#i love doing shit like this eeeee
pu1itzer · 2 months
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DAILY PLANET ID : the one on the top left , this is the most used press badge of her collection that enables lois to navigate through metropolis easily . the access includes to the daily planet building and access to her floor . the daily planet logo is prominent throughout . lois' staff number is 1125 and her card access number is 3650994203 . her official job title is senior writer .
CITY OF METROPOLIS PRESS PASS : the one on the top right , mostly used out of state . it is essential that this pass is used beyond the boundaries of delaware if lois ever wants a story out of town . her press access number is AF28192 . the district of metropolis sigil is prominent throughout . issued by the city of metropolis , this is her most used pass when going to places like gotham city . each pass is unique , identifying the individual and their news outlet organisation .
LUTHORCORP MEDIA PASS : the one on the bottom left , used only at luthorcorp events . the pass is only allowed in use at the luthorcorp plaza and luthorcorp owned buildings . this pass was given to lois by lex himself after their first meeting and will eventually get revoked and reissued to her numerous times in her career . the pass has restrictions to only access what lex will allow . the pass has a microchip placed within the plastic so luthorcorp can identify press members quickly and efficiently .
WHITE HOUSE PRESS PASS : the one on the bottom right , only used when attending the white house for official stories . the access only grants lois to the press room and the south lawn , it must be worn at all times in washington dc . lois has had her credentials revoked numerous times and reissued dependent on the incumbent president . this is property of the united states government . the barcode must be scanned by security and the id number must match the government database .
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sixsticks · 6 months
Kicking and squealing as I realize I have attracted the lifers fans to me by posting fanart. Like yes yes come.
Come to me you moths. Your curiosity will burn you, your desires will set you ablaze, your desperation will lead you into the fire. And I will have moth wings on my sidewalk, singed and cold from the cool night air. Your last moments only graced with a moments acknowledgment.
Sorry I need to write a fanfic again my inner drama kid is picking the lock on his cadge again.
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spr0utsies · 2 months
i forgot how good finishing a long book that u actually like feels ❤️ i havent read a book over 500 pgs without skimming since probably early high school so doing my fucking. homework last night i felt the whimsy of childhood again
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oneforthemunny · 27 days
eeeee my favorite game ever!!!
bouncer!eddie, angst, “say that again”
oof starting off strong with some bouncer!ed angst!! also small tw mentions past infidelity and cheating. sorry it's the lore. also they're kinda really mean in their fighting.
"I don't even know why you're so mad." Eddie huffed, hands flinging upwards with dramatic irritation. "I didn't do anything."
"Yeah, you didn't this time." You snapped, teeth clenched in such a fury you were surprised they didn't snap, crack and fall out like an old Tom and Jerry cartoon.
"Oh, here we go!" Eddie threw his head back. "Here we fucking go again-"
"-Yeah, here we go again, you asshole-"
"-Why do you always do this, huh? You always do this-"
"-Do this?" Your voice shrilled, lifting into a yell. "I didn't do anything, you fucking piece of shit! You were the one who couldn't keep your dick in your pants-"
"-Oh, don't fucking do this! Don't fucking start this! We weren't official! We hadn't made it official, you know that!" Eddie's own voice raised, rising above yours.
"Oh, we hadn't? We hadn't made it official?" You sneered, eyes narrowing in challenge.
"We didn't-"
"-We didn't but you told me you loved me? We weren't official, but you were telling me you loved me, and I was the only one you'd ever loved, and you were staying at my place every fucking night!" Your voice was beginning to scratch with how harshly you were yelling, body burning with a furious rage.
"Jesus fucking Christ, you always fuckin' bring that up. How many times are you going to throw that shit in my face? I told you I'm fucking sorry, I'll say it again- I'm sorry." Eddie's tone lacked the sincerity it usually did, the heart crumbling sincerity and remorse that it held the night he'd poured his heart out to you after. This time, it was filled with annoyance, dripping with sarcasm.
"You're not fucking sorry. If you were sorry you wouldn't be such a piece of shit, you wouldn't continue to do this. Let all these girls touch all over you, entertain them!" You jabbed a finger towards him. "Honestly, how would you feel if I let some guys do that to me? If I was slutting myself out for them the way you are-"
"-Oh, like you don't." Eddie scoffed with an eye roll. "Like you don't act like a slut to get tips. It's so much different though, right? Because you're getting money out of it. Makes it so much better."
The room fell quiet, both of you shocked by his words, the anger and harshness in them. Your heart beat thunderingly in your ringing ears, mouth falling slightly with shock. Eddie's eyes widened, mouth closing with realization.
"What did you just say?" You sneered, a much quieter tone than before, but somehow it was worse. Made Eddie cringe, a shiver running up his spine.
"Wait, ok, hold on," Eddie stammered, holding his hands out gently. "I-I didn't- I didn't mean that, baby, c'mon. You know I- I was just fucking mad-"
"-But you still said it." You grit. "So say it again. Look me in the eye, and say it again."
"What? No." Eddie shook his head. "No, I-I didn't- I'm sorry, alright? I shouldn't-"
"-No, say it. You clearly meant it." You glared at him, voice eerily even and calm. "So say it again. Be a fucking man and say that again."
"Look, I-I'm gonna go for- We need to just chill." Eddie's heart was hammering, racing so hard his head was spinning, hands shaking when he grabbed his keys and lighter. "I-I didn't mean it. I-I was just mad, and-"
"-And you think I'm a slut?" Your lips pressed together, eyes flashing in a hurt that had Eddie's stomach turning. "I'm the slut? Me?"
"Ok, I'm not-" Eddie ran a hand under his bangs, damp hairline and clammy hands running over his forehead. "I'm going to smoke, ok? Let's just- let's take a time out." His voice was rising in octave, nearly squeaky with guilt.
"You cool down, I'll cool down, and-and we can come back and talk like adults." Eddie stepped backwards, eyeballing you carefully. His heart sank when he saw your lip wobble, eyes watering with tears threatening to fall. His hand wrapped around the doorknob, knees tensing when you turned, stomping towards the bedroom, slamming the door so hard the trailer shook,
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usedtobecooler · 1 year
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if it's not with you | tom grant x fem!reader
Pairing | Tom Grant x Fem!Reader
Warnings | sexual content 18+ minors dni, unprotected piv sex, vaginal fingering, general banter, flirting, all around fluffiness.
Word Count | 5k
A/N | eeeee i'm so excited to share this fic with you all!! honestly i've fallen in love with tom all over again writing this, i hope you all enjoy this flirty fluffy cuteness!!
This caravan park was easily the worst place you’d ever been on holiday to. You couldn’t even lie to yourself — the entertainment area was outdated, the food was far from good, the staff were mostly rude and unhelpful, and the caravan you’d rented for the week was the biggest piece of shit.
Your idea of a nice, relaxing beachside break from the city was basically down the pan the moment you arrived, though you had to admit the one saving grace was in fact the gorgeous beach, barely thirty steps away from your rental, all golden sand and crashing waves. It was peaceful, quiet — the school summer holidays were over so it only left the caravan owners and the odd few stragglers without kids behind. 
Summer was barely clinging on, the nights were beginning to close in fast and the air was feeling that bit crisper once the sun set, like it had done every Summer since you could remember. There was still the odd humid, hot day, and this was one of them. 
Muggy beyond belief, despite the cool sea breeze rolling in from the East. You were sweating, skin feeling sticky as you sunbathed in peace, laid out in a one piece on your towel. Regardless of the factor thirty, you already knew you were going to burn — you always did, no matter what. The harsh rays from the sun were unforgiving to your sensitive skin, leaving you flushed and freckled.
You feel the figure looming over you pretty quickly. The slight darkness on your left hand side as said person blocked the sun. You let out a deep sigh, using your hand as a makeshift sun visor as you open your eyes carefully, squinting up into the sun.
You spy the caravan park logo on his polo shirt immediately — site worker, clearly. He’s all curly hair, pale skinned and a goofy grin on his face as he clutches onto the magazine you’d taken with you to read, obviously blown off in a gust of wind when you’d been blissfully unaware, “Think this was trying to do a runner on you,” His voice is unexpectedly deep, though still chirpy, as he extends his arm out with the magazine rolled up in his hand.
“Thanks, mate,” You bark out a little embarrassed laugh, propping yourself up on an elbow and taking the magazine from him. Your fingers brush, and you can’t help the flush that creeps up to your cheeks at the barely-there touch, “It’s shit anyway — one of them magazines people get paid fifty quid to share their fake stories to, y’know.” 
The man snorts, shoves his hands into the pockets of his cargo shorts, “I know the ones, my mums obsessed with them. Surely nobody believes the ghost stories?” He’s making conversation, not in any rush to get off, and it’s strange. He’s maybe the second worker you’d encountered who was genuinely an alright person. 
“Oh I know, in this one they’re claiming the ghost made toast in the middle of the night. Didn’t realise they could open a loaf of bread, who’d have thought it?” You humor him, and he properly laughs at that, kicking his toes in the sand as he looks down at you. 
He’s awfully pretty, you notice, as you look up at him properly now the glare of the sun has been blocked a little. Big brown eyes and a freckled nose, tinged pink from too much sun and not enough sunscreen, no doubt. Nice full lips and a cute chin, chains dangling on his neck. Very typical English boy, but that was always your type.
Your mouth runs dry, now that you’re suddenly aware of how attractive this man is and you’ve just called him mate. Ground swallow you now.
“Anyway, I’ve got to get going,” He looks sullen at that, nose scrunching up a little, “Duty calls — these old fuddy-duddies who arrive this time of year always find something to moan about.”
“Well, you enjoy that…” You blush, giggling like a dickhead, suddenly aware of the fact you’re lusting over a man who’s name you don’t even know,  “Sorry, I never got your name. No nametag?”
“Tom,” Tom digs in his pocket, a small triumphant noise escaping him when he pulls the old nametag out between two fingers proudly, showing you it, “I usually don’t wear it. Can’t be fucked when these arseholes complain about the staff and name us to management.” 
“Well, I’ll make sure to name you to the staff when I check out and let them know you were a very helpful young man, Tom,” Your voice drips sarcasm and humour, and you know you’ve got him hook, line and sinker when he bellows a true laugh, throwing his head back and exposing the vast expanse of his neck, veins protruding. Your thighs clench.
You’re both shook out of the little bubble when somebody starts shouting Tom’s name from behind you both, startling you. He rolls his eyes, tapping the watch on his wrist, “Gotta go, darling. You need anything just ask for me personally when you phone, yeah?” 
You nod, dumbstruck as he smiles wide at you, pearly white teeth on display. He takes off in a jog, and for the first time you truly understand the term ‘hate to see you go, but love to watch you leave.’ 
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You bump into him again two days later, in the laundry room as you’re banging on the washing machine that currently had four days worth of clothes and underwear locked in it. It’d swallowed your token, locked the doors then refused to start, and you were raging — three quid down the fucking drain, just like that.
He knocks up behind you unexpectedly, his hip catching on the soft flesh of your ass as he leans over to pop a token into it. You suck in a breath and hold it, watching with awestruck eyes as the tendons in his wrist flex when he turns the dial. The machine whirs to life, water beginning to fill the drum in just mere seconds.
“What’d I tell you about just shouting for me if you needed anything?” Tom’s smug, lips so close to your ear they’re almost brushing the shell and you have to literally shove down the gasp that almost makes its way up your throat. He’s so close to you that you can feel the heat radiating off of his body, and a shiver ripples up your spine. 
“I didn’t expect to need maintenance help for washing my underwear,” You bristle, trying to act calm as he brushes past you and opts for leaning against the machine, hands once again buried deep into his pockets — he’s wearing grey joggers this time, clearly to match the miserable and dreary weather outside. You avert your gaze from the obvious bulge in his trousers, willing yourself to just get a fucking grip.
It doesn’t help when you lock eyes with him, and he’s all gooey brown orbs and long eyelashes. It’s embarrassing how much you fancy him, and now you feel like a right slob — down here in your leggings, hoodie and crocs of all things. Hair up in a messy bun and no makeup on, on account of the severe sunburn on your nose and cheeks.
“C’mon, we’ll go back to the token machine and I’ll get you your money back,” Tom nods towards the door, a small smirk tugging at his lips. You want to tell him you don’t need the money back, but a little part of you wonders — and hopes — that he’s offering to do this so that you have an excuse to wander off with him.
“Sure, lead the way my saviour,” You joke, extending an arm out towards the open door. He scoffs, rolling his eyes with a look that could only be described as fond on his features as he saunters past you. You feel your cheeks heat up, and it’s not from the sunburn this time.
“What’s brought you to Cornwall, then?” He asks conversationally — you’re bumping arms you’re that close, and the corridor isn’t even that narrow, he’s just naturally gravitating towards you. You plod along slowly and he matches your pace, your heart thudding in your chest as your hopes were confirmed; he was being nosey, interested in getting to know you.
“Not much, I like the beach but I live in London so I don’t get to see it much,” You admit, shoving your hands into your hoodie pocket, “I work from home, too. So I thought I’d maybe get some work done whilst I was here. The wifi is shit, by the way.”
Tom winces, shooting you an apologetic look, though it’s clearly a mockery, “Yeah, this place doesn’t have much going for it, darling. Though it’ll give you an excuse to actually enjoy your break instead of worrying about work, right?”
You’re walking so slowly you may as well be at a standstill, and you know it’s because the token machine is barely ten feet away, “Yeah, I suppose you’re right,” You admit, because it’s true — you’d hardly even thought about your job since you got here, enjoying your time soaking in the sun and the peace away from your roommate, “What about you? You from around here?”
