#i just got home from work with my aunt where we visited a church that she’s installing a tabernacle into
arthur-r · 10 months
accidentally doxxed myself online you guys…. i’m my own worst enemy
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ketchuppee · 7 months
During the 2008 recession, my aunt lost her job. Her, her partner, and my three cousins moved across the country to stay with us while they got back on their feet. My house turned from a family of four to a family of nine overnight, complete with three dogs and five cats between us.
It took a few years for them to get a place of their own, but after a few rentals and apartments, they now own a split level ranch in a town nearby. I’ve lost track of how many coworkers and friends have stayed with them when they were in a tight spot. A mother and son getting out of an abusive relationship, a divorcee trying to stay local for his kids while they work out a custody agreement, you name it. My aunt and uncle knew first hand what that kindness meant, and always find space for someone who needed it, the way my parents had for them.
That same aunt and uncle visited me in [redacted] city last year. They are prolific drinkers, so we spent most of the day bar hopping. As we wandered the city, any time we passed a homeless person, my uncle would pull out a fresh cigarette and ask them if they had a light. Regardless of if they had a lighter on hand or not, he offered them a few bucks in exchange, which he explained to me after was because he felt it would be easier for them to accept in exchange for a service, no matter how small.
I work for a company that produces a lot of fabric waste. Every few weeks, I bring two big black trash bags full of discarded material over to a woman who works down the hall. She distributes them to local churches, quilting clubs, and teachers who can use them for crafts. She’s currently in the process of working with our building to set up a recycling program for the smaller pieces of fabric that are harder to find use for.
One of my best friends gives monthly donations to four or five local organizations. She’s fortunate enough to have a tech job that gives her a good salary, and she knows that a recurring donation is more valuable to a non-profit because they can rely on that money month after month, and can plan ways to stretch that dollar for maximum impact. One of those organizations is a native plant trust, and once she’s out of her apartment complex and in a home with a yard, she has plans to convert it into a haven of local flora.
My partner works for a company that is working to help regulate crypto and hold the current bad actors in the space accountable for their actions. We unfortunately live in a time where technology develops far too fast for bureaucracy to keep up with, but just because people use a technology for ill gain doesn’t mean the technology itself is bad. The blockchain is something that she finds fascinating and powerful, and she is using her degree and her expertise to turn it into a tool for good.
I knew someone who always had a bag of treats in their purse, on the odd chance they came across a stray cat or dog, they had something to offer them.
I follow artists who post about every local election they know of, because they know their platform gives them more reach than the average person, and that they can leverage that platform to encourage people to vote in elections that get less attention, but in many ways have more impact on the direction our country is going to go.
All of this to say, there’s more than one way to do good in the world. Social media leads us to believe that the loudest, the most vocal, the most prolific poster is the most virtuous, but they are only a piece of the puzzle. (And if virtue for virtues sake is your end goal, you’ve already lost, but that’s a different post). Community is built of people leveraging their privileges to help those without them. We need people doing all of those things and more, because no individual can or should do all of it. You would be stretched too thin, your efforts valiant, but less effective in your ambition.
None of this is to encourage inaction. Identify your unique strengths, skills, and privileges, and put them to use. Determine what causes are important to you, and commit to doing what you can to help them. Collective action is how change is made, but don’t forget that we need diversity in actions taken.
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altarflame · 2 years
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I’m 40. I like it that my hair is too long to fit in this picture.
I went to a new patient’s home for an initial assessment today, and to two established patients for routine visits. I had a med student shadowing me, which happens about twice a month. We laughed together between visits, about what constitutes the wild spectrum of one of my work days.
I went to Jake’s high school open house, this evening, with Grant, who I peacefully coparent with - though we’ve been separated for years. Jake is in 10th grade and he’s doing great. The librarian approached us in the courtyard to tell us he’s his favorite.
In between the appts and the open house, full of love and fresh from ooey gooey voice files in the car, I went to a florist for “something unusual” that I could surprise Sterling with at work. I didn’t really have money to spend so I was really happy to have chosen to go in this little independent place where the owner was breaking down arrangements from a wedding. We talked for half an hour and she gave me tons of free flowers. Jake took a bouquet of roses for his girlfriend, that she’s already posted on Instagram. I took Sterling a single massive Magna mum.
One month ago, my local friend Clarence (40) died suddenly of a brain aneurysm on the same day that my nephew Wolfgang lost a good local friend of his, to suicide. Wolfgang talks to me basically every day from Louisiana (he’s 23), and he went to the friend’s blood splattered apartment to collect treasured items. I’ve been worried about him. I was in the ICU with Clarence as he died, primarily for the benefit of Clarence’s girlfriend, who I’m a somewhat closer friend to. I organized a meal train for her, and attended his lovely funeral in the woods, featuring natural burial. Wolfgang was at his friend’s funeral at the same time, and we texted a little after our respective funerals. I sent him a gift via Etsy, and have weekly packages planned for him for the coming months.
Sterling and I went, just after these funerals, to my very good friend Kristin’s house in Maryland, and stayed for a few days - partially to take all we wanted of her sister’s things, as her sister died of breast cancer in February. We loaded up our rental car with art, books, plants, shoes that fit Elise. Kristin is doing really well now but cared for Keegan at her home through the end and it was heavy.
Two Fridays ago, after Sterling and I got back from Maryland, my Nana died in the morning (very expected), and Grant’s sister Mindy died in the evening (total surprise, though she did lots of hard living over the years). My Nana was my only remaining reason to communicate with my very complicated mother. Mindy is Wolfgang’s (and my nephew Robby, and their sister Patrice’s) estranged mom. The 3 of them were all raised mostly by my wonderful mother in law Teresa, in a similar way to how Nana picked up the slack with me and my sister when we were kids.
I made the difficult decision to skip my Nana’s funeral, since she is the only person I’d have been doing it for and she wasn’t exactly gonna be there - I went to Mindy’s funeral, to support Teresa (who switched, after grant and I split, to calling me her “daughter in love,” and who tried to do CPR for 12 minutes after finding Mindy slumped over in the living room…) and also my niece and nephews. It was in a rowdy little church, with many dramatic moments that made for wild post-event conversations.
Incidentally if you know who these people are - Patrice is a CNA in nursing school, engaged to a wonderful guy she’s been with for 3 years, and is happy to be 20 weeks pregnant. I’m gonna be a great aunt! And I think she’s going to be a really good mom.
Sterling, Ananda, Elise and I took Robby (26) and his boyfriend Nick, and Wolfgang, to the beach after Mindy’s funeral. And we ate on the sand, and got tossed around in the waves, and talked about complicated grief and lack of grief and the monstrosity of not being sure you’re even upset to have lost someone.
So. I have an enormous amount to be hugely thankful for. And shit is so much, guys. So fucking much. My own mother “stuff” is very stirred up - I devoured Jennette McCurdy’s “I’m Glad My Mom Died” Saturday night, in its entirety.
I have an apothecary to launch and multiple books to finish writing, when I’m not up to my armpits in mortality and processing… assuming that’s ever going to be the case again. I have a quilt to finish assembling and it’s taking up half the dining room for weeks now.
Two very good things are - Sandman on Netflix. And, I bought a used, frankenstein’d together antique cruiser bike that I love riding. Partially because taking care of one’s self SEEMS TO REALLY BE OF THE ESSENCE, of late.
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lewis-faith · 2 years
Trip 4, final days.  On Tuesday I spent some time planning my trip to Rzeszow that would happen on Wednesday. The first time I went to Poland back in March I spent quite a bit of time in Rzeszow, as that was the closest visa centre to the Ukrainian border. When I returned I learned from my aunt that I had Jewish ancestors that used to live in this region of Poland. My grandfather’s father left in the early 1900’s with a group that mostly went on to Canada and America, many of the family stayed but were unfortunately victims of the hollocaust. My aunt sent me a letter by a Canadian relative who had been to the area in 2005, he mentioned the village where they used to live and the town where they would visit a synagogue. These places were not far from Rzeszow so I decided to go back and take a look. I was able to include driving some refugees from Rzeszow to Warsaw on my way back.
Tuesday would be my last full day so I tied up some loose ends and generally made sure everything was going smoothly for my departure. Thankfully everything seemed fine and after what had been a pretty busy and intense week things were a bit calmer, my illness seemed to be going away so that was a relief, looking back I’m pretty sure I had covid.  
On Wednesday morning myself and James tackled updating the website, which uses Squarespace as the content management system. As a programmer I never get to use these website builder programs, I was shocked at how limited it was compared to the freedom I usually have. Everything had to be pieced together in big Lego style blocks row by row. Getting each row to play nice with the previous row was more a case of making hundreds of random adjustments than following any sensible logic. Eventually we got the design working and it looked pretty good but it took a lot longer than it should have.
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James dropped me off at the airport to pick up my rental car and Leonid and Galina were along with us. I said my goodbyes and Galina insisted on getting out of the car for a proper hug and goodbye - she was so thankful for my help and there was no mistaking it. We are hopefully counting the days before her and Leonid can be in the UK and reunited with their daughter and granddaughter. 
Before heading off to Rzeszow I had a bite to eat and got my haircut, when I went back to the car I found a parking ticket on the windscreen -  no getting out of this one. I had parked in Biedronka supermarket but they usually have free parking, some do have parking meters and I just didn’t see these ones. It was only a £16 fine so not worth fighting over,, I had a good 1.5 hours of parking and decently cheap haircut so overall not that bad.
The drive to Rzeszow took about 3 hours. I think it must be a new road because there is only one service station and that is not that far from Warsaw. I spent 2 hours searching for somewhere to stop and all that was on offer was a car park and toilet stop. I checked into my hotel and got some dinner whilst studying Google maps for the next day.
Thursday was my day for having a look round the ancestors' old stomping grounds before returning on Friday. I started by going to the village where they apparently ran a small hotel and shop. It must have been a small hotel because the village is pretty tiny and very spread out. It is also very out of the way and seemed like an odd place to have a hotel. It may have been for farm workers rather than anything recreational. 
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The village these days has a small shop, a library bolted onto a fire station, a school and a church. Most of the buildings are modern as  the Nazi’s destroyed the village in 1941 and used the area as a training ground for the Lufftwaffe. Apparently my relatives had missed all this by moving to Rudnik in 1935, not that that helped them as they were moved to ghettos then to concentration camps, some survived by escaping to Russia others did not survive. Wikipedia tells me that Rzeszow was home to Jewish people from the 1400’s and before WW2 about 14,000 lived there, more than a third of the population. Only 100 survived the war in Rzeszow. There were 10 labour camps in Rzeszow and it is estimated around 20,000 were killed at these camps.
I didn’t know all these details until after I had left, they are obviously shocking and it is difficult to imagine this happening in what is such a remote and peaceful place. I had a good walk around the village and surrounding area, I wasn’t thinking of any of the negativity whilst there, more of the simple daily life that went on before things went bad. I visited the library and asked if they had any local history books. They had a few with a little bit of detail about when the village began and how many people used to live there but there wasn’t that much information available. I took photos of what was available nevertheless.
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I drove from the village to the nearby town where the synagogue was, this journey I assume would have been done by horse and cart and would have taken well over an hour. With the village being so isolated I imagine a weekly visit was likely to keep in touch with the wider world. Probably quite pleasant in the summer but those winter days must have been a bit more gruelling. The town was small and not very well serviced, no cafes or restaurants. It did have an ice cream parlour but I was really after a coffee. I took the short walk from the main square / park to the synagogue which was pretty big for the size of the town, it was clearly being actively used. There were some cemeteries on the map nearby but these seemed to have been built on by residences. With not much else to do in the town I headed back to Rzeszow. Although there wasn’t an awful lot to see on this trip it was worthwhile experience retracing some steps and having a bit more understanding about this part of the family’s background. I’m assuming Rzeszow was their first port of call when they first moved to Poland and they may have been there for a few generations, some more work may reveal those answers.
Friday was a long day. I picked up a family of 3 from a small humanitarian centre in Rzeszow and drove them to Heavenly Hostel. They had been stuck in Rzeszow for 2 months waiting for their visas to be approved and were very happy to be leaving. We managed to stop off at the single service station on the way back and pick up some food. Some generous Poles were still offering free cooked food to Ukrainians in the car park so they picked up some pizza. After making a quick appearance at Heavenly Hostel to drop off the family I had to head to the airport to drop off the rental car, I was only a couple of minutes late which was pretty good going and didn’t get me any late fees. I asked them how I should pay the parking fine from Wednesday as it wasn’t obvious from the ticket, they said by bank transfer which seemed a bit of a hassle, or at a post office. It just so happened there was a post office in the airport two shops away so I got the ticket paid off.
Due to these back to back trips mentally and physically exhausting me, I'm planning to take the rest of the summer off. I also have some regular day job work to be getting on with. I hope beyond hope there is no work for me to do in the autumn but I am prepared to help out again. I’ll still be working on visa issues over here and hopefully keeping in touch with the people we’ve helped bring over.
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rosethornewrites · 2 years
The reblog about Native spirits reminded me of the times when I learned not to fuck with the paranormal. I’m at least somewhat sensitive, and I’ve learned to close off.
