#i didn't play it but I was interested in it so I watched one of those 8-hour supercuts of the cutscenes so I know the basic plot
squoxle · 20 hours
Secret Obsession 𓆩♡𓆪 P.WB 18+
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✰ pairing: pervy!professor!wonbin x camgirl!student!fem!reader | ✰ wc: 4.6k | ✰ cw: MDNI!!! heavily sexual content…literally porn bro | ✰ plot: since your first year of college, you've had a side gig to earn extra cash. during one of your streams, you meet an interesting new user catches your attention.
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You watched the comments as they appeared on your stream.
"Please take off your shirt for me, baby. Oh my god...ur so sexy. Take it off for Daddy. Turn around so I can see it from the back."
A part of you enjoyed the attention you received from your little side hustle, but the real reason you did this was to fund your education--or more realistically...your housing.
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You leaned back on your bed, spreading your legs as you reached your fingers down to toy with your wetness.
"Fuck baby. ur so wet. i wanna see u abuse that little cunt."
A notification popped up on the side of the screen alerting you to perform a paid request. Someone was paying 80 dollars to watch you finger yourself. That was a hefty amount to say that your viewers were already paying a subscription--and you were gonna end up doing that anyway.
You first inserted one finger to get you started before slipping a second finger in. You pulled them back and forth, grazing your g-spot every so often.
"I wish I was fucking u with my dick rn. Faster baby, please. I'm already so close."
You felt the buzzing from your remote-controlled vibrator beside you. "Oh, I guess someone really wants me to use my toy, huh?" you chuckled lightly. You knew that paying to control the vibrations on your toy costs $150 for 10 minutes.
"yes, please. I wanna see u cum all over your sheets."
You reached over to grab the smooth toy before pushing it into your pussy. You didn't have enough time to stretch yourself, but your viewers liked to hear you struggle. "Ngh!" you groaned.
"If you squirt I'll give you 100 dollars. Cum for me baby. God ur so fucking tight. Let me fuck u one time plz."
The squelching sounds of your wet pussy coupled with your soft moans filled the room as a creamy substance coated the toy. The vibrations intensified causing you to tightly close your legs. You felt your pussy clench around the toy as you came closer to your high.
"open ur legs baby I wanna see u fucking that cunt. i would eat your pussy till you cry. ur moans make me so fucking horny."
Another notification popped up, requesting that you use the rose toy on your clit while you keep using the vibrator. It was 50 dollars, not much, but it was a simple request. Your chest heaved as you pressed the toy against your clit.
Your legs trembled as you climaxed. Fortunately, you were able to secure that extra hundred as you squirted.
"Okay, guys," you said as you slowly caught your breath. "That's it for today."
"aww. please can you just cum one more time."
"I really have to go right now, but I'll be back soon," you smiled. Even though your face was completely hidden you still gave your usual expressions. You waved as the viewers left your server one by one.
The last one there was someone new. This was the same guy...or girl that had been giving you all of those paid requests.
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Username: Darkomen302
They had a mysterious vibe about them and you wanted see if there was any inkling to who they were on their profile. Every now and then, a client caught your eye. So this was nothing new.
Their age was listed as "old enough to be here" which meant that they had been verified, but chose to keep that detail anonymous. The bio was even more useless. "I'm the demon you can't stop dreaming about."
No profile picture, no name, no age...this was unlike anything you ever experienced.
A fairy-like tone chimed from your laptop indicating a new message from your secret admirer.
"How much for a private call?"
"It depends on what you want to do," you replied.
"Okay, well I want to watch you play with yourself."
"That'll be $200. I can add it to your subscription if you want."
"What do you mean?"
"I can just update your account. You'll have to pay a little more though."
"That's okay, I'll take it."
You watched as the banner on his account changed from silver to gold, indicating that he had upgraded his account.
"That was fast," you thought to yourself.
"I wish I could call you right now, but I have somewhere to be," they messaged.
"That's alright. Maybe we can do it some other time."
"How about tonight?"
Their eagerness was slightly off-putting, but you've dealt with stranger clients.
“Okay, sounds good. How about somewhere around 9 o’clock my time?”
“What time is it for you now?”
“It’s 2:15pm right now.”
“Oh, well it looks like we’re in the same time zone. See ya then,” he sent a winking emoticon before going offline.
You closed your laptop and got dressed for your first day of class. When you researched your anatomy professor, not a single picture came up.
This wasn't entirely off-putting given that he was a new professor.
Living on campus definitely had it's perks. You were just a few steps away from all of your classes, which meant you didn't have to get up as early to be on time. But it also made you lazy for the same reasons.
You pulled your bag over your shoulder as you walked into the classroom.
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"Good evening, class. My name is Wonbin Park, but you will address me as, Professor Park," he announced as he wrote his name on the board. "Or Mr. Park, Dr. Park, Professor P. It's fine with me so long as it's formal."
"No fucking way," you whispered to yourself as you thought back to the first time you unintentionally met your professor...
"Oh my god, he's so fucking hot," you heard one girl whispering to her friend next to you.
"Have some fucking decorum," another student spat at them. "You can talk like that after class...no one wants to hear that stupid shit."
"We're not even talking that loud, relax," one of the girls spat back at him.
"So? I'm telling you right now that if the genders were reversed you'd be saying some shit like that's so disgusting, guys are dogs."
"Whatever," You watched as the girl rolled their eyes at his remark, but he wasn't wrong. They could at least wait till he's not around to talk about him.
"As much as I love to see some good peer interaction, I'd prefer if I could teach today's lesson without the distractions. It makes it kinda hard to focus, not only for me but for others in the class," he smiled as he looked over to your section of seats.
"As I was saying," he turned back to the board "This is just an introductory class to anatomy. A brief overview of what you'll see in some of your later courses like biology and microbiology."
You wrote a few copious notes about the content covered in class. Mainly the contact information, grade system, late work policy, and exam dates. Stuff you thought was too important to forget. You didn't really like asking questions so this should be helpful.
"Alright, everybody. Let's have a little social lesson. I have a cup of popsicle sticks up here by me. Grab one stick and this little prompt sheet. Then go find your partner to mingle with for the next 10 minutes and come back here so we can do one more round," he said walking behind his desk.
After everyone had pulled a stick there were still a few left over. So the professor offered to join the game for the last round before class ended.
"God I hope I get to be his partner," one of the girls who sat next to you whispered, clasping her hands together.
Ironically, you were the one who got paired up with him instead of her. You scanned over the list, thinking of a reply to each of them.
What's your name?
How old are you?
Where are you from/hometown?
What is something that makes you stand out?
What's your major?
Do you have any siblings/pets?
What's your favorite food/drink?
Do you have any hobbies/special talents?
"How about you ask the first question," he smiled.
"Umm...I don't really know which one to ask first," you chuckled shyly.
"Okay, then I'll start. What's your name?"
"_____ _____."
"Now, it's your turn to ask me a question. Since you already know my name, you'll have to pick something else."
"Hmm...how old are you?"
"22," he replied before you proceeded to fill out the rest of the sheet with his answers.
"Can I ask you a question that isn't on this paper?"
"Umm, sure...depending on what it is."
"I'm just curious to know how you became a college professor at such a young age.
"Well I started college pretty early and I took quite a few AP courses in high school which gave me a head start."
"What made you want to teach anatom--" you were cut off by the timer on his phone. The real questions you wanted to ask him would have to wait until later. This wasn't really the time or place for a conversation like that.
"Maybe we can talk more during my office hours," he smiled before signaling everyone to go back to their desks and gather their things.
"Before you guys leave, come by my desk to grab a copy of the syllabus. It's short and will serve as your guide throughout the semester. Please look at the syllabus before you contact me with any questions because you might already have your answer," he said as shuffling sounds filled the room of about 50 students.
You were the last one in line to grab your copy, you didn't really like pushing through people, so going last was a safe option. You still managed to catch a glimpse of the same two girls from earlier giving the professor blowjob eyes as they took the paper from his hands.
You couldn't deny the fact that he was obviously attractive, but these girls were a little over the top, to say the least, and you were certain their subtle actions would escalate in the following classes.
You took your paper and smiled softly as you met his eyes. There was something about the way he looked at you that made your heart skip a beat.
But you refused to be anything like those other girls. Plus you never really needed any extra credit activities. You were smart enough to pass on your own.
Lucky for you, this was the only class you had for today. Which meant that you could go straight home after this 2-hour lecture.
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As soon as you made it back to your room, you remembered that you had to do another live stream for your female viewers today. So you prepped yourself for some classic pillow fun.
"Hey, ladies. D'you miss me?" you asked as you came into frame. They often liked to watch you change, which was difficult because you had to keep your face out of view.
"I've been waiting for this all day. I wish I could help you undress."
You stretched your body to pull your shirt over your head, revealing your bra--that you planned to keep on, especially since you were wearing a brand new panty set. You always let the ladies be the first to see.
"The way I would throw you onto that bed and eat you out till you beg me to stop. I'd kill to be your roommate."
You moved the camera to face your bed as you straddled your fluffy white pillow. Just as you began moving your hips back and forth against the plush fabric, your comments were blowing up with requests for you to show your boobs.
"play with your nipples for me, baby."
Even though you didn't really want to take off your bra you did it anyway.
"Oh my god! Fuck yes! ur tits are so perfect."
*Bing* your laptop chimed as a text from your new friend popped up.
"Are we still on for tonight?"
You obviously couldn't respond in the middle of your stream so you just ignored it until a eye-catching comment caught your attention.
"Darkomen302 has joined your stream..."
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You continued the rest of your stream, as usual--getting off before thanking your viewers. You were curious as to what all this Darkomen user wanted to do.
"Yeah, we're still on. Sorry, I couldn't respond earlier...I was in the middle of a stream."
"Oh, I saw. You did pretty good by the way."
"Thanks lol. So did you want to just get started now?"
"Yeah sure, just let me finish up something real quick."
"Okay," you texted before closing your laptop.
It had been about 10 minutes before you came back online. You checked your student emails as you waited for a message from your secret admirer.
An email from Professor Park just came in about his office hours and other windows of availability...
Good evening, Miss _______.
