#i just think it's fascinating to see him go from someone who gags at a corpse in a morgue
silo1013 · 1 year
what are your thoughts about krycek's kill in sleepless?
i think i made some kind of small post about this like a month ago but i'm going to get more into it now that you've sent me an ask about it specifically. unleashing the beast.
ok so i don't know if this is like. #controversial or whatever but i don't actually think he was faking his reaction to killing augustus cole! i do think that was baby's first murder.
in the LSG media x-files podcast, one of the hosts points out that, at the end of sleepless, krycek kind of has no choice but to kill cole. cole wants to die, and was going to die either way (he was clearly planning to jump off the ledge of the vehicle yard building before being confronted by mulder)--but he knows that mulder isn't going to do it, so he puts it on krycek by manipulating him into seeing the gun where the bible was. there's obviously no way for krycek to fake that, it's external. so if he thinks that his partner is about to get shot, what does he do? if he wasn't a spy, he'd do what he's supposed to do according to what they teach you at the FBI, which is to shoot cole (the hostile suspect) before he can shoot mulder (the LEO). he is a spy, but he still has to do what he's supposed to do, because if he doesn't, it'll blow his cover.
the conversation between krycek and the cigarette-smoking man in ascension makes it pretty obvious that krycek is like. at this point, basically an errand boy. a foot soldier AT MOST. the cigarette-smoking man tells krycek, among other things, that he "has no rights, only orders to be carried out," and that if he has problems with that, they'll "make other arrangements," which is like. very obviously a threat that krycek seems disquieted by, placing him in what is probably a relatively low position in the syndicate's hierarchy. he's a mole, someone who watches and passes along information--not the kind of operative that assassinates people.
we get basically nothing on krycek in terms of backstory/what he was doing before being introduced into the story (which in almost all cases i think is a plus) but to be honest i don't think there would have been any reason for him to have killed anybody before cole. krycek mentions in ascension that the cigarette-smoking man "had" him do something--we infer that this is related to the death of duane barry at the least, if not also what happened to the tram operator at skyland mountain--so we know that he wasn't doing that of his own accord, he was receiving orders. we see him doing the same thing in anasazi (before the cigarette-smoking man decides he's a loose end that needs to be tied), except now he seems to be being specifically ordered to carry out hits; likely because somebody, somewhere, saw what he did in ascension and decided that he could handle it. i don't believe that that was always his job, and i definitely don't think that it was anywhere NEAR his job during the period of time he was assigned to be mulder's partner. the confrontation the end of sleepless puts him in the position to kill someone when he wasn't intended to be, and he does it, and after they realize he can do it, he's put in positions where he has to do it more. if it helps the government cover up the fact that they've been doing fucked up experiments on people, that's an added bonus.
part of this can be attributed to nicholas lea being a good actor, obviously, but i think when it comes to determining this sort of thing, it's physical reactions that tend to sell it. at the end of the scene, right before the cut to mulder finding out his file's been stolen from the car, there's the shot of mulder and krycek leaning over cole's body in the vehicle yard building. it's the most well-lit part of the scene, and there's a long shot focusing on the bible lying at cole's side where he'd dropped it as he fell. it's pretty zoomed in, since the focus is on the book, but both mulder and krycek are partially visible in-shot. mulder, who we know has killed people before, doesn't enjoy it but is familiar with it, is very sober and still; krycek's hand is shaking so hard it's changing the reflections on the face of his wristwatch.
so yeah, i do think augustus cole was the first time he ever killed anyone, and i think his hesitations and reactions were real. frankly i think most of his reactions to things regarding the case were real; he might be part of the alien cover-up conspiracy but i feel like maybe that doesn't prepare you for war veterans that can kill people with their minds. i guess it's the sort of thing where it's like. he COULD have been faking it? "it" being the fear and anxiety and immediate shock of killing a person for the first time. even though i think the emotions that you must be experiencing after you kill someone for the first time, especially if you didn't necessarily want to do it--residual fear, sick adrenaline, some kind of fucked up relief--would be pretty difficult to fake, particularly if you're trying to fool one of the best psychologists in the bureau, i don't doubt that he could have gotten away with faking it if he'd had to. but i just think it's a little more interesting if he didn't
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cherry-leclerc · 2 months
purely platonic ☆ ln4
genre: fluff, maybe a bit of angst??, secret crushes, just two idiots who can't read the room of what we call 'feeeelingsss', they friendzone each other without knowing they're friendzoning each other BAHA
word count: 3.8k
It goes without saying that you and Lando are like two peas in a pod; always finding something to do. But when things suddenly shift after the summer break, it leaves you two to settle with the idea of one another with a rather doubtful mind.
req!...got this one a long time ago and the request was kind of confusing?? but i tried to make something out of it hahaha enjoyyy??
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“Does this top make my boobs look big?”
Lando’s watercolor eyes quirk up, squint, then shakes his head full of curls. “You don’t have much to worry about.”
You muster a dirty glare before prancing over to the mirror, picking up a tube of gloss, laying it onto your plump lips. When you first started working at McLaren, you never truly thought you would end up here; on holidays with a witty British driver, but your friendship had blossomed rather quickly.
Don’t bother—they taste like absolute rubber.
Looking up to face the mysterious voice, you awkwardly choke, dainty hand dropping the last chocolate wafer. 
Have you tried them?
Lando grins widely before reaching out to pick it up and popping it into his mouth. He winks.
Mmm. New recipe or something like that.
“Are you sure you’re going to be alright?” you call out, pulling the baby voice he hates with a strong passion. Rolling his eyes, he kicks his feet against the bed frame, twisted like a pretzel. As long as I don’t get a ransom call, then yes. Go. You’re giddy with excitement; pick up your purse, spray some perfume—probably the entire bottle—and finally peck his cheek, to which he grimaces, instantly pulling away. 
“Make sure to wake me up once you’re back.”
You do. Patting him, you eagerly bounce up and down against the fluffy mattress. “Brazil was a mistake.” His lashes flutter tiredly, skin slightly pink from rubbing his eyelids. Why? Folding your legs beneath your butt, you huff, tangled hair flying towards him. He can almost smell the sea salt that lingers onto your clothes; the scent of aperol spritz. It makes him wonder how many you’ve taken as he props up against his elbows, dark brows drawn together with attentiveness. 
“First of all; I paid for the entire thing.” No, he gasps. You nod, pursing your lips tightly. “I’ve never seen someone so tan turn paper white in a matter of seconds. It was quite fascinating, actually. Sucks,” you ponder, shoulders dropping drastically. “He was stupidly gorgeous, too.” 
I hate it when they do that. You laugh, eyes crinkling with true emotions for the first time that night. “He did dance like a pro though, oh God, I could barely keep up.” A lazy arm flies up to massage your neck, wincing as if you’ve just stubbed your toe against a brick wall. “I might have to see a chiro.” Tapping your finger against your chin, you close your eyes. “After all that, he invited me back to his place.”
The Brit sits up straight away; turns on the lamp that sits besides him. “Why are you here then?” he screeches. You curl a brow. The fuck is that supposed to mean? Lando sighs heavily and rubs his temples before flashing you with a pair of judgmental eyes. “We’re here to have fun, remember? Sex, sex, sex. That’s our priority.” The twenty-four year old relaxes against the comfy pillows. “We made a pact.”
“But I just—” You become visibly green, too grossed out with the idea. “He was handsome; a fucking hunk.” The blue eyed boy gags. “Probably had a massive dick.” You’re disgusting! A giggle erupts while you wiggle your way underneath the covers. “But I think I need to form an actual connection with someone in order to actually…yeah. A connection.”
It was about five months ago that you got dumped. Constant travels, not enough quality time. Too much work, not enough fucking. Far too lovey dovey eyes batted towards a certain brunette—that’s where you drew the line. You stood up for yourself; for Lando. It had taken you years to gain his trust and now that you had an unbreakable bond, you weren’t going to let the first insecure man make you feel like shit for it. But he didn’t like it; leaving you to cry on someone else’s shoulder. 
For some factor, the Brit felt bad. Perhaps it was his fault—perhaps he did intervene—but he was pissed too. For the way your ex had treated you, for him even considering the twenty-four year old would hit on somebody’s girlfriend. The blue eyed boy knew the difference between flirting and a platonic relationship. Yeah. You were better off.
Brazil was great. Summer break was great. One night stands were great. At least he thought so.
Placing his hands over his broad chest, he releases a breath. “That’s actually pretty cute.” A sudden growl slides up your throat as you kick his shin. He scoots further away. “I only suggested because I thought it’d help…”
“Now you know.” A beat. “I can’t keep up with the Sex God.” Loopy eyes flicker over at him. “I’m talking about you, sex machine. Sex enthusiast. Can’t keep it in his pants— ”
He gruffs. “Understood.” He steals the blanket away as you squeal, hands flying out to tug it back towards your body. “Loud and clear.”
He had a plan to visit as many places as possible, and while that was fun for a while, you reasonably started to miss home. I’m tapping out, you would declare when you got to Bali, enjoying the view with an exhausted state. Last one. But he would somehow, always, convince you. There’d be too much to see; too much to experience. And you would stay.
It’s only up until Australia where you find yourself taking a break. Maybe it was because you were staying at Daniel’s, but you were grateful nonetheless. Days consisted of hikes, rodeos, undercooked steak, wine, and dirt biking. Quite fun—definitely better than being back home feeding your pet fish. Ms. Lockwood has it all taken care of, thank you very much. 
“This is nice,” the Australian murmurs as he bites down on a slice of pizza. “I’m glad you guys made a pitstop.”
Wandering eyes roam the open field, dusty boots kicked up against his car. “Us too.”
Lando clicks his tongue knowingly, tilting his head at you as you hush him. For once in his life, he was glad to have someone around. Oftentimes, there’d be moments where people would assume you two were dating—possibly even married—but it was simply an unhinged friendship. Exactly what he was looking for. Thank God all of that is over now.
“How long have you two been together?” Heidi asks sweetly, leaning against her boyfriend. Mid-sip, you spit it all out, red wine painting Lando’s white tee. Bloody hell, he moans, drying his face with the back of his hand. “Sorry,” you gurgle. “We’re not…” When you gag, the Brit scoffs.
“She’s too immature. You think I would willingly sign up for that?” The couple share a skeptical glance, eyebrows raised to where he hands you a napkin. “Come on, mate, who do you take me for?”
As you both make your way over the house, Daniel and Heidi settle into a deep conversation. There was not a single doubt within them that you two weren’t meant for one another. It made perfect sense—but why were you both so blinded to the idea? 
“Hmm,” the blond says. “Two months of traveling together? That just doesn’t happen.” Heidi spins on her heel, facing the Australian. “There’s obviously a connection between them.”
Men like you are the reason I left Finland. Men like you are the reason I left Finland. A sip of water. Men like you are the reason I left Finland—
“What are you even talking about?” Lando groans from his seat. Peeking over at him, you shrug, and continue mumbling. “For the love of God, must you keep repeating yourself? You’re making a simple twenty minute drive seem like four hours—stop it already.” 
Coldly glaring at him, you pinch your face like a clam and point a narrow finger at him. “Men like you are the reason I left Finland.”
The Brit lets out a scream and jumps towards you, slapping a large hand over your mouth. You squirm for a good minute before biting down, forcing him to pull away with a sudden hiss. “Rascal.”
The view was breathtaking; the white snow, the green trees, the sunlight beaming from afar. His agenda continued and you kept tagging along. You’ve never visited, so everything was a pleasing journey. Staring out the foggy window of the van, you pout, pondering. “You’ve seriously never watched Confessions of a Shopaholic?”
“A Cock-A-Who?”