First: When I was 12-13 and at a church youth retreat for my Confirmation class (yeah, grew up Christian), for some reason someone brought out a Ouija board. At one point I was using it with our pastor (I don’t know how this happened), and a spirit told me she was my ancestor, gave her name, and said she was from Sweden. I disregarded this until a couple years ago when I was working on our family tree. My great-great grandfather’s wife shared her name, and was from Sweden. The pastor would have had no way of knowing this back in the early 90s.
Second: Same night, the girls who liked to bully me got me to use it with them. I saw an opportunity to play a prank, and I moved the planchette to tell them they would die getting hit by a car. The next day, they came to me pale and shaking, and asked if I’d moved the planchette. They’d gone to a gas station for snacks down the road and had nearly been hit by a car. I have no idea if it’s anything other than a correlation, but I would never touch a Oujia board ever again.
Third: In high school, a friend of mine who lived near a forest preserve noticed that all the deer came out of the forest reserve at night. You could walk right toward them and they would refuse to go back in. So we did what stupid kids do: we went into the forest. We were about 200 meters in when a weird ball of mist coalesced on the path about 50 meters ahead, then came toward us. We booked it.
Fourth: In college, on break, another friend and I decided we’d go to a place well known as a mob dumping ground because it was rumored to have ghosts. This was my last time fucking with the paranormal, because something followed me home. I was driving straight, and an air freshener I had wedged in the passenger side visor to keep the broken light switch off somehow became unwedged and flew across the car to hit me in the shoulder, hard. Again, as I was driving on a straight road. I was staying with another friend at the time, and her cats went nuts the moment I came home. She wound up reading the Bible aloud to get it to leave.
Fifth: After my dad died, he visited me in dreams, talking about things that had just happened. At one point, before the memorial, I heard his slippers shuffling in the hallway when I was half-asleep. Once he came to my dream all excited, but my alarm went off before he could talk to me. It turned out a player had been traded from my favorite baseball team to his, totally something he’d call to gloat about, so I knew why he’d come to my dream right away.
I learned to be closed off, and one of the last times I opened was when my mom took me to the location where my father passed away, to see if he was there. He wasn’t. He still sometimes visits me in dreams, but it’s pretty rare anymore.
When my grandmother died in 2019 to dementia, my mom and I were racing to the nursing home to be with her when she passed. We parked, and suddenly I had a feeling we were too late. Didn’t tell my mom, and we hurried in. Her phone rang with the news before we reached her room. Afterward, while end of life issues were being dealt with, I sat outside the room with her body, and I let myself open, and she came to me. She was worried about the family, and rightly so since there was a lot of strife over end of life care and one of my family members is still angry and blaming folks that she died. But I told her we would be okay, and Grandpa (he died before I was born) had been waiting an awfully long time to dance with her again, and she should go join him. And I felt her leave. (I actually freaked out one of my family members, too, when one of them was all “I can feel her spirit right above us,” and I said, “Actually, she’s standing next to Aunt J.”)
This is something I don’t talk about a whole lot, mostly because people get weird about it, but it’s my truth. I don’t go looking for spirits, and I certainly don’t do anything stupid that would draw their attention to me or upset them. We may not understand the paranormal, but it’s always good to be respectful of it regardless.
I hate most ghost hunting shows, since they largely stir things up in ways that could be dangerous to folks beyond them.
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quiannesblog · 8 months
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Filipino Religiousness: My Story of My Understanding and Appreciation of What Makes Us Religious Filipinos
My grandparents would tell me that he'd mirror the personalities of the Filipino heroes; he was courageous and he was smart, and it got me thinking, that perhaps in another life, he was a Hero that was plastered on the walls of museums, name included in the textbooks and commended for his deeds— but he's just another man shut closed in a coffin. But I found it lovely, as bitter and melancholic as it can because it mirrors the actions of the people in the Bible. Maybe not as kind or as gracious as we expect it to be, but we're only humans and we are imperfect, but that's what makes Filipinos more religious, isn't it? Of being imperfect, of looking up to a God they can rely on.
Hours later, the call ended and I was left silent there, just staring at the telephone. I only snapped out of it when my grandmother called from the kitchen and told us it's time to eat.
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Dinner. That was my favorite hour of my every days. It's the only time our family is complete where my mother and my grandfather are finally home from work. I'd help by setting the table and moments later, my mother and grandfather will come down to eat. On the usual, there's only 4 of us at the table. Sometimes, when my cousins and aunts visit, we eat together with them obviously but this was our norm. I remembered what my mother told me before why it was her favorite time, too. Before, when she was a young girl, they were unable to dine together (with my aunt, uncle, and of course, my grandparents) and they only ate whenever. My grandparents were both working and my mother’s schedule never matched her siblings, so she's often alone eating whether it's breakfast, lunch, or dinner. She told me she didn't want me to experience that, the feeling of loneliness when you're eating in an empty table with only yourself. Hence why she insisted on this unspoken rule of our family eating together. Everyone just unconsciously followed it that even in certain events; like of birthdays and such. But that dinner was solemn and I knew why.
It was the death anniversary of my uncle and even if no one wants to bring it up, we all have the same person and thoughts running in our mind. We did not want to be miserable on that day— it has already been years— since he died. 7 years to be precise.
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          What I did not expect was for my mother to laugh as she picked up an orange from the basket, peeling it with her rough, calloused hands. She looked at me, “You share the same favorite fruit, you know.” I could have told her that I prefer a strawberry than an orange, that it has never been my favorite, but for the sake of a bitter memory of a person, I just nodded.
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And as if automatically, my grandmother would walk to our television and turn it on, popping in a random Filipino historical movie because my uncle was such a geek for this genre. I was never particularly close with him, but my grandparents would tell me that he'd mirror the personalities of the Filipino heroes; he was courageous and he was smart, and it got me thinking, that perhaps in another life, he was a Hero that was plastered on the walls of museums, name included in the textbooks and commended for his deeds— but he's just another man shut closed in a coffin.
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But I found it lovely, as bitter and melancholic as it can because it mirrors the actions of the people in the Bible. Maybe not as kind or as gracious as we expect it to be, but we're only humans and we are imperfect, but that's what makes Filipinos more religious, isn't it? Of being imperfect, of looking up to a God they can rely on. I might not be one of them, but with a family that is religious and idolizes our national heroes; I understand. I can sympathize and put myself in their shoes.
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        After that day, we'd be at the church. My family is not always at the church and we rarely attend masses, but this was a special day. It was for family, after all. I'd be at the corner and listen during the mass, I'd try to participate even if I'm an atheist because it's the least I can do for my family. Maybe it's not as evident as it was before but I know most of them are still grieving, but they seem to crave that feeling. Maybe, the bitterness and the gnawing claws of misery inside their hearts reminds them of my family more than happiness and euphoria of memories could ever do. As I sat there, gazing at the cross of the Lord in the peaceful noise of the mass and the voice of the priest, I realized that what made Filipinos love God is… not of loyalty, but it's because he felt like family. They could relate to the feeling of Jesus, Mary and Joseph— the Anak, Ina, at Ama— and they see it in their family, too. Mayhaps, that was their biggest mistake but it was also their greatest joy, I'd say. There's not many good examples of an ideal family and of the Bible being there— with its stories and scriptures, was what brings one of the other Filipinos together.
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simbi101 · 1 year
How long has your family lived in this country?
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How long has your family lived in this country?. My father Idris landed in the United States in 1984 settle then used his money to create a grocery shop that sells ingredients and many things African, Caribbean and Latinos can buy to cook at home, and items that people used back from their hometown once he open that shop, he was recognized on newspapers, Many people came to shop and were recognized for being the first to have an African shop in Baltimore City since the African community and people outside of Africa recognized him. Two years later, he settled down with my stepmother Eunice, who is African American, and daughter, Joani, in 1987; they had been married for awhile then. She later got pregnant with my half brother, Idris Jr. raised my brother from birth to a young adult (high-school). In 2001, my mom visited the United States. and met family and went back; then, in 2002, she was gifted a visa from family members and was gifted a ticket from her late brother. Later in 2002, my father divorced my stepmother. then a year later in 2003, he went to a party, and my aunt introduced my mom to my father. They met and got together, and in that same year, Mom got pregnant then, in June 2004. I was born; my Mom worked hard and was a nurse for over 20 years. till this day, on 2010 my father Idris sadly passed away when I was 5, it was just me and mom till this day.
Where did they come from?
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Nigeria is a West African country it between the Sahel to the north and the Gulf of Guinea to the south in the Atlantic Ocean, it is the most populous country in Africa, and the world’s sixth most populous country. Both of my parents come from different states / town in Nigeria. Both of my parents tribe is Yoruba, my dad is from Oyo State, and my mom is from Ondo State both states have their dialect and speak Yoruba differently. ( I don’t know much about my dad life in Nigeria), my mother went to school with a full family she had older brothers that were making sure she was focused in school and a little sister and younger brother and two family household, she had a job she was farmer and sold chickens and lamb and many animals in her market and also had a job at the airport. My mom was taking care of her nephew who was having a trouble in school in the United States so his mother brought him to the Nigeria to calm down and experience the schools in Nigeria because of my mom taking care of him the mother appreciated my mom being so kind that she gifted my mom a visa and my mom told her late brother he then bought her a ticket but she didn’t want to leave but my grandmother told her to go but my mom was worried because my grandma Is old and needs to taken care of.
Has your family embraced American Nationalism?
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Yes, my mother and my African American family has embraced the American patriotism. My mom likes American because she feels like she has more freedom and independence. My family celebrates 4 of July which is not common in Nigeria they take it really seriously because this is time for family time and Thanksgiving is another holiday we celebrate and have a family together, my African American family usually invite me to holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving especially since it’s a great way to celebrate with family since everyone is busy. another holiday that Nigerians celebrate is Easter Sunday, in Easter Sunday my family go to church and pray and lastly my mother embraces the Nigerian culture then USA because that’s her home.
If some of your family have migrated from other parts of the world, how do they integrate their American identity with their ethnicity identity.
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My family connect from food, music, gatherings like church, party, cookout, and American dream. In my culture we eat similar food in west African culture but Nigeria make cuisine like Egusi, Efo Riro, Ayamese (Designer Stew), Ogbono Soup, Ewedu, Okra it goes well with Swallow like for example Eba, Amala, Iyan (Fufu) and Semolina. Jollof Rice, Ofada Rice usually prepared in home but mostly a party favorite. Another one is language for me I speak Yoruba small but I understand it correctly but can’t speak in a full conversation, even though I get judged for speaking English instead of Yoruba I think it’s because I was born and raised in the States but I think even if I don’t speak it I think it’s good that I hear the person. Lastly another popular one is Thanksgiving in Nigerian culture in America is popular in church they have events to come to church and pray and worship together and they give food and stay in church for about 3 or 4 hours (celestial church) this usually happens to family who are religiously wealthy.
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perfectlypinkduck · 2 years
Fictional novel
I was asked by my old highschool sweetheart if I wanted to go to our HSR?
I said no because I don't like parties at all and that's way too damn many people who either are still mentally slow and mean and stupid.
I told him I rather hang out with him and his parents and sister and her kids.
He said great, he drove to my place yesterday and he knew I was in town because the whole entire town tells him everything when it comes to me.
His kid adult now called my kid they're still friends and asked hey I seen your mom yesterday where's she staying?
Then my daughter calls the old hss and they visit on the phone and she says by the way fyi my mom is in town and you know where she stays go see her.
Surprise her but don't rat me out lol
He drove that big ass truck in my yard yesterday and honking that horn and I was laughing and I went outside to see him.
I forgot how well his momma cooking is because that guy grew up and all 6'6' got out of the truck. Damn and he's solid and not any body fat on him
He brought me some home made bread from his momma and a bottle of wine from his dad and chocolate from his sister and brothers and his kids gave me daisies.
Then his one brother is a pastor at their own church and he called me and said you better be in church service Sunday girl I know where you live lol.
We my family and your family all grew up together and yes we know your pregnant and you don't worry about a thing here.
I said I know all three of you boys ate your veggies well when you were a kid
You three are like walking talking trees haha.
He said well you have your personal body guards if you need us. Besides we own this town for the most part we can hide you anywhere haha
We were on speaker phone and his daughters calls me aunt bla bla and they were yelling happily hello and so forth.
We hung with his brother and I said I will hang out with you and your family but no church right now and he laughed at me and said we'll see about that come Sunday chuck will be here to pick you up.
He said, momma wants to see you do you feel up for a ride.
I looked at my Stomach and I thought what if I get sick and John said my family helped out when you were pregnant with the other three we know how everything triggers you smells everything.
Don't worry we have a pool and if you want to relax you can borrow some big clothes and sit in the pool.
I made him promise to tell no one else.
We were at his house tonight and we're talking about all of my crap and momma ann said you can stay here with us if you want.
I said no, John said I will be checking on her every day.
So, I asked can we go get ice cream and John pats my belly and said some one else is making a request I see.
Let's go little lady and he helps me up into that big ass monster truck of his
Ice cream here we come he said.
John said so we're are we building it at?