“Born and raised,” Tom shrugs. You glance to the side, watching as his adams apple bobs up and down when he swallows, “I live on the site now, though, have done since I was sixteen. I’m here all year with Kai, you’ve probably seen him around, angry looking dickhead with a buzzcut. A girl called Jade used to live here too but eh, she’s gone now.”
You hum, acknowledging what he’s saying. You want to pry, the way his voice changed when he spoke about this ‘Jade’ character leaves a bitter taste in your mouth — an ex, maybe. But you were basically a stranger to Tom, so why would he explain that to you? 
The both of you stop right at the token machine, and Tom fumbles for his set of keys, flipping them until he finds one with a red tag on it. You watch his hands the entire time, thirsting silently — god, his hands were so nice. For a maintenance guy, they were clean, nails manicured, the skin soft. You could tell he took care of himself, and that made him all the more attractive to you. 
He slips the three pound coins into your hoodie pocket, knocking you out of your daze. His hand bumps against your waist when he pulls it out of said pocket, leaving you feeling flustered. There’s no way he’s just being nice, he’s flirting, albeit subtly. 
“Thank you,” Your voice is breathy, catching in the back of your throat as your eyes search for his again, though it doesn’t take long before his eyes are locking on yours once more, “Don’t know what I’d do without you. Or that three quid, actually, that’ll get me another shitty magazine from the shop and a bottle of Coke.”
Tom laughs, showing off his ridiculously perfect teeth once again, “You’re right, it will. Hopefully the ghost story in this one’s a bit better —” 
There’s a sudden harsh knock on the window behind your head that has you leaping out of your skin. He glances up to where the source of the banging came from, and he’s huffing, rolling his eyes, “Gotta go, darling. Another dickhead to deal with. Remember what I said, need anything just shout for me, yeah? Enjoy your magazine.” 
He lands a soothing hand on your shoulder just barely before he’s taking off, and your skin burns even through the thick material of your hoodie. 
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There’s one day left of your holiday. One miserable day. You hadn’t seen Tom at all since your encounter in the laundry area, and you had to admit you were feeling deflated over it. You hadn’t been avoiding him, in fact quite the opposite, but your paths had just never crossed again. 
The weather was unbearably hot once more, worse than the first day you’d met Tom, not even a breeze coming in off the sea, and you were desperate for a cold shower to rinse off the sweat from your now sunkissed skin.
The caravan door slams shut behind you as you step foot inside, basking in the little bit of cool air in the living area that’d been bathed in shade the entire day. You strip off your two-piece without a second thought — your caravan doesn’t look onto any others, and you don’t see anybody around, so there was nobody to scar when you stripped naked. 
At the beginning of your holiday you didn’t believe you’d ever become accustomed to the tight living quarters, especially the bathroom, but now that you’d been at the park for a week you almost couldn’t imagine going back home to your shitty little flat in Central London. You actually enjoyed the peace and quiet, and you were saddened about leaving.
You couldn’t deny that Tom was part of that, too. Though you’d hardly gotten a chance to know him you were drawn in, and the thought of heading home the next day and never seeing him again was weighing heavy on your shoulders. 
Stepping into the tight shower, you twist the dial to turn on the water, only to be engulfed in a roaring hot heat that has you yelping and gasping. The sharp sting of the scalding hot water hitting your sunburnt chest brings tears to your eyes, your hands flapping to turn the dial back until the stream stops.
You jump out of the shower, grabbing for your fluffy towel that you’d set in the open window that morning, pulling it around your bare body and tucking it in until it’s sat nicely. The ends of your hair drip wet, the water cooling fast, an almost pleasant feeling in comparison to what you just felt.
There’s not a second thought before you’re dialing 0 on the phone in the living area and asking for a maintenance person to come look at the shower, reeling off that the water was scalding hot and had burned you. The person on the other end sounds bored, uninterested and far from shocked when you tell her what happened. You hang up and, in your anger, stick up your middle finger at the phone. 
You didn’t even think to ask for Tom. You perch your ass on the arm of the U-shaped sofa, nervously chewing on your bottom lip and shaking your leg as you wait, wondering who it’d be that showed up to your call. You really, really hoped it’d be him.
Not even five minutes go by before you’re hearing a rapping of knuckles on the glass pane of the door, and you answer it quickly, all street smarts going out the window as you pull the door open just clad in your towel. Tom stands on the narrow step, clutching onto a metal tool box, and you breathe out a sigh of relief that it’s him.
“Fucking hell, that burn looks sore,” Tom looks with bug eyes at your chest, taking in the look of your skin tinged a deep red, much darker than the rest of your sunburnt body. You flush, moving out of the way to let him in, “If you put in a claim for that this place would be shut down.”
He laughs about it, but visibly looks nervous. You can’t help but wonder if, as much as he complained about the job, he genuinely liked it. Or maybe it was all he knew, which was also probably true, considering he had told you he’d been here living since he was just a teenager. A pang in your chest asserts itself at that realisation.
“I wouldn’t worry about that, it’s my own stupid fault for stepping into the shower before turning it on like a silly bitch,” You shake it off, a wobbly little laugh escaping you, “Nothing a bit of lotion won’t fix, Tom.” 
“No, it’s fucking ridiculous that this even happened,” Tom grunts, stepping past you and wandering the short distance into the bathroom. You follow him like a lost puppy, clutching at the top of your towel with one hand, standing in the doorway as you watch him flip his toolbox open, grabbing for something and banging the shower door open. 
“Dunno why they still rent out this caravan every summer there’s so much shit wrong with it, told the manager it was fit for the scrap yard two years ago,” Tom’s conversational, unscrewing the shower tap and fiddling with it as if you’re not standing there basically naked and still slightly damp from your failed attempt at hosing off.
You’re trying to look anywhere but right in his direction. It’s hard, though. Out of the corner of your eye you can see his arm bulging and straining under the tight material of his polo shirt as he uses his wrench to tighten a bolt, “S’okay, I got it pretty cheap. I’m away home tomorrow, didn’t want the next poor sod to get burnt like I did.”
Tom shoots a glance at you, brows marrying for a moment until he’s turning back to the job at hand, “I didn’t realise you were away so soon, fuck sake. If I’d known I would’ve come and seen you earlier. You’re alright, y’know?” 
“Thank you?” It comes out as a question, and you can’t help but feel somewhat offended by his choice of words, “I suppose you’re alright yourself. Probably the only decent member of staff I’ve spoken to this entire week.” 
“Yeah, the nice face and banter are just a bonus, eh?” Tom flashes you his teeth again and it has you rolling your eyes, though a fond smile tugs at the corners of your mouth, “Not like those posh London boys, they’re stuffy and boring.”
“You’re right about that,” You agree, watching as he throws the wrench back into the toolbox blindly, the tool landing correctly in its place. It’s now or never, you think, as he screws the tap back on. This is it, after this last chance meeting you’re not gonna see him again. “Who’d have thought something as simple as catching a blown away magazine would have a girl weak at the knees?” 
You cringe at yourself, though Tom’s head shoots around. He looks at you with a confusion etched on his features, and you have to physically stop yourself from rolling your eyes. Surely you were being obvious enough, right?
You watch him dumbly step out of the shower, even going as far as to shut the screen door behind him, “What do you mean?” He asks, quirking a brow. Clearly you weren’t being obvious, then. 
“Is it not totally obvious that I’m into you?” You scoff, wanting to lean forward and rattle that devourable looking neck. He’s clearly so clueless, it would actually be kind of endearing if you didn’t find it so infuriating. 
Tom balks at you, taking a step closer to you, which has him almost right up in your face, with how enclosed the space of the bathroom is, “Really? I’m really shit at reading signals, sorry, love.” 
Love. You melt at the pet name, going all gooey. You take your chance, fingers tugging at your towel until it’s loosening on your body. He watches you with curious eyes that soon turn lust filled, when you let the towel drop to the floor and pool around your feet.
You blush under his intense gaze, taking in the swell of your tits, the pebble of your nipples, the curve of your hips, the mound of your cunt. He takes another step, so you’re basically toe to toe, and he exhales loudly.
“Not done this for a while,” Tom admits, as his large hands engulf your waist, pulling you closer to him until your naked body is flush against him, the soft material of his worn-in work polo a pleasant feeling against your skin, “Can I kiss you?” 
You nod, far too fast, too eager, but he clearly doesn’t seem to mind, leaning in until his plump lips are capturing yours. You melt into it, arms wrapping around his neck to tug him in closer, fingers burying in the hair at the nape of his neck.
Tom deepens the kiss quickly, tongue running over your bottom lip and you open up willingly, letting him slip his tongue into your mouth. His own tongue glides along yours deliciously, has your pussy clenching and your legs shaking. He moves you blindly backwards, like he knows the entire layout of this caravan — which he probably does, has probably been here many a time.
The backs of your legs hit the bed and you let yourself fall backward, opening your legs for Tom to nudge between them, one hand still on your waist tightly, other slipping down your leg, fingertips digging into the meat of your thigh. You shiver, unable to contain it, the feeling of the hands you’d thought about so much the last week finally on you was almost enough to drive you crazy.
Tom’s hand skates higher and higher up your thigh, until he’s cupping the heat of your cunt. He’s the one to break the kiss, pulling away from you to look you in the eyes properly, like he’s looking for confirmation that you’re still good and you’re okay to keep going, “You okay if I touch you?” 
You melt. You nod, and he dives in, kissing the side of your neck with spit-slick lips, leaving you gasping and writhing below him. He bumps his hips down into you, and you feel the outline of his hard cock brushing against your inner thigh.
Suddenly, your carnal desire for him overcomes your every being, your hands falling from the back of his neck to fist into his shirt, bunching up big handfuls of the material, “C’mon, you too?” You beg, voice whiny, completely distracted by how Tom bites and kisses at your neck, “Need to see you too.” 
He sits back on his haunches, smirking down at you, hands leaving your body and in turn leaving you cold — though it’s not for long, as you watch him pull his shirt over his head, tossing it to the side. He dives back down into you quickly, bumping those godforsaken hips down against your pussy this time, leaving you gasping.
That stupid, shit eating grin never leaves his face until he’s burying his face back into your neck, peppering your skin with kisses, hand nudging between your legs again, until the pads of two of his fingers finally dip in between your slick folds, gathering your juices on them. He grunts against you, rutting his hips down again, “Fuck, you’re so wet.” He mumbles, caught off guard by it.
“Mmph, all for you,” You gasp, breath catching in your throat when he finds the swollen, sensitive bud of your clit and starts rubbing in small, tight circles, until your hips are pushing up into the air, “Oh God —!”
You lose yourself in the feeling of Tom lathering you in kisses, the way his plump lips ghost along the stinging, burnt skin of your chest and soothe it, his fingers working on your clit until your cunt is gushing wetter than before. He’s so sensual, passionate, taking the most attentive care to your body, and it’s driving you wild.
“You feel so good on my fingers,” Tom groans in between kisses, looking at you with those pretty, chocolate brown eyes, now mostly blackened with lust, “Can’t wait to feel you on my cock, babe.” 
You squeal, a moan punching out of you when his fingers leave your clit just barely to dip into the entrance of your pussy and glide back up, taking some of your milky wetness with them. You clench, quivering at his words, a deep heat blooming in the pit of your belly, alarmingly fast, “I’m so close,” You admit, losing yourself in the pleasure of Tom’s fingers catching on your clit, winding you up tight, tight, tight.
Tom kisses the swell of your breast, lips dragging down until they latch onto your nipple, licking and sucking until you’re crying out. He can’t take his eyes off of you, watching every contortion of your face as he makes you fall apart. Your fingers grip into his curls, tugging lightly until he’s groaning, vibrations echoing up your chest.
His fingers work at that same torturing pace, sliding in circles until you’re arching off the bed slightly, coil in your tummy snapping, your entire body tensing and going lax just as fast as your orgasm washes over you, a gush of slick slipping from your hole as you shake through it.
Tom works you through it until you’re jerking away, fingers unwinding from his hair and pushing at his shoulders instead. He presses a light kiss to your nipple, pulling himself up and slipping his fingers from your cunt, “Was that okay?” He asks, though he’s smiling, proud of himself, clearly.
You nod, catching sight of the prominent bulge in his grey joggers, sudden desperation to get to his cock overtaking you — you lean up, tugging at the waistband of the offending material until it’s bunched around his thighs, uncut cock springing out proudly, you gasp, “No underwear? You always wander around like this, you slag?”
Tom laughs, shaking his head, “No, I wasn’t on shift but took the call because I knew this was your caravan,” He admits, and you giggle, a little swell of pride in your chest. That little admission was enough for you, he did like you as much as you liked him. 
He dives back into you, capturing your lips with his own, and you take that opportunity to get a feel for his cock, deft fingers blindly wrapping around the length and giving him an experimental tug, pulling the foreskin back. He gasps into your mouth as you work him up and down, your thumb swiping over the tip, and he’s punching his hips into your hand.
“Keep doing that an’ I’m gonna cum before I get to fuck you,” He mumbles against your mouth, nibbling at your bottom lip just a little. You take that as your cue to stop, hand dropping from his cock and instead wrapping around his bicep.
He makes a show of it, like an arsehole, grabbing a hold of his cock and sliding the tip through the mess of your cunt, catching on your clit and gliding it back down, until you’re gasping and silently begging for it, digging your nails into the meat of his tanned arms.
“C’mon, Tom. Please?” You whisper, looking up at him with pleading eyes, and he takes the bait — he slips his cock into you in one fluid motion, until his balls are flush against your ass. You couldn’t have been prepared for the sheer thickness of him stretching you from the inside out, a gasp escaping you when the head of his cock brushes along your frontal wall.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” Tom moans, burying his head into the other side of your neck this time, kissing and biting at your flesh until it’s raised. He pulls out, slamming back into you to the hilt, and you clench around him, unable to help it, the curved head of his cock brushing against the spongey part of your cunt perfectly, “God, babe, don’t do that, I’ll cum so quick.”
