#i know we wouldn't have a story then but I hate him ok?
overlyimmersed · 2 years
It really is a shame that Arthur got Yamcha-ed and it didn't fuckin take -_-
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magentagalaxies · 11 days
vent incoming:
got my grades back for my courses last semester and most of it was to be expected, mostly A's, maybe an A-, etc. but i honestly can't get over the fact that my independent study (the buddy cole documentary) was for some reason given a B. like sure getting a B isn't bad per se, I usually get at least one B every semester and i honestly don't really care about what my exact gpa is as long as i can graduate, but come on. this school put me through months of psychological torment over this project and didn't even have the nerve to give me a B+??? i'm still coping with the self-doubt they forced on me and this bullshit is not helping!!
#honestly it's kind of hilarious ngl. especially bc i also got my documentary work counted as an independent study the previous semester#and the previous semester even tho i barely worked on the doc itself#(mostly just planning and putting together the crowdfunding which was still a lot of work but like compare it to the past few months)#they were willing to give me an A (my school doesn't do A+ so this is the highest mark possible)#vs this semester. like i'll admit my final assignment was late and could have been more polished#but i was literally on tour in documentary-mode 24/7 for several weeks. i filmed an entire comedy special! i put together a live interview!#not to mention having to fucking negotiate with my own college censoring the footage they'd promised me of an event i put together#and play nice with a professor who literally outed me on twitter in an attempt to cancel one of my best friends#at this point the ''B'' feels more like a petty grudge than anything else#like ok we can't get away with *actually* fucking over jessamine's grades bc clearly ze did do the work. but let's just give zir a B#like i will admit the audio quality in my final isn't great. and i could have used more polished footage in some sections#but counterpoint: 100+ students were arrested at a protest while i was editing and i was having a mental breakdown#the fact that i finished *anything* is goddamn impressive especially after they essentially conditioned me to hate myself any time i was#working on a project i loved!!!#due to the aforementioned student arrests my college did put out an option where we could change any letter grade this semester to pass/fai#so anything passing wouldn't impact our gpa if we didn't want it to. so i could just change the B to a ''pass''#but really what's the point. ''B'' is still a good grade and my GPA is fine (3.65 on a 4.0 grading scale. 2.0 is required to graduate)#it just sucks that after what i went through last semester i feel like nobody takes it seriously#i was reminiscing earlier about how it's honestly kind of funny how after that professor outed me on twitter#i was at the hotel with scott like an hour later sobbing and having an existential crisis about my relationship to gender#and scott was so supportive but also awkwardly being like#''i know i should offer the crying child a tissue but where the fuck are the tissues in this room what do i do''#and he just handed me a full-on towel instead like oh my god he was trying his best but also so clearly out of his depth#but of course i then had to remember how when i told that story to a different professor to be like ''this is how much scott cares about me#this guy called me fucking UNPROFESSIONAL for crying in front of the subject of my documentary?????????#like yeah maybe so but how DARE you call me unprofessional when a different professor tweeted my full name and gender without my consent#in an attempt to fucking cancel one of my friends for ''misgendering'' me for using pronouns i'm fine with him using!!!#i don't think i'm ever going to be able to forgive my college and i don't know how i'll be able to get through one more semester#that experience genuinely changed things about my psychology that i'm not proud of and i need to work through#so if i have to miss a goddamn kids in the hall event because i have class this november i am going to set something on fire
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04tenno · 1 year
To make the QRTs worse on that Mine vid, one of them is from a subreddit user I see frequently. He’s been complaining about not getting a constant stream of news about Gaiden and 8, I’m pretty sure I remember him being strongly against the characters being seen as queer, so on and so forth. I think RGG should bring back Mine and make him wear a big rainbow with sparkles
Imagine My Shock
#asks#anonymous#i could just TELL it made it to those circles#so. disappointed but not surprised#AND I WANT GAIDEN AND 8 NEWS INJECTED INTO MY VEINS AS MUCH AS THE NEXT GUY BUT#it's because we know hardly anything about gaiden. even less than 8. and the cryptic comments about 8 drive me insane lol#and they're designed to!#so i can't be too mad. for now. at rggs anyway#really though there were several. contingents. of people responding to the tweet#of course you have the redditors and fuck em i deliberately don't share anything there. but there is crossover with other subcategories#you've got the people who can't stand him and Vow to make sure he stays dead. somehow#you've got the whataboutism adherents whining about this and that other character as if this wouldn't be a great sign for EVERYONE#you've got the people who hate the fact that people who are supposed to be dead are being brought back period#even though this has literally been happening for 14 years and nothing's confirmed. you just hate ylad specifically. opinion discarded#you've got the people who actually like mine but don't want him back because of... reasons?#because his story is better as-is? because it was So Meaningful? ok#you've got the fifty thousand rubber concrete jokes like for the love of god it's not that funny it's just not that funny#speaking of overused jokes you've got the non-east asians making fun of his accent die 1000 deaths#you've got the one or two people insulting nakamura over this die 1000 deaths as well#and then... once you've crossed all the circles of hell... finally you have people who are neutral. happy even. about the news#oh and you have devilleon who stole my content lmao#but anyway yeah. mine SHOULD come back fruitier than ever actually#speaking of i actually have a pride month piece cooking this year for once...#LITERALLY JUST DUMPING ALL MY GRIEVANCES IN THE TAGS UNPROMPTED SORRY <333
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thatacotargirl · 14 days
Hiiiii I love your writing!! May I request Azriel x Reader, where reader gets amnesia. She’s Illyrian and was hurt by Illyrian men, so she’s scared of Az because she doesn’t remember him. Then wonderful angst because he never thought she’d be afraid of him, so he avoids her and is heartbroken. Then something happens, maybe he’s forced to interact with her or he says something specific, and her memories come back, so happy ending! Feel free to ignore if you don’t want to write this, thank you!💙
Hi lovely! Thank you so much for reading my work and for your request! I hope you like the story! 💙
Divider is once again from @tsunami-of-tears, eternally grateful to you for your creativity!
Dazelroot Daze
An Azriel x Reader imagine
Warnings: angst, poisoning, swearing, allusions to abuse / previous SA.
"Rhys, I am not cut out for this kind of mission - why did you not send Nesta!"
You huff to yourself as you climb the uneven stairs through the prison, following closely behind Rhys. You hated coming in here, and hated having to interact with the Bone Carver even more. You patted your back pocket, checking your gifted bone for him was still there, before climbing yet another stairwell.
"Y/n, you know I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't necessary. I can't exactly send Nesta in here even if she's only early in her pregnancy, they would sense it a mile off and she'd be a target. Not to mention, I don't fancy getting pummelled by Cassian for letting his pregnant mate in here".
You knew he was right, but it didn't make this any easier. You struggled through another narrow doorframe, trying to avoid smacking your wings against the wood, and stood in front of a metal gate. You hear Rhys hum to himself.
"What's wrong?".
"I've never seen a gate here before, this should be an open walkway".
You begin to feel uneasy as you see Rhys take a step back.
Before you can get another word out, you feel a powder cover your face, filling your nose and mouth, causing you to choke. You try to call out for help, but you can't get anything out, breathing becoming harder and harder. You hear Rhys distantly calling your name but you can't respond, can't move, all you can do is drop to the floor, your legs giving out from underneath you.
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"Get Madja, now!"
Rhys' voice bellowed through the River House as he winnowed in carrying your lifeless body and placed your down on the living room sofa. The rest of the Inner Circle descended on the pair of you, including Azriel. When he saw your pale body, arm hanging off the sofa, his heart sank. He grabbed Rhys by the collar.
"What the fuck happened?"
Rhys didn't have time to answer before Madja appeared in the room, pushing everyone to the side and leaning over your body. Silence descended on the room as she ran tests, took bloods, checked your vitals - all the while your eyes remained closed and your body limp.
"She has been poisoned with a plant known as Dazelroot. It is highly toxic and can only be found in some very remote parts of the Spring Court. Thankfully, it looks like this particular strain was either incorrectly handled or extremely dried out, as it hasn't taken hold quite as potently as it should have. She will be ok, in that she will live, but we won't know the consequences until she wakes up".
"The consequences?", Feyre asks.
"I have never seen a person be poisoned with Dazelroot and live to tell the tale. We won't know what it will do to her until she wakes".
Feyre sobbed silently, her shoulders shaking. Nesta joined her, the sisters holding each other through their sadness. Cassian could only watch in horror as Azriel fell to his knees next to your body and cried into your shoulder.
"Madja, what can we do?", Rhys asks, wringing his hands.
"There's nothing, Rhys. We have to let her wake, and see what happens next. I'll be on hand, as will my assistants. Call us as soon as she wakes up".
Rhys shook Madja's hand and allowed her to leave, his grief weighing down on his shoulders heavily. It was his fault that you were in the prison, that he hadn't seen the trap beforehand, that you were the one to be poisoned. He tried to reach for Azriel, but Azriel swatted his hand away.
"Don't touch me", he gritted, his face still buried in your shoulder.
Rhys could do nothing but watch as his family fell apart in front of him.
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It took 6 days for you to wake. 6 agonising days of your family watching your chest rise and fall, terrified that you would never again open your eyes. But you did.
Your eyes opened, and fell on Feyre's face.
"SHE'S AWAKE", Feyre called to your family, reaching out for your hand. You let her take it, but she couldn't overlook the confusion she saw in your eyes, the hesitancy of your body to let her touch you.
The room filled with your family and your eyes settled on a pair of Illyrian wings. Male Illyrian wings. Trauma racked through your body, memories of your life at the Illyrian camps, wing-clipping, assault, and you couldn't hold back your scream as you pulled your body up the bed, as close as you could get to the headboard.
"Y/n?", Azriel said gently, attempting to approach you. He froze when he realised it was him that you were trying to get away from.
Madja burst through the door at that moment, having been summoned by Rhys the moment he heard Feyre's shouts. She saw the blankness in your eyes the second she looked at you, and her eyes fell pityingly to Azriel.
"Hi y/n, I'm Madja, a healer here in the Night Court".
Your family looked at each other in pure confusion. You knew who Madja was. She'd been the family's healer for centuries. Why was she acting like you'd never met before?
Madja carried out her assessment before providing you a sleeping tonic. Once your body settled back into the pillows, looking more at peace than you had when you had woken up, she turned to Rhys.
"The Dazelroot has caused amnesia. She doesn't remember anything after her life after the Illyrian camps".
Rhys shook his head. "Ok, but when will her memory come back?".
Rhys saw the look on Madja's face and his stomach somersaulted.
"Will her memory come back?"
Madja placed a hand gentle on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry Rhys, there's no way to know".
She turned to Azriel, tears falling down his cheeks. He had realised that you had forgotten him, forgotten your mateship, the love you had shared for centuries. You only remembered the trauma you had faced at the hands of Illyrian males, males that bore the same wings as him. He had realised, seeing the look on your face, that you were afraid of him.
"You can try to offer her gentle reminders. It might break through the amnesia cloud. But there's nothing more we can do".
Madja departed, leaving your family to process the news. You didn't remember any of them.
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17 months later
It had been 17 months since the incident, and your memory hadn't come back.
Feyre, Nesta, Elain and Mor had made it their mission to rebuild the friendship that you had had with them - regularly taking you out for brunch, shopping, and nights out at Rita's. Over time, you developed a new bond with them, and had started to trust them.
You had also re-kindled your friendship with Rhys and Lucien, the males giving you distance but engaging with you as often as possible, mostly through Feyre and Elain.
But Azriel and Cassian, you couldn't be near. Their wings reminded you too much of the trauma you had faced in the camps. Reminded you that your own wings had been clipped. Reminded you of the males that had used you for their own entertainment. Anytime they tried to approach you, their wings pinned as tightly as possible behind their backs, your body began to involuntarily shake and your eyes would fill with tears.
It had broken Azriel. He had become a shell of the former male he was. He started to withdraw from family dinners, he gave up his morning training. Azriel had slowly started to descend into a downward spiral, feeling the mating bond cold on the other end. His family had tried their best to help, but Azriel wanted for nothing but you. He locked himself in his bedroom most days and nights, seeking solitude in the shadows.
That was why, when his family decided to visit Sevenda's restaurant that evening, Azriel had ignored the inviting knock on his door. He didn't want to make it harder for you seeing him sitting at the other end of the table. He waited for the footsteps to pad away before grabbing a bottle of Whiskey from the shelf and pouring himself a generous glass.
Several hours later, Azriel was sat in bed with his book when he heard commotion. It sounded like crying, but it was pained. He sat up, listening out, when he heard it again - this time closer to his door. He thought everyone was out at Sevenda's, or maybe Rita's now, but there was unmistakably someone wandering through the hallway.
Azriel cracked open his door and peered out. At the end of the hallway, gripping the window pane, he saw your small frame huddled over. The scent of blood filled the air. Azriel panicked. He knew how bad your cycles were from the centuries you had spent together, that you needed help desperately, but right now he was the only one in the house with you, and you were terrified of him.
