#hl journal
penceypansy · 1 year
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If We Make It Through December, We’ll Be Fine
Harry/Louis 8.3k
A job promotion of his dreams, an eight-month long distance relationship, a cancelled train, and an emotional misunderstanding - Louis is just trying to make it home for the holidays.
Read my 2021 @1dchristmasfest here
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celerydays · 8 months
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still loving my silly little notebook where all my silly little plans, thoughts, and ugly doodles go 🖋️✨
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sourcetwo · 1 year
i swear like every two week i intensely focus on a different aspect of half life. recently its been the combine soldier hierarchy and combine units in general. next week i think i will observe xen flora and fauna
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moongurl95 · 6 months
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Finally got around to starting this personal journal of my baby B💙 just to appreciate all her art in one place 🥰 just need to add squiggles and stickers 🤓
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superlinguo · 3 months
Himalayan Linguistics, Linguistics Vanguard and the Australian Journal of Linguistics
In 2024 I have returned to my role as an editor of Himalayan Linguistics, and have joined the editorial boards of two other journals; Linguistics Vanguard and the Australian Journal of Linguistics. I've published in each of these journals before joining the editorial boards, and it's lovely to be involved in three journals across three different areas of interest.
Himalayan Linguistics is a fully Open Access journal, while Linguistics Vanguard and the Australian Journal of Linguistics have a mix of open access and licensed content. If you are an academic and your work is relevant to any of these three journals, please consider them for your next research paper!
Himalayan Linguistics
One of my first academic publications was with Himalayan Linguistics in 2013. I've been so grateful for all the work of the editorial team over the years that I joined the board, and then stepped up as editor in 2022. My co-editors are Gregory Anderson and You-Jing Lin.
Himalayan Linguistics costs nothing to read, and charges no fees for publishing. We're lucky to have the University of California eScholarship infrastructure for publishing. It's my favourite model for academic research.
From the website:
Himalayan Linguistics is an online peer-reviewed journal specializing in languages of the Himalayan region. We publish articles, book reviews, book notices and field reports in the semi-annual issues of the journals. We also publish grammars, dictionaries, and text collections as free-standing publications in our “Archive” series. Himalayan Linguistics is free; that is, there is no subscription fee, and there is no fee charged to authors who publish their papers in HL.
My publications in HL, Superlinguo summary posts:
The relationship between Yolmo and Kagate: Article in Himalayan Linguistics
Reported evidentiality in Tibeto-Burman languages
Linguistics Vanguard
Linguistics Vanguard launched in 2015 and I was eyeing it off for years before being delighted to have a chance to submit a paper for the 2023 Special Issue on scifi corpus methods. Yup, it's the kind of journal that's cool enough to have a whole special issue on using corpora to do linguistics on scifi. I have another paper in the revisions process with LV on lingcomm. I can attest to the speedy process and focus on conciseness. I'm delighted to join as an area manager for gesture and multimodal submissions.
Linguistics Vanguard is a new channel for high quality articles and innovative approaches in all major fields of linguistics. This multimodal journal is published solely online and provides an accessible platform supporting both traditional and new kinds of publications. Linguistics Vanguard seeks to publish concise and up-to-date reports on the state of the art in linguistics as well as cutting-edge research papers. With its topical breadth of coverage and anticipated quick rate of production, it is one of the leading platforms for scientific exchange in linguistics. Its broad theoretical range, international scope, and diversity of article formats engage students and scholars alike.
My publications in LV, Superlinguo summary posts:
From Star Trek to The Hunger Games: Emblem gestures in science fiction and their uptake in popular culture
Australian Journal of Linguistics
The Australian Linguistic Society is my local linguistics org, and I'm delighted to join an editorial board full of people whose work I deeply respect. I'm also happy to report the AJL recently adopted the Tromsø Recommendations for data citation.
The Australian Journal of Linguistics is the official journal of the Australian Linguistic Society and the premier international journal on language in Australia and the region. The focus of the journal is research on Australian Indigenous languages, Australian Englishes, community languages in Australia, language in Australian society, and languages of the Australian-Pacific region. The journal publishes papers that make a significant theoretical, methodological and/or practical contribution to the field and are accessible to a broad audience.
