#i have so many things piling up on me but i dont know how to handle it
n0ct0urn1quet · 1 year
hgonesly at this point i really do wish i could just say Fuck It and disappear off the face of the earth for a little bit bc honestly . i donot want to be alive
#2023 off to a banger start for me (got into an argument with my mom on new years about her bf reminding me of my abusive dad#and havent had peace or a good nights sleep since!!!!!!!!!!!)#i am absolutely fucking miserable and i just donot want to Do It anymore#i hate this house i hate the people i live with i hate this world and i hate everything thats happening to jme but i cant do anytihing#i cant do anything to Fix Anything i cant do anything abt my problems theres just so much Wrong With Me that i dont know how to fix#i dont know if i CAN fix most of the issues i have. i have so much ptsd and trauma from so many different things and its all just. hghg#and i want so badly to just let it out and talk to the people Around Me about it bc it is Serious and i shouldnt be just not talking about#it but. i just cant bring myself to Do That. i am constantly afraid that the people around me will be angry with me if i even so much as#speak up about the things that make me upset and its not their fault and its no ones fault but my own and i just dont know what to Do#im scared of confrontation and im worried that if i try to talk about it its gonna lead to an argument!!! i know it wouldnt but im terrifed#so id rather just not talk about it. which then leads to the problem not getting resolved because. fuck man im sure the people around me#know that somethings up but i never bring it up so therefore they never find out and it gets swept under the rug like all my other issues#i pride myself on being good at being emotional and being open but in reality i am emotional. yes. but not at all good at being open#ive never been good at it and i feel so BAD because like. yes i love you. yes i trust you and i know you would never ever be mad at me#for just talking about my feelings. i know this and i love you for it. but im so bad at conveying that. even though i trust you with mylife#im just bad at opening up. it does not matter how long we've known each other its just such a struggle for me to Be Open to anyone#of course its not much better that im coming to tumblr and puttign this here for 100+ people to see but just. i dont know#im mentally unstable ive never had good coping mechanisms and im the only person awake and everyone else that i usually vent to is asleep#so all my thoughts just get piled up into one messy little ball and it gets thrown to tumblr because i need somewhere to put them#im sorry. im exhausted. its been a long week and i wish i could just hybernate for the rest of the month and not interact with anyone#i just wish i could mvoe out and live with my gf and our cat. that is all i want and that is the only thing that would fix me
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watch-out-it-bites · 28 days
Made so mucb preogress with the picrew...
#dead to world.. pain... back hurts.. cramps... kinda tired...#and yet it is. so so much fun. and i wanna continue so bad.#oh fuck i judt remembers that i have a project due on wednesday to make a storybook and some turnarounds#i love how easily i shove zampanio into all that i see nowadays#need to make an essay? make it avout zampanio! need to make a story? zampanio awaits! need to do anything in creative writing?#zampanio.#anything in animation?#zampanio!!#it makes it a lot more fun. i actuay want to do things when it involves that i guess!#hard to explain!#so sorry to my math teacher whos whiteboard i keep writing+drawing on with zampaniostuff. it will happen again.#i really love this schedule#im a little scared im going to be knocked out of it because of school#i am. enjoying this little routine ice shoved myself into#i dont remember anything from last week however! hrm#hhrnnnnmmmm#sigh#my back hurts so bad#hugs my electronics. ohh how i love you. the voice youve given me the way youve changed me. kiss kiss#the people youve let me meet and the wonderful things ive seen#i love you electronics.. i love the sounds and lights you give......#so many times i hug phone to sleep. it is cute litttle box that emits lightm how could i not.#its sad that computers are thinner nowadays makes them harder to hug#but on the plus side so very easy to pick up!#you know cuddling up into a plush pile with your favorite ill electronics or objects is so nice :-)#i think i have a broken computer part in my zampanio box and i dont know whether to consider it an eye or part of brain
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jeepers-scoob · 11 months
This is not a real solution of course but I think social media (specifically video based) would be so much better without fucking comment sections. There are far too many people FAR too comfortable being assholes and bigots and spreading misinfo and a whole slew of other shit bc of them. Like I know there's a lot of stuff that contributes but I think we'd all be happier if random people couldn't put the most vile shit in the comments. And I know people can turn off comments but then all you hear is how bad it is that they did that and it also affects their reach if they are a small business so just get rid of them all together
And while this is kinda off topic it is one reason why I'm so upset about it but just bc you are disabled it does not mean you can't be ableist! Just bc you are audhd doesn't mean other audhd people are gonna have the exact same issues as you and it doesn't mean you can be shitty to them for needing different accommodations and support systems than you! If you feel 'icky' or have the need to talk about how much more capable you are than the other person when they are asking for certain types of help (or just aren't fucking masking) you are still fucking ableist and you need to work on that and/or shut the fuck up until you actually get educated on the subject! Punching down other disabled people is disgusting and amazingly doesn't make you a better person or get you an 'in' with abled people, they will toss you to the wolves just as easily as they would someone with higher support needs it just makes you a cunt😒🤷. Get Help
#text#kayla rambles#this might not make a lot of sense but im genuinely so aggravated at how awful people are#it's borderline a self harm thing for me to look at comment sections fucking knowing they are going to be vile but hoping theyre not#the most unqualified people and the loudest about certain subjects#like particularly on tiktak(sorry) theres a video going around with an audhd person asking about an accomodation for a job#and they received a awful reaction to that and again it was a simple question and they understandably got upset about how it was answered#and the amount of people of all kinds not just the boomers and older people its other young audhd people going after them is so disgusting#no one should be treated the way that person was treated for asking a simple question#and the reactions are so fucking ableist even from other disabled people bc the person wasnt masking#but the assholes hide behind their own diagnosis to justify them being shitty like well im audhd and I dont have issues with that#no shit its almost like some people have higher support needs so sorry this random person didnt react the way you would have#and it just genuinely sickens me that so many people can already see how much shit that person is taking and still continue to dog pile#And it shouldnt have to be said but just bc youre disabled it does not mean that you are automatically not ableist#figure out why someone asking a simple question and getting upset bc they were yelled at and verbally abused for it makes you so upset#and fix it bc no one you interact with should have to put up with your shitty self
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valsdelulucorner · 21 days
What if MC got turned instead of the brothers
So if you've been in the obey me fandom for a while, you should know about the event that turned them into animal boys. But what if MC was given a potion by Solomon and now they are stuck with raven wings, eyes, and tail feathers.
Of course the brothers are absolutely pissed off at Solomon because not only did he use a potion on you without your knowledge, but he made you into a demi human! But their focus was more on you now, you were freaking out. Your wings and tail feathers smack into the brothers and other objects as you try and grab at your wings, your eyesight was a lot different aswell so that made you extra confused.
It took a while but they managed to calm you down, now having you sit down on one of the sofas in the living room. Lucifer sat next to you and helped you preen your wing feathers as they got scuffed up when you were freaking out, the others were not happy about this. You were like this for 3 week but during those weeks, it wasn't to miserable as you thought it'd be.
Because you were part crow now, you started to find yourself drawn to more shiny things and little trinkets, bringing them back to your own little nest that you made out of pillows and blankets. You started to get used to your new vision but you started to feel the urge to nest, the brothers would find you in little piles of pillows and other materials around the house. once they found you making a nest around belphie and just laying on him, another time they found you using satan's books to make a nest. He wasn't the happiest about that.
One thing you didnt like was how often you had to preen your wings and tail. Lucifer did it most of the time because he also had feathers but he also taught you how to do it. Sometimes the other brothers would help you and it was a nice bonding experience with them, though it was embarrassing how many feathers you plucked when you first got the wings. With the discarded feathers, you liked to leave them places where the brothers could find them. Not in a annoying way however, more in a endearing way. If levi hadn't left his room all day, he would find a nice little message written on a sticky note stuck to his door, a raven feather stuck behind it. The little things like that
I think any of the brothers would love to have you cuddle them in one of your make shift nests, one time making a cuddle pile out of all of them while you lay ontop, your wings spread out to try and cover your treasure. Sometimes when you got tired, you just flopped against one of the brothers and wrapped your wings around them, doesn't matter what they were doing, making dinner, gaming, working on homework, live streaming, doing make up, reading books, counting grim, doing paperwork, it didn't matter.
Ok, i know this isn't the best and i know it isnt exactly like a crows mannerisms so i just leaned more into MC's human side more
This was alot of fun to write, i am doing all of your requests dont worry<3 But if you want to see something, please ask in requests
What should i do next?
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crypt-keepers-den · 9 months
A request of a tav having an abusive ex and astarion finding out. Much fluff please AHHH I LOVED YOUR LAST FIC OF ASTARION KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK
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[Astarion x reader]
warnings: Mentions of abuse and unhealthy relationship situations (swearing in this one), trauma bonding for Tav and Aster enjoy <3
The fire pit crackles as you throw another log onto the dying pile, your thoughts are swirling in a vicious tidal pool, your stomach churns, unbeknownst to you a pair of carmine eyes observe your slouched figure. "Little Love youll give yourself a hunch sitting like that", you jump at the sound of his voice, hiding your tear stained face from his view, your words muffled as you do your best to clean your face.
He admits a soft huff when you dont tease back like normal, the weight on the log seams to shift as he sits beside you, his voice is soft and carries like a leaf in the wind "sweetness whatever is the matter? youve seemed off since we left that tavern", a lump catches in your throat, of all the taverns, in all of baulders gate, why did karlach pick that one.
your ex partner had been there, you had hoped to hide from them in the back corners of the dimly lit tavern but to no avail; they sauntered up to the table like they owned the place "Tav long time no see how are you" forcing you into an all but too tight hug, the sickly sweet smile on their face as they trapped you in their arms, your anxiety and claustrophobia hit an all time high. You firmly place your hands on their chest to push yourself out of their arms, they catch one of your wrists rather roughly, definately causing bruising, a small yelp emits from your lips. You wish your camp mates had been nearby to help you out of the situation but it appeared that they were off doing their own thing in the midst of the tavern party, "you wont run off on me this time sweetheart" their grip on you is tight and unmoving, memories of your last time together flash across your mind, bruises, wounds, tears and tantrums. They were going to hurt you again, their attempt to drag you to one of the many tavern bedrooms brings you back to your senses, your fight or flight kicks in, your elbow connects with their stomach allowing you to make a break for it "YOU LITTLE SHIT" their words are drowned out by the wind howling in your ears as you continued your sprint to camp.