"Y/n?", he called out gently, trying not to startle you with his presence. He watched you turn slowly, your eyes wide in alarm.
"It's ok, it's just your cycle", he whispered, raising his arms to show you that he was not going to hurt you. You whimpered slightly, clutching the window pane so hard your knuckles had gone white.
"Can I help you?", he asked, not daring to move. You looked at him, his wings, your body shaking. But you knew you were helpless, not sure you could get yourself back to your bed even if you tried with all your might. So, you took a deep breath, and gave him a timid nod.
Azriel walked slowly towards you, his hands in front of him, and when he reached you he carefully put a hand forward to touch your shoulder. You shuddered, but didn't pull away.
"I'm going to take you back to your room, ok?". You could only nod as Azriel scooped you into his arms and walked you slowly back towards your room.
He placed you down carefully at your dressing table and silently walked into your bathroom, the sound of running water filling the room. Whilst the bath ran, you watched him strip the soiled sheets from your bed and replace them with fresh ones, putting a pair of your pyjamas neatly folded at the end. He then offered you his hand and guided you to the bathroom.
"Do you need some help?".
You didn't want to admit it, but you did. You could barely stand up under your own weight.
Azriel turned away from you to allow you to undress, holding a hand behind his back for guidance as you carefully lowered yourself into the bath. Once you were in, and hidden under the bubbles, you turned to look at him. At his wings. You had never known an Illyrian male to be so gentle. So calming. Even sat here alone in a bath with him in the room, you felt comfortable. You felt safe.
"Azriel?", you whispered.
"Would you like me to leave you be?" he asked, his back still turned to give you privacy.
You saw Azriel's shoulders sag slightly with relief, but he still kept his back to you.
"Please could you pass me that bottle over there, the green one?"
Azriel walked over to the counter to pick up the shampoo bottle and attempted to hand it to you behind his back, still not facing you. You giggled as he offered the bottle out to the empty end of the bath.
"It's ok, I'm hidden in the bubbles".
Azriel turned, his eyes not leaving your face, as he handed the bottle to you. You took it, pouring some into your hand, and he watched you wince as you raised your arms above your body to your hair, stretching your stomach.
"May I?", he asked quietly. You nodded, handing the bottle to him. Azriel knelt down behind your head, pouring the shampoo into his hands and massaging it into your hair. The moment his hands touched you, you felt a calming peace descend over you, and you closed your eyes to bask in it. You were about to ask him to rub it into the nape of your neck, your favourite place, when you felt his hands move there instinctively. A jolt went through your body, and Azriel jumped backwards.
"Are you ok?"
You turned to face him, his leathers covered in water, bubbles and shampoo suds, and looked down at his scarred hands. Visions flew through your mind of his hands in your hair, his hands offering to feed you grapes on your honeymoon to the Summer Court, his hands touching your body, his hands placing a ring on yours at your mating ceremony, his hands holding out your cup of coffee to you every morning - black, just how you liked it.
You reached out to take them, feeling every emotion come flooding back to you. A tug at your chest made you look up, as Azriel's filled with tears.
"My mate", you whispered.
"My mate", he replied, his head moving to rest on your forehead.
You held each other, the bath water turning cold and the bubbles melting away, allowing all your love and devotion to flow to each other through the bond. Forgotten, but never gone.
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wilcze-kudly · 12 days
I do find it annoying how a lot of Zutara fans tweak the character's stories, personalities and even the timelines to suit their own needs.
Once again, there's nothing wrong with fanon and headcanons, however if looking through the lense of canon, you're objectively wrong.
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I ended up stumbling on a post from a Zutara shipper. (At this point I'm regretfully considering not following the tags for Zuko or Katara because I get way too much Zutara content lol) I'm not replying directly to her because I don't want this to turn into an argument, and I know she doesn't take criticism very well.
Ok, So let's break this down.
The character who was first out of the group to trust Zuko?
I'm quite sure this is referring to the scene in Ba Sing Se's caves. And yes, that is a very important scene. I think it's a very important scene preceeding Zuko's 'relapse'. It shows how he's matured during his time in Ba Sing Se and therefore it serves to add to our dismay when he joins Azula. I adore the fact that Zuko's journey to redemption is not linear, it certainly adds a lot to the character and shows us how his trauma affected him.
It's also a horrific moment for Katara. To have her worldview on Zuko and firebenders as a whole challenged, and then for it to go blowing up in her face. It rips open old wounds of her childhood. It refreshes her resentment of Zuko and the Fire Nation as a whole. It parallels the death of her mother when Aang dies due to Azula's lighting and she is unable to do anything about it. It places her back in that spot of helplessness. Even though she's grown up, even though she's a master waterbender, she still comes a hair's breadth to losing one of the most important people in her life.
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No wonder she hated Zuko so much after this.
It's an important moment for both characters, but I wouldn't say it is that in a romantic sense. It's a sweet, hopeful moment that then turns absolutely horrific and visceral for both parties.
I could argue that there are other characters who could be given the title of 'first to trust Zuko'. Funnily, Appa being one of them lol.
But other characters trusting Zuko dovetails nicely into the next point.
The character who emotionally connects to Zuko?
Well, technically, I'd argue that most members of the Gaang connect emotionally on one level or another with him?
But I'd argue that Aang is the person Zuko connected with the most. Aang is Zuko's parallel. Aang is the first person to reach out to Zuko. Aang is the person who showed mercy to Zuko, multiple times. Aang is the person who valued Zuko's life, the life of someone whose whole life goal is to capture him.
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This was also an incredibly important moment to Zuko. This is the thing he brings up when trying to convince the Gaang to let him join.
Zuko: Why aren't you saying anything? You once said you thought we could be friends. You know I have good in me.
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The character Zuko feels safest letting his guard down around?
It's Mai. Love her or hate her, her relationship with Zuko is incredibly important to him. Maiko isn't my favourite Zuko ship, in full honesty. But even platonically, Mai and Zuko are one another's reprieve from their respective shitty lives.
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People often talk about Katara touching Zuko's scar while discussing healing his scar, however one could argue that she did so as a medical examination. Mai touching Zuko's scar is a casual thing, neither of them really make a big deal of it and that's the beauty of it.
I'm mainly talking out of my own personal experience, as someone with a huge amount of burn scars, but there is a world of difference between someone inspecting my scars like Katara did and simply accepting them as a part of me, like Mai does for Zuko.
With Mai, Zuko isn't the scarred banished prince, Ozai's son or Azula's brother. He's just Zuko. And they speak freely with one another, arguing like real people do. Often, being comfortable having arguments is actually a sign of being comfortable with one another.
The character who helps Zuko heal from his trauma?
Once again, this is a bit of a flawed question. By the end of the show, Zuko isn't even fully healed, in my opinion. He has made leaps and bounds on the road to recovery, but when he will truly heal if ever is yet to be seen.
Zuko's journey to recovery includes plenty of people. This includes Iroh, Aang, Song and Jin. People who show him the error of his coping mechanism. Who challenge his worldview, who coax him out of the his shell of pain and anger.
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The character known for showing most compassion to others?
Yes, Katara's compassion is a huge part of her character. Her need to help and protect those who cannot do that for themselves cannot be understated.
But Aang's compassion for others and all beings is just as great, if not greater than Katara's. Compassion and nonviolence are huge parts of his culture and his own philosophy.
Aang: Wait, we can't just leave him here. Sokka: Sure we can. Let's go. Aang :No, if we leave him he'll die. Aang airbends himself off Appa and retrieves Zuko, bringing him to Appa. Sokka: [Sarcastically.] Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. Let's bring the guy who's constantly trying to kill us.
Friendly reminder that Aang could've absolutely wrecked Ozai, but held back because his own moral compass was so powerful. Hell, he was friendly and nice to Azula, the woman who literally killed him.
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This is why Aang and Katara work so well together. They're both incredibly compassionate people who will immediately jump in to help others in need. Like they did during the Painted Lady, destroying the factiry together.
The character who primarily bears the burden of having to step up into a parental role?
I think "parental role" is an incredibly vague term. There's a lot of things that go into a "parental role". Katara plays a stereotypically "maternal" role, while someone who plays a "paternal" one would probably be Sokka.
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Katara deals with very "homemaking" tasks like sewing and cooking, etc. And Sokka often takes on the role of leader, hunter, gatherer and also protector, despite being a nonbender.
This coincides nicely with their core childhood traumas. The loss of Katara's mother impacted her greatly, leading her to have to step up into a motherly role. While Sokka was clearly heavily traumatised by his father departing and the crushing responsibility of having to care for his entire village.
Sexism also probably played a part in this dichotomy.
The character who represses their emotions to be strong for others?
I'd argue that this could apply to all the members of the Gaang in some capacity.
Aang's pain is something most of us will never experience and cannot hope to understand. The complete horrific destruction of his culture and home followed him through the entire show. He was entitled to his grief and rage, yet he supressed it. We see during Appa's kidnapping, how easy it would be for Aang to rage, to let himself be destructive. And yet, he wakes up every day and chooses to smile and goof off, because his friends need someone to remind them how to be children.
Sokka puts on a very impressive bravado, despite having a lot of insecurities. However, as the oldest member of the Gaang (pre Zuko) he puts on a facade of the confident and unbothered older brother. Even if he's the butt of almost every joke, he still keeps that demeanour up, letting it slip only a few times.
I'd actually argue that Toph is the person whom this label fits best. While we know Toph as witty, callous and strong, we have to remember that she kept up the facade of her parents' good, helpless little blind girl for no reason other than her mother and father's comfort. She actually hides a lot of her hurt, covering it up with a prickly exterior.
I want to do longer think pieces about Toph and Katara so apologies if this isn't complete.
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I'm actually baffled by the idea of Katara repressing her emotions. She's actually quite straightforward and open about her feelings. She yells and feels a lot of emotions and lets them be heard. She gets angry and sad. She's actually kinda bitchy sometimes and that's honestly why I love her so much.
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The whole inciting incident of the show was her getting so pissed off she somehow pulls a giant iceberg from the bottom of the sea.
She is anything but repressed.
She is angry.
She's angry at the fire nation, at Sokka, at her father, at men, and with good right to be so.
This is what makes her an amazing character and one who broke the mould of a lot of female characters at the time. Her anger and unrestrained emotions rang true with a lot of watchers at the time. I'm not sure why this is being taken away from her rather than celebrated.
I reiterate the point I made at the beginning of this post: there is nothing wrong with headcanons and fanon interpretations for one's enjoyment. I do find it a bit odd when it changes a character too much (because then, why not just create an oc?) but it's all in good fun. However, you shouldn't push that onto other people and how they perceive canon and you certainly shouldn't use it to take away from other characters. It's a very unfair way of entering discourse.
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weirdmarioenemies · 5 months
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Name: Mino
Debut: Tetris Worlds
While researching for last week's post, I discovered something amazing. Something I haven't been able to stop thinking about. No matter what, my mind always comes back to
Tetris Lore
Now, I'm not going to act like Tetris has an overarching story, or that the story of one game is at all relevant to the other games. Tetris Worlds is just one game, and its story is self-contained. But the fact that this Tetris game has a story at all is really incredible!
What would you expect from a Tetris game with a story? Maybe something like, the Tetriminos are all best friends living in Block World, but one day, wuh woh! There's a Bad Guy who's a sphere who hates cubes or something! Luckily, with the power of our friendship and Tetris skills, we can teach him a lesson and banish him once more... or perhaps make a new friend? :)
Please watch the introductory cutscene of Tetris Worlds.
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These are the Minos! Minos, in this canon, are a species of cycloptic cubes with fascinating cycloptic faces on their forward-facing faces. I absolutely adore them already. And wouldn't you know it, their sun is going supernova and they are all going to die if they can't evacuate their planet in time. HUH???
This story is so fascinating! I am SO happy that someone came up with this when tasked with making a story for a Tetris game. There was a creative vision, and it appears to be fully realized in this short but unforgettable intro to what could have easily been just another Tetris game!
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You get to have a Mino as an avatar! This could be YOU! You can make them wear a funny hat as they hover and squash and stretch on the sidelines while you play Tetris!
The game's manual explains even more about the Minos, most notably that they are MECHANICAL! These things just keep getting better! Living, cycloptic cubes, with an entire futuristic society, and they're machines. The manual also feels the need to remind us that they were probably made by organic beings, as "most" mechanical beings are. And I find that suspiciously specific...
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Look at this fish! This mechanical, cycloptic Mino fish. This was not in the Xbox version's intro, but it was in the PS2 one! For whatever reason, the two had unique animation in their intros, despite using the same voiceover. This fish is shown emerging from water onto land, where it beholds the Tetrions, the sacred and powerful portals in which the game of Tetris takes place. The visual of a fish coming onto land is such in-your-face evolution imagery that I am ENTIRELY convinced that these fish were ancestors of the Minos who would later form civilization! Natural, evolving robots!
