#hot constantine rights
Oh what would I do to be in 70s, the UK and getting into Muculous Membrane concert. There is a very cute and sexy singer called John Constantine playing there and if I am lucky he'd notice me and we would make out backstage.
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evilminji · 3 months
The more I learn about John Constantine? The more I am certain you COULD just... dump Danny on him.
Like... literally.
Full on, sack of unconscious potatoes, "here ya go, deal with it, here's an unconscious royal teenager!", Dumped in his arms/lap at some shitty hole in the wall bar, by Suspicious Supernatural Forces, DUMPED on him. Like? Yep. It's a Tuesday. Guess he's NOT getting to finish this beer.
And you know what?
Knowing the crowd Danny runs with? They'd at least... SORTA try and explain what's happening? Instead of play the fun ol "HOT POTATO! Think fast, Constantine! Figure it out!" And run shpeal that he normally deals with. Thoughtful, really.
Don't get him wrong. It's still BULLSHIT. But at least he has a vague idea of WHY he's holding an unconscious, heavily bleeding, half-divine-but-not-really half human, teenager.
Fuckers left a few sticky notes.
He just LOVES patching up actively radioactive wounds while trying to translate... what is this? Mesopotamian? Who writes out their emojis in Mesopotamian?! "Smiling face emotional picture" my ASS. Still...
Kid in way over their head, hunted by damn never everyone for trying to do the right thing, AND grappling with their recent lose of a decent chunk of their own humanity? Oh and now he's KING of a whole spankin new Realm!
Fuck "Realms". Nothing ever good comes out of "Realms".
And APPARENTLY? His VIP returning customers spot under the Bus has been reserved! Because he's the kid's "Gaurdian". Why? So the nice Goverment stooges in suits will come knocking on HIS door first, of course.
......he'd be more pissed about that one if he wasn't REAL interested in what those bastards had to say for themselves. Meddling with forces they shouldn't be touching. Provoking God only knows what. He fucking KNEW those storms weren't natural.
Just? John getting handed a Suspect Youth. Press X for doubt and Sus. Okay... then give him back. No! Fuck you, says local Laughing Magician, I don't trust you EITHER.
Danny wakes up to the... VERY? Ngl? Intense(tm) stare down of... holy shit, are you an Actual Angel? (Yes. He is. Better hope you're not secretly evil or he's gonna bring The Smiting) Then the world's ACTUAL greatest Detective, who is a chimpanzee, offers him expertly made tea and the cheap take-out John brought with him.
He is in Space.
It's still not the weirdest morning he's ever had. But it's getting there.
@the-witchhunter @hdgnj @hypewinter @nerdpoe @lolottes @babbling-babull
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arizcross · 7 days
Summoning the High King
“Are you sure it’s the only way, Zatanna?” A worried John asks from his seat at the round table inside the meeting room of the Justice League’s satellite watchtower.
The wall-like window that faces the open space in front of them allowing them to see numerous space ships ready to invade Earth right outside. Usually, JLD does not meddle with space but this time the weekly random evil alien dictator decided to also use fucking ancient magic from who-knows-fucking-where to strengthen their troops! So, now Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Zatanna and John have to find a way to fight back, and Zatanna did find a way to fightback, well, little Timmy Hunter did, but hot hell he wished the kid didn’t.
“According to Timothy, it’s the only way.” Zatanna answers.
“Ugh, great, just what I needed.” John complains as he ruffles his hair in frustration. “Another eldritch abomination to own a favor to.”
“How fast can you summon this High King of the Infinite Realms?” Batman questions.
“Timothy is looking for the summoning’s ingredients, as soon as he arrives, we will begin the summoning.” Zatanna responds.
“Where in bloody-dammed-hell did the kid found the book to summon the gods-forsaken-King of the Infinite Realms?!” John exclaims as he lights another cigarette between his lips.
“Apparently the Queene herself gave it to him.” Zatanna informs. “It seems that the book our weekly villain used to magically strengthen his army is one of a set of three.”
“Where is the third one?” Superman asks.
Zatanna shakes her head in negation as she answers. “According to what Timothy told me, these books were separated thousand of years ago to keep them away from the wrong hands. The first tome was thrown to the void of space inside a prison of perpetual ice, or at least what they thought was perpetual ice, the second one was given to the fae, for they were of the few that comprehended the dangers of using these books, and the third one was given to the Ancients.”
“The Ancients?” Batman questions. Where have I heard that before?
“Embodiments of the very same concepts that give form to all of reality, like Destiny, Death, Time, Hope, the rulers and guardians of these very same concepts.” John is the one who answers this time. He is looking at the ceiling as he gives a drag to his cig, then he slowly exhales the smoke and continues. “The OG primordials, older than any god or known divinity in this modern times.”
“I have heard stories.” Wonder Woman interjects. “It is said that even Uranus, and later Chronos, had to pay his respects to a being known as the Master of all Time, and that Pandora was not what the old tales say.”
“Correct.” John nods from his seat, too tired to give any more shits until the start of the summoning.
“And we are going to summon something that even those Ancients think it’s dangerous?” Superman asks.
“Bullocks, right?” John responds with a manic, sarcastic smile.
It is in that moment that the mechanic sliding door opens up, allowing Flash to walk into the room.
“So, uhm, there’s this Harry Potter look alike that just popped up into existence in the lobby looking for Zatanna?” Flash informs as he points behind himself with his thumbs.
“That’s our boy.” John says as he stands up and starts walking towards the only physical door in the room, the other occupants of the room following him.
When they arrive to the lobby there is a young man with messy pitch-black hair and equally black eyes, he is wearing a black turtle neck, a burgundy sweater over that, black jeans and black sneakers, on his left shoulder is hooked al old military green backpack.
“Timothy.” Zatanna calls before giving him a hug.
“Zatanna, so good to see you.” He says as he returns the hug. “Constantine.” The young man directs to the only blonde in the room.
“Timmy.” John nods in acknowledgement.
“Welcome to the Watchtower, Timothy Hunter.” Wonder Woman greets.
“Thank you for helping us.” Superman adds.
“Well, when it comes to weird, ancient magic, I’m your guy.” Timothy says as he shakes hands with each of the big three.
“So, Timmy, what’s in the bag?” Jonh asks as he eyes Timothy’s backpack, knowing very well that whatever is inside will be for the summoning.
“Actually, I’ll just show you guys because you’re not going to believe it.” Timothy says as he proceeds to open his backpack and proceeds to take out the summoning ingredients and make them float in front of everyone.
A red apple, the crunchy kind, a turkey and Swiss cheese sandwich, a black coffee, hot, and a granola bar with choco-chips.
“Why are you showing us your breakfast?” John asks with bewilderment.
“That’s the thing!” Timothy exclaims back as he also pulls out from his backpack an ominous looking, glowing, Lazarus green book. “This is what the book says it’s necessary to summon the High King of the Infinite Realms!” He adds as he opens the book in the page with the instructions for the summoning. “Take a look yourself!”
And Constantine does. John snatches away the book from the younger’s grasp and starts to read the list of ingredients.
1 Red Apple, the crunchy kind.
A sandwich, any sandwich, but if you can get turkey and Swiss cheese, that would be the best.
A granola bar with choco-chips, no coconut.
1 large black coffee, piping hot, four shots of espresso and ten of sugar.
“Bloody fuck?!”
“I know, right?! And when I asked mother what was that about, she only giggled her little giggle and said: The king surely is an amusing one.” Timothy says with fake, high-pitched voice.
“You know? The fact that the Queen of Tír na nÓg herself thinks that the being we are about to summon is amusing just makes it sound even more ominous to me.” Zatanna says as she takes the book from Constantine’s hands and reads the list of ingredients as well.
Superman, Wonder Woman and Flash are looking at the three sorcerers with curiosity while Batman is looking at the ingredients for the summoning with interest.
“Whatever! Let’s wrap this mess up so I can fuck off away!” John huffs as he starts to walk away towards the conference room where they were going to perform the summoning.
The conference room is empty and the chairs and table were moved away to give enough space to perform the summoning and to not get hit by stray, flying furniture. The glass-wall still showing the magically mutated alien troops waiting out in open space for orders to invade the Earth.
John, Zatanna and Timothy are drawing the summoning circle on the floor with some chalk when Flash, who tagged along to see cool witchcraft, asks:
“One question, why do we need this specific dude to fight back?”
“The spell used to magically mutate these aliens is very specific.” Zatanna starts to explain. “To begin with, its base is ecto-energetic, ergo, what we need to deal with our current problem is obviously to summon the one who rules over all ecto-based things and beings.”
“Ecto…?” Flash mumbles in confusion.
“The thing ghosts are made of.” Batman helpfully adds, which gains him the attention of all the occupants in the room.
“Since when do you know about ghost stuff?” Superman asks.
“There is one in Gotham.” Batman adds.
“There is a ghost in Gotham?!” Superman exclaims.
“And when were you going to tell us?” Wonder Woman inquires.
“I have it under control.” Batman continues. “He is not a hostile.”
“Why is there an active ghost in Gotham?” Timothy questions.
“He is investigating the curse over the city.” Batman answers.
“Ha-ha! Poor bastard.” John laughs at the thought of the poor ghost dealing with that curse. The curse over Gotham is thicker and dirtier than a hundred-thousand layers of slimy grime. Constantine can feel Batsy’s glare on his nape but he doesn’t give a shit about it.
“There we go, summoning circle finished.” Zatanna states as the three sorcerers proceed to take place to start the ritual. Wonder Woman, Flash, Batman and Superman walking away while Timothy places the summoning ingredients by the middle of the circle.
The three sorcerers place themselves evenly by the external circle of the summoning drawing, extending their arms towards each other. First, a Lazarus green electric current flows between them and along the lines of the summoning circle. All of the watchtower’s lights flicker ominously.
“I’m starting to think that doing a mystical, magical summoning inside a satellite in open space is a very bad idea.” Flash says as the white lights of the watchtower turn a disgusting grimy green color, the temperature dropping, and dropping, and dropping so quick that in mere seconds everyone in the room is making small hot breath clouds.
“They have not uttered a single word and the atmosphere is already like this.” Wonder Woman musters in incredulity as she watches the sorcerers’ work.
The ingredients for the summoning once again levitate, a Lazarus green sheen covering them ominously.
“Relur etinifin ho eeht llac ew.” Timothy chants. “Aelp ruo raeh.”
The lights flicker some more and then completely burst, the only light in the room becoming the sickening Lazarus green emanating from the summoning circle. The electric current has turned into a slimy thingy while Constantine, Zatanna and Timothy have started to float, each of their bodies in perfect T position as their eyes and mouths are wide open and emanating the very same Lazarus green fulgor as the summoning circle. Then, the same sickening toxic green slime stars to pour out of the sorcerers’ mouths and eyes, falling onto the summoning circle where along with the slime bleeding out form circle it starts to crawl towards the center of it, where the breakfast menu is placed.
