#i am addicted to the demo of this game.
strawberry-pockii · 1 year
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MHIN!!!!! the devs really knew what they were doing with this one. 
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mysteryposter · 1 month
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not art but jesus christ it is SO SATISFYING to get good at this game.
i spent maybe a couple hours grinding out p-rank attempts on this level when i did my original playthru on Standard Rank, many of the attempts dying due to baaarely not enough style, and now I'm replaying the game on Violent for more of a challenge and I got the p-rank literally first try with about 4,000 more style than my winning Standard attempt.
My Standard win was only a P-rank because I got a couple more parry points from a landmine to squeak over the S-rank after all the enemies were dead LMFAO
i'm not really an fps guy so this is the first one i've really sat down and played but DAMN the synergy between your weapons and aresnal and learning enemy attacks and weakpoints (most of my standard prank attempts died to guttertanks i swear to god) makes you feel godlike being able to perfectly cut through every enemy.
i am the first to admit that i am pretty shit at video games LMFAO but this is one of the few games i've ever played that made me want to get better and to practice and master all of its mechanics... i'm nowhere near top tier play but i love this game because you don't have be a god-tier speedrunner sweat to feel empowered by it :^D
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nako-doodles · 2 years
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tagged by @alpacaseoks @minieggukie & @gimbapchefs 💖 to show my ripped off 'on repeat' playlist ✨
tagging: @cafejoon @taechnological @hobis-suga @kithtaehyung @rkivedfiles @jung-koook @usertae @namchyoon @kkulmoon & really anyone pls feel free to tag me 💖
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pochipop · 11 months
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#. synopsis! — sweet gestures from them to you .
#. characters! — hyun (zen), jumin, saeyoung (707), yoosung, jaehee .
#. warnings! — none .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
#. a/n! — back in the mm pit because it's summer and it's time for my annual redownload <3 i've also been thinking about opening a discord, so if anyone has thoughts on that, i'd love to hear them! PLUS, i played the free demo for this indie otome-esque game on steam called homicipher, and i am begging for the release of the first chapter, idk if any of you have played it, but i am way too addicted for having only played like half an hour of it. anyway lolol, enjoy!!
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# HYUN (ZEN) !! ♡
Hyun, who buys bouquets of flowers every now and again on his way back home from rehearsals. He does his best to match the colors to your needs, —yellow on sad days in hopes they might lift your spirits, blue when you’re frustrated so that it might calm you down, etc.. They always smell so sweet, and you cherish them deeply. They always live longer than they typically should as a result of how well you care for them, and he loves to see the bashful smile tug at your lips as you accept them gracefully, even if you always tell him that he “really shouldn’t have” or that he “didn’t have to.” He does it because he loves you, and he thinks someone as beautiful as you should be presented with something just as gorgeous every now and again (even if he admittedly thinks you’re worlds prettier than flowers could ever be.)
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# JUMIN !! ♡
Jumin, who writes little notes on the corner of the napkins he rests your coffee or tea on each morning, delicate and elegant handwriting in black ink sinking so perfectly into the ivory material. They’re never the same, always a different expression of his love or his admiration. You like to tear them off and keep them safe in a little box, and you open it up to read them when you’ve had a hard day or when you’re just not feeling your best. He always tells you that you don’t have to keep them, that he won’t be offended if you simply toss them away after you’ve read them and they’ve made you smile, —but you can never bring yourself to do it.
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# SAEYOUNG (707) !! ♡
Saeyoung, who folds little origamis for you when he gets the chance and leaves them somewhere around for you to find. It started with a tiny paper star he was folding for the heck of it, but you liked it so much that he decided to do it again, and again, and again. So now you have a neat little stash of different animals, shapes, and otherwise cool-looking creations (all of which have silly, blank expressions drawn onto them as faces that really add a sweetness to their personality.) You like to sit and fiddle with them every now and again, just to feel the sharp edges of the crane’s beak against your fingertips or to split the little heart apart and see the “i love you <3” written on the inside.
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# YOOSUNG !! ♡
Yoosung, who buys sticky notes for his studies but ends up using most of them to leave you little notes with cute messages and silly doodles. He likes to think this is a better usage for them, especially when he watches you spot one out of the corner of his eye, and you hold it in your hands like it’s some kind of love-stricken poetry from a wordsmith he knows he’ll never be. They might be simple and straightforward, but there’s not much room for stanzas of prose on these little post-its, and reminders that you’re doing a good job or that you look cute are so much more than enough.
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# JAEHEE !! ♡
Jaehee, who bakes you little desserts for you to eat when you get home, often heart-shaped or dusted in romantic colors, —always in your favorite flavors. Cookies with little jam hearts in the center, cupcakes with heart sprinkles and a cream just to your liking filling up the inside; each and every one made with so much love that you can practically taste it on your tongue. There’s no one else she’d rather bake for, and no one else she’d rather spend the rest of her days with. Sometimes words are hard to come by, and she worries she won’t always get it right, but when you kiss her on the cheek before taking a bite of her treats, well. . . She thinks things will be alright anyway.
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cursedcola · 10 days
I followed you at first for the twst content and while reading through some of your posts I saw something that changed my life forever /positive
I didn’t know what OLBA was but my life has become infinitely brighter and more colourful since playing it. I was addicted from the get go (I put in 24 hours within the first two days) and bought the dlcs for Cove on the third day I had it. I would say “curse you!!” if this game hasn’t genuinely made my life better 😭 Suddenly I am excited to fail because that means I can improve; suddenly trials are to be triumphed, not suffered. I have genuinely started waking up more ready for the day than I have in years. My crops are watered, my animals are fed, my skin is clear. Life is good???
