#i especially don't like how close he's gotten to the interests of the people we care about.
gvtfuck · 10 months
as much as I dislike dahl and farz's partner, seeing his abusers trying to reach out to him makes me very nervous.
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poisonheiress · 4 months
Someone needs to say it: The "Heaven is actually bad" plot line that Hazbin is based around is useless when you spend more then 2 minutes thinking about Vivzie's Hell and her characters.
Besides it being much too early for this idea, the revelation that Heaven or at least the beings running it aren't good people has little to no impact when the people who are being harmed by this are all horrible people. Stay with me here. None of these people are people who were unfairly brought into hell and we are never ever introduced to someone who was either. Why should we care that Heaven is "evil" and blocking redemption when all the sinners in hell we see are the worst of the worst who would have never gotten in even if it was fair.
For the "Heaven is bad" plot line to actually work, you need people who were just one sin away from Heaven, who would've gotten into Heaven if circumstance hadn't forced them down a path that stole it from them. You need characters who aren't comedic villains but land in the middle of morally grey. Those who deserved to be in Heaven but because Heaven refused to consider their circumstances, they were tossed to burn with people much worse than them. Those are the people who should be your main cast cause those are the people who would actually be impacted by Heaven being bad/ Heaven lying.
Angel dust, for all his trauma, was still part of the mafia and likely had killed people before (showing to almost take joy in it). Husk became an overlord and gambled souls, so he had to have had blood on his hands before hell. Alastor is a serial killer, and the list goes on and on. Sure, these characters are (somewhat) interesting, but they don't make for good characters to have when the key plot line is that Heaven is a scam. Even if that fact is true, none of them were ever going to get there in the first place and this is something we also se in every single background sinner shown in Hell too. They were never close to getting there, so why would they or we care that Heaven is bad when all sinners are shown to be horrific people who are at best in the dark grey area of morality.
If you look at it from the "angel's are unfairly killing sinners" route, it still doesn't work. If the angels are killing them, what makes it different then the sinner on sinner violence that hell is full off? Why is them dying by angels this bad thing when they are just as likely if not 10x times more likely to get knifed in the back by other sinners in hell the other 364 days, especially when everyone here apparently is just as horrible as the next person. You cannot condemn the angels for killing demons and then make a joke of out sinners killing each other and never show sinners who doesn't want to kill people. Life either matters or it doesn't and when the main cast doesn't even show a care for life (outside of Charlie's who's entire flaw is her naivety), why should the audience.
On top of that, Vivzie's whole overpopulation aspect and the Heaven plot line would connect better if she actually had people like those I mentioned above, people who stole to survive but got tossed out cause stealing is technically wrong, people who killed another to protect someone else but were still sent to hell because even though they saved that person's life that person wasn't supposed to be saved, people who passively engaged in sins but never really did anything harmful under them. This would add into how Hell is so overpopulated and highlight why its so important that Heaven is evil/ why Charlie's plan isn't just a naive pathetic fever dream.
In the end, Vivzie should have never made Heaven the central plot of this show nor tried to assign this blatant good vs evil to that conflict. Neither her characters nor her writing choices are able to respond to this conflict in a way that will end or even tell the story in a satisfactory manner.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 2 months
Would Jenny allow Danny to tinker with her? I know robotics isn’t exactly the same as aerospace engineering (and I do be headcanoning that my boy chose this as his major since he wants to be an astronaut), but with all the experience he had from handling his parents inventions I believe he can be trusted with fixing something as complex as a robot. I like to think that Danny was really impressed with how Jenny was made and secretly wanted to take a look at how she works, but was too shy to ask because he knows how it’s like to be treated like an object and not a person (with the whole “ghosts are non-sentient globs of ectoplasm with post-human consciousness” spiel he heard so many times) and didn’t want to make Jenny uncomfortable. I believe it took Jenny some time and getting to know Danny and his engineering skills before she let him fix her when she got something badly broken. It was like a show of ultimate trust from Jenny’s side and Danny was flattered, humbled and very respectful. And super careful of course, constantly asking how Jenny’s doing or feeling while he tinkered, mindful of her. I bet she was touched.
Not gonna lie, this is one of the more fascinating asks I got - if only because its incredibly interesting to read about your take/interpretation of Danny & Jenny's relationship! I hope you don't mind me saying, but it feels like you adore both characters and it's very cute!
Well, now, in HoM AU, both Danny and Jenny are close friends and indeed Danny is one of the few people who Jenny trusts with - well, herself - her mechanical self. Like you, I headcanon Danny as quite mechanicaly gifted - in HoM AU he actually graduated college/uni with engineering degree, so he got education to polish his raw skills! He is one of the first people who would help Jenny in and out of the field, if there is a minor malfunction or an injury of some sort!
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But even for that to happen it took a couple of years and a few adventures together.
So to answer the original question, I would have to say that in HoM AU specifically, neither Danny would ask to 'tinker' with her, nor Jenny would probably be totally comfortable with that question if asked. 'Tinkering' would imply a degree of casual poking around, and in this case, both Danny and Jenny have certain life experiences that gave them... boundaries when it comes to their own and others' autonomy. Jenny especially.
(a bit of random background info dump here to explain the reasoning, but feel free to ignore it, since i basically answered the ask xD i just got bitten by a writing bunny, so its gotten a bit long - be warned!)
When Jenny was younger and only just acclimatizing herself with human world and amongst teenagers, she was rather blaze at times with how much access to her body she gave to her human friends and acquaintances.
After all, her mother was rather frank about it - often poking around in Jenny's mechanics and code. But it was her mother, who created her (sort of 'why are you covering yourself, i made you i already know what you have' mother attitude, which is a bit over-controlling and invasive to other's autonomy, but well, Jenny is a robot after all) and it a completely different deal from others.
So, despite her mother's warnings there are instances when Jenny was not very careful. Like when she allowed Brad, Tuck and Sheldon to literally remove and rip out her stuff in pursuit of fashion goals. Or when she dropped her guard around Todd Sweeney and got reprogrammed for her good deed.
And during the events of the last episode, she was once again controlled, by Dr Locus. While not exactly her fault, it still left a lasting impression that any mechanically gifted person could be dangerous to her.
Now, this is where we venture into my personal headcanons for MLAATR that are tied into HoM-verse:
Another aspect of Jenny's developed caution to giving access to her body - is the fact that she is not considered as a real person in the eye of the government/world. She is a thing, a weapon created by Dr. Walkman. She does not have the same rights as a human, and on paper she does not even have rights to her own body. It's all patented Nora Wakeman technology, (secretly) founded by the government.
And she has been fighting it ever since she was a teenager and refused to be called an IT - XJ-9 - and became a HER, a teenage girl Jenny, who also just happens to be a robot.
At first it started as a simple teenage rebellion and she went to school and started to hang out with other kids, but what about later after she graduates? Will she be even allowed to? Sure, maybe her school will give her a diploma, but how legal will it be to give something like that to someone who is legally not a real person? After all, its not like when other kids will turn 18 and can be their own people, not under the legal control of their parents. Jenny is her mother's property, intellectual and physical. For her to be considered a real person in the eye of government, it would require a law being passed about recognizing sentience of Artificial Intelligence.
And sure, she could probably be made an exception, being a hero robot and all, but the problem is, she is not the only human-made robot in existence! What about her sisters, who are prototypes and are not as developed as her? Her brother, who seemed to develop sentiency to the point of turning on humans?? Melody and Killgore?? And its not only in her world (cartoon), but in others (since its a crossover). So the question about AI/Robot sentience, no matter if they are good or bad or how developed they are, would not concern only her, it would be a global debate.
And we all know how the governments of the world would feel about passing laws about sentience of artificial beings that were created to serve the human race. It would be a struggle one way or another.
So, as she grows up and sees the world refusing to aknowledge her as a person, she doesnt have legal rights to finish school and go to college, to get a job, to get married, heck she cant even have a legal documentation that doesnt says 'Dr. Wakeman's creation'. The government says: your body belongs to us, because we paid for Dr. Wakeman to make you - you belong to us, we control you.
That, on top of several unpleasant experiences with other people disregarding her autonomy, will equal to Jenny trying to get some sense of that control back. So she starts to be more cautious about how much access others have to her physical self; she starts to build and reinforce boundaries with other people, starting with her family and friends.
It was one of the darkest days in Sheldon's life, when Jenny started to firmly say 'no' to whenever he asked her about her inner workings and casual access for poking around. xD Tuck was not a happy camper either, that his favorite robot friend became very stingy with all the cool stuff. But Brad got it. And after gentle (and sometimes not) reminders, others became more understanding.
It was a little harder with her mother. Dr. Wakeman truly loved her daughter, but she was a scientist first and mother second. She was so used to casual access to Jenny, in order to keep maitanance that it was hard for her to break the habits. Its still a constant struggle, but she has gotten so much better.
Now, when it came to her new friends amongst HoMies, she already has built a set of boundaries that allowed her to feel more secure as a person, despite how the world sees her, but she is much more reserved to opening herself up to others, at least compared to how she first approached people when she was younger.
It took a few missions and getting to know them better, for her to start trusting with them with her mechanical self. But now a few years later, she feels comfortable enough with most of them to give her a helping hand when needed!
Of course not everyone are capable of helping her though: Danny, Kim and Zak are three of more mechanically oriented people who can help. Though Danny is the one with actual education in that field, while Kim and Zak learned more by necessity, from Kim's various jobs and Zak to operate the Saturday's equipments.
When Rex joined them, he actually became the second best person for her to come to if she needed help. Not only because he has unprecedent skills in mechanics, but also because of his nanites. (but thats info dump for another time, lol)
Jun has some basic knowledge in mechanics, but nowhere near enough for her to feel comfortable poking in Jenny's insides. Jake is perhaps the least capable of helping, when it comes to engineering, followed by newbie Randy (tho we really aint counting him tbh xD).
Ben is a complicated situation - he has some training and knowledge in engineering and robotics because of his Plumber training, but Jenny has heard horror tales from Gwen about how he treats his stuff (the whole hacking/playing with Omnitrix settings), so she flat out refuses for Ben to touch her. However in emergency/battle situation she would allow Ben to use one of his aliens to do so (like, Grey Matter or Upgrade).
So, we talked about Jenny's experiences and why they would contribute to her feeling uncomfortable if someone asked to 'tinker' with her.
Now, let's talk about why Danny would not ask to 'tinker' with her in the first place.
Like you said, Danny is all to familiar with the struggle of being part of something tat is hardly recognized as a sentient species - he had to listen to his parents dismiss ghost sentience most of his younger life. Of course, they have gotten much better since the... 'finale' of DP, but this sort of racism? xenophobia? (im not rally sure which term to use tbh) prejudice against ghosts would have left a lasting impression on Danny.
So I dont remember if I ever implied it, but in HoM AU - events of DP finale happened very differently and the resulting consequences of it diverged a lot from Mr ButtHurtman's 'canon'.
(Also, I had ideas about it, before a Glitch In Time came out, so events from there were not taken into consideration. )
I don't want to reveal much, because it is kinda one of my planned flashback for HoM, but the events that happened reinforced Danny's ... well lets say regard of people's autonomy? It's kind of hard to put into words.
Ok, let's explain it like this: Danny would not ask Jenny if he could look at how she worked and if he could tinker with her, because it would be like if his Mom and Dad casually asked if they could perform a vivisection on him to see how different he is from a full human.
And while sure, the comparison might sound a bit extreme, since there is a difference when it comes to robots and humans about 'poking around' in their innards. But to Danny - it would be too close of a comparison - because of the whole 'recognition of sentience' thing.
After all, wasn't it just some years ago, his parents cried that ghost are nothing more than lump of malicious energy that have no feelings? They changed their mind after Danny's reveal, which allowed them to actually listen and look into evidence proving otherwise and learn. And here is Jenny, struggling to be recognized as a person, since she is considered nothing more than a lump of metal with no feelings - just a weapon to be pointed in a certain direction.
And Danny would feel like asking Jenny if he could casually poke inside her, is a bit... hypocritical? And not to mention insenstitive. After all, he knows how she feels - she is basically still living his worst imagined life in some ways.
So, I don't think he will ever ask to study how she works by casually poking inside her.
At some point, after they became friends, Danny would feel like he should know at least some basics on how Jenny works, just so he could help her in an emergency.
I imagine it happened after a particularly rough mission, and Danny had to help Jenny back home since she was unable to do so herself, so Dr. Wakeman could fix her. After some time thinking, he would sit in front of both Nora and Jenny and ask them for permission if he could learn how Jenny works - from Nora.
After all, Danny does not need to poke inside Jenny to learn how she functions, when there is her mother right there - the creator, the maintanance and doctor all in one package, with access to blueprints and all intricate knowledge, who can evaluate what Danny needs to know in accordance to his passable engineering skills. She could teach him the basics - but of course not without Jenny's permission.
So he asks her, if he could learn, because he is tired of looking how she gets hurt along with them, but unlike most of them she can not be easily fixed with bandages and some time. And Danny, since he is one of the few of them who has the skills, would like to be actually able to help her with those skills. But it is her body - it is her choice, to trust him or not.
And Jenny would be speechless. It would be the first time someone asked her like that. Not even Kim, who is one of her closest friends, asked before (but mostly because Kim was perfectly aware that she is nowhere skilled enough to even think about it).
And you would be right. It would be a show of ultimate trust from Jenny, to agree for Danny to learn. And maybe at some point, simply learning, turned into more on hands learning in some small ways. And Jenny's trust was never betrayed, and Danny always stayed humbled and aware of that.
so, i hope the answer was satisfying, or at least entertaining for you! thank you again, your ask was delightful to read and allowed me to explore some of my own backstory parts for HoM a little bit more!
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milaisreading · 1 year
Good day~
Sorry for sending you my request during submission box, Tumblr glitched. So I resend this. As I said, I reeeeeally like your blue lock headcanons! Bullock manager is such an adorable idea. So if you don't mind, can I as you for some more headcanons about blue lock boys simping for their manager?
