#i am normal about my intrests i am normal about my intrests i am normal about my intrests i am normal about m-
the-knife-consumer · 2 years
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r0tt3n-3ggs · 6 months
Being part of the fandom of the tmnt is the most difficult thing for me-- like how am I gonna talk about turtles that are mutant and also ninja without sounding like a total wierdo.
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superpussyking · 1 year
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unforgivingchorus · 11 months
I can’t read wings au fics very often despite loving them because the adhd/autism hits and I inevitably find myself reading about birds instead
#AimeeSpeaks#fanfiction meta#ao3#wing au#my friends are mostly on the better empathise with animals than humans side of autism but I’m firmly on the I oppisite side#I don’t really get the humanisation or like. empathy sympathy thing for animals#I’m not cruel and I like. respect that animals have boundaries and free will and deserve respect#like I know everything in theory I just don’t feel any real attachment to animals unless it’s like rare cases#I would never support the abuse of animals which I’m already afraid people thing when I say this stuff#I just don’t emotionally connect with them at all#plus despite all my friends loving rodents I’m extremely afraid of them and hate them#all rodents. rats and mice elicit such genuine fear in me it’s not normal. I can’t think about them or I’ll get too paranoid.#I can’t touch hamsters or rabbits or stuff and would much rather not be in the same room as them#I’m neutral on most other animals. soem I don’t like and some I respect#but overall very neutral#we used to play a game on long art days where my friend would name animals and I would state my stance on them#people who were around it a lot became desensitised to how many animals I’m nuetrual or not liking on but some people expected me to love th#the point of this is not even cats or dogs intrest or elicit emotions in me.#I respect cats but find alot of them dirty (anxiety trigger for me) and am neutral to dogs#my aunts dog is generally loved by the family but sometimes I feel guilty that she seems to really like me because I like#I respect her and can like. logically guess what she’s feeling and so I can pet her when I’m overwhelmed and let her sleep next to me#when I nap at family events but. I get really guilty that I don’t feel that same level of friendliness back to her. just vague acceptance#my friends dog is the only animal I’ve ever emotionally connected with. he’s a shithead with extreme anxiety and I was very drunk.#but the point of this is I like birds#liek not just respect them like cats and lizards I like them#I want to own one#I can sympathise with them easily I don’t think their dirty and I didn’t them extremely interesting#so I can’t read about them without the autism really kicking in and making my hyperfixate on actual bird reasearch
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gaylizardowner · 7 months
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Gonna chew on this mf when I get it :/
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mrfoox · 1 year
Me: I want to spend more time with people, I miss close contact with others :(
Also me: -only wants to spend time with 4 ppl irl, none of which live close by or have the ability to come by-
#miranda talking shit#My autistic mind do many intresting things for me. Some of which is fun but tge fact im so selective witb people is annoying#Like i feel annoying. I just want to be with those people but i cant so my brain is like 'well then i dont want to :( why am i lonely?'#I have more than one friend in my city i could spend time with but they... Arent one of the 4 golden chosen people so i ):#I dony hate them or anything they are nice but my obsessive minf just want to be with 4 ppl majority of the time#Bc they are the 4 people who take little energy from me or even give me energy socially#Everyone else i feel take more than give. Not their fault just how im built and how comfortable i am around others#Im so obsessive over fabian bc hes one of the very few i can talk with for maby hours. Without me noticing#I understand im annoying him and probably being a bother since i always want to talk to him but hes obe of the select few#Few times he actually take energy from me is when im already in a bad mental state and then everyone tire me . Otherwise he just doesnt#Tire me. Think its bc ive learned i dont HAVE to be fun and entertain him. We can just sit and do our own thing whule on discord#Silence is good with him . I like silence in general but always am anxious others hate it or find it awkward. But he have expressed#He likes silence and reassured me he doesnt need me to talk or fill silence. I hate how weirdly obsessive i am and get especially towards#People. No one wants that kind of attention from me and i try to not be Extra ™ but also like.... Its a nice feeling?#I like loving people. And talking to those people... I just dont ever know when im too much. Bc in the moment its#So hard to monitor... Where the 'normal' social lines are drawn. And it goes double when its people i already know and thus love#Then my brain is just '!!!! Omg i love them :)!!!!' and i dont think as much about how i... Appear and act#Would love to find someone who would actually like the type of attention I give and not to feel i am too much all the time...#Mirandas friends
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adventuringblind · 9 months
Drive With You Forever
Chapter 6.1: some chaotic group texts
Max Verstappen x Charles Leclerc x Lando Norris x Reader
Chapter summary: just some group texts between the quartet
Warnings: sexual innuendo, mentions of the Daniel incident, Max being a dad, Lando being a menace, reader is gullible, Charles is a clutz
Notes: I felt the need to show you the chaos I have going in my notes and writing software for these four
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Lando: so what's the plan for tonight?
Charles: Max won so its up to him
Lando: but like... I could not do what he says 😈
Y/N: ah yes I love watching Lando suffer
Lando: hey! You're just no fun!
