#hi I've been having a lot of middle of the night thoughts again lately
byanyan · 3 months
byan being a timid kid.
byan being a timid kid because they used to be an outgoing and energetic kid, but they'd get in trouble for being too loud and annoying, too rambunctious and distracting, and struggled to make friends because they were too overwhelming and wanted too much attention. byan being a timid kid because they don't know who to trust because they've been hurt so many times in so many ways by the people who were supposed to protect and look after them. byan being a timid kid because they always manage to disappoint everyone, because they aren't smart enough or talented enough or good enough and they can never seem to do anything right. byan being a timid kid because they're afraid of what they're capable of, because every time their anger has boiled over, they've done serious damage to people, because they've ended up hurting someone far more than that one person ever hurt them.
byan being a timid kid because they don't know what else to do, because every part of them seems wrong, and now being themself just doesn't feel like an option.
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avatar-anna · 6 months
When You Fall In Love...
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so i've been reading icebreaker and it's been putting me in the hockeyrry mood
part one, part two, bonus, bonus
Harry watched from the empty stands as Y/n ran through her routine for the fifth time. Her teammates had gone home, her coach asked Harry if he would lock up on the way out, and now it was just the two of them in the empty rink. There wasn't even any music playing anymore, Y/n was just skating and performing her tricks as if there was.
Every time she did it, it was flawless. Her routine was fast and intense and incredibly difficult, but Y/n performed with ease every time. She landed her tricks like they were nothing, tricks which Harry now knew the names of and could tell the difference between a lutz and an axel. She was incredible, and he was in awe of her every single time.
But even in her perfection, Y/n had yet to smile once.
Harry decided she'd had enough after she finished her fifth run-through, quickly jogging down to the edge of the rink before she could skate out to the middle again. He leaned over the barricade and kissed the top of her head. This close to her, he could see her rosy cheeks and heaving chest, a sign that her routine did wear her out, despite making it look so effortless.
"You were phenomenal as usual, baby," Harry said while he gathered her things.
"I bobbled a landing and my timing was off for a whole four counts," was her reply.
Harry frowned, not pleased by her recent negativity. Any athlete could be critical of their ability, but Y/n seemed uncharacteristically hard on herself lately, and he had no idea why. "Everything okay?" He asked, shouldering her duffle bag as they walked away from the rink.
"I'm fine."
She certainly didn't sound fine, but Harry decided not to push. Not now, anyway. Changing the subject, he said, "I got an email from the recruiter. I should be receiving my contract soon."
Excitement didn't even begin to cover how Harry had been feeling lately. Last week, he'd met with an agent of a minor league hockey team, one that was a feeder to an NHL team. He expressed their interest in Harry moving to the east coast after graduation and join them for spring training. And after giving it some thought, Harry accepted.
He was over the moon, thrilled that years of hard work was finally paying off. He'd made his passion into a career, and had the potential to really make a name for himself. Life couldn't have been better.
But where Harry seemed to be flying high, Y/n seemed stuck. She was happy for him when he told her the news, had gone out to celebrate with him that night. But something felt off between them. Harry couldn't put a name to it, but he just knew.
"That's great," Y/n said with no amount of enthusiasm in her voice. Harry tried not to take it to heart, she was clearly in a mood from her practice. She was under a lot of pressure too, he reminded himself, and sometimes had a knack for not knowing how to express herself with words.
"Is there something on your mind? You've been quiet recently," he said, hoping he wasn't overstepping her delicate boundary.
Y/n shook her head as she approached her car, sliding into the driver's seat without a word. Harry couldn't help but feel more and more like there was something on her mind, but he let it go again.
Before pulling the car out of the parking lot, Y/n rested her hand over his and leaned in to kiss him. "I'm sorry. I've just got a lot on my mind."
"It's okay. As long as you know you can talk to me about it."
Her throat bobbed, but she nodded, then turned her focus toward the road. Harry filled the silence with rambling. He talked mostly about the NHL, about his contract and where he wanted to live and how everything was happening so fast.
So caught up in trying to break the tension, he didn't notice Y/n's white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel.
"Styles! What the hell are you doing? Focus up! Let's go!"
Harry rested his hands on his knees, breathing heavily during the brief pause in the game. His eyes flicked up to the stands, searching the crowd for a familiar face, but he didn't see the one he needed the most.
Despite being recruited by a minor league hockey team, Harry was probably having the worst game of his life.