You moan, clenching around him again until he’s groaning, fucking in and out of you properly, your cunt sucking him in, gushing around his length. You’re overwhelmed by the feeling of him all over you, his lips and teeth on your neck, his hair tickling your face, his toned torso crushing down into yours, his cock sliding in and out of the tight heat of your pussy.
“You feel so good around me, fuck,” Tom’s mumbling against you, words almost getting lost in your skin, but you’re fucking melting for it, the praises having you keening up into him.
You feel your orgasm building quickly, unaware of how loud you’re moaning until Tom’s picking up the pace of his thrusts, the slap of his hips against your ass echoing in the room, the wet schlick of your pussy mixing with the other sinful noises. 
“M’gonna cum,” You cry, tears pricking at your eyes as your tummy blooms with heat once again, orgasm building a lot quicker this time than the last time, and Tom pulls himself away from the crevice of your neck, looking at you with his lust blown eyes, swollen red lips open in a constant moan, “Fuck, Tom, s’good, so good,”
You’re babbling and Tom groans, fucking you so rough you’re sliding up the bed — your high hits you so hard you see stars, eyes squeezing shut as your cunt flutters and gushes around the girth of Tom’s cock, fingernails biting into his arms so hard that you know you’re going to leave behind broken skin.
“Oh shit, oh fuck,” Tom’s voice goes high pitched, eyes rolling into his skull as your pussy grips him like a vice, and he’s coming too, hips stuttering as he paints your walls in his release, cock pulsing in the tight heat of your cunt.
You mewl, spent body giving into everything. You feel like you’re floating, unable to comprehend what just happened. Tom’s looking down at you with this big dopey grin and you smile back, leaning up to kiss him languidly as his spent cock goes soft.
Tom slips out of you with a hiss, collapsing down next to you, chest still heaving on breath, “You sure you’ve gotta go home tomorrow, darling?” He asks, voice quiet as he tugs you into him, those big arms engulfing you in a tight cuddle. Your whole body melts into his, your mind blank of anything but him. Maybe you didn’t have to go home just yet. 
“I suppose I could see about hanging around for another week… or two,” You admit, and Tom cackles in triumph, squeezing you tighter until you’re giggling into his chest, heart swelling.
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hanasnx · 11 months
I had this idea in my head a bit ago for Hobie but I just wrote it up now (it’s not very good, my bad LMAO)
So he loved to have his head between your thighs - especially when cuddling. Like he loves to just lay down with your thighs on either side of his head and have you scratch his scalp while he watches tv or something.
One day, you’re both in this routine again, relaxing in the afternoon - one hand scratching his scalp while the other holds a book - reading it aloud for him. While your reading - almost lost in the words - Hobie turns his head to the side and starts kissing your inner thigh, making you stutter slightly before continuing to read. Hobie continues his action, pressing light kisses to the soft skin. He can smell you getting aroused by his actions, which only gives him a boost of confidence - he parts his lips and let’s his teeth graze against your thigh before biting down , starting to suck. A moan escapes your lips. The hand on his scratching scalp halts as your words fail you, the book falling to the side slightly. You whimper as Hobie’s teeth detach from your thigh. “Keep readin’ love, I wanna hear your voice,”
His voice is hoarse and low, sending vibrations throughout your body. Hobie turns over, stomach on the bed as his eyes are met with your soaking panties. Realising you still weren’t reading, his gaze meets yours through his eyelashes. “What did I say? Keep goin’,”
Gulping, you pull your hand from his scalp so to hold the book up - stabilising it so it wouldn’t shake to much. As you start to read aloud again, Hobie parts his lips as his tongue licks a line between your clothed folds. Your words come out as a stutter - eyes glancing down at Hobie who meets your gaze before you continue to read. Hobie taps your hip and you lift them, his fingers hooked around your panties as he pulled them down, giving him full access to your dripping cunt. His tongue hungrily laps up all your slick before diving into your hole. You were so wet, so ready. Hobie couldn’t help but smirk slightly as your voice echoed through the room - stuttering and moaning as you tried so hard to concentrate on the words in front of you. He wanted to praise you, to tell you you’re doing such a good job, but he didn’t want to interrupt.
Instead, his tongue left your aching hole, replacing it with two fingers as his lips connected with your neglected clit. Your back arches, moans growing louder as you struggle to read aloud. Your hips rolling against him and he matches you, his devious smirk growing wider as he adds a third finger - your hole taking it with ease. Hobie’s fingers curl, hitting the spot that made you moan his name like a mantra - sending warmth and desire straight to his cock. He couldn’t help but moan himself as your hips start bucking against him, desperate for a quicker pace. He obliged, his fingers pounding into you, drawing such delicious sounds from your lips. He looked at you, your eyes meeting his as you feel a knot start to form in your stomach. He could feel how close you were, your pussy clenching around him, drawing his fingers in. Hobie’s lips work faster on your clit, keeping eye contact with you as your eyes flutter and roll with pleasure.
You beg him. “Please, Hobie please,”
“Gonna cum, hmm?” His voice sends vibrations through your clit, making your body jolt. You nod, “I’m so close, please,”
“Cum for me,”
han i wish i had shit to add but i just have to say i so enjoyed reading through this thank you for writing it and sending it to me !! it’s so rare i get to feel like the reader and i got to this time!
like the idea he makes you keep reading while he’s messing with you omg he’s such a dick like that and the mouth+finger combo is my favorite
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pastel-peach-writes · 11 months
Caitlyn + Vi x Reader who’s wayy shorter than them or wayy taller than them and how’d they’d act
"Daw, But You're So Cute!" | CaitVi x Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: how CaitVi would react when you're taller or shorter than them!
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Lower Case Intened, Cursing, Slight Short Jokes, Not Proofread, No Use Of Y/n
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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– one, if you're taller than both of them... HOLY COW????
– YOU'RE SO TALL! literally i would waste all my money on you but you're not here for me. ANYGAYS
– with caitlyn, it was lowkey love at first height.
– someone she has to look up to? wow.
– she was used to people looking up and her and her having to look down at them...
– honestly, she's gotten used to looking down at everyone. she's gotten so accustomed to it, when she realized she had to look up at you, her heart was pounding.
– and then she found out you like girls? DING DING DING. we have a winner!
– because you're on the taller side, like her, she'll recommend you places and brands that have inclusive lines for taller people.
– she'll even reccomend her favorite tailors and tricks she has.
– also, no questions asked, she's sending you a custom bed.
– hers was custom-made because she's on the taller side and she knows how expensive longer mattresses can be. well, she can assume.
– so she gets you one!
– if you're also the type of person who likes to wear cutesy stuff but can never because it doesn't fit your torso right or your legs, caitlyn to the literal rescue.
– like i said, she'll tell you all the stores and will get tailors for you. she'll create a whole clothing line for you if she has to.
– as for vi, it's 50/50.
– she's on the taller side of women, but christ if you're taller than her... geez!! (in a good way.)
– she'll like to tease you two, saying she has a type: taller humans.
– vi will also put her face in your chest when you cuddle. even if you have none, her face is in your chest.
– she won't make "how's the weather" up there jokes, but she will slap your ass when the opportunity is presented. why wouldn't she?
– "it's right there! what am i supposed to do? see it and not hit it? no way!"
– when it comes to the three of you together, you all make amends for each other.
– you want to sit on a lap? sure! who's? no, you're not too tall.
– you wanna be the little spoon? okay! get in the middle.
– height literally doesn't change a single thing for you three...
– well, you and caitlyn like to play pranks on vi by putting stuff on the top shelves.
– it makes the two of you laugh and giggle to see her climb up onto the counter or having to use a step ladder to get what she needs.
– she will never ask for help or get a helping tool in front of you two either so if you're watching her, she'll suffer in silence.
– she'll pout on the couch too after not getting what she wanted.
– eventually, you and caitlyn give in and give her the item she wanted and it's like she was never even pouting!
– if you three are out and about and some jerk tries to tease you about your height, vi and caitlyn are the first to defend.
– they'll call the person names (vi) and say that they're jealous they don't have the height they desire. (vi) and say how rude it is to comment on someone's height like that (cait) and that it's not something you can control (cait)
– all and all, they love their partner the way you were created and they wouldn't change that for the world
– as for first-sight shit, vi is ELATED to find a partner shorter than her.
– homegirl isn't short, but she sure as hell isn't taller than caitlyn.
– she doesn't mind being shorter at all, but damn, how she loves pinning someone to the wall and blocking them in with her whole entire body because she's taller than them.
– 100+ ego!
– she will not stop flirting with you, purposely making you look up at her and asserting her dominance
– and oh baby. if being short doesn't stop you from channeling your inner cockiness, vi has a treat coming.
– you'll let her pin you, force you to look at her, etc
– but the moment you flirt back?
– oh? what's this? a flustered vi? oh no! what should we do?
– caitlyn gets an absolute kick out of it but that doesn't mean she's safe either.
– you will flirt with her all you want.
– okay, so, if you read the taller section, you saw that the reader and caitlyn often put stuff on the top shelves to see vi struggle or to get her to ask for help... well.. caitvi does the exact same shit to you as the shorter partner.
– those tall pieces of shit put stuff up at the very top (its so high caitlyn can't reach without a boost) just to see you struggle and ask for help.
– caitvi won't tease you mockily for your height, but vi has someone in the relationship who's smaller than her... she will be teasing, just a bit, for fun.
– she might call you shortstack, but if it gets too far, caitlyn will call her shortstack in return just to see her face turn red.
– "that's not my nickname, that's theirs!" "well, you're both shorter than me, vi, so you're a shortstack too."
– vi absolutely HATES that shit so she won't make short jokes anymore after that.
– like in the first section, they'll buy you clothes or special items to use to help you out in life.
– like, modern au, they'll get you those seats to boost you up when you're driving, or they'll find outfits in the petite section of the store.
– if you're not that much shorter than them, they'll still buy you all that shit. tall or short, you are getting pampered baby!!
– speaking of which, they do not CARE if you're short and wanna be the big spoon. they'll be happy to adjust and move around.
– one thing that will concern them is them sitting on your lap. they don't want to crush you, but that's what they'll think no matter your height.
– if a JERK asks you how's the weather like down there and asks if you're even allowed to be outside without your mOmmY, vi is kicking ass and caitlyn is sending daggers.
– vi will try to throw punches but you or caitlyn usually pull her away before there's any contact.
– caitlyn will scold them and would say their heart is smaller than you
– then when you walk away, caitlyn apologizes profusely for that line but it was the only thing she could think of in the moment.
– like the first section, caitvi loves you the way you are and they won't trade anything for the world.
WC: 1,118
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jonnnysuh · 1 year
Dating S Coups would include
A/N: HIIII Happy new year !!! Long time no see. I wanted to write one of these for so long but it just wasn’t working out…. And then my brain came up with this out of no where. I’m not sure how well this is gonna do bc it’s been a while ((also no one has ever requested s coups??? So I’m really doing this for no reason LMAO)) I’m ngl i kinda popped off on this one. also fun lil treat at the end <3
Series Masterlist
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Crushing stages:
This is a friends to lovers type of man!!! I cannot stress this enough
You meet each other when you’re kids and one day he looks at you and it just clicks
At first you refuse to believe there’s something between you two bc you’ve known him for so long
But there’s something about the way he says your name when he’s sleepy, how he always makes sure to be on the “dangerous” side of the sidewalk for you, how he is the one thing in your life that feels stable and warm and right
One day he’s like “fuck it” and goes for it bc there is no feeling in the world as definite as his love for you
Bc you’ve been friends for actual eternity he knows you so well
It goes beyond just remembering all the foods you do and don’t like (which he does know) … HE CAN TELL WHEN YOU’RE LYING
Also bc of this, he’s the first person you go to for advice
You know he’ll be honest and fair and help you come up with the right decision bc he just… knows you
Sends u drunk texts bc he cannot stop thinking about u ever
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100000% compared hands with you when you were just friends LMAO AND STARTED INTERLOCKING FINGERSJSJDKSK
He does not get tired of listening to the story of when you realized you had feelings for him
Will do things for you even if he’s tired out of his mind as long as it makes u happy
If u needed a glass of water in the middle of the night there is no question about,, he’s getting up from bed to make sure you have it
“Text me when u get home” 🫡
Brings up embarrassing childhood stories about you
But don’t worry you also got some dirt on him so he won’t be hehe-ing for too long
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NOOO I FEEL LIKE HE’D ENJOY MAKING LEGO FLOWERS WITH YOU (or any sort of thing where you guys can sit in comfortable silence,, as long as you’re together type thing)
Is not afraid to tell you his opinion
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And won’t always agree with u
Sometimes he wont say it tho, you can just tell by his face…. But also guess what Cheol ur not the boss 🤬🤬🤬
Loves late night drives !!! Eeeee imagine listening to music in the car with him and singing your lil hearts out
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One hand on the wheel one hand on you
Having a Spotify blend of ur guys’ favourite songs 😭😭 and they’re always in rotation 😭😭😭 Imma cry rn
He said “I love you” first. Tbh he always knew he was going to be the one bc he can’t help it, it’s so easy with you
Cuddles after a long day
“C’mere” in his tired voice FJOSFIOWJXJKWNS!!!
