#home Abortion method
lilleluv · 1 year
How Safe Are Home Remedies For Abortion And The Potential Side Effects
It’s important to note that the only safe and legal way to terminate a pregnancy is through medical or surgical abortion, which must be performed by a trained healthcare provider. However, some people may attempt to use home remedies as a way to induce an abortion. It’s important to understand that these methods are not scientifically proven to be safe or effective, and can pose serious health…
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soberscientistlife · 1 month
I'm pro-choice & pro-life.
I'm pro-Barbara who found out at her 20 week anatomy scan that the infant she had been so excited to bring into this world had developed without life sustaining organs. I'm pro-Susan who was sexually assaulted on her way home from work, only to come to the horrific realization that her assailant planted his seed in her when she got a positive pregnancy test result a month later. I'm pro-Theresa who hemorrhaged due to a placental abruption, causing her parents, spouse, and children to have to make the impossible decision on whether to save her or her unborn child. I'm pro-little Cathy who had her innocence ripped away from her by someone she should have been able to trust and her 11 year old body isn't mature enough to bear the consequence of that betrayal. I'm pro-Melissa who's working two jobs just to make ends meet and has to choose between bringing another child into poverty or feeding the children she already has because her spouse walked out on her. (Maybe one of those is a minimum wage job at Hobby Lobby, and she can't afford birth control because her employer went to the Supreme Court to make sure her insurance plan doesn't cover it.) I'm pro-Brittany who realizes that she is in no way financially, emotionally, or physically able to raise a child. I'm pro-Emily who went through IVF, ending up with SIX viable implanted eggs requiring selective reduction in order to ensure the safety of her and a SAFE amount of fetuses. I'm pro-Jessica who is FINALLY getting the strength to get away from her physically abusive spouse only to find out that she is carrying the monster's child. I'm pro-Vanessa who went into her confirmation appointment after YEARS of trying to conceive only to hear silence where there should be a heartbeat. I'm pro-Lindsay who lost her virginity in her sophomore year with a broken condom and now has to choose whether to be a teenage mom or just a teenager. I'm pro-Courtney who just found out she's already 13 weeks along, but the egg never made it out of her fallopian tube so either she terminates the pregnancy or risks dying from internal bleeding and horrific pain. I’m pro-Renee who developed eclampsia and in her third trimester and had to terminate her pregnancy or else she and her much loved baby would die. Also pro-Lorraine who found out two weeks before her due date that her baby’s heart wasn’t beating anymore, and had to be induced so she wouldn’t develop a life threatening infection. You can argue and say that I'm pro-choice all you want, but the truth is: I'm pro-life. Their lives. Women's lives. You don't get to pick and choose which scenarios should be accepted. It's not about which stories you don't agree with. It's about fighting for the women in the stories and the CHOICE that was made for them, by them. Women's rights are meant to protect ALL women, regardless of their situation - or how big their bank account is. Because, let's face it, rich people's daughters and mistresses (yes, even the ones who voted for anti-abortion bills) will always be able to find safe abortions. They did before Roe v Wade. Most poor women will still get abortions too, whether from centuries old, unsafe home methods or from opportunistic untrained, unsafe people. Roe v. Wade didn't create abortion. It ended poor, desperate women and girls dying from them and making decisions about their lives.
Author Unknown
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
Hi, can I request RoR? In Philippine Mythology?
Human Reader, a single mother of quadruplets, 2 boys and 2 girls, look like normal human babies, but if harm/hurt their loving human mother, they'll turn into a Tiyanak…
In Philippine mythology: The Tiyanak is a vampiric creature in Philippine mythology that takes on the form of a toddler or baby. Although there are various types, it typically takes the form of a newborn baby and cries in the jungle to attract unwary travelers. Once it is picked up by an unfortunate passerby, it reverts to its true form and attacks the victim. The tiyanak is also depicted to take malevolent delight in leading travelers astray, or in abducting children…
Various speculations on how Tiyanaks came to be range from babies born dead in the forest to the Catholic-influenced unbaptized stillborn infants, and later extended to vengeful murdered infants and aborted fetuses…
In local belief, various countermeasures are supposedly effective against the tiyanak. Those that were led astray by the creature's cries are believed to be able to break the enchantment by turning their clothes inside out. The tiyanak finds the method humorous enough to let go of the traveler and go back to the jungles. Loud noises such as a New Year's celebration are also thought to be enough to drive the tiyanak away from the vicinity. Objects believed to repel Aswang (vampiric shape-shifters), like garlic and the rosary rosemary are also commonly believed to be effective against the tiyanak. It's also believed that giving a name to these lost souls will bring them peace, and offering a white candle will help guide their spirit to the afterlife…
Reader's story goes like this: (You may change it if you want)
She's living in an abusive/forced marriage, she's been mistreated/used by her own family & by her husband and his family, who's rich or from a higher social hierarchy than her family, and no one can help her…
When she finds out she's pregnant, even though she's carried the children who she hates and gets mistreated by, she loves them, and she plans to raise her kids, & to escape far away from the people who mistreat her…
When she finally escapes while pregnant, she knows the risks and she'll do everything to keep her babies safe, as she's running away, her family and her husband are after trying to stop her even by shooting at her…
When she's in the wooded area (forest/jungle), trying to hide but she's caught by her husband, and he proceeded to hurt/beat her until she didn't move, her husband thought he kill her and then he leaves her bleeding…
As she is about to lose her conscious, she saw her bleeding from her legs, and she thought that her babies are dead and it's her fault and pleads to whoever is out there to save her babies, she's mourning & saying sorry to her babies & that she's a bad mother, as she loses her conscious, she saw a blur two figures coming towards…
She woke up in a house and thought that her babies are dead. a woman came to her, comforting Reader that she and the babies are well (which Reader is about to lash out) and the husband came and saw he struggling to carry 4 crying babies, that they look exactly like Reader, and he gave the babies back to Reader and Reader crying that her babies are fine…
As she recovers, she's found out that her babies did die and then became a Tiyanak and also founds out that the couples, who helped her & her babies, are mythical creatures (the Man's Syokoy and Woman's Sirena from Philippine Mythology) and they're are others or residents lives nearby and they're from the Philippine Mythology, like Kapre, Tikbalang, Duwende, & even some hostile/neutral, like Mananangal or aswang…
As she's lives and adapts to her new home and in motherhood to her babies and some mythical residents, they became friends and almost like family, as they taught her anything to do/learn (household, survival, etc.) including some mythical creatures, they became caring & protective & willing to do anything for Reader and her kids' safety and home…
One day, Reader meets (character) through her children as he's wandering around, then he and Reader get along with each other, as he and her kids are getting along as well and they consider him as their dad and the Mythical creatures met him, they get along (as they threatened him if he hurt Reader and/or her babies)…
Then Reader's abusive husband & family came back to a wooded area, where Reader and her babies live, going to destroy it for their business plan, when they're about to start it, the husband/family saw Someone, thought it's Reader, but their stopped by something else, by (character) & some mythical creatures that reside at the wooded area, in there unseen/invisible form, using their abilities to stop them and made them to never come back…
Yandere: Adamas, Beezelbub, Hades, Shiva (w/ his wives & son), Rudra, Loki, Buddha, Hercules
-The pain you bore is one that you never wanted your babies to carry the pain of abuse from your cruel husband and his family, who believed that you were basically a slave, not caring if you carried his children or not.
-You didn’t love your husband, but you loved your babies, despite them being in your belly still, and you didn’t want them to be born into pain. You had thought about killing yourself and killing them many times, so they would be safe, not caring about your own life.
-You had a chance, only once, to run and you took it, running deep into the forest, clutching your aching and bruised body, wounds old and new flaring from the strain.
-You felt yourself slip down a shallow ravine and your heart leapt to your throat and that’s all you remembered before everything went black.
-When you awoke, a man and a woman, kind people, were there for you, and your hands immediately went to your belly, a gasp leaving you, “My babies!” you went to stand but her hand was firm but gentle on your shoulder, keeping you down.
-The man disappeared for a moment as the woman sat beside you on the bed, “Your babies are safe, as are you.” Your eyes widened before her husband reappeared, holding four squirming babies, struggling to do carry them all as tears of relief welled in your eyes.
-Your babies all seemed to immediately settle down once in your arms as you wept quietly, peppering their faces with kisses, thanking your two saviors over and over again.
-The couldn’t help but smiling, sharing a small glance between the two of them, happy to see that you were all right. You looked up at them, holding your babies close, “Thank you for saving my babies! Thank you both so much!”
-You were confused as their faces fell and the woman took her seat next to you again, petting your hair gently, “Y/N, your babies didn’t make it. They are Tiyanak now.” Your eyes went wide in surprise, hearing this, as you looked down at your babies, but you didn’t care, you just smiled, pressing more kisses onto their heads.
-The man introduced himself and told you that he was a Syokoy, and the woman was a Sirena, both creatures of myth and legend, just as your babies were now, and that the five of you were now safe in their little village, a village of other mythological creatures, leaving you the only human.
-You were hesitant, but those around you didn’t really bother with you, as they had learned of your past, learned of the abuse from your family and what you did to escape, putting yourself and your babies at risk, but they respected you, seeing you as a mother wanting to keep her babies safe.
-There were some creatures in this village that warned you only once to keep your distance from them, which you respected, and in turn they left you be, despite their aversion to humans.
-Your babies were quick to grow, much faster than normal babies, but they always remained close to you, making sure you were safe and your new friends allowed you to live alongside them, building you a house and in turn they taught you how to hunt and survive, so you could provide for yourself and your children.
-You weaved baskets for the members of your village, giving back to them in any way you could, as you wanted to repay their kindness in letting you stay safe, and many admired you for that, seeing your kind heart, you weren’t like other humans.
-It was two years later when your children, who could change their forms to look like babies or like five-year-olds, came back pulling a new friend. Initially you were scared, as you were always terrified your family would come back for you.
-However, this wasn’t a human, this was a god, as Sirena was able to confirm this. You were respectful but a little nervous being in the presence of a god, but he was nothing but kind to you, seeing you for what you truly were, a scared and damaged woman, but a woman who would work hard and do anything to provide for her family.
