#i get that there are a lot of them now but if his alola team can get a little bit of love and even be in the opening animation…
vaugarde · 29 days
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you only visit or call me when you WANT something :///
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doubleddenden · 6 months
The new trailer was interesting. It did the thing I didn't really want it to do by spoiling story related stuff and not reveal the actual new Pokémon we're missing, but for what it's worth it seems like the story will be pretty content heavy. Let's look at some screens I took and speculate on some stuff: and a friendly reminder that nothing I say here has any bearing on leaks that are possibly out there, so if I guess anything in the future, it was just a guess:
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This crystal tree is pretty suspicious. Like first of all, this appears even DEEPER into Area Zero than we've been before, assuming. Did something or someone plant it here? Is it the remains of an underground world? Could it possibly be related to a legendary? Not to mention the FULL crystallization of the tree, vs the partial crystallization of the trees up top. It's definitely not safe to be here for long.
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Next, Z move pose! BBA is off the coast of Unova, but there's a lot of Alola rep here. I wonder if they're doing this because Bank will shut down soon and this will be where they want us to get Alola forms for the next 5 ish years before they discontinue Switch online services?
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Next, this is Crispin and what appears to be proof the BBE4 won't be restricted to singular types. My friend pointed out that this could possibly be a sun team with Exeggcutor there. Wonder why they opted for Kanto when Alolan is there? (I mean besides Kanto being why).
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Next, the reveal of, WHOA WHODA THUNK, Champion? Corrupted Kieran anyway. I made a post a few months back when they showed off this guy from the neck down and made the prediction he'd be champion- that's not entirely confirmed just yet, but it does seem to be pointing in that direction. It's not really that much of a W because GF can be very predictable with their writing.
Anyway he looks heavily corrupted- YEAH LETS GO VILLAIN ARC!!!! His hair is fully purple now- honestly I'd have preferred it with black like before, but it's probably symbolic of his corruption. My friend even pointed out his hair kinda looks like the Toxic Chains the Loyal Three have- theory time, whatever gave them the chain is also corrupting Kieran because look at him. No light left in those eyes. Just rage. Fun :D
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Next we have this- I assume it's Penny or Mela tbh, because I saw from a ways back where it seems like Team Star's Giacomo has reintegrated into Naranja/Uva Academy. Maybe Penny has stopped dying her hair and grew it out or Mela is being super proper now or something. Could also be a completely unrelated character.
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Lastly for major story stuff, this is cool poster material. Kieran's rage or possibly fear of Terapagos, Carmine's worry for her brother, Briar... I mean come on, she's a villain in waiting, look at her face. Idk if I'm too quick to claim Terapagos is evil though, because the anime has firmly planted him in Just A Little Guy territory and I don't think they'd want to ruin that image considering they've been in charge of hyping him up since Horizons first started.
But yeah, the culmination of everything we've been through in one image. Kinda exciting.
Oh, and just some small tin foil hat pics
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It's odd that they paired these trios together to me. Pokémon loves sprinkling breadcrumbs to tease at future projects, and these could pass for potential Legends starter trios.
But not for Unova.
Tepig and Snivy are the odd ones out here because it'd be kinda dumb to re use Unova starters for a Legends Unova game- now for Johto? Squirtle, Treeko, and Tepig COULD work, but Squirtle is also pretty close to home.
If I'm being real, this is probably nothing and just meant to highlight the starters across different generations coming home, with Tepig and Snivy being stand outs because this will be their first time being available on the Switch. Ever.
Other notable things I didn't screenshot:
BQs: basically side quests.
Synchronization? I guess? We can actually control a Pokémon. Conspiracy brain wants to say this is alluding to something, but I'm unsure. It's at least kind of neat because this has been a topic of various NPCs in the series for years. Those were probably just alluding to Mystery Dungeon games, but when Game Freak does something like this in DLC, it could hint at a future mechanic or possibly a feature in a future game.
Legendaries returning: I'm gonna be real, I'm not really all that excited by the prospect of yet another Legendary Bargain Sale that they've been doing since ORAS at this point. ORAS, USUM, Crown Tundra, and now Indigo Disk. At this point the legendaries are more common and accessible than some common pokemon like Furfrou or the elemental monkeys.
What's interesting to note are a couple of things:
1. DLC pokemon from SwSh are here too, including Kubfu. That's interesting, I wonder how it will evolve considering we needed the two towers in IoA last time? An NPC from the dojo?
2. Boi if you thought I wasn't gonna talk about the Unovan dragons- they didn't HAVE to single them out like that! They didn't have to. They did, though. I'm pretty sure we all know their next projects.
You may be saying "but it's too fast!" And I agree. They need to stop rushing things and take their time, but we all know they won't. All we can do is hope they actually try this time.
Anyways that was the last trailer for Indigo Disk. Maybe it's my severe depression talking, but I'm actually excited for Indigo Disk. It looks very content heavy and a bit prettier to look at than before. I hope it runs okay- I mean it won't, but I still hope it. I also hope this isn't as quick as Teal Mask was.
1 week lefts, bois
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geddy-leesbian · 4 months
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As you can see above, this is very angsty. Leon and Luis both have a lot of trauma and Baggage. Luis almost has a panic attack and does some trauma dumping.
While there's no explicit smut on screen, there's a moment that gets kinda steamy and a fade to black/implied sex scene.
(oh and personally I feel very awkward swapping things out with pokemon terminology, like using "Arceus" instead of "God" so there is normal swearing here)
“Dr. Serra Navarro?”
“Well, yes, that is me, but typically I prefer Professor Serra,” His eyes wander all over Leon. “Though for someone as pretty as you, I prefer just Luis. Is there something I can help you with?”
Leon was afraid that he was going to go all the way to Alola only to find out it was all a complete waste because Professor Serra actually was just a professor unfortunate enough to share a name with a Team Rocket scientist. But that outcome is already ruled out. Either this guy is the lead he's been seeking for years, or he's an innocent professor that Leon will ask out on a date.
Due to excitement over finally finding a new lead, this trip was hastily put together, and Leon didn't realize how young Dr. Serr– Luis was. Once he confirmed that Luis was from Johto, he didn't go any deeper. He did see a couple pictures, but didn't pay much attention, and assumed the youthfulness was because they were older pictures. His assumption was very wrong. Luis is about his age and way too good-looking. The length of his grayish pink hair is braided, and the loose bangs are fluffy. His tinted glasses are a little too big for his face, but in a cute way. He's taller than Leon. And his outfit is fucking stupid. Shirtless under a lab coat. So stupid. It's hot.
A date with him will make this trip more than worth it.
“I just have some questions for you.”
“About? Are you a parent, or..? I don't think I've seen you around before, but I don't usually get anyone else dropping in on me like this…”
Shit. Leon really should have thought of a cover story beforehand. But in addition to not thoroughly researching Luis enough, he was also too high on the excitement of finally finding something after years of searching to bother thinking through what he'd say.
“Just heard about you, found your past interesting. From Johto originally, was wondering how it affected you. If you had any run-ins with Team Rocket.”
And it looks like Leon will not be going on a date with a handsome professor tonight. This is the guy. He recovers quickly, but for a split second, the phrase ‘Team Rocket’ invokes some panic in his expression.
“No. I was fortunate enough to never have encountered them.”
“You know anything about Mew?”
“Yes, of course? What kind of a professor would I be if I didn't? Mythical pokemon from deep in jungles in South America. Believed to be the ancestor of all pokemon.”
“What about Mewtwo?”
“I've heard the rumors, yes. A clone of Mew that was heavily genetically modified. But I believe that those are just that, rumors. There is no real substance to the claims.”
“Cinnabar Island. That's where you worked when Team Rocket captured and imprisoned Mew. You cruelly experimented on Mew. You helped create Mewtwo.”
“Who in the hell do you think you are, showing up at my doorstep to accuse me of such insane things?!”
“International Police!” Luis starts to shut the door, but Leon blocks the door with his foot. While he wasn't wearing his full uniform, he did bring his badge and takes it out to flash to Luis. He sees some purple fur coming up behind Luis. Must be an espeon, coming to protect its trainer. “Put that in its pokeball and open the door. Now.”
“I will do no such thing! I'm not proud of what I did back then, but I've done my best to leave it all behind, build a new life for myself. I will not allow you, or anyone else, to rip all of that away from me.”
“Not proud of what you did back then? So you admit it?”
“It doesn't matter. Arrest me if you really want, but it won't be anything more than a waste of time for the both of us. I'll maybe spend a night or two in jail, then be let go without charges being filed because I have a good reputation here and you have no evidence. If you try to tell anyone I confessed to involvement with Team Rocket, they won't believe you. You'll ruin your own reputation.”
“I do have evidence! Documents connecting you to the Mew experiments and the creation of Mewtwo.”
Luis actually starts laughing.
“You don't know as much as you think you do then. You find my name on a scrap of paper in the crumbling ruins of a lab, and think you know my life story! So arrogant! Yes, I did work at the Cinnabar lab, but I did not contribute to the creation of Mewtwo. I did not experiment on Mew. I have never had the privilege to even see the legendary Mew in the flesh. Mewtwo had already been created and Mew had already escaped before I was even hired. I can prove that your supposed timeline of my work history is impossible in court, so good luck getting a conviction!”
Leon moves his foot and lets Luis shut the door, and slinks away from his house with his tail between his legs.
Leon checks into a motel. He turns the TV on, but he can't focus on it. His mind can't stop wandering back to the conversation, analyzing every word. He fucked up.
“I'm not proud of what I did back then.”
He really fucked up. That could have been a very good angle. Tell Luis that this is his chance to atone and right his wrongs by telling Leon everything he knows about Team Rocket. Maybe even offer some kind of immunity deal if he still seemed hesitant.
But he had to get hot headed and fuck it all up. His first lead in years, and he blew it.
Not ready to admit defeat quite yet, he decides to give himself a day to cool his head off, before trying again. At least Alola offers plenty of distractions. He's not one for most of the tourist trap shit, but distracts himself with hikes through some scenic, and more importantly, rugged terrains. Pushing his body always helps him get his mind together. It's isolated enough that he can let all of his pokemon out too.
Something else Alola offers is a brutal sun. Leon didn't think to buy any sunscreen, and has a bad burn across his face by the end of the day. He's been through far worse, the pain is nothing to him, but he is annoyed at himself for being so stupid. His pokemon were quite happy with the exercise and exploration though, and his head feels clearer, so overall it was a pretty successful day.
A knock at Luis's door again. Rattled by yesterday, the knocking gives him a spike of anxiety. Still, he gets up to answer it, in case it's a student or parent that needs something.
He looks through the peephole and sees the same pretty International Police agent that came by yesterday. Luis really doesn't want to open the door. But he's worried it'll be worse if he doesn't and the man busts the door down. Besides, Espeon seems at ease with the situation, not alarmed and protective like she was yesterday. So he opens the door a bit, keeping the chain lock secure in case he tries to get in. (He would certainly be able to break the chain, but at least it would buy Luis a few extra seconds to try to think of a desperate plan.)
“Hello, officer! What are you here to threaten me with today?” Not wanting the agent to know how shaken he is, he turns up the sarcasm in an attempt to mask any nervousness. “Going to accuse me of experimenting on Arceus?
“No. No accusations today. Sorry, about yesterday. Wasn't polite to you. Can I try to make up for it, buy you dinner?”
“You can't seriously believe I'm going to just walk right into whatever kind of trap this is?”
“It's not a trap. Just feel bad about yesterday, I swear. I'm Leon, by the way. Think I forgot to mention it before.”
Luis goes to shut the door, but Espeon seems determined that Leon should be heard out, and telekinetically lifts the chain and nudges the door open. Leon smiles, and it cuts right through Luis's fear.
