#i hope she treats the women in your system well <3
twinksrepository · 4 months
A Valentine's Day treat. Well more like night after
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Pairing: Dante X F!Reader
CW: Food play, P in V sex, teasing, bad puns
Word count: Roughly 3K 
A/N: It's been a few months since you started dating the silly pizza man, and fail to keep that on the down low when it's Valentine's Day and one of your co-workers pesters you about dating the man but being at work. Good thing Lady is giving Dante a hard time as well. Well maybe after your shift you can find a way to have some fun with your boyfriend. 
The third of my Valentine’s Day fics.
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Quirking your nose as you scrawl out the last of your notes before handing them off for entry in the system you let out a long exhale. It’s not even ten pm and you’ve already dealt with four accidentally swallowed rings, three broken noses, and two stabbings. The stabbings were a little normal for the emergency department but the rings weren’t. 
“I don’t understand why people just can’t propose like normal people, why do they put it in food Doctor?” You snort shaking your head as one of the orderies rubs at her temple. 
“People want to be different, if they knew how often people miss the ring dropped in their champagne glass because of nerves they might try something else.” Signing your name before looking at the next person on the triage list and reading what happened. “Like this person. They tried chocolate mousse, I’ll give them a point for originality.”
“Me. Hey Doc?” Letting out a hum as you double check to make sure you don't hand anyone higher up on the priority list to check with. “How come you're here tonight and not out with that man of yours?” 
You feel your nose quirking again. “Which man would that be?” Attempting to avoid eye contact as you do know exactly who they're talking about. Your silly pizza loving man with a knack for killing the demonic, even if most people think he's just a regular handy man of sorts. 
“Funny. That broad shoulders white haired fella. Damien or something.” 
“Dante” you wince as the correction slips from your mouth with ease. 
“Him!” Grinning like the cat that ate the canary at catching you. “Come on, I've seen the two of you out around town. He's a hottie. Why aren't you out with him instead of in here dealing with the chaos of proposals gone wrong?” 
You laugh hearing how the night in the ER has been going so far it sounds about right. “He's working tonight, besides I'd rather cover this night over New Year's and the Fourth of July anytime.” Winking before you head down the hallway with your clipboard, hoping this couple is a lot calmer than the last. 
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“Explain how I'm a bad boyfriend!” Dante was pissed as he swung the rebellion slicing one of the lizard like demons in half sending Lady a look of bewilderment. 
“If you were a good one I wouldn't have to explain it.” Snarking back as she unloaded a few rounds into her own quarry before shaking her head at him. “You really are terrible with women, at this rate the pretty little doctor is gonna leave you. Working on Valentine's Day.” 
“It's just a sappy day to give chocolates, if she wants to leave me over that then fine!” Slicing another demon and dodging having a set of talons driven through his back. As much as he said that the smaller voice I'm his head was screaming. No. It wasn't fine. She was his and it didn't matter what day it was he should be balls deep in her, making sure she smelt of him and sex. 
“You really are an idiot.”
“Whatever Lady. Are we finishing this job you asked for my help for or not?” He'd rather focus on a fight than the way his pants were growing tighter. Damn libido.
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As you left the hospital that morning, well 3 am, you couldn’t help but swing into the nearest 24 hour store to grab a few grocery items for yourself and saw a few items that made you smirk. A package of chocolate dipped and plain strawberries, grabbing them before heading to the devil may cry office with a can of whipped cream and a terrible plan. 
Trying the door to find it unlocked and slinking inside, a good sign that Dante is home otherwise you would have had to try and dig through your bag for the spare key he’d given you. “Dante!” If the lights in the main office hadn’t of been on you wouldn’t have called out, but if it is on then it’s a good sign your handsome man is still awake. 
“Backroom Babe!” Well, that answers that, heading towards the door that hides a short hallway ending in a minuscule kitchen. The main level of the office doesn't have much besides the front area itself which takes up the bulk of the floor space, there is a second bathroom that you’re certain before you entered his life was the only one Dante used. Well used being an operative word. 
Stepping into the space and finding the white haired man holding a small glass filled with amber liquid. “That kind of night huh?” You snort laying your paper bag of goodies on the the tiny counter before dropping your overnight bag to the floor and approaching him. 
“Any night that involves Lady is one of those kind of nights.” Rolling his eyes before taking a sip of the drink and setting his eyes on you. “Didn't think I'd see you this early, thought you were working the ER tonight?” 
“I was.” Lifting your arms to drop them over his broad neck and play with some of the longer white hairs at the back of his head and leaning closer. His jacket is draped over the chair you suspect would snap if anyone sat in it so your arms are able to rest more against him instead of the leather. “My shift finished about an hour ago and I didn't have a lot of paperwork to do. How was your night?” 
Raising his drink between your bodies you watch him quirk a brow as if surprised you asked “Shit so far. Now that you're here though.” Hooking two of his fingers in one of the belt loops of your pants and tugging you a little closer to him. “It seems to be getting better.” 
Tossing the rest of his drink back before sliding the empty glass behind him and dropping his hand on your hip you get the hint and push up on your toes as he leans closer to you. Only for your senses to be flooded by the smell of rancid copper and things you'd rather not think about. Sharply pulling away from him. “You smell like ass” Waving your hand in front of your nose as you screw up your face at him.
“I got home maybe ten minutes before you walked in!” His tone is haughty as he lifts his hands exasperated by your reaction, and for a moment you're distracted by the shift of his shirt and the hint of pale skin. 
“You need a shower if you want a kiss.” Shaking your head at him and hiding that you had been distracted by his body. “Or the other treat I have for you.” You might be annoyed that his first thought was a drink before getting cleaned but his lifestyle wasn't focused on getting the grim off his body right away for the longest time. 
Hearing you mention a treat, however, has his mood shifting and a smirk on his handsome face “A treat huh? Do I get a hint?” Wiggling his eyebrows as his gaze roves over your body, making you flush in response. 
“I don't wanna ruin the surprise but let's say trying something new.” Giving him a wink as he grabs his coat and starts to walk past you. “Only clean good little boys are going to get it though.” 
Roaring with laughter as he turns on his feet facing you as he walks away. “Guess I'm outta luck. Even with a shower, I'm zero outta three on that list.” Dropping his hand to his crotch just before stepping out of sight. “Especially the little part.” 
You can't help but laugh as he slips away, waiting until you hear either the water running from the downstairs bathroom or the creek of the stairs as he heads to the upper level. It's the creaking of the stairs that you hear, grinning as you wait another moment before placing your food for tomorrow in the fridge. At least you don't have to worry about something trying to crawl out of the neglected device. This time. 
Keeping the strawberries and whipped cream with you as you headed out to the main part of the office once more, checking the main door was locked before taking the stairs. It was more for your own peace of mind than anything else, if something wanted to go after Dante a metal bolt wasn't going to stop it. 
Hearing the shower run as you reach the top of the landing you slow, pondering for a moment if you should join him or just jump into your own little surprise. You did have a quick shower before you left work because you hated the smell of the antiseptic on your skin, but the idea of rubbing your hands over his wet chest are hard to ignore. Giving your head a shake you keep walking, if you don't commit to what you have planned you'll never try it, and Dante likes surprises in the bedroom. 
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Leaning across the bedspread as you hear the sound of his footsteps you grin to yourself before swallowing to try and settle your face. As the door swings open you try to get your expression sorted out so you aren’t a blushing mess, trying to aim for sultry. 
Dante has a towel thrown over his head missing your expression and one slung around his waist, except he has the size of them backward. The larger one over his head and the smaller struggling to remain tied around his waist with how thick his thighs are and your little plan to try and seduce him fails as your jaw drops a little. “Maybe it’s me who’s getting the treat instead of you. Big boy.” Tacking on the last word to get him to lift his head. 
At least your little plan worked as his composure snaps for a moment as he stares at you, his eyes following the trail of whipped cream along the lines of your stomach from your covered core up to your tits. “Babe.” A hard swallow and it’s clear as the towel around his hips flutters from something hidden underneath that he’s getting aroused. “Are those strawberries on your tits?” 
“I figured since it was too late to get you a sundae I’d try and be one instead.” Trailing an index finger along part of your stomach and scooping some of the cream up before sticking the digit in your mouth and sucking on it hard enough to hollow your cheeks. That towel around his waist stood no chance as his cock hardens and sticks up from the edge, raising the fabric as if his dick is peeking out at you. “Sorry, but it’s the best I could do on such short notice.” 
Using one of his hands to pull the towel from around his shoulders and letting it drop to the floor with a wet smack your covered core throbs. His eyes are wild and you can see his neck flexing as his jaw works. Too bad all his attempts are undone by the way his length keeps twitching as it arches from between his legs. “I don’t see any ice cream unless you’re hiding it under that pretty body of yours.” 
Striding closer before he stops. Dante is far from unobservant and the man has noticed your own gaze keeps landing between his legs. “For some reason, I don’t think you have any for me. Not with the way your eyes keep looking at this fine display.” With a snap of his fingers, the towel is gone and you can’t help the little noise of satisfaction you let out at his naked body. He’s fit and knows it, surprising with his terrible diet, but you can’t get enough of it. 
“You’re right. I wanted some meat tonight.” Winking at him before spreading your legs, showing him the damp spot on your underwear. “I think you should come get your dessert before it gets too warm though.” Adding a small whine at the end as you want to feel his skin against yours, or his tongue. Really he can remove the fruit and cream covering your torso anyway he wants to. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t cover your pussy in cream too.” Snorting as he closes the final distance and you feel his bed dip as he joins you. 
“I might be willing to try food play but I am not having anything go in my pussy that isn’t sanitized.” 
“Sorry Doc, I gotta call you out on that one.” Running one of his large hands along your thigh before snapping your underwear with his finger. “My tongue and fingers go in there all the time.” You roll your eyes and reach a hand out to try and get him to pay more attention to your body. 
“Funny Dante. Honestly though. Do you want to lick or help me clean this up? The cream really is starting to run.” A chuckle before he moves, throwing a leg over your body and settling so he straddles your form, sliding down a little as his hands come to rest beside your body. 
“I think I can help with that problem.” Lowering his head to where the cream is starting to run just below your naval and licking a wide strip along the stream of white painted on your body. Right away you moan, the heat from his tongue chasing the chill that was seeping into your skin has you shuddering. “I’d have rathered lick at another cream though.” Lapping his tongue up your body and following the trail up your belly, all the while your hands are roaming across his back. It’s hard to stay still under him as you react to his closeness, your muscles shifting in delight at the texture of his tongue, and the way his breath fans out across your tummy. Rubbing your thighs together the slightest amount as you grow wetter the closer his head gets to one of your breasts. 
Almost there and your clit throbs and your body tenses. 
Laughing when he shoves his face between both of your boobs, covering the sides of his face in the cream before looking up at you. “Wanna taste my cream now?” Wiggling his eyebrows and you aren’t sure where the cream ends and his hair starts. 
“You’re so cheesy Dante.” 
“No. But I can go get some spray cheese if you’d rather lick that up.” Shuffling and grabbing one of the strawberries to pop in his mouth before dipping his face towards yours. As his lips connect with yours you don’t bother trying to respond to him verbally, instead letting one hand slide up along the muscles of his back and tangling in his hair. Parting your lips and moaning into him as his tongue darts out to lick the inside of your mouth, tasting some of the cream and strawberry juice on him. It isn’t a long kiss as he pulls away and grabs the other strawberry, holding it to your lips and offering it to you. 
“I ate two chocolate covered ones earlier. Those two were for you.” Smirking up at him as he rolls his eyes, tossing it in his mouth before reaching for the floor to grab the towel and wipe the cream off his face and one of your tits.
“I’ll remember that for next time.” Going in for another quick kiss making you gasp as he rolls his hips against yours, certain you could feel some of the fluid dripping from his tip smear against your belly. “Now to clean up this remaining mess the way you wanted.” The movement of his tongue is different this time, short quick swipes as he works his way up around to the tip of your nipple. Understanding why he cleaned the other off as he starts to circle his rough thumb against the hard nub, an involuntary roll of your hips as you sigh. The burning in your core grows hotter under his touch. 
