#i dont think i can do the original colors justice
hellchicken · 1 year
I drew the incredibly pretty Blaziken @allosaurusrock
Hope you like it Blaziken <3
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arkiwii · 8 months
well, since i can't really draw or write Arknights stuff because I'm really charged this month, but the brainrot is still very strong, i decided to do a tierlist of my favorite operators!
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explanations below the cut
i don't count alters on this tierlist, when I put a character I consider it's them + their alter version; the choice of if I picked the alter or not for the vignette is only based on aesthetic choices, really. also for comprehensive reasons, i tried to put all the related characters next to each other (like how the abyssal hunters are all next to each other)
My most beloved precious blorbos: this one speaks for itself, honestly. operators i absolutely love, that i think about almost on a daily basis, no minded doodles every so often, writing ideas poping up in my mind, big wall of text about how much i like them, autistic thoughts, you know the kind. i just love them very much, simply. originally, saria and ifrit were in the tier just below, since i considered that since i have silence as my favorite character, i did not need to also put them, but i learnt to love them individually rather than for what they represent to silence
Big smooch on their forehead: characters that i know very well the story of, and that I'm really attached! not to the point of being my all times favorites, but who spoke to me to a personal level, or that i used a lot in early game/still use today. i love to read about them and would love to draw or write more about them! justice knight is here as a honorary member
I think they're neat!: i don't know them that well, but i followed them in events, or did a bit of research about them for a reason or another, or simply one of my friends like them! and i do think they're neat, pretty interesting, not the kind i'd be absolutely attached to but i enjoy seeing them regardless :]
I would like to know more about them: feat Abyssal Hunters, the Nearls and Gavial's crew. they are characters i know a little bit about them or they are related to a character i love, but i got too lazy to read their event and files because it's too complicated, or too long, or whatever. but they are characters i know enough about to know i'll appreciate them! so im interested in knowing more about them
Here goes all the other operators, aka "I don't care or I forgot you exist": well, the tier's name once again speaks for itself. theres a ton of characters in that game, and I can't focus on every of them, especially when i started not that long ago. there's a lot that i genuinely just forget about, some that i know the story but i dont care that much to know more, and a few that i do wish to know more about! but not as much interesting as the tier above, so not my priority
I hate you /pos: (i ran out of colors) annoying ass characters with a shitty personalities but they're fun for the memes and i use them regardless (except tequila cause mlynar exists). not like actual hate, mostly affectionate hate, you know, like how you call your cat "stinky", but you still love your cat regardless. fact, at first i was genuinely uncomfortable with lappland, but then with il siracusano i started to feel better with her
I hate you /neg: characters i despise either for game reason or because their smug aura mocks me. phantom is because fuck him in is2 and his story is ehhh to me. gravel is because this character is seriously uncomfortable, for the love of god can you act normal, and i wouldn't mind her if she wasn't guaranteed with every fast redeploy tag. harmonie and ho'olheyak are just smug bitches. and ethan i just have a hate experience because i dont like using him and his voice + the music playing when he appears makes me so anger
Brother you can just die: Silverash tier. fuck you silverash. i don't like his face, i dont like using him, and i did not followed break the ice but i heard enough bullshit about him to know he's a terrible person. i hope i never roll him
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vypridae · 5 months
anywayys requesting mori or tecchou or fyodor for the character thing [or bc you don’t need to do all of them pick and choose <3]
DOING ALL OF THEM i cant do the doodles i dont have the motivation for art rn i lied about that BUT ILL DO ALL THREE OF THEM
under a cut because these got LONG
first impression
honestly i think when i first met mori in the anime i was like oh hes sweet i like him . then it was the whole "woah port mafia boss!!!!" thing and i was like oh hes sweet and deadly i like him .
impression now
i love him soo much did you know. hes so fun hes just a silly guy . silly !!!
favorite moment
honestly the moment (from the manga specifically) thats stuck with me the most was the frame that he like, put tachihara's hd hat on his head and was like "you dropped something" it just STUCK with me
outside of canon manga stuff tho i love the little intersection in wan ep 11 that hes like "WHAT DID YOU SEND ME DAZAI ... THESE ARE ... SCARY!!!!!" like hes just so silly i love him
idea for a story
genuinely i do not think about story ideas enough to have a solid one for him but if it counts i often think about him accidentally stealing one of fukuzawa's scarves from That Era i forgot how old he was at the time . and then just keeping it . and fukuzawa finds out somehow . i love them shut up
unpopular opinion
uhhh liking mori in general FSJKHASJKHASFJKG like have you seen this fandom . 99% of the people here fucking hate mori with a passion . and just liking him is super controversial . aside from that though ive seen analyses (tending to be like "mori and pedophilia" or something along those lines) and honestly they make me feel like hes just being really uuuh whats the word. really abstract with how he says things i guess? like one in particular i remember was a word in the original manga (jap) and he said a word that means both "wife" and "thing by my side" or something like that, when theres so many different words he could have used if he wanted to be Creepy specifically. idk theres my mori opinion its so controversial i know block me if u'd like but i love him
favorite relationship
HAHA zskk . easily . love those dumbass gayasses
favorite headcanon
uuuuuh . probably trans mori honestly FJKHASDFGHADFG maybe im biased (trans) but like ... idk i am very biased about this
first impression
genuinely when i first met all of the hunting dogs i forgot all of their names immediately . as chapters went on though i think the two main things i remember thinking "hes adorable" and "hes in love with jouno 100%"
impression now
i . love him . so much . he is the silliest little guy ever and hes also me . also hes still in love with jouno btw
favorite moment
every one of them /j no but fr in specific i love the ant scene (it was one of the only ones i remembered from the manga after i read that chapter i think), the justice speech / kenji fight (GOD hes so cool) and when he gets hit by the car (that was THE FUNNIEST ever)
idea for a story
oh my god okay so imagine jouno is sick and tecchou is taking care of him . that is all
unpopular opinion
i dont actually think i have an unpopular opinion for tecchou . at least not one that i can think of???? like with tecchou i think most of my hcs line up with how a lot of the fandom talks about him
favorite relationship
favorite headcanon
he can cook !!!!! he can cook really well and i like to imagine even though he refuses to eat anything thats not the same color he likes cooking stuf he knows jouno likes and doesnt force him to eat any of his "weird" food combos because he knows jouno doesnt really like stuff like that so he cooks how jouno likes for jouno and how he likes for himself . UAHUAUAHGUA
first impression
i think i initially went "oh my god" when i saw fyodor . fell for him IMMEDIATELY and also initially hated fyolai???
