#i expect most of all that you don't see using filters as an exchange of systems from highlighter to blotting a page out.
blackwaxidol · 1 year
So do you have an example of how us peasants could catch out terfs without shinigami eyes or are we all supposed to be as psychic as you lol
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ostensiblyfunctional · 8 months
iggy.....do you perhaps have any.... shadowgear headcanons..................... or thoughts........................................... <3 your brain is so interesting to me I need to examine how it reacts to sg under a microscope
LOL yes yes, here let me give you some brain tissue samples—
To be honest, I don't have much on Shadow Gear in my gray matter? Most of my thoughts on them comes from you or @/grayseyebrowscar, actually! But I have a couple things rattling around in my head, so here they are:
— Levy is feral when it comes to things that interest her, to the point that Jet and Droy have frequently had to restrain her from putting some poor soul into a centrifuge and seeing what filters out just because they wield a rare form of Jutsu-shiki or something like that. If it's weird and magic, or weird and of academic interest, or both, there will be a Levy trying to pounce on it, and a Jet and Droy going "no, don't pounce on that, what if it explodes." Jet and Droy frequently exchange commiserating grimaces with Evergreen and Bickslow when they have to wrangle Levy and Freed on the same hyperfocused rampage.
— I agree that SG are floor people, but to me Jet is also a what-the-heck-are-you-sitting-on-with-that-posture kind of person. If he fits, he sits. This means he sits on the floor, on armrests, on couch backs, on people if they're particularly unfortunate during a guild brawl, in the air of a doorframe, on refrigerators, on the guild hall's entrance sign, in the guild hall's rafters somehow, on the railing of the second floor—and even in normal chairs he sits sideways or spins them around to sit backwards or sprawls or does anything except sit normally. Droy frequently makes comments about the state of his spine because of this.
— I'm also wholly convinced that Jet has some beastman ancestry that influences his bone structure and teeth, and also maybe his eyes because I find it immensely funny to think of a dark guild mage getting scared half to death by shining a light on him and finding a red-pupiled blur (demon??) coming for their soul at speed.
— Droy seems the most normal of SG, but that's because Jet and Levy are subjected to his plant infodumps the most and he gets a lot of his gushing out of the way by the time he has to interact with the rest of the guild. A full half of SG's missions are plant-related because of him, either finding rare plants, or helping annual harvests of magical plants, or getting/safeguarding inconvenient ingredients for pharmaceuticals, or playing security for botanist conferences because he wants to hear some of the sweet, sweet botany discoveries. That, and some of the lectures in those botanist conferences are by him. He has a very robust greenhouse full of weird plants and occasionally Levy will edit his rambling about them into research papers and release them into the wilderness of academia for kicks. Neither of them were at all expecting scientists to track them down and scratch pitifully at their door like cats wailing to be let in. And now Droy gets to ramble annually around like-minded nerds and occasionally get into hair-pulling biting catfights about how to class amaryllis zephyrus, coloquially known as zephyrillis or wind-lily.
— Speaking of scientists tracking them down! SG definitely are roommates with their own house. I feel like they've known each other for a long, long time, before they ever joined Fairy Tail, and they're really comfortable around each other. Their smoothness in combat is borne from knowing each other since early childhood, growing up learning each other as much as they learned about themselves. This means they all have the eerie tendency to never bump into each other, in combat or not. It's easy to get in Jet's way if you're not used to how suddenly fast he can be, or accidentally bulldoze over Droy if he stays still too long and you forget he's there, or incidentally get smacked by a gesturing, excited Levy, but that's for other people. Not for them.
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multitrackdrifting · 10 months
In light of the recent Limbus shitshow, are you still gonna finish up library of runia or are you just done with Projmoon?
Well I can't refund it so the least I can do is play it - but I don't plan on publishing my lobcorp video that's about 2-3 hours long for the time being. I probably won't resume streaming Ruina however.
It leaves a bad taste in my mouth if people would use a labour of love of mine to say "hey look there's something good here", I know there is something good there - but the CEO and his unquestionably stupid decisions makes the game impossible to talk about. I'm gonna be honest as far as boycotts go you and I probably know people who play league, overwatch or cod or something (maybe) or play something from a company with just as bad of practices that are either not as publicised or simply too far in the past for people to care.
I don't expect people to boycott nor do I think it's the bare minimum standard, people I know, especially those with larger platforms refuse to post about it even if they do play it or still keep up with it but yeah it's basically branded as a game now because of the controversy.
The thing about boycotts a lot of the time and I know this will be kind of bizarre to hear but I think they're very aesthetic in nature in that a lot of people usually clamour for them when they have less stakes in the matter so it's much easier to put pressure on others to do something they would not do for League (Riot Games), or Overwatch (Activision Blizzard).
This exact scenario has actually arisen with people talking about the game in that way and honestly it's not even like a what-aboutism kind of thing it's like, people really do not truly care about the ethics of the situation a lot of the time and many others simply do not know when they make their game-playing decisions, so it's really difficult to get mad about in most cases. That said, this game is niche enough where people probably know, but I wont assume their reasons for playing. Some people, however, are reveling in the backlash about the game bc they're not real fans or something for being upset about seemingly capitulating to reactionaries. This exchange I saw earlier honestly boggled my mind lmao - when the dog whistle is loud as fuck.
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We don't have the complete facts, but unlike the nuance enjoyers on youtube & twitter that doesn't automatically mean I'm obligated to financially support a company because I obviously am concerned about the broader company and their job security.
On one hand it makes me frustrated beyond all belief that the decision makers (because lets be real falsely assigning blame to the artists, programmers, writers etc. at pmoon that aren't in a decision making role) are stupid that their art has to be undermined. Yeah, I don't doubt that there is more to the situation but if you make a tweet saying "we didn't do shit and we will sue u lol" and then announce a new banner the next day of course people are going to think you're a slimy company.
I'll put it like this anon: I might enjoy LCorp & Ruina privately at the very least, but Limbus is probably the most embarassing piece of media to be openly associated with, especially when you have people reveling in that a lot of women & lgbt+ members are going to be "filtered out" of the company by what they're reductively describing as "drama". Whether people boycott or not is up to them, but I'm waiting to see if they just brush it aside and pretend like nothing happened over time - I won't spend or post about the game, but I expect we won't actually see a genuine resolution until Canto IV ends and they realized that they didn't actually net anything from firing the artist or capitulating to an audience that will just as soon threaten their financial stability the moment they're validated for having achieved this outcome once before.
It's completely embarassing to be an open project moon fan right now, and honestly I could care less whose comfort media it is, I don't really care what they post or like - for me personally, this ordeal is so shameful that a video I worked hundreds of hours on is probably never seeing the light of day. That's about the gist of how I feel about how icky it is to even bother talking about their games. Fanart is one thing I guess, maybe I'll rb some from time to time, but honestly yeah I don't feel like making anything PMoon related pretty much until we have clear cut facts and if we never get it then yeah I'll just make peace with the reality and stop caring about Project Moon.
To answer your overall question, I probably won't bother making anything anything content wise for the game or even bother talking about it outside of DMs with my friends because yeah it's pretty much embarassing as fuck to even associated with this world. I think the art here is good, in terms of its writing & the artstyles of each of the games, I respect what is made there - but unfortunately we're the laughing stock of every other gacha community & honestly Idec about the hypocrisy of it all, I'm just astounded that they keep making it worse without ever really getting to the heart of the backlash. For LCorp & Ruina fans specifically I feel for them because it's not like they could've ever foreseen that this whole gacha endeavour would send everything up in smoke.
As for being Project Moon's strongest soldier (joking), I have less than zero interest in promoting their work until I have a decent confidence of vellmori's side (which I suspect is not even known because of either unknown factors, or a generic NDA that prevents them from commenting on their contract termination, not that unusual, especially if some kind of severance package is offered alongside it). Basically, I don't want to do any heavy lifting, even though I don't have that big of an audience, it just feels gross to bring them money when KR fans are outwardly begging other fanbases to stop playing and whether you do or not is up to you, but I'm personally just waiting till they shoot themselves in the foot enough times to completely walk away from this community/world. I do think that expecting everyone to express a deep remorse about a situation they did not create nor can they really control for the time being and self-flagellate about it is stupid though.
Hope vellmori & the pmoon staff get an equitable outcome out of all of this because as mad as I am I'm not so selfish as to think that having a dumb boss means you should have no job.
tl;dr - I don't want to openly associate with the "brand" even if the company =/= the community, it still feels weird, but that is just my own choice. I don't expect others to boycott. I'm waiting to see what happens, but judging by the reactionary replies to the latest banner it's probably nothing good in our future if Limbus survives this ordeal - since you will mostly have people who revel in the exodus of LGBT+ & women from the fandom.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I'm in a very problematic fandom. The fanbase as a whole is awfully toxic in many ways in and outside of Tumblr.
I just. Feel so frustrated because I joined this fandom on here, Tumblr, expecting to simply exchange ideas, headcanons and make those rb additions in the form of artworks, funny additions etc. or even experience the 'why would you hide this in the tags' thing. The appeal of Tumblr to me was the way fans can interact with each other in such fun ways.
But then, not even a year of joining, I have to see antis, purity culture, the problematic-things discourses, which ship is bad and why (although when analyzed properly literally every ships are problematic in this fandom) and then, some people get popular and are well-received for being brave speaking about the 'problematic stuff' like all of these got soooooo bad and loud during that time and it just, went downhill from there on.
Breaks my heart every time I remember the state of my fandom because I have seen literally everyone breaking up with each other, even I myself have been cornered (although not directly mentioned, the implication is pretty obvious though) into making decisions of whom I want to stay friends/mutuals with and it's driving me insane because I've dealt with all these crap in real life -- though not as alike, but still a semblance to irl. And idk, maybe I have issues that makes me feel my experience on Tumblr is upsetting me so much... But seriously, I just can't deal with this fandom when every once in a while I would remember the cause and the divisions and the fights. And the one who started all that is not even in this fandom anymore. Personally, I sometimes think to myself, 'you came into this sandbox (fandom) inviting everyone else who follow you to throw sand at everyone else also in the sandbox and even kicking some out for not seeing/building the sandcastles as you guys believe they should be but now you choose to leave this sandbox with all the sand already everywhere?'. Sometimes I feel mad about it, sometimes I'm just, 'meh. This is life, things happen.'
Before I raise concern because of how tired I sound over being in here and in this fandom, hereby I clarify that yes xD I have a life outside of Tumblr, I am good with what I do outside of Tumblr. But God, it still just hurts to see and remember all this. I try to leave Tumblr sometimes, refusing to be active on here anymore but, there are no social platforms much like Tumblr. Where I can filter content and block and stuff I don't want. Sigh. Hellsite (affectionate).
Despite all that, I still refuse to leave this fandom. It's a huge one, I can still find a corner for myself. So at the very least, there's that... I am trying my hardest to just turn the other way whenever drama and discourse finds its way to my dash...but sometimes the urge to jump in is just so strong. I don't engage with them most of the time.
But if anything. I just wanna say these few things.
Racism is not the only issue in this world.
POCs can be racist too. Not just white people. There's no such thing as 'reverse racism' because racism is... racism. I live in a state where all of us are POCs though with different ethnicities, so I have learned to recognize extremists. These extremists would call 'racist! racism!' on literally anything without considering the whole issue/picture. And frankly, that is what I see is going on in my fandom. Maybe the other fandoms as well but I don't go to other fandoms as often.
That's all. If there are any other insights/perspectives to what this is, I'm all ears. I crave to hear other insights. And if I sound like I need help, I am working on that!
Sorry for this long rant. But thank you for allowing this (if you do). I just, have no idea how to get all this out anymore.
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scentedchildnacho · 5 months
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Downpour when I was told only drizzle.....
She asked me what I did to get assaulted so I said nothing but not know crazy history....and enough beat authors to understand an avoidance survivalism
A library is a cop building and you have to avoid their creepy Nazi ladies or they will assault you till you lash out at them and their male cop friends can gang rape you for losing control
Uhm my peace can be very effective...I don't raise my hand at anyone and plans back fire I start looking like officer moldenhauer and my cop friends get to rape her for stepping up at a woman and they respect and love women
I told her their library public workers they trace their ancestry to slave holders and just believe in slavery I didn't do anything to her....
She stalked up at me after a long hard night of attempted party attacks where there was so much traffick I suspected gun shots from cocaine trafficking fruitive aspects and new to remember fire drills stay low to the ground and don't move
Its believably suffocating as a marginalized person to not be allowed that people's genocide over
Then rain stalked us up into the one outside ground cover a small cell that trapped me and this Indian man I think I cant differentiate because of Delhi between Indian and African culture so much is appropriated and exchanged
Africans show off they have an Irish lilt but something about his flamboyance appears Indian
Then this library worker stalks up to me after 16 or so hours of hostage crisis for the neighbors to have some creepy freaky sport work party
She stalks up to me and tells me my stuff is in the way so I remind her of Tex will do it if she plays tex...most people who make demands tip immediately she expected me to bend stoop and lift freely for her and most people maybe think about confessing that their an NRA freak but that Tex will do it was way my Tex finally will completely address imbalance most privy bitch had better not be in my theatre seat or dinner chair soon
So i had to have an emotional episode and ask my other homeless hostages when non obligation will finally be immediate gratification felonies
She asked me what started the civil war so I said mercy from saint John John Brown attacked Harper's ferry....and Robert e Lee killed him and his family for leaving northerners in asylums to fund slaves weapons....something suspicious like committing asylum holds for weapon wealth lending finally murdering them in poor houses
You have to pray to saint John to not steal all ya have with return violence that's disproportionately shocking....people will plan to shoot that librarians pregnant belly for sending us all to mental sterilizer euthanasia back stabbers....pray to saint John to be a little reasonable or there will be even more poverty if it can't say it's sorry
It threatened people with mass sterilization and the one birth appointment Rosemary's baby
I use to think it was legal for populations to saint homeless people and no most people who see gross bitch still on a homeless persons plan filter money out of a system as easily as it was filtered in they go legally take id from bars and stop letting stupid bitch eat my meal out
Secret garden and nativeism the children scare me that way their all little princes and princesses with a beautiful bitch look on a sex pot mommy
I was suppose to be angrier about the children's teacher and I get scared of the children it's scary to see the universe create a homogenous people where a lot of unborn has existed there is so much missing for their people here I also get kind of scared of them
They love and respect women and they know my state allows opioids so they will passify me awhile and pat my hand that it will be okay and that library lady will just go away to her boss...her boss will tell her she can and she is suggestible to so that is the study isolating what will do it my boss and compass only has to tell me division of labor isn't clear and i shouldn't ever job under conditions and I will do it so she tries to kill me
That Italian restaurant across the street kept stealing food from the world conservation corporation or volunteer labor and pricing it for work and service it didn't perform so it also is just gone after a lot of bloody murder screaming
The library lady acted like a nigger it wants respects and ass and polite living and it can't perform any relevant profession to have those things in life she is kind of worse then a nigger and enlisted black man at least works for the appreciation expected
Its a scary public worker that wants to watch us all the time I was in her face you think the poor
Homeless have less evolution to their street fighting then upper classes and that library lady is like a dog about violence
That's what I did it's rabid and I wouldn't get out of her face
Romance novels it's an upper class white lady it may be was very very poor itself and street fought to body guard and protect a professor....
His stuff she just
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nik0-l41 · 2 years
Fanfic review: "The History Books Forgot About Us (And the Bible Didn't Mention Us)" by callmejude (Ao3)
english is not my first language, so if there's grammar mistakes / mistakes of any kind, please let me know.
Title: The History Books Forgot About Us (And the Bible Didn't Mention Us)
Author: callmejude
Fandom: The Pacific (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Words: 116.947
My first impression before reading this fanfic was that it was gonna be another "Eugene and Snafu fuck a lot, have feelings and that's it" kinda fanfic, with some-but-not-enough character exploration at most.
But this is the first fanfic that appears on the Sledgefu tag under the "most bookmarked" filter for a reason. And honestly, it deserves its place.
With 20 chapters and an Explicit tag certainly well-earned, I became enraptured quite quickly with the author's way of exploring Eugene and Snafu's relationship. The character development is beautifully done. The nature of their personalities was very spot on, and treated with care. Their decisions and thoughts were well expressed, and the author made it easy to emphasize with the characters.
The plot focuses on the exploration of Snafu's and Eugene's relationship, mainly during Okinawa and China, and their relationship's perception from the point of view of others. It is, esentially and without spoilers, what it says on the summary:
Things change between Eugene and Shelton after Hamm gets shot.
For me, the main theme or focus of this story is silence: the things left unsaid, the pregnant pauses on the dialogues (not only the ones exchanged between Snafu and Eugene, but also the ones with Eugene and Burgin). The power of silence, being louder than words, something that is shown beautifully during the sex scenes.
The sex portrayed in this fanfic is desperate and raw, filled with so much emotion (and kinks). The tags used for this story mostly center around this topic: from dom/sub undertones to biting, so there's a bit for everyone.
Even though it lacks an Angst tag (something that is usually a big "turn-off" for me, moreso when it's one of the main plot points), is not like you couldn't see it coming. If you check the other tags this story has (trauma, period-typical homophobia, among others) you get a general idea that this is not gonna be a walk in the park.
The pacing is very smooth. The events have a natural rhythm, evolving slowly when everything is peaceful and escalating quickly when there's anger, in a way that doesn't feel forced.
And I think this is where the charm of it fanfic lies: it lulls you inside, until you start to get slowly accustomed to the situation: then, it prods at your feelings, pushing to see how far you can go. Just like Eugene and Snafu do, in their relationship with each other and with their friends. I didn't expect the end, if I'm being honest. It even made me cry a little, but I don't think another ending would've been posible to this story, seeing the decisions Snafu and Eugene made, so I think it's a good conclusion for a good story.
(warning: spoiler of the last scene of the fanfic)
Reading Eugene and Snafu's goodbye, and the subsequent scene with Snafu crying alone, I could only think about this song, this lyric stuck in my head on a loop:
All by himself, sittin' alone I hope we're still friends, yeah, I hope you don't mind.
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nanaminokanojo · 3 years
BLOOM | Sukuna X You | Part 1/3
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CHARACTERS: Sukuna X You | Gojo Satoru | Geto Suguru | Shoko Ieiri | Maki | Fushiguro Toji | Baby Megumi | Megumi's Mom (OC) CHAPTER COUNT: 1/3 WORD COUNT: 8900+ GENRE: romance | fluff | slight angst | (eventual) smut | ooc sukuna | female reader CHAPTER TRIGGER WARNING: profanity/strong language | alcohol use | cigarette smoking | age gap | unhealthy simping XD SPOILERS: N/A
collection masterlist
one two three | Bloom Masterlist
His hair was the color of cherry blossoms, that's the first thing you noticed. It was the softest shade of pink, easy on the eyes, reminding you of the tendrils of filtered rays of the sun lightly touching the edges of clouds very early in the morning. Or your favorite angora wool sweater.
The man stole your attention from the book you were reading when you chanced a look from your periphery just to check who sat on the stool beside your usual spot on the bar – the seat at the very end by the wall. Your planned glance turned into a furtive stare at the sight of him from his candy-floss-hued hair, the rippling muscles hidden under his white oxford shirt and the array of tattoos that peeked through his neatly folded sleeves. And boy, since when did men smell like vanilla and spring while also exuding such a virile scent?
A smile tugged at the corners of your mouth at the thought, internally shaking your head at your behavior. You should not be staring at people, and though you weren't exactly ogling him, you were still observing him enough to associate him with your favorite article of winter clothing.
"Hey. The usual for you?" you heard Maki, the bar owner, ask, giving you the idea that the man was a regular. How you haven't spotted him before was a mystery.
If it was already hard concentrating on the novel you were reading, you've completely forgotten about it when you heard him say, "Make that single-malt." It's either the gates of hell opened at the sudden heat you felt on your skin at the sound of his voice or the gates of heaven did with how delicious it sounded in your ear, thick like honey and deep with a distinct ring to it. It got you wondering what his mother craved for when she was pregnant with him, and your brain said, "Greek gods," when you lifted your eyes from the current page you were reading and briefly exchanged looks with him as he shifted his line of vision from Maki to you.
You turned your eyes back to your book, making it seem like you were just absently looking about, but in reality, it took herculean effort to wrench your gaze from him. In that brief meeting of your eyes, the features of his face registered in your head like a bar code scanner, etching itself in your mind like a white-hot brand. He wasn't shockingly handsome, but he was beautiful in his own right with those intense eyes that reminded you of drowning pools and the rugged yet refined planes of his face. It was as if an artist painted him in passionate anger, slowly fell in love with the piece and began redefining his features with gentler strokes.
You turned the page of your book despite not getting any reading done. Well, it has been the case for a considerable amount of minutes now, but you tried anyway, furiously staring down at the new page but not comprehending anything. Your eyes kept scanning the same sentence over and over again but it was not sinking in at all.
"Excuse me, miss," that deep voice you've already developed a strange affection for assaulted your senses again, making your head snap up to the direction it was coming from. Hell, you think you'll do its owner's bidding just hearing it at the rate you were going, reacting automatically as if you were programmed with a voice prompt or something.
You were about to look at him but Maki caught your attention as she pushed the smoothie you ordered towards you, placing it precisely in front of you on the hardwood surface with her fingers. She arched a brow at you, causing you to stiffen on your seat.
You've been coming to the quiet little bar since you grew old enough to drink. In fact, you considered it your regular watering hole, going there whenever you can even in the day as it doubled as a gastro-pub. You've already come to know the staff who reserved the spot for you every single time you told them you were coming, particularly the tough but very lovable Maki. She's basically a friend now, and you knew you were acting off if she was giving you odd looks.
"Thanks, Maki," you said just in time, even managing to smile. She just shook her head at you before walking away to tend to another client.
"I have to know what book you are reading," the person beside you said just as you began sipping on your drink, which, you've noted, was a cherry blossom tea smoothie that reminded you of him.
You let go of the straw between your lips, swallowing hard. Turning your attention to him, you found him sitting sideways, chin propped on the heel of his palm as he regarded you. "Huh?" was all you could manage to say to him.
