#hohoo boy
storydays · 3 months
Dad Beat Dad P2
(3rd POV)
*With the tour*
"So, once we have proof that redemption is possible, this whole hotel will be full of demons wanting to check out into Heaven. We just need a little more time to prove it." Charlie rambled to her father, "The sharing circles haven't been working as fast as I hoped..." 
" 'Ey, Boss? Can I have a word?" Husk whispered to Alastor. The Radio Demon watched as the tour continued, before turning to the cat demon with a raised eyebrow. "What is it?" He asked, turning the radio effect off on his voice. 
"You and I both know Mimzy only shows up when she needs somethin'." Husk's wings ruffled slightly showing his irritation. "That bitch is trouble, and who knows what kinda demon she fucked with to come running to you this time?"
"It's nothing I can't handle. Don't worry, Husker. Who in their right mind would cross me?" Alastor said smugly. "I mean...you've been gone a while and it's not like anybody knows why." Husk raised an eyebrow.  "They don't need to know. And don't worry your fuzzy little head about it." mocked Alastor as he rubbed one of Husk's ears. 
The cat demon shoved his hand away, and growled, "You may own my soul, but I ain't your fucking pet!"  "Hmhm! But you are! Haha!" Alastor giggled, walking away. 
"Big talk for someone who's also on a leash/" muttered the bartender.  Static filled the hallway as the lights flickered, Alastor stopping in his walk before side eyeing Husk. "Aha, what did you say?" he demanded, eyes now radio dials. 
"Oh, fuck!" groaned Husk as a green chain formed around his neck before pulling him to the ground. "Nothing, I um--" Alastor pulled on the chain, making the cat choke. "If you ever say that again," the deer started, playing with the chain in his hands, "I will tear your soul apart and broadcast your screams," He briefly grew to a bigger size, towering over Husk, "For every other disrespectful wretch who dares to question me."
"Understood." Husk muttered, trembling in fear. "Lovely. Good talk, my good man. Always nice to catch up." Alastor chuckled, jaunty music playing. 
*Back with the tour again*
"And we've almost been able to find all of Angel's drug stashes." Vaggie looked to the side as she added, "Almost." The three had now made their way to one of the balconies, to talk more privately. Vaggie leaned against the railing as Charlie took over. 
"Soo, once that's out of the way, it should be much smoother sailing." Charlie chimed in. "Well, that certainly is, uh...is-is something." Lucifer commented. 
"So..What do you think?" the princess asked hopefully. "About what?" The king asked lazily.
"The hotel." Charlie replied, slightly desperate. 
"Oh yes, it does....it does look much better now, doesn't it?" Lucifer sweatdropped nervously, looking for an excuse, before messing with the railing in front of him. "Ya know, but I'm thinking this railing needs work, one good push and you'd just go right over the edge. Whoopie, bye-bye." 
Charlie blinked at her father's weirdness. "What? No, no, the plan, Dad!" 
The princess was so frustrated, she didn't seen the forlorn look on her father's face. "What do you think about using the hotel to help sinners?" she asked. 
"Ahh..." he sighed before turning to look Charlie in the face. "Alright, I mean, look, I love that you want to see the best in people, but these sinners..." He made a face, "You know, they're just the worst. I-I don't know how much you can realistically expect from them in Heaven. Hohoo boy, Heaven is not exactly carefree as you might think." The king draped himself over the railing at the thought of his old home, before standing straight. 
"Yeah, they have rules. Lots of rules. And they aren't very open minded as you'd hope." 
Vaggie looked away, as Charlie tried again, "These are our people, Dad. I...I have to try." 
" 'Our people, Charlie, are awful! They got gifted free will and look what they did with it! Everything's terrible." exclaimed Lucifer, gesturing towards the city. "I just don't want you to put yourself on the line for people like---"
A loud thud shook the hotel, making the three grip onto the railings.  "Geez! What now?" Vaggie groaned. "Well, like that." Lucifer gestured to the shark demon gang outside the hotel, holding a battering ram.
"Mimzy! We know you're in there you lousy bitch." 
*In the main foyer*
"Oh shit." whimpered Mimzy, ignoring the looks (Y/N) and Angel sent her. Lucifer opened a portal, allowing him and the women to run down quickly. 
"Que carajo?!" cursed Vaggie, the royals running out of the portal after her. "What's going on?" Charlie questioned.
"I maaaaaaay be in trouble with some loan shark's, I may or may not have borrowed fifty grand from--eep!" The flapped squeaked and hid behind the bar, before peeking out and flinching at the looks she was getting. "You better come out!" called one of the sharks. 
"And I may have also stolen a car..and crashed it...into the loan shark's girlfriend. But that bitch had it coming!" She growled, just as fireballs were thrown into the hotel breaking the windows, much to Niffty's horror. 
"My windows!" she shrieked.  "Ah! We're under seige! Ah! Take cover!" cried Pentious. "Look out!" Vaggie cried, dodging another. "What the fuck?!" Angel yelled, picking Niffty up from being hit. 
(Y/N) growled and used his wings fly up to the windows before using his magic to close the them before grunting when a spear was thrown at him, slicing his cheek. "Fuck!" He hissed before flying outside, hands glowing with magic. "That was a lucky shot, bitch! Now I'm going to fuck you up!" He laughed manically.
