#i imagine kevin would come back to the us because of his retirement/to look out for wymack who is ahem. Getting Old Too
dayurno · 1 year
"Exes Kandriel edition" im so curious as to what you mean by that bc I have seen all kinds of variations of "past relationship one ship new relationship another ship" like past andriel now kevineil or whatever but I don't think I've see a single fic where all 3 of them were together and then broke up??? I want to know what your brain is thinking pls share
HEHE WELL honestly the way i thought of it was kind of just kandreil being a thing throughout college/kevins last year but after his graduation he kind of goes m.i.a, in my heart i think about kevin moving out of the states to play exy a lot and i think itd actually be relevant and even important to him to be able to see the world beyond the nest......... but it also means things like different timezones, new people and new languages, an entire new life really that andreil of course do not agree with... i dont think they necessarily part on bad terms but andrew and neil very much dont want him to move away. in the end kevin (midnight rain plays softly in the background) wants the world in more ways than just a small apartment somewhere in denver and two cats you know....
so the fic would be really kevins return to the us a decade later, having broken off things with andreil but still loving them dearly....... right person wrong time kind of thing really.... and then theres andreil who never really stopped waiting for kevin, never stopped thinking about him, but accepted (after a lot of therapy mind you) that theres nothing you can Do when someone wants to/has to leave. i dont think thered even be a need to Rebuild their relationship per se because its always been there!!! andreil still have his stupid books in their apartment and kevins old jackets in their closet... i think theyd even come to pick him up at the airport totally uninvited too... BASICALLY JUST. ahhh you know... getting older and different but still yourself, being waited for when you thought your absence meant nothing, that kind of thing.... would kevin have stayed if he knew how much his absence would hurt them? would they have been as adamant about him staying if they had the insight of older men who know kevins ambitions are just as important as their own?
SO... old men yaoi........ i actually have a lot of thoughts about this you can guess by the long long answer haha i really want to write this (< going insane).... theyve loved him for almost ten years, what is one more? THAT KIND OF THING........ gah getting emotional just thinking about it.... kevin dayyyy!!! its you. its always been you
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triple-hbk · 3 years
This Isn't Everything You Are- Part 4
Part One Part Two Part Three You've been up all night, and the night before, You've lost count of drinks and time.
Blood dribbled down Shawn chin as they got outside of the bar. Shawn pushed himself away from Hunter and spat out a mouthful of blood onto the ground.
The hotel wasn't far away, a couple of blocks but Hunter didn't know if Shawn would make it. He didn't ask him he just followed Shawn's lead. If he looked like he was struggling, they could get a cab.
Shawn wiped a hand across his face, smearing blood over himself in his attempt to clean himself up. Blood was already trickling back to replace fluid, dripping down his chin and onto the ground, unseen in the dim light. Hunter wasn't in the mood to talk. Too many nights like this. Shawn had been mentioning his back hurting for a while now. Maybe a niggle at first. But it became something that started to wear on him a little. He took more pills for it until he had that fateful casket match. Hunter had seen the impact and worried, but Shawn seemed to be okay. The match carried on as planned and Shawn barely mentioned it in passing backstage.
But then he heard the news. Shawn's back was fucked was the only way to put it.
Vince had pulled him from the In Your House pay-per-view and the next stop was WrestleMania 14. Drop the belt to Austin and then.... well that was the thing. No one knew what was next. Shawn didn't have a clue what he was going to do. Vince didn't suggest any way in using Shawn but did say they'd work things out but Vince was adamant that Shawn should have a break for a while, work on his back and see what happened. So that's where they were. Shawn wasn't wrestling, but he was still required for TV appearances now and then, but things were bad. Shawn looked bad. Physically, he was in great shape. He'd been working to make himself stronger to get through the match and Hunter had never seen Shawn so physically looking fit and toned. But Hunter hated looking at him these days, at his face, in his eyes. He looked tired from too many late nights drinking, from passing out rather than going to sleep. His face was puffy from drinking too much, his eyes a soulless mess, blank and barely hiding the misery inside of him. Shawn couldn't stand thinking about what was ahead for him, so Shawn obliterated himself into drink and drugs constantly.
Tonight, he'd only just started. Hunter knew the routine. Because of the fight, Shawn would go to his hotel room and clean himself up, with Hunter's help. Then it'd be back to the bar for the rest of the night until they wouldn't serve him any more. Invariably, he'd pass out at some point and Hunter would struggle to get him back up to the hotel room. He remembered the physical strain of moving Shawn alone those first few times until one of the hotel staff took pity on him and offered the luggage trolley. He'd felt a little apprehensive. He imagined Shawn finding out what he'd done the following morning and losing his mind over it.
But in the end, it was the best he could do. It was wheel him up on a trolley or drag him around like a corpse.
And the reality was, he knew Shawn wouldn't actually remember anything, or ask questions. Every night they were together, he felt a little resentment build up in him.
He couldn't understand how hard it must be to be told you had to retire when you weren't ready. Shawn was only in his early 30's and that wasn't the time for careers to be over. He knew that it was hard and painful to accept but Shawn had to start accepting it. Instead, Shawn was getting reckless. With himself, with people around him. He lashed out at Vince a lot and Hunter had seen the man bite his tongue more often. And Hunter knew why. He'd spoke to Vince about things one week when Shawn was off. All he needed to do was put up with all the tantrums until they got to Wrestlemania and then, well, once Shawn wasn't the champion, and couldn't wrestle what power could he weld over Vince? The way Shawn was going, Hunter wouldn't be surprised if they weren't keen to wash their hands of him as soon as they could.
Shawn stopped walking abruptly.
“You gonna hurl?” Hunter asked, ready to step out of the way.
“I need to sit,” he said and headed to the steps leading to the doorway of a restaurant that was closed for the night.
He reached into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulled out his painkillers, dry swallowed them though not before he'd spat out another mouthful of blood.
Shawn closed his eyes, waiting for them to take effect and Hunter saw that look of genuine pain on Shawn's face, the one that he was prescribed the pills for in the first place. It made him feel sick when he truly thought about it.
As crazy as Shawn drove him, not having him there any longer would be weird. But he couldn't go on like this forever. One of them would snap.
And really, he didn't want him to go. This wasn't how this whole DX thing was supposed to go. He had so many ideas for them, things he hadn't discussed with Shawn, things that died the second he heard about Shawn's injury.
Shawn winced a little as he sat there. “What's wrong?” Hunter asked.
“Nuffin' jus' havin' a lil' spasm. It'll pass in a minute,” Shawn said.
Guilt gnawed at Hunter as he waited silently for Shawn to recover. He remembered a conversation he had with Kevin a couple of weeks ago when he'd had a tough week with Shawn and he'd unloaded a little more than he'd intended. He knew he'd sounded ungrateful and was bitching about Shawn and he hadn't wanted to, but he was hard work sometimes and he was tired of it. Of literally carrying Shawn.
Kevin had been his usual calm self, told him to hang in there and in a few weeks, he'd get his break from Shawn. He told Hunter it'd probably be good for Shawn to get away from the routine for a while and not to worry.
It had helped.
He looked to Shawn to see his friends eyes upon him. Scrutinising him. “What?” Hunter asked defensively, as though Shawn knew he'd had those bad thoughts about him a few weeks ago.
Shawn looked away. “Nothin'. Jus gonna miss all this.”
“It's not over,” Hunter said. “Rehab your back. Surgery if you have to, but you can come back.”
Shawn stood up. “If I can't wrestle, I don't wanna be here any more,” he said and started walking again. Continuing on the path back to their hotel.
Hunter watched him for a moment, wondering if he meant on the road with him, or just in general.
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wormstacheangel · 4 years
Day 19: Pour One Out
Word Count: 1243
Summary: Dean and Cas celebrate the changes in their lives It’s all fluff and nothing hurts. Continuation of suptober20 days 11-18. Click here to catch up.
“Dean, you can’t be serious? Retiring?” 
Sam was following Dean and Cas down the hall as they headed to the garage. Dean was dragging a grinning Cas along with him but he didn’t look back to see Sam, Eileen and Jack following behind them.
“If Cas wants to be done with it all then I do too. I think saving the world a couple of times gives us that right, don’t you think?”
“Well yeah but Dean we can’t just-”
“We?” Dean finally stops and turns to look at his brother. “This is just a me decision, Sammy. You,” Dean pokes at Sam’s chest. “Do whatever the hell you want. Stay in the business and be the awesome leader you already are or just leave. I don’t care but I’ll support whatever you decide just like I hope you support mine.”
“I’m supposed to support you leaving me alone in all this?”
“Alone?” Dean let go of Cas’s hand and took a hold of Sam’s face so he could really look at him. “If you need me I’ll be right there besides you. No matter what. So don’t think I will ever leave you, Sam, but look around. You’re not alone anymore. We’re not alone anymore. Hell you can even go visit Bobby and Kevin up in heaven if you need someone new to talk to or even hell cause Rowena sure misses you.”
Dean brings Sam down for a hug. Sam hid his face down in Dean’s shoulder like the little brother he was and wrapped himself around Dean to hold him. Looking like a small kid each time and it ached Dean’s heart knowing how much his brother has gone through. 
He kissed his brother’s head once before pulling away. 
“Love you, jerk.”
“Love you too, bitch.”
Dean took Cas’s hand again and they walked towards the garage again.
It was only a short drive to where Dean liked to take Cas to watch the stars. They laid on the hood of the Impala their beers long forgotten, while Dean leaned over Cas so they could continue to make out. Well they weren’t making out at first but Dean couldn’t stop himself from leaning over to capture his boyfriend’s lips when he was so damn happy.
Cas arms wrapped around Dean’s neck, his fingers sliding and pulling at his hair, as he pulled away to breath. His pink lips swollen as he panted a breath with a growing smile. Dean couldn’t help himself as he leaned back down to have his lips touch whatever skin he could get from Cas.
“I like you like this.” Cas sighs before he giggled because Dean was leaving open mouth kisses down the side of Cas’s jaw. Nibbling down his neck and that sweet spot right behind Cas’s ear that tickled him. “I didn’t expect this reaction from you.”
“What did you expect?” Dean looked down at him with an eyebrow raised. “A fight.”
“Of course.”
“Well I’m tired of fighting.” He pressed a quick kiss on his lips before he peppered kisses right behind Cas’s ear to make him squirm and laugh. “I’ll follow your ass down to Mordor, baby.”
Cas rolled his eyes but pulled Dean’s face back down for another kiss. Their mouths gliding together easily as they smiled into the kiss. 
“So you really want this? You really want to retire from hunting, from this life, with me?” Cas asked as their foreheads touched. “I’ll understand if you change your-”
“Cas, I love you. If you wanna retire and get a damn house in the middle of nowhere then I'm down.”
“Well we already live in the middle of nowhere so how about a nice apartment in town?”
“We’ll have neighbors?”
“Yeah but we won’t know their names. We’ll just be polite and say hi in passing.”
“And we’ll get normal jobs.”
“We’ll be dumb civilians.” Cas grinned up at him as his hand cupped Dean’s cheek. “With rent to pay.”
Dean scrunched up his face. “Well now this scenario sucks.” 
“We can buy a farm? You can be a cowboy for a living.”
“Oh now that’s something we can look forward to. Aloha cowboy.” Dean leaned back down to press a smiley kiss towards Cas who was already laughing. That cute laugh where it was teeth and gums while his eyes sparkled. Oh, Dean can’t imagine life without it now.  “Marry me.”
Cas' smile drops as he pulls away to look at Dean with wide eyes, “W-what?”
“You heard me, dumbass, marry me.”
“You’re not even asking me? You’re telling me to marry you.” Cas let out a huff of a laugh before he narrowed his eyes back at Dean, a pout on his lips. “Wait...are you- Dean this isn’t funny.”
“Do you want me to get on one knee and buy you a fancy ring so you’ll fucking believe me?” Dean sat up as he looked down at Cas with a growing grin.
“Actually that would be nice.” Cas held his left hand out so he could squint at it. “Maybe I would be more convinced to say yes.”
“You fucking asshole.” Dean reached over to tickle down Cas’s sides and he was already laughing and trying to sit up before Dean could even touch him. “Just answer me, dipshit. Will you marry me?”
“Dean.” Cas pulled Dean’s face to his own again, kissing him slowly and Dean didn’t have to look down at Cas’s grace to see how bright it was. The warmth was already tingling through him. “Of course, Dean. Of course, I’ll marry you.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
They kiss again both grinning as Dean slides down the hood of the Impala and pulls Cas down with him. So he can properly hold his fiancé and kiss him with every damn fiber in his being. Fuck, Cas was his fiancé. Castiel angel of the lord was his fucking fiancé!
“Stop smiling I can’t kiss you like this and I want to kiss you damn it.” Cas mutters as he wraps his arms around Dean’s waist with his own grin pressing against his own. 
“You stop smiling.” Dean presses their foreheads together as he nuzzles their noses. 
“I can’t. I’m too happy.”
“Me too. Fuck, I love you so much.” Dean hid his face into Cas’s neck and left little kisses there. “We're engaged!”
Cas laughed, a deep and beautiful freeing laugh. “Yes, we are.”
Dean reached down and grabbed one of the beers that was left forgotten by the car. 
“Let’s pour one out to our old lives! Because our new one is going to be so much better.” Dean started to pour the beer to the ground and when it was all done he turned back to Cas. “We’re engaged. We’re retired and we’re going to look for our own place! Cas, I think we’re growing up.”
“Are we too grown up to celebrate in the back of the Impala?” Cas raised a flirty eyebrow at him as he took Dean’s hand to lead him to the backseat.
“Oh. Oh hell yeah.” Dean let himself be pulled, cause who in the right mind wouldn’t, by his boy-nope! His fiancé. His hot ex-angel of the lord fiancé. Cas sat inside the car first before he pulled Dean in, sliding their lips together as Dean carefully followed him inside. “Mr. Castiel Winchester.”
“Oh fuck, I like that way too much. Come here already.”
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kimburgess-ruzek · 3 years
you have no idea.
chapter two.
Tumblr media
summary: burzek. Something Kim does changes her future in Intelligence forever. In ways no one can imagine. But when she is caught on the wrong side of crime, will her previous reputation and relationship with the police help her? Or are her actions so damaging that nothing or no one can save her?
word count: 3.5k
t/w: none.
read on ao3.
tap, tap, tap. tap, tap, tap.
The bullpen was silent. Well, for the most part, except for the excessive tapping coming from Adam’s pen on his desk. He was so exhausted. and not just from the lack of sleep. no, he was so tired of not enjoying his work day anymore. before, before everything changed, he loved going to the district. he loved serving the city. it didn’t feel like work for him, and he loved getting justice for chicago. now, he barely makes it to work on time, never volunteers for overtime, and can hardly make it through the day without getting grumpy, hangry, or fed up. what caused the change in adam’s attitude? adam liked to beat around the bush, blame his attitude change on anything but the truth, whether that be old age, time, or the lack of vacation hours. but in reality, he knew why he hated coming to work everyday. hell, everyone in intelligence, at the 21st knew why. kim. it was because of kim. the way everything went down, how he doesn’t get to see her everyday, how he doesn’t get to take her to molly’s after a hard day and buy her a beer, how he doesn’t know where she is today, how her leaving changed the entire dynamic of the upstairs. everything about this situation made adam feel slimy, and he can’t help but feel some type of way when it comes with kim. because believe it or not, he is in love with kim. he’s never stopped loving her, and even though he hasn’t claimed it, even though he never admits it, he still feels bad for how everything went down and how he can’t be with the love of his life. what makes him feel worse is that he can’t do anything about it. and kim won’t reach out to him. adam feels helpless. truly helpless.
adam was running his mind to the ground and his body was physically doing all that he could to stay awake; the fact that there was no action happening with the case right now really wasn’t helping much.
at first, Jay and Hailey had no luck gathering security footage from the club. The owner refused to give it up, leading the team to believe that he must know something important. The two brought him in, with some help with patrol after the owner decided to take off, and now Voight and Rojas were interrogating him while Hailey and Jay watched behind the window. Adam and Kevin were in the bullpen, ready for the when the footage would be sent to them. Because the owner wouldn’t give it up, the video cam had to go through paperwork before being able to be looked through.
Adam was lost in his uncontrollable, subconscious tapping when he was hit in the forehead with a flying, foreign object.
after being stunned for a second, adam looked down at the object and found out Kevin threw a flying wad of paper, breaking him from his trance and making him drop his pen.
“Ruz, if you don’t stop that damn tapping, I’m gonna have to come over there and kill you.” Kevin deadpanned as leaned away from his computer screen, making himself visible to adam. he sat back in his desk chair after throwing the paper ball, succeeded both in the perfect aim of the flying paper was and getting adam to stop tapping his pen. kevin was just as tired as Adam, and the constant, incessant noise was starting to give him a headache.
Adam was too tired to even pick up neither the paper nor the pen that had fallen to the ground. instead he put his hand to his temple where the paper wad hit and looked at kevin with confused, tired bug eyes.
“bro, what the hell?!” adam half yelled, using his free hand to throw up in the air in disgust.
kevin didn’t even give adam an answer. he half laughed, giving adam that “you’re such an over exaggerating, neurotic ass and you need to stop looking at me with those bug eyes because it’s just a piece of paper” look. he shook his head and turned around, got up and walked to the break room. of course, adam, being the guy that he is, had to see this through. while he was tired, he still thought it was uncalled for. he marched into the break room after kevin, who was pouring both of them a cup of coffee.
“yo, what’s your problem, man?” adam asked in the doorway.
kevin finished pouring adam’s cup of coffee before turning around to face him. he sighed, and after a long pause said, “bro. it was just a piece of paper.”
adam sighed and put his hand to his forehead, only then realizing how stupid he looked. he tried to relieve the tension from his headache to no avail, so he instead took the coffee kevin offered him.
“and you were tapping your pen which was distracting me from daydreaming about all of the free time i’ll have away from you when I retire.” Kevin finished as he handed adam his coffee and sipped on his. Adam took his mug and drank all of it in one swig like it was water. he gave the mug back to kevin and kevin had to double check to see if adam actually drank all of it, which he did. impressed, kevin placed the mug in the sink.
“Sorry man, I didn’t even know I was doing it.” Adam buried his face with his hands and sighed, leaning against the wall. He was exhausted, and his empty stomach was reminding him how hungry he was by growling every four minutes.
“what’s up, bro? really, you know i’m here for you,” kevin looked at his friend with concern. of course he knew what was wrong with adam; he’d never been the same since that day. but the two of them had never talked it out, and he thought adam would benefit by confiding in him.
for the first time — whether it was because of him actually wanting help or him just being completely exhausted, he didn’t know — adam admitted his true feelings.
“man, i just… i just want her back up here, you know. it’s not the same, it’s not fair… it’s not fair how everything went down.” adam took a breath, feeling a weight lift off of him. as much as he hate to say it, he felt good finally saying what he’s been feeling for the past two months. kevin just looked at him, letting adam finish getting everything off his chest.
“and it’s more than that, man… i feel bad for her i really do. and i feel guilty everyday, because everyday i don’t get to see her up here when i know she deserves it. i, i should’ve stood up for her. i should’ve been there for her. i should’ve… i should’ve done more. and now, she hates me, she’s out of a job, and she’s off the grid. hell, i don’t even know if she’s still in chicago. and it sucks. it sucks that i can’t be there for her when i know she needs it.”
kevin walked over and put his hand to adam’s shoulder, showing him support. “bro, you did everything you could. there was no helping the situation. and you are being there for her, by calling her, even if she doesn’t return them. kim’s strong. she’s just.. you know she’s taking it hard. she’ll come around. she will.”
Adam let out a breath and nodded to kevin. it’s still not fair, adam thought to himself. but he didn’t want to drag it out and he appreciated kevin’s support. he just wanted everything back to the way it was, but he didn’t know how.
kevin and adam walked back into the break room to see that the others were still in the interrogation room and the footage hasn’t been approved to watch yet. they both sighed and slumped back into their chairs, getting back into their boredom.
out of the blue, kevin let out, “i can’t take this. i’m bored and i need food.”
after adam’s stomach growled for about the third time in the past ten minutes, he let out, “I need food too. and more caffeine.”
“hey man, why don’t you go get us some lunch. and you can get you some coffee that doesn’t taste like it came from the break room.” Kevin suggested, smirking and shrugging his shoulders.
“Really? You think it’s a good idea...” Adam asked, wary. Ever since Kim has been gone, Voight has been pretty tough on the team. He’s gotten stricter, not taking much bullshit from anyone. and yes, he’s even strict about leaving on a personal to get lunch.
As much as he would hate to admit it, Voight wasn’t doing that well either. When Kim left, he not only lost someone from his unit, but he also lost a valuable, genuine person that he considered a peer and colleague. To him, Kim has always been humble and hardworking. She was never obnoxious and she never acted self-righteous towards civilians. no, she actually cared about these cases, unlike others upstairs. kim saw more than bad guys and drug addicts; she saw people who needed help and victims that needed justice. she always saw a case through, and she never wanted to quit. To Voight, it was almost as if Kim was never satisfied with her work. She always wanted to do more, handle more cases. and He liked that about her. Kim was someone that he got to train and advise from the beginning; he got to watch her grow as a cop and person as she worked in Intelligence. and he loved that. he loved getting to watch someone with no policing background defy the criticism and earn a spot in intelligence. he admired how hard kim fought to be in intelligence. he appreciated the hard work she put in in order to prove not only everyone else but also herself that she deserves to be recognized.
and then the whole situation went down. voight tried to save kim by benching her, but he should’ve known she would leave on her own. and he hated himself to this day for it. he should’ve done a million things different, if he did, kim would still be up with his unit and everyone would still be happy. but he didn’t, and kim was no longer there. Voight did feel bad about the whole situation that happened with Kim; he felt awful about the aftermath and falling out of the case. but there was nothing he could do. It had gone too far. kim had gone too far. voight regrets not fighting more for kim to stay. he does. and he feels guilty that kim has basically gone radio silent. he asked around for the first couple of weeks, seekng if adam heard anything from her. when he realized kim wasn’t going to call back, voight never asked again. he hardened on the outside. he knew he could never go backward, so he decided to move forward. he decided he was going to save everyone else and not let another situation like this ever happen again by throwing himself on his work. he started being tougher on the team. No more rule breaking. Everything by the book. by doing so he hoped nothing like i with kim would ever happen again. and he hoped that with time, kim would finally come around.
Even though Adam could see through Voight — he could see how hurt he was — he still knew not to cross him. But Kevin was in dire need of coffee and he knew Adam could use the fresh air and change of atmosphere. He also knew Voight wouldn’t be too mad if he was back by the time the footage was released.
“Just go, bro. Voight won’t even know. that club owner doesn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon. plus, I’ll text you when we get the footage. Just don’t dally.” Kevin reassured.
Despite Adam still being suspicious, he got up and put his jacket on and hopped down the stairs. He was almost in the clear before he heard someone calling his name over his shoulder.
Adam hastily turned around and walked back up to the voice that just called his name. “What’s up Trudy?”
Trudy lowered her glasses on her nose and looked at Adam. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“just getting me and kev some lunch. and Quickly, so I won’t get chewed out by my boss.” Adam hinted, wanting to be excused so he could get out and back in time. He raised his eyebrows and bit his lip.
“Alright.” Trudy nodded and paused, looking Adam up and down.
Adam waited and after a second of feeling uncomfortable, he turned and left but was yet again called back by Platt.
“adam. come back here i wasn’t done.”
“Sargent, if you don’t mind, I would like to get back in time so I can maintain my job.” Adam huffed and walked back to the sergeant’s desk. He was losing precious time every second he stayed in the building.
Trudy extended a hand and patted Adam on the arm.
“Adam.. If you need anything, just to talk or even to sit and listen, I’m here.” Trudy offered, staring right at Adam.
Trudy took the news hard. Really hard. Kim was without a doubt her favorite person up in intelligence, and even thought she didn’t show it outwardly, Kim had a soft spot in her heart for trudy. She appreciated all of Kim’s resilience while on patrol and she missed being able to pick on her and talk to her when Kim moved up to Intelligence. However, they still kept their friendship while kim was upstairs.
After Kim and Adam lost the baby, they both took it hard. Adam was more transparent with his feelings, but Kim grieved hard and alone. trudy tried getting kim to talk, but kim wouldn’t budge at first. Eventually, though, she opened up to Trudy, ever so slightly. kim kept opening up, each time sharing a little more of her feelings. trudy never pushed her more than what she felt kim could handle, and kim appreciated that. the two would talk after shift here and there. it was never really at an official meeting place, just whenever kim would want to get something off of her chest. but trudy loved it. she knew kim needed someone to confide in, and she felt honored that it was her and kim trusted her enough to do so. Trudy learned a lot about Kim that she never knew beforehand, like her life before policing and why she is the way she is.
and then came that case. the case that never should’ve happened if justice was served the right way the first time.
trudy was working the front desk like she does everyday. even though it was so late, she was still at the front desk per voight’s request. she had known about the case intelligence was working, and she was helping out in anyway she could. she knew the team were en route to arrest the two men that just recently got their freedom back, and she knew that voight made kim stay upstairs. trudy knew kim took it hard, she wanted so badly to give firsthand the justice those men’s victims deserved. and voight and trudy both knew that without someone watching the front exit, kim would sercretly make her way out and to the nightclub. so trudy, wanting to protect kim from not only voight but from her own impulsiveness, she stood at the front desk, making sure kim wouldn’t try anything. so when she got a personal call from voight, so knew something was up.
“hank. what’s up.”
“did burgess leave upstairs?”
trudy could hear the concern in voight’s voice, making her start to grow weary. “no, i’ve been watching the front like a hawk. she hasn’t stepped foot downstairs.”
“i need you to go upstairs and see where kim is. the two men are not at the nightclub, and she hasn’t given any updates in the past 9 minutes. she would’ve gotten a ping on their car if they left.”
“copy you.” trudy took her phone off of her ear and half ran upstairs. the pit in her stomach kept rising, and she knew something bad had to have happened. kim wouldn’t have left her desk long enough to not see the car move and notify the guys. no, something had to have happened. and trudy didn’t like the feeling she had about this.
trudy came to an empty upstairs. she surveyed the room and saw no movement, no sign of kim anywhere. she panned to her desk and saw that the computer screen was up, but her jacket was gone.
“no. no. no. no. no.”
“trudy what’s going on?”
voight took trudy out of her thoughts. she put the phone back up to her ear and went to kim’s desk.
“hank, kim’s not here. she’s not upstairs and her jackets gone.”
“shit. where would she have gone trudy?” voight’s voice was rising and trudy looked over her desk, worried. she was looking for any clues about her whereabouts when she saw it.
“the two men’s car showed to have left the bar 8 minutes ago. it pinged at 17th avenue.” trudy looked at the whiteboard filled with information from the ongoing case.
“that must be their apartment. kim must’ve left to go to their apartment. she must’ve took the back exit.”
“send me that address NOW.” trudy could feel the anger in voight’s voice through the phone. she quickly sent the address.
she couldn’t believe it. what was she thinking, not covering the back exit? now kim had gone off the books, gone rogue. and whatever kim did, trudy would hang over her shoulders.
what was kim doing?
and now kim was gone, went awol. Trudy felt that previous bond disappear. she felt guilt, she felt horrible, she felt resentment. she couldn’t help but feel like it was her fault that everything went bad. she should’ve known kim wasn’t going to stop, she was going to do everything she could to help those women. and even though afterwards, voight and the team said it wasn’t trudy’s fault, she knew herself that kim would still be up there today if she had just stayed upstairs with kim.
trudy had tried to reach out to kim, but she got no answer and after a few weeks, she eventually gave up. But she knew Adam didn’t. and she knew if anyone took kim leaving harder than her it was adam. so she would sporadically try to talk to him, let him know she was there for him. it was the least she could do, she felt like.
Adam tensed his jaw and just nodded, almost unable to get a ‘yes’ out. When Trudy smiled softly and cued toward the door, excusing him to leave, he quickly turned around and walked out of the district to his car. Now all he had his mind on was food and caffeine, and getting back in time before getting his head chewed off.
The ride to the get lunch was pretty fast and uneventful. All Adam could think about was getting his hands on his favorite sandwich from his favorite deli shop that was conveniently next to a nice, local coffee shop. Adam looked down at the time.
11:55 am.
It was prime time for lots of hungry day workers, and Adam could tell by the crowd through the glass windows and the busy sidewalk. Adam knew that he had to make a quick run in order to get back to the bullpen in time so he hurriedly paralleled parked and jogged across the street. he had the game plan of getting his coffee, drinking it as he went and got him and kevin some lunch, and eat it on the way back to the bullpen with no trace of evidence by that time he got back to the 21st. he put his badge on his right hip in plain sight, hoping he would get some brownie points. He pushed past the moving current of the sidewalk and as he swung the door wide open he bumped into someone, causing the person to drop their recently purchased coffee on the ground.