Astarion studies your face, your eyes look distant and your hand keeps rubbing at your wrists. "Little darling whatever happened?, you seemed so excited for your night out on the town" you dont answer, your voice faulters as fresh tears make their way down your face. In the beginning it startles him, but he can see how much your hurting, he goes to gently grab your hands to help relax you, his eyes come in contact with the purple bruise that marks your beautiful skin "Dove when did this happen? It looks fresh" His fingers press against the bruise causing you to wince, his eyes watch as your face contorts in pain and sadness "Darling i hope you know you can talk to me, like i did to you when i needed to" his fingers gently stroke your cheek, wiping away tears.
you regain your voice, but its hoarse from crying "tonight in the tavern i saw someone, someone i didnt want to see" he nods giving your hand an affectionate squeeze, you would speak in your own time and he had all of eternity to hear you out. "My...Ex partner was there" "im sensing bad blood between you" you nod before guesturing to your bruised wrist "we were together years back and we broke up because...they liked using their hand on me" Astarion's brows scrunch together as he pieces the words together "Darling are you saying they used to beat you?" he doesnt need a verbal response when he sees the pain in your eyes, now hes seething with rage; who in the right mind would hurt a sweet thing like you, the very same creature who had comforted him and offered their neck to him.
"That Bastard I'll skin them" the rise in his voice causing you to jump, astarion takes your bruised wrist, pressing soft kisses to the marked flesh "who in the right mind would damage such a wonderful work of art, a feast for the gods eyes, should they ever step within 10 foot of you again my love you tell me, you promised me that we'd hunt down cazzador and make him pay for what he did to me, now ill make a promise to you my little darling" his kisses slowly making their way up your arm before landing on your lips "i will protect you from all harm, none more will befall that beautiful mind of yours" he presses a kiss to your forehead, "come darling you look exhausted, youll sleep with me tonight, ill watch over you" he takes you to his tent and tucks you up amongst his many blankets and pillows, his fingers playing with your hair until you fall asleep, "my sweet if only you knew just how far I'd go to ensure your happiness" he presses a final kiss to your forehead before curling up with you.
He kept to his word you'd never be plagued by that ex of yours again infact no one would, ever again.
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I really hope you enjoyed this, its my first time writing for this kind of scenario <3 thank you for your request and by all means pop by again and request something else if you liked this one
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crystalandbow · 2 months
Pile 1 is beach, pile 2 is garden, pile 3 is swans. Take the reading with a grain of salt and only take what resonates 🤍
If you liked the reading, lmk! & Follow for more
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Hello pile 1👋🏻
Or should I say hello my mama bears
lol anyways let's begin!!!
The cards that you got: 2 of swords, ace of coins, the emperor and the ace of cups.
Okie so The 2 of swords really sums it up for y'all, the others cards just confirm it more. like you guys are torn between 2 options/paths/things/ whatever. Making a decision is important because It seems like this has been on your mind for some time and is bugging you ? Taking up all your mental energy/stamina. *like a vampire/jk* most of y'all already know which path you want to choose but for some reason you haven't locked in your answers is what I am feeling. And now it's time to make a decision! It might be that you are afraid for some reason, you have this fear of what if things go wrong or something like that or it might be that you are unable to make a decision because both options seem equally tempting.
I think you can choose any path because they will have decent results. The advice or call-out message is that whatever you chose to do for your situation, stick with it. Its not about the options it's about you! The reason why I called you guys mama bear is because that is how you should deal with your current situation. Chose whichever path you want, fight or flight. But stick with it! Know that what you did was absolutely okay!! You have to embody the emperor's energy (of being bold and authoritative, because it is your life, do not fall for anything that doesn't feel right )
The ace of cups tells me that you guys should make a decision using your heart ( feelings & intuition) because afterall you know what's best for you! follow your intuition/gut feeling, don't be afraid of anything YOU ARE THE EMPEROR & YOU'VE GOT IT !
Keywords: stability, bravery & action. Facing fears/oppositions, gut feeling
Ig thats it, lmk how I did and only take what resonates 🤍 have a good day/evening/night
Hello pile 2 👋🏻
Cards you got: 3 of cups, death, 2 of cups & 9 of cups
I'm getting the word "love potion" for guys, I mean we do have alot of cups *the 2,3 and nine of cups* woah! That's alot of emotions. I'm also getting the word "self acceptance" all the cards are so positive but it doesn't feel that good? Something feels heavy? And a Lil stressful yk? I think the message for you guys is opening up yourself.
Y'all might have the habit of guarding yourself, but many times sometimes you just end up over doing it, leaving you feeling sad? Y'all feel that you are different from others in a sad way and that you have to put up this "fake" self to fit in. You try to be like others / everybody around you in public and this needs to change, atleast your mindset that people won't accept you for who you are. Change is needed! Stop blaming it on other exteranl reasons. Do you even know who you actually are? Do you accept yourself? Do you love/care about yourself? Do you prioritise your needs first? Its not always others, sometimes it's our fault that we let people treat us like that! The two of cups imagery is giving me mirror energy, it looks like there's a mirror between the two peeps and they are actually the same person but also different at the same time like it's just their "other side" yk? How you view yourself, and how you let yourself be you truly. Love your inner child. Death talks about how you need to embrace all your different sides and be yourself, be unique & don't try very hard just to "fit in"
The nine of cups is here for advice and it talks about prioritising your needs first & putting yourself on the pedestal! Whether it be in romantic relationships or platonic or any relationship
Call-out message: DONT BE AFRAID TO BE YOURSELF let yourself be! Accept love, prioritise your emotional needs first!!!
Ig thats it, lmk how I did and only take what resonates 🤍 have a good day/evening/night
Hello pile 3 👋🏻
Cards you got: the strength, justice, devil & the star.
Surprisingly all major arcanas😭I really wanna know what's going on with y'all. Like what MAJOR shit is going on lmao
Anyways here's my interpretation for you guys: you guys are working hard towards some goals of yours. I'm getting the vibes that the world told you what you think or thought once upon time is unrealistic and unachieveable but to you it feels like "inner- calling". you have started working towards it and might have achieved/ overcome certain milestones and mini achievements that you should be proud about and if not then you should know that they hard work that you have put in WILL workout and you will gain the fruits for you dedication. One thing you should possibly avoid is arrogance and / or greed attachments will be different for everybody, basically avoid the temptations of the devil. Don't believe you're at the top of the world and for some it's not getting overly obsessed with results,etc. Everything will workout at the right time. The justice card over here is likely talking about getting your results. Call-out message for y'all could be to choose the path of hard work & patience instead of shortcuts and unfair means. The star card is asking you to stay optimistic regarding your work to know that it will all be worth it, you will get your answers and result just keep working hard and have pure intentions
So yeah basically, just on the right track, keeping working hard, don't fall for temptations like shortcuts, procrastination, unfair means,etc be patient and you will be good to go
Ig thats it, lmk how I did and only take what resonates 🤍 have a good day/evening/night
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katiifaetarot · 3 months
THE READING TODAY IS: What Reassurance You Need to Hear Right Now ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
-short and (mostly) sweet messages
There are 3 piles and you will be picking through the picture right below this text!!!
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✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that looks like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
PILE 1- Useful Tension
PILE 2- Both Strong and Delicate
PILE 3- Contemplate Your Gorgeousness
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING MY READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself⚠️
The pain, turmoil, obstacle(s), challenge(s), unwanted situation(s), etc-- you are going through right now; they're here to teach you how to use this lesson or difficult situation to your advantage and fully adapt to the harsh conditions being thrown at you! You cannot give up on yourself or your goals/dreams, its tough right now so you are able to utilize the lessons being taught to you at this very moment, later in life. You arent the only one going through something like this. Out of billions of people in the world, you GOT TO assume you're just another human going through another human expirence, like so many others, and yes while you may be learning different things or excelling in different places, you still are not alone pile1.
--sorry if it got harsh at the end, but i think the message of reassurance really would be to understand you are not alone so you can better assess YOUR personal situation from an objective perspective while understanding you are apart of millions IF NOT BILLIONS, of people who all go through something similar!!! So dont care so much and start utilizing this dark, negative, unwanted situation to YOUR benefit, and get yourself OUTTA THE DARK TIMES AND LOOK TOWARDS A BETTER FUTURE!!! dont get stuck in self-victimizing!!!!!
There's a VERY clear duality to you pile 2. you know how to be soft and endearing, as well as tough and strong!!! You always know where you're headed even if you theoretically "feel lost" sometimes!!!! You have an innate understanding that you are just flowing with the wind and the answers will come to you when they and YOU are ready!! So keep going KEEP FEELING and keep being your most free flowing self!!! So many surprises await your willingness to recieve and innate mighty but gentle nature. Stay Saucy and Pretty Pile 2 ;)
When was the last time you hyped yourself up pile 3? When was the last time you REALLY did a self care/self love day?? BECAUSE LET ME TELL YOOOUUU!!! YOU'RE ONE AMAZING HUMAN WHO HAS SO MUCH TO OFFER!!! YOUR ABUNDANT AURA IS JUST WAITING TO BE UNTAPPED BY YOU AND YOUR GORGEOUS SELF!!!!!!! You deserve so many good things pile 3🥺 so please dont miss out on opportunities because you lie to yourself and say you're not good enough for them or dont want to try because theres "competition."
What isnt for you, isnt for you; what is yours will come to you when you're open to receiving and willing to be in that gorgeous energy and attract!! Competition is EVERYWHERE!! so accept that and do your best!!! you got this!!!
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! That is the easiest way to supprt me. Dont forget to Follow Me on Youtube and Tiktok for messages, guidance, and advice 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
***AND REMEMBER: your own free will is always present within you; which has nothing to do with me or ANYBODY else. I am NOT responsible for YOUR choices after YOU consume my content on ANY of my platforms.