Thank you cursedcola tumblr user for being the reason I met the loml Cove Holden 🫶 I hope life sends you joy in your darkest moments, like your post about OLBA sent joy to mine 👍
Yet another has been converted to the Cove Holden coven. My friend, I replay OLBA whenever life gets me down. It’s one of the few games where I genuinely wish I could wipe my memory and experience it from the start all over again.
I hope you’re as excited to play the next in the series as I am - if you haven’t heard, go look up OL:Now and Forever. It is currently in production with the demo available for play. All the GBPatch games take place in the same universe yet each have an entirely different vibe. While OLBA is all summer fun and breezy beaches, OLNF gives vibes of late night bonfires and dancing in the rain.
There is also OLBA’s predecessor - XOXO Droplets. I played this before OLBA which enhanced my experience because of cameos, but it’s a great uplifter in terms of comedic relief and unique character development (I shall not spoil in case you want to play hehe).
Some other games that might evict the same feelings you experience from OLBA are: Sun Haven and Blooming Panic. Both a bit niche for their respective genres but very refreshing.
As a side note, there is an animated show called Bee and Puppycat which also carries similar themes and messages to OLBA…just in a more, hmm ‘pastel’ way? You should check it out if you’re interested hehe.
- COLA <3
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codemiracle · 7 months
I am so happy that i am the first one to ask👉👈♡(> ਊ <)♡
Btw i wanted to ask more about Tatsuya and Seth ...they look dangerous but so cool..and does yuuta have haemophilia ..i guess.. and your artstyle is so beautiful and you draw the expressions so intricately... (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤I became your fan...
(~ ̄³ ̄)~ i fell in love with almost all of them..
i am so much interested to know more about them..i will be waiting for other characters' introduction and likes dislikes too..and i found yotsuya cute due to his character introduction stuff but when you told me more about it that's he's not as good actually i was shocked now he's the most interesting character for me...i cant wait for the game ..when will it come out..i will even read a webtoon with these characters...btw don't take a burden i am just asking in a lighthearted manner ..take care of yourself too...thank you !
Btw can i be 🤍 anon???
Aww, you're too sweet!! Thank you so much for your kind words!! <3 (๑>◡<๑) You really boosted my self-esteem hehe. The game will come out probably in a demo maybe next year? it's going to be a really packed game with a lot of content (or so I hope) It's funny because Seth was going to be the protagonist of a webcomic I was planning but I ditched the idea because it really wasn't my thing (I like making short comics though!). But I'm planning to make an RPG maker game with him (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ I can give you some little silly details about Seth and Yotsuya just for the funsies! ✦ ┆・Seth enjoys taking care of flowers because he likes the feeling of caring for something alive (he'd like to get a puppy too.) His favorite flowers are Marigolds and Sunflowers. His least favorite is Roses (he hates the thorns.) ✦ ┆・Seth is really tall, about 1,97 c. m. (about 6,5 feet I think??) He can change his size though. ✦ ┆・Seth Likes to learn about anything and everything and thanks to him being a machine he has an extremely photographic memory, that can be a little dangerous, though he will remember anything you tell him, so you better not lie! ✦ ┆・Seth rarely stops smiling, he doesn't know very well about expressing his emotions. So he tries to smile all the time, it looks a little uncanny and to be honest he likes being a little creepy. When he's not smiling, that's not a good signal at all. ✦ ┆・Yotsuya like a good stressed office worker likes gambling... a lot. Don't worry he's not addicted or anything and he's pretty good at the games he plays, especially poker, his poker face is on point (*wink wink*) ✦ ┆・Yotsuya hates germs, he kinda hates using public transport like trains or buses just because he hates the feeling of being in the same space with other people. He doesn't mind you tough, you're not disgusting to him at all! ✦ ┆・Yotsuya knows a lot about cybersecurity, he worked as a programmer for a company for quite some while, quite dangerous knowledge for a stalker like him if you ask me. (And his house is pretty secure too, he has cameras around all the corners.) Take care of yourself too, anon! Hope you have a great day! <3
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vapolis · 5 months
Just popping in to say I am really enjoying the rewrite do far! I enjoyed the original too, but it seems you have a clearer focus this time around.
Some things I’ve really enjoyed:
-The “you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid” energy between merc and Jax. Can tell that he’s attracted to the merc, whether he wants to be or not. I had difficulty seeing that in the original demo.
-The absolute devotion the merc can have for Orla. “Why, yes, I am Orla’s dog. Woof woof.” I can smell the angst, it’s going to be delicious.
-The ability to actually be someone that scares people. Sure, the merc can fuck up and be a funky little guy, but they can also stab the shit out of someone without much as a blink if you want them to (and I do).
-Stabbing that guy in the hand.
-“I know I just brought this sword back to you, but can I have it?” I also like that the merc is bothered by heights despite being mostly unflappable.
-Royal being a gem as always; I’m looking forward to more time with them.
-Also quite intrigued by what direction the merc and D’s relationship might take this time around. I’m honestly still suspicious of them, but time will tell.