Charlie looked at her father as he smirked, "Ya see, this is exaaaactly what I'm talking about Charlie. You build something nice, you invite people in and offer them everything, and they just bring violence and chaos to your doorstep. It doesn't matter how well intentioned  you are, they're always going to disappoint you." 
Niffty giggled as she scooped up glass before being picked up by Pentious, "Niffty, come along!" "All of you, get a safe distance!" Vaggie called, angelic spear in her hand.  "I'll take care of this." she raised her spear, ready to join the manically laughing prince. 
"No, my dear, leave it to me. It's time I remind everyone why I am here." Alastor grinned, radio dials for eyes and a dangerous tone in his voice. 
"Oh, finally! Took ya long enought!" Mimzy snapped from behind the bar. "A reminder to all," Alastor called, the hotel glowing green, as tentacles came out from his back. "Not to mess with the Radio Demon!" his evil laugh echoed in the air as he climbed out of the hotel in his demon form.
His tentacles started to kill the shark demons, making (Y/N) grin. "Yes! Let's fuck shit up, Alastor!" He cackled, drawing his angelic sword before flying down to continue his attack. "I will devour each and every one of you!" Alastor exclaimed, gladly catching and eating a demon that the prince had thrown his way. 
*Back with Charlie*
"Mhm, ya see?" Lucifer hummed, wincing at his son's sadistic side. "What I tell ya? Charlie, sinners are violent psychopaths, hell bent on causing as much pain and destruction as they can. There's really no point in trying." he chuckled before the princess snapped. 
"Dad, stop! They're defending this hotel! It may be a little more.....sadistic than I'd hope." Charlie cringed at the two demon's actions. "But they're doing it for me! How come they can have faith in me, but my own father can't?" She sobbed, making Lucifer look down. 
"Ooh, drama." Angel grinned, taking some popcorn from behind the table, Husk taking some as well.
"Oh, I missed getting to let off steam." Alastor shrunk to his normal size, smiling as (Y/N) landed next to him, putting his sword away, and snapped his fingers and he was all cleaned up,and the cut on his cheek as now healed. "Huh, we'll have to team up more often, Alastor." "Indeed, prince (Y/N)."
(Y/N)'s smile dropped as Mimzy came out. "Oh Alastor! Princey! What a fantastic show! Bravo!" Mimzy clapped her hands, posing. "Thanks for helpin' lil' old me outta a tough spit, you're always such a pal." She flinched as rumble fell nearby. 
"Oops." She shrugged, as (Y/N) crossed his arms, glare on his face. "Heheheh, sorry about the mess. But I'm sure the lil' bug can take care of it for ya." "I think you should go Mimzy. Now." Alastor demanded. 
"Oh, pfft, Alastor, you're such a kidder you! Haha, you are so funny. " laughed the flapper demoness.
"I mean it. You deliberately brought danger to this place just to have me clean up your mess." The deer glared at Mimzy, "I can't have that here."
"But you love takin' care a' me! What? You don't actually give a shit about this tacky place, do ya? Come on. I know you. You heartless son of a bitch." Mimzy giggled, poking Alastor's chest. 
"Okay, I had enough." (Y/N) interrupted, hands on his hips, "You can stay here if you want to actually try and redeem yourself, but we can all see that's not you aren't willing to change your ways, so get out of here." The prince stood at his full height, glaring down at the demoness. 
Mimzy looked curiously at Alastor, waiting for him to deny what the prince was saying. 
Alastor merely blinked. "Fine! Who needs ya? Have fun with ya lil' royals and ya lil' hotel. See if I care." Mimzy flicked the men off before leaving. 
"Ugh, finally. Thought that bitch would never leave." (Y/N) rolled his eyes before turning to walk over to the damaged hotel entrance, watching his father and sister with a thoughtful look. 
"This is getting really good." Angel smirked, as he and Husk continued to smack on popcorn, Pentious rolling his eyes at the two.
"Dad..just..help me." pleaded Charlie. 
"I...I can't." the king replied, facing away from her. 
"Why can't you?" pressed the blond princess.
(Y/N) smiled softly from where he and Vaggie were standing near the door as his father and sister finally talked about their feelings.
"Okay," Lucifer relented, "I can get you the meeting, but once you're in Heaven, I won't be able to go with you. Will you be okay?" He asked, looking into Charlie's eyes, waiting for her to answer. "I'll be fine." She promised. 
"That's my girl."
Lucifer held a hand out for (Y/N) to come and join them. The prince took his hand and smiled when the King cupped his son's cheek, looking at Angel briefly before turning to his son's mismatched eyes. 
"Eisai eftychismenos gie mou (Are you happy, son?)"  He asked. "Eimai, bampa. Me kanei...pio dynato. (I am, Dad. He makes me...stronger.) Ton agapo. (I love him.)" (Y/N) replied softly, pushing against his father's hand,just like he did when he was a little boy. Lucifer's eyes widen slightly before he smiled softly, "Kalos. (Good)." 
He took a step back, smiling proudly at his children. "Good luck, kiddos." With that, he teleported away. 
(Y/N) wiped a tear away, smiling up at Angel Dust as he came over and pulled the prince into his side, with a soft smile.
"This next part is going to be scary..." Vaggie sighed, rubbing a hand over her neck as she approached Charlie. "Are you ready?" 