Building what I asked?
Your house because you need to settle down and get healthier and your exhausted.
He said, I still own my own construction business and as soon as we are done with what we are doing now we will start working on your house.
What about your dad's house in Texas I can can move it here.
I said can we talk about it later and he said okay.
So, the town knows I am back and peace and quiet isn't going to happen for a while.
That family is going to keep me busy and man they know how to pray and they know Jesus very well.
Heavenly protection all devils from hell are nervous around this family.
Just going to bed and I am tired,
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oddaodd · 3 years
· I Don't Go In For Sweets ·
Request: by a lovely anon "set after the events of season 3. Tommy can't handle the company, he's still grieving and he has to be there for Charlie so Polly tells him she knows a girl from a good family to get married He ends up agreeing (aunt Pol can be very persuasive) but even though he's married, this new girl isn't considered as a wife. He doesn't really make any effort but his "wife" understands, he's a widowed father who lost his first wife only a year ago. However since they are...in this, she wants to make her time as enjoyable as possible for the both of them and for Charlie too. But no matter what Tommy makes it a point of honor to not let her in, to not let her replace Grace so he ignores her, he works more, tries to spend as little as possible in the house. Reader stays patient, it will be alright and Charlie is making her quite busy anyway. One night, Tommy comes home completely drunk and maybe a bit high too, he can't even make it to his office. Thankfully Reader is still awake, she takes care of him and Tommy just...melts at how gentle Reader is, he may be able to keep his distant while sober but it's much harder in his state. He admits to her how he's been feeling and all. Ever since that night, something changed, Tommy feels some comfort, some solace being around her, she accepts him wholly, even his flaws, the bad side of his business and she tries to provide some sort of safe place for when it gets too hard." (I edited the request because it was very long, but I kept all essential parts in there)
Author’s note: I loved loved loved writing this and it ended up being SUPER long, but I’m very happy with how it turned out. As always, I hope you like it and have the loveliest of days!
Warnings: season 3 SPOILERS sort of, but not really, still read at your own risk. Arranged marriage, mentions of alcohol and drugs, angst.
“Thomas, you may not be able to see it, but you’re breaking apart” Polly spoke with a sigh as she lit a cigarette after everyone was dismissed from a family meeting.
Everyone had left Tommy’s office in arrow house rather gaily after receiving their fair compensations for partaking in the whole Russian ordeal, all except Polly, who remained where she sat, wishing for a word with her nephew
Tommy merely scoffed at her concern before lighting his own cigarette and taking a puff “I’ll be alright”
“And Charlie?” Pol pressed knowing Tommy’s mourning was not only affecting him, but Charlie as well. “What about him?”
“He’s fine” He said before turning around to look through the window, ignoring his Aunt’s heavy stare.
“You take too much after your mother” she sighed half angry half sad “she too loved pretending everything was alright and I don’t need to remind you where that lead her”
Tommy sighed deeply, he knew he could fool anyone. Anyone but Polly. “We’ll manage”
“Consider my offer” Polly said standing up and making her way to the door “Y/n is a good girl from a good family” she persuaded before leaving the room.
Tommy sighed at his Aunt’s words, he wasn’t ready to get married again even when he knew the woman he would be marrying was a nice one. He felt like he was spitting on Grace’s grave and he hated himself for even considering the prospect, but he knew a mother figure would be good for Charlie.
He spent the rest of the day pondering about Polly’s suggestion and remembering his own childhood in the shadow of the absent tortured presence that his mother had been. It didn’t take him long to decide he didn’t want that for Charlie, so that same night he phoned Polly.
“I’ll do it” was all he said before hanging up. There was no need for more words, Polly would know exactly what he meant.
Exactly a week later, Tom was standing in the altar of a church that was significantly smaller than the one from his first wedding. The fact that everything about this wedding was so obscenely different from his first did soothe his guilt a bit. And as he stood there he couldn’t keep his mind from traveling to the days leading up to his wedding to Grace. She had made sure everything was perfect and had made an effort to invite every single relative she could think of. She remembered her rambling on an on about fabrics, insisting that everything ought to be perfect when he in all honestly couldn’t care less, he just wanted to marry her.
All his thoughts vanished away with a poof when Y/n came into sight. And what a sight she was. She had insisted on doing her own makeup and on pinning flowers to her hair to compliment her headpiece and her elegant, yet simple white dress flowed almost mystically as her father gave her away. She had never imagined she would be marrying someone she didn’t know, but she wanted to look her best for getting married is not something people do everyday.
When she stood in the altar, she offered her to be husband a smile which he did not return, instead turning his attention to the priest before them. She mirrored his actions, her heart beating violently under her chest as the priest began speaking.
It all felt like a blur, she could swear it had only been a second since her father had given her away and yet, the priest had already uttered the dreaded “you may now kiss the bride”
Tommy barely brushed his lips against hers and soon the sound of everyone clapping invaded her ears. They had a small party afterwards in Y/n’s former house. Her parents had invited pretty much all of their acquaintances while tommy had only invited his close relatives.
When night fell Tommy was more than ready to leave “Are you ready to go?” was one of the few sentences he uttered to his now wife that night.
She again offered him a smile before saying “yeah just let me say goodbye”
The drive to arrow house was tense, although Y/n didn’t know Thomas very well she would tell he was unhappy. She wondered about what to say to him, but couldn’t come up with anything good enough and soon enough they were pulling over in front of Tommy’s stately home.
“Charlie must already be asleep, but I'll introduce you tomorrow” he said opening Y/n’s door for her.
“It’s alright” she said looking at him, not quite knowing what to do next.
“Your parents sent some of your belongings, I've already asked the maids to take them up to your-our room” he said
“Thank you, Thomas” she smiled as she walked into the big house not yet feeling close enough to him to call him Tommy.
His name falling from her lips caused an echo of bittersweet emotions to stir inside him but he masked it perfectly well as she introduced Y/n to the maids that went to the door to take their coats.
“Frances here will show you the way to the room” he said after having made introductions.
“This way, Mrs” Frances politely said.
Y/n began following her but stopped when she didn’t hear Tommy’s footsteps behind her own.
“Are you not coming?” she asked turning to look at him.
“Maybe in a bit” was all he said before he walked away down one of the many spacious hallways of the house.
After Y/n made herself comfortable in the room and changed into her nightgown she took the time to peek around the room like one always does when one is a strange place. After familiarizing herself with it she laid down in the big bed. She was nervous, she knew what happened on wedding nights. A small chuckle stopped at her lips when she recalled the stories her close already married girlfriends told her. If she hadn’t married a complete stranger she too would be looking forward to it.
Her thoughts ended up luring her to sleep after a while despite her nerves and the night went by in a ridiculously fast flash. The next morning she woke up alone and after getting ready she made her way downstairs. Tommy and Charlie were already in the dining room when she entered it.
“good morning” she said
Charlie immediately turned his attention to her, his eyes widening while his dad merely glanced at her while he muttered a “Good morning “ of his own.
Y/n sat down next to Tommy while he cleared his throat “charles, this is Y/n. We got married yesterday so she’ll be living with us from now on”
Charlie merely nodded in understanding before playing around with his food.
A tense air flooded breakfast until Tommy stood up, having barely touched his food and spoke turning to look at Y/n “I have to go now, if you need anything feel free to ask Frances”
“Alright” Y/n replied feeling a bit disappointed, she would love to get to know him, but she already knew it was going to be difficult.
“I have to go too” Charlie announced in a timid voice, interrupting Y/n’s thoughts. Despite her disappointment she understood, maybe he was just shy and his dad just reticent. They had lost a wife and a mother after all.
The first few days after that, Charlie avoided her nearly as much as his father did and Y/n remained in lonely patience until one night Charlie’s cries interrupted her focus on the book that she had just bought. She rushed to his room and called out his name as she entered not knowing if the boy would be comfortable with her or not.
“What is it?” she asked worried as she knelt by his bed.
“I miss my mum” the boy confessed looking at her with teary eyes as he clutched his blanket.
Y/n felt her heart give a small ache at his confession and in an attempt to comfort him she spoke “She’s not really gone, you know?”
“She’s dead” the boy sobbed.
“but people who die, don’t leave us. Not really anyhow” she said hesitantly rubbing his arm. “just because we cant see them doesn’t mean they are not here”
“I miss seeing her” he continued.
“Oh but you can still see her”
“before you go to bed just think about her, then she’ll visit you in your dreams” Y/n spoke as if she was telling a fairy tale.
“really?” the boy’s eyes widened.
“really” Y/n confirmed “But you have to think really really hard”
“I’ll try” Charlie said having calmed down a bit.
“very well” Y/n said as she stood up, but Charlie’s voice stopped her.
“can you stay till I fall asleep?”
After that night, Charlie hardly left Y/n’s side and she felt much better with his company for she was sure if he wasn’t there keeping her on her toes all day she would fall into a depressive chasm induced by her husband’s absence.
On the rare moments he was home she tried to strike up conversation with him over breakfast or late at night when he came home and she was burdened by insomnia. But Tommy only humored her with a few short responses before excusing himself or turning to face the other side of the bed.
It wasn’t only the fact that he avoided her as much as he could, but he also made it a priority to exclude her at all times. She was never invited into family meetings or night’s at The Garrison so she thought it was a miracle when tommy didn’t oppose to her planning Charlie’s birthday party.
She invited only Tommy’s family which instantly warmed up to her, noticing what a good influence she was and Polly wanted to slap Thomas for the way he had been acting throughout his marriage to Y/n. Almost feeling guilty for getting her into this mess.
When the party ended Tommy shut himself in his office like he often did when he was at home and though he had never given Y/n a reason to believe she was welcome in there of all places, she found herself allowing herself in after putting Charlie to bed.
Tommy looked up as she entered and let out a sigh before turning his attention back to some papers he had been reading.
“I noticed you didn’t have any” she commented not letting his sigh deflate her as she laid a plate with a slice of homemade chocolate cake on his desk. “it’s really good if I may say so myself” she mused sitting down in a chair opposite to his as she dug in with a fork in her own slice.
“I don’t go in for sweets” he stated.
“Not even chocolate?” Y/n tried, but tommy didn’t answer, instead he just shook his head.
“I still think you should try it, it’s not overly sweet, and…”
“is there anything you need?” he interrupted bluntly a bit harsher than he would’ve liked.
His tone caught her off guard and when she couldn’t come up with an answer tommy again turned his attention back to his papers.
“I wish you could let me in” She softly confessed after a few tense seconds.
“Well I wish we hadn’t married but I guess things don’t always go the way we want them to go”
Tommy knew he had crossed a line by the silence that again settled into the room. He looked up at Y/n with her parted lips and misty eyes. They exchanged glances for a second but instead of allowing him to see her like that any longer, she stood up setting her plate on his desk and walked away, only allowing a few tears to drop by when she was out of the room and his sight.
After that she stopped trying to get closer to him. He still loved his late wife and she understood, people in grief never mean what they say after all, but his words stung nonetheless.
She stopped trying to wait for him at night to see if he had gotten home alright and during breakfast she only uttered polite good mornings.
One night however, Y/n was yanked out of a peaceful sleep by a loud crash. She was on her feet in no time and after checking into Charlie’s room to see if he was alright she cautiously ventured downstairs. A few incoherent mumbles filled her ears before her husband came into sight, fumbling with his coat to get it off.
“need help?” she asked earning his attention.
“I’m fine” he said finally taking it off but as he went to take a step to begin walking the floor under him moved and he lost his balance, his knees crashing loudly against the wooden floor.
Y/n offered him a hand and helped him up. He smelled of whiskey and cigarettes, his hands were shaky, consequence of the snow, no doubt. “let’s get you upstairs”
“I can do it on me own” he slurred letting go of her hand.
“stop being so stubborn” she derided, snaking one of her arms around his waist as she helped him upstairs.
Y/n helped him into bed, tookoff his shoes and went to the bathroom to fetch a small towel and some cold water.
She dampened the towel with the cold water before dabing it gently on Tommy’s forehead. His eyes never leaving her face as she did so, making her grow a bit nervous. She continued, trying her best to ignore it until she felt his hand softly caressing her cheek.
“You are beautiful” he rasped.
“Stop it, Thomas” she said feeling her cheeks grow red when she felt a bit sad that he had to be completely drunk to compliment her.
Even in his drunken state he seemed to notice he was making her uncomfortable so he held his tongue until Y/n laid in bed next to him after turning on the lights.
“I’m sorry” he interrupted the silence “For the way I’ve been acting” the whiskey and cocaine making him more vulnerable and open “I guess I was afraid that if I let you in then she would disappear”
He didn’t expect her to answer, but then her voice came in a soft exhausted tone“ I don’t intend to replace her. You don’t need to act all defensive and secretive. Even if it’s not what you wanted, we are married.”
“I Know” was all he said.
Y/n expected him to withdraw more from her after showing himself that vulnerable to her that night but she was wrong. He began arriving home earlier, sometimes even asking if he could come along on the walks she and Charlie so much adored going on. And Y/n finally felt her marriage was going somewhere maybe it wasn’t based on love yet, but it was something.
