#i dont expect anyone to remotely agree with me
unknownbl0ggerr · 7 months
Someone kiss me!
Chandler Bing x Fem! Reader
The New Years pact doesn’t go as planned
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rest in peace Matthew Perry 💕🕊️
The New Years party wasn’t going exactly as everyone planned, everyone had brought dates completely ignoring the pact the group had made but something went wrong with their dates. You were the only one who didn’t actually have a date to bring and actually laughed at everyone when their date went wrong.
You didnt want to bring anyone, not like you had anyone to bring but even if you did you wouldnt. You were barely a party goer anyway so you weren’t expecting anything interesting. You were hoping Chandler would’ve showed up alone to give yourself at least a bit of distraction but no. He brought Janice, his horrible ex girlfriend.
You sat in the middle of Joey and Ross on the couch with Marcel on your lap. “I dont get why you just ask him y/n. It’s new years, you need someone to kiss, he needs someone to kiss, perfect match!” Joey said. Ross nodded watching Marcel jump off my lap and walk around to the other guests, “i agree.”
You shook your head, “he’s my best friend guys it would be weird, theres no way he’d want to do it anyway.” The boys rolled their eyes but you didnt notice, you had gotten up to get another drink, “she has no idea.” Joey whispers to Ross. “Clearly.” Ross whispers back leaning against the back of the couch.
Chandler was talking to some girl about something she clearly wasn’t interested in but you couldn’t hear what it was. You poured yourself a drink and heard Chandler practically yell, “please kiss me at midnight!” You turned around and looked at an annoyed, desperate chandler starting to follow the girl before giving up.
Chandler shook his head then looked up and saw you, anyone else watching him would’ve seen his eyes light up but you didn’t notice. “No luck?” You ask taking a sip of your drink. Chandler laughed, “no she actually said yes.” You laughed softly at his sarcasm, that was one of your favorite things about him.
“Oh guys we only have 2 minutes! Change the channel!” Phoebe yelled to Joey and Ross who both scrambled to get the remote. Eventually the group slowly started migrating to you and chandler. Dick Clark announced that the ball was dropping and Chandler turned towards you and the group, “and the moment of joy is upon us!” “I guess that no date thing worked out.” Joey mumbled. “Everybody looks so happy, i hate that!” Phoebe complained and you nodded agreeing with her. “Not everybody’s happy.” Monica said, “hey bobby!” We all looked at her ex who started sobbing and gesturing her away.
They all started ranting about the kiss and no one seemed to be agreeing but somehow the only thing on your mind was Chandler. “Alright somebody kiss me.” Chandler complained. Everyone started trying to get him to shush but he didn’t, he jumped up and down, “somebody kiss me it’s midnight!” You felt a nudge on your arm and looked over, Joey was gently pushing you towards him and Ross was nodding at you.
“Alright, alright, alright.” You said grabbing his face with your hand and pulling him in, kissing him. Your friends cheered and you expected Chandler to pull away but you felt his hand on your lower back and his other on your waist as he kissed you back.
“Okay, okay enough!” Joey complained and we pulled away, i turned slightly to look at Joey, “congratulations you actually got a kiss at midnight.” He said rolling his eyes, “oh and i thought i was the sarcastic one.” Chandler joked and Joey slapped his shoulder. Chandler laughed and so did the others. “So much for the pact huh?” Ross joked.
Chandlers hand was still on your lower back and it stayed like that the rest of the night, but you weren’t complaining about it.
A/n: thinking of making a part two to this. Let me know 🙈💕
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sappho114 · 3 years
what's your thoughts on cyberpunk 2077? I'll fully admit i didn't like the final product and felt like there was tons of missed opportunities, wasted characters and plot lines, and a bunch of stuff that were just not handled well. But i'm not here to just bash on the game, i want to hear your opinion on it
I know that it's popular to hate on for the reasons of "it was popular" and "it marketed by a transphobic social media team" (of which, the latter makes sense but it is NOT reflective of the product.) I tend to ignore people who are hyperbolic about that kinda stuff because a lot of them just ran out and bought Red Dead Redemption 2 or engage in media made by abusers and actual transphobes. The moral high ground politicking by those who hated CP2077 is actually hilariously ridiculous. Anyway, that's less about the game and more about how dumb some folks were being. More below about the game itself.
It is a janky game, it required at least two to three major patches for what's in game to be functional fully, and having to beat back their game to fit into the shitbox that is the PS4 and other consoles was not a task I envy. CDPR's higher leadership also are silly cunts and the crunch they faced up to release is not so good. Although in hindsight, with the Naughty Dog and Act-Blizz shit, at least the women weren't abused and they actually got paid and benefits for their overtime thanks to Polish labor law. God, America needs to unfuck itself so much.
That being said: I loved it. I felt it was a good representation of Pondsmith's Cyberpunk universe. I enjoyed almost all of the characters, loved the vibe, had fun just driving around Night City with the crowds, the ads, the radio. I've beaten it once and I have about 3 different save files half-way or more through completion.
I'm not one of those people who saw "wallrunning" in a trailer from 2018 and expected it to be in the game (and angry that it wasn't, even if they said it wasn't gonna be in it for literal years.) I think in the end its about as janky as Witcher 2 was, and considering it's a new IP that's not all that bad for eastern european developers. We've gotten a dozen or so jankier, shittier games from eastern europe since CP2077 released but because they didn't have a marketing budget, people don't really care. That's a whole thing we could spend a while on.
As someone who is chronically ill, poor, and wants more out of life I connected with V's story. I also hated Johnny at first because I know of that little shitbag from the TTRPG but over time he actually grew on me. I love the idea of the flashbacks to Arasaka tower being so different because it's how Johnny saw what he did, not necessarily the truthful representation. I dunno if that's like, canon, or whatnot, but it fits that blowhard so much that I choose to believe it fully. I hate that guy but he became a good friend.
I felt that all the performances were solid. T-Bug deserved more time on screen, though. Other than that I loved all the character side missions and felt they wrapped things nicely for almost all of them. At least until we get ourselves those expansion packs.
Oh, I lied. Judy Alvarez is perfect, and she needs 2000% more dialogue and stuff to do. I'd go visit my Night City Wife after every mission and she seldom had too much to say. More of that downtime conversation would've been awesome. I don't necessarily mean downtime activities - I actually hate Grand Theft Auto and Ubisoft time-wasting bullshit. It's why I liked CP2077's side content being tactical blast some baddies time for the most part. If I want to fucking play poker, I'd play fucking poker.
Any major issues I have with the game tend to stem from my issues with Cyberpunk 2020 and Cyberpunk RED as a whole. The narrative nihilism of the Cyberpunk universe is lame as hell. I'm a Shadowrun girl. There's always hope - even if the Horrors are making Lofwyr piss his dragaloons (that's dragon pantaloons) there's still space for a group of ne'er-do-wells to do some violence well. I also think that if you choose certain endings, you end up with a horribly optimistic turn on things! That left a good taste in my mouth. I wanna find this cure for neurological death that V's going through and I'm glad they explicitly said that it's a possibility.
tl;dr: not perfect but I love it and am waiting for more. Adored the story, characters, all that jazz.
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andromedasstarship · 3 years
in the stars - chapter 1
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photo credit: @ssahotchnerr
pairing - aaron hotchner x reader
warnings - canon-typical criminal minds violence, show rating 16+ for reference. depictions of violence, stalking, murder, angst, age gap couple, drinking, brief mention of drugs.
summary - You finally meet the BAU, little progress is made in terms of the case. 
a/n - early update yay! i take a lot of liberties with movies that reader has starred in, pls dont take irl movie release dates into consideration here lol. more notes at the end 
blog rules 
masterlist // read it on ao3 here 
prologue // next chapter 
Chapter 1 
Flights to California always took an extra toll on the team. Reid had explained it once, in a too long ramble, how the wind worked against the plane lengthening the flight at least an hour longer than the trip back home. 
Hotch was finding it difficult to focus on the files in front of him. The first photo he opened was of victim #3, with her eyes closed and face turned to the side, even Hotch could’ve been fooled that it was you lying there dead. While the rest of the team was mulling over the facts of the case, he was debating whether or not to tell the team about your history. The Unit Chief in him knew this was important information that had the potential to hinder the case; his relationship to you was too personal and his withholding of information could even turn him into a suspect. If the roles had been reversed with another member of the team, he’d have concerns over their ability to even be on the case. For now, Hotch forced himself to tune into the conversation the rest of the team was having; promising himself he’d figure out what to do later. 
“Garcia, what do we know about L/N,” Emily asked, turning ever so slightly towards the screen Garcia had just popped up on. 
“I’m glad you asked my dear Emily. Y/N L/N is totally Hollywood’s It Girl right now, it’s rumored you can’t even get a meeting with her without forking over at least twenty big ones. She’s never had a bad role in her career. Personally, my favorite movie she starred in was Mamma Mia, but like I said never a bad role,” Garcia paused for a moment, the sound of her typing filling the silence, “is it inappropriate for me to ask one of you to get her signature for-”
“Garcia,” Rossi interjected, “anything else we need to know about her right now?” 
“Sorry sir, I promise to be on my best professional behavior. But come on, remember when she swept the Oscars three years-”
Hotch felt himself detach from the conversation yet again, staring out the window as memories of the two of you flooded his brain. 
Three Years Ago 
The team had just finished a grueling case in Georgia. It was long, taking nearly two weeks to catch the unsub, in which he had managed to murder three additional couples right under their noses. Inclement weather forced them to stay another night until the storm passed, leaving them all stranded by the airport. In a turnaround way, being stuck gave them the rare opportunity to relax and bond as a team. Rather than all disappear to their own rooms for the night, they all packed into one small hotel room. Boxes of Chinese takeout were littered around the room, along with various bottles of alcohol. The Oscars were on that night and Hotch knew you’d be on the screen at some point, not wanting to miss it he proposed watching it to the team and they all happily agreed. While it was difficult with their schedules to be avid movie goers, they all were relatively familiar with the contenders for big awards such as Best Picture and Best Actor. 
You were nominated for two separate awards that night, along with starring in a film nominated for Best Picture. It had been a monumental year for you, with three separate feature films hitting theaters and all becoming major successes both financially and socially. You had spent so much time jet setting for press conferences and movie tours that you rivaled Aaron in terms of suitcase living. 
“Everyone shut up! They’re about to do Best Supporting Actress, oh I just know it’s going to be Y/N. Emily agree with me! We saw her in Little Women together, I cried. Oh don’t give me that look Emily, you cried too and you know it!” Penelope said enthusiastically, waving her chopsticks around. It was rare that Garcia ever came with on a case, but the location had been in a remote part of the state and they wanted to avoid being unable to reach her and her technical wizardry; a fact she was particularly grateful for, had this watch party been happening without her, she would’ve been so jealous.  
To anyone else, the grin on Hotch’s face would have been easily equated to the bickering going on between his friends and the effects of the few drinks he had thrown back. It was all for you though, he had caught glimpses of you on screen throughout the night and had snuck more than one glance at his phone to see the pictures of your outfit you’d sent him yourself. When the presenters walked on stage, Hotch sat up a bit straighter, his body naturally inching closer to the edge of his seat. The screen set up so the faces of all nominees and their reactions could be seen, Hotch’s eyes glued to the box you were in. 
��And the winner of Best Supporting Actress goes to…,” the first presenter started, slowly opening the envelope they held, “Y/N L/N!” The crowd roared and the camera focused in on you sitting stunned in your seat, surrounded by coworkers and friends. The team was cheering too, the liquor in their system loosening everyone up. Hotch clapping uncharacteristically loud and long even went unnoticed by the others. 
“I was right, I knew it!! I should start betting on this, you know what I bet I could hack into the system-” Garcia’s voice barely even registered in Hotch’s brain as he watched you. With one hand clasped over your mouth and the other holding your dress you made your way up the stairs and to the center of the stage. 
“Wow,” you started, eyes wide as you stared down at the award in your hands, slowly you looked back up into the crowd and continued, “I really mean it when I say I wasn’t expecting this. I didn’t even prepare a speech, I’m so sorry,” you paused again, the biggest smile plastered on your face as you quickly wiped a few tears threatening to fall, “thank you all so much, for supporting me and letting me do what I love. Thank you to my fellow coworkers who pushed me in this project and thank you so much to the fans who give me the strength to do this every day. Thank you! Thank you so much!” You ended, making your way back towards your seat. Hotch grinned as you flashed a wide smile to the camera following you, throwing a flirty winky that he knew was just for him.
The rest of the night went by in a blur. When you won again for Best Actress, you were barely able to contain yourself on stage, tears flowing freely down your face as you gave your thanks. The joy you felt in that moment was unlike anything you’d ever experienced in your life. At just 24, you had become the first person ever to win both awards in the same night. Hotch had actually jumped out of his seat at your second win, a motion that confused the rest of the team, but the liquor in everyone’s system forced them to ignore it; more glad than anything to see Hotch loosening up for once. 
After the team finally retreated into their own rooms for the night, Hotch wasted no time in texting you, asking if you were free to talk on the phone. His excitement palpable when not even a minute later your contact came up on the screen. 
“Aaron,” your excited voice came through the phone, just being able to hear you eased tension he wasn’t even aware he had been carrying, “can you believe it!” 
“Congratulations, Miss Double Oscar winner.” Even after a year of being together, his voice made you giddy. “Where are you?” He asked, unable to ignore the pounding sound of music and people in the background. 
“After party, top secret location Mr. Agent. I’m in the bathroom! Am I allowed to tell you I definitely see some residue of a line on the counter,” your voice was slurred and rushed, the energy of the moment combined with the liquor in your system causing your mouth to move faster than your brain, “probably not, ignore that. Where are you?” 
Aaron relayed various info about closing the case and what the team had gotten up to that night. When you began telling him about your night, he couldn’t help but feel insecure. Where he told you about $8 takeout meals and rural Georgia, you were talking about some of the biggest names in Hollywood and the luxury treatment you’d been subject to all night. He forced himself to focus on your voice anyway; not wanting to take this time ‘with’ you for granted. The two of you could’ve talked for hours, had it not been for Hotch pushing you to go enjoy the celebrations. 
“I’m so proud of you angel,” he said softly, voice swelling with adoration, “I’ll see you soon, I promise.” 
“I love you Aaron.” 
“I love you too Y/N.” 
When he finally hung up, he leaned against the wall with a sigh, running his hands through his hair. Relationship wise, it had been a tough year for the two of you. With your schedule busier than you’d ever expected, it meant seeing each other in person was nearly impossible. In good conscience you refused to take him away from Jack on the rare weekends he had off. Instead you’d fly in whenever possible, the two of you spending low profile nights together in fancy hotels or his house if Jack was away with friends. It was excruciating maintaining a relationship like this, but something about the success of the night made the sacrifices feel worth it. 
Present Day
“Look into her dating history, any exes that would want to hurt her?” JJ asked, her question pulling Hotch back into the present. Adjusting to the constant publicity you were subject to had been a learning curve for Hotch, the first time the tabloids ran a story of you photographed with some Hollywood Hunk his bad mood had the entire team walking on eggshells for a week. 
“According to my search she hasn’t dated anyone in years, or at least not publicly. I have a theory she’s secretly dating Henry Ca-.” Hotch zoned back out before Garcia could finish, having no interest in hearing or seeing whoever the media was speculating to be involved with you this time. Willing the plane to land faster, he ignored the faint voice in the back of his head that was telling him you were free to be with whoever you wanted. 
“If you’d follow me Miss L/N, the BAU has set up in the back conference room, they’ve been waiting for you.” Officer Reynolds said, her back to you as you followed her down the hallway. It was nearly 9am and you had spent the better half of the morning hyping yourself up to see Aaron for the first time in nearly two years. You made last second adjustments to your outfit; an outfit you definitely hadn’t spent all of last night picking out because you definitely did not want to look good for Aaron Hotchner. As Officer Reynolds moved to open the door you held your breath, thanking the years of experience in manipulating your outward expressions. When four heads turned in unison to look at you, you let out a sigh of relief. Aaron wasn’t in the room. 
“This is Y/N L/N. Miss L/N, meet the BAU,” Officer Reynolds said, extending her arm outwards towards the rest of the room, “I’ll leave you guys to do introductions, if you need anything, find me,” and with that she exited the room. A blonde woman stepped forward first, extending her hand out to you. You knew who she was before she even said her name. 
“My name is Jennifer Jareau, I’m the media liaison with the BAU.” She said, she gave you the same smile all the other officers had been giving you, but unlike theirs that reeked of pity, something in Jennifer’s felt authentic to you. After shaking hands with her, the rest of the room took a moment to introduce themselves. You never thought you’d meet Aaron’s team like this. Over the years, he had shown you countless photos of the team, along with hundreds of stories and tidbits concerning their lives. Even though you knew they had probably spent the entire flight to LA looking at your life, it still felt as if you had some creepy advantage over the situation. 
“The rest of our team, Agents Hotchner and Morgan, are currently doing some research in the field, but until they return we’d love to brief you and ask you a few questions, is that alright?” JJ asked, stepping backwards and motioning for you to take a seat at the round table. 
“Of course,” you quickly replied, moving to take a seat; internally you were laughing at the irony of her asking if it was alright, what would you do, say no? Looking up at the other three members still standing you motioned for them to sit as well, “I don’t know if you’re doing it on purpose, but I’d prefer if you all sat down too,” you paused, before adding, “kinda makes me feel like I’m back at school.” They seemed to smile at that, everyone else moving to find a seat at the table. Before the silence could turn uncomfortable, JJ spoke up again. 
“Does anyone else in your life know about the murders?” 
You shook your head no before replying, “my agent knows just in case I have to go underground and my security guard is aware, but besides them and the police, I haven’t told anyone.” 
“Go underground?” 
“Uh yea, a few years ago I had a stalker. I went ‘underground’ for about three months and the guy seemed to give up. The police have already cleared him, he hasn’t been to LA in over a year,” you explained. 
“That’s good to know. We want to keep your involvement in the case completely out of the media. I can only imagine you want that too,” JJ started, angling her body towards you, “I know you’re probably more than well versed in dealing with the press, but if anyone comes up to you asking about the murders we want you to completely disengage. And of course, don’t tell anyone else about what’s going on.” 
“Alright, now that that’s settled, we just have a couple questions for you,” Emily asked as she stood up, opening up a file from the table, “so what can you tell us about-” 
The dump site wasn’t showing any promise. Situated near a highway, the field was hidden from the road, yet still accessible by car. The constant stir caused by the speeding cars meant any leftover DNA or footprints were effectively blown away. 
“Our guy’s gotta be fit. The drop into the field is just steep enough he would’ve had to carry the body at least fifty feet to get it here from the road. He could’ve rolled it, but the bodies were too pristine to have been dropped on the ground like that.” Derek said, looking over at Hotch. The two of them were standing at the edge of the road, looking down at the now empty field. “Not only that, but this is a nice spot. Normally places like this so close to a highway are filled with trash, do you think he might’ve cleaned up?” 
