#i hope this makes sense period
ratbaby1566 · 9 months
Ok so im rewatching the mortis arc for the 5 millionth time and I'm at the part in alter of mortis where ahsoka is possessed by the son and talking to anakin. It got me thinking about the real meaning behind the things she's saying, and I dont know if this is a common theory (I haven't seen anyone else mention it so tell me if it is) but I don't think the things she's saying here are really her sentiments about him as a master, I think this part has more to do with anakins master and padawan relationship with obiwan more than anything, allow me to explain. What really caught my attention this time around was her saying the line-
-"always with the criticism, master."
Now say what you will about anakin as a master (in my opinion I think anakin was actually a very capable master when ahsoka was concerned) but one thing I wouldn't really call him is overly critical, he's actually generally very supportive of ahsoka, even when she makes mistakes he relates it to his time as a padawan more often than not (a good example being in the season one episode storm over ryloth). But if you recall attack of the clones, we see throughout the whole movie anakin and his frustration with obiwan and his constant criticism. We know that anakin saw obiwan as an overly critical master because he kinda mentions it. a lot.
I think what's happening in this scene is the son is obviously trying to manipulate anakin, using his insecurities from when he was a padawan and in his relationship with obiwan to put a wedge between him and ahsoka while also reopening that old wound effectively putting that same wedge between him and obiwan so he can separate them and have anakin to himself, cause as we are shown quite a few times the only thing really keeping anakin from the darkside at this point is the presence and trust of his loved ones, whether that fact is healthy or not.
K, rant over, just had to get that out, peace.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
i wanna know more about svsss menopause
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They synced their periods together too well. Now they are synced through their perimenopause years.
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ifindus · 20 days
Waiter, waiter!! More Viking Scotnor headcanons please! (If you have any ofc :3 )
Oh no!! Not my weakness!! 😳
Their relationship during the viking age was mostly very amicable, apart from a few minor fights and arguments later on. In contrast to England and Denmark, Norway and Scotland mostly co-existed peacefully beside each other and even developed a friendship. Norway has always been a traveller and would rarely stay in one place for long, but he would often spend his summers and occaionally autumns in his territories close to Scotland before moving along on his next adventure. During these months Norway and Scotland would hang out and Norway would tell Scotland stories about all his adventures out on the sea, exploring westward, as a hired soldier for the Byzantine emperor, helping out Denmark with his wars agaisnt England, and joining Sweden on his trips east. Scotland would think these were the coolest stories and always look forward to Norway's occasional visits. And sometimes Norway would even bring him exotic gifts he'd picked up on his travels.
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90sgrungelouis · 5 months
sorry to be That kind of person because i also hate when people are never satisfied but i just didnt like this weeks episode. the books were funny! exciting! fast paced! action packed! full of personality!! every week i wait to get invested and excited because i WANT to get excited and i WANT this show to do well but every week i sit there at the end of the episode feeling disappointed. them changing the lotus flowers to be like 'it was in the air' is so lame, adding in that augustus character was unnecessary, they took out everything that made the casino cool (PLEASE for the love of god STOP telling instead of showing, it reads like an episode of dora the explorer), lin manuel miranda absolutely did NOT have to be in that episode because he added completely nothing, and there is so much unnecessary exposition i feel it coming out of my ears. i just feel like this series is so serious and flat and lacks the personality and action and fun that the books (and even the movies lbr) had. i just. i dont know man! im sad.