Another whine as he ignores the tip of the nipple under his mouth, his lips kissing the edge of the skin now instead of lapping at it as if it’s some sort of divine nectar instead of cheap whipped cream from a can. A few more rolls of your hips as you try to edge him on, wanting more from the white haired man however he is having none of it. 
“Seems like this was more a treat for you than me.” The hand that had been massaging your other tit is now at your hip keeping you from moving while he leans more of his weight on the arm he has resting beside you as he licks everywhere but the point of your breast. Making low grunts and groans as he laps at your skin, tilting his head to make eye contact, and once he does he sends you a look that you can only describe as sinful. 
“Dante, please. No more teasing.” Doing your best to plead with him as your body thrums, you want him and you’ll do anything at this point to get it. “It was just a silly idea.” 
“Lucky for you.” Dipping his head and flicking the hard flesh with his tongue at last. “I like silly.” The hand at your hip pushing your underwear to the side and pushing his way inside your tight heat, while at the same time sucking on your tit like it’s the last thing he’s going to do. 
Your reaction is immediate as you scream his name, your back arching and pressing your chest more into his mouth as you cum around his tip that’s barely part way inside of you. His fingers circle your clit while keeping the thin fabric that divided your bodies away from your core as he works more of himself into you, trying to drag out your orgasm as long as he can. 
Growling as you respond, dragging your fingers down his shoulders and trying to press more of his body down to yours lost in the sensation before you’re panting from the overstimulation. Dante stops the movement of his fingers and lifts his head from your now abused breast, smirking at the indent of his teeth in your supple skin and the bruise forming there. Once you calm down he’ll rip those panties off your hips and fuck you for real. For now, he’s content feeling the tremors of your walls along his length while you recover from your first release of the night. 
“Guess I’m not that bad of a boyfriend after all.” 
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dwindlinghaze · 11 months
Hello, how are you?
I would like to make a request where one day there is a list of the most uninteresting girls/girls that boys would never ask for a date and the reader's name is one of the first most voted just because she is shy and introverted. Remus has a crush on her and even the reader disguising it he can see that she is sad and pulling away from her friends (it's ok if you don't want to write my request, I understand <3)
hi angel, im doing good! tysm for requesting!! here is it, hope you enjoy 🤍🌸🫧💕
when raindrops fell
contents : angst, insecurity, lovely remus, we don't support people who tear women down for no reason!!
warnings : okay so just a heads up, the upper part of the fic is just me ranting about how much i hate the patriarchy and how harmful this kind of behaviour is especially towards young girls,,,, but i hope you like it!!! <333333
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
murmurs about a list of girls that are unlovable has been spreading around. you couldn't help but worry deep down.
you hated that idea. whoever created that has a special place on hell rsvp-ed for them. it was crucial.
you are shy and introverted but that doesn't mean you have zero thoughts on this. your stomach twisted because this whole thing is coming from such a misogynistic place.
and the fact that it said 'girls that boys would never ask' grew some resentment you never knew was there. living in such a patriarchal world is hard for a woman, especially young girls. they would grow up thinking it's their fault that people dislike them, but in reality it's the injustice social system that is harmful for both men and women. (and in between!)
"y/n did you hear? your name is one of the top on the lists!" a guy snorted.
you waved him off, thinking that he is just playing with you. well- that was until you saw the list. you were there.
you couldn't help but feel insecure. you sort of knew that nobody really glanced over their shoulders just to see you but by creating this, you were sure of it now.
you were embarrassed. you wouldn't dare getting out of your room. even your friends noticed the change in you. you weren't your usual confident and self-loving self anymore. if anything, you think it actually took a toll on you.
remus saw the way your eyes don't lit up anymore, the way you look sadder every passing day. he's feeling so melancholic by the way your usual self that he has grown fond of is fading away.
it hurts him actually. how can someone be so evil? how can anyone voted for you? it is a privilege to get to know you. they're missing out.
how can anyone see you that way. you are the prettiest person in the world! it's unfair how terribly kind people are treated by society.
"y/n?" remus called out to the dark.
"what," you croaked, voice hoarse. you haven't been speaking for a while.
"just wanna check if you're okay," he smiled.
"i'm fine," you said, though your expression tells otherwise.
"you wanna talk about it?" he asked.
you shook your head.
"hey, listen. you're pretty. the prettiest actually. don't mind about that stupid list. whoever created that- they think they rule the school, but they don't. so don't let them get to you yeah? you're prefect just how you are. please don't change a thing. don't satisfy them. they're doing this because they have no job," he grinned. "look at you! minding your own business, that's why you're the best person in school- in the world!"
"but that's not enough," you sniffed.
"what's not enough? you're more than enough," he assured you. then he realised, the latter part. "say, do you want to go to hogsmeade with me? next weekend."
"don't pity me like that," you said, shaking your head at him.
it breaks his heart how you thought someone would ask you out for a date just because of pity. it's the opposite actually. it came from true feelings and generosity.
"i'm not pitying you, i do like you since- forever," he said. "i write poems about you, about your face, your personality, your heart, yourself. you're dreamy."
"guess.... i'll go on a date with you."
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scribblecake · 9 months
Heyy! Hope you’re day is going well!☺️
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
Hi! Thank you dear! It's going good so far! 💖
oooooooooh boooooyyyy, This was hard to answer! I had to do some digging, fr fr. 😅
But I found one! It's a bit long but I'm super proud of this dialogue. I pretty much just reenacted a scene from 'Monty Python and The Holy Grail' with Lady Dimitrescu and one of my demon OCs. It was 3 AM (as per usual) and I'd hit a wall on the series I was working on at the time. I had the movie playing in the background and the rest is history! It was a blast to write!
So here's an unprompted (mini)fic I guess?
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Lady Dimitrescu opened her mouth to call the entity but stopped, narrowing her eyes as she studied its features. Even with its cute features, she wasn’t sure how to address it. Its face seemed both male and female. With a quick exhale she gathered her courage, calling out to the dark entity.
“Young man!” Alcina snipped as she gestured for the Hell-spawn to follow her.
“Woman.” The Hell creature responded curtly as they hurried to keep up with the lady.
Lady Dimitrescu blinked, taken aback. “What?”
“I’m a woman. Not a young man.” The demon corrected.
"Well, I can’t just call you ‘woman’.” 
“You could just say ‘Xentia’.” The creature deadpanned.
“I didn’t know you were called Xentia. And while I am sorry I assumed you were a man, I couldn't give a damn what your name is.” Alcina shot back, quickening her pace. In spite of her escalating annoyance, she couldn’t help but laugh at the small demon struggling to keep up with her long strides.
This seemed to strike a nerve in the Hell-creature, their face scrunching up in annoyance.
“Well you didn’t exactly bother to find out, did you? And what’s more, I object to you automatically treating me like an inferior!” The infernal woman exclaimed defensively.
At this she scoffed, her rouge lips quirking into a dangerous half smile. “Well, I am the Countess of this village.”
“Oh, Countess, eh? - very nice. And how'd you get that, then? By exploiting the villagers! By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in your society. If you flesh bags ever want to see any progress…” The demon’s words droned as they prattled on about god knows what. They went on for what seemed like an eternity as they made their way to Castle Dimitrescu and by the time the gates were visible a dull ache had begun to throb at Alcina’s temples. 
“Be quiet! I order you to be quiet!" She snarled.
“Order, eh? Who does she think she is?” 
Lady Dimitrescu hissed as anger continued to build within her. “I am the Countess!”
“Well, I didn’t vote for you.” The infernal woman said matter of factly.
“Y-You don’t vote for a Countess!” Alcina seethed. This creature really knew how to try her patience. It took the Countess every ounce of self control she had not to rip the woman’s throat out.
“Well how’d you become Countess then?” The demon questioned with an incredulous look. 
Despite herself, the lady found the question amusing and her anger died down for the moment. 
“If you must know, beast, my family ruled over this village for centuries, only having lost ownership at some point after I had left our family home. I returned years later to find our lands empty. It was then that Mother Miranda found me and bestowed upon me her gift. She implanted me with a Cadou, an entity of her own creation that holds unimaginable power. It infused with my flesh and made me into something beyond humanity, and with its power I was able to reclaim my family’s land. That is why I am Countess.” Lady Dimitrescu explained. She made sure to position her body in such a way so that she towered proudly over the demon woman.
“Listen, strange bird women distributing parasites is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses! Not from some farcical implantation ceremony!” The demon argued back.
“Be quiet!” Lady Dimitrescu shot back as her anger began to reignite.
“But you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some feathery tart threw a leech at you!” Xentia exclaimed with a dramatic arc of her arms.
“Shut up!” 
“I mean, if I went 'round saying I was an emperor just because some avian bint had lobbed a tapeworm at me, they'd put me away!” The infernal creature laughed.
“Shut up, will you? Shut up!” Alcina roared. It seemed her patience and self control had run out, and before she could stop it, her hand shot out, lifting the vile creature by the arm and giving it an angry shake.
“Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system!” The demon exclaimed as a cheeky grin spread across her face between shakes. 
“Shut up !” 
Xentia hollered as she was violently dragged away to the castle. “Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I'm being r e p r e s s e d !” 
“Bloody peasant!” Lady Dimitrescu snarled as she wrapped her hands around the half-witted demon’s throat.
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dumbasswhatever · 9 months
Responding to your unrecomendation, mine would be scum villain self saving system. It's a Chinese bl novel. It's about a reader, Shen Yuan, who got isekaid into the novel he hate-read, as the villainious teacher, Shen Qingqiu, that abuses the protagonist. Ofc he strives to do the opposite within the limits of ooc. So why it would be my unrecomendation is three point:
1. Resolving the protagonist dilemma.
So the protagonist, Luo Binghe, in the og novel is a tyrant with 300+ wives so he's kinda fucked bc of his childhood trauma. He's a paranoid, power hungry and lust hungry. So ofc Shen Qingqiu tried to treat him better in this one. Except that the author doesn't extend more than that. This kid has no friends other than his childhood bestie. Where's his other friends? Classmates? Bonding between children that can help foster good emotional connection and be a normal teenager? ZERO. Author wrote him to only rely on Shen Qingqiu emotionally and never addressing his previous trauma under the og villain. It's still there!! And it effects the whole novel!!! He's emotionally unstable.
Luo Binghe was so obsessed with him he literally kept Shen Qingqius corpse in his bedroom for five fuckin years, while SQQ junior tried to get him back for a proper burial. When he did find SQQ, Luo Binghe feed him a parasite that can track him anywhere. WTF.
2. The harem.
In og novel, all women are his wives. So what happened to them in this one? Well. They do get mentioned. But barely. One was an airhead but she got more sensible and thats it. Thats all??? I know bl has issues with how they treat their female casts but damn author you could've made them lesbians at the least.
3. Shen Qingqiu himself.
Personally I see him as someone who views the protagonist as a son/student so when people said "oh the characters said that SQQ is mourning for Binghe like a widow mourning for his husband >><<" i get pissed cause father mourns too!!! Teachers mourns as well!! Does platonic relationship means nothing?? Also even if Shen Qingqiu is an unreliable narrator, I can still read that how he views Luo Binghe. Definitely not romantic. Also the fact that he was forced to became Binghe's stay at home wife when he's literally THE Head of Scholarly Peak?? Who loves to explore and record weird plants and animals? Sir. What's the damn difference than a normal het novel then?? Other than no baby and pregnancy. What's the damn difference than the og protagonist having 300+ wives who were shut in his palace than this Binghe with a man who became a shut in? HEAD IN HANDS
I have so many grievance with this book cause it could've been better. Not even counting the teacher-student relationship and many other red flags that are flying actively in this book. I am tortured with visions. Everyday im gripping the sink, saying "It could've been better. But it DIDN'T."
