#i love snowplow driver
cryptonews256 · 1 year
Jeremy Renner Shares Hospital Photo After Snowplow Accident
Jeremy Renner Shares Hospital Photo After Snowplow Accident
“Continued prayers your way brutha,” fellow Marvel star Chris Pratt commented. “Speedy recovery buddy. Sending love your way,” Thor actor Chris Hemsworth said. “You’s a tough mother you know what and I love you for it all! Love you,” actor Tasha Smith said. Renner was trying to help a stranded driver when he was hit by his own plow, Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve told the Reno Gazette Journal earlier…
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I would like to take this time to show my love and appreciation for snowplow drivers. But also like why is it gotta wake me up at 5am?
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xxiamtiebrousxx · 2 years
Chapter 3 (Snow Always Falls | Tf2 x OC)
The tour would have to wait as soon as Helen and Dakota entered the castle with Harvey and Isabel. The visiting royals were shown to their rooms while the queen attended some matters regarding a trespasser as the guard told her. Helen requested that Dakota be escorted to her room during the meeting. She was, but she snuck out to see her mother conduct some business. The guards brought the chained hunter before the queen who sat on the throne. Dakota watched from the door, which was opened just a crack. She couldn’t see who the man on trial was. They forced him onto his knees, the chains clashing together. She recognized the hunter as the man from the harbor. 
"I was told you were caught trespassing on castle grounds," Helen said. "Is this true?"
"Yes," the hunter replied, lifting up his head. "But, in my defense, Oi did not know it was castle grounds and that Oi was trespassing. You see, Oi’m new here and was in search of a meal.”
“Hmm, before I send you to the dungeons might I ask  where you are from, stranger?” the queen asked, resting her head on her hand.
“Wait, you’re still going to send me to jail?”
“Yes, but you won’t spend a lifetime since you’re new,” she replied. “You’ll spend half a year before we release you.” The hunter sighed.
“Foine, if you’d like to know, Oi’m from Australia. It’s a little far from here, but the trip is worth it,” he said. The guards forced him to stand up. “Well, Oi’ll see you around in six months.” Dakota moved from the door. She made her way around the corner, waiting for the group to leave. She didn’t want to seem like she was eavesdropping. The guards came out and Dakota turned around the corner making it look like she was just taking a walk.
“Your Highness,” the guards said.
“Hey guys,” she said. “What are you up to?”
“Just escorting this prisoner to the dungeon.” 
“Hey, Oi remember you,” the hunter said. “You’re the girl from the harbor.” Dakota puffed and blew a loose strand of hair  from her face.
“And you’re that jerkwad,” she replied. “What are you doing here? You don’t work here!” He chuckled.
“Well, Oi got caught trespassing on castle grounds. You can thank the queen for that,” he said. 
“Well, you may escort him to the dungeons now,” the princess replied. “I’m done talking to him.” The guards obeyed Dakota’s orders and locked the hunter away in the deep, cold dungeon while the princess returned to her room.
Meanwhile, the queens arranged for their children to have a day out in the village. It was a great way to get them to bond. Especially since the queens planned to unite their kingdoms.
Yes, Dakota was right. Prince Harvey was here to win the princess’ heart and become king of Snowplow.
“Mom, don’t make me do this,” Dakota said, adjusting her black gloves. “I am in no mood to go on a ride with Harvey.” Helen sighed, bringing over Dakota’s dark red cardigan.
“Just do it for me, please,” she said. Dakota slipped on the sweater. 
“I’m not even sure I like Harvey,” she said. She sighed, looking at herself in the mirror and straightening out any wrinkles in her clothing. Her mother smiled.
“You look beautiful in that dress,” she said. Dakota sighed again.
“Fine, I’ll go with Harvey. But just this once,” she said. 
The two heirs were escorted through the courtyard and into the carriage. The driver drove the two through the town. Dakota looked out the window as people waved and cheered.
“So, Your Highness,” Harvey said with a smile, “anything interesting about you?” he asked. She rolled her eyes.
“I love drinking maple syrup out of a bottle,” she said. “I also like covering apples in it, like caramel apples you can get at a fair. Which reminds me, it’s coming up soon.” Harvey laughed softly. 
“That’s nice,” he replied. “I’m a big fan of gladiator fights.” 
“Oh really?” the princess asked.
The carriage made a sudden stop. The royals looked out the window. They were in the middle of the woods. “What is the meaning of this?” Harvey asked loudly. The driver did not respond. Instead, four men broke through the windows. The prince swiftly pulled out his rapier. “En garde!” he exclaimed. The masked bandits looked at each other, then at the prince before knocking him out like it was nothing. 
“You’re going to want to stay away,” she said.
“Mmph?” one bandit asked his friend.
“Oui, I think this is our target,” the friend replied. He pulled out his own sword. “I suggest a duel,” he said. 
“Sounds fair,” Dakota replied. “On three.”
“THREE!” The princess lunged at the bandit, slicing his arm. She kicked the other in the gut and broke down the door. She then started to run, hitching up her skirt. 
“THREE!” The princess lunged at the bandit, slicing his arm. She kicked the other in the gut and broke down the door. She then started to run, hitching up her skirt. The castle wall was not far from where the carriage was. A couple of the royal guards were visible. Dakota looked behind her. The men were not far, but they began to slow down. “Guards!” she cried out. “Guards! Help!” They heard her and came down.
“Your Highness, what is the problem?” one asked.
“Prince Harvey and I were attacked by bandits,” she replied, out of breath. “They were targeting me but I got away. I’m not sure about the prince, he was knocked out cold.”
“We’re glad you are safe now,” the guard said. “Men, come with me. The rest of you stay with the princess and make sure Her Majesty hears of this.” The troop left for the prince while the others escorted Dakota back to her room.
They told Helen of the news. She was shocked to hear that someone would attack the children. She confronted George. 
“Mirror mirror on the wall, tell me what I should do,” she said. George appeared in the mirror.
“Alright, I’m not going to use any rhyming for this part just to make it easier,” he said. “You need to hire a bodyguard for Dakota. Anyone with a good background will work, as long as they’re willing to protect her. Give them what they want no matter the cost.” Helen bit her lip. There weren’t many in the kingdom who could qualify for the job. 
“Who would you recommend?” she asked the mirror.
“Check the dungeons, you’ll find him there.”
The hunter looked up from the crack in the ground. The jangling from the guard’s ket caught his attention. Helen stood before his cell. He scoffed, looking back down at the ground.
“What do you want?” he asked.
“I’m willing to offer you freedom,” she replied. “I can give you pay and a roof over your head here.”
“If?” Helen sighed.
“If you work as my daughter's bodyguard,” she said. “Otherwise, you’ll be spending six months in here. So, what’ll it be?” 
There was a pause. The hunter looked up. Standing up, he held his hand out.
“You’ve got yourself a deal.”
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Black Out - D.R.W
Author’s Note: I'm finally here to feed my Danny girls. You all have been waiting so patiently for me to write my first ever Danny smut story, he's just so intimidating to write and I didn't want to get this wrong. This is also the longest story I've written thus far so I hope I've delivered for you.
Synopsis: Danny Wagner has always been a pain in the ass, but what happens when the two of you find yourselves together after a night out?
Word Count: 10k (now that's more like it)
Pairing: Douchebag!Danny x Female Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Foul language, alcohol, oral, spanking, choking, light degradation, dom!sub. (Wrap it before you tap your worst enemy)
Thank you all for your patience, I've been so busy lately its been hard to find the time to write but I'm proud of what I've put out here for y'all. I'll be getting back to requests soon in the order in which I got them, I just wanted to do something on my own to get my creative juices flowing again. Anyway, please let me know if you'd like to be added to the tag list and what y'all think! Thank you, love you! ❤️
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Black Out- D.R.W
You should have left hours ago, it was snowing like crazy out and you knew you probably shouldn’t be this fucked up either but, damn, whiskey runs way too smooth and work has been getting on your nerves. The party ended about twenty minutes ago, everyone now scrambling to figure out a safe way home. Classic Michigan. No ubers would risk this trip out, the snow was piling up fast and the snowplows wouldn’t make it this late. Time is of the essence and you really don’t want to stay at whoever's house this was, and if that means grabbing a ride with Danny then so be it. You would be lying if you said that you didn’t halfway beg Josh to take you home in his stupid jeep but he was already getting a ride himself because he had had too much to drink tonight. He only offered you a warm giggle and a tight hug, promising you he would text you as soon as he got home safe. Josh was a sweet mess when he was drunk, you wished you were able to be in whoever’s car was taking him home. Josh did do you one last favor before leaving, and that was flagging Danny down and asking him to take you home, remembering you two didn’t live far from each other. The visible look of annoyance on his face made you smile, a tantalizing opportunity to torture Danny, one of your many favorite past times.
“Why do I need to take her home?” Your head spins to watch Danny complain to Sam who is wrangling a pack of wild drunks of his own, as Josh practically waltzes out the front door with a couple of other drunk dudes and their very nervous designated driver. Sam is only half listening to his friend, he looks like he’s trying to corral three drunk girls together, trying desperately to keep them from running off back to the dying embers of the house party. “Her house is way closer to yours than everyone else I’m driving.” “Who did she come here with?” “One of the girls I’m taking in my already full car. Amber, no, no we are not taking the leftover jello shots in my car! Ugh, that doesn’t mean you should eat them now?!” Sam runs to chase after your friend Amber, pulling the other two drunk girls by the wrist like a single mother dealing with unruly children in a grocery store, you giggle to yourself as you pull on your coat and search for your purse, spinning in a circle only to find it’s already strapped to you.
“I’m sick of playing designated driver.” Danny whines as Jake leads an arguing drunk couple to the doorway, “It's getting bad out there dude, I’m sure it won’t take long, we gotta go while we can.” Jake opens the door, ushering the yelling couple out the door ahead of him, you saunter over to Danny, standing tall with his arms crossed. “Fine, but I’m not happy about having to drive her.” “Oh shut up, I’m a delight to be around.” You chime in, shoulder checking him on your way out the door. “Yeah a real fucking treasure.” Danny scoffs, rolling his eyes as he pulls his coat tighter to him before walking out to follow you.
Daniel Wagner is probably not your biggest fan, and you were not exactly his either. You can’t say when was the moment that solidified your status as enemies but for as long as you’ve known the Kiszka’s, you’ve known Danny. You both love the boys too much to give up hanging out as a group, even if that meant knowing the other would be wherever they were. You two get along civilly for the most part but pushing Danny’s buttons and vice versa, was a long standing game you two have been playing for years. You stumble through the snow along the grassy yard that was covered in the abandoned cars that belong to all of the party's drunk patrons who were finding other means of safe transportation. You fall into the thick powdery snow, landing in the cushion of the freshly fallen flurry with a drunken chuckle. “Come on.” Danny says flatly as he spins his keys on his fingers with an air of irritation. You roll over to your back and start making a snow angel, “It's freezing! Let’s go!” He shouts, his breath visible and floating into the night sky. “But if I get up I’ll ruin my snow angel!” You whine, Danny throws his head back with a groan, walking over to you as you sit up, he squats down and picks you up and holds you to his chest, his movement swift, unphasing his stride as he carries you away effortlessly, you never knew Danny was so strong? He faces the shape you had made of you in the snow, “Looks more like a snow demon to me.'' Danny quips, turning back to his intended path towards his car. “I thought it looked very nice.” You say simply, trying to ignore how muscular Danny’s arms feel around you, carrying you like a groom would carry his bride through the terrain of the snowy night. Finally you both reach the car, he reluctantly sets you back down on your feet just to fish out his keys and open your door, “Oh, Daniel, such a gentleman.” You tease as you slip inside the passenger seat, earning only a scoff and eye roll from your valet for the evening. 
Danny pops inside and turns the key, pressing every button that will warm up the car from this wintery hellscape. You wrap your arms across your chest as you try to preserve any heat you may have left in your body from escaping through your sweater and coat. Danny’s bluetooth is paired to the radio, an old Neil Diamond song playing through the speakers. “I don’t think I’ve heard this one.” You observe more to yourself than Danny, he gives you a quick glance, just peeling his eyes from the ice filled streets to give you a surprised “Hm.” You listen along, liking how oddly gospel-sounding it is, “It’s uh Holly Holy, I think it’s about the way the woman he loves makes him feel like she is akin to a spiritual awakening. How she makes him feel full with her love, like he could do anything.” Danny explains softly, trying his best not to sound corny. You just smile sweetly at the idea, the song is sweet and you can hear the meaning Danny mentioned plain as day in its melody, “I mean, I don’t know, it could be about LSD or something, that’s just what I think it sounds like to me, I don’t know.” Danny stammers out, “No I like it, I get that too. I think it's sweet.” You reassure, nodding along lazily to the beat, letting the song flow through you. Danny only lets a grin tug at the corner of his mouth as you continue your journey home. 
It was no exaggeration, the snow was falling fast and in droves, the white from the flurry made it hard to see when driving so you were practically praying to the girl Neil Diamond was singing about if she could get you through this storm. Only a few more minutes of fearful driving until you were finally pulling into your apartment complex’s parking lot. “Finally.” You sigh to yourself, feeling the edge of sobriety slowly creeping in, as you and your friends would describe it, you were about a seven, maybe a six and a half on a scale of one to ten, ten being the drunkest you could possibly think of being. Danny turns off the car and you snap your head to look at him, “You don’t have to walk me up ya know?” You offer, knowing how he didn’t want to be here in the first place, very aware that he probably doesn’t want to be here any longer than he has to. “No way, its fucking freezing out and I’ve seen enough Dateline episodes to know not to abandon a drunk friend alone in the middle of the night.” He explains, rebuttoning his coat. “Friend, huh?” You press, raising an eyebrow at his choice of phrasing. “If I said 'mortal enemy’ I don’t think I’d end up on the show.” He smirks, you just roll your eyes and chuckle as you open the door, the cold wind slamming into you, your clothes might as well be made of tissue paper the way it whips through you. 
You pull your coat closer to yourself, starting your well traveled path up to your apartment, Danny close to your side, his hair flying around his face. You nearly slip and fall on an iced over puddle on the sidewalk, sending you backwards into Danny, his firm chest and arms steadying you. “You that drunk?” Danny laughs out, “No, asshole, it's slippery!” You shout, your voice a little too dramatic from the embarrassment of Danny seeing you nearly eat shit on the concrete. “Come on, diva.” His voice is playful as he abruptly picks you up, tossing you easily over his shoulder, “Hey!” “I don’t think I trust you to make it up these stairs alive on your own, princess.” Danny mocks, his arms locked firmly around your waist and hips, keeping you still as his long flowing curls tickle your cheeks. “You’re a full service man aren’t you Dan? You drive drunks home, walk girls to their door, and carry them over your giant shoulders? You really are a gentleman!” You tease, calling out loudly. His large hand meets your ass with a spank, you yelp out in shock, “Stop shouting, you’ll wake the whole complex.” He quips back. You can’t help but blush, the position you’re in alone has your tipsy mind swimming, that sting of his slap sinfully makes you weak. You shake your head to clear your thoughts, like come on, this is Danny? Douchebag Dan? Maybe you were a bit higher on your drunk scale than you thought.
You finally make it up to your apartment door as Danny plops you down to your feet, you fumble the keys in the lock, finally swinging open to your warm and inviting abode. “Mind if I use your restroom before I head out?” Danny asks as you toss your keys on your entry table, “Sure.” You say, your hands working off your coat, toeing your boots off. You make your way into the kitchen and grab yourself a glass of water, chugging down the cold beverage like your life depended on it, which it did if you didn’t want to wake up tomorrow with a headache from all the sugary mixers you had tonight. Danny emerges from the bathroom making his way back towards you, he comes over and grabs the glass out of your hand, taking it and drinking the ice water. “Oh please, help yourself.” You sarcastically spout, crossing your arms with a furrowed brow as you glare up at him. He finishes off the glass and sets it on the counter beside him, “Well, I guess I should be off.” “You’re insufferable.” “I got you home didn’t I?” He shrugs smugly, you only let out a scoff, “Right. Yeah, thank you. I uh, I really appreciate it.” You say softly, looking up to his eyes, dark and curious. “Was that a genuine ‘thank you’?” Danny says with his brows lifted in utter surprise, “Yes, dickhead, it was.” You roll your eyes, leaning against your fridge. Danny makes his way closer to you, “Oh, don’t ruin it, I’m gonna revel in this moment.” He teases, his arm extends to the fridge door, propping himself against it, trapping you from leaving as he leans in, his head dipping next to your ear, “Say it again.” He whispers in your ear, his voice a hair deeper and raspier as he speaks, a wave of goosebumps travel down your neck, you only gaze up at him into his eyes, ‘fuck he’s tall’ you think to yourself, your lips parting as you look over his face. “Thank you.” Your own voice barely above a whisper as he smiles that oh so familiar shit-eating grin you’re so used to seeing. “That wasn’t so hard now was it, princess?” Danny says, his finger lifting your chin up to keep your eyes trained on him. The air feels thick, a tension building around you, the feeling of his hand on your chin makes your stomach flip with sweet excitement. 
Your eyes travel down to look at his lips, so soft looking, they’ve never seemed so soft before. Suddenly, everything goes black. The world goes silent. The power is out in the building. The slow ever present hum of electricity in the background whirs away until it's totally quiet. Your eyes take a moment to adjust to the dark, looking at Danny’s silhouette less than a foot away from you, he must have moved away to take in the situation. “Shit.” You whisper, “Looks like I’m not going anywhere for a while.” Danny says, standing up and pulling his phone from his back pocket, turning on his flashlight, “Why?” “Because if the power is out here, it's probably out at my place too. Might as well not be bored alone.” He theorizes, “Fair enough. I have a couple of candles around here somewhere.” You say heading back into the kitchen, opening up your pantry to find an unopened box of tea candles, “Got some of these after my power went out in a storm a year ago, it sucked having zero light for hours.” You explain, pulling out a box of matches. "How very doomsday prepper of you." Danny jokes as you split the candles up, walking around the apartment and lighting candles wherever you would need the most light, the living room, the bathroom and your bedroom. The atmosphere was alight with a warm glow, inviting and safe away from the snow storm just outside the window.