“Ugh, I think I’m gonna puke.” Flash mutters as he feels his stomach twist in disgust at the sight of the three sorcerers basically barfing Lazarus water.
Zatanna, Timothy and Constantine seem to have finished vomiting slime when a vicious wind starts to blow inside the room and around the summoning circle, making the Lazarus looking slime twist inside the circle as it consumes the breakfast menu and dissolves it within itself before turning into a shiny green ball. The antinatural tornado then turns thinner as it centers in the middle of the summoning circle, shaping the Lazarus green slime into a ball as big as a basketball, then the wind dies down and the ball starts to pulsate, the vibration kinda like a low bass reverberating withing the very soul of every individual inside the room, as if the air itself was shaking in fear of what is to come.
The Lazarus green slime ball beats twice and it starts to elongate.
It beats twice more and five protuberances start to form from the torso like shape.
As the ball keeps beating like a strange and disgusting heart, the protuberances begin to take shape; two arms, two legs, a head…
All of a sudden, the toxic Lazarus green light dies down. Zatanna, Timothy and Constantine falling onto the floor and then the damn summoning circle floods everything in a blinding white light.
When the light dies down the conference room’s temperature is below 0° and where the summoning circle used to be is now standing a white cloaked figure, the cloak is white yet it glows Lazarus green and it’s formed by what seemed to be hundreds of thousands of ethereal petal shaped fabric that perpetually flows downside, the hood of the cloak hides its face from view. A top of the High King’s head floats a twisted, wicked looking crown, ice black in color and toxic Lazarus green in glow.
As the High King only stands, immobile and uncaring, Constatine, Zatanna and Timothy begin to regain consciousness but the instant they see the High King their eyes open so wide in both fright and surprise that the three of them teleported right to where Flask, Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman where standing.
“The bloody breakfast menu worked?!” Constantine exclaims in disbelieve.
It is then that the High King moves, it’s head turning to where the seven heroes are standing, allowing them to see two bright, toxic green orbs floating in a void darker than space itself.
“Who calls upon myself?”
Says – growls – a guttural, dark voice, as if a death metal lead singer was reading poetry. The room vibrating like a leave with a breeze at the deep tone.
It is Timothy Hunter who once again takes the lead. “Infinite Ruler.” The young man greets as he properly bows towards the High King. “It has been us, punny mortal souls, that have dared summon your presence.”
“Mortal souls?” The High King scoffs in disbelieve. “You dare take me for a fool, Child of Titania?”
The room shakes at the booming, dark growl that leaves the High Kings void of a face.
“We don’t have time for this.” Batman mumbles and then steps forward, shielding Timothy from the view of the High King. “Your majesty, with all due respect but the fact that we summoned you will not change, so you still have to grand us our request.”
Silence reigns within the room for exactly three very tense seconds when…
“Mr. B? What are you doing with a bunch of sorcerers?” Questions the High King, his voice completely changing form dark and guttural to a smooth baritone with a slight Midwest accent that Batman quickly recognizes.
“Phantom.” Batman says and, oh, someone is in trouble, for the bat has used his slightly annoyed tone that means that he recognizes who he is but he didn’t know he was going to be here.
“W-Wait! I can explain, sir!” The High King, Phantom, stutters as he pulls down the hood from his head and takes away the cloak, twisting it away along with the black crown into a void of inexistence.
Everyone is slightly surprised at the High King’s actual appearance. Before them floats a young man, about twenty years old, as tall as Kon-El, lithe like a swimmer, with weird flowy white hair that reminded of a dense mist and bright, oh so bright, toxic Lazarus green eyes that perfectly match his pale, pale, pale skin. He is wearing something akin to a personalized hazmat suit, mainly black, the top has some white lines that went from around the white turtle neck flowing down towards his forearms where the white lines turned into white gloves, covering his feet are a pair of white boots that do not touch the ground. All of him is radiating a soft Lazarus green hue.
“Later, Phantom, there are more pressing matters to attend right now.” Batman says as he rises the palm of his hand to stop Phantom from rambling anymore.
“Oh, yeah, the reason you guys summoned me.” The entity says as he stops midair to later follow Batman to the window/wall of the room to show him the thousand alien troops about to invade Earth. “Ancients, that does look like a very serious problem.” Phantom comments. “I can feel ecto from them, why?”
“Their leader found a forbidden magical book that he used to enhance his army’s strength with ecto-based magic.” Batman explains.
“Rude.” Phantom mumbles. “Yeah, alright, I can deal with it, but I want the book used for that in exchange.” The entity says to Batman.
“Fair enough.” Batman agrees and then they shake hands.
While all of the above is happening, the other six individuals in the room are watching with open mouths and eyes the exchange between the bat and the ghost.
“Alright.” Phantom nods and then turns towards the other six heroes in the room. “Hey, shattered soul blondie, you and I will have a chat when this is done, alright. And no, it’s not a question nor optional.” He says while pointing at Constantine.
John shakily nods his head, eyes wide open.
“You should warn your allies I’m gonna be the one outside.” Phantom says with light tone. “I don’t want the JL and associates to think of me as a hostile.”
“Flash.” Wonder Woman says to the speeder, who in return only nods his head once and then exits the room, his super-speed not even allowing a blur to form.
A loud, red alarm then screams inside the watchtower, the voice of Flash warning all individuals in the watchtower that the High King of the Infinite Realms is an ally and that he is about to perform an attack against the enemy’s forces.
“You may proceed.” Batman says to the ghost.
“Sir, yes sir.” The white-haired entity mock salutes and then pops out of view.
Right after High King Phantom popped out of view inside the building a bright halo of light opened a portal right in front of the waiting alien troops out in open space. The eerie Lazarus green glow that surrounds Phantom making him look like an ominous star against the pitch-black void that is space, he is full royal attire again, the white, flowing white cape the reminds of petals covering him from head to toe and beyond, and the wicked black crown floating on top of his head, his eyes once again looking like toxic Lazarus green fires burning in the void that is now his face.
He rises one of his white gloved hands, opens up his palm and…
He says in something ancient yet strangely familiar, a language that reverberates inside every single of the individuals that heard it. A primal fear settling in the gut of every being inside the watchtower, making goosebumps bloom on their skins, even Superman and Wonder Woman feel the cold of fear and death flood their souls at the command of the High King of the Infinite Realms.
A void of toxic Lazarus green then pulls in the enemies’ troops, like a vacuum, making them disappear inside of the open palm of the young-looking eldritch king. In less than five seconds the whole army was gone, even the mother ship is gone, the only remaining thing is a neon purple glowing, ominous looking book that Phantom takes and puts inside his chest. Not inside a pocket on his chest, not inside his ethereal fancy cloak, no, he puts the ominous book right inside his chest.   
“Did you know he could do that?” Superman asks Batman as he rubs on top of his own chest.
“The vacuum thing? No. That he puts things inside his body? Yes.” Batman answers while outside the watchtower Phantom pops out of view…
Only to re-appear inside the room not even a blink later. “There, all done!” The ghost says with a satisfied smile on his pale lips. The cloak and crown once again out of view. “Anything else you need from me, Mr. B?”
“A whole report on all of your powers and abilities on my desk by tomorrow morning.” Batman immediately responds.
“But that will take me the whole night!” Phantom complains.
“Then I suggest you to begin right away.” Batman says.
“We thank you, King Phantom.” Wonder Woman says as she appears by Batman’s left side.
“Are you sure you only want the book?” Superman adds as he appears by Batman’s right side.
“Yes, the book will be enough sir, oh, and don’t worry, I solemnly swear I won’t use it for evil.” Phantom answers as he crosses a finger over where a human heart is supposed to be.
“How can we trust you?” Zatanna inquires, arms crossed over her chest.
“I advocate for him.” Batman says.
Everyone in the room turns to look at Batman like he has suddenly grown another head.
“Alright, that’s it!” John exclaims. “What is your relationship?! How the fuck do you two know each other?! And don’t you dare tell me the he is just investigating Gotham’s curse thing!”
“But I do am investigating Gotham’s curse.” Phantom mumbles.
“You will have to excuse me, King Phantom, but The Batman advocating for you speaks of something deeper in your relationship.” Timothy says as he joins the conversation.
“Oh, well…” Phantom does not finish his sentence, instead his worriedly side glances to Batman, clearly asking for either permission or further instructions on what to do. Batman notices Phantom looking at him and then just nods, finally giving permission for the young man-ghost to speak his truth, Phantom visibly relaxes. “Thank ancients.” He sighs. “Ahem, besides investigating the curse over the city I also aid Red Hood with stuff related to his haunt.”
“Haunt?” Wonder Woman questions.
“Like his territory? You mean Park Row?” Superman adds.
“I’m pretty sure it’s called Crime Alley but yeah, exactly!” Phantom finger-guns them with a big smile on his face. “Also, since Gotham is one the cities with most murders and assassinations in the U.S.A. there are a lot of lost ghosts that need some guidance to cross to the other side, that’s when I come in. I mean, as King of ghost I have to take care of them.”
“And you do this in the whole world?” Superman asks, feeling a sense of kindredness with the being.
“Yeah… I mean, not always; Lady Death and her reapers do most of the heavy lifting but sometimes I move around.” Phantom says while shrugging his shoulders.
“It doesn’t change the fact that you are doing something very noble, King Phantom.” Wonder Woman says.
“T-Thank you, ma’am.” The ghost blushes bright green. “Oh, that reminds me, you!” Phantom then points accusingly towards Constantine. “Are you John Constantine?”
“Why do you care?” John defiantly, a brand-new cig between his lips. He is too nervous to not have a cig between his lips, dammit!
“Dude! I’ve looking for you for years!” The ghost exclaims. “Excuse me, Mr. B, is there an empty office or something where I can speak to him in private?”
“Sorry, your majesty, but if you want to speak to John it will have to be here.” Zatanna quickly interjects, her tone making clear that it was not negotiable.
“What she said.” Constantine obviously followed Zatanna’s lead. Like hell he was gonna be alone in a room with what is basically The God of all Eldritchs and Supernaturals.
Phantom looks at Zatanna with his big, toxic Lazarus green eyes, then he looks at John, finally he shrugs his shoulders again, like saying Alright pal, if you want an actual adult with you in the room, I get it. “In that case…” Phantom starts and then he opens a miny portal in mid-air, he just did a motion up with his pointing finger, a slight finger gun and bah-bam! He opens an interdimensional portal as easily as blinking. From said mini portal Phantom pulls out a small ball, as big as the fist of a child, it is bright and glowing in rainbow. It’s beautiful.
