#i hope u enjoy i had a Lot of fun w this just rambling away
winter-darling · 2 years
hi lovely!!! :3 can i have headcanons of character saying i love u to the reader for the first time w rui, tsukasa, & emu?💕
Characters saying i love you to the reader for the first time!!
Authors note: milk and i worked on this one together and she slayed tbh
Also Emu’s hc is 100% cheesy, nene & tsukasas are chaos (but dw because it's cute chaos) and Ruis hc was pretty much an entire fanfic because i have a soft spot for him
Warnings: bullying (?) other than that it's mostly cheesiness and fluff
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-probably would happen at phoenix wonderland
-an exciting day of shows and amusement came to an end
-she says ily and ur in shock
Im making this one as cheesy as possible cuz i love emu
The sun began to set, the sky mixed with all lovely shades of pink, purple and orange, and you and your lover Emu made your way to the exit of Phoenix Wonderland. Both of your hands’ were filled with stuffed animals that ranged in different colors and sizes, along with a few bags filled with candy.
You both continued walking, Emu sometimes breaking the cloud of silence with occasional chit-chat about how much she enjoyed today. You didn’t mind it, of course. Listening to her rambles never fails to make you smile.
By the time you finally arrive at Emu's home, it had already gotten dark. Nothing in the sky other than the moon, in which the stars accompanied. Emu comes to a halt once she reaches the stairs that lead to the front door.
“Is something the matter, Emu?”
“Nono, i just wanted to tell you i had a lot of fun today, and i wanna thank you for that” she claimed.
“I see-“ you were interrupted by her.
“And i wanted to add that i loved today as much as i love you!!” She said, followed with a giggle as she rang the doorbell.
You whisper, “I love you too, Emu,” just before her sister opens the door, greeting the both of you.
You bid your goodbyes for the night, then continue to walk home with a smile stuck onto your face and butterflies that fluttered around in your stomach.
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-shocked she even said it herself ngl
-blush blush sm blush
-apologizes like 70 times
-internally panics
Aggressive clicks can be heard echoing throughout the room as you continue to try your hardest to beat Nene who sits beside you, concentration set on her face which mirrors yours. Game Over flashes onto the screen and announces that player 1 has won which only causes you to sigh in defeat. From being both a little tired of staring in front of a screen and feeling like a sore loser, you ask,
“Nene, would you like to take a break?”
“Sure i guess’
“I’ll go grab us something cold” you add, bringing a hand to the crown of your head, trying to wipe away some sweat, followed by a fanning hand motion to cool yourself down.
You both sat on your bed, the sound of the air blowing from the A.C covers up the silence that emitted from the both of you. Both of you were comfortable, though; accompanied by each other's presence even without each other speaking.
Until you hear a mutter from her, something along the lines of “I love you.”
You chuckle, and ask “Nene, did you say something?” While turning your head to look at her.
You could see her cheeks turn a bright red while she tries looking somewhere else.
“No, i- um..”
It’s been around 30 minutes since Nene ran off, and you’ve devoted that time to searching for the girl.
“Nene?” You called out, likely the 10th time you’ve said her name, in hopes of a response.
You looked in the last room in your house, rummaging through the majority of the items for even a single clue of her whereabouts, looking behind the furniture and so on.
You stare at the sofa, shrug, and resume your search.
Then that’s when it clicked
She’s behind the fucking sofa!
You facepalmed at yourself, and approached the piece of furniture.
Leaning over, you saw a girl with grayish-green hair behind it. Her face was buried in her hands as she still mourns the moment of embarrassment from earlier.
“There you are!” You announce. You hear Nene wince in response.
Approaching her spot, you lent an open hand to provide support as she got up.
You guided her back to the bedroom, while being bombarded with a load of apologies.
All you could really do was giggle in response, you didn’t mind what she said before, you found it endearing.
“Nene, don’t apologize silly. I love you too!”
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-proud of what he said ngl
-smug cat grin (“smug bastard” -milk)
It had been around lunchtime, students crowded the halls chatting with their friends. Rui had planned to spend this period brainstorming a few ideas for the upcoming show for his trope on the rooftop, since it wasn’t as packed up there today.
He’d been jotting down whatever came to mind, satisfied with the overall progress. Until he overheard something from a group of students at the corner.
“You guys see that kid over there?”
“Yeah, I heard he’s a freak!”
His brows furrowed at the comment. He knew better than to let words like those get to him so he tried to bring his focus back to the page of ideas in front of him. But the whispers then erupted laughter from the group were all too loud. The thoughts that were once ideas only turned into repeating the words 'weirdo' 'a freak' and hush warnings to 'stay away from him.' He sighed, deciding to close his notebook as he concluded that he had enough ideas for today.
You trail behind a rather quiet Rui who seemed to be lost in his thoughts. It was quite unusual knowing that every other walk to his place to complete the project that you were partners on was filled with his chatter about his robots, ideas, the trope or anything that seemed to pop up in his mind.
Once you both reach Rui’s house, you settle down to begin any assignments that were given during previous classes. But all that seemed to plague your mind was Rui; he had been acting differently today, he was much more silent than normal. So, you chose to simply check in on him.
“Rui, are you feeling alright? you're acting differently.”
“no, dear. I'm just a little busy with schoolwork, and I still have to think of some ideas for an upcoming show” the alchemist claimed.
“In that case, let’s take a break from all the work then!”
Both of you were on his bed, you had sat up against the headboard while Rui rested his head on your lap. You ran your fingers through his purple tufts.
“Rui, would you like to hear a story?”
“I don’t see why not, please, do tell.”
“Once upon a time, there lived a rather tall alchemist who had an aspiring apprentice. Although the apprentice was previously warned about his weird experiments by the villagers, the apprentice paid no mind to the warnings since the apprentice knew those words said by others were perhaps not the truth.
Rui interrupted;
“I think this ‘alchemist’ you speak of seems a bit weird, a freak even.”
"And I think you are mistaken.” You replied, with a grin.
You resumed the story,
"The apprentice was right all along, if they listened to those words they wouldn't have met the most admirable alchemist there ever was. The apprentice appreciated even the slightest efforts he put into lifting someone’s mood when they felt as if they were at their lowest. All the alchemist wanted was to make the village happy. Perhaps this trait among many others made the apprentice fall for the alchemist and while the alchemist made others happy, the apprentice wanted to make him happy."
You looked down at Rui who glanced elsewhere, knowing he’d been listening, you continue;
"The apprentice tells this story in hopes to remind the alchemist that they like the alchemist the way he is and they wouldn't want to change him for the world. So be like the apprentice and don't listen to other's words as they are not always true."
Rui redirects his stare to you,
“Say, do you think that story is about us?” He asked with his iconic cheshire grin, his tone was soft.
“Perhaps” you reply, a small chuckle came after.
The boy took your hand, intertwining it with his. He had debated whether he should share the conflict he came to terms with earlier in the day, given the story was based off of you both.
“Do you mind lending an ear?”
“Of course, what’s on your mind?”
“I encountered a few people at school today, and ended up overhearing them talking about me.
Holding onto something stupid that people claim about me isn’t something I'd normally do, but I can't get the things they’ve said out of my head.”
You could hear the dreary tone through his words.
“Rui, I…”
It took you a moment to think of the right words to choose. Whilst realizing why he had commented on the alchemist during your storytelling.
“I don’t know what they’ve said, and I don't think I wanna know, for their sake. But one thing I can tell you is I don't think you’re a freak at all. You’re nothing near one, either.”
“If you are, well then, perhaps your difference from the world is what makes me love you.”
He smiled at your response. Bringing your hand closer to him, and planting a kiss onto it.
“I love you too”
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-shameless x2
- i see him yelling out the ily like “ILY!”
-i feel like he’d be flustered but not at the same time
-a mix maybe
-a blushing mess (what a cutie tho <3)
You sat there on the bench idly, taking in the scenery around you, hearing the chatter and laughter of people in the background leaving the park as the sun dipped down into the horizon. Yet you remain seated in your position, not wanting to leave yet so you have a breather to yourself in hopes to improve your currently low mood.
You look up, knowing exactly who the owner of the voice is. Both of you stared at each other for a while, although Tsukasa was unusually silent observing you while you tossed him an awkward smile in return.
"You wanna see my new poses?" He asked promptly and rather proudly. With a small nod from you, he suddenly starts posing, changing them every few seconds adding in a "ha!" with each pose. You couldn't help breaking into a laugh which caused Tsukasa's face to light up, unable to contain his growing smile. He continued, hoping you'd laugh more, gladly doing whatever it takes just to cheer you up. Embarrassment meant nothing if he got to make you happy. A big smile is now plastered on his face as he watches you bubbling with laughter, his heart swells, eyes filled with adoration. The only thought running through his mind is just how much he loves you.
"Y/n! I love you!" He yells ecstatically.
You stopped laughing from the shock, hearing him loud and clear. Confusion hits him upon hearing your abrupt stop of laughter, he was frozen mid-pose before he realised that his thought wasn't just said only in his head, he perhaps accidentally said it outloud. Tsukasa erupts into a flustered and blushing mess, covering his face with his hands. You get up from the bench to stand in front of Tsukasa, grabbing onto his hands and pulling them away to reveal his flushed face. With your stomach bubbling and your face starting to slowly match the color of his, "Tsukasa I love you too."
Now both of you were flustered and blushing messes, but you smiled to yourself, knowing that whenever you're feeling down you can always count on Tsukasa to cheer you up in the most unexpected ways.
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seiwas-interact · 9 months
HI i was gonna tag you at first but i figured it’d be easier to just write here :D i’m sorry in advance if this turns out rly long!! i just really wanna take the time to show my appreciation for everything you said on that satoru piece <33
first of all THANK YOU???? SO MUCH?????? like i literally can’t describe in words how happy it made me to read all you wrote, i was giggling n kicking my feet and everything. no but really tysm!! <3 for being so kind and for taking the time to comment on it so thoughtfully!!! it means so much you have no idea!!!!!!!🥺🥺and pls never apologize for the rambling i got sosososoo happy reading all the lines you liked and all your thoughts, i can’t thank u enough!! <33
i thought you couldn’t top the shoujo anime comment but comparing it to an indie movie scene is. so kind. ”scenes that feel almost stolen if anything” like that’s such a nice thing to say??!!! i was definitely going for that kind of vibe too so i’m so happy it came across well :’3 subtle intimacy is also like. my FAVORITE thing to write ever so i was ecstatic that u enjoyed it!!!!!
oh and the reader too!! i’m so relieved you liked them!! it’s not even intentional atp but every time i write for satoru reader ends up extremely down bad bc my love for him bleeds thru😭😭i’m sick and tired of it tbh but i’m physically incapable of pairing him w anyone who isn’t constantly like ’i love my dumbass bf’….. he deserves to be praised for all he does!! god knows no one else in that series is telling him good job and patting him on the head and giving him treats. smh.
overall i’m just. genuinely so, so happy you liked my take on satoru and love, it’s such a huge part of his character even in canon so i try my best to do it justice!! i feel like satoru would just benefit soooo much from a really sweet, gentle, easygoing love bc like you said he’s just. carrying so much weight on his shoulders, and especially after his love w suguru ended so tragically and was so heavy i just think he’d like something light.
for the record i absolutely adore your take on it too!!! how being loved makes him feel small but not in a bad way, how he feels so safe w you……… how he can just be satoru. like it made me insane when i read it bc you’re so RIGHT. i love your satoru sm, you make him feel so human and capture that vulnerable side of him so well that it kinda hurts to read LMAO… it’s just so…!!!! yeah. it’s so tender and good and achey
aaa and and and…. it makes me so soft that u thought my writing was homey….🥺🥺mine def leans more towards introspective thoughts and feelings too!! it’s just too fun to dig into your fave’s psyche lol.
anyway i feel like i’m just rambling away in your askbox so i’ll leave it there but pls just know how much i love and appreciate you <33 no need to answer this btw i just needed u to know!!!!! i feel like we all need some gojo fluff after those leaks LMAOO (i am in extreme misery) so i hope the fic could be a small comfort…… i’m just here writing sickeningly fluffy gojo content to distract myself from the manga atp…………
hi darlin omg 🥺 help we’re both just apologising for rambling on eachothers pages omg 😭 pls don’t apologise aaah!!! this is so so sweet of you 🥺
OF COURSE i had to comment thoughtfully on your fic omg it’s what you deserve!!! 🥺 it rlly tickled so many parts of my brain when it came to understanding satoru’s perspective!! tugged at my heart just as much too 🥺 i love introspective works a lot 🤧
i’m so happy i was able to get the vibe of it right too omg 🥺 as a reader who writes i think i get a lot more conscious now if what i understabd overlaps with what the writer is trying to portray omg akksnxkd but yes subtle intimacy omg 🥺
and yes to lovesick reader too 😭😭 i enjoy all dynamics but i have an extremely soft spot for when both are whipped for one another and for satoru especially !!!! our baby boy 🥺
& re: satoru and love, i think so too !!! i think that guy needs some luvin in his life and it shouldn’t be any more difficult than all the shit he’s been thru already 😭 that lil scene u added the ‘be careful satoru’ one i think omfg IT ACHED
AND AAAAH how u like my satoru too omg 🥺 thank u thank u 🥺 that’s such a compliment!! tender and achey 🥹 i do try to humanise him as much as i can so i’m glad it came across 🥹 ur satoru 🤝 my satoru 🥹🫶🏻
i hope u’re ok after the leaks!!! i’ve also just been thinking up all the fluffiest, most comforting ideas to cope 🤧 josnxkdn
read ‘i’ll relearn love at our kitchen table’ (super soft n comforting gojo!!! ☹️ tugged at my heart!!!!)
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vampiresbloodx · 7 months
heyy, how are youu? hope you're doing great!
this is my first request in a while so I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense 😭
Can you write something about how Vanessa and we have been in a relationship for a couple of months and she gets jealous of someone (It can be anyone you can think of) But she doesn't know how to tell us because she is still too shy to express her feelings towards us?
aaand if u take request for smut, can u add some soft sex with lot of praise? 😁
a/n: sure can <33 I love me some jealous vanessa.
Trigger warnings: smut, top!Vanessa, bottom!reader, jealously, established relationship, car sex, rough sex, vaginal fingering.
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Vanessa knew she was protective over you.
How could she not be? You were just so sweet, a ball of sunshine, and she was lucky to have you in her life.
You were too good for her, all she wanted was to make you happy.
The two of you were at a bar, enjoying yourselves as Mike wanted to celebrate on getting your promotion. He was a nice guy, Vanessa and him were even friends, nothing more. She only has eyes for you.
Whenever she looked your way, saw you laughing with Mike, she saw him place his hand on top of yours, making her clench her jaw, he should know better, you hadn't told Mike about your relationship with Vanessa as she understood why, the judgement you both could get if it was let out, but Vanessa wanted nothing more than to kiss you in front of everyone to show them you are hers.
It was supposed to be a nice night out, but all she wanted to do was go back home, lay in her bed and sulk.
When it was time to leave, close to midnight, you were getting rather tired as you, Mike and Vanessa walked out of the bar, Mike seemed a bit tipsy, so did you, Vanessa couldn't really drink that much as she was the one driving.
"Hey I had fun tonight" She heard Mike say to you, her back was turned from him, she didn't want to look at you standing near him.
"Yeah, same here. Thanks for the shout."
"Of course, anytime."
Vanessa wanted to leave.
"I'll see you another time, Vanessa is waiting for me, see you!" You waved your goodbyes and walked off to where Vanessa was standing by her car.
When you both got inside the car, she didn't even speak not once. Letting you ramble the whole way as you turned on the stero.
You must have caught her the change in her mood.
"Honey?" You said, placing your hand on her thigh, she didn't move away. "What's wrong, you seem upset."
"It's nothing."
You scoffed, "don't give me that" you said, "I know you too damn well to know it's not just nothing."
Vanessa knew you were right about that and she couldn't hide away from this.
She let out a sigh, biting down at her bottom lip.