Y/N: i am fun and also do what I'm told. I think Charles would agree with me 👀
Charles: yes, but it's also fun to watch as Lando begs for mercy.
Maxy: and here I thought we could have a soft night
Lando: absolutely not
Lando: I woke up a menace to society, and I plan on ending the day that way
Charles: Lando no
Y/N: Lando no
Lando: Lando yes
Lando corrupts y/n
Maxy: Lando, I swear on everything that if I find you starting before me and Charles get there, I will not let you finish for a year.
Lando: guess who's here with me
Lando: *image*
Charles: At least she's waiting like we asked
Lando: unless 👀
Y/N: I tried to tell him
Charles: Lando, I will not hesitate
Lando: ha! Look at the perfect angel now! *video*
Maxy: I'm stunned
Maxy: I swear I will have both of you crying by the end of tonight
Y/N: I'm sorry! Lando started talking, and my head just did what he said :(
Charles: sounds about right
Lando: *video*
Maxy: how the fuck are you even recording this??
Lando: skills.
Charles: you're corrupting the innocent!! Leave the angel alone!!
Max being a dad
Maxy: what time is everyone planning on being home? I have dinner on the stove
Y/N: I am home. I have no friend remeber?
Maxy: is my company nit enough for you? 🫢
Y/N: You sound like Seb rn
Lando: after Jon let's me live in peace
Maxy: work hard Lan! You'll make it!
Lando: Did you wake up okay? Are you sick? When did you become a father?
Maxy: why are you being so mean?
Charles: I won't be there for dinner, my mother is feeding me tonight
Y/N: awe! That's so sweet!
Maxy: be safe!
Charles: 😶
Lando: 😶
Y/N: Sometimes he's dad, but most of the times, he's daddy
Y/N becomes an avenger
Y/N: I have decided to learn martial arts
Lando: intresting. Why?
Y/N: because all the avengers know martial arts and I'm already halfway there
Charles: anyone sometimes forget that y/ns powers aren't normal?
Charles: like we're litteraly dating a superhero
Maxy: just be glad you weren't there when she learned she could use it on people
Maxy: I scared her so bad she accidentally threw me across the paddock the first race back from break
Maxy: I'm sad to say I was turned on from it
Lando: does this mean you'll be fighting crime?
Y/N: Does crippling depression count as a crime? If so, then yes
Y/N does some research
Y/N: did you guys know this is a thing???
Y/N: *link*
Charles: alright whoever gave her access to Google (lando) I promise I won't be mad if you confess
Lando: why do you think it's me?
Charles: because of what that link it
Max: who told you about this y/n?!
Y/N: it was Carlos, actually. He mentioned it and I was confused sk I asked what it meant and he said to Google it
Charles: I will be having words woth my teammate
Y/N: he said it's where people share ideas about what they do in the bedroom
Lando: honey... no
Max: Sometimes, I forget you are still gullible
Lando: on the other side... any intresting finds 🤔
Y/N: now I'm confused
Lando: nothing new
Charles: Lando be nice, the poor girl was just told about this
Charles: I asked Carlos what he said
Charles: did you really not know the females can do this?
Y/N: No? It's not like anyone has ever sat me down and explained every atmomical function of my body, and this one just sounds weird
Max: Anyone down for further research? 🤚🏻
Charles: Obviously, we can't let this opportunity go to waste
Lando: maybe we can convince her of other things while we're at it
Y/N: you're so mean to me
Post Daniel incident
Lando: You should have seen Daniel during interviews today!
Lando: he's an absolute disaster!
Charles: what a pervert
Max: Please tell me he's not making eyes at you
Y/N: Doesn't he have eyes? Why would he need to make them?
Max: I'll explain that one later
Lando: No, he's not. Don't worry, your pretty little heads
Lando: he's been blushing at every question that involves us
Y/N: as partners?
Lando: everything.
Lando: "what do you think of the grid quartet? Are you all still close friends?"
Lando: his response was between yes and no, and he couldn't make eye contact with the interviewer
Max: I think we did a number on him
Charles: a well deserved number might I add
Max: we're never doing that again though
Y/N: omg! I tried to go say hi, and a reporter spotted us and came to ask a question but turned around after he heard Daniel apologize for my throat for the millionth time 🤭
Lando: man can't win today
Charles: I'm glad he apologized
Max: I'm glad he's finally stopped trying to take pictures of us
Max: If he ever does it again, I'm running him off the track and into the wall
Charles the uncordinated
Lando: Has anyone seen Charles? I made dinner for us and can't find him.
Max: You know me and y/n are in a meeting rn right?
Lando: yes but I'm worried
Y/N: Can't we see each ithers location?
Lando: ...
Lando: Why is he at the park?
Charles: I went for a run, remember?
Lando: that was two hours ago, mate
Charles: ... it's been a long run
Max: is everything okay Charlie?
Y/N: Did you sprain it?
Lando: Sprain what??
Charles: :/
Charles: traitor
Y/N: I had a vision that he fell while out on his run and told him to be careful around the curbs
Y/N: it looked pretty bad. Do you need us to go get you, love?
Max: The answer is yes. We're on our way to get you.
