#i have no clue how to spell it lmao
aquilathefighter · 1 month
Hi yeah I'm still not over "my smile is pretty convincing" as charles FULLY leans into edwin's space like hello???? He immediately cranked the flirtometer up to 11 after finding out edwin is in love with him and he still doesn't realize...
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humofnight · 1 year
the NYT live feed keeps showing people but i dooooon’t knoooow who they are
i need the sports commentator version of this. why are we zoomed in on this man. why do we care about him. is it because he wore a light grey suit instead of a mid to dark grey suit
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princekirijo · 1 year
OK fuck it I've want to try one of these poll things and I've been struggling to decide so:
Context: I just beat Dark Souls 3 today (main game only - I've started the first DLC) I'm wondering what game I should play after I've beaten both DLCs. I know like 4 or so of my followers have played a souls game so if you haven't just pick vibes only or whatever I'm gonna play them both eventually. Only other souls game I've played is Elden Ring.
Pros of playing Bloodborne: I've heard it has amazing combat, it's one of the most highly rated of the Fromsoft games, I adore the aesthetic of the game.
Pros of playing Dark Souls 1: I just beat DS3 so playing this game would help me understand the lore, the level design is excellent, its a fun game too, ARTORIAS.
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end3rs-eye · 6 months
also who gave one piece men the right to be so fucking pretty
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heartsburst · 6 months
relistening to htn and giggling as mercy says "i want [gideon] to know what pyrrha died for!" knowing that it's pyrrha and not gideon she's saying it to
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biggestsimp12 · 1 year
Who fell in love first?
Its literally 4 in the morning and i got no sleep and brain goes brrr for these so >¬° (probably will post way later lmao)
The reader hasn't a specified gender
Tw: none. Just lots of fluff
With following characters: Wanderer, Xiao, Cyno, Kazuha , Zhongli, Kaeya, Itto, Childe, Albedo.
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You fell first he fell harder
Got trapped in his mysterious eyes when accidentally spotting him at Wangshu Inn. From that day you visited almost daily in hope to meet him once more. When you succeeded to do so, you couldn't leave his mind. You got such a pretty smile, gorgeous eyes and a heart-stopping laugh. He thought you had put a spell on him lmao
He started avoiding you as he tried to figure out this new "thing" you've done to him.
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He fell first you fell harder
Got to know each other after paying for his tea. His stories were so interesting you couldn't help but want to hear more. His nice and gentle aura made your heart flutter. Sadly you got to go as your boss scolded you for being late for work.
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You fell first he fell harder
Oh, how easily this man got obsessed with you...
How you always greeted him like an old friend despite knowing his status in the fatui.
You better know what you got yourself into since you're not escaping.
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He fell first you fell harder.
Must i even explain? We all know his charms and flirtatious nature could get everyone all over him. Yet he's got his eye on you while you having not even a clue of the situation. How cute.
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You fell first he fell harder
You were always very opened minded to his experiments that he couldn't help but start developing a crush on you.
Sucrose had to explain him once more what he was feeling. Very calm about it actually. Didn't try a thing from what Sucrose told him, not wanting to rush you.
Sweetie pie
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You fell first he fell harder
This boy is a sweetheart omfg
Enjoyed traveling with him and vice versa.
Who would've thought the wind could bring him such a nice person. (>^<)
He sings for you when you guys are on a trip. Lots of stories. Collecting things on the trip and to see your happy face makes his heart skip a beat.
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You fell first he fell harder
This big guy is gonna leech to you like crazy.
Gonna tell all the new thing he and his squad does.
He won a beetle fight? Your the first to hear.
Somebody tried to throw beans at him? Whining straight to you.
You better stand him cause you're not going to leave any soon.
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You fell first he fell harder
His voice softens when he's talking to you. Since he sees you as a friend, he likes telling you all the rendom jokes he has in mind. Laugh at one of them and he's high over heels for you.
Talks to Tighnari about you.
"Have you seen how gorgeous Y/N is? I must be a snowflake since i fallen for them."
(Tighnari internal sighs lmao)
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You fell first he fell harder
The lots and lots of patience you need to have if you like this man. His attitude sky rockets if he likes you. Honestly he's in denial when it comes to human feelings.
Just give him time and patience. He has trust issues and he's scared you are going to leave him. Just give him time and his ice hard walls will melt from around his heart.
The end
Have a nice day/night
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adaptacy · 9 months
Johnny Slaughter x Drunk!Virgin!Reader
It is angsty, and kinda sad, and very dub-con (practically non-con), and also just- Johnny with feelings? if streams of consciousness don't make sense, that's the point. also i'm tired so sorry for spelling mistakes or if i just use the wrong word sometimes LMAO
"Alright, I've gotcha." You were leaning all of your weight into him as he sauntered down the sidewalk, and you didn't let up even as he inserted the key he'd just received into the door, twisting the handle and opening it up into a half-assed room, typical for the cheap motel you were staying up.
"You really... mmbooked 'em just for... me?" You slurred, your head lazily flopping onto his bicep as he led you inside, closing the door behind him.
"Didn't tell me you were such a lightweight," the man sighed, helping you over to the white queen-size bed, which you didn't put up any fight against, collapsing onto the comforter and giggling. At what? You didn't know.
"We should, mhmhm, kiss." You blinked, slowly, up at him, seeing triple. Triple hot. Triple hunk. Triple gentleman. He was being so sweet. He carried you here, gave you a ride, he promised your parents wouldn't figure out that their golden child was getting wasted at some rural bar miles away from home. He was so caring.
Sure, you'd only known him for like two hours, but those two hours said so much. He didn't say much. Well, he did. Flirted a lot. Was he flirting? Did you misunderstand? No, no, he got you a motel room. Just for you. He was definitely flirting. He was like a guardian angel, wasn't he?
You made a mistake, a lot of mistakes, actually. A lot of shots. A lot of alcohol. Glasses and glasses of mistakes. But he was here to make sure you wouldn't be making anymore. He was protecting you. God, what a sweetheart. "What's your name again?" You mumbled, your tongue twisting around itself to form some terrible labyrinth.
"Johnny," he reminded, bending down over you and catching your lips in a kiss. His was gentle, but forward. Yours was sloppy, messy, hungry, dazed. You were sloppy. And messy. Oh, your parents would never forgive you.
"Johnny, I'm so... ugh, you're lovely," you complimented, your nose bumping against his as he tried to kiss you again, but you just had to let him know first. "So loving. We should get married," you giggled.
"Baby steps, darlin'."