-He was so gentle with your children, playing with them and you slowly relaxed, sitting with him and just like your children, he was quick to befriend you as well.
-He was nothing like your husband or his family, he was so kind to you, treating you like you were delicate, but also treating you with respect. You later learned from your babies that they and many of the other citizens of your village had threatened him, daring him to try anything ill willed against you.
-(Love) learned from your babies and your friends about your past, learning how cruelly you had been treated and how you ran and now working to provide for your family while living alongside creatures that nobody would probably ever see, unless if they were die immediately after, leaving no witnesses.
-This drove (Love) to be a bit more protective of you, accompanying you when you went into the forest to forage for herbs, fruits, and nuts, being on guard while you weren’t safe in the village, something your children noticed.
-It took some time for you to open up, as you were terrified at the thought of being in a relationship again, as you didn’t want a repeat of what happened, but there was something about (Love), you could tell that he would never hurt you, or your children.
-You were in the forest, (Love) and your children nearby, playing as you were collecting some berries when a twig snapped and you heard a voice you never wanted to hear again, “Y/N?! Where have you been?”
-You looked up in horror, seeing your ex-husband and his family and many other humans, going through the forest as they were looking for areas to clear out to build a new business.
-You had no time to think or run, but you didn’t have to, as (Love) immediately ran forward, scooping you up into his arms, turning you and tossed you into Sirena’s arms and she disappeared into the forest with you.
-You clung to her, tears in your eyes, “My babies- where are my babies?” she shushed you, making it back to the village that now seemed eerily empty, everyone had rushed to where you had been moments prior, hearing your babies sound out the alarm.
-She held you close, trying to calm you, “(Love) and my husband are with them, they will all be safe.” You sniffled softly, remaining on guard until your babies flew into the village, “Mama!”
-You melted, accepting their hug, holding them close as (Love) and the others all returned, all looking quite pleased with themselves. You didn’t want to ask, but (Love) saw your curiosity and he just gave you a small smile, “They’ll never bother you again, and they will never enter this forest again.”
-You thanked him and he just smiled, tapping his cheek for a kiss for payment, which made you giggle and you gave him one before your children shoved him out of the way, telling you they wanted kisses too, which made you laugh softly.
-You would never find out the truth of your ex-family ‘never coming back’, you just thought they had been scared and would never enter the forest again, that wasn’t true, but they would all keep that secret, to keep you safe.
-You were so unique, especially for a human, but he adored you for that, and seeing what a kind and gentle mother you were, it wasn’t hard to fall for you. He can see your hesitance about getting closer, but he doesn’t mind waiting, he’s got all the time in the world and is happy to wait for you at your own pace. Loves your children, finds them funny, mischievous, but very sweet and protective of you, and he has no issues become their new father figure if that is what you wish, because he knows your children will side with you, no matter what, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t help him sway your opinion a bit. Respects you and demands others, mainly other humans, to do the same, as he knows those in the village you live in, while all of them may not like you, they at least respect you because you respect them.
            -Hercules, Rudra, Shiva, Loki, and Buddha
-Had absolutely no issues getting rid of your ex-family, he did it himself personally, wanting to make sure it was done and make sure that all the suffering you had to endure was given back to them, ten-fold. He adores you, finding you fresh and full of life, but not annoying, you are a light in his life and he wants to protect that light, and he has no issues doing whatever he needs to do to make sure that happens. Adores you and your children, respects you about your aversion to entering into a relationship, but he has no issues showing you how safe you would be with him but isn’t pushy, he wants you to come to him. He finds your children charming and doesn’t mind them in the slightest and quite enjoys being a father figure to them, as he shows you that subtly as well, showing you that he’s a provider for them.
-Adamas, Beelzebub, and Hades
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depravitycentral · 11 months
i just read the profiles for phinks n nobunaga and i have to say theres no way darling isnt preggo or anything
(HEAVY on nobu,this man wont 100% even get birth control ,phinks may get it if asked but 🤰)
Tw: mentions of abortion, forced contraceptives, non-con, kids/parenting, mentions of children being raised in unhealthy environments, the usual really
Ooh, I hadn't thought about this!!
You're absolutely right - with the sheer frequency they fuck you and the volume of cum they give you, you're gambling with fate. You'll eventually fall pregnant, this is true - except I actually think more Phantom Troupe yanderes would force birth control on you than you'd expect.
Of course, not condoms. But pills maybe, or even an IUD.
Most of them genuinely don't want kids - of course, they love you and crave domesticity with you, but they're not exactly keen on having a few brats running around, all sticky and gross and hogging all your attention. They like the situation you've got going now - you're theirs, all your attention, time and love going directly to them, and why ruin a good thing?
Plus, the lifestyle they've forced onto you isn't exactly conducive to a healthy, safe atmosphere for a child. The constant stress, stagnation of being in one room or home constantly. (And in Chrollo's case, the constant moving from one hotel room to the other, never staying in one place too long.) And while they all have mixed feelings about their own childhoods in Meteor City, most of them aren't eager to give a child another traumatic youth, like their own.
It just doesn't make sense to get you pregnant - but of course, certain members are more cognizant of this fact than others.
Let's discuss!
Chrollo, of course, doesn't want children. He's never been particularly fond of kids in general, and his possessive tendencies run so deeply that he can't stomach the thought of you having another outlet to channel that attention and love. It's his, he's worked hard to cultivate your feelings for him, and he'll bask in the glory, feeling your eyes on him and hearing your voice speaking to him only. It's part of the way he slowly breaks you down, too - making sure you're utterly alone, no human contact outside of him, all to make sure that you grow dependent on him, needing him, if only just to stay sane. A kid would fuck all that up - besides, he can't stand crying children.
His solution is and IUD, deciding that it's worth it to have long-term precautions against you falling pregnant. The procedure is quick, and although it hurts, he likes that he can fuck you freely now - he can come inside you as often as he wants, as deeply as he wants, and it probably won't take. (Besides, there's something oddly intimate about standing over you while the doctor inserts it inside you - Chrollo's staring with wide eyes, amazed at the way you stretch to accommodate the size of the appliance, all while making absolutely sure the doctor isn't letting his gaze linger on your pussy for too long - it would be a real shame if he were to get too familiar with something that is rightfully Chrollo's.)
Feitan is kind of paranoid that you'll get pregnant. He absolutely does not want any snotty nosed, sticky, loud, irritating little things running around, getting into things they shouldn't or stumbling upon his torture tools. He's always hated kids, and even though there is something appealing about the idea of claiming you and filling you with his seed, it's all in theory and not in practice.
He so vehemently doesn't want kids that he's even doubling up on the birth control methods - he'll force you into an IUD, and even make you get those estrogen injections every three months. (Is it safe to be using both methods simultaneously? Probably not, but it's been working so far, and you don't seem too affected by the influx of hormones.) He's not taking any chances, and on the off chance that you somehow end up pregnant, Feitan will quickly and swiftly do whatever he has to to terminate the pregnancy. However, as diligent as he is, there is one category that he's a bit lax - he won't wear condoms, even if you beg him to. He doesn't like that he can't feel you when he's got them on, a layer separating the most intimate part of him with the most intimate part of you. He'll always tell you to shut up, not really giving you an explanation as to why he refuses, but it really just has to do with making sure that he gets to feel all the warmth, wetness and texture of your walls - and, so that you can feel every drop of hot, runny cum he fills you up with.
Nobunaga actually doesn't even consider the fact that you could get pregnant. It's not a facet of his delusions regarding you, but simply something he just forgets about - he sees your future together so clearly, imagining you staying his cute little thing for the rest of your lives, and a child doesn't fit into that picture, so why should he bother thinking about it? He doesn't want any kids, if only because the dynamic he's established makes you feel coddled and like a child yourself sometimes, and Nobunaga doesn't want your attention to be on anything but himself.
But of course, with how often he fucks you (and the fact that he'll never wear a condom and he'll always come inside), it's only a matter of time before a scare occurs. It's only a matter of time before you wake up one morning sick, terrified that it might be a sign that the cum he'd fucked you full of a few nights ago had been particularly fertile. You'll have to beg him for the pregnancy test, but he'll get it for you, standing by your side the whole time you're taking it. (He might even hold the stick for you as you pee - just to make sure you do it right, you know.) By some stroke of luck, it'll come out negative, but the scare is enough to have Nobunaga briefly snapping back into a bit of reality and deciding he needs to make sure this doesn't happen again. He, like Chrollo, decides that an IUD is the best solution, if only because once it's inserted, neither of you will have to worry about it, and it won't intrude on his habits of fucking you raw every night. It's a perfect solution - he can't have a kid ruining the wonderful relationship the two of you have, and he's sure you agree.
Shalnark, in his heart of hearts, does not want a child. He has enough lucidity about his job (and about the way he feels for you) to know that he would not be a good dad. Maybe a good uncle, but surely not a fatherly figure - besides, having a kid around would mean having you constantly paying attention to something besides him, because god knows children need attention. And the idea of that leaves a sour taste in his mouth, a small pang of panic rushing through him because he cannot lose the way you look at him, the way you always perk up when you see him, the way he's finally gotten you to a point where you willingly kiss him and hug him. A child would ruin all his carefully crafted work, and irritate the hell out of him. Besides, he doesn't think he could ever truly love the kid - all the fondness and attachment he's capable of are already being fully utilized on you and the members of the Troupe, so the kid wouldn't exactly be cherished as they should be.
Shalnark prefers pills as his method of choice, but he's willing to be flexible and go with whatever method you want. (Again, aside from condoms.) He's just considerate like that, and maybe if you get to choose the method you'll be more inclined to be consistent with it and let it actually work. But if you do somehow end up pregnant, Shalnark would weigh the possibility of forcing you to end the pregnancy, or deciding that maybe this could be a good thing. The kid would be a good bargaining chip, useful in making sure you stay in line. Any threat against the child would probably work, convincing you to do basically anything he wants. It's an enticing idea, and one that almost, almost convinces him, but in the end he'll probably have the shot ready, giving you that familiar smile and telling that this won't hurt too bad, I hope! Really, it's a good thing the pregnancy isn't brought to full term - for both your sake and the child's.