Shit, Adam.
Adam was regaining himself when the woman he bumped into knelt down and tried to salvage her freshly brewed, hot coffee, only for her to realize it was spilt and gone forever.
“God, look where you’re going next time.” The woman scolded Adam, standing up and brushing her shirt.
All of a sudden, Adam froze in his place. The woman was shorter than he and was wearing a black ball cap, so Adam couldn’t see her face. But he knew that voice. He knew it from mile away.
It can’t be. It can’t be her.
“Are you going to get out of my way or—“ The woman rolled her eyes and looked up at Adam, preparing to chew him out for taking up her time and slowing her down. That’s when Adam’s thoughts were confirmed.
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xlady-saya · 4 years
i’ve had a love of my own [ch 1]
Relationships: andrew/neil
Summary: Despite everything Neil could’ve imagined for his life, he never thought he’d be here, finally giving the world the interview they’ve always wanted.
It’s been decades, but even with his numerous accolades and sports wins, he finds that they’re the least important thing about his life.
Neil can’t help but laugh. Andrew would be so annoyed if he were here.
Of course, Neil only wants to talk about him, and the life they spent together.
Tags: interviews, post canon, major character death but not how u think I swear lol, neil is an old man retelling his memories about andrew, cheesy romance, post retirement, see more tags on ao3
Read on ao3!
Neil pricks himself on the old Palmetto pin as he fixes it to his collar, jabbing the same spot on his thumb he hit just a week before.
He hardly winces at the feeling these days, and for a long time, Matt joked about how he really couldn't go a day without attracting some form of violence. Neil smiles at the thought, because it's far from the truth. He stands by the claim he never asked for fights, simply had no problem finishing them.
"You mean letting me finish them," Andrew would quip, and they'd go back and forth all over again in a never-ending argument. It's so never-ending, Neil goes through the motions of it even now, however many decades later.
This pin tends to start it, since it's the only remotely dangerous thing he owns now. The orange is still bright and obnoxious, with criss crossing Exy racquets in a bright white. He's memorized the raised edges, tilted from old age. The once silver backing has rust spots, but no one ever sees that part. It has its reputation intact, and Neil smiles sardonically.
It's not the only thing that's been worn down, but he likes to think he doesn't look as bad as he could too. Laughing at his own joke, he taps the pin lightly. It's apparently vintage now, according to Allison, since the new Palmetto merch has drifted into neon territory.
Neil is glad he kept his own. It's especially important today, he thinks, that he shows as much fondness for the past as possible. Though, it's not for his sake. His room is nothing but littered with the tokens of the past.
Sighing, he stares fondly out across the living room, the walls haphazardly decorated with old, signed jerseys his friends used to wear. He has one from each of their old teams, but picked his favorites to go up on the wall. The rest sit in storage, ready to be auctioned off whenever he decides living is too much of a chore. Above the mantle, Andrew's racquet from his last team hangs in a shadow box. Then below it, framed pictures which Neil tries to rotate as best he can, some of them shitty ones converted from his phone camera. Mostly, they're of his Foxes at various points in their lives. The only two photos which stay the same are the one he took with Andrew and Kevin at the Olympics, and the snapshot of him and Andrew at the airport in his first year at Palmetto.
If he had to catalog the room, that would barely scratch the surface. He's pages away from mentioning Nicky's terribly made mugs, Betsy's first editions, and cookie tins filled with postcards Katelyn and Aaron sent twenty years ago.
Most of the time, the untidy collection of junk surrounding him is a comfort. It makes the small apartment feel like home, or as close as he can get when he's by himself. He swears some of the items still carry the unique scents of grass stains and floor polish, or Allison's perfume and the glitter glue from Dan and Matt's kids.
When that fails him, the candle he has in every room does the trick to fill in the blanks. Andrew used the same scent for over half their life together: breakfast pancakes. It's sickly sweet and stains the furniture, and Neil loves nothing more than to bury his face in the cushions after a day of having them lit.
These are the things that ground him, that keep him in place, but today he feels fidgety for the first time in years. He shouldn't be, he thinks, laughing to himself. He planned this after all, it's just...
Well, he's never been the best at talking to people.
There's a knock at his door, and the cuckoo clock on the wall (shockingly, that one is his fault) tells him it's right on schedule. Neil sighs, slipping his feet into the white slippers beneath him. "Come in, Sydney."
The nurse on his floor opens the door to his apartment with a smile, too fresh faced and early for this time of day. She’s young, and she's always been a bit cheery for his taste, but she reminds him of Katelyn and he allows it. In the last few years, when Andrew's migraines prevented him from reading, she'd bring him audiobook gift cards.
She smiles bright, and he gives her that look for her to cut it out. At this point, she's less put off by it and more amused. He only tells her to save the smiles because if she doesn't she'll have wrinkles like him years from now. He hates how much he sounds like Allison.
Neil hardly looks in the mirror anymore, but this morning he put in some effort. He looks as perpetually tired as he always looked back in the day, except now his eye bags are accompanied by wrinkles that form their own topographical map on his face.
At least he didn't lose all his hair.
The only thing is his blue eyes are as piercing as ever, so coupled with the grandpa look, he's quite intimidating. Not that he needs to be, but it's nice to feel a little capable when he can barely walk by himself anymore.
"Morning, Mr. Josten," Sydney greets, untucking the wheelchair from behind the door and pushing it over to him. He makes sure to grab Andrew's favorite crochet blanket. He hates messing with it, but he thinks the smell of nicotine it carries will help him today. Refresh his memory.
Neil grumbles, but lets her help him into the chair. He has on his good lounge pants, without holes, and his old Palmetto sweater. "I told you years ago I hate being called that."
"Because it makes you feel old," she jabs, teasing lightly. Even still, she's gentle when she places the blanket over his lap and hands him his glasses. "I have to keep you in line somehow."
As she wheels him out of his room, he starts fidgeting again. He's used to exploring the luxury nursing home on his own time, not because he has somewhere to be. He hasn't had somewhere to be since...well, he hates thinking about that, lest he run into a memory that hurts more than helps.
Today isn't the day for that.
Some other, more able-bodied residents pass by him on foot, waving amicably and knowing better than to expect a wave back. Shockingly, he's well liked here, probably because he doesn't have rowdy grandkids who break the peace. Plus, he's pretty sure some of them are old fans.
Sydney leans down as they pass through the common area and into one of the meeting rooms, the spotless linoleum floor throwing him off as usual. He never would've picked a place so expensive and fancy for himself, but Andrew was always someone with classy tastes. "Ready for today?"
At the reminder, Neil wrings his fingers together. Not advised by his doctor, but fuck that guy. "As ready as I'll ever be," he says, glaring at the glass doors ahead. Sydney laughs, placing him at the end of a large table. The meeting room creeps him out, since it's mostly used for family meetings or will planning appointments. Sound proof, silent.
"Oh hush, you're a famous athlete, I'm sure you've faced worse," she chides, pouring him a glass of water without any ice. Because he's a fiend. Neil rolls his eyes; she has no idea. He's threatened countless reporters before for stepping even a toe out of line, but some recent college grads from an indie publication are making him sweat more than an Exy game. Sydney makes a show of whispering behind her hand. "Besides, I heard from Gabe at the front desk they look terrified, so go easy on them, yes? Can't have another cafeteria incident."
Ugh, not that again.
"You have no witnesses," he waves off, leaning back in his seat while Sydney sets the break in place. Only then is he hit with a wave of calm, fondness even. His quivering hands curl as best they can in the blanket, the ghost of a grip, and he smiles out across the room. Ah, he can't be doing this already, but it's hard to help. He itches for the smell of a cigarette, a press on the back of his neck. Closing his eyes, he tries his best to feel it. "Besides, once they know why they're really here they won't be nearly so stressed. Hell, they might even be disappointed."
He tries not to grimace at that, but for the time he's giving them and the paperwork he made them sign, they're going to sit and listen to his old man ravings all day or so help him--
He feels a hand brush against his, and when he looks Sydney is there. She squeezes his fingers in hers, smile fond and weighed down with a sadness so foreign, he nearly regrets telling her to cut it out. But no, he understands. He's the one who understands the most. She grazes the fabric of the blanket as she pulls away, breathing in the same smoke he can for just a moment. "No, I don't think that's possible."
She doesn't give Neil time to doubt himself, not that he could. He can never doubt anything when it comes to Andrew, no matter how much the blond secretly doubted about himself. Neil always teased him for that, and his living oxymoron ways.
Neil's biggest goal of the day is to piss off Andrew's ghost as much as humanly possible, and his grin is nearly splitting at the thought. Fine, mission active.
"Good luck!" Sydney calls as she leaves the meeting room, and he watches her gesture to his guests once they arrive through the glass doors.
Oh shit, they really do look terrified.
The two interviewers see him through the door and Neil can only assume they shit a brick. They're young, can't be more than a few years out of university, dressed way too professionally for someone as uncaring as Neil. They could've shown up in clown costumes for all he cared, at least he would've gotten a good laugh.
The young man fumbles with the door and his companion rushes forward a little too fast before correcting herself. Jeez.
Neil does his best to hide his laugh, not that he's ever been polite. It's more...
Their terror is Neil's fault. He started declining interviews soon after he retired, letting his name and lifestyle fade into mystery and speculation with the public. Kevin had not been happy about it, since to this day he and Thea are in the public eye, commentating on Exy games, doing talk shows, helping curate museums, blah, blah, blah...
Neil didn't have time for that.
He never thought he'd be okay with slipping back into unknown status after so many years of being seen, being cheered for, but when the time came it was an easy choice. Andrew made it so. Neil had his time to be free, to do whatever he wanted and play the sport he loved. But ultimately, when he no longer could, fucking off to do whatever he wanted with Andrew sounded way better than dealing with reporters and overzealous fans.
Just because he became an unknown though, doesn't mean he faded into obscurity. According to Allison, his life has been quite a hot button issue in the community for over a decade. People want to know where he's been, what he did during those years, how he looks back on the past, everything. It's been obnoxious.
Popular sports magazines and large publications have practically been clawing for a piece of him for years, and he's never given in no matter how many fruit bouquets they sent or how many checks they tried to write him. Though, one almost got him purely because they kept sending gourmet chocolates, and if Andrew was a glutton before, old age only made it worse.
So, Neil Josten is back to being a subject of interest for some reason, someone people want to know everything about. For him to randomly call up a dying indie magazine and offer them full rights to an interview under his specific terms surely threw the sports world into a fucking whirl.
He's going to share what he wants to share. Nothing more, nothing less.
"Mr. Jo--" The first reporter clears his throat, passing his notepad and phone over to his other hand before outstretching one to Neil. "Mr. Josten. It's such an honor to meet you, um, wow. I'm Blake, and this is Rayah. We're so grateful for being granted the opportunity to interview you. You're a legend!"
Neil stares at the outstretched hand like he doesn't know what to do with it, and as much as he does know what's expected of him, part of his hesitation is equal parts his disinterest and the fact he doesn't talk to anyone but his remaining family these days. Well, and Sydney.
Blake swallows and drops his hand, surely admonishing himself for his own stupidity.
Rayah saves him. "Um, we really are appreciative, sir," she says, laying out some notepads and setting up her recorder. Old school, Neil appreciates it. It's better than cameras and microphones. "We're still in shock honestly. We were theorizing on why you picked us the entire drive up here!"
"Neil is fine, and don't bother with small talk I know it's not why you're here," he says then, smiling at her words. They both flinch, taken aback. He's not sure why they'd be expecting a Kevin Day type. He has a record for being too blunt and argumentative for his own good. He's right though; they're here for answers, not discussions on how he's doing or what he does for fun in his not so humble nursing home. In much the same vein, he promised honesty, so he'll give it from the start. "I picked you precisely because you're unknown and failing."
They freeze, but they're clearly not Foxes. If they were, they'd immediately get indignant and glare, hold themselves back from punching a helpless old man. Oh, those were the good ol' days.
When Rayah fumbles for a response, a logic, Neil simply shrugs. "I like the underdogs."
He doesn't intend it to be, but it's a tension breaker. The stiffness in the reporters' shoulders deflate with a laugh, and they finally get back to organizing themselves without looking like they want to run for the hills and beg ESPN to take over.
"As your history suggests," Blake jokes, and Neil rewards him with a grin, tapping his Foxes pin.
He doesn't mention the fact Andrew would've never spoken to him had he gone to some trashy magazine, and that Andrew was always a bit of a rebel himself, though he hated to admit to any kind of urge that didn't involve Neil, sweets, or fancy cars.
Neil takes the free moment to wrap his blanket around his shoulders, letting the ingrained smell of ash permeate around him. Much better, he can think so much clearer like this.
As they finish setting up and take their seats across from him, Blake taps his pencil against the rim of his notepad. It looks like he almost wants to launch back into small talk, but thinks better of it when he remembers Neil's words. Considerate, a good listener. Just what Neil needs today.
Blake clears his throat, cutting through the bullshit. "Now, we know you have specific terms for how you want to lead this interview, which we're completely fine with. Wherever you want to start, we'll follow."
And with that, they sit back, unsure but ready to catch whatever morsel of information might fall from Neil's lips. Again, he finds himself fighting a smirk.
Of course, he led these people astray a bit, but he doesn't see the problem with having a little fun before revealing his true intentions.
He nods, pushing down the giddy feeling that always comes with talking about Andrew. Not yet, but soon.
"Hm, I assume you prepared some questions just in case," Neil asks, taking a sip of his water.
Rayah blinks, exchanging a look with Blake. She rifles through her notepad to a page in the middle, scribbled and stained with ink. There are so many questions on it, some of them curve over the others in a painful word twister. "Uh yes but, we didn't think you'd want to answer them," she guesses.
She's correct.
Neil loathes interview questions, because they're predictable. But in this case, he'll let the first one lead him down the road.
Neil relents, leaning back in his wheelchair. "Well you're mostly right, but why don't you ask me your first one?" He offers, and they look positively ecstatic. "That'll get me started."
And once he starts, he doubts he'll be able to stop.
"Sure." Blake clears his throat, making sure his recorder is functioning properly. When he's satisfied, he leans back, mirroring Neil's posture, though the rigidity is still there. If he doesn't lighten up, he's going to have back pains for days. "Now, there have been a lot of milestones in your career as a pro athlete. No one would dream of disputing your skill in the sport, or how you earned any of your countless awards--"
"Flattery," Neil warns, raising a single finger. That's not what he's here for either. In fact, as much as this is his interview, it's not about him at all.
"Right," Blake says with a huff of a laugh. "But surely one of your brightest moments was your historic win at the Olympics. It was talked about for months within the community. Of course, any true Exy fan knows the details of the game, it was only covered by every major publication. So, I guess our question is, what do you most remember about that moment? Was it as monumental for you as it was for Exy fans?"
Ah, a predictable question, but also not a bad place to begin. Neil doesn't fight the edge of the smirk that appears, though he does raise his thumb to swipe at it. It's been a while since he's felt so mischievous, it's so difficult to be, well, difficult when you're being wheeled around all day.
It was a monumental moment for him, though maybe not for the reasons everyone else would think.
"You certainly did your research," he comments, humming as he sits back in thought. He already knows his answer, but he's weak, and the feelings the memory evokes barely need to push him to send him careening off balance. Swept up. "Not sure what I was expecting from people so young, but my apologies for making assumptions."
He's glad they didn't ask the question in the stereotypical format, fishing for ways to brag and make it all about him. When he thinks of that time, as proud as he was, it's not his own praise that comes to mind.
With that in mind, Neil sighs.
"I don't think it was an exaggeration to say that was one of the best days of my life," he admits, and it's the truth. He's not here to lie. Come to think of it, he hasn't lied once since Andrew ran on ahead of him. Smiling, Neil lets the words flow.
"It was important to me, but not all because of the Olympics themselves..."
Neil rarely has time to pay attention in Exy games, as horrible and inefficient as that sounds.
His feet move on their own accord like a well-oiled machine, cogs and steam rushing through him to propel him across the court at record speeds. And they are record speeds.
That's why he's here isn't it? To run, to score.
It had been overwhelming when he first arrived, the sheer size of the Exy court at the Olympics. It's surrounded by flags from all over the world, bright neon signs and sponsorships. The lights at the entrance had been so vibrant, he made the mistake of looking up at them.
All aspects about it are, because as much as Neil knows this is his life, it can't possibly be reality.
The crowd makes the one at the Ravens' stadium seem minuscule, out of its league with seats and aisles that almost climb up to the heavens. The crowd roars and Neil feels every cheer and stomp echo against his bones.
He never thought he'd be here, but despite the gravity of it, he no longer has the time nor want to dwell on it. All that matters is his team, and getting them the gold.
Being with Andrew afterwards...getting to see Wymack smile proudly at Kevin.
Letting Kevin be proud of himself.
And Neil is an Olympic-qualified player, so with all that in mind, he delivers the second best game of his life. Even in the final seconds of the second half, even when he's been body checked so many times the nuts and bolts he imagines inside him must surely be worn and off-kilter, he doesn't stop moving. Everything is instinct, from the force of his steps to the last minute shifts he needs to intercept the ball.
It's not Kevin's perfect strategy, it's not a map or an out of body experience where he can see where every player on the court is.
He has no idea what's going on outside of what's in front of him, no awareness of anything but the immediate threats and a certain beacon, standing in the goal.
And that's the hardest part of it all, not being able to look over at Andrew for even a moment after he scores, because the game is fast and ruthless, and he has twice the energy of anyone on this court.
It's a stupid way to play, if he's really supposed to be Kevin's double. But they all long since established he is far from it. He has his own passion, his own drive, and Kevin trusts Neil with his life on the court.
Probably through anything.
So when he sees the perfect opportunity for a final interception, a chance to get them the last winning goal of the game, he's surprised that it's the one moment where it all comes to a stop. He's never had the experience before; normally his body snaps into action. He's not used to comprehending things until they're said and done.
He thinks his body is still following through though, turning in just the right way, making sure he's lined up.
But Neil is aware of so much more, his eyes train like a predator's on the goal, and he understands. He has a choice.
Choices are a weird luxury now, but he's gotten so used to having the freedom of them, he's forgotten the sheer magnitude they can carry.
His eyes snap to the goal, and then to Kevin. Kevin, who is so much closer, and already looking right at Neil.
And Neil never describes himself as fond towards most people, but he can say it proudly in that moment. This is the Kevin Day he likes to see.
Green eyes stare back, blown wide with a fire that can't be matched by anyone, probably not even his own mother, maybe not even Neil. A true, unadulterated love for this violent, freeing sport. Kevin catches Neil's eyes through his face guard, forehead drenched in sweat but his entire being rings with energy, ready and unwilling to quit until the buzzer sounds.
A Fox, at heart. Neil knows Andrew can see from where he's standing in goal, and Neil knows he's just as satisfied, deep down. It might give him some peace of mind too, to know Kevin kept his spine.
Neil puts all of those emotions into his last movement of the game.
He inclines his head just so, and that's it.
Kevin moves.
As Neil's racquet intercepts the ball from the other team's striker, he can't help but be a bit smug as he takes a powerful step forward. He can hear the painful slide of his shoes against the court floor, the heat of being too close, too exposed.
His legs will surely be shot after this, but no matter.
Kevin Day was always meant to be the greatest player in the history of Exy, the reigning queen, despite the arrogance they'll surely have to hear non-stop about. Fine. It's only fair that Neil help him achieve that goal here, at the biggest stadium in the world.
(By no means the best one, but still).
The clock gets down to five seconds, the beats resounding off the walls of his skull. Neil swings his racquet with such force the strings whistle, and the ball moves in a straight line directly into Kevin's. The other striker has zero time to react, the force of Neil's brutal cut off sending him stumbling. The ball hits Kevin's strings hard, Kevin's grip tightening around his racquet to keep it close to him.
Kevin doesn't hesitate longer than that.
He shoots at the goal in one fluid arch, and scores.
As confident as Neil is in Kevin's aim and skill, he'll admit his stomach swoops. It's a feeling that never truly goes away, much like the instincts that keep him moving. He wouldn't trade it for anything, that millisecond exhilaration before it comes together.
Because well, at one point nothing ever fell into place for him.
In the flash where the ball hits the net, Neil feels the ghost of a key in his palm, reminding him when that changed. The buzzer of the countdown blares, and all that anticipation meets a well-deserved end.
The stadium erupts until not even the buzzer can be heard. There's a swish of plexiglass doors, the sounds of their coach yelling in triumph, but Neil's body is too spent to react.
Neil's heart constricts in his chest as he tries to get air in, but it's impossible. Satisfied doesn't even begin to cover it, though he's sure he looks just as breathless as Kevin does, staring at the goal as it lights up. The world moves around him, respecting his moment of privacy when they should be hoisting him up and not allowing him a minute of disbelief. Neil's glad they don't; Kevin deserves to look surprised once in a while.
His teammates pile on each other, clapping him as they pass. A lot of them are still in shock, a few fall to their knees right away, but Neil feels nothing but fulfilled.
He made the right call.
His body sags, stinging, and he feels Andrew's gaze pinning him upright from across the court. It's the only thing that gets him walking, but he wills himself not to look in his boyfriend's direction.
If he does well...nothing else will matter, and there's one thing he has to do.
In a haze, he goes over to Kevin, who turns, sensing him. Neil shakes his head at Kevin's arrogance to this day, because even though Kevin is the one who made this possible for him, who came to him first...
Well, he still lets Neil do all the work. Neil laughs and hugs Kevin fiercely, barely keeping himself upright, and they trade the trembling in their bodies. Kevin drops his racquet, their height difference making them look all the more pathetic. He can hear Andrew's voice already, telling them they're too emotional about a damn sport.
Somehow, that makes Neil even happier, and he leans back as Kevin pries his helmet off, eyes wild and smiling.
Yes, the right choice. Absolutely.
"We did it," Kevin says, but not in disbelief. He had to have known they'd always make it here. "We did it."
Neil squeezes his friend's shoulder and grins, uncaring of what camera catches it. He's too damn happy to care. "Guess we did."
The crowd cheers so loud Neil can't hear more than a faint buzz in his ears, and the sticky scent of gatorade and sweat is an unfortunate addition. The cameras flash and shine obnoxiously through the double plexiglass to bathe them in light and attention.
Yet, with his legs feeling like jelly and his muscles stretched to the limits, there's only one thing he really wants. What he always wants.
Warmth, safety, something to lean on and keep him sheltered from the world before facing it alongside him. Neil hates that before, the only thing he yearned for was to play Exy. He thought that was bad.
This is so much worse.
Biting his lip, Neil turns to where Andrew is standing in the goal, already looking at him from across the court. And Andrew, with all his control, keeps himself planted there. Neil's breathing hiccups loudly, and Kevin's probably the only one who hears it over the cacophony.
Neil doesn't think he can cry anymore, but his eyes tighten up, he has to blink the pain away.
Neil wonders if Andrew's gripping his racquet hard enough to damage it, if he's digging his heels into the ground like Neil is.
Neil swallows down the lump in his throat. Suddenly, he hates the cameras more than usual; he's torn between wanting them to vanish completely, or wishing they paid as much attention to Andrew, because god, he's earned it.
Neil digs his heels in harder.
I want to be with you.
It's such a simple string of thought; it has crossed his mind so many times before, but never has the urge hurt so much. It has nothing to do with all he's worked for, with the fame and recognition this win will bring him. It's just Andrew.
He hasn't had a knife to his skin in years, but this reminds him of the piercing of flesh, lighting his nerves on end and sending him towards the source of his relief, his contentment.
Andrew played so well, so well, not just here. He worked his way through the pros until he got to Neil, worked his ass off for his reputation. He qualified with the rest of them to be here.
And tonight, he blocked almost every shot at his goal.
Neil closes his eyes, willing himself to calm down but he can't. This is one of the best moments of his life. If he can't share it with Andrew to the fullest, what was the point of everything in his past?
They're not out. That's the problem, he knows, as much as he doesn't give a single fuck. No one outside their family and management knows anything about them, apart from some tabloid rumors about their intense dislike of one another. If that doesn't prove how clueless the media is, Neil doesn't know what does.
And as much as they value privacy, as much as their peaceful bubble is enough, it's moments like these where Neil wants to take and show no matter the consequences.
He looks to Kevin, unsure. It's always been him, the one who warned them about the backlash they'd face despite his acceptance of their relationship years ago.
Neil expects the same thing here: the subtle shake of Kevin's head, the concern in his eyes for their careers and future. It used to piss Neil off to no end, but Kevin communicates all emotion through Exy, even concern. Neil's learned to read between those infuriating lines. The importance of career translates to 'without your career, there is no you.' Sometimes he forgets he's not entirely free.
And if he weren't around, then Andrew...
'You can't leave him.'
And so, knowing Kevin's language, Neil stayed in line, and he expects that same advice today. To his surprise though, it never comes. Kevin is looking at him, tired smile firmly in place as he nudges a shoulder in Andrew's direction. Neil's mouth falls open, and yes, he's convinced now. It's a dream, it's all one big dream. Except--
Kevin shakes his head. It's not resigned, or worried. He's just happy for them both. He pushes Neil away, straightening his back in preparation for his fans. Royal snob. "Go on already. You guys are gross."
And despite the laugh that falls from his mouth, Neil's breathing stutters, and he hadn't realized how wound up he truly was until it happens. His lungs fill with air and he throws his racquet to the ground. His self-control is poor, they all know that. Encouragement is all he needs to break him and send him where he belongs.
He takes off in a full sprint towards Andrew as the rest of his teammates crowd Kevin, looking after Neil in confusion.
Huh, so his muscles still work after all. The tendons are on fire, but it's the least of his concerns. He runs like his life depends on it again, faster than he ran during that whole game.
And to Neil's absolute delight, Andrew's body language screams 'finally.'
The blond takes a step forward, throwing his racquet to the side like it's worthless. Oh. Andrew's bracing to catch him, and Neil laughs at the realization as he throws off his helmet. One day he'll actually make Andrew fall over, but for now he enjoys the strength.
He jumps into Andrew's arms effortlessly, feels calloused hands wrap around his waist as Neil reaches for the clips of Andrew's helmet. Despite knowing the barrier is there as he fumbles with it, he leans forward, lips grazing the metal guard. Andrew huffs, and Neil claws until the helmet clatters to the floor. He throws it a bit far, and it hits the goal post with a clang, but he doesn't care in the moment. If all eyes are on them now, he can't feel them. They're in a vacuum, a side effect of being so taken with Andrew at times. Unaware, vulnerable. The rush of sound from before goes dead around them. His fingertips can feel overheated skin, can trace the barely-there freckles on Andrew's face.
Andrew isn't in the mood to let Neil admire today.
Neil barely gets to see the color in Andrew's eyes before the goalie's hand grips in between Neil's shoulder blades, pulling him down.
It reminds him of their first kiss; Neil catches Andrew's lips and, as if not believing they're real, that something could feel so wonderful, he pulls back. His eyes widen, the first hit of a drug. He breaks the kiss only to dive right back in, uncoordinated but so sure of himself. And he doesn't get how, but Andrew smells the same as back then. Less like cigarettes, but the same smell of leather and earthiness. Neil doesn't read nearly as much as Andrew does to have the capability of describing it, but it's refreshing, like soil after the rain. Through the sweat and exhaustion, Neil would know him anywhere.
Andrew opens his mouth for him first, breath hot but movements predictable. Neil will tease him later for that. You're getting old. Because the dance is so familiar, the way Andrew pushes Neil's tongue back first. 'Come and get me.'
Neil obliges every single time, because he can't back down from a challenge, and maybe he's getting old too.
Neil knows the kiss can't last forever, especially not here, but he allows himself to pretend it's not the case. Andrew hums into him, and Neil's hands feel all the vibrations from where his hand slips down to Andrew's throat. It's bared completely for him, and Neil gives a little squeeze.
He sighs into Andrew's mouth when his boyfriend's eyes open to glare at him, pulling back before kissing Neil again, and then one more time, and maybe just once...
One more, Neil thinks, brushing his lips against Andrew's so lightly they stick for a moment, and he licks his own slowly when he pulls back for the final time. His heart beats in his ribcage, or maybe that's the pounding of the reporters' feet as they rush through the stadium, he's not sure.
Again, it's always best for him to not look at Andrew if he's supposed to be doing something else, because in that moment, the blond has all Neil's attention.
They're already pressed chest to chest, but Andrew squeezes tighter, almost painful, keeping Neil there through the flashing of cameras and shocked cheers.
And while Andrew's expression gives nothing away for the public, it speaks volumes to Neil.
Neil didn't know what old meant back then, now that his legs give out after a good walk or his spine aches under the weight of nothing.
But they were predictable, that much was true.
Neil isn't looking at the reporters anymore, too focused on trying to weave the fraying threads of the blanket back into place. From their silence, he can guess they're as shocked as he expected them to be.
Unaffected, Neil reaches over for his water, taking a sip as he confronts their slack jaws and wide eyes.