My publications in AJL, Superlinguo summary posts:
Ten years of Linguistics in the Pub (Australian Journal of Linguistics)
Revisiting Significant Action and Gesture Categorization
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thatcrazyshaman · 4 months
Had a dream today that I was playing a demo made out of cut content from Half Life
It was
The premise of said content was that there was a hidden medical ward in Black Mesa that had been added at some point years prior to the resonance cascade during a rash of accidents that occurred, that was maintained by one guy who had experience as a surgeon of some sort, referred to as Dr. --- from here on out, as I have no memory of his name
During the resonance cascade, he had gathered as many personnel there as he could, as the ward had everything they would need and was essentially a glorified bunker - unfortunately for everyone involved, the incident made this guy go straight off the deep end
In a misguided attempt to keep everyone alive and well, he enforced an involuntary lockdown, recruiting the security guards whom were present to help him prevent any escape attempts, and that's where the demo picked up
Gordon was swapped out with an unnamed PC, who had stumbled across the ward while trying to find a safe place to hide out, immediately being "welcomed" in (it was more like they acted as if he should have been there the whole time), and was directed to go to Dr. ---'s meeting - this meeting, held in a cramped side room set up in a manner vaguely reminiscent of a classroom, was filled with all of the personnel he'd taken hostage, who sat at rows of desks just listening to him talk in an almost belligerent tone
What he was talking about I've no idea, because his speech in this portion was represented by jibberish with an occasional audible word here and there that gave no context whatsoever, as if it was meant to play through different lines of speech and placeholders had been used instead
He stood at the front of the room behind a podium as if he was doing a scientific presentation to his peers, in front of a terracotta-colored chalkboard that had various odd symbols drawn on it that I didn't recognize
I walked up to him to get a better look at his model, which was unique and mildly uncanny - he looked a tad like a low-poly Magnusson in overall appearance, with wide eyes that had barely discernable pinprick pupils and rolled up sleeves
It seemed to be implied that he had attempted at one point to saw his left hand off, as he had jagged reddish scars around his wrist like he had tried to go at it from multiple angles but gave up (the demo itself never confirmed this, but the dream presented the idea omnisciently as a potential fact)
He stared directly at the PC the whole time I was present, turning to keep his gaze locked on him as he moved
That detail wasn't particularly weird until I figured I'd go look around the ward to figure out my next objective
As soon as I exited the room, his formerly belligerent jibberish talk became belligerent jibberish shrieking, which caught me off guard and I ran into the next room to find a place to lay low for a moment just in case
The room was spacious, but seemingly not by design - it appeared to have originally been two rooms, a bathroom with stalls on one side and the actual ward itself opposite, but they had torn down the wall separating them and left the stalls standing across from the rows of beds, which was an interesting choice
I ducked into the middle stall, thinking that was a decent place to hide, just for Dr. --- to come storming over seconds afterwards AND KICK THE DOOR SO HARD THAT THE LOCK FAILED AND THE DOOR FLEW OPEN, BEFORE PROCEEDING TO PUNCH THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF ME, which resulted in a game over
This is where the demo took a turn from the way HL was structured, confusing me even further
Going back in led to the sequence restarting, except this time I realized suddenly (via omniscent dream mechanics) that I had the option to 'apologize' via keybind and it was spammable - this had the effect of calming Dr. --- down in increments, which led to him not punching me to death, but very animatedly moving about as if he was talking, though no audio accompanied it seemingly due to the lack of actual voicelines or filler noise being present, though he did utter an occasional word like before that still provided 0 context for what he was actually trying to communicate
In the process of trying to figure out what was happening, I accidentally took a swing at him at one point, which immediately led to him starting to punch me again at the same time that literally everyone else present in the room put their fists up and ran towards the stall to join in, but this time I made the PC crouch in some half-assed attempt to dodge a killing blow from the doc himself and started spamming the apologies again, to which he responded by crouching himself to forcibly keep eye contact and went back to animatedly talking while everyone else went back to idling until the lights suddenly went out and an announcement was made that it was time to sleep - Dr. --- backed off and went to patrolling the room, while I made an attempt to walk around a bit more
Bad idea - the moment I moved anywhere that wasn't in the direction of the beds, the security guards would immediately bumrush me from wherever they were in the room, ready to deck me (everyone here really likes punching people, I guess), but I managed to find a spot to hide behind a desk until they de-aggro'd
I lost track of what happened immediately after this, as I was on the cusp of waking up and the dream's continuity started to fall apart, but it ended with the PC and another resident of the ward slipping into a nearby side room together where the npc offered to fill him in on everything, but they got distracted momentarily looking around the mostly dark room and finding an implication that the ward had once had a pair of animals present as pets, due to crates with bedding and water dishes being there - no animals were to be seen, but on approaching the crates curiously, something unseen growled from inside
And then I woke up
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old-knightsvow · 11 months
dreamt that i was in succession but it was actually very obviously house md (see: i was literally a fellow. but so was andrew dodds who for some reason was there) but in the dream we kept calling it succession......after the premiere of the season i went god knows where and mattmac called me a sudaca........i guess i was so stunned i woke up
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laterdawns · 1 year
Memry christmas i git presenfs
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utterbuffoonery · 1 year
In Sum, He Is An Ass
'What ails the newspapers of the United States primarily--and what ails Dr. Sinclair's scheme of reform quite as plainly--is the fact that their gigantic commercial development compels them to appeal to larger and larger masses of undifferentiated men, and that the truth is a commodity that the masses of undifferentiated men cannot be induced to buy. The cause thereof lie deep down in the psychology of the Homo Boobus, or inferior man--which is to say, of the normal, the typical, the dominant citizen of a democratic society. This man, despite a superficial appearance of intelligence, is really quite incapable of anything properly describable as reasoning. The ideas that fill his head are formulated, not by a process of ratiocination, but by a process of mere emotion. He has, like the other higher mammalia, very intense feelings, but, like them again, he has very little genuine sense. What pleases him most in the department of ideas, and hence what is most likely to strike him as true, is simply whatever gratifies his prevailing yearnings--for example, the yearning for physical security, that for mental tranquility and that for regular and plentiful subsistence. In other words, the thing he asks of ideas is precisely the thing he asks of institutions, to whit, escape from doubt and danger, freedom from what Nietzsche called the hazards of the labyrinth, above all, relief from fear--the basic emotion of all inferior creatures at all times and everywhere. Therefore this man is generally religious, for the sort of religion he knows is simply a vast scheme to relieve him from a vain and painful struggle with the mysteries of the universe. And therefore he is a democrat, for democracy is a scheme to safeguard him against exploitation by his superiors in strength and sagacity. And therefore, in all his miscellaneous reactions to ideas, he embraces invariably those that are the simplest, the least unfamiliar, the most comfortable--those that fit in most readily with his fundamental emotions, and so make the least demands upon his intellectual agility, resolution and resourcefulness. In sum, he his an ass.'