One day she was at the stables while Charlie was taking a nap. She had always adored horses.
“I didn’t know you liked horses” came Tommy’s smooth voice causing her to jump.
“You never asked” she smiled petting a black horse as he walked closer to her.
“We could go out for a ride, I’m sure Charlie wouldn’t mind letting you borrow his horse” Tommy offered as he too began to pet the horse, his fingers brushing against Y/n’s for a brief second.
“I’d love to, but I am afraid I don’t know how to ride, Tommy” she said, panicking for a second after having called him that. But she rested assured as soon as he spoke again.
“Well that can be fixed” he said opening the door of the stall and guiding the horse outside.
“You mean now?” Y/n asked with a laugh.
“Got something better to do?” he asked walking out of the stable with the horse. Y/n observed tommy as he prepared the horse. She had never seen him so gentle and calm before and she only realized she had been staring when Tommy directed his attention to her to ask her if she was ready.
“I think so” she said going to stand next to the horse wondering how the hell to climb up. But before she had any more time to think she felt Tommy’s hands on her waist giving her a push that allowed her to pull herself up on the animal. It was a good thing she had chosen to wear slacks that day, she thought.
“Goodness this is high” she said nervously looking down at Tommy when he began guiding the horse to move in a slow walk.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall” he promised repressing a mirthful tone at her nervousness.
He guided the horse with her around the property in the crisp evening air and Y/n allowed herself to relax with every step the horse took. Tommy’s presence made her feel safe and protected and she found it increasingly harder to look away from his figure. She wondered if he could feel her eyes on him.
When the sky began turning soft shades of purple and orange the pair returned to the stables. When the time came from Y/n to come down from the horse, tommy helped her again. Y/n began to love the feeling of him touching her and when her feet touched the ground in front of Thomas, he didn’t remove his hands from her waist right away and instead fixed his blue eyes on her, not wanting to stop looking at her.
She too fixed her eyes on Tommy as she felt a silent gasp in the base of her throat. That was the way she would’ve liked him to look at her on their wedding day. Tommy then leaned in, almost as if he were asking for permission before he tenderly pressed his lips to Y/n’s.
@captivatedbycillianmurphy @peakyxtommy @nyotamalfoy @writeroutoftime @babylooneytoonz @slytherinicequeen @lilymurphy03
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strawberry--bride · 3 years
DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sharon’s Route [MANIAC PROLOGUE]
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Every happy story has to one day come to an end.
In my case, it all happened on a stormy evening.
I paced back and forth impatiently by the front door.
Waiting for the doorbell to ring. 
However, when it did, it wasn’t my parents standing at the other side.
Instead, I was greeted by a police officer,
wearing a nervous smile on his face.
Location: Nozomi’s house ;;  Entrance hall
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Nozomi: ...
Police officer: Miss Takeshita Nozomi?
Nozomi: ...W-Where are mommy and daddy? They told me I shouldn’t talk to strangers.
Police officer: My name is officer Yamada. I’m from the local police department. 
Nozomi: The police...?
Police officer: I am terribly sorry to have to deliver you this news but your parents had an accident. They lost control of their car and drove straight into a tree.
Nozomi: Eh...?
( Accident? Mommy and daddy? B-But...! )
Police officer: ーー Both of them died instantly.
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Nozomi: ...!!
Police officer: I fully understand this must come as a shock to you. We tried to get in touch with your relatives, but almost none of them answered our calls.
Nozomi: ...
Police officer: When we finally got in touch with one of your aunts, she told us your parents broke up with the rest of the family after a dispute.
Nozomi: I-I don’t know...Mommy and daddy never talked about other family...
Police officer: ...Well, the thing is, with nobody else to take you in, we will have to transfer you to the local orphanage instead.
Nozomi: Or...phanage?
Police officer: It’s a very nice place, don’t worry! There will be people there to look after you. Look at it as a new home.
Nozomi: I-I don’t want a new home! I like it here! 
Police officer: ...We understand. However, you are simply too young to live by yourself.
Nozomi: Noー!!
She slams the door shut and covers her ears.
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Nozomi: ( This can’t be happening...It’s all just a bad dream...When I wake up again, everything will be back to normal.
( Mommy and daddy will be here and all of us can live happily together like we’ve done so far! )
Unfortunately, it was no dream.
But a harsh reality crashing down on my 6-year old self.
The next day, 
I could no longer escape my fate,
as the police brought me to the local orphanage. 
The orphanage worked closely together with the city’s Church,
taking in children who had either lost their parents,
or lived under inhumane circumstances.
The caretakers did everything within their power,
to make us feel loved and cared for. 
At the end of every week, 
young couples would come and visit to look at the children.
If they took a liking to you, the adoption procedure could start.
All of us would line up like dolls stalled out in a shopping window,
while the soon-to-be parents could pick and choose. 
It was every child’s wish to find a new home. 
Yet, I dreaded these moments more than anything.
Location: Orphanage ;;  Meeting room
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Woman A: What is your name, little girl?
Nozomi: Nozoーー
Caretaker: Ahem.
Nozomi: ...It’s Sharon, ma’am.
Woman A: Oh my, you seem very well-mannered. Don’t you think so too, dear?
Man A: Definitely. 
Sharon: Thank you very much.
Man A: Howeverーー
Sharon: ...
Man A: Say, Honey...
Woman A: Hm?
The couple starts whispering.
Man A: Don’t you think the girl with the blue eyes over there is much cuter?
Woman A: Hmー Right. Now that you mention it, this girl does seem a little plain.
Sharon: ( ...I wonder if they realize I can hear them. )
Woman A: We would like to see some of the other children first before making our decision.
Caretaker: Most certainly. Please follow me.
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Sharon: ( It’s always like this... )
Woman B: What a cutie you are! Say, do you play any sports? Or an instrument, perhaps?
Sharon: Eh? I...
Caretaker: Oh! If you’re looking for an athletic child, the boy in the back is a natural at soccer. 
Furthemore, the girl with the ponytail can play the piano even though she’s only four years old!
Man B: Really? Could you introduce them to us?
Caretaker: Gladly!
The couple is escorted away.
Sharon: ...
All of the other children,
who arrived shortly before or after I did, 
had long been adopted. 
New children would come and go,
yet I found myself standing there again, week after week. 
There was always that one kid,
who was cuter, smarter or more skilled. 
As I grew older and bigger,
my odds of being adopted only decreased further. 
I would often find myself wondering.
‘Is there really nothing I have going for me?’
Until one day,
I finally found my purposeーー
Location: Orphanage ;;  Kitchen
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Caretaker A: Thank you so much for always helping out, Sharon-chan!
Caretaker C: Exactly! It has lifted so much pressure off our shoulders!
Caretaker A: The little ones love you as well. 
I’m sure you would one day make for a great caretaker yourself!
Sharon: Ehehe...~ Geez, you guys praise me too much. I’m only helping out where I can.
Caretaker C: Oh no, that’s not true! You must have a talent for looking after others!
Sharon: ( A talent... )
...Thank you.
Caretaker A: Oh! Look at the time! We should get started on preparing dinner!
Sharon: ( I...I’m not utterly useless after all! )
( By helping others, I have a purpose in life! )
That moment must have been the happiest I felt,
since the day my parents passed away.
I began to help out even more frequently,
dedicating my whole life to the orphanage. 
l had recently started high school,
and I realized that the orphanage would most likely be my home,
until I graduated and could go live on my own.
My past self could have never fathomed,
I would eventually find a new home.
ーー One housing six Vampire brothers. 
Location: Sakamaki Manor ;; Kitchen
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Sharon: ( ...I still have to apologize to Shuu-san for what happened the other day. )
( Even if he was in the wrong as well, I went too far. )
Haah...I’m not usually the kind of person who lets their emotions get the best of them. 
I suppose living with six Vampires who could latch onto you at any given second has been taking its toll on me.
( Still...I can’t forget about that look in his eyes. )
( His expression was disinterested as per usual, but for just a split second, I swear I saw a glint of sadness. )
( Perhaps Shuu-san has lost someone dear to him as well...? )
???: Oiー
Sharon: ...!!
She turns around in surprise.
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Sharon: S-Shuu-san.
( When you speak of the Devil... )
Shuu: Now I’m no master chef, but I’m pretty sure it’s not a very smart idea to daydream while cooking. 
...I could smell something burning all the way over in the hallway.
Sharon: A-Ah...! My pancakes! 
She rushes to save them, accidentally brushing her hand against the hot pan.
Sharon: ーー Ow!!
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Shuu: ...!
Sharon: D-Don’t worry! It’s just a small burn!
Shuu: Oi, put your hand under cold water.
Sharon: Eh?
Shuu: Hurry!
Sharon: ( What’s wrong...? I’ve never seen Shuu-san this frantic before... )
D-Don’t worry...It’s nothing serious, see? The skin’s just a little red.
Shuu: Tsk...Just do as I say.
He grabs hold of her wrist, guiding her towards the sink to cool her skin. 
Sharon: ...
Shuu: ...What? It’s rude to stare at someone.
Sharon: Ah...S-Sorry! I’m just a little surprised. 
I thought you’d make fun of me for burning myself on a hot pan like that.
Shuu: Well, I certainly can’t praise you for it.
Sharon: Ahaha...
Shuu: Hm? 
Shuu leans in close.
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Sharon: ...E-Eh!?
Shuu: You..
Sharon: ( H-He’s way too close...! )
Shuu: Heeh. You greedy woman.
Sharon: Eh?
Shuu: Subaru sucked your blood, didn’t he?
Sharon: Howー!?
Shuu: I can tell by the scent. ...Heh. I guess having one Vampire bite you wasn’t enough, huh?
Sharon: W-Wait...! I didn’t ask either of you to bite me!
Shuu: Is that so? Despite saying that, you didn’t seem to dislike it that much.
I could tell by the taste of your blood.
Sharon: ...!!
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Shuu: See? You can’t even deny it.
Sharon: ( Uu... )
Shuu: Well, you should probably consider yourself lucky. You’re living with six Vampires, so I’m sure you can find at least someone to fulfill your desires.
Sharon: ...
Shuu: However, if you want me to bite you, you’re gonna have to do the work. 
Sharon: I-I don’t!
Shuu: Heeh? We’ll see about that.
Sharon: ( He’s definitely just teasing me right now...! )
Shuu: ...Anyway, you better wrap a bandage around that hand later.
Sharon: Ah, right. It already feels a lot better though!
Thank you for the first aid~
Shuu: I’m going back to my room to nap now. ...See you.
ーー Unless you’re willingly offering to be my pillow today?
Sharon: I-I’ll pass...!
Shuu: Haha. Right.
Shuu leaves the kitchen.
Sharon: Geez...For someone who’d consider breathing to be ‘a chore’, he sure has a lot of energy when it comes to teasing others...
Location: Sakamaki manor ;; Hallway
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Shuu: Haah...What am I doing? 
Even though I told myself I wouldn’t get involved with humans again...
He walks away.
<- [ Dark Epilogue ] [ Maniac 01 ] ->
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prorevenge · 4 years
My Grandmother Put Greedy Preachers In Their Places .... Twice .... Even After She Died
TL/DR - My grandmother generously served her "Bible Believing Christian" church for almost 50 years, without asking anything in return. But when she became elderly, disabled and homebound, her church acted like she did not exist - until she was in hospice care and literally on her deathbed, when that church showed a sudden interest in telling Grandma to, "Remember your church in your will". She waited until exactly the right moment, in front of exactly the right audience, to expose these greedy assholes for what they were.....twice.
My grandmother was a member of a large conservative "Bible Believing" church for her entire adult life. This church, which I'll call BigWhiteChurch, was a member of a large Evangelical denomination. BigWhiteChurch was located in a prosperous suburb of a large city in the Bible Belt of the Deep South of the USA.
Grandma was very active in BigWhiteChurch. She worked in the nursery every Sunday morning, helped cook hundreds of church fellowship breakfasts and dinners, accompanied her children and grandchildren on dozens of church retreats and choir tours, taught Youth Bible Study on Sunday nights and was very active in supporting Home Missions, as well as helping with other youth programs. She always tithed, and often gave extra for missions and special offerings.
Grandma's greatest talent was making other people feel important. I've seen this first-hand many times. Although I belonged to a different church, I often visited with Grandma, and when I did, I usually went to BigWhiteChurch functions with her. I've seen her single-handedly cook breakfast for dozens of BigWhiteChurch Youth, a task which took over 2 hours, even in the church's large kitchen. Then, after the meal, she asked the group for a round of applause for the high-school student leader for, "Doing such a great job of organizing the Prayer Breakfast".
I remember that, on a BigWhiteChurch youth retreat at a rural Church Camp, she drove most of the night to go back to the city and retrieve a big box of evangelistic materials, that one of the Assistant Pastors (whom I'll call AssPastor) had forgotten and asked her to get, in time for our morning program the next day. His boss, the Senior Pastor (I'll call him PompousPastor), never found out that AssPastor had screwed up or that Grandma had fixed it for him. AssPastor never even thanked Grandma. Even though I was a child, this bothered me so much that I asked her about it. She said that she didn't mind at all; she told me her reward would be that those materials, "Would help children find Jesus".