You laugh. “Not even close. I’m not doing this again.”
You’re sure you get frostbite by the end of the day, but the Northern Lights make up for it. After snapping a couple thousand pictures, you finally settle down on the snow next to him. “Hey.” A white puff exits his mouth, chapped lips. 
The silence prolongs, then you let out a sore cough, taking a sip of hot chocolate. You can’t help but roll your eyes when you barely get a sip, realizing he has finished it all while you were busy not looking. “Out of all the places we’ve been to, this has to be my favorite.” You direct your attention over to him. “Thank you for bringing me along. It means a lot.”
“Ah. Don’t mention it.”
You hum. “I never get bored of you.” You can hear his snowsuit scratch as he shifts to face you; wide eyes admiring the colorful lights. “I keep thinking I might—even just a little bit—but I don’t. It’s weird.”
He chuckles, relaxing. “I’m glad you haven’t. We’ve been traveling for a while now, so if that were the case, then I’d be worried.”
Pursing your lips, you let out a sheepish grin. “You’re like…the Suze to my Rebecca.”
“Is that supposed to be a good thing?”
Finally, you turn to him, taking in his puppy lost state. Specks of snowflakes cling onto his long lashes, the bridge of his nose is beet red, a hint of dried blood coats his overly frozen lips. Patting his shoulder, you let out a light whistle.
“Let’s just say; I never want to leave Finland.”
The season picks up once again, and so do the travels. But they’re not the same. Maybe it has to do with the fact that it’s not only you two anymore. Sure, you have your friends, but…it’s not the same. The thought alone is confusing, but you don’t let yourself think about it too long. Running after Oscar, you hand him a black binder. “What's this?”
“Not sure. Zak just wants you to read over it before the meeting.”
Frantically, he skims the white pages, flipping eagerly. You giggle. “I know it looks bad, but it’s not!” The Australian barely has a chance to protest before you skip away, shooting a quick thumbs up. “Take notes!”
Reaching the familiar dressing room, you find yourself gently knocking, foot tapping against the tiles. He swings open with a loopy grin. “Hey.”
“Hey.” A beat. “Meeting in ten minutes; don’t be late.”
He nods. “Is there anything I should go over?”
You shake your head, extending a singular piece of paper towards the British driver. “As long as you go over these notes, then you’ll do just fine.” You take a step back. “Ten, Lando, ten.”
“Got it.”
You’re the last one entering the crowded conference room, teasing snickers spilling from McLaren colleagues. Zak claps loudly. “Great! Let’s get started.”
You’re bored halfway through, zoned out, doodling onto your notebook. You were aware of everything, so you suppose it didn’t really matter. Gray led slides coolly. A sharp sound rips you away from your daydreaming as you look up, eyes flickering between the three main men.
“I wasn’t aware there was any special treatment.” His accent is laced with humor, brown eyes drifting over to you. You curl a brow at Oscar. 
Zak chuckles. “I wasn’t either.” 
Once the meeting is adjourned, Lando strolls over to where you sprawl onto a row of chairs, blanked out. He swallows a chuckle down. “You alright?”
“What have I done?” You sit up, maniatic eyes dancing across his figure. “I’ve never done that before—not intentionally.”
The Brit closes an eye teasingly before releasing. “The notes?”
Leaping up, you march over to him. “Yes, the notes! Since when do I sum up things for your benefit? God, I didn’t even think about Oscar…”
“I’m sure you weren’t thinking straight. We all know you like to help both of us out.”
A queasy feeling flips inside of you as you tilt your head. He was right. You got caught up, made one set of bullet points, and coincidentally gave it to Lando. No further meaning.
“I need coffee.”
As soon as you bolted out of McLaren Hospitality, Lando made his way through the paddock. “Norris,” a deep voice calls out. Alex grins widely, jogging closer. 
“Done for the day?”
Alex nods. “What about you?”
“I think so. Had my last meeting; I think I should be good.”
The Williams drivers shimmies with a low chuckle. “Why are you still here then?”
The Brit freezes. “I actually don’t know…” Huh, Alex hums. 
“You’re looking for someone?”
He unfreezes, chest tightening. “I don’t know.”
“Hey, hey, watch out.”
“Daniel!” you shriek. He lets out a toothy smile, extending his arm out as a silent greeting, cup of coffee in hand. You rip it away, taking a large chug. “Thank you—gotta to go.”
“Wait.” He reaches for the hem of your shirt, stopping you from slipping away. “Are you okay? You look a bit…” He motions a crazy sign. You glare back at him. 
“I need air, I need air,” you gasp, zigzagging past him. Running after you, he hauls you into the nearest restroom. You screech, panicking. “Air, Daniel, air.”
“What happened?”
Something in his voice tells you he knows. You don’t want him to know. How could anyone know what you don’t even know? No one can know. 
“You’re right—I’m losing my mind.” You step out of his embrace. “Let me out before I kill you.”
Brown eyes stare back in amusement. “You can be honest with me.”
“I’ll scream, Daniel.”
“Be honest with yourself.”
“I’m a black belt. My limits are endless.”
“Just say it.”
“Say what?”
“Say it.”
You close your eyes, groan, and kick the wall. “Shit, I like Lando.”
Heavy pants, desperate huffs. Anticipating eyes, nervous fiddling with your hair. His lack of response makes it all worse. 
Daniel clicks his tongue. “I knew it.”
“Want anything?” he asks, gazing up at the wall of foreign treats. Singapore knew what they were doing. Your voice catches, releases, then wave him off. Weird, he thinks to himself, but continues to pay for his own sweets. The way you prance around the small convenient store makes him smile, occasionally making sure you were still there.
“I won’t be going to the next race. Thought you should know.”
It obviously catches him off guard as he spins to face you with a neutral expression. He’s good at hiding things—feelings. 
“I…um…” He coughs. “Can I ask why?”
“It’s my nana’s birthday.” A beat. “She only has so many left, dude.”
The Brit would love to relax and laugh at your dark humor, but one simple word makes him deflate, nodding along with a sheepish look. He hands you a bag of penguin gummies. “From me, to her.”
The colorful bag crunches against your touch, awkwardly beaming at it, then looking up into his soft stare. “She has diabetes, but thanks.”
He realizes just how much he misses you once you jump onto a plane back home. He had been kind enough to offer to drive you to the airport, and you had been rude enough to decline. A weak exchange of words ensued between you two before reluctantly coming to an agreement.
Here is fine!
Blue eyes wander the busy drop off zone; humming with concern. 
Let me help you with your bags, then.
No! Drive safe, Lando. Oh—and make sure to take your vitamins! 
The British driver wonders why he feels different; pacing the room back and forth. Vitamin C is important. He eyes his watch. That’s probably why—he forgot to take them. Or maybe it was his biotin. 
“Mate! You have my charger!” The twenty-four year old gazes at his taking door and makes his way over. Daniel stands with loopy eyes, half shaved mustache. “Bon Iver died mid-For Emma, so you better hurry and give it to me.”
“I have it right here, chill.” The Australian invited himself in, brown orbs flickering carefully through the dark room. He chuckles. 
“Can’t find your birth control?”
Lando cocks his head to the side, recognizing his mess that lies on the floor. The orange bottles make him stutter, briskly pushing the white charger towards his friend. “B6, I’m looking for my—” A nervous hand runs through his messy hair. “Got what you need? Great. Off you go.”
“Ah, ah—hold on a second; is that my girl, Isla Fisher?”
The Brit cackles, remembering about his open computer. “How do you know?”
Daniel plops down. “Confessions of a Shopaholic? Classic. Heidi loves it.”
The brunette hums, finding a spot next to the Aussie. “Who’s Suze?”
“Have you not been paying attention?”
“I’ve been looking for my calcium!”
The thirty-four year old pouts. “I thought it was your R2-D2?”
A Tim Burton looking girl comes on-screen, perfect bangs hanging just above her brows. The redhead and black haired duo exchange a small phone back and forth, panic evident. “That’s Suze. She’s Becky’s best friend. They go through a bit of a rough patch, but they come back together, don’t worry.”
“Suze? Rebe…” He pales. “Friends?”
“You thought they were lesbos?”
Lando shakes his head, harshly. “What about Finland?”
“A fantasy land, sort of.” Daniel props up against his elbows. “It’s her getaway from all her debt. It’s real, but it’s not real.” The blue eyed boy’ shoulders droop furthermore as he watches the scene play out.
Chomping down on a mysterious pill, Daniel shrugs. “Mhm. Just friends.”
It’s safe to say that you’re refreshed. You thought things through—you could never speak about your sudden realization. This probably happens all the time, all around the world; nothing to see here. Your feelings were there, but they wouldn’t be your downfall. Not when he mattered this much to you. 
“Read over this. Pay close attention to three and seven—Zak is going to ask you about it.” Lando hums slowly, eyes tracing your beauty. You’re a shade darker due to your small vacation, if you can call it that, and that somehow tugs at his heart. If he pays close enough attention, then he could point out a few new freckles. “Any questions?”
He blinks. “Zero. Thank you.”
“Just doing my job.”
Something has shifted inside of him; something…new? Every chance he gets, he would peek and admire the way you laugh with a couple of the engineers, with Zak. Then, he would have to pinch and remind himself that he was your friend; nothing more, nothing less.
“Any additional notes? Oscar? Lando?”
Raising your hand timidly, you beam. “If I could suggest one thing, maybe we can keep the floor the same? I know we spoke on how a drastic change can possibly lengthen our kph, but if we actually think about it, then we would be able to see that it’ll only worsen things. It’s perfect, really, where it’s at. What we should be focusing on instead are other areas. Find ways to lighten the car, mark our attention to the aerodynamics.” Red creeps carefully onto your cheeks, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear as you shrug. “Just a…thought.”
Zak hums, crossing his arms in deep thought. “We could do that…we could definitely do that.” He grins. “Boys?”
“Anything to make us faster, count me in,” Oscar agrees, voice steady.
“We should change it.”
Everyone turns to face the twenty-four year old. Pens glide faster, keys click harder, and you stumble clumsily. “Sorry?”
Lando tsks. “I like what you were saying, but we need to change it in order to stand a chance against the Red Bulls. They’ve cracked the code; and we’re so close. We need to adapt.”
You burn up. “I’m sorry, but I disagree, Lando. Things should stay the same. Same is safe. Change is…” You lick your lips, biting down momentarily. “Not necessary. Not when things are already good where they’re at.”
The British driver hisses. Oscar jumps at the cold sound. “Safe is a pussy move. How will you ever know what could have happened? One thing can flip everything around.” His eyes soften. “A-and put us in front of the grid for good. Good, good.”
Caught in the flame, you grit your teeth together; who were you to have a say after all? Your attention circles the quiet room before nodding stiffly. “Alrighty then.”
“You embarrassed me in front of everyone!”
Lando frantically chases after you, shoes squeaking with every drastic turn. “I was just being honest!”
The sudden speed you turn back to face him with makes him flinch, forced to come to a halt. He can practically see the fumes exiting your body. “But did you have to say it in that tone?”
“What tone? I didn’t have a tone.”
“Yes! Yes, you did!” You continue your march. “Oh, hi! I’m Lando Norris, professional Formula One driver, who knows everything you don’t.”
“I do not sound like that.”
“You’re right. You sound worse.” A huff. “Listen, I’m not actually mad, but I do need time to myself, so can you please…” You motion him away and he scoffs. Are you being serious right now? “I am! Leave!”
He sort of replicates a zombie, the way he drags his feet back to hospitality. Was he really ready for any of this? He liked you, a lot, but things like these would eventually stir up in any relationship, and maybe he didn’t have the strength in him to fix things yet. But if you stayed friends, then…yeah. Things would stubbornly fix themselves.