"I am ready." Charlie pulled her girlfriend into a hug. " 'Cause you and (Y/N) will be with me." "In spirit, right?" Vaggie asked, still hugging the princess. 
"In Heaven." confirmed Charlie confidently.  "Yay!" Vaggie replied dryly.
*With (Y/N)*
The prince and the spider were hanging on (Y/N)'s balcony, each sitting in their respective spots, (Y/N) playing with his magic in his hands. 
The couple was sitting on top of one of the highest buildings in Pride ring, holding each other as they watched the lights below. "Mia cara...." (Y/N) started, fidgeting slightly with Angel's fingers. Angel hummed in acknowledgment, running a hand through (Y/N)'s hair. 
"We've been together for a while, a-and w-well, I um..uhh..." Angel looked down at the prince questioningly as he stuttered. 
"It's okay, amore. Take ya time." He soothed, (Y/N) sighing softly before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a tiny box.
Angel looked at the box in confusion. "Bambino..." 
"I-I know it's too early to get married, but this love that we share, I haven't felt since Archer," (Y/N) continued to play with the spider's fingers, ignoring Angel's soft gasp at the mention of his last lover. 
"This is a engagement ring, and I will wait for you. And I want to protect you, and keep you smiling because you are such a beautiful soul who deserves everything and I--" Angel pressed a kiss to the rambling prince's lips. "I will happily marry you." He whispered, holding (Y/N) close as their foreheads pressed together. "Whenever you are ready, amore mio." Angel chuckled to himself at the flustered look on (Y/N)'s face, before kissing the blond demon, turning it into a heavy make out session.
"Angel..." moaned (Y/N), gripping onto the spider's shoulders. "Mm, let's go to your room, and let me make those wings flap." Angel giggled.
Tbh, I'm not too sure about this chapter, might do a rewrite. Let me know your thoughts!
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fishy-xp · 2 years
"kissing is for people we like only" (1/2)
in which pete loves and vegas lusts
so a lot of people think that the vegaspete dynamic is interesting because they are in fact polar opposites of each other, but in ways that they make up for what the other lacks. that they are two sides of the same coin. i also think this, particularly in the way vegas and pete approach love, lust and intimacy.
pete loves unconditionally and pete loves hard. pete will do anything for the people he loves and it doesn't take much for pete to get attached. take his relationship with porsche. pete is very much a giver in that relationship - pete shares grandma's cooking with porsche, he guides porsche around and tells him about the main family, he comforted porsche after the whole dub-con thing, he gives porsche defensive tips when porsche was getting 'punished' by kinn (oh you dumb sweet boy). now i'm not saying porsche does nothing in return, but they don't show porsche reciprocating this kind of care, comfort and advice that pete gives. so from the audience perspective, porsche hasn't done anything of substance to gain pete's trust and loyalty. hell, they even pointed guns at each other and had a little dungeon dalliance. yet pete knows porsche is a good person and trusts him so much to the point he asks to be sent on a suicide mission. he knows the consequences if he gets caught and he's completely willing to go through a painful, slow, tortourous death for porsche.
pete himself is incredibly strong and capable. his mentality and physicality is nothing to underestimate as proven by the way he handles vegas' torture and the many times he's kicked ass. but when it comes to people pete loves and cares about, his resolve disappears. as soon as vegas brings up his grandmother, pete breaks - "i give up vegas. i give up." pete loving people to the end of the earth is not a weakness, it only proves his strength, that yes he can find something in the worst people, in vegas, and he can find empathy and love for someone absolutely no one else can - "everyone has good and bad parts" - pete can see both parts of vegas when others don't even try, they just think it's non-existent.
here's where i think a lot of people are going to disagree, but pete is naive and innocent, especially when it comes to love. but this may be by choice. pete, who sees the world in shades of grey and doesn't believe in heroes or villains, believes in love as something pure and uncorruptable. he believes in this whole heartedly because maybe that gives him some sort of hope in this world he's come to know (the abusive family life and the underworld of the mafia). love is something he can control, it is his to give out and it is something valuable to pete. intimacy, touch, kissing, pete finds these things precious and pure. it gives him a sense of good amongst the bad. this is why he aims to spread more smiles than tears, if he can love, then he can ignore the pain. pete thinks the same for vegas too, and this is why when he's reading the blood type book he tells vegas "you need love", why he reinforces that vegas has macau "who loves you very much" (quote from the book and frankly, i'm livid they didn't make pete say that line but made him say the first half, also more macau character study coming up soon hohoo) because truly, deeply, pete believes in the power of love. perhaps that's why, despite being porsche's best friend, he was completely oblivious to kinn and porsche. pete only knew porsche was being punished, and he has seen kinn be mean to porsche, so the thought they were in a relationship or had something brewing amongst them didn't cross his mind at all because how could they have feelings together when kinn is mean? pete can't believe love is anything other than perfect because then he would have no reason to believe in the good along with the bad.
pete probably thinks his first time and virginity should be precious and 'right'.
but vegas doesn't, he doesn't even remember when his first was.
(p.s. i'd like to clarify that i am not saying either of those above perceptions about losing your virginity in a negative way, either perspective is completely valid and no one should be shamed for how they perceive their sexual autonomy!)
