#house of anubis fic
flamingfalcon3 · 3 months
Summary: Eddie finds what he’s looking for. Fabian discovers a new phobia.
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charlie-pippin-faraday · 10 months
hello again but we were also so cheated out of patricia and jerome bonding over being kidnapped by rufus we rly could’ve had it all smh my head
Like those were separate but extremely similar circumstances that happened to the both of them, and like the similarities are obvious to us the audience but in the show they never directly make that connection, and Jerome and Patricia never really talk about Rufus with each other, not even a passing mention, really. And I wanted them to talk about it with each other SO BAD. It would’ve been nice to see them bond and also I think it would’ve helped them both heal a bit. Like Patricia regularly had nightmares in S1, and you can see the complete and utter terror in Jerome’s eyes when he sees Rufus again in S2. They’re both obviously very traumatized by him and undoubtedly never had any kind of therapy for it. I would’ve liked to see them work through the lasting trauma at all (cause the after effects aren’t rally mentioned at all in the show) but I especially would’ve liked to see them do it together and talk through everything with someone who understood.
Cause like. Rufus was awful to all of them, but he tormented and fucked up those two significantly more than the rest
The things he did to Patricia include:
Stalked her and kind of menacingly watched her around campus?? And made her think she was crazy and seeing things and thus making everyone think she was the girl who cried wolf??
Approached her in the middle of the woods and clearly scared her. Like an adult man following and approaching a 16 year old girl alone in the woods? Creepy creepy awful creepy
When she was in a vulnerable state, promised to give her what she wanted most (finding Joy), thus reeling her in and making her trust him
Manipulated her into giving him information and making her try to steal the locket, and telling her he was the only person she should trust because he was getting her what she wanted (Joy), telling her to keep everything a secret and not tell any adults OR her friends, effectively cutting her off from everyone
Used the trust he had cultivated to rope her in and even get her in his car, and the SECOND she stepped out of line he broke that trust and turned on her
Kidnapped her and kept her locked up in a warehouse for well over 24 hours and put his hands on her and threatened her and was just a total creep to her in a way that legitimately sends chills down my spine
Tried to use her as a bargaining chip but then PSYCH he was never actually intending on giving her back at all, and was THIS CLOSE to driving off with her again to do who knows what to her. I can’t let myself go down that line of thinking else I start feeling sick to my stomach
The things he did to Jerome include:
When another teenager approached him, he did not hesitate to once again use him for his own gain
Though unlike Patricia he never even bothered trying to garner trust, he just went straight from business transaction to intimidation
Forced Jerome to give him information
Paid Jerome a bunch of money and then seemingly got mad when he spent it, which tbh that was your own fault Rufus
Upped the ante and forced him to actually steal all the pieces and actually threatened him with violence to his face. I actually went back and looked at this one, he tells Jerome “I will mummify you alive.”
Scared Jerome so fucking bad that he betrayed his friends and tried to comply with his demands because he felt he had no other choice and that Rufus might actually murder him
Kidnapped Jerome - this time he didn’t coax him into a car and drive off with him, but he swiped him from the house in the middle of the night
Kept him locked up in a barn once again for well over 24 hours, and though he called him a pawn/leverage/insurance, his purpose with him felt a little less clear with him than with Patricia and that’s arguably more terrifying
When Jerome escaped into the hay maze, taunted and toyed with him until he was able to lock him up again
Threatened to do something to Poppy if Jerome didn’t comply
And we all know he would’ve done SO much worse if HOA had a higher rating
I’ve always liked the Jerome and Patricia friendship, probably more than most on HOA tumblr, and I would’ve liked to see the two of them talk about this. It would’ve helped them bond and then open up to each other and create a new dynamic of their friendship. And also, like, Jerome knows Rufus kidnapped Patricia, but I don’t think he knows the full extent of how Rufus was manipulating her for weeks beforehand and how much the kidnapping actually fucked her up. And for someone who was tormented by Rufus as much as Jerome was I feel like it’s only right that he should’ve known all that. I really wanted the Rufus trauma victims support group. Real sad they never got into that in S3, I would’ve liked that very much
Also I have multiple WIPs in my google docs which have this storyline included in it, I wasn’t kidding when I said I think about this a bunch. Enjoy some snippets from some of my different fics:
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explosion-mp4 · 26 days
My House of Anubis fic, in which Nina Martin straight-up vanishes (for non-bullshit reasons, I promise), is wrapped up in this final, lengthy-as-hell chapter. Victor's there. Joy's there. Mara's there. EVERYONE IS THERE!!! I hope you enjoy!