You, on the other hand, have a sudden bounce in your step. A stride. This is what you needed. Suddenly, your stupid little crush wasn’t as important as you had imagined. Fights would bubble between you two if you ever dared cross the invisible line, and you weren’t the biggest fan in facing them. Friends. That’s all this was.
Daniel crosses Lando first, intrigued by his dead-like state. “What’s up with you now?”
The Brit blinks. “I’m no Luke, Danny.” He kicks a rock. “I’m fine, however, being a Suze.”
Son of a bitch, the Australian thinks as he watches his friends stroll away. He actually paid attention. 
Placing his headphones back onto his head, he continues his walk down the paddock, confused. When you make your way with a bright smile, he, too, reciprocates. Your lips move fast, hand gestures flying theatrically, and he can’t hear a single thing. The Alpha Tauri driver snakes his hand to slip them off once again. “Having a g’day?”
“Best,” you beam. “Connection lost.”
taglist: @blueflorals @starmanv @coolio2195 @lovrsm @weekendlusting@chanshintien @brune77e @myownwritings @timmychalametsstuff @milasexutoire@alesainz @c-losur3 @darleneslane @togazzo @urfavnoirette @namgification @lpab @d3kstar @anniee-mr @nebarious
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forusomimiya · 1 year
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𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣’𝕤 𝕒 𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕨𝕕
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⚜️𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝘮𝘴𝘣𝘺4!𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘱 𝘹 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
⚜️𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵
⚜️𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 1,4𝘬
⚜️𝘤𝘸: 𝘥𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘬, 𝘥𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘯𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦, 𝘥𝘢𝘤𝘳𝘺𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢. (¡𝘔𝘐𝘕𝘖𝘙𝘚 𝘋𝘖𝘕𝘛 𝘙𝘌𝘈𝘋 𝘐𝘛!)
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You don't remember how you ended up here, or maybe you do, but you don't remember what led you to make this decision, what went through your wonderful head making you think this would be a good idea.
Because it wasn't just good, it was the best.
A couple of drinks after your first face-to-face game with the team, glances and approaches, brought you, the rookie manager of the black jackals and the four worst men you could have ever met, to spend "a little good time" at your hotel.
It wasn't the first time they got together and talked about how you flirted with each of them or how you enticed them to have a quick, sneaky encounter in the locker room. What they didn't know is that while they were getting hard talking about you, you were in your room cumming on your fingers more than three times in a row, imagining an orgy with them.
And there you were, rejoicing and getting what you had wanted to happen for months.
"Little whore in heat... if you're going to keep looking at me like that while 'm fucking that mouth, I swear I'm going to make a mess on yar pretty face. And I don't think Sakusa likes it when someone messes up what's his, do you Omi-kun?" Atsumu's words are choppy with each thrust and with each touch of his tip at the end of your throat. His muscles begin to weaken but for his life, he will not stop until he has accomplished his goal.
"Just shut your fucking mouth and keep going, Miya. It keeps getting tighter every time you go in deeper."
"Ignore him Atsumu. Down here I can see how he enjoys every praise you give her" you only have a second to switch from focusing on Atsumu's cock to Hinata's and Sakusa's, both alternating to hit your fragile spot and making you moan long and hard as you gargle with Atsumu's cock.
"Holy fuck, so pretty like that… drooling all over my cock…” you moan in pain as you open your mouth wider. Your jaw will remind you tomorrow. "Awww… it hurts… Easy doll, I'll cum in no time and your mouth can rest. But first let me torture ya some more." His hips slam faster into your mouth, causing you to gag and your throat to itch, before you start to tear up.
"Hah, she's already in tears. Poor baby… maybe three cocks aren't enough for her. Maybe ya should slow down your movements, Atsumu…. What do you think? I'd like to have her mouth intact for a while from now" deaf ears to the words of Bokuto, who stands to the side squeezing the base of his cock and stroking the tip, mesmerised by the movement of your tits bouncing back and forth. Atsumu's hands on the back of your neck force you deeper into him, and even though it's your first time sucking him, you know what it means, so you look up and confirm your intuition when you see his eyebrows draw together and his mouth form an "O".
"Ahh keep crying… keep crying for my cock… nngh f-fuck! Keep it up, keep it up!" Quickly the thick, warm liquid runs down your throat and you can only continue to watch him, biting his lip as he is consumed by pleasure and continues to spill now onto your tongue. You swallow, frowning at the bitter taste. It's not pleasant, but fuck, you're a slut at sex, and you like to show it off.
"Damn… you swallowed it?" You nod and lick the remainder left on your lips, sobbing and whimpering because even though your mouth is now empty, your pussy is still filled by two cocks. "Good girl" you smile as he strokes your head, enticing you to close your eyes and appreciate his sweet touch. Atsumu could change his ways with you whenever he wanted.
You were fascinated by the way he was sometimes gentle with you in training, giving you his attention and care. Giving you advice on how to improve or cheering you up when you were down. Other times, he would catch you off guard from behind when no one was watching and he would fawn in your ear about what a good girl you were when you offered him water or towels to wipe off your sweat. He always said he'd thank you later, but it never happened. Until now.
Men who have you dripping, panting and cursing bring you back to enjoy them.
"M-more please… want more, so good…" Sakusa squeezes your hips and increases the strokes, obeying your pleas, grunting with each time you clench around him.
"Fuck… gonna fill this fucking pussy to the last drop. You're taking me so well that i think i wanna do it again…" but you can't take any more. The support of your arms on the bed trembles with each thrust, and the speed and joy of feeling the friction of both cocks in you doesn't help. "Just a little more kitten, just a little more…". You moan louder and louder and beg to go faster, though Hinata, slowly torturing you and dismissing that option, continues to enjoy every inch of your pussy opening up for him, willing to spend the time needed.
"P-please… faster… more - faster."
"Sshh be good for us baby, just have fun and keep squeezing for us, yeah? We promise to fill you up real soon kitty, just a - little bit - more."
You nod unconsciously. You can't stop thinking about how badly you want to cum all over them. And fuck, Bokuto hasn't even touched you yet, and you crave it, you need him to humiliate you and reward you for how well you're behaving. There's still time to enjoy him.
"I can't take it anymore… need her now." Bokuto steps in front of you and from his position you can see what he wants to do, so you stick out your tongue and wait.
"Hah, did you see that? She's as desperate as we thought. Didn't you get enough of mine that now you want Bokkun's?" you look sideways at the blond, who chuckles and grabs you by the chin, moving you in his direction and ordering you. "Now, open up."
The next thing that happens, comes very quickly.
You don't lose eye contact with Atsumu as he drops a trickle of saliva into your mouth. Bokuto, too aroused by the scene with the blond, and by the two partners warning that they are close to cumming, points in the direction of your tits and without control over himself, regretting it, is the next to do it. The warmth of the fluid and how dirty it makes you feel, makes you come and brings you closer to orgasm, with no interest in alerting the men who, by the pressure on their cocks and your uncontrolled leakage, know what is going on.
"Ahh fuck, she's cumming, she's cumming! hah- so tight…" Hinata is next to follow you, letting his cum leak out of your pussy and drip onto it, leading Sakusa to hopelessly let himself go.
"Yeahh, i love it… so wet… you're all mine, you hear me? Fucking mine" Emptying himself completely as he admires how underneath his cock white liquid is still oozing out, possibly a mixture of all three.
You take a few seconds to breathe, still on top of Hinata, who smiles at you as she lies slumped on the bed. You smile back with what little energy you have left, and thinking about it, you miss feeling full again, and underappreciated, in some ways. You think about what you're going to do, but then you remember that you've come here to play, and that you have a side to you that they haven't known yet, and you have to put it into practice.
When Sakusa and Hinata have risen from the bed, you crawl to the end of it and kneel down, staring at them one by one and waiting for them to know what you want. Bokuto seems to be the only one who notices your intentions, which leads him to smile at you for it and approach you with the same.
"Coming for more?" You nod cradling yourself against his hand as he caresses your cheek. Bokuto and the rest can't stop devouring you with their eyes. It was no wonder; a mess covered in tears and semen, with teeth marks at your neck and finger marks on your buttocks. More than one couldn't help but take a breather to get back into bed again.
"We didn't think we had such a docile manager…" Atsumu's voice, sitting behind you, prompts you to lean back against his chest, letting out small gasps, satisfied with the result. You are ready for round two.
"We'll care you for a while longer, if that's what you want."
A.N.: Okay, is this an open ending TO A SEQUEL? I don't want to deceive myself but, I would love to do a sequel. I'm not very satisfied with the result, cause I think I'm not very good narrating a situation, and I'm better at making short scenes, so… I'll have to see how much appreciation this short fic has and consider making a last and second part 🫡
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
Hello, sorry to bother you. I've been seeing things about vivzie drawing "nazi comics" and I was wondering if there was any validity to this claim? I know she's abusive, toxic, and transphobic, and I've seen the evidence to support those claims, but I've been out of the loop (for mental health reasons) and I'm not sure where the claim came from and if it was true or just people lying (not that they'd need to, but you know how the internet can be). Thank you for your time!
No bother at all! This is one of those bits of misinformation where the truth is arguably worse than the rumors, because no, Viv didn't actually draw Nazi comics. She was, however, really into Sausage Party when it first came out and had a secret blog for Sausage Party art, which is how we got this.
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And truth be told? I don't actually think this is a big deal. It's pretty obvious what she was doing, which was taking the Hitler caricature that already exists in Sausage Party, the Hitler caricature from Producers, and mixing chocolate with peanut butter. Whether or not it's funny or appropriate is up for debate, but it's obvious what gag she was going for.
However, during this time, she also did things like follow "I-hate-jewce..."
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And ship her OC (a cannibalistic candy cane and an Angel Dust prototype) with the Josef Mengele inspired OC of someone who proudly admitted to finding Mengele fascinating, even referring to him respectfully as "Dr. Mengele."
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Vivzie referred to this character, happily based off a man who tortured and murdered Jewish children, as a "science bab."
And just to be clear, this wasn't some cringe thing Viv did as a young teenager. She would have been around 24.
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skaruresonic · 21 days
So the latest discourse is that saying that Sonic isn't a hugger and his clingy behavior towards Shadow in Prime is proof of how much the fandom loves to complain about the smallest things. In fact, "yall say Sonic should be free but yall don't want him to do anything".
I find it fascinating. One, the language that implies that fans who say "no Sonic wouldn't do X because it's OOC" are actively stifling a person's freedom. My dudes, Sonic is a character, not a real person. Please don't conflate the two.
Second... this is the same fandom that has been crying for 10 years that Shadow is being written terribly. That now he's just Vegeta, that he's nothing like he used to be, that his Boom portrayal was a travesty, that his prickliness towards Sonic is completely wrong because he has always respected him, really, go play SA2 where he was at his peak!
Why is Shadow's perceived character defended so staunchly, but defending Sonic's character comes off as restricting the freedom of the very character?
It's as if Sonic, to these fans, simply doesn't have a personality in the first place. He can be whatever we want him to be. Shadow, on the other hand, can only be how he used to be in a game 20 years old now, because we loved that one.
So the latest discourse is that saying that Sonic isn't a hugger and his clingy behavior towards Shadow in Prime is proof of how much the fandom loves to complain about the smallest things. In fact, "yall say Sonic should be free but yall don't want him to do anything".
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If we're gonna treat Sonic like he's a real person, it's only fair to respect his boundaries, no? Why should your desire to see him be cuddly supersede his boundaries? Would you do that to a real person?
Ofc the better retort would be "Sonic is a fictional character with an established character and you're misconstruing his love of freedom to suit your flanderization; pull your head out of your ass," but since this argument was made in bad faith, you gotta meet it where it lives.