Not one pass connected, he was letting second-rate players get by him, and he'd spent more time in the penalty box than in the actual game. Nothing about this was right, and still all he could do was look for Y/n.
She wasn't there, and even though things had been weird between them recently, he was still surprised. When she wasn't at a competition of her own, Y/n came to every one of Harry's games. It had started out as Harry wanting to impress her, maybe show off a little, and then as time went on and they grew closer and their relationship became more than two people having sex in secret, he wanted her to be there just because it felt good knowing she was watching him play. All his nerves floated away when Y/n was sat in the stands, sometimes in his jersey, cheering him on.
And of course there were times when she couldn't come, but this wasn't one of those times. Y/n had purposely not shown up. He knew they'd fought before the game, but he didn't think she would abandon him just to be petty. They were past that now.
His sole focus should've been on the game he was playing, but instead his mind kept drifting to the fight.
Harry could feel Y/n pulling away from him. He finally felt like he was getting everything he wanted—a spot on a minor league hockey team on the east coast that would eventually lead him to the NHL, graduating with semi-decent grades thanks to Y/n, and of course being with his dream girl. At first, she'd seen him as some douchey athlete that was only good for one thing. He remembered seeing her for the first time their freshman year, performing tricks on the ice that he'd only ever seen on TV, and when he whistled and clapped loudly—perhaps a little obnoxiously—after she'd finished, she'd rolled her eyes at him and told him to fuck off.
It was love at first sight.
Harry had been so careful around Y/n. He played by her rules and followed her lead, trying not to let the comments about them not dating get to him too much. He liked their initial dynamic, finding it funny when he got under her skin because she made it so easy. It became a kind of game, this push and pull that was fun and exciting and eventually led to their arrangement.
He knew that she cared about him on some level, he just needed to bide his time and show her he wasn't who she thought he was. Not entirely, anyway. And when she finally did, and they became more than just people who screwed around, everything was perfect.
They'd been through so much together. Y/n pushed Harry to be better, and he worked with her to master new tricks and nail her routine. There wasn't anyone else who understood his level of commitment to hockey, but she did, and that just made him love her more.
So when he got the call offering him a spot on the minor league team, Y/n was the first person Harry told. She'd been happy for him, and he was over the moon, his mind already making a million plans—where they'd live, her coming to his games, him helping her find a new rink to train at. It felt like the doors to a new and exciting world had opened for them, but she then she started pulling back, and Harry practically watched as that door slammed shut.
Harry pushed himself to focus back on the game, on the hockey stick in his hand and the ice beneath his skates. He felt like it took more effort than it should've to get his head back in the game, but his team managed to pull out a win, and he managed not to get benched before it happened. That didn't stop his coach from ripping him a new one in the locker room, but Harry sat there and took it, shaking his head and promising his piss poor performance would never happen again.
Exhausted both physically and mentally, he trudged out of the locker room and toward the parking lot, debating whether to take the bus home or call an Uber. Even in his senior year, he still didn't have a car, but Y/n was usually there to give him a ride home. To their home. Moving in together for their last year of school seemed like a no-brainer, and it had been amazing so far, though the last week had been kind of a disaster. Harry could feel the tension between them growing, but every time he asked Y/n about it, she'd say she was fine even though they both knew everything was not fine, and the cycle continued. He wanted to be excited, he wanted to celebrate the success he'd managed to create for himself, but he felt rather deflated instead.
To Harry's surprise, Y/n was waiting for him in the parking lot. He didn't hesitate putting his gear in the trunk and coming around to sit in the passenger seat. Y/n leaned in to kiss him immediately holding onto the sides of his face fervently.
"I'm sorry," she breathed. "I'm sorry for not being here tonight and I'm sorry for acting strange, and I'm sorry for—"
"Y/n, what's going on with you?" Harry couldn't help but ask.
"Can we wait until we get home to talk?" She asked. I want to be able to talk to you properly, and I can't if I'm driving.
When Harry nodded, Y/n must've deemed it enough. She peeled away from the rink, silent tension filling the air between once again. It had been following them around all week.
That ended tonight, though. He didn't care how much Y/n hated confrontation or hard conversations. They couldn't move forward if they didn't move past this roadblock first. Harry loved Y/n more than he ever thought possible, and stubborn as she was, he knew she loved him just as much. He would get to the bottom of this, no matter how hard she tried to fight him on the way down.