Spoonfeeds you bites of his meals
Your parents really really like him ((he’s so charming I fear there was no choice))
Sends u cute lil update pics
Nah he for sure has an album in his phone called “us <3” or some shit with just pics of YOU GUYS AHHHHHH
For some reason I feel like he’d like the sound of his SO’s voice
Is your voice of reason when u wanna make a dumb decision … but will that stop u from being dumb sometimes??? I think not
Lowkey…. Blows u kisses…. No one else is allowed to see tho ok shh
Your whole house smells like him after he visits bc his cologne is STRONG
Often times when you’re cuddling in bed he’ll be looking over your shoulder so u guys watch TikToks/videos together
Soooooo supportive! He’s so proud of you!!
Competitive asshole
It can be the most mundane thing ever but he has to win or even just tease you about it
Voluntarily gives you his sweaters and shirts
Lifts you up a bit when you guys hug
Long-term bets ((just cause y’all know you’ll be together for a longgggg time))
Calling each other by your childhood nicknames
He gets excited when you guys talk about the future he literally cannot wait to spend his entire life with you
Taps on his cheek for a kiss jfodjdjkdnd
Plays with your hair so gently that it causes you to fall asleep
“How are you, my baby?”
Protective. If he thinks someone’s gonna mess with you he’ll step in at the exact right time
Lowkey gets jealous,, he needs that reassurance sometimes
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NAHHHH imagine saying “make me” to this man …. That’s all I’m gonna say
Bites u (lovingly)
Loves going grocery shopping with you and taking an extra long time in the snack aisle
Has the urge to sing cheesy love songs around you bc you make him feel like those songs!!!
If you do something cute he’ll blush
Messing with him is so much fun bc theres literally endless ways to go about it
You have the privilege to push his buttons
Either one of you bringing up childish shit like “REMEMBER WHEN WE PLAYED FREEZE TAG AND YOU DIDNT UNFREEZE ME??”
If you start showing him things on FaceTime he’ll give you his full attention like he’s in the room with you
Gets pouty when he wants a kiss and you’re not giving it to him
NAH if you get sulky coups it’s over with you’ve already lost … the man is getting what he wants
play wrestles with u
The way he looks at you there is honestly no denying that he is so in love with you
The one person in the world who knows everything about you
Loves a good deep talk but fair warning: he will get emotional about it
All I’m saying is s coups is a certified lover boy methinks
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Oh, I just had to send this in for the blurbaton this weekend.
Eddie: But if she doesn't want me for the sex or the weed then why is she with me?! We may have to consider the possibility that Y/N is crazy!
Steve: Or, here's a thought - perhaps she's fallen for you? In love with you?
Eddie: Wait, what?
(a little angst and smut and fluff, preferably!)
Eeeee bb thank you I love this
Warnings: lil bit of smut (18+ only minors DNI!), language, mention of drug use
WC: 620
Eddie flings open the door to Family Video, flustered and deep in thought. He runs his fingers through his frizzy curls.
"Hello to you too, Munson," Steve says with a smirk. "You here to rent a movie or bother me at my place of employment?"
"The second one," Eddie huffs, slamming his hands on the counter. "Dude, I'm so confused."
Steve laughs. "It's pretty simple. Two comes after one, before three...you'll get the hang of counting soon, little buddy."
"Ha ha, good one. Eddie Munson's an idiot. You're such a comedian," Eddie rolls his eyes. "Just listen," he exhales exasperatedly. "You know how Y/F/N Y/L/N asked me to the movies a few weeks ago?"
"The girl in your algebra class that you've been obsessed with?"
"Yup, that's the one," Eddie laments. "So last night, we're hanging out at my trailer, right? And I offer her a joint like the gentleman I am, and she goes, 'No, thanks. I'm good.'" He throws his hands in the air. "What the fuck does that mean?"
Steve gives him a wry smile. "Uh, more weed for you?" He picks up a VHS that someone left on the counter and checks it back in. "And what was she doing at your trailer?" He cocks an eyebrow.
“That’s the other thing!” Eddie groans. “After she turns down the joint, we start makin’ out. Starts getting hot ‘n heavy, one thing leads to another...” He trails off, lost in his memories. You’re straddling his waist, taking his huge cock in your small hand, giving him an innocent look and asking, “Is this all for me?” He could’ve cum right then and there, but he’s glad he didn’t, because he felt so right deep inside you, your name tumbling out of his mouth as he thrusted into you.
“Okay, enough information,” Steve wrinkles his nose. “So you had good sex--”
“Mind-blowing sex,” Eddie interrupts him pointedly.
“Fine, mind-blowing sex,” Steve corrects himself. “I’m still not seeing the problem here.”
Eddie huffs. “The problem is that when we finished, she didn’t jump up to leave. She stayed in bed with me and we just, like, held each other.”
“Did you want her to leave?” Steve asks, confused.
Eddie shakes his head vigorously, curls covering his face. “No! But that’s what all the other girls have done. We get high, we fuck, they ask me for a discount, and then they bolt.”
“But Y/N didn’t do that.”
“Exactly!” Eddie shouts, and Steve’s glad no one else is in the store. "But if she doesn't want me for the sex or the weed then, why is she with me?! We may have to consider the possibility that Y/N is crazy!”
"Or, here's a thought,” Steve offers, “perhaps she's fallen for you? In love with you?”
Eddie just stands there, dumbfounded. “Wait, what?”
“Let’s look at the facts, Munson,” Steve starts, ticking them off on his fingers. “She asks you out. Keeps going out on dates with you. Even helps you study so you can finally graduate this year...”
“Holy shit,” Eddie’s eyes widen. “What do I do?”
“Well, how do you feel about her?” But Steve already knows.
Eddie bites his lip. “I think I love her, too,” he says softly. “Holy shit,” he repeats, “Harrington, I’m in love.”
Steve chuckles. “Then you’re gonna go to her house and tell her, before she comes to her senses.”
“Okay, okay,” Eddie concedes, bolting for the door. “Thanks, dude. I owe you one.”
Steve shakes his head as he watches his friend clumsily climb into his van and speed off. 
“Always the goddamn matchmaker.”
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bearw-me · 1 month
Can you please do Loona x Male Vampire Sinner Reader? Thanks for your time!
no problemo anon! my first loona request eeeee!
𝐈 𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐨 — 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐇𝐜𝐬
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𐐒 includes : loona x male!reader, blitzø mentioned 𐐒 cw : fluff, mentions of biting/blood/cannibal town/death/killing, i swear as per usual 𐐒 summary : just little imagines with loona and her cool new boyfriend + vampire!reader doing vampire stuff 𐐒 note : i had creative freedom w this request and i RAN with it
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Loona loves your teeth, like 'it makes you look hot'
Loona saying her teeth are bigger and smiling just to tease you
if you were comfortable, she'd one day, awkwardly ask you if she could see your fangs (they are so sharp it has her blushing)
you make her nervous/scared, in a very good way, like her hands never know what to do when she talks to you or where her eyes should be
is it disrespectful to be staring at your lips so intently?
if you catch her, she looks away really fast
as her boyfriend in general, her tail always starts swishing back and forth when you're around (especially if you were in the dating stage of a relationship)
I think she'd like 'romantic bad boys', and when she thinks of a vampire she is obviously adoring you from head to toe (talk about gothic fantasies coming true!)
isn't fazed by blood (i mean her dad's a paid murderer. . . she's a paid murderer. . .) but don't try to hug her of kiss her with that stuff on you
but god would she think you'd look so fucking sexy with that shit!
is afraid to introduce you to her dad, Blitzø, so she just doesn't. . . she can wait and keep things casual before you're introduced
texts you all night like a love-sick puppy
and it feels easier for her to text you how she feels in the moment (although she is an honest person)
im loving this hell-hound/vampire dynamic btw guys (fic???)
you remember the spring-break trap her and I.M.P did on spring break? she'd do that for you too if you needed a little drink
plus, i think she'd find it attractive if you killed someone for her, and to think you'd be jealous someone else wanted her too afterward
an extremely loyal person/girlfriend
you literally make her heart melt, and god if it doesn't get on her nerves
(as we've seen) loona's very socially awkward at first, especially if she really likes you
romantically speaking, you'd have to make the first move or she'd stumble into it herself
likes your style (if we assume vampire!reader is typical vampire)
Loona's literally a love-struck girl, like just gleaming at you with soft eyes all the time, you'll just catch her staring at you with the most innocent smile in all of hell
'love-bombs' pretty much overload her brain
(vampire!reader can turn into a bat) she'd find it really cute, especially if you stayed still so that she could get a good look at you
(sleeping upside down also has her heart doing little flips) and she takes a picture to have on her phone (you probably wouldn't know it even happened either)
date w/ loona in cannibal town
the sun wouldn't be an issue in hell, so she'd have the liberty to see you whenever she wants right?
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propertyofkylar · 8 months
I really love what you write about Whitney 😍😍 I’m not sane about him at all, especially after everything Vrel unloaded… good dad Whitney, Whitney loft event, Whitney and his plushies. I LOVE HIM SO MYCH😞😞(sorry.) he’s so real tho. Would you write anything soft about him spending time with his family? Like him, PC, and his son in their new home after skipping town. I think he would be a boy dad tbh. Sorry for my long ask 👴🏻👴🏻
eeeee anon thank u that's so nice! and no need to apologize. this is a whitney lover safe space.
i LOVE this prompt....gonna go crazy with it.
cw: not much, just mentions of previous dol canon-compliant abuse
Whitney quietly closed the door behind him, instinct telling him that someone inside was fast asleep.
He was right. The first thing he saw walking into the tiny flat was you and your son, curled up on the couch, fast asleep. The sight brought a smile to Whitney's face.
It was still such a novel concept to him. Never in a million years did he expect to have his own small family, much less enjoy it. But here he was.
It hadn't been planned, Whitney thought as he took a spot next to you on the couch. But when you told him you were pregnant and he was the father, he knew he had to make a change.
The two of you had worked hard. You took the money you had and ran. Now, you were here. Far away from that godawful town and all the horrors that resided in it.
Whitney worked in the day and took classes in the night. His free time was spent with your child. You worked odd jobs like babysitting and cleaning homes - jobs you could do with the baby - and took online courses. Life was busy and exhausting. You didn't have much, but Whitney was working towards a better future. For his family.
You stirred next to him on the couch, letting out a yawn with your eyes closed. "Thought I heard you come home."
"Morning, slut," Whitney teased. The afternoon sun was starting to set.
You weakly smacked him on the arm. "Told you not to call me that in front of the baby."
Whitney rolled his eyes. "He's asleep. He won't know."
You opened your eyes finally, just to roll them at Whitney. You handed the slumbering child over to him. "Your son has been a needy shit all day. Just like his dad."
Whitney chose not to point out the hypocrisy of your language, opting to be nice. He wrapped his free arm around your shoulders, admiring the tiny family he had.
"Got a nice tip today," he announced. "What do you say I treat my slut to a nice dinner?"
You sat up, raising an eyebrow at him. "A nice dinner?"
"Fish and chips is nice!" Whitney protested. "Whatever. Can't you just be grateful?"
"Mm, no," you said with a smile. "But I'll take the dinner anyway."
Whitney leaned back and sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "I thought after all this time, you would stop being so annoying. Guess I was wrong."
Your grin grew wider. "Yeah, but you're stuck with me now."
"Guess I am," Whitney said with a smile back. Only, he didn't feel stuck.
In fact, he felt freer than he ever had.
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abiiors · 8 months
meet cute 🧡 // ross macdonald x reader
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promptober '23 - day 1
a/n: full disclosure, i wrote this for alex a long time ago based on a story he told. anyway i'm so excited to do this eeeee!!! cw: bad flirting and even worse puns i am so sorry wc: 800
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“next please,” the cashier announces as you walk up to the till. 
this has been a lazy morning for you as you stand there, bundled up against the chilly october air. your plan for today is a simple one; wake up at a semi-respectable time, get breakfast at your favourite bakery, wander around, and maybe go to the new bookstore that’s just opened up. just take it slow for the day. it isn’t often you get to have these slow days to yourself anyway. 
“good morning,” you smile at the cashier, handing her the breakfast sandwich and asking for a cappuccino. 
“that would be £5.49, is there anything else i can get you?” she asks.
you look around to see if anything else catches your eye and right there, behind the till are the most adorable cookies you have ever seen! little pumpkins and zombies and witches, you name it. 
you point at them, “can i also have one of those ghost cookies, please?” 
the voice that comes out, however, is not yours. instead, it’s deep, masculine and rather attractive. you turn to look at the man only to find him already looking at you. just as you suspected—he is gorgeous and has a charming dimple-y smile that is now directed at you. the leather jacket he’s wearing is the perfect kind of vintage that fits him just right. his hair is tied up in a bun, a few strands escaping. it dawns on you then, you have indeed also asked for the cookies—perfectly in sync with this handsome stranger. 
he turns back to the cashier in front of him, “wow, you could say they’re selling like ghost cookies,” he finishes with a shit-eating grin, clearly proud of himself.
the poor cashier just looks so confused that you can’t help the laugh that escapes you. it’s such a bad joke really, the fact that you laughed at it says more about you than him. but you can’t help yourself. 
“glad to see someone appreciates my humour,” he smiles widely at you again. 
“well…i wouldn’t exactly call it humour,” you tease back as you finish paying for your food. 
“well, got you to laugh though, didn’t i?” he flirts back. 
just as you are about to leave the store, he hurries after you. on the one hand, you could forget about this cheeky little interaction with a hot stranger or you could see where it goes. before you have the chance to overthink that, he stops in front of you. 
“i’m ross,” he smiles, a hint of shyness quite clear on his face even when he properly towers over you.
you bite your lip to keep your grin under control, coyly letting your name slip. if it were even possible, ross smiles wider.
“and just so you know,” you continue, “i was laughing at the poor cashier’s face.” your tone is light enough that he knows you’re teasing. you laugh when he responds with an over-exaggerated sad face. 
you both step outside the bakery, the chilly october air nipping at your cheeks. the warmth of the cappuccino cup in your hand is a comforting contrast. ross looks around, a little pink from the cold air, a little hesitant just like you are. 