Definitely do not recommend 0/10 dont do this don't read this book. Its better to read other things like a textbook maybe. Sorry if this is long i can only hope that you're entertained. Best regard.
i am very entertained holy hell thank you for the essay. also this book is O_O huh. the basic concept (like making a story/character happier out of spite) sounds like it could be a very fun read but then every single other detail you listed is like hoooooooly shit. this guy's got 300 wives and doesn't have a single relationship with any of them
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re-watching Gwitch ep 3 to catch the details, with some extremely scattered commentary
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this is as good as saying there will be partnered duels down the line (or 1-vs-many duels). I hope i’m reading the hint right and i look forward to the circumstances of multi-opponent duels
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i admit, i wasn’t quite sure what Shaddiq is getting at in the English sub when they’re talking about dueling for women—the Chinese sub clarified that Shaddiq duels with women as the stakes because “the other guy wanted me to return his girlfriend to him”. There is rampant misogyny in Gwitch’s setting (women being treated as men’s property, Gundam pilots being called ‘witches’ etc), and i really hope it gets into that in a meaningful way over the course of the narrative.
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those are technically two things, Suletta... anyway, the point is that running away ultimately preserves the status quo (which is significant, since the show wants to talk about systemic oppression and oppression from parents). it might also be foreshadowing that Suletta will face a situation where temporarily running is actually the ‘better’ choice? but the narrative seems to be about breaking out from the selfish, myopic demands of adults, so moving forward against the status quo will ultimately be the correct choice.
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lol Jeutrk Sr. outright admitted that Aerial is a gundam... i’ll be disappointed if this doesn’t have ramifications later on
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i do like that Guel and his brother are on good terms, and his brother’s getting pissed at their dad’s machinations on his behalf. i hope we get more family dynamics/politics later on for all the main characters. (Like, Shaddiq calls his father “tou-san” (instead of -sama), and it does seem like they have a decent, mutually respectful relationship? i wonder what the twist is.)
re-watching the end of the episode, it did confirm that Guel only became interested in Suletta after she acknowledged his skill as a pilot—he was upset at her until she praised his skills—
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—and the mf immediately proposes to her. i’m honestly not sure how i feel about him as a “comedic pure romantic boy at heart” bc i feel like in a lot of media it’s a prelude of him getting off the narrative hook for his previous mistreatment of the main characters? “but oh look, he’s such a pure guy really” yeah well he was a jerkass who threatened to beat his fiancee and trashed her greenhouse in a fit of anger, which is her link to her deceased mother. we better see a genuine apology to Miorine on screen, or else.
(speaking of the stakes though... I wonder why Aerial and Miorine are safe when technically the only things on the table are “apologize to Miorine” and “leave the school”? I understand that Guel doesn’t have the authority/ability to promise that Aerial won’t be scrapped or Miorine won’t be pulled out of school and placed under house arrest until her wedding day, but like. Is Miorine’s verbal challenge + Delling’s grudging agreement a binding contract? Can students who can’t pilot challenge each other by having proxy champions? If not, could Delling afford to weasel out of it, and would it lead to this kind of practice being a binding contract?
If proxy duels are an established part of the dueling system, who dictates the stakes—the ‘real’ challengers/ ‘patrons’, the proxy pilots, or both? If it’s both, I assume that the losing pilot has to fulfill the demands of the other pilot, while the losing ‘patron’ has to fulfill the demands of the other patron? In that case, we can interpret the duels as proxy wars for the corporate backers—except duels are only supposed to involve students, and even CEOs aren’t ‘supposed’ to be involved... BUT given Elan’s speech, it’s safe to assume that this kind of interference happens all the time?
I’d assumed duels are mostly for bragging rights/showing superiority for the companies (i.e. our MS trashed the one produced by yours, clients will see that our MS units are stronger etc), but... if Miorine’s agreement with Delling is valid, despite it not mentioned during the ceremonial pre-duel ritual between the pilots, then it’s possible the duels play a larger part in how deals between companies are made. Like I said in another post, I hope the duels have more ramifications for the world building, other than being rad as hell.)
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Unexpected Judgement-- Alternate Ending Ch 12
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Today @bluetodie​ requested an alternate ending to “my favourite Casey fic” and while this one might be my fave, I couldn’t really pic, but this one was the easiest to do an alternate ending to. Be warned, I’ve gone full Shonda Rhimes.
A/N: This takes place via Chapter 12, the first 1/3 of the chapter is the exact same as the original, I left it in for background info, otherwise skip to the +++++ and when that starts, listen to this song on repeat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Svfd999aej8.
Warnings: Language, angst, oof.
There was a flurry of movement in the squad room that gained the attention of the three women in Olivia’s office before the Captain came clattering through the door.
“They’ve got her! She’s en route to Mercy!” Emotions were strung high, there wasn’t any information on your condition or how far they’d gotten in their methods before the squad had managed to track you down.
As timing would have it, Olivia was barely managing to wrangle them into the waiting room of the ER when the paramedics were rolling you into a trauma room. Casey heard a cry leave her lips at the sight of you, your lips were blue, the skin of your face unbelievably pale, they had you wrapped in a foil blanket as they sped away. She heard shouting about barely finding a pulse, that you weren’t dead until you were warm and dead. She felt a hand between her shoulder blades, finding herself in one of the ridiculously uncomfortable chairs of the waiting room. She didn’t even realize her leg was shaking until Liz’s hand reached over, giving her knee a gentle squeeze. Liz gave her the best smile she could muster up, her eyes shining with tears, grief stricken across her face, Casey linked her hand into the older woman’s, squeezing in what she hoped was a reassuring manner.
It felt like hours later when a nurse came out with an update (it was well past midnight). Things were extremely touch and go, you were still being treated in a trauma room for extreme dehydration and a nearly severe case of hypothermia. Your tox screen had come back positive for some concoction of drugs, but since they had been injected into your blood stream they couldn’t just pump your stomach to get rid of them, it was a ‘wait it out’ type of situation. The nurse said there was a chance you’d be dealing with a mild concussion, they found gun shot residue near the wound on your leg, and there were multiple lacerations across your torso that they couldn’t exactly figure out what caused them. (Melinda would later confirm that they did indeed, come from a whip). Olivia pulled the nurse aside on the way back, asking if they could check for trauma or bruising that would’ve been caused by sexual assault, and if there was to run a rape kit, since you were nowhere near conscious there was no way you’d be able to outcry yet.
The minutes dragged on unbelievably slow, but seemed to speed by at the same time. Casey found herself utterly physically and mentally exhausted, she’d already been in court for 7 hours before they’d realized you’d been missing, she’d cried herself out completely, nearly asleep against Liz’s shoulder. It was only when Rita’s back up alarm went off that anyone realized it was already 7:00am Thursday, and it was only with Liz’s encouragement that she’d keep the other woman updated that Rita left with only an hour until she was needed in arraignment. It was shortly after that the nurse came back for another update, looking almost as exhausted as Casey and Liz felt, she said you had been moved to the ICU, things were still touch and go, and they were at the stage where it was time to just wait and hope for the best. The doctors had specifically requested no visitors, they were still flushing the drugs out of your system, monitoring for various side effects, if the hypothermia was bad enough your heart could stop, you were still under, and they didn’t want family witnessing if something started to go south. There was a chance of infection from the drugs and the open wounds that could lead to sepsis but they’d managed to get everything cleaned up, and much to everyone’s relief there were no signs of sexual trauma.
Olivia took a quick break down to the cafeteria once it was open, picking up a few different options, including a couple of smoothies along with the coffees, knowing that Liz and Casey might deny the actual food but they’d need some kind of nutrients if they were to keep going. She was sure to try and keep the optimism up in the room, conversation was limited, there were tiny little cat naps that everyone seemed to jerk out of suddenly, remembering where they were. Finally, nearly 12 hours later, the same nurse from earlier came out, a hint of a smile on her face.
“Ms Donnelly?” Liz’s head shot up, “Your daughter’s out of the ICU. She’s still pretty groggy, but she’s awake if you’d like to see her.” There was an overwhelming sense of relief shooting through the room, the sorrow and fear that previous occupied the air began to melt away. Casey felt the tension dissipate within her body, her jaw unclenching, limbs finally relaxing at the thought of you being okay, more importantly, being alive.
“I…uh..” Liz started before turning to Casey, “I..think you should go.”
“After what I said to her I’m not entirely sure she’ll even want to see me. She at least knows you love her, and that’s what she’ll need right now.” The older woman gave a reassuring squeeze to Casey’s hand, nodding at her to follow the nurse back to your room.
Casey wasn’t sure what to expect, finding her hands shaking slightly as she followed the nurse down a couple of hallways. She paused slightly in the doorway, giving herself a moment to take in the scene in front of her before you would notice her. You were hooked up to a couple of different machines, IV linked to your arm, the other one bandaged, covering the burnt skin of the brand, you were still pretty pale, and had an extra blanket wrapped around you to combat the hypothermia. 
She couldn’t help but notice just how small and fragile you looked in the bed, the way you’d curled around yourself in an attempt to make yourself even smaller, an attempt to disappear. Quietly she shut the door behind her, beginning to move to your bedside. The noise alerted you to someone in the room, cracking an eye open before your eyelids fluttered clearing your vision, focussing on the woman in front of you, it was then that she noticed how utterly broken you were, the light and sparkle in your eyes completely diminished.
“Casey?” Your voice shook when you spoke, unsure about what exactly was going on, your brain was still pretty foggy, all you could really notice was that you were in pain literally all over.
“Hi Baby…” She spoke softly, a concerned smile on her face. When she reached for your hand you instinctively flinched away, a whimper nearly escaping your lips. “Baby…it’s me..it’s Casey..I’m not gonna hurt you..” She could feel tears brimming into her eyes at your reaction, it was clear you were still scared, whatever the hell those bastards had done to you etched into your brain that contact meant pain.
“M’sorry.” You shifted slightly, wincing as you sat up, pulling your legs under you, still resting against the tilted up bed.
“You’ve got nothing to be sorry about my love.” She pulled a chair closer to your bedside, sitting to not be towering over your crumpled frame. You gave her a timid look, flipping your hand palm up, stretched out on the bed towards her. She was cautious, gingerly resting her hand on yours, fingers tracing the lines of your palm in a feather light touch, she was shocked at how cold your skin still was, wondering if that was okay. “I’m just incredibly thankful you’re safe, I love you so much baby, I don’t know what I’d do without you.” You gave her a warm smile, interlocking your fingers with hers, 
“I love you too.”
“Do..do you remember anything?” You shook your head, eyes glassing with tears.
“N..not really? Mrs Connors was at my apartment, next thing I know everything’s black, blurry. The room felt like it was spinning, I couldn’t really hear anything. I..I just remember it hurting..a lot…” 
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that.” Casey laid a gentle kiss to the back of your hand, thumb soothingly rubbing across it. You barely made eye contact with her, she could see the worry in your face when you spoke next, voice shaking heavier than when you’d first greeted her.
“Is..is my Mom here?”
“Of course she is!” You shied away from her gaze, “Why wouldn’t she be?”
“Because she thinks I’m worthless.” You mumbled into the pillow, not wanting to speak the truth into words.
“Baby…believe me…she doesn’t. She’s been terrified this entire time that she’d never see you again.” A strangled cry broke free from your throat, you may have been head over heels in love with Casey and didn’t want her to leave your side, but there were just times in your life that all you needed was your Mom, and this, this was one of those times. You felt scared, victimized, afraid of what was going to come after all of this, how were you supposed to move on from it without a mother’s love?
“Can…can you go get her?” Your eyes finally met hers, silently begging her, “P..please..” Another cry shot from your lips, Casey thought it was the overwhelming emotion that was causing your heart rate to spike, she squeezed your hand, just as she opened her mouth to reply one of the machines you were hooked up to started to go haywire. 
Your body seized up, before falling limp, your grasp dropping her hand just as a team of nurses burst into the rooms, everything was happening so quickly, a flurry of movement throughout the room. She could barely hear the nurse telling her she needed to leave the room, her head spun while she was shuttled outside, utter and complete fear shaking through her body as she watched them start chest compressions, placing an oxygen mask over your face. She could hear the rushed shouting through the glass of the window, your body jolted when they shocked you, concerned faces waited, watching the monitor for a moment before repeating the process, once, twice, there was the tiniest of blips on the third try. Hope seemed to glimmer through the room, though it was quickly overcome by defeat as the fourth and fifth times brought nothing but a dull drone of a dying beep as your heartbeat ceased. 
