokka was beaming happily soon enough as Azula took the initiative at times, opening boxes herself and smiling in surprise as she looked at the decorations within.
“So… you guys have a plastic tree?” Azula asked, raising an eyebrow as she pulled the trunk of the fake tree out of a long box. Sokka sighed and shrugged.
“I’ve got no idea what’s worse for the environment, if plastic or real ones, but that’s what we have” he admitted “Getting a real one every year was too expensive, so dad decided we had to cut our losses a couple years ago and we’ve had a plastic one ever since. We use this cool spray to make it smell like it’s real, though, if that counts for anything”
“Heh. So I guess that’s one thing we’ve always had that you guys don’t” said Azula, smirking “Despite my family has never had much holiday spirit, at least we did have real trees every year”
“Oh, really?” said Sokka, raising an eyebrow “Well… that’s good to know, to be honest. I was starting to fear your family was worse than what I’d understood…”
“Could it be worse than it is just because of our lack of Christmas traditions, really?” Azula asked, skeptically, and Sokka smiled.
“Well, I’m actually just relieved that things aren’t that bad for you. Your family can’t be that lousy if you guys still get a proper tree and decorate it together”
“Uh, I didn’t say anything about decorating any trees” Azula pointed out, and Sokka frowned.
“Huh? You just leave it there without any decorations, then?” he asked, and she shook her head.
“No, it’s already decorated” said Azula, and Sokka’s jaw dropped.
“W-wait… you guys buy trees that are already decorated?! Y-you don’t even…?!” he said, looking at her in disbelief as she shrugged, as though it were a completely normal idea for her.
“Dad always chooses one and sends it home a few days before Christmas Eve. He wouldn’t have time to decorate it, mom is… well, you know what she’s like, and Zuko and I usually don’t like to engage in that sort of family nonsense, so in the end it’s more convenient this way, really”
“It’s… it sounds like it’s convenient, Azula, but that’s not right! Heck, now you’ve convinced me, your family is really worse than I feared!”
“Oh, please” said Azula, rolling her eyes, but Sokka shook his head.
“None of that! We are going to set up this tree, young lady, and you will see how much fun it can be!” he said, making his voice hoarse on purpose as he folded his arms over his chest, his frown as determined as it was comical. Azula smiled.
“You are such a pain in the ass, Boom” she said, rolling her eyes. He chuckled a little as he returned to the tree’s box, pulling out the plastic branches that they’d have to attach to the tree’s main body.
As they were building the tree, they heard a key turning at the front door. Both Sokka and Azula glanced at it instinctively to find Hakoda and Katara arriving home, their eyes widening at the sight of the brand new décor in the house, along with the empty boxes they hadn���t put away just yet.
“Ah, just amazing! It looks beautiful, Kya!” Hakoda exclaimed, proudly, before noticing that only Sokka and Azula were nearby. His eyes brightened all the same upon seeing them, though “Oh, hello there, you two! Did Kya make you help, Azula?”
Upon the mention of her brother’s girlfriend, Katara grimaced. She raised an eyebrow and looked at her with some irritation, despite Azula looked far more inoffensive today than ever before. Katara had probably never witnessed a stranger sight than Azula sitting next to Sokka on the floor, building a Christmas tree while wearing a Santa Claus hat.
“Not Kya, it was Sokka’s doing” Azula answered, and Sokka pouted.
“Hey, I said you didn’t have to do much if you didn’t want to, you chose to join me out of your free will!” he declared, prompting her to smile and roll her eyes.
“Then she really did help?” Katara asked, looking at Azula with disbelief “Do you even like Christmas?”
“Not that much, looks like, but it seems she likes me well enough to help us out with this” said Sokka, his childish pout now replaced with a goofy smile. A flustered Azula poked him in the ribs with one of the branches in her hand, making him squeak and inch away from her.
Katara sighed as they argued foolishly, wondering for the umpteenth time how the couple in her living room had become a thing at all. She already knew the story, but to this day it was as good as unbelievable. She had trouble thinking of Azula as anything other than Sokka’s tormentor, even though it had been months since their relationship had begun.
“Oh, you’re home!” Kya exclaimed, appearing at the top of the stairs with yet another box in her arms.
Hakoda beamed as she came down to the first floor, and he took the box from her before setting it down. He swept her into his arms and kissed her happily, to Katara’s embarrassment and discomfort. Kya giggled and smiled at her husband, whose excitement had naturally been caused by the festive decorations.
“So I guess you approve?” Kya asked, when Hakoda finally pulled away, his eyes still bright with cheer.
“Absolutely!” he declared “I should go decorate outside too, now, shouldn’t I?”
“Perhaps you could leave that for another day, it’s late and you must be tired” said Kya, smiling at him and at Katara as well “Welcome home, sweetie. Was school okay?”
“It was fine, noting much to report” said Katara, smiling awkwardly. At least, nothing beyond the obvious discomfort caused by the constant displays of affection between her brother and his girlfriend during the recesses “I was out with Aang for a while, Dad picked me up afterwards…”
“As thoughtful as ever” said Kya, placing her head on Hakoda’s shoulder. The tall man grinned happily and Katara smiled too. At the very least, she had to concede that Sokka’s happiness with Azula reminded her of that dorky grin Hakoda often had whenever he was around Kya.
As Sokka and Azula finished building the tree, Katara placed a few more decorations around the house and Hakoda fetched the last box upstairs. When he returned downstairs he realized there was a familiar Christmas song playing through the speakers of their old stereo system. Kya smiled happily at him as she tapped her foot to the music that she had set up, hoping to entice him with it. Naturally, she succeeded at that: Hakoda swooped in and took her into his arms, twirling her as they started dancing to the tunes, their laughter filling the place along with the music as the three teenagers watched them, two of them with amusement, the other one with embarrassment.
“Oh, please… Mom, Dad, stop that!” said Katara, shaking her head yet smiling anyways as her parents danced “You’re going to break something if you keep dancing like that!”
They didn’t listen to her, though, and they continued to dance cheerfully to Deck the Halls. Katara rolled her eyes and buried her face in a hand, and Sokka chuckled as he watched his parents dancing.
“Do they do that every time?” Azula asked, smiling as well. Sokka nodded.
“And Katara tells them they’ll break something every time. She was right one year, too” said Sokka, with a guilty grin “We had one of those big Christmas snow globes, with figurines of Santa Claus and this snowman in it… and then my dad crashed against it, and that was the end of the line for the snow globe”
“And your sister scolded them for it, of course” Azula said, smirking, and Sokka nodded.
“She takes pride in being the responsible one around here” he said, watching as Katara struggled to create a safe zone around her dancing parents, taking away all objects that they might break if they bumped into them “Which I guess means she’s just the one who’s no fun, huh?”
“Sounds like it” said Azula, still amused, but her smile waned as she watched Kya and Hakoda twirling and laughing together.
It wasn’t often that she would think of her own family while she was around Sokka’s, but for some reason the thought came to her right now. She couldn’t help but think that there was no way she would ever witness her parents being as loving as Sokka’s were… she couldn’t remember ever seeing Ursa and Ozai enjoying each other’s company like this. Despite Katara’s obvious discomfort by watching her parents’ overt displays of affection, she was rather lucky, by Azula’s standards. She’d never been bothered by the same thing when it came to her parents, simply because she couldn’t remember the last time they had been loving towards one another…
“You okay, Azula?” Sokka asked, noticing she had spaced out briefly. Azula blinked a few times and nodded, smiling at him.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I was just… thinking” she said, shrugging. Sokka raised an eyebrow.
“Thinking… that you want to dance too?” he asked, with a mischievous grin. Azula laughed and shook her head.
“Honestly? I’d rather not. We still have to finish this, don’t we?” she asked, pointing at the tree, and Sokka chuckled and nodded.
“We do. I’m a lousy dancer myself anyhow, so I’m glad that’s not what you wanted” he said, as he stood up to fix the top branches of the tree, with Azula’s help.
Hakoda and Kya’s dancing spree ended soon enough, to Katara’s relief, and Kya left to prepare dinner as Sokka and Azula started to set up the tree’s decorations from the last box Hakoda had brought. Katara approached, willing to help out too despite it meant cooperating with Azula, but she knew Azula wasn’t likely to act out right now. Truth to be told, she had become far more docile towards everyone after she had started dating Sokka. Granted she was still rather snarky at school, but even then, things had become a lot less tense than they had been for two years.