"It's... Mike."
"Mike?" You said, confused, but you let her continue as you knew she wasn't always the best at putting her words together in expressing how she felt.
"You didn't see the way he was looking at you, how much he was touching you, it's just-" she groaned, her hands hitting against the steering wheel as it hit you.
"Oh my God, you're jealous!" You grinned.
Vanessa turned her head to look at you, furrowing her eyebrows.
"Jealous? Why would I be jealous, I'm the one that gets to kiss you and take you out on dates not him" she muttered, gritting her teeth together.
You chuckled, your hand coming up to caress her cheek as she couldn't help but lean into your touch.
"The only person I want is you, silly. The entire time I was thinking of how fucking hot you looked and how badly I wanted your fingers inside me. Not once was I ever thinking of him."
Her eyes widened at that, pupils dilating.
"W-what? You were thinking of me?" She stammered, her cheeks burning.
You nodded.
"Can I show you how much I need you?" You asked, waiting for her permission, she didn't hesitate as she quickly nodded.
Her eyes stayed on yours, you found her hand and placed it under your shorts, she immediately groaned, feeling how wet you are.
"Yeah?" You murmured, letting her take control as she rubbed against your clit, her digits soaked in your juices, "this was all you."
Her gaze never left yours, Vanessa easily slipped in a finger into your cunt as you moaned, chest heaving up and down, she wanted to rip your clothes off and fuck you right then and there.
"Who does this pretty pussy belong to, mhm?" She asks.
You whimpered, back arching into her touch, she slowed down her movements.
"That's not what i wanted to hear, baby" she muttered.
"Yours! This pussy belongs to you" you moaned, feeling her curl in a digit inside you.
"Good girl, that wasn't so hard, wasn't it?" She teased with a light chuckle. "Now come all over my fingers, make a mess."
And you did.
You came with a sweet cry of her name, clenching around her and even then just watching you fall apart almost made Vanessa come herself, but she had more restraint.
She let you catch your breath as she pulled out her hand from your pants, fucking hell they were dripping with your wetness.
You watched her place them into her mouth, whimpering at the sight.
She moaned around them, sucking as she could taste you on her tongue.
Vanessa felt you pull against her tie, bringing her in closer to your body as you kissed her, soft, her hand rested against your cheek.
"I love you."
She heard you whisper.
Vanessa smiled, kissing you back harder.
"I love you too."
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calamitys-child · 3 years
hi drunk aidan, im obsessed with ur headcanons, pls tell me more about crozier and james dear. ALSO in your opinion what would be the best/funniest/most cursed terror + black sails dynamic
Oh man idk if you're James Fitzjamesing or Clark Rossing but rest assured I think constantly about both:
JCR and Francis met in their early 20s and fell for each other in that way everyone falls for their first gay partner; hard, fast, a near-inevitable breakup, remaining solid friends for the rest of their lives. They were a right mess on their first ship together (my brain is saying Clio but I'm p sure that's fitzconte's first ship? Truly I cannae remember right now), always getting on at one another until Ross finally decided he knew how to shut Francis up, and then later Francis saw Ross in his dress and snogged him silly in full view of the Entire crew, who cheered them both on. Bicon Francis Crozier also had a crush on Ann when she and Ross were corresponding regularly, and she also often asked him his opinion or instructed him to keep an eye on Ross for her; he knows, now, after some deliberation and more'n a few bottles, that he wasn't best meant for either of them, but they're his first and truest friends
As for James Fitzjames? GOD do I have thoughts on James Fitzjames. In love with Crozier from reputation and daguerreotype alone, sorely stung by the treatment he receives as Crozier is drunk, he gradually realises both of those men to be a fiction. Course, he loves both still - loves the reputation of him, a man who praises James yet keeps him in his place and trusts him as a second, and even in all their drunken arguments on his worse days Fitzjames loves him still for the sting of his fist, the one man unconcerned enough to tell him what he's really worth - but both pale in comparison to the Francis he meets the dawn of first sunrise, and says a bitter farewell to at the setting. He goes to him intending to give a report on the ship's business he's missed; ends up crying, sobbing into his own arms while Francis awkwardly pats his knee, or his shoulder.
From then on it's stolen moments, the odd brush of hands, giving way to sharing a bed for warmth, giving way to wiping the tears from James' face as he begs to be worth something, anything at all. He wants to kiss Francis, that day. Wants Francis to kiss him.
Despite it all, James denies until his dying breath the depth of what he wishes to say.
When he comes to, aboard Investigator, or Enterprise, he sees Francis and is too overcome to speak. The fresh imposition of those British laws so long left behind hurts him even fiercer than before, the barbed wire cage about his heart a harsher sting than ever having since tasted freedom. He can move his hands, now, but still does not know the texture of Francis' hair.
They room together half by necessity and half on admiral's orders, James tells himself every night in his prayers. Two weeks later Francis comes gentle to his bed, his kiss salt-wet with weeping. James tastes the ocean on his lips and thanks god he is a liar
Also funniest is Hickey/Billy just because I'm obsessed with the concept of hickey trying to manipulate Loyal, Logical, Rational, AroAce Billy. Best dynamic however is Miranda & Fitzjames. Genderqueer bisexual polyam rights in this house!
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12tardis · 4 years
Not That Dress (Newt Scamander x Reader)
Warnings: S M U T under the cut 
 Requested: yes @the-knights-of-saint-gay said ‘I want some dick (personally I think Newt is the pounding type and the reader is moan-in-his-mouth-while-doing-missionary type’  lmao this request still got me SENT- hope you like it love 💕 
 Summary: There’s a particular dress of yours that you know always drives your husband mad. You are having far too much fun teasing your husband but what will happen when you push him too far? Featuring shameless flirt!reader and very exasperated Newt on their honeymoon. 
 A/N: this is straight UP sin ppls I know I know I wrote a lot of fluff in the lead up to the thing - but is anyone surprised by this point? I tried really hard to not make Newt too OOC and I kinda vibe this for him ngl. I stand by my previous statements that Newt is a Hufflepuff through and through - even in the bedroom.  Seriously I feel like I need some holy water IM SORRY. 
 Words: 4611
 Taglist: @moonkissk7     @just-an-auror
 Newt knew he was in trouble the second you stepped out of the hotel room in that dress with a little sparkle in your eyes that told him you knew exactly what you were doing. 
 He should have known you were plotting something the moment you told him to wait out in the hall and that you would be ready in a moment. You’d never had an issue with getting dressed in front of him before though Newt would always face the other way to give you privacy like a true gentleman. 
 This was something you always teased him for, often draping yourself over his back and wrapping your arms around him from behind just to see him blush when he realised you were in nothing but your undergarments.
                                             -    -     -     -     -
 “Y/N, would you get dressed? We’re going to be late”, he croaked out in a strained voice, feeling the warm blush travelling down his cheeks as you skimmed your hands over his chest with a soft hum. 
 “Honey, we’re going to be wed in less than a month. I don’t think you have to look the other way when I’m getting changed anymore,” you chuckled as you pressed a soft kiss to his jaw, trailing your hand over his firm chest one last time before you stepped away from him. 
 “I know but I wasn’t raised to be a Peeping Tom, darling.”
 “Well you had no problems looking at me last night when w-“ 
 “Y/N!” Newt cried out loudly and you could see the blush now working its way up the back of his neck.
 “Oh please Newt how can you possibly be shy after all the things-“
 “I’m NOT LISTENING! You’re trying to get a rise out of me and I’m NOT listening!” Newt called, clapping his hands over his ears and making a scene of humming loudly over your teasing. 
 You smirked to yourself as you tugged on the one dress, the one article of clothing you knew he would protest you wearing, checking your reflection over with a proud smile before you twirled him around by his shoulders to face you. 
 Newt’s eyes widened comically as he took you in and you caught the way his eyes dropped briefly to the neckline of the dress before he looked back up at you with his jaw agape “no no no no no. Absolutely not, anything but that.” he rambled shaking his head quickly. 
 He paused when he saw you glaring at him with one hand cocked on your hip “excuse you Newton Scamander but since when did you start deciding what I can and can’t wear?” 
 Newt actually let out a quiet whine then, looking at you with a pleading expression as he took your hands “I don’t and I can’t- I would never ever I am just begging you- not that dress. Not when we’re going to visit my parents.” 
 You dropped your peeved facade immediately at his pleading, the smug smile returning to your lips “why not this dress? What’s so special about this dress?” You tried to play innocent and clueless but Newt was not having it as he gripped your hips in his hands with a little more vigor than he usually would.
 “You know exactly what you little minx,” he said lowly as he pulled you in against him without warning and began to pepper the column of your neck with kisses causing you to squeal.
 And you did know. You had knowingly Pavloved your sweet, oblivious boyfriend to react a certain way whenever he saw you in said dress. 
 It had been the dress you had been wearing the first time you went down on him and the dress you wore before you slept together for the first time. You’d worn it several times since, when you had initiated sexy time. 
 Newt had eventually come to recognise it as the dress that drives him mental. 
 You pushed him away, looking up at him with a shy smile then because you knew he was right and it really wouldn’t be appropriate to tease him in such a way for lunch with his parents. 
 “Okay okay” you said, holding your hands up in surrender as you reached back to unzip the dress, rolling your eyes when Newt turned away from you quickly. 
 Shaking your head with a fond smile you made quick work of getting changed before you stepped around to face him. You couldn’t help but giggle at the sigh of relief he let out when he saw you were decent because your fiancé may have very well been the most adorable and sweetest man on the planet. 
 You smiled as he took your hand in his own, fixing you with one last exasperated expression before he pressed a kiss to the back of your hand “one day, I might just snap. And then what will you do?”
 “Sit back and take it like a good girl.” you said casually with a sweet smile, giggling at the look of utter shock he now wore. He took a few minutes to gather himself and lift his jaw from the floor. 
                                             -       -     -     -     -
 And now a month later you were on your honeymoon with your husband and you were travelling around the world with him as he’d promised. Currently you were in New York because it was where you had promised to drop in first and catch up with Tina, Queenie and Jacob. 
 You’d immensely enjoyed catching up with the Goldstein’s and getting to see how Jacob’s bakery was thriving and now you were due at the younger sisters' flat for a small cocktail night that Queenie and Jacob were throwing.
 Now you were looking forward to the chance to dress up but Newt had needed some persuasion as usual from the moment that Queenie had mentioned the word ‘party.’ 
 He was sulking in the hotel corridor when you appeared in the dress and you didn’t miss the way his eyes lit up instantaneously before a dark expression quickly passed over his features. 
 “Y/N”, he murmured in a half scolding tone but you were quick to shrug your coat on and take his hand in your own, tugging him down the corridor after you. 
 “Not another complaint out of you, mister. We’re going to be late.” You tossed his own words in his face as you pulled him along. The coat covered you up for the most part and Newt was relieved but he knew that relief would be short lived. 
 When you arrived at Queenie and Jacob’s place Newt was completely distracted by greeting the Goldstein sisters and the sheer volume of people packed into the tiny flat that he missed you slipping off your coat behind him. 
 “Ah Mr. and Mrs. Scamander have arrived!” Jacob called loudly, clapping Newt on the shoulder and you couldn’t help the smile and small flutter in your chest at the use of your new title. 
 “Sorry we’re late, the Niffler was being a nuisance,” you lied so easily that Newt quickly looked back at you where you were greeting Tina and Queenie.
 The retort died on his lips and he gulped audibly as his gaze roved over your form. He broke out of his ogling when Queenie’s surprised giggle met his ears and he glanced at the woman to see her covering her mouth as she looked back at Newt in amusement. 
 Odd. He could have sworn she couldn’t easily read his thoughts. 
 “When you’re thinkin’ em that loud honey I’m pretty sure even Jacob knows” Queenie teased as she hugged him tightly in greeting, squeezing his shoulder to reassure him. 
 “Relax sweet cheeks, you’re recently married to the girl of your dreams and your thoughts are loud with happiness. Ain’t no one here gonna judge you,” Queenie murmured for only Newt to hear and Newt smiled thankfully back at her though he couldn’t suppress the blush that filled his cheeks. 
 “Well I don’t suppose Y/N’s inner monologue is embarrassing like mine,” Newt murmured and Queenie smiled widely at him before she peeked back over her shoulder to where you were talking animatedly with Tina. 
 “She’s just thinking about you. And calling herself Mrs Scamander over and over again.” Queenie laughed and Newt looked back at you in adoration, shaking his head to himself as he made his way over to you with drinks for both of you.
 Not long later you were sitting pressed into his side at a small table listening to Tina ramble on about her most recent case at MACUSA. Newt was finding it increasingly more difficult to focus on Tina’s words as you lay your hand on his knee and slowly began to trail your hand up his leg. 
 Newt jolted a little when your hand drifted a little too close to the growing tent in his trousers and he quickly gripped your hand in his own, glancing down at you.
 But of course you just smiled innocently back up at him, tracing your other hand along the neckline of your dress and Newt had to dig deep to find the willpower to look away from you and focus back on Tina who was still talking about the pile of paperwork she’d had to sign that week. 
 Newt frowned when you worked your hand free from his and wandered away from him, his eyes following you as you made your way to the makeshift bar.
 You were in the middle of fixing you both another round of drinks when a gentleman sauntered over to you, grinning down at you widely “and who is this little heartbreaker we have here? What are you doing fixing your own drinks, angel face?” 
 You couldn’t help but twitch at the pet name because it sounded utterly wrong coming from someone other than Newt. The man in question was now leering down at you with the most obnoxious smirk on his face and your eyes quickly flicked to your husband. 
 Newt had noticed the man immediately as he’d been watching you from across the room and he felt a heat flaring up his neck at the way the other man was looking like he wanted to devour you. 
  He was just about to push himself to his feet and go and intervene as you were preparing to put the man in his place. But Queenie beat you both to it as she slipped between the pair of you, gripping the young man by his shoulders.
 “Patrick, Y/N is a married woman! And I suggest you remove yourself before Mr.Scamander unleashes one of his creatures on you.” 
 The man, Patrick, blinked quickly and glanced over at Newt before he looked back at you and then at Queenie “Scamander? Oh Mrs. Scamander m-my apologies! I’ll be right outta your hair!” He scurried away and you returned back to the table where Newt was sat with Tina with Queenie in tow. 
 You slid back into your seat beside Newt as he curled his arm around your waist protectively, lifting your hand to his mouth and pressing his lips to your soft skin. 
 He took particular care to brush his lips over your ring finger as he held your gaze, twirling the wedding band on your finger while you smiled back at him as if to say ‘yes I know. I’m yours.’ 
 The rest of the room and the people in it faded into the background as you gazed back at your husband, lifting your other hand to play with the hair at the nape of his neck, noticing his little shiver in response. 
 His hand fell to your knee this time and he thumbed at the fabric of your dress as he became vaguely aware of Tina still rambling on at him. Newt looked back at her, nodding along and plastering on a look of interest as he slowly pushed the fabric of your dress up along your thigh.
 He bit his lip when you scraped your nails along the nape of his neck and laid your head on his shoulder, smiling back at Tina nonchalantly as you slowly let your legs fall open under the table. Newt wondered how easy it would be to just slide his hand up between your legs and into your panties an-
 You both startled and sat up straight when Queenie began to choke on her drink violently, a pink blush colouring her cheeks as she looked back at the pair of you while Tina fetched her some water. 
 Newt flushed scarlet then as he realised what had happened. It was a mixture of the possessiveness he’d experienced just a moment before, the embarrassment he now felt along with the arousal that had been coursing through him all night because of you in that damn dress that had him getting to his feet quickly. 
 “I’m terribly sorry Tina, I’m really not feeling well I’m afraid we must go. We will have to resume this conversation another time.” Newt said in a rush as he pulled you to your feet, barely bidding his farewells to Queenie and Jacob before he was strolling out of the flat with his arm around your waist. 
 Jacob followed after you to fetch you your coat but he turned back to look at Queenie who had since recovered from her shock when he saw the two of you had already apparated away. 