No…there was no way this was happening, you’d been fine, you’d been talking to her only a moment ago, slowly breathing life back into your wounded body. Casey knew it, she knew she was about to jolt awake, find herself back in the uncomfortable waiting room chair next to Liz. Oh God…Liz…what on Earth was she supposed to tell her now? She felt her body shaking, briefly registering a nurse giving her arm a gentle squeeze, relaying her apologies, something about cardiac arrest, that they’d done everything they could. The tears brimmed her eyes, daring to make their escape as her brain was lost in a world of denial, barely able to tear her eyes away from your lifeless form. Not even realizing it was happening her feet drug her back to the waiting room, Liz glanced up at the movement, her face quickly changing to confusion at the blank expression on the other woman’s features. Casey’s face tightened, daring to look up, her eyes caught Liz’s and she could only choke out a sob,
“Sh…she..coded…” The words were barely above a whisper, Liz’s chest constricted, tears immediately trailing down her face, it couldn’t be possible. You’d been fine less than 15 minutes ago, both women felt as if their entire world was absolutely crashing down around them, the one thing that they loved more than anything else gone, cruelly snatched away before they could even attempt to process it. Olivia felt her own heart breaking at the sight of the two of them burying into each others arms, silent sobs wracking through their bodies. Two people who, 24 hours ago, held distain for each other, only brought back together by their shared love, and now their immensely shared grief. Casey managed to pull away from the hug, her face stained with tears, knowing how important it was for Liz to know, “She was asking for you…she wanted to see you, she knew you were here, that you cared.” Liz let out a shaky breath, trying to hold her emotions back for at least a moment, gathering the strength to speak.
“Did you tell her you loved her?”
“Of course.” 
“Good.” It was all she could shakily manage, but Casey knew where she was going with the sentiment, that you may have suddenly and tragically vanished from their lives, but you knew that you were loved, that there was someone out there who cared about you more than anything else in the world.
It was roughly a month later when Casey found herself curled up against that all too familiar piece of driftwood, her face stained with tears as she let the sound of the ocean crashing against the sand invade her senses. She could practically feel your spirit enveloping the beach, as if your soft giggles echoed in the light breeze, the warmth of your body encased in the sand against her legs, the rhythm of your heart beating in time with the waves while she laid against your chest. She’d lost track of time, simply staring out to sea, wishing more than ever that you’d appear at her side, that wicked grin on your lips, telling her just how much you had missed her. She jumped at the sound of the trees rustling, glancing over her shoulder, the glow of the evening sky illuminating her visitor.
“Liz?” Her voice broke through the air roughly, throat hoarse from the tears she’d shed. The older woman gave her a tight smile, moving through the sand, seating herself beside Casey.
“You really think I’d be anywhere else but here today?” She questioned, a pained look on her face. “She loved this beach more than anywhere else in the world…” She began, “Her little escape from the real world. That’s how I figured out how much she loves you Casey, she brought you here the very first night you met, she never brought anyone here.” She pulled three Uncrustable’s from her bag, handing one to Casey who smiled at the choice of one of your favourite snacks, “Figured this was the least I could do.” Liz continued, unwrapping the third one, placing it in the sand in front of them before she revealed a birthday candle and a lighter. The Uncrustable serving as a cake on what should have been your 29th birthday, silence overtaking the pair watching the flicker of the candle before Casey let out a sniffle, almost surprised when Liz wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“I..fuck..I just miss her so much..”
“I know…” Liz’s hand stroked through her hair gently, tears brimming her own eyes, “So do I.” They stayed in silence for a moment, their pining sorrow only breaking by the sound of the ocean. Casey was actually surprised at the gentle feeling of Liz giving the top of her hair a maternal kiss. Since you’d gone they’d grown even closer, any amount of animosity vanishing, everyone needed someone to lean on during times like these, and they found solace and friendship in each other. “You know…”Liz began, “You would’ve made the best daughter in law a Mom could ask for.” Casey straightened up, looking at Liz, perplexity consuming her face.
“You mean that?”
“Yes.” She gave the younger woman’s hand a squeeze, “You meant the world to her Casey, that’s all a Mother wants. I know I reacted horribly at first, but you were nothing but good for her, you would have made an excellent addition to our little mish mash of a family.”
“Thank you…” Casey felt a whelm of gratification flowing through her, sure, it was months later, but knowing that Elizabeth approved, and was in support of whatever happened between you still meant something. Another rustle broke though their thoughts, both glancing back towards the tree line, expecting something like a stray cat, surprised at the form emerging from the bushes.
“Rita?” Liz started, “Are…are you wearing leggings?”
“Yeah, well the beach and Prada don’t exactly go together.” She shot back, moving across the sand, “Figured at least one of you would be here tonight.” She dropped down on the other side of Liz, a fast food bag lingering in front of her.
“McDonalds?” Casey questioned, you’d never brought up loving the chain, though maybe there was something she’d missed.
“Closest thing I could get to Dino Nuggets on short notice.” Rita replied, causing Casey to let out a snort, 
“You mean closest thing you could get to Dino Nuggets without burning down the house.” Rita was quick to shoot her a playful glare, prepping for Liz’s practical wrath.
“Burning down the house? For the love of God Rita!”
“It was ONE time!” For the first time that evening, laughter broke through the beach front, interrupting the evening of sorrow, making it seem like everything would actually be okay, and eventually, it would. 
The three women spent more than a few hours on that beach, reminiscing about various moments of your life, their favourite memories, there were tears, there were laughs, small smiles, stories revealed that the other two had no idea had happened. But most importantly there was camaraderie, a sense that things would finally start to look up. You may have been gone, but there was no way you were about to leave any of their hearts. 
It became tradition, not mattering how busy they were, every year the three of them gathered on that beach in Seagate, lighting a flame in memory of someone they loved more than anyone else. Some nights they were silent, some nights there were tears, some nights were filled with laughter, but every night was full of love, the stars above them shining down, reminding them that no matter what, you were still watching over, keeping a safe eye on the people you loved the most
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scarlettatg · 2 years
The Handmaids Tale
Episode 501 Morning & 503 Border
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I just came to say, uh... well done. You did something terrible that needed to be done. I understand what that costs. May he rot in hell.
Praise be.
Don't let the bastards grind you down.
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I'm one of the women you traded for Waterford.
Sorry I didn't do it sooner.
I don't know how you managed it. Getting us out. And all those kids.
I was lucky.
Women always say that when they've done something extraordinary.
The only times June has been treated like a normal person, not like a victim. Not like an unstable woman. Not like someone that needs to be watched, babysat or constantly supervised. The only time she felt validated and not like she has to hide herself and her feelings to make others comfortable, or worse not to disappoint the people she loves. This understanding and admiration for her sacrifices and consequences comes from strangers which makes it even harder and more meaningful. I understand her loved ones want her to be ok, but minimizing her and expecting her to move on is condescending. Yes she has to work to fit into this society, but she is still a woman that fought against a system, that made mistakes but was able to do extraordinary things. The scene with Tuello is one of my favorites so far because it has so much meaning, especially in a moment where June needed it the most.
“I understand what that costs.” Tuello understands what killing Fred costs to June. The guilt, her internal battle with morality, her questions to herself of who she becomes now, the grasping with the reality that she enjoyed what she did and what she did was brutal; but so was the brutality Fred more than willingly subjected her to. Brutal was the system Fred helped built. Tuello as a man will never fully understand what systems like these do to woman and I’m thankful he didn’t put her down or tried to minimize her actions by pointing out the consequences and the negatives of what she did. June knows this, she battles with this and everything else constantly. She doesn’t need people to keep reminding her of her mistakes.
“Women always say that when they’ve done something extraordinary.”
Yes we do, because we are made to feel we are never good enough and the consequences of what we do seem to always matter more than the good we did. Once again another stranger admiring June’s work. We have seen throughout the show that whatever June does has consequences wether they’re good or bad. She orchestrated the prisoner exchange to be able to kill Fred but she also freed women who had been working in the resistance. Her action brought her this consequence. The 5 Marthas she saved in season 3 helped her down the road. Don’t get me wrong I’m well aware June has made bad decisions that have cost her and others dearly, but if she doesn’t try nothing happens. Gilead is fueled by fear and even if you don’t do anything you’re in danger. Like Daisy said to her in season 4 “Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.”
Speaking of Daisy loved the parallel here. Daisy and Lily both say to her “I thought you’d be taller.” I think it’s meant to portray that they see her as something bigger than she sees herself and also as a symbol of hope and inspiration; contrasting to June’s constant feelings of guilt, failure and of being unworthy.
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gludgenbell · 1 year
Tell us about your your day! Did anything interesting happen?(answer by the end of the day)
04 12 2023;
I missed the bus for school so my sister dropped me and my brother off
My classes are biology, graphic design tech 2, participation in democracy and algebra 2-
So I started the day with biology and learned about the systems in the body; in depth
But it was a short day today so class was not an 95 minutes and I spent 6 minutes getting to my second period because it's at the back of the school
And all biology classes are at the front
I made my shirt yesterday for the shop my class is doing this Friday, and today was a crunch day
We finished more pre-orders, did keychains, more shirts, and stickers especially
I did some promotional video editing on the side
By lunch I was very hungry, was the first one in the cafeteria as usual and went to the wrong meetup spot (where my friends hang out)
Got a bit insecure that I'm always the last person to find out specific things even though I try to ask everyday, but it's whatever and we talked about a guy who didn't like women taking birth control
Because she'll piss it out and it'll end up in the tap water and then everyone will be drinking birth control
And we came to the conclusion that he just wants to be a dad so badly ✊️
3rd period was fun, we're writing our own constitution and my friends and I are my teacher's prized group because we always make the projects fun
And now we're collaborating on a for fun storyline about a night school for Knights (because we had to design a school and we came up with: Knight of Bell; the Night School for Knights [18:00-00:00])
Anyways there's this chill guy Kjell who's always in my group and I'm just mentioning him because he's nice
Was late to my 4th, as always, today because I had to piss
Class went surprisingly well, I drew as per usual and worked on requests for my table mates because I mention commissions and they tell me no so a sketched easy request it is
Took the bus home and talked with another friend (she lives in my community) about the night school for Knights and the rival character
My sister picked me up from the bus stop, the dogs in tow, and we went around getting gummies and catching pokemon
I did some more writing for my story spirits of eden and then discussed with my mom possible shirt designs for our upcoming fundraiser (I'm going to Utah for our next next game maybe and since I'm already doing shirt work my parents think it'd be nice to use my art)
(In general also, if I want a shirt design my dad said he'd help me get what I need together)
Then I got nervous because all my art is sketchbook art and no real digital ones at the moment and I'd like to show actual art like everyone wants and I don't have much at the moment...
I asked my younger sister to help me with Mt laundry, then started a sketch of rukkadehvata (hope I spelt it right) and scheduled it for sometime saturday I think?
Around 7ish I started fixing my room; just putting my clothes away
All my siblings and both my parents were home so we gathered and decided to play fnaf 1 (we don't do this extremely often; it's always a treat when we get these nights together) and it was my turn at night 3
I didn't realize Freddy would move and my strategy did not account for him until I kept hearing his music and peeked at the stage
Only to find it
Completely empty
But I lived!
Freaking foxy jumped from phase 1 to 2 in under a second where I flipped the camera twice because I didn't get a good look the first time 😒😒😒
In between that I was playing sky with my wives, and the night will end with me in my room, drawing Rukka again
I did not call with one of my wives as I usually do; but all is well! Another time another time
I'll sleep in an hour
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werewolfcave · 3 years
One of the people I follow relogged your creeper wife dream and I've been so invested in it that I now have a creeper wife factive. I think it's important that you know this.
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eclectickss · 3 years
Make Me Feel Special (1/2)
Pairing: Milf!Agatha Harkness x fem!reader
Warnings: Mommy issues/kink, sexual implications, major age gap (reader is of age)
Summary: You are angry at your best friend for turning down the opportunity for something that you would give your life for: a mother.
Word Count: 3K?
Link to Part 2
A/N: Not grammar checked at all! A blurb gone big!(still at writers block on PGATW) But requests are open! I’ve never done one before but i’m willing to try. <3
You entered the apartment and placed your keys in the dish and jacket on it’s hook, making your way into the kitchen to place your to-go food in the fridge. Jane sat at the island on the computer you shared, and you smiled.