“I don't like you, and I don't trust you. But…” The prettiest man that Luis has ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on is trying to buy him dinner. (The angry red sunburn on his face does make him the tiniest bit less pretty, but he's still incredibly pretty.) Whether it's a date or something else, turning him down goes against everything Luis believes in. “I suppose I'm willing to put that aside for a free meal.”
“Look, you have every right to feel that way. But I really regret yesterday, I swear. It's just this subject… My parents were Team Rocket. Died on a mission,” Leon hates talking about this. With anyone. Back in his pokemon trainer days, before deciding to join the International Police, he'd had some time in the limelight. First as a rising star gym challenger, then as a champion. He always sidestepped questions when interviewers started asking about family. He especially hates talking about it to a member of Team Rocket. But this is the price he pays for fucking up yesterday. If he wants Luis to trust him and give him what he came for, he needs to give something himself. “Never knew details until I started investigating some stuff related to Team Rocket, found out they died on one of the expeditions looking for Mew. So this whole topic just gets me hot headed and dumb and I say things I don't mean and regret.”
“Well, it sounds like you shouldn't be an International Police agent then, if you can't separate your own personal issues from the job.”
“Yeah, maybe I shouldn't be…” Leon says, because what else is there to say? Luis isn't wrong. “C'mon, dinner. Walked past a restaurant on the way here, you know if it's any good?”
“Yes, we can eat there. By the way, are you aware that your face is extremely sunburned? I have stuff I could put on to help it.”
“Food first. Maybe after.”
“Suit yourself. I'm going to change, I'll be out in a minute.”
Luis ditches the lab coat and comes out with a top on, something that disappoints Leon more than it should. At least it's just a vest that shows off a decent amount of his chest. His hair is down today, and it somehow makes him look even better.
Leon regretted the way he approached Luis yesterday, but initially it wasn't because of guilt. Even if it wasn't Mewtwo, there was something Luis was involved in. He only denied experimenting on Mew and creating Mewtwo, he admitted he was a member of Team Rocket. Luis deserved the harsh treatment, he had only regretted it because Luis could be useful to him. But he does feel a small twinge of guilt for demanding he put his espeon in its pokeball when it follows Luis out the door and he sees that it has a service pokemon vest on. Maybe Luis would have felt safe and opened the door if he could keep Espeon out.
“I can walk there fine,” Luis says, noticing Leon looking at the harness. “I have an injury from a long time ago that flares up from time to time, but Espeon can sense when I'm going to have problems with it, gives me warning, and helps me not fall on my face when it does act up and I struggle keeping my balance. But it is fine most days.”
They sit across from each other, Espeon laying under the table by Luis's feet. Leon has to keep reminding himself that this is not a date. This is an attempt to get Luis to move past yesterday's harsh treatment so Leon can have a second chance at interrogating him. Despite his attempts to not ogle Luis, Leon can't help himself, and notices something very interesting. Scars. The biggest one is on his chest, and another on his cheek.
Being in a public place seems to put Luis at ease. Somewhat, he's at least smiling and looking more relaxed. As it probably should. Leon is dying to grill Luis about the “injury from a long time ago” and the scars he's noticed since sitting down. But this isn't the time or place.
“So… Small talk time?” God. This is actually a fucking date. “How long you been a cop? And why are you still poking around with Team Rocket? They're not a problem anymore. Disbanded twice, no activity in years. One would think the International Police might have some, ah, you know, actual problems to deal with, eh?”
“Been one for a few years. There's not a lot of resources being used up for it anymore, but it still matters to me personally,” There's actually no resources spent on it. Leon isn't here on official International Police business. The Team Rocket hunt is just vigilante shit Leon does on his own time. “Just because they've stopped doesn't mean they shouldn't be brought to justice for the past. Their leader slipped away, it just doesn't sit right with me. I'm trying to nail as many members who slipped away as possible,” Luis's smile disappears. “As far as justice goes, I'm mostly concerned about the big fish. Leader, executives. Finding small fish is just a good way to get leads on the big ones.”
“So if I understand, you help the small fish, they help you? They tell you everything they know about the big fish, and in exchange you don't come down hard on them?” Leon smiles and nods. It'll probably take longer than it should have because he'll need to build some trust after freaking the fuck out their first conversation, but Luis will play the game and give him what he came for. Luis's smile comes back. “Well, interesting… How have your investigations been going?”
“I've made some good leads,” That's a complete lie. Finding Luis's name in the ruins of Cinnabar Island is literally the only lead he's had in years. But telling Luis that will make him feel empowered. “William's out there somewhere, just a matter of time until I find him. Or until he gets tired of licking his wounds in secret and re-emerges on his own, something I'm hoping to at least make harder for him by picking off people he'll need to organize.”
“Do you want to come in?” Is Luis trying to have sex with him right now? They did just go on a date, after all. Why doesn't Leon want to say no? “So I can help you with your sunburn.”
Shit. Leon needs to get his mind out of the gutter.
Leon sits on Luis's couch, and Luis drags a stool over by the couch to sit on while he gently rubs ointment across his face with his (gloved) hands. Their faces are so close together. Leon has to stop looking at his face, because he wants to lean forward and kiss Luis. So he looks down. At Luis's neck. A fatal mistake. Before his brain can even process what his body's doing, he's pulling Luis forward, off the stool and onto Leon's knee. His teeth are sinking into Luis's neck.
As soon as he realizes what he's done, he hopes that Luis is going to ask him what the hell he's doing and get up off of him, because he's not sure he'll be able to control himself if Luis is into this too.
Of course Leon isn't that lucky. Luis moans at the first bite. He moans again and grinds down on Leon's knee with the second bite. The third bite has him yanking off the ointment covered rubber gloves and just tossing them on the floor, so he can start exploring Leon's body with his hands.
“I wish I could make some quip about buying me dinner first, but you quite literally did just buy me dinner, so… And really, I would be happy with this even if you hadn't,” Leon just keeps biting as Luis rambles. Now there's a hand in his hair, that clenches around or tugs at it with every bite. There's another hand working the button on his vest, and Leon is quite impressed by his finesse. With one hand and without even looking, Luis quickly has all of them unbuttoned. Though it doesn't get him to the bareskin he's desperately trying to get to, Leon also has a button down undershirt on. Luis doesn't bother unbuttoning all of them, just a couple so he can reach the bareskin of Leon's chest. “Someone as pretty as you doesn't need to buy me dinner, they can just do whatever they'd like to me. You're a cop, you have handcuffs? I'm into that.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Leon pushes him off his lap and gets up, then picks Luis up bridal style. Partially because he wants to give Luis a subtle reminder that he isn't just some small-time cop. He is, in fact, a very well trained special agent in peak physical condition. But mostly because there's a very specific place he wants to carry Luis to. He wasn't lying about someone like Leon being able to do whatever; he readily accepts being picked up, wrapping his arms around Leon's neck. “Where's your bedroom?”
“I didn't know I was working for Team Rocket initially. They had things very well compartmentalized. I was hired by a shell company. They had a contract with Devon Corp, so it really seemed like a completely legitimate company.”
In the afterglow, Luis finally starts speaking about his past. Leon briefly wonders if this makes him a whore. He isn't getting money for having sex with Luis, but he is getting information. Something even more valuable to him. The entire reason he's here.
But intent matters, right? Leon didn't start biting his neck because he wanted information. He didn't suck his dick because he wanted information. He didn't put him in handcuffs and sit on his face because he wanted information. He did all of it just because he wanted to. Just because Luis is hot enough that Leon temporarily forgot that he hated him. He was fully prepared to just go back to his motel room after, without any additional info from Luis, and just keep building the trust. So while he's not a whore, he definitely is a slut. Whatever. He's making more progress in his investigation than he has in years, it's fine.
“I was in a research team focused on mega evolution, specifically artificial mega evolution,” Luis continues. “Devon had recently perfected an artificial pokemon line, Beldum. They wanted us to find a way to make Metagross mega evolve. It was no easy task… But we did it. We tinkered around, created an artificial mega stone that metagross would respond to. We researched further, tweaking things to modify metagross's mega form, until we felt it was powerful enough. I was informed that Devon was extremely pleased with the work, and given a promotion, to be the head researcher on a new project my company started…”
“Guessing that's when you started at the Cinnabar lab?”
Luis says nothing, just stares down blankly, frozen. Leon reaches for a pokeball on the nightstand, and lets his sylveon out. It knows exactly what to do, approaching Luis to wrap its ribbon feelers around his arm. Leon hadn't ever wanted a sylveon. He had wanted his eevee to evolve into an espeon, actually. He thought the psychic abilities would be useful in his line of work. But it evolving into a sylveon instead has been a happy accident. Its calming abilities can be surprisingly useful.
“Yes, it was,” Luis answers. He's still wincing at the memories, but Sylveon's soothing aura is preventing him from having a full-blown panic attack and shutting down. “All I was told beforehand was that it was another project related to artificial mega stones. This was when the Alola research about mega evolution being cruel on the pokemon was starting to come out, so in my naivete I assumed we'd be modifying natural mega stones in ways that would make it easier on the pokemon. I knew something was deeply wrong when I was led downstairs. Armed guards. There was a whole maze of hallways and locked gates. As I said yesterday, Mewtwo was already created by this point. It had also escaped once and only narrowly recaptured, so there was much stronger security. I was never alone, there were always at least two armed guards with me at all times. It wasn't just to keep Mewtwo from getting out, it was also to keep me in. I knew it was wrong, it made my stomach churn, but I did the work. I did what was asked of me. We made two artificial mega stones tailored to Mewtwo. Two different stones, two different forms with different strengths.”
Despite Sylveon's feelers, and now Espeon's face rubbing against his other arm, Luis breaks down sobbing.
“You're okay. You're safe,” Leon whispers. Sylveon moves away from Luis's lap, laying down at the end of the bed, so that Leon can wrap his arms around him. As helpful as soothing pokemon like Sylveon can be, sometimes people just need human touch. Leon wants to press for more information right away, but he's not going to repeat yesterday's mistake. He has to go slow, he can't risk pushing Luis away and making him shut down before he's gotten all the information he can out of him. “You don't have to tell me the rest right now. Take all the time you need, okay, sweetheart?”
Jesus Christ. He just had sex with a member of Team Rocket, and now he's calling him sweetheart. At least he's making progress.
Luis just clings to Leon and sobs for a few minutes, before finally speaking again.
“I didn't want to, Leon. I didn't want to. I didn't have a choice. They were forcing me to, they would hurt me if I didn't, and I couldn't get help. Not from gym leaders. Everyone knows that William was the Viridian gym leader, but it went so much deeper than anyone knew. The lab was right by the Cinnabar gym, Wesker was the gym leader and heavily involved in all of the Team Rocket science research. Alexia, Saffron's leader at the time, was quite involved too and came to the lab regularly. The ones who weren't involved were getting paid off to look the other way. The police were paid off too,” Leon entwines one of his hands with Luis's and squeezes it, presses chaste kisses onto his neck, trying to encourage him to keep talking. This is a goldmine. He's long suspected there was a lot of corruption in Kanto and some intentional incompetence during the initial Team Rocket investigations, but could never get anything solid. And the fact that there were other gym leaders directly involved is actually news to him. “It was so screwed up what we were doing, I lost sleep over it, I barely ate because I had no appetite. Until one day…”
A loud, choked sob.
“Mewtwo got out again. All the new precautions weren't enough. It attacked all of us, we deserved it… It was a lab, there were scalpels, lots of glass to break, so many sharp objects that it lifted with its mind to hurl at us. That's how I got all my scars. The worst wound was in my back. It almost killed me, if it had pushed the bone saw in even just a little bit deeper, I would have died. I only survived because… It wasn't luck, it didn't make a mistake, it chose not to wound me fatally, because… Because I think it got in my head, it didn't say anything but it made eye contact with me, and saw that I wasn't a willing participant in its torture. The room after, blood… So much… I was the only one spared, it killed all the others.”
