#i had to go search the wiki to find that
kurozu501 · 9 months
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btw if we dont get that second section of madoka speaking to devil homura in the new movie what even is the point.
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mntcoronet · 2 years
*heavy sigh* the pain of suddenly becoming interested in a storyline told through a bunch of songs, but you can't decide whether to follow the order they're listed on the wiki or the order from the album most of them are on, plus some of the songs haven't yet been properly translated into english yet (at least anywhere that u can easily find) so you rely on jankily google translating those ones instead
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losersiren · 1 month
Yandere! Vault Dweller
N: I just finished the Fallout show, went on YouTube and fell down a rabbit hole of lore about the game. I decided Vault 11 shall be sacrificed (hehe). Everything I put in this fic is from the videos I've watched and the fan wiki, so it's like semi-accurate… Cw: talks about suicide, suicide (not the reader), violence, yandere tendencies, gore(?), death, manipulation, coercion, talks of death, should be gn! reader safe.... if not, put me in the chamber WC: 2.2k
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Quiet. It was quiet. The silence is deafening, yet the ringing in your ear grows louder and louder, each second feeling as if eons had passed. The automated computer voice repeats in your head like a catchy song you’ll hear on those dusty records, the ones Mama used to play and dance to.
“Congratulations, citizens of Vault 11! You have made the decision not to sacrifice one of your own. You can walk with your head held high, knowing that your commitment to human life is a shining example to us all. And to make that feeling of pride even sweeter, I have some exciting news. Despite what you were led to believe, the population of Vault 11 is not going to be exterminated for its disobedience. Instead, the mechanism to open the main vault door has now been enabled, and you can come and go at your leisure. But not so fast! Be sure to check with your overseer to find out if it's safe to leave. Here at Vault-Tec, your safety is our number one priority.”
You were young when your parents escaped the bombs to the vault you're situated in right now; you grew up believing that damned computer about sacrifices and watched your fellow vault mates get killed one by one. You waited for the time it would be you in that same chamber. Now, with this information surfaced…they died for what? An experiment? What would have happened if you had been voted overseer…
The lump in your throat grows heavier, and the arguments and yelling in the background become more and more apparent that you can't ignore them anymore. Your eyes drift to the man standing tall and proud beside you, Charli, his hair still somehow slick back; he still looks perfect even after the maddening chaos of events that transpired these past few days. His blue jumpsuit was as crisp as an ironed suit that the actors would wear from the moving pictures on television before the vault. His expression is as vacant as his blue eyes, his soft lips decorated with a barely visible smile. As he watches the other three vault survivors argue, Your brows furrow. 
Why isn’t he affected by the news like everyone else? This information is soul-crushing and life-changing!
Then again, you reason with yourself that maybe this is his way of coping; who are you to judge and microanalysis him like some psycho? Perhaps it’s the lack of sleep or the sense of safety ripped out of your hand like candy stolen from a baby. Heavens, you might nearly flip your lid entirely if something else happens. You sigh. To believe you almost were insinuating that Charli would even be a drop suspicious, and of what, exactly? He saved and shielded you from the massacre that only left the five of you remaining; he was your childhood best friend..how could you? You reprimand yourself.
His eyes finally meet yours, and the sympathy and worry you sought appeared when the blonde saw how distressed you were. “Are you alright?” his soft voice fills your head–drowning out the talks of whether the group should commit suicide in honour of your dead vault men or venture into the outside world to educate others on how your vault was misled. You were somewhat dissociated from the whole conversation. Reasonably so.
His hands, soft yet calloused, turn your head side to side to check for any visible injuries he might’ve missed, which he shouldn’t have—knitted eyebrows and razor-sharp eyes search frantically for anything. 
Charles or… As you’ll call him later in your relationship, Charlie, has always been like this. When you met him, he was a reserved kid, a trait that would carry on from his pubescent to adolescent years. 
When other kids grew out of their shyness and worrisome attitude and eventually adapted to the vault, he was pushed aside. Well, that wouldn’t be the only reason. His father was the first overseer of Vault 11, the same overseer who thought the best course of action was not to tell the vault residents about the sacrificial system they were now to live with. That same choice he made was the reason for his death, and he was the first to test the new system. He wasn’t a good man. He was greedy, a neglectful father and husband, and so on. A family now ruined by one man’s ill-considered decision; Charles's mom wasn’t much better, the textbook definition of a hypocrite. Bad-mouthing her dead husband, the same one she defended when said husband would push his son away.
Most would fear having no one at the end of the world, but it became Charles's life; while everyone adapted to vault life, Charles adapted to the misfortune of the consequences of his old man’s actions. You decided one day to talk to him while others stood clear. It was a simple conversation; others would just brush it off…which he did initially. But after that day, you would constantly seek him out, and with that, you wore a genuine smile and interest every time you talked to him. His walls crumbled into dust for you and only you. You were like a shooting star he wished for. His reputation grew because of you and, with that, his feelings for you sored. You became his way of life. In his teen years, he decided to become the best match for you– He would participate in every extracurricular activity the vault would provide to make him an unstoppable force of a man. The perfect golden boy was made..for you.
He had the “perfect body,” perfect sperm count, unmatched intelligence, and charisma—he perfected them (even if you were the only one he talked to for long periods)—strength, agility, endurance—all of it. He will be everything you need and more. With that, he made sure no one would vote you as overseer…
He was so soft on you that it would rival feathers. Do you need help lifting that? He's already there. Do you need help with your pre-war history? He’ll just sit you down and study with you for hours. Are you bleeding from an accidental cut? Don’t worry he just finished his first aid training. He already had a plan for you both for everything that would happen.
“I’m fine…” You grab both of his hands gently. “...Well, not fine, fine, but I'm not hurt.” You smile weakly up at him. “It’s okay. You and I will get through this,” He coos, pushing strands of your hair away from your face and behind your ear. His touch is warm and tender, yet the words you hear next aren’t.
“Fuck..I..I can’t do this I’m sorry.” A man, short in stature, starts backing away, gun in hand, clearly distressed. Your eyes move away from Charli’s to your fellow survivor; unknowingly to you, Charli rolls his eyes at the man's “dramatics.”  “We don’t deserve to leave...That thing called us a shiny example..f..f.fucked! Thats fucked! I..I can’t live with that!” Another man says, “Anyone would’ve done what we did.” A woman comments, “You ask me? That's exactly the problem. Now, let’s get on with this.”
“Wait,” you say, stunned, as if he had predicted this would happen. Charles moves his hands to cover your eyes. The short man is first, putting his gun on the roof of his mouth and pulling the trigger, not sparing any more time; the woman is next, the second gunshot. Then, with a sigh and short prayer, the last man repeats the action done by the others. Each lifeless body hits the floor one by one, and then there is silence.
What the hell.
You try to understand the situation, but your brain has yet to catch up…it’s all too much. Charli whispers calming phrases while he shields your eyes with one hand and rubs patterns along your back with the other. Tears start rolling down your face…and you sob. Hard. His hand moves to pet your hair, soothing you while you let it all out of your system.
He moves his body to shield you from the gruesome events that have just taken place; he moves both of his hands and cradles your face. You try looking behind him out of curiosity, but he stops you before you can.”Hey! Look at me with those gorgeous eyes,” He mummers, and of course, you comply. “There we go. You listen to me so well,” he whispers lovingly. “Here’s what we’re going to do. We’ll both go back to my vault room. I have enough supplies for the both of us to survive outside for a while, okay?” He asks you, and you nod, agreeing to whatever he says. 
“I need to hear you say it..” 
“…yes, of course, whatever you think is best.” He smiles at you, thumb caressing your cheek. “Keep your eyes on me, okay?” He takes your hand and leads you through the halls. It's quiet… you don't like it. Your eyes are trained on his back, Charli…he’s your lifebuoy in the angry sea, the only thing keeping you afloat; if it wasn’t for him…you might’ve met your end with the others. As if sensing your inner turmoil, he squeezes your hand, comforting you…and you squeeze back. Your world just fell apart, yet…it doesn’t seem entirely gone with Charli by your side. 
It's only a short time till you reach his vault. You’ve been here so many times it's basically your room by now. The tall blonde turns to look at you. “I’m going to let you go, just for a second, okay..? I just need to get the supplies.” He holds your one hand with both of his– you reply with a soft okay, and with your permission, he starts to move. He moves towards his small desk to grab a small, flat-headed screwdriver, walks to a particular spot, and pops the floor title beneath him, revealing a hidden compartment. It's filled with two modular military backpacks, filled to the bream with necessities for outside the vault.
He was prepared for all of this…
Then he starts talking about what he has in mind for the two of you, settling on the surface of living together and everything. Charles gets lost when talking to you; he can speak his mind about almost anything, and rambling is second nature with you. The hermit turned a social butterfly in your presence.
“You know that computer may have been our downfall, but god did bless me with more information than I could handle…good thing, huh, glad I went through all that code…Vault-tec tried to make it secure, but I found a way...We could go somewhere called New Vegas…” He keeps talking. 
But you stand there, still, as a statue, looking down at him as he gathers everything…What did he just say? 
You think back to the start when killing between the blocs started..he was right there, ready to protect you, when you and the other surviving tested out if the chamber would kill all of you…he almost seemed to be too assured nothing bad would happen to any of you, almost like…no…no. You’re overthinking, right? But the more you listen…
“You knew…” you shakingly exclaim out loud, cutting him off. “Hmm?” He looks up at you as he puts the tile back…” You knew we didn’t need sacrifices…you knew it would play out like this…” you say louder and more confidently. Those once-homey blue eyes become cold and distant… analyzing you.  
You both stare at each other.
You turn and run.
 But your efforts are in vain; you don’t even leave the room before two muscular arms wrap around behind you, overtaking you, holding your arms down around your waist, dragging you back. You scream and kick with no success. You end up with his arms around you while he sits down, his back against the wall, and you in front of him with his head in your neck while you let it all out. “When?” you croak out, “When we were fifteen, I didn’t want you to become overseer…I didn’t want you to die..so I wondered if it was the computer that sent signals to kill whoever was sent in that chamber and wondered if I could stop it from killing you specifically; that's when I found out .” He answers swiftly and truthfully, “Why didn’t you tell anyone?” You question, “I didn’t care, honestly, the only thing that matters is you…If everyone died in the process, it would be less work for me…I wanted it to be us from the beginning, anyway. I want you to need me as much as I need you…and now you finally do.”  
You feel weak and sick to your stomach… All your peers would’ve ended up dead either way. “I want to leave.” he hums, not mocking you but in acknowledgment. “And do what? You don’t know how to defend yourself; you have no supplies prepared, barely any survival instincts, and you don’t even know any information on the surface above. You can leave, but you’ll die…I can’t let that happen, sorry.” Charles buries himself more into you. 
“I hate you,” You whisper.
“That’s okay…all that matters is that you're here…with me and only me… I’ll keep you safe and sound.”
N: This was a long one, whew! I had to think about how I could make a Yandere fic with Fallout, and I had tons of concepts, but this one stood out the most. I hope my execution was good enough....Anyway, my next fic will most likely be a jealous fic about my Yandere lord, so stay tuned! Till then! see you soon my little guppies (´꒳`)♡ extra note: Throughout writing this, I thought "My Way of Life by Frank Sinatra" would fit Charli perfectly.
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eyrina-avatar · 1 year
Mother's Day
parining: Neteyam x reader aged up and are parents - a mother's day special
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synopsis: after the battle of Awa'atlu and with Quaritch now dead, the Sullys are back to living a peaceful life at the forest and Neteyam and reader have a child. Neteyam has a surprise for reader on Mother's Day.
warnings: none, mostly fluff. only a little tiny mention of reader doubting her skills as a new mother but those thoughts are later on squashed.
author's note: do na'vi babies use diapers or just loincloths that are regularly changed? I looked online and couldn't find any info on it. I mentioned about two weeks ago that this was supposed to come out on Sunday, so I know it’s late and Mother’s Day is long gone but oh well, life has been busy. Enjoy!
word count: 2.4k
glossary: prrnen- baby, ma'itan- my son, eyaye plant- warbonnet fern (the big glowing leaves of pandora that looks like a fan- in the right pic of the header), panopyras- the plant that looks like a glowing jellyfish (in the left pic of header). more info can be found on avatar's official pandorapedia and on avatar wiki.
You gently moved your baby back and forth in your arms as you tried to calm his crying.
"Mawey, mawey ma'itan," you cooed into his ear as you tried to figure out what was making your less than one-year-old son so cranky.
"What is wrong, huh? I just fed you an hour ago, and daddy just changed your nappies." Your baby began to grow more irritable by the minute, and you had to find a quick solution. The baby was supposed to be asleep; that way you could go out into the forest to gather some fruit and vegetables for dinner.
Your son had now begun sucking on his thumb while crying and moving his head close to your chest in search of milk.
"You're still hungry? Is that what it is?" You adjusted your top to let your son feed on you, instantly calming his crying and fussiness. "What an appetite." You simply shook your head and laughed.
"Happy Mother's Day!" You heard a loud commotion outside of Neteyam's and your shared Marui. You moved the opening of your tent and peered outside, and saw Jake and his kids, Neteyam included, all showering Neytiri with attention. They all gave her a big hug and handed her flowers, rare fruits, bracelets, and a matching headset. She thanked her family for the presents, and you merely smiled at the kind gesture. You closed the flap of your tent, basking in the warmth and tranquility of your child as his eyes were now closed, content with his feeding.
When you were previously an avatar before your permanent soul transfer, you had already learned of Mother's Day and its significance. Though now, as a Na'vi, you grew to the customs of the Omaticaya and have not paid much attention to it until now.
As a mother of a young baby, not even a toddler, you knew not to expect anything significant on the day yet. How would your child know to give you a gift or thank you for being his mother? Foolishness- he was too young for you to even think about that, and you let out a small chuckle at your own thoughts and sighed.
Jake always made it clear to Neytiri on Mother's Day how much he loved and appreciated her, and he always gave her something for mothering their children. Would Neteyam do the same to you as well?
Although Neteyam is a Na'vi, you slightly expected him to know that this day held significance for you as well, especially as the father of your child. Or maybe he didn't know?
But like the rest of the Sully kids, he learned about it from Jake and has not missed a single year to gift something to Neytiri on this special day. Or maybe he didn't think you were such a good mother after all. Perhaps you were just being silly, how could you expect someone to congratulate you on something you’re so new at? You’re Na’vi now, and perhaps you should just get used to it.
You simply sighed again at the thought and placed your child in your frontal wrap as you prepared to go out and gather the food for later.
"What is it? Is something wrong?" Neteyam walked into your tent and gave you a questioning look.
"No, no. Nothing’s wrong." You shook your head and smiled.
“I heard you sighing as if something was wrong.” Neteyam interrogated.
“Oh, I’m fine, Nete. I was just glad that the baby finally fell asleep after crying for so long.” You petted your son’s head as you tried to sell your excuse to your mate.
“I see. Sorry for not coming into the tent sooner. I thought I heard a baby crying, but I was a bit busy at the moment.” Neteyam helped you up as you grabbed a basket for the food you were getting ready to pick.
“It’s fine-”
“No, no, I should have helped you out-”
“Neteyam.” You placed your hand on his, “It’s fine. The baby was just hungry again, you weren’t going to be much help in that situation.” You let out a small giggle.
He simply chuckled, “I guess not.”
“I’ll be back in time to make dinner.” You waved as you made your way out of the tent.
Huh, busy? Simply busy celebrating Mother’s Day and not with you. You rolled your eyes and huffed out. Y/n, get yourself together.
You shook your head in disbelief at your own antics.
I’m sure Neteyam appreciates you, he’s probably just waiting for the baby to get bigger to celebrate Mother’s Day. In fact, maybe he’ll tell your son when he gets older. Yes, that's it.
You smiled to yourself as you came up with a conclusion and decided to drop the topic, knowing that getting upset over something so trivial wouldn’t do you any good.
You contently continued your way into the forest.
Nete, I’m home. Dinner will be ready s-” you looked into your marui and saw no one inside. Maybe Neteyam was out hunting, or busy helping his siblings, probably bailing Lo’ak out of trouble or something. You laughed at the thought.
You placed your still-asleep son in his cot and got straight to cooking as you peeled the fruits and vegetables, and moved the veggies onto separate plates, chopped, and cooked them. With your quick and skilled hands, the food was ready in no time, and your mate was home in no time as well.
“Mmm, what is that delicious smell, huh?” Neteyam made his way towards you. “Is that the wonderful cooking of my cute wife?” He bent down and gave you a kiss. Your tail swished back and forth at the compliment, and you blushed.
“Oh, just sit down.” You jokingly rolled your eyes as you gave him a bowl of food. “Thank you, love,” he smiled at you, and you sent one back.
“So, where were you?” You pried as you ate your food.
“Eh, just helping one of the clan members hunt some meat. No luck today, though.” Neteyam continued eating.
Hmm, strange. He’s all neat and clean, not a drop of sweat. Unless he bathed at the river before coming over? Probably so.
You decided to stop overthinking and just enjoy your food before you soured your appetite.
The rest of the meal was quiet but comfortable.
“Alrighty, done. That was delicious, as always.” Neteyam handed you the bowls, and you set them aside.
“So, anything in plan to do lat-” you were cut off with the sound of crying waving through your ears. You rushed over to your son and picked him up.
“Here, let me help.” Neteyam made his way over to you and took the baby from your hands. “What is my little mighty warrior so upset about, huh?” Your mate gently rocked the child back and forth.
“Shh, shh. Daddy's right here.” He cooed, and you couldn’t help but giggle at the self-given name.
The baby wouldn’t stop crying, and so you took a peek at his bottom. “Oh,” you simply let out.
“What is it?” Neteyam gave you a questioning look.
“He needs to be cleaned.” You took the baby out of Neteyam’s arms and placed him on a mat.
“Look at that cutie!” Kiri beamed as she entered the tent and made her way straight to you and Neteyam’s son. “Aww, don’t you worry. He needs a cleaning, right? I’ll take care of it.” Kiri shooed your hands away and got to work.
“No, Kiri, you don’t have to do that.” You felt bad and tried to stop her.
“Nonsense, I’ll take care of him. Go out with Neteyam and do something. Maybe go on one of those dates or whatever you romantics like to do.” She simply waved you away.
“Thank you,” Neteyam mouthed to her when you weren’t looking.
“Are you sure?” You let out as Neteyam dragged you out of the tent.
“Kiri will be fine.” He assured you.
“Well, where are we going?” You asked.
“Put this on.” He gave you a blindfold, and you simply looked at him confused about what he was doing.
“Just put it on, you trust me, right?”
“Good. Then put it on.”
You held the blindfold over your eyes, and Neteyam tied it. “How will I know where to step? What if I fall?” You asked, giving a questioning look behind the cloth.
“You wont.” Neteyam swooped you up in his arms and carried you bridal style. “You see?” He smirked.
“Well technically since I’m blindfolded right now…” Neteyam lowered his arms down, threatening to drop you. “Alright, ALRIGHT. I get it!” You let out as he swung you over his shoulders and made his way into the forest with you.
“Are we there yet?” You groaned at the long walk to wherever it was that Neteyam was taking you.
“C’mon, just wait a bit. We’re almost there.” Neteyam readjusted his hold on you.
“You said that like 5 minutes ago,” you rolled your eyes behind the cloth.
“You're starting to sound like Tuk with all of that complaining.” He chuckled
“Am not!”
“You see, you’re even arguing like her.” He teased as you swung your tail by his face in retaliation.
“Alright, I’m putting you down. We’re almost there, and you can walk from here.” Neteyam carefully lowered your legs to the ground. “I’ll hold your hand so you don’t fall.” He took your hand in a firm grasp and led the way.
“Alright, just a few more steps, c’mon.” Neteyam led you down a small hill and brought you to a stop at the bottom. “You can open your eyes now.”
You untied the cloth from your eyes and gasped at the view. A beautiful glowing stream flowed in front of you, and a small nearby waterfall fed it as a few hexapedes quenched their thirst on it. Lizards flew around you, and atokirinas gracefully danced in the air as some landed near the panopyras and on the lily pads in the water.