"Y/n, you know I would be ecstatic if you'd told me you qualified for the Olympics. This is a huge step in my career! Why can't you be happy for me?"
"I am! God, Harry, I am."
"Then why are you pulling away from me? I feel like I can't be excited about this around you when you're the one person who should understand how this feels."
"I can't do this. I can't have this argument with you," you said, trying to step away from him.
Harry was quick to grab your hands in his, keeping you from walking away. "What aren't you telling me? Do you want to break up?"
"Do you not love me anymore? What? What is it, Y/n?"
"God, I didn't—I didn't ask for this," you cried, feeling like a damn had burst inside you. It was out now, and now you had to see it through to the end. "I didn't plan on falling in love with you. I wasn't prepared to love you this much. You're the one who wanted to take things further, and now you're—"
You're leaving me, you couldn't bring yourself to say. You really were happy for him. All of his dreams were coming true, and he had an ambition that matched yours, which made you love him more. And now that ambition was taking him far away from you, and you weren't handling it as well as you thought you would.
"I'm happy for you, H, I'm so happy for you that I could burst. And maybe even a little jealous," you joked, though there was some truth to what you said. "But I guess I just...I guess I didn't expect to love you this much. And I don't—I don't know what to do because you're going soon and I'm..."
You had no clue, and that alone was terrifying.
At the start of all this, you never imagined falling in love with Harry. He drove you absolutely insane, and despite your physical attraction to him, you kept your distance. But he kept doing these things that made you like him, and eventually care about him, and finally made you fall in love with him. It just wasn't something you saw coming. Love was definitely not on the brain when you met Harry.
Because you knew this moment was inevitable. The moment when one of you would be given an opportunity you couldn't refuse and would pull you away from each other. Once upon a time, you thought you would be given your dream job of a lifetime—competitive skating and hopefully the Olympics—but somewhere down the line, skating stopped bringing you joy, only pressure and anxiety. And now Harry had his dream job on the other side of the country, and you were left to flounder and wonder how you would survive waking up without him next to you.
"You're making it seem like it's a bad thing that you're in love with me," Harry said quietly, but the low tone of his voice didn't hide anything. You knew he was getting upset. After all the avoidance the last week—on your part—yours and his emotions were coming to a head.
"It's not! It's just that you're leaving!" you said, resisting the urge to run a frustrated hand through your hair. "And all week you've talked about how excited to get out of here and leave this all behind and start a new chapter in your life. I mean, would it kill you to act like you're a little torn up about leaving?"
It was so selfish, and you knew it was. It was why you'd been avoiding Harry, this conversation. Harry had every right to be proud and ecstatic for leaving to play in the professional league. He worked so hard, pushed himself farther than anyone you'd ever met, except for maybe you. Your pain was clouding your good sense, and now you'd shown just how horrible you could really be.
You couldn't look him in the eye after saying what you did. Even if it was how you felt, you still felt ashamed for raining on Harry's parade. "Y/n—" he tried to say when you hastily wiped a tear from your eye.
"I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry," you said, getting up from the couch and scurrying off to your bedroom.
Flopping on the bed, you pulled the covers over you, trying to hide from everything happening around you. It was too much. Your senior year was supposed to be fun and full of unforgettable memories, not arguments and heartache.
You weren't sure how much time had passed before the door opened and Harry slipped inside. He slid into bed next to you, and you didn't fight it when he rested his face in the crook of your neck. Because despite everything you were feeling, this was all you really needed.
"I'm not leaving you behind," he murmured gently. "You mean too much to me."
You sniffled, and Harry pulled you closer to his chest. "You're going to be thousands of miles away."
"Says who?" he said, kissing your cheek. "Who says you aren't coming with me?"
"And do what?" you huffed, even though the thought slightly lifted your spirits. "Be one of your...puck whatevers and follow you around like a puppy? I need a life of my own too."
You were being stubborn and argumentative and you both knew it. There was some relief in knowing Harry wanted you with him, but you also didn't want to just move because Harry was. You needed purpose, you needed to feel like your life had some sort of direction in it. But it was unfair to put all of that on Harry, and you didn't know how to express how you felt without sounding insane, so instead you said nothing, and that obviously went over brilliantly.
Harry chuckled. "See, because you just said how in love you are with me, I can tell that you're frosty attitude is just an act. Now turn over and look at me."