A slow, crooked smile etched itself across his mouth, the action appearing sensuous with the gradual way his expressions changed. "That book," he said for your benefit. "May I know what it is about?"
You just blinked, still questioning yourself if he was addressing you.
"If you're that engrossed about it, it must be great," he said. "Mind telling me the title?"
"Book?" you asked dumbly. He was really frying your brain.
He pointed at the book you were holding with his lips, protruding them slightly before smiling again. Jesus, you loved the way he smiled. The gesture didn't belong there when you've already thought he was the smirking, grinning-devil type. It was too soft a gesture, but then again his hair was shell-pink – a contradiction to his stridently brawny features.
"Oh." Despite yourself, you found yourself chuckling. "I'm sorry, I was distracted."
"Not by the book, I hope."
You looked away, smiling to yourself as you closed the object in question and slid it over to him. When you looked at him, you were surprised to see him actually reading the synopsis at the back, interest flickering in his dark eyes. You were already expecting him to just read the title, probably the author, too, thinking he was just flirting with you judging by his last words. But he was actually reading it.
"It's about an architect," he stated. "He must be mind-blowingly awesome if you're too transfixed on his story."
"No, Howard Roark is mostly a recalcitrant bastard who breaks rules here and there, doesn't cooperate or collaborate and is stone-faced about most anything."
"But it's what you like about him," he supplied.
You nodded. "He’s a breath of fresh air in a world governed by stuffy archaic principles. The spring to a long, stagnant winter of conformity. I'm in love with him." Noticing the look of amusement on his face, you were quick to add, "What?"
"Nothing." His smile didn't waver though. "Are you an architect, too?"
"Too?" you repeated with inflection then tilted your head. "Ah, you're an architect, huh?"
"Any projects of note?" you asked, tilting your head in wonder when he seemed flustered. "What is it?"
He shook his head slowly. "You're very straightforward."
At that, you grinned. "Should I take you out to dinner before I get that information?" You sipped leisurely at your smoothie, glad that you throw him off as much as he flusters you.
"You don't have to," he found himself answering anyway. "But I work for a firm, so they get most of the credit. We built that new hotel at Shinjuku."
"Eh? Didn't pin you for a baroque kind of guy."
"You know..." He was all ears now judging by how he leaned closer to you. He leveled his expression to yours then. "So, what kind of guy did you think I am?"
There it is, you thought, the smirk you've been waiting for. Without giving it much thought, you said, "The Howard Roark type, of course."
"You seriously don't remember, do you?"
It wasn't that you didn't. You simply had no idea how you got home, considering how you ended up all smashed after enjoying too many margaritas after your smoothie. You seriously just didn't know certain things. You didn't know what happened after you reached your limit. And out of all the things you know you should not have missed, you didn't know his name.
You were sitting on the kitchen counter, nursing a headache, trying to fill in every bit of information your friends were trying to leech out of you in your addled state. You've been expecting it - the great inquisition - especially after you returned in a state lesser than they've been expecting, unconscious, according to the collective stories of your roommates, when you told them you were just stepping out to get some reading done. And on a school night, no less. Very atypical of you indeed.
"What should I be remembering?" you responded to Ieiri. You weren't exactly fond of her worrisome nature although you knew she was just watching your back especially since she has been rather disapproving of your escapades with these guys you somewhat dated back then. You appreciated it, but it didn't mean you liked it.
"Oh, I don't know, Y/N. Strawberry blond? Tats? Drives a Jeep? Ring any bells?" she said, jogging your memory. "He came knocking at two in the morning, carrying you in his arms. I mean he was hot according to Satoru, but do you even know the guy?"
“Cherry blossom,” you absently corrected the color Ieiri mentioned.
“Him, I remember.” You smiled at the thought, not hiding your delight from them. You were sure they were just annoyed that they weren't in on the action since Satoru, your other friend and roommate, who seem nonexistent recently, was the one who interacted with the man you met and supposedly brought you back to the house you rented with all of them. And Satoru doesn't know basic decorum to actually ask what the man’s name was. "Howard."
"Howard?" Suguru, another one of your friends who was in the literature department as you were, asked. "Howard Roark?" He knew the reference, obviously. You forced him to read the book before it even became one of your study materials.
You nodded enthusiastically. "He's an architect."
"He didn't look like a 'Howard,' apparently," Ieiri said.
"That name is from her favorite book," Suguru supplied, his dark eyes shifting to you as he tucked some stray strands of his long, raven locks which were currently tied in a half-up. "So your guy's an architect, too."
"That, but he isn't 'my guy' and I don't know what his name is."
He grinned then. "If you're openly calling him by the name of the character you claim to be in love with, I'm assuming..."
"No!" Ieiri gasped.
You laughed despite the action making your head hurt. You were still hungover after all, but you didn't mind, not when you knew you had a good night. Probably a great night to allow yourself to be hammered like you have been. You only ever drank to your fill when the company is great and when you were in a jovial mood.
"It's nothing like that. He just feels like spring time. Looks like it, too." You waved your hands in front of you for emphasis. Still, your expressions said otherwise.
You weren't in love with the man because you didn't believe in mushy things like love at first sight, but you knew you liked him, just that you weren't getting your hopes up cause there's a chance you might not see him ever again, assuming your meeting was something transient like the blossoms his hair made you think of. Even if he was a regular at Maki's, if your schedules didn't coincide with one another, it would not be easy to meet. You've been coming to the same bar for years and yet, you've only ever seen him that time. You never really know.
But then, you got your answer pretty quickly.
From: Satoru
See you at 7 tomorrow night. Same place.
That’s how Satoru's message read, sent late the previous night. You almost forgot about the agreement you’ve had with him to get unlimited barbecue after sleeping the rest of the day but you made it out just in time. It was something you did with all three of your friends as a way to bond with them individually.
You glanced at the clock on your phone, feeling the stares of the restaurant staff on you. Well, you’ve been there for more than an hour waiting for him. One hour and thirteen minutes to be precise. All you’ve ordered so far was a glass of lemonade and you were able to finish that in the first half hour, sitting on a table for two when evidently, you were alone. All your texts were ignored and your calls were always being redirected to voicemail.
“Where the fuck are you, Gojo Satoru?” you asked him in one of your messages, hissing low into your phone just so the other diners would not be offended by your words. You got a message another twenty minutes later, the sound of your phone almost making you jump from your seat. However, when you looked at it, it was from an unknown number.
You were about to check the message when one of the waitresses came to your table, pad and pen on the ready. She’s always the one who served you whenever you and your friends would go there for a dose of beef and pork fat, and she has always been nice to you.
“Not to be nosy but I think your friend isn’t coming.”
You nodded, grimacing. “Tell me about it.”
“The boss has been giving you the stink eye, too.”
Looking over the counter, you saw the elderly man really looking at you. He looked away when you met his eyes, muttering to himself. You knew how the owner could get, but you simply loved going there since their food is good and the service is just the same. You smiled ruefully at the woman before you. “I’ll have a sukiyaki set and warm sake, please. Thank you.”
“Would that be all?”
“Coming right up.” She flashed you a bright smile before disappearing into the back rooms.
You almost forgot the message you saw earlier, but then, your phone lit up again with that familiar tone. The new message was from the same number.
From: Unknown
How are you?
From: Unknown
I hope you’re okay.
You frowned, not having the slightest clue as to who could be texting you.
From: You
Who is this?
Your order came but there was no response from the mystery texter or Satoru. You felt pathetic looking at your phone every once in a while as you ate and drank. Normally, you wouldn’t even have given anybody, including your best friends, the time of the day, making you wait for longer than an hour without as much as a message. You don’t ever wait for people over the agreed meeting time. You hated it with passion. And you were already thinking of ways to make Satoru pay.
You were about to eat a mouthful of beef when you heard the chair across you being dragged back. Your eyes flicked to the direction, and to your utter shock, you almost dropped your chopsticks if it weren’t for the hand that reached out and held onto your hand, securing the utensils.
Once again, you were sitting on your usual spot at the bar, eyes clashing with those intense ones owned by the pink-haired guy who apparently drove a charcoal grey Jeep and reminded you of spring, the same one who drove you home the other night.
“Careful,” he said, his scent assaulting your senses.
A lump formed in your throat, making you unable to form proper words, so you settled for putting down the chopsticks. You folded your hands together on your lap, recovering from your consternation before you finally looked at him, unable to help it but grin. He looked different that day, more laid back in a white baseball cap mussing his candy-floss hair down, a loose-fitting shirt in the same hue and jeans. He looked so fresh, you felt the air around you cool down considerably.
“How did you…” you hesitated and shook you head. “Hello.”
He broke into that crooked smile. “Crazy how the moment you sent the message, I saw you through the glass walls while I drove past.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but closed it again, not quite knowing how to react to it when suddenly, the first part of his statement registered in your mind. “Wait, message?” You picked up your phone, showing him the messages. “This is you?”
He nodded slowly. “Looks like you’re doing great.” He regarded the bottle of sake on the table. “I had to get your number to check up on you. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Y-yeah, I mean, no, not at all. Thank you by the way.” You chuckled, saving his number and naming him Spring God in your contacts. “I wasn’t really expecting you to bring me home.”
“I got your address from your driving license.” He grinned then. “I thought of taking you back to my place, but I didn’t know how that would sit with you.”
Who says chivalry was dead? “I’m sorry for acting crazy, if I did anyway." You chuckled. "I don't remember…and for having to bring me all the way to the house.”
“It’s fine. It was lovely meeting Satoru.”
At that, your face flushed red. You winced. “I’m sorry for whatever he did while I was out of it.” He could be crazy at times, and you wouldn't be surprised if he did something untoward.
He shook his head, letting out a slight chuckle. “He was very nice to me, don’t worry.” He furrowed his brows then. “I also got your name. Y/N. I don’t know if you forgot to tell me or you just didn’t trust me enough, but I’d like to think it’s the former since you didn’t seem to think twice about getting wasted with me like you did.”
You deliberately didn’t tell him your name, but he was making it sound a little nicer. It wasn’t really something you planned on doing again, meeting him, but somehow, he found you. You shook you head, coming clean. “If you put it that way, okay, but really, I thought it was better if you didn’t know.”
“Hmm. Why is that?”
You found it endearing that he tilted his head a bit to the side when he asked the question. Your lips curled upwards at the corner. “I just never thought I’d meet you again.”
“That would be unfortunate.”
You laughed awkwardly at his remark. “I didn’t mean that in a bad way.”
“I’m not offended.”
You requested for another order of barbecue for him. He declined but you insisted. “Come on. My treat for your act of kindness.” You snickered. “Besides, my supposed date bailed.”
Sighing, you said, “Well, not really. Satoru. We agreed to meet here over an hour ago but he hasn’t been answering my messages or calls. Something probably came up.”
He eyed you thoughtfully. “If you don't mind me asking, is he your...?"
"My what?"
"Your boyfriend…maybe."
You chuckled at the thought, but then you realized you didn't even know his name. "I don't really tell strangers about things like that," you teased.
“Okay, but I thought we’re past being strangers.” He smirked then and you swore you felt your stomach flip.
“We’re in the getting-to-know-each-other phase,” you told him with a laugh, acceding. "Since I didn't tell you my name, I didn't expect you to tell me yours. Plus I didn't ask, so may I have yours?"
"Sukuna," he said. "Ryomen Sukuna."
"Su-ku-na," you repeated, liking the feel of the syllables as they rolled out of your tongue. Finally, the person you've gotten so fond of in just a short time had a name. You didn't know what his name meant but it seemed to match him well regardless of how arbitrary it was to his person. You couldn't think of any better name though. "I like your name. It's pretty." You smiled brightly at him then. "And no, Satoru is not my boyfriend."
Ryomen Sukuna was an absolute puzzle to you. How he could look so badass and pretty much intimidating with his strapping physique and inked skin – throw in the multiple piercings on his left ear which you were noticing or the first time – while also pulling off all these adorable little actuations was a quandary to you. Tall, solidly built men like him should not be reminding you of soft, cute things, but the moment he blinked in confusion, you knew you couldn't get enough of it.
"Nobody ever said that about my name, but thanks," he returned in that deep voice after a moment's pause. And was that a dusting of roses over his cheeks? The surprises you were getting from this man was endless. He really was such a breath of fresh air, so far from the usual stereotypes.
Your face seemed to be perpetually pulled into a smile whenever you were around him, and you didn't think you were doing a good job suppressing the urge to be beaming like an idiot around him. "So, anyway, what made you think that blue-eyed idiot is my boyfriend?" you asked, changing the topic.
"Well, he was a bit hostile at first when he took you from me, making me explain things but then started apologizing after. He told me you could be a handful when inebriated..." He let his voice trail off as if letting you chew on his words.
"You agree with him." It wasn't a question.
"Yes." Sukuna pretended to frown. "He also calls you 'his princess'."
You threw your head back, covering your eyes momentarily in embarrassment. "Now I wish you met Ieiri and Suguru instead," proceeding to explain that the nickname was something akin to what a father would call his precious daughter.
"He was rather intimidating, but I guess he's just looking out for you."
"He's still not off the hook for standing me up," you quipped, "But you finding him intimidating is funny."
You scoffed, gesturing over to him. "I think you can snap him in two if you wished, too."
"He was scary," Sukuna insisted.
"He's harmless...most of the time, but yeah, he’s rather protective. That’s one of my dads for you."
He laughed then. "There's nothing scarier than a fiercely protective friend…or a doting father. I can't muscle my way out of that for sure."
"Ah, then you'll find Ieiri scarier."
The night pretty much went well and ended on a good note. Sukuna did most of the talking for the rest of the night. You learned he was six years older than you at twenty nine, one of the head architects at the firm he worked for, has a love-hate relationship with his job cause he wants to draw portraits instead, was a delinquent when he was younger but got away with things cause he was a straight-A student, loved dogs so much that he cries when they die in movies, was closer to his mom, got his tattoos on a sudden whim, and was pretty much a sweet, charming genuine person which contrasted his appearance. What you see isn't what you get. That just isn't how it worked with him.
You loved it when he talked. It was rather entertaining as he had a way of telling stories which made you feel like you were actually there when it happened. Eventually, you forgot the reason why you were at the restaurant in the first place. It was as if you went there for the purpose of meeting Sukuna himself. Satoru was all but forgotten as you dissolved into carefree laughter and playful banters, and you felt at ease and more like yourself around him, pretty much like when you were with your three favorite people in the world.
“It’s not really that funny,” Sukuna told you, watching you laugh heartily at that one episode in his freshmen year when he made a mistake of going on a date with the wrong girl who happened to have the same name as his supposed date. You continued to laugh as if he didn’t say anything.
“It’s just crazy that both of them were there at the same time. I mean, what were the odds?”
He parked by the sidewalk in front of your house, killing the engine. “That’s the reason why I have never agreed to a single blind date ever again.” He pulled the key out of the ignition, glancing at the direction of your house. “We’re here.”
Your laughter died down when you followed the direction of his gaze. The lights were off except for the one lighting up the porch of the house you shared with your friends. You returned your gaze to him then. “Thanks for driving me home. Again.”
“I enjoyed your company. It’s the least I can do.”
You smiled warmly at him, reaching over to give him a chaste kiss on the cheek when he suddenly turned his head a fraction towards you. That minute change made your lips end up against his instead. He was surprised at first and remained immobile against you, but when you pulled away, he chased you back, connecting your mouths, his lips feeling soft and warm yet emitting that air of dominance as it coaxed yours to move in sync with his. You were kissing him back in no time, but you immediately caught yourself and withdrew, utterly flustered.
Your heart thudded heavily as he held you in his intense gaze, his tongue slowly running over his lower lip, making you even more mentally incapacitated. It made you want to just pull him back to you and covet those lips with yours again. You snapped out of it though. You already knew he was capable of hot-wiring and hijacking your brain.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” you told him when you were able to form words again.
Sukuna looked at you from under his lashes, smiling slightly. “I’m not.”
Taken aback, you chuckled nervously. “No?”
He shook his head, reached over and ruffled your hair a bit. “Go inside. It’s late.” You nodded and disembarked from the car while he leaned on the steering wheel, watching you. You were already on the pavement, about to close the door, when he spoke again. “Can I come see you again?”
“Sure,” you said without thinking. “Good night, Sukuna.” Man, you just loved saying his name.
“Bye, Y/N. Good night.”
He drove away while you made your way towards your doorstep. Your fingers flew to your lips once you were standing on your porch, smiling to yourself at the realization of having kissed him. Shaking your head, you fished for the keys from your pocket and entered the house, not quite remembering how you got to your room, but you slept that night with pleasant dreams of running your fingers through pink locks of hair.
"I'm really sorry. Something came up and my phone died."
You acceded. It wasn’t as if Satoru did something so big. You went to the outdoor kiosks near the parking lot by the football grounds to catch up on some reading while Satoru ate and told you bits of his past few days, since he got held up at their family estate. Having such a traditional, high-ranking family in the country sure had its downsides, and you weren't about to make him even more agitated than he already was. He had it difficult, you knew that, and you weren’t about to be petty over him not coming to your supposed bonding time. He may be happy-go-lucky but you felt tension simmering just under the surface when you squeezed his hand in assurance.
Suguru and Ieiri followed shortly after Satoru fetched you from class, also surprised to see him there. "So, you finally decided to show up," the former said.
"Don't ask," Satoru said.
"Wasn't planning to," Suguru scoffed, his attention shifting to you. “What are you working on anyway?” he asked, flipping the file you were reading haphazardly to peer through the contents.
“I’m making an analysis report on ‘The Romantic Manifesto’.” you answered, looking up from the notes you were writing when your eyes suddenly strayed over his shoulder. You almost did a double-take, glancing at Suguru before returning your line of vision at the spot beyond where he sat.
“It’s due…” your voice trailed off when you realized just what, or rather who, you were looking at. You weren’t so sure whether what you were seeing was real or a mirage, a very familiar, specific and detailed one, but then, you figured it was the former when the person smirked and cocked his head to the side, beckoning you over to where he leaned against his grey Jeep as he raised a cup of what looked like cherry blossom tea.
Suguru arched a brow at you, looking behind him but not really noticing the object of your distraction. “Hey, you okay?”
Ieiri followed the direction of your gaze and nudged you when she saw who you were looking at. "Is that your Howard? Damn, girl. He’s sizzling."
You nodded, but at that same moment, you rose from the table without any explanation, your feet immediately leading you towards the outdoor carpark. When you were within earshot, you said, “What are you doing here?”
You stopped a few feet from him, glancing behind you to where the others had already turned their heads to follow the path you took, flashing you shit-eating grins. It wouldn’t surprise you anymore if they had pieced together who the person was before you. They claimed to be your ‘parents’ but acted like children at times.
“I brought you tea.” Sukuna walked towards you, standing so close that you forgot how to breathe for a few seconds as you inhaled his scent and took in his appearance, looking immaculate in a plain white shirt and faded jeans, but your brain only seemed to register those lips and the memory of how they felt against yours.
You shook your head, snapping out of your trance, mentally cursing at yourself. “Hi.” You exhaled loudly, trying hard not to smile like an idiot while you absently twirled your hair on your finger, suddenly seeing the world through a pinkish filter. "How do you keep finding me?"
Sukuna's smile dropped. “Did I come at an inconvenient time?” he asked gently, trying hard not to sound miffed, but he obviously was taken aback by your words.
“No.” You shook your head, placing a hand over your forehead. You finally smiled at him, letting out a choked snicker. “No, Sukuna. It’s good to see you. It’s just that I wasn’t expecting to see you here. And you didn't really tell me you were coming.”
He grinned at you then but he still appeared unsure, placing a hand behind his neck. “Right.”
You flashed him a helpless look. “Please don’t look at me like that. I’m just really surprised.”
“Hmm." He moved closer to you, wrapping your hand around the transparent disposable cup. His proximity was affecting you in ways you couldn't admit out loud. "Are you happy to see me, too?"
"Too? So, you're happy to see me?"
That's it. You're done for. Trying to avoid his intense gaze and escaping his scrutiny, you glanced over your shoulder to find everyone on your table observing you blatantly. Satoru raised a thumb at you while Ieiri was giggling with Suguru.
"Are those your friends?" Sukuna commented, his minty breath fanning against the side of your face which made you turn a little too quickly to face him again only to be confronted by his face leaning towards yours, mere centimeters away.
“Y-yeah.” You leaned a bit backwards but he moved forward. “That they are.” You stepped backwards again, nearly faltering on your feet, but you immediately gained your balance when he grabbed you by the arm, steadying you.
"Are you alright?" Sukuna asked, looking at you with concern written all over his face which morphed into wonder when you said, "Yeah, you're just overwhelming."
"I can't think properly when I'm around you," you stated casually, your expressions not giving anything away as per usual. You arched a brow at him when he did the same. "You hot-wire my brain."
"I know what you mean." He smirked despite his confusion. "Is that good or bad?"
You eyed him thoughtfully, biting on your lower lip. "Good for you, bad for me. You can probably tell me to eat dirt and I'd do it in a heartbeat."
He chuckled, looking at you tenderly. "You're too honest."
"To a fault," you agreed, "Suguru tells me all the time. Wanna meet them?"
He ruffled your hair. "Sure."
While you weren't exactly expecting to see Sukuna again after the night you met, he became of constant presence around you. You have gone out with him several times over the course of two months. He was a busy person and you also had your priorities, but he always makes you feel special whenever you two would be out and about, behaving like such a gentleman opening and closing doors for you, naturally shifting closer to traffic while you walked, bringing an extra jacket in case you felt cold or a larger umbrella so you don't get wet, bringing you your favorite tea whenever he could.
He picked you up from school for lunch twice, making the most of the hour, and one time, you brought him lunch at work when he suddenly canceled on you, saying he was swamped with work. He sounded really upset so you decided to go to him instead. You brought Suguru with you as a buffer, but Sukuna's colleagues still teased him. He was different in the office – gruff and strict which fitted him more – but he still beamed at you happily when you brought him food, not caring who saw.