“so i guess i—”
“i was just planning on wandering around town by myself,” you look away, a bit mortified when you realise you’ve interrupted him. he was probably about to say goodbye and go on his own way. a little voice in your head groans at you, reminding you that not everyone is as free as you are today. 
“oh my god i’m so sorry. i’m sure you’re busy, sorry, i just assumed. forget i—”
“not a ghost of a chance,” ross interrupts your rambling, face splitting into a shit-eating grin one again—clearly proud of his terrible pun. 
it’s so bad, you should be groaning at it and rolling your eyes. instead, it makes you giggle. 
“i would love to join you if that’s what you were offering,” he smiles again. it reaches his warm, hazel eyes, making them crinkle at the sides. 
“i don’t know what your plans were… but, yeah, i wanted to check out this bookstore?” 
“a reader,” he nods appreciatively, walking alongside you and sipping from his coffee. you turn to study his profile. he’s tall and handsome and exactly like someone from a romance movie. seems impossible that a day that started out as a casual saturday is turning out into something purely out of fiction. 
“i try,” you hum, taking a bite of your ghost cookies. they’re delicious—sweet and crumbly and buttery. ross laughs when you involuntarily let out a moan. 
“sounds like i made a great decision,” he winks, digging inside the paper bag to fish out his own—a little jack-o-lantern. 
“sounds like you did,” you respond, happily taking a second bite. 
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lemme know what you think <33
taglist: @scooby-doodoo, @partoftheairforce, @justgoatsbreakinghearts0855 @beachesgetpeaches, @you-muppet, @mcabister, @alexmarie29, @at-her-very-foreign, @hfkait, @squishysoupy @sierraeslaprincesa @harrie-fic-center @alien-girl-violet @thereisaplaceintheheart @kennedy-brooke @lolidontknowanymore @theoriginalwhatsername @celestcies @sugarkane1001 @ari-turner @thewaywewereinsaigon @daphnesutton @beliefandsayingsomething @ros3chu
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corpsebasil · 8 months
I'm not sure if your requests are open, but maybe awkward reader with confused ethan? She's Tara's roomate so she knows ethan but more of in a hallway crush type of situation. She'll see him at a small get together and turn on her heels the second she see him. He's confused and so is tara. She just bottles up her emotions and hopes they go away by themselves. Ethan really like her but when he asks her out she thinks it's a prank. Love your writing btw
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It confused Ethan at first.
He’d known you for almost a year now. You were his partner in Biochemistry and Tara’s roommate which basically meant you were around him almost constantly. But you were skiddish. He wasn’t sure what he’d done wrong but every time he saw you—whether it be at a party, in the hall, after class—you’d dart away, making him feel like something like a leper.
“What is it with you two?” Tara demanded, watching as you rushed, slightly pink and breathless, into the dorm you shared with her. You’d been out to get ice and had run into Ethan by accident, spotting him in a tight black shirt and flannel pants that made your heart slam against your ribcage. “Did he say something offensive? Are you allergic to virgins?”
“Stop it, Tare.” You sighed, face warming further as you dumped the aforementioned ice into a shaker and began helping her make cocktails. You both had been experimenting with bartending lately and you were vastly more skilled than she was. “He’s just—he’s…”
“He’s what?”
“Annoying? Dorky? Reminds you of a bump on a log and you—”
“I like him, dammit, okay?” You cut her off, shooting her a look. She quieted momentarily before laughing, her doe eyes closing as she tipped her head back on a giggle. “What?”
“God, Y/N, you’re just as oblivious as he is.”
He caught you, finally, one night in the laundry-room. You came in to put on a load and he was there, folding shirts while wearing a pair of sweats. He looked good, meeting your gaze and giving you a cautious grin as you darted to a machine.
“Hey, Y/N.” He said, voice a bit groggy with sleep, and you got instant butterflies. You offered him a noise that could mean anything in response and he paused his movements, watching the side of your face. “Did I…do something?”
“Did I do something wrong?” He asked, the t-shirt he’d been folding staying halfway done. “Because I feel like you’re avoiding me.”
You added soap to your machine and shrugged, looking for a response to give him. You came up empty and he made a sound of annoyance.
“That’s it?” He asked, and sighed. “Am I invisible to you or something?”
“I—“ You glanced over, alarmed. “What?”
“Am I a ghost?” Ethan continued, dark brows furrowed. He waved his arms in a comical motion that you supposed was meant to imitate a spiritual entity. “Did I kick your dog? Cut you off in the parking lot too many times?”
“So you do know my name.”
“Of course I—”
“Then why are you treating me like a social pariah?” He laughed half-heartedly, running a hand over his face. “Shit, forget it. I’m tired. I don’t know what I’m saying.” He gathered his stuff as you watched, slightly speechless. “Wouldve liked to take you out, you know.” He added, almost off handed, and passed out on his way out the laundry room.
I’m shortening this because I’m rude
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WC: Around 9k (I'm so sorry I literally couldn't stop writing OR you're most welcome!
A/N: Holy flippin' shit balls. This took me forever to write! And I'm super sick of reading and editing it.
Anyway, I really hope you all like it! Thanks for reading!
NSFW 🔞 🔞 🔞. Sanemi x Giyū x Reader (y/n).
Sanemi is kind of an asshole but sexy as f. Tomioka is kinda fun/funny.
It was November, and the air was already turning cold in the Japan countryside. Today's training had been a particularly rough assembly. The Wind and Water Hashira bearing down upon you all the wisdom of the old ways. It was so exhausting. You thought the training would never end.
Finally, Tomioka and Shinazugawa agreed it was time to end this meeting. You were shocked at their mutual decision to stop for the day. They hate each other. And it wasn't like them to cut things short, but you had been out there since 4 am. Even the strong have to sleep, you figured.
You head for the co-ed shower, about 10 minutes away. It crosses your mind that there may be others there tonight after the intense training. But you're so desperate for some relief from the pain emanating from nearly every muscle in your overworked body that you shake the thought off and continue on.
You arrive at the bath house just as the sun is getting ready to set. No lights had been turned on yet, but you didn't care. There was something so serene about showering in near darkness. Removing your uniform, you glance around looking for any signs of other people - especially Hashira - in the house with you. You saw and heard nothing, sure you were alone and could proceed without modesty.
You stood there, mindlessly absorbing the heat from the hot water dripping onto your tired and battered body. A noise. The door opening? "Heh- hello?" You asked. Feeling like an idiot for standing in the dark all by yourself and asking who was out there. Not that you couldn't handle yourself, should the situation arise. But you were damn tired and not in the mood for any drama.
"Hiii y/n! It's just me!" A sweet voice answered back to you. "Oh, Mitsuri! I'm in the back left corner." You couldn't hear her light footsteps as she approached you. But then you saw her gorgeous green eyes and lush skin glowing in what was left of the golden sun's rays as she rounded the corner. "Oh ..." You let out a little squeak. "Oh dear, y/n. I'm sorry, is this uncomfortable for you?" You felt yourself turn an unnatural shade of red as you twisted your right leg around so your foot was resting on your painted toes. "Really, I can shower another time if this doesn't sit well with you, y/n."
Mitsuri was a godess. You wouldn't exactly say you were attracted to her. But she was, through and through, a beautiful person. "Noo! It's fine that you're in here. Of course, it's fine. I don't think I could ask anyone to leave, even if I was uncomfortable. It's a public shower space. If I don't like it, then I should shower in the privacy of my own room. But the water is just so much hotter here," you both laughed at the sad truth of this. It's like the Corp wanted its members to intermingle.
"Oh, yay! I always enjoy your company, y/n. May I braid your hair after we shower?" You had a difficult time telling her no when you weren't exhausted. But trying to deny her something she genuinely enjoys. Tonight? Uh-uh. She was going to braid your hair if you were conscious or not. And somehow, that wasn't at all weird to you.
"There you go, y/n! You look so pretty ... eeeee!" Was this woman ever not giddy? You admired her exuberance. You both got your robes on and headed back to your rooms. "Thank you for braiding my hair so beautifully, Mitsuri. I love it! Are you going to be back at it tomorrow?" She wasn't participating in the training this week because she was assigned a mission in a nearby village. "Yes, I will be there for 3 days. But it's ok, I do the village girls' hair in my downtime. It's so much fun!"
She turned to hug you goodnight, and you couldn't help but melt into her touch. You were so tired and she was ridiculously warm and soft. And she smelled fucking delicious. Like vanilla, cinnamon, and sugar in melted butter. She was a walking cinnamon roll.
"Now, I know that Giyū and Sanemi can let their own turmoil get in the way of teaching you new slayers how things are done. But just know that if it boiled down to it, they'd both lay down their lives for any one of you. Especially you." Her eyes got bigger, "Have you noticed how they both look at you, y/n?" She winked and blew you a kiss as she pushed her door closed.
"I have a cavity from how sweet she frickin' is," you quietly said to yourself. You had just stepped up onto the wooden pathway that was built for the wet weather months. It looked like it'd been there for hundreds of years. You followed that as it led you between several of the buildings, headed to the one your room was in.
The night had gotten even colder since you said goodnight to Mitsuri. You wore nothing under your robe. Nor did you dry your hair before Mitsuri braided it. Shivering, you began looking around for any sign of movement. You were fairly confident that it was late enough, and no one would be out to see what you were about to do. It would be ok to do this.
Hastily, you pulled open your robe, and you were completely exposing your front. It wasn't as if you were parading around like this. You were making a mild adjustment, so you could be a bit warmer on your walk home.
You began to straighten your robe out at your sides. Looking down at your front, preparing to wrap it tightly around your shivering frame. You turned a corner right as Tomioka came from the other direction. You smashed your naked body into him. A Hashira.
"Ho-mi-god," he whispered. You let out a small yelp. As you jumped back, you tripped over the edge of the pathway. You landed ass first in a huge mud puddle that was more mud than water, and to make matters worse, you continued to topple in reverse so the back of your head smacked into the drier area of the ground. The braids Mitsuri gifted you not thick enough to cushion any of the blow. You were still exposed as you sat there. You were trying to come to some conclusion about what just happened here. But it didn't stop at you and your ass smooshing into the mud.
You were seeing stars. Or was that just Tomioka standing over you?
"Oh god, oh my god," he stuttered. "Are you ok?" His normally monotone voice was rich with concern. You sat up on an elbow while your other arm tenderly rubbed the knot that was already forming on the back of your head.
"OW! Mitsuri JUST did my hair!" You whined. You didn't mean to say it like that. But Jesus, the impact was so hard that your head is pounding in pain. Tomioka jumped off the raised walkway and went to help you. He was getting flustered at your laying there. And it was hard for him pretending to be oblivious to your tits and cunt on display. "Tell ... uh ... you, no me ... FUCK! I'll tell you what you want - I mean you tell me what you want and I'll tell you what I need ... Goddamn it!"
"How hard did I hit my head?" You asked. "Is this me who's not understanding? Or are you having some sort of malfunction?" He managed to compose himself enough to say it one more time. Correctly. "Tell me what you need here." He sounded even more serious right now. "How can I help yoooohhh sshhhhit! Whoa-whoa-ohhh!" He completely lost his footing and slipped, landing right on top of you between your spread and anchored legs. His face fell into your tits. He just let his head sink into you, "I'm sorry."
You had such a hold on where your ass had planted itself that when he landed on you, you didn't slide back. So you felt the impact of his body slamming into yours. All. Of. It. You looked at him as he lay there, turned on, and humiliated for being in such a state over this. Over you. You began to giggle. But that soon turned to raw arousal as you realized his dick was pressing into you. Granted, there was a layer or two of cloth restricting its access to your warmth. No, this wasn't funny anymore.
Tomioka wasn't the slightest bit amused by this, either. You had a feeling it was for a different reason than being so close to one another that it wouldn't take much at all for him to just slip right into you. Agitated, he started to push himself up off of you. He slipped even harder than before. This time, it was his mouth that met with yours, and he let out a low moan. His stiff cock even more apparent, pressing into you. You almost died of emptiness.
Though, how awkward, this position you two were in. He's lying - Giyū fucking Tomioka is lying on top of me. Between my legs, hard as fuck. And he just kissed me, you thought. You were doing every single thing within your power to not grab him by the length of his hair and kiss him back. Well, sorta. But he wanted to fuck. And you wanted to fuck. You knew this much was true.
Footsteps. Someone is coming, and they're going to find you, and Tomioka, sunnyside up. "What the hell is all this racket out he-." Sanemi stopped dead in his tracks. His skin turned even more white than it usually was. One more second passed that felt like an eternity, and he began laughing at the two of you. Doubled over laughing.
"You idiots," he bellowed. "Sure, y/n's fuckable, Tomioka. But show some restraint for Christ's sake. You're in a mud hole. She's a new member of the corp." He laughed even harder at his observation. "Master is going to just love this! The king of abstinence was found dry humping a new recruit in the mud. Oh fuck. You can't make this shit up." He bent over laughing at the crack he made at Tomioka's expense.
"Shinazugawa, quit being an asshole and help us." He folded his muscular arms over his chest and said down to Tomioka, "Ah ah ahhh. That's no way to talk to the man who's going to save not only your ass but your little girlfriends, too."
Girlfriend? Your body was gushing at the idea of being Tomioka's girl. He was so sexy with his stoic demeanor, dark hair framing his face and his deep blue eyes behind all of that. Watching him closely for any reaction he might let slip, you shifted beneath Tomioka so your cunt was lined right up with the tip of his dick. Still just as hard as before, if not harder.