Hotch was silent as he considered this, before slowly nodding, “it’d make sense if he did. Everything we have concerning his treatment to the victims post mortem has been nothing but affectionate.” 
“Do you think there could be two unsubs?” Derek asked, when Hotch looked at him with mild confusion he continued, “All the victims were strangled to death, ME report assumes it was by hand. It takes a lot of strength and persistence to kill someone by hand like that, not only that but it’s intimate, he’s staring them in the face as he kills them. The level of care displayed here seems way more than just remorse.” 
Hotch took another moment to consider Derek’s proposition before shaking his head, “we’ll keep it in mind, but it’s clear whatever connection he has to L/N is personal, at least to him. These women could be failing to replicate some part of her personality and in his rage he kills them. But when they’re silent and unmoving, their likeness to L/N lets him fall back into the fantasy, hence the care.” 
“We should start heading back, Reid just texted me they’re almost done with the initial briefing with L/N, and we should meet her before she takes off for the day.” Derek said, putting his phone back in his pocket before turning on his heel to head back to the car. Hotch’s shoulders tensed at the idea of seeing you, looking back at the field once more. Giving the field one last look, he felt a shiver run up his spine at the idea of finding you in a field like this. Shaking the idea out of his, he turned to join Derek in the car. 
Hotch took the driver's seat, glad to be able to use the road as a needed distraction from the impending face to face. The drive was only twenty minutes, but Hotch didn’t think any time would truly be long enough to prepare himself to see you again. He found himself wondering if anything would be different from the last time he saw you. Did you still smell the same? You had always been quite adamant about your preference for scented lotion, rather than perfumes. What if you completely changed your hair? Were you worrying about seeing him as much as he was? 
“You think she’s gonna be easy to work with?” Derek asked, breaking Hotch out of his mental spiral. 
“What do you mean?”
“Y/N, you know, “Hollywood’s It Girl”,” Derek explained, “if she’s as in demand as Garcia said she was-”
“While we work this case Morgan, I expect you to conduct yourself appropriately,” Hotch interjected, his voice tight, “we treat Y/N the way we would anyone else, do I make myself clear?” His eyes not leaving the road at all, knuckles tight around the steering wheel. 
“Crystal,” Derek responded, raising his hands up in mock surrender. 
As they turned into the parking lot, Hotch scanned the parking lot before finally noticing your car parked in the back of the lot. You used to always park as far as you could, constantly complaining about how people in parking lots stressed you out and you wanted to be able to drive in and out as easy as possible. The corners of his lips turned up, ever so slightly, thinking maybe nothing had really changed for you, at least in that regard. 
“You go ahead, I’m just going to send a message to Jack real quick,” Hotch lied, pulling his phone from his pocket. Derek nodded and got out of the car, quickly entering the building. Hotch put his phone down in his lap and gripped the steering wheel once more. You were one of the few people to ever wind him up this way; it had been like that from the first day he met you, as if you managed to make him melt under your gaze. Five minutes, he would give himself five minutes to pull himself together before letting the Unit Chief in him take over. 
“I’m sorry, I just, can I take a break,” you asked, looking up at the agents who were still grilling you about facets of your life you never would’ve considered relevant, “I just need to get some air.” Without really waiting for permission, you were pushing back on your chair to stand up. Slinging on your thin jacket you exited the room, heading for the entrance of the building. The agents had been kind, but you were starting to feel a bit useless. Each time they had a new theory, you came up short in terms of material for them to actually use. They kept reassuring you that what you were able to come up with was helpful, but you weren't convinced. 
You had been in and out of this office so many times, your body went into autopilot as you made your way to the entrance, not even pausing to look up as you started to push open the door. What you missed was the distinct outline of a body pulling the door open at the same time. The added force made you stumble, nearly crashing straight into the man on the other side. Brown eyes met yours and you both froze, uncertain of what to say before speaking at the same time. 
a/n - wow wow! things are gonna start moving in the next chapter, i promise. the response to ‘in the stars’ so far has been so heartwarming. ive said it before, but this is my first fic and i cant even fathom that people are actually interested in what im writing. your support means the world! im trying to get stuff written before university starts up again, but i dont want to nix quality for faster updates so if updates slow down im sorry! comments always appreciated. leave a reply or ask if youd like to be added to the taglist! if you requested before but arent added, just ask again i mustve missed it on accident 
Taglist: @mac99martin​ @iwaizumiee​ @kylorendrip​ @hqtchner​ @lieswithoutfairytales​ @ssahoodrathotchner​ @midsummernightdream​ @weasleylovers​ @evans-dejong​
no permission is given to republish or upload my fics anywhere else. if you see this story not on my tumblr or ao3 it is stolen work. i do not own criminal minds or any of the characters involved
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hockeyisit · 3 years
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Summary: Amelia and Auston fight for the first time.
AN: Hey guys I decided to release this today because I dont know when I’ll get another chance to this week. Hopefully it will be soon! hope you enjoy. (Also I started writng a 5 + 1 and I’m excited about it!
Word Count: 1,939
Warnings: Talks of abusive exboyfriend, also smoking weed(if people dont like that) (If you like that welcome to the club)
Master List
“It’s our first time fighting over something real,” I huffed as I passed the joint to Macy. She nodded her head while grabbing it from my hand.
“What were you even fighting about?” she questioned as she took a hit.
I had spent the night at Auston’s the night before and everything had been going great. We were making out on his bed when his arm slipped to my neck and he accidentally choked me a bit. I pulled back immediately and ended up falling off the bed feeling mortified I kept my back to him.
“Babe. Are you okay?” Auston asked immediately. I felt myself shaking as I laid on the ground. He reached down to help pull me up but I flinched away after being pulled into a memory of my ex purposely choking me.
“Amelia. I am so sorry I didn’t mean to do that,” he told me honestly as he pulled his hand away from me. I tried to force myself to relax but being unable to do so, I turned to face him.
“It’s okay just shook me up,” I said as I slowly pulled myself back on the bed. He held his arm up in the air before deciding against touching me and placing it on the bed next to me.
“Is it about your ex?” he questioned softly as he lowered his head to gaze into my eyes. I looked away towards the door.
“Let’s not talk about this right now,” I finally said.
“How come you never talk to me about what your ex did to you? Do you not trust me?” Auston asked hurt seeping into his voice.
“Of course I trust you,” I told him as I tried to reach for his hand, only for him to pull away.
“Then why don’t you tell me anything about your past relationship,” he questioned loudly. I flinched away before hopping out of bed and putting my clothes on.
“Auston I will tell you when I want to tell you. YOU will not force me to do anything,” I sternly said as I pointed my finger at his chest. I grabbed his sweatshirt off the floor and threw it on before making my way out of his room and then out of his apartment.
The second I walked into my apartment I had started screaming in frustration. I finally had something so great and amazing in my life and it was going to get messed up by my ex. I couldn't handle the control he had over my life sometimes. Every time I thought I would never think about it I was reminded of something that had happened.
“Nothing it was dumb,” I told her not wanting to share our business.
“I’ve just never seen him so upset with me,” I said truthfully.
“Well, you guys are the best couple I know so you’ll make up. And that makeup sex is going to be great,” she winked at me before laughing loudly. I laughed along as I reached for the joint.
“I am a great girlfriend. So what! I don’t like talking about my past relationship,” I announced loudly after I took another long hit.
“Not everyone likes to talk about the bad things that happened to them and I don’t understand why he has to push,” I continued as I took another hit. I slowly felt myself relax.
“I was abused. No matter how much I talk about it it’s never going to change,” I said into the now quiet room.
“Amelia,” she started to say before being cut off by knocking on the door. We both shared a quick look before she got up to answer the door. I heard her quietly whisper to whoever was at the door before I finally turned my attention to her.
Standing at the door with a bouquet of flowers was Auston. I felt my heart squeeze a little before I looked down at the joint in my hand. He was so sweet unlike my ex. I lifted it up and took another quick hit before standing up and handing it to Macy. She quickly took it from my hand before leaving the two of us alone in the living room.
“I’m sorry Amelia. I had no right to push and I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable, especially to the point where you felt like you had to leave,” he said gently as he slowly made his way to me. I kept eye contact as I blushed. Taking the flowers out of his hand I set them on the counter before grabbing his hand to pull him to the couch.
“I wasn’t expecting you to ask me about my ex today. When we were cuddled up on the bed I felt so safe and then you just mentioned something that brought me so much pain,” I finally spoke as we faced each other. He gave me a pained expression before it turned into a soft smile as he caressed my hand.
“He did so many horrible things to me. I should have been honest with you the second you started asking questions but I was just so not ready,” I truthfully said as I gripped his hand tightly.
“I never thought I would be the type of girl that would be in an abusive relationship but once I was I couldn’t escape. He was emotionally and physically abusive. He did things to me that I wouldn’t wish upon anyone. But then I met you and you’ve treated me better than anyone I’ve met and I want it to last,” I continued as I leaned up to kiss his cheek. He held me silently for a few minutes before breaking the silence.
“I care about you so much and I want you to be comfortable with me. It was never my intention to make you feel unsafe in the privacy of our home,” he said gently leaning down to press a kiss to my forehead.
“Aus,” I said softly. He looked over at me with a raised eyebrow.
“I trust you more than anyone,” I said confidently. He gave me a happy grin while resting his hand on my knee. After another moment of silence. I started giggling before it turned to loud laughter. He snorted next to me.
“Are you high?”
I laughed loudly into his shoulder before pulling back to give him a giant grin.
“I was mad and Macy offered me a hit,” I giggled wrapping my arms around his neck. He laughed lightly before pulling me into a kiss. He pulled back slowly.
“I’m jealous. Wish I could join you, baby,” he teased, biting my neck. I squealed as I pushed him away by his chest. We both laughed before I leaned in to hug him. I heard the door open and I turned my head to the noise and in walked Ryan who froze upon finding us on the couch.
“Hey guys, hope i'm not interrupting anything,” he said with a grin a moment later. I wave to him slowly before standing up.
“Nope nothing. How have you been?” I asked him as I reached for Austons hand. He grinned at me as he grabbed onto mine.
“Pretty good. Been busy with work mostly,” he said as he started making his way to Macy’s room. I nodded at him before turning back to Auston.
“Do you need to go back to take care of Felix?” I asked him as I played with his hand. He smiled down at me as he slowly nodded his head.
“Yeah sorry. I still have to feed him,” he said as he pulled further away. I wrapped my arms across my chest before nodding shortly.
“Uh would you wanna come?” he asked as he rubbed his elbow with his left hand. I smiled gently before grabbing his hand.
“Yeah. Do you know how loud Ryan and Macy are?” I exclaimed loudly. I heard a “fuck off” from her room before the two of us started laughing.
I grabbed a few of my things before following Auston down to his car. Once we were both buckled we made our way to his.
“Can we go somewhere that has Mexican food?” I asked as I turned the music down in the car. He laughed loudly before pulling over into a street parking spot. He grabbed his phone.
“What do you want?”
“Rice, beans, and salsa,” I happily said shaking his arm. He laughed loudly before looking up the places on his phone. Once we agreed on a place he called to place an order. Rice Beans Quart of Salsa Two tacos
Once we had the food we pulled up to Auston house. He opened the door and Felix was on us right away happily barking. I laughed reaching down to him. He was always so excited to see me and it made me so happy considering Auston told me he had a little bit of a shy streak going on.
“Hi baby,” I said to Felix as I walked into the living room with the food. Auston and I both sat on the couch next to each other before he turned on the TV.
“Do you mind if I play Xbox with the boys?” he asked as he held up his remote. I leaned forward to grab my rice and beans off the table.
“No. I have my food,” I said as I held it up to him. He laughed before pulling his headphones half on.
“Hey guys,” he said once he was in a game. I glanced at the screen to see him playing with Mitch, Freddie, and Willy. I turned back to my food to take a bite.
“Oh my god. Auston,” I said loudly. He focused on his game of NHL for a second before glancing over at me.
“Yeah babe?” he asked lightly.
“This rice is so good. Do you want to try it?” I asked as I crawled into his lap almost fully blocking his view of the TV. He tried to look around me before laughing loudly. I moved a forkful of rice to his mouth. He narrowed his eyes at the food before leaning forward to eat the food on the fork.
“Is Amelia there?” I heard Willy say through his headphones. I raised my eyebrow at Auston while eating another bite of rice.
“Yeah Willy baby it's me,” I called out loudly getting a laugh from all the boys in the headphones. Auston rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. Out of all the guys that Auston had introduced me to I had gotten along with Willy the most. We were constantly cracking the other up. It was a pretty surprising thing to see us get along so well. Auston didn’t seem to mind our friendship at all.
I heard the guys start talking in Austons ear as I ate my food. He looked at me with his passionate eyes. Sometimes when he looked at me it was hard to pinpoint exactly what he was thinking about. He had a very drivin mind and he always seemed to be planning something.  
“I can’t see babe move,” he said shaking his leg to try to get me to move.
I placed my food on the couch before leaning into his chest and cuddling up into him. He quickly wrapped his arms around my body and continued to play.
“Mitchy you're just as much of a smip,” he loudly teased. I laughed lightly as I hugged him. Maybe I’ll just sleep here I thought as I drifted off to sleep.
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duhragonball · 4 years
Krillin for the character ask :)
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Give me a character and I will answer:
Why I like them: It’d be easy for me to say “he’s just a good dude” and leave it at that.   I think people would agree with that statement, but I think it runs deeper than that.   The thing that stuck with me about Krillin was when I was checking out the bonus features on the Movie 6 DVD I bought in 2002 or whenever, and they had an interview with Sonny Strait where he explained that Krillin only got into martial arts to impress girls, and that was the same reason Sonny got into voice acting.    Maybe I’m misremembering that, but it always stuck with me.   
Krillin wants things out of life, and unlike a lot of the other characters, he’s not looking to get them by wishing on a magic dragon.   He wants to become worthy of the things he wants, and he may not always be sure of how to get there, he knows that he has to become more than he is.  
Recently, I’ve been seeing excerpts from Barack Obama’s book, where he talks about reading up on subjects to try, unsuccessfully, to get girls to like him in college.    I think the idea was that he was trying to be self-effacing, but it hasn’t gone over very well.  I’m not sure if the problem was that he wasn’t being self-effacing enough, or if there’s something more sinister about reading Karl Marx just in case it helps your odds of getting noticed.    I’m not going to wade into that controversy, except to say that it reminded me of Krillin.  
Is it shallow to have self-serving reasons to improve yourself?   Did I just answer my own question?   The point I’m making here is that it’s a useful motivator.    Krillin has self-esteem issues, and he joined the Orin Temple and then Kame House to try to overcome them.   He thought “If I just get really good at this one thing, then people will like me.”   And we can say “Oh, no, it doesn’t work that way, Krillin, people like you because you’re a such a good person, and besides, it doesn’t matter how good you are at martial arts.”  
Okay, fine, let’s assume that’s true, and Krillin deceived himself by training in martial arts.    Oh no!   He put in all that work, and all he got out of it was... being the strongest human on Earth.   Shoot.    He made himself a better person for nothing.
The reality is that I don’t think he would be as well-liked if he hadn’t gone down this road, simply because people wouldn’t have gotten to know him.   That’s really what it’s about.   It’s easy to say that you’re liked for “who you are on the inside”, but what people really want is to be noticed long enough to be liked for who they are.    And sometimes you gotta take a long look at yourself and say “I need to do something to grab people’s attention.”
And sometimes, in order to motivate yourself into that kind of work, you have to play that trick on yourself.    “Just think, if I put in those extra reps in the gym, the ladies’ll be all over me!”   And it never actually happens, but it gets you through that workout, and the next, and the next, and the next.  
I think we can all relate to that.   I’m writing this because three people asked me to, and I’m sort of hoping a few more will see it and like what I wrote.   I try to get better, because I like the rush of validation that comes with it.   And if I don’t get it, well, boo-hoo, I wrote a few hundred words about Krillin, a subject I enjoy writing about.   It’s a no-lose situation, and there’s some non-zero chance that attractive single women might see this and decide to slide into my DMs.    It’s a tiny chance, hardly worth mentioning, but it’s a lot higher than if I just sit in my apartment and stare at the wall.   
Why I don’t: Ocean Dub Krillin really rubbed me the wrong way, because they wrote and voice directed the character to be really nebbishy.   That wouldn’t necessarily make him a bad character, but it definitely conflicted with what you see on the screen, where he’s stepping to Nappa, Vegeta, Dodoria, and everything else he has to deal with.    Once Sonny got the role, everything turned out cool.  Mondo cool, if you will.
I suppose I should point out the flip side of what I wrote above.  Krillin’s so focused on being worthy that he fails to recognize his achievements.   That’s admirable in its way, but it also makes you worry about the guy.    Like, he knows 18 is crazy about him, right?   Wait, does Obama know people like him?   Do I?  Oh I might have made myself sad there for a minute, excuse me.
Favorite episode (scene if movie):
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Probably the moment he tries to take on Super Buu all by himself.   One of the cool things about Krillin is that he’s taken on every major villain from Piccolo Junior to Buu, despite being outclassed.    I think the Super Buu thing is the best one, though, because in that situation there’s literally no chance of anyone jumping in to save him.    His entire plan is to hold off Buu for a few seconds and maybe buy a few minutes for the others. He’s doomed and he knows it won’t even work as a diversion, but he still jumps in anyway.    It proves that this is who he is.    When there’s literally no one left to impress, and nothing left to gain, he’ll still play things out the same way.  
Favorite season/movie: The Androids/Cell Saga is probably his best material overall, just because of his conflicted feelings regarding 18, and the difficult choices he makes because of that.   You can make a strong case for the Namek Saga, where it’s literally just Krillin and Bulma and Gohan, so he has to take the lead by default, but I’m just not that into the Namek Saga.
Favorite line:
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This is really more from one of the video games.   I think Budokai 3, but I’m not sure.   Piccolo demands custody of Gohan and Krillin’s like “No way, you’re probably gonna eat him or something!” and I’m pretty sure this wasn’t in the Ocean Dub, so it completely caught me off-guard, like it was the last thing I expected Krillin to say.   And then Piccolo comes back with “I’m not going to eat him!”  like he’s offended at the very suggestion.   As a runner-up, I dig that part in DBZA 54, where Trunks and Vegeta are both reeling from their losses to Perfect Cell, and Krillin reminds them that they don’t have to posture around him, because it’s just him... “Krillin.    Everyone’s friend.”
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Favorite outfit: That’s easy.