 “Boy, Newt must really be feeling ill”, Jacob called out with a frown and Queenie laughed then, unable to stop herself as she took Jacob’s hand in her own. 
 “He’s not sick, sweetheart. More...excited,” she said slowly, laughing again as she watched the realisation dawn on Jacob’s face. 
 “Oh...OH! They grow so fast. It seems like only yesterday he was too shy to even kiss her!“
                                                    -     -     -      -     -
 You raised your eyebrows in surprise when Newt managed to apparate you both back into your own hotel room and you recognised the look of complete focus in his eyes before he was pinning you back against the wall and kissing you hotly. 
 You kissed him back with just as much vigor, trying to lean into him more and letting out a gasp of surprise when he pushed you back against the wall firmly, looking at you with dark and lustful eyes. 
 “Merlin, Newt, what were you thinking about back there?” you breathed out, letting out another gasp as he nipped at the soft skin of your throat at the same time he pushed his thigh between your knees. 
 “I was thinking about fingering you right there under that bloody table,” he murmured lowly into your ear and you thought you might faint then. 
 What had happened to your sweet and gentle husband? 
 “What you have nothing to say now, huh?” Newt murmured as he lifted you up by the backs of your thighs, carrying you to the bed where he lay you down and wasted no time in slotting himself between your legs. 
 “You’ve been teasing me all night- fuck it, all week really ever since the wedding. In this sinful little dress of yours”, he brushed his lips over yours teasingly before he worked his hand up under your skirt “and now you have nothing to say to me?” 
 Your heart was beating wildly in your chest, your eyes widening because he very rarely cursed and at his words you felt the heat and a deep ache building between your legs. 
 You moved to wrap your arms around his neck as you usually would, making a noise of surprise when he let out a growl and pinned your hands above your head firmly “no touching.” 
 You couldn’t deny the way you clenched in response to his rough handling but you were still surprised as you tried to wrap your legs around his waist, gasping in shock when he used his body to pin you to the mattress. 
 “I said no touching” 
 “Well then what do you suppose I do then, Mr. Scamander?” you said in a much brattier tone than you had intended, smirking up at him.
 Which you really shouldn’t have done because that only urged him to fix you with a smirk of his own “I don’t know...I suppose you could just- what was it? Oh yes,sit back and take it like a good girl,” he purred your own words back at you and it was your turn to stare back at him in utter shock and undeniable arousal. 
 He crushed his lips against yours again before you could come up with any more sarcastic retorts, his hand slipping under your dress and into your panties where he pushed two long fingers inside you without warning. 
 You cried out into his mouth as you rocked your hips up against his hand, clenching down on his digits hard in your shock. 
 Newt began to work his fingers deep inside you as he pulled back from the kiss, instead pressing hot opened mouth kisses down over your neck and between your cleavage before working his way back to your neck. 
 “So gorgeous for me my angel,” Newt breathed into your ear as he crooked his fingers deep inside of you, his cock straining and hard in his slacks. 
 “Newt please”, you whined desperately, clutching at his shoulder as you bucked your hips wildly in pleasure. 
 “Please what my darling? Tell me what you need.” he purred, freezing his actions completely in favour of sitting back and looking down at you. You just looked so pretty sprawled out for him, looking at him with such wanton beauty. 
 You whined in frustration when he stopped his ministrations and pulled his fingers free, trying to shift your hips and whimpering when he simply used his forearm to hold you still with that stupid sexy smirk on his face. 
 “I want you!” you whined again and Newt almost felt guilty for the briefest moment until he remembered how you’d been incessantly teasing him, driving him wild. 
 “You have me, baby. I’m all yo-“, 
 You groaned loudly in frustration, tipping your head back at his cruel teasing “oh my stars Newt! I want you. Inside me. Not your fingers.” You were practically pleading now but you were far too gone to care. Especially when he was rubbing teasing circles on your hip with his thumb and you could feel your own wetness on his digits. 
 Newt felt his cock give an interested jolt in the tight confines of his pants at your words and he relented his firm hold of you to reach for his pants instead. He made quick work of undoing his pants and shoving them down but you also used the window of opportunity to rise up onto your knees, pushing him onto his back before he could realise what was happening. 
 You wasted no time in straddling him, tugging your dress off over your head before you crashed your lips to his and reached down to grip his hard cock in your hand. You pumped the hard length in your hand a few times before you settled in his lap, rocking against him with a soft moan. 
 Newt groaned when you began to grind against him, grazing his teeth against your skin as he tucked his face into the crook of your neck “Y/N”, he groaned again when you gripped his throbbing cock again and rubbed the head of it against your glistening slit. 
 You rose up on your knees a little bit, gripping Newts shoulder hard in one hand and his throbbing length in the other and Newt held his breath and closed his eyes in anticipation.
 But he blinked his eyes open again after a few moments passed and you hadn’t moved an inch. He let out a growl when he spotted the teasing little smile you had on your lips and he pushed you back onto the bed in one fluid motion, spreading your legs with his calloused hands and then settling over the top of you. 
 “You just love it don’t you?” He looked down into your eyes as he positioned his cock at your entrance “you love driving me wild...teasing me so I’ll snap”, he murmured as he nipped at your earlobe, running one hand up your body and tweaking one of your nipples between his thumb and forefinger. 
 He relished the small mewl you let out in response as you wrapped your legs around his waist, trying to thrust your hips up towards him and whimpering when he held you down with his other hand. 
 “That boy is just lucky he had half a brain not to lay a hand on you”, Newt breathed against the skin of your neck, marking your sensitive skin. 
 “W-why’s that?” You managed to stutter out, your lips parting a moment later when his thumb rubbed over your clit. 
 “Because only I get to see you like this.” He thrust his length into you in one fluid thrust, letting out a low groan of pleasure and tipping his head back as you cried out from the sudden intrusion. 
 You were gripping his shaft with your walls in the most delicious way as you clenched your muscles tightly around him. “Oh Newt,” you sighed out, your voice high and breathy as you keened at the way he was stretching your walls. 
 It was a welcome contrast to his usual slow method of opening you up bit by bit with his mouth and fingers. Just the dark look of lust in his eyes and the unreserved pleasure on his face was enough to make you a trembling mess beneath him. 
 Newt pulled his hips back slowly until just the tip of his cock was inside you, slamming his hips forward in one motion with a deep groan before he set up a pace of thrusting into you continuously. 
 You couldn’t help your cries of pleasure as he had his way with you, completely captivated watching how unreserved and dominant your husband now was. He was pounding into you with abandon and you could do nothing more than lay there and take it, rolling your own hips up to meet his. 
 “You’re so incredible,” Newt panted, the sweat forming on his brow as he moved above you and inside you. His hips stuttered to a complete halt though just a moment later and you whined in response, trying to understand why on earth he had stopped but then you saw him scrambling for his wand and muttering about a protection spell. 
 “Leave it,” you breathed out without a second thought, taking his hand in your own and Newt whipped his head back to look at you in shock. “We don’t...I’m not worried. We’ve spoken about this already and- well I’m ready if you are,” you murmured as you squeezed his hand in yours, looking back at him with wide eyes.
 Newt stared back at you blankly for a moment and you were worried you’d upset him but then he was pinning both of your hands back above your head and crashing his lips to yours in a deep kiss as he began to thrust into you again. 
 This time he was really pounding into you with a whole new sense of purpose and you moaned into his mouth as you squeezed your legs around him, spurring him on to fuck into you harder. 
 He was handling you far more roughly than he ever had before and you were a trembling mess below him, shrieking into his mouth when one of his hands found its way between your legs again and he thumbed over your sensitive nub again. 
 Newt pulled back at your shriek but when he saw the look of utter euphoria on your face he tucked his own face into your neck, sucking at the marks he’d made earlier while he jackhammered into you “come on darling, let go for me. Come for me angel”, he murmured directly into your ear like he knew you loved, flicking over your clit even faster.
 Your entire body shuddered as the coil in your stomach finally snapped and you came, wrapping your arms around him tightly and crying out into his shoulder as you clenched around him rhythmically. 
 “Ohhh Merlin, Y/N, Y/N I’m gonna,” he trailed off with a groan when he felt the way you were clenching around him, as if your pussy was trying to milk his cock. 
 You were still in the midst of your orgasm when you heard him and felt the way his cock swelled inside you just barely and you nodded quickly “yes come for me, baby. Fill me up,” you murmured before capturing his lips again. 
 Newt rutted into you just a few more times before he finally shattered at the thought of spilling his seed inside you unprotected and the sensation of you still gripping his length. He pumped into you slowly as the warm cum spurted from his cock, filling you to the brim.
 You whined softly as the sensation and stroked at his messy hair  while Newt collapsed against you, panting heavily against your shoulder.
 When his breathing calmed after a minute or so he carefully pulled out from you and you closed your eyes, already missing the feeling of him. He flopped onto the bed beside you and you both lay there, catching your breath, you with a small blissful smile on your face. 
 “Y/N”, he said it so quietly with the most timid tone that you quickly looked over at him in confusion and when you saw the distressed look on his face you grabbed his hand in your own. 
 He opened his mouth to talk but you lifted your other hand to press a finger to his mouth, effectively shushing him “Newton, I swear to everything-you-hold-sacred that if you apologise for the best sex we’ve had yet I will hex your mouth shut.” 
 You looked back at his stunned expression and you moved your finger from his mouth and gently stroked his cheek “unless...unless you regret not using the protection charm. In that case we can reverse it, there’s nothing to worry about.”
  You sat up, reaching for your wand but Newt took your hand, shaking his head before he dropped a delicate kiss to the back of your hand “no it’s not that I promise...I was just worried, I got- I got carried away. You promise I didn’t hurt you?”, he murmured, flicking his eyes up to look at you in concern.
 “Sweetheart I promise. You didn’t hurt me. I would have told you if I wasn’t enjoying it. You have to trust that,” you soothed, gently caressing his cheek and pressing a soft kiss to his lips a moment later. You were constantly surprised by how gentle and caring he was but you were certainly happy to have seen this new side of your husband.
 Newt smiled again and nodded before he gently pulled you into his lap, hugging you close and tucking his face into your shoulder “I love you Mrs. Scamander,” he murmured, smiling at the way you preened at the name. 
 He lifted you into his arms and headed towards the bathroom, and you wasted no time to smile flirtatiously up at him “ohhhh did I hear you say ‘round two in the shower?’ ” You teased winking up at him. 
 Newt rolled his eyes fondly at you, shaking his head “shut it you, that’s enough of your teasing for one week,” he said, dropping a gentle kiss to your forehead and you laughed softly in response.
 “I love you too, Mr. Scamander.” 
-Other Works Here!-
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luvspence · 3 years
heyy wassup? i have a request, if that’s okay. could u do a spencer x reader in which reader and spencer flirt in a bar -like derek convinced him to go there but then he really enjoys reader’s company- and she goes away pretty early cuz she has a job interview. so like spencer is sad at work the day after, but he finds reader in the lift cuz she has an interview with hotch??? around season 10 pls. hope it’s okay. thank u in advance <3
omg yes! this is like lowkey greys anatomy vibes if you’ve ever seen it, i love this idea so much
“what else would you be doing?”
“i think your books will be okay without you for a night”
spencer rolled his eyes as derek dragged him into the local bar
“kid look, if you hate it that much you can leave, but who knows maybe you’ll enjoy yourself”
“doubtful, i don’t even want to think about the staggering amount of microorganisms on these-“
derek cut in “then dont”
he took a seat next to derek at the bar, sipping on his glass of water, watching morgan flirt with the girl beside him
he nudged his side
“and that’s when i kicked down the door-, kid what?”
spencer hated this experience, but derek was having a good time, and the way he was drinking he was gonna need a ride home. so he sucked it up, and did the good friend move
he turned around and went back to talking to the girl beside him
spencer was spacing out, thinking about the saturation of carbon dioxide in his seltzer
“could i get a beer?”
he heard a voice to the left of him
soon he felt her presence, radiating next to him on the adjacent stool as she took a sip of her beer
she sat there staring down the bar counter tops, pushing her hair behind her ear and softly mumbling to herself
she then met his eyes
“h-hi, i’m y/n”
“hello i’m spencer”
“spencer, british, unisex, meaning administrator”
“w-well yes indeed! it also means steward, and peaked in popularity in the late 90s”
she took another big gulp of her beer
“do we have similar lines of work or do you just know everything?”
“well, not everything but i do know quite a bit, like your name for example”
he rambled on about the traditional meanings of your name, which led to a discussion about personal stories behind your name, which led to talk about parents
“well my mother died when i was young, what does that same about me spencer?”
“abandonment issues possibly, statistically, the death of a parent usually has a pretty severe negative affect on someone, higher risk of short schooling and mental illness, but as far as i can see you seem very bright and successful, so i don’t think you follow the statistical trends”
“why thank you, well i do have a job interview tomorrow so i think i am on the trek to beating the statistics”
“that’s great! i’m sure with your area of expertise you’ll be a valuable asset to any job”
spencer was being a lot more forward than usual, but it just seemed so natural, so fun
“oh geez you’re gonna make me blush, you’re quite the intellect, setting up a stark expectation”
he chuckled softly, staring into her big eyes
she swiftly looked down at her watch
“well i’ve got to get going, the interview and everything, it was nice talking to you!”
she said as she grabbed her jacket and hopped off the stool
“you as well! i hope to see you again soon”
before spencer said that last part she was already out the door
“who was that?” derek spinner around in his stool
“y/n, she seems really sweet, i didn’t get her number though”
“y/n... why does that sound so familiar?”
the next day spencer rushed into work, hair un done and he missed a couple buttons on the cardigan
he walked into the elevator and repeatedly pressed the button
he was fixing his hair when the elevator stopped short
“what even”
he pressed the button of his desired floor once more, but a woman walked in
dressed in a matching pencil skirt and blazer combo, she said
“6th floor please”
spencer nodded, they had the same destination
he looked down at her
“yes oh hi! spencer!”
“what are you doing here?”