Now, that might have been a bit unfair of him as well, to jump into such a blatant romantic recollection about Andrew. Again, Neil never took interviews, rarely took questions, but the subject of his relationship with Andrew was especially off limits for decades. What they had was theirs, and only theirs, even after outing themselves that day.
People naturally tried to pry, tried to dig up their past in hopes of justifying what they saw as a nonsensical relationship or gossip fuel.
Neil made them fear for their lives after that.
He eviscerated publications, reporters, top sports officials, talk shows hosts, pretty much whoever he needed to. Anything to keep Andrew's name out of their mouths. A lot of them sealed their place in the land of irrelevancy, media outlets were slammed by a combination of their fans, and Kevin's too, once he stood up in support.
Andrew always hated it, Neil's desperate need to protect him from words that no longer phased him, but Neil didn't care. It was one of the only things they fought about in their adult years.
It worked though; soon, all the major outlets aside from the tabloids stopped talking about it, knowing mentioning it in any way that wasn't positive or neutral would land them in a ton of hot water.
Even those online sources who refused to let up eventually fizzed out from lack of material; they tried their best to be nosy, but pretty much got nothing but some rare paparazzi photos a few times a year of them kissing in the park or on a date.
In short, it's a bit of an unspoken rule that you don't talk to Neil Josten about Andrew Minyard unless you have nothing but good things to say, and a lot of people are too chicken shit to take the risk and potentially insult him. That's the only disappointing thing, none of them have a shred of courage. Neil really would talk all day about Andrew if people just approached it correctly.
Not that Andrew would've allowed it when he was alive.
Take that.
Despite all the fear Neil instilled in the media, it never stopped the other famous Foxes from talking about how gooey and devoted he and Andrew were, but Neil let that slide.
The things he does for family.
So it makes sense that these reporters seemed to have forgotten Andrew's importance at all, another offense. Not just because he was the best goalie in Exy history, but because Neil was first and foremost, Andrew's.
Blake's mouth opens and closes, pen dangling precariously from his hand. "Are...are we allowed to ask about Andrew?"
Blake even flinches after he asks it, afraid that perhaps it's only okay for Neil to bring up.
If you only knew.
Neil laughs, too relaxed to hold back anymore. The reporters stare, exchanging nervous glances with excitement tingling below the surface.
Yes, he supposes details about his relationship with Andrew are more secretive and sought after than even Neil's opinions. The reporters weren't even going to try.
But now, there's morsels of information dangling in front of them, and Neil need only give them permission. It's their lucky day.
Neil's smile fades into something gentler, wistful. It's the closest he gets now, to how he looked at Andrew. But it's still different, because that expression...
Well, Andrew is gone. What more is there to say?
Neil leans back, wringing his hands softly. "I guess it's only fair that I tell you the real reason I accepted this interview."
The reporters lean forward, holding their breath, but Neil doesn't feel like making them wait. It's all about Andrew now, like he wanted it to be. "I want to talk about Andrew, plain and simple."
Except when it's not.
Their relationship was anything but simple but Neil cherished each memory, and he wants to speak them aloud so no one forgets. He wants everyone to know how important this person was to him, so when he's gone and can't defend them, people can't speculate or taint it with their unasked for opinions.
"I've never had the opportunity to really reminisce about Andrew, not even with my family," Neil admits. He and Aaron and Katelyn would sit around the fireplace at their home sometimes, telling stories, or Kevin would send him old pictures or clips of Andrew playing. But never the intimate details, never the raw, and at times complicated feelings. "It never felt right, even after he was gone. I wanted to keep it close still, so I wouldn't betray Andrew's trust."
Neil takes a deep breath, and it shakes his small frame, a cough escaping his lungs. His voice is rough, but no less sure when he continues. "But I know now what he'd say to that. That I couldn't, even if my dumb Exy brain tried really hard."
But he'd never.
He smiles, wiping his eyes when they aren't even wet. That's another thing he misunderstood back then. Neil thought he couldn't cry, but he's sure today he'll prove his younger self wrong.
Rayah and Blake stay silent through all of Neil's pauses, and the respect means more than he can say. Andrew would approve, he'd be okay with Neil's choice. That's what matters most, he thinks.
"For once I just want everyone to know how I felt, I want to tell you everything as I saw and felt it, so you can tell everyone else," Neil says, and hopes they can read between the lines for the rest. Ultimately, when he's dead he'll be nothing but bones in the dirt, his legacy won't mean much in the long run. But...if nothing else, he wants this to remain, for as long as it can.
He never cared before about it, but he guesses age really can put a new perspective on things. Neil sighs, and taps the table with his finger for lack of anything better to do. When he looks back up, he has their undivided attention, Rayah's brown eyes shining with unshed emotion. None of that, not yet. "Anyways, now that you know I misled you, I hope you're still alright with listening to me ramble for the next few hours."
If not, they can kindly fuck off, but Neil has his suspicions at this point that they'll stick around. As much as Neil prides himself on reading people's intentions well, he's quite horrible at reading people's feelings. But maybe he's improved in that arena too.
A price for everything, he thinks ruefully, reminding himself there's a break in between this session for him to take his pain pills.
Eventually, it's Rayah who stutters a response. "Of course it's alright! We're so honored! And not just in the...bullshit way."
She closes her mouth immediately after at the unprofessionalism of it, but it only makes Neil feel more at ease. He smirks, satisfied. "Noted."
"Mr. Jo--Neil, we really are happy to write about you and Andrew but I have to admit," Blake says, flipping through his notepad with a tight look on his face. "The questions we did prepare as backup don't exactly lend themselves to anything about your life with Andrew."
It's precisely why Neil stated he'd mostly be doing the talking initially, but their first test question actually did end up helping move him along, so...
Neil shrugs, gesturing to the notebook with fierce determination.
These people are about to learn...
He can make anything about Andrew.
When he smiles at the two of them again, they must feel it deep down. They return it tenfold, and then Rayah clicks her pen.
And with the pleasantries out of the way, Neil opens up to everything he's been keeping locked away.
"Try me."
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fallingin-like · 5 years
aftg fanfic review masterlist
(aka my nanowrimo 2019)
i’m super excited to say here are the fics that i will be reviewing for november so far! feel free to read through these and comment on them with me! thank you so much to everyone who responded to my post and requested fics~
*edit: i removed a fic because i forgot to check the tags/TWs before and when i did look, i didn't feel comfortable with the content. sorry!*
1. atlas by @purearcticfire / @pipedream-truths​
a magic au that features shapeshifters and a cursed neil, so immediately you know i’ll like it. this fic has some cool uses of italics, caps, spacing, etc. that creates a stylized story that helps build tone and gives the story a clearer voice. this was such a fun read and it gets very intense. this fic is incomplete.
[read the rest of my review here!]
2. andriel into the future (series) by @dustbottle
these are some wonderfully written post-canon fics that make you feel warm and safe. we get to see neil and andrew’s relationship grow and strengthen. there’s neil’s year at psu without andrew, a minyard-josten rivalry fic, just some good times, coming out, and cats! there are 5 fics in this series. 
[read the rest of my review here!]
3. my cousins by @filteredred
this wonderful fic delves into tilda’s decision to give up the twins and how it was influenced by luther and maria. told from maria’s perspective, we get a better look at the rational behind what happened and, of course, we get to see kid!nicky and baby!twinyards.
[read the rest of my review here!]
4. “i hate you” sounds like “as you wish” by @luci-cunt
this is a princess bride!au and as a person that has never read/watched it, this was a wild ride. a really funny fic, i thought this was such a fun read!!
[read the rest of my review here!]
5. paper skies by @allforthebee [requested by @annawrites]
this is a fic with absolutely amazing descriptions and imagery. featuring librarian!andrew and a lot of introspection. the writing is so beautiful, i could not possibly capture how it made me feel in words. this fic was so so good.
[read the rest of my review here!]
6. falling in reverse by @lolainslackss [requested by @annawrites]
this is a beautiful fic that really demonstrates the strength of the relationship between neil and andrew. this fic navigates neil’s difficulties following retirement and how andrew supports him during these times. features wonderful imagery, reflection, and andriel on a houseboat!!
[read the rest of my review here!]
7. call me neil by @fox-sleeping-minyard
this wonderful fic follows andrew and neil in an au where they form a friendship as kids/teens after andrew dials the wrong number and accidentally calls neil. this fic is cute, but may also break your heart.
[read the rest of my review here!]
8. i just had a growth spurt (took so long, my tippy toes hurt) by @tallsinspace [requested by @gluupor]
maybe i’m biased because i like kid!fics but i loved this fic so so much. i love the way that andrew and aaron interact, both with each other and the other characters. the characterization on this was amazing and it’s such a hilarious and fun read!
[read the rest of my review here!]
9. not all who wander are lost: the “not all that glitters is gold” remix by @leahlisabeth [requested by @gluupor]
this is a remix fic, but you definitely don’t have to read the original one first. this is a fascinating magic!au that really draws you in and makes you so invested, even though it’s a relatively short fic. this is a renee-centric fic that does a great job of analysing her character.
[read the rest of my review here!]
10. til death do us part by @apprenticedmagician ​[requested by @leahlisabeth]
this is a fantastic post-canon fic which follows neil as he ropes aaron along into joining him in visiting his mother’s grave in california. this fic does a great job of demonstrating the growth that both characters have experienced.
[read the rest of my review here!]
11. taller than giants by @allforthebee ​ [requested by @horton-hears-a-doctor-who]
this wonderful fic is a lovely take on neil and andrew as best friends in university. it’s a softer version of these characters but maintains the great dynamic between them we’re familiar with.  this fic will break you apart and knit you back together.
[read the rest of my review here!]
12. peu à peu by @zombiesolace​ [requested by @jsteneil]
this is a really interesting character study on post-canon kevin and how he finds his place within the foxes and deals with the aftermath of the events within the series. this fic has a lot of introspection and does a really great job of unpacking everything.
[read the rest of my review here!]
13. don’t bury me (with a coin under my tongue) by @mr-im-fine​ [requested by @jsteneil]
this is a wonderful fic with urban fantasy, with a lot of the characters as demigods. this was really fun to read and it sucks you in so you don’t realise you’ve reached the end of the chapter until you can’t scroll anymore.
[read the rest of my review here!]
14. sleeping with ghosts by @boybeaulieu​ [requested by @fuzzballsheltiepants]
this fic is a super cool band!au that has andrew and gang playing placebo songs and neil as a solo singer. there has great use of a non-linear timeline. be prepared to feel all of the feelings
[read the rest of my review here!]
15. like a hazy summer morning by shadowdreams [requested by @fuzzballsheltiepants]
this was an adorable and really sweet fic that has neil as a youtuber! and andrew can’t help but keep watching his videos. this is such a fun fic. you have to be logged into an ao3 account to read this.
[read the rest of my review here!]
16. l’amour parle en fleus by @scribbleb-red [requested by @fuzzballsheltiepants]
this is a wonderful and heartbreaking fic that deals with grief and the beauty of life. it is soft and sweet, while dealing with hard topics and loss. this fic is incomplete.
disclaimer: i reviewed this fic when it had 7 chapters, so no comments on chapter 8. sorry!
[read the rest of my review here!]
17. above the clouds by @gluupor​ [requested by @fuzzballsheltiepants]
this is an absolutely amazing fic that features airships, android!neil, and fantastic world-building. it’s a really fun and adventurous read, but still contains enough angst to break your heart. if you haven’t read this yet, drop everything and read it now. if you have read it, read it again.
[read the rest of my review here!]
18. apartment 314 by @nikothespoonklepto​
this is a really interesting kevneil fic that has them as detectives! it’s funny, but gets intense, with great interactions between kevin, neil, and andrew.
[read the rest of my review here!]
19. tenuous by undertow *
this is one of my favourite fics in the fandom. it has DID!neil and features a really great relationship between him and aaron, and him and andrew. i love their style of writing. please read this fic
[read the rest of my review here!]
20. back to the start by @fuzzballsheltiepants​ [requested by @nikothespoonklepto]
containing an injured!andrew who loses all of his recent memories, this fic has heartbreak and healing. this fic has great pacing and flow, you don’t even notice that you’ve read 30k words until you’re done.
[read the rest of my review here!]
21. push to talk by @alexjosten​ [requested by @nikothespoonklepto]
this is a delightfully engaging fic based on the game firewatch that follows neil as he spends a summer as a fire lookout, isolated except for radio communication with andrew, a fire lookout in the adjacent sector of the park. this is such an intense, fun, beautiful, and humorous fic.
[read the rest of my review here!]
22. fox sleep by @annawrites [requested by @allforthebee]
this is an amazing fic that features shapeshifter!neil who arrives at the foxhole coven in the form of a fox. it is such a sweet, playful, and comforting fic with a wonderful tinge of magic, i cannot recommend this fic enough.
[read the rest of my review here!]
23. the real folk blues by @annawrites [requested by @allforthebee]
this absolutely amazing and captivating fic has the foxes as space bounty hunters and neil who is, as usual, an exceptionally skilled runaway. set away some time to read this fic as soon as possible, because once you start, you won’t be able to put it down until you finish.
[read the rest of my review here!]
24. heart on your sleeve, eyes on the streets (the heart-eyes remix) by  @apprenticedmagician [requested by @soft-ravenclaw-apollo​]
this is an adorable and hilarious jeanneil fic that includes soccer! this fic is lighthearted, but has enough much pining and a bit of angst to keep things interesting.
[read the rest of my review here!]
25. neil hatford by @soft-ravenclaw-apollo
following the story of neil being adopted by stuart at a young age, this is an interesting exploration of what would happen if neiil never had to grow up as a wesninski. it’s so great to see how this changes the development of neil, but also the life of stuart. this fic is unfinished.
[read the rest of my review here!]
26. a two-man team by @idnis​ [requested by @foxsoulcourt​ and @sig66​]
this super cute fic features nicky who is doing his best to raise a kid while simultaneously falling for said kid’s teacher, erik mountain man klose. as one might imagine, this is hilarious and so fun to read
[read the rest of my review here!]
27. thick skin, an elastic heart by @badacts ​ [requested by @foxsoulcourt​ and @sig66​]
an incredible jerejean fic that focuses on jean’s transition to the trojan’s and how jeremy struggles with falling in love with him. this fic is funny and emotional and includes a lot of really interesting introspection.
[read the rest of my review here!]
28. right side of rock bottom by @littlespooneven [requested by @foxsoulcourt​ and @sig66​]
a wonderful fic that follows andrew and neil, post-canon as they grow closer and learn how to love each other. this is sweet and so lovely to read, with insightful moments of introspection.
[read the rest of my review here!]
29. baltimore blues by @spanglebangle  [requested by @foxsoulcourt​ and @sig66]
you’ve probably already read this fic, but in case you haven’t, it’s an amazing exploration of andrew’s perspective on the binghamton riot and baltimore. this fic has fantastic scenes with introspection and is just so impressive to read.
[read the rest of my review here!]
30. one way or another (or maybe neither) by @nakasomethingkun [requested by @foxsoulcourt and @sig66]
this is an absolutely amazing exploration of neil’s sexuality and what it means within the context of his and andrew’s relationship. with the best description of demisexuality i have found in a fic, everybody needs to read this immediately.
[read the rest of my review here!]
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buttdawg · 4 years
On my way to work this morning, I listened to a F4WO video about how this week's Raw had the worst-ever rating in its history, beating out the previous record, all the way back in... last Monday, because holy fuck Raw is doing really shitty in the ratings this year.
The big problem, according to Big Dave, is that they tried to book Extreme Rules to get people to tune in on Monday, and it did not work. At all. And even if a PPV can't help the ratings, what will? And what happens when they're going head to head with the NBA? And even if they could get the ratings up a bit, they would still be in trouble, because that's how bad the current ratings are. It's like being in the bottom of a 12-ft pool and doing everything you can to swim a few inches higher.
Dave's like "I don't know how you turn this around," and I see his point, because even if WWE created a new star or started a hot new angle, how would anyone find out about it? There's no live crowd, and there's fewer people watching on TV now than ever before. It's like how Impact ran all these crazy angles and signed all these big stars and the needle barely moved. What should they do?
I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter, because even if they had the answer in front of them, Vince wouldn't go for it because that's how out of touch and incompetent he is now. He seemed to think this "Rey loses an eye" thing was the answer, even though a) it wasn't and b) he couldn't even follow through with it, so why would anyone else have been impressed? Vince McMahon Is The Problem, and as long as he's still around the problem only gets worse from here. And even if he went away, that doesn't undo the damage.
Still, I thought about it, and imagined what I'd come up with if they asked me how to fix things. I'm probably not even remotely qualified to save a tanking wrestling show, but here's what I came up with:
1. Vince McMahon retires as publically and as transparently as possible.
Basically, there's only one star left from the Attitude Era, and it's Vince. And there's only one message WWE can send that will matter to lapsed fans, and that's "No more Vince." And Vince resigning would actually get some mainstream attention. Remember when his limo exploded on TV and people thought it was real? Remember when he sold Raw to Donald Trump and people thought that was real?
So use it, not as an angle, but acknowledge it on TV, the way they made a big deal about Undertaker retiring. I don't mean a big Vince Tribute Show. That's the last thing we need, but don't keep it a secret. The word on Raw is that Vince is done, and no one knows what happens next. In the real world, Vince should remove himself from WWE business as completely as possible, and this needs to be done in a way where it's very, very provable to skeptics. They need to show a paper trail that Vince really isn't in charge of this anymore and never will be again. I don't care who takes over when he's gone. Triple H, Stephanie, Bruce Prichard, whoever. But Vince is truly stepping away. That needs to be the message and they need to follow through on it. Then people will at least consider checking out Raw to see what happens to it.
2. Build a fucking babyface and book him strong.
This is something Vince hasn't been able to do since Cena's heyday, so committing to this would convince curious fans that it's not just the same old shit. Pick a guy and fucking stick with him as long as possible. Drew McIntyre seems like a proper choice. If he gets into some scandal and they have to get rid of him, then okay, but immediately set up someone else. Don't screw around deciding, like they did with Roman Reigns. Pick a babyface superhero and go. Have him destroy Brock Lesnar, not just upset him in a four minute match. Have him face the Fiend in one of those bullshit "Cinematic Matches", but he turns the tables on him and wins. Have him beat Big Show in a retirement match. Have him beat Triple H in a retirement match. Maybe save Randy Orton for a later guy.
3. Steal a page from AEW's playbook and never do DQ or countouts.
Every. Fucking. Match. Ends with a pin or submission. Every. One. Don't even do cage matches or ladder matches for the next year or so, or any other gimmick where there's a screwy way to win.
Seriously, what always captured my fancy about ECW was the implication that DQ's and countouts were impossible because every match was hardcore. I didn't want to see hardcore matches all the time, I just wanted to see someone win without a lot of horseshit. AEW achieves the same result sinply by not booking DQ's in the first place. WWE desperately, des-per-ate-ly needs to prove that they get it: There's no point watching a wrestling match where no one wins.
4. Make a cool-ass heel stable with cool-ass merch.
Note that this does NOT mean bringing back DX or the nWo, or signing ex-Bullet Club members in the hopes of reverse-engineering whatever makes BC work. They need to make a NEW thing, because they need to prove that they can. Down the road, if Kevin Nash wants to manage a new nWo squad, that might be a decent idea, but first they need to prove that they can make it work without a nostalgia pop. The Inner Circle proved it can still be done, and Bullet Club is still going strong a decade later, so we know there's a way to keep these things going. But don't just chase a nostalgia pop. The original nWo sure as hell didn't.
5. Trim down the roster to guys you actually plan to use. I saw Eric Young saying that Raw was a "broken show" because it's 3 hours long and yet they couldn't find five minutes for him to be on it. He's right, they should have either made him a fixture on Raw or they never should have hired him in the first place. WWE's goal should have been to hire guys that would make Raw better, but instead they hired guys to keep other people from using them on other shows. And maybe that was a smart business move, but it also took their eye off the ball. They were so focused on spiting their competition that they failed to notice their own show sucks ass. Nobody needed all that talent to compete in 2019 because Raw sets the bar so low. No disrespect to Eric Young, but AEW managed without him, and WWE is crumbling whether they have Eric Young or not.
6. Don't bother with talent raids.
In the 90's, WWE could get guys from WCW to jump ship and make waves. Someone probably thinks that could work today, and maybe it could, but that shouldn't be an end unto itself. WWE already has a big, talented roster. They need to prove that they know how to use it. Right now, the only reason I see for a wrester to sign with WWE is for the money. That's great for the wrestlers, but it doesn't do me any good as a consumer. If they pay a guy a shit ton of money and he barely gets used on TV, it only makes the promotion look dumb.
Instead, they need to prove that a guy like Drew McIntyre made the right call by signing on. Book him in a way where other talent will see hin succeed and decide they'd like a piece of that pie.
That's all I got right now. Maybe none of this would work, but it sounds good to me, anyway.
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thedollarcrate · 5 years
50 Best Albums (That I Own on Vinyl) of the Decade
It’s hard to comprehend how much transpires over the course of a decade or wrap your head around how long (or short) of time that really is.
But what better way to try than to make a list!
Now, I know “Best of” lists like this one are inherently subjective – and probably say more about their maker’s preferences than actually reflecting the best music released in a particular time period. And, I’ll be the first to admit that the list below is incredibly limited, and that I need to widen my exposure to more artists and genres.
But hey, this is all in fun.
So feel free to debate, pick apart or share your own favorite albums from the past decade. But before you dive in, just a few quick points for context:
-I only ranked albums I actually own on vinyl released between 2010 and 2019, which limited my choices to about 170 records.
-I only ranked new music released this past decade, so no reissues or older material released for the first time (sorry Prince’s Piano & A Microphone and Originals).
-I first started buying vinyl around ’09-’10 and started off purchasing mostly new releases before my habits shifted and I started looking for older records. This shows in the list below – nearly a quarter of the albums below were released in 2010 and almost 70% from the first half of the decade.
And we’re off…
50. Centipede Hz, Animal Collective (2012)
Let’s be honest, it was impossible for Animal Collective to top a universally acclaimed and era-defining album – and it was unfair to expect them to. But maybe the continuous onslaught of bizarre and eclectic music found on Centipede Hz was just what we needed after all.
49. Singles, Future Islands (2014)
So much more than Sam Herring’s pelvis busting dance moves and “Seasons (Waiting On You),” every track on Singlesbursts with life and heart pumping  energy. To quote Letterman: I’ll take all of that you got.
48. Paul’s Tomb: A Triumph, Frog Eyes (2010)
I don’t think I’ll ever understand Carey Mercer’s lyrics, but I’m certain I’ll never tire of getting lost in his hidden words and knotty melodies.
47. Leaving Atlanta, Gentleman Jesse (2012)
Thirty seven minutes of Pure Power Pop Perfection (note the capital “Ps”).
46. Burst Apart, The Antlers (2011)
If there’s another album with a song titled “Putting the Dog to Sleep” that is as haunting and beautiful as this one, I don’t want to know about it.
45. Carrion Crawler/The Dream, Thee Oh Sees (2011)
With John Dwyer churning out record after record in the ‘10s, it should come as no surprise that at least one landed on this list (and they’re all great). Garage rock. Surf rock. Post-punk rock. Psych rock. Noise rock. Rock rock. I don’t care what you call it, Thee Oh Sees put the pedal to the metal on Carrion Crawler/The Dream, taking you for a wild ride that never lets up.
44. 1989, Taylor Swift (2014)
Irresistibly catchy, everyone needs to satisfy their pop sweet tooth every now and then. 1989 is so sugary, it might just give you a cavity or two.
43. City Music, Kevin Morby (2017)
The city. The countryside. A beach. Aboard a train. At the pearly gates. It doesn’t matter where you listen to City Music because Kevin Morby’s jams will immediately transport you to your own laid back, happy place.
42. Remind Me Tomorrow, Sharon Van Etten (2019)
You’ll regret it if you keep waiting to listen this powerhouse – and powerful – synth-soaked record.
41. You Want It Darker, Leonard Cohen (2016)
It doesn’t get much darker, bleaker or sparse than this, but I wouldn’t want it any other way from the masterful Leonard Cohen.
40. American Dream, LCD Soundsystem (2017)
Retirement never sounded so good.
39. Capacity, Big Thief (2017)
Quietly captivating, mesmerizing and elegant, Big Thief knock you out without you even realizing it.
38. St. Vincent, St. Vincent (2014)
Annie Clark’s shapeshifting album won’t only shred your face off, it somehow makes you feel smarter, too.
37. Before Today, Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti (2010)
So, so weird and so, so good.
36. Expo 86, Wolf Parade (2010)
Like #50, Wolf Parade might always live in the shadow and expectations of a towering classic, yet somehow Spencer Krug and Dan Boeckner still continually craft eccentric and bombastic rock albums. Expo 86 is no exception, and it is an underrated classic in its own right.
35. Golden Hour, Kacey Musgraves (2018)
Like a sunset or sunrise, Golden Hour radiates beauty and warmth with each of its glowing tracks.
34. Yuck, Yuck (2011)
Despite their name and its hideous album cover, there’s nothing gross about Yuck’s infectious indie rock.
33. Play It Strange, The Fresh & Onlys (2010)
I once saw The Fresh & Onlys play at a tiny club in D.C. It might’ve been the loudest show I’ve ever been to – my ears rang for days. This record is just as rollicking, hazy and good as that show was loud.
32. Natalie Prass, Natalie Prass (2015)
There’s a reason “Welcome to 1979” is stamped in tiny letters on this vinyl’s inner ring – it’s silky smooth, filled with impeccable soft ballads and finely tuned jams – and just a tinge of funk.
31. I Am Easy To Find, The National (2019)
Few bands matched the consistent output of quality albums in the ‘10s as The National. They had one heck of a run, and I Am Easy To Find was a fascinating way to end it – a 21st rock album that felt more complex and expansive than anything they’d done before.
30. Melodrama, Lorde (2018)
Everything a pop record should be and then some – bold, breathtaking and exuberant.
29. Just Enough Hip To Be Woman, Broncho (2014)
If you can’t tell from its playful title, this pop rock album wants nothing more than to have fun – and it succeeds on every level.
28. Avi Buffalo, Avi Buffalo (2010)
Sometimes all you want is a light, sunny and meandering album to wash over you and get lost in, and this one will do the trick every time.
27. Hippies, Harlem (2010)
Imagine a band practicing inside a garage inside a garage inside another garage and you’ve got Harlem. This is garage rock to the max – and at its rambunctious best.
26. Puberty 2, Mitski (2016)
It’s hard to describe Puberty 2. Sure, it might sound like simple dreamy indie rock, but it ebbs and flows in unexpected ways that leaves you guessing where it’s heading next.
25. mbv, My Bloody Valentine (2013)
Picking up right where they left off – even if it was more than a decade later – My Bloody Valentine reminded everyone why they are the masters of reverb soaked shoegaze.
24. A Moon Shaped Pool, Radiohead (2016)
Even after all these years and albums, Radiohead still found a way to reinvent themselves and push the boundaries of rock music – and our expectations of them. With gorgeous arrangements and slow-burning, tension filled tracks, AMSP proves that even Radiohead can still take risks – and proves rock bands can make quiet, intimate songs sound epic. Oh yeah, and it has “True Love Waits.”
23. Art Angels, Grimes (2015)
Grimes gave us the future of pop music before most could even envision it. This laid the groundwork for all the challenging and intricate – and danceable – pop music that would follow. And it still sounds ahead of its time.
22. Meet Me At The Muster Station, PS I Love You (2010)
The first sounds out of Paul Saulnier’s mouth on Meet Me At The Munster Station aren’t words at all but two short, ecstatic yelps. And this same boundless energy and passion bleeds through on every fuzzy, raucous second of every track. Did I mention there’s a song called “Butterflies & Boners”?
21. More Than Any Other Day, Ought (2014)
You really ought to listen to Ought if you aren’t already. Tim Darcy and co. sound a bit uneasy, paranoid and self-aware, but they make the most minute challenges sound so exhilarating and life-altering – even the struggle deciding between two percent and whole milk at the grocery store.
20. Lemonade, Beyoncé (2017)
All hail Queen Bey.
19. Twin-Hand Movement, Lower Dens (2010)
This album sounds like 2 am on a dark, rainy Saturday night – in the best way imaginable.
18. Tomboy, Panda Bear (2011)
You can always count on Panda Bear to make hypnotic, loopy electronic music sound so breezy and effortless.
17. Modern Vampires Of The City, Vampire Weekend (2013)
I don’t know why, but I want to dislike Vampire Weekend so much. But that’s impossible when their music is so damn good and every note sounds so neat and perfect.
16. Past Life Martyred Saints, EMA (2011)
Just do yourself and listen to this album please.
15. The Archandroid, Janelle Monáe (2010)
Blending too many genres to count, this is what I imagine music sounds like in space.