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...and then this intro goes on to depict the Minos as having TWO eyes. Yeah ok. Sure. I will confidently declare these binocular blockheads as non-canon based on everything else we've seen, ESPECIALLY because the actual gameplay even depicts cycloptic Minos!
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Some of them seem to be established characters. This is Izabela. Hi Izabela!
Are you on the edge of your seat, hoping our friends the Minos survive? They do! Savvy Tetris skills allow them to activate the Tetrions (which were left behind by an ancient space-faring civilization. In case you were wondering) and teleport to other planets. Minos live! Hooray. And now you know the Tetris Lore, and can think about it constantly like I do!
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Lastly, I made this little image of the Mino leader from Worlds, in the style of a Tetris Friends avatar! I like to think some cross-promotional avatars could have been added if Worlds came out during the lifespan of Tetris Friends. I can only hope that at least someone at The Tetris Company remembers this incarnation of the Minos, and that they could possibly appear in a game once more!
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imaginesig · 5 months
Dancing under the lights
Oscar Piastri x Ballerina!Reader smau
Platonic!Grid x Ballerina!Reader
These are just some insta posts that you/Oscar would make if he was dating a ballerina
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Liked by oscarpiastri, y/n_bestie, user5, and 24,097 others
yourusername: tis the season
tagged: y/n_bestie, y/n_friend
y/n_bestie I’m starting a Tchaikovsky hate club
yourusername count me in
y/n_friend1 same
user it’s been a week since Nutcracker rehearsals started and it’s already this had
user2 never underestimate the intensity of ballet
oscarpiastri stunning
yourusername aww love you oz🫶🫶
landonorris simp
landonorris can’t be that hard
yourusername says the one who goes vroom for a living
charles_leclerc 🩰🎄
maxverstappen1 Penelope can’t wait to see you!!
yourusername tell her I can’t wait to see her recital next week!!
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Liked by yourusername, logansargent, landonorris, and 89,242 others
oscarpiastri: one thing about me, I’m never gonna understand the process of prepping point shoes
tagged: yourusername
yourusername it’s ok babe, I learned what a DRS is you can learn this
oscarpiastri all that money just to cut and glue and crack them up???
maxverstappen1 should I be worried!
yourusername just think when the time comes, Penelope will have me as a guide
maxverstappen1 so should I be worried??
danielriccardo I HAVE to see this process now
y/n_bestie pointe shoes aren’t for the faint of heart
user1 don’t these cost a fortune??
user2 about that yea
user3 stop she’s so pretty even when destroying shoes
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Liked by maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, y/n_bestfriend, and 45,947 others
yourusername: My little baby angel is all grown up 🥹 I have never felt so honored as I did when she called me her idol and started this dance journey!! Beautiful Penelope I cannot wait to watch you grow and learn🩰🫶🧸
Tagged maxverstappen1, kellypiquet
oscarpiastri I think you cried more than her actual mom during this recital
charles_leclerc second to Max of course
oscarpiastri you could hear him 3 blocks away
maxverstappen1 this was a nice post celebrating P, how did we get here
yourusername Max always has to be number 1
kellypiquet she absolutely loved having your there!!! Thank you so much for coming
yourusername I adored every second of it
user1 your telling me that Penelope started dance because of y/n
user2 how did they even know each other?? Max and Oscar aren't even that close
user3 through Charles, she's a very popular ballerina and so when she posted a story dancing to one of his pieces they kept in touch-- I wouldn't be surprised if Charles drug Max out to watch her
user2 that's really sweet
user1 now you see why I'm crying over her influence on Penelope
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liked by yourusername, Charles_leclerc, user1 and 46, 368 others
oscarpiastri: I've never been more in awe of someone before than I am of you. Every new production you steal the audience with your beauty and grace, can't wait to see what the rest of the season holds. To my favorite Sugar Plum fairy, I love you
tagged yourusername
yourusername aww oz 🥹 you're sweeter than all the people in the Kingdom of Sweets
y/n_bestie wow high compliment
oscarpiastri I know 😎
yourusername love ya both 💖💖
landonorris booo sap
yourusername what if you just 🤸🏻🚊
landonorris this is cyberbullying
danielriccardo ya'll see sum 🧑🏻‍🦯🙈
user1 the betrayal is unmatched
yourusername always a good day when Danny Ric is on your side
charles_leclerc beautiful production!!
yourusername number 1 ballet fan has entered the chat
maxverstappen1 Penelope hasn't stopped talking about this all weekend
user2 awww this is adorable
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liked by y/n_bestie, lilymhe, y/n_friend, and 23,938 others
yourusername: Sugar Plum Fairy, you've been a dream!! A special shoutout to @/y/n_bestie for being rock through it all, from party guests, to soldiers, to flowers and so many more 🩵🩰 It has been a wild season getting to live out my dream Nutcracker role. Let's see what else is in store...
tagged y/n_bestie, y/n_dancecompany
y/n_bestie I love you so much 💖💖 its been an absolute honor to grow with you!!
yourusername my favorite Arabian sololist!! I love you much
lilymhe I will never not be impressed by you
yourusername awww I love you bby
lilymhe 😩🤭
alex_albon Oscar come get your girl
oscarpiastri 🫣
user1 stop not them dancing together since chilhood
y/n_friend the last slide 💀💀
oscarpiastri talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique
yourusername who taught him this bc I know damn well it wasn't me 🤔
landonorris @/logansargent
logansargent 🤷🏼‍♂️
charles_leclerc eagerly awaiting the spring run...
youruserame 🤫
y/n_bestie 🫢
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liked by user4, mclaren, logansargent, and 97,379 others
oscarpiastri: what a season! Thank you so much Mclaren for helping me create an unforgettable rookie season-- cheers to winter break before its back to the grind 🥂🧡
tagged mclaren, yourusername
mclaren thats our rookie of the year 🏆
landonorris what a ride mate
yourusername so, so proud!!
oscarpiastri ❤️❤️
y/n_bestie she may be supportive but I'm not, why is this INCREDIBLE picture of my girl LAST
user3 get his ass girl
oscarpiastri In my defense I had to thank the job that paid me to take her on a trip
y/n_bestie you better be planning more posts
oscarpiastri pinky promise I do
youruserman did she just threaten you through instagram comments
landonorris your bf's a pussy remember
user1 my addiction can't handle winter break
user2 already started my countdown
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yourusername: "we can leave the Christmas lights up til January"
tagged oscarpiastri, y/n_dancecompany
y/n_dancecompany new year, new routines
y/n_bestie take notes @/oscarpiastri you were the first two slides...
oscarpiastri how many stories and posts have I made of her since break started
y/n_friend first one back to the studio I see
yourusername guilty 🫠
oscarpiastri I enjoyed our winter wonderland
yourusername I love you oz
oscarpiatri I love you too
landonorris bleh 🤢
danielriccardo you dropped this 🔴 put it back on your nose 🤡🥰
user3 who is teaching them these things??
user9 my sneaking suspicion is Logan
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liked by kellypiquet, y/n_bestie, danielriccardo, and 45,083 others
yourusername: a kiss can awaken the deepest of dreams ✨🩰🌙
tagged: y/n_dancecompany, y/n_dancepartner
user9 this is so aesthetic I could cry
yourusername I didn't come to mess around
y/n_bestie I cannot wait to put a spell on you
yourusername love my maleficent 💚
oscarpiastri come to a grand prix and you'll spend more time in bed than sleeping beauty 😉
yourusername i'd let you kiss me awake 😏
maxverstappen1 my daughter looks up to you, please stop
danielriccardo wheres Lando with his comments when you need him
landonorris im gonna drink bleach
oscarpiastri you had to summon him didnt you
kellypiquet P can't wait to play little Aurora alongside you
yourusername I wouldn't want anyone else to play little me!! 🩵🩵
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liked by mclaren, y/n_bestie, landonorris, and 76,283 others
oscarpiastri: that moment when you girl has a killer opening weekend and you get a podium!! @/yourusername thank you for a beautiful week capped off with 2 big weekends. I love you more than words can tell ❤️
tagged mclaren, yourinstagram, y/n_dancecompany
yourusername awww oz I love you to the moon and back
oscarpiastri who's cutting onions
landonorris if y'all don't get married rn I swear ill fall asleep in oncoming traffic
youruserman oh 😃
oscarpiastri mate...
danielriccardo what a drastic change of attitude
y/n_bestie glad to see you've sorted out your priorities
mclaren we agree
oscarpiastri wow I don't even have admin on my side
user4 aww stop this is adorable
user8 the schedules lining up perfectly is a gift from the dance and F1 gods
user5 fr fr
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liked by oscarpiastri, y/n_bestie, y/n_dancecompany, and 101,012 others
yourusername: one thing I was never taught why how hard this goodbye is. I've called this company home since I was 4 alongside the best girl in the whole world. I learned so much about dancing, myself, and life. Taking my final bow after Sleeping Beauty I couldn't help but shed a tear- I'm sad to say goodbye to my home and my ballet family, but I'm happy to dance on and make them proud. Thank you for helping me grow and spread my wings 🩵🩰✨
tagged: y/n_bestie, y/n_dancecompany
y/n_bestie I never would've thought the hardest thing I had to do was let you chase your dreams 💖
yourusername youre not far behind 💖
oscarpiastri you are incredible, I love you so much ❤️❤️
yourusername thank you so much for all your support even when it was hard and you had your own career going on ❤️ I love you so so much
landonorris since our introduction, I've only grown more and more as a fan. You have great determination, skill, grace, work ethic, and so many more things I admire, I can't wait to see ho you grow in the next steps
yourusername aww lando, I'm so touched 🥹🧡
charles_leclerc you're going to conquer whoever comes next
yourusername Merci pour votre soutien
*thank you for your support*
charles_leclerc 💖💖
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liked by landonorris, mclaren, your username, and 23,088 others
oscarpiatri: i remember when we first met, we would spend late nights talking about our dreams-- its insane to have accomplished them together. You cheered me on throughout my F1 journey and I'm excited to see your first solo in the theatre you've always dreamed of! Break a leg my beautiful dancer ❤️
tagged: your username, newdancecompany
yourusername I'm crying in rehearsals rn
yourusername I love you so much oz ❤️
oscarpiastri I love you too love
landonorris sap
danielriccardo HE'S BACK
landonorris they still need to be endgame tho
user5 he's just like us fr
user1 "my beautiful dancer"
charles_leclerc the amount of times I almost spilled the surprise
yourusername the wait is almost up
oscarpiastri should I be scared?
maxverstappen1 we cannot wait!! P has been jumping off the walls for this performance
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liked by newdancecompany, oscarpiatri, y/n_bestie, and 89,283 others
yourusername: "growing often feels like breaking at first" - a farewell quote from my very first dance teacher.
Tonight I debuted with a new dance company, my second one in all my 22 years of life. Thank you so much Charles for composing a piece that speaks what I cannot. This performance is dedicated to past me, her company, her mentors, her friends, and her supporters. I chose to keep the costuming simple, seeing as I don't feel as complete without them just yet.
I cannot wait to keep growing and dancing with every part of me.
tagged: charles_leclerc, newdancesompany
y/n_dancecompany its an absolute honor to have had you, and an even bigger one to have lost you
yourusermane forever the home of my childhood
oscarpiastri I cannot wait to watch you grow, hopefully forever
yourusername definitely forever
charles_leclerc thank YOU for bringing out the emotion and life in this piece, I've been bouncing off the walls waiting to see the final product. You've made me into your number 1 fan
yourusername we make a pretty good team
oscarpiatri not to break up a sweet moment but this weekend Lelcerc is on site, Im her number 1 fan
maxverstappen1 you didn't leave one dry eye in the place!
kellypiquet i was truly moved by the art you put on stage tonight, you've got a long successful road ahead
yourusername 😭🫶🫶
landonorris you amaze me more and more every dance, best honorary little sister I could ask for
yourusername and I though you'd keep the sister thing private sap
y/n_bestie I never imagined the pain of watching you dance from the audience and not the wings, but I also never imagined the joy in my chest watching you fly like you did tonight. Remember no matter where you go and how much more famous you become, you will always be my best friend.
yourusername in all these years, the best choice I ever made was talking to the girl next to me with the pink dress 💖 I would be nowhere without you, I truly owe all my accomplishments to you and your unwavering support 🫶🫶
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oscarpiastri posted a story
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caption: its you and me forever @/yourusername
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di-42 · 2 months
Ok. *rolls her sleeves* You want face value? *rubs her hands* I'll give you face value.
Crowley hates his plants.
