#i also imagine luke being blind to all of this and is just like
unohanabbygirl · 1 year
Hi! I saw your post about book Aemond forcing show Lucerys to marry him and their first child Aemond ii is showmond who wants to kill bookmon and take his place, but I raise you one better! Imagine if Luke had like 3 or 4 boys before showmond is born, which means that showmond has to compete with his brothers who want the exact same thing he does. Thoughts?
Omg the potential!
Showmond who not only wants his father’s place but is the 3rd born son with no lands, titles, or even a betrothal. Maybe he’s the only dragon less son as well which only fuels his anger because how could he a dragon less Targ take down his father who rides the biggest beast living.
He also sees the way his elder brothers look at their mother and it fills him with rage. Lucerys is his in every way, he’s their mothers sweet boy who always stands by his side and loves him more than anyone else breathing 😤
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slu7formen · 2 months
Hellooo helloo, I love all your Luke stories so muchh!!
Could I have a request for Luke x Poseidon’s daughter reader something about her joining him even betraying her brother Percy because love prevails all so like their love is the most powerful thing of all.. hope that makes sense in a way hahaha okay thank youuu 😙💗💕✨
thank you so much for reading my stories, I’m so glad you like them ☺️
luke castellan x fem!reader
warnings: betrayal, reader’s kinda blinded by love but also kinda cute, little fluff at the end
reminder: english’s not my first language so I apologize for any spelling mistakes
Thirteen wasn't exactly the age you pictured discovering you were a demigod. Apparently, you had blissfully –or maybe obliviously— muddled through your first thirteen years completely oblivious to the mythological world that simmered just beneath your feet.
Your life had been a quiet one. Growing up in a sleepy seaside town, the rhythmic crash of waves against the shore was the soundtrack to your existence. You felt a weird connection to the water, an inexplicable pull towards the ocean whenever you stood on the beach. But you attributed that to nothing more than a love for swimming and a healthy dose of wanderlust, you thought.
Then came the satyr. Grover Underwood, a nervous wreck of a creature with a perpetually startled expression. You don´t remember much about your life back then, just the way he stammered through an explanation about Greek myths being real, your parentage being linked to a god, and the pressing need for you to get to a safe haven called Camp Half-Blood.
And now here you were. Years went by, living at Camp Half-Blood, and being the only child of Poseidon.
Camp was always bustled with activity. Laughter echoed across the training fields, campers sparred with celestial bronze swords. Yet, amidst the chaos, a subtle sense of loneliness lingered around you. You weren't friendless, not by any stretch of the imagination. You had a close circle of friends, but there was a specific kind of lonely feeling that came with being the only child of Poseidon at camp, a forbidden child.
The other cabins, they all teemed with siblings. —mostly—. Shared history, inside jokes, and the comfort of knowing someone else understood exactly what it meant to have the same god for a parent – these were things you craved. There was a gap, a yearning for a familial connection that none of your friends could fully fill.
Then came Percy.
His arrival at camp was nothing short of spectacular. A blue-eyed twelve-year-old with a knack for attracting trouble. During a particularly intense Capture the Flag game, Annabeth, a sharp-tongued daughter of Athena with a strategic mind, shoved Percy into the lake. The air crackled with gasps and surprises as a shimmering green trident materialized above Percy´s head, claiming him for Poseidon.
The revelation sent a jolt through you. You, the solitary child of the sea god, suddenly had a sibling. Percy looked up at you with wide, startled eyes, a mixture of awe and apprehension playing on his face. It was like looking into a mirror reflecting a younger version of yourself, the same confusion etched on his features.
Percy looked up to you with a hero-worship that both amused and touched you. He saw in you a reflection of his own mother, Sally Jackson, with her kindness and unwavering belief in the good in others. You became his confidante, his guide through the intricate social landscape of Camp Half-Blood.
But you weren't the only one who welcomed Percy. Luke, your closest friend at camp, was equally happy for your newfound family, —or so he faked it very well. Percy quickly found himself asking you both all the questions he had and spending all his training session´s with Luke.
You and Luke were a natural fit. Both of you skilled warriors, blessed with the agility of Hermes and the raw power of the sea. You sparred together often, your movements a dance of attack and parry, a language only the two of you seemed to understand. Your laughter echoed through the camp, and more than once, you caught Percy or other campers shooting you hesitant glances, not really knowing what your relationship was about, a thin line between friends love and-, other type of love, drawn in between.
And yes, Luke loved you, and you loved him. So much, that´d you´d be able to do anything for each other. Little did Percy know.
The metallic clang of your celestial bronze sword echoed through the silent woods, a jarring counterpoint to the chirping of nocturnal crickets. Percy, his breath ragged and sweat stinging his eyes, pushed back against Luke's relentless assault. Betrayal gnawed at his gut, a viper coiling tighter with every parry and thrust.
Luke, his once friendly face twisted with a manic fervor, pressed the attack. Every word that left his lips was a fresh wound: about the Olympians' manipulation, about the power promised by Kronos, about how this wasn't meant to betray him, or anyone.
Suddenly, the clang of steel meeting steel ceased. Percy stumbled back, his heart hammering in his chest, as Luke lowered his sword. A flicker of hope, fragile and fleeting, ignited within him.
"Percy," Luke said, his voice quieter now, a hint of desperation creeping in. "This is not what you want, trust me. Last chance."
Percy stared at him, the hope dying as quickly as it had flickered. How could Luke even suggest such a thing, joining him? Didn't he understand the consequences?
Before he could retort, a new figure emerged from the shadows of the trees behind Luke. His breath caught in his throat, eyes twitching as he tried his best to focus on the figure coming from the forest. You.
A flicker of relief washed over Percy as he saw you emerge from the shadows. "yn” he called out, hope blossoming in his chest.
You stepped into the scene, moonlight casting an ethereal glow on your features. But something was off. You weren't rushing to his side, face etched with concern as it usually was. Instead, you stood there, a strange stillness cloaking you.
"Percy" you finally said, your voice cool and controlled, lacking it´s usual warmth.
Confusion warred with the relief. "yn" he repeated, his voice unsteady. "Clarisse didn't – it was him" he stammered, pointing at Luke with his sword. "He stole the bolt. He's joining Kronos"
Percy expected outrage, surprise, anything. Instead, your expression remained unreadable. A shadow flickered across your face, but it was gone as quickly as it came.
"I know what he did" you replied simply. The calmness in your voice sent a shiver down his spine. The casualness of your reply was scary. It was like you were talking about the weather, not a world-shattering betrayal.
There was something wrong. Terribly wrong.
"Then help me" he pleaded, a desperate edge creeping into his voice.
You met his gaze for a long, agonizing moment. Percy saw a flicker of something weird in your eyes, something that made your pupils blown. But then, it was gone, replaced by a fire that mirrored Luke's.
A slow realization dawned on him, cold and heavy in his gut. You weren't surprised. You weren't angry. You knew.
Percy's heart hammered against his ribs. He saw the familiar hilt of your celestial bronze sword hanging loosely at your belt, the moonlight glinting off the polished metal.
"Percy, I can't do that" you said, your voice barely a whisper.
Percy understood then. You weren't caught in the middle. You weren´t with him, you were with Luke, all the way. The truth slammed into him, a betrayal far worse than anything he could have imagined. You were a traitor.
Percy felt like you'd ripped open a fresh wound in his chest and poured lemon juice in it. This sister, this family he'd thought he'd found at camp, meant nothing to you in the face of this rebellion? The anger coursing through him was laced with a bitter disappointment that gnawed at his insides. He'd trusted Luke blindly, sure, but you were different. He'd looked up to you, confided in you. The betrayal cut deep.
"You're with him?" he choked out, the question laced with disbelief and a raw, wounded vulnerability. He couldn´t wrap his mind around it.
"I'm not with him, Percy" you countered, taking a hesitant step forward. He flinched back, the movement a physical manifestation of the emotional chasm that had suddenly opened between you. The pain that flickered across your face was a punch to his gut, but he couldn't ignore the conviction in your voice. "We're together" you continued. "We created this."
Percy couldn't believe what he was hearing. You were so convinced, so blinded by whatever twisted loyalty you felt for Luke, that you couldn't see the bigger picture. "How could you?" he roared, his voice raw with emotion. "How could you do this, to everyone who trusts you? To the people who love you?"
You scoffed, a harsh, humorless sound. "Come on, Percy, you want to talk about betrayal? Let's talk about our father." The words hung heavy in the air, a challenge laden with bitterness. A sudden breeze swept through the woods, rustling the leaves and carrying the salty scent of the ocean as if a wave had crashed nearby. It seemed like even the sea itself reacted to your words.
"Let's talk about the gods" you pressed, your voice laced with a bitter venom. "They get bored at the Olympus, so they play their pretty games, making mortals fall for them and then discarding them like broken toys. Mortals like your mom, like mine. And they leave us, their children, to pick up the pieces."
Percy groaned in frustration. "They're not perfect" he admitted, "they're trying their best for us"
"Don't bullshit me" you say. The calmer your voice was, the more fear Percy felt. "I don’t wanna fight, Percy, but they couldn´t care less”
Luke´s face partially obscured by the shadows, but the jagged scar across his cheek was visible under the moonlight. It was a constant reminder of the failed quest Hermes had sent him on, a cruel mark of a father's neglect.
Percy's gaze flicked between you and Luke, a sudden understanding dawning on him. Your words, your anger, your sadness. It wasn't just about Kronos or overthrowing the Olympians. It was about a deeper wound, a festering resentment born from years of feeling abandoned by your father, his father too. He understood, but he didn´t think it was right.
"But you can't be serious" he finally choked out. "This isn't the answer. There has to be another way."
A flicker of sadness crossed your features, a stark contrast to the steely resolve you'd presented earlier. It was a fleeting glimpse, a crack in the facade you'd constructed, and it tugged at Percy's heartstrings. No, it wasn't jealousy or envy. It was a deeper, more profound sense of loss. You weren't angry at him for having a father who cared just a little bit, for having a family he cherished. You were simply… sad. Sad that you never had that, that your only family was Luke, and that his arrival, however welcome it initially felt, couldn't erase the years of loneliness you'd endured.
Percy´s eyes darted behind you, to Luke.
"Why are you dragging her into this?" Percy demanded, his voice tight with a mixture of anger and protectiveness. He knew you weren't the mastermind, Luke was the one who had poisoned your trust, manipulated your resentment.
"It's not that hard to understand, Percy" you answered before Luke could speak. Your voice held a quiet defiance, a loyalty that both warmed and stung him. "We're together" you repeated, the words laced with a quiet strength that resonated deep within him.
Then it hit him, another wave of realization crashing over him like a rogue wave. It wasn't just loyalty or a shared cause that bound you to Luke. There was something more, something deeper that flickered in your eyes whenever you looked at him.
"You love him" Percy whispered, the words hanging heavy in the air. And it wasn´t a question either, he knew.