The two of you end up sat on the floor of your living room, facing each other awkwardly in the warmth of the candle light. “It feels like we’re about to do some sacrifice or something with all these candles.” Danny jokes, you chuckle as you take in the view around you, “It kind of does. Maybe I’ll see what I can get in return for your soul.”
“Like what?”
“Whatever it would be worth I guess, which would probably earn me a single McChicken from the dollar menu.”
“Ouch, you think it’d be that bad?”
“I like their McChickens.” You shrug as Danny shakes his head with a smile. You bring your knees up to your chin, your arms holding you close to yourself. “I’m bored.” You complain, your feet rocking back and forth from your place on the carpet. “You’re not tired?” Danny asks with genuine surprise, “No, not really.” You answer, “What do you wanna do?” He asks, as he leans back to rest against the couch from his place on the floor. The room is silent as you ponder the question, the warm candle light flickers, the shadows long and foreign looking on their places against the walls. You let out a giggle and shake your head at the thought. “What?” “Nothing. It’s stupid.” You shake your head again with a smile, “I’m sure it is, what is it?” Danny pries. You just roll your eyes, “Wanna play, would you rather?” You smile, tilting your head to the side, Danny laughs, “That is stupid. Fuck it, why not.” He smiles, he shifts from his cross-legged position to stretching out a leg, his arm resting on one knee he’s hiked up. He tilts his head up at you confidently, waiting for you to go first. “Okay, um, would you rather, only ever eat breakfast for dinner forever or eat dinner for breakfast forever?” You ask, “That is the most lame would you rather question ever.” “Just answer it, asshole.” You jab, Danny just lets his head fall back as he stares up at the ceiling and thinks for a moment, “I guess breakfast for dinner?” “Why?” “I gotta have a reason?” “Yeah, haven’t you ever played this before?” “Okay fine, I don’t know, you can eat all kinds of things for breakfast, sweet and savory stuff? I mean dinner would just be too harty, like you just woke up and now you gotta eat spaghetti?” Danny explains, his face twisted into a funny expression as he tries to justify his choice. You shrug your shoulders, “Fair enough. Okay, your turn.” 
Danny searches the ceiling, looking for a question to ask you, “Would you rather only be able to talk during the daytime or speak only when you are spoken to?” He says with a smirk, “Ooh that is a hard one.” You ponder aloud, “For you, I’m sure it is.” He says with a scoff, “Fuck off.” You spit, he has always been much more quiet than you, you and Josh probably get along so well because you two are always so talkative and you know it drives Danny up the wall. “I guess only during the day? I’d have to do way more during the daytime hours then but I think I’d go crazy if I had to wait until someone spoke to me first.” You explain, Danny only gives a small exhale of a laugh, “Yeah I bet you’d explode, I’d be in heaven though, enjoying the silence for once.” He smiles as he tucks his hands behind his head, closing his eyes and relaxing into his imagination. You huff in annoyance, you crawl over to him, grabbing a pillow from behind him. You get a firm grip on the throw pillow and smack him across the face with it, his eyes slam open at the impact, snapping him out of his fantasy world. “Too bad! You’re suck in this frozen hell with me.” You say sitting up on your knees, only lightly towering over him in his position against the couch. “And you said my question sucked.” You mumble to yourself, retreating back to your spot, sitting on your newly acquired weapon of a decorative pillow. “Okay then you come up with a better one then! No more college ice breaker questions.” You sit a moment, thinking of something salacious and interesting, Danny sits staring at you cooly, his chest puffed out as he waits to see what on earth you could come up with. 
“Alright, would you rather date someone who refuses to kiss you or someone who refuses to blow you? I bet these are real scenarios you’ve faced multiple times Danny boy.” You cross your arms, smiling proudly at your jab, letting him get a taste of his own medicine. He simply laughs at you, “I’ve actually never had a problem with either, women practically beg to suck my dick.” Danny smirks tilting his head like the cocky son of a bitch he is. “I highly doubt that.” “Why do I have to choose between these two? These fake people sound awful.” “Because it's a game Daniel.” You remind him, he moves to sit with his legs crossed, moving a bit closer to you and you silently pray the power comes back and Danny can get stuck in an avalanche on his way home. Danny groans as he twists his face up as he thinks of his answer, “I guess someone who won’t blow me wouldn’t be as awful as never being kissed? Like you at least need that in a relationship, right? We could always do other stuff?” He rationalizes, your eyebrows lift at his answer, a small, “Huh.” Passes your lips at his statement. The idea of Danny being so sentimental rather than obscene somewhat surprises you. “What?” He asks, not letting your comment slip without an explanation. “Just didn’t think about it like that.” You shrug, hoping he’ll drop it, but in very Danny fashion, he doesn’t. “I mean I can get off other ways, I just don’t think I’d be very happy in a relationship like that if they wouldn’t show me any affection like that.” He says, maybe it’s the alcohol or maybe it’s just your constant need to be a contrarian to anything Danny says but you retort back, “I think I’d die if my boyfriend wouldn’t eat me out.” “Would you really choose that over never being kissed?” He asks curiously, leaning forward with interest. “Well after what you said, probably not but, fuck, some of the best orgasms I’ve ever had was from oral.” You smirk lazily, your mind drifting to the thought of a man buried between your legs. “Really?” Danny asks lowly, his voice incredibly soft as he asks you to say more. 
“I don’t think there is a better feeling than sitting on a man’s face.” You say seductively and smile confidently as you stare him down as confidently as he’s staring at you. Your answer hangs in the air for a moment, the two of you taking in the other in the dim light of the candles surrounding the room. You start to feel your heart beating faster as you think of how his dark eyes look at you, looking at you like a lion staring down his next meal. He tilts his head up at you before speaking, looking almost as though he’s about to call your bluff. 
“Would you rather have sex with your most recent ex or your worst enemy?” He asks smoothly. You let out a low chuckle, “Oh, Marcus? Yeah fuck no, the way we ended things really made me see his true colors.” You wince at the idea of even texting your ex, let alone to actually have sex with him again. Not that Marcus was bad in bed, he was fucking amazing, but knowing what you know now about how catty he was when things between you ended, he really turned into a childish prick. “Yeah he was kind of an asshole.” Danny agrees, reminiscing about the time he wouldn’t let you come and get your stuff from his apartment for a week just for a powertrip. The boys had your back throughout that whole break up, Marcus was incredibly controlling, you never really realized until after you broke up with him. You had to have the Kiszka boys and Danny come and help you move out, Josh even let you stay at his apartment until you found your own place.
“You’re not funny.” You say simply standing, Danny follows you and stands, his hand grabbing your wrist, “Oh come on princess it’s just a game. Don’t get all hurt-” “No, I see what you’re doing-” “And what’s that?” “You’re just trying to make fun of me!” You shout as you pull from Danny’s hold. “Why would I make fun of you?” “Because I want to fuck you!” Your voice rings out loudly, too loudly. The sound of your exclamation bouncing off the walls of your silent apartment. Your eyes wide as you realize your mistake, the silence feeling like a vice around your throat. “Oh.” Danny says softly, not knowing what to say. You can’t even look at him, you wish you could dissolve, evaporate into mist and float away. You stare at your socks, not sure what else to do, let alone say. Danny brings a hand up to your chin, lifting your eyes to meet his. You tense up at his forwardness, you fear he can see right through you and into your darkest thoughts, as if they were painted on your irises if he could only get close enough. “You would have been my answer too.” He speaks softly, his voice just above a whisper, his dark brown eyes searching yours. 
 “So who does that leave? You?” Danny simply shrugs, a small awaiting expression plays on his face as he listens for your answer. “I guess we are somewhat enemies.” He responds. “You called me your ‘mortal enemy’ in the car earlier.” “Then yeah, I guess me.” He smirks, your tough persona drops for a moment, your lips parting as you ponder the idea. You think about the way he had you backed up against your fridge, the way the air felt still and hot when he had you cornered, what you may have done if the power hadn’t gone out. You sit up straighter, almost nervous realizing you have to answer him. “You’re asking would I rather fuck my piece of shit ex or you?” You ask, feeling almost stupid but trying not to misunderstand. “I can’t be the worst choice in the world, can I?” He grins, you can feel a ball of nervousness play in your stomach, of course the choice here is easy but what would his reaction be? Would he hold this over you? Tell Sam all about it and tease you about it until the end of time? What would his choice be? “This game is stupid.” You shut down, choosing not to be humiliated. “How? It’s a fair question.” “It's a stupid question.” You push back, you realize Danny is only about a few feet away and you want him closer to- no he’s going to make you look like an idiot! It’s a trap, a fucking prank.
“I- you don’t, like- it’s not-this isn’t? It’s a part of the game? Like, we aren’t-” “Remember when I said you talk too much?” Danny interrupts, serious as can be, you only nod at his question. “Show me what you want.” He dares, his thumb running softly along your bottom lip. You watch his eyes follow the movement of his digit coasting slowly over your faded lipstick. You simply open your mouth, allowing him to slip his thumb inside your mouth, he places it on your tongue softly. You close your mouth around it, not venturing from his sight. You watch his reaction as his lips part, inhaling deeply at the feeling of the warm wetness of your mouth. You let your tongue run under his thumb, teasing him before opening your mouth again, his hand leaving your lips and taking you by the jaw. You two stare at each other in the golden glow of the candlelight against the pitch blackness of the snowy sky outside. He looks different to you now that you both understand the other's intentions, finally on the same side about something for once. His rich dark curls are cascaded around his face, the shadows from the light accentuating his cheekbones, the curve of his nose, the plumpness of his pink lips, the ones you were able to admire only for a moment before the two of you were plunged into darkness. Danny has always been attractive but at this moment, he looks absolutely divine. You take in his appearance one last time before swiftly, pulling him down to you by his sweater, letting your lips crash together in a kiss. 
You can’t help the way your heart is beating so loudly in your ears, this is a man that made you roll your eyes and walk away in high school, the guy that can push your buttons until you are red in the face, but now, with his lips melting against yours, you begin to realize, was this all that built up tension? His large hands hold your face firmly to feel you close, yet soft enough to feel the gentle skin of your cheeks under his palms. He opens his mouth slightly and you take the chance to slip your tongue along his bottom lip just before sliding your tongue into his mouth. You moan breathlessly into his mouth as his hands travel down your waist, landing at your hips and pulling you tightly to his front. You smile against his lips, “I thought this was would you rather, not truth or dare?” You giggle, the lingering alcohol making you a little more goofy than usual, Danny smirks and holds you firmly by the jaw, “Sure, let’s play, truth or dare?” His hand propping you up, forcing you to look into those dark brown eyes, made only more dramatic in this light. You smile defiantly at him, “Dare.” You simply say, not knowing just how the sound of that simple word rolling out of your throat was you hammering down the final nail in your coffin. Danny grins, he takes his time as he leans in to whisper into your ear, “I dare you to speak only when spoken to, to keep as quiet as you can.” His voice commands, the chills from his closeness, the warmth of his breath cascading down over your neck sends a delicious chill down your spine and an excitement that makes you grow warmer between your legs. He pulls away to gauge your answer, “That sound like something you want, princess?” His voice sounding so sweet even after asking for something so overtly kinky and sexual, the use of your once condescending nickname like this absolutely floods your underwear. He eyes you tenderly, searching for any doubt or discomfort, but he finds none. “Yes please.” You whisper, your voice faltering, betraying you with just how badly you want him.
“Oh and such good manners? Maybe you’re more obedient than you seem.” Danny says softly, his hands sliding up the hem of your sweater and resting on the skin of your waist beneath, warm hands radiating into your body. His voice is so gentle, speaking to you as though he was whispering to you in a room of perfect strangers, trying not to be heard by anyone other than just you. The way his eyes feel on your skin makes you want him to slam you against the wall and let him fuck you as hard and in anyway he deemed fit. But the way he’s touching you, fuck, you never want that to end. 
Your hands travel up his sweater clad chest, begging to feel what he's hiding underneath all the fabric. His large hands find your wrists, "Would you like to take this into your bedroom, princess?" He asks, his voice sweet, the tone makes your heart swell. You nod your head in a simple answer, he takes you by the hand and walks you to your room. It's much darker in here, the smaller space feels so much more intimate and cozy, the light from the candles make the room feel almost foreign to you, shaded in a way you've never seen it before. You stand before the edge of the bottom of your bed, looking to Danny for further instruction, "Strip." He commands simply, you only grin as you take your sweater off and over your head, your pants and socks following suit, leaving you only in your bra and panties. Danny's eyes rake over you, "I showed you mine, now show me yours." You break the tension with sarcasm, trying desperately to undo any of the nervousness in your gut. Danny only comes closer to you now, "What did I say about talking?" His dark eyes stare unto yours, dammit, how could you forget? "I forgot-" "You've never been the best listener in the world have you?" He interrupts, passing you to sit on the edge of the bed behind you. 
You look at him with a flare of annoyance but push back the urge to say something snarky, knowing whatever you just did may have its consequences, and consequences you'll have. "Come here." Danny beckons authoritatively, the words alone shouldn't have you reeling but here you are. You walk up to him, standing between his knees as he sits before you, even from your advantage of height from this position you still feel completely at his will. He takes your hand, pulling you over to him until he maneuvers you around and pulls you over his knees, your backside facing him, you gasp at the smoothness of his movements. His large hand runs gently over your plush ass cheek, your lace underwear not leaving much for the imagination but he runs his finger to your hip, snapping the thin material against your skin, the feeling making you slightly jolt. "Maybe you did forget," He smiles to himself as he brings his hand down swiftly, a smack cracking against your ass. You gasp and moan out, the surprise admission of your arousal makes you blush. You've never had a feeling like this before, such a beautiful mixture of pleasure in the pain. "But I'll help you remember." He soothes the stinging flesh with his hand. "I want you to count. Can you do that for me?" He asks, "Yes." You say, voice just above a whisper, shaking under his touch. 
"Tell me if it gets to be too much. Red is stop, yellow is slow, green is go. Okay?" Danny guides his hand down the back of your thigh and up your ass, the feeling of his hand across your skin makes you even more excited, "Yes, sir." You agree, "There's those sweet manners again." He says, a smile obviously present in his tone as he brings his hand down against your ass, a hiss passes through your teeth. "Too bad they're a little too late." He runs his hand over you again, "One." You say through your teeth, the sting energizing you, heat pulsing to your core. His hand comes down again, "T-Two." And again, "Three-e." And again. "F-." You yelp, the stinging in your muscle is almost too much to bear, you can't speak, the wetness is pooling in your panties. "Come on princess, tell me what color." His voice is soft and caring, his hands softly working over your stinging hot cheeks. You think it over for a second, just needing a moment in between. "Yellow." You whisper, taking in a breath. Danny's hands run sweetly over your ass and up to the swell of your lower back, leaning over to whisper in your ear, "You're doing so good. Such a sweet girl." His voice is tender, chills dancing up and down your back. 
"I can take it." You say, finding some resolve in your voice to keep it all together. "What color?" He asks patiently, "Green." You answer without hesitation. "Good girl." He smiles with a quick and final spank. "Five." You groan, your core is aching to be touched, Danny leans down, kissing softly on his red handprint he's most certainly left on your ass, the feeling of his lips on your burning skin feels deliciously cool. You let out a sigh from the feeling of his lips pressed to your burning skin. “You learned your lesson, sweet girl?” Danny whispers softly behind you, his hand running over the back of your thigh, dulled nails running gently up the back of your sensitive expanse of skin, teasing you as well as rewarding you. “Yes, sir.” You whisper back. “Good. Now we can really get to it.” His words make your heart jump into your throat, what on earth could he possibly do to top that? Just as easily as he laid you over his knees, he picks you up and tosses you on the bed, the look of cockiness and confidence on his face and the little bounce onto your own mattress makes your head swim, you cannot believe you are about to fuck Danny Wagner, screw worrying about ruining your friendship, you don’t even really have one, he just annoys you, pisses you off, and picks on you. Right? Then why does the idea of fucking him not bother you? You hate Danny. Right? Fuck. Maybe you don’t.
He pulls the sweater off and over his head, letting it fall to the ground, he climbs onto your bed, crawling over to be on top of you, the two of you taking a moment to just look at eachother like this. His arms are fucking crazy, you think to yourself unpoetically, the way his muscles just wind around his biceps, bulging and flexing as he shifts above you, his hair long as it cascades above you. His nose casts such a beautiful shadow, his eyes are softened, he looks almost like you’ve never seen him before, like you’re able to stare at him without whatever curtain there was blocking your view. He kisses you, this time it's soft, almost caring, like he’s telling you something without having to use his voice. Your hands find his hair, they roost comfortably in the tresses, tight against his scalp, the feeling of your hands on him like this makes you want him even more. He deepens the kiss, slipping his tongue in your mouth, he rests more on top of you, the feeling of his bare chest against you, the feeling of his tongue running against yours, feels so right. You pull at his hair, earning a low groan from him that only makes you need more of him. He ruts his hips involuntarily against your center, making you whine against his kiss. He smiles into the kiss, “You need more, don’t you princess?” His husky voice asks, “Please, Danny, please touch me.” The tone of your voice surprises even you the way you’re pleading with him. “No need to beg baby, I’ll give it to you.” He promises, his voice you can tell has an edge to it, he’s far from done with teasing you. Danny’s lips come to your neck, the feeling of his breath and tongue against your sensitive skin driving you wild, his tongue licks up the shell of your ear, “I can’t stop thinking about the way you said you loved sitting on someone's face.'' His voice melts like candle wax as he speaks into your ear, a moan escapes you from just his words and closeness to you. “I want to taste you, princess.” “Please.” Your own voice betraying you, it's been far too long since you’ve been this intimate with anyone, you’ve been practically climbing up the walls from how withdrawn you’ve been since you and Marcus broke up. The way Danny has you just like this without having really touched you is a testament to how in need you are, you worry that even the very first touch of his tongue will make you cum.