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Yeah, the Frieza Soldier armor looked mighty good on this dude, and the cop uniform does too, and the classic Turtle Hermit outfit is a signature look, but this, right here, is the Krillin for me.    My man’s got the blue shirt under his orange shirt.    No more of the Yamcha slipppers.   Those look great on Yamcha, don’t get me wrong, but Krillin needs those big chunky Goku boots, because they’re perfect for stomping those pesky girlfriend-exploding remotes.   Fellas, this is the ideal male body.    You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.   
OTP: Maron HAHAHAHAHAHA oh wow.   No. It’s 18, obviously.
Brotp: Clearly Goku is his bro, but it’s not surprising at all how effortlessly he gets along with just about everyone else.   He’s bros with the entire world.
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Head Canon: I’m pretty sure the Maron/Marron thing was just a coincidence in real life.   Maron the girlfriend was a filler character, and Marron the daughter was introduced in the manga some time later, and both used the same naming convention to end up in the same place.   However, I choose to believe that Krillin actually named his kid after his ex, and he somehow convinced 18 to go along with that idea.   
By that, I don’t mean he had to sweet talk her into it or promise a bunch of stuff in exchange.    I mean he must have discussed what to name their kid, and 18 was like “Your ex-girlfriend?   Seriously?” and he was like “Yeah, I know she’s a ditz, but you gotta understand I was in a really low place and she helped me through it.”   Or something like that, where once he lays out the whole reason 18′s like “Yeah, you know what?   Okay.” 
Or maybe Maron helped deliver the baby or something.   Or she was the surrogate mother?   Holy shit I might be onto something.
Unpopular opinion: Krillin clanks when he walks, due to the solid brass balls he’s got.
A wish: They should do a movie where Krillin just fights Frieza and wins.   Decisively, undisputably, irrevocably.   Krillin is stronger than Frieza from that point forward.    I don’t care if that means nerfing Frieza or godmodding Krillin, but I just want it made plain that if they use Frieza from here on, it has to be with the understanding that Krillin can whip his ass at any time.  
That might sound silly, and I guess it is, but you see what this accomplishes, right?   It forces Frieza into a new character dynamic, so it’s not just the same old shit with him.    Or Toei collectively admits that they can’t use him anymore, which was what they should have decided in 1995.   I’m fine either way.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Don’t grow his hair back, okay? 
5 words to best describe them: Qualified to sell real estate.
My nickname for them: The Kriller.
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sanababes · 4 years
Requested by: anon
Pairings: fem!reader x Choi Sooyoung / Joy
Warnings: nothing much, just some (not really) mafia au scenario
/ it's my first writing about this so yeah, please bear with it and I couldn't really stick to the plot hehe /
Park Sooyoung, the youngest underground mafia boss in Seoul had been keeping her eyes on a one specific woman. But due to the conflicts in her schedule, she couldn't have time to arrange a proper meeting with you, Kang Y/n. She also has a small knowledge about you that makes her more excited to meet you personally.
Meanwhile, you're the daughter of Kang Seungwoo (just a random name lol) who is one of the prestigious individuals when it comes to political status. The Kang family haven't been involved in unnecessary rumors or news, in other words they are strict and timid with their actions. You really didn't care about it and you despise people who show their interest on you for their own sake or for money.
Your cold and ignorant attitude had been your own bestfriend when interacting with people which you hate the most. When your family is invited in an event, you would keep a reserved aura. Luckily, your cousin Hyewon is there to accompany you for the whole time.
Today is a rather interesting day since it's your 21st year of living in this unwholesome world.
You were awoken by Miss Choi, your beloved nanny since you came out of your mother's womb. The older tapped your shoulder gently that made you slur inaudible sounds.
"Goodmorning, young master. It's already 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Your father is expecting you in the dining room as fast as possible"
(Bruh does that even make sense lol, morning then noon i-)
After a few seconds of adjusting your sight into the bright lighting, you opened your eyes then brushed your hand through your ruffled hair. Miss Choi prepared a warm bath for you to freshen up and start your special day. You got up up from your bed slowly then entered the bathroom sluggishly. You removed the pieces of clothing on your body then dipped yourself into the water. A sigh escaped from your lips as you closed your eyes from the tranquilizing feeling sipping through your skin.
It took you roughly 20 minutes to get yourself dry and dressed up casually. You strutted gracefully downstairs and saw your parents chatting as they ate lunch peacefully.
"Hi darling, happy birthday to you!" Your mother hugged you tightly then gave a kiss on your cheek.
"Thanks mom" you smiled lightly.
"Happy birthday, Y/n" your father greeted.
You thanked him then joined them for lunch. They talked about business things and you would occasionally answer their questions, stuffs like that.
When you're all done, they left immediately for a quick meeting at the city hall with 2 bodyguards guiding them to a black Mercedes.
You looked around your spacious living room and decided to call your bestfriend Yujin to come over. The latter agreed quickly and was on the way already.
You sat comfortably against the classy couch and waited for Yujin to arrive. You fished out your phone then scrolled through Insta then you saw Sooyoung's recent post.
"Hmm, she's cute..." you mumbled nonchalantly.
"Who's cute, Y/n/n?"
You flinched and almost fell when you saw Yujin peeking behind your shoulder.
"Bitch! When did you even got here?" You asked.
"I just came in a minute ago. Miss Choi had let me in" the latter smiled cheekily.
"You almost gave me a heart attack..." you grumbled while putting your hand over your chest.
"I'm sorry, so who's cute?" Yujin sat beside you and waited for your answer.
"Uhh, no one" you managed to say.
The girl looked at you suspiciously then glanced at your phone.
"Ahh I see, so Park Sooyoung aka Joy is your type now huh?" She teased while nudging your shoulder.
A blush crept into your cheeks as you tried to deny what your bestfriend said.
"What? I don't know what you're talking about" you pressed the home button of your phone nervously.
"Yeah yeah, don't worry I won't tell anyone"
Yujin looked at you, trying not to laugh at your priceless reaction. You just shook your head and grabbed the remote of the TV.
"Oh! Happy birthday you jerk" she added.
"Yeah, I thought you wouldn't remember" you said sarcastically.
"Oh come on, how can I forget my baby's bday" she pinched your cheeks while making some cringy noise.
You whined and tried to pry her hands off.
"Yah! if you don't put your hands down imma kill you" you threatened.
"Fine, fine. So why did you called me over? Your party will not start until the sun sets though"
'Oh right, the party yey...'
"Ughh, I dont want to goooo" you complained like child.
"Duh of course you need to go, it's your own celebration for fuck sake" Yujin stated with an 'as a matter of fact' tone.
Your parents prepared a party for your special day. Many influential people are invited and Sooyoung was one of them. You had seen her before from fashion events that was held by her own company.
She was pretty popular and has been known as an independent woman. You also by the way, is interested to know her more which is quite rare.
"What are you going to wear Y/n?" Yujin suddenly asked.
"Uh just some suit that I bought recently"
You weren't a fan of girly stuffs so yeah, you're wearing suits frequently.
"Hmm, what should I wear then?" The latter said while scratching her not so itchy chin.
"Just say that you want to borrow my clothes again" you chuckled as you smacked Yujin's head playfully.
"Oh man, how did you know?"
You just snickered at her antics .
"I know you so well Yujin-ah" the latter started to pout like a child.
"Shall we get ready early instead? I'm bored" you yawned wearily.
Yujin agreed as you both walked upstairs towards your room.
---- time skip ----
You're currently sipping a vintage Vinfolio wine as Hyewon and Yujin kept blabbering between you. Your parents in the other hand, are talking with some acquaintance from what you can see in your peripheral vision.
Meanwhile, Sooyoung has been glancing at you from time to time with some of her 'secretly' mafia members chatting beside her. The gorgeous woman decided to muster up her courage and strutted towards your table. You noticed her in a short red-sparkled dress which hugged her toned body perfectly. She had confident smile on her lips, determined to make you fall for her.
"Good evening Y/n-ssi, I've been wanting to meet you for a long time" Sooyoung greeted and lend her hand out for a hand shake.
"It goes the same for me, Joy-ssi" you showed your signature smile and held her hand gently.
"Wanna talk somewhere else? It's pretty crowded in here..." the latter suggested as you shared a meaningful look with Hyewon and Yujin which they understood quickly.
"Yeah, sure" you nodded and guided Sooyoung to the nearest balcony within the ginormous event hall.
"So I heard you're planning to collab with the Kim's corporation next month"
"Hmm, we're still discussing about the terms of the company so it's not sure yet" you answered politely.
"I didn't know that Sangwoo is your father" Sooyoung stated while staring at your side profile.
You looked out into the distance and agreed timidly. The latter bit her lips then went closer to you.
"You know what, can we hangout sometimes when you're free?"
You chuckled lightly while swirling your wine glass in a circular motion.
"Are you trying to hit on me Miss Park?" Sooyoung smirked while dragging along your shoulder.
"I mean who wouldn't with someone attractive like you?" She flirted casually.
"Fine, meet me on Friday at Han River park. 6pm sharp Missy" you said while glancing at her.
Sooyoung smiled victoriously and kissed your cheek.
"I'll make you mine soon Y/n, mine..."
~the end~
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I didn't sticked to prompt too much, sarry
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alloftheimaginess · 4 years
Freedom (2)
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Wordcount: 2519
Warnings: talks of suicide and depression.
A/n: this was very hard for me to write and I’ve been struggling with it because I had to pull from real life events and so it was hard but I’m proud of how it turned out
Part 1
"You'll never take me alive" (Y/n) says as her and Peter play pirates and police in his room.
"I will take you dead then" peter says trying to sound serious which makes Tony and Steve struggle to keep quiet as they record from the doorway.
"Argh. You'll never take me dead" (Y/n) says jumping around the cushions that are on the floor.
"(Y/n/n) stop" Peter whines.
"You have to surrender" he says on the verge of tears and she stops.
"I decided that I'm ready to go to jail" she says. "Really?" Peter asks and she nods.
"Yes?" She asks and he pulls out the handcuffs. "Just do it already" she fake cries bringing a smile to her brothers face and she turns to see her dads in the doorway and she sends them a huge smile before putting her attention back on peter.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to (y/n), happy birthday to you" The Avengers sing to the 6 year old girl whose grinning from ear to ear, Peter following closely behind Steve as he carries the cake into the living room. Steve sets the cake down and sits down beside her picking her up slightly so she can blow the candles out. Tony recording everything.
"Did you make a wish princess?" Nat asks smiling down at the girl.
"Yes, but auntie Nat if I tell you it's not going to come true" she says giggling.
"You are the best at keeping secrets" she says laying a hand on the small girls cheek. "Cake time?" Tony asks from behind the camera and (y/n) nods frantically.
"Cake time!" she says agreeing with him as she pulls Peter up onto her cushion so they can share the cake.
"Merry Christmas princess" Tony says running into (Y/n)'s room waking her up by tickling her and she laughs.
"Merry Christmas daddy" she says her voice quiet and hoarse and Tony picks her up.
"Merry Christmas papa" she says smiling at Steve who's behind the camera before she lays her head on Tony's shoulder.
"Merry Christmas baby" he says smiling at her. "Is Peter woke yet?" She asks perking up.
"We are going to his room next" Steve tells her and she asks to be put down and Tony sets her down and she runs out the room wanting to be the one to wake Peter up.
"Merry Christmas Petie" she says jumping on the bed and Peter starts to whine.
"I'm sorry Petie but you have to get up. Let's go open gifts" she says and Peter sits up and she helps him out the bed pulling him into the living room.
"We have (y/n) and Peter here" Steve says recording them on their first day of school. "What grade are you going to (Y/n)?" Steve asks and (Y/n) smiles at the camera.
"I'm going to third" she says doing a little dance causing Steve to laugh.
"What grade are you going to Peter?" He asks. "First" Peter says holding up one finger and (y/n) starts dancing towards the camera singing one of her millions of made up songs.
"Papa, I can see myself" she says as she gets up on the camera.
"Are you guys excited for school?" Tony asks and Peter and (Y/n) both start screaming, running around the front yard like headless chickens.
"I'm super excited, next week, we uh next week we get to. Next week we are going to have around the world" (y/n) finally gets out.
"You sound super excited for it" Steve says.
"I am, it's the first year petie can walk with me so we can do it together" she says staring directly in the camera wide eyed, causing tony and Steve to crack up.
"This is my papa Steve and my daddy Tony, they just got back from a super top secret mission doing super top secret superhero stuff" (Y/n) says recording them as they walk into the house.
"Hi" steve says grabbing the camera from her, turning it on her.
"And this is the beautiful (Y/n), looking as beautiful as ever" he says and she turns away hiding her face. "Look at her blushing" he says and she covers the camera the best she can with her small hand.
"I love you" she says laughing and it goes black.
Peter watches the home videos over and over just to see if she's had a moment where her emotions faltered but so far they haven't and that makes him feel even worse because when she showed something was wrong with her, he brushed her off.
"Hey pete, you should get some sleep" Tony says causing him to jump and he turns around.
"I can't make sense of it" Peter says and Tony moves the movies off of the sofa to clear a seat next to Peter.
"I think she left us what we needed to understand in her letter" Tony says softly trying to get through to his son like he has been for 6 months.
"I can't read it until I know that she was happy, that this wasn't something to add up over her whole lifetime" he says looking at the screen just in time for something to catch his eye and he grabs the remote rewinding.
"There" he says standing up and going to the tv.
"Watch" he says pressing play and he slows it down just enough for Tony to catch what he's pointing to and it's a video of (y/n) on her 10th birthday and she was sitting there upset until she seen Steve walk out with the camera and then she perked up to her old self just like in all of the home videos.
He quickly changes it out and puts in her 11th birthday and it's the same thing except she's in the background of Peter being recorded, obviously going through something.
He switches video after video getting the same thing and he switches to the video of the day (y/n) went to college and that's when it breaks him, that's when he knows it's been there all along but everyone was wrapped up in themselves to notice that you were struggling and it kills him.
A sob escapes his lips as he sets the remote down knowing that he could have saved you but he was too wrapped up in doing the things every teenager does. He’s mad at himself because his spider senses didn’t tell him that something was up. They didn’t tell him that he lost his sister.
“Hey, it’s going to be okay” Tony says swallowing hard at those words.
“How can you say that? How can you stand here and tell me that it’s going to be okay? Why are you just pretending that nothing even happened. You and dad don’t even talk about it anymore it’s like you completely erased it from your memory and moved on. You don’t even care about her!” Peter screams, the dam of emotions he’s built up, breaking in a matter of seconds.
“Because it has to be!” Tony yells back and Steve runs down the stairs.
“We have no choice but to let it be okay or it’s going to kill us” Tony yells just as loud.
“You think I’m okay? You think I’m not struggling. I lost my first born, my baby Peter, you don’t think that it’s have any effect on me? You don’t think I have nightmares every night of finding her? You don’t think I want this pain to go away just as much as you do? Peter I am miserable but I have to raise you so I can’t constantly be down about it because if I do you are down a father. I loved your sister more than anything and every morning I struggle getting out of the bed but then I hear you make a noise and I know I have to get up every morning for you. Don’t try to tell me I don’t care. Don’t you dare say that, losing a child is one of the hardest things anyone has to go through and for you to say that when I had to watch my daughter get lowered into the ground, it hurts and I know you’re grieving still, we all are Pete but that doesn’t mean you can snap at me because I’m not grieving in the way you want me to” Tony says calming down.
“Pete” Steve pipes up, getting both of their attention.
“I was where you were right after it happened. Late nights, early mornings. I was going through her stuff, reading her journals, going through her text messages. I just wanted an answer, I wanted to know why she did it. Why she didn’t try to come to us and what happened that pushed her to it. But there isn’t one answer” he says crying, just like Peter and Tony.
“There’s a million tiny little answers and this needs to stop before you dig yourself into a hole so deep you can’t get out. Read your letter Peter and let that be enough for now, let it allow you some peace because peace is what we all need right now” he says picking up the tv remote.
“This isn’t what we need, we don’t need to be doing this because then we’ll only start to remember the negative instead of the positive” he says pointing to the tv and then he turns around, his breath catching in his throat when it’s the video from before you went to prom and you were twirling around the house in your dress and he watches it.
He watches as you grab Peter, much to his dismay and force him to ballroom dance with you, the whole room falling silent as they watch how gracefully you move.
“I’m sorry” Peter pipes up, not being able to keep quiet anymore.
“Don’t be” Tony says turning his attention away from the tv.
“You’re having a hard time and I would expect nothing less, just try to come to us. Let us know when it’s bothering you so we can help you” Tony says and Peter nods, turning his attention back to Steve and they both go over pulling him in to a hug.
A few days later
Peter sits down on his bed, the letter you left for him held firmly in his hands, waiting to be opened and he carefully opens it and pulls out the 8 paged letter, covered in writing on front and hack.
Hey Peter don’t be mad at me. I know if I was still there you would call me stupid and we’d argue until we both started laughing, forgetting what we were even arguing about in the first place. I just want you to know that this is not your fault no matter how much you think it is. When I came to you, it wasn’t to see if you cared, it wasn’t a confirmation of if I should do it or not. It was me allowing myself to vent and I’m not mad, I understand what it’s like to want to hang out with your friends and my love for you remained the same.
Petie. That’s so weird to write because I haven’t called you that since you were eight. The first time I seen you, I knew you were going to be my best friend and I was right. You are my little brother, my best friend, the first person that I truly loved besides dads of course, the first person I had to learn to love and was so glad to have in my life. Don’t stress yourself out trying to figure it out. There’s no point, it’s not just one thing, it’s everything. You, and dads were the lighthouse in my darkness called life for so long but then I started floating further away from you guys and I floated so far away I could no longer see the guiding light, I was alone, It was cold and dark and it became too much.
I don’t blame anybody but myself and I hope you understand that you did not do anything to push me over the edge. You were always there for me, allowing me to do stupid shit to you even when you didn’t want it because you wanted me to be happy. I was living but I wasn’t alive. I died a long time ago emotionally and mentally and my physical body just caught up to that. I didn’t mean to cause anyone any pain and I know I did, I know this will.
Knowing you, you aren’t reading this right away and it’s been some insane amount of months and you’re reading it super late at night but because you’re petie I expect nothing less. I know how much you’ll miss me and I don’t know what happens after this, but I just want you to know that I’ll miss you too and I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for any pain that I caused and am currently causing. There’s a false bottom in my bottom drawer, I left something in there for you and I know you’ll never take it off.
Okay this letter is getting super long and I kinda want to end it so I’m going to end it on this note. You are the best little brother anyone could ever ask for, you have brought sunshine into my life since the day you entered it and I want you to use that shine to shine on the rest of the world. Tell Ned that I love him so much, almost more than I love you. Nah I’m just kidding but he’s definitely been a brother to me and I’ll always love you both. The eighth page is a letter I wrote for Ned so I need you to give that to him. I would have separated it but I ran out of envelopes so I had to stick it with yours.
You’ll always be my number one and no matter what I’ll always love you and I hope you can do the same and not be angry with me for leaving you. I love you so much Peter and I hope you enjoy the picture I drew for you on the back of this because it took hours.