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andr0nap · 1 month
You mentioned the deal w seeds in the plane au — what IS the deal w seeds in this au, if you don’t mind me asking?? 👀
bwah okay its not that much different from canon. they were still a deep space colonization fleet but in this au their mission was technically a success
seeds established an research outpost on no mans land to study the planet and test it for potential permanent habitation in the future. basically the fall doesnt happen. or at least not when and how it does in canon
vash and nai were born when seeds began constructing proper long term facilities on the surface
2 years later the research facilities have turned into small cities, terraforming projects kicked into gear and a decent human population was slowly being woken up from cold sleep. the colonization mission for this fleet was deemed a success
the twins were part of a project testing independent plant capabilities and the utility potential of reality bending (the ability to both power and control machines and expanding the storage capacity of small fast aircraft for transportation efficiency), later named project gemini in their honor. during that time the jets g-01 and g-02 and their prototype engines were constructed
at some point nai found detailed info on the project and noticed the discrepancy in their unit numbers, their engines being numbered 02 and 03 in the blueprints. more digging led to the discovery of tesla and her fate as an integrated part of the fleets onboard ai, knives went mad and began plotting the downfall of humanity. over a few weeks he secretly gained control over the local aircraft fleet and one of the production lines and launched an assault on the main ships in orbit
the one man war against seeds (and poor vash, who was caught in the crossfire, not wanting to fight either of them and trying to stop them from fighting each other) lasts a few decades and only ceases when nai shoots his brother out of the sky by accident
by then little was left of the original seeds project, losing the battle in the end. the sky and desert are a graveyard of ships and aircraft a century later. most of humanity doesnt remember the project or know what happened. a majority of the population abandoned seeds and fled the facilities to establish their own settlements during the war
and thats the deal with seeds! i think? did it explain anything? i got so caught up in writing this that i wrote down some of the early plot dhgfjhdfg
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 7 months
four walls playlist
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commsroom · 4 months
Hi, you’ve probably already addressed this at some point and I’ve simply missed it, but what’s your thoughts on Hera’s ending? (Particularly, how Pryce just removes the ‘I can’t do this, I’m not good enough’ line, and she stops glitching?) Personally it always felt rather… bad, honestly, given the whole “they could’ve made me better, they made me me” thing, if that makes sense?
hi! first: that absolutely makes sense, and i'm also very sensitive to anything that seems to "fix" disability or trauma, so i understand where you're coming from. that was not personally my takeaway about hera in the finale; i'll try to explain why:
pryce didn't remove that loop from hera's head. i don't think she could have - even if it's technically possible for her to do (and she is capable of a lot more than maxwell), she just had her mind wiped and wouldn't have access to that information, and even if she did retain it on an instinctual level, that would require allowing pryce access to the most vulnerable parts of hera's mind. and she would never allow that. there's a reason pryce is still a prisoner.
hera speaks to pryce not for reconciliation, but for reclamation. she's lived her whole life in fear of what pryce (and people like pryce) can do to her, with every aspect of who she is and what she does controlled and dictated by anyone with power over her. the finale opens with pryce telling her life's story from her perspective - at once self-mythologizing and self-victimizing - and, the final time we ever hear from or about pryce, hera is about to tell her own story. we never find out what was actually said, or how pryce reacted, because it doesn't matter. hera gets to take control of her own narrative. hera gets to confront her abuser, and feel in control and safe from harm.
it's worth keeping in mind that hera doesn't glitch consistently. that's one of the things i think also makes it a useful comparison to chronic illness. when, why, and how much hera glitches was an intentionally crafted part of the sound design. it happens more often, and more intensely, when she's stressed out, overwhelmed, or upset.
and, with that in mind... the ending leaves the characters on a generally positive note, because it's the end of the show and that's the feeling it wants to leave you with: that everything will be more or less okay, in the end. but it isn't the end of their lives. once they get back to earth, a lot of things are going to be very difficult for hera. even in the final scene, she says she's not ready to go back, but "when has that ever stopped us before?" when she's able to honestly say she's good, i don't think that means she's good forever. just, in that moment, that's a crucial step in her healing process, and i hope in the future she'll have a lot more moments that feel like that one.