“Nete-“ you were speechless at the sight. This was the spot that made you fall in love with the forest, always so majestic and peaceful, breathtaking, and full of color and life.
“It’s beautiful, I love it! We haven't been here in ages; you know this is my favorite spot!” You gleamed as you faced Neteyam, and he smiled at your reaction.
"Well, what type of mate would I be if I didn't bring you anywhere nice on this special day?" He smirked, and your eyes widened in shock.
"You remembered?" Your jaw dropped open at his comment in realization that this indeed was for Mother's Day.
"Of course I did! How could I forget the beautiful mother of our child, huh?" Neteyam pecked your cheek with a kiss. "Happy Mother's Day, love. And thank you for being such a wonderful and good mother to our firstborn son. I couldn't have asked for anyone else."
A tear rolled down your cheek, and you quickly wiped it away and sniffled as you tried to control your emotions. "Thank you. I love you so much." You wrapped your arms around Neteyam as he embraced you in a warm hug.
"I love you." He responded as he held you in his arms and looked down at your eyes, "I've got something for you."
You simply tilted your head in confusion as he let go of you and walked behind a tree, bending down to pick something up.
He brought back an object wrapped in eyaye leaves and handed it to you.
"What is this?" You gave him a 'you shouldn't have' look.
"Just a little something for you. Open it up, sweetheart." His tail swished back and forth in nervousness as you unwrapped the gift, and your eyes lit up at the sight.
You held up two matching bracelets, both filled with your favorite colors, blue and purple. Those were the bioluminescent colors of the forest that made you fall in love with Pandora, and Neteyam knew just how special they were to you.
"Do you like it?" His ears flickered at his anxiousness.
"I love it! It's beautiful, and they're my favorite colors! Nete, you know me so well!" You ran up to Neteyam and jumped up as you gave him a hug, almost knocking him down in the process. You grabbed his face and gave him small pecks everywhere, his cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, and finally, his lips.
"Well, I'm glad you like it." He chuckled at your antics and put you down. You put one bracelet on your ankle and the other on your wrist. Both fitted perfectly, and you raised your eyebrows at Neteyam.
As if knowing what you were going to say, he blurted out, "I measured you while you were sleeping. You're not such a light sleeper after all." Neteyam smirked.
"Well, however it was that you got the size, it worked. They fit wonderfully and look absolutely beautiful. I love them so much, thank you, ma'teyam." You smiled at your thoughtful mate and the beautiful gifts, mentally scorning yourself for your doubts earlier.
"And these are for you as well." Neteyam handed you a beautiful bouquet of sun lilies, glowing blue with purple outlines surrounding the petals and stems.
"Babe... you really outdid yourself. You know that, right?" You shook your head as you gently grabbed the flowers from his hands and smelled them. "They look great and smell amazing. Thank you." You smiled up at Neteyam as he held his hand on your back, and the both of you sat at the edge of the river, legs now kicking in the water.
"I'm so grateful to have you as my mate, my beautiful wife, and the wonderful mother of our child and hopefully many more to come, if you allow it." Neteyam kissed your cheek, and you smiled at the thought.
"And I'm so grateful to have you in my life, I wouldn't trade you for anything else. You make me feel like the happiest woman on Pandora; of course I would be glad to mother all of our future children." You smiled up at the stars as you held the flowers in your hands as a child, already used to carrying your baby in that position, causing Neteyam to chuckle at the sight.
"I love you," you turned to look at him.
"And I love you." Neteyam held your face in his hand.
"Forever..." you leaned in.
"...and always." Neteyam sealed his love for you with a kiss.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
again, sorry this came out so late. this was supposed to come out on Mother's Day but unfortunately I wasn't able to complete it sooner. I hope it came out decent enough for you guys to enjoy it.
reblogs/comments etc. are much appreciated
let me know if you want to be included in a taglist.
do not steal my work and please don't post it on ao3 or wattpad
© eyrina-avatar
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colors used:#ED345F and #FFB3CF
credit: divider from this post: here
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roronoagem · 6 months
Maybe this would be better? What about Law finding out his SO was forced to eat a devil fruit. She hadn't told anyone and it was only made obvious after she fell overboard and couldn't swim. Maybe she had talked about her previous love for swimming, but no one caught on that it was something she couldn't do anymore.
characters: trafalgar d. water law
content warnings: gn!reader, law feels a bit betrayed lol, reader almost drowned, & very slight argument.
a/n: shitting my pants rn bc i met law in the anime a couple of times & my knowledge is based on vids & his wiki 😭 i’m scared to write him so out of character, please don’t come at me if it’s nothing like law i beg you . . . i’m gonna jump bye !
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let’s start with you speaking about how much you loved swimming, how much you loved going to the beach.
everyone on the polar tang knew about it, but they were totally oblivious that you couldn’t do it anymore due to your devil fruit.
not even your captain knew about this.
and he didn’t know you had the powers of a devil fruit, in the first place.
and when you fell right into the water and your head didn’t pop out of the water, bepo started to panic.
“CAPTAIN!” bepo was running from side to side searching for law. “[y/n]..!”
that’s when law appeared and noticed your absence, trying to get the polar bear to explain the situation.
when shachi finally pulled you out of the water, after he jumped in to search for you, you were almost passed out. law felt a hint of panic at the sight because well… it didn’t make much sense from what the bear said.
did you hit your head? did something underwater attacked you? could it be that you got so scared you passed out?
impossible. he knew you too well, you wouldn’t get scared just because you fell into the water, it was calm enough to be able to swim too.
when you finally opened your eyes and started coughing water, law felt relief fill his chest. he checked your pulse and body temperature, make sure you were breathing properly. he wrapped you in a blanket as you were completely soaked.
you felt a bit dizzy, unable to focus on whatever was surrounding you. “[y/n]! i’m so glad you’re okay! i’m sorry!” bepo started to apologise because he stood there panicking instead of taking action, but you weren’t mad at him.
“it’s okay… don’t worry,” you were able to say before meeting law’s hard gaze. you shivered, because he seemed unhappy somehow. “we need to talk,” that’s all he said.
you ended up in his office, he finished checking you up just to be sure you were truly okay. he didn’t say much while doing so, which caused the tension between you two to grow.
“say something,” you gave in before law. it was tiring, to say the least. he was avoiding your eyes too. what the hell?
“you almost drowned,” he said then, tone obvious. but he still was avoiding you. “but i’m here now,” you answered back.
law took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to not snap at you. “you were drowning,” he repeated, finally meeting your gaze. “but i’m alive!”
“what happened?” his tone was cold, he was treating you like any other patient. “i fell in the water, shachi pulled me out. that’s all,” you tried to sound as confident as possible, protecting your secret. “you know what doesn’t sound right to me?” law tilted his head to the side, “you talking every second about how much you love swimming, you love the sea, the ocean, and then this happens!”
of course he finally snapped. law is not a dumb man, he knows everything about everyone in his crew — he has to. it was clear you were avoiding telling him something important, and this was making him feel both angry but also hurt… did you not trust him enough?
“i-i forgot how to do that, i guess??” you responded, trying to make him let go of the subject. “you like it so much but you forget how to do that? how is it that i’ve never seen you get too close to the water since you joined this crew, huh?”
so he had noticed. he knew that it didn’t make sense but he never found the right moment to bring this up. but now…
“you’re the one avoiding it in the first place,” you retorted, as if putting him under the spotlight for a second would help you win the argument. “yes, because i ate a devil fruit and–”
when law paused, you noticed realisation spreading all over his expression. he found the missing piece of the puzzle. you ate a devil fruit too.
“why?” as he said that you couldn’t bare to look at him anymore, his tone showed that he felt betrayed by you for not telling him such important information. “[y/n]-ya… look at me,” law took a step closer.
“i was forced to eat it! i didn’t want to do that! i-i genuinely loved the ocean, swimming, these weren’t lies! but…”
when you started sobbing, law moved closer and gently cupped your cheeks. you met his gaze and noticed that he wasn’t angry anymore, he was trying to comfort you the best he could. “i know this is something you’re not proud of, but this information is vital. i needed to know that you ate a devil fruit because it could put your life in danger, just like today. i’d never judge you for it,” he tried to reassure you.
you felt relieved, you wiped your cheeks and then leaned closer to hug him. he caressed your back gently and let you stay like that for as much as you needed.
“i’m sorry,” you then murmured, sighing. “you’re alive and that’s all that matters to me,” law’s tone was firm, he held you a bit tighter for a second. you smiled at his words, words full of his love for you.
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pythonees · 6 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ GUTS — johnny slaughter
WARNINGS: 18+, you're shorter than johnny in this (wiki says he's 6ft), f!soft-bodied!reader, sadistic!johnny (this man thrives off of other peoples pain he would enjoy it in bed too), light knife play, blood play, kidnapping, coercion, crying, dacryphilia, unprotected sex, creampie, typical tcm shit
A/N: please do not flag this for no reason, just block me. flagging my work as mature means it isn't seen by as many people in the tags when searched. Also!!!!, this is really long for no reason (4k words) AND I already have a multi part no slasher!AU in the works that's gonna be bordering on 10 chapters, knowing me it'll eternally be a wip tho...
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Taking in a shaky breath, you hold it, willing the pounding of your heart to calm down as you listen for any movement around you. All you hear is the sounds of the forest, but still you sit and wait. You had been separated from the others that you had escaped with, though you suppose separated is the wrong word to use in this situation.
One of the girls that had been captured with you, a tall girl with matted brown hair and milky, bruise covered skin, had shoved you the second she had heard a noise from one of your kidnappers as they gained up on you. You had fallen down a pretty steep slope, thankfully lost in the heavy foliage that covered the ground and shrouded you instead of becoming the bait she wanted you to be.
It takes you more time than you would like to admit to get your bearings back, unable to see anything from under a bush. It hurts to breathe, and your vision is hazy from hitting your head on the way down. There's the sound of a too close chainsaw revving up above you, making the pounding of your head worsen, followed by the screams of the traitor that shoved you down the slope.
"Please, please, don't do this. I haven't done anything wrong!" She cries, as if she didn't just try to trade your life in for her own. You wince when you hear her scream again, drowned out by the chainsaw cutting through her flesh and blood splattering onto every nearby surface. The sound has your stomach curling, but a part of you feels that she had it coming for what she did to you.
When the stomping of the mask wearing man's feet are a distant, you allow yourself to breathe more comfortably, loosening up your death grip on the old piece of pipe you had grabbed as a weapon when you got out of your restraints. Your fingers ache, knuckles popping as they relax for the first time in what has felt like hours.
"That's what you get, twig ass bitch," you mutter under your breath. When your heart beat finally goes back to a more normal level, and you don't feel like you're about to shake out of your skin, you slowly drag yourself out from the brush, looking around the slowly darkening woods for a way to go.
Readjusting your grip on the pipe, you slowly make your way away from the chaos, hoping that they don't look down here for you.
You don't know where you're going or how far you've gotten, all you know is that you greatly regret putting on a skirt yesterday morning. Not only has it gotten caught on just about everything while you've been running for your life, but the humid Texas heat has caused your thighs to chafe something fierce, and it's starting to sting more than the cuts that litter your arms and torso.
Eventually, you find a shallow stream, and you quickly stumble your way to it. Dipping your fingers in, you sigh at the cool water against your sweaty skin. You carefully scoop some up into your hands, not wanting to make any noise as you press your face into your cupped hands.
There's a faint ribbon of red that you watch slowly get mixed into the water, and you dump it into the stream, watching it quickly disappear. You scoop up another cool batch of water, careful to keep any from spilling through your shaking fingers. It's as you're bringing your hands up to sip from the water that you feel all the hair on your body stand up on end, heart racing.
Looking into the trees, you slowly stand up, turning in place. You can't really see anything, but you know you're not crazy. You also know that you're absolutely fucked. The forest is not something you find yourself in often, or at all, really, and considering it borders onto these crazy fuckers property... they probably knew where you were the whole time.
You want to yell, to scream out your frustrations onto whoever it is that's following you. But your voice is dry, and even breathing has started to feel like too much, your voice cracking around the whispered words, "I-" you swallow roughly, eyes frantically looking around, "I know you're there."
You hear nothing around you, but you know. There are eyes on you. Just how close... you have no idea.
The next breath you take is shaky, eyes watering as you hop over the little stream. Taking another look around you and still finding nothing, you continue on your way.
Crickets jump around you as you carefully make your way to what you hope is safety, spooking you every time they jump in front of your vision. You're struggling for air as the mounting panic starts to cloud your senses, breaths coming in rushed puffs. Your heart is pounding in your ears, so loud that you don't hear the sound of someone walking behind you.
You let out a scream when the back of your shirt is grabbed and yanked, thrusting your elbow back as hard as possible and hitting them in the stomach. There isn't any give, a hard plane of muscle that probably hurts you more than them.
"Well! Look who we've got here!" The man says, a laugh coating his voice. His hand twists in your shirt, the collar of it tightening around your throat. With a rough yank your back is flush against his chest, and you catch the glint of his knife as he presses his fist into your stomach, the tip of the blade nicking the underside of your breast.
You hiss in pain, flinching away from the blade and bumping into his chest. The nearly too tight grip he has on your shirt disappears, but you aren't able to take a breath before that hand has come around to grip at your throat. The thick expanse of his calloused fingers press into your smooth skin, the pressure your neck a warning that has you freezing on the spot.
His fingers flutter, pressing into the sides of your throat, and the breathy sound you let out has both of you freezing in place. His chest pushes against your back as he takes in a deep breath, the exhale painting goosebumps along your damp neck. The man's grip loosens just slightly, before squeezing again. Another moan is pulled from you, and you can feel the man laugh against your back, the low tone sending shivers down your spine.
"Oh, am I gonna 'ave fun with you." The man drops the hand from around your throat, using it to grip your upper arm, steering you back the way you came. The tip of his blade is still scraping your skin, the constant pain seeming to send shocks all over your body. He takes a sharp turn that you aren't prepared for, a gasp leaving you as he shoves you up against a particularly thick tree.
The blade in his hand is dropped to the forest floor, his left hand cupping your cheek roughly as he directs your face up to his. His brown eyes are impossibly dark as they take you in, free hand palming your waist. He’s hiked up your flowy, flower patterned shirt, his big hand sliding up your torso to thumb at the cut under your breast.
You hiss in pain, but that only seems to excite him, the man bringing his blood covered thumb up to his lips, tongue poking out to guide the appendage into his mouth. The low moan that escapes him has you clenching your thighs together, eyes wide as you watch his thumb slide out of his mouth, traces of your bright red blood left on his tongue.
“Fuck, best thing 've ever tasted,” he mutters, hands moving to collect more of the slow trickling blood. Your hands are shaky as they grip onto his blood stained tank top, watching his face as he stares down at his hand, thick fingers disappearing into the meat of your breast instead of swiping up more of your blood.
He dips his head down to mouth at your neck, teeth unforgiving against your skin. His tight grip on you and the tree at your back keeps you from flinching away, at his mercy as his teeth work at your flesh. He doesn't break skin, but it's a near thing, a bruise no doubt starting to form already.
“Ah, hurts,” you whine, tears prickling at the corner of your eyes. Despite the pain, you don't try to push him away, hands steadily holding his black tank. Hot puffs of breath dance over your damp skin as he laughs, running his tongue over the bruised flesh before pulling back to look at you.
“That so?” Hesitantly, you nod, heart pounding as you let your weight fully rest up against the tree, breathing shaky as his previously idle hand starts to palm at your breast. His large hand seems to engulf you, and you can't help but push into his touch. He's rough with this too, as you suspect he is with all things, groping you while he watches on with a satisfied look on his face.
Slowly, your fingers unclench from his shirt, and you press your hand flat against his chest. You can feel his warmth even through his shirt, hands trailing absently over his defined pecs. You watch your hands move as he chuckles, eyes flicking up to find him smirking down at you.
“Pretty little thing like you,” he starts, thumb running along your cheekbone, “bet you're sweet all over, ain't ya?"
The next breath you take is shaky, eyes wide and glassy as you stare up at him. He hums, head tilting as he observes you.
“Wanna know what I think?” He whispers, head dipping down again. This time he doesn't bite you, though there's still a twinge of pain as he sucks over the bruises his teeth had made. Your response is lost in your gasp, knees buckling at the unexpected current of pleasure that wracks through you. If it weren't for him pressing you against the tree, you would probably be on the ground right now.
“Think I'm gonna keep you all to myself. You'd be my good girl, won't you?” He moves up to mouth at your jaw, wet open mouthed kisses following his path to your mouth, “Whaddya say, think you could be Johnny's good girl?”
Through the fear pumping through you at the thought of what would happen to you if you said no, there's a part of you, a sick and twisted part, that really, desperately wants to succumb to this sadistic man's whims. You know saying yes would be just as bad as what will happen if you say no. There's no knowing what he would do to you, but that part of you frankly doesn't care.
“Please,” you whisper, letting your hands wrap around his broad torso, palms flat against his back as you press his muscular body against yours, as if he could get any closer, “so good. I'll be your good girl.”
You don't fight the hand on your face as he guides you, eyes fluttering at the close proximity of your faces. Johnny's eyes are crinkled at the corners, his smirk pressed against the corner of your mouth, “Good.”
Johnny's lips are aggressive as they press against yours, seeming to consume you as his tongue bullies its way into your mouth. There's nothing you can do but endure the attack, moaning and gasping into his mouth as his other hand continues to grope you.
Overwhelmed by the force of his kiss, you can't keep yourself still. Tree bark scrapes your skin with every shudder his skillful tongue pulls from you, but you barely feel it. All you feel is him, his all encompassing presence that looms over you and threatens to consume your very being.
Through his jeans and your skirt, you can feel his erection pressing into your lower stomach as you shift against him. The feeling of it seems to awaken something in you, a primal urge you've never felt before, your hands dropping from his back to pathetically fumble at the bottom of his tank. Once you get your hands on his skin you can't keep them still, running them up and down the warm expanse of his back.
You can feel slight imperfections on his skin, long lines of damaged flesh that match the scars on his face. You trace over them, letting your nails trail over his skin in your exploration. There's barely enough space between you to breathe, but somehow you're able to wedge your arms between the two of you to trace over his stomach.
The skin there is soft, though you can still feel the faint definition of the muscles beneath. You continue to run your hands up, though just as your fingers dance along his pecks the hand groping you is instantly grabbing your wrist, yanking it out and pressing your hand roughly against the tree next to your head.
“Not yet, I ‘ain't had my fun,” he mumbles against your neck, giving your bottom lip a little nip before he pulls away completely. He lets go of your hand, the other dropping from your face to pull up the bottom of your skirt. His big hands palm at your ass, fingers harsh as they squeeze.
All too soon he's stepping back from you, arms crossed as his eyes drag over your form. You feel squirmy under his gaze, fingers fidgeting with each other as you wait for him to say or do anything.
“Y’look like you have too much clothes on,” he says, and you can hear the hidden command in his words. You're quick to ruck your shirt over your head, the thin lace bra sticking to your sweaty skin. Trembling fingers take longer than you'd like to work the button of your skirt, though once that's open you're able to shove it down over plush thighs, letting it fall to the forest floor.
“That's it darlin’, why don't you get laid out real nice for me, huh?” He's leering at you, watching the way your body moves as you sit down on the forest floor. He seems to enjoy watching you follow his every command, hand absently palming his erection the whole time.
You're careful as you lay down, making sure to stuff your now dirt covered clothes underneath you as some sort of padding. There's still rocks and sticks that make it uncomfortably uneven, but at least they won't be cutting into your skin. Once you're settled, thighs clenched tight and hands fidgeting on your stomach, you look up at Johnny as you wait for instructions.
He hums, taking the few steps needed to stand at your feet, “Good girl.”
You can't keep the pleased hum down, watching him with wide eyes as he start's unbuckling his belt. He doesn't bother to take it off though, undoing the button and zipper before he's kneeling at your feet.
He plants both hands on your knees, pushing them open to stare down at you. You know you're wet, you can feel the fabric of your panties sticking to your skin uncomfortably. There's probably a wet spot too, and you turn your head away when you notice the smug look on his face.
A thick finger presses right over your hole, going as deep as the fabric can allow. Your pussy clenched at the intrusion, desperate for him to fill you. Rolling your hips up, you try to force the finger deeper, huffing when he pulls away.