“this is my interview! i have a meeting with agent hotchner”
“no way, i work here, i’m a profiler for the behavioral analysis unit”
“oh my goodness why didn’t you mention that! that’s so cool i’m interviewing to join your team!”
they continued to chat until they reached the 6th floor
“well good luck! you’ll do great”
“thank you! and here”
she shuffled through her bag and took out a post it and wrote her number on it
“i wasn’t going to let an opportunity fly by me twice”
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wokestraightpuffy · 3 years
Hallo, i hope you are alright and that my ask aren’t annoying but I wanted to ask do you have any c!puffy headcannons? —🤡
as for c!puffy headcanons, i am not the best person to ever organize their thoughts properly but ill try my best >:’D
ahaha. this got. super complex and way too long and more of like an introspective study to puffy now instead of harmless fun headcanons so, uh. under read more <3 (also reminder this is all /rp and /dsmp)
* i like to think that she has a hero complex, but its a bit different since she never really sees herself as an ‘important’ part of the story, not the main character but a support one, hence ‘im fine with being the side character’ or how she’s said she doesnt care what happens to her and would gladly sacrifice(?) herself if there werent other people she had to protect. girl u need therapy urself <3
* though very open with how she feels and never afraid to say when someone/something is upsetting her, ‘opening up’ is still a whole mountain climb for her, apparently. like, she’d rant about the egg, get mad at the eggpire, let off some steam by committing arson or exploding stuff, she’ll rarely ever talk about how much the stuff that upset her actually HURT her. does that make sense? LIKE, she’ll lash out, she’ll get mad, she’ll take NO SHIT thrown at her face, but to show the kinda vulnerability of dealing with that? to cry about it talk about those feelings with someone? I think she’d rather eat her own foot lol
* adding onto the thing above, she doesnt necessarily actually realize this about herself. less of actively doing it and rather growing... used to the ‘cycle of violence’ in the smp as they call it. and the fact that rarely have people really asked, that no one’s actually available for that, w her losing her closest friends, bad and ant, sam being busy w the warden stuff... and niki. yeah. there’s foolish, but i doubt she’d ever see venting to someone she considers her son appealing
* also. puffy is just sometimes... really bad at conveying sadness. i think she’s a rare crier. id go as far to say that shes even more emotionally constipated than dream, lol (but maybe not while the guy’s in his prison arc) and that she’d be the type of person to tell you its okay to cry but beat herself up over something if she let a tear slip in a heated moment
* speaking of sadness. she’ll only ever actually Be Sad if she’s alone or with someone she doesnt necessarily care the opinions of. yknow how she mourned for tommy and blamed herself? those dialogue bits? yeah, those are only times shed actually be vulnerable
* puffy’s go to response to the egg and how its fucked up her relationship w her friends is pure fury. but, going off of her line about ‘failing bad and ant’ i like to think that she probably hates herself the most about it. THAT IS A STRONG WORD LOL BUT YEAH. she yells and curses and gets mad, but sometimes i wonder if the words she had spat before were more directed to herself
* THIS GIRL HAS SELF-IDENTITY PROBLEMS. CAN WE GET A HELL YEAH FOR THAT CHAT? outside of having no goddamn clue about where she came from, how she got here and who she even is, scrounging up a role for herself in a server with a war on the background and traumatized kids got her resignedly coerced into thinking that she is only a Parent. Only good enough when she’s actually doing something Useful for people. SO. when she finds that ship? of having a crew and having a curse? OF FINDING OUT SHE MIGHT HAVE/ HAVE HAD A MOM THATS WAITING FOR HER?  the sense of control she has on herself is absolutely crushed. shattered, and she’s left to pick up the pieces w no one to talk abt it with <3
* adding onto the above, it’s why the line ‘I’m supposed to be mama puffy. me.’ hurts me so much! so yes! please cry with me :D
* also to add more on the fact that she thinks she’s only worth something when she’s being useful, puffy literally contemplated leaving the server, thinking that it wouldnt matter leaving since no one really needs her anyway, since she’s failed so many people. bad and ant, tommy, dream. shes said how foolish can take care of himself on how tubbo and ranboo have each other, how she and niki have drifted so far away from each that it might as well be a break up.
HOOOOOOOOOO OBOY . anon youve really given me the perfect chance to ramble huh? sorry for the rather incomprehensible brainrot, here’s more lighthearted headcanons about puffy asdhfkd
* she cannot stand still sometimes. she always has to be doing something extra, walking when the prime path is right there? shed rather go through tedious little holes or hop and balance onto fences to get where shes going. she’ll mindlessly fix up the path when there are holes or mismatched wood, and one time went on a long, long LONG journey cleaning up the paths tommy purposely DESTROYED near lmanburg and even added cobblestone sidings which werent there before
* puffys a bit of a sentimental person. writing in her log to clear her thoughts sometimes and cared enough to try and preserve lmanburg with the glass sheet and trying to find possible surviving artifacts of history to respect it, even though she’s never been a part of it. its also why, when doomsday happened and lmanburg got permanently poofed, she began to appreciate the buildings that are still standing and began taking more pics 
* she’s not used to being... what do you call it, um, cared for? she’d deflect compliments sometimes, when shes having a particular bad day, like, she’d laugh nervously and change the subject, sometimes she’d outright deny it, most days she’d jokingly say ‘staphhh it’ and add a very genuine thanks. my point being is, do something for puffy that is mildly nice and she’d keep that moment in her heart forever. 
* also funny story regarding the above. u know how karl is notorious for stealing her materials? and how puffy was contemplating doing something in retaliation for them? karl says hi for once when she joins the server and she goes ‘alright fine youre safe for saying hi’ LOL THIS WAS PROBABLY A BIT META WISE but something about this implying that the bare minimum or LESS is enough to make puffy forgive someone is very sad and funny at the same time for me. girl really said ‘oh you said hi to me? thats nice all the crimes youve ever done towards me is now forgiven. <3’ (this is a bit of an exaggeration on my part, ofc, i just think its funny LMAO) 
* ironically, despite being the ‘captain’, whenever riding a boat with someone, she prefers being on the backseat and letting them drive. ig shes just there for the ride i suppose, her and her uber drivers :3
 * she either has a rather unhealthy obsession with baked potatoes or she just doesnt wanna waste eret’s massive potato farm
* idc what cc!puffy says is c!puffy will always and forever be 5′2″ in my HEART. u are the shortest member, u cannot change this <3
* shes really fond of animals/ neutral mobs. she often baby talks to them and they help boost her mood a lot when shes having a bad day :D
* up to this day, the little secret rooms she’s created around the server have all been yet to be discovered, unless the one under bad’s house has been found. she rarely ever really keeps tabs on them, and more often than not they are just collecting dust. she still visits sometimes and cleans them up ofc
* she still genuinely thinks dream can change. cc!puffy’s line about that, ‘i’m his last hope.’ really makes me think about this a lot. 
* ive seen people talk abt it a bit but the headcanon that puffy acts as the server mom to fill the ‘void’ of her missing her mom makes me cry at night /hj
* she really likes her rainbow onesie! i headcanon that eret gave her that along w the sunglasses, but she started wearing that less when she found her old captains uniform. shes never really said why, though, and nobody ever really bothered to ask
* god bless this woman but sometimes the server members get on her nerves sometimes so she goes out of her way to traverse along far away from the main community to maybe commit a few crimes. let off some steam. these take a few days but she always returns
i probably have a lot more hcs but i cant remember them >_> THIS IS A LOT ANYWAY. HOPE U ENJOYED MY BRAIN VOMIT. IF U READ THIS FAR ILU THANK U
if there are mistakes it is bc i am crying and cannot see my keyboard and also i am sleep deprived /hj
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houseof-harry · 4 years
Heyy if you’re still taking requests can you do one with grayson based off of the prom episode from friends? It’s basically like gray getting ready to be her surprise date to prom because he thought her date bailed but at the last minute he showed up and she left w him. she never knew and only finally found out through watching the old home videos together & they finally get together. sorryyy this was so long if u want u can watch a clip of that eps on youtube. thank you and love your writings!!
I changed this up a tiny bit but I hope you enjoy!
A week before prom your boyfriend found it appropriate to break up with you because he wanted someone else. You had coordinated your dress with his tux, you were supposed to go with his friends, spend the night at their after prom. You had no idea what to do.
Ethan, one of your good friends, had an amazing idea. You see, Grayson had been pining over you since you were all kids. You had grown up with them because your parents were friends. You ran in different crowds at school, though. So Grayson never really felt like he had the opportunity to ask you out, too scared you wouldn’t want to date him because you and your friends really only dated the guys you were friends with (messy, but not surprising).
This was his chance, though. You had told Ethan it would be humiliating to show up alone. Especially when your ex had told you he was bringing the other girl he was into.
However, Ethan is shit at planning, and forgot to tell Grayson of this idea until the morning of prom. They were hopeful, though. Grayson even managed to go out and get a new tie to match the color of your dress. Ethan had convinced you to come to their pre prom, and that you could hang out with them and that their friends were super cool with it.
So that’s what you did. And when you got there, everyone was so nice which you were grateful for because both Ethan and Grayson were out of sight, leaving you to manage yourself around their friends group. You had even found one of their friends who had also recently been dumped and was there alone. It was nice to talk to someone who was in a similar situation to you, and you both decided that you could be each other’s dates because fuck men. You didn’t need them, right?
“E! Guess what!” You call when you finally see both of the twins exiting the house, Ethan with a camera in order to catch what he thought would be the beginning of the rest of Grayson’s life. They were both convinced you were soulmates.
“What?” He asks, the smile evident in his voice even though you couldn’t see it due to the camera blocking his face.
“Kayla and I are going together now! We decided we don’t need men to enjoy our last prom ever, if anything they’d probably ruin the fun.” You both giggle, not noticing the twins immediately stopping.
It was nice to see you smiling and laughing even though it was only this morning you were still crying about your ex. Grayson didn’t want to ruin that, he couldn’t. Your happiness was more important than anything.
Ethan turned the camera off, his shoulders slumping. He grabbed Grayson by the back of his neck, patting him. “One day.”
4 years later
You were roaming around your backyard, friends and family surrounding you as you celebrated your graduation from college. You were talking with your aunt when you noticed the twins walk past your gate, approaching the table with the food immediately. You excused yourself from your conversation, walking over to them.
“Look what the fucking cat dragged in,” you tease, the smile on your face making the words even lighter.
You weren’t sure they were even gonna come when you sent them the invite via facebook. They’d become YouTube stars, moved to LA after high school, and seemed to never look back. You saw them no more than twice a year when you both happened to be back in your hometown, and it would be at family dinners so everything remained pretty tame.
“Wouldn’t miss it for anything, y/n. This is big, we’re proud,” Ethan responds, his arms wrapping around your shoulders. He swayed you side to side, the happiness of being together again overwhelming the both of you. It was easy to forget how much you missed them until you got to hang out with them again.
When you pulled away, Grayson was right there, the smile on his face so familiar it made you shiver. There were a lot of things that reminded you of home, but that smile always brought about the upmost comfort.
The thing is, you had liked Grayson for just as long as he liked you. But you knew he was way too cool to pursue, and that only heightened once he went to LA. They didn’t tell you much about their dating lives when you would text and call, but you knew they weren’t virgins by any means. You just didn’t want to know what types of girls he was going after out there, because they would probably make you pale in comparison. 
The feeling of his hug pulls you from your thoughts. All of a sudden you were consumed by all things Grayson and everything felt right. The anxiety you felt about this day left you, and you were finally able to just relax. No worries about post grad situations, jobs, grad school, none of it. You just stood there and soaked it in until you knew you had been hanging onto him too long before pulling back. He only let you back away a little, though, his hands finding their place on your elbows. You let him keep you close, your gaze stuck on his.
“Hey,” he breathes out, almost like he couldn’t believe you were truly in front of him, even after all those years.
Ethan had long since become entranced in the buffet again, leaving you and Grayson to chat. “Hi.”
“How are you, how is everything? I mean you graduated so you have to be doing alright. I’m so proud, by the way, this is a really big deal. I got you something,” he rambles, reaching into his back pocket.
“Gray, I don’t need anything from you guys, you didn’t have to.” Your cheeks heat up as he pulls out an envelope, handling it to you.
“It’s time sensitive, so you gotta open it before like 8 tonight,” he chuckles, your hands bringing the envelope to your chest.
“Thank you, I’ll make sure it’s the first one I open.”
The two of you stand there smiling at each other for a moment, appreciating that you’re really back together. Grayson felt like he did all of his childhood; happy, excited, and nervous. Really nervous. He didn’t want to be the first one to speak again because he knew he wouldn’t be able to shut up again.
Before you could decide to say anything either, someone is calling your name. You turn your head to see some of your other family had just arrived. You turn back to Grayson, a sheepish smile on your lips.
“Sorry I gotta-”
“Yeah, yeah of course. Go soak up all the congratulations, you’ve earned it all.” He pats your shoulders before going to find Ethan.
The rest of the day goes as planned, everyone coming and going to say their congrats. You didn’t get to spend any more time with the twins, but they found themselves catching up with some other high school friends who had been able to come.
That night, you took a shower but reminded yourself of what Grayson told you earlier. When you got out, it was 7:30. You quickly got dressed in casual clothes, going downstairs to open the card from them.
Hey y/n,
Congrats! We’re both so proud of everything you’ve accomplished these past four years and are so excited to see where you go in the next four and beyond. We decided instead of a conventional gift, we wanted to do something a bit more personal. Come to ours at 8:30.
Grayson and Ethan,
p.s. don’t call or text asking for hints, we refuse to break
You giggle at the note at the end. You felt butterflies immediately erupt in your stomach, recognizing the handwriting as Grayson’s. You had no idea what they had in store for you, but you couldn’t wait.
By the time 8:30 rolled around, you were itching to know what was up. You were pulling down their long driveway, trying to collect yourself so you wouldn’t seem too on edge. Grayson was always really good at reading you, so you knew your efforts were fruitless but you wanted to try anyways.
Once you parked and texted them that you were there, you got out and walked to the door. Before you had even reached the welcome mat, the door swung open and Grayson with his signature smile stood there, the excitement evident in his eyes.
“Hey y/n.”
“Hey.” You have a grin to match his, his happiness fueling yours. It was impossible to be sad when he was so happy.
“Let me show you your present.” He holds his hand out to you, and you graciously accept despite the fact he will definitely be able to tell your palms were a bit clammy. You hoped he’d brush it off as the summer heat, but you both new the nerves were eating away at you slowly.
He leads you out to their backyard, where there were three chairs set up in front of what looked like a huge movie screen.
“Gray, what’s-”
“We put together a video for you. Or us, I guess. It’s just all our old stupid videos we made from growing up edited together into the story of Grayson, Ethan, and y/n.”
You stopped walking, tears immediately pricking the corners of your eyes. No one had gotten you such a personal gift. I mean, of course you appreciated all the money especially as a college grad, but this was something that would be able to last forever.
Ethan walked out past you, a big bowl of popcorn in his hands. “Ready?” He asks casually, but the grin of his face says he has other intentions. He seems more excited for this than you and Grayson.
“Yeah,” you croak out, still emotional but now excited to see what they had whipped up. You all sit in your seats, excitement radiating from them and all different emotions coming from you. This definitely wasn’t what you were expecting.
Once they start the video, you’re quickly enthralled in remembering your past, the memories from growing up with them flooding in with every new video they included. All the way from your first time trick or treating together, to the skits you would put together when your families would have dinner parties, to the days on the beach when you went away for the weekend with them. It made you feel light inside, like there was nothing to worry about again.
All of a sudden there’s a clip the starts with Grayson’s feet in his dress shoes, and it soon pans out to capture his entire outfit. The outfit he wore to your senior prom.
“Excited?” Ethan asks from behind the camera as Grayson adjusts his tie and smooths his suit.
“Terrified,” he mumbles back, his hands visibly shaking.
“Dude, she just got dumped and you get to be the hero who swoops in, saves prom, and promises to love her forever,” Ethan jokes, but there’s not even a hint of a smile from Grayson.
“I can’t come off that strong, she has no idea I love her. I just gotta act as normal as possible.” The nerves are clear in his voice as he continues to speak, checking his hair in the mirror.
“Dude, I saw her walk down the driveway like ten minutes ago, we gotta go. Got the flower thing?” Ethan asks.
“Yeah, let’s go,” Grayson says, walking out of the house in front of Ethan and the camera.
“E! Guess what?” The camera moves to show you and Kayla, smiling and giggling together.
“What?” His voice booms from right behind the microphone.
“Kayla and I are going together now! We decided we don’t need men to enjoy our last prom ever, if anything they’d probably ruin the fun.” The camera catches the two of you laughing together, almost totally ignoring the boys.
The next clip begins, but you have long stopped paying attention. Grayson loved you in high school? He was going to ask you to prom because of your shit ex trying to ruin it for you? And he never told you this whole time?
The last few videos finish and the screen goes black.
“So?” Ethan asks as soon as it’s over, his head turning to you. You sat there, mouth open, eyes on the blank screen unable to speak. “That bad, huh?”
“Huh?’ You snap out of it, looking at him. “No, it was good. Really good. Thank you, guys. This really meant a lot. It was nice to remember all the fun we had here growing up.” Your words and smile are genuine, but Grayson can tell there’s something else going on.
“What’s wrong?” He asks.
“Nothing, just got me emotional I think,” you mumble, looking at your lap in hopes of avoiding them asking any further questions.
“Why not just all good ones?”
Oh because you loved me and I loved you and we didn’t tell each other and now we live such different lives in such different worlds and no guy has ever compared to you but if it was impossible in high school, it’s definitely impossible now, you think to yourself.
“Just miss being that carefree sometimes, I guess,” you shrug, deciding lying is most definitely the safer bet.
“Alright, she’s not gonna tell us the truth, so let’s at least go inside to avoid the mosquitos,” Ethan quips, standing and grabbing the popcorn bowl. You go to follow him, but Grayson grabs your arm. You look down at him and can see the concern in his eyes. You sit again while Ethan leaves you two out there alone.