Apart from the brief phone calls, you two never really texted. It wasn't really your thing and he didn't like it either, so it could go days on end without you saying anything to each other, but when you do get a chance to speak, it would always be like picking up on where you've left off. He has only ever sent you two messages. One to remind you to take good care of yourself because he was going to be away for a while and another one a week later asking if you wanted to go out with him that coming Friday night.
"Your timing's off," you told him over the phone. You really wanted to say yes, but, "Ieiri, the boys and I are going out that night. Gang tradition."
"Some other time then?"
You hung up after a few more exchanges of words, getting started on reading some notes when Ieiri entered the kitchen. "Was that Howard?"
"Yeah. He's inviting me to go out on Friday, but I already said yes to clubbing with you guys."
She grinned cheekily, wrapping an arm around you as she poked you on the cheek. At times, it feels like Satoru was rubbing off on her. "Are you sure you don't want to ditch us for the hot architect?"
"Hot architect –" You snickered. "Did you just say that?"
"I was supposed to say 'sugar daddy,' literally and figuratively. Sugar and his cotton candy hair. Get it?"
You narrowed your eyes at her, shaking your head. It was supposed to be amusing, but when Ieiri says it, it just sounds weird. "Can I read in peace now?"
She left you alone, but laughed at your expense.
Friday couldn't have rolled around fast enough and you headed out with your friends at the club owned by a friend of yours, prepared to party in a pair of tight-fitting jeans, a crop top and your hair hanging about in wavy layers. You were already expecting the place to be cramped as hell given the day of the week so much so that Suguru had to hold onto you tightly so as not to lose you when you entered until you found the area you had reserved for the night. It was for good measure too since the place was drenched in purple, blue and green laser lights which were disorienting at first. And so, your night began as such.
You were in the middle of dancing, only pausing when you had to down your nth shot for the night when your eyes suddenly strayed to the bar area at the elevated part of the club adjacent to the the leather seats. You looked away but returned your gaze towards said direction when you realized this very familiar guy was looking at you. He was watching you as you danced and let loose, a ghost of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
You craned your neck, looking back and thinking the guy looked a lot like Sukuna, but then he couldn’t be. He was engaged elsewhere, still you continued to ogle him until you were pretty sure it wasn’t the same person. But the longer you looked, the more it was being proven to you that it was him.
That lopsided smile drew itself across his lips, seeing as how you were doubting yourself about his identity. There was no mistaking that look on his face, the way his dark eyes seemed to sparkle whenever he smiled even if the action didn't belong there.
“Sukuna?” you mouthed his name and he nodded, motioning for you to come over with his head. It had been a solid ten days since you last saw him, and for some reason, your heart raced at the thought of seeing him there.
Without saying a word to the people you were with, you squeezed yourself through the crowd, your feet carrying to the upstairs bar, to Sukuna. It took you a while to traverse the space between you, and when you finally stood before him, all you could do was smile up at him, taking in the soft look about him as he regarded you which were at odds to those fiery eyes that had the capability to turn into bright orbs of light when he beamed down at you.
“Hello, Y/N. Once again, fate has brought you to me,” he said rather dramatically, a smirk drawing itself across his pretty mouth.
Laughter escaped your throat, unable to say anything when you realized that you actually missed him, missed looking at him. Unable to help it, you stood on your toes and reached out to touch his hair, the action surprising the both of you. He eyed you, his expressions that of a half-smile and a look of confusion while you retracted your hands as quickly as you felt his soft locks with your fingertips, wincing at the realization of what you were doing.
At that, he laughed heartily, stealing your hand and pressing it over the side of his head. “Go ahead. I don’t mind you touching me,” he told you, staring into your eyes that you felt like all the air in the room was gone.
You blinked at him, processing what he said and joined in his mirth. “You're here!” You shook your head when it dawned to you that you were stating the obvious. “I’m sorry. How are you, Sukuna?”
“Pink?” he offered and chuckled at his own joke which made your face heat up. “Kidding. I’m great. I missed you these past days. How are you?”
“You did?” You felt your insides melting at his statement, made worse when he nodded to confirm it. “I’m fine. Great. Where have you disappeared to anyway?”
He snickered a your question. “Madrid.”
Your jaw dropped. “As in Spain?”
He nodded. “Had to do something there.”
“Uh-huh.” His words were rather obscure, but you didn’t want to encroach on his private life.
“What are the odds that we’re at the same club?”
“The owner is a friend,” you answered, smiling awkwardly as you glanced at the direction of your friends on the dance floor. You saw all of them looking at you. Suguru winked at you, giving you the thumbs up, making you laugh at his silliness.
“The gang’s all here, I see.”
“What?” You faced Sukuna, finding him leaning close beside you against the metal balustrade. Just then, a waiter passed by holding a whole tray of shots, and before you could duck, he grabbed you by the waist so that you were leaning against him with no quantifiable space between your bodies. Your eyes widened in shock and you froze, your thoughts clouded by the familiar smell of rain in a bamboo forest during Maytime. “T-thanks…”
He hummed in response to your gratitude, but he didn’t let you go. “I didn’t know you enjoyed places like this, too.”
“Why is that?” you asked, feigning ignorance to how close you two were.
"I never pinned you for the party animal type. I kinda developed a fondness for that quiet, nerdy girl sitting at the corner of the pub."
"Not exactly. I prefer Maki's place to be honest but coming here once in a while doesn't hurt. Especially with those three." You frowned slightly at him then as you thought of something. “So, why didn’t you approach me?” You motioned towards the dancefloor. “I'm sure the three-headed monster won't mind if you joined us. You alone?”
“Yes, sweetheart, but aren't you supposed to be hanging out with them?" You grabbed his arm before he could refuse you and started leading him towards where the others were.
However, he had other plans in mind. Again, he hooked an arm around your waist until your back was leaning against him. You eyed him sideways, startled by his actions, but unable to counteract it anyway as you’re just stunned speechless all the while. “You can go back to them, Y/N, but I don’t think I should go with you.”
You turned around, gently easing away from his hold. “Why not? They already know you, and they like you.”
"Are you sure? I don't want to be a party pooper.” He leaned towards you, tilting his head to the side while his lower lip slightly jutted out.
"What are you talking about?” You rolled your eyes at him then snickered.
He eyed you seriously then. “Just in case this is a friends-only affair?”
“Satoru already ruined that by bringing his girls into the mix.” You laughed at him when you saw him hesitate. “Come on, Sukuna. Join us. For me?” You showed him your best impression of puppy-dog eyes. “Pretty please?”
When you saw that he wasn’t budging, you changed your argument. “Fine. Dance with me then.” You didn’t give him any time to contradict you as you took him by the hand and dragged him to the dancefloor.
He was just standing still, looking uncomfortable as you started to groove to the beat, so you took his arms and started moving them until he was moving on his own, finally breaking into that smile. He looked too awkward that you wanted to laugh but decided against it, simply raising your hands and feeling the music.
“Aren’t you having fun?” you asked him as you were bobbing your head to the bass.
“I am!” he answered above the music.
“You don’t look like you’re having fun. Are you shy?” You chuckled openly at that.
“You don’t dance?”
“I can dance.”
You giggled. “Then show me what you’ve got!”
Without a warning, he started moving in sync with you, taking your hands in his and finally letting loose in such a graceful manner as you both got into the beat and started waving and swaying against one another, his hands slowly running at your sides in sensual rhythms that got you reeling in excitement. You almost forgot that you were with other people as you danced with him. It was fun and it felt good to be that carefree, not minding your friends, drinks flowing in nonstop.
Soon, the group you’ve left joined you and Sukuna. They all greeted him excitedly while the boys exchanged high-fives with him as they were dancing. Satoru and the two girls who were with him also joined in and somewhere along that, Suguru offered everyone cigarettes, and you gladly took one when you saw Sukuna taking one as well. You didn’t really smoke on a regular basis but you didn’t exactly shy away from the so-called cancer sticks.
After taking another shot, you pulled Sukuna out of the dancefloor, hollering at the others as you raised your cigarette, signaling where you were going in case they wanted to come with. You made your way to the smoking area at the veranda situated at the back of the building with the older male in tow. You were pretty much buzzed, calming down from the high you had while dancing, grinning wide as the cool night air met you, making your lungs expand as you breathed in.
Sukuna watched you as he took his place against the banister, following him shortly as you produced a lighter from your pocket, something that you always carried just in case.
“You smoke?” he asked, toying with his own battered stick, twirling it around his long fingers.
“Sometimes,” you admitted, watching his reaction. “And you?”
“Not really.”
“You took one anyway.” You wedged the item in question between your lips and raised the lighter, but before you could light it, it was pulled out from your mouth and the next thing you knew, Sukuna was kissing you, his lips pressed against yours as he pulled you closer by the hips which he seemed to have a fixation for since you came up to him. It was a soft yet urgent kiss that cajoled you to respond, and not long after, your lips were submissive clouds moving to the will of the wind that was his luscious mouth.
Like the first time you felt his lips against yours, electricity ran through your body as if he was touching you elsewhere apart from your mouth. It was driving you off the edge of sanity, and you knew you’d probably jump off a cliff for the male. He grinned at your dazed state when your eyes met after he finally pulled away, showing you the cigarette that was supposed to be between your lips before he unceremoniously laid claim to them.
“You’re going to ruin your lips by smoking. I’m keeping this,” he told you.
You were too mesmerized with the tingling feeling in your mouth while your eyes stayed glued to his as you blinked slowly, your mind and heart racing at a thousand miles per second. “W-why would you do that?” you stammered, feeling your throat go so dry that you had to drag the words out.
“Apart from the fact that it’s terribly unhealthy, it ruins your sense of smell and taste.” He waved the cigarette in front of you before shoving it into the pocket of his jeans. “Scientific fact.”
You couldn’t quite process what he was saying. You were asking why he kissed you, but he misunderstood. “Are you going to taser me with your lips every single time I’m about to smoke?”
“Taser…” He chuckled and narrowed his eyes at you. “I might just if it means these dangerous things don’t touch your pretty mouth.”
“What the –” You didn’t know if you would be scandalized by what he said or if you were going to laugh. The latter won and you tittered. “That’s a good one.”
“I mean it, Y/N.”
Boldness engulfed your whole thought process as you stepped closer to him, looking straight into his eyes. “And if I insist on it? Placing dangerous things in my pretty mouth? What are you going to do then?”
He, too, leaned forward, eyes flicking to your lips. “Then I guess I just have to keep your mouth too busy to even think about smoking again,” he whispered to you, his breath hitting your lips.
You smirked at him then. “I guess I just have to make sure you aren’t around if I do feel like smoking.”
He pouted. You burst out laughing.
You reached over and pinched both of his cheeks. “You’re so adorable.”
Sukuna swatted your hands away, but smiled nonetheless. "You're the only one who says I'm adorable."
"You are. You just don't know it."
“Okay then. If you say so.” He tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear then, your skin tingling where he touched you. “Are you busy tomorrow?”
“Not really.”
“Good. I wanna do something for you.”
You eyed him questioningly. “Hmm. What?”
“That’s a surprise.”
It was already around two in the morning when everyone had the unanimous decision to leave the club which was still packed. You, too, were getting tired especially after Ieiri ended up hammered and Satoru was emptying his guts through his mouth. Suguru was a bit drunk, too, but he was trying his best to help you take care of them. Sukuna had been very nice all night, even helping you load Satoru and Ieiri into the backseat of Suguru’s car.
“Would you like me to drive you home?” he asked you after shutting the door to the backseat.
“No, I’m gonna be fine. Besides, I can’t just leave Suguru to deal with them both.” You motioned to his Jeep. “You should go ahead, too.”
Sukuna grimaced as he nodded. “I guess that would be for the best. Anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Okay. You take good care now.”
“You, too, sweetheart.” He stepped forward and pulled you against him, hugging you, enveloping you in his warmth and that scent you loved profusely. “It’s really great seeing you tonight.”
You returned the gesture, smiling up at him as you tried to compose yourself. “It’s great seeing you, too.” You stood on your toes and pecked him on the cheek before giving him a gentle shove towards the car. “See you, Sukuna.”
He waved at you then boarded the car. You watched as it disappeared down the street before turning away to enter the club to get Suguru who was left to settle the bills. You found him seated on one of the couches, finding your way easily since the crowd thinned a bit.
“You okay, dude?” you asked when you reached him. He was pale and he looked like he was going to throw up anytime. “Do you need to go to the restroom?”
He shook his head. “Just get me out of here.”
You chuckled, leading him faster out of the club. You sat him down on passenger side and soothed his back, asking after him again as you started the engine. He said he was fine, laughing when he caught a glimpse of the two who were already passed out on the backseat with Satoru lying on Ieiri’s lap while her head was lolling limply to the side.
The drive was rather short without much cars on the road, but Suguru was still able to squeeze in a conversation, and of all the topics he could broach, it had to be about Sukuna.
“I thought Sukuna will be driving you home,” he began, glancing at you.
“He offered, but I can’t just leave you.”
“That would have been okay.” He glanced at the rearview mirror then, checking on the two, you could only guess. He could be such a mother hen at times. “I think he’s cool.”
“And he’s really good-looking,” Suguru threw in with a chuckle. “Just date already.”
You chuckled. “Why don’t you date him instead?”
“Don’t you want to try it out with him?”
“He hasn’t even asked me to date him.”
“Yeah, but he already kissed you –”
“How did you know about that?” you demanded, mortified. Your cheeks were heating up again at the memory of it.
“Well, you’re in a public place.” He laughed. “So, it’s bound to end in dating anyway.”
“Not necessarily.” You turned sideways to look at him. “He’s older after all, not that I see the age gap as a problem. But you know, he might just be passing time.”
“He obviously likes you. If you date him, it’s a win-win situation. You like him, too, you just don’t know it.”
You scoffed. “How can you say that?”
He blew a raspberry. Typical Suguru behavior. “You can be yourself around him. You’re all smiley face around him, too. I saw you. You can’t lie to me.”
“Really now?”
“Yeah. You look your best that way. And don’t ever think you are just a pastime. I’ll kill him if he treats you as such.” He smiled knowingly at you. “Besides, you should date properly. Enough with your flings with stupid boys in campus.”
“Okay, dad.” You sighed, trying to contain your excitement. “I do like him though. He’s so nice to me.”
Suguru reached over patting you on the shoulder. “Ah! My daughter is a grown-woman.”
You swatted at his hand, laughing at his antics.
-end of part 1-
If you're curious who Howard Roark is, he's one of my fave literary characters from Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead." He's excellently made. That's it.
Can architect!sukuna please call me "sweetheart," too?
If you want to be included in the tag list, please DM me :) I'll be posting every week (or I'll try to anyway). Someone remind me to post the next chapters please?
Additional notes are available in the masterlist, particularly on the reasons why I wrote some things the way I did. I don't know what I'm trying to prove there, but haha!
Thank you so much for reading. Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed it.
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jordanlahey · 3 years
Poly!Lost boys x Scottish!Reader
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The boys love seeing a new face on the boardwalk it gives them an opportunity to terrorize the tourist and it happened to be you tonight.
What they didn't expect was when you started to talk of course they were caught off guard. You obviously weren't from here or anywhere local, but overseas. They hadn't heard someone with a Scottish accent before or someone they have taken an interest in at least. All of them would have a hard time trying to understand what you're saying to say the least.
Marko and Paul would exchange unknowning glance maybe as you to repeat a few things, talk a little slower maybe? They don't mean it to be rude the poor blondes really do try to understand. They'll most definitely pull the "say that in English." joke when you slip into your Doric dialect and be prepared for the millions of questions about what it means and how to say it propoerly. As the blonde duo do they will constantly tease you about it and if you plan to stay let's say I dunno... Forever and you slip into your Scottish ways they will not let you live it down.
Cue the "do you all wear kilts and tartan jokes and are you all ginger over there?" questions.
David finds it quite amusing especially when you are all on the boardwalk together. He's quick to notice that you'd have somewhat of a quick fuse, yelling at some poor surf nazi calling him anything you can think of as well as mixing them with swear words "daft wee c*nt" or "absolute bawbag." you really do come up with funny insults (blonde duo would definitely steal them). He'd relish in the amusement of making you repeat yourself mostly cause you don't realise he's mocking you and when you do the insults are directed at him. All banter of course.
Dwayne as per is the only one actually interested either learning what you're saying rather than make fun of you. He will however find it adorable when you get comfortable and start rambling on about something, he may not understand the words you use but hes quick to piece it together roughly. He also finds it quite interesting about the culture at least what you may know of it.
You have to remind them that phrases may come off rude but sometimes they mean the opposite too that's just something they'll have to learn too. You wouldn't know much on their side too they may use words you've never understood or say things in a different accent can be just as confusing too. It's a learning experience for both parties.
Bonus point (if you are a drinker) - Scottish folk are champions at drinking they can hold their own quite well until they get absolutely blootered even then they're funny af. You're no exception you love a good drink the boys will notice you hold your alcohol quite well but remember that quick fuse yeah it's probably a lot quicker after a drink or a few. You're also quite sneaky when it comes to drinks too, a pro at sneaking drinks into places or purchasing them without an ID.
The Scottish accent isn't the most sexiest but it is one of the funnier ones and I'll leave it at that.
Having you around would probably be even more chaotic; lack of filter, alcohol intake, quick fuse all things the boys know. Maybe they'd be slightly afraid of you who knows.
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hueningshaped · 3 years
★ comme des garçons | y.jh
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▰ genre: some angst some fluff stupid stuff
▰ word count: 4.5k *sighs*
▰ synopsis / request #2: (btw anon deserves the world)
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▰ possible warnings: vulgar language and a lot of insults and use of ‘stupid’ and ‘idiot’ and some blood and also this really sucks but let’s get into it
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"Late again, are we?" Jeonghan crooned with a smirk.
"Shut the fuck up." You hissed in reply.
This was a common intersection of events, and for today, it was the greeting to one of your electives, to a class that you needed simply for the credit. Nestled in between two of your pals, Joshua and Jihoon, Jeonghan had a perfect view of all who walked in, including you. How you both shared the same group of friends was beyond your comprehension.
All you knew was that you hated Jeonghan, and he hated you.
"Well, well, well, you'd think we had a pair of cats in this class because of all the fights," Wonwoo commented from beside you, without looking up from his stack of notes. "It's getting bad."
You'd shoot him a scowl that you never had the pleasure of seeing him catch, or maybe he knew this and chose not to for this reason. This was an everyday thing, most people knew this. You stuck with an eye roll and decided to resume your day.
The others have made it their mission to reiterate to you that you can't hate him forever, but considering how long you have and everyday you have to fight with him, you insisted that they were wrong.
It wasn't even your fault to begin with. This years long dispute fazed your minds so completely that if you were both to try and hash things out from the initial moment, you would misremember things and another inevitable argument would insinuate.
All that was known that when you both first encountered the other, you were having a rough day and decided to keep your chin up and not explain yourself. New to assertiveness, you took the wrong way.
The establishment is that the two of you had shown up to a class that had been canceled. That fateful encounter was a little short of a full two years.
"Did you know that you're wearing your shirt backwards?" Jeonghan asked from beside you, knocking you out from the reality of reading the mini poster on the door. You turned to him, mouth ajar. Profanities circled the entirety of your unconscious as you turned to him and mustered the classiest, friendliest, least offended smile.
His expression left little room to think he could have possibly been genuine about it. Nor did his next comment.
"Your eyes are really red, too, and you're wearing two left shoes, too." His tone was unintelligible and once you saw that smile, your rage unsettled completely.
There was perhaps some more said: passive aggressive backhanded comments.
"Do you always state the obvious?" You probably asked. It must have been rude because why else would Jeonghan victimize himself.
"Are you kidding?" Maybe he said.
"Well, do you think I don't realize?"
"Well, there's a lot going on on you. It happens. I think you can relax."
"I don't even know who you are. Don't tell me what to do."
"Alright, alright. Jeez. For all that you're wearing and talking, you sure have a lot of pride and attitude, may I add."
The muscles of your neck tightened at his audacity. If only you knew that this would offer the first of many collisions of tension from him and your own body's hyperactivity.
With the lack of elaboratation, there was no way an argument and rivalry was not going to ensue. Once the argument and backhanded insults had been ping-ponged and the day had concluded to begin a brand new one, you did feel some remorse.
The next day, when class resumed to its usual course, you had fixed your appearance and made sure to whip up a nice statement that would blow over yesterday, so you could both laugh at it and move on, like adults. Despite your hopes, Jeonghan surrounded himself with friends he seemed to make out of thin air and gave you the filthiest smirk you could see when you walked in.
With the class' conclusion, you chose that moment to try and catch him before you went separate ways, but he was waiting for you outside.
"Looking sharp, huh, Y/N?" You furrowed your eyebrows. Why would he use your name just because he knew it?
"Yes, and what about it, Jeonghan?" You retorted already feeling your heart begin to fumble in its trigonometry and physics to maintain your rate.
"Anyway," you go, but he cut you off, scoffing and crossing his arms with a satisfied grin. "Why is everyone so inferior to you, huh? Am I talking to Dr. Superiority Complex? And cutting me off, too."
"Will you shut up, you prick!" You slapped a palm over your mouth too late and his own aloof eyes widened.
Everything else melted away into the timeline of your hatred for him. A professor overheard the very events of that day, knocking your grade down a few points. Soonyoung had encouraged you to take revenge on whoever was causing you trouble, which you did. Ever since then, it all remained the same. How you both never managed to move on from was beyond the two of you.
Since then, your soul has not known peace. Granted, the entanglement with the fiend that he was put you through much turmoil and moments that one could define as nothing other than consistent low points.
Bickering and exchanging banter had nestled into your very habits and schedule, even at your big age.
Neither of your friends liked it. If you asked Seungcheol, he'd say that it made him feel uneasy enough to not hang out with the two of you. The best boy in the world refused to enter the same room as you two.
Tonight, there was an arrangement to play Super Smash Bros on Josh's Switch. Evening came and your stroll to the apartment homes became a path directly into the night. Of course, the dark goaded you on to run, looking back this way and that. Leave it to you making the worst choices and pulling facades over them. You truly should have taken Wonwoo's offer to be picked up.