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ericsprincess · 1 year
You catch your brother's annoying best friend doing something in your room.
“....oh, and by the way, Sunwoo is coming over tonight to watch a movie,” 
You stop mid-folding a t-shirt and look at your brother in disbelief. He can’t be for real, you think. This is like the third time just this week. 
“This is like the third time just this week,” you frown at your brother that’s standing in the doorway to your bedroom. “Doesn’t he have his own place and his own roommates to annoy?” 
“Yeah, but his roommates are working on some school project, so he doesn’t want to distract and annoy them much, until they finish it,” your brother shrugs. 
“So, he’s just coming here all the time to annoy us?” you groan and throw the semi-folded t-shirt on the pile. 
“Well, he’s not annoying me. Come on, sis, he’s not that bad. He really likes you actually, you’re just so mean to him all the time,” pleads your brother. 
“Are we talking about the same Sunwoo?” you ask. “He literally just asks me the most dumb questions all the time and does things to spite me.” 
“Yeah but that’s how Sunwoo shows his affection,” your brother laughs. 
“By the greasiest overacted flirting?”
“Basically. If you saw beyond his overdone fuckboy persona you would see he’s actually really nice. He’s just playing it up in front of you, because he wants your reaction and attention,” smiles your brother. He seems to find this whole situation amusing, and this annoys you even more. 
“I find it really hard to believe it,” you frown. “But okay, he can come, but it’s your responsibility to keep him on the leash, understood?” 
“Sure thing, sis,” he shoots you finger guns. “Gotta run to school, see ya!”
“Bye..” you sigh. You really, really love your brother, but when you agreed for him to move into your spare bedroom to save up on his university costs, this is not how you imagined it. You did not expect to sign up for a 2 in 1 package, that is your brother and his annoying raccoon of a best friend, that is now the bane of your existence. The worst thing is, that Sunwoo is not even doing anything actually bad, he’s just being annoying and you never know how to react to his teasing. 
You hold up one last sock, and it’s without the pair. Seems like a deja vu, that something is missing. Great, lately it seems that the laundry machine is taking way too many sacrifices.
This is already a long day and it seems that it will never end. You left for work and now you’re sitting there, mindlessly typing on your computer and pretending to work. You want to go home so badly, but you’re not even looking forward to that much now, that you’ll have a visitor. 
I’ll just get food and stay in my bedroom, you think. But usually, that doesn’t deter Sunwoo from going to bother you under the pretense of “saying hi”. He’d just knock once and open the door without waiting for a reply, as if everything belonged to him. Maybe I should just lock the door.
DING! Your thoughts get interrupted by your phone announcing you just got a message. DING DING!
>hey sis
>i need to stay late in school because something came up
>so i just told sunwoo the door code and he’ll let himself in
>just so that you’re not surprised he’s already there
>gotta go, love you byeee
>also dont kill him pls lol
>oh for fuck’s sake
You groan. This can’t be real. 
Ugh, finally home. You angrily punch the door code and wait for the door to unlock. Immediately you kick off your shoes, fling a laptop bag away and mentally brace for greeting the awaited intruder that should be already there. 
You march into the living room, already pre-pissed off but - there is no one there. No one laying on the couch in sneakers, spilling crumbs of your snacks between the seats. No one playing the console, yelling at the game. No one drinking a beer, putting it on the table without a coaster and loudly burping. Suspicious.
Maybe he bailed, you think and your mood is already getting brighter. So you just decide to go to your room to chill. You open the door and - 
“What the fuck are you doing?!” you shriek. You’re standing in the doorway, stunned, looking at Sunwoo, who’s frozen like a deer in the headlights. As he should be, since he’s absolutely not supposed to be in your room, the one single place in your apartment he’s banished from. 
And what he’s totally absolutely not supposed to be, is standing over your opened laundry hamper, with half of its content thrown outside of it. 
“N-nothing,” he stutters and awkwardly steps away from the little mess of clothes. Interesting. This is the first time you’ve seen Sunwoo without his confidence and cockiness. His face is getting red and he’s looking genuinely nervous. 
“Nothing my ass. What are you doing in my room?” you push. 
“Nothing, really, I was not doing anything,” he anxiously shakes his head and takes a step back. You suddenly catch a glimpse of something familiar. 
“What’s in your hand?” you ask, but before he can even try denying having anything, you step forward and snatch the item he’s squeezing in his sweaty palm. You immediately recognize it. 
“Kim Sunwoo.” you growl threateningly. 
“Kim Sunwoo. So not only you impose all the time, not only you steal my food and make a mess. You even dare to go to my room? And steal my fucking panties?? AND THEN LIE ABOUT IT?” you’re furious. 
“I-i am really sorry, Y/N, please don’t kill me! Or-, or, please don’t tell Y/B/N about it,” he pleads, with big eyes and face red from embarrassment. This is not how you usually see him and you’re finding out that you’re quite liking it. He’s actually kinda cute when he looks all helpless and caught off guard. Your anger is quickly getting replaced by mischief and you decide in a split second that you’re going to have fun with it. 
“Why shouldn’t I?” you raise your eyebrow. “Why shouldn’t I tell my brother that I caught his best friend stealing my panties? What are you even stealing them for?” You have a hunch, but it will be more fun to pry this out of him. 
“I…I just…I just wanted them..” he takes a step back. You take one step forward. 
“Because…” Sunwoo looks like all he wants is for the ground to open and to swallow him whole so he doesn't have to be confronted. “...because they smell of you..” he whispers. He has nowhere to step back to, his back is touching your dresser.  
You’re so close to him your chest is barely touching him. You can feel his fast breathing and heart pounding. He’s much taller than you, but you are the one in charge in this situation and you’re almost drunk off the feeling. Especially, since it’s Kim Sunwoo, the bane of your existence, for the past few months. 
“So you’re really a pervert, aren’t you?” 
“N-no I swear I’m not!” he rushes to deny, but you can just somehow tell it’s not quite like that.
“I can feel your boner. Kim Sunwoo, you even like this, don’t you? Do you find it hot that you’ve been busted?” you accuse him. “Oh geez, my brother will be really devastated to hear that his best friend not only is a pervert, but also gets off on it.”
“Y/N, please, don’t tell him, I- I will do whatever you want! I will behave from now on, I swear!” he pleads. “I’ll return all of the other ones too, I promise!” 
“Other ones?” you’re in disbelief. You probably shouldn’t feel this way, but you’re finding it really hot that this pest which kept annoying you for a long time, is secretly so attracted to you that he resolved to steal your panties to sniff and masturbate to. It’s so disgusting and yet you’re getting wet at the mere mental image of Sunwoo holding your used panties to his face while jerking off frantically. 
“So here’s the deal,” you start. “In the exchange for my silence, you’ll do whatever I want for three months, okay?” 
“Okay, okay, deal, thank you,” he nods desperately. He’s looking all pathetic, with a red face, almost watering eyes and with a boner tenting his pants. You’re so wet and it gives you the worst idea.
“We can start now,” you step away from him and lie down on your bed, bending your legs at the knees, feet at the edge of the bed, your skirt falling back, exposing your legs and underwear. 
Sunwoo looks frozen.
“Come here,” you scoff and he snaps out of it and rushes to you. He kneels on the ground in front of your bed and hesitantly reaches out, but it’s like he’s not actually sure if he can touch you. 
You roll your eyes and pull off your panties yourself. “What are you waiting for? A written invitation?” 
“Sorry, sorry,” he hurries with an apology and puts his face between your legs immediately. He starts eating you out eagerly, whispering “Thank you, thank you”. 
He’s surprisingly not bad at it. He doesn’t seem to be too experienced, but what he lacks in experience, makes up for in enthusiasm. It’s almost like he’s making out with your pussy. 
He’s slowly licking over your folds, gently sucking on your clit, his tongue is hot, wet and feels so good. He’s slowly building up the intensity and it feels so good, you can’t help but moan a little, even though you’re really trying not to. 
Sunwoo looks like he’s enjoying himself too, with one of his hands rubbing over his clothed cock, and you have half a mind to mock him for it, if only making a coherent sentence wouldn't be so difficult right now. 
You’re getting close, with his tongue flicking over your clit, but you decide you don’t want to come like that. You grab him by his hair and tear his head away from your pussy. He whines about it and makes an attempt to get back to licking you, but you’re holding him too firmly. He must be in pain, but he doesn’t seem to care about that. 
“Come up and fuck me, before I kick you out,” you let his hair go. He seems surprised, but not wanting to anger you further, he quickly takes off his pants and underwear, while you move up higher on the bed. He joins you on the bed and you’re not wasting time, grabbing his hard cock and pulling him close to you. He whimpers in pain, but complies immediately and pushes inside your pussy. He’s hovering on top of you and it seems like he’s not daring to move yet. Actually, his face is getting closer and all of the alarms in your head start ringing. 
Oh shit, you wonder, he wants to kiss me. Your hand quickly flies up and you grab him by his jaw to stop him. You blindly pat with your other hand on the bed quickly, until you find what you’re looking for - your discarded panties. You ball them up and stuff them into his mouth. 
“Don’t get stupid ideas, Sunwoo,” you say. “If you want more of the taste, this is the only thing you’re going to get now.” you warn him and to get him to move you slightly kick him with your heel. 
He gets the hint and starts fucking you immediately, already with a fast tempo. It’s clear neither of you is going to last long. But you have to admit he feels really good. It’s just a passing thought, as you are staring at his blushed face, with your panties stuffed into his mouth and his eyes glossy, but you already know you’re going to make the most out of this “deal”. The thought of having Sunwoo as your plaything for three months is so arousing, that it’s what gets you to come, while he’s fucking into you.
Your squirming and moaning is so strong, you almost throw him off yourself, but he has enough presence of mind to hold you tightly, while he fucks into you fast and hard. Not before long he’s cumming into you, eyes close and whimpering. You can feel his cock pulsate in you and you squeeze him closer to you with your legs, so you can feel it even better. 