A Gang of Pecksniffs p. 64-65
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grandeoatmilklatte · 3 months
A Year In Love 💚 - Ominis Gaunt x F!MC
Happy one year anniversary to Hogwarts Legacy! I can't believe it's been a whole year since the game has been released! (I can't believe it's been a whole year since I descended into madness over these boys either!)
A few of us in one of the HL Discord servers decided to all write a one year related fic, so here is my contribution to that. Enjoy!
Warnings - None! All Fluff! || 1.5k words
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Ominis stopped walking as he felt his wand begin to rapidly pulsate in his hand - a sign that he had reached his destination. He sat on the grassy ground, using his wand to guide him again as he placed a small bouquet of flowers on his aunt’s grave, which was marked by a large rock, with various smaller colorful rocks and seashells surrounding it.  
Today marked one year since the night that Ominis, Sebastian, and the new fifth year ventured into Salazar Slytherin’s Scriptorium, where his aunt Noctua’s remains had been found. She was the only member of his family to show him any compassion, and the only member of his family not obsessed with blood status. She was the only family Ominis felt like he had. Although the night brought back painful memories for Ominis, it also changed the course of his life forever, in the most positive way possible. It was also the night Ominis realized he was in love. 
The evening started with Sebastian begging Ominis to join him in venturing into the Scriptorium, eager to see what secrets it held. Ominis didn’t want to go, well aware that the room likely held terrible things. But Sebastian wasn’t about to let it go, enlisting the help of his secret weapon against Ominis - the new fifth year, who Ominis had been harboring a small crush on. 
“Please, Ominis?” His name sounded so lovely on her lips, he couldn’t bring himself to say no to her. She was far too convincing. His heart even skipped a beat when she complimented him on his rare ability of being able to speak Parseltongue. 
 As the trio descended into the tunnel leading to the Scriptorium; however, Ominis cursed himself for allowing his crush on the girl to cloud his better judgment. The tunnel radiated dark magic, and was full of various puzzles which opened the way to more, deeper tunnels. What started as a nerve-wracking endeavor quickly turned into anguish as they reached the entrance to the scriptorium, guarded by a door that required a Cruciatus curse to be cast. In front of the door lay his Aunt Noctua’s long forgotten skeleton, her journal pages around her body confirming it was indeed her.
While Sebastian explored the Scriptorium, thrilled by their discovery, the new fifth year was by Ominis’s side, her arms around him as he sobbed into her shoulder. Ominis felt guilty, knowing that he should have been the one comforting her after she had endured the painful Cruciatus curse from Sebastian. Ominis could feel the way her hands shook as she held him, but despite the pain she was in, she had put his needs before her own. No one had ever put Ominis first, or shown him this level of care, not even his own blood. Her kindness changed him, and it was at this moment that he fell in love with her. 
Ominis awoke the next morning deep in denial, He convinced himself that he was just clinging to her because of the compassion she showed him, and he absolutely was not in love with her. That  is, until he received her owl asking to meet outside the castle. When he found her, she explained that she had gone back in the morning and retrieved his aunt’s remains so they could give her a proper burial. Ominis fought the urge to get down on one knee and ask for her hand in marriage at that moment. 
With her help, Ominis decided on a secluded spot across the Black Lake in a little clearing for her final resting place. The area was surrounded by trees and overlooked Hogwarts - the place Ominis called home. 
As the year went on, and the two became closer as friends, Ominis fell deeper in love with her each day. They supported each other when Sebastian strayed further and further away from them, and Ominis showed her the same level of compassion she had shown him in the scriptorium after the battle against Ranrok, when she broke down in his arms after losing Professor Fig - the closest thing she had to a father. Despite the clear connection they shared, Ominis still hadn’t confessed his true feelings, fearful that she only saw him as a friend. That fear was extinguished for good on a random night, after she crashed her lips into his and confessed her own feelings for him after an after hours meeting in The Undercroft. From that moment on they were inseparable.
Ominis was broken out of his thoughts as he heard footsteps approaching. His heart raced when the footsteps got closer and a familiar scent hit his nose - her scent. 
“I’m so sorry I’m late, Ominis! Professor Weasley needed me for something after class. I hope you’re not mad!”
Ominis let out a soft chuckle at her words, knowing he could never be mad at her. He stood to greet her, placing his hands on her waist to pull her into a gentle kiss. Once she pulled away, he heard her begin to dig through what sounded like a bag, followed by the sound of a blanket being fluffed out. As if she could read his mind, she explained herself. 
“I brought us lunch, the weather is lovely, I thought we could have a picnic!” 
As they sat in front of Aunt Noctua’s grave, enjoying the weather and food, Ominis’s mind began to wander again. This time, he thought about their future together. He thought about their graduation, and how he hoped she’d say yes to his elopement proposal he had planned for right after. He thought about what it would be like to have a home of their own, far away from the Gaunts. He even let his mind wander to children. Although he was still uncertain if he wanted to bring more Gaunts into the world, if they did have a daughter, he hoped his future wife would be open to naming her Noctua. 
As he said his aunt’s name in his head, he felt a tingle of pain in his heart. She would never get the chance to see him as a married man or a father. She would never get to meet the girl who had stolen his heart and made him so happy. He hoped that she was proud of him for finding someone who loved him and treated him right, unlike the rest of his family. He hoped that she was proud of him for making a new legacy for the Gaunts.
“Are you alright, darling?” Her sweet voice laced with concern flooded his ears and broke him out of his train of thought once again. 
“I miss her…” Ominis choked out as tears began to form in his eyes. 
His fingertips registered the softness of her hands as she gave his hands a gentle squeeze. “Oh darling, I’m so sorry. I know you do. But she’s not truly gone. The ones who love us never really leave us. They’re always in our hearts and watching over us.”