He pulls out of the kiss and looks to you, "Let me see what you look like riding mine.'' He smirks that ever present cocky smile and rolls over on his back next to you. You sit up and look at him, laying beautifully with his hair laid over your pillows, the last place you thought you'd ever find Danny, but he looks like he belongs here. Belongs under the candlelight, like it's the one place you could ever truly see him, like invisible ink under a black light, he is revealed to you. With him on display like this you let your eyes wander, the broad expanse of his chest, his abdomen that is rippling with muscle, his shoulders are wide and skin that looks so warm and inviting. Your core is dripping wet from all Danny's teasing, he puts his hands under his head, relaxed as you sit up before him, sitting on your knees. "Take it all off baby, gimme a show."
You give him a confident grin, letting your hands come to unclasp the back of your bra, you slowly work off the straps on either side, revealing your breasts to him, tossing the undergarment away. His eyes look to your chest, ogling your breasts and your waist, you take your time, taking away some of the power he’s held over you thus far, turning around so he can see your bareback and your lacy underwear adorning your ass, red hand print and all. He grins to himself at his handiwork, hoping you’ll think of him tomorrow when your ass stings when you sit down, remembering who the handprint on your skin belongs to. You bend over to slowly pull your already soaking wet panties down your legs, finally kicking them off and turning to look back at Danny, his eyes looking like he could set you on fire just from his stare. You give him a sweet smile as you crawl over his body, straddling his face, feeling just a tad self conscious, “Climb on, princess.” He rasps, his breath fanning over you, sending a shiver up your spine. You make your way higher up on his face and slowly sit down, trying not to rest all of your weight on him. His tongue immediately lays flat against you, a moan rolling out of your mouth, much louder than you anticipated, Danny chuckles against you from the volume of your moan. He begins a delicious assault on your clit, your legs begin to tremble as you attempt to hold your weight up above him. Your tries are in vain as Danny pulls you fully against his lips, his large hands gripping around your thighs, holding you to his face, keeping you from straining yourself, you ease into him, finally letting go and letting him take over. You relinquish your power, if you even had any to begin with, over to Danny, letting his hot tongue bury into you. You mewl above him, the feeling too good to hold back, you look down, his eyes are closed, completely blissed out and in beautiful concentration as he fucks you with his tongue. 
You try your best to keep some sort of composure, not allowing yourself to touch him, out of fear of hurting him or something but his tongue kitten licks at your core in just the perfect way that you can’t hold back anymore. Your hands go to his hair and you can’t help but pull at his long dark waves and rock your hips against him, his hands reach up your body, squeezing at your breasts, his thumbs running over your hardened nipples. You rock harder on his mouth, searching desperately for your orgasm, his tongue laps at you in such a way that you can’t keep your hips from bucking, his nose bumps against your clit and you let out a high pitched whine, “Oh fuuuck yes.” You cry out as you squeeze your eyes closed, trying to get to that sweet place of relief, when all of a sudden Danny completely stops, fuck. You whine from the loss of his tongue, you look down to him, he smiles up at you with a dark expression. “Feels too good baby? You know what happens when you break our rule.” He says, scolding you. “Please Danny, please I’m so close-” “Lay down.” He simply commands, his hand tapping you slightly on your thigh. Your legs feel like jello as you roll off of him, he unbuttons his pants, sliding them off his long legs, leaving him only in his briefs, his cock straining against his underwear. Danny comes to hold himself up above you, “Poor baby, so close to cumming and she had to go ahead and ruin it for herself.” His voice is like honey when he says such dirty things, you can only give him a look of pure anguish as he speaks, you squeeze your thighs together, relishing in the feeling of your own wetness and Danny’s saliva, you need more of him like your life depends on it. His eyes catch on to your movement, his hand takes hold of your jaw, cradling it gently yet firmly in his hand, “Don’t worry, I’m still gonna take care of you, even if you are acting like a little brat.” He smiles at you, you give him the biggest doe eyed look you can muster, silently begging him to hurry up and fuck you senseless. 
“You look so beautiful like this, so sweet.” His hand wanders from your face and travels down your face, sliding down your breasts, down past your stomach and finally between your thighs, your eyes never leaving his as his fingers slip through your folds and up against your clit, you let out a shaky sigh at his touch, he tilts his head as he watches your reaction intently, he pulls his fingers away and to his lips, tasting you, “You taste even sweeter.” His voice is gravelly and rough, so sexy and lude. His fingers come back between your thighs, his middle finger slowly stroking up and down over your clit, the feeling of his warm wet fingers make you practically shiver at his touch, “You like when I touch you like this, princess?” His voice like a snake slithering in your ear, sending goosebumps all over your body in a wave. “Yes, Danny.” Your voice quakes with desperation, “Please, please fuck me, I want you so bad.” You breathe, if he weren’t so close he probably wouldn’t have heard it. His fingers slide inside of you, so easily and sweetly from the way his mouth worked over you. You and Danny collectively sigh at the feeling, “Oh fuck, you feel so tight. You ready for me baby?” He asks tenderly as he looks you over, “Please.” You moan as he slowly pulls his fingers away. 
Danny pulls his briefs down, his erection springing up, his hand stroking himself slowly. Your eyes like a deer in the headlights at the beauty of his hardened cock, the motion of his hand over his already slick looking head makes your pussy throb. He’s big, probably the biggest you’ve ever been with, so full and long. You honestly could probably cum without even touching yourself at this point, just watching the melodic movement of his large hand, the veins on the tops of the skin of his hand turning you on more than it should as he moves up and down his hardened shaft. Danny smirks at your reaction, a low chuckle rolling up his throat brings you back to him, you close your mouth that you didn’t even realize was open until his eyes were on you. “Roll over, ass up.” Danny’s voice sends a heat to your cheeks, you give him one last glance before turning over. The warm still air feels like the electricity is back and flowing throughout the room, but you know that's only because of the energy between you and the dark curly haired man about to rail you into oblivion. 
You give him a bit of a show, getting on all fours and dipping forward until your chest lays against the sheets, swaying your ass gently, not being able to speak kills you but you wouldn't even know what to say besides, 'please fuck me, please put me in my place, please I wanna feel you.' But your motions and your dripping wet pussy say plenty without saying anything at all. "Such a pretty girl, see how good you are when you keep your mouth shut." His voice makes you red with both annoyance and pure eroticism, you never thought that hearing him say things like this to you would do so much to you. You protest silently, pushing your ass back against him, searching for his warmth. His hand comes down on your ass again, stinging more than it should from your previous spankings. You hold back a whine with your lip tucked between your teeth, "What's the rush, princess?" His hand rubs a soft circle over the stinging flesh, his other hand venturing down the center of your back and sliding down over your ass, his fingers running over your pussy, "I'll take good care of you." He breathes gently, you sigh at the feeling of his warm hand against your throbbing core, needing more of him and quick. His middle finger teases your clit, swirling the bud under the pad of his finger, you let out a moan and a shaking breath from the attention you've been craving, but as quickly as his hand appeared, it disappears, withdrawing it as he lines himself up to your entrance. 
He ruts himself up against the curve of your ass, you both sigh at the delightful feeling of some sort of physical affection. His length teases at your entrance, gathering the arousal from your center and wetting his tip, you damn near let out a cry of desperation, trying to hold it together until finally, he slides into you. The sound of your collective sigh as you both fall entranced by the feeling of the other. He feels so good, so fucking good, stretching you out in a way you haven’t felt before, his length was something you needed a moment to adjust to, and proving to be ever the gentleman, he allowed you such a moment. “Fuck.” You mutter under your breath, nearly voiceless as his presence inside you completely engulfs every space inside of your mind. His hips start up a slow pace, his hands holding you just tight enough to move you against him but enough for you to try and cement this feeling in your memory forever. “Feels so fucking tight, feels so good baby.” He groans, his hips picking up their rhythm as you find you both find your footing in the feeling of each other. His hands grip tighter on your hips, his cock slamming into you so deeply, reaching your cervix and running against your g-spot has you moaning, crumbling under him, the way his body feels against yours like he is so intune with you, hitting all the right spots. Your moans are falling out of you like he’s punching them out with his hips snapping against you, you turn your head as well as you can from your position against the pillows. His body is glimmering under the light of the candles, his beautifully dark hair swaying in time with him, his eyes hooded in pleasure. The look on his face is enough to pull a soft, “Danny,” from your lips. Why you said his name knowing you were told not to speak, well, you’re not even sure why, was it because this was all too crazy to be real? Was it that you could feel your heart swell from his soft and vulnerable expression as he buried himself inside you? Or was it because all of this was something you had only thought of in your darkest fantasies? That this hate fuck felt less like hate and more like years of pent up frustration and desire finally succumbing into a puddle of bliss, moans and candle light. 
You kept your eyes trained on him, the pain in your neck be damned, you weren’t going to miss this for the world. All of those nights around a Kiszka’s campfire, staring daggers at each other over the flames, all of the pointed comments, the little outbursts of annoyance seemed to build a wall not between you two, but around the both of you, pushing you closer and closer to each other until it brought you here, to this boiling point. Danny’s eyes find yours, a lazy smile out of pure ecstasy on his lips, even with him fucking you from behind like this, this moment of eye contact feels even more intimate. Your brows are knit from the feeling of the tension building inside of you, your mouth hanging open as you stare at him, feeling like he can almost see right through you. You have to tear your eyes away, fearing he can see straight into your soul. His hand finds its way to your hair, pulling you up on all fours, the feeling of his fist pulling you by your scalp making you moan, you retaliate and start to press back against him, fucking yourself on his length, letting Danny just ease back and letting you take over. “You’re such a fucking slut. Fucking yourself on me like this.” His voice falters, betraying him through his tough and domineering behavior. You giggle to yourself, loving the way you can make him react, you try and recreate the pace he had set, but moving backwards is too hard to keep up with the merciless metronome of his pelvis. Danny leans forward, his chest against you for a moment as his arms circle around you, pulling your whole body up, your back flushed against his chest, a low groan is pulled from your vocal chords in the change of position, his hard dick deeper inside you now.
“You’re so cute when you think you’re in control.” His voice is low, right against the shell of your ear, one arm wrapped against your chest, his hand grasping one of your breasts as his other hand is holding tight to your hip from his arm strapped across your belly, locking you in a perfect position of pure pleasure, but also a hold you couldn’t move from. You let your head lay back against his shoulder, letting go and letting him pound into you from this new angle. Your eyes practically roll back into your skull as you can feel him moving inside you, his tip brushing wonderfully against your g-spot makes you let out a long moan at the feeling. “So good for me, so good princess.” His throat vibrates against you, the feeling of it alone sends you through the roof in pleasure. These small things he does shouldn’t be affecting you so much but here you are, thinking about the way his voice sounds, the small puffs of breath falling from his pillowy lips and against your shoulder, the way his hair tickles your back, and the way his arm muscles look as they hold your body tight against his own. You look up to his face, acknowledging the perfect angle of his jaw line, the soft skin of his neck, you can’t resist, you lean forward with whatever room you have and lick up his neck and up to his ear lobe, letting a moan sing into his ear as you rest against him, looking at his face in profile, even prettier this close up. 
Danny looks down into your begging doe eyes, swiftly pulling himself out of you and spinning you around to lie on your back, him tossing you around like a rag doll makes your jaw drop. He hovers above you, lining himself back up and sliding inside you once more. His eyes seem to drink you in, looking over you like he never had before, he fills you back up, fully seated inside of you, you bite down on your lip, a routine you're growing too accustomed to, trying your best to keep quiet, wanting to cum so badly you don't risk letting anything slip without Danny’s permission. You whine under him as he thrusts into you, turning to quiet yourself in the solace of the pillows beside you, Danny moans at the sight, how you squirm and writhe beneath him. His hand comes down to your face, grabbing you by your jaw, forcing you to look up at him. “You can speak now baby, show me how fucking good you feel.” He sounds desperate, needing so badly to hear your voice you once thought he couldn’t stand. You let your bottom lip free from your teeth’s hold on it, letting your groans, curses and his name all fall freely from your lips. The two of you hold eye contact as he brings his thumb to your clit, rolling in tight circles making your back arch.
With his permission in your mind, you don't hold back, moans flowing forth, crying out in pure ecstasy, "You're cock feels so fucking good, so fucking big." You sob out, your voice coming out in shambles as his thrusts ramp up at the sound of your whines. "You're such a whore for this cock, always such a princess." His voice quaking from his hips snapping against yours, he lets himself come down closer to you, a proximity you find yourself hypnotized by. His eyes are golden brown, they’re beautiful the way they feel on you is like you can feel a bubbling energy in your chest, your hands come to hold him closer to you, feeling his back muscles rippling underneath your palms. His expression looks less boastful and cocky as he usually looks, instead he looks almost vulnerable? He looks more human like he’s holding onto the memory of your face underneath him, he looks less like a douchebag prick and more like prince charming. The knot in your lower stomach is becoming increasingly obvious, unable to hold back the white hot feeling of bursting at the seams any longer. “D-Danny, I’m so close.” You mewl, your legs wrapping around his hips, “Me too, I’m almost there.” His voice is addictive, the way he sounds like he’s slowly coming apart draws you nearer to paradise. “Please don’t stop.” You beg, your eyes fluttering closed as you fall into the feeling of his thumb running against your clit, never waning in its movements. A sudden pressure on your throat brings you back to him, “Look at me, I want you to look at me when you cum.” He demands, “Yes, sir.” You croak out as best as you can, the feeling of his hands on you in this way, controlling your pleasure, when you can cum and even controlling your flow of oxygen is so sexy it pulls you near the edge, just mere inches from falling into the abyss. He can feel the way your pussy tightens around him that you’re close, he brings up his speed double time, “I’m gonna, oh Danny-” Danny releases his hold over your windpipe,“Come on baby, cum for me.” His words and the rush of oxygen bringing on your climax, you do as you’re told and never let your eyes wander from Danny, you claw at him and cling to him for dear life as he continues to pound into you, chasing after his own high.
He watches intently as you writhe underneath him, he looks absolutely entranced by you, the way you look so lost in a perfect dream like state as you moan and whine, his mouth slack jawed as he gets lost in you, his thumb slowing on your clit to guide you through your orgasm without you falling through it and becoming overstimulated. Though it was his instruction not to look away from him, to look at him when you cum, you don’t think you could look away if you tried. His eyes are hazy with a beautiful fog of lust, you can’t stop the flow of his name rolling off of your tongue as the knot inside of you snaps, your ankles locking him against you, your nails clawing down his back is what finally does it. “Ah-ah, fuck.” He groans, you watch in equal awe as Danny’s brows knit in angelic bliss, completely dropping his hardened exterior as he cums, hard and deep inside you. He presses his forehead against yours, his husky voice like silk as he cries out your name, he holds you close, your hands finding purchase in his hair, pulling him down into the crook of your neck, needing him closer to you as you both fall to pieces in each other's embrace.
The labored breathing of the two of you as you come back to earth is what gets your mind turning, fuck, what have you done? This can’t be a mistake, like you thought before, what is there to lose? You don’t even like Danny, you’re not even friends?! Right? Then why does the thought of him getting up and leaving you tonight make you feel sick to your stomach? “So,” You start, bringing Danny back to you, his head popping up and looking almost meekly up at you, as though you just caught him doing something he wasn’t supposed to. “Would you rather, we keep this a secret and never speak of this again,” You ask, looking for the rest of your courage to say what you have to say next. “Or spend the night with me and figure out what the fuck this all means?” You look to him as he rolls over next to you, his gaze fixated on the candlelight bouncing around the ceiling. He just lets out a content laugh, “I’m not an idiot-” “Well…” You jest, trying to break the tension as you let your head roll over to look at him, “I’m not a total idiot, is what I meant. I don’t think this was a one time thing, do you?” He asks, his answer surprising you, the bile in your stomach calming down now that you seem to be on the same page. “This was too…” You hesitate looking for the words to best describe your true feelings, even if you don’t totally understand them yourself, “Easy? I guess? I don’t know, I just, I didn’t think I… wanted this so badly.” You smile, hoping you make even a bit of sense. “Yeah, me neither.” Danny confesses wistfully, his eyes looking over your face, he looks so plush and soft, you scoot closer, inches from his lips now. “Maybe I don’t hate you as much as I thought I did.” You whisper against him, he smirks his hand pushing a strand of hair gently behind your ear, “Yeah, I don’t think I could hate you anymore. Not now that I know you’re not a total brat.” He says with a look in his eye that makes you blush. 
The lamp by your bedside turns on, the whirring and buzzing of the power in your building coming back to life, the dreamscape you had created with Danny now essentially dissolving away, bringing you both back to reality. “Looks like the power is back on.” You observe, “You’re not trapped here anymore, if you want to leave.” You say, worried what his answer may be. “I think we should get cleaned up, don’t want to sleep in dirty sheets, and I think we could both use a shower.” He says so casually it sets your heart at ease. You give him a smile, eyes lingering as he leans in and kisses you deeply, the feeling pushing away any doubts from your mind. So here you are, finding yourself staring back at your former nemesis, thinking of how you ever once hated a face that is so perfectly sittable.
my lovely tag list:
@tripthelight-fanfic @emsgvf @ageofstardust @dakotadovato @screechesincoherently @gretavankleep37 @strangeh0rizons @capturethechaos @kiszkathecook @jakeslovehandles @depressingdarlin @gretavanfleas @maverick-rose
(Thank you all for your ever continued support, my tag list members mean everything to me and keep me motivated)
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seat-safety-switch · 3 years
We've all fantasized about passing the snowplow, haven't we? They move so slowly, and with such a loud racket, and a distracting flashing light. Only the best winter drivers dare to venture beyond the terminal shock of the highway delta-plowing operation. They travel into a realm of crystalline madness not yet cleared for our safety by the loving hands of Big Daddy Government.
Personally, I love to do it every opportunity I can. Sure, the side of your car does get absolutely sandblasted by the salt and gravel being spat out by the trucks. Those who prefer their paint to remain unrashed should avoid this, unless they have some sort of homemade ablative armour made from discarded mattresses strapped to the side of their car (note to self: do this.)