He spits out the panties and snuggles a little into your neck as he’s catching his breath and you graciously give him a few seconds of this before you’re kicking him off you. 
You’re both a mess - half-undressed, sweaty and disheveled. You throw him his clothes. “Put it back on.” He does and just awkwardly stands, obviously not sure what to do now. 
“We’re done here…for now. You should go to the living room to wait for my brother and I really hope I won’t see or hear you anymore tonight, so you better behave. And if I catch you in my room again, the deal is off and I’m telling everything, understood?” you threaten. 
He nods and hesitantly goes to leave. He’s actually really cute, when he’s all obedient, you wonder. It melts your heart a tiny bit. You probably shouldn’t like it so much. 
“Hey Sunwoo?” you call after him. He turns back. 
“You forgot something,” you smirk and throw your panties at him. He catches them and looks at you, confused. 
“Put them into good use, until I see you next time, would you?” 
He looks completely embarrassed, but nonetheless he stuffs the panties into his pocket and literally runs out of your room, while you laugh at him. 
Best deal of my life, you think and head to the shower. 
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markiemelon · 7 months
hii! i just found out about your blog! i wanted to request something but i also wanted to compliment your work! you have the writing style that pulls me in so that i really read the story word for word (most of the time i just skim through the entire fic to just get to the ending lol) so thank you for existing and writing these stories. they feel like a big hug! keep up the good work, i will definetly read your work in the future and catch up on your other work that i havent gotten to yet!
as for my request haha, i was wondering if you could write for jeno? im a sucker for soft jeno, but i cant really find anything that isnt wayyy too cringey. tbh soft jeno is very rare i feel like *sobs*
like, jeno is a really cold boyfriend who doesnt really show his affection, and even when he does, he doesnt admit it. for example, when he prepares a gift for you, he puts it in a place where a lot of people can access, so that you dont know that its him. haha and then when you ask him abt it, he pretends he has no idea what ur talking abt.
the only time that jeno is soft and cuddly is when ur abt to sleep or when hes sleepy.
can u js write abt jeno being exceptionally cuddly one day in bed, and the reader is really surprised?
also maybe jeno confesses abt sweet things hes done for reader in the past?
if ur not interested, please ignore! i know i wrote a lot haha, sorry.
@dungiewungie you are the sweetest. im so flattered. thank you for reading my stories!!!! thank youuu!!! so much!!!!! ♡ ♡ ♡
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☆ genre. flufffff + no warnings
☆ pairings. jeno x gn!reader
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{11:55 pm ~ ♡}
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you and jeno didn’t live together, but somehow he always found a way back to your place. he loved staying with you. he loved the way that the pillows smelled of your shampoo and how your perfume lingered on the silky sheets…
side by side, you and jeno lied in your bed, heads sunken into your pillows.
“yn, why do you have so many pillows? we can barely fit on this bed.”
he was right, you did have way too many pillows, but you liked piling them up and burring yourself to feel cozy.
he tried to throw some off to the side of the bed but you wouldn’t let him. “noo. i need all of them.”
jeno rolled his eyes and pretended to act annoyed. he shuffled around a bit to get comfortable despite drowning in the fluffiness around him. the two of you lied in silence for a moment.
“talk to me.” he said.
“talk to you?” you answered.
“yeah. it helps me sleep.” his voice was quiet.
your lips stretched past your teeth as you thought of all the things you could talk to jeno about. you figured now would be the perfect time to confront him about something since he couldn’t really go anywhere...
“remember that time you got jealous when my secret admirer sent me flowers?”
“yeah… “ he said shyly. “also..i gave you those flowers.” he confessed, a bit hesitantly. “that was before we started dating so i was kind of embarrassed.” jeno rubbed the nape of his neck.
he avoided looking at you; he was just too flustered to.
hearing that made your cheeks light up. “jenooooooo!” you wanted to give him the biggest hug, but you knew he hated your cuteness aggression. so you just told him how adorable he was, and went back to drifting off to sleep…
“yn. come here.”
your head perked up as you gladly placed yourself the closest you could to jeno while still lying side-by-side.
“no” he said, “here.”
jeno put his arm around your back, and pulled your head to rest on top of his chest. “i meant here.”
you didn’t say anything, you just giggled to yourself as you thought about how funny it was that out of all the pillows you had to choose from, he was the softest one.
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thank you thank youuu for requesting! i haven’t had much time to write so I’m sorry this took soooo long. i really hope you like it ♡
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n3xii · 6 months
why you're an icon (pac)
maybe a year ago i started (but did not finish) a series where I did posts describing why you're an icon. Today I plan on continuing that- this reading will describe why people are drawn to you and what they love most about you. today's muse is Fairouz, also spelled Fayrouz, Fairuz in English. Her name in Lebanese (hopefully pls correct if mistranslated <3) :  فيروز, check out my services if you're interested in a personal reading : services
Fairouz is one of the most famous Lebanese singers and is considered today to be a major icon in the Arab world. Listening to her is my gateway to middle eastern music especially arabic pop in the 60's and 70's. One of my favorite things about her is the way she performed, according to her Wikipedia page she would be known to take a rigid, cold stance while performing. She claimed that the nature of her performances is because she is singing as if she were praying. a user on Pinterest called her the middle eastern lana del rey and i will never recover. anyways, select your pile and I will have a song by the queen for you to listen to.
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cards: king of cups, queen of wands, 6 of cups, mars in pisces
song: Fayek Ya Hawa
you're a captivating, magnetic person. You have a way of capturing your passion with a almost childlike wonder, you remind people of what it's like to be a kid again and to just love something from the bottom of your heart. You have an ability to channel complex emotions from such a poetic perspective, you have this ability to channel your inner child when it comes to what you're passionate about. you possess a borderline psychic ability to portray emotions especially though creativity, you communicate things in such a way that it just resonates with so many people.
with the mars in Pisces card, this tells me that you are someone dedicated to understanding, empathizing and connecting with people. you have an unlimited range of creativity and a very developed imagination. you have such a way of wanting to help people feel understood, you're strongly motivated to act based on how you feel and as well as how other people feel. this motivation may even be self sacrificing at times. people love that you have a boundless sense of empathy. you dont withhold sympathy for anyone, you have the capability to connect with people regardless of who they are or how far they are from you.
your cards- mars in leo, the emperor, two of swords
song: Sayyef ya sayf
you carry of confidence that demands power. You make decisions with certainty that regardless of what you do, you will always end up exactly where you need to be. People love that you're not the type to listen to other people, you drown out the voices of people trying to distract you and challenge the inner strength you have.
You have the tendency to take over and lead, and even if you arent aware of it, you influence people around you. the influence you have over the people in your life cannot be understated. you thrive when you are able to direct others. in fact you presence and personality type may be ''overbearing'' for some people, you're just not the type to shy away from expressing yourself and taking the lead. to some that may be perceived as confrontational and overpowering but many people actually love that you weren't born to be a follower.
people like you just know how to get things done. you excel at everything you do and take pride in your work. people love your ''ego'' and confidence. you're not afraid to overshine people. besides, its not your fault that people dim their own light.
your cards: mars in taurus, page of cups and justice
song: Saalouny el nas
first of all, this pile has a clear foundation of right and wrong and you're willing to stand on that no matter what. people love that you're almost stubborn about what you believe. you're willing to go and fight for it and defend yourself against anyone.
but at the same time, this pile is very emotional and sensitive. your morals come straight from your heart. You're raw and vulnerable and you're willing to protect your heart more than anything else in this world. Sensitivity is seen as a weakness, but for you its your number one strength. its the quality that makes you willing to fend for yourself and other people. I knew someone like this in real life- upon first meeting her you might assume she was intimidating, scary, and even mean. but i watched this girl be brought to tears at the sound of a baby crying, I watched her fight against people who were stealing, I watched her loose her temper over anything that she felt disrespected her and her friends. By no means was she considered weak; she was vulnerable about what upset her, she was vulnerable about her mental health issues, and that made her strong and intimidating to people. it made me respect her more than anyone in my life. if you fucked with her, you were the one who ended up suffering. that's who this pile reminds me of.
I also feel that this pile is strongly motivated by their taste in fashion and luxury, people love your taste and its one of the things they remember about you.
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thecherrytarot · 8 months
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲.
pick a line to read a channeled message from your person.
listen to : like crazy by park jimin
pile 1 "I think we could last forever"
pile 2 "I'm afraid that everything will disappear"
pile 3 "Just trust me"
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏 "𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫"
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐 "𝐈'𝐦 𝐚𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫"
if you felt drawn to pile 3 make sure to check it out as well!
"hey there! don't you know it? I'm the one for you, your lover, your other half, your reflection, your king. I will come to save you, I know this sounds so filmy and cheesy but I will come and save you from that locked tower that feels like is always on fire, don't worry I won't let those flames hurt you ever again. I'll help you with every single thing you worry about and fix them for you, oh wait you don't want me do to that? Alright, I understand that you need to grow on your own but I will help you cause that's what friends and lovers do. They help the people that they care about. Don't feel afraid that you might fall back down through this journey, I'm right behind you, I'll catch you. Let's go ride bicycles and don't worry I'll teach you how to do that properly. My friends call me a simp and say that I am down bad for you they are correct about that no lie but they are wrong about how 'cold' you are towards them. They do not know you as I do, they do not know that you just have your guard up but because you have doubts about trusting your gut instinct, they don't know about your anxiety or how shaky your hands get when talking to strangers but fear not I am here, I'll rub your hands when they shiver, ill do the talking and encourage you to do that, I know you don't feel confident about the language that I speak but dont worry ill help you with that too and im good at correcting peoples grammar lol. Something about our connection makes me feel that this was meant to be, the decisions we made were made for us to meet that day or in your words 'god brought us together as a blessing and an apology for the things that we went through.'"
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑 "𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞"
i feel like many of you thought of your crush/ partner instead of your future spouse, then take however it resonates.