Grandma's service to her church ended abruptly at the age of 73, when she broke her back in a car accident. Afterwards, for the last 10 years of her life, she was homebound and could not go to church because of this injury and declining health due to old age. Her mind was just as sharp as ever, and her faith remained sincere, but her body wore out a little more every day.
During those 10 years, she made many efforts to reach out to her church, its leadership and her church friends, inviting them to visit her at her home, etc., without success. Every one of these invitations was declined or simply ignored.
Near the end, when she was in home hospice care, she decided to plan her own funeral. She and my Grandpa called her church and asked for the Senior Pastor, PompousPastor, whom she had known for over 30 years, to visit her so that they could plan her memorial service, which she and Grandpa wanted to be held at the church.
PompousPastor was too busy, but AssPastor stopped by a few days later. According to my Grandpa, here's what happened at that meeting, with my Grandma literally on her deathbed:
Grandma, Grandpa and AssPastor discussed her funeral for a couple of minutes. Then AssPastor started pressuring her to, "Lay up your treasure in Heaven" by, "Remembering your church in your will".
Grandpa told him firmly that, "This is neither the time nor the place to discuss her will."
They went back to discussing the funeral for a few minutes. Then AssPastor steered the conversation back to Grandma's will, with liberal injections of how badly "her" church needed "her support".
Grandpa told him several times that it was inappropriate to talk to Grandma about her will or the church's financial needs, because she was terminally ill and in an enormous amount of physical pain. AssPastor would agree and briefly talk about the funeral, but would then go back to talking about the church's financial needs, heavenly rewards, "Where your treasure is your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:21, Luke 12:34), etc.
My Grandma started crying.
To put this into context, Grandma was more than a "Steel Magnolia". She was "Titanium Coated With Diamond Wrapped In Kevlar". She rarely ever cried, and never EVER cried about herself. Not one tear when the doctor told her that her back was broken so badly that she would never walk again, nor during the following 6 months in futile rehab. She would shed sincere but well-managed tears at funerals and while visiting family members in the hospital when they received bad news. She would cry to console others, "Weep with those who weep". But nobody - not Grandpa, not her daughter (my mom), nor any of my uncles or Grandma's siblings - ever remembered her crying for herself.
My Grandma was sobbing uncontrollably.
Grandpa, a retired steelworker, ex-Marine Sergeant and Korean War combat veteran, physically grabbed AssPastor and "escorted" him out of their house, not too gently.
Contrary to everyone's expectations, Grandma lived another 6 months, mostly because of sheer force of will. Eventually, though, Grandma passed away and we held her memorial service at the funeral home, not BigWhiteChurch. PompousPastor and AssPastor were conspicuously absent. In fact, there were no "Professional Christians", from BigWhiteChurch, at the service at all, not even in the audience.
To start the service, Grandpa stood up at the podium in front of the crowd and said, "Some of you may have heard that I dis-invited PompousPastor and AssPastor from this funeral service. This service is not an appropriate place for me to give you my reasons for doing this, although you all know me and so you know that my reasons are good ones. Also, my wife asked me to exclude them."
"This funeral service may be different from other funerals that you have attended. It is going to be an "open microphone" funeral. Everyone who wants to say something is invited to come up here and describe your friendship with my wife, tell a story about her that is worth remembering, or anything else that you want to say that will honor her memory and bring comfort to everyone here today. I have asked several family members to prepare statements, but you don't have to have anything prepared. Please, if you want to say something, come up here and do so."
There were about a hundred people at the funeral service; at least a third of them eventually stepped up to the microphone. The service, which we had planned to last about 30 minutes, lasted for over two hours and, as best I can tell, not one person left early. There was laughing, crying and hugging, three of her grandchildren played some of her favorite songs on the piano and guitar, we all joined hands and sang her favorite hymns.
Afterwards, dozens of people told my Grandpa that it was one of the most comforting and uplifting funerals they had ever attended. More than a few remarked that, "Funerals are better without preachers anyway", or something similar.
A couple of weeks later, it was time to start distributing the bequests in Grandma's will. Although Grandma and Grandpa dearly loved each other, they had separate wills because, she told my Mom, "That makes it easier for us to respect each other's turf", and because their lawyer had recommended it. Nobody thought that my grandparents were wealthy. They had lived in the same small but charming house in a prosperous, well-maintained suburban neighborhood for the past 50+ years, and had worked hard and lived modestly. But it was rumored that they had a very nice nest egg.
Of course, there is no legal requirement for anyone to attend "The Reading Of The Will", or to even have a "Reading". Modern telecommunications and near-universal literacy have made this quaint custom practically extinct.
But "The Reading Of The Will" was a tradition in our family because it was one of those events that gave our close-knit, extended family an excuse to get together. We never had "Family Reunions". They were too difficult to schedule for our large family. But we got together at birthdays, holidays, funerals, baptisms, etc., so that if you attended several of these, you would see just about every one of your cousins, aunts, uncles, and even great aunts & uncles who were Grandma's and Grandpa's siblings and in-laws.
With this family tradition in mind, many of our family members' wills often contained very personal bequests of items that had little cash value, but were the departed family member's way of telling their loved ones that they wanted to share a cherished memory with them one last time.
As an added incentive to attend, the family rumor mill had been buzzing with speculation, encouraged by Grandpa, that Grandma's will contained some "surprises".
The "Reading" was held in a conference room at a lawyer's office. Unsurprisingly, the attendees included my mom, as well as aunts, uncles, great aunts, great uncles and many of the grandchildren.
We were all surprised, however, to see PompousPastor and AssPastor from BigWhiteChurch. They informed us that Grandma's lawyer had told them that Grandma's will had bequests not only for BigWhiteChurch, but also for them personally.
Maybe it was just our imagination; but my siblings, cousins and I couldn't help noticing that these Preachers appeared to be actively salivating over their good fortune at Grandma's generosity.
Grandma had a large family, so a sizeable number of beneficiaries were named in her will. The lawyer's conference room was a bit smaller than an average middle-class living room. Extra chairs had been brought in, every seat was filled and people were standing in every remaining space.
There was barely space for all of us. Grandma's lawyer suggested that PompousPastor and AssPastor sit in chairs which were in the front of the room, next to himself. Since there was a large table in the room, this meant that the lawyer and these two Preachers were the only ones who were directly facing everyone else. Although the Preachers were gratified to be physically next to the center of attention, they did not notice, as all of the rest of us quickly noticed, that these seats made it easy for everyone else in the room to watch them closely, and practically impossible for them to leave the packed-to-more-than-overflowing room before the entire meeting was over, because they were farthest from the room's single door, and there were almost two dozen people standing or sitting between them and their only path to escape.
The bequests were quite generous, but pretty much what we had expected. Grandpa kept their house, its contents, their retirement accounts and everything that remained after all of the bequests had been satisfied. Children, grandchildren and several local charities received nice, but not extravagant, amounts of money. Several sentimental items were named and given to various friends and relatives.
Grandpa was first beneficiary listed in the will. But, after him, all of the other bequests were arranged in order of increasing worth. They started with sentimental items, which had very small cash value. Then each grandchild received several thousand dollars, then each son, daughter, brother, sister, niece and nephew received a little more, then several local non-profits received very nice amounts, etc.
Bequests to BigWhiteChurch, PompousPastor and AssPastor were (almost) the last ones listed in the will. They listened politely to the other bequests, but with steadily growing anticipation, as they noticed the exponential upward trend in Grandma's largess.
When Grandma's lawyer got to the BigWhiteChurch and Preachers' part of the will, he said, "This is a bit unusual, but before I announce these bequests to BigWhiteChurch, PompousPastor and AssPastor, Ms [Grandma's name] requested that I read the following statement to everyone present."
He opened a letter that was written in Grandma's own handwriting...
"For the past 10 years, NOT ONE person from BigWhiteChurch has ever called me, come to visit me or sent me a note to tell me that they cared about me. Not one minister, not one deacon, not one of the church women, not one of the church members who I worked with for all of those years, loved dearly and thought were my friends. I worked very hard for you when you needed me, for many, many years. But when I needed you and your church, you all pretended that I didn't exist."
"I only got one visit. When I was dying and I invited PompousPastor to come to my house and help me plan my funeral."
"This was my last attempt, after many attempts that I had made over the past 10 years, to reach out to my church and Pastor, whom I still loved dearly even though they had made it clear that they did not love me. If only I could have my funeral at my church, maybe some of my church friends, whom I had not seen in a decade, would come to the service to see me one last time. And I know they loved to hear PompousPastor preach, so if he preached at my funeral, maybe they would come to my funeral to hear him, even if they would not have come to see me.
But PompousPastor couldn't find the time to visit me, or even call me to tell me whether or not he was willing to preach at my funeral. AssPastor came by my house, but he didn't want to talk about my funeral. He just wanted me to, 'Remember his church in my will'. That's all. Just, 'Remember his church in my will'".
"It was then that I realized that I had allowed my church to break my heart for one last time. But that was the last time. The VERY last time."
"AssPastor did not know it when he visited me, but Grandpa and I had already prepared my will, long before his visit, which did include a double tithe - TWENTY PERCENT - of my ENTIRE ESTATE, for what was now my former ... FORMER ... church ... BigWhiteChurch.
This amount was [named the amount - an enormous shitload of money - generating muffled "wows" from many of her heirs, including me].
"But I got to feeling badly that we had not personally remembered such nice people as PompousPastor and AssPastor. So I changed my will to include them by name. While I was at it, I changed the amount of money that I left to BigWhiteChurch to match all of the love that they have showed to me during the last 10 years of my life, when I was suffering and lonely, and no longer able to work my ass off for them, for free, like I had done for almost half a century."
"That is her entire written statement", the lawyer said. "Now let's get back to the bequests in the will."
"Bequest to AssPastor: One Cent".
"Bequest to PompousPastor: One Cent".
"Bequest to BigWhiteChurch: One Cent".
The PompousPastor and AssPastor sat there looking like someone had just injected a gallon of novacaine into their jaws.
Every one of Grandma's family and friends felt an overwhelming urge to laugh out loud. But we kept quiet because we knew Grandma. We knew she wasn't finished yet. Grandma was simply setting them up for a one-two punch. The best was yet to come, and we didn't want to miss it.
"There is one last bequest," the lawyer continued, "For a charity called ...", which he named and I'll call "BlackCharity", then he paused before naming the amount....
Most of us had no idea what BlackCharity was. But, by the looks on their faces, we could tell that PompousPastor and AssPastor knew BlackCharity very well. Their faces displayed the same expressions of shock, dread and horror that they would have if the lawyer had said, "This bequest goes to The Demonic Baby Eaters to buy extra large rotisserie barbecue grills and tons of charcoal".
Every eye in the room was now fixated on PompousPastor and AssPastor.
The lawyer, who happened to be my uncle, one of Grandma's and Grandpa's sons, let the silence continue a few seconds more....
If we had been able to read PompousPastor's and AssPastor's minds, we would have known the history behind the looks on their faces. BlackCharity was sponsored by a large Black church just a few miles from BigWhiteChurch. They ran a free food/clothing bank, assistance programs for foster children, home delivery of pre-cooked meals for homebound seniors, legal aid, and other social services.
A long time ago, BigWhiteChurch, which was (and still is) 100% Caucasian, had provided a few years of financial and other support to BlackCharity. Then there was a very bitter, acrimonious breakup, allegedly because BlackCharity was practicing "The Social Gospel", while BigWhiteChurch was preaching "The True Gospel". BigWhiteChurch even sued to try to get some of their money back, although the suit was eventually settled and very little money actually changed hands.
But, this being The Deep South, everyone knew the real reason why BigWhiteChurch, or any white church, would stop supporting a Black charity: "Those n****** were getting uppity and not staying in their place". Grandma and Grandpa had seriously considered leaving BigWhiteChurch at that time. But they had reasoned that it was better to stay there and teach tolerance by their words and example. They knew they would never persuade everyone, but maybe they could reach some of the youth at their white church and break the generational cycle of racism. Grandma used to tell us, "My church is my Mission Field". We did not learn the true depth of her statement until after she died.
Since then, Grandma and Grandpa had secretly sent a portion of their "Tithe" to BlackCharity every month.
Most of Grandma's family, including me, didn't find out about any of this until after the meeting had ended.
But PompousPastor and AssPastor obviously understood what Grandma, by her actions which are more powerful than words, was saying to them. If you had grown up as a white person in the Deep South, as Grandma, Grandpa, PompousPastor and AssPastor had, you would understand.
To many white Southerners, this was one of the most personally insulting things you could do to them. It simultaneously labeled them as racists, condemned their bigotry and crushed their delusions of white superiority by saying, "These Black human beings, whom you hate, disrespect and have mistreated, are better people than you are. So they deserve my money more than you do".
Having allowed time for everyone to observe PompousPastor and AssPastor while they thought about how their white church had treated this Black charity, and how they AND their church had treated our Grandma...
The lawyer said, "The amount is...."
Then he named the EXACT SAME AMOUNT that Grandma had named in her handwritten letter, the huge amount of money that would have gone to BigWhiteChurch if she had not changed her will.