Have a great day, I wish you a lot of inspiration!~
Thanks for the request! No need to apologize, also sorry in advance I can usually only write HCs with scenarios, soo this might be long. Hope u enjoy it🩷
Pairing: Blue Lock x Reader
Warning ⚠️: none in particular tbh. Reader uses she/her here and manga spoilers Ig
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Today was like any other at Blue Lock, you had Ego roasting everyone, (Y/n) and Anri trying to get him to eat something healthy and the boys doing their own thing with training. By now it was lunch time and the players along with (Y/n) were sent to eat as Anri and Ego went through some papers and plans for the upcoming trainings, as well as the match with the U-20 team.
'I am so hungry... Bachira kept me away from eating the whole morning. Why did he ask me to watch his dribbling even?!'
The girl blinked as she walked towards the cafeteria, cringing as she heard loud screaming from her friends.
"I am not dealing with this today. I think Ego-san has left some unattended yakisoba in the fridge." The girl said with a bittersweet smile. As much as they were annoying at times, she held the team close to her heart.
'They are good guys... but I am not dealing with their shenanigans today.'
Now the cafeteria wasn't like this the whole time, since 20 minutes ago it was very quiet and the boys were honestly minding their own business. Well that was until Nagi logged into his phone and saw a rather peculiar post. He raised his eyebrow in disgust as he read the caption on the post.
'Going to meet this cutie soon🩷'
"How did Oliver Aiku get a picture of our manager?" Nagi whispered to Reo, who was sitting next to him. The question caused his friend to spit out his drink and look at Nagi in shock and confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"He posted this... now that I look at the picture more, it could be the one when she went to help out during a JFU press conference."
"Give me that!"
Nagi let Reo take his phone, while he was seething on the inside.
'Now I regret not sneaking off that day. With my frame nobody would have gotten a picture of her.'
"This can't be for real... Oliver Aiku, the biggest player Japan witnessed!" Reo groaned, catching the attention of Aryu and the former Team Z members.
"What is it with Oliver Aiku?" Aryu asked, walking over to the table.
"Don't tell me you are afraid of playing against him." Chigiri teased.
"It's not that... just look." Reo groaned, showing Aryu the post. The boy stopped playing with the ends of his hair when he read the post, looking in horror at the pro-player's post.
"Not him of all people! We need to keep (Y/n) as far away as possible! He is too ugly to be in her presence. "
"I know! But how?"
"This is such a hassle... can I just hit him in the head with the ball or something?"
"What is this about (Y/n)? And what does Aiku have to do with her?" Baro questioned, the cafeteria now completely silent when they mentioned the girl's name.
"Oliver Aiku seems to have some interest in her. Look." Aryu sighed, giving Baro the phone. The long haired boy sat down as what was left of Team Z approached them.
"What do you mean? How does he even know about her?" Bachira pouted, while Kunigami and Gagamaru were on high alert.
"This isn't good, we can't let that bastard near her." Isagi added as Chigiri nodded his head.
"Especially with his history with women... Yeah, (Y/n) is way better off not knowing him." Otoya added, a little annoyed that the pro-player knew of their manager.
"So what's the plan? It's not like all of us can stay around her all the time."
"Are we fighting?" Kurona and Karasu came, curious as to what they are supposed to do.
"We can't really do that. There will be a lot of cameras, and with Oliver Aiku being as popular as he is, they will follow every move." Yukimiya said, adjusting his glasses as the rest groaned. Rin kept quiet as he searched for the said post to see it with his own eyes, and sure enough it was there. What made it worse in Rin's eyes was that even his own brother, Itoshi Sae liked it. That pretty much set a blaze of anger off and Rin got up from his seat.
"Well that's the only option we have. Some of us will be on the bench or be called for a switch. We need to keep that guy away from (Y/n)." Rin said to the group, who all nodded their heads.
"Alright then! It's settled, we are doing our best to win against the U-20 and keep Aiku away." Isagi said after he finally calmed Bachira down.
"Of course. Can you imagine that asshole near (Y/n)?" Baro tsked, not liking that image in the slightest.
"Right! (Y/n) is so sweet and kind, Aiku is totally not for her." Aryu sighed as the others nodded along.
"Right, she is suited for someone like me." Otoya added suddenly, earning glares from his fellow teammates.
"Hell no! (Y/n) doesn't even know you that well! I am more her type, she is so calm and collected, perfect for me!" Bachira said, sending a warning glare to the white/green-haired boy.
"Her type? Bachira you are rough and wild, there is no way (Y/n) will want to be with you. Me on the other hand, I am the perfect gentleman." Chigiri said smugly. Kunigami rolled his eyes at the redhead's comment along with Gagamaru.
"Then I am the perfect candidate, also physically I am superior too, who else will protect her when it's necessary."
"Now when we talk about physique, I am far superior than you are. My queen would be much happier with me." Baro said, getting into Kunigami's face.
"Well, (Y/n) might not be into muscles. Besides, with the way she is always so kind and sweet to me, I am sure I am winning."
Isagi's comment irritated Rin and the younger Itoshi got into his face now.
"You winning next to me? We all know the best striker wins here, and that is me. Keep your hands off of her."
"You all are acting as if I am not in the clear win here, after all I am the richest. I could offer (Y/n) anything her heart desires." Reo added with a pout as Nagi shook his head.
"I think she would prefere a calm and quiet life. So I am the ideal partner there, you lose."
"Nagi, shut up!"
"I think (Y/n) and I would be a good match too. She looks happy when talking to me." Gagamaru commented while his face turned red.
"That's in her glamorous nature, Gagamaru." Aryu added while sighing.
By now the whole cafeteria was in total chaos, a mix of arguments over who the better match for (Y/n) was or singing praises about the girl.
Outside, (Y/n) and Hiori were playing rock, paper, scissors on who will yell at them to stop.
"What even started the argument?" (Y/n) asked, sighing at her loss as the boy shook his head.
"I don't know. I was practicing my dribbling and then came to you." Hiori said, blushing a little at the closeness.
'She smells really sweet today~'
As the day of the U-20 and Blue Lock 11 match approached, (Y/n) grew more and more anxious, hoping the boys will be able to handle the pressure. The whole of Japan was watching and she did her best to be on the call as soon as one of her friends needed help. Barely paying attention to anyone outside of her team, (Y/n) never noticed how every time Aiku tried to approach her or how one of the boys, usually Baro or Kunigami would whisk her away or glare at the player.
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justanotherhh · 3 months
what does being aroace do for alastor's character?
thing about alastor being aroace is that there's so much juicy potential (cannibal joke) embedded in this concept that i don't know about going too far into, as it's still early days and who knows what the direction will be. but. some analysis. some predictions. some headcanons. mix and match with hedonistic abandon. and at the end a bunch of feelings
first and foremost and basically what all the subsequent points will be about in some way, is it's such a great flipping on its head of a tired idea that aspec-ness (in the vague way it's often discussed) is a way of depicting inhumanity -- characters who can't love are Other, characters who don't want sex are childlike, the way to become a Human Adult Person is to enter into these partnerships, to be fixed. in alastor, being aroace is very much the thing that brings him to humanity, grounds him in something beneath the constant mask he wears. to dig deeper...
just visually, i like how his mask literally slips when he's propositioned/involved in sexual comedy/when people discuss romance too much around him. he glitches, or becomes otherwise uncomfortable, or zones out. i like the crack hc that he avoids val at all costs, that val is actually vox' best weapon against alastor, just because his whole Essence is outside of alastor's ability or wish to process
2. the fact that he's caught off-guard by attachment. he's created an untouchable persona (emotionally and physically to an extent/with exceptions -- the distance of the radio to the listener is something i think about a lot), that with the aroace read comes off partly as protection, especially considering how hypersexual hell is, and how generally hyper-romantic earth would have been (hell is romantic with caveats... more in a sec), so when he realises he almost died to protect the hotel gang it sends him into a full-on meltdown
3. that being said, the way he interacts with women is full of charm and ease: mimzy and rosie first and foremost, then also charlie and niffty, and even to an extent vaggie and possibly carmilla, and maybe cherri in future. he's able to get closer to women, able to be respectful in a southern gentleman old-timey way. it reads as chivalry-with-a-demonic-twist. alastor may be unsettling and untrustworthy for other reasons, but not about crossing sexual or romantic boundaries, which makes him surprisingly safe to hang around. i wonder if this was the case whilst living (and if, ironically, it meant that women ended up crossing his boundaries)
4. i especially would be into this tying into his relationship with niffty, who feels like a woman scorned/wronged/hurt in some way in a 50s housewife-ish romantic way (i personally think her story will be incredibly messed up when it's finally shown), but is very happy hanging out with alastor. sidenote, i bet alastor is so proud of her for killing adam
5. the fact that "ace in the hole" is a comment directed at the idea of alastor-and-charlie is fun and spoken about in-depth, and i will wonder until we find out (if we do) how rosie figured it out, and what it says for their relationship that she hasn't told alastor. that they have limitations to their closeness, or that she knows he'll reject it, or that he needs time to get there. personally i think alastor is so detached from himself that he wouldn't know what to do with it at present, it'd be functionally useless until he's learnt to come into himself more -- aroaceness as the end of a journey of humanising a character, not the thing that needs to be gotten away from in order to be seen as human
6. romance! in hell! it's a little stickier there, with sex-with-no-strings seeming to be a more popular pastime, so i think that part was more of a concern whilst he was alive, but that being said, im interested in how this plays into the above relationships, how characters will react to this part once he starts being more openly on the side of/affectionate with the wider hotel gang, and in how this might come up in future, with regards to...
7. vox! voooox! oh i want vox to become. so creepy. currently we've got underlying creepiness to vox' pathetic obsession with alastor that's coded as having been partially romantic and sexual in nature at one point (if not still romantic and sexual...). there's something about it that speaks to the way that alastor is not aroace because of trauma, but there is trauma involved in being aroace
8. that is, constantly having ones boundaries overstepped, whilst not having the words to say how or why or assert them properly, being projected onto by vox and maybe others while he was alive and post-death, potentially when-alive having that framed as a form of inhumanity in and of itself (and how that ties to him being a serial killer, which im so into)
9. the idea of having been made to feel alien in his own skin due to amatonormativity and not knowing why he feels this way, and compensating by creating boundaries that are extreme, but they work as coping mechanisms, up until... perhaps they won't (hinted at in the finale of s1)
10. (i soooo want vox' creepiness to eventually lead to him actually beating alastor in some way, temporarily, and alastor having to face the mortifying ordeal of being saved by the hotel gang, knowing he's weak and needs to be taken care of by them, knowing that they know that vox won in some way, knowing that vox will take it as vindication and become more powerful from it, know all his walls weren't strong enough in the end -- like a part two to the finale, which ultimately the others didn't see (although vox did) and was already such a big deal for him. gimme some alastor angst!!!)
11. smthinsmthin when we have an aroace character whose whole Deal is being untouchable (emotionally and physically, barring Certain People) being pushed into a space where he has to allow himself to be cared for and through that engage with his own boundaries and which ones have become poisonous to him vs the ones which are actually Who He Is
12. i like to think that he and angel could have an unlikely friendship with a lot of shenanigans, because they both have narratives focused on (re)establishing a relationship with their own bodies, after being made to feel unable to inhabit them as who they are -- angel due to abuse, alastor due to being aroace/repulsed (angel learning to respect alastor's boundaries and being protective of them as an extension of his own journey)
13. alastor filtering through what parts of him are him and what parts are the walls/coping mechanisms -- it's been a lot of years, even before he died, of building them after all. who is the man beneath it all?
14. big fan of how this interacts with his past as a murderer too -- the metaphor is made into something much deeper when the character's aroaceness is a humanising factor in a story about people who have done/do bad things. this not to say he'll necessarily be redeemed (but who knows, vaggie has killed a lot of people and probably will be, or, she'll probably stay in hell with charlie, but the narrative will go "she's chill now." in fact it already pretty much has), but that it adds to all the grey areas of his character. he's not a pure, sad little soul who's always suffering, he's dealt in suffering himself, he enjoys the suffering of others, and he's in control all the time
15. it must have been incredibly humiliating not only to die so stupidly/randomly/without say, but to become a deer demon after that. again, prey, weak, lack of control. his whole Thing is control of the narrative, and his death was totally out of that control, and that in and of itself plays into aroaceness as the idea of "if you can't verbalise yourself, if you can't adequately create boundaries, then overcorrect. become the most inscrutable, untouchable, unsettling, disturbing version of yourself. make people not want to get close to you in the first place"
16. and yet despite all that, he can't help liking people, he can't help being charming and funny and smart and in some ways there's a mask in that too -- sharp wit to cut people down, when you're not... literally cutting people down, a cool, shallow friendliness that deliberately keeps a tension at the forefront, the smartness helping to control and shape and keep power. funnily enough, when he's ready to be aroace, oh the real power he'll have (whether he'll use it for good or bad, or a mix of both... who knows, but he'll be fully himself at last, and that's a happy ending)
17. on the flipside to angel, i think it would take charlie a hot second to deal with it -- she'd be supportive in word, but also she's a known boundary-crosser/someone who has her fixed ideas of how things ought to be and it takes a strong "no" to make her realise when she's got it all wrong. all this to say, she might get the ace part, but she could struggle with the aro, trying to twist it into a version of love so that she could humanise him on her terms, using the word "love", until someone steps up for alastor in some way (in my head, angel, but that's my angel and alastor unlikely friends agenda)
18. husk already knows in some way. also not with words, but he's like, yeah this guy. none of that. are y'all surprised????
19. i wonder if when alive he briefly thought he might be a homosexual, or if he knew from the start that he wasn't, especially considering that men are more disgusting to him overall than women
20. i wonder if mimzy knows or suspects, and also if she was in love with him during their lifetime
21. i like to think in life he's utilised the tactics of the song "the gentleman doesn't believe" and just gone "i hate kissing i mean and uh. dancing. and jazz. and uh... smoking. and walking. and everyting else!!!! (but mostly kissing)" as a way of getting out of someone suggesting a date
22. alastor as hot and charming and unfuckable and unromanceable and repulsed by the idea of it all, and who has the supremely aroace fantasy powers of a. "am not being perceived" and b. "am so terrifying you wish you couldn't perceive me" and whose relationships are dictated by his aroaceness, not despite it!