Charles: I can get home myself
Charles: is Lando upset? The radio silence from him is killing me
Charles: nvm he's running at me in his bright orange McLaren sweatshirt
Charles: he's holding a first aid kit
Lando: no need to worry, the doctor is in ;)
Charles: Someone save me
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Tags: @styles-sunflower @purplephantomwolf @boiohboii @reblog-princess-blog @jjsprobablywrong @jayda12 @faithm120601 @eugene-emt-roe @lpab @yaaadii @80sloverry @spongebeck3101 @eviethetheatrefreak @jjsprobablywrong
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dior-luxury · 1 year
What if... a new person comes to NRC/College in general. This new person catches the eyes of y/n, and this makes the characters get really jealous? This with Floyd, Rook, Cater, Sebek (Separate) please! Love your fics and keep up with the good work Valerie 💝(hope you don't mind me calling you by your name)!!!! 😊 Lastly can I be 🍱 anon please? :)
A New Person Catches Their S/O Attention ! !
Note: Of course, I'll do this! Thank you for your praises 🍱 anon! Also it is totally fine by you calling me by my name (♡μ_μ)! Lastly I made some of them make the reader not being in a relationship them yet so... extra drama ;).
CHARACTERS: Floyd, Rook, Cater, & Sebek.
Floyd Leech :
Possessive x10.
Floyd is going to be extremely jealous and insecure at most. Why can't you see that he likes you? Did he not make it obvious? You´re basiclly hurting his very soul.
No one would be surprised if he gets extremely bold with you right now. Examples of that include: Kissing you or any other romantic stuff and even activating deep voice mode... (Floyd: *battle stance*)
But seriously, I don't think anyone would be surprised if this guy pulls out his magic pen or just uses his bare hand to fight. Like this guy is about to beat this guy's ass.
He's really about to through hands for you just looking at someone... not the best solution. He also takes into account that you ALSO have INTREST in that guy.
"Y/N. What about me? Am I not interesting?" You know stuff is about to go down when he doesn't use his iconic sea nicknames anymore.
If this goes on long enough, he isn't afraid to bite someone... bonus points if this happens when he's at the basketball club. He would for sure hit the guy in the back of the head with a ball. Not a lot of force- but you know that he is not happy.
(EXTRA points if he squishes them.)
But once again, possessive Floyd is not a force to be reckoned with. You can bet that this guy would exploit this situation and try to get all of your attention on him again.
Focusing on another mood of Floyd's... he also could be totally trivial about this whole scene. Like he would not care about this, usually, that happens 65% percent of the time...
- - -
Enjoy this mini-diagram I made <3; Technically speaking, if a situation like this happened... obviously these are just percent's and not totally equal lol.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Possessive: 75%
Doesn't care: 65%
Violent: 50%
Doesn't notice: 25%
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Rook Hunt :
Rook is… almost normal.
He is the master of hiding any sort of negative emotion- and might be so good at it that he doesn't even realize it. Yes, he indeed will know how he feels about this all, but does he care about expressing negatives? No, he doesn't.
As a wise man once said, Rook only cares about beautiful things. With jealousy not being included. Plus, he's confident that you don't mean anything by this, your just like him- with how you are interested in someone.
Rook might be the only sane one, to be honest- when it comes to this… just kidding.
This man will not- stop- bothering you about this. He's really happy that his little trickster found someone to have a such fascination with! He's beyond proud.
Even though likes you, he won't get in the way of your feelings. He might be overthinking this whole thing, but he wouldn't be lying if he got exposed for covering his feelings- by bothering you about your own.
Though he would ask for clarification if you had any feelings for the guy you were interested in. Even if so, he is ready to help in anyway he can~
. . . Okay now, what if I told you that was partially true? If we're talking about how he's feeling on the inside anyways. The 100% is surrounded by burning jealousy- it almost even hurts his very soul.
He waltzes over to the poor guy in a suffocating manner and tries to understand what you see in him.
If the student is smart enough to feel scared by Rook, they will make it out alive. If not- then you would have to hear the comments from Rook that sound too good to be true. He's from now on keeping a very close eye on your or anyone else behavior…
But of course, he will not show it.
Cater Diamond :
Cater for sure does not show it- but he’s quite upset with this.
Basically in his mind, he already feels you like him, so it’s no wonder why he is feeling dejected. But- he also isn’t used to having such feelings for someone, and it all makes him second-guess things.
Even if you had no- whatsoever, romantic intention with him, he’ll over-read your kindness and think that you like him. Not ever being rational- and I mean, never.
Though as much as he wants to- he doesn’t ever want to use any sort of realism or even anything to clarify that he is only dreaming. Only because it just takes his feelings and confidence away from him.
His mind takes him to a more negative place and makes him believe- or think negatively. Then shortly he would begin to feel bad about ‘dreaming’, of your ‘very obvious’ feelings for him.
Even though Cater is a typically cherry person on the exterior, I can very much envision him almost losing his cool. He is practically even death glaring at the guy you seem to be looking at.