“What a desperate little thing, hmm?” He slips a finger through the crotch of your panties, pulling them off of you roughly. You lift your hips to help aid the process, hands falling between your legs to cover yourself up.
"Thought you wanted to be my good girl," Johnny says, hand coming up to gently cradle the side of your face, a sharp contrast to his mean glare and condescending tone that he directs at you. Your heart pounds in your chest, legs falling open to allow him enough space to shuffle forward.
"I do. I- I am," you manage to choke out, slowly pulling your hands away from where you were covering yourself. Instead you fist them in his dirty shirt to try and bring his mouth down to yours, whining when he doesn't budge at your insistent tugging.
The smirk that spreads over his face sends a shiver down your spine, and his thumb glides down your cheek to prod at your kiss swollen lips. He tugs the bottom lip down, pressing the pad of his thumb roughly against your tender flesh.
"Open," he commands, and you do so without a thought. He's slow as he eases his thumb into your mouth, letting you lave your tongue over his calloused skin before it's easing further into your mouth. His thumb, thick and long and big like the rest of his fingers, teases at the back of your throat, and you feel tears collecting as you fight back the urge to gag at the intrusion.
He takes pity on you, slowly pulling his thick thumb from your mouth to then harshly press it against your clit. The rough pressure has your hips bucking, not knowing if you want to roll up against the touch or pull away. Johnny doesn't give you an option either way, thick fingers practically disappearing into your thigh to keep you still, gripping so hard you're surprised they haven't torn through your flesh.
You can't stop the desperate sounds that fall from your lips, your pleas garbled as your legs fall further open. His blunt nails scrape the delicate flesh above your clit as he abuses your sex, drawing loud, drawn out whines as you writhe on the forest floor. Johnny only seems to thrive on your suffering, shifting so that he can press two fingers into you at the same time. You're embarrassingly wet, so they easily slide in despite how thick his fingers are, relieving the empty feeling that has settled over you.
“Fuck, woman, you're wetter than all hell,” he's sat back to watch the way your cunt greedily sucks his fingers in, hips rolling down to match the thrusting of his fingers. Wet squelching fills the forest, your soft, breathy gasps barely heard over the sound.
Johnny crowds into your space, leaving a trail of bites up your neck and to your lips. The kiss is rough, teeth clicking together from the rough treatment before he comes in at a better angle. It's dirty and sloppy and wet, teeth biting at your bottom lip every time he pulls back to take a breath.
It's too much, a sensory overload that has your brain turning to mush. His fingers curl aggressively inside you, thumb rubbing painful circles on your clit. Slowly, your hands release the death grip they have on his shirt, unsteady as they move to thread through his short hair. The tight grip you have on his hair has him growling out a warning, the nip he gives to your lip drawing blood.
You hastily grab onto the back of his shirt, tears blurring your vision as you pull back from his lips with a desperate gasp. Heaving breaths escape your lips, moans and whines tumbling into pleas as you beg him not to stop. He presses a kiss to your forehead that's more teeth than lips because of his wide grin, a dark chuckle following soon after.
Hips rolling desperately into his touch, you chase the orgasm you can feel building.
“That's it, give it to me,” his voice is low, and the command sends a shiver down your spine, cunt clenching around his fingers. Your gasps get stuck in your throat, high pitched whines drowning out the sound of your arousal as you cum.
Johnny doesn't let up even after you've cum, fingers working at you at a brutal pace, bringing another orgasm that hurts as much as it feels good. You try in vain to pull away from his touch, but he just holds your hips down with his free hand, fingers working ruthlessly as you twitch and cry.
“Good girl,” Johnny finally lets up, pulling his soaked hand from between your legs. He licks a long stripe up his fingers, chuckling at the fucked out look on your face, “sweet as honey.”
You can't do much more than lay there watching him as he sits back on his heels, quickly pulling his tank top up over his head. His chest is littered with scars, and you can't help the way your eyes trace over each pale line that decorates his skin. They look like they were painful, and you're brushing a hand over one before you can even think.
Thankfully he doesn't get mad at you touching him this time, silent as he lets you explore. His skin is warm and surprisingly soft, a light dusting of hair trailing down from his belly button and disappearing into his pants. You let your nails trail through the hair, relishing in the deep sound that rumbles in his throat.
Lips pulled between your teeth, you can't help but admire the way his arms move as he works on pushing down his jeans. The muscles move under the flesh, arm as sturdy looking as the rest of him. You tug on the band of his jeans, inching them down over his legs, eyes laser focused onto his cock, no underwear in sight.
Your fingers wrap around his erection easily, swiping your thumb over the angry red head to collect the wetness there. The groan he lets out is heavenly, but he grabs your wrist and pulls your hand from him.
“We don't have the time for that right now, darlin’,” he says, shoving them down the rest of the way and kicking them off to the side. He pushes your legs up and open by the underside of your knees, shuffling forward to fill the empty space, “Now you be a good girl and hold these legs open for me, an’ I'll be makin’ you scream in no time.”
He lets go of your trembling legs the second you reach for them, grabbing the base of his dick and rubbing the tip through your folds, left forearm resting on the ground next to your head. It catches on your fluttering hole with every pass, a tease that has you whining for more, rocking your hips as much as you can.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity but has only been a few seconds, he slides into you, letting go of his dick to rest his arm on the other side of your head. The stretch is painful, and you instinctively clench around the intrusion. He doesn't stop, merely laughing at your wince as his hips settle against yours.
There's no grace period given. His hips are pulling back before you can adjust to his girth, drilling into you with a deep and brutal pace that has you wailing. You can feel the sharp sting of your nails from how hard you're clenching your thighs, the pain seeming to heighten your pleasure.
Johnny's grin is wide and full of teeth, you can feel it against your neck. Then he's digging his teeth into the flesh, abusing the bruised flesh. You can't feel it though, lost in the haze of his cock pounding into you. You feel the breath being knocked out of you with every thrust, eyes blurry with the onset of tears.
Your throat hurts from your wailing, pleas barely distinguish whenever you're able to attempt speaking. Johnny either doesn't understand you or doesn't care enough to figure it out, laughing at your babbling. When he pulls back you can see blood on his lips and teeth, and then you feel the sting of the bite he left on you.
Johnny presses his lips to yours as your face scrunched up in pain, the coppery taste of your blood lingering even after he pulls away. You chase the taste off your lips with your tongue, unable to follow his lips as he sits up.
“Fuck,” he drawls, the voice drawn out as he bottoms out in you, watching the way your hips twitch to try and get any sort of friction, “fuckin’ soaked through that pretty little skirt you got layers out under you, best pussy I've ever had.”
Then there's a large hand fisting the hair at the back of your head, yanking your head back. Your yelp of pain is drowned out by the obscene sounds coming from your pussy while Johnny uses you as if you were a toy. Pace bordering on brutal, you hold onto your sweat dampened thighs as he chases his high.
He licks and nibbles at the still bleeding wound on your neck, drinking from you as his thrusts shift you across the forest floor. The salt from your tears sting as it hits the bite marks that cover your neck, a loud moan following when the taste of salt hits Johnny's tongue.
Thrusts becoming erratic, your only warning is his teeth clamping down on the side of your neck before you feel the liquid heat of Johnny’s cum filling you in bursts, pushed deeper into you by tiny thrusts. It's only when he finally stills inside of you that you are able to breath, taking big gasps as you gather yourself.
“Mmm, what a good girl you are,” Johnny mumbles against your neck, pulling back to look you over. You probably look a mess, hair frizzy from the heat and being yanked on by Johnny. You're also covered in blood, though Johnny probably relishes in the fact that he put it there. It's when his gaze settles on where you're still connected that you feel your face heat in embarrassment.
As he pulls out you can't help the way you whimper, desperate for him to fill you back up despite how tender your abused sex feels. The trail of cum that follows is quickly stuffed back into you by two thick fingers, plugging you up with his cum.
Large hands slide under your ass, tacky with your arousal. Your hands fall away from your thighs in surprise as he lifts your lower body off the ground so that you're resting on your shoulders.
“Probably tastes even better mixed with me,” he mumbles more to himself than to you. As Johnny licks a long stripe up from your fluttering, dripping hole to your clit, you find yourself melting into the pleasure that he is giving you, no longer caring about what will become of you when he's had his fill.
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©︎ pythonees — do not, under any circumstance, repost, plagiarize, modify or translate my work.
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quicquam-dot-com · 3 months
Why do americans call it tuna fish?
SO I WENT DOWN A RABBIT HOLE (unsurprising if you know me) about why americans (and ONLY americans) call canned tuna "tuna fish". If you look at Wikipedia's page for tuna, it'll tell you that it's because the german for tuna sounds like tuna fish. That doesn't make sense, given people in wildly different regions (for example, Connecticut and Louisiana) were calling it tuna fish in the 70s, and why ONLY americans call it tuna fish. It had to be something other than that.
So began my search. In my research, I found that tuna only started being sold to americans in cans in 1908, further strengthening my thought that it couldn't just be because german. After about an hour of fruitless searching, I realized if it's only americans, it had to be something that wouldn't have escaped much past the bounds of america. Advertising in american magazines. I somehow managed to land on an etsy listing for an ad for White Star tuna FISH from the 1930s, and off I went.
The earliest written evidence I could find (not a professional researcher or historian at all) of the use of the phrase "tuna fish" was in a 1919 court case regarding labels between the Southern California Fish Co. and White Star Canning Co., which describes the White Star label as saying "tuna fish" on it. I then found other (White Star) ads (and a can label) from the 20s, 30s, and 50s (I can't find the one from the 50s but I swear I saw one), and then an ad for Bumblebee tuna from the 70s that says "tunafish" on it. So there we go. Advertising in american magazines. I don't know why White Star decided to include the fish, but it seems like they're the reason we do.
(It's a little hard to find much useful information on the White Star Canning Co, both because White Star is the name of the ship company that had the Titanic (so you gotta include the canning part and that might be limiting out some relevant stuff) and also because the White Star Canning Co was merged in 1922 with the company that became Chicken of the Sea)
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
As someone who's college age: yeah, there's a TON of people my age who don't know how things work and don't try to learn. Can't unzip a zip file, want to know where to download anime but haven't tried looking it up, ask things on subreddits a Google search or quick search on the wiki would answer, ask questions answered in FAQs or by professors or in the syllabus, say they can't download and install a new browser or app or program because they don't know how and they never think to look up how to do so, go months without logging into their student email because no one explained to them how to do so and they never thought to ask anyone how to do it, go months without washing their laundry because they don't know how and they also don't know how to look up instructions on how to do it, don't know how to cook and can't Google a recipe so they throw things in a pan and pray it works out, don't understand how to back up files, don't know how to attach a pdf to an email to send to a professor, cannot manage to put stuff on a USB drive + go to the library + print it off of the library computer, etc.
I spent most of freshman year teaching people things. The year after, my patience got more frayed and "Google it" started coming out of my mouth a lot more. This last year I gave up and now if people fuck themselves over, that's their decision. I'm not going to stand there begging people to do basic things they should already know how to do.
It was really funny when someone from Career Services came to talk to us about resumes and said we didn't need to put down 'can use Microsoft Excel' on there because everyone knew that and all but three people said actually no, they didn't. People who are 40+ really think we're all good at tech by default, like we fall out of the womb clutching a little phone already making spreadsheets in Excel or coding computers or whatever.
Meanwhile in reality you see a ton of people posting on tumblr going, "How do I post fic on tumblr?" whose blogs proudly state that they're under 18. The thought that you could just type into a Word doc and then copy and paste onto here never hits. And it's not going to.
I hate to break it to millennials and older people but yeah, actually, my generation does in fact have morons. We're not a moron-free demographic. I'm pretty sure moron-free demographics don't exist, tbh.
It infuriates me that my father (in his 80s) is always saying to me that he needs to find a 12-year-old to explain his tech to him. I (40s) keep telling him it's more like a bell curve or something. We had a blip of people being taught in school or having their asses kicked about technology. But then it went away again.
I think we made computers and then phones much more accessible, which is great, but we forgot we still need to teach people things. I know not everyone got explicit instruction in school even in my era, but it seems like the US, at least, phased some of that out as we started assuming The Youth automatically knew it all.
That said... in my day, college freshmen were also terrible about doing their laundry, so some things never change.
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weebsinstash · 4 months
Now that I saw that doodle Vox made again, I'm just wondering how tf he knew Alastor has hooves
Also noticed that he was a lil fixated on Al's ass in that same doodle so there's that :>
I literally searched the Hazbin wiki for the source and couldn't find it but I've seen multiple people posting some screenshot of some website that says, Velvette previously stated Vox had an Alastor body pillow, and I don't know if that's an old Voxtagram post or more recent but it's been living in my head rent free ever since
Like there have been so many Viv streams and q&a's that have mildly spoiled things or mentioned facts that have since become non canon so I'm not sure what to listen to anymore but dude, reading the wiki of all the amalgamated facts is A TRIP. Vox is Actually Totally Correct: despite Alastor having his gentlemanly persona and some weird "serial killer moral code, like dexter", he canonically has awful oral hygiene and both Vivzie and... Fautisse? Have mentioned this. His demon form has black gums. Vivzie said he "probably doesn't prioritize oral hygiene" and also probably wasn't a cannibal in life so that's literally a new hobby he picked up in death so also um. THE SECOND THIS MAN HAD FREE REIGN AND THERE WAS NO RULE OF LAW OR CONSEQUENCES HE DECIDED TO START EATING PEOPLE SO LET THAT SINK IN.
You start reading Alastor's wiki page and it makes it pretty clear he's like DERANGED, hypocritical, he's like borderline a megalomaniac? It's all hidden behind this, persona, this wall he puts up, his well put together demeanor that allegedly never cracks, but underneath his showmanship he's a haughty, insecure, judgy, gossipy, genuine FREAK who responds with insults and violence whenever he can who relishes in trolling people and scaring them, literally enjoys knowing when he's making people uncomfortable
Bro the sound I fucking made when his wiki trivia says he's been described as "painfully white, like phlegm in the back of your throat white" NO DONT DO MY TV MAN LIKE THIS 😭🤣
Anyways, you've probably seen the posts but for someone who claims to be so hip and modern, Vox goes out of his way to dress similarly to Alastor. The coat with lapels in the front and a tail in the back, a bow tie with a cravat, cuffed sleeves, intentionally or not the color contrast of Vox's hands resembles Alastor's and Vox CAN customize his body...
He's just. I just completely forget sometimes that Alastor literally called him OLD PAL in episode 3 and yes he was obviously saying it to talk down to him but like ALASTOR DID ACKNOWLEDGE HISTORY BETWEEN THEM, and also oh wait what's this, Vivzie has confirmed Vox and the Vees are major antagonists of Season 2 and that Vox and Alastor's history is going to be expanded upon so.... radiostatic shippers stay winning ha ha
I read a post that I meant to reblog that was something like "Vox is actually an incredibly cunning charismatic manipulative businessman who is a legitimate threat and we see this for all of 5 minutes and the second Alastor is mentioned he starts completely coming apart" and it's SO TRUE, he can be ur angel or ur devil. He's a legitimately OP threat and he's also A PATHETIC SAD FAILHUSBAND. Give me Vox who's efficiently marketing more hypnosis equipment to substantially grow his own wealth and manipulating his shareholders and then he's going back to his computer room with some popcorn and kicking his little feeties as he watches his darling and Alastor on like 30 different monitors. Give me Vox who can know the INSTANT someone is trying to go behind his back and double cross him because he has mass surveillance all over the city and he's using his endless resources to develop high end 3d printers to make posable figures of his crush and Alastor.
Give me Vox who loses his cool and insults you to your face and you two get into a huge argument and maybe Velvette and Valentino lash out at you in defense of him and he's going to his room and crying from frustration into his body pillows totally not plural, totally not ones of you and Alastor and calling himself a stupid idiot because he hurt your feelings and then spends the next like week SUFFOCATINGLY showing up almost every single place you are and embarrassing himself as he tries to bond with you and prove to you what CLEARLY AWESOME boyfriend material he is
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astr0-philia · 2 months
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞: 𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕠𝕞 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕁𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤?
Prolouge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7(ongoing)
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[Third Person]:
'This is not good'
Hurried footsteps resounded in the halls and were increasing by the moment. Our protagonist was sprinting around in the hallway trying to find her class 1D. It was 10:30 am in the morning and it was not good. [Y/n] was beyond pissed that she missed not one but two of her first classes of the day. She absolutely hated being tardy to any of her classes. (She had tutors at the palace that taught her.)
'I just need to go to gym class and check in to my class.....now where the hell is it.....'
This wouldn't have happened if Ace DIDN'T piss off Grim, and she DIDN'T wake up late. Partially it was her fault but she chose to ignore it due to her panic and anger. 
As she ran without a care ignoring her surroundings she rushed to find a door labeled 1D.
Yes, that was the name of her class.
What was supposed to be a 5 minute search turned in to a 20 minute scavenger hunt, she was getting tired by the second and her pace was slowing down.
She was giving up .
Dragging her feet across the floor, she sulked at her own misery. 
'Why is this happening! I didn't do anything wrong, I was just trying to find my class. Why did I have too meet those idiots anyway?! I could have just ignored them and I could have gotten to class earlier. I even got in trouble......I hate this......I HATE THIS.'
Tears welled up in her eyes as she was lost in her thoughts. Just as she reached the end of the hallway [Y/n] wiped her tears turning to the next corner to check. 
Wait what-
'Oh thank the heavens!'
The door labeled 1D. [Y/n] couldn't be even happier in her life. Not even waiting for a second she starts to speed-walk towards the door with accelerating speeds finding it hard to stop due to her adrenaline.
'I PRAISE THE GREATER LORD WHO HELPED ME FIND THIS DOOR. Thank you, thank you, thank you-'
Then she bumped into something hard-
"UuAugh-" an unknown voice grumbled.
"Dammit what's with me and bumping into things nowadays…." [Y/n] mumbled as she rubbed her head as it slightly throbbed in pain.
[Y/n] looked up at the man she had bumped in to. 
'Damn he hot-'
The guy [Y/n] had bumped in to had light green hair which was slicked back making a clean look. He had fair and pale skin. His eyes were also a beautiful yellow-green with vertical-slit pupils and pointed eyelashes. (Thank Twisted wonderland wiki for this description 😭)
He wore a green armband contrasting her own. The color defining him as a student from the dorm of Diasomania. The boy had his head down, causing a shadow to cover his face and making it hard for her to see his facial expression. 
As soon as she started to apologize. "Excuse me sir I am very sor-"
"YOU DARE BUMP INTO ME FOOLISH MORTAL" bellowed the green haired man interrupting her in the middle of her sentence. He drew closer to [Y/n]'s face with every word.
[Y/n] stepped back at the sudden proximity between them and, physically tensed at his insult.
"Well I'm sorry! I was just trying to get to my class!" retorted back [y/n] in rising anger. "I was ALSO trying to apologize to you idiot!" Jabbing his chest at every word she had spoken.
'To THINK I thought this guy was HOT'
"WELL I AM PRETTY SURE YOU WERE NOT TRYING TO" said the green haired man flinging her hand away from his chest in great momentum. The guy was fuming and so was she. 
"Ehhm......" A voice interrupted the angry green haired boy.
Both the teens snapped their heads towards the man with fury. 
The man was nonetheless shocked at the amount of fury the duo had in their but choose to ignore that.
"Stop this nonsense at once!" The man commanded in a demanding tone, causing both of them to back away from each other and face him.
The man looked quite unique at first sight. He had hair which was partitioned with 2 colors: black and white. He wore a suit and tie also partitioned with black and white matching his hair. He also wore a very fluffy looking black and white overcoat.
'Bro is the obsessed with black and white I see'
"What are you children doing here at this time, shouldn't you both be in classes?" Asked the man, as he looked at them suspiciously. He looked at them with the eyes of a predator, staring them down and examining them cautiously. 
Then his eyes widened.
"You aren't doing any funny business are you?" Questioned the man looking even more suspicious and concerned than before.