Instead of running into one of your many friends on the way over, it had to be your greatest enemy driving slowly beside you, chuckling and rolling his window down.
"I'd never pegged you for a scaredy-cat, you prideful, little thing." He laughed from the vehicle. It ran gently and with a robust shape, similarly to one that a rich, teenaged girl would be gifted with. You kept your chin high and gaze forward, trudging on with a frown burning across your lips. "Turning down Wonwoo's offer which would have saved you from this —"
With little thinking, you simply resolved to peering over at him and speaking in one breath of a "please piss off," and it made him laugh all the more.
The heightened scores of muscle in your neck and shoulders noticeably melted, despite the abyss of woods and trashy alleys between the apartment homes. His sickening cherubic eyes were trained on you; he would put it in all the work of guarding you, it seemed.
Right when a bridge was nearing, his miniature jabs came to a halt and he upped the notch by honking at you.
"What?" You shouted, face slack with exasperation.
"Get in the car, I'm serious! Idiot!" Jeonghan nodded emphatically.
After back and forths of deliberation, you groaned all the way into his car, which he locked and unlocked until you threatened to puncture his tires with your pen.
The change in atmosphere followed with your own feelings. A lilac air freshener looped around his Calico Critter car decor as the low a/c filtered the air. At this angle, Jeonghan felt different. You had forgotten to shut the door behind you as you were all too engrossed with reading the pad of his music shuffle queue. His sigh whisked you away from your reading to his eyes.
"You could at least use your head to have gotten us there already. Y/N, seriously, I come out here and reach out a hand to you. Everyday you surprise me: you're so full of pride and you forget everything. I always wait for you to pick a struggle, but I guess you just love choosing every single one, huh!" He enunciated with a flat laugh and you had to frown at that.
The next song of whatever his playlist consisted of queued up some song your heart yearned to follow along to, as if your heart it thousands of times before.
"Sounds a lot like you think you know me, asshole..." you muttered under your breath and crossed your arms, keen on either forgetting about the passenger door still ajar or adamant on not doing it yourself since Jeonghan seemed to enjoy doing whatever he did, which inevitably made your life terrible.
He scoffed aloud. In one motion, he moved his arm around the head of your seat to improve his view.
"Sure, I do. Like I know you're the most insufferable person I've ever met." He tossed a few glances to the door, hoping to continue his game, but you peered over whatever possible dust particles and intrigued moths flutter over his unmoving headlights.
"God, Jeonghan," you sighed, not watching his growing leer.
"God, Y/N," he imitated you with an exaggerated tone.
"Jackass, can I speak? I just... It's been years, I know that much, since you like to preach that I know nothing, but all this time, you act like you know me. Day one, you've talked to me so informally. You always act like you have some right to speak to me and to speak to me like I'm some written character. Is that all you want? Some stupid feud with someone you clearly hate and don't want? You don't know me! You never have and you never will. So, back off."
A readied smirk, typically loaded with a bombshell of a constantly prepared retort, was expected, but to your surprise, his cherubic silhouette expressed an emotion you couldn't quite put in words. His eyes dawdled across your features, every island of flesh but your own eyes.
Wordlessly, Jeonghan then reached over you and your seat to shut the door. He was practically nose to nose to you.
Not another word was spoken, even after you were settled in playing games.
You were nestled between Chan and the arm of the grand futon, fist underneath the suppleness of your cheek.
"Hey, Y/N," Chan whispered from beside you, and you simply nodded, eyes fixed on the screen. "What happened?"
At that, you furrowed your eyebrows and peered over at him.
His eyes widened in a flash and he shook his head, nudging your arm.
"I just never thought I'd see the day where you and Jeonghan hyung aren't ripping each other's hair out. I was thinking maybe he had a premonition and decided to grow up, but then Seungkwan hyung told us all that he saw you in the car with hyung."
"So, is everyone wondering the same thing?" You asked just at a whisper and Minghao from the opposite side of the sofa yelled, "Yes!"
Wonwoo turned around from in front of you and chuckled, nodding as if he had been waiting for someone to say it.
"Well?" Seungkwan practically shouted from over the couch, standing with arms crossed over his blazer clad chest. "Aren't you two going to tell us what's going on?"
Whoever turned down the volume of the television, even going so far as to pause the game, would pay, but the ice of the awkward cooled off whatever misdirected anger you held.
"Absolutely not." Goosebumps bloomed at the realization that you and Jeonghan had spoken simultaneously.
The two of you made eye contact, silently bickering over how to deal with the situation.
"You know what," Joshua piped up from another sofa, stretching an arm out in mild effort. "I don't think we should question this weird fate tonight; we should be thankful they're civil and in the same room."
The night bled away into comments like that, even as you tried your best to move on, since it seemed to you that Jeonghan was adamant in doing so. You had no business approaching him about why you didn't wish to speak to the other, and clearly neither did he. However, with the racket everyone was making over you and him not constantly doing your thing was eating you up at such a frequency that you were hardly up for continuing the game.
By eleven at night, Seokmin wanted to bake cookies, and unfortunately you had a bad taste in your mouth. Your perception of Jeonghan had snapped within a few minutes and it was crashing down before your eyes. For what reason, you felt you'd never know.
You don't quite remember rising and throwing a few goodbyes, unable to meet their eyes while heading out in a much more informal fashion as you arrived. It could have easily been one of your other friends who followed after you but in this case, it was Jeonghan.
"Hey, numbskull, don't you want a ride back? I give you one here, and you just walk out?" He called from the door, shivering enough to cross his arms into his body. You didn't meet his eyes, merely angling your neck to listen.
"I called my other friend to pick me up," his silhouette buckled into the corner of your eye. "Really wasn't expecting you to follow me out like this."
The colors of his figure shifted and the door shut with a rap behind him.
"Is that really what you want?" Jeonghan's tone dropped with his approach.
"What are you talking about?" It was then that you took the moment to look at him. Jeonghan's face typically held a leer that looked like he always knew more than you, but now, there was a knot of taut muscle where his eyebrows met.
A shimmer of headlights filtered over the anterior of the apartment complex. Your friend-chauffeur had arrived.
"Nothing." He breathed with a smile that almost broke the ice of his expression, but you glanced to the floor before nodding.
"Well, my ride's here." Jeonghan swallowed a lump down and mirrored your action. Part of reality felt like a scene out of a movie because of the loose air of the night but the tension between the two of you was so tight. You turned towards your friend, whose gaze was transfixed to their phone, and when you glanced back, he disappeared.
For the throng of the week's courses, Jeonghan changed his seating arrangement, and no longer seeking explanations to waste yours or his time, you assimilated with the change. Utilizing the pack of independently reticent students as the backdrop, you and him took turns surrounding yourselves by them.
A part of you felt much relieved of the burden of keeping your guard up to such a severe form, which he visibly did, as well. You heard well enough from Soonyoung and Mingyu. An even larger piece of you thirsted for something that you couldn't quite put your finger on.
Since Seungcheol was home this week, to commemorate his return, considering he had a habit of leaving every other week due to sports, he and the crew decided to throw one of those stupid parties where you drink and just meet people. Essentially, the remote of his and Joshua's place flipped topsy turvy when it came to these things, but they didn't mind.
Jeonghan no longer mattered to you nor was he a factor of whenever you had to make a decision. You accepted Wonwoo's and Soonyoung's offer of going and taking you to the party.
It had been six days since you last interacted with Jeonghan, as you had for the past three years.
"Isn't it too early to be drinking? We aren't even there yet." Soonyoung patted you from the backseat, tone thick with distant concern.
Wonwoo eyed you from the driver's seat, hands fastened at the wheel. All you did was shrug, turning back to halfheartedly grin at the boy, and with that done, you continued your trip to finishing the bottle of absinthe in your hand.
Drinking was no new concept to you. Using it to quell some sort of absence that you didn't comprehend was, however. It was something your friends took notice of.
Your arrival was just as rocky as it was from your residence to the party, vision fuzzy and dim.You made your way to the kitchen to rummage through possible brought snacks, even taking a few spare soju and beer bottles for sport. Opening them with a partially working mind inked painful calluses into your hands from the rigid caps of the bottles.
As Seungkwan whistled at your actions, something wet caused you to lose grip of one bottle, tripping to catch it, and before you knew it, there was a minor crowd growing at the sight of your bloody palm.
As loud as everything was, a part of you countered with how silent your world had become since you and Jeonghan wordlessly had gone separate ways.
"Does it hurt?" Minghao asked. You were now at the dining room table, a foldable one with metal legs that were surprisingly still standing despite being kicked in countless times. You shook your head and met the faces of your friends, scanning them for something you didn't know. It barely stung, but a fire lit from behind your eyes.
Soonyoung slapped your arm, recounting to you for the fourth time that you were in a guest room because you cut yourself. 
The bass of the music met with the wall across from you and pictured frames of your friends trembled. A couple made out in the corner, limbs sprawled. For the most part, the room changed colors due to the LED lighting, which did nothing to help an intoxicated mind.
"Are you sure?" You asked, doubting Soonyoung's sadly sober mind — he had been ordered not to drink for the night, but Jihoon had promised him that next time, for sure.
Half your hand was bandaged and your head hurt. Pain had nothing to do with it, or the lack thereof, but you still felt like weeping.
As if you had been summoning the devil himself, Jeonghan let himself in without a word, without much of an entrance really, but you knew enough that it was him because you could read the back of his head.
"What did you do?" The timbre of his voice recused the tense knots of your shoulders without your notice. You looked into his eyes. It strangely felt as it had been years since you had done so.
"Hyung, I earned my PHD, that's what I did. I bandaged Y/N here and — "
"Soonyoung," the elder used a tone you were familiar with, one your professors would use when notifying you and him to leave the class after a fight got out of hand.
"Well, Y/N, I'll be on my way then," he announced with a laugh. "Take care of my patient, Jeonghan hyung."
Mirrored glares and giggles were shared between the two until it was just the two of you.
"I was talking to you. What did you do?" He crossed his arms at you, frowning at the slightest. It looked weird on him. His brindled hair crowned his head with few loose ends curling like some flowers towards the sun.
"Hey," Jeonghan waved his hand in front of you, expression all the same. You watched his figure get painted in fuschia with the changing colors.
"What?" You remarked harshly. He sighed loudly and reached out a palm to you.
Perhaps you took too long deciding what he wanted for his liking for him to just grasp it, his firm hand enveloping yours in a way that made you feel as if you were hanging over a pile of hot coals. Jeonghan joined you on the sofa, scanning over Soonyoung's work in the dim lighting.
"You do know I'm studying to be a pediatric nurse, right?" His voice was so silent so it was a miracle you heard it.
"No, what the fuck..." you blurted, confused he was being so informative, about as much he had to be on the first days of any class.
"Well, since you learned something new today," he started, using that familiar tone and you almost smiled. "I need to know if you did this on purpose."
Your lips parted at that.
"I what?"
"You're the only idiot I've ever known to confidently do the illogical thing. I swear, you numbskull, I've gotten so used to telling you it may as well be a catch phrase of mine." He ran his nimble fingers over the lines of the rest of your palm before glancing back up to catch your stare.
"You're crying," the words fell out of his mouth and you expressed your surprise with a bewildered expression. "I..."
Now, this was new territory.
"It's nothing, I don't know why I'm doing that," you shrugged it off and sniffled, a confirmation of your tears.
He scoffed, sitting back and crossing his arms.
"Of course, you'd say something stupid like that!" Jeonghan nudged a plastic bag of napkins towards you, which you took with a grumble to wipe your tears.
"Oh, so it's only me capable of saying stupid things! How come you only hear yourself and think it's me with the idiotic stuff?"
"You calling me an idiot?" He emphasized with a pointed finger towards you and then himself. Life returned to Jeonghan's face in full force.
"Yeah, of course, I am. You're the one who's always running their mouth as if your life depends on it!" You practically screamed.
He grinned, pearly teeth aglow in the dim room before dropping his eyebrows.
"Y/N, you always talk crap about me. Can't you go one day without my name in your mouth? You know what, you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up."
You feigned an impressed surprise but rolled your eyes, almost laughing.
"Ooh you wanna kiss me so bad you don't even know it. Makes you look so stupid."
Jeonghan paused within a heartbeat before angling his head and smirking. You were ready for something equally as dumb as his comebacks, but he reached forward for your free hand and loosely caging you in the arm of the couch. His breath circulated near yours, just like that night in his stupidly cute car.
"And what if I do?" That smile and those words were like ice and fire to your every sense. It was you who actually was unprepared.
"That, wait, you, the-the, God!" You babbled and sputtered, unable to maintain eye contact. He chuckled thickly. Jeonghan was so close.
"That should be my line!" You retorted, all thought processes going haywire and scouring the plain of your mind for something wittier to say. His wicked smile widened.
"So, you do feel the same way?" You all but gasped at the audacity you met with.
"Yes! No, wait, uh, yeah! Never!" Jeonghan failed to stifle his genuine laughter and tossed his head back. "Fine!" You then reached up, taking the collar of his jacket into your curled fist and bringing his lips down to yours.
Judging by his widened eyes, he was not expecting that, but that mattered little. You melted along with it, shutting your eyes. In the next millisecond, he brought you forward with a hand behind your head and another keeping himself upright beside your body.
As everything was, the kisses progressed to a point where you attempted to outdo the other, passionate, quick exchanges building up to shared touches.
Your other hand gripped a portion of his clothes, pulling so nebulously he all but leaned closer towards you. As the other couple had left during the minutes of your petty argument, it literally felt like the moment was offered to the two of you only, no one else.
Jeonghan cheated when he gently tugged on your hair, earning a punched out whine from your lips. He pulled away from your swollen lips to hear it, grinning once you did so.
"You jerk," you muttered hotly, red and ruddy. He smiled and moved a few strands of hair behind your ear gently.
"Y/N, what if I've been wanting to do that for a long time?" He asked, voice a bit strained. You didn't know what to do with yourself, flustered and glancing around.
"Oh," you murmured. The heat practically beat off you in waves.
"You're something else, really. I wasn't sure how long we were going to not talk to the other. I wouldn't have been able to confess and it would have been awkward." He snickered over your shoulder before regaining his proximity with you.
"Wait, so is this your confession? You suck, you're going to have do it again. C minus." He scoffed and sighed at that.
"The kiss, too?" He arched an eyebrow curiously. You slapped his shoulder at that, struggling to keep up with him.
"No, but seriously are you telling me you like me?" A much more serious tone cooled the heat of the moment, and he winced at that.
"From the moment I met you," he began and it was then you realized your facial expression was bitingly skeptical, revealing your feelings about it all. "Do you feel the same way, Y/N?"
"All that teasing and picking on me was just your stupid way of letting me know you like me?" It was Jeonghan's turn to blush from every corner of skin to the other, sighing and covering his face to cope with whatever he felt.
"It took me a while to realize it, alright?!" His tone was defensive, but you knew he meant it lightheartedly. "I just wanted you to know somehow in some way that every time I got to see you, I was grateful. Each and every time allowed me to learn more about you because you're so...you're something else. You've always complained how I don't know you or perhaps the lack of right I have to know you, I always felt I did, but I didn't want it happening for the wrong reasons. Took me a while to realize I didn't want to lose you, that I...wanted a friendship, a relationship, but the longer I sat back and continued to confuse what we had and I wanted was just going to tear us completely. So, luckily, since I'm a genius, I thought to man up about it."
You could only peer at him, letting his words simmer.
"But, if that's not what you want, or you feel uncomfortable in any way at all, just say it. Say whatever you feel." You'd never encountered this gentle tone of his. There were so many more sides to him you wanted to learn.
"I want some time..." you muttered and he nodded, visibly hanging on to your words. "For you to show me that you want me, and you know, for me to process this. I've wanted you for a while, but that voice was so quiet under all the 'I've never wanted to fight someone so bad' and the 'I'm going to implode like a star because of this guy'." You both laughed at that, and it almost felt natural to do so.
"Okay, then," Jeonghan nodded with a contented smile. There went that annoyingly hot gaze of his. So, that’s what it’s always been: hot. "Can we still make out?”
You squinted at him and opened your arms up with a sigh.
“Just kiss me already!”
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
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ᴅᴀʏ 𝟷; ғᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴍᴀʟᴇ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ
-> ushijima wakatoshi & iwaizumi hajime
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; falling in love with a single mother (hcs + drabbles).
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; none.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; fluff.
↳ main masterlist
© to @kuroos-babie for the original idea.
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𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚓𝚒𝚖𝚊 𝚠𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚒
-> you had known ushijima since highschool, being in his same class, but lost contact.
-> everyone, everyone, in your generation knew how wakatoshi was doing.
-> like, c'mon, he's an international vb player, how could you miss that?.
-> but you had other things to worry about, and right that moment, was finding your four year old daughter.
-> she thought running through the supermarket aisles was the funniest thing to do.
-> you spotted her talking to a man, who had lowered to her height.
-> as a mother, you had told her to never speak to strangers, yet there she was, laughing so hard that you could hear her meters away.
"you're that man from tv!" said the little girl grabbing ushijima's shirt, a wide smile on her face. "mommy always sees you punching balls!" due to his height, the girl was barely reaching his hips. he kneeled in front of her, her hair, her eyes, gave him a familiar vibe.
"are you lost?" despite not being joking, the girl laughed.
"you talk funny" wakatoshi smiled, most of the times, children were scared of him, but that girl seemed to be enjoying his company "can you help me find my mommy? she'll be excited to see the strong man from tv!" he just nodded, easily picking up the child.
-> "uh, sir! that's my child! could you please–?"
-> "y/n?"
-> you thought your eyes were deciving you, because from there, it seemed like ushijima wakatoshi was holding your daughter in the vegetables aisle.
-> what were the chances?
-> your daughter was so comfortable in his arms, a rare thing coming from her.
-> ushijima was astonished to be seeing you, of all people.
-> not only you, your child.
-> your  c h i l d.
-> he would be calling tendou that night because you had a child.
-> "look mommy! it's the man from tv! the one you like!"
wakatoshi was too frozen to let go of your girl, and you were too embarrassed to say something. the awkwardness increased by the second.
"ushijima! i-i didn't know you were back in japan" only then he realized he was still holding a child that wasn't his, which could be misunderstood in too many ways.
"yes, i had some days off" you smiled, he was the same as highschool, cute as ever. "um, you have a baby" the girl, now standing between the two of you, got visibly offended by his words.
"i'm not a baby, i'm four"
if there was one thing ushijima never had, was a filter.
"are you married?" that time you laughed, you were expecting that question.
"he left after she was born".
-> wakatoshi shouldn't be relieved, but he was, and his face showed it.
-> he smirked and everything.
-> it was your chance, now or never, you could get your highschool crush.
-> who cares if it is ten years later.
-> but he was faster.
"do you need help... with... your stuff?" similing, you gladly accepted.
"maybe we could go out while you're here".
be sure, he was taking his shot, even if he was on the other side of the world.
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𝚒𝚠𝚊𝚒𝚣𝚞𝚖𝚒 𝚑𝚊𝚓𝚒𝚖𝚎
-> in california, he's has a part time job at a gym.
-> his shift was almost over when a little boy poke his leg.
-> judging by his clothes, not sport clothes, iwa thought he was with someone else.
-> the kid's eyes were red, he was sobbing while rubbing his hands against his face.
-> iwa kneeled down in front of him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
-> "i can't find my mom" and then cried harder.
-> at first, hajime was ??? because what was he supposed to do? he had never seen this boy's mom, and nobody said anything about lost children in his training week.
"don't cry, buddy, i'm sure she's somewhere here" he sure hoped she was. the only thing he could thought was taking the kid to client's service and call his mom through speakers. iwaizumi was proud of having such a mature idea.
he picked the boy in his arms, gaining a surprise look from him followed by a smile.
"you are really strong, sir!" now it was his turn to smile, no matter who says it, he liked being called strong.
"what are you saying? look at those arms! i bet you could pick me of you wanted!" the kid chuckled, making a pose with his arms.
-> you had to take your son with you that day, the gym membership wasn't exactly cheap for you to go missing days, and his babysitter couldn't make it.
-> you told him over and over to stay by your side, to not talk to strangers, don't use the machines, you know, mom stuff.
-> so when you turned back around from talking to your trainer and he was gone? your soul left your body.
-> there were men and women and bathrooms and showers and supplies closets and–
-> "y/l/n y/n, please go to the front desk, your son is looking for you"
-> all the exercise was nothing compared to how fast you ran there.
-> he was vividly talking to a man in the gym's unifrom, laughing and showing his non existent muscles.
-> you had to touch his shoulder for him to realize you were there.
"mommy!" he threw himself to your neck, with the biggest smile on his face. "mister superhero saved me!"
you supposed he was referring to the attractive you man standing in front of you, grining softly.
"thanks for saving my baby, mr. superhero" you told him. hearing you, a grown beautiful woman, say those words to him was enough to get him blushing.
"i asked him if he wanted to be my daddy, and he said yes, mommy" your son whispered in your ear, making you laugh.
-> iwaizumi was ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
-> he so didn't expected such a pretty woman to be the child's mother.
-> and your laugh?? boi.
-> he was already thinking on changing his shifts so he could bump into you someday.
-> "dinner at eight, at my place? to repay you for being such a great hero"
-> your words caught him SO off guard. he was a sucker for women who take the initiative.
-> "yeah, that sounds good".
-> you exchanged numbers, promised to text him with the details.
-> he was really excited to see you and your little boy again.
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⌙ 𝟐𝟎𝟎 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 🥳
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episkystyles · 3 years
Obscure // Harry Styles {Chapter One}
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tw | death
I never really minded getting up early, as opposed to most. It may have to do with the fact that I always fall asleep early, perhaps too early for a twenty-five year old woman. But after countless nights over a period of four years of all-nighters finishing up papers and assignments, I guess I'm making up for my sleep deprivation. I'm only so lucky that my hours are pretty decent; eight in the morning to five o'clock at night. Sometimes, I work the night shift just so I don't have to go without electricity for a month, but I never really mind that, either.