But of course- those feelings will only be in the insides, not wanting to disclose any of his emotions… which his emotions end up being, pure-utter-jealousy.
Basically what I’m trying to say… Cater is not the type to be as protective on the outside, but he is extremely down to throw hands with this student.
Not really saying that he will act on his more violent feelings… but he is very close that he might even. It all only depends on if he is pushed more to act on it.
And just saying… you might have to get Trey to hold back Cater from harming- or even go as far to to just malign the poor guy on the internet.
Sebek Zigvolt :
He’s jealous but ten times more.
If you think that his protectiveness around Malleus was bad, try to add his, lovesick, clingy, and overprotectiveness to the also. As if having all of these traits aren’t bad enough already.
It is no wonder why I feel so bad for the guy you just have an interest in, you have a growling- Monsieur Crocodile, glaring at his ‘opponent’. He has some courage- and possessiveness to be yelling at some random guy. Thanks to this he now views him as an extreme threat. It really doesn’t matter if his ‘rival’ is a human or beastmen, he would still yell at them either way.
In his mind he can’t really help himself, I mean he was raised as a knight, one that’s supposed to protect the ones he cares for. That’s why he can’t help himself when he gets visibly mad when you look at someone in ‘awe’. It might also be the case where he wants you to look at him. why- not some random student who you haven’t even met before.
It’s almost like a curse of how he can’t be mature about this. It’s the first year curse of not using your head… it affects more than others. Basically he just doesn’t use his head and instead uses his emotions.
After class has ended… he then gets up from his desk and marches straight out of the door. Walking towards the scared and confused student, who has done nothing but exist.
I think he is too possessed by his emotions to not even feel any sort of remorse about this. Let’s all thank Lilia for the cause of this. Speaking of this, let’s talk about how pretty- if not, extremely lucky to have captured his attention, since it is not an easy thing to do.
But seriously, he really can't help but want to protect you from any cruel being in this world. That being, if we’re going to get in more detail on how he feels about this, even when he is very confused about this, he could call this feeling ‘forced confusion and anger’.
Which it also could be making his new feeling, which everyone knows as only 'jealousy'. This feeling makes his heart clench. It's like a swarm of dark energy involved in his system. Like black ink cursing a magical pen… or however you must describe it.
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thejournallo · 12 days
How to fight a negative thought
As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). if you are intrested in more method check the masterlist!
(Before we start, I want to actually suggest a book by Dr. . Julie Smith, "Why has nobody told me this before?" It is filled with tools that we can use to fight our mind when we know it is not acting right.)
Im going straight to the point here: negative thoughts can be frustrating. When it comes to manifestation, there is no difference, so with this, I am going to teach you how to deal with negative thoughts and reprogram your brain. 
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The negative thoughts are normal in every person there, for in every community, it is normal to experience a bad thought, and sometimes a bad thought can ruin our lives and slow us down for a whole day. In this post, I'm going to give you a list of things that can help you realize a bad state of mind. When we want to start to realize these little things, we can catch them with way more ease than our negative thoughts.
Let's start with baby steps:
Our mood is influenced by our thoughts, and vice versa.
Give your negative thoughts logic. If you can't find logic, then why worry? ex: "Everybody hates me." In the logic, it will be "I am my own person, and the price to pay is that I am not going to be loved by everyone, and I can literally name who loves me."
Write about it, talk about it, and let your negative thoughts go. Don't let them stay inside of you because they will stagnate and produce mold like rotten fruit.
Don't search for temporary distractions for a long-term problem; feel it, cry if you need to, and have knowledge of what made you feel bad.
The more you realize your negative thoughts and what triggers them, the easier it will be to replace them and change the story.
Now some hard truths:
Our emotions lie to us; our emotions aren't 100% truth.
We choose to be happy or sad, and what we do about it is our fault.
You are your own brain; you can control your thoughts.
Our first reaction to a negative thought is fear, because we are scared that it might be the truth.
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What do I have to do with all this information?
Witness your negative thoughts, own them, and stop them by making positive remarks.
Be patient with yourself; you are learning, you are healing, you are living your life, and you are allowed to make mistakes.
Witness your positive thoughts, own them, and give yourself the credit that you need.
All your manifestations are coming your way, and you are going to live the best life ever. Allow yourself to be and exist.
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lovingmattysposts · 5 months
also! this is a little different than what i normally post but id just thought id share! I've decided that in the new year im going to be a sober queen! I'm not going to drink because i genually dont like the toll it makes on my mental health, its not worth it for me. Also the triplets have heavily inspired me to be sober because of how much fun they have being sober and they seem content with it, and i've never really enjoyed it.
Being in college, i see how it would be hard especially since all my friends drink, but i know the morning after i will be happy. Also them being in LA and them still being able to maintain their sobreity, it makes me feel like even though i live in a big city as well and am in college i can maintain that too.
I've been sober now since about thanksgiving and have been offered drinks throughout the holiday and have just not been intrested in drinking at all, so i thought why not make it a thing?