"I'm your darling?" You hummed, smiling sweetly. Innocently. What the hell were you doing? No wonder the bartender warned you. But he paid for your drinks. He was just so generous. How could he possibly be single? You were so lucky to have him. "I think I love you."
"You're crazy," he laughed, the sound sweet and appetizing and so manly. You laughed too, because you wanted to be like him. Wanted to take care of people like he was. Wanted to be big and strong like he was. Wanted to be so sweet, wanted to kiss like he did. He was perfect. He kissed you again, and you kept giggling, your skin crawling with... excitement? nausea? you couldn't really tell the difference. "You wanna go through with this?"
With what? "Mhm," you hummed, closing your eyes for just a moment. Then you opened them again, and he was still there. All three- two? Four? All of him- them? Ugh. "Yuh-huh," you affirmed. If he wanted to, you'd do it. No clue what 'it' was, but he was a good decision maker. You were clearly, definitely, obviously, drunkenly not.
"You done this before?"
"Yeah." Done what? You'd done a lot of things. You hadn't gone skydiving. Or bungee jumping. What a funny word. Bungee. Bun-gee. "Bunnn, geeee," you announced, and Johnny squinted at you. You giggled. What'd he say?
"I'm gonna take yer shirt off now." He kissed your cheek, and you nodded. Was he going to get you into a bath? Oh, he was such a sweetiepie. Like a grandmother. But hot. and muscular. and young. and had a way deeper voice. and, actually, he wasn't like a grandmother at all. but he still made you smile.
He removed your shirt, and you tried to lift your head to kiss him, but your head was so heavy, and your muscles were so weak. Ugh, you wished you had muscles like him. he could lift your head. you definitely couldn't.
The best part was, he did lift your head. and he did kiss you. He was a mind reader, too? Was he even real? Men like this didn't exist. Not really. men as sweet, and loving, and gentle, and-
His hands were on your pants. Strange. He knew what he was doing. You trusted him. What was his name again? "Joey," you thanked.
"Johnny," he corrected.
"Mister Johnny," you slurred, brushing noses with him. He kissed you again, and he tasted like the bar. He'd been drinking too. He was like your drunk-buddy. Drinking buddy. And designated driver. A perfect package. Why are engagement rings so expensive?
"You alright?" His voice spoke again, and you blinked, finding that there were now only two of him. That you could see. Your vision was dark at the sides, but who needed peripheral vision, anyways? He was tugging your bottoms down your legs, and you looked up at him.
Somewhere, distant, faint, barely even present in your mind- somewhere, something clicked. Some puzzle pieces snapped together. You could make out the shape of the puzzles, the caves and the peninsulas, but they were blank pieces. There was no puzzle. It was blurry. Fuzzy. Like a puppy. Or a kitten. Or a squirrel.
"What?" you mumbled.
"Eyes on me, sweetpea. You alright?"
It was hard to focus on him since you'd have to focus on two images at once, but you tried your best. It only brought a headache. "Why... wouldn't I be?"
"You're awful' drunk."
"I'm knows," you scoffed.
"Do ya?"
"Obvs," you reminded, reaching up a hand and pawing at his face as you tried to boop him, grinning up at him. His hair draped over his pair of faces, and you wanted to bite it. Wanted to pull it. ugh, you were such a bad person. who made bad decisions. you hated alcohol. why'd you even stumble into that bar? your parents would be so mad.
Her eyes were almost crossed, and Johnny found it dizzying to try and gain her attention. She swatted at his forehead as she replied, and he pulled back ever so slightly. Gently, he pulled her hand down, trying to be patient with her. She'd been tipsy when he got there, but this was something else.
He tried not to think about it- This wasn't his first drunken sexual encounter, and wouldn't be his last. His lips pressed to her chest, his fingers caressing the insides of her thighs. She was warm, inviting, almost intoxicating. Then again, it could've been the potent taste of alcohol on her tongue. Stronger than his own. He swore she didn't have that much to drink, and she knew what to order- It wasn't her first time drinking, or so he assumed.
He'd hardly understood a word she'd bumbled on the way home. A ramble about her parents and treehouses here, another about college and service animals there. He didn't bother trying to decipher her codes. He was sure she didn't even have a clue what she was saying, so it wasn't his responsibility to figure it out.
Her fingers played with his hair, awkwardly tugging and scraping at his scalp, but he didn't mind. She mumbled something out, but the more time he spent with her, the less precise her words got. At this point, they were unintelligible, but she seemed happy while saying them. Oddly enough, it brought a smile to his face.
He reached down, unbuckling his belt. She continued with her string of corrupted vowels as he did so, and he ended his trail of kisses on her stomach before standing up straight once more. Her body was so... pristine. Shiny? It had this certain glow to it- a glow that her eyes lacked. They were stuck half-lidded, even feigning unconsciousness a few times, but he'd been proven wrong each time when she'd open her mouth to quickly inform him of how much she loved sunflowers, or to tell him an impossible-to-follow story about her first pet. He'd listened- not understood, but listened, to her, and then she'd fall back into silence for a few more minutes.
And even so, when she was so clearly destroyed by the liquor she'd been drinking like water, she looked so peaceful. She lay on the bed below him, completely flat, completely relaxed. Her arms casually positioned above her, her palms facing him. He wanted to hold her hand. So he did, and it brought a small smile to her face.
He wasn't going to stick around after this. He never did. He never wanted to. But she- she was so intriguing. So strange. He wanted to learn more about her, wanted to understand her. Wanted to listen to her stupid rambles and her whispered confusion. He wanted to see her frustrated, wanted to see her cry, wanted to see her confident, wanted to see her.
Shit. Maybe he wasn't all that sober. His hips leaned forward, and her eyebrows slanted, barely enough for him to notice. But he caught on, and his brows mimicked her movement. He was close to entering her, sliding between her folds, but he wasn't inside. Not yet. She looked confused.
"We're makin' love?" She asked, and Johnny narrowed his eyes, cracking a smile. That was a first. It was always fucking, or having sex, or getting laid, or some other degenerate nickname. Making love? That was for married people. Old couples. People with kids. People with commitments. Didn't she understand?
"Yeah, darlin', we're gonna make love," he replied, leaning down and kissing her neck. "Is that alright?"
"Mhm," she answered, and Johnny released a breath. She wasn't going back to his place. But he wasn't going to hers, either. Too innocent to be a victim, too drunk to be a partner. This was just another in his long list of mistakes. Another night that he'd forget after a few more bottles, a few more weeks, a few more stolen cigarettes, a few more kills. He always forgot them. He'd had too many. Needed a break far too much.
And she was surely the same.
