#hypocritical ableism
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I'm only watching this shitty bad faith shit take video to make sure I'm not in it and these are my notes thus far. (Open new tab to enlarge print, yes I'm aware I spelled "psychopath" wrong).
Also, I just want you all to know that I am currently working on putting together a goddamn fucking Tumblr Sexyman Bechal Test of all things in my drafts right now because it's just like ...
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xxlovelynovaxx · 2 months
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I don't know how to tell you that feeling violent towards your friends when they don't drop everything for you is in fact a symptom of several personality disorders, including BPD.
(To be clear, in context this person is clearly being sarcastic)
"Imagine calling becoming emotionally dysregulated to an extreme beyond what is typical for a given situation neurodivergence lol" uhhhh yeah. That's one of many textbook neurodivergent experiences.
Now, ACTING violent towards a friend is not in fact a neurodivergent trait. That's just being a toxic and likely abusive piece of shit. Plenty of people who aren't neurodivergent do this, and plenty of people who are, don't.
But speaking as someone who has split on my friends and become extremely angry to the point of having violent fantasies about them (which then turned into violent fantasies about myself to 'punish' myself for the guilt I felt over those perceived thoughtcrimes)... thoughts and feelings are morally neutral. You can have a disorder which sometimes causes you to loathe the people you care about over the smallest thing and you can go be alone about it or distract yourself about it or simply not act on it and it's fine.
Minutes since Tumblr was ableist towards people with PDs: 0
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danzafila · 9 months
genuinely tho, i hate the whole moralizing about fandom tastes (including one's taste in ships) period
the whole acting like queer ships are better than het ships is just one example of it (and honestly m/f shippers insisting their ship IS queer too bc they read the characters as/the characters are bi is just as bad/part of the problem tbh). but i can't figure out how to explain why it bothers me bc it's certainly not 'waah you guys are being so mean/unfair to the poor m/f fans!! :(' it's more... making taste a fucking moral standing/one preference inherently morally superior to another is fucking whack. stop it
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kakujis · 3 months
okay, this is gonna be my only post on the discourse because i’ve mulled over it and if you’d like to know my stance you can dm me. this post is not about that. genuinely, i have never seen so much hate sent to my mutuals, people who are open to hearing other stances, and people just caught in the crossfire.
frankly, it is fucking weird to see so many people okay with sending death threats and hate messages. it is also weird to frame people as apologists and it is highly hypocritical to see. everyone has a personal line, it’s easy to block them. further, it feels borderline invasive to see the lengths people are going to defend themselves from baseless accusations. people do not need to bring up their own trauma for defense, it is not your goddamn business.
are we not adults? can we not have conversations even if that makes us uncomfortable? we love the phrase ‘block if it makes you uncomfy,’ but it seems we rarely use it. you can understand and even explain someone’s behavior without accepting it. it doesn’t make you an apologist, it means you’re aware of the nuances and how complicated these things (especially if it’s trauma related) can get. understanding is not being okay with something and you are not complicit. just because someone liked a post, does not mean they are suddenly what you are accusing them of.
as dark content writers, we have to be aware that everything taboo falls under it. we don’t have to like it, we can be disgusted by it, think they’re a freak for it even. but please do not send death threats, call people life ruining terms because it doesn’t fit the “good little bubble” of dark content we’ve seemingly normalized on here. it’s depressing that we’ve reached this point. from here on out, it’ll be posts queued or i’ll be on my priv.
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slugass · 3 months
whump writer: “i’m not ableist, the character i’m WRITING is ableist!”
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veritasrose · 1 year
It’s kind of wild that the same people who said companies had the right to fire me for being disabled, are the very same ones who also cry that places shouldn’t be allowed to ban them “because freedom of speech!”
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astro-b-o-y-d · 10 months
One of those ‘non-x fans; pick something that happens in the show’ but it’s about Color Show and the options are 'pick which of these writing choices pissed you off the most’
#Hayley Speaks#The poor racism allegory with the White Fang and making the white cat girl the mouthpiece for it?#(Yes I know Monty is a man of color who was trying to write about his own experiences. But he still dropped the ball on it.)#Could it be the ableism surrounding the man who's half-prosthetics and the implications they tried to push about him becoming-#-less human as a result of losing another limb?#Could it be the ableism about the previous pushed further by making the robotic girl human and pushing this as a good thing-#-because now she's no longer robotic and burdened by...I don't know; not being flesh?#I didn't watch that season I just fucking hated what they did with Penny?#Could it be that they killed her once; brought her back and then did all that; and THEN KILLED HER AGAIN???#Could it be the hypocritical lessons on trust and how apparently the main characters are allowed to keep secrets-#-but it's BAD when everyone else does?#Even if that secret is literally 'hey the big bad cannot be killed' which would be VERY IMPORTANT to tell the guy they're working alongside-#-because his WHOLE PLAN hinges on the knowledge that she CAN BE KILLED???#Could it be everything with Pyrrha??#Could it be that in the recent season they had the main character kill herself from depression and the narrative frames this as a good thing#Like 'Oh you've been grieving about the choices you've been making and are extremely depressed-'#'But actually you're perfect the way you are and don't need to change anything about yourself?'#...Oh yeah the whole 'the main characters never learn anything because the narrative frames ALL their choices as the right ones.' thing.#That's annoying too#Could it be the mistreatment of the LGBTQ+ staff on the show that came to light; only for the remaining staff to canonize-#-a wlw ship they'd been teasing for TEN YEARS#And then started pushing merch for them less than an hour after the episode dropped??#Could it be that I can't even say the name of the show here because the fans are rabid to even the most MILD of criticism about it??#Dear God I hate this show
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catcatb0y · 11 months
Man I just wanted to watch a silly video and draw a little bit before I had to wake up at ten am, but people can't stop being Weird (deragatory) On The Internet. I'm gonna get less than five hours of sleep on a day where I'll get yelled at if I put in my headphones.