impression now
still falling . now love fyolai . improvements !!!
favorite moment
YES. /j
in all seriousness, some of my favorite moments with fyodor are uuh
the dead apple scene where hes on the rooftop and goes "this is too much fun :)" because i think honestly that scene made me fall SO HARD . also he just looks really pretty there dont question me
time for happy group counseling hour !!!!!! hmm? hi everybody im your host fyodor dostevsky- okay hold up stop right there. whats the problem? exactly, what? exactly what what? ooooooooh . life counseling . < that whole scene
idea for a story
oh my god. ok so basically . connected oneshots but one member of fyosiglai is individually insecure for some reason and the other two are like FUCK NO YOU ARENT and love them and cherish and praise them until theyre like oguhgug
unpopular opinion
hes pretty i LOVE HIM hes SO PRETTY ive seen HUNDREDS of people say hes UGLY hes SO NOT UGLY i LOVE HI
(in all seriousness, ive seen a lot of people say he'd be like, an abusive manipulative awful husband / boyfriend / whatever, and i literally just cannot see that happening . like, i feel like he'd want the perfect world FOR his s/o, he fell for them for a reason sort of thing . idk maybe i just love him but hgjkahfjkahdfjk)
favorite relationship
fyosiglai. or fyodor and me /j (/hj)
favorite headcanon
UUUUUH UH UH UH UH UH OH MY GOD I HAVE SO MANY HCS ABOUT HIM I LOVE HIM hes a cat person thats one of my favorites . if there is a cat on his lap he will not move
i also love the idea that he cannot for the life of him play horror games because he gets jumpscared and screams and he HATES that bc "vulnerability bad" (nikolai likes when he plays horror games anyway he thinks its funny when he gets jumpscared and screams really loud)
actually scratch that . fyodor is just bad at video games because i love that idea . hes good at logic games but when it just comes down to "survive!!!" or "do this objective" or something i love the idea that hes just Dog Ass at it
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lawtistic · 1 year
my ranking of mystic messenger main outfits except i know nothing about fashion and have really bad opinions
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10; Ray
minor spoilers ahead also i dont know how to work tumblr apparently so the keep reading is going after the first ranking label
i have more to say under this im just currently mentally absent right now
what the fuck is that. what. did he forget what century we are in? i like the magenta on him but girl who let you leave your cell looking like an elizabethan
i prefer ray over saeran but not if hes wearing this because to ellys smelly ass litterbox and back i will burn that ruffled collar if it the last thing i ever do in my life
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9; Casual & Deep Story V
why is bro built like a stripper pole??? hes just unnaturally long and its disturbing to a point that i cant not take it into consideration even if this is an outfit ranking
that haircut is not it for you man and get new sunglasses i know why you have them but pick something else theres something off
the outfit is so overwhelmingly basic and void of color and its really a spoiler for how hes blind because he could not have consciously put this together
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8; Yoosung
again hes built like a stripper pole but to a much lesser degree
ive always felt uncomfortable looking at yoosung and his big beady eyes. do not get me wrong i love yoosung but i always feel like he knows my sins
those shoes are hideous, get rid of them. get a better haircut because this one does not make me feel any better about him and its so horrenously big that i know his hair is full of secrets
the shirt is fine, i guess, and i like the jacket, i also have nothing to say about the pants. i like the color palette but thats it. i would have ranked it higher if he didnt give me carpal tunnel with a single glance
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7; Jumin
i have little to nothing to say about this. its a basic suit
i like the little bit of purple because thats his color and its cool
his legs are oddly skinny and long in comparison to the rest of him tho and its making it to where i want to classify him as built like a stripper pole but its just his legs so i cant
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6; Jaehee
same with Jumin but she's less basic due to the accessories and the tights
i fucking live for those tights. those are great tights. people need to talk about her tights.
i have nothing else to say except justice for jaehee kang's tights i love those on her
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5; Zen
he was originally switched with jaehee but then i realized hes wearing his own damn logo and i could not ignore that
only he would wear his own logo on his jacket like that and pose in the such a way to flex it the best he possibly could. i didnt even realize he had a logo but hes literally wearing it what
the rest of the outfit is bland and mid but wow hes wearing his own logo
also rat tail
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4; Another Story V
he looks physically functional!! wow!!
this is such an upgrade, i love the haircut on him now he looks like a wet dog and its amazing
the outfit is kind of mid but it looks better on him and its still okay i would let him leave the house in this
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3; 707
by most standpoints this outfit isnt that fantastic and hes only this high because i said so
its overall kind of basic but i like the hoodie and i love his funky glasses and for some reason cross necklaces make people hotter despite the fact im wiccan
the jeans are so... eh? but you cant really put anything better with this??? im a certified jean hater but i literally cannot think of anything else to put on him instead
also those shoes are fucking horrendous
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2; Vanderwood
this is why i have bad opinions because i like leopard print. fight me.