It was really nice getting to know a little bit about you today. I'm glad we got paired up. Below are my preferred office hours, but you can contact me anytime using either my work email or personal phone number. (Mon-Thu 4-5pm) (Fri 4-5:30pm) (Sat-Sun 10-11am)
Make sure you stay on top of your assignments and take good care of yourself. I hope you have a good rest of your evening. Can't wait to see you again next week.
Sincerely, Professor Park.
Email Sent: Today 18:21pm
"Okay, well how about we go out for dinner tonight around 8--unless you're busy. In that case, we can just reschedule. Nothing too formal. I just have a few more questions," you responded.
"Sounds great! You can meet me in my office. I'll be working a little longer today."
Before you got a chance to respond to your professor a videocall notification from Darkomen302 popped up on your screen.
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"Sorry, if I seem a little pushy. I just couldn't wait until later. I kinda have something planned tonight," they typed.
"That's okay. I'll make sure you finish quickly," you smiled. "Just tell me what you want me to do." You were wearing only an oversized t-shirt and the same panties from earlier.
"Okay, well can you sit back a bit. Just so I can get a better view of your pussy."
You did just as they requested, sitting back to spread your legs in front of the camera before circling your clit.
"Did you want to turn your mic on? It might make telling me what to do a little quicker," you suggested. A part of you was eager to at least know this user's gender. Mainly to give you an idea of what you were dealing with.
"Yeah, sure. But I can't talk too loud."
"That's fine," you said as you continued to toy with your clit.
"Can you hear me good enough?" he asked as he switched his mic on.
"Mmm yeah. I can hear you perfectly," something about his voice seemed familiar, but you couldn't pinpoint it just yet. "Did you wanna turn your camera on too? That way I can watch you cum too."
"Don't worry. You can keep it titled down just so I can see your dick," as often as you did this, having a little extra visual stimulation always made things better.
"Okay," you heard a bit of shuffling before his camera finally came on. You watched as he stroked himself through his pants.
"Oh my god, that looks so good," you hummed as you slid your fingers down to gather some of your slick.
He gripped his hard dick through his hands as you stroked his ego telling him how much seeing his clothed dick was getting you excited.
"D'you wanna see it?" he asked as his hands travelled to his belt.
"Yes, daddy. Please show me," you watched as he pulled out his hard veiny cock. You jammed your fingers into your pussy, coating them in your juices as you pumped them in and out.
"Ugh, fuck baby. Fuck that pussy good for daddy. I wanna see you cum for me," he groaned.
"Ngh, I want you to imagine fucking me like a good little slut," you said before pausing to spit on your slit. "Tell me all the nasty things you want to do to me."
"I wanna throw you over my desk and fuck you until you beg me to stop," he hummed as he began stroking his dick. "And after I make you cum all over my dick, I wanna put you on your knees and fill your mouth with my cream," he pumped faster.
"Mmm yes, fuck my throat and claim me," you reached for your dildo. This was getting more exciting than you thought.
"I wanna jerk off between your tits while you wear my glasses," you were quickly approaching your climax as you watched him beat off with those veiny hands.
"I'm so close," you moaned.
"Just hold out for a little longer. I'm almost ready," he moaned as he tugged at his dick some more. You listened to his eager whimpers as he came closer to finishing.
You slowed down a bit to give him some time as lewd sounds filled the room. For the first time, you wished he was here to really please you. To rip your pussy apart and fuck you just the way he wanted. Using you as his little fucktoy.
"Ngh~ Are you wearing a bra?"
"Show me your tits," he spat. "Right fucking now," his aggression was turning you on so much right now that you didn't even blink before pulling your shirt up to expose your tits.
"Ugh, fuck!" he swore. "You're so fucking hot. Ahh fuck! I'm gonna cum," he moaned as white cream shot out from his tip. You watched as it dripped down his fingers.
He continued stroking himself as he waited for you to finish.
"Fuck," you hummed. "We should do this more often."
"Yeah, you definitely help at relieving a lot of pinned up stress," he chuckled softly reaching across his desk to grab a tissue.
"And I didn't know you wore glasses."
"Only when I'm working."
"Sorry, but do you mind if I ask what kind of job you have?"
"No, that's fine. I just teach at a university."
"You seem kinda young. How old are you?"
"Well, I can't answer that question for obvious reasons, but I'm younger than 30. This might sound kinda weird but you actually remind me of one of my students."
"Oh, do I?"
"Yes, the first time I saw her was in the bookstore. I helped her grab something from the top shelf, and she dropped it on the ground when I handed it to her. Then we both reached down to pick it up, and I bumped into her from behind which made her moan a little. Next thing I know, we're fucking in a single-stall bathroom. I never saw her again after that...until I started teaching of course. A little bit before that was when I stumbled upon your streams."
Either this was the biggest coincidence ever or Darkomen302 was your professor.
"Oh wow, that sounds like something out of a movie," you chuckled.
"Yeah, I guess so. Well, I gotta go now. We should definitely do this again though. I had a lot of fun with you."
"Same here," you smiled before ending the call.
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You thought back to the first time you saw him today in class. A flashback of his face decorated by the golden sun rays popped into your head.
It was everything from the way he spoke to you to the way he scanned your body with his eyes that told you exactly what was on his mind. And you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel the same way.
When you felt his hard cock press into your ass, all common sense left your mind as lust took over. You locked eyes with him before tilting your head in such a way to tell him that you wanted to go somewhere private.
Yes, this was stupid. Yes, this was reckless. But you wanted him more than anything in that moment.
You thought back to the way he lifted you onto his hard veiny dick and shoved every inch deeper into you. You could hear his breathing pick up as he fucked you harder and faster.
He gripped at your body as he pleasured himself. He helped you ride out your high by stimulating your clit before you dropped to your knees and swallowed every last drop of his seed.
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You fastened your chain as you finished getting dressed for your date with your professor. As instructed you headed straight to his office to meet up with him.
*Knock, knock, knock*
You knocked on his door before he called out, "Come in."
You walked in sheepishly, not entirely sure why you felt this way all of a sudden. To be fair, it felt like the universe kept pulling you together in different ways.
"I'm glad you came," he smiled.
"So when were you gonna tell me that you were a teacher," you asked as you stood in front of his desk.
"Heh, it was kinda hard to do that with your tongue down my throat," he replied. "I didn't even get your name until now," he smiled.
"Hmm...I guess you're right."
"Are there any other questions you'd like to ask me?" he asked as he stood up.
"Yes," you began. Though a million questions raced through your mind, only one managed to come out. "Do you like pasta?" you cringed at yourself, trying your best to hide your emotions, but it was of no use. He could see it all over you.
"Pasta?" he laughed. "Of course I do, but I had that yesterday and I'm kinda in the mood for a steak. I know a really nice restaurant we could go to."
"Umm, I--"
"Don't worry. They sell plenty of pasta," he chuckled, slinging his crossbody bag over his shoulder, before walking over to you.
You watched his movements in shock, your mouth slightly gaped open. "Well, come on. Let's go," he smiled, patting you on the shoulder before opening his office door. "I'll take you in my car."
You rubbed your thighs together as you sat next to him in the passenger seat. You couldn't take your eyes off of the bulge in his pants. You knew he wasn't fully hard at the moment, but you couldn't shake the thought of his dick in your mouth.
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When he pulled up to the venue you almost thought it was a hotel from the outside. You followed him in to see an extremely formal dining setting. For a second you felt a bit underdressed as you sat next to Wonbin in the red semi-circle booth, but that all disappeared when you felt Wonbin's hand grip your thigh.
Your eyes jumped up at him. Instead of responding, he just gave you a look with his eyes. Lustful and sirenic. This was a look you knew too well.
"Good evening. My name is Andre, and I'll be your waiter tonight. Would you guys like me to start you off with anything? Maybe some bread? Or water?"
"Umm, how about some chardonnay?" Wonbin replied, still stroking your thigh.
"Alright. And what can I get for the lady?"
"Mmm," you struggled to hold back a moan as he reached his fingers between your folds, pressing against your clit.
"She'll have the same," Wonbin smiled as the waiter wrote down your order.
"Okay, well I'm gonna go start working on those drinks now. The menus are right here whenever you're ready to order something else," Andre smiled before tucking his notepad into his apron.
Just as the waiter walked far enough away, Wonbin pressed into you again. "Agh," you bit your lip.
"You're already wet," he smirked. "You must've been thinking about some nasty things, huh?" he continued, massaging your clit.
"Here you are, sir," Andre returned with a frosted bottle of white wine sitting in a small tub of ice and two champagne glasses. "I'm not sure if you wanted the whole bottle or not," he started.
"Oh, yes. This is perfect. Thank you," Wonbin said as he placed the items on the table.
"Alrighty, well just let me know if you need anything else."
"Of course," Wonbin smiled as Andre walked away again. The waiter also left behind a small tray of fresh and frozen grapes. Wonbin picked one of them up and teased your clit with the icy fruit, coating it in your wetness.
He then popped the cold fruit into his mouth. He picked up another one which slipped out of his fingers and onto the floor. "Oops," he smirked, before sliding under the table.
"Mmph!" you yelped, covering your mouth as you felt his tongue lap at your pussy. "Mmm," you stifled your moans as he sucked and tongue fucked you.
You felt him pull back and blow cool air on your wet lips before climbing back into his seat with the grape in his hand. "I got it," he smiled.
You barely even heard what he said as you looked at him with desperate eyes. Just like earlier, your expression spoke louder than your words as you practically begged for what happened next.
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"Follow me," he whispered before standing up and heading to a section toward the back of the restaurant. You hesitantly followed him to a red curtain that concealed a hidden V.I.P. section.
There he brought you to a private room. "This'll be a little more comfortable than a bathroom," he smirked.
He locked the door behind you as you stood in the center of the room, just waiting to be destroyed.
"One more time wouldn't hurt," you though to yourself.
"Make as much noise as you want, baby. Nobody can hear you," Wonbin huffed as he pumped into you. The lewd sounds from your pussy, mixed with your breathless moans.
"AHH," you screamed as he clamped down on your tit, sucking it hard enough that you were sure to wake up with a mark.
After this, you were completely done with him. Right?
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he spat as you moaned into his ear. He doubled down and started fucking you so hard and fast that you just went completely silent. Your mouth gaped open as the sounds of your skin slapping together took the place of your moans.