'Funny business 😨, I can't imagine doing anything with this bastard!' [Y/n] grimaced at thought
"SIR I AM SORRY BUT I WOULD NEVER DO ANY FUNNY BUSINESS WITH THIS CREATURE" Shouted the green haired boy with displeasure at the thought of [Y/n]
'I can feel all the spit coming out of his mouth right now.'
"Hey! That's not nice" [Y/n] screamed as she slapped his arm as hard as she could in retaliation to his statement.
"Well children-" interrupting the chaos they were creating again the man said. "-I am Divius Crewel teacher of potionology in this school-" towering over them as he stated "-once again I must ask why are you two out right now and not in your classes?" ending his statement, looking at us judgmentally waiting for our answer.
"SIR I  AM FROM CLASS 1D AND I WAS GOING TO THE FIELD FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION BEFORE I BUMPED IN TO THIS CREATURE" answered the green haired boy screaming in the teachers face.
'HE'S IN MY CLASS????? Can't my luck get even worse.....'
Crewel then wiped his face looking disgusted, looked at the green haired boy again and asked another question.
"What is your name boy"
"MY NAME IS SEBEK ZIGVOLT SIR" The green haired boy now known as Sebek replied.
"Boy, will you stop with the SCREAMING?" bellowed Crewel angrily.
Sebek, startled by the scolding, just huffed and nodded at Mr.Crewel.
"Well now young lady......what class might you be from and where are you planning to go?"
'I was so not ready for this'
"Well sir......I am also from class 1D and I am also searching for the field for physical education....."
*Cue Sebek with the offended gasp*
"This is why I will never have children..." mumbled Crewel.
"NOW NOW CHILDREN-" raising his voice as he spoke.
"-I will not tolerate this behavior anymore-" If looks could kill [Y/n] and Sebek would have been in their graves right now.
"-now follow me quickly, I will lead you to your classes." He swiftly turned around as if signaling them to follow him.
[Y/n] mockingly pushing Sebek to the side quickly started to follow Crewel Leaving the poor boy in the dust.
"This bit**" mumbled Sebek as he ran towards them quickly to reach them.
They were walking through the same halls [Y/n] had been running through a while ago. It felt like she was backtracking back the way she had ran away from.
'How could I be so stupid?'
The halls looked like the halls [Y/n] had walked through in the beginning of her time here. Green flames spewing out of fire holders. The same wooden carved doors, and the same bricks that towered over them creating walls. Though this experience was not as pleasant as the previous.
She could already feel the dread piling up inside of herself. Not only had she gotten in trouble with the headmaster but she had also gotten in trouble with another teacher that would possibly teach her. 
Oh lets not forget about the brat.
[Y/n] could feel Sebek's furious gaze on her as they walked down the hall in silence. It showed how much he resented her right now. He's probably mad because they got in trouble. She was getting kind of annoyed by his stare, so she turned around to acknowledge Sebek's stare.
To say the least, he was quite surprised at the fact that [Y/n] had turned around to look at him, but nonetheless his anger returned and he once again started to look at me angrily.
'Heh lets see who wins this staring contest.'
As they continued to stare at each other the tension grew between them. If a bystander had looked at them they would have thought they were in love, but nonetheless the contest went on. 
As the duo kept on staring at each other, Sebek couldn't help but notice how beautiful [Y/n] looked at the moment. Her [e/c] eyes were glowing in the sunlight from the window with confidence he had never seen before. The strands of her [h/c] hair framed her face. Her face looked like a sculpture sculpted by Michelangelo. Her face was alluring, and Sebek couldn't deny it at all.
Sebek stuck in a trance couldn't help but blink in reflex looking at [Y/n].
'Hah! I knew I would win.' thought [y/n] as she smirked unknowing of the boy's thoughts.
[Y/n] came closer to Sebek. Snapping him out his trance, and confusing him at the action. At the moment they were so close that if either one of them had moved an inch would kiss immediately. 
As [Y/n] drew closer she turned her head a little left reaching his ear and whispering "I won~"
Sebek quickly drew back as quickly as he could, flustered by the girl's action. Turned his head toward the side as he blushed like crazy. [Y/n] being as oblivious as she is giggled in glee not noticing him blush.
Crewel just walked in front of them oblivious of the fact that they were both having a staring contest at the back. Not that he cared enough to notice.
As they walked further down the hall. Some doors ahead there was a ray of light passing through an opened door at the front. When they reached the door, Professor Crewel opened the door with great force, causing a slam to be heard throughout the hallway. 
The sound shocked both Sebek and [Y/n] to the core.
As they went out into the field, their eyes stung as the sun contrasted the dark and gloomy nature of the hallways inside the building.
'My eyes.....'
The sounds of students chattering and running throughout the fields could be heard.
"Well pups, here's your class."
"Thank you so much Professor Crewel" replied [Y/n] with utmost gratefulness.
"Now now, your welcome pups, and I should see no more fights between you pups." he stated pointing at both of them individually before turning to leave to go back into the building. Leaving both Sebek and [Y/n] in the sun.
"Well brat you ready to go face P.E.?"
'Heh....but ya can't'
Sebek kept on spewing threats to [Y/n] as they walked to the instructor. 
The teacher looked basically like a knock-off version of hulk. He had bulking muscles, and he ALSO wore a tight shirt making it look like he wanted to emphasize muscles. He also wore TIGHT pants, she swore to god that she would not specify what she just saw..... (R.I.P. [Y/n] 💀)
The teacher then noticed the duo walking to him and grinned like a maniac.
"Hello children. I am Ashton Vargas, the teacher  for P.E. what may I help you with today?" asked in an enthusiastic tone.
"Well Professor Vargas we were supposed to come to this class, but somehow got lost and reached now! What are we supposed to do for the class.....?"
Professor Vargas sweatdropped as he replied "Well children you have come at the wrong time. Since the class-"
*Ring, Ring*
"-has ended"
Shocked at the revelation both Sebek and [Y/n] stood there mouth wide open and confused.
"Well now I need to go and dismiss my class. Now run along to lunch now."
[Y/n] snapping out of her daze looked at Sebek and asked "Do you know where the cafeteria is?" Feeling embarrassed that she did not know where the cafeteria was. 
Scoffing, Sebek smirked at [Y/n] raising his eyebrow trying to tease the poor girl.
'Why the fuck is this guy so annoying 😭'
"WELL I GUESS I COULD HELP. Though you have to repay the favor when I do need help." replied to [Y/n]in a normal tone for the first time.
"WOAH? Sebek talking in a classroom voice, that's so rare!"
So basically what happened next was that Sebek being a nice brat helped [Y/n] get to the cafeteria with no issues. Then ditched her to go sit with his friends on the Diasomania dorm table at the farthest end of the cafeteria.
'Then again I thought we were friends for a sec'
As she went to the line to get her lunch. She remembered something.
'Oh shit I forgot to take my purse from my box didn't I......'
Welp, I guess that meant no lunch for her. So she went towards the hallway to walk around and explore. It was quite interesting I must say all the paintings and every-
As if she was sonic she turned around and ran as fast she could to the place where she was supposed to meet Yuu.  As she reached the empty area of the hallway she noticed two people in the distance. A human and a small pet looking thing- that was probably Grim. So she ran to them to meet them.
"Hi Yuu!"
Startled by her sudden appearance the poor boy stuttered his response "O-oh Hi [Y-[Y/n]"
"Gah! Took you long enough to come! We were waiting for ages." complained Grim as he was tired of staying in one spot the whole time.
"How about I carry you so you don't have to feel tired, Grim?" [Y/n] asked Grim with a big smile on her face.
Grim stunned by the innocent gesture and smile couldn't help but feel giddy. "W-well I mean sure..."
So [Y/n] picked him up and in to her arms. As if on instinct Grim snuggled up in to [Y/n]'s arms like a baby would do in a mothers. Grim had never felt so happy in his life.
"Well then [Y/n] now that you are here we are just waiting for Ace." Yuu exclaimed.
"Well then we just wait then."
"What's buggin' me is, Ace ain't even here yet! To make us wait, after what he did... Grrr!"
*15 minutes later*
"..............And now he's super late! I bet he up and bailed on us!" Grim exclaimed in anger while punching the air in anger. 
"I didn't actually think he would bail out of it...." [Y/n] mumbled as she thought of the boy's behavior. "At second thought he probably would" She said once again, sweat dropping.
"We should look for him." said Yuu calmly as he gestured to us to follow him around the hall.
As we walked around. Once again plenty of paintings were hung on the wall but there was a specific painting that caught [Y/n]’s eye. It was a picture of a beautiful soldier on top of a snow white horse in a meadow. It looked beautiful.
As she went closer to the painting-
"Hey! Ace! Get over here! Try to hide from me, will ya! Huh... Maybe there's really no one here?" Grim shouted out trying to catch the attention of the redhead who was nowhere to be seen. Startling the girl.
"Oh, I wouldn't say that, I'm here." Another voice rang out from somewhere. It came from the painting [Y/n] was looking at.
The three of them looked quite confused from where it came. Then [Y/n] spoke up announcing something.
"Guys.....I think the painting I was looking at just talked....." 
"Yes girl, indeed it was me who talked." Once again the same painting on the wall spoke in a confident voice.
"Bwaaah! That painting just talked!" Grim exclaimed in fear as he dropped out of [Y/n]'s arms to hide behind Yuu's legs.
"Yes, and...? (Slay arianna grande) Is a talking painting really such an oddity at this school?"
"Well I mean......" Yuu muttered in awe.
"The lady in the portrait on that wall talks too. As does the gentleman in the portrait on this one."
"But we haven't heard a single one of them talk!" exclaimed [Y/n] in disbelief
'Are all these paintings able to talk too 😨'
"As long as a painting has a mouth, why wouldn't it be able to talk? Is that really so strange?"
"Of course it's so strange! You don't see paintings talkin' around here man!" Grim said to the painting on the wall.
"In fact, yes. Paintings don't usually talk." Yuu also stated backing up Grim's statement.
"Well, your "usual" and my "usual" clearly differ. Shall we agree to disagree on the matter?"
"Sure.....?" [Y/n] said unsure of the answer she had said.
'Can this end already we need to find Ace!' [Y/n] thought while getting impatient.
"Now, you seem to be searching for someone." Finally asked the painting to them. 
"So we're looking for a guy-" As Yuu started to explain the situation and tell who we were searching for.
"We're lookin' for this guy called Ace. He's got messy hair and a heart drawn on his face." Grim interrupted Yuu clearly annoyed of how slow this conversation was going on.
"Ah, I know the one. A new student, I believe? Today was his first day at school. I think he went back to his dorm a while ago." Sated the painting making Grim even more fidgety and impatient than before. 
"Myaaah! So it's true! He's tryin' to ditch us! Do you know which way he went?"
"Well then let's go quick before we miss the guy totally!" exclaimed [Y/n] as she started to walk towards the mirror hall gesturing for the duo to follow her.
"The door to the dorms is in the eastern building." stated the painting.
"Let's chase after him, [Y/n], Yuu!"
"Let's go! Let's go!" said Yuu, pushing both [Y/n] and Grim forward. To increase their speed.
"Yeah right, like I'm gonna have a hundred windows. I'm just gonna go back and—" Said Ace gleefully skipping towards his dorms, happy he got out of cleaning the windows, unknowing of the danger following him.
"AHA! GOTCHA, PUNK!" Exclaimed Grim catching the redhead's attention.
"Oh no! They saw me!"
"Stop right there, pal! No fair gettin' a head start! Wait!" Grim exclaimed trying to make Ace stop.
"Stop ditching your responsibilities and actually do something good for once!" said Yuu, getting annoyed at the boy's antiques.
"Who in their right mind would ever wait?! See ya!" Ace shouted at the trio before running away at full speed.
Then of course they had to run after him. 
'How many fu**ing times do I have to actually run today....'
They ran and ran and ran. Ace however did not stop. It seemed very determined to get them off his tail and get out of cleaning the windows.
"Eh..?" Suddenly an unfamiliar voice resounded in the halls as they ran.
"Outta my way!" Ace screeched out pushing the poor boy to the side with great force as he continued to run foward with speeds she didn't think he could run. 
"Hey! What gives?!" said the stranger.
The boy that she saw had blue hair and shining blue eyes. He wore the same dorm band and uniform as Ace signifying that he was from the same dorm as him. He also had shining blue eyes the matched his hair. On his face was drawn a spade, just like how Ace had a heart drawn under his eye.
"Help us!"
"Please, stop him!"
"Myah! Get him now"
All three of them screamed at the poor boy startling him.
"You want me to cast a spell to stop him?" asked the blue haired boy curiously as he also started running with the trio following after Ace.
"YES! PLEASE DO IT QUICK!" exclaimed [Y/n] as she was starting to huff and puff from the exhaustion of running too much.
"Like, freeze his legs? Or bind them with a rope? Or maybe I could... Hmm... No..."
"I don't care how! Just do something! Anything!" Grim screamed at him in annoyance.
'Just do it quickly-'
"Anything?! Anything, huh... Alright! Here goes anything! I summon thee... something heavy!"
There was a black object falling from the sky and was falling towards Ace as he ran ahead confidently. The black thing fell on Ace with great force falling on his back causing him to fall on to the ground with a heavy thud.
"Bwaaah?! Wha?! A pot?!" Ace shrieked in pain as he glanced at the object that had fallen on him.
As the four of them reached Ace. [Y/n] couldn't help but wince at the sight of the object that had fallen on Ace.
'Wtf bro is that a fucking cauldron.....?'
One question rang through each of their heads.....how did this guy not break his back?
"Ah ha ha ha ha! Look, [Y/n], look!-" Grim cackled as he pointed to Ace on the floor. "That Ace guy got crushed beneath a giant cauldron! It squashed him flat! Aha ha ha! That's what you get!" He stated completely unconcerned that, it could have broken his back.
'Never back down, never what.....'
"A cauldron?! I wasn't expecting that. I may have overdone it this time..." The stranger was clearly shocked at what he had manifested with his magic at the moment of panic.
"Well, we weren't either." mumbled Yuu under his breath.
As Ace sat up with great pain, his face grimaced and he shouted out in pain. "Owwww! What are you bothering me for? You guys coulda just banged out the work yourself!"
"You did this to yourself, you must face the consequences." [Y/n] said sternly ignoring any whines of pain Ace made.
"There's no "banging out" a hundred windows!" Yuu exclaimed, backing up her statement.
"So why do you have to wash a hundred windows as punishment? What the heck did you do?!? asked Deuce in a concerned voice. 
"So basically-" 
"I was just screwing with that furball a little." Side-eyeing Grim meticulously. "...Okay, and the statue of the Queen of Hearts got a teeny bit charred. Sue me." Ace stated cutting of Yuu once again.
'How many times is the poor boy going to get interrupted....'
Yuu, disheartened at the interruption, had sadness etched on his face. [Y/n] being a nice person she patted his shoulders to make him feel better.
"You charred and set fire on one of the statues of the great seven!??" exclaimed the boy in pure horror. " No wonder he flew off the handle at you!"
"Oh, shut up." yelled Ace angriliy and really annoyed with the boy. "Who are you, anyway?"
"My name is Deuce. Deuce Spade." Said the boy glancing at Ace with a questioning gaze. "Don't you remember your own classmate?"
"You don't remember my name either, do you?" Ace started smirking at the fact that even Deuce did not know his name.
"That's not the point!" Deuce yelled at Ace, flustered at his question. "You shouldn't try to shirk an order from the headmage!"
"Okay- So since we're all introducing ourselves-" Yuu said smiling at Deuce. "-my name's Enma Yuuken, but you can call me Yuu."
"Ah! I'm [Y/n], by the way!" 
"Yeah, yeah, message received... Fine, let's bang out the windows already. Huh...?" Ace scoffed as he turned around to look at us.
'Uh, oh......where the hell is Grim????'
"The furball! He's gone!"
"Ah ha ha ha! I'll let you three handle the rest! See ya, suckers!" exclaimed Grim before running again.
"Didn't we just get Ace to listen!" exclaimed Yuu in annoyance. "Grim, come back here now!" 
'What in the fucking tom and jerry is this....'
"You caught me so YOU could run away yourself?!" Ace said clearly annoyed at the running Grim. "Hey uh- Juice!"
"It's Deuce! With a D!" yelled ast Ace. "It's not Juice!"
"This is partially your responsibility, you know!" he screamed at Deuce while running. "So help me catch that little furball!"
"Why is it my responsibility!??"
"Oh just run Deuce!" Yuu exclaimed, clearly irritated.
"Grim's useless janitor friend can't use magic-"
"Oh but you haven't seen me run-" exclaimed [Y/n] before speeding up and running faster than she ever could leaving the three in the dust.
Yuu, Deuce, and Ace, shocked at the girl's speed, tried to follow her matching her speed but failed at their attempts.
Grim was up ahead running to get out of trouble but as he started to slow down he heard increasing footsteps behind him. He was not prepared for what he saw next.
A furious [Y/n] sprinting across the hallway towards him at great speeds. He then once again turned around and ran. He was totally not ready for this. Behind both of the trio were also running, trying to gain enough momentum and speed to reach them.
As they reached the cafeteria, Grim somehow climbed up the chandelier above the cafeteria to find solace from the 4 humans.
As all of them gathered around the bottom , [Y/n] couldn't help but scream in annoyance at the arrogance Grim was showing.
"GRIM ENOUGH WITH THIS NONSENSE!" Shrieked [y/n] shocking the people around her. "GET DOWN HERE AT ONCE!"
"How about we think of some ideas to get him down from there." Yuu said trying to calm the situation down.
"What could I summon to hold onto him...?" pondered Deuce as he put his hands below his chin. "Hmmm... Oh! That's it!"
"Did you come up with somethi- Oh, hey!" Squeaked Ace in surprise as he saw what Deuce was doing. "Stop! What are you doing?! Why are you pointing your pen at me?!" Yelled in panic.
"Hey Deuce let's calm down and not do something reckless- '' [Y/n] said, getting in between the pen and Ace.
"I'm going to launch you." stated Deuce calmly as he pushed [Y/n] aside with a small shove, aiming once again at Ace.
"Bwaaah! Put me down!" screeched Ace as he started to float mid-air as Deuce got ready to launch him. "Deuce plan Abort! ABORT!"
"I've got him in my sights, and... Go!" completely ignoring Ace's pleas he launched him towards the chandelier at great speeds. 
The three below the chandelier watched in horror as the magnificent chandelier fell from the top of the roof towards them. In panic they spread out quickly away from its landing spot and hid behind anything they could find. As they looked back they saw the chandelier fall down in front of them with fear reflecting in their eyes. 
'I can't believe that just happened.....'
"ACE, GRIM!" Both [Y/n] and Yuu ran forwards in to the wreckage to get the two out of the debris. Leaving Deuce to flounder at the scene like a fish.
"Deuce! How could you be so stupid!" exclaimed Yuu trying to pull Ace out of the Debris.
"I cannot believe you just did that!" grumbled Ace as he got pulled out by Yuu. "You could have killed us!"
"Myaaah..." Grim mumbled as [Y/n] pulled Grim from the debris and in to her arms. Then he fainted.
" I probably should have come up with a way to soften your landing" stated Deuce uncaringly.
Ace suddenly got up and dash toward Deuce grabbing Deuce's collar. "You complete and total moron!" Ace screamed in Deuce's face. "We got Grim, but we broke the chandelier! If the headmage finds out about this-"
Suddenly Crowley out of nowhere appeared in the room. "If I find out about... what, dear Ace?"
"Gah! Headmaster Crowley!" Gasped Yuu in disbelief.
"You children again!" Crowley exclaimed as he saw the wreckage created by the group of students. "What did you do?"
"So uhh basically-" Yuu started to speak but was shut down by [Y/n]
"We broke the chandelier"
'I am so sorry Yuu-'
"I can see that but how???" exclaimed Crowley in displeasure. "I can't believe you did this! Burning a statue wasn't enough for you? Now you've destroyed a chandelier?!"
They all synchronized their voices as they said. "We are so sorry-"
Then Crowley dropped the bomb. "You all are expelled."
"EXPELLED?!!!" Both Ace and Deuce screeched in disbelief.
"Headmage, please!" pleaded Deuce as Crowley looked at him with pity. "Give me a second chance! I can't get expelled from this school!"