Just thought Id share because you guys are my family❤️
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codecicle · 9 months
pfp by @/living 404 ^_^
WHATS POPPING‼️ I'm Ashton B Codecicle Gayboy Swagaythor and I use he/him they/them and it/its with no preference in between all of them. Dudebro Manguy who will be weird and freakish on your dashboard faggot-style :D👍
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matching pfps with my boyfriend @felixisfruity and my friend @originallymax ^_^
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‼️ cc!wilbur and cc!dream stans fuck off. if i talk about them im always talking about their characters (my ocs) ‼️
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HELLO!! gaze apon ye affront to god and despair. if me or any of my posts have made you deeply sigh with shame and regret then i may be entitled to financial compensation! cashapp me 20 bucks rn
also! am a minor ^_^ so i wont be drawing the labia ghoul as i am 15 years of age smiley face (<- inside joke)
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number ONE codeflippa and qcharlie enthusiast. if anyone tells u otherwise run very very fast in the other direction and dont look back its me boy im the ps5 speaking to you inside ur brain listen to me boy
mcyt is my special intrest im never leaving this place until the day i die. qsmp dsmp osmp scu smplive cogchamp sdmp epicsmp.. my servers.... <3 i also watch chuckle sandwich and jrwi + most mcyt adjacent people
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I do not make sideblogs and never plan on it! outside of!! url hoarding and my singular jrwi gimmick blog/son @has-chip-beaten-the-allegaytions I'm a Chip "Bastard" James JRWI enthusiast btw ^_^)
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albatrio are transexuals and faggots and in queer platonic t3t love i dont care about jrwitwt they can explode. sad! 💥💥💥💥
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also also im a grimeduo guy. a big one. being both a slimer and an inniter at the same time is like a full time job of being transgender but i somehow manage. who up beastin
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if you ever want to listen to my scu propaganda and start watching it i ramble about it a little bit in this ask
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i am learning french btw!! charlie and baghera mental illness strikes again (chose the class before the qsmp started and has now managed to make practicing a language into something about my special interests to make me more intrested in it) ((YOU WANNA SEND ME ASKS IN FRENCH. YOU WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO ME IN FRENCH. YOU NEED TO GIVE ME FRENCH PRACTICE. ITS MEEEE BOY IM THE FUCKING PS5 FREE WILL IS AN ILLUSION))
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collection of people being normal about me.
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(my chip hater blinkies and normal about father-child dynamics shirt were both made by felix!! <3 this egg is transgender image was made by @/foxtriestobiteandmaimandkilland </3 and the juanaflippa divider can be used with credit to the artist!! it was made by @/etoilesbienne)
tag list ahead! if you ever need me to tag something just send me an ask or dm and let me know i will ALWAYS say yes i want people to be safe. that being said i do talk about triggering topics from time to time and my intrests are often gore/body horror filled like genloss or bitb so keep that in mind!! i will still tag them properly but i am a walking trigger warning PLEASE stay safe :DD
original posts -> i make yet anothet post just for me 👍
important things ive gottta find multiple times -> saving for later
i am arguably a pink core (the typa shit ballincat43 is on) person and you can pry that from my cold dead hands so here is the tag for it LMAO -> me core
qsmp -> qsmp
qsmp fanart -> qsmp art
absurdly powerful dnd podcast posting -> jrwi (i also tag the individual characters)
liveblogging newer jrwi episodes or jrwiepisodes with spoilers -> jrwilb
gayass military game posting -> cod
generation loss -> genloss
jerma -> jerma is a fucking cryptid
liveblogging -> liveblogging
ask tag -> we have mail :]
best asks I've ever received -> askbox hall of fame
slimecicle cinematic universe -> scu
autism² (risk of rain) -> ror2
self rb -> reblogging my own post
the mcu / mutual cinematic universe -> little rp thing I do with my friends ^_^
tag for elliot (my boyfriend) -> my love felix <3 <3
pokemon (autism³) -> poketag
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karaokebearwithal · 3 months
Mutuals Mutuals Come one COME ALL!!!