The fights for the table at lunch were over by now, and so were the walls between Azula’s group and her brother’s, since they had practically merged into a single one. Mai and Ty Lee had adapted to this change well enough, albeit Mai seemed to dislike the large crowd at times. Regardless, she would usually engage in conversation with either Zuko or Aang, even with Katara once in a while. Ty Lee, on the other hand, had befriended Suki quite quickly, and to most of their surprises, she got along with Toph rather well too.
Nevertheless, it wasn’t too often that all friends were together in the same place… because, quite often, Sokka and Azula would slip away to eat somewhere more private, away from the prying eyes and snarky remarks from their peers. Azula enjoyed making them uncomfortable by being overtly affectionate with Sokka, but she actually enjoyed being alone with him much more than anything else. Given how enthusiastic he usually was about their time alone, it seemed Sokka agreed with that too.
The changes didn’t bother Katara too much, and she was particularly thankful for Sokka and Azula’s thoughtfulness when they decided to head off on their own instead of staying in the crowded table. Yet she couldn’t do anything about them when they were at her house, playing their favorite MMORPG together and either arguing whenever things went wrong in the game, or making out a little too enthusiastically when things went right.
Hence, it was a relief that they would act normally for now, that the three of them could work on setting up the tree without arguing, actually getting along without trouble for once…
Sokka set down the tree stand and placed the plastic tree in its proper place as Azula looked through the box, pulling out small decorative balls of green and red, along with several other hanging ornaments that were a little less conventional. She smiled at the sight of Chewbacca amongst the decorations, wondering whose it was.
“That’s my dad’s” said Sokka, chuckling as he circled the tree, wrapping a long cable with lightbulbs around it “He’s been a fan of Star Wars since forever”
“If it were up to him, the tree would be covered in Star Wars stuff” said Katara, smiling as well as she started hanging the balls in the branches, as soon as Sokka was finished with the placement of the lights.
“Well, it’s a way to keep Christmas diverse, I suppose” said Azula, raising her eyebrows as she placed Chewbacca in a random branch.
Kya smiled as she watched the three teenagers working together, her cellphone at the ready so she could snap a picture once Sokka had stood up. He was crouching on the floor, plugging the lights into a power source to make sure they would work properly. To his relief, it seemed the lights were in a perfects state. They blinked in multiple colors, as they were intended to. Sokka smiled and stood up, beaming proudly at the tree, and then the bright white flash from Kya’s cellphone camera alerted all three teenagers that they were being watched.
“Mom!” Katara exclaimed, as Kya chuckled.
“Come on, it’s a beautiful moment!” she exclaimed, as Sokka laughed as well. Azula simply crooked an eyebrow “I had to take a picture”
“She’s been like that ever since she got her first cellphone with a camera” said Sokka “Can’t stop snapping pictures of everything she thinks we’ll want to remember, but then she forgets she took them in the first place…”
“I do not!” Kya declared, but before she could protest further, she was pulled into an embrace by Hakoda again… who was wearing a very strange hat now “Oh… so you found your mistletoe hat”
“I did indeed!” Hakoda said, proudly “It’s my actual favorite Christmas decoration”
“You like it better than Chewbacca?” Azula asked, smiling and pointing at the tree ornament. Hakoda nodded promptly, to Kya’s approval.
“It’s much sweeter after all” he said, with a soft chuckle before tilting Kya back and kissing her rather dramatically now. Katara struck her forehead with the palm of her hand and returned to decorating the tree as Azula looked away, wishing she weren’t blushing. Sokka only chuckled at the sight, pulling out a Darth Vader ornament now.
Yet as Azula focused again on the tree, along with the others, a projectile flew straight at Sokka’s head, surprising him as it bounced against him.
“Your turn, Sokka!” Hakoda exclaimed, grinning as Kya giggled. Sokka grabbed the mistletoe hat and smiled awkwardly before swapping it for his own hat.
Azula had been busy fixing an ornament when she felt a finger tapping her shoulder. She had been about to ask Sokka what was going on when she turned around to find him wearing the mistletoe hat. She looked at him in disbelief as he smiled goofily, thoroughly enjoying the sight of her flushed cheeks as his parents laughed. Katara groaned and shook her head, moving towards the back of the tree so she wouldn’t have to watch the spectacle that she knew Sokka and Azula would present now.
“Are you kidding me?” she asked, as Sokka shrugged.
“It’s the first time I can wear it for real!” he exclaimed, proudly “Come on, it’s not like we’ve never…”
Azula rolled her eyes before grabbing Sokka’s shirt and pulling him close, cutting him midsentence with a fiery kiss. He grinned into the contact of their lips and hugged Azula as they kissed under the mistletoe hat, to Kya and Hakoda’s approval.
“Please don’t start dancing to the Christmas music now too…” Katara groaned, and she soon wished she hadn’t said the words, or else Sokka probably wouldn’t have started swaying in place at the beat of the songs playing in the stereo still.
Azula couldn’t help but laugh now as he danced clumsily with her. He took her hands into his as his feet moved along with hers in a very strange flow of movements that might not suit the music all that well. It was Hakoda and Kya’s turn to be amused, and Sokka and Azula were blushing yet smiling brightly as they swayed together to the cheerful Christmas songs.
It wasn’t often that Azula stayed for dinner, but Kya insisted that she had to do it this time around, in return for having helped out with the Christmas decorations. The tree was beautiful and bright, with a star shining bright at the very top, which Azula had placed there since she was the guest of honor for today. The house was truly festive right now, with Christmas music still playing softly in the stereo as they ate dinner at the kitchen’s table.
“I do hope you enjoyed yourself today, Azula” Kya said, with a gentle smile. Azula grinned back and nodded, swallowing the bit of steak she had in her fork.
“It was surprisingly fun, I admit it” she said “It seems like you guys know just how to celebrate Christmas… from a month and a half beforehand, perhaps, but you do”
“It’s the best way to enjoy the festivities” said Hakoda, proudly.
“I do hope you won’t get into trouble with your parents for being late today, though” said Kya “You’re not under curfew, are you?”
“Oh, no. They…” said Azula, holding her tongue upon second thought. It wasn’t a good idea to express her views about her parents that openly, at least not to Sokka’s parents “They won’t mind, I think. I’ll explain what happened, they shouldn’t have any problem with it”
“Well, I could give you a ride home, if nothing else” said Hakoda, shrugging “It’s pretty late so it’d be safer this way, right?”
“That… that would be very nice, actually. Thanks” said Azula, with an unusually kind smile. Sokka grinned at the sight of it.
“In fact…” Kya started, biting her lower lip “Maybe there’s more we can do for your family, after having kept you here all day”
“What? Seriously, they don’t mind, they’re…”
“Maybe that’s the case, dear��� but I’d very much like to invite them over to our Annual Christmas Party” said Kya, beaming.
Katara raised an eyebrow, Sokka’s mouth turned into a comical ‘o’. Hakoda grinned, and Azula seemed utterly perplex.
“Your… Annual Christmas Party?” Azula repeated. Kya nodded enthusiastically.
“It’s not a lot, don’t expect anything too fancy” she said, between giggles “But we have a lot of fun playing Christmas-themed games, reading The Night Before Christmas just as Sokka mentioned earlier…”
“I read it last year, hehe” said Sokka, smiling “We take turns each year”
“We eat Christmas Ham, too” said Kya, proudly.
“We spend hours in the kitchen working on the whole meal, actually” Katara said, smiling awkwardly “It takes a lot of effort and in the end there’s more leftovers than anything…”
“No way. You get leftovers with Sokka in the house?” Azula asked, smirking skeptically. Sokka chuckled.
“That’s just how much food it is” he said, beaming.
“It would be wonderful to share it with more people this year” said Kya, sighing “I understand if your parents are busy, of course… but it would be a good opportunity to meet them”
The prospect made Azula unexpectedly self-aware. She wasn’t one who’d usually feel embarrassed by her parents, not when her father was the successful CEO he was, not when her mother usually got along with people with ridiculous ease, regardless of Azula’s reservations towards her. But the idea of introducing them to Sokka’s family filled her with uncertainty. How could she introduce her parents with their distant, chaotic marriage to the happiest family she had ever known? Hakoda and Kya would likely be quite disappointed, and she knew her father wasn’t bound to approve of Sokka’s parents just on the basis that they weren’t as rich as he was…
“I’ll… well, I’ll see what can be done” Azula said, biting her lip “I can bring it up, but I don’t know if they have other appointments. When would you hold it, exactly?”