'I kinda feel sorry for him...' thought [y/n] as she saw the scene displayed before her.
"Then blame yourself for your own foolish behavior." Crowley replied unsympathetically.
"Sir! We'll try to pay for the expenses sir pls!"
"This chandelier is made of magic, created by a legendary artificer." stated crowley in a stern voice. "Its candles are powered by a magical energy source, enchanted so that they will burn for eternity."
“How much would it cost then?” Yuu asked with curiosity and impatience.
“A Billion Thaumarks.” stated Crowley
“A BILLION THAUMARKS?!” screamed Deuce. He looked as if someone showed him his worst nightmare…….you know what? This probably is his worst nightmare.
“Sir, will you not be able to fix it, sir?” Asked Ace with hope in his tone.
"I'm afraid I can't do that young man.." said Crowley. "Even magic has its limits." 
‘This world is so freaky af.’
"A magestone cannot easily be replaced. I fear the candles of this majestic chandelier will never burn again."
"This is bad...." Ace mumbled under his breath, but it was loud enough for everyone else to hear.
"No Ace this is really bad!" Yuu exclaimed.
"What am I going to do?! How am I going to tell my mother...?" Deuce looked like he was punched in the gut by an elephant. His expression looked so grave, it looked like he just came from a funeral. Bro is not having a good day.
"Ah...! But there may be on way."
"Really!" exclaimed the group of students altogether.
"The magestone that powered this chandelier was mined from the Dwarfs' Mine," said Crowley. "If you get the stone with the same properties, we might be able to fix it."
"Sir if I with your permission, can go to the dwarf's mine?" Deuce asked sincerely ready to face the consequences.
"Me too sir!" Ace followed Deuces lead.
"Me three" So did Yuu.
"I guess me too....." Then grudgingly so did [Y/n].
"I must warn you it is highly likely that the magestones have already been mined a long time ago." stated the headmage waiting for their reactions.
"I will do anything to avoid expulsion, sir!" Deuce exclaimed, as everyone nodded at his statement.
"Hmmm... Very well, then. I will suspend your expulsion for a single night."
"Thank you very much sir!" said the group in synchronization.
As the Headmage heard their 'Thank you's' he left the cafeteria in a hurry. Before leaving fully he screamed to them "You should be able to reach the Dwarfs' Mine instantly by using one of the gates in the Mirror Chamber." and slammed the doors behind him as he left with flare.
"Yes sir!"
Then grim woke up from his little nap due to the loud noise made by the door. "Myah! Wh-? Where am I?!"
"Hah.....let's go guys we don't want to get expelled....." Yuu commanded in a tired tone.
Ace rubbed his head in annoyance. "Maaan... How did I end up in this mess? I swear, I have the worst luck."
"Dude look at my luck....I just wanted to get to class." mumbled [Y/n]. 
"We don't have time to complain. Let's go. Dark Mirror! Take us to the Dwarfs' Mine!" Deuce exclaimed with enthusiasm getting ready to walk out the door.
'I choose the worst time to come to this school....'
Author's Note:
Hi guys! Sorry for the delay I had like 30 writers blocks on Thursday and had no idea what to write.
Hope you guys like this chapter! Have a nice day or night.
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talewrites · 9 months
Dangerously Stupid
Part 2
Part 1
Donatello felt he was in a daze. He had checked himself top to bottom and found no concussion (thankfully) and nothing more than a few scrapes and bruises. So that ruled out brain injury as the source for why he couldn’t focus on any of his work in the full day since. He kept getting distracted by…. You. 
Donnie has a device that picks up the signal from any cell phone or smart device he comes within 30 feet of while out on patrol, and automatically registers the information of that device into his system. This comes in handy when the need arises to erase any photos or data that may come up on these phones involving him or his brothers, and to monitor the whereabouts of any thugs or civilians they may come in close contact with. Meaning, he had your phone number, right on his screen in front of him. He knew this may seem creepy but it was for security purposes, and Leo said he always needed to monitor any civilians that got close to them for safety. That was his job. And also his job to find your current location registered on your phone in your apartment. …..And your wifi network, and your laptop currently hooked up to said wifi network. It showed you were actively using it. He wrestled with himself for a moment about respecting your privacy, but curiosity got the better of him, and he quickly took a peek at what you were currently looking at on your screen. ……It was a google search on how to give yourself stitches from home. What??? Surely you weren’t- were you scrolling through poorly drawn reference pictures on a wiki-how page?!?! You then switched to another tab and googled ‘can I use a sewing needle and thread to give myself stitches’. Donnie paled. The next search: ‘how to disinfect thread’. 
He put his face in his hands and groaned. Did you not go to the hospital last night?!?! What were you thinking? He looked back up and noticed the screen had been idle for a few minutes and he was getting really worried. He quickly hacked your laptop camera, privacy be damned- to take a look to see if you were okay. The image that was brought up was an empty chair, and in the background was a cozy warm looking apartment. But there was no movement. You hadn’t fainted out of your chair had you?! He was starting to panic when you suddenly came back into screen, moving slowly and almost falling back into your chair wearing the same pants you wore last night. You had on a small tank top with the strap down, and a bloodied white towel slung over your injured shoulder, carrying armfuls of supplies that you set down on your desk by your computer with shaking hands. You looked far more pale than you had last night.
“Alright let's see…. Next it says to soak the thread and needle in the disinfectant for about 10 minutes…. I hope the thread is long enough. Hmmm… I don’t have sterile gloves so hopefully washing my hands well is good enough…” You thought out loud to yourself. Donnie was about to smash his head on his desk from your careless words. He couldn’t take it anymore. 
“What the SHELL do you think you’re DOING?!?!” After a few quickly typed commands he was patched into your laptop’s audio and yelling into his microphone, causing you to jump- startled from where you were about to reach into the bowl of disinfectant to grab the needle after only 5 minutes. You instinctually started to lower the volume on your laptop, cursing about ads on these websites always popping up and surprising you. 
“No no no! I’m not an ad- wait a minute-” Donatello quickly typed in some more buttons and your screen froze to allow his webcam feed to pop up and take over your screen, making you gasp and almost fall out of your chair. “Stop that! You’re doing to hurt yourself- well, more than you already are. You’re going to give yourself an infection!! What were you thinking-”
“IT’S YOU!!!” You shouted in surprise, holding onto your desk so you didn’t fall. If not for the deep cut still oozing from your shoulder and the attempted robbery from last night rerunning on the 6 o’clock news, you would have assumed you had dreamed of your fated meeting with the large turtle men. After waking up in a cold sweat on your couch late that afternoon, you had instead decided to focus on giving yourself first aid. “How did you- what?” You babbled trying to figure out why the purple masked man’s face was currently lecturing you from your computer screen. A worrying wave of lightheadedness made you grip your desk tighter.
“I hacked your computer. Anyways, WHY AREN’T YOU AT THE HOSPITAL?!!!” Donnie shouted in exasperation. He barely registered the sound of his lab door opening as his shouting probably attracted the attention of one of his brothers. 
You stared at him blankly for a moment, waiting for your brain to restart and register his questions after the shock of getting to see him again. “I… I don’t have health insurance.” You said a bit bluntly, settling back into your chair heavily, and bracing your good arm against your desk as a new wave of nausea overtook you from your racing heartbeat. 
“....what was that?” Donnie quickly turned around to acknowledge Leo, who had entered the door and taken up a spot leaning against the back of Donnie’s chair watching the interaction play out. At least of all his family, his most level headed brother had come in. 
You still heard the faint question and continued. “My new job… I just moved to New York two months ago for my new job. They promised me a good starting salary and a full time position, but after only 3 weeks they started cutting back on my hours. They don’t pay benefits to part timers, so I’ve already lost access to my health insurance. ….They really screwed me over, so I’m just working for them until I find a new job. I really, really, can’t afford a hospital visit after this expensive move, so….” You gently motioned to the white towel on your shoulder, a startling spot of red starting to seep through. Leo recognized the location of the wound from last night. The two brothers felt their gut clench remembering how you had gotten it. In defense of Donnie’s life. 
You were starting to slouch more over your desk, your head spinning, and your laptop’s microphone now picking up your labored breathing. Leo could see the red flush drain from your face, and Donnie recognized the symptoms. Most likely, you were about to lose consciousness. 
“Wait wait wait, hold on stay with me.” Donnie quickly ordered you through his mic, his tone becoming more serious. He quickly typed into his keyboard, now understanding the situation a bit more, and the gravity of your condition. “Do you have any roommates, anyone staying with you right now?” With a level tone he asked you some standard questions to keep you conscious as he robotically pulled up your current address. Leo had already left the room to rally their brothers and gather the first aid kit, clearly already on the same page.
“…. no. Just me.” You said quietly, now focusing entirely too much on staying upright. You really felt like you were going to throw up now. But you were too busy wracking your dizzy brain for what his name was…. D…. Donna… Donnie…. “Donatello?” You said out loud, trying to focus.
“Yes, (y/n?)” He quickly answered as he continued to quickly type something on his keyboard, he was glancing between you and another screen at his desk every other second. You smiled. He remembered your name. “We are coming to see you. If you can, try to leave your window unlocked, and go lie down on your couch or your bed. What is your apartment number?” He was quick and clear with his orders, speaking like a true doctor, you thought blearily. But you were too out of it to question how or why he was coming over.
“Mmm… Room 517, 6th floor.” Gosh why did you ever think you could do this on your own. You suddenly felt really stupid. You were trying to take care of yourself so you wouldn’t have to rely on your family for help with medical bills, but now you were just causing problems for the kind hero you met last night. “I’m sorry Donnie… I think I’m gonna pass out.” You said apologetically, head going to rest tiredly on your table next to your computer. You could distinctly hear the sound of the city filtering in through your cracked open window behind you in the living room. Your dizzy spell gripping you much stronger than it had earlier when you had first moved to stand after sleeping all night on the couch. The next thing you hear is the rattle of plastic wheels scooting as presumably Donatello was standing from his desk.
“Don’t be sorry. We’re coming to help you now, okay? Just try to stay awake.” There was a whoop and some excited chattering in the background now and some more keys being hit from his consol. “I’ll see you soon.” Came the quick but warm reply from the purple masked turtle as his webcam feed disappeared from your laptop. 
A silence hung in the room. As if it had never happened. You shifted to look up at the screen detailing a poorly drawn cartoon image of a needle poking at the edge of a wound looking back at you, and groaned audibly. Burying your dizzy head back into your good arm for a moment, you tried to sit up to go move to the couch to wait, careful not to bump into the bowl of antiseptic holding your good sewing needle and black thread. Only moments earlier you were about to try and sew up your shoulder like you were hemming a new pair of pants, only to be caught by one of this city’s apparent mutant super heroes you had met only just last night. And now he was coming here. To help you. 
Feeling another huge wash of dizziness pass over you, almost making your knees buckle as you stumbled over to the couch, you felt a larger twinge of pain in your shoulder again. Taking a seat on the cheap couch cushion, you reached up to move the towel you had soaked in the antiseptic aside to inspect the wound. You must’ve stretched the skin when you were startled earlier, because the wound was leaking deep red again as a small trail started to escape down your arm before you could stop it. Must’ve been deeper than you thought. 
That was your last thought before you passed out, head lightly falling against the couch.
“Are we almost there yet?? Ow!” Mikey called out ahead to Donnie before getting the back of his head smacked by Raphael. They were racing across rooftops making a beeline for your apartment building. Donatello, who usually gave sassy directions from the rear, was silent and serious leading the charge with Leo close behind carrying their largest portable first aid kit. 
Leo was keeping a close eye on his younger brother. When he walked by Don’s lab earlier, attracted by the shouting, he was startled to find his younger brother was talking to the person who had saved him the night before. Before he could question why, or get into his lecture about the dangers of contacting a human they only just met, he saw the look on his brother’s face. Donnie’s expression was beyond distressed. His usually level headed brother was shouting and worried because a civilian who was kind enough to step in and take a hit for him while he was down was- from what it looked like- still bleeding, almost 18 hours after the attack. And even worse from what he heard walking in, had no means of access to medical attention. He could understand Donnie’s frustration, but he was still surprised his brother had gotten this worked up.
“Hey…. Donnie,” Leo called out. “Everything alright…?” He said just low enough that it wouldn’t draw the attention of their brothers.
Donnie knew what he was getting at, so he cut right to the point. “I caught them before they could try and suture their own wound. With a sewing needle.” Donnie took a very very deep sigh. “By following a wiki-how tutorial.” Leo almost tripped off the building.
“….what?” He responded smartly. 
There was a loud snort from behind them. “Sounds badass.” Raph deadpanned and Mikey wore an expression of surprise followed by a quietly muttered ‘dude…’
Donnie groaned audibly. Thankfully your apartment building was now in sight. “I need to make sure their wound is properly disinfected before stitching it up. It’s the least I can do…” He thought back to last night. The long stare you two shared, and the concern and lack of fear you held for him in your eyes. He longed to see those eyes again… 
The building next to yours was at just the perfect height to leap across from the roof to your room’s fire escape. Leo was the first to land and give the all clear for his brothers to follow. Leo opened the window and stepped in just barely before Donnie practically toppled him over pushing past him to get inside. Snatching the first aid kit off Leo’s shoulder, Donnie quickly found your still form on the couch. 
“Right… we’ll stand guard. You’ll let us know if you need any help, okay Don?” Leo offered. Mikey pushed in through the window and made a beeline for the fridge, and Raph took a seat on the windowsill peaking in curiously.
“Yeah, Leo.” Donnie knelt quietly next to your form on the couch. All his attention was already on you.
 Leo went to stand around the living room trying to find the walls interesting while occasionally glancing at Donnie’s work, trying to stay out of the way.
Don checked you over, breath taken seeing your face again up close in the warm light of your apartment. Your breathing was deep and steady. Good. A little sweat on your brow, he looked down to see angry inflamed red skin peaking over your bare shoulder. He carefully moved the towel, stained in dried blood, and winced as the fabric pulled unstuck from the sticky bloody wound. 
You flinched, and Donnie felt his breath catch in his throat. But you did not awake, so he swallowed and signed, reaching down to open his medkit and take out a disinfecting wipe. The little damp pad unfolded and he carefully began to clean away the dried and sticky blood from around your cut so he could get a better look at the damage. There was definitely irritation but he hoped that no infection had taken hold yet. Next he disinfected his hands and pulled out his suture kit, and with practiced ease began to stitch up your shoulder. 
About 15 minutes later, and about 10 stitches into fixing you up, your eyelids fluttered open. The poking and pulling around your painfully sensitive cut had finally woken you up. You still felt dizzy and light headed, so made no sudden movements. Glancing down you saw the light reflecting off of a large polished shell. That’s right, Donnie. You still had a hard time grasping your current situation. Maybe you were in a fever dream. But there was the strangely handsome face of a mutant turtle sewing up your shoulder with his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth in focus. His large goggles down over his eyes and a portable lamp light over his shoulder illuminating his work. 
You felt the poke of a new stitch and this time flinched with a little muttered “Ouch!” and suddenly you were blinded by the light hitting your face as Donnie startled and turned to face you. 
“Oh! You’re awake! Um… Sorry I’m uh… not quite done yet. I hope this is okay-” He quickly mumbled. His free hand that braced your shoulder gave an encouraging squeeze. 
You blinked a moment as your eyes adjusted to the light. He glanced back at his work and back to you and you nodded twice. 
“I need you to hold still for just a few more minutes, I’m just about finished. Okay? It’s going to sting a little.”
“...yeah. Got it.” You nodded, feeling your head quickly clear up as you felt the pinch and sting of the needle again, bracing yourself to hold still while your brows tensed from the discomfort.
You looked around your room to distract yourself from the pain. Looking across your coffee table you saw one of the other turtle mutants, the one wearing the blue bandana and caught his eyes for a moment before he quickly averted them to pretend he wasn’t staring. But after a moment he looked back at you and offered a quick nod in greeting. You supposed he might be a little shy and was trying to hide it. By your window you also caught the large cracked shell of another one. He glanced over his shoulder and met your eyes, studying you for a moment as you also took in the scar on his lips and the toothpick, before he also nodded at you with a little ‘hey’ in greeting. 
“Yo, is dudette awake? Morning sleeping beauty!” An energetic orange masked turtle man, holding a half full can of your soda, practically jumped into your line of sight, startling you a bit with a gasp. “You remember me? I’m Mik- Ouch! Leo!!” The blue masked turtle called Leo smacked him on the back of his head to quiet him with a shush.
“Mikey, I’m still working. Don’t freak them out.” Donnie quickly added, making sure you weren’t gonna move again before continuing.
“Yeah genius, your ugly mug almost made em’ pull a stitch. Save the dramatic introductions for later.” The red masked turtle sneered at Mikey. You vaguely recalled him being named ‘Raph’.
Leo, Raph, Mikey, and… “Donnie?”
You caught yourself saying out loud, making said turtle jump a little.
“Y-Yes, (y/n)?” He stuttered as he helped carefully pull you into a sitting position. The stitches were finished and it was time to wrap the wound. He reached into his bag and pulled out a package of fresh gauze.
You carefully watched him unwrap the gauze, his hands slightly shaking. “How do you know each other?” You asked him, meeting his eyes, then looking over to the others spread out in your living room.
“Brothers. We’re brothers.” Leo answered helpfully. 
“Brothers… that makes sense…” You considered how they all acted around each other and smiled warmly, looking back to meet Donnie’s eyes.
He was lifting up his goggles back to the top of his head and his eyes widened at your expression. He turned away to put his tortoiseshell glasses back in place, clearing his throat. 
“Yes, they’re… my brothers.” He tentatively smiled back at you, and began to wrap up your shoulder. 
You watched him thoughtfully for a moment, and glanced over at his brothers now quietly arguing about something over by the window. Mikey quickly looked back over at you with a bright smile before turning back to the conversation animatedly and shushing his brothers a little, earning him a smack as Raph and Leo both also shared a look with you briefly. You raised a curious brow at the antics. They were like gossiping school kids… definitely brothers.
“Hey Donnie… Sorry for causing you all trouble like this. …I didn’t want to involve anyone and thought I could handle it myself.” You said looking down. “....Thank you for coming to my rescue.” You looked up to meet his gaze and smiled at him.
“No no, this is…. It’s the least I could do. After all, I should be the one thanking you. You got this injury from coming to my rescue, I…. Thank you.” His hands stilled a moment in the midst of his wrapping and gave you a shy smile. He looked kind. 
Donnie finished the rest of the wrapping slowly, fastening the end in place carefully. 
“Um… You should change the wrapping every other day. Call me if there’s any trouble, like puffy redness around the stitches or if it starts bleeding or starts to show signs of infection-”
“Hey-” Leo suddenly cuts Donnie off, making you both look over to him where he was emerging from the group huddle. 
“How about, we come back- *ahem* Donnie, comes back again to check on you in a few days. Does… that sound good?” He asked carefully. Mikey jumping around excitedly in the background and getting a playful push from a grinning Raph. You turned with a raised eyebrow to Donatello. He was currently gawking at his older brother, glancing back between you and the blue leader. You couldn’t help but giggle a little at the antics.
“...Sure. I’d love that. If… you don’t mind, that is?” You asked the flustered purple masked mutant.
“I- I- Yes. Yes, of course. It would be my pleasure. Um. S- Next Saturday then? If you’re free?” He gathered himself and asked you kindly.
“That would be perfect.” You smiled widely, taking his hand in both of yours. “It would be nice to see you when neither of us are in danger for a change.” 
Donnie’s eyes seemed to soften as he looked at you warmly. “I would like that. Very much.” He held your hands back softly as he rose from his seat beside you. His brothers were already starting to filter out through the window, except for Mikey who was hooting and hollering quietly before getting bodily pulled through the window by his two older brothers. 
“So… next Saturday night? 9pm?”
“I’ll be here.” You responded, following him to the window. He carefully climbed out onto your balcony. He waved a final goodbye to you as he perched on the railing, and with a mighty jump, he leapt out of sight. You lunged for the railing where he just stood, looking out above you hearing whoops and cheers from the brothers as you caught a final sight of them running over the city skyline. And with a deep breath of the cool night air, you sighed in relief that you weren’t dreaming. 