People have been misinterpreting Sonic's whole attitude towards freedom to justify OOC non-game portrayals. First they insisted that Sonic has some dutiful love for the platonic ideal of freedom and that was why he always showed his enemies mercy. Now they're saying "you won't let Sonic do anything," as if fans are physically preventing poor third-party creators like Prime's showrunners from creating Peak Sonic(tm) by... criticizing Sonic's behavior after the fact. Because that's totally how reality works.
No, Patrick. Just because Sonic is "like the wind" doesn't mean any and all behavior is automatically in-character for him.
I suppose tomorrow's discourse will contend that Sega should let Sonic take the fattest rip off that bong because ST put a gag drawing of Classic smoking cigarettes on the break room door thirty years ago.
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lol 420 blaze it
Anyway, if you look at the games, you'll find that Sonic isn't actually that touchy-feely. He rarely, if ever, hugs other people, but is typically the party being hugged instead. And he is usually portrayed as awkward or uncomfortable: he doesn't know what to do with his arms.
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While some may argue that Frontiers!Sonic now feels "comfortable" enough to put a hand on Amy while she clings to him, he isn't... exactly reciprocating? He only seems to feel comfortable being glomped on when focusing on his other friends:
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He's still not looking at Amy, he's looking at Tails lmao. More like he's just waiting for her to finish because he's come to expect getting glomped for long periods of time.
Whenever Sonic "touches" someone who initiates contact, he usually holds them at arm's length.
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This is how he holds his best friend in the entire world, the second half of the Unbreakable Bond. If not even Tails is exempt from the junior prom dance rule, what makes folks think Sonic would act even chummier towards Shadow of all people?
Besides, I'm sure Game!Shadow's reaction to Sonic even attempting to hug him would be
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Second... this is the same fandom that has been crying for 10 years that Shadow is being written terribly. That now he's just Vegeta, that he's nothing like he used to be, that his Boom portrayal was a travesty,
It's really bizarre. I swear this is the only fandom where the main characters' IC behavior is derided as OOC purely because it doesn't gel with the fanon fandom has built up in their heads. Mostly because we've fostered this environment of "the games suck" through a constant background radiation of disparagement, with such messages seeping through every pore of Sonic fan spaces as:
1.) "Sonic is inconsistent" 2.) "the series was never good" 3.) "the Sega-Sonic character design standard is too generic and cookie-cutter" 4.) "the games are incapable of being as complex or as deep as [insert spinoff media here]" 5.) "Sonic is a static character [and therefore that's bad]" 6.) "Sonic vs. Eggman is boring and routine" 7.) "game purists think the games and/or Sega can never be criticized."
that his prickliness towards Sonic is completely wrong because he has always respected him, really, go play SA2 where he was at his peak!
Thus, the conundrum of being an SA2 fan in a day and age where fewer and fewer who hype it up have proven they've played it, much less understand the game's themes. I get stuck between this rock and hard place of being just as tired of the overhype, yet being forced to admit over and over again that I acknowledge my favorite Sonic game it isn't nearly as unimpeachably Peak(tm) as everyone portrays it so people won't think I'm... for lack of a better term, the kind of SA2 fan who thinks SA2!Shadow is the GOAT. Battle!Shadow is the GOAT and nothing anybody says can change my mind. None of you fake-ass Shadows ever said anything nearly as metal as "This is the final voice of the last war machine," have you? I thought not
It can't be understated how much Gerald's brainwashing mitigates SA2!Shadow's portrayal. Although it doesn't completely invalidate the entire portrayal, it does beg questions of how much he was driven by forces outside his control.
While there are aspects of SA2!Shadow's character worth genuine analysis, people exaggerate his better qualities while ignoring or downplaying his less palatable traits (traits he displays in later portrayals as well), like the showboating and arrogance. And like I always say with Shadow, you can't cut him up into pieces like that. You have to accept the whole, rough edges and all.
It also doesn't escape my notice that SA2!Shadow advocates imply the only time Shadow ever had a "good" portrayal was before he underwent character development, which is another stereotype of us SA2 fans: that we perpetually huff nostalgia think the past is better simply for being the past.
Meanwhile, I've been saying for years that I would love for someone, anyone, to give Shadow something to do that has nothing to do with the ARK. That's why my first reaction upon hearing about SxS Gens was to headdesk. You have a character who's all about forging his own path and moving on, yet you're always sticking him in the same goddamn hamster wheel. Why.
Why is Shadow's perceived character defended so staunchly, but defending Sonic's character comes off as restricting the freedom of the very character?
It's as if Sonic, to these fans, simply doesn't have a personality in the first place. He can be whatever we want him to be. Shadow, on the other hand, can only be how he used to be in a game 20 years old now, because we loved that one.
Tbqh, I don't think it's fair to pit Sonic and Shadow against each other like that because the entire cast, really, is being gutted by a fandom that insists the games have nothing of substance to respect. God knows people make shit up for Shadow and claim it has canonical basis too. And, you know, sometimes they don't even bother to do that - they just make things up simply because they figure the tropes that are good enough for other franchises must be good enough for Sonic as well. Looking at you, "Shadow was tortured on the ARK."
Sonic, Shadow, Eggman, Rouge, Cream, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Silver... Most, if not all, the core cast has it bad these days. And I don't think this fanonization is going to get any better unless there's a change in fandom culture. Not until people stop thinking of the games as inferior and game purists as the no-fun-allowed fiction police.
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jamiesfootball · 7 months
Now that I've actually read The Beautiful and Damned (essay still incoming), I've been thinking of an AU fic that explores what if Jamie did read the book in season 1. It....intrigues me for a number of reasons.
The fact that Jamie was the only one of the group to receive what is essentially a cautionary tale (no we didn't see most of the picks, but it feels safe to say that Jamie was the one Ted thought needed 'correcting')
The protagonist ends up a bitter, angry, abusive alcoholic. Granted Ted could not have known about Jamie’s dad at the time, but ough. Ted.
Giving this book to anyone and going 'here, this reminds me of who you are' is frankly insulting. I think if Jamie were to confront Ted about that, Ted would consider that half the job done. He clearly just wants Jamie to think about his actions and how he treats people. Unfortunately I could see this backfiring on Ted. He may not mean it personally, but I think Jamie would take it personally, especially because--
Aside from the fact that the protag is rich and full of himself and found to be charming, that guy is nothing like Jamie. In fairness to Ted, those are basically 3 of the 4 things he knows about Jamie. In unfairness to Ted, the other 1 thing he knows is that Jamie is a professional athlete who by definition had to work hard to get to where he is. Meanwhile the protag for TB&D has never worked for anything in his life -- the opposite of Jamie, our battler. In fact one of the defining traits and the reason the protag falls into being a penniless drunk is because throughout his life he was given many chances, and he ignored them all.
I think Jamie would likely get bogged down in the details. On the idea that the book was meant as a critique of him, rather than a lesson he could learn by. Another example of how Ted bringing up topics in a roundabout way tends to get misconstrued by Jamie as mind games.
Bonus round: the protag is very classist. The book occasionally alludes to the unfairness of this, but it is very much an ongoing topic for the protag on why he deserves all his money.
Bonus round: the protag is exceedingly misogynistic. The book almost never disagrees with this. Even season one Jamie 'women can do anything' Tartt would never.
So I think that a fic that explored Jamie's journey while reading this book would be fascinating. From the beginning where it's clear from the start that this protagonist is a spoiled, snobby twit to the end where the protag ends up a functioning alcoholic who yells at his wife and reminisces that by preventing himself from treating her in a physically violent manner, it makes him hate her even more. By the end of the book I can see Jamie being actively triggered by what's on the page--
--which would serve in a number of ways to kickstart Jamie's troubled history a good three episodes before the curse fire.
So yeah, this fic idea is less than a week old and I am still working on it but. Intrigued, I am.
Also I keep envisioning a running gag like that episode of The Office where Michael is watching The Devil Wears Prada and Pam is keeping track of where he is in the movie by what he's quoting at her. Except in this fic, Ted (Pam) would not know what the hell Jamie was talking about for a good long while, because he hasn't actually read the book since early in high school.
Why do I think Ted hasn't read it since early high school? Because if he'd read it later, he'd probably remember that there's a guy in the book who kills himself by shooting himself. It's literally one of the last parts of the book, and it's meant to serve as a punctuation on the consequences of the protag's actions.
Just a thought, but I think if Ted had read it after his dad dying, he might not suggest it to someone. Even if the meaning of the book fit.
For fic related reasons though, this means that Ted's trauma could ALSO be introduced way sooner. In season one even! This fic could have so much bonding through book-relevant trauma it's crazy to think about.
So. Yeah. New wip thoughts in progress. Whoops.
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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Bill here is a very protective yandere. Well, that explains it since he did get bitten by Fenrir Greyback the werewolf and he doesn't want something bad happening to the ones he loves
He is big on cuddles and showing physical affection and intimacy with you. You might Bill if you work at Gringotts like he does as a curse breaker or if you've been friends with him when he went to Hogwarts. And we all know he's the human personification of the word 'Cool'
He attracts LOTS of attention from people but when he gets hooked on you... man he is determined to make you his. He will not leave you alone when he sees you. He doesn't become a yandere directly at first, his yandere feelings and feelings of overprotectiveness will develop slowly as time goes on and if he thinks you're in danger and don't take care of yourself very well
Lol he will do whatever he can to impress you. Oh, you just heard about that spell that some wizard did a few days ago and you found i impressive? Oh look Bill here can do it too. You have a fascination for talking about old and ancient things and Egyptian tombs? Well, look who can strike up a conversation and go hours and hours about the topic. Oh my Godric, this man here will literally talk with you for hours and hours about well... whatever you want to talk about. Like his job, your job, your life, his life and all that
He will most certainly introduce you to his family and of course, his family will take an instant liking to you immediately. They will do whatever they can to make sure Bill has you as his. And yes, that includes Molly and Ginny trying to set the both of you up and Charlie sometimes teasing you and Bill and trying to make Bill jealous by sitting really close to you during dinner and stuff and sort of drives him nuts. But Bill will just smirk and grab your hand and do something or the other that will end up getting an 'Aww....' from the rest of the family (Insert gagging sounds here from Ron, Fred and George) and you'll end up like a blushing tomato 
He gets pretty jealous every now and then and when he does, it is literally time for you to run from him and get the hell away from him because when he does get jealous, long story short without beating around the bush, you won't be able to walk straight for the next one week that's for sure 👀😳😏
You'll have to assure him that you love him every time he gets insecure of his scars and he'll look at you with such love and gratefulness in his eyes, it's a really heart warming moment. You'll just lay there with him, cuddling with each other basking in each other's presence
He might actually try to make you leave your job whatever it might be. Don't take this the wrong way, he does believe that you can take care of yourself and you're more than capable of protecting yourself but he just doesn't think it's safe. And besides, why work at all when he can work and provide for you for the rest of your life?
If at all the day comes he kidnaps you or doesn't let you leave his house, he'll take all of your tantrums with a great stride and he'll be patient with you. He understands how you feel, but every poisonous word you throw at him does break his heart and he feels like someone is using the Cruciatus curse on him. But he won't snap at you, he'll just sigh and apologize to you saying that he really loves you and since he cares for you he can't let you go. It'll be hard for you NOT to fall in love with him on your own since he's such a sweetheart and gentleman to you, never forcing you to do anything that you don't want to and giving you space if you need it
He will not take it lightly if other people make the mistake of flirting with you. He'll tell them to stay away from you at first since you're taken by him and he'll give them a warning 3 times. If they still don't heed his warnings he'll have to hex them and then prepare for not being able to walk straight for a week and your pretty little neck being covered and littered with hickeys and love bites from him. What? It's his way of showing that you're his, how else will everybody know you belong solely to him and only him?