“Hey, I picked up sandwiches for dinner. Hope that’s cool.”
“Yeah, sounds good.”
Your best friend didn’t look up, but it didn’t really bother you. Well, she was your only friend, but still.
You and Jane had been sharing the apartment for years now, The two of you working a good job to afford it and making a livable income. You had been close since high-school, due to your similar social status, but beyond the two of you, nobody was too good at making friends.
From what she had told you, Jane’s mom wasn’t around much when she was growing up. Jane was a teen pregnancy, and ever since she was born, her mom made no time for her daughter. Agatha, was her name.
Agatha came from a wealthy family, though. Her parents (Jane’s grandparents) wouldn’t allow her to use the family money for her child, much less anything else. She struggled with Jane, and therefore the two of them were ever close.
Agatha’s parents died when Jane was in high-school, so her mom inherited their wealth, but their relationship was past salvageable. At least in Jane’s eyes, it was.
Jane was always telling you about how bad of a mom Agatha was and about how you were lucky that you didn’t have to deal with someone like her. Jane didn’t understand though. You would had given anything to have someone like Agatha. Even if she wasn’t around to much, it was still better than nobody at all.
You were now setting the table for two as you pulled the sandwiches out of the fridge, also finding some strawberries to place at the table. You now were looking through the pantry for chips when you heard a knock at the door and Jane moving around to answer it.
“Mom?!” You heard at the door while you still had your head buried in the pantry. Your eyes widened at the name, never expecting to hear it in your life (in that context, at least). You thought Agatha was out of the picture. “What are you doing here?” You stayed silent as you listened from around the corner.
“Well, I think it’s long overdue that we had a talk, Jane, honey.” She sounded a little more raspy than you were expecting, but that doesn’t say much about someone who used to be an addict.
“We don’t do that, Mom. Anyways, now isn’t a good time.” You heard your friend sigh. The woman was your literal mother... you could at least give her five minutes, you thought.
“I want to start, honey. Please just let me in?”
“You have got to be kidding me.”
“C’mon, kiddo.” She begged, and you felt a little bad for how Jane was acting. You know her mom wasn’t a great person, but she was still her mom.
You never got to have one of those.
“If this is just you on another one of your sobriety stunts...”
“I’m really trying this time, Jane! I know I fucked up, baby, but please.”
“Fine.” Your friend grumbled. You heard increasing footsteps and your heart raced as you were about to meet the source of Jane’s complaints and drama.
You hurried to sit at the kitchen counter before the two women caught you snooping, but your gaze snaps up just in time to see Agatha Harkness walk into the room.
Jane might have always mentioned that her mother was any and all variations of a bitch, but she failed to mention how attractive the woman was. Her messy brown hair sat on top of an old purple cardigan and worn out jeans, followed by a pair of well-used slip-on shoes. The look together was not extremely flattering, but Agatha somehow pulled it together in a way that made your stomach turn. Your eyes raked her down, but you think she caught you when you met her gaze again. She smirked softly.
“Oh, I didn’t realize you had guests!” She says as her own eyes follow your figure, and you wonder if she’s just doing it to mock you or flatter you. She looks back up with a glimmer in her eye, and you decide on the latter option. Your face goes red, but you try and brush her actions off, not wanting to mistake it for anything else.
“Didn’t I say that this was a bad time?” Jane grumbled.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Harkness. My name is YN.” You smiled as you held out your hand.
“Call me Agatha, darling.” She stared into your eyes. “It’s so nice to finally meet one of Jane’s friends.” You panic under her gaze.
“We were just about to sit down for dinner, if you want to join us. We don’t have any food for you, but-“
“Oh, thank you... I was hoping I could talk to Jane in private, though.” She walked over to the table and took a seat.
“Whatever you have to say to me, you can say it to YN, too.” The two of you joined Agatha at the table.
A long moment of awkward silence passsed between the three of you before your guest finally spoke up.
“I want you in my life, Jane. For real this time.”
Nobody says anything, and dishes stop clattering.
“I know I shoulda done this earlier... hell, I shoulda done this when I got claim to my parent’s money, but I want to look after you. I never got the chance to do that when you were young... cause of all the drinking and working... but I can do that now. I’m ready.”
Jane sat with her mouth open and a half eaten sandwich forgotten on her plate.
“No, Mom, you shoulda done this from the moment I was conceived. You don’t get a second chance with me. I’m not giving you a second chance, or a third or a fourth or whatever number you wanna give yourself. You wanna know why? It’s because I already did that. And you let me down every single time.”
Agatha looked a little speechless.
“Fine, then.” She sighed. “I won’t bother you again.” But it hurt you to watch a daughter turn away her mother, when that was an opportunity that you wanted so badly. “Is it alright if I stay the night, though? It’s a long drive back to my place.”
Jane rolled her eyes, knowing that her mother was being dramatic, but didn’t want to put up with any more of her antics. “I better not see you in the morning. YN can get blankets for the couch.”
“Hey, Jane,” You sighed as you entered her room.
“Hey, YN. I’m sorry you had to deal with the shit show that is my mother. I can’t believe she just walked in here and expected me to accept her pathetic invitation.”
“No, it’s ok. She’s not that bad with me.”
“Well she just met you. I just don’t understand why she thought showing up unannounced would magically make me want a mother again. It’s fucked up.” Jane said, but you couldn’t sit there and watch her tear down something that you wish you had.
“Yeah,” you mumbled and rushed out of her room before she could say anything else.
You walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass, then headed over to the sink for some tap water. The cool liquid rushed down your throat as you held down your tears, thankful that nobody was around.
“Hey, Honey,”
Shit. You forgot that Agatha was on the couch.
You turn around to see her meeting your gaze, although her eyes quickly found the way to the rest of your body.
“You doing alright, babygirl?” The nickname made you heat up. She spoke with concern and care; something that Jane chose to ignore, which made you feel bad for Agatha. You wish that Jane wouldn’t take for granted what her mother was trying to offer her.
“Uh... yeah... I guess.” You sigh, hopping up to sit on the counter as you watch the other woman fill her own glass at the sink. “Jane is just... being a little hard right now.” You chose your words carefully, not wanting to lose the trust of your friend but also wanting to gain the trust of another.
“What do you mean?” You realize the situation you have put yourself in.
“It’s just... I didn’t have a mom at all growing up. Or a dad. I had my shitty uncle... until he tossed me into the foster system. I had it real rough... and it still kinda is... but Jane has been helping. That’s why we’re friends at least. She might view me as a charity project, but i’m desperate, I guess.”
“What does all of this have to do with Jane being hard, hon?” She leaned onto the counter across from you.
“She didn’t really have a mom, either... growing up. No offense.”
Agatha shrugged. “I know.”
“But now that she’s given an opportunity to have one, she turns it down... and it makes me jealous. Mad. Angry.” You pause. “I know I’ll never get the chance at a mom, but she has one. And fuck, I would give so much to have that.”
“To have someone like me? A recovering drunk who treated their teen pregnancy like a joke?”Agatha sighed into her hands, but her words meant so much more to you than she may ever know.
“Yeah. To have someone like you. Someone who cares.” At that, she looked up with a new light in her eyes, but you don’t meet her gaze. You don’t want her to see the blush or desire written on your face, so instead, you pull a cigarette out from your jacket pocket.
She watches you as you hop down from the counter to get the lighter out of the junk drawer, paying attention to the way your body moves. You notice how her eyes follow you, but you don’t call her out on it, knowing you would do the same if the roles were reversed.
“You want a hit?” You lift your eyebrow as you raise the smoke to meet her gaze. A glint of humor is caught on her face, and you smirk.
“Sure... why not.” She says as you join her in leaning up against the counter. You bring the cigarette up to your mouth and click the lighter.
“So,” Agatha starts again, both of you a few puffs in. “How did you end up here with Jane?”
“Uhh... we met senior year of high-school. I was fucked up. Shit grades. Wasn’t going to graduate. Drug money to pay off... no job. Jane used your money to pay off my debt. She found me a job. Tutored me. Like I said, I felt like a charity project. But at least I graduated. We both work now and pay for this place together. Maybe it’s not great but we’re both better off than we were a few years ago.”
“Why didn’t she accept anything I tried to give her? Did she tell you?” Agatha was prying, but you didn’t mind.
“You mean after high-school? She didn’t want any help from you. In her words exactly... ‘She wasn’t there for me for the first 18 years of my life, so why should she help out now...’”
“And what do you think about that?”
“I didn’t grow up poor, Agatha. I grew up with nothing. I would have taken any of your offers in a heartbeat, no matter how guilty they made me feel.”
“Good girl.” She nearly whispers, and you turned to face her, but you couldn’t make anything out of the expression written on her face. Your own skin was hot and something was burning in your core, and you didn’t know what to think.
“I’m sorry... what did you just say?” You watched as she put the cigarette out, now giving you her undivided attention.
“So tell me, honey, do you have a boyfriend? I’m assuming a pretty thing like you would have one. Tell me about him.” Part of you wondered where this conversation was going, but the other part assumed that she already knew which direction you leaned in.
“Uhh... not my type.” You stared at her with curiosity.
“So you got a girlfriend, then?” Her new confidence shocked you a little bit.
“Uhh... no.” You tilted your head, and she seemed to pick up on your confusion.
“Good girl.” Your mouth was dry. “You see, mommy doesn’t want you having a girlfriend... no, she wants you all to herself.”
Your eyes widen in shock, but your core aches and cheeks burn. You stare at the woman next to you as a hand slides onto your thigh.
“Oh come on, darling. You said you wanted a mommy, baby. I wanna take care of you. I see the way you look at me. Don’t deny you want me too.” She spins around and pins you to the counter, and you audibly gulp.
“But- Jane.” You whine, already being driven crazy by the proximity of Agatha’s body.
“Jane is kicking me out, baby girl. And you can come live with me. Mommy has a pretty house, honey. I can feed you, clothe you... make you feel good. I can make you feel special.” And God, your soul was ready to leave your body. You wanted this. You could hardly think as her soft lips grazed over the skin on your neck, and a soft moan escaped your throat. Her tongue and teeth pulled at the skin just below your ear, trying to pull a response out of you.
“Mom!” The both of you jumped at the third voice in the room. The two of you turn to Jane in shock. “What the FUCK are you doing!” She rushed over to the two of you, pulling Agatha off of your body. “You can’t just come into my life and try to fuck my friends after someone rejects you!” She pushes her mom back and turns to you.
“Oh my god, YN, are you ok? I cannot believe that she tried to touch you. God, that makes me sick.” She hugged you, but you still couldn’t say anything.
“Jane, honey, you don’t know-“
“Shut up! I can’t even look at you! Get out of my house, mom. I never want to see you again.” Jane’s face turned red with anger.
“Honey-“ Agatha met eyes with you, but you didn’t know what to do.
“Leave! Now.” She seethed and stomped back to the bedroom, expecting Agatha to be gone when she got back.
The woman in front of you moved silently while you still processed what just happened. When she returned with her belongings, she gave you a note, but headed out without saying a word.
After a few minutes, you finally looked at the piece of paper in hand.
If you ever make up your mind...
1286 Lincoln St NW
(673) 867-5309
“YN, are you sure you’re alright? I really never would have expected my mom to touch you or even make you feel uncomfortable. I’m so sorry.” Jane sighed as she sat on the bed.
“I’m fine, J. You don’t have to apologize on her behalf.” You replied, sitting on the chair opposite her.
“I mean what even happened. Why did she do that?”
“Umm... I don’t know. We were just talking and then she started that.”
“What we’re you talking about?”
“Oh, I was just explaining how we met.” You tentatively answered.
“YN you didn’t have to tell her that. I know it’s personal for you, I can’t believe she forced you to talk about it.
“I uhh- actually didn’t mind. I wasn’t forced.”
“Then why would you trust her with something like that? You know how she is.”
“Because...” You thought about your next words carefully. “She cares.” Jane scoffs.
“That must be a different woman we’re talking about, YN. My mom is a selfish bitch who only cares for herself.”
That tipped the iceberg for you.
“You know, Jane? I understand that you and her might never be besties like she wants you to be, but that doesn’t mean you get to fuck her over now that she’s trying.” Your friend looks up at you in shock.