“I-Is that…” Timothy babbles at the sight of what the other in the room assumed was a sort of energy ball.
“You have sharp eyes.” Phantom says to Timothy.
“What is that?” Zatanna asks in wonder.
“A soul.” Phantom answers with tenderness. Everyone in the room gasps in surprise… except Constantine. “Well, more like seventy percent of a soul… John Constantine’s soul.”
Everyone in the room turns to the blonde, their gazes demanding answers. “H-How…?” Constantine manages to mumble as he takes a step back, his cigarette falling from his lips.
“When I started my king training thingy, the first thing I did was to clear de desk from all the paperwork the previous king ignored. One third of said paperwork was about a sorcerer that was selling pieces of his soul left and right like it was effing candy! I was not gonna deal with that so I asked how I could clear it out and the answer was actually quite simple: To neutralize the contracts all I had to do was to get back the pieces of the soul and give it back to its still living mortal recipient. So, I asked for the soul pieces as welcome to being a King gifts and ta-dah!” Phantom explains and does jazz hands at the soul floating in the middle of the group. “So, here, take what is yours, oh, and next time you don’t want to end up with cancer what about, uhm, I don’t know, STOP SMOKING MAN!” The green-eyed entity exclaims as he pushes the ball inside of Constantine’s body. “Oh, and since you still need your powers I offer myself as your new patron.”
The small ball of light goes right into John without any type of resistance yet John walks back like trying to avoid it but the ball still got into him. Constantine palms at his chest and stomach area, his clear blue eyes so wide they look about to pop out from his face, his breathing heavy, elaborated. He might be having a slight panic attack.
“Why?” John manages say, his tone small, full of doubt and fear.
“Firstly, to make a third of my paperwork disappear.” Phantom answers. “Like for real, it literally vanished. And second, because a soul is something precious, you shouldn’t be using it like pocket money, dude.” The ghost chastises. “I mean, to me it feels like the right thing to do.”
John looks at Phantom like he is the most bizarre thing he has ever encountered in his life; the blonde cannot just comprehend… why? Why? wHy? Just because it was easier that way? Because it was the right thing to do? WhAt?! Constantine is flaggerblasted, he cannot compute, he… he needs to get out of there.
The blonde sorcerer stumbles back, as far away from Phamton as possible and while still looking at the ghost with wide, confused eyes he snaps his fingers, teleporting away once again, running away into the safe shadows.
“Did I do something wrong?” Phantom asks Zatanna.
“No, he is just… he just doesn’t understand why someone would help him without expecting anything in return.” Zatanna explains as she looks mournfully in the direction where Constantine vanished.
“Oh… right, the equivalent exchange thing sorcerers do.” Phamton realizes.
“Yes, that too.” Zatanna sighs, then she squares her shoulders as she takes a deep breath. “Thank you, your majesty, for what you did for John. I’ll try to keep him in the right track.”
“You do you, lady.” Phamton responds. “Once he calms tell him to contact me, I meant the part about being his new patron.”
“Understood. If that is everything, I’ll take my leave.” Zatanna says as she looks at Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman. “My report will also be tomorrow morning on your desk, Batman.” She jokes. “Let’s go Timmy.”
“It was a pleasure your majesty, everyone.” The young sorcerer says as good bye before he and Zatanna vanish away in the shadows just like Constantine had done a moment ago.
“Can I leave too? Apparently, I have a report to redact for tomorrow.” Phantom deadpans in Batman’s direction.
Wonder Woman and Superman laugh at that. “We are no one to retain you, King Phantom. You have already fulfilled our request and also gotten your payment, there is no reason for you to remain with us.” Wonder Woman says.
“Cool. Oh, and don’t worry guys, if you ever have any other ghostly problem just ask Mr. B for my number.” Phantom reveals even more delicate information about him and Batman. “Buh-bye~.”
And just like that the endearing Eldritch God like entity vanishes within himself.
“Now, for real, what’s your relationship with the very obviously middle-west young man?” Clark asks Bruce as he crosses his arms over his chest.
Bruce turns to his friends and decides to have some fun. “He is Jason’s boyfriend.” He drops the bomb, making both Diana and Clark open their mouths and eyes wide open in surprise. “He arrived at Gotham about four years ago to study Aerospace Engineering at G.U. Jason met him during patrol, as Red Hood, apparently the instinctual and proper way for ghosts to greet each other is by fighting so Jason basically jumped on him like a rabid dog, Phantom’s words, and that’s that.”
“Jason’s a ghost?” Clarks asks with worry; he knows how much that thing with Jason affects Bruce.
“A type of Half-a-ghost… apparently whatever revived him it did not do a good job at it. Phantom has helped him, us, to adjust.” Bruce reveals. To heal. It was left unsaid but Clark and Diana heard it loud and clear.
“Oh, Bruce.” Diana mumbles with a relieved smile as she hugs her friend.
“And then along the way they fell in love?” Clark guesses as Diana stops hugging Bruce.
“It was a really entertaining soap opera.” Bruce admits.
“Like father, like son.” Diana adds, a shark like smile on her face.
Bruce just grumbles at the joke.
“And when it’s the wedding?” Clark questions, his tone clearly a joking one, forgetting that The Batman never jokes when it comes to his children.
“This December, on the twentieth-first.” Bruce says as he hands both Clark and Diana wedding invitations. “Phantom has a lot of Christmas related trauma so we try to celebrate Yule for him.”
“Oh.” Clark mumbles as he looks at the wedding invitation in his hands.
“Any more questions?” Bruce inquires.
“You have shut us up with this one Bruce, you may go on your way.” Diana says as she waves her invitation.
Batman nods once and then proceeds to leave in silence, when he completely exits the room Diana and Clark look at each other.
“What a day.” Clark says.
“You said it.” Diana agrees.
Some other time:
“What does de S stand for?” Phamton asks Superman like he wasn’t fanboying about being in the Watchtower mere seconds ago.
“It’s kryptonian, it means Hope.” Superman gently answers the wonder struck looking entity.
“Oh.” It’s the young supernatural king’s smart answer.
“What does the D stand for?” Superman asks back, genuine interest in his voice.
A bright green blush blooms on the pale gray face of king Phantom, he proceeds to rub the back of his head in embarrassment and his Lazarus green eyes look away from Superman’s face. “Uh… it was a gift from a friend… just to look cool… I-I was fourteen, ok?”
Superman laughs. It’s soft and tender and for some reason it reminds Danny of a farm he visited in Kansas when he was a kid.
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starwrighter · 3 months
Haven't posted a prompt in a hot minute, let's fix that.
We all know the DC universe is pretty complicated compared to the Dp universe (I'm trying to find a place to start reading the comics but theres 80 years of content to filter through lord help me 😭)
DC has hundreds of heroes and villains running around while DP only has a few.
Let's toss that DC into Dp >:)
Imagine how shellshockingly horrifying it would be for any of the DC crew to travel to the DP universe? Like they've seen post apocalyptic universes, how is this not one of them??
Imagine the world's greatest detectives seeing the utter miracle that is "Phantom's secret identity" they pin him as Danny Fenton immediately as would anyone with experience with the concept of revival.
Let Superman get chased by the Giw. While Clark Kent and Louis lane tear apart their shoddy, biased research as the best journalists the DP universe has ever seen!
Have Danny have a grudge with this random reporter because his article on explosive burger sauce got his favorite restaurant closed. While Clark is desperately to boost Phantom's reputation after the smear campaigns wrecked it.
Let Vlad get torn apart by every flavor of superhero for being an all around creep. Dani/Konner bonding over being clones.
Have danny be an avid fan of Damian, not because he's Robin but because he chased down Dash after he tried to shove him in a locker!
Constantine trying to scam ghosts without the bargaining chip of a soul. Danny and the rest of the trio cackling because it's working and the ghosts are pissed.
Danny's rogues are getting bullied left right and center because both villains and hero's are shooting snarky comments with twice the venom as Danny.
Spectra going after Tim and Damian because she thinks they'll be easy targets due to their seemingly hostile relationship. They team up to tear into her the moment this random therapist tries to insinuate that Dick said he wished the two of them were never brought into the family.
Desiree catching so many people off guard and ruining so many days with her monkey pawing until they turn her wishes around on her.
Have the DC heroes be competent and smart enough to outplay ghosts that are stronger than them.
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gatorbites-imagines · 5 months
John Constantine x tattoo artist?? Smut or no (you choose!) I think it would be cute if john gets his tats from the reader (also kind of a possessive/marking quality there lol)
John Constantine x Tattoo artist male reader
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Sorry there’s been no posts this week, classes have started up again, so as you can imagine I’m exhausted and have a lot less free time. I’ve been using most of my free time to read JJK, ngl.
Imagine being a magical tattoo artist, something like a seal maker. You do large complex and beautiful pieces, but you hide different seals and protection markers inside the patterns. It keeps the real purpose of the tattoo a secret, but is also pretty to look at.
John already has tattoos in the hellblazer comics, but imagine you giving him different ink. Something a lot less obvious and more attractive.
It makes him pass as a hot blonde British guy covered in a lot of fancy ink, instead of some brit with lotsa weird cult looking tattoos.
John becomes one of your most common customers, mainly because a lot of the tattoos you put on him disappear after the seals been used, since its all defense and storage. He might also use it as an excuse to see you more, so he can flirt.
John being John, would get a tattoo right above his crotch, think like a reverse tramp stamp, or a succubus tattoo, just so he can have you sitting between his thighs as he gives his flirting his all.
You definitely end up railing him within an inch of his life in the tattoo chair, tsking and “punishing” him for straining the tattooed area too much, and “messing up your work” when he writhes too much.
In the beginning its just a friends with benefits situation, something like a “happy ending” you might say. John wouldn’t be someone to do relationships for the most part, since most of the ones he’s been in haven’t ended great.
He subconsciously also wouldn’t want to paint a target on your back, since hes always involved with all kinds of stuff. But he cant help but always find himself back with you, getting some new seal inked onto his skin.
And if every visit ends up with him bent over the tattoo chair, or down on his knees to “thank you”, then who will judge him.
John would end up finally acknowledging his feelings when you save him from his big bad of the week, using your complex and intricate tattoos to pull out weapons and spells, and later seal the being that’s after him.
Its hard to deny how he feels after that, and though he wouldn’t put it into words, he would act differently. Like just showing up at your parlor to spend time with you without getting anything done, or sending you little protection charms or trinkets.
At some point you guys just start kissing and acting like a couple, without actually putting a name to it. It’s a dangerous life you both live, and words mean everything, so you never tell anybody you guys are lovers, since that would make the target on you both even bigger.
It doesn’t keep you guys from pretty much living together and acting all domestic, or being completely exclusive to just each other. John turning down all advances made on him confuses people in the beginning, until they just come to accept it.