You did not want to become the girl who fucks her professor.
He turned you over, placing you on your hands and knees as he plowed into you from the back. You whined as he stimulated your clit while fucking you. You could feel his whole body engulfing you as he fucked you senseless.
"Yeah, baby. Just like that," he groaned, ripping his dick out to spit on your pussy before forcing in two of his fingers. You squirted a little as he stimulated your g-spot.
He pushed you down onto your side, lifting on leg over his shoulder as he fucked you some more.
"God, you're pussy is so fucking tight," he hummed.
You could get in so much trouble...and he could lose his job. Was it really worth it?
"Ngh," you hummed as he slowed down to give you long, hard, and deep strokes. He pulled out to spill his cum all over your stomach as you laid there with your pussy throbbing from the constant fucking.
He leaned down to kiss you on your cheek as he glided his dick between your folds.
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❀ Thank you all so much for reading! Make sure to check out other works on my masterlist!
❀ 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @chlorinecake @hoyeonheeseung @addictedtohobi @chaenqen @nikisvanillaccola @hynjinnn1 @melobin @laylasbunbunny @urfavberry @blooqz @adoresohee @billiondollarworth @youaremystarlight @wonbinisbabygurl @neotechclub @seesawh @cherihani @cartimitsuya @iceprincesgf @skywaslavender @mei-sunshine52 @sunnynearthecoast @ylukl5 @cake1box @bahraini-aphrodite @hwadejectedyoung @wonbinkisser
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thefallennightmare · 2 days
HC Tuesday ❤️❤️ can you write about reader bumping into Noah out somewhere and she truly doesn't recognize him. Maybe she's more of a book girlie 👀👀 (if you catch my drift hah) and doesn't really listen to much other than classic as she plays some type of instrument (violin, harp, atc) so she hasn't heard of BO. He's stoked to talk to someone who doesn't see him as a famous person, but just Noah.
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@thescarlettvvitch @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @lookwhatitcost @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @burning-outx @shadowseve @collective-heartbreak @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @sweetlittlekitsune @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @niicoleleigh @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @thisbicc @sammyjoeee @pathion @flowery-mess @tashka @Karenfranco @its-inourblood @amelia-acero @xxkittenkissesxx
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"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry!" You exclaimed when you bumped into the large body.
You had your head deep in your book that you weren't paying attention to where you were walking, nearly stumbling over your feet.
Your book dropped to the floor and when you glanced up at the man in front of you, you sucked in a breath.
Bright almond eyes stared back at you, ginger facial hair peppering the skin around his mouth, and tattoos peeking out from the white tank top he wore. He had a hat low on his head, almost as if he was trying to hide who he was.
"It's alright," his voice was deep, rumbling in his chest as he watched your face intently.
A red hue covered your cheeks, your skin feeling hot underneath his gaze.
"I should have been watching where I was going," you muttered over the surprisingly quiet street of Los Angeles.
It was late afternoon and you were headed to the local cafe you loved to frequent. Ready to curl up on their large sofas, reading your book.
The man scratched at the snake and apple tattoo on his neck. "Seemed like whatever you were reading was pretty interesting."
"Shit!" You cursed when you noticed your book still on the ground.
The man noticed as well and bent at the knees to pick it up, your eyes immediately noticed more tattoos on his back.
"The Losers?" He peaked a brow at the cover of four shirtless men. "What's it about?"
Quickly, you snatched the book away from him, his skin brushing against yours causing a fire to ignite deep in your belly.
Typically you didn't care if people saw you reading a book full of sex in public. Especially one that was filled with sex of one girl with four other guys.
But something about this stranger made you nervous, in a weirdly good way.
"It's uh-," you hugged the book to your chest. "It's kind of hard to explain."
He chuckled while rising back to his full height, towering over you. "Well, I hope you enjoy the rest of your afternoon."
There was something in the way he watched you, almost wondering if you were going to recognize him, but that would be futile. You'd never seen this man before.
Giving him a small smile, you apologized once again for running into him before slipping inside the cafe.
It was packed and you were lucky to find a spot in the far-off corner, hidden away from others.
With your fresh cup of coffee sitting on the table in front of you, you curled up on the couch to spend the next long while reading.
"Is this seat taken?"
You glanced up from your book to see the man from earlier standing in front of you, pointing to the open spot on the couch next to you.
"Are you following me?" You teased.
He shrugged. "I saw a pretty girl walk into a coffee shop with a book about sex. Piqued my interest."
Now your cheeks were on fire and while clearing your throat, you motioned to the spot next to you, he quickly sat down.
For the rest of the afternoon, you two talked about a lot of your shared interests.
When it came to the topic of music, that's when his oddly staring before began to make sense.
"I tend to listen to a lot of softer music. I play the violin so I like the classical side of things."
"So you never heard of Bad Omens?" He rested his arm alongside the back of the couch, his fingers softly grazing over your shoulder.
You shook your head. "Nope, should I have?"
He rubbed at his chin with his other hand. "Considering it's my band, I'm shocked you haven't."
"Oh that explains all the tattoos!" You snapped your fingers with a playful smile.
His chuckle rumbled underneath his broad chest and you bit your lip at the sight of him.
He really was gorgeous.
Not just his physical appearance but his mind as well. The way he spoke so elegantly about things.
"Let me guess, guitar player?"
He laughed again, the noise making your stomach flutter. "Yes and no. While I do play guitar, for the band I sing."
"Hm, maybe I'll have to check you out sometime," you winked.
He leaned closer, his breath fanning over your lips. "Anytime you want."
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pensbridge · 2 days
Some minor things you might have missed in the trailer
Icon Hyacinth hugs her future sister-in-law and looks second-most elated for the news behind the no. 1 polin supporter Mama Bridgerton
Lady Danbury is quite interested in this "fresh gossip" (Penelope Featherington is betrothed to Colin Bridgerton; quite intriguing, I must say) ?
The ring appears to be Violet's, that's been shown multiple times before. Thanks to @sayyoumadetobemine for pointing this out! However the box he presents it to her in appears to be different than the heart-shaped one we see with Anthony, which is interesting. (They're really not beating the Violet & Edmund mirroring allegations and I love that for them!)
At second .45, Colin doesn't let go of Penelope's hands when she turns towards the mirror as he maneuvers behind her.
I might be projecting my own wants (and it is a highly edited trailer where scenes are cut together/don't play out the way they look), but am I the only one sensing Colin has thoughts when she says she's been writing ...letters at the question of the ink? u didn't respond to my letters & who are u writing to jealousboy!TM
How many times is Colin gonna spin this girl in bliss? asdfghjkl It's totally cut off in the 2nd one, but each time, he pulls her into his chest at the end and I dieeee!
The kiss in the Whistledown robe. That's all! (this one I wrote purely for re-indulgence for me)
I've watched this 3 times, and I'm still not positive it's the same scene - Queen Charlotte points at....Cressida ? FUCK
Why did I just now notice the butterly motifs (1:50 is so obvious)
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roronoaism · 1 day
+ warnings: mentions of oral, semi-public sex, secret-ish relationship
+ ft: zoro x gn reader
+ wc: 0.3k
nsfw under cut, minors dni!!!
+ notes: so im (semi) back from my break!! yayyy!! but anyways i was thinking of 'what if zoro was secretly obsessed with you, and like you guys had a secret relationship yap yap yap' and i was like shit, this is cute, lemme make a lil piece. kinda inspired by the genji one i posted on genjist, so that softer side of a typically rougher-ish character is one of my fav things to write!
js want to say its not too heavy on the smut, but it is mentioned, so its nothing too vulgar.
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he was infatuated, to put it simply.
no one expected the swordsmen roronoa zoro to take such an interest in a woman, yet here he was, swooning over you.
your relationship with him was secret, kept hidden from the rest of your crew. but it didn't stop him from stealing glances, a soft smile or blush apparent on his face. he'd deny it if sanji or franky made a comment, insisting it was just 'too hot out'.
he worshipped you in private, whispering promises and praise to you. pulling you to the side when no one is around to kiss you, hiding in closets or empty rooms to quickly eat you out.
he didn't mind the secrecy, in fact it made it more attractive in his mind. his secret possession over you.
the crew had suspicions, ranging from knowing glances snuck by nami and robin, to sanji's vulgar comments and remarks. but no one spoke it aloud, instead watching your actions speak for themselves. your hand lingering on his more than usual, a knowing smile on the face, a blush coating zoro's cheeks.
and it was hard to hide the moans that occasionally seeped through the walls when you two were a little too loud and rowdy, hiding in the shower room or kitchen late at night. you opted to play it off as sanji, but everyone had their ideas.
it might not be the best kept secret, but zoro couldn't deny it. the nightly kisses on your forehead and cheeks were enough for him, even the small burn in his heart whenever he saw you,
he loved your secret life, he loved you.
©2024 roronoaism - please do not repost or translate my works on other media sites ♡
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doshiart · 1 day
🖤weekly tag wednesday🖤
hi hi hiiii, i've been away for a while, but i'm back. thank you @jrooc for tagging me <3
and while i'm writing this, thanks also for the tags @creepkinginc and @energievie <33
how did you get into the fandom? 
i'd watched the show and then gone to read a fics. then i was overwhelmed and drew a couple drawings and posted it everywhere, but it was here that it found a greater reaction (thank you ♡)
how long have you been here?
half a year? it seems like it was just yesterday
what’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?)
gallavich scenes on youtube
what’s your favourite now? 
tumblr. this is a very comfort place
which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom?
@suzy-queued hiii Deena!! 🐈🖤 that was the first person i met here because i was obsessed too much with her works
which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know?
first first crushes were @suzy-queued and @heymacy
everyone here is so unique and interesting, i love y'all. and you're all superstars for me
first Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember)
Inside This Room for Two by grayola
first soulmate AU - Is There Somewhere by andchaos
first AU that blew me - These Foolish Games by Suzy_Queue
Under Lock and Key by Suzy_Queue - and then i showed up here with a fanart
first fan art that blew your mind? 
arts by @gallavichonly
fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love?
it's a hard question. i don't like a/b/o but i have a few fics that i liked by Ravenheart. i don't like dom/sub play, but i also have one that i liked (The Menagerie by @crossmydna)
and i didn't realize how much i like slowburns (too much)
what surprised you most about this fandom?
what jess said. there are so many awesome people here
moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich?