14. Carrie & Lowell, Sufjan Stevens (2015)
I’ll let you know how I feel about this one after I stop crying.
13. The Suburbs, Arcade Fire (2010)
It’s everything you either love or hate about Arcade Fire. Grand, sincere and sweeping rock that swings for the fences with every guitar chord, drumbeat and horn blast. I love it.
12. Silence Yourself, Savages (2013)
Savages grab you by the throat and never let go – this is one intense album.
11. Helplessness Blues, Fleet Foxes (2011)
This might be the epitome of ‘10s indie rock – and for good reason. Introspective, sensitive and searching for some greater meaning, Robin Pecknold holds nothing back and lays it all out on Helplessness Blues.
10. Kaputt, Destroyer (2011)
Dan Bejar is an enigma and seemingly reluctant rock star. I saw him perform an acoustic set where he spent a majority of the time playing with his back towards the audience (although in fairness, it was at a free outdoor show on a college campus with people mostly chatting obnoxiously over him), and yet it’s as if his creativity requires him to constantly release new albums and show them off. Kaputt is as equally strange and mysterious – and just as creative – as its maker.
9. Black Star, David Bowie (2016)
Take away the heartbreaking circumstances surrounding this album’s release and it would still be in the top tier of David Bowie’s extensive catalogue. Experimenting until the very end, Bowie morphed into something entirely new one last time. Part jazz, part rock and part I’m not sure what you would call it, the results were once again out of this world. He couldn’t give it all away, but we’re sure thankful for what he could.
8. Bon Iver, Bon Iver (2011)
Shedding the cabin in the woods vibe, Justin Vernon took a giant leap forward with Bon Iver and made ‘80s soft rock popular.
7. Celebration Rock, Japandroids (2012)
Perhaps the most aptly named album on this list, no other album exudes the joy of making music and rocking out with your buddy than this one. It’s hard to believe all that noise and energy comes from just two people.
6. Burn Your Fire For No Witness, Angel Olsen (2014)
Angel Olsen’s hypnotic and seductive vocals, lyrics and guitar suck you in immediately, mesmerizing you from the first gentle strums to the peaks and valleys of “Lights Out” and “Stars” all the way to the closer’s pulsing drumbeats and majestic piano.
5. Black Messiah, D'Angelo And The Vanguard (2015)
Oozing with cool, sexy and confident R&B funk, D’Angelo returned after 14 years with an instant soul masterpiece.
4. The Monitor, Titus Andronicus (2010)
It says a lot when a band can a.) make an hour plus punk rock record b.) loosely base it on the Civil War c.) quote Abraham Lincoln d.) close it out with a 14 minute track inspired by a famous naval battle and e.) still make you want to listen to it over and over and over again.
3. Lost In The Dream, The War On Drugs (2014)
The rare album that can feel vast and ambitious and yet deeply private and personal all at once. You really will get lost in these soaring songs.
2. Halcyon Digest, Deerhunter (2010)
At times perfectly melodic and structured and at others feeling on the brink of falling apart, Halcyon Digest is a paradox – sounding peaceful, bright and idyllic while also peering over the edge into something darker. This is a remarkable record from a remarkable band. If not for the abrupt end to the darkly beautiful closer “He Would Have Laughed,” Halcyon Digest sounds like it could go on forever.
1. Let England Shake, PJ Harvey (2011)
A stunning, thought-provoking, and moving – not to mention endlessly listenable – transcendent piece of art about life and the Great War. PJ Harvey doesn’t hold back on the brutality and absurdity of armed conflict, and the album’s devastating closing track – “The Colour of the Earth” – will linger in your mind long after the record stops spinning. As powerful today as it was eight years ago, this album will remain timely and important for years – and decades – to come.
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ivalice-tifalucis · 4 years
Alright speaking of football, I really and completely dive back into this again. I notice the last time I watch football religiously (like waking up at early morning almost every week just to watch Barca’s game) which was around 2013, I wasn’t active on tumblr yet. I did occassionally reblogged football stuffs. I watched important games like few El Clasicos or Champions League finals. I did sporadic live blogging during the last World Cup. But now that I’m back like really back I notice things are different.
First, women’s football. I once ramble in someone’s post about the inequality of women’s football compare to men in USWNT. I said that women’s football didn’t really develop until 1970s while men’s football was starting to develop since 1900s and so it will take time for women’s football to get more developed. The difference that I notice is that now more mainstream media especially in England, where the center of football is, promotes their women’s team more. I notice Barca also do that for quite a while now, I just couldn’t believe that others do the same!! What I love even more is that if you take a look at let’s say Barca Femeni (who just got a new stadium fyi) or Liverpool’s women videos on youtube, the comments are mostly positive and most come from fanboys. They wish the female team all the best and to succeed, even include them in some banter. People also discuss how to improve women’s football since no matter what female will always going to be physically inferior than men and football is very physically demanding. Like many people suggest that women’s football need to have different regulation with the game. This shows that people care about female football. People also comment on footballers daughter who was just playfully kicking ball with “wow imagine if she becomes a footballer too” like these kinds of comments and discussions didn’t exist 5 years ago.
Second, the wheels are turning. Like a circle of life, there’s also circle of football domination. Last time I’m in, Barca was still a club that everyone are afraid of. Today, we are so poor it makes me sad. Liverpool comeback is just one of those moment. No, not the worst football club yet. We’re just becoming clown now, it’s embarassing. La Masia is also such a mess. That little boy Takefusa Kubo is now Real Madrid young player???!!! I hope we will get better soon (after the board members sacked!!!). I even missed out that Real Madrid won 3 UCL in a row (I only notice 2 until I went to Bernabeu tour and realized they have 13 trophies now 😑). Premier League dynamic has changed a lot. No more big 4 teams, they now have Leicester City too as dark horse. I was shocked when my brother told me they were about to win Premier League like what even the hell was that club?! Manchester United is sucking hard, Chelsea is shifting from rich club who buy everything to so so club to club who grow talents, Liverpool is only few weeks away from ending their 30 years of no league title (no longer a club who only talk about history), Manchester City is undisputedly giant crazy rich team along side PSG. Arsenal is the only one who stay the same, because Arsenal. Germany is suddenly not so good anymore.
Third, best player in the world. Apparently my favorite players are now old and soon will retire (some even have). The banter has shifted to discussion and general consensus that *insert player A* is great player instead of trying to compare A with B. Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo fans have finally find consensus that both players are the best ever. Sergio Ramos is now the best defender ever??? (Make sense tho the guy captained Real Madrid who won 3 UCL in a row, forget the fact that he loves collecting red card so much). Gerard Pique also the best now. Neymar since his departure to PSG has become mediocre, sad. Frenkie de Jong, I root for him to be successful. Who else hmm... Jamie Vardy is top scorer (I like him in a way that his life is motivating that sometime good things don’t come immediately like his life and career is quite insane for pro footballer standard, he supposed to not even become a football superstar!!). Mohamed Salah, I heard a lot about him because I have a cousin who is Liverpool die hard fan and media talk about him, he’s great (and sorta feel proud for him because he’s conservative moslem from Egypt, sadly a politically unstable country, and arab which is great for representation. He manages to lift the image of arab people and moslem especially around Merseyside just by being great). Another talent from Liverpool would be Virgil van Dijk that gd soft tall man and good defender but most important is Trent Alexander-Arnold (corner taken quickly which breaks my heart and amaze me at the same time). Kevin de Bruyne is what Pep really love in midfielder and indeed what a talent he is. Erling Haaland is looking good, I hope he’s not just one season wonder. Manuel Neuer is no longer as good as he used to be since terrible injury (now I understand his bloop in WC 2018) but now there are more sweeper keeper just not as crazy as him. He definitely set standards for future goalkeepers.
Fourth, retired players. One by one, players that I watched while growing up have retired. I saw Puyol and Xavi retired. Then Iker Casillas, the most recent one to retired after heart surgery scare last year, now a candidate for RFEF President. Iniesta is soom gonna be retired. David Villa, Fernando Torres. My favorite Spain NT players are now all retired ☹️. Schweinsteiger, Lahm, Robben, Mertesacker. Mertesacker is now Arsenal youth coach??!!! Mikel Arteta is now Arsenal’s coach. Other star players from Premier League like Frank Lampard (now Chelsea’s manager), Steven Gerrard, all have retired and become football manager. And a bit unrelated because I never actually see him playing (because I only start properly watch football since 2010 and by that time he had retired and I only heard stories) but Gary Neville as Valencia’s manager for short time?? 😂 (of course I would know that’s important information for all Carraville shippers). Everytime I hear news about footballer retirement I would be reminded again that I’m old.
Fifth, shipping. If you don’t notice this already, I now ship Jamie Carragher with Gary Neville which is not surprising since I always low key ship Gerard Pique with Sergio Ramos anyway. Apparently I always have a thing with pinning rivaling defenders who are hot headed, reckless, and hate each other at first until one day they don’t. And I swear that’s the most random ever. I’m not even Liverpool fan and never really into Man United (although my brother is sorta fan because he knows much about MU). But it all starts from me going around Liverpool’s tag on tumblr and found Carra’s instagram live. After watching all of their videos in Sky Sports on youtube, consider my self as a carraville. I even always try to find live streaming from Sky Sports for every Premier League matches that I watch. I must say, they’re the ones that make me want to go back to football fandom again.
All in all, I will never stop loving FC Barcelona. I may watch other games, less Barca games maybe because they’re not that enjoyable to watch these days. But now I understand, the feeling of watching Barca loses is different. It just so heartbreaking 😭 my heart only belong to that team. I’m so happy I finally got to be in Camp Nou even though I just lost my wallet at that time.
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pbwsports · 4 years
The all-time starting five for every NBA Western Conference team
What if the Splash Bros. had Wilt Chamberlain playing center? How many titles would the Lakers have won if Magic Johnson was running the break with Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal? Imagine Hakeem Olajuwon and James Hardenteaming up in Clutch City.
We asked our NBA writers to come up with an all-time starting five for every current NBA franchise, along with one additional blast from the past. Only a player's contributions during his time with that franchise were considered. (So, no, LeBron James doesn't crack the Lakers' all-time list ... yet.)
In this era of "positionless" basketball, traditional positions don't matter quite as much as they used to, so we allowed some flexibility in choosing a lineup -- but you won't see teams with four centers or three point guards. The idea was to dive into each team's history and create a group that could at least potentially share the floor together.
We rolled out the Eastern Conference on Wednesday. Here is the Western Conference:
Dallas Mavericks
G: Derek Harper G: Jason Terry G: Rolando Blackman F: Mark Aguirre F: Dirk Nowitzki
Terry joins Nowitzki as the only players on both of the Mavs' Finals teams and was the second-leading scorer on both squads. There's a reason Harper and Blackman, the backcourt for some good teams that just couldn't get past the Showtime Lakers, have their numbers in the American Airlines Center rafters. Aguirre's jersey probably won't ever be retired in Dallas because of his bitter departure, but you can't dismiss his 24.6 points per game in eight seasons with the Mavs.
The toughest cuts: Michael Finley and Jason Kidd, one of whom helped a young German kid find his way in the NBA and the other who helped Nowitzki finally deliver a title to Dallas.
-- Tim MacMahon
Denver Nuggets
G: Fat Lever G: David Thompson F: Alex English F: Carmelo Anthony C: Dikembe Mutombo
You're probably asking yourself the same question I debated for roughly 48 hours: Wait, no Nikola Jokic? There's a good chance Jokic eventually becomes the greatest player in franchise history, but he's just 25 years old.
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Mutombo, on the other hand, is a Hall of Famer and produced probably the most iconic image in franchise history, celebrating the historic upset of the top-seeded Seattle SuperSonics in the 1994 playoffs. Mutombo is the defensive anchor behind a pure scoring lineup that could outgun just about anybody.
English, Anthony and Thompson all averaged better than 20 points a game for their careers, but at their peaks were pushing 30 PPG. Add in a floor general like Lafayette "Fat" Lever to pull the strings, and it could work. Between Fat, Melo and Dikembe, the Nuggets can outname just about anybody, too.
-- Royce Young
Golden State Warriors
G: Stephen Curry G: Klay Thompson F: Kevin Durant F: Draymond Green C: Wilt Chamberlain
Adding Chamberlain to the Durant-era Warriors teams that won back-to-back titles would just be unfair. Can you even imagine how dominant that team would be? Curry, Thompson, Durant and Green already have won titles together -- and now they have one of the greatest big men of all time to drop the ball to down low? Unbelievable. The defense is great, the offense is otherworldly.
It's tough leaving Hall of Famers Rick Barry and Chris Mullin out of this group, but who would come out? Curry and Thompson form the best shooting backcourt of all time. Durant is one of the best players of his generation and Green provides the defensive intensity and glue that has propelled them for years -- plus those four already have played together. There is no stopping this team. A juggernaut for the ages.
-- Nick Friedell
The best of Steph Curry's handles
Does Steph Curry have the best handles in the NBA? Take a look at some of his best moves and decide for yourself.
Houston Rockets
G: James Harden G: Calvin Murphy F: Tracy McGrady F: Rudy Tomjanovich C: Hakeem Olajuwon
Apologies to Hall of Fame big men Elvin Hayes, Moses Malone and Yao Ming, but it's hard to get one center in the Houston lineup these days. Of course, there's no debate about the candidacy of Olajuwon, who remains the best player in franchise history, even after Harden's run of historic offensive production.
Harden is 22 points away from passing Murphy for second on the Rockets' career scoring list, so for now the flamboyant, 5-foot-9 Murphy continues to be the only player who ranks among the franchise's top two in points and assists.
Rudy T is best remembered as the Clutch City-era coach and for the brutal punch that interrupted his playing career, but he earned his spot here with five All-Star appearances during a career spent entirely in a Rockets uniform.
-- MacMahon
Flashback: The best of Harden's 2017-18 MVP season
Take a look back at James Harden's dynamic MVP season in 2017-18.
LA Clippers
G: Chris Paul F: Kawhi Leonard F: Blake Griffin F: Elton Brand C: Bob McAdoo
Paul and Griffin authored the greatest and most exciting era in Clippers basketball with Lob City. Paul spent six seasons with the Clips, was first-team All-NBA three times and led the league in assists twice during that span. Griffin was Rookie of the Year, a five-time All-Star and the exciting, above-the-rim player the franchise sorely needed.
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In the midst of the NBA's 74th season -- currently on hold -- ESPN's experts ranked the 74 greatest in five different categories:
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Brand spent seven seasons with the team and made both of his All-Star appearances as a Clipper. McAdoo started his Hall of Fame career when the franchise was in Buffalo, where he led the league in scoring three straight seasons and was MVP in 1974-75.
Leonard is just 51 games into his Clippers tenure, but his elite production already puts him on this roster. Averaging 26.9 points, 7.3 rebounds and 5.0 assists, a healthy Leonard can further validate this choice if he can get the Clippers to the conference finals for the first time.
-- Ohm Youngmisuk
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Los Angeles Lakers
G: Magic Johnson G: Jerry West G: Kobe Bryant F: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar C: Shaquille O'Neal
Four of these picks were no-brainers. Johnson (fifth in career assists) teamed up with Abdul-Jabbar, the NBA's career scoring leader, to win five championships. Bryant (fourth all time in scoring) paired with O'Neal (eighth in scoring) to win three.
The fifth pick was harder. Is it Elgin Baylor, the greatest small forward in franchise history? Or how about LeBron James, the greatest small forward in NBA history? How about James Worthy, who teamed up with Magic and Kareem and won a Finals MVP?
Ultimately, the pick is West. Baylor never won a ring. James hasn't been a Laker long enough. Worthy would have to play the 4 and you already have Shaq and the Captain on the blocks. The Logo brings shooting and toughness and leadership, and he is extremely important to the franchise as a whole for his post-playing days in the front office.
-- Dave McMenamin
Memphis Grizzlies
G: Mike Conley G: Tony Allen F: Shareef Abdur-Rahim F: Zach Randolph C: Marc Gasol
The question with the Grizzlies: Who should be the final player to fill out a lineup that features the Grit 'n' Grind mainstays called the Core Four? (I'd make a joke about Chandler Parsons' max contract, but I want to be welcomed back to Memphis.)
Based purely on merit, Pau Gasol would be the pick, but he doesn't fit alongside his brother Marc at center and Randolph at power forward. So we will go with Abdur-Rahim, who was a really good player for some really bad teams in Vancouver, averaging 20.8 points and 8.2 rebounds per game over five seasons in which the Grizzlies went a combined 86-292.
-- MacMahon
Minnesota Timberwolves
G: Ricky Rubio G: Sam Cassell F: Kevin Garnett F: Kevin Love C: Karl-Anthony Towns
The three best players in franchise history just all happen to be big men: Garnett, Love and Towns. Garnett is the franchise leader in points, rebounds, steals, assists and blocks; he's the only player in NBA history to lead a team in all five categories. Towns (22.7 points, 11.8 rebounds in 358 games) and Love (19.2 points, 12.2 rebounds in 364 games) each put up monster numbers, even though playoff success never came.
'The Last Dance' on ESPN
The 10-part Michael Jordan documentary "The Last Dance" is available on the ESPN App.
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(Side note: Towns is only 14 3-pointers away from becoming the franchise's all-time leader. Seriously.)
Rubio trails only Garnett in franchise history in steals and assists. Since Wally Szczerbiak and Andrew Wiggins were primarily listed as small forwards, the other guard spot goes to Cassell, who played only two years in Minnesota but had a career year and was a second-team All-NBA selection in 2003-04.
-- Andrew Lopez
New Orleans Pelicans
G: Chris Paul G: Jrue Holiday F: Jamal Mashburn F: David West C: Anthony Davis
(Just a reminder: The Pelicans' franchise history starts in 2002, when the team moved from Charlotte to New Orleans. Anything before that belongs to Charlotte, even though it's the same franchise. Got it? Cool, let's move on.)
First, the locks: Davis, Paul, Holiday and West. Now once you get to the wing ... oof. This spot came down to four players -- Mashburn, Peja Stojakovic, Eric Gordon and, yes, Brandon Ingram.
Mashburn, in the franchise's first season in New Orleans in 2002-03, made the All-Star team and was a third-team All-NBA selection. The Pelicans didn't get another All-Star selection from a wing player until this year, when Ingram made it. But with only 56 games under his belt, Ingram falls off this list. Gordon's time in New Orleans always seemed underwhelming. Stojakovic was a key cog on the 2007-08 team that won a franchise-best 56 games, but he struggled with injuries.
Mashburn was limited to 101 games for New Orleans, but his impact in Year 1 was unmistakable and he still sits second on the team's career scoring average list (21.5), behind only Davis.
-- Lopez
Oklahoma City Thunder
G: Russell Westbrook G: James Harden F: Kevin Durant F: Paul George F: Serge Ibaka
There's an irony to the Thunder's all-time starting five, because it features their best sixth man. The baggage of Harden's role looms large, whether he wanted to come off the bench, whether starting impacted his contract negotiations and ultimately facilitated the breakup of one of the greatest organically built superteams ever. That's a lot to unpack.
Hindsight and what-ifs aside, the Thunder's all-time group can stand with almost any in NBA history, and most certainly is among the most stout in the past 20 years. The Thunder have been around for just 12 years and boast a remarkable cupboard of talent: three MVPs (Durant, Westbrook, Harden) and piles of All-NBA and All-Star nods. Maybe one of the best examples of how deep they are is in showcasing who didn't make the cut: Carmelo Anthony and Chris Paul. Not a bad bench.
-- Young
Phoenix Suns
G: Steve Nash G: Kevin Johnson F: Walter Davis F: Charles Barkley C: Amar'e Stoudemire
No Shawn Marion? No Paul Westphal? No Alvan Adams? No Larry Nance? No Jason Kidd? You can make a solid starting five from the next group of Phoenix legends.
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The NBA announced that due to the coronavirus pandemic, the 2019-20 season would be suspended effective March 12.
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The franchise's two MVP winners, Nash and Barkley, were locks. Westphal split time as a point guard and shooting guard during his six seasons, but we give the nod at the other guard spot to Johnson, who spent 12 years in Phoenix, and had three consecutive 20-point, 10-assist seasons and five All-NBA nods.
Davis vs. Marion was a tough battle. Both made a pair of All-NBA teams (two second-teams for Davis compared to two third-teams for Marion), but Davis gets the edge as the franchise's leading scorer. At center, Stoudemire stands supreme as his four All-NBA honors best Adams' longevity.
-- Lopez
Portland Trail Blazers
G: Damian Lillard G: Clyde Drexler G: Brandon Roy F: LaMarcus Aldridge C: Bill Walton
As with any conversation about Blazers history, their starting five comes with plenty of introspective sighing and deep what-iffing. Injuries to Walton and Roy abbreviated what would've been legendary Portland careers. But at their best versions, Walton was a transcendent big man with unique skills, and Roy was a gifted scorer with a knack for the moment.
Drexler is a Hall of Famer who led Portland to its best sustained run of success in franchise history. Aldridge is one of the dominant scoring big men of his era, and Lillard will likely go down as the franchise's all-time best. The Blazers are haunted by history and a compulsion to live in the anguish of what could've been, but there is also a beauty to their all-time five. It represents who they are, and forever, what they might've been.
-- Young
Lillard's top 10 deepest 3s of the 2019-20 season
Logo Lillard can't be stopped beyond the arc; check out Damian Lillard's deepest 3-pointers this season.
Sacramento Kings
G: Oscar Robertson G: Tiny Archibald F: Peja Stojakovic F: Chris Webber C: Jerry Lucas
A Hall of Fame backcourt of Robertson and Archibald knocks Kings great Mitch Richmond out of one of the two guard spots. Lucas, another Hall of Famer, averaged 19.6 points and 19.1 rebounds in six seasons with the Cincinnati Royals. He gets the center position.
For the forwards, we look at two Kings from the early 2000s, when Sacramento was a perennial playoff team. Stojakovic is still the franchise's leader in 3-pointers made, and Webber averaged 23.5 points, 10.6 rebounds, 4.8 assists, 1.5 steals and 1.5 blocks in 377 career games in Sacramento.
It feels weird not to have DeMarcus Cousins on the all-time Kings squad, but when you look back at the franchise's history -- which dates back to the Rochester Royals and their first year in the NBA in 1949 -- it becomes clearer why he doesn't make the cut.
-- Lopez
San Antonio Spurs
G: Tony Parker G: Manu Ginobili F: George Gervin F: Tim Duncan C: David Robinson
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Monday through Friday, host Mina Kimes brings you an inside look at the most interesting stories at ESPN, as told by the top reporters and insiders on the planet. Listen
It took about as long as the average Gregg Popovich sideline interview to come up with this squad. These were all easy decisions, considering each player's combination of greatness and longevity with the Spurs. (Kawhi Leonard would have been in strong consideration if not for the lack of the latter.)
Duncan and Robinson are on the short list of MVPs who played their entire careers for one franchise. Ginobili and Parker were essential parts of a dynasty. Gervin was a must-see superstar whose presence made sure that pro basketball stuck in small-market San Antonio.
-- MacMahon
Seattle SuperSonics
G: Gary Payton G: Gus Williams F: Detlef Schrempf F: Shawn Kemp C: Jack Sikma
Payton, Kemp and Sikma, the three players to make at least five All-Star appearances in Sonics uniforms, are the three certain selections here. At the other guard spot, there are strong cases for Fred Brown (who's second in career scoring) and Ray Allen (a four-time All-Star in Seattle), but Gus Williams' key role in the Sonics' 1979 championship and pair of All-NBA picks give him the nod.
Spencer Haywood reached greater heights and Rashard Lewis had more longevity, but with the last spot I'm going with Schrempf, whose versatile and efficient game was ahead of its time in the 1990s.
-- Kevin Pelton
Utah Jazz
G: John Stockton G: Pete Maravich F: Adrian Dantley F: Karl Malone C: Rudy Gobert
The Jazz's arena is located at the intersection of Stockton and Malone, with statues of the legends prominently featured out front, so we figured those guys should make the cut. Dantley was a historically elite scorer for the Jazz, averaging 29.6 points on 56.2% shooting and winning a pair of NBA scoring titles during his seven-season tenure in Utah.
Gobert gets the nod over fellow dominant defensive anchor Mark Eaton because he's a far superior offensive player and rebounder. It was difficult not to include Darrell Griffith, aka "Dr. Dunkenstein," but Pistol Pete was too productive (25.7 points and 5.7 assists per game) with the New Orleans Jazz to be left out. Source - ESPN
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thornyrose463 · 4 years
The Transfers (Riverdale one-shot)
This is a Riverdale (CW TV show) one-shot. The gifs are not mine. I found them here on tumblr. All credit goes to the rightful owners.
I would like to thank @amazingphanisnotonfire-imagines​ for making an Instagram profile for my original character Hannah Pearson.
Summary: Hannah Pearson is a member of the Southside Serpents and Sweet Pea's girlfriend. After Southside High shuts down, she transfers to Riverdale High with the other Serpents.
Rating: T
Warning: Swearing and mild sexual content
Cole Sprouse as Jughead Jones
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Vanessa Morgan as Toni Topaz
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Jordan Connor as Sweet Pea
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Willa Holland as Hannah Pearson
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Drew Ray Tanner as Fangs Fogarty
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Camila Mendes as Veronica Lodge
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KJ Apa as Archie Andrews
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Madelaine Petsch as Cheryl Blossom
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Charles Melton as Reggie Mantle
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Lili Reinhart as Betty Cooper
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Skeet Ulrich as FP Jones
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Danielle Campbell as Emma Walker
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Author's note
This one-shot is set in an alternate universe where Jughead didn't break up with Betty after she did the Serpent dance, Jughead and Toni never kissed, the Black Hood got Betty to choose his victims but didn't make her end her relationship with Jughead and her friendship with Veronica, Archie and Veronica didn't break up and Veronica didn't start dating Reggie, Alice, Polly, Cheryl, Kevin, Toni, Fangs, and Principal Weatherbee never joined the Farm, the Farm never kidnapped Betty, Toni, Cheryl, and Fangs were never kicked out of the Serpents, the Pretty Poisons don't exist, Toni and Cheryl didn't break up, Jughead and the rest of the Serpents didn't start playing Gryphons and Gargoyles, FP and Alice never dated or had an affair, the Stonewall Prep storyline never happened, and Principal Honey was never hired.
On the Heathers casting sheet, which you can find on Riverdale showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa's Twitter page, Sweet Pea wrote the initials NM, and Fangs wrote the initials FF. Based on that, we can assume Sweet Pea's first name starts with the letter N and his last name starts with the letter M and Fangs' first name and last name start with the letter F. I chose the name Nathan Montgomery for Sweet Pea and the name Francis Fogarty for Fangs.
Jughead Jones led Toni Topaz, Sweet Pea, Hannah Pearson, Fangs Fogarty, and the rest of the Southside Serpents through the doors of Riverdale High School. Sweet Pea gripped Hannah's hand tightly as they walked down the hallway. Toni and Fangs walked beside Sweet Pea and Hannah, glaring at anyone who looked at them the wrong way.
The Serpents stopped walking when they saw the table that Veronica Lodge, her boyfriend, Archie Andrews, and Kevin Keller were standing behind.
Veronica smiled. "Friends! On behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High, welcome to your new school! To ease this transition, I've set up a registration desk, where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules, and a list of sports and extracurriculars. We encourage each and every one of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair Riverdale."
"Stand down, Eva Perón!" Cheryl Blossom yelled, walking down the stairs, followed by Reggie Mantle and a group of girls in blue and gold cheerleading uniforms.
Veronica sighed and looked at Jughead before facing Cheryl.
"There's the school spirit I so fondly remember," Jughead said sarcastically.
"Cheryl." Veronica acknowledged, glaring at the redheaded girl. "No one invited Fascist Barbie to the party."
"Wrong, Veronica. No one invited Southside scum to our school." Cheryl said, crossing her arms over her chest.
The Serpents tensed.
"Listen up, ragamuffins!" Cheryl yelled.
"Ragamuffins? What kind of insult is that?" Hannah asked.
Hannah was tall and slender. Her long brown hair was parted in the middle and styled in loose curls. She was wearing an unzipped black leather jacket with the Southside Serpents symbol on the back, an unbuttoned long-sleeved green and white plaid flannel shirt over a white tank top, dark blue denim jeans, and black combat boots with black laces. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft brown eyeshadow. Her lip balm was a pretty peach colour. She had a double-headed snake tattoo on her left arm, but it couldn't be seen underneath her jacket. She didn't have any other tattoos besides her Serpent tattoo. She didn't have any scars or birthmarks. She didn't have any piercings.
Hannah was 16 years old. She joined the Serpents when she was 15. She did her Serpent dance to Warrant's song Cherry Pie. She lost her virginity to a guy her age one night at a party shortly after she joined the Serpents. They weren't romantically involved. It was just a hookup, nothing more. At some point, she and Sweet Pea realized they were attracted to one another and started dating.