Being a cashier at a supermarket isn't the fulfilling, monetarily satisfying of jobs but it was something. It was a lot better than having no job at all, and having to still live with my parents who are absolutely wonderful, of course, but unbearably nosy. This job would have to do until I put my degree to use towards that of a writer—a dream that many have told was unachievable (my parents... now you see why I don't live with them).
It's difficult being a writer when you live a pretty mundane life, simultaneously being equally as mundane as a person.
I'm not sure when or where I'll get my inspiration.
"Excuse me, ma'am?" An elderly woman with a sour expression approaches me, and I internally groan. Crabby, old people are always the worst customers to deal with. "I cannot find coffee filters anywhere! How can I make my coffee without any filters?"
You could always upgrade to a modern day K-cup coffee machine like everybody else, I want to quip.
I muster up my best professional smile, and reply apologetically, "I'm sorry ma'am, we must be out of stock then. Would you like me to-"
"Did you check the back? I want you to check the back."
It's growing even more difficult to conceal my groans of displeasure. I turn to look at a passing employee, and acquaintance, Martin, and smiles in amusement at our exchange. He knows I'm annoyed, so I might as well drag him into my pain. "Hey, Mart? Do you mind checking the back for coffee filters?"
"Ah, but Faith, I don't know the back as well as you do," he said, walking over to us. "I'll take over while you go check, yeah? You have a much better chance at finding them than I."
Oh, that bastard. I'm going to get him when he least expects it. "Okay, fine, I'll be right back."
I scuffle from behind my post and quickly walk towards the back, wondering if I should purposefully take an excruciatingly long time just so Martin has to keep bantering with a grumpy old lady. Then I remembered that we're having a late night meeting, and I was already pretty tired as it is, therefore I don't want to stay here longer due to my pettiness. So I begin to genuinely check for coffee filters, praying that we mentally had them to appease the old woman.
"This is impossible," I murmur to myself, standing up straight when my manager passes me by. "Hey Craig, do you know where the coffee filters are?"
"Hmm," the middle-aged man thinks to himself, tapping mindlessly at his clipboard with his pen. "Why don't you ask Harry? You know he's an expert at all of our inventory."
He motions behind me and I turn around to find my co-worker, Harry, sitting on a chair and staring down at the floor. I've never spoken to him over the course of the year I've been working here; from what I understand, no one has. He keeps to himself, and only to himself. He stays in the back where he memorizes the inventory, how much stuff we need to order to restock, and all that jazz. He rarely comes out of the back room, which isn't all that large and is pretty cold year-round. It's not that he's an intimidating guy, he just looks like he doesn't want to be bothered.
I contemplate ignoring my manager's suggestion, but knowing I'd be hopeless if I were to look myself, I decide to walk up to Harry. I'm not sure if he doesn't notice my presence or if he does and he's just ignoring me, but I clear my throat anyway. "Hey, Harry? I'm sorry to bother you, but do you know where the coffee filters are? They're all out in the aisle."
He slowly looks up to me, his expression unreadable. He doesn't smile, doesn't blink, not even a crinkle between his eyebrows to let me know what he's thinking. He simply nods his head and rises to his feet, his height easily towering over mine. He jerks his head to the side, motioning for me to follow him, which I do. When stop at a certain section and he bends down, picking out a pack of paper coffee filters. He hands the pack over to me, and when I grab them, my fingers slightly brush against his. I almost gasp at how freezing his skin feels, but then I remembered that he stays back here practically all day.
"Thank you," I tell him, smiling softly at him. I don't think he's used to kindness very often; when I'm hanging out with the other co-workers, they always talk about how weird he is. I don't think he's weird.
He's just... different from the rest of us, which I wouldn't say is a bad thing.
Harry doesn't respond, verbally that is, only nods and walks away. I exit the back room without another glance at my mysterious co-worker, and return to my post where it seems as though Martin is forcibly listening to the elder customer's rant about proper organization in our store.
"Here you are, ma'am," I say, trying not to giggle at Martin's relieved face. "Are you ready to check out?"
Once she leaves, Martin turns to me. "Tell me why we still work at Shoppe-Ville? This place sucks."
"Because we need money," I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "And I'll make sure to mention that last part to Craig, I'm sure he'll be thrilled to hear your much-so needed opinion on his store."
It's the end of our shift, nearly nine o'clock at night and I'm absolutely famished. I'm already dreaming about my left-over lasagna in the fridge when Martin continues his rant, "I'm just saying, we both have dreams beyond our current living. Why do we stay here instead of, you know, going to get them?"
I sighed. "Capitalism, Martin. We need money to survive, and we need to survive in order to live out our desired lives. I can't exactly go ahead on my writing career because of this place, at least, not right now."
"Capitalism sucks."
I nod my head in agreement. "Indeed. Hey, after the meeting, you maybe wanna come back to my place? I have enough lasagna for two and we could finish out the evening talking more about our shitty lives and yet-to-be-fulfilled future."
He smiles at me, and nods his head. "Yeah, I'd like that."
I feel an arm snake over my shoulder, and I find yet another co-worker of mine slumped against my body. Candace raises a brow at me, and hums, "I, too, would like to be included in this talk about this goddamn travesty of a floating rock we reside on. Rodney wants to join too, but don't worry, we'll bring our own dinner."
"You guys working early tomorrow?" I asked, knowing it was already pretty late.
"Nah, Craig's giving us the day off, remember? Something about fixing the electrical. We'll have our one day of freedom from the clutches of our patriarchal society," she beams, actually excited.
"Well then, let's expand our little get-together. My roommate's gone for her business trip this week," I said. "Who else is there to invite? James, Sarah, Kristen-"
"We can't exactly include everyone, you know," Martin pointed out. He glances around us to make sure no one was listening, before lowering his voice, "Harry's the exception, of course."
I rolled my eyes. "Don't be rude, Mart. And anyway, I don't think he'd accept even if I did invite him."
We occasionally pondered if the employee was even a figment of our imagination. Like the ghost of Shoppe-Ville, or something. He doesn't speak a word, is quite pale, and seems to never move from his same spot in the back. This conspiracy stems from Martin and Rodney's doing, who once placed a bet on the poor guy that one day we're going to come in and it's going to be like he never existed at all. That if we mention him to Craig, our manager will be without a memory of hiring someone named Harry at all.
We split up our little group to go to the meeting room, also known as Craig's office. It's pretty small, so it'd be kind of hard fitting all of us in here at once. As we gather into the room, I find myself being smushed up against Martin who merely grins down at me. I focus on Craig as he shuffles through some peppers, tapping my foot slightly impatiently. It's been so long since I've been able to hang out with my friends, and have day off while we're at it. Even for only one day, it feels just like that moment in school when you're about to go on break.
"As you know, tomorrow we'll be getting the wires down, so to avoid hazard to the public we'll be closed on November 4th, 2021..." Craig rambles off of his clipboard. "The following day, I want Rodney and Martin to stock the dairy, Kristen and Candace on the cash registers, Faith in the customer service department..."
Ah fuck. You win some, you lose some. I can barely feel the disappointment, as the excitement for my day off simply overpowers any negative emotion in my body.
"Okay guys, I think we're ready to-" Craig is cut off when the sound of an ear-shattering explosion sounds off from somewhere in the store, which makes us all jump and scream.
"What the hell was that?!" Martin shouts, looking around the room. We're all just as clueless as he is.
"I have no fuckin' idea," Craig mumbled, moving past us before going to the door. He grips the handle, jiggling the doorknob—but the door remains shut. "What the fuck? We're locked in—this door doesn't even have a goddamn lock."
"Did someone lock us in here?" Kristen squeaks, looking fearful as ever. "Maybe we're being robbed."
"The alarms would have gone off..." Just as Rodney says that, the sound of an alarm beeping rapidly just outside the door and throughout the store goes off. "Oh shit..."
My eyes grow wide. "Isn't that the fire alarm?"
I had already been growing wary of the situation that was currently being unfolded, but with every second passes, it feels as though everything is getting worse. My mind wants to reassure my panicky thoughts that perhaps this is all some cruel prank; maybe Craig was going burst into laughter any minute now and boast about how we all fell for it. But the look on my manager's face tells me otherwise—he's just as horrified as all of us. Well, almost all of us.
Despite the situation, Harry still remains stoic as he leans up against the wall, arms crossed. He looks almost bored. How could a dangerous situation now phase him in any way?
"Guys," gasped Candace, who had tears running down her face, and it was then I realized that this was the first time I had seen her cry. "Guys, I smell fire."
Now that she mentioned it, a strong smokey scent danced into my nostrils and started to engulf my lungs. I look down from underneath the door, only to discover dark, grey smoke was creeping into the room from the small space. The fire was growing quickly, way too quick for me to comprehend.
"Shit!" cries Craig, his face beet red as though he was on the verge of a heart attack.
Rodney grabbed him harshly by the shoulders. "Didn't you fucking say there were some electrical issues that had to be fixed?"
He did say that. That's why we were getting a day off... Oh, life is cruel. Too cruel.
"Yes, but it was nothing serious! I swear!" he replied, his body trembling with fear. "They were supposed to be minor issues!"
"Does this look fucking minor to you?!"
Kristen sobbed, "We're all going to die!"
I look around the small room we were huddled in. There weren't any windows; just four, beige colored walls enclosed and trapped around us. The smoke was filling the room vastly, and I could already feel the heat from the flames. Kristen was right. We were going to die.
I was going to die.
I wasn't going to get a chance to live my life.
I'm not going to become a writer, or fall in love, or get married and have kids. The end of my life was going to be burning in scorching deadly flames with my co-workers of a job I despised more than anything in the world. I'm not going to be anybody—just a name on the newspaper, under the list of Victims of Shoppe-Ville Fire. My body might be too unidentifiable by then, my funeral will be a closed casket and my parents will be left without a daughter.
A daughter who couldn't accomplish her dream.
Tears were escaping my eyes as I backed away from the crowd of Shoppe-Ville employees, some of which already passed out of the lack of breathable air. I hugged my own self as I cried, screwing my eyes shut as I mentally prayed for this all to be some sick nightmare. I'm going to wake up soon, aren't I?
I feel arms wrap around my body, arms which I presumed to be Martin. But when I opened my eyes, I nearly did a double-take—and truly wondered if it really was a dream—when I discovered the arms of comfort belong to Harry. His green eyes were gazing down at me... almost sympathetically. That's the most expression I have ever seen from him.
I was deeply confused, but I can't say I didn't want to be in his arms. They did feel oddly comfortable, in a way. If I were to die in anybody's arms, I guess it'd be his, even if I didn't know him.
"Harry?" I whispered, not meaning for it to sound like a question.
But I also wasn't expecting a response.
His mouth moves, something I never thought I'd see in my lifetime, "You're going to be okay. Live your dream."
He didn't say anything else; he just crushed me against his chest in an almighty and powerful hug. The cries of agony and fear from my co-workers and friends slowly faded away as well as my vision.
Everything has gone black.
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one-leaf-grimoire · 3 years
Five Birthdays
summary » five birthdays from the life of lisa petalon.
warnings » light angst in one part
note » LISA'S BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW! But I couldn't wait to post this one-shot lol. Illustrations included!
age 7 » sweet and bitter
“Happy birthday!!”
Lisa blinked slowly as her dad appeared from the kitchen, carrying something on a platter. He was covered with flour, egg stains on his shirt, but he was smiling wider than he had for a while. Her aunt and cousin giggled at the sight, clapping from where they sat next to Lisa at the table.
“What is that?”
“Look at it!” Her father grinned as he set it down in front of her. It was clear that it was some kind of food, maybe a fancy type of bread, but it was covered in some sort of shiny coating. “It’s a cake… a birthday cake! I realized that we never made one for you, so I decided to do it this time. Seven is a big age, after all!”
“A cake…” Lisa’s eyes lit up. “A cake! Wow!” In their little town in the woods, they foraged for most of their food, so Lisa was more used to the gamey taste of turkey, potatoes, and berry juice. Confections like cake were rare.
Her dad chuckled, crouching next to his daughter’s chair and wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “It’s all yours, Lisa. Dig in!”
Lisa nodded, eagerly grabbing her fork and taking a big scoop of cake. It was soft, easy to cut; her father did a great job baking it. But before she tasted it, she paused.
“Wait… where is mom?”
The silence in the moments following the question should have told Lisa everything she needed to know. But she was just 7… she had not yet realized why her mother failed to acknowledge any of her birthdays.
“She… she’s tired.” Her father exchanged a glance with her aunt. Out of everyone here, he was the most weary, but he willed himself to smile again before turning back to look back into his daughter’s eyes; eyes that matched his own.
His daughter was almost his mirror image, with her black eyes, her jagged brown hair, and the power she inevitably would discover one day.
But he smiled anyway. Because she was his pride and joy. She was a miracle.
“But the rest of us are all here to celebrate. So let’s dig in!” He reached down and ruffled her hair.
Lisa grinned, giving him a nod before finally taking the first bite.
“Ah! It’s so sweet!”
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age 19 » anything you want
Lisa jumped a little in surprise as someone tapped her on the shoulder. She was standing by one of the shelves of books in the royal library, a place that she had been frequenting more and more these past few weeks. She turned around towards the feeling, a little perplexed when she saw that she was still alone. Huh? That’s weird, I don’t think I imagined that-
“Over here!”
She turned the other way, her heart skipping a beat when she saw none other than Julius there, leaning against the edge of the shelf, a place that he was definitely not only a moment ago. But Lisa couldn’t bring herself to be annoyed, despite the fright. “Oh, hi.”
“Hi.” Julius smiled, his eyes avoiding hers for a moment before he straightened up to walk over to her side. “I see you’re hard at work again, any discoveries?”
“N...Not yet.” Lisa quickly looked back down at the book in her hand, trying not to seem too nervous. She would have thought that she would be more used to being in his presence, since they had been meeting up here often to sift through records for any information about Lisa’ magic mark. But that wasn’t the case…”There are so many books, we might never find it, even if it’s here.”
“Well, I just finished my work for the day. I can be your helper for the rest of the evening, if you’d like~”
Lisa almost hid her face in her book as her face heated up. Help!!! Why did he say it like that- “Um, actually-” Lisa closed the book with a soft snap. “I was about to head out.”
“Oh.” There was a hint of disappointment in the Wizard King’s voice. “You have plans?”
“Yeah, actually…” Lisa smiled a little. “It’s my birthday! Yami and William wanted to go celebrate tonight.”
“Your birthday?!” Julius’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh- I had no idea! You should have told me, I would have gotten you a present!”
“P-Present!? No way!” Lisa shook her head, her smile falling. “I-I couldn’t accept a present from you, I mean- It wouldn’t be right for me to expect something, you know-”
“Nonsense! I’m your research assistant, remember!”
Julius winked, and Lisa felt that she was about to pass away right then and there.
“... I guess so… but still!” Lisa scowled playfully. “You don’t need to get me anything… I…”
“I feel happy enough just to be close to you. That’s the only present I need.”
Of course, Lisa couldn’t say something so embarrassing.
“I don’t need presents, really. I’d rather just spend time with my friends and other… people I care about.”
Julius’s eyes softened a bit, a light blush appearing on his cheeks. “Oh… I see.” His smile quickly reappeared. “But still, I insist! How about this- You can take a book in this library home with you. Permanently.”
Lisa’s eyes widened. “Really? But, isn’t that stealing?”
“I’m the Wizard King, and I’m saying it’s ok. Plus, I’ll cover the overdue fees.” He grinned, closing his eyes for a moment. “How does that sound?”
“...alright. Thank you!” Lisa quickly put the book away, biting her lip to keep from smiling too widely. A birthday present from the Wizard King! More importantly… a present from Julius… “There’s so many books here, though… any recommendations…”
“Actually, there’s one I was hoping you would take.” Julius cleared his throat. “One moment. I’ll be right back.”
He quickly turned away and disappeared down a different aisle. A moment later, he reappeared, holding a book with an elaborate leather cover. “Um.. see for yourself.” He held it out for Lisa to take. It was heavy, but the texture of the cover felt nice under her fingers. Her eyes fell on the title, and she let out a soft gasp.
“Origins of Magic: The sources of mana in this world and the Mystery of its usage. By Julius Novachrono…”
“Heh, I wrote that when I was still captain.” Julius chuckled nervously, awaiting her reaction. “I might have to write a second edition, I’ve learned so much since I became Wizard King… maybe you can be my research assistant for that one.”
“This is amazing… I can’t wait to read it!” Lisa grinned, looking back up at his face. “Thank you, Julius.”
It still felt strange to say his name. This man was revered by almost everyone, yet here Lisa was, receiving a present from him. And a very personal present, at that.
“You’re welcome… let me know what you think.” Julius smiled, gazing down at her face.
There’s so much more I want to say to you… Lisa…
When Lisa got home soon after, she had a few minutes before William and Yami wanted to meet up. She collapsed on her bed, face down. After a moment of silence, she let out a long squeal, muffled by her pillow.
Oh god… I need to stop hanging out with him… or I’m going to fall in love for real.
But… maybe that wouldn’t be so bad…
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age 23 » forgotten nights
“Ouch… ouch ouch…”
Lisa rolled over, consciousness finally filtering back into her weary brain. It was strange at first, unfamiliar to Lisa.
Was I… sleeping? How is that possible?
She let out a soft groan.
I haven't slept in 3 years-
Suddenly, pain throbbed in the back on her head, and Lisa let out a cry.
Oh… not sleeping, then... Was I bludgeoned?
"Oh! There, there, don't sit up!"
Hands gently grabbed her shoulders to push her back into the sheets when she tried to raise her head. Lisa winced at the feeling, blinking her eyes open. Her eyesight was foggy, and it took a few moments for the other person's face to come into focus. "Oh… Julius? What on Earth is happening-" She cringed and squeezed her eyes shut again at another pang of agony. "Did I get in a fight?"
Julius sighed, glad that she was awake and recovering. "Sort of… here-" He picked up the glass of water he had been keeping on the bedside table. He carefully held it up to her mouth, and she immediately started sipping away at it. "How do you feel?"
"I'm in pain… tell me, what happened?" Lisa scowled up at him, sensing how hesitant he was to speak further. "What do you mean, I sort of got in a fight?"
"Well… I'm surprised you didn't figure it out already," Julius chuckled nervously. "You… you weren't knocked out. You're hungover…"
All the sudden, everything flooded back.
Lisa cackled wickedly, one foot planted on the edge of the bar and the other precariously balanced on her stool. In one hand, she gripped a glass of mead. The other formed a fist, blue fire circling in tandem with time magic. "Anyone who can beat me can take my title! I'll share this power with you!"
There was a roar of approval from the other patrons at the bar. Yami howled with laughter and hit the bar surface with the palm of his hand a few times.
"That's hilarious!!! What are you gonna do if you lose!!?"
"I won't." Lisa smirked raising her glass back to her lips and chugging it in one go.
"Lisa!! Get down from there-" Fuegoleon tapped her shoe, frowning. He was only a little red in the face, not nearly as drunk as the others. Jack was giggling next to Yami, and Charlotte and William were already asleep at a table in the corner. "You're going to get hurt, and-"
"HEY!" Lisa's foot lashed out, and she wobbled dangerously. "I knew you wanted my job! Come at me, then!"
"What? No!" Fuegoleon stumbled back. "You're acting like my sister!"
"Yeah? Then fight me!"
Lisa stepped forward, ready to attack- however, she was still up on the bar. Her foot didn't land anywhere… and she fell
Fuegoleon jumped forward, arms outstretched, ready to catch her. However, to his surprise, the elderly bartender rushed in front of him. Lisa fell into his arm, limp as a ragdoll.
"Dear me- I'm glad I was keeping an eye on this one." He chuckled before turning back to Fuegoleon. "Thank you for trying to keep her out of trouble- but I'll get her somewhere safe."
"Oh- okay." Fuegoleon watched the man carry her away, then reappear a few moments later.
"Oh god…"
Lisa buried her head in her hands, her face bright red. "No way… no way I did all that!"
Julius chuckled, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer to him. "No harm was done! And you had fun, didn't you?"
Lisa shrugged. "I don't really remember…" her hands fell back into her lap. "It sucks… I used to be able to drink all night and feel fine… but after we formed our Dyad…"
Of course, her alcohol tolerance wasn't the only thing about her body that had changed. She couldn't eat, or sleep, or… worst of all-
"I know. It'll be alright. It just takes some getting used to, right?"
Lisa nodded, and felt his lips press against the side of her head. Her eyes fluttered closed for just a moment.
"Why was I at the bar with all of them, anyway?"
Julius's eyes popped back open in surprise. "Huh? You don't remember?" His lips twitched into a smile. "I suggested the outing in the first place… thought you'd want to have a celebration with your friends."
Lisa blinked. "Celebration?"
She was still confused, until Julius chuckled and gave her a gentle squeeze.
"Happy birthday, Lisa."
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age 27.1 » the life of an insect
It stayed hot all the way until September. The sun blazed down into the garden, unhindered by clouds. The bright atmosphere contrasted with the dark shadows that were quickly closing around the Clover Kingdom.
It’s so loud…
Lisa spent most of her time alone, now. Part of her wanted to surround herself with people, with all those she loved. But even then, she knew it would just make herself feel worse. Seeing their faces, watching them talk, and laugh… it just forced her to draw further and further away.
I’m not like you… I never was.
So, she spent her days alone. It would be easier for them if she stayed away. Even if it hurt.
Yet it was still so loud.
Cicadas screamed from every corner of the forest, swarming the treetops by the million. Their song permeated almost every corner of the kingdom, allowing none to escape.
In a way… it was almost nostalgic.
Lisa stood at the base of a tree, pausing her walk for just a moment. Above her was a group of cicadas, circling each other on the bottom of a high branch, no doubt evaluating each other to decide if they wanted to mate or not. Their song was earsplitting, but Lisa was already numb. It didn’t bother her.
In her hometown, out in the woods, the cicadas were a fact of life, appearing every summer without fail. They were like a booming voice, nature’s fury swept across the land.
Yet… they were fragile.
They slept underground for 17 years. Then, for just one day, they rose up to the heavens, singing their glorious song. They soared, they mated, they laid their eggs…
And then they died.