Luis untangles himself from Leon and lays down, closing his eyes. Seems like that's all the information he's getting tonight. Which he isn't upset about, it's a lot, far more than he was expecting. He'd like to know more about Mewtwo, where it ended up after this, and of course he needs more details about Wesker and Alexia.
“Stay?” Luis asks quietly, when Leon starts getting dressed. “Please?”
“Yeah,” Leon does still reach for his pants, but doesn't put them on, just fishes out his notepad so he can write everything down while it's still fresh. “Okay, I'll stay.”
It's dangerous. Leon is so close to liking this guy. Something he needs to not do, because Luis very much has the potential to be dangerous. The main reason Leon had been so hot headed and harsh to him initially is because he thought he got away with everything. He thought that Luis was a monster, and, instead of paying for his crimes, just walked away completely unscathed. Just moved to a new region, was completely accepted, became a pokemon professor, a pillar of the community. A role model.
But that's been shattered. While it may not have been in the traditional route, Luis has paid for his crimes. Is paying for them. Leon is cynical enough that he might have believed everything was just bullshit to manipulate him under other circumstances, but there's enough that it's undeniable. There's more than just faded scars that could have been the result of anything, he has an actual service pokemon. Years later, his injuries are still problematic enough for him to need that assistance. And clearly, he is genuinely traumatized. No one is that good at acting, Team Rocket is truly a trigger for him.
The issue is that Leon doesn't know why it's a trigger. Even injured and traumatized, Luis could be dangerous. The best case scenario is that he's been completely with Leon, and truly hates what he did. The worst case scenario is that he doesn't feel any guilt for his actions, and his near death experience was the only source of the trauma, without any emotional side to it.. Even injured and traumatized, Luis has the potential to be very dangerous.
“Hey, Luis?” Leon whispers after he's done jotting down notes about what Luis said, hoping he's not already asleep. His eyes flutter open. “Is it fine if I let my growlithe out? Usually sleep with it.”
“Go ahead. Just don't leave me. I don't want to wake up alone.”
He should leave. Luis is dangerous. Luis is Team Rocket. And Leon might already be a little bit in love with him, and needs to get the fuck away from him before he falls in even deeper.
But he doesn't. Instead he lets Growlithe out, turns off the lamp on the nightstand, and spoons Luis. He falls asleep with his arms wrapped around him, face buried in his fluffy hair. Espeon sleeps on the floor in its own little bed, while Growlithe and Sylveon lay down by their feet.
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alolanrain · 5 months
I’m really rethinking the TA!Au because it has actually gotten a lot darker then I originally intended, it’s one of the reason’s why I haven’t really written anything is because I’m actually planning out a full series that will stay contingent, and I’ve decided to make a whole new au instead. ’ve mentioned it before but I’m naming the new verse is named Traveling Teacher!au. I’m also cringing how I’ve type au so far.
This is also almost a 180 turn from it too.
Traveling teacher!au is where Ash actually goes to therapy, i’m not joking, and after he’s deemed ready by his therapist. Ash will be leading the International Leagues new mandated Buddy System. Where respected trainer’s slightly older between the ages of 17 and up will be there for support during trainings and battle. They won’t ever actually battle someone else, during “support time” but instead give advice on certain techniques that the professors deems right. Like all the Pokémon are loved dearly and they form a unique strong bond. Or as we know it, main characters basically.
Professors and or both an Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy together have to judge the team and deem everyone of at least three basic things. What makes it hard is that each region have different rules to apply to the buddy system and you legally have to meet each regions standard or else you are disqualified. The only reason Ash’s entire project he worked his blood sweat and tears into actually became a world wide thing is because, if he hadn’t been the luckiest motherfucker in the whole wide fucking world, so many well know people joined and public spread it with praise and pure delight of all ages. Anyone seventeen and above can join and freely offer good, qualified and respected advice. To many young children have died in almost every tragic event Ash has been in. Let alone his friends when they first come to face is Ash’s personal hell.
Yet they somehow an bare the trauma and laugh at their good times instead. Looking forward and accepting help when they can’t. They also go for the position of a version of a “shiny” trainer. Getting that iconic silver/golden sparkle over their picture on their legal trainer card. There’s other smaller requirements but’s it’s so easy to be re-qualified. Behind the scenes though? There’s so much more.
He had to convince a slew of fucking people this was a good idea and had to defend himself again and again at every step. It made him vicious in debates and arguments. Every INL member hates dealing with him when he’s mad because Ash is usually fucking right. He was already contracted as a “regional inspector” when crime rises rabidly through the entire nation. He’s widely considered to be fluent in fucking Evil Teams now. He has his moments, he’s not perfect at all but he’s trying. So far, his last break was by choice and not by the mental abuse of dying over and over again.
So… progress, somewhat.
Now that he no longer has to defend what was basically his fucking baby for so fucking long, he’s being sent to Alola for a trial run.
They don’t have a league in the island region. Choosing to go back to their religion, practices and ways of life after Unova had briefly colonized their islands. Before the INLwas established way back in time. It was going to be fought over by Paldea and those two had major beef between each other. quick Pokemon history recap in au. It was going to get dangerous real quick for the entire world of some people didn’t step the fuck in.
No one quite remembers how the INL was created, each region has it written it down in their history differently, but their here know and everything has genuinely been good… mostly because their in human disguises. They where distant and relatively cordial to each region and their own. Regardless they cared, especially since humans can be a danger to Pokemon it’s better to lead them then fight them.
Ash has made that very clear them in the years he’s been alive and cognitive enough to start blaming the legendaries who, for no reason, loses their shit just to lose it and nothing else. He’s had screaming matches and arguments with them to get their shirt together. Their led by the ear by Ash to make social engagement with the public. Both as INL members and as regulars “people”.
He may or may not caught having dinner with Kanto board member Gia Lu and KoKe Kahekili from specifically Melemele, Alola. Stirring the pot of rumors and gossip off what they have going on.
There’s obviously so much more but I’ll stop here for know.
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osseincactus · 2 years
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I wanted to draw Archie with fins so the only reasonable solution was to redesign all the rr leaders (and Volo for Dio) I know a lot of people have made designs for them but i wanted to so...
Read more for info about them all:
Giovanni: Obviously the Leader Leader of Rainbow Rocket. He succeeded in taking over Sylph Co. and ruining everything with Team Rocket, so now he's just kinda rich and annoying. Nothing really crazy with him other than that... he's got a lot of money, he's got a lot of power and he's mean enough to flaunt it. He's trying to use the wormholes in Alola to further his own reach.
Maxie: Used Groudon to try to expand the land and in the process killed basically everything... there are a few people and pokemon just barely surviving around I'm sure but for the most part everything is pretty desolate. Plus holding the Red Orb for long enough fucked him over and now he's just kinda partly fused with Groudon. On the bright side he deals with the heat really well and doesn't get dehydrated so he's perfect for the fucked up world he made. He likes that it's warm in Alola but he's not a huge fan of the water...
Archie: Like Maxie, he used Kyogre to expand the Oceans and also killed basically everything, except water Pokemon. The Blue Orb fused him with Kyogre and now he has gills and can breath under water, but in the opposite way of Maxie he gets dehydrated quick and needs a lot of water. Sometimes he just up and leaves from the rr mansion so he can go swimming, since he's more comfortable in the water. Everyone else just waits for him to show back up instead of trying to find him.
Cyrus: Used the Red Chain to force Dialga and Palkia to help him create a new world, as well as Giratina. Protip: Don't force God's kids to do stuff, you will start bleeding from your eyes. The wings are because I like them, there's six of them and each set is based on a legendary of the Creation Trio. He's still the same person. He doesn't talk to the others much and spends a lot of time in his own room doing his own things.
Ghetsis: He succeeded in getting everyone to release their pokemon, leaving him with almost complete control over Unova and further. He's a lot like Giovanni, where he's just kind of a pretentious ass and he likes to rub his power in everyone's face. He got rid of his one arm because I don't think he'd keep an arm that barely works around for much longer if he could help it. He also has a sort of Reshiram/Zekrom motif throughout his outfit since he has acquired both of them. He bothers Giovanni a lot, since he's determined to use him to further his own plans...
Lysandre: Used the Ultimate Weapon and Yveltal to kill everyone... However killing everyone on the planet takes a lot of energy to accomplish and royally fucked him up. Like AZ he got a whole lot taller but it also burnt most of his body, blinded him and kinda ruined a big chunk of his critical thinking. He's a borderline scp creature that's fueled by blood lust. He's useful for keeping anyone from bothering RR but the Leaders try to keep their distance from him for the sake of themselves. He does go through moments of clarity where he's mostly himself but sometimes he also just tries to kill anything that's near him.
Volo: He isn't an RR member obviously but I made him a design for Dio! I just wanted to give him a new outfit. I highly doubt he's super happy with the new world he's created seeing as it doesn't really change much even if he is basically God now. He's still kinda miserable and lonely. I'm sure he regrets it but it's not like he can go back on it and even if he could he's got a facade to keep up.
Lusamine isn't here mostly because I already really like her Mother Beast design so maybe I'll just draw it at some point...
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haunting-hari · 3 days
pinned post
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(my previous pinned post was getting a little old, so i thought i’d spice it up a little.)
hey! i’m hari- pronounced ha-ree. if you pronounce it as ‘hairy’ i’ll maul you
i’m 17 yrs old, and hang around unova. um. here’s me. and my pokemon.
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Maru is my ace, and very first pokemon. I’ve had her for more than.. about 14 years. He’s never left my side, and is very caring to those she loves. He also loves shiny things- to the point that when she evolved with all the things she’s collected in his wax, they carried to his evolution! Maru loves battling, and is very strong to boot. She has a track record for taking on foes almost twice his level- and doing so trilling happily. How could you not love her? [she/he, around level 57]
Mal, long story short, is a shithead. fuck them. Affectionately. They’re missing one eye, but loooves not only going into electronics, but creating them. They created their own main inhabitant- A prosthetic arm, which makes them electric/steel type. A smartass who loves causing trouble, AND steals my phone (more on that later). I care for them, though, and they care for me. I guess that counts for something. [they/them (rotoms are genderless lmao), around level 55]
Miss Tye is very temperamental, but is very loyal and protective of those she loves (especially Charm.) Her and her ‘sister’, Charm, stowed away on a ship from Galar, and appeared in Unova. She’s very sweet when she has a reason to be, but pretty easy to anger. She hits, and hits hard in battle, so she’s quite the force to be reckoned with. [she/her, around level 55]
Charm had appeared with Miss Tye, and was a milcery at the time. She had wanted to evolve for so long, so much so she kept her bow sweet, even after it broke in half. I gave her a berry sweet, but the bow sweet kept with her! Her cream is of salt and mint (two of my favs!!). Apparently, she wanted to evolve like so, so she could be blue, like her ‘sister,’ Tye. She is not much of a battler, so If I get a new pokemon, They may be on my team. Charm prefers to be a support in double battles, and she’s very good at it. [she/her, around level 30]
Locket just.. appeared in my house? I was on vacation, and upon coming back, we had an egg. I didn’t expect him to be a shiny when he hatched, but I love him very much!! I use him when I come across low-level trainers that challenge me to a battle. Otherwise, it would be no fun. [he/him, around level 10]
Arom is the only pokemon I’ve received as a gift- I got her as an applin from my (girl)friend, Maxie. She often competes with charm as to who smells better. A friend-of-a-friend sent me the Dragon Cheer TM, so I can evolve her, but I think I’ll wait a bit. [she/her, around level 45]
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There’s a few pokemon that appear that I haven’t caught- and they don’t want to be caught. They stick around. I like them.