A faint blush crept up your cheeks, but you didn't deny it. "We understand each other, Percy. We know what it's like to be unseen, unheard. Isn't that what love is? Empathy, understanding?"
A tear escaped your eye, glistening in the moonlight. Percy could see the pain, the longing in your eyes, how you clinged to the only thing that hugged you back; Luke.
“You’re blind” Percy whispered, hand instinctively groping to the handle of his sword.
"No, Percy" you countered, your voice soft but firm. "I'm awake. I see things for what they are. You know what it feels like, right? To have one person who understands you, who truly sees you" you continued. Your voice softened even further, a hint of vulnerability entering the equation. "Sally, isn't it?"
He flinched at the mention of his mother's name.
"That's love, P." you said, using the nickname you'd once shared. The sound of it sent a fresh wave of tears threatening to spill from his eyes, mirroring the glistening in your own. "And to me, to us" you continued, your voice barely above a whisper, "that's the most powerful thing."
Percy saw the love for Luke burning bright in your eyes, a love that had blinded you to the potential destruction you were embracing. He saw the pain of neglect, the longing for acceptance that fueled your rebellion. But most of all, he saw a glimmer of hope, a flicker of doubt that your tear-filled eyes betrayed.
The weight of your words settled on Percy like a lead blanket. He understood the path you were on, but he couldn't just let you walk away, couldn't let you be consumed by this darkness. The thought of ever having to fight you, to raise his sword against his own sister, filled him with a dread that eclipsed even the fear of facing Kronos himself.
With a desperate surge of defiance, Percy lunged at you, Riptide flashing in the moonlight. You reacted with lightning reflexes, a blur of blue as you deflected his attack with your own celestial bronze sword. The clang of metal echoed through the silent woods, a discordant note in the tense atmosphere.
The fight was short, brutal, and utterly one-sided. You were older, more experienced, and fueled by a burning conviction that mirrored Percy's own determination. A quick twist of your wrist, a disarming maneuver honed through years of training, and Riptide clattered to the ground several feet away.
Percy landed hard on the leaf-strewn ground, the impact knocking the wind out of him. He lay there, disarmed, defeated, and utterly heartbroken. Betrayal gnawed at him, a bitter cocktail of anger and sorrow.
A single tear escaped your eye, tracing a glistening path down your cheek. You knelt down beside him, your touch surprisingly gentle on his shoulder. "Percy," you said, your voice thick with emotion, "you're my brother. I don´t wanna leave you”
Percy looked up at you, his eyes red-rimmed and filled with a storm of conflicting emotions. "Then why?" he choked out, his voice hoarse. "Why are you doing this?"
"Come with me” you continued, your voice softening further. “Come with us, Percy”
A long silence stretched between them, punctuated only by the chirping of crickets and the rustling of leaves in the night breeze.
"I can't, yn" he said, his voice firm despite the tremor that ran through him. "I won't be a part of this, it´s not fair."
A flicker of pain crossed your features. You rose to your feet then, your expression unreadable again.
A curt nod was your only response before you swiped a hand across your cheek, wiping away the traitorous tear. Bending down, you retrieved your celestial bronze sword, the moonlight glinting coldly off its surface.
"Then I guess I won't see you for a while, little one" you said, your voice thick with a maelstrom of emotions. Percy almost flinched at the nickname, a stark reminder of the bond you once shared. The weight of his decision pressed down on him, a suffocating feeling that left him breathless.
Suddenly, a hand clamped softly onto your arm. You whipped around, eyes focusing on Luke, his face grim.
"We have to go" he said urgently, his voice laced with a barely concealed panic.
You glanced back at Percy, his expression a mixture of heartbreak and steely resolve. A million unspoken words hung heavy in the air, a silent plea for you to reconsider, to choose family over rebellion.
But your path was laid. With a final, longing look at Percy, you took a few steps towards a cluster of crumbling ruins that stood there sentinel. Luke reached for your hand, his grip tight with a mix of reassurance and desperation.
Percy watched, a cold dread settling in his gut, as Luke traced a final line, completing the arcane symbol etched onto the column. The air shimmered, a blueish light pooling in the center of the ruins. It widened, forming a shimmering curtain that pulsed with an otherworldly energy.
Luke leaned in, whispering something in your ear. You nodded, a faint smile gracing your lips for a fleeting moment. Then Luke, his face a mask of grim determination, looked back at Percy for a final time. And with a final squeeze of his hand, you both stepped into the shimmering portal. The blue light intensified for a moment, blinding Percy momentarily.
And then just like that, you were gone.
The portal spat you out in a blackness so thick it felt like a physical presence. The air was heavy with the smell of salt and wet sand. You stumbled forward, disoriented, hand instinctively tightening on Luke's. His grip was firm, anchoring you in the swirling darkness.
"Whoa, careful" he murmured, his voice a welcome sound in the suffocating silence.
He took a tentative step forward, then another, testing the ground. You followed suit, your steps hesitant and laced with a growing unease.
"Come on" he said, his voice tinged with urgency, "we gotta get to-"
He cut himself off abruptly as he realized you weren't moving. You stood rooted to the spot, your eyes fixed on something beyond him, your grip on his hand tightening almost painfully.
Luke turned you gently, his brow furrowed in concern as he gazed into your tear-filled eyes. The moonlight, pale and ghostly, illuminated the glistening tracks on your cheeks.
"Baby, what's wrong?" he asked, his voice soft but laced with worry. He cupped your face in his calloused hands, his touch a familiar comfort in the unsettling darkness.
You choked back a sob, the tears overflowing again. "Am I doing the right thing, Luke?" you whispered, your voice barely audible above the crashing waves. "I lost my family, again. Percy. He doesn’t-…”
The raw pain in your voice tore at his heart. He knew this path, this rebellion, would come at a cost, but seeing the emotional toll it was taking on you was a gut punch.
"Hey, hey, look at me" he coaxed, gently lifting your chin so your eyes met his. His gaze was steady, filled with a fierce loyalty that had always been a source of strength for you.
"We were on this path way before Percy arrived, remember?" he asked, his voice firm yet soothing.
You nodded slowly, a single tear tracing a path down your cheek.
"I need you to be strong for me, angel” he continued, his thumb brushing away the tear. "You´re what keeps me going."
He placed a tender kiss on your forehead. "I'll give you everything" he murmured, his voice a low promise. "I promise I'll give you the life you deserve"
Then, he trailed a line of kisses down your cheek, his lips lingering on yours in a final, lingering and sweet kiss.
It was meant to be a reassurance, but it sent a wave of conflicting emotions crashing through you. There was comfort in his touch, a flicker of the love you shared, but it was overshadowed by a gnawing doubt.
When you finally pulled back, a shaky breath escaping your lips, Luke took your hand, his touch gentle yet firm. He looked out at the vast expanse of ocean, then scanned the horizon.
You followed his gaze, squinting through the darkness. A faint flicker of white lights danced in the distance, a beacon in the vast blackness.
"Come on" he said, his voice tinged with newfound purpose. "We gotta get to the cruise."
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Clarisse La Rue x Albino!Fem!Reader
A/N:More hc's on the way!Luke fics are also wip!
I feel like she would constantly tease you about your eyes twitching in the sun, but she'd also low-key make sure you have sunglasses all the time. Like, "Here, put these on,pretty girl. Don't want you going blind or something."
I feel like she would grumble about having to deal with sunscreen, but secretly she enjoys applying it to your pale skin, all protective and stuff. "Stay still,snowflake.Don't want you getting burnt." because she knows how much it hurts given how sensitive your skin is.
She LOVES stealing your hoodies because she says it's like wearing a cloud. "Softest hoodie in camp, hands down.Almost as soft as you."
I feel like she would totally get jealous if anyone else tries to tease you about your unique traits. She's like, "Back off, she's mine to tease."
Imagine her trying to braid your hair, but she's all gruff about it. "Stop moving,pretty thing.I'm not good at this, but it's better than your hair getting tangled." especially if you had longer hair.
So I feel like she would totally have a secret collection of sun hats for you. "Just wear one,snowflake.It's not that hard."
I feel like she would get protective if anyone makes fun of you.She's ready to throw down. "You got a problem with how they look? Say it to my face."
She LOVES bragging about your beauty to her friends, but she does it in a very smug way. "Yeah,my girlfriend here is a vision. Deal with it."
She deff calls you "Casper" sometimes as a joke.
She loves the moments when you let her be the big spoon. "Yeah, that's right,pretty girl.I'm the tough one, remember?" But you both know she secretly loves it.
If someone ever makes a comment about your appearance, she's quick to jump in and shut them down.Clarisse is fiercely protective of you.
She loves planning late-night stargazing sessions because the lack of harsh sunlight makes you more comfortable. She won't admit it's for you, though; she just insists she likes the stars.
During capture the flag, she's always got your back. It's like having your own personal bodyguard, and she'd get all defensive if anyone even looks at you funny.
When it's super sunny, and you can't avoid being outside, she'll grumble but end up walking with you to keep you her shadow.
If someone asks about your haie,eyes or skin or anything else, she's quick to snap at them, shutting down any insensitive comments. She doesn't tolerate anyone messing with you if it's not her - and she never even means the half-assed jokes she makes half of the time.
She's not the biggest fan of PDA, but she'll subtly hold your hand or wrap her arm around you when she thinks no one is looking.
If someone challenges her or disrespects you, Clarisse is ready to throw down. She's not afraid to assert herself,proving she's got your back.
On the rare occasions when you catch her being extra sweet,she brushes it off like it's nothing. But you can see it in her eyes - she's head over heels for you,even if she won't say it out loud.
A/N:I'll probably make a fic like this soon instead of hc's.I just gotta get an idea on what to write tbh.
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yzzart · 1 year
imagine daemon and rhaenyra’s pretty daughter, who has such a close bond with her brothers, jace and luke (like in your ‘now im here, with you’ fic). never far from them, hugging them, holding their hands. and in return, they’re incredibly overprotective of her.
and then there’s aemond, driven wild with jealously 🤭
— Flavor of a jealous dragon.
© do not repost or translate !
characters: Aemond Targaryen x (F)Targaryen!reader.
summary: witnessing one of your brother's trainings, you can witness the jealousy of a dragon.
warnings: incest, explicit language, explicit words.
word count: 2.978!
english's not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes!
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"It's so strange to see him fighting the wind."
The youngest prince whispered, in a peaceful, mocking way, for you. Your lips couldn't resist trying to prevent a knowing smile, finding your younger brother's speech funny, from appearing quickly.
Really, it was strange to see a person with a sword Indeed, it was strange to see a person with a sword slashing only the wind and pretending that there was a person there, but you wanted to support your little brother.
"He's doing fine." — You uttered the words as you returned to stare at a little Jacerys training session. He was practicing alone, at that time. Some guards suggested training him, but your brother decided for himself that he preferred solo training. — And it was impossible to disagree that he was doing very well.