“Well she fucked me over my entire life, so I don’t see why I can’t do the same.”
“Because! Jane! She’s changed! It’s only right that you give her one more shot in your life!”
She took a pause.
“I’m sorry, YN, are you defending my MOM? After everything she’s done to me, and everything i’ve done for you?!”
“Yes. It is sick watching you throw something away that I can only dream of.” You spat angrily.
“Geez, YN. Just- get out of my fucking house. Keep your rent money for the month. Pack your shit and get the hell out of here.” She nearly ran out of the room.
But you weren’t surprised. In fact, you expected this the moment you chose your side.
The knocks resonate through the large door attached to the even larger house. Agatha has money.
You thought Jane was over exaggerating a little bit, but now you understood that she wasn’t. You sighed as your cab sped away, and now all you could do was wait.
Agatha opened the door, slightly shocked to see you, but nevertheless happy.
“Hey baby, what is it?”
You took a deep breath, taking in the sight of the woman who stood in front of you.
“I want you to make me feel special, mommy.”
link to part 2
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punkylilwitch · 3 years
Covens vs Cults: How to tell if its a harmful cult or a helpful coven!
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A picture of a helpful and beautiful coven! :) <3
Cults come in many forms, and they also indoctrinate people in many ways as well. Here is a list of red flags for cults, and after I’ll talk about how to see these when looking through covens.
If the leader is treated as infallible; If the leader is “always right” and believes themselves as smarter or otherwise above the other members of the cult. Those who ask questions, point this out, or try to correct the leader may be victimized/targeted for these “offenses” 
If the leader advertises that they can secure a spot in heaven, allow for spiritual or mental relief, separate its members from anyone outside the cult, including family, then this is a major red flag that the group is a cult. Cults operate on the basis that all of their victims are vulnerable in some way, and open enough tom be manipulated. Manipulation itself is much harder to detect, but if you believe the leader is doing these things, then they may very well be lying and manipulating you about other things as well. 
Exclusivity in faith; The best example of this is the example of The Heaven's Gate cult, which disallowed its members to participate in any other religious practices and isolated them from the world on false beliefs. 
”The Heaven's Gate cult, which was active in the 1990s, operated under the idea that an extraterrestrial spaceship would come to take members away from earth, centering around the arrival of the Hale-Bopp comet. Further, they believed that evil aliens had corrupted much of humanity, and that all other religious systems were in fact tools of these malevolent beings. As such, members of Heaven's Gate were instructed to leave whatever churches they had belonged to prior to joining the group. In 1997, 39 members of Heaven's Gate committed a mass suicide.”
Intimidation, fear, and isolation are key factors to running a cult. Since a cult can only continue to operate with power and control, leaders do everything they can to keep their members loyal and obedient. 
Historically, religious cult leaders have always been involved in illegal activities. These range from financial misdeeds and fraudulence to physical and sexual abuse. Several have even been convicted of murder.
  Religious lies are another big sign that it may be a cult. They claim that god or some other higher being like aliens had instructed them and them alone to do specific things. Some male leaders have even claimed that God had instructed them to take multiple wives, which leads to the sexual exploitation of women and underage girls and similar illegal acts.
Now, lets talk about these points again under the context of Covens. Covens are places that witches are supposed to feel safe and at ease. Witches practice rituals and meditate together and aid each other in their development as witches. Typically there is a leader/organizer that is dubbed the High Preist(ess), and they are in control of the clubs activities. Here are some red flags when entering a cult:
A group requires you pay for each circle or event. Now, many covens have some type of dues even if it is just dedication of time, but if a coven is requiring you to pay $25 a meeting, then you might consider asking around in the community.
The group seems overly sexual. Now, many traditions are VERY sex positive BUT, if a coven requires you to complete some sort of sexual task, favor, or really anything that you aren't comfortable with, they are likely NOT a group you want to be involved with. Going a long with this,  watch out for covens whose adults actively seek teens as members. Few reputable covens will accept anyone under the age of 18 as a member unless the teen's parent is a member of the coven - and even then, it's iffy. This is for a variety of reasons. Some covens practice skyclad - nude - and it's completely inappropriate to have naked adults in front of someone else's child. Covens that demand that you have sex as part of your initiation are BAD, and covens who are lead by adults but only/primarily recruit children are SKETCHY.
The coven starts separating you from friends and family. Sometimes this is very subtle, "Suzie has very low vibrations, and that's why you've been feeling depressed. You should avoid Suzie". But nevertheless, you will want to be aware that they aren't isolating you.  No reputable coven will encourage you to forsake your loved ones, or tell you that the coven comes before any and all other obligations. Similarly, if the coven refuses to interact with any non-members or the community, this may be a very bad sign.
They require you to completely change your day to day life/ conform to their standards. Now, them asking you to shower more than once a week isn't conforming, that's hygiene, I'm referring more to things like, "you must always wear a plain brown peasant dress and Birkenstocks, and your hair MUST always be braided". There is likely something going on, so be aware. 
Covens lead by inexperienced members are also a big red flag. When you ask your prospective coven's High Priestess how long she's been Wiccan, and she tells you "three months," it's time to bail out. There's no set time on learning, but someone who's only been studying for a little while simply does not have the experience to lead a coven or teach others. Use your best judgment here. Keep in mind there's nothing wrong with being a newbie and leading a study group or informal get-together, but someone who has only a short period of experience is probably not qualified to do all of the other things that coven leadership demands.
If the group tries to get you to rely on them or tries to get you involved with things that aren't legal/ are dangerous, this is a bit of a more clear sign of a corrupt coven.  Any group that requires its members to participate in illegal activities - and this includes drug use - is not a coven focused on spiritual growth. 
Here are some tips from Patheos.com on maintaining/creating a good coven(not my ideas):
“1.) Clearly define your organizational structure...
2.)  Define the Leadership Positions...
3.)  Define a Means for Hiving Off...
4.)  Define what actions or behaviors aren’t OK, and outline methods by which violators would be asked to leave the organization...
5.)  Outline a grievance resolution system...
6.) Set fair and equal financial expectations...
7.) Hold business planning meetings that are open...
8.)  Define Guidelines for ethical conduct...
9.)  Embrace flexibility...
10.)  Participate as a group in larger pagan gatherings – compare stories and ideas, attend other types of public rituals to gain perspective...
11.)  Create a Bill of Rights that protects all your members equally...” -  Cult-Proof Your Coven: Red-Flags and How to Avoid Them By Heron Michelle
I hope you all appreciate this info and stay safe!!! :)
(Image): https://northernplunder.com/creating-a-coven/
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gilly-bj · 3 years
1: This is not a “why Levi will end up with Mikasa”, at all. I’m not trying to boost our confidence in RM because I don’t want us to get hurt again, okay? Fine. Always remember that those 10 pages might be even worse than 139 but we will never stop shipping RM . Always remember the 138 beautiful chapters and ignore the shitty one.
2: looong post. 
3: Constructive hmhmh no criticism to Erem*ka. Now let’s start.
No one ever asked me why I think Levi is the right man for Mikasa (and viceversa); when I interact with non rivamikas, they are too busy hating on me and my ship to show a bit of respect and interest towards my opinions and thoughts. I wrote this post because I think that this question needs to be answered, especially after 139. These are six reasons why I think that Levi deserves to be Mikasa’s man.
(I’m doing Levi version first because Mikasa is the one who’s in a toxic “relationship” with a possessive “man”)
i) He helped her with her development.
Since Season 1, Levi has always helped Mikasa to grow as a person. In fact, Levi was the first one who made her realize that her actions have consequences that sometimes are not very pleasant. She understood that, even if Eren is in danger, the other people around her exist and they might get hurt because of her reckless behaviors. Talking about Eren, only with Levi, Mikasa stopped being Eren’s obsessive mother and became an independent woman, which is exactly the opposite of what she’s now with her “love” Eren. I think that Levi will help Mikasa to move on from Eren once he will return to Paradise, and I also think that she will find someone to love. I remember Armin’s words in 139:
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The fact that three years have passed and Mikasa is still single makes me realize that probably this “someone” is a man from her group of friends. They left her alone for three years (clap clap 👏 good job, you too Levi 😒), and she hasn’t fallen in love during those years, so maybe once they will return to Paradise she will meet again this “someone” and they will finally fall in love. Now, we have three candidates for this role:
Connie yes im serious
I know that Jean had a crush on Mikasa but, I think that he doesn’t love her anymore. To me, Jean realized that his feelings were not returned so He decided to give up on her, if he had feelings for her, he would have followed her to Paradise, don’t you think? And I think that Jean deserves more; I believe that you shouldn’t wait your crush for years, if you both fall in love then fine but if one of the two as a crush on the other for more than 5 years but the other doesn’t return his/her feelings then the other should say bye 👋🏻
Then we have Levi, and Connie yes I’m serious. I have already said why I think that Levi will help Mika to move on so I repeat myself. And I ship Conkasa 🙃🙂 nahhh im joking but they are cute.
ii) He respects her.
It was confirmed various times trough the story that Levi respects Mikasa, and viceversa. Respect is one of the “rudiments” of a relationship. Yesterday, I was reading this article online about why respect is important in a relationship, and the first point got me in a particular way: 
“1. Respect sees through the good and learns to accept the bad. When you are in love with someone, all you see are their best qualities, both inside and out. At the same time, you set aside their flaws and weaknesses, to tolerate these as much as you can. Respect doesn’t work that way.
When you have respect for the person you chose to be in a relationship with, you come to accept the person’s beauty and flaws, the bitter and sweet, and good and the bad. And from the acceptance, you both learn to adjust to each other’s systems and come up with a compromise that you can live with. Toppled with love, respect serves as the fuel to keep any relationship moving” 
The last part reminds me of Rivamika; Levi and Mikasa both know that the other has his own beauty and flaws, and they accept each other that way. They don’t set those flaws aside to tolerate each other more, they just accept them and they love each other the way they are. With Eren instead, Mikasa has always set aside his flaws because she didn’t want to see them and she always misinterpreted his actions. I want to see an independent woman and not a girl who doesn’t want to accept that her crush is not perfect. Mikasa has to understand that it’s okay if she says “fuck you” for once. Wake up girl.
iii) He cares for her.
Levi has always cared for Mikasa since Season 1, even if I think that in the beginning, he cared for her just as a simple soldier since they didn’t know each other that much. After their first meeting, things changed on Levi’s side and on Mikasa’s as well; she learned to respect him, and Levi started to understand that gloomy brat, to the point that she became special to him; indeed, the way Levi treats Mikasa is very different from the way he treats everyone else, even the other women (Petra, Hisu, Hanji, Sasha) Please my Mika wake up. It’s sad that many think it’s just simple affection because “oh they are cousins he loves her just like a sister bla bla bla”. Sorry to tell you but I don’t have that much tension with my brother 😏😏 and some blind people still say that he hates when he:
Broke his ankle to save her
Always reminds her to calm down and to not be reckless because she can hurt the others but also herself
Always looks at her from afar to check if she’s okay
Literally cried when she was having one of her headaches (138)
Blind people 😏
iiii) He understands her.
Levi understands Mikasa’s feelings; they are very similar, and Mikasa found herself in situations Levi had already lived, from loosing her friends and family to the awakening of their power. And that’s also why Levi plays a big part in her development; remember in Season 1 when Annie kidnapped Eren and Mikasa lost her mind? Okay so when Levi saw her like that, he reminded of his younger self’s reaction to Isabel and Farlan’s death, and that’s why he acted in a soft way towards her; he already knew that in that situation, she wouldn’t have even looked at him if he didn’t act in a soft way. He knew she was lost so he took control of the situation.
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Screenshot from: chapter 30.
iiiii) He’s a real man.
In my personal vocabulary, 139 Eren doesn’t fit the definition of man. Someone that treats a woman like that doesn’t deserve to be called “man” (same with women obviously). To me, a man is someone that’s able to respect his lover, that doesn’t treat her like an object and that thinks about her happiness first (that’s literally what love means lmao) (and more). Saying “I want her to be happy” is not enough when he wrapped the scarf around her again, knowing that she was suffering and she was not able to set herself free. If Eren really loved her, he wouldn’t wrapped the scarf around her again. Levi instead fits my definition of “man”, I’d say perfectly. He has always respected her, and he wants the best for Mikasa. He showed to love her, at least platonically, numerous times, he showed care about her physical and mental well-being. I think that Levi could make Mikasa feel loved, what her “lover” Eren has never done since he always treated her badly. Mikasa doesn’t know much about relationships, and Levi too, but with Levi she would understand what a real relationship looks like. And personally, I don’t want Mikasa to end up with someone like 139 Eren.
iiiiii) He his her ideal type and they share the same life goals.