They fell back to earth, their voices and bodies spent. Their last act would be to plant the seeds of their offspring, before the dirt reclaimed them.
Their lives… were fragile.
Utterly and completely meaningless.
Two of the cicadas lost their grip on the tree. They fell down into the leaf litter, letting out one last scream before they went silent forever.
But at one point, they had screamed. And the whole world heard them.
I can’t even do that. How I wish I could just scream… but I can’t.
A moth could not scream. It would never see the sun. They just fluttered through the night, like a ghost. They were swallowed silently by that darkness.
This is my last birthday.
Lisa lowered her gaze, before restarting her lonely stroll.
At the very least… I got to see the sunset first.
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age 27.2 » the future ahead of us
Summer melted into fall at last. The heat evaporated, leaving cool winds to quench the thirsty land.
The winds were gentle; like a nourishing pair of hands. Lisa closed her eyes, sinking into the feeling of those hands touching her. They brought her comfort, and they eased her pain.
They belonged to her.
“Just a few more months…”
Julius whispered the words, so soft that Lisa could barely hear them. But that was okay; they weren’t meant for her.
“I can’t wait to meet you.”
Lisa’s hand moved to run through his hair. Julius let out a happy sigh, his eyes flickering closed. He could hear two heartbeats with the ear pressed against his wife’s stomach, harmonizing with the sweet sound of her breathing. Life thrived there, and life was thriving within him as well. Never before had he felt so much excitement, so much anxiety. It was a rare, beautiful thing; an opportunity that had almost slipped away; like a stunning sunset that you didn’t notice until it was too late.
But it’s not too late.
He pulled back a little, just enough to stare up into Lisa’s eyes.
Because of you… your strength… your sacrifice. Because of you, we have this life. We have a second chance.
I won’t ever let that chance slip away.
“Her birthday is going to be after both of ours… a December baby.” Julius said happily. “A “Joy” to the world, you could say.”
Lisa let out a soft chuckle, shaking her head a little at the pun. “A joy to all of us, for sure.”
She watched as Julius nodded, his expression drowsy, before he lowered his head to listen once again. He couldn’t get enough of the sounds; the sounds of his daughter, and the sounds of his wife.
“She’s a joy… and a gift.”
The world was changing. The future ahead was uncertain. But Fate was alive and well; Julius and Lisa would always be bound to it.
Whatever fate had in store for them, they would be together. And they would have this child, who they had wanted more than anything else on this Earth.
“I love you, Lisa.”
“I love you, Julius.”
It was the happiest birthday Lisa ever had.
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15 notes · View notes
sometimesiwrite · 3 years
The Way It Is
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Prompt: Fake Dating
Pairing: Lambert & Essi Other Characters: Julian (Jaskier), Eskel/Geralt
Rating: Teen Content Warnings: No Archive Warnings; platonic/queerplatonic dynamics; pressure to engage sexually; coarse language; alcohol/intoxication; modern AU.
Summary: When Essi and Lambert are setup on a blind date, they don’t expect to get along as well as they do. However, when they decide to keep their relationship platonic and non-romantic, they realize they might face some uncomfortable pressure. For the sake of simplicity, they decide to tell people they’re dating, but is it sustainable? 
Essi fidgeted with the bent corner of her cafe menu, looking around at the various styles of local artworks hanging on the walls. She was early by about ten minutes, but that didn’t stop her from checking the pearlescent dial of her watch every thirty seconds. Finally, the bell above the door tinkled and a man walked in. Essi could tell from the way he was looking around that he was there to meet someone—her. The only other people sitting alone in the cafe were working on laptops and tablets; no one else waiting for a date. And this man was most certainly looking for one. 
He was handsome in a ruffled sort of way, though he’d clearly put in a bit of effort. His black casual dress shirt and slim light-wash jeans fit his lean frame impeccably, and a subtle quantity of mousse was clearly doing its best to tame his short, scruffy brown hair. Even his bristly beard appeared to have been trimmed recently. Though there was nothing particularly remarkable about his clothing, there was something striking about the way he carried himself, a devil-may-care sort of presence that Essi appreciated. For a blind date, she thought, it certainly could be worse. Allegedly, they knew each other, at least based on his abruptly out-of-the-blue text, and the closer she looked, the more her memory of him crystalized. 
A loud ping! emitted from Essi’s phone and the man looked up from his own cellular device, clearly having just texted. 
“Uh, Essi? Essi Daven, right?” He took a step towards her and leaned in, pointing to his phone screen. 
“Yes,” Essi stood to shake his hand, “hi.”
“Nice to see you again. Lambert.”
They sat down awkwardly, both struggling to find the will for smalltalk. 
“So…” Lambert had become keenly interested in a black-and-white digital photograph behind Essi’s shoulder.
“Listen,” Essi could feel the words start to tumble out of her mouth, and it was too late to do anything about it. Lambert raised an eyebrow,  “I don’t really know how to say this, so I’m just going to be honest and probably regret it later: I don’t really do this. Dating. I find it strange and uncomfortable and if I’m perfectly honest I think I’d rather die.” She didn’t cringe apologetically, which would have been the expected behaviour to accompany an outpouring of disinterest. Instead she stared at him, wide-eyed, lips slightly pursed as a muscle in her neck twitched, waiting for his response.
Lambert laughed. Genuinely laughed—a joyful release of tension and dread, “Oh, thank Fuck!” Essi blinked in pleasant surprise and watched as Lambert began to relax.
“Excuse me?” Her startlingly blue eyes widened in amusement. 
“No, no, I just mean—I would absolutely and one-hundred percent, without a doubt, rather die in a hole than date,” Lambert slotted the edge of the menu under his fingernails and let his eyes wander a little more freely around the cafe. 
“So then… why?” 
Hm. Direct, frank, amusing lack of filter… the memories were starting to come back from what limited, heavily inebriated, time they’d spent together.
There was something about the straightforwardness of this endearingly odd woman that made Lambert feel infinitely more comfortable. Usually, any kind of interaction with the potential of building mutual interest made him feel like he was playing a game he didn’t know the rules to. The signals, the code words that never meant what they said: having sex on the first date means you’re a slut; not having sex on the third date means you’re a prude; grabbing coffee means this; having dinner means that; if they your arm but don’t invite you up, it means that they’re actually a KGB operative and need to give you the launch codes for a super secret missile...
Fuck that, we have words for a reason. Say what you mean and don’t waste my time. For that reason alone, Essi was already scoring quite well in Lambert’s books. 
He shrugged, “You somehow remembered me from the KM Christmas party almost six months ago, and still asked for my number. I figure that at least deserves a coffee and a conversation.”
Essi was bewildered, “I didn’t ask for your number, you texted me.”
Lambert shook his head, “Impossible. No offense, but I absolutely guarantee you I did not.” He produced their short text exchange and scrolled to the top of their conversation: 
Hi, is this Lambert? From the KM Christmas party? 
You might not remember me, we got talking about 
the political situation in Kashmir after about…
Too many drinks. Eeep! 
Anyway, I’d love to get a coffee sometime, if 
you’re interested. 
Sorry, this is Essi Daven. 
You called me Goldilocks at one point and 
seemed amused XD 
Hope you’re well! 
Essi snatched Lambert’s phone, shocked and slightly outraged as she reached for her own device, opening her thread with Lambert. The text at the top was not from her, but from the man across from her: 
Yeah, hi, this is 
As it happens, I remember you and our 
conversation quite well. Not many folks 
happily get into drunken political discussions
You know what, I wouldn’t mind grabbing a 
Let me know if you’re free in the next couple 
Lambert gestured emphatically at Essi’s phone screen, “In what world is this an acceptable way to ask someone out?! I wouldn’t have said yes to that!”
“I don’t know,” Essi fired back, “It was straightforward! I found it charming, okay? Is that a crime?”
“No, but I have some serious concerns about your taste in men.”
“Like you’re in such a fine position to judge after the hollow, paltry invitation you accepted—which I absolutely did not write, by the way. I want to make that perfectly clear.”
“Alright, alright, cool your jets, we’ve got bigger fish to fry.” Lambert narrowed his eyes as he passed Essi’s phone back to her, “You didn't fire the first shot, so who texted me from your phone and cleared the history?”
Essi nibbled the inside of her cheek, “I can think of a few.”
“Okay, next question,” Lambert pocketed his phone, “who added you to my contacts before you texted. Because we did not exchange numbers six months ago, but your name was already there when I received it.”
Essi shrugged, “Who has access to your phone?”
“I dunno. Really just Eskel and Geralt and neither of them would—”
“Why him?”
Essi’s bright blue eyes turned steely and murderous, “Julian… They’re working together.”
“Wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me that Geralt the-last-thing-I-need Rivia and Julian Alfred these-aren't-my-pants Pankratz think we're so helplessly undateable that they decided to secretly set us up?” 
“Eskel doesn’t know me that well; he wouldn’t try to set you up with someone he hadn’t vetted. Who did you talk to first when you got that text from me?”
Lambert’s eyes widened, “Holy shit, they’re working together.”
Essi nodded, a flood of embarrassment warming her cheeks. “Sorry to waste your time. You’re very nice but, um, I should just…” she got up to leave.
“Wh-hey, hold up. I mean, if you wanna go, go, that's fine, but there's something you might want to know first.”
Essi tossed her yellow bangs out of her eyes, “Oh? What's that?”
“This,” Lambert produced an Amex credit card from his breast pocket, “is Geralt's.” The cheeky glint in his eyes was a very convincing argument.
“Fine then. Coffee and a conversation.” 
The coffee was hot and decent, and the conversation meandered through the usual topics of music, movies, and television, but also dipped into deeper waters as they grew more comfortable with each other’s company. Of course, it didn’t hurt that neither of them had any stakes in the outcome of this “date”. It made it easier to be frank and open, which in turn led to them quickly enjoying their time together. So much so that coffee turned into lunch, which turned into a long walk in the pleasant weather, which finally landed them outside Essi’s apartment, just around dinner time. 
“I have to say, this was actually a pleasant encounter,” she said, turning to face him with a characteristic toss of her bangs. 
“Yeah, who’d’ve thought two people forced together by meddling friends would actually find it enjoyable?” 
“In light of that,” Essi squared her shoulders and found Lambert’s hazel-brown eyes, “I think it’s fair to say I want to see you again.”
He cringed regretfully and scratched the back of his head, “Ahh, yeah, so… I don’t know if that’s really--”
“Oh, relax,” Essi smirked with a casual touch to Lambert’s forearm. “I don't mean like that. I just mean--you're interesting and fun and, well I don't have many close friends and I feel like we connected well today.”
“I'll make it even simpler: I absolutely, one-hundred percent, am not interested in dating you.”
“Easy there, you know I love it when people get all straightforward with me.” 
“I mean it, I just want to be friends,” she toyed back, trying her best to look sultry. It kind of worked.
Lambert bit his lower lip in mock arousal, “Mmm, oh yeah...”
She swayed her shoulders forward and back, doing her best to emulate the seductive actresses and models of the 1950s, “I want to Netflix and chill with a documentary about Soviet propaganda.”
Her last comment prompted a playfully stern look from her companion, “Careful now, you’re wading into actual turn-on territory.” 
“You're such a weirdo,” Essi chuckled, giving him an endeared shove. “Seriously, though, would you like to do this again? Friends?” 
He nodded sincerely, “Yeah, I think I'd really like that. Just one problem, though.”
“If we claim not to be interested in each other but keep hanging out we’ll never hear the end of it?” 
Essi hummed thoughtfully and nibbled the inside of her bottom lip, “Well… we could always… pretend?” 
“Sounds like you two are hitting it off. I’m glad. I know Essi’s been feeling a little isolated between work and being new to the city.” Geralt closed the fridge with his foot and headed towards the sofa, popcorn in one hand, three beers in the other. “I’ll take my card back, by the way.” 
Lambert reluctantly handed the Amex back in exchange for a beer and perched on the arm of the sofa. “She’s really something. We’re, uh—yeah, hitting it off is a good word.”
And hitting it off, they were. The last ten days since their first “date” had been more enjoyable than all the dates he’d had in the last year combined. Essi was a fantastic companion: sharp, witty, kind, took no bullshit… They had done absolutely nothing but hang out, and no one had pried them for many details about the nature of their relationship. As far as their friend group was concerned, they were simply dating in the way that most adults dated. This also meant more time to themselves without unwanted interruptions (namely Julian barging in with his spare key to gossip about whatever fires were currently alight on twitter). The first night Lambert had been over, it took Julian all of five minutes to “grab something from the fridge” before parting with a knowing wink. 
To her credit and imagination, Essi had expertly fielded her cousin’s initial barrage of questions when she first announced their “involvement.” It wasn’t that she didn’t like her cousin, Essi adored Julian, but she was also the first to admit that the man had no boundaries. What he lacked in that arena, he certainly made up for with opinions, which he was always more than happy to bestow on his younger cousin—usually dating advice, almost always unsolicited. Lambert had a much easier time convincing his side that he and Essi were taking it easy to see where things went. Between Eskel being a consummate gentleman and Geralt having his own Delicate Sensibilities, neither of them had demanded any details. 
“As long as you’re both happy and everything’s healthy, that’s all that matters,” Geralt’s partner reiterated, reaching into the bowl on Geralt’s lap. 
“Jesus, Eskel, you sound like my Nonna.”
“That's no way to talk to your father,” Geralt smirked into his hand of popcorn
“You're no better,” Lambert took a swig from his beer, lips popping as he lowered the bottle. “I swear, you've turned into a couple of mother hens since you two got together. Quit fussing and watch the game.” 
Geralt put his arm around Eskel’s shoulders, “We have gotten a little soft haven’t we?”
Eskel huffed out a laugh, “Probably. Hey, Lambert, don't fuck it up or I'll kick your ass into next week.” 
“Thank you. See? Was that so hard?” 
“Eh,” Eskel shrugged, helping himself to another handful of popcorn, “I stand by my original statement. Geralt agrees.” 
“It's true,” he said between mouthfuls. “Essi’s a good woman. Smart, talented, kind, attractive.” 
Eskel cleared his throat.
“Eskel, she is, it's just a statement of fact it doesn't mean that she doesn’t have other…”
“I know it doesn't but I still think you could bear to be a little more…”
“Funny thing,” Lambert interrupted, “I still can’t figure out how this smart, talented, kind, attractive woman’s number programmed itself into my phone. Because I may have been drunk the night we first met, but I have never in my life forgotten a successful number grab. Fess up, fellas. Who was it?”
Eskel’s eyes widened, “Geralt, you didn’t.”  
“I… may have… helped Julian gain access to Lambert’s phone.”
“Unbelievable. The betrayal,” Lambert shook his head, eyes still on the game. “If only there was some way to square things up…”
“You charged everything to my company card, didn’t you?”
“First two dates and a fresh pair of pants. Thanks, bud.” Geralt accepted a pat on the back as Eskel began gently but sternly berating him.
Lambert shook his head, smirking as he took another swig of beer, leaving the two lovebirds to bicker amongst themselves. His hip pocket buzzed and he checked his phone: Essi. 
Next Wednesday? Pizza and a movie?  Still can't believe you haven't seen  Ocean’s Eleven. 
Yeah, okay, fine. Jeez :P 7:30 my place? I'll provide beverages. 
If by ‘beverages’ you mean watery beer…
Fuck off, I'll get the good stuff. Unless  you prefer Arbor Mist or some shit. 
*gasps* I am offended! (but also it's delicious)
*sigh* do you want me to get you some?
*turtles into hoodie* ...peach or cherry pls? 
Haha okay, fine, I'll get a bottle. Can't promise  I won't judge you forever, though ;) 
It's okay, I deserve it.  g2g, see you tomorrow! xox 
Lambert groaned contentedly, massaging his stomach as he sprawled back on his aging brown sofa, long legs resting habitually on the coffee table. The now-empty pizza box lay abandoned on the far edge, accompanied by four empty beer bottles, and a nearly-empty, unfavourably warm Peach Arbor Mist. The toilet flushed and Essi emerged. Her dark gold hair had long ago been pulled into a messy bun, but her indigo skinny jeans had been replaced by soft-looking grey leggings. 
Lambert shook his head in amusement as she settled back next to him on the couch, "I still can't believe you brought your own lounge pants"
"That's because I'm a genius," she quipped, crossing her legs and adjusting the height of her waistband. "Besides, when else will I have the opportunity to actually be comfortable during a date?" 
"You took your bra off, too, didn't you?" Lambert asked without missing a beat, eyes never leaving the screen. 
"Yup!" Essi confirmed, her sparkling blue eyes glinting with joy as she raised her glass to her lips.
The movie continued as the new friends settled into comfortable silence, their food-drowsy, alcohol-fuzzy states lulling them into a new level of comfortability around each other. Legs fell asleep, positions were adjusted, and shoulders leaned on as the two sought maximum comfort for minimum effort. Soon, an arm was around Essi's shoulder as she settled her cheek on a comfortable spot on Lambert's chest. 
"You good?" Lambert asked, only half-irritated at her seemingly endless search for the perfect angle. 
"I'm sorry, I thought I'd found a good spot, but..." A few more adjustments of her head and Lambert couldn't take it anymore. 
"Jesus, woman, here. Get up for a sec."
Essi sat up as Lambert rearranged himself into a sort of semi-recline with one foot on the floor so his other leg could make room for the tiny pain-in-the-ass that was taking up the rest of the couch space. At his invitation, she wriggled up to the crook of his arm and quickly settled in. Lambert hadn't really thought about what they were doing. Not when Essi had harmlessly leaned against his arm; not when their weight settled into each other; not when Lambert had put his arm around her; not even as he was rearranging to get to where they were now. It had all just... happened. Now, though, with Essi lying still, Lambert felt the weight and warmth of her body shifting gently against his, and it dawned on him that this had the potential to be, well, weird.
But the strange thing was, it didn't feel weird. He'd fucking cuddled before, but there was always a sense of holding back, a tension in his body, being on the lookout for signals from the other person to move onto the Next Step. But now, he actually felt comfortable. There wasn't anything that was supposed to happen after this. Nobody was asking anything of him, no one sending signals he could pick up on but never read properly, no sinking feelings of dread as the other person moved in for a kiss that always felt too soon. Essi was just there, breathing, content. And Lambert was relaxed.
The woman half-on top of him gave a twitch as the credits started to roll, and Lambert let out a private laugh, "Hey, Sleeping Beauty, show's over." 
Essi inhaled heavily through her nose and lifted herself up, "Hmmm?" 
"Movie's over." 
"Did I fall asleep? I'm sorry!" she sat and rubbed her eyes, taking a sip of water to rinse the stale taste from her mouth. 
"Eh, only a little." Lambert exited Netflix and tossed the remote back on to the table. "Thought you might wanna start heading home before it gets too late." 
Essi nodded in response as she grabbed the pizza box and brought it to the kitchen trash, leaving Lambert to bring the empties. 
"You going to finish this atrocity of a beverage?" Lambert waggled the near-empty wine bottle at Essi as he passed on his way to the sink. She merely scowled and shook her head, letting him pour it down the drain 'where it belonged anyway'.
Essi gathered her things and met Lambert by his front door, checking her pockets for her phone and keys one last time before putting her shoes on. 
"You okay to walk? Want me to come with?" 
It was only 10:30 on a weeknight, and she appreciated the gesture all the same, but it was fine to walk. "Thanks, though. And thank you for tonight. I really needed to get out of the house. I hope, um..." 
She trailed off, not sure how to ask. She didn't have the same physical boundaries that most others seemed to have. She was affectionate—often overly so, and it had led to more than a few misunderstandings in the past. She didn't want Lambert to feel as though she had ulterior motives when the simple fact of the matter was that she hadn't really been thinking. Between the instant relief of not actually being on a date and Lambert's easy manner all evening, she'd forgotten that most friendships didn’t generally involve that much physical contact. Would Lambert be confused now? Thinking they were onto something more than friendship? Had he been wanting more? Had she pushed past a point of no return and doomed their friendship?
She inhaled, "Were you comfortable tonight?" 
For a split second, Lambert flailed, wondering whether he’d made her uncomfortable. Fuck, she'd seemed comfortable, if anything it felt like he’d been following her lead but maybe...
"I—yeah. That was, I enjoyed that. Were... were you not—?" 
Essi smiled and Lambert relaxed again, "No, I was. I wanted to ask in case, that's all. Boundaries and all that. I'll text you when I'm home." 
Lambert opened the door and waved her off toward the elevator, "'Kay. 'Night!" 
The door clicked shut. 
Okay, alright. Fine. Did they cuddle? Yes. Did he enjoy it? Fuck yes. He absolutely didn’t care what anyone might think about how he chose to enjoy his time with other people. However, this didn’t stop him from acknowledging that he was in uncharted friendship territory. More than anything, he was worried about how Essi really felt. Of course, she had no reason not to be honest with him. But the last thing he wanted to do was play fast and loose with someone’s emotions, especially not a friend, and definitely not one as close as Essi. Time would tell. As Lambert’s head hit the pillow, the memory of her warmth and weight settled over him again, and he slept soundly for the first time in months.
“Yes Poppet, but have you slept together yet? Honestly, you’ve been dating for almost three weeks now, what could you possibly be waiting for?” 
Oh, I don’t know, hell to freeze over? You to mind your own business? Whichever comes first… 
“I mean, you clearly adore one another, I’ve never seen you happier. What’s there to lose?’”
Essi scoffed. 
Julian placed his hands on her shoulders, “I know it’s been a while for you, but I think you can afford to let yourself go a little, have some fun, hm? Besides, it’s better to find out sooner rather than later if you’re sexually incompatible.”
She took a deep breath, “That’s a very good point, Julian, I’ll think about that.” The dating act was starting to wear a little thin, but it was worth not having to explain to anyone that they weren’t doing exactly what it looked like they were doing. 
Julian took time to give his cousin a scrutinizing look, “Well, by the look of things it won’t be long anyway. If you spend all of your time together as tangled up as you were the other night when I came over, it’ll happen sooner rather than later. Just trust your gut, and when in doubt, a little hint never goes awry.”
Needless to say, Essi more or less ignored her cousin’s advice.