this is such a fancy suit that i have nothing negative to say about it
you can tell hes a whore just by looking at him. i wish he had a route
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1; Saeran
ah yes i have one alter in last place and the other in first. this isnt that funny i just think its ironic
"youre biased!!! you dress like this youre so biased!!!" yes i am. i am so biased. why do you think 707 is number 3?
the leather jacket is iconic as well as the black and red combo
the bracelet and??? choker thing??? what is that??? looks very nice on him and i like the tattoo (even if it means something i do not like)
"where is rika?" between my steel knuckles would you like a visit
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d1gnan · 5 months
some thoughts abt aesthetics, the way people engage with my art so far and also stuff youll be seeing from me in the next year..
first off i wanna say im not actually educated on any of this and its all just coming from personal experience/ its kind of just a mad mans rambling
im the kind of person who is always curating, always putting like with like (on a consistently changing/personal/almost random metric that spans like any kind of media , things tangible and abstract, my memories, yadda yadda (everyone does this to some degree but as an artist and an introspective person, i find it hard to just let stuff go once i form a connection. (and im sure a lot of u guys reading this are like this too, tumblr is like The website for people like this) im hyper aware of everything that ever happens to me and im always trying to connect everything with everything else
(forgive me too in advance cause ive never been satisfied with my ability to explain myself and usually i just let everything i do speak for itself/dont bother trying. im really really visual and i usually think of things In pictures too so it just frustrates me to try and describe something thats worth a thousand words..
jewelry came pretty quickly to me as a favorite art form because its a way to convey some of what goes on in my head when i engage with the media i like , being able to turn all these pretty abstract feelings into colors shapes symbols.. a lot of times when i listen to something or watch something, i get almost itchy with the feeling of needing to get the way i percieved it out into the world in a visual and tangible way asap before it loses its original shape or before i forget how it made me feel. (dementia runs in my family so a lot of my art is trying to archive my feelings since i know i wont have them forever.. its almost a frantic need to be seen/known by others before its too late.
a lot of the jewelry ive custom made for people has been specifically music and film related, and thats been a great thing because i can both 1) make something that satisfies my own vision of the thing but 2) it is still easily readable by others as related 2 the source material because the design language usually is distinct enough to withstand being skewed too much by my own personal associations
moving forward tho, i have a TON of ideas for way more personal/abstract/highly conceptual projects, and have been slowly gathering pieces so that i can do full justice to my vision for them.
doing this has first and foremost always been an art form/way to express myself . i do it because of the ideas, i do it because i have to do it, and then im left with a bunch of stuff that i would like way more to be in the hands of someone who relates to it. and, i do it in a way thats not at all good for being a business owner. if i'm going to create a product, i would be going against my ideals if i didnt try to battle with all the things i hate about products. fast fashion and aliexpress craft supplies and mass production.. (to have a successful business you need a lot of the same product, it needs to be easy to make and you need to be able to get your materials cheap. all of which i can't and wouldn't do, so it's a very shit thing to attempt to make a living off of..
maybe this sounds a little funny too when you look at my work and then at what i have to say about it.that i think about it so seriously since it's something any one can do. my kid sister makes jewelry, it's a pretty accesible hobby. the idea of making jewelry based off of media is also the furthest thing from unique, which brings me thinking about the reception of my art online so far, and some weird stuff i've noticed.
when you're making anything that you mention is directly "inspired by" something else, you run into some pretty weird habits from others online, and a kind of unique way of engaging with "aesthetics" thats started in the past couple years. what im talking about now is less movies/music. its stuff that blurs the line between an existing body of work to reference and just a concept. ( y2k, fill in the blank-core, frutiger metro/aero).. i'm really into most eras of these fashion / design trends/aesthetics in a historian/archivist kind of way, and i really enjoy to do work inspired by things like this, but these are always way more personally influenced than anything made for a movie/music. i went semi-viral (feels so dumb to say seriously lol) on tiktok for a frutiger metro/sleepyhead by passion pit inspired bracelet.
i get hate on most posts on tiktok since its a gigantic platform(as well as praise) but the majority of comments always tend to be people correcting the authenticity to the aesthetic ive listed as an inspiration. people way smarter than me have way better things to say on this, and if i tried to go too into detail with it this post would be even crazy longer, but ive seen people call it "what aesthetic is this" culture, (some examples of this: " "this aesthetic is called this, not that" "this aesthetic is from this time frame only" xyz
i never know what to do, because i want to respond by explaining that i see these aesthetic names/labeling system solely as a tool. to help people find and connect like with like. labeling aesthetics is just recognizing a pattern. knowing the "name" of an aesthetic can help you find similar things, but there are no set time periods to any of this unless you are specifically making something that is an exact recreation of something else or making a period piece. everything comes back in some way over and over again. rigidly defining aesthetics is flawed/missing the point because aesthetics are completely individual/unmeasurable/skewed by experiences/memories/opinions. its a little different too when it comes to stuff thats actually like made For marketing cause that Will have an exact language that goes with it or whatever, but most of the time i see people arguing about an aesthetic thats not even applicable. there are genuinely no rules to what fits an aesthetic because anything you create, you add your own experiences to and are effectively continuing these patterns in a new way/ sometimes creating a whole new movement or sub category if you are really into labeling it as something directly. peoples personal art is definitely affected by their time/whatever the common design language was at the time, so thats where a lot of the names get born, but when you make it this rigid thing , "this needs to be more like this.. this needs to be more like that.." you'd be right- but only in the sense that yes, it IS that way, For You. in your mind you experience it that way, it is your personal relation to seeing these patterns. and you can use these aesthetic tools to expand on what was done before you, you can use these images to convey your own perspective so that i can try to understand it.