Yes, it's a challenge trying to maintain control after slamming head-first into foot-deep hardpack at highway speeds. And it's questionable about whether you gain any actual benefit risking your life and property in exchange for getting to the thrift store thirty seconds earlier than if you had just been patient. Nobody asked the Apollo astronauts if being burned alive in a malfunctioning rocket ship was "worth it." They'd have been plow-passers, too, I bet.
Nothing compares to that freedom, that sensation of being the first to crush brand new snow. Of course, a bunch of other people have driven down the same road in front of you, well before the plow even arrived. We'll ignore those folks: they were probably timid, afraid, and driving the speed limit. Now, if you'll please brace for impact under the dashboard right there, I think we're about to do some exploring of the high school football field's chain-link fence.
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nalgenewhore · 2 years
behold this cold kiss
elide x lorcan, established relationship + wintery fluff, word count: 1869
☽ ☼ ☾
She hadn’t meant to stay at the library that long, but she’d become so focused on her studying. Elide didn’t even realise how late it was until the librarian’s voice came over the speaker system, informing everyone that the library was closing in fifteen minutes.
Blinking hard, Elide checked the time on her laptop and softly swore. It was fifteen minutes to midnight which meant that the buses had stopped running and it would take her close to an hour to walk home. She blew out a forceful breath of air and started packing up her things, resigned to her fate for the night. As she got ready, Elide looked around the study area, and she saw that she was one of the last people there.
Luckily, packing up didn’t take her long. The sound of her standing up and then pushing her chair back in was jarringly loud, and someone a table away threw her a dirty look. Elide scowled back at them, too tired to put up with anyone. She put on her big puffy coat and scarf, tucking the ends inside before she did the zipper. Then, she pulled her warm toque over her head and set off towards the exit. Some metres from the doors, Elide could see past them and saw the large flakes of snow dumping down. She paused for a second, knowing that she didn’t have any other option but to brave the storm.
Reality became worse when she stepped outside the warmth and safety of the library. The snow was a wall of white, making it impossible to see anything past a few feet in front of her. To make matters worse, the wind was howling, picking up snow from the ground and whipping it up. Elide stuffed her hands in her pockets and tucked her chin down into her scarf, determinedly marching forward into the fray.
The wind battered her, threatening to topple her over more than once. It took her almost twice as long as it usually did to get off campus and on the main road. Usually, it would be cleared of snow and the sidewalks too, but the city’s snowplows were only operated in the morning. So, Elide trudged on, her muscles tense as she attempted to stop her shivering.
As she walked, no cars passed her. It didn’t surprise her – if she had the option, she wouldn’t be caught out in a storm like that.
Elide turned onto a smaller street, and when she was halfway down the block, a car came down the road behind her. It wouldn’t have been something of interest to her had the car not slowed down beside her. She stiffened further, only glancing to the side to see if she could figure out who it was.
The snow was too thick for her to see anything, though. Elide turned her head back and sped up as much as she could. She knew that there was an alley up ahead that she could duck into if need be. Everything would be fine, she told herself.
She jumped – literally – when the car honked at her. Fury bubbled in her stomach, from the fact that she’d lost track of time and missed her bus, from the fact that she was stuck in this snowstorm, from the fact that some person was following her late at night. Elide stood up straight and lifted her chin, pivoting sharply towards the car and ready to unleash her anger on the driver.
They had stepped out of the car, and she could see their head above the roof. For some reason, they seemed familiar.
That quickly, her fury disappeared and was replaced with surprise. “Lorcan?”
He walked around to her, concern clear on his face. “What are you doing out here, love?”
She grinned for the first time in hours and stepped off the sidewalk to meet him in the road. “The bus doesn’t run this late, and I lost track of time at the library. I was walking home.”
Her boyfriend frowned down at her, reaching out to rest his hands on her shoulders. “You’re walking home? You’ll freeze to death.”
“Well, are you offering me a ride?” she asked with a smile, delighted to see him.
“Yeah, c’mon,” he said, tilting his head to his car. “I’ll take you.”
Lorcan turned back and opened the passenger door for her, holding it until she was seated. Elide sighed in relief at the warmth of the vehicle, putting her backpack down on the floor mat. He shut the door and walked back to the driver’s seat.
Before long, he was driving them down the road, going slower than he normally would. Still, it was a lot quicker than walking. Elide cranked the heat up and pulled her wool mittens off with her teeth. She held her hands in front of the vent, cupping them to catch as much warm air as she could.
A low chuckle caught her attention, and she looked at Lorcan. “What?”
Instead of speaking, he held one of his hands out to her. Elide grinned and gratefully accepted his offering, holding his hand between both of hers. Before she could bring their hands to her lap, Lorcan lifted them up and kissed the back of her hand. “Do you want to sleep over at my place instead?”
“Sure,” she said, settling into her seat and looking out the windshield. “That’d be nice.”
They drove in relative and comfortable silence. By the time they reached Lorcan’s apartment building, Elide had somewhat begun to thaw out and wasn’t shivering anymore.
By the grace of the gods, there was a spot right in front of the building, and by the looks of it, someone had recently vacated it. He pulled in smoothly and parked, turning the car off shortly after. She picked up her mittens and bag as he got out. Again, he came around and opened her door for her. Elide gave him a smile and kissed his cheek before stepping out.
They walked up to the front stoop and went carefully so as to not slip on the old wooden steps. Once more, Lorcan opened the door and ushered Elide into shelter from the storm. The lobby was marginally warmer compared to outside. He walked ahead of her to unlock the second door.
Since the building was old, there was no elevator, and they started up the stairs.
Lorcan held his hand out when they got to the second floor, “Pass me your bag.”
Elide knew there was no point in arguing with him and handed it over. Honestly, she was happy to not carry it. It held a couple heavy textbooks, as well as her laptop, multiple notebooks, and her pencil case.
“Damn, Lee, you been carrying this around all day?”
She laughed softly, “That’s not even the heaviest it’s been this week.” He shook his head at her, muttering something about her back and the curvature of her spine. Elide poked him in the side, always able to find the spot that had him twisting away from her fingers. She laughed again, her head tipping back momentarily.
When she stopped laughing, she looked up to find him gazing down at her with a soft, soft smile.
The gentleness and loving in his gaze brought a blush to her already reddened cheeks. “What?” Elide asked with an involuntary giggle.
Lorcan put her bag down and cupped her face, tilting it up as he bent his head. Eager for his kiss, Elide stretched onto her tiptoes. She lifted her hands to grip his hips, their lips meeting in an embrace.
The rest of the world faded away until it was just the two of them, standing in the middle of the landing, trading sweet and loving kisses.
The couple that lived next door to Lorcan walked down the stairs, shattering their precious moment.
Elide pulled away first, cheeks pink and eyes bright. She offered the two older women a sheepish grin, and they smiled warmly back at her, saying hello to Lorcan. When they continued, Elide took one of Lorcan’s hands in hers. “Can we go upstairs?”
“Mmhmm, we should get you outta those clothes, too.”
She arched her brow, “Oh, really?”
He rolled his eyes, “Getcha head outta the gutter, Lee. They’re wet, and you can’t get warm if you’re in wet clothes.”
Her laughter echoed throughout the stairwell and his was a low rumble of amusement.
They got up to his apartment quickly. While Elide headed to his bedroom to get changed, Lorcan went to the kitchen.
She joined him a few minutes later, wordlessly, and wrapped her arms around his middle. Her cheek was pressed against his back, and she soaked up his warmth, moving when he did. “Did you put the kettle on,” she asked him, idly stroking one hand over his side.
“Mmhmm,” he hummed. His hands dropped to hers, and he gently pulled her arms away so that he could face her.
Elide leaned against him again, the sound of his heart beating steadily in her ear.
Lorcan slipped his arms around her and slowly rubbed her back. He kissed the top of her head, speaking quietly like a voice any louder would ruin the peace. “You feeling ok?”
She nodded and sighed softly. “Yeah, ‘m just tired.”
“You’ve been working hard,” he said, tracing the notches of her spine through her (his) worn t-shirt. “Makes sense that you’re tired.”
Lifting her head, she offered him a smile. “It’s just ‘til the end of finals, and then I’ll take a break.”
Lorcan gave her a look like he didn’t really believe her, and Elide laughed, her eyes crinkling as they shut. He grinned happily, made happy by the knowledge of how freely she laughed around him. She pulled him over to the couch with her, and they collapsed. Her legs rested over his lap and her head was against his shoulder.
Their conversation had no real structure nor purpose. They talked about nothing and everything and anything in between. When the kettle boiled, they moved back to the kitchen and fixed each other cups of tea, the task not an interruption. Then, they returned to the couch and the rest of the night passed them, time ticking by unnoticed like the storm outside.
Elide sipped on her third cup of tea, the lingering ice in her body long since banished. She put her mug on the side table next to Lorcan’s and slipped into his lap, her knees bracketing his hips. He slid his hands up her thighs as hers looped around his neck. “Thank you,” she said softly. Lorcan looked confused, unsure what she was thanking him for. Elide clarified, her smile cheeky, “For saving me from the storm. My knight in shining armour.”
He huffed a small laugh and smiled, and she bent down to taste it. “I’ll always be there when you need me,” he told her. “For however long you want me.”
“That might be a long time,” Elide whispered.
“Oh, yeah?”
She nodded, “I don’t plan on getting rid of you for a long time, Salvaterre. Does that work for you?”
☽ ☼ ☾
an: this is literally the first fic ive finished in......probably six months. anyhoo i hope u enjoyed !!
title is a lyric from blue lips by her's
toque: canadian word for knitted winter hat (not the same as a beanie they r meant to b tight and fitted) (also i thought this was a normal universally used word until my american roomie told me otherwise.....)
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rosedavid · 3 years
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updated 8/12/2022
fics are ordered chronologically based on the date i posted them, with older fics at the top and newer fics added on at the bottom
link to my AO3 profile
fics below the cut!
after hours - Patrick has been working all day, and David attempts to get his exhausted husband to go to sleep.
intimacy - "Your eyes... they're so beautiful."
i'll follow you way down (wherever you may go) - Patrick breaks his ankle during his hike with David. David helps him get back to the emergency room. And there's definitely still a proposal, even if it doesn't go exactly as planned.
How I Missed You - Patrick buys something that reminds him of David when Patrick's gone for a week, and David takes notice.
Give Me Your Hand to Hold - David and Patrick go to a local art walk in Elmdale, which leads to their first (and second and third) time holding hands.
Motivated - Patrick tries to motivate David to take a break from his latest project. He's successful, but not for the reason he hoped.
Pedal to the Metal - When Ray drops off a dusty, old bike at the store as a gift, it unearths a series of events, starting with Patrick discovering that David never learned how to ride a bike. Of course, Patrick takes it upon himself to teach David.
with my entire being - Patrick hears David singing in the shower and reflects on the unbridled amount of love he feels for David.
Pig Snorts - David accidentally reveals his horribly embarrassing tendency to snort while laughing. Patrick thinks it's cute.
tell me you want me - Alternate first kiss AU. Stevie invites David and Patrick out to the Wobbly Elm in celebration of a successful opening night. A drunken confession ensues.
Snow Truckin’ - It's David's first winter in Schitt's Creek, and the stupid snowplow driver Patrick is irritating him to no end. (Part of the SC Frozen Over Fest)
first snow - It snows for the first time at the cottage, and Patrick persuades a reluctant David to join him in the snow. (Part of the SC Frozen Over Fest)
gonna make your life so sweet - David and Patrick bake Christmas cookies in their new cottage.
9 to 5 - David deals with a frustrating new coworker.
A Lock and Key - In place of Moira and Johnny, David and Patrick scope out MADLY's event for Single's Week. Patrick gets jealous, and David just wants scones.
Your Mariah Carey - Valentine's Day rolls around, and Patrick can't hide his feelings for his business partner any longer. Cue the secret admirer trope.
Learning to Fly - David and Patrick meet when their flight is delayed.
home sweet home - A glimpse of Patrick and David moving into the cottage.
the little things - David reflects on what love is in the context of his relationship with Patrick.
The Sound of Silence - Slowly, David adjusts to the quietness of rural life.
losing my mind (don’t leave me behind) - A canon divergence in which Patrick doesn't propose during the hike, and David later finds the rings in his hiking bag.
For Better or for Worse - Patrick tries out a new accessory, and David is not amused.
a little more warmth - 5 times someone wears David’s clothes (+2 times David wears Patrick’s)
Cat-ch Me If You Can - A cat keeps breaking into David’s house. He’s convinced this thing is doing it just to annoy him. And he’s definitely not getting attached to it. Not at all.
strawberry peach - David has an allergic reaction to the wine they sample at Herb Ertlinger's Winery.  
you make everything good - Twyla has to go and visit her gaggle of cousins for two weeks, and Alexis is pouty about her girlfriend leaving for so long.
tender love and care - When Twyla is sick, it's Alexis's turn to take care of her girlfriend.
MURDER in Schitt’s Creek - Ray is on the case with his latest podcast series "MURDER in Schitt's Creek!" Follow along with Ray's investigation into the mysterious death at the motel (AKA an AU of Dead Guy in Room Four).
Will You Accept This (Friendship) Rose? -  David is supposed to ‘get to know his sister’s girlfriend more.’ He can’t imagine he and Twyla have anything in common until they do. In other words, Twyla and David bond over their love for The Bachelor.
The Things David Does in his Sleep - Throughout their relationship, Patrick learns about the various things that David does in his sleep. (2/?)
The Things Patrick Does in his Sleep - Patrick isn't the only one who learns about what David does while he's sleeping. David also gets to know some of Patrick's sleeping habits as their relationship progresses. (3/?)
book of memories - Marcy shows David her scrapbooks of Patrick throughout the years, and it leads to David starting a scrapbook of his own. The only problem is that, aside from their wedding photos, he can't find any other photos to include. Cue Patrick taking him on a romantic, picturesque road trip perfect to add to his scrapbook. Of course, nothing goes as planned. (5/5)
From Humble Beginnings - A series of texts documenting David and Patrick's growing relationship. (20/20)
Jingle Fa La La - 5 times David was forced to listen to incorrect Christmas music (+1 time he wasn't) (6/6)
you never shined so brightly - A La La Land AU in which Patrick is the aspiring actor and David is the struggling musician.
Toward Great Things - A continuing canon-compliant series of texts documenting David and Patrick's relationship through season 5 (Sequel to From Humble Beginnings; 8/?)
Undertow - Patrick Brewer, a lifeguard looking only toward the future, moves to Schitt’s Creek to take a job at their new aquatic center. Meanwhile, Rose Apothecary is struggling to stay afloat, and David Rose will do almost anything to keep it alive a bit longer, even if that involves spending time each week among splashing, screaming children. (15/15)
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visbiscuit · 2 years
2: Teenage Dream ( chris evans )
— pairing. teenager!chris evans x teenager!ofc (lilac bonet)
disclaimer. English is not my main language. If you notice any kind of mistakes, please tell me and don’t be mean :). I am giving a shot at this to try and improve my written English. Thank you for paying attention and have a biscuit for your kindness!
series masterlist.
entire masterlist.
Chris doesn't know what love is. He's had a few girlfriends before, but he doesn't really know how to act. He doesn't know if love is when he looks at her and his eyes itch from the excitement she gives him or when, before he sees her, his stomach hurts so much he has to sit down for a few minutes. Maybe it's the sound of his heart beating wildly when they kiss or the feeling of flying at the speed of the world when he embraces her. Chris doesn't know what love is, but he's sure it comes close to what Lilac makes him feel.
— warnings. still rotting fluff. the first parts of this story will be like this, but towards the end, there's definitely angst and also smut! I'm not from Boston, so don't really know if there's a place like I described. if not, just have imagination. the entire story is not for people under eighteen, so don't even start reading it if you're a minor, please.
you're welcome to like, reblog and comment !
if you wanted to be tagged for this story, let me know !
previously on Teenage Dream: ONE
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There were some places in Boston that few people went to. Some thought those places were too dangerous and full of people ready to hurt them, others simply knew there was nothing there and preferred not to get lost only to find no way out. It was rare to see cars in those places and if there were, it was often to reach other cities or even states. Even police patrols didn't frequent them because they knew how useless it was. The last time they had found someone on the outskirts of Boston had been five years earlier and it was a newly licensed kid from the nearest town who had no idea where he was. Plus, the winter in 1998 was horribly cold and snowy, no one in their right mind would have left home with the idea of going to those isolated places. More to the point, the snowplows hadn't done a good job either.
What did it all mean? That Lilac Bonet had been smiling all week at the idea of showing Chris her secret place with the knowledge that nothing and no one would bother them but the harmless little animals in the nearby woods. To be fair, her secret place was nothing special. It was the end of a road that had been closed after some problems due to a landslide up ahead, giving a glimpse of the entire sunlit city. In that case, they had arranged to watch the sunset. She had known this place by accident, she too had gotten lost, but thanks to the help of a truck driver she had managed to find her way after quite a few advances that she had refused politely and with a pepper spray in his eyes. She had never confessed to anyone how many times she had gone there to enjoy some peace and quiet, partly because she was a discreet person, partly because of the jealousy she felt for that place. That December afternoon was the first time she had brought someone with her and she knew she had brought the right person.
Shortly after lunch, Chris, with an excuse told to his mother (he had asked her permission to go to a classmate's house to do a science project - he had even brought his backpack to be believable) and Lilac with a simple greeting to her little family (she didn't owe anyone an explanation), headed off in her car, a fabulous '69 Mercury Cougar, strictly orange, towards roads he had never seen. Sure, he didn't have a license yet, but he thought he knew a good part of the city where he had been born and lived. Fortunately, the snow had stopped, but still the roads were not totally dry and it had taken them longer than usual. When they finally found themselves at their destination, Chris didn't know what to say.