And yet, when he pushed in, there was a tension, and then it broke. Something- something physical, something inside of her broke. And she whimpered, like he'd cut her. Her voice was light as she asked "What?"
Johnny couldn't move. He couldn't act. He couldn't continue. He couldn't speak. He wished he couldn't think, but that was all he did. When he looked down, his worst fears were confirmed. Dripping onto the white comforter were two marks of scarlet, and Johnny squeezed her hand.
No. No, no, no, no. No way.
Johnny held his breath. Wanted to wake up. He never felt bad. he never felt sympathy. He never regret things from his heart, only from his head.
but there was a singe in his chest. A poking in his lungs. And, despite her consciousness being continents away, she realized. Or, at the very least, picked up on his guilt.
"Please don't be mad," she whimpered, her voice breaking. And she cried. She held it back, but tears weren't easily disguised. He shook his head, trying to pretend that it was fine. Trying to pretend that this was normal, that he regularly took girls- drunk girls, pretty, innocent, completely wasted girls virginities.
But he didn't. And it showed.
"It's okay, I'm not mad," he assured, his jaw tight. He didn't know what to do. It was too late. Maybe she wouldn't remember in the morning. Maybe she wouldn't realize what she'd given up--
What he'd taken from her. Stolen from her. Why would he assume? Why would he ever think this was a good idea? Why would-
"I'm sorry," she sobbed, and Johnny did something he'd never done before. Never even thought to do.
He leaned down, and he hugged her. She hugged him back- or, tossed her arms over his back, her drunken sobs hitting his chest like a goddamn bullet. He made girls cry on purpose. He made them scream, and sob, and bleed-
She was doing all of that. But he did not want her to. He shushed her, kissing the nape of her neck, running his hand over her back, all in an attempt to comfort her. He shouldn't care. He'd never cared. He had never shown any feelings towards anyone for any goddamn reason. He was not that person.
But he felt like a bad person. He'd killed people, but that wasn't the issue right now.
No, he was so much worse than that. She was sweet, and clueless, and couldn't handle her alcohol. She'd had a terrible night. No girl like her would be in a shithole bar if she hadn't. And he'd made it worse.
And come morning, she may not even be aware of it. She'd wake up, stranded, sore, sick, in a cheap motel, alone. She'd assume that she'd called a cab, she'd assume that she handled herself fine, but Johnny would know. He'd know the truth.
What was he doing?
Nancy was right. Running off and ignoring the family was a terrible idea. She'd sworn that he'd get himself into trouble, and while she'd definitely been talking about the law, or barfights, he felt like this was his karma. This was his trouble. Hell, it didn't even affect him. It shouldn't affect him.
But she was crying in his arms, and she didn't even fully understand why. And he held her, feeling a responsibility to care for her, to comfort her.
He was going to have to stick around, wasn't he?
Come morning, she'd wake up sore and sick, and with a stranger. And he'd be there. And he'd scare her, and stress her out, and hold her hair as she threw up tonight's mistakes, and he'd probably hug her again as she cried.
Johnny sighed, using his thumb to wipe her tears. She'd already fallen asleep. He laid her down, put her clothes back on as best as he could, and covered her up with the blankets. And he left the room.
He stood just outside, unpocketing a carton of cigarettes and putting one in his mouth, using a rusty black flip lighter to ignite the end.
He didn't know what he was going to do. But he felt a responsibility. An attachment. He didn't understand it. Maybe in the morning he'd lose all sympathy and be gone before she woke up, but he found that outcome unlikely.
He'd figure it out. He had to.
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alornights · 1 year
⟢ gossip session.
➜ in which ! kyle finds himself interested in your gossip.
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💌 ﹫kyle broflovski.
✩ 🎸 warnings﹗gossip about teacher/student affair.
🍓 ⟡ notes — i love gossiping lmao. i also realized ive been spelling his last name wrong for like ages until now lmao.
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he loves it, no matter how hard he tries denying it, he love it.
at first, he didn't care for it, actually, he found it annoying. he never liked people talking about others behind their backs.
especially if they are personal matters.
so when you two are just in his room casually hanging out and your face-timing your friend talking about the latest school gossip he made sure to tune it out opting to listen to music.
until he one day overheard you gossiping because he forgot his headphones. then he starts paying attention and listening more carefully getting very interested in the story.
he can't help himself now from listening to your rambles.
"No, you don't understand Heather. PC Principal has no fucking clue about this which is surprising since he knows everything that goes on in this school. But like, how does he not know that a teacher is banging the head cheerleader of the school but fucking Butters of all people knows?"
"Yeah no, I have no idea how long it's been going on."
"I heard she might even be pregnant with the teacher's kid. Yeah, uh huh, no way- HE HAS 3 SEPARATE FAMILIES?"
kyle tries so hard not to ask because he knows it's not the right thing to do but in the end, he can't help himself.
he starts listening every chance he gets. trying to put pieces together if he hadn't heard the other parts of the story.
it gets so bad that he starts listening
hell, he even listens to some of cartman's gossip.
finally he admits he is gossip addict and decides to talk to you.
As you walked back into his room after having a quick call with one of your friends about the recent gossip that just surfaced.
Kyle sighed mentally bracing himself for what he was about to say.
"What happened next? With the teacher-student thing I mean..."
You stare at him incredibly, tilting your head in confusion. "Huh? I thought you hated gossip since you know it's people not minding their own business or whatever."
The teen grumbled a bit before turning away. "Maybe I've had a change of heart."
and when he means "change of heart"
he actually means he's so invested that its like an addiction.
the guy becomes a crazed gossip girl kicking his feet giggling.
Words couldn't describe the look of happiness on your face as you raced over to his bed slamming your body on top of him in giddiness. "Okay listen closely. So right now, 2 of the 3 families have found out about this situation and are all divorcing him."
"Actually?" He questioned sitting up, shifting you in his arms so you were both comfortable. "How the hell did he find out? Didn't you say that they all lived far away or something?"
You nodded. "They do but someone from our school who shall be unnamed, leaked it to them with photos of the teacher and student, well, getting the groove on after school in his class."
"No. Fucking. Way."
"Yes, way!" You clapped your hands with a smirk. "That's all for now since this just happened like 2 hours ago."
A beat of silence passes by until he looks back at you staring you dead in the eye. "You'll keep me updated... right?"
You laugh nodding your head excitedly. "You'll be the first to know."
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alienve · 2 months
Just noticed that the background of Vere’s drawings contain symbols of the LI, and maybe even some of their endings.
1. The crow feather (mhin cuz duh) but notice that it’s kinda directly on top of the plants, possibly symbolizing Leander b/c of the scene where he gives a makeshift flower to Mc OR could have something to do with the sewers being overridden by plants in the Amaryllis District. (lmao is that how you spell it??)