Two months ago, I wrote this post named “How much are Mikasa and Levi compatible?”. There I listed all the reasons why I believe that Levi and Mikasa are each other’s ideal type. I’m not going to repeat myself, so if you want to read it, click here. Anyway, they share the same life goals, that are: a peaceful life in the middle of nature and a family since they both have a soft spot on children.
What do you think? Do you have other reasons why you think that Levi is perfect for Mikasa? I hope you liked this post and feel free to share your opinions!
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First of all, let’s clear up a common misconception. Queer does not just mean gay. It’s an umbrella term for an identity which deviates from society’s perceived norm: heterosexual, or straight. Queer can refer to sexualities — gay, bisexual, pansexual, — or it can refer to being gender-queer; i.e, any label that deviates from the perceived gender norm: the binaries, male and female.
“Queer” is a reclaimed slur.
If you do not fall under the umbrella of queerness, it is safe to assume that you cannot use it. At all.
I am bisexual.
This means I experience attraction to plural genders. Pansexual also works fine. For the difference between bisexual and pansexual — see here:
Being bisexual isn’t easy. I went through similar hardships to gay women: I experienced attraction to women and was scared of what this meant for me, in such an oppressively homophobic society.
I am not saying being bisexual is harder than being gay, nor the inverse. But my experiences are distinctly bisexual, not gay.
Without further ado, here are the 3 things I’ve found to be the hardest about being queer, but not gay (enough).
#1: Finding My Place
Or, not being queer enough
I always knew I wasn’t straight, but I didn’t know what I was. Up until recently, I was still questioning. This didn’t feel enough to join groups or conversations with LGBT+ folk, let alone go to pride. Was I even LGBT if I was never L, G, B, or T?
I am still yet to attend a pride, even though I identify (fairly confidently) as bisexual. I am in a relationship with a man. This is (problematically) known as a “straight-passing relationship” and makes me feel even more undeserving of a place at pride.
This has been upsetting to me at times. But for others, it can be outright devastating. Growing up and needing support, but feeling like you’re ‘not gay enough’ to ask for it? So many young people are being left alone and afraid. Finding others like you is vital to figuring out who you are. Likewise, finding spaces which are safe and inclusive is vital for anyone, regardless of their sexuality or gender identity. A friend of mine happens to be a transgender man, and he summed up the issue perfectly:
“One thing that I keep noticing is how all hangout spots are “gay bars”, or (far less common) “lesbian bars”. I’m a straight man, so I don’t feel like I’m supposed to be there, but hanging out at regular bars is still too much of a gamble, so I don’t really have anywhere to go.”
It goes without saying that gay folk aren’t always safe in these spaces, as seen by the homophobic attack on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, in 2016. Bigotry hurts the entire LGBT+ community. Bigotry doesn’t stop to ask whether you identify as gay or otherwise queer before it pulls the trigger.
But the LGBT+ community itself is much more welcoming to those who “pick a side” and just come out as gay, already. The infighting is inexplicable when one looks to attacks such as that in Orlando: bigots don’t care which letter you are in the acronym. So why does gatekeeping exist when we need to be strong in the face of intolerance when fragmentation only makes us weaker? Who are we helping by continuing to exclude identities from the discussion?
#2: Myths and Misconceptions
Well, it stands to reason that if bisexuals are what they seem in TV and movies, why would anyone want to make them feel included? They’re “greedy” and inauthentic. They’re attention-seeking, not to mention their propensity for threesomes. Now, I haven’t been in a wild orgy yet, but it seems like it will only be a matter of time before I follow my natural path.
Straight men, in particular, need to own up to their assumption that bisexual women are down for a threesome. The thing is, we are. But not with you, you big ASSUMER.
All jokes aside, the stereotyping of bisexuals is not only hurtful, but leads to difficulties finding and maintaining relationships.
As I came to terms with my bisexuality, I also had to accept that I might never be fully trusted by my partner, regardless of their gender or sexuality. I was shocked when my partner reacted to my coming out with the equivalent of a shrug — so much so, that I burst into tears of gratitude that my soul-bearing moment hadn’t been met with slut-shaming or assumptions of disloyalty. Nothing has changed. If anything, our bond is even stronger for me having been more authentic after coming out.
But cruelty came from elsewhere: when I came out, I was told that my partner was to be pitied, either because I’m gay and in denial, or bound to cheat on him. The main consequence of such attitudes has been the crippling fear of coming out to my partner. It saddens me that I felt so relieved when he accepted me for being who I am, and loving him just the same as I always have.
This outcome is not the case for many couples, with straight folk worried that their bisexual partner will realise they’re gay and just leave them. This fear of abandonment comes from a place of ignorance. When the media presents bisexuality as a steppingstone on the way to “picking a team”, it’s no wonder that people struggle to trust their queer partners.
Other Queer Myths
The myth that all trans folk medically transition invalidates those who choose not to do so, and let’s not forget the ignorant jeers that it's all just a mental illness. Asexual folk battle the stereotype that they can never have a relationship and shall forever remain a virgin (because what an awful thing that would be, right?) And pansexuals… well, at the lighter end, they’re asked if they have sex with cooking utensils. But often, they’re erased as irrelevant because “we already have the label bisexual”.
This brings us onto the third and final difficulty that comes with queer folk who aren’t easily categorizable as gay: erasure.
#3: Erasure
Erasure refers to the denial of an identity’s existence or its validity as a label.
Non-binary folk face ongoing and loud claims that they simply do not exist. This is despite the historical and scientific evidence to the contrary. Plus, the most important evidence — them, existing. Asexual folk are told they simply have not found the right person yet, or that they are just afraid of sex. Demi-sexual folk are told “everyone feels like that, unless they’re just sleeping around!”. And bisexuals are dismissed as simply being in denial that they’re gay.
Monosexuality & The Gender Binary
Our culture is so built on monosexuality (being solely attracted to one gender — for instance, gay or straight). Monosexuality is reinforced through everything from marriage to dating apps, the media to what we teach in schools. People cannot fathom that someone might want to experience more than one gender in their lifetime.
The binary models of sex and gender are also deeply ingrained. These rigid belief systems combined are to blame for our inability to accept that bisexuals do not need to “pick a side”. I was paralysed by fear for 17 years because I found girls attractive and that might mean I’m gay, because bisexuals are just gays who haven’t realised they’re gay yet.
Bierasure is dangerous, firstly because it leads a child to have to internalise both biphobia and homophobia. For instance, I had to work through being taught to hate gayness, whilst being taught that any attraction to non-male genders made me gay.
Women were cute, and so I was gay, and this meant I was disgusting.
My own mother told me this. She also told me that something has “gone wrong in the womb” for a child to be gay. (Well, Mum, I’ve got some bad news about your womb!)And she, like any bigot, extended this theory to anyone who experiences same-sex attractions — anyone queer. This is another reason why bi-erasure is perilous. Whether you’re a gay, cis-male or a demi-bisexual, trans woman… if your parents will kick you out for being gay, they will likely kick you out for being any sort of queer.
If we deny the bigotry that bisexuals undergo, we will continue to suffer. It won’t just go away. It will fester, with bisexuals having no one they can go to who believes them. And thus:
Erasure Kills
Bullying and suicide rates of queer-but-not-gay people continue to sky-rocket. We must direct funding, support and compassion to every queer individual, as they are all vulnerable to discrimination and bullying. The problem is being left to fester. This is in part because bigots treat all queer labels as just ‘gay’, deeming them equally unworthy. This is how far erasure can go.
Earlier on, I stated that my experiences are distinctly bisexual. The same applies to any queer identity.
Emphasising our differing paths and struggles is important to avoid the aforementioned erasure of already less visible groups. But this does not mean that the LGBT+ community should be fragmented by these differences.
If we can unite in our hope to live authentically and love freely, we will be stronger against bigotry. We are fighting enough intolerance from without: there is no need to create more from within.
So out of everything, what’s the hardest part about being bisexual?
It’s the fact that nobody knows it’s this hard.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
you have no idea how long i've been waiting to rant to you about this but my chemistry teacher is literally SO misogynistic like the other day apparently some of the boys in my class weren't studying well so she told them IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CLASS that apparently, these days more women were studying, so in order to not be "dominated" by them (yes, that's the word she used) when they get married, they had to study better than the girls because it was "nature" and one of the other girls said she was being unfair and she REMOVED HER FROM THE CLASS??? we also have this whatsapp group (girls and boys) and the boys were all kekekeing about it and I JUST.... i'm so sick and tired and angry and knowing i can't fucking do anything about it is so irritating and i NEEDED to get this off my chest because my lovely, lovely parents ALSO believe that boys are better than girls (see: the way they treat my brother vs the way they treat me) and i've always seen you as a sort of parental figure ngl (sorry if thats weird) and I'M SO SICK OF LIVING IN THIS MISOGYNISTIC HOUSE AND THIS MISOGYNISTIC COUNTRY AND I HATE MY PARENTS AND I HATE MY SCHOOL AND I HATE THE BOYS IN MY CLASS AND I HATE MY TEACHER AND I HATE EVERY SINGLE MOTHERFUCKER WHO MADE THIS GODDAMN FUCKING SYSTEM IN THE FIRST PLACE
damn that felt good
*takes a deep breath*
Misogyny always begins at home - and then in school. Those are the first two environments we are exposed to how fucking messed up, unfair the world is.
It's just fucking annoying. So, I feel you.
Fight back where you can. Talk back when possible.
But remember this is not your responsibility to fix or these are not children you have to educate.
Sometimes you find the hidden gems. That one teacher in your school who is woke or that one family member who gets you.
I hope you find those people who make these messed up patriarchal environments tolerable.
Don't let these piece of shits get to ya <3
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chibimyumi · 3 years
Hi, I hope you're doing well and staying healthy. I've read your post about how Elizabeth attacking ciel is sexism. What about Sebastian getting bully by Frances? Frances is a noblewoman grabbing a servant's hair in front of other people. And fans (including me) are like: oh! What a lioness! Even the devil himself is terrified of her! what if it was the other way around? The idea of a nobleman grabbing a governess's hair calling her nasty and indecent makes me uncomfortable and even angry.
【Response to post: Sexism against men and Kuro Sexist jokes】
Dear Anon,
I’m doing well, thank you very much. I hope you too ^^
Your question is a very good one, and it really had me thinking for a while! I myself admittedly do laugh very hard at Sebastian getting a hard time from Frances. But indeed, like you said, it is still bullying, and bullying is bad. In this post-feminist era, we have been so trained to see women bullying men as ‘funny’ or ‘empowering’, but women getting bullied as unambiguously bad instinctively, that sometimes we forget to check our double standards.
Feelings are feelings, we can’t help what we feel. But how come then that to many of us, Frances bullying Sebas is so funny, but Lizzie almost murdering O!Ciel and Nina bullying men not? This post is merely an attempt to explain this feeling for myself too, but hopefully we can all reach SOME explanation together as well???
Let us first look at in what ways Frances has been making Sebastian’s life hard. From all the interactions we have of these two so far, her main points of criticism seem to be his hair and his lack of professionalism.
Slovenly Hair
Sebastian’s hair is something we’ve gotten quite used to now after more than14 years. In Sebastian’s time however, his hair really would have been the height of impropriety for his profession.
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Just like I translated O!Ciel’s looks to 2020 standards, I quickly translated Sebas’ hair to 2020 standards as well. Very clean, innit?! Very professional, innit?!
Even without the translation however, if we look at the worst of wigs from the Kuromyus, we can also see how Sebastian’s hair would be atrocious in any formal setting. Look past the fact that these actors are supposed to represent a drawn character. Just imagine being in a fancy restaurant and encountering a dead-spider feather duster on your waiter’s head.... erm....???