Cheryl looked at Hannah with raised eyebrows and then started speaking again. "I will not allow Riverdale High's above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms that are overcrowded with underachievers, so please do us all a favour and find some other school to debase with your hard-scrabble ways." She looked the Serpents up and down with a fake smile on her cherry red lips and held her hands together in front of her.
"Why don't you come over here and say that to my face?" Toni asked angrily, moving towards Cheryl. Jughead, Sweet Pea, Hannah, and Fangs followed her, ready to fight.
Cheryl got in Toni's face. "Happily, Queen of the Buskers."
"She is just asking to get her ass kicked," Hannah muttered to Sweet Pea. She was about to lunge at Cheryl, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back.
"Okay, guys, can we just put our differences aside and start over?" Archie stood in between Toni and Cheryl. Hannah's gaze went from being focused on Cheryl to being focused on him. "A clean slate?" He looked between Cheryl and the Serpents.
"You don't speak for the Bulldogs, Andrews, and need I remind you that these greaser snakes showed up at your place trying to kick your ass," Reggie said, giving Archie a pointed look.
"Happy to finish what we started." Sweet Pea threatened, shoving past Toni and moving towards Reggie. He stopped in his tracks when he felt Fangs and Jughead's arms hold him back.
Veronica stood in between Reggie and Sweet Pea, putting a hand on Sweet Pea's left arm. "I'm so over the toxic masculinity in this hallway right now," she said loudly, her voice full of annoyance.
"All right, that's enough pomp and circumstance! Everyone, get to class now!" Principal Weatherbee yelled.
Reggie backed off.
Veronica took her hand off of Sweet Pea's arm. He began to walk towards the staircase. Jughead shoved him, causing him to pick up the pace. He could make out the rustling of papers as he and the rest of the Serpents walked down the hallway.
"Stupid Northsiders," Sweet Pea grumbled.
"It's okay, babe. Everything will get better." Hannah said, rubbing Sweet Pea's arm and getting him to calm down. "And if it doesn't, we'll just kick their asses," she added. He laughed.
Hannah walked into the math classroom. Math was her last class of the day. Once the clock struck 3, she would be able to get on her motorcycle and go back to her trailer.
None of the other Serpents had math at this time of day besides Jughead, who was sitting next to a girl with fair skin, blue eyes, and long straight blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail wearing a white t-shirt, an unbuttoned pink cardigan, dark blue denim jeans, and beige ankle-length boots.
The girl was named Elizabeth Cooper. She was Jughead's girlfriend. Hannah met her at FP's retirement party. She was as sweet as apple pie and was one of the few Northsiders Hannah could stand to be around.
Hannah sat on the other side of Jughead and smiled at Betty. "Hey, Betty."
Betty smiled back. "Hey, Hannah."
The teacher wrote an equation on the whiteboard and explained it to the class.
Hannah listened intently while writing in her notebook. Despite what people like Cheryl and Reggie may think, she was actually pretty smart and cared about getting an education.
The clock struck 3, and Hannah left the classroom and walked out to the parking lot. She got on her motorcycle and drove to her trailer.
Betty laid in her bed, cell phone in hand, browsing Instagram. The name Hannah Pearson showed up in the list of suggested followers. She tapped on Hannah's profile picture and checked out her profile. Hannah had 99 posts and 85 followers and was following 100 people. At the top of the page, there were pictures of Hannah, a picture of Hannah's black Honda CB550 motorcycle, and a picture of the outside of the Whyte Wyrm.
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Betty scrolled down the page and saw a close-up of the Serpent tattoo on Hannah's left arm, pictures of Hannah and Sweet Pea, and pictures of Hannah, Toni, and Fangs. She couldn't help but smile at how cute Hannah and Sweet Pea were together and how close Hannah and her friends were.
Betty hit the follow button. A few minutes later, she got a notification saying that Hannah had followed her.
A few weeks had passed since the Serpents transferred to Riverdale High. The Bulldogs and the Serpents had been in their fair share of fights, and Principal Weatherbee had banned the Serpents from wearing their leather jackets and showing their tattoos. Sweet Pea had to wear a turtleneck in order to cover his tattoo, much to the amusement of the rest of the Serpents.
Hannah was talking to Fangs in the student lounge. She stifled a laugh as Sweet Pea walked in. "You look great, babe."
Fangs turned around and burst into laughter.
Sweet Pea was wearing a white turtleneck underneath an unbuttoned blue and white plaid flannel shirt with long sleeves, dark blue denim jeans, and black combat boots with black laces.
"Shut the fuck up," Sweet Pea grumbled, making his way over to Hannah.
Hannah tried to conceal her smile. "It suits you."
Hannah was wearing a grey tank top underneath an unbuttoned red and grey plaid flannel shirt with long sleeves, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length leather boots with silver studs on the buckles. Her long brown hair was styled in loose curls. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft brown eyeshadow. Her lip balm was a pretty peach colour.
Fangs smiled. "Yeah. It...Um…It brings out the colour of your eyes."
Sweet Pea shoved Fangs.
"It's really not that bad. I've seen Fangs wear much worse." Hannah said.
"Hey!" Fangs exclaimed, offended.
Hannah kissed Sweet Pea. "You would look good in anything, I promise."
"Thanks, but that doesn't make me feel any better." Sweet Pea said.
"Are you guys busy tonight?" Fangs asked.
Sweet Pea shook his head. "No."
"Do you want to go see Love, Simon at the Bijou with me?" Fangs asked.
"I was going to invite Toni, but she's too busy trying to get with Cheryl Bombshell." Fangs rolled his eyes.
"Sounds like fun. We'll be there." Hannah told Fangs.
That night, Sweet Pea, Hannah, and Fangs arrived at the Bijou in Sweet Pea's truck. Sweet Pea held Hannah's hand as they walked in and found their seats.
Fangs nudged Sweet Pea and Hannah. "Guys, look."
Sweet Pea and Hannah turned around.
Toni was sitting next to Cheryl. She made a flirtatious comment, causing Cheryl to blush.
Hannah smiled. "Aww, how cute!"
Cheryl and Toni became a couple a few weeks after their date.
Principal Weatherbee lifted the ban on Serpent jackets and Serpent tattoos, and the Serpents started wearing their jackets to school again.
Betty and Jughead lost their virginity.
Hannah stood beside Sweet Pea, laughing at something stupid he had said. Fangs was on the other side of him. Jughead was in front of them. She looked around the park and saw Cheryl standing next to Toni and laughing. She smiled.
Jughead's father, FP Jones, whistled, getting the attention of the Serpents.
"Listen up, now! All right, listen up!" FP yelled.
"Some 60 years ago, the very first Serpent meeting took place on these same riverbanks. Now, it makes sense that this is where we gather now, where I…Where I say my goodbye. Jughead, would you step up here, son?" FP asked.
The crowd started muttering.
"What the fuck is going on?" Hannah whispered to Sweet Pea.
Hannah was wearing her black leather jacket with the Southside Serpents symbol on the back, an unbuttoned long-sleeved blue and black plaid flannel shirt over a black tank top, dark blue denim jeans, and black ankle-length leather boots with silver studs on the buckles. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft brown eyeshadow. Her lip balm was a pretty peach colour. Her hair was straight.
"I have no idea. To be honest, I thought we came here to get drunk and celebrate how far we've come." Sweet Pea said.
Hannah laughed.
Jughead walked towards FP.
"What are you doing?" Jughead mumbled.
"What I should have done a long time ago," FP muttered.
"I'm retiring from the Serpents." FP announced. The muttering got louder. "For real this time."
FP put his arm around Jughead's shoulder. "Now, my boy has never stopped fighting for this crew. Hell, he almost died for it." He turned to face his son. "That's why I'm giving you the mantle."
The crowd cheered. Sweet Pea hit Fangs, making him wince.
"And now, as your first official duty as Serpent King…" FP nodded to Toni, who made her way towards FP and Jughead and handed FP a red leather jacket with the Southside Serpents symbol on the back.
"I think you know what to do with this." FP handed the jacket to his son. Jughead smiled.
"All right, all right," Jughead muttered. "All I can say is…I love you, Dad. And the Serpents will not die out. Not on my watch."
The crowd cheered.
Cheryl walked towards Jughead, and they smiled at each other as he gave her the red leather jacket.
"Welcome to the Serpents, Cheryl." Hannah said.
Cheryl smiled at Hannah before making her way over to Toni and kissing her.
"One more thing." Jughead pulled out his cell phone. "We have a new Serpent Queen." He called Betty.
Fangs started dating a girl named Emma Walker.
Emma was a Northsider. She was on the cheerleading squad with Betty, Veronica, Cheryl, and Toni. There were no other Serpents on the cheerleading squad besides Toni.
Jughead finished writing Anatomy of a Murder, his book on Jason Blossom's death and the effect it had on the people of Riverdale. It made it to the top of the New York Times Best Seller list.
After their lunch date at Pop's, Sweet Pea and Hannah went back to his trailer.
Hannah walked into Sweet Pea's bedroom. Sweet Pea followed her. He shut the door.
Hannah took off her black combat boots, dark blue denim jeans, black t-shirt, and Serpent jacket, leaving her in just her black lingerie.
Sweet Pea left a trail of kisses on the side of Hannah's neck, rubbing his hands up and down her legs. Hannah groaned in pleasure, taking off Sweet Pea's clothes, leaving him in just his boxers.
Hannah straddled Sweet Pea's body as they laid on top of the bed. She kissed down his body, creeping closer to his boxers. Sweet Pea flipped them over so that he was on top. The two kissed each other all over as they made love.
Sweet Pea and Hannah collapsed on the bed next to each other.
"You up for round 2?" Sweet Pea asked.
Hannah rolled on top of Sweet Pea. "Definitely."
At the beginning of junior year, Hal and Alice got divorced, Emma and Fangs lost their virginity, Hiram and Hermione got divorced, FP became the sheriff of Riverdale, Veronica opened a speakeasy in the basement of Pop's, Cheryl lost her virginity to Toni, Hal and Hiram were sentenced to life in prison, Alice and FP's son, Charles Smith, shut down the Farm, Hermione got people to stop playing Gryphons and Gargoyles, burned every single copy of the player's handbook, and arrested the Gargoyle Gang, Gladys and Jellybean moved back to Toledo, Fangs' mother succumbed to her illness, Toni's grandfather died of old age, and Pop Tate died of old age.
After the fall of the Gargoyle Gang, a new gang arrived in Riverdale. They were called the Scorpions. Each member wore a black leather jacket with a big red scorpion on the back. They dealt drugs and street raced for sport, just like the Ghoulies had.
The Serpents and the Scorpions were enemies.
At the beginning of senior year, Fred died in a hit-and-run accident after stopping alongside the road to help a stranded motorist.
Friday, June 21, 2019
It was the night of the senior prom.
The dance was being held at the Five Seasons.
Veronica, Betty, Cheryl, Hannah, and Emma had gotten ready for the dance at Betty's house.
The limo Veronica had rented pulled into Betty's driveway.
Archie, Jughead, Toni, Sweet Pea, and Fangs stepped out of the limo and stood in the driveway, waiting for Veronica, Betty, Cheryl, Hannah, and Emma to step out of the house.
Archie was wearing a black suit, a white dress shirt, a black necktie, and black dress shoes with black laces.
Jughead was wearing a black suit, a white dress shirt, a black necktie, and black dress shoes with black laces. His beanie rested on top of his head.
Toni was wearing black high-heeled sandals and a strapless black dress with a floor-length skirt. The sweetheart neckline showed a hint of cleavage. Her long brown hair with pink highlights was styled in loose curls. The curls were pushed out of her face but still left to fall down her back. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft brown eyeshadow. Her lip balm was a light shade of berry pink.
Sweet Pea was wearing a black suit, a white dress shirt, a black necktie, and black dress shoes with black laces. The first two buttons of his shirt were undone. His Serpent tattoo was on full display.
Fangs was wearing a black suit, a white dress shirt, a black necktie, and black dress shoes with black laces.
Archie's jaw dropped when he saw Veronica walking towards him. "Wow. You look stunning."
Veronica was wearing navy blue high-heeled sandals and a navy blue floor-length dress. It was strapless and had a sweetheart neckline. The neckline showed a hint of cleavage. The top was folded pieces of soft fabric, and the bottom billowed when she walked, giving her the appearance that she was flying. A small silver chain with a tiny diamond hung low on her chest. Her shoulder-length wavy black hair was in an elegant updo, leaving her neck bare. Her brown eyes were framed by long dark lashes, her lips were plum and shiny, and her cheeks were rosy.
Veronica smiled and gave Archie a peck on the lips. "Thank you, Archie."
Archie walked towards the limo. Veronica walked beside him. He held the door open and took her by the hand, helping her get in the backseat.
Jughead's jaw dropped when he saw Betty walking towards him. "Wow. You look incredible."
Betty was wearing pale pink high-heeled sandals and a pale pink dress with a floor-length skirt and a sweetheart neckline that turned into off-the-shoulder sleeves. The neckline showed a hint of cleavage. A small silver chain with a tiny diamond hung low on her chest. Her long blonde hair was styled in barrel curls. The curls were pushed out of her face but still left to fall down her back. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, soft pink eyeshadow, and nude lip gloss.
Betty smiled and gave Jughead a peck on the lips. "Thank you, Jughead."
Jughead walked towards the limo. Betty walked beside him. He held the door open and took her by the hand, helping her get in the backseat.
Toni's jaw dropped when she saw Cheryl walking towards her. "Wow. You look beautiful."
Cheryl was wearing red high-heeled sandals and a red dress with spaghetti straps, a v-neck, and a floor-length skirt with a slit in the right side that reached the middle of the thigh and revealed her right leg. The neckline showed a hint of cleavage. A small silver chain with a tiny diamond hung low on her chest. Her long red hair was styled in barrel curls. The curls were pushed out of her face but still left to fall down her back. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft pink eyeshadow. Her lips were cherry red.
Cheryl smiled and gave Toni a peck on the lips. "Thank you, Toni."
Toni and Cheryl walked towards the limo. Toni held the door open and took Cheryl by the hand, helping her get in the backseat.
When Sweet Pea saw Hannah walking towards him, his jaw dropped. "Wow. You look amazing."
Hannah was wearing green high-heeled sandals and a green dress with a v-neck, two spaghetti straps criss-crossing over the open back, and a floor-length skirt. The neckline showed a hint of cleavage. The sides of the dress were cut out, exposing a teasing fraction of skin. Her Serpent tattoo was on full display. Her long brown hair was styled in loose curls. The curls were pushed out of her face but still left to fall down her back. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft brown eyeshadow. Her lip balm was a pretty peach colour.
Hannah smiled and gave Sweet Pea a peck on the lips. "Thank you, Sweet Pea."
Sweet Pea walked towards the limo. Hannah walked beside him. He held the door open and took her by the hand, helping her get in the backseat.
When Fangs saw Emma walking towards him, his jaw dropped. "Wow. You look gorgeous."
Emma was tall and slender with fair skin and blue eyes. She was wearing lavender high-heeled sandals and a strapless lavender dress with a sweetheart neckline, an open back, and a floor-length skirt that flared at the hips with a small train. The neckline showed a hint of cleavage. Her long brown hair was styled in barrel curls. The curls were pushed out of her face but still left to fall down her back. She had on a light amount of black eyeliner, a light amount of black mascara, and soft pink eyeshadow. Her lip balm was a pretty coral pink colour.
Emma smiled and gave Fangs a peck on the lips. "Thank you, Fangs."
Fangs walked towards the limo. Emma walked beside him. He held the door open and took her by the hand, helping her get in the backseat.
The limo drove down the road.
Riverdale High School
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
2:00 p.m.
It was graduation day.
The ceremony was being held in the auditorium. The graduates were sitting in the first row. They were clad in blue graduation gowns and blue graduation caps with gold tassels. The guests were sitting a little farther back.
Betty was the valedictorian. She walked up to the podium and gave a speech.
"Have you ever read a good book or a good story, and when you're on the final chapter and the final page, you feel a sadness you can't explain?"
"Sometimes, if you're lucky, the story or book will have an epilogue or a sequel. I stand here before you, my fellow graduates, to tell you that although this chapter in our lives has ended, the story is far from over."
"We are all still so young. We have time to fall in and out of love and to make mistakes. We still have the opportunity to fail and succeed and to change our minds like we change our clothes. There are tears of sadness running down some of your faces. Why? This isn't the end. This is the beginning of something amazing."
"For some of you, maybe it's college. Maybe it's your dream job. Maybe it's getting married and starting a family. Or maybe it's finally accepting who you are and not being afraid of who you could turn out to be."
"Just promise me one thing. Don't forget what these past few years have brought to your life. Don't forget about the people that taught you all about friendship, bravery, and courage. Don't forget about the smiles and frowns, the laughter and tears, and the breakups and makeups. Don't run from your mistakes. Learn from them and embrace them. I wish you all the happiness in the world. I can't think of a group of people that deserve it more."
Thunderous applause followed Betty's speech.
Betty returned to her seat.
Principal Weatherbee announced that diplomas were going to be handed out. He started calling names.
"Archibald Andrews."
Archie made his way towards the stage. He shook hands with Principal Weatherbee and the superintendent of the school board before taking his diploma back to his seat.
A few more names were called.
"Cheryl Blossom."
Cheryl made her way towards the stage. She shook hands with Principal Weatherbee and the superintendent of the school board before taking her diploma back to her seat.
A few more names were called.
"Elizabeth Cooper."
Betty made her way towards the stage. She shook hands with Principal Weatherbee and the superintendent of the school board before taking her diploma back to her seat.
A few more names were called.
"Francis Fogarty."
Fangs made his way towards the stage. He shook hands with Principal Weatherbee and the superintendent of the school board before taking his diploma back to his seat.
A few more names were called.
"Forsythe Pendleton Jones III."
Jughead made his way towards the stage. He shook hands with Principal Weatherbee and the superintendent of the school board before taking his diploma back to his seat.
A few more names were called.
"Veronica Lodge."
Veronica made her way towards the stage. She shook hands with Principal Weatherbee and the superintendent of the school board before taking her diploma back to her seat.
A few more names were called.
"Nathan Montgomery."
Sweet Pea made his way towards the stage. He shook hands with Principal Weatherbee and the superintendent of the school board before taking his diploma back to his seat.
A few more names were called.
"Hannah Pearson."
Hannah made her way towards the stage. She shook hands with Principal Weatherbee and the superintendent of the school board before taking her diploma back to her seat.
A few more names were called.
"Antoinette Topaz."
Toni made her way towards the stage. She shook hands with Principal Weatherbee and the superintendent of the school board before taking her diploma back to her seat.
A few more names were called.
"Emma Walker."
Emma was the last to graduate. She made her way towards the stage. She shook hands with Principal Weatherbee and the superintendent of the school board before taking her diploma back to her seat.
Principal Weatherbee addressed the crowd. "Everyone, please rise."
The crowd stood up.
Principal Weatherbee turned to the graduates and said, "Graduates, please move your tassels from right to left."
The graduates did as they were told.
"Congratulations to the Riverdale High School class of 2019!" Principal Weatherbee exclaimed.
The graduates threw their caps in the air.
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huntertales · 5 years
Part Three: Where The Wild Things Roam, It’s Home. (Taxi Driver S08E19)
Episode Summary: Sam, Dean and the reader respond to a call from a terrified Kevin who claims to hear Crowley’s voice in his head. Also with the good news that he’s discovered the second trial from the tablet—rescue an innocent soul from hell. The reader has to team up with a reaper named Ajay to complete the task, meanwhile the boys get a visit from the angel Naomi. But when things go awry, Dean must find Benny and ask him for a huge favor. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 6,477.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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You didn't know how many times you repeated the story about how you landed yourself here; knocked up, walking through Purgatory after taking a trip down to Hell. It was all part of the trials you had to complete in order to slam the place that ruined your life before you were even born. Bobby knew about the part where you faked your own death. But you didn't get to go into further detail about how you managed to trick him and the boys. While on the hike back to the spot where Ajay told you to meet him, you told Bobby everything you went through during your time away together. From making a deal with Cas in that hospital room to your life as Y/F/N. And how you found the boys again several months ago. After you literately bumped into Dean. 
You jumped ship right before the wall in Sam's head collapsed and Cas thought he was God 2.0. The aftermath was followed by Sam having hallucinations of Lucifer in his head every single day of the week, twenty four hours a day. Not to mention the torture he experienced in the cage. Cas went on a power trip for a while before coming face to face with the mess he made. Bobby and the boys faced up against a monster old as Eve herself. Not to mention the worst thing of all, Bobby died thinking you were gone. There was never a fear that you might have been stuck as Y/F/N for the rest of your life. Dean and Cas could have been stuck in Purgatory. The only person who might have had a happening ending was Sam...of course nothing lasts forever.
Dean got out of Purgatory after running around this place for a year, Sam was torn away from his happy life with Amelia and they bumped into a familiar face with a different name while they were trying to find a prophet on the loose after escaping the clutches of the king of hell. All it took was a dead husband and a demon for you to remember who you were again. It was like a switch went off in your head. The boys caught you up on things that went down while you were gone. It was your first day back in your own head space was when you heard about Kevin's discovery of how to close the gates of hell for good. However, it took a few more months after that until he discovered the first trial. 
“I’m surprised the boys are even letting you out of their sight in your condition. Dean especially. After all that went down...He was devastated after you died—well, we thought you did. Tried just about everything to get you back. But he was so caught up in helping Sam with this hell business. And Cas being off his rocker. The poor son of a bitch didn’t catch a break.” Bobby said. The glimpse into the grief you left behind made you feel a familiar twinge of guilt at your past choices. “Hell, it was a loss for all of us. You were the glue that kept those boys together.”
“Something like that.” You mumbled back to him, your lips stretching into a faint smile. You didn’t have the heart to tell him about the falling almost falling out the boys had over choices of people they wanted to call friends. Of a past they didn’t want to let go of just yet. All of you were on better terms than in the beginning of the year. 
“You and Dean find out what you’re having yet?” Bobby couldn’t help himself but jump back to the baby talk, there were too many questions of his that he wanted to ask before your time together was cut off again for good. You could see a glint of happiness in his eyes at hearing the news that you and the boys were having an addition to the family. “Or are you too early to figure all that stuff out?”
“We want it to be a surprise. Sounds cliched, but we don’t care. Long as they’re healthy.” You said. You placed a hand on your stomach while you continue your walk through the woods, feeling the bump made your smile slightly grow wider. “If it’s a boy, I want to name him Robert junior. I’m thinking for a girl...Roberta. Hmm? You like that?”
“Sure. If you want the poor kid to get the crap kicked out of her on the playground. Considering it’s you and Dean’s kid, I’m sure they’ll be the ones doing all the fighting. Ooh, they’re gonna be a handful. Especially if it’s a girl.” Bobby said. He chuckled to himself at the shenanigans an elementary school aged child would get themselves into, Dean trying his hardest to lay down the law. “They’re gonna get themselves into plenty of trouble and raise a lot of hell. You and the boys are gonna have your hands full raising them.”
“Oh God. I don’t even want to think about the stuff they’re going to try and pull. They’ve already been making my life hell from every weird symptom coming my way. Morning sickness was a bitch trying. Luckily that's gone, but I can't seem to stomach the smell of meat. Which is a little weird if you think, considering how much Dean loves his burgers.” You said. You softly patted the bump before dropping your hand back down to your side. “I can’t wait for this to be over.” 
Bobby fell silent for a moment while the both of you continued your hike through the woods. You pulled out your phone from your pocket, knowing well enough you weren't checking for reception, but to see how much time you had left until you made it to the finish line. A question lingered in the back of his mind the more you told him about these trials. "Why are you doing this?" You turned your head up from what he asked to give him a confused look as to what he meant by that. "I mean, you must've fought tooth and nail just to keep hunting. Hell, if  were still alive, there'd be no way you would be setting foot out on a hunt.”
"Trust me when I say they were livid. Sam didn't want me anywhere near this. And Dean wanted to be the one who did this. But, I sort of...stole it out from under him." You slightly explained the situation to how you got here to Bobby. "The night of the first trial was a complete mess. I didn't want Dean to do it because everything to him is a suicide mission. And, a part of me felt like this was a chance to right some wrongs. Give our kid a better future.” 
“So, how many more of these trials after this?’ Bobby asked. 
“Just one. We don’t know what it is, though—not yet. Kevin’s still translating.” You said. “The kid’s been under a lot of pressure lately, but I’m hoping he’ll figure it out sooner than later.” 
“Well, you saw back there in hell, I ain’t got a lot of rust. Just feels so good to be back in action again. Might be handy if you had me around to help while you’re on maternity leave” Bobby suggested an idea that sounded like music to your ears. A happy ending that you would have loved to make true. “And you know, having an extra set of hands around never hurt anybody."
“Bobby, I’d love that, believe me. There’s nothing in this world I would give for you to come back with me. The thing is," You told him the truth with a heavy sigh you should have told him back in hell, "for this trial to be completed, your soul has to enter heaven. And besides, if that weren't the case, the boys burned your bones, Bobby. There's nothing to tie your spirit to Earth."
“Yeah. Yeah, well…” The smile that graced Bobby’s face slowly began to fall as the older hunter tried to hide his disappointment at hearing his fate. “You know, I always figured that’d be the end of it. You know, just a hunter’s funeral. Zip. Nothing. And I was okay with that. Imagine my surprise.”  
"Well, I guess if there has to be an eternity, I'd pick Heaven over Hell." You said, giving him your two cents on the matter. “Speaking of personal experience. Upstairs isn’t all that bad.”
"Yeah. 'Cause there's nothing screwy going on up there." Bobby's sarcasm made you chuckle. You wished you made the rules about life and death, but your hands were tied on the matter. The both of you began your way back to the spot where Ajay told you to meet him at with just minutes to spare. "I'll do my part, get to the end of this...I ain't exactly the retiring type. So, you idjits figure out a way to spring me..."
“Yeah. No, of course. That’s, uh—yeah.” You found yourself letting out a jumble of words to try and respond back to Bobby’s request you were half listening to. You found yourself circling around the woods to see if you might have gotten the location wrong, or if you could spot Ajay in the distance of endless looking woods. Maybe you could spot him staring down at his watch with a slightly annoyed look at how you didn't listen to his command about being punctual. But there was nobody around. 
“Oh, well, let’s go topside.” Bobby said, wanting to get a start on things so you could finish this. But you had a feeling that wasn’t going to be possible. You tried your hardest not to panic just yet as you took one more sweep around the woods, hoping you might be able to spot Ajay. But he was nowhere to be seen. “What’s going on, Y/N?”
“This is it. This is the place. I’m sure of it.” You muttered to yourself. You tried somehow reassure your worrying mind that you weren't going crazy. You looked down at the ground to see there was the decapitated head of the monster that attacked you when you were alone after Ajay left. Bobby asked if this was where the reaper was supposed to meet you, you nodded your head and pulled out your phone to watch as the timer you set up began to tick down to the very last second. "Yeah. At exactly...now." 
‘’So, he’s running a little late.” Bobby tried to somehow reassure you. 
“No, see, that’s the thing. He was very specific, Bobby, like to the minute.” You told him. 
“And if he doesn’t show…?” He asked, not sure if he wanted to hear the answer himself. 
You felt yourself trying your hardest not to believe the words that came out of your mouth as the future you were looking towards. “We’ve got no way out.”
+ + +
Hunters weren't supposed to be friends with monsters. And vampires weren't supposed to be buddy-buddy with the human who was raised to kill blood thirty creatures like him. But there was an exception to every rule. People who broke the moral code. And people who learned from past mistakes that no matter how friendly a monster is to your face, they were kind as they lead themselves up to be. Sam didn't like Benny. Despite saving his brother from purgatory and supposedly feeding on blood bags than a live human to curb his hunger. There was something about the southern vamp that Sam couldn't let his guard down. Maybe it was because of his own experience of trusting the thing he was raised to hate. 
It started off with a sweet girl named Madison who was dragged into this lifestyle after she was bitten by a werewolf. Sam found himself falling into feelings he hasn’t experienced in a while, ever since his old girlfriend, and possibly the only love of his life, was tragically killed. He thought he could save her. Much as all of you tried to fight the curse, there was nothing else Sam could do other than to put a bullet in the back of her head to end her suffering. Sam should have learned his lesson, but the true test came in the form of a black eyed demon named Ruby. 
She whispered sweet nothings and empty promises into his ear for over two years about how he could save his brother and best friend from the big, bad demon named Lilith. While he might not have been able to accomplish his first task, Sam got revenge on the demon. And set the Devil himself to go running free. Get burned enough times and you learn stop being soft on people. There was an exception or two over the years. Sam trusted a monster just enough when he knew he could get something back from him. What he was about to agree to was like pushing all of his beliefs and conceptions about him out the window. 