John ends up with even more tattoos, these a lot more complex than average useable seals. These are the kinds that you have spent your entire life developing, and had only used on yourself because they’re that powerful.
The league are knocked back by how powerful his spells have become, and how much damage he can withstand. Only other magic users with the knowledge know just how amazing his tattoos are. He never tells them where he got them, just because he’s an ass.
You end up helping out more with his business, and he ends up being free advertisement for your parlor. Of course, no one gets tattoos like you or John, you would never give a possible enemy that kind of power, but it helps pad your pockets quite a lot.
John’s enemies end up targeting you as well, but they’re easily dealt with for the most part.
He ends up getting teased be friends and allies that he’s getting soft and domestic, cuz he doesn’t go out to bars like before, and wants to be home in time to watch a movie with you, or just go to sleep together.
He ends up a lot less stressed too, since you rock his world whenever he needs it, and become someone he can let down his defenses and just be vulnerable with.
In the end he probably gets pavloved to get in the mood when you tattoo him, or he hears the noise of the tattoo gun. John always blames you for making him this way, because you always go down on him after giving him new ink, not that he’s complaining.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 6 days
Tim Comes for Dinner! (part 5.5)
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Well I meant to post this a couple days ago but my computer croaked and it took me a hot minute to figure that mess out. ko-fi in my bio if you want to help make up some of the budget shortfall that caused smh
Since first meeting up with Hyena and Jason, Tim had gone to visit them a few more times. Tim would try to arrange his patrol so he’d be by Crime Alley around the middle, when he usually stopped for a break and something to eat. He would cross the invisible border and without fail Hyena would come find him rather quickly and, if Hood could get away, they would have lunch together. It was nice to bond with one of his brothers, especially given how distant Dick had been. He hadn’t been around at all since his last fight with Bruce and Bruce wasn’t exactly emotionally available so it had been lonely. That was fine since Tim was used to it, but still.
Tim had been given access to one of their safe houses in case he ever needed to hide from Bruce, since it absolutely couldn’t be traced to him. Tim had plans to take them up on their offer for homework help too. Next semester he was taking an astronomy course and that was not his specialty. With how much Hyena loved space Tim thought asking for help would be fun for both of them. 
All that to say, getting to know both of them was going really well! But Tim still hadn’t been to any of their actual safehouses yet, especially the one Hyena referred to as their ‘nest’. That was fine, Tim understood that perfectly! They had an unspoken agreement to not really talk about the nightlife, but since the three of them were technically on different sides of course they wouldn’t want him in their safe spaces. He wouldn’t press it at all, it would just seem like he was digging for info.
They had invited him over for dinner tonight but Tim wasn’t expecting it to be at their home since they could bring groceries to a safe house easily enough. He was still looking forward to it, especially with how much Hyena had been talking up Jason’s cooking.  
The plans had been before Tim had seen their confrontation with Batman and Constantine. Hyena and hood had been so focussed on those two they seemed to have forgotten Tim was there. He didn’t mind, his instructions had been to hang back and watch anyway, and it had been really interesting to watch honestly. 
He knew that Hyena was fucking with them, he’d spent enough time with the man to know that he was a trickster at heart, but he also knew that Hyena must have been telling the truth thanks to the spell. It was interesting and Tim was curious to say the least, but he doubted he’d be getting any more answers today. He was trying not to think about it too much because he couldn’t stand not knowing things and he didn’t want to end up ruining dinner with incessant questions they’d probably just dodge anyway.
He’d been given the address for dinner and was on his way now, in civvies this time, and without bothering with any sort of contingency plans now that he trusted Jason and Danny more. He was driving one of the more beat up cars so as not to stand out in the poorer area of town, he didn’t want any trouble. He parked, and glanced at the address again to make sure he was in the right place, before letting himself into the apartment building and buzzed their apartment. 
“Yellow!” Hyena’s chipper voice came through the speaker, slightly distorted. 
“Hey, it’s me, can you buzz me in please?” Tim asked.
“Oh! You’re a bit early. Of course!” Hyena agreed and then the door unlocked and Tim let himself in and headed up.
He double checked the apartment number before knocking, and again it was Hyena who let him in with a bright smile. He was wearing a tshirt with a flying saucer on it and jeans, no mask or hood. It was the first time Tim had seen the white in his hair and he understood the need for the hood, it was pretty distinctive. 
“Hi! Welcome!” Hyena said, hugging Tim and nearly lifting him off his feet making him wheeze but he’d been expecting it, Hyena was very tactile and affectionate. He put Tim down quickly and ushered him inside. 
“Hey there, Timmy,” Jason called from the kitchen, he had an apron on and there was a small smudge of some sort of sauce on his right cheek. He was smiling and he looked just as at home in the kitchen as he did on the job, comfortable and confident. The smell of warm food, garlic and spices, filled the space making it feel homey. “Dinner’s almost ready but it’ll be a little bit longer. Can Danny get you something to drink?” 
“Danny?” Tim asked, it was the first time he’d heard that name, he glanced at Hyena who smiled at him and nodded. 
“I know both of your real names, you might as well know mine. I’m sick of hiding behind, like, five different levels of secret identity anyway,” Danny said with a shrug. “So, anything to drink?”
“Uh whatever juice you have is fine,” Tim said with a little shrug, Danny nodded and headed over to the fridge, giving Tim a chance to look around the apartment.
It looked… a lot more lived in then he expected. There was a bouquet of varied roses on the table, some in colours Tim could have sworn roses didn’t come in. Must be from Ivy, but they fit in with the rest of the decor. The space was cozy, the couches looked used but well cared for, and there were decorations on the walls. This must have been their actual home, huh, he hadn’t expected that. Both telling him Danny’s real name, and letting him into their actual home was a show of trust that Tim wasn’t expecting. It seemed a bit premature, he hadn’t earned this trust yet. 
“Thank you,” Tim said as he took the cup of tropical-punch Danny handed him.
“Make yourself at home! Jason’s making pasta with stuffed meatballs and sauce, and garlic bread! He makes the best garlic bread,” Danny cheered a little as he went to set the table. Unsure what else to do, Tim sat down at the table and watched the couple dance around each other with practiced ease as they got ready for dinner. 
“Ya ya if you keep talking me up he’s going to find the reality a let down,” Jason said, rolling his eyes at Danny before pulling a pan of garlic bread out of the oven and tilting it onto a plate. “Take this to the table,” he directed Danny, who let out an inhuman little trill of delight and snatched the plate, bringing it to the table. 
He was a good enough host to let Tim take a piece before he grabbed one as well and took a bite, his mouth opening just slightly too wide and took a big bite, immediately starting to purr. It seemed like after the confrontation with Constantine he had given up on pretending to be human in front of the family. And judging by the absolutely disgustingly loving way Jason was looking at Danny, he was enjoying it.
To avoid making a face at his brother being sappy at his boyfriend Tim took a bite of his own piece of garlic bread and made a series of soft startled noises, first about how hot it was, and then about how flavourful and good it was! He looked down at it in shock, and took another bite quickly, savouring how buttery, and garlicky, and herbaceous it was!
When he looked up he caught Jason watching him with a little smirk on his face, he knew how good it was too and was being smug about it. Tim rolled his eyes and flipped his brother off before he swallowed his bite. “Don’t get cocky,” he said before taking another bite as Danny cackled and Jason rolled his eyes. 
“If you don’t think it’s going to be any good you don’t have to have any of the pasta I spent all day making,” Jason said as he grabbed the pot and drained the noodles. 
“He made it from scratch!” Danny told him with a cheeky grin, leaning in to add in a conspiratorial stage whisper; “He wanted to impress you so you’d come visit more.” 
“You don’t have to have any either!” Jason warned, pointing a spatula threateningly at his boyfriend. 
“You wouldn’t dare!” Danny gasped dramatically. 
“Try me!” Jason shot back.
“Fine, I’m sorry, please don’t deprive me of your cooking,” Danny laminated with a dramatic swoon.
Tim hid a snort behind his glass of juice at the couple's antics. Jason rolled his eyes and brought one of the dishes over to the table, Danny jumped up to help ferry the rest over to the table as well. Jason put the bowl of pasta down in front of Tim so he could take some while Danny helped himself to meatballs.
Once everyone had food, and Danny had started eating while it was still far too hot for the humans at the table, Tim caught Jason looking at him funny. Tim looked back questioningly, what was Jason thinking about?
“You’re quieter than usual Tim, everything okay?” Jason asked him and Tim winced a little, he’d thought he was being pretty good. 
“I’m just trying really hard not to be a detective right now,” Tim explained with a self-deprecating little smile. “I saw what happened between you two and Bruce the other day and I’m curious, but I don’t want to ask-”
“Good, don’t,” Danny cut in, his eyes flashing that dangerous green for just a moment before he shoved another big bite of pasta and sauce, undercutting the threat just a bit. 
Tim nodded acknowledgment and continued; “But mainly I’m just, kind of surprised you let me come here? I mean, you know how The Bats are as well as anyone but you brought me to your actual home? You told me your real name. I haven’t earned that much trust.”
Jason shrugged awkwardly and looked at Danny, who swallowed probably too quickly so he could answer. “He’s allergic to expressing his emotions too,” Danny said, gesturing at Jason. 
“Learned from the best,” Jason cut in with a self-deprecating laugh.
“So I’ll explain. You didn’t need to earn it,” Danny explained, laying his hands on the table, palm up. “It’s preemptive, we’re hoping that by giving you more of our trust you’ll give us more of yours. Not for any nefarious purposes or anything, but just that you’ll be willing to come to us for help if you need it. And that you won’t listen to all the paranoid rambling I’m sure Bruce is doing about us,” Danny finished with a crooked smile, glancing at Jason who snickered softly.
“I wasn’t listening to him already,” Tim said absently as he turned over what Danny had said in his mind. At least his comment made both of them laugh. “This was your idea huh?” Tim asked Danny.
“Oh ya, basically all of this has been Danny’s ideas,” Jason agreed, fidgeting with his fork. “I had the truly terrible idea to try and threaten you out of being Robin, because the idea of you dying like I did freaked me the Fuck out. It was Danny who said that wouldn’t work and we should support you instead. As usual, he was right,” Jason sighed.
“And that’s how you know I’m the wife!” Danny joked with his slightly manic crackle.
Tim laughed too, and his food was finally cool enough to eat now so he dug in. Oh ya, he was definitely coming back again if it meant more food like this!
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rad-batson · 1 year
Billy who can still perform the same amount of magic as Captain Marvel when he’s his kid self, but due to the limits of his mortal body, he would literally burn up from the inside if he does too much or doesn’t allow himself to cool off first.