Leo, Raph, Mikey, and
Donatello. You’ll have to remember that. You thought with a grin.
To the people who wanted to be updated when part 2 was released. Sorry for the long wait!! Thanks for the support!
@saspas-corner @misfortunekeep @valen-yamyam16 @genesis378
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kaythefloppa · 2 months
The Current Timeline of Wild Kratts:
Remember 3 years ago during the hiatus when I made that detailed post explaining the chronological lore of Wild Kratts and analyzed its timeline of a decade's worth of episode with a dash of my own HC involved in it and posted it onto the Wild Kratts fandom subreddit?
Yeah, I promised updates to it when the new episodes arrived, and here I am almost a damn year later with four episodes already released, and four more on their way (with two of them already having been leaked!) Not to mention there were people who messaged me about legitimate errors I made that I accepted humbly, but didn't actually fix. Not to mention the crossovers that I completely ignored.
Well, much like in 2021, I had wayy too much free time on my hands and decided to go back and finally update that timeline. Unfortunately, Reddit's character limit prevented me from getting the edited version posted so I grit my teeth and decided to bring this fucker to Tumblr via copy and paste. Yeah, I'm not even kidding. So if you've ALSO got enough free time on your hands or are someone who read the original post who was desperately searching for an update, you've got it.
Full post underneath the cut: Warning, shit gets crazy down there.
The PBS Kids original animated show “Wild Kratts” has turned a decade old in the 2020's. Within that time, an autobiography, a 200 episode milestone, and a theatrical film based on the series is confirmed to be in development.
With new episodes of the show coming out, I figured that I’d analyze the show by making an analysis for its timeline. Like many shows, it does have continuity, but Wild Kratts is one of those shows which apparently has an extremely open universe where events happen within that universe, but they don’t seem to have a coherent timeline or any serialization. Many episodes are aired out of order and it’s hard to find a passage of time in a show which doesn’t rely on over-serialization in order to tell its own story.
I partly blame this on production errors as well as strict scheduling as well as the network focusing on releasing episodes in order of when they were produced as opposed to the intended date.
I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt that it doesn’t just rehash its timeline over and over again (unlike some other shows I know cough cough Arthur & Family Guy cough cough). Continuity does exist. It’s just figuring out how it falls in line that is the hard part.
I’ll update this post every time a new episode comes out. My plan is to analyze every single episode until the series finale so that we can determine how much time passes in the show. The way I'll order the timeline is by chronological order first. If there exists an episode or a group of episodes that do not contradict the order, but is not stated to go within this order, I will place them by original air-date and not production order.
I had found a website that lists every Wild Kratts episode (minus the hour-long specials) in order by air-date, unlike the Wild Kratts wiki & Wikipedia. Now, I did find some errors, as it claims that the first 2 episode aired on December 31st and not January 3rd, however I can forgive that as that has been a misconception for years and it got only the date wrong and not the order of episodes. So I was able to use that as a reliable source, more so than the fandom wiki. I am also running off of vivid memory based on my viewing experience as a kid, since I grew up with the show and have come to realize how much info I've retained from the universe of my hyperfixation and how I can use that to this post's advantage. Let's get into it.
Activate Analysis Powers!
Let’s start with the very first 2 episodes to be released: Mom of a Croc and Whale of a Squid.
In that episode, we see that the Kratt Brothers are already familiar with what’s around them. They’re familiar with the Minaturizer, their Creature Power Suits and Disks, and adventuring with the coolest creatures from oceans to trees (sorry, had to squeeze that reference in).
We see that some animals and inventions are introduced into this episode like the Hippo Sub, Crocodilla, and her daughters. However, let’s focus on things which aren’t introduced in this episode.
Most notably, the Gharial Power Disks and the Miniaturizer. Let’s focus on the disks first.
Near the climax of the episode, the Kratt Brothers use the Gharial Power Disks to substitute for Crocodile Powers since they did not have a disk. Gharials and Nile Crocodiles are both in the order Crocodillia, but were not in the same species nor family. That, along with different designs, makes gharials and crocodiles in general very different animals, which is why the activation didn’t hold up (I hope to god they actually make an episode around gharials in the next season).
Many people assume that this episode only takes place after Kerhonk since Chris uses Gharial Crocodile Power, but this is actually false. Listen closely to what Chris is saying.
“Ha! Crocodile. And a gharial is a type of crocodile!”
Now we’ve already established that a gharial is NOT a crocodile despite being a crocodillian, but let’s get to the important part. Chris is saying that as he pulls out his Crocodile Disk for the Creature Power Suit. Now here is the thing. He doesn’t pull out a Gharial Disk. He uses the Croc Disk to activate Gharial Power, but he doesn’t use a gharial disk to activate the corresponding power suit.
So if Aviva did invent Gharial Power by the events of Kerhonk, Chris would’ve used that instead of using the Crocodile Disk as a substitute. And assuming that episode predates Mom of a Croc, the Kratt Brothers would’ve obviously used the Crocodile Disk since they have used it before.
So that means there was some off-screen adventure where Aviva made Gharial Powers which took place before Kerhonk.
...But that would mean Chris would already have a Gharial Power Disk by the events of Kerhonk and Mom of a Croc. One of 2 things is likely the case. Either Chris didn’t have access to the disk and used Crocodile Power as a last resort (as we see, the disk holder doesn’t exist until Season 2, so he probably stuffs them in his pockets), or that episode exists in an alternate timeline, which we know isn’t the case since that episode’s continuity is brought up later (we will see soon).
So we’ve established that Kerhonk takes place after Mom of a Croc, which takes place after an unseen series of events that predate the series itself as we know it.
Now onto the Miniaturizer. We see it in this episode, but 4 episodes later in Mystery of the Squirmy Wormy, the miniaturizer is invented. That leads me to believe that the episode takes place before Mom of a Croc. However, if you look in the background, you can see that the Walrus Power Suit is in the background with a harness and strap over it. This debunks my original theory of this episode predating the invention of the Creature Power Disks.
With the Walrus Power Suit in mind, it has a harness and strap over it, which brings up the question of why?
My answer would be that the harness and strap was meant for the Walrus Suit after it was damaged in Polar Bears Don’t Dance.
So now we’re at the original pilot episode, the first piece of Wild Kratts media produced by PBS Kids (excluding the Flash games that came out a month prior and were removed 9 years later, *sobs*). Here, the operation of the suits is different. Here, Aviva modified the suits for arctic survival and all it takes is for them to touch the animals with the gloves and then press the button. In many episodes, the modification occurs with the existence of a Creature Power Disc, or the disk is seen off-screen.
But the more I see into it, the more it makes sense. Ever wonder why we don’t see some creature power disks of creature powers in the earlier episodes? Maybe it could be the same reason why we don’t see the Polar Bear and Walrus Disk for the Creature Power Suit.
Aviva pre-programs the Creature Power Suits into the animal that the user can activate into not because she prefers this over making discs, or because the discs are already inserted into the suit, but because this was before she began making Creature Power Discs. This explains why in many Season 1 episodes, we don’t see the disc itself because the power is preprogrammed into the suit.
So at what point does this end and Aviva starts making discs? Any could be. All we know is that this would soon become the norm over preprogramming the power into the suits.
Polar Bears Don’t Dance could possibly chronologically take place around the earliest in the Wild Kratts timeline.
In Mystery of the Weird Looking Walrus, Aviva talks about upgrading features into the Walrus Power Suit. Maybe she isn’t talking about inventing the suits, but modifying the suits, which is fitting considering the walrus suit somehow malfunctioned and got jammed (which was presumably due to the cold arctic ice).
In the same episode, Zach and Donita’s interactions appear to be as if they had met recently, with Donita referring to Zach as the one who “vomitted from clams under the table.” So already we’re forming a coherent timeline with these episodes and we’re not even half-way through Season 1.
There would be one inconsistency. In this episode, Aviva says Jimmy’s controller is waterproof (along with food-proof) but in Seasquatch, 16 episodes later, Jimmy’s controller is protected by a shrink-wrap, indicating that it isn’t safe from the environment. Well, here’s the thing.
That episode shows a second appearance of the Squid Power Suit and Bumper the Sperm Whale from the episode Whale of a Squid which aired alongside Mom of a Croc on the premiere date of the series.
There’s no reason not to believe that the whale episode takes place after Mom of a Croc, which we have already established, takes place long after Polar Bears Don’t Dance. With that, my only explanation is that Jimmy’s controller wasn’t 100% waterproof since salty water can actually be very damaging to technology.
In Octopus WildKratticus Koki lists down many Creature Powers shown. This includes Honey Badgers, Polar Bears, and Octopi. This indeed indicates that these episodes where these powers debut are placed before this episode (some say it’s a retcon, but I disagree since Martin could’ve activated Honey Badger Power after the events of Honey Seekers).
Now let’s address the continuity in the series.
In Season 1, the Kratt Brothers have 2 adventures in the Australian Outback: Ones with kangaroos and koalas. In the koala episode, Chris mentions Aviva inventing Thorny Devil Disks for the Creature Power Suits the last time they were there. Considering that the kangaroo episode was 2 episodes prior to this one, I’m making it count.
Mimic is a sequel to Cheetah Racer, which takes place after Falcon City. In Mimic, the Cheetah Power Disk is invented, which is later used in Caracal Minton.
A Huge Orange Problem takes place after Kerhonk since Schnozzle (I think that is his name appears and Chris and Martin refer to him by that name.) This means that Kerhonk is in the official timeline of WK, meaning the only explanation as to why the Kratt Brothers had little access to either the Gharial and Crocodile Power Disc is that they physically had no access to it due to misorganization.
The Food Chain Game introduces new Creature Powers treated as familiar powers, which indicates that they were already invented off-screen. No episodes introduce these Creature Powers so that means the episode can't be out of order.
In Masked Bandits, Chris and Martin originally intend to use Wolf Power as costumes for their Halloween party, but instead Raccoon Powers are activated and Wolf Power is instead invented in Little Howler.
Ok so let’s go over the established time-line so far. When listing down the time-line, I’ll first do the episodes that chronologically fit together, then I’ll list episodes through air-date if there’s no connection or contradiction between them, then I will go back to chronology if I need to.
Polar Bears Don’t Dance → The Mystery of the Squirmy Wormy → The Mystery of the Weird Looking Walrus→ Unnamed Gharial Crocodile Adventure Episode → Mom of a Croc → Whale of a Squid → Aardvark Town → Flight of the Draco → Platypus Cafe → Bass Class → Build it Beaver → Voyage of the Butterflier XT → Honey Seekers → Fireflies → Tazzy Chris → Octopus Wildkratticus → Walk on the Wetside → Elephant in the Room → Let the Rhinos Roll → Kickin’ it with the Roos → Koala Balloon → The Blue and the Grey → Falcon City → Cheetah Racer → Mimic → Kerhonk → A Huge Orange Problem → Caracal Minton → Zig-Zagged → Seasquatch → The Food Chain Game → Masked Bandits → Little Howler → The Gecko Effect → Flight of the Pollinators → Birds of a Feather → Googly Eye: The Night Guru → Stuck on Sharks → A Bat in the Brownies → Raptor Roundup → Quillbur's Birthday Present
And that’s the end of the S1 timeline
Season 2:
Now already, we can see that Season 2 is a continuation of Season 1. The Tortuga HQ has an upgraded design, most likely from Aviva, which foreshadows the events of “Tortuga Tune Up.”
For the sake of things, I will put Speaking Dolphinese and Blowfish Blowout at the start of the S2 timeline because we don’t see the Tortuga so there’s a high possibility of it retaining its original design from S1 (I’m not including Lost at Sea because that was a terrible special that did nothing but combine 2 unrelated episodes into a movie).
The Seahorse Rodeo takes place afterwards since in Tortuga Tune Up, we see Blimpy (who is now an adult) and Ocean Pony.
Next we have Tortuga Tune Up, which shows Aviva modifying the Tortuga for swimming mode. Obviously I like to think the Tortuga��s redesign was an attempt to fix it, until Aviva had realized something was amiss.
Rocket Jaw: Rescuer of the Reef is a part of the Coral Reef saga of episodes so I count it at the beginning of S2.
Then we have Bad Hair Day, Race for the Hippo Disc, Creature Power Challenge, and Termites Versus Tongues, all of which are the first 4 ep. of S2 and take place in Africa. I consider those 3 chronologically connected. Plus, Zach recalls stealing the Creature Power Disc in one episode.
Happy Turkey Day is a Thanksgiving-related episode but I can easily consider it to be in the timeline.
Bugs or Monkeys serves as the first installment of the Central American Rainforest/Coral Reef saga. Followed by Shadow: The Black Jaguar, Rainforest Stew, Secrets of the Spider's Web, and To Touch a Hummingbird.
Then we get a bunch of episodes taking place in the Sonoran Desert. First we have Rattlesnake Crystal, which introduces the Sonoran Desert. I include this directly after the hummingbird episode because here, Aviva modifies Eyelash Viper Power for Rattlesnake Powers.
In the episode “Roadrunner” Chris and Martin say they have only JUST arrived at the Sonoran Desert. That episode’s plot is focused around the Tortuga getting a resupply, which is fitting considering they just recently crashed.
I would put “Skunked” after Roadrunner since it appears that they have enough resources by now. Then we’d get “Gila Monster Under My House,” then “Desert Elves”
Aqua Frog would come next I assume, I see no reason not to.
Groundhog Wakeup Call and Journey to the Subnivian zone have little ties to other episodes so I can place them in order of air-date. Since Attack of the Tree Eating Aliens takes place in the spring, we can have them come after those episodes.
So the Season 2 timeline goes like this:
Speaking Dolphinese → Blowfish Blowout → Rocket Jaw: Rescuer of the Reef → Seahorse Rodeo → Tortuga Tune Up → Bad Hair Day → Race for the Hippo Disc → Creature Power Challenge → Termites V. Tongues → Neck and Neck → Happy Turkey Day → Bugs or Monkeys → Shadow: The Black Jaguar → Rainforest Stew → Secret of the Spider's Web → To Touch a Hummingbird → Rattlesnake Crystal → Roadrunner → Skunked → Gila Monster Under My House → Desert Elves → Unnamed Burrowing Owl Disc Creation Episode → Aqua Frog → Journey to the Subnivian Zone → Snow Runners! → Groundhog Wakeup Call → Attack of the Tree Eating Aliens
Season 3:
Now, a lot of misconceptions have been made around Season 3 in terms of both continuity and air-date. My stance? Don’t believe a goddamn word that Google, Wikipedia, or the Wild Kratts wiki says. They have been getting the episode air-dates wrong since the very beginning, which is the reason I have to organize them.
As a longtime fan of the show who has been there since the beginning, I pretty much know the air-dates of the episodes by heart and the order.
The first episode is Hermit Crab Shell Exchange, second is Where the Bison Roam, third is Bandito: The Black Footed Ferret, fourth is When Fish Fly, fifth is Osprey. All 7 of these episodes premiered from April 7th to April 11th, 2014 as a part of PBS Kids' Wild Kratts Week, celebrating the show returning for its 3rd season.
The episode to air after that is the double-length episode, Back in Creature Time, which despite popular belief is NOT the Season 3 finale. The last episodes of Season 3 were centered around Madagascar. But before that, we see some adventures in the cypress swamp and the prairie.
Now that we’ve cleared up the misconceptions that people have had about Season 3’s episode order for the past 7 years (yeah a BIG fuck you to Wikipedia for that shit) let’s address the order continuity wise.
The first 7 episodes aired from April 7-11th as part of PBS Kids’ Wild Kratts Week! Celebrating the show’s renewal of S3. All but one would likely remain at their place. All except for Where the Bison Roam and Bandito since it introduces the prairie arc.
Back in Creature Time was after a LONG hiatus. Just to give you a good idea as to how long it was, the first 7 episodes of S3 aired in April when I was still in school, then the Back in Creature Time special aired months later long after I had moved into a different house during summer vacation.
The first episode to air after Back in Creature Time was Mosquito Dragon and Crocogator Contest (they were aired together as part of a special called “Swamp Things” but that special sucked for the same reasons why Lost at Sea did).
Now, this is something I noticed. Mosquito Bots were already invented by the time of Back in Creature Time, meaning that episode takes place after Mosquito Dragon.
And if we’re to include the cypress swamp saga, that means that Back in Creature Time comes in around the middle of the S3 timeline chronologically. That’s not even including the prairie episodes.
There were also Madagascar episodes. I consider Lemur Legs is chronologically the first of the order since the Kratts enter Madagascar here, and the finale of this arc is Golden Bamboo Lemur
This will be hard to crack, but I might be able to do it.
A thing that I noticed was that the Dragonfly Power Suits got redesigns frequently in S3. In Osprey and Mosquito Dragon, it has basket legs, resembling its S1 counterpart, but in Florida Panther and Back in Creature Time, they look completely different. In-universe, this can be credited to Aviva redesigning the suit, so I tried to arrange the episodes in a way that would make the suit's metamorphosis (pun not intended) feel less jarring than if you were watching the episodes in production order or viewing order.
So the S3 timeline is
Hermit Crab Shell Exchange → When Fish Fly → Osprey → Crocogator Contest → Mosquito Dragon → The Search for the Florida Panther → Opossum in My Pocket → Slider: The Otter → Back in Creature Time → Where the Bison Roam → Bandito: The Black Footed Ferret → The Amazing Creature Race → Prairie Who → Mystery on the Prarie → Under Frozen Pond → Capture the Fishmobiles → Praying Mantis → Lemur Legs → Chameleons on Target → Aye-Aye → Lemur Stink Fight → Tenrec Treasure Hunt → Fossa Palooza → Mini Madagascar → Golden Bamboo Lemur
Season 4:
Once again, this season was distributed out of order and the years that have passed since its release, however, as someone who, once again, watched every episode the day they aired, I can correct the misconceptions.
Firstly, the first episode of S4 was The Last Largest Lobster, and the last episode was Musk Ox Mania. The 3rd episode was A Creature Christmas, followed by 5 additional episodes, one of which introduced Paisley Paver and Rex into the show.
Now the confusion is that A Creatire Christmas aired as the 3rd episode of S4, yet animals and Creature Powers in that episode wouldn’t be introduced until later. So I’ll list down all of the episodes that come before the Christmas special.
The Last Largest Lobster comes before Stars of the Tide (they literally aired back-to-back).
Panda Power Up comes first in the China-located episodes. Next up comes Golden Snub Nosed Monkey Man. Red Panda Rescue features both Giant Panda and Snub Nosed Monkey Power, so I imagine it comes next. At the end of that episode, Aviva alludes to Red Panda Power, which is present in “The Colors of China”
Pangolin Rescue follows that (remember, all of these take place before A Creature Christmas). Along with the Two-Tusked Narwhal Adventure, the Snowy Owl Invasion, the Puffin adventure, the Other Martins, and This Orca Likes Sharks.
At this point, we’ve covered all of the pre-Christmas episodes. Now let’s do the ones we have left.
Liturgusa Krattorum, Eel-lectric!, Sea Otter Swim, Box Turtled In!, Animals Who Live to be 100 years old, Archerfish School, and many others.
Something to note is that Aviva narrates how the villains have never before teamed-up. Ignoring the fact that it is not true, that episode would have to come before Krattorum.
Here’s the timeline of S4:
The Last Largest Lobster → Stars of the Tides → Box Turtled In → The Other Martins → Sea Otter Swim → Animals who Live to be 100 Years Old → Spirit Bear → Panda Power Up → Snowy Owl Invasion → Golden Snub Nosed Monkey Man → Red Panda Rescue → The Colors of China → Pangolin Rescue → Archerfish School → Musk Ox Mania → Baby Tooth & Kid Musky → Puffin Rescue→ Mystery of the Two Horned Narwhal → This Orca Likes Sharks → A Creature Christmas → Cheetah Adopted → Eel-lectric → Liturgusa Krattorum → Creatures of the Deep Sea
Season 5:
I’m gonna throw in my personal opinion… This is my least favorite season of the show. The premiere episode, Alaska: Hero’s Journey was pretty cool and in my opinion, jumped the shark for Wild Kratts as we know it. Not only did it establish continuity with previous adventures and use it as a key-factor for the episode’s story, but it introduced a Creature Power Suit for Koki and had a very mature theme and an awesome message.