Jackie is a gengar, and he’s one of the owners of the little house I reside in. Apparently, him and Rasp used to be rivals ‘back in the day’ (126 old ass…) but now be spends his time being lazy (I say this affectionately), bothering rasp (I’m convinced they’re married in some weird way), or just fucking around. He’s cool. Would give good hugs if he wasn’t. Yknow. Part poison type. [he/him]
Rasp is a trevenant, and he’s the second owner of where I stay. I would say he’s like a mother, if he wasn’t a 126 year old gay tree. Very galarian (yuck/j). I do love him a lot, as I have him to thank for teaching me how to cook. (Arc knows what I’d be doing if I didn’t have a hobby.) He keeps all the shitheads living here from burning the damn house down, and hell, if that isn’t an achievement, I dunno what is. [he/him]
Sev is a Dhelmise- arc knows how old he is at this point- and he often travels from unova to alola to paldea, and more. I don’t have much to say about him, considering that I don’t see him often (I mean, he’s in unova like.. 1/4 of the time, anyways. and it’s not like he’s straying away from the sea.) [he/him (why are there so many gay old men)]
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there’s gonna be a few other bloggers you see me interact with a lot so, it may be helpful to give a small introduction. i guess.
by the by, I’d recommend checking them out. not JUST because they’re cool and awesome and deserve love, but because it’s possible for pronouns to change. gender is a tricky thing, no?
@mmaxie-musings is my. um. girlfriend. She openly states that she’s a psychic, so I think mentioning it here is okay. met her in the woods, because her ditto wandered off into the woods I live in. the rest is history, as they say! [she/her]
@pkmntrainertrix and @uva-academy-vio are my fellow ghostboys!!! first people I met on this site. we’re weird, have odd relations with gender, but boy is close enough, and we like ghosts. what more could you want in a friend group? [it/he for trix, and he/him for vio!!]
@itshaunting-pkmn is my brother (in spirit. not by blood, but we call eachother brothers), and we met in some pkmn center some time ago, because he got big ol eyes at Maru and started awkwardly asking me questions. Aaaand then it turned out he’s also on rotomblr. and then we just. got closer! [he/him]
@alamos-garden-lover is a darkrai. yeah, i’m not kidding. I didn’t believe that at first either, but you kinda start to after you, yknow, send an ask his way asking for a nightmare because I can’t sleep anyways? ..yeah. but really, he’s very sweet, even if she’s a bit anti-social. i went to alamos to see her once, and I truly can’t wait to go back to see my dad agai- to see DARKRAI again. she’s not my dad and I don’t see him as my dad. totally. [he/she]
@aco-knight is the resident Creature (trix coming in a close second on the Creature scale), and it’s just a little bastard. other honorary non-blood-related sibling, because apparently darkrai’s just. Mentally adopted me (i’m not complaining) and I got aco as part of the little package deal (also not complaining). I saw ‘em when I traveled to paldea, but they just. Fuck around and teleport sometimes. It does that. It does a lot of things, get used to it. [they/it]
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so, uh, yeah! i know that was a lot, but i guess it’s better to have info here, in case you need it.
my Rotom REGULARLY steals my phone, and refuses to post on their own. So, their tag for posting is “MAL’Z POSTZ”
i. am nnnooooot the best when it comes to interacting with others, so be a little patient! i’m just a fan of ghost types and battling, nothing too special about me.
Because I’m a normal human. Totally.
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//ooc in readmore!
hey! finally redid the pinned, because this is waaay more organized. but, the ooc? lol. I’m just gonna copy and paste what I had. blehhhh :P
(oh and, P.S. - in case you forgot, the runner of this blog is @aimless-aimz !!! hi!! that’s me!!!!! i don’t bite, and I have a few interests other than pokemon, but you could find more pkmn art on my blog rather than this one.)
More will be revealed about hari and his team as time goes on!! please interact if ur a pokeblogger!!!! try to stay in character with this guy ok? lol
ooc storytelling will be tagged "hari's stories"!! they are often from askgames, but PLEASE request some if you ever get a prompt idea for this guy... you could ask about his past, present, and sometimes future!!
the current events each have tags for things related to their story! So far, we have the events “mourn the nineteenth”, “galarian imports”, “charm evolves”, “trip to alamos”, “unexpected egg”, “rebirth on the 26th”, "entombed event", and "Paldea trip". look at the tag to learn more!
there’s a tag for more serious stuff: that’s tagged as “lore”. Another lore heavy tag is “Forlorn presence”.
ofc, no generally unpleasant people, you get the drill. please send asks!!! :)
magic anons are on, too. please send asks!!!!!! this blog’s activity is mainly correlated to its interaction :)
also, small tidbit- you can do pelliper mail, but don't deliver a dusk stone. maru is gonna stay a lampent for a while because hari cant find one. so. when the time comes she'll evolve, but. yeah
..wow, you really read all this? that’s cool. um. thanks! the interaction and enthusiasm is appreciated a lot :]c
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starlight-eclipsed · 1 year
DP X Pokémon Crossover AU
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Because I lack restraint. (Dark version + AU details under cut)
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1. Drs. Fenton are still very anti-ghost, only in this world they argue that as dead people they should not count as Pokémon. They are especially vocal about children having Ghost-types (comparing it to grooming/they want to steal your kids away, which is not helped by certain Pokédex descriptions), which is a perspective that gains traction in some areas. 2. As you can imagine, this does not make them liked in most circles.
3. Despite that, they travel all over the globe to spread their message and research sites with a particularly dense Ghost-type population.
4. The GIW are similar to Team Galactic in this AU. They're more intense than the Fentons and automatically class all Ghost-types as threats. Everyone knows they're bad news, but they're a well established organization and nobody can really go against them legally.
5. The Fentons are invited to the Alola region by the Aether Foundation, as they're currently invested in portals-ghosts-ultra beasts-ultra space and those fields are suspected to have a lot of overlap.
6. Jazz had spilt from the family when she was younger to go on her Pokémon journey when she was 13, having originally stayed back to look after Danny. She encountered a hurt Munna when they were in the Unova region, who would become her starter Pokémon.
7. She starts to realize just how wrong her parents were when she starts fighting Team Plasma alongside two kids her brother's age, but that's a different story. A part of her wishes she'd insisted on Danny starting his journey with her--she thinks he would've liked Sam and Tucker.
8. Danny is pretty disillusioned to the thought of a Pokémon journey by the time he's 14 and his parents still haven't let him strike out alone.
9. He does have a Staryu he befriended a couple regions ago. But considering his family's affinity for Psychic-types he was essentially told he couldn't go off alone until Staryu evolved into Starmie (a Water and Psychic-type). However he can't really train with his parents' supervision when they're always busy, so he's effectively stuck.
10. One day in Alola, he spots a wild Minior. His brain essentially goes 'hey look another star-themed little space guy', and he sneaks away from his parents to go see if he can catch it.
11. Water-type Staryu is super effective against Rock and Flying-type Minior, and he gets his second Pokémon!
12. He stops by his parents' lab to tell them the news, but is quickly distracted by a strange Pokémon being kept in a ring-like passage in the wall. He enters when he hears its cries.
13. No matter the dimension, the Fentons have a tendency to put switches on the inside.
14. Young Danny Fenton woke up on the shore of one of Alola's main islands, clutching a little Cosmog in his arms. The little space guy roster has expanded.
15. With some assistance from the local professor, Danny returns to the apartment, electing to hide Cosmog as he tries to figure out what to do. And then Ultra Wormholes start opening all over the region.
16. Good news! Thanks to whatever happened with Ozzy (He can't exactly call them Cosmog in fear of being overheard), he can now sense when a wormhole opens. Ozzy can even teleport them there and back.
17. Bad news! His parents and every researcher in the area wants to catch and study the beings that get dragged through and start causing havoc.
18. Which would be bad enough without the revelation that Danny can now understand what certain Pokémon are saying (Ghost-types or otherwise space-related).
19. On the plus side, his parents were insistent that he start his journey as a Pokémon trainer so that he can defend himself should these 'Ultra Beasts' attack. Due to some confusion in which they ask the local Pokémon Professor to help him start his journey, he also gets to pick a starter Pokémon despite already having some.
20. He initially goes for Rowlet because they're nocturnal, stealthy, can fly, and he could use a Grass-type on his team. The professor is hesitant to let the son of two very anti-ghost scientists to have a starter that gains a Ghost-type in its final evolution (especially right after the debacle in which he gave them a Rotom Dex and they proceeded to chase it out of the device and into the wild), and warns Danny.
21. Danny is thrilled. One day he'll be able to fully talk with his new buddy! It isn't until he's already gone home that he realizes what the professor was trying to warn him of. Thankfully his parents aren't native to the area, so when they scan Rowlet and hear 'Grass-Flying', they don't expect that to change.
22. He meets Rotom shortly afterwards--the one that was in the Alolan Pokédex given to his parents. It was emotionally attached to its old shell, but is scared of being seen taking it back.
23. Danny switches out the Rotom Dex for a standard regional one, which his parents are more than happy to use knowing it hasn't been 'possessed'. The Rotom in question decides to stay with him, randomly taking over various electronics to help Danny out and occasionally battling alonside him.
24. (Danny is both happy to have a new partner and upset that a Pokémon normally characterized by being a trickster is so insistent on proving it's useful and staying out of the way. Cue him and the others helping Rotom play pranks and showing that it's okay to act out sometimes.)
25. Insert brief adventure involving falling into a wormhole, crashing into Hisui, accidentally befriending a weird looking Zorua, and meeting the masters of time (Dialga/Clockwork) and space (he instantly recognizes Palkia--it's the embodiment of space!) to catch a ride back home.
26. The Zorua sneaks back home with him, joining as the sixth member of his team. Danny does some research on the history of Zorua, and discovers that there was a half-Normal half-Ghost strain of them that lived in ancient Sinnoh.
27. By the time he's fifteen, he realizes that with half his team being Ghost-type (that is, when Rowlet fully evolves) and having to hide both Ozzy and his own powers all the time, it's really not a good idea to stick around his parents anymore. What if he loses track of one of his friends, and his parents find them first? And that's completely ignoring the distance that's formed as Danny started helping out the local Ghost-types and hearing all the awful things the Fentons have done.
28. So he packs his stuff, takes a Fenton Thermos (a version of the mobile box storage used in the Galar region, invented by his parents and actually made functional when he and Rotom messed with it. Danny isn't risking catching a seventh Pokémon and them being sent directly to his parents, so he sets up his own account and isolates it to the Thermos), and leaves five years late for his Pokémon while his parents are visiting Aether Foundation's main research base.
29. Cue various shenanigans as Danny and his team travel through dimensions to keep the peace between Ultra Beasts and the rest of reality. Somewhere along the line he starts literally fighting alongside his Pokémon, possibly unlocking more powers. This teenager has no hesitation and will punch a god if given the chance.
30. (His Pokémon were thrilled, thinking it was about time their trainer starts learning some moves. Rotom is the only one distressed by the implications when Danny uses Shadow Ball.)
31. Jazz hears from her parents for the first time in years when they call her panicking about Danny disappearing. She connects some dots from her last call with him and figures he must've finally snapped and ran away to journey with his Pokémon.
32. Danny proceeds to get the most confusing message in his life from Jazz as he's restocking on supplies in a Pokémart somewhere in Kalos. Why was she congratulating him and offering him a couch in a Unovan professor's lab if he's ever in the area?
33. In completely unrelated news, people start recognizing a mysterious trainer that commits acts of vigilantism and speaks in favor of Ghost-types and Ultra Beasts all over the world, resolving conflict both peacefully and through battle. Some rumors say he's a Pokémon himself, a ghost with unfinished business. Others think he's an undercover ranger, finally losing patience with trying to stop bad people the legal way and resorting to direct action.
34. They're calling him Phantom, and his interference is attracting all kinds of attention.
35. Danny just wants everyone to be safe, and is more than happy to be traveling through space with his Pokémon by his side. Maybe one day he'll try a gym challenge or whatever trainers normally do, but for the time being he's more than happy to keep getting stronger while throwing down with various Pokémon across dimensions.
