#i love the story about him and mustafa
byuuli · 1 year
what do you think of henry?
insane, tragic lil guy.
i like him!!
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itsror9 · 2 months
Help Mohammad's Family Evacuate from Gaza
“Over the past two years, my life journey has shifted from a tale of digital marketing success on social media platforms and Google to one marked by renewed challenges. Losing my job, along with essential equipment and contracts disrupted by internet outages, has set me back to square one, with a loss totaling around $3000. I’m Mohammed and this is my story.
Residing in Gaza, my family has weathered the storms of unjust wars and oppression. We had lost our home in the 2014 war, and after much difficulty in compensating for that loss, we faced a new setback in 2023 war on Gaza, losing everything we had recently acquired (our home, jobs and even our neighbourhood that had completely wiped out). We're now seven individuals without a real shelter, currently residing in displacement areas in the southern part of Gaza Strip that is unsuitable for living. We have no way even to return; everything is destroyed and we cannot even find away to stay alive! I spend my whole day thinking about my family and if we will survive this unbearable and unimaginable situation in this chaotic world. Hence, l started this crowdfunding campaign to help them out and find away to save their lives apart of the never-ending bombardments and military airplanes as my father needs an urgent treatment abroad after being injured in our house bombing. There are still fragments in his body that haven't been removed due to a lack of medical services and equipments.
My immediate family involves: Ismail Mahmoud (father), Iman Mohamed (mother), Areej (sister), Israa (sister), Mustafa (brother), and Abdul Rahman (little brother), a 14-year-old student whose educational pursuits were abruptly halted, depriving him of opportunities in English language learning and programming activities.
Israa, serving as both a STEM Lab Trainer and chemistry teacher, stands out in her ability to engage children in practical and enjoyable science education, guiding them through contemporary projects in artificial intelligence and evolution.
Mustafa, a young fashion entrepreneur, launched his clothing store in 2021 with a passion for style. Sadly, he faced a devastating setback, losing over $10,000. Now, he's determined to rebuild from scratch and restore his livelihood despite all the damage around. You can make a difference in his journey to recovery by supporting him in so many ways.
If you look deeply at my family, you’ll foresee how successful we were before this war!
Thus, The dire conditions in refugee camps pose an imminent threat, compelling us to seek refuge for my family to rebuild our lives with dignity and security. Therefore, We hope to raise over $70,000 for a safe life and to start a new dignified life from scratch again, including $40,000 to ensure our safe passage through the Rafah crossing, where the cost of crossing ranges between $5000 and $7000 per person. This will enable us to continue our professional lives and education without fear or terror.
Your donation, no matter how small, can have a significant impact in saving a family that has endured multiple wars and seeks safety. Thanks for showing love and support!”
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azure-cherie · 10 months
Shahmaran , Uttara Bhadrapada and the nakshatras
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Shahmaran is a Turkish mythological folk tale about a half serpent half woman who used to live underground, she used to have many magical abilities and every part of her was magical . One day a man finds her and soon they fall in love , shahmaran tells him stories and gives him wisdom but soon he gets bored and wants to go out so she lets him on the promise that he will keep her stay a secret . He blurts out her place due to circumstances and they catch her and plan to eat her to get her magical powers , while shahmaran says that whoever eats my head shall die and others shall gain wisdom .
Her lover out of shame eats her head to die to which he realises that the others die as all of her other body parts were fatal except her head . He lives on with guilt and remorse , The God of Uttara bhadrapada nakshatra is Ahirbudhnya , known as the deep sea serpent , in the Netflix series shahmaran , the person who is going to bring shahmaran to life is maran , the chosen one ,which translates to "the king of snakes , it is played by Burak Deniz ,who hasHis moon in Uttara Bhadrapada ,he is half serpent, half human in the series . Craves water most often .
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The man who plays the lover of shahmaran - Mustafa Uğurlu has his moon in Uttara Bhadrapada . In the series Maran keeps saving Shahmaran's lover , both are the "chosen ones ".
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his love interest who might ultimately take the form of shahmaran(idk exactly as the series isn't completed yet) is Serenay Sarıkaya who is a punarvasu moon and fulfills the theme of re rehabilitation and reincarnation associated with the nakshatra.
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While the original shahmaran can be related to Ashlesha or shatabhisha . Ashlesha being ruled by nagas and shatabhisha being related to coiled serpent as symbolised
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I'll make a post later if i find something new , hope y'all enjoyed this .
azure ♡︎
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judgementdaysunshine · 11 months
Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Fem reader
Description: After falling in love, you and Rhea show that to the world
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Sunlight comes creeping in, illuminates our skin we watched the day go by stories of what we did, it made me think of you it made me think of you under a trillion stars we danced on top of cars took pictures of the stage so far from where we are they made me think of you they made me think of you
You and Rhea met through Dom after he joined judgement day, you and him had been friends since you were 3 and him 4, becoming a part of his family along with your older sister who was and raised you since you were born due to your dad being in prison and your mom pretty leaving the two of you and your older brother with your grandparents, your grandfather passing when you were 12 and then your grandmother passing when you were 18 but you still had a family with dom and his family, you debut a month after dom and joined judgement day two weeks after he did and you instantly became drawn to rhea not because of her character in the ring but for who she was as a whole outside of the ring, being your person other than dom and only three days after joining, you were already a big part of the group and each of their lives.
Oh, lights go down in the moment, we're lost and found I just wanna be by your side if these wings could fly oh, damn these walls in the moment, we're ten feet tall and how you told me after it all we'd remember tonight for the rest of our lives I'm in the foreign state my thoughts, they slip away my words are leaving me they caught an aeroplane because I thought of you just for the thought of you
The only one who knew about your anxiety, depression, insomnia, overthinking, thoughts, and antidepressants was dom until rhea found you having a panic attack and calmed you down, you told her everything as she listened and held your hands until she pulled you into a tight, warm, and comforting hug as you slowly calm down, the next day backstage you both purely on accident asked each other out while the boys were out of the room as the two of you held hands until Damian walked in the room before his match against Mustafa Ali plus your and rhea's tag team match against Raquel Rodriguez and Becky Lynch, you cheer damian on and celebrate with him until the two of you head out for the tag team, you both read each other's minds and looks as soon as the match started and played off each other without saying a word and it paid off, you won and celebrated and both of you were giddy for your date together later that week.
Oh, lights go down in the moment we're lost and found I just wanna be by your side if these wings could fly oh, damn these walls in the moment, we' re ten feet tall and how you told me after it all we'd remember tonight for the rest of our lives, if these wings could oh, lights go down in the moment we're lost and found I just wanna be by your side if these wings could fly
You went out on your date later that week after training and matches, you had coffee and pastries at cafe, going to the park and swinging like kids on the swings, and her taking you to a flower field full of many different flowers, including sunflowers which you loved, you listen to music as you enjoy the wind blowing through as you suddenly feel her fingers caress your skin and something soft touching your head opening your eyes to see her finger on your cheek and flowers in your hair and against your arms, shoulder, and legs through holes or loose spots of your clothes, you smile as you turn to see rhea leaning closer to you until you held the side of each other's faces in a tender, soft, and warm kiss which makes you both laugh through the kiss and head back to her hotel room where you spent the night together and went on your second and third date throughout the next week and soon you both decided to announce you were together both on the Internet and during your last matches in Pennsylvania.