If at all you do tell him that you love him he'll be really happy but will also be kind of cocky about it and have you on his lap, tease you slightly about it before he kisses your lips softly and then your forehead, telling you how much he loves you too. Overall, this man is your ideal dream guy
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pinkandpurple360 · 12 days
Hey wait a second…
“If hell is forever then heaven must be a lie
If angels can do whatever and remain in the sky-“
But Vaggie and Lucifer are angels who didn’t remain in the sky, so angels can’t do whatever??
And as much as I appreciated the CharEmily duet here, it would have been much more powerful if it was Vaggie and Charlie. She’s been her partner from the start and should have plenty of anger at heavens hypocrisy and betrayal, but she shows none of it. If Vaggie was always a kindve ‘refugee’ that Charlie knew came from heaven. And who in her mind represents the victims of heaven the same way her father and mother do, and Vaggie was the first person who Charlie taught to change and be better that would make their relationship a million times stronger:
> Vaggie believes in Charlie’s cause since she saw her kindness and forgiveness firsthand. They parallel Adam and Lucifer, who refused to be kind or to forgive eachother.
> Vaggie wants the redemption to work because she wants to go home to heaven. She’s hard on “Angel” because he’s not trying and gets so angry by him not just because her motivation is about Charlie entirely but because she sees him as an obstacle to her going back home. Also, her not trusting men because her whole life was mostly around other women (angel exterminators). So now she has an independent personal drive, which is compatible with Charlie’s drive, making them truly partners, and not just Vaggie being Charlie’s assistant or lady in waiting.
> Charlie keeping Vaggies status a secret all this time and Vaggie listening to and empathising with Charlie’s past with her parents, created the foundation of trust they have, and showing that Charlie and her are each others confidant. You could add a cute addition where Charlie is fascinated with heaven, and it being Vaggie who told her all about it.
> Character adjustment: Vaggie is deeply in denial that heaven is corrupt, self hating because of a flaw in Christianity that thinks deeply hating oneself and constantly being ashamed, is what makes someone a good person. Lucifer, being too proud and for that then banished, being a cautionary tale she’s heard her whole life, being behind this. Until Charlie tells her a different side of that story, one where lucifer asked a few too many questions and was too creative, causing the banishing. Vaggie thinks if she repents and hates herself enough, she can go back to heaven. Have Lute, Vaggies seniors, homophobia actually effect her. Her hang ups, shyness, and prudishness about her sexuality and sex in general, contrasting heavily with angel dust.
> To build chemistry and tension with Chaggie, they could be pining for something romantic but be too focused on work and too afraid to take the next step. Having a running gag that they’re already basically dating and are so lovey dovey together but don’t realise it. So it makes the kiss more powerful
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dulcewrites · 11 months
I know the creators probably did not mean to do it when they made the Velaryons black (more than likely went over their heads tbh), and I do agree with certain criticisms/concerns people had about how black characters are treated in hotd. But I do think in theory, making the Velaryons, specifically Corlys, black was an interesting choice.
I think having a black man, in particular, chasing the Westeros equivalent of ‘the American dream’ and it leading to the eventual hinderess of his house is fascinating. Downfall in the sense that House Velaryon never reaches the heights they had pre dance. Corlys is playing a political game, as someone who is far more suited as a warrior/sailor than anything else, with people that keep him at arm’s length. He can not maneuver the way they do successfully despite the money and connection to dragon riders. But he continues to push for that status symbol…for that recognition and acceptance.
I will be mixing a bit of F&b lore as well as the show so just.. stay with me on this lmao.
When we are first introduced to the corlys/the velaryons, we get this air of ‘new money’ (gag I do hate that term but let’s go with it), though the Velaryons are a house that survived the doom. Corlys has essentially single handedly elevated his house through seafarer. He is described as someone that, despite the wealth and power being Lord of the Tides has brought, is seldom satisfied. Hence why once his own path towards being king consort/having his blood on throne is dashed after the great council of 101, he more than likely gets in his head that he must take steps to right that wrong.
Like many men in this story, if not all, corlys views the people around him - His wife, daughter, son, granddaughters and even Rhaenyra to a certain extent - as extensions of the himself and the pawns in his plan.
Now, this will probably be an unpopular opinion, though I don’t think it should be, but I’m of the belief Corlys cared little about how his family faired because of his ambition. Namely his wife, Rhaenys (who if we go by book canon he married when she was a teen then cheated on her with another teen). I think he sees her as another status symbol. He’s married to a dragon riding princess. I sense a lot of people get blinded by the shiny varnish their relationship has on the show, especially compared to the outwardly hellish relationships in book/show. He constantly undermines her. Though I personally don’t believe Rhaenys when she says she’s over not being queen, I do agree with her when she says corlys is doing all of this more for himself and his house than her. Despite the quippy lines they give Rhaenys, she too is a victim of patriarchy and by extension of that a backseat passenger in her own family. She too follows her husband’s orders even to the detriment of others. She may be able to voice her concerns, but they fall on deaf ears.
Corlys uses his 12 year old daughter as a bargaining chip. And let me tell you, I get so annoyed when people use the argument of ‘well rhaenys and corlys were upfront about pimping out their tween daughter while otto sent Alicent in secret’. They all will be sharing the same room in hell with viserys regardlesss babes. Or the argument that the dance wouldn’t have happened if Viserys married laena. The dance, or some sort of infighting, was set in stone the moment viserys decided to not only remarry but have kids. Weakening Rhaenyra’s already flimsy claim. It was set the moment the Targaryens followed the same male primogeniture many in Westeros do. Corlys would have been right at the ‘patriarchy rocks’ party if laena married viserys and managed to produce a male heir.
Rhaenys expresses wanting the driftmark line to pass through Laena’s daughters. Mind you, Laena is older anyway. If corlys wanted his eldest child to have it.. he could’ve changed that from jumped since he’s so team feminism lmao. Corlys quickly says no because he knows taking that from Lucerys means disenfranchising Rhaenyra’s claim. In turn, laenor will not be king consort and their blood will not be on the throne.
Except… he knows those boys are not of Velaryon blood. The same way he knew laenor, his gay son, would be in harm’s way marrying Rhaenyra. To him, his family name being written in books is more important than empowering his granddaughters, despite tooting the horn he is doing this because his wife was robbed because she is a woman. To him, his family name being written in books is more important than the safety of his kids. He actually mirrors viserys post laenor’s ‘death’ and shuts down. But the point of running away. Leaving his wife to rule without him. All because his own choices and guilt are probably eating him alive.
It’s why I was actually quite taken when in ep 10, it is corlys that finally says enough is enough. But I actually like the choice. By now he has lost his daughter, his brother (I have a lot of feelings/thoughts on how vaemond wants power like corlys but it manifests vastly differently in terms of their house), and he thinks his son as well. Him realizing that his ‘keeping up with the joneses’ phase has done nothing but have the Stranger follow their family is harrowing. He wants to go home; he is ready to be rid of this. And yet it is Rhaenys, his dragon riding princess, telling him they must keep fighting for Rhaenyra. Quickly reminding him that their family is binded to the Targaryens regardless, and because of his choices; through having Lucerys still be heir to driftmark and the farce that jace as a bastard will take the throne with little strife. As well as because of the agreement that their granddaughters, not good enough claimants to driftmark themselves according to corlys, will be married to the strong boys.
His house will not prevail and flourish in the wake of this, which I think is an interesting contrast to say someone like Otto. I don’t think Corlys is a second son in the literal sense but he feels as one because he has had to fight for what he has. In ep 2, he compared himself to daemon, an actual second son, because of this fact. Otto is the same, a second son turned hand of kings. They scheme the same way, and have very similar ambitions. They hurt people in the process, especially those they are meant to protect. Regardless of who sits on the throne or how the war panned out, House Hightower continues to be a relatively wealthy, respected house. Versus what happens to House Velaryon… a now black house in show canon. These men played the same game and only one, in terms of the things he wanted, ‘won’.
That’s such a damning insight on how power corrupts the same way regardless of race, but the repercussions of it are different for everyone. Like I said, I know the writers did not think this far ahead or take this into account. But it’s something I picked up on as black woman myself.
It all comes back to Corlys’ choices. He will soon be adding his wife to the list of people the Stranger takes.
He must take his own advice sail through the storm…
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cicimunson · 2 years
Sweet Child of Mine Part 5
Series Summary: You’re Eddie’s former best best friend. The two of you drifted apart freshman year of high school and now you’re more enemies than anything else. Despite the hostility between the two of you, you still come around to help out with his eleven-month-old sister, Emma, who he and Wayne keep most of the time due to his father being in jail and his mother being an addict.
Also, I know Sweet Child O’ Mine didn’t come out until 1988, but the song is just so perfect for the story.
Pairings/Characters: Eddie Munson x Female Reader, Wayne Munson, OC characters Emma Munson, Wendy Munson and Greg Thompson, cheerleaders Amy and Lucy
Chapter Summary: Eddie comes to visit while you're sick and you two get nostalgic remembering old times.. There's a bit of an altercation at school and Eddie is stunned when you take his side. Emma hits a milestone and the three of you go out to celebrate. Eddie is starting to feel something for you, but he can't quite figure out what it is.
Warnings: Reader is sick, mentions of Eddie's mom being an addict, I think that's it? Let me know if I missed something.
Word Count: 3k
Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 6
Whatever Eddie was sick with doubles down on you, forty-eight hours in and you're sprawled on your couch, unable to combat the cough or fever.
You wish your parents were in town, but unfortunately they were both gone for work. Not that they'd be much comfort, but it would be nice to have someone's presence in the house.
There's a knock on the door and you drag yourself up, groaning.
Eddie is standing on your doorstep, smirking when he sees you. "Hi. You look like hell."
 You groan. "Come to relish in my pain, Munson? Low, even for you."
"Actually, I brought your homework. And Wayne insisted I bring you some of his homemade chili, said it’ll cure anything you have.” He thrusts the bag under your nose and the strong smell of spices makes you gag.
“Shit, you really are sick, huh?” He observes. “I didn’t get any stomach trouble with mine.”
“Must be my luck.” You mumble, heading back to the couch. "You can go, I’d like to be miserable in peace.”
"Oh, come on, ducky, don't be like that."
You whirl around, reaching out to grab the back of the sofa when the movement makes you light-headed.
Eddie is overwhelmed by the urge to reach out and steady you. It surprises him.
Instead he steps closer and asks: "You okay? Maybe you should sit down."
You nod and resume your spot on the couch, tucking your legs under you.
"You haven't called me ducky since we were kids."
He sits in the recliner across from you and cocks his head to the side, looking confused. "I haven't?"
"Oh, well, do you still want to be a duck?" He jokes.
You giggle. When the two of you were small,  your elementary school had taken a field trip to a farm and you had been fascinated by the baby ducks swimming around the pond behind the barn. You had told everyone that you were going to be a duck too, crying when your teacher had told you it was impossible, then sobbing harder when she scolded you for crying. Eddie had kicked her in the shin and hugged you.
If you wanna be a duck, you can be a duck.
And you'll still be my best friend?
Of course. You'll be my little ducky.
And the nickname had stuck. At least until freshman year.
Eddie studies your face. "What are you thinking about?"
You sigh softly and shake your head. "Nothing. And yes, sometimes I still wish I were a duck."
He grins. "I knew it."
For a moment, all feels right between you two again.
"Um, thanks for my schoolwork. And thank Wayne for the food."