Vegas (2/2)
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robotwrangler · 5 years
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do you ever uh
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spiritcc · 6 years
Watch to watch with: Oleg Yankovsky
Ayo welcome back to this wonderful what to watch series of posts, today with even more wonderful Jack Stapleton, aka Oleg Yankovsky. 
I sense one big question coming up: “ohmygod this guy is some fucking extra why should we care” and something tells me that if you’ve been yodeling around this pitiful blog for long enough, you kinda already know why you should care. How to explain it, a few rather famous actors took part in the Holmes series, and I will even dare say that the main quartet does not actually represent that “”famous”” elite. Yes, those extras indeed had rather little roles and probably didn’t stand out this much, but behind their backs, there is a legacy of incredible movies that are loved by us to this day, the movies that made these actors so lovable in the first place. Those movies resulted in me becoming a huge Yank fan, hence all of this, for example. Yankovsky is uber famous for a reason, m’pals. So let’s begin. 
One lil note that Yank happened to share a lot of movies with Irina Kupchenko and Alexander Abdulov. You don’t know Abdulov but you know Kupchenko because she was Baryl Stapleton, and the yankpuchenko became one hella famous Soviet otp because they played in six movies together, and were a couple in four of them. So just sayin, if you’re signing up for the yank stuff, you’re also signing up for yankupchenko otp and abdul brotp whether you like it or not, plz enjoy, that’s how it is down here. 
1. An Ordinary Miracle (1978)
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good lord
Yankovsky’s involvement: The Wizard, the main character 
2 episodes, ~1h8mins each | Youtube, English subtitles | EP1 | EP2
+ my own google drive with slightly improved subs | EP1 | EP2
What and why: ho shet, ma dudes. This movie is one of my absolute favorites: it has incredible james bond main tune and just music in general, the mood is breathtaking, the story is imo original, every actor is superb, we get 3 otps and all of them have outrageous chemistry, the story is engaging, it’s funny, it talks about good shit, it’s sad, it’s everything. This is where yankupchenko started, as well as my yank obsession, as you can see, and obvs includes Abdulov. Also includes Vitaly Solomin’s elder brother Yuri, and Ekaterina Vasilyeva herself, aka Shirley Holmes from My Dearly Beloved Detective. Your introduction to the works of Mark Zaharov, get prepared because most of the movies on this list are his doing. Bear arrives to the Wizard’s house to get turned back into his bear form: fucken everything ensues. Honestly, incredible movie, I love it to death.
2. The Very Same Munchhausen (1980)
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too pure for this sinful earth
Yankovsky’s involvement: Munchhausen, obviously the main character 
2 episodes, ~1h10mins each | Youtube, English subtitles | EP1 | EP2
What and why: oh hey it’s Zaharov again. And Abdulov. You see the problem. So, this movie is a fucking roller coaster of emotion and it does not pity your feelings for a second: again, Zaharov’s fairytale cynical style is incredible, the film is funny, SAD, UNFAIR TO US ALL, VERY TRUE ABOUT ASSHOLES CALLED PEOPLE AND FUCKEN SKFJGFUC- also the music is gutwrenching plz enjoy. An absolute classic of Soviet cinema, one of the movies that brought fame to this damned yank, it will give you many feels, even more laughs, hopes and dreams and maybe some tears, not guaranteed, a definite must watch. So, you know that funny guy Karl Munchhausen who writes bullshit? It is not bullshit. See the movie to make sure of it. 
3.  To Kill A Dragon (1988)
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you’re in for a shitshow 
Yankovsky’s involvement: The Dragon, antagonist 
~1h55mins long | sovietmoviesonline, English subtitles - boink (usually nags to register so beware the annoying) 
What and why: hey Zaharov, hey Abdulov. Yeah, you see now. Welcome to the Perestroika era of movies, they’re still tales, but now - gritty ones. What is a regime? How can you defeat the tyrant? More importantly, what happens if you actually do it: do you think people will truly be free? Believe it or not, this movie is still a fairytale, still in the amazing Zaharov style, and it’s still funny as all fuck as well as it’s scary because how true it is. The Yank there is....an experience. If you think that the gif above is ho hell, you have no idea what incredible shitshow awaits you. Get prepared to see him steal this entire movie. Also yeah, the film is fucking great mkay, it really is, you won’t regret it. 
4. Come Take A Look At Me (2002)
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uwu intensifies 
Yankovsky’s involvement: directed this movie and is also one of the leads
~1h40mins | My google drive, English subtitles - boink | I also gave it to sovietmoviesonline but eh drive is less hassle 
What and why: YANKPUCHENKO IS BACK BITCHES HOO BOI watch this and your otp collection is complete (the fourth movie is safely forgotten but it’s the only one where they make out for 4secs so shame I guess, and you know the first film it’s the basic Hound). The only work of yank as a director, where he personally called for the bae in and also grabbed EKATERINA VASILYEVA TOO YEA BOI, this movie is......everything. An incredibly funny film that is SO FUCKEN HEARTWARMING TEH FUCK, it’s very cosy, obviously includes the infamous outrageous yankpuchenko chemistry, happens pretty much in one room throughout and subtly explores very relatable themes of life. Watch it to have some incredibly good time and you won’t regret it, never failed to make me feel warm and alive. 