And then it went downhill from there. A lot of episodes, whilst enjoyable, felt pretty weak. Some were forgettable, and it felt like it talked down to its audience more, and there were just a lot of things that I felt didn’t work. This is where I think the show began a heavy seasonal rot and I know I'm not alone in this.
Ok, opinions aside, the time-line of this season is a lot easier to decipher than the earlier ones because there were less episodes.
Even though Alaska: Hero’s Journey was the first episode of S5 to be aired, the Bald Eagle Power Suit was shown, yet it wouldn’t be invented until The Fourth Bald Eagle.
Many listings show Mystery of the North Pole Penguins as the S5 premiere. And given that there are no continuity errors in that episode, I can see it being the start of Season 5’s storyline.
In the next episode, Temple of the Tigers, Martin and Chris head to India to adventure with tigers. A majority of S5 takes place in India, including the episode where Paisley Paver and Rex return, so I view the tiger episode as the start of the “India” arc.
There are also several episodes centered in Europe, as part of what I like to call, the “Europe” arc.
Creepy Creatures would go near the end of this timeline, as we see many S5 Creature Powers and animals by then.
So here’s the timeline for S5
Mystery of the North Pole Penguins? → Temple of the Tigers → The Dhole Duplicator → The Cobra King → Sloth Bear Suction → Elephant Brains → Cheeks the Hamster → Fire Salamander → Komodo Dragon → Wild Ponies ---> City Hoppers! → Blue Heron → Choose your Swordfish → The Erminator → Hercules: The Giant Beetle → Creepy Creatures! → The Fourth Bald Eagle → Alaska: Hero’s Journey
Season 6:
This season in my opinion, was a slight step up from the 5th season, since we get to see more interesting animals, and the writing feels a lot more breathable. The color palette, I specifically would go without, because it just looks weird. What I do like is how they recasted Koki, a character of color, to be voiced by a woman of color, and I'm glad this change is permanent.
Instantly, we get an instance of a continuity error: Martin is shown to have a Jackrabbit Power Disc in the 2nd episode of S6, yet he doesn’t get it until the Easter special, In Search of the Easter Bunny. There’s actually a reason behind this. The original title for the episode focusing on bunnies was titled “Spring Bunnies” and was listed as the Season 6 premiere, however this was cut and the bunny episode was released almost a year later. My working theory is that because of tight schedules, “Spots in the Desert” was released before the introduction of the Jackrabbit Power Disc.
We return to the Amazon once again with the double-length episode, Amazin’ Amazon Adventure and we get some newer amazon episodes after that.
In a promotional video for Hero’s Journey, the Kratt Brothers said that Season 5 would have at least 23 episodes. My guess is that they had to cut down the last 5 episodes because of COVID or something.
There are two things that stand out the most to me in this season's timeline. For starters, in the Hammerheads episodes, we see that the brothers have an Antelope Disc for the Creature Power Suit despite there being no episode centered around those creatures or introducing a Power Disc. Much like the Burrowing Owl and Gharial Discs, we're to assume that there was an adventure focusing around that animal/an invention of that Creature Power Disc that was not televised, and thus is part of this season's lineup.
The second was how in one of the first episodes of Season 7, Chris expresses a desire to adventure with wolverines, despite that happening in the previous season. So in a rare case, this has to go in a different season's timeline to remain consistent.
Anyways, let’s go onto the timeline of the most recent season. I’ll be going off of habitat here just to be consistent.
In Search of the Easter Bunny → Mystery of the Flamingo’s Pink → Spots in the Desrt → Wolf Hawks → Deer Buckaroo → Unnamed Antelope Adventure Episode → Hammerheads → The Vanishing Stingray → The Real Ant Farm → Mystery of the Mini Monkey Models → Amazin’ Amazon Adventure → The Great Froggyback Ride → Parrot Power → The Race to Goat Mountain → Iron Wolverine → Adapto the Coyote → Tartigrade Xtreme → Uh Oh-Ostrich! → The Great Creature Tail Fail → Cats and Dogs →
Season 7:
The long-awaited Season 7 has arrived as of 2023, marking the return of the show to PBS Kids after two years of a hiatus. With four episodes having been released in May of 2023 to generally positive reception from critics and audiences alike, four more episodes + a TV movie releasing in April of 2024, and the 200th episode milestone airing in S7, fans have a lot to hope for. And thankfully it means new fodder for my timeline list.
As I've said before, The Race to Goat Mountain cannot be a part of Season 7's timeline since it has to take place before their actual wolverine adventure. Until further notice, the new episodes scheduled to air next month will be ordered as they should air, it'll be less confusing to fans who are currently yet to/unable to/unwilling to see the VPN leaks.
This in of itself is purely subjective but I like to imagine that Clever the Raven would be the first episode of S7. For a few reasons. One, it was the first episode of the season to be confirmed (in an interview with Jane Goodall). Secondly, compared to Outfoxed, it felt more like a season premiere. With the fanservice-callbacks, the villains returning, the simple-structure of the plot with no rising or falling action and the episode's overall writing, it basically marks off a check-list of everything in the show that you were missing out on for 2 years and everything that you're coming back to after such a long break. Plus it's my favorite out of all of the S7 premiere episodes. Call me biased, but this one's going first.
Timeline of Season 7:
Clever the Raven → Outfoxed → Owl Odyssey → Our Blue and Green World → No Name Dream → Backpack the Camel → Fish Out of Water
There are three shows that Wild Kratts has crossed over with. One of which came out after I made this post, two of which before, but I decided to add them here just for the fun of it and to commit to the lore-dump of the timeline. Whether or not I'll extrapolate that into forming a huge novel about the expanded universe of PBS Kids, only time will tell.
Night Shift: (Odd Squad)
This was the first crossover the brothers had done with another show, Odd Squad, a live action math-based cartoon that is set to air its fourth season in 2024. The Kratt Brothers have their traditional live-action opening that is interrupted by Otis and Olympia solving their 'odd problem' a running gag with various different characters throughout the series as a 'cold opener.' The reason there is such a massive overlap between the two fandoms is because of that scene in the episode.
How to fit it into the canon? Well, since this is shot similarly to a Wild Kratts live action opener segment, then we can equate it with the "what if!?" element of the show. It should be noted that the Kratts are following a white-tail-deer, an animal they would later adventure with in Season 6. So you could have this episode take place directly before the "what-if?!" section of that episode that transitions into the animated story.
Wild Batts: (Nature Cat)
In 2015, PBS Kids launched a new nature based show known as "Nature Cat" featuring the titular cat and his gang of animals exploring nature. This special aired directly after Wild Kratts: A Creature Christmas, so PBS Kids often marketed both the WK Christmas special and the Nature Cat premiere, so much so that at the end of the Christmas episode, the Kratt Brothers themselves promoted the new Nature Cat special. It only made sense that these nature brothers from another mother teamed up! And thus we had Wild Batts! In this episode, Chris and Martin "Batt" have to find a new home, after their old one is destroyed, challening Nature Cat and Ronald's fear of bats in the process and learning more all about them. Several references to the Kratt's show are made, such as the classic "Living free and in the wild!"
How to fit it into the canon? In the episode's context they are literally bats, but in the context of the show itself, they would probably be in Creature Power Suits. And one thing interesting is that Chris and Martin are said to be Indiana bats, an endangered species of North American bats. We know that there is no singular Creature Power Suit for a generalized species as we've seen with the crocodillian, owl, and snake-based Power Suits. So it's possible that Aviva modified the Little Brown Bat/Vampire Bat programing with Indiana Bat Power. So this would probably take place post-Season 1. I have it take place in Season 6 since Wild Batts aired around the same time that Season 6 just started airing, ironic ain't it?
Oh, and the episode also makes bat references to other PBS Kids characters, such as Peg + Bat (Peg + Cat), George the Curious Bat (Curious George) Daniel Bat (Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood) and the Bat/Cat in the Hat. Now, the logical man within me says that these are easy puns to laugh at and not look into. However, the sick twisted fuck that is me says, connect that shit together. Since we've already established Odd Squad, we can probably say that there was an 'odd problem' turning these random PBS Kids characters into bats (probably including the Kratt Brothers if you don't buy the idea that they're in very convincing Creature Power Suits) and that the Odd Squad is able to save them with a reverse-bat-inator and they all go their separate ways, never to meet each other again until their grand return in PBS: Endgame (ok maybe I'm going too far into it but just a funny thought, also yes that is the one MCU reference I decided to cash in).
Cry Wolf: Molly of Denali
The 3rd of the Wild Kratts crossovers, airing in summer of 2022. This was a massive thing in the WK fandom, mainly because around that time, news had come out that the show would not air any new episodes until 2023, which was a massive low blow. This crossover between Wild Kratts and Molly of Denali, while not enough... at least damaged this blow and is an okay entry point to Molly of Denali, another pretty damn good PBS Kids show.
The Kratt Brothers help Molly and her dad track a missing pack of endangered wolves, learning more about them on the way. In the episode it's established that Molly is a huge fan of Wild Kratts, referencing their show a lot, implying that the Kratts we see here are 2D representations of their IRL selves rather than their 2D-in-universe selves. Still, I came here to overanalyze, and overanalyze I shall! Since the Kratts did their whole "what-if!?" skit in Odd Squad, then I could see the same happening here, just not being necessary for the episode's plot. I'll suspend my disbelief again because what the hell.
How to fit it into the canon? I'd have it come between Season 6 and 7. It aired around that time, and again, it was almost certainly done so as compensation for making fans wait 2 years for the new season to drop. Plus it lines up with my headcanon of Clever the Raven being the first in S7's timeline, since the brothers would still be in the mood to adventure with wolves.
So to conclude, all of these crossovers I see as very recent in the show, you could cut them out and lose nothing, but add them in and get more of something, which is what I'm doing. In terms of timeline to the crossovers specifically, here it goes.
Wild Batts → Night-Shift → Cry Wolf
Polar Bears Don’t Dance → The Mystery of the Squirmy Wormy → The Mystery of the Weird Looking Walrus→ Unnamed Gharial Crocodile Adventure Episode → Mom of a Croc → Whale of a Squid → Aardvark Town → Flight of the Draco → Platypus Cafe → Bass Class → Build it Beaver → Voyage of the Butterflier XT → Honey Seekers → Fireflies → Tazzy Chris → Octopus Wildkratticus → Walk on the Wetside → Elephant in the Room → Let the Rhinos Roll → Kickin’ it with the Roos → Koala Balloon → The Blue and the Grey → Falcon City → Cheetah Racer → Mimic → Kerhonk → A Huge Orange Problem → Caracal Minton → Zig-Zagged → Seasquatch → The Food Chain Game → Masked Bandits → Little Howler → The Gecko Effect → Flight of the Pollinators → Birds of a Feather → Googly Eye: The Night Guru → Stuck on Sharks → A Bat in the Brownies → Raptor Roundup → Quillbur's Birthday Present → Speaking Dolphinese → Blowfish Blowout → Rocket Jaw: Rescuer of the Reef → Seahorse Rodeo → Tortuga Tune Up → Bad Hair Day → Race for the Hippo Disc → Creature Power Challenge → Termites V. Tongues → Neck and Neck → Happy Turkey Day → Bugs or Monkeys → Shadow: The Black Jaguar → Rainforest Stew → Secret of the Spider's Web → To Touch a Hummingbird → Rattlesnake Crystal → Roadrunner → Skunked → Gila Monster Under My House → Desert Elves → Unnamed Burrowing Owl Disc Creation Episode → Aqua Frog → Journey to the Subnivian Zone → Snow Runners! → Groundhog Wakeup Call → Attack of the Tree Eating Aliens → Hermit Crab Shell Exchange → When Fish Fly → Osprey → Crocogator Contest → Mosquito Dragon → The Search for the Florida Panther → Opossum in My Pocket → Slider: The Otter → Back in Creature Time → Where the Bison Roam → Bandito: The Black Footed Ferret → The Amazing Creature Race → Prairie Who → Mystery on the Prarie → Under Frozen Pond → Capture the Fishmobiles → Praying Mantis → Lemur Legs → Chameleons on Target → Aye-Aye → Lemur Stink Fight → Tenrec Treasure Hunt → Fossa Palooza → Mini Madagascar → Golden Bamboo Lemur → The Last Largest Lobster → Stars of the Tides → Box Turtled In → The Other Martins → Sea Otter Swim → Animals who Live to be 100 Years Old → Spirit Bear → Panda Power Up → Snowy Owl Invasion → Golden Snub Nosed Monkey Man → Red Panda Rescue → The Colors of China → Pangolin Rescue → Archerfish School → Musk Ox Mania → Baby Tooth & Kid Musky → Puffin Rescue→ Mystery of the Two Horned Narwhal → This Orca Likes Sharks → A Creature Christmas → Cheetah Adopted → Eel-lectric → Liturgusa Krattorum → Creatures of the Deep Sea → Mystery of the North Pole Penguins? → Temple of the Tigers → The Dhole Duplicator → The Cobra King → Sloth Bear Suction → Elephant Brains → Cheeks the Hamster → Fire Salamadner → Komodo Dragon → Wild Ponies ---> City Hoppers! → Blue Heron → Choose your Swordfish → The Erminator → Hercules: The Giant Beetle → Creepy Creatures! → The Fourth Bald Eagle → Alaska: Hero’s Journey → In Search of the Easter Bunny → Mystery of the Flamingo’s Pink → Wild Batts → Spots in the Desrt → Wolf Hawks → Night-Shift → Deer Buckaroo → Unnamed Antelope Adventure Episode → Hammerheads → The Vanishing Stingray → The Real Ant Farm → Mystery of the Mini Monkey Models → Amazin’ Amazon Adventure → The Great Froggyback Ride → Parrot Power → The Race to Goat Mountain → Iron Wolverine → Adapto the Coyote → Tartigrade Xtreme → Uh Oh-Ostrich! → The Great Creature Tail Fail → Cats and Dogs → Cry Wolf → Clever the Raven → Outfoxed → Owl Odyssey → Our Blue and Green World → No Name Dream → Backpack the Camel → Fish Out of Water
And there you have it so far folks. Thirteen years, seven seasons, 159 televised episodes, plus four crossover episodes amounting to 163 canon episodes in the current Wild Kratts timeline. More are on their way and more of this grand Creature Adventure is beyond the horizon. Keep on Creature Adventuring, see ya on the Creature Trail!
Am I a genius, or am I a genius?
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therealvinelle · 3 months
Do you think Heidi and the Volturi would look at the Titanic sinking and go "Hrm, a cruise ship disaster, that's a good way to get a lot of humans and make them disappear"?
Like maybe not regularly but if they had an emergency "we need 1500 people as fast as possible because I guess we're throwing a big feast idk"?
Oh god no.
The first rule to making 1500 people disappear is you don't make 1500 people disappear. You physically can't, at no point in history have 1500 people been able to disappear without people noticing. The reason we know so many painstaking details about the RMS Titanic, who was where when and exactly how the ship was built, is that a massive investigation was launched into how the ship sank. You'll remember the Malaysian Airline disaster a few years back, and you remember it because of the amount of attention and resources that were poured into uncovering what had happened.
In times past you might have been able to make away with a ship more easily and have it be noticed later, because the absence of wireless communication systems meant a ship not making it to port could simply mean they were delayed. Even then, though, people would notice and it would attract a lot of attention. The SS Waratah, which departed for Cape Town from Durban in July of 1909 and was expected to reach her destination on the 29th of July, had people looking for her on August 1st even if she wasn't reported officially missing until much later. An inquiry was launched the next year, with an emphasis on "Why haven't we found anything?". This was a 211 passenger casualty: imagine the inquiry, the search effort, for a 1500 passenger ship.
Even with the RMS Titanic many of the dead had worn life vests, several hundred people were recovered in the months after the disaster. There were bodies sighted around the place the SS Waratah had last been seen, though none were recovered. Point being, what's lost at sea is not always lost at sea. Heidi would have to create a record of her 1500 people having been aboard the ship she intends to sink, without them actually being on board or else she has to somehow ensure none of them will float to the surface after the fact.
You'll notice the ships on this wiki site generally have a few things in common: they had a lot of passengers and they were not expected to be lost. A fishing boat might be lost without attracting much surprise, this was something people knew to expect. During wartime, doubly so.
A ship containing any number of passengers, though, that wasn't expected to be lost, that will have people talking about it, investigating, trying to find out what happened even if we go back a few centuries. In the modern age, the search would be on every headline.
The Volturi would not be able to keep the secret for any amount of time if they attempted anything like this.
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skinnypig2 · 3 days
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i made this visual representation of constellation membership over the years using info from the game, bethesda's site, and the wiki, and i think it reveals some interesting things about the explorers group that weren’t otherwise obvious. ofc it’s incomplete because there is a lot we don’t know, but going off this alone we can tell that:
1. constellation membership has always been quite small. there’s a huge gap in the middle there only because we’re lacking for info, but it seems constellation in 2330 is probably the largest it’s been.
2. aja mamasa was chair for a longer period than any other chair. for most of the group’s existence, aja mamasa was the face of constellation.
3. the search for the artifacts only really kicks off after sarah becomes chair. understandably, aja mamasa may not have wanted to begin a pursuit of this mystery during wartime, but she then had plenty of time as chair after the war to dig that artifact back up if she wanted to. putting all other potential reasons for not pursuing the artifacts aside, i think this could speak to the differences in character between sarah and aja: the unrelenting sense of adventure at the core of one chair vs possibly the more cautious, admin-focused nature of the other. now obviously barrett finding that archived artifact in 2326 probably just occurred by chance, but c'mon are you telling me they don't keep a recorded inventory of all their odds and ends?
4. andreja’s joining the group coincides with barrett finding the second artifact. in-game, if you take Barrett to the ka’zaal sulfur mine where he found that second artifact, he mentions that constellation gained another member the day he found it, but he doesn’t say who. the only member who joined the same year (let alone same day) that Barrett found the artifact is andreja. it's also worth noting that va'ruun "zealots" attacked the miners during the initial dig in 2328, and still guard the mine when you and barrett return in 2330. correct me if i'm wrong, but i don't think we ever learn any specifics about how/when/why andreja joined other than that she initially joined as a spy for house va'ruun. it seems house va'ruun was after the artifacts as well and andreja had a role in their pursuit of the ka'zaal artifact before joining constellation.
take all this with a grain of salt because there's a good chance i missed some things. but i'd like to hear y'all's thoughts cuz i only made that andreja connection after making this :)
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skelswritingcorner · 4 months
A Vessel, A Stranger, An Experiment
A/N: This took half a week to write, and is significantly longer. Also, the reader character's canon name is Ailith, but I use Y/N since this is the reader character. She behaves like a stray cat. I mostly consulted tvtropes because the wikis aren't exactly helpful with getting a nail on the bots' personalities. Also, the translator is an idea I took from @tripleglitchwriting's Ignition fics,
This is a partial rewrite of An Unfamiliar Place.
Part 2 can be read here!
Word Count: 3K
Reader character is written with gender-neutral pronouns. POV changes and timeskips are designated with three stars.
Warnings: SFW, mentions of blood and injuries, communication problems, G/T (giant/tiny), mentions of unethical experiments
You knew about your injuries before going on the little ship you called home. It’ll be fine, you remember assuring your most recent client after you got your payment, I know how to mend myself.
Clearly, based on the spike that impaled your torso, you were indeed not. Your client didn’t need to know, you had the money to pay someone to fix you up if you can’t do it yourself. Perks of being a bodyguard for hire; the money makes up for any injuries sustained. At least the cloak hid that from the client; you knew they’d prevent you from leaving the planet if they saw.
You removed your mask and cloak, peeling your gloves off your hands as well as removing your grappling hook, and limped toward the mirror. Shit, you thought to yourself, the injuries are more severe than what you assumed. The spike in your torso was the one you knew about, but there were also bullet holes in your left calf. You checked your sleeves, mostly just small scratches and scrapes. Nothing you couldn’t fix.