You reluctantly turned over, brow furrowed exaggeratedly because you couldn't cross your arms over your chest. It used to infuriate you how easily Harry could get under your skin because he knew you so well, that he knew just what to do or say to pull you out of a bad mood. In this moment, you were thankful. He could see past all the harsh words and see to the root of the problem. You'd said some things that were perhaps out of order, but Harry understood. Despite everything, he understood.
"You've worked just as hard as me, Y/n. I want to be there for you the way you've been for me. You can achieve your goals too."
"I just...I don't know if I want to achieve them anymore," you said quietly.
It was the first time you'd said it out loud. Since you'd learned to skate, there had only been one goal: the Olympics. Getting there wasn't just a matter of training, it was about devoting your life to your craft, it was barely having a life outside of training and competitions and giving all your time to winning. And after spending nearly your entire life doing it, you felt yourself slowly burning out. You'd go through your routines flawlessly, but your heart wasn't in it. All you could think about was the future—the next competition, the next training session, the next qualifier. It took seeing Harry so happy about being drafted to the minor leagues to realize the fire had gone out in you. Thinking of Olympic qualifiers and training and affording coaches and costumes and picking the right music only filled you with dread when you should've felt joy.
"But I don't know who I am if I don't have skating."
"You don't have to compete to skate, you know," Harry said. He rested his hand against your cheek, rubbing his thumb along your temple lightly. "You can c—"
"Oh God, don't say coach," you groaned. "It's perfect. You'll be a hockey superstar and I'll be the washed-up figure skater who couldn't handle the pressure of being an athlete and wound up coaching instead."
"I know you're being like this because you're scared, and that's okay," he said. "But I'll help you find a new dream, Y/n. I promise."
You had to blink away tears because your heart couldn't take how much he cared about you. "Even when I've been a complete bitch?"
"You haven't been. I'm sorry if you felt like I was leaving you behind. I guess in my mind we would always be together, no matter where we ended up."
"God I hate how much I love you sometimes," you grumbled while flinging yourself on top of Harry and holding him tight. "It's too much, you're too much, and I can't stand it—"
"There's a compliment in there somewhere, right?" Harry asked, but you could hear the grin in his voice.
Sitting up, you perched yourself on him, your legs straddling his waist. Dipping down, you made sure your noses were brushing, but you didn't close the distance. Not yet. Your heart was racing simply because Harry had been so kind to you, because he knew you so well and said exactly what you needed to hear. It felt ridiculous to know that there was a time when he pissed you off so much you saw red, that his teasing remarks and cocky grin grated on your nerves. Now you didn't want to imagine a life without him.
"I'm sorry for saying all of those things," you murmured. "I really am proud of you. No one deserves this more than you do."
Harry's hand reached up and threaded through your hair, his fingers gentle as they passed over your scalp. "I know you are. And I mean it, Y/n. I'll help you. I know you love to skate, we just have to find a way to channel that into something else. If not coaching, maybe performing?"
"What? Like Disney on Ice?" you asked skeptically, your nose wrinkling at the thought.
Harry shrugged as his hand dipped beneath your shirt to stroke your back. "You'd be a cute princess."
"With my luck, they'd make me a tree."
"Then you'd be the cutest tree there ever was."
Shaking your head, you nudged your nose against his again. "Can we hit pause on talking about the future? I just want to be with you here. Right now."
"Course," Harry said, one corner of his mouth turning up into a crooked grin. "And then maybe we can circle back to you being my puck whatever."
"Shut up."
"Make me!"
And that was something you knew how to do better than your skating routine.
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heich0e · 5 months
suna's parents divorced when he was eight.
he doesn't remember a lot of the finer details as he's gotten older, mostly just that there used to be a lot of yelling, but he does remember the two piles of belongings that stacked up in the empty living room of his childhood home: one consisting of his father's and his own, and the other comprised of his mother's and his little sister's. their entire life, their entire family, packed up into cardboard and then divided down the middle.
the apartment he moved into with his father was always too quiet. it was in aichi, far enough away from where he spent the first decade of his life that he didn't have to be reminded of it every time he left the house, but since his father worked so much it still left him with plenty of time to think. to grieve. though maybe he didn't recognize it as that at the time. he played video games his father bought for him after school. ate convenience store bentos or whatever leftovers were set aside for him in the fridge for dinner. he put himself to bed at night. it wasn't a bad life, though maybe a bit lonely.
he was scouted to play for inarizaki when he was 14.
the lonely apartment turned into a lively dorm. he had new friends (his teammates) to play video games with. his convenience store bentos were replaced with hot meals from the meal hall. the loneliness of the apartment in aichi was a distant memory, but still lingered.