5. Nostalghia (1983)
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you know i had to do it to em
Yankovsky’s involvement: main character pfffffft 
2h5mins | sovietmoviesonline, English subtitles - boink | usual annoying warning about the site applies
What and why: I have never felt so conflicted writing this. So, do you want to sit through two hours of fuck knows what where you find out that it had a fucking plot of 3+ paragraphs ONLY when you visit wikipedia in total confusion? Do you like piss wild arthouse where everything is “pretty i guess?” but everything is fucking weird and unclear and you’ve no idea what’s going on and the movie only has like 10 lines in Russian on top of this? Do you like staring at yank’s fucking back for most of the movie? CONGRATS THIS FILM IS JUST FOR YOU. The worst thing about it is that this fucking movie....this fuckin movie....contains LITERALLY THE HOTTEST YANKOVSKY EVER FILMED ALL THESE GIFS AND FAVORITE PICTURES OF MINE I POST HERE COME FROM THIS ASS OF ART MY HEART WAS LITERALLY IN PAIN AND I MEAN LITERALLY EVERY TIME HIS FACE WAS ON SCREEN HE IS BREATHTAKING I AM STILL THIRSTY. So, the movie is pain. BUT it has the hottest Yank ever, ever. So hot I’d even say he made the torture worth it. You’ve no idea. Even the movie itself seemed attractive afterwards because of occasional aesthetic. I don’t know what to say. Please watch it because you will legit miss out on the best yank, it is an actual crime to miss out on his like This. But please don’t watch it. Leave me olone. Who knows maybe you’d even like it.
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Honorable mentions:
1. Stylyagi (2008)
Very minor role | 2h15mins | sovietmoviesonline (English) | Youtube (English but 360p)
He fuckin does a dance there in his old age, canny miss that. Also it’s one of those rare modern Russian movies that don’t suck, a funky musical, although could’ve been shorter. Contains NRH Moriarty.
2. Doctor Zhivago (2005)
Secondary character?? | 11 episodes, ~45mins each | sovietmoviesonline (English)
I’ve no idea I’ve never seen this show ever in my life so I’m not taking chances, but the rating seems to be decent and he has third billing so why not, be brave. It stars my homeboy Oleg Menshikov as the lead though, always noice.  
3. Shield and Sword (1968)
well he’s there | 5 episodes, ~1h15mins each | Youtube playlist (English)
Amazingly shitty subs and we tried watching this but it was confusing and boring, BUT it’s yank’s first role ever and god forbid, he looks hot in nazi uniform.
Final comment: F E E L T H E Y A N K
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wolfpai999 · 4 years
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Hohoo Circus boy's a little daring
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evesbeve · 5 years
justin min n i e mouse hOhOo daisy WOOF WOOF oh bOY goofY IS A COW FOR FUCKS SAKE
Me, at @totallyevan: Evan did you send me this ask
Evan: No
Also Evan:
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possiblytracker · 5 years
hohoo shit boy we boarding
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pinkpeachdelete · 6 years
Shopping Mall
⚠: None
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader/ Namjoon x Reader
Word count: n/a
Namjoon x Reader POV
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In order to understand please read both parts!~
y/n/c - Your name choice
(will be the significant other of a member)
Your shout rang through the walls of the apartment, voice thick with emotion. "I can't believe he just fried the sushi! I don't know if this is a disgrace or a revolution." You sighed and leaned into the back of the couch. These cooking shows always seemed to make you much more intense.
A light chuckle from the left was directed your way. Namjoon smiled fondly. "You get so into it."
You dismissed his gaze with a scrunch of your nose, only to be met with the feeling of his hand against your chest. He gently pushed you down to lay and planted his head on-top your stomach to rest. "Get off me" you attempt to sound bitter, but you quickly broke into a smile. "Sorry, I don't speak English" he says, forcing his native accent out more than usual. You sigh, but then ask him to get off. More or less in Korean. He responses with a closed smile, appreciating the effort. You playfully shove him the rest of the way off with your foot, then glanced to the couple across from you. They lay shoulder to shoulder, resting quietly while drowning out any sound with their headphones. "Hohoo look at this!" You call Namjoons attention, whipping out your phone to take pictures. "PDA! PDAAAA!" he jokingly shouted.
The two of you had managed to sneak a handful of pictures before being interrupted. Weight shifting behind the couch, you felt a new presence. Hoseok gripped the back of the sofa and flung himself over, landing with a muffled “thump.”
“What’re you guys giggling at?”
Pointing to the beanbag across the livingroom, you smirked. “Our couple of the year, Yoongi and  y/n/c.
The sudden commotion must've been enough because Yoongi’s attention was now on the three of you. Two of which still had cell phone cameras up. His face was unreadable but his body language told another story, his middle finger saluting the giggling trio. Nothing more was needed to get his message across.
“Is everyone still up for shopping today?” Hoseok finally spoke up, ruffling the hair on the back of his head. Glancing around you all nodded in agreement.
“I’ll call Jin, he and Tae should be back with the car soon.”
"Okay, everyone meet back at the fountain for lunch."
Strong hands quickly gripped the sides of your waist and toned arms wrapped around your midsection. Alarmed, you yelped. "Joon!" You giggled, squirming around but not actually attempting to escape. The abstence of the stone fountain under your bottom was what was truly startling. You were hoisted into the air and practically over his shoulder, Namjoons response only a cheeky grin, he took off in the opposite direction of the group and managed to knock over a pitiful excuse of a display case. Jungkook was trailing not far behind you both, picking up the mess.