For a long while, he didn’t even notice. To be fair, it’s not like the wizard had time to give him the whole run-down before dying, and he never mentioned anything about performing magic outside of the Champion’s form. But sometimes, weird stuff would just happen out of nowhere?
He’ll only perform magic unintentionally when he’s extremely emotional. Not for everything, like “Man, I wish I could fix the holes in my socks.” But if he’s had a super bad day, and he just needs a good cry, he sees his hole-ridden socks and thinks, “Goddamnit, why can’t I just have nicer socks?” suddenly, they’re good as new! But he also feels the urge to lie down for a nap.
Some cops are sniffing around his neighborhood, and Billy is praying that he’ll be left alone. He doesn’t want to get kicked out of another semi-safe refuge. But right when the cops are about to discover his hideout, they’re called back to their precinct. Without warning, Billy’s chest feels hot. He suffers dizziness spells for a few hours and needs to wait a day before he’s back on his feet.
The real tipping point, however, is when he walks to school and it starts pouring with rain. He’s already had a rough morning so he just curses and ducks into the next bus stop. But before he can take cover, it’s sunny again, and out of nowhere, he’s running a dangerously high fever. He almost collapses in exhaustion. His hair is literally smoking, and that’s when he realizes what’s going on.
Now, Billy needs to be extremely careful with his emotional state. If he even thinks of something he wishes could happen, he might die. That’s why he can’t use too much magic, and it’s also why he talks to himself out loud so much. It’s easier to catch himself if he’s constantly reciting his inner monologue.
Later on, he gets some help with regulating his magic. Maybe John Constantine comes in and goes, “Okay buddy, we need to get you some breathing exercises,” because he’s in genuine mortal danger if he does. Maybe Billy tests his luck a few too many times and has to go MIA for a week because if he turns into Cap one more time, he'll burst into flames the moment he turns back.
But idk I am just so fascinated by the idea that this preteen who is literally the Champion of Magic harnesses the ability to level mountains while knowing nothing about magic because he has no real mentor, but he’s holding the potential to cause an avalanche if he sneezes the wrong way at the risk of his own life and he doesn’t have a clue.
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nelkcats · 1 year
Cyrus & Boreas
Spirits of the elements
The earth has been in a very delicate balance for a couple of years now, despite constant reminders of extinction, only magic users know what is really going on with temperatures, sometimes too hot or too cold.
It had been years since Amity Park ceased to exist, years since the land where the old town was located was inhabited, now it was just a wasteland, the city practically moved into the Infinite Realms, it turns out that its inhabitants were so exposed to ectoplasm that when they died almost everyone became a ghost.
For years Vlad and Danny had come to an agreement, just watching the earth, seeing new heroes come and go, but they were both getting bored of it, missing their old rivalry, the thrill of chasing each other, they also missed visiting their dimension. It was, after all, half of their home.
Seeing the problem of global warming and how damaged the earth was, Clockwork presented them a solution. It turns out that when you were properly connected to your core you could take an animal form, and expand your element where you stepped, or around you. Frostbite and the yetis taught Danny more about it, Pandora and the greeks ended up teaching Vlad.
It was the beginning of their competition, apparently Acropolis of Athens and Far Frozen had an old rivalry too, so they were more than happy to teach them how to deal in a friendly way (still a dangerous fighting but apparently that was the most friendly possible without killing each other)
This power wasn't something ghosts would practice very often, because it would expend too much energy and ectoplasm, it wasn't like Dora's amulet or Amorpho special talent at all, ¿the good part? The halfas were characterized by having energy to spare.
With that resolved, Clockwork tasked them with taking care of the earth's temperatures, so a few times a year (mostly on winter and summer solstice days), Vlad and Danny would choose a specific animal and run across the earth, the places where Vlad stepped warmed up in an instant, the places Danny walked were filled with snowflakes and cold.
The animal forms they liked to take the most were extinct or mythological creatures, sometimes they changed to be opposite species, at other times they were the same.
The magic users named it "The Cyrus & Boreas Phenomenon", when Danny heard about it he was excited by his name being so similar to the Northern Lights, while Vlad sulked for having a Persian name while being trained by Greeks.
This continued without being a problem, until Danny found the Wachtower station in space, immediately he changed his path and ran towards it; Vlad, knowing this could become a problem, followed him from afar.
The Justice League and Justice League Dark were having a meeting when the temperature dropped, Constantine cursed as the rest of the league tensed "Bats, what day is it?"
"December 21" upon hearing his response, Constantine cursed again as he ranted about the winter solstice.
"Damn it, damn it ¿why did he deviate from his route? He doesn't go of his way, especially not in this time of the year, ¡this is a disaster!" Constantine paced back and forth "Look, I know you guys like to poke your nose into everything that happens, but this is strictly magical, so no matter what's about to come, keep quiet, do absolutely nothing ¿Do you understand?" The hellbazer's hands trembled as he speaked.
"You can't just say that, ¡we have a right to know! This is nonsense" Diana frowned, she didn't much like the wizard's attitude right now.
"Sorry Wonder Woman, but this is strictly tied to the Justice League Dark, trust us for now, it's for your safety" Fate spoke, he knew nothing bad would happen if the league just kept quiet.
As soon as the lord of order stopped speaking, the entire room began to freeze, pieces of ice hanging on the walls as a Giant wolf ran through the wall.
In the first instance, the wolf looked dangerous, the places where its paws were placed had frozen, pure pieces of ice, the wolf turned its attention to the League, approaching curiously.
"Boreas" Zatanna exhaled in amazement, the entire magical community knew how the animal's presence felt no matter how much it changed its shape, it was the closest thing to a myth that existed, leveling the planet's temperatures, staying a few days and disappearing, impossible to find, record or locate no matter how hard you tried.
"However, where is Cyrus?" Constantine murmured to his partner, if Boreas was near his counterpart shouldn't be far away.
Danny looked at the wizards, interested in the names they had given him, he was about to ask about it when a ball of fire hit him in the shoulder.
He growled in complete frustration as he turned to look at his assailant, behind him the League tensed at the sound as Fate signaled for them to keep quiet.
Behind the animal appeared a Tasmanian tiger the same size as the Giant wolf, Barry was about to question if they weren't supposed to be extinct when the wolf snarled and lunged at the tiger, who ran back to earth.
The entire league watched as the ice brought by the wolf was extinguished by the appearance of the tiger, returning to normal as both creatures moved away.
"Constantine, situation report" Batman was clearly the first to snap out of the trance he had been left in.
"Look Bats, I know how much you want your precious information but this is out of your league, ¿those guys? Cyrus & Boreas, they are as close to benign Gods as you can find, they keep the earth's temperature stable with their games" Constantine lit his cigarette, trying to ignore the surreal situation.
"¿Games?" Superman was next to speak, a concerned note in his voice.
"Games" Fate confirmed "We theorize they are opposing elements, maybe spirits, we think they pursue each other as some kind of challenge, and the balance on earth is just a lucky accident, we don't know where they live or where they come from, but they're not someone you want to play with." Fate commented, remembering the fact that most of the time the creatures try to hurt each other but never give the final hit, always waiting for the other to heal.
"Are you telling me that if these beings decide to stop coming here, will we simply ¿disappear? ¿Because they just decided to stop playing?"
"Something similar, but far more complicated than that" Zatanna entered the conversation "they keep the consequences of global warming stable, if they stop coming, well...the earth will definitely go extinct quickly, I'd give it a couple of years" is not like humanity was taking proper care of earth, these "gods" were basically a miracle for humans to correct their own errors.
"¿Why were we not informed?" Batman was at a crossroad, these beings were definitely dangerous, but if they faced them it could cause catastrophic consequences.
"The same reason you are struggling Bats" Constantine snorted "You want to solve all the problems, but you don't understand that magic is not meant to be solved or a problem, some things are better left as they are, without interfering, or it could happen something worse" and they are far older than all of us he didn't mention out loud.
"Then ¿what do you suggest? ¿We stand here doing nothing while two would-be Gods use our planet as a playground?" Oliver frowned, disgusted.
"Yes" for the first time Shazam spoke in the conversation "because if we don't let them we will become extinct" Billy knew much more than the magicians, books on the rock of eternity that detailed human spirits, about the infinite Realms and the deities that inhabited them. The delicate balance existing in life and death, but he was not allowed to divulge it.
Back on earth, in Paris, Vlad and Danny were enjoying a cup of coffee and hot chocolate respectively.
"So, ¿did you want to meet the heroes or see their cool station in space?" Vlad questioned in amusement as Danny choked on his chocolate "The station ¿huh?" Vlad spoke again while Danny looked at him with a frown "It's okay Daniel, I know you can't help it"
"Yeah, I know, it was a bit stupid to change the route, and reveal myself to sorcerers, but the heroes, the aliens, the space, I needed to see it" the boy grimaced, feeling guilty "thanks for getting me out of there, I was about to do something stupid"
"¿Something stupid like speak?" Vlad questioned knowingly, he was aware that humanity now considered them myths or even gods, they shouldn't be revealing themselves freely, their games were mostly harmless but they had a purpose.
"Yeah, sorry" Danny sighed "although I love the new name, Boreas commands a lot more respect than Danny, ¿right? I do miss when they called me Phantom though..."
Seeing that the boy was lost in his memories again, Vlad sighed, he also missed the old times, their battles, Phantom and Plasmius fighting to the death, but their grudges were resolved long ago, they had no reason to fight, Boreas & Cyrus was an escape from boredom and a reunion with the old days more than anything else.
"It's okay little badger, we can stop by their space station next year, I don't think the fledgling heroes will care" Vlad took a sip from his mug, considering, obviously they would care, but he really didn't care about their feelings, let them freak out a little more.
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prismuffin · 1 year
Back again with a question that lives rent free in my head!!
How do you think; Superman, Batman, Hal Jordan, the flash, and John Constantine react to someone just handing them an unconscious reader?
Basically, the "Here take this".
Ex: Someone puts a unconscious reader into Batman's lap while he's at his computer. Then Batman just stares at the person with a face that screams, 'what am I suppose to do????'.
- Crow
KNFSKNFKLSFN You know I got you Crow- anyway I think that-
Superman would be confused as he takes your unconscious form in his arms. His eyebrows are furrowed as he stares at your chest, focusing on your heartbeat and letting out a slight sigh of relief as he hears the steady rhythm. He'd hold you bridal style as he walked around, just having casual conversations with you resting in his arms. He didn't even think of setting you down until Barry asked why he was still holding you.
Batman would most likely be working when someone just dropped you in his arms with a "here take this real quick". He'd be very confused as the person just walked away nonchalantly. He'd look down at you in his arms, eyes scanning over you to see if you were hurt at all. Seeing the steady rise and fall of your chest, he just deduced you were asleep. He can't be away from his computer for too long so he'd just set you down on a couch in his office, glancing over at you every now and then as he went to back to work.