Put your various sona's and appendages together for the unveiling of a lil' something I've been working on while being distracted from animating Dame Aylin's wings (Its long, hard, fun as all hell but the concentration required to do so seems physically impossible for a beast of my genus)
I drew all my moots tavs/pseudo-companions!!! It took a bit, but it was well worth it! Everyone's design is so unique and fun to figure out. (10 is a big number of moots)((which I am very grateful to have :3)) So without Further Ado!!! (there will be so much more Ado):
(page break cuz the images are 400x400 each but 10 times, I also go on for a bit about how much I like each Tav/pseudo-companion character) ((if anyone can give me tips on how to size pieces in a normal style digitally i'd be very grateful))
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First of all is Sivvus the Fey Prince (he/him)! This elusive Eladrin Tav belongs to @thedomesticanthropologist! A gorgeous yet seemingly cold-hearted druid who tends to keep his cards close to his chest. Though if you want the challenge you can see for yourself if you can try and get close to him to see if Sivvus is as closed off as he seems to be. To be quite honest, Sivvus really grew on me. A very fancy Eladrin with a high society (fey society) upbringing ( with very good looking mood boards to match) and the like only for him to be thrust into the bg3 world with a worm to boot. He is charming! Also his backstory? <3 Defienetly go read it! 10/10 would draw the snob again :)
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Second off we have Gum (He/They)! A Githyanki Cleric of Mystra. Being @piipaw's Tav you'd find this charming fruit lover trying to live a peaceful life after escaping from the creche that raised them. I like Gum a lot as the concept of a githyanki trying to find their own way in Faerun while also having no idea about any of the social customs is very gripping to me. I recommend greatly to check out the blog for Gum fics, fanart and a very cool moot . :)
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Next is H'rayn of Verkos (she/her)! Now different from all the character's I drew, H'rayn is not a Tav! She's actually a pseudo-companion character with a lotta lore and history! She even has her own quest, party banter, approval and disapproval things. It's the whole deal!! @githkisser made an amazing post all about H'rayn . If you want a ton of indepth and fun info that's really really well documented, I cannot overstate how much you should it check out! I find myself going back to learn more about H'rayn as she really is as well thought out as in game companions! It's quite fun thinking up of ways tavs can interact with her and the art is mwah!!! very good indeed :3
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4th! Tavern (Tav) the Bard! (they/them) This darling bard ran away from the circus.....from birth! Created by @avocado-writing, Tavern plays their way into your heart with their silly antics, warm heart and eldritch pocket dimension in their chest!
Tavern is a doll to doodle and I am amped to draw them even more in the future. The heterochromia and the inclusion of instruments does make them a fun challenge (i will draw instruments accuratley with these paws eventually). Go check them out!! :D
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5th! Hvinidyr the Barbarian (he/him)! @star-bear-art (I just realised after all this we aren't actually mutuals. Which is funny since we kinda have the same name and theme with the bear thing XD) If you wanna see wonderous art of Hvinidyr as well as the other companions, go look right over here!
Winnie (Hvinidyr) has a lot of forms depending on the time period you wanna look at. The one I chose was the most recent with the large scar tissue all over the left (right? I'm horrible at directions, my paws don't make an L shape for me to tell). He was really fun to sketch out (and probably later colour in) and has a really unique design that I appreciate :)
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6th Vierlin the Enchantment Wizard (and a lil' bit rouge)!!!(she/her) @sybaritick's Tav!!! Now!! This classic drow has a keen intrest in enchantment magic, teaching her crafts to nobles in Amn. After the whole tadpole fiasco, she also finds another use for her multitude of arcane skills. Most notabley depicted with a local wizard.
Now I won't get ahead of myself here but the fics that Sybaritick wrote about Vierlin are like....licking a warm pan of thickened maple syrup or a fancy meat meal with so much demi-glaze you're left smacking your lips for at least 20 mins after eating. Its indulgent. And I couldn't recommend it enough!! Read it!! (it took me a good 8 times to get the 'ie' part of Vierlin's name right, the letters look the same to me)
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7th Fink the Spores Druid (they/them) belonging to @causticcontemplation! They're a pretty short Tav a 2.5ft and have a whole modern AU fic about them!!! You can read all about it here! (the pun name is amazing!)
I found it cool to use the fic to figure out how to colour them in, I ended up sending an anon ask instead and it helped great! Lovely Tav 10/10!
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8th Korydass the Druid!! (She/her)!!! Conjured by @cfcreative, this seemingly non-emotive bronze dragonborn lights a spark in viewers as her tail and love for nature portrays otherwise. Art of Kory is many and also very good. Reading through her lore is fun watching her dynamics with the different origin characters change as she opens up to the party.
Now I do have slight bias, I like drawing Kory the most since her head shape is less humanoid. It's just so satifying, also her design is crazy awesome to work with so all around its great recommend I like her a lot :3
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9th Asheera the Paladin (she/her) produced by @optiwashere.
To be quite honest I wouldn't even have a blog if it wasn't for Asheera's fics. They are EXCELLENT. If you want to go through a journey of a half orcs struggles, successes and gripping romance with Shadowheart, VAULT YOURSELF into Opti's A03 page and devour. You will have negative regrets about it just like I! Asheera is great I love her a lot I am the most normal about her.
(I'll keep it brief since this post is long enough to cross a river)
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10th Quin the Bard (he/him) composed by @quinthebard (who'd have known?)
This darling plucky bard is the star of an ongoing comic that is very dynamic and very gripping. (My fave panel is this one). Despite being 100, Quin still maintains his joyful and kind nature when traveling with the tadpole gang.
Definetly one of the most friendlies Tavs out of all the ones i've drawn. (he was also the first i drew out of all of these!) He's a delight!! Go check him out! Thanks to all my moots for giving permission, having such great characters and being such lovely moots! <3 <3 <3
(Any pronouns or other changes that want be changed, feel free to DM about it. I love those! )
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surr3al1sm · 19 days
Guys I watched the previews and will now be sharing my thoughts alongside sitty ass screenshots I took, also this probably won't be explained well but when are my posts ever explained well.