“What is it actually?” He asks, his gaze heavy as it holds yours captive, wanting to genuinely hear and see what you have to say.
“You were gonna ask me to prom?” You whisper, like it’s some big secret. It also feels stupid asking him that seeing as prom is just not important anymore, but this was just easier to ask than the real question you wanted an answer to.
“Of course. Your ex was an ass for what he did, would never let you go alone after that. You knew I never liked him in the first place. But, you and Kayla had a really good time together, so it all worked out in the end,” his words are meaningful, but his smile isn’t meeting his eyes. It’s clear he’s holding back.
“But you were gonna ask me because you loved me?” You raise your brow.
He coughs, turning his head to the side to avoid the eye contact he had initiated. “Uh, yeah.”
“Like really loved me or just thought I was cute because we were in high school?”
“Definitely really loved you.” He nods, rubbing his bicep. He was nervous again, unsure of how to go about this. He thought you’d think it was funny that he loved you, not question him. He’s scared you’ll ask how he feels now, and he doesn’t want to say anything that will scare you off.
“Huh,” you huff, leaning back in your chair. “I loved you, too.” His eyes widen at this. He whips his head to look at you, shock written all over his face. He expected a lot of things to come from your mouth, but not that. Definitely not that.
“You fucking what?” Is the only response he can think go saying. He went through years of loving you from afar only to find out now he could have been doing it upfront this whole time.
You laugh, turning to look at him again. “Thought it was obvious. That’s why I never did anything, thought you knew and didn’t feel the same way.”
Grayson literally sputters, at a complete loss for words. “Is this a joke?”
“Why would I be joking?” You ask genuinely. Your brows pulled together in confusion, not understanding what was so shocking about it all.
“Because it has to be a joke that I could have been loving you all these years to your face instead of hiding it but I didn't have to.” He leans forward, his elbows resting on his knees as he holds his face in frustration.
You sit in silence for a moment, his words sinking in. You couldn’t tell what he meant by that, was he still in love with you?
“It’s okay Gray. We were young and stuff.” You shrug, hoping to make him feel better. I mean obviously you still were hopelessly in love with him, but he didn’t have to know it.
He laughs almost cynically, turning to look at you. “You don’t see it, do you?” He seems almost defeated while he speaks.
“See what?”
“I’m still in love with you. Like if we had a prom right now and you got ditched again I’d go rent a whole tux and take you. I’d literally do anything for you, and would have done anything the past two decades we’ve known each other. I love you so much, everything about you. When we moved away and you went to college, it took me literally like three months to start enjoying life again without telling you about everything because you deserved the space to grow. I couldn’t be selfish and take away your college experience from you just because I loved you. But seeing you today has just, I don’t know. I don’t even know what I’m saying,” he sighs, catching his breath. He’s rambled in front of you from nerves many times, but this was a whole other level. Fear slowly started to sink into every bone of his body as he realized what he had admitted to you.
You sat there in complete shock, not expecting him to have said any of that. Yet, he had put it perfectly. You had always kept your feelings to yourself so as to never hold him back. Also to avoid complete rejection from the most important person in your life, but also because he deserved to live without the burden of your love.
“Gray, hey, look at me,” you mumble, reaching out to put your arm on his forearm. He lifts his head, his eyes timidly meeting yours but his muscles relaxing as soon as he felt your skin on his.
“We can act like I didn’t say all of that stuff if it’ll mean we get to keep being friends.” The anxiety drips from every single word that comes from his mouth.
“Why would we do that?” You stand, walking over to stand i front of him. His gaze follows you while he leans back in his chair. You grab both his hands and encourage him to stand with you. When he does, your bodies are close, the heat radiating off one another.
“Because I’d rather be friends with you and act like I don’t love you than not be in your life at all.” His voice was so vulnerable and you don’t think you've ever heard him so shy in his life. He usually oozed confidence, never faltering. Now, all he seemed to be doing is question every word he’s saying.
“But what if we could be more than friends?” You ask, biting your lip and looking at him.
His face reflects his surprise as he sucks in a quick breath. Before he has the chance to ramble again, you lean in to leave a light kiss against his lips. It’s quick and Grayson almost wonders if he’s dreaming. It’s the moment he’s thought about since he was 10, and it was over before he could truly enjoy it.
He scans your face, making sure he doesn’t see any regret forming before he grabs your hips and pulls you in for a real kiss. His lips are slow and sensual on yours, cherishing every moment you let him continue to kiss you. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him flush against you.
All of a sudden you hear someone screaming from the window above you guys. You both pull away, looking up to see Ethan beaming down at you both. “And to think it only took me, like, 15 years to get this to happen!”
You all laugh, soaking up the relief and happiness of the moment. Although it took so long, you’re sure you and Grayson will appreciate every moment together going forward.
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aresrl · 3 years
I hihi I am!!! A little nervous w/ doing this bc I've never done this b4 so please bear🐻 w// me💦 May I request a match up? A vision, a romantic partner and maybe a friend and/or enemy? If that's too much feel free to just assign me a vision + partner, ehe/// Preferably male for a romantic match-up, but either gender is fine with a friend and enemy match-up^^ I tried to be as detailed as possible but I think I ended up just ranting, so im v v sorry if it's long! I sort of fluctuate when it comes to being an introvert/extroverted. W// strangers and irl, I'm very introverted and shy!! Rarely speak and if I do it's just the usual "Hi how are you? That's good. I'm good too, thank you for asking:)" yeayea I'm not too. Keen on social interaction irl. But I always do my best to be very nice!! I never wanna come off as mean bc wow what a bad first impression that would be. But with friends / ppl ik online?? Whew I am very very friendly n chatty ^^ Either very high energy or very chill, there's rarely any inbetween. Sometimes I like to jokingly tease my friends but I'd never go too far / make them uncomfortable!! And if I do I always apologize right away!! I like to say that I'm affectionate?? My strongest love language is def physical affection, if not quality time. Idk man there's just something about vibing with someone or hugging them that just aaaaa/// Although I usually display affection w// words of affection bc. Literally most of my friends are online friends so I can't actually hug them, sad times. Idk if this is needed/important info but I just remembered: I'm 5'6 around??? Need glasses bc. Whew i am blind (near sighted), I'm poc (specifically black) anndd, hm. Actually I think thats it for this section, aha. As you can see I'm, not really all that organized. Also I don't have the best attention span - while writing this I'm circling between 4 different apps - and I'm a bit of a mess. And also a little stupid. Just a smidge dumb. But I have my moments - I solved like. 2 puzzles in Inazuma by myself so I think that counts for something. I also find that I tend to talk a whole lot when I have an idea or smthn to say abt a thing I'm super interested in!! That's info-dumping. I info dump. Yes. I also really like to listen to other people talk abt things they like!!!! Its so nice :) I'm protective over people I care about!! I've never done it but 100% would bark at someone who messed with someone close to be. Arf arf yaknow. I tend to he impulsive. I'll do something, and be all "YEAH>:D" and then regret it later. And then I'll do it all over again in a fun little cycle :) I consider myself an optimist, but quickly turn into a pessimist whenever it concerns myself. Fun funfun. Should probably mention that I am. A very insecure person w/ dangerously low self esteem, which is super fun esp when you mix that with the fact that I'm rarely ever motivated to improve. Yayayay Also sort of a pushover?? Like most often than not I'll be convinced to do something, even if I'm not too keen on doing it. Also afraid of confrontation when it comes to my friends and strangers (that is, if it's concerning me!! I'll order smthn for my friend but if I need to order for myself?? uhh stutter time aha). I'm also a mega simp ahah! Srsly though if I fall for someone/get infatuated with someone I. Will be so obvious abt it even though I try very hard not to be. Would gush over that person probably. I don't really like mean people tbh. Like yes I'll be nice and civil with them but!!! I cannot stand!!! Rude people!!! Esp when they're mean for no reason like sir??? maam??? homie??? chill pls ty<3 People who aren't necessarily mean, but moreso have bastard energy and are just really "hehe>:D" but playfully are p poggers tho!!! I think I get along with kids!! I have a little sister,, around like. Nine? And we get along really well!! I also try and match a kid's energy whenever I'm tasked with looking after them. I take pride in the fact that kids like me >:].... even if they sometimes scare me-- Ok, interest time!!
I like art!! Quite a bit!! Less of a realistic artist and more of a cartoonist!! Idk there's just something fun abt drawing cartoons, hehe. I also like self ships - I have quite a bit of them, actually ! Idk its comforting drawings your fictional crushes loving you idkidk. I like writing too! Both original stories, and one-shots or personal fics that are associated with already created media!! Writing character backstories and personalities and stuff is also fun too! I've even made my own fictional world with a full fledged backstory n everything! It's very fun to think about. I'm a day dreamer!!! Yea remember when I said I write stories? I day dream abt potential stories even more. Mmm daydream world so nice so warm so fun I read aswell!! Mostly fantasy books, or stories where animals are the protagonists. Think Warrior Cats. But my favorite book series has got to be Guardians of Ga'Hoole. Fantasy owl books, anyway! X Readers are also things I enjoy reading :) Again, s I m p Also gaming!!! Is something fun I do sometimes!!! Although it's usually Genshin Impact, or Wii Sports/Resort w// my little sister. Oh, also pokemon! I rlly like Primarina, Vaporeon, Sylveon and Vulpix/Ninetails! I absolutely adore sweet foods, and baking is smthn I'm def interested in! Don't like foods w// weird textures though, like beans or mashed potatoes. Also I. Love spice so much. Mmm love it when my mouth burns so bad. Don't have a favorite animal but I've had three cats in my lifetime (btw not important but my current cat is named Sylvester and. He's my baby boy) so I am. A very big cat fan. Probably not needed but I really like sword and claymore characters. Literally all of the characters I main are either sword or claymore users. Although I did get Diona, so I miiight start forcing myself to learn how to aimmm. I see that I tend to like people/characters that are a little more extroverted than me. Upbeat, happy type beat!!! Nice sunshine babies, :) I think thats it! I hope this was good enough? Again, first time doing this (at 2am nonetheless) so forgive me if I got too rambly or did anything wrong ^^ Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this! And I hope your day is good / you had a good day, depending on when you read this, ehe!
Hey! Sorry if the wait has been long! I also love Warrior Cats (I promise myself, one day I'll finish it.)
You received... A Pyro vision! Optimistic, enthusiastic, impulsive, reckless, and a lot of energy are the general characteristics held by the Pyro vision. • I hesitated between the Pyro and Hydro vision, but your energy distinguishes you from the Hydro vision. • You said you were impulsive, always doing something you might regret later but still doing it. • You react quickly: as you said, if somebody hurt someone you love, you won't think twice before barking. Your partner would be... Xingqiu! “This feeling was unexpected.” • At first, you were just friends, and Xingqiu really loved to tease you. Actually, you both teased each other. But eventually, a feeling of love towards you grew into Xingqiu. And that was reciprocated. • Your relationship is filled with teases, jokes, and good/funny moments where you mostly share what you commonly appreciate. • He also knows when to get serious: for example, he does everything to support you during your moments of struggle concerning your self-esteem. Your friend would be... Childe! “Luckily, I'm here!” • You two also share funny moments, especially during situations where your “stupidity” is overtaken by his insight. • Sometimes, he finds you cute. • He likes the fact that you get along well with kids. It leads you to great moments with him and his siblings. • You're quite the opposite in terms of self-esteem. I think it's a good thing because it makes you complementary. Your enemy would be... Albedo! A misunderstanding. • You wouldn't hate each other, but I think Albedo wouldn't like the way you use your energy, and when you're more in a chill mood (meaning you're more available for him to talk), he could get pissed at how much times he'd have to repeat himself for you to understand something. • He's very patient, but he understood quickly that his interests would maybe not be within your reach. • You would just be too different. Worth to mention • You and Venti are like drama queens in Mondstadt. You are good friends. But you both know that you can't be more, as it would eventually both drag you down (because of similar problems). • Klee is also your best friend: both of you share decisions that you definitely will regret later. Or maybe not. • Hu tao and you are kinds of silently competing over who's the best tease, and she beats you. My goal is definitely not achieved. I hope I can catch up tomorrow. And don't worry, it was surprisingly good for a first description!
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vintage-brass-tc · 3 years
Me again, at 11 PM, writing about today’s highlights regarding my TCs. Haha, hope you all enjoy reading this! It’s so fun to reminisce about things on this blog.
(Words like this are extra info, or words they may or may not have said. I feel like this is necessary for some reason to give out more context to those who need it!)
  Firstly, I saw W in a crowd of students at the beginning of the day! He was wearing a light green shirt with dark green stripes(happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone), which looked absolutely adorable on him. I greeted him with a “good morning”, but he was looking the other way, haha. I was right next to him, but he either didn’t hear me or just didn’t want to respond.
  Walking into the band room, I noticed about three-fourths of the band was gone. I reminded myself that we had an assembly for each grade to attend during different periods today. The grade that made up the majority of the band just happened to be next to go.   W had us move up seats so we could hear each other easier. I sit at the back of the class next to percussion, so he referred to me to move up, but didn’t use my name like he did to everyone else. Probably something small, but it caught me off guard. I guess he knew I was paying attention since I was looking at him the whole time. 😳 Whoops.
  W did the dreaded down-the-row playing sequence with the remainder of the students. It was a simple up-down-up slur, and I was the one to end it off. I think he gave one or two other students some quick tips before getting to me speedily.   W smiled and cocked his head to the right. “R, you had a bit of space between your notes.” I acknowledged his statement and lifted my head to show I was paying attention. “For someone who sounds so GOOD...” He complimented me, pausing for two seconds to add some extra emphasis to his statement, “remove the space in your notes.” I nodded quickly with a soft smile under my mask.   “I think I know why,” he suddenly continued the conversation. I leaned in to listen to it. “From my (little) experience (playing) on tuba—you know, for my job—, I had the same thing happen to me,” he rambled slightly while walking across the length of his podium. I furrowed my eyebrows in a teasing way at this. He soon got to the point after standing back on the podium.
  “You’re probably moving your jaw,” he finally stated, eyes locked on my own. I nodded again and made a mental note of paying attention to that. He leaned into my direction and “whispered” in a harsh, loud tone. “You are,” he told me with a smile, then began speaking faster, “I’m (only) saying ‘probably’ so people won’t find out you messed (up)....or...realize that you....uh......never mind.”   He tilted his head again, but to the left this time. He straightened himself up before beginning to talk about something other than the tuba.
  The topic soon changed to quicker-paced notes, and how they should affect how you play them. W called on random people to answer, and I avoided eye contact so he wouldn’t call me. But alas, after choosing one person, W thought it would be perfect to call out “R?”   I froze. Everything stopped as I slowly turned my head to face him. He was gazing at me with playful eyes and sort of an ‘evil’ grin, like he knew how clueless I was in the moment, and wanted to make fun of me. Everyone else in the room was looking at me too.   My brain took an additional two seconds to process his words, and my body literally could not move. I was stuck, unable to speak, move, or blink— I’ve never been in this state of shock in a really long time. It was hilarious thinking back.   The question was, besides the tongue speed, what else someone would need to pay attention to on during faster, more frequent notes— and what EXACTLY they’d focus on with whatever’s chosen.    I opened my mouth to speak after I looked into his eyes for two to three seconds, which felt like forever. “Air,” I responded. He nodded, and I felt instant relief. “Okay....what about it?” My relief sank quicker than an anvil in water.   “The speed..” I spoke loud and firm but anyone could see I was uncomfortable. He smirked at my behavior, seeming to enjoy seeing me so flustered and small compared to the role model I’d usually aim to be. “How fast is it?” He provoked me further.   I swiftly put my hands out in front of me, palms up, and fingers curved upwards like a vertically peeled orange. “..Quick!?” I yelled. Many, including W, laughed at my outburst for a little bit, then he moved on from there yet again, having us play something else. (The whole thing was sort of a trick-question; it shouldn’t affect anything besides the speed of your tongue and positions and stuff. Realized that after I answered.)   Needless to say, M wasn’t in class during his usual weekly visit...at least, not during school hours.