-Ultimately chose the fighting vice for my merc, because of the idea that Colt doesn’t know what else to do with their pent up energy, and fighting (and killing) is the one thing they’re truly good at and therefore makes sense to them…That just feels right. All merc’s get therapy when?
Anyway, I hope you’re proud of how the rewrite is coming along. I’m personally having a great time!
thank you! I do feel like the entire story is more clear now in terms of how I established the world and the characters in it.
the merc too is more the way I imagined them to be and giving them a legitimate fear like heights that could lead to some exciting twists down the line def made them appear more.. human?
they have and had plently of faults but before it kind of seemed like they were a fuck up that doesn't fear anything and that got real old for me anyway.
I also agree w jax's potential feelings and all the different dynamics between orla, jax, d and royal (to an extent) being clearer now than before. I could go sooo in depth about how in the old demo I kind of sucked at introducing the player to the world while still making it seem like the merc is established and known. that is something I really want to focus on this time around.
hope you'll continue to enjoy the game as I go on to write it and very fun that you chose the fighting vice! it's very different to the others but yes, it's the one thing the merc is really good at and it's hard not getting addicted to that.
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ultravioart · 4 months
This is so frustrating for me because I just want to play a fun open world monster tamer with cutsey visuals online, it is wild that the genre has so many immoral companies/games.
Pokemon has let me down tremendously (last mainline i bought was moon, i tried ultra moon day 1 and returned ultra moon the next day bc it was way too similar), I have tried pokemon sword (yarhar) and pokemon Scarlet (friend let me play it) and the quality is not where it should be, too much is rushed, buggy, laggy, and the cut content is so obvious.
SV dropped the ball with the story plot in later DLCs which stinks bc the initial eldritch horror Area Zero set up they had in the base game was amazing. I also really loved what the devs were able to get done with the character development bc it felt like World Ends Club character depth... but with the unethical deadlines the Pokemon game devs face, I can't see myself purchasing new pokemon games. It feels gross. I also haven't liked most mon designs these past gens, they lack the sharp angles with curves artstyle i adored in earlier gens. Think Scizor, Charmeleon, Luxray, Deoxys, Jiratchi, etc. Pokemon have become more rounded/obviously plushie-fiable and overdesigned. And the art was the main draw to pokemon for me, not the battles.
And then there was Ni no kuni mobile (I had not played the main games but I did watch playthrus, I saw the mobile game launch announcement, and was excited to try-- only for Ni no Kuni mobile to announce it was going to add a blockchain play to earn model. I instantly uninstalled it.)
And now Palworld (Pocketpair without permission lifting from a Mega Delphox fan design, company previously published an unethical ai generator party game, and the Pocketpair social medias flirted with NFTs.)
At this point I might just give up trying to financially support games. Watching youtube playthrus is free and if it's really that interesting I can try demos or yarhar.
Free to play games are probably the only games I'll be playing, but there's a whole unethical monetization practice that is common with that model too. :( i am autistic and have OCD so i take offense to games that encourages unlimited micro transactions, as it's often ppl with ocd and autism that are preyed on by these predatory monetization systems. Whales should never be normalized, Whales are gambling addicts and need help. I am really hoping Overwatch 2's monetization changes due to the recent buyout but I don't have my hopes up.
Like, I am so jaded i might just make a pokemon fangame or hobby into making my own monster tamer at this point fr lol. I have ideas for both a pokemon fangame and an original ip, I would just need to set a schedule to making it.
Pokemon fangame would be easiest I imagine, 2d game pixel sprite work is much easier than 3d modeling and I can use pre-made assets.
Original monster taming IP would be harder, probably a 2d game, bc 3d is much harder to make due to how long it takes to model and rig and animate everything.
Idk tho. Might just remain a world building hobby tbh.
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herotome · 6 months
i'd like to know more about what you mentioned in the tags then, about taking inspiration from outside media! i remember when i first played the demo it hit just right cause i'd just watched the boys and i was hungry for more hero cynicism lol
Aw hell yeah!!
Okay so actually - I take very little inspiration from modern hero media, if any. I did grow up watching Justice League (2001-2004), Static Shock, and Batman the Animated Series and take some tonal inspiration from my memories of them (in which heroes generally try their best and it isn't always enough, villains tend to have sympathetic motives, also Mr Freeze is there and he's my big favorite), but that's about it.
When I started taking an interest in game design, I took deep inspiration from games with stories and mechanics that really resonated with me:
Mystic Messenger: I took heavy inspiration from how the love interests talk to each other, and how they all participate in every route. And the banter!! This game genuinely made me feel a personal connection to all its characters, and a lot of the player's dialogue choices were pretty damn funny for an otome game. (I have since learned that many, many indie otome games are similarly charming and I wrote a whole big list of recommendations, but didn't know they existed back in 2016-or-so.)
Undertale: Its sense of humor and meta commentary blew my mind. You could just do so much and have the game remember and react to your actions/choices, such as taking too much candy and making the whole bowl spill to the floor, or having the Mad Dummy rant about how you treated the dummy from the beginning of the game. Undertale is probably responsible for my deep interest in variable-tracking, and having characters respond to different things. (Dammit, Undertale, it's been so much work... but it's worth it I guess.....)