2. Top center you can see Leander’s knife thingy
3. Mid left is Ais’ bracelet, it’s also being covered by Mhin’s crown feather
4. The tea on top left (duh Vere) but it’s also green, I take this as it being bitter maybe? So maybe one of his meh endings
5. Mc’s key in top left corner (Could be Vere or Leander, maybe even both)
6. Kuras’ glass vials in bottom center
7. Kuras’ jewelry also at the top right ( so far he’s the only one to actually wear gold jewelry/trinkets)
7. Next to the vials is the nail file thingy and maybe what looks like a drawstring bag, have no clue and I’m probably grasping at straws but these could probably relate to background LI (Elyon and Sen)
8. The two rings overlapping each other at the top right corner of the page, possibly symbolizing marriage or some form and devotion
Also wanted to talk about the placement of some of these items starting with the rings
1. The rings are very close to the page, could argue this wouldn’t mean anything because the tea is also close to the page, but this just seems like normal placement (you have a refreshment while doing something a lot) but I think this placement is significant because it’s a continuity in the drawing of the LI Vere has done so far, meaning that the possibility of a romantic and whimsical ending is possible for all the LI
2. If Vere hates Leander so much, tf is his knife doing there? Bro really just out here stealing
3. The items directly placed on the page correlate to Leander, Kuras, and whoever tf that nail file belongs to
4. The lighting is very reminiscent of that one scene in the trailer when we’re introduced to Leander, suggesting he has a lot of significance to many of the LI’s fates, NOT to mention that his knife is the closest and directly in the source of the light
Then, there’s the condition of the paper and Vere’s teacup:
The paper is slightly ripped at the edge and wrinkled all around, as someone that is a serial eraser, this could mean he was either vigorously erasing previous sketches of Mhin, which makes sense because many of the sketches seem transparent, or that he’s low on paper and they’re in poor condition for age, but looking back at the bag, there seems to be a stack of paper in there, so?? I’m going with the serial eraser cuz that’s so real of him
And then there’s his dialogues of the sketches for Mhin and Kuras:
Mhin’s is more playful and teasing, while he doesn’t say anything for Kuras, there is mention that he was heavily bribed to draw him AND that the sketches of him were so crude that they were deserving of a whole other paper. I think this could translate to rightfully seeing Kuras as more of a threat than Mhin, and not wanting to piss him off ( as he already wants the mf dead) or that he truly does put his all in the drawings because of how much he enjoys handmade gifts and considers this such
That’s it fr (possibly lying)
*showing pictures sorry it’s out of order*
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ostrichmonkey-games · 10 months
Everything I see from Dark Confluence looks sick, and you should use this as an excuse to talk more about it
I don't think I've actually talked a ton about what Dark Confluence is going to be like as a completed game, so I'll take this as an excuse to do so lmao.
So, I like the souls-borne "series" a ton. But my favorite part of all the games is the world that you're let loose in and get to explore. Piecing together the story through bits and pieces, hidden clues, secrets, implication and interpretation. The goal of Dark Confluence is to do that together at the table.
To that end, Dark Confluence is all about the setting and unfolding story you all put together. It is as much a game as it is a chopped up setting book that never tells you exactly what's going on - because that's the fun! Making it all up! Crafting your own unique crumbling, melancholy universe and then rooting around in it to see what you can make sense of.
Character mechanics draw a lot from my other game Extracausal, so its a lot of tag/trait based stuff, but there's also DNA from games like Wanderhome in there, with how the Realms ("levels") and Lords of the Tower ("bosses") work. I want the game to give the table a bunch of tools for getting into weird and complicated situations, and then stringing it all together into something uniquely cohesive.
Most of the mechanics are mostly done and written at this point, all that's left is just all the other writing lmao. There's 36 character backgrounds (each with their own set of 3 unique items), 12 Realms, 12 Lords, 18 Magical Spells, 18 Artifacts, 18 Major NPCs, 36 Creatures and Wretches (and more!), all of which have embedded within them little "lore sparks" for the table to play around with. Nothing is "canon", but there's a lot of moving parts - building blocks - for the table to play around with.
You're all gonna be wandering around your unique version of the Infinite Tower (the dark confluence of the multiverse), confronting the Lords of the Tower as you shape the universe to come. Along the way, you'll meet weird and interesting NPCs, horrible and dangerous Wretches, and uncover and create your own deep lore and secrets.
As a reward for everyone reading through all this text, here's a new Artifact
Ossifrage Great Bow; tags - ravenous, violent A great bow shaped from many fragments of bones. It glistens in the light, bleeding like an open wound. Effect: The wielder never runs out of arrows, as the bow fires massive, barbed, missiles grown and harvested from the skeleton of the wielder themself. Burden: The wielder’s sternum must be kept pried open, beating heart exposed. Augments The bow can launch a flurry of smaller arrows that darken the sky The bow can steal the bones of another whom it has injured The projectiles fired from the bow leave a burning stream of blood in their wake
And! A new Spell!
Fragmentation Effect: Unleash your manifold soul, allowing the hungry, grasping hands of Fate within you to reach out and unravel whatever they touch. Requirement: Consume an entire age’s worth of Fragments, becoming infinite, fractal, and glorious. Ember Moves Like tangled strands of a knot, all Fragments are secretly connected. All Fragments must take a Curse. The howl of the dying cosmos echoes louder, consuming the dreams of those within the Realm, replacing them with something else. One of your many soul-pieces sloughs off, becoming a Fragment all its own, one with the Fate of bringing about your final Dissolution. They say that souls are the building blocks of the cosmos, and the gods merely stonemasons. From where then, do souls come from?
It's gonna be done eventually. I might be on the lookout for playtesters once I have the text done. So, keep an eye out for that maybe?