However, there are a few members that would actually be somewhat okay with having a child with you - they're not dying to have one, but if you get pregnant, they'll just shrug and let it come to term, not taking any action to stop it.
Uvogin, for example, doesn't think he'd be too great of a father, but as long as you stay with him and you don't give all your attention to the little brat, he could get behind raising a kid with you. There's something kind of endearing about the thought - he'd be the kind of dad that would absolutely aid his kid in pulling little pranks on you, like spilling flour when you're baking or giving him access to finger paints right next to the clean, white tabletop. He's not a bad dad, per se, but your child will know how to incapacitate a grown man by the time they're three, so their childhood will be anything but normal. He's a fairly easy going as a yandere as long as you stay put in the house he's set you up in and you act loving and sweet, and he'll actually grow to love the child as well - it's still a bit deranged, but he does genuinely see the kid as someone to love and protect, and his feelings for them will be much, much healthier than those he harbors for you.
(Besides, fucking you while you're pregnant is a very, very enticing idea - he'll like the way your breasts grow heavy and sensitive, how your belly bump begins to show. It's not a fetish for him, but it makes him excited to see the way you're literally harboring an expression of his love for you, the baby growing inside you proof that you're his. The way you grow astronomically more horny during those nine months certainly doesn't hurt, either.)
Franklin, in general, lets you do pretty much whatever you want. He's mostly content just keeping an eye on you to make sure you're being safe and not doing something detrimental to your health, but outside of that he's pretty easy going. He'll fully let you choose whether you want to use birth control - he's genuinely ambivalent either way, because while having a kid with you would be kind of sweet, he'd be fine without it. If you don't want to take any contraceptives, he'll support your choice, though he'll keep a back-up set of pills in the cabinet (away from you, so you don't get any ideas) just in case you change your mind. He won't stop fucking you, though, and requesting he wears a condom is pushing his boundaries a little too far, even for him.
If you do request birth control, he'll set you up with some pills, being a stickler and reminding you to take them every day just because he knows you're forgetful, and you don't have access to technology to keep a running alarm. It makes him just the slightest bit nervous to have you take them, though, if only because there's always this lingering worry in the back of his mind that they'll somehow harm you, or that you might choke on them. It's silly and he tries to repress it, but he'll always be hovering in the doorway when you're taking them, one of the rare times when he'll invade your privacy in the bathroom.
Phinks actually secretly hopes that you do get pregnant. Because he's fantasized about having the sweet, perfect domestic life with you, it's hard not to image a baby in your arms, a little squirt running around with action figures in hand, seeing tiny little shoes sitting next to yours and his. It's not something that he's desperate to happen anytime soon, but it's a far off, whimsical goal of his - part of what fuels him to always finish inside you.
That said, Phinks will bend to your will if you insist on using birth control. He'll grumble and run the back of his neck, telling you that that shit can fuck with your hormones, are you sure? I don't want you getting all depressed or angry all the time. It's a weak ploy to get you to rethink, but if you're firm he'll relent. He'll only provide you with the pills, however, because he likes that you could stop taking them, and immediately it would be effective. (Plus, it's incredibly easy to switch out the little white pills for sugar placebos, slowly waning you off the hormones so that you're ripe and fertile and vulnerable to conception. He'll act just as shocked as you are when you hold up the positive pregnancy test with trembling fingers, though internally he's already debating on when to bring up the list of potential names he's already created.)
So in general, you'll probably end up getting at least some form of birth control; despite all their individual differences, there's actually quite a few overarching similarities they all possess as yanderes. Birth control and their aversion to kids just happens to be one of them.
Honorary thoughts about the women of the Troupe - obviously they can't get you pregnant, but even they take a few steps to ensure safe sex.
Machi has so many issues with intimacy already that she doesn't really want to broach the topic with you, but she's got enough medical knowledge to be able to preform something of her own pap smear on you, just to make sure you don't show any symptoms of any STDs or anything like that. (Though frankly, even if you gave her one, she might not mind too terribly - it's from you, after all, and even if you have one she'll probably still end up fucking you anyways.) She'll try to be covert with it, too embarrassed to admit to what she's doing, but you'll probably end up noticing because why else would she be checking over the larger area of your crotch if she wasn't looking for some sort of rash? Save her some time - tell her you're clear, and although her cheeks will heat up to match the color of her hair, she'll be grateful for your intervention.
Pakunoda isn't shy about making sure that both of you are in the clear. She'll get you checked out by a medical professional (in part to check for any STDs, and also just to make sure that everything is healthy down there, no growths or unusual happenings), and will be extremely transparent about what's going on. She'll tell you exactly what she hopes to gain from taking you in, and while it'll make you a bit nervous that she's expecting sexual contact between the two of you, the honesty is kind of nice if only because you won't be left to guess. She'll also get herself checked out, too, because although she hasn't slept with anyone since her last exam, having the results in hand might help calm you and get you more open to the idea of having sex with her. Besides, getting to hold your hand while you're both in gynecologists' chairs sounds oddly sweet to her.
Shizuku, on the other hand, simply doesn't consider that either of you may have any STDs. She's not noticed anything strange on herself, and the thought just simply doesn't occur to her that you may have something. She's idolizes you, thinking of you as sweet and something of an angel, and while she knows you've probably slept with others before, there's no way you could have caught something. So, she won't worry about it - she'll have her way with you without even offering a dental dam or anything of the sort, because she doesn't think you need it. Besides, even if you did have something, it wouldn't stop her from fucking you, and eventually she'll end up with it, so why should she bother?
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butch-reidentified · 8 months
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ID: Screenshot reading "You will recognise it as an arguable point as soon as you switch the victim to a species that you think morally matters. Humans will inevitably die too" followed by a comma before the screenshot cuts off. It is not shown who the author is.
Preface: This will be a long post, but I think it's worthwhile as part of my efforts to open up real conversation about psychopathy and the stigma + misinformation surrounding it. The main reason I'm making a separate post instead of reblogging is that this post is not really intended to be about veganism. I'm more using the contents of the above screenshot to dive more into a topic I've touched on a few times recently.
Humans being "a species that you think morally matters" is an interesting assumption I often see vegan activists make. I've been undecided for a while about talking about this because I know how controversial this is and don't feel a strong desire to deal with the fallout of posting it/saying it outright, but seeing as I've always tried to be as honest and open as possible in here: I do not actually think humans "morally matter." I do not think killing is inherently wrong, either, regardless of species. Just about every creature on Earth engages in killing, either of each other or of members of other species, if not both. I don't think humans are sacred or special in any way, and thus are no exception. I don't see humans killing each other as any more INHERENTLY (this word is incredibly important here... obviously) wrong than, say, leopards killing each other. My culture used to engage in religious human sacrifice, so I have thought about this a whole lot, and it is a bit of a discourse topic in my community to this day (some even think we would be better off today if we had not stopped giving human sacrifices to the gods).
Most arguments for killing being inherently immoral that I've encountered are directly or indirectly rooted in religion, a societal value accepted without question, and/or the result of emotional reactions. One response I often get to this is that if I don't think killing is inherently wrong, I'm not allowed to be sad about it or grieve when people are killed - the idea being that this is somehow hypocritical. This is nonsense. I don't believe abortion is wrong in any way, but I'd never dream of telling someone who had mixed feelings about her abortion that she was a hypocrite for it*. Having complex, mixed, or even negative emotions about something does not make that thing immoral. Not to jump too far into moral philosophy**, but my view is that emotional responses are not - or at least should not be - an indicator of morality in any capacity. I suspect that more people agree with me on this than realize they do, and here is an example of why: Some people feel badly about killing an insect in their home, but most people do not consider this wrong. Even when it comes to humans, many - if not most - people would likely experience negative emotions when they kill out of genuine necessity, such as in self-defense, but very few people will argue that this is morally wrong, that you should just allow yourself to be harmed or killed if someone attacks you.
In this sense, it would be most logically consistent for me to view hunting wild animals in their own territory (as opposed to shit like when rich people transport animals to a personal hunting ground so they're guaranteed not to lose their prey) for food as morally superior to livestock farming, and I very much do. Traditional hunting is the method of killing for food most similar to that of other animals, as far as I understand. That said, I'm not remotely an expert on the topic beyond having hunted before as a kid and having a general understanding of animal behavior at the college level.
However, I will not pretend like I always behave consistently with the moral conclusions I come to. Like I've discussed before, I don't have an emotional response to violating my own morals. I simply didn't come wired with that feature. I don't really feel guilt or shame, so when I do something "bad," whether by my standards or others' standards, I either don't care at all or make a deliberate effort to cognitively "scold" myself, depending on the circumstances. I do consume meat that I have not personally hunted in the wild. While I do not think that livestock farming, especially modern livestock farming, is good in any way (ethically but also environmentally and health wise), because I don't have an emotional reaction to that thought (but do receive dopamine when I eat tasty food), I have so far been unable to convince myself to stop consuming meat.
I have said previously that I am glad that I am the way that I am, and that remains true; I do think my psychopathic traits are overwhelmingly more beneficial than not. This, however, is one example of the ways it actually is a negative to me - I really can't force myself to care about something I don't care about by default, and often have a hard time making conscious decisions that run counter to what produces dopamine. For this same reason, I have repeatedly failed to cut out gluten despite my doctor's insistence that I need to, and despite knowing how much better I feel (no daily migraines!) when I do abstain from it for a while. I tried to go vegan before and found that I latched onto very unhealthy junk food that was vegan by nature, like Oreos, and was eating incredibly badly. It does not help that I don't know how to cook, partly because my genetic disabilities make cooking a difficult endeavor for several reasons.
I am well aware that some people may be upset by this post, and may feel a need to label me a bad person for being this way. This is your prerogative, and I am certainly open to hearing your responses to this post, within reason. If all you want is to "punish" me for this, send me hate anons and insults, feel free, but I'll go ahead and let you know it doesn't do anything to me... not to mention I'm very used to it already as a radfem blogger. If you still want to do so because it makes you feel righteous or something, by all means go ahead, just be aware that it will not elicit a response from me in any way you'd desire, and definitely won't change my thought processes or behaviors. If you want to have an actual conversation, though, I'm more than happy to engage, answer questions, and hear your perspectives.