He shouts at them, belittles them and k*lls them. He says horrible things to them and the fact that he k*lls the plants off screen is no reason for us to doubt that he does. Because we trust his words in that particular scene. His behaviour throughout both seasons, especially season 2 where the only thing he takes with him from his former flat are the plants, is absolutely irrelevant of course.
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Crowley thinks Aziraphale is stupid or that he is an idiot. If he says so in situations of stress, in situations where the context suggests he's desperate for the angel to see things his way the context is just irrelevant, because he says that Aziraphale is an idiot. If the rest of the series shows us that he trusts Aziraphale and his intelligence greatly, that's irrelevant because in a couple of scenes he said that Aziraphale is an idiot.
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If Crowley had gone to Alpha Centauri he WOULDN'T EVEN HAVE THOUGHT about Aziraphale. That's what he said, so it must be true.
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Crowley actually wanted Muriel to arrest him because he's a demon. That's what he said, so it's exactly what he meant. That the unfolding of the story suggests that was a trick to get to heaven is irrelevant.
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In Rome Crowley was an aardvark. Obviously.
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Aziraphale is just an angel Crowley knows. Exactly like Sandalphon.
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Crowley clearly wanted to k*ll Job's children. The whole goats-turned-into-crows thingy? Irrelevant.
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I'm sure that if you take Aziraohale's words towards Crowley during the final fifteen at face value you'll agree with me that everything else in the show is to be taken at face value.
I invite everyone to come up with more examples.
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ravenna-reid · 2 months
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Timmy x Reader because I am currently going through Tim Drake brain rot
"Tim?" His name rang through the comm like it was a warning.
"Yeah Nightwing?"
"I think you should come back to the cave. It's kinda urgent."
Tim's footsteps stilled. "What do you mean?"
Dick let out a long sigh. "It's y/n."
In that instant, it was as though someone had replaced Tim's bones with lead. He felt it weigh him down as anxiety began to pulse in his chest.
"What do you mean Dick? What happened?"
Tim already had his cellphone in his hand, but there were no missed calls or messages from you. He knew you had gone out on patrol tonight; Bruce had put you with Dick and Cass, whilst he was forced to go with the bat himself.
Prior to going on patrol, you had given Tim sweet reassurances, and as much as he hated being separated from you, he reluctantly agreed.
His finger had instinctively hooked around your pinkie. "Remember the knuckle busters I gave you." He'd said.
And you had smiled. "Of course."
Now Tim was torturing himself thinking about all of the possible things that could have happened to you on patrol.
"I don't know Tim," Dick continued, "But something happened tonight and she won't talk about it. She's gone mute."
"You better hurry up and get back replacement." Jason chimed in, the sound of the thugs he was beating hitting the ground in the background.
"Shut up Jason." Tim snapped.
Ripping his comm out, he looked over at Bruce, assuming he heard it all. Bruce could tell Tim wasn't going to take no for an answer.
Tim basically tore through the cave in search of you, his bo staff and mask disregarded on the ground. He immediately saw Cass sitting on the med bed and Dick standing beside her, arms crossed, and headed for them.
"Where is she?" He asked, voice eager and breathy like he'd just sprinted all the way back to the manor.
Cass glanced over at Dick, and Tim didn't miss the sorrowful look on her face.
"She's upstairs in your room-"
"What happened?" He cut Dick off.
The two exchanged glances, then Cass eyes averted to the floor and Dick's eyes went back to Tim. "The mission was going fine. Y/n was fine. Her usual self; strong, determined, hell she was taking out most of the guys herself." Dick shrugged and ran a hand through his hair. "Then we got separated for a few minutes-"
"What do you mean you got separated?" Tim asked, tone stern and accusatory.
Dick continued on with the story. "Cass and I couldn't find her and when we finally did, she was like a ghost..."
Tim's face was going red with anger and his expression read blame, until Cass grabbed his arm. His eyes shot over to hers. Cass raised her hand and pointed upstairs, and with the nod of his head, Tim agreed and left them without another word.
Tim wanted to practically walk through the door to his room, but instead, he gently opened it so he wouldn't startle you. He had no idea what condition you were in, and that made it agonising. So preparing himself for the worst, he quietly crept through the door.
The room was dark, the only source of light coming from his ensuite light. "Y/n?"
As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he finally looked over to the windows, and there on the window seat sat you. Staring up at the full moon. A relieved sigh fell from his lips. "Y/n."
You turned to look at him and got to your feet as he quickly rushed over to you.
"Tim." Those were the first words you had spoken in almost two hours.
Tim's hands traced down your arms, seeking any sign of injury, before his eyes skimmed over your torso and neck. Then his hands moved to cradle your face, his gaze searching your eyes for any hint of conflict or pain.
"Y/n, where are you hurt? Are you alright?"
As stupid as it was, shame began creeping up on you. "I'm ok Tim, I promise." You grabbed hold of his hands and pulled them away from your face. "Dick contacted you, didn't he?" You faked a smile.
Your not so subtle action caught Tim completely off guard as he stared back at you. It was hard to read you in the dark with only the moon and distant light aiding him, but that didn't stop him from trying.
"Yeah, y/n are you sure you're ok?"
You took a small step back. "Yeah, I promise it was nothing. I'm fine." You tried hard to mask everything with that smile of yours, but it made Tim even more uneasy. He'd thought something physically happened to you. That you were injured. Bruised and bleeding. But now he knew the hurt you were experiencing was running a lot deeper.
You took a sharp breath in. "How was patrol?"
Your voice wavered, and that coil of anxiety was beginning in Tim's chest all over again.
"Y/n..." His finger hooked your pinkie, a small habit of his. He took a step forward to close the space between you, and with the window seat behind you, you had nowhere to go. "Come on, what happened during patrol?"
You let out a deep breath, your head swimming with thoughts. "It's just, I don't know. We ended up getting separated tonight...and when I ..."
No. You instantly cut yourself short and berated yourself. A habit you had developed over the years whenever you were about to talk about how you felt. A fearful expression painted your face and it pained Tim to see it.
"Honestly, it was nothing, I swear." You waved your hand through the air. "This stuff happens on patrol Tim. We've all been through it." You shrugged, trying to brush it off. But your eyes were wide and alert and you were oh so slightly trembling.
Tim rested his hands on your elbows now, tilting his head to catch your gaze as you turned your head from him. "Y/n, something reminded you of the incident tonight, didn't it?" He asked, voice so low and understanding. His thumb stroking your arm.
You bit your lip. "Yeah, but it's fine. The past is the past." You were trying awfully hard to avoid eye contact. "I can handle it, you know."
"It's not about that y/n." Tim's hands cupped your face and now you were forced to look at him.
Usually, you would cut and run. Always at the first sign of something becoming deeper. The first sign that told you someone was getting too close and they knew too much about you. The first sign of physical contact.
And yet...and yet. You could drown it all out with Tim.
"You don't have to be tough all the time. Stoic. Unbreakable. Not with me y/n." His strokes were delicate against the skin of your face. You silently nodded, taking his words in. Tim leant in and placed a long, tender kiss on your cheek. You closed your eyes, never knowing how to act when you received such affection.
Then you subconsciously leant into his touch and Tim was more than happy to pull you closer to him. Especially given it was something you rarely did. Now with your arms around his neck and his around your waist, he moved so that his lips were near your ear as he whispered, "You don't have to tell me what happened. Just let me take care of you y/n. I swear, you'll always be ok."
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In defence of Steve Randle
Listen guys, Steve Randle gets a lot of hate in this fandom and as much as it pains me, it's valid. Everyone has their own interpretation of the source material, and fandom is supposed to be fun, so it is absolutely valid and ok to hate or love any character you want. You can hate Steve for many reasons or for no reason at all! This is fandom! That's ok! The story is for you interpret and love and play with and hate on to your hearts content. HOWEVER, to say that Steve Randle isn't an important character to the novel is simply not true, and to say that he hates Ponyboy requires ignoring or downplaying some pretty key moments of the book. This is especially true for those of you who love Dally but hate Steve, because Steve gets a lot of hate for being kind of a dickhead (which lbr, a lot of seventeen years old are, especially to their friend's little siblings) while Dally gets less for doing a lot worse (harassing Cherry, jumping kids, etc). This isn't to say that either character is better- they're both great, nuanced characters who have done bad things, but the fandoms attitudes towards them when they share a lot of characteristics is really telling. Even Ponyboy's narration about them is pretty similar- Pony doesn't particularly like Steve, and he was canonically scared of Dally, but they're both members of his gang and he doesn't hate either of them. You don't have to like Steve as a character, just like you don't have to like Dally or Darry or Tim Shepard or even Ponyboy, but he is important- and he doesn't hate Ponyboy, nor does Ponyboy hate him.
A really important moment in the book is when Ponyboy and Johnny defend Dally after he harasses Cherry and Marcia.
"Dally's okay," Johnny said defensively, and I nodded. You take up for your buddies, no matter what they do. When you're a gang, you stick up for the members. If you don't stickup for them, stick together, make like brothers, it isn't a gang any more. It's a pack. A snarling, distrustful, bickering pack like the Socs in their social clubs or the street gangs in New York or the wolves in the timber."
This line here is super important. Pony and Johnny were willing to defend Dally after he sexually harrassed Cherry and Marcia- soc girls who they clearly liked and were intimidated by- in the name of being a good friend, because that is what's important to them and their gang. If they're willing to do it in this context for Dally, you'd best believe they'd do the same for Steve, and him for them. Steve can and will rag on Ponyboy within the gang, but he'd never dream of bad mouthing him to anyone else. Dependability is important to the gang, and Steve would never publicly shit talk Pony, and vice verca. Regardless of their squabbles within the gang, at the end of the day they've got each others backs. They're buddies. We see evidence of this at the end of the book, when Pony grabs the bottle and threatens the socs with it.
"You really would have used that bottle, wouldn't you?" Two-Bit had been watching from the storedoorway. "Steve and me were backing you, but I guess we didn't need to. You'd have really cut them up, huh?"
The important thing here is that along with Two-bit, Steve was backing Ponyboy, no questions asked. Sure most of it boils down to Pony being a member of the gang and that deep rooted loyalty to one another, but the context for this scene is that Ponyboy was sitting on Steve's car waiting for Steve and Two to stop flirting with some girls. The three of them were hanging out- without Darry, without Sodapop. It's their school lunch break. We know Ponyboy has middle class friend's at school, or that he could've spent time in the school library. It was a deliberate choice to hang out with Two and Steve. He wasn't forced into it. Canonically, Steve and Ponyboy hang out. Never alone, but they're decent enough friends to hang out together in a group. Doesn't everyone have friends like that? I do. This isn't the only textual instance either where they hang out without the entire gang being present. Early on, Pony offhandedly mentions that sometimes Steve and Soda will buy him pop and teach him about cars if he hangs around the DX.
"I had walked down to the DX station to get a bottle of pop and to see Steve and Soda, because they'll always buy me a couple of bottles and let me help work on the cars."
He could've just said Soda's name here but he didn't. Steve buys Pony pepsi and teaches him about cars, even though he gets annoyed with him when Soda invites him to hang around with them too often. And honestly, who wouldn't? I'd be annoyed if my best friend always invited her little brother along with us, even if I liked the kid. Wouldn't you?
Now, we do need to address the elephant in the room. I'm talking of course, about this quote;
"I'd never tell Soda, because he really likes Steve a lot, but sometimes I can't stand Steve Randle. I mean it. Sometimes I hate him."
I feel like very often people forget the context this quote comes from, and so it's magnitude is blown way out of proportion. Ponyboy has just been jumped and then immediately scolded by his brother who constantly makes him feel foolish and unwanted. He's already scared, embarassed, and defensive and then Steve goes and makes him feel even more unwanted. Of course he wants to lash out. Of COURSE he feels like he hates Steve in that moment. I did even reading it. But Ponyboy doesn't truly hate Steve. This moment is PEAK fourteen year old having a rough night energy, it's not truly representative of Steve as a character or of Ponyboy's feelings towards him. In truth, Steve actually kind of likes Ponyboy and is at very least protective over him. This is evidence by the previous quotes, but also when Ponyboy comes back from Windrixville, and is worried about the state placing him in foster care;
"'No, [Ponyboy said] 'they ain't goin' to put us in a boys' home.' 'Don't worry about it,' Steve said, cocksure that he and Sodapop could handle anything that came up. 'They don't do things like that to heroes.'"
It's subtle, and not immediately obvious to the traumatized fourteen year old who is used to Steve's cocky nature, but this is both a reassurance and a very bold claim. Not only is Steve trying to look out for Ponyboy the way the rest of the gang models- by treating him like a kid, letting the 'adults' worry about grown up issues in a misguided attempt to protect Pony- he is also throwing in his lot to make sure nothing does happen. Based on this quote and the rest of Steve's characterization throughout the book its not hard to infer that Steve would fight tooth and nail to make sure Ponyboy stays safe with his family. Sure, part of it is gang loyalty, part of it is his devotion to soda, but part of it is because he and Ponyboy are buddies in their own right, no matter how much they fight. They are friends- and Steve is an incredibly important character for many reasons, but particularly to add depth to Pony's character, to the bond between the Curtis gang, and to highlight how the Curtis gang differs from the other gangs in Tulsa. Steve is just as much an outsider as the rest of the gang, and it's disingenuous to say otherwise no matter how much you may hate him as a character.