Oh, damn these walls in the moment we're ten feet tall and how you told me after it all we'd remember tonight for the rest of our lives
You smile when you find the post on Instagram of rhea announcing that you were together with pictures of you in the flower field, you on the beach, and pictures of the two of you together backstage, in the car, on a plane, and at the park you went to with many supportive comments from fans and a comment from Liv Morgan saying she was so happy for the two of you and one from Sami Zayn who said he not only won a bet with the Uso twins but also how he was proud you found someone who loved you for you, the two of you met up with the boys and they all cheered and hugged both of you tightly "Mami and Mamita are here" you both laugh at the nicknames as you walk backstage, hanging out in your locker room before you all walked down and in the ring together "You all know the news we announced earlier today, and for those who don't know, me and this beautiful woman are together" you smile as the boys show their support as the crowd cheers and goes wild when you shared a kiss and soon you two became Mami and Mamita.
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dunefandomhub · 1 month
FIC REC FRIDAY! 2022 Mini Bang Edition!
Sorry for missing the fic rec list last week, life got in my way and I didn't have anything queued!
This week we are doing a special edition in honour of the 2024 Dune Mini Bang opening for sign ups!
Dune Mini Bang 2022 Collection
The Nazar in the Hamsa by @a-guide-to-imperial-planetology
Harah must help her sons to cope with the death of their father, Jamis. Stilgar must also grieve his friend Jamis, as well as the way of life in the sietch as he knows it. Could the two find respite in the only other member of the sietch who understands the confusing experience of Paul-Muad'Dib, called Usul? Rated T Harah/Stilgar
The Snake in the Sand by @magpiesmudpie
Princess Irulan is on the run. Taken in by Lady Jessica, she becomes a servant in Caladan Castle, where she has to hide her true identity from Paul. A 'Fix-It' which begins 6 months before the Atreides move to Arrakis, then follows events from the first book. Rated M Paul/Irulan
Tibiyya; or, the Apocalypse of Mustafa by Silverman
At the tail-end of Muad'Dib's Jihad, Mustafa Corrino lands on Tibiyya, a jungle planet discovered in the course of the war. She has come to enforce the faith. Rated M
"The Ceremony" by @curlyallie
On a day of celebration in Sietch Libr, emotions of joy were running high. But for Chani, the celebration stirred up equally powerful and increasingly disturbing emotions. She will have no choice but to confront them. And she may find herself experiencing them more deeply than she could have ever imagined. Rated E Multi
Our Future is my Past by @escharis
Time is a peculiar thing dependent on the perception of the individual. For some a lifetime passes in the dreams of a singular night. Paul wakes up, he is fifteen again and come morning his family will be going to Arrakis. Yet, Paul could swear he had been lost in the desert of that planet just yesterday…and what to make of the beyond his mind has touched upon? Rated T
Heaven Smiles Upon Him by @almostg
What if Duncan Idaho was the son of an important House and Paul Atreides was his swordmaster? The answer is: Duncan's world is turned upside down and Paul is irresistible! Rated E Paul/Duncan
Confessions of an Imperial Concubine by @imnotoverlyobsessive
When commoner Sera tries to assassinate the new emperor, she assumes she’ll be executed. The last thing she expects is to be made into a concubine for his harem. Little does she know she’s meant for so much more than that. Rated E Paul/F!OC
Freewomen of Arrakis by @primeideal
Chani learns what it means to be a Reverend Mother, and considers her relationship with Paul Muad'Dib. Not necessarily in that order. Rated T Paul/Chani
Our Roads Lead Into the Desert by @ava-anderson151
Who is Countess Thorvald? Where does Paul's struggle between love and power come from? How was Aoife's life before joining the House of Atreides? And what have we missed during the three year gap in the story? Rated M Paul/F!OC
Under His Spell by chocobun
Duncan finds himself drawn to a certain very unusual young man. However, honor and duty forbid him from acting on his feelings. When he leaves for a mission in the desert, he is made to confront some truths about Paul Atreides and the relationship the two of them have. Rated G Paul/Duncan
The Pourpre Conspiracy: A Dune Fan Story by @avripzhavar
The Pourpre Conspiracy it's an alternate universe of Dune based on events in the first book and the 2021 film, there are no spoilers for the other books. This story follows the adventures of an original character, in a fast-paced noir thriller with other secret ingredients… Rated M
that hugest whole creation may be less incalculable than a single kiss by disgracie
"Your one unbridled response," he'd called that chewing of the lip. 'It tells me that you're disturbed, and I must kiss those lips to still their fluttering." — Frank Herbert, Children of Dune or 5 times he does so (and 1 time he does not). Rated T Leto/Jessica
if you are interested in signing up for this years Mini Bang, links are found HERE
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tengokusaikyo · 2 months
Mustafa D. Doctor
General Description: At first glance, Mustafa's personality to the average person in the vast world that he is in can be described in about a few words being, confident, determined, stubborn, kind and an idiot. He is a very act first, think later type of person and does whatever he thinks is right, to the dismay of the others around him. One of those things being his rule of never running from any fight, no matter what the consequences may be, including the possible loss of his own life. He doesn't care what others think of him, especially when it comes to how they feel about him claiming to eventually be the first 'Galactic Pirate King', and tries to have fun wherever and whenever he possibly can. He is very easy to talk to, having absurd amounts of charisma, despite being a complete moron at times, and is the type of person that everyone would want to be around. However after someone decides to get to know him, or is considered to be a friend, Mustafa's true qualities shine. Almost like a special ability, Mustafa is able to bring up those around him, likely relating to his charisma mentioned earlier, and the simple fact that him believing in himself, causes other's to believe in themselves through him. He allows people to become the best versions of themselves and gives them an unrivaled amount of hope, even if all odds are stacked against them. This type of energy is what allows the Galactic Pirates to essentially be the way they are and making them a formidable crew, almost seeming unstoppable to the public eye. Adding on to before, like many other shonen protagonists, Mustafa has a great and deep love for his friends, and is willing to do almost anything to help them in any way he can. This confidence and energy that he exudes is due to his upbringing and how he had been the complete opposite as a child, scared of everything and lacked the ability to have faith in himself. Through characters like Jamal, (his foster brother), Momo, (foster sister), and mainly Monkey D. Yuri, (foster sister), he learned to become the man he is seen as today and eventually achieve his dream of becoming the Galactic Pirate King.
Appearance: Unfortunately, I dislike using things like Pinterest or inspirations when it comes to characters in fictional anime-like verses due to the fact that I have my own imagining of them, and I feel is important for the character to look that way. HOWEVER, because I know this is Tumblr and having visualization for the character is important, I will try my best to find accurate pictures to use. I will also give my own descriptions to assist in the imagining process but just know that I do not acknowledge these as the way the characters ACTUALLY look, even if they may have similar features.