*I chose this specific example not because anti-choicers think abortion is killing, but because I have seen women be told that their sadness or grief about an abortion (which, btw, does NOT mean she regrets it!) is somehow "pro life" and that she can't talk about how she feels or else the right wing will use it against us. This is also nonsense, and fucked up nonsense at that. The right wing will use whatever they can; I'm in no way disagreeing with that. However, silencing women and girls to serve a narrative is not the answer. The lived experiences of women and girls (or any marginalized persons) cannot ever be devalued or concealed just because the enemy would use them against us. Actually, this is the same response I have given when told I should hide the fact that I didn't regret my mastectomy, or even that I should pretend that I did regret it. My story, my truth, is mine to own and discuss as I choose, whether it could be weaponized by ideological opponents or not. Same is true for all marginalized persons.
** If you are interested in moral philosophy, specifically where morals come from/what people base morals in, this page and the following pages (there's a Next button in the bottom right corner) sum it up pretty well on Page 1, then dive in a good bit more thoroughly with individual pages for each "root cause" of moral systems.
Side note: I will be reblogging this later because it's 6:30am EDT and a lot of my audience is in the USA. I worked hard and spent a lot of time on this, so I'd like it to actually be seen. Not much point trying to educate/inform/raise awareness if nobody sees it lmao
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piived · 5 months
Justice is Swift (Vengeance is Sweet) — Ch.1 Shitposts
master post || chapter 1 || ch.2 memes ->
obligatory memes & shitposts for chapter one of jisvis :)
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Danny, finally experiencing the horrors that are ice-breakers: What in the fresh hell is this
Bernard, who has been subjected to miserable ice-breakers his entire life: Don't tell my boyfriend but I would literally rather be kidnapped by the cult I used to be a part of right now
Danny, realizing this guy might be as traumatized as himself: Jazz is going to be so proud of me for making a friend
Danny casually making a morbid joke: Shit, am I being weird?
Bernard, also uses comedy as a coping method: Oh mood.
Danny: Oh cool we're bonding :D
Danny, walking home from orientation dead on his feet: sees a mugging happening
Danny, supposed to be laying low: Well, I have no choice but to stop this
Danny: turns invisible and beats the crap out of the asshole
Mugger: Holy shit did I just get beat up by a ghost?
Oracle, watching surveillance: Holy shit did that dude just get beat up by a ghost?
Jazz: So how’s life going without ghost attacks to worry about?
Danny, actively punching a mugger: Uhhh, yeah it’s so peaceful :)
Jason, on patrol catching sight of a cute guy walking alone through an alley: This guy’s gonna get mugged I better stalk him and make sure he gets home safe
Danny, getting mugged because he was distracted by someone stalking him: uses his powers instinctively despite trying to lay low
Danny: Well, fuck.
Jason: Oh shit he’s a meta, Bruce is going to kill me when I bring him home
Jason, wanting to spend more time with the cute meta he’s intrigued by: I’ll walk you home
Danny: The fuck you will, stalker.
Jason: I must know all of this guy’s secrets, let me interrogate him and hope he knows I’m flirting
Danny, sweating because someone’s getting too close to the truth: TIME TO BULLSHIT MY WAY OUT OF THIS!
Danny: What a fucking discriminatory asshole, how dare you throw baseless accusations at me—
Danny, furious: easily pushes Jason Built-Like-A-Tank Todd back with zero effort
Jason, turned on by people that can beat him up: Gee, I really hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me
Also Jason: Damn my heart must be beating that fast because that meta is unsettling
Jason, sweating and ignoring his boner: No other reason…
Babs: Tim I need your help
Tim: With what?
Babs: …There might be a ghost.
Tim, having flashbacks to his ghost hunter phase that he dropped because it was bullshit: Bullshit.
Tim, watching the video and already pulling out his whiteboards again: Holy shit there might be a ghost.
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monsterhighlovurr · 2 months
More dethklok dethcurse and childhood headcanons because im on a roll
The way his birth and creation curse influenced his childhood.
Tw:child abuse and SA
Serveta was ALWAYS pregnant growing up, and I mean ALWAYS. Skwisgaar has ALOT of siblings, he wouldve had alot anyways but he has an abusrd amount due to the curse. Serveta is very promiscuous and very predatory with her promiscuity unrelated to the curse, her constant pregnancy however, was completely out of her control and for the most part all on the curse. No matter what methods of birth control she used, the baby would not only survive but come to term. Abortions in the village Skwisgaar lives in general were highly unsuccesful and were viewed as a medical anomaly by most researchers. Serveta was already an abuser who neglected and preyed on Skwisgaar, but her constant pregancies added a layer of resentment to her abuse. There was little food in the household as Serveta was often eating for two or paying for medical expenses, thus leaving Skwisgaar to get so hungry he would eat snow. The easy solution would be some sort of abstinence from her sexual endeavors as it was having such a negative affect on her childs life, but instead Serverta blamed Skwisgaar for her problems, accusing him of poking holes in the condoms or messing with the birth control so he would have more siblings to play with, as Skwisgaar was a very isolated and awkward child. Skwisgaar being a literal child of course, had no clue what she was talking about, which only fueled Servetas rage. Her unstable pregnancy hormones arent the cause of the abuse but dont help either. She would often go into excrutiating and explicit detail to Skwisgaar about both her traumatic pregnancies and her sexual encounters, she enjoyed seeing how uncomfortable it made him. Skwisgaar is very scared that one day his mom may enter the hospital and never make it out.
Serveta often sends Skwisgaar out in the cold during her rages. At first Skwisgaar is terrified but later on begins to leave himself in order to avoid Servetas wrath, her sexual encounters, and the strange men she brings home. The woods around his home are *beautiful*, blooming with flowers, flowing rivers and tons of animals. It is noted by travellers that the village Skwisgaar hails from has unnatural, almost unearthly beautiful and flourishing wildlife, espicially for its climate. One day Skiwsgaar encounters a deer giving birth. He from then on becomes enamored with the concept of birth, finding connection between the mother deer and his own mother and helps the deer successfully deliver the baby. He often dreams of becoming a Labor and Delivery nurse when he gets older, so he can help the women like his mom safely deliver their babies to term. Maybe if her pregnancies were less traumatic, she would be nicer to him.
Skwisgaar doesnt have many friends at school, his peers are disturbed and his teachers are concerned by his large amount of knowledge of both sex and pregnancy at such a young age. Skiwsgaar, though through no fault of his own, unknowingly shares said knowledge with his peers, and has his first sexual encounter far too young. Rather than addressing his home life however, the adults in his life assume that Skiwsgaar is just “fast” like his mom, despite him being a literal child. His mom being the “village slut” does not add to his popularity. Skwisgaar thusly spends his free time perfecting his guitaring and working on artistic endeavors instead of bonding with his peers. He is often drawing the wolves that hang around his house, and is extremely passionate about his art and guitaring which unfortunantly, does not add to his popularity. His hypersexuality starts around middle school, and by Highschool, Skwisgaar starts to become extremely popular, not for his personality or unusually strong talent with the guitar, but for his promiscuity and unusually strong knowledge base in sex despite his young age, which only affirms his false belief that he is only useful for his body and doomed to be like his mother.
Adult Skwigaar still secretly wishes that he had became a nurse instead.
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shadycomputerpolice · 5 months
The Role of Seperatism in Female Liberation
Yes, seperatism will not end patriarchy. I have never seen any seperatist make that claim so I wonder why anti-seperatists like to point that out like their lives depend on it. Also, no singular act, outside of killing all males, can achieve that.
And yes, seperatism is often an individual action. Just like anti-beauty: not shaving, not wearing make up and heels, etc but we still understand that those acts of resistance, even though individual, have value and contribute positively to women and girls' wellbeing.
What seperatism does claim is that it protects women and girls' wellbeing by denying males access to them.
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As seen in the images above, for [misogynistic] crimes to happen, all three elements: opportunity, desire and ability must be present and removing just one of them prevents crime. The images above apply to all crimes but since we are talking about female seperatism we can tailor it down to Gender Based Violence (GBV).
Seperatism is about preventing GBV by removing opportunity for harm. Individual seperatists can achieve personal safety in their homes while seperatist communities can achieve community wide safety. So when you claim seperatism is useless you are basically saying crime prevention efforts that focus on denying potential criminals the opportunity to commit crimes is useless. If that is your claim then you have to provide evidence of that.
Seperatists recognise that women cannot influence the ability and desire of males to harm females because behavioural change is self motivated so they focus on what they have control over which is the opportunity for harm.
Now are males, like all predators, going to seek new ways to gain opportunities to harm females, yes of course they are. Outside of GBV, criminals are always changing their strategies especially when their previous strategy becomes well known and people stop falling for it. Using cyber crime as an example because I am Nigerian (LOL), when people stopped falling for the destitute African Prince method, they changed to other methods like romance scams and blackmail. Criminals/Predators are always to seek new ways to catch their victims/prey which is the why the victims/prey must always be alert and aware of the criminals/predators methods so that they can protect themselves.
So yes, as long as men exist, they will be no feminist utopia where women and girls can exist without the threat of violence. We will always need to be on guard and strive to protect ourselves from them no matter the method they use.
Seperatism cannot save all women and girls in the world just like how crime prevention efforts in Ghana cannot save me in Nigeria and I shouldn't even be expecting it to because geography, language barrier, national laws, etc. What can be done is we adapt the methods used in Ghana to our local context and apply it to see results.
Seperatism is an elective individual and geographical community level action that has the potential to save all women and girls but nobody is kidnap unwilling people and hold them hostage.
And I know, someone is going to scream " VICTIM BLAMING" and to that I say, I don't care about being labelled a victim blamer. However, if you have another viable method for keeping women and girls safe, kindly put forward your idea so it can be evaluated. Please note if you suggest "educating men and boys", I will block you because I don't have the patience for that level of stupidity and delusion.