And Jace, insistently, decided to train in the sacred grove. It didn't matter to him if the place he chose might be a little too small to fight with his sword, he decided and is getting what he wanted. — With each sudden, swift step, the admirable leaves of pure red hue, which lay on the ground, moved in accordance with Prince Velaryon's feet.
You felt pride in being able to witness your brother demonstrate his skills and new ways of fighting. — In fact, it was much more interesting than being locked inside your chambers or going through several meetings about the future of the throne. — And seeing Jace increasingly become a worthy fighter was important to you.
"I think you should train too." — Taking your eyes and attention away from Jacerys, you begin to glare at Lucerys; that when he feels you staring at him, he lowers his head. — "Luke…" — The velaryon mumbled something it wasn't possible to understand.
"I don't think i should and i can't see myself fighting with dignity." — He muttered with his tone of voice of sadness mixed with indifference. That mix had a name and it was insecurity, and you knew what it was about like no one else.
The feeling of insecurity dominated Luke's mind, it was like a plague; words he once said to her. The feeling of insecurity dominated Luke's mind, it was like a plague; words he once said to you. — One thing that sometimes dominated him more than usual and sometimes fear joined in and brought a heavy and confused mix of feelings.
Having the rank of old sister, you know your brothers and sisters like the back of your hand. — Like a dragon with its rider. — And witnessing all the events with all of them, you get a sense of how much and how all the feelings came to them and with Luke it couldn't be the other way around.
And you knew Luke hated picking up a sword, even if it was in self-defense and that had happened once before. — And ended up with a person missing an eye. — And that person was Aemond, your uncle and your lover.
You tasted and found out what the word love meant with Aemond. It wasn't just a common feeling, that he was not worth your time or lost your focus on strengthening your family. It was more than that.
Living between complete love and hate is not an easy thing to live with and witness, it felt like a punishment from the good gods. A punishment that will always haunt you.
Lucerys did not harbor a sense of anger or indignation over your relationship with the man he'd blinded in one eye, on the contrary, he respected you. — He looked up to you, always will, and also always respects your decisions and feelings.
"You deserved to be happy." little Lucerys had spoken those words to you.
However, that did not mean that the relationship between Aemond and Lucerys could improve. — Only the good gods, who all begged for the blessing and good life, knew what would happen between those two worthy princes who shared the same house.
"I think otherwise." — A quick and pure response was directed at the prince. — "Dignity has always been with you and in you, Lucerys." — You directed your hand to the side of the youngest's head, intending to make a small and simple caress. — "Since the day you were born."
The last words almost came out as a whisper. Your voice had shown a certain weakness because of the feeling of emotion that was growing in you. Seeing your little brother like that broke your heart, and it seemed that there was no miracle cure or medicine that could heal that pain.
Your fingers passed through the youngest's brown locks, showing more than simple and meaningful affection. — Lucerys needed this. He needed support, and he didn't want to hoard those fears just for himself.
"My dear little brother." — You plead, beg the youngest Velaryon to look into your eyes. Deep down, you knew Luke was fighting himself not to meet your eyes, afraid of a reprimand or complaint.
In long seconds, Lucerys decides to turn his head in your direction and soon, his blue eyes, with the pigmentation of the ocean, e of the youngest meets your eyes the color of pure purple. — His eyes looked so empty yet searching for a lifeline at the same time.
"You are my point of pride." — You said. — "With sword or not, you are still worthy of everything about you and around you."
A small smile, shy but a little contagious, formed A small smile, shy but a little infectious, formed on Lucerys's short lips. — It was already a good start. — You didn't stop smiling at the boy.
The uncomfortable, sad and tired image of Lucerys from before was gone in a matter of seconds, and you never felt so good about your brother in your entire life. — The good gods were recognizing that.
"Kirimvose, issa mandia" (Thank you, my sister.) — The thick accent during the Valyrian lines was uttered from Lucerys's mouth. The fact that Lucerys was more confident with his High Valyrian than Jacerys was was funny to you. — But, you always kept it to yourself.
Lucerys didn't intervene or stop the small, light movements, the petting you were giving him, in his head. He was enjoying that attention and time with you. — You noticed it, of course, but you didn't think to remove your hand from there.
In a matter of seconds, you started to feel like you were being watched. — Well, you were watched everywhere, by the guards who looked after you and your life, and by the civilians. — But at that moment it was a strange thing. A strange feeling. — Maybe it was in your head, or it must be the stress you've been going through lately, so you decided to ignore it for a while.
"Is spending time with my older sister or does that only go for the younger brother?" — Jacerys's voice exclaimed in your ears, snapping you out of your worried thoughts.
How long had Jace stopped his training?
"Oh, shut up." — Luke grumbled, not caring about his brother's joke. Jacerys just laughed and didn't want to upset his brother any further, and quickly noticed his scowl and put it in his mind that he should ask what was going on with him later. — "Can we go? I feel like i'm going to get dizzy if i see you spinning alone with your sword one more time."
Lucerys couldn't hide the feeling of boredom and weariness that had been building in his body since the minute he arrived. The youngest, at that moment, preferred to spend time locked in his rooms.
"I was so bad..." — The words that were ready to come out of Jacerys' mouth end up being interrupted. It was a somewhat disturbing surprise for you, to the point that it drew your eyes towards the young man.
It looked like he had seen something that bothered him in a bitter way. The expression that fit Jacerys's face was one of disgust, mixed with anger and you were ready to question what had happened or what had passed through his eyes.
"Mandia." (Sister.) — The thick accent with a weak but understandable pronunciation slips, purposefully, from Jacerys's mouth. He didn't change his expression even when calling you and also, he didn't look away to the specific point that angered him. — And your thought, or perhaps a sign from the gods, left a small certainty about who would be there.
Without questioning, or letting a miserable word escape your mouth, you decided to turn around and find out at once who had angered your brother. — And maybe, who was watching you the whole time.
With his costume made of pure leather and severely sewn and well worked, with its pigmentation of pure black; the young man who was feared by all in the region and recognized by the kingdoms, was present there. — Probably, witnessing his nephew's training but that wasn't why he was there.
Aemond watched, from afar, what looked like a small meeting between brothers, even though you were totally different. And he didn't even make a miserable fuss or try to hide the look he held. — It wasn't easy to figure out the kind of look the one-eyed young man was delivering but you can be sure that when his one eye passed by you, he was left with pure admiration and enchantment.
You were staring back at him but fighting, in a strong and resistant way, a smile that even you couldn't explain. — And it would be so embarrassing to make the mistake of being happy with his presence in front of your brothers, you thought.
Aemond's posture was rigid, more serious than usual, it was as if something had bothered him too and it wasn't the nephew's attempt to subpoena with just the look. — That would never happen. — And he didn't want to appreciate what made him that way, and without delay, he decided to walk to leave the place.
And you knew how to recognize the fury of that dragon and you felt that you had to go to him.
"You'd better stay here." — You uttered an order, but not in a stern tone of voice or so strong as to startle them the wrong way. Jacerys wasn't going to question, or even say anything about, your decision and you understood that. — Lucerys was no different from his brother and remained silent, and only a brief sigh escaped his mouth.
Your eyes swept over the Velaryon brothers, a silent farewell to them for that moment. The anger and disgust had drained from Jacerys's face, returning to his neutral expression but with sensitivity because of you. — Moving your lips, you say "Avy jorrāelan." (I love you.) directly to each one.
"We'll be here for anything, remember that." — Jace warned you with determination
Leaving that part of the woods, your steps, with the joint of your long dress, end up taking some red leaves but not preventing or disturbing you to your greatest focus. — But you fear that the end of your dress might be a little filthy and you try not to think about that possibility too much.
In keeping with your quickening steps, the fewer servants and guards you observed and encountered during your little journey to find your lover. An urge to ask one of them where the one-eyed prince could have gone crossed your mind but you decided not to. — And when you least expected it, your vision has the privilege of finding the image of the oldest's back.
According to the wind speed, which was a little strong, Aemond's pure white hair moved.
There were no guards around that part, and you didn't find that strange; Aemond could have asked for time alone and that was understandable. — And it was a good time for the two of you to have some alone time too.
Your steps weren't as precise as before and you weren't as nervous, not in a bad way but completely different. But your heart was pounding and it was amazing how Aemond's presence, and just one look, could move you and your body. — A lump felt like it wanted to form in your throat but you knew you had to fight it.
"Aemond?" — You beat yourself up, mentally, for the small moment where her voice called out to you with a weak edge. A bad time for this to happen; but for your old lover, your voice came out perfectly sweet and woke him up instantly.
Your voice woke Aemond from all bad thoughts or those that led him to a dark feeling, a feeling where he wasn't recognizing himself in some stupid moments. You brought him back to his consciousness with just your voice. — No one from all the kingdoms conquered by your ancestors, not even the one-eyed prince's own family could know that he felt that way in love with you, his niece.
An uncle and niece in love. House Targaryen, the house of dragons, had seen this for so long and you had compassion to see your parents having the same story and look what happened. — Like parents, like daughter.
"I came to think you were going to be with those boys." — Without completely turning his head in your direction, leaving only a part of his face in your field of vision, Aemond utters those long words trying not to show what, in fact, he was feeling. You, in the same miserable second, understood what was corrupting the oldest
Aemond was jealous and under the circumstances, you were surprised and a little disturbed by what was going on around you. You knew that just questioning or pressing what he was feeling would not work and could make the small situation worse for the two of you. — And Aemond needed your attention and care.
"ñuha jorrāelagon." (My dear.) — Going towards him, you place your hands on the side of his face. You felt Aemond's body shudder with your touch and it couldn't be your hand, which was at a slightly warm temperature, but it was the feeling of being touched by you.
The prince's one good eye not only stared at her but admired you. The way an amethyst-colored eye took in every point and line of your face and claimed you were a painting made, delicately, by the good gods. — The Targaryens were closer to gods than men and Aemond was sure in that moment that he was being touched by an angel, that even he considered you a goddess.
"I hate the idea of ​​having you away from me." — Aemond quickly looked away from her but for a short, brief moment. — "And having to watch those damn kids with you is the worst thing i could ever face in my own house."
When he mentioned his nephews, Aemond didn't think twice about venting all his anger and contempt. He had reasons to feel that way, to corrupt himself like that, and you hated to see him that way. — And it hurt just as much to see your brothers like that too.
And it was right there that Aemond gave up hiding the jealousy that was completely dominating his body.
"I'm here with you, aren't i?" — Your hand, which was being held beside Aemond's face, made a lingering caress to get his attention and regain his focus. Immediately, the elder's single eye meets your eyes again. — "I won't hold back your feelings, Aemond, but i hate to see you like this."
The sincerity in your words calmed him down a bit, letting his posture soften for a little while.
"And they're my brothers, and my duty as an older sister is to care for and protect them." — It was necessary to mention this. It was necessary to disassemble Aemond that he didn't need to feel jealous over that circumstance. — "But you're the man i love, and the man i gave myself completely to."