"Sanemi! At the very least, would you help. y/n? Please?" You could feel Tomioka's muscles relaxing and contracting against your body as he moved around on top of you. Could he feel how hot your cunt was through his uniform? And what about the accidental kiss? Did that even count as a kiss? Yes. You decided. It was a kiss. Albeit, a fluke. But oh god, his lips were so soft and warm against yours in the cold night air. You were pissed Shinazugawa showed up.
"C'mere, dumbass." He said, reaching both arms out to you, and then he was completely taken aback at the sight of your blatant frontal nudity. The robe was a matted clump of silk at this point. Even if you didn't want him to see you this way, there was little you could do about it right now. "You ... you're totally. Well, hot damn, y/n. Not bad, not bad at all. Anyway, don't get any wise ideas about pulling me in there with you. I don't have time for your shit." You grabbed hold of his hands. They were so much bigger than yours. And rough. It excited you to be able to touch both of these men like this. On the same night, no less.
Sanemi Shinazugawa, you thought, was too tough for his own good. He was always a prick. Acting like he couldn't stand a single person at the Corp. You never got the breakdown about why he was always so closed off. But you did know that he has lost a lot, and he has a younger brother somewhere around here. Who's just as angry and closed off as he is.
You found yourself feeling sorry for him sometimes. But all it would take was for him to make some off-color remarks, and you were brought back to reality about who he was and how he showed that to others.
"Y/n? Hello? Are you just going to stand in front of me ... all naked and shit? ..." Sanemi seemed to hesitate when he was asking you this. Like he wanted you to stand there naked. His already deep voice lowering even more, "Here. Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked you while pulling your robe closed around you. You were so captivated by his presence that it wasn't even a shock to your system to be embraced by cold mud. It had also taken you a minute to process that you'd been pulled up from the ground, back onto the steadiness of the raised wooden walk and really, very close to him.
"I hit my head pretty hard. But I should be -" You stopped talking and reached back to feel the knot forming larger underneath your gross hair. "Ahhh ... it's pretty painful, actually. Do you think I should see Shinobu about this?"
Tomioka scrambled to his feet, still sliding every way possible. You reached your hand out to get him on the wooden walk. He gently took hold of your wrist, wrapping his fingers around it. He said, "Shinazugawa, hold y/n so I don't pull her back into this shit." Sanemi wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him. "Mmmughnn" was the noise your stupid body made when he touched you. Really. Could it have been any other sound. Jesus.
He was so fucking hot. Temperature wise and otherwise. You could feel his thick legs through your filthy robe. The filthy robe ... "Oh, oh shit. Master Shinazugawa? You ... well, your pants are ..." You said quietly, in complete fear (and prayer) that he'd get down on one knee, bend you over the other, and start relentlessly beating your bare ass. "I know, I know." He said, his lips pressed to the top of your wet hair.
"Come. ON. Tomioka!" Sanemi snapped at him. With a final pull, Giyū was up on the platform with the two of you. Dripping brown water from every part of his person. He squeezed his hair out and took off his haori. You gasped a little too loudly when you saw how his uniform clung to him. Trying to cover the new stupid noise your body surprised you with, by telling a little lie, "Well, gentleman, I'm freezing and dirty. So, I'm heading back to the showers. Good night Master Tomioka, Master Shinazugawa. Please, if you don't see me at training tomorrow, come retrace my steps and look for me to be unconscious out here. I don't think I hit my head that hard, but let's err on the side of caution, hmm?" You bowed to them both and started into the night. Slipping occasionally as the mud between your toes was walked off.
Giyū looked at Sanemi. They were both in need of a bath. But recently, in the Hashira House, there had been some plumbing issues.. And that meant no hot water. This normally wasn't a big deal for these two Hashira. But it was rather cold tonight, and they were concerned for your well-being. At least Tomioka was. Though Shinazugawa would never admit it, he was growing quite fond of you. The way your hair smelled when he was holding you to pull Tomioka up made his dick hard instantly. He had you back against his left leg, where he only half hoped you wouldn't notice the flood of heat and pressure against your cushiony little ass.
"Goddamn it ..." Sanemi said in response to the look on Giyū's face. "Well, you go, or I go. I'm not going to hold your hand and skip all the way to the bath house. Besides, I can tolerate the cold water better than you." Sanemi was stopped short as Giyū pushed him down into the mud. Tomioka's lips formed what almost appeared to be a smile. "See you there. Or not, asshole."
In each hand, Sanemi picked up huge clumps of mud and hurled them at Tomioka's back. They stuck to him with a smack. Tomioka stopped but didn't turn around. "You. Didn't." Sanemi huffed, "Oh ... yes ... I motherfucking did." He sounded like an insane person. And when Tomioka turned around to face him, he looked like one, too.
Tomioka sat his katana down and slowly made his way over to where Shinazugawa was leaning back on his hands, legs outstretched before him. He asked, "What are you gonna do about it?" Giyū let out a low chuckle before he leaped through the air, pummeling right into Sanemi's chest and knocking the air out of him.
Sanemi laughed maniacally as he engaged in the wrestling match Tomioka started with him. The two men were writhing over each other's wet and mud covered bodies. Pretty soon, neither one was sure if their hard cocks were a lingering side effect from you or if it was the constant stimulation from grinding around on each other.
You got to the bath house and started to take your once beautiful braids out. "Stupid last week's storm. Stupid me trying to adjust my robe in the stupid cold. Stupid ... stupid ... Tomioka is so fucking sexy. And Sanemi is like a demon trapped in a man's body. Stupid mud and ..."
You stopped bitching to yourself and dug frantically through your hair. It's not as though you had a lot of it. So what you were looking for shouldn't have been that hard to find. "No, no, no, no, no, no, nooooo! Where is it!? FUCK!" You spun around and looked on the floor of the bath house. "Oh, great. Just great. This can't be happening. I haven't slept for almost 17 hours. There's more training tomorrow morning. And I have to go back and find it. I'm NOT going in just this robe again."
You started looking through the cupboards around the edge of the dressing space. "You can't be ... right. The extra uniforms haven't been washed yet. This day," you exhaled heavily with frustration and made sure you were well wrapped despite the sludge that settled into the delicate fabric.
You were almost back to the place where you fell. You heard voices. They weren't quite yelling, but they were loud enough that it was an inappropriate volume for this time of night. You gasped slightly at the sight of two men rolling around on top of each other as you rounded the corner. You saw Tomioka and Shinazugawa in what looked to be a rather intimate embrace.
Sanemi was straddling Tomioka's chest, pinning his arms above his head, just inches from his face. "Why is your kirei little cock so hard, Tomioka?" Sanemi laughed out . "You - oh my god. It all makes sense now. You love me! That's why we're stuck training those baby slayers together. You ASKED the Master for it!"
"Huhmmm? Did you hear something, kirei cock?" Shinazugawa paused his half-assed attack on Tomioka and raised up to look around. "Who the fuck is there?" He asked. He'd have been more intimidating if you didn't already know his tendencies. There was more playfulness in his tone than violence. You'd enjoy a taste of both, though.
"I said, who the hell is slinkin' around out there, show your -" You came out with your hands put up in front of your body. "Calm yourself, Sanemi, it's just me." You looked at both of them, Tomioka's uniform sucked to his body except where the protrusion in his pants was. Same with Shinazugawa. He was only wearing pants, but it was obvious he was feeling rutty.
It was becoming almost painful to see these beautiful men before you. Covered in mud and water. And if sex were a palpable element, they'd be drowning in it. "First of fucking all, you will address me as Master Shinazugawa, y/n ... but what, why are you back here? Was there a hair on your cunt Tomioka DIDN'T get to see?" You rolled your eyes and shifted the weight from your left ass cheek to the right. "No, MASTER SHINAZUGAWA," you said sarcastically. "I lost something very special to me, and the last place I had it was here."
"Your dignity?" Sanemi snapped back at you and then lowered his head, laughing way too hard at his retort. Tomioka looked at you with earnest eyes. "Sanemi, I literally hate everything about you." He stopped laughing and looked up at the both of you. "Aw, is kirei cock upset? You weren't complaining when you were dry humping my leg 3 minutes ago! Stop being such a little bitch, Giyū."
If you weren't so upset about losing the jade kanzashi your great great grandmother gave you, you'd have ripped your robe off and laid in the mud. Demanding both men to tear into your flesh. But it was an important family heirloom, and you were not putting carnal urges before finding this.
"Master Shinazugawa, I lost a jade hairpin that has been passed down through my family for many generations. I'm really hoping it's out here. I looked in the bath house, but it wasn't there. So, I've returned to look over these grounds." You bowed to him. Why the hell did you just sound so formal and official, you wondered. Tomioka helped you step down to the muddy area where the two of you lay, not long ago. You let go of his hand, smiling at him gently before you did. He was blushing. It truly was an adorable look on him.
"Sorry," Tomioka said. You looked at him with furrowed brows. "What's wrong, Master Tomio-" he put a hand up to silence you. "You can call me Giyū if you're comfortable with that." This time, you blushed. "Ok, Tomi - ... Giyū. Thank you for your help."
Sanemi pushed through between you and Tomioka. "Are you two done with your passionate, passionate kisses yet? What are we looking for again? Wanna bet I find it first? C'mon, why aren't you lazy asses doing anything?" He stood in partial brightness from the floodlights on the surrounding buildings. "I don't even really care ab - aww, fuck."
"Sanemi," Tomioka wryly asked. "Are you ok?" Sanemi awkwardly made his way to the walkway and sat down, lifting his right foot to the top of his left knee. "You think?" Sanemi grumbled back. You walked over to where he was sitting and looked at his sole. "Ho-lee shit." You whispered. "You found it, Master!" You reached down and yanked it from the arch of his foot. He seemed unphased by the abrupt removal of the foreign object from his body. You were wildly turned on by his lack of reaction to what you imagined would be quite painful.
"Can you walk?" You asked. "Of course I can walk. My foot didn't fall off, y/n." You glared back at him but decided to change your tune. He did find your kanzashi, after all. So, you bowed to him. Twice.
As you were coming up the second time, you looked down. "Goddamn thing," your shoulders sunk as you noticed your robe was splayed open just below the rounded bottom of your breasts. "My turn for a show now?" Sanemi quipped.
"I ... I ..." You wanted to say yes. You wanted to rip the garbage robe that wouldn't stay closed off of your body and set it on fire from the friction of the 3 of you thrashing around on top of it. Tomioka spoke up, "I guess I'm going to my room now. This mud has started to solidify in ... places. I'll see you both at training in the morning. He shot a drunken and knowing look to Sanemi.
You wanted to stop him from leaving. You wanted to spend more time with both men. They were still very alluring. Muddy or not. "May - ... maybe we could ... sh - " Jussstt say it! Your gut yelled at you. Mmm, was it, though? Was it your gut? Or something a little lower?
"Are you suggesting, y/n, that the 3 of us proceed to the showers? Together?" Tomioka said it. Breathe y/n, breathe, or you'll die only having the fantasy of showering and doing God's know what with these two impossibly dreamy Hashira. "Iiii mean ... if you and ..." You trailed off looking at Shinazugawa in all of his shirtless glory. His white hair caked thick in mud. Dirty water spots dried on his bare chest and pants.
"Fuck it." Sanemi stood up. Paying no heed to his injured foot. "I could go for a hot shower." He looked back and forth between you and Tomioka a couple of times and started to walk away. You and Giyū exchanged looks. Both sets of your eyebrows raised in morbid curiosity. "Does it hurt? Your foot?" You asked after Sanemi. He laughed out an almost sinister sound. "What the hell do you care? I've had far worse happen to me, y/n."
He was sort of disappearing into the night. Tomioka cleared his throat, "AHEM. Soo ... I guess ... goodnight, then? Heh ..." You were sad to hear this. But what could you do? Tell him no? That you wanted to be fucked by both of them? "I was ho- ... I mean, if you guys, well, yes. Goodnight, Master Tomioka."
You both headed off in different directions. But you would be damned if you didn't get some sort of attention thrown down on that persistent want between your legs. And release. God's, you needed a release. At this point, sleep was the last thing on your mind. So, you took a different way to the bath house where you were hoping to avoid everyone and to find a very naked and very sexually charged Sanemi.
In passing the buildings, you tried to stay in the dark blankets of where the lights didn't touch. You were almost there. You could see the steam coming from the rooftop. "Ohh y/n. Are you actually doing this right now. What the hell are you doing. Is this ... shit. Is this allowed? Did anyone go over the rules here? Can we fuck the Hashira? Do I care? Mmm, not really. Ok, y/n. Stop talking to yourself and go inside. C'mon. You've made it this far. GO."
You quietly pulled aside the bath house door and took tiny steps inside. You heard voices. What the fuck? You thought it was just Sanemi in this shack. Maybe he was just telling himself what a tough guy he was, hobbling all the way here on a hurt foot. "That's gotta be it," you whispered to yourself. Inhaling, trying to be the bravest you've ever been, you dropped the malfunctioning robe that had fucked with your night so much on the floor, and headed towards the sound of running water.
What you saw next made your insides clench against other insides and your cunt pulse with urgency. Your nipples hardened as soon as you saw it. You bit down hard on your lower lip in frustration, shock, and in pleasure, "Ffffuhhh ... I'm the luckiest person alive, right now." You inhaled the words, then let them fall silently as you let go of that breath. Afraid you'd break the spell you'd happened upon.
Sanemi stood with his back to you, blocking almost all of someone else's identity from your sight. He leaned over them, caressing their body and pressing his cock into them with a sweetness you'd never seen. Hell, you'd never imagined Sanemi Shinazugawa could do anything gently. Let alone semi public intimacy. He wasn't fucking this person, but his hard dick was testing around their flesh. The other person's hands, pulling at his white hair to bring their mouths together, was going to give you an aneurysm.