23. ultimately, this point is the main one for me, regardless of how the story actually gets there: aroaceness as the end of a journey of humanising a character, not the thing that needs to be gotten away from in order to become human
24. pal of mine @creepysora said: "they didnt let anyone walk so now he waltzes ready for murder" and yeah. jumped straight to complex character with big, wonderful flaws in a strange little universe, bypassing all the dull explanatory 1-0-1 that just isn't my cup of tea and into a way of writing aroaceness that can be complex and nuanced and based in character, story, theme, rather than education -- he's not implied, he's not one-note, he's not there to explain, he's not defined solely by his role in the story as the token so-and-so, he's not there to be fixed, he's not there to be dubbed as Other, he is
this character genuinely doesn't exist elsewhere, outside of the stories and ideas i see shared and share within my community. this kind of focus, it's... kind of heady to be honest. like you only ever tasted something sweet in crumbs, and then someone gives you a boatload of it all at once
and tbh. he deserves a little murder. as a treat. because fuck, being aroace is hard
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Hey! Hope your having a good day! If you want to, could you do a story where a supervillain typically goes easy on a group of rookie heroes, as he usually fights them just for fun, and could destroy them if he wanted.
He just lets them think they can beat him.
Then, something happens (maybe they cross a line, and one of the heroes tries to stop their team from crossing that line but they don't listen) where the supervillain shows them just how powerful he actually is?
Sure. Do you mind if we stop for ice cream?
A Taste of Revenge
“You’ll never get away with this!” yelled one of the three Heroes from afar.
Supervillain smiled and just waved at them while flames and energy beams hit his forcefield without leaving a scratch. It was, in fact, the third time this month he was getting away with this.
The heroes were all new, of course. The town was too little for the closest hero agency to care about what was happening here, so they’d only sent their three youngest. Sometimes they popped in while he was minding his business. They always thought they’d found a way to break through his defenses, and were always wrong. He didn’t care much, amused by these three overgrown teenagers who were looking equally embarrassed and proud of their muscles, trying to speak loud to cover their awkwardness. There was no use hurting them. The hero agency would have sent someone competent in their place. If Supervillain was only mildly inconvenienced by them, and they were convinced to gloriously fight against evil, everyone was happy.
It was sunset. There was no time to sleep before another night’s work, but enough to take a break. Supervillain went home, put his citizen clothes on, called his cat who jumped on his shoulders, and went in his favorite ice cream shop. Coincidentally, it had a magnificent view on the shiny new heroes headquarters.
The door bell rang. The shop owner raised her head and smiled at him. He was a usual customer.
“Hello, Citizen.”
“Hello, sir. Hello to you two,” she added, nodding politely to his pet.
Supervillain smiled in return. To make sure he wouldn’t be ever recognized, he’d gotten a cat. Mister Whiskers was more than happy to follow him in his ice cream adventures, especially since Supervillain was the one who walked for them both. People asked to pet the kitty sometimes, but never gave his face a second glance.
“What will you take, sir?”
Supervillain pondered for a moment, answering then:
“When I was eight, my mother took me to see the ocean for the first time. I want three scoops of that memory flavor in a cup, please.”
“Right away, sir.”
She took a cup that she filled three times with white ice cream, then gently set her opened palms over it and closed her eyes. The scoops changed into a lovely turquoise. Mister Whiskers mewed with anticipation, opening and closing his mouth.
“And for the cat?”
“A kid scoop of Oyster-Caviar, lactose-free.”
She gave his orders to him. Supervillain thanked her and settled in his usual corner. While Mister Whiskers ate his own treat like he hadn’t already eaten thrice today, Supervillain took his time, glazing by the window. For the Heroes headquarters, it was the end of the day. Secretaries were pouring down the establishment. He looked at them with interest, wondering how many people was needed to manage three baby heroes. Sometimes they went in the ice cream shop, looking harassed, not giving him a second look. They never stayed long. It was just enough for him to memorize their faces and note their schedules.
Supervillain bit his lip to hide his smile when he saw the Heroic Trio getting out of the agency, their faces crumpled. Every time he saw them by the window, he wondered what would happen if they were coming here. Today, he realized that he was going to find out. After pausing, all three opened the door and went into the line that had been forming.
Supervillain took a spoonful of ice cream. It melted on his mouth as lightly as foam. It was a flavor of pure joy, with an aftertaste of melancholy. These holidays had not lasted long. Why rush his break, then? He was more than convinced that he wouldn’t get noticed, and if he was, well, that was too bad for the customers. Most of them didn’t linger anyway. They thanked Citizen and went out, hastily eating out outside, maybe because the Heroic Trio grumbled louder and louder about the wait. The line went down quickly until the moment a little boy asked for a cone.
“I can make all the flavors you want in the world, young man,” said Citizen. “Every memory, every feeling, every object, the weather, time itself, everything has a taste.”
The little boy thought long and hard, reading out loud the suggestions. After fifteen minutes, he made his choice:
Ignoring the loud groans behind, he was about to merrily go out, when one of the heroes caught him by the shirt:
“You haven’t paid, kid.”
“She gives it to me for free,” explained the boy, pointing at Citizen.
“Really? Why is that?”
The kid shrugged, licking his cone.
“Sometimes, I do the dishes.”
“He’s right,” intervened the shop owner. “He’s done nothing wrong, let him go.”
Hero released the kid, who went away trotting and licking his prize, and turned back to the owner with a frowning face:
“What sort of business are you running here?”
Citizen raised an eyebrow:
“I don’t understand.”
“Do you see these suits, ma’am?”
“Well, yes-”
“That means we’re heroes. He-roes, you understand? We protect you all day, putting our lives in danger for you. We’ve just escaped the most dangerous criminal of this town. We’d like to give us a little respect.”
“But I didn’t-”
“You made us wait to indulge a kid who can take anything he wants? It’s bad business practice. Terrible, even. How can you make profits like that? It’s a wonder this shop is still open.”
The three heroes towering over her, the woman tried to look at Supervillain, the only customer remaining, but he avoided his gaze. He wasn’t about to blow his cover for that. Furthermore, Mister Whiskers had finished his cup and was now interested in Supervillain’s ice cream. He put it away, but as he avoided the cat’s insistent paws, he was still listening to the conversation, quietly readjusting his perception of his self-proclaimed foes. Kids they were, but bullies are of every age. He heard them making their choice (one Nova scoop, two Oncoming Storm scoops, one First Prize cup), and refusing to pay.
“ If you give free food to the bloody kid, I think you can afford to give us a free pass, too.”
The shop owner made the effort to laugh, throwing her red braid off her shoulder.
“You have a good sense of humor,” she said politely.
“I’m not joking.”
Ah, thought Supervillain, there you go. Citizen raised her tone, but they laughed at her:
“What are you going to do, use your power?”
“That’s not our fault if all you can do is ice-cream flavor', said another. “I’m sorry you can’t be a Hero, but not everyone is born equal, don’t take it on us.”
Supervillain stared at his blue ice cream melting, waiting for the shop seller to burst in tears and give in. That didn’t happen. Instead, she clenched her fists and said:
“I am more useful than you.”
The booming laughter of the Heroic trio filled the room, but the shop owner was fed up. She hit the counter with her little hand and yelled, covering their voices:
“I feed children who are hungry. I give people the taste of things they’ve forgotten and can’t have otherwise. I give people shelter when they need it. You’ve just set foot in the neighborhood and do nothing but cause property damage. I am the better Hero. Now get out of my shop.”
The laughs died out. With a stony face, one of the heroes went behind the counter, pushing her away, and took their orders by force.
“Keep telling yourself that,” he said.
The doorbell rang when they left. A heavy silence fell.
The shop seller rocked slightly on her heels, burying her face in her hands. Supervillain looked at her, then at his now melted ice cream. His mom had offered him to see the ocean to cheer him up. He remembered why, too. Because of the day before. A school day. A bitter taste in his mouth. The wall behind his back. Kids with frowning looks and mocking smiles.
“Forcefield is not even a real power.”
“You’re so uncool.”
“What can you do, uh? Hiding like the coward you are?”
Supervillain sighed, shaking his head. No, that wouldn’t do at all.
He stood up, holding out a handkerchief to the ice cream seller. She took it without looking at him. While she blew her nose, he turned his eyes towards the Hero headquarters, looking at the Heroic Trio walking away.
“They’re kids,” he said. “They don’t know a lot of things.”
“That doesn’t give them an excuse to-”
“I know. They have no respect for powers that aren’t flashy enough for them. They’re the kind of people thinking that forcefields are for defense only.”
He smiled. All the windows on the first floor of the Hero headquarters exploded.
People screamed in the streets. The Heroic Trio came back running despite the glass shards flying, trying to localize the culprit.
“They have no imagination,” he explained pleasantly at the shop owner, who was looking at the scene with wide eyes. “They don’t know how impenetrable shields that can be projected from everywhere could be used otherwise.”
He glanced at the building now cut in two, shaking his head:
“I mean, how can they realize that this kind of shield could pierce any matter like a knife through hot butter?”
The heroes wanted to rush towards the headquarters, but bounced back. The forceshield was now covering the whole building, slightly buzzing. It didn’t stop there. It got tighter and tighter until the walls cracked and collapsed under the pressure.
“People inside-” squeaked Citizen.
“It’s the end of the day, my dear.”
The heroic trio was running around, getting people away, swearing and not knowing what to do. The forcefield didn’t vanish until the building was in ruins. Only then Supervillain turned towards the show owner. She flinched hard, but he only pulled out his wallet.
“Now, how much do we owe you?”
Back to the Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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genericpuff · 3 months
(disclaimer, this is coming from a heartstopper fan! i love heartstopper this is not hate!!)
i think at least part of the annoyance with heartstopper isn't just that isn't a light fluffy ya series, it's also that its another example of how the queer media that gets the most mainstream attention tends to be this kind of light fluffy ya stuff that focuses on two conventially attractive queer boys or men and it also tends to be written by people who aren't queer men on top of that, so not only can it feel very samey but it can feel like other queer people are relegated to side characters in the stories of cis gay men. and as someone who loves heartstopper i get that on some level.
btw by "written by people who aren't queer men" NOT saying that isn't not written by queer people. alice oseman is genderfluid and aroace, becky albertalli is bisexual, etc. and while i think the point is still valid there is a misogyny element in that a lot of the focus is put on things that are written by women or people they perceive as women while tumblr darlings like good omens and ofmd (written by presumably straight men) don't get the same treatment.
nah y'know what, that's fair, I can get how frustrating it can be for a lot of popular queer stories to feel samey, I've definitely gotten BL-fatigue in the past on platforms like WT and Tapas because many of them ARE the same and feel like they're just piggybacking off trends for the sake of clout (and this is a problem in the heterocis romance stories too, don't get me fucking started on how dark romance has turned into torture porn where vulnerable women are constantly being victimized by rich powerful men and we're just supposed to root for that ??), but it's one of those things where like, what might be seen as just more corny shit could very well be the revelation another person needs that they're gay / trans / etc. that the story helped them realize. there's just a point where i see these arguments against cheesy popular queer stories that teeter dangerously close to being queerphobic and, as you said, misogynist, simply because "it was written by someone who i perceive as a woman so that makes it BAD!"
and I didn't mention it in the original post because I didn't want to @ OP in any way but in the comment section they literally said "i dont think heartstopper itself is all that bad but it has pretty much aimed the direction of all mainstream gay comics towards wholesomeness instead of anything more interesting so i want to destroy heartstopper to destroy heartstopper clones" and that gives me massive ick because it implies their sole reasoning for including it was "chill and happy queer stories bad, if a character doesn't suffer enough then they're not interesting"?? why can't LGBTQ+ audiences have more 'vanilla' stories that aren't all sad and angsty all the time? are we not entitled to the same corny romcom vanilla shit that the heterocis are entitled to? why do LGBTQ+ characters - and by extension, people - have to suffer to qualify as being 'interesting'? You're already interesting, you're you! like i'm sorry, are we trying to scare people straight??? 😭 shit, that's even a plot point that's touched on in Heartstopper itself where Nick is questioning his sexuality and he starts googling shit and it's just ALL the terrifying news stories of queer kids being ostracized / bullied / murdered / etc. and as much as it's important to be aware of the ongoing issues so we can keep fighting for our rights, we ALSO need to find balance and remember to celebrate the stories that AREN'T that because we need something to be hopeful for, something we can find peace in. I don't think Heartstopper is some deeply profound piece of work, but it also doesn't seem like it's trying to be? It's a low stakes celebration of the LGBTQ+ experience that's very warm and comforting, especially for those who are the same ages as the main characters who are often being persuaded by the grown-ups around them that it's a death sentence to be gay / trans / etc.
and it's not like we HAVEN'T had popular pieces of queer representative media that explored things outside of cheesy BL, like are we forgetting about Nimona which explored both the gay and genderfluid experience in a very accessible and fun way while still being mature and not pandering to its audience over how society has made monsters out of queer people?
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(and even then I'm sure there are folks who would argue "actually, here are the issues with Nimona" , and that's fine tbh, we can like media and appreciate what it brings to the table while also discussing what it lacks in, such as what we're doing now with Heartstopper! progress is a never-ending journey!!)
and also okay, not me trying to be argumentative in the slightest BUT I don't really get the argument that 'other queer people' are being sidelined for the main characters? unless there's something I'm missing here lol (I will apologize for that because it's admittedly been a while since I've re-read Heartstopper so I should probably go do that to refresh myself on it). like i say that in the sense that Heartstopper is clearly meant to be about two gay male teenagers. just like how Nimona is about a shapeshifter who is not a girl or a boy (they're Nimona!) and a gay man who are both trying to change the system that's other'd them for years for the better. that is the story Heartstopper is trying to tell and it achieves that. it also has a trans character plotline that I could see people arguing feels sidelined but I think there's a massive difference between 'sidelining' and just having a B plot ? my honest take with that is not every piece of representative media is going to be able to cover every single topic, it's just not doable for one piece of media to be a monolith for everything, the same as how one person can't be a monolith for an entire community of people. BUT that doesn't mean works like Heartstopper and Nimona can't inspire others to also lend their voices into the medium and create that representation that's needed. That's why we need ✨variety✨ and Heartstopper is part of that variety by offering a more vanilla cutesy story full of good vibes for people who want that sort of thing.