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latoyalestrange · 1 year
ghost of our love
s. sallow x gn!reader
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(inspired by real events in my second HL playthrough made possible by the companion mod lmao)
summary: a map with messy sketches of landmarks was all you had to go on. that normally wouldn’t prove so challenging if you hadn’t been at hogwarts for all of a week and hadn’t gotten a chance to leave the castle yet. the remedy? a somewhat overconfident fellow fifth-year, who’s face hadn’t slipped your mind since the moment you saw it.
warnings: fluff, fluff, and more fluff &lt;;3 not edited!
words: 1.8k
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you needed to use lumos, that much was clear. a bridge, some floating candles, a disheveled archway, some trees, and…hogsmeade? you took your eyes away from the dusty parchment for a moment to scan the boundless grounds that surrounded the northern exit of hogwarts. You stood just outside the courtyard with the gentle wind flowing through your hair behind you. Your scarf followed suit, protecting you from the dusk chill that nipped at your now blushing cheeks and nose.
you saw a few different bridges leading to what looked like an endless sea of forest and no floating candles. having already circled the castle looking for good amount of time, you realized treasure hunting was a lot harder than you had anticipated. you eyed the map again, searching for the missing piece of the puzzle.
being at hogwarts so far had taught you many things. one of those being honing your ability to focus. casting ancient magic required great amounts of focus and discipline, as did any spell. sometimes your ability to drown out distraction came to your benefit, and other times— well, other times it just made it easy to sneak up on you. and, of course, sebastian sallow loved it.
“searching for buried treasure, are we?” the familiar feeling of your soul jumping out of your body momentarily rushed over you, an instinctively deep breath entering your lungs.
“for the love of merlin, sallow! don’t you know it’s rude to sneak up on people?” you pouted, clutching the parchment to your chest. your chest heaved as your heart settled and he just chuckled looking at you. you hoped the heat rising in your face would be excused as wind chill.
you couldn’t help yourself around him. around everyone else you were cunning, witty, and charming, but in front of him, you were a awkward school-girl, tripping over your words at every turn and blushing at his every remark. the flirtatious slytherin boy picked up on it immediately and it pulled him to you “like a moth to a flame” as he described it to his closest friend, ominis.
“yes, actually. i just like to knock you down a peg. the ‘chosen one’ ordeal is going straight to your head,” he replied sarcastically, gesturing to your head with a poke of his finger. you swatted his hand away, unamused.
“i’m not the chosen one,” you mocked him, returning to your map.
“that’s what it sounded like to me!” he retorted, but you didn’t bother responding as your eyes locked on the sketches again.
“hey, is that the entrance to the forbidden forest there?” he invited himself to investigate the clues, pointing to the rocky archway in the center. he leaned in to get a better look, closing the gap between the two of you. at that very moment, you were pretty sure you forgot how to focus because you couldn’t even try if your life depended on it. the wind carried his scent over to you as he started to fill your senses.
“yes, there’s the bridge, the entrance, then the trees and hogsmeade to the northeast…that’s just over there.” your gaze followed his hand, indicating to the furthest stone bridge from you and if you squinted, you could see the forgotten archway. he casually grabbed your hand, starting to lead you in the correct direction.
“i don’t remember agreeing to this!” you called to him as he walked swiftly in front of you, trudging through the wild grass to cross in a more direct path.
“you didn’t!” he called back, turning to meet your eye with a mischievous smirk falling to his lips. you stifled a girlish chuckle and jogged lightly to catch up to his long strides. after finding your way back to a path, the bridge was just a few paces in front of you. you eyed the forest’s edge, wondering what might be hiding behind the thick brush. you stop just before the bridge and sebastian notices your distant stare.
“don’t tell me you’re afraid of the forbidden forrest. nothing you can find in there is worse than what i’ve already seen you best.” he assures you.
“i’m not afraid! just thought i heard something…” you trail off, leaving the two of you in silence for a moment. you listened to the wind howl around you, taking in the path you could now clearly see you were meant to take. you took a deep breath and held up your wand.
“lumos.” now you wear leading the way across the stone bridge, scanning the space around you for any reaction. then, as if they appeared out of thin air, a few flickering candles began to float into your view, taking you across the bridge and under the ancient-looking archway that held several warnings against your very actions.
“ah, following floating candles into the forbidden forest. this should be interesting.” you welcomed sebastians familiar sarcasm. at the present, even though you previously denied it, you were trembling in your little boots. the countless duels didn’t scare you because you were at the advantage. no one expected a 16 year old to wield such powerful magic, so you were always underestimated. it was aggravating, but it gave you the upper hand when they were too shocked to cast back.
in the forest, however, you were left vulnerable with so many possible blind spots and vantage points that enemies could hold against you. it made you nervous, to say the least.
"we're looking for a large, dead tree..." the both of you continued to hold your wands up as you followed the candles deeper into the forest. owls cooed and dugbogs crooked in the distance, saving you from the awkward silence. If only the peaceful ambiance and captivating nature around you could calm your nerves too.
"ah, here we are...just a bit further i presume." his casual and confident tone ignited a warmth in your stomach that was fairly new to you. you couldn't quite put your finger on it, but being in his presence, especially hearing his voice, made your entire body buzz. you weren't sure what to call it, but you knew you wouldn't be able to keep your feelings hidden much longer if it kept recurring. you wouldn't be able to bare it.
"jackdaw didn't exactly tell me what i was looking for. we could be walking into anything," you admitted, biting your lip as you realized how far you had traveled.
"jackdaw? i doubt he would give a map of certain death to a student.
"you should've seen where i had to go to find the blasted map,' you retorted, causing the boy to snort with laughter. without thinking, you giggled along with him, your eyes meeting for a brief moment. you looked away instinctively, but the furious blush on your cheeks still remained.
"look! just up ahead!" he swiftly passed you, following the candles around a sparse, rocky path with a large brush on either side. you found yourselves on a landing looking over a charming river, an overgrown wooden bridge going across it. the bundle of candles that led you here joined a larger swarm that lit up the romantic scenery in front of you. an iron set of two chairs and a matching table with more candles and a bundle of wildflowers as a centerpiece. the flames flickered like shining stars that surrounded you, illuminating the various flowers and shrubs planted around the table.
your heart instantly started pumping faster in your chest as you searched his expression for a reaction.
"you could've just asked me on a date, you know," he teased, looking around at the scenery.
"i didn't--"
"i'm only teasing, calm down now," he held a defensive hand up and interrupted you before you could respond. "treasure!"
you followed his sight to see a shiny bronze chest with a lock clasped around the opening. he immediately tried it, just in case, but no luck.
"just our luck..." he scanned the area for a clue and you followed suit. while investigating the table, you noticed a tiny glowing swirl in each seat. you looked back to the lock to see a matching light coming from it as well.
"sebastian...i see something." he rushed to your side.
"what is it?"
"the seats, they're glowing..."
"okay, are you sure this wasn't a secret plot to get me to go with you? you really didn't have to do this--"
"enough, sebastian." you rolled your eyes, and he broke.
"alright, i apologize, that was the last time. i promise." he couldn't help from chuckling at your furrowed brow and twisted mouth. you hated when he said it, but he found you incredibly adorable when you were angry. you sighed and he silenced himself, clearing his throat.