I always wondered why allegedly smart women will "but child brides in Afghanistan" as a counter to female seperatism. The wins of feminism activism will always be limited by geography. There is no feminist activism that will impact the lives of ALL women and girls. An individual's or organisation's target populatin will be limited by geography and unfortunately by resources. You can't help everybody applies in feminism too.
Imagine if someone said that about abortion rights in the US. "Fighting for abortion in America doesn't help child brides in Afghanistan". Most people can see how ridiculous and frankly insulting it is to bring up that issue.
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wishcamper · 5 months
Gone Baby Gone: birth control and the ethics of risky sex
CW: abortion, sexual violence.
Creds: licensed counselor with expertise in addiction, trauma, and gay stuff. Experience with tx exclusively for pregnant people and young parents with addictions.
Okay class! Today we’ll be talking about abortion oh my god don’t run away I’ll make it worth your while I promise.
Firstly, a disclaimer: I’m not interested in debating whether abortion should be legal/allowed/is moral or immoral. The research bears out, unequivocally, that access to comprehensive reproductive and family planning options improves everyone’s lives (1). And again, not actively anti-SJM or any characters, just exploring themes and what they say about us.
It’s so funny to me that NO one liked the pregnancy plot line in ACOSF, whether they love or hate or are indifferent (me) to Rhysand. And I think that’s because we, the largely femme audience engaging with the material, recognize the strings of violence weaved into it, possibly not even consciously but on a deep, bodily, instinctual level.
The 2007 crime drama Gone Baby Gone centers on a conversation about motherhood, parenting fitness, and what society owes to children. Beneath that though, and I believe unintentionally, is another story about pregnancy-capable people’s autonomy and the cycle of oppression around reproductive rights.
I’m going to spoil the movie for you - I don’t want you to watch it because Casey Affleck is a creep, and it’s not that good anyway. There’s a whole mystery plot, but the basics are: drug addict Helene’s daughter Amanda is kidnapped, then later thought to be killed but they never find her body. Casey Affleck, Boy Detective uncovers a scheme by two rogue cops to fake Amanda’s death and kidnap her because they think Helene isn’t a good mom. And they’re kind of right; once Amanda comes home, Helene is an incredibly neglectful mother, and the movie wants you to go woahhh, maybe those murdering unethical cops were right after all!
Sure, Jan.
The movie ends with the lead character wondering if Helene, for whom he’s literally killed people to bring her child back, is even fit to raise Amanda in the first place, even interested. And here’s where I feel complicated, because on one hand - yes, this is your child, and she’s completely innocent in all this and doesn’t deserve abuse and neglect. AND what were this women’s other options? Does anyone ask? Living in deeply Catholic working class Boston, did she have access to birth control? Could she have gotten an abortion? Would her culture (and her internalization of it) even allow her to entertain that option? Could she perhaps be using substances because of the circumstances of her life over which she has no control? (See Nesta, Interrupted for more on that.)
So I ask myself: what does it mean in our culture, as a person who can become pregnant, to have sex with someone who can impregnate you? What happens when your body becomes the battlefield on which larger conflicts are played out?
I’ve been thinking on these question a lot recently because my IUD is about to expire and my doctor recommended a back up method while I wait to get a new one. This has prompted my husband and me go farther into the kids conversation and consider not just what it would mean for me to get pregnant on purpose or accidentally, but what it would mean for me to get pregnant here. Where we live, abortion is technically legal but functionally impossible to find. Even for a wanted pregnancy, if it became life-threatening I might have extremely limited options.
This makes any sex inherently risky for me. IUDs failure rates range from 0.3% to 2.3%, but that still means as few as 3 in 1000 and as many as 2-3 in 100 users still get pregnant. And IUDs significantly raise the likelihood of medically dangerous pregnancies if a fetus is conceived (2). The long odds are somewhat comforting, but if I were to have an ectopic or other life-threatening pregnancy complication, I can’t trust that my local doctors would be able to save my life, legally. 
And we have talked about how we both feel strongly: it’s my life first. My husband says he would rather have me, and he would rather any children of ours have me, too. And there’s this sort of sick sense of gratitude I feel, because that is, to me, the only answer, but it feels like such a kindness nonetheless.
So we get to ACOSF (you forgot this was about ACOTAR, right? Me too.). When they decided to start trying to get pregnant, Rhys had to know the risk was there. My boy, you are half Illyrian. Even without Feyre being Mystique, get out your punnet square and do the math. Your baby always had a 25% chance of having wings. Conception was always risky. I refuse to believe he didn’t know that, and it was irresponsible of him to not inform her, a person who only entered his world like two years ago.
Then they conceive a baby with wings that, as far as they know, she has no way of safely delivering. If that’s true, why couldn’t Feyre have an abortion? I’m serious. They found out very early the baby had wings. It’s not unlike an ectopic pregnancy, or even a very small person becoming pregnant. Adolescent mothers (age 10-19) (god it feels gross to type that) are at much higher risk for conditions like eclampsia, endometritis, and systemic infections, not to mention fetal complications (3). Regardless of the details, Feyre’s body is not equipped to handle this pregnancy, and yet they never seem to explore the option of terminating it.
Which begs the question: did Feyre even know abortion was an option? Is it an option in Prythian?
In my opinion, probably. If the fae have contraception (let’s not even get into STDs and the ’they have magical healing’ BS), they must have abortion. The first record of an induced abortion was on an Egyption Papyrus around 1600BC, though the practice likely well predates that. The Ancient Greeks drove a plant to extinction for its abortifacient properties (4). And even when banned, people find ways, because they have to. Reproductive health has long been of importance to pregnancy-capable people for reasons of safety, resources, and survival. 
At the end of the day, Feyre is allowed to carry a pregnancy to term that she knows will kill her. That’s her right to bodily autonomy being exercised freely, and I will never begrudge her that. But imagine if abortion were an open option for her, and she knew the birth would kill her, and then Rhys. Knowing that, what do you think she’d choose? To die, bringing her mate along with her, and leave her child parentless, if they even survive? I really struggle to see that. Feyre loves hard, and knows what it’s like to grow up with extreme neglect. I cannot imagine her condemning a child to the same circumstance she found so damaging. But Rhys doesn’t tell her, forbids anyone else to, and possibly robs her of the ability to terminate the pregnancy. And also Madja, I don’t forgive her either for glossing over it. Girl needs to retake her boards.
In the beginning of my career, I worked at an inpatient substance use treatment center that was specifically for pregnant people and mothers with young children. They were allowed to bring two kids under the age of 5. I could write a million words about the flaws in that place, but it was at least something. In working with these people, the same themes came up over and over:
They wanted to get jobs but couldn’t afford childcare. 
Caring for children kept them isolated from support networks and financially strapped.
The daily maintenance and self-focus of sobriety felt at odds with being responsible for children. Ironically, that neglect of self often created the perfect conditions for relapse.
Children kept them tethered, legally and/or personally to abusive partners.
They received extreme judgment, even while seeking help, for “doing this to their children”.
They did not have adequate access to reproductive autonomy, whether financially, from religious beliefs, or otherwise.
This evidence is purely anecdotal, but I do think it speaks to the larger cycle of covert violence and policing of women and pregnancy-capable people’s bodies. It is well-documented that lack of reproductive freedom has a direct negative effect on mental health and wellbeing of people of child -bearing age (5). There is also a much larger intersection to this conversation when it comes to race, class, and the systemic oppression of people of color via reproductive restriction, but Feyre is privileged in the ACOTAR world for the most part so this doesn’t touch her. She doesn’t have to wonder if she can afford a baby, or if her husband is going to be racially profiled and taken to jail or just straight up murdered by law enforcement. (and this is not to downplay the experiences Rhysand have, that Sarah doesn’t give us, being a mixed race man, more so that he is in an extreme position of power.)
I think it’s a shame we didn’t get to explore this in ACOSF with Cassian and Nesta. They jump in the sack even after learning Nesta’s body could not handle an Illyrian baby. No amount of ‘the monthly aid’ justifies not having an honest and thorough conversation about what having sex means before they sleep together. Cassian must feel real confident in the birth control options of Prythian to be spreading his soldiers around so willy nilly. And I just hope, for all their sakes, that he’s right.
Ibis Reproductive Health and Center for Reproductive Rights, “Evaluating Priorities: Measuring Women’s and Children’s Health and Well-being against Abortion Restrictions in the States,” (2017).
Kim SK, Romero R, Kusanovic JP, Erez O, Vaisbuch E, Mazaki-Tovi S, Gotsch F, Mittal P, Chaiworapongsa T, Pacora P, Oggé G, Gomez R, Yoon BH, Yeo L, Lamont RF, Hassan SS. The prognosis of pregnancy conceived despite the presence of an intrauterine device (IUD). J Perinat Med. 2010;38(1):45-53. doi: 10.1515/jpm.2009.133. PMID: 19650756; PMCID: PMC3418877.
World Health Organization: WHO. (2023, June 2). Adolescent pregnancy. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/adolescent-pregnancy#:~:text=Adolescent%20mothers%20(aged%2010%E2%80%9319,birth%20and%20severe%20neonatal%20condition.
Muvs - Abtreibung in der Antike. (n.d.). https://muvs.org/en/topics/termination-of-pregnancy/abortion-in-antiquity-en/
Liu SY, Benny C, Grinshteyn E, Ehntholt A, Cook D, Pabayo R. The association between reproductive rights and access to abortion services and mental health among US women. SSM Popul Health. 2023 May 12;23:101428. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2023.101428. PMID: 37215399; PMCID: PMC10199416.
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I guarantee we're going to see some of these bans on trans healthcare for adults become law this year.
We need to be taking lessons from the fight for abortion access right now. We need organizations that can assist with funding procedures and with organizing travel across state lines for care.
And we absolutely need methods of accessing HRT from outside of states where it's banned. I've been wondering if eventually something similar to the process for mail forwarding abortion pills might be possible for those of us on HRT.
I already do telehealth appointments for my HRT, and I get to do my routine labwork at any LabCorp location; then my prescription is mailed to me from an out of state pharmacy.