IDK, I think there's just a lot of nuance that's being missed in that poll, and in the difference between Heartstopper inspiring more people to write happy cozy BL stories vs. implying that it's had an actual negative influence on modern art and media in the same way that series like Homestuck and LO have to the point that people think it needs to be destroyed, like wtf LOL Like they're not even comparable IMO and a lot of the arguments I see people making about why it is just feel a little backwards, and those arguments obfuscate the real issue which is just "popular thing is popular and people like to piggyback off popular shit". That's a fact for basically any niche and genre, these trends come and go. Even if the whole cutesy BL trend passes one day (which it will) it'll be replaced by something else that people will also inevitably find samey and boring after a while. This is not a concept that's unique to LGBTQ+ media, it's universal.
Balance is important and I think finding that balance is as much a responsibility on the shoulders of the consumer as it is on the creator. And I don't think Heartstopper deserves to be put into the same camp as stories like LO which literally straightwashes its canonically queer characters and gives those queer identities to nothingburger characters who are easy to shoo out of the plot to make way for the heterocis ones (while still parading itself around like it's actually 'queer rep' which... it really isn't.) Like all three of the comics in that poll are vastly different, serving different audiences, with different goals and intentions. It's comparing apples to oranges to pineapples.
The worst Heartstopper has to offer is just a low stakes plot that might not appeal to everyone or feel 'samey' which yeah, valid, but in the grander sense of whether or not it's had a negative effect on queer media just for being... cheesy? And inspiring other people to write stories like it? I don't get the argument, it feels like it's severely missing the point of what we're fighting for here - to live happy little unbothered lives - but that's just me ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭ I'm definitely not trying to be a dick about it in any way and I don't want anyone to think I'm not open to the opposing points here, I do agree with you on the oversaturation of samey BL stories, but it just rose some massive red flags to see Heartstopper next to frigging Homestuck and Lore Olympus LOL
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twost3ps · 24 days
Hazbin Oc voiceclaims LETS GOO
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Ok so I've been brewing a bit and have been kinda busy. I got one last exam coming up and then I'm FREEEEE but I wanted to push something simple out so I decided to do voice claims because that is somehow easy (not)
These are partially for the scott pilgrim au, it makes it a bit more immersive to me
Anywayyysss: Heres the video of the voices (it's 4.5 min I'm so sorry)
and if ur interested: let me break down whyyy :3 + small oc blip (I still don't really know how to chracterize them it's all over the place) they go in order of appearance
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Micheal: Johnathan Groff
Micheal is pretty closed off and cold. His answers are cold and short, and he doesn't like wasting time. Working 24/7 is his way of ignoring everything bad that has ever happened to him, until recently. He's trying to go back to his roots and have some fun. B4, in Eden he was basically a fun loving party guy who liked to bend the rules, but since his brother's betrayal, he grew angry and to snuff it out he just worked super hard. Super straight laced. But after a while he's trying to be silly again, people find it weird though because it's just been so long.
Initially, I wanted something deep- like deep deep. And while true, Micheal could have a fitting deep voice-
I think Groff just fits really well. He hits all my boxes.
His voice is rich and smooth but has a bit of dorkiness to it?? (Kristoff) The closest thing I can go into describing my Micheal is, again, an ex frat boy that caught depression when things got too real but now is recovering and healing. Idk Groff's voice just gave the vibe. His voice is kinda similar to Jordan's (Lucifur's va) imo, especially when they sing. Of cousre they're not gonna sound identical, but its like Emily and Charlie, it's just similar when they sing. Also Groff can pull off a rocker voice (the Bohemian Rapsody clip) and I need that. I want that rocker Micheal FEAFSEF
In general though, Groff has been my #1 option. Not just for my Micheal, but like, a lot of Micheals I've seen. I look at them and all I can hear is Groff soooo. Yeah. I also think that if Micheal were to be part of the actual series and be Lucifur's twin he'd be the kinda guy they're looking for. But yeah, hes always been #1 choice
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Gabriel: Chris Fleming/Jshlatt
Gabriel balances out Micheal's colder demeanor. He's loud and a bit obnoxious about. But overall, this man is a goober. He's a man that can't keep a secret and keeps it real, a bit too real this man is way too honest. Won't shut up once you get him going especially when he's excited. It's bad when he peaks at one emotion because he goes all out. Overtime he's gotten better but still out af.
I wanted Gabriel to have some sort of gruffness. Some edge. Gabriel's thing is spreading the word of God and all but I can't think of him having a smooth voice. (I mean he yells all the time, how can he not???) I wanted something expressive, loud and gruff. A voice that you know does not stfu and does not hold back.
Fleming came to mind when I head him from bigtop burger (love that series) his voice is fun, low and gruff. Jshlatt was recommended by one of my friends when I showed them Gabriel. I was pretty unfamiliar with him b4 and when they showed me him my jaw dropped. His voice is what I kinda want it to be, just a bit higher. And the singing voice fits really well too :)
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Raphael: James Earl Jones/Thurl Ravenscroft/Nat King Cole
Raphael is supposed to be this chill soft guy you can go to for comfort. He's like a marshmallow of a man and can be very empathetic. But underneath all that is a unit of a man who could throw you thousands of yards away.
I wanted something rich, deep and smooth. I had to ask my friend again with this one and we got Mufasa (James Earl Jones) Fits really well! So yes, smooth and soft, but an underlying tone of powerful. I also wanted his to have just a lot of bass to it. Something you could sleep to. Why Nat King Cole for the last option? I genuinely have no clue but it fit to me so I slapped it on this bad boy.
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Azreal/Dumah: Steve Blum
Ok. Both of them are idiots. My version of them anyways. They fight a lot. I mean when you are suck together it’s bound to happen (They share one body but only one can take full control at one time- mostly Azreal because Dumah hates people. I’ll just show you guys one day. They can separate but only when they are given permission. Big fussy babies). They finish each other’s sentences a lot when talking. Azreal is the goofier brother who likes making jokes and Dumah is the more serious one. When retrieving souls Azreal is the one who takes it while Dumah judges. Dumah hates when people joke while on the job (he hates Azreal for this this) but he hates it even more when they go against God's word. Azreal could give less of a crap, he just finds reaping super fun.
Blum fit for me after watching Puppycat seeing his role as space outlaw. It shows his ability to be goofy but his other roles consist of also very serious characters which fits Dumah and Azreal pretty well. Blum has this crazy rasp about thing going on (is that what it is?) it makes him stand out which fits for the angels that deal with the dead. Makes you very awake imo. Idk there’s just something about it. While Azreal and Dumah share the same voice, Azreal is higher than Dumah’s. What I mean by that is (when looking at the audio clip from the video) when Blum’s voice is generally higher, that’s Azreal. When it’s pitches lower that’s Dumah. Dumah in general doesn’t speak much unlike Azreal- they’re what comes to mind when people think of introvert and extrovert lol
Sadly I couldn't find a sining voice for him :(
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Eve: Lisa Hannigan
To me, Eve holds a lot of motherly energy. She's soft and kind, but she actually holds similar feelings to Adam about sinners. Don't get me wrong, she feels bad for their eternal punishment, but in the end, it's on them. Like, if she was presented with the hotel, she'd comply but try to take over it becoming this overbearing presence that would put you in your place without lifing a finger if you didn't fird her standard. If she'd hear one complain shed be like, "i know it sucks but really, you did this to yourself." But besides that, to everyone else, she's kind. In heaven, she's recluse, only really going to Adam for anything. Her punishment on earth did something to her, and unlike Adam, she does not like seeking comfort from others. Shes subtle about it, but you can easily tell by the vibes she gives off - they are STRONG (Idk about this over all this may change)
I feel like this is kinda a given. Then again it could be just me. I wanted Eve to have this soft motherly vibe. Like her voice is just barely above a whisper sometimes, but is still kinda deep. Blue diamond came to mind like immediately. There were other options like Esmeralda’s VA, especially the one from the musical, but I wanted to give Eve this sense of solemn, sort of driftyness and chill. Ngl her character really resonates with blue diamond so it kinda just fell into place. It’s in contrast to Adam��s sharper and more gruff voice, where he can hit more highs, she hits more lows.
Eve is literally Adam’s other half (and while in my au they aren’t in love anymore or maybe they were never in love at all idk, they were definitely soulmates who loved each other dearly)
Again, notes on the floor and everywhere. They thoughts are always super scatterbrained
But yeah that’s pretty much it! If you guys have any recommendations or suggestions yourself feel free to tell me I am welcome to anything!!!
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azaleaniath · 1 year
Oblivious pt. 1
synopsis: Ao'nung doesn't want you, his younger sister to get into a relationship. He only entrusts you to a few others, Rotxo being one of them. He's sure his best friend wouldn't ever get any ideas, but oh is he wrong.
part 2 | part 3 | part 4
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warnings: kissing, making out, Ao'nung being a possessive protective brother, confessions, first kiss, aged up to 18
SFW | 3k words
"How many times do I have to tell you?"
Ao'nung, your older brother, growled, his voice laced with anger.
"You're not going to hunt with the boys unless I'm going too. You will stay here with me. I don't want you around these guys, do you understand?"
It was the same discussion almost every day. Your brother didn't like to see you around any other men. In fact, he scared off whoever would come too close to you.
He had shielded you from every man, not wanting you to end up heartbroken. After all you were the chief's daughter which came with the disadvantage of having many men being interested in you. None of them dared to speak a word about it though. Whoever had the nerves to only look at you for a second too long knew they automatically signed up for a good old asskick by Ao'nung.
He entrusted you only to a few people. Neteyam, his mate, was one of them. The oldest sully sibling had grown on you as well, especially since he tried to calm Ao'nung down everytime this discussion occurred. But Ao'nung was stubborn. He did not accept that you were old enough to make your own decisions. It was already tugging on his nerves to see Tsireya falling for Neteyam's hot headed, chaotic brother. He didn't need someone to get you into trouble as well.
"You're not my father! I can do what I want!" you yelled back at him. Both of your hands were clenched into fists as he cocked an eyebrow, arms crossed in front of his puffed chest.
"I'm only protecting you."
You couldn't help but scoff at his words. "Protect me from what?!"
Neteyam came a bit closer as he saw the two of you arguing again and asked himself silently if this would ever come to an end.
"From other men. I don't want them to get any ideas about touching you or even worse. You'll thank me for this when you're older-"
Neteyam decided to get between the two of you before you would strangle Ao'nung, so he gently pushed himself in between you two.
Seeing Neteyam only brought up another point for you.
"So I can't even have my first kiss but it's okay for you to fuck around with your boyfriend before you were mated?!"
Neteyam gently took your hand and tried to loosen up your fists, not taking your words personally. He understood both sides, being a protective brother himself.
"Y/N, I understand your frustration but you have this argument going on every day. Maybe we can find a solution-"
"The solution is for her to stay away from boys!" Ao'nung interfered, earning a smack of his mate's tail against his stomach.
"Ma'onung, you're not helping. At least try to show some empathy." Neteyam hissed in a low volume, snapping his head towards his mate and turning back to you.
"Why don't you go for a walk, hm? I'll try to talk to your brother."
You didn't answer but only ripped away from his hands. Soon you turned on your heel, leaving the two mated men to themselves. The frustration did not cease to rush through your every vein as you heard Neteyam trying to talk some sense into his thick-headed husband while you rushed off.
To cool your head off you decided to head to Rotxo's marui. You came here often when you were too frustrated to deal with Ao'nung. Without a word you rushed in and to your surprise the only man you were actually allowed to talk to was currently present as well. He could tell from your expression what had happened.
Rotxo had just gotten his tattoos a year ago, shortly after Ao'nung. He had finished his iknimaya and was a hunter now as well. He sat on his mat, holding a piece of jewelry in his hand which he had just finished up.
His eyes followed you as you silently plopped down onto the mat next to him, legs crossed, face covered with both hands.
A deep sigh left his lips. Seeing you like this always made him feel awful but he was glad that his home was a safe space for you. It showed just how comfortable you were around him and knowing this eased these bad feelings at least a bit.
"Looks like Ao'nung doesn't want you to go hunting with the guys, huh?" he mumbled quietly, offering a few soft rubs across your hunched back.
"Of course not. I'm not allowed to because he's not going and he doesn't want me to be surrounded by guys." you answered with a mocking undertone. Rotxo couldn't help but huff at your voice.
Ao'nung was simply unfair. He was allowed to mess up, behave like an idiot, make out with his boyfriend before mating but you couldn't even have anyone interested in you. You leaned your shoulder against the metkayina man which only made him stroke your back with more firmness. His other hand reached out to your neck, carefully tracing a finger over your soft teal skin.
"He's just making sure you're not getting hurt, y/n. I'm sure he only wants what's best for you."
These words weren't just hard for you to hear, but also hard for him to speak. Since he was Ao'nungs best friend, he knew that he trusted him. Ao'nung was sure that Rotxo would never do anything to you. He was certain Rotxo had too much respect for him to even think of you, but oh was he wrong. There wasn't a day the mere sound of your name in his head didn't make him smile from ear to ear, Rotxo was just an expert in hiding his feelings.
Seeing you made his heart flutter, the butterflies in his stomach almost starting to turn into a painful sting in his guts whenever he told himself that he couldn't have you. Ao'nung would kill him on the spot, which left him with no other option to hide all these feelings for you for years. Sometimes it got unbearable to conceal what his heart had been screaming and yearning for, but what could he do? Talk to Ao'nung? No, that wasn't an option. But seeing you like this made him weak.
"He doesn't want what's best for me. He's just- argh! I hate him so much sometimes!" You spat, dropping your head against the man's collarbone.
"I'm gonna be alone, Rotxo. All alone without a mate, without being loved or even getting kissed once in my life..."