Peter flips the page over to reveal a stick figure drawing of you and him, he’s in his Spider-Man mask and you’re in the biggest pair of glasses and you drew the arms to make it look like you were hugging him and he laughs, his tears hitting the paper and he quickly wipes them away drying the paper the best he can and he separates Ned letter, folding it up for him and he stares at the picture a little longer before folding up the letter and putting it in his drawer, feeling a lot better than he has for the past six months.
148 notes · View notes
bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-03-12
I have been told only a few things about the upd8 that just landed, over Discord by two people:
upd19 feat. 4,901,157 read it. now. note: the featuring note is accurate if in a different base than what you might be expecting
What the fuck does that even mean.
Okay Pretty good chapter.
...from another friend who VERY dislikes HS^2?  Oh shit.
I also glimpsed a post that may or may not have been about Homestuck at all at the top of my Tumblr feed for an instant that said “YES YES YES YES YES” in huge bold print.  I have no idea whether to be excited or nervous.
Okay, it’s not a Bonus update... let me comb through from an earlier page to be careful not to get a spoilerlook at the pagecount...
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...huh.  That seems... like a conversation that would be up my alley, but not necessarily unique so far or worth all this crowing about.  I thought we were about to get Dirk-aliens with a full Horschestra backing... are we getting something else?
> CHAPTER 6. A Conversation Regarding Relevance
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Hmmmmmmmm.  With the contrast between their reactions and this ominous buildup, there’s got to be a serious fun-twist coming.  Right?  --I’ll stop with that talk for the moment though.
space is vast. an unproductive statement, almost a tautology. [...]
Alright, that and the starry background are riffing the fuck off Star Trek.  Nice homage to Andrew’s roots.
the lives of the many are far too volatile and instinct-driven
Alt!Callie what the fuck are you doing.  This is intentional now.  You can’t play this off as “what’s a Star Trek”.
tautologies are, in general, reserved for stories. for narrative device. for finding new and inventive ways to tell an audience that which they already know.
God damnit she’s still doing it
neither of us ever able to convince the other of the righteousness of our stance. we were never meant to agree. it isn’t in our blood.
Blah blah overanalyzing classpect blah
when they scoff at my tautology ‘space is vast’, what do they really know? nothing. as far as any of them have experienced, space does not exist.
It’s still nice to see some real personality leak through on Alt!Callie.  We definitely know from her other self that she can develop quite a relatable and colorful one.  Have the years helped?
> ==>
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dramantic pouse... ........
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-look at that collar.  Damn, Callie, that is a collar
very few have stood and looked into the abyss, the true gulf of nothingness that spreads out around the single point of consciousness adrift in a constellation. all the combined weight of sentient endeavour would quail underneath that sheer, irresistible truth. the realization that they are so small, that the universe cares about their puny lives so very little. sitting in the glowing light of the stars this becomes even more apparent
In the official aspect quiz I never took the time to analyze, the aspects were put on a wheel where Space was a neighbor to Void, if I recall correctly.  I wonder how much those aspects engender feelings of goddamnit I’m doing it again aren’t I
are we out of orange juice?
Yesss let more personality Alt!Callie bleed through, more of it~
Wait, does Alt!Callie even taste through Jade?  Isn’t this remote control?  Is she vicariously drawing pleasure from Jade’s not-just-meat-or-candy mostly-human taste buds or?
> ==>
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JADE: are you talking to me? JADE: because if you are i would like to remind you that i hate!! orange juice!!
no you don’t.
JADE: well i guess i never really had a strong opinion on it before JADE: but now i cant stand it!! JADE: its all you drink!
i like the pulp.
JADE: its my body and i dont want orange juice! JADE: i hate pulp, and i didnt just make that up to spite you JADE: who wants strings in their juice?
i do.
JADE: ughhhhhhhhh
I have had friends hopefully fantasize about and/or therapeutically roleplay this exact situation with Jade breaking through and arguing with Alt!Callie’s control to make this all a fair bit more palatable but I didn’t dare to hope we’d get even THIS much
Maybe the HS^2 authors DO care about not leaving us wallowing in hopeless witness to the characters’ constant torture and existential turbosuffering!!!! :#D
i realize that jade’s situation is less than ideal from a characterization perspective, but i still politely point out that nobody likes a whiner.
Fuck you, this isn’t CALIBORN you’re trying to repress you asshole!  Leave Jade some AGENCY!!!!!  She deserves it!!
JADE: fuck you rude calliope inside my head!
JADE: why dont you try being possessed by the spirit of some other version of a good friend of yours, and floated around a spaceship full of people you love JADE: unable to affect anything or say hello to anyone! JADE: then tell me about whiners!
i killed my brother and consumed him.
JADE: sounds like a you problem
Compromise and give her some agency finally come on compromise and give her some agency you red-text twatwaffle
i suggest to the witch that i have spent untold eons in the void between universes, waiting for the moment i would be needed to prevent the dissipation of reality as we know it. her appeals to emotion will not help her. i will remain unmoved.
Oh god damnit.
JADE: well i had to watch my boyfriend and my brother die in front of me on a tiny scaled version of a world that i shrunk for them! JADE: and then spend the next three years talking to myself, wracked with guilt that id killed them!
Oh. God. Damnit.  This had better not be where the Suicide trigger warning was coming from.  Are there going to be any characters left who DIDN’T emerge from this mess feeling suicidal?!?  (I mean if there were any understandable case it would be three years alone on the golden ship Jade but-- I mean COME ON, we have to discuss that in our FIRST GLIMPSE at her since the epilogues?!?)
> ==>
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i remind the witch that my time was in the void, which is far darker and lonelier [...]
Oh fuck you don’t compare suffering as an excuse to COMPLETELY body-enslave and squash the agency of someone when you probably don’t have to.  You’re just doing what’s COMFORTABLE alt!Callie admit it.  There’s a way you could give her some leeway, I’m almost positive.
JADE: even if i had the powers of a first guardian, my brain still worked in modules of human pattern recognition! JADE: three years is a long time for a human teenager, i dont care how many of her molecules are made of a god!
(i love it when jade talks smart, that bit of the epilogues was a treat too, plz reveal more of the big brain on jade)
It seems Jade can’t see or quite understand the full import of there being a “narrative”.  Or THINKS she cant, because she still says:
JADE: your voice is impossible to read and i cant see your face
If she’s “reading” alt!Callie’s remarks, that means she’s breaking through to understand the narrative to SOME extent.  She might be one of the ones who learns to do that a little more and better in the future, especially with alt!Callie almost unintentionally training her to see it.
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Oh, good.  So A!C’s not above being considerate.  That’s a step in the right direction.
> ==>
D’aww, Jade conceding and trying to empathize like her usual self.  I appreciate it.  :)  --but Alt!Callie’s definitely in the wrong here.
JADE: but i think it is a very natural thing to be silly when you are used to being able to control your own body, but now cant
i will allow that, yes.
Thanks.  Learn some damned reason.
jade smiles. dave and karkat will always be a source of pain for her, a low ache somewhere in her center of gravity, but she is happy for them. she knows that there is really no other alternative for how to be. they chose each other over her, and they always will. they are the two people who matter to her the most in every universe, and that will not change, no matter how much she wishes it would, no matter how--
JADE: do you actually know that?
pardon me?
Oh, shit.
JADE: do you actually know that im doomed to pine over dave and karkat across every iteration of reality? JADE: like, can you actually see that? JADE: because youre a space player, like i am. JADE: i know that you are more powerful than me, but i dont think you can see other timelines any better than i can JADE: so i think you are just being dramatic JADE: for the “audience”, whatever the heck that means
i experience a moment of unease as jade looks at me. keeping her out of my thoughts is proving to be more difficult than i had first assumed it would be.
That’s a damned interesting question.  I was giving the narrative the benefit of the doubt, but given everything the Epilogues warned us about when it came to the narrators and alt!Callie’s occasional slips into her own bias, I really should have known better.
i had begun confident that i could keep her consciousness sleeping peacefully inside the shell of her body, tamed and quiescent, but she has proved to be more irascible than i initially gave her credit for.
JADE: heheh JADE: i have never been particularly tamable, and my consciousness is huge!
This might end up playing out more like my friend’s Jade-breaks-out roleplays than I initially assumed.  (What does she mean “huge consciousness” though?  Superpowered due to part-First-Guardian, like she alluded earlier in the conversation?  That never got much play before, so it’s great to see that potential realized here a bit...)
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...I’m a fucking idiot.  Of COURSE “huge consciousness” and the whole line around it was just an unsubtle double-entendre.  A small part of me actually wondered if it was and dismissed it as a clumsy reading in an instant.  How stupid am I?  Jade is the best.
If only this sort of thing worked on Cherubs.
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Yeah.  It really doesn’t.
...Alt!Callie, you are a fucking war-criminal for bottling all these double-entendres up where none of the others can appreciate them.
> ==>
JADE: you are a pretty tough crowd, evil callie JADE: but yes, i can hear most of what you are thinking to yourself JADE: it took a little while to separate it from my own thoughts, just like it did with dirk JADE: because thats what he was doing the whole time, wasnt it? JADE: controlling our thoughts JADE: making us believe things we never would, things he thought we SHOULD believe
Fucking excellent.  She’s definitely training herself on this shit.  The more people who have a harder time getting fooled by this nonsense the better.
jade knows all of this, i don’t have to tell her. she is a very bright girl, and even if she didn’t have partial access to my thoughts, she is good at compiling data and using it to fill in gaps. as she herself had rather licentiously mentioned, her brain is quite large.
and all of these reasons are why i know i can count on her to be reasonable and realistic about her situation. i need a body to continue interfacing with this timeline, and her body is the only one that will do.
Dammit.  Trying to get her to logic her way back into keeping Alt!Callie in complete control.  That’s a tactic that will probably work.  :(
what about [kanaya], jade? she is a space player, it is true, but her powers are nothing compared to yours. for one, she isn’t god tier, and for two, she is dead. a living dead, but dead nonetheless.
Hm.  Are you saying she maybe has less relevance, less of an effect on her surroundings because she spent some of her “cred” on unconventional partial resurrection?  To the extent where she’d make a less influential vessel?  Hmm.
For that to even matter, you have to be planning to use Jade’s Space powers too.  Taking a far more active role in things than narrative beacon.
and a sylph’s specializations lie on a different end of the spectrum from my own. a witch is a far closer match.
Sounds like details of the classpect system that we don’t know will have relevance in HS^2, and we’re indeed gonna possibly get some actual new, clearer details about the system Andrew invented unlike the dearth of new info the Epilogues brought us.  That is... promising.
no, jade understands and sympathizes with my assurance that her body, and her body alone, will do for my purposes.
JADE: um...no i dont!
YES.  Jade is now officially immune to absolute command! :D :D :D
she does. after all, she would not wish this sort of state of being on anyone else, and especially not on one of her friends. jade may have undergone a lopsided number of narrative hardships in her life, but at least she is used to them. why spread that suffering to another?
What the fucking shit???  You’re using that on her?  You think it’ll WORK?!
jade understands and accepts her place in the story, which has always been to enable events to play out around her, just as it has been mine.
..........yeah Jade’s gonna bust the fuck out on the very next page, isn’t she.
What the fuck is Alt!Callie thinking, here?  Wasn’t the other Calliope the one to let us know that the Witch is one of the most active classes there is??  ...what exactly does a Witch officially do anyway, for Alt!Callie to think saying such a thing wasn’t dead wrong?  This sounds MUCH more like the sort of statement someone might make after breezing through Homestuck and confusing the old Jade (cough) for the person she grew up into.
And the fact that you’re phrasing this as a narrative command to try and make her forcibly THINK this way deserves you a smack in the non-literal depictive face.  Let’s see if you get one:
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Oh wow, no smack yet?!  That’s some restraint!
because what is a story, truly? nothing but a series of misadventures and connections, actions spurring reactions, tumbling into one another, over and over and over. with so many competing interests, clearly the story cannot account for all perspectives, for all threads? it would be laughable, childish, even selfish, to demand that they do.
in other words, not everyone will achieve a happy ending. this is a truth that jade had come to grips with a long time ago.
JADE: wait. JADE: stop. JADE: why are you saying all of this?
Ohh.  Because she still had even MORE smackworthy stuff left to say, to make the smack even SMACKIER, didn’t she.  Alt!Callie you asshole.  If this gets you kicked out of her almost entirely and jeopardizes the crew as Jade struggles to combat Dirk’s narrative influence on her OWN, then I’m fucking blaming YOU!  Do you realize how horrible it’ll be if Dirk gets to almost singlehandedly write the whole story around her and the others for the first section of HS^2 with only one or two characters aware and trying to mentally avert it??  We already TRIED that in the Epilogues!  It was awful!
jade’s body is my vessel, and it is through this realization that she will understand her true role in the story. her true relevance.
Go fuck yourself, Alt!Callie.  Read the audience a bit!
if i released my hold on her consciousness, there would be no guarantee that i would be allowed in again. therefore i cannot permit her the control of herself that she so desperately craves, and she understands that.
THAT’S your reasoning your used-to-surpressing-Caliborn ignorant--!??
JADE: wait. so...you could give me my body back, and then just hop back in when you need to?
in theory, yes.
JADE: then what the hell callie!
because i don’t trust you to cooperate when the time comes.
(or real existing equivalent that’s just off the top of my head)
JADE: why not? JADE: i thought you said i was a reasonable girl with a huge brain!
you are, to an extent.
she is. but the truth of the matter remains that humans are capricious and emotional. and even jade herself can admit that she hasn’t been the most...committed example of her species in the last few years.
Oh my fucking god.  I know they’re trying to make this more satisfying when she actually DOES take control in a few panels, but, Alt!Callie, seriously, get more on your other self’s level!!!
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Yes, please >:O some more
moving from lover to lover, job to job, interest to interest. over the last few years jade had found herself listless, unable to settle and unwilling to commit to anything or anyone. she knows there’s nothing wrong with that on a moral level, but on a personal level she’s always believed that she could be more, could do better. be better. and now, because of this, she realizes that sacrifices must be made.
and that she, as a space player, is uniquely built for sacrifice.
JADE: yeah JADE: i guess youre right JADE: i have been such a silly little slut! JADE: hey callie
yes, jade?
JADE: oh my god, whats that!!!!
You are so fucking screwed Alt!Callie.
this space is utterly under my control. jade could control it too, if she had any access to her own powers. but with my grip around her cortex, there is no chance of that.
(Wait, there’s an extent to which this space is “real” and not imaginary?  Or does holding her space powers in check also mean keeping her imaginary space powers in check?)
Anyway, here comes the smack.  And, though Alt!Callie deserves this, I hope Dirk isn’t let in too often amidst the others as a result.
> ==>
Yup, poising to pounce...
> ==>
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I thought there was a weird infinity symbol underneath them but it’s just two spotlights and a shadow cast by her head.
and here i make my first mistake.
No you made your first mistakes WAAAY earlier in this conversation.  And what you did to Jade in general.  She’s a hero/player for a reason, she doesn’t take stuff lying down forever.
but bringing her into a place where we can both physically manifest has left me, foolishly, vulnerable.
First, physically manifest?  This isn’t pure imaginationspace?  And second, she’s going to blame her polite concession to Jade for this and hold on even tighter the next time, isn’t she.  God damnit, not looking forward to that.  Alt!Callie won’t learn her lesson til the end, will she?  :(
her fingers tear at my throat, trying to find purchase. she won’t be able to kill me here, but it is certainly unpleasant, and not to mention slightly repetitive. we just saw this in the previous chapter, although this particular fight will not end as amorously as the last one did. so don’t get your hopes up.
JADE: who! JADE: are you talking to!
I really hope Jade ends up with full narrative powerOOOOOHHHH FUCK THEY COULD GO FOR THAT HUH
Dirk was able to become an Ultimate Self in his own body because it was the uniting of an irrepressible “self” that he always unbreakably represented.  The others had more trouble.
But Jade
has a BIG PART-GOD BRAIN as reinforced in the narrative repeatedly!!
Meaning that later, SHE could Ultimate Self without ANY PHYSICAL CONSEQUENCE.  :D
I was hoping Jade would end up with full narrative-dictating-and-reading power when she wants to use it, at some point, but I might’ve been aiming too low! :D :D :D
Now all the playfully-horny omnipotent Jade fanfics are true, what that totally isn’t part of why I love this go ahead and admit she doesn’t deserve it
> ==>
Yesss flashy gif struggle against control!  (Though, not as elegant as one of Andrew’s might’ve been. Gotta say.)
> ==>
Blinky-eyes about to resolve normal-Jade-colored....!
> ==>
Wait, what?  I thought Jade was about to snap in and--
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during the ship’s trip through space, there have been numerous experiments; modifications to the nutrition output of the various machines designed to create sustenance for the various species on board. i myself have been content with orange juice and synthetic proteins, but dave and roxy have both expressed longing for various ‘earth snacks’, and so the trials and errors began.
What the fuck?  I don’t even know where this is going if it’s punways.
Is there like a dog treat somewhere that’s gonna push her over the edge?  Where is this headed even.
> ==>
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the results were mixed. as roxy told us in a previous chapter, alchemized food all sort of tastes the same, although the visuals really help to bring about the flavor. and at the end of the day, isn’t it the journey that is more important than the destination? the stories you tell as you create the strangely flavored nutritional paste?
JADE: ????????????
Um??  What’s even going on.
so far, everyone’s favorite attempt has been a vaguely peanut-butter and chocolate flavored creation called "Rices'". nobody eats them really. they just sit in a bowl on the counter.
i’m not actually sure what the witch is trying to accomplish here.
Is Jade trying to humorously gross Alt!Callie out of her body with a candy she doesn’t like or?  But, “suicide threat”? Why joke--
JADE: you dont? JADE: really?
i don’t know what she is trying to accomplish, because surely she would not be doing what it appears she is trying to do. making such a meaningless threat.
JADE: meaningless? JADE: do you even know anything about the body you stole? JADE: shouldnt you have run some sort of psychic physical before you possessed it? JADE: its definitely what i would have done!
Oh SHIT.  You mean Jade has the same peanut allergy JOHN does?!?
> ==>
jade must know that i am well-aware of her family-wide peanut allergy. a story thread that has been extremely important and weighed in on in multiple parts of the narrative. how could i have forgotten such a key detail?
...yes, she totally forgot, but more than that.
I’m betting John is the ONLY one with a peanut allergy.  That Jade is USING that fact to bluff like hell.  :D
(Allergies aren’t usually inherited that way you alien!)
there is nothing remotely just or heroic about dying from self-imposed anaphylactic shock in the throes of a childish tantrum. at the most i’ll get a relaxing few minutes of sleep.
Is Alt!Callie bluffing now?  Even a resurrecting death could throw her off.