Age: Starts off story at 15, and ends off the first saga at 19.
Birthday: August 21st (Leo)
Height: Around 5'8-5'9
Saikyo Description: Black teenager with a lean muscular build and distinct light blue hair being his most prominent trait. Later on in the story he get's an X-shaped scar crossing from his eye onto his right cheek. His eyes are usually depicted as being the regular black anime eyes, but are also fine if imagined being silver. He also wears a necklace with a miniature drill on his neck at all times that looks like this.
Image of his general face and hair type as well as skin: FHS Image of hair color: Hair Color Image of Scar (imagine it was over his eye though): Scar Image of first outfit (imagine with drill necklace though): Fit
Abilities: Mustafa has various different abilities which only grow as the series continues. For the fact that I want to avoid spoilers, I will only mention the abilities he has at the start of the series and will add more later as more is revealed. His main power/ability that he uses is his devil fruit (kinda, more on that later) known as the Drill-Drill fruit, which allows the user to create drills around their body, like on their hands or feet, exactly like this. It's also possible to change the speed and sharpness of the drill to make it more effective, capping out at however much the user is capable of handling. If used on the feet and spinning fast enough, the user is able to levitate themselves and later on, be able to even fly if strong enough. The fruit with enough mastery is also able to cause the user to have drill like properties, creating almost like an armor around them which Mustafa named Drill Mode. The fruit is able to do various other things but for now that's all that will be mentioned.
Fun Facts
If not for wanting to become the Galactic Pirate King, Mustafa would have likely been something like a marine biologist due to his extreme love of fish and fish life
After being scared of things like possums, rats and other similar creatures, Mustafa has a great dislike of rodents of all kinds
Similar to Luffy, Mustafa loves food, in particular meat, but refuses to eat any sort of fish, which has almost costed him his life on multiple occasions
Mustafa, despite having enough charisma to be able to get any girl he would want, seemingly has no interest in getting with anyone (at the moment at least). He also has no idea what sex or any sexual act is whatsoever due to it being hidden from him. Although if asked what his type is, he would respond by saying: a powerful women who could beat his ass
Mustafa's favorite color is blue
Mustafa often imagines himself to be more villainous than he actually is, due to the fact of him wanting to seem like a menace evil pirate despite it not being true. Oftentimes he is lied to by his crew to seem scarier than he actually is.
Mustafa is not fully against killing despite the fact that he dislikes doing it and avoids it at any chance he gets. His fruit allows him to be extremely violent and possibly extremely dangerous, but he makes a conscious decision to always dull his drill to the point where it cannot even cut through anyone. However, if he is an extremely bad mood, which is not often or feels like it's deserving or the only way, Mustafa would kill.
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faintingheroine · 3 months
Some Ableist Things About Cihangir’s Death
I overall enjoyed Episode 125 but it doesn’t change the fact that it sucked.
Cihangir is so far the only prominent male character in this show who committed suicide. It wasn’t exactly the completely conscious suicide of the female characters (too many to count) but it was more or less a suicide. He stopped eating and worsened his health. And at the end he drank the whole bottle of opium despite being warned that it is deadly. It ties uncomfortably to Mihrimah equating their positions (which was a line I actually liked). Cihangir is given a feminine role.
I usually like Süleyman and Cihangir’s relationship but I don’t like the “Cihangir is my conscience” line. Is Cihangir Jiminy Cricket?
I actually think that Cihangir’s relationship with Selim might be his most well-developed sibling relationship and I actually kind of liked their last substantial interaction. Selim’s simultaneous love and pitiful disdain towards Cihangir was well-developed. By contrast, Cihangir and Mustafa’s relationship felt completely empty.
Cihangir sees the vision of a beautiful woman after drinking opium and likens her to the female figures “Şirin, Aslı, Leyla” from the iconic love stories of Middle East. I could tolerate this since it was established that Cihangir loved “Leyla and Mecnun” and was a romantic soul.
But then we have Cihangir’s afterlife/death. Cihangir appears as non-disabled here, which reveals all the talk about his defective body to not just be period-accurate bigotry but a mindset inherent to the MCverse. Of course Cihangir’s back caused him real pain and health problems, but I still don’t like its hamfisted depiction as a “flaw”.
He is clearly married to this imaginary girl and has many children with her.
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I think this segment gives us many clues as to the mindset behind this show. Romance and having children is the most important thing and there is one right person for everyone. But you have to be perfect, rich, attractive, non-disabled, non-mutilated and charismatic to find it in this world. Otherwise you will either always be empty, lose your mind or will only be valuable as a supporting character in others’ lives. It is a profoundly ugly mindset.
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artsy-hobbitses · 11 months
Self-Rec Tag Game
Rules: Share five of your own fanworks (fic, art, etc.). Then, tag five more people to share the things they’ve made.
I’ve put categories below, but they’re more guidelines than rules.
1. Something you absolutely adore 2. Something that was challenging to create 3. Something that makes you laugh (or smile, if that fits more comfortably) 4. Something that surprised you (in how it turned out, how much other people liked it, etc.) 5. Something you want other people to see
Tagged by the awesome @cao-the-dreamer​!
1. Something you absolutely adore
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Still stand by this as one of the most spectacular pieces of WWE fanart I’ve ever created feat. The one and only Mustafa Ali, and one I actually got signed by him during 2018′s Wrestlemania! 2. Something that was challenging to create
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PERSPECTIVE IS NOT MY STRONG SUIT and I procrastinated on this piece for @allsparkzines​ like ALL HELL but I’m glad I dragged my feet to answer the challenge at the end of the day!
3. Something that makes you laugh (or smile, if that fits more comfortably) 
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I am SO TORN about actually cleaning this up to make a proper reaction image, but something about the roughness and unfinished lines feels like it adds to whatever chaotic unhingedness he’s reacting to.  4. Something that surprised you (in how it turned out, how much other people liked it, etc.)
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This was an interesting case because prior to 2014 it felt like there wasn’t much ado about WWE fanart and I THOUGHT it was just me who HAD FEELS that needs to be put down in paper in artistic, storytelling fashion and so I drew this rough piece after Seth Rollins’ betrayal of his brothers in The Shield, with old him desperately trying to reach out for Roman and new, corporate him holding old him back because that man is dead, and it got SO MUCH LOVE that it made me realise that was a BIG untapped market for story-based wrestling fanart!