For the longest time Sam thought Benny was like the rest of the vampires he hunted over the years. His brother's judgement was good most of the time. If Dean hadn't gone what he went through back in Purgatory, there would have been no way he would have became friends with something like Benny. But being put in an environment like Purgatory, where there was no hunter or prey, everyone was fighting to survive. And their bond transferred over back on Earth. Sam couldn't wrap his head around it. There was nothing more the younger Winchester wanted than to slice Benny's head off his neck and send him back where he belonged. Because that's what he thought the wrong thing to do was. It'd be only a matter of time until Benny slipped up and attacked some humans. At least, that's what he thought Benny was all about. 
Sam felt himself conflicted on what the right thing to do was in this situation. Ajay was slumped back in the driver’s seat, blood on his shirt. It wasn't hard to connect the dots that someone had killed him. Someone possibly caught wind of the demon you and the boys were interrogating and told their boss. You slipped up while you were in Hell. Whatever it was, this had Crowley's name written all over it. With Ajay dead, it meant you had no way back from purgatory. There was no way the boys had time to find another demon who would be willing to talk to them, it'd take more than just holy water for them to spill the name of another rouge reaper. It almost seemed like you were stuck there. Unless...unless Sam bit the bullet and trusted a vampire. The one he wanted to kill the second he meant him. Now Benny was the only chance at getting Sam's family back to where they belonged.
"How'd you get this one on board?" Benny asked, pointing a thumb casually to the younger man he knew hated his guts more than anything. Both men stood across from one another trying to act civilized as a hunter and vampire could be. 
"I'm not. This was all Dean's idea." Sam replied back to the vampire, his tone as cold as his attitude towards the vampire. "I'm sure he told you about what went down. We're out of options.”
"If you don't want to do this, we understand." Dean spoke up before the conversation could veer off the path he wanted everyone to focus on. The man felt guilt ridden at what he was asking his friend to do, the person who rescued him from that hell hole. Now he wanted him to go back to save the woman he loved. He hadn't quite felt this helpless before in a long, long while. 
"Wow." Benny smiled slightly, in a way that was almost unreadable. The boys weren't sure if the vampire was up for the challenge at what they were asking of him, or it was the audacity of them asking to do such a thing. "When Dean Winchester asks for a favor, he's not screwing around." 
"Benny, sending you back there is the last thing I ever wanted to do." Dean said, stressing the point he wanted to make very clear. Benny nodded his head. Both men created a bond through trauma they would never be able to shake off, no matter how much they tried to bury it down. He never wanted things to end up like this. But he was out of options. Benny might have been his friend, you were the love of his life. The woman he’d do anything for. Nothing in this world compared to what he had with you. His hands were tied. "But Y/N is stuck down there." 
“This would be the same Y/N who’s carrying your kid?” Benny asked, wanting to be sure the details were right on the things he was being told. You had only been about eight weeks along from the last time you saw him. Even back then, were determined nothing was going to get in your way. “Now, how in the hell did she manage to get into this mess?”
“Does it matter? This is the same person who helped your ass out when you needed it the most after you got topside.” Sam reminded the vampire about how you found some sort of good in something like Benny. You put your life on the line twice for him to help get him out of a sticky situation. The least he could do was to return the favor. “You got access to the place.” 
“By ‘access,’ you mean ‘getting beheaded’?” The vampire asked the hunter, wondering if they were on the same page here. 
Dean flinched at the things he was asking of Benny, speaking those words out loud made it seem even worse somehow. It was out of place for his friend to do such a thing for someone he barely knew. “Yeah, yeah you’re right—it’s too much.” He mumbled. “It’s not like I've been there for you lately.”
“What? Oh, come on Dean. You had your hands full lately.” Benny said. “And you know I love a good challenge.”
“Wait,” Sam found the response he was given by the vampire surprising at his willingness. “You’re serious?”
“Hey, she’s your family. And you’re right, Y/N was there for me when I needed a friend. It’s the least I could do.” Benny said. “I say let’s do this.”
Dean felt part relief, and part guilt at the things he was about to put Benny through. “I owe you.” 
“Oh, you don't owe me nothing. Truth is, uh... I could use a break from all this.” Benny admitted how he’d been feeling over the past several months since being back. Dean was taken aback at the confession. He thought the vampire would have been happy to breathe fresh air and not have to go about day to day life without running. It seemed Benny was longing for the familiarity of Purgatory. Much as it was hell, he grew used to it, sort of like a comfortable pain. He knew what to expect. “I'm not a good fit, Dean. Not with vampires and, for sure, not with the humans. I don't belong. And after a while...that starts to wear on you. Right?”
Benny found himself confessing more about the things he’d been feeling. He spent over fifty years in Purgatory, slaughtering and fighting his way to freedom. The portal to Earth was a whispered myth among kind like him. When Dean came along, it seemed this was his chance at getting out. But not everything fit his fantasy of what life was going to be like on the outside. Benny found himself longing for a place he once hated. 
The vampire let out a forced chuckle from how this conversation turned into him telling about his feelings. Sam, the one who had been against him this entire time, found his attitude changing. “Cry me a river. Like you need to listen to this. Guess you were right about me, Sam. It’s hard to walk the straight and narrow.”
“Well, when you get back up here, we're gonna fix all that, okay?” Dean told the vampire, knowing it was the least he could do. Benny found the promise of coming back to the place he just admitted to not fitting in rather odd. “Yeah, you find the portal, and your ride out of Purgatory with Y/N just like you did with me, okay? As soon as I send you back, we’re gonna haul our asses up to Maine, and we’re gonna be waiting there for you when you get topside.”
“Yeah. That sounds like a plan, chief.” Benny lied to the man, smiling at the promise of getting himself back to normal. “Let's get on with it.”
“You sure about this?” Dean asked, wanting to be ready for the final go ahead before he was about to kill his friend and send him back to that wasteland. 
“Not my first rodeo, man.” Benny reassured the hunter for what he was about to do. 
Dean inhaled a deep breath and walked over to the Impala, reaching inside the backseat to pull out a machete; the only thing to do this properly. A clean cut across the neck. It sounded simple enough, but doing it was going to be the most painful part of it. Sam swallowed at what Benny was willingly agreeing to. He stepped forward to the vampire and outstretched his hand. He wanted to show his gratitude at the things Benny was putting himself through for someone he only met twice. And for a friend he had to cut ties with for the sake of his family not being torn apart. Maybe Sam was wrong about Benny. He wasn’t that bad of a guy, after all.
“Thank you.” Sam said, his voice was filled with sincerity. 
“Y/N is your family.” Benny shrugged it off, as if this was going to be a walk in the park for him. At least that’s what it sounded like in his voice. Sam could see the emotion in Benny’s face, but he was doing his best to keep a strong face. Family, a friend that was there for them through the worst of times. The thing the Winchesters didn’t have much of anymore. Benny once had someone he called family. Sam had destroyed that relationship for him. “Besides, she saved my ass a few times. The least I could do.” 
The machete felt heavier in Dean's hand than the other times he held it to this. He couldn't shake off this terrible feeling sitting in the center of his chest. He approached Benny and outstretched his hand for him to shake. Benny grabbed ahold of it, only to pull him into a tight hug as friends do. Dean mumbled what felt to be the hundredth time of him thanking his friend for the selfless act he was doing. Both men pulled away to step back into their respective spots, Sam lingered a safe distance away. For someone who didn't like Benny from the first time he met him, he felt guilty as his brother for asking to do such a thing. 
"Well, come on." Benny spoke up after a few grueling long seconds. He cracked a smile, trying to help ease the hesitation. "You a wimp?"
There was no going back with the plan; Dean inhaled a deep breath, and without thinking twice about it, swung the machete up and sliced right through Benny's neck. The brothers watched as the vampire's head slowly slid off his body and fell to the pavement. It'd be no time until Benny found himself back in Purgatory where the first step of this plan would come into action. The boys wasted no time in cleaning up the mess and getting themselves up to Maine where they nervously hoped to be greeted with two familiar faces and a soul that needed to go where he rightfully belonged.
+ + +
You were doing everything in your power not to freak yourself with the thought that you might be longer than you anticipated here. Forever was what your mind was tricking you into thinking. You nervously swallowed down the anxiety and calm yourself down with the thought that the boys were probably coming up with a way to get you out of this. But how? There were only two ways to get yourself into this place; if you were a monster. And you knew of a rogue reaper who forgot about the strict timeframe he stuck you on. You had a feeling Ajay wasn't going to be picking you up. Which meant you were stranded here in Monsterland until you figured out a way out of here before it was too late. 
"Dean spent a year in this place?" Bobby asked in disbelief. You told him about the repercussions of killing a leviathan and standing too close to him. The consequences left Cas and the older Winchester to be stuck in this monster version of hell. Trying to survive and find their way out, thanks to a friendly vampire. You had a feeling Benny was one of a kind. All the monsters here were too busy killing one another to form an alliance
“Running and fighting, all day, everyday." You said. "It took him a while to come back down to reality. This place messed up pretty badly. Honestly, I can't blame him. It’s only been a day and this place is giving me the creeps.” 
"Must have been hell on Sam for not being able to get him out all that time." Bobby said. You winced slightly at what you heard the older Winchester say, you turned your gaze away from him to hide the disappointing answer you had to give him. Bobby was smart enough to put the pieces together. "Sam did try, didn't he?"
"Look, Bobby," You let out a sigh from how he was going to react at the truth you were going to have to tell him. While you didn't agree with the actions Sam took, you felt it would have been hypocritical from what you did. So you tried to defend him the best you could. "We all have an agreement on when these things happen, okay?"
"I know that agreement. I thought those boys that agreement. That's a non-agreement." Bobby, rightfully so, took the information with anger at the actions Sam had done. He turned his back on his own family. Something none of you had ever done. You gave him a defeated look at how he let his own brother suffer for a year, feeling partially responsible for how things turned out. The few months you came back were rocky, almost the point you feared nothing would be the same again. And while they were talking about it always brought up undelt emotions. "I get the feeling a lot must have happened while I was gone." 
You scoffed at the understatement he had given the situation. It was a complicated mess that ended with both of the brothers having to sever ties with two people they grew closer to over the year of their absence from another. At times you wondered if the situation was fixed after all. You wanted to tell Bobby more about it, but you forgot for a second about where you were currently at the moment. Standing around in Purgatory of all places like a bunch of sitting ducks. This was how you got yourself killed. Bobby managed to warn you about the company approaching you. You let out a frustrated sigh at the sight of three monsters heading towards you. 
Without a moment of hesitation, you quickly swung your weapon and decapitated the monster before he could harm you first. You turned your head in time to see the second one attacked Bobby, and before the older man could be killed for another time, you came to his rescue and killed the monster. While you had managed to take down two of the threats, you had no time at all to figure out the third one was behind you, ready to attack. But before he could lay even a finger on you, someone else joined the fight and grabbed the creature, throwing him down to the ground to take care of it himself.
The commotion didn’t go unnoticed by Bobby, who saw another monster with his teeth ripping into the flesh of the one who tried to attack you. To the older hunter all he could think was how this was survival of the fittest, you and him were just a piece of meat for these monsters to either eat or kill, even if it meant killing others to get his hands on you. But that wasn’t the case for the person who you saw. Right as Bobby was about to take a swing at the creature who saved your life, you managed to stop him. 
“Bobby, no, no, wait! Wait! Wait!” You grabbed ahold of his arm and somehow managed to pin it up in the best as you could, giving the creature a chance to stand back up to his feet. You watched as Benny Lafitte, a vampire you hadn’t seen months, spit out the blood from his mouth, showing off his fangs as he got up to a standing position. You blinked, not sure how you should feel about seeing a familiar face. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Benny’s response made you feel partially relieved at the circumstances at how he got himself a one way ticket to Purgatory. “Dean sent me.”
“Dean?” Bobby repeated the name of the man who would have never done such a thing, being friends with a vampire. You somehow managed to hold him off before he could do something stupid by hurting Benny like he wanted. He was angry, and rightfully so. Hunters weren’t buddy-buddy with monsters. Especially not for someone like a Winchester. “Not my Dean.”
“Well, hate to break even more bad news to you...but he’s a buddy of Dean’s.” You said, growing slightly at how you were the one to give Bobby all the bad news about his boys and all their poor choices after he left. 
“A good buddy.” Benny clarified. You turned your head to give the vampire a glare, his remarks weren’t helping the situation.  
“A freaking vampire?” Bobby asked in disbelief from what he was hearing. He turned his attention towards you, wondering how all of this came about. You shrugged your shoulders at the lack of a proper answer you could give him to explain this mess. “Well, you three really went off the rails while I was gone, didn't you?”
You could only let out a quiet sigh from how the truth was coming out all at once, with familiar faces you didn’t expect to see...well, ever again. It was your idea for the boys to cut out people from the past for good. Amelia and Benny were people you never thought you were going to meet or see. It was for the sake of the family and getting the boys back on what mattered the most; which was the three of you. The family who had always been there for one another through thick and thin. At least that’s what you thought. Since the beginning of the year you had gone through a roller coaster of highs and lows, but never did you expect it was going to end up like 
You had to admit you liked Benny, from his charming southern accent to how he seemed like no creature you met before. Maybe it was because he saved Dean a few times from getting himself stuck here forever and got him free. You only met him twice, and while he seemed innocent enough, you couldn’t form a friendship with him. Because not only was it the wrong thing to do as a hunter, having Benny in your life caused more trouble than it was worth. You weren’t sure how Sam got on board with the idea in the first place. He hated Benny’s guts more than anything. Desperate times call putting his trust in vampires. Benny was the only one who could get you out of Purgatory. 
Your legs were starting to ache from all the walking around and fighting you weren't used to doing in your condition, making it feel almost impossible that you were going to make it towards this escape route. Much as you wanted to lie down and sleep, you pushed yourself to keep walking, knowing you had to do this. There was no way you were going to quit when you were so close to the finish line. While you managed to keep up with Benny, you found a lingering awkward tension between the both of you. Maybe it was just how you were approaching all of this and thinking too much about it.  
“Benny, listen—I think you’re a good guy. Don't get me wrong." You said, breaking the silence that fell between the three of you. “And I know you saved Dean's ass a few times down here, and I respect that." 
"Yeah, and now I'm trying to save yours." Benny replied back to you, stopping you from letting him down easy about how you appreciated his help in all of this. You stopped walking when he did as well, Benny chuckled to himself at how all of this was playing out for him. "You know, I'm a disgrace to my own people."
“No offense, but your people aren’t exactly the friendliest.” You said. Benny shrugged off your remark as he began looking around the place, as if he was trying to find something. “How much more walking are we gonna have to do?”
Benny examined the area once more to make sure it was exactly as he remembered it from the last time he was here. "Yeah, this is the place."
"The seam that gets us back on top?" Bobby asked, the vampire nodded his head. You furrowed your brow slightly, not sure what you were expecting to find that was going to get you back to earth. It seemed the older hunter had better eyes than you had. "Is that it?"
You followed Bobby's gaze over and up towards what was going to be your escape out of here; you swallowed slightly at seeing the portal that was your ticket back home where you belonged. Where your family was eagerly waiting for you. "Yeah, that's it." Benny said. "You two remember what I told you?"
"Yeah. All right, Bobby, here it goes." You said, telling him what the plan was going to be. "When we get to earth and I release you, there's no time for goodbyes."
"Already said my goodbyes to you once, Y/N. Didn't seem to take. No reason I won't be seeing you and that kid again somewhere down the road. But if they give me a rocking chair up there, I’m raising hell.” Bobby said. You felt your lips stretch into a faint smile, hoping it might be true. Stranger things in your life happened. "Take care of yourself and those boys, Y/N. Be the best mother you can be to this kid. And don't ever doubt for a second you can't do this. Because I know you can. You and Dean are gonna make perfect parents.”
You know you didn’t have to tell him once again that you were going to miss him and how you wished things were different. You managed to squeeze in one last hug from Bobby, the both of you shared one last moment together before you had to get started on finishing this second trial. Bobby cut along his forearm with the demon knife before handing it over to you to do the same. You began chanting the words Kevin told you to do in order for this to work and grabbed ahold of Bobby's wrist, him doing the same. You weren't sure how it was going to feel when his soul was transferred into your body. You managed to work through the strange feelings and get yourself to focus long enough to hand over the demon knife to Benny. 
"All right. Come on, Benny. It's your turn." You said, reaching out your arm further for him to grab the knife. Benny responded with a look, the kind that you didn't like. You let out a frustrated sigh from how he was hesitating. "If you're worried about me, don’t. I’m fine. Just hurry up." 
"Benny." You heard a voice coming from behind you, making you turn around to see you had more company. You guessed the three filthy people approaching you were vampires. And they weren’t happy to see their own associating himself with someone like you. 
“Go on. It’s me they want. Go on. You just make sure you tell Dean I said goodbye.” Benny gave you a request that seemed fair enough. Every part of you didn’t want to leave him alone in this place. But he was used to it after spending decades here. It was his home, in a strange sort of way. There was no pretending to be who he was. “I was never good up there anyway.”  
"Benny, wait!" You called out to the vampire, knowing you had something he would need in order to win the fight. You threw the weapon you stole from another monster towards him, hoping it would give him luck to survive in these parts for however long he wanted to stay here. You let out a sigh from how you could nothing else for him, despite all the things he'd done for you and Dean.
Much as you wanted to lend out a helping hand to Benny and change his mind about sticking around here, you weren't going to blow your one chance at getting the hell out of here. You made your way towards the hill and climbed up to the portal that was your ticket out of this joint for good. You were high above now that gave you a better view of Purgatory. You looked ahead to see you might be able to find Benny, and when you did, you felt your heart sink in fear at what you saw. You opened your mouth to call out the vampire's name when one of the other creatures tackled him to the ground. Before any noise came out of your mouth, you were sucked through, and spit straight back to the real world. 
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twiststreet · 5 years
Spoiler-y LOEG Finale Ramble
I just want to ramble at length about League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Tempest without dancing around spoilers or worrying about taking up dashboard space too much, so I’ll put that under a cut.  (Sorry if you slam into a wall of my nonsense on the mobile app-- I’m not sure that the app does cuts...?)
I don’t really know how to be precise about any of this so this is going to be extra-ramble-y... Sorry about that.
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If you’ve read earlier series, you know what it’s like to read one of those.  The peculiar frustrations of it.  
The “game” of the League (in the UCB sense of the term game)-- let’s put all of “genre” heroic fiction, all at once, into one big tapestry-- is pretty well established, including the downsides of that, which is ... Not being familiar with *all of genre heroic fiction* makes swaths of the dialogue sort of impenetrable.  Unless your idea of a fun read involves sitting with a window open in google.
But god, the pleasures of LOEG were really sharply present for me in The Tempest.  Just getting to spend time with Moore and O’Neill.  
I’m going to over-focus on Alan Moore’s contributions for a little while, but don’t worry-- I’ll cram in one paragraph about Kevin O'Neill near the end in the Mighty Comics Criticism Tradition!  
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Customary Digression about the Comics Internet’s Toxic Relationship with Moore: The Internet’s crafted a character called “Alan Moore.”  That character is a “no longer with it old man who gets off on writing about rape, doesn’t know he’s a Racist White Man, shaking his fists at clouds at people using his ideas even though he spent his whole career taking other people’s ideas, magical wizard.”  
Some of that comes from real places-- reading about sexual violence generally is a bummer so that being a thematic concern for Moore makes getting hyphey for a new Alan Moore comic tricky.  (Serial comics kinda depend on “Looking forward to the next thing”, I guess.)  His use of the Golliwog character is uninteresting and never feels worth it, and his defenses of it are unpersuasive, maybe embarrassing.  I'd prefer hearing he’d made some peace with Steve Bissette or whoever, to let 1963 be collected for future audiences.  Not Dave Gibbons cause his story there sounded pretty “past the point of no return”, but I never really grasped what happened with Bissette, though it’s not any of my business...
I’ve always found it sort of telling though that this portrait started getting painted after Alan Moore made it clear that he was uninterested in being comic fandom’s parasocial friend, though.  
I can tell you, I have seen and experienced over and over, there are people who you can say whatever about in comics, and then there are other people where you will get folks upset and not listening to what you’re trying to say or giving you any benefit of the doubt as to what you’re trying to say and it’s very much not worth writing about them, because they wrote something at some point that makes people think they’re fans’ Secret Friend.  Alan Moore didn’t want to be anyone’s Secret Friend -- he was in Category A.  
Anyone paying attention noticed how sharply Moore’s stock fell the more that respecting him would mean questioning an industry that mistreated him and questioning either your own work habits (for creators) or purchasing decisions within that industry.  People want to hear about DC has some app now or some shit.  The “Alan Moore: Bitter Old Crank” story lets people continue to be hyperconsumers without having to recognize the vacuum that you could theoretically fill with Ethics. “DC fired whole one guy after getting Me Too-ed-- good enough!” People have to tell themselves something. 
People need stories that they tell themselves, to justify doing what they were going to do anyways.
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This has all been mentioned before but it feels worth noting all this again though because it’s so much a part of the Tempest itself.  The comics’ final note-- the final note for Moore’s career theoretically-- is a “letter page gag” of Moore explicitly telling the comics audience that he’s retiring because he’s had enough of them and thinks they/we *fucking suck*.  WHEEEEEEEEE!
Plus: mad artists.  Editorials about dead artists, dead from suicide, disappeared, forgotten.  The character causing the armageddon at the end gets referred to as an “Author.”
 I like these two panels (which I’ve pushed next to one another) in particular-- it’s a solid gag, but also I think you can read it as ... I read at least a frustration into it, a frustration with the audience wanting to turn Moore into the main character while ignoring what he’s made, the substance of what he’s made.
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How many reactions did you see to LOEG Century that were about “Is Alan Moore an old man yelling at Harry Potter?”  Versus, how many reactions did you see that engaged with what Moore was trying to say about Harry Potter, Mary Poppins, fiction, etc.?  (I think this is a good example of the latter, though in the drastic minority).
Does Alan Moore know that when it came time to review LOEG Century, the Comics Journal hired a TV recapper to do it and then called it a day?
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The story of LOEG Tempest is that ...
A centuries-long plot of The Faery Kingdom is realized and our heroes revealed to actually be agents of the apocalypse, as all the outlandish fantasy creatures that are being collected over the course of the series are unleashed to relentlessly destroy humanity.
And you can admire it on the “Game” level-- because ultimately, if you’re going to cram all heroic genre fiction into one big tapestry.... what about all the stories about the end of the world?  You have to do those stories or else you’ve not played the game!  
I hadn’t really thought that through before Tempest, not having given the series the level of consideration where I’d come to that conclusion.
But now that it’s completed, and you can see the shape of it, the game level satisfies me.  
You’d see people for years online going “Oh do League 1980-- where it’s Jack Burton and Alf teamed up.”  But people didn’t .... People didn’t take it to the logical conclusion-- that at at some point, where do you put Mad Max?  Where do you put the Planet of the Apes?  Where do you put the end of the world?  
You put it at the end. 
I really admire the simplicity of that.  
But that’s just the surface game...
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The story of LOEG Tempest is that ...
Grubby misogynist James Bond gets restored to youth/power and him & his lesser variations try to bomb the Faery Kingdom, rather than letting women be in control, thereby triggering the apocalypse.  The heroines of the League and their gender-fluid pal Orlando fight back.
Moore’s had his career-long fascination with gender, even if he’s somehow now been portrayed as somehow being unaware of or callous to those issues, even though that’s *all he’s ever wanted to talk about* more than any other topic.  What kind of fucking monkey’s paw he made a wish on to end up in that place, I don’t know, but...
(Point of interest: the bad guys of course harken to the original Casino Royale movie... written by Woody Allen.  So there’s an added layer of meaning there perhaps, that’s pretty visible to the naked eye).
What’s fascinating to me more than anything about the Tempest at the moment though is the final page of the series...!
The series ends with a wedding, in what I took in my “I went to public school and don’t read a lot” way to be a nod to Shakespeare. But that’s not the Happy Ending of the series.  
The Happy Ending of the series is after the apocalypse, the fictions that Moore deemed worthy of surviving have created a sort of anarcho-commune in outer space where they’ll live happily ever after...��
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But then in what feels for me like the end of Doctor Strangelove, you see that they’ve resurrected (with very little foreshadowing) Mr. Hyde, angry, ultra-masculine, rape-y Mr. Hyde, long dead in the series, and he & the lead heroine of the series are reunited to slow-dance for the rest of eternity to a song written by Alan Moore called Immortal Love which you can hear HERE...
I have just a BILLION questions about this page!!!!
I think the answer that satisfies me though is...
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This is Moore putting things away.  This is Moore thinking he’s retiring.
The issues begins with a Sherlock Holmes character contemplating whether all the serialized heroic fiction is good for people.  And ultimately just saying no, it hurts people.  This is a point that gets made THROUGHOUT the Tempest over and over.
I think this is just Alan Moore looking back on his career and saying that he regrets it all.  And then as sort of underlining it... I think he’s saying that you just can’t take the violent boy fantasies that he’s been railing against his whole career (almost as if the rape scenes had a point!) out of it.  That these things have that grubbiness to them, eternally, and there’s no extracting yourself from it.  They are an immortal part of the appeal...
All the LOEG’s female heroes, the genderfluid rebellious characters, all of it, and at the end, they can’t get away from Mr. Hyde...
Is Moore just saying it’s all been futile?  Is this Moore’s ultimate expression of regret?  Is it something more nuanced than that?  I don’t... I don’t know entirely what the last page should mean for me.  I couldn’t even be a TV recapper, I’m not that smart-- I don’t know... I just know that I love it...?
But that’s just sort one part of it too, though because I feel like the exciting thing about this series has been how layered it could be, the amount of information Moore and O’Neill can put into every panel and how it can work in multiples levels... Like...
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The story of LOEG Tempest is that ...
Grubby misogynist James Bond gets rebooted again-- now more dour and unloving and charmless than ever, in the mighty Daniel Craig tradition-- and him and his undying franchise of schlubby immature-boy violence fictions try to bomb the human imagination, rather than letting women be in control, thereby triggering the apocalypse-- an apocalypse where humanity is overwhelmed by their fictions.
So there’s the political reading.  What’s the apocalypse in Moore’s series?
“Grubby girl-hating boys won’t let go of their stupid fictions” is the story of Gamersgate, it’s the story of those pathetic Comicsgate shit-people, it’s the story of so much of our politics.  Fascism rising up.  People becoming more cruel, more obsessed with conspiracy theories. An incoherent pile-up of fictions that drown out humanity.
The apocalypse in LOEG is our current moment.  Streaming puts everything ever filmed in front of us.  The internet puts everything every written in front of us.  Everything can be googled-- a point Moore even makes on the last page of his series.  
And no one knows what’s true anymore.  And nothing feels like it sticks-- nothing gets taken very seriously.  And none of it feels worth much. 
Stories becoming “franchises” and content-- what do they mean?  And what does it mean for the fiction around it?  What does Watchmen mean now that it’s just the thing that spawned sequels, TV shows, videogames, cartoons?  Some people say “no no it’s still on my shelf” but I think those people are delusional.  For me, at least, it means less.   How can you say the context doesn’t change the meaning?  That’s what the word CONTEXT fucking means!
(When you see comics being advertised, sometimes I just feel like “oh good luck being the source material for one season of a low-watched TV show on the TV Guide channel.”  Do people have less to say now or do I not care about what they’re saying more because I’m a mean-spirited middle-aged fuck?  I don’t know. A lot of people in comics think they have stuff to say about minorities or whatever, being woke, but for me, it always just feels like Albert Brooks in Lost in America going “we’re going to go touch Native Americans.”  Probably it’s me being a fuck... But like... if the context for all comics right now is they’re potential vehicles for some larger entertainment industrial complex to batter in your head with cliched, apolitical sentiments... how do you get invested in ANY of them?  I struggle to, when there aren’t Primo Weirdos involved-- like games are dreck but Kojima’s a horny extremely-problematic weirdo so I’m looking forward to Death Stranding... I’ve gotten off track, I’m sorry...)
Look: just on a supply-demand curve, the more fictions you have, the less they’re worth.  I wrote about that once online and the reaction I got from someone I respect a lot actually was no, it still matters, but now critics and gatekeepers and influencers matter more too.  
...Do you believe that?  
It would be awfully nice to.  But I don’t.  I don’t, at all.  I probably should because the person who said it was smarter about this stuff than me, and kinder, but...
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But set aside what’s happening to fiction itself... The idea that Moore’s somehow floating above society that the “Cranky Old Man Doing Wizarding” internet version of Moore ignores is that Moore’s always been pretty politically interested (even if his actual political beliefs are, for me at least pretty disagreeable-- I don’t think his actual prescriptive ideas hold much water for me... I find them pretty ludicrous, but you know, different strokes).
But... but yeah: Do you see Putin there in panel 1?  I think I do.  