He shifts his weight back and forth in his seat, looking uncomfortable. "Yeah, well, I owe you a thank you, too."
You raise an eyebrow. "Oh?"
He looks down at his feet. "The other night, when I was sick. You didn't have to take care of me. You could have left, or even camped out in the bedroom with Emma. But you stayed with me."
Your heart beats a little faster.
"So, I just wanted to say thanks." He finishes, still not looking from the floor.
"You're welcome, Eds. I'm glad you're feeling better."
He smiles softly when you use his nickname.
"So do I need to force-feed you Tylenol? Make you soup?"
"I'm fine, thanks. I'd hate for you to catch this again."
"Yeah, me too." He stands up, wiping his palms on his jeans. "But if you need anything-"
"I'll call. Thanks again."
He nods. "See ya, ducky."
Your heart does another little flip-flop as he leaves.
Don't. Don't start thinking the two of you can be friends again. Every time you get your hopes up, he crushes them.
But you can't help but hope just a little.
You're back in school two days later, stretching with the rest of the cheer squad before the pep rally. You see Eddie walk into the gym and you give him a small wave.
He flips you off, but with a warm smile on his face.
You pretend to be offended, then act like you're reaching in your pocket to look for something. He watches as you pull out your clenched hand, then open it to flip him off in response.
His smile turns into a grin.
Amy nudges you. "Maybe don't flirt with the freak in front of the entire school, huh?"
You give her a frosty glare.
After the pep rally Eddie approaches you. You're taken aback at first, normally he doesn't even show up to these things, ditching to hide out in the woods behind school.
"You got a minute?" He asks, sticking his hands in the pockets of his jeans.
Amy sticks her pom-pom out in front of you as you take a step forward. "Actually, we're busy. You can stalk Y/N some other time."
Eddie smirks at her. "Seems you're the one a bit obsessed, seeing as how you're trying to control who she talks to."
"Amy, it's fine. Eddie and I are fri-" You trail off, not because you're embarrassed, but because you don't know what your actual label is. "We're cool." You finally say.
She leans in close and whispers loudly. "Oh my God, Y/N, are you doing drugs?"
"What? No! Jesus, Amy, why would you ask me that?"
"Well that's the only explanation I could come up with." She replies snidely."Unless what Greg says is true, and you're really friends with the freak."
"You aren't, are you?" Lucy asks. "I heard he's into…" She looks at him and then whispers to the other girls. "Devil worship."
They all gasp dramatically while you fight the urge to giggle.
Eddie hisses and the girls shriek.
"Devil worship, indeed!" His voice booms, intimidating and loud. "I was looking for a virgin to sacrifice, do I have any volunteers?"
"Hey, is he bothering you, ladies?"
Fantastic, just what this conversation needed.
Greg comes to stand at your side, clenching his fists as he glares at Eddie.
Amy wraps a hand around Greg's bicep, batting her eyes dramatically. "He said he was going to sacrifice us to the devil!"
Oh please.
"He said virgin sacrifice, Amy. You're safe. Hell, thanks to you, half of the football team is safe." You retort.
Her mouth drops open. "How dare you!”
Greg scowls. “You aren't honestly defending that freak, are you?"
You shrug your shoulders. "Maybe I am."
Eddie's eyes widen. He'd have never expected in a million years for you to be sticking up for him.
Greg scowls. "I told you Y/N, you hang out with the freak long enough, he'd rub off on you."
"Then I guess I should go. Wouldn't want it to rub off on any of you." You roll your eyes and walk away, Eddie on your heels.
You stomp out into the parking lot. Eddie follows behind, pulling his keys from his pocket. "Need a ride?"
"Take me to see Emma, please. She always calms me down."
He nods understandingly. "Yeah, me too."
He opens the passenger door of his van and you get in, wrinkling your nose as the smell of cigarettes and weed hits your nostrils.
Eddie chuckles when he sees your face. "Just crack the window. Wouldn't want you to get a contact high." He teases. "Although you might be more fun with a little buzz."
"Haha." You roll the window down a bit. "So, did you need something?"
He's drumming on the steering wheel, looking lost in thought. "Hmm?"
"You walked up to me. Back at school?"
"Oh, yeah. Emma's appointment with the specialist is Monday. I was kinda hoping- I mean, if you wanna come, you know, you can.”
He wants me there?
Eddie looks embarrassed to have even asked you. He'd never admit the truth, but he needs you there. The thought of going without you terrifies him.
You nod, relieving him of his misery. He breathes a sigh of relief, masking it as a cough so you won't notice.
"Um, it's in the morning, 9 am, so we'd have to skip first period, possibly second."
"It's Emma. I'd skip a whole week if she needed me."
Eddie nods. "Yeah, me too."
He pulls into the driveway and you hurry into the trailer, eager to see her. Emma squeals when you walk in, holding her plump little arms up to you.
Wayne smiles. "She's missed you."
You scoop her up and hug her tightly. She grumbles slightly and pushes at your chest. You loosen your grip and plant kisses on her cheeks and forehead.
"I missed you so much while I was sick, Emmy, did you miss me?"
She pats your cheek affectionately.
"That's my sweet Emmy." You coo.
Eddie gasps from behind you. Wayne comes up off the couch, looking shocked.
You turn to Eddie, your mouth falling open.
"Holy shit, did she just say her name?"
You jostle her slightly to reclaim her attention.
"Say Emmy, baby girl, say Emmy one more time!"
She blows raspberries and squeals.
"Come on baby, one more time for your brother and uncle, say Emmy!" You prompt. "You can do it. Emmy!"
She looks up at you. "Em-me."
You shriek happily and Eddie does a little jump of excitement. 
Wayne claps his hands, letting out a cheer.
"Oh my God, she said it! She said her name!" He exclaims.
"Emmy!" She repeats, realizing it gets a big reaction.
"That's right sissy, you're our Emmy!" Eddie praises. "Our smart little Emmy."
Eddie is ecstatic. He can't remember the last time he felt this happy. He kisses Emma's cheek and then turns and kisses yours also before he even realizes he's done it.
Your mouth drops open. You realize Eddie is staring at you in shock, so you shut it quickly, busying yourself with smoothing Emma's curls and straightening her overalls.
Eddie turns away from you, touching his fingers to his lips. Other than Emma, he'd never kissed anyone. Girls had tried when he was younger, of course, and every now and then a drunk girl would throw herself at him at the Hideaway, but Eddie always shot them down. He didn't like anyone's hands on him, and certainly not their mouths.
Your cheek had been soft and warm. Another couple inches to the right and he'd have kissed your lips, he realizes. Would you have let him? Would you have kissed him back?
"Eddie?" Your voice jolts him out of his thoughts. He turns back to you and Emma, forcing a smile on his face.
"I asked if you had any ice cream? I think Emma deserves a treat for being such a smart girl." You tickle her, inciting squeals and giggles.
"I don't think so, but we could always go out." He offers.
"Sounds great. I'll go change Emma's diaper." You head to the bedroom with her.
Eddie can't help but touch his lips again. It was just a peck, it didn't last more than a second, but he felt…something.
He notices Wayne grinning at him and snatches his hand from his mouth.
"Don't say a word." He warns and Wayne chuckles.
"Hey, I'm over the moon right now. Emma talking, you smooching Y/N-"
"I did not smooch her."
"You two are making leaps and bounds today. Next thing you know Emma will be speaking French and you and Y/N will be getting married." He teases.
"That'll never happen. She'd never want someone like me. She's into jocks and popular guys."
Wayne cocks an eyebrow. He can't help but notice Eddie didn't say anything about not liking you.
"You're right." Wayne agrees. "Besides, Emma would prefer Spanish to French."
Eddie narrows his eyes. "Don't be cute, uncle."
Wayne holds up his hands defensively. "Me? Never."
You come back into the living room, carrying a freshly-changed Emma. You'd wiped her face clean, Eddie observes, and stuck a little pink bow in her hair.
"We ready to go?"
"You kids have fun."
You turn to Wayne. "You aren't coming?"
"No, I think I'm gonna take a nice long nap while the trailer is empty." He winks at Eddie over your head.
"Well, enjoy your nap. We'll try to be quiet when we come back."
You head outside and help Eddie fasten Emma in. She protests being sat down but when Eddie starts the radio she instantly perks up, clapping her hands as Eddie sings along.
Your mind drifts back Eddie's impromptu kiss. You reach up and touch your cheek, still feeling his lips on your skin.
Eddie glances over at you, smiling to himself when he sees your hand on your face.
Maybe she liked it. Maybe she would let me do it again. Do I want to do it again?
You realize Eddie is staring and move your hand from your cheek, feeling a blush creeping up your neck.
"Stop staring, weirdo. Watch the road."
"Pft. You wish I would stare at you."
You roll your eyes and suppress a smile.
Eddie parks the van in front of the ice cream parlor. He scoops Emma out of seat and the three of you go inside. You wave to your mom's friend who runs the place, then slide into a booth.
The waitress comes hurrying over, instantly cooing over Emma.
I don't recognize her. Must be new.
"Oh what a cute baby, how old is she?"
"She'll be a year old in two weeks." Eddie replies.
"She's so precious. Does she want some ice cream?"
"She'll have a scoop of chocolate and vanilla, I'll take a chocolate shake."
She turns to you.
"And for you, mama?"
You blink up at her. Huh? 
It dawns on you. She thinks Emma is yours. And most likely that Eddie is her daddy. 
Eddie grins mischievously at you. "Yeah, mama, do you know what you want?"
"Um, just a vanilla shake is fine."
When she's out of earshot Eddie doubles over, laughing hysterically.
"I'm gonna kill you, Munson."
"Oh come on, that was hilarious…mama."
"You're so gross." You roll your eyes, but Eddie can see the amusement on your face.
The waitress comes back with your order a few minutes later. Eddie helps her unload her tray, pushing your milkshake towards you.
"Here you go, mama."
You glare at him. "Gee, thanks, daddy."
Eddie's breath hitches. You don't notice, thank God, as you're trying to keep Emma from putting her hands in her ice cream.
He can't deny it. He felt something when you called him daddy. A twinge, a twitch. Call it what you want, but it excited him.
"Eddie, your shake is gonna melt."
"Maybe I like it melted."
"Okay then, weirdo, let it melt."
Emma succeeds in getting a hand in her ice cream. She squeals when she realizes it's cold and smears it down the front of your shirt.
"Oh, Emmy, careful!" You grab a napkin and wipe her hand, pushing her ice cream out of her reach. She shrieks indignantly.
You dab at the ice cream on your chest.
"Edward, a little help?" You snap.
He grabs a napkin too, blotting a stain on your left breast. You blush and stiffen.
"I meant with Emma." You say quietly.
Eddie could kick himself. Of course you meant with Emma.
You continue dabbing at the stain while Eddie feeds her. How have we gone from "don't fucking touch me" to him practically groping me in less than week?
Eddie can't even look at you. He has no idea what's come over him. For some reason he wants to touch you. He likes feeling how warm and soft you are. He's just so confused as to why.
You all finish eating and Eddie pays. You insist on leaving the tip since he covered the tab. The waitress waves goodbye, remarking to a customer what an adorable family you three are as you leave.
"Do you want me to take you home?"
"Yeah, if you don't mind. I need to do some studying before the game." You look up at him. "You should come tonight. Bring Emma."
"I've got Hellfire."
"Oh, I see. Do you wanna meet up after, get some dinner?"
"Won't you be going to your boyfriend's big party?"
"How did you know about that?"
"His friends have been buying off me all week. Can't keep their traps shut about it."
"I didn't plan on going, honestly. And for the millionth time, he's not my boyfriend."
"Does he know that? He jumped to your rescue pretty quickly today. And I saw the way you stared daggers at Amy when she grabbed his arm."