> ==>
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JADE: do you really want to risk it?
what are you talking about, jade? i just said--
(i say in the most witch-connotatively and non-classpect-related way)
JADE: i dont know, callie JADE: ive never really understood the rules that govern the death of a god tier, have you? JADE: it seems pretty arbitrary from where im standing JADE: who makes the decision whether or not something is heroic or just?
...that’s unclear. but it certainly isn’t you.
JADE: right, of course not JADE: but are you so confident that youre a good guy? JADE: are you sure that the alpha timeline WANTS you to be here?
JADE: youve done some stuff, callie JADE: im only saying you shouldnt be so quick to assume that me killing you wouldnt be just JADE: and that taking my own life to do it wouldnt be heroic
Even with JUST this one fucking situation Alt!Callie put her in, throwing off her control forever by dying would be shortsighted but HELLA JUST.  What Alt!Callie is doing to her is a crime.
Oh shit!?!?
> [S] ==>
What is this, HTML5?  *clicks play*
...for a second, I thought this was gonna launch into a huge thing with that clock ticking song from the Felt album.
Having Rose and Dirk’s colors competing here really reinforces that... Prospit vs Derse vibe that was feeding the whole this-is-the-basis-for-the-game’s-structure-and-the-birth-of-Paradox-Space theory more earlier.
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i don’t let the witch manipulate me. i refuse to falter in the face of her whispers. without my careful planning and swift action, the prince would have taken full control over this timeline. none of my friends could even begin to imagine the turmoil.
In the end, you’re ignoring what’s right and brave in this instance to instead do something EXPEDIENT, to the exclusion of trust and compassion when things COULD work out just as well without taking the worst actions -- which is textbook villainous.
> ==>
JADE: they arent your friends!! JADE: you took them from me!
Now isn’t THAT a way to put it. :D :D :D
Alt!Callie is sinning almost as badly as Dirk, here.  Viewing everyone else as characters in a story, the only way she’s ever viewed “friends”, and her as the not-so-humble narrator doing what’s best for all of them.  If she’s going to win against Dirk -- or if that victory is going to MEAN anything -- she will HAVE to realize that she needs to be different.
JADE: you keep saying that youre doing all of this for my own good, but youre just lonely! JADE: i know you are, because so am i!
Will Alt!Callie force her to swallow it?
JADE: you said that being a space player is all about sacrifice JADE: well
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JADE: bet
...I guess she really might have an allergy.
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Aaaand the candy drops.  A W A K E ! ! ! !
Yaaaaay Jade is BACK and we’ll get to see even more of her!!!
...please tell me on the next page she grabs the candy, noms it, and mentions she doesn’t have a peanut allergy after all.  That would be sweet.
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Nope, you just leave us on a sad.  Dammit, why do you gotta be all adult and showin’ us both sides in a moment of triumph, HS^2.  Shucks.
Anyway, YAY JADE!  C:
I am happy by this, if slightly too emotionally-rollercoastered by the past 24-hours to give this the full-rejoicing it deserves.  That, and worried about the openings Dirk will get because of this... joy now for potential frustration later, even if Jade tries her best to let Alt!Callie back in in-time.
See y’all next time!  And, uhm.  I guess I’ll comment on whatever other asks I promised to comment on another less-eventful day.  Keep reminding me and holding me to it though!
31 notes · View notes
kello-unknown · 4 years
Summary:  Max lives an… entertaining life.  She just got out of a relationship she thought would last forever.  Meeting one person leads to more people in her life, and before she knows it, she’s falling in love with someone she never expected to fall in love with.
Words:  1,492
Warnings: like one flashback (but its a flashback of a flashback so), brief mention of alcohol consumption, flirty talk (kinda)
Author’s Note:  dont forget if u wanna catch up on what happened in the last chapter, you can click down below and re-read and remember what happened to the gang lol :D
               THE next few days begin the same for the most part.  Alex starts to wake up a bit earlier every day now that she’s becoming used to waking up in Max’s bed.  The two see each other before Max leaves for work and Alex starts to plan for her day.  Alex had called her boss, who had, over the course of the years she has worked there, become a close friend, and told her a brief story of what happened.  Her boss told her to take as much time as she needed to recover, and Alex intended on doing just that.
               Throughout the first week of her being at the house, Alex spends most of her days taking walks down the street and visiting the town since she lived a few towns over before everything happened.  She gets home around five o’clock usually, and Max comes home from work a little more than an hour later.  The two would eat dinner together and share their day.  They’d watch a silly movie or something stupid so that there would be background noise as they would just talk to each other and enjoy the time they have.  After a while, one of them would say that it was late and that they should go to bed, the other would agree, and the cycle of activities would repeat the next day.
               One day, as she’s taking her daily walk, Alex comes by what looks like, to her, a night club.  She walks by and realizes it’s just a bar.  She’s practically explored the whole town at this point, and this seems to be the only bar in this area.  Then it hits her.  She remembers what Max told her about the night she and Natalie broke up. 
               After what feels like hours of crying, Max gets up and walks to the fridge, looking for the one thing that’s always been there for her whenever she’s had a problem that no one else could help her with.  Downing one bottle of beer, she goes to grab another one, along with her house keys, and goes for a walk.  Ten minutes go by, and she arrives at her go-to bar, stumbling in….
               This must be the bar Max went to drown all of her sorrows.  And by the looks of Max, there must have been a lot of sorrows. 
               Alex pulls her phone out of her pocket and goes through her text messages and clicks on one name.  She hasn’t told anyone about what happened between her and Devin, not even Casey, her best friend since God knows how long.  She couldn’t imagine life without her.  Casey was always there for her, no matter what. 
               “Hey girlie, you doing anything tn?  I have a lot to tell you…”  She sent the text and looked back up at the bar front.  She hears a ding, brings her face back down towards her phone and sees that Casey already texted her back.  “omg yes ofc.  its been a while, im sure u do lmao.  have anywhere in particular u wanna go?”  Alex smiles.
               “There’s this cute bar I just found.  ‘The Black Lion.’  Idk if you’ve ever heard of it, but I’ll send you the addy and meet you there.. say 8ish tn?” 
               “i think ive been there once or twice if memory serves.  ill be there bitch ;)”
               Alex puts her phone into her pocket and continues on her walk.
               After being out for almost four hours on her walk, Alex gets back to the house around the same time she usually does and notices Max’s car in the driveway.  Curious as to why she’s home much earlier than usual, she heads inside to see what’s up.  Walking in the front door, she sees Max sitting at the counter on her phone.  Max looks up to see her roommate and greets her.  Alex does the same as she walks over towards her and asks why she’s home so early in the evening.  “My boss was convinced I was too tired to work even though I already finished my work for the day.  So, she sent me home early since ‘It’s Friday,’ and I should go out with my ‘friends to celebrate the end of another week.’  Her words, not mine,” Max explains. 
               Alex giggles.  “Well good for you then, I guess.  Anyways, I was actually going out with one of my friends tonight since I haven’t seen anyone in a while.”  Max’s eyes widen.
               “That’s great!  Where are you guys gonna go?” she inquires.
               “That bar in town.. I think it’s called ‘The Black Lion’?”  Max nods.
               “Oh!  I love the BL!  That’s my go-to bar.  It’s great.”  Alex smiles at Max’s enthusiasm.  “Listen if anyone - and I mean anyone - gives you a problem trying to get in, tell them you know me.  I’m a regular there and if that doesn’t work, call me.  I’ll come down and show off the guns.”  She then rolls up her sleeves and flexes her bicep.  Alex bursts out laughing, and Max does the same not too long after she starts.  After they both finish laughing, Alex, wiping tears off her face, excuses herself and starts to go get ready for her night out with Casey while Max goes to her text messages. 
               “You doing anything tn?  I got the house to myself if you wanna come over ;)??”  She sets her phone down to walk to the fridge and grabs a drink.  On her way back over to the couch, she picks up and checks her phone to see if she had gotten a message.  Nothing yet.  She tosses her phone onto the couch, grabs the remote and sits down.  As soon as the tv is on, she hears a chime coming from her phone.  She leaves whatever is playing on the tv and picks up her phone.
               “im actually going out with one of my friends tn lol.  maybe later on in the weekend if u can? its been a while ;).”  Max sighs.  She hasn’t seen Casey in a while since Alex has moved in.  But she gets it.  It’s a bros before hoes type thing.
               “I get it lmao.  I’ll have to check ahead to see if I have any work to do,” she knew she wouldn’t have any work, but she likes to play hard to get sometimes, “but I’d love to get together over the weekend.  Have fun tn.”  As if almost on cue, Alex emerges from the bedroom.  She’s got on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a black – no, maybe dark grey – crop top on.  She walks over to the couch with her black heels in her hand.  “Well you look cute.  Are you trying to get with this friend of yours tonight or are you just trying to make him drool?” 
               Alex rolls her eyes.  “First, thank you for the compliment.  I finally went back to the apartment to grab most of my clothes.  Luckily, Devin wasn’t there so I didn’t have to deal with him.”  Max nods.  “Second, no I am not trying to get with my friend, and lastly this friend is a girl.  So politely fuck off.”  She sends a smirk to Max, who just chuckles and throws her hands up in surrender.
               “Alright.  You can still technically get with her, you know.  My first statement still stands, though.  You look hot.”
               Alex raises an eyebrow.  “I thought I looked just cute a few seconds ago.  Now I’m hot?  What made you change your mind?” she teases.  “Is it the heels?  It’s definitely the heels,” she says, as she now sends a wink to her roommate.
               Max sits in her spot on the couch, laughing softly while shaking her head.  Alex stands up and starts to gather what she needs for her escapades and heads for the front door.  Before she leaves, she hears Max yell out, “If you need the bedroom tonight, make sure you text me at least 10 minutes before you get home!”  Alex laughs, yelling out a quick “Okay!” as she closes the front door.  She walks down the driveway, grabs her phone to text Casey to tell her she’s leaving now, and starts her walk to the bar.
               When she’s just around the corner from the bar, Alex texts Casey to see if she’s close.  As she walks up to the front of the bar, she sees her best friend coming from the other direction.  She smiles, walks past the bar and up to Casey.  They both hug each other tightly.
               The two get in without a problem, the bouncer having recognized Casey from her coming to the bar so many times before tonight.  The two sit down at one of the tables in the corner of the bar and their night begins.
tags: @maggie-elise13, @elizabethfictionwriting, @lesbian-deadpool, @the-very-tired-gay,  @timelords-13, @tangled-up-in-bad-decisions, @natashaswhitesuit, @its-a-me-mario-hihi, @marvelfansince08love
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larissaloki · 5 years
sharing is caring 3
shoutout to my beta who i wont name incase they dont want me to! 
@schwergaeneuser @msmynx @im-tops-bottom @jacksonfrost24 @seven-oomen @el-rezet @thoughtfulbreadpolice @cwar1864 @starsofyggdrasil you guys all asked to be tagged in future chapters and here you go! sorry for the long ass wait! 
Groaning, Tony opened his dark, whisky brown eyes that look up at a thankfully darkened ceiling. Soothing low lights illuminate the area but aren’t enough to hurt his eyes, allowing him to get awareness slowly and at his own pace. Whoever had the foresight to dim the lights, he will send them a massive fruit basket to show his appreciation.  
Turning his head to the side, Tony takes in more of his surroundings as he tries to figure out what on earth happened, and just where the hell he is. 
To his surprise, Tony can see what looks like a lab beyond the area he is in. While he looks, a Wakandan in a lab coat strolls by, talking to their…wrist? Confused, Tony winces as he slowly sits up, rubbing at his chest and arm as he feels his limbs protest the movement.  
Setting his feet onto the floor, he notes that his clothes from earlier, the ones he recalls wearing on his flight, have been replaced by a dark blue tunic with black, very loose linen trousers. Both are far more comfortable than they should be, and Tony wondered if they would let him keep the clothes if he asked nicely. 
“I see you are finally awake,” 
Jumping (and no he did not scream!) and craning his neck to look over his shoulder, Tony spots Shuri; recongising her from their video calls from before. 
“What happened? Last thing I remember was being on the plane…” 
Playing with the beads on her wrist, Shuri walked around the table to stand in front of the elder Omega, smiling at him, though in her eyes Tony can see a cheeky glint. An easy to miss look that makes Tony think of Peter. 
“How are you feeling? M’Baku found you in a pool of mud and water. Very lucky you were here in Wakanda when the accident occurred. Anywhere else and you would still be bruised and broken.” 
“Whoa wait, how long has it been since you guys found me?” 
Brow furrowing in confusion yet intrigue, Tony tries to stand and is happy to find that he can do so perfectly, even if he is a little groggy still. 
“Oh, about 3 hours? I’ve been improving our healing system lately!” 
Smiling brightly and obviously proud of herself, Shuri helped him move away from the table and slowly led him to a lab chair. She offered him a drink of water which Tony gratefully accepted, downing it as fast as he could without making himself sick. Putting the cup down and breathing heavily, Tony’s eyes widened in shock and no small amount of awe. 
“Three hours?!” 
Damn Wakanda really is superior huh? Tony shook his head and tucked away his questions for another time, though he would love nothing more right now than to take a look at the system Shuri was using and learn how it all works. Tony quickly brought his focus back to the main issue. 
“Does anyone know what exactly happened? What caused the accident?” 
Sitting down near him, Shuri gave him her full attention. 
“I just checked in with T’Challa before you woke up. The are looking through the ruins as we speak and T’Challa said he is cataloguing everything they find and if they spot anything weird, they will let you look over it. I also have scanning equipment to look for any electrical faults or tampering” 
Rubbing his forehead, Tony sighed heavily as he tried to think of anything that could have gone wrong. The aircraft was one that he’d built and put together mostly by himself, anything he hadn’t done himself he had Friday overlook and monitor. However, if its not the actual craft that was compromised, then that leaves the horrible option that someone had snuck something onto the plane without Tony or Friday realizing. And that honestly frightens him far more. 
From the grim look that Shuri is giving him, she knows exactly what he’s thinking. 
“Thank you Shuri, for healing me and to your brother for looking over the plane for me,” 
Waving away his thanks Shuri grins at him, her upbeat personality coming back through. “Don’t thank me, I kinda wanted an excuse to show off something to you” 
Giving her a grin of his own Tony looks back over to the area he had just been laying in. 
“I am thoroughly impressed already and cannot wait to see more inventions from you”  
Bouncing in her seat, her body practically vibrating in excitement, Shuri grabs his arm to pull him up as she stands. “let’s start the tour!” 
Without waiting for Tony to reply, Shuri drags him off to show him around her lab, introducing him to the various scientist that are currently working on one project or another. Tony loved the moving black model pedestal. The black matter moving fluidly to bring up whatever is needed, be it floor plans or models of objects. Essentially a much better version of a hologram.  
When Shuri showed him the bigger version in the middle of the floor that allows her to remotely drive a vehicle from the lab, Tony lost it and insisted on her giving him a demo of it. Like children in a toy shop, they got stuck into their own little world. 
They were so engrossed in what they where doing that they completely missed M’Baku entering with Bucky following behind, carrying a tray of food for Shuri and Tony. The duo had intercepted the original person carrying it and insisted on delivering it themselves. M’Baku brought them to a stop a few feet away, watching the now healed Stark chat away with the younger genius. 
Bucky stood a little bit awkwardly behind M’Baku, as the last time he and Stark had met face to face…bad shit happened. He didn’t want to hurt Stark, the poor omega had been hurt enough as it is; yet his concern had won out and convinced him to keep checking on Stark’s progress as he healed. M’Baku was much bolder than him though. 
They watched for a while longer as the two geniuses spoke at the speed of light, Tony screaming and eagerly testing out each invention. Firing questions and saying words that M’Baku could not keep up with nor hope to understand. Amused, M’Baku makes his way closer calling out in a sudden booming voice to catch their attention. 
“Food! That is if you two can drag yourselves away from the toys long enough to eat it,” Smirking when Tony and Shuri jump, M’Baku helps Bucky put the food on a near by counter for them. 
Rolling her eyes, Shuri gets up and helps tony before deactivating the invention they were playing with. 
“How did you get in? I thought I banned you after the 5 times you guys asking if Tony was better?” 
Looking over the plates, Shuri oohs at the variety of foods that had been prepared for them, many of which would be easier for Tony to eat if he was still feeling a little off. Behind her, Tony catches sight of Barnes and pauses briefly as he takes everything in. 
Barnes looks hopelessly nervous and scared stood behind the larger Wakandan, the red robe like clothing actually looks good on him, the blue sling around the stump where his arm used to be is done in a tasteful manner which doesn’t drag your attention overly to it. Hell, Tony can even admit that Barnes looks healthier overall, his hair looks fluffy and is longer, a small portion pulled back into a bun. Tony is not afraid to admit that Barnes looks handsome. 
Wakanda obviously agrees with him. 
“You look good Barnes” 
Freezing slightly, Bucky looks up at Tony in surprise that Tony is actually acknowledging him. Nodding his head slowly and drawing himself up to stand a bit straighter, Bucky gives Tony a small, soft and shy smile. 
“So do you” 
Huffing in amusement, Tony plucks up from fruit to eat to keep his hands and mouth busy as he feels an uncharacteristic shyness overtake him. 
“Thanks, considering I was a wreck 3 hours ago, I take that as a big compliment” 
Between them, M’Baku looks between them with growing glee at how adorably shy these two are. Yes, he knows that things were not that great between these two not so long ago, but it seems to be fixable judging by what he’s just seen. Deciding to think more on this later; and possibly make a plan to help these two fix the gap between them. M’Baku pulls out a bottle of juice that his tribe had made themselves. 
“I brought this as well, it’s meant to help with any aches. Would you like to try some?” 
Humming in thought, Tony looks the larger Alpha up and down in a considering manner. Growing up rich, Tony had gotten used to expecting many Alphas having a motive behind many of their actions. Some more sinister than others. However, this alpha seems genuine enough.  
“Sure! As they say, when in Rome do as Roman’s do huh?” Tony flashes M’Baku his most harmless yet charming smile. 
Oh, M’Baku thinks, I’m in trouble. 
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wackapedia · 5 years
The Void Inside My Heart
Youve been dating Ben for months. You havent had a serious talk on your relationship but you assumed you both were exclusive. Ben was yet to ask you to move im with him, which was fine with you because you didnt want to go too fast. He was a movie star, after all.
Ben left for New York a week ago. He didnt really explain why.
"Is it work?" You asked when he told you he was leaving on such short notice.
"Kind of." He said while packing a bag.
Fortunately your boss had given you a long weekend and you decided to spend it with Ben. Without his knowledge, you arrive at his hotel. You find him sitting on the dining area of the posh place. He was with someone. A woman.
You knew her from several magazines, she was a model.
You tried to keep the negative thoughts away as you forced yourself to walk closer to him. Your legs wouldnt budge.