(source) story by (/u/BamaFan4Jesus)
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The Most Important Thing, A Continuing Chapter
Dedicated to @nicoles-story-corner, who gave me the idea for this story. <3 Thank you so much!
Paul sat in the shady bar, staring at the drink on the counter in front of him. He twirled the liquid mindlessly in the glass, his thoughts miles away.
"What's with you?" a man sitting next to him asked.
"Just thinking," Paul sat up straighter.
"No one comes here to think, we come in here to forget!" the man sneered, and the smell of alcohol on his breath was strong.
Paul didn't say anything else. He finished his drink, payed his bill and went out onto the street.
It was a cool evening. It had finally stopped raining, but the air was still wet. The street lights illuminated the walk Paul took. He wondered aimlessly around, not even knowing where he was going.
He passed a homeless man on a corner, huddled under the overhang of a small shop. There was a couple arguing in front of a restaurant. A man was paying a taxi driver. Someone was walking along whistling. In the distance, he could sirens. Life went all around him.
She should be here and a live right now, going on with life like all of these people.
That afternoon, just before Paul left for the day, his secretary Margo took a call. It was for him from his sister, Jane.
Their mother had died two years ago, leaving a giant hole in their family. Then, the call that afternoon announced that his other sister, Kate, had died suddenly in an accident. Kate was the baby of the family - only twenty eight years old.
Paul kicked at a street lamp angrily.
"Paul's home! Paul's home!" little Kate ran out to meet her older brother.
"Hello, Katie!" the fifteen year old boy picked up his sister.
"Did you work hard today?" she asked.
"Yep! I made two dollars today!" Paul rattled the prized coins in his pocket.
"I'm proud of you, Paul!" Kate leaned her head on his arm as they walked up the cracked stairs to the shabby shack where the Drakes lived.
Kate had always been proud of her older brother. Their father had died before Kate was born. Twelve year old Paul had to go out and earn a living for the family of four. He worked hard and made himself what he was today. Paul had been the only father like figure in Kate's life. He was even going to give her away whenever she got married.
But Kate's car had hit a patch of ice and she spun into a tree, dying instantly. There had been no warning, no goodbyes, just an instant death.
"Are you alright?" a young girl standing at a bus stop.
"I will be," Paul shrugged.
The girl gave him warm smile before getting onto the bus.
Paul continued to wonder around, until he found himself in front of the Brent building - the place he worked. He went inside, and even though it was late at night, he went to his friend (Perry)'s office. Perry was just walking out, carrying a stack of papers.
"Paul! What are you doing here? It's almost two in the morning!" Perry looked at his watch, surprised.
"Yet you're still here."
"Della's out of town visiting her aunt, so I have no one to tell me I'm working too late. What are you doing here though?"
"My sister Kate died earlier today," Paul dug his hands into his pockets.
"Come on in," Perry unlocked the door.
Paul sat down and took a deep, ragged breath. Perry turned the lights on and sat at his desk. Neither of them said anything. Finally, Paul hit his fist hard on the desk and bellowed,
"Why did she have to die?" his voice broke and he turned his head to hide the tears that suddenly pricked his eyes, "She was just a kid."
"We never know why the ones we love die, especially if they die suddenly. God just says 'It's time to go', and they go," Perry said.
"But what happens to them?"
"That depends on if they were saved or not," Perry answered carefully.
"What does that mean?"
"Do you know if Kate was a Christian?"
"I think so. She went to church a lot and was always telling me she was praying for me."
"If she was a Christian, then she is now in heaven."
"Will I ever see her again?" asked Paul.
Perry sat there thoughtfully, trying to figure out how to put what he had to say gently.
"If you are a Christian, you will go to heaven when you die, and Kate will be there."
"But if I don't become a Christian?"
"Then you won't go to heaven."
"How do you know?" Paul demanded hotly.
"Because the Bible says so. Anyone who believes in Jesus won't die, but will have eternal life. Kate now has eternal life because she believed in God's love and mercy."
Paul didn't say anything. Perry pulled a well worn Bible from his desk drawer and flipped through the pages until he found the passage he wanted to show Paul.
" 'But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep' - this means those who died - 'that you may not grieve as others who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep' *. Because she believed, God rewarded her with eternal life in heaven," Perry explained.
Paul scowled.
"I don't understand."
"Why don't you come to church with me tomorrow? Maybe the pastor can explain better than I can. When do you leave for the funeral?"
"Tomorrow afternoon."
"Come to church with me," Perry said again.
"Alright," Paul gave in and took a deep breath, trying to hide the fact that he was trying not to cry.
"It's okay to cry, you know. You will still miss Kate."
"Does your God permit people to cry?"
"Yes, He does. He even did it Himself!" **
Paul looked at his watch and saw how late it was. He rubbed his face and stood up.
"I'll pick you up around seven tomorrow morning."
Paul nodded, and hesitated by the door.
"He - He is taking good care of my Kate, isn't He?"
"The very very best," Perry smiled.
Paul nodded again and left.
Author's note:
Paul Drake went to church the next day, and found that he liked it. He began the long road to salvation. Several months later, he gave his life to Christ.
*This is the NIV translation, even though Perry probably would have had a KJV Bible. I did this so you could easily understand the text.
**John 11:35, "Jesus wept."
If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask me! <3
~Anne B. Mae
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
make up lies and say goodbyes and meet me at the door // J.P. (celebration fic)
Request: James, secret relationship, angst 13, fluff 8. The burrow? Idk u can pick. But please let it have a happy ending 🥺. I’m fragile 😂 - @leahstypewriter
Angst 13: “All I wanted was a happy ending.”
Fluff 8: “Marry me?”
A/N: Title is from Emily Kinney - Married (I also use a lyric in this). I think I need to google the definition of ‘blurb’ because I keep writing fics and they just get longer and longer! This is my first time writing for James with anything longer than a headcanon so I’m not wholly confident on this piece - however, I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none - FLUFF, FLUFF, FLUFF.
Word count: 1.8k
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Spring time at the Burrow is a sight that one cannot experience simply on their first visit. It takes a few visits to the home of the Weasley family for it to truly settle in that the home is a home. The christening of the entire Weasley brood was something to witness that once could only witness once; Molly Weasley controlling her children with an expert hand as they all lined up in the church. It was a lovely ceremony to see.
James sat by your side through it all; so close you could feel the warmth radiating from his body. All through the service, you had to restrain yourself from straddling the man in a place of worship. It wouldn’t be good for the vicar, and it wouldn’t good for the fact that you hadn’t gone public yet.
Returning to the Burrow, a marquee had been put up for party-goers. Following the rest of the guests, you find the long dark hair marking Sirius, and make a note of which table he sits down at. You make your way to the buffet table; grabbing a plate and whatever food you can. You only feel more ravenous at the sight of it; barely having time this morning to eat as with each attempt to leave the bed, James only pulled you back down.
You don’t have to see James to know that it’s him standing next to you. The charged atmosphere between the two of you is what alerts you to his presence.
A slight brush of his fingers against yours as he reaches for a plate of food. A slight brush of his fingers and it’s enough for you to crave all of his attention. He quirks his eyebrow at your obvious intake of breath; he knows what he does to you and he enjoys winding you up the best he can.
You take a seat next to Sirius; ignoring the way James sends a pointed look in your direction. Sirius immediately draws you into conversation with him and Remus, laughing over the rim of his drink. Sirius takes it upon himself to point out the members of the Weasley family stemming from the House of Black – he points towards Arthur’s mother, Cedrella and introduces her as his great-aunt somewhere along the lines of three or four times removed. You snort at Sirius’ lack of accuracy to which he points out that for the last few years, he had been living with James until he got his own place.
Shaking your head, you turn away from Sirius, careful not to catch eyes with James for the fear of not being able to control yourself once again. Your eyes dance around the marquee; happy to have been invited to such an event – an added extra by Sirius who didn’t want to face the extended and disowned side of his family alone.
Your eyes continue to travel around the marquee; taking in the decorations lovingly made by the Weasley children as well as the children themselves. The five young boys seemed to be running amok – their laughter filling the air as they race each around the tent. You can’t help but smile at the sight; each boy looking so happy.
It wasn’t something you realised you yearned for. A family. But watching Molly chase after her children with the largest smile on her face; watching Arthur lift young George onto his shoulders, you realise that you yearned for it all.
The wedding, the house, the family. Everything. You longed for it all to be with James; you felt silly for wanting this so early in your relationship, but just by being in his very presence it was hard not to want to spend an eternity with him.
All day it had been hard to find a moment for yourselves even when the party had moved from the marquee to the house; wanting nothing more than to spend a few minutes alone with James, but each time you got close, you were pulled in another direction by a child or by one of Sirius’ relatives to meet another aunt or uncle.
It was draining.
Keeping your relationship secret was a mutual decision; especially in the early months – the relationship was barely three months old; you were still in the process of getting to know one another romantically and work out how well you clicked together. The long friendship beforehand definitely helped, but keeping James to yourself was something you needed to do.
The atmosphere in the house becomes stifling the more you think about your relationship. You stand from your seat, sending a small smile in James’ direction when he looks over to you with a puzzled expression on his face. Your smile does nothing to calm the concern he feels as he watches you walk out the door, wondering what caused this change.
The evening air is warm when you step outside to catch your breath. Sitting down on one of the many benches, you take in gulps of the fresh air.
“Love?” James’ voice sounds. He takes a tentative seat next to you on the bench, carefully placing his hand between the two of you – knowing he cannot reach out to take you in his arms but wanting you to know that he would if he could.
“I’ve never seen somewhere so beautiful,” You murmur absentmindedly; eyes pouring over the horizon of the slowly setting sun.
James hums in agreement, “It is lovely here.”
You don’t reply. You aren’t entirely sure what else to say to him; instead, you keep your focus on the horizon – the sun setting, the bright and sweet smelling flowers, the beginnings of a vegetable patch. It’s a little slice of heaven, you realise.
“Do you want to talk about earlier?” James prompts. Keeping your secret from everyone was not the endgame, but the both of you simply desired some time to yourselves – to learn each other, to get used to each other, to selfishly love each other before letting other people interfere.
“All I wanted was a happy ending, James. I’m finding hard to keep us a secret when I’m so desperate for a happy ending.”
He grips your hands with such ferocity you’re worried he’ll break the bones, “Then let’s have a happy ending.”
“What do you mean?”
“Marry me?”
The breath leaves your body in one huff, “What?”
“Marry me.”
“James, I can’t believe this is happening. It’s only been a few months.”
“And? I’m certain of this and I’m certain of you. Would you marry me and always be mine?”
You bite your lip; thinking of every outcome that could fall from your marrying James. There could be no denying your feelings for the man; they were something you had felt for over a year until he asked you out to dinner. The yearning you felt earlier was back; churning in your gut as begin to think of a future with James as your husband through sickness and health, till death do you part. 
You smile widely at James, “Let’s make our excuses and go.”
“I want to marry you James Potter, and I want to marry you now.”
James’ eyes glisten with unshed tears at your words, and he rushes off to find the lads and the Weasley’s to thank them for the offer of staying, but you both really must rush off as you have an early start at work, and he has an early morning meeting that he cannot miss.
Sirius furrows his brows at James’ words but doesn’t say anything. Instead, he turns to you with nothing but curiosity burning in his gaze. You smile softly at the man who had become something akin to a brother through your time with the marauders; through your time with James.
“Do you want us to set up a floo?” Molly asks kindly, bouncing a half asleep Fred on her lap.
You shake your head, “We’ll apparate back, we don’t mind. It saves on powder then.”
Molly nods; smiling at the two of you.
You say your goodbyes to the rest of the Marauders; they comment that they’ll see you tomorrow. You hold out your hand to James; he takes it and in less than a second, you’ve left the Burrow.
James runs down the steps of the town hall; puffing slightly from how many there are, “It’s closed. We have to come back tomorrow for a license.”
“I get that, but why do you look so sad?”
James laughs, tugging you to him, “I really wanted to marry you tonight.”
Your thumb rubs across his cheek, “We still can, love.”
“Well are the two of us present? We can do the official paperwork and aisle walking another day, but we can always say our vows to one another right now.”
“Right now?”
“Right now,” You confirm, “What do you think? Do you still want to marry me?”
“There’s nothing I want more.”
Underneath the now twinkling stars, vows are whispered, and make-do rings are created from some twine found in James’ pocket. Underneath the night sky, you pull him for your first kiss as husband and wife – the both of you making it difficult from the smiles on your faces.
It isn’t official – far from it. There are no witnesses; no minister. Only you, James, and the stars. But it’s perfect.
“When do we tell the lads? When do we tell our parents?”
“We’ll call them with our news in the morning, but for now…” You trail off with a sly smile.
“For now?”
“You’re all mine.”
You wake up in James’ arms to the sound of crashing in your kitchen and the tell-tale swearing of Sirius Black. “James,” You groan, “Your friends are in the kitchen.”
James yawns, “I know. They woke me too.”
You sigh, opening your eyes, “Do we go down together?”
He nods, “Why not? They’re going to find out anyway.”
You stretch, “I like the sound of that.”