"okay, i think it's pretty clear what we're meant to do." it was his turn to show a flustered demeanor as he straightened his robes, looking at you from the opposite end of the table.
"right..." you fidgeted where you stood before he finally gained the courage to round the table, placing both hands on the back of your chair. his hazel eyes met yours, almost asking for permission. you nodded and he pulled your chair back for you, watching as you took your spot in it. the grass floor prevented him from pushing your chair forward, so he lifted it to set you down further beneath the table. he returned to his original stance, facing you as he fixed his suit once more before sitting down as well.
the candle's glow grew significantly, lighting up the area as if a street lamp was just above. you heard a prominent click-click come from the chest as the lock fell to the ground. you almost turned to look at the chest, but your eyes were locked in with sebastian's, unable to falter. he looked breathless, almost. completely and utterly taken aback.
"sebastian? are you alright?" he blinked as if your voice brought him out of a trance.
"yeah, just...you look stunning right now." he admitted honestly.
"oh! thank you." the redness in your face returned just as quickly as it faded. silence fell on both of you again. he seemed deep in thought as his gaze fell to the table.
"sebastian? the treasure?" his head popped back up, and reality set back in for him.
"right. you're splitting that with me, by the way." he was back to his cocky self as he stood to investigate the chest. you followed suit, rushing to catch up to him.
"you wish, sallow."
"is that so? you wouldn't have been able to open the chest without me here, would you?" he taunted you as you joined him next to the bronze treasure.
"fine, but you're getting us butterbeer after this." he opened the chest, revealing what looked to be around 250 galleons.
"I don't think that will be a problem."
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hiii did you read knight terrors: the flash #2 and world’s finest: teen titans #2? cant wait to reas your thoughts about them
I did in fact!
Knight Terrors: The Flash #2 went pretty much exactly the way I thought it was going to go and I absolutely loved it. It was an excellent story and I thought it was 10/10 for being a two issue tie in.
World's Finest: Teen Titans #2 was really good. I loved the intro to Mal, Lilith and Gnarrk. It's really great to see them still being involved, even if they aren't in the roster.
I also really appreciated the deep dive into Garth's character. His issues with the surface world, Roy picking on him (mocking him and giving bad fashion advice ect), his insecurities/under water racism about his eyes, ect. Garth is usually underutilized so it's super cool to get some focus on him.
As for Donna, it's really funny to me that Waid made sure to specify what origin she had lmao. Like, clearly we would have no fucking clue which one they were rolling with so Waid made sure it spelled out in the sand for us. I appreciate that. I also think it's just what Donna thinks and it'll end up being the clay version but I digress. It's good to see Donna getting characterization as well in this series. I love to see her struggles with man's world.
Also there was some classic Roy whump and Robin's little sarcastic "go shoot an arrow at the psychic" quip and I greatly appreciated that.
I also appreciated how Dick sent Garth Donna and Roy to go into the psychic/magic haunted house while him, Karen and Wally did detective work even though that makes zero sense as a plan??? Literally though, what is Roy going to do in that situation??? Seriously. It'd make way more sense to send Garth, Donna and Wally because Wally can case the house faster. (Garth for magic, Donna for muscle, Wally for coverage) Also Roy, Karen and Dick would be a fantastic detective team. (Karen is great with people and could be the eye in the sky if needed, Roy and Dick are trained in this)
But, LMAO, Dick didn't want Roy anywhere near him and he also didn't want Wally anywhere near Roy.
(And, no, I'm actually not looking too into that because in the og Teen Titans comics Dick had a reoccurring issue of putting Wally with him despite strategy and Waid is writing this so there's gonna be layers to this series.)
Anyways, that's my thoughts.
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nicromancytarot · 22 days
so how did you manage to find the exact name of your spouse thats quite cool!
It’s a long story in all honesty. 2022 I liked this guy, and I stumbled across pick a cards on YouTube, I watched one about my future spouse and it mentioned some specific things that unfortunately for 2022 me did not add up with the guy I liked. At the end of 2022 I interacted with my future spouse unknowingly, and he’s always been under my nose which sounds insane and creepy at the same time. My friend sent me a video of him in 2021 and I had no idea who he was, I used an audio of him on tiktok in 2022 and still hasn’t a clue of his existence, even as far back to 2020 when I saw him on youtube and vowed to never watch his content ‼️
He’s somewhat in the influencing space if you can’t already tell (I’ll keep his name private for the sake of both of our privacies and timing, since obviously things can change) so I didn’t think much of it. Then mid 2023 I got back into Tarot and pick a cards, I was feeling really demotivated so I decided to watch some about my future spouse again, same thing as always happens, I put two and two together and was like “oh, hang on a minute” then bro got semi cancelled and I was onto bigger and greater things, hoping Louis Partridge was my husband instead 😔
I always felt verrrry drawn to this person no matter what and it pissed me off cus this was my era of loving Miguel Ohara and wishing that he was real, but it was spoiled by this man being on my mind. So around 5 months later I got back into his content (very loosely) and I was a tad more content with him being my future spouse.
I then started learning more about astrology, he hasn’t got many chart analysis posts about him as he’s not mainstream or anything, but the ones that he does have, the “soulmate” ones weirdly describe me and it’s creepy, because it makes me feel parasocial, I only know one other person with a “famous” future spouse so I don’t really know how to feel about it, since there’s so many unsuspecting, but it’s weird to know who you’re going to marry.
Another thing I should probably say is that my spirit guides don’t hide much from me anymore, the start of 2023 they gave me a blob of information about the universe and how it works and all these things about the afterlife (which again, makes me sound psycho, so I don’t speak about it) I’m writing a book on it, have been for the last year, it’s definitely going to be a lot when I one day release it lmao, but because of them telling me all this stuff, they don’t really care to hide my future spouse’s identity for me, I think they figured that it will motivate me to actually get my ass up and become who I want to become so we can meet.
But going back to the astrology, I was told by my spirit guides via pendulum that I was going to meet him at 21, that was told to me October last year, December last year I was looking through our astrology transits, we both have a 5th house (love and relationships) transit on November 24th 2026, 14 days after my 21st birthday. So that was certainly confirmation lmao. His 7th house ruler (where you could meet) in astrocartography goes over the country I live in, and my 7th house ruler also goes over that place too, so again, very strange.
During my October pendulum time, I spoke with one of my great grandparents who had a specific message for me, and she proceeded to spell out his name, so that’s how I know that lmao.