Hal would most likely try and chase after the person that gave you to him like he doesn't wanna get stuck with this what the hell??? After attempting to give you back to them he'd sigh heavily before looking down at you and wondering if you were even alive. He tried to put you down but you were clinging onto his shirt so he had to carry you around. He had a big pout on his face as he tried to ignore the looks he was getting from people (*cough* Batman *cough*) as he walked around with you in his arms. After a while he gets tired of the stares and tries to wake you up
Barry would just be like "hold this? oh ok" :)...OMG ARE YOU DEAD???- After figuring out you were alive he'd be relieved but like wow- were you knocked out or something cause you are not waking up. He'd set you down somewhere comfortable and then would sit right by you, just watching over you until you wake up so he can be sure that you're really ok since he got practically no explanation of what happened to you.
John would immediately try and hand you back to whoever gave you to him but somehow he ends up failing. He'd probably use his powers on you to see what exactly made you unconscious. After finding out that you weren't harmed at all he'd just sigh and then immediately try and wake you up. His face says it all- he is so done with this shit like why aren't you waking up??? He's gonna have to carry you around isn't he? Sighhhhh welp, guess this is his life now. The second he sees anyone else (that he trusts with you) he's handing you off to them cause he does not want to be bothered.
( I should just rewatch Justice League Dark because omg I forgot abt how hot I found John??? )
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rboooks · 10 months
In The Royal Consort:
I just imagined a scene where Danny accidentally cried or bleed and that makes the favorite assigned bodyguard appear all spooky and knightly
Fright Knight
The second one drop of blood or tear hits the floor the sun suddenly is covered by clouds and this chilling sensation travels to everyone's spine (Clockwork laughs)
Danny hides his face between his hands cause: omg this is so humiliating, why does the knight have to be so protective!? He isn't a kid! In fact, Danny is stronger than him!
But everyone around just assumes they started a war by hurting the very loved spouse of a very powerful king
Fright Knight walks through a portal and points his sword to the persons that hurt his Lord and spoke all scary and well, frightening
Meanwhile we have a combination of Danny and Batboys trying to calm down the situation (Danny casually hits the ghost all: dude! Relax! Everyone has a mini heart attack)
John Constantine is having a panic attack when he sees the news (you just know someone was making an live all the time) cause this powerful entity surely has to be the assigned protector of Prince Danny and if he appears it was to avoid that the king himself drains his husband when he's already hurt but that only means he was probably furious waiting for an explanation!!!
Danny just wanted a coffee that Tim told him (he just wanted like, enough caffeine that would kill him)
On the other hand, you just know Twitter is going crazy
People are having passionate debates about the situation, maybe for Danny's age, Is necrophilia?, Fanfiction and fanart, Ghosts aren't real and everything is just a government plan, who's Danny and why he was selected and a Buzzfeed Unsolved/The Watchers video (Ryan spends half the video laughing cause he was right! Shane is 😐🙂 well I didn't expect that but at the same those places they went weren't haunted)
Director movies are watching the news, wondering if they can make a movie about them (normally they'd said that they have to wait to them be dead, that is the norm with royals but like... Dead or not is the same here, isn't it? Can they or not make movies and series about them?
Danny is suddenly the subject of everyone's curiosity. His life, photos, his friends and classmates are on the news and internet all the time
People are just asking why him? What makes Danny Fenton, a normal teenager, so special to have one of the more powerful and mighty entities in the universe so found on him? So in love?
Government/criminal societies/companies are making plans of seduction the king and becoming his consort too maybe stealing Danny's place so they can have access to Phantom wealth and power
This situation is just to say: a ghost appears to attack him while he's in public with a lot of attention from paparazzi and passengers (a friendly attack causes he's far away from his lair and they're checking? A rebel trying to take the throne?) One of the Batfamily tried to stop him but didn't have the weapons to stop them
Danny has to defeat him in his human.
But Danny doesn't even look scared, he just attacks him like a professional, like if defeating this powerful entity was nothing to him and after a few minutes he has the ghost in the thermo and Danny looking normal
I, for one, I'm sure that people would find that very hot of him and the internet reaction would be like: for that reason 😯
Danny went from being an invisible loser to "Oh shit, he's kind of hot" overnight due to the internet hyping him up. There are thirst edits all over the internet and people are eating it up, especially when Wes' blog leaks out footage videos of him doing crazy flips and ghost fighting as a human.
Meanwhile, Fright Knight is screaming, "I will protect my liege's chastity!" which is really not helping Danny.
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97keanu · 6 months
figure skating for the first time x keanuverse ? ⛸️🤍🎄❄️
*˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ohohoho this is perfect !!!! Thank you for asking, I've had this on my mind for a bit now! (And I may also be writing a fuller fic for such a thing with reader x young!JW :3c) John Constantine, Kevin Lomax, and Neo undercut! Pure fluff!
❄️.*ㅤ Since he's on my mind, older John would love going ice skating with you! He's probably done it at least once himself, and if not, with as skilled as he is as working his body through the movies, I think he would manage just fine! I also have a head canon that when he grew up with The Director, they didn't seperate teaching ballet by gender of who was there (no "just girls learn ballet, boys learn how to kill" deal.) So, I like to think of John Wick as someone who can do all he does because he also has a rigorous background in learning ballet, having those precise body movements, knowing how to work every muscle in his body to his advantage.
Therefore, I would like to imagine that John takes you to the nearest rink (or perhaps a lake he knows that's more private?) And actually helps to teach you how to skate better (or how to at all if you don't know how!). He would be patient, watching you and only stepping in when you need it, his arms wrapping around your waist or steadying your elbow.
Eventually, you're doing it on your own, and John is there watching you, a smile creeping on his face from being able to teach you something so intimate to him. He actually has to be the one to stop you once the night starts setting in, the temperature getting way too cold to stay out in much longer.
He takes you back to his mustang and already has a fuzzy blanket there to wrap you in. You in the night back at his apartment, drinking a late night coffee and John listening to you giggle about how much fun you had with a warm heart.
❄️.*ㅤTed Logan however, lives in sunny California, so they don't see snow or ice often enough for ice skating to be a regular ordeal. He is your skater boyfriend however, so when you do end up finding a indoor rink to take him too, he thinks he will be pretty good at it from the get go. And he isn't horrible, he knows how to balance well and tries to stay up right, but it's actually so different from riding his skateboard or even rollerskates that it takes him a moment or two to get really good at it. Once he has it down though, he's skating around, pulling you by your hands until you two are laughing and doing goofy circles around the rink. Eventually, his himbo-ness gets the best of him, and as he's admiring how pretty your hair looks under the ice rink lights, he slips, bringing you down with him. He takes the harder of the fall, you fall on top of him with rosy cheeks and a smile already forming from how silly your boyfriend can be. You two end up laying there and laughing in the middle of the rink for way too long, maybe even annoying a few other skaters, but you two couldn't care if you tried. The night ends with the two of you warming up at a nearby cafe with hot cocoa and plans to try it again sometime.
❄️.*ㅤJohn Constantine would flat out refuse to go ice skating with you. Your big doe eyes would plead with him, but that's not going to change his mind. You tell him how much you enjoyed going as a child, how you love to ice skate, but you're not going to find a Los Angeles city boy like him on an ice rink anytime soon. Or, are you?
Maybe after his refusal, he takes on a demon hunting case that just so happens to lead him to a hockey rink. When the chase leads you two there, you don't see John stop to think about what he's doing as he tries to run out onto the ice. You go after him, your sneakers sliding and skidding on the slippery surface, but your years of practice skating have you able to keep your balance. To your dismay, ahead of you, Constantine is not someone who's trained in such things, and for the first time ever(and probably the last), you see Constantine fall flat on his ass. You easily skid by, reaching out a hand to help him up, and he can't deny grumbling a 'thank you". By the time you're ready to resume chase, the demon is gone.
"See? If we had just gone skating last Saturday, maybe you would have been prepared for this type of thing!" You know you shouldn't rub it in, but you can't help pointing out the truth.
"Yeah, yeah," Constantine carefully finds his way to the rinks edge, and gets out onto non-slippery flooring. "Okay, Maybe I'll take you next time..."
You squeal with joy and the two of you end the night with you having a hot tea in his apartment and Constantine taking a whiskey and nursing his bruised backside.
❄️.*ㅤKevin Lomax is not one for ice skating. Our good southern boy hasn't even roller skated a day in his life, and he's not about to trade his cowboy boots for a pair of blades.
"Please, Kevin! I really want to go skating!" You pester him, and eventually he caves, lucky that New York gets more snow than Florida.
He wraps you, and himself, up tight in winter clothes, and bites back complaints about how cold it is. He takes you to a local spot that he's heard of, and only a few other couples are out at the rink. Good, less people to have to see him fall on his ass when this goes awry.
He still has to maintain the confidence of a business man, so he keeps his lawyer smile on and helps you into your skates. At first, he let's you go ahead and skate without him, watching you perform moves he is actually pretty entranced with. When you pull your leg up over your head, he actually gives a holler out of support("Yeah that's my wife/girlfriend!").
Eventually, when everyone else has left, you persuade him into trying on a pair of skates, and to your surprise, he does. You gently take him out onto the ice, and for a few moments he's actually doing it! You let go gently, and he glides by himself, able to get down the simple movements, but nothing too crazy. In the end, you two do slow circles in the middle of the rink, face to face with each other. Kevin looks deeply in your eyes, and you're happy he's obliged your silly request. He leans in for a kiss, and you feel your legs shake on your skates. To your surprise, you're the one who's lost your balance first, and Kevin catches you with a laugh.
"Too much for you, darlin'?" He whispers with that husky southern voice, and the redness in your cheeks isn't just from the cold anymore.
The two of you end the night at a fancy dinner spot, something expensive, decorated in holiday spirit and the sound of a live pianist and violinist playing soft Christmas tunes.
❄️.*ㅤNeo lives in Chicago, so he's no stranger to the cold or navigating ice. I believe he likely has gone ice skating before, probably as a child, but hasn't done that in many years. When you ask him, he's apprehensive, but it doesn't take much begging for him to agree.
He takes you to a spot that's supposed to be the best experience, and only after you two have bought your tickets do you realize it's PACKED. There's way too many people here for Neo's comfort, or yours for that matter, and after about an hour of trying to find your way onto the ice where you two can have some alone time, you see it's not going to happen tonight and give up.
Neo makes it up to you by taking you to your favorite dinner spot. It's an enjoyable date night still, but he can tell how badly you wanted to go and can see the disappointment that you couldn't.
So, after about a week, he tells you that he's taking you out for a surprise.
When you arrive to this mystery destination, you realize it's the same ice rink. You ask him why, knowing it's another Saturday and it will be packed just like before, but Neo motions to the lack of people in the parking lot.