So...if I made a telehealth appointment in a state where gender affirming care is legal, and I had a post office box in that state to use as a legal address, and then I had the mail from the PO box forwarded to my home address...could that be a possible work around if gender affirming care is banned in my state?
Especially given that the department of justice decided this week that the postal service can continue to deliver abortion pills to people in states where abortion is banned...presumably a similar approach would be taken to prescriptions for gender affirming care?
This is just me thinking theoretically, of course.
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I have Thoughts about exercise and depression that I was thinking while out walking today.
so there's the whole Thing of how exercise helps with depression, right. at present I consider myself as coming out of a years-long depressive slump - I'm currently better depression-wise than I have been since before I took a year off from uni, and that was a year and a half ago. and as a result I'm able to exercise more. it's not the exercise that has helped the depression - it's the depression beginning to lift that has meant I've been able to exercise more consistently.
but I've felt some of my most suicidal while out walking, and in hindsight I suspect that's partly because of all the stuff around how Exercise Helps Depression. because I wasn't getting the Happy Chemicals that was promised me, and I felt betrayed. 'getting out of the house helps clear your mind' not always. in January the closest I got to a suicide attempt (really an aborted attempt technically, I had both intent and method and stopped just short of going through with it - literally; and I believe I was psychologically capable of it at that time) was while I was out walking. I was too in my head to appreciate it even though I was admiring the beauty; it didn't help.
yes, there's a clear link between mental health and exercise, but also - I think when you're depressed you won't necessarily see the help it's had, if it even has a good effect. I felt responsible for my depression, because I was considering myself incapable of exercise, but that was my fault, that I was depressed because I hadn't exercised. I'm... not convinced that's correct, actually. I didn't have the executive function to make myself exercise. I'm not convinced it was really within my power at that point. sure, not exercising might've made things worse because I was stuck at home. but exercise is not the Magic Cure that it's sometimes spruiked as.
I dunno, I've run out of Thoughts but this was approximately what I was thinking while I was out walking. also it was very pretty 10/10 would go to that location again.
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
“Wanda Roe” (USA 2006)
Information from the CDC and the FDA revealed multiple deaths from the chemical abortion pill that were unknown to the general public. One of them was Wanda Roe.
Wanda, who died in the Western United States, was yet another woman killed by Planned Parenthood. She was given 200 mg of mifepristol orally, then 800 mcg of misoprostol vaginally.
Wanda died from an infection of Clostridium perfringens, the pathogen that causes gas gangrene.
Dr. Janet Woodcock, Deputy Commissioner for Operations at the FDA, confirmed multiple deaths from the dangerous drug that had been previously unknown to the general public. Most of the people killed are still unidentified.
Please note that the CDC never approved the abortion pill as a vaginal suppository, but Planned Parenthood commonly used this method on their clients anyway. A PP spokesperson even informed the New York Times that against the FDA’s warnings to strictly stick to the only approved regimen, they were going to continue instructing clients to use the abortion pill in particularly hazardous ways, such as sending it home to self-administer without medical supervision.
At a CDC event, it was noted by an OB/GYN speaker that “Mifepristone impairs innate host responses and may predispose to lethal infections” and that the estimated/reported rate of death was much higher than the reported death rate for surgical abortion. One of the recommended strategies for risk reduction that was ruled as a more effective option was to eliminate the use of the drug.
CDC archives: see slide 31, investigations, how the abortion pill causes septic shock, An OB/GYN View of Early Medical Termination and Clostridium sordellii Infection, James A. McGregor, M.D.C.M., Univ. of Southern California
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cosmic-crybaby · 1 year
Blue Skies - Tommy Shelby
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Chapter 6: ‘Stolen Moments’ 
Warnings in this chapter: mentions of abortion, light angst, Tommy meeting the kid's lmao
The drive home was long, so you offered for him to stay. 
It was the first time he had come inside of your home, and you were a bit strung out. Apprehensive on is thoughts of your home since it was nowhere near as grand and luxurious as his mansion. 
You had walked ahead first, finding Esme sitting in the kitchen table, waiting for your return. 
“Esme, hi,” You said hushed, getting her attention. She quickly stood, a bright smile n her face as she grabs her shawl. 
“(Y/n), how’d it go?” She asked, wrapping it around her shoulders with a silent yawn. You point towards the entryway with your eyes and a mischievous smile. You put your finger up to your lips as she gasps. 
“He’s here?” She whispered. You nod in excitement as you both quietly giggle, grinning eagerly as you held her hands. 
“Are the kids asleep?” You asked. She nodded once again. 
“Been out since nine,” She noted. 
“Thank you so much...” You paused to hug her. “Come see me tomorrow so I can repay you,”
Without giving her a chance to object, you were already sneaking back to where Thomas was. Leading him up the flight of stairs into your bedroom. Esme had left herself out not long after your conversation with her had ended, she grinned to herself as she caught a glimpse of the gangster that followed behind you. 
The morning sun had woken you up. The bright rays burned your still sleepy eyes, as the birds chirped and sang it made you feel thankful that you weren’t anywhere near the loud city. But, it slowly dawned on you that you had slept in. You quickly sit up and check the mahogany clock on your nightstand. Scolding yourself as you forgot to set your alarm to wake up early enough to get Thomas out of the house before your kids woke up. 
‘Shit,’ You mumbled to yourself as you threw the covers off of your half-naked body. “Thomas,” You hear a sleepy groan in response. 
“Thomas, wake up...” You tied your silk robe on and clipped your hair out of your face. 
“Hm?” He hummed, his eyes still heavy from sleep as he saw your blurry figure rushing around the room to gather his things. 
“My kids...they’ll be up soon,” You told him quietly, speaking too soon as you had already heard their footsteps on the wooden floors, followed by child-like banter. 
“Fuck,” He sighed as he sat himself up and started getting dressed, pulling on his shirt first. 
“Mum!” Elizabeth shouted in a sing-song tone as she banged on the door with her palm, angrily. 
“H-Hold on, I’m getting dressed!” You called back as you held the door shut. 
“We need to start doing this is a more methodical way, eh (Y/n)?” He whispered groggily in an annoyed tone as he buttoned up his shirt. 
“Okay, yes we will I just-” 
“I just think it would be better if I met them before the baby was born,” He inquired sarcastically, making direct eye-contact with you for a brief moment before turning to grab his jacket from the armchair. You close your mouth, not wanting to argue against him. A small part of you knew he was right. 
“Mum!” Henry joined in, pestering you with their constant banging on the door and needy shouting.
“Kids, please!” You shouted in frustration. “Go to your room, I will be there in a moment!” You pleaded. Sighing as you turned towards Thomas again.
“Thomas…You will meet them, just when the time is right,”
“There’s a deadline, (Y/n),”
His words caused you to cross your arms over your chest and give him a stern look.
“I am not comfortable introducing you to my children right now,” Putting your foot down since he was being so persistent. He slips his shoes on and dusts off his coat.
“And I don’t commit to anything unless they can commit to me as well, you have just sixteen weeks-”
“Jesus Christ, Thomas we will talk about this another time, I promise…Just not now,” You whispered the last part. He blinks at you before turning his back to you once more.
“I will go into their room to get them ready, once you hear the door close please let yourself out,”
“Of course,” He turned to you again, a pistol in his hand that he shoved into the holster. You curse under your breath and roll your eyes in disdain.
“I can’t believe you,” You mutter, mostly to yourself, as you leave the bedroom. Closing the door behind you and walking into the children's shared room, preparing to get ready for their trip to go back to London after a week with you.
"Where is dad meeting us this time?” Elizabeth asked, you thought for a moment. Rushing to grab their bags. 
“Train station I believe-”
Henry's voice then rang a set of words you wish you didn’t have to hear that morning.
“Mum…There’s a man in our house,”
You turned to see your son looking up at Thomas, who in turn, glances at the boy then back at you with wide-eyes, while your eyes were dawned with aggravation with a deadly stare.
The four of you sat at the kitchen table, your kids looking at Thomas in uncertainty. And for the first time, Thomas only felt the slightest bit nervous.
“Um…” You cleared your throat. “This is Thomas Shelby…Thomas this is Elizabeth and Henry,” You told him as you pet your children's heads as they stared blankly at him. His icy stare would often inflict intimidation and fear into whomever was at the opposing end, but the nonchalant stare of your children was somehow just as unsettling. They didn’t crack, not one bit, and Thomas quirked a brow at this.
“It’s nice to meet you both,” He nodded once with a grunt as he cleared his dry throat, itching for a cigarette. The silence caused you to speak up first.
“Um…Elizabeth loves to dance, isn’t that right?” You asked, she nodded looking at you then back to Thomas.
“Ballet, I assume?” Thomas asked. She acknowledged him with a slight smile.
“She’s at the top of her class and she’s got a role in Swan Lake this year,”
“Yeah…Our performance is coming up soon,” She spoke softly.
“I would love to be there, if that’s okay with you,” He asked formally. She thought for a moment then shrugged with a nod. You and Thomas share a slight smile, feeling accomplished.
“What about you, Henry? What do you like to do?” Thomas asked as he turned to look at the younger boy.
"I play the violin, but I reckon I'm not very good," He shyly said, looking off to the side.
"Yet...With enough practice I'm sure you'll perfect it one day," Thomas' words caused your heart to melt just a bit. You now knew he did have a soft spot for children, maybe this could work out in the end.
"Mum...We have to go," Elizabeth whispered.
"Oh...Oh right! Sorry, I have to take them to the train station, but thank you so much, Thomas," You stood up.
"Of course, I'll see you very soon," He ghosted a smile before he stood up as well as to let himself out, you refrained from giving him a goodbye kiss so as to not show too much affection in front of your children.
"...or never," Elizabeth mumbled under her breath, causing you to scold her.
"Enough of that, be nice," You handed her the small suitcase.
After you had dropped them off at the train station, you hurried to work. It was around noon by the time you had arrived thanks to Thomas' mishap this morning. You prepared the bread and pastries right away but it wasn’t until later in the day that the bakery was fully open. The flood of customers coming in and out overwhelmed you, but thankfully Esme eventually came in and convinced you to close early and have some time to talk alone and catch up with her on how your night with Thomas went. The two of you sat on one of the tables, pouring yourselves some hot tea as you scooted the chair in close.