People want their fictions.  The UK wanted to believe if they did Brexit, they’d have more money for health care funding or some shit.  Liberals in the US told themselves Hillary Clinton was their Abuelita who only lost because scary Russians are coming for them -- and they continue to tell themselves that if they defeat Donald Trump, the rest won’t matter-- it won’t matter that there’s a Republican Senate, Republican state legislatures, a massive part of our population that’s totally okay with concentration camps, etc., they just have to beat this one guy who’s uniquely awful (more awful than the rest of America! an aberration! ) and things go back to some “normal” that once existed. And I mean, Conservatives in the US-- I mean, jesus fucking christ, the fictions everywhere are getting worse. They’re chanting “Send her home”. Her home is Minnesota-- they have large, giantess-blonde women in that state-- SEND ME TO HER HOME!
Tempest is coming out as we’re all just watching this whole fucking “civilization” thing we thought we had slide into a post-climate-change fascistic feudalism, if we’re lucky and we’re not just staring down an extinction event...  Slow slow slow and then FAST LOUD AAAAAAAH. 
I think it’s very much Moore reacting to Brexit, to ‘16, to all that stuff, but it all fits within a project dating back to 1999!  Back when the world was supposed to end in Y2K!  
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Unlike Alan Moore who famously and incorrectly hated it, I loved Twin Peaks Season 3.  I think about it all the time.  I’m still thinking about it.  Anytime I’m talking about whatever, I’m like “What about Twin Peaks Season 3″ tho, which makes dirty talk very awkward.
One reason I loved that season of Twin Peak was because of how it didn’t give a shit about the audience’s wants or desires.  The audience went to it wanting to hear about Agent Cooper fighting the Black Lodge. And Twin Peaks told them episode after episode instead that America right now is cruel and horrifying and randomly violent and a grinder horror-movie for its children, and will continue to be that forever unless they change their hearts.  
Twin Peaks told them that genre stories disintegrate and become meaningless when the bigger stories we are all telling ourselves stop making sense...
I love The Tempest for the same reason, because I feel like... I feel like for me, it’s just Moore there at the end going, “Okay.  Okay.  You love your fictions.  Fucking choke on them.”  
The end of the world is every fiction all at once, in a meaningless screaming sound, because our narratives that bind us to one another have collapsed.
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The story of LOEG Tempest is that ...
Alan Moore is dying-- he’s 65.  Kevin O’Neill is dying-- he’s 66.  
It hopefully won’t be soon-- heck, they could have another 30+ years, if they get lucky.  Or it could be tomorrow. Same thing for everybody. But they’re both at an age where the thought has to occur more than it does for someone in their 20′s, 30′s, 40′s...
So in the Tempest, the end of the world approaches.  
(For them-- not for us-- never for us-- we’re going to live forever, you and I *wink*). 
This is my favorite piece of writing about Twin Peaks Season 3. Here’s a taste:
The notion of “late style” was first formulated by the philosopher Theodor Adorno to characterize the odd traits he observed in Beethoven’s late quartets. For Adorno, these works lack the same rigorous formal harmony of the composer’s mature music. In these pieces, Adorno says, “one finds formulas and phrases of convention scattered about,” musical tropes and clichés that appear “in a form that is bald, undisguised, untransformed.” Beethoven’s late music is tasteless in places, less fully integrated than it had been in the composer’s mature period, but it is also more open to formal discord: it is a music of “caesuras and sudden discontinuities,” a “catching fire between extremes” that militates against formal harmony.
We might suppose that this destructive spirit stems from the fact that the aging artist, closer to death, no longer cares what the public thinks and is free to express a more personal, uncompromising vision. Adorno finds this notion overly sentimental. For him, late works are born from the awareness that our subjective relationship to death can never enter artworks, which survive too long to record this mortifying knowledge. For this reason, late style is the result of an artist who has abandoned the very conceit of expression itself.
There’s a wedding at the end of LOEG Tempest.  One of the “bad guys” is murdered.  But none of these moments are very dramatic!  None of these moments are given any more “emotional significance” as Frankenstein expressing sorrowing that people would rather call him “Frankenstein’s Monster.”   Talking about the “story” of LOEG feels insufficient because it’s... It’s just so besides what it feels like to read it, which is just a flurry of information but walking away from that flurry just feeling.... Like you’re watching something being mourned but in an *ANGRY*-but-mournful “it was all pretty dumb, though-- time to grow up” childhood’s end kind of way...
When League first came out, I remember the feeling being that it was just Moore writing blockbuster comics.  “You just take some fancy idea you want to do and make it enough of a superhero comic that it can be commercial” -- that kind of sentiment, by the Future Blockbuster Comics Writers of America on places like the Warren Ellis forum or wherever. Here’s Matt Fraction describing the League for Artbomb: “...a high-concept to die for, and Moore knows it.  A practical Who's Who of the Victorian era's pulp literature, illustrated expertly by Kevin O'Neill in a style equally vibrantly delicate and luridly grotesque, LOEG is a rollicking adventure yarn jam-packed with big set pieces and pitch-perfect characterizations - most of all, though, it's unapologetic fun for fun's sake.”
And that was the correct reaction after the first series perhaps-- but there’s something so delightful that LOEG ended up being  Moore’s late style work.  
Executives took it, made it into unwatchable Hollywood nonsense that ENDED SEAN CONNERY’S CAREER.  And yet somehow, that’s the series that he ended up retiring on, on this just super-angry “choke on it, you pringle-covered goons” note, with a work that I would describe as his late style...???
Am I nuts or isn’t that fucking delightful?  I mean, goddamn, that’s some fun!  Fucking a....
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And I’m worried like I’m making it sound like a puzzle box or some multi-layered treatise you have to sniff around at with a magnifying glass...
It’s funny.  It’s got sex scenes. Violent stuff happens.  A guy with no pants on and an erection like jumps out like a Jack Kirby character at the reader yelling nonsense.  It’s a good time.
Moore and O’Neill do every kind of visual comic style they can possibly get in there-- that’s the chief pleasure of The Tempest, is them Voltron-ing as a team, and O’Neill delivering EVERY kind of comics page possible-- fumetti!  3-d comics.  Visual panels with text at the bottom of the page narrating outside of the panel borders. 
There’s joyfully more ideas of how to approach the comic page in one issue of The Tempest than you see in, like, the entirety of that dopey-fuck Peter Cannon comic that people were like jerking themselves off to because a character was like “I do formalism good” in it.  Oooooooh, do you formalism, brah?  Cool story!
It’s two guys after looooong careers with all this experience just pushing the pedal down all the way, on the way out the door... If you’re into that kinda thing, it’s so goddamn fun!  It’s them having a laugh, more than anything-- Moore throws in a “fuck Stan Lee" gag at the very very end that’s so brutal and out of nowhere... There’s no way he wasn’t cackling.  CACKLING when he wrote it.  That guy was having fun until he pulled the plug on the entire career... 
The rarest thing in comics if you read the opening comic bios: an honorable ending.
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It’s Kevin O’Neill’s retirement from comics, too, if I’m not mistaken.  One last chance to admire what he brings.  Just a career long bezerker.  
That was sort of the thing about LOEG to begin with, but that grew as the books got closer to the present, just how much of O’Neill’s skills with caricature and filling a page with a derangement were utilized.  Impossible to imagine the book working without him!  Impossible.  
I mean, and imagine the scripts he was working with on this one.  JESUS imagine the scripts Moore was sending him, parachuted in a big crate down onto his lawn, in a Operation Dumbo Drop style arrangement.  They just had to be monster fucking long... 
And then the results are just O’Neill having to draw ALL OF FICTION.
Imagine going up to a comic artist and being like “Brah.  Brah, I need you to draw ALL OF FICTION for a comic I’m working on.  No page rate, but you’ll get exposure, brah.  Do it.  Do it for the exposure.”
Here’s O’Neill talking about Marshal Law from an interview he did with the great and honorable Douglas Wolk: 
There’s only one other example in [Marshal] Law I can think of which was censored, one of the Dark Horse books — I think it’s the Mask crossover. We often refer back to the red light district in San Futuro, and on my original I had in the background, one of the shop fronts with “Pussy Palace” on it. But someone in the office changed it to “Pushy Palace.”
That really doesn’t have anything to do with anything, but I just like that story and don’t have enough gas to go find a better or more apropos quote...
The thing that fascinates with O’Neill is how he ended up a co-storyteller on two of the more notable satirical “fiction will fuck you up, it’s not good for you” stories in comics.  Because that’s fucking Marshal Law, too!  (I really like Marshal Law in all its unsubtle shout-iness, though I know reasonable minds differ there).  But I just... 
Was that a story he was attracted to? Is that a story he himself pushed League towards?  Is he even more of a co-author of the comic than given credit for because of Moore’s prominence? How did he end up doing that twice?  Plus: Nemesis, which I haven’t read much of but understand to be its own subversion of things.  
What an interesting goddamn career, for it to have a thematic heft or thematic ... I don’t know if coherence is too strong a word, but “glue”... glue? To have a glue like that.  How many comic artists have that?  Jesus, how many have that when they’re NOT WRITER-ARTISTS???
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AAAAH I’M GETTING ALL WORKED UP.  Goddamn, it’s a shame that the comics industry doesn’t really want people writing about comics (if it were ever honest, which it is NOT when it pretends that it does) or deserve having people write about comics, and that writing about comics is the very worst thing for the children to do, because it’s so fucking fun to write about this shit, I’d recommend if it if it weren’t a *terrible idea*.  I’m having a good time this morning, but I gotta shower and do my day.  
I’m forgetting stuff I wanted to talk about... Anyways, I just wanted to write all this out because the reaction to Century was just so fucking numb-skulled (with exceptions! yay exceptions!) that I just wanted to get this written down before I accidentally read num-nums opine about The Tempest...
But yeah, I don’t think I got half of the shit in that Tempest book too probably because I’m dumb and shallow and just busy being good at sex (ladies), so I don’t know if I’m “right” about any of this to the extent I’m saying anything which I don’t think I am or I don’t know, I just sort of vomited this. In particular, I don’t think I contemplated the Shakespeare Prospero and Shakespeare Tempest nearly enough when thinking about this series (I read that as a kid but don’t remember it well enough to think on it seriously).  Or if I got 10% of the allusions I’d be surprised because none of them were to low-grade Japanese porno or whatever it is I entertain myself with anymore...
But I just had nothing to do this morning.  Anyways, this is where my head’s at a couple days later though...
And more important than anything: please let’s find a way to stop comic people from interviewing Alan Moore about comics-- ask him about literally anything else because comic people are all scummy and I don’t want  see him keep getting bothered by questions about this shit.  LEAVE HIM ALONE, COMIC PEOPLE.
I’m going to have some leftover fried rice for lunch...
TLDR:  Damon Lindelof can go fuck himself, and you can too!  Wheeeee!
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
There’s just...there’s just so much I need to know!
There’s just...imagine, an entire class of mutant teenagers who were all tragically killed and now are resurrected into this new world that’s so different from the one they last saw, like everything’s changed in the blink of an eye. What’s that even LIKE? How do they feel about owing their return and resurrection to one of their own former classmates, who’s now part of this group of five mutants revered on Krakoa with idol-like status as the ones who like...defeated death for the mutant race? How do all the kids who died on M-Day like Hydro, never even having time to know what happened, feel about learning about the Decimation and why they died in the first place? How do the kids who died on the bus like DJ feel, trying to reconnect with their classmates like Julian and Cessily and Santos who have been through SO MUCH since they last saw them, literally lived through wars and the threat of extinction and are so changed now by experiences they can’t ever (hopefully won’t ever) be able to relate to?
Is Jay Guthrie back? What’s it like for Sam and Paige and the rest of their siblings to suddenly have him back? What does Sooraya feel about this? How do she and Jay interact now? How does the every mutant is automatically a citizen of Krakoa thing work....all the Guthrie kids are mutants, but their mom Lucinda isn’t...is she allowed to come and go, according to Krakoa law? There must be exceptions made for some humans to live on Krakoa, surely, given that Corsair is part of one of the Dawn of X line-ups....who makes the distinction and how?
Speaking of the Summers, what’s up with Gabe’s resurrection? How does that work? Does he remember everything, and his past crimes are forgiven on the basis of the amnesty law, so long as he plays nice? Or did Xavier take advantage of being the man who puts all the mutant minds back in their shiny new bodies and conveniently rearrange a few memories regarding why Gabe hates him so much, and now Gabe gets along with everyone just fine?
What about Kevin Ford aka Wither? Selene was one of the mutant villains granted amnesty when she came to Krakoa, does that mean her former pawns are granted the same resurrection treatment as any other mutant, and if so, how does Kevin feel about being resurrected by Josh....the very person who killed him in the first place?
Oooh, and Clarice....not to mention Jono. What’s it like for some of the more heroic descendants of Clan Akkaba to now be living on the same island as their long distant villainous ancestor, Apocalypse himself?
Speaking of Apocalypse, anyone else catch that bit of gossip from Bar Sinister about how gladly Apocalypse would trade in any of his later Horsemen for his original four....with Hickman having made a big deal about alluding to some long ago war Apocalypse and his original Horsemen waged on Krakoa against some other dimensional foes.....with those Horsemen dying or imprisoning themselves to stop them? Who wants to bet that was to set up a storyline where like, maybe part of Apocalypse’s conditions for working with Xavier and Magneto on all of this was to have his original Horsemen resurrected as well somehow? Like SOMETHING’S going to happen there.
Oooh ooh ooh......what about the fact that ALL OF LOGAN’S 13378427842 dead mutant children are now potentially alive again? CLAN SNIKT? ADRIAN CORBO? WON’T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF JIMMY?
And and and and and they better fucking bring back Chris Bradley and I will literally pledge my firstborn if somebody writes in a scene where Bobby Drake gets to see his little buddy alive and well again, sans Legacy Virus. Look, it doesn’t matter that I’m probably never going to have a firstborn, its the thought that counts, shh, its allowed.
What about Magneto’s original Acolytes, the ones who died when Asteroid M crashed? Chrome, Delgado and Anne-Marie, etc? What might their reactions be upon say, running into Traitor McBetrayal, Fabian Cortez?
IS SIENA BLAZE BACK OMG PLZ LET SIENA BE BACK I WILL....crap, already pledged my firstborn. Ugh, second is the best?
Just how long are they gonna tease the whole ‘no but really there’s ANOTHER Summers brother’ plotline this time?
OMG are Emplate, the M twins and Monet all supposed to play happy family in a shared environment, holy shit could you imagine the epic staredowns everytime Marius and Monet run into each other in like Krakoa’s town square or the market or something and Jubilee just stage whispers “Awkwaaaaard.”
Holy shit, how are Ev and Angelo going to react to coming back to life and discovering that Jubes is now a MOM???
What about depowered mutants we haven’t seen get their powers back yet, are they all repowered now thanks to Hope? Is Dallas Gibson on Krakoa, shadow powers intact? What about Shola and Freakshow and Wicked, aka the only interesting characters Claremont has invented in 30 years, no, Lifeguard and Slipstream DO NOT COUNT.
And will we get Twilight and Clarion and December back, and finally some kind of answer on whether December is a descendant of Bobby or Emma or both?
Is Leon Nunez, the REAL mutant behind Ink’s powers, a resident of Krakoa because the amnesty law got him out of jail and did he take the power back from that LOSER and did Ink get his stupid ass kicked to the curb because everyone was like lol nobody even likes you and you’re not even a mutant, go be an Avenger ITS WHERE YOU BELONG?
Probably not, but look a guy can dream.
What’s St. John gonna think about this new twink running around using his name, HE’S the only real flamer in town! Or is he just not gonna care, and retire to spend his time resuming his career as a romance novelist? (THIS IS CANON, I DID NOT MAKE THIS UP).
OMG and Daken’s on Krakoa too, oh shit, is Bobby gonna finally get to be the hot girl? So many gays, so little time...whoops, Bobby can make clones of himself too.....oh shit did I make it weird, WHO CARES, BOBBY HAS POTENTIAL LOVE INTERESTS NOW, PLURAL, NOT SINGULAR, HUZZAAAAAAAAH.
And also all the other stuff is still interesting too. But like. Bobby boyfriend. Make it happen.
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wrestlingisfake · 5 years
King of Pro Wrestling preview
Kazuchika Okada vs. SANADA - Okada is defending the IWGP heavyweight championship.  Whoever wins this match will likely be the defending champion at Wrestle Kingdom in the Tokyo Dome on January 4.
In one-on-one matches, Okada is 6-1 against Sanada.  You could barely call it a rivalry, but on March 24 Sanada really impressed Okada in the finals of the New Japan Cup.  Okada won, earning a title shot, and decided that if he won the belt he would face Sanada in his first defense.  Okada did win the belt and proceeded to beat Sanada to retain it on May 4.  So when they met again on August 3 in the G1 Climax, Sanada was under tremendous pressure to not go 0-7.  It looked like he’d have to settle for the moral victory of a 30-minute time limit draw, but then Sanada finally got the pin at 29:47.  That one win earned Sanada another title shot, and shifted the psychological balance between the two men.
The big issues heading into this match are that Okada is trying to convince everyone Sanada isn’t in his league, the fans are split between them and increasingly leaning toward Sanada, and Okada just cannot hit his big dropkick on Sanada these days.  That dropkick thing is brilliant, because I’ve seen gif after gif of Sanada dodging the dropkick, and you know when Okada finally hits him it’ll blow the roof off the building.
It’s pretty rare for the IWGP heavyweight title to change hands between the G1 Climax and Wrestle Kingdom--it’s only happened three times in the past decade, and the last time was 2014.  So aside from the fact Sanada is not the guy who should be headlining the Tokyo Dome, I wouldn’t expect Okada to lose even if he was wrestling Batman.  As for Sanada, I think he’ll suck it up and have a better showing in the World Tag League tournament.
Kota Ibushi vs. EVIL - The winner of this match receives Ibushi’s “IWGP Right to Challenge contract”--the document that Ibushi earned by winning the G1 Climax, which entitles the bearer to an IWGP heavyweight title match on January 4.  Ibushi’s won the G1 with an 8-2 record, and tradition obligates him to defend the contract against anyone who beat him during the tournament.  He’s already avenged his loss to KENTA, but Evil also holds a win over him from July 14.
There is a minor subplot being pushed by Kevin Kelly (I’m not sure the creative team has even intentionally made this a thing) that Evil could win the title shot and his tag partner Sanada could win the title, and Evil beat Sanada in their last match.  That’s a clever observation, but I don’t expect it to lead to anything.  I would be incredibly shocked if Evil wins this match.
The whole “G1 winner gets a contract for a Wrestle Kingdom title shot” deal has been a thing since 2012.  In that time, guys who have challenged for the contract have gone 0-15.  Evil should give Ibushi a good match, but this is all about putting Kota over on his way to meet Okada at the Tokyo Dome
Jon Moxley vs. Juice Robinson - Moxley won the IWGP United States title from Juice on June 5, but Juice pinned Mox in a non-title match during the G1 on August 11, so the title is on the line in a rubber match.  Moxley has demanded that this must be a no-disqualification match.
Moxley’s run as US champ has been a little unusual because of his dual contracts with AEW and NJPW, which aren’t in a working relationship.  He doesn’t bring the US belt to AEW shows and his AEW deal precludes him from appearing at NJPW shows in North America.  So you’ve got a weird situation where New Japan has done, like, four US shows this summer but the US champion is the one guy who can’t appear on those shows.  Juice has been playng up the idea that Moxley isn’t a fighting champion, although technically Mox has only skipped one major tour since his debut, and he had a staph infection anyway.
What really matters here is that these two guys have had two great brawls that have established how determined they are to kill one another.  Juice is obsessed with proving he isn’t some prelim guy being fed to the big ex-WWE star.  Mox knows he’s poking the bear by antagonizing Juice, and he can’t let up for a second.
I’m expecting Juice to win the title here, since I doubt Moxley will be back in Japan until Wrestle Kingdom.  Technically, though, Moxley doesn’t have to drop the title--he only has to defend the title once every six months, so he could beat Juice here and go on to another title defense in January.  However, my gut says that it’s better for everyone if Mox puts Juice over now, before the politics of AEW protecting their guy and NJPW protecting their belt start to get complicated.  WIth luck, one or both men will get called out to set up their Wrestle Kingdom opponents.
Will Ospreay vs. El Phantasmo - Ospreay is defending the IWGP junior heavyweight championship.  Phantasmo’s RPW British cruiserweight championship is not at stake.
Phantasmo beat Ospreay on May 22 during the Best of the Super Jr. tournament.  That would have been enough to ensure him a title match after Ospreay won the belt, but he also beat Ospreay again on August 25 in the finals of the Super J Cup tournament.  For a while Ospreay and Robbie Eagles were challenging Phantasmo and Ishimori for the IWGP junior tag team title, but ELP and Ishimori retained.  So Ospreay has failed to beat Phantasmo over and over again, and now he’s putting his own gold on the line.
The match should be great and I could see it going either way.  With the Super Jr. Tag League coming up, there won’t be much focus on the singles title for a while, so they could literally drape all the gold on ELP for a while without derailing any potential title match plans for January.  Phantasmo’s been on a roll--an arrogant, smarmy, hateable roll--so I could certainly see him winning here.  But in spite of that I think I’m gonna pick Ospreay to retain.
Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Minoru Suzuki - The backstory here is that Liger announced he’ll be retiring in January, and Suzuki started giving him shit over an old grudge.  See, in 2002 Liger faced Suzuki in a shoot MMA match, which Suzuki easily won, and Liger commented that he would try again in a couple of years.  Well, the rematch never happened, so Suzuki accused Liger of trying to retire without ever doing it.  This led to Suzuki perpetrating all sorts of heinous attacks on Liger for months, including pulling off Liger’s mask.  This led to Liger flipping out on September 22 and turning into his super-mode, Kishin Liger.
Now, New Japan has not advertised that Jushin Liger will be in Kishin Liger mode for this match.  Jushin Liger has appeared since September 22 in normal friendly mode, so it’s possible this match will be about him trying not to let his homicidal demonic alter ego loose.  It is possible we will have to wait until later to see Suzuki really tangle with Kishin Liger.  BUT...we might just get to see Kishin Liger try to stab Minoru Suzuki in the fucking face.  (During a typhoon.)
I’ve watched footage of Kishin’s other appearances, and it’s safe to say he will brawl like a sick bastard, using weapons and making Japanese women shriek in the stands.  What will make this more interesting is that Suzuki tries to pull that shit all the time, so this could be like watching Dr. Jekyll turn into Mr. Hyde to fight Freddie Krueger.
The other interesting wrinkle is that there have been rumors going around that Suzuki is planning to leave New Japan, and that if it weren’t for the Liger storyline he’d already be gone.  I don’t know if I believe those reports, but since I’ve heard about them it’s easy to imagine that could be Suzuki’s final match in the company, and that Kishin Liger is going to murder his ass to send him packing.  Which is cool, because for months I expected Suzuki to poke the bear until he got Kishin Liger, and then he’d just beat Liger anyway like it was no big deal.  True or false, the Suzuki rumors make it feel plausible that this one could go either way, which is fantastic.
Bottom line, we may get Jushin Thunder Liger trying to wrestle a fair fight and getting crushed by Minoru Suzuki.  Or we may get Kishin Liger literally ending Minoru Suzuki’s New Japan career.  Or we may get anything in-between to set up a rematch at the Tokyo Dome.  I am super hype for this match no matter what the hell happens.
Jay White & KENTA & Yujiro Takahashi vs. Hirooki Goto & Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI - Goto is trying to goad White into giving him an intercontinental title match.  Kenta has some bad blood with Ishii and Yoshi over his heel turn a couple of months ago, but he’s already beaten both of them in singles matches so I don’t see where else that issue can go.  Takahashi is basically a jobber so I assume he’s going to lose the fall.
Tetsuya Naito & Shingo Takagi & BUSHI vs. Zack Sabre, Jr. & Lance Archer & Taichi - This is kind of random tag match between guys who have nothing going on, so I suspect this is happening in order to set up an angle.  Sabre recently won his feud with Hiroshi Tanahashi and reclaimed his RPW championship, so I could see Naito or Takagi being positioned as the next challenger.  Archer and Takagi both ought to get slotted with someone they can beat to advance their pushes.  Meanwhile, Bushi isn’t scheduled for the Super Jr. Tag League so he’s just kinda there with nothing to do.  As for Taichi, I’m pretty sick of Taichi and don’t care what happens to him as long as he doesn’t fued with Naito for the hundredth time.  I’m guessing the Naito team wins this match.
Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tomoaki Honma vs. Togi Makabe & Toru Yano - This seems kinda random.  They’ve been doing house show matches with Tana and Honma teaming with Yoshi-Hashi to challenge Makabe, Yano, and Ryusuke Taguchi for the NEVER six-man tag team title.  I don’t know what the point is of doing two-thirds of that match.  I suppose the winning team would get a boost ahead of the World Tag League tournament next month.  But the other weird thing is that Makabe is as well-known for teaming with Honma as he is for teaming with Yano, so that would seem to foreshadow some divided loyalties.  I can’t imagine anything real big coming out of this match when it’s so low on the card, though, so I figure Tanahashi will just win for a feel-good moment.
SHO & YOH & Ryusuke Taguchi vs. El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru & DOUKI - This is vaguely a preview of the Super Jr. Tag League tournament, as Roppongi 3K (Sho & Yoh), Taguchi & Rocky Romero, and Kanemaru & Despy are all scheduled to compete there.  The Taguchi/Romero gimmick is that they’re both coaches, and Romero is the coach for R3K, so I guess the idea is Taguchi is teaming with his partner’s proteges.  The other thing here is that Despy is back from a broken jaw (if I recall correctly) and he happens to be teaming with Douki, who was recruited into Suzuki-gun to fill in for him.  Douki’s New Japan run is going so well that he isn’t even in the Super Jr. Tag League, so I expect he’ll do the job in this match.
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xlady-saya · 4 years
i’ve had a love of my own [ch 2]
Relationships: andrew/neil
Summary: Despite everything Neil could’ve imagined for his life, he never thought he’d be here, finally giving the world the interview they’ve always wanted.
It’s been decades, but even with his numerous accolades and sports wins, he finds that they’re the least important thing about his life.
Neil can’t help but laugh. Andrew would be so annoyed if he were here.
Of course, Neil only wants to talk about him, and the life they spent together.
Tags: interviews, post canon, major character death but not how u think I swear lol, neil is an old man retelling his memories about andrew, cheesy romance, post retirement, see more tags on ao3
Read on ao3!
"What do you remember most about the night you were inducted into the hall of fame?"
Neil's suit collar feels especially tight as he descends from the podium, his body pulling him in one direction and one direction only. The smile on his face feels too tight, but the hoard of smiling faces and applauding hands around him don’t seem to notice. The rabbit instincts, as Andrew would call them, surge up aggressively. Neil hates public appearances like this, especially when the event is partly focused on him. He can only hope his speech wasn't too terrible.
People shout out their congratulations as he passes, but they all blend together like an oil slick meeting water. Pretty on the outside, but otherwise devastating to the fragile nature of his mind. Bright lights above bounce off full champagne glasses, creating a blurry horizon he has to squint at.
Years of public exposure has done nothing for his dislike of crowds, and he chases the feeling of Andrew's protective bubble. Warm, safe, home.
It feels like that one time Nicky dragged him to a party hosted by the baseball team in college, and left him to go hurl his guts out over the side of the house. At a certain point, Neil had been so overwhelmed he had hastily retreated from the drunk mob into the safe haven of the bathroom.
It's an eerily similar feeling, except this time his safe haven comes in the form of Andrew, suave and bored as he leans against the back wall. Much, much better.
Neil nearly trips over his feet in an effort to reach him, but Andrew is always one step ahead. As if sensing Neil's distress, Andrew extends a hand, and Neil refrains from rolling his eyes at the muffled gasp he hears somewhere in the back.
Catching a glimpse of them acting like a couple is akin to seeing a shooting star in the daytime, according to tabloids. In Neil's mind, they all simply don't look hard enough. Sometimes just the way Andrew looks at him makes Neil feel like they should be behind closed doors, with how it radiates off both of them. He's not sure why people don't see it, because surely Andrew's denials aren't believable. He's incredibly affectionate, if all his gifts and gestures say anything. And more than that...
At the end of any given day, if someone checked, Andrew's fingerprints would be all over Neil. Some on the back of his wrist, trickling down his spine and ghosting over his lower back, dotted along his throat.
Skin deep, with heat that travels even farther.
He takes Andrew's hand gratefully, letting himself be pulled in by the relief of that unparalleled shelter.
"You call that a speech, Josten?" Andrew asks, though Neil catches the spark that sets his eyes aflame. Good—Neil missed it. These events sap the energy out of Andrew like a vacuum, and he knows he only puts up with them for Neil's sake. Neil is happy to be a compact little battery when Andrew needs it.
Neil readjusts their hands but doesn't pull away, giving Andrew a small squeeze to pair with his smirk.