"I was staring daggers because they were being rude to you."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah, it is."
Eddie starts the van. "They're assholes, Y/N. I don't understand why you associate with them."
"I have to, for cheer."
"I don't understand that, either."
"My mom was a cheerleader, Eddie."
So I was hoping it could be something she and I bonded over. I was hoping she'd want to come to games and stuff to see me cheer.
"Just forget it. Of course you don't understand."
Eddie falls silent. You're right, he doesn't understand. Your mom was hardly ever around, same as his. Sure she wasn't an addict like Wendy, but she was neglectful like her.
Eddie pulls into your drive. You say goodbye to Emma and get out, muttering a goodbye to him as you shut the door.
Eddie watches as you sprint up the walk and into your house.
"Well, Emma, I think I made her mad again. I just can't win with that girl."
@aedicn @sidthedollface2 @saramelaniemoon @zahra10999 @natasha84 @harrys-tittie @urallidjits @booksarekindaneat @mxcheese @nightless @adaydreamaway08 @cloverjean @starrywhitenight @eli-lilies04 @eddiemunson95 @livasauras @cluz1babe @aunicornmademedoit @neewtmas @harrystylesandthegoobs @cancankiki
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pocarinapyon · 2 years
"My love... Uhm... Happy father's day!"
"Just kidding! It's a prank!"
Afab!reader pulling a "Happy Father's Day" prank on their Genshin boyfriend. 😼
Starring : Albedo, Childe, Kaeya, Zhongli (separate)
Warning : 🌶️ Mild chili; Pet names (if it bothers you); suggestive themes; dirty talk; a bit dramatic on Kaeya's scene; implied break up attempt (Kaeya); etc.
Links : Masterlist
Note : To the people who you consider a father, happy father's day!
To whoever is reading, please enjoy.
"I...will be a...father...?"
Albedo stared at you dumbfounded, his eyes wide and questioning. He wasn't mad. Far from it, in fact. Various emotions filled the young gentleman and he was sure anger was not one of them. To think that he - a homunculus - was capable of fathering a child with someone he loves - you. Albedo became so hopeful, so fascinated and so...just so glad.
But the moment you revealed everything was just a prank, all happy thoughts crashed down and burned. Albedo grimaced for a moment before returning to his usual stoic expression. Albedo did not like this prank.
"I'm sorry, my love. I just wanted to see how you'd react." But Albedo just hummed in response. "My love...?"
"It wouldn't be so bad to try and knock you up. Let's start now, my love," Albedo declared with a smirk, his eyes glinting with determination.
Albedo then made it his mission to try impregnating you - even if it meant using alchemy.
All because of a prank.
"A - am I really going to be a father??"
Childe laughed heartily as he hoisted you up and danced you around.
Bliss. Happiness. Excitement. Pure ecstasy. Childe was on cloud nine! He came from a big family and to think he would start his own with you brought him much joy. He can't wait to write a letter to his family, buy infant items, prepare the baby room, so on and so forth.
Childe was so frenzied that you had a hard time telling him everything was just a prank. And when you did, the harbinger whined like a kid.
"Seriously?? Was it really just a prank??" Childe questioned, clearly disappointed when you confirmed you were really kidding. The ginger huffed and unbuttoned his shirt. "Fine! Babe, we aren't leaving this room until I'm sure I got you pregnant. Come on. I'm gonna make sure your womb is full."
No words. Kaeya was rendered speechless. Kaeya Alberich? A father? Impossible! It was too sudden.
Kaeya loved you, truly he did. But he was not ready for this. There was a lot he needed to settle; so much he needed to do; so many secrets he needed to let you know. He never wanted to drag you down with him - with whatever it was that haunted him; whatever it was that tore him. You were his refuge; his saving grace; his shining light.
He wanted to spare you from his burdens yet he couldn't bring himself to stay away from you - not when you were clearly smitten with him too. "Just a little taste, then I'll stop," was what he told himself. He promised himself he would end this when things got too deep.
But him accidentally knocking you up sealed your fate with him.
Million thoughts raced inside Kaeya's mind and the look on Kaeya's face told you he did not want to have a child with you - despite those sexy and steamy nights you shared.
"It's a prank! Haha. Did I scare you?" you awkwardly spilled with a stutter.
Kaeya was relieved while you became anxious. Because of a prank, you found out something new about your lover.
That he might not be serious in loving you.
The way your eyes dropped did not slip past Kaeya. You clearly looked disheartened. He figured it must be because of the way he reacted during the gag. Kaeya tilted your head to lock eyes with you. Perhaps it was time to be more honest and open with you.
Oh boy, where should he start?
"What a joyous day!" Zhongli chuckled as he reached for your hand. He pressed his lips on your knuckles and gazed at your eyes lovingly.
Zhongli was happy. His smile looked so soft; so happy and content to know that his beloved carried his child. To live as a human; to be a loving husband; to be a caring father: eons ago, Zhongli would never dream of such trivial things. Now, such ideals were his fantasies and your revelation was his wish come true.
This called for a celebration.
"My dear, we must commemorate this event. We must ask our friends and family to join us."
Zhongli was euphoric. But when you said everything was just a prank, Zhongli couldn't help but frown. Why would you pull something such a joke?
Zhongli was a serious man and now that he was so engrossed at the thought of your pregnan look, he promised himself he would really knock you up tonight.
"How naughty. My dear, surely you are aware such jokes are inexcusable? Then. Allow me to punish you: by making sure you truly become pregnant with my child."
To whoever is reading, thank you for your time. I hope you enjoyed it.
Here, have some hotdog sandwich. 🌭
Links : Masterlist
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Hi Finnie! I hope it's not too much to ask, but may I request a no. 9?
In real life, I'm quite shy, calm, patient, and introspective. I always have been. I spend most of my time in my own thoughts, but most of them are either quietly observing all the sights and sensations around me, trying to find joy and beauty in even the smallest of things, or daydreams about fiction! I love thinking about my favorite characters and putting them in fun little situations. I also love seeing what other people create, which is why I'm always checking out other people's OCs, hehe~....
I also enjoy video games! I have a wide range of different tastes, and I like playing all genres. But I think one of my favorite genres has got to be open world games, I love exploring and discovering hidden secrets. In both real life and in games, I like meandering about, all over the place, just to explore and let my mind wander as well.
And I love romantic things, like flowers, love letters, dates, cuddling, holding hands, gazing at lights, trying new things together...it's all so wonderful! Sharing the beauty of life with the one you love is a precious thing. Since I can be very shy and quiet, having someone that actively wants to reach out to me, and somehow finds me, of all people, fascinating despite my meekness, is a very special feeling. It gives me hope that I'm not completely forgettable. That even someone like me can be appreciated. And that there's still plenty of kindness in the world, despite all of the bad.
......Oh, and I give amazing head btw (or so i've been told). My gag reflex is slowly going away and I can go at it for as long as the recipient wants. I love doing it, so much.
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: thank god you asked because i had been saving him for you lmao 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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this eddie needs patience, he needs someone who will listen and be kind to him, and i think someone calm and shy would be better for him too (i feel like i'm writing a bio for a traumatised cat at a shelter lmao)
he's a daydreamer! or at least he is by default, since all of his plans amount to pretty much nothing! but he doesn't let it deter him, he can see the joy in fixing things for next time and finding the good in even the worst situations to keep his spirits up
he's a little nerd, so video games are his favourite hobby. i think maybe he would get on better in life if he wasn't constantly viewing himself as a video game protagonist. he's 100% the kind of goober to make a beautiful house for you in minecraft and take you there on a date
ok so he's clumsy and a little shy but that means he learned everything he knows about romance and love from movies and tv, which means he's so overly romantic. a walking romcom. you'll get constantly bombarded by gifts and letters (and he'll even write you a poem or two and serenade you if you keep that a secret)
and he would absolutely cherish you, regardless of how outgoing or loud you are, in fact he prefers a soft and quiet presence. it's calming, grounding and most important, means there's room for him in your life, because he would hate to have to compete to be seen by you
ok god damn snow i am impressed and proud of you lmao so uh yeah, you know who deserves someone who gives bomb head the most out of all the riddlers? this little idiot, because he really deserves the best
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meefy · 2 years
Thoughts on Ryuu + Autistic-coded Characters
Please no manga spoilers beyond Ch5. I finished the anime recently, and am already obsessed so please be kind and patient as I catch up! UPDATE: a manga-centric part 2!
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This is going to be long, but I have too many thoughts to gush about here. It's SO RARE these days you see an autistic-coded character where 1) their autism is portrayed as an advantage that lets them fit in with others and benefit the community AND 2) where it's not a main part of the plot/gag. Ryuu for me fulfills passes these tests and thensome!
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To begin, Ryuu's special interest in poison and herbs gets him a job doing something he loves and where others (his colleagues and the Prince himself) respect and trust him.  Indeed, we see him essentially telling Zen "People don't talk to me like a kid" and when Zen gives him advice, finishing with, "I wouldn't say that if you weren't a kid" we see how much Zen actually does respect Ryuu. In my experience anyways, if you have an advanced vocabulary and prefer the company of adults, you are automatically considered an adult, despite the fact that emotionally you are still a child. Zen’s words here so perfectly acknowledge the huge divide between how people think they should treat autistic kids who are "old souls/little professors" and how they actually may want to be treated; many of them still have interests and feelings that are common for their age. Zen and his friends treat Ryuu like a kid, but also with the respect that would come to anyone with the position he holds, and I am HERE for it.
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Then, we see all the subtle autistic traits that his character has that don't scream TOKEN AUTISTIC CHARACTER, but still stay true to many of our experiences. For instance, in the manga, Sorata Akiduki says Ryuu likes big pieces of paper, and we see him copying existing information down in a way that makes sense for him. He likes things all laid out to see; he's clearly a visual learner, and a visual person. Ryuu blatantly says that he doesn't understand people very well, and he is stunned when Zen says it's okay to ask if you don't understand someone's feelings or intentions (which, as an aside, made me love Zen even more) - Ryuu, like many people autistic or otherwise, believes we should innately understand how to read people. It's therefore a relief when someone says it's okay to ask!
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One scene that struck me fondly was seeing Ryuu sleeping under his desk, despite the fact he undoubtedly has just as nice quarters as Shirayuki has (if not nicer). I LOVE laying on the floor (Texture™ and Pressure™) and I was so excited to see a character do it too! Another scene I relate to is when Obi helps Ryuu climb the tree, and Ryuu tells him that he has never climbed a tree before. From this I took a leap and assumed he isn't especially coordinated/balanced/athletic (like many of us autistic people; I am 25 and have never climbed a tree either). Lastly, in the Japanese original and English dub, he speaks in a consistently flat and monotone voice, without making him an unempathetic, emotionless robot. But most importantly of all is that NOBODY CRITICIZES OR MOCKS ANY OF THESE TRAITS. They're accepted and seen as "Oh, that's just how Ryuu is, and we love him with it instead of in spite of it."
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The last scene I want to talk about is the one with the guard who refuses Ryuu's help because he's "obsessed with poisons and just wants guinea pigs". This scene broke my heart because I related to it so much - if you are an autistic person with a special interest that neurotypicals deem "scary", you are immediately feared and shunned, even if you use it for your own benevolent enjoyment at worst and to help others at best. I was really fascinated by human mutations and terminal illnesses growing up, and obviously everyone around me thought I was weird and creepy. Me, I just thought it was interesting and wanted to become a surgeon at the time and help others, but nobody understood or believed that. So when Shirayuki stands up for Ryuu (because she understands the benefits of understanding poison) I was SO happy. Characters defending autistic characters vs. mocking them (looking at you Big Bang Theory)?? LOVE IT. And what breaks my heart the most is Ryuu doesn't think she should be upset. He's used to people fearing him by now, and thinks she's mad at him instead. He's confused when she leaves, until the end where she tells him she's not mad and they get to work positively together. Seeing neurodiversity portrayed in a positive and empowering manner, where misunderstandings happen and characters aren't ridiculed for them but speak honestly and openly to clear them up, is so refreshing. Media where the autistic character has friends and is given a place to thrive and use their neurodiversity to help others and gain a sense of fullfillment is so validating! It's rare to see, and watching Ryuu's character done so well means so much to me. I'm excited to see more of him in the manga!!