Disco Elysium: I played this a short while after MM and UT, and it just solidified my idea of what "my favorite game" would look like. Because I'm trying to make Herotome into my favorite game, that's my secret cap, etc etc. Anyway... Disco Elysium is fucking crazy. It's full of heart and camaraderie and also you can loudly beg for money and punch a literal child in the face and sing karaoke really badly and joking that if you find three racists you will be granted three wishes like??? It's unhinged. I haven't even mentioned the stellar atmosphere, plot, and how you have a bunch of voices in your head suggesting various courses of action and how you play as a recovering addict and you can go right back into your addiction with smoking alcohol and drugs... Describing it like this, it feels like an impossible game, that there's no way a game like this exists, but goddamn it do. And I take inspiration from a small.. SMALL aspect of it, because if I tried to fully emulate Disco Elysium I would probably die. It's just so much. And it's beautiful. Anyway DE inspired me to be more unhinged.
Dragon Age Origins: I'm listing this last because I actually played it well, well before I started game development, but it was such an impactful game for me that I'd never forgotten its scenes, characters, and how it made me feel. The CHARACTER BANTER... The sheer wealth of choices, and the emotions involved!!! There was such a general sense of world building and gravitas and then you find this mystical holy urn that's been important to a major religion and one of the characters quips "Nice vase. I should get one for my house." like??? Gah. I guess it inspired me not to take my own game too seriously, but the characters are also very,veryvery charming while also being quite diverse - everyone has a unique sense of humor and a unique background. The player can ALSO have a unique sense of humor and a unique background, which is super cool. I am absolutely not doing separate Origins for Herotome because that's way too much work-- but the diversity of the love interests did inspire me a great deal. Oh-- and the APPROVAL SYSTEM. I loved how you could get characters in the negative and have really, really interesting dialogue from antagonistic interactions, so DA:O really taught me early on that I didn't have to shy away from such things.
Perhaps most importantly: I like these games a whole lot, they are probably my favorite games. I want to like Herotome in the same way, or at least a very similar way.
A quote I try to think about a lot is "I'm surprised at the success of the show, I'm... I'm not surprised by people liking it that watch it, because... even though that makes me sound like a dick, like, that [sounds like] I knew people would like it, that's not quite what I mean-- I just mean, when you write something, you have to... if it's gonna be good, you have to be, like, its first fan, you have to be like... I don't care if I'm the only person who ever watches this, I love this. So when a second person says 'this is awesome!' You're like, stoked, but you're not shocked[...]"
... Okay I don't think about that entire stuttering quote (it's from Dan Harmon, regardless of how one might feel about him as a person he is an undeniably successful writer); but I do try to internalize "I don't care if I'm the only person who likes this" as often as I can.
I also make an effort to trust in the universe and that Herotome will reach "its people" and resonate with them in the same way my favorite games resonated with me...
... Anyway.
Outside of game design, I also try to pick out enjoyable aspects from everything I watch and read. If a book has a particularly well-written scene, I'll jot down some notes about why I liked it even if I didn't enjoy the book overall. Same with VNs and other games. While watching movies/shows I'll try to remember how they make me feel, and remember scenes that are particularly powerful and why they affected me. Yeah it's a lot of English homework, but it's how I work and indirectly feed Herotome and keep it alive in my day-to-day. I even have a playlist of random youtube videos I might reference while working on the game. Oh, and video essays -- I watch video essays religiously and make mental notes... let's plays, too, are a great way to experience how a game is designed and saving some time--
Uh, point being, you don't have to go hardcore categorizing and note-taking like I do. I just truly believe that every piece of media has something to share that can be molded and used to your own devices... even if it's "what not to do," in situations where I really, really don't like something. I'll just make a mental note to do the opposite thing. (eg, when Mystic Messenger let you choose your PFP and then randomly showed you the default MC kissing the love interest - so much whiplash, so awful, still one of my favorite games but whyyyyyy)
I actually did a meme about characters-who-inspired-my-characters a while back too, so there's that... same logic. Many many games and stories and characters inspired me, very few of them directly concern superheroes.
Thank you for the ask!!!
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blissfulalchemist · 7 months
Which Hozier Song is Your OC
Hello I have come back from the abyss to of course do this uquiz. Thank you @corvosattano for tagging me. I tried to do as many ocs as I could manage (it ended up being 12 so my bad) and then included a lyric that I felt related to the oc(s) so apologies for the length. Sending tags out to @belorage @florbelles @unholymilf @adelaidedrubman @heroofpenamstan @confidentandgood @strafethesesinners @deputyash @leviiackrman @jackiesarch @shallow-gravy @shellibisshe and uh anyone else that wants to!
Anthea (ffxiv/bg3)
Wasteland, Baby! it's the end of the world, but the beginning of something that will outlive us all. you might like my tag #growing through solastalgia on tumblr. just because the world is falling apart doesn't mean we can't find peace.
"And the day that we'll watch the death of the sun/That the cloud and the cold and those jeans you have on/Then you'll gaze unafraid as they sob from the city roofs"
Catlina Rojas, Carly (fc5, bloodlines/ffxiv)
NFWMB oh, it is a privilege to be loved by you. you'd break the world for the person you love. we all want a love like that, i think. we all want such utter devotion. save it for someone who deserves it, though, because not everyone does.
"If I was born as a blackthorn tree/I'd wanna be felled by you/Held by you/Fuel the pyre of your enemies"
Siberite Akagane (ffxiv)
Abstract (Psychopomp) i mean, the world is so broken. and yet it's so beautiful it makes you want to cry. what can you even do with a feeling like this?