"What...?" You say as you begin to piece things together. "How did you...?"
"We have the whole place to ourselves. I took out every ticket just for us." He says slyly, obviously proud of this feat.
"What do you mean? That has to be crazy expensive!" You know Neo is well enough off, but that sorta price is excessive even for him.
"Well, their website for buying tickets was particually hard to hack..." He looks over at you with a smirk and smiles big when you throw your hands around his neck, gleeful for his talent tonight.
"No! You didn't! Neo..." You say into his neck giving him a big squeeze. "Thank you..."
The two of you head inside and are treated like unknown celebrities, putting on an air of being such, and trying to remain lowkey. You both have fun pretending to be people you're not, and Neo skates alongside you easily, even taking the risk of dipping you back and twirling you a few times. You're surprised your typical home dwelling boyfriend could be so suave and savvy, but you enjoy it nonetheless. You get hot drinks at a concession stand, and eat pretzels and Chicago style hotdogs to your content.
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c-nstantine · 8 months
Spell Gone Wrong
Description: Kinktober 2023, John Constantine
Warnings/Kinks:Cream Pie, Aphrodisiacs (technically), its basically sex pollen but with magic
Word Count: 1.2k
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Being John Constantine's girlfriend was a constant job. Mostly it just entailed keeping the House of Mystery clean. Y/N loved to just clean up in John's buttons and a pair of long socks. It was one of those days when she was dusting one of the many artifacts while Woman to Woman was playing in the background.
"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N," John spoke fastly as soon as he got out of his portal. He hugged her tightly and inhaled the cocoa butter scent on her skin.
"Slow down, Johnny," She said pushing him away a little. The British man was sweaty and a little more pale than usual.
"Just let me touch you, please, love," He said letting her go only for him to remove his signature trench coat and tie. He once again had his arms wrapped around her waist.
"What's wrong, baby?" Y/N thought that something bad must have happened with the Justice League or with Zatanna or even Bruce. She rubbed his forehead, and he was hot to the touch.
"I messed up, big time, Y/N." The blonde man spoke but he was worrying Y/N. John was known for fucking up but he never seemed this distressed about it before.
"Why do you need to touch me?" Y/N asked. At this point, John was practically pawing for his shirt to come off of her.
"I may or may not have messed up a spell that makes me need you," John admitted rather quickly. He was not ashamed of his mistake but rather ashamed of the side effects.
"Need me how?" Y/N asked tilting her head to the side.
"It made me horny, love. Please just let me touch you. I'll even do all of the work," Now, John wasn't a lazy lover, but he had a preference for being ridden. For him to beg for Y/N just to let him use her, the aching the spell caused must have been bad.
"Johnny," Y/N decided that she was going to have fun with this predicament. Her eyes darkened a little as she decided to play with her boyfriend. She unbuttoned the shirt she wore, revealing how she only wore underwear underneath.
"Yes, dear," John's mouth watered at the sight of her breasts being freed. He was practically humping Y/N's leg when he hugged her earlier. He reached out for the chance to touch them, and she smiled when she swatted his hand away.
"What would you do to touch me right now?" Y/N asked while leading John to a nearby couch. There was no way he would make it to their bedroom in this state. John's eyes drifted to her plump thighs and ass. Y/N had to snap to get his attention.
"Anything, anything at all," He answered quickly as he watched Y/N sit on the couch.
"I want you on your knees," Y/N spoke with a demanding tone.
"Of course," John was so eager to please Y/N, eager for the chance of relief from this ache between his legs.
"You're so pretty for me on your knees," Y/N said using the back of her hand to stroke his cheek. John leaned into the feeling and craved more from her.
"Y/N, it hurts," He whined. He was not afraid to admit the things that he would do to get her to touch him, to please him. John needed to be fucked more than anything right now.
"Strip for me," Y/N commanded and like a puppy, John obeyed. He almost fell with the quickness at which he dropped his pants.
"I haven't even touched you, and your cock's already leaking," Y/N grinned at the sight. John's dick was flushed with red from base to tip. His tip was dripping with pre-cum.
"Please, you don't even have to let me inside," He was content with just humping her thighs for the chance of relief. He reeked of desperation and filth.
"Don't worry you'll get your kicks, but first, I want you to take care of me. Can you do that, pretty boy?" Y/N slid off her panties and guided John's head to her pussy. John inhaled her scent before diving into his feast.
His stubble burned between Y/N's thighs as he continued to lick. He added two fingers while he licked up and down her clit. His fingers explored deeply inside of her and Y/N's hands gripped his hair.
"That's it, right there," Y/N praised John for his actions and she was close to her orgasm. He continued to suck on her clit but he also began to rock his own hips. The friction between his dick and the air was enough to send him over the edge. His cum coated his stomach and he whimpered as he came.
"Did you just cum?" Y/N asked, almost laughing at the man. He had come just from humping the air like a teenager.
"Wait, no, I-" John tried to explain but his dick was still hard. Y/N licked her hand and began to stroke his dick and he began to pant a little. His face was red. Y/N was a little pissed that she lost the orgasm that she was so close to.
"I haven't even fucked you yet. How pathetic," Y/N said taking note of how John still needed to be fucked.
"Love, please, I can still-" John tried to speak but Y/N just stuck her fingers in his mouth and he could taste his own cum on her fingers. For the first time in this entire ordeal, John was quiet. He had been making little moans and whimpers as he ate her out.
"Fuck me," Y/N commanded and John scrambled to his feet. He stood and took a deep breath. He was finally about to feel euphoria as Y/N relaxed on the couch and spread her legs. Her legs were in the air and her ass hung slightly off the couch.
She was still mildly annoyed from her lost orgasm but once John's cock entered her, she felt all her tension melt away. John almost came again just from his dick kissing her cervix. His strokes were sloppy but deep as he wanted both of them to reach their peak. Y/N moaned with each thrust and John was happy to keep his girlfriend happy. John whined as he came again but this time in Y/N's pussy.
However, he didn't stop. He was more sensitive than ever and Y/N hadn't cum yet. He began his strokes again. This time he went slower ensuring that she felt all seven inches of him. He needed her to finish with him. There was something oddly romantic about fucking her by the dim fireplace light.
The sound of slapping skin echoed throughout the house. John's whimpers and Y/N's moans filled the room. The stench of sex was all that could be smelled. John's cum had been fucked into Y/N even deeper with each thrust. Y/N's walls begin to tighten around his dick as she got closer to her orgasm. With a few more strokes, she moaned and her face scrunched from pleasure. John came in her once more. He pulled out slowly, almost fascinated with how his cum dripped out of her. Y/N's legs finally rested as she took deep breaths.
"So what did we learn?" Y/N asked not even bothering to cover herself up. He truly had tired her out.
"Not to fuck around with spells that involve aphrodisiacs," John said fiddling around his coat pockets for a cigarette. Y/N hummed in agreement and the two sat in the afterglow of their session by the fireplace.
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imajinxnation · 10 days
Keanuverse x Reader
SUMMARY // Terms of endearment from the Keanuverse.
TW // Fluff, Suggestive..
Just doing some John's for this one cause I can only have 10 gifs per post😒
I've been absent for a bit, but I'm getting back in my groove!!
Once more, please excuse me if the Russian ones are a bit off, I don't speak Russian!!
\\~John Wick~//
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ангел - Angel
He calls you 'angel' in Russian almost all day every day, because he TRULY believes that you were an angel sent from heaven to help and fix him. He believes God sent his most lovely angel to care for him in the form of you, and he thanks him every day for the blessing that is you.
солнышко - Sunshine
You're his sunshine, the light in the darkness that has consumed him for so long. Just being in your presence gives him energy and peace of mind. It's cheesy, but it's how he sees you. You give him life like the sun does to everything on earth, but he knows not to mess with you when you're feeling particularily hot(headed).
зайка - Bunny
We all know why he calls you this.. This nickname is saved for when you're feeling particularily frisky, which, I won't lie, is pretty often. He calls you bunny due to both of your tendencies to fuck like rabbits, like.. It's insane how often you're going at it. At LEAST once a day. He just can't keep his hands off you, and vice versa.
\\~John Constantine~//
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- Pet
Oh my God, don't get me started. He rarely ever calls you anything else other than this, even over your own damn name. He only uses this name for you, and nothing else, the only time he doesn't is when he is worried or is extremely setious about something, then he just uses your first name. He also uses this term during sex and it just sets you off in all the right ways. Though, it can get annoying sometimes because he does treat you like his pet a bit more than a partner.
\\~Johnny Silverhand~//
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- Cunt/Dick
If you thought he was gonna be anything but vulgar, then what the fuck is wrong with you? This man will use insults as terms of endearment, you will never hear a sweet nickname come from him (not at loud at least). He calls you cunt/dick the most, cause he likes to act like he's annoyed at you 24/7.
- FuckFace
He says this a lot when he's frustrated with you or he's trying to explain something and you're just not getting it. He also says that's the only thing your face is good for, to fuck. And then after he says that, he tries to fuck like it didn't hurt your feelings. Your man is an ass naturally, so if you're sensitive.. best to not be with him.
- Slut
He uses this one when you fuck, or if he gets insecure and thinks you're hitting on someone else. Which happens a lot, cause he knows he's an ass, and he knows you're probably gonna leave him, and he fucking panics in the worst way.
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beansricejc · 3 months
Hello 👋 can I pls request boyfriend headcanons for John Constantine? Both sfw and nsfw if you're not uncomfortable? Thanks ❤️
of course nonnie!
cw: possessive behavior, p in v, cursing, smoking
the thing is, i cannot physically imagine this man as a boyfriend. he hates labels. he doesn’t want to over complicate his life and potentially put you in danger by giving you the title of his girlfriend.
“she’s not my girlfriend.” he’d grit his teeth, denying it all together. “i just fuck her, that’s it. well, and we go out, and have dinner at her’s occasionally, and i may have accidentally met her grandma. but she’s not my god damn girlfriend.”
“yeah,” chas would roll his eyes and pass constantine a beer. “whatever you say, dude.”
you two met on somewhat normal of circumstances. that’s why he’s stayed as long as he has, he doesn’t associate his first impression of you with any sort of shitty job. no demons, no half angels, no anything.
i said somewhat.
it was some club that he had been to before in his younger years. he wanted some pussy and to get drunk while doing it. so fuck it. some shit head, a 5’6 dumbass knocked into him and cussed him out in front of the whole bar. turns out, that the short asshole, was your date that night.
the last time he saw that little shit, the dude had walked in on constantine holding you up in the men’s bathroom. his nails dug into the flesh of your ass while he thrusted into your sopping cunt. and the eye contact you two made in that dingy restroom? with his hot breath smelling of gin and cigarettes, you relished in it’s scent while being fucked by constantine, with your date finding himself cucked in the doorway.
what’s a better way to get back at an asshole than fucking his date?
just because you two technically aren’t a couple, doesn’t mean Constantine isn’t a jealous SOB. he doesn’t have much in this world, so anything close to him, he’s stupidly possessive over.