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skyeslittlecorner · 3 months
I feel like we didn't get enough moments with that beautiful king in chapter 5 (why PB >:(((()
Can you pls do a short story about MC who has been kidnapped (again) when they try to find a place to sleep to Leviathan's office where he demands them to sleep *in his coffin* (so he could keep an eye on them).
Okay I can only think that much. Hope you ok with this request 🥹 Luv u and your works 🫶 Have a great day!!!
Thanks for lovely words! AND I AGREE. I know that the plot needs to move forward, but my heart wants to stay longer. We only got to know Levi for a moment and quite superficially because he mostly talked to others. PAY ATTENTION TO US. Just no nooses, please. We'll play with the ropes later, maybe dinner first.
This turned out to be a bit long. Hope you'll like it!
Words: ~900
Kidnapped to sleep | Leviathan
Peace, just a little bit of peace. That's all you asked for. After a long, tiring day, you didn't even have time to sit down properly in your room for a moment. Just when you approached bed, a knocking sound came from inside the room instead of from outside.
“You knock before entering!” You huffed.
Foras appeared at your side without a hush.
"Sorry, but…"
“What’s going on again? And quickly, if you can.” You cut his words in half. Headache and tiredness make you thorny. All you wanted was to collapse like a log and fall asleep. Didn't even care anymore whether he tried to kill you or not, you had survived so many threats and potential murder attempts today that one here or there wouldn't make any difference. You almost softened when you saw the remorse written all over the dreamy devil's face.
“His Majesty wants to see you.”
Yeah, almost. 
“Tell him to stick his desires in… ugh.”
There was no point arguing. The quicker you deal with them, the better. You were about to leave when Foras grabbed your waist, and you felt your insides churning again. That bastard… you can walk on your own! No need to teleport!
The palace was even quieter and darker, but when Foras left you in his king's office, you didn't feel as overwhelmed as the first time. It reminded you of Prince Charming's room. Leviathan, as beautiful as he was mysterious, was leaning over the documents. You stood on your tiptoes to look at them.
"What are you doing? It's not your business."
“You called me here yourself.”
You won't let him push you around. Not only was it dangerous, it also hurt your pride. He ignored you and went back to work, so you sat down on the chair across him, not knowing for what he needed you, and started thinking. Just out of boredom. It wasn't the wisest decision you could have made in such a state. 
With such a beautiful creature by your side, it was hard to think of anything other than punishing him for the way he treated you. If only he could be beaten with a whip again. Choke. Oppress. Hear the gasps and moans as he runs out of breath. Milk would flow from these beautiful horns, and you would make him drink it himself...
"What are you staring at?"
Not only did he dare to be so beautiful in front of you, but he also disturbed your fantasies. The audacity.
A smile appeared on his lips and you clutched your mouth. This shouldn't have been let slip! Apparently, it only made him feel better, because he told you that you’re going to sleep together. Oh yes. It's time to put all these plans into action!
Reality hit you as soon as you sat down on the soft mattress in his coffin. How was it so comfortable here? It reminded you of a water bed with a cover on top like a canopy. Leviathan probably already thought you were a freak, so you had nothing to lose. You could have use him, abused him. But the soft material acted like a magnet. Silk is like flypaper. You were so tired... you closed your eyes just for a second, and suddenly felt the warmth next to you. A hot, masculine fragrance. And a strong arm that hung around your waist.
“I thought you hated me?”
“I do not like you. Just like everyone else.”
It was so comfortable. So… safe? You definitely needed some rest.
“So you also sleep cuddled up to your nobles like stuffed animals? Like now?”
He nuzzled his nose into your hair, not really bothered by your taunts.
“Silence. I have to keep an eye on you all the time. I can't let you endanger anyone.”
It occurred to you that for now you are only a danger to yourself, because you want to abuse the most dangerous king of hell you have ever met.
If only you had a whip at hand... wrapped in the darkness of the coffin and Levi's arm, the tiredness of the day came flooding back to you. You closed your eyes. Just for a second.
Two seconds later you were sound asleep, tucking your knee between the devil's legs. He grabbed the back of your neck and tightened his fingers.
“What are you thinking?”
You didn't think anything at that moment. Just purred in delight. Feeling the warm, broad chest, you clung to it unconsciously. No wonder you sought safety. That coffin almost devour you last time. What was strange was that you were looking for support in the arms of a man who was the reason for your anxiety, but who would care? He also didn't behave like a terrible tyrant, not now.
He ran his fingers through your hair. They were soft and fragrant, flowing between his fingers like a waterfall. You didn't see him, so he could afford it. So defenseless, hugging him, you no longer looked like a threat. If it weren't for his experience, he would almost be fooled by you. He promised himself he wouldn't fall into your trap, and despite his own promises, he wrapped his arms around you. Some devils can lie, and he was just trying to lie to himself.
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moonydustx · 10 days
Hi, I was wondering if you could do Zoro, Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Crocodile, Mihawk, Buggy (Cross guild), Whitebeard, Izou, and Charlotte Katakuri x Reader where They are in a Disney/ Fairy tale Story? (I've been watching Disney lately, and it's living in my Brain-Free.) Also a bonus: They break out in a song number.~
Hi Hi! I think this was the most complicated request I've ever received and to be honest, all my drafts didn't get anywhere that was interesting to read. So, in order not to be left without an answer, but also not to deliver something terrible, I decided to change the format a little (and I really hope you don't hate me for it)
Even though her father (grandfather in this version) is against all this, our little mermaid wants to find the surface world (again, pirate world) and see all the wonders that await him. You'll make different friends along the way and, above all, collect incredible things like a certain hat along the way.
Our Beauty and the Beast story is a little more troubled here. Instead of a beast cursed by the witch, we just have an evil-looking and somewhat threatening man who still hasn't found a reason to let anyone get close to him. When the right person arrives, he will definitely become someone lovable - even if it involves some fights, wars and everything that can prevent anyone from interfering in the lives of the two of you.
Crocodile, Katakuri
Living the best life, without growing up, without responsibilities, just him and his people living happily in Neverland and disturbing the life of the pirate who passes by. Despite trying to bring our beloved Peter Pan to the real world, you would ultimately understand that Neverland is the place made for him to be free.
I know, I know it's not exactly a fairy tale. But, our beloved Puss in Boots would be just as stubborn, adventurous and showy as this one. His sword would be the sharpest and most agile of all the kingdoms, apart from all the flame that only he has.
Bonus point: in a universe where Cross Guid is made up of enemies and we are in fairy tales/animations, Crocodile would be the wolf in the second film.
This one would be Sleeping Beauty, I don't think we even need to explain why. However, this sleeping beauty here chose to sleep for days straight after being in battle and when you tried to wake him up in a kind way - aka, the kiss of love - he hated it, after all, he was in the best part of sleep.
Zoro (and I'd include Buggy here too, I can see him grumbling about it).
The world was just a small view of the tower his mother trapped him in and of course, his mother knows better. Until he found himself being saved by someone fearless, brave (a bit of a scoundrel) who took him from his cruel mother's clutches and took him to explore the world - and that includes the nearest bakery.
Charlotte Katakuri, Sabo (I mean, his parents were pretty shitty)
He would definitely be Mufasa and he would make us suffer terribly with his loss, but he would have been a great father. (and you can't tell me that Ace wouldn't be the son with the chaotic and adventurous spirit also known as Simba)
He would have to put up with you singing Let It Go in any situation, but he probably wouldn't get angry about it. Except when you were in a more intimate moment and you said that the cold wouldn't bother you anyway (and of course, he would create little ice drawings for you in the winter)
We also have Snow White: dreamy, kind, fearless too. Instead of seven dwarves, he has loyal companions. Some are more serious and angry, but ready to help our Snow White here and other cute and funny eaters.
Shanks (and yes Benn Beckman is our angry one in this one) ---
a/n: ok, I had more fun writing this than I thought I would
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
And they were Roommates (Part 20)
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A/N: there is.. SO MUCH happening in this chapter like.. Even i was overwhelmed. here it is my darling.
WARNINGS: mention of death.
The team was a mess. You had immediately driven back to the base, Kate meeting you there. A team was gathered with the squad to find any clues. You were sitting at your desk, viewing every single camera on the base trying to find a hint. You had a feeling they were alive. Your anxiety was making a mess out of you. You were nauseous. 
You turned your head to Kate. The firm and stern look on her face betrayed her own anxiety. 
"Hopkins is here." 
You got up, following her out. The squad were right outside the door. 
"Kate." Price said. 
"We're meeting Hopkins." She informed. 
"Very well. I'm sending Soap with you, I have to brief the team you got me." 
She nodded soap hurrying up to you. He stood, sharing glances with Simon, a hint of a nod sent to each other. He had orders from Simon to remain with you. You knew it. He was worried too. Worried about the girl's and worried about you. It had crushed you already to lose him a little over a month ago. 
If you were honest with yourself, you didn't know how to feel. You were broken. They meant so much to you. A part of you was in denial, trying to convince you that it wasn't what it seemed. That they were ok. That Eric didn't take them. 
Because it was obvious to you. It was Eric. Walking to the meeting room you felt your anger rise. The doors opened and the view of the general was enough to make you snap. 
"You incompetent asshole!" You let out. 
Soap was taken aback. He let a 'damn…" under his breath. 
"Sparrow, I would like to remind you that one of my men is dead." He answered in an angry tone. 
"It wouldn't have happened if literally any FUCKING criminal wasn't able to get into this high security base like a fucking candy store!" 
"Sparrow, calm down." Kate tried. 
You took a deep breath soap trying to pat your shoulder. You turned to him, his little scaredy look made you calm down a bit. 
"Listen. We're doing everything to find them and discover what happened. We got all hands on deck." Hopkins countered. 
"You better fucking be." 
"Sparrow. Our priority is to find them. To find the girls but to also catch Sergeant Eric." 
You frowned, something was telling you that he had other goals in this story. 
"What are you hiding?" You asked, crossing your arms. 
"Excuse me?" 
"Don't even try to fucking lie to me." 
He stood silent. 
"What did they promise you? What price did they put on Eric's head?"
"It's not-"
"You make me sick." 
"A little over dramatic sparrow." He stated. 
"No! Literally. You make me sick…" 
"What..?" Soap asked, confused. 
"I have to throw up…" 
You felt absolutely horrible. You could feel the nausea. It was so sudden. You spun around running for the door, hoping to reach the bathroom on time. 
"Sparrow! What?!" You heard Kate. 
You were already out the door. You could hear soap running after you in the hallway. Barely making it to the bathroom, you swing the door open before dropping to your knees feeling your stomach clench. God… you hated to throw up. The burning sensation, the lingering taste. Two hands wrapped around your hair, lifting it up. Looking up for a split second you threw a thankful look at soap before another fit of nausea hit you. 
"Are you ok? Shit Y/N…" soap worried. 
Another person ran in, you heard it but you couldn't look behind. The voice was very recognizable though. 
"What happened? Kate told me to get a water bottle and come here… Y/N are you throwing up?" 
"No bishop… I'm trying to find Nemo…" 
You didn't need to see her to know she had rolled her eyes. She chuckled behind you. 
"John, are you alright? You look terrified." She teased. 
"She's throwing up… why is she throwing up? LT is going to murder me…" 
You let out a very weak laugh. 
"Did you make her throw up?" She kept teasing. 
"What?! No! I think Hopkins did!" 
"What?" Margo asked, confused as well now.
"Yeah she said he made her sick!" 
"I don't think he actually made her sick John…" 
"Guys…" you interrupted. 
Bishop walked closer wrapping her hand around your hair, placing the cool water bottle at the back of your neck. You yelped at the cold feeling, but it soothed you. 
"You alright?" She asked. 
"I think so…" 
You opened your closed eyes, sitting back. You heard her flush, thankful for not having to do it, you'd probably puke again if you had to look. You felt a soft wind on your face, opening your eyes to Bishop fanning you with some file. 
"Thank you Margo…" you whined. 
"No problem, love. You ate something bad?" She asked. 
"I think… I think it's the stress. It's been a wreck for the past few hours." You tried. 
"You haven't rested… have you eaten something? It's pretty late…" she checked her watch, wincing. "Come on, let's get you up."
Soap scrambled behind you, helping you up with Margo and walking you to the sink. You washed your face, gurgling to try to erase the awful taste lingering on your tongue. Bishop handed you the fresh water bottle. 
"Are you alright?" 
You met Soap's eyes in the mirror. You smiled at him, throwing a small nod. 