5. Something you want other people to see
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HELLO NEWCOMERS! Here is a Quintesson Judge without their armor as depicted in Ties That Bind. Sleep tight! OuOb 
Tagging @elfdragon12​ @wolf-mask​ @jupiterartsuvu​ @nova-blues​ and @gennethapang​ ONLY if y’all feel like it 👍🏼
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I don't think i've ever done an introduction before so here's a messy one (I'll fix/add to it later)
Hey, I'm Snilk (It's a nickname my friend gave me that's short for snail milk)
I draw and write occasionally (My ao3 is the same as my username and is at the bottom of this post under the cut)
I'm only fluent in english but i also know some Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Turkish, Slovenian, Gaelic (in order of how much I know the language) Also working on learning Kumeyaay, Cherokee and Chiwere (The native languages of the places I've lived and love visiting)
This is mainly a bsd account because ✨autism & hyperfixations✨ but all the fandoms i'm in/shows/book/manga i've seen or read is under cut (feel free to recommend things to my read/watch list through asks or dms)
General personality info also under cut
Socials under cut
Fandom list
Fandoms (General)
- Bungo stray dogs
- Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
- The Amazing Digital Circus
- Ramshackle
- No.6
- My little pony friendship is magic (gen 4)
~ Jkk
- Junji ito
[Past Fandoms: Miraculous ladybug, Bnha, Danganronpa, harry potter, demon slayer, hunter x hunter, bloom into you, whisper me a love song, ways of the household husband, tokyo ghoul, Tbhk, spy family, chainsaw man, yuri on ice, sk8, idk if these are considered fandoms but i was also obsessed with yt animators for a while; jaidenanimations, odd1sout, let me explain studios, jelly jess, SO MANY MORE]
Manga/Light Novels
- Bungou stray dogs light novels (1-8; Kafka Asagiri... still haven't read tdipud)
- BSD Gaiden/Another Story (Kafka Asagiri, LOVED THE ART OF THIS ONE)
- No.6 (Atsuko Asano, UGH LOVE THIS ONE)
- Bloom into you (Nio Nakatani, THE AROACE REP 🔛🔝)
Recent/Fav reads
- Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury)
- Flower of Buffoonery (Dazai Osamu)
- No longer Human (Dazai Osamu)
- Setting Sun (Dazai Osamu)
- School Girl (Dazai Osamu)
- Time Machine (HG Wells)
(There's more i'm just lazy)
Currently reading/read list
- Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoevsty)
- 1984 (George Orwell)
so much more (again i'm lazy)
I pretty much listen to anything and everything (Except super popular artists who only got popular because they're celebrities and not because they make actually good music, I can't stand them)
- Ado
- The Alan Parsons Project
- Alex G
- Alexander Vertinsky
- Alpay
- Conan Gray
- Chappell Roan
- Sufjan Stevens
- Mustafa Ozkent
- Psychedelic Porn Crumpets
(I'll finish this later, i'm eepy and this is too hard to pick my fav artists)
ENTP/INTP (It changes between those two every time I take the stupid test)
I'm technically Aroace and bisexual (Romantic relationships feel suffocating and cause me to have constant panic attacks and I'm fine with sex but I have to be on top and in control and refuse to take off any of my clothes so pretty much me giving cunnilingus or blowjobs👍 anything else👎 The reason being I have horrid sa trauma from when I was 8... lemme know if y'all want the story)
I've been told by everyone I know I am Dazai, no elaboration, I just simply am him
Masochist yet scared of pain, constantly paranoid and anxiety ridden lil creature (I have horrid insomnia that causes me to hallucinate), I love driving, I have horrid misophonia and will often skip meals cause i can't stand the sound if my own chewing, automatic flight response when alone, fight response with someone weaker than me, i'm an extreme people pleaser and over thinker so as much as i wanna make jokes about something i wont because im scared of it going wrong and then will proceed to overthink my screw ups for the rest of my days :D, would deal with panic attacks through self-harm/self-sabotage and would purposely embarrass myself (Haven't done that in a while tho so it's all good) uhhhh this is too long so that's it lmao
Ao3 writer curse (I've never broken a bone but pretty much every week it's something new from giving myself a concussion and missing school for days without my knowledge cause i was in a coma that my family thought was just me being lazy to a random excruciating pain in a place i didn't even know could hurt)
I make jokes when i'm in pain cause i hate having people worry about me or feeling bad because of me, I am entertainment for you, i'm not real so just laugh at me like a sad movie
I go to an art school (unfortunately) and have class from 8:30am-5pm on a normal day; I'm in production & design conservatory which is basically just running everything behind the scenes of live theater, everything you see and hear in a show that's not the actors themselves I work to control and make as good as possible, my fav positions are A2 (putting mics on people and setting up speakers) Wardrobe (designing costumes and performing/helping with quick changes) and Deck/props (Make stuff and put it on stage)
Outside if that my favorite subjects are Science and History (I love memorizing things that make sense and work together, i love understanding facts about the world and using it to express and understand things through literature)
I used to love math as i was a child prodigy but lost my spark as instead of my teachers noticing my skill and helping me, they poured water on my flame and now i can barely solve 13 time 3 without a calculator (its 39)
When I was in kindergarten, I was bored with my lessons and my sister (who was in 3rd grade at the time) loved playing school with me so by the time I started first grade I had memorized multiplication tables, could solve any equation in my head within minutes (like 2 digit multiplied by 2 digit equations) and had a concept of negative numbers, my first grade teacher loved this about me and would give me harder equations separate from the rest of the class, then in second grade my teacher would lie to me any time i said something above second grade math, like one time i brought up an equation like 2-5 and she was like "oh you can't do that" and I tried to explain it and she just kept denying it until I finally got so fed up with her bs I shouted "YES YOU CAN ITS NEGATIVE 3 JUST LIKE YOUR IQ FOR NOT UNDERSTANDING THAT!" ... I got sent to the office. Third grade was the worst because instead of just letting me be my teacher made me write down everything on paper... I don't think in numbers when i do mental math, I think in concepts, so by the time i convert the concepts to numbers and but it on paper i've lost the entire equation and have to start over again and get super confused because i forget how i got that number and why that numbers there so i end up just breaking down and getting the question wrong. AND INSTEAD IF SEEING WHAT THE ISSUE WAS SHE JUST BRUSHED IT OFF AS OH YAY IM DOING THE WORK so i became stupid as a result (I also was in math olympians for a few years and would always get pissed off cause it was a group competition and i would look at the problem, solve it instantly and tell them the answer, they wouldn't believe me, take forever to solve it and low and behold i was right and because it was a timed competition i never got higher than second place...)
(I'm not really active on Twitter/X)
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fymagnificentwomcn · 7 months
I still have plenty to say on the topic, so bear with me, the original link is here, it would be too much there I think.