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ash-imagines · 1 year
if you're not too busy, could i request some Guzma x male!rival!reader? preferably one where the reader works at a Pokemon shelter... and despite being a harmless-looking cutie from Unova, the reader can put up a serious fight? team: Leavanny, Steenee, Roserade, Ribombee, Crustle. thanks in advance for this!
People tend to underestimate you.
Your previous job was at a daycare, raising people's Pokémon for them, looking after Pokémon eggs, that sort of thing. At first, it doesn't sound like the kind of job you would need a lot of experience for, but you need to be able to keep Pokémon of any level under control. So yes, you did end up caring for a lot of level 1 Magikarp, but you also occasionally got a level 70 Snorlax or something wild like that. If you didn't have a good chunk of knowledge about Pokémon, you'd be in a bit of trouble. The daycare you worked in was sort of the family business, and you figured you would probably be working there for the rest of your life. After all, you had been helping out there since the day you could string together a full sentence.
And then there was the incident with the Glameow.
A man came rushing in with this injured Glameow. He said he found it in some tall grass, that he wasn't sure what had happened to it. The nearest Pokécenter was too far for him to get to, so he brought the Glameow to your daycare. Seeing the poor injured Pokémon made your heart break, especially because it was a wild Pokémon without a trainer to get it the help it needed. You were, thankfully, able to get her the help she needed, and she was so grateful to the man who brought her in that she ended up becoming his Pokémon, so the story at least had a happy ending... but it stuck with you. Wild Pokémon, Pokémon that have been released by their trainers, Pokémon whose trainers have passed away... what happens to these Pokémon? If they get hurt, they can only rely on themselves and other Pokémon to be healed.
That just felt wrong to you.
So you moved to the Alola region with the goal of creating a Pokémon shelter. People who no longer have the means to take care of their Pokémon can leave them with you, and injured Pokémon without trainers can receive the care they need. Obviously, it's not too dissimilar from your work at the daycare. It's just more fulfilling, in your opinion, because you feel like you're really helping the people and Pokémon in your community.
But you probably should have anticipated that people looking to get ahold of Pokémon without having to actually catch any would come bursting through your door. This "Team Skull" seems to be causing trouble for lots of people in the region. It only takes a couple of battles for them go scurrying back out the door they so rudely burst in, though. You assume that's what made their leader curious enough to case your joint for himself.
He talks a big talk, demanding a battle from you, but there's this look in his eyes that you've seen before. It's the look of someone who's been neglected, abandoned, mistreated, and disillusioned. You've seen it in the eyes of plenty Pokémon by now. You agree to battle him, naturally making quick work of his Pokémon, and you can't help feeling a little sorry for him. You suspect that Team Skull is to him what the shelter is to you. It's his way of taking care of his community, of looking after those individuals that got left behind.
You tell him you hope to see him again. He seems surprised.
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pkmnprideflags · 3 months
Everything We Know About the Protags' and Rivals' Families
Their mother is probably the Pokémom we know the least about. She only ever talks about worrying for her child, and doesn't seem to have any hobbies or anything noteworthy about her. I'm glad that the later games have started giving the moms more personality.
As for their dad, the only reference to him is in the Celadon Department Store. Upon looking at one of the TVs, the protag will say, "A sports game! Dad'll like that!" So we know that their father is a fan of sports, and has enough of a connection with their child for them to know that.
Blue Oak
Of course, he has a grandfather (er, what was his name again?), and that grandfather has a cousin named Samson who lives in Alola. He also has an older sister, Daisy, who has allegedly competed in Pokémon Contests in the past according to a Pokémon Journal in the Sevii Islands. This means she must have traveled to either Hoenn or Sinnoh at some point, probably during her childhood or adolescence. We know nothing about Blue & Daisy's parents.
Ethan/Kris/Lyra (as protag)
This Pokémom still doesn't have much going on outside of talking to other women in town and apparently enjoying cooking, but she does at least assist by managing her child's money. In retrospect, an eleven-year-old in real life probably should not be trusted with all that money, so good idea. Too bad she also seems irresponsible with money, buying things with her child's money without asking them. Sometimes those purchases are helpful, sometimes they're not. Either way, you should get permission first, ma'am.
As far as I can remember, their father is never mentioned.
Ethan/Lyra (as friend)
They live with their father in New Bark Town; as far as I know, their mother is never mentioned. Their grandparents are the Day Care Couple that lives south of Goldenrod City.
We all know by now that Silver's father is Giovanni. According to the Celebi event, father and son parted ways three years before GSC on Route 22, with Giovanni heading towards the Pokémon League and Silver heading back, presumably to Viridian. If we assume that he is the standard protag/rival age of 11, then he seperated from Giovanni at the age of eight. When he shows up in New Bark Town, he lowkey seems to be homeless. I'm not sure how an eight-year-old without Pokémon would have made it over to Johto alone. The most likely people to help him would be Team Rocket, but he's stubborn enough that he'd probably reject their help. Did he climb through or trek around Mt. Silver?
Despite the many fan theories, the identity of Silver's mother has never been discussed in the games.
May/Brendan (as protag)
A protagonist with two visible parents?! Impossible. But yes, Norman and his wife are still together. In Ruby and Sapphire, your mother specifically mentions that your family moved from Johto; curiously though, that dialogue was changed in Emerald to just say "another region." Later in B2W2's World Tournament, Norman specifically says he is from Olivine City.
The only references to their parents' lives before comes in ORAS, when the mother mentions that she and Norman watched the Litleonids the last time they occurred. Awwww.
May/Brendan (as rival)
They live with their parents, Professor and Mrs. Birch, in Littleroot Town. In Emerald only, they also have a younger brother. Prof. Birch seems to have a very close relationship with their child, though since they're often involved in fieldwork they may not get to see their mother much. Interestingly, Birch and Norman have supposedly been friends "since their school days." That means either Norman had gone to school in Hoenn before moving to Olivine, or Birch went to school in Johto.
We actually know a lot about Wally's family since it's part of the plot of RSE. He lives with his parents in Petalburg City, who are understandably protective of his health. He later moves to Verdanturf to live with his aunt, uncle, and cousin Wanda. Not much is known about them, other than that Wanda is romantically involved with a guy from Rustboro.
Lucas/Dawn (as protag)
They live in Twinleaf Town with their mother, the Contest star Johanna. She gets out of the house more, both for Contests and to observe her child's success in the Battle Zone.
There are two references to the player's father, and both occur in Platinum. Johanna says that her child reminds him of him and that the two of them "are so alike." Later when met at the Battle Frontier, Palmer will note that he was a friend and rival to their father, similar to how they are now with Barry. Notably, in a very early beta of Diamond & Pearl, the player's father was going to appear early in the game. I don't speak Japanese, but based on the screenshots I'm guessing he was going to be involved in the player's first Pokémon encounter.
Lucas/Dawn (as friend)
They live in Sandgem Town with their father, grandfather, and little sister. Their father works as an assistant to Professor Rowan; nothing about their mother is known. Their sister watches TV a lot, and therefore often hears about swarms occurring in Sinnoh.
He lives in Twinleaf Town with his mother, while his father Palmer works at the Sinnoh Battle Frontier. Both parents seem to care for their son, but I honestly can't remember them ever talking to or about each other, so I don't know what their relationship status is.
The Pokémom of Nuvema Town is said to have been a Trainer herself when she was younger. However, now she mostly stays at home, only departing to give the player the running shoes. In B2W2 she behaves similarly to Red's mother, saying she kind of wants to go out and find her child, but would feel bad if they stopped by while she was gone. Which makes me wonder: does her kid not still have their Xtransceiver? Why can't she just...call them like a normal person?
Their father is referenced by their mother when she says that they met each other on their own Pokémon journeys. Aw, young love. No hints to their current relationship status, though.
Cheren lives with his parents in Nuvema Town. I don't remember anything of note about them.
Bianca lives with her parents in Nuvema Town, and we all remember how her father acts at the beginning of the games. I don't recall her mother's reaction; apparently she was the one to tell him that Bianca made it to Nimbasa City, so maybe that indicates that Bianca trusts her slightly more.
This is definitely one of the cooler Pokémoms. She is an old friend of Professor Juniper, and used to work in Pokémon Centers (specifically implied to be the ones in Nimbasa and Mistralton). She's knowledgeable about the many locations in Unova, and supports her child by providing information.
Bulbapedia claims that there are references to their dad in the games, but a search of relevant pages has turned up no references.
Hugh lives with his mother, father, and younger sister in Aspertia City. His father has the sprite of a Black Belt, and his mother has the sprite of a Nursery Aide, which is a cute pairing. Hugh also mentions that he has a deceased grandfather, who caught his little sister's Purrloin. Hugh is very protective of his sister; overall this is a cute little family.
Calem/Serena (as protag)
They live with their mother, Grace, in Vaniville Town. The two recently moved to the town, but it's unclear if they are from another region entirely, or just a different town in Kalos. Regardless, Grace is known for being a Rhyhorn racer.
The only mention of the player's father is in a story Grace tells about one of her races. She lost control of her Rhyhorn at the finish line, where he was waiting, and she "sent him flying."
Calem/Serena (as rival)
They also live with their mother in Vaniville Town. It's mentioned that both of their parents are renowned Pokémon battlers, which is cool. Otherwise, their father is never mentioned.
Shauna & Tierno
Strangely, we know nothing about these two's families. Shauna seems to live in or near Vaniville Town since she hangs out there a lot, but she doesn't have a house there. Tierno hangs around Coumarine City a lot during postgame, so maybe he's supposed to be from there? But we know nothing about their family lives.
Trevor lives with his sister in Lumiose City. Apparently his mother and father are currently traveling the world to train their Pokémon. The world of this game series just seems very chill about family relations, and treats it as socially acceptable to leave your family to take a journey. I suppose they appreciate long-distance relationships or just don't value family that much.
They live with their mother on the outskirts of Hau'oli City. Their family was originally from the Kanto region, and the player's mother was once a renowned Meowth trainer, earning the nickname of the "Scratch Cat Girl." She's even seen at the end of the game battling the Masked Royal.
Apparently she is still married to the player's father, who still lives in Kanto. The two keep in touch by sending each other letters.
Hau lives with his grandfather Hala in Iki Town. He mentions his mother several times, saying he enjoys her cooking; she is not confirmed to be present in the games, but there is a female NPC randomly placed inside Hala's house that some assume to be Hau's mother. His father is traveling on a journey in another region (implied to be Kanto).
We all know this by now - used to live with Lusamine, Mohn, and Lillie; then Mohn disappeared, Gladion ran away with Type: Null, and Nebby teleported Lillie to Route 1. An Aether Paradise NPC also notes that Lusamine's father (so Gladion's grandfather) was a wealthy man who loved Pokémon, and he was the one who built the Foundation.
They live with their mother in Pallet Town. Like Red & Leaf's mother, this Pokémom doesn't have a whole lot going on. Bulbapedia says that they have a referenced father; I'm guessing it's that same dialogue in the Department Store from the other Gens.
Since he's no longer Professor Oak's grandson, Trace seems to only live with his sister. Perhaps another Trevor situation?
They seem to have always lived in Postwick with their mum. She doesn't have a whole lot going on, and the only reference to their father is the statement that the player's bag is a hand-me-down from him.
Hop lives in Postwick with his parents and grandparents, and Leon used to live there before going off to be a champion and whatnot.
Her parents are never mentioned; she seems to live with Piers.
Bede was apparently raised in an orphanage, so the identity of his parents are unknown.
Both as the protagonist and as the rival, their family situations are unknown.
As the protagonist, her family situation is unknown. As the rival, she mentions wanting to send a photo to her parents and brag about her work with the player in the Survey Corps.