"I have so much to say, you are my favourite topic and also cause I have ADHD and I get hyperactive very easily. Anyway, I feel like you doubt our connection, you doubt if I am the one for you or are you the one for me and heck I even think you were doubting if this pile was for you aha got you, sorry I love teasing you and bothering you, you are just so cute and I love it when your eyes get big when you are surprised because of me, are they big now hehe let me take a picture fake clicking noises see? this is what happens when you date an introvert lol anyway back to the message I have so many doubts, they are filling my head and I can't sleep because of them no no don't worry they aren't always negative they are random but not the point sorry I keep getting distracted but what is the rating of this cause sometimes my thoughts get wild iykwim. I love the way you care for me, ask me in your sweet voice if I slept well or not and when I say no, I love how you let me rest my head on your chest and play with my hair cause you know that relaxes me. I had the best naps of my life in your arms. Please don't leave me, I am afraid that you will someday and I won't get to marry you as I have planned and no i don't wanna marry my games i want to marry you (not my games lol) sometimes i wonder if you feel like this too, these doubts of overthinking and our possible marriage. i feel like you do, so let's hopefully meet and talk about this topic and get it out of our system cause a little birdie told me that it helps."
" 'Just trust me' what a beautiful line, that's me saying that to you just trust me also look for pile 1, there are also messages for us there. I am a mess. I am losing my courage please come find me. I don't know what to do, I thought I would be fine but I am not. I have everything I wanted but this emptiness…it doesn't go away. I have been lonely for so long that I thought I would get used to it but I am not. I don't mind being alone but I mind not having someone to share my happiness, my sadness, my random fun facts, or just anything. I want to have my own family with you and maybe even kids but at the same time, I am afraid. I am so scared that our kids will end up like me and I don't want that to happen, I want our kids to love me and I want them to talk to me about their lives too, I had to cut off contact with my folks and I will never be able to live myself if our kids do the same with me. I am sorry I know I'm only talking about myself when this is supposed to be about you but what can I do? now that I have a chance to talk I'll say what I want to say in real life but am too scared to do so. When I am with you, you are all I can think of. I forget about my worries, my problems and these thoughts and just focus on you explaining something new that you learned today, it is so cute that you get so eager to tell me about it and I love it so much when you say things like 'oh i thought of you when i read/saw this and couldn't wait to tell you about it' it makes me feel so many things and i have never felt so happy. But when you leave those dark thoughts come back to me and haunt me. I feel scared to show you this part of me, you have an image of me being stable in your head and I don't want to taint it by showing you signs of weakness, I was never allowed to do that was i was young. I am sure you are aware that i struggle with my own shit, and i love that you don't force me to open up and patiently wait for me to do so cause you don't like it either when people force you to talk about your problems. Don't worry that day will come sooner than you think and our love will only grow stronger just trust me"
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weirdmageddon · 9 months
I'm taking the plunge because why not:
What are some headcanons regarding small, silly things that happened during the 3 year trips on the Golden Yard and Meteor?
oh lets go i love this sort of ask. no meteor crew stuff sorry im kinda tired but
on the prospitian ship:
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the crocodiles are never recovering from that shit bro. un-stonks
alchemizing sessions. probably with mundane household devices like toothbrushes or something. patterned toilet paper. davesprite absolutely remakes the sbahjifier for himself but i think he also likes to hand draw them from time to time. also john and jade alchemizing bathing suits and going swimming on lolar and hanging with the turtles. casey can come too. floaties on casey
the sbahj canon diverges. so many sbahj in-jokes exclusive to the prospitian ship. unfortunately the retcon make it so none of this ever happens :(
he’d never say it but davesprite likes it when john and jade fall asleep on him doing whatever, it makes his presence feel wanted and appreciated by the people he sacrificed his self and humanhood for good for. sorry for immediately going into davesprite but good god is he tragic. oh yeah heres more. he’s still part dave and shares the same history with john and jade that alpha timeline dave does. john gave him his shades on his 13th birthday in december 2008, he sent john the con air bunny and jade a physical copy of sbahj as furries in the mail. he is identical to alpha dave in relation to his friends before the timeline splits off. dont forget that 4/13/2009 was also his first time meeting his online friends john and jade in person, even after 4 months chronologically of sburb grinding—nearly a year with all the time shenanigans—and going back to day 1, since john and jade were dead in his timeline
tries not to cry cries anyway but only when he knows theyre asleep. pov when the weight of everything suddenly hits you (you are an emotionally repressed 14 year old)
also because he’s fucking fluffy and absolutely knows it and probably thinks to himself “yeah this is the best possible use for these otherwise pointless breast feathers” and yall already know he craves cloth mother plus probably has nesting instincts
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adding on to that also i think people forget sprites are actually fucking LONG and his wingspan is fucking huge he could be a pillow and a blanket at the same time
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i wrote davesprite jade cuddles and john thinking about mushrooms and davesprite thinking about how they contribute to the ecnonony
^ john toked too hard on the lowas mushrooms by accident one time
it feels like pajama parties would be a common occurence just the vibes im getting. literally jade is seen sitting on a pile of squiddles and theres plushies fucking everywhere you know they got up to plushie mayhem. do you think they ever alchemized them. look how lived in that room is they all contributed something
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jade resumes gardening :) but theres no sun :( but she alchemizes some plastic plants :D but its not the same :(
canonically the imps in johns house just gave up tormenting him and started hanging out and having snacks on movie night
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imagine looking up into the sky and seeing a giant casey the size of a planet sleep. jade resizes stuff for fun like this just to introduce some novelty to their lives
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this is something
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davesprite has beavis and butthead do america (1996) in his collection somewhere in his apartment on lohac
yall theyre watching johns fuckin spongebob dvd box collection. you KNOW john owns the spongebob squarepants movie (2004). and the best thing is it brings all of them together without any of them objecting. they all love spongebob
when the episode jellyfish jam comes on johns like “wow, pretty much this exact scenario happened to me with the imps.” (arthur flashback sfx)
DAVESPRITE: yeah well you didnt have a giant sound system did you
jade warps dave’s bro’s sound system from lohac and sizes it up. they put on stadium rave and the entire fucking house shakes
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blackdragoness · 7 months
Do you give off ALCOHOLIC vibes, CRACKHEAD energy, OR STONER vibes?
**THIS IS PURELY FOR ENTERTAINMENT** I am not calling any of you addicts. Its just a game to have fun so just enjoy it for what it is: ENTERTAINMENT. I am not a professional and the advice given is based off my own personal experience with these addictions. I share what helped me free myself from these vices but I strongly recommend speaking with a professional that can help you better. Without further ado....
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If you chose pile 1, the vice that best describes your personality is:
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**** DISCLAIMER: I am not insinuating that you smoke alot of pot, even if that's true haha. I am not your doctor, pastor, therapist, parent, sibling, boss, the police, your parole officer, NONE OF THAT. So I dont care what you do on your own time. I am not condoning those actions either but at the same time, it’s your life and you can do whatever you want with it.****
Regardless of your personal choices, this is what it says about your personality:
Laid-back, chill AF – almost too laid back it can sometimes be mistaken for laziness – but at the same time, a lot of you reading this probably are lazy and already know that. Its not a roast, I’m just affirming what you already know LOL. Big couch potato energy. Very laxed. As contradictory as it sounds, this is actually why people become addicted to your energy. There isn’t a lot of people who have the chill factor that you have and being around you is like a break from the hustle and bustle of life.
The cool kid – the IT Boy/Girl. Everything you do is effortless
Iconic – does your own thing & known for not following the crowd
You guys have a mind of your own!
Unbothered – it is very hard to ruffle your feathers or get a reaction out of you. It is both an admirable and irritable trait depending on who you’re talking to. If not, you may just react to things very slowly and may find yourself hot and bothered after the fact
Very easy going and easy to talk to – you can chop it up with almost all personalities because you are very relatable and relaxed.
CLASS CLOWN VIBES - you may not take things too seriously and can find humor in anything! You say some funny shit man, and you aren’t even trying to be funny.
Very witty and intelligent
You can hold a conversation with a variety of people. Whether its small talk or deep intellectual conversations.
People remember you for the conversations that they have with you and the energy that you bring to the conversation. You may not even realize the effect your words or energy have on people but it lingers on their mind and energy long after you have gone away. All a person needs is one “hit” of your energy.
Might be apart of the “woke” culture or many people would describe you as being “woke”
May be labeled an overthinker, borderline paranoid but also a very critical thinker. You may think about things that most people don’t think about. It may shock others how much you know about a variety of topics  
Very grounded and rooted in whatever it is that you do.
Natural beauties and very natural bodies.
Hippy vibes
You have a reputation for always being in a good mood and always being happy for no reason. Its very rare that you are in a bad mood. It doesn’t mean that you don’t have those days. You just know how to guard your emotions and only let a small number of trusted people see your vulnerable side.
Y’all are A VIBE. Periodt. Point. Blank.
You can vibe with a crowd AND you can vibe all on your own. You could be both introverted and extroverted depending on your mood. Sometimes you might be in a corner on your own doing your own thing, other times you’re mingling with a variety of different people. Just depends on your mood.
You probably have lots of conversations with your self all the time. People might think you’re a little weird for that but you might find it funny
Very unique and one of a kind
You might have your own distinct smell. Maybe you have a certain perfume/cologne that you use all the time that people know you for. OR maybe you just stink and smell like body odor. It can be either one of those two extremes LOL (Smokers LOVE the smell of weed, nonsmokers tend to strongly DESPISE the smell of weed so it goes both ways. Don’t shoot the messenger HAHA)
May have a love for music or be very musically inclined
Lyricist, journalist, writer/author - may be very good at articulating your thoughts and emotions but you may mumble or speak softly.
Every moment with you is a HIGH moment – by “high”, I mean when people see you, even if the interaction is short, its most often the HIGHlight of peoples day.
Everyones BUDdy
Wall FLOWER vibes
May be looked at as slightly ditzy
Tap into your creativity more. This pile has the creative abilities, if improved and mastered, can be monetized on greatly.
Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and to stand out.