The last words that came out of your mouth, filled the void that was starting in Aemond's head. An emptiness he was beginning to understand there was no need for. — He might not understand or at least care about the mention of his nephews but that statement of you, was all he needed most.
"I love you and i will always love you." — You ended with your sweet statement. The words of pure honesty were carefully directed towards her lover, always being interrupted.
In the blink of an eye, in such a quick moment of time, Aemond wasted no time in bringing your lips to his. The kiss was formed in a surprising way for you, not only by the quick movement he implanted but you felt the mixture of feelings that Aemond was going through during the act. — Passion, admiration, a little anger, were in the middle of that kiss. It was easy to feel.
One of Aemond's hands roamed around your waist and lingered there, only a brief grip was left by him. It was a delicate, honest moment with pure passion, so it wasn't necessary to turn it into something more illicit at that time. — The hand that was left was glued to the side of your face, as you were doing to him.
Aemond didn't want to take his hands off you, he didn't want to lose you between his fingers. The sensation of touching you, your face, or even your waist covered by the long garment, was fascinating for the feared prince. — If you count, the feel of your sweet, so soft lips against his.
Aemond is the man you loved, and no one could tell you otherwise or try to stop your burning passion for him. The man who made you discover what the word "love" meant. — And he was the dragon who would die and kill and face anything and everything for you.
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goodbuckcharlie · 3 months
ahhh love it!! part two would so goood!!!!! especially with steph, austin and mitch seeing how in love the two are
Warming up | Jeremy Swayman
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Summary: Part two to Forbidden Things. Following up on their secret relationship no longer being secret, Steph, Auston, and Mitch start noticing how truly in love the two are
Warning: swearing, a little slut shaming (for like a second) and mention of blood/injury
Notes: I am glad people liked the last post :) I currently have a Cole Caufield x pro golfer story and a Luke Hughes social media Au both in the works but when I saw this comment I jumped back to this story. Let me know if you guys are interested in either one of those or idk maybe even a part two for my Nico story.
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Steph definitely was the first to see how much Jeremy loved Mackie. She realized it at the family dinner that Mitch invited Jer to. It wasn’t even anything special, just watching how Jeremy interacted with the family, she knew he was the one for Mackie.
“So when Maddie set us up on a blind date, she forgot to mention that Mackie was the Executive chef at the restaurant we were going to.” Jeremy was telling the family how his neighbor who just so happened to be Mackie’s best friend, set the two together, “So we were served cold food ,like it wasn’t super cold, but Mackie definitely wasn’t happy. She excused herself and then went to the back. I could hear her scream ‘I’m on a date with a hot ass guy and you guys can’t do your fucking jobs? What the fuck do I pay you guys for!’ She then came back and acted like the whole restaurant didn’t hear her screaming. Let’s just say, I was ready to propose in that second.”
“Okay you are being a bit dramatic,” Mackie corrects, “You only heard what I said cause we were sat by the kitchen. The whole restaurant didn’t hear me scream.”
“Babe, the hostess looked terrified and the poor girl was on the other side of the restaurant.” Everyone laughs as Mackie gives a little pout, “Aw no need to get all pouty, I thought it was extremely hot. Still do.”
Jeremy pokes Mackie’s neck until she starts laughing.
“You know Jeremy, Mackie had a few boyfriends in high school, and none of them were ever able to hand our girl’s temper.” Mrs. Marner says while holding her husband’s hand and smiling in endearment, “They often called her too bossy and one even told her that her ego was unlady like.”
“Yeah Mitch was not happy when he heard that.” Mackie looks across the table at Mitch, who has been eyeing Jeremy, observing him like a Hawk, “When I came home crying, Mitch drove to the guy’s house and fought him.”
“This guy in a fight? I couldn’t imagine that.” Jeremy laughs and Mackie is surprised to see Mitch also laughing.
“Don’t get to excited bud, I lost that fight.” Mackie and Steph can tell Mitch is still hesitant about Jeremy, but it was a good sign to see the boys laughing together. Well until Mitch notices something.
“What the hell is on your neck?” Through the long day, Mackie never reapplied her makeup on her neck, so the darkest hickey is now visible.
“Would you believe me if I told you it’s a burn mark from my curling iron?” Mitch gives Mackie the angry brother look and she automatically know that mean he doesn’t believe her. Luckily Steph came to the rescue.
“Oh Mitch calm down, you know we were doing that same thing when we were her age.” Steph manages to keep Mitch calm and civil for the rest of the dinner.
At the end of the night as everyone was leaving, the restaurant started to play one of Mackie’s favorite songs. She hides her excitement, but Jeremy notices.
“Dance with me pretty girl.” He holds his hand out.
“Jer we are at a restaurant, we shouldn’t.” Steph is the only who is noticing the interaction, but she can’t help but smile.
“Nobody is going to kick us out for dancing, plus who cares if they do, your restaurant is 10x better anyway.” Mackie takes his hand and they start swaying along to the music. Mackie giggles as Jeremy spins her around and they almost knock over a table. But they don’t care they are in their own world.
In this moment, Steph knew Mackie was right and that Jeremy was her one.
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Surprisingly Auston was the next to approve the relationship. And it was a total accident.
It was March, a whole month since All stars, and the Bruins were playing the maple leafs in Toronto.
Mackie had stayed at home in Boston. Jeremy was missing her during the roadie, but he knew after this game they would be at home for a while.
Auston was just walking around the backstage of the arena when he walked past Jeremy on the phone.
“Babe you know you don’t have to call me to get permission to go out with Maddie.” Jeremy says while smiling at his phone.
“Oh I know I just wanted an excuse to talk to you.”
“You are going to be the death of me.” Auston can’t help but eavesdrop. “While I have you here, show me what you are wearing out.”
Auston at first thinks the worst and thought that Jeremy was trying to be controlling, but his worry soon went away.
“Damn baby, you look so good makes me want to bail on the game and fly back home to see you.” Auston fake gags at Jeremy making comments like that to the girl he considers as little sister. “Is that my jacket?”
“Yeah Maddie wouldn’t let me borrow one of hers so I went over to your place and grabbed a jacket.”Austin wasn’t surprised to hear that Mackie had a key to Jeremy’s place.
“I would have let her borrow a jacket if she actually wanted to wear a jacket, not because our old ass neighbor was being a bitch.” An unfamiliar voice that Austin assumes is Maddie comes out of the phone.
“Maddie you said you wouldn’t say anything.” Mackie whines.
“Wait you guys are talking about that cougar that’s been trying to get in my pants since I moved in?” Austin can feel Jeremy get upset even as he hides in the corner, “What did she say?”
“She said, and I quote, you shouldn’t be going out like that when you have a man at home. It makes you look desperate.” Maddie said cause she knew Mackie wouldn’t.
“Fuck her. Mackie you look amazing in anything. If you like how an outfit looks, nobody and I mean nobody shall tell you different. Now take off my jacket and go have fun with Maddie, I’ll be there in the morning to nurse that hang over. And after that I’ll go talk to our neighbor, I’m not letting her get away with disrespecting you.”
That was all Auston needed to hear. He walked away satisfied with the conversation. Before this conversation, Auston didn’t think Jeremy and Mackie’s relationship was serious. Now he knows not only are they serious, but he now had a newfound respect for Jeremy.
At the end of the game, the bruins won 4 to 1. After his shower, Auston set out on a mission to talk to Jeremy. Luckily he finds him as he is heading out of the visitors locker room.
“Hey Swayman.” Jeremy looks up from his phone is surprised to see Auston.
“Oh hey.” Jeremy is a little skeptical, but knowing how important Auston is you Mackie he doesn’t question it.
“So I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but earlier I heard your phone call with Mackie.” He totally meant to eavesdrop but he wouldn’t admit it. “You’re a good man Swayman. And it might take a little more for Mitch to see it, but you really do love Mackie. And I’m glad she has someone like you.”
“Thanks Auston. You mean a lot to Mackie, so your approval is very important to her. And what’s important to Mackie is important to me.” Auston extends his hand out for a hand shake but Jeremy being Jeremy pulls him into a quick hug. “Now I got a plane to catch so I can see my girl.”
“We just finished the game and your already talking about that girl?” Brad Marchand hit Sways back and teases him, “You’re such a simp.”
“I’m a proud simp for Mackie Marner .” Both Auston and Brad laughs as Jeremy rushes out so he can hurry back to his girl.
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Mitch by no means hated Jeremy and Mackie’s relationship, but the idea of his little sister dating anyone especially someone on the rival hockey team to his, didn’t sit right with him. But that was until, Jeremy did something that completely changed his perspective.
The maple leafs had just played the Bruins again this time in Boston. The leafs had decided to stay in Boston for a few days before leaving back to Toronto. So Mackie closed her restaurant for the day and decided to host both the leafs and the bruins for dinner. But a few things had gone wrong causing the girl stress.
It was the middle of the day so the staff had plenty of time to prepare everything. During this time, little things happened that all piled up causing Mackie to be on edge. Things such as some dropping knives or someone not following her instructions. She keeps her composure to the best of her abilities, since she doesn’t want to ruin the dinner.
Everyone started to arrive at 6:30 which was 30 minutes before the dinner started. Mackie doesn’t know because she is concentrating on the food. She is so concentrated that her staff even starts to worry about her.
“If you can’t chop it properly I’ll do it myself.” Mackie doesn’t mean to sound rude, but she doesn’t have time to apologize since her brain is currently running 100 miles per hours. She starts to cut veggies as fast as she can but because she is being careless, she cuts her finger. “Fuck, Eric please take over.”
She runs her hand under the sink hoping to stop the bleeding, but the cut was much deeper then she thought.
“Chef are you okay? you should probably get that checked out. It looks pretty deep.” Eric, one of the first chefs Mackie hired, finished chopping and check on Mackie. But as any girl can tell you, when you are trying not to cry and someone asks if you are okay or are you crying, you feel like you need to cry even more.
“it’s just a cut I’ll be fine.” She didn’t mean to raise her voice but her frustration caused her to do so. Jeremy who is talking to Mitch and Auston, hears Mackie and heads to the kitchen in concern not knowing that Mitch was right behind him.
When he entered the kitchen, everyone was working hard, but Mackie was no where in sight.
“After she yelled, she said sorry to me before she grabbed a cloth and ran off to her office.” Eric said standing next to the sink. “I can finish the dinner,but that cut of hers needs attention so could you try and get her out of the office.”
Jeremy quickly thanks Eric before heading to the office.
“Hey pretty girl, you wanna talk?” No response.
“Baby, we’ve talked about this you have to talk to me when you’re upset, we are a team.”
The door to the office opens and reveals a crying Mackie who is holding a bloody towel to her cut.
“I just wanted tonight to be perfect.” Jeremy pulls Mackie into a hug. “But before I got here Maddie and I got into a fight and I tried to ignore it to keep the night perfect, and then little things kept happening and now my stupid finger won’t stop bleeding.”