I’ve done so many readings on it since because it does make you feel absolutely, incredibly insane and possibly out of your mind, and they’ve always added up. I did a “how he’s going to meet his future spouse” and then mine, they added up too much, it was terrifying (bro feels rejected by me, L) and I also asked for confirmation a few nights later for just a single sign that he is indeed my future spouse, I pulled AT THE SAME TIME the lovers and two of cups, I genuinely sobbed when I realised I could’ve recorded it, it’s the craziest thing that’s happened to me in Tarot I swear.
I also received a few readings since during exchanges and games where people have straight up confirmed that he is who I think he is. So hopefully we both make the right decisions to be together in the end, it’s definitely not an opportunity I plan on missing out on.
I can’t lie, knowing your future spouse is hard, especially if they’re somewhat someone you look up to, I’m not necessarily a “fan” of him, I don’t really interact with his content anymore, I haven’t really done so since early 2023, but I feel guilty for not doing so now as of who he is to me, and who he shall be. I constantly have doubts about it, my guides get pissed off at me all the time because I’m always asking for confirmation or searching for something, but really all I know now is that if I make all the right choices, and he does too, then we will become what we will be, but for now I guess I feel isolated in that.
I won’t get into the whole negative side of knowing your future spouse, unless some asks me to lmao, it’s certainly too much for this already too long rant.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk xoxo
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itsaspectrumcomic · 6 months
this is kind of a vent and a bit of a silly rambled story (ooo story time! but feel free to ignore it if you want it wont bother me)
so i have been researching autism and adhd for roughly a year and a half now and its kinda become a special interest of mine (wild i know lmao) and its actually how i got my adhd diangosis! funnily enough the therapist who diagnosed me for adhd and evaluated me for asd was biased and had no knowledge about adhd or autism... :-] pained smile
(im afab and my sibling is amab and the comparisons between our assesments is insane. they got assesed easily but for me, the therapist was reluctant and judgemental. a great start i know /sarc)
anyway the therapist told me that i couldnt be autistic because even though i scored high, the test my PARENTS filled out for my childhood was very low. i wasnt even asked about my childhood experiences when it came back with a low score. i was just brushed off and told that it was only my adhd and that if i WAS autistic (which im not, according to her) that i would be "high functioning" and that "high functioning" people arent actually autistic. not word for word because i was half listening in shock but the general idea is still there. i have no clue how i even went to this woman tbh.
i have since made a list and included evidence for all the traits ive had since infancy but my parents 100% took the therapists word and are now completely convinced that there is zero chance that i can be on the autism spectrum. fun fact i think theyre both on the spectrum as well and ive talked to my sibling about it too. its wild lol
the thing is i keep going back and forth between denial and acceptance thinking i may be on the spectrum and ive had plenty of friends both professionally and self diagnosed tell me that i am on the spectrum but i cant help but accidentally find ways to invalidate myself and my experiences. i dont know if its worth it to get a professional diagnosis or to just exist as self diagnosed because they both have strong pros and cons. its all very confusing but i can wait 2 years until im a legal adult so i can at least try to get an assesment from a therapist who actually understands autism
i apologize for being so long winded and for any gramatical/spelling errors but i just wanted to thank you for making this blog in general. it feels very validating despite what other people and my negative thoughts try to say about my brain :-] i hope youre doing well !!
'"high functioning" people arent actually autistic'
UGH I hate that so much. I'm not really a fan of the the terms 'high functioning' and 'low functioning' anyway because it doesn't cover how autistic people can be really good at some things and struggle a lot with other things (also known as having a 'spiky profile') and just 'high' or 'low' doesn't properly take that into account, and then there's the whole questionable use of 'functioning' but that's a whole other discussion....
I'm sorry your parents aren't listening. Since autism can be genetic, it's fairly likely they are also on the spectrum and never noticed the traits when you were growing up because it all seemed normal to them.
It's a very personal decision whether or not to try for an official diagnosis, but whatever you decide is valid! The important thing is gaining self-acceptance and learning what works for you. Good luck and I'm so glad you're enjoying this blog :)
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deadduvznap · 3 months
Wait you do Harry Potter? Hell yea dawg I'll request that shit
Ron x dom Male Reader
Maybe reader is a slytherin, and doesn't take kindly to the golden trio or wtv
Anyways they're alone, room of requirements or sum. Que the non con, knife/blood play (would they use knives if they had magic?? Idk), and sadism
I have no clue how to send the hard ask thingies lmao my brain does not work very well
-💫 anon :D
(Pronouns are he/him btw for future reference)
as always FEMALE ALIGNING DNI !!!!!!
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my requests are currently closed but ill write a lil blurb for you ml kisses kisses
okay okay yesss i think that you dont like the golden trio that much not because they are gryffindors but probably because smth happened w harry (hes a bitch i dont like him 🗣️ )and then romance between ron and hermione but you like ron but you cant say anything blah blah blah but one day ur in the room of requirement because probably you saw ron and hermione talking and it rlly hit you so you wander round the halls till you find the room of requirement and its a nice little cozy library for you with a little fireplace and couches and you just go and sit and sob for a little but then you hear the door creak open you stiffen up and stop making any noise and peek round the corner or ur big chair and you see ron peeking his head in lookin confused and he sees you and he walks in hes like oh hey ive never seen this room before this is pretty cool and ur just quiet on the chair staring into the fire and ron is walking over to the other couch and he plops down and he keeps and keeps talking and ur just getting more irritated w him and he cant tell and ur staring at him ur eyes are puffy and ur arms are crossed over urself and one hand on ur wand and ron finally looks at you and he tilts his head looking so cute btw and hes like hey whats wrong and you dont say anything then you hit him w the petrificus totalus curse (the full body binding curse) and his limbs snap together and he slumps over the chair like a 2x4 leaning on it. you walk up to him ur like you talk too much and okay lets say ur a half blood (somehow) so you stay strapped up w a pocket knife at all times (even tho you dont need it) and you can see the fear in his eyes as you get closer to him and you can hear the noises in his throat as hes panicking trying to get away from you and you use ur wand to rope his limbs up (the incarcerous spell) and shove a cloth in his mouth prob like idk smth random you have idk and then you undo the curse and he immedietly tries to run away and cry but since the rope has him binded so tightly his arms behind his back and his ankles together you push him to sit down and pull his robes off as he struggles and cries trying to get away from you so you take ur little (5 inch) pocket knife and hold it to his neck and tell him to stop fucking moving or ull cut off his fingers sorry guys im feeling very torturous rn and hes full got tears running down his face soaking into his cloth gag and you bend him over the side his hips pressed against the arm rest of the couch chair thing and press his face into the actual seat and bend his back as much as possible btw so it hurts more and hes thrashing around cus it hurts and he doesnt want this he doesnt like you he likes hermione he just needed to destress after getting into an argument w the other two and now? now hes getting raped by someone he (thinks he) hates and then he feels something pressing against his asshole and guess what its ur dick bout to absolutely rawdog him no lube no condom no prep just some spit maybe so it doesnt hurt you or dare i say his own blood as the lube? you put ur dick against his asshole and he starts squirming his eyes squinty and trying to get away from you and so you take ur knife and press against his lower back and tell him i told you not to move around like a little bitch and you stick the knife into his back and he screams cus it hurts so bad hes shoving his face into the couch harder and hes crying trying to get away but the more he wiggles the deeper the knife goes in and that hurts more and you pull the little knife out and gather some blood with ur hand and use that as lube before it clots up and when that happens you just get more blood if hes about to pass out you use a spell to heal that wound and stab him somewhere else and get more blood by the time you cum hes about to pass out from the pain and hes absolutely covered in blood its dripping down his back from his lower back to his head and all over his arms and the couch is soaked with blood and his hair is a red ginger mess with clots of blood hes almost breathing in blood through the cloth gag
(sorry was at block text limit) through his mouth if you pull out and cum on his back it literally just mixes with the blood he passes out and you leave him there bound in rope and gagged over the edge of the couch covered in clotted and dried blood
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flxwxr-bxy · 2 years
—Forget Me Not ☆
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☆ Gender: really tiny bit of angst and fluff
☾ Characters: Childe, Kazuha, Aether, Thoma x GN! Reader
☆ Warning: i think none
(Guys I don't know why it says gender instead of genre but it doesn't let me change it so my apologies lmao 😭)
☾ I am not a native English speaker so I apologize if you find any spelling mistakes.☆
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☆ Description: Returning home after a long time without them knowing it ☾
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☆ Childe
You had to travel to liyue and mondstadt for four months for a fatui mission, but unfortunately everything took longer than expected, and you still haven't returned to snezhnaya after a year.