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morkiemcfly · 8 months
To be honest, I think the Zelda Lore works best if you just…don’t think about it too much. The lore is interesting for sure once you get really into it but really the entire franchise is full of plot holes because it’s the LEGEND of Zelda, that’s exactly what they are, legends that are passed down through hundreds and hundreds of years, all told by different people who aren’t going to remember everything or tell the stories the exact same way. So I think that’s why especially with BOTW/TOTK and the Timeline in general, it feels so disconnected now. But honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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froody · 6 months
I have to admit the research rabbit holes I’ve gone down since I got back into my southwestern historical fiction phase have been the most interesting. Right now I’m researching the history of textiles in Mexico and specifically the fashion history, materials and techniques of the state of Chihuahua and it’s awesome. I was getting sick and tired of writing things based in 18th and 19th century Britain. There is so much beauty and so many vibrant cultures and histories in this world and I love that there is always more to see and know. Also the historical rival natural dyes of Mexico are so beautiful.
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ohimsummer · 2 months
What would satosugu do if someone was threatening and harassing their girl bc she’s with them!?
I’m imagining it’s bc reader isnt seen as nearly as strong as they are, therefore not “”worthy”” (even tho going by that logic few people would be so you can also assume said bully is jealous asf)
In general they’ll put themselves between you and the bully! Def pissed off and side eyeing said aggressor too
I believe suguru is passive aggressive 😭 he has a more quiet anger unless u rlly piss him off/ppl get physical/he just ran out of fucks to give, either way it would depend on the gender I think?
He’s a gentleman but geto is also ofc totally intolerant to harassment of u of any kind and he has a smart ass mouth so he’ll def quickly put a woman in her place if she tries to be mean to you. Maybe shrug them off or push them away entirely if the situation requires getting physical?
As for men he’s just as intolerant but it’s less talking and more fist throwing 😭 maybe some jabs and insults at the bully while he’s beating they ass 🫶🏾
For satoru he doesn’t rlly gaf he’ll taunt or degrade anyone regardless of who they are and just end up escalating the situation further lmao, like suguru he’s way more physically aggressive with men than women but his overconfident attitude and annoying words completely make up for it :3
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adoaraism · 2 years
Hashida Haruka is an incredible observer. He has a good eye for art, lends an ear to those who need it, and is a walking encyclopedia when it comes to art history. He pays very close attention to things, to people, to the art that surrounds him.
Interestingly enough, though the teaching arc showed us more of Hashida than ever, I was left with more questions than answers. In spite of us seeing him so often in these few chapters, much like Yatora, we realise how elusive he is. He is, if anything, a master at evasion.
Hashida has a mask on, 90% of the time - as nonchalant as he may seem, he is acutely aware of it. One of the few times when he opens up about his insecurities is when he talks to his student - Sae-chan.
"Sae-chan, the truth is I'm bad at painting. I like paintings and I like people who paint. I even paint myself. But the more I learn about other people who do it, I end up thinking of how I can't be like them."
He sees the difference between his art, and the art of others.
Take Yotasuke - someone with incredible skill who seemingly is always steps ahead of everyone else. Someone who is a different league altogether.
And Yatora, who is motivated, passionate and hard working, who made dessins in cram school as if it were nobody's business.
And when he looks into himself... how can he compare? He has incredible knowledge about art, and he enjoys seeing others' art very much. But what about his own? Why does his art have such little worth in his eyes?
That's why, when Sae-chan begins beating up her own work, he reacts so strongly.
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This kid, whose works he has observed and appreciated, is beating herself up, yet continues holding her brush. She is jealous of the other kids' art, and finds herself disliking her own art.
Hashida is surrounded by people who he has deemed to be better than him, in some way or another. He doesn't seem averse to others knowing him, but he brushes off others' attempts to understand him. We've seen him invite others out to eat several times but never seen him being invited out.
He confuses yet intrigues me. He seems so lonely and yet we have hardly seen him alone (with him having three sisters and hanging out with Yatora and Yotasuke). It might be a lot to ask for but I hope Hashida gets a backstory as well. I wonder where his journey with art will take him to.