"Why do you think -- ahh, ahh shit, God's, you feel so good -- y/n didn't come tonight?"
You about toppled over when you heard whose voice it was speaking back to Sanemi.
He answered while brushing their hair away from their neck and shoulders, in between kissing and biting them.
"I don't know, maybe she is too embarrassed to be with the both of us, at the same time. Turn around and put your arms up against the wall. Here, like this." Sanemi, still standing over them, began to guide his company's arms up the sleek marble walls. With his right hand, he began tracing back down the outline of their muscles, his left hand taking up the base of his cock. He started rubbing himself slowly. Slower than you'd ever imagined he could. Everything about this man screamed impatience. Sometimes violence. But not right now.
You were still watching intently from the cover of darkness. The ease of their movements together made you incredibly wet. You were amazed that you've managed enough self-restraint to not barge in on this beautiful scene unfolding before your spying eyes. You start to become more aware of the sticky, warm wetness flowing from between your thighs. Giving yourself only trace amounts of pleasure to drag this experience out.
Sanemi's secret paramour was still doing as they were told, occasionally letting stifled moans roll from their lips. Then Sanemi turned them around to face him once again. "You're being so good for me right now. If only y/n was here to see how well you follow my directions. Now, what should I make you do for me next?" Your head fell forward and hung when he said this to his partner. You had never been so fucking turned on.
Should you show yourself? They've both brought you up. So that means they both want you to join them. Right? You were so close to making yourself cum. It almost seems like a wasted orgasm to bring it about solo when these two beautiful specimens were mere feet away.
You decided to play a different game. You took both of your hands off of your body and hung them at your sides. You were NOT going to cum at the persuasions of your own fingers tonight.
The other voice spoke up, "Should we send a crow for y/n, or no? They said they were going to bed." Sanemi stopped to think about this for a minute before answering. "Y/n went to bed?" What was the change in his tone there. Your heart started beating harder than it was before. He stepped away from the other person, exposing the entirety of their wet and naked body.
This is it, you thought. This is how I die. I'm going to spontaneously combust. And then they're going to laugh at me because my hand is going to be glued to my -. You didn't want to finish the sentence. You were wasting time imagining your death when you could be getting fucked every which way but Sunday. Hell, probably even Sunday.
The two in the shower started speaking so quietly that you couldn't catch a single word of their conversation. And then Sanemi spoke up, breaking the silence. "I guess I should turn in, got'n early morning tomorrow. Same time tomorrow." He said. And he wasn't asking. He turned around, "You better fucking be here, kirei cock."
Were they going home? Have you missed your chance? You would literally regret this until the day your soul left your body. Why couldn't you just force yourself out into the showers? They were talking about you while they practically swallowed each other.
You were going to do this.
You took a deep, deep breath. Loosened your stance, and -
"Gotcha!" It all happened in a blur as arms grabbed at you from different directions. "Wait ... st - ... hey, hold on!" You shouted as Sanemi and Giyū carried you into the dim lighting of the showers. Sitting you under the flow of the hot water.
"What, weh, what are the chances we'd all be he-" You started. Giyū had a slight smirk on his face. But was he smiling about what had just happened with Sanemi? Or was he smiling because you are now out of hiding?
Sanemi did not seem as amused, but you've seen him angrier than this. "Cut the shit, y/n. We knew you were standing there. Watching us." Your face was starting to burn up. "You ... did? You swallowed hard, looking to Giyū to offer up some sort of salvation for you. He shrugged his shoulders. He must not be too keen to piss Sanemi off, either.
You were finally the center of attention, and it's what you always wanted from these two. Or so you thought. "So, y/n. Why were you watching us? Do you make a habit of watching other people fuck?"
You opened your mouth to answer Sanemi but luckily, Giyū interrupted what was sure to be a ridiculous defense from you. "Did you um, did you like - I mean, do you enjoy watching? Us?" You stood up and rubbed the grate mark imprinted in your ass. "Whhhyyy?" Squinting your eyes you tried calling his bluff. But Sanemi was losing patience. No big surprise, there.
"Oh for fucks sake, children. Can we just get to this already? You two, kiss. I want to see tongues and spit strings. I want to hear moans, heavy breathing and skin slapping. " He waved his hands above his head like he was trying to shake off spiderwebs.
Your eyes met Tomioka's, and you saw that he was already looking at you. His eyes were heavy with lust. You noticed his cock jump a little. He was starting to get hard again. "What the fuck is this, middle school?" Sanemi belted out at you both. Against your better judgment, you laughed. "What the hell kind of school did you go to?" Tomioka even chuckled at your question.
"Do I have to do everything around this place? Y/n ... get your ass over here," Sanemi clapped at you like you were some kind of animal. If you were being honest, you would enjoy him telling you what to do. You walked over to him slowly. The friction between your legs reminds you of your goal before you were caught.
"Now, get down on your -" Sanemi was cut short by Tomioka pulling you from his grasp. He took you by the waist and pressed the front of your body into the cold marble. "Hahh ... cold. Sorry." Your body quickly adjusted to the temperature, and you stood there. Waiting.
You felt a thick heat slip through your thighs, and your brows turned in. "Don't. Apologize." Tomioka said heavily into your ear. Your chest was almost heaving at this point. All the joking and laughing subsided because this was not about playing games anymore. This was for keeps. "Yes, Gi - yes, Master. If you don't want me to apologize, what do you want from me?"
This made him crazy. Sure, he's been with others and Sanemi. But Sanemi is a self-indulgent asshole who gets off on bringing him just to the edge of his mercy, only to send him right back to the beginning.
"What do you want, Tomioka-sama?" You could feel him growing between your legs. Breathlessly, you almost beg him. "Teh- tell me, Giyū." The way you said his name was nearing too much for him. He began driving himself up, getting even closer to your entrance. "He wants your cunt. Just like he wanted it when you were tits up in the mud earlier."
Tomioka slowed himself at the sound of the other man's voice. Not yet completely discouraged by Sanemi, he slid your arms up the wall and held both of your wrists with his left hand. His right hand started training its way across your shoulders down to your stomach, where he barely put any effort into touching you. But the feelings and the warmth he was eliciting from between your thighs was like nothing you'd ever experienced before. He was really good at this.
"This is all very romantic, you two. Bu-" Tomioka turned hus head sharply and shot Sanemi a look he'd only seen once before. And he knew to stop shooting his mouth off. For the time being, that is.
Tomioka was lost in you. He ran his right hand down the length of your side and whispered in your ear, "I'm the fucking Water Hashira. I can sense how wet I make you, y/n. I want to feel your wetness in my mouth. On my face."
In what seemed like a split second, you went from your tits being pressed into the marble to lying on your back with Tomioka's face rooted deeply between your twitching thighs. Sanemi was lurking in the corner, stroking himself thoughtlessly. Speeding up when you'd start to beg to be finished off. Grabbing himself harder when Tomioka told you, "Not yet y/n. Not yet."
Tomioka, not lifting his face from you, waved for Sanemi to come over to you two. He complied, lying down next to your sort of outstretched and crumpled body on the floor. You didn't understand how you could feel so free, but at the same time, warped and trapped. Regardless, you met Sanemi's mouth with a warm welcome as Tomioka continued to toy with you.
"Oh, Gi ... yodd-duh ... whatever you do, don't stop." You reached down with one hand to stroke Tomioka's hair and the other you put to use scratching at Sanemi's back. He wasn't used to sharing Giyū. Or anyone he was with, really. So it took him a moment to find what worked here. For all of you.
"Can we, like, can we move to somewhere more spacious?" You asked, trying hard to focus on your words and not just on your building shudders. Tomioka propped himself up and pointed to the other side of the bath house at the hot spring. "I think that would suffice. Sanemi, you'll join us." Again, not a question. The 3 of you *would* be in there together.
Sanemi was the first to stand. He helped you up and then reached out to Tomioka. "Come, kirei." The two men smiled darkly at one another. Did they know you saw that shared between them, too? Whatever, you thought, this ... is going to happen.
You were first into the hot water. And for a moment, the lack of sleep caught up to you, and you were embarrassed, again, at the sound you made when your body was fully submerged. You completely forgot you were here with them. Only for a second, though.
They both stood there. Hard. Watching you let go of the day you'd had. They followed suit and climbed in. The paper lanterns that hung in the corner let off the light of a few clustered burning candles, leaving the room mostly shadowed.
Sanemi was the first to you. He pulled you up on his lap, your back against his chest, sitting you down just around his cock. He wasn't in you as much as he was between you. You threw your head back at the feeling of him resting there. One move and you two would be fucking. Sanemi reached around your waist and began to rub circles on your attention starved clit. "Mmmugh. Yes." He kissed your neck and shoulders more roughly than he had your mouth when you were on your back on the floor.
Tomioka, at last, was in the water. He was in front of you, making tiny circles with his tongue around your chest and neck. Occasionally, you could hear he and Sanemi exchanging words through their heavy kissing. But really, this had to be what heaven was made of. Tomioka placed himself between your legs as well.
You could feel their dicks rubbing together just outside of your cunt. It was no feat to know how wet you were, despite being in the water. These men were playing on you like their very own private slip-n-slide. Bouncing and bucking into each other, their breathing had gotten ragged. Breaths inconsistent for Hashira.
"Kirei cock, you're about to make me cum." Sanemi whispered to your ear, even though he was clearly speaking to Tomioka. Then he lifted you up and turned you around to face him, and he sat you almost all the way back down. This time, he reached down into the water and spread you open for him, resting his tip just at your wettest spot.
You watched in adoration as he started to disappear into you. "Look at me." He demanded. He lowered you again. This time, you took in even more. Your mouth turned into an O, and your eyebrows furrowed at the hot pressure he was inflicting. "Master Shi - oh shit, oh shit ..." You breathed in and out as he pushed himself the rest of the way into you.
You arched your back so far that your tits, red and nearly bruising from the attention Tomioka bestowed upon them, were inches from Sanemi's engaged face. He bit at the pink flesh and pulled your nipples between his teeth. The sounds he made were raw and made you ride him even more fervently. You could feel him beginning to twitch each time you came down on him.
He motioned Tomioka over to the both of you, and he responded to Sanemi. Dutifully. He sat down next to the white-haired man and rested each of his arms on the edge of the hot spring, closed his eyes, and lay his head back. Sanemi, letting go of your left ass cheek, slowly floated his right hand over to where he could see Giyu's swaying dick. When Sanemi wrapped his large hand around it, they both moaned in pleasure loud enough that you were sure 2 villages over could distinguish it as utterances of pleasure from those of misery.
Your continued undulations were making Sanemi move a little more wildly than he had all night. "Fuck, y/n. You're gonna make something happen if you keep rolling your hips around me like that," he said, baring some teeth behind his lips. You noticed he had synced up your movements with his on Giyū. Sanemi and Tomioka both lay their heads back and surrendered themselves to the moment.
Sanemi threw his left arm around your waist so he could better control your body. You let him. Feeling how strong he was to move you around as though you were weightless had a strange effect on you. Regardless of whoever was on top. He was in charge now, not you. And you liked it.
His actions weren't painful, per se. They hurt. But it was the "good kind" of hurt. The kind that had you teetering right on the edge of sanity. You were locked onto him. He wasn't letting you go.
Sanemi's next move decided everything for you. He relinquished his stronghold on Tomioka under the water to grab you up into both of his arms. He held onto you like you didn't know you could be held, and he guided you around his bare cock, moving in you and feeling your walls clench and suck at him until he almost lost his concentration.
"Haahh, y/n, careful now, I'm g'na blow up in you." He looked into Tomioka's eyes as he said this, making you wonder just who he was talking to, even though he said your name. You didn't care. He felt so fucking good, stretching you out in every direction as he filled up your warm space. "Tomioka..." You whispered into Sanemi's ear. You were surprised at how hot it felt against your lips. "I'm not ... ahhaa ... done yet." He answered..
"Suh- ... neh- ... meee, oh-ho shit ... oh God's keep .... yes!" You rocked into Sanemi's V-line that met at the perfect place for your clit to get the attention you so desperately wanted for it. "Keep this up, sweetheart, and you're gonna make me cum into that tight little pussy of yours." He acted like he didn't mind doing this, lifting his hands briefly to emphasize how cool and collected he was trying to be. And then you sat down on him *all*the*way*.
A jagged inhalation and without hesitation, he flung you over so you were on your back, resting on the built-in seat in the water. "Now ... now look what you've gone and made me do, y/n." He growled into your tits and bit into the velvety skin, bobbing just above and just below the water line. Sanemi reached behind him, grabbing for Tomioka. As Tomioka made his way closer to the two of you, Sanemi locked eyes with him again, and they both nodded in unison.
Tomioka positioned himself behind Sanemi, placing his left hand on Sanemi's ass, his right hand working his cock quickly so he could catch up to where you two were at. Getting there faster than he thought because the sight of Sanemi fucking you and his ass peeking up from the steamy spring, proved to be all he'd need to almost cum all over himself.
You were nearly about to cum, too. Looking up over Sanemi's shoulder to see Giyū being so rough with himself made you tighten up even more around the man fucking into you. Water was splashing all over the floor at the fast, sloshing movements from within the deep basin.
"Giyū. C'mere. Now, under me." You. Sounded. Pathetic. So close to your long-awaited orgasm and not wanting to distract yourself or Sanemi from the faultless rhythm you two had mastered, those were the only 5 words you could choke out to tell him what you wanted.
Tomioka sunk down into the hot water and closed the miniscule space between you. Sanemi put his left hand around Tomioka's neck and brought him face to face with you. You looked over to your right at him. Your body being pushed up against the sides and your head resting just outside the vat would most definitely hurt you later. But again, it is a good kind of pain. It's the muscle memory that's the best kind. Sanemi wanted you to kiss Tomioka. But your head was jolting all about. It would be difficult for a 3rd to match your cadence.