Mickey Watching Over Ian [S04E07]
i am really hyperfixated
Ian or Mickey?
which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? 
something between Debbie and Sandy, Mickey and Ian... i'm always a pairing kid
tagging: @lee-ow @deathclassic @suzy-queued @mybrainismelted @gallapiech
@michellemisfit @mickeym4ndy @burninface @spookygingerr
@roryonic @mickittotheman @francesrose3 @sickness-health-all-that-shit @heymacy
@stocious @too-schoolforcool @lingy910y @thepupperino @blue-disco-lights
@sgtmickeyslaughter @crossmydna @jademickian @ms-moonlight-inn
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I have recorded different versions of my name, and the last time I was told it was Haynrix and I was like, really? Haynrix? - Interviewing Chris Tester part 3
We contiune talking about the transformative power of fanworks, a bit more about romancing Heinrix, how Heinrix is pronounced actually, what a dream come through project would be for Chris and why a stage production of Crime and Punishment was his most memorable work to date and his newly discovered interest in playing D&D.
Part 1 of the interview
Part 2 of the interview
This is the final part of the interview. Thank you so much for reading and listening! (the audio quality is not spectacular but tumblr limits uploads to 10MB). If you quote or reshare, please quote me as the original source.
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F: It's very transformative. You take a game and you get your own stories after the game or with the people you interact with. It's very creative. Because Heinrix is very much an archetype, as you said, he has this duality about this very authoritative man with so much trauma underneath. There is a lot to explore, and that speaks for Olga's writing as well, because only a very well written character would draw you in like that into a story.
CT: I mean, it's a crazy balancing act, definitely. And at any time, it could close off, you shut him down, or he shuts you down. And you're like, Oh, okay.
F: And it was incredibly funny that the first romance lines straddled the line between workplace harassment and flirting. And he is so unnerved and then it doesn't like to cordon you off and say, well, you were too aggressive. Game over. 
CT: Yeah.
You can switch to this closeness path like in a real relationship, you are maybe very flirty, very teasy at the beginning, and then things get real and you get real and it changes. And that was very dynamic. I never experienced that before. BioWare writes great romances, but they are often very one note in their games.
CT: And there's still the kind of like, okay, so are we sleeping together? Yeah. Or we do not. All right. No, okay, great, fine. God, I had to go through all the different fucking options just to go like, Is this, is that, no, no, okay, fine, right, yeah. So in terms of nuance and dynamic, it's you've got your issues over there, but regardless, can I just say the right thing? Uh, or not, you know, or be pure, or whatever. Garrus was always a favourite for me.
F: Oh yeah, Garrus, Garrus is great.
CT: Yeah, yeah. I'll be honest I didn't really appreciate quite how subtly all of the pieces are put together until I played through bits of the game and watched bits of the game afterwards [this relates to Rogue Trader]. Because there are so many different moving parts, but also so much is recorded out of order, it's very difficult to get a full appreciation of the whole, and it's the credit of the directors to just be able to give you enough for you to get it in two or three takes, because we gotta move on because time is money is time. 
And so that's kind of crazy, where you've got to just act in faith in the moment and trust that the people who are listening on the other end feel as if they're getting what they need. Obviously the more you record, the more you get a sense of what the character is about and the palette and the playfulness and all of those kinds of things. But because there are such a multitude of choices anyway, no one can explain to you exactly the context of what it is because that's all such a movable feast as it is anyway.
F: That's a huge credit to voice actors to still get it right in three or four takes.
CT: Well, the aim is to give them options so that they can trial it out and be able to have a playfulness about things. It's always nice when you go like, I'm just going to try this different take on how this might traditionally be read as or something, and then you maybe hear that in the game and go like: Oh, okay, that's a little bit of whatever. 
Because quite often you'll probably be told to read a line no more than three times, and the first time that you read a line, that you read it out loud is the first time that you read the line at all. So, you don't read it in advance, and sometimes that goes in. It's normally the second or third take, I would say, but that depends very much on the voice actor. Because quite often, the whole point is to be quite good at sight reading, and sometimes there's a spontaneity in the reading of something for the very first time, which might give something a little bit unexpected, or a little bit fresher. 
And then you realise halfway through, there's a word I have no idea how to pronounce. Is it von Valancius? Von Valancius as it's written or von Valen and you're just like, the hell? Okay. And then you need to go back.
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F: Or his name actually, because as a German, we have Heinrich as a first name. So is it Haynrix? Is this Hainrix? But we can say it's Low Gothic, so it doesn't matter.
CT: I have recorded different versions of my name, and the last time I was told it was Haynrix and I was like, really? Haynrix? Okay. Sure? But I've not had a definitive conversation about that, so I don’t know whether or not they change it or, or whatever.
F: I settled on, it's Low Gothic and not the German version and it's fine because that's a fantasy language. It doesn't matter. And I know from other voice actors that sometimes you don't get any directions on how something is pronounced.
CT: Quite often we're just taking an educated guess. I mean, they're very good in terms of some pronunciations, but if no other character is saying this word except you, then there's probably not a guide for it in which case you just make sure that you record it somewhere. So, it's consistent. So, if you're saying it more than once, at least you're saying it wrong consistently. So that becomes the new, right?
F: What was your most memorable work to date? Stage or voice acting?
CT: Stage or voice acting or whatever? God, I would say one was a production of Crime and Punishment. There you go. It was a three-person adaptation of the massive book really condensed into about 90 minutes, essentially. Quite a radical adaptation, but it was a beautifully written adaptation, and I think I did it probably about 2017, 2018. That was wonderful storytelling because it had so much of the original flavour in it and also this ambiguity of character. A much more ambiguous character than someone like Heinrix. Someone who is so eminently fallible and flawed, and yet trying to find a through line through it and a making of sense and the justification for the reasons why people do bad things. That is pretty iconic for me as an experience. 
I do feel lucky that a lot of the things that I'm able to explore in the video game or in the voiceover world generally are completely new and unexpected things. Whereas on stage, unless you're doing a lot of new writing, the vast majority of the time, it's a role that you're familiar with or have seen or have heard about. It's pre-existing. Whereas with some of these video games, you get to create that whole original world or character and that kind of stuff. Which is why if anybody asks me, what role do you want to play? I'm like, the role that I don't know exists yet, and Heinrix is very much one of those. Like, I had no idea and neither did I have any idea that it would develop in the way that it did. 
But the whole process itself is a lot of fun and you work with very cool people to tell a completely new and original story. But having that ambiguity, having that tension within the character, every actor has to find that for themselves anyway, just to keep creatively engaged and alive, but have that so vividly running as an undercurrent and for it to be able to go in different ways, that's such a cool kind of thing. I'm just so up for more of those kinds of opportunities. Maybe hopefully in the future, we'll see.
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F: Has voicing Heinrix opened any doors? Did you notice an uptake in offers?
CT: I think it means that a few more people probably know who I am, and that's cool. A few more people. Yeah, it's definitely been referred to. Other than that, I don't know. But it certainly doesn't hurt being involved in such a high profile and well respected, well-loved game. I mean, for me as well, because I've done various different aspects of stuff in that world. That doesn't hurt. 
I love the whole Warhammer 40k universe, at the same time I don't want to just be like, I'm a 40k actor and that's all I do because that world also probably doesn't need just another white middle-class man in it, even if that is like 70 percent of the world. Like you say, they're trying to broaden it out and diversify it and necessarily if it wants to get to a bigger audience and have a healthier ecology on so many different kinds of levels. So, I don't want to go all in on just that, even if it's a very rich world. So, it was a real pleasure. 
F: Would you want to broaden your repertoire into radio plays, because I know on your LinkedIn, you write, you're the voice when Cumberbatch is busy and listening to you, there are undertones of Benedict Cumberbatch in your voice, and Benedict before he became really popular, he did something like Cabin Pressure, which is so fun.
CT: Yeah.
F: Would you be open to doing radio plays like that?
CT: Definitely. I've just recently come from a voiceover conference in the UK and did a couple of workshops and that reminded me of what the work is that I want to actively seek out. And there's a lot of audio drama stuff floating about, a lot of that is available via social media or is operated in the U.S. as opposed to in the UK., though there are some great ones in the UK. as well, and it's tricky to know why and how to validate some of those things. So, it's something that I would love to explore doing more of as well as, you know, you can do these audio drama things, which are kind of like shorter versions of audio books, almost essentially with not so many voices. And I think those medium and short form ways of storytelling would be lovely. It would be great because I'm not right for a lot of video games. 
I don't think I'll ever be actually a very prolific video game actor if that makes sense because I'm okay at shouting and I can play some monsters and I've got a couple of accents in the bag and that kind of thing in terms of doing voices. People will say it's about the acting Chris, it's not about voices, but doing some voices and being able to nail certain things there are people that are brilliant at that. But there are people who have probably a wider palette of voices than I will ever have. 
I never started out as a voice actor. I'm very much an actor who uses the voice, and I'm trying to broaden that out a little bit more as I keep on going. But I want to open myself up to more different types of stuff to be creatively fulfilled. The prospect of going into a recording session and screaming “grenade” and “bang” is not very fulfilling. I did that for a few games, and then I'm done with that. Like the money's not good enough for me to do that. I mean, never say never. If the money does become good enough, then we can talk. But you push your voice and it's a different kind of acting, I'll put it that way.
F: So, last question. What would be a dream come true project for you?
CT: A dream come true project? Probably something entirely original that I can't imagine. I would love to be able to work on an audio project where I'm working with other actors in real time. I would love to be able to work with most of the cast in Rogue Trader, for example, but I’d love it for us to be able to have dialogues where you're actually responding to each other as opposed to insert A, B or C here, that kind of thing. Because that's the one thing I kind of miss so much from the audio side of work is you getting something unexpected from the other person and then riffing off it. You have to self-generate as a voice actor that a director will go do you want to try it like this? Or maybe like this, it's supposed to be funny. Try it dead pan, that kind of thing.