“On Christmas Eve, of course!” said Hakoda, smiling proudly.
“And then when the clock strikes twelve he kisses Mom and they make such a fuss…” Katara sighed, shaking her head. Kya and Hakoda exchanged happy, loving gazes.
“Well, this year you and I should do the same, huh, Azula?” Sokka asked, beaming at her.
Now Azula felt powerfully compelled to agree. She looked at Sokka and smiled gently, knowing that she definitely wanted them to grow old together, to be just as deep in love as Kya and Hakoda still were, once they reached their age. She couldn’t want anything else.
But this meant bringing her parents, though… and that wasn’t something she could feel comfortable with, even if she knew spending Christmas with Sokka would be a thousand times better than doing it as she usually did: staying cooped up in her room, watching whatever TV show struck her fancy and ignoring every single reminder of the holidays if she could get away with it.
She wanted to be with him in Christmas Eve. She really did… even if the price was bringing her parents, too.
“I can… I can try” she said, nodding “I’ll tell them about it. It’s just… well, as I said they might be busy. But, if they were, could I maybe…?”
“Oh, spend Christmas Eve with us anyways?” Hakoda finished. Azula blushed a little “Why, of course! We do love having you around!”
It was obvious that Katara didn’t agree with that statement, and Azula warily glanced at her to see her grimacing in disapproval… but strangely, she didn’t make a face or whisper under her breath that she didn’t want anything to do with Azula. There was no passive-aggressiveness from her of any kind. Either her sister-in-law was warming up to her, or she had something else up her sleeve…? Whatever it was, Azula was surprised and relieved that she wouldn’t protest about Azula’s potential intrusion in her family’s holiday celebration.
“So… I can come anyways? I won’t intrude on your family celebration if I come on my own?” she asked, with a weak smile.
“What? Well, dear, you’re family now!” Kya exclaimed, beaming “I’ve thought of you as family ever since Sokka introduced you, so there’s no intrusion whatsoever. You’re always welcome here”
The words stung hard, in places she didn’t know she had inside her. Maybe this really was what Christmas was about, Azula thought, as she lowered her eyes and smiled, nodding weakly before excusing herself to go to the bathroom quickly.
Sokka watched her, somewhat surprised to see her go, but he turned and looked excitedly at his family again now. Hakoda and Kya beamed at him.
“Thanks, Mom” he said “I would’ve asked eventually if she could come, but I didn’t think you’d suggest it yourself…”
“Oh, but of course I had to!” said Kya, chuckling “It’s so wonderful for you to have this relationship, Sokka. And to think she hasn’t ever experienced Christmas properly…”
“She hadn’t? What do you mean?” Hakoda asked.
“Her father buys a decorated tree every year” said Kya, her eyes wide “They don’t even decorate until Christmas Eve!”
“I think Zuko mentioned that a while back…” Katara mused. Hakoda and Kya looked at her in disbelief “What?”
“Why didn’t you say that sooner?” Hakoda asked, astounded.
“Well, it… never really crossed my mind” Katara said, shrugging “I think I told him that sucked, but he said not to worry about it, so…”
“You should have said something” said Kya, shaking her head “Oh, those poor kids. We should invite Zuko too!”
“We can invite him, though I don’t know if he’ll want to come” said Sokka, chuckling “Knowing him he’ll be annoyed by being around me and Azula for too long…”
“A protective older brother, is he?” Kya asked, but Sokka shook his head.
“More like Sokka and Azula are annoying and obnoxious just to piss him off” said Katara, with a smirk. Sokka chuckled guiltily.
“Well, tell Zuko we made Sokka promise he’d be in his best behavior” said Kya. Sokka pouted “Promise, Sokka”
“Fine, but if we cross any thresholds with mistletoe I’m not holding back!” Sokka said, proudly. Katara rolled her eyes as her parents laughed.
Azula returned, looking somewhat refreshed, and she continued the meal while smiling as Sokka told her more about what she could expect for the party. On top of that, he took the liberty to invite her for Thanksgiving, too. Azula smiled and caressed his hand under the table.
“But, say… since Thanksgiving is soon I guess we’ll only have her as a guest” said Katara “But, um, if we’re going to bring Zuko over for Christmas, could we…?”
“What, dear?” asked Hakoda. Katara bit her lip.
“Invite, uh, others too?” she asked.
“Like Aang?” Sokka asked, munching on the last bit of beef he had left. Katara blushed a little.
“Well, of course! Invite all your friends if you like!” Hakoda exclaimed. Katara froze at that, her eyebrow twitching.
“My… friends. Of course” she said, smiling awkwardly.
“So we’ll have the most crowded Christmas party ever?” Sokka asked, beaming.
“We will, as long as they don’t have their own family celebrations to worry about” said Kya “If they’re free to come, they can absolutely do so”
“So it’ll be like a Christmas party of our lunch table?” Sokka asked, chuckling.
“And with Azula’s parents, if they can come” said Hakoda.
Katara seemed to want to say something, but she held back. Briefly, Azula wondered if it was some sort of protest against Azula’s exclusive treatment… but there was no sign of the usual hostility Katara harbored towards her. Something was strange about her right now, but since it wasn’t bothering her, Azula figured she’d let it slide.
“Oh, these will be holidays to remember! We’ll have to make extra food!” Kya declared, prompting everyone to laugh.
“You said you always have leftovers” said Azula, smiling.
“But with all these people to feed we’ll need to go further!” Kya said, chuckling “Oh, it will be wonderful, for sure!”
Their excitement was quite contagious indeed, but Azula feared she’d feel that excitement dwindling and dying once she returned home. Her family was the complete antithesis to Sokka’s, and she highly doubted Ozai would find this disruption to his routinely traditions as wonderful as Kya did.
Yet Kya was ever enthusiastic about the prospect, and Azula didn’t dare consider letting her down. She would try to ask her family to come, regardless of what the answer would be. She was going to make it clear, though, that she’d be spending the holidays at Sokka’s place regardless of what they wanted. At this point in time, her relationship with him was far more important than any restrictions her parents might want to impose on her.
Then again, they seldom imposed any. At most, she faced her father’s disapproval, but there were hardly any rules she had to abide by. She was sure she’d get away with having a fun Christmas for once, by her adorable boyfriend’s side.
Kya hugged her and thanked her for all her hard work today, just before Hakoda gave Azula the lift home. Azula said not to mention it, for it had hardly been work at all. Katara didn’t quite say goodbye, but for once she had a valid excuse for it in the form of washing the dishes. Sokka would naturally tag along with Azula and Hakoda, so he led her to the garage later, her hand in his.
She sat on the car’s backseat, while Sokka took shotgun and Hakoda drove. Father and son spoke at leisure, mostly about Sokka being allowed to drive Azula by himself the next time, since he had a license he was making no use of. The conversation made Azula smile a little, but she only listened to it wistfully, guessing that was what a normal relationship between father and son would look like.
At last they reached the large three-story brick house where Azula lived, and Hakoda whistled in amazement as he saw it. He knew Azula’s father was a CEO, but he had no idea her family would be this wealthy.
“Well, have a good night, Azula” he said, smiling at her over his shoulder “I hope your parents can make it on Christmas, too. You’ll have a month to get them to come around if they’re not sure”
“I’ll try my best” said Azula, smiling too. Hakoda beamed.
“See you later, then. Tomorrow, likely” he said, looking at Sokka who grinned happily at his dad.
“Good night” Azula said, still smiling as she opened the door and climbed off the car.
Sokka joined her on the sidewalk, and he led her hand in hand to the door. Hakoda innocently gazed out of his window at the passing traffic, giving his son and girlfriend proper privacy.
“Uh… hey, if you don’t want them to come over that’s alright” Sokka said, looking at her empathically “I know things are tricky with your parents and family, so… if you’d rather not invite them at all, we can tell my mom that you did and they said no and…”
“No, no… I’ll try anyways” said Azula. Sokka swallowed “I know it’s weird that I’d be willing to try at all, but… I guess it’s better if I do. They probably will say no anyhow, so that way we won’t have to lie to your parents”
“Well, I’d rather not lie, yeah” said Sokka, smiling a little “Still, do whatever you’re most comfortable with, okay? I don’t want you pressured into anything you don’t want… in fact, if you don’t want this at all…!”