Rotxo couldn't help but smile sheepishly. You didn't even know how wrong you were. He caressed your shoulder, his free hand hesitantly reached out to your cheek, stroking over your pouted cheeks with care.
He closed his eyes and enjoyed having you so close, and somehow he wished you'd notice how fast his heart was racing beneath his ribs.
"That's not going to happen, I'm sure of it." His voice was so gentle and soft even if his heart was about to break his bones by its heavy pounding.
You rested against him for a while longer while he tried to cheer you up with his loving touches. It made you wonder.
"How do you not have a mate yet? You're such a sweetheart and you finished your iknimaya, you can choose a mate. Don't you have anyone you like?"
Rotxo huffed, feeling his heart and face warm up at your words.
"Well, I do like someone. But I can't choose them."
You looked up to his blushed face, confusion written all over your visage. "How come? Don't they like you?"
"I don't think they actually acknowledge me as a potential mate." He answered quietly, looking into your eyes. At the start of his evolving feelings he found it very hard to look at you without bursting out in emotions but after all these years he had gotten used to hiding it.
"Then you should tell them! Maybe you're wrong and they will see you?"
You suggested, being oblivious as ever. It was somewhat cute to him that you didn't understand what he was talking about, so he decided to take it up a bit.
"Her brother would kill me, y/n."
You frowned at his comment, not noticing how his touches became slower and slower until they came to a halt.
"Oh, is it like with Ao'nung and me? He doesn't want her to find a mate?"
"It's exactly as you and Ao'nung." Rotxo smiled, seeing you mentally going back to rethinking phase, breaking your skull to find a solution.
"Hmm, how good are you getting along with her brother?" you asked, starting to wonder who he might be talking about. You didn't know any siblings that weren't both mated already. In confused you immensely.
"He's my best friend." Rotxo smiled sheepishly, but it turned into a sweet giggle as he saw how you were still unable to connect the dots.
"I thought Ao'nung is your best friend?" you asked in confusion, feeling your head almost aching from thinking too hard.
"He is."
"You have another best friend that has a younger sister? Is it Kaoru? No, wait, his sister is mated already. Hmm, Tahei maybe? No, can't be, you're not that close are you?" Rotxo couldn't help but laugh by now, you didn't understand anything anymore.
"Huh? What's so funny?" you asked in all innocence, seriously not understanding why he was laughing so much. As he calmed down a bit, he cupped your cheeks softly and looked onto your big, shining eyes.
"You really don't have a clue who I'm talking about?"
You only shook your head, to which he smiled to himself.
"Well, maybe you can guess again. She's gorgeous, has the prettiest hair, a sweet voice, she's a lovely girl even though she fights with her brother all the time over the same problem, her brother will be next Olo'eyktan... I think you should know now."
Your mouth fell open as you finally figured out. At least, you thought.
"Tsireya is already dating Lo'ak!" you hiss-whispered, to which the man only laughed some more.
"You possibly can't be that dense, y/n."
"Huh?" Wondering what he was talking about, you listened attentively as he took a deep breath.
"I like you, y/n."
Never before had you considered it. Ao'nung himself would've never considered this. To you, Rotxo was your brother's pure and sweet best friend. Never in your life had you even dared to think about him in this way and if your brother would find out, it would be over for Rotxo.
You only stared at him in silence, suddenly feeling strange about all the time you had spent with him. But not in a bad way. It was the first time in your life you had heard someone confess to you. A warm feeling was spreading in your stomach. Something changed about the way you saw him instantly.
"I'm sure I'm not the one you wanted to hear this from but-"
"I'm happy to hear it from you."
What were you supposed to do now? You had never been in this situation ever before. Having gained the knowledge that someone, not just someone but Rotxo, a very good friend loved you was a wonderful feeling. It made your stomach tingle and your skin burn in the places he was still touching you.
"How do you feel about it?" he asked carefully, hoping to get a positive answer and he did.
"Wonderful, actually. I've never felt like this but... I want this to never go away. I feel so...warm around you, I can't explain."
He couldn't believe his ears. All these years he had held himself back and didn't tell a living soul about his yearnings and now you finally knew.
"I've been wanting to tell you for years. It hurts to see you to sad and frustrated all the time, thinking you'll never have someone by your side, but I've liked you for years. That's why I don't have a mate. I love you, y/n."
Eywa, it felt so indescribable to hear this and so unbelievable for him to finally say this. But apart from all the consequences, it felt great.
Some time passed in which you simply stared at the man, unable to say anything until you eventually found the right words.
"I see you, Rotxo."
Your heart was throbbing so much it almost ached. It felt like your heart was about to fall out of your chest.
"I see you, y/n." he answered with the biggest smile while his hand still caressed your soft cheek.
You leaned into the touch, letting your head rest against his big hand.
His eyes only repeated what he had said to you with every second they looked into yours. One of your hands copied the way he caressed your cheek, then your other hand also melted against his face.
Your eyes fell onto his wide lovely smile, then back up to his eyes.
A sudden urge overcame you as you pushed yourself closer to him. The butterflies in your stomach intensified as your thumbs traced over the stripes and freckles on his cheeks. You adored the sight of him so close to you, tracing two fingers over the lines of his tattoos on his forehead, down the bridge of his nose, his lips and eventually his chin.
"Say, Rotxo... Have you ever kissed someone?"
He felt his ears flushing at your question and they stood up straight to you for a moment before tilting backwards and laying flat against the sides of his head.
"No, I haven't...I've saved this up for you all the time..." he shyly admitted, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Would you like to kiss me now?" you whispered, teeth tugging at your lower lip. His eyes lightened up at your words, sending a shiver down his spine. He knew Ao'nung would kill him at the spot if he did so, and his considering thoughts were written all across his visage. Of course he wanted to, but bringing himself to do so was another thing.
"Can I kiss you?" you asked, bringing your face closer to his. Only eywa knew how good it felt to nudge his nose against yours as you both closed your eyes. His breath was shaky against your lips as he leaned his forehead to yours. So many years he had waited for this very moment but something in the back of his head told him how wrong this was, but he did not listen. His decision was made.
"Yes." he breathed out ever so quietly, so you closed up the last inch that separated you from him and pressed your lips against his. You could feel your guts toss and turn in the best way possible as he kissed you back. Both of your arms found their way around his strong neck, fingertips tracing over his tense skin. Rotxo finally found the courage to pull you closer by your waist, heart fluttering as his arms wrapped around you.
The kiss itself wasn't practicality perfect but it felt so unbelievably great to kiss him. As you pulled back you watched his half lidded, lovely eyes being glued to your lips before he took a deep breath to engage in another kiss. And another, and another. Time passed in the blink of an eye as you two sat there until the eclipse neared, all wrapped up in each other embraces, gasping for air in between lovely, innocent kisses. There was not an inch on your face that had not gotten all showered in his love. He seemed to have a weakness for kisses right below his ear as you found out, hearing his breath hitch and feeling his body shudder everytime you did. It had taken a while until you both managed out how to kiss. You couldn't help but whimper quietly as you felt his tongue slipping over your bottom lip before his teeth gently tugged at the soft flesh, leaving you completely breathless. The moment was perfect until-
"y/n! y/n?"
Neteyam's voice called out through the village. He seemed to be looking for you. Only then you noticed that it was petting dark. Had you really been here for hours?
"Fuck.." you mumbled after drawing away from Rotxo immediately, panic rushing through your veins. "What am I gonna say?" you cursed under your breath before you both got up on your feet and you peeked out. Neteyam and Ao'nung were on their way heading straight to Rotxo's marui, guessing you'd be here.
You turned to Rotxo, who seemed to be just as stressed as you were, if not even more but he cleared his throat and tried to hide his nerves. He had done so all these years so he'd do the same now, as he always had.
"Hey, we got this, okay?" he ensured, placing a soft kiss onto your head before he left his marui to face the two husbands. They seemed to be relieved as they saw you stepping out of his home shortly after him, trying to adapt to the calmness Rotxo showed.
"I was beginning to worry about you! You could've told me that you were going to stay away for longer!" Ao'nung started to scold you immediately but you only pursed your lips.
"She was with me all the time, there's nothing to worry about." Rotxo interfered, which seemed to calm Ao'nung right away.
"Good. I hope that is true, because if I find out you've been out with the boys you're gonna be grounded."
You only rolled your eyes. How ironic. Rotxo couldn't help but smile, even though he hated himself for basically lying to his best friend. Ao'nung trusted him and yet he felt as he had betrayed him in some way. He could only watch you getting dragged back home. Neteyam didn't say a word even though he had definetly noticed your plump, swollen lips.
🏷️list:@luvlykrispy @zatarias-pandora @vviolaswrld @yeosxxx @lilgurlbeoncrack @philiasoul @itszzmoon @simp4ff @itsnotme02 @et-j-art @lovekeeho @mayhemories @cavvedinn @grierpilots
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devondespresso · 7 months
Background details about Tommy and Carol from Season 1, and how they are with conflict
<very much not an all exhaustive list, i just saw this gif with something interesting and pulled up the whole show to look into it>
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Now the one i saw was slightly longer, showing carol and tommy's continued reactions, so ofc we had to learn how tf to make gifs so i can show you guys what im talking about (this ones at .75 speed)
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Specifically, to include not just their initial reactions, but also the next thoughts.
Lets start with Nicole, the redhead on the far right, who obviously isn't nearly as close to the trio as they are to each other (she's basically only around at school and this scene and doesn't stick around after they run from the cops). She's our control (if this were an experiment), the normal reaction. She's surprised in the entertained way. Steve's girlfriend slapped him, things are getting interesting.
Then Carol, who's probably got my favorite reaction. A similar surprise and "Oh" as Nicole, but her eyebrows don't stay up if they even jump at all. Then she looks at Nancy and she's mad, clearly on Steve's behalf. Steve's girlfriend slapped him, how dare she.
Next we have Tommy, the only person in this scene to noticeably flinch, bringing an arm up in front of him and playing it off with the cigarette to his mouth and marveling at the event. To me, it reads as a kind of empathy: if he were in Steve place in that moment, he'd block/shield himself and he has the reflexes to do it even when he's standing several feet away. I could be reading into it, but i still think its interesting he make more movement than the two people closer to them, and even the guy getting slapped (who doesn't even turn away, the momentum of the hit changes his angle slightly).
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Then another (im sorry its pretty hard to follow, again, just learned how to make half decent gifs) showing interesting stuff from the fight i never noticed until looking for it. Most notably, extra lines/ad-lib from Tommy and Carol I've subtitled, like Tommy telling Carol to leave (the implication that she didn't want to as Nicole grabbed her, combined with her line worrying about him), Tommy hauling Steve up and Steve stumbling like we see in season 2 after his concussion (not definitive proof he has a concussion or something close to it since hes able to run and talk fine after, but its interesting)
Then we get the conflict afterwards, showing up differently for Carol and Tommy.
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With Carol, its arguing. It's jabs at Nancy and it jabs at Tommy and Carol. What i think is really interesting is that the shit Steve says genuinely surprises her. Before she's goofing off with Tommy, the both of them trying to lighten the mood and Steve snaps. And her response isn't "calm down" or "what's gotten into you" (that's more in Tommy's lines), shes genuinely taken aback.
And then at the end, Steve raises his voice (not loud enough for a yell, but combined with the motion it feels like one) and Carol visibly backs up, out of frame entirely for a second. (followed by Tommy blowing up at Steve for yelling at her, and the following lines expressing again how its out of character for him)
That, combined with her reaction to Steve yelling from a previous scene (where he's going to check on Nancy and they tease him for caring) (also at .75 speed)
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She's definitely got something going on with yelling specifically, especially since Tommy doesn't even look upset after, an expression similar to Nicole's "shit got interesting" expression from earlier.
Then there's Tommy's conflict, which is probably most memorable because its physical aggression (and very... tense.)
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(yes i cut out over half of that moment the file size was massive im sorry)
We see from the Carol gif before and in this one that he gets aggressive. One shove when Steve yells at Carol, then the second Steve pushes back he escalates and even after Steve stops responding we get Tommy slamming the car door and hitting the outside even as Steve is driving out.
Its much harder to tell with him what the deal is, especially since he doesn't get the same vulnerable looks as Carol does. I think you could headcanon him having a similar thing as Carol, or as just macho-jock bullshit he learned to stay on top, or even it all leading back to having a crush on Steve.
This also doesn't really prove or disprove Tommy's actual ability to fight (i remember seeing people talk about it but I can't remember specifics) since he could either be a solid fighter who knows how to hit and protect from a hit, or he's talking out of his ass and sticks to intimidation and blocking when he needs to. Again, up to you (i certainly don't know which I find more interesting yet)
I personally also like to think the three of them were really good friends for a while, at least since middle school (but im also a sap especially for best-friendships) I wish we could've seen more of how Carol was taking the split up in season 2 and maybe something from Tommy other than how he hangs out with Billy now. Maybe Carol and Tommy split after Steve left, maybe it happened when Tommy tried replacing Steve with Billy in their trio, maybe they never split and Carol avoided Steve afterwards.
(tho i am kinda glad the story let them go after 2 seasons, we get a lot more room to play around with what-ifs and read into their scenes)
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majaloveschris · 9 months
Why nothing makes sense part 7.
Wedding edition
Before I start my little post about why nothing makes sense about this whole wedding and marriage thing, I'd like to declare that I'm not saying or stating that they haven't gotten married or that there wasn't a wedding; this is simply about why nothing makes sense about it.
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So the whole wedding debate started when we saw Dennis (Chris's friend) go public and share in his story that Jamie, Bryan, and Mark were together in a bar. This made people immediately jump to the conclusion that they were there because Chris and Alba would get married. Then people posted that Hemsworth, RDJ, and Renner were at a restaurant. According to someone who said they were part of the group who met Hemsworth and Renner, Hemsworth told them that they were in Boston because of Evans's wedding. This was immediately really weird to me, since I doubt Hemsworth would've told random strangers that they were getting married. Chris and Alba didn't talk about getting married publicly, so it was a secret. The public didn't know about the wedding date, if they were engaged, or if they were going to get married. I'm pretty sure Hemsworth knew about this and wouldn't spill any tea, especially to complete strangers. Then things were silent until Dennis went public again and posted a picture of himself and his wife dressed up elegantly. This, again, fueled the fire.