"Darling, there's a part of me/I'm afraid will always be/Trapped within an abstract from a moment of my life/The weeds up through the concrete/The traffic picking up speed/All my love and terror/Balanced there between those eyes"
Demos Reyes, Conner Enache (ffxiv, bloodlines/ffxiv)
Would That I morning dew, shifting grass, foxglove growing by an old fence post. woods, thick and old. and then: the joyful spark of a flame. i hope you get to lie down in a dewy field sometime soon.
"True that I saw her hair like the branch of a tree/A willow dancing on air before covering me/Under cotton and calicoes/Over canopy dapple long ago"
Sahar Mahin (m*rvel)
Francesca "i would do it again." honestly this song changed my life. i hope the people you love are worth suffering for.
"Darling, I would do it again, ah, ah/If I could hold you for a minute/Darling, I'd go through it again, ah, ah/I would still be surprised I could find you, darling/In any life"
Stasia (bloodlines/ffxiv)
Eat Your Young you have strong feelings about the state of the world. i like your passion. plus, you know how to boogie to songs that would disturb your grandma if she listened to the lyrics too closely, which is always a plus. is cannibalism a red flag?
"Honey, I'm making sure the table's made/We can celebrate the good that we've done/I won't lie, if there's something still to take/There is ground to break, whatever's still to come"
Azatae (dnd/bg3)
It Will Come Back why is it so hard to stay away? you might have a tendency to get addicted. and it makes sense. if you've always been starving, then any scraps look like a feast. but you really do deserve better than this. i hope you treat yourself with kindness.
"I know who I am when I'm alone/I'm something else when I see you/You don't understand, you should never know/How easy you are to need"
HK (dnd/bg3)
Work Song i wrote a poem about this one once! devotion and the way it crushes you. the way it saves you. sometimes the only thing that can save your life is having someone to live for. and sometimes when you've found that person you would do impossible things to stay by their side. i like the way no grave can hold your body down. it's neat.
"I didn't care much how long I lived/But I swear I thought I dreamed her/She never asked me once about the wrong I did"
Chance Ruicknar (fc5)
From Eden you might like the game slither.io. also, you're a bop. have you seen Good Omens? there's this snake demon you might really enjoy.
"Babe/There's something lonesome about you/Something so wholesome about you/Get closer to me/No tired sighs, no rolling eyes, no irony/No 'who cares', no vacant stares, no time for me"
Lizette Rojas (fc5)
In a Week have you ever thought about the fact that you have to kill other things in order to keep yourself alive? whether plant, animal, bacteria, or fungus, you're always killing things in order to eat. and in return, when you die, they'll get to eat you. the feast has begun.
"I have never known peace/Like the damp grass that yields to me/I have never known hunger/Like these insects that feast on me/A thousand teeth/And yours among them, I know"
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you seem to be an affluent tfposter with correct opinions so i will complain a little. i love demoman. he is my favourite character. out of every tf2 character, he has the most writing, lore, backstory, personality... he is an extremely interesting character that i enjoy heavily and i love seeing content featuring him A Lot. which is why i am so pissed off about how the community dumbs him down to a drunkard or just brushes him off entirely. what could be the reason of this i wonder!
YESSS YES! I've been talking abt this for like. the whole time I've had this blog LMAO it suckssss and it's so super present once u notice it. I know not everyone is gonna love Demo the way I do which is okay! But like just bc you don't Love a character doesn't mean u need to treat him like that lmao. Besides the like. complete reduction of his character to "alcoholic and nothing more" I ALSO notice like. people's tendencies to make him lazier, more aggressive, more "stupid", etc. than he's ever really presented to be in canon (so many of the comics work So hard to show that like. off of work he's a Completely normal guy), which is of course the double-edged sword of fandoms being weird about addicted characters and fandoms being weird about black characters. Sometimes I just feel like. idk! Play the game! Read the comic(s)! Ur getting his joke wrong if you think it begins and ends at "drunk". He gets all the genuinely cool lines like "this begins my thousand-year reign of blood" and you people want to take that from him. Sad!
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anhed-nia · 7 months
BLOGTOBER 10/30/2023: TALK TO ME (2022)
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When I was 9 or 10 years old, I went to a slumber party with a lot of other girls who started a game of choking each other for the rush. I didn't participate, but watched in fascination as they took turns making each other pass out for several hours. Early on, it devolved into a lot of girls faking it so they could then pretend to say outrageous things "in their sleep", so this wasn't as extreme a scenario as it may sound. However, there's something deeply perverse about it, at least relative to the (bullshit, often harmful) "innocence" society projects onto children, and I wasn't sure if I should even write this all down. I had a feeling that probably lots of little kids have done this, but I couldn't be sure. I tried looking it up on the internet, and found a pretty upsetting article about it from just a few years ago. So, I suppose it's probably pretty common, and has been so, though it's not always the casual thing I remember from childhood. I thought about this for the first time in decades when I recently saw TALK TO ME, a strange and original Australian horror movie that I'm really sorry I missed in theaters.
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Mia (Sophie Wilde), an alienated teenager struggling with her mother's suicide and her father's subsequent withdrawal from her, finds a bizarre form of comfort in a disturbing game she learns at a house party. Local delinquents have somehow procured an embalmed, severed hand that causes anyone who holds it to become possessed by ghosts. This is safe when done for short periods of time, beyond which there lie untold perils. Inevitably, Mia breaks the rules in order to reunite with her late mother--a foolish mistake that sets off a gruesome chain of events, threatening to destroy her along with all of her loved ones.