Bypassing your imploring lips, he scooped you and, consequently, Sanemi up so he could scoot in underneath you, and he began kissing the length of your outstretched neck. His left hand adjusting his hard cock between your legs and his other hand cupping your right tit, fondling it more gently than you were used to during such occasions. But you were not overlooking the stimulation by any means. It worked. The same way it did when he was barely grazing your stomach with his fingers.
Sanemi and Tomioka both let out moans, and they each threw their heads in a different direction when they discovered they were also rubbing their uncovered bodies together. For a moment, just a few thrusts, the two men found their own formula.
You were trying to keep your eyes focused, but they way they were making you feel, you had little control over the eye rolling and facial contortions. "Oh, oh fffuuhh-" You purred out. "You bo-HO-th ... oh my God ..." You couldn't believe how amazing it felt to have Sanemi's cock prodding into you and Tomioka's gliding between your swollen folds.
The two men rubbed against each other. Both hit every part of you. Most in a way you'd never imagined possible. But never in your wildest dreams did you think something like this would bring you so much pleasure.
The three of you simultaneously sped up, all of you chasing the same thing. Aching to snap the burning thread that stretched through the fractions and connected your engaged bodies.
Giyū started in first with the grabbing and the moaning. He pulled Sanemi's face to his. "Call me kirei, again, you son of a bitch. I'll fuh-huh ... I'll kick your ass ... Suh- suh- ... y/n ohh goddamn it, I'm g'na ... I'm ... !" But Sanemi wanted to toy with him. So he gave in for a moment and then would pull back from Giyū when he could sense how close he was to finishing. They played with each other like their cocks weren't tangled up in your cunt, but rather in each other. Seeing them be so intimate with one another while they were, for all intents and purposes, banging you, made you cum next.
It was, hands-down, the most intense release you'd ever experienced. You could feel it bubbling up from your thighs where Sanemi would squeeze you as he thrust into you, all the way to your ears as your pussy pushed and pulled on them both. You slid over Giyū. Feeling him grab at your ass and legs to spread you wider for him, he opened you up more for Sanemi, too. The memory was already embedded in your memory of this whole night.
You will later have trouble recalling who hit that *one* spot on your body. But you will never forget *where* that spot *is*. It made your body HOT. Your face was red. "Gi-yuhh ... fuck - S'nemi ... oh my fuck- ... yes - hoh, hoh ... hoh!!!"
Sanemi was the last to cum, but he was thoroughly enjoying watching Tomioka tug at your willing body, making it form around his intrusive appendage. He could feel Tomioka's growing heat where their bodies touched in passing. It always turned Sanemi on to watch other people getting off. Especially if he was the one delivering them to ecstasy.
This time, though, it was you and Giyū that were making Sanemi let loose. Sanemi was loud and rough. Much more so than Tomioka. Sanemi pulled your head up and kissed you deeply. It wasn't even necessarily a passionate or romantic kiss. Just ... deep. He pulled back from your burning mouth, bringing you to him with his teeth, guiding you by your bottom lip. He'd let go and push your face into his neck and chest. "Bite ... bite me, y/n. NOW."
You nipped at his neck and collarbone. His noises are absolutely sinful. "Y/n, yehhhs. Hard - harder. Fuck! Hmm-mhm." They're making you tighten around him again. With each contraction of your velvety wall, you can feel him twitching and jerking right before he spills into your body. His hot cum warming you from the inside out.
You all had given so much of yourselves to one another. To this night. Not wanting to leave this carved out paradise, you stayed in the water.
Sanemi had his head resting heavily on your chest as he reached over your shoulder to tug at Tomioka's hair lightly. Tomioka had his left cheek on your left shoulder, carelessly rubbing your face with his right hand. Switching every now and then, softly scratching up and down Sanemi's arm.
A collective, contented sigh was let out, and you all started talking at once.
"Where do we want to sleep tonight?"
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cookiepie11 · 1 year
Pretty bird ~ (tickle fic SFW! Lee stolas,ler blitzø)
"so what will it be pretty bird?" Blitzø asked with a smirk, he grinned down at stolas who was willingly tied to the bed "what spot should I get first huh?"
"I don't knoww" stolas whined with a giggle he wanted to hide his blushing face from blitzø but he also wanted to gaze into his eyes forever at the same time.
"hmmm how about... here!" He exclaimed and wiggled his claws on Stolas's fluffy stomach.
"OHOHOO NOHOOO!" he hooted in suprise
Blitzø blushed at the cute noises but brushed it off quickly "laugh bitch!" He said playfully and clawed under his armpits
"uh huh I know it does" he agreed and scratched faster
"STAPITT GET AWAYY" he yelled and squirmed around, his face painted with a dusty pink blush
"get away? Why you asked for this shit no backing out now" blitzø practically PURRED and started to nibble on his belly
"OHHOHH BLITZYY TEHEHE NOHOEHE" he squealed and thrashed around
"nom nom yummy ass stomach I just can't get enough of it" he teased and wagged his tail at Stolas's cute giggles and squeals.
"Why of course" he said and moved down a bit "now for these ticklish legs~"
He skittered his small red claws on his thigs going down to the ankles and repeating the process over and over.
"teheee PWAHA NOT THE THIGHS STAHPIT STAHPPP TiTICKLEESSS!" He pleaded not really meaning it and blitzø knew that if stolas wanted an end to this he could easily break the restraints.
"calm your ass down pretty bird I'm moving spots~" stolas giggled and his face was redder then ever he loved the new nickname
Blitzø crawled down the bed and to the feet he poked one of them to test it out and he scrunched his bird toes up trying to hide his soles
"oh no you don't..I'm tickling these" he told him and scritched at his toes softly
"pwehee nooohoo stapitt!" He giggled cutely a small tear in his eye
"definitely not bitch I haven't even tried this yet! He said and wiggled all five claws on one foot and the other claws on the other foot "tickle tickle tickle.."
"HOOOT NOHOOT THEREEE STAPITT BLITIZHYYY MY FEEHET ARE TO SENSITIVE!" he begged which made blitzø wanna tickle them even more
"Yeah yeah sure you beg for a stop yet your not even trying to break free anymore" he teased and he was right stolas stopped squirming and was only scrunching his toes up which just put more attention on them
"hm wonder what happens if i..." He picked up long blue feather of off the bed it was obviously Stolas's feather, he fluttered it on the sole gently up down left right
"well no shit it's a feather" he replied and swirled the feather around under his toes he was being extremely delicate which made it all the more unbearable yet addictive for the bird
"DOHONTT STAHAP EEEEE!" he giggled very loudly he loved the feeling of the feather endlessly circling on his feet he didn't want this to ever stop
"dont stop? Why would I want to? I've got to admit this is fucking adorable" he said and his tail wagged side to side
"TITICKLEESSS! PWAHAH HOOT HOOHOOT BLITZY!" he was again trying so desperately to escape and hide his face yet not break free and stay like that forever
"bitch why are you crying?" He asked but he knew it wasn't from sadness he slowed the tickling down seeing the bird was running out of breath
"i..**pant** tickles.." he was extremely tickle drunk
"I want to wreck you not kill ya, you need to breath stupid" he said playfully and untied him
"thats was so tickly and...um nicer" he admitted and blushed "could we..um do that..maybe.. again..like if you want to like no pressure!" His voice was a squeaky embarrassed tone
"I don't think I'll even pass up a opportunity to see you laughing like that again" he blushed and cursed when he realised how cringey the thing he said was
Looks like they both enjoyed that tickle session
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narwhal-butterfly · 11 months
Okay so the Christmas before covid hit my aunt got me the Nimona graphic novel and I loved it I still love it and when I tell you I squealed when I saw Netflix was making a movie, I squealed like I squealed, I was/am very excited
(Not part of this movie but I love that this movie is how I learned that the author of Nimona, one of the creators of Steven Universe, and the creator of She-ra(all of which I love) is trans, well looks like I'm going to go cover up their deadname on my book when I go back to my mom's house lol)
So y'all are getting my live reactions
(spoilers under cut off)
I have only watched 4 minutes into this movie and just EEEEEEEEE like they gave Ballister the biggest sad cat eyes you ever did see and he and Ambrosius are so gay and aasssahhhhhhhhfggggggdybeufbeusl
Okay I hate all of the knight (except Ballister and Ambrosius)
"You think I'm her favorite?" Yes ofc you are, you sweet little sad cat man
Eeeeeeee Ballister and Ambrosius are so fucking cute(this is probably gonna be 90% of this post lol)(edit: I was wrong)
Awww they're all cheering for him ❤❤❤❤ "Let a new era of heros begin with you" awwwww
Ooooh cool robot arm
EEEE baby has found one of her gay dads YIPPIE
"Sick arm. Did it bleed a lot? Did they let you keep the old one?" I love her, she is so fucking weird/pos
"-Then we rise like a firy phoenix from the ashes ro overthrow the government!" YESSSS down with the government!!!!
"This guy looks extremely punchable." "You're right. He is actually punchable." father and gender-fluid child bonding<3
They took his arm >:(
Aww he's going sad little cat mode;-;
Oh no Ambrosius thinks Ballister really killed the Queen ;-;
Baby is shape-shifting and I love her
Ballister sliding in on his face well Nimona is doing all of these cool tricks is the best thing ever
Nimona making her dad breakfast tacos and being unintentionally loud in the kitchen is just adorable and really shows how much of a kid she actually is
She tried to clean up the house well he was asleep awww(well more accurately she tried to make the house more of an evil lair but it's still cute)
"You're a mo-" "what? Marsupial? Mariachi? 🤌Meatball?🤌" I love her
Uh oh baby's got ✨️trauma✨️
"Why are you helping me?" Oh okay then;-; "Because I'm bored." Bullshit "And everybody hates you too." Oh ;_;
"But I'm not a girl. I'm a shark. *teeth click(×2)*" same
Ballister is such a tired dad
Ballister is such a tired dad (but now at a train station)
"He hates freestyle jazz." Pffff but also Awww
Ambrosius hair smells like lavender, alrighty then, but why are you smelling his hair Todd? that's a little fruity/hj
Uh oh the Director knows Nimona
The cereal ad is adorable lmao
"I just think it'd be easier if you were a girl." "Easier to be a girl? You're hilarious." I mean she's not wrong
Ooooh we're getting her backstory!!!! Oh nvm lmao, I love her lol
"And now, you're a boy." " I am today." Mood
Nimona attacking the Squire well Ballister's trying not to get caught as some lady's trying to sell him a car is just beautiful
He is so her dad and I love it
She's so trans and I love her
"Who would protect Todd?" No one, Todd sucks
"Arm-chopping is not a love language!" Nimona I get that you are trying to protect your dad from an unhealthy relationship but in this case it is
Ambrosius no! babyboy do not talk to The Director, she is literally the problem!!!!
"The man I love,-" oh ;-;
Oh my gods, he's jealous of Nimona, no sweetheart, she is not your replacement, she is your new child
Uh oh babyboy's having a breakdown internally
Nimona defending Ballister is so cute
Also the director calling Nimona a 'miscreant, whispering in his ear' as she whispers into Ambrosius' ear is just 😗🤌*chef's kiss*
"It doesn't matter. You shouldn't need proof. You know I'm not a murderer." why must you hurt me like this? I just wanted to watch a movie ;-;
The lovers are fighting and Ballister defending Nimona and that's adorable but also heartbreaking
Nooooo, not the babies(Ballister and Nimona)
Oh my gods she turned into the fucking dragon from the cereal ad
Oh sweetheart, you're not a monster ;-;
"I don't what's scarier the fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart... or that sometimes, I just wanna let 'em." oh sweetie :(
Her dad is taking her away to somewhere better I'm crying oh my gods ;-;
Ma'am I don't give a fuck about your nightmares
Oh my gods she just stabbed him what the fuck, you bitch
Thank the gods it was just Nimona acting lmao but yes show the kingdom!!!
Oh my gods they're playing Monopoly I love them she is so his kid and he is so her dad
He sees to her reaction to him being freaked out about her breathing fire and then calls it 'metal' I just- I- eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh ;-;
Awwww they're dancing and she's a shark for some reason lol
Aww they're watching scary movies
Oh no baby's having a nightmare :(
"You're safe." Awww "we're home." AWWWWW ;-;/pos
Aww Ballister and Ambrosius are going on a nachos date
Awww Ambrosius believes him
Nimona did not set him up sir, the Director is lying to you, Nimona is a sweet and innocent baby who has done no wrong, well actually she's done a lot of wrong but I don't care she's a sweet innocent baby
Ambrosius ily but do not make him choose between you and his child
Uh oh, what's Todd doing?
Sir, no that is your child, stop yelling at her please;-;
Oh fuck it's Todd
Oh my gods are we getting Nimona's backstory? oh my gods we're getting baby's backstory
Awww her and Gloreth were friends <333
Awwwww she had a crush on Gloreth
Uh oh the other people are scared of her
Oh nooo, oh baby ;-;
Uh ooh
UH OH, baby went Godzilla mode
Oh no she's hurt :(
Anndddd Ambrosius is finally getting how fuck this is
Oh baby :(
"I don't what scarier the fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart... or that sometimes, I just wanna let 'em." Oh honey noo :(( ;-;
Oh thanks the gods, her dad stopped her
"I see you, Nimona. And you're not alone." Ooooooh eeeeeeeehh ;-;
Oh, okay, I'm crying now
Oh I'm not okay
Oh my gods, oh my gods oh my gods, she's (maybe(hopefully)) okay
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