marketing vs personal aesthetics is a different thing that idk how to tackle with my like super limited language but for example, when someone is using a popular aesthetic to sell you something, you can tell. it's shallow and impersonal. looking back on ads that are dated and use a certain aesthetic usually tinges them with nostalgia that you can take and make into something that it wasn't because you have this priceless new angle to look at it with. if you believe in aesthetics as being this rigid thing, you dont get new ideas, you dont get new sub aesthetics, you dont get new movements, you get a copy of a copy, you get shein clothes. and! anyone can call anything they want an "aesthetic" ..any collection of things together influenced by anything in the world can be an entirely new aesthetic.. and im so sick of typing the word aesthetic
but i know that if theyre commenting something like this, they r so fundamentally different from me/ engage with the world in such a different way then i do that it would be a waste of time to try to explain..
i am a little scared when i launch some of the new projects i've been working on they'll be met with this kind of reaction. maybe ill try to write some kind of TLDR, some kind of zine to send along with any of my bracelets, some kind of manifesto about sustainability/personalization/mindful consumpution.. but it takes a long time for me to feel good about explaining myself, even this post ive deleted and restarted countless times.
ill post some more about some of the "aesthetics " (i gotta figure out better language for this shit i swear to god) ive found inspiring that have heavily influenced these upcoming projects, as well as scans from books ive collected that match the design language and i definitely want to release kind of a companion zine with the collections that include music/fashion/home photos etc...
if u have any thoughts or anything about any of this id love to hear it, or answer questions or expand on shit, this is kind of just like a word version of me throwing mac and cheese up at the ceiling and seeing if anything sticks.
thanks to anyone whos said anything nice about my stuff, i love u guys more than lyfe
and if you read all of this youre a g
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bluegekk0 · 22 days
I like several things about your art & lore so a simple note doesn't do it justice i feel, i just hope tumblr formates it somewhat okay via ask lol. 1. How absolute soft and round you draw, you hardly see any edges or hard corners and i am at this point fully convinced you do this on purpose, even when it comes to Vyrm's sidespikes or any claws.
2. Being able to make all characters easy to recognize yet give each your spin, even if one were to fully color any character in your art black, you can still say whats going on and who is who. 3. Expand on "blank slates", while we got all these Lore tablets by PK, we hardly know him as official, public text written as the King do not tell how he was in Person, and I for myself have adopted a few things as my HC on how your Vyrm acts in that regard, even more with his relationship with WL. Same goes for Grimm, the aspect of an eternal, ageless god seeking a quiet life after tasting all the world had to offer is very, very nice.
4. Not restricting yourself to what the game shows us, that might be just Take 2. but i feel like this should be mentioned as well, you dont just say "everyone is a bug" you go with reptiles, mammals, bugs, birds, literally everything imagineable to fit your vision of characters, especially your design of Lurien shows that being both bug & bird inspired. 5. Also Dinosaurs. Your Baryonix picture is still one of my faves, not just because Baryonix have become one of my fave dinos thanks to ARK: Survival Evolved but in general, still close to one of the more accurate renders we have while also adding your own charm, love the light blue "crest" (not sure how to call it) you added on the head especially, not just stylish but a possible feature to attract mates. You make dinosaurs look soft but not forget they were dangerous beasts.
Oh gosh this is a long one, I really appreciate this! I'll try responding to each one.
1. It is on purpose, yes! Funnily enough, it's a complete contrast to my old artstyle from over a year ago. Using Vyrm's side spikes as an example, they used to be almost perfect sharp triangles. These days I try to make the shapes in my art very round and soft, so I'm really glad this is something you like!
2. Thank you, I'm glad you think so! It's something I've been a little conflicted about sometimes. On one hand, I worry that I changed them so much they might not register as the characters they're based on. On the other, I want to draw them like this, that personal touch helps me connect to them on a much closer level, and considering Grimm and Vyrm in particular are my comfort characters, I'm trying to get rid of that doubt so I can fully embrace it. Hearing that they're still recognizable really does help!
3. Ahh I'm so happy to hear you adapted some of my interpretations into your own headcanons! It's really flattering to know that my silly rambles might have impacted how others view the original counterparts/their own interpretations.
4. Thank you! I'd just be repeating what I said in the second one, but again, it's very reassuring that people are open to my interpretations!
5. Ooooh I didn't expect this one hahaha. I'm glad you liked it! Redesigning the Jurassic World Baryonyx used to be one of my favorite things, I'm not the biggest fan of the movie design and I always found it fun to tweak it in subtle (and less subtle) ways to make it work better as the animal it's supposed to represent. And yes, I believe crest is the correct term here, it's something the movie design didn't include but I think it gives Baryonyx a lot of personality.
Again, thank you so much for your kind words!
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emperornero · 8 months
tagged by @scribl1ta :]
favourite color : tyrian purple[s] ! shades like these but i also like very neon orange and yellow / green hues like this one
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last song i listened to : interstate 8 by modest mouse. ive been meaning to listen to more modest mouse songs and got stuck on this one for a few hours instead . but im not complaining
favourite movie : i love both the original and cronenberg's 'the fly'.. important movies to me.. i also love electric dreams from 1984 very cute movie love edgar.. and its been a while since i saw these two but for sure the re-animator movies they deserve a mention since ive seen those like what. 10 times so far?
currently watching : i think nothing ? im supposed to watch the movies HER [2013] and mad god [2021] and for tv shows i will probably watch fionna and cake [2023] . i just finished watching the pilot episode for the amazing digital circus on youtube so i will count it too
currently reading : CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME STRENGTH TO FINISH THE SPLENDOR BEFORE THE DARK ive been stuck in the middle of it since summer holidays i havent touched it since i somehow cannot . why cant i do it why cant i read nero book. suffering
currently working on : i have like 5 unfinished drawings ? and i need to make that list of different versions of nero i know of. and probably continue collecting stuff for my quo vadis video. other than that im making a terrarium for a snail :]
current obsession : ive been thinking about my other ocs more recently its a shame i almost never draw them .. slimer im sorry youre hard to draw i will do you justice soon.. other ocs from that universe too.. and of course im still on the 24/7 nero grind the neroposting in my head may never stop
tags for @homestuckrichard @smsnsa @r0sedevil @daseindeath @catboybeebop @the-casbah-way if you dont want to do it its ok ! [grins]
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helsingvania · 2 months
Hi it's 4 am and the state of star wars animation has pissed me off so hard that I woke up 2 hours early.