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For a movie with such a fun and stylish veneer, TALK TO ME is surprisingly sad and grim, and also unpredictable. Things about it didn't quite add up for me: Where does this object come from? Why do the kids accept its extraordinary supernatural effects so readily and fearlessly? What effect does it exactly have on them, that cause them to behave like addicts, endlessly going back for more even when many of them are humiliated by the behavior of the possessing spirits? At that, why do kids play games like Bloody Mary, where the expectation is that a demoness will spring out of your mirror and murder you? Why are Ouija Boards all the more attractive because of the rumored dangers? These questions dredged up my ancient memories of the choking game, something that may not have made sense to most adults, because it was a little scary, and because it broke the rules around what society assumes about innocent young children. At that, there may be something to the fact that TALK TO ME was made by first-time filmmakers Michael and Danny Philippou, whose relative inexperience may have given them the freedom to ignore the usual expectations. This produces a rather uncertain viewing experience that sometimes results in a breech of contract with the audience, who may not expect something as intense as this movie becomes.
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Obviously this is a commercial graphic related to where to stream TALK TO ME, but it so represents my feelings about being a film lover in the modern world that I'm including it anyway.
Of course, I had to look up who the filmmakers were, which was sort of an unpredictable journey in and of itself. First it was like...oh no, they're YouTubers. I really don't want anything to do with that whole entire culture. Then further down their Wikipedia page there's the Controversies section, and I was like, Oh no, half the time I am forced to hear about a YouTuber, it's because someone has been outed as a gross predator, I don't know if I even wanna look... And then I read what was in there. Twice. And I was OK with it:
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The End.
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nextinline-if · 2 years
Hi~ Trans man putting in his two cents. The amount of customization and inclusivity is limited to the amount of coding you can do. It is a lot of work indeed, and is something you have to think about depending on the length of the story. You could have just have man/woman/nonbinary and add xe/xem pronoun besides they/them. Then goes cis and trans option, and something I saw in other IFs and think is a good idea, is putting a separate option for genitals right before the first intimate scene, otherwise I don't see the need of mention it in other context. Regarding trans options, is up to you to leave just "MC is trans" in a vague way or being incredibly specific and customized regarding hormones, surgery and other transition options. This again, will increase the coding work tenfold.
And since you say it's okay to give you recs, allow me to spam you with IFs (and authors) who has given people wonderful trans content/representation. It's not a complete list, just the ones that come to mind:
@barbwritesstuff (who has the most lovely trans RO ever, love you Marco 💕)
@fiddles-ifs (great story, among a lot of great representation, not just trans)
@northern-passage (most, if not all, ROs are trans, and playthroughs with trans MC are really good too)
@rotten-games (his games are addicting, and has quite a unique customization page in Regrets of the Traitor)
@the-kingshound (Kal's content is such a source of gender euphoria, specially @fromtheashesweriseif 💖)
@kaiwrites-if (is doing so much work in allowing MC to explore gender and orientation in medieval times, you are doing amazing sweetie 🥰)
@sinnersandsaints-linwrites (so talented, such an icon, is starting another IF, @thenumbersgameif that is just as good)
@ingenio-academy-if (demo coming soon, and MC is genderlocked as agender! And all the ROs are trans! AAA-)
@fell-star-if (what better than playing as a trans eldritch abomination??? And the trans choices are so good???)
@disenchantedif (one of Dakota's amazing stories, has a trans RO, and trans choices are cool too)
@parkerlyn (amazing story, amazing ROs, one of them confirmed as a nonbinary man recently!!!)
@magiciansvoyage (L O V E the trans RO, Rem is impossible not to love, and also explores gender a lot)
@redsugarsociety (sassy trans RO and such a funny fake marriage story in general)
@gb-patch (blog of the developers of Our Life on Steam, a heartwarming, wholesome and very inclusive visual novel. Explores life, including gender and orientation throughout life, from childhood to adulthood)
Ah, such a long post. Sorry, I got excited (and sorry to all of you who will be notified because of this I love you ajdhjajdjask)
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Wow wow wow - thank you so much @gloomcat-mess 💙 also, your two scents, perspective, thoughts, and recs are always welcome here!!
i have not had the pleasure of playing most of these so they’re on my list for this weekend and next. truly appreciate it!! also, thanks for sharing your ideas on ways i can make my game more trans inclusive. i am new with the coding but im confident i can incorporate at least some of what you’ve mentioned on top of what I’ve already done. and then as i improve my skills, I’ll work to improve customization options.
and of course, I’ll be open to you and everyone’s else’s feedback after the demo comes out. 💕
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atomicrats · 7 months
I love the demo for ripped and I'm so excited for the premise aswell as all the ROs. I was trying to stalk the tumblr and read some asks but people be sleeping on this it seems.
So can I please ask the most basic of basics which are for some RO facts if it's not too spoilery. Can just be fav color to fav food type vibes. But I am very interested in all the routes. Especially in seeing how the hell you can romance a ghost 😅👀
Thank you so much❤! I like to believe the inaction is for the best seeing as I've only recently developed a good idea to what I'm doing and who the characters are😅.
As for the ask:
Roman loved spicy food. They played soccer and games like Galaga, Frogger, Pac-Man, Centipede, etc. Hates spiders with a passion. Loves those cheesy romance flicks. Drove stick. They're asexual. They're favorite colour is orange.