"i'm home."
rintarou drops his training bag in the genkan as he toes off his shoes, calling into the apartment to announce his return.
"welcome home!" you call back from further in the apartment, and the sound makes him smirk a little to himself.
you've been coming over to his place a lot lately, ever since he gave you his spare key. he's not upset about this in the slightest, but it doesn't mean he won't take every possible opportunity to tease you for it. he plans how he's going to make fun of you as he pads into his home towards the sound of your voice. he almost has it all planned out—his delivery on the very tip of his tongue—when he falters to a stop.
"how was your day?" you ask him without looking up from what you're doing.
and suddenly, anything rintarou may have wanted to say—joke or otherwise—is beyond him.
he watches as you set a plate of food down on the already full table just off his little kitchen. the food that covers the surface is still hot enough that steam curls up into the air above it, its preparation perfectly timed to his arrival home. his apartment is warm, and smells good, and there's music playing from your cellphone on the other side of the room that you must have been listening to while you cooked.
his chest feels tight.
you turn to look at him when he doesn't respond to your question.
"rin?" you ask again, a lilt of worry in your tone. "you okay?"
"what's all this?" he manages to ask, nodding towards the table where the meal you prepared is still waiting.
"oh, i've been craving my mom's recipe for the past few days, i just thought i'd make it for dinner," you say, tugging at your fingers nervously. your entire countenance is a bit different now, strained like you're worried you've done something wrong. "hope that's okay?" your words lift at the end like a question.
rintarou's never seen so much food on his table. can't remember the last time he even sat there to eat a meal—let alone a home cooked one. his face feels hot, and his eyes sting, and he just can't bring himself to look at you.
"yeah," he says, and if you notice how his voice is a bit croaky, you're nice enough not to tease him about it. "'course it's okay."
you smile, and you look relieved. "wash your hands then, it's getting cold."
you eat your dinner together and talk about your days. you take a shower while he cleans up the dishes. you fall asleep tangled up together on the couch with a movie playing in the background.
his home isn't quiet anymore. he isn't lonely.
and it's thanks to you.
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ellecdc · 2 months
Hii L!! I don't know if requests are still open but I really like how you write whimsical!reader and I've been thinking about it a lot lately. is it possible to write a whimsical!reader with Regulus that's centered outside of the AMWAP universe? Thank u smmm
they'd be so cute fr. thanks for requesting 🫶
Regulus Black x whimsical!reader (gender not specified)
Regulus knew he shouldn’t be surprised to find you out here – but his heart thumped in relief when he finally made out your form standing ankle deep in the Black Lake with your face pointed towards the stars above. 
Most people would begin to panic, finding their partner standing in a body of water in the middle of the night all alone. But this was just the kind of thing one learned to expect when dating you.
Expect the unexpected.
“You’re going to have to find a better hiding spot, my love.” He called out to you from the dry edge of the shore. You never spooked at the suddenness of his voice, proving you’d somehow sensed his presence prior to him alerting you of it. 
Though he couldn’t see your face, he could tell you were smiling.
“I wasn’t hiding, Regulus.” You said as if he were being particularly ridiculous. As if he hadn't just spent the better part of an hour looking around the castle for you.
He smiled all too adoringly at your back even though you couldn’t see him. “Could have fooled me.”
You turned at that, offering Regulus a kind smile. Regulus guesses you would be incapable of smiling any other way. “I hope I didn’t worry you terribly.” 
Regulus felt his heart squeeze at the sentiment. He’d likely worry about you for the rest of his life if he were to be quite honest. He’d be happy to do so, however.
“What are you up to, tonight?” He asked instead of answering you.
You turned your smile back towards the sky; Regulus mourned the loss of it. “Recharging.”
He hummed in acknowledgment as if what you just said made any sense at all to him. “Do you think you’ll be much longer?”
You chuckled at him and turned your entire body to face the shore instead. “You cannot rush this Regulus. Why don’t you join me?” You said, opening your arms widely.
Regulus hated to admit how inviting your embrace seemed to him, even at the expense of soaking his pant legs. He held strong, however. 
“I quite like the view from here, thank you.”
You let your arms fall to your sides, but your smile never wavered. 
“It’s very good for your inner vibrations, Regulus. The moon has been charging these waters all month. Tonight is the new moon, so you must recharge tonight, otherwise you’ll be waiting another month to try again.”