Ominis squeezed her hands back, his tears freely flowing now. “I wish she could have met you. She would have loved you. I…I hope she’s proud of me.”
Ominis’s heart fluttered as he felt her lips press against his cheek. “She is proud of you. I know she is. So proud of you for doing the Gaunt name justice. She helped make you into the amazing person you are and will grow to be. She’s extremely proud of you, and so am I.”
Releasing her hands to cup her face, Ominis pulled her into a gentle, but passionate kiss. Their lips remained locked for several seconds, Ominis savoring the way her lips felt against his own. Over the course of the past year, he had kissed her many times, never once getting sick of it. He didn’t think he could ever get sick of her.  
The couple spent the next hour in the same spot, talking, laughing, and updating Aunt Noctua on things that had happened throughout the year. They stayed until it got dark, Ominis feeling the change in temperature.
“We should probably make our way back, make sure we’re prepared for the potions exam tomorrow. Thank you for joining me today.”
“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world, Ominis.”
She stood up, pulling Ominis to his feet with her. He wished Noctua a good night and assured her that he’d visit again soon before taking his lover’s hand as they made their way back towards the castle.
When they had just reached the Hogwarts grounds, Ominis felt his girlfriend stop walking, but before he could ask her what was wrong, he felt her arms wrap around his neck as she planted a soft kiss to his lips. 
“I love you, Ominis Gaunt.” she said softly. He could hear the smile on her face through her voice.
“And I love you.” he said back with a smile. And he did - he had loved her for a year, and planned to love her for many more years to come.
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elizahannah24 · 2 months
I never commissioned some of like these but its kind of pretty you fanfic fan art of Ominis & MC it kinda inspired me as well 💚🐍💚
@tamayula-hl @tamayula-journal 💚
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arthenaa · 1 year
Roots - S.S & O.G
PLOT SUMMARY: After an eventful fifth year, Ominis and Sebastian seems to be the people who know the hero of Hogwarts the best. Approached by an interested third year, the two best friends seem to realize they don’t know anything at all about Y/N beyond school.
DISCLAIMER: Hogwarts Legacy Spoilers, Canon divergent, can be read as platonic or romantic, Scamander brothers and Leta Lestrange is in this, mentions of Fantastic Beast plot, (i rewatched fantastic beasts ok and i love the scamander brothers so bad and I love these boys sm so I’m putting them in one fic), setting is set on FB era but with the the same teachers in HL, mentions of bad home environment on MC’s past, MC is a half blood, MC vents her feelings, im mostly spewing shit out of my ass in this one, she/her pronouns and feminine terms are used.
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Out of the trio, Y/N has always received the most attention. Due to her great efforts and contribution to the defeat of Ranrok and saving the wizarding world, eyes are constantly on her and whispers of her achievements flutter around the halls of the castle. This had never bothered Ominis and Sebastian of course. They had always seen you as the flustered and clumsy fifth year walking up to the podium to be sorted. You had always been the center of their attention. They had been with you through most of your ups and downs during your first year as a 5th year in Hogwarts. Stuck with you through various situations and had defended you from those who had tried to harm you and so they had the honorary badge of being called your “best friends.” They took pride in being the people closest to you and it would sometimes be borderline possessive according to Imelda Reyes but Sebastian simply rolls his eyes and tells her to bugger off. That was what they thought, until recently.
“Don’t tell me you don’t know anything about her at all?” Yrma’s face forms a look of disappointment. Ominis cringes at her tone before Sebastian makes a noise of disagreement.
Yrma Greenland glances between the two as they stand in silence. The third year had been an avid fan of the Hero of Hogwarts after witnessing her magical prowess against raiders and poachers during an eventful night of trying to rescue a niffler. It almost made her cry as Y/N approaches her with an angelic smile. She had been trying to get to know more about Y/N Y/L/N and given that she was part of the Hogwarts School Journalism Club, it would be beneficial to her job as a journalist (definitely as journalist ….. and not for herself …) to know about her subject’s background.
“W-we do know stuff about her! Besides, why should we tell you? Isn’t this invasion of privacy?” Sebastian retorts as he leans against the pillar. Yrma rolls her eyes at the idiocy.
“I’m a journalist, I have to get information one way or another. What’s this stuff you know then?” She presses on.
“She likes monochromatic colors.” Ominis starts. “Quite skilled in Defence against the Dark Arts.”
“Loathes the pumpkin juice at the Great Hall. Has a specific chair in the common room that nobody dares to touch for some reason.” Sebastian adds. Ominis nods in agreement. 
“When she’s nervous, she wrings her hands to keep her grounded. Loves to twirl her wand like a pen for some odd reason. A beast magnet. She can sleep anywhere as well. Did you know she once slept standing very still—“ 
“I do not want to hear about your obsession with Y/N Y/L/N.” Yrma halts Ominis’s ramblings about the witch with a furious look. “I’m talking about her background. Where’d she come from? Is she a half-blood, pure or muggleborn. THAT’s what I’m looking for.” 
The two Slytherins look at the Ravenclaw with a baffled look. Yrma can only stare at them with an amused look.
“Seriously? Two years and you two don’t know anything?”
“I mean she hasn’t talked about it!” Sebastian tries to defend himself. He turns to Ominis who looks like Salazar Slytherin had asked him to commit crimes worthy of Azkaban. “Ominis? Did she tell you anything at all?”
“…I always assumed that she was muggleborn.”
“So I take that you know nothing at all?” Yrma sighs. A chill runs down both of their backs at the revelation. “Some best friends you two must be.”