Mat liked soups. Was sick a lot as a kid so they never got into sports, but they do know how to play a stupid amount of instruments. They wanted to be a parent but has since reluctantly given that up. Reads a lot, never really got into movies though they always watch them when Axel asks. They have an interest in astronomy. Love to dress up for no reason. They're favorite colour is constantly changing.
Axel has a sweet tooth. Wanted to play sports but never had the chance. Currently trying to learn more about cars. Dad jokes. Loves comedy/action movies and comics. Caffeine addict. Trying to work on his drinking. First time he cut his hair short was with a pair of craft scissors, Mat later did their best to fix it. He's trans. Likes weird hats. His favorite colour is blue.
Thank you, again, for such a sweet ask ❤
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thislovintime · 2 years
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Peter Tork in a screenshot from footage included in Micky Dolenz Celebrates The Monkees (via YouTube).
“[Tork] gives a measured response when asked to sum up his experience with [The Monkees]. ‘I did as well as I knew how and have nothing to be ashamed of,’ he says.” - bohemian dot com, 2002
"We [Release] recorded some demos, but I think they’re lost. It was just a garage band, no particular skill or charm. I also did a demo for Atlantic Records. Ahmet Ertegun gave me a session to see how I would do, but it wasn’t good enough." - Peter Tork, Head 1994 liner notes
Q: “1970s, you’re, uh, you disappear for a little while.” Peter Tork: “I disappear, yes, I do.” Q: “What were you doing?” PT: “In the… well, let’s see. As soon as The Monkees was over, I went to Marin County to try to recapture some of my Greenwich-Village-days happiness, and I did. I was very, I was very lucky, there was a lovely scene in Fairfax, Marin County [see Fairfax Street Choir], and I had a great time up there for a couple of years, worked as a waiter in a cooperative restaurant and it was great, it was actually great. The thing about The Monkees, it was so difficult, was to be yanked out of — off the street, flung to the pinnacle and then, you know, and then dropped.” Q: “Yeah.” PT: “So, so I went back to the street where I’d, you know, gotten my roots together. It was great.” [...] Q: “You’ve described yourself as a chemical abuser. You said, ‘I can’t drink coffee moderately, I’m an addictive type.’” PT: “It’s true.” Q: “It got pretty bad before?” PT: “Yeah, I — it was, yeah, it was toward the end of the ‘70s that it overtook me and I had to go get help, which, thank god, was available, and actually… I don’t know, it’s like, it’s like I had to give up trying to do it by myself, and once I gave that up, then I was able to get the help I needed.” Q: “You, uh, you spent some time in prison?” PT: “I spent a few years — (laughs), no, I didn’t, I spent a few months in, yeah, in a federal joint in Oklahoma.” Q: “What happened?” PT: “They caught me coming across the border with about three dollars’ worth of hashish.” Q: “Three dollars’ worth?” PT: “Yeah, yeah, three dollars’ worth.” Q: “So they put you in federal prison for that?” PT: “Yeah, it’s about a… I was coming, I came back from Mexico with it.” Q: “Oh, well, there you go.” PT: “I took it down there, and I came back with it. They said smuggling. As a matter of fact, I am legally entitled to say I’ve never been arrested because my record’s been cleared as a result [of] the probation.” Q: “Between you and us, what was it like, what was it your cell like where you spent three months?” PT: It wasn’t a cell, it was dorm, and, and you wanna know what it was like?” Q: “Yeah.” PT: “It was like getting, like burning off some leftover high school karma. (laughs)” Q: “How do you mean? What do you mean?” PT: “Well, it’s like I had been dodging bullies all the time in high school and I finally learned to face them, I couldn’t dodge them, you had to learn to face them. You know, the bad boys are there and there’s nowhere to go, so you gotta, you gotta learn to cope face to face, and I did. I learned to deal on a human basis, that’s what it came down to. I had no, I didn’t have tools to face guys on a human basis, I had no human tools. And I got those together and then I got this jail thing, and deal with these guys, and, you know, it’s like the line from the Beach Boys song ‘I Get Around’? ‘The bad guys know us and they leave us alone.’ That’s what it is, you know. The bad guys, you know, they knew me and they left me alone. That was all there was to it. You know, you go, ‘I’m not gonna play your game, I’m not gonna cowtow, no, I don’t wanna have anything to do with you, no, I’m not interested in getting in the middle of your game either, you just leave each other alone, everything’s okay.’ Fine, end of story. And that’s what it took, and that’s what it was for, for me, karmically speaking, you know, in that kind of transcendental thing.” - GOLD 104.5, 1999
“To the outside observer, I’m sure it looked as though I had succumbed to the extremities of a given culture. To me, I simply exhibited moderate good sense. Basically, I lived at a poverty level, scratching for odd jobs. I wore a beard, my hair was past my shoulders, and I was working in a restaurant, singing folk songs and waiting tables. I was playing piano and was in and out of various rock groups. I played lead guitar for a rock group called Osciolla [sic]. No records. I was in the bass section of the Fairfax Street Choir, a thirty-five member vocal group. I also fronted a group of my own and tried to make a demo, but it didn’t go anywhere. I had a job offer to come out here to Venice. I also worked as a high school teacher. The mass media has a tendency to distort. As long as capitalism remains the underpinning of society, what is good will always take a back seat to what will sell. General Motors isn’t concerned with making a quality automobile. Sears isn’t concerned with offering a quality television set. All that counts in a capitalistic society is selling. And to the mass media’s way of thinking, a picture of Peter Tork as a so-called ‘burned-out hippie’ with a beard and long hair implies a hopeless case who can’t lift his hand to his face to get his razor up and who has no interest except in stealing to support his drug habit. If that’s what sells, they’ll print that. The truth of the matter is, my primary concern was and is self-realization in a social setting.” - Peter Tork, Blitz!, May/June 1980
"Well, what I thought was great was that [Peter] always seemed to be humble and very, very gracious in his actions and his attitude. He always treated everybody with respect. He stayed low-key until we would kick up with a group number and then he would join in. […] Everybody else has been joking about how he wasn’t Pete, he was Peter. You can tell a lot about a person when they do whatever they need to do for their family. And the only thing else that I would add is that the fact that he stayed so humble and so gracious after a lot of us had grown up with him as an icon means a lot." - DJ Barker, Tales of the Road Warriors, 2019
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elekinetic · 2 years
Quick! Tag your top favorite byler blogs (as many as you want) and tell my why you love them in one line to spread positivity on the dashboard and make someone's day!