“Could you shut up?” she asked, laughing, as he blushed nervously “I do want to go. Of course I do. It sounds like it’d be the best Christmas ever”
“Really?” Sokka asked, relieved and surprised at once.
“I want to try, if anything” Azula said, shrugging “Hopefully I’ll enjoy it, huh?”
“I… I’m sure you will” Sokka said, grinning “I’ll keep my craziness under control, I promise, so you won’t have to worry about a thing…!”
“Oh, please, like you could possibly do that” she said, smirking and leaning close to hug him “Don’t even worry, dummy. I’d rather you continue to be the silly boy I fell in love with”
“Huh. Even in front of your parents?” Sokka asked, biting his lip. She shrugged.
“Like I care about what they’ll say about you” she said “They could disown me for it and I’d still be with you”
“Heck, that’s romantic but sad. I hope they won’t do that” said Sokka, caressing her back gently “Still, if they do… you can absolutely come live at my place! You saw Mom and Dad like you lots, and Katara wasn’t even that bad today, so…”
“There aren’t any free rooms at your place, though” said Azula, smirking. Sokka blushed “So I guess I’ll have to bunk in with… your sister”
“What?!” Sokka asked, aghast, and Azula laughed “I mean, sure it’s more appropriate, but noooo…”
“You were saying I’m the perv earlier, but you’re already thinking about sleeping with me?” she asked, cupping his face. Sokka giggled guiltily.
“What can I say? We’re both foul-minded” he admitted. She laughed and leaned in to kiss him.
But when they parted Sokka wasn’t quite as playful anymore. He held her close, and he was looking at her somewhat intensely. Azula knew it was weird for him to be serious, but it was weirder still for it to happen so suddenly. Nevertheless, he didn’t stop caressing her gently.
“Say… when you excused yourself” he started. She felt her stomach churn at the question she knew was about to come “What happened? Were you okay?”
“I…” she whispered. Her first instinct was to lie, but she closed her eyes and forced herself not to. She didn’t want to lie to him, not ever. She refused to let dishonesty damage their otherwise perfect relationship “I was a little overwhelmed, yeah. I’m sorry, I…”
“Don’t be” said Sokka, caressing her face “Just… can I ask why?”
“Well it just hit me that… that I’ve never had a family quite like yours” she whispered. Sokka gritted his teeth “I’m so used to mine that… I didn’t really expect yours to be this warm. To hear your parents say I’m welcome, that… that your mother thought of me as part of the family ever since she knew we were together? It just… it meant a lot. I know it sounds dumb, but…”
“It doesn’t sound dumb at all” Sokka said, hugging her tightly and burying his face in her hair. She held onto him just as tightly “I’m sorry you never experienced anything quite like it before… but I’m more than glad that my parents are being so nice to you. I love the idea of you being part of our family…”
“Are you saying you’re going to propose now?” she asked, with a small laugh. Sokka bit his lip.
“Well, now, I didn’t say that but now that you mention it…” he said. She laughed again and pulled away, a few tears blinking in the corners of her eyes.
“We’re still too young. Wait a little longer, okay?” she said. Sokka pouted.
“Like… tomorrow?” he asked, with a playful smile. Azula laughed and kissed him again.
“I love you” she said, pressing her forehead to his. He beamed at her.
“And I love you, too” he said “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Of course” she whispered, and he kissed her again.
They held the kiss longer than any of the ones they’d exchanged today, and Sokka smiled as they parted. He stroked her cheek gently before moving back towards the car, walking backwards so he wouldn’t lose sight of her.
“I’ll be pestering you on Dannan as soon as I get home!” he said, smirking “We still have to get that boomerang!”
“Good lord” said Azula, with a dramatic sigh. She smiled as he chuckled, though, and she opened the door so she could step inside while she watched Sokka and Hakoda pull out.
She sighed once they were gone, and she inevitably allowed her mind to wander towards the future. One day, surely, they’d be able to spend every waking moment together for good… she hated parting from him, even though it had been months of their relationship already. Her love was so strong it seemed about to tear her to shreds whenever they weren’t together. But fortunately, they could text, or chat, or play together even then. That sufficed sometimes.
Still, after what might happen now when she spoke to her parents, she suspected she’d need a good virtual therapy session with Sokka to soothe herself. She had mostly avoided them for the past five years, hardly holding any long conversations with either one of her parents, although she’d certainly been a little less unforgiving with her father. Yet her father was most likely the one who wouldn’t take this well. Her mother might just jump on the chance to put on her ‘mother of the year’ façade in front of Sokka’s family, though… the idea made Azula’s insides churn in a very different way than they had with Sokka earlier.
She made her way inside, climbing the stairs and leaving her backpack in her room. Her family had been in the dining room, she caught sight of them on the corner of her eyes, but they hadn’t been too surprised either to see her arrive at this hour or over her lack of greeting. Surely they expected her to come downstairs just to get food, and maybe they’d greet her then… that is, if they expected her to do so at all. She had been known to sneak downstairs once their dinnertime was over, to eat by herself so she wouldn’t have to put up with them.
But alas, she’d already eaten and she’d be going down to face them anyhow. The thought made her almost wish she could do what Sokka had suggested, and just lie about having told them… but the memory of Kya’s gentle smile and words gave her the last bit of determination she had needed. She had to talk to her parents, even if just to get no for an answer.
Zuko was with them, which was going to be a bigger bother yet, but Azula hoped somewhat wistfully that he wouldn’t cause much trouble. She knew, though, that he wouldn’t simply stay quiet as she spoke with their parents…
“Ah, Azula” her mother said, once her daughter appeared at the dining room’s threshold “There’s more food in the fridge, you can heat it in the microwave…”
“I already ate” Azula said, curtly. Ursa blinked blankly.
“Oh? At Sokka’s house?” she asked, and Azula nodded.
It was beyond strange to talk to her mother, beyond tense, too. She didn’t quite enjoy it, never had. She had to steel herself to get through the whole thing, though…
“You weren’t imposing on them, were you?” Ozai asked, raising an eyebrow. Azula grimaced “Zuko said they’re not a family of means…”
“They may not be like us, Dad, but they’re fine. They tend to cook too much either way” Azula answered, sighing.
Ozai raised an eyebrow but nodded, and he focused on his food again. Zuko glanced at Azula with uncertainty as Ursa sat where she was, not touching her unfinished food. The tension was so ridiculous Azula felt like grabbing Zuko’s empty plate and smashing it on the floor just to make everyone act normal for once. Chances were her mother would just say it was an unfortunate accident, though… Azula huffed. She had a family of automatons.
“Well, if you already ate, what’s up with you?” Zuko asked. Azula’s eyebrow twitched. Was he trying to send her away?
“She might just want to be here for now, Zuko. Don’t be rude” said Ursa, smiling at her son.
Azula’s twitch grew more violent. Oh, sure she wanted to be here, in the most unbearably unpleasant dining scenes of all time. She couldn’t help but compare it to the one she’d enjoyed at Sokka’s house… maybe she ought to lie to her father, claim she was pregnant, and get him to kick her out just so she could go live with Sokka for good. She could hardly stand this.
“Well, he’s not entirely wrong, really. I’m here for a reason” she said.
Those words didn’t help. If anything, Ursa’s eyes widened as though she were afraid Azula was about to declare something terrible. Even Ozai set down his cutlery and looked at his daughter with wary uncertainty. They were acting as though she was carrying a bomb inside her shirt, and even Zuko was starting to sense something was really wrong with all three of them.
“Well… what is it?” he asked his sister. He’d gladly see this tension evaporate so he could have second servings in peace.
Azula bit her lip before breathing out. She could see Ozai growing paler. Oh, dear, he really did think she was going to say she was pregnant. Damn, she wanted to do it just so she could get a good laugh about it later with Sokka… but no. She held back, despite her sense of humor advised otherwise.
“Sokka’s family is a little… well, very different from ours” she said, biting her lip “Today they were setting up their Christmas decorations, actually…”
“Huh. Katara did say they did it ridiculously early some time ago” Zuko reasoned. Ursa and Ozai glanced at him briefly before focusing on Azula again.