"It seems like he's passed the first test, aye?" She asked, smiling. You only shrugged and plopped two cubes of sugar in your cup.
"Hardly, I mean, they were both fond of him to say the least, but you know how kids are when it comes to new people," You blew on your steaming tea before taking the first sip. It was bitter to you, causing you to grimace and add some more sugar. Esme gave you a strange glance, noticing the abnormal amounts of sugar you were adding, since you usually were usually quite fond of the bitterness of your black tea.
"(Y/N), can I ask the obvious question?" She hesitantly asked, her brows quivering a bit in a soft expression. 'Yes of course, Esme,' You told her.
"Why...why are you so opposed to gettin’ an-"
"Getting rid of it?...I'm not opposed, really," You corrected her.
"Then...why aren't you even considering it? Thomas has got tons of money, he can take you to a proper doctor," She reached a hand out on top of yours. You set your tea down.
"I am considering it,"
"It really doesn't seem like it, love," Her tone was more harsh this time, and you took notice of it almost immediately.
"I am, I want to make sure I am certain...before I go," You pressed your lips in a thin line as she looked at you, a tilt of her head and a quirk of her brow led you to believe that she did not believe you, not one bit. 'mh-hmm,' she hummed.
"Esme, you know where I stand on this, a woman's body is her own and she is allowed to make her own choice," Your voice was stern as you told her this.
"It really doesn't seem like you are..." She shook her head. You scoffed and sighed heavily before running a hand over your face.
"I've had one before...it was when I was young before I got married...It was with a boy from school that I was interested in but he didn't want any children so I went to a doctor...it was no big deal," That last part was a lie. You were only fifteen at the time and after you had it, in hopes of you and the boy staying together, he left. Convinced you to have it then broke your heart the second you were off of the local drugs they gave you.
"I just think it's different now that I have my kids...especially when I had them with someone that I loved as much as he loved me at the time...So, knowing what I know now, it's just more complicated," You spoke, taking another anxious sip of your tea as Esme watched you with judgment.
"What do you know now, (Y/n)?" She asked. You blinked at her before your lips turned up slightly.
"Elizabeth and Henry...My amazing children," You told her. It was quiet after that. Esme left the bakery shortly after, not liking the tension she had created between you two.
You on the other hand closed up the shop, cleaned, counted the money, and went back to your empty home.
Tag List: 
@violet-19999 @micarinitodemiel @dilfsandtherapy @shelundeadxxxx @dragons-are-my-favorite
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
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Eddie Munson x Plus size reader If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
This was a request by @generouspuppypuppy
Can I request a Eddie Munson x plus!size reader where the reader 🤮 in the morning and she hasn't had her monthly and she takes a test and finds out she is pregnant and is to scared to tell Eddie so she ignores him at school and his calls bc she is scared that he will leave her but Eddie has had enough of her ignoring him so he goes to her house and ask her why she is ignoring him she tells him and why she was ignoring him ,😄sorry if it's long I haven't been feeling 👍
Oh baby 😉
One shot
Warnings: mentions of unprotected sex, slight talk of abortion.
"Honey are you ok?" Your mom knocked on the bathroom door. You just got done puking your guts out.
"Yeah I think I have the stomach flu."
" ok. I'm gonna go to the store and get some soup." Your mom said
"Ok" you replied.
You finally brushed your teeth and went downstairs for breakfast. But the smell of eggs made you nauseous again.
" Hey honey do you need anymore tampons?"
Your eyes widen. Shit no no no.
"Uhh no mom. I'm good"
"Ok I'll be back soon."
As soon as she left you went to your room to grabbed your bag. Your ruffled thru it and pulled out your round pale pink compact. Shit shit . You sighed in relief that you didn't forget to take your birth control. So you went to your calendar flipping to the previous month. Oh God. You didn't see the marks you usually made during your time of the month
" Uhh" you looked at your best friend. Eyes wide open looking down at the pregnancy test you just took.
" Please Robin. Don't tell me I'm -" you pleaded with her like she was the one who controlled the results.
" I uhhh." Robin sighed. " Umm. Tell me Munson is not that stupid."
Oh man oh man this could not be happening. You were dating Eddie for about 6 months now. You guys had sex all the time without condoms because you were allergic to the latex. Fuck.
" He's not. I was taking birth control" You sobbed
"You know it's like 91% effective right?"
"Seriously?! What are the chances?" You said
" ummm about 9 out of 100." Robin tried to lighten the mood. "The only method that's 100% is to not to."
"Oh common Robin just cuz you're a prude doesn't mean I have to be too."
" Well if me being a prude means I'm not 18 and pregnant then by all means."
You started to cry harder at her words
"Shit y/n I'm sorry. What are you gonna do? Do you want to get rid-"
" God no Robin." You cut her off.
" Okay then what? You guys haven't even graduated yet."
" I know. But I can do this. But Eddie...He's gonna leave"
"No he won't. Looked at me." You turned to Robin. " Eddie is in love with you. Everyone knows it. He's never been like that with any one."
You shook your head. Robin hugged you trying her best to comfort you.
" y/n You gotta tell him."
Robin was right you had too. But you wanted to make sure 100% that you were. So you had to try and ignore Eddie until you knew for sure. How were you gonna do that? You guys practically slept together every night. It was spring break so at least you were going down to Florida to visit family for a week so you could go to the free clinic there. No one would know you so you wouldn't have to worry about anyone telling Eddie.. But when you got back you knew you couldn't keep him away. Oh man he's gonna bolt. I just know it.
" Eddie I'm sorry." You sighed
" SORRY YOU'RE SORRY!" Eddie paused for a second to calm down." Y/n it's been 11 days, 7 hours, 27 minutes and 38-39 seconds since I've seen or spoke to you."
"Eddie that's just weird."
"I don't give a crap. You knew who I was when we started dating."
You sighed and leaned against the kitchen wall. You were fidgeting with the phone cord.
"You ok sweet girl?" Eddie said finally calm.
" Yeah...I'm good."
" Are you home?"
" Uh yeah Eddie I'm home."
" What's wrong?"
You hesitate for a while." Eddie i-" you took a deep breath. " Eddie I don't think we should see each other anymore."
Eddie was quiet for a second on the other end of the line. Then he blurted out laughing.
" Ok babe you got me. So I'm gonna head over."
"Eddie" you whimpered. Just the way you said it Eddie knew you weren't joking.
"Wait w-what? N-no not happening. I-i " Eddie was a stuttering mess.
" I'm sorry Eddie."
" What d-did I do? I'm sorry. W-whatever I did tell me. So i-i can fix it."
"Eddie you can't. There's nothing to fix."
" Is there someone else?"
" No. There's no one. How could you ask me that?"
" Well then what is it? Tell me y/n."
" Eddie I don't love you anymore." That was the biggest lie you have ever told.
" You don't mean that..."
" I got to go." You said before hanging up.
"You ok Honey?"
"Yeah mom. It's just better this way."
Your mom knew about the situation though she didn't understand why you would break up with Eddie she just wanted what was best for you.
" Ok honey. I'm gonna go to work. Call me if you need anything."
You nodded and she kissed you on the top of your head and left.
It wasn't even 20 minutes after the phone conversation when Eddie was pounding on the door.
" Y/n if you don't open this door right now. I swear to God-"
You opened the door and that stopped Eddie from finishing his sentence.
" What?! You think that you can just have me fall in love with you and then drop me like I meant nothing." Eddie's eyes were red and puffy from crying. You could see the tears marks left on his cheeks.
"No. Whatever this is. We have to work it out. We need to. You love me. I know you do."
You swallowed the lump that was building in your throat.
" Y/n please . What's going on? You can tell me. I promise I won't be upset."
" Eddie I'm pregnant." The words came out like vomit. You didn't look at him. You couldn't watch him high tail it out of there."
Eddie cleared his throat. " uhh I thought you were on-"
"I am or I was. Can't now."
"When did you find out?"
" uh just before I left for Florida."
"What?! Why did you wait so long to tell me?"
" I-I was scared."
" Of me? Y/n you never have to be scared of me."
" I'm not scared of you Eddie." You kept your eyes on the floor. You had the thought that the floor never looked so good. " I was scared that you-"
" That I was gonna leave.....oh my love. The light of my life. The reason I live and breath."
Eddie knew that he messed around a lot. He was always over the top. But when you said his name like that he knew you need him to be serious.
" Do you want to keep it?"
You nodded. " Eddie you don't have to stay. I can-"
Eddies laugh caught you of guard. That's when your eyes finally met. He was smiling.
" I don't understand." You were so confused
That's when Eddie hugged you and lifted you up spinning you around. Yeah Eddie was crazy strong. But it still surprised you that he could lift you with such ease.
"Of course I'm gonna stay. I'm gonna take care of you and our??" Eddie said while putting you down.
" It's too early to tell."
"Well whatever they are I'm happy. As a matter of fact." Eddie pulled your hand leading you towards your room." I'm gonna make sure my seed took."
"Ed's are you sure about this?"
Eddie stopped and turn to you. " What did you think this was?" Eddie pointed his finger between you two. " This is forever and I mean that. There is no one in this world-in this universe that I want to be the mother of my children other than you. I swear."
After doing what got you in this predicament in the first place Eddie held you rubbing your back.
" Oh God. I'm gonna gain so much weight."
" Yeah so?" Eddie said lifting his head to look at you.
" Eddie I already look like a baby elephant."
"Hey don't say that about my child's mother....you are beautiful." Eddie lifted your chin to kiss you. " And sexy" he landed another kiss.
" Eddie you know that we can't have sex for like 6 weeks after the baby's born."
Eddie sat up and hovered over your face while you got comfy under him. " Guess we are gonna have to make up for it right now."
"Eddie" you whined
"Y/n" Eddie mimicking your whine. He looked down to your tummy and started talking to your unborn baby.
" Look son I'm gonna need you to close your eyes and cover your ears, cuz daddy's gonna do something to your mommy that you are way to young to see."
You giggle and Eddie looked back up to you. Kissing you again.
"Ready my sweet girl?"