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ifindus · 1 year
Hello professor , I was wondering how to understand the ship of Kalmarunionen in a history kinda way. I really wanna know your interpretation and view about the relationship between Norway,Denmark and Sweden.
Don't think I've ever gotten a question about the Kalmar Union before! 🤩 I think a very big decider of their relationship is the very events of the Kalmar Union, so I kind of focused solely on this here. It is important to understand their beginnings; where they come from.
A short time line of events:
1319: Norway and Sweden get the same King (debatable)
1348: The Black Plague comes to Norway
1380: Norway and Denmark get the same King
1397: The Kalmar Union is formed
1412: The Queen dies
1430s: Swedish rebellions
1448-1457: Disagreements about an heir after the King dies without children
1523: Sweden leaves the Kalmar Union
1536: Denmark declares Norway a Danish province
The Kalmar Union was established as a way to strengthen Northern Europe against the influence of the German Hanseatic Leauge, and when these disappeared in the 1500s, so did the reason for keeping the union together. Sweden was always sceptical to the union and mainly joined so that the German states would not become too influencial, because even though parts of him were under Norwegian rule, he still wanted to be independant. In 1448 Sweden elected a Swedish ruler over the Union and Norway followed suit, but Denmark was already too influencial and when they picked a Danish ruler, Norway soon followed.
Denmark then begun to pick fights with the continent, something that was bad for Sweden as they exported a lot of iron to the continent and depended on that. At the same time, the power in the union became centralised to Copenhagen, with Denmark deciding everything. Sweden refused to go along with this.
After Sweden left, Denmark declared Norway a Danish province, stripped him of his national council without having a say. The only reason Denmark kept Norway's title as a Kingdom was because of Norway's inheritance system - something that was used to make Norwegian heirs Danish Kings. Norway got to keep its own legal system, but became integrated into the state Denmark-Norway with its capital in Copenhagen.
It is thought that the Black Plauge hit Norway a lot harder than Sweden and Denmark - something that crippled Norway's influence on the course the union took. This is also where all the disagreements between Denmark and Sweden begins; Denmark taking advantage of the other two, and then Sweden leaving Norway behind to become used by Denmark.
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mymelodyisme · 1 year
Whatever!!!!! Another Shane head canon cause I feel lousy!!!
When the farmer is Ill, be it physically or mentally, Shane becomes the most devoted man you’ll ever meet. However… there is a catch.
He’s not very good at knowing, how to take care of them. He figured it would be like taking care of Jas when she was sick, but then again… Marnie was usually on top of that too. If anything, it seemed like she only trusted him to entertain Jas rather than nurse her back to health.
Still, Shane took pride in all of those mucasy, cough ridden giggles. So he applied the same techniques.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t always a hit with the farmer. Some days they didn’t want his silliness, others they begged him to make them smile for one gosh darn minute.
He didn’t mind this.
He was the same.
Oh Yoba knew he was far worse when he was ill. Though, to be fair, he did want to kill himself a lot of those times.
Things were better now though, and he was happy to be alive.
And he was happy to be the one to help.
So Shane doted on the farmer. Nothing was too much of a request. If he couldn’t do it, he would learn how to. Luckily, the farmer was a generous person and, if they were up to the task, would teach Shane how to care for them properly.
And so Shane, a giant teddy bear of a man, became the caregiver he always hoped that he would have in his darkest times.
And at the end of the day…
Being held was his own treat.
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senseiwu · 11 months
I'm sorry but the "I am.a surgeon" meme.makes me feel sick
And the fact that people who have no clue whats going on act like dr han is some "chad" and not an ableist jerk
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gloopdimension · 7 months
a mewts post getting popular is so funny.Like I cannot imagine getting a reply from a pregnancy kink blog that says "sex isnt normal, kid"
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coffee-bat · 1 year
"oh no we NEED homophobia, misogyny and racism in our tf2 fanfiction!! it's for historical accuracy!!!"
my brother in christ this is the universe where abraham lincoln invented stairs
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