I am SO FUCKING SICK OF THE CLONE WARS. Every single time a new spinoff is made the more I've grown to despise and apathetic towards all of its characters. This 15 year old show is continuously beaten to death and whatever was good in what frankly was a mediocre show is never used meaningfully again. Because it's all given to ahsoka.
Every single thing is given to ahsoka. I don't have any reason to like ahsoka anymore because of her over exposure just tries me now. Even at the points I do enjoy her gets overshadowed by everything that's been going on in the past 4 years with star wars. And now these characters are finally given the attention they deserved years ago...I just have to ask why do I care?
Yeah barris is interesting, but it's just so null to me since they're only NOW talking about her when that's one of the first things that should've came up in a clone wars spinoff. I don't give a shit about the final season, I have no reason to be invested in the bad batch. What does peak my interest is too little too late.
And I think the clone wars animation just needs to die. This art style - I DONT CARE HOW GOOD THE ANIMATION IS - is falling apart at the seams as we're constantly seeing the clash of old models and new models in the same room. They can't even render people of color or aliens properly with this style.
Thrawn doesn't look like an alien anymore.
And I'm going to talk about the other half of tales of the empire. Why the fuck is Morgan only getting shit NOW. AFTER SHE WAS KILLED IN THE FIRST SEASON OF AHSOKA. They literally were pulling shit out of their ass for that show regarding her and now they're back peddling to explain what the fuck was going on in that show. this isn't necessary, you had the opportunity to flesh her out but you didn't. So why should I care now? And I'm not excited to see animated thrawn again because this is in tandom with ahsoka. They didn't do him justice by showing how much of a threat he was in ahsoka, and I know they're not going to keep that up here. Thrawn is a fun villain but they amazingly missed everything that made him memorable.
I've been having thoughts about the state of this series film area and it just makes me want to ask. Is this meaningful? Does this add anything that's game changing? Or does it serve just explain things that people forgot to do in another show?
Andor is meaningful. It takes character's mentioned back stories and shows what they mean in the most horrifying implications possible. Cassian has been in this battle since he was 6 years old....not against the empire, but against imperialism. To him there was no difference between the Republic or the empire. A new view of this universe, a one showcasing the horrors of the wars.
Rebels is meaningful. It not only explained more of the horrors of the empire so younger fans can understand, but it also expanded upon the lore of the force which makes it more interesting and fascinates me endlessly. It's original characters all have unique traits and stories to them but they've all been wronged by war and the empire in more ways than one. They get focus and we're expanded upon naturally in one show.
What makes these shows meaningful? What does knowing how Morgan met thrawn adds to the extended narrative? How does this effect the universe and how we see it?
We don't know yet. But I don't have faith it will.
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sweetescapeartist · 1 year
I had watched Velma (for free cause I aint helping them get views) and theres this trend I hate. That's when they make the white people idiots & always insult them. I'm black and I find that offensive. There's a way to make fun of everybody in a smart way (In Living Color is a great example) but these modern shows are just hateful or not funny or both. They just want to trigger ppl without any kind of positive message.
And I can't be mad at only the ppl who write the shows. The companies who allow it and advertisement and ones who distribute it are at fault too. And when you look at the history of propaganda, I'm pretty sure this is intentional. The United States makes money off of ravial division. This is why we dont have shows like Weekenders, Statick Shock, Doug, Hey Arnold, Xaolin Showdown, Totally Spies, Darkwing Duck, Recess, El Tigre, 6teen, original Teen Titans, Justice League, Kim Possible, The Proud Family (original not the new one), Jackie Chan Adventures, or other shows like that anymore. Those shows brought too many different ppl together. Racial division is profitable but also useful in controlling the minds of the ignorant. And behind it all is politics. One side complains about this while the other complains about that. Then both sides make a profit while controlling the masses through artificial hate.
I wish we could go back to shows that had positive portrayals of all races & both sexes. A group of friends of different races with both guys and girls just happily hanging out and dealing with everyday struggles and how to overcome them with help from your friends. Cause this modern stuff just makes everyone hate each other.
I want shows like Statick Shock where Virgil finds out that his best friend Richie has a racist dad & it upsets Richie so much that he runs away from home. And the dads of both have to work together to find Richie as Richie's dad learns he is misjudging others. And episodes later, Richie's dad is friendly with Virgil and his dad.
Or how in Teen Titans, Starfire was being called a troq by a "heroic" racist. Then Cyborg thinks its just a nickname and calls Starfire that and she gets upset. Then after Cyborg finds out, he says he can relate because he's half cyborg (subtext is that he can relate because he's black). Then all of her friends stand by her and give the cold shoulder to that guy who called her that slur. They weren't gonna put up with that.
Or even in oG SpongeBob when they say Sandy can't do stuff they can because she's a squirrel while they say "sea creatures rule!" That episodes teaches a lesson about both racism and sexism. Sandy is the only girl against a group of guys who thing they are better. Sandy is from a different group of people against a group of water people who thing they are better. Sandy thinks she's better too. Then in the end, they give the lesson that nobody is good at everything and they should value the differneces and what the other person is good at as they apologize to each other.
We peaked in the 90's and 2000's. Sadly, I think its all downhill from there now. Not just with TV shows, but with music and everything else. The good things we get nowadays are just leftovers from a better time that didn't over politicize race, sex, gender, religion, and policital leaning as they do now. Respect is lacking. All ppl want to do is trigger someone. What kind of society is that?