They recently moved to Cabo Poco with their mother from a different region. It's implied they may be from Galar, as the mother has a Skwovet and uses the term "cuppa" when talking to Clavell. Their father is never mentioned.
Nemona's father, mother, and sister live in Cabo Poco. They moved to the Paldea region when Nemona was seven; their original region is unknown. Nemona's father is on the board of the Rotom Phone company, so they have a decent amount of wealth.
Because I'm a nerd, let's finish with some stats:
Characters confirmed to have both parents currently alive: 16 out of 34
Characters who live with both of their parents: 8 out of 34
Characters who live with their mother: 22 out of 34
Characters who live with their father: 12 out of 34
Characters with at least one living grandparent: 5 out of 34
Characters with siblings: 10 out of 32
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jils-things · 7 months
nobody asked but here's how jaide got pipino 🥚
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it was at that point where jaide, red and blue all reunited in alola and they're getting accustomed to each other again (mostly red to both of them since jaide and blue had been consistently catching up with each other already). redjaide is still in the platonic stages, with red slowly relieving his puppy crush on her years ago (but of course he's not gonna fuckin say anything yet LMAOOO).
anyways - one day in alola, blue just so happen to be mostly out of the scene when red and jaide, who were drinking together in the small cafe inside the pokecenter - noticed a lost egg covered in a blanket, left in a lounge couch alone.
worried, jaide would try to look if the egg had an owner of its own but nobody in the center seemed to have noticed. she insists on keeping the egg to find the owner before it hatches - and she lets red tag along with her to find the owner.
now red usually isn't one to ask others but he would try to help jaide ask people if they seen or had recently lost an egg by simply tapping on their shoulder and quietly asking if they know anything about this missing baby. though jaide was a lot more enthusiastic about it, making quick chit chat and asking them about it. their approaches were different, but they got the job done.
sadly they struggled to really find the owner, so she'd bring the egg at her hotel and talk to blue and red on what they'd do with... the thang.... she filled blue in and explained what happened. blue insists to just keep looking because the fact it was wrapped in a blanket meant that someone was trying to watch over it. so jaide continued to try to ask around, but not beyond the island at least.
eventually they do find the owner, it belonged to a little girl who wanted to keep an egg to grow up with her but she forgotten to pick up her egg after leaving the pokecenter for whatever reason. jaide would happily give it to her, until the egg would hatch on the spot - it was a togepi.
the togepi, held in jaide's hands - would immediately assume that jaide was its parental figure and quickly become attached to her - and well, togepi had already developed a bond/comfort since jaide had been actively carrying the egg for quite some time.
the pokedex also mentions that the first thing it sees and assumes when it hatches is the parent (or maternal figure in this case)
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the togepi would lovingly lunge at jaide's chest, yearning for her familiar warmth. this wasn't supposed to happen! she would frantically swears that it's not her pokemon, but togepi clung on to her like a child to its mom. red would be surprised at this revelation, mostly because he himself wasn't too well-versed in hatching baby pokemon since he's been with the same team as kid. somehow, togepi would also recognize red, maybe not all too well like jaide, but it has felt his warmth a few times to have it ingrained in its mind! it would chirp happily at red, but he wouldn't understand what that meant.
the little girl can't help but notice... a nice connection between the three. she giggles and tells jaide that she can keep the pokemon. she'd argue that she's still not ready yet, and one example of her not being ready was her neglecting the egg in public. I mean, a child raising a baby is no easy task as well, so maybe these two were a better fit. they were trainers after all...
jaide felt a little guilty, but she can't help but admit the way togepi stares at her keeps drawing her in. she promises to take good care of togepi and they depart from there. jaide would also gift the girl an ultra ball just to show her thanks, and maybe someday the little girl can catch her own pokemon as well.
with that exchange, both parties depart.
blue, who had been watching this all at the back would jokingly congratulate jaide for being a mom, to which she elbows him, giggling. he would ask about what she'd name togepi. she would awkwardly confess that she had been coming up with silly names while they were on that little mission.
"pipino sounds cute. i'm keeping that."
blue would give a weird glare by how quickly she came up with a name but then again - that's jaide for him. same girl as ever to him.
togepi, even in jaide's arms would sometimes glance at red and chirp with an adorable wave, and he'd ... awkwardly tip his hat and wave at it too.
not only would her alola trip be fruitful with alolan pokemon data, but she found herself a new friend to bring along with her.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Hi. One more request from (hopefully if it isn't taken) 🧼 Anon. I kind of want to see a small scenario where 3 of the gen 8 gym leaders is on a trip to Alola and their future s/o is tasked to show them around the region, and ends up showcasing every z-crystal, starting with the z-crystal of the type the gym leader specializes in. (For example, Milo being shown the grassium z crystal first, and then the other Z-crystals.)
Oooh, sure thing boss! You got it!!
Milo is excited for the trip to Alola. It's always fun seeing new regions, and he's very honored to be part of the World Star Championships that are taking place there, now that Alola has their own official Pokémon League with a champion and everything! He's also excited to meet you, his guide throughout the region, one ready to show him everything there is to offer
Your bracelet interests him greatly, full of crystals that glitter and glow with power. As you show him around, you explain the nature of your Z crystals, and how the correspond with special Z moves. When you offer to show him, Milo agrees without any hesitation, eager to see what Alola has similar to Galar in terms of special battle dynamics
And it's too cute. Milo watches you slowly rise up from a squat like a plant growing, arms thrown out like you're blooming, and he falls fast. Your bright grin, the power that flows from you into your grass-type Pokémon, and everything just hits him right through the heart. He's twice as excited for the trip now, eager to see what the rest of the Z moves are, and hopefully getting closer to you all the while
Raihan loves Alola. He's visited before, so he doesn't technically need a guide, but you seem nice, so he's not complaining. Besides, you probably know all the good hole-in-the-wall spots, and there's nothing Raihan loves more than local, relatively unknown food joints with food that knocks your socks off. He's eager to learn more about these weird crystals on your bracelet too
You end up having a lot of fun together. Raihan enjoys being dragged around into misadventures with you, enjoys watching you playfully antagonize a "Team Skull" full of kids that call you "Big Sib" and threaten to steal your Pokémon while doing break dances and rapping. It's fun, to blow their minds with his Pokémon too, and you always smile so wide
You show him the dragon Z move, and Raihan knows he's got it bad. You make an opening dragon maw with your arms, full of sharp finger teeth, bearing your own teeth as you do. Raihan laughs terribly hard, with you not at you (not entirely, at least), and he's gone. He wants to hang out with you all the time, and hopes he gets a few more days off to get to know cute little you better
Going to Alola is nerve wracking. It's a whole new region that has a bit too much sun for Allister's preference. But there's one silver lining: you. You're his age, and you're soft and kind as you show him around. You introduce him to the ghost types that live in Alola, and he slowly relaxes, if only around you. He wonders if he can convince you to stand with him during the tournament he's supposed to participate in. It'd ease his nerves if you were there, even if only in the stands.
The Z crystals interest him a lot, since they're similar to Dynamaxing, in a way. He asks you to show him how they work, and you're happy to run through the whole roster of crystals that adorn your band. So, when no one is around and a wild Pokémon battle occurs, you demonstrate the ghost Z move for Allister
You wiggle around, hands clawed out, finishing with a "boo!" towards your opponent. Allister is awed by the power that soars through you into your Pokémon, and immediate wants to learn how to do the same. You get him his own bracelet and lend him your ghost Z crystal, teaching him the ways of the Z move until he can manage it all on his own. He's never had so much fun! You'll come visit Galar so he can show you Dynamaxing, right? Only if you want to, though! No pressure. . .
i forgot how cute the z moves were! this was a wonderful reminder, so thank you <3
hope you enjoyed! have a wonderful night!
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fiannalover · 5 months
Pokémon Fic Recs
Because I read a lot of fics and am always on the prowl, so I felt like sharing a non exhaustive rec list under read more. Feel free to add recs on reblog if you want!
Savoir-Faire: To Know and To Do -  This is the one. If there is a fic I beg everyone to read it's this. multi-chapter but not that long PLEASE do it. MC of an alternate XY was cursed by rampaging Legendaries with immortality. 10 years later, jaded Marguerite Linden du Bois is finishing her paper on Pokémon World Sociology, taking a newbie trainer for the road. Read for Humanities Things, Ghost-Types, the apathetic weight of immortality, worldbuilding, the workings of Pokémon League, Research Assistant Darkray, Royalty and more. I am begging you to read it.
Ashes of the Past - Peggy Sue fic where Cyrus destroyed the world and Arceus decided the best way to deal with that was send Ash back to the start of his journey (after some Aura training). Saphroneth writes fights *amazingly*, specially around Orange Island, where he took a break and came back with a glow-up. Fic is dead now, but consider reading, if nothing else, the Suicune or the Tobias Fight.
A professor and student + The 48 - I have this unproved feeling there is an overkill amount of “Ash is traumatized after Kalos" but this is The one about it. Kukui takes care of Ash in Alola and helping the boy set some boundaries and stuff. This and the wider “The 48” series are amazing Ash, and you can find great longer fics and one-shots alike here. Adults but not grown-ups (Alola Supporting Cast one-shots) and Left Behind (Ash and a Future Ash end up swapping time places during XY while brock is visiting) are real stand-outs. 
You Thought - Aliens invaded and took over the Pokémon World, but actual Pokémons still give them trouble. The premise may seem weird, but it is a means for amazing descriptions of how even the common Meowth could be terrifying and disruptive for an outside-context watcher.
A home can be found - Lillie during and after OG SM, finding a new family with Kukui, Bunet and her friends.
What the Sun Leaves Behind - Hau is inheriting Hala’s spot as kahuna after the latter died, and Gladion shows up to give him a pep talk when Hau runs off into the woods from nerves. It is tagged as Hau/Gladion but it is really a platonic deal.
A Little Bit of Maschiff - Juliana decides that getting a Maschiff of her own is the perfect thing for her friendship with Arven. She gets more than she bargained for, with Arven helping her tame the wretched beast.
The Clues - isshushipping. 5+1 One-Shot Fic of N being In Denial about Team Plasma during BW.
colder in the summertime - One-shot. Morty is cursed. Read for pretty boys in cold fever, nosebleeds, exhaustion, the whole shish-kebab.
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Read It Now.
Collateral - Faller!Touya, and the International Police helping him, while his friends try to find him. Sad. Great.
Pinky Promise - Gloria/Hop One-Shot. Hop fighting for dear life to get Gloria a Christmas Gift.
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Massive “The Kids Are Doing Fine” energy. Adorable.
The Earth, the Sky and the Sea - An enigmatic narrator retells and expands the Hoenn Weather Trio story. Excellent atmosphere. 
HIS2435: Sinnohan Myths and Legends - Cynthia giving a College-level History Class. Chaos Mayhem Etc. Lots of author touches and headcanons and references but can be comfily (and hilariously) read on its own.
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Masahop/Train shipping section (I may have a problem)
Do you believe in love at first sight? - Hop getting a crush on Gloria, slowly realizing over the years he’s actually in Love with Victor. Vic is the MC/Champion. The fic has a charmingly unique Victor (chronically ill/frail immune system - Hop gets to care for his health a Lot it’s cute), and feels very Earnestly Adorable in Hop’s bisexual crisis. writer is requesting feedback so please give them some love!
Kiss Your Neo Champion - Hop got his Neo Champion clothes. He has a boyfriend. What is not clicking
Sunshine Riptide - Instead of Words, I’ll put these excerpts here:
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wishing-stones · 6 months
Omg your choices on a team based on the bad boys are perfect! I completely forgot about Darkrai, even with the pokedex in hand. Although my knowledge on Pokémon isn't really... updated. I stopped accompanying the franchise when Alola was announced, I kind of lost the hype there and seeing Scarlet/Violet now makes me wonder just how long it'll take for me to learn all the new mechanics and changes (the whole Gigantamax thing completely eludes me). My knowledge is more centered towards Kanto, Hoenn, Unova and Kalos at best, although I do grasp a few concepts from Unova thanks to a Pokémon Emerald hack rom.