We had full-band sectionals, and, after the first quarter of the rehearsal time, W smiled, giggled, and did a subtle little wave to his right with the nearest hand. Everyone looked where W was looking, and boom. It was the man himself, M, leaning on the wall.   He wore a light gray cap, a dark blue mask. I don’t remember his shirt too well— I was focused on his face more than anything. M waved at us with a small smile under his mask. “..What? Why is M here..?” I was unbelievably bewildered, but the mere presence of him made me want to giggle and scream like a little girl. Weird, I know. I’m not that kind of person. ^^u
   Throughout the whole sectional, I caught looks from both M and W. I noticed that W would look up at me occasionally in short little glances, which is a little unlike him. He’d usually hold a look from me, but I understand! There was a lot to do in little time.     With M, though, it’s the complete opposite. I saw M look at me a LOT. And I mean a BUNCH. I’d shoot occasional gazes at him and, whenever I caught his eye, he’d do one out of the two things; hold the look, or quickly glance away from me. We even looked at each other at the exact same time at some point, and I averted my eyes so quickly. Pretty scary.    Whenever he would look away from me, which was around 87% of the time, I saw that he would pull his phone out. He never usually uses his phone that much, so I was so confused. He was quiet as well.    One last thing I’ll add to this— during a rep, the band made it to a sort of pickup measure that some of the baseline had. We played that, then stopped soon after it. My tuba was blocking M, and I think he knew that. When I put it down, I saw M’s body quickly turn left, away from my direction. I’ve been thinking about that for a while now.
   Moving on. Remember how I said I tried to greet W and he didn’t respond? It’s a bit weird because the same thing happened with M and the end of the day. It was kind of like my first and last TC “interaction” of the day were almost the exact same.
   So I saw M at the end of sectionals, and while band kids were leaving around him, and he sat on a chair while looking at this phone. I put my tuba up and put the case back up vertically, then I walked next to M. “Hello!” Pure silence from him, and he didn’t even even flinch or show any sign of hearing me. He probably didn’t — now thinking about it, his hearing isn’t the best, so he may have adjusted his hearing aides so that nobody could bother him. He said he liked to do that a year back anyway. 😂 I wouldn’t be too surprised if that were the case.
|||||||||||||||||||||||| Now it’s 1 AM, almost 2, and a school night. I’m doomed! This was fun to write though. Thanks to those that end up reading this jam-packed blog. 
Hope everyone has a great night, and best of luck with your TCs tomorrow. Rest well. <3
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Unlikely Pair
Peter Parker x Jameson!reader
a/n: reader is j. jonah jamesons grandkid im crying this is kind of funny ive never seen anything like it maybe?? please i hope you like it please im so proud of it and PLEASE let me know if i should do part 2
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You were pretty psyched to start at a new school that was a little more “your pace.” This school was so much better than the others around here, and it was an amazing opportunity. Now, Grandpa JJ had some things to say about the situation. A lot of “back in my day, we didn’t get ‘special opportunities.’ We started from the bottom. You either had skill, or you were a bum.” Thanks for the pep talk, Granddad.
You never did let him get you down, though. In fact, you were almost the exact opposite of him. And you enjoyed making fun of his Spider-Man obsession. Like, geez, if you love him so much, why don’t you marry him.
The first day actually wasn’t going too bad. You met a lot of talented people who you got to know better. These kids have some interesting lives, they really do.
One of the students approached you as you were packing up to leave the classroom.
“Hey! I’m Peter...Parker. Peter Parker.” He stuck his hand out to shake, which you kindly accepted. “And you are?”
“Y/N. Y/N Jameson.” You introduced yourself as you zipped up your bag and put it on. His expression turned into somewhat of confusion.
“‘Jameson...’ Where have I heard that name before?” He brainstormed for a moment while a sly smirk crept into your face.
“I’ll let you work this one out.” You commented. Suddenly, his face lit up.
“Wait! I know! That guy that hates Spider-Man!” He clapped his hands together. “Yeah?” You busted out laughing. “What?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You tried to catch your breath. “It’s just, my granddad hates Spider-Man so much, but most people only remember him because of Spider-Man.” His eyes went wide.
“He’s your grandfather?” Peter gasped. “Well, that make’s sense. I mean, he’s obviously not your brother.” He joked, but you could see the regret on his face.
“Not bad.” You snickered. “I like you, uh, Peter, was it?” You asked.
“Bingo.” He shot a finger gun at you, which you chuckled at. This kid was actually kind of funny in a sweet way.
“Hey, do you know where Mr. Gutierrez’s class is?” You pointed at your schedule. Peter snatched it quickly with a smile.
“Yeah! That’s my next class! Follow me.” Peter led you out of the room and weaved through the hallway with you just a few paces behind. “Mr. Gutierrez is the coolest teacher, he teaches chemistry, but like, he really gets into it, you know? There are a few other science teachers here that you might run into, Mr. Dell and Mr. Harrington, they’re both nuts. Dell thinks everything is magic and Harrington talks about his divorce a lot and I’m rambling, sorry.”
“You’re alright, Peter. At least what you talk about is interesting.” You nudged at him and he blushed. He opened the door to Mr. Gutierrez’s classroom and held it for you. “Thanks.”
“Mr. G!” Peter greeted and caught Mr. Gutierrez’s attention.
“Hello, Mr. Parker,” he turned his attention to you, “and who is this?”
“Y/N Jameson.” You stuck your hand out to shake his. Your granddad always talked about how a strong handshake builds character. “Nice to meet you.”
“Yes, you too! Lucky for you, it’s lab day. Would you guys mind being lab partners?” Mr. G asked.
“Not at all, thanks Mr. G!” Peter took you over to his lab table and walked you though the procedures, but he got a little off topic. “Hey, so, I know your grandpa hates Spider-Man...but do you?”
“What does it matter?” You cocked an eyebrow with a sly smile.
“Well, uh, I don’t know, I guess it—it doesn’t? Just making conversation, you know?” He started tripping over his words and you giggled.
“I’m just pushing your buttons, Pete. It’s alright that I call you Pete, right?” You asked. Peter was just kind of...looking at you. Just kept looking. “Pete!” You whisper-shouted.
“Yeah! Yeah, it’s cool.” He straighted his posture and cleared his throat.
“And by the way, yeah, I do like Spider-Man.” You told him and his face lit up.
“Really! Me too! I mean, not in a weird way. I admire him, you know? He seems like a pretty cool guy, all things considered. I’m rambling again.” Peter got quiet really fast.
“Again, Pete, at least it’s interesting.” You began doing a few experiments during the lecture and going on with your small talk.
“I heard that the Decathlon team met Spider-Man. Twice.” You whispered.
“Yeah, he comes around here sometimes.” Peter nodded, looking down and writing in his notes.
“Do you know why?” You asked curiously.
“Not a clue, honestly.” He tried to laugh it off.
“Hm. Maybe I’ll get to meet him someday. That would be awesome. You’re on the Decathlon team, right? You met him?” You started to question more. Peter couldn’t hold back his smile.
“I saw him swing by a few times. He was too busy to talk.” Now all Peter wanted to do was impress you. No, Peter, stop. Great power, great responsibility.
“That’s still pretty cool.” You shrugged. You guys continued you conversation for the majority of the class period, and Mr. G didn’t even stop you. He obviously heard it all, but he was kind of rooting for Peter. You were obviously cute together. The final bell for the school day rang, you gathered your belongings and walked out of the school together.
“So, how are you getting home?” Peter asked you.
“Uh, actually, my granddad told me he was gonna pick me up ‘cause it’s my first day. He’s always on time, so he’s probably waiting for me now.” You told him and he frowned. You did some quick thinking and pulled a pen out of your bag. “Give me your hand.” You reached out.
“Huh?” Peter instinctively put his hand out and you quickly grabbed it and started writing.
“Alrighty, this is my number, text me soon so I have yours.” You capped the pen and put it away. “I will see you tomorrow morning, great meeting you, Pete.” You waved goodbye and made your way to the cars. Peter looked down and read your writing. You wrote your number and your name with a heart next to it, it definitely put a smile on Peter’s face.
You climbed into the car with your granddad and he pulled into the street.
“Who was that boy you were with?” Your granddad asked.
“Oh, that’s Peter! He showed me around today.” You answered a little too giddily.
“Is he nice?” He questioned.
“Very.” You checked your phone, no message yet.
“Well, good. We’re going out to dinner tonight to celebrate your new school. Any suggestions?” He asked.
“Surprise me.” You were already daydreaming about Peter. God, y/n, get it together.
Meanwhile, Peter had finally gotten home and whipped out his phone to put your contact in. He opened up a new message and it took him an eternity to find the right words. He was thinking about asked you out over the weekend, but how?
hey, y/n, it’s pete! wanna grab some pizza this weekend? No, that’s boring.
y/n! it’s peter, was wondering if u wanted to get pizza w me this friday nite? Peter, y/n’s grandpa works for a newspaper, they probably care about grammar.
peter here! wanna get pizza this weekend? No. No, no, no. No. It can’t be this hard!
Hey, it’s Peter! Sorry I took a while to text, I missed my train again. I’m not as punctual as I’d like to be. Anyways, I wanted to know if you had any plans Friday night? I was thinking about maybe getting a pizza if you’re down? There it is! A friendly greeting, a little small talk, an explanation and apology, a question, and a proposal! Perfect composition if I say so, myself.
Peter hit send and you immediately picked up the phone.
“You kids and your damn phones.” Your granddad commented, but you just ignored it and tried to cover the smile on your face. “What? Who is it?” He asked.
“It’s Peter.” You started to reply.
“That boy you just met today? Really? Did he ask you out?” Grandpa Jameson has a whole lot of questions.
“I think he did.” You chuckled as you texted back.
“Well, then...I wanna meet him.” Your granddad nodded. “Yeah! I got to meet him so that I know there’s no funny business.” He banged his fist on the steering wheel.
“Okay, granddad,” you rolled your eyes, “just don’t scare him off.”
“No promises.” He grunted.
Y/N: Yeah, I actually do have plans on Friday. :/ I’m getting pizza with this cute guy from class. He’s kind of awkward, but in a sweet way. He’s also pretty smart and almost mysterious? I hope to get to know him better, though.
Peter: So, is that a yes? 👀
Y/N: Yes!! Just let me know the rest of the details tomorrow! Can’t wait to see you
Peter: ❤️
You put your phone back in your pocket and hummed to the radio as your granddad drove down the busy streets of Manhattan. Today was so much better than you ever thought it could get.
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shsl-fluff · 4 years
uhh,,, saw your reply to my ask and i- snsjs thanks a lot, ur really nice. i guess I'll request something to get ya started, I hope you don't mind! 👉🏻👈🏻 could i get sdr2 boys w/ a fem! shsl baker s/o? s/o is really affectionate and sweet too, she wears pink and pastel clothing with her baker outfit, + firmly believes in the phrase "sometimes kindness is enough" + that even bad people deserve a second chance. just trying to ship my cute af oc with my fav boys, don't mind me.. 👉🏻👈🏻 >u< 💐
This was really fun to write! I'm so sorry that it took a while. Also, some of these are more based in the middle of the relationship, some are more meeting to the beginning of the relationships. I hope you don't mind :)
Sdr2 boys with a fem, shsl baker S/O who is very kind, patient, and affectionate
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
People aren't normally very patient with him, especially due to how on edge he can get
It's a bit shocking for him to see that you've stuck around, even before you started dating
When you two first cuddled he was so embarrassed. Blushing bright red and muttering a few reluctant insults before going quiet and just being a bright red mess. 
You don't remember if he fell asleep in your arms, or if you fell asleep in his, but it didn't matter.
You kiss him every morning. Sometimes it wakes him up and other times it doesn't, but it makes you happy either way. 
He really has a sweet tooth, even if he doesn't like admitting it. Peko and yourself might be some of the only ones who know.
You often surprise him with sweet things. Cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and especially doughnuts.
He always acts a bit annoyed at first but the facade collapses as he eats
"You didn't have to make me anything, you know? I don't like sweets"
"Thank you, (Y/N)... This is amazing, as usual" 
Gundham Tanaka
The Lord of darkness and a sweet baker never seemed like they'd be the best pair, but they were. 
Even before you got together, you would surprise him with small cakes you were creating recipes for to get his opinions
"A Lord of darkness such as myself does not need such worldly goods!"
Yet he still eats them and showers you with compliments
Apparently, all the horrific forces at play in the many universes would enjoy them
When you found out about his demonic beasts, you found them absolutely adorable
You went to your recipe book to see if you could find any treats for hamsters but couldn't find any. 
The same went for online
So you made that your mission. Making a sweet for only the most ferocious of hamster beasts.
You tried to keep it a secret, but gundham found out, and declared he must join you on your mission in life. 
Every afternoon he would meet you at your kitchen and you'd both work on recipes to find something that would be easy to replicate and mass produce that brings the dark devas powers to their fullest potential. 
You would work until the early hours of the morning. What was once going to be a small present had spiraled out of control, but you didn't mind. 
It was fun to spend your time with someone as passionate as the ultimate breeder.
When you had finally cracked the code, it was early in the morning. He was so happy that he looked like he was about to hug you
"(Y/N), I often wish you weren't a mere human." He said as he watched the devas eat their sacred meals.
"Even a human of your strength would perish by simply touching me, and it pains my heart"
He continued to ramble about how his power had the ability to destroy any human, and how he sometimes feared making companions for that reason
And then you hugged him
He was caught by surprise, and shocked when you didn't turn to dust in front of him
Maybe you weren't human after all
He decided you would be a perfect companion to rule the underworld with someday.
He crowned you the princess of darkness and unwavering determination.
Hajime Hinata 
Though he was a reserve course student, Hajime would often spend time with your class after school. 
He just became one of the pals.
You loved giving out treats during homeroom, so you would make sure to save him some to give him after school.
"I'm so sorry that it isn't warm, Hinata! Oh! What if you come with me? I'll make you some of whatever you want!"
You dragged him off to your room. 
"What do you want? I'll make anything!" 
He reluctantly said he'd have some chocolate chip cookies. 
You whipped them up instantly and gave them to you nice and warm. 
He thanked you generously.
You continued the habit of making him things, making them more and more creative.
His favorite was your orange zest cupcakes
He had wanted to ask you on a date for a while, but was too shy to. He was a reserve course student, why would you go after him of all people? 
Mahiru ended up being sick of him being so shy, so she asked for him.
You laughed and accepted. 
You both went out to dinner a few days later. He was flustered and yet also a little frustrated that Mahiru rushed him. 
The dinner went overall well, and he walked you home that evening. 
He thanked you for coming out with him and being so kind and sweet 
And then you suddenly 
Kissed his cheek
He went deep red and flustered as he sorta blanked out
He kissed you back quickly as you parted ways.
You both couldn't wait for tomorrow
Imposter (Byakuya)
You decided to hand out brownies to your class one morning, when they were nice and warm. 
Almost everyone showered you with praise for the baked goods, but one person especially. Byakuya Togami. 
He told you it was the best food made by a commoner he had ever tasted. 
You two slowly grew closer as you brought in baked goods once a week. 
At first he had treated you with overall indifference, yet as you talked to him more he slowly opened up to you. 
He talked about his favorite foods, his favorite brands, and even his hobbies. 
As you two started to talk out of school, you noticed some things that didn't seem to fit in with the way he normally talked. He wasn't calling you a commoner anymore.
He started to treat you like an equal. 
One morning when you were handing out baked goods during class, he gave you a note. 
Meet me at my locker after school today. I have something important to talk to you about -Byakuya Togami
He didn't say anything else, besides a quiet thanks. 
When you went to his locker after school, he looked surprisingly anxious
"Follow me, we're going to the park, (Y/N)" he said coolly 
He sat down on the bench next to you under a cherry blossom tree. 