But quite often that kind of spontaneous element of discovery only comes from when someone gives you a line in a way that you really didn't expect, and maybe it makes you laugh, when it's supposed to be tragic or whatever, those kinds of things. The biggest thing I miss about stage work is when you're working with an actor at the top of your game and they raise you up to their level. It's terrifying, but in the best way. Some actors can do that effortlessly because they're so in the moment, because they don't know what they're going to do next, even though they can find their light and make sure that the audience is still seeing their brilliant acting at the same time. Clever, clever bunnies. That feeling because they don't know exactly where they're going, you're kind alive to the moment in a way that quite often you're not, and if there was a way to be able to replicate that in an audio way and a long form storytelling way, then that would be cool. 
I've just started playing a little bit of D&D and I don't know if I'll ever get good at that, especially in terms of like, so I've got to come up with words. Oh my God. Whereas I will never watch a D&D playthrough for four hours on YouTube myself, personally, life choice, I can start to understand the appeal of that because there's an element of that spontaneity and playfulness, but in a group. So, if there was a way to do that with actually scripted drama, I'd be all in on that. That would be amazing. Or some kind of hybrid. So I don't know exactly what that is, but that kind of thing would be quite cool. 
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F: That's what the BBC did with Cabin Pressure. I attended one live recording and it was just amazing. You have all the other actors [apart from Benedict Cumberbatch] that are household names. And to see them act and how little takes they actually need for the lines and everything is amazing.
CT: Yeah, there's an appreciation of the craft, but it's also the fact that it's not into a void. It's not like, okay, we've done three. Is that okay? We're onto the next. I think in many ways it can make the work much easier, because you're using your imagination, but in a different way, because you're operating with a stimulus. And that's always exciting.
F: And good D&D is just like improv theatre.
CT: Yeah, exactly.
F: Really good players are spontaneous. Just very creative.
CT: That should be celebrated and I think harnessing more of those kinds of things would be fun, because in all honesty, still probably about 60, 70 percent of the work that I do is in the corporate and business sphere. That's just because of how I sound. I didn't go out to court that work particularly, but in terms of the stuff that pays the bills regularly, that's the kind of stuff that I do. Even then, you're trying to find levels of playfulness or colour so that you're not just coming over with: “in a world where you can trust a big corporation to take your money.” So, there's any kind of nuance or subtlety to that, that will be a good thing. So that's the kind of stuff that I crave as a result.
F: Thank you for your time.
CT: Oh, my pleasure.
F: It went by so fast. We went over time; I still have a lot more questions.
CT: Oh, sorry.
F: No, no, no, no, no, no. That, that's, that's absolutely fine. Thank you.
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People complaining about og She-Ra's outfit but not He-Man reminds me of those twitter kids going nuts over some anime's character having big boobs or revealing clothes
The one that comes to mind to me is especially One Piece, cause the designs are infamous for being very unrealistic because of the woman's boobs, but them there's man characters that are 8 foot tall or super muscular or fat, they also complain a lot about the girls clothes as if Zoro and Luffy didn't walk around showing their chests all the time as well. Demon Slayer is another one, because of a character outfit that have a clevage and some twitter kids complained about being sexualized, but then they look at the male characters and go like "MAKE ME PREGNANT DADDY". This discourse with anime especially is pretty dumb because anime is well known for being weird, so is kinda useless complaining about this and those anime aren't even the worse cases, show stuff like Nanatsu No Taizai for these people and they would go on a cardiacal arrest
Because if a woman is showing skin is sexualized and disgusting but when is a man is alright and "hot". And if a man have a crush on a fictional woman is "weird" but if it's a girl is fine
(there's so much more that i can talk about this because this topic make me so mad! So mad that i made a good portion of my female OC sexy or thicc out of spite)
i have to disagree with this take. because i do think that a lot of anime is actually specifically catered to the male gaze. i won’t talk about the ones you mentioned because i haven’t watched those, but the male gaze and hypersexualization of women, especially teenage girls, is more than prevalent in anime. there are two main categories of anime - shōjo, which is made for a female audience; and shōnen, which is directed toward a male audience. and the hypersexualization of women is not surprisingly the most obvious in shōnen anime. even in the more recent ones like MHA, it’s clear that the girls are a lot more sexualized than the men, even when some of the male characters are drawn to be muscular and attractive.
which brings me to my next point, i don’t think these two are comparable. yes, a lot of shōnen anime have male characters who are tall and buff and have a lot of scenes with their shirts off, but because the target audience is male, this usually serves as a power fantasy rather than a fetish. i mean, sure, the audience may include women or queer men, but the target audience is straight men. for them, the super hot male character (or alternatively, the loser everyman character) is just a self-insert.
not to mention, the topic of sexualization also includes the question of whether this character is an individual in their own right. are they important to the narrative? do they have a personality other than being sexy, flirtatious or the butt of an SA joke? do their have their own lives and hobbies, outside of the narrative? are they an independent character in their own right? do their lives revolve around something other than their love interest?
the answer is yes for male characters (especially those who are part of the main cast) and no for most female characters (even those who are part of the main cast). you might have heard of the “sexy lamp trope” and it applies to a lot of anime female characters. because often times than not, their sole purpose is to just stand there and look sexy, and have a rushed romance with one of the male characters. even if the female character has some interesting aspects to her or has a cool superpower, it’s barely explored. *side eye at MHA*
and in general, the framing tends to be very obvious. there’s a lot of unnecessary focus on the female character’s tits and ass, there are a lot of “unfortunate accidents” with her and the male character, there’s the designated creep who gets away with harassing or even straight up assaulting the female characters and it’s played off as a joke. it’s a lot more nuanced than just the female characters having a curvy body or wearing revealing clothes, both of which are totally fine and doesn’t automatically make a character hypersexualized. it’s the narrative around it that’s fucked up.
obviously, i’m not talking about ALL anime. i’m sure there are good ones out there with fully fleshed out female characters (in fact, a lot of shōjo anime tend to be quite empowering for women). but it is true that anime is notorious for catering to the male gaze and treating its female characters very poorly. it’s not the same as OG she-ra, which was a show designed for a female audience and where, apart from wearing a somewhat short dress, there’s not much emphasis on adora’s body.
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medialog may 2k24
not me being on time...
the pilot of star trek: deep space nine - i normally would not list a single episode of television here but (1) it's almost two fucking hours long and (2) i watched this in some ways as one might watch a movie, i.e. at a friend's behalf without any expectation of continuing. i'm not sure that i will continue because as we all know i'm not the biggest fan of space, but i will say that my friend had been on me for ages about this and i truly could not imagine what he thought the appeal might be and then it turned out to be literally about colonialism and trauma so i was like.... okay..... points were made......
i saw the TV glow - on letterboxd i called this "beautiful, aching, strange," which i think sums it up. the visual look of this movie has really stayed with me, as have certain scenes (the neck-drawing scene - one of the most intimate, tender, & vulnerable moments i've ever seen in a movie), as has the way that i didn't really know how to watch it or what it was doing until the very end, which made it sort of curious in the moment but felt right in the end because it's about people who don't know what story they're in (made me think a little, weirdly, of the green knight, which i had a similar experience with). i also just appreciated its loving fidelity, even as that affection is complicated by the text itself, for the aesthetics of the first nickelodeon generation, and the fact that one of the things it's about is the idea of being life-changingly obsessed with something that's objectively kind of stupid.
challengers - "is this movie good" wrong question. right question is "does this movie fuck" and the answer is ABSOLUTELY. i'm gonna say something very controversial which is the more i think about it the more i think the movie was correct to include no real actual sex scenes and that in this specific case i truly believe if there was more fucking it would be less horny. last moment maybe the most purely elation-producing thing i have seen in a movie all year.
thief - i continue to be so glad to have been gently michael mann pilled by @power-chords; he is such an incredibly reliable filmmaker for making movies that are incredibly entertaining and well-made scene-to-scene but always manage to be so much meatier and more interesting in their writing & execution than the plot summary might lead you to assume. like, every time i watch one of his movies about white guys doing crimes, something people make a zillion movies about each year, i'm like, how come they don't all just do it like this guy? this one doesn't quite have the kick-it-to-eleven-something-extra to land it in top-tier mann territory for me personally, but it's still great, with a killer lead performance. it really brought home for me how much his movies are driven by a firm belief in the fact that people have personal philosophies that matter to them in a real way, and that one thing that makes him interesting and distinct is his insistence (here as in heat & blackhat) that that applies not just equally but possibly more so to people who have been incarcerated, and in fact his insistence on viewing incarceration itself as a situation which forces people to develop and articulate their personal philosophies as a matter of psychological survival (while obviously influencing what that philosophy is).
trouble in paradise - my letterboxd review of this was "siri play cowboy like me" and i stand by that: girl and boy meet cute in a classic scammer4scammer relationship, things get complicated on a later trick but ultimately they'll be loyal to each other and no one else until the end. i liked that but lubitsch is also a filmmaker who has turned out a bunch of kick-it-to-eleven movies that really wowed me and this felt a little light compared to the deranged battle-of-the-sexes fantasia bluebeard's eighth wife, the unbelievably dark and unbelievably funny WWII farce to be or not to be, or the OG MMF threesome celebration design for living. this one is just a very nice time, although i do need to stress that if it had been my first lubitsch i probably would have been more impressed, and the highs against which i am measuring it are EXTREMELY high
the bourne identity - did you know that brian cox and julia stiles are both in this movie? think about that for a minute. anyway this is decently fun
the bourne supremacy - kicks like 200% more ass than the first one, much more concerned with delivering awesome set pieces happening as frequently as possible. crazy to watch the shaky-cam action scenes in this after 7 million incoherent shitty shaky-cam action scenes and really savor the fact that even though it FEELS out of control and wild, actually you can tell what is going on with perfect clarity the entire time!