"Could you please call price… tell him to finish the meeting with Hopkins and Kate?" You tried. 
"Yeah yeah yeah…" 
You smiled, turning to look at bishop. You melted at the soft look she sent the man dialing on his phone. Meeting your gaze she winked before wrapping her arms around you. 
"Sergeant ?" You heard. 
He had but it on high speaker. 
"Huh captain. Could you finish the meeting?" 
"Finish the meeting? What happened?" 
"Hum… Hopkins made her sick…"
"Soap!" You and bishop countered. 
"Sergeant, what?" 
"Y/N threw up, I'm with her and bishop." 
"She what?!" Another voice called. 
"I'm fine! I'm ok! It's probably just stress. Simon.." 
"Alright. I'll get on with the meeting, lieutenant take care of the brief. Soap, get to the brief." 
You heard a faint 'pass it over' on the other side before soap turned off the high speaker and passed the phone to you. 
"Simon…" you started. 
"Are you alright?" 
"I'm fine really… it's just the stress… the anxiety…" 
"Baby. I'll find them. Rest." 
"Get one of the rooms and rest. Baby please…" 
"What if something happens?" 
"You'll be the first to know. I'll make sure." 
"Good girl… I love you." 
"I love you…" 
Handing the phone over to soap you heard bishop chuckle in your ear. Soap nodded both your ways, throwing a wink at bishop before running out the door. 
"Come on let's get you to rest." 
"You heard?..." 
"I'm literally standing right next to you. Come on baby" she teased. 
It had been a few hours. Kate had asked to prepare some meeting room for you and the team. Computers were set messily around the room where everyone kept typing. You were sitting on a pile of pillows and blankets dropped on a giant bean bag. It irritated you. Being treated like a little doll. Tiredness was screaming otherwise. You sat with your laptop on your lap. Riley laid down next to you. His protectiveness increased in the last few days.
Two things had been uncovered. Firstly, it was Eric. You could clearly see on the video cameras. Secondly, they had left the base already. To your luck, he had only left the base a few hours before you discovered the body, probably realizing that you'd all find it strange. Everyone had switched to a bigger circle of search. 
Hopkins had sent pictures to all airports, bus stations, train stations and police stations. 
You didn't rest. How could you? Time kept ticking, the more it ticked the less chances you got to find them. Snacks were brought to you, some take-out food that you had very quickly downed, not realizing how hungry you were. The nausea came and went, thankfully not bringing you down to your knees again. 
"Got it!!" 
You jumped at Coyote's voice. Liz brought everyone's attention to her screen, a camera pointing to an old decrepit motel, two figures and a child entering one of the rooms. 
"Send location to Hopkins and local cops." You ordered, trying to stand. 
"Already on it." Grim added. 
It took five minutes for the boys to get to the conference room. Simon had immediately rushed to you, holding you close. 
"Simon…" you whispered to him. 
"I'm right here. Whatever happens. I'm here." 
It wasn't anxiety anymore. It was something much worse. A heavy sword seemed to linger over your head, ready to slam down on you. Eternity stretched through the seconds, silence and heartbeats filling the room. Hushed breaths, and hugs around. Price held Liz close to her, bishop nested in soap's arms as grim's small body was engulfed in a big bear hug by Konig. Gaz remained close to Richard and Aquila. Kate remained close, hawk gaze watching everyone.  Everyone was turned to the wall where a projector showed the current operations on field. 
You couldn't breathe. The only thing echoing was the few operation calls and orders the cops were throwing around on the field. The closer they got to the room, the sicker you felt. The sword kept trembling dangerously, threatening to fall. Your hands were fisted in Simon's tactical shirt, his arms tight around you, making sure to trap you in his warmth. 
Your heartbeat was deafening to your ears. It crushed the little sanity you were trying to keep. You were unsure if you heard correctly when the news fell. When the captain on the field broke the news. You felt Simon's hand tangling in your hair bringing you to his chest as he kissed the top of your head, the other hand rubbing your back. Your voice was shaking when you repeated the news out loud. Trying to fully grasp the reality. 
"She's dead." 
And then, the sword fell.
You cried. Yes you did. Silently. Simon had held you the entire time, he hadn't left. The team had gotten back to searching, this time to an obsessive extent. He was still out there. With Amy. You felt like you had no time to grieve. None. Amy was the only thing on your mind. The boys had shifted. Cold gazes and threatening voices. You had never seen them like this. Ever. The rage and anger filled them and Simon was more than restless. When you had let him go he had immediately turned to his gear, getting ready. Riley remained close to you, never leaving your side, but keeping an eye on Simon.
Glances and touches were still shared. Silent comfort and promise. You were glued to your screen. Long gone were the legal ways to track them. Between anger, worry and rage especially against Hopkins, you hated yourself. For not protecting her. For not doing something sooner. 
Suddenly you were hungry. Starving. You frowned. 
"Y/N… you alright?" Liz asked. 
You looked up, now feeling very scrutinized by everyone. 
"Y-yeah… I'm just a bit hungry." 
Bishop frowned. 
"Come on, let's get something to eat. I think we all need it. John, will you come with us?" She said. 
You were going to complain, refuse, unfortunately Simon fully agreed. You looked at him, pleading, but he dropped another kiss to your head, before asking you to please go with them. The rest of the team reassured you they wouldn't let go of their objectives. You were finally convinced. Mostly because they were still working. And they deserved something to eat. Heading out with the couple, you followed silently, not participating in the small conversation. Bishop had excused herself while you and soap met with Kate, planning something for everyone to eat, whether it was take-out again or not. 
The sun was already rising, now realizing everyone had spent the night awake. Your mind wondered, remembering the first time you and Melissa met. Her warm smile and welcomingness. The gossip, chit chat and movie nights. It brought tears to your eyes. You wanted to crumble again. Cry out, the pain in your chest constricting your breathing. Or.. was it something else? You were having heartburns. You frowned through tears. You brushed it away, mind focusing back on Amy. 
Little Amy. She must be terrified. You didn't think he'd hurt her. He'd want to keep her for him. What Melissa had feared was slowly becoming reality, it was up to you and the team to stop it. Get Amy back, and be there for her. 
"Hey, sparrow!" 
You looked up, seeing bishop. You wiped your tears, walking to her. She grabbed your wrist pulling you behind her, Soap soon following, curious. 
Pushing past a door, you looked around. 
"Why are we in the bathroom again?" You questioned. 
She rummaged through a plastic bag before handing you a box. You read it before gasping. You were going to say something but Soap beat you to it. 
"A pregnancy test?! Are you pregnant?" 
What? Couldn't be possible. You were on the pill. You shook your head. 
"Margo… I'm on the pill… I can't…"
"Are you sure? Didn't miss a day? I recognize the signs I have a kid."
"No..no… I took it . Even…" 
You froze. Did you? When you had received the news of Simon's death. When you had given up on working or when you had met them on field. Did you take it? Now doubt settled in. Heading towards the stalls you questioned yourself. Through the whole test you tried to remind yourself if you had missed something. 
You walked out putting down the test, waiting. 
"Listen it's ok."
"No… it's not. Melissa just died. I need to find Amy. We didn't talk about kids with Simon. How will he even react if that test is positive?!"
Panic swept you like a tidal wave. The nausea was back. 
"Ok, just breathe Y/N. Whatever happens you are not alone. We are going to find Amy ok? " Margo comforted you.
"Honestly… I don't think Simon will back down. He's not that type of man." Soap added in a serious tone. 
"I'm not scared of that johnny… but I don't want to force him into something he doesn't want." 
Margo reached for the test, and you looked away. Soap looked down with her. 
"What does it mean?" Soap questioned. 
You found the courage to look at them, Margo looking up at you. 
"It's positive." 
Leg bouncing, you kept staring at the screen. Riley put his head on your leg, trying to soothe you. You were so close to getting them. So close. Thoughts kept running around in your head. You'd throw glances at Simon when he wasn't looking. Positive. The test was positive. How could you tell him? Especially right now? You wanted to find Amy and bring her home. That's all you wanted. 
You shivered, looking up. His hand rose to your cheek, eyes filled with worry. 
"You alright?" 
You didn't know what to answer. No. You weren't. You were angry, sad, worried… happy. You were feeling too much. 
"I'm… tired. I want Amy here." You let out in a whisper. 
He dropped to a crouch in front of you, getting to your eye level. He held both of your hands. 
"I'm going to find her. I'll bring her to us. I give you my word." 
His gaze was intense. Feral. Angry, possessive, determined. You felt yourself melt, but you needed to test the waters. 
"We're going to have a kid running around the house." 
He took a deep breath. 
"Yes we will." 
"Simon… this is my responsibility… you don't have to-" 
"You think I'll run away? Do you think so low of me?" He looked hurt. 
"No! No… it's not what I meant. It's just… we didn't discuss this." 
"I don't need to discuss. Amy is as important to me as she is to you." He explained, brushing his thumb across your cheek.
"I'll be there for my princesses." 
You smiled. You wanted to tell him. You wanted to. But you were frozen. This was so much already. So much. How could you just let out that he was going to be a father. More than just a father figure to Amy. 
Both of your heads snapped towards car keys. 
"Richard ?!" You yelled. 
"Sending location right now!! Grim help me keep track!!" 
"I'm on it!" 
"I'll get on it too!" Liz added. 
"Gear up! Let's go!" Price ordered. 
Simon dropped a hurried kiss on top of your head before rushing out. You stood up, you and bishop following them. 
Everyone hurried up the stairs, Kate joining near the humvees. 
"We got accepted to intervene. Try to get as few casualties as possible and less chaos. Just bring the kid back." Kate explained as the team was finishing up, boys getting in the humvee, Riley following. 
Simon brought you to his arms, foreheads connecting. 
"Bring her back… please bring her back Simon…" 
"I promise. I will." 
You smiled at him as he separated. 
"Guess I'm gonna have to step up as a father now." He teased, a hint of a smile on his face. 
"Oh you already told him?!" Soap rang from the window of the humvee. You frowned before opening your eyes wide. 
"Can't fucking WAIT to be an uncle! I mean a pregnant woman and a child around the house is going to be-" 
Simon's head snapped back to Soap, eyes wide in shock. You were hyperventilating. Margo hugged your shoulders. Trying to calm you down. Simon turned to you, eyes wide in shock. Soap slowly returned inside of the humvee, pretending to not exist as he realized he fucked up. 
"What..?" Simon asked, eyes shifting to your stomach. 
You opened your mouth but you froze. What could you say? 
"I… I'm going to find Amy." He simply added, turning around before getting into the humvee. 
You wanted to cry again. Unsure if you could even do it, after all the crying of the last 16 hours. 
"Hey. I'll make sure you guys talk. I won't let him run away." 
You turned to price, nodding slightly before he also rushed to the humvee. 
Did he hate you? Was he angry? God. Too many life changing events in the couple of hours. 
"Come on. Let's get back to the conference room. We got to help them. Take your mind off of it for now." 
You took a deep breath, a few tears running down your cheeks. You nodded heading towards the building.
Pacing back and forth you took deep breaths. Your mind tried to rewind through the day's events. Two hours had passed since the boys left. Your friend… was killed. Her daughter was kidnapped. You were now the child's legal guardian. You were pregnant. You were pregnant. 
"Oh god…" you let out, letting yourself lean forward on the table. 
"Everything's going to be alright…" grim assured you. 
"I'm pregnant…" you repeated, more to yourself than anything. 
"What?" Car keys asked. 
"She's … pregnant." Bishop added. 
"Oh my god! That's amazing!" Liz claimed happily. 
You looked up. The team was beaming. Smiles and happy expressions surrounded you. Congratulations and warm praises sent your way. Yes. It was good news. Right? Not only will you be Amy's legal guardian, though the circumstances are horrible… but you're going to be a mother. 
You wanted Simon. You needed him. You just wanted to see him walk in, Amy in his arms. 
"Boy or girl?" Bishop asked. 
"Excuse me?" You blinked. 
"I say boy!" Car keys added. 
"Nah. Girl." Liz added. 
"I agree with Liz. Girl." Grim chimmed in.
"Guys…" you tried. 
The lighthearted conversation could almost make you forget the horror the last day had been. 
"You think we'll have a little sparrow or a little ghost running around?" Grim asked. 
A little ghost… a little Simon. The idea made your heart melt. Oh god. You were falling in love with the idea. But you couldn't. Not yet. It was… too early. You couldn't think of it now. 
The door slammed open, making everyone jump. 
"They're back." Kate announced in a stern voice. 
You ran. You flew out the door. The stairs were jumped two by two. You vaguely heard Kate tell you to slow down, that you were going to fall. Fortunately, you didn't. Everyone on the way just stepped away. The sun was almost blinding. The humvee came to a stop, price and gaz hopping out. Soap and Konig followed before finally. Finally. Simon appeared, a small frame in his arms. 