If you struggle with overthinking, it means you aren’t taking enough action. Start moving and putting your amazing thoughts into action so you can manifest the life you dream about all the time. Mistakes are inevitable and part of the growing process so don’t be afraid to make mistakes or make a fool out of yourself. That’s how you learn. The longer you sit on your ideas, the easier it is for doubtful thoughts to creep in which in turn will stop you from taking any type of action. It is time to take action and slow down the voices in your head telling you that you aren’t enough.
Believe in yourself more and learn to love yourself for all your flaws. Your biggest critic and your biggest competition should always be yourself so build yourself up more. Quit the negative self talk. Critique yourself towards improvement but not to the point of giving up. You’re more than you give yourself credit for.
Be more comfortable speaking your mind in the moment instead of bottling everything up all the time. You only end up beating yourself up in the end and it slows down your progress.
If you are addicted to the drug, my advice is to take a break from it for a bit so you can start being active again in your own life. You don't have to quit cold turkey. Take it one day at a time but the wheels will start moving for you soon as you make that change. Too much of anything, even if it's good for you, can eventually start to work against you. But it's your life. If you can find that balance while still keeping it in your life, more power to ya! 😊
If you chose pile 2, the vice that best describes your personality is:
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**** DISCLAIMER: I am not insinuating that you drink a lot of alcohol, even if that's true haha. I am not your doctor, pastor, therapist, parent, sibling, boss, the police, your parole officer, NONE OF THAT. So I don’t care what you do on your own time. I am not condoning those actions either but at the same time, it’s your life and you can do whatever you want with it.****
Regardless of your personal choices, this is what it says about your personality:
Very energetic and MAFANA (pronounced “mah-fah-nah” meaning “heated” in the Tongan language). You might always be MAFANA and ready to do anything at any moment. Also you might literally be MAFANA in body temperature. Might have a warmer body temperature or may always be hot even in colder temperatures. May enjoy very hot showers as well.
Extremely physically attractive. Sexy and sultry type of aesthetic
Very seductive mannerisms and voice
Very spontaneous and slightly chaotic
You might speak in slang a lot – doesn’t matter the slang, but you have your own way of speaking
People would probably describe you as being very bold and confident. You aren’t afraid to say what’s on your mind and you don’t care who hears.
True to yourself
Very genuine and authentic in all your interactions
You’re probably sociable and outgoing
Extremely outgoing – very rarely are you ever alone. You always have a crowd of people surrounding you or with you.
You have your own unique sense of style and fashion taste. People know and recognize you for your fashion sense. It’s just very……YOU.
Brutally honest but honest nonetheless – people may avoid you because of how honest you can be. But people know when they really need an honest opinion, you are the first person to come to mind.
People may describe you as having multiple personalities. It can be both a good thing or a bad thing depending on who you are talking to. One things for sure, getting to know you is NEVER a bore.
Never a dull moment when you are around
You are the person everyone hopes to see at an event or a party because they know it will be a fun time if you are around.
Very confident – ALPHA vibes – BOSS energy
You may be everyone’s “go-to” person when they need to vent or get things off their chest. Interacting with you is like a glass of wine at the end of a really rough day. If it was a really tough day, you’re more like 3 shots of Henney instead of wine, lets be honest.
You have a “numbing” effect on people – interacting with you is like nothing else matters but the present moment. You’re a very rare type of person
You are the person to impress! Every room you walk into and every person you interact with, you are the center of attention & people will do anything to get your attention praise, & validation.
Not only are you the person to impress, you are also a very impressive person. You impress through your looks, your skills, your intellect, etc – ALL AROUND impressive
You are very expressive, blunt, and outspoken. You say whatever is at the top of your mind and react to everything based off of your emotions in the moment.
May at times be very moody
Night owls
Kareoke King/Queen
No one ever knows what to expect with you. You keep everyone on their toes
Maybe a bit clumsy and silly but thats why people love your energy. Its giving "overgrown child" vibes and its refreshing.
You help heal alot of peoples inner child just by being yourself. You bring that young vibe to any occasion.
Take more time for yourself and away from the noise and the audience. I sense that you don’t enjoy being alone because that is when the dark thoughts creep in. Maybe you dislike feeling lonely. Get more comfortable with being on your own and in your own energy. Sort out those dark thoughts. Try to figure out where the darkness originated from and learn to heal it. It will improve your social interactions greatly.
Learn to enjoy silence. A lot of positive ideas, peace, and self discovery can be found in the silence.
Your greatest strength is your outspokenness. However, by remaining silent, you can avoid a lot of regret for yourself. You can also learn a lot about others simply by listening and remaining silent. Stay outspoken, but add silence into your personality every now and then to bring more balance to your character
SLOW DOWN - in all areas! Speak slower, walk slower, think slower, react slower, develop relationships slower, etc. You may start many things very quickly and burn out just as fast. Learn to pace yourself and develop your mental/physical stamina
If you are addicted to the alcohol, my advice would be to find a healthier hobby to substitute that vice. Exercise helps with regulating your emotions as well as a healthy eating plan. Get more sleep and start journaling. Having an outlet to really pour out your emotions will keep you from pouring another cup. Take it one day at a time, but the wheels will start rolling for you once you make that change. But it's your life, do as you please! If you can find that balance in your life, more power to ya!
If you chose pile 1, the vice that best describes your personality is:
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**** DISCLAIMER: I am not insinuating that you’re a meth/coke head, even if that's true haha. I am not your doctor, pastor, therapist, parent, sibling, boss, the police, your parole officer, NONE OF THAT. So I dont care what you do on your own time. I am not condoning those actions either but its your life and you can do whatever you want with it.****
Regardless of your personal choices, this is what it says about your personality:
The most energetic of all the piles
CEO/Supervisor energy
Very focused and determined to accomplish anything you set your mind to. You are willing to start things over as many times as you need until you get it right.
You may have an addictive personality but also others may find your personality very addicting as well. Once someone has tasted your energy, its very hard to shake you.
People may become very obsessed with you. You circle peoples minds multiple times a day. They just cant figure you out. You may also be very obsessive and possessive yourself.
FOCUSED. FOCUSED. FOCUSED, Extremely focused individuals. Your focus is probably your most admirable trait.
As focused as you are, you are also probably a very great multitasker
Entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs in the making. You may be very business minded
You are usually always 10 steps ahead of the game. You see all sides and make very calculated moves based off of your observations.
Very observant individuals. You probably notice and remember the tiniest details about people and you know how to make people feel really special in every interaction with you. People don’t expect you to remember certain things they’ve mentioned or worn, but when you bring it up to them long after the fact, you really make people feel SEEN & HEARD. This makes you more trustworthy in their eyes.
May be accused of being narcissistic but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. You may have been a victim to narcissistic abuse in the past so you’ve learned the ins and outs of all the mind games being played. So when someone uses a mind game on you, you flip it back on them and then they have the audacity to call YOU the narcissist. It has become your tool for self defense but also agitates those on the receiving end of your narcissism. To put it into perspective, most super heros and world leaders are narcissistic because they need to be. If not, they would get chewed up and spit out by the world and wouldn’t last a day in their position. If they wanna call you a narcissist because you refuse to adopt their mindset or their perspective, then so be it! Accept the title and keep it pushing. Remain true to yourself.
Very self-reliant and reliable. You conquer every task and assignment thrown at you and you do an amazing job at it in a very time efficient manner. People may try to discredit you or say you couldn’t have done it all by yourself but the proof is in the pudding darling. In reality, these folks are just projecting their own insecurities on to you because we all know, if they were in your position, there is no way they could have done that on their own. No one can deny your workmanship because you prove it time and time again.
Lone wolf vibes. You may not have many friends or you may not be open to inviting new people into your circle. “NO NEW FRIENDS” vibes
You probably have a sturdy set of friends and you’ve known them for a long time.
Very secretive and private. You may enjoy your privacy and may tend to keep a lot of your life hidden from the public eye.
Very protective of your energy and your space.
May have a lot of people who constantly have an opinion on your life. You do a great job at blocking them and their noise out of the way and continuing to push along.
STRONG STAMINA – yall can last for a lonnnngggg time (however you interpret that LOL)
Great debater – if someone wants to come at you sideways, they better come prepared with their arguments because going against you isn’t easy. You know yourself, you know your facts and you know what happened. Barely nothing gets past you.
Out of all the piles, this pile has the most haters. I don’t know why and neither do you. You must be someone of significance to have this many haters. You represent PRESSURE and people feel that energy as soon as you walk into the room. This is a compliment for you but a threat to your haters. No one wants to feel pressured to improve. You don’t try to apply pressure. You just ARE pressure.
You cant be tamed. Very hard to lock down and hard to pin down.
Misjudged and misunderstood but never stops remaining true to yourself. Let the haters do their thing but keep doing you booboo.
Diamond in the rough
Might wear a lot of jewelry or you should wear more jewelry but this is something people notice about you. Maybe you have tons of jewelry or you have a piece of jewelry that people remember you for. If not, I suggest wearing more jewelry because it looks great on you.
Learn to handle the pressure that comes your way. You attract what you put out there and unfortunately, this is one of those things that is out of your control. People feel pressured when you are around therefore, you may feel as though pressure is constantly being applied to you. Don’t sweat it. These experiences are to show you how strong your character truly is but you must remain true to who you are if you want it to work in your favor.
Its okay to be more open and available to others. You can still maintain your strong boundaries but you don’t have to shut the entire world out. Remain open!
Keeping an open mind may also be helpful for you. Not everything will play out the way you envisioned it in your brain so keep an open mind so you can solve your problems as they arise.
Take some time to relax. You give off very strong workaholic vibes and sometimes you can overwork yourself to exhaustion. Give your body the rest it needs through sleep. Remember to eat throughout the day and fill your body up with the nutrients it needs to keep you going and alert for your various tasks. Go outside and enjoy the outdoors. Take time to care for yourself.
 Learn to lighten up a little. Your laser focus can sometimes make you too serious to be around. Laugh a little. Smile more. Let loose. Enjoy the life in front of you. Balance out your work and play and you’ll find your life is more enjoyable that way.