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papirouge · 7 months
akira toriyama saying he had never seen a black person before designing his black characters is sus. like he'd never seen an international baseball game (baseball is popular in jpn) or basketball or the olympics at least. what about a famous artist like michael jackson? he did redesign some like staff officer black (yeah, he named one of his black characters black).
i remember soul eater had a few black characters. they gave the black nurse blue eyes for some reason, and the black teacher became a zombie when the series started so he stayed blue for the rest of the series. i remember they were promoting this anime made by a black man and his main female protagonist had dark skin but blonde hair and blue eyes. I dont know the obssesion with doing that, specially to brown and black female characters, but it's specially bizarre when it comes from a black person themselves.
i also recall eyeshield 21 also had a black character nicknamed black panther (or just panther), he appeared when an american team came to play with a japanese one and the white coach didnt let him play even though he was the best player because he was black and the coach wanted an all-white team because he was racist (to everyone who wasn't white, as he also looked down the japanese team). he was drawn quite differently to the rest, but so were the white characters, so i don't know if he'd be considered a caricature...
also, papi, have you noticed how characters in anime are getting like paper white, specially female ones? I'm talking they seem to be using the almost literal white color to color their skins, it's so uncanny. the other day I was watching azumanga daioh and the characters had darker tones even though they were still pale, and they actually had different tones between each other. then I watched lucky star and the characters started having that extremely pale skin, but you still had characters with darker tones like konata herself. then there's k-on and literally every single character has the same skin tone except mugi, whos paler since shes supposedly of european descent, and finally I checked bocchi the rock and EVERY single character had that same pale skin color, literally no variation. I think it's interesting how you can see this change with slice of life anime so clearly
this is stupid but something that has always bothered me its when anime and manga authors decide to make a foreign character, they always choose europeans or americans or any other white country, if not they choose a brown country and make them the lightest brown they can manage. like when pretty cure featured international cures, the only ones that werent european or northamerican were the indian ones, and the designed them SO fucking pale like they were applying too much whitening cream, what were they thinking??? then they had cure soleil, a spanish pretty cure, whose skin is literally orange. she looks like she spent too much time at the solareum more than actually being from spain. i think it's kinda funny how pretty cure has featured a boy cure now before a brown or black female cure but whatever.
but yeah, japan doesn't have the best history when it comes to black and brown characters, I guess western animation is better in that regard? i'm guessing french cartoons are better too due to france's multicultural background.
Honestly anon you would gain inner peace to not have any expectation when it comes to a decent representation of Black people from japanese mangaka lol
I grew up watching "Fushigi no Umi no Nadia", and as much it was nice to see a character looking like me, homegirl had blue eyes with non textured hair... The original storyline is she believing she was from AFRICA (when she's actually the king of some Atlantis king but whatever) so it was weird Hideaki Anno thought designing Nadia like that was conclusive in assuming she *might* come from Africa🤔
It doesn't stop me from applauding when Black characters are being done justice
I think the biggest glo up was in Street Fighter : from Elena (SF3) who's supposed to come from KENYA (???) and is a light skinned blue eyed white haired woman
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(she looks like a mixed breed south american - not African, idc)
... to Kimberley who looks like an actual West African woman (I LOVE how they clocked the big forehead which is very Bantu lol i'm obsessed)
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(and lmaoooo at Manon nose - they did France dirty lmao but it's true french people can have HUGE noses - look at Macron who is quintessentially so french in the face 💀)
The difference? Japanese team finally reaching out a (Black) consultant to pull out a compelling design.
I also checked her in game and I was relieved she was absolutely cute and feminine, and not brash, masculine or aggressive like most Black characters are depicted in pop media.
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Thinking abt things...
Say you have characters from a mythological or ancient source. like Grendel and his mother. ...specifically, Grendel and his mother. These are figures that are monstrous, eat human flesh etc etc. Across recent-ish history (1400s-present), they've been racialized by white authors along various lines, usually being heavily black-coded and fitting very well into that DEEPLY RACIST narrative. They also exist in a field (anglo-saxon studies) that is VERY White Supremacist, even/especially in academia.
now here's me. a white author. I've been writing these characters (in terms of analyses, original stories, putting them in fanfics/fanwork, etc) for a few years. I'd originally made the conscious choice to have them both be white, primarily as a conscious denial of the existing (negative)racialization of these characters, but also because I do not feel that I, as a white author, could or should attempt to portray characters like this through a racialized lens. I've seen other white authors that I otherwise respect try to do Grendel & his mother this way- and hooooo boy did it make me uncomfortable. great critical acclaim from the community but i felt like i wanted to squirm out of my skin. y i p e s. good message, pLEASE DONT WRITE THAT YOU'RE A WHITE WOMAN WHO HAS NEVER EXPERIENCED ANY OF THIS
however... the more I look at these characters and this field as a whole, the less comfortable I am discounting/ignoring the presence of race here. like its ridiculous, and harmful, and racist not to. there's plenty of writing abt it.
however, I also worry about the implications of me, a white creator, making the decision (even just re: my own work) that these characters/narratives "aren't meant for white people anymore". far from being reparative/restorative justice, I feel like I'm veering very far into assigning these monstrous figures to black/BIPOC authors "because they have more of a right to use/understand that narrative than we (white ppl) do"... and that's. also probably very racist. I think.
the closest thing I've gotten to a conclusion here is that racialized AND nonracialized/non-BIPOC-centric depictions of Grendel and His Mother are both okay, good and maybe even (assuming the non-racialized ones still have SOME kind of message or story to tell) necessary. It's harmful to deny race around these characters or try to write them "color-blindly". It's also (though this I'm less sure about) harmful as a white author to "give up" these characters due to some percieved (read: stereotyped) idea that they're more "needed" in nonwhite communities.