"Why don't you pick her up like that?" Jimin glanced at Yoongi and y/n/c.
"Because I don't feel like it." He said bluntly
With an expressive whole-body gesture, Jin was shouting and racing after the both of you
"Yah! That's not safe, you might drop her!"
Quickly rounding the corner you could feel Namjoons grip on you loosen and you braced yourself against his bicep, nails digging in through the fabric.
He hissed in pain, but did nothing more but frown. “Don’t worry jagi, I wouldn’t drop you” he struggled, lifting his leg so he could adjust you back into place.
Before either of you could breathe another word, Jin was stomping in your direction, squaking words of complaint. "Inoming." You whispered.
"Aish you're so distructive. Jungkook-Hyung had to clean up your mess! What if you dropped y/n??" His stronger arms latched around your stomach and you were pried from Namjoons grip. "She could've been hurt! It's one thing to always be picking her up but this time you went into a full sprint through the mall!"
Head hanging to the ground, Namjoon didn't speak. After a few moments to brethe, Jins dramatic nagging settled.
"You stress me out." Jin grunted, snatching Namjoons ear playfully and dragging him back into the direction of the others.
Swallowing a laugh, you followed the two men towards the food court.
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Yoongi x Reader POV
Heavy thumps and strong, rhythmic vocals harassed the eardrums of the couple, yet despite the loud nature of the melody, they seemed quite relaxed -- shoulders pressed together as they lay on the plush beanbag in the living room.
You, Yoongi, Namjoon, and y/n/c had all gathered in the livingroom about an hour ago, waiting for the others return from running errands so you could take a trip to the mall. Frankly, Yoongi and been enjoying himself. Nose pressed against your collarbone and fingers intertwined. It felt like home. That was until Hoseok entered the room. it wasn't his presence that troubled him, but the fact that when he hopped over the couch, Yoongi realized pictures were being taken of the two of you.
After Yoongis less than polite gesture, you plucked a headphone from your ear, realizing Hoseok was saying something about Jin and the car.
“It's time to go.” He got up, wrapping his hand around your wrist to help you to your feet. He seemed broody today, but clingier than usual.
The car ride to the mall was quick and the cool air welcomed a relief from the hot sun. Grouping together, the seven boys, you and y/n/c decided to meet at the center fountain in a few hours before venturing to the food court for lunch.
It took about an hour and a half of walking with y/n/c and Namjoon to come to the conclusion that their PDA was enough for you and Yoongi, if not the entire mall. “We're gonna go look at some other stores” you politely dismissed yourselves, hurriedly rushing to the escalators in search of an intriguing shop.
“Hot Topic!” You pointed with one hand and locked the other with Yoongis, dragging him into the dimly lit entrance. Within a matter of seconds you both were fidgeting with various pins and keychains.
Plucking a pair of sunglasses from a wrack you spun around to tactfully placed them on Yoongis face. For a split second his mouth hung open In a state of confusion, not knowing what was going on. “Oh, how do I look?” He beamed. “Cute” you peeped, turning his hat backwards. “Ready to pull some bitches” he simply chuckled at your comment and averted his gaze to a plushie keychain of a popular kitten. slipping it in his hand, he wandered to the register, buying it without you noticing. Before you knew it you were hand in hand, walking down to the next shop. A few hours went by, you tried on various skirts and tops, you even managed to get Yoongi into a dress shirt which for the record, looked very good. “Yoongs we should start heading to the fountain, I'm hungry.” He nodded, but after a few steps he started to slow and eventually stopped to face you. Arching your eyebrows you searched his eyes
He turned his head to the side and softly smiled.
You whined, feeling squeamish under his gaze. Grabbing you by your shoulders he pulled you into into his chest for a hug and kissed the top of your forehead. Very happily accepting the affection you sighed.
“I got you something” he purred, pulling from the embrace and taking your hand in his. “What? When?? I was with you the whole time!” Yoongi chuckled and placed the keychain in your palm, closing your fingers around it. Opening your hand you giggled and looked up. “Its a Lil meow meow!” You teased. Yoongi's jaw drop and he scoffed. “You too?”
Twirling the keychain in between your fingers a few times, you linked your arm around his and continued the walk back to the group.
“I'm really craving ramen”
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toukenra · 7 years
Oh gosh! Another Touken Ranbu blog!? I'm so happy and I look forward to your posts!! May I request a scenario where a a group of older swords (Mikazuki, Hasebe, Ichigo and Kasen) overhear their mistress and her friends (fellow Saiwas) talking about which one of them she considered to be the ideal man (husband). The Saniwa later on finds out that these swords had actually overheard and shuts themselves in their room from embarrassment.