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dude turnabout for tomorrow is crazy because imagine the detective you and your team have been conversing with the whole game suddenly turns out has been dead for a year
oh and also has been framing people since the start of the game
like i remember when you go into the detention center for Athena you talk to Ted Tonate n hes like "i didnt bomb the courtroom!" i unironically said "yeah right" but in retrospect...damn that was a bunch of false convictions no?
albeit in Tonate's case, he DID kill detective Arme so technically...
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But yeah "Fullbright" taking off his masks was fascinating to me because of who his disguises are
Starbuck - a scapegoat for him killing Terran but also someone close to Apollo and is basically the only part of his friend thats left besides his jacket
Prof Means - a man who antagonised Athena and quite literally made her breakdown in court
and uh... Phoenix himself? idk i think that one was kinda just a gag to show the absurdity of all these disguises under the OG Fullbright mask because damn that must get warm
it could also just be an emphasis on how the phantom doesnt know who he is anymore, quite literally calling himself an abyss:
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Going to the breakdown and DAMN its gotta be like top 3
The face stretching is HORRIFIC i will get sleepless nights over it
the rocks falling past, changing the mask to each of his scapegoats, it really makes you think "damn maybe the phantom was the friends we made along the way"
and then he gets sniped, not fatally (unfortunately) and i immediately thought of fallen kingdom
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Thinking about Blackquill now and damn i feel bad
usually the prosecutors and the detectives have a great duality together
Edgeworth and Gumshoe, Franziska and Gumshoe and even Klavier and Ema come to mind
(we dont really see Godot interact with Gumshoe tbf)
but also this has been a dude keeping their eyes on you for a year, and all they wanted to do was take evidence from you instead of trying to rehabilitate you like hes said this whole time
also like if this WAS the guy who killed my mentor and made me have to sit in a prison cell for 7 years... its surprising BQ isnt even more torn than shown
(side note aa5 has a lot of tell dont show which most of the games did but idk it just got on my nerves this game...or Nick just pissed me off the whole game idk hes just wildly mischaracterised imo)
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TLDR: aa5s main story, despite the 3ds making it look SO ugly and me wanting to put Phoenix into a retirement home, has a really fascinating ending that makes you reflect on the whole game
"maybe the phantom was the friends we made along the way" quite literally
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measuringbliss · 8 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 030: vs. Nightcrawler (ASM 160-162)
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I mean, with that cover, this can only be a win, right?
Spidey is getting tired of running into these goons in goofy costumes, which I completely agree. Then his Spider-Mobile tries to kill him. He escapes and gets on a police car, then...
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Spidey's last thought bubble really makes the scene, hahaha. The Spider-Mobile disappears though...
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As always, I love these pages. Liz and Harry seem to get along well! That's nice to see.
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I hope we get to see more secretaries, they're becoming a fun gag!
Spidey goes back to hunt the Spider-Mobile, and he finds it alright.
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The buggie leads Spidey to... the Tinkerer, a villain we haven't seen since ASM #2!
No, I'm not missing any zero. I saw him recently since I worked on my Peter Parker Objectification series of posts so that was fun to recognize him.
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The Spider-Mobile saga has lasted, what, 2 years now? I think that was a good ending, since it was the star of the issue.
In #161, Nightcrawler is decided to attack our web-crawler! And not only him...
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The Punisher hates seeing happy people. He's also dead set in making Peter's life harder! He's having a nice (if terrifying) date with MJ, and Harry and Liz are right behind their tails, having no lines, but loads of fun.
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"Harry, we thought you'd never ask." awww! My heart's melting <3
Aside from Peter's naturally pretty face, it's just heartwarming to see everyone be so happy :) And MJ keeps loving destabilized Peter. As do I, my dear MJ.
Suddenly, the Punisher shoots someone dead. He escapes before being seen, but Nightcrawler and Spidey arrive just on time to suspect each other. Interestingly, Nightcrawler wanted to take the weapon to the police, something we've never really seen Spidey do, as he usually directly hands the people to them.
Nightcrawler figures surprisingly quickly that with his powers, Spider-Man would have no use for a rifle. Usually, it takes longer than that!
The X-Man eventually vanishes, and Spidey seeks help from Robertson. Jameson discovers them and listens in...
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Someone sent him photographies of Peter throwing his clone away! I didn't expect this plot point to come back, I thought it was pretty much dropped or would be retconned in like a decade or so.
That's so interesting though!
My first guess for who's this mysterious photographer would be Eddie Brock, but he hasn't been introduced yet.
Otherwise... An enemy who'd be back? But whom? The Tarantula? I think he was involved in those events, after all, but taking pictures from afar doesn't seem to be his style.
Hmm.....! I'm really excited to see a plot point that I'm not spoiled on :D
The Punisher, meanwhile, roughs up some gangster and says someone's been impersonating him. So... the Chameleon? Fascinating intrigue!
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Ross Andru and his gigantic structures!
The Spider and the Crawler meet again, and Nightcrawler helpfully informs us that given that the current X-Men run only started recently (1975), the mutants aren't out to the public yet, and thus, nobody has ever heard of Nightcrawler and his friends.
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I'm just staring wide-eyed, curious about how this is going to progress.
#162 eventually sees the three characters see eye to eye.
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More importantly, the Punisher and Spider-Man are a couple and I think that's very important.
The next day...
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So first off, Peter misses Warren! I kind of understand. He might have been the Jackal, but Peter still had a somewhat close relationship with him.
Jameson's just there to rile up a new scientist to do his dirty bidding, yawn yawn.
The Punisher and Spidey investigate a neighborhood together, but Spidey gets captured and, uh...
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Nightcrawler joins in, and our three protagonist fight hand in hand!
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Uh, whatever. Jigsaw's caught. Everything ends well.
In the post after the next one...
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Oh, the Kingpin's back! I wonder how his family affairs are going. At least, I appreciate that we got rid of him for quite a while.
But next time, let's start Spectacular Spider-Man!
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samuraiko · 2 years
A *lot* of late-night thoughts about C3E32... <SPOILERS AHOY>
You have been warned.
Like seriously.
As in I don’t want to hear any complaining that you didn’t know spoilers for tonight’s episode were coming.
WHAT THE FUCK WAS UP WITH THAT QUIP AD BIT OF SAM’S?! Oh my fucking gods. And Liam, how the HELLS did you pass up the opportunity to snark about knowing EXACTLY how much Sam can fit in his mouth and/or his gag reflex? REALLY?! I am so disappointed in you -- that wasn’t just a softball pitch, that was practically Mage Hand-ing it in slow balletic style right into your strike zone.
I’m still not entirely convinced that Fearne’s not actually a sociopath. There’s stirring up shit just because occasionally it’s entertaining, and especially if it only blows back on YOU... and then there’s the shit that she’s doing (like putting two Gnarlrocks near Imogen and Laudna when just ONE caused all sorts of fuckery and problems, or trying to “but this shouldn’t apply to me” when Orym is warning all of them about their potential ‘kind of awful’, or telling Imogen to hurt Ollie if it meant getting answers).
Like fucking REALLY, Fearne? You’re going to steal a TOP PRIORITY CRATE FROM THE CERBERUS ASSEMBLY AND THE PARAGON’S CALL RIGHT IN FUCKING FRONT OF THEM?! I was almost hoping she’d be that stupid JUST to watch her draw the Call’s ire, and then (hopefully) have the Hells just sit back and go, “you brought this on yourself, YOU get yourself out of it.”
Which is why I’m REALLY wondering if Ashley is potentially setting up Fearne based on the alternate DARK version of her from ExU (a la what nearly happened to Caleb in Campaign 2) to maybe become one of the BBEGs of Campaign 3.
(I know there are a lot of folks who love Fearne - more power to you... me, the more I know about this character, the less I like her. But it’s a big fandom. You do you, I’ll do me, we’ll both be cool. And I have *NO* problem whatsoever with Ashley -- I enjoy her as a player, I liked her a lot as Pike, and I fucking ADORED her as Yasha.)
And on that note, for FUCK’S SAKE, Chetney, it’s clear that FCG is AFRAID of his darker self. Quit ENCOURAGING that side of him to come out until he’s more accepting and comfortable with it, given how much that side of him has COST him already. Leave him the fuck alone. (That said, I’m REALLY hoping we get a case of Chetney losing control and REALLY hurting someone he cares about, and who’s a lot less likely to forgive him than Orym was. Like if he wolfs out and hurts Imogen or Laudna, the other one is going to utterly wreck his shit. And seeing Chet shoved facefirst into a painful situation he can’t just bribe or sneak his way out of has a lot of potential.)
Related to that - Imogen and Chet have this undertone of vitriol going on that I find kinda fascinating in a weird way. It’s not like the whole belligerent sexual tension that Chet and Fearne kinda have going, and it’s not like his hazing of Dorian before the two of them became thick as thieves. I think Chet’s gonna snap at some point and go after Imogen, probably because she’ll have done something to poke the badger one too many times.
I really liked seeing the FCG/Imahara Joe dynamic on this one, and also I was a REALLY big fan of the FCG/Dancer meeting. It’s just so NICE to see Sam stop clowning around for once and just bring simple, earnest honesty to a scene, and come back to what I really see as the core of FCG’s character (as in personality, not as in the D&D gaming construct). That may have been one of my favorite moments of his yet in this campaign.
And then there was that absolutely glorious trainwreck of a conversation between Ashton and Laudna. I don’t quite know if I full-fledged ship those two, but Team Tombstone is rife with so much bittersweet HEART to it. And for me, I just love watching Marisha and Taliesin act off one another. Not that I think Imogen and Laudna together is a bad thing, I think they make a great couple in their own sort of weirdass way, but just seeing the two walking disasters with each other is a beautiful thing.
(Someone PLEASE do fanart of Laudna and Ashton screaming an intimate conversation with each other in the middle of a dust storm.)
I don’t know, maybe Imogen wouldn’t mind them being a polycule. Especially since she knows that Ashton really does seem to have Laudna’s well-being at heart, and he’s certainly capable of protecting her in a way that Imogen herself can’t.
We’ll see how that all comes together.
And then there’s Orym. Everyone already knows I love this character and I love Liam, and if anyone ever hurts my favorite cinnamon roll halfling fighter, I will rain down such wrathful vengeance upon them that their nightmarish fate will only be spoken of in hushed and terrified whispers for a thousand years.
(Side note - I want to smack Laura every time she derails Liam with some wiseass remark when he’s trying to be serious. I know those two love each other like brother and sister, but try to give him the same respect he gives you when YOU’RE having a big serious RP moment, Laura. It’s just a quirk that drives me nuts.)
I really hope we get to circle back around to his storyline soon. But no big shock there, considering my aforementioned love of Orym and Liam.
Personally, I think Artana Voe is in Bassuras to tie up a loose end in Treshi... though who hired her is open to debate. So the question is gonna be, do the Hells try to keep Treshi alive, or do they let her kinda/sorta solve the problem for them while they go off after more important things? Though I think it’d be fun to see her and Orym go head to head.
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