Later you would think this as a blessing in disguise because Ben leans over to kiss the lovely blonde model. You started to walk away.
You didnt cry. All you felt was a tight pain in your chest. You wanted to cry but no tears would come from your eyes. The sharp ache was all you can feel.
You didnt know anyone from New York. It was an hour until midnight. You didnt have friends or relatives who live here. But you do know a friend of Ben.
Joe Mazzello was Ben's best friend but youve only spoke to him on three occasions at most. Usually they were at loud parties where you can barely hear yourselves over the blaring music. You can tell he was a funny man with all the instagram goofs he posts with Ben.
You called him and tried your best to explain what happened over the phone. Your voice was surprisingly calm and steady, but your hands could barely grip the phone to your ear. Thankfully, Joe wasnt busy and came to pick you up in about five minutes.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked as soon as you settle yourself in his car.
"I dont know. Im not sure if theres anything to talk about." You replied.
Joe assumed that you were in shock so he left it at that. The rest of the drive was quiet.
You arrive at his house. The walls were painted green and there were framed movie posters around the living room. Joe led you to a guestroom where you placed your bag. He pointed where the bathroom, the kitchen, and his room was, in case you needed anything. You thanked him for his kindness.
"Its no big deal. I'll see you in the morning." He smiled. The pain in your chest dissipates a little.
You fall into a dreamless sleep.
In the morning, you wake and realize that last night wasnt a nightmare. You still couldnt bring yourself to cry over what had happened and you couldnt explain why.
You quickly fixed yourself and headed to the kitchen where Joe was preparing breakfast. He was such a jolly person. The moment he noticed you had walked up to the kitchen, he gave you a smile that could melt your heart.
It made you smile.
The sun was blasting through a large window in Joe's living room. You took your time to enjoy the scene before you. It was so peaceful. You notice Joe's reflection from the glass window. He was looking at you. You turn from the window to face him. He had such a lovely face.
"I"m sorry." He speaks calmly.
"For staring?" You tried to answer cheerfully.
"About you and Ben. You didnt deserve that." He remorsefully answers.
You close your eyes to collect your thoughts.
"You can talk to me, you know. You have to let it all out or it will choke you from the inside." Joe offers as he sits on the sofa.
"It's just that... I dont feel anything. I'm feeling nothing. Is that normal?" You face him.
"Of course thats normal. Its valid to feel numb especially with what youre going through." Joe kindly explains.
"Okay." You say. The conversation diffuses.
Joe was about to leave the room when you spoke again "I really like talking to you, Joe. It's just that, I think, there's nothing to talk about regarding last night."
Joe walks back to sit on the sofa.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" He says while picking up the remote from the table. You agree.
A text from Ben alerts your phone saying he will be home tomorrow night. Your flight was tomorrow morning. You decided to ignore your phone for the rest of the day.
After several movies and a box of pizza, you fell asleep beside Joe on the sofa. It was late at night. Joe looks at your peaceful face before softly nudging you awake. You looked into Joe's eyes that were looking deeply into yours. He moved to floor to face you, lying on the sofa. For the first time in days, a tear finally slipped from your eyes.
"I don't want to go." You spoke before you could even understand this sentiment.
But Joe understood this.
"I know confrontations can be hard but they're healthy." His eyes drift down your lips.
But it wasn't that. You wanted to stay here with Joe. He radiates a feeling you get whenever you're in proximity. You don't know what it is.
You reach out your hand to touch his cheek. He closes his eyes. Your hand moves to the back of his neck to pull him closer to your face. He kisses you. It felt right.
The next day, Joe drops you off at the airport. He was wearing a plain white shirt and dark green pants and some brown ray-bans perched on his nose. His smile was sunny. You pick up your bag and wave him goodbye before entering the gate.
You had the most refreshing sleep you've ever had in years. You slept beside Joe last night. Plain sleeping, no funny business involved.
You couldn't even sleep in the plane because you had a healthy rest last night.
You arrive home. The entire place felt dull. In a few hours, Ben will arrive in your city and will most definitely drop by your place. You decide to have dinner elsewhere since you didn't feel like cooking.
Ben surprisingly arrives sooner than expected. You were still in the shower when you hear him enter. His luggage wheels roll through your room. "Y/n I'm home!" He yells. "I'm in the shower!" You yell back.
After a few minutes, you get dressed to meet him.
"What is this?" He points to your packed bag with an LGA New York Airport sticker.
"I went to New York." You answer simply.
"What were you doing there?" He sounded agitated.
"I went there to see you but you were busy." You avoided looking at him, pretending to fix something on your dresser.
"Where did you stay? Why didn't you tell me you were there?" He stood closer to you.
"You were busy so I stayed with Joe." You finally looked into his eyes
"Joe? Mazzello? "
"Why would you-"
"Because I saw you with her."
His mouth clamped shut.
"If it makes you feel better, Joe and I made out too."
Anger lit up Ben's eyes. His fists clench. How dare he gets angry over this?
Before he could speak, you sharply spoke
"Get out of my house, Ben."
A/n: This was supposed to be dramatic but it turned out to be bland and boring but it had to be written sorry also i was half asleep when i wrote this i needed to justify my numbness lol
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collective-laugh · 5 years
Detective AU - Muriel x MC Chapter 2
Ahhhh, here it is!
Chapter one here!
Taglist: @a-zoidberg-aesthetic @lesbiancountess @fartkittyonline @yaysam @y-all-dnt-ve @countgoatman-and-drleechboy @julians-chest-hair @softarcana @vesuviass @caterpiller-tea @zaemoultrie75901 @saltywerewolfrebel @obsessedwiththearcana @thatsaltyseaman @xburningwitch @i-dont-speak-wolf @missrabbitart
Chapter Two: The Countess of Vesuvia
Red isn’t such a bad color.
Muriel doesn’t know how to not start associating the color with her after she said that, and he can feel his skin heating like a furnace. He’d finished his coffee back when she’d claimed that everyone had a favorite color, and bullied him into telling her what his was, and was standing there, taking a drink from the mug every so often just so he wouldn’t have to go just yet.
He hated Asra for leaving her alone in this dumpy hole in the wall, and he hated him even more for asking him to watch over her while he left, like he was a sitter and she was some incompetent little child who needed him to wipe her ass.
“Red’s nice.” He compliments, bringing his mug back to his lips, in spite of the fact it was empty. He feels idiotic, but he didn’t know how to tell her that he finished his cup. Should he ask for more? She was still sipping on her first, but she was kind enough that he doubted she would even remotely judge him for wanting another cup of coffee so soon.
She smiles, crossing her legs at the knee and swirling her cup again, “So, um...Asra told me that the two of you grew up together.”
Before he can stop himself, he’s asking, “What else has he told you?”
A flicker of surprise passes her face, but she answers, “Oh...he told me that you two were raised together at, uh, St. Margaret’s, and...that you work at the Raven, and...oh, he, uh,” She smiles, “he told me the story about the time the two of you stole those cigarettes from the nun, um…” She snaps her fingers, trying to remember her name, “Sister, uh…”
“Lilin.” Muriel finishes, smiling fondly at the memory and hiding it behind the empty mug, pretending to take another drink.
She laughs and finishes it with a smile that just barely reaches her eyes, “Yes! Sister Lilin. The one with the ruler.”
“Asra was typically the one on the receiving end.” Muriel almost asks for another cup of coffee then, but she laughs at him - his joke? - and smiles into her still half full mug.
“I can definitely see that.” She must finally notice him standing there, holding the empty much-too-small-for-his-hand mug, “Do you want more?”
Yes, he did. “No.” And then, as an afterthought, “Thanks.” He mentally kicks himself. She takes the mug from him, her smile gradually diminishing as she went to put their mugs in the sink he knew was behind the tapestry, and wonders why he couldn’t just tell her that he wanted more coffee.
“So, how long have you been working at the Rowdy Raven, Muriel?” She calls from the back, and he can faintly hear the water running.
“About three years, now.”
She shuts the water off and continues, “I have a friend who frequents there. You might actually know him.”
It takes everything in Muriel’s being not to press his fingers to the bridge of his nose, “Dr. Devorak?”
Her head pops out from behind the tapestry, the rest of her following soon after, “I take it you don’t particularly like him, then?”
“I’ve had to throw him out more often than not.”
She laughs, loud and genuine, “He helped me a lot, after the accident.” She smiles solemnly, “You know about that, right?”
He knew the main gist of it. She’d been involved in a car accident, head trauma, something to do with her head. Asra came to him more often than not, crying about how hard it was staying with someone he loved when they didn’t love him.
Instead, he lies to keep the conversation flowing, and says, “No, not really.”
She looks a little hurt, like it hurts that Asra wouldn’t tell him about her, but she tells him, “I was involved in a car accident a couple years back, and I, um,” She laughs a little bit, “I forgot who I was, and Asra and Julian made sure I, you know, didn’t die. Asra was the only person who would take me in, and he taught me how to do...everything.”
He didn’t mean to steer the conversation to such a dark place, so he flounders for a moment, unsure of what he was supposed to do with his hands, “How’ve your cases been?”
He can vaguely hear a soft laugh. He knew things were bad, but he didn’t think they were that bad.
“They’ve run cold.” She says, standing at her desk and chuckling at her own joke, “No, we’re um...we’re not in the best spot right now.” She purses her lips, offering no further explanation.
Muriel doesn’t know what to say to that. He assumed that if things really had gotten that bad, Asra would’ve trusted him enough to tell him. Instead, he runs off and leaves her alone to deal with their misfortune. It was hard not to be angry at.
She clears her throat, “Do you dance, Muriel?”
His eyes widen reflexively, and then, for some reason, he’s blushing, “...I don’t know how.” Then, after a moment’s pause, “Do you?”
“A little.” He can’t tell if she’s just being humble or if she’s telling the truth, “I haven’t been for some time, though.”
He figures he might as well bite the bullet now, “Do you want to come with me to work tonight? They, uh...they dance there.”
She arches a brow, “Why?”
Asra asked me to, he thinks, and feels guilty for not telling her the truth. But, instead, he tells her, “So you can dance.”
“Only if you let me teach you?”
He agrees. Of course he does. Asra looked up at him with those stupid dog eyes that got him out of trouble back at the orphanage and asked him to take care of her, because her migraines had been getting worse and she was stressed, and he was scared she might not do so well alone.
Muriel thought he either ought to let her leave or not leave her alone for so long if he was really so worried about her, but it wasn’t his business.
She’s wearing a red dress, because of course. It’s a pencil dress with sleeves that wrapped around her shoulders, and managed to make herself look like a pinup rather than a tired detective in less than a half hour.
“How do I look?” She asks, a bright smile on her face, and it startles him how well she fakes looking happy.
He doesn’t have a chance to tell her how pretty she looks, as they’re cut off by feverish knocking. Regardless, he doubted he would honestly be brave enough to tell her, so he’s thankful for the distraction.
She looks confused, which is, again, enough of a reason to make him wonder how long they’ve been going out of business, and moves to open the door without second thought.
Whoever Muriel was expecting on the other side - Asra, the doctor, a customer, some lost, drunken vagabond - he definitely wasn’t expecting Nadia Satrinava.
Wife of the late Lucio “The Count” Morgason, socialite, and probably the scariest woman in Vesuvia, was standing in the doorframe, wrapped in a shawl, rubbing her gloved hands together.
Lucio himself had been a...mystery. A gangster, if the term ever applied to anyone, who had a knack for showmanship, and made deals with some of the most influential people in town to ensure he wouldn’t be caught by the police. And then, like the peacock he was, his legacy went up in flames like the Hotel Plaza he’d booked in for his birthday.
Police said it was murder. The people heaved a collective sigh of relief and were thankful that he was gone.
Muriel can’t see her face, but he assumes that she looks just as shell-shocked as he feels.
“How can I help you?” She asks, stepping in the doorframe. Muriel’s standing behind her in an instant, drawing a startled look from Nadia, though her attention remains on her.
She answers, clutching her hands together still, Prakran accent thick, “You must be Asra.”
Muriel watches as her shoulders slump, “I’m sorry. He’s away on business, but I’m his partner. Is there anything I can do to help you?”
The Countess, as she was so lovingly nicknamed by those who knew of her, “You...you’re a detective?”
“I…” She throws a look over her shoulder, surprised to see Muriel right behind her, “I am, though we’re not open at the moment.”
“Please.” The Countess insists, placing a hand on the doorframe, “It’s urgent.”
She looks over her shoulder again, wetting her lips, “I...um...I suppose that I could give a check on my plans for tonight?” She looks to Muriel for approval, and when he stands there like a bum, she invites the Countess to, “Please, come in.”
“I don’t suppose it’s necessary to apologize for intruding by now, but I want to anyway.” She pulls one glove off, finger by finger, “I won’t be long...and I…” She bundles the pair of gloves together, “I really am sorry for interrupting your evening out, detective. But I fear for the safety of the city.”
She exchanges a glance with Muriel, and then tells the Countess, “Please, take a seat and if you would excuse us for just one moment…”
“Of course.”
She beckons Muriel to follow her into the back room, where she lowers her voice, “I am so, so sorry about this, but this is the first potential client we’ve had in weeks. I can meet you at the Raven whenever we finish this, or we, um...we can take a raincheck on it?”
“We can wait.” He checks his wristwatch, “I’ve still got a half hour before my shift starts…” He pauses, waiting for her to understand that she had time to finish her business, “...I, ah, I still owe you that dance, anyway.”
She smiles, looking more genuine than she had all night, and rests a hand on his forearm, “I’ll wrap this up as soon as possible, then we can get outta here.” Then, she tacks on, “Thanks, Muriel.” She’s back in the front room before he has a chance to say ‘you’re welcome’.
They’re already talking when Muriel steps back into the front room, arms crossed over his chest. The Countess explains, “I have reason to suspect that my husband was murdered, of course, considering. I’ve turned everywhere else, and no one cares enough to find the killer, no matter how insufferable of a man he was.” She rubs her forehead, “Or, supposedly. I was involved in an accident shortly after his murder, you see. I don’t remember my time in Vesuvia.”
She furrows her brow, scribbling notes on a pad, “Do you think this accident might have been correlated to your husband’s murder?”
“I don’t think so, no.” Nadia’s eyes shift from Muriel to her, “I’m going to leave you my address. I’ve intruded long enough. Please, detective, visit me tomorrow, and I...I might be more clear-headed then.”
“One last question, Miss Satrinava.” Nadia certainly looks pleased at that, and scribbles an address on a scrap of paper as she continues, “Why do you suspect that your husband was murdered?”
Nadia halts in her writing for just a moment, “Well, from what I’ve heard...he was certainly a man with many enemies, and the police never released to cause of the fire...I suppose it makes sense.”
She holds her hand out to shake Nadia’s, “I look forward to meeting with you tomorrow, Miss Satrinava.”
“Likewise, detective.”
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chubbyooo · 5 years
Party Crashers
I want to write but haven’t properly written the next bit of blurred lines so I’m doing a little writing practice
Gacen and Risha attend a fancy event, what could possibly go wrong
Gacen closed his eyes, he was staring at his holopad showing him an invitation on his holopad “you are cordially invited to Coruscant for some gala for those helping with the war or something” he assumed that’s what it said he’d skimmed the invite. He hated going to these things if there was one thing about working for the republic he hated it was all the damn republic pr. Still that wasn’t the important part the important part was the fact that it had a plus one option, after their moment in the alley Gacen needed a good excuse for a date to make the thing with Risha official this was good enough right? He’d sacrifice his own dignity for a few hours to make it real, but now he had to do the hardest part he had to ask her what the hell was he gonna say.
Gacen played through each possible scenario and eventually realised he’d been standing there for like an hour, he swallowed all his pride and made his way to the engine room. When he arrived he saw Risha sweating out of breath, her coat was around her waist, she was messing with the hyperdrive with a wrench Gacen had no idea what she was doing but it’d probably make the ship better. Covered in soot looking quite tired Gacen was amazed how the hell was she still so stunning even now, maybe he just had rose tinted goggles about the whole thing. Risha turned to look to him with a grin, nope she’s just that pretty that’s a fact he thought as she frowned at him, she dropped the wrench folding her arms at him.
Risha raised an eyebrow “do you need something from me Gacen” wow she could see right through him Gacen went red why was this so hard he asked out girls all the time
Gacen cleared his throat “well uh yeah there’s well there’s this uh stupid gala thing I have to go to for the republic it’s stupid but well I am supposed to bring a plus o-” Risha walked up to him putting her finger to his lips
Risha smirked “I’ll go find something to wear” she gave him a quick peck on the lips and left to find something to wear. Gacen was left there wide eyed wow that was way easier than he was expecting he was stunned but he guessed pleased, he glanced to the wrench on the floor he hoped that Risha hadn’t left the hyperdrive on the fritz.
Gacen buttoned up his red and black suit he chuckled he certainly had a theme, he had to admit he looked amazing in suits and it seemed others liked him just as much in them so every now and again he’d do the galaxy a favour and wear one. Red jacket, black shirt, red tie the classic Gacen look this suit had won him more games of Pazzak than he could count. He looked in the mirror at his mohawk he narrowed his eyes for a second should he do something with it what was there to do with it he thought it looked best that way, but other people seemed to disagree one of which was his date for the night. He picked up the comb moving it in his hands took a deep breath combing his hair down to the side, he brushed it out his eyes and looked into the mirror immediately regretting it he looked awful and he didn’t have any gel to fix it. Gacen sighed he’d not even got to the gala yet and he already would be making a fool of himself, he heard a knock on his door startling as he dropped his comb well here goes. He remotely unlocked the door revealing Risha wearing an elegant long black dress with long gloves of the same colour she was posing eyebrow raised but her posture quickly changed as she began laughing making eye contact with Gacen. 
Gacen let a long sigh “yeah I know the hair but in my defence you said my mohawk was stupid” Risha continued giggling
She collected herself walking up to him “no the hair looks cute it was just a surprise that’s all” she leant in kissing him “besides I only make fun of your mohawk cause it makes you so mad” Gacen let himself smile she was right there. Risha moved back striking an elegant pose “so did I nail it or what” Gacen couldn’t argue there she looked amazing 
Gacen nodded “oh yeah everyone is gonna be so jealous Rish” Risha gave a warm smile which surprised Gacen that looked like a genuine smile maybe he wasn’t as bad at this as he thought 
Risha gestured for him to link arms “I like hair down Gacen he’s certainly a gentleman” Gacen linked arms grinning him a gentleman that didn’t sound right
Gacen chuckled “me a gentleman you insult me my lady” he made very over the top posh gestures, Risha gave him a mild grin she loved his antics he could tell behind all that Drayen coolness.
They made their way out of the ship and began making their way to the building the gala was being held at. Risha tugged on his arm “so who exactly is gonna be at this event anyone we’re gonna need to get in the good books of” Gacen wracked his brain trying to think of the last gala thing he was at, memories were somewhat fuzzy he seemed to remember being quite drunk.