Not because he was witnessing something majestic and incredible, but because he could read in his girlfriend's eyes a sense of insecurity that made his legs shake. It was an honor for him to see the emotions written on Lilac's face, something he knew was not reserved for everyone. He had become able to read every little thing about her. So, in a gesture meant to soothe her, he had kissed her and thanked her for sharing something so special with him.
"I'd stay here with you and look at this view for the rest of my life, you know that?" sighed Lilac as she played with Chris' fingers, while being mesmerized by the pink and orange light that was beginning to tint the sky above them. It was freezing cold, but a sort of bubble had been created inside the car that allowed the two of them to relax and not shiver.
Chirs hummed. "I'd spend my whole life looking at you instead, go figure," his blue eyes hadn't taken a second off the young woman's figure. They had watched her from head to toe, seen how her sweater fit too loose, and had caressed the invisible scar to many under her right eye with their mere gaze. He'd run down all the tiny freckles on her nose and her split bottom lip from the freezing temperatures. He had then moved on to her hair, which she had left free and natural, with curls chasing each other. He was definitely smitten with her, but he didn't mind being trite.
Lilac rolled her eyes and looked up at him with an amused look. "You're awful, you know that?"
"Oh yeah?" he arched an eyebrow and pulled their hands apart.
"That's right," Lilac nodded, taking the opportunity to walk her own fingers over Chris' chest covered in a blue sweater. "The first thing I told you was not to get all romantic on me," she scolded him, but her eyes said otherwise. "And, would you believe it, the first thing you do is this."
Chris took her hand when it was now up to his heart level and squeezed it. "Don't deny how much you like it" he moved his face closer to hers. "I can see your eyes, you know."
"You'd be blind otherwise, mister," she tried to be snooty.
"No, my Lily. I see your eyes," he repeated, this time adopting a more serious tone. "I read your eyes. And they are the most beautiful book ever written. The complexity of its words leaves me breathless, and yet I am able to read them without much effort."
"It means that every now and then I'll close them, so they don’t weigh you down too much."
"No, no, no. Don't even try it. If you do it, I'll come after you" he threatened her, their lips brushing each time they spoke a word. They didn't feel the need to kiss at that moment, they just needed to feel each other's presence. "I have come to a very compelling chapter, I must, nope, I wish to continue. I need to."
"You...I-I" Lilac was forced to look down at the intensity of Chris' words. What had she done to deserve someone like him by her side? She had never felt this way, not with her first boyfriend or when she thought she was really in love. Was Chris casting a spell on her? She forced herself to look at him again and found him incredibly close once more. His lashes managed to caress her cheeks. "I lo- I think I'm- I think you're really cool."
Chris bit his lower lip to hide his smile. "I think you're really cool too."
"Yeah?" the girl was trying not to succumb to embarrassment. What kind of person would tell their boyfriend something like that? It really was true that when you felt something strongly, your head just didn't work anymore.
The boy nodded, "The coolest in the whole world. With your brown eyes - he gave her a chaste kiss -, with your darker skin - yet another kiss -, with your curls that never let me run my hand through your hair - they both giggled before kissing once more - and with these tiny tattoos that might not exist since they're basically undetectable" this time he didn't kiss her lips, but her right hand covered by those tattoos he had just mentioned.
"I could do one for you if you want" she offered.
Chris's eyes lit up. "Really? You know how to make them?" he didn't get an answer and took off. "Oh God, I don't really know what I could make for myself. I love theater, maybe something like this? No, no, too corny. An alien on my wrist! No, definitely ridiculous. Maybe something for my family, a phrase, a... a... Heck, how did you choose?"
Lilac laughed and gave him a long kiss while still smiling. "We will think about it later, we have all the time in the world."
"Right, we have a life together to live. There's definitely time."
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nickywhoisi · 2 years
Okay, now I would like to put in my general headcannons and worldbuilding for my envisioning of humanoid!TTTE Let's go!
Their body types are human, but their bodies are made of solid metal and iron, all the things that make up a train would be utilized/rekajiggered into anatomically correct versions of body parts. I wouldn't really know the specifics of that because I'm not a train expert orz There are slight lines that they all have on their exterior bodies which imply jointwork and plating, but the rest stretches and bends as if it were flesh. Their inner bodies also have a main gut/stomach that is their furnace, and it remains unchanged in how that works, just that the engines can eat coal and stuff exclusively with their mouths.
They are ONLY humanoid, this universe does not have engine forms to go into as they are already like mini giants...giving them a train form wouldn't actually work out as well, since they would be way too large to fit on the tracks! I know, doesn't seem to make sense for a train fandom, and the fact that these golem people seem to work as the trains but dress up as drivers, yet they have no trains to fit into? uhhhhh just consider this a fledgling universe for now I'll work out the kinks maybe retcon things if it doesn't work so well it's still in the drafts uhhhhhh shit whaddo i do now
The sizes and shapes of how they are in canon translates to their body types in this universe. For example, Percy is a small engine, so he would be little, but Skarloey and any other engine smaller than him would be even tinier. And while the squatter you are to your own golemy kind isn't so neat, they are on average 7 to 8ft. So if you were 6 or 5, then you would be within normal human size anyway! But it seems like the bigger you are, the wider reach you may have, which is more favourable in their culture. Not so much about height as it is about the most capability; being useful. The tender engines would have larger frames, very thick and muscular like Henry or Gordon, or they can be slender and athletic like James or Edward. Then the diesels would be large too, but also with a stockier shape to reflect their overall square shape feeling.
The steam-diesel rivalry still exists of course, but it's a little harder for the untrained eye to tell who is what type of golem. The only way to spot the difference is when they're so mad they're physically fuming about something; steamies blow usual puffs of steam, diesels blow out their dark chemical smog. And electric? I was gonna say nothing, but the idea that they produce small electric charges around their heads is way more interesting! I don't remember if anybody said there were electric train characters, but just to be inclusive and just to be sure...
Almost all of the story beats from the model series is what I infuse the most of into my rendition of the cast. Of course it's not limited to, as I'd love to find inspiration from the railway books and cgi series, it's just that I've only ever experienced the model show and movie. So I guess that would be the Britt and HiT era? They are basically them, but with leggy to stand up. and arms to finally hug trees and hold up mirrors isn't that right henry n james hoohoohoo
The Magic Railroad story exists here as a "world arc", but possibly with different human characters (I am inspired by the cryptic but grounded old man from Blue Snowplow's Hawin the Lost Blue Engine mystery thriller series. Go have a watch it's really good!), and after that biz, Lady and D10 would be mainstays. Because I grew up with that dorky little movie. Speaking of, I really prefer the characterization of the engines from the amazing movie parody by MrConductorFan1406, give that a watch too, it's such an adorable love letter that will also leave you in laughing fits. In fact, it was the very first Thomas movie I ever knew about, so it's special to me. So I emulate a bit of their personalities into my verse's version. While Lady is less involved than others, D10 takes a very active approach to a lot of things. He does not actually stop trying to destroy Lady's magic, he's just plotting how to do it and biding his time.
will add more to this post later, I am sadly getting sleepy...why body must you betray me at my finest hour...at least when I typed this last night, but now I am still bleary like that and I have to work hard at things today. dear god it never ends.
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impalas-r-important · 3 years
Branch Out - Chapter 2
Summary: Y/N left everything she's ever known, and Dean just wants to be left alone. With both of them trying to heal from heartache, they might just end up finding what they need in the last place they'd ever look.
Word Count: 6550
Pairing: Dean x Reader (eventually, maybe?)
Warnings: I don't think there are any for this chapter, but if you think i should add one, feel free to let me know!
Read Chapter 1
Branch Out Masterlist
My Masterlist
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Saturday was a welcome break from work, but there was no sleeping in. A delivery truck brought your bed frame, a small kitchen table, and a coffee table early in the morning and you were over the moon about not having to sleep on the cold floor anymore. You figured the tables would be fairly easy to put together, so you left those for last. You emptied the box with the bedframe and did your best to carefully lay out all the pieces so they would be easy to find as you went along. Before you started, you grabbed your radio and shuffled through your CDs, deciding on The Eagles to be today’s soundtrack.
You threw half of your hair up in a bun to pull the small pieces from your face, rolled up your sleeves, and looked around for the instructions. You couldn’t actually remember seeing any kind of paper as you unpacked the pieces, so you dumped out the box. Nothing. You looked under every piece of wood, and in every corner of your tiny house, but came up empty handed.
“Fan-friggin-tastic…” You grumbled and stared down the lumber and hardware, trying to make sense of this now seemingly impossible puzzle.
Hours had passed, and you had only managed to put together a pathetic amount of the bedframe. The stupid bits and pieces that were strewn across the floor taunted you with every wrong part you picked up. Before any vital pieces ended up getting thrown into the fireplace out of frustration, you decided it would be best to take a break and make some lunch. You needed to make a run to the grocery store and stock your fridge and shelves, but you’d need to wait until you got your truck back, so you kept your fingers were crossed that Bobby would be able to get to it today.
You settled on a protein shake and a banana for your meal and were sitting on the kitchen counter when two quick knocks at the door interrupted your thoughts. You turned the music down a notch and wove your way through the maze of wood that had taken over your living room. You were expecting to see Sarah standing on the other side of your front door but were surprised to find Dean. One hand was slipped into his coat pocket and his shoulders were slightly rounded, showing that he didn’t really want to be here right now.
“Oh,” you did your best to not sound massively surprised but did a bang-up job, “hi.”
“Hey,” he cleared his throat, and a tuft of breath flew from his mouth in the cold air, “I just wanted to say sorry for being kind of a dick last night. I’m not really a people person and I’m definitely not used to having neighbors.” His eyes, which were glued to the ground made their way up to meet yours. “The bars were good though. I ate them all last night. I figured you’d want this back.” He extended his arm holding the plate you had placed the treats on to take over to him.
You tried your hardest to stop the smug smirk that was pulling at the corners of your mouth. “That’s actually a disposable plate.”
“Oh,” he looked down at it, “it’s one of the fancy plastic ones though, so I wasn’t sure if you wanted it back or not…” It was definitely not fancy, but the thought of him scrubbing the sticky blueberry mess off of a cheap plate was completely endearing.
“Well, good as new then.” You smiled and took the plate back from him, making a mental note to only give him paper plates from here on out if the situation arose. You stepped just inside the door and tossed the plastic onto the kitchen counter.
Dean raised an eyebrow as he snuck a peek at the mess that was you house at the moment. “Whoa, did a bomb go off in here?”
You looked around with a sigh. “No, but I’m about ready to blow the whole place up and just start over.” Stepping out of the way, you signaled for Dean to come in out of the freezing cold. He stomped his boots off on the front porch and stepped inside. “I didn’t bring any furniture with me when I moved, so I ordered some online. This mess,” you motioned vaguely around the room, “is supposed to be a bedframe but some genius forgot to put the instructions in the box.”
“How long have you been at it?” Dean stepped closer to the junk yard that had become your living room.
You really didn’t want to answer that question because you figured he’d just tell you what you were doing wrong. “Not that long.” Lying had never been something you were good at. Dean took one look at the guilty look on your face and saw right through it.
“So, all morning?”
“All morning.” You admitted and crossed your arms in shame. For a short second, you could have sworn that you saw a hint of a smile on Dean’s face. He was probably laughing at your miserable handy work.
“Well, for starters, you should put the bedframe together in the bedroom. Not the living room.” He walked around the wood pieces and began organizing them into piles.
“The bedroom is really small, so I figured it would be easier to put the big pieces together out here and then put the whole thing together in the bedroom.” You watched with some distain as he easily began to piece together the headboard. “You don’t have to do that, you know…”
“Do what?” He asked but didn’t look up from his crouched position on the floor.
“Help.” You shrugged. “I heard you loud and clear last night that you aren’t looking for friends.”
Dean paused for a moment. “Maybe I’m just staying for the good music.”
“You like The Eagles?”
“Who doesn’t?”
“One of my dad’s rules to live by is that you should never trust people who wear socks to bed or people who hate The Eagles.”
“Your dad sounds like a smart man.” There it was again, an elusive smile from the self-proclaimed loner. You were sure you saw it this time. “But I do have to say that no one beats the mighty Zep.”
You could respect a guy who loved the classics. “Wow, the good taste in music almost makes up for the crabby attitude.”
Dean knew you were teasing and gave you a fed-up look. “Do you have a drill?” He asked.
You picked up a screwdriver from the counter and held it up. Dean shook his head. “No, an actual drill.”
“I have a hammer…”
A chuckle escaped from Dean’s chest. “You were planning on hammering these screws into your new furniture?”
“I was working with what I had. Don’t judge me.”
Dean stood and amusedly shook his head as he made his way to the door, leaving it open while he walked to his truck and pulled a drill from the toolbox that was in the bed. As you watched, you noticed that your driveway had been cleared of the snow from last night’s flurry and couldn’t help but find that odd. You didn’t hear a truck outside your house this morning.
Dean skipped a few steps up the stairs and hurried inside, taking off his coat once he had shut the door after him. “Can I put this here?” He laid his it over the back of a chair that had been here when you moved in.
“Yeah.” You took one more peek out the window at the plowed path to your house from the road. “Hey, weird question, but you wouldn’t happen to know how my driveway got cleared, would you?”
“You ever heard of a snowplow?” His words dripped with sarcasm, but you were well versed in the language as well.
“A snowplow? Hmm, doesn’t ring a bell. What’s that?” You exaggerated every word, but Dean still looked up at you with furrowed brows before realizing that you were joking.
“I just didn’t realize the plows would come this far up the mountain. I promise I’m not as dumb as I look.” Kneeling a few feet away from him on the floor, you held the piece of wood his was trying to secure in place steady.
“The driver is a buddy of mine, He’s a good guy so he probably just wanted to help out the new girl.” Dean explained. You couldn’t help but feel lucky that you had found a place that was full of kind folks. The headboard was put together in a matter of minutes and Dean carried it into your bedroom with ease before picking out the pieces for the footboard.
“Thank you, Dean. I know this is probably not how you wanted to spend your Saturday afternoon.”
“I like to build things. I built my cabin, so a bedframe is a piece of cake.”
“I guess that’s pretty impressive.” Casually playing that off made Dean slightly smile again. You could tell he was feeling a little more comfortable.
“What are you doing up here all by yourself anyway?” He quickly wiped any traces of emotion from his face.
You shrugged. “I just needed a new start and this place fell in my lap, so I jumped. I might be a little in over my head, but I have to start somewhere, right?”
“Why’d you move?” You thought it bold of him to ask the hard-hitting questions but admired his straightforwardness.
You took a moment to carefully word your response. “Sometimes you just need to take yourself out of an unhealthy situation even if it’s the only thing you’ve ever known.”
Dean was surely picking up on your lack of details. “I can respect that.” His eyes fell to the bruise on your arm that he had first noticed a few days before. You self-consciously rubbed the sore spot and felt grateful for the phone ringing that stopped the conversation from progressing any further.
You looked to see that Bobby’s shop was calling and brought the phone to your ear. “Hey, Bobby.”
Dean watched as you slowly paced back and forth by the window. He had felt ridiculous this morning for washing a stupid plastic plate just so he could have an excuse to come over and apologize, but he was glad that risk paid off, even if you did think he was clueless.
As he put the last few screws in the footboard, Dean couldn’t help but overhear the conversation you were having on the phone. You sounded a little disappointed and Dean assumed that Bobby had called with bad news.
“How’s the truck?” Dean asked once you had joined him on the floor and began picking up the spare screws.
“Apparently my truck is an ‘old piece of crap’, and the only battery Bobby had that would fit ended up being a dud. He ordered a new one, but it won’t be in until Monday.”
While Dean agreed that your truck should probably be retired, he felt empathetic that you’d had so many problems with it since moving in. “I’ll give you a ride to work.” The words flew from his mouth before he really thought about what he was saying. That wasn’t normally something he’d offer to do. “If you want, that is.”
“Dean, I can’t ask you to do that…” You were sure at this point that he thought you were just some helpless stupid girl that didn’t know how to do anything for yourself.
“Well, you didn’t ask. I volunteered.”
“Still, you’ve done so much for me in the short time that I’ve been here, I feel like I’m just mooching off of you at this point.”
“I’ve barely done anything.” Dean brushed your statement off, but you knew you were right.
“You gave me a ride on my first day, fixed my battery, you’re here wasting your Saturday helping me put together furniture, and now you’re going to give me another ride to work on Monday. That sounds like mooching to me.”
“Your house and City Hall are both on my way to work. I haven’t been the most welcoming person in the world, so let’s just call it even.”
You could tell that he wasn’t going to take no for an answer, so you got up and went into the kitchen. You opened the cabinet and pulled out another plate of blueberry pie bars and took them to Dean. He gladly accepted.
After pulling back the plastic wrap and shoving a whole bar in his mouth, he mumbled, “Now we’re definitely even.” He rubbed his hands together to brush the crumbs off and finished his bite. “You had these the whole time and you weren’t going to share?”
“That recipe makes a lot. I figured I’d take half to you last night and the other half to work on Monday, but my co-workers aren’t here helping me put together furniture, so bon appetite.”
He put another in his mouth and nodded in approval. “You can keep the plate this time.” You couldn’t help but tease Dean. He stopped midchew and gave you a jaded glare which you did your best to ignore and instead focused on suppressing your laughter. Dean was still trying to hide his smiles, but you caught a glance anyway.
“It’s not a waste, by the way.”
You tilted your head in confusion.
“You said I was wasting my Saturday by helping you out. But I don’t mind.” He briefly looked up at you but continued before could say anything else. “Help me move these.”
After carrying all the pieces into the bedroom and putting them together, Dean helped you lift your mattress onto the frame, and you threw yourself onto the bed.
“So. Much. Better.” You closed your eyes and inhaled through your nose before giving a comfortable sigh. You knew your back would appreciate the little bit of give that the frame allowed. Dean was leaning against the door and you caught his eyes as you sat up. He quickly looked away when you noticed him staring.
“I saw two other boxes out there. Do they need to be put together too?” Dean almost seemed excited to dig into the next project.