Okay first of all, I'm going to be looking at what we're all looking at right now: Murder on the Dancefloor. Starting with that this is an actual banger song choice and I am pleased that it is coming to the game even if it is under... those implications. I really do hope that they're not going down that path and like idk maybe the song starts out with this. Then young Night Swan realises that she's infinetly hotter than the Traveller and just dips. Or maybe she's just using him for his magic idk.
Looking at scene 2 first. Their dance is like just any other duo dance in the game, you could put any two coaches in it and like it wouldn't mean anything. What they're doing after is intresting to me.
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Right here the Traveler is showing young Night Swan a portal. Now based on the fact she looks at it, it might be the first portal she's ever seen for all we know. I imagine that the Traveler did probably teach her how to make portals. I really do hope that they just had a mentor/student relationship where the student turns against the mentor and goes evil. Yk that trope, please ubisoft have it be that. I would also take a second to look at the portal because the first image is the portal in MotD and the second is a few of the portals in RYB
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The colour doesn't seem to matter with the Traveler as his portals are notibly multicoloured (but I will point out that it's the same colour as Night Swans portals) but the big difference is the shape. In RYB the Travelers portals are recktangles and they open through a very streamlined triangle shape. The portal in MotD is circular and irregular, also it opens differently. Which tells me that in MotD the Traveler is also very young and maybe doesn't really have great control of his magic yet. Meaning they might be sztudents under the same master but the Traveler has just learned portals faster. Over all I think this scene is pretty innocent and indicates that they had like a friend(ly) to rival relationship.
However the problem child is the first little scene we get, and I'm not talking about this.
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This just seems like a normal handshake to me. Their hands arent glowing, indicating that no baby making is happening (and if there is, dear GOD let it be Cygnus and not Jack). What I want to look at is how the scene starts. Because hello?? Why is this overlooked??
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Why are you two waltzing? Now I know that waltz doesn't have to mean it's romantic, and trust I am hoping it doesn't. BUT what. Why? Respectfully fuck off Ubisoft. This better not fucking mean what I think it means. Istg I will come to Paris and throw hands.
Ignoring that, I could be wrong on every account and I'm just going to wait until the maps have officially been released to I can watch them and figure out what is going on. For now we must simply pray that if they do end up together and procreating that the result of that was our beloved steampunk boy and not Jack. Please don't ruin our ship for us Just Dance, for it is all we have.
ANYWAYS, that aside I am so fucking excited for Darkest Hour. Night Swan looks so good and the map be looking hella cool.
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Well, another long one. If you've made it this far, thank you for listening. I would like to take a second to highlight this wonderful comment left on the youtube video as it had me laughing after taking these screenshots
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Hi again! If it isn’t too much trouble, could you also write some relationship headcanons for IDW Overlord and Trepan (separate) with a human s/o? :o
Heyyy, It not to much trouble, I am an Overlord girly, unfortunately! But thats okay, Hes like really an extremely bad character, but he's still on my love list :( Anyways, I hope this is what you were looking for and I do hope I got Trepan correct! Enjoy :)
Characters: IDW! Overlord and IDW! Trepan
Okayyyy, i know Overlord has like always been coo-coo but, i generally feel like if he had an S/O he'd attempte to like take it down a tiny bit. Not to much tho, he still has things he's gotta do.
He wouldn't want you to be apart of anything that has to do with killing or the decepitcons. He actually attempts to keep it this way.
If he can't then he just won't care, as long as youre not in danger on purpose. Get in a situation where you know you shouldn't be and he WILL NOT help you out of it.
If he can help you, he probably will make it seem like he won't and take his sweet ass time to do it. Maybe might get you to beg for him to save you. He's fucking crazy and would do it no questions asked.
I have this like idea, that since his human S/O is so small, he would just hold you in his servos. Lifting you up to places you find interesting and so you can see what he sees.
Since he also shows you what he see he talks to you about certain things, explaings who different cons are and why he(which turns into we) doesn't like them. It's kinda like when someone shows their S/O a reality tv show and is explaining people and lore to them. It's cute, he finds it cute that even in your small state you attempt to give advice and help him in situations.
He's ncie to you, but has a slight sarcastic tone and attitude at times, but its just his normal tone. He can sometimes be super mean, but its very rare he is mean towards you, since he mostly directs it towards Cons or Bots.
He doesn't have anything special about him while in a relationship, he's just kinda there. I can't even say he would attempt to take care of you, because he just doesn't. He spend time with you and trys his best to take you everywhere with him, he cares about you like a little bit. Ask him and he'll say no he doesn't but that simply beccause its Overlord we are talking about.
He just likes having you around, a constant in his crazy coo-coo ass life, and to be honest that the only thing he'd ask for. The rest of his time in the galaxy could just be spent with you, if he didn't have a raging ego and wasn't crazy ass shit, anyways I love Overlord and so should you :)
Im going to be real with you guys, he's also fucking crazy. he kidna gives off vibes of keeping his S/O down in his secret ass lab. Just because down there he knows where you are, can make sure you're at least a room or two over from him is he feels off.
I feel like he would try to keep your knowledge of what he does to a minimum. He simply does not want you knowing he is a "bad guy" as he thinks you'll put it.