perfect blue - this is like the most incredible movie i have seen in my entire life holy shit????? just an incredible exploration of celebrity, identity, projection, parasocial relationships, the viciousness and dehumanization women in the public eye experience within the entertainment industry and without, often from people who identify as their biggest fans... also one of the only movies (seriously it's like... this and eighth grade? what else is there?) to make meaningful use of the affective/psychological/metaphorical dimension of the internet (in a way that makes clear that with the internet it's hard to suss those three apart), despite the fact that it came out in 1997 and features a scene of someone explaining to the protagonist how to go online. like it came out THAT early and ALSO: features a scene where our constantly dissociating heroine whose grasp on reality is dissolving reads a blog an obsessive stalker has been writing in her voice and uses it to identify what she did that day... like satoshi kon (RIP) your mind... this is also probably the animated movie i've seen that makes the most interesting use of the fact that "real" and "fake" can plausibly look identical in animation. it's a dark and viscerally disturbing watch with some deeply cynical observations and yet ultimately feels very humane and not wholly depressing... it's a miracle to me this movie exists i really can't believe how good it was. everything i've ever wanted happening at once.
furiosa: a mad max saga - i'm so glad chris hemsworth got to be australian in a movie that rocked... darker and slower than fury road, both by design, but i really liked its heaviness, offset (and this is like fury road) by a core humanity that feels like a real commitment. but also it is filled with many scenes that whip unholy amounts of ass.
ball of fire - THIS MOVIE WAS SO FUCKING GOOD I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay this is a screwball romcom from 1941 and the premise is: "stuffy but sweet grammarian currently serving as the only hot member of an eight-person team of encyclopedists realizes after a chance encounter with a loquacious garbageman seeking trivia help that his entry on slang is hopelessly outdated and ventures out of project headquarters to learn the language of the people on the streets, where he also finds a nightclub singer with a smart mouth who unbeknownst to him is a gangster's moll tangled in a web of her own." IS THAT NOT THE BEST IDEA FOR A MOVIE YOU HAVE EVER HEARD IN YOUR LIFE???? everything about this movie is SO delightful. gary cooper is so funny and so cute and sweet blushing his way through a belated sexual awakening, barbara stanwyck is charismatic and sharp winning over both him and the seven old nerds who are silly and cartoonish in the best way (but also one of whom gets a monologue that is genuinely moving but whose obscenity is so thinly veiled i TRULY could not believe the board let it through in '41 lmao). this was screening as part of some partnership with the academy where different branches choose movies to highlight and it was selected by the writers, which makes sense because the screenplay is INCREDIBLE, both structurally and line by line. it's somehow both gonzo and intimate, weaving a goofy gangster plot that in the screwball setting reads almost like a parody of noir (the chief goon is named "pastrami" lmao) in at the edges of a genuinely tender love story of the very very best kind, which is two people who surprise each other and consequently themselves, who mutually change each other but not in a way that suggests either of them ever needed to be fixed... and the way this happens is largely through LANGUAGE!! the script is sooo in love with language itself, seeing poetry both in fast-talking street-corner patter and in a line from richard iii that appears in a scene that remains hilarious even as it's also so heart-rending that it elicited not one but two vocal oh's from the person behind me. like, it's so crucial that cooper's character's attitude towards all the slang he's missed while holed up with his books is the excitement of a botanist discovering a new species of fern, totally devoid of condescension or scorn (there's a scene where he tries to understand the meaning of "corny".... it's just so good). this movie felt like a magic trick!!! i just coudn't get over it!!! i was floating on air!!! i was thinking about it all day!!! love yourself and watch it as soon as you're able!!!
ONGOING: interview with the vampire season 2 - Finally Some Good Fucking Food
andy greenwald, nothing feels good: punk rock, teenagers, and emo - when i was working on the taylor post i asked nick if the starting line qualified as emo and he responded by pulling this book off the shelf and seeing if they were mentioned (they are, several times). i flipped through it for some additional context and decided to read it for real because i was in the mood for some light nonfiction and it seemed fun and also i know andy greenwald as half of one of the ringer podcasts (the watch, which discusses TV; i had no idea he used to be a music guy). anyway i liked this more than i expected to honestly! you can tell that greenwald genuinely admires the work of many of the bands mentioned, both in emo's hardcore antecedents and in the scene/movement/trend itself (and he devotes a lot of space to the ways emo is all three of those in different ways or sometimes all at once), but you also get the sense that he's approaching this more as a journalist than as a critic, and his primary interest is less the music than the experience of the bands and especially of the fans; it's an oversimplification to say that his argument about emo is that it brings the catharsis of punk to uncool normie teens (given the origin point of my journey with this book, yes, i did constantly find myself stumbling across sentences that sounded like things a person could write about taylor swift lmao), but that's kind of the idea, and crucial here is that greenwald thinks it's good and special that these kids have something that means so much to them, and that's true regardless of the music's artistic merits, which obviously appeals a lot to me, a person whose now deleted perblog had a running tag called #avril lavigne was my kathleen hanna. the sections where he interviews actual teenagers made me choke up... multiple times. i was also kind of pleasantly surprised by how well most of the musicians he interviews come off. a lot of attention is given to chris carrabba of dashboard confessional (not really "of," apparently it's like the mountain goats where the name refers to A Guy and other people also appear variously...) who comes across as sincere and also sincerely actually kind of tormented and unwell to the extent that i found myself like concerned about his mental health, which was not an emotion i expected to ever feel... also the final two chapters are about the internet and the last chapter specifically is about livejournal and as someone who got on liveournal as a teenager the year this book came out, greenwald is more astute about the draw of blogging for young people with many feelings than basically anyone i read pontificating on the topic in high school and maybe anyone since - i'm really hard-pressed to come up with something About The Internet i've read that made me feel "yes! this is true and resonant to my experience of Online!" as much as this did.
courtney summers, the project - summers is one of a handful of authors i actively follow, and this is the first of two books of hers i've missed while having several off-years for reading. like a special gift for me personally, it's about cults, and she nails it; the book has two timelines, one in the present and one in the past, each following one of a pair of sisters drawn into the cult at a different time, in a different way, for different reasons - but to horrifying ends just the same. summers has talked in interviews and in her newsletter about wanting to write books that push at the empathy gap for imperfect victims, and this one pushes it as far as she's ever gone; i just think it's so, so, so great that she asks the reader to watch two different vulnerable people fall for manipulation she knows the reader will be able to spot a mile away and refuses to judge her characters for being manipulated. (also as someone with Some Interest In Cults, but no personal experience... for what it's worth, i think she really nailed the organization, which she says is inspired primarily by the people's temple but will ring familiar to others as well because on a certain level all these places are the same, as well as the charismatic figure at its center. and i thought it was kinda baller to make it an explicitly christian cult.) it's also her plottiest book yet, even more so than sadie, but still retains her knife-sharp interiority. at one point in this book a character who's a journalist says something like "the closer to the bone you get, the less you can be denied," which is an apt a mission statement as she's ever written for herself, and a pretty good one if you're on the market.
dula lipa, radical optimism - dua lipa is to me the living embodiment of that line from the other two, "thank you, john legend! another b-plus!" and, indeed, this album is: Fine
billie eilish, hit me hard and soft - i really wanted to adore this the way i adored happier than ever, which totally blew me away, but i didn't - it's a little too polished, a little too respectable as Well Crafted Pop (as opposed to happier than ever which sort of flirted with respectability vis a vis its subject matter and the oldies influence on its several slower tracks, but which as a project was so eclectic and brimming with ambition that it still felt really electric). but, i mean, it's still good - i really think eilish is top-tier as a songwriter and her lyricism remains distinctive (who else would open her sweetest and most joyful love song yet with a verse saying essentially "kill me if you're gone because i would have no reason to live"?),, and finneas's glossy sheen is never anything less than pleasant to lsiten to - and obviously one of the most famous figures in pop right now putting out a single about how she loves eating pussy and spoiling the shit out of her girlfriend is an unmitigated win. my favorite track is probably the after-album release of the extended cut of the bizarre eurotrash song tucked into the last two minutes of some other normal song, which makes no sense to exist but delights me.
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todorokis-girl · 7 hours
Honestly, I didn't even think about that - Kuroo Tetsuro x f!reader
Summary: Kuroo decides to confess to his best friend's sister after years of keeping his emotions in.
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It was a typical Friday evening, and Kenma was in the middle of one of his popular live streams. His fans were used to the casual, laid-back atmosphere of his streams, where he played games, chatted about his day, and occasionally had his friends drop by.
Tonight, Kuroo was lounging on the couch behind Kenma, casually watching him play the latest game. Y/N, Kenma's sister, was there too, sitting next to Kuroo, quietly playing her own game on her Switch. The three of them often spent time together like this, comfortable in each other's company. Y/N had always been close with her brother and his friends, particularly Kuroo, with whom she had shared many late-night talks and heartfelt moments over the years.
To be honest, they were closer than close, they spent a lot of time together; often after work, both her and Kuroo would come over to hang out with Kenma during his streams.
As Kenma's stream went on, the chat buzzed with excitement, fans commenting on the game and sharing their usual banter. Suddenly, Kuroo's voice broke through the ambient sounds of the game and Kenma's occasional commentary.
"Hey, Kenma, pause the game for a second," Kuroo said, his tone unusually serious.
Kenma glanced back, slightly puzzled but complied, pausing the game and turning to face Kuroo. The chat quickly picked up on the change in mood, filling with question marks and curious comments.
Kuroo stood up, moving to stand in front of Y/N. She looked up from her game, confusion flickering in her eyes. Without warning, Kuroo bent down and pressed his lips to hers in a quick, yet tender kiss. The room seemed to freeze in that moment, the only sound being the rapid typing from the stream chat as viewers reacted in shock and excitement.
When Kuroo pulled back, his cheeks were flushed, but his eyes were filled with determination. "I've had a crush on you since high school," he confessed, his voice steady. "I can't keep running and hiding anymore. I needed to hear you reject me so I could finally move on."
Y/N was stunned, her eyes wide with surprise. She opened her mouth to speak but found herself at a loss for words. The chat exploded with messages, fans going wild over the unexpected confession.
Kuroo continued, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "Every time I saw you, it got harder to pretend I didn't feel anything. I thought if I could just hear you say you didn't feel the same, I could get over it. But… I can't keep it inside anymore."
The room was silent, save for the soft hum of the computer and the distant noise of the stream. Slowly, a gentle smile spread across Y/N's face. "Kuroo… I've always had a crush on you too," she admitted, her voice soft but clear. "I just thought you saw me as a sister."