Yrma grumbles in disappointment on not being able to get information about the Hero of Hogwarts before leaving the pair. Ominis and Sebastian only wallow in their misery in silence.
“I can’t believe this Ominis.” Sebastian’s voice is weak. Ominis nods in agreement. It was never brought up throughout your stay in Hogwarts. Everyone was also quite open with their backgrounds so it was never an option to be brought up in a conversation. Your achievements have overshadowed your personal background as a young witch. No one had even questioned your blood status or where you had come from. Sure it was discussed when you had first entered as a late student but that too had been overshadowed by the dragon attack you and Professor Fig had endured. Somehow, you had become something they knew so well and knew nothing about at the same time.
“At this point, I’m just curious about it.” Ominis breaks the silence. Sebastian glances at his friend before nodding. Why would you not bring it up though? You had experienced Sebastian’s family situation, listened to Ominis’s complaints about his crazy family. It should’ve been an opportunity to bring up but you had always listened rather than talked. Surely, you would’ve talked about it if you felt comfortable enough with them right?
 “Why do you two looked like someone pissed in your butterbeer and manipulated you into thinking that it’s not piss?” Imelda Reyes looks down at the two Slytherin boys lounging in the common room with frowns in their faces.
 “Gross. You needn’t be so crass on your comparisons.” Ominis groans. Imelda rolls her eyes as she sets her broom down beside the couch before sitting in front of the fireplace. 
“I hear people from the ministry are coming to visit.” Imelda starts as she looks back at the two. “Some sort of assessment, I suppose.”
“From the ministry?” This catches Sebastian’s attention. “Why?”
“Not sure.” Imelda shrugs. “I think it’s because of Professor Hecat and her assistant. What’s his name?”
“Dumbledore.” Ominis flatly replies from his seat on the couch. 
Imelda furrows her eyebrows as she stares back and forth between the two. “Seriously? What is the problem with you both?” 
Ominis sighs before properly sitting up. Sebastian on the other hand continues to flail in his seat. The young Gaunt feels his wand as he contemplates his thoughts before asking Imelda a question.
“Do you know anything about Y/N?”
Imelda tilts her head in confusion. “She’s a Slytherin and gifted with the broom—Wait, why are you asking me that question? Shouldn’t you two know the answer?”
“Not that, Imelda.” Sebastian chimes in as he sits up, elbows on his knees, leaning forward. “I meant about her as a person.”
Imelda falls silent for a few moments before she lets out a huff of amusement. “Merlin.”
“Right?!” Sebastian whines before slumping back on the couch. “I don’t understand how we both barely know anything about her despite knowing her for 2 years. I mean, I knew Ominis wet his bed when he was 9 within the first 3 months of my first year!”
“Sebastian!” Ominis flushes in embarrassment. Imelda chuckles at the information.
“Well, I mean. The gal’s a powerhouse. I doubt people would be focused about her roots rather than her achievements.” Imelda replies. “I thought you two would know more about her considering you two hover like a hawk.”
“I do not do that.” Ominis retorts. Imelda nudges his knee before laughing.
“Yeah, didn’t know you were quite humorous, Ominis.” Imelda teases. Ominis turns his head towards her, sending a glare to her direction.
“I’m just kind of concerned why she hasn’t told us anything…” Sebastian quietly responds as he watches the fire flicker in front of him.
“Well, guess you’ll just have to find out then.” Imelda grins as she notices a familiar figure walking over to them. The two sulking wizards were too busy with sulking, not noticing the subject of the conversation standing in front of them. Y/N looks at Imelda for context and the Quidditch player only shrugs before standing up and grabbing her broom. She pats Y/N’s shoulder as she passes by her before whispering a “good luck” as she’ll definitely need it. Y/N only looks at Imelda’s disappearing figure in confusion before turning to her dearest friends.
“Ominis? Sebastian?” Her voice shocks both boys as they flail around to sit properly.
“Merlin’s beard. You scared us.” Sebastian massages his pounding chest as you only chuckle in amusement. Sebastian’s not sure if it’s because you scared them with your arrival or it’s because seeing you that his heart seems to pound out of his chest. You sat in between them, squeezing Ominis’s arm to acknowledge his presence.
“Where were you? We didn’t see you at DADA.” Ominis says as he feels for your hand, grasping it in his palm before interlocking your fingers together. You can only lean your head back, eyes closing due to exhaustion.
“I was with Professor Black. Got called up for something important.” You sigh as you squeeze Ominis’s palm. A hand begins to pet your hair causing you to open your eyes and look at the culprit. The Sallow boy only smiles as he presses a soft kiss against your temple. 
“The headmaster himself, huh? That’s the hero of Hogwarts for you. Always in for something important.” Sebastian teases. Y/N rolls her eyes, shoving him lightly.
“Stairs are a crime. If only I could just travel the castle on a broom.” You complain.
“Imelda’s been there, done that. Detention for a month, I recall.” Ominis leans his head on your shoulder, basking in your lovable scent.
“You battle trolls for breakfast and all it takes is a bit of stairs to rough you up?” Sebastian laughs as he continues to play with your hair.
“Oh, shut it, Sallow.” Soft laughter, escape your lips before a comfortable silence engulfs the three of you. It would’ve been comfortable had there not been a nudging thought banging against the heads of both boys. Sebastian feels a soft nudge against his shoulder, causing him to look over at the Slytherin descendant. An encouraging look is plastered on his face, and Sebastian internally groans at it. 
“Hey, Y/N. We have something to ask you abou—“
“Is Y/N Y/L/N here? You’re needed by Professor Weasley!” A student had shouted out in the common room. The young witch groans before sitting up. The opportunity of asking leaves before Sebastian can even grasp it.