“Yes, but if you have somewhere you need to be, I think I can handle it.”
Dean checked his watch. “It’d give me a good excuse to not go to Jo’s party tonight.”
“Jo, that’s Bobby and Ellen’s daughter, right?”
Dean nodded. “Yeah, parties aren’t really my scene.”
“I’m with you on that one.” You were quite the introvert yourself and could relate to the feeling of social dread. “Well, if you’re sure, then be my guest.”
You followed Dean into the living room, and he dragged the bigger of the two boxes over and began to pull out the contents. A growl from your stomach and a glance at the clock told you that it was dinner time.
“Are you hungry?”
Dean shrugged. “A little.”
You opened your cabinets and fridge as if there would be more food than there was earlier. “I’m low on supplies, but I’ve got stuff for turkey sandwiches. Is that okay?”
“Sounds great.”
You threw together two sandwiches and Dean already had half the table put together by the time you were done. You handed his plate to him and sat down on the floor against the wall next to the fireplace. Dean shook the wood dust from his pants and joined you.
“So, accounting, huh? Was that always the dream job?” All of Dean’s questions were posed as if he was only making nonchalant small talk, but the way he intently listened told you that he actually cared about your answers.
“No, but it pays the bills, and I don’t mind numbers. I don’t always love it, but I really like the people I work with here.” Dean was still working on a mouthful of food and you figured it was your turn to ask the questions. “Did you always want to be a lumberjack?”
Dean scoffed. “I’m not a lumberjack!”
“That’s debatable. Sarah said you work at the sawmill, I’ve only ever seen you wear plaid, and apparently you’re the wood whisperer.” You motioned to the almost completed table.
“Well, yeah, but I don’t go prancing around the woods with an axe on my shoulder.”
“Whatever you say.” You figured if he wanted to share more details with you, he would.
“I don’t just work at the sawmill, I run it.”
“How is it being the head-honcho?” Although you did a lot of paperwork for you job, you didn’t envy the workload of a CEO.
“Awful.” His answer was blunt and straightforward. “My dad pulled me into the family business a few years ago and I took over when he got sick.”
“I heard about that. How is he doing now?”
“He’s good. I think he and my mom are hoping to move back soon.”
“What would you be doing if you weren’t working at the sawmill?”
Dean was a little caught off guard by your question. “Why does it matter?”
“Because you can’t go through life hating most of it. That’s just going to make you miserable.” You were speaking from experience.
Dean’s eyes examined yours as if he was trying to find an ulterior motive behind your questions. “I worked as a mechanic for a long time and loved it. I always thought I’d take over for Bobby when he retired down at the shop.”
“Maybe when your dad gets back you can switch over?”
“Yeah, maybe.” Dean’s hesitancy to open up when his dad was brought up told you to drop the subject.
After you both were finished eating, he stood and offered a hand to help you up. “Let’s get this thing finished so you don’t have to keep eating on the floor.”
You spent the rest of the evening handing Dean the hardware he asked for and listening to oldies. Maybe he wasn’t the most talkative guy in the world, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence that fell between you two. It was actually nice to be in the company of someone who wasn’t going to push for every detail of your life story.
After breaking down the empty carboard boxes that were the remnants of a long afternoon’s work, Dean pulled on his coat.
“Thank you for all your help today. The place is finally starting to come together.” Although you were still without a couch, your home started to look more livable.
“Don’t mention it. So, I’ll see you Monday morning then?” He asked before he reached for the door handle.
You nodded with a smile and handed him the plate of blueberry bars. He excitedly took it from you and gave a soft smile.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Night, Dean.”
Monday morning slowly crept up after a Sunday spent mostly in bed. It had snowed most of the day and night so you bundled up as much as you could. A peek out the window showed that your small driveway had been plowed again. You put a reminder in your phone to get a thank you gift for the plow driver who was a guardian angel in disguise. Dean pulled up just a few seconds later and you hurried out to his truck.
“Mornin’.” He greeted.
“Hey yourself.” You buckled your seatbelt and extended your hands towards the vent like you had done the last time Dean gave you a ride. His truck was much newer than yours and the heater worked like a charm.
“What’s on your agenda for today?” He asked as he backed out onto the road.
“Expense reports. They’re as thrilling as they sound. And also, I’m covering the front desk solo. Sarah texted and said she woke up with a fever, so she’s taking a sick day.”
“I’ll have to ask Sam how she’s doing.” A few minutes passed as you slowly made your way down the slick road. “So, listen, it’s supposed to snow all day. I’ll come and grab you after work and take you down to Bobby’s place.”
“Oh, you don’t need to do that. It’s like a ten-minute walk.”
“It’s a good excuse to make sure I don’t get pulled into some long boring meeting at the end of the day.”
“Well then in that case you’re welcome.” You gave a cheeky grin which was returned.
Thankfully, the ride to work was short. Driving in the snow gave you serious anxiety so the sight of City Hall was a welcomed one.
“What time should I come pick you up?”
“I’m off at four, but I can stay later if you can’t get out that early.”
“Four is great. One of the perks of being the boss is that I can make my own hours.”
Ellen waved to you as she walked in, so you quickly said goodbye to Dean and joined her. Dean waited to make sure you got inside okay before taking off.
“Did Dean give you a ride today?” Ellen looked at you skeptically.
“Yeah, my truck is still in the shop, so he volunteered to drop me off on his way to work.”
“Hmm. That’s weird.” She took her hat off and shook the snow from it. “It’s been years since I’ve seen Dean socializing with anyone that’s not in his little circle.”
“Honestly, I think he just pities me because I’m new and clueless when it comes to snow.” Shrugging your coat off, you set it on the back of your chair and placed your bag underneath your desk.
“I never thought I’d see him speak to another girl after what Cassie did to him.” Ellen shook her head and raised her eyebrows.
“Cassie?” This was the first you’d heard of her.
“Yeah, she broke his heart pretty bad a few years back.”
Garth appeared from around the corner and called Ellen back to his office. You knew that Dean had a rough few years but hadn’t heard many details aside from his dad getting cancer, which was a hard enough situation on its own. While you wanted to know more, you didn’t want to dig for info where it was none of your business. If Dean wanted to tell you about Cassie, he would do it on his own time and you would just have to respect that.
Dean arrived at the sawmill and made his way to his office on the upper level of the plant. Not ten minutes after he began his day’s work, Sam entered and sat down in one of the chairs across from Dean’s desk.
“Where were you Saturday night? I thought you said you were going to Jo’s party.”
Dean shrugged. “I got busy and didn’t realize what time it was.”
“Busy with what? I’m sure there’s not that much to do up that mountain of yours.”
“Just busy.”
Sam was used to his brother’s antics at this point and knew it was futile to push for details.
“How’s Sarah doing?” Dean asked, hoping to delay the morning managers meeting as long as possible.
“She’s alright. Woke up with a fever, so she’s just going to sleep it off.” A lightbulb went off for Sam and he frowned. “Wait, how did you know that Sarah’s sick?”
“Crap…” Dean thought to himself. He knew he was busted. “I don’t know. I just heard it through the grapevine.”
“I didn’t tell anyone about her and I’m pretty sure the only people she told were the people at work…” Sam thought long and hard for a few seconds until he realized what must have happened. “Y/N?”
Sam had always been too smart for his own good and Dean had always hated it. “I gave her a ride to work while Bobby has her truck. That’s all.”
“Is that what you were busy with on Saturday too?”
Dean sent messages to Benny and Cas, instructing them to quickly come up to his office to start the morning meeting and hopefully get Sam off his back.
Sam took Dean’s silence as a yes. “What did you guys do all night then?”
“We had a pillow fight and painted each other’s nails.”
Sam had a special bitch-face reserved for Dean and was throwing it his way now.
“We put together furniture and ate sandwiches on the floor. There, now you know. Happy?”
Cas and Benny walked in together.
“Hey fellas, what’s the news?” Benny greeted.
Dean knew from Sam’s devious grin that the end of this conversation was nowhere in sight. “Dean wasn’t at Jo’s party because he was with the new girl in town.”
Cas quickly turned his head and looked at Dean as if he had lobsters crawling out his ears. “This Dean? Our Dean?”
Sam nodded and Benny laughed as he took a seat. “I heard she’s real pretty! It’s about time you find a good one. Nice job, brother.”
Dean groaned and rubbed his hands over his face. “Listen, I helped her out with one thing. I barely know her, so cut the crap or I will fire all of you asses.”
Cas, Benny and Sam all exchanged mischievous looks but dropped the subject to avoid Dean’s angry side coming out for the rest of the day.
The day was slow for you, but it gave you plenty of time to finish verifying payroll hours for everyone. Sarah’s energetic personality was definitely being missed as you began to feel drowsy around two thirty. The bell to the front door dinged so you stood to find Sheriff Mills and her son.
“Mom, you promised that you wouldn’t have to work today.” The little boy moaned.
“I’m sorry, honey. The Mayor just has to meet with me for a few minutes and then I promise I’m all yours, okay?”
“Hey guys! Can I help with anything?” You greeted.
“Y/N, hey. How are you settling in?” Jody gave a warm smile and did her best to ignore her son who was tugging at her sleeve.
“I’m finally getting everything set up, so I’d say pretty well. Who’s this handsome fella with you?”
The little boy blushed a little as you leaned on the counter and smiled down at him.
“This is my son, Owen. It’s technically my day off, but do I ever really get a day off as a Sheriff?”
Owen continued to pull at Jody’s sleeve and beg to leave.
“Hey Owen, do you happen to like hot chocolate?” You had always been good with kids and figured you try to help Jody out while she met with Garth. You were pretty much done with your work for the day anyway.
Owen nodded shyly. “Well, I don’t want to brag, but I make a mean breakroom hot chocolate. You want to help me make some while your mom meets with the Mayor? If that’s okay with her, that is.”
Owen looked to his mom for approval and she nodded. He ran behind the front desk and Jody mouthed a silent, “Thank you,” to which you smiled and led Owen back to the breakroom.
After making two steaming cups of hot chocolate, you took pushed together two empty desks and taught Owen how to play paper football. After showing him how to fold the paper and a few practice rounds, you began to keep track of points. The winner would take home a medal that you made from paperclips and an eraser.
Time flew by and before you knew it, over an hour had passed. You heard someone come in the door and looked over to see Dean. He had arrived a few minutes early and decided to wait for you inside rather than in the cold car.
“Am I crashing the party?” Dean leaned on the front desk.
“Dean!” Owen side-stepped the desk and ran to wrap his arms around Dean’s waist.
“You’re just in time for the final round of paper football. You in?” You held up the small piece of folded paper with a playful grin.
“Step aside, let the master show you how it’s done.” Dean ripped off his coat and set it on your desk. “What do I get when I win?”
You held up the eraser necklace and Owen excitedly added that he helped make it.
You and Owen were neck in neck in the first round, but you scuffed your last shot on purpose and made a big stink about it. Dean ruffled Owen’s hair as he knelt down at the end of the desk and lined up his shot perfectly. Owen held his own but missed his last shot and Dean knew that he could win if he made the next one. He set his paper up perfectly and you couldn’t help but giggle at the exaggerated sigh of concentration that he let out. Dean’s eyeline moved from the game quickly up to you as he gave a quick wink and under-shot his chance on purpose, giving the win to Owen if he made his next shot, which he did.
Jody paused before entering the room and watched from just out of sight as Owen jumped up and down in triumph. Ellen joined and leaned on the wall, watching as you helped Owen up onto the desk and presented him with the make-shift medal that you had thrown together. Dean put Owen on his shoulders and did a victory lap around the desks while squeals of delight filled the air.
“Are my eyes deceiving me, or is Dean Winchester acting like he’s been properly socialized?” Jody tilted her head to look at Ellen who was smiling knowingly.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him like this. Ever since a little bird flew into town, he’s seems to be a little less crotchety.”
Jody and Ellen watched the smile that you and Dean shared once he put Owen down.
“Mom!” Owen ran over and proudly showed off his medal.
“That’s great, hon!” Jody looked up as you and Dean approached. “You guys are lifesavers; I really owe you one.”
“We had fun, huh?” You nudged Owen with your arm causing him to blush and avert his eyes. You smirked and turned to Dean. “I’ll go grab my stuff and then we can head out.”
Dean knelt down and held his hand out for a high-five. “Good game, kid. That’s well-deserved.” He pointed at the eraser hanging around Owen’s neck.
“I like Y/N. She’s fun… and pretty.” Owen whispered to Dean. Jody instructed her son to grab his coat and said goodbye to everyone.
Dean was leaning against your desk when you came out from the back.
“Ready?” He asked.
“Ready.” You smiled in response.
Once you were in Dean’s truck, you asked, “how do you know Owen so well?”
“When my parents moved away, Jody kind of took me and Sam under her wing and made sure we were taken care of. We were over at her house for dinner a fair amount, so Owen and I are pretty good buddies.”
“Jody seems sweet. I like her.”
“She’s one of the good ones. A lot of people here are. Ellen has always been a surrogate mom to me as well. My dad and I don’t always get along, so Bobby and Ellen kind of adopted me when I was pretty young.”
“I’m sorry about your dad.”
“Don’t be. We all have our issues.”
Dean pulled up outside Bobby’s shop just a few short minutes later. “I’ll come in with you and make sure everything’s working okay. I gotta talk to Bobby anyway.”
You and Dean rushed inside out of the cold and Jo looked up from the front desk. “Hey Dean!”
“Hey, Jo. Your dad around?”
“He’s on the phone but should be done soon.” She turned her gaze to you. “You must be the new girl.”
“Yeah, I’m Y/N. It’s nice to finally meet you.” You offered a smile to Jo, which was not returned.
“We’re just here for her truck. You got the keys?” Dean picked up on Jo’s attitude and tried to hurry the conversation along.
She shuffled through the box of keys that was on the desk and pulled one out, reading the tag to make sure it was the right one before tossing it to you. You caught it easily and thanked her.
“What do I owe you?”
“We’ll send you the bill.”
“Oh, okay. I guess I’ll just head out then.” You turned to Dean. “See you around. Thanks again for the ride.”
Dean nodded with a shy smile and watched as you got in your truck and left. He wasn’t sure why, but part of him was hoping that the truck wouldn’t start up, so you’d have to ride back with him, but he knew Bobby was too good of a mechanic for that. The rumble of your engine starting up signaled your official exit and Dean hastily made his way back to Bobby’s office to avoid Jo’s impending interrogation on why he had ditched out on her party.
You had gotten to work a little early the next day and were at your desk when Sarah came in.
“Hey, how you feeling?” You had texted her the night before to see if she needed anything, but she said Sam was doing a great job at playing nurse.
“Much better. I think it was just one of those twenty-four-hour bugs. How was yesterday?”
“Slow and quiet. It was weird without you here. Jody brought Owen in and we had a paper football tournament, which was pretty fun though.”
“I’m sorry I missed out!”
Ellen walked out from her office and sat at an empty desk next to you and Sarah. “Are you still good for Thursday, Y/N?”
“You bet!”
“What’s Thursday?” Sarah wondered.
“Ellen, Garth and I are heading to Baker for a convention on the new tax regulations for this year. We’ll head down Thursday morning and come back up on Saturday night.”
Sarah’s face dropped. “No, not this weekend! Saturday is Dean’s birthday and we’re throwing him a surprise party down at The Salty Hunter. I was going to invite you both today!”
“Oh, shoot…” You felt bad that you’d miss Dean’s birthday when he’d been so helpful to you lately.
“Well, maybe we can try to be back for the party?” Ellen suggested. “We’ll head out as soon as we can.”
“I’m going to hold you to that.” Sarah pointed a finger at you both.
“What’s The Salty Hunter?” You wondered.
“That’s the bar on main street. Rufus, who owns it, used to be a hunter so he named it after himself. He’s a character but a good guy.” Ellen explained.
That night after work you went grocery shopping and then headed home to make some dinner and watch something stupid to unwind before bed. You changed into pajamas and a t-shirt and settled down at your new table. Before you could take a bite of your pasta, someone knocked on your door. You peeked through the curtains to see who it was and saw Dean standing outside, shaking his leg to try and stay warm.
You unlocked the door and the wind helped it open. “Get in here, it’s freezing!” You ordered and Dean gladly complied.
“How’s the truck working?” He rubbed his hands together to thaw his fingers.
“Like a charm. Bobby really knows his stuff.” You grabbed the blanket that was slung over the back of a chair and wrapped it around yourself as you sat and offered Dean the other chair at the table.
“So, uh,” he traced the woodgrain pattern on the floor with his eyes as if he was afraid to look at you, “I don’t know if you have any plans on Saturday, but some friends and I are getting together down at the bar if you want to get to know a few more people. It’s nothing big.”
“This little gathering wouldn’t happen to be for your birthday, would it?” You raised a knowing eyebrow. “Sarah told me about it today.”
Dean chuckled. “Yeah, but it’s not really a party or anything. I just thought it would be good for you to get out of this tiny cabin. I’m not even supposed to know about it, but Sam told me.”
You were surprised that Dean went out of his way to invite you, and the gesture made you feel even worse that you might not be there.
“I’m going to try my absolute hardest to be there. Ellen, Garth and I are actually going to be at a tax thing from Thursday until Saturday but we’re making it our goal to be back in time.”
“Like I said, it’s not a big deal, so don’t stress about it.”
“Birthdays are a big deal, so don’t play it off all casual. Plus, I already have the perfect present picked out for you, so it would be a shame if you didn’t get it.”
An inquisitive look lit up Dean’s emerald eyes. “The perfect present, huh? You sure you know me that well?”
“I am one hundred percent sure it will be the best present you’ve ever gotten from me.” Considering that you’d never given him a present before, you weren’t wrong.
Dean pushed his jaw slightly to one side and pressed his tongue to his canine while fighting a grin. “You’re funny, you know that?”
You scrunched you nose and stood from your chair. “Have you eaten? I’ve got extra.” Before he answered, you were already dishing him up a plate of spaghetti.