If you are addicted to the drug, my advice would be to invest in yourself more. You won't have the money to spend on drugs if you throw your money into something that will benefit you more in the long run. Take a class to build on a skill you already have, sign up for a committee, give yourself responsibility and bring purpose back into your life. But start small. Learn to depend on yourself and hold yourself up before trying to overextend yourself for others. Too much responsibility is probably what got you to this point or maybe it was the lack thereof. Whatever the case be, you need to love on yourself more & know that you are more than enough. The wheels will start moving for you once you make that change and the clarity that follows will bring you immense joy.
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rainstops · 8 months
pen meets paper, head meets pillow
alhaitham x gn!reader
summary: you overwork yourself, but you really had to get a good grade on this test. clearly alhaitham cared more about your wellbeing than you did yourself.
a/n: based on true events!! minus the fact that i have a boyfriend to take care of me
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It was late, yet you were unsure of how late exactly. not like it mattered to you anyways. all that mattered was that test tomorrow.
being a student, has often left you feeling dumb. especially around most of your friends who immediately understood any topic. your grades were average at best, and you could not let them drop by any chance. sure you were good at a lot of things, that a lot of people were not good at, but why could you just not get better grades? no matter how hard you tried, how much you believed you finally understood the current topic on hand, you were never pleasently surprised.
thats why you were grateful for your boyfriend. even if sometimes, people made you feel stupid, alhaitham has never made you feel that way. quite the oposite - whenever you needed it, he was more than happy to help you and explain anything you needed to know.
he was just in the room right next to yours, but you couldnt ask him for help. it was the middle of the night and he was sleeping.
just a little more you thought.
just another hour or two and then-
"hey why arent you in bed", alhaitham was standing behind you, hair messy and a sleepy yet concerned expression resting on his face. seeing alhaitham worries or concerned, was pretty new to you. sure sometimes he was worried about things, but never did he really let it show.
"i have a test tomorrow", you replied, as if that explained why you were disregarding how tired your brain and your body were. you were neglecting your health, and alhaitham seemed to be more aware of it than you were. "so? you need to sleep [name]. a test isnt nearly as important as your health", alhaitham looked down at what you were writing. papers were spread all over your desk, messy notes, graphs, pictures and at least two books. or maybe three. you couldnt really tell under the mess.
but alhaitham realy grew concerned when he saw your face. your eyes were sleepy as never before, and as equally teary. why you were crying, you didnt even know yourself. maybe it was because you were tired, or maybe because you didnt really understand the topic.
without another word alhaitham started cleaning up your desk, collecting the papers and put them into a neat pile on the side of your desk.
"hey- wait im not done-", alhaitham did in fact not stop. he continued closing the books and collecting all the pencils you had used.
as much as you wanted to protest, as much as you wanted to tell him that you needed to study more, you knew he wouldnt hear it. and surely you were also too tired to actually do anything against it.
"alhaitham i cant fail this test, i need to get at least a C. if i dont-"
"if you dont go to sleep youre not going to get even a C, because your brain wont have enough rest, and youre not going to get a good grade no matter how much you study", alhaitham didnt want to hear what you were going to say. maybe if he wouldnt have cut you off, he wouldve never heard the end of it.
"come on, go to sleep", reluctantly, you got up from your chair, and alhaitham took you by the hand, to lead you to your bedroom.
when he turned to look at you, you were rubbing your sleepy eyes. even when you were tired, you were just so cute, alhaithams heart skipped a beat. and he was so glad he was there - he didnt even dare to think how many times you had put yourself through this while he wasnt there.
you layed down on your soft bed, and under the cold sheets, but alhaithams warm body made up for the weird feeling off the cold against your skin. his arms wrapped around your waist, and he somewhat burried his face in your shoulder.
a few minutes had passed, in comfortable silence and just listening to each others soft breaths and heartbeats.
"[name], please dont overwork yourself like that. its not good for you", you were already asleep when he said that.
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a/n: storytime,, today i collapsed in school because i overworked myself for a test... i fucked up the test anyways...
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first-edition · 4 months
Fox and the Hound
Sum-Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Cw for chapter- Animal death (graphic), mention of vomit, 18+ words and themes overall. Slight angst.
Previous chapter here
Slightly proof read sorry for any errors
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Sandor huffs sitting in the corner as far away from the fire as possible.  
“Come on clegane warm up will yah?” thoros says. 
“Fuck off.” he grunts out shifting away. 
“Leave him be thoros.” Beric says sitting next to sandor. 
“I fucked you up well.” Sandor chuckles looking at barrack right side which he nearly split the man in two just moments ago. 
“Aye, but lord of light has granted me movement and health.” Beric speaks, holding up his arms seemingly magically healed. Sandor hums in response. 
“My men tell me you weren't alone when they found you.” Beric says. 
“Found me? Eh..they ambushed me piled on top of me like wrangling a fucking swine." Sandor releases but Beric still waits for his answer. 
“Yes i wasnt alone… had my stupid fuckign squire and-” he stops himself not wanting to say anything more, let alone anything about you. 
“And?” Beric prods as the unfinished answer. 
Sandor sighs rolling his eyes before answering once more. 
“My wife,” he speaks again. 
“The volantis princess?” Beric asks. Sandor nods. 
“I heard of your wedding of what king joffrey had done to her brother he's with the lord of light now-” 
“OH will you shut the fuck up about that lord of light bullshit!” Sandor stands up about to walk out when four men run into the cave. 
“My lord we've spotted a Lannister raiding party.” 
“How many?” Beric asks. 
“No more than 15.” the man replies. 
“Where are they headed and how far?” 
“Headed east across the essos most likely making a stop at lys, and just two miles off here twords hellholt.” the man answers Beric. 
“I need a horse.” Sandor grabs Beric , pulling him to him. 
“You're joining us?” he asked. 
“Once he hit lys im taking a ship straight to volantis i dont give a rats ass about your religious cunts. I'll follow you until then. Understand.” Sandor says Beric nod knowing he wants to get back to you more than anything. Dispute his effort to try and hide it he knows that his squire and you arnt the only thing he wants to get back too there has to be something else. And something, someone, else there is. 
“We leave at dawn. Your horse will be tethered outside.” Beric assures. Sandor lets go of him and nods. 
Dawn hits as you and joss ride on the horse you've both spent the night at an inn in hellholt the last night and the journey through the mountains before the vaith is something you've both need to get over with before taking on the rest of the nearing towns. 
“When we get there we’ll sell the horse for extra coin my lady.” joss says. You nod mindlessly. 
“S-stop..” you say he stops the horse and gets off a slight bit of struggle before landing on the ground and hurrying to the side only to cough up your breakfast.
“My lady!” joss says worriedly you hold up a hand to him.
“N-no..im fine.” you say holding your stomach hoping the nausea wave will pass before continuing on through the bumpy terrain on horseback. You cough standing up straight before going back to the horse which you've now realized you can not get back up onto so you take the reins and lead it to a fairly high rock and climb onto the rock before hoisting yourself onto the horse. 
“Are you alright my lady?” joss asks. 
“Yes i'm perfectly fine, probably not in the condition for heavy travel but considering the circumstances it will have to do.” you say before leading the horse to go on.
“Do you really believe in the lord clegane?” joss asks. 
“About?” you answer. 
“That…h-he will find us. I know what I said before but I just..” he trails off. 
“Don't talk like that…we have to focus on getting to volantis and then if not we will send a raven.” you say now being the one to lift spirits. He nods. 
“My apologies.” he says. You take a breath in filling your lungs with air before letting it out watching ahead. 
“How are your injuries?” you ask him. 
“I'm alright. just bruised.” he says you nod to him continuing on. You look, seeing a sign. ‘Town of vaith 2 miles’ 
“Almost there.” you say to joss. Just as you do the horse takes a miss step sending you and joss falling off. 
You both hit the ground, the wind getting knocked out of you as you keel over coughing trying to catch your breath. The squeal of the horse blaring out. 
“M-my lady!!” joss runs to you. You hold your stomach, catching your breath. 
“I-i'm okay. I'm okay.” you say getting up.
“No..no no.” you hurry to the horse as it lays on the ground, its leg clearly broken. You need the horse to get to sunspear, pass vaith, and walking across miles and miles of pure land can't be conquered by you. 
“Its leg.” you say to joss kneeling in front of the horse trying to keep it calm in its pained state. 
“M-my lady we-....we have to put it out of its misery we cannot leave it here.” he says. You nod, feeling bad for the creature. 
“H-help me get our things off.” you say getting up pulling off the bags of your money and a few clothes. Joss places them down on the side away from the beast. 
“Can you do it?” you ask him, looking at the suffering horse. He slowly nods unsure yet sure enough to do so. 
“I-i've seen some of the knights put down their horses…they c-cut the throat…there.” he points. Pulling out the dagger sandor left in the bag. Your heart clenches at having to hurt a living animal. Put the pain it's in to overcome any other fear or worry you have. 
“Okay…” joss whispers to himself, walking over to the horse and kneeling down in front of it. 
“You should look away my lady.” he says to you. You nod and turn your head waiting for the horse's ragged breath to stop. A few seconds go by but nothing, you can still hear the horse whining in pain. You look back at joss who holds the knife above his head looking into the horse's eyes. 
‘How do you kill so easily?’ you ask Sandor as you rest your head on his chest. 
‘It's not something I like to do…but when youre life in against another's will, your will to live may be stronger. Just don't look them in the eyes, seeing a soul leave a host will never not be a hard one.’ he says to you his voice vibrates through your ears. 
‘Mm’ you answer. 
‘Don't tell me you're planning on killing anyone anytime soon, little fox?’ he asks. You shake your head nod with a giggle. 
‘I could never.’ you say.
“Joss.” you say looking at him he looks up at you tears streaming down his face. He is a boy after all. 
You hold out your hand as he stands up. 
“M-my lady…” he says. You take the dagger out of his hand before kneeling down and quickly as if you'd done it before cutting the horse's throat and immediately it stops. It stops breathing, it stops moving, it stops all together. A splatter of blood hits your cheek as you look ahead at the mossy rocks in front of you. You look down to get up only to catch a glimpse of the light in the horse's eye dull out. 
You let out a shaky breath fully standing. 
“H-how far is sunspear?” you ask joss. 