After all of these, we got the Page Six article about them reportedly being married. Obviously, after that, almost every outlet ran with this news and posted their own article, everybody quoting Page Six, even People. Page Six wrote that those who attended the wedding had to sign an NDA and couldn't have their phones with them. This whole NDA thing sounds so interesting to me. We talked about Hemsworth spilling that they are getting married, and I said that I don't think he would do that to a friend, but the fact that he even signed an NDA makes the whole thing even less sensible. I also found the phone thing very interesting. Does that mean he doesn't trust his friends? If they knew they were going to sell the story and share breadcrumbs of it, and even of the second wedding, why couldn't the guests have their phones? So they can control what, when, and how it gets out? So we know that according to the source, they had a private wedding and only invited their close family and friends, yet there were several people missing. I missed Scarlett, Octavia, Mackie, Seb, and from her side, her cousin, who was on vacation with her entire family. Every article mentioned the Avengers, his Marvel co-star being there, but what about those close family members? Why wasn't there any mention of them? According to the article, Emily and John were also there, but I don't think they were actually there. They only mentioned her because they have a movie together.
After people found Scarlett's non-presence weird, they posted an article saying they saw Scarlett and Robert together in Boston. It's really interesting that this article was published after people questioned her whereabouts, and it's also really interesting that there were no sightings of her. So people saw the other Avengers out together in a restaurant and took pictures of them, and even if just one person saw Scar and Robert out, I doubt they wouldn't have taken a picture of those two.
Talking about sightings. Why did nobody see or hear the wedding? I'm not even talking about pictures, but like a DM anon, a blind item, or somebody tweeting something about it. People see him walking Dodger and doing everyday stuff, but nobody sees anything unusual; nobody spots the avenger there? No matter which house or location we are talking about, it's weird that nobody saw, heard, or witnessed anything.
We also have some problems with the location. So Page Six said the ceremony took place in Massachusetts, at their Boston-area home, while People said the wedding was in Cape Cod. While both places are in Massachusetts, they aren't really close to each other. People also said that Hemsworth, Downey, and their wives were photographed having dinner, which we all know is not true because it was his mom. Was Elsa at the wedding? Probably not, and why was his mom there when she doesn't even know Evans or anybody else there? Who knows. Then we got another article from People saying that they were serious very quickly; this was another source exclusive. In this article, the place of the wedding was still Cape Cod. Then there was another People article that said that they had a party in his Boston-area home to celebrate their marriage. According to another exclusive source "a large tent and dance floor were set up at the house", we know this must have been someone who was there because, as I've already mentioned, nobody sent an anon to DM, came to Tumblr, tweeted, or wrote a blind item that they saw, heard, or witnessed anything wedding-related. This article was published on the 12th, which is basically three days after the wedding. People said that the wedding weekend also included a gathering in Cape Cod, which is such an interesting wording since I don't think anybody would call a wedding a "gathering". A wedding is a wedding to me. Here they again said that Elsa was also there, which is still interesting since in the restaurant that was most definitely Hemsworth's mom, not wife. So why wasn't Elsa there? Where was she? And what was Hemsworth's mom doing there in the first place? On the same day, Page Six posted another article where they referred to the People article about the Boston party. Page Six said that the main wedding celebration was in Boston, yet they had another gathering in Cape Cod. So it seems like they still couldn't decide where the wedding was.
I doubt they would've had two gatherings or that they would've held the wedding and the party at a different spot. The Cape Cod private estate would've been perfect, maybe even a better choice for the party, but they definitely could've just gotten married and had a party at his Boston-area home. I didn't really understand why they would've wanted to hold the ceremony and the party in different places, especially since both Concord and Carlisle are almost like a 2-hour car ride from Cape Cod.
The last article we've gotten so far about them was the Portugal wedding one by Page Six. According to another source, there will be a second wedding in Portugal for her family, which is weird since most of them, those who are really important to her, definitely could've attended the MA one. The source called this one also a "gathering" and didn't even know when it would actually be, just that it was going to be "sometimes this week".
The only constant thing in these articles was "Reps for both actors did not immediately respond to XY's request for comment."
The last article was posted on September 12th, and after that, there was no article, but his friends started posting from Portugal. Other than Dennis, I wouldn't say anybody too interesting posted. It's really weird that the Page Six/People articles stopped before his friends started sharing breadcrumbs that they were all there in PT. So we've seen at least one story shared by at least one of them since that day. I know what some people say: "Maybe they just wanted to share some pictures about the places they had been", which I'd understand if this wasn't supposed to be a private wedding and if they weren't a private couple. I'd assume that Chris had asked them to keep it low, at least until they aren't back in the States, but as of right now, it seems like Chris has asked them exactly the opposite.
My other question about this whole PT thing is why they haven't been spotted by someone. So you want to tell me that Chris is in PT, even after he married someone, and that someone happens to be quite well known in PT, and still nothing? Are they hiding in their hotel room? Are they never going out? Or nobody saw, heard, or witnessed anything wedding-related? Why is nobody seeing or hearing anything?
Something else that is really interesting to me is that only his friends are part of this breadcrumbing. Not the closest ones, or those who've already been part of this like Tara or Chelsea, but those are known enough so people will check their pages and stories, especially since Bryan (the wedding planner, followed by Scott) posted that story of him having drinks with a woman and a man, which started the whole PT wedding fire. It seems like only his friends are "allowed" or rather asked to post something about their whereabouts, so people will keep talking about their PT wedding. I guess Chris only trusts his friends to spread the narrative.
So according to Page Six, the wedding happened on September 9th. To me, this date is also weird. So the article about Pain Hustlers premiering in Toronto came out on July 24.
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According to the official site, the premiere would've been on the 11th, so only like 2 days after the wedding and a few days prior to the Portugal one.
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However, on the site, there are several events on September 12 and on September 15, so on the Portugal wedding week.
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While we only got to know this on July 24, I'm 100% sure Chris and Emily knew way before that they would need to go to TIFF and be there, maybe even before they started organizing a wedding, which is not a few months thing, so they most definitely needed to start doing it much before even the strike started on July 14th.
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So on July 14th, Chris and Emily were informed that they probably wouldn't be able to attend TIFF or do any type of press for the movie. The movie comes out on October 27th, and after TIFF, they probably would've needed to do several interviews, and just like with TGM, maybe they also would've needed to attend several red carpet events in the States and in Europe. What I want to say is that I find it very unlikely that this was the original date of their wedding. Maybe they were supposed to get married prior to PH or after (I think I'd rather say after), but why did they change the date? Why? Why were they in such a rush? They had not even 2 months from July 14 to September 9, and by July they probably sent out the invitations, booked a caterer, chellist, violinist, or whatever to the original date, and ordered a cake to that original date. So they called up every person they invited, every person who was involved in the wedding, to let them know they changed the date and the wedding would be earlier? And in this case, we don't even just talk about one wedding, but two. I get that he is a huge star, but I doubt that people would've been really happy about him just casually changing the wedding date since this most definitely wasn't the original one and since he wouldn't and probably couldn't have been able to miss TIFF and his other responsibilities tied to Pain Hustlers.
Page Six also said they are off to their honeymoon after the Portugal wedding, but if this was the original, he couldn't have gone on a honeymoon since he would have had a movie to promote. We don't know where they are going for a honeymoon, but even if they are going with a private plane, they need to stay somewhere, which, again, they probably booked prior to everything, so they would've had a ton of problems with that one too.
It's really interesting that they said they had a private wedding, people needed to sign NDAs, and they couldn't have their phones, yet there were several articles about them almost every single day. I don't think these were actual people who were at the wedding or who knew them; it was most likely his team. It made me really think about why two people who are so in love and happier than ever and just got married need this much traffic and attention, especially when they know that people don't really like them together. I'd assume they would want to keep their marriage to themselves; they don't want people to talk about it and gossip about it because it's something personal and intimate for them. That their friends would help them keep it secret and wouldn't post breadcrumbs that something might be happening. Chris had always been a quiet guy, especially when it came to his romantic relationships. I remember that almost everybody agreed that if he gets married, we probably won't even know that he's been dating someone until after the wedding. Or that he won't even announce anything, that there won't be articles and breadcrumbs, just him appearing with his wife somewhere or mentioning it in an interview. And now here we are, his friends sharing breadcrumbs, several articles out every single day. I'd assume that, just like in the past, he would want to protect his and his partner's privacy, that he would want to keep their personal moments for themselves, especially in this situation when he knows, and both of them know, that a lot of people don't like them being together,and they get a lot of hate, that a lot of people think they look weird, unnatural, and totally not in love. It seems like they are trying to sell the wedding, that they are trying to sell "we are so happy together", but are they trying to convince us or themselves that they are happy together? Because if you need to prove something this much-if you need to prove this hard that you're so happy-then you probably are not.
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moodymisty · 6 months
A kinda funny anecdote: I asked my husband who he thinks tumblr girlies would like to fuck and he sighed and said Sanguinius or Magnus.
But he wished people would thirst over Jaghatai Khan more, since he's actually a good man, playing up a mysterious façade but actually being a loyal and intelligent man, a family man even, as he is from a culture that values family. Only thing faster than his sword is his wit.
So, if you please, I would love to see the Great Khan whisk away the reader, on his bike or horse, just something a bit romantic if you feel like it <3
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's Note: YES! JAGHATAI TIME! I'm so glad someone requested him! He's really an awesome Primarch and one of my favorites, I would totally paint some if that didn't mean I had to paint white. It's sad how often people forget to mention White Scars when mentioning kinder space marines, they're awesome. Hope you enjoy.
Summary: Khan realizes he's in love not when he sees your beauty or your skills, but when he sees you in the mud with the horses.
Relationships: Jaghatai Khan/Gn!Reader
Warnings: None, Though I had a bit of trouble forming this one in a way I was happy with, so apologies if it reads a bit weird? It's also my first time writing Jaghatai
Word Count: 1143
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While Jaghatai would be wrong to say this would be the oddest sight he's seen in his already long existence, perhaps it's up there.
"There you are."
His voice travels easily over the sound of the wind raking the tall grass, blowing fabric and hair along with it.
Sitting cross legged in the grass of a massive rolling field is where he found you, playing with the snout of a horse that has lazily laid on his legs to be at a similar height to you. He blows air through his lips, making an odd whinny at you when you turn and stop giving the stallion your full attention. You catch Jaghatai's eyes for a moment before looking away, a bit contrite.
"Apologies," You say, and he can hear the title Lord Primarch on your lips. You stifle it now, as he finds it far less palatable than his others.
"Do you have need of me?" You move to get up, but the Primarch gives a response before you're able. Jaghatai's mouth quirks up ever so slightly to one side, watching the horse attempt to get purchase on your clothing with his lips while you aren't looking at him.
"No. I was only curious where you had managed to lose yourself this time. My captain was beginning to think we were down one remembrancer."
You don't directly answer him, but the way you glance over at him with a guilty smile is enough.
Your hand brushes along the stallion's cheek, the thick fur of his growing winter coat raking through your fingers. The nights are getting colder, and the baseline humans that serve the massive, overheated Astartes find themself bundling pelts and fabrics tighter, skin burned from cold wind.
Jaghatai can hear you now whispering to the horse under your breath, even as the cold air whips across the barren, grass covered field. He can see the plume of smoke from another camp far in the distance.
They aren't hostile, but he never allows himself the sheer foolishness of assuming they will remain that way. Especially since they're carrying with them valuable cargo this time; Remembrancers and Navigators, and other such. Humans that would be an easy and worthwhile target, if they were ever so foolish enough to do so with a Primarch so close.
He gestures to the horse who's snout you gently rub, feeling the soft, tiny hairs on the stallion's upper lip. What a rare moment of relaxation you've gotten with no overseers looming over you as they would on Terra. How interesting that it seems the Astartes of the White Scars are less rigid than your old Imperium higher ups.
"I am surprised he's letting you do this. The last man that got close, he killed."
You look up at him as if he's telling a sort of terrible joke- then you realize that he is dead serious, as much as that soft, ever so slight upturn of the corners of his mouth might say otherwise. The Horses of Chogoris have always been so untenably wild, perhaps you shouldn't be surprised.
"I'm no stranger to that sort of thing, nowadays." He finds it amusing that you don't seem to state it negatively. "Going from Terra to Chogoris has been quite the adjustment."
The horse's tail whips sharply once, before settling again. You continue playing with him, occasionally looking to the Khan as he stays in silence. It's peaceful, far more peaceful than he's had in a long while, and the moment allows Jaghatai to finally piece together what has been gnawing at him since you'd entered his life. To think that was so long ago now, at least in the timeline of a mortal.
His eyes watch over you, your gentleness as you treat the stallion in the same, abit foolhardly way of kindness he's seen from you before. For someone who has seen more than their fair share of things that would make other mortals crumble, you seem to take it all in stride.
Perhaps its why you've managed to fit in so well. His men much prefer your attitude to the few other pompous, stiff Imperium operatives they've had the misfortune of being in the presence of. It may not be often, but more than once has he caught one of his captains rolling their eyes.
But now he finally understands what that feeling was that had dug it's nails into him; The one that had been heavy in his chest and on his mind. The one that had his mind drift to you in moments of slowness.
He is in love with you. Or perhaps more accurately, he's striding down the path closer to it. Each step he takes, each time he speaks with you, he makes his way closer and closer.
He enjoys the way you look at him, speak to him without so much formality, the way you treat the galaxy like it's full of wonders instead of horrors. You know in reality it is, but you once joked it's better to simply keep moving than to sit in the corner and weep. Perhaps that was the moment that this all started.
A part of him knows that something like this is only going to bring problems. To entangle this with a labyrinthine crusade of Astartes, of other Primarchs.
But in the end, he doesn't care.
The Primarchs were doomed to this feeling of being separated from humanity- their own internal humanity- by a pane of glass; So close and able to watch, but not truly feel. Even with how much they mimic, the Primarchs all feel a distinct emptiness within them from how cast away they are from those who they share species with.