“No, I just got off work. Late day at the office.” He dug right into his food when you set it down on the table. “Are you planning on getting a couch or something?” He looked out into the barren room.
“No, I think I like empty, minimalistic look. It’s very modern.”
At this point, Dean had a pretty firm grasp on your dry sense of humor and just shook his head. He scarfed down his food and went back for a second plate while you cleaned up the kitchen a bit. He washed his own plate when he was done and placed it in the drying rack.
“Well, I didn’t mean to interrupt your night. I would have just texted you to invite you, but I don’t have your number.”
You held out your hand and Dean reached into his pocket and gave you his phone. It was an old, sturdy Nokia flip phone and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Look at this dinosaur. I haven’t seen one of these since… I don’t know, middle school?”
“It’s not that old.” Dean tried to defend himself. “I tried the fancy smart phones, but I hated them. Who needs a phone for more than just calling and texting?”
You flipped it open dramatically and saved your number before handing it back to him right as it began to ring. “It’s Sam, I should probably get this. Thanks again for dinner. I didn’t mean to intrude.”
“You didn’t. I always make way too much pasta anyway.”
Dean gave a grateful smile and a small wave as he answered the phone and left.
Chapter 3
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wetslug · 2 years
i loveeee engaging in driver culture when im driving i love getting angry and muttering 'fucking idiot' and 'learn to signal dumbass' and complain about the lack of snowplowing in kelowna. love it
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jawritter · 3 years
Twelve Days Of Christmas
Chapter 8
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Summary: Dean never realized that Y/N missed Christmas until he turned off an annoying Christmas song on the radio on the way home from a hunt, now he will make it his personal mission to give her the Christmas he misses so much, and if he plays his cards right, maybe he will give her what he has wanted to give her for so many years, himself.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Written For: @spnchristmasbingo​​​​​​​
Square Field: Sam
Word Count: 1413
Warnings: Fluff, mild language.
A/N: This is to help me catch up on my SPN Christmas Bingo card lol Chapter 9 will post tomorrow! I knew chapter will post every day until Christmas! I know I’m insane lol. This is a real time fic collection and all mistakes will be my own! Please do not copy my work! Hope you all enjoy these!!
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You take a deep breath and wipe your hands on the apron that covers your flannel and jeans. Delicious smells of Turkey and all the fixing were filling the cabin now gave off a warm and rich atmosphere to accent the twinkling Christmas tree and decorations that Dean and yourself had spent most of the day yesterday putting up throughout the cabin. 
 You give the place one last look around, making sure everything was as it should be before Sam and Eileen arrive later today. 
The snow had stopped yesterday, and the snowplows came through late last night, clearing the roads and making them passable again for everyone. The sun had even come out today, and it was a good deal warmer than it had been since you had arrived, but it was still cold enough to require the fireplace to be going in the living room, adding to the oven to keep the little cabin warm. 
Dean had worked alongside you all morning, helping you cook and helping you get the cabin clean and presentable. He seemed excited to have Sam come over, though both of you were a little worried about what exactly he deemed so important that he’d have to drive all this way to talk to the two of you about. 
“Damn Baby it smells awesome in here,” Dean said, stepping into the small kitchen and wrapping his arms around your middle, giving you a peck on the cheek.
Dean had been a lot more cuddly since he’d kissed you yesterday morning. Neither of you discussed it. Neither of you felt the need to. One thing you did know was that a line had been breached between you, and there was no going back. He even slept with his arm slung loosely over your hip last night. Something he hadn’t done up until this point. 
“Thank you, but you had a hand in that too Winchester,” you tease, turning in his arms to face him, hoping he’d lean down and capture your lips in his again.
You couldn’t get enough of him. It was sickening how giddy he made you every time he slipped by and decided to brush his lips over yours, but you didn’t care, not even a little bit. He made you feel things you never thought as a hunter you’d ever get to feel, and you were going to enjoy this, however long it lasted. 
“That was mostly you, baby girl. I just washed dishes and cut up vegetables,” he said, pecking your lips again before letting go of you so that you could go and check on the little turkey you were cooking. 
Day 6 had to be the most exciting day yet. Dean had planned on taking you sledding today, but this brought back an air of nostalgia you never realized you were missing. Cooking Christmas dinner for family was something your mom did every year, and it was something you always dreamed of doing when you had your own family as a child. 
Dean and Sam were your family, as close to one as you would ever have anyway, and this is something you had always wanted to do for them. 
“Sammy should be here any minute,” Dean said, checking the door again and peaking through the blinds. 
“Give him some time babe, that was a lot of snow that fell over the last few days.”
You didn’t even have time to pull the turkey out of the oven when Dean announced excitedly, “they’re here,” before opening the door and walking out to meet them. 
You pull the apron over your head and make your way to the door, watching as Dean greets his little brother before reaching to hug Eileen. He was happier than you had ever seen him. He was smiling and laughing as they made their way up the driveway towards the little cabin, you can’t remember the last time Dean laughed like this. It made you smile just seeing him this happy, this content. 
“Hey Y/N,” Sam greeted you as he stepped inside, Eileen doing the same. “You guys have been busy.” 
Sam looks around slack-jawed at your handy work along with Dean’s as he walks through the cabin. Dean smiled proudly, wrapping his arm around you, giving a peck on the cheek as he followed his little brother over the couch.
“So, you guys are a thing now?” Eileen asks Dean, raising an eyebrow as she took a seat next to Sam. Dean smiled up at you as you sat down next to Dean, his hand automatically reaching for yours. 
“Well, we haven’t really put a title on it, but if she will have me…”
“You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried Winchester now,” you tease him, and you swore you saw him blush. Sam saw it too. 
“Oh God, Dean I thought you weren’t into chick flick moments. For the past few days you’ve been literally living in a Hallmark movie,” Sam teased, earning a scowl from Dean. 
“Leave him be Sam!” Eileen scolds. 
“So, what’s got you two love birds driving all the way out here just to tell us something, you know I’m not gonna be able to eat with the elephant in the room, so spill,” Dean says, directing the conversation away from the two of you. 
“Dean, you could eat any time, and it wouldn’t faze you,” Sam says sarcastically. “I don’t see any reason to make them wait any longer though, we’ve made them wait all night as it is?” 
Eileen grinned widely as Sam signed to her. 
“Oh boy, I’m not gonna be an uncle am I?” Dean asks, shifting nervously in his seat. The man had fought monsters most people wouldn’t dream of, but here he was, getting nervous about his baby brother having a baby.
“No! Nothing like that!” Sam exclaims. “Show them, Baby.”
Eileen proudly holds out her left hand with a small, vintage-looking diamond ring sitting snugly on her ring finger. “We’re getting married,” she tells the two of you excitedly.
Dean’s jaw hits the floor, and you squeal excitedly, jumping up and hugging Eileen as Dean gets to his feet and does the same to Sam. 
“Congratulations man! It’s about damn time!” 
“Well, like you said, she knows life. Chuck’s gone, I’m not getting any younger, we’re back to hunting monsters and not fighting the end of the world, I figured why wait?”
Dean smiled almost like a proud father as he looked at his baby brother. For the first time, he felt like he could let Sam go. All these years he had protected him. It was his job from a young age, but seeing how happy the two of them were, he knew it was time to step back and let Eileen take his place. 
Before anyone knew it dinner was devoured, the wine was drank, laughs and memories were made. Eileen had even brought you and Dean a Christmas present since the two of you were staying at the cabin through Christmas, and it was time to say goodbye. 
You hugged them both, allowing Dean to walk out to the car with them alone, going to finish the last little bit of clean up in the kitchen with your heart fuller than you could remember in a long time. 
“You look happy Dean,” Sam said after helping Eileen climb back into the car. “I mean, really happy.” 
Dean smiled a little and nodded. Looking back towards the cabin, seeing you in the kitchen window wiping down the counter. “She makes me happy.”
“It looks good on you,” Sam said, opening the driver’s side door. “SHE looks good on you.”
“Bye Sammy,” Dean said as his brother gave him a nod and shut the door before backing down the driveway and off into the dark, going to a hotel for the night he assumed before driving home to the bunker tomorrow when it was a little safer out. 
Dean’s eyes traveled back to you, and you smiled at him through the fog stained window. Sam found his person, and Dean was more and more convinced every day he’d found his. Now it was just a matter of taking that step. 
Tonight as you climbed into bed together, Dean tucking you safely into his arms after kissing you goodnight, he felt whole, for the first time since he’d been pulled out of Hell he felt whole. Sure, he’d lost some damn good people he’d never get back along the way, but you were putting him slowly back together again, little bit by little bit.
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Forever Tags: 
Jensen and Dean’s Babes
Dean’s Babes
Series Tag List: @440mxs-wife​
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canadian-riddler · 2 years
The video was of busses, cop cars, drivers, work trucks, and snowplows all sliding and hitting each other down a road. And haha I love that you saw that tag ;’)
I feel like I probably saw that video before and if I really wanted I could watch it on my ipod but I skip most videos on Tumblr anyways
I usually see when I'm mentioned in a tag lol
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
Santa’s favorite Elf ch 3: Bill Skarsgard & X Reader
 Warnings: Angst, teasing,lite smut,  lite PDA, innuendo,
Santa’s fav elf ch 1
Santa’s fav elf ch 2
Santa’s fav elf ch 3
Santa’s fav elf ch 4
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After what seemed to be an endless amount of takes of you screaming and crying over Santa’s death more each time which even though it wasn’t real takes a true emotional toll, you finally hear those words you have longing for since at least the twenty-sixth take, “It’s a wrap!”. It really hasn’t been all that bad. You did get to chat with Santa between takes as they fixed his bullet ridden bloody suit and they are resetting some camera angles. He even pats his lap for you to sit down.
Santa Bill played it up as you sat there. “Ho Ho Ho. What do you want Santa to give you for Christmas?”
You giggle. “Oh, Santa you can give me what ever you think I deserve.” You lean in to whisper, “I might just be to naughty so maybe all I should get is a spanking.”
Santa chuckled. “Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho. Santa will have to make sure you get that.”
You almost fell off his lap when he he laughted because that fake belly really jiggled. He pulled you back up on his lap.“Be careful my favorite little elf. I don’t want you falling for Santa to hard.”
You giggled more. “I’m trying not to Santa, but you have some beautiful eyes and I loved getting that big package of yours earlier.”
You are talking in a whisper as much as possible since kids are still on set. You keep having to push his hand that isn’t holding you, from going to much under your dress.
Pushing his hand down to your knee you whisper in his ear, “Santa, what are you trying to do?”
Whispering back in your ear Santa replied, “I was just trying to rub up your thigh slowly to get my hand in those panties and…”
Getting up to go back to your mark when told. “Thank you Santa.”
After the day is wrapped the assistant director announces, “The snowstorm has caused a lot of accidents out there, so unless you live with ten or fifteen minutes of set you should probable stay at least over night at a local hotel.”
You whine. “Winter blows. I hate winter.”
 Santa laughed, “Now I get the last name. I wasn’t thinking of it like that.” As everyone started going back to holding Santa hugged you. “After you get your stuff together meet me by my trailer. You are staying with me tonight.”
You grinned, “You think about that while I’m getting my things and checking out. I’m not sure you could handle an all nighter with me.”
You walked away. He licks his lips as he watched you go before he headed to make-up and wardrobe to get his Santa suite and beard off. You go to a separate area to turn in your elf outfit. Then you go grab the bag you had another outfit in since you knew the storm was coming and thought you might have to stay over night close by. You were glad you brought extra under garments also since you didn’t know how long you would be snowed in at this filming location.
 After you check out with your pay slip of fifteen hours, you bundle up in your coat and hat to head to where Bill’s trail is located. The snow is still coming down and what is drifting outside is up to your calf.
As soon as the bodyguard standing outside the trailer sees you, he opens the door. “Bill will be here shortly. He told me to let you in to stay warm.”
You nodded, “Thank you.”
You take your coat, hat, gloves and scarf off and open the refrigerator. There is bottled water. Coke, Pepsi, spite and a green bottled beverage called Pripps Bla. The green bottle looks like beer so you grab one. You open it and take a swig, after you sit on the couch. It is beer that tastes slightly similar to bud light.
Bill walks in seeing you, your head back with a beer in your hand. “You comfortable?”
You shoot up standing a bit startled. “Oh, sorry. Was it okay I grabbed a beer?”
He grabbed one, “To late now if it wasn’t.”
 “Oh, that’s how you are.” You smirked. “Now that the Santa suits completely off you’re going to be a dick?”
He stared at you like he had no clue why you just said that. Maybe you said it because of the comment. Maybe it was you were tired from the twelve-hour shoot. Or maybe you were just already sick and tired of this cold icy, snowy storm blowing through even though it was the third one of the season and you live in the part of the world that it was a normal December occurrence. You put the beer on the table and grab your coat.
He grabs your arm. “Stay.” His puppy dog eyes pleading.
You keep your stance. “I might drink all your beer.”
He shrugged. You are just staring at each other when the driver and bodyguard knock.
Bill steppes away from you. “Come in.”
You and Bill sit at the table.
The driver nods, “(Y/N) what’s your license plate number? One of the PAs is going to drive your car behind us to Aloft.”
You raddled off your plate number.
He radios it to the PA. “You two should buckle up in the seats. I might need to use this thing as a snowplow.”
You head to the captain’s chair behind the driver as soon as Bill sits in the one behind his bodyguard. The driver gets the radio call that your car is right behind him, so he pulls out slowly. “We will take this slowly, but I’ll get you there. Are you two doing okay?”
You sighed. “It was a long day. I’m a bit tired.”
Bill agreed. “Yeah, long day.”
It takes a half hour to get the few blocks to the hotel. You go to get your coat and other winter stuff on when the trailer stops. Bill helps you with your coat.
He leans in. “I’m sorry. Can we get some dinner? Then if you just want to get some sleep that’s fine.”
You grab his hand as it lays on your shoulder. “I’m sorry. I can get a bit sensitive and crabby when I’m tired and hungry. I think dinner is a great idea.”
When both of you are bundled up the bodyguard opens the door to get out first. Then Bill gets out and helps you. You smile and nod in a thank you motion not sure he can really see your face very well in the blinding snow. The driver comes out with your bag, a hanging garment bag and a backpack. He puts the things on a cart as the two of you are led straight to an elevator up to the twenty first floor.
There is a living room space with a love seat, chair and fifty-inch television on the wall when you walk inside the room. The bodyguard leaves two room keys on the bar to the right. Then he goes out. After he takes his coat off, Bill goes to sit down on the loveseat as you take in the large room. The furniture is red with white carpet throughout. The bar has three stoles and it looks like there is a refrigerator behind it with several beverages and mix-ins lining a shelf. The snow falling outside the floor to ceiling windows really looks beautiful. You walk over to the window looking out. Bill is rubbing his hands over his face.
“As long as I don’t have to be out there in it, it looks pretty.” you gaze at the magical scene as trees and roads get covered with snow.
Bill Looks up at your silhouette with the snow fall in front of you out the window,  “Yeah, it’s a beautiful site from here. You’re…” He stops unsure of the words he wants to use.
You turn around to see that puppy face just pleading for attention. You walk over to the love seat and put your hand out to him. “I think I saw a restaurant downstairs when we came in, let’s go have some dinner.”
He gets up and puts his arm around your waist as his other hand grabs a room key from the bar. His bodyguard walks in front of the two of you and pushes the elevator button. The two of you get in and the bodyguard stands in front of you. He pushes the first floor. Rocking around the Christmas tree is playing when you get in the elevator but seconds later Love in an Elevator by Aerosmith starts playing. You burst out a laugh.
Bill looks at you. You look at him. He winks. You motion for him the see the sign by the numbered floors that in all caps says: NO FOOLING AROUND IN THE ELEVATOR. THERE IS A CAMERA.  He pushes you into the corner of the elevator. Grabbing your ass as he leans in to give you a strong deep kiss your arms wrap around his middle resting your hands on his back as he takes your breath away. Its good you have on high heeled ankle boots, so he didn’t have to bend down so far.
The bodyguard clears his throat not moving from looking straight forward. “First floor is next.”
You and Bill straighten up quickly as the door opens. You both are smiling as you exit and turn left down a hall towards the hotel bar/restaurant called Vago. The hostess seats you right away. There are only a few other couples scattered throughout the Italian restaurant. The waitress comes over quickly and recommends some drinks. You order a caramel apple spritz. She is a little giddy but trying to be professional.
Bill smiles, “I’ll take whatever local beer you have here.”
She smiles back, “Oh, that’s awesome. I’ll be back to take your orders shortly.”
You laugh. “I think she likes you. Wonder if she’d be interested in a threesome?”
His mouth drops as he stares at you.
You shake your head. “Just kidding. I don’t want to share you.”
Bill swallows. “Oh, okay. I didn’t notice she was being any more attentive than other waiters and waitresses are usually.”
 “I guess you would get use to it after a while.”Glanced around the room.
The waitress came back with your drinks. You smile and thank her. Bill thanks her also, then he orders Wagyu strip steak and you order Cavatelli. There is some light Christmas organ music playing in the air. The lighting is low with electric candles at each table. Bill reach over to take your hand and kisses the top of it. Then he looks at you softly.
You smile looking back at him. The snow is still falling outside the window next to you. It is up to the windowsill, but you don’t notice as you take in the site before you. The waitress brings your dinners out. You both sit back straightening in your chairs. As you eat  and sip at your drinks you chat about the movie.
“You probably have the full script to this movie we are in, right?”
 “Yes, I do. But I can’t show it to you, of course.”
“Of course. Can you tell me if we just shot the end of the movie?”
Grinning Bill answered, “No.”
You take a sip of your cocktail and a few more bites of your pasta. He eats his steak savoring every bite that goes in his mouth. You never knew someone could eat so sexily or maybe you are just so enamored that every move he makes seems sexy.
 “Was that No, it wasn’t the end or no you can’t tell me?” You pried.
Bill chuckled “I can tell you that but, I’m pretty sure you will be called back to film more and not just because I’d like you around.”