Regulus was sure you were trying your hardest to sound stern, but your voice only echoed across the waters like the gentle song of a siren calling him to his watery grave.
And who was he to deny that call?
“Oh, if you insist.” He spoke into the night, not at all begrudgingly removing his shoes and socks before rolling his pant legs up as far as they would go to join you in the lake.
The wattage of your smile rivaled that of the moon not currently present in the sky, acting as a beacon guiding Regulus towards you. 
You spun in your place to once again point your face to the sky while Regulus slotted himself in behind you and wrapped you in his arms, pushing his face into the crook of your neck. 
“You’re supposed to face the stars, Reggie.” You whispered to him.
Regulus hummed into your neck. “Who says I’m not?”
You chuckled, patting Regulus’ hands from their place on your stomach as you allowed him to rock you back and forth gently.
“You’re silly.” You admonished. 
The two of you stood in the water, swaying placidly as if you were being pushed ashore by the meager waves this Lake produced, enjoying the quiet and each other’s company.
“Doesn’t this feel wonderful, Regulus?”
Sitting in the quiet night, alone, with you in his embrace? Yes; Regulus thought this felt very wonderful. 
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baby-yongbok · 7 months
4:26 am
Best friend!Bang Chan × Fem!Reader
Genre: Smut
Summary: You love your boyfriend Minho, but lately your best friend has been on your mind.
Warnings: Cheating, Chan is a tiny bit manipulative, Car Sex? (That should be all, sorry if I missed anything!)
A/N: This might might, be the last of Chan's birthday posts. I have one more that I prepared awhile ago but I might save it. Who knows lol. I hope that you enjoy! I'm trying to start writing again and it's been hard so I'm sorry if this is a bit rough 😅
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 “Tell me again why we're parked in an abandoned parking lot at 4:26 am.” Chan asks quizzically. I sighed, running my hands over my face. 
“I needed someone to vent to.” My gaze stays fixed on my lap, I don’t know if I can look at him, I don’t know what I’ll do when his eyes meet mine. He’s my best friend and I know I can tell him anything, hell, he picked up the phone in the middle of the night and came running to me. So I know that I can trust him but right now the thought of looking him in the eye with these thoughts running through my head is dizzying.
“Well I'm here, start when you want.” He leans forward, crossing his arms and resting them on top of the steering wheel. I run my hands through my hair as I try to gather my thoughts.
“Okay so, uh, Minho came home early tonight and he surprised me with this really cute home date and ya know… we had sex and it was good, really it was, but I just don’t feel… I haven’t been feeling…” My heart is beating a mile a minute, Chan and I are extremely close and we talk about our sex lives all the time but this time it’s different. 
“Unsatisfied?” Chan asks with an eyebrow raised. I nod my head, thankful that he finished the sentence for me. Talking about Minho behind his back feels so wrong but I suppose it’s not as wrong as what I plan to confess next.
“Yeah, unsatisfied and I've been… thinking of someone else.” I swallow hard as I play with the zipper of my hoodie, desperate to pay attention to anything but the look on Chan’s face. I know him, I know that he’s looking at me with semi wide interested eyes and he’s waiting for me to look back at him but I just can’t. 
“Who do you think about?” If I were in a hospital right now the nurses would go crazy because I am almost certain that my heart stopped, exploded even. I knew that he’d ask me that question but hearing it actually come out of his mouth sets off a whole new type of panic. Should I tell him the truth? I’m in a relationship, a beautiful and loving one at that, I shouldn’t go around confessing these things. But on the other hand, the thought of my fantasy coming true is too inviting to ignore. It’s now or never and I choose now.
“Well, it depends on the day. It could be Hyunjin, Seungmin, but… I mostly think of you. I guess it’s because of our connection or some shit like that, I don't know” My nerves got to me half way through my confession, shit, he must think I’m fucking with him. The silence around us lasted far too long for my liking, causing me to look over at the man in the driver's seat. His eyebrows were slightly raised and there was a red tint to the tips of his ears but other than that he seemed completely cool and collected. 
“Okay, uh, you think about me in what way? Like, do you daydream about me and kind of dissociate from Minho or do you pretend that he's me?” His brows knit together briefly before relaxing again. He shifts in his seat, leaning back completely and bringing his crossed arms to rest over his chest. He’s clearly trying not to show the effect that my confession has on him.