To have a chance to maybe feel love, to actually feel truly human for the first time in his life, he isn't going to pass it by. Perhaps it's selfish, but he has little care. He is going to live his life the way he wishes any he will deal with the difficulties as they come.
Jaghatai Khan can easily vault the fence with zero effort, given his height. In doing so, he steps close to you, and the massive horse raises his head and begins to rise to his hooves, no longer allowed to slack off. He roughly gestures with his hand for you to rise.
"Up. I'll show you how to ride him."
You get up on your feet, and look up at him. He looks down at watches the light of the brightest moon of the month reflect on your skin. There's the faint smell of smoke in the air from the fires, and that stinging scent of cold air. You easily climb up onto the horse's bare back, Jaghatai even then still taller.
"Perhaps if you can tame him just enough, he can be yours."
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yuyu1024 · 5 months
Pairings: Seonghwa × y/n & Wooyoung [ex bf]
Genre/tags: fake relationship, jealousy, maybe a little smut? Angst? A bit slow
Warning: 🔞🔞🔞 cursing, smut, making out, pet names, fighting, smoking and alcohol drinking, unprotected sex, semi public [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 3.0k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: this is a repost. Check pinned post ♥️
Break ups sucks! Especially if your the one that got dumped and you have no choice but to see the other person every fucking day because you go to the same university and have the same circle of friends. This is what they mean by dating your friend will ruin your life. I should've just not tried dating him. Because if I didn't, I would've not have gotten to know him more and fell in love. Yes, I regret it now but what can I do now?
Yes, Wooyoung is a nice person. He's sweet, understanding and all the shit things girls like. Add that he's good looking, sexy and had this bad boy charisma in him. But now, I don't have him. He let me go. He let me go because I am too much for him now. He wants to focus on studying and does not want any distraction right now. He said he won't have time now to date or even think about anything else. Psssh. Who is he kidding? He can't be in a relationship with me but when we all have nights out with friends he's always present and enjoying? Whats the difference? It's not like we go on dates every fucking day! To be honest, we only meet when we were in school.
I am not that demanding for dates. Coz i understand he's busy.
Ugh. Fuck him. I am a distraction for him? Maybe our relationship was just nothing at all for him. Maybe... the more than one year we were together is just nothing for him. I don't know anymore. Maybe I'm just not his type. And he just realized it late. I'm different from all the other girls he dated before. Maybe I'm that boring for him.
"Stop staring..." a hand appears in front of my face, handing me a strawberry milk shake. "You'll poke a whole through the glass window if you keep looking at him."
It's Seonghwa. Wooyoung's best friend. They've been friends even before university. Seonghwa is like Wooyoung. Charismatic, bad boy image, a nice and kind person and all. The only difference is Woo is the text book extrovert that you can imagine. He gets along with everyone. Talks to everyone. He can get friendly to a lot of people even to those who are a bit questionable. He is that nice. He does not want to judge people that easily so he tries. While Seonghwa is more of the quiet and reserved person. He can get along with people easily especially if you guys are close and friends but he's acts a bit more cold to strangers or in general people who he does not vibe with.
"Thanks..." I take the drink from him. "Why are you here outside? The boys are all in there?"
He pulls out a cigarette from his leather jacket and takes one out from the pack using his lips. "They invited a few freshmen girls..." he lights it up and scrunches his noise with annoyance
"Men." I roll my eyes, shaking my head
"Not all men..." he puffs smoke off, "I'm here."
"Jeez, sorry..." I smile
"How are you doing?"
"Good... I guess..."
"How long has it been?"
"A month..."
Seonghwa and I, are not THAT close. We do share a few likes and interest like photography and painting as both of us have those as hobbies. But we never really talked about personal stuffs about each other besides things that are related to Wooyoung.
"Is Wooyoung still talking to you?"
"Well..." I take a sip of my drink and look at the sunset that is happening in front of us. "I asked him... to give me time... like to slowly let him off my system... meet me, chat a little.. text me good morning and goodnight... still... and then slowly lessen the communication..."
"Is it working?"
"I hope it is..." I look back inside the coffee shop and see him being friendly with the girl. "Because fuck it still hurts." I whirl my head back and try to fight the tears in my eyes. "If only there's a quick remedy for me to move on and forget."
"There is."
I gaze at him, "there is?"
The corner of his lips slowly curves up, "date again."
"What? I can't."
"Why not?"
"I'm not ready to be in a relationship again! Besides... I'm not..."
"Not what?"
"I'm not the usual girl... guys likes..."
"What do you mean by that?"
I put my drink on the table. "Look at me..." I point out to Seonghwa my appearance, "and then look at the freshmen girls in there."
He looks confused as he glances at both direction. "I don't get what you mean... for me, you and the girls are the same. Both beautiful women."
He looks stunned on how I reacted. "Don't Wooyoung ever tell you how beautiful you are...?"
I look down at the floor. "He does actually..."
"Hmm...I see."
We were both silent for quiet sometime.
Yes. Wooyoung always tells me or rather reassures me that I am beautiful which makes me glad and happy. He always says it but I don't feel it when we are both together and with other people. I gave an effort to always look presentable when I am with him. I learn how to put make up more than the casual look I know and even grew my hair so I can curl it or tie it nicely every once in a while. But there were moments that all my efforts were not noticed because he was busy.
"Stop doing that." Seonghwa makes me look at him, tilting my head up his hand on my chin. He then puff smoke off one last time before dumping his stick on the ashtray. He's forehead is wrinkled. He looks sort of irritated.
"Come with me."
He jolts up and pulls me with him, taking me by my wrist.
We go back inside the coffee shop where the rest of our circle of friends are in. He puts his arm around me and guides me where to go. I am so lost on what is he doing but I am not complaining because it's Seonghwa
"We'll get going..." he says as we reach the pack.
"Going?" Wooyoung asks him before his eyes goes to me. "You two?"
"We decided to hang out." Seonghwa answers, looking straight at Woo
"Ah... I see... where?" He ask
"It's a secret." Seonghwa then turns me around to make me walk first. "See you guys on monday.
His hand is still on my back, guiding me where to walk like I don't know where the exit door is.
"What was that?" I ask him as we start to walk along the sidewalk.
He drops his hand and then both place it inside his jackets pockets. "Helping you..."
"Helping me? W-what do you mean?"
"I am friends with Wooyoung for a long time now...and I know it when he's being a jerk."
"I'm not sure about...what you're saying..."
He stops walking and faces me. I replicate. "I'm sorry to break it to you... but the girl... with the short hair... Woo has been eyeing here for a few months now..."
"He's a good person in general... but he sucks at being a boyfriend."
I felt my heart broke into a million pieces. "What the fuck?!?" I am shaking. I am mad. "So he break up with me, saying he's going to focus on 'studies' as we're graduating is a fucking lie??"
He takes my hand and pulls me to walk again but I jerk my hand off.
"Where are you taking me?" I am basically yelling now. "You knew this????"
He's face is still calm even though I'm throwing all my anger at him right now.
"Let's talk. But not here." He tried to make me walk again with him but I am not letting him. He's calm persona break as he got a little irritated on how hard headed I am. "When I tell you to shut up first and come with me, do it okay?" He then lifts me up over his shoulder making me squeal. "Keep quiet." He hushes me.
"Okay! Okay! I will! Just put me down! This is embarassing."
My feet touches the floor again, my face is red and hot.
"You will listen to me now?" He asks
I nod.
"Good." He walks and I follow.
We reach the parking lot and got into his car. I slightly calmed down now after that long walk from the coffee shop to his car.
"Here." He hands me his leather jacket. "You're shaking like a twig when we're walking."
Seonghwa then starts to explain to me what he noticed and what he knew. He said, Our break up he had no idea about that. It was a shocker for him too but then again after, he starts to notice little by little how Wooyoung acted a little different. New clothes, new perfume and a change in schedule of the times he goes home. They usually go home together as Wooyoung rides with him. But now, he brings his car and he has no idea where Woo goes.
"So, seeing the girls today..."
"Confirms my suspicion..."
"Fuck!" I ran my fingers through my hair, frustrated. "So, I was nothing to him...? Just a fling?"
"He liked you..."
"Yeah... right..." I snort, in disbelief
"Do you want to get back to him?"
"I want to! Of course! But... I'm not a violent person... I can't do cat fights or physically hurt Woo..." I sound so frustrated.
I can't believe it! So the Good Wooyoung I knew, my friend, really did cheat on me in a way. He broke up with me just to hit on another girl! What a jerk! I never thought the guy who I liked, I was serious on and loved just saw a random chick and suddenly forgot about me. The nerves! What's wrong with men?
"Use me then."
My eyes widens, "E-excuse me? W-what did you say?"
Seonghwa is looking straight at me, back to his calm and collective state. "Use me."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Simple. Pretend you're dating me."
"One thing about Wooyoung is... he gets jealous. For him, what his is his. Even he already threw it away."
"I don't..."
"Do you want it or not?"
"But... Why... I mean... why are you doing this?"
"To help you..."
"He's your friend..." I ask
"So? That doesn't mean I agree and support him to everything he does. Besides, dumping you is... his mistake."
I try to process everything that's happening. Earlier I'm just being sukly and pouty about our break up, now I am all angry and defeated. Then I have Seonghwa here, Woo's hot best friend, asking me to use him. I mean, USE HIM AND PRETEND TO BE MY BOYFRIEND TO GET BACK TO WOOYOUNG.
"Oh gosh." I massage the temples of my head. "I'm getting dizzy by just thinking."
"Decide now."
"Wait. Why are you rushing? Can't you give me time to think first?"
"No, decide now. Before it's too late."
"Too late for what?"
"I can see him from afar, coming... looking for my car."
I was about to look back but then Seonghwa grab my face and ask me to look at him, only him. "Just agree and then our deal starts now."
"W-what. Wait.. I am..."
"Say yes."
"B-but... what are we going to do... if I agree...?"
"Everything...." his face moves closer, "Date...kiss... touch... and... more..." his eyes goes to my eyes to down my body. "As long as you want it."
Fuck. Why is he saying it like that? I could hear my breathing and my head throbbing. Like my heart is about to explode! I don't know what to think now. But maybe because I am bitter and angry at the moment, I agreed to him "Okay... fine... let's do it."
Seonghwa smirks, "Good girl..."
He leans forward and crashes his lips to mine. His hands on my jaw, guiding me again, tilting my head to the side so he can push in further into the kiss. I can slightly taste the cigarette from earlier. But that taste slowly fades away as the kiss deepens. And I don't have an explanation how and why. But the kiss becomes sweet all of a sudden.
I don't want him to stop. I want his tongue in my mouth more. I want this. This is so sexy. It's so... darn good and delicious!
Unconciously, my hands goes to around his neck. My body is finding a comfy way for me to kiss him back. Then his hand, slowly goes to my neck, to my shoulder then down my chest area. He cups one of my breast getting a quiet moan out of me.
I felt a smile from his lips while we are kissing. "You... sound... so sexy" he utters in between kisses
We are getting intense as minutes goes by. I am already climbing on top of him. His hands are all over my body, touching my skin under my clothes and shending wild shivers all over me. This is so intense. I've never experienced a make out like this before.
Like I said, Wooyoung must've found me boring because I've never been like this in public or semi public. But with Seonghwa, out of nowhere, I am like this. And we just had our deal like 10minutes ago. Why am I so at ease with him?
He grunts as his hands reaches my hips, gently eases me down. I could feel his erection. Hard.
"Fuck..." he hisses smiling, throwing his head back, as we both pull away from the kiss catching our breathes in rythm. "Y/n, you're driving me insane."
I lean forward, my head resting on his chest. I could hear his heart beating as fast as mine "what if someone sees us?" I ask
"Then let them see..." he tilts my head up so he could kiss me again. "You're one heck of a kisser."
I blush, "I'm not..." I back away a little. "You are..."
"Y/n, you can feel my erection from my pants. Believe me, it's you."
I bite my lip, nervously. "I don't know what to say..."
He arches a brow, "Well, what do you want us to do next?"
Fuck me! Just freakin' fuck me. Make me scream. Make me want you. That's what my brain is screaming but my lips can't say it.
"Y/n, it's okay.... it's okay to want sex... trust me... I'm okay with it." He pulls me in his embrace and kisses me again. But this time, it's more intimate and soft. "So, tell me..." he nuzzles his face onto my neck. "Tell me what you want..."
Oh what the heck! Let's do this!
I begin stripping for him. First I untie my hair. Revealing my long wavy dark hair up to my breast. Then I take blouse off and my bra next.
"I want you..."
He take his shirt off and unbuckles his belt to reveal all of him to me. His lean muscle, toned abs and his...
"Shit." I hiss as I see his length.
"You like what you see, darling?" He adjust his position carrying me along. I felt the tip of his length brush over my core and it already made me shiver. "If it's too much, tell me and I'll stop... okay?"
I hug him and nodded, "please..." I beg
One subtle thrust, he's in.
"Ahh, f-fuck!" I gasp.
"Yes, I'm okay."
He searches for my face, clearing all the hair covering my face. "Look at me... I want to see your face when I fuck you..."
Every push and pull is driving my crazy. I've never felt this aroused, excited and thirsty while doing it. It's so addicting how he kisses me, how he touches me and how he pleases me. This is just our first time doing it out of spite. A deal just to make your ex jealous who probably just saw you two kissed for like 10 seconds and left but here you are having fun, naked and volnurable in the parking lot.
"You're blushing..." he says. He runs his knuckles lightly on your cheek.
"Ah!" I cry, gripping to hard on his shoulders. "S-so, g-good!" I'm breathing so hard
The more I move my hips with his rythm the more I could feel the sensation in me. I'm almost there!
"Where do you want me to... come...?" He grunts. He's also about to hit his climax.
"Please... in me..." I lean forward to kiss him, "I'm taking pills... It's okay."
Holy crap! This is it! I lost my shits the moment both of us came just seconds apart. I never felt a relieved when he continously hit the spot for me, letting me enjoy it and made me come first. And then when I felt him fill me up, the warm sensation, its beautiful. I know it's not a sexy word to describe it but... it is.