If you don't care and he allows you to know, he'd be straight up with you, answering any questions you have about his work and why he does it.
He's not mean, he can be a little condescending but other than that he will let you know how he feels. I feel like he enjoys quality time too, so if he can't do something during an experiment or whatever, he'll go looking for you just so he can be in your presence. Either askig you what you think or just quitely doing somehting or watching you do whatever. If not this then his idea of idea of time together is you sitting watching him work on some poor Cybertronian, while he tells you what is happening andd going on. This is only if you show intrest in what he does, if not then uhhh he just sits in a room with you talking or listening to you.
I feel like he's the type to lie if he thinks its better for you, ask about why the autobots are bad and he'll make something up. He WILL lie if it means keeping you with him or on his side, but you don't need to know that
I also want to say that a relationship is nothing special, but I'd be lying, and my names not Trepan. He's kinda controling, never letting you talk to other Cons or Bots that show up asking for him, keeps you hiden away from the rest of the planet or galaxy, simply because he likes you. HE GIVES YANDERE VIBES, i feel like that's what he would do. I was like this bitch is crazy, and it lowkey feels like something a lot of people like in some characters. He CAN and WILL be a Yandere if he feels its nessecary, but if it can all be fixed with a few lies and a nice little kiss then he'll go that route. He doesn't want to scare you off, he just wants you to know he loves you, very dearly.
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theultimatepumpkinpie · 5 months
I have always felt the Drifter and Tenno being the same person opened up a LOT of possibilities, and intresting ideas and want to know your thoughts on the two, because I think you have got some of the best views on these two one person duo ever
Because I've always felt both are incredibly intelligent but in different ways, the Operator knows all these Orokin mannerisms and ideals, they're calm, collected, they have emotional outbursts when in serious situations but are normally incredibly calm and they in the end never get so pissed it causes problems, they understand their weapons perfectly, they are probably more comfortable piloting a warframe then they are walking around themselves
The drifter while less intelligent in fields of study they make up for it in something the Operator does not have, being far more willing to take risks and being physically stronger and also extremely quick on their feet, still incredibly intelligent and even grasp many ideas the Operator cant, such as how Durviri works, how the Zariman can be a meeting point for the two, then theres also their ability to survive, they Survived Durviri and set up camp in the woods and Survived there for a long time, alone, outside of Ordis and a near dead Lotus, they crafted their own weapons, own gear, own tools, they didn't have magic void powers but they were absolutely going nuts and dropping grineer, corpus, even killed off two sentient prime warframe hybrids with a bow and arrow and their own wits to stay alive
The Operator is a more classic intelligence, this proper and well mannered void child and the Drifter is a more survival smarts person, sure they cant do all the fancy stuff or fully understand a warframe like the Operator but they don't need the Warframe to survive, they're a capable fighter without and with the warframe
Why thank you so much <3 I am absolutely not normal about these two and I’m always glad to hear that people enjoy that lol
You are absolutely right, they are both intelligent in those, different ways and yet still somewhat manage to seem like the same original person due to subtle personality ques. The reason behind the differences is likely due to their upbringing. Like the whole nature & nurture instead of the “or” argument.
Like you said the operator lends a lot of their calmness and manners to the orokin’s rule. Their training during the old war would have demanded them to be so as well as discipline towards combat. Their difficulties with managing their void powers as well as their youth could contribute to those outbursts you mentioned. The fact that they are more skilled and comfortable in the warframes is cause of the sheer amount of time they were in them as well as the time spent in the second dream after their re-awakening. And personally, I believe that part of it is also an escape from their trauma as well as someone to share and heal from the pain with (the warframes themselves as who they used to be).
As for the drifter, they were all alone with nothing more than books and videos and whatever was left on the zariman as they were never rescued. Without much to answer to discipline would take time to acquire and would have mostly been from their survival. They learned a lot of those skills you mentioned on the job and in a similar way it was their situation that demanded that of them. And they took of the mantle insanely well.
But without any real people to answer to, (only ever having people they brought to life from a book) they would not have needed to adopt the same manners. They could just be themselves in any situation and still get the job done which made them a lot more carefree in the end.
I absolutely love these characters more than I ever thought I would and I love trying to get inside their heads (and there is no short of subtleties to sort through for that) and based on what I’ve noticed from them, I think you got them down pact.  
(also sorry this took awhile to respond to, asks are unreadable on my phone and my brain is made of mice who don’t want to sit still)
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charli3emily · 6 months
💫Welcome to my blog!💫
(Ignore that I accidentally deleted my old one💀)
Hi my name is Ana!!
☆I use all pronouns + neos
☆I'm an aroace lesbian
☆I am an artist!(I tend to draw things related to my interests)
My current intrests are
☆Lord of the Flies
☆Arc of a Scythe
☆Death note
☆Madoka Magica
☆The Owl House
If you like any of these we should totally be moots🙏🙏
Here's some of my art!!
(If you recognize it from another acount that was most likely my deleted one💀)
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Happy to be mostly back to normal. Sorry about any confusion this may have caused😭
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