“I imagine that he's you, that his hands are yours and that you’re the one fucking me, it's better when I pretend.” I look back down at my lap as a deep blush creeps onto my cheeks. 
“Do you come faster? More intensely?” My head jolts up quickly and my eye’s find his immediately, the look of disbelief written all over my features makes Chan grin. He chuckles a bit and that's when I realize that he's messing with me. I sigh dramatically, relaxing into my seat before flashing my middle finger in his direction.
“Fuck you, don’t taunt me.” He smiles wider, looking down at his lap.
“I just want to know for my own personal records.” He licks his lips before looking back up at me  “It's fun hearing what I do to you.” 
At this point I’m sure that my brown skin is as red as a rose. Why did he have to look at me like that? Is he trying to ruin me? 
“I called you because I need to vent.” I remind him as I turn to look out of the passenger window, anything to avoid his gaze for a second. 
“Sorry sorry, continue.” I clear my throat and unzip my hoodie just a bit, is it getting hot in here? Why does his car suddenly feel so small?
“He falls asleep after sex all the time, I mean how could I blame him? Three rounds every night for four or five days a week is a lot on top of working and all of the other stuff that he does in a day. But no matter how many times we do it I’m still not satisfied afterwards, I watch porn and use my vibrator on the bathroom floor, every time.”
“Did you do that tonight?” His eyebrows knit together in curiosity, I open my mouth to try to answer him but when I look back in his direction I get distracted by the sight of his strong arms. He leaned back in his seat a bit more than he was a minute ago, his fingers intertwined and tucked behind his head giving me the perfect view of his biceps and everything that matches it. 
“No, I called you instead. I just needed to talk to someone. I feel like I'm going crazy, I keep wanting more and more sex. This can’t be normal.” Chan chuckles lightly and I can’t help but to roll my eyes. Is he even taking this seriously?
“Well either you're a sex addict or you aren't satisfied because you want someone else. In this case that person would be me.” He moves his hands from behind his head and rests them in his lap lazily.
“So, what? I fuck you and it goes away? If anything I'll keep wanting it.” I scoff, shaking my head in an attempt to erase the thoughts.
“You'll never know unless you try.” My eyes meet his quickly, I open my mouth to reply but no words make sense in my head. Is he serious? He’s messing with me… right? 
“I couldn't cheat on… I can't.” 
“Haven't you already though? Thinking of another man inside of you while he is? Imagining that you're with me.. your best friend. If he were thinking of someone else while he fucked you would you call that cheating?”  I turn away from him as if I'm physically trying to run away from his words. This is all too much to handle. The man that I can’t stop thinking about is basically offering himself to me. But I can’t do that to Minho, he’s been nothing but good to me for all of these years, he’s loving and attractive and he shares all of my values… but so does Chan and right now my best friend has one up on my boyfriend when it comes to intimacy. Is this really worth it? Is sex really worth potentially ruining my relationship to start a new one with Chan?
“I'm single, Y/n, if I screw you no one will care. But you, you're in a relationship. If we fuck you'll either feel guilty and confess everything to him or you'll feel so amazing that you'll call me at 4 am every night, The choice is yours.” Silence surrounds us and it almost feels heavy on my skin. What should I do next? I could tell him to take me home or I could get in the backseat and let him fuck me until I’m satisfied. I glance over at Chan to find that he’s already looking at me, his relaxed gaze is raking over my frame slowly but that’s not what did it. It was the way he licked his lips as his eyes met mine, like he could already taste me. Like he already had me. 
“Fuck it.” I blurt out, making up my mind all at once. It’s like every system in my brain shut off at once. I'm not really even thinking anymore, every move is now driven by desire. “Let me see your dick.”
 I maintain eye contact so that he knows that I’m serious. A smirk plays upon his lips and his eyebrows raise instantly.
“That escalated quickly.” He chuckles and I try my best to hide my giddy grin, Am I really doing this? Maybe I can take it back?
“Show me.” Chan takes a deep breath, hooking his thumbs into the waistline of his sweats before giving me a glance. I can tell what he’s trying to say with his eyes, he’s asking me if I’m sure about this and to be honest that answer is no, I’m anything but sure. All I know is that part of me is desperate to see if he really has this effect on me or if it’s all in my head. I nod to him and without another word he lowers the hem of his gray sweatpants and his cock springs up, resting against his clothed stomach.