...however.... where does that balance leave me, a white author who wants to write about, cosplay, make fic about, and generally love these characters?
I'm not sure I can like them anymore-
but again that feels like overthinking in the most problematic way possible.
I would genuinely love feedback/critique here bc I'm just going around in circles on this....
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saucedlx · 1 year
just ran into this take again, that KNIDL didnt really do justice to KA's visuals
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and I can definitely see it but the take I'm here to give is that, to a much lesser degree, this is how kirby super star ultra feels when compared to the original kirby super star. I say much lesser because 1: KSS's artstyle is kinda clunky and harsh and unpolished and 2. KSSU is relatively way more faithful to that artstlyle, with a lot of added polish
I still think there's this uniqueness to KSS' artstyle that's lost in ultra, like how backrounds have this pseudo-3d harshly lit prerendered look to them and the way it contrasts with the main sprites' black outlines with simple shading. the way all the colors look really saturated i get why people might dislike but i think it's neat.
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it's honestly pretty hard to describe, but it makes ultra feel way more like generic kirby artstyle, instead of KIRBY SUPER STAR
also this one's kinda a nitpick but even though the pre rendered cutscenes are neat, they make it lose this one moment i love so much
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i just reaally like it when a cutscene seamlessly transitions into gameplay. dont ask me to justify this one futher because i can't. i just think it's so damn cool when games do that. like when kirby's adventure does it right before nightmare's final phase thats also so cool
so uh yeah.
its okay to prefer ultra over original kss but i feel like sometimes it's underappreciated
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hey hi i love your art!! you shouldtell me what you like most about each eevee
hihi!! thank you!! i will make a list :3
espeon - my most favoritest pokemon of all time. what can i say except purple cat
umbreon - goth kitty. i really like shiny umbreons, their colors are so cool
flareon - they are so fluffye :3
vaporeon - wet kitty :3 fr tho theyre so shaped. i imagine they are smooth and rubbery like an inflatable pool tube
jolteon - i think you could stick a hot dog on its spikes probably
leafeon - ok leafeon is my underrated fave tbh, the only reason i havent drawn a leafeon yet is cuz i dont think i will do it justice. they are so elegant <3
glaceon - this cat has a cute haircut hehe
sylveon - tbh i never played the game this one is in but i like that nintemdo made a transgender cat. representation!
eevee - the og. the classic. perfect little beast. ideal size to sit in my lap so i can pat its little head <3
is that all of them? i think thats all of them lol. i also wanna say, i really like when people make pokemon & eeveelution ocs and give them fun little design quirks that are different from the original, i think thats really cute. i also rly like when ppl do pokefusions of different eeveelutions!! i wanna try that myself lol, i think espeon+vaporeon could be rly cool hehe :3c
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kittycowboy · 2 years
the amount of joy I get from mp100 is unparallYKNOW WHATS COOL ABT TATSUKI FUJIMOTOS STYLE this is unrelated to mp100 i just thought abt it rn ITS COOL THO so obv MAPPA is animating csm and theyre notorious for adapting manga styles REALLY well (banana fish is the best example imo but all of it is great) but even with that something abt the stykes still inevitably change from the b&w manga to colored anime but fujimoto has a very Clean style which translated super well into color-
think abt other mangas theyed adapted, like aot
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Isayama has a very rough/sketchy style, and thats hard to animate so its cleaned up in the anime. It still looks similar (note: shadow lines, hair strands) and given the muted color palette the color isnt as glaringnfrom black and white to color, but its still a notable difference.
Fujimoto, on the other hand, has a very clear style.
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two things immediately come to mind. First is that he doesnt draw the shadows unkess theyre all-encompassing. You can see asa completely covered in shadow, but looking above he doesnt draw the primary lighting shadows like on Mikasa's face in aot. (in certain panels he Does draw them, but I mean this as a general thing) Shadows are a huge thing that come into issue when adapting anime bcs no matter what it jjst doesnt look rthe same in color vs b&w. (esp. when arstists draw textured or hatched shadows) You'd think this would make it harder given that Fujimoto doesnt draw shadows, but in fact it makes it look better because the flat coloring works well with the already flat appearance.
Secondly, even textured things dont have much detail in csm- note the muscles of the justice devil, they have hatched shadows but its still very minimal. And then in character appearence, its an entirely clean surface. its hard to drscribe but the faces of characters are just very. clean. Even wrinkled characters like Kishibe dont have much obscuring the face itself.
now, you can note that some panels- namely chainsaw devil and general gorey ones- DO have a lot of sketchiness/detail
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but something interesting to notice is thay when you actually look at it, it Doesnt have as much detail as originally assumed. Note the blood in the katana man panel, and organs in the chainsae devil panel- those ate both actively moving objects. While in paneling it takes a lot of detail into the panel, if its animayed it'll be obscured by motion blurs or general movement, so despite the detail the anime shoild still visually be similar even if theu sacrifice some of it for ease of animation.
the csm anime.also has a very muted color palette like AOT which should help with the constrast from b&w to color lol
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reiningsoral · 8 days
You can talk about Stuff for hours if you'd like, I don't mind
you know sometimes i forget this is the nerd website.
anyway you've given me an excellent excuse to talk about Stuff! disclaimer tho it's past midnight and im very very fucked in the brain rn bc finals r coming up... i kinda just used this as an excuse to word vomit a bunch of unrelated feelings and infodumps into on mildly incoherent post so yeah sorry bout that
mlp theory!!
so in the first episode of the first season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Nightmare Moon is prophesized to be released/freed from her prison (the moon) by the stars. now that at first gets you thinking, "okay, but why would the stars want nightmare moon to be freed? she's evil." and you're right... kind of?