“Whatever you and Maddie are mad about I’m sure it’s nothing, you two are like sisters.” Jeremy sits Mackie down while looking at her cut. “And everyone out there loves you too, so no matter what you served us we would thinks it’s perfect.”
Mitch (just like Auston) listened in from outside the office to make sure his sister was okay but not to interfere in their moment. (Steph would be so proud)
“I know you are going to try and fight me on this but this cut is really deep. We should get you to a hospital.” Mackie shoots Jer a look of disapproval but before she can voice that disapproval, Jeremy stops her. “I will go get your brother and Auston, then we will carry you to the hospital.”
“Off the ice, I’m faster than all three of you.” Her confidence makes Jeremy smile in adoration.
“Seriously thought I’m no professional but how deep this looks I wouldn’t be surprised if you had nerve damage as well.” Jeremy has seen his fair share of hockey injuries as well has had to deal with his own so that is why this cut was so concerning.
“Could we go out the back door?” Mackie says through tears, “I don’t want Mitchy to see me cry.”
“Anything you want if that means you’ll go to the hospital.” Jeremy goes into Mackie’s purse and grabs a makeup wipe and hands it to her. “I know you’ll be upset if I let you go out with your mascara running so go ahead and wipe off your makeup as I go and tell everyone that you’re okay and where we are going.”
Mackie nods and Jer kisses her forehead before he leaves her office shutting the door behind him. He then sees Mitch.
“She’s alright.” Jeremy says not to relieve Mitch but almost as to relieve himself from his worry.
“I know she is, because she’s in good hands.”Jeremy is surprised when Mitch hugs him. It’s quick but still shocking, “She’s the most stubborn person I know, and that’s saying a lot because we are hockey players, but you are careful and collected with her. You are the one for her.”
Mitch tells Jer that he would handle telling everyone and to call him when the doctors know what’s wrong.
Despite the high stress of the situation, Jeremy couldn’t help but smile the whole time.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 6 months
PJO TV SHOW (and book) SPOILERS beneath cut!!!!!
What follows is simply a bunch of my nonsensical responses to the first 2 episodes in no particular order; I really cannot explain that any other way I’m afraid
“Whose side are you on?” “Hers, always. She’s my little sister” JUST RIP OUT MY HEART WHY DON’T YOU
Mythomagic. Mythomagic. Mythomagic.
Sally saying not everyone who looks like a hero is a hero and not everyone who looks like a monster is a monster - THE FORESHADOWING??? THE REFERENCE TO BOOKS THAT ARENT EVEN BEING ADAPTED YET IM LOSING MY MIND - Also, the justice for Medusa in this was absolutely gorgeous and so well done because it didn’t black and white anyone as just a hero or just a villain but very well highlighted the woven and layered morality of a very complex web of stories, personally I’m mostly a Medusa defender but give me a good quality, well written Perseus retelling and you could probably convince me otherwise I think the point of many of these stories is that there is never a true victor and nothing is ever as easy to understand as a hero and a monster. I’m getting distracted now but hey let’s keep going, I really love Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes, which very strongly labels Perseus as the monster and Medusa as the victim, but I also think there is an argument that Danaë’s plight was diminished/overlooked in it and I would be open to hearing opposing views on that. Since I’m in this tangent I should add I don’t study classics I am just a fan, so I’m not the expert and would generally expect others to know more than me so get it out there I’m eager to learn. Anyway, Percy Jackson (sorry for the tangent)
Percy saying he thinks he’s made real friends I WANT TO CRY
They softened Gabe up quite a bit, or at least I thought they did maybe you guys think otherwise, but I wonder how his death will come across in this case(????)
I actually really like that they had Annabeth clock who Percy’s father was and push him into the water instead of it being Clarisse shoving him into the creek and stumbling upon it by accident, because it really heightened that idea of her being six steps ahead
I think the conflict between Grover and Percy was interesting and I’m intrigued as to how easily it’s resolved with the quest coming up, and on that point am I right that Sally making Grover swear to protect Percy was a new addition? Because I’m guessing that if the conflict between them is still heightened then that’s going to be the logical reason Grover uses to get into the quest, but also they made a big deal out of that and I kept expecting her to request he swear it on the Styx but she didn’t, I wonder if it was meant to be implied (?) or maybe I’m just reading into it
There was less Annabeth screen time than I was expecting but every second she was on screen was PERFECTION
The casting could literally l not have been better I love them all omg
I was kind of surprised they didn’t confirm Percy’s dyslexia and ADHD in the first episode and instead had Luke mention it because I always thought that Percy had already been diagnosed long beforw he call to camp but maybe I misremembered that (?)
THE D’ANGELO REFERENCE YES - like I know it wasn’t about them but it has to be intentional right?
The blink and you miss it Kane Chronicles reference amused me I haven’t actually read all of the Kane Chronicles yet but I really should
I’m guessing that mechanical monster Percy saw out the window was reference to the bulls in book three sorry I can’t remember what they’re called, and with that the doodles in his notebook YES!!! I noticed a cyclops, Medusa, the minatour, and what I think might have been the hydra but I haven’t rewatched yet so stay tuned for possible correction on that lol
I love camp so much! The cabins are incredible and the interior of the Hermes is so much nicer than I imagined whilst still maintaining a kind of overcrowded atmosphere, I love it.
“You are Poseidon’s son” “I am Sally Jackson’s son” y’all don’t understand I almost screamed oh my good lord yes yes yes yes yes
Also, sassy Percy
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darklinsblog · 1 year
Nexus Event | Lucerys Velaryon Imagine
Summary: As the daughter of Morpheus and capable of controlling space, you prevent the death of Lucerys Velaryon.
Pairing: Lucerys Velaryon x Morpheus!Daughter reader
Part II
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Author’s note: We love doing crossovers in this house, ofc. Also GIF’s mine so credit if you use it pls.
Note 2.0: OH HOW I’VE MISSED WRITING SPREES… should I do Part 2?
Life wasn’t as lovely in the Dreaming as one might think, your father was the mighty Sandman, The Prince of Stories, one of the Endless.
Your father adored you, you were his only child and even being half human and half Endless that did not matter in his eyes. He taught you all things about the Dreaming, the land he created and taught you how to control your own gifts.
You had the extraordinary ability to manipulate the matter, every single component you could shift to your liking and make something brand new if you pleased.
Morpheus was very proud of you but as you grew older, it was far more obvious that you wanted to see beyond the Dreaming.
So, when you were of proper age, you started going to the Waking World, you knew your father was the busiest man in the universe and you did not wish to disrupt his focus.
This time around you decided to take Lola a Griffin that your father had manufactured to celebrate your birth, you loved to surf upon the Waking World skies, feel free.
For a bit, it did feel like that, but this time around everything felt awfully quiet, dangerously quiet even.
A minute later, a boy emerged from the clouds, riding on a dragon’s back, his hair was wet, dripping even, his cheeks were rosy, his pupils dilated, he was obviously going through some sort of stress.
The boy looked in your direction, he didn’t say anything, he simply stared at you for what felt like an absolute eternity, but all the quiet was done when a massive monster emerged, with a platinum haired boy on his back, the monster’s mouth opened fully in direction to the boy and his dragon.
Out of reflex you and Lola launched towards the boy and his dragon as you screamed your lungs out, your eyes turning purple as your hands lifted upon the hair creating an invisible barrier-box in which you trapped the platinum blonde boy with an eye patch and his enormous dragon.
“I WILL GET YOU, TAOBA!” He roared quite profusely after trying to pass through the prison box you had created in the moment.
“You have to go, NOW” you muttered through your teeth as you were pulling strength from God knows where to keep the lunatic trapped at least enough for the boy to leave.
“Th-thank you…!” He stammered in utter shock.
“Y/N” you said loud enough for him to hear you
“Luke” he replied with a nervous smile before disappearing down on the clouds
As Luke was left to safety, the crazy person whom had become your prisoner was looking at you with a blinding ire.
“I will make you pay, you fucking cunt” he spoke deathly serious.
“Try never, pirate” you hissed through your teeth as you disappeared in the blink of an eye.
The experience itself was nerve-racking, you had just saved someone’s life while putting yours on the line. You knew it was best if you kept this venture to yourself, that your father never found out.
So, you and Lola sneaked back into the Dreaming but as you did you were greeted by the opposing side of your whole family in the main room.
Desire, Death, Destiny, Destruction, Delirium and of course, your father Dream.
“You have absolutely no depth on the course of your reckless actions!” Your uncle Destiny roared at you, as you sunk deeper into your seat, wanting to disappear from the face of Earth… you couldn’t believe you were being lectured on this.
“I saved someone’s life! Last time I came to thought of it, it was a decent thing to do!” You shot back utterly fed up with the situation.
Up until this moment everyone else was disturbingly quiet.
“The boy was supposed to die” Death spoke, looking at you with a regretful expression, your whole expression fell as well as your heart.
“…what?” You let out in a single breath, now looking for anyone’s gaze, trying to find some answers but no one had the strength to.
“Lucerys Velaryon was meant to die, he was the key to a civil war on King’s Landing’s history” Destiny went on “You have altered what was meant to be and created a nexus event in the process…”
“So what happens now…?” Your father asked, taking a stand for you, he knew the importance of the matter, this was the universal balance, what his family swore to protect.
But you were too, his daughter. This was him against the wall, Morpheus was splitting his heart in two, between his duty and his love as a father.
He knew you only meant to do good, that was who you were, that’s the little girl he raised, yet the truth of the circumstances we’re laying in front of everyone.
Your uncle let out an exhausted sigh as he touched his forehead.
“That’s just it, brother” he muttered. “I have no knowledge of what happens next”
“Are you saying…?” You suggested in pure disbelief, this could not be happening, this could not be real.
“We have gotten ourselves head deep into uncertainty!” Delirium crooked a nervous laugh, but it made the situation not any less tense.
Everyone was absolutely startled, confused even as a single question floated in the air but nobody had the courage to ask:
What had you done?
Taglist: @emiemiemii @ladyfairenvale @hungrhay @aurorarevenclaw1927 @adishax @meganmayhem89 @mrs-captainsteverogers @hb8301 @bambooing-shenanigans @queenshelby @characterxreaderimagine @emarich7 @carolcrysis @coolsnowker @jesllianaquilesrolon @supermegapauselouca @vvsdreaming
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saltygilmores · 5 months
Links to all previous episodes can be found in my Pinned Post.
Pre Opening Credits Filler: Lorelai and Rory are sorting junk mail . Of course I had to google whether or not "Shreiber's" was ever a real catalog. Google results were inconclusive. Lorelai's Poconos shirt is really cute.
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Post opening credits sequence: A town meeting.
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Miss Patty and Babette are too good for this world.
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I love seeing Luke smile. As the entire room rises to exit, Taylor instructs them not to leave and everyone immediately listens. I will never understand how he has this much power or why Luke dutifully attends every one of thse things.