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mothheart · 2 years
There's this awful woman on tik tok who's entire personality and internet presence consists of demonizing her autistic daughter and doubling down regardless of the sheer volume of autistic people (rightfully) calling her out on her bullshit and I just
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starberrywander · 10 months
I hate that if you critique something its automatically assumed that you support the opposite. Like, sometimes someone says something really shitty and someone else responds to them holding the general opinion that I do but in a really shitty way. And I want to be able to say “hey, that’s shitty of you. You’re not helping. Please approach this in a different way before you make it worse.” but if I do that people will assume I support the original speaker even though I very much do not. 
Like, why can we not critique our own people? The people who we generally agree with? Why does a critique have to mean opposition? Its holding us back more than anything, because we can’t effectively hold each other accountable for shitty behavior. 
Like yeah, I’m all for protecting trans rights and fighting ableism and stopping racism and all that. 100% extremely important goals that we need to be working on and taking very seriously. I agree with y’all on the positions you take there. I want us to succeed in those goals.
However, treating those who disagree or oppose that as if they aren’t human? Pretending that insults are an acceptable substitute for activism? Using personal attacks to make your argument seem more potent instead of actually doing the work to improve the argument? Stop it. All of you. 
And quit acting like people telling you not to make your application of basic human decency conditional are telling you to just give up everything and let people harass you with not consequences. Treating your opponents like literal piles of dogshit is not “activism.” It’s called being an asshole. 
People aren’t just people when they agree with you. People aren’t just complex when they agree with you. Groups aren’t just diverse when they agree with you. Groups don’t only have nuance when they agree with you. And pretending like prejudiced folks are all simple minded members of simple un-nuanced groups helps nobody. In fact, when you refuse to acknowledge the complexity of “enemy” groups, you damage your own effectiveness.
Like, do people win wars and battles by assuming things about their opponents and refusing to accept contradictory information? No. That’s how they lose them. There is a reason spies are so valuable; if you want to plan an effective attack you need as much information as you can get about the enemy. What they’re doing, what their motives are, what they’re planning, etc.
Same goes for activism. You need to understand why people are doing what they are doing (in other words, have the empathy to put yourself in their shoes) if you want to effectively stop them. If you just assume that they’re all stupid, delusional, simple minded monsters then you miss all that. You’re setting yourself up for failure because you’re attacking an enemy that is not there. You need espionage. Gather information. Make sure you actually know what’s going on and plan around your observations, not your intuition and assumptions.
Do you get what I’m saying? Like, I obviously oppose things like sexism, racism, anti-LGBT prejudice, etc. But at least half of the arguments I see against those who spout those prejudices just fall on deaf ears. Because people don’t bother to empathize and connect with these people’s actual position and instead attack and insult them based on what they assume they believe. It’s a waste of time and it can often make the prejudiced person just double down on their position and come away with an even stronger conviction. It. Does. Not. Help. Anyone. 
But for some reason people can’t seem to separate disagreement from bullying and harassment so when I say “you should stop bullying people” they think I’m saying “you should stop disagreeing with them” and it’s so fucking annoying because no I’m not telling you to stop standing up for yourself, I’m telling you to stop being a petty fucking bully. Learn some damn patience and check yourself from time to time. They aren’t less than human and you aren’t superior, so quit acting like it. This isn’t a “fight fire with fire” situation. Dehumanization isn’t solved by more dehumanization. Get a fucking grip.
(sorry, I’m pissed. A lot of pent up frustration from not being able to say any of this shit to the actual people who do it. I hope my point was clear.)
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asingingpenguin · 2 years
My boss apparently admitted she was worried about accepting me as an intern because I'm trans and the only intern she's ever had to dismiss was a trans man. Feels great.
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seasaltmemories · 2 years
Anyway love finding a “cool liberal” booktube person complain about a dystopia novel centered on valuing disabled ppl then find them casually drop the r-slur on Twitter
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transmorolians · 2 years
tfw when people respond to other people being ableist with more ableism /nbh
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Remembering that time an autistic content creator joked around with his autistic friend on twitter about being autistic and people tried to cancel him as ableist for it
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musical-chick-13 · 2 years
Someone please explain to me why my mother is dying-on-this-hill against me being on a tiny (read: chlidren’s) dose of a prescribed mood booster, but is not only considering but actively encouraging me to take part in a newly experimental drug study involving PSYCHEDELICS.
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fascinated by the genre of 18-25yo cishet men who will lose their shit over a teenager self dxing as autistic and then hop on 4chan to call themselves schizophrenic for hating women and minorities
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