James smiles sleepily, “You know what I like the sound of?”
“Kissing my wife good morning.”
You laugh; happily obliging the wish of your husband.
Yawning, you follow James downstairs where you meet Remus, Sirius and Peter clattering about in the kitchen, making a racket as they try to make some breakfast. They each call out their own greeting; their eyes not missing the way you came downstairs together.
“Where did you two rush off to last night?” Sirius asks; a smirk on his face.
“We got married,” James states clearly; leaving no room for any misunderstanding.
Remus chokes on his drink; Sirius drops his mug of tea; Peter silently moves the frying pan off the hob to save the food from burning.
“You did what?” Sirius all but yells.
James reaches for your hand, “We didn’t get married, married. But we will be doing today.”
Sirius remains speechless; eyes flitting between you, James and your joined hands, “When did you get together?”
You look at James, “Almost three months ago.”
“And you didn’t tell us then?”
You shrug, “We wanted to keep it to ourselves for a while.”
Remus nods, “ I get that, but getting married so soon? Are you sure?”
The both of you nod; only looking at each other, “We’re sure.”
Sirius claps his hands together, calling the room’s attention to him, “Then we better get ready.”
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen @obsessedwithrandomthings @harrypotter289 @dreamer821 @kalimagik @heloisedaphnebrightmore @nebulablakemurphy @the-hufflefluffwriter @figlia--della--luna @bforbroadway @idont-knowrn​ @summer-writes​ @big-galaxy-chaos​ @black-lake-confessions​ @annasofiaearlobe​ @imboredandneedalife​ @levylovegood​ @mytreec​ @haphazardhufflepuff​ @teheharrypotter​ @chaoticgirl04​ @accio-rogers​ @msmimimerton​ @izzytheninja​ @slytherinprincess03​ @nerdyatheletic​
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Robron week - Day 2
This is really really tenous given the prompts, but I loved the idea and I think I made it fit!
I now pronounce you...
Robert couldn't believe now time flew. It felt like only yesterday that he'd met his daughter and now she was getting married. He was waiting at the bottom of the stairs for her, Aaron outside on the excuse of checking the vintage car he'd spent months doing up for his baby girl, but Robert knew better. Aaron knew he wanted a few minutes on his own.
"Dad, you ready?"
"Been ready for hours sweetheart. You know your Dad and I got ready for our wedding in about twenty minutes."
"Which time?" He can hear the laughter in her voice, all three of their children were fascinated by their two weddings and teased them all the time.
"Haha very funny. Now come on, let me see this dress I'm paying for."
"It wasn't that much!"
"Your grandmother took you shopping, I'm sure it cost a pretty penny." He hears her footsteps at the top of the stairs and looks up. "And it's worth every single one."
She looks amazing, far too grown up for his liking. He wishes he could turn back the clock to when she was still tiny, hair in pigtails, begging him to play with her. Now she's fully grown, independent and beautiful and leaving them.
"Will I do?" She does a twirl in front of him the way she always used to, laughing as she does.
"You look beautiful. Your Dad's going to have a heart attack, you know he's not dealing with the fact you're leaving home very well. This might just tip him over the edge."
Aaron had been the one who had interrogated Euan when she'd brought him home, frightening him almost to death when he'd casually mentioned their time in prison over dessert, but in the end even he'd had to admit that they were perfect for each other.
Ana was full of dreams, regardless of any limitations and she'd ended up disappointed numerous times when she'd thought she'd failed, or things hadn't gone the way she'd hoped, but Euan seemed to balance her out, his feet firmly on the ground but fully able to keep up with Ana and her moods that he swore she got from Aaron, even if he insisted different.
"Do you think he minds that I asked you to make the speech?" He shakes his head immediately. He knew Aaron was relieved if anything, never one for public speaking, but Ana had still been worried, creeping down the stairs one night when Aaron was asleep to ask him the best way to broach the subject.
"No, course not. Anyway he's been telling me stuff to put in all week so it's just as much his speech as mine." He holds out his hand to her after checking his watch. "You ready?"
"In a minute. How did you...you and Dad, I know you started as an affair, but how did you know? That it was him you wanted?"
"Oh I don't know, it just crept on me I think. Some days it didn't matter what I had on or what I was doing, I couldn't stop thinking about him, he was there every minute, from when I woke up to when I went to sleep. You know when you've got a crush on someone and they're always in your head, and you can't shift them no matter how hard you try? It was something like that, only a hundred times more. Why?"
"I...s'pose I just wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing. You and Dad have got through everything together, I want me and Euan to be like that."
"Well maybe with a few less visits to the police station, eh?" She glares at him, looking just like Aaron. "And are you?"
"I think so. What if we're not?"
"Then your Dad and I will always be here. This is your home sweetheart, whenever you need it. But, you won't, because that lad survived dinner with your Dad, and an interrogation by your Grandma, and there's not many that can say that now is there." In fact they'd seen off more than a couple of her early boyfriends one way or another which she'd been grateful for eventually. "Right, come on, let's go make your Dad cry eh?"
He takes her arm, leading her outside, seeing Aaron polishing the front of the car. It's been a labour of love and no matter how much he'd complained about it, Robert knew he'd enjoyed every minute.
"There you are! I was beginning to think he'd taught you his escaping out of the bathroom trick." When he finally turns round Robert sees the tears start and he shakes his head a little. "Look at you."
"Dad." She's blushing and his eyes soften as he looks at Aaron. Somehow they've managed to raise three wonderful children. "Would you be really offended if we left the car here, and walked?"
Aaron looks stunned, after the fuss she'd made about it but he nods. "Whatever you want, it's your day. The two of you can drive it to the station later if you want. Your Dad will pick it up."
"I will?"
"Yes. So why the change of mind?"
"Just feel like walking. It's a nice day."
"It's freezing!" He can't help complaining. It was mid December after all. "The church heaters better be switched on!"
"Come on old man, don't want you seizing up do we." With that Aaron takes Ana's other arm and the three of them set off towards the church. When they reach it he's surprised that their other daughter, Sara, isn't waiting for them as she's bridesmaid, but there's no one in sight. "Must all be inside, can't say I blame them."
"No, they're not. Come on." With that Ana lets go of their arm and starts walking.
They end up outside the village hall and he and Aaron both stop when they see the guests gather round the exact spot where they'd got married years earlier. It's decorated with hundreds of lights and it looks like something out of a fairytale.
"What the..."
"It didn't feel right getting married in church, neither of us is religious, and besides the two of you haven't done too badly after getting married here. We decided to surprise you."
"How did you do this? I walked up to your Aunt Vic's this morning and there wasn't a single sign of any of this."
"Everyone helped. Seb was in charge, which means it's a miracle that it's all working right but anyway...surprise!"
He doesn't know what to say, and he can see Aaron doesn't either, he's just standing there, mouth open.
"Well done, munchkin, you've managed to stun them into silence." Seb ambles over, the tie of his suit already loose and his hair all over the place.
"Don't call me that! Idiot!" She manages to punch him in the arm before he darts away, her aim always good. "It's my wedding day, you're meant to be nice to me!"
"Yeah yeah." He grins at her before kissing her cheek. "Good luck...munchkin. You look amazing."
When he's gone she falters almost and Robert knows exactly what it is, nerves, a little bit of sadness that this part of life is over and a new one is beginning.
"You ready sweetheart?" Aaron's there, as always, calm and reassuring and she nods, taking his arm once more, looking at Robert to take the other. "Let's get you married then."
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12timetraveler · 3 years
May You Always Be The Wild One (Parts 1 and 2)
Reader is kidnapped on a job gone wrong, and Hosea is prepared to burn all of Lemoyne to the ground if he has to in order to get her back.
CW: kidnapping, torture, attempted sexual assault, descriptions of violence
(I try not to be too graphic but please be advised that part one is quite dark.)
Hey all so this is a two part story I've done. Part 1 is all about the kidnapping and the rescue. Part 2 is all fluff and smut months after the event in part 1
Part 1 is posted here and part 2 is the chapter that immediately follows.
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And in the morning when the sun comes up
And it brings you to your knees
May you always be the wild one
May you always be free
It had been a solid plan. Well of course it was, it was Hosea's plan. But the master con man had been conned. Or maybe you all had underestimated just how perverted the target was.
You and Hosea had spent the morning making yourself look rumpled and dirty. Hosea had been smearing some dirt on your cheek. You suggested, only half kidding, that you and he just step out of camp for a quick romp. That usually got you looking plenty disheveled. Your beloved had laughed and lamented that you were too short on time, but promised he’d take you out for a night after this job was over.
Once you looked perfectly exhausted, skirt dirty, hair ruffled, like you’d been tossed from your horse and walking all night, Arthur had taken you out to the road, about a mile down from the target’s house.
“Alright. You start walking, and I’ll join the others near the house. Hosea says the target always spends his mornings on the front porch. Once you get him away from the house, we’ll be in and out. Mrs. Adler is waiting for you in Rhodes to take you back to camp so you’ll be long gone from town before he even gets back home to see he’s been robbed. Even if he does realize you were in on it, he won’t find you.”
“Understood,” you said as you slid off the back of his horse.
“Yeah, well even still, you got your gun?” He asked. You nodded and patted your thigh. Hidden under your skirts was a small pistol. Nothing special but it would protect you.
“You think I’m dumb enough to work a job without something to protect me?” You asked.
“No, s’pose not,” Arthur chuckled. “That and I doubt Hosea would have let you do this if he didn’t have some back up.”
Hosea trusted you completely, but he was far too wise to ever think that just because you were quick on your feet and good in a fight, that you’d be fine without some sort of weapon. As he was helping you get dressed this morning, Hosea had carefully strapped the little pistol to your thigh, planting a few sweet kisses around it before moving on to helping you lace your corset.
“Alright well, see you back in camp,” Arthur said, giving you a lazy salute.
“You boys stay safe,” you called.
“You’re the one who’s taking a ride with the man to town. You stay safe,” Arthur replied as he trotted off. You stood there for a minute, letting Arthur ride ahead of you before you started your walk down the road.
The Lemoyne sun was harsh, only just rising but already beating down on you. Within minutes you were sweating. You cursed Arthur for dropping you off so far away from the house, but your exhaustion would make your story more plausible, easier to act out.
By the time the house came into view, you were miserable. Thank god you had your hat to protect your face from the sun.
Just like Arthur had said, the man was sitting on his porch, sipping some coffee and watching the world start it’s day when you hobbled up.
“Good Mornin’ miss,” He called from his porch, looking you up and down as you rested against his fence.
“Howdy, Mister,” You sighed.
“Are you alright?” He asked, sitting up slightly as he took in your ragged state.
“I’ve been better, I’ll admit,” you said. “My horse spooked on the road during the night. I’m not sure if it was a snake or what. But he spooked and tossed me in the dirt and ran off. I’ve been walking for hours now.” You sighed.
“Can I give you a ride somewhere?” The man asked, standing up and downing his coffee.
“If it’s not too much trouble. My sister is waitin’ for me in Rhodes.” you said gratefully. The man nodded.
“Sure. I can get you there. Give me just a moment to hook up the wagon,” He said, stepping inside to put his mug away before heading out to the barn out back.
You glanced off into the trees near the house. You caught a glimpse of Arthur’s hat. You gave a small nod, letting him know it was all going to plan. A few minutes later the man came around the house, leading a black Tennesse Walker pulling a simple wagon.
“Alright, Miss, let's get you to town.” He said, helping you into the wagon before climbing into the driver's seat. With a flick of the reins, you were off. You slumped in the seat, happy to be off your feet.
“Name’s Dawson. Ephriam Dawson,” He said, reaching out to shake your hand.
“Tabitha Sanderson,” You said, using one of your aliases. You shook his hand
“Good Lord is it hot,” You sighed, fanning yourself. Dawson chuckled beside you.
“You ain’t from Lemoyne, are you?” He asked. You shook your head.
“No. I’m from West Elizabeth. Strawberry to be exact. It’s cool and wet and rainy there.”
“What’re you doing all the way down here?” He asked.
“My sister and I came to visit our sick aunt in Saint Denis,” You lied, thinking quick on your feet. “My sister went to Rhodes yesterday morning. I wanted to spend one last day with Aunt Susan before heading back, so I said I’d meet her in Rhodes last night.”
“Well, I’ll get you to your sister safe and sound, don’t you worry Miss,” He said.
The rest of the ride was pleasant, punctuated with idle chit-chat now and then. On occasion Dawson would point out a landmark or something he found interesting. You’d nod along and listen with fake interest. Dawson sat a little too close, in your opinion, but it was a small wagon, so maybe there just wasn’t room.
Finally the water tower of Rhodes’ train station peeked up over the hillside. You sighed in relief.
“I was starting to think I’d never get here. I would have been walking for hours yet without your help. Thank you,” You said, giving Dawson a grateful smile.
“You’re welcome,” Dawson said, tipping his hat. “Now, where is your sister waiting for you?” He asked.
“She should be at the general store. If not there, then maybe the Parlor House. If you just drop me off by the statue I can walk from there.” You said.