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Something that is objectively bad on Frances’ end however, is that chapter 14 is not the first time that Frances has seen his ‘slovenly hair’. If his hair really is so unacceptable, as an authority figure Frances has the right to say something about it. However, as it seems, until this point she has never communicated at all (no, “hinting” is not the same as communicating), so Sebas had no way of knowing what he “did wrong”. She immediately grabbed for Sebastian’s hair without mercy, probably because her crept up frustration got the better of her. This is indeed entirely too harsh for a first time call-out, and entirely on Frances.
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Much later in the story Frances criticises and touches Sebastian’s hair again, and this time in public while he was infiltrating as a teacher. Here Frances is even publically humiliating Sebastian in front of his students and other high ranking guests.
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Especially when you keep in mind that Frances is a noblewoman and Sebas a mere servant, Frances is indeed abusing her power against a servant who cannot strike back at all.
This is indeed power play. However, though it does not justify anything, in the very least her criticism does have ground; Sebas’ hair is by all measures inadequate for any professional setting. Just be nicer about it, Frances.
Useless Butler
Now, let us look at the other reason Frances disapproves of Sebas. Sebastian is a very competent butler according to most people. To Frances however, this claim is empty. When she arrives, parts of the estate have been destroyed and something very literally exploded in her presence.
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Even though Sebas is not the person actively causing the explosion or the destruction, as the senior servant of the household, it is literally his job to manage the other servants. So yes, here too, the fact that things can be destroyed in the household because he either hired inadequate staff or because he mismanages his household, DOES INDEED prove he fails at his job. As the aunt of O!Ciel who cares about her nephew AND her paternal home, Frances is in her right to be concerned and call Sebastian out for NOT doing his job.
In chapter 14, Sebastian’s schedule was all over the place and kept changing the plans for Frances. It is no wonder that she would be quite annoyed and doubt Sebastian’s adequateness. When you know your 13 year old nephew’s household is in the hands of somebody so apparently inadequate, anybody would probably be concerned. However annoyed though, Frances does not overstep any boundaries about this specific issue; she is simply supremely unimpressed. Fair enough?
Compliments where due
Something that is quite interesting though, is that despite disapproving of Sebastian, Frances does also know when to compliment him when due. After Sebastian has saved Lizzie’s life without boasting, Frances recognised how the butler does indeed have some value and the correct attitude as a servant.
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She says “though you look indecent what you say is true,” and it is yet another jab at the demon’s expense. But here she is also showing that she is willing to acknowledge somebody’s achievements, looking past appearances.
Before Frances leaves, Frances jabs at Sebas a bit again, but she really is not doing anything dickish this time. Instead of making Sebas think she’s simply chosen him as target to be a prick towards, she concretely states why she doubts his professionalism. She mentions the smashed tea set, bare garden and burnt food; mistakes that are objectively unacceptable. Instead of yelling at him, she actually gives him constructive criticism. So here too, Frances is quite stern, but her grounds are solid.
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In the Campania arc Sebas shows up again with the hair Frances disapproved of. Frances clearly wants to do something about it again because in her eyes, the butler simply won’t learn. But given the circumstances and Sebastian’s proven usefulness, Frances actually does shelve her agenda. Just like above, here too Frances shows that she is capable of acknowledging somebody despite their looks.
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Later when the zombies dramatically outnumbered the living humans, Frances sends Sebas - who had come to her aid - back to her daughter and nephew. By sending Sebas back, Frances also shows that she in fact trusts this ‘slovenly butler’ with the lives of two children she loves deeply. Sebastian protests, but Frances immediately replies: “don’t you trust our ability as swordsmen?” Here what Frances is functionally saying is: “I trust you with your abilities, so you can trust us back.”
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In short, Frances is harsh and doing power-play against a servant, but she can shelve her agenda, and does acknowledge Sebas when due.
Contrast to Nina and Lizzie
So now we have seen how Frances bullies Sebastian, and her motivation behind all her points of harshness. As we have seen, Frances’ only points of criticisms are concrete ones; Sebastian’s lack of professionalism in looks, and his lack of professionalism in management. She goes about them too harshly, but all points are legit criticisms, and something Sebas CAN and probably SHOULD work to improve.
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This is in stark contrast with the way Nina bullies her victims. As far as we have seen, none of Nina’s victims have offended her in any way, nor does she ever give any concrete criticism. She has just decided that because men are men, they don’t deserve proper treatment. Even when providing clothes for men is literally part her job, she refuses to provide the ‘professional service’ she is being paid for. And because she is AN EMANCIPATED LESBIAN!!!!!!! #FEMINISM, it’s FINE (!?!?!?)
Unlike with Frances’ criticism of Sebastian’s inadequate hairdo and managing, being ‘men’ is not something any of these men can do anything about (except Sebas, but Nina doesn’t know). Bullying is always wrong, always low. But it’s EVEN lower when you bully somebody for who they are, and not what they do wrong. What does not help is that Nina seems to only be capable of treating people nicely if they happen to be sexuality-wise compatible with her... but if you are, you’ll get molested. What is wrong with you, Nina????
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Yes, Frances is saying: “you are a man, and yet your fringe is so long”. So on the most surface level, it is a woman saying this to a man because he is a man. As we later get to know Frances a bit better though, she would be harsh to anybody who looks slovenly. She just has different hairstyles which she considers appropriate for men and women respectively. Had Sebas been a woman and his hair was the ‘feminine equivalent of slovenly’, Frances would most likely have acted exactly the same. So in this sense, unlike with the jokes using Nina and Lizzie, it is not purely: “Haha, girl bullies boii, lol.”
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Something else that is terrible is that what Nina does seems to be systemic. Logically it checks out too; it can’t be that only since the past few weeks she’s decided only women and young boys deserve her kind treatment. For all we know, Nina’s been treating the male Phantomhive staff like this for 2-3 years. Sebastian’s comment about Nina thoroughly ignoring men again with “as always” further supports this theory.
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With Frances in contrast, in chapter 14 (so barely a year ago in story time), Sebas seemed to have no clue whatsoever about Frances’ terrors. Sebas announced Frances’ arrival to his master and is very calm about it. It was not until O!Ciel alerted Sebas about his aunt that anybody even guessed what hurricane was headed for them. As such, we can safely conclude that Sebas had only been subjected to Frances’ criticism a couple of times, unlike having had to bear with Nina for years.
Yes, Frances still should have communicated, but I already addressed the details above. Still, the point remains that even though Frances is overstepping boundaries and abusing her power, her criticisms are at least not empty.
Lizzie too just like Nina, had zero grounds for showing that much aggression. She did not give anybody the benefit of the doubt, did not communicate, or even so much as give O!Ciel any chance to explain the situation. So far O!Ciel has given Lizzie no reason to think he’d cheat on her, and yet she hurled so much aggression at him Sebas had to intervene.
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Still, Lizzie is marginally better than Nina because she is not systemically bullying O!Ciel. It is a one time event. However, this one makes me more annoyed with Yana because it means that even Yana had to use this stale, stale trope of “LOVE TRIANGLE COMEDYYYY”. Have I ever mentioned how MUCH I hate love triangles and jealousy???
Feeling wise, the most important reason for why Sebas being bullied by Frances is funny is probably because of who Sebas is. Sebas is otherwise an all-powerful demon, but to see him inventing colours to shit at Frances - a human Sebas could crush between his fingertips like a cookie - is just hilarious. Had Sebas been a human though, I would not have laughed so hard personally.
Rationally however, Frances is doing power play against a servant who cannot talk back, so it is still bullying, and bullying is inexcusable.The only bit of “right” Frances has is that she does not seem to be systemically bullying Sebastian, and that her criticisms have some ground.
So if Nina and Lizzie’s behaviours played for jokes are like... a -7 and -9 respectively, Frances’ at least scores a -2 for me?
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(Yes, as we’re talking about bullying anyway, I just have to make a jab at Vincent.)
Something not really related to why “Frances:Bad”, “Nina-Lizzie:Worse”, but I do wish to mention is Yana’s improved drawing skills. I have no proof, but I think it MIGHT have been where this Frances-joke originated.
Yana’s time in the more traditional mindset of manga-worldview really showed, especially at the far beginning. Besides, she was still in the process of finding a way to draw handsome men. In the more traditional mindset of the early 2000s, handsome men were just not supposed to have slicked back hair - “that was reserved for old men and nasty dudes!!” Yana’s discomfort with drawing handsome men with slicked back hair was clearly visible in Sebastian’s early appearances, and making the ‘”hair, back!!! says old-fashioned lady” was potentially even a way of Yana to laugh at herself.
I don’t know who else is old like me and grew up with 80s to early 00s manga, but at the time, hair for handsome men was a BIG deal. In that world ‘slicked back hair’ just carried a certain laughability about it; a “rule of not-cool”. To me at least at the time this ‘laughability’ really resonated with me, and Yana probably also trusted this same ‘unspoken rule’ to resonate with her audiences.
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Much later though, Yana clearly grew more comfortable and  maybe even fond of slicked back hairstyles as she confidently chose to portray Sebas as ‘appealing’ while wearing his hair in the style Yana previously disliked.
Again, I have no proof, but I can’t help but think that if Kuro had started 10 years later, the running gag revolving Frances might look altogether different.
What do you guys think? ^^ Cheers, and stay healthy!
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Character analysis Nina Hopkins
Character analysis Vincent Phantomhive
Sexism against men and Kuro’s sexist jokes
MASTERPOST Gender in Kuroshitsuji
MASTERPOST Analyses & Info
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eerna · 3 years
You've been gushing about the Daevabad trilogy for a bit now and you've got me really curious to check it out, especially since I'm an Arab Muslim, but when I checked the first book on Goodreads it had a lot of 1 star reviews (not that Goodreads ever really gives accurate book reviews but still...) so I was wondering if you could give an overall review of the series based on your experience with the book! I've read TLC and SOC so I know I've got at least some similar tastes to you.
Look, if you ask me to talk even MORE about it, who am I to refuse!!! If you want detailed info on every book separately, check out my Goodreads acc in my FAQ~
The worldbuilding- Absolutely Fantastic. This is one of the best fantasy settings I've read. It's incredibly detailed and created with so much love it is obvious this isn't the case of "I wanted my fantasy series to be unique, so I threw it into a blender with a few vague references to a non-European setting". The history and the magic system are wonderful and obviously inspired by many myths and legends from the Arabian world. The majority of the plot is set in a fictional city, but the characters spend some time travelling the Djinn nations scattered among early 19th century Africa and Asia. I can't give you an accurate take on the portrayal of Islam, but it is treated with lots of love, and religion (in general) is seen as something important but not as the One Personality Trait. My one problem with it is that sometimes the dialogue sounds too modern and ruins the immersion.
The characters- For the first two books I disliked 2/3 of the main characters. It's the worst part of the series to me: their romance and the MC Suck Ass. It's very tropey and her potential is squandered as she aimlessly floats around making dumbass decisions. HOWEVER, in book 3, the author suddenly remembers what to do with her, and her arc becomes engaging and she is a good character now! Who knew! And that third main character is so so so good and wonderful from the get-go that I barely even had time to be upset about the other two. He makes mistakes and grows from a stumbling, sorta annoying, but well-meaning child into a fantastic man all around. The supporting cast makes the world feel alive- everyone is unique and has a firm place in the story, with relationships that make for fantastic and/or heartwarming entertainment.
The plot- Lovely, it meshes my fav themes. The series follows power struggles taking place in the fictional capital of the Djinn nation, as a newfound successor of an ancient bloodline befriends a prince descended from her family's enemies and the two have to find their place in a world that is new to both of them, although in different ways. It talks about inherited generational hatred, the struggles women face even when put in powerful positions, complicated family dynamics, the bloody price of revolution and the following oppressor/oppressed issues, and redemption for the unforgivable (it drops the ball on this one and drops it hard, it isn't a good analysis of war criminals). I understand that with books this long there is always the issue of staying engaged, but I was never bored while reading it because even the slow portions of the books talked about stuff I personally find interesting. People would stand around debating the morality of their magical social system and I would be all starry eyes and chinhands.
Whew!!!!! Okay there it is, hope it helps! If you decide to read it, have fun~
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