Ahaha poor Saniwa has dug herself her own grave well then let’s see how our old geezers will react to overhearing their cute master admitting that they are in love with them ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
EDIT: I have no idea why Hasebe’s scenario turned out to be so long and why it took me 3 hours to finish this, sorry for that but writing this was so hard for me since all of them except Moon grandpa would feel so conflicted about this situation and I wasn’t even sure if I should make them fluffy or angsty. Who am I kidding, I just suck at writing angst. Or writing in general I literally banged my head against the wall several times so yeah, enjoy or don’t enjoy these horrible scenarios
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this old man has no sense of privacy, so when he hears you and the other Saniwas chattering and giggling about your potential crushes in your office he decides to stand outside and wait for something interesting to slip out
he’s just a curious little shit
the moment he hears his name spilling from your lips followed by muffled snickering, an amused smile makes his way to his lips
‘Hohoo this is interesting’
even has the audacity to knock on the door 
this man has no shame ok
when you open the door and see the knowing grin on his face you just go beet red and slam the door in front of his face
but of course he won’t let you off the hook so easily and just knocks again
those traitors of Saniwas gigglingly scurry out of the room, leaving you alone with him 
where’s the next cliff to jump off?
just as you’re about to die of embarassment he just kisses you out of the blue, leaving you stunned
‘I am feeling very honored to be chosen as your dream lover. Now please let this old man love you the way you certainly deserve’ very smooth
he never meant to eavesdrop but when he happened to walk by in search of Gokotai and heard you talking about your ideal lover he just couldn’t help but be curious
this pure bean just goes tomato red when he accidentally overhears you admitting that you had fallen in love with him while the other Saniwas were screaming in glee
‘Master..loves him? You really considered him your ideal man?’
just stopped dead in his tracks and accidentally lets his sword fall to the floor with a loud thump
hurriedly tries to pick it up but before he can even move a muscle the door slides open
‘I-Ichigo? How long have you been standing here?’ he hears you stammering in shock
poor boy just goes full red without being able to form a coherent answer, but you understand him anyway, a furious blush spreading over your cheeks as reality hits you
he knows
terribly ashamed you intend to slam the door and hide yourself in a corner but your traitorous friends decide to torture you and push both of you inside, locking the door behind them
-insert painfully awkward silence-
Ichigo is just about to fall to his knees and beg for forgiveness when he hears you sigh sadly ‘Go on. Just tell me that you don’t feel the same about me, I understand.’
his jaw drops - WHAT?!
he had always thought that his feelings were one-sided and you’d never look at him that way but the moment he hears you babbling nervously he just can’t help himself, grabs your face and roughly smashes his lips against yours
both of you are blushing furiously when you have to gasp for air but seeing the shock on your face a relieved smile steals its way onto his lips
‘About that.. I think I have to thank your acquintances afterwards for granting me this opportunity to properly tell you how hard I’ve fallen for you.’
being the good loyal attendant he is, he paces restlessly in front of your office the whole time 
he’s so worried about you all the time so there’s no way he’d leave you all alone even though he knows that your friends are all trustworthy but still
‘Hasebe? Really?’ he suddenly hears some voices giggling and they’re coming from your office
listens quietly from behind the door as you bashfully admit that you had fallen for him
Hasebe is dead
straight up runs into his room before he collapses on his bottom, panting heavily
he’s so shocked he doesn’t even feel happy about this indirect confession, although he has harboured romantic feelings for you for a very long time he is rather disappointed with himself for having them in the first place
he should respect you, not have this sinful emotions towards you
stays shut in his room until he is certain that the other Saniwas have left
it’s only then that he gathers the courage to go to your office and knock
being the unsuspecting Saniwa that you are you invite him in but he frantically shakes his head, stopping you dead in your tracks
he’s absolutely torn between the joy of knowing about your feelings for him and the guilt of having eavesdropped like that but of course the guilt overweighs
‘Master, please forgive me .. but there’s something I have to admit to you..’
after he confesses you just. stare at him for what seems like an eternity
Hasebe is already awaiting some severe punishment but instead you just shut the door in front of him
he leans his forehead against it and curses himself for being such a complete failure until he hears your muffled sobs ‘i knew he’d never love me back’
at that moment he just loses it and storms in, hugging your knees and impulsively blurts out how he really feels but that he’s certain it’s a deadly sin to be having these kind of feelings, for his master nonetheless 
but you just stop him mid-sentence, realizing that you may have misunderstood him before
both of you had a very long and clarifying talk afterwards, and no amount of words could be enough to describe the excitement and relief that washed over both of you when he went in for an awkward first kiss
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temporalsin · 7 years
Hohoo, the gay vampire boy!
Marlin is a fairly new character so there isn’t much to analyze yet, but I’ll do my best!
From the looks of it, Marlin seems to very anxious and self-doubting. His parents are very strict and old fashioned which has taught him to protect old vampire values. When he was younger, he was very mean to werewolves and other, new species of monsters, because he believed vampires, being one of the oldest species in the world, were more valuable than others. This was all taught by his parents, who took very good care of raising their son as a prime example of a vampire. All the hatred and frustation Marlin felt with his parents was aimed at other people, especially werewolves who didn’t deserve it. However, because he tried so hard to deny any connection to werewolves, he accidentally fell in love with one. His hatred wasn’t pure and true like his parents’, so most of the time he was just trying to please his parents instead of admitting he really saw no reason in their words.Being constantly nagged about the old values made Marlin rebel when he got older. His parents didn’t accept this and he was severly punished for his actions and because of this he learned to keep his own opinions to himself. The few times were enough for him to make him scared of his family and eventually his parents no longer gave him the validation he wanted so he turned to a group of delinquents who had a similiar backstory as him. These friends became a sort of replacement to his parents that they gave him the validation he graved so badly.