Fuck what I said before, I don’t want to take it back. The mere sight of his dick, makes my mouth water. It takes every ounce of control that I have in my body not to lean forward and take him in my mouth. I want to taste him, to feel him, to use him.
“No underwear?” I tease with a smile and he shrugs.
“You said it was an emergency, I rushed over to you. Threw on the first thing I could find.”
“Mm maybe that's a sign.” He furrows his brows slightly as he watches me with curious eyes. I unzipped my hoodie completely, revealing the lingerie that I had put on for Minho tonight and never changed out of. 
“Fuck.” Chan says in a breathy sigh, bringing his hand up to his cock.
“Is it still cheating if I don't touch you?” I slip off my silk sleep shorts and turn my body towards Chan so that my back is against the passenger door. I open my legs to give him a full view of my cunt, reaching down to spread my arousal over my folds. 
“You’re so fucking pretty, babygirl” His tone is a bit deeper than before, the soft and playful tone replaced with a deep and husky one. He holds his hand out towards me and I nearly moan at the words that follow.
“Get it wet for me?” A low hum vibrates from my throat as I lean forward, pursing my lips and spitting into his palm. He coos at me, a quiet ‘good girl’ leaving his lips as he watches me. His eyes don’t leave mine as he takes his hand back and spreads my spit over his leaking tip mixing my saliva with his pre-cum. Slowly, his eyes trail down my body until they fix on my dripping pussy. He slowly starts to stroke himself, exhaling heavily when he rubs over his tip.
“Play with yourself for me, yeah?” At this point the only thing going through my head is Chan. He’s all I can remember, all that I want, all that I need. I feel drunk off of the sight of him sitting across from me, cheeks flushed and his long fingers wrapped around his hard cock. How could I possibly want to do anything but please this man?
I take a deep breath, exhaling slowly through parted lips, my eyes stay trained on him as I slowly trail my hand from my neck to my stomach. I watch his expression as he grows a bit impatient from my teasing, his dark gaze warning me to give him what he asked for. 
“Does it look like I want you to tease me, baby?” The tone of his voice sends chills down my spine, his words are breathy and challenging and it makes me hungry for more. What would he do to me if I kept teasing? How would he punish me? 
“Why would I give you what you want right away?” I run my fingers along my inner thighs, smiling at him as his gaze drops from my eyes to my core, watching my hand carefully. “That would be boring.”
“Touch yourself or I'll do it for you.” A shiver runs down my spine as I imagine him getting impatient with me and taking control, using his long fingers to fuck me. Why do I feel drunk off of that thought? It hasn’t even happened and yet I feel like I’m on cloud 9. 
“Fuck.” I hiss as I run my fingers between my folds brushing against my clit and circling it. Chan strokes himself a bit faster as he watches me, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth. 
“Put a finger inside.” He looks up from my cunt and my eyes follow his meeting for a second. My pussy clenches around nothing, desperate for something, anything, him. “Pretend that it’s me” 
He nearly sounds like he’s pleading me to do it, like he’s desperate to see how I fuck myself. Desperate to see what the thought of him does to me. I nod, slowly obeying his command and slipping my middle finger deep into my cunt.
“Oh fuck.” My back arches up off of the passenger door once I start fucking myself, increasing the pace gradually as I start to become desperate for more. I pressed the palm of my hand against my clit, trying to add as much stimulation as possible. He watches in awe as my hips buck into my hand a bit. 
“Add another.” I quickly obey his command, adding my ring finger inside, eliciting a groan of pleasure to fall from my parted lips. I try my best to keep my eyes open, I want to watch him, I need to watch him. His strokes are much faster now, small grunts and sighs leaving his parted lips, his head thrown back in ecstasy. I take in the way that his jaw clenched as he builds himself closer to the edge, his right leg slightly bouncing, it's a masterpiece that I wish I could become a part of. 
“Chan.” His name passes my lips in a breathy moan and he looks over at me as he strokes the head of his dick, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip at the sensation. “I need you so badly.” 
“Your choice.” He groans out as he throws his head back again squeezing his eyes shut. “ Better make up your mind, I’m so close, babygirl.” 
I sigh heavily as I try my best to fight the urge to climb over and ride him until I pass out. I focus on my own pleasure again, Imagining that it’s Chan rubbing tight circles on my clit while his long fingers reach spots that I didn’t even know existed. I imagine that it’s him bringing me closer and closer to the edge, I wish it was him. The wet sounds of Chan stroking his cock mix with my moans as we both draw closer to the edge. I watch