You let out something that resembled a cry of relief and pain. Amy saw you, her rosy cheeks soaked with tears. Little arms extended to you. You immediately took her in your arms, holding her close. 
"I'm so sorry… so sorry… I'm right here princess." You let out in between hushed cries. 
Feeling two arms surround you, you looked at Simon, his eyes stuck on you. 
"Thank you…" 
His gaze softened. 
"I gave you my word." 
You smiled up at him, a hint of smile under his mask. The team stood not too far, warm looks and heavy hearts. Simon suddenly tensed. 
"You did good captain."  
The voice made you freeze. Hopkins. You spun around, still holding the little girl close. You frowned, looking at the woman in a suit next to him. Kate frowned, stepping in front of you. 
"General?" She questioned. 
"This is Miss Kenneth. She's a social worker for-" 
"No." You interrupted. "I have legal guardianship, Amy isn't going anywhere." 
Riley growled next to you. Simon grew furious. 
"The documents will have to be checked, if you do have guardianship she'll be back in no time." The woman explained with a soft smile that made you sick. 
"No. You don't understand." Simon growled. "She's not going anywhere." 
"Lieutenant -" Hopkins started. 
"Kate. Get me on a meeting with the secretary. Right now." 
Was it the pregnancy? The fact you had lost too much. The threat in Hopkins's voice when he called your man's rank? Perhaps the way the little blond curls hugged you tightly, terrified. 
"No. You're done." You spat. 
You walked away, everyone following you, Riley at your side, on alert. You felt incredibly thankful, for the way everyone surrounded you, making sure to shield you and Amy. Simon's hand rested on your lower back, never leaving. 
"I'll go get the jeep." Simon whispered into your ear. 
You nodded, feeling him walk away. Price and soap followed him, getting their own cars. You stood, waiting, with the rest of the team surrounding you. Amy sniffled in your arms. 
You felt yourself break inside. The little voice filled with hiccups. 
"I know… I'm… I'm here my love." 
"You… stay?...pwomise?" 
"Oh baby. Forever. Me and Simon. I promise." 
The black jeep flew into view, before coming to a sudden stop. Two cars following right behind. 
"Go home. I'll take care of things here." Kate said, already typing on her phone. 
"I'll help. Everyone go." Price added. 
You didn't need another word. Simon opened the car as you sat down, Amy still in your arms. Riley jumped in the back before Simon sat back down at the driver's seat. 
"We're going home. It's ok darling…" you hushed the little girl. 
She sat on your lap, getting her head out of your neck for the first time. The blond curls were tangled, blue eyes filled with tears, rosy cheeks. Her little hand held onto your shirt tightly, as if you were going to vanish. She looked at Simon, as he glanced at her, she extended one of her hands. He gave her his, her hand holding his pinky finger. 
You remained like this, driving off and heading home. 
The evening was stretching out. The sun was lowering itself in the sky. You sat down in your chair, in the corner of your room, looking at the little girl sleeping in your bed. You had given her a bath, made her eat, soap and bishop had rushed back to Melissa's house getting clothes, toys, and other necessities. The little girl slept soundly, a little raggedy plush in her arms. 
You turned your head to the silhouette at the door gaining your attention. Simon stood, mask off, looking at you and the little girl. He has showered too, switching to gray sweatpants and tshirt. He walked to you slowly, taking a seat in your desk chair, making it roll towards you. 
"How are you feeling..?" He whispered. 
"I… I'm a mess." You answered honestly in a hushed tone. 
He grabbed your hand, rubbing it in between both of his. 
"I… I still can't wrap my head around the fact that Melissa's gone…" 
"I know… it's… it was really sudden." 
You wanted to laugh, but you held back, not wanting to wake the child. 
"Sudden? Everything was sudden in the past few 24h. Melissa and Amy being kidnapped… Melissa… is gone. I'm… pregnant. Fuck…" 
You let your head fall, hand falling over your eyes. 
"Hey… breathe. Let's talk this out." 
You looked up at him. 
"How did it happen? Aren't you on the pill?" He asked. 
You frowned. 
"I'm not putting the blame. There's no blame. It takes two to make a kid… and it's not like we don't do it…"
Hushed voice were heard, you glanced at the door, gaz and soap waving and looking angrily at Simon. You frowned. 
"Hum… they're supposed to be here for morale support.." he whispered, looking confused. 
Price appeared in a flash, grabbing the two man by the collar before pulling them back. He reached for the door handle, closing it with a soft smile your way. You bit your lip. You wanted to laugh. You needed a deep breath to finally get your head back into the very serious discussion you were having. 
"I forgot about it. My pill, I mean. When… i received the news that… you've been KIA… i kinda broke down for a few days, including the trip on the field." 
He listened carefully, still holding your hand. His features seemed to have softened. He did look panicked, although less as you spoke. 
"I think… the… bath we took together…" you blushed. You remembered that moment. The love making in the tub, holding each other close. Feeling all the relief to be back together. 
"Yeah. Probably." He grinned. 
You rolled your eyes softly. 
"Listen. My father… was not a good man. He was. Horrible. Abusive." 
Your other hand reached his, now holding them together. 
"I always thought. I would never be able to be a father. Because I never had a good example. I… was scared." He continued. 
"I understand… I don't think you'd be a bad father at all. I see the way you act with Amy… but, what made you change your mind?" 
"Price. I realized I did have some kind of father figure example. And… a very good one." 
You melted, letting your head fall to the side. One of his hands rose to your cheek, thumb softly caressing the skin. 
"I… will do everything, to be a good father. To be the best for you. Amy. And… the baby…" 
You felt tears prickle in your eyes. 
"I know you will… I trust you with everything." 
He smiled. Soft cries made you jolt up, Simon immediately rising to his feet. Turning to the little girl, squirming in her sleep you rushed with him to her side. 
"Hey.. hey… monkey, we're here…" you softly hushed her. 
Her blue eyes blinked open, already glossy with tears. She extended two little hands towards you and Simon, each of you holding it as you laid down next to her. 
"It's alright princess. No one will ever touch you again." Simon murmured to her. 
She cuddled up to him as you felt your heart ready to burst. Yes… he'll be an amazing father. 
ok first of all... i'm sorry
second of all, we are getting dangerously close to the ending... and i would like to thank you guys.
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michanvalentine · 2 months
Things about Vincent Valentine that I read around and piss me off. Vol.2
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"Vincent was too shy and passive. He is an idiot."
Usually in reference to his attitude towards Lucrecia after the breakup. As if he could somehow save his relationship with her (and thus prevent everything else). I say yes, perhaps he could have sought further clarification, but for me the situation has never been so simple and linear.
Ok, let's start from the beginning. First of all, Vincent is a sensitive and intelligent person, with an above-average education. A person who thinks a lot, even too much. So calling him an idiot, especially in such a context, is really having a superficial reading of the character. Honestly, this statement bothers me a lot even when it is extended to the other part: Lucrecia. But that's another story... Secondly, let's remember that the two had a real relationship. In DoC Vincent was never a sort of stalker fixated on Lucrecia despite the unrequited love, as he might have appeared in the OG (unless the remake wants to tell yet another story.) Even Hojo was aware of their love story, in fact when Lucrecia pronounces the fateful "Yes, doctor" he says: "So you've come to your senses and chosen me." And I don't think Hojo was exactly the type to care about gossip.
That said, I would add my interpretation on Vincent's "passivity". A while ago I read a comment, something like: Lucrecia went with Hojo to gauge how much Vincent cared about her, since she thought he hated her due to the Grimoire's death. So she was waiting for Vincent to react and take her away from Hojo, but Vincent was just too shy and passive to do something so outrageous. I couldn't help but respond to this comment like this: This would be a really sick way of demanding attention. In this case Lucrecia would be truly mentally ill and Vincent would simply be a sane person who behaves properly. I believe there are several biases in this regard. First and foremost, the old-fashioned concept of Prince Charming rescuing the damsel in distress. Which I hate. Secondly I don't think Lucrecia left Vincent because she thought he despised her for the Grimoire incident. Otherwise she wouldn't have needed to push him away, because in that case Vincent himself would have been the one to leave her. No, the reasons are different:
Feelings of guilt led her to think she couldn't be by his side. As if Vincent didn't deserve someone as bad as her in his life.
Every time she looked at Vincent, given the extreme similarity, she saw Grimoire again and remembered the event that had traumatized her.
Obviously Lucrecia didn't put Vincent to the test, she was determined to put as much distance as possible between her and Vincent because she felt it was right for him and too painful for her to continue. Stop. The relationship with Hojo is an addition, but also desired for other reasons. She neither expected nor wanted to be saved. Not to mention that Vincent is not Lucrecia's father and had neither the responsibility nor the duty to do so. She is an adult. Certainly, by breaking off their relationship, Lucrecia has also made a decision for Vincent. He didn't object, he passively accepted and stepped aside. But are we sure he could have done otherwise? Are we sure he could change Lucrecia's mind? How exactly? Young Vincent was naive and introverted, but Vincent's passivity in this case was also determined by other factors. Maybe he could have made his feelings about Grimoire's death and about Lucrecia more clear. But at the same time I think it wasn't necessary, because they were obvious. It's Lucrecia who no longer knows what her true feelings are. And she will only be able to clarify them for herself later, in fact at the end of DoC she will confess to Vincent: "I finally realized my true feelings. Even if you may never understand them".
But let's analyze the facts and see how they unfolded. Given the above, at first Lucrecia was so focused on herself due to guilt that she was numb to everything else. Even to Vincent. In DoC, when Vincent discovers the file on Grimoire, Lucrecia yells at him to "stop it". She doesn't want to listen and at the same time she doesn't give him a chance to express himself. Likewise, after apologizing to him, she ran away without giving him a chance to reply. And let's remember that out of the blue he was left by the love of his life for no valid reason, at least from his point of view. Not to mention that Grimoire's death must have been painful for him too. Reacting is not easy when you are confused, grieving and heartbroken. From that moment on, Vincent Valentine was completely cut out of Lucrecia's life. Lucrecia keeps him at a distance, due to points 1 and 2 above, and as a final barrier she puts Hojo in the middle (of course, the scientist is there too for other reasons). In the scene around the table, when Vincent asks her "if she's sure", Hojo really seems like a wall between the two that still prevents direct confrontation. And Lucrecia appears clearly angry that he has come forward with objections. At the Shinra Mansion Vincent Valentine seems to have no say in anything. Lucrecia doesn't give him the chance to argue, Hojo first rudely silences him because he's just a Turk and then definitively closes his mouth with a bullet. But even if silenced, Vincent's feelings and intentions remain evident. Even Hojo knew them, in fact when he discovers that Lucrecia is experimenting on Vincent's body he says: "How happy this fellow must be. Helping his beloved even after he's begun rotting away." Lucrecia herself, through her data, at a certain point in DoC will say: "I pushed you away, but… now I realize, I never wanted to lose you." And again later: "I made so many mistakes. And I hurt you so, so much. Why did I do what I did?" Deep down Lucrecia knew she had pushed him away for her own personal reasons, and not because he despised her or anything. She knew she had made a mistake, of having been blinded by fear and guilt, that she had mortified his feelings and that she had made him suffer for it, especially because the breakup had been practically forced on him. So I repeat: should he continue to chase Lucrecia, proclaiming his love like a crazy in the hope of changing her mind? Let's pretend he had the opportunity (always excluding kidnappings or ambushes). He could have to, yes, but in addition to reiterating the obvious and saying things already known even to the person concerned (after all, if there is something imperishable, capable of overcoming pain, time and even death, it is the love that Vincent Valentine feels for Lucrecia), she probably wouldn't have listened to him anyway. Because, as Vincent would say, "she was always like that, only believing what she wanted to."
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hyvksun · 2 months
Beauty and a Beat ~ Lee donghyuck
bf!hyuck # drabble ,,, 1 ﹕ fluff ﹕ library
warnings : vulgar words, term girlfriend used, not proofread (just pure brainrot).
🐻 author's note ﹕this is based on a true story. for my finals in pe we had to dance rumba and chachacha and i swear i was sweating out of my mind. it was a group project but i still had to perform with a partner and infront of my classmates. enjoy this little drabble (my first fic back) while i rewrite the hyuck fic that tumblr just erased 🫂
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“What if I just faint right now, would it give me a free pass for PE?”
“You'll be fine, bub I promise, so just follow me.” Donghyuck started off by showing you the steps for Rumba.
For your midterms in Physical Education, you were required to create and perform your own Rumba choreography. Luckily enough it was a choose your own partner thing and obviously you got to partner up with your boyfriend who is the best dancer you know.
“Hyuck, I dont know if I can even move my hips like that.”
“Sure you can you're just being shy, here,” He stood behind you, facing the mirror of the PE room, he held your hips in his hands and controlled them to move with his, “Your knees will bend on their own, you have to move your hips in figure eights, like this.”