“I was helping them with that” Azula explained “I didn’t do anything too complicated, and it was… it wasn’t bad at all. So don’t take it wrongly and assume they were forcing me into some kind of unwanted work…”
“Well, truth be told, you and your brother have been far too sheltered” said Ozai, frowning “You should have a hard day’s work for a change”
“What?!” Zuko exclaimed, his eyes wide. Azula stared at her father in disbelief.
“Did you have a hard day’s work at all through your teenage years?” she asked.
“No. But my point still stands” Ozai said. Azula rolled her eyes.
“Never mind” she said, shaking her head “Anyways, they treated me to dinner to thank me, so that’s why I already ate”
“Well, that’s very nice of them” said Ursa, smiling. Azula nodded, containing her usual urge to disagree with her mother in everything “I hope you thanked them for it”
“Of course I did” said Azula, through gritted teeth “Anyways, that’s not the point. The thing is, we were talking and his mom said… well, she talked about their Annual Christmas Party, which apparently is a lot less formal than it sounds, so don’t get your hopes high, Dad”
“Hmm. I hadn’t, actually” Ozai said, raising an eyebrow. The mere mention of the word Christmas already was a sure way to make him not take something seriously.
“Good. Well, they told me I can come over for it” she said. Ursa’s eyes widened, and Azula was surprised to see she actually seemed disappointed, maybe even upset? Why, though? It wasn’t like their own family’s Christmas celebrations meant a damn thing, did they?
“O-oh. Well, that’s quite sweet of them” said Ursa, smiling somewhat painfully. Azula swallowed hard.
“I mean to go, so I just wanted to establish that… in case any of you want to take up the extended invitation as well” she said.
And now they all frowned in confusion.
“Extended invitation?” Ursa repeated. Azula sighed.
“Yes, Mother” she said, curtly. Her tone was as cold as ever, but the situation was so uncanny that it hardly bothered Ursa “They wanted you and Dad to be there too. And Zuko. But if you didn’t want to go, that’d be just fine as well…”
Zuko’s jaw dropped, and Ozai finally seemed to be taking the matter more seriously as he eyed his wife carefully. Ursa’s eyes glinted now, though, and Azula clenched her fists.
“So… yeah. That’s what’s going on, that’s what I wanted to say” she said “It’s on Christmas Eve. You can make up your mind about going later, if you don’t know what to think yet”
“Oh, but… it would be so wonderful”
Azula tensed up. Ursa’s voice almost trembled as she spoke. Was she about to cry? The look of utter terror in Azula’s eyes betrayed just how uncomfortable she’d be by that. Why would she cry at all?
“Wonderful? Truly?” Ozai asked her. He seemed just as puzzled by his wife’s reaction as Azula had been.
“I… well, it’s just… we’re never invited to these sorts of things, are we? Not unless they’re related to your work” she said, looking at him almost shyly “It’s never something… small, cozy. I mean, that’s how it would be, surely?”
“It… isn’t likely to be that small” Azula pointed out “There’s bound to be a ton of food, along with more decorations than in a Christmas store, so…”
“That must be quite beautiful” Ursa said, smiling. Azula’s stomach lurched.
Why wasn’t she able to tell herself Ursa was pretending to be excited about this? Why did her reactions move something inside her heart, something she hadn’t known existed until today? Something that was fairly close to that same fiber that Kya and Hakoda had stirred earlier, when they had made it clear that they welcomed her into their family…
It was her mother. Her mother was a liar, a cheater, someone she despised. And still she couldn’t help but stare on in surprise at such a favorable response to Kya’s proposal. Did this really mean so much to her mother?
“Uh… well, I wouldn’t mind going” said Zuko, shrugging “Katara’s going to be there too, right?”
“Sure. You can go sit with her in the corner of the single siblings” Azula teased him. Zuko’s eyebrows twitched as he glared at his sister. Ozai huffed.
“Well, she certainly has a point. One would think that since you’re older, you’d have had a serious relationship sooner than your sister…”
“I-I…! I’m just waiting for the right girl!” Zuko exclaimed bashfully. Ozai looked at him in disbelief “W-what…?”
“Nothing. It’s just typical of you, is all” he said, shaking his head and looking at Azula now “They aren’t just doing this to share the Christmas cheer though, are they?”
Azula swallowed hard and shook her head. Ursa’s enthusiasm froze briefly.
“What do you mean…?” she asked. Azula sighed.
“Well, evidently… his parents wanted to meet you two” she said, looking pointedly at the floor “It was as good a chance as any. So I guess that’s one of the reasons why they asked”
“You guys have dated for like two months and you’re already introducing your parents to each other?” Zuko asked, raising an eyebrow. Azula glared at him.
“I guess time moves at a different rate for you than the rest of humanity, brother, but it’s actually been four months. And yes, that’s what people in serious relationships do. Welcome to the real world”
Zuko huffed and folded his arms over his chest. Ozai smirked a little at Azula’s answer to her brother, but strangely, Ursa didn’t come to her son’s rescue. Azula glanced at her again, finding her smiling a little to herself before looking at her daughter.
“And… did they say what we should bring? I mean, it can’t be a Christmas party without…”
“I’ll have my people buy some gifts for everyone in attendance” Ozai said bluntly. Azula froze and looked at him in disbelief “What? It’s what Christmas believers do, isn’t it?”
“I… guess? But after all these years it sounds a bit strange coming from you” she answered earnestly. The remark did seem to hit her father a little harder than intended.
“I also meant… with the food, maybe?” said Ursa “I could make something, or we can buy the ingredients, or I could even get in touch with Sokka’s mother and ask her if she needs any help cooking and…”
“Woah, okay, slow down” Azula said, curtly “I get it, you’re excited, I’ll ask. Knowing them, they may not need that much help, but I’ll just… wait, does this mean you’re going?!”
The realization struck her, hard. They hadn’t rejected the invitation. Ozai hadn’t dismissed the idea immediately. Her mother hadn’t dodged it by claiming to have other things to do. Did they actually want to do this?
“Well, of course. If they’re inviting us it’s only correct to do so” said Ozai, looking at Azula skeptically “Or is it you expected your parents to be rude to your, uh… significant other’s family?”
Azula genuinely snorted. Ozai wasn’t one to use the terms boyfriend and girlfriend, especially not after he met Sokka once when Azula had brought him over to her house for a change. The two hadn’t hit it off whatsoever, but Ozai seemed determined not to give off the worst impression he could. If anything, he was usually in his best behavior possible when he was near Sokka. At least, it was as good as it could get when he was near the boy that, according to Ozai, surely had already deflowered his so very innocent daughter.
“I… I really like the sound of this, Azula” said Ursa, smiling at her “Thank you”
“I… I’m not the one who came up with this” she clarified, unwilling to let her mother even consider that she wanted to spend more time with her “I’m merely a messenger. I just thought I’d say something right away before your schedule got busy with, uh, other events, maybe. So, uh, fine then. Christmas Eve it is. I’ll let Sokka know you’ll be there, then”
The three other members of her family followed her with their gaze as she left the dining room, on her way to her bedroom. She rushed to it, closing the door behind her and wondering how did such surreal experience happen at all. Did her no-nonsense father genuinely agree to attend a happy, careless Christmas party? Did he seriously want to be there?
No, he had actually reacted just as skeptically as ever at the mention of a Christmas party. He had been skeptical even of Kya’s motives, so surely he wasn’t all that stoked, but…
But when Ursa had asked what they should bring, he jumped right away to uncharacteristically offer to buy gifts for everyone. Why? Was it… was it for her? For Ursa’s sake?
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yoobangdaengi · 4 years
[ENG TRANS] W Korea June 2020 Issue - Shownu & Kihyun Interview
Monsta X is one of the K-Pop groups that challenge themselves in the US market. They left out the typical K-Pop style that the US know. Now before the promotion of their new album in Korea, it seems like they can warm up, radiate and do as they please.  We met Shownu and Kihyun in the silence before condensed energy explode.
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Monsta X's new album will come out in May. I heard you adjusted your comeback schedule for a bit.
KIHYUN: Compared to the first plan, we have more time so I think this is the chance to maintain our body condition carefully. From what I hear, if the idol who dances a lot grows older, some parts of their body will become hurt. I'm taking care of my body condition while preparing for the solo dance.
Solo dance? Main vocalist Kihyun does a solo dance?