twilight's cutie mark is a sparkle, or rather, a star. see where im going? well now you're thinking "but twilight actively works against nightmare moon!" and you're right! but, i dont think the prophecy was actually about freeing nightmare moon, but about freeing Luna.
luna herself didnt ever want to cause the kind of harm that happened when she was nightmare moon, and she was essentially imprisoned in her own mind via corruption in a weird sort of venom-and-eddie-but-not-really kind of thing
twilight sparkle, the stars, frees Luna from her prison (nightmare moon) which was a state originally brought on by corruption, i think(?)
dont hug me im scared makes me very nostalgic for a multitude of reasons, but also extremely uncomfortable in a comforting way?
uh if you havent guessed im autistic (undiagnosed but whtv) and this section of my half-past-midnight, feelings-induced, whatever-ness of a post/ask answer is about how dhmis made me feel and why i guess
dhmis makes me think of jack stauber's videos. i think the connection is pretty obvious, i mean, you cant take a look at bumblebees are out and then take a look at dhmis and tell me they arent at all similar.
umm, dhmis's approach to horror is very interesting and unique to itself, its (or was, when it was first introduced) a very new style of horror. it's a psychological nightmare, but even without the even surface-level analysies of the psychological horror, it's still absolutely horrifying. it's uncomfortable, it's gross, and it's generally very unpleasant.
so like,,, why do we watch it?
or i guess, why do i watch it.
all three guys (yellow, red, duck) are trapped in this repeating nightmare of a day, with incompetent people masquerading as teachers who dont know what they're talking about. this, again, very deeply resonates with me, as the kid who had a lot of special interests which coincidentally corresponded to a lot of things we learned in school. i liked a lot of things science related, expecially since my parents are both scientists. i often like, knew more about the topics that were being taught (read: shoved down my throat, incorrectly i might add) to me. i, being the justice seeker i was, would raise my hand to correct the teacher because i needed to make sure that this clearly innocent mistake was corrected so that no one carried misinformation. which is rude, apparently, there's a reason i dont like talking about stuff anymore, thanks middleschool. that bit about yellow guy turning smart for a bit really hit, sorry.
the whole part of the first ever episode about the arranging-leaves-and-sticks-into-one's-favorite-color makes me think about that time in fifth grade. the scene is so hilariously jarring in one way, then it hits you again. "go and collect some leaves and sticks, and arrange them into your favorite colors" is a line that, at first, just makes completely no sense at all, because, how the fuck does one arrange a pretty much monochromatic pallette and arrange it to be in your favorite colors? youre given only a half a second to be confused before the three comply in a different way than the viewer didnt think was the option. they arrange the sticks to spell out thier favorite colors. and then, yeah! that makes sense, so youre satisfied. but the episode punches you in the goddamn face again, by telling yellow he's wrong because "green is not a creative color" which is both very jarring and triggering, and just, infinitely hilarious to me. so how does any of that remind me of fifth grade? it's more autistic childhood stuff, lmao:
when i was in fifth grade, i had teacher who didnt communicate her kind of already nonsensical rules in a way little autistic me could understand, and i didnt ask questions because id been trained to know that asking questions is "giving sass" or fucking, whatever the hell nt adults think it is idk. anyway, this one weekish, at some point, my more rowdy classmates had gotten out of hand using their water bottles and kept spilling water everywhere, so my teacher said that we had to keep our water bottles at her desk at all times. and i was immediately distressed for two reasons: one, it was interrupting a status-quo that had been established (i.e., keeping out water bottles by us, at our feet, every day), and two, i couldnt drink water if Ms. teacher had my bottle. and the way she said it made it extremely easy for an autistic who takes almost everything too literally to misinterpert what she was saying. everyone else got the memo apparently, but i didnt.
id go on more about this but im too tired for an emotional deep dive rn and i wasnt to make an actual post about just dhmis at some point. anyway the point ofthat section was basically i really relate to yellow guy.
the truman show!!
the truman show is a work of absolute fucking genius. i was actually introduced to it via ranboo's generation loss, which is an analogue horror series with a youtube channel with around six(?) vids and a three-part streamed-vod series which was inspired by the truman series i think.
anywaay the inherent horror but comfort in your whole entire life being carefully crafted to be entertainment for thousands upon thousands of people! untapped venting market tbh.
the way that, at the start of the movie, the show is already unraveling, his dad shows up in almost the first scene.
i think the way that the actors subtly break character throughout the show and then try to cover it up in a way that makes sense to their character so that truman doesnt realize they're not real.
but then how the subtlety of the character breaks slowly becomes less and less subtle, and it just... unravels.
um, anyway yeah theres a couple of,,, things that ive been kinda thinking about, mostly incomprehensible because yet again it's past midnight, but i needed to word vomit idk
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swordbreakerz · 14 days
artist ask, 13 and 16 :}
hi sorry for the delay! ive been doing so many tasks
13. talk about a wip you like!
ough, agh, my favorite wip is trapped in hell on my dead laptop rn, i need to retrieve the files so i can keep working on it. it's the scene from counter/weight where order stands up, with order in the background and cass looking up at it in the foreground, originally meant to be a perspective exercise. i rmr really liking the sketch, but i havent worked on it in several years, much to my chagrin. i do really want to finish it, partly because that scene just lives in my head, partly because i think ive come a long way in my art and could really do it justice now
16. how do you motivate yourself to draw?
shapes and colors. tried to think of anything better to say here but thats kind of the jist, like, the reason i write is bc if i dont the ideas ferment in the way that gives u botulism so i need to get them out of my head, but drawing for me is like old flash dress up games, just that sometimes the dress up im playing is making my fish oc look really cool with a big glaive, and sometimes its drawing hadrian as the tarot card five of swords because he wont stop doing somersaults in my brain
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