As the weeks stretched on, it became evident that they were quickly becoming what most people would consider to be more than friends. The first time they pulled the covers back and climbed into bed, each on their half of the mattress, they were aware that yet another boundary of friendship had been pushed a little farther into the grey zone. But, they woke up the next morning feeling happy, content, and refreshed, and surely there was nothing wrong with two people sharing a comfortable bed. Essi had woken up with crust in her eyes and her nightgown bunched around her waist. Lambert had woken up with morning wood and his hair a mess. Neither of them cared. People wake up in the morning, big deal. 
Still, it didn’t stop the questioning that oscillated in the background of Lambert’s mind. Was he unknowingly leading Essi on by allowing her so much closeness without a clearly defined relationship? She’d made her own disinterest clear enough on their first “date”,  but feelings change over time. What she’d told him three weeks ago might not be true anymore… 
And then there was that soft warm tingle in the middle of his chest every time she lay her head in his lap, every time he ran his fingers through her hair. He knew he wasn't in love. Not that he was an expert, but what was all that "when you know, you know" bullshit if he couldn’t trust his own feelings? He loved her, sure, but more like a... not a sister, that would be weird. He didn't know what like. Whatever. Fuck it. Eskel had said it best three weeks ago: “As long as you're happy and everything’s healthy, that’s all that matters.” Yeah, sure. We’ll stick with that.
As far as Lambert and Essi were concerned, it was what it was, and whatever it was was working… wasn’t it?
"Fuckin' finally!" 
The door to Essi's apartment clicked closed as the tenant wilted against it, emitting an exhausted groan, "Two. Hours. It took me two hours to get home!" She toed off her penny loafers and abandoned her purse and jacket in a pile by the front door, ignoring the hook three inches to her left. She flopped heavily onto her living room carpet. 
"I see you found my spare key," she added, not at all surprised that Lambert had managed to let himself in. 
"Yeah, you should probably put that in a less obvious spot," he answered, crossing to the door to hang her things up. "So, I see it's a lying on the floor kind of evening. Can I interest you in a drink to start? Vodka pairs well with the general vibe of Done-With-This-Shit, or we also have tequila if you feel like shouting out the window after a couple shots. Alternatively, there's gin if you want to cry later." 
Essi smiled with her eyes closed, feeling her body slowly relaxing into the spongy throw rug underneath her, "You know me so well." 
"Vodka. Euch, I need to vacuum!," Essi peeled herself to a seated position as clinks and clatters began in the kitchen. She hopped in the shower to rinse the day off, and after a few minutes, there was a knock on the bathroom door. 
"Yeeees?" she called, playfully. 
"Drink delivery!" Lambert hollered back, "you want this now or later?" 
"Why are you so good to me?" 
There was a draught of cool air as Lambert opened the bathroom door, "Because you only marginally annoy me. Here," he passed his hand between the shower wall and the opaque fish-scale-patterned curtain. "What's on the docket for tonight?" 
Essi groaned, "I don't know, I'm sorry. I used all my brain cells trying not to murder people on the streetcar." 
"Okay," Lambert sat on the lidded toilet, "here's the thing. I kinda maybe figured that might be the case so I kinda maybe picked up a few things to make dinner." 
A shampoo-piled head poked out from behind the curtain, "You're kidding." 
"I love you." 
Lambert chuckled, "Yeah, you're alright. Come on, hurry up, this bathroom's a fuckin’ sauna, and I don’t want the croutons to get soggy." Essi burbled an answer about conditioner and almost done, and Lambert took that as his cue to leave.
Dinner was simple: pan fried Salmon with crispy skin (delicate and buttery on the inside); wax beans in butter (tender and not overcooked); grilled brussels sprouts (just beginning to brown on the edges); and a fresh caesar salad. Everything done to perfection. Full, content, and ready to take their relaxation to the next step they settled themselves on Essi’s blue-grey sectional to begin the arduous task of deciding what to watch. 
This was proving particularly difficult with the addition of Essi's caveat that whatever they chose not be "too plot-heavy" which so far had included Masterchef, an interior design show, and program about shepherding in the Orkneys. 
"Sweetheart, you gotta give me some slack here. I thought I was on track with the sheep!" 
"I know, I'm sorry!" Essi muffled into his shirt sleeve. "I do like animals..." She gasped loudly. "BLUE PLANET."
Lambert stopped the endless scrolling and pushed play as the soothing voice of David Attenborough filled the small living room.
"Hey! Why'd you pause it?" 
Lambert was standing up, "If we're going to do this, then we're doing it right. Hang on." 
Essi slumped on the sofa as the microwave kicked on. In a few minutes, there was popcorn in their laps and half a bottle of vodka on the table with an ice bucket and lemon wedges in a bowl. Lambert read off his phone screen.
"We will take a drink when: 
-David says 'Extraordinary' -David uses a clear understatement such as 'But then again, living in an active volcano is not without its risks' -An animal is being eaten -An animal is mating -There is sped up footage of a plant growing."
"Oh no," Essi lamented, chewing her popcorn ungracefully, "I'm going to get so drunk." 
"You got it, Goldilocks. Fill up."
And with that, they were off, taking it slow with their vodka twists, but nonetheless feeling the warm buzz start to tingle under their skin. The box of microwave popcorn was empty by halfway through, and the remains of Essi's exhaustion had almost dispersed entirely.
"Ooh! Understatement! Drink!!" 
By ten o’clock, pink-cheeked and feeling boisterous, they had finished with their favourite parts of Blue Planet, or at least the ones they had patience for, and had moved on to Planet Earth II.
“Holy fuck, that’s a lot of snakes—Go, you little fucker! Go!”
The drama on the screen had caused the two to separate from one another while Lambert invested himself in the success of the small lizard. Once the baby Galapagos Iguana had made it to safety, they were once again able to recline without Essi risking an elbow to the face.
She bundled against him, scooting farther between his legs where he leaned in the corner of the sectional. He gathered her hair and draped it over her left shoulder so it wouldn't get caught in his buttons—they'd learned that the hard way. It was still damp, cool to the touch, and smelled like verbena sea salt shampoo. He felt a pulse of affection ripple through him as her weight resettled. He loved that feeling. It had taken some time to get used to it. But now it was high on his list of favourite things. He was happy. And it was healthy. And that really was all that mattered. 
Eskel’s words turned themselves around again in his mind as he wrapped his arm around the front of Essi’s shoulders. He let himself indulge in the texture of her cotton knit nightshirt under his fingers. He relished in the peace of mind at being able to just be there with someone who meant something to him and made absolutely no demands. He let himself relax. 
Essi felt a kiss land on the top of her head with a playful, "Muwah!" 
She giggled quietly, "Thank you!" Then, upon further thought… Did he want to kiss her? Her mind did a double take as she tried to get on top of the ball.  
It wasn’t impossible. They were close after all, and she wasn’t opposed to the idea. She’d recently found herself in a balancing act of realizing she could, in theory, have a deeper kind of feeling for Lambert. Only if, for whatever reason, it turned out he felt the same way. These weren’t the helpless uncontrollable feelings of ride-or-die infatuation; they were malleable, translatable, general feelings of affection and fondness that belonged in any number of different relationships and dynamics. 
No sense risking it, she thought. They'd found a liminal space of comfort and safety that she'd never experienced with anyone else before, and if the options were between being a little confused and ruining everything, the choice was an easy one. Then again, if Lambert was developing feelings for her, she didn’t want to miss an opportunity. Shit. Her cheeks burned as she felt the question rise closer to her lips. 
"Lambert?" she sat up abruptly and turned to her friend who was still moulded into the corner of the couch, watching the mating rituals of exotic birds with bewildered skepticism. 
He jolted at Essi’s sudden movement, "Hello, yes." 
Her bright blue eyes were now slightly unfocused, "Do you—? Nevermind." She lay back against him, suddenly skittish..
"Mm, nah, try again," he said, sluggishly. "What’s up, buttercup?" 
She swayed a little when she sat up, "Are you happy with what we are?"
Lambert blinked, caught slightly off-guard. The question was easy enough to answer, "Yeah! I mean I don’t know what the fuck we are, but I’m feeling pretty good about it. Shit, why? Are you not? I can be less… whatever. Or… more?" It wasn’t like he was repulsed by the idea of anything else happening between them—in theory it was a possibility. In practice, however...
Essi put an emphatic hand on Lambert’s knee, her glassy eyes going wide, "Do you want more?" 
"What? No! I dunno, I—maybe. I haven’t really thought about it. I mean…” Lambert searched Essi’s face for any clue that might help him know how to proceed, “I don’t not want anything else. Fuck, I don’t know! I’m used to doing things the other way around. You know the drill: uncomfortable date, smoosh faces together, have sex, hope feelings fall out. Lather-rinse-repeat. I dunno, do we have to… But what if we try something and...? I don’t wanna lose this." 
Essi leaned in close and whispered, “I have an idea.”
"Why do I feel like I'm going to regret this?" 
"We should kiss."
Lambert nearly swallowed an ice cube, "What?!"
"Just once. Quickly. Just... in case." 
"You want me, Lambert, to kiss you, Essi Daven, on the lips."
She nodded sincerely, "For science."
There was a brief pause during which Essi felt the beginnings of panic brewing in her stomach, but by the time she'd finished grappling with potential consequences, Lambert was filling their glasses. 
"Alright. Fine. My friend wants me to kiss her for science? Fuck it. I'll drink to that." 
They downed their drinks and squared up, knee to knee on the edge of the sofa as they each prepared for their best form—or as good as they could offer given the circumstances. They counted down, 3-2-1...
The kiss was quick, over as soon as it had begun, and both friends pulled away with questioning looks. Inconclusive. They tried again for a little longer, still returning with the same quizzical expressions. They went in for a third time, committing more thoroughly, and for a brief moment it seemed they might have found the semblance of a spark. But it didn’t build. It felt… fine? But no different than if they were lying together on the sofa. It was just another thing they were doing. They each tried to find the right word for what they were feeling, but were soon distracted by the oddness of it all.   
Essi started to giggle. Less than a second later, Lambert joined her, and they both pulled away, thoroughly satisfied that their experiment had yielded a strong No on the subject of More. There was a dull thud as Essi slid from the couch and onto the floor, still holding her drink in one hand and laughing hysterically. 
Lambert sighed and shook his head, "I think it’s time we got you to bed."
Headaches and dry mouths greeted the two friends the next morning when they blinked awake. Essi’s hair was a cotton-candy mess, having still been slightly damp when Lambert put her to bed. The brunet himself didn’t look much different from his usual scruffy state as he gathered Essi up in an armful of duvet and squeezed tight.
“Gods, Lambert, I still need to breathe,” Essi chuckled, pressing her back into his chest. 
“You’ll get over it,” he teased and self-indulgently nuzzled even closer. “You feeling alright? I mean, aside from the hangover. About last night?” 
“Oh no,” Essi groaned, “I’m so sorry, Lambert. I shouldn’t have said anything. It’s just—you kissed my head and then that got me wondering about whether you might want something else, and then I didn’t really know what was happening and—” 
“Hey, easy on the rambling, okay, I’m running on limited brain cells, here. Look,” Lambert sat up to find those big blue eyes, now shining brightly, “I have no idea what the fuck this is that we’ve got going on, but I like it fine just the way it is.”
“Yeah. And we can keep talking about that. Just, you know, maybe next time something’s on your mind, don’t wait ‘til we’re wasted at 2am?”
“Okay, deal. Can we go get bacon now?”
Lambert chuckled, “Yeah, alright, fine. Make me put pants on, I see how it is.”
Their conversation continued over strong coffee and eggs benedicts. Between their check-in that morning and everything that had happened the previous night, it was well-established that they were perfectly happy where they were. Rather, the main topic of conversation was their growing desire to level with their friends about the nature of their relationship. Eskel and Geralt, they both agreed, would be the easiest—Lambert could tell them that evening. Julian and Essi’s friends on the other hand would be a little more difficult. 
Telling Julian together would be best, Essi thought. He was bound to have questions, and if both she and Lambert were there to answer them definitively and explain that no, they didn’t have secret feelings for one another; and yes, they really were just friends and not at all interested in exploring the relationship further thank you very much. Exactly when this discussion with Julian would occur still wasn’t clear. Realistically, they could pick any time, but they decided to wait until Lambert could tell the Old Men. At least then they were assured some less invasive support. 
Their reaction was easy enough to predict: Eskel reassuringly repeated his standby “As long as you’re both happy with things…” and twirled a forkful of pasta; Geralt tilted his head thoughtfully and said, “That sounds very nice. I’m happy for you.” Lambert had expected mild disapproval, concern that they were deviating too far from the norm and into a complex dynamic that would be too messy to manage. Instead, Geralt simply said it ‘sounded very nice.’ Lambert smiled into the open refrigerator on his way to get a beer. 
The following weekend was Julian’s birthday, and, as per their annual tradition, the group all gathered on Friday evening at the birthday boy’s favourite restaurant—Vegelbud’s. The two decided to tell him the week after his birthday so as not to detract from his Big 3-0. Just one more week, and it would all be in the open. Easy breasy.
The afternoon of the dinner, Eskel and Geralt received a group text: Haven’t told Julian the details yet. Keep the beans to yourselves please (I’m looking at you, @Eskel). 
“Why me?” Eskel turned to Geralt over his paperwork, looking a little hurt. 
Geralt chuckled, “You have a slight tendency to overshare when you want to be supportive.”
“I do?” He turned on the bar stool to follow his partner on the way upstairs.
“It’s not a bad thing, but…” Geralt sighed, “Lambert has always needed to feel in control of situations like this. He doesn’t want one of us bringing this up before he’s ready to talk about it, especially in a public place, you know how he gets when he feels cornered. And Julian is Essi’s cousin…”
Eskel raised a hand, “You’re right, you’re right. All points taken. Are you showering?”
Geralt smirked as he headed for the stairs, “Come on then.” 
Four hours later and halfway through dinner, everything had gone swimmingly. The food had been expectedly delicious, the company and conversation excellent, and so far no one had felt the need to bring up Essi and Lambert’s relationship on any level. That is until Julian got a few drinks under his belt, and decided it was time to document the occasion. Geralt and Eskel were the first victims. 
“Aww just look at you two! So in love, so vivacious and full of adoration,” Julian held up his phone as Geralt touched the side of his head to Eskel’s. Beep-Chk! A perfect image of a happy couple was captured and posted to Instagram (#julianturns30 #dinneratvagelbuds #dinnerout #cutiesofinstagram #favoriteotp #gaycouplesofinstagram #livelaughlove…). There were a few more photos of the three of them together, the white chocolate raspberry cheesecake with the candle in it, a group shot taken by the waiter. It was all so close to being over, Essi could practically taste the refuge of the streetcar. 
"Come on, lovebirds, show us a smooch!" Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no. Essi’s stomach lurched and she felt her cheeks start to warm. Lambert’s hand landed gently on her knee under the table, his fingers pressing firmly into her leg as she desperately tried to think of something to say. 
"Oh, um..." 
Across the table, Geralt and Eskel shared a wordless communication: de-escalate, distract, redirect.
“You’ll want to eat that cheesecake before it gets warm” Geralt offered. “I hear it’s so light it’ll disintegrate in a heartbeat.” Eskel nodded in encouragement, taking a bite of his own. 
“I know, I know,” Julian shrugged, “Just a quick one. Say Cheese!”
"Not right now, Julian," Essi tilted her head, her eyes flashing a little. 
"Oh come on, Poppet! I know you don't like PDA, it's just one little picture--"
“Don’t call me Poppet.”
Eskel cleared his throat loudly, "Doesn't seem they're that keen on it. Maybe let's try for one another time." 
"It's past your one-month-a-versary, let everyone see how in love you are." 
"Julian," Geralt growled, "leave it." 
Julian covered his mouth in alarm, "I’m so sorry, have you not used that word yet? I didn’t mean anything by it, I just want the world to see how happy my beautiful cousin is!" 
“Really Julian, it’s not necessary we—” Essi’s fingernails were starting to dig into Lambert’s palm from the sheer effort of maintaining composure. She wasn’t sure whether she wanted to cry or disappear, and with neither of those being an option, it seemed the only possible escape was for them to kiss. They’d done it before. No big deal. It would feel off, but they’d just go back to her place and drink about it after. 
“Essi, what’s the matter with you, it’s just one little picture, and we all know you’re not camera-shy. On three, ready? One, two…”
"For fuck's sake we're not dating!" 
The table all silently turned their attention to Essi whose cheeks had been turning progressively redder. 
“What?” Her cousin laughed incredulously. 
“We’re not a couple, Julian. We’re friends. We have been from the beginning, but we didn’t want to tell you because we knew you wouldn’t fucking leave us alone until you could boast about having set us up.”
Lambert shared a brief look with Eskel before lowering his eyes to the tablecloth, his hand still firmly clutched in Essi’s. 
Julian gaped, “So, it was all… the cuddling, the laughing, that time I came over and you were asleep on the couch, that was all… a ruse?” 
“No, Julian, that was real. I told you, we’re friends.”
“That’s not friends! Since when have friends watched a movie half-on-top of each other?” 
“Two people can enjoy each other's company lying flat, Julian,” Eskel’s rich voice interjected across the table and the discussion ground to a halt. 
Geralt shrugged with his tea at his lips, “It is the twenty-first century after all.”
Julian’s cornflower blue eyes flitted back and forth between the two friends, utterly bewildered. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Well what with your complete and utter invasion of privacy for the sake of hooking us up, we didn’t necessarily trust you to believe us,” Essi answered curtly, her hand shaking slightly. 
“Poppet, you could have just told me—”
“Stop. Calling me that. And I did tell you, Julian!” she exploded. “I told you the first day I moved here. The first. Day. I said, ‘Julian, I think I want to take a break from dating until I’ve been settled for a year.’ And what did you do? Conspired with my well-meaning former mentor to hook me up with someone I had one good conversation with at a Christmas party. And do you know what? We are happy. But we’re happy in our own way. And maybe our boundaries with each other seem a little strange to you, but we’re not fooling ourselves. We don’t want to kiss each other, we don’t want to have sex, and we don’t want a relationship. And even though it’s absolutely none of your damn business, I’ll tell you anyway: we’ve talked about it. All of it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I don’t think I want to be here anymore.” 
The chair legs scraped against the floor of the restaurant as Essi stood to leave, throwing her purse over her shoulder as she went. Lambert looked hesitantly around the table, “I should probably, you know…” He gestured after Essi with his thumb. Eskel gave Lambert the go ahead and he quickly stood to follow his friend out of the restaurant, leaving a very stunned Julian with the other two. He found her perched on the parking barrier in the small lot to the left of the front doors. He called to her and she looked up. Eyes shining, mascara running... 
“Ah shit, you know I’m no good with this kind of thing.” 
“I’m sorry, Lambert, I just—” she blew her nose, “—he just wouldn’t stop and I didn’t know what to do or say, and it all just came pouring out. I didn’t want it to. The whole time I was begging myself to stop, but I just couldn’t, it’s been bottled up for so long and-and—but it’s his birthday, and—oh, he must feel so awful! I didn’t want to make him feel bad, but—and with Eskel and Geralt there too! They must think I’m horrible! I’m so sorry, Lambert, I didn’t want it to be like this, I wanted to have him over and sit him down and be patient, and instead I’ve just made a complete mess of things. And on his birthday! It’s his birthday, oh God, this is the worst thing I could have done.” Essi choked back bitter tears as she tried desperately to stem the flow with her soggy tissue, “Are you upset with me, Lambert? If you are, I understand. Maybe we should take a break of some kind, you know. Not see each other for a while and—”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold it right there. Look, I’m probably not going to say any of the right stuff here, but I am absolutely not upset with you. You got that? And for what it’s worth, I don’t think us taking a break from spending time together is going to do anything. Unless you’re looking to punish yourself by taking away a nice thing which, okay. But the fact that you’re willing to ditch me instead of Arbor Mist says something about our friendship I’m not too pleased with.” 
Essi turned her wide, pleading, bloodshot eyes to Lambert who cracked a smile, “Jesus, I’m kidding! You adorable fucking mess, c’mere.” He pulled his petite friend into a hug and rested his chin on the top of her head until she quieted down. Neither of them was quite sure how much time had gone by, but Essi found herself wishing it had been long enough for everyone to have gone home so she didn’t have to face whatever aftermath she’d left behind. 
Meanwhile, Eskel and Geralt had settled the bill and offered to give Julian a lift back to their place for a night cap, not wanting to leave the evening on such an unsettled note. Essi needed space, and whatever company she needed, Lambert was clearly capable of providing. It was for the best, they suggested, and dissuaded Julian from trying to call her. 
“Best to sleep on things,” Geralt said, tucking his card back into his wallet and giving the waiter a nod in gratitude. “We can meet for coffee this weekend and sort this out. For now, just let her cool down.” 
Eskel clapped Julian encouragingly on the shoulder as they made their way into the damp summer night air. As they turned into the parking lot, they came face-to-face with Essi and Lambert who had clearly just turned to come back inside. Both cousins looked like they had seen better days: Essi’s eyes were puffy and red, her cheeks blotchy and streaked with inky makeup stains; Julian was perhaps less dishevelled, but the dark circles under his eyes were more pronounced, his boyish features now dejectedly weighted down with remorse and hurt. 
“Juian, I’m so sorry, I didn’t—” 
Essi’s cousin raised his hand, “Don’t. Please don’t. Essi, I am so, so sorry. I never meant to push you like that, I didn't realize... you both have been so happy this last month and—"
"It's okay, really, we can talk about this all another time. I'm just so sorry I ruined your birthday. We wanted to sit down with you and talk properly but..." Essi's tears welled up again, and Julian smiled weakly. 
"But we both did what we always do?"
She sniffed, nodding emphatically with a tearful, "Yeah.” Julian pulled his cousin into a fond embrace while the other three clumped together to watch the reconciliation. 
“Oh! Here,” Essi reached into her purse and pulled out a small, neatly-wrapped box. “Happy birthday!” 