KIHYUN: Seems like our choreography teacher too keeping the surprise in mind (laughed). "Kihyunnie, your singing skill is outstanding and you can dance, but this is the time to show more impressive things," said the choreographer while making my solo dance part. I practiced until dawn every day.
For Shownu who's good at performance more than anyone, you must be proud of Kihyun.
SHOWNU: Well, I don't think I can look at someone proudly (laughed). Rather than that, I think it's important to think, "Does he look so great." While watching him on music video filming, he's cool. Actually rather than solo dance, it's hard to fill in the atmosphere and that part alone. But Kihyun drove the atmosphere.
KIHYUN: Even though the time itself isn't long when I perform that part, there's no one on the stage but myself. Since it's the moment that I feel alone, the members are supporting me so I can finish it well.
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You held 25 shows in the 20 cities over the world for the world tour, did the "Jingle Ball" tour in 6 US cities with 120,000 audiences, ranked no.1 in Oricon Chart Japan, and entered no 5 in Billboard 200 US. Monsta X's global leap is ongoing. You actively released songs in the US last year, how was the experience?
KIHYUN: At the start, we were so worried. Until we released the English album "All About Luv" in the US, we've released several singles last year. But we almost didn't do any performance and we promoted with the atmosphere that was close to pop. We stood on the stage while holding a standing mic, and performed gently without powerful dance.
When Monsta X debuted for the first time, I thought, "That's why their team name was Monster," while looking at your performance's energy, what is the reason why you can't show that power in the US market?
KIHYUN: I think we showed many signature performances of us while promoting, also we wanted to show the proper appearance of "singer". In the consultation process with a US company, we thought we already introduced our "K-Pop" like aside in the US. Luckily, the songs are amazing, and it was nice when the audiences were singing along because all the lyrics are in English. It was a new experience to be connected with the song even without the fierce performance.
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While gaining performance experiences and doing tours, is there any special feeling that is different from before?
SHOWNU: Even though it's difficult to express it in detail, the experiences that make us feel the sense of accomplishment on the stage increased. We learn little by little about what we should do to feel accomplished.
What do you do to feel a sense of accomplishment?
SHOWNU: We showed the same performance's theme in the end under the name tour in various places, even though the change that we did was only a slightly different gesture, but we enjoyed the fans' reactions very much.
KIHYUN: Well, even though we only changed something very slightly, the fans knew it. In my case, Monsta X is known as the group who produced "the music that I look at and enjoy to", even the word "music that I listen to" makes me proud. We usually have energetic and passionate music in our album, and we pursue "variety" because sometimes we mix that music with gentle music too and we have a composition in the album. In the US, we have albums that are only full of rhythmical with no excessive music color, so we thought, "Will this one do?" But it received a great response.
Usually, when we try something, we use the method that we are very good at or take the thing that feels familiar. Instead of showing their strength with their powerful or visual performance while debuting in the US, Monsta X chose brave choice by showing us "another side of Monsta X".
KIHYUN: We heard people saying that "Now Monsta X's influence overseas is so big, but why is their influence in Korea isn't that big?". For us now, rather than something like influence or recognition, we're focusing more on the satisfaction of the final result from our music. Of course, we want to achieve great results in Korea as well.
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What is the vibe of your soon to be released album "Fantasia X"?
SHOWNU: We included various songs, such as exciting songs, calm songs, rhythmic songs, etc. The scale is way bigger than the style we always show you before.
If you had to point out the starting point of Monsta X's level up after debut when was it?
KIHYUN: I think when we were promoting the song called "Dramarama"? It was at the end of 2017. Also after the first world tour. Those two moments.
SHOWNU: I think the same thing too. We went up for a bit starting from "The Code" album that includes "Dramarama" in it.
Since the first world tour in 2017, you moved around the globe evenly from Asia, the US, France, Germany, Russia, until South America. What made the audience interested to go to Monsta X concert venue?
KIHYUN: Before going, I imagined that there would be many Koreans, who live overseas, coming to the concert. But I was so surprised when I saw 99% of the audience were locals. First, the popularity of Korea and Hallyu itself played a role in it. Because Hallyu became very popular, people from each country watch YouTube, which provides many Monsta X's videos. Inside the big range called Hallyu and K-Pop, we become known. And those who learned about us, get to know that we're okay so when they heard that we came, "Monsta X came here, let's go to their concert!" I think that's the order.
There are many amazing and talented K-Pop musicians. What is Monsta X's biggest weapon that stands out from the rest?
SHOWNU: Passion!
There's no K-Pop group who doesn't have passion, don’t they? (Laughed)
SHOWNU: Even so our team's passion is amazing.
KIHYUN: There are many people who said, "This is the first time I've watched a fun concert like this among idol group concerts". Trust us!
Since his early debut, Shownu is popular for his performance and charisma. Kihyun is fully qualified as the main vocalist, he even challenged himself to do a solo dance (laughed). How about both of you praise each other with nice things?
KIHYUN: Ah, for hyung it's his "physical". Even our dancer friends said, "I want to try dancing with Shownu's body," (laughed). Whether his body is great or not, he's a cool person who's born with that type of body. Shownu's body proportions, the length of his arms that he has even make the dancers want to dance in his body, so I think he really owns a very great physical.
SHOWNU: If I talk about Kihyun, his singing live skill is well known. If you watch him from the side, he's a proper and good person. There's a secure feeling coming from there.
How is Shownu's dance from Kihyun's POV who's dancing is coming at its peak currently?
KIHYUN: Only people who know understand this, but at some point hyung's dancing style changed. Even when urban dance, which emphasized feeling rather than angle, was trending for a whale, hyung didn't get into the trend and kept his own style that emphasized the heaviness and angle. However, at one point, he started to learn fast and nimble style. Among us, we call the calm and quick feeling as chobchob (laughed). When I saw it from the monitor, the dance became more lively because the chobchob vibe that moves quickly, and hyung changes because of his effort.
SHOWNU: I really like to eat and I'm easy to gain weight. For the sake of dance style too, I have to pay attention to weight loss and when I lose it I have to manage it.
There's a cover song video of Kihyun singing "Believer". You just uploaded it for a month but it's already gained 1,5M views. Did you imagine the response would be this big?
KIHYUN: Not at all! I was amazed when the member of Imagine Dragons liked the cover, even other artist commented on my cover. I wanted to try singing it for once since I like rock or energetic types of music.
Shownu mentioned Kihyun's live skill, is it Kihyun's weapon?
KIHYUN: Actually, I'm afraid whenever we release an album. About how hard the live performance would be. What if my lungs burst open, I even almost collapsed a few times on the stage. But I will go until the end. Even if I faint on stage, I want to finish the performance well until the end. I'm confident.
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What is the part of your personality that you like and which part you don't?
SHOWNU: I'm an easy-going person. I like that personality of mine. But am I not being open enough, I actively move my body but my personality itself isn't cheerful. I think I don't have to be a lively person since the members cover up the part I'm lacking, but if I become a bit more lively, it won't be bad, right.
KIHYUN: Shownu hyung is a very active person. He likes people, even though we can't do it currently, but he likes going around to eat delicious food. But I don't like the feeling when that kind of person suddenly becomes cheerful. But that doesn't mean he's a quiet person. If we talk about someone who moves a lot like hyung, their personality might be similar to Minhyuk. Ah, between our members, there's someone called Minhyuk. Minhyuk is very...
Minhyuk, I know. I'm thinking of finding Minhyuk's video who's talking anything in this deadline period when I feel weak and low spirited.
KIHYUN: The amazing thing is that Minhyuk isn't an active person. But when he's together with someone, he becomes very cheerful and talks a lot. Meanwhile, Shownu hyung likes to meet people but when he meets someone, compared to Minhyuk, he gives a different vibe.
So he's usually the type of person who "Either moves the body or moves the mouth". Kihyun, what do you think about your personality?
KIHYUN: I like that I'm a passionate person. I'm the type of person who runs to work when he starts something and finishes it. What I dislike from my personality is that I'm overthinking. Since I was a child  when I did something, I prepared the worst scenario first in my head. This is not a good habit. Since I'm worried about the scene that hasn't happened yet. Recently, however, I've become better. This is my flaw. That's why I like the style of a person who passes the situation well like hyung.
What do you want to say to yourself when you were still a trainee?