“Too far to walk on foot my lady. But.. salt shore is 2 miles from vaith to the right.” he says. 
“And they have a shipping dock there, yes?” you ask. 
“Yes my lady.” he nods. You wipe off your cheek with your sleeve and pick up a bag. 
“We’ll head to vaith see if we can find another horse and if not…we walk to the salt shore.” you say. 
“Yes my lady.” joss nods as he picks up the other bag, slugging it over his shoulder. You both begin the trek down the mountain to the town of vaith.
Next chapter here
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spiderlandry · 10 months
bunny — jake sully
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Description: Jake always called you bunny. You were determined to get the meaning out of him.
Pairing: Jake Sully x GN!Reader
Warnings/Tags: heavy use of ‘bunny’ as a pet name, courting and talks of mating, jake being a little shit, just fluff, angst if you squint, unedited. also tsu’tey is alive bc i said so!
Word Count: 1.9k
Author’s Note: dont like this that much tbh. been feeling kinda insecure abt my writing lately so thats not helping lol
(Dialogue in italics is spoken in English, normal text is Na’vi)
You weren’t a stranger to the language barrier that existed between you and Jake. It was more prevalent during his training period, when you had taken over after Neytiri bargained with her parents in transferring the role to you. At first, it was a burden. Teaching a dreamwalker who had no place in the clan. But you also had a soft spot for Grace, who taught you what she could about their own culture.
Eventually, it became fun. There was a point where you realized you no longer saw him as responsibility, but rather as a companion.
Now, as the clan was making great progress after the war, Jake asked many eclipses ago if he could begin courting you. You were touched by his insistence on following tradition, though it was the least he could do. Still, he learned to weave (albeit badly at first), make accessories, and most importantly, speak your language. There were even times when Norm, whom you visited occasionally when Jake did, grumbled at how much better he’d gotten—referencing back to when the marine struggled getting it through his thick skull until you came along.
But there was just one thing that perplexed you. Even though Jake adopted the Na’vi language with an open heart, there was one word he refused to shake from his daily vocabulary: bunny.
When he first said it to you, you thought it might have been a slip-up. He was just learning how to make better landings with his ikran, and when you teased that he’d never be able to keep up with you, he said, “You don’t know what you’re in for, bunny.”
With ears flat against your head at the sound of a foreign word, you brushed him off and flew away, beckoning him to chase you once more.
Then, the war happened.
You didn’t hear it out of his mouth again until he began to court you, much more recently. The second time was when he greeted you outside your kelku with a serving of fruit wrapped in a leaf, one morning. This time, he said: “Rise and shine, bunny. I got something special for you.”
“Do you take me for a fool, Jakesully?” You replied.
His eyes widened upon hearing his entire name, likely fearful that he said something wrong. After all, he was still getting used to Na’vi customs.
You snickered at his reaction, “Why do you call me that?”
“Call you what?”
“Bunny. A human word.”
He smirked, that cocky little shit. “It’s just a term of endearment. Come on, eat. I brought you food.”
You took the item from his hand and invited him in.
A few more eclipses passed—he was busy in his role, training and working with Tsu’tey to make sure everything is in order, yet he found pockets of time during the day to be next to you while you did your part.
Jake was starting to spend more and more of his downtime in your kelku. It was common for you to wake up before dawn to see Jake already waiting outside, often with food and something he made.
Gifts were already piling up in your home. Around this time, it was customary for the other party to propose an official union to whom they were courting, but it seems Jake hadn’t gotten the courage just yet. Though, you never refused a gift; the poor man was trying his best to—in his words—be worthy of you. The sentiment and his reasoning made your heart swell, but there was one problem: he would not, for the love of Eywa, let up on calling you bunny.
Whenever you questioned him, his smirk only grew. You understood that Jake took pleasure in teasing you, hell, you teased him a lot more, but you no longer wanted to give him that satisfaction.
So, you devised a plan.
Jake, having been used to the growing intimacy that came along with courtship like the hugs and kisses, was taken aback when he was suddenly deprived of it.
He didn’t think much of it at first. When you no longer invited him into your home because you wanted to get started on your tasks early, he commanded you for your dedication and followed your example. But it kept happening, over and over again.
Then, you didn’t grin like you usually did when he kissed you on the forehead before leaving. Though he recognized the familiar purple hue on your cheeks, he began to worry that he was too overbearing or you’d lost interest. Or both.
He and Tsu’tey were sparring as an example for the younger warriors when his opponent noticed how easy it was to defeat him that day.
“Losing your touch, Jakesully?” Tsu’tey grinned, going for a hit against Jake’s side, the other one barely dodging it in time.
“No, man.” Jake stepped it up significantly, channeling his anger into the fake fight.
They kept going, quipping back and forth until Tsu’tey was able to hold him down and say, “Tap out, Jakesully.” His knee put pressure on Jake’s chest, “If you know what’s good for you.”
They continued training throughout the day, but Tsu’tey ended it early.
“What is troubling you, brother?” He pulled Jake aside away from the crowd as they left training grounds.
Talking to him couldn’t hurt, Jake thought. “You know Y/N well, right?”
“We have been friends since we were babies, so yes.”
“They’ve been…distant, lately.”
Tsu’tey laughed, a glint in his eyes. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.” (In truth, you told Tsu’tey about your plan.)
After a beat, Jake stared at him with a bewildered expression. “What, that’s it? No advice?”
“You should have known better.”
Tsu’tey walked away, leaving Jake to stand there and wallow in his misery. (Misery may be a little farfetched. But it sure felt like that.)
Arriving home with a newfound determination after taking a deep breath, he trod lightly toward your kelku. He couldn’t hear you inside, but tapped on the door anyway.
“Look, bunny.” He sighed, not caring the stares others are shooting him. His dignity did not matter if it meant he could keep you. “I’m sorry for whatever I did. Can we talk? You—you know…I haven’t said it yet but I love you. I see you. Please let me in.”
One of your neighbours, seeing Jake grovelling outside your home, interrupted him.
“They are not home, Jakesully.”
He turned. “Do you know where they are?”
“They went out into the forest.”
“What? Why?”
“We don’t know.”
The sterile smell of the lab invaded your nostrils, your nose scrunching up on instinct and involuntarily giving one of the scientists angry eyes as they handed you a mask. You were familiar with the place, but you’d never been here without Jake.
“Where is Norm?” You tried not to run into their tiny workspaces, hissing when your foot hit the corner of a table. When the scientist didn’t answer, you took it upon yourself to wander around.
He appeared from around a corner. “Hey, what’s up?” He looked behind you. “Where’s Jake?”
“I did not bring him.”
“Alright, well.” Norm was speechless for a moment. “What do you need?”
“I need you to translate a word.”
“Um—sure, go right ahead.”
With Norm’s perplexed look, you waited patiently. Within a moment, he said, “Well…a bunny is an animal.”
“What does it mean to call someone that?”
“It depends on the context, but it’s likely a term of endearment. Why, is Jake calling you that?”
Growing impatient, “Show me this animal.” Before he can respond, “On your little touch pad.“
“Uhm. Sure. Of course.”
When he grabbed one and showed it to you, there were no words, you only stared at him for an explanation.
“Bunnies are—were—rare on Earth. They’re considered very cute because of their fur and small size.”
“But I do not have any fur. Nor am I small.”
He strained his head to make eye contact with you. “You’re right. But I think it’s just a cute nickname—“
A loud banging cut his sentence short, followed by a distressed sounding Jake saying, “Norm!”
You stayed back and watched as Norm excused himself to greet Jake at the door, disappearing into the corner. It was close enough you could hear their conversation.
“Hey, Jake, I was just—“
“I need your help.” He sounded out of breath. You snickered.
“Well let me get—“
“No time! I need to find Y/N—“
Deciding you had enough of hearing him so concerned, you strutted into his line of sight.
Jake‘s breath stuttered at the view of you. His hair was disheveled, tail swishing in all kinds fo directions. He closed the distance, then, suddenly remembering something, stayed frozen a few inches away. He scanned your figure, and satisfied, he began to breathe normally.
“I have been looking for you everywhere. Where have you been? I flew around with Bob and you were nowhere to be seen, they said you went into the forest and you—“
You placed a hand on his cheek, caressing it gently. “I am fine, beloved. I was here the whole time.”
“Here?” His voice cracked, more out of exhaustion. “But you never come here.”
“I needed to ask Norm a question.”
Jake glanced at the man mentioned for a second, who shrugged. “What for? You could have asked me.”
“That is the problem, I did ask you.”
At his furrowed brows, you explained. “I needed to know what you meant by bunny!”
“I told you it was a term of endearment.”
“But you never explained why,” you frowned.
“Look, I was coming to tell you something. Norm, can you leave?”
Relieved at no longer having to hear your lover’s quarrel, “For sure.”
Jake’s large hand snaked up to your neck, pulling you closer. “I’m sorry.”
“What for?”
“For whatever I did. I don’t know what I did, but you can tell me and I’ll try to make it up.”
“Are you losing interest? Because if that’s it—mmph!”
You covered his mouth with your hand, holding back a smile.
“I should apologize. I was just playing with you.”
“Hm?” You felt his lips purse under your palm.
“You kept teasing me with bunny, and I didn’t want to give you the satisfaction of my frustration. It was not serious, love.”
Removing your hand, he silenced you this time by slotting his lips over yours, subsequently smiling at the prospect of you not actually being mad at him.
When he pulled away, both of you were beaming.
“I have something else to tell you,” he licked his lips, your eyes gravitating toward it. “I love you. I see you. Can we—um…” He seemed to lose confidence, losing his footing in the words.
“Say it.”
“I want to mate with you. I want to be your mate. Be with you forever, please?” His eyes softened, searching yours for any sign of rejection.
Yet, he found none. He found only what he has found in you countless times, and that’s a simple emotion: happiness. At least, it was simple when it came to you. You made it that way.
“So? What do you say, bunny?”
You playfully slapped his chest. “Of course. Forever.”
Additional A/N: the ‘bunny’ nickname was inspired by stargirlrchive’s fic here
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