He let his secrets spill. That he always wanted to be someone else. Someone who would be noticed. That he wasn't even sure who he was… 
He spoke quietly and with a steady voice as he stared you in the eyes
"Would you really care about someone who you don't really know?" He asked. 
"Yes, yes I would Byakuya. Because even if that isn't your name, I didn't befriend a name or a face… I befriended you for your heart" 
He looked like he was about to cry as he pulled you into a soft embrace. 
Kazuichi Soda
Souda really, really loved touch, and was surprisingly easy fluster.
He loved it when you held his hand in public, it would make his heart thunder out of his chest.
Not to mention cuddling
Running your hands through his hair
He would rub your back sometimes, too. 
Whenever your kitchen gadgets broke, he would rush over and fix them.
He tried to add some mods, too. To make things faster or more efficient.
They were often to fast to use reasonably, but you thanked him for them anyway
You loved surprising him in his garage when he was working. 
You would always bring him his favorite- death by chocolate cupcakes. 
Sometimes you'd get grease on your clothes. He'd rush to help you clean them and try to get the stains out. 
When he realized they wouldn't be able to fully get it out, he took her to the store and bought the same outfit, along with something else.
He adored spoiling you.
You were his princess.
Nagito Komaeda 
You had heard some of the things your classmates had said about one of the ultimate lucks. That he was creepy and had an obsession with the other ultimates
You didn't believe them. You didn't think they were lying or anything, just that they didn't understand him. 
You decided to introduce yourself to him, and he was so excited.
An ultimate would talk to him?
He apologized in advance for having to put up with trash like himself.
You assured him he wasn't trash, and even invited him to hang out after school. 
He asked about what your ultimate talent was.
When he heard baker, he was awed. Oh the hope that you would be able to bring into others with your treats!
You two would gradually hang out more and more and become better friends. 
You would bake him something every time, but something always turned out wrong.
A bit of eggshell somehow got in, the vanilla would slip out of your fingers and dump into the batch, the baking time on the recipe was wrong, or something had spilled on your cookbook
Nagito had to anxiously explain the way his luck worked. Terrible luck had to come before good luck, followed by even more terrible luck.
"Well then, I don't mind! As long as you're getting some good luck, I don't mind having to bake something a few times to get it correct for you due to bad luck"
He was shocked by your amount of hope and kindness. 
"What do you think the good luck is, by the way?" You asked him suddenly
"To be honest, I think its spending time with you after school, (Y/N)"
He asked you out, and you accepted. He thought it was all his luck, but it wasn't. 
You loved giving him love and affection. Even small things like holding his hands in public, to cuddling him on the couch when you watch tv together. 
The bad luck would really be inconvenient, yet you got through it if it meant you got to spend time with him. 
He often rambled about how much he didn't deserve you, yet you always cut him off and tell him how much you loved him. 
He loved you so much
You loved him so much.
Nekomaru Nidai
You two were both rather sweet to others, so it made sense that you got along right away. 
You quickly became the power couple of the school
He would pick you up and carry you on his shoulders all the time and make up little excuses for why he'd do it
Maybe it'd be faster if he just took you
It was for his workout
You had to grab something on the shelf
So on and so forth. 
You didn't mind, you just loved being carried by him. 
You would have movie nights with him all the time. 
You'd make cookies and pop some popcorn, and then cuddle with him or sit on his lap as the movie started
His favorite movie was Rocky
His favorite movie snack was your oatmeal bar cookies.  
Sometimes he massages you during the movies. You swear that those are the best things in the world.
He invites you to work out with Akane all the time. You aren't very athletic but accept anyway!
He has a list of exercises to help different parts of your body so you get a balanced yet not painfully difficult workout. It's one he had once used for a beginner's team, but it works well for you too. 
He makes sure to work out at a pace you can handle and gives you tons of tips before going off to spar with Akane
Sometimes, the winner gets your cookies. 
Those are the most intense any of their battles get
Teruteru Hanamura
You and Teruteru had something in common before even knowing each other, as both of your ultimates were centered around culinary
He hadn't really tried to bake before
You decided to invite him to your home so you could show him what he was missing
He treated it like it was a date, and kept making inappropriate jokes the whole time, but you didn't really mind too much. 
He was having fun after all. 
You guys kept inviting each other over, either cooking or baking with one another. 
You realized he had feelings for you, but didn't reciprocate for a while
One day when you were cooking together it just hit you that you loved him
You loved his passion for his craft
You loved his kindness
You loved his humor
You loved him.
You asked him out
He accepted
Some things- a lot of things- stayed the same.
You would cook and bake every day together and search through recipe books to find new things to make
Other things changed
You were both big on cuddling and affection and couldn't get out of eachothers arms at night
His accent totally changed too. You didn't expect him to speak in a southern accent, but also didn't mind
It was nice to hear him talk about how beautiful you were in that voice. It showed you he didn't have to put up a front around you.
He would buy you aprons and dresses with light, pastel colours.
He just loved how everything looked on you. 
He would also buy some risque clothes, but if it made you very uncomfortable, he'd stop.
You realized why some of your classmates hated him, he could be pervy at times, even bordering on creepy. 
But that was just one flaw about him. 
His passion was almost unrivaled by your classmates, not to mention how funny he could be.
You just had to stick around to see that passion. Your patience went a long way. 
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
Fanfic Asks 5
This one is for @louthestarspeaker who asked for D U X, @misssquidtracy who asked for H M O and @janetm74 who asked for W. Thank you for your kind questions ::hugs you all so much::
D. Do you prefer gen or romance?
If you asked me this two years ago, I would have said gen. Now…I see value in both. There is something just nice about having a couple who know each other so well that they can just fall into each other’s arms at the end of the day.
But I’ve always been a fan of bromance, two guys who will do anything for each other whether they are related or not. I’m a child of eighties TV and grew up on those kinds of relationships. Kirk and Spock are a prime example (yeah, I know they are from the 60s, but I didn’t exist then and the most of the movies came out in the eighties) .
Which leads onto the question of slash. I do read slash, but not so much in this fandom beyond a little Virgil/Brains. My heart truly lives in the friendship or family department. Even my ship could be considered monogamous happily ever after. This is not because I have any objections to one night stands or flings or whatever anyone enjoys, more of a case of I enjoy it (and Virgil’s character calls for it).
I’m a long term fanfic reader and have stumbled across a lot in my time in fandom. I just choose to read what I like and let everyone have their fun their way. I like a little whump, comfort and loyal and devoted friends. I guess I love the idea that people can stick together through anything.
As for writing, I like a challenge and will step outside my comfort zone time to time just to see if I can do it. However, you will always find a brother hanging around when Virg gets injured :D
 U. Do you prefer AUs or canon compliant fics?
I’m pretty open to all sorts of things…except for character breaking. If the character isn’t in character then it is no longer the character.
::chews nails worrying if I’ve broken Virgil’s character beyond redemption::
If it is well-written and hooks me, I’ll read pretty much anything (within my limits).
Writing…AUs require a lot of world building. My AUs tend to be branches off canon that diverge away, taking the built world with them. Things like coffee-shop AUs are a bit beyond my interest level (especially since I don’t drink coffee).
Marks & Wings is my first completely AU fic series. I did have to do some world building, but they are basically the Tracy bros with wings (except for Gordo, he is considerably different). To be honest, I use that universe as a place to write when I’m completely stuffed. The writing is more sensory than my other fics and I can just get arty farty and play with words.
But, as always, whatever I feel like at the time is what gets written.
 X. What fandom have you written the most fics for?
That would be Thunderbirds fandom. According to Ao3, I’m at 132 Thunderbirds fics with 750,000 words. Reactions plus a few other fics/chapters are yet to be posted.
That is over twice my combined other fandoms, heading toward three times. In two years.
You guys have just inspired me so much. Look what you’ve done! ::hugs you all like crazy::
 H. What is the longest fic you’ve written?
Written in 2003, The Asgard Sequence at 80,000 words (I thought it was shorter at 75,000 ::frowns at FF.net::) was my third Stargate SG-1 fanfic. Full of cliffhangers, it basically whumps Jack O’Neill within an inch of his life while exploring the Asgard people. Lots of plot written by the seat of my pants and nowhere at the quality I’m achieving today, but it remains my most popular fic on FF.net and I still get the occasional comment even 17 years after it was published. It was a landmark fic for me.
The question is…is there enough plotline left in the Kermadec Fic to overtake it? I don’t know. Possibly not, but we’ll see. I do have the tendency to ramble nowadays :D
 M. How do you come up with titles?
Write fic first and work out what to call it when at least partly written. I usually look for something short that sums up what the fic is about combined with an inkling of interest that might help draw the reader in. Sometimes I structure the fic (if I’m planning it) in a certain way that leads to the title.
Here are some working titles versus the final titles just for a little fun (the file names are all that remains – first name first, final name second):
Scott and Jeff – Suits
Riguadagnare – Il Mago
Virg and Gordo – A Good Day
The Visitor – Sky Candy
One of the brothers being ticklish – His Part
Marry Me – The Proposal
Hold Still – Lucky Shot
Gentle Showers – Gentle Rain
The Glacier – Access Denied
Tired Virgil – Tick Tock
Tropical rain is warm – Warm Rain
Veggie’s shower fic – To Hurt Us
Just a few from my computer. I still have several that don’t have titles at all.
 O. Is there any fandom you’ve been into that you haven’t written fic for? Why not?
Definitely. I’ve read:
How to Train Your Dragon
Stargate Atlantis (did start a fic, haven’t finished it – also roleplayed a bit as Rodney McKay)
All the Next Gen Star Trek series (did dabble a little, but never finished anything, my heart lies in TOS)
There are probably more that I can’t think of at the moment. With the exception of Farscape and the Trek series, all of the above were read in the last ten years. They were simply relief from motherhood really. I love fanfic in general, hardly read anything else nowadays, but I wasn’t in the right place to write during my forays into the above fandoms. I was also very focussed on my professional art business.
TAG hit me at a point where I was struggling, in desperate need and I went down like a ton of bricks.
 W. Have you ever written anything that you are embarrassed by today?
Considering the thirty years since I started, sure, there are some fics that are a bit crappy. Heh, I still write crappy stuff from time to time ::eyes Reactions and kicks it with a toe::
But embarrassed? I may have been when I was younger. Especially outside of fandom. But now…I’m a perfectionist who has come to terms (mostly) that my stuff is never going to be perfect. All my stuff has had its purpose and is a step up the learning curve – that goes for everything.
Having said that, I do find myself hesitating to mention the one or two slash fics I have written in the past in other fandoms.
Mentioning that I wrote for Knight Rider gets the oddest looks. I wrote two slash fics in that fandom, but they are close to what I write here in content and plotlines.
I have also written a few explicit scenes in this fandom (of varying quality ::rolls eyes:: ).
Mentioning fanfic outside of fandom has its challenges and when it comes to the above mentions, these are likely not the ones I’d highlight to my workmates (though they all know I write fanfic). I had to stop myself from posting a link to Gentle Rain on Facebook a while back because while I’m happy with its novelish length and content, it does have that one scene…
So, yeah, maybe a little wary of what other people might think of things content-wise. Writing-wise, I’m fairly confident, except when I get the wibblies ::eyes floppy Virg and John…just John…no other Tracy gives me as much strife as Johnny::
Thank you to all the wonderful peeps who asked me all these questions. I hope I haven’t bored you silly with my answers (or scared you off with the last one ::chews nails:: ).
I also hope I haven’t missed anyone. Poke me if I have and I will apologise profusely and answer asap.
::eyes word count on questions:: Well, I’ve written 3,500 words about myself ::gulp::
And it is heading toward 1.30am with work tomorrow.
(saluting off)
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sunsetsover · 5 years
ideas on ballum’s first date? and does ben enjoy running his fingers through Callum’s hair just as much as callum does? p.s hope your holidays improve 💕
thank you, they weren’t so bad but i’m very glad to be home lmao 💞
ok so i went a little bit overboard w this but this is me we’re talking about, it’s to be expected lmao but i did them in bullet points for clarity !!
so ideas for the first date:
it’s awkward as hell at first lmao
ben is still in a lot of pain from his injury because he isn’t fully healed, and also he’s lowkey a nervous wreck bc he realizes this a big deal for callum!!! but also it’s a big deal for him too!!! he likes callum!! he doesn’t want to fuck it up!! for callum’s sake, and the sake of their Thing that they have going already
and callum is highkey a nervous wreck for a multitude of reasons…. mostly it’s the gay thing bc it’s all so fresh and new and he still can’t walk around the square without feeling like ppl are staring at him…. and he realizes a lot of it is paranoia but also like….. he’s just split up w whitney, and everyone around walford knows them and knows him and what’s happened and like there’s just no anonymity….. he kind of wishes they could get on a train and go somewhere else, somewhere where they can slip into the crowd where no one knows them so callum maybe won’t feel like everyone is watching them and judging him but ben can’t risk going too far away from home yet….. which is fine it really is he’d rather be safe than sorry and it’s Just A Pint anyway not a big deal……. it’s just that callum kind of wants to crawl out of his skin a little bit….. no biggie……….
(but callum still goes on the date, because of course he does. he wants to go out for a drink with ben. he does. that’s not the problem. the problem is everything else.)
so yh they go to e20 (it’s not ideal but the alternate choices are the vic, which has too many prying eyes, and the prince albert, which is too much too soon for callum) and it’s really awkward at first bc ben can sense how nervous callum is - jumping at every noise and constantly checking over his shoulder and can hardly sit still
and at first ben is a little bit put out bc he hasn’t had a problem keeping a man’s attention in a Long Ass Time but then he remembers what he was like when he was in callum’s shoes and can’t really be mad at him lmao….. he just is maybe kinda sad abt it bc this date is Weak and callum deserved better
so after a while ben asks callum if he wants to leave and callum is like ’???? wtf no’ bc he doesn’t even realize how jumpy and distracted he is
and ben is like ‘it’s ok if you do, i don’t mind, i get it’ and callum is really just sitting there like ???
so ofc bc callum isn’t saying anything ben starts rambling like 'maybe this was too soon, you have just broke up with whitney and you’re still getting your head around things, i don’t want you running into things when you’re not ready’ etc 
meanwhile in his head he’s like ben u Fuckin Idiot!! u’ve fucked it up!!!!!!! u’ve pushed him too hard this is too much u should have just waited!!!!!!!!!!!
that is until callum interrupts his rambling by Very Firmly saying 'ben, if i didn’t want to be here, i wouldn’t be here’
that shuts ben up lmao
after that callum makes a more conscious effort to relax and actually pay attention to ben and it doesn’t take long for callum to actually relax and forget where he is and everything that’s happened and enjoy ben’s company
and ben keeps having a go at cal for making him laugh bc it hurts and every single time callum gets really serious and apologetic which only makes ben laugh harder :-(
by the end of the night they’re sat practically pressed together in one of those rounded booths and neither of them know how they ended up like that bc they were on opposite sides when they sat down but neither of them really care :-)
they don’t stay out too late bc ben’s still a little out of whack from his injury, though it’s callum that insists they leave bc ben keeps being like ‘one more drink’ even tho cal can see him drooping w exhaustion :-( poor ben just doesn’t want it to be over bc tho the date started weak they have completely turned it around :-(
ben perks back up once they’re out in the fresh air and immediately starts teasing callum abt the fact that he’s walking him home
“proper gent you, ain’t ya? i can’t remember the last time someone walked me home after a date.” “you’re injured, i’m hardly gonna leave you to walk home by yourself am i? what if something happened to ya?” “what, during the five minute walk between e20 and my dad’s?” “you never know.” “just admit that you’re hoping i’ll invite you in for a nightcap.”
callum kind of freezes up at that but ben just gives him That Look and a small shove and says 'i’m joking, callum’
when they’re at the door to the mitchell’s ben turns to him with this soft smile and says 'don’t take this the wrong way, but i think we’re a bit too old for snogging on the doorstep while my dad’s probably sat in the living room’ and callum laughs and looks at the floor all shy because he doesn’t feel too old. he feels like he’s sixteen years old and he’s just been on his first proper date and this is all new and exciting to him.