KIHYUN: There's a good story with the seniors. Sistar noona, K.Will hyung who passed by in the company too said, "That time was a good time". Since it's good, enjoy it more, practice a lot, those are good sentences but..I like my current situation more (laughed). That's why I want to say this. A life that is well-off and more satisfying will come.
SHOWNU: "Practice hard, take care of your health when you're healthy."
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Shownu spent his daily life as a swimming athlete in his childhood, it seems like since that time you started to be a sincere and diligent person.
SHOWNU: It's a bit weird to be called a swimming athlete since I swam only in elementary school (laughed). It's like male idols who learned taekwondo in their childhood.
KIHYUN: Hyung is way more sincere recently than in the past. He originally wasn't this sincere, though? But as time goes by, he takes care of himself and tries to live regularly.
I just watched one variety a few years ago where Shownu experienced hypnosis. I don't know how it feels to experience past life and death, but when the hypnotist asked, "What is the thing you realized through suffering and death?", you said without hesitation, "We can't make enemies."
SHOWNU: In the dreaming like condition, I went like what the teacher told me and some particular scenes kept unfolding. That was the first time in my life to say don't make any enemy and I was surprised as well. Maybe I keep thinking about it in my unconscious mind.
But as a person who doesn't talk much, you speak up your mind immediately that time, though? The hypnotist asked, "Idol world is a tough competition, all of them are enemies, aren't they?" Again these words made the atmosphere down. "That's good competition, right."
KIHYUN: Hyung is that kind of person. He hates very much the uncomfortable feeling due to human relationships.
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Do you have any interest recently besides music?
SHOWNU: The new album that will be released soon! Also the 5th anniversary with Monbebe. We put a lot of attention since it's been a long time since we released an album. We got a lot of attention for our album that we released in the US and Japan, so we can't feel burdened regarding our Korean album this time. I want to enjoy the Korean promotion together with Monbebe happily.
KIHYUN: Because hyung already told us about the most important story, then for me it's "photo" (laughed). I opened an exhibition too and I enjoy taking pictures of the members. I left it last year but recently I bought a Leica Q2. I started with Leica D-lux then changed to Canon. I received the voting suggestions for Monbebe and Leica was leading the poll. That day I went straight to the store and purchased it.
Before promotion for this album, do you have any target or wish?
KIHYUN: Recently, the only way to meet fans is through online events. While doing that, I feel that as a singer we gain energy from the audiences who are there right in front of our eyes. Looking at fans, performing while going to the front of the audience seat is an absolute job for us but because the world changed and made us unable to do it, I felt different feelings. Rather than having a target, I hope we can resume the activity when we're able to get in contact with people faster.
SHOWNU: Same with me. I want to meet the fans quickly.
Source: W Korea website
English translation: Tim @yookiihyun 
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luckynik · 7 years
Raise Hell
A/N: This story has the potential to be full length i think, but i would really love some feedback before i go all out… especially since 1st person POV isn't my favorite. Just keep it constructive please.
Summary: Chaos in Hell threatens to spill topside as demons and gods war for Crowley’s empty throne. The young demon!reader comes to the boys for help and protection and, with her sudden arrival, Sam and Dean learn Crowley’s last dark secret. And there is more to her than meets the glowy-red eye. 
Afterwards, to get his brother’s mind off the mysterious, hot demon girl, Sam finds them a case, and things spiral out of control—literally. Dean’s impulse control wasn’t great to start, but after a run-in with a strange woman in the woods, he starts to lose control of himself…again. Y/N and Sam try to rein him in before he loses it completely, but not before he does something he may not actually regret…
Pairing: Dean x Young Demon!Reader Characters: Dean, Reader, Sam - mentions of Crowley/Cass/Rowena
Word Count: 2700
Warnings: Set at the end of S12. Canon typical violence, age gap, young reader (but not underage), slow-ish burn, but eventually ALL the SMUT. Fighting. I’m sure there is more i should be including...
1. Heavy Metal / Dean 
Eight Days Later…
Sam’s bulky frame sailed a good ten feet and slammed, shoulder first, into the opposite crumbling brick wall. A stifled curse broke from his mouth on the air pushing out of his lungs. His next breath seemed to choke, instead of sustain life. The demon blade fell to the ground with a loud plink and skittered across asphalt. I couldn't see it. The alley was dark, orangey streetlights flickered on the Main Street. Music thumped from the bar, undulating bass and treble. An intelligible chorus drowning out the ambient grunts and groans of the sudden fight. 
My brother struggled against breathlessness as he pushed himself up the wall, fending off the snarling black-eyed biker dude as best he could without a weapon. Two other juiced up assholes advanced on me. Leather and chains from head to toe, a getup worthy of Judas Priest—Rob Halford would’ve been fucking proud.
The first guy had a wild colored Mohawk and wore a studded leather kutte with silver chains across the front and rows of unfriendly-looking spikes jutting off the shoulders. He rushed me and dropped back, as I grabbed the swinging chains and clocked him in the face with a hard left hook. I swung at the lanky asshole behind Mohawk. Strands of long, stringy blonde hair whipped as he dodged my fist and shoved me into the brick with a wave of the hand, immobilizing me. 
The second—the Glenn Tipton of the three demons—advanced to take his shot, while keeping me pinned against the wall. His clenched fist flailed, shaking as his fingers squeezed tighter. My chest began to constrict and my heart kicked into an erratic pace. I gasped, unable to breathe. The strain on my ribs I could take, but not the lack of oxygen. Then, my back met the bricks full force. For half a minute I floundered like a fish, unable to draw air into my lungs. 
“Not so tough now, eh, Winchester?” The Tipton-wannabe balled his fist a little tighter, glowy light began to seep out from between his clenched fingers. He wound up, drawing his arm back. “Can’t tell you how much I’m going to enjoy this, Dean-o.”
“Come at me, you ugly son of a bitch,” I bit out.
The demon’s jaw twitched, spittle oozing between his yellowed teeth and dripping from his lips. His glowing fist careened forward, into a wild hook, barreling toward my head.
I could take a hit. I’d take whatever this ugly asshole had and walk it off, and then come right back and gank his sorry ass. Then, I’d shove Mohawk’s head into the brick and kick the shit out of him, to give Sammy time to get the pig sticker and gank that other little bitch. I steeled myself for the impending blow...
But the hit never came.
The shaking fist stopped a millimeter away, a wisp from my stubbly jaw. He growled at me, jerking his hand, willing the limb to move, but was unable to follow through.
“I wouldn't, if I were you.” A female voice echoed through the filth.
Every one of us turned toward the sound. The Demon’s eyes yellowed and flicked to the space beside he and I.
A petite young woman stood absolutely still in the middle of the alleyway. The fabric of her gauzy white, almost knee-length dress floated around her on a gust of wind. Flawless makeup. Y/h/c hair coiled into an untamed cascade around her shoulders and back. There was something familiar about her doll-like face, but I couldn't pinpoint exactly what. Just that I recognized something about it…
Sam swung, limply, as the third demon ignored her warning. He yanked my brother up by the button strip of his flannel, preparing to body slam him into the bricks again. The young woman raised a hand and snapped her fingers, splattering bloody little chunks of the burley biker dude across Sam and the disintegrating brick wall.
Without easing his grip, yellow eyes locked on red ones.
She stood a good 15-feet away, but I could see every detail of her delicate face. The red eyes faded back to a vivid y/e/c, sparking even in the dim light of the alley. If I weren’t already out of breath, she would have stolen it then… Holding that gaze for too long would be dangerous. I forced my eyes away from her and glanced at Sam, shooting my younger brother a questioning look—you okay?
Sam returned a slight nod, shifting his focus back to the young woman, and lumbering to his feet. He hugged the wall as he slowly made his way toward me, collecting the demon knife from the ground as he went.
“You again,” snarled the greasy Judas Priest reject.
The girl said nothing, only held his gaze.
“Remember who you’re dealing with you fatherless, half-breed mut.”
She cleared her throat and released a hard breath. “Name calling already? Color me not shocked.”
The demon didn't move, or maybe he couldn't. She seemed to hold him there, pinned by her gaze. I couldn't move either. Despite his struggle with her, he somehow managed to keep me restrained against the brick wall. The girl was strong. Energy radiated off her. I could feel the surge. Pure power. Lots of it…
“This fight has nothing to do with you,” he spat.
“I beg to differ.”
“You uppity bitch. Just don't know when to stop, do ya?” He turned his head to me. “He has it comin’.”