Kuroo's eyes widened, a mixture of relief and joy washing over his features. "You mean it?" he asked, his voice almost a whisper.
She nodded, her smile growing. "Yeah, I do. I just never imagined you'd feel the same way."
Kenma, who had been silently watching the scene unfold, finally spoke up, his voice breaking the spell of the moment. "You know you're both still on stream, right?"
Kuroo and Y/N turned to look at him, their faces turning a deeper shade of red as they realized the entire confession had been broadcast live. The chat was going wild, viewers reacting to the unexpected romance with a flurry of emojis and excited messages.
Kuroo let out a nervous laugh, scratching the back of his head. "Well, I guess there's no hiding it now," he said, glancing back at Y/N. "But… I'm glad. I'm really glad."
Y/N laughed too, reaching out to take Kuroo's hand. "Me too," she said, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
Kenma sighed, shaking his head with a small smile. "I guess my stream just got a lot more interesting," he muttered, unpausing the game. "But seriously, you two… maybe save the dramatic confessions for off-camera next time."
Kuroo chuckled, turning back to Kenma. "Sorry about that, Kenma. But I think we both needed this."
Kenma nodded, a hint of relief in his eyes. "Honestly, I'm just relieved I don't have to keep your secret anymore. It was getting exhausting."
Kuroo and Y/N exchanged surprised glances before turning back to Kenma. "Wait, you knew?" Kuroo asked, his eyebrows shooting up.
Kenma smirked, his eyes never leaving the screen. "Of course I knew. You both did tell me separately, did you?"
Y/N blinked, processing the revelation. "And you didn't say anything? At least hint at it? I've been sulking over this for years" she asked, her voice a mix of incredulity and curiosity.
Kenma shrugged. "It wasn't my place to say anything. I figured you'd both figure it out eventually."
"Be ready for this to be all over the internet"
Kuroo and Y/N both just smiled at each other, their hands still clasped together. As Kenma returned to his game, the atmosphere in the room shifted, filled with a new sense of warmth and possibility. The stream chat continued to buzz with excitement, fans eagerly discussing the unexpected turn of events.
And as the night went on, Kuroo and Y/N sat close together, their hearts lighter and their futures a little brighter, no longer burdened by unspoken feelings and hidden desires.
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hermitw · 1 day
Jjk theories / opinions / thoughts part 3 uwu (they are becoming more stupid and less coherent, let's go)
-Gege began the rumor about sukuna drinking his own milk. It is TOO MUCH OF SOMETHING GEGE WOULD SAY I cannot be convinced otherwise
-Gojo's twink death happened in the prison realm
-kenjaku was involved in founding the star religious group. He's already been making pacts with sorcerers for a thousand years, so putting him in the Nara era isn't a stretch. We already know he made several attempts to interrupt the star plasma vessels. (yes I blame him for every thing ever. His fault. And I think he'd rather watch things crumble than do the work directly bc then it's like a game, unexpected things happen and it's more interesting. Bro is always playing games even with curses smh)
-Hakari would have started a fight club to fund Kirara's transition. Idk if the higher ups would have had issues w trans students or just with Hakari's unconventional domain and methods (not hesitating to lose a foot bc he'll get it back, for example), but Gojo called them a lot of variations of conservative idiots so it seems likely I think. And they left the school before she even came out, bc Panda didn't know.
-kinda unfair that Yuta gets to transfer into Gojo with his best outfit on, he didn't have to dress like Edward Cullen for years to get there (pls don't get offended I swear to God it's a joke but also I do kinda feel this way lmaoooo)
-how the fuck do nanako and mimiko's technique work? They're twins right? I get the feeling like Mimiko can't use one on her own, but she likes to threaten people with her doll and Nanako can hang people with it. I rly wish we got to see them more (I want to believe they survived sukuna bc Geto would have prepared those girls to stay safe, maybe there's just a time lag or something pls)
IN THE AIRPORT SCENE there's even Toji but those girls are not there so that gives me hope I kajahxkakdn (I get that maybe it's Gojo's mindscape but how would he have known that Haibara showed up to Nanami? It's not just his imagination imo, those girls are alive, I need them to be.)
-I miss rainbow dragonnnnnnnn I'm so sad and still mad at toji (despite my theory that he lost himself bc the worm is banana fish I'm just bitter lmao)
-I'm so fucking sad that we didn't get to see Hanami's domain. So I made one up myself but I don't have a name for itnkajsxjskmax I just think Hanami needed a redemption arc like Choso got :(((
-the other dubs are so fkn good that when I'm tired of it I'll just play that shit in another language. The first minute of the series in French tho made me laugh so hard I had to change it. But the exchange event in German was so good
-remember when Megumi brought out Max Elephant against Noritoshi Kamo? It's like. He knew that the blood manipulation weakness was water. Maybe that's a benefit of growing up in one of the 3 major clans.
-I feel like no one ever talks about how Megumi lost Orochi AND one of the demon dogs that was with him since he was a kid when he also watched Sukuna rip out Yuuji's heart. Like we all talk about how he gets more upset over losing animals than people but all 3 of those events at once... I was rly sad at first bc I wanted to see the snake more too.
-Megumi's head bleeding in every fight for most of the anime is meant to represent that his weakness is in his head.
-when it's raining, that shows that the characters are up against something bigger than they are prepared for. (I made a whole list of every use of water and its symbolism but God I feel insane)
-the shibuya arc hurts less to watch after the first 5 times (I think? I'm on My 9th watch and I think 2 1/2 read. It's hard to keep track at this point)
-I want to see the extended mahoraga vs sukuna fight in theaters I'm so jealous oh god
-I cannot be convinced that a single character in this show is heterosexual. Everyone is gay except for hakari ig but he's an ally so
-I think that Miguel and Larue might be together but idk
-kinda weird that no one mentioned nanako or mimiko (like how no one mentioned todo and he was fiiiiiine I knew he was having fun in the culling game the whole time)
-despite how much I love hanami, my favorite animated Gojo scenes are when he is exorcising them. The English dub especially oh god
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allmyocsarebritish · 12 hours
Kiss, Maime, Kill Chapter 7: The Radio Demon
Pairing: Alastor X killer! F Reader
Warnings!!: continuation of angst lol but it's almost over
Wordcount: 0.95k
2 things: number one, this was supposed to be the final chapter but it got long so I split it, number two, sorry for the delay it's still exam season </3
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Pentagram City, Pride Ring
Searching across an entire ring of hell for a singular sinner was easier said than done. It was like painstakingly filtering through a spindly hay bale for a singular needle, tearing apart the masses in desparate hope of finding what you needed.
You had spent the past week since falling at fate's mercy, but at every moment of utter despair memories of Alastor spurred you on. It was at these times of loneliness that you reminisced of his absence whilst broadcasting, the solitude filled by his soothing voice filtering through the radio.
Sighing, you sat up from the mangy sofa in the basement you had managed to swindle for a month or two whilst you searched for Al (and in the process a more permanent residency). Tired and wholeheartedly worn out, you flopped into the wooden chair beside a chipped, stained desk, pressing play on the radio and resting your head in your hands. Hot, burning tears began to stream down your cheeks at the news reporter's cheery voice. It had no hint of the transatlantic accent you adored so much, nor did it carry any of Alastor's way of speaking. Shaking, you began to feel your anger, heartbreak and frustration bubbling like a pan that had spent too long at the stove.
Bubbling over.
A harsh growl of rage escaped your throat as you picked up the clunky, mahogany radio and heaved it at the wall before pounding it with your fists, leaving your knuckles sore and bleeding. The news reporter's voice drowned out until you were left in a silence broken only by sobs.
Sliding to the floor with your back against the wall, you covered your face with your bleeding hands, immobilised by grief. Scattered radio rubble littered the floor around you. The heavy, boxy shape remained mostly intact due to its stature, leaving only the dials scattered across the dusty wooden floor. Sniffling, you wiped your nose, not even bothering to disguise the tears or mascara staining your face as they continued to fall freely. Now you needed to get a new fucking radio. Not to mention the giant, gaping hole in the bloody (channeling Simon Armitage with this double meaning of bloody HA) wall thanks to your frustrated aggression.
"Fuck it, it's tomorrow's problem." You grumbled, stumbling over to the couch and flopping back down with an "uff", arm stretched over your weary eyes. You didn't remember exactly when sleep overtook, but it was neither peaceful nor refreshing.
Lifting your arm, you glanced at your watch. 11am. You'd overslept, not that it mattered anyway. Alastor, ever the early riser, would have gently scolded you for wasting such a promising morning, but he wasn't fucking here. Through bleary eyes you were greeted with the sight of the broken radio, another hefty weight added to the emotional load you were carrying. Burying your dread, you decided to try and focus on the problem at hand. It was a simple enough venture, travel to any decent shop in the city, pick up the cheapest radio to replace the one you broke (as it wasn't actually yours to begin with but instead belonged to those lending you the basement - you would have been glad to be rid of the thing), then wallow in self pity for the rest of eternity. Easy.
So easy in fact that you flopped back down, staring into space for another solid half hour. Then 3/4s of an hour. Then a full hour. Then you got up.
You didn't bother to change, this was hell: nobody gave two shits what you were wearing, nor was it anyone's business. The paved streets were rife with crime and danger, any ordinary person would be terrified. But it didn't bother you, nothing much did anymore. Empty eyes scanned over a few shop windows, nothing of interest present. You could hardly afford to replace the cathedral radio, you had to kill to pay rent, but a few coins jostled in your pocket as you walked. At least this wasn't the greed ring (not that you felt much at home in pride, considering you were so very lacking).
Window-shopping proved to be futile, and was getting you absolutely nowhere. You would have to actually go in to the shops, which you would prefer to avoid doing truthfully. But it wasn't exactly your choice as you really didn't want to be booted out and back onto the streets. Summoning strength with a deep inhale, you pushed open the door of a gadget's store, the little bell chiming as you entered.
You made your way over to the counter, mentally preparing for your first social interaction in days. Fiddling with the coins in your pocket your fingers traced over the imprint of Mammon's face as you began to mentally rehearse "do you sell radios??"