(he supposes it is, in a way.)
and then ben very softly asks 'wasn’t so bad, was it?’ and callum smiles at him and shakes his head and ben smiles back and whispers 'good’ and leans over and kisses him on the cheek - it doesn’t linger quite as long as the last one, but this one feels different. warmer. like a promise of more to come. and he can’t help but grab hold of ben’s hand as he unlocks the front door and squeeze it as they say goodbye :-)
and they’re both so fucking enamoured w each other in that moment that both of them forget to ask for a second date lmao
so yeah it’s a pretty good date in the end lmao
as for hair stroking!!
he never really gets into hair stroking at first on account of the fact that callum is just So Fucking Tall and he always has his hair covered in gel so he can’t just do it absentmindedly the way callum does…… 
the few times he’s tried it’s awkward and not at all suave and natural the way callum does it, and then callum will complain about ben fucking up his hair and ben will end up with a sticky hand and like… there are more fun ways to end up in that situation….
besides it’s not like ben isn’t physically affectionate in other ways !!! it’s just that hair stroking is more callum’s thing
that is until one day callum practically passes out with his head on ben’s chest and all ben can see is the crown of his head…. his hair lookin soft as hell… smelling good bc he just had a shower…. and like what is ben gonna do? not stroke it?
and he’s glad callum is asleep tbh bc he has to like… figure out what works best…….. bc it’s not like lexi’s hair and it’s not like paul’s hair and it’s not like he has much experience with stroking anyone else’s hair…. so he’s like. Experimenting
and then he starts scratching at the shorter hair behind callum’s ear and cal makes this little sighing noise and presses closer to him and ben is just like oh ???????????????
so he keeps trying different things and callum just keeps on making these happy sounds and pressing his face more into ben’s chest and it’s just like…. game over….. he can’t believe This is what he’s been missing out on
or at least it’s game over while callum is asleep bc ben is Shy and doesn’t want to make a bigger fool out of himself in front of callum than he does already……. but like once callum’s unconscious? it’s game over
and callum has suspicions bc he keeps waking up to ben’s fingers tangled in his hair but it’s weird bc like…. why does he only do it when he’s asleep?
so, because he has learned from his other half Sneaky Bastard Ben, one day he fakes falling asleep just to see :-) and sure enough ben hands are in his hair within minutes - he starts off just gently rolling a bit of callum’s hair in between his fingers, but before long he’s full on stroking his fingers through the long part of callum’s hair
and callum pretends to be asleep for as long as he can but after a certain point he just can’t keep the smile off his face
and ben gets all huffy bc he’s embarrassed :-(
but callum just laughs and kisses ben’s chest and moves closer to him so he has easier access to his hair and ben resumes his stroking Immediately bc it’s like instinct now :-)
after that anytime they’re cuddling they basically cannot keep their hands out of each others hair
ben even takes to scratching at the hair on callum’s nape in public (when they’re sat down ofc bc callum is still So Fucking Tall) bc he can’t get to his favourite bit bc of the gel :-( so needless to say ben very quickly starts to hate the gel and tries to convince callum to abandon it but he won’t bc he thinks the slicked back hair makes him look Professional
ben pouts about it but he also kinda likes being the only one who gets to see his soft floppy hair now
anyway long story short, yes ben likes running his fingers through callum’s hair just as much as callum does, it just takes him a little while longer to catch on lmao
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skiecas · 5 years
this is probably such a broad topic but pls i'd love to hear more abt your japan + korea trip :')
OMGG i would LOVE to tell you aaaall about my trip!! i miss it every day :”D
it is a bit of a broad topic so i’ll try to restrain myself a bit instead of rambling on forever and ever, hehe. but feel free to ask me if there’s anything specifically you’d like to know about!!! (i have one friend who was just rly interested in the fashion there & we had an almost 2-hr discussion abt korean street wear vs jpn asdskghfk)
let me just tell you about some of my most fave things i did!!
we were only in korea for 3 days but i fell in LOVE, i miss it sm ;;v;; it was just so spacious and modern and chic, and i loved the aesthetic, and the fashion. and the food!!! was so good!! i had this pollack soup that i STILL think about….
we had plans to go hit all the big, tourist-y spots in the daytime and then go shopping in the evenings. but then getting around korea required so much walking/hiking/navigating the trains that we barely hit everything on our list and didn’t get to do any shopping ;;o;; so i HAVE to go back!!!
i think my most fave place we went in korea was the jogyesa temple; it’s a v small temple right in the middle of the city and it’s decorated with like a hundred colorful lanterns hanging from the ceiling, and they light them up at night, and it was like walking into a DREAM :”D pics really can’t do it justice but you can click [here] to get an idea of what it was like!! 🏮🏮
jpn was much smaller and more cramped/crowded in comparison to seoul, w a much more grungy and rustic vibe, but it was charming too!!!
shinjuku quickly became my fave district bc i feel like almost all my fave things i did were in shinjuku!! we went to sekaido, which is this huge stationery store w/ like 5-6 floors just FILLED w cute stationery, and i DIED from the happy :”D i was literally in there forever and i bought sooo many cute things, it was the best day ever!! we also saw an AMAZING view of the city from the top of the gov building (WHICH I WROTE IWAOI DOING IN A FIC ONCE), and it was sooo beautiful, i was *v* shinjuku was also where i went for a nice walk in the national garden while listening to classical music and wandering for over an hour through the prettiest greenhouse ever–TAKE ME BACK ;A;
the ashikaga flower park was v far away from tokyo but sooo worth the trip, it was a DREAM. look at this photo!!
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this is JUST the view as soon as you walk in, then it gets even more beautiful!! they also have classical 🎵 playing through the park and offer all the guests sun ☂️s, so you can stroll through feeling like a classy shoujo heroine ;>
there was one day when we played w 🦉 in an owl-themed cafe and it was. SO. COOL. we got to pet them and even hold them!! they were a bit intimidating but also v cute bc they would be very happy to be petted and close their eyes and enjoy it!!
here’s a pic of me with an owl!!
((pls excuse the horrible hair kdashfkdg we actually got caught in a downpour right before we got there))
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other fun things i did in tokyo: sailor moon store!! sooo many cafes. todoroki valley. meiji shrine (a staple). a 🌺 market/cafe! teamlab borderless WHICH WAS THE COOLEST THING EVER i can’t even explain but it was a digital arts museum and it was SO cool and trippy, pls google it!!!!! *v*
then we were in osaka for a few days and it was SUCH a different vibe than tokyo but still v grungy and Aesthetic!!! there was a big night-life there and cool murals were on the walls and also what was cool is that a bunch of places had giant figurines and such placed above their shop doors that were really fun to spot!! i saw a spider-man, a dragon, a giant puffer fish, even a giant takoyaki asfkdshgk
osaka was a lot of ⛩️ hopping and aquarium/ocean and karaoke and late night arcades. my sis surprised me with a music box that plays arashi’s “one love” and i cried!!!! ;;u;;
i also went to sendai (BC OF COURSE) & maxed out my little weeb ❤️ seeing the place where hq takes place and went to date masamune’s monument wearing seijou colors AND WENT TO SENDAI CITY GYM and had a Moment (that my sister did not understand akdahskfh) while looking out at the gym :”)
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and um!!! UMMM i will. End here :”D
sorry i ended up rambling forever after all asdksjf but this was like a rly quick rundown of the Big things that i got to do!!
if you’ve never been to either korea or japan before, nonnie, i sincerely hope you get to go one day!!! i’m absolutely in love w them both!!!!
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sher-soc-the-famder · 6 years
YOOOOO MY FELLOW GAYS it me :p I’m baaaack with another set of conspiracy theories for @altruistic-skittles’ In Our DNA Because I love driving myself insane by thinking in circles XD
That and I’m determined to figure out the Macy Mystery(tm) before it’s revealed, it’s practically a matter of pride at this point XD I mean, I probably won’t but I’m having a blast piecing different hints and details together. Like Game theory, with about the same track record too!
First to recap! From my last theory post
- Patton having emotional power (CONFIRMED!)
- Roman being Subject 89 (CONFIRMED!)
- Patton, Logan, and Macy (Still in the air, probably Jossed XD)
- Virgil’s history with Logan (Still in the air)
- The whole thing being a test (JOSSED)
...which is not to bad actually, huh. ANYWAYS I’m gonna be focusing on the biggest mystery at the moment: Macy so buckle up it’s about to get weird
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To start off with we need to narrow down the list of suspects which goes thus:
Roman, Virgil, Logan, Patton, Damion, Ms. Spencer, Emile Picani, Remy, Hobo (yes I’m including the cat, I did say that it was going to get weird), and finally Macy herself!
Pleeeeease let me know if I missed any important characters! I’m not including the parents or Flora because the ages just don’t match up at all, and if I start trying to add them to this equation I really will go mad. 
I’m crossing Logan off this list off of one thing alone: the ships listed for this fic. XD Logince. Need I say more? No? No. Go get your man, Ro
I mean, they’re in the tags. They’re gonna show up at some point. However, I’m doubting the existence of a third sibling. Neither Patton nor Logan has mentioned the existence of one. Plus I’m inclined to think that Skittles has already introduced us to Macy, and is just making us all suffer at this point
...ok I don’t actually think that Ms. Spencer could be Macy but I really, really wanted to point out that Damion disguises himself as her at least once. How else would a supposed elementary school teacher know that people would be after not only Patton but Roman as well? Why would she time her running into Virgil so suspiciously well that Virgil doesn’t meet Patton at the theater? She’s surprisingly gentle with Roman, whom Damion would know
Hence at least in the theater scene Ms. Spencer = Damion 
aaaaanyways moving on
I mean at this point, the cat could be a person and I would not be surprised. Virgil even points this out himself, that the cat could be a mutant and following him around for some reason. The two year timeline is rather suspicious as well. I’m leaning Hobo = Remy at the moment but WHO KNOWS Hobo could be Macy XD (and believe me, the moment that cat makes a return I’m starting a whole new theory board for them)
(First off, gdi, Damion adds a whole new layer to the Unreliable Narrator tag, Skittles I’m going to go mad XD)
Damion is not Macy but he’s definitely involved somehow. My current theory? He’s the kid that broke his arm and led to Logan being taken. Chapter 7 opens with a flashback of someone who’s broken their arm, and is met with icy blue eyes. Logan. They leave and then they return to reassure him that everything will be alright.
They do it softly, in a way that helps him catch his breath. Which sounds an awful lot like Patton to me. “It’s going to be okay”
Damion breaks his arm, Logan sees it and tells Patton, Patton heals Damion’s arm and leads to Logan being taken. Which is why Damion is looking out for them. They helped him out and in return, one got his mind twisted and the other got taken to a facility and experimented on for years.
(Also note the ambiguous pronouns I’m going to bring those back up)
Also Chapter 9, with Damion being disguised as a scientist and helping Roman and his mother escape, leads me to believe that all the files about subject 89 were corrupted and/or deleted by him
Ah, the story that Skittles wants us all to believe, the most likely to be true shhhhh I’m in tin hat denial land right now, the red herring, the bright spotlight that Skittles wants us to pay attention to so that she can pull of her magic trick in the shadows
Patton may look just like Logan, Patton may be trans, Patton and Macy may both have hints at having healing powers, Patton’s mothers may have locked him up in order to keep him from being taken as well, Patton may have memory problems that point to Logan messing with his head, but look
The story of Patton being Macy goes as thus:
Patton/Macy (from here on known as Patcy) heals Damion’s broken arm and gets noticed by Dr. William. After a period of time, Logan notices that people are trying to take their sibling and alters people’s memories into thinking that it was him who healed the broken arm. They alter Patcy’s memories for...some reason, and Logan lets themself get taken to the facility in Patcy’s stead. Patcy’s mothers, lock them up to keep from losing another child. A few years later Pacty realizes their gender, Patton chooses his name, Roman saves him from his mothers and we hit the present day. Makes sense no?
There are a few details that stand out that this doesn’t answer: Patton’s bracelet and his habit of messing with it. Why Damion- disguised as Ms. Spencer- kept Patton and Virgil from meeting. Why did Logan need to erase Patton’s memories of him in the first place?
Patton as Macy makes the most sense and yet, when I think about it, it doesn’t feel right. I can’t shake the doubt and conviction that he’s not Macy
Which leaves us with Virgil or Logan
I doubt Macy is Virgil.
There are a few things that could mean his is Macy: the fact that he’s gender fluid, the normal life he got to lead (s u p p o s e d l y there’s still the question of how he meet Logan, which means he isn’t all normal), Virgil’s family being connected to the facility somehow, the way that the two just click, that strange moment where Patton notes about two of his students looking alike but not being related, and Virgil insistence that Logan gets to live their life
And one other vague hint that Skittles has told me that I’m not sure I’m allowed to share that could swing as support or something to disprove Virgil = Macy I haven’t decided yet
But I don’t think he’s Macy. For a couple of reason. Logan claims that Macy would look like them, and it’s one of the few things that I trust. Virgil has an entire documented family history. Virgil has time based powers when Macy is connected to healing powers in some form. And then well
Moxiety is listed as one of the ships XD With the build up of Logan and Patton’s connection they have to be connected in some way which could make Moxiety a little,,, squicky depending on what that connection is. :p 
Which just leaves:
Yeah, you heard me. I think Logan is Macy. I know it’s probably not right but GDI I’m attached to the idea now that I have to lay my clones theory to rest, at least for now
Do I want it to be a complex conspiracy? Why yes, yes I do, I know it’s not likely but it’s fun to think about and I hope it amuses Skittles. Look I watch Game Theory for fun, I love MatPat but I doubt 90% of his theories are right XD They’re fun anyways. *coughs* I’m rambling back to my thoughts
I already established in my first theory post that I don’t think we can trust Logan completely about their own past. They erased something from it. The question is what? They remember Macy obviously, and taking her place.
And that’s what interests me the most. They took Macy’s place. The fist couple of files we see about them is a search for healing powers. Why? Why would they expect healing? I said family lines before but they clearly don’t show any knowledge of Logan having siblings until they slip up about Macy.
And then there’s the fact they couldn’t erase memories until they were about eleven. Which means that everything they did before that was alteration and not erasures. Whoever Patton was to Logan, they couldn’t have erased things completely, only changed them. And you know what’s interesting about that?
Patton’s comment about Damion
“He was almost like a brother to me”
That on top of Damion trying to keep Royality separate from Analogical, it makes me think that things are going on. Things(tm)
So the Logan as Macy story goes as thus:
There was a pair of twins, both of them female. One heals people with the touch of her hands, and the other can dip into their memories like a pool. One day they meet a boy who’s broken his arm. The one who can heal gets caught healing him.
They’re young, they don’t know what to do. Her sister panics, and refusing to let her sister get taken, swaps both of them. She writes away her existence from her sister’s mind, filling in the gaps with the boy they had helped or just plain emptiness. And then, to make sure that they cannot find her sister, she changes her own mind, putting herself in the place of her sister.
Macy guarantees her sister’s freedom by making sure that they’ll never learn the proper name and information about her. But she keeps the idea of her sister close, to take with her. And leaves her sister a bracelet, maybe not to remember her by, but as a hope that maybe one day they’ll meet again
The only thing I can’t figure out is the whole gender issue, which I figured Damion would help Logan hide but IDk about the rest BUT COME ON The rest of it makes sense!! 
So I stand by Logan is Macy XD
Though it still leaves
There are two options with this. Macy is simply herself, and Patton is himself, a coincidence that everyone built up. Or Macy doesn’t exist. And was simply someone Logan imagined in order to help him cope. Neither of which are likely at all 
ANYWAYS thanks for joining me in tin foil hat land again XD I hope y’all are enjoying this fic as much as I am and SKITTLES I’m excite for where you take it no matter where it goes!!
Keep up the good work and have an awesome day! <3
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