“See, that’s where you’re wrong.”
He growled and the roar of a thousand demonic voices reverberated off the dingy bricks around us—some kind of possessed monkey call. Streetlights flickered. Music from the bar skipped and stalled, and then continued on. But she didn't flinch, didn't retreat, or move a muscle. Not a twitch. Not a single hair out of place. Just calm. And, the calmness was terrifying in and of itself. No fear in her at all. Why should she be afraid? Heavy Metal over here must be low on the totem pole…
“You are disobeying a direct order. The boys are off limits to low-level, yeasty, pockmarked, death-tokens such as yourself.”
“Shakespearian,” I grunted.
Sam shot me an incredulous glance, which I translated into: dude, how the hell do you even know that?
“What?” I mouthed back. “I read.”
“Let him go.”
The demon gurgled, struggling to resist her hold. He garbled a “No.”
“Let. Him. Go.”
The light emanating from his clenched fist faded fast and his hand trembled violently. Black smoke began to seep from his body in soft waving tendrils. He wailed and roared, but she didn't stop.
A gentle tilt her head appeared to force more infernal smoke from the occupied body. The Tipton-wannabe fought against the pull, until a puff of black burst right through the middle of his chest.
“Demon control?” whispered Sam.
I lurched away from the wall as his hold finally released. Sam sidled up to me, an arm closing around my torso, keeping me on my feet for the moment. We both dropped back, to prepare for whatever came next.
“He can’t protect you anymore! You little bitch, this isn’t over.”
“I’m afraid it is.”
“I’ll be coming for you,” the demon snarled. “You can’t run and you can’t hide. The Winchester’s can’t save you—I will find you and flay the skin from your bones.”
“I’m sure you’ll try, Belial.” The corner of her pouty mouth lifted into a humorless smile, glints of red in her eyes. “But today is not that day.”
A rush of black smoke poured from him, melting into a puddle on the ground. It reminded me of the way Sam could rip demons out of people with his psychic hoodoo. The ground beneath us shook and flared orange, like roasting coals in a fire pit, and then quickly died out.
Mohawk took a step back and smoked out of his meatsuit, while he still had the chance. The dead body dropped to the ground with a hard, unceremonious thud.
As the foul smoke cleared, three bodies lay on the ground. Sam and I and the girl stood in the alley, in a kind of standoff, unsure what to make of each other. She had taken on three demons with fear, a snap of her fingers, and a tilt of her fucking head…to save us from this yellow-eyed douche? Why?
“Who are you?” “What do you want?” Sam and I spoke in unison.
Neither of us said another word. Tightness returned to my chest, a heaviness that I couldn't quite explain had formed. She deserved to know—needed to know. I wasn't sure why, but I knew she did. And why did I have to be the one tell her about Crowley’s sacrifice in the alt-world to close the portal? Would she even believe that it happened that way?  As many times as I’d wished the King of Hell death, the way it had finally come was not as expected. It didn't feel how I thought it would either.
Her steely gaze landed on me, I felt it shift from me to my brother and back. Sam and I glanced at each other, and both of us turned our eyes toward the ground, avoiding answering her.
Sam usually took the lead in situations like this. Sam knew what to say and how to be compassionate with victims and the victim’s loved ones—even when they were monsters. But this time he didn't. Of all the times to keep his fucking trap shut… then he shot her the most pathetic puppy-dog eyes he could muster. I grumbled and shifted uncomfortably, gnawing at my bottom lip. Finally, bringing my gaze back to hers, I prepared to deliver some ‘sacrificed himself for the greater good, oh and bonus points for trapping Lucifer in another hellish dimension’ anti-hero-esque speech that I wasn't sure he deserved. Then, my eyes landed on her plush, glossy bottom lip…and it trembled, hard.
Words failed me. My mouth opened and closed more than once.
That was the only slip in her artfully arranged façade, and it was so fucking powerful that I couldn't tell her. The immediate urge to comfort the young woman welled up inside me, catching me off guard. After an extended moment of silence I realized that I didn't need to say a word. Because she knew…
Foreign emotions assaulted me, prickling across my skin and raising all the little hairs on my arms and neck. I felt a jumble of heat energy radiate off her. Each emotion swept over me, like a wave curling and breaking against the surf. It didn't seem to have the same effect on Sam and I wondered why? Demons had no empathy, no real emotion—what the hell was this? While she struggled to keep her composure, I resisted rushing toward her and pulling her into my arms. What the fuck? God. I resisted hard, willing my feet not to move. Not the first time I had felt this kind of unnatural urge with a chick. I knew it was something that should not be indulged, no matter how bad I wanted to go to her.
She must have known what I wanted to do, that certainly would’ve explained the awed look on her face as our eyes met.
“I’m sorry.” My brain ticked through other things to say, but nothing seemed appropriate or important.
“You always are,” she countered.
I couldn't bear to look at her anymore and cast my eyes away, tracing the cracks in the broken asphalt beneath my boots. It was our fault—my fault. Again. We couldn't stop it. We couldn't stop the Nephilim from being born. We couldn't kill it. Shit, we didn't even know what we were going to do with it now that he’d been born. We had nothing to fight Lucifer. We couldn't kill him. We couldn't find another way to close the portal before Crowley offed himself. Hell, we couldn't even save our own mother, after walking through hellfire to get her back from those English douchebags. Couldn't save Cass. We lost. Every loss is on us…again.
“No, Dean.” When I looked up she was standing in front of me, inches away. Every cell in my body felt her presence. Pure power. That explains why Crowley made her business his. My hands itched to touch her, hold her. “It’s not. It’s not your fault at all.”
Staring into those hypnotic y/e/c irises was a mistake, and I knew it as it was happening. The pull to her was overwhelming, like an invisible hand clenching the middle of my chest and drawing me toward her. I had felt all of this before… I didn't know who she was, or why she was important, but the instinct to protect her welled in the pit of my stomach and sat there like a boulder.
Who am I kidding? I can’t protect her. Everyone who dares to get close to me dies. No one with a brain would choose me as a protector, with such an obvious outcome? Why risk it? I’m not worth that risk. I would do my best for her, but in the end it wouldn't be enough, because it never was. I ruin everything I touch…
“Don’t do that,” she whispered. “I need you.”
Before I knew it, both my hands came up, fingers skimming up the length of her slim arms. Her eyes widened at the skin-to-skin contact, alarmed and almost fearful. Touching her was like touching a live wire, static electricity. She sucked in a quick, stilted breath and blinked away. Disappearing into nothing. My hands hung in the empty air, as if she had never been there. The loss of her presence affected me immediately, and physically; the boulder turned to a heavy ache, throbbing low in my gut. Emptiness. Emptiness that I was more than familiar with…it was deep, bone-deep, but also a strange comfort.
“What the hell?”
“I don't know,” replied Sam.
He’d been watching the exchange, silently, but I was sure my brother had already formed some kind of opinion. I glanced at him. “Since when are we off limits?”
“Since when is Belial a low-level demon?”
“She called him Belial,” Sam explained. “If I remember correctly, Belial rose up with Lucifer during the rebellion. He was the first angel to actually fall in the fight against Michael and the other Heavenly angels. He’s—”
“Why do you even know that?”
Sam gave half a shrug. “He was in the lore. I read about him when I read up on Dagon. He’s the literal opposite of low-level. He is a Prince of Hell, Dean.”
“Prince of hair metal,” I grumbled under my breath.
“Dude. That demon just saved our ass’s…”
“Who is this chick and what’s her deal with Crowley? And why haven’t we seen her before, or at least heard about her? He was the king of running his fucking mouth—how could he not slip about his hot little sidechick? He would have bragged about having that kind of power at his disposal.” The urge to protect her stayed with me. Crowley and I had more in common that I cared to admit, and I began to wonder if he had felt the same way in her presence. Maybe we didn't know about her because that assclown was protecting her? God. Does she need protection? Why and from who? Obviously from this Belial douche… but now that Crowley is gone who will do the job? On the other hand— “Did you see what she did? She pulled that demon—a Prince of Hell—with a tilt of her goddamn head, Sam. With your psychic hoodoo, all hopped up on demon blood, on your best day, you couldn't swing that. That was,” I bit back ‘awesome’ and ignored the incredulous look my brother shot at me. Instead shaking my head, as if that would somehow communicate the rest of my thoughts to him.
“Dude, you okay?”
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