Back at the boys, I thought about Dream and Nightmare's relationship as Pokémon. Since they're opposite aspects, I thought of something like Yveltal/Xerneas or Lunala/Solgaleo. What's your thought on this?
I've kept up, but my neat party trick of "name the Pokemon based on its cry" has kind of fallen off after gen v. I can do it with some of the newer ones, and a lot more with gen vi than gen v, but when they updated the cries in gen vi to sound more... organic? It kinda messed with that ability. LOL. The mechanics and gimmicks in each game... are okay, but I wish they'd standardize it and let old mechanics come back with the new ones. Gigantimax/Terra raids would massively benefit from each other AND mega evolutions. Ugh. Whole separate rant alongside the newer generations not having a complete pokedex. Rom hacks are always morally correct, and Citra is a great emulator if you feel like venturing into those games. (I'll always recommend the Ultra versions of sun/moon to the previous versions because the story is much better and the gameplay is more cohesive.) Still, S/V is a lot of fun, the open world is a wonderful feature, and I'm having an absolute ball playing the DLC. I also loved Sw/Sh a lot and easily put in over 400 hours on Shield. Then again, I am an absolutely unrepentant wonder/surprise trade addict.
As for Dream and Nightmare, Darkrai conveniently has a foil in the form of Cresselia! She is said to be able to dispel nightmares, and holding one of her feathers induces good dreams. Her relationship with Darkrai is also... hot and cold. Sometimes she's cooperative with it, other times she's there to chase it off. It really depends on which pair it is since there's several. While she has the moon motif (as opposed to Darkrai's new moon/black moon motif) it still fits very well. She has a lot of healing and support moves and is seen as a benevolent being in opposition to Darkrai a lot. In the games (Gen IV) you even have to get Cresselia's help to dispel Darkrai plaguing a kid with nightmares.
Solgaleo and Lunala are also great choices for them with the sun/moon motif. Yveltal and Xerneas, to a lesser degree, as they don't really do the domains of life and death as much. One could make an argument for Zekrom and Reshiram, even-- with Dream pursuing his ideals, and Nightmare stubbornly sticking to (his) truth. (And also giving them the opposing colors, with Zekrom being black and Reshiram being white, to subvert expectations. Love that.)
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flygonee · 4 months
umm.. hello! my name is honey, i am a bug/dragon type trainer (but i do have other types of pokemon) and my goal is to catch all bug and dragon type pokemon!!!! (ง'̀-'́)ง
i am nonbinary, a minor (not saying age for privacy reasons), and i go by they/them!
i travel alllll around the world.. i love to see all the beautiful pokemon!! as of right now i’m exploring paldea :D
my bestie is fay, he’s actually the one who convinced me to make this account hehe…. whenever i remember his @ i’ll link it here ^_^
this account will just be for me talking about my journeys.. pokemon i catch…. yada yada all of that stuff
if you wanna talk to me pls shoot the dm first.. i get a bit nervous when speaking to people i don’t know (●´⌓`●)
i use way too many emoticons, and i say hehe and lol a lot.. sorry if that annoys you :(
my favourite animal of all time is cats!!! aghhh just sooo cuteeeeee :333 (so i have lots and lots of cat pokemon :p)
tbh it’s easier for me to act more energetic while typing than irl.. so that’s why if you meet me irl i’m a bit nervous, but on here i’m way different :0
now it’s time for my team! >:3
FLYGON ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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they are my first ever pokemon, they just wandered into kanto and i caught them after choosing my starter! my best friend!! they are really close to me and protect me like their life depends on it lolol
such a sweetheart.. very clingy too! and they are kind of tired all the time hehe!! they have a good sense of humour and feel like the one out of all my pokemon who really gets me
not to say the rest don’t,, flygon has just known me for way longer!! i even use my z-ring on them.. and besides they’re my main pokemon for a reason
MEOWSCARADA ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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he’s a sweetheart! so nice to everyone else and he LOVES attention, he begs for it all the time (he reminds me of my old ragdoll cat hehe)
he is the pokemon i tried to get the most (and got the easiest) when traveling over to paldea, cause i love cats! and grass types are like my 3rd fave type (bug and dragon 🔛🔝 though ofc ofc)
he’s really strong for a meowscarada idk why.. i did train him a lot though lol!! he loves to fight, very active kitty
ESPEON ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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she’s a bit more independent than my other pokemon, and only really is affectionate towards me.. but when she wants attention she’s really clingy!! she just sits on my lap while i do work or something
overall she isn’t that hard to manage compared to my other pokemon (especially my pidgey i caught back in kanto.. he’s so hard to deal with ಥ‿ಥ)
she’s also a shiny?? forgot to mention earlier but it’s pretty cool imo.. :0
RAICHU ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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now it’s time for her!! little buddy,, i love her so much, she’s so sweet!!
for some reason she always wants me to make her waffles, maybe she just has an addiction to them cause of how often i eat them hehe…. (and maybe i slip her a bit too many waffles a bit too often..)
she was actually the starter i picked in kanto, then she evolved into a raichu.. we traveled to alola….. you get the rest
she’s insanely clingy just like flygon.. probably cuz i’ve had her for so long? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SCIZOR ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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MY SCIZOR!!! really tough gal, although.. truthfully? not on the inside, physically very tough though!! she’s a really strong pokemon
she doesn’t often show it, but she’s quite the softie! she only really shows that side to me though, remaining tough to the others.. because of this she seems to be an idol for my younger pokemon, so not too bad
MILOTIC ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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such a beautiful pokemon, i always loved him even during his pre-evolution. i don’t get the hate,, feebas isn’t ugly guys!! >:(
my house is right next to a huge lake, so i just keep him there and he seems happy with it
he always manages to calm me down,, something about sending energy? well whatever it is he’s a great listener! he always encourages me to vent to him hehe
NOW FOR THE BONUS POKEMON!! cuz why not,, the pokemon below are just the ones not on my team! just some of the pokemon i’ve caught (not all of them cuz i’m lazy)
PIDGEY ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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he is such a hyper bird!! i don’t get how so much energy is stored in such a little guy (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖
raichu was the first pokemon i had ever, and pidgey was the second!
out of all my pokemon he’s the hardest to take care of.. he’s a handful for sure :p
he’s very small for a pidgey actually! he’s the size of my hand, and kind of just likes to sit on my shoulder, or fly with me on my morning walk!! he doesn’t eat much cuz of that
he usually sleeps in my collection of plushies,, it’s really cute! ˶ᵔᗜᵔ˶
GOODRA ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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she is so silly, very good cuddle buddy tbh.. she gives the best hugs
she’s so motherly and friendly towards everyone, especially my other pokemon
love her <3
if i had to describe her in one word, it’d be motherly
not much to say she’s just really kind (but oh my arceus is she so cool when fighting.. fay agrees!)
CUTIEFLY ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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a wild cutiefly i found on one of the paths in paldea, make sure to contact me if they’re yours!! for now i’ll keep them safe ^^
DRAGONITE ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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silly guy! forgot to add him to this post actually.. he’s very close to me much like flygon, but he acts a bit more overprotective over me o_o
he’s very clingy,, literally too! he clings onto me a lot
not much to say he’s just very friendly
MIMIKYU ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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one day i was having my morning walk, and felt as if i was being watched.. only to see this little fella following me all the way home!
ever since then they’ve been apart of my team, and i have been happier cuz of it! :3
they’re more independent than the rest much like espeon, except a little less affectionate. i don’t mind though! everyone expresses their love differently, and i don’t need a cuddle session from either of them to know they love me
sometimes mimikyu makes me little gifts like gloves or just any clothes and i always think it’s so cute
ok uhh.. that’s all, i hope you like me!!
now it’s time for the ooc info
hai! my name is stitch, i go by she/her and this blog is kind of just for me to pretend i’m in the pokemon world cause.. why wouldn’t i want to LMAO
my main blog is @stitchthelilo so my main content is there
i have a bad sense of humour so beware and i do use a lot of emoticons which is why honey does
ooc mark will be // and the hashtag #ooc
pelipper/musharna/any kind of mail, sapient pokemon, and magic anons are on!
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staticpokedex · 1 year
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I’ve been wanting to share this girl for a good while now- This is a bit of a revamp of an old OC I made when I was around 15. But I de-selfinsertified her and, y'know, gave her an actual solid backstory and personality.
In short, Rose is the niece of the main villain Lysandre. At first, she'd fit the role of the "angry/mean rival" archetype that XY seems to not have, acting as a rival counterpart to Shauna. (Seeing as everyone else in the main group seems to have a counterpart. Tierno has Trevor, and the MC has Calem/Serena, but Shauna doesn't really have a solid rival outside of the MC.) She's manipulated by her family into helping Team Flare, but in a sort of Zuko/Hunter/Amity-esque arc, she choses to join the main group against her uncle.
Extra doodles:
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Extensive bio under the cut:
Name: Rose Dorado Age: 14
Home Region: Born and raised in Kalos, but moves to Alola with her maternal grandfather Enzio and connects more with her late mother's side of the family in Paldea. Favorite Type(s): Psychic/Ghost Voice Claim: Vanessa Paradis (Lucille from "A Monster in Paris")
Pronouns: She/Her (Experiments a little with They/Them too as she figures themself out) Sexuality: She's still figuring things out. Rose isn't sure about 'lesbian' or 'bi' or whatever so she just leaves it at 'generally sapphic' or just 'I like girls a lot'. She's pretty sure she's on the ace spectrum though. Personality: She starts off as a serious, perfection-obsessed "mean girl" who puts on a tough/cold front in a bid to impress her father and uncle. But deep down, she's an insecure, confused and frustrated kid who wants approval from the only family she has.
But after moving to Alola with her maternal grandfather, she starts to find a softer, dorkier side of herself as he heals. Because deep down she's just a dramatic, passionate, coffee-obsessed nerd who deeply loves her Pokemon.
Rose is the only daughter of one of the more powerful families in Kalos and the niece of Lysandre. All she ever really knew in terms of "family" were her father Albus, and her uncle Lysandre. She never knew too much about her late mother Alana growing up. What she was never told was that her mother comes from a well-known paldean family of psychics, and she happened to inherit ESP from her mother. She wouldn't discover these powers until her teen years, but she would hide them from her father.
The first Pokemon she recieved in her life was a unique Fennekin she named "Beryl". What makes this pokemon unique is that it is actually an incredibly rare shiny. This shiny pokemon was originally set to be sent to Sycamore's lab for study, but was bought out by Rose's father. Sadly, Beryl was originally meant to be nothing other than a trophy pet. But Rose and Beryl formed a strong connection and manage to be a strong team. Seeing this, her father decides to take advantage of that for Team Flare's (and his own) gain.
During the events of Pokemon X/Y, her drive to become a great pokemon trainer ends up in her getting roped into the "family business". Ergo, Rose is pressured into assisting her uncle Lysandre in his "vision" for the world by helping Team Flare. Despite her convictions, she pushes herself to do so to hopefully impress her only family.
With this pressure, Rose is pushing herself past her limits to meet these high standards. And she's not keen on anyone standing in her way. But there's always that one trainer who seems to pop up wherever she's assigned to- a trainer girl named Shauna. Everywhere she went, this girl was pestering her and getting in the way. But there was something in the things Shauna told her that started inspiring...doubts. As the story progresses, Rose begins to doubt her uncle's "vision" and starts drifting more towards the side of the protagonists. And this all leads to the final confrontation where, with her new friend Shauna's encouragement, she helps the group stop her uncle.