Donghyuck is a strict dance teacher, him being one of the school's dance club vice president and student mentor you were nervous as this is the first time you'll be working with him in this field.
But maybe because he was biased and as his girlfriend he is being gentle with teaching you the choreography.
He kept doing the movement before letting go, “Ok you try.”
So try you did and it was awful, “I'm doing figure 1s, bro.”
Donghyuck tried his best not to snicker.
“Don't laugh at me.”
“Am not!” He's trying hard to hold in that laugh now.
“Ok how about we try to do the choreography first then we'll try with the hips.”
He began playing the song through the speakers and Donghyuck guided you into position. Throughout the routine though you couldn't get a hang of the steps and you commended him for his patience as you kept stepping on your boyfriend's feet.
“This isn't working, I keep stepping on you.”
“That's ok, here is the part where you spin,” he holds your hand up as you spot turn in place but when you try to get back into the first position you stepped on Donghyuck's toes harder making him groan.
“Fuck, I'm so sorry.”
“It's ok, I'm ok let's just take a break.” He went to pause the music and sat down on the bench with a hiss as he tried moving his toes.
Feeling bad you knelt down to rub at the sore area on Donghyuck's toes.
Feeling embarrassed you almost felt like crying. “Hyuck, I don't think I can do this,,,”
“That's fine, really, let's do something different for that part.”
You shook your head, “No I mean, I just can't dance— if you wanna pass the class you can switch partners I really don't mind—”
“What are you saying? grades isn't what I'm after here.”
“This is just so frustrating, I blame the education system.”
“Look, I'm not gonna look for another partner, I made the choreography specifically for us to perform.”
You looked at him confused.
“I was gonna kiss you in the end for the highlight,” a smirk was planted on his face.
Your face instantly heat up and you slapped him on the knee, “Are you insane?! I'm not kissing you infront of our teacher.”
He laughs, “I'm kidding, but seriously I wouldn't want any other partner to do this dance with, Rumba is about intimacy and connection with your partner, would you want me to get intimate with someone else?” you shook your head no, “Then I'm doing this dance with you.”
“I hate you.”
“No, you love me.”
“I'm not kissing you for any highlight, hyuck, I'm serious.”
“What about a quick peck?”
“Lee donghyuck!”
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© hyvksun 2024
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sweetbbyshion · 1 year
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Little Brother
-> Touya Todoroki (Dabi) x Reader (they/them pronouns used)
characters: Touya Todoroki (Dabi), Shoto Todoroki
genre: fluff
summary: touya introduces you to his family and the youngest todoroki grows attached to you
warnings: established relationship (between dabi and the reader), mentions of past trauma, this is set on a alternative setting where quirks aren't a thing and the todorokis are trying to be a better family
I do have more ideas for different parts so let me know if you're interested in this becoming a series of dabi fluff feat his family (in particular shoto)
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When you first started dating Touya, meeting his family was the scariest thing you could think of. Touya was honest when he told you he and his family had a rough start but were trying to get on good terms again. He always seemed happy when he was talking about his siblings, telling you silly stories about their childhood or how the weekly phone call with them went.
After a few months of dating, Touya decided to ask you to visit his family for the weekend. You could have lied and said you had exams or even been honest and tell him you weren't sure but the way Touya’s eyes sparkled in hope made you unable to deny his request. His mom seemed sweet and from what Touya told you, she already loved you; his dad you weren't so sure but your boyfriend assured you that he wouldn't be mean or anything; you were almost sure you would get along with Fuyumi; Natsuo was too much like Touya so if you managed to get along with your boyfriend, you are sure you will be able to get along with Natsuo; Shoto, however, was the person who scared you the most. He was only twelve and you know how hard teenage boys can be to deal with. Touya guaranteed that Shoto would like you, that he doesn't even talk much but that made you more nervous. How were you supposed to bond with a twelve year old boy that doesn't speak? More than anything, you wanted Touya’s family’s approval and that meant every single one of them.
The days prior to the big meeting, you kept annoying Touya with multiple questions about Shoto, trying to get an idea of what you could say to start a conversation. Your boyfriend wasn't very useful on the matter, simply brushing you off with “you’ll be ok, stop worrying your pretty head.” You hated him (but not really). So you ignore the urge to choke Touya to death and mentally prepare yourself. If everything goes wrong, you will have to lock yourself in his room until it's time to leave.
Your university isn't that far away from Touya’s house so, as he drives, you start to think that maybe you should have stayed home. It might be too soon to meet his family, you haven't been dating for long. Touya’s hand squeezes your thigh as a sign of reassurance. You try to focus on the music for the rest of the ride. Your heart starts beating faster when Touya parks in front of a house. You leave the car without thinking, set on getting this over with as fast as possible. Your boyfriend goes to the trunk to get both of your small bags for the weekend and starts walking in front of you. He knocks on the door and your breath gets caught in your throat. A boy that looks too much like Touya without his piercings opens the door and instantly hugs your boyfriend. Touya ruffles his hair and steps to the side. “This is my partner.” he introduces, then says your name. Natsuo bows slightly and tells you to get in, expressing how happy he is to meet you. There's a faint smell of food coming from the kitchen and two women that look so much alike come out to say hi. You bow at them but Rei has a warm smile as she hugs you, communicating how much Touya has talked about you, making your tough looking boyfriend blush slightly as he tries to hide his face on his sister’s hair. Fuyumi hugs you next, asking you to drop the formalities as they already consider you family.
“You're trying to steal my partner already and we just arrived.” Touya says in a playful tone.
Rei pats his cheek before pulling him for a hug, squeezing him a bit and saying she missed him. You hear the sweetness in Touya’s voice as he murmurs “I missed you too.”
Fuyumi lets everyone know that dinner is almost ready and that their father will be home soon. From what she said, Shoto was in his room doing homework but she thinks it's an excuse to hide for a little longer since he seemed nervous to meet his big brother’s partner. Your heart warms a bit to the thought that you weren't the only one nervous about this meetup.
You follow Touya to his room to place your bag and take a moment to look around.
“Your room is so… empty.”
“Never really decorated it. Plus, most of my stuff I took with me to the dorm.” you hum in acknowledgment. “I told you they would like you.”
“I still haven't met your dad or your younger brother.”
“I don't give a fuck about what my dad thinks and Shoto will like you.” Touya hugs your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. “It’s hard to believe but he's a lot like me. And you managed to make me fall in love with you so I think it will be fine.” you sigh, turning on his embrace to hug him back. “I love you, don't worry too much.”
You whisper that you love him back and hug him a bit tighter. Touya always managed to feel like home and you felt comfortable in his arms.
A soft knock on the door catches your attention and Touya lets you go to open it. A boy with two colored hair stares at the both of you. “Mom said dinner’s ready.”. Touya looks back at you and you bow slightly to the boy, introducing yourself. Shoto simply turns around and leaves the room. Touya is quick to follow him and hooking his arm around Shoto’s neck, ruffling his hair violently while arguing with him to have manners. While you were a bit sad about the way the youngest Todoroki reacted, you didn't blame him and you laughed at your twenty years old boyfriend acting like a baby as they both got scolded by Rei.
Todoroki Enji was already in the living room. He was definitely the scariest person in the room right now. Tall and broad with a dark aura. He was hard to ignore, towering over anyone and everyone. You got goosebumps with the way he glared at you and you were quick to bow respectfully as you introduced yourself yet again. Touya doesn't say much more than a simple “Hey dad.” before Fuyumi is urging everyone to sit down at the table. His dad definitely had an undertone that made the room feel more tense, quieter, the complete opposite of Rei’s calmer, sweeter spirit.
You were already expecting some questions but you didn't think Touya’s dad would be the one to ask you most of them, giving small hums every time you replied. You didn't know if he was judging you or not, the man kept a straight face all the time and his eyes were impossible to read. His voice was audibly softer when he talked to Touya and you wondered if that was his way of trying to be better to his son. Fuyumi is the one telling you a bit more about the family, talking about how she wants to be a teacher and Natsuo is about to start high school. Then she proudly spoke about how smart Shoto is in school, always getting good grades. Apparently, Shoto was the smartest among the siblings, Fuyumi said, which made Touya hold back his pout as he argued that he was doing pretty well in university. “I bet Shoto couldn't get better grades than me!” “He’s only twelve Touya!”.
The dynamic of the family seemed a lot better than how it was during Touya’s childhood but you notice that Shoto doesn't take his eyes away from the food as the conversation keeps going.
“What's your favorite subject?” you ask him, quietly so the attention doesn't go back to him.
“I don't know.” Shoto simply says before asking to leave the table, then getting up to put his dishes inside the washing machine.
Your brows furrow as you watch the boy leave the room. You decide not to bother the young boy for the rest of the night, focusing on helping Rei clean everything before settling down on the couch next to your boyfriend. Touya’s dad announced that he was going to his room and his mom followed soon after, telling her younger kids that they need to go to their beds soon, getting protests from Natsuo. The four of you decide on a movie and you cuddle your boyfriend’s warm body, drifting between being awake and asleep merely twenty minutes into the movie. Fuyumi is the next one to leave the living room, admitting that she's already tired. She ends up dragging Natsuo since he was almost asleep on the couch, leaving you and Dabi alone in the living room.
Dabi plays with your hair as he murmurs in a soft voice “Are you feeling better? Calmer?”. You nod, cuddling closer to him as you take a deep breath, feeling his scent bring you comfort. “I’m sorry Shoto was a bit rude.”
“It's alright. I understand.” you murmur sleepily. “I’m not mad at him or anything, it's not my place. I believe we’ll have more opportunities to talk.”
“Yeah, I’m not letting you go so you'll definitely have more opportunities to talk to him.” he chuckles, pulling you closer. Let's go to bed, baby.” You let yourself get dragged to the room by your boyfriend. Like he usually does, Dabi helps you take off your clothes and change before softly wiping off your makeup while your eyes fight to stay open. He will then change his own clothes quickly to snuggle you in bed. Dabi always makes himself appear scary and people usually say he's intimidating but you have to disagree because, as Dabi hugs your waist and hides his face on your chest, he always looks like a cuddle away from actually purring. Dabi argues that he will have nightmares if he's not being held by you so you spend most nights with him clinging onto you while you play with his hair until he falls asleep. It's only fair that he asks for that now that he's back in his childhood home.
When you wake up on the next day, Saturday, your boyfriend is shaking you awake because his brother already came calling him for breakfast. Breakfast is a lot quieter than last night's dinner. You help Rei clean everything, not missing Shoto asking Touya if he wanted to play a video game with him. Fuyumi is sitting on the floor, books scattered all over the coffee table and Natsuo is almost falling asleep on the couch. Shoto and Touya are sitting side by side, each holding a controller while they choose a character in Mario Kart. Rei announces that she's going to the supermarket, kissing all of her children’s forehead before leaving. Touya pats the place next to him when he sees you and you quickly sit down, striking a conversation with Fuyumi about what she is studying.
“You're shit at this game.” the youngest Todoroki murmurs. Touya gasps dramatically, a hand going on his chest as he looks at his brother. “Shoto! Language!” his brother simply rolls his eyes, snatching the controller away from him.
“Do you want to play with me?” It takes you a few seconds to realize Shoto is talking to you, his arm stretched in your direction. You can't control your smile as you reach for the controller, ignoring the smirk Touya sends your away. Shoto doesn't talk much unless he's replying to a jab his brother sends him. “You're a lot better than Tou.” Touya, like the drama queen he is, immediately jumps to try to tickle his brother, putting his head on a headlock. You're left to pull your boyfriend back, warning him about how Shoto is getting redder by the second because of the uncontrollable laughter. Shoto cleans the tears in his eyes while you're holding your boyfriend in your arms to stop him from jumping back to tickling his brother. With his back turned to you, you make a signal with your head, hoping Shoto understands the message. He's still laughing when he starts tickling Touya and you do your best to keep him in place as he starts screaming apologies.
You smile as you watch the two brothers catching their breaths side to side and you understand why Touya said his younger brother was a lot like him. As they sit next to each other, you can see the similarities in their expressions. Touya scares you by dropping his head on your shoulder, still breathing heavily. “Are you sure you're 20?” you ask, not able to stop your giggles. “Keep laughing and you're next.”
“I won't let you.” Shoto’s voice surprises you. “They're cooler than you so I can't let you attack them.”
After that day, Shoto visibly grew closer to you. It was barely noticeable but he didn't seem as uncomfortable with your presence. You would hear him ask Touya when were you going back during their weekly calls, begging your boyfriend to visit them the next weekend and bring you along. Touya would argue and whine that his little brother was trying to steal you from him but you would just shut him down by flicking his forehead. You certainly started seeing Shoto as a little brother too and couldn't be happier that he liked your company. Even if it made his older brother act like a baby every time you spent time together. You don't even remember a time when you were nervous to meet Touya's family.
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