“I’ll see you both later in the Undercroft, okay?” Y/N smiles before placing a kiss on both of their foreheads. She then dashes off to Professor Weasley, leaving the two in silence.
“You should’ve asked faster.”
“How should I know?!” 
 “She should be here by now.” Sebastian taps his foot against the marbled floor. Ominis can only lean against the pillar. The two had been out of their minds ever since the incident with Yrma Greenland. At this point, they just want to spend time with you. Having finally decided that you would eventually tell them on your own terms as they had done with theirs.
Humming distracts Ominis as he hears the tune from the DADA classroom. Leaving Sebastian grumbling on his own, he lets his wand guide him to the sound. The humming grows louder as he softly pushes the door open. He senses a person inside, unfamiliar to that of Professor Hecat and the new assistant. A gasp signals Ominis that the person has acknowledged his presence.
“The classrooms are restricted at this hour. You’d have to go to the Faculty area to talk to Professor Hecat.” He calmly talks as he senses his the person’s figure in front of him.
“I-I don’t mean to intrude. I was just looking around.”
“As I said, these rooms are restricted at this h—“
“It’s alright, she’s with me.” A new person enters the room. A man, Ominis thinks. 
“Apologies for being rude, but who are you?” Ominis sighs. The man chuckles as he feels him walk towards the other person, a woman. About to introduce himself, another presence enters the room.
“Ominis! You left again without saying anything.” Sebastian grumbles annoyed. Ominis looks away from the direction of his voice, not responding to his sudden disappearance. The Sallow boy then glances to the other two people in the room. A man and a woman stood in the classroom, casually staring at the interaction between the two of them. They were dressed formally and seemed far different from how their teachers normally dressed. This must be the ministry visit Imelda was talking about, Sebastian thinks.
“I take that you’re from the ministry?” Ominis reads Sebastians' thoughts. The Sallow turns to him in amusement. “I notice that your presence is unfamiliar.”
“You’re correct.” The man answers. “We’re here for an important matter. We were once students like you and my fiancé wanted to roam the halls in nostalgia.”
The woman smiles at him. “I was also Slytherin, like you two.”
The man steps forward, moving closer to the two boys. “I assume Ominis here is a Gaunt? I’ve had the pleasure of meeting your father from time to time. It’s nice to see his son growing well here in Hogwarts.”
At the mention of his father, Ominis cringes to which Sebastian nudges his side. The man laughs at the look. “Understandable.”
Before the conversation could escalate further, two new voices were heard nearing towards the classroom.
“I’ve told you multiple times. We could’ve done this visit on a free day! Not during a day of classes, Newt!”
“You tell me as if I planned this whole thing.”
“Even if you didn’t, you probably instigated it. Everyone knows Theseus has a brother complex.”
“You know we can hear you right?” The man in the room yells before silence engulfs the halls. The door to the classroom opens and Sebastian looks back in shock to see Y/N with another man.
“Sebastian? Ominis? What are you two doing here?” You rush over to them. Ominis relaxes at your voice. You look back at the two other figures in the room. “This is an awkward sight.”
“Awkward? Really? We’re your family.”
“Soon to be. My sister still hasn’t married you.” You snorted. The two turn their heads fast as a Thestral towards you.
“Sister?!” The Slytherin boys exclaimed. The woman smiles at the interaction. You smile sheepishly before looking at the three other people in the room.
“I suppose introductions are in order.” You start as you stand in between the two. You point your hand towards the taller of the two. “The man you first met is Theseus Scamander, Head Auror of the British Ministry of Magic.”
Theseus waves his hand before saying a quick hello. Your hand then points to the shy male standing near them. “This is Newt Scamander. Magizoologist. The Scamander Wrote our material for Beasts class.”
Ominis gasps in recognition before bowing in respect. The magizoologist reaches over to pat his shoulder.
“This is Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt, my best friends.” 
“And my sister, Leta Lestrange. Theseus’s fiancée. Works in the ministry as well.” Your eyes lock with Leta, who smiles proudly. You return an awkward smile.
"You're a Lestrange?" Sebastian whispers in shock.
"Well, half. We have different mothers. Mine's a muggle. Hence my different last name— but yes, essentially, I am a Lestrange." You reply quietly. Ominis and Sebastian acknowledge the new information in silence. You then turn towards the three and motion your hands to your friends.
“I-It’s nice to meet you all.” Sebastian smiles. The three smile at them.
“I suppose Y/N’s taken care of well then.” Leta moves closer to the two. Grasping both of their hands. “I’m grateful that my sister is in good hands.”
“Leta…” You flush at your sister’s words. Leta only pinches your cheeks.
“I suppose the two of you can join us tomorrow!” Leta turns to the Scamander brothers who nod in agreement. “We’ll be roaming around in Hogsmeade with Y/N. We’re hoping the two of you could join us. I want to learn more about you.”
Before the two could agree, Y/N intercepted the conversation. “I can talk to them about it. Don’t worry. Don’t you three have more important matters to discuss with Dumbledore and Hecat?”
She glances at Newt for help who moves quickly to grab his brother out of the room. The older protests but lets his brother drag him out. Leta laughs softly at the sight before walking over to Y/N and pressing a soft kiss on her forehead. “I’ll see you around.”
You nod in agreement before watching her leave the room. Once their footsteps fade away, you turn towards the two who stare at you for explanation.
“I know I haven’t talked much about my family—“
“You haven’t talked about it at all actually.” Ominis retorts. He sighs before moving close to you. “I didn’t mean to come off rude but I suppose we were kind of in the dumps earlier after realizing we knew nothing about who you were. It never even crossed our minds and I feel like we’re kind of bad friends because of that.”