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Stefon from SNL voice: This hot new club, Stars Hollow Town Meeting, has everything. Animal cruelty, blind obedience, women who pick up dates at funerals, politicians dunking on neurodivergent loners, protest supression.
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(tac·i·turn /ˈtasəˌtərn/ adjective (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.)
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Pretty rich for Lorelai to be dunking on loners when the guy she's in love with has no friends and her daughter has one friend.
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At least the loner must be intelligent. Evidenced by the fact that he doesn't waste his time in town meetings. But seriously...imagine you're this guy minding his own business just trying to buy some books and enact political change with protest so the mayor-type-guy calls everyone in town together to dunk on how weird and creepy and quiet you are behind your back (see also: Jess, who was also a child. And who also has to endure shitty comments about not being talkative enough).
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Is Kirk the only neurodivergent person in Stars Hollow who is allowed to be himself?
With our powers combined, we are our the Neurodivergent And/Or Deeply Misunderstood Outcast Super Squad! Kirk! A guy who talks to mailboxes! A quiet guy who likes books! Another quiet guy who likes books! Town Troubador! Rory!
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Look who else is way too smart to waste his time at a town meeting. His precious whacking off time is over, Luke is heading home, and he is outta here.
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Now, let's say the Gilmore Girls in-show timeline lines up with the air dates of the episodes (which it tends to do much of the time). "Teach Me Tonight" aired April 30th, 2002. This episode aired on November 5th, 2002. 6 months and 6 days prior to this town meeting. Rory's not-even-broken arm has healed. Lorelai, kindly...get the fuck over it and shut up. Lorelai: when did Jess get a car? Luke: None of your god damn beeswax. Luke had no idea Jess had a car.
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I always found it interesting that Jess was raised in the city his whole life, but knew how to drive. Many (but not all) New Yorkers get around on foot or public transportation and many never even learn to drive at all. But there's just no way Liz was a New Yorker who had a car that Jess could borrow, she wasn't helping him practice, she wasn't paying for lessons with an instructor, and before he arrived in The Hollow the only life he knew was getting around on public transport and walking. We come to learn he knows a bit about car repair as well. And he's only 18. Definitely not saying it's implausible or unbelievable that he knows how to drive. Far from it. Just something to ponder. Jess is scrappy. He finds a way. Lorelai has the absolute fucking audacity to tell Luke "You needs to get a handle on Jess" because he wasn't aware of this car purchase. How about you get a handle on your perfect child before she sleeps with her married ex boyfriend and steals a boat huh. How bout them apples.
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Narrator: Lorelai Gilmore was in fact, not sorry for equating a 6 month old minor car accident that caused a hairline wrist fracture with 1st degree murder, and she would not butt out now or ever again.
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rowdyhughesy · 1 year
OMG can you write an imagine about the b1g hockey on ice video about Luke and maybe yn being in it and Ellen talking about their relationship (maybe they’ve been dating since they were 16 or something) and she’s gonna follow him to NJ
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It was weird, sitting there with lights blinding your eyes and a camera zooming in on your face. Dozens of unknown people staring at you and asking questions about your boyfriend.
The same goofy, camera shy, loyal and loving boy you’ve loved since you were 15 and Luke 16.
Tucking stray strands of hair behind your ear you lick your lips and give a thumbs up to the producer who was waiting for an okey to start the interview.
“Tell us who Luke Hughes is in a non hockey perspective. The Luke you see and know.” The question brings a big smile to your face, cheeks warming up at the mere thought of your boyfriend.
“Luke is probably the best person I know. He doesn’t do things half assed, if he’s going to do something he gives it a thousand percent. He’s fearless in how he loves others and how he sees life as a whole. Nothing really shakes him ya know? Luke doesn’t worry about tomorrow or what happened yesterday because it doesn’t mean anything in the moment. It’s one of my favourite things about him. He helps me stay grounded at all times.
He’s so funny too, it’s something not a lot of people know but he really is. Since he is so private and not a fan of the camera -just like Quinn- people don’t see that side of him but I wished he showed that side more. Also he doesn’t let who his brothers are stop him from being his own person. He knows his family is well known but that does not define who he is or who he will be and he won’t let it. There are so many things I admire about him but that’s a big one. Luke just is a huge inspiration to me and everyone close to him. He never ceases to amaze us with who he’s growing up to be and I’m happy I get to be apart of it. There’s never a day I’m not proud of him.”
After your part of the video is done you sneak away, deciding to stand on the sidelines along with Dylan Duke as Ellen sits down on your previous seat. “You did good squish, you didn’t look like you were about to puke like I thought you would.” Duker grabs you in a headlock ruffling your hair with his knuckle. A strangled laugh rumbles out of you as you try to squirm your way out of the grip. “Shut up Dill Pickle, if anyone would look bad on camera it’s your dumb face.” Dylan sniggers at your response as he lets go of you. Throwing him a small glare you focus back on what Ellen is talking about.
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“Luke met his girlfriend when he was 16, it was kind of a shock the day he came home and told me there was a girl. His cheeks all red and this cute little smile on his face. But then I met Y/N and I just knew she was perfect for him. Luke’s the toughest out of the three brothers but he is also the shyest. She brings him out of his shell a bit and I think he needs that. When they met Luke was so focused on hockey that he forgot everything else and with her help he remembered that hockey is a part of his life but not his whole life.
Me and Jim did our part in raising him to be a good person but Y/N is a part of that too. She’s showing him everyday what love is and I never thought he would meet the love of his life so young but I’m glad he did. It feels safe knowing that she’s going with him when he makes the move to Jersey. That even if me and Jim won’t be there at all times he still has her and Jack. Luke’s my baby and I’ll always worry about my kids so it is nice to know him and Jack will have each other and Y/N too. Even at eighteen and nineteen I know they are going to get married and I look forward to that day.”
As Ellen finishes her little spiel happy tears are flowing from your eyes. You knew Ellen saw you as the perfect match to her youngest but hearing her say those words made your heart feel as if it’s close to bursting with love.
Grabbing your phone you send a quick text to Luke, cheeks hurting from the smile on your face.
I love you so much Lukey, you’re my person❤️
I love you too baby❤️ forever and a day.
Life is just starting for the two of you, but you know that the love that is you and Luke? It will last a lifetime and more.
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nonhumanhottie · 10 months
Rebels season 4 rewatch
Famly reunion - and farewell
oh i am about to get fucked up i know it
Hera listening to Ezra talking to his parents and being proud of her boy
Pryce being absolutely disgusted by Kallus's defection is so iconic
Ezra whistling for his pet wolf to eat up Pryce lmao
ugh Ezra already has hos backup plan ready
Look at Kallus in his little imperial desguise and neat hair
Hondo is perfect please please let him be in the ahsoka show
Thrawn really called Pryce a dumb bitch lmao
Ryder's fucking Yularen accent I'm screaming
Thrawn really thinks he's doing something by waxing poetic to a teenager
Hera can't lose Ezra too oh my god she'll do anything to protect him
Sabine letting Ezra go!!
The old temple guard mask in Thrawn's office... that Kanan also wore when he was blinded... interesting
It's clever of Palps to know Ezra is too young to know what he used to look like
Mart confirming Ezra's vision--ezra is such a brave boy!
Love how Kallus is still strictly on last name basis with the gang
Again Rebels incoperation of Palps just blows the rise of skywalker out of the water lmaooo
for real though how did they move the temple
Mira calling Ezra the way Beru does to Luke messes me up
Zeb is truly an agent of chaos--so much so that it even makes Gregor shook
Ezra breaks my fucking heart he is so strong and so loving what a hero
the hologram of palps flashing from Sheev to the emperor ugh inspired iconic
the way the specres aren't afraid to talk mad shit to thrawn lmao
Hondo is such a softie i live for him
Gregor getting to fight for a cause he chose!! shut up!
Pellaeon!! Purrgil!! Oh baby!!
literally cannot stop grinning
the many arms the cold embrace oh thrawn you are fucked
I wonder if Ezra and Thrawn became besties in their many years together
ezra noooo you brave boy Hera is absolutely aghast
god Ezra i can't wait to see you again
i do like how this shows the empire doesn't take back lothal and their resolve is already cracking it lays a nice path for what we see in the original trilogy
okay but Mart trying to see behind Kallus and Zeb made me laugh
Lothal looks like the emerald city lmao
'the emperor's rein of terror came to an end' oh bitch oh bITCH
the homoerotic act of bringing your former enemy and now bestie to your new homeworld
Jacen fuck the haters I love your hair and I like to imagine he, poe dameron and ben solo were all besties who argued which parent was the best pilot
oh you btiches i cannot wait to see you in he Ahsoka show
this is the best star wars media and you cannot convince me otherwise
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unohanabbygirl · 5 months
If we are talking vampire AUs for hotd/f&b then allow me to share my own headcanon. I always envision vampirism only being passed down through childbirth through a Valyrian mother. This is extremely spicy because it means that all of Rhaenyra’s children are vampires while Alicent’s are just normal blonde children. Women like Aemma and Jocelyn also need to marry Valyrian men elsewise the magic in the blood would be too weak to produce vampire children. While this lends Rhaenyra more legitimacy, lords who are strict followers of the Seven are more preferring of the targtowers. They want Targaryens and dragon riders, but without the vampirism. I just love this idea because it would mess so badly with Aemond’s sense of superiority. He would be so resentful of Alicent for not making him a true Targaryen, but also he would still be brainwashed into partially thinking vampires are a sin against the Seven and the gods want the Hightowers to cleanse the Valyrian blood of it. On the other hand, there’s no possible way that Rhaenyra’s boys aren’t confident in their own skin. No one would dare utter bastard rumors when they legit are snackin on people for three square meals a day. Vamp!Luke and Human!Aemond is something we need.
Vampirism only being passed down from a Valyrian mother is genius. It makes a lot of sense for a verity of reasons considering the instances of stillborn Targ children having various dragon like treats which leads us to believe there’s a connection between Valyrian magic and the growth of a child in the womb. It lowkey gives me twilight vibes in this scenario considering vampiric children (in this case halfbloods) needing to feed on their mothers to ensure survival along with them having the strength to break ribs! In order to survive carrying a Valyrian/vampire child the mother needs to be one herself. Hence the Targtower kids being normal everyday children with silver hair.
I also like the idea of women needing to marry other Targ men as to not weaken it as you said, but also so the magic within them isn’t too widespread. You know? Can’t have every house out here claiming that shit too, that’s when things get messy. However, houses who are dedicated to the fate think vampirism is much too evil. Something that will eventually bring about ruin and lead to a sort of armageddon if you will.