At first, when you didn't arrive at the right date, childe was ready to go looking for you everywhere if it wasn't for the letter you sent him telling him that you would stay there much longer and reminding him that you could manage on your own. It's not that he didn't trust your abilities, but the fact that he didn't have the date of your arrival left him quite uneasy.
So imagine his face when he saw you at the door one morning when he was ready to go to work.
He really felt like fainting, was this a dream? You had to tell him to sit down for a while so he could relax and after assuring him that you were fine and that the mission had been a success he couldn't contain himself and gave you a hug (you couldn't breathe lmao).
He missed you a lot and you scared the hell out of him by showing up out of nowhere so rest assured he won't let you go for a while
"y/nn I've missed you so much! Are you okay? I was so scared for a second, let's sit down, I want to hear what you've been doing all this time. Oh? That I should go to work? Forget it, this is more important."
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☾ Kazuha
Dating Kazuha meant that there would be long times without seeing each other, but after a while you both came to an agreement, most of the time you would explore teyvat together but you would also explore on your own some other times.
This time it was the second option, Kazuha opted to stay for a while in mondstadt and you wanted to return to inazuma to visit your family and friends before continuing your journey with Kazuha.
When the day to leave came you both decided to meet in liyue in two months, it wasn't a long time and you two had definitely spent more time without each other but that didn't make it any easier.
And thanks to the short time you would be apart he definitely didn't expect you to come back after only a month of being gone. It was a quiet afternoon and he was walking near mondstadt not wanting to explore much that day when he suddenly saw you walking a bit away from where he was.
He smiled softly and stretched out his arms to catch you as you hugged him tightly. It wasn't many sunsets without having you around but nevertheless he couldn't express how happy he was to have you back in his arms.
"Did you really miss me so much that you came back early? It's okay, I missed you so much too, ready to continue our adventure?"
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Aether was willing to go explore Sumeru but you had other plans wanting to stay in Liyue for a while and besides he wasn't entirely sure that the current situation in Sumeru was a safe place so you both came to an agreement that you would wait a while in Liyue until he found a place for you both to stay for a while.
Months passed and apart from a few letters telling you that he was fine but that things had gotten complicated and he still hadn't found any clues about his sister you decided to go help him, after all you wanted to explore Sumeru and see Aether again.
You arrived at gandharva ville after a few days of travel and to your surprise you found Aether there, he looked tired and wasn't really paying much attention to his surroundings so the first to notice your presence was no doubt paimon ready to announce your arrival but with a signal to be quiet you tried to walk quietly, finally you found yourself in front of aether and decided to talk.
This boy I swear, he had all kinds of emotions in a second. Are you okay? what are you doing here? He had missed you so much and was so frustrated about everything that he couldn't help but cry a little, but he quickly pulled himself together again and gave you a tight hug happy that you were there.
"You really took me by surprise, were you so excited to explore Sumeru that you forgot to tell me you were coming or something? It's okay, all that matters is that you're here."
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☾ Thoma
You had a vision that was almost taken by the shogun's decree so you decided to escape just like Kazuha, unfortunately this meant that you would leave everything behind including your boyfriend.
The first week Thoma felt heartbroken knowing that he couldn't help you in any way but as time passed he decided to hold on to the hope that you would be safer outside of Inazuma and that someday the decree would no longer exist and you would return.
For you it wasn't any easier, having nowhere to go and not knowing anyone in the other nations made you feel completely out of place but luckily you survived, so when one day the news came that inazuma was finally a safe place you couldn't express the happiness and anxiety that went through your body, what if everything was too different and you still felt out of place? What if no one remembered you or worse, something bad had happened to them? You hadn't heard from anyone all this time so your worries were reasonable. You immediately decided to pack a small suitcase and go to inazuma.
Although you were very sure of your decision to return to the island you were not prepared to see Thoma again, that's why you were so nervous right now at the entrance of the kamisato clan, but with the same confidence as the day you left you decided to enter.
The first one to notice your presence was Ayato smiling at you gently indicated where Thoma was, thanking him you headed to the place and immediately crossed glances with your boyfriend who was leaving the place.
He took his time to process what was happening before hugging you and almost crying his eyes out. How long had it been since you left? he didn't know, so long without knowing if you were safe or even alive, so many sleepless nights because you weren't there with him finally ended.
"thank you archons you are safe, I missed you so much you don't even know, not even a letter, did you know how worried I was all this time? Thank you so much for coming back and being safe, please don't go away again or at least let me hold you longer. I love you so much y/n."
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☾ Author's note: this is my first post so I hope I didn't do too bad lol I hope you have a nice day or night. ☆
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All works belong to @ flxwxr-bxy don't copy, translate or repost in other sites without my permission. Thanks ♡
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