"Like you could do better," he snarks, but moves against the wall anyways, shoulder pressed to Andrew's. They've both bulked up from years with the pros, but where Neil will always be somewhat lithe, Andrew is stocky and built like brick. Neil sighs, breathing in the scent of Andrew's cologne and the subtle mint of nicotine gum.
There are still some eyes on them, but people are mostly looking at the next speaker. Neil can't make out Kevin or Thea in the crowd, but that's probably a good thing given what's about to happen. "You didn't even give a speech," he remarks playfully, a hint for Andrew to chase.
Andrew purses his lips, not taking it until Neil leans further into his space. Neil knows he has the advantage here; he's dressed in a fitted suit, personally picked out by Andrew, with blue accents that match their team (and additionally, his eyes). However, that’s not Neil’s biggest advantage, considering he's wearing the watch Andrew bought him for Christmas—the one with a rabbit stamped cleanly into the back of the metal face. 'Now you can't use your dead phone as an excuse,' Andrew had said, but Neil had seen through it.
Neil nudges him cheekily, gesturing to the room full of people.
"Surprised you're even here," Neil adds, feigning shyness in another effort to break through Andrew's (flimsy) blockade.
It works. Neil's not sure if Andrew's gotten softer over time, or if he's gotten better at this. Though he guesses he's the same. There are not many walls left for Andrew to scale on his end either.
"Don't be stupid," Andrew replies, firm and sharp. It sends comfortable shivers down Neil's spine, Andrew’s sternness causing the joke to evaporate. Even the insinuation that he'd miss Neil's crowning achievement...he won't allow it.
Come to think of it, Andrew's probably thought about it more than Neil. Neil worked so hard for this moment, to make a name for himself in the sport he adores. And he's proud of himself, he is, and he deserves to be in the hall of fame with how much he's fought. Yet now that he's actually here, surrounded by people who want nothing more than to sing his praises, all he needs is...
Neil giggles, whispering in quiet Russian. "You're proud of meeee."
Andrew huffs, but Neil powers on. "Admit it or...you know what will happen, don't you?"
"You look really handsome tonight—"
"Neil, I'm serious," Andrew tries, and while Andrew isn't the type to blush, the way his entire body stills might as well be equivalent to a fire. Neil's hand drifts to Andrew's lower back, because casual touches are second nature to them now. Instead of pushing away from the touch, Andrew's back bends for him, and Neil's gives a subtle press.
Truly, this is Neil's favorite tactic, complimenting Andrew. He'd learned in their last year of college that Andrew can't handle it, and the blond can try to say he hates it all he wants. But Neil never hears a 'no,' does he? "I love seeing the way the suit jacket fits over your shoulders. It reminds me of how strong you are. You're my anchor, you know? You always keep me safe, I feel like I can do anything if you're there. I love knowing this is real, that you're here with me and you'd fight to keep us—"
Neil jumps when Andrew turns on him, but his triumphant grin sits firmly in place.
Andrew leans him in to cut him off with a kiss, like he's accustomed to, but that's not something he's willing to give the paparazzi today. He takes Neil's hand again, glancing around. "We're leaving," he says, because he knows that's what Neil really wanted all along. Duh, Neil already knows Andrew is proud of him. "I've had it with this place."
Neil's body sings at the word choice, at the words unspoken: 'but not with you.'
"Mhm," he agrees happily. When Andrew had been inducted into the hall of fame, they'd ditched the ceremony even earlier than this. So it's about time. "What's the plan?"
Andrew doesn't miss a beat. He tilts his head in the direction of the far doors, and Neil zeroes in on them. He'd clocked all the exits when they first arrived from force of habit, so he follows along with Andrew easily. "Reporters are at the west wing entrance, we'll have to sneak out the service entrance past the kitchens. It's handled."
Neil smirks broadly, and lets Andrew lead the way. One advantage to being so short? It's a hell of a lot more efficient to duck down behind people. "Did you already make a deal with the wait staff?"
Andrew's expressions in public are still quite reserved and closed off, but Neil can feel the smug energy radiating off his back as they push through the kitchen doors. None of the staff even bat an eye. In fact, some of them are trying extremely hard to not look at them.
Neil looks at Andrew, brow raised.
"You'd be surprised what a couple autographs can get you," Andrew says, pulling them around a corner to survey the last stretch between them and the outside world. They should be in the clear, but the last thing they want is to run into a security guard or overactive publicist walking through these back hallways. Neil can't contain his excitement though, his leg thumping uncontrollably against the linoleum. Andrew pauses when he notices, and there's that flash of amusement Neil loves so much. "Control yourself, bunny."
"Stop making me wait," Neil shoots back, because he rarely has the opportunity to be this rebellious. As much as he cusses out reporters and fights people on the actual court, he misses the giddy mischief of sneaking around with Andrew. It's like making out on the roof all over again, or trying to be quiet during movie nights with Andrew's hand caressing his thigh.
It's exhilarating, and he can read Andrew's physical cues so well by now. The shift of his feet, the tension in his shoulders...It's like when he's about to block a shot with his bare hands, except this time he pulls Neil down the hall in a sprint.
He knows he's supposed to be quiet, but the best he can do is muffle his laughter with his free hand as he lets Andrew carry them out of the venue.
If Neil bumps into a cart of metal trays, they're long gone before anyone can react to the sound.
The Lotus comes to a stop in the empty parking lot of the old football stadium. It's one of their favorite places to escape to, a project the city keeps claiming it will repurpose but never does. The lampposts lining the giant lot still work, but there's not a car in sight, the old building dark and menacing. To Neil, it's just...theirs.
Neil stumbles out of the small car, missing the backseat of the Maserati. He wishes they were driving their new Maz instead, but it's Andrew's signature car, and they knew they'd need to lay low.
Ha. To think they'd be invisible in a car like this.
Again Neil has to right himself, his pants still sitting halfway down his thighs. He's glad Andrew thought ahead with bringing them a change of clothes, but the cramped space isn't the best for changing into jeans. He has a feeling Andrew did that on purpose, forgoing Neil's sweats.
Doesn't help that Neil's legs are jelly for other reasons.
Andrew slides out of the driver’s side with a lot more finesse, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand as he comes around. Helpless, Neil drops his arms and lets Andrew pull up his pants.
It's the little things.
Neil smiles when Andrew sighs, loading some of his weight on top of Neil. He won't call it a recharge, Neil just knows. Neil plays with the loose strands of hair at Andrew's nape, at peace in the piercing cold, no real landmark in sight apart from the decaying stadium. It's weird; it reminds him a lot of when he and his mother would camp out in abandoned lots. Vantage points from all sides, but the risk of exposure and openness were high too.
Here though, more than ten years later, Neil basks in the vulnerability, because nowhere feels unsafe with Andrew in his arms like this. He lets Andrew sway them back and forth for a bit, and yeah, this is preferable to the sounds of clinking champagne glasses and excessive applause.
His publicist will give him shit for it later, but he wouldn't exactly be Neil Josten if he didn't cause problems.
Neil smiles into the distance, watching the flickering of a nearby lamppost. "The movie starts in an hour," he says eventually, and Andrew nods into Neil's neck once before pulling away. There's no disappointment in his eyes, and he taps Neil's watch to the beat of a song Neil can't place.
Instead, he just zips up Andrew's open fly, smirking at the unimpressed stare he gets. "You're a nuisance."
"I know," Neil says proudly, and watches as Andrew goes back to the driver's side. He looks a lot cozier and harder to recognize now, dressed in Neil's Palmetto hoodie and jeans.
"C'mon, we need to grab food still," Andrew says, and at the reminder, Neil's stomach growls. If they had stayed an hour more at the event they probably would've been fed fancy catered meals, but that would've messed with their Friday tradition of greasy drive in food.
Neil knows they’re showing a double zombie movie feature today, and he does not want to miss it. He straps in just in time for Andrew to hit the gas, and doesn't even speak up about all the traffic laws they break to make it there on time.
"How mad do you think Kevin is?" Neil asks when Andrew is passing him his soda. He fits it snuggly in between his thighs, jumping from the cold. It can't be helped; the lone cupholder is reserved for Andrew's milkshake, in danger of overflowing from whipped cream.
Andrew turns back to the cashier at the drive thru, and their eyes are still on the verge of popping out of their sockets. They must be new. The other coworkers regard Andrew and Neil with warm familiarity, a little too used to the two famous athletes rolling up for food their nutritionist would not approve of. Andrew takes their bag from the worker without much acknowledgement of his shock, peeling off before they can so much as stutter a sound of disbelief.
They'll get used to it.
Greedily, Neil digs through the bag.
"I think he expects it by now," Andrew answers, uncaring. His eyes flick to the side when Neil's rummaging pauses, and Neil sends him a suspicious look.
"Two fries," he states, not quite a question, but a confirmation of what he's seeing at the bottom of the bag. Two orders of fries.
Then, in the privacy of their car, Andrew lets his feelings shine through. He rolls his eyes, but the edge of a smile plays on his lips. "Don't act like you don't eat half of mine. I got you your own for once."
A 'hmph' escapes Neil's mouth, and he holds a fry in front of his face. He can't exactly refute Andrew's claims, he is a notorious fry fiend, but...
He doesn't have to like it.
"Aren't I sweet?" Andrew says, mockingly, and Neil hates that the answer is actually yes.
"Salty," he corrects, surrendering to pop the fry into Andrew's mouth.
That's all he's getting from Neil's stash though.
The Lotus roars as Andrew pulls away from the stand and up the nearby hill. Most people at the drive in come early, eager to get spots closer to the screen, but they have a special spot far away from the throng of people. The hill only houses one or two other cars who have the same idea, spaced out far and free to talk or fool around in the backseats.
Neil never pays them any mind; it's hard to give attention to anything that isn't Andrew once the blond actually starts talking, offering theories about the plot or characters on screen he may or may not actually believe.
Neil has a suspicion Andrew just likes giving him more reasons to talk too.
The first movie is older, remastered but still carrying that grainy quality old horror movies have. The colors are subdued, almost rusty, and Neil's fixated by the way the flashes dance on Andrew's skin. Whether it be splotches of red or the ominous sunset, just before the eerie music begins, the scenes reflect in Andrew's golden eyes to the point where Neil can hardly follow the story.
Not that it matters, it's zombies. What more is there to get?
"Are you satisfied with the effects for once?" Andrew drawls, though surely he knows Neil's been staring at him for the last ten minutes. He doesn't put up a fight anymore when it comes to that, instead playing with Neil's salt ridden fingertips and drinking his milkshake.
Smiling, Neil lets his eyes drift to the screen. A show of gore and fake blood has him nodding, not nearly as affronted as he usually is. The woman on screen is a good actress, though movies will never get true anguished screams exactly right.
"Mm, practical ones are better," Neil says, commenting on the lack of CGI. Another good thing about older movies: they had to build the monsters themselves, had to spend a lot more time on the makeup and fake guts. It's slightly more unsettling, considering what Neil has seen and done, but less annoying than the computer generated stuff.
When Neil zones out too long, he feels a fry poke his cheek, and he opens his mouth automatically. Andrew watches him with a small smile. Neil's not sure when Andrew grew more comfortable smiling, but somewhere along the way they both got used to it. It's a subtle, quiet expression on the blond, but that's how Neil likes it. Andrew's personality will never be loud, never cheery like Nicky's or Matt's. But it feels like a secret, something reserved for those that mean a lot to the blond. Neil can never feel anything but pride when he sees it, when Andrew lets himself express a bone deep contentment for those people in his life.
For Neil.
"What is it?" Andrew asks, and Neil waves at the screen, bored with it all of a sudden.
"I'll never understand the point of people who approach the first zombie," he says, and he says this every time. And alright, he knows that's the only way to truly kick off the plot but it always rubs him the wrong way.
"It's not like they know it's a zombie, Neil," Andrew replies, in reference to the next unfortunate victim to approach the zombified man in the park. The zombie had been stumbling around, and the older lady simply couldn't help but ask if the man was alright. Being a good samaritan will get you killed every time.
Neil throws Andrew a look, aware that Andrew isn't so much inviting Neil's rant as much as he's poking it hard with a stick.
"Excuse me, I'm already wary of normal people walking around," Neil points out. And that's justified in his mind, given what he's been through. People are weird and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Neil's therapist, who he's begrudgingly getting used to, might not agree but Neil's not quite ready to fully tackle the issue yet. Instead, he gestures to the way the poor lady's face is now being eaten. "I see someone stumbling around like that? I'm not going near them! At minimum you should consider them drunk and violent."
Or at the very least: real fucking annoying.
"I think you have more survival experience than most people," Andrew says, but Neil knows he's not actually defending the character's stupidity. Andrew agrees, and his smile grows when Neil huffs.
For effect, Neil slumps back into his seat, arms crossed. When Andrew tries to reach for his hand, he playfully swats it away, doing his best to not show cracks in the mask he's wearing. It's a skill he learned from his boyfriend, the complete lack of expression. Problem is he can seldom keep it up for longer than a few minutes.
Neil eventually smirks, right on cue, turning over in the passenger seat so his body is facing Andrew. It's not nearly as seductive as he wants it to be, what with the food wrappers and wrinkly clothes, but he knows it's enough to be infuriating. "You think it's hot," he sing songs, and Andrew sighs.
This time, when he reaches out, Neil doesn't refuse the offered hand. On screen, more unassuming citizens are devoured.
The image of the crowd reminds him of the banquet, of his switched off phone that's probably blowing up with questions about where they are. It's another world at this point—the expensive suits, dinner, the rehearsed words.
Here in their car, sitting in the dark in his hoodie with his boyfriend's hand in his, Neil feels far more spoiled. That doesn't mean he's not appreciative though, and the weight of his accomplishment sits warm in his chest, flowing through him to remind him it's not a dream. He's alive, he's here, he's with—
"Yes," Andrew interrupts Neil's train of thought, voice nearly a whisper. "But your downfall is obvious."
That gets Neil's attention, though he does preen from the compliment. "Hm?"
Andrew shifts in his own seat, and for the first time that night, Neil realizes how tired the blond must be. His muscles slump with exhaustion, his eyes blinking away the strain, but it's a good tired, the kind you feel when you can finally relax and sink into your bed. Home. Neil experiences that a lot, when it's the two of them, and the scope of the feeling is only intensified by Andrew's words.
"You'd go back," he reminds Neil, because that's now something that can't be debated. Neil's breathing stutters, and he hears the unspoken words: for me.
It's no surprise that no matter how things change, Andrew's first instinct will be to chip away at something, to present a flaw to protect himself. Neil's not sure he's even aware he's doing it, the need to value himself as something lowly and not worth fighting for.
Neil will keep proving him wrong, time and time again.
"That's not a downfall, that's strengthening my team," Neil quips, and Andrew huffs a laugh, rolling his eyes.
But Neil won't let him get away with that. He picks the buzzing insecurity swarming around Andrew's head right from the air, and crushes it until there's nothing left. At least for the moment; with them it always comes back, they just get better at dealing with it.
"I mean it," Neil says, and it's not him being a shit like back at the banquet. This isn't a barrage of compliments to make Andrew flustered, and from the way the blond stills, he understands that. Neil's tone holds an almost dangerous quality, ready to slash anyone who would dare refute it. It's hollow, haunting; he would've been a much better actor for horror films than the ones in this movie. "Andrew, if you're with me, I can do anything."
That hasn't stopped being true, and he doesn't think it'll ever be the case. He won't ever be without Andrew.
Andrew doesn't tell him to be quiet or stop, just lets the words settle between them and mix with the suspenseful music from the screen. There's a muffled scream below from an open window as soon as the jump scare happens, but neither of them flinch. Andrew's gaze bores into him as the blond shifts in his seat, mirroring Neil's awkward pose.
They're both still so compact though, they make it work. Neil pulls their hands up onto the center console, rubbing the back of Andrew's palm.
"Hey," he says stupidly, after he's been staring too long. Andrew's gaze turns sleepy, gooey, if Neil will be so bold. Andrew doesn't respond to his earlier claim, and Neil knows parts of Andrew's language well enough to know that the silence speaks more towards his agreement than anything.
Andrew may not accept all of it, but he'll hold it close, he'll remember it and chew on it as much as he needs to. That's all Neil can hope for.
"Hi," Andrew whispers back, during a lull in the on screen violence, and Neil scoots as close to him as he can. He doesn't want to miss a single syllable, a breath.
Without much else to say, Neil lets the giddiness from before rise up, finally speaking on it. His smile is too much to smother, but he tries and fails. "We're in the hall of fame together."
In an instant Andrew's smile falls, but it's an obvious show. And he calls Neil dramatic; it's a shared behavior. Neil laughs uncontrollably from it, from the way Andrew shakes his head up at the roof of the car.
"Junkie," he mumbles, because there's not much more to explain.
Or so Andrew thinks. Really it's less about Exy in that moment for Neil. The part that makes him so overjoyed, that pushes him over the edge into bliss...
"I'm proud of you," Neil manages through the laughter, and repeats himself with a few reallys thrown in for good measure. But still, Andrew doesn't get it. Or he does, and he's being a shit on purpose.
"Tonight was about you, you know," the blond tries, tone suffering, but the itch of a smile threatens his blank facade again, and Neil's main job is to poke and prod it out of hiding. It's a fun game, no longer difficult. Not that he ever minded, not that he could mind anything about what makes Andrew...Andrew.
Neil looks up at the ceiling too, as if he can see through it, like he can see far beyond their universe and beyond the cosmos. They're so insignificant, he knows, but funny how these moments never feel swallowed up by the weight of it all. One day though, he supposes they'll fade into that nothingness, and that's why it's such a comfort to him, to know their names will be next to each other in some way beyond gravestones. "I know, but I just like to remind you. Everyone is going to remember you now."
Andrew is one person he doesn't want to ever be forgotten, for how he makes Neil feel...it would be criminal for that to even be a possibility. Neil huffs a laugh; Andrew's more the type to wax poetic, to say sappy bullshit and then try to act like he hasn't. But here Neil is, heart singing.
There will never be a way to leave that feeling behind as evidence, so everyone who ever doubted Andrew will know, but Neil can wish...Neil can dream. He can do whatever he wants.
Andrew tilts his head, his free hand casting itself forward, gesturing to the world beyond the screen, beyond the ends of the planet. "There’s no point in being remembered like that. When we’re gone, we’ll just be gone."
And in some ways, Neil agrees, or at least understands. Legacies only mean so much, can only withstand so much time. There will be other sports heroes, new rookies and players with their own accomplishments, their own time in the spotlight. But that's not what Neil means, not what he believes in. His fame is meaningless, it will wither and die. So will Andrew's. But...but, he's not afraid now to have that spark of want, the need to preserve as much as possible.
Though if he's being honest, and he won't tell Andrew because he's sure to refute it, there will never be as good a goalie. Neil knows that.
Neil grins gently, squeezing Andrew's hand to call his attention back to where it belongs. Andrew listens, always bends for Neil in some way. Andrew extends his free hand across his lap, and in sync, Neil lifts his leg to drape it across the console. Andrew catches his ankle gently, thumb resting in the dip of bone. Neil shivers; he's been treated with such care for years, but it's never easy to fathom all the way. Andrew's hands are weapons, and yet he cradles Neil like glass, like he's not the tainted mess he is under these clothes.
"Normally I would agree, but you’re kind of my loophole," Neil whispers, shrugging in that infuriating way, the one that communicates clearly that nothing Andrew says can convince him otherwise.
Andrew is familiar with it, and is no longer dead set on fighting Neil every step of the way.
"You're ridiculous," the blond says instead, tracing through Neil's jeans, over the memorized lines and scars of his calves. Neil wonders if he likes to do that especially in these moments, to remember Neil is real. He's not going anywhere. "I don't ever know what to do with you."
"Kiss me? That might help," Neil offers, and in the next moment Andrew is meeting him halfway over the console. Neil wasn't even aware he'd shifted so close, but then he's surrounded by just Andrew. There's a hand in his hair, tangling the curls, and his mouth opens for Andrew's like a switch has been pulled. It's automatic, a craving satisfied. Over the years, Andrew's kisses became predictable, the taste of him no longer surprising or laced with desperation. Despite all that, Neil thinks they're even better now.
It's an exhilarating feeling, to know someone so, so well, down to the press of his tongue and the slot of his lips.
Neil sighs when Andrew pulls away, breath hot and eyes lidded, and alright, maybe they're not completely predictable. Neil is always taken aback by how quick his body is reduced to jello, barely keeping himself upright.
It makes him brainless, makes him ramble, so it slips out again. "I want everyone to remember you," Neil breathes into Andrew's mouth, chasing him as he pulls back. Andrew's hand on his chest stops him, Andrew's stare as intense as ever.
It's quiet; Neil has no idea what's going on around him, either with the movie or the crowd. That's unheard of for him, isn't it? But he's not scared, or nervous. Eventually the instinct will come back, the urge to check the locked doors and look behind the car for things lurking in the shadows. But right them, it's just the two of them, wrapped up.
Andrew tugs on his leg, pulling Neil forward until his thighs hit the console, and looks disappointed they can't be glued at the hip. It's cute, but Neil bites his tongue on the comment. Andrew must sense it, because his eyes flash back up to Neil's face, reaching up to cradle it. Neil can predict that trajectory too, the way Andrew's fingers brush the burn marks.
"Idiot," Andrew says. "Only you get to remember me like this."
Damn you, Andrew.
The edges of Andrew's lips quirk up, triumphant in the face of Neil's stunned silence, but Neil refuses to admit he's won. Only...partially.
Neil will hold these moments for himself, close and free from prying eyes. He'll do that for as long as he can, covet them until he can't keep it in anymore. He supposes that's the best compromise either of them could ask for.
The swell of need in his chest intensifies, and he reaches forward to tug on Andrew's sleeve. It feels so dumb; he's allowed to touch more than this, he's allowed to grab and cradle Andrew's skin. But it's too much in the moment, and he tugs again, like he's right back in college.
"Home?" he whispers, unsure. Andrew looks around them, back at the screen and then at the moon hanging high in the sky. Technically, this is a double feature, and it feels almost wrong to pop this bubble around them. Neil's not sure he wants the moment to end either, not even when the credits for the first movie roll and early birds start to peel out of the lot. Headlights ghost over them, but the only move Andrew makes is to lean down and lower his seat all the way.
Neil, smiles, and knows exactly what to do.
They reach a silent agreement as Neil hops into Andrew's seat, fitting snugly against him as the new movie opens up:
No. Not yet.
Neil notes with amusement how the reporters sit, slightly more relaxed, like they're not quite ready to let go of their professional personas in favor of pulling their legs up. Soon enough, they'll get there. Neil's barely begun to scratch the surface, and he hopes their matching looks of disbelief will fade too.
Neil puts down his water, throat already aching, but if that's the price he has to pay so be it. He's been feeling extra lethargic today, underwater and tied at the ankles, but it's not enough to dissuade him. Rubbing his throat, he smiles. "We ended up really sore from sitting like that all night, but we didn't regret it," he says. The purr of the Lotus is so loud in his mind he almost expects for someone to roll up to the building in one.
Andrew had driven them extra careful that night.
Blake jots something down in his notepad, skims it, then crosses out something else. A question he no longer needs answered, perhaps. When he looks up, Neil is waiting. "That's where you went? You got a lot of flack for that disappearance."
Oh he did, lots of speculations; a feud with Kevin Day, a PR war, a statement about the sports climate.
Really, he'd just wanted some snuggles.
"I've caused worse scandals," Neil says, brushing it off. Compared to all the other segments he's had in the tabloids and news media over the years, including the reveal of his bloody family business, the hall of fame incident is far from important.
And honestly, Neil doesn't care about any of that. Rayah seems to sense that the sports talk won't get them anywhere, and she offers him a laugh. "Andrew wasn't very social, was he?"
Ah, good. They're learning.
Neil's demeanor changes, happily steered in the direction of Andrew, and he leans back. An understatement.
"Neither of us were," he replies, examining his nail beds. That's not entirely it though, and he knew it then too. He's not sure why he never called Andrew out on it, maybe because it was so obvious he didn't need to. "But...I think in that case he was just trying to protect me. I was tired from all the preparations all week. Even when I was young, Andrew wasn’t really keen on letting me stretch myself to my limits."
In fact, after his freshman year of college, no threats in sight, Andrew's protectiveness was even more apparent. Neil endangering himself was a thing of the past, and Andrew made sure to keep it that way. After Baltimore, Andrew simply wouldn't tolerate it. He was aware of Neil's exhaustion, his fatigue, and while he never babied Neil, he wouldn't stop himself from intervening when he could sense Neil would not.
The stress of the hall of fame ceremony sapped Neil clean of any energy, that final speech pushed him to the edge. So Andrew took his hand, and pulled him away from it.
The two reporters share a look then, and Neil gets that surge of annoyance. Andrew would tell him to calm down, that it doesn't matter, but well...
Andrew isn't here, and Neil can be as angry as he wants when people misinterpret their relationship.
After a while, Rayah clears her throat, cutting the tension. At least she has the decency to treat him with the same respect he's giving them and not lie. Neil was never one for politeness. "I'll be honest, it’s hard to imagine someone like Andrew Minyard being that way. He sounds so gentle when you talk about him."
Though the insinuation was clear: to everyone else, he was the exact opposite.
"He had a lot of sides to him," Neil responds, because it's better than the petty response of well he was. He supposes that's not fair, not to them and not to Andrew. He plays with the watch on his wrist, now a little dated and not nearly as shiny. He's pretty sure the time is off now, so he's still the rabbit, running late.
"He could be so caring, but he never gave up his firmness, or his no bullshit nature. Believe me, if he didn't agree with me, he would've let me know. He had a way of snapping me out of bad decisions...not always kindly," Neil says, still grinning.
"You sound like you didn't mind," Blake says, though the confusion is still clear.
Neil had been deceived and led astray so much in his life, forced to swallow lies and spit them back out. Being with Andrew was so freeing; he never had to worry about those things ever again.
"No, I...I loved that about him," he says quietly. He's having a bad time with words, nothing new there. It's hard to make it sensical without having experienced the relationship first hand. He wishes Dan were here, she's able to convince people of anything. Still, he pushes, he needs to explain this if nothing else. "No one ever bothered to see Andrew beyond the hard exterior. Like you said...you can't see Andrew as gentle. Well, he was seldom anything but around me as we got older. I trusted him not to lie to me, and to take care of me, and I did the same in return."
He realizes his voice is taking on a desperate quality, but he can't help it. He could fill books with anecdotes, times where Andrew held him close or was just an absolute pillar of comfort. Try as he might today, he knows he'll never say enough.
People will still remember Andrew primarily as an unfeeling ghost, as the person who punched other players or was quick to anger, though that was far from the truth. Unless Neil makes his case here, that'll never go away.
"It's not that either of you ever provided proof," Blake says, and flinches at Neil's glare. It's a fiery thing, he hasn't used it in a while, but he assumes it's still just as acidic from how guilty the reporter looks. He stutters, and backtracks as best he can. "And based on what you said, I totally get why! It's just—"
Rayah, who is far better at making a case for the public's idiocy, is quick to lean forward. "There were only a few moments people ever saw him act like he cared as much as you say," she tells him, and it's followed by a wince. "One of them...wasn't exactly happy."
In an instant, Neil knows exactly what they mean. It was all over the place, wasn't it?
He almost forgets that; he was too busy drowning in his own terror. It was over forty years ago and yet the memory is so strong, the same pain shoots up Neil's legs. The nausea is faint, a reminder of how unbearable and sleepless the following few nights were. He remembers a sickening crack and the shout of people, the flash of cameras.
And Andrew.
Always Andrew, running towards him.
Yes, he supposes it's hard to challenge that moment between them, to categorize Andrew's actions as anything other than fierce protectiveness and worry. Yet when Neil thinks of that incident...what the public saw barely scratched the surface.
He can still feel Andrew's hands digging into his shoulders, can hear the slow footsteps walking into their home...
The room is quiet for a beat too long, and Rayah and Blake exchange a look. It's Blake that eventually clears his throat, and Neil regards him slowly, trying to shake off the beast of a memory.
It's over, it passed. But...it was important, so...
"Are we allowed to ask about that day?" Blake asks, voice small and gauging Neil's reaction.
He sighs; he can't exactly avoid it. There's lots more stories to tell after the fact that won't feel the same without the context, but there will be some conditions.
Neil nods once, tightly. He spreads it out in his head, and an old beat of paranoia surges up in him. Stupid. He's not that dangerous anymore, no one is watching him, no one is looking for him. But it has him looking at the door anyways, wondering if the room is bugged or lined with cameras he can't see. Well, he'll just be careful.
He flattens his hands across the blanket, chewing on his words. "I suppose it would be a disservice to what I'm trying to do if I didn't talk about it," Neil answers, gesturing to Rayah. "Go ahead."
Neil braces himself before taking the plunge, and gets lost in his past once again.
"The day you were injured, what was it like?"
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