That excited you., “Cool. That reminds me, I should check to see if I got a message for tomorrow. They message us the night before to say what time we should be on set the next day. You probably have a set schedule.”
 “I do.”
You take your cellphone out of your dress pants pocket. He shakes his head and continues to enjoy his meal. You are really already full. You scroll through your emails and find a message from the casting director.
“Congratulations you were chosen to be apart of the production *The Darkest of Christmases*. Tomorrows filming has been canceled due to the winter storm, but things are supposed to lighten up tomorrow evening so we will message you more information tomorrow about a time and where you need to be for filming Wednesday. Reply if you are still interested.
Drive safely,
You quickly reply: I am still interested in filming this movie. Thank you. 😊
You Look at Bill. “Filming is canceled tomorrow, but I am scheduled to be part of the movie on Wednesday.”
You text your Mom back since she texted you six times when she didn’t hear you got home safe in the storm.
You text: I’m safe. Staying here a few nights instead of driving home in the weather. Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. Long shoot day.
You put your phone away.
Bill tastes a sip of his beer. “That’s cool. I think Santa’s favorite elf needs an extra special gift for Christmas after watching him sprayed with bullets. It was pretty tragic, don’t you think?”
You grin flipping your boot off under the table and letting your toes lightly rub the outside of his pants. “Maybe Santa deserves a gift this year.”
He drops his fork looking at you as your toes try to fondle him under the table. “I think he does if his favorite elf wants to give.”
The waitress comes over. You stop what you are doing and slide your foot back in your boot. “Any refills on drinks or desert I can get you?”
Bill politely declines. “No, thank you. I’ll just sign for this so we can go.”
She puts the check down and he signed it.
He looks at you with a grin. “You ready?”
You nod and you both get up. The bodyguard is already in front of the two of you leading the way to the elevator. When the elevator opens, you step in with Bill with the bodyguard in front of both of you. The song Santa Clause Is Back in Town sung by Elvis is playing. You laugh as Bill spins you to dance in the elevator.
Santa Baby sung by Madonna starts next. You look up at him innocently singing.“I’ve been an awful good girl.”
He smirks. “No, you have been an awful naughty girl. When that door opens you better run.”
Your heart races as you hold his evil looking gaze. Oh, you love this look. The door opens and you bolt. You hear him laugh a bit manically as he comes out of the elevator after you. “Oh, I know your secret. Your dirty little secret.”
He catches up with you quickly and tosses you over his shoulder. You are laughing hysterically when he slaps your ass hard.
You yelled. “Fuck, Bill. What was that for?”
 “You are a very naughty little elf.”He smacks your ass again.
You yip. He gets the door open and puts you down inside. His bodyguard stands outside. He is looking at you like he wants to eat you alive. You are so turned on you can barely breath and he knows, it.  He unbuttons his dress shirt and takes off the t-shirt under it as he walks over towards the love seat. He takes off his pants and the boxers underneath before he sits down comfortably.
Bill looks at you, your eyes wide. “I know there is something you have been thinking about doing all day. I promise I’ll return the good will. I’m really up for it now if you are?”
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twiststreet · 4 years
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Working late tonight, plus I wanted to start this year of watching movies off on the right foot, so I put on a Netflix Christmas teen rom-com that I’d been meaning to watch... it’s called Let It Snow (2019)?  Because it’s about a town where it snowed.  Or I guess there’s a speech at the beginning of the movie about how snow’s helpful for teens to realize they want to ram their parts?  Or I guess I’m not really 100% sure what the title is about, actually, because no one’s like “I gotta stop it from snowing!”  The snow is largely unobstructed throughout the movie.  Everyone’s pretty accepting of the snow. Let it snow, don’t let it snow, you really don’t have a choice in the matter either way... I guess the teens think they get to vote on it, just because we gave them too many participation trophies. Sad. 
Anyways, this was 2019′s other big Magical Snowplow Driver movie besides Liam Neeson’s Cold Pursuit, except instead of starring Liam Neeson, it stars America’s answer to Liam Neeson, Joan Cusack.  Who is, of course, fucking great, as she always is, 100% of the time.  Joan Cusack is so fucking good at being a Joan Cusack character in movies, just as consistent as ebola, except delightful... Joan Cusack: an ebola of delight.   
The big strike-mark against it is it’s based on a book co-written by that guy who got driven off Tumblr, John Green?  That’s the only thing I know about him, is he was like too lame for tumblr, or something, which is pretty wild because I mean.  I mean.  Respectfully.  How is that even possible...?  But it turns out it was co-written by Kay Cannon who did Pitch Perfect and a bunch of 30 Rock and the New Girl.  And it’s her and someone who wrote Finding Dory, so a Pixar writer, and a British comedienne, and like a lot of British people behind the scenes.  So I think they just make tasteful choices on this one, even if they’re not reinventing the wheel, and they’re delivering something obviously algorithmic... 
At least, they lucked out on the cast.  The only people I could identify was Spiderman’s sidekick from the Spiderman Goes to Europe movies (who’s in the movie to remind Asian boys that they don’t get to fall in love and they better get used to that... cool storyline!), and that Kiernan Shipwreck girl from Mad Men and Sabrina-- she hasn’t really found a thing that’s 100% worth her yet, like I think she should be in real shit, I think she’s pretty engaging when she’s in shit...  but that being said, I like seeing her in teen stuff because she just looks like she’s having a great time being in corny shit after having to be all sad and fucked up for Mad Men.  She gets to be the girl that a boy is horny for in this movie, and do a musical number, and her character’s called The Duke?  I 100% get why she’s in this movie.  I hope she had a great time and got her money.  (Of which there was apparently a lot on this one because they were licensing Stones songs!).  
Anyways, it’s based on some anthology book (it sounds like they changed it a LOT though, and all for the better-- the wikipedia entry for the book sounds pretty dire), so it’s like a teen Christmas romcom Magnolia, where a bunch of stories are going on and they only kinda barely intersect, and people have cancer and a lot of love to give but they just don’t know where to put it-- yeah, that movie was pretty much exactly teen-Magnolia.  I hope they make a teen There Will Be Blood nexgt, just about horny teens finding oil, drinking milkshakes, abandoning their boys except in a fun way, “I abandoned my boy... to spend a crazy night bowling and learning about french kissing”, something like that... 
But I just found it really pleasant to have on while I did other stuff.  It doesn’t really make sense that a bunch of teens are just partying on Christmas eve instead of spending time with family, and it doesn’t really make sense that the teens are super-excited about one whole little-tiny keg that a kid steals.  (”That teen movie needed harder liquor” -- me, a person of interest in many local crimes...)(I was the inspiration of that movie Ma!). And all the storylines are pretty well-worn (one’s just a retread of the Rashida Jones episode of Black Mirror, of all things, except in a teen holiday romcom...??)(It’s not very holiday-y).  But they just created a nice atmosphere, I thought.  It just overall felt good, just in how they executed the pieces of it, even if those pieces were maybe nothing dramatically original, at least as a thing I had on in the background while I did other, more stressful shit.  It’s not a To All the Boys I Loved Before, if that’s your question.  But is it better than the teen version of Uncut Gems I’ve been imagining while writing this paragraph, starring the cast of Stranger Things taking turns playing the Adam Sandler character?  Also no.
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hecallsmehischild · 4 years
Lately I’ve talked about several things where I have done well and have adjusted and healed a lot, so how about a mixed bag of flail for a change?
So my husband, Sergey, organized a ski trip for the three of us in the house this week. I have never been skiing. I am not what you call physically adept. I enjoy occasional ice skating, hiking, and kayaking so far. This was another venture to see if this was an activity I could partake in and enjoy. Sergey is already an intermediate skier and loves it. Our housemate (whom I shall dub K) has been skiing since a young age and is basically expert level. So we represented the whole ability spread.
K agreed to teach me to ski, and both he and Sergey were surprised at how fast I caught on at first. I have no scale to judge by, so I glowed at the praise, but I was mostly concentrating on snowplowing my way everywhere because speed was scary. (snowplowing is pointing your skis to form an angle to slow yourself down. The wider the angle, the slower you go/the faster you stop).
At the top of the beginner’s run the guys had picked out for me, I was nervous, but it wasn’t too bad. I pushed off and started down. I very quickly realized that I didn’t know how to stop. I was doing the snowplow like I’d been told, but at this angle, a snowplow pointing down the mountain didn’t stop me. It only slowed me a little. I probably could have stopped if I could sustain a wider angle of snowplow, but my legs don’t have muscle in the right places to sustain a wider angle without crossing my skis at the front tips. So I went zipping down the mountain, weaving beautifully.
Sergey later said he’d been impressed and had to increase his speed to keep up. K caught up and called, “You’re doing great!”
To which I yelled, like the punchline to some cartoon, “I CAN’T STOP.”
Eventually K talked me through turning so sharply that I was pointed perpendicular to the slope and THEN doing a snowplow. This finally brought me to a halt.
I was thrilled to be stationary. But I was also only halfway down the slope. And from that point on, the angle got slightly steeper. By now you might guess that to me, “slightly steeper” presents a problem.
The first time I fell down was on the second half of the slope. What we worked out, eventually, was that I can do a perfect, beautiful, sharp right turn to go perpendicular to the slope. But for whatever reason, I don’t know how to mirror that same move to make a sharp left turn. So my left turn is a lot wider, and I pick up a LOT more speed because I’m pointing partly DOWN instead of straight ACROSS. Then I panic and try to turn back, but the panicky right turn isn’t as sharp as it needs to be to keep me slow, so I pick up MORE speed, and by the third (left) turn I am going so fast that I tip over in panic.
Things I am afraid of on the slope:
Hitting little children
Hitting people who can’t see me coming from behind
I can’t find the brakes
Later on I would realize there was a connection between the fear I experienced on the slope and the driving nightmares I have from time to time. In these nightmares there will be some combination of these factors: the brakes don’t work; the brakes work but only nominally; I’m on the wrong side of the road and can’t get out; I’m on the wrong side of the FREEWAY and can’t get out; I’m not actually in the driver’s seat, I’m in the passenger’s seat and nobody’s driving. Every time, the loss of control I feel, the total and utter helplessness, reduces me to screaming and crying in the dream, mashing my foot where the brake is even if it does nothing. That is the same feeling I got when I kept picking up speed on the slopes.
Back to reality. I made it down the mountain the first time and decided to give it a second go. Once again, I did great on the first part of the run. It was a gentle slope and I could bring myself to a stop as needed. Even my bad left turn couldn’t get me going uncontrollably fast on a slope that gentle.
And then came the second half.
I fell three or four times. Once I smacked my head hard enough to see stars for a split second. I slid pretty far on my back that time. I’m sure an instant replay would have been funny... later. Several times I tried (in desperation to stop) to turn so far that my skis were pointing uphill... and then I started going backwards. I couldn’t pull out of that except by falling over.
And every time I fell over, getting up was a huge ordeal. Joints you take for granted in getting up off the ground normally are constricted by super rigid boots and VERY bulky clothing. I don’t have the upper body strength to right myself while still attached to the skis, so I would have to pop out of the skis every time.
The more I did that, the more snow and ice getting packed in my boots became an issue. See, if there’s too much in your boot tread or in the ski mechanism, your boot won’t go in right. Imagine trying to balance on one foot on the slopes, using a ski pole to whack your boot, and then trying to get it aligned just right with the mechanism, only to find you didn’t get enough ice off. Or you can’t get your foot at the right angle, and you have to try and tilt it more, but you’re not even sure which joint you’re supposed to be tilting to get it to match the ski. Maybe you know exactly what I’m talking about and perhaps this motion is easy for you, and if it is I sincerely congratulate you. I don’t have great balance. I kept stepping back into the snow, or I couldn’t get it in the mechanism right and the ski started slipping away, or I got in one ski and had to make sure it stayed perfectly perpendicular to the slope, adjusting every time I got off the line because I would start slipping with only one ski on.
It took us an hour to get down the beginners run the second time. I cried twice on the way down. It’s easy to talk about it after the fact, but in the moment I hated it. Hated myself. Hated crying like a stereotype, out of shock and overwhelmedness and frustration. I felt very weak and helpless on all kinds of levels.
Sometimes K and Sergey were both with me, sometimes it was just Sergey, but they were both very understanding and helpful and supportive. I came off the second run pretty sure I couldn’t keep going. In addition to my high strung emotional state, my legs weren’t strong enough to sustain the moves anymore, and I’d spent most of the rest of my energy trying to pick myself up and get back in the skis.
We got some lunch and talked things over. I chose to go back to our place and rest and walk around town. I was tired out of my mind and shop employees probably thought I was high, but it was nice to window shop. I even found a candle for Mom’s birthday. Then the guys and I went out for dinner and I thought things were going to be okay.
Later that night, as I tried to go to sleep, anxiety kicked in hard. I recall, now, that on the slopes I said to myself that I would pay the panic bill later, that I had to get down the mountain somehow, and I wonder if I delayed the reaction. Between that, altitude, attack, a what-have-you combination of factors, I lost all rationality. I was convinced that if I went to sleep, I would have a skiing nightmare and be back on the mountain all night, completely out of control. I wrought myself up so much, I ended up sick in the bathroom. I shook and shivered under my blankets for a long time, unable to push through anxiety to get to the sleep that I KNEW would straighten out my brain. Finally, I grabbed my phone, pulled up Spotify, and turned on Enya. With her soothing Celtic tones in my ears all night, I finally fell asleep.
The next morning, I explained to Sergey and K why I couldn’t join them. They both understood and relieved me of guilt, though K suggested that I should consider at least going over the bunny slopes (almost flat) at least once the next day. He said that if I left this trip with my very last impression of skiing as a bad one, general human psychology gave high odds that I would never try again. This made a lot of sense. I agreed to try the bunny slopes the next day so that maybe, in the future, I might be willing to try beginners slopes again. Just three runs on the bunny slopes, then I could be done.
I did self-soothing things. I slept another hour. I had a good conversation with Mom over Facebook. I had a hot bath. Then I joined Sergey for lunch and stopped by a used bookstore and rescued some Terry Pratchett books for cheap.
Last night, I went to sleep without panic. This morning I woke up calm. Happy. Ready to go. Well, I almost didn’t go because my legs still hurt so bad, but after some advice and a round of stretching, THEN I was ready to go. I started eating a good breakfast and piecing together my outfit when the anxiety started kicking in.
No big deal, I told myself. Just the bunny slopes. Just three times. It’s basically flat. Three times and I can stop.
The anxiety would leave for a few seconds at a time, but came back. It slowly began to amp up over the hour we all prepared. I checked with Sergey to be sure he’d come with me at least once, and he said of course he would stay with me a while. Reassured, I continued suiting up.
The. Anxiety. Amped.
I kept repeating, “three bunny slopes” over and over to myself. As I strapped on the boots. As I stumped out with the guys. As we sat at the bus stop. I have to be able to talk myself into doing this. It is in my reach, ALL of what I am going to do is TOTALLY within my capability, said the rational part of my brain. And it was right. But my anxiety screamed louder.
When a tinge of nausea hit, I had to ask myself if I really wanted to spend another bad night like this. I’d never worked myself up to be sick before this trip, but I guess the altitude factored in. I am, after all, from flat and valley lands.
And then... what do I want? That’s what really stuck out in my mind. I closed my eyes and said to myself, “Okay. I’m listening. What do you really want, here?”
Immediate calm. And the rather strongly rooted feeling that I really. Really. Really. Do not want to do this.
See, in the past I have been really good at ignoring what I really want if the things I want don’t align with desires of other people. I prefer to gain peoples’ praise and approval. To avoid judgment. I will do something if I think it is the “right thing to do” whether I’m objectively correct or not. If I really wanted to ski and it aligned with the desires of other people with me? I believe that I could push through that fear to do it. Heck, I push through fear to get on a roller coaster because I know for a fact that’s something I truly enjoy and I just need to override the fear to get on board. But the fact of the matter was, I really didn’t want to ski. And my push-past-what-you-want-to-gain-approval function doesn’t work as well as it used to.
I apologized to the guys and explained, briefly, why this wasn’t a good idea for me. They understood and wished me well. I thanked them (again) for their efforts and support, then stumped back to our place to have a hot bath. I’m really glad that they got more time on the slopes they enjoy these last couple days.
I walked up and down the main street of the town. I fed my addiction patronized another small bookstore. I found a card and a bookmark, each headed for someone special. I found silly knee high socks for me. I chatted with some of the employees of the stores. I finally found a really nice cozy coffee shop and set up here, and this is where you find me now. With a hot chocolate, not a mocha, because right now extra caffeine is the last thing I need until I’m back to my “normal” stability.
So that brings us back to the mixed bag of flailing. Quite obviously I did quite a lot of falling and failing. In many senses, I let my fear get the best of me. I didn’t push through and conquer, not even at the lowest bar set.
But on another level, I had some successes.
I tried a new thing and established whether I liked it or not.
I stopped pushing myself to do something that was scaring me, even if the fear was irrational. I came to realize, if it isn’t going to be fun for me, what is the point?
I listened to myself. I listened. To that part of me that I so often sweep aside because if I don’t go along, surely I’ll just be judged and left behind. Alone.
I expressed my preference. I made my own decision about my actions instead of allowing myself to be “swept along” when I didn’t really want to.
And this time I know I won’t be abandoned. It is safe for me to say, “I’m sorry, but I don’t want to. I hope you have fun, and I’ll meet up with you later.”
I sit here in the coffee shop, unspooling my thoughts. I didn’t conquer my fears about skiing, but I did listen to myself. I didn’t drag the whole trip down like I worried I would, either. I hope that in the future, I will be less afraid of many things, but for now I will continue to feel out what my pace is.
And this is not a wasted trip by far. The guys are having a blast on the slopes. I’m enjoying the local artists and booksellers and coffee joints and the glistening snow I so rarely see. Bundling up tight against the cold and relishing the warm/cold sensations that go with this clothing/climate duo. I get to welcome them back with a smile and either listen or join in on evening discussions. This has been a good time, even if it didn’t go as expected, and that is another win in my book.
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