“Nonsense. I’ll make sure you and your sister are reunited.” Dawson said as the cart rode into town. Instead of parking near the butcher like you thought he would, he turned the cart up the hill, past the church.
“Sir, where are we going?” You asked, trying to keep your outlaw paranoia at bay. But something did not feel right.
“I’m just parking up here,” He assured you, pulling off just past the gallows. “It’s easier to get out of town if I park up here and walk,”
“Well, thank you very much for the ride Mr. Dawson,” you said, beginning to climb down from the wagon. He grabbed your wrist, stopping you.
“Just a moment, darlin’,” He said. “We still need to discuss my payment.”
“Oh, of course, how silly of me,” you said, reaching into your bag. You’d brought a little silver watch and a few bills to pay the man with, should he ask. You’d earn that back and more, if Hosea were right about the score. “I don’t have nearly enough to thank you for your help. But… here.” you said, pulling out the bills and the watch and handing it to Mr. Dawson before climbing down off the wagon.
“Thank you again, I really must be going,” You said as Dawson climbed down from the wagon. “My sister must be worried sick for me.” he came around the side of the wagon, and the glint in his eye made your heart drop.
“Hang on,” He said, “This isn’t the payment I was looking for,” He said, holding up the pocket watch and small stack of bills.
“I… I don’t have anything…” Before you could say another word, the man grabbed you and pressed you against the wagon, his lips slamming against yours. You struggled against him, trying to push him away. Finally his lips released yours, and he allowed you to push him a couple steps back.
“Sir!” you exclaimed, “I don’t know who you think I am, but I ain’t that kind of girl!” You said, scrubbing his saliva off your mouth. “I appreciate the assistance, but I really must be going,” You were stopped by his hand slamming into the wagon, blocking your exit.
“I don’t care what kind of girl you think you are,” He whispered dangerously. “The way I see it, I helped you with something you needed. Now you help me with something I need.” His other hand came down to his trousers, undoing the buttons. “You say you ain’t a whore, fine. I won’t use your cunt. But you’re gonna get on your knees for me and put that mouth to good use.”
You met his gaze a moment, weighing your options. Your pistol, though hidden conveniently on your person, wasn’t easy enough to reach so that you could do it before he did something to you. However, if you could get your skirt out of the way...
You gave him a defeated nod, pretending to concede. Very slowly, you did as he instructed, sliding down onto your knees. You adjusted your skirt underneath you under the pretense of getting comfortable, then looked up at Mr. Dawson looming over you.
He gave you a wicked smile, and patted your head. He moved to pull out his cock, but before he could, you’d reached under your skirt and retrieved the pistol from your garter, cocking it and aiming for his manhood.
“Sorry mister, I think you have me misunderstood,” you said, standing once more, gun rising with you until it was pointed at his chest. “I won’t be doing anything with your disgusting prick. So you can either take the money and the watch and let me go, or lose something you can’t grow back.”
You and Mr. Dawson stood still a moment, staring each other down, waiting for the other to cave first. He never dropped his disgusting smile, and he still had a glimmer in his eye that you didn’t like one bit.
“On your way, mister,” You said, waving your gun slightly.
In the blink of an eye, he swung his arm up, grabbing the gun and forcing you to point it away from him. His other hand came up to your neck, slamming you back against the wagon and pushing the air from your windpipe. He slammed your wrist against the wagon a few times, until the gun fell to the ground.
You squirmed against him, trying to get your knee up into his crotch, find something of his you could bite, anything to get him off of you. But his grip on you was tight, and the hand on your neck was squeezing until spots danced across your vision.
“Little Jezebel,” Dawson cooed in your ear, “You’ve led the wrong man on. I’ll get what I want, just you wait.”
“Sadie!” You screamed, desperately hoping your voice would travel far enough. “Sa--” Dawson slammed your head against the wagon once more, and it all went black.
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EllieDina Week - Day 7: Infinite.
Oh man, I can't believe that- Well, yesterday was technically the last day! But I still can't believe that the week is over. I had such a blast, getting to write something for an entire week. One thing for each day, it really brought back my motivation. And- It showed me how creative and talented the community truly is! I was introduced to so many phenomenal new artists and writers because of this event.
Rating: Teens and up.
Ellie was stood up at the front of the church in Jackson, she grimaced at the feeling of her palms sweating and she wiped them off on her pants. She had no clue why she was so nervous, perhaps it was because she wasn't religious and she was going to marry Dina in a church? That couldn't be the reason, that would be dumb. She'd be over the moon even if their wedding was held in a dumpster, as long as she got to marry the woman she loved, it didn't matter at all.
They had been unable to find Ellie a SUITable tux for the wedding, so she was wearing her best looking flannel and a pair of brand new jeans. Ellie hadn't had the chance to see Dina yet, apparently it was some kind of rule before Outbreak Day. And for some reason, everyone in Jackson was insistent on her following that to a T. Ellie had grumbled under her breath, not to pleased about having not seen Dina in over sixteen hours.
JJ had popped by when Ellie was getting dressed, she had smiled upon seeing his arrival. " Hey, Spud! What have you been up to? " She said as she scooped him up and spun him around. He giggled and squealed in excitement, though he was happy when he was set down. Ellie reached out and grabbed his shoulder to steady him. He grinned and happily shared with her what he had been doing, and where he had been. " I was visiting Mama! Aunt Maria says you aren't allowed to know how she looks. "
JJ seemed very puzzled by the entire thing, but he had excitedly spent time with Ellie until he was called out to get ready for the wedding reception, he was going to be their ring bearer. And he had been taking the job very seriously, practicing all the time leading up to the date of the wedding.
Ellie tugged at the collar of her shirt, man was it surprisingly hot for the time of year it was. She turned her attention to the center isle, watching as some of the kids excitedly rushed up, tossing flower petals as they went. Stopping to stand on their respective sides.
The kids of the town had been so excited about the news of Ellie and Dina getting married, so of course Dina and that big heart of hers couldn't say no to the children asking if they could toss the flowers. God, Ellie loved her with every fiber of her being.
Ellie's heart rate accelerated as everyone in the church pews began to stand up, her green eyes grow wide in awe and her jaw nearly drops, her throat feels raw with emotions as she takes in the sight of Dina, who is smiling brightly like the goddess that she is- Walks down the aisle, being lead by Jesse's father.
She's wearing a burgundy colored dress, with black and gold accents. Ellie had never even thought about that color combination looking so good, but seeing Dina in it convinced her. Dina was absolutely stunning, that sparkle in her brown eyes as she stops in front of Ellie says it all. " Hey. " Dina says softly.
Ellie cleared her throat and smiled at Dina. " Hey, I missed you, babe. You look- Fuck me, you look absolutely stunning. " Dina was the only one who could pull words like that out of Ellie's mind.
Dina smirked in amusement and teasingly winked at Ellie, finding absolute joy in the way her face grew flushed. " Oh, in a rush are we? We still have to get married, goober. But let's save that talk for later. "
They both grew quiet at the sound of their sons little feet, tearing up the isle with a string of giggles. The rings bouncing wildly as he comes to a halt in front of them. " Mama! Mom! I got the rings! " He announced in a delighted tone, earning a few chuckles from the congregation.
Dina laughs softly and smiles down at him. " Good job, bud! You are such a smart little guy. " She ruffled his hair, watching as he goes and stands where he was told, still beaming with pride.
The wedding commences right on time, the pastor going through the motions of what had been discussed with him. There is a mixture of Jewish traditions, like the breaking of a glass. And some things that were apparently common in a wedding back when people still had them.
Ellie crouches down slightly, taking the rings carefully from the pillow JJ was holding. She smiles as she hands Dina hers, her mind is racing and her heart is hammering heavily.
They both slip the rings on one another's finger when they were given the go-ahead, they didn't exchange any vows. Not in front of people, they didn't need to prove that they loved and cared about each other in front of everyone else. All that they had been through signified that, how far they had come.
" I now pronounce you, wife- And, uhh wife. You may now kiss the bride. " The pastor said, clearly not ever having married two women before.
Ellie chuckles softly, gently cupping Dina's cheek with her hand. She leans forward slightly, her breath tickling Dina's nose as she whispered. " Don't mind if I do. " She pressed her lips to Dina's, sharing a passionate kiss with her wife. Ellie wrapped her arms around Dina and dipped her, unable to hold back the laugh that escaped her mouth at JJ's enthusiastic clapping, his claps actually covered up the applause from all the others.
Ellie picked Dina back up, a fond smile on her lips, her arm wrapped around Dina's waist. " Y'know, I like him like this. He isn't yet disgusted by our love and affection for one another. "
Dina smiled and gently brushed her hand over Ellie's cheek, pushing a few stray strands of hair behind her ear. " Yeah, we are still lucky for now it seems. Unfortunately, he will probably grow out of that and get embarrassed of us. "
Ellie snickered to herself. " JJ is going to have a hell of a time bringing people around when he gets older, guaranteed. " She just meant that they would one hundred percent embarrass him with their love for each other when he attempts to bring a crush home with him.
Dina lightly slapped her wife's arm as JJ came rushing up to them, they both crouched down and pulled him into a tight hug. " You did so awesome, Spud! Proud of ya! " JJ beamed happily, his toothy grin brightening up their world. " Now we are a family. " He said softly, nuzzling his head against his mothers'.
《 》
The dinner and party that is held after the wedding goes on for quite some time. Everybody is laughing and singing, chatting and dancing. The music is soft, yet loud. And it reminds Ellie of the night her and Dina shared their first kiss. The same type of lights are strung up, illuminating the dance floor.
Ellie stands near the counter, her gaze almost blank as she stares straight ahead. Her mind begins to run as all the events that followed began coming to life in her mind. She dropped her head with a gasp, and placed her hands over her ears. No- She hadn't done this in a long time, this was supposed to be their new beginning, she was supposed to be making new memories.
Dina had been talking with Maria, JJ latched to her side like a little monkey. When she glanced around the room for a second, her eyes zeroed in on Ellie, hands clasped over her ears, eyes glazed over and wet with tears. She excuses herself and rushes over to Ellie's side. Gently placing a hand on her face. " Ellie, Ellie I need you to come back to me. Come back to me, El. Our son wants to dance with his mom. "
She gently brushes her fingers through Ellie's hair, whispering softly to her until she was able to pull her out of it. " El, you are home, babe. With me and JJ, we are here. We love you and you are safe. " She repeated this as long as she had to, until the light returned to Ellie's eyes and she dropped her hands slowly.
Ellie looked at Dina with guilt written all over her face. " I'm… I'm sorry, Di- I don't know what… I've been doing so good, that… Hasn't happened in months. " Dina can see that Ellie is on the verge of tears, so she gently takes hold of her hand. " Ellie, I'm not upset with you. These things- They happen sometimes. To the best of us, it doesn't mean you've undone every single ounce of work you've come through. I'm so proud of you, and I just want you to be okay. " She placed a gentle kiss to Ellie's lips.
Carefully pulling her by the hand, she leads her out of the church after saying a quick thank you and goodbye to everyone as a whole.
Ellie looked at Dina with confusion, she really had screwed things up. They were supposed to dance and enjoy the wedding party. " What are we doing? What about- "
Dina shook her head and handed JJ over to Ellie. The other woman grunts slightly from the sudden added weight. " Ellie, we can dance together as a family. "
It's hard to argue when your wife looks so excited at the thought, who cared if it wasn't in front of a crowd. Wasn't that how she preferred it, anyway?
《 》
They soon reached their humble little home, it was no farm house. But it had two stories, and was just the perfect size for their family of three.
Ellie set JJ down on his feet as soon as they stepped inside the house, the boy excitedly followed after Dina as she went to the record player and put on a record for them to dance to.
Ellie smiled faintly at Dina as she grabbed hold of JJ and started dancing with him. He was practically bouncing up and down in excitement as they grooved their way over to her. She gasped as Dina grabbed onto her hand and pulled her into a loving embrace, gently swaying to the music that didn't fit at all. JJ stood on Ellie's converse clad feet, and swayed with them. Her hands holding onto his small one's so he wouldn't fall.
The three of them danced until they couldn't dance anymore, and what that meant was they danced until it was time for JJ to go to bed.
" I'll put him down, babe. " Ellie said as she scooped up a tired JJ from on their couch, she carried him upstairs and helped him get ready for bed. " I love you, mom. " He said softly, drifting off to sleep easily, very worn out from the events of the day.
Ellie slowly walked back down the stairs, surprised to see Dina standing in the middle of their living room, gently swaying to the music and humming to herself. She smiles as she approaches Dina, and wraps her arms around her from behind. Swaying to the music with her, their bodies in sync.
A smile grows on Dina's face, and she turns around in Ellie's embrace. Bringing her own hands up and wrapping them around Ellie's shoulders, letting her head rest against her chest as they swayed to the music. Her brown eyes were filled with so much love for the girl in front of her. " I think that this- Right here, is the start to our forever. I love you, El. "
Ellie's eyes well up with tears and she laughs softly, pressing a quick kiss to the top of Dina's head. " I… I believe that you are right, this moment… And all the one's after. We are stronger together. I love you, Dina. Thanks for allowing me to prove myself, time and time again. "
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