Just as you strung together a frail string of confidence, an earsplitting, piercing scream sounded from seemingly some kind of radio, given the static. How convenient. Or it would have been, at least if the anguished howling wasn't so incredibly loud and disturbing. Prolific serial killer you may be, but that didn't mean you delighted in an unknown sinner's pain. You were starting to live up to your surname. Speaking of Altruists, you missed your partner in crime. But, just as you were about to leave the shop, a certain Mid-Atlantic voice just so happened to filter over the anguished torment.
"Greetings, dear sinners!"
You froze like (get ready for it) a deer in the headlights. (DUDUDUDUDUUU)
The sound of his voice sent chills wracking your body and adrenaline pumping through your veins.
You were going to find him after all.
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goldenrods · 2 days
men who sincerely believe they're decent individuals & clearly are not scare tf outta me
not too long ago, i hung out with this guy who invited me to play disc golf & we actually clicked & were having a great time
at some point he brought up some girl that he didn't really vibe w but "she was sooooooo hot & i wanted to see her naked" & i was like "yeah can't relate."
"what do you mean?"
"i need to have a connection before i'm even remotely sexually interested."
"i wish i was like that, it would make life so much easier."
"you could be if you didn't objectify people. so you're saying every time you see an appealing person you automatically want to see them naked?"
"well yeah but that's not objectifying them."
"how is it not?"
"because i still recognize she's a person."
& in my head i'm like what about her consent & her own desires ??? but i just dropped the conversation bcs i could see he genuinely didn't think his logic was wrong & i wasn't about to start an argument that was going to go nowhere.
& i think that's how a lot of men think. they think objectifying women is just part of a healthy sexual appetite. & i just don't get it.
media plays a big part in this, softcore imagery, the belief that watching porn is totally normal & if you don't, you're a prude.
even the most seemingly innocent men's social media following is a spank bank. even the ones i consider good friends who respect me have likely sexualized me & other women.
& i'm sick of it all, i'm sick. i can no longer compartmentalize & every time i engage with a man i can't help but think they are a son, a brother, a father... but you can't feel 100% safe w them.
i really believed you need to treat men case-by-case & not lump them all together but every day i grow closer to becoming a straight up misandrist.
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I know this is just a silly bad quality random screencap of a screencap that I found on facebook lol, BUT it's a succinct enough image to easily describe the concept in a quick/accessible way hopefully :
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(and of course, feel free to elaborate in tags, etc.! (especially elaborating about other senses as well.. can you "hear" in your mind just as well as you can "see"? taste? etc.) It's an interesting topic to me, as someone who's like a 4.5 at MOST lol. I'm curious what option will be the most common :0c )
#tumblr polls#hrmm... a little poll perhaps.. about a subject I find interesting.. since this image came across my facebook today#still really not feeling that well. no longer shaking violently and such but I still feel weird and weak much more than usual#They did say my markers for like infection or inflammation were elevated but that they werent sure of the cause so hopefully#it's nothing too serious. they did also say a lot of different things can cause that thing to be higher than normal but didn't go into spec#fics of what. maybe some of them are relatively benign or something. I still havent felt much back to normal since#I got really sick that one time though. I feel fine on and off but then little bouts of feeling weird and sick happen. hrmmm#ANYWAY.. looking for small ways to be productive. such as little doodles on evil ipad or editing game videos#or posting polls or cat pictures or some other like not very labor intensive things#I WISH I COULD FOCUS on writing HHRGGhh... I need to finish my game.. it would be so freeing.. a project that's been looming#over my head for like 5 years even though througouht that 5yrs I've probably spent a total of 3 months working on it lo.. ANYWAY#I still partially really cannot beleive that people CAN see stuff in their heads. There's always part of me that's thinking like. well mayb#e everyone DOES see the same exact thing but we just describe/conceptualize it so differently that we think we're talking about#different things when we're really not. But I have been assured by people I've talked to about it that they can GENUINELY really see#stuff in their heads like as vivid as an actual picture in real life or something. And the other senses are neat too. Like for exmaple I#can hear in my head much better than I can see imagery. I still CANNOT hear vividly like as if I were listening to actual music out loud..#but I think it's developed more than my sight. AND interesting how this varies the creative process. a friend I was talking to on the phone#said they write by literally just watching stuff play before them like a movie. where my process is COMPLETELY different. AND that affects#the content/what details we focus on as well as our individual styles of writing have differences that can be traced back to that.. hrmm
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I was rewatching The Stone Forest and I really like to think that Hilda had to pass by the Bell Keeper’s outpost on her way out of the city limits. I like to think that idiot looked at what was happening, shrugged, and said ‘eh, she’s the scariest thing out there’
#“‘the scariest thing out there’?”the girl sends him a look that isn't quite a glare for once; it still conveys her opinion just as clearly#Edmund shrugs. Hilda is still within sight of his binoculars. he watches her run and can’t be sure whether she’s running *towards* or *from#*.He doesn’t think she knows either.#'I mean. it’s not like trolls can harm her at this time of the day.#Don’t tell me you believe in fairies kid.'#And there it is at last: the glare. Meiri looks up from her art project - her new therapist had reccomended it as a way to express herself#and since he'd been helping so much so far she'd decided to grudgingly give it a shot -#“*No*” she states pointedly; to anyone who knew her it was an affirmation. And Edmund knew her better than she cared for#'What I believe in is wolves and recluse spiders and ticks and nettle. And I believe that someone with the spine#to sabotage the Patrol wouldn't have the self control to not lick a pretty mushroom'#“Hey!” Edmund protested putting down his binoculars. “I sabotaged the Patrol! For *you* I might add!”#Meiri's smile turned mean; it was a regular expression for her yet it never conveyed any malice. Just the thrill of a game that never tired#her. “And would you?” she lifted one thick eyebrow; signaling to her dad that it was his move now#The dad in question was unfortunately thinking back to a time in his young teenage years when he figured he could eat anything animals bit#and gave himself a poisoning that had him taken to the ER. But she didn't need to know that. *ever* in fact.#“Obviously I would. Like I'd let a mushroom ruin my perfect sandwich diet”#Meiri groaned loudly. Some games were worth playing. But some wars she'd already accepted she'd never win#“Anyway” he turned back to staring at the outside of the wall as if it was of any interest to him (it wasn't)#“kid'll be fine is my point. And even if she isn't ya know what's the best think about this situation?”#They looked at each other with matching smirks. “none of our flipping business” he said at the same time as she echoed#“None of our fucking business”#He gasped immediatelly. “*Meiri!*”#The chastening was useless. She just shrugged innocently.#He'd really have to limit her library visits#the bell keeper hilda#meirdom#hilda the series#hilda netflix
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airenyah · 1 month
oh btw i went home to my hometown yesterday and i finally showed my mom the heart killers pilot. her verdict?
"we're watching this"
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"Why does autism seem more common in males?
Being female does appear to protect the brain from many developmental disabilities, not just autism. There is emerging evidence that girls with autism need more extreme genetic mutations than boys to develop autism.
However, there is a growing body of work that indicates that autism just presents differently in girls and therefore often goes unrecognised, especially in verbally fluent girls with normal intelligence. Girls with autism also appear to be better at ‘camouflaging’ their symptoms in order to fit in.
With the diagnostic criteria for ASD based largely in how autism presents in males, girls can often ‘slip under the radar’ or get misdiagnosed. Girls with ASD seem to have less restricted and repetitive behaviours than boys, but it’s also possible that some of these behaviours go unrecognised — for example, an obsessive interest in collecting dolls may be misinterpreted as pretend play.
What does autism look like in girls?
Although every child with autism is different, here are some common characteristics in girls with autism:
A special interest in animals, music, art, and literature
A strong imagination (might escape into the worlds of nature or fiction)
A desire to arrange and organise objects
Not wanting to play cooperatively with female peers (for example, wanting to dictate the rules of play or preferring to play alone to maintain control)
A tendency to ‘mimic’ others in social situations in order to blend in
An ability to hold their emotions in check at school, but be prone to meltdowns or explosive behaviour at home
Strong sensory sensitivities, especially to sounds and touch (for example; clothing tags, socks or even deodorant).
For autistic girls to thrive, it’s important they have access to a timely and accurate diagnosis, and the informed supports that come with it. A delayed or missed diagnosis can impede their education and development, as well as their social and community participation.
While boys with autism are more likely to have outwardly challenging behaviours, (indicating underlying issues, such as anxiety) girls with autism are more vulnerable to internalising problems.
As our understanding of how autism affects females is still emerging, it is important parents and professionals alike stay updated on the best ways to specifically support girls and women on the spectrum."
#autism#special interests#masking#actuallyautistic#my first special interest was Ariel The Little Mermaid and mermaids in general#I presently love dolls although I didn't as a very tomboyish child who loved to play in dirt and draw and learn about animals#I still feel calmest outside or even just watching the sky and birds and exploring gardens or flowers (weeds) breaking through concrete#my special interest then became the Pokemon anime and Team Rocket trio and Rocketshipping for years...#then finally Shootie (Trip) from the Pokemon anime too and this last one definitely puts people off because they don't understand it#I only used to one repetitive imaginative play and it was one plush dying while another plush or my single doll back then wept over it ^^;;#not social play generally... I played alone and mostly only very carefully collected toys#kept them clean wouldn't touch them except with clean hands wouldn't sleep cuddling them so they don't get sweat on them#didn't get the concept of a well-loved toy because my love was keeping them in as perfect condition as possible#(I have some toys I did play with especially now that I love to do toy photography)#carrying plushies around and stuff can get them a bit stressed looking... ^^;;;#but I still try to keep them as neat as possible#and mostly just collect and keep them around#I used to draw every single day of my life#if I just wait for something slow to load I'd open Paint and doodle#I thought I'd be dead before I could let a day pass without drawing UNTIL I tried to stop myself from ever drawing Trip#inspiration went DEAD AND DRY days without drawing anything#so weird..... not healthy for me#drawing was how I expressed my emotions even when I had no one to talk to or who would listen#also I hate perfume so much PFFT there are very very few light scents I like#long post#if somebody is going to be a moron like the the two in the replies please read that for proof my being very visibly not neurotypical nearly#cost my career twice and led to bullying even as an adult#and discrimination#and my sensory issues while beneficial for hearing say heart murmurs#also led to bullies trying to expose me because how ableist and
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