Laughing quietly, "This is just in the car... limited time and space... I'm curious how wonderful our tandem would be in bed..."
I kiss his chest and lick him from there till I reach the neck, "We can find out... next time..."
"Love that..."
We start to get dress, giggling on how on earth did we accomplished ourselves without anyone reporting us. Seonghwa said, yes his car is tinted but he's sure a few people saw the rocking car.
"That would be hilarious and embarassing if... we got caught naked and linked." I says while I clasping my bra.
Seonghwa let's me get dressed at the back so I have more space. He know how complicated girls' outfits are.
"Y/n... has anyone told you before... how cute you are... blushing?"
"I don't think... anyone ever mentioned that..."
"If so... let me do the honor... Y/n, You are so cute blushing... like earlier... I will never forget how cute you looked."
"Stop... I am getting embarassed. Let's just go... please?"
"Okay..." he smiles. Then he bends down to pick his bag. "Before we go, can I take a photo of you?"
"Huh? Why?"
"Because... your fucking sexy."
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ozzgin · 4 months
Dear Ozzgin,
Is your new addition to the repertoire, the yandere android, a Mixture of Experts like GPT-4.5, or something else entirely? Would his performance / 'humanness' degrade if he were talking to another machine (an inhuman one, not designed to be Spacer-ly human) for a long time?
Any random lorebits on Spacers you did not include but would have had you felt less constrained?
Hah, okay, I see you've gotten into the technical aspects. I'm about to go on a ramble so I'll do a cut here for everyone else to not clog your feeds. Feel free to read if you're into this kind of stuff. :D
First, I just wanted to point this out because I've read your hashtags and comment: the CCD sensors were a bit of an asspull because it's one thing I'm more knowledgeable about, but I don't feel like it'd be a realistic choice, if I am to be nitpicky. They're expensive to produce and are mostly used for really high performance work (telescopes), but a humanoid robot wouldn't need such advanced digital imaging for daily life use. So, you know, it's arguable whether or not there are better alternatives when it comes to a mass-produced agent processing the immediate environment.
Now to your actual question: I've used the machine learning approach because this is currently our most advanced way of developing AI, but it would not be enough to explain the Android's perfect understanding of human speech. ChatGPT analyzes sentences and their meaning purely based on grammar and associations, but there's many examples of it struggling against anything more intricate than literal context. So yeah, that kind of sarcastic dialogue and implied meaning is wishful thinking of times far away sadly. I'm only wildly guessing he wouldn't struggle with today's impediments. There's a black box somewhere in there that fills the gaps and variables we don't have.
If at some point you find yourself with time to spare, I'd recommend reading the book directly. It's very interesting to see how people viewed the "future" back then, and you will detect a lot of optimism regarding computers - such as Daneel (the original Android) being a flawless human. Funnily enough, the book was published shortly before the Dartmouth Conference, so Asimov was this close to discover that language recognition is, in fact, a terribly tangled business and not as simple as they had originally expected.
I think I covered the basics when it comes to Spacers, but then again I cannot tell how easy it is to follow for someone that isn't familiar with the original work. I also didn't want to reproduce every fact, mot a mot, from Caves of Steel, especially since this is less about politics and more about romance. I'd suspect the people reading the story are not too bothered by the only briefly mentioned murder. Cause is less important when the effect is a tall robot boy with a crush on you 👀 if you feel me.
Anyways, I'm very glad you like the story, every now and then I'll insert little facts and technical details - as it usually is when you study Physics and CS but have no friends in the field - so it's definitely nice to have someone recognize the stuff! :)
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callofdudes · 1 year
Hello! I loved your simon riley x autistic reader headcanons. Could you do simon riley x adhd-c reader, if you're comfortable with that?
I've been struggling lately and would love some comfort from our favorite LT 💖
Ah, welcome fellow neurodivergent people! :)
Just a small reminder that I do not have ADHD and something I say that may be inaccurate. My here to spread love and learn 😊
ADHD-C Reader x Simon Riley
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Before we start let me just say you and Johnny are demons for this man. The two ADHD soldiers running around and causing several layers of chaos everywhere. He loves you both but... Why? Is his question.
Ghost watches you closely. You have a history of doing your tasks with less than diligent hands and often getting distracted somewhere along the processing line.
Ghost understood this when he learned about your ADHD, seeing the shed half washed or entire patches of dirt having been missed. The van not cleaned out right or a task completely disregarded.
Ghost will gently guide you back, helping you finish. Ghost has also been trying to find way for making your tasks funner and more interesting to focus on to try and hold your attention. (ie: hanging streamers on the shed you have to wash away with the hose) to try and keep the creative stimulation going for a bit longer.
Gun cleaning is something you especially struggle with. And it's very important. You don't want your gun going wrong or getting jammed on a mission and exploding your head off. Ghost has made this very clear to you several times.
You'd remember... If you didn't have trouble listening as well. Things he says goes in one ear and out the other. Ghost isn't entirely sure if it even gets that far. And sometimes it can be annoying, getting through a briefing and having you ask him five minutes later what you are doing.
But he's patient. Oooh so patient.
He honestly isn't sure if giving you a fidget toy during briefings makes any difference in whether you're listening to him. Your eyes aren't on him so it doesn't really feel like it.
This is also why you're not allowed on solo missions unless you have a paper objective stuck to your forehead. You get so pent up over the stress and pressure of solo missions you completely forget what you were even doing there in the first place.
And a lot of times you do get stressed and can break down over not being able to get anything done. Which usually results in frustrated tears and exhaustion. Simon is there for you though.
"Hey, sergeant, what's going on?" Ghost stopped you in the hallway, looking at you for answers while you tried to wipe your tears. "Let me go, I can't help-"
"Hey," Ghost grips your shoulder a little tighter. "What's got you in a twist?"
"All my tasks, it's 2:00 and I haven't gotten anything done." You choke out, thinking he'll be mad.
But he's not. Not at you at least.
"Ok, that's alright. I want you to take a few deep breaths for me ok? Can you try to do that?"
You nod, stifling out some deep breaths and slowly calming down. "Good, you're doing amazing." Ghost rubs your back. "How about we go and do your tasks together, yeah?"
Your smile is a little wobbly but you nod. "Please??"
"Of course, let's go see what you have to do."
Ghost will help you, but he can also push his weight. Sometimes when you just seem genuinely bored with a task and nothing can fix it, he's going to push you. He knows it's extremely hard but this is a place for push and progress, so he'll stand by you and help you finish it despite the lack of stimulation to your brain.
"Absolutely not, sit down. Finish your work."
You whine, finding it physically impossible not to fidget and get up from your desk to find something to do.
"I can put on some music or get you another juice box? But you are not getting up until this is done. I can give you a stretch break and let you roll on the floor for a bit or something, but no leaving your office until it's done."
You look up at him with a pouty lip and he pokes it, pushing it back into place. "I'm serious about this one y/n, I'm here to help you however you need but I need you to finish this ok.?"
You sigh and read the next question on your yearly evaluation. "Sex? Like, gender??"
Ghost nods.
"Oh! Did you know my cousin is having a kid and they don't want to know the sex? Why do they even have gender reveal parties..? I would use green if I ever had kids because green is a good color. Like trees are green, and grass and-"
"Focus. We're drawing it all back in, look at me."
You look over at Ghost. "Huh?"
"Look at me, we're drawing all of the thoughts back to me, right?"
You nod, keeping your eyes on him.
"Good, now, answer the question, that question only and then you're mostly done. Ok?"
You nod. "Ok, yeah, I can do that."
"Awesome, answer that last question."
Ghost likes to reward you for being persistent and pushing through difficulties. However.. he's learned the hard way not to tell you he's going to surprise you with something until it's over. Because you won't stop talking about it, or thinking about it. And then nothing ever gets done.
He also helps you get to bed. You can get distracted by so many things bedtime is overwhelming a lot. Simon will be there for you when it's late, helping you from whatever activity you are doing.
He makes sure you don't drink any coffee or anything a couple hours before bed, and tries to get you to bed around the same time every day.
"Did you brush your teeth? No, then let's do that before bed."
"Do you want me to stay with you until you fall asleep?"
"Into bed little tree climber." Simon will joke. He knows you're an adult but it's still funny.
You sigh, looking at him while he runs his fingers through your hair and slowly massages your shoulder with the other, trying to relax you. You won't sleep if you're so tense.
You finally close your eyes, slowly relaxing while he runs his hands over your shoulders and down your sides in gentle motions to relax your spine and back, helping release all the tension and stress after the long day of running around.
"Im going to put on some music ok? Just take some deep breaths, try to close your eyes and sleep."
Simon turns on some slow music for you to help your brain calm down from all the zoomies of the day. He stated by your side, the room in total darkness with only the gentle music playing.
And soon enough you were off to bed.
Simon knows a lot of people find you exhausting. And sometimes you do tire him out, but he'll help you. He knows you need it a lot, and he'll always be there to gently nudge you in the right direction.
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lutawolf · 7 months
My Dear Gangster Oppa Commentary Ep 2
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This episode will be much or of a reactionary commentary than a synopsis, cause I'm playing around with how I prefer to write things.
Anyway, Episode 2 starts off where the episode 1 ended. Guy in his drunken sleepiness had pulled Tew to him. Tew finds himself waking up in that position. I admit to feeling gooey inside. Clingy Guy and unsure Tew are adorable.
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When Tew tries to remove himself from the octopus, he finds himself dragged back. Where he lays for just a minute, indicating to us that he is reluctant to leave the position. I think this confuses him.
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I mean, look at that face. It has confusion written all over it. With a touch of want.
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Thanks to the gangster storyline, we now know that Tew is a boss. So no low lever gangster. The conflict is that some thugs are being sent to try and find Tew because he beat up a rich daddy's son for getting handsy with one of his employees. Unlike Tew, she was not appreciative of the groping, valid.
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Wahl is freaking because he doesn't know where Guy is. I've seen a few people say this red flags him, but I'm withholding judgment at this time. I am just as possessive of my friends and if I didn't know they were safe, I'd freak too.
When Guy wakes up, there is no longer a big guy on top of him. And all indications point to him not even knowing he slept with the big guy. He is confused about where he even is until Tew walks into the room to clue him in. We learn that Tew carried Guy!
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You know, completely normal behavior for a gangster. Tew is super friendly this morning. There are smiles and he even makes Guy hangover food. I think the cuddle time really had an effect on Tew, who was likely touch starved.
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If Tew wasn't already a goner, having Guy feed him broke the camel's back.
👀 Tew asks Guy if he likes whales because he mentioned them in his sleep. Oh, no Guy! Don't bring up Wahl. But inner dialogue says Tew isn't scared off. Awkward moment where Guy sees Tew's back scars, but then we are in the vehicle and heading home.
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You guys, this face says it all. My boy is all in. Guy don't know what he has gotten himself into. The way we see Wahl watching Guy and Tew as they talk does give creep vibes. Wahl giving third degree does scream possessive, but again, I'm withholding judgment because third degree is common in close friendships. We want to know everything.
Guy explains that Wahl wouldn't know his friend because he's an online gaming friend. I find it interesting that Guy is asking Wahl if he is okay with Guy being friends with Tew. Then Wahl says, "Of Course Not!" like a petulant child. This feels very double standards to me. Okay, but then he explains that he was worried sick about Guy, which is valid. And he has some valid points as to why getting drunk and staying with a stranger is dangerous. While I respect that Guy is trying to set some boundaries between them, so he can have his own life. A friend isn't really a friend if they aren't concerned about your well-being. Even if you are grown.
Then to Tew driving and thinking about Guy. Oh yeah, he is smitten. But he has to put that aside to get back to gangster business.
Wahl and Guy are back to being friendly and Wahl invites Guy to each with him. Dude, Wahl, I've been trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but right after inviting Guy, you're busy. He has to fit your schedule. Not cool.
More troupe gangster shit. I'm gonna be honest. The gangsters are laughable. Especially permed hair, dude.
Guy really doesn't want to go to Wahl's, but he goes. And the gf is there. They are being so cute it makes me want to gag, but thankfully his guild start contacting him. Then he reaches out to Tew to once again try to tempt him into meeting up with all them. Guy is being clearly flirtatious and Tew is eating it up. Then Wahl interrupts and is clearly jealous of this gaming friend. Ugh, all the signs point to Wahl going to look at Guy's phone. Not fucking cool.
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The smile Guy gives when Tew agrees to meet. Too cute.
Now we meet the gamer gang.
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They are hysterical and I already love them. Coconuts, the bunch of them. The way Guy is describing Tew, awwww. The way Guy adjusts his clothes to make sure they are laying right when he sees Tew. Yeah, boy is feeling Tew as well.
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The look they both give muffin when she offers for Tew to sit next to her. 🤣🤣🤣
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The accident hand touch troupe.
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She is me. Furthermore, once she notices, she calls Muffin out on her flirting. I really like her. And now the whole table knows about Guy being drunk, hahaha. Oh no, your drinking again, Guy. Just say no. 🤣🤣🤣 Around the six drink, you can see Tew getting concerned. He even tells him to slow down or he'll end up like last time.
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Me again. 🤣🤣🤣
Tew was right. I feel like we are meeting an awful lot of troupes in just one episode.
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It should feel cheesy but oddly enough, doesn't. It's coming off too natural to be cheesy, if you know what I mean.
I snort laughed when Guy offers to demonstrate that he can in fact stand up straight. The way Tew backs away with a nod is so "yeah, go ahead dumbass, I'd like to see this."
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See, I told you. Wahl looked at Guy's phone. Otherwise, how else did he know that Guy would be there. Did he really just ask him why he was that drunk? Bitch, no. A bestie's job is simply to help out, not be unsupportive and ask why. I know he also didn't accuse Tew of doing this to Guy. There is an instant change to Tew's face. He does not like Wahl.
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Look! It's males in the wild having a pissing contest!
And once again, they end on an element of suspense. I'm excited about the next episode!!! Hope you guys enjoyed this 💜💜💜
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