this is in no particular order
first up. my wheelies. my ride or dies. call it traumabonding or whatever u want but these mfs know secrets of mine they better take to the grave
@hawkinsp0st, my first real friend on here. currently on hiatus but truly a kindred spirit. single-handedly changed the way i looked at the show with their hellfire color post. u simply get me and i miss ur brain!!
@ratt-duffer deserves so much more credit than you all give them. he just gets this show so well and has such well written analyses, but more than that, is just a fun fuckin person to exist around.
@willsglock my sister in glock. what can i say. she has permanently altered the way i think about brba and bcs. refreshingly honest in a way i wish more people were. occasionally breaks hearts w her writing.
@crazycoven no. 1 weezer stan in my heart ❤️ jk but fr hayden is such a cool person with some of the best themes and best takes on this site. very glad to know him
@tntozier deserves financial compensation for what theyve given to this tag. one of the brightest souls on here. everything he posts is a gift and u all should be so lucky 🤨 thank u for screaming abt st puzzle games and convincing me to download. i blame you for my crippling addiction.
ok onto some of my other favorite geniuses on here <3
@quinnick his energy??? immaculate. thank u for putting reddie content on my dash. u are so sweet and are the only valid ask hoarder. yes ofc i will send you more asks!! you deserve it!! even if you won’t stop making ur mom jokes.
@madcleradin just fucking gets it. she has never made a single post i did not wholeheartedly agree with. her understanding of the characters and the dynamics….phenomenal. also genuinely hilarious. very grateful to be mutuals w one sierra loveqbrl madcleradin
@mlchaelwheeler is a certified genius and is single-handedly responsible for getting me to restart succession. we don’t chat very often but when we do it is so much fun. she always puts such good posts i’ve never seen before on my dash and her analyses are genius. sarah’s blog is a gift to this site!!!
@chiquitablanquita changed my life with her poetry fic. i just. wow. wow. oh my god. yeah basically yeah. oh my god. i am in awe of you for the work u do outside of fandom and for the absolute insane talent u so gracefully share with us.
@eightieslesbian is The Gif Maker on here. her visions…holy shit. yes her gifs of my demos and the bitch meredith brooks gifset haunt my dreams bc she is the sweetest person on here and the fact that she DOWNLOADED MY MUSIC?? hello my heart is broken in two. but can we talk about HER original stuff?? HELLO?? she is so insanely talented and her vision is just….omg. OMG.
@elmaxed lumi and i don’t chat all that much but her brain is just so correct always and forever. her writing is wonderful and her energy is stellar. always happy to see her on my dash.
@wibble-wobbegong is such a fun blog to follow. he’s just such a cool dude and has such a nuanced understanding of mike. plus a great signature blog theme. dude has a BRAND, mad respect
@astrobei i cannot believe we are mutuals. i CANNOT BELIEVE we are mutuals. genuinely one of my favorite writers on ao3 and i still fangirl a little everytime we interact. like. the fics….holy shit. HOLY shit. she has such a firm understanding of the characters and has never written anything that doesn’t feel true to the show, regardless of AU or canon compliance. hanleia costume fic my beloved. good god they are such a talented writer.
@smoosnoom the scream i scrumpt when i got the follow notification. first fic writer i actually learned how to use the “subscribe” function on ao3 for. there are no words for the absolute batshit amount talent stored in this tumblr blog. ik y’all have read i’m tearing you asunder (cue “uh yeah, i’ve read the classics” tiktok audio) but every fic in their fix it series….jesus christ. run up that hill to go read rn.
@strangeswift is in a category of her own. abby u are a twin flame and i am so glad to know u. u simply understand me!! y’all she is such a fuckin phenomenal writer and is SO CEREBRAL in the way she approaches the show. her mike s4 pov snippets live rent free in my head. truly the only person who could get me to voluntarily read angst. NEVER misses with her takes and is just. so smart. SO SMART. the most supportive mfer on here fr. you guys aren’t ready for milevenvision or any of the other stuff you should be so lucky for abby to put out.
ok i could talk about my friends and moots for hours and i definitely DEFINITELY missed ppl but pls just know i follow blogs i love love love the content of and if we are mutuals i value u to the moon and back <333
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