“No! what are you talking about? You two are the greatest friends I’ve ever had.” You cup one side of their cheeks with your palms. “The fact that you two stuck beside me and treated me equally despite not knowing a thing is one of the many reasons why I hold you two dearly in my heart. It never really crossed my mind before about family because I had only just recently found out about Leta.”
Your hands slowly drop from their cheeks to hold their hands. You take a deep breath before looking up at them. You suppose after all that they’ve gone through and the fact that they fully confided themselves in you, the least you could do is tell them the truth.
“What do you mean?” Sebastian rubs his thumb against your knuckles. They comfort you in small gestures. Ominis in interlocking his fingers with you and Sebastian with his concerned gaze. They listen but don’t pry. It makes tears well in your eyes with how understanding they are.
“Before the start of my first year as a 5th year, before I met Fig. I originally lived in an orphanage. In the care of a muggle. I lived most of my life there, not caring where I had come from or who I was. People there said and did bad things.” You bit your lip as you recall the memories. Living there had been so bad. No one cared about you or the other children. The adults there only did their job and never took care of you. “Leta had been trying to find me for years with the help of Theseus and Newt. Luckily enough, an Auror who had been stationed near the orphanage had seen traces of magic. When Leta found me, I had been close to becoming an obscurial.”
Ominis and Sebastian huddle closer to you as you look down to the floor. “They had immediately taught me how to hone and express my magic despite being a late bloomer. Then they contacted Hogwarts and with the guidance of Professor Fig, I was agreed to be accepted as a 5th year.”
You look up at them with teary eyes. “I didn’t tell anyone because I wanted to start anew. I still had time processing everything and what happened during my 5th year didn’t really help either but I had you two.”
You hugged them tightly. “You two became a foundation that helped me become who I am today. So, I think that you two are the best people I could ever ask for.”
Sebastian laughs softly before hugging you back. Ominis leans his head towards yours before rubbing your back softly. “Thank you for trusting us enough to tell us this.”
You press a soft kiss to their cheeks as you pull back enough to look at them but still stay in their embrace. The two of you hug in comfortable silence before pulling back.
“Now that that’s out of the way. Why don’t we head to the Undercroft to hangout?” You smile mischievously. A bottle of fire whiskey appears on your hands. “I got this bad boy from Theseus.”
“I suppose having connections to the Head Auror has its perks huh?” Sebastian teases. Ominis shakes his head as he follows the two out of the room.
“Might as well go all out.”     
A/N: I hadn’t posted in a while so forgive any mistakes. I had just started playing HL (pirated it ofc) and had rewatched Fantastic Beasts so why not mush them all together HAHAHA. lmk your thoughts!
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celerydays · 4 months
I hope you had an awesome birthday!! Here’s a present for ya ✨
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Your MC is so pretty! I hope I did her justice 🫶
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THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I love and adore this to bits, she's perfect 😭 My MC looks so dang cute in your style, I'm meltingggg just looking at her!!– 🥹🫠💕
And I did have a really wonderful birthday! Thank you for making it even better with this amazing gift! 🥺💗
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elonomhblog · 2 months
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hello! my name is joanne. i live in australia and study international baccalaureate.
my subjects are: sports exercise health science hl, physics hl, english hl, mathematics sl, business management sl and español hl.
i'm currently striving for a personal record for 48km (hike) and working to set up my business (also focusing on maintaining my grades).
this blog is half studyblr and half me improving my life and myself (and sharing how you can).
here are my masterlists as current:
study masterlist
advice and learning masterlist
adventure masterlist
lists masterlist
journal prompts masterlist
daily posts
dear daisy sneak peaks
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legendoftortor · 4 months
Got some new things for my lil HL/HP themed area 💚 (more photos & videos below!)
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First (and probably most importantly), my replica relic! I bought a kit off of Etsy and my husband & I assembled it ourselves over my Christmas break from work. Will share the link to the listing in the comments but it wasn’t too hard to paint and put together ☺️
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The journal was a Christmas gift from my lovely husband, the pins I found on eBay (apparently a preorder exclusive in some regions?), and the keychain I bought for myself! Also got some Slytherin magnets (gift) and a makeup bag set which are in the pictures below.
Also, I got some floating candles for the ceiling 🕯️
(video featuring the ivy I put up on the ceiling just because I thought it looked pretty 🌿)
This is what my shelf & cart look like now after the new additions (there’s still some Seb & Ominis photos hiding behind that bag at the top)! Running out of room but I don’t think that will stop me 😅
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(Will link other posts of my collection down here later for ease of access but they can also be found with the tag #my HL collection.)
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adelaidedrubman · 7 months
i was tagged by my loves @simplegenius042 @shallow-gravy for music monday, thank you!
have been recently possessed to do some finishing damage to my spotify wrapped by working on the america’s sweetheart verse playlist, so here is track number one from that. sorry after so many weeks of no music monday to let everyone down by not having a hl&s fishing themed song to share, but it is at least still 90s country and my favorite kind of jestiny soundtrack feature: songs with innocuous upbeat lyrics that become extremely dark when actually applied to her situation
she used to tie her hair up in ribbons and bows / sign her letters with x’s and o’s / got a picture of her mama in heels and pearls / she’s gonna make it in her daddy’s world / she’s an american girl / an american girl / well, she’s got her god / and she’s got good wine / aretha franklin and patsy cline
aaaaaand here’s some america’s sweetheart actually dotting her letters with xxx’s and ooo’s. pretty lengthy excerpt, so reminder there’s always no pressure to read! also warnings for vulgar sexual banter and references to sexual situations, psychological and emotional manipulation, passing reference to retaliatory leaking of intimate messages, and jestiny catchall warning
Jestiny’s shoulders shook hunched over the table as her laughter deepened into low booms shaking through the flimsy walls of the trailer, half hugging herself as she looked up at Andrea with eyes bulging wide and gilded with a hot blaze of mania. 