This fucks with Aemond bad! His dedication to the faith and belief that those who are true Valyrian’s/ closer to old Valyria carry this vampiric treat are constantly fighting against one another. On one hand he begins to see the truth in his Hightower side telling him he and his siblings are superior because they’re true dragon riders without all the demonic filth muddling their blood but on the other he cracks open one of those old Valyrian lore books and sees the ultimate celebration of Vampires. The celebrations and coming of age rituals those who’ve inherited Vampirism are gifted that he nor his siblings have ever been allowed to have by both his mother AND because it would be seen as disrespectful to the culture as a whole.
For this AU I imagine Luke taking Aemond’s eye actually being a situation that nearly killed him. Perhaps these vampires don’t only drink blood but eat flesh as well. Very ghoul like (Tokyo Ghoul anyone?)
Imagine, the twins throw the first punch after Aemond claims Vhagar and draw blood almost immediately which in turns sets the Velaryon boys off. The girls can hold back Jace but don’t have the man power to keep little Lucerys back from taking a chunk out of his uncle…boom no eye. The fact that Luke not only blinded him but ATE some of his flesh and blood too? Oh the obsession is 10x worse.
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astarab1aze · 29 days
💙 for KAEDE and LUKA
muse relationship headcanons game
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who curses more?
i'm going to say kaede, going in blind, because he has an attitude and he's in permanent 'cornered animal' mode. but he can also be so unbearably formal and reserved and aloof and i'm not talking to you too. hmm. luke curses. r-right- yeah. but not more than kaede, who thinks in 'fuck'
who is more patient?
this'll depend heavily on context, but kaede has so little self-respect, he will tolerate anything for extended periods of time. but this is more him being submissive than anything. luka seems like he'd be more patient in a social sense. like he's not going to pop off like kaede will? they might trip all over each other too hmmm
who does the driving?
kaede should not ever be allowed behind the wheel of a car, so if luka's got one, he's driving.
who is louder? who is quieter?
it depends, but luka strikes me as more active, more like he'd get excited and hoot and holler. but kaede'll scream at god any time and tends to yell a lot. he just also clams the fuck up and relies on stoicism to escape uncomfortable topics, humm
who is more physically affectionate?
i'd imagine them both to be. kaede is very very physical in a similar fashion to vayn and loux crossed. down whenever but also a little there's a time and a place cos he's a private person. loves publec sex though and giving head is an act of love and affection for him, so hope luka's into that-
who is more likely to tease the other?
depends on where they're at in their relationship enormously. kaede's a huge tease, sexually-speaking, comes with him being a bit of a brat by default, but he also makes jokes and pokes & prods in that playful sort of way when he's comfortable enough to be normal with someone.
who is better with time management?
kaede, but not by much skjkjd i can't remember the last time he was punctual unless someone drove for him. he did used to be super weird about being on time though.
who wins the arm wrestling matches?
prooobably luka. kaede has severe nerve damage in his hands and also can't be assed. make it a competition and he'll go ham, probably win then
who controls the music in the car ride?
tbh kaede doesn't give a shit. luka could have full control all he likes. if he really wants to listen to something specific, he'll suggest it or suffer in silence
who covers dinner when they order in?
i feel like...luka would try, then kaede would tell him he already paid for it and not to worry about it. rich dysfunctional boyfriend-- no i mean this. kaede loves to share food and drinks and sometimes considers this kind of thing to be a date, depending on what they get, and for that reason just let him pay the bill dammit--
who is more outgoing? who is more shy?
hmmm. luka strikes me as an introverted extrovert ksjdfh and kaede is just an introvert to the max. luka comes across as shy? bashful. where kaede is less shy and more standoffish, leave me alone, aloof, etc. he can be goofy and friendly with people he likes though. luka's probably friendlier though, or at least nicer.
who has the more outlandish fashion sense?
of the two? kaede probably, but like. not because his outfits are specifically outlandish. just traditional japanese with modifications, sexy club outfits, and hoodies. luka's isn't all that out there either. idk this is tough and i got too stoney
who starts the tickle fights? who ends them?
kaede could never, but luka could all he likes. it's just going to end with kisses, suggestive comments, and laughter that sounds no different from a dying cat
who has the darker/more “edgy” sense of humor?
hmmm i'm gonna say kaede? but both seems like the more accurate answer to me in a way? it's not like their humors are specifically dark tho
who is more competitive when it comes to games?
kaede is very competitive, like loux, except he gets a little wild with it. if he feels he's been challenged, he feels obligated to meet it no matter how stupid or small it actually is. flirting? he'll commit to the bit until it's the next morning and he remembers they boned
who has the bigger appetite? the bigger sweet tooth?
kaede eats small things all day but luka seems like he either can't eat very much at all or also eats all day eternally. either way, kaede's sharing all his snacks with him
who is more likely to get in a confrontation in public?
kaede'll fight anyone 2/3rds of the time, but he's gotten better about picking his battles and conceding. it also depends on the context cos kaede'll still throw down and has killed people on principle before. this isn't to say luka wouldn't, just is less likely to
who hosts the parties/hangouts? who organizes them?
no they plan together. they're all over the place, but they do it together i feel like. that makes sense mhmm
who is better at cooking? do they ever cook for each other?
kaede can cook but he doesn't want to unless he has to usually. he will cook for luka, eventually. i don't know if luka can cook, but even if he can/can't/whatever, kaede is going to suggest hitting up the local restaurants
who is more likely to engage in dangerous and/or illegal behavior?
both of them. the sharpest lives unu
who is more likely to notice when something is wrong with the other?
kaede's hypervigilant but i kinda get the vibe from luka too, so both? he'd also obsessively try to 'fix' or remedy whatever's bothing luka. it kind of doesn't matter what it is either
who does the talking in public settings (i.e. to the waiter at a restaurant)?
motormouths, both of them. kaede's very don't speak for me, but i don't think that would be a concern. they'll just talk to each other the whole time, maybe quietly, maybe not, and take turns taking care of the bill
who is more likely to extend a helping hand & provide emotional support?
hmmmmmmmm. hmmm. i really want to say luka but i can't explain why it wouldn't be kaede
who is the bigger prankster? do they get the last laugh or do they suffer for it?
another one i really want to say luka on because kaede is so so serious. but he's also petty and competitive so if the prank way started, he'd do his damnedest to win. either way, luka suffers for it r.i.p. luka also gets to take a w cos...kaede will blow him. simple as
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edge-oftheworld · 3 months
'have you considered that luke likes to lie' 'all men do is lie' okay maybe he's been a bit optimistic about the scheduling of 5sos6 and has since corrected himself but
before i go on i want to make sure i say it clearly: i'm not saying you did anything wrong by theorising this!! or saying it in (parital) jest! but there is something i really wanted to touch on with my neurodivergent activist hat bc i think we make some assumptions as a society that we really shouldn't.
as someone who gets time blindness especially around creative projects and can be on a roll where I work quickly then crash at an unexpected point and don't do anything for months, timelines for things getting done are often really loose and difficult to picture, and saying 'this year' in january is a very loose and flexible thing referring to a long amount of time, in which a number of things will get done but i can't specifically tell you what. just a list of things that I will attempt to do if i feel like them.
and I basically did want to say, if golden globes!luke was communicating from somewhere anywhere along those lines--it is demoralising to have everyone expect that you know exactly what will get done and when and be held to standards that are fuzzy at best and more optimitic guidelines than a commitment. it is discouraging to be accused of lying (and obv he's not on tumblr, but idk about twitter spaces i imagine people were saying the same and we know he is on there) when you're genuinely doing your best with these socially constructed milestones that don't make sense.
and i don't know for sure what goes on in his head!! none of us do. it'd be weird if we did. so maybe he is lying?? or maybe he's not. all i'm saying is when the whole world assumes one thing and it isn't true it's isolating and invalidating. so think. one tumblr post probably isn't going to do much. but if it's part of a larger culture where experiences that aren't your everyday neurotypical assumption are treated like they don't exist (until proven otherwise then it's 'omg i'm so sorry i didn't realise i didn't mean to!') then that is a problem. and we don't know for sure, but we do know luke has 1) written several songs about time passing by and feeling like he's not keeping up with it; 2) talked about the process of writing shakes in interviews recently, and given a different timeline every single time while also being super genuine and vulnerable in the interview; and 3) forgotten how old he is mid sentence in an interview one time. it's not a stretch for me to think 'maybe he's not lying and if everyone assumes he is it could be harmful'.
also adding on this I feel like we can kinda extrapolate this to the band as a whole?? being curious and nonjudgemental even though we are frustrated, because to most of us time is a constant thing we make plans to and we like to know when things are happening and get frustrated when we don't. but think about it. the whole 'soon' saga. ashton initially planning to release a single in march. they're creative, they work hard and fast when they're in the zone, and sometimes that comes with the cost of Simply Not Knowing When Something Will Happen. for me it's validating of my own experience. for many it's frustrating and that's understandable!! i do want to say again i really don't want to antagonise or criticise anyone for expressing that. but i also want us to start questioning, does time really get experienced the same for everyone? and the answer is no. and so we can't always just assume people can automatically translate to a language of scheduling that might feel foreign. and in the meantime we can enjoy listening to more songs about this very experience!
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mariailoveyou-guerin · 11 months
you know what boils my blood me this back handed compliment people give will like I get so mf tired of it what do you all mean he’s had the biggest glow up of the century and it should be studied or the eyebrow guy or y’all getting paid kid has had the biggest glow up on earth! Obviously y’all only know and remember him from when he was a literal child so ofc y’all didn’t think he was HOT since y’all was also kids, teenagers or young adults because first of all why would a kid think of another child like that and why especially would a teenager/young adult think or see a kid like that so icky
it make sense why you guys didn’t see it because it would’ve been weird if you only saw/remember him as the kid from narnia or we are the millers, it’s like when people talk about certain skins actors and say he’s had glow up but it’s just them hitting puberty since the last time y’all saw him he was Victorian looking kid and y’all either not seeing them as cute bc of it or racism let’s be honest now which was the biggest reason in skins fandom when it came to who they found hot or who they didn’t or he was just skinny starving looking kid! the shook when people only found Tony (Nicholas) Luke (Joe) Cook (Jack) and Freddie (Luke as the cute attractive ones from skins guys and didn’t see Kenneth (Daniel) Anwar (Dev) Chris (Joe) as cute attractive hot even calling them ugly two of them had more racist subtext they just didn’t find the non yt characters cute which is fine but then saying they was ugly was pure racism bc they was adorably cute too actually!
Anyways that’s how I feel about this whole Will situation it isn’t that he was ugly it was just y’all always saw him as this annoying character Eustace he played or like irritating little brother figure bc he felt so relatable in his roles while we watched him grow up so ofc y’all wouldn’t find him hot growing up with him ofc y’all wouldn’t find a child HOT that’s nasty but I can never understand how y’all watched mf Maze Runner and saw Will looking this good and not find him the most beautiful stunning(look at his eyes look at the way he looks his pretty freckles that made him look so unreal and magical) boy you had ever seen like I could never I can’t even imagine it myself how y’all didn’t see it, it was the hair not this hair but the short buzz cut that always ruined it for him look wise for some people not me tho he looked so good so beautiful even hotter with that buzz cut (fyi I can say this bc when I watch this he was legit older then me) so this isn’t me being weird about child! and don’t get me started on the eyebrows in we are the millers like that was working against him because he was so motherfucking cute in that so gorgeous even if was just the eyebrows having a kind of it’s own and his character makes those facial expressions didn’t exactly help Will looks get favorable.