After everything is done- With her uncle presumed dead and her father MIA, Rose is taken in by her maternal grandfather Enzio Dorado. (A mysterious old man that would pop up here and there in the "story".) Rose decides to come with her grandfather to see Alola. And, wanting to go out and visit new regions herself (according to post-game dialogue from her), Shauna joins her new friend in this adventure. For her, the events of Sun/Moon (and Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon) are a time for her to heal from her past and figure out her new life. While she explores this new region, she takes time to process and rediscover herself.
Obligatory OC x Canon: Rose + Shauna (I thought they'd be adorable, and fun to write/draw.)
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chitin-armor · 11 months
The Call of the Wild
An ex-Gym trainer, her Tyranitar, and two months in the wild, alone. Sometimes, you need to run away to find what you were really looking for.
A gift for @tyranitarkisser.
Sometimes people needed to run away. Some people did it for spiritual reasons, others to escape the law or a bad family. Some of them did it because there was a call inside of them that insisted they go anywhere but the place they were in search of something else.
She'd run away because for months, that call had built inside of her like a pot about to boil over. One spring day, she takes all her vacation time at once, checks her team into the closest Center, tells her friends and family she would be back later, and just starts walking. Maybe it's a silly passing fascination that she'll regret once she's out in the wilderness. Maybe it's because she's never taken a trip to somewhere far off and tropical like Alola before throwing herself into the gym circuit, and now all that wanderlust is bursting out all at once in a springtime fervor.
Either way, she hears the hunger inside her and obeys the call. She's gone and she's free, with the wilderness stretching out in front of her. Free, the way she's never been while grinding the gyms or after she'd failed the League and settled back in to train the newbies. Her job as a Gym trainer is satisfying. It's fulfilling. This far along the circuit, she gets the good trainers, the ones who really meant it. But it's not free, and part of her still calls for the wild the way it calls for her.
Well, she's checked almost all of her team into the Center. She rubs her thumb over the surface of the last ball on her hip as the cab rumbles beneath her, its painted surface long since worn silver from top to bottom. Not him, of course. Never him. Leaving him behind would be like casually leaving a few of her senses at home and wandering away blind and deaf. Besides, there's no better way to walk into the wild than with the king of the mountains by your side.
The taxi drops her off at the side of the road. It was already getting dark.
"You sure? This is as far as we go." The cabbie grimaces at her. "Not a lot of ways back home."
"I've got a friend," she assures him. When his headlights were nothing but a yellow pinprick in the distance and the whine of the Volbeat started up again, she presses the button on the ball. Her thumb slips easily into the groove she's worn into it, and her best friend glows to life, shaking his magnificent armor with a rattle. When he sees that they aren't at the Gym and that it was nearly nine at night, he swings his head towards hers and rumbles a question.
"We're running away," she proclaims, but even as she says it, the words suddenly seem a little silly. His grayish-green eyes, like river stones, search hers, waiting for an explanation. "I just- I needed to get away. I need something else, even if I don't know what it is yet. And I didn't want to be alone."
His rumble drops to a low, worried croon. She's known him all her life, grew up alongside him, so she can practically hear the words. Just because he doesn't speak like she did didn't mean they hadn't formed their own language out of touch and sound and knowledge.
"Nothing happened, bud. It's just. I don't know. I- I don't know."
She's miles away from home, on the side of a road in early spring with only her leather jacket, and it was getting dark. She's booked two months off work and now all she had was a backpack full of supplies. What was she doing? Had she caught some sort of spring fever that drove her to madness?
Tyranitar huffs and leans down, pushing his heavy head against her shoulder. His eyes are soft. She wraps her arms around his broad neck and holds on tight, only noticing now that she's shaking. From cold or fear, she's not sure anymore. Her words come out as hiccups. His skin is warm, and the blue of his belly nearly hot. That was where his armor was thinnest. If she poked him there, he laughed like tumbled gemstones clinking against each other. 
"I don't know anymore," she gasps. "What am I doing? I have a good job. I was doing fine. Nothing happened. Why did I run away?"
Tyranitar's claws gently scratch at her back, careful to slip under her jacket so he wouldn't mar the leather. The thoughtfulness of the gesture pulls her out of her spiral, and she rests her head against his shoulder, breathing in the scent of him. Earthy and stony and warm, like a smoldering fire in a deep cave.
Not many people knew that Tyranitar ran warm. Hot, even. Stone, soil, and the secret ingredient, high-quality coal, all melted down in the great engine of their hearts to create more than enough heat to warm her on this early spring night.
She relaxes into his embrace and rests her cheek against his shoulder. She'd made her decision, and good or bad, she'd stick by it. You didn't raise a Tyranitar by backing out as soon as it got rocky.
"I may have gone insane," she confesses. "But I booked two months of vacation, and I fully intend to use them. So, big boy, what do you say? Do we want to run away together and look for whatever made me go crazy?"
His eyes glitter in the dark and he throws back his great head, roaring at the dusky sky. The triumphant sound startles the passing Starly out of formation and knocks all the worries right out of her, and she joins his roar with a laugh of her own as the birds swirled back into their vee, chirping their indignation. 
"Then we're free, sweetheart! Free for two whole months! Free to do whatever we want!"
And they begin to walk, hand in armored claw, as the mountains rise majestically in front of them.
Freedom, it turned out, included a lot of hiking in the dark. It also included carrying a fifty-pound backpack full of rations and supplies which did not, as a rule, make her feel very free.
Tyranitar, ever attentive, had cajoled the backpack off her and lifted it so easily that it looked effortless. She'd made some weak protests, not wanting him to shoulder the burden, to which she was hoisted under his arm and carried as well. 
"You better put me down!" she threatens, laughing all the while. "Or I'll make you carry me everywhere! I will!"
He tilts his head down at her and deliberately huffs to make her hair fluff out of its tie and fall in a vibrant red mess around her shoulders. 
"Oh, you're in for it now." She playfully kicks him in the back, to which she receives a lick that messes her hair up even more. "Tyranitar! You're terrible!"
He laughs his wonderful laugh, all crystal and stone, and licks her again. His tongue is warm and smooth like riverbed rocks, and approximately as wet. Her hair is a mess. The Volbeat sing all around them and her heart was full to bursting. Even though it's dark, she can see the shine in the back of Tyranitar's eyes where they reflect the night back at her. More than that, she's messy and hot and laughing, and she's absolutely free.
"Put me down," she insists breathlessly, and this time he does. She throws her arms around him and holds on tight. The blue scales of his belly are smooth and supple like rich leather, and warm her entire body even through her clothing. She can feel him breathing and hear the steady, powerful rhythm of his heart, as familiar as her own. 
"I love you," she says to her best friend. He tucks his head into her shoulder and makes a low, thrumming hurr that vibrates pleasantly through her chest, saying in their own way: I love you too.
They hold each other for a few long, tender moments, before she pulls away and playfully drops a kiss on his nose, making his eyes crinkle happily.
"I meant it, you know. You still have to carry me."
He hoists her up and she laughs in delight and surprise as he drops her on his shoulders, legs around his broad neck, propped on top of his spikes. She points onwards, bold and brave, and he roars and plunges forth.
Having a Tyranitar as your best friend was strange only to people who hadn't grown up beside one, who hadn't spent their childhood cuddled up against the warm, weighty form of a Larvitar and made weekend trips to let him feed on soil, who hadn't carried around a Pupitar through their college years, patiently waiting for their friend to crack the shell. She'd waited for him, and he returned the favor tenfold. He faithfully walked with her to their gym every day, and sometimes she'd ride back home on his broad shoulders if she was too tired. It made her feel a little bit like a conquering queen of the world, riding on her magnificent partner. He kept vigil at her side every night, the heat of his body a natural furnace. In winter, she hardly needed to heat her apartment because he exhaled warmth like a miniature sun.
As she rides atop his shoulders now, safe from the brambles, it feels like they're the rulers of the world. She trusted him to lead the way, and he guided her through the dark to a deep, cozy cave. Twelve hours ago she would have preferred a lean-to under the pine trees or beside a nice campfire, but right now, nothing sounds better than unfolding her sleeping bag, slipping into soft clothes, and curling up beside her best friend, warm and safe and free, asleep before her head hits the pillow.
In the morning, she's woken by a snoring snout against her face. Her sleeping bag and Tyranitar's scales are nothing like her mattress at home. They're ten times better. She's never slept half that well before. With a yawn, she throws her arm around him and drifts for a while in the happy, unconcerned freedom of the wild. The Starly chatter outside the mouth of the cave, their bright, cheery songs a balm to her soul.
Tyranitar sleeps in his own nest next to hers at home, since he's too heavy for her bed frame, and once they're back home she'll need to rectify that immediately. But for now, the sunlight slants in through the mouth of the cave and Tyranitar snores like a polite rockslide next to her. Despite the sound and the hard floor, she feels utterly peaceful, and loses herself in gazing at the familiar, solid lines of his face.
"You awake yet?" she mumbles. Almost every part of Tyranitar's body is as well-armored as a mountain, but she knows a few spots where his shell thins. Under his chin, he can feel it if she tickles him, and if that doesn't work, his belly is always sensitive.
He wakes with a roaring laugh, tail swiping across the cave floor, and pulls her closer to tickle her back with a nuzzle into her neck, eyes fond and gentle.
"There we go." She lets him lift her up. "I think we forgot to eat last night. Hand me the jerky, would you? We'll share."
He suddenly looks embarrassed, but obligingly tips her pack over. She looks inside to see several empty packs of jerky. Now that she thinks of it, his breath does smell like teriyaki.
"You ate most of it!" she exclaims. His thorns flatten and he makes a chirp of apology, and she sighs and kisses his nose, rubbing him behind the spines. "Hey, I'm sorry. That's on me for forgetting what an appetite you've got. We can forage later today."
He still snorts and chuffs and frowns. She can see the determination in his eyes, and there's no stopping Tyranitar when he gets an idea in his head.
"What, you're going to go get me food? Bud, you don't have to. What's mine is yours too."
He somehow wiggles out of her grasp despite being the size of a small mountain and paces out the mouth of the cave. 
Her best friend has always been stubborn and proud. It's one of the things she loves most about him. Watching his green shape disappear into the sunlight, she sighs and fishes out the last pieces of jerky from the bag.
While he's gone, she spreads her things out in the cave and stands up to do her morning stretches. The relaxation of the night and the heat has done great things for her flexibility, and she's halfway through seeing if she can do the splits when he comes back. 
She only notices because he makes a surprised little roar and drops a clawful of berries. She tilts her head back and grins up at him. 
"Did you bring me my food, big boy?" 
He makes a rumbling croak and carefully lays down armfuls of berries. All perfectly ripe, carefully picked to avoid clawmarks, the most beautiful fruits she's ever seen. Her mouth falls open. Tyranitar looks almost bashfully expectant.
"Tyranitar, sweetheart, you didn't need to-" She's stammering as she gets up, and after struggling to find the right words, she gives up and hugs him as tightly as she can. "Thank you."
She offers him some, but he must have eaten already because he settles down beside her and watches with soft eyes as she eats everything. When she's done, he tips his head back and purrs so loudly that she feels it down in the marrow of her bones.
"You'd almost think you like feeding me," she teases, grabbing his snout in her hands. He gently grabs her hand in his teeth, tickling her fingers with his tongue before the furnace-like heat of his breath makes them both let go. He sits back and chuffs his agreement.
She flops back down on the ground, toying with a stray Oran berry, which she feeds to him. He's almost delicate in the way he takes it from her hand.
"Well, if you like grocery shopping so much, I'll leave that to you," she laughs. "We'll consider it repayment for all those years I ran out to the Pokemart at two in the morning for your treats."
She was joking, but the next morning when she wakes up, he's waiting for her with another armful of ripe fruit, and he looks so happy to see her eating it that she simply allows it to happen, and makes it up to him with cuddles. 
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