“so, I saw your car at that new bar on Thursday.” constantine would grumble, lighting a cigarette in his weird excuse of an apartment.
“yeah, and? what about it?” you’d reply, changing the channel on the tv to the bachelorette. (he claims he can’t stand that show but will comment his varying opinions on the drama, classic)
“well, what the hell were you up to?” his tone agitated, frowning over at you.
you’d sigh, rolling your eyes. “i was on a date, john.” you ripped the band aid clean off. he’s a grown man, he can handle it.
well, that’s what you assumed.
that’s until your face is pressed into one of his cheap pillows on his bed, his bony hips slapping against the cusp of your ass, as he spanks it over, and over, and over again. the stirring in your core repeats, just on the brink of a blood curdling orgasm. constantine has been denying you of the satisfaction of cumming, he grabs a fistful of your sweaty locks by the base, yanking your head back so you’re forced to look up at him.
“bet he can’t fuck you like me. can he? nah, I’m the only one who knows just how you like it, fuckin’ brat. you don’t deserve my cock, i should have just given you the tip and let you suffer.”
your loud moans and other sinful noises bounce off of the unkempt walls of his dwelling. constantine would pry your mouth open, spitting directly into it, his saliva landing right onto your tongue. yet another power play he can pull, just to humiliate you.
“you’re fuckin’ mine, these tits are mine,” his calloused hands pawing at your bosom. “this ass is mine.” SMACK! you shriek in pain, while he hammers his length deeper into you. “this cunt? yeah, that’s mine, and you got the best baby. so tight, so god damn warm, all for me, right?” his grip on the roots of your hair tightens, shooting pain down your scalp.
“yeah! yes yes yes, john, it’s all yours! f-f-fuck!”
constantine would snicker, grabbing his still lit cigarette from the ash tray on the bedside table and taking a long drag. he blew the smoke right back into your face, which makes you cough and wheeze.
“that’s what I thought. no one else’s, just mine.”
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Mark grayson x male reader with the powers of john Constantine? Maybe Mark on a mission involving demons and after some trouble Cecil reluctantly decides to call the reader for help
Mark Grayson x Constantine Male Reader
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Guess who’s been ignoring his exam prep and watching YouTube instead? This guy. Reader is also a little older than the other characters, but how much older you can choose for yourself.
Demons weren’t something completely out of the norm for the heroes of this world. Way too many so called villains would summon low grade demons and imps to wreak havoc. Very few were actually able to summon sentient and powerful beings.
Invincible had been sent in since theyd just thought it would be like every other weak magician who thought they could take over the world. That was until the demon that appeared was actually one of the well-known demons from the bible.
Other heroes were called in, like the newer guardians of the globe. But even they didn’t stand a chance against this demon, who was getting a little too close to civilization for the GDAs comfort.
As much as Cecil hates it, he knows he has to call you. You’ve never had any respect for the GDA, for the government, and had always insulted heroes to their face, calling them government bootlickers and the likes.
Cecil would have locked you away a while ago, if you weren’t so damn good at what you did. There was also the fact that he, and the magicians he had on hand, were pretty damn sure you could unleash hell itself on earth if you wanted, so they were cautious.
You also just happen to be kind of a dick, though mainly to Cecil. For some reason you’ve always gotten along well with Donald for a reason the GDA doesn’t understand. You just know he’s a great guy though, which is why you’ll treat him a little better.
So with great reluctance, since he knows youre gonna be rubbing this in his face and ribbing him, Cecil contacts you. He would most likely have to use some kind of spell or sigil, since there’s no way you’d share your number with this guy, or pick up if he called.
The guardians of the globe and Mark aren’t really sure what to expect when they hear Cecil sigh over their earpieces. He sounds more exhausted and agitated than any of them have ever made him, which says a lot.
Cecil barely gets to explain who you are before you swagger out of a portal in your trench coat and a to-go coffee cup in your hand with your preferred drink.
Immortal and Robot are probably the only ones who know who you are. Immortal cuz hes worked with you in the past, and Robot cuz he’s a creep that knows too much, and there’s no way he wouldn’t know about someone as powerful as you.
The heroes would already be over your shit, since you paid way too much for this drink to let it go to waste. So, you are gonna stand here, and you are gonna finish your drink, and then you are gonna help.
Mark must acknowledge that you are pretty hot, with your exhausted features and the tired but knowing look in your eyes. Its like you know exactly what you are looking at, and like you know exactly what to do.
The heroes get thrown around a bit more, just for your own humor and cuz you know they can take it. them yelling at you in frustration just makes you pick at your nails and sass them, telling them you came here out of the goodness of your heart, and you feel so attacked right now?
Its only when Mark crashes into the ground right beside you, and this cute traffic light yellow guy with cracked goggles and a bloody nose politely asks you to help that you decide, sure, why not. It’s also definitely because of the cute pout on his lips and the puppy eyes he’s giving you form the crater he’s in.
You give him what’s left of your too expensive drink, telling him some flirty comment about “watch and learn, invincible”. You make air quotes with your fingers when you use his hero name, since nobody is invincible, even viltrumites. You know this since you’ve stumbled across quite a lot of them in hell over the years.
His small blush is very cute though, which makes you decide to wrap this up real quick.
To none of Cecil’s surprise. You know this demon, and it owes you a pretty big favor. You don’t use your favor obviously, why would you do that? Theres better things to use a demons favor for. Instead, you just use a good chunk of spells, sigils, and other magic arts to cast them back to hell.
Cue some complaining from multiple members of the guardians of the globe. If you could do that from the very beginning, why did you keep watching them get thrown around like that?
As they complain and argue around you, you just swagger back to where Mark was sitting cutely and sipping on your drink. It shouldn’t shock you a guy like him likes whatever sweet monstrosity you bought. Fits his cute smile at least.
Immortal doesn’t even argue with you, knowing its like talking to a damn wall. Except the wall claps back, and will be petty enough not to help you next time.
It also doesn’t shock Cecil when you ask Mark out for lunch, since you’re a known flirt. You also may be a flirt, but you are damn loyal, so he can’t even say to Mark you’re a bad partner.
Marks eyes widen comically, sputtering around the drink he had been nursing when you just dropped that on him. His face goes bright red, since no one has ever actually asked him out, especially so boldly.
He fumbles for a bit, but he does end up stuttering out a yes. He doesn’t know you too well yet, and neither do you know him, but what could lunch together hurt? So he ends up clutching your number, and sigil, on a piece of paper in his hand, as you portal away again.
The place is still a damn mess from the demon’s rampage, but Mark feels extra weightless as he helps clean up, not even really paying attention to some of the others complaining about how you left without helping clean up.
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will80sbyers · 29 days
Do you still have the list of movies that inspired ST4? I had a picture of it but I lost it and I haven't been able to find it since. Please and thank you in advance.
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Long post warning lol
2001: A Space Odyssey
47 Meters Down: Uncaged
12 Monkeys
28 Days Later
13th Warrior
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Altered States
American Sniper
Analyze This
Assassins Creed
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Almost Famous
Batman Begins
Batman V. Superman
Basket Case
Battle at Big Rock
Beauty and the Beast
Behind Enemy Lines
Beverly Hills Cop
Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey
Billy Madison
Black Cauldron
Black Swan
Boondock Saints
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Burn After Reading
Broken Arrow
Blade Runner
Con Air
Cast Away
Children of Men
Cabin in the Woods
Crimson Tide
Dukes of Hazzard
Don’t Breathe
Death to Smoochy
Dark Knight
Deep Blue Sea
Drop Dead Fred
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard 3
Don’s Plum
Dances with Wolves
Dumb and Dumber
Edward Scissorhands
Enter the Void
Ex Machina
Event Horizon
Emma (2020)
Forrest Gump
Fisher King
Full Metal Jacket
Ferris Bueller
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Good Fellas
Girl Interrupted
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Get Out
Good Will Hunting
High Fidelity
Hellraiser 1
Hellraiser 2
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
High School Musical
Hurt Locker
Hunger Games
Hell or High Water
Home Alone
I am Legend
It’s a Wonderful Life
In Cold Blood
I am a Fugitive from Chain Gang
Inside Out
Island of Doctor Moreau
It Follows
Interview with a Vampire
Inner Space
Into the Spiderverse
Independence Day
Jupiter Ascending
John Carter of Mars
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
James Bond (All Movies)
Karate Kid
Knives Out
Little Miss Sunshine
Long Kiss Goodnight
Lost Boys
Leon: The Professional
Let the Right One In
Little Women (1994)
Mad Max: Fury Road
Men in Black
My Cousin Vinny
Mystic River
Minority Report
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Neverending Story
Never Been Kissed
No Country for Old Men
Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
North by Northwest
Open Water
Orange County
Oceans 8
Oceans 11
Oceans 12
One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Ordinary People
Paddington 2
Pulp Fiction
Pan’s Labyrinth
Pineapple Express
Peter Pan
Princess Bride
Paradise Lost
Primal Fear
Peter Jackson’s King Kong
Reservoir Dogs
Road Warrior
Rogue One
Reality Bites
Raider of the Lost Ark
Red Dragon
Sky High
Sword in the Stone
Step Up 2
Spy Kids
Saving Private Ryan
Shape of Water
Swept Away
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Silence of the Lambs
Source Code
Starship Troopers
Silver Bullet
The Visit
The Italian Job
The Mask of Zorro
True Lies
The Blair Witch Project
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Craft
The Guest
The Devil’s Advocate
The Graduate
The Prestige
The Rock
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Fly
The Mummy
The Guardian
The Goofy Movie
The Peanut Butter Solution
Toy Story 4
The Ring
The Crazies
The Mist
The Revenant
The Perfect Storm
The Shining
Terminator 2
The Truman Show
Temple of Doom
The Cell
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Good Son
The Orphan
The Birdcage
The Green Mile
The Raid
The Cider House Rules
The Lighthouse
The Book of Henry
The A-Team
The Crow
The Terminal
Thor Ragnarok
The Descent
The Birds
Total Recall
The Natural
The Fifth Element
True Romance
Terminator: Dark Fate
The Hobbit Trilogy
Very Bad Things
Wayne’s World
What Women Want
War Dogs
Wedding Crashers
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
Welcome to the Dollhouse
Welcome to Marwen
Wet Hot American Summer
What Lies Beneath
What Dreams May Come
War Games
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Weird Science
Wizard of Oz
Young Sherlock Holmes
You’ve Got Mail
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