But yeah I’m so tired of this glow up thing when he was just a child when y’all saw him last and now he’s grown ass man in his 30s with better haircut hairstyle and not a mf 9-16 year old with buzz cut there’s no glow its just called hitting puberty an seeing him in more big things now as an adult because y’all haven’t been keeping up with him so y’all didn’t see the way puberty was doing him so y’all just saw him one day after marvel news and decided it’s a glow up! I’m thankful for marvel and his role because y’all finally checking up on him but if y’all had before y’all would’ve seen hee always been FINEE and he didn’t have glow up at all y’all was just blind or ignoring him in things bc he didn’t use to do big comic projects but well written great indie or artistic movies with amazing scripts and plots and y’all just ignored that and now you can’t because he’s in marvel movie!
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ps would like to thank the skins casting directors because they was doing the lords work the way all the biggest British actors right now mostly came from that show is insane like eveyone big British actor is from that show I think only Andrew Will Thomas and John Boygega isn’t I mean just look at this casting that’s why skins and UK tv will always be superior truly had amazing casting without needing the whole diversity or blind casting shit pushed on them they were just casting the best actors for the role and that actor did get the role love to see it need more shows like skins not only was the actors incredible brilliant I mean obviously when so many of them have so many Emmy nominations and other huge awards and 3 of them are literally Oscar winners (Daniel Dev and Peter) but the show itself was phenomenal the writing the characters development how real it felt and the fact it was actual teenagers playing teenagers unlike American shows where they when grown 30-40 year old men playing teens and having the shows be so dramatic extra and just unnecessary like euphoria like no one believes thats how a real life school experience is but people would believe it about skins it wasn’t just about sex drugs trying to be so mf dramatic plots and storylines that was just extra and not needed at all ect but about real life teenagers and how school life could actually be
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Unique Soulmate AUs Masterlist
A (ao3) - HolyAFIx94 calum/ashton, michael/luke G, 3k
Summary: ☆ Aging stops at 18 until you find your soulmate, so the two of you can grow old together ☆
Apology Bouquet (ao3) - ChibiShounen michael/luke N/R, 1k
Summary: The one where Micheal is blind but soulmates find each other by marks on their skin when they first touch
B (ao3) - HolyAFIx94 luke/ashton G, 4k
Summary: ☆Body art (doodles that a person draws on themselves appear on their soulmate's skin)☆
Ease (ao3) - Grace_Williams calum/ashton, michael/luke G, 138k
Summary: In a world where everyone was a dominant or a submissive and everyone had an assigned soulmate, Ashton was remarkably unsure of himself. Nothing is going as he planned and his soulmate, Calum, is, to put it simply, not who he expected.
Michael is Calum's best friend and an all round terrible example when it comes to navigating relationships.
Calum's assistant Maggie, along with her soulmate Carla, seem to be the only ones who do understand how a relationship is supposed to work.
Are they the only people can put those around them at ease?
G (ao3) - HolyAFIx94 michael/luke G, 5k
Summary: ♡ Guardian. It is said that the person who saves you from a near-death experience is your soulmate.♡
Hold on Tight (sleep, dream, you, repeat) (ao3) - gravityinglass ot4 T, 12k
Summary: When Luke fell asleep on his eighteenth birthday, he expected to Dream of his One, his soulmate. He wasn't expecting to Dream of three Ones.
or, OT4 soulmate AU.
i always feel the greatest pain wherever you touch me (ao3) - mikes_paradise michael/luke T, 11k
Summary: Soulmate au where once you tell your soulmate you love them you are burdened with a physical ailment.
Ice and Sun (ao3) - HolyAFIx94 luke/calum G, 10k
Summary: Prompt: What would happen if one soulmate was in the spotlight of fame and one was just a nobody. Like imagine finding your soulmate and realising the moment you see them, but then you realise that they haven't found you because there's no way for you to get close enough to them. So you're just kind of forever watching your soulmate living the dream and being happy from the sidelines or behind a screen, and you know that they exist but they don't know that you do.
K (ao3) - HolyAFIx94 luke/ashton, michael/luke/ashton G, 5k
Summary: ⁂ Keys and locks are randomly dispersed (distributed, spread) to soulmates on chains when they are born. When in proximity, the lock and key will act as magnets and bring the two soulmates closer together until the key is placed in the lock and a gratifying click is heard, unlocking the chain. ⁂
Let's Forget Who We Are (ao3) - flowercrownmikey luke/ashton, michael/calum G, 2k
Summary: Soulmate AU
"The blood in my veins is made up of mistakes, let's forget who we are and dive into the dark." Ashton quoted directly without even needing to look at his stomach. He'd been trying to figure out what song it had come from for the last week. He knew the lyric off by heart now.
Or// Ashton doesn't know what song his soulmates new favorite lyric is from until its being played to him by a boy with an acoustic guitar and an amazing voice.
Love At First Sight - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) luke/ashton T, 3k
Summary: A shared bruises soulmate au in which Michael and Calum are already soulmates and Ashton is still waiting for his soulmate, and he also happened to get stuck with an incredibly clumsy soulmate.
M (ao3) - HolyAFIx94 luke/calum G, 3k
Summary: ♡ Marks or stains of the color black are somewhere on your body (palm of your hand, knuckles, knee) until you and your soulmate finally make physical contact. Once the mark is touched, it fades to be consistent with the person’s skin color. ♡
paper valentines (ao3) - dafeedil michael/ashton M, 31k
Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and Michael and Ashton have erased each other from their respective memories, along with the entirety of the last two years they’ve spent together.
However, sometimes erasing past mistakes only means you’re ultimately doomed to make the same ones all over again.
shimmer and sparkle (ao3) - lourrygum michael/luke G, 1k
Summary: "No, like-" he pauses, staring at Michael incredulously. "Your hair. It's blue."
"What?" Michael asks again, hands going to his hair in panic. "No it's not. It's red."
"I can fucking see it and I'm telling you it's bright blue."
or, a soulmate au where your hair changes colour when you meet your soulmate
Two Syllables (ao3) - 1loulu5 calum/ashton T, 1k
Summary: But when he signs his initials in dark cursive, a little bit of hope is revived. Because, soon, someone new will walk in and maybe, just maybe, they’ll be his two syllables.
Maybe, they’ll splash colour on his black and white paintings.
Or, a soulmate AU where no one sees colour until they see their soulmate, and Calum's a painter.
With Nothing But This Little Spark (ao3) - makingdemands luke/ashton, michael/calum G, 3k
Summary: Everybody is born with lyrics from their soulmate's favorite song tattooed somewhere on their body. Ashton kind of hates his.
Wrapped Around Your Wrist (ao3) - Emmybazy luke/calum M, 26k
Summary: Luke's not expecting it when his Timer goes off. He's expecting it to go off that day but not at that time. Not surrounded by his students.
Calum, however, is expecting his Timer to go off in class. He's a college freshman. Everyone's Timers go off during their first few weeks of freshman year. It's normal. Almost boring. Usual.
Or; Luke is a college professor. Calum is his student. They're soul mates.
You'll Always Be My Baby (ao3) - senioritastyles ot4 E, 7k
Summary: “Did you not get one? I heard that can happen.” Jack wonders, earning a slap on his arm from Ben and a pointed stare from Andy. “Sorry.”
Liz looks at Luke expectantly and Luke sighs, pulling his hand out from behind him. “I have six letters.” He explains, holding out his wrist to prove it, and sure enough there they are.
“Three sets of initials?!” Ben yelps, shooting out of his seat to inspect Luke’s skin. “Woah.”
or: The OT4 soulmate!AU that no one asked for or wanted.
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marvelstars · 1 year
When it comes to Anakin and the Tuskens Raiders, I believe it adds to Anakin´s trauma the fact it was a whole month in which they beat Shmi without mercy and took her blood for a ritual, a complete month in which he could have rescued her but didnt, this was the thing that drove him mad and the what ifs, What if I have just come here the first time I had the dream? what if I didn´t wait to see if Mom was ok? Why did I let myself be convinced I had to forget Mom to be a good Jedi? Why did the Tuskens did this?
The only other comparision I can find between this particular situation and another character is Luke, given how their situations were linked by design, imagine if Luke didn´t go to Cloud City and distracted Vader enough to allow his friends to escape, imagine if Vader had killed them instead of torturing Han and put him in carbonite, imagine the guilt Luke would have if he had just stayed doing his training, while his found family died, I honestly don´t think he would have accepted Yoda´s point about respecting their sacrifice.
The difference here was that Luke went to see his friends, despite the protests of his teachers, he went, lost his hand but discovered the truth about his father, which made all the difference in ROTJ and got to scape with his friends alive, while Anakin obeyed his master, stayed put , went to rescue his mother once Padme told him it was ok, his plan was to take her without a fuse but lost her in an horrific way, after 10 years of knowing she was left in slavery without anyone doing anything about it and started his journey towards the darkside, he knew it, he blamed himself for failing as a Jedi and killing the Tuskens but he also could not help but think the Jedi keep him from contacting his mother for 10 years.
After this I wasn´t surprised at all he decided to marry and break the jedi code, emotionally speaking he had broken his links to the Jedi order, the main thing that keep him connected to them was Obi-Wan and their need for people to fight in the clone wars, so he stayed because he loved Obi-Wan, wanted him to stay safe and for loyalty to the Order but he no longer could bring himself to fully believe in their code and their beliefs when it cost him so much, what kind of warriors for peace and justice are them if they knowingly leave someone in slavery for fear of attachment?
Another similar situation, imagine if Luke didn´t find out from Vader his paternity and went with Obi-Wan´s original plan, of his father being cruelly killed by the evil darth vader and him avenging his father, imagine if Luke killed Vader in anger, all the Emperor would have need to do was to tell Luke who exactly did he slay to bring him to the darkside or leave Luke mad with grief for unknowingly killing his father, the father he idolized and before someone says Luke could not fall to the dakside because he´s good, let me remind you that Lucas original script for ROTJ was Luke taking Vader´s mantle after seeing him die and failing to save his life, he changed the end because he wanted the original trilogy to have a happier/hopeful end, but yes, in Star Wars, anyone can be pushed to their limit and fall, just like they can come back from the darkside.
The Jedi Order isn´t supposed to be flawless even if they are not evil. There´s a reason why since TPM there´s talk of them being blinded by the darkside, unable to find the Sith Lord and feeling the force imbalanced, this imbalance followed them into the Original trilogy and I believe this was their own fear of attachment leaving them too detachted, something Palpatine took good advantage in a number of ways.
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