Gacen frowned “oh the usual some important jedi, a couple high ranking military people, spies, senators basically anyone who can help with the war effort” Risha nodded looking less than pleased with the list
Risha chuckled “not exactly our scene then” Gacen nodded “at least we get a good night out of it” Gacen could certainly agree there this night was gonna be awesome
Gacen chuckled “most the time at these thinks I just get super hammered and make a fool of myself” he turned to Risha who had an expression that he could interpret clearly as ‘DONT’ “buuut this time I think I won’t need to do that” Risha’s expression softened as they arrived outside the building
Inside the lobby was a small line of people at the elevator before Gacen had a chance to walk over though he heard “GACEN” from his left as a few seconds later something had rapped their arms around him. He looked across startled to see the Basen’thor hugging him she was wearing a long yellow dress with white gloves, after a few seconds she let him go beaming at the two of them
He turned back to Risha who was looking at him with a confused smile “who’s this Gacen?” Gacen was still so flustered from her sudden appearance 
Gacen cleared his throat “uh this is um” he knew it started with a K but he couldn’t remember it “Ka- uh Ky no Ku uh” god damn booze, the Basen’thor gave him an awkward look
She held out her hand to Risha “Kavaraa Basen’thor for the jedi it’s nice to meet you” Kavaraa ohhh that made sense wow he felt so awkward right now he looked to Kavaraa who had seemingly moved past it
He gestured to Risha “uh and this is Risha Drayen my date” Risha shook the togrutas hand and chuckled to herself
“wonderful to meet you despite my dates bad memory” Kavaraa chuckled Gacen felt so bad
Kavaraa continued smiling “no worries by my memory he was quite drunk at the time it’s wonderful to see him with someone though I’m sure you’ll be great together” Gacen’s eyes widened as he remembered Kavaraa’s forwardness 
Gacen quickly cut her off from going further “uh yes well It’s early days so uh well anyway how about you do you have a plus one this year” nice conversation deflection Gacen, thanks Gacen.
Kavaraa looked away awkwardly “well uh no unfortunately not I’m on my own again but hopefully that’ll mean I can discuss tactics with people” Gacen felt bad for Kavaraa now that he remembered every time they’d been to one of these she’d been on her own. Gacen had the same situation at the prior galas but he was a full on disaster so no date was expected. It was fine before when Gacen didn’t have anyone either because she didn’t stand out but now he had a super pretty queen on his arm his status had rather changed. Kavaraa looked towards the event “well I uh won’t keep you any longer it was nice to see you both, I love your hair by the way Gacen” she quickly scurried off leaving Gacen and Risha alone, huh the hair was a hit.
Risha squeezed his arm playfully “she’s certainly bubbly I didn’t think that was your type” Gacen inhaled shocked
Gacen frowned “uh a no we never dated where did you get that idea” Risha cocked her head at him
“you pretended not to know her name her” Gacen chuckled to himself 
“no Risha that really was because I was drunk, I’ve been drunk every time I’ve met her I guess her name just slipped through the cracks” Risha closed her eyes nodding understandingly
she couldn’t help but chuckle “yeah actually that makes a lot of sense” she tugged on his arm “come on let’s go pretend to be high class” Gacen smiled he could certainly get behind that.
They made their way into the event and were met with a huge room full of everyone who’s anyone in the republic, he could see the Shans/Malcoms (weird family), Master Sumalee, that spy guy Balkar?, some senators he didn’t recognise all the usual.
Risha walked forward “wow this is so fancy I love it why have you never invited me to this before I totally would’ve come” Gacen’s eyes widened what it was that easy how did he miss that. Risha grinned deviously oh she was fucking with him she beckoned him over “come on lets get something to eat I’m starving” they made their way over to the food table or as Gacen called it the reason he came to these things.
Gacen immediately grabbed a plate and filled it with a bunch of food turning to see Risha looking at him with her eyebrow raised “you’re an animal you know that” Gacen shrugged he wasn’t apologising for loving food. He made his way along the table stopping when he saw a figure to his left staring at him he turned to see an unfamiliar blue chiss. Female long black hair, bangs wearing what seemed like armour, she had a pretty noticeable scar on her face looked lightning related.
Gacen frowned “um can i help you miss” he stood up balancing his mountain of food, the chiss looked him up and down without a word nodding
The chiss scoffed “I see” Gacen frowned who the hell did this chick think she was ‘I see’ we’ll see about that, despite the outrage Gacen did nothing but stood there awkwardly. “and the republic hired you because they thought you’d help us?” ok wow there’s some salty judging on that statement
Gacen screwed his face up “yeah what’s it to you” the chiss looked at him perfectly calm Chiss were always like that, it was pretty weird to see a chiss at a republic gala though
the chiss took a deep breath “My name is Ash’shen’tor I represent Havoc squad and I would like to think I have a vested interest on who works to further the war effort” oh it’s like that he always had people questioning his methods but he got results, well he did an adequate job, well he got out alive usually, well most of the time.
Gacen tried to stand up taller but was fully aware of the imposing form of the chiss “well Ash I may look like a bit of a scoundrel and that’s because I am that’s why I am being used to further your precious war effort” Ash’s eyes narrowed at him
she moved up to him even though he was taller than her he felt like she was towering over him “first of all no one calls me Ash second of all I’m rather against the use of smugglers I think they’re ineffective and brash” Gacen swallowed hard wow she was intimidating
Gacen tried his best to cool off “well as I remember it’s not your call soldier” at that she did move back with a subtle glare, just before she responded she seemed to get a holocall turning away from Gacen. 
Gacen let out a big sigh of relief turning to see Risha looking at him “yikes talk about sergeant scary” Gacen did an over the top yikes face then walked back over to her
They began walking to a table and after they were out of earshot of the chiss Gacen spoke up “yeah what crawled up her ass and died, I’m doing an alright job for the republic” Risha shrugged Gacen imagined he would see sergeant scary again hopefully not too often.
They sat down and began eating immediately Gacen remembered why he came to these events shovelling the food down then looking to Risha, she was wincing at him he slowed down he forgot he had an image to preserve today. Gacen still couldn’t believe she’d said yes, it had certainly taken a while to get her but she was here he hoped she didn’t think it was a mistake. She looked so beautiful and totally out of his league how in the force was he gonna spin this, she was definitely the hottest girl here he was only getting by on his charm but how far did that go? 
Gacen realised he’d been staring at her for way too long she was looking back at him frowning “you alright there dumbass” ok now was the time he’d just be honest
Gacen leant in “you’re just so beautiful I dunno I’m just so stunned you came” Risha smiled chuckling
“wow who knew you were such a gooey romantic” Gacen chuckled wow that was really gooey wasn’t it
he raised his eyebrow “I am not how dare you” Risha laughed slapping the table “it’s just a fact you know”
A droid band began playing as a space was cleared for dancing Risha smiled holding out her hand “alright mister romance how about a dance” oh god Gacen had no idea how to dance like that
confidence right don’t mess it up “Um sure let’s dance” he took Risha’s hand leading her to the dance floor. His mind immediately began to race how do you dance? what is ballroom dancing? what if he stepped on her feet? He turned around and attempted to lead her to the beat for a few seconds, quickly he found himself nearly tripping over Risha causing her to stifle a laugh
she helped him steady himself “ok Gacen how about I lead us so you don’t end up on the floor” Gacen nodded embarrassed he never learnt ballroom dancing when would he have had the chance on Dathomir? “ok just follow my lead it’s easy” Risha began moving to tempo and Gacen tried his best to keep up. “there you go you’re getting it” 
Gacen was starting to get the hang of it managing at least to follow Risha’s footsteps “so I assume they teach ballroom dancing in princess class” Gacen chuckled to himself 
Risha gave him an icy glare “I can always let you lead” Gacen shut his mouth at that quietly following Risha’s movements as the waltz piece transitioned into a slow dance piece.
Gacen’s eyes widened oh god were they ready for this, this was just a first date that seemed like a bit much right “um uh Risha are you ok wi-” as if in response Risha pulled him in close putting her arms on his shoulders
she smiled “just go with it dumbass don’t ruin the moment” Gacen nodded trying to put the anxious thoughts to the back of his mind. He put his arms around her shoulders and again allowed her to lead for fear of further embarrassment. They stared into each others eyes for a few minutes before Gacen tried his best to be brave grinning “how’s this for romantic” he pulled her in for a long passionate kiss
eventually they pulled away blushing “wow yeah uh that’s much more like you” Gacen was so happy right now he could die in this moment, he could forget about everything that happened if he could just stay here in this perfect moment just stay here please. He saw something out the corner of his eye he looked away from Risha as he spotted someone moving in the shadows, he frowned looking around he could see more of them what were they?
He looked back to Risha “we need to move” Risha frowned at him confused “somethings wrong I think there’s some bad people here” Risha nodded quickly following him as they headed off the dance floor. As they did a large explosion sounded from behind them causing them to jump behind the tables. 
Gacen instinctively pushed over the table hiding behind it, Risha shuffled up against him “what the hell was that!” Gacen looked over the table to see people running to tables as the droid staff began shooting at them.
Gacen ducked back down avoiding a blaster bolt “well it seems the gala has been infiltrated again” Risha frowned at him confused
Risha looked at him pointedly “what do you mean again!!” that was a fair question 
Gacen awkwardly held the back of his neck “well this kinda happened two galas ago” Risha looked furious oh no 
“and you didn’t think to tell me” she lifted up the leg of her dress getting a blaster out that was strapped to her leg “all i have to defend myself is this” 
Gacen looked at her wide eyed “I know this isn’t pressing but wow you’re hot right now” Risha gave him a confused but appreciative look, he got his own blaster out “and too be fair I thought they had their security in check this time”. Suddenly a blue form jumped over the table landing on the right of Gacen, he recognised it as the chiss he met earlier Ash
She cursed to herself “damn it I told them they should’ve checked the droids but no you’re just being paranoid sir it was two years ago sir” she picked up a large rifle off her back turning to see Gacen and Risha “oh of course” she grimaced before returning fire to the droids. 
Gacen proceeded to do the same but was surprised when a large holoscreen appeared with a bald chiss on it, looked imperial in nature “my apologies for the intrusion ladies and gentlemen but I have a score to settle” Gacen could see the jedi present begin to cut through the droids as a number of cloaked individuals appeared from the shadows. 
After the volley ended Gacen ducked behind the table “um sir commander sergeant whatever who’s that?” Ash had not stopped firing as volleys of blaster fire passed their heads.
Ash didn’t respond until her blaster had to reload “that is Cipher nine an agent in imperial intelligence and lets just say he would want many people in this room dead” she picked up a separate blaster of her belt and began firing it “myself included”
Gacen could here the sound of sabers clashing oh no how many people were here “um Ash how can we help” Ash continued shooting without a word
She eventually looked back down to him “you can stay here you’re civilians” with that she jumped over the table
Gacen turned to Risha baffled “civilians my ass we’re not just gonna stay here right Rish?” Risha held her blaster up smiling
“do you even have to ask?” Gacen grinned “definitely not how I expected our first date to go” Gacen chuckled as they made their way round the rapidly forming table barricade 
“I’ll admit it was a little less extravagant” Risha laughed as they returned fire to the rapidly decreasing droid populations. Gacen spotted Kavaraa taking on a hooded sith with a purple blade, Ash was taking on about 8 droids at once while Gacen spotted a jedi he believe was called Dzûsa slice through the majority of the droid band.
Risha playfully slapped him on the back “hopefully if we don’t die it can still end the same way” Gacen gasped wow she really was forward he refocussed he had to stop these droids. 
They dropped down next to a man with spiky brown hair “Gacen Zandar and Risha Drayen here to help” the man turned to him he had cybernetic implants and a big red jacket, Gacen liked this guy.
He smiled at them “Theron Shan SIS, I’ve been slicing into the tech controlling the droids and it seems there’s a transmitter in this room now normally I’d go right for it but” he revealed a small scorch mark on his leg “I’m slightly impaired” Gacen nodded he could do that running head long into danger and improvising was his jam
“I can go just show me where it is” Theron showed him a map, he could see it pinging on the balcony overlooking the dance floor, of course it wasn’t easy “awesome can do” he’d think of something. He turned to Risha “I’ll be back in five” Risha frowned at him holding him back
“what makes you think I’m letting you do that alone” ugh how could he spin this
“I don’t want to lose you Risha” he leant in kissing her “just let me be heroic this once I’ll never do it again I swear” Risha reluctantly nodded “see you soon” Gacen vaulted over the table and began running across the battlefield. 
Ok how the hell was he gonna get up to that balcony let’s just get near it first, he saw a droid turn to him ready to pepper him with blaster fire. He slid under the legs firing a volley at the droid as he slid under, he saw Kavaraa to the right she was pretty busy with the hooded sith she couldn’t force him up there. He turned to his left where a few others fought the droids that side seemed less urgent he spun around sprinting over to the mess of droids surrounding Ash. He threw a flash grenade which he hoped blinded them all maybe also Ash, then he proceeded to fire at each of them taking out 6 of the 8. Ok he could hand to hand this he went to punch the droid on his side but as his fist impacted he reeled back his hand stinging with pain how did Ash do it. He looked to see the other two swiftly dismantled by the Chiss wow she was so strong, he offered her and hand up but she proceeded to get up on her own leaving before he could ask for her help. Dammit where to now he looked to see Dzûsa fighting a sith nearby ok this was risky
he called over “Dzûsa!!” the big sith pureblood turned his head letting out a hearty smile 
he parried this siths attacks effortlessly “Gacen!! my friend what do you need” he turned back to the sith managing to disarm them perfect
Gacen tried his best to concentrate “can you force throw me up to that balcony there’s some transmitter controlling the droids there” Dzûsa nodded as the sith began to fire lightning at him 
he blocked the lightning with his saber “absolutely just make sure to pick a good moment” the sith brought the saber back to her hand as Gacen began to run. He jumped and as he did he felt the push from Dzûsa propel him up to the balcony landing on it with a heavy thud. After a few seconds he stood up ok ok ok transmitter transmitter he looked around spotting a mouse droid in front of him. Oh god he sighed as he began to try and grab it, the droid shot away Gacen promptly followed taking out his blaster and trying his best to aim at it as it shot down the corridor. Gacen quickly ran out of breath but to his luck the droid reach a dead end at the elevator, Gacen ran over as the elevator arrived jumping in with it. He grabbed the droid and tried to dismantle it as the elevator descended, but he couldn’t destroy it so instead he held it out and shot it with his blaster. The thing fell inactive and Gacen wondered if he succeeded, a few seconds later the lift arrived and he stood up rushing out to see the droids all back to normal, there was no sign of the sith looks like they had buggered off. He made his way back into the main chamber seeing Kavaraa nearest her dress looked ripped as she was breathing heavily
Gacen rushed up to her “uh is it over?” Kavaraa nodded putting her saber away
Kavaraa looked surprisingly angry “this was a big operation Darth Nox was here there’s probably a lot more at stake than this gala” Gacen nodded as if he understood what she was on about.
Ash made her way over talking into a comm “agreed I’m having teams move out checking the state of important locations Cipher nine was involved this was more than just a settled score” Gacen was so confused about what that all meant but he’d done his part he could leave now.
Gacen looked around for Risha and quickly spotted her staring at him, they quickly made their way to each other embracing in a long kiss. Risha pulled away smiling at him “wow mr hero himself” Gacen laughed oh god he’d said that hadn’t he “never do that again you know I’m holding you to that promise”
Gacen raised his eyebrow “to be honest it wasn’t that heroic i fought a mouse droid, soooo loophole” Risha chuckled putting her arm around him
“come on dumbass lets go I think we’ve had enough of high society for a while” they walked out of the building arm in arm
Night had now fallen on Coruscant so Gacen put his jacket around Risha “so how’d I do for a first date” Risha grinned at him
“who says the dates over Gacen there’s still plenty of things to do on Coruscant” Risha gestured for him to follow, Gacen just stood still watching her. Risha looked at him puzzled “what are you doing?” Gacen smiled 
Gacen closed his eyes “wishing I could be back here” when he opened them he was back on the ship, no Risha no nothing, back in reality, bottle next to him alone the way things always ended up...
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marvelousaddiction · 5 years
Adventures of Ccco Danvers Ep 1
A/N: When I introduced Coco in Nothing to Prove I placed it after Captain Marvel and before Endgame so it is difficult for me to choose when this takes place, I think a point that makes since is post Civil War and pre Infinity War, so this chapter is around Homecoming. I know fanfictions dont have to stick to cannon timelines and such but I try my best to because it is what I like to do. I needed Tony to be on earth and Fury to not be dusted yet. Also a huge thankyou to @merthurians-prat-and-idiot for thier help so far and I apologize that this doesnt have a keep reading; I use mobile.
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"How are you enjoying earth so far, Little One?" Fury asks the alien child laying on the floor and playing with a stuffed Winnie the Pooh bear that he had gotten from his mother's house, one of his old toys.
"How long have I been here?" Coco asks curiosuly, looking back up at him. "Two weeks, Little One."
"I like earth," she smiles brightly. "Im glad to hear it. Today we are taking a trip, okay?" "A trip? To where? Another planet?" "No, still earth but New York." "What is this New York?" "It's where we have some friends that I trust to look out for you while I'm away for a bit." He answers as she stands and slides the small matching Winnie the Pooh backpack straps onto her shoulders. He takes her hand and walks her to the car, opens the door for her and straps the five year old into the passengers seat before walking around the front to get into the drivers seat, turning the key and starting the car beginning the journey.
"Uncle Fury, when we arrive in New York, where are you going?" "Dont worry about that Little One, I'll be back real soon," he smiles and reaches over to rub her head. "Mom too?" "Little One, Coco, I dont know when Carol will be back but she will. Promise," he boops her nose and she giggles and nods. "Our friends in New York, Maria and Monica?" "No, I couldn't track them down but you will be safe, see Coco, I have trust issues, but I trust you, and I trust Carol. Do you trust me and Carol?" Coco nods, she didnt even have to think about it.
After driving for hours they arrive outside of Tony Stark's place. Fury gets out and let's her out, taking her hand her goes inside. "Hey!" He calls out. It was quiet, too quiet. Someone had to be here.
"Hey, Fury? What are you doing her?" Tony walks up wiping car oil from his hands onto a rag.
Coco held Fury's hand and hid behind him as the man with the dark hair and big brown eyes, covered in some dirty black stuff and wearing a light blue flannel and blue jeans came closer. "Bring someone?" The man asked, his eyes directing to her.
"Tony Stark," Fury leans foward and shakes the mans hand. "Better question, are you missing someone?" He makes obvious he means how empty and quiet everything was. "A few people yeah, something like that. Who's this?"