For a long time, Marlin didn’t really have a sense of self and he still doesn’t. He has always relied on other people to give him opinions and an image to live by so he is very anxious and confused about making his own decisions. His self-esteem is very low and he has a hard time being with Gustaf because he feels like he doesn’t deserve him. Marlin isn’t able to understand why other people would like him, because of the fact that he has been mean, cold and arrogant his whole life and while he does work on it and tries to be a better person after being accepted by his friends and Gustaf, he has become a better person. He wants to become a better person for the friends he has gained and learned that his parents are only a small part of his life.
Thank you for asking!
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gh0styvibes · 7 years
My therapist: *mentions cognitive distortions*
Me, currently fixating on Persona 5: hoHOO BOY LET ME TELL YOU A THING-
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maitrelalune-blog · 6 years
Le vaudou est une religion originaire de l’ancien royaume du Danhomey (Afrique de l’Ouest). Il est largement répandu au Bénin et au Togo, comme dans le célèbre marché des féticheurs. Cette religion est basé sur la magie occulte.Il en existe une multitude de divinité vaudou au Benin, représentant chacun des éléments clé de notre univers:l’air, le feu, l’eau et la terre.Les divinités du maitre marabout vaudounnon  sont représentées sous plusieurs forme de statuettes: en bois (Ex: HOHOO) Terre (TO LEGBA) ou en métal (OGOU). Les Divinités vaudou du benin se classe en quatres etapes selon leur roles Ces divinités du maitre marabout  sont reconnues pour leur puissances mystique térrifiantes. Posséder de tel fétiche vaudou à puissante force mystique chez soi est d’un très grand avantage et se fait sur demande auprès de grand maitre marabout aziza. Le pouvoir de ces vaudou est connu de tous et solliciter par les connaisseurs dans le monde entier. Étant donné que cela fait partie des spécialités du maitre marabout  , tout envoûtement, désenvoûtement ou protection passe par la volonté manifeste de ces puissantes divinités ancestrales du monde occulte de la magie noire vaudou. Nombreuses personnes, ont compris très tôt et ce sont déjà procurer leur divinités chez le maitre marabout  . Les divinités vaudou du maitre marabout alibo est plus utilisé par les politiciens, les joueurs de footballs, les artistes, les commerçants. Vous aussi faites comme eux, faites recours aux pouvoirs et aux puissances des divinités vaudou du maitre marabout aziza pour vous aider à évoluer et à offrir une protection permanente.
Maître La Lune dit : Le Capitaine des Marabouts
TEL: 00229 94 56 17 76
WhatsApp: 00229 94 56 17 76Site Web:
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ninafly-blog1 · 7 years
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Hohoo nice ~ happy birthday to the most sweetest, strongest & kindest person on earth , my giant || our chanyeolliee || my crush || our softhearted boy || ofc PARK CHANYEOL 💙 u deserves all the best in the world🌎👍 #EXO is so lucky to have you 🙆 and ofc I'm so lucky to have you too 😋Your beautiful smile is such a light to us all🌞🌝☄ hope ur day is wonderful and this year leads to big things for you 💁 아ㅏ 몰라 ㅠㅠ 차녀리 사랑해 💛 #HappyChanyeolDay ㅡ 2711♡ (di 내 마음속에 저장)
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Le vaudou est une religion originaire de l'ancien royaume du Danhomey (Afrique de l'Ouest). Il est largement répandu au Bénin et au Togo, comme dans le célèbre marché des féticheurs. Cette religion est basé sur la magie occulte.Il en existe une multitude de divinité vaudou au Benin, représentant chacun des éléments clé de notre univers:l'air, le feu, l'eau et la terre.Les divinités du maitre marabout vaudounnon LATERRE sont représentées sous plusieurs forme de statuettes: en bois (Ex: HOHOO) Terre (TO LEGBA) ou en métal (OGOU). Les Divinités vaudou du benin se classe en quatres etapes selon leur roles Ces divinités du maitre marabout LATERRE sont reconnues pour leur puissances mystique térrifiantes. Posséder de tel fétiche vaudou à puissante force mystique chez soi est d'un très grand avantage et se fait sur demande auprès de grand maitre marabout LATERRE . Le pouvoir de ces vaudou est connu de tous et solliciter par les connaisseurs dans le monde entier. Étant donné que cela fait partie des spécialités du maitre marabout LATERRE , tout envoûtement, désenvoûtement ou protection passe par la volonté manifeste de ces puissantes divinités ancestrales du monde occulte de la magie noire vaudou. Nombreuses personnes, ont compris très tôt et ce sont déjà procurer leur divinités chez le maitre marabout LATERRE. Les divinités vaudou du maitre marabout LATERRE est plus utilisé par les politiciens, les joueurs de footballs, les artistes, les commerçants. Vous aussi faites comme eux, faites recours aux pouvoirs et aux puissances des divinités vaudou du maitre marabout LATERRE pour vous aider à évoluer et à offrir une protection permanente.
Voici mon site web : http://www.maitrelaterre.com  E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: 0022998574889 Whatsapp : 0022998574889
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luukeskywalker · 7 years
I got 100 Joseph and 75 Johnathan hohoo boy
that’s certainly a mix ( ̄∀ ̄)
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2dou · 8 years
My leg wojy stop shakin nsd i cantnatop twitching lol
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