Anyway thank you Sol @palaceoftears for these tags that succinctly sum up the main point of the original post, let's bring them as starting point here:
#joanna you ate this!!! missed reading you#truly love how deeply you analyzed that confronting suleyman IS confronting the system!#also the freeing aspect because like freedom doesn't have to mean happiness?#yes ofc hurrem wouldn't be happy knowing ultimately suleyman didn't love her & her children over himself#but it's still freeing to not live yout whole life brainwashed lol?#like I never get how ppl that loves her watch her going from 'i'll kill the sultan' & 'don't treat us as animals' to dependant on suleyman#and just go 'happy ending :D' about it#mahidevran sultan#hurrem sultan#sultan suleiman#magnificent century#muhtesem yuzyil
You know how much I dislike Surrem, but I absolutely get people shipping it without getting it like "happy in love" (huge kudos to my sis Tisha) since it's an extremely complicated, mutually toxic relationship, while yes they do love each other at same time. But they are both each other's heaven and hell simultaneously throughout the whole show, with Hürrem being in worse position due to power imbalance. Power imbalance that never fully goes away. He might also be dependent on her in emotional way since he himself comes to belief she is the only person who would never betray him (because she truly had least benefit in it). Don't be fooled though, if she had e.g. crowned Bayezid in S3 as Sah intended, he would have shown her no mercy. /I once mentioned a bit about them, also historically here./
And LBR she got mistreated by him (please, he told her to kill herself for him, and the goal was not to determine whether she had poisoned Mustafa truly) multiple times before S4, it was only because of the topic covered I mentioned S4 stuff, especially related to how he screwed her kids.
People think of stuff in "tangible" categories and why stuff like mere "awareness" (without leading a revolution or whatever lol) seems to have little meaning.
Which is again one of the main themes of the show - to give voice also to those who lost and as such do not have the "but we won, we were happy, we lived" defence always acting for them. Bah, even controversies or discussions surrounding them. They are losers, not even worthy to talk about, and put on sidelines. We often discuss what motivated the "big figures" who got to become rulers, even if we do not approve of their actions or criticize them. Rarely we talk about "losers". Which is what Mustafa's letter stressed - people will deem me as traitor, while your name will be written in golden letters because of all your victories. This alone will make your name remembered. And even considering that Mustafa was lucky in that people generally did not believe him to be a traitor, with Bayezid it was much harder because yeah he did openly rebel and it's not something we can deny. But some jump to conclusions like 'he was insolent and one day decided to rebel for no reason' (yes, I've seen such takes) is very simplistic. I do not even approve of a lot of his actions there since while I get his anger at Suly and Selim I hate how he involves plenty of soldiers in a fight without a chance to succeed as long as Suly ass lives, but damn takes like above truly erase what brought him to such point. Because he was the prince with bigger support at that time. He could have waited for his father to die soon and easily taken the throne. /And historically - yes if you actually dig up sources, he didn't wake up and decide to attack innocent cookie pacifist Selim lol/. Show! Bayezid telling Defne that he would be labelled as a "rebellious prince" for future generations with obvious evidence backing it up means a lot because even though he IS one, there is so much more to this story and what bought him to this point, starting from his father's attitude to him since he was a kid.
And damn I do need to stress the need for the critical approach to SOW (which does not preclude stanning the characters/getting interested in historical figures ofc)? Maybe not here, but I still see TikTok shit on “The big 5” introducing feminism to Ottoman harem. There is no revolution we can talk of in any case, but truly, where is feminism involved in Haseki institution? It only privileges one woman over others. The others are still required to serve them, which is why we had the Hürrem/Gülnihal and Nurbanu/Valeria stories. And what it ties with what Sol says once Hürrem tries to kill Gülnihal - her parents' ghosts appearing to tell her It's not revenge. It's not what you promised us. Meanwhile, the men are still in power, with a person like Suleiman having unlimited agency. More.. the man selects the woman he gives those privileges too. And even if he grants her freedom (if HE pleases so), it has little actual effect because we all know she is still forbidden to leave him and would have lost her kids anyway if she had done so. Thus said, the moment when show Hürrem slams the door to Sulyass' stupid face is one of my fave Surrem moments without a doubt and one of fave H moments in general ahsmshs. / BTW One day I will finally talk how Westerners focus more on say legal marriage when it that system having multiple sons was more ground-breaking because even free brides from noble families who did not have children had little power and agency. /
There is plenty of irony involved, just as Mahi finally freeing herself from attachment to Suly once he rejects her freedom to which he is entitled by the System. Bah, only he has the power to do so regarding his women. It's all only at his own discretion.
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It is precisely what I also mean by "taboo-breaking" and the questioning Mahi does of Suleiman and the way he (as Sultanate) operates. In that world mere questioning could break the taboo. We do not know what future lay ahead for anyone, but damn what he kept doing was neither just nor wise according to the very norms of the times themselves. Yes, Mustafa was the most promising and fitting candidate for the throne and he did not betray his father, so Suleiman removing him from "open succession" was not even why this method of succession had been established in the first place and demanded from princes assembling their own support, also ensuring that he would be easily accepted to prevent discord and rebellions. Mustafa did it too well, the horror. And that him wanting to do something (also as he himself stated, since he got privilege of being the prince and be able to rule, he should not sit idly, but use it for good purpose and the people) only brought him troubles because of Suly ass own ego only shows again the problems with this system and being centered on one person so much. Suleiman violated a lot for his own agenda, centered around himself, not the future of the state. This is what Mahi is criticizing and stating it to his face when he tried to paint his son as a traitor to present himself as just and acting for the state IS taboo-breaking in itself. Asking the question instead of dismissing it all as "fate", as Mihrimah tried.
Mahidevran tries to awake Mihri, who while rich and "still in power play", is very similar to her in many ways (also with the one big sin that has weighted on them silently). They all lost. Even Selim. Getting Mihri's brother (Hürrem's son) on the throne did not mean triumph and happiness for her. Heck, even Selim is a walking wreck. It's not even about sides because SS truly managed to destroy everyone's lives, not only one side's, so in the end it's not even favoritism. All for him to go with his beautiful words, a show-off victory, and his beloved throne (while saying something else in his monologue). Mahi telling Mihri to stop holding her father blameless IS the moment making someone else's eyes open and maybe do not let actively go for something that will not help anyone out at this point, like causing discord between Selim and his son. These are small things that are important for the theme and how mental freedom is also of value. Same with awareness. Nobody expects revolution or claims something. And we are at a particular point when Mahi already lost Mustafa and says it already in the context with him gone. She won't resurrect him with her words ofc LOL. And Mahi truly didn't have to do this, just take popcorn and look at Hürrem's kids & other descendants fighting even more.
You can precisely see when SS decides how to dispose of Bayezid when Mihri says she will never forgive him and will be dead to him if he executes her brother. The lightbulb over his head in this moment lol. So her continuing to hold him blameless, while putting everything on Selim and Nurbanu is buying his shit and rules of the Sultanate. Mihri might have power, so she can stir things up in attempt to still "win", but.. they all lost. Her acceptance of it and stating it out loud before leaving Topkapi again has meaning. One might continue to have power and live in palace (unlike Mahi), but they all lost anyway. Mere meddling that can cause only chaos to still try to win is meaningless and can ony be harmful. As such, Mahi's words can have at least some impact.