"This is Coco," Fury looks behind himself to her and she peeks around him. "It's okay Little One"
She stays attached to Fury's legs but comes around so Tony can see her, expecting him to be horrifed. "Coco, this is Tony Stark. I need to go somewhere and I need you to look after her."
Tony blinked at her and tilted his head. "Alright. Hey Honeybee, how do you know him?" He kneels down to her and smiles, pointing to Fury with his eyes. "Uncle Fury, Mom left me with him." "Your mom left you with him?" Tony points up to Fury and laughs softly, "blink twice if youre in danger," Tony whispers as a joke but she doesn't understand.
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Tony looked up at Fury and could obviously tell that this was no joking matter to him so he clears his throat and stands. "I'll look after her, when will you be back?"
"A week, two. Soon," Tony found himself against the wall with Fury's hand around his throat and their noses so close they could pratically kiss. "Stark, if anything happens to Coco, it's me and you and I don't care what your suit is made of. Got me? I'm not playing with you." "You can trust me," Tony says honestly. Fury slowly release him and turns to go back to Coco. He kneels and kisses her cheek, "be good Little One, okay? I'll be back soon. Stay close to him, if anyone tries anything he will protect you," she nods and wraps her arms around Fury's neck, he returns the hug by gently wrapping a arm around her, so to not hurt her and leaves.
Tony smiles and he and Coco stand in a awkward silence in a hall for a few moments. "so....you like Winnie the Pooh?" He points to the bear in her arms and the bag. She looks down at it to see what he is talking about. "Yes," she answers honestly because she loved the stuffed bear. "Have you seen it?" "No?" "That's what I thought, Pop Pop Tony is going to upgrade that, sound good?" She nods, having no idea what he is talking about as he places a hand on the back of her head and goes to his bedroom.
"Okay, sit up there on the bed and watch some tv for a minute, okay?" He gives her the remote and shows her how to find channels and he goes to wash up in the shower.
She scrolls and stops on a channel that caught her attention. A half hour later Tony walks out in a tshirt and hoodie, drying his hair with a towel and all the black stuff from before gone. "Did you find something?" He asks her.
"Yes? What is this?" She asks about she was watching, "what was that on you?" Tony came and sat by her on the edge, "you mean the oil? It's what is inside of cars. That would be...," he looks at the tv, "Kung Fu Panda," he smiles and scoops her up.
--one drive to Target later, because I feel like Tony is a Target and not a Walmart person--
"See anything you like and just grab it and throw it in the cart," he tells her as he picks her up and places her in the seat of the buggy. "Why am I in here?" She laughs.
"Because I dont want to chase you," he answers cooly but she can see the small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "What's in your bag?" He asks and unzips it to look, "you need clothes. How long have you been on earth?" "Uncle Fury says two weeks" "what have you been wearing?" "Clothes from his mom, she had them in a box"
Tony shakes his head and begins looking around. "See anything you like?" "I'm looking." "Yes ma'am," he laughs as they look around. After a hour and a half, three new little flannels, some jeans, a little leather jacket, muscle t-shirts from the little boys section of the store, that she chose herself, and some Funko Pops! he isnisted were cool and she must have later, he is paying for everything and lets her change in the dressing room so she can wear a new outfit home.
--later that day--
"I'm looking for Tony Stank," a old man with a box says at the door.
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Coco had just walked into the room after playing with her pops for hours to ask for food. There was a man with Tony.
Tony sighs and rolls his eyes, "twice, really? Im done with that site," he takes the package.
"Hi Sugar," the other man acknowledged her as he turned with a smile. She waves.
"Yeah Coco?" "Pop Pop Tony, I'm hungry."
"Pop Pop Tony?" The man cranes to face Tony ans asks teasingly. "Hey Sugar, I'm Rhodey, whats your name?" "Coco," she smiles and accepts the fist bump being offered to her, Fury and her mom had taught her how.
"Ever had a hoagie?"
"Pop Pop Tony, I don't want hoagies," Rhodey whines and forms a big shit eating grin.
"Fine, cheeseburgers?"
"I could go for that," Rhodey agrees and puts Coco on his shoulders as they leave.
Taglist: @merthurians-prat-and-idiot @weirdfangirl25
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justsomenarutobs · 6 years
Itachi Domestic Headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
Hey love so as we all know Itachi had a very depressing life never truly getting to enjoy his adult life so in these headcanons I kinda danced around any negatives also this was requested 4 times over the course of a couple days so i just had to get these out asap and the nsfw format has been changed so let me know if you dont like it all feedback is welcome anyhoo let’s get on with the show!
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 Itachi is such a devoted boyfriend this can not be stressed enough once he’s in love there’s no going back unless it’s under extreme circumstances like they cheated on him or try to turn him in as he is a wanted man but Itachi is cautious before devoted so he would have already found out everything even remotely important about his s/o so that there are no sudden surprises. In a relationship Itachi does just about anything for his s/o could ask for even if it’s something drastic like “hey Itachi I need a super rare pepper from a village 10 hours away that’s about half a million yen can you go grab it? I need it for dinner” his s/o can bet their every belonging that the pepper will be on the table that night somehow someway the only thing is that he expects that same devotion back which doesn’t even have to be to the same extent, simply making him dinner and rubbing his shoulders when he comes home or something cute like trying to learn how to make his favorite dinner will have him over the moon with ease
 Itachi doesn’t think about farthing the relationship to be completely honest, he gets stuck in the bliss of finally having a healthy relationship and if not brought up by his s/o he will never properly “pop the question” as he doesn’t see the need to since he has already decided to dedicate his life to them! He’s also not keen on having kids AT THE START of the relationship but again if brought up by his s/o Itachi will slowly warm up to either one or both of these ideas however he will definitely need an abundant amount of time to fully pick apart the pros and cons. When it comes to marriage Itachi will agree as long as his s/o compromises a bit by keeping the wedding small in guests the actual decorations or price is not a problem it’s just Itachi would rather keep everything intimate as for the kids...well in theory Itachi would love to have at least two kids but because he’s such an over thinker he’ll worry himself so much that the idea ends up getting scrap. Everything he thinks about sometimes gets brought up to his s/o therefore it really depends on who Itachi is dating because again it only takes some encouragement to get him over his own insecurities 
 After hitting a couple milestones in the relationship like a 5 month anniversary,moving in together,maybe even getting a pet together etc he strongly starts to think about leaving the Akatsuki and might even do it without telling his s/o until they specifically ask him when they notice he’s around more often to which he’ll most likely just say “There’s nothing to worry about anymore” with one of his signature small smiles. One of the main reasons for him doing this is keeping his partner safe and sound as it doesn’t take a genius to know that being in the Akatsuki brings death, the only unknown is if the death will befall their loved ones or themselves neither sounds right to Itachi as he’s in a constant state of happiness lately. No matter if he’s in the akatsuki or not Itachi prioritizes his partners life and is ALWAYS on the lookout for anything/anyone that might bring harm their way although it’s always subtle never truly showing the depth of his love because for the bigger chunk of his life he was closed up and became use to not being able to articulate his feelings while it’s not as bad as most Uchiha men cough cough Sasuke cough it’s still going to take lots of time and patience before he ever completely opens himself if ever
 THE BIGGEST CLOSET ROMANTIC ALIVE like it’s going to catch his s/o off guard the first few times when they walk into the living room only to find a big healthy bouquet of yellow roses with red tips or his other favorite lavender roses (yellow roses with red tips mean falling in love and lavender roses mean love at first sight/I love you) he doesn’t get red roses because he believes his partner is much to unique for the lovely but overall too common flower. Dates are always very chill but super romantic there’s no pressure, no feelings of needing to make conversation just basking in each other’s presence! Some examples of his dates would be very well thought out picnics at places of importance such as where they first met,first kiss or even just a place his partner enjoyed in their childhood. Other than picnics the only other times Itachi plans dates outside the house is when he feels confident that no conflict is to come from traveling, on those occurrences he takes his partner to places that stuck in his mind during his times traveling for the Akatsuki like the hot springs in Yugakure (which means “hidden village in hot water”). The bouquets are weekly represents of his love/appreciation for his partner and the dates are as often as allotted by his partners schedule but if their schedule just can’t seem to fit in little vacations Itachi has no problems making cute little dates in the comfort of their own home from movie watching to cooking dinner before they get home he does anything that could make them blush and have them feel loved
 What a pure sweetheart, Itachi is a gentle yet passion lover! He wants to pleasure his s/o to the fullest extent and the want for their happiness can almost overshadowed his own during sex so having a attentive lover will help big time that way Itachi also gets satisfied. Foreplay is one of Itachi FAVORITE parts while yes the actual penetration is mind blowing it has nothing on the heated kisses,light tugs from the hair,the taste of his partner etc it almost overwhelms him but in the best way possible as he wants to touch/taste everything he’s allowed to. For Itachi his foreplay has to include lots of oral sex because the taste and intimacy including him having his head between two warm thighs really gets him rock hard but usually the oral sex is only for his s/o unless they beg to give him a blowjob (because who wouldn’t want to lol) blowjobs with Itachi are always fun but never rough as he hates the sound of gagging (for dark reasons as well;it reminds him of someone choking on blood and the last thing they want is to trigger a panic attack)
 As for actual sex Itachi always rubs the head around their entrance as his only act of teasing because once he’s inside there’s absolutely no time waste. Is the king of hitting their g-spot/prostate without even needing a 9 inch dick because his stroke game is constant,strong and deeeeeeep. Every time he pulls out it’s slow but with no pause once the tip is right at the front then boom it’s back digging deep causing extreme ecstasy and to Itachi’s delight loud moans. Since Itachi wants to sate his s/o’s needs he has no problem switching positions at the maximum 3 times after that he gets a little annoyed but will most likely not mention, if anything he’ll began picking up his thrusts going a bit faster/rougher so they won’t have a want to switch positions all in all Itachi’s sex life motto is simply “why have sex when one could make love” 
 Let’s do some of his turn ons shall we? 
Lingerie- The things Itachi would do to see  his s/o in some super lacy/extravagant lingerie it’s also a surefire way to get him in the mood! 
Biting- Of course he’s not trying to hurt his s/o but sometimes he gets so lost in pleasure that he unconsciously bites down either on their back,under the collarbone or right near the shoulder while he feels bad when he sees it bruise something deep in him is happy they’re marked by him
Raw sex- He mostly just enjoys this because the feelings of not only the tightness but the wetness makes him wanna melt then on a more emotional level he feels honored that his s/o has trust in him to not make him put on a condom
Blindfolds/handcuffs- Not for him personally but on his s/o he likes the aspect that he can do whatever he wants and that his s/o once again trusts him so much 
Then as for positions we have his top three:
Missionary- As boring as it may sound you can’t deny that it’s an extremely intimate position as they are both wrapped in each other's arms, leg intertwined and lots of eye contact which is Itachi a favorite!
Cowgirl- So long as his partner doesn’t mind Itachi would his partner to ride him as he gets to hold their waist,nibble at their nipples and even rub their clit/give them a handjob to maximize pleasure
The Hotseat- having his partner sitting right on his dick and grinding to meet his thrust will literally have him panting in his partners ear in this position his partner has a upperhand...that is until he reaches around then starts playing with them
 Aftercare with Itachi is so sappy and cutesy a bystander could get a cavity if they watched too long. Right after sex Itachi is almost comatose;his body is just too heavy to move after sex so much so that he waits just a bit before getting up to grab a fluffy washcloth to wipe his s/o down of not only cum but their sweat/drool. Afterwards he half makes the bed (meaning he fixes the pillows and straighten ups the comforter while his s/o catches their breath) once that’s done he slips back in his boxers asking if there’s anything his s/o wants if nothing is given as a answer then he climbs back into bed gently pulling his s/o into a hug waiting for the moment they slip into sleep to whisper “I love you”
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Everybody believes and supports survivors until the second a survivor accuses someone they’re close to. Without fail. Every single goddamn time.
That last reblog...fuck. I’m so mad for that OP I’m shaking. There’s nothing new about their post and that’s what hurts the most. That convo they posted was the same song and dance every single survivor who knows one of their abusers or rapists knows by heart and has heard so many times before they can say the words along with the person they try and confide in.
Doesn’t matter how loud someone is in saying all the right things about believing and supporting survivors, how vehement they are about hating rapists and abusers, how much they present themselves as someone SAFE to be around. The second you accuse someone THEY’VE always felt safe and comfortable around, they will always, always, ALWAYS find a way to tell you you’re wrong and don’t know what you’re talking about, you misremembered or read too much into things or got confused or mistook them for someone else or it wasn’t REALLY rape or abuse or a million fucking things that aren’t actually I SUPPORT YOU. I BELIEVE YOU. THE WAY I’VE CLAIMED TO ALL THIS TIME, MAKING YOU THINK YOU COULD ACTUALLY TELL ME THIS.
And then non-survivors all wonder why so few of us disclose, why so few of us come to you, confide in you, do the exact fucking thing we know will always end the exact fucking way BECAUSE THATS THE WAY IT ALWAYS FUCKING GOES, NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU SWEAR ‘I’M NOT LIKE THAT.’
And people wonder why I’m so goddamn VITRIOLIC about abuse and rape apologism in fandoms, and so goddamn adamant about not encouraging people to forgive and move on, and so fucking insistent on holding ppl accountable, whether fictional characters or celebrities or random fucking posters, for shit they’ve done even years before, not giving them the benefit of the doubt that they’ve changed and grown and learn from their lesson, like why am I so sure they’re still like that, ‘you don’t know’.
Except yeah. I do. Because its all so fucking predictable. The sheer number of times I’ve heard variations of that same exact combo since the first time I tried to confide in someone growing up about the shit my mom did to me....I honestly can not count. I can name less than five people I’ve confided in over the twenty five years or so since then who ACTUALLY made me feel safe in doing so, who just sat there and shut up and didn’t try to do or say anything other than “I’m sorry you had to live that, I’m sorry that happened to you.” But I couldn’t even BEGIN to tell you the number of times I’ve tried to open up with people about the shit that hurt me, that terrified me, that traumatized me, only to have them turn around and with ‘good intentions’ awkwardly try and mitigate it and dilute it and water it down or reframe it or give her the benefit of the doubt AS THOUGH ITS THEIR PLACE TO DO SO because she’s my mom and you all just can’t fucking HANDLE living in a world where moms do that shit to their kids. But you still expect ME to, without any of that much vaunted ‘belief and support’ you’re always going on and on and ON about, while you keep living in fantasy land where actually, what actually happened was she was just trying her best and it wasn’t her fault and it was all just bad dreams and remembering shit wrong because who really remembers stuff from when they were kids anyway? LOLOLOL. Fun fact. Once you know what a wire hanger feels like after its been heated on a stove, THATS NOT SOMETHING YOU EVER FUCKING FORGET.
And its exhausting. So. FUCKING. Exhausting.
Like the true, honest to god reason I don’t have any fucking chill when it comes to judging people for characters they stan for or the arguments they make in defense of abusive characters or how people will go to fucking hell and back to defend their right to enjoy their precious noncon rape fantasy smut in peace?
I’ll be totally fucking honest with you, on some fucked up level that I acknowledge is unfair but I just honestly don’t give a fuck - its a test. I admit it. It is. Because at this point in my life, this far into it, this many times listening to the same shit play out any and every single time it comes up, I fundamentally do not trust, do not feel safe, or secure, or capable of fully relaxing, around anyone unless and until I’ve seen them willing to sacrifice something. Give up something or someone, a character or celeb or friend or relative who they formerly were close to or took comfort in or spoke highly of, because that character or celeb or whomever did something that was a dealbreaker, hurt someone or said or did something that made them go you know what, enough, that’s too far, no amount of joy or comfort or security I formerly felt because of this character or person can justify this thing they did, I can see that and this is me actually DOING something with that acknowledgment.
It doesn’t have to be for my benefit, doesn’t have to be for a reason I personally agree with, whatever, it just needs to be SOMETHING. Something visible, something real. Not just hating certain characters or celebs or people, but ones who once meant something to you, something that says.....I used to think this person or this character or this celeb was good and I could like them or even love them and be comfortable and safe around them.....but then someone told me otherwise and I BELIEVED THEM. I SUPPORTED THEM. I. PICKED. THEM.
Because without that, it just is what it is. I don’t care if its not rational, or fair, I just don’t. Twenty five years of the same broken record, I’m tired. I’ve heard “I believe, I support” to the accompanying tune of actions that say the exact opposite so many fucking times it does honestly take a shock to the system, the goddamn JOLT of actually SEEING the proof that at least once, you DID believe someone, you DID do something with that belief, for me to actually think oh fuck, they actually mean it this time instead of oh look, a person who gets off to rape fic is reblogging a ‘look how much I support survivors, Im such a good person’ ego-stroke again.
You can say all you want oh its just fiction, it doesn’t mean anything that I stan this abusive character or this celeb I don’t know, if a person in my REAL LIFE came to me and said this other person I know hurt them, I’d believe THEM, that’d be totally different....but its NOT. Its not remotely and I dont know how so many ppl actually buy this shit coming out of their own mouths cuz if it doesnt really matter cuz its a fictional character or a celeb you dont even know and you STILL cant bear to give up whatever enjoyment you get out of them once its pointed out hey that person or character you enjoy is a fucking rapist....then how the FUCK do you delude yourself you’d be able to give up a person you’ve spent any length of time trusting and being comfortable around in your real, personal life, if someone else disclosed to you that they fucking abused or raped them??? YOU WOULDN’T. AND I KNOW YOU WOULDN’T, BECAUSE EVERY SINGLE THING YOU GUYS SAY IN DEFENSE OF THESE CELEBS OR THESE PEOPLE ARE THE EXACT WORDS I’VE HEARD SAID OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
So many of you act like you think there’s this magical fucking SIGN you expect to get from on high, if shit like this ever happened in real life, that would magically distinguish it as an OH SHIT THIS TIME ITS FOR REAL moment, like okay NOW its make it or break it time, NOW it matters. And survivors keep telling you over and over again it ALWAYS matters. EVERY TIME you say this shit it ALWAYS matters, because what you’re always saying is what EVERYONE says.....”if I try hard enough, I can find SOME WAY to excuse this shit, so I don’t have to lose anything here, so I can keep going through life exactly as I have been.”
Somehow, some way, it always plays out the same....the SECOND we do or say something that puts someone on the spot, makes them CHOOSE, who will I believe, who will I support.....they always, always, ALWAYS find a way to support the other person, to make you the easy one to discard and toss away, like you’re the problem, you’re the enemy for making them choose in the first place.
Ugh. Fuck it. Whatever. I’m tired and gotta get back to work anyway. Not to be bitter or resentful, but that’s what happens when you’ve got no family as a support system cuz you ‘alienated’ them all by spending most of your life hating them for making you spend every Tuesday night alone with the woman they’ll still never admit abused you every week like clockwork til you finally fucking put your foot down and fucking revolted when you were ten, lmao.
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