You nodded and pulled Eddie in for another kiss.
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ninja-muse · 6 months
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November started out bookish, because my Dad came to visit for a few days, which meant a bookstore visit, a poetry reading, and a bookish movie. It then got mundane and kind of time-dilated. If feels like October was three months ago at least and that all the books took ages to get through, which is absolutely not the case. I didn't write much, just kind of lazed around. Maybe that's it?
It was a good reading month, though! Apart from one DNF that was just not for me, I didn't read a single dud and Libby kept on coming through with anticipated reads. I not long have anything actively on hold there, and few things on hold physically at the library right now either, which hopefully means I'll be able to tackle The ARC Pile again next month and burn through a handful of those before the new year. Wish me luck?
I am well and truly going to lose most of my reading challenges this year. There's no way I'm going to hit 140 books, no way I'm going to read the remaining books on my personal "read these 50 books" challenges, and I might have hit 10 Canadian authors but I'm certainly not going to hit the stretch goal of 20. I'm mostly okay with this. Really. At least I finally passed my goal of 40,000 pages. Huzzah!
Also, as you can tell by that stack of six books, I do not have a book acquisition problem. You have a book acquisition problem! Only two of those were purchases though—I've been meaning to read The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz and The Mighty Dead comes recommended. The rest of them were out of damaged shipments at work. If the publisher doesn't want them back and we don't have the space to store them, what am I meant to do? Throw them away? Salt Fat Acid Heat is totally writing research, of course.
Somehow, I suspect I'm not going to hit my goal of reading more books off my TBR shelves than I add to them this year either.
And now without further ado, in order of enjoyment…
The Water Outlaws - S.L. Huang When Lin Chong is convicted of a crime she didn’t commit, she finds herself allied with infamous outlaws.
🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (lesbian, genderfluid), mute secondary character, 🏳️‍🌈 author
warning: death, violence, torture, blood
The Night Watch - Sarah Waters
Four Londoners after and during the War, and the melancholiness of life and love.
🏳️‍🌈 main characters (lesbian, bi woman), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (lesbian, queer)
warning: self-harm, abortion, blood, war, suicide
Lay Them to Rest - Laurah Norton
A portrait of people solving Doe cases and their methods.
warning: missing and murdered people, human remains
Ogres - Adrian Tchaikovsky
The world is a cruel place full of powerful ogres, and you are a peasant with a grudge.
warning: violence, murder, classism, oppression
Turning Darkness into Light - Marie Brennan
Audrey Camherst gets the chance to translate lost Draconean texts but grows suspicious of her new employer.
Black British-coded main character
warning: xenophobia
The Circumference of the World - Lavie Tidhar
A pulp sci-fi novel that doesn’t exist, the real lives it affects, and the secrets of the universe.
albino Vanuatan main character, faceblind main character, half-Guyanese Jewish secondary character
warning: sexist, racist, and homophobic characters
Sleep No More - Seanan McGuire
October is a changeling born to serve her family, and happy in her role. Unfortunately there are people who remember her very differently.
🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (bi men), 🏳️‍🌈 author
warning: villains really like their ideas about blood purity
The Innocent Sleep - Seanan McGuire
Tybalt’s wife has been caught in Faerie’s grandest illusion and he just wants to bring her home.
🏳️‍🌈 main character (bi man), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (poly, sapphic, bi man), 🏳️‍🌈 author
warning: eugenics
Moorewood Family Rules - HelenKay Dimon
Jillian is out of prison and determined to make her con artist family go straight, no matter what.
Currently reading:
A Power Unbound - Freya Marske
Jack, Alan, and their friends must find a hidden artifact and foil a plot. Jack and Alan do not get along.
🏳️‍🌈 main characters (gay, bi), main character with injured leg and chronic pain, 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (gay, bi woman, lesbian), 🏳️‍🌈 author
Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century - Richard Taruskin A history of early written European music, in its social and political contexts.
The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle Victorian detective stories
major disabled character
warning: colonialism, racism
Monthly total: 8 Yearly total: 117/140 Queer books: 4 Authors of colour: 1 Books by women: 5 Authors outside the binary: 1 Canadian authors: 0 Off the TBR shelves: 1 Books hauled: 6 ARCs acquired: 2 ARCs unhauled: 2 DNFs: 1
January February March April May June July August September October
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marveltrumpshate · 8 months
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Civil Rights Advocacy & Litigation
Since there is no Avengers Initiative working to physically fight our way to a more equitable world, we have to rely frequently on advocacy, public education, and litigation to bend the arc of the work more quickly towards justice. If this is your personal charitable focus, you have a lot of options to choose from, from organizations working on systemic change for marginalized populations to those focusing on freeing individuals from the prison industrial complex and defeating censorship. 
For more information on donation methods and accepted currencies, please refer to our list of organizations page.
ALA "Unite Against Book Bans" Campaign
This campaign run by the American Library Association is the best way to fight against the book bans happening in several U.S. states. This fight is more crucial than ever; in 2022, the ALA recorded the highest number of censorship attempts in the past 20 years. The initiative works to halt the spread of censorship in school and public libraries across the U.S., empower individuals to fight censorship in their communities, and preserve our right to choose what to read. 
Autistic Self Advocacy Network 
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network seeks to advance the principles of the disability rights movement with regard to autism. ASAN believes that the goal of autism advocacy should be a world in which autistic people enjoy equal access, rights, and opportunities and have their voices heard. For that reason, the organization is run by individuals on the autism spectrum. ASAN's primary focuses are advocating for policies that protect disability and civil rights, creating tools and leadership training for autistic self-advocates, and offering educational resources. 
The Bail Project
In their own words, “The Bail Project, Inc. is an unprecedented effort to combat mass incarceration at the front end of the system. We pay bail for people in need, reuniting families and restoring the presumption of innocence. Because bail is returned at the end of a case, donations to The Bail Project™ National Revolving Bail Fund can be recycled and reused to pay bail two to three times per year, maximizing the impact of every dollar. 100% of online donations are used to bring people home.”
The financial burden that bail places upon many arrestees means that they stay in the system disproportionately longer than necessary, disrupting their economic options and personal stability. This is particularly true if they’re poor and/or people of color. To fight bail and provide pretrial support is to fight mass incarceration and the racial and economic disparities of the bail system in the United States.
Center for Reproductive Rights
The Center for Reproductive Rights is the only global legal advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring reproductive rights are protected in law as fundamental human rights for the dignity, equality, health, and well-being of every person. With local partners across five continents, they have secured legal victories before national courts, UN Committees, and regional human rights bodies on issues such as access to life-saving obstetrics care, contraception, maternal health, and safe abortion services and the prevention of forced sterilization and child marriage.
Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund
DREDF is the leading civil rights organization in the United States that fights for and is directed by people with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities. Not only does DREDF work directly with their clients to help them know their own rights, but they train and educate lawyers, lawmakers, and other societal gatekeepers to make sure they know those rights as well.
Electronic Freedom Foundation
The leading nonprofit defending civil liberties in digital spaces, EFF champions user privacy, free expression, and innovation through impact litigation, policy analysis, grassroots activism, and technology development. They fight against online censorship and illegal surveillance, advocate for net neutrality and data protection, and more so that technology supports freedom, justice, and innovation for everyone. 
Innocence Project
The mission of the Innocence Project is deceptively simple: exonerate those who have been wrongly convicted through the use of DNA evidence. The reality of it involves much broader strokes covering support for exonerees rebuilding their lives post-release and criminal justice reform through targeted litigation and the implementation of laws to prevent wrongful conviction. They strive to restore freedom for the innocent, transform the systems responsible for unjust incarceration, and advance the freedom movement.
Native American Rights Fund
NARF is the oldest and largest nonprofit that defends Native American rights and provides legal assistance to Native American tribes, organizations, and individuals across the U.S. They concentrate on issues such as tribal sovereignty, land rights and treaty compliance, tribal natural resource protection, education on Native American human rights, and more.
Red Umbrella
Red Umbrella Fund is the first and only global fund dedicated to supporting the rights of sex workers. Their aim is to ensure that all sex workers can live free from criminalization, stigma, and violence, and the majority of their governance and grantmaking structures is composed of sex workers. In response to the lack of funding in this space, they focus on grantmaking and grant application and planning assistance for sex worker-led community groups and national/regional networks. 
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES)
Most known for their work on the Texas/Mexico border but operating on the national frontlines of the fight for immigration rights, RAICES provides free and low-cost legal services, bond assistance, and social programs to underserved immigrant children, families, and refugees. Among their many accomplishments, RAICES established the largest bond fund in the U.S., which they use to secure the release of individuals from ICE detention, and has more immigration lawyers than any other organization in Texas. These lawyers represent individuals, including children, in court, offer residency and citizenship services, assist asylum seekers, and deal with removal defense. RAICES also offers social services ranging from case management and resettlement assistance to a national hotline connecting migrants with local community resources and transit support for recently released migrants.
Southern Poverty Law Center
They’re mostly known in the U.S. as a hate group watchdog of sorts, but their work goes beyond tracking and exposing hate groups and promoting tolerance education programs. SPLC works on voting rights advocacy, children’s rights, immigration reform and family reunification, LGBTQ+ rights, economic justice, and criminal justice reform, working “with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements, and advance the human rights of all people.” Essentially, if there is injustice against a vulnerable and/or marginalized group in the U.S., SPLC aims to address and fix it.
Transgender Law Center
Transgender Law Center, the largest trans-specific and trans-led organization in the U.S., changes law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely and authentically and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression. Through its precedent-setting litigation victories and community-driven programs, TLC protects the rights of transgender and gender nonconforming people in areas spanning employment, prison conditions, education, immigration, healthcare, and more.
Violence Policy Center
Named "the most effective…anti-gun rabble-rouser in Washington” by none other than its opponent, the National Rifle Association (NRA), the Violence Policy Center has a long and proven record of policy successes on stopping gun violence. The VPC informs the public about the impact of gun violence, exposes the profit-driven marketing and lobbying activities of the firearms industry and gun lobby, offers expertise to policymakers, organizations, and advocates on the federal, state, and local levels, and more.
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