Mahi and fate as Sol's post with Plami's commentary also has this delicious tidbit with mirror - most likely Hürrem would have never ceased to hunt down Mustafa after Mehmed's death because she had decided on eliminating him long before that and kept carrying out the plan via concrete & repeated actions. However, Mahi still questions herself on that because she can never know. And even if it changed nothing, it still tormented her and polluted her conscience. Because culpability is still there, regardless of "system" and circumstances" and whether it has any tangible effect or not. Same with Selim still being culpable even though SS wanted Bayezid executed. He still chose to do so anyway. Bah, he is actually very self-conscious and states clearly that he won because unlike the others he was able to kill his brother.
Similarly, Mustafa, Cihangir, and Bayezid also made their choices. Mustafa could have axed Suleiman and it would have been hard to blame him for this in the situation it boilt down to. Actually, he was the one with biggest support at that moment, so rules of the Sultanate definitely allowed him to dispose of an aging ruler who began making a multitude of mistakes. He had the biggest power at his disposal if he wanted to. Moreover, Musti also chose to invite the member of the opposition faction because she was his sister, despite said sister openly declaring her standing on the opposite side and speaking to him "with her mother's words" last time they met. Once more, instead of rules of Sultanate and how the system expected him to act, he chose familial bonds.
Then again, Bayezid did have Selim on his knees in front of him and chose not to kill Selim, despite Selim never promising him any change or begging for mercy.
They both died, but they also could have chosen differently and compromised their conscience and values in the process.
Yet the opposite choice to adhere to the Darwinist rules and get the throne at any cost is not something mechanic that promises happiness or safety, either. Actually, it can make you painfully blind. We see Hürrem deciding blood will be spilled only of her enemies once she learns her son is going to end up on the throne. When she meets with the witch after Mustafa is dead and the throne for one of her sons IS a certain thing.. it's not what she wanted to hear, starting from her own imminent demise from natural causes. Same with her trust in the "human face" of the Sultanate aka Suly ass:
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The "right, sultana?" is an ironic call-back to the beginning of the episode when she uses same words about Suly's power to exclude herself from the matter of Mustafa's death.
Also let us note the use of the word "destiny"😱 .
Also, Hürrem did not come back to ponder her preceding conversation with the witch earlier, as she had another proof of herself not interpreting it correctly - when she assumed Nazenin's baby would be the one the witch predicated as the Sultan. Nurbanu was after all pregnant with Murad at the same time.. so no, the witch was not mistaken, Hürrem was simply so caught up in her own vision of how it would go (also with Baye taking the throne) or assumed the witch to be mistaken, so she didn't notice it was about her grandson.
Another interesting thing is that the witch also predicts Mihrimah's future and that while her physical illness will pass soon, the spiritual pain will soon start and persist.
Because even if we "win" in that we survive, it does not need to bring happiness with it. At all.
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It doesn't work like this either (Mihri talks about sacrifing Musti and Cih), while we are at it. There are no simple mechanisms like that! And how Mihri adopts her mother stance and calls her out that only one of her sons can survive according to the Darwinist rules (which is also what Rüstem advocates in any circumstances, only for him there is no support for Bayezid really... any can go) is just irony at its finest, and it stems also from her feeling of guilt - I already tainted my conscience and went again familial bonds, so let it at least mean victory for my favourite brother. She is now quick to accept one of them will die, she just wants to ensure it's not Bayezid.
Another of Hürrem's children that do adopt her "survival no matter the cost" agenda (and no, it's hard going for that to "pacifism" agenda shortly after getting what you wanted), and to a bigger extent, is Selim obviously.. Selim states to Bayezid that he will live because he is capable of killing his brother for his own survival. But we know what sort of life this is (and that he won't live long from history). He might later quote his mother to Mihrimah and convince himself that since nobody is innocent under this dome, so only the deserving win, but outside that, he does call himself a "brother killer" and does consider it a burden. /And Selim being his mother's son is another fascinating topic, since he was like.. her least fave and yet he is the one most alike her and who most absorbed her views and agenda.. to later emerge as sort-of third unexpected faction /.
Neither Mihrimah nor Selim ever found peace after adhering to the System's rules of fratricide. Bah, they cannot even be a family again as the only surviving members.. instead they openly accuse each other of being brother killers. Judging by history, they will eventually learn to co-operate, but nothing will be the same ever again. There is no moral victory in it for sure. Selim does not claim it any point. Actually, he is the one to point out that: We all lost. Innocence died and nothing will be as before. We can accuse Selim of many things, but he is a pretty self-conscious character indeed.
The others might be dead, but they did adhere to their principles and values due to choice.
The power of reflection or questioning is also tied to to the concept of choice as what makes us a human. MC never promises us happy ending (how it could, we all know the ending point), but the mere presentation of choice, of humans trying to create something positive, like Mustafa, Bayezid, and Cihangir deciding not to fight against each other as expected, is meaningful.
Instead we got nobody truly winning or benefitting from what happened LBR. It cannot get worse than that, really.
The whole issue again reflects what I said earlier in that post on how Erdogan historical propaganda works. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, but there is no questioning at all. Instead we have normalization of violence and presenting it as something necessary, and that there is no choice or alternative to what happened. The sultan killed his brothers, but he had to. It was necessary, it was automatic. There is even no person behind it, but a robot always doing the right (even if brutal) choice because "it was like that".
And to some up the great ironies of life, we can remember that Mahi who lost it all... survived them all, so she won the Darwinist game in the end despite being rejected by System multiple times:
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redxluna · 8 months
This question is a bit too in general maybe? but what do you know about Ibrahim and Süleyman's real life relationship. Like was it an actual friendship/purely professional/something else more personal? Like the show does leave some questions and I've heard a lot of different things abt them over the years, don't know how much of it are rumours, how much of it is real
Honestly, while the show no doubt romanticizes it in places (I can't find any evidence of Suleiman taking a vow to safeguard Ibrahim's life, for example), a lot of what's depicted in regards to the nature of their relationship is at least somewhat factual. Ironically, despite the remarks I still occasionally stumble across about Mahidevran having been Suleiman's "favorite" before Hürrem, it actually seems like that position belonged to Ibrahim, if in a strictly platonic sense.
"The sultan's affection for both was intense, wrote Bragadin: Suleyman focused all his love on Roxelana, ignoring Mustafa's mother, and people said that he would have perished from sorrow had Ibrahim stayed any longer on his mission in 1525 to restore order in Egypt. As usual, the Venetian knew a good story when they saw one, especially when it came to Ibrahim, to whom they enjoyed more than the usual access."–Peirce, Leslie. Empress of the East: How a European Slave Girl Became Queen of the Ottoman Empire
His elevation, which happened much like in the show, was considered shocking as well since:
"Suleyman's other viziers had worked their way up the ranks, gaining years of experience in government. They had earned their status; Ibrahim was given his."–Peirce, Leslie. Empress of the East: How a European Slave Girl Became Queen of the Ottoman Empire
Really, the bigger misdirect is the relationship that Ibrahim has with Hürrem in the show, which, in reality, was probably affable, if not always on the steadiest ground. The entire concept of her having had a hand in Ibrahim's death as well is a thing that became fabricated later as it doesn't even seem as if her contemporaries and the Ottoman public believed in such a thing after the execution occurred.