Julian opened his gift without a second thought, his face brightening instantly. The box contained a set of premium ultra-light guitar strings and a pair of concert tickets. The perfect gift. Overwhelmed with gratitude, and the atmosphere having been recovered, Julian suggested they all attend brunch together that Sunday morning, his treat by way of apology. Geralt offered to split the bill as a peace offering for his part in the initial setup, and the five made a date. 
A fresh start, a promise of spending time together with fewer secrets and, Julian conceded, a few more boundaries. 
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sincerelyasomebody · 4 years
Past Meet Present || Mario Martinez
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(GIF Credit: @merakiaes)
A/N: This hasn't been proofread. It was written in a rush. Don't hesitate to correct me on the Spanish translations. 
Pairing(s): Mario x Reader ▪︎ Angelica x Mario (past relationship) ▪︎ Martinez Family x Reader (platonic relationship) 
Summary: Ex girlfriend meeting the new girlfriend.
Warnings: children having no filter, fluff, language, slight angst; physical altercation, Tik Tok dances,
Word Count: 1564
- ♤ - ♡ - ◇ - ♧ -
Bonding with her boyfriend's little sister was beginning to take a toll on (Y/N)'s body. Luisa, a sassy energetic seven year old, had suggested teaching her Tik Tok dances for the Saturday afternoon. And who was she to refuse such a request. She thought after the second dance, the little girl would go and play soccer with her twin Luis in the backyard. But she refused to go until (Y/N) knew every dance she knew. The young woman had a newfound respect for the people who came up with Tik Tok dances and those who mimicked them.
Benee's Glitter paused mid-chorus, Luisa looked in her direction, "are you giving up?" 
"No, just n–need to take five." 
"If you take five, then you're a loser."
(Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed, standing to her full height. "How would taking a break make me a loser?" 
She flicked her ponytail, "it just does." 
Not willing to argue with a child's logic, (Y/N) gulped some water down and tossed the bottle to the side. Gesturing to the young girl to change the music for the next dance. Savage Love by Jawsh 685 and Jason Derulo played through the portable speaker, (Y/N) focused on following the movements of the seven year old girl in front of her. She couldn't help but smile as she was shown what to do with her hands. That part was easy, it was moving her hips that (Y/N) seemed to struggle with. 
"You gotta move your hips. (Y/N), h-i-p-s. Hips. Abuelita knows the dance and she's an old lady." Luisa shook her head, threw her hands in the air and called out, "abuelita! (Y/N) needs help. Show her how you move with your old lady hips!"
And with that the rambunctious child ran back inside the house, in the direction of where she thought her grandmother would be. (Y/N) heard a familiar laugh pop up beside her, followed by arms wrapping around her waist. With her head turned slightly, she was met with a kiss to her cheek. 
"Don't worry, bebe." Mario squeezed her hips and swayed, "I know you can move your hips." 
She laughed, "is that so?" 
"Yeah, but as a precaution let me help." 
With one hand on hers and the other on her hips, he began the famous dance. (Y/N) let him move her hands and then sway with her hips. When it got to the part of both her hands in the air, she made sure to put a little pressure in her sway. With a groan in her ear, she broke free from his grip.
She turned around and tapped his cheek, "thanks for the help, but now I've gotta –" 
"Nope, you're staying right here." Mario switched off the portable speaker, wrapped his arms around her body, lifted her up and carried her back onto the porch. He sat down and pulled her close to his chest. (Y/N) laughed, while adjusting herself so her legs hung over the armrest and her head was in the crook of his neck. She breathed in his scent and played with the collar of his shirt. 
(Y/N) had been set up on a blind date by her college roommate Carly. After getting dolled up and entering the restaurant she was told to go too, the twenty minute mark rolled around and her date was a no show. Embarrassed at being stood up, she left the establishment and was almost run over by a guy on an electric scooter. Mario had been the one driving it and immediately stopped to check to see if she was okay and to apologise. The pair went to a diner and exchanged numbers by the end of the night. (Y/N) had expected their budding relationship to be platonic, until he admitted his feelings during one of their hangout sessions. After a moment of shock, she revealed that he wasn't alone and she had feelings for him.
They've been an official couple since. 
However, this was the first time (Y/N) had visited where Mario had grown up and met his family. They had met briefly through facetime whenever she happened to be present while Mario was on a call. Meeting them in person was different. She got along with Ruben, Abuelita and the twins. It was Ruby and his mother Geny who were still weary of her. (Y/N) put it down to Mario's almost being a father fiasco. 
Yeah, he told her all about it. 
"Mario, I didn't know you were back." 
Sitting up, she looked straight ahead and found somebody on the opposite side of the fence. From the pictures Mario had shown her back in his dorm, it was Angelica. The girl he experienced many firsts with and most notably his first love. Mario had told (Y/N) all about him being friends with his ex girlfriend. She wasn't intimidated by her in the slightest. But that didn't mean she was going to be all buddy-buddy with her. She'd keep it cordial. 
"Oh, hey." Mario shifted slightly, (Y/N) hopped off his lap. He stood up and walked over to her. When he noticed (Y/N) hadn't walked beside him, he held out his hand behind him, smiling when she accepted and wrapped an arm around her waist when she was close enough, "this is my girlfriend (Y/N). Bebe this is Angelica." 
(Y/N) smiled and held out her hand. "It's nice to meet you, I've heard quite a bit about you." 
Angelica ignored her and continued looking at Mario, "So… how's your sophomore year in college been?" 
"Wow… okay, just ignore me then." (Y/N) muttered under her breath and retracted her hand, "bitch." 
This time Angelica acknowledged her. 
"What did you call me?" 
Not being one to back down easily, she replied, "a bitch." With her quick reflex, she grabbed onto the hand that was going to slap her, "gotta be quicker than that sweetie." 
Angelica pulled her hand back and glared, before focusing back on Mario. "¿Puedes controlarla?" 
"She doesn't need to be." Mario replied coolly. "She's her own person." 
(Y/N) scoffed, "of course I'm my own person." But, then looked in between the two, "wait, did she say something about me?" Looking back at Angelica, "care to elaborate?" 
"Why don't you go inside, (Y/N)." She pointed behind them, "Mario and I have a few things to discuss." 
Before (Y/N) could respond, her boyfriend beat her to it. 
"What do we have to discuss, Angelica?" Mario questioned. "No tenemos nada de que hablar." 
"I'd rather not discuss our personal business when someone else is present." 
"Our personal business? Our personal business ended the day I went back to college. We don't have anything –" 
She cut him off, "we have a history, Mario."
"That's all it is, history." He replied, "this is (Y/N) (L/N), my girlfriend. My present and potential future, Angelica. Yeah, we have history and I'll always be thankful for what we had… but, that's it. We can go back to being friends –" 
"What if I don't want that? What if I want to be more than that? What if I want to go back to us being together?" 
He shrugged his shoulders, "we can't." His eyes found (Y/N)'s and a smile graced his face, "I've got something good and I'm not gonna mess it up." He looked back at her, "one day you'll meet someone like I have too." 
(Y/N) pressed a loving kiss to his cheek. He responded by pressing one to her forehead. She let out a squeal as his fingers squeezed her hips. He laughed when she slapped his chest. 
Angelica watched their exchange with a mixture of hurt, sadness and anger bubbling up inside of her. She used to be in (Y/N)'s position and was looking forward to reclaiming the title of being Mario's girlfriend when he came back… only to be told by one of her girls that he was seen around town with a girl. She refused to believe that Mario had moved on, but the evidence was right in front of her. The difference between the last time she had seen him and right now was she no longer had a hold over him.
She couldn't do anything other than walk away. Rekindling her romance with Mario Martinez wasn't an option anymore. Like he said, they were history. 
The pair noticed her disappearance when they headed back inside to grab something to eat. (Y/N) felt a little bad for Angelica, but hoped she'd move on. Because she wasn't gonna play nice if Miss Ex decided to come around and get her boyfriend's attention. And if Mario allowed that to happen, she'd beat both of their asses. 
"Everything okay, mi amor?" 
She smiled and cupped his chin. "Angelica may have been your first love, but I intend on being your last," pecking his lips, she giggled, "until I pop out one of your big headed babies." 
"No babies!"
With an eye roll from her boyfriend and a headshake he yelled back, "It was a joke, ma." Before he turned back to (Y/N), "or it wasn't 'cause I'm in the mood to practice if –"
"Another joke, ma."
- ♤ - ♡ - ◇ - ♧ -
Spanish Translation(s): 
Bebe - baby
¿Puedes controlarla? - can you control her?
No tenemos nada de que hablar - we have nothing talk to about 
Mi amor - my love
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vidalinav · 3 years
As someone that loves almost every character in ACOTAR but still wants to discuss their flaws and slip ups I really liked your post about Nesta and how she treated Feyre as a sister. None of the characters in ACOTAR are perfect. They have flaws and people in the fandom need to keep the same tone about all of them when it comes to that. Don't excuse one character and bash on the next. Like of course you can have your favorites, but Idk I just love seeing the characters as flawed rather than put them on a pedestal. Cheers 🖤
I mean I absolutely love flaws. I love Nesta for that reason. She’s such an imperfect, easily debatable character. Her interactions with others are amazing because of this, because she’s not so easy to be around, so she pushes a lot of boundaries or expands the way these characters have learned to adapt in their world. They’ve never met anyone who is not so easily swayed, which is obvious in all her interactions with them. Though I won’t get into it, since this post will be a thousand times longer. 
But I think if any character is most human-like, as in she is based on how someone in the real world would act, she’s probably the most authentic in my opinion. But authenticity requires a level of flaws that can’t be denied or overwritten. So, I really did want to stress that, that she can keep her mistakes, her cold demeanor, her sometimes harsh words, her standoffishness, her distrust many times, but at some point she’s going to have more character development and will she really exonerate herself and claim she played no part in her own life or the lives of her family members? She hasn’t before. She’s acknowledged that Feyre went out and kept them alive, but to what extent does she feel guilty or regretful or even blameless? Not specifically about that situation, but... the lack of friends, her relationship with her father, her sisters, or any close relationship before and after the trauma, her own wants, wishes, goals, the lack of purpose. In the case of the cabin, and now in the case of her father’s death, she’s really coping the same way. Someone else is supporting her, and she’s really mentally unhealthy and very closed off. You know maybe I’m taking a page out of my own psychotherapy textbook, but I think healing for her would require her to see more options, to be open to more opportunities, and for her to see the world and how she interacts with it a little bit differently where she has accountability for her own wellbeing and happiness, but also accepts the role she played in the past that she could’ve changed.
*But* if she copes that way throughout the series and she doesn’t allow anyone in and she unintentionally hurts someone’s feelings, for lack of a better term, then their feelings are still valid whether we understand them or not. That’s how POV’s work. A change in the narrative. And if in Feyre’s POV Nesta’s done wrong in some way even though some may not agree, even if Feyre herself has done wrong, it doesn’t mean we erase the mistakes as if they didn’t happen. I think to really analyze a character you need to see the whole character and not just the things that make them palatable or the things we’d rather ignore/excuse, even in the pursuit of defending them. As readers, we’re the third party observers, so we can see more things than the characters, but to Feyre for example, Nesta has an odd way of showing her love to the point where we have instances where she questions it throughout the series. It doesn’t mean necessarily that Nesta has to change or that she doesn’t love Feyre, but it also doesn’t make Feyre wrong to feel that way. or Elain or Cassian or Amren whatever happened to them. It also doesn’t make the Inner Circle wrong for not liking her, though the situation is more complicated than that. If Feyre’s hurt that Nesta won’t come to her after all they’ve through, after she’s reached out, and tried to help in the way that she knew how, then she is allowed to be hurt. And if Nesta’s perspective says that Feyre wronged her after what happens in ACOSF, even if Feyre had good intentions and explains her intentions, Nesta has been wronged. I think there’s a certain level of validity that we need to keep when discussing their interaction or any interaction, otherwise we start playing a blame game, when no one is at fault. It’s too complex to be simply one person’s fault and we know practically nothing of Nesta’s POV. It’s not Feyre or the Inner Circle’s fault that Nesta is in a bad way. But it’s not Nesta’s fault that Feyre sometimes feels hurt or betrayed or unloved. Which unfortunately makes the situation very complicated and quite oxymoronic. 
Also I think that sometimes people feel (which people have also said to me) that discussing Nesta’s flaws is a direct attack on her character, because other character’s flaws are not as highlighted in the fandom nor Feyre’s POV. But I think that in itself is a whole other post. Because Feyre has grown up with Nesta, and she has seen her in so many lights, and she’s really only beginning to know how the Inner Circle are truly when the wars are over and the dust has settled. You know, they took her in when she was really low and in an emotionally abusive relationship and having had a traumatic experience with the Amarantha situation, and they supported her and her decisions. So, I find that it would be hard to really expect that from Feyre where we ended in ACOSAF. But this of course doesn’t mean that we can’t dislike a character or question why they do things. It just means that we can dislike a character for a lot less than having to make one character seem inherently greater than another and making people feel bad about it. They all offer value to the series that we all are so obsessed about. But also we as posters can’t reasonably post essays. Like I can’t post something discussing Nesta’s flaws and a specific circumstance and then equally talk about several other character’s flaws in the same post to make everyone feel better and sure that I’m not taking a side. 
Which is what I try to get at sometimes when people comment and they seem a little bit too aggressive. Which is why I really don’t like the whole anti/pro debacle, even though I understand the practicality of being able to filter certain posts you see on tumblr because of those hashtags. Thankfully there hasn’t many people who are uber aggressive and honestly I block a lot of people who continually post things in which they don’t allow their opinion to be challenged in any way. Because at the end of the day, none of us are wrong, but... some I’d say are more right than others--simply because they have and use textual evidence to back up their claims or they make reasonable connections that don’t stomp on anyone’s opinions and open up a discussion in which everyone exchanges their ideas. There are so many posts I absolutely adore in either direction, because of how well-rounded they approach the topic. 
That being said, quite honestly that post that thankfully you appreciate, absolutely drives me insane. Every time someone likes it or comments I get so afraid that it’s going to be someone telling me off. But I’m a very anxious person so that’s probably why, but also I’ve seen many people being told off lol. I really was hoping it wasn’t too bad or being too biased. I absolutely hate that. And I certainly don’t want to be just agreed with, I love active discussions and will have them with many people on here, but I don’t like feeling like at any moment I could be invalidated and my opinion worthless when all I did was post something I felt was accurate to my own analysis. So I’ve almost deleted that post so many times. But thankfully, y’all are not horrible... so far. 
Anyways, I for some reason go on tangents that only half make sense. Stream of consciousness and ADHD I guess. But hopefully this reply wasn’t so drastic. I absolutely love that you support the active discussion of flaws and the character’s who have them and you are more than welcome to discuss with me anytime :D As long as your okay with the fact that I write essays as opposed to simple thanks haha!
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luccislegs · 5 years
Lol I'm glad to be of help! I'm looking forward to the requests you get published. You probably don't write for Law, so I should ask for Zoro in that case. Could I please have a scenario for Zoro with a reader who's a brilliant actor/imitator but they're v shy? They want to be helpful aboard the ship and have a big crush on him, but they end up getting flustered whenever he come near. If I can add, a significant height difference would be cute lol.
sorry it took me so long to answer this lol i was hella partying this weekend and i’m pretty sure there’s still alcohol in me even a week later
anyway, my first ask! also thank you again for letting me know my asks were turned off, you rock!
A sigh escaped your lips for what seemed like the hundredth time that day as you watched Zoro train down on the main deck. You, on the other hand, were hidden away in Nami’s tangerine grove, scribbling away at a new musical composition piece. Or you were supposed to be, anyway. It seemed like every few seconds your concentration was stolen by the aforementioned swordsman.
“Hey, _____! Whatcha doin’?” Luffy shouted from behind you. You had been in the middle of writing and he scared you so badly that now there was a large score down the page. Some of it was ripped now as well, ruining the work.
You sighed, staring forlornly at the destroyed paper. It had taken you ages to finally work up the motivation to write, and just like that it had gone wrong. You turned to look at your captain, saying, “Nothing, Luffy. Just writing some new music.”
“Huh,” he said, staring down at the sheet music. “It looked like you were staring at Zoro more, _____.” A large, mischievous grin spread across his face as he locked eyes with the other man, who turned an even brighter shade of red than he already was.
You missed the exchange entirely as your eyes were locked on your paper in horror. Could he have said it any louder? Embarrassment and fear flooded through you and you barely glanced up at Zoro, just enough to gauge his reaction to Luffy’s words, but he wasn’t looking at you. In fact, he was no where to be seen anymore.
It was a few hours later when you finally felt the courage to show your face on deck again. You had initially decided that you were just going to hide out in your room for a few days, but you had managed a complete rough draft of your composition and wanted Brook to play it out, so you could hear what needed to be fixed.
Plus, you were starving.
The sounds of the others filtered out of the kitchen, typical in that you could hear Luffy and Usopp above all the others, but it was comforting because it was familiar.
The door creaked open and a chorus of greetings to you filled the room, and you flushed slightly. Waving back, you sat down in an open seat, and your eyes made a sweep of the room, looking for familiar green.
“Zoro isn’t here,” Luffy said around a huge mouthful of meat. He struggled to swallow it for a moment; you could see the way his throat expanded to accommodate what was surely too much food. “He’s sleeping in the crow’s nest.”
Your cheeks really turned red at that, and you couldn’t meet anyone’s eyes, but you heard the tell-tale sounds of Nami knocking him upside the head.
He whined and rubbed the back of his head, frowning at her. “What was that for? She was looking for him, right? She likes him, so I figured I’d tell her!”
“Luffy, you idiot,” Nami said with a huff. She looked like she was going to hit him  again, her fist raised in a threatening manner. “You aren’t supposed to point it out. They need to figure it out for themselves.”
“Well, they’re taking too long!” he whined, holding his hands up to defend himself. He looked around at you then. “_____, why don’t you just tell him?”
You couldn’t help but give him an incredulous look as you sputtered out half-formed excuses. Finally, you took a deep breath and calmed yourself, managing to say through grit teeth, “It isn’t that easy, Luffy. I’m not sure he feels the same.”
“You should just ask him then!” He was so naive it would be cute, if it wasn’t so embarrassing.You rolled your eyes as Nami continued to yell, with Sanji joining in after a moment. Things settled down after that, returning to normal levels of noise which, with your crew, were still extremely loud.
“Does anyone know where Brook is?” you asked when everyone was finished eating. “I want him to play this new piece for me.”
“I think he was talking about practicing on deck,” Robin piped up. She had been so quiet all night you had forgotten she was there, but as soon as she spoke, Sanji was swooning.
That signaled you that it was time to book it– whenever he got like that, you knew it was only a matter of time before he took turns around the room.
The cool air and quiet were a welcome relief from the stifling noisiness of the kitchen. Off towards the front of the boat came the faint sounds of guitar. Brook was just starting out on the instrument, and so the music wasn’t as smooth as it was when he played the violin or the piano. But he seemed to be picking it up quickly and, if he kept it up, it would give you yet another instrument to write music for in no time.
“Hello, _____. What can I do for you?” Brook’s voice broke through your stupor.
You hadn’t even realized you had made it to him, and you gave him an embarrassed smile. “I have a new piece I was hoping you would play for me. I’m sure there are kinks. But it’s for the violin this time.”
You put the paper into his expectant hand and waited as he scanned over it, bouncing back and forth on your feet.
“This will sound marvelous when it’s done, _____!” he said at last. “I’m going to get my violin right now so you can finish it up as soon as possible!”
You flushed at his praise. Although he said that about all of your work, it was still nice to hear. Sometimes you wondered what the point of you being on the boat was, and having that little bit of reassurance was nice. Besides, most of the music Brook was playing here lately were pieces you had created.
Footsteps sounded behind you, but they lacked the usual creaking that accompanied Brook when he walked. You nearly had a heart attack when you turned to look and found Zoro standing behind you. You could feel the heat flood your cheeks, and prayed it was dark enough that he couldn’t see. On the other hand, he was fully displayed in the moonlight and you could see that he was as red as you likely were.
“Uh, hey,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Could we talk?”
Your heart, which had already been beating harder than was normal just by being in his presence, almost exploded in your chest. You could feel it thundering away behind your ribs so hard you felt a little lightheaded for a moment.
“U-Um…sure?” you said, and cursed yourself for being so shy. It was hard enough having a crush on someone, let alone someone like him, but the whole thing was compounded by the fact that you could barely talk to him like a normal person.
“Sorry about earlier. Luffy can be a bit a of an idiot,” he said. He smirked a little when he heard you giggle.
You had to steel yourself for your next words, because you weren’t sure if you were bringing up something that you didn’t really need to, but you couldn’t keep a lid on it without feeling uncomfortable. “I’m sorry about…about earlier. I hope I-I didn’t make you uncomfortable.”
His posture changed, you could see tension come into his shoulders and for a moment you thought it had backfired. But his next words made you feel like you would burst into flames.
“That’s okay. I wasn’t getting much training done anyway. Someone was up in the tangerines distracting me.” He wasn’t looking at you, and his hand was fidgeting with the swords attached to his hips.
You were a fool if you thought you couldn’t turn any more red. You would swear that you were going to be permanently stained, Sanji could use you as a tomato in his next meal. “W-Well…um…”
Words were escaping you, and it was just a relief that he didn’t find you weird because of Luffy.
“Brook is coming back,” Zoro said suddenly, shifting to look over his shoulder. You couldn’t hear anything, but trusted his word. “The next island is coming up in a few days. Do you want to go into town with me?”
You giggled again, giddy at the fact that Zoro had just asked you on a date, and nodded. “Yes, I’d like that.”
He smiled and lifted his hand, setting it on your head gently. Then it was sliding off and he was walking away, just as Brook came back into view.
“Alright, let’s see what we’ve got, _____. _____?”
this was unbelievably harder than i had initially thought it would be. i had to change the actor/imitator detail bc i absolutely could not figure out a way to incorporate that into any of the ideas i had, at least not without it getting severely out of hand, so I hope that wasn’t an extremely important detail. if it is, just let me know and i can whip something else up, but it’ll probably be way more involved and stupid long.
on the other hand, i do hope you like this!
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