Grabbing the medical kit, you went to work. Cleaning the wounds of blood and possible grime, then applying the bandages and wraps. The spike would have to be removed by someone more professional, you need to navigate to the nearest space clinic. Plopping onto the chair, you set the ship to go to the nearest clinic. However, as a precaution, you turned on the emergency signal in case a larger ship with someone more skilled in medicine could help. Hopefully the trip will be quick, and smooth-sailing.
Oh, how much of a fool you were. Oh-so foolish of you. You thought this was going to be anything but a disaster? You fool, you absolute buffoon.
There was a massive ship, you knew it was for something gigantic. How and why did you end up in this situation?! You weren’t sure what to do, so you kept the ship where it was. The ship you were facing was ten miles wide at least, and you might be its target.
Something grabbed the ship. It pulled you closer and closer to the gigantic vessel, until you knew you were inside it. Launching yourself off the chair as fast as you could, you hurriedly fastened your magnetic grappling hook on your right arm and grabbed the smallest weapons you had. No time to grab anything else, you needed to run as soon as you could. You held the handle of one of your smaller blades between your teeth.
Clearly, what was holding you was massive, footsteps jostling both you and your vessel, but eventually the ship you were in was put down somewhere. Once everything went silent, you cautiously opened the front hatch.
The vessel you were in was truly massive. Whatever crew is inside this thing must be members of species ten times larger than you at least. No time to dawdle, though. You needed a place to hide, and with haste.
Using your grappling hook, you descended down to the floor. It gave out midway, however, and you unceremoniously fell. Waves of intense pain overwhelmed you, fortunately the knife in your mouth prevented you from shouting out in pain. You’d check what happened later, though. You needed to find a hiding spot some distance away from your ship.
Holding onto your bloodied side, you scurried to a wall and started searching. Fortunately for you, there were some boxes that were open on its side after a few minutes of sprinting. You used your grappling hook to get to them, and entered one of the boxes. Now all you needed to do was wait. See if the crew is friendly, or if they’re going to kill you. Or if you end up dying from blood loss, which is the most likely option.
It was Ultra Magnus out of anyone who noticed the object at first, and the blood trails coming outside of it. It’s an organic, and an injured one at that, he thought. Using his comm link, he informed all upon the Lost Light of the injured “intruder.” As they were minibots, Tailgate and Rewind were delegated the responsibility of investigating the interior of said object; see what it was for and if anything about what was inside could be discovered. Fortress Maximus chose himself not to look for the organic, for his size made it difficult for him to detect the source of the blood trails. That, and he didn’t want to squash them, so he checked all the cameras in the ship. Ratchet and First Aid were to prepare a berth, as the blood implied potentially life-threatening injuries. Brainstorm and Perceptor were to prepare some restraints and trapping items, in case said organic was being difficult. Now, to figure out who to find the organic…
Much to his dismay, however, Rodimus declared to find the organic himself. “I’m the captain of this ship,” he argued, “I’m going to search for them!”
Magnus pinched his enstril, a deep sigh coming from his intake. Rodimus has always been stubborn, refusing to heed anyone’s advice and acting without plans. Which, given the potential gravity of this current situation, could be disastrous. “I’d suggest not running off by yourself, Captain. At least bring one other Autobot, two pairs of optics are better than one.”
He could feel Rodimus roll his optics.
“I’ll go with the Captain.” Drift sighed. “I know you don’t trust me, but I’ll do the best that I can.”
Magnus grumbled, “Fine. You go with the Captain. I’ll remain by the object the organic came out of. Based on the size, they shouldn’t be too far off. Follow the red trail, and once you get them, bring them to the medbay.”
POV: Tailgate and Rewind
When Tailgate and Rewind entered the ship, it was relatively empty, yet had signs of life. The blood on the floor made Tailgate panic a bit, but he carried on with reassurance from Rewind.
There were a few items of note, mostly the mask and cloak on the floor. The mask was birdlike in appearance; midnight blue in color with signs of wear. Mostly scratches. The cloak was a similar shade of blue, and rather bulky. There was a cut on the back of it, with blood around where the cut was.
Tailgate turned on his communicator. “Oh, this is bad.”
“What is it, Tailgate?” Magnus questioned.
“There’s an item on the floor, there’s a deep cut on it and… and I think the organic’s injuries might be way more severe than we think!”
“Ten four. I’ll inform Ratchet and First Aid of this.”
Rewind noticed a container, opening it up to see several weapons. Most of said weapons were blades. “We’re not dealing with just any organic,” he muttered, “this is one that knows how to fight. They could be armed as well.”
Rewind opened his comm link to Rodimus.
Tailgate investigated thoroughly, there could be a bomb on the ship. Every container he opened lacked bombs, however. Replacement parts, some stuff written in an unfamiliar language, and… diagrams?
Tailgate looked at the diagrams more closely. Based on the shape, the form was of a human. There were peculiar additions on the chassis, left bitarlueus, and right side of the midsection. Likely something Perceptor and Brainstorm could figure out.
“I found what looks like a recording device! It seems rather old, but I think it might work.” Rewind’s words broke Tailgate out of his trance, “We should activate our translator modules so we can figure out what it’s saying. Once everyone’s translators are online, I’ll play the recording.”
Once everyone confirmed that their translators were online, Rewind pressed the play button on the device. The words that came out were steel cold.
“If you’re listening to this, you’re on my ship. You’re a sneaky one, ain’t cha? I’ve been given many names; The Masked Merc, The Bodyguard Who Shot That One Guy’s Eye Out, and many other names. You’ll be getting my real identity from my cold, dead corpse. If you’re expectin’ me to cooperate with you if I’m alive, you better be polite about that. I’m willing to throw hands if you try to force anything out of me. I might be a mercenary, but I’m not one to throw hands just for the sake of it.”
The recorded message on the old device ended. The two bots looked at each other, and back at the device.
“Wait, there’s another button next to it.” Rewind pressed the button, and another recording played. The voice this time was much softer, and younger. Likely their first recording.
“Hello. I am Y/N. I’m not sure what I really am in this world, this is my first time experiencing many things. Heh, the consequences of living your first decade of life in a lab, I guess. I doubt I can find my ‘real family’ at this rate, if they even miss me at all. I’m a bodyguard for hire. Rarely need to use my weapons, guess some people find me too scary. Goodbye for now. If you see me, you see me. If you don’t, you don’t.”
“So the organic’s a bodyguard. Y/N, huh? Must be a pacifist, from the sounds of it.” Tailgate pondered.
“Or is powerful enough that most don’t even try to challenge them since it means swift deactivation.” Perceptor rebutted through the comm link.
POV: Rodimus, Drift, and Reader
Once the two reached Ultra Magnus, Tailgate, and Rewind, Drift began checking the blood. “There’s a splatter on the floor here,” he mentioned, “must’ve had a nasty fall before they started finding somewhere to hide.”
Rodimus winced trying to imagine the pain. Why couldn’t the organic stay put until they got help? Weren’t they the one sending out the emergency signal?
“Let’s go find that organic!” Rodimus started walking while looking down at the blood trails, Drift swiftly following.
The two walked slowly, optics scanning for where the blood led towards and listening to their comm links. They heard Tailgate and Rewind’s notes about the organic’s possible injuries, the weapons, and the recordings.
Rodimus noticed a slightly open crate, where the blood trail ended. A squeak from inside was all he needed to justify putting a servos on the crate’s side, and opening it up.
Well, you got caught. Took what you believe is half an hour, but better than dying. You weren’t going to hop onto them instantly though, they might try to kill you. More likely than not, they might not be super cautious. Especially the orange one, they seem like they’ll accidentally manhandle you and make your injuries significantly worse.
Wait, how can you understand them? Are they using a common tongue? You have some handle on certain languages from your years as a mercenary, but you weren’t sure how they knew any of the languages you knew. Nobody mentioned giant sentient robots when talking to you. Actually, they probably did it in whispers since most people are scared of you. Dammit.
The white one tilted their head, “You’re clutching your midsection with your servo. Are you hurt there?”
Well, shit.
You slowly removed your hand from where you were covering your injury. The spike got pushed when you fell, and is currently jutting out from your stomach. Fortunately, or unfortunately, it didn’t end up on the side of the subspace pocket the scientists installed on you, so you can hide that for a little while longer. Your hand, however, was covered in blood.
The orange one held out their hand, or what they called a servo. You did not trust him to handle you gently, and walked further into the crate. They grumbled, something about you being difficult.
“Let me, Rodimus.” The white one held his servo out, “I think they don’t trust you with holding them.”
You approached the servo with caution, touching a digit with your not-super-bloody hand. When they didn’t try to grab you, you slowly crawled onto their open palm. Another squeak of pain came from your lips when your injured leg touched the hand, though.
The servo slowly brought you close to their body, and the one you assume is Rodimus put a servo on the side of their helmet. “Drift’s holding the organic, I’ll go with him to the medbay and have Ratchet look at ‘em.”
“Percy and I will be there too,” another, more younger-sounding voice said, “I think I found something of note.”
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. What did they find? The medical kit that’s pretty low on supply right now, your sewing kit, or…
They found the files you took with you when you escaped, didn’t they? All those diagrams and logs about your conditions and states, and how your body responded to the implementations. You should’ve kept that in the subspaces, in hindsight.
“Don’t worry,” the one holding you, Drift, comforted, “Ratchet’s a bit grumpy, but he’s one of the best doctors here.”
He’s gonna struggle with the spike since it’s so tiny compared to them. Unless he has some sort of assistant closer to your size, you’re probably gonna be the one to remove it for the doctor.
They started walking, Drift making sure that you were safe, and that you wouldn’t be jostled too much.
You heard a door open, and heard another approach.
“This is the injured organic? The berth is ready, First Aid and I will take care of them.” you assume that was Ratchet.
Drift walked closer to a large metal slab, gently lowering you onto it. A pair of smaller servos held you, lowering you so that you laid supine.
“What’s the thing they’re holding in between their dentas?” the voice from who you infer as being First Aid asked. You removed the switchblade from your mouth without saying a word. With a flick of the wrist, the blade went out, but you then put it back in its original position.
A red servo took the knife away. You wouldn’t need it right now anyway, but they better give it back once they’re done fixing you.
“We should take care of what’s poking out of them first. It’s incredibly tiny though, I doubt my servos can even grab onto it without slipping.” Ratchet prodded around the injury, making you wince.
You sighed, grabbing onto the spike. A growly voice came from your mouth, “I can remove it for you.”
First Aid grabbed onto your bloody hand, “You’re injured! We should be the ones removing it!”
“And you’re literally twice my size,” you rebutted, “I’ve had worse done to me. This is nothing.” You weren’t bluffing either. Those researchers have done worse things to you with their twisted experiments.
Ratched sighed, “They’re probably right. I know it hurts your spark to have a patient removing something that you can, but it seems that they have… experience with removing things from themselves. Clean the wound and stitch it up once they remove the object.”
First Aid looked into your eyes. Despite the plate on their face and visor preventing you from reading his expression, you knew from his tone of voice and body language that he was worried. He reminded you of yourself, in a way. That hyper-empathy that frequently decides to say hello when you least expect it.
You nodded, slowly pulling the spike out. First Aid held your hand during this, not caring about the blood staining his servos. Comes with the job, you suppose. Once it was removed, a cloth was put over the gaping, bloody hole.
It took a decent amount of time before all injuries were cleaned and stitched up. They also made you digest some kind of liquid that Ratchet claimed to help speed up the healing process. Throughout, you were as obedient as a dog.
During the time the procedure was happening, Drift left. In his place, two other robots were there. First Aid was lifting your upper body so you could sit.
“The patient was rather pleasant, didn’t try fighting me or anything.” Ratchet reported to the red and blue one.
“Eh,” you shrugged, “You spend half your life as a lab rat, you get used to followin’ orders and getting weird things injected into your body.”
Everyone went silent and stared. Some looked confused, others horrified. First Aid stopped.
“Y’all’re lookin at me funny.”
The white and blue bot, who was likely the one who went into your ship, said those six words you remember hearing years ago, “What did they do to you?!”
Not this again.
“Based on those documents,” the red and blue one spoke in a matter-of-fact tone, “many things. I translated all of them. It appears that the patient,” he gestured to you, “was used in experiments to see if subspace entrances could be added to organic bodies for purposes of smuggling items. Clearly, they were successful.”
Welp, cat’s out the bag.
“Do these documents have any information other than that?” First Aid asked, “Where they’re from? Their name? If they have a family?”
You scoffed, “I was taken when I was a baby, as far as I’m concerned I’m an orphan. And I’m confident it’s too late to try and find my biological relatives, if they’re even alive.”
The white and blue bot covered where their mouth would be, “But do you know what planet you’re from? We can start there.”
“The documents say they’re from Earth, and therefore a human. From that recording Tailgate and Rewind found, their name is Y/N.” The taller bot said.
“Thank you, Perceptor. I’ll look over the documents once we clean and sanitize the berth.” Ratchet nodded.
You were exhausted from the chaos of today. Closing your eyes, you quickly fell asleep.
Ratchet carried the sleeping human to the scanner, looking at the screen as it was scanning.
“There appears to be multiple points of trauma, both new and old. Along with those, signs of experimentation are shown especially on the upper chassis, left bitarlueus, and midsection. The peculiar crescent scar below their tank shall be noted for later questioning.” He noted on his datapad. “For now, it’s best that they rest.”
After the scans finished, he brought the human to a berth meant for the minibots, and sat on a chair nearby to monitor them.
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thirstytrashblogger · 10 days
Allan x Reader Meetcute Oneshot Adventure
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A/N: God gave me the power to write and weed so I’m making stuff. 
Summary: A Allan Adventure redone scene so he can avoid that long-ass day. Really half of this is just the transcript from wiki but I had fun with it. 
Warnings: Mentions of quitting smoking, Smiling Friends shenanigans
Allan had stepped into the local Office Crap in search of some paper clips. He speaks to an employee with six arms who was stocking shelves to quickly ask where he could find the paper clips. 
Allan: Um, excuse me.
Armzo: [interrupting Allan] Wait, wait, wait, hold on man, I'm do- I'm in the middle of something here.
Allan walks up to Armzo while he continues to stack cans.
Allan: I just need some help.
Armzo: I'm warning you right now dude, keep screwing around and bad shit’s gonna happen, man.
Allan scowls at the rude attitude. 
Allan: You don't need to be rude.
Armzo angrily puts his cans down and walks up to Allan. Tapping his foot impatiently.
Armzo: Ok, what's up man, what do you want, huh? What’s going on, what do you need, man? Don't get nervous now, man, what? Ask your-ask your question, go ahead, what?
The two talk over each other, while the armless manager in the background notices the argument.
Allan: Look, asshole, I'm just wondering if you have any-
Armzo: Asshole?!
Allan: Yeah-
Allan and Armzo: Asshole!
Allan: You-
Armzo: Did you call me an asshole?!
Allan: Yes, I did, because you're being an asshole! Why didn't you help me?
Armzo: Bro, you’re being an asshole! I'm in the middle of something right now!
Allan: Fuck you, don't you work here? I'm just a customer!
Armzo: You walk up to me and you literally just start bugging me with stupid questio-
Allan: I'm not "bugging you", I'm just asking- you- you spider, you ass-
Armzo: What do you need?! Wha-
The manager runs over.
Manager: ARMZO! Who told you to stop stacking with your six arms? He wiggles his arm stubs.
Armzo angrily continues stacking while scowling at Allan.
Allan: Sir, do you know where I can find some paperclips?
Manager: Paperclips? No, sorry. Unfortunately, we're sold out.
Allan: Sold out?
 The manager nods.
Allan: Hmm, is there somewhere else where I can get them?
Manager: Hmm, the only place that might have them is that computer repair shop over in Crimeville.
Just then another critter appeared setting down a large box that was blocking them from view.
Y/N: W-wait, boss, what do you mean sold out? I just hauled in all these crates of paper clips.
Manager: O-oh ya did?
Y/N: Yeah for like the last 2 hours I've just been hauling these crates in. You told me to, remember?
Manager: Oh yeah. I thought that was Billy's job.
Y/N: Billy didn't show up today. Only Armzo and I did and since he has six arms and I don't he got stacking. He always gets stacking. We knew we were getting a big shipment today after that last guy bought the whole stock. Look at all these crates. That’s all metal in there. Look at how short I am. I could’ve used some help.
Manager: Uh huh. Look, y/n I really don't want to get into this right now. We have a customer.
Y/n looks to see Allan turn slightly revealing his presence. They mistook him for a load bearing pole painted red. 
Y/N: Oh, didn't see you there, man. My apologies.
Allen: Um yeah. I just needed some paper clips.
Y/N: Oh yeah yeah isle 7. Just over here. 
Manager: And Armzo, if you screw up again you're going BACK TO THE PSYCH WARD!!!!
Armzo starts quickly stacking cans in fear, the manager walks away before he turns back to a smiling Allan
Armzo: Thanks, man. Thanks for getting me in trouble, two armed piece of shit.
Allan: Sure thing. Hey goodbye spider. Goodbye. Keep stacking, keep stacking. Bye bye. Bye. Goodbye.
Armzo: [at the same time] Goodbye! Bye! Bye bye! Bye bye! Bye bye! I will, I will! Bye bye!
Armzo flips off Allan with three of his arms as he leaves to follow Y/N to the paper clip aisle. 
Armzo: Get outta here man.
One of the cans fall on Armzo's head
Armzo: WOAH-
All of the cans fall on and bury Armzo.
Y/n began leading Allen to isle 7.
Y/N: Look, man I'm real sorry about my outburst back there.
Allan: Oh, it's cool.
Y/N: Like I've just had a really rough morning but I'm trying to not project that onto people. You don't need to know about all that. Anyway, here's the paper clips.
Allan: No, I don't. Thanks for the paper clips though
Y/N: Yeah man. I can ring you up when you're ready
They turned to go to the register.
“Hey” said Allen getting y/n's attention. Now walking to the register with them, paper clips secured.
Y/N: Yeah?
Allan: (he looks to read their nametag) Y/N, you were much more helpful than that other guy with the arms. 
Y/N: Oh thanks, dude. Don't worry about Armzo, he's just been super irritable since the psych ward made him quit smoking. Called me a %$^#%$&@#&$^^$@^#^$@(!^&#%@@% yesterday so i put a dead fish in his locker. Anyway, that'll be $4.39, sir.
As Allan handed them the money their hands brushed a second longer than needed. 
Y/N: And 61 cents is your change. Would you like your receipt?
Allan: Sure.
Their hands brushed again as Allan was handed his receipt and his change. Static shocking them both.
Y/N: Have a nice day, sir.  
They waved off with a smile.
Allan: Yeah. You too. I guess I'll see you around.
Y/N: See ya around.
With that, Allen turned to leave with his paper clips. Upon closer inspection of the receipt, allen noticed y/n had written down their number.
Meanwhile in Crimeville, DJ Spit waited outside of the computer repair shop for Allen to walk out with the paper clips. After waiting a while he called up the landlord who hired him.
DJ Spit: (on the phone) Hey man, I don’t think this foo is coming, holmes. 
Landlord: WHAAAT?? But he should’ve been there by Now!!!!?
DJ Spit: Uhhh yeah man, no I don’t see him nowhere around. It’s already been like a couple hours. 
Landlord: OH Woah is me! Now who will I get who is cool enough to HANG out with me and smoke weed and fill out bellies with DIET soda and play Burnout Revenge for the PS2?!
DJ Spit: you got weed man? That’s cool I remeber playing PS2 with my primos after school. 
Landlord: Hey Dj Spit, Would you like to HANG out with me and smoke weed and fill out bellies with DIET soda and play Burnout Revenge for the PS2?!
DJ Spit: Would I still get paid, man? 
Landlord: Oh ABSOLUTELY!
DJ Spit: Oh fuck yeah man, I’ll be right over. My soundcloud about to pop the fuck off with this one. Hey ya want me to bring like beers or anything while I’m out. 
Landlord: No it’s cool. I’ve got the DIET soda. I just have to make a quick call to cancel the other stuff. I might still be able to get my DEPOSIT back. I guess what I really needed wasn’t a smiling friend but a friend who would make me smile. 
DJ Spit: Uh cool, so I’ll see you in like 15. 
Landlord: HEHEHEHe cool. See you in 15, PAL!
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