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ironicsopsychotic · 1 year
the hard part
if sneaking around behind the whole house’s backs was hard, it’s nothing compared to navigating where that leaves them now. under normal circumstances, kissing someone, cuddling with someone, having sex with someone, thinking about that person all the fucking time would constitute a romantic relationship. but normal circumstances have never applied to the chosen one and her osirian.
hoa | nina/eddie | rated t | 17.8k | 03. in "the more you think of me the more i'll manifest" series | pov alternating
link in the reblog!¡ 
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house-of-secrets · 1 year
Segway Into Love by House of Secrets
Summary: An impromptu double date goes wrong when Patricia, Joy, Eddie and Jerome run into trouble at the local mall.
Read it here on AO3: Link
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Happy (late) Christmas Sanu @joysmercer!
I was your Secret Santa this year and made this fic for you. I hope that you enjoy. It was SO much fun to write 😊.
Enjoy! Love, Evie 💙
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sibunaranks · 2 years
I’m sick and need all the peddie fic recs you got!
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nostalgic-bee · 2 months
So you know that thing in media where for a health class the students are paired up to take care of a fake baby
Imagine that with the Anubis kids, but more importantly the sibuna gang
Imagine them having to each take care of a fake baby but also have to deal with a literal curse
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 4 months
I had the funniest idea that once the dust settles from Sibuna activities, that the other Egyptian gods and goddesses are looking over these rag tag children lead by the Chosen One (Anubis’ protege) and the Osirian (Osiris’ protege), and they think: “My word, I want one of those as well!��� and they just start claiming their very own Sibunas to be their new priests and priestesses.
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went to the wayback machine and managed to find my way to the message boards for HOA. damn guys, this was my first ever reading and writing fanfiction.
what a trip.
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unfortunately, you can’t click on any of the stories, those were never saved and officially don’t exist unless someone out there knows how to do it, this is as far as i got. still, this was fun.
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lovelyamneris · 9 months
“It was so real that Nina had almost been convinced she'd gone back in time. She could feel the lingering presence of Senkhara’s spirit inside of her, even though Senkhara had gone into Rufus now, and she could still feel the pain in her wrists from where Rufus had grabbed her when he ripped the mask away. She was so close to him when he died, in the nightmare and in real life, that she could feel the hot red fire licking off his skin. She remembers wondering if he was melting, like the Wicked Witch of the West. And his screaming was so awful. God, she forgot how awful his screams had been.” -AFTER on Ao3
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skysister · 9 months
it’s so interesting to be someone who mainly exists in smaller or deader fandoms, but occasionally dabbles in the mainstream. you’ll read a mediocre fic and a god-tier fic and both have 100 hits, and then you do the same in a fandom like harry potter, and they all have like 15k. y’all are living in LUXURY
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flamingfalcon3 · 3 months
Summary: Nina would never willingly part with her locket.
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charlie-pippin-faraday · 11 months
I've been re-reading your Peddie wedding fic here a few times and wondering if you'll finish it or not? I hope you remember 🙏🙏🙏
I do plan on finishing eventually! I know it's been awhile, but I've been distracted by other stuff. And I get so much writer's block and so bogged down in my words. But yes I do plan on finishing it. And tbh if you guys keep asking me about it here and leaving comments on it on AO3 it will 100% motivate me to do it faster, knowing that people enjoy it and are waiting for more will definitely encourage me to get it done. Also I thrive on positive reinforcement.
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explosion-mp4 · 30 days
Chapter 3/6 of my fanfic is out! In this one, Joy joins Sibuna on the search for any sign of Nina. Amber has an absolutely brilliant idea.
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she-is-miller · 19 days
Okay, hoa fandom, I'm almost done this year at university, so the writer in me is waking up again. So give me in the comments or quotes any prompt or quote with any ship and I'll write a one-shot
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yackers · 7 months
I’m actually v pro the peddie break up for previously discussed reasons but breaking up your new main fan favourite couple off screen and then never actually telling your audience exactly why it happened is kinda insane
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