Her laughter sputtered to a stop with a punctuating snort as her smile tightened and tugged to the side, her teeth digging into the scarlet painted plump of her bottom lip and a dimple sinking into her cheek. “Pretty fuckin’ good, right?”
“Good? Good? It’s deranged, Jestiny,” Andrea said plain and clear, lowering herself to sit atop the coffee table so that she was eye level with Jestiny. “You’re using a pen name to send sexually explicit love letters to an incarcerated mass murderer who kidnapped and tortured you. That’s the least ‘good’ sentence I’ve ever heard.”
“It’s like, a gag —” she replied with a wave of her arm and a few huffs of laughter that sounded far more strained this time. “Don’t you get it? I’m catfishing him!” She tapped her fingers against the pages in a short, frantic drumroll. “Did you know it was called that, by the way? Catfishing? Flynn taught me that. It’s pretty —”
“Jestiny, I fail to see the humor in —”
“And you know they also call it ‘phishing’ when they send you those fake emails that steal your password and give you a virus? It’s like, how do you fish with a computer —”
Yes, of course Andrea knew — she was the sender of most of the emails, anytime she needed to lock Jestiny out of her social media accounts. 
“Why the hell would you even want to catfish him?”
“Well, why the hell do people go actual fishing, for that matter?” she asked with a frustrated roll of her eyes. “Why do people put in the work of buying a rod and baiting a hook to catch something they could have probably saved money just picking up at the fuckin’ supermarket? Why do people do anything?’’ She shrugged. “I did it because I knew he’d fall for it.”
“Why —” Andrea asked with eyes still pleading for a real answer, because that might have been the closest thing she’d ever heard to honesty from Jestiny, and maybe not all hope was lost after all, “Why would you even want him to fall for it? What were you hoping to gain?”
“I don’t know, I —” she threw her arms up into the air; rolled her eyes more dramatically. “Build his trust up, then see how far I could push it. Maybe it’s one of those situations where over the years I lure him into confessing to a bunch of unsolved murders nobody’s pinned on him yet. Win an investigative journalism award and get a bunch of headlines about how brave I am for facing my own trauma to bring closures to other families, or what the fuck ever. Maybe I just humiliate him by leaking his Dear Penitentiary House letters to the tabloids. I’ll play it by ear.”
“So you started doing this — paid for a P.O. Box under a fake name in a city two-thousand miles away from where you live — without even having a desired end result in mind?”
“No, my end result just so happens to be a moving target.”
“And why would you catfish him with the name Gertrude Winston?”
She scoffed, easy and airy, the third roll of eyes once again softened to playfulness by a sweet flutter of her lashes. 
“Well what name would you have wanted me to use, Andrea?” she asked with a gentle, patronizing rise. “Would you rather I had fucking wrote him saying I’m Madison Hughetits — a happy and successful heiress and model in LA, until I saw him on TV and felt suddenly I would find it far more fulfilling to be a stay at home mom to a prison baby conceived from ninety seconds of under the table visitation room action?”
“I would rather you not write to John Seed at all, per —”
“He woulda seen straight through something like that,” she continued undeterred, tapping two fingers against her temple. “But a letter from Gertrude — a lonely older widow from Clearwater who thought he sounded very polite when he spoke to the judge and had sad eyes that made her wonder what his childhood was like?” 
Jestiny dropped the fingers from her head with a swift snap, swooping the hand down to jab against the stack of papers in the same motion. “That’s someone he writes back to. Someone he feels safe telling things to, because he thinks she’ll just feel so special he’s paying her attention at all. Someone he opens up to, because she’d never dare betray him. Gertrude gets results.”
Andrea’s jaw dropped, in spite of herself. Jestiny always found a way to shatter her normally unwavering professionalism. “You —”
“Now, of course, I did send him a few of the Madison Hughetits style ones, so he’d feel smart for seeing through ’em and let his guard —”
“You need help,” Andrea interrupted in stern command, desperately trying to keep a firm grasp on the reins of the conversation. “I mean it, Jestiny. This is…” She shook her head, gesturing towards the pages. “This is beyond the pale, even for you. You need serious help. Whatever is going on in that head of yours, you — You need to share it with a mental health professional. Please. You need help.”
Jestiny scratched her nose, rubbing a hand across her mouth as she scanned the pages. She looked back up at Andrea with two slow, owlish blinks of confusion. 
“I read that BetterHelp ad on the podcast just last week.” She tilted her head to the side, brow furrowing with hurt that looked oddly genuine. “Do you not even listen to my podcast?”
tagging my sweethearts @socially-awkward-skeleton @cassietrn @wrathfulrook @nightbloodbix @direwombat @inafieldofdaisies @g0dspeeed @shallow-gravy @roofgeese @florbelles @josephslittledeputy @afarcryfrommymain @poetikat @just-another-wasteland-merc @voidika @captastra @confidentandgood @belorage @deputyash @blissfulalchemist @shellibisshe @thedeadthree @nightbloodbix @ladyofedens-blog @miyabilicious @quickhacked @jackiesarch @v0idbuggy @orionlancasterr @stacispratt @8bitpizzacoupons @strangefable @henbased @clicheantagonist @firstaidspray @corvosattano @strafethesesinners + like here to join wip day tags (or unlike to be left olone)!
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