"But perhaps it was inevitable that those two individuals, who rose simultaneously, at the very outset of Suleyman's reign, as his favorites, were assumed, at least by later historians, to be rivals who would do anything to impede the others influence on the sutlan. The absence of a smoking gun, however, does not mean that Roxelana had no opinions regarding the man who occupied much of Suleyman's attention for the first thirteen years of her life with him or that she kept those opinions to herself. No one could be silent on the matter of Ibrahim, it seemed. He became controversial well before she did."–Peirce, Leslie. Empress of the East: How a European Slave Girl Became Queen of the Ottoman Empire
If I had to apply a more subjective outlook to things, I think that, given the nature of the Ottoman Empire to warp most regular familial bonds, Ibrahim offered a safe alternative by serving as a surrogate brother for Suleiman. Except, in a cruel twist of irony, even that would become too much when the position to which Suleiman had risen Ibrahim to began to challenge his own authority. (To be fair, that had less to do with Irbahim's own actions and everything to do with how Suleiman had elevated him in the first place.)
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somin-yin · 1 year
So I read Elite Tag and:
Surprisingly I liked it? I thought I wouldn't like it because I had heard some bad reviews about it but when I read it, it wasn't as bad as I had heard :0 I think I specially liked it because 2 of the LIs already managed to catch my interest and they are:
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Daniel and Ari! I'm seriously torn between them, I really like the banter and playfulness between Daniel and MC, he kinda reminds me of Mustafa and Noe and I think romancing the leader from the opposite team would be very interesting, Daniel is definitely some kind of ExTP.
But then there's also Ari ❤️ and oh cara mia, I'm a sucker for smart/wise men who can convince anyone with their words (like when Ari convinced the agent to give him the info) or who have knowledge about the human psyche ❤️
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Also is it only me or Ari kinda reminds me of John vibes wise? And also I really loved how confidently his flirtings with MC were "You're attractive, that's a fact" ❤️ Ari is definitely some kind of IxTJ. I think I'm leaning towards Ari for now but I actually have more than one RC account so I don't have to choose 🤷‍♀️😂
Also I would have loved if these characters were LIs BUT:
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But Rick is gay and Mikayla is married ;-; tho not going to lie, it would be interesting if Mikayla and her husband had an open marriage or were poly and they gave us a poly option where we're able to romance them ❤️😂
Now theory time: Who is Mr. Tag? Who is the person MC remembered when she got home? She said "him", was it the man at the end? Or was she talking about her ex boyfriend? (she did mention she had a bad breakup) so what if Mr. Tag is MC's ex boyfriend and becomes an LI later on when his identity gets revealed?
Overall I was pleasantly surprised by the story, I want to see how it goes! ❤️
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dodscans · 5 months
jumping off what you said about suleiman and mustafa's feud deserving another manga, this might be next to impossible but i would love to see shinohara's versions of the two in that kind of story/sequel. i think her characterization of them is super fun, and dod suleiman especially is so laid-back most of the time that i'd honestly like to see how he would act in a situation with so many political (and potentially emotional) stakes
I would love to see Suleiman nonchalantly having Mustafa killed and his corpse thrown out of his tent as he's having his dessert after dinner XD Jokes aside, the drama that would drive him to murder his own son would be so, so delicious to read about.
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iturbide · 11 months
same anon as the not exaggerated joke but not joke about robbing plegia. God I love awakening, I really love chrom and robin and all that. But I am also facinated by Gangrel and Validar (and to a lesser extent Henry and Tharja (and also Mustafa and to an even lesser extent the various plegian officers you fight) Like there could have easily been an interesting exploration of any of those characters. Gangrel's a much less subtle example of how an ATTEMPTED GENOCIDE affected him. He went mad and is lashing out at those who both caused and did not take accountability. Like there's a lot there to unpack and look at, especially when you consider his general dismissal of the grimleal cult. Validar is one I really wish we saw more of (Validad wishful thinking in my brain). He was likely a part of the grimleal since before the war, being a failed vessel; how did he view the genocide, was he moved by what happened to other plegians, did that give him conviction, did he care at all? Did he see grima, or his own child as a means of retribution or even as a saviour for his people. There is so much that could have been done there. Also maybe Tharja and Henry should have more to say about their country being brutalised in 3 whole wars. Also also, please just acknowledge Mustafa he was so fucking cool and deserved a larger role in the story, I'd love them as a continuous antagonist/anti-hero who RIGHTLY points out the hypocricy of the ylisseans while still showing himself to be an empathetic and just leader. Fuck it make him in charge, put him on a council with Validar. Can you imagine the political debates between those two?
Anyway I'm gonna start reading Affectionately Yours to stimulate the part of my brain that awakening didn't
Look, I am deeply and utterly fascinated by Plegia. I have been for a long time. Roughly half my Awakening works on AO3 hinge on some extensive Plegian worldbuilding because Awakening really didn't bother with it and I'm too fascinated to leave it alone.
I have a lot of thoughts about Gangrel. I have a lot of thoughts about Validar. I have a lot of thoughts about who they could have been in different situations, and why they turned out the way they did. I honestly think that Gangrel could have been handled better in Awakening canon: I think his mother was killed by bandits when he was young according to canon? But imagine how much more potent his role in the story becomes if he lost his mother in the attempted genocide -- he was a direct victim, and that unaddressed trauma festered and turned him into the Mad King. (I have a whole post of backstory headcanons about that.) And I think that Validar is underexplored as a character, especially considering that he outright admits he's a failed attempt at creating a vessel for Grima, and what something like that would do to a person. (I have yet another post of backstory headcanons for him.)
Henry...Henry not really having something to say doesn't surprise me. Henry was a victim of basically every system he'd ever been part of. He doesn't have a stake in society, but he's culturally Plegian because it's how he was generally brought up. Tharja, though -- she I think should have things to say about the situation, because even if she does adopt a measure of disinterest in the general situation, that's her home. She's lived through these nightmares and been a witness to their aftermath. The fact that her being Plegian and how that's affected her was entirely squandered is an absolute crime.
and don't get me started on Mustafa. I love Mustafa so much. Mustafa gets a role in basically all my fics, I love him so much. He's in Affectionately Yours. He's in Cursed Fate. He's in both Crown of Shadows and Shrouded Throne. He's in my works in progress, he's in my backburner stories, he's everywhere. I absolutely adore General Mustafa and what he says about Plegia as a country, even though the game tries to pretend that people like him don't exist as soon as we finish out Chapter 11.
I have a lot of Plegia thoughts okay. And a lot of Plegia stories.
also please let me know if you have any issues getting into the fics, I locked them as a precaution against AI data scraping but I am 100% willing to unlock them if you want to read but don't have an account
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shivrcys · 1 year
Can you analyze the fatal flaws of MC characters?
Honestly I think in most cases MC didn't handle the concept of fatal flaws very well.
The show sets up from early on that Süleyman was quick to harsh judgements. We see this in his punishment of criminals and in how he treats Mahidevran and even Hürrem when she's falsely accused of murder. However this is abandoned in down the line. This is still arguably somewhat the case when it comes to Ibrahim's death as he tries to find a loophole for a foregone conclusion, the criticisms against him come off more as veiled criticisms of Hürrem for manipulating him. In Mustafa's case the element of generational trauma is added as the point is made that Süleyman has the fear of the history with his father and grandfather repeating itself, but this is not explored all that much further than simply establishing that the parallel is there and it has very little to say about a fatal flaw. Instead once again most of the characters criticise him for wanting power, but those criticisms fall flat considering how poorly set up this is and because these same characters also still seem to view him as little more than Hürrem's puppet. There is a fundamental lack of coherence and consistency in terms of Süleyman's fatal flaw. There is a comment to be made about how his naturally suspicious and quick to judgement nature stems from that trauma and how that affected his decisions, but MC never really fully commits to the depth and nuance that something like that requires. Instead opting to go for vague comments about him sacrificing his loved ones for power and being bewitched and manipulated by Hürrem.
As much as MC romanticises Ibrahim and is far too kind to him as a character, his fatal flaw is far clearer and more consistent. It's hubris. He is an arrogant man who goes beyond his limits. And things like his monologues and the lion tamer speech are examples of that. But so is his cruelty. The Greek verb hubrizein means to commit an outrage but it also means to violently assault. And Ibrahim does plenty of that. He strangles, assaults and kills people. Not only that but neither does he regret nor does he even attempt to atone for his crimes. And this is his undoing because along with hubris comes nemesis. Retrebution, and giving what is due. And call me a biased Hürrem stan but a primary example of hubris and nemesis in Ibrahim's story is the outrage of Leo's death. Because it is that outrageous and cruel act of violence that fundamentally changes his rivalry with Hürrem. And his nemesis looks like this:
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Mahidevran's fatal flaw is more of a symbolic one than anything else. And it feels very unfair of me to include it since it doesn't play that big of a role in her downfall and because of how understandable it is given her circumstances. But it's her unwillingness to fully own and take responsability for her actions. I don't mean that she isn't aware of her mistakes or that she doesn't feel guilty. But she does struggle to process her own responsability. Other people have commented on the symbolism of her connection to mirrors, and I think that is very pertinent here. Since she can't fully look inwards at her own actions. A very on the nose case study of this is the mirror of sin. And how it breaks when she kills Mehmet. Something she feels bad for, but also feels that Hürrem forced her to do. This makes her interaction with Hürrem at Cihangir's janissary ceremony in season 4 feel especially on the nose. As Mahidevran implies that Cihangir's disabilities are the result of his mother's sins, to which Hürrem (at least in the English translation replies) 'If you're looking for a sinner look in the mirror' before implying that she knows that Mahidevran killed Mehmet. That said I would welcome anyone's criticism of this point.
Hürrem's fatal flaw is her vengefulness. Although once again I feel like this is worth contextualising. Because Hürrem early on has to realise that the only person who is going to seek justice for herself is her. That does not take away from how destructive this element of her character is. It leads her to commit some of her worst acts (such as killing concubines) and burn bridges that she probably would have been best to maintain (Hatice and Nigar). That said, much like Mahidevran, it is not really this quality of hers that brings her downfall. As much as she wants revenge against Mustafa at the beginning of season 4 fresh after Mehmet's death and her kidnapping, by the time his death rolls around that is no longer her driving motivation in wanting him dead. Because her final plot against him comes in the wake of the janissaries antagonism towards and attempt to kill Selim. Her motivation at this point is purely to protect her children. And even so, it is not her fixation on vengeance that causes the worsening of the rivalry between her own sons. It's her desire to protect them yet again. And she does become vengeful against Nurbanu after the Defne incident, but they were always on a collision course. Since Hürrem was neutral for the most part in the rivalry between her sons and just wanted them both to live whereas Nurbanu valued Selim and Murad's survival above all else. And that created an inevitable conflict between them.
All of the blood Sultanas' fatal flaw is their privilege. As it leads all of them (aside from Şah) to have an overly simplistic view on the politics of the harem. Where there's a golden loyal concubine and a disloyal scapegoat. Ayşe Hafsa fails consistently in her duty of care towards Hürrem and sees her as her enemy from day 1. Which leads Hürrem to be even more antagonistic towards her and Hatice transfers her blame and anger from Ibrahim onto Hürrem in season 3. And she lets this hatred ruin her life instead of seeing Ibrahim for who he really was.
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Season 3
Okay, bear with me. I've got some ideas on what might have been a better story for Season 3, at least when it comes to the princes.
What I think might have worked so much better is that the focus should have been on Mustafa and Mehmed and the forces behind them, specifically Ibrahim and Hurrem. This becomes a race to see which power would overcome the other. The emphasis would be on the fratricide law hanging over the princes.
We get to see more of their friendship, but at the same time, play up more Mustafa's jealousy, but add in Mehmed growing more afraid of the prospect of his brother as heir. We see him interact more with Ibrahim and Mehmed recognizes that so long as Ibrahim is around, the likelihood that Mustafa has an advantage. Suleyman could have witnessed that and, in tandem with his nightmares, he senses there's tension between his princes and Ibrahim with Mehmed.
Let the theme and atmosphere of paranoia and fear be paramount in the season. Have this building tension, Mustafa's faction and Mehmed's faction recognize that they have to act now. Have also this all out war between the factions. When Ibrahim is finally executed, it clears the way for Mehmed to go to Manisa. On top of that, Mustafa makes a mistake that costs him that sanjak.
Mustafa and Mehmed struggle with their love for each other, but also the recognition that the feelings from childhood can't exist anymore. The more that Mehmed gains favor from Suleyman, the more it's clear that he'll be a threat. So if they really want Mahidevran to be behind Mehmed's death, she has more reason to be afraid and paranoid. She feels there is no other choice. She's lost her most powerful backer and it's clear that Mehmed is about to be named crown prince. That way, her actions do make sense, but still have a feeling of maliciousness. It's also the first real blow to Hurrem and the first real threat to her power. Not Firuze, she's not in this, but the loss of the prince that may gain the throne.
Meanwhile, we have Bayezid and Selim witnessing all of this, absorbing the tension and fear. This could shatter their innocence early and set up the later conflict between them.
The end of the season has Mehmed dying, and the possibility that Mustafa will be the crown prince, but the twist suddenly appears that Selim is given the sanjak. It's not just Mehmed who is a threat, now his younger brothers become a threat as well. The problem isn't gone, it's multiplied. Now, all the princes understand the gravity of their situation and they can't let down their guard. Nothing is solved, it's made worse.
I feel like, not only would this allow Mehmed to be more of a well rounded character, but also begin building the differences between Bayezid and Selim. We see who they will become and how much the loss of innocence shapes them. It influences Selim's drinking, Bayezid's anger (as he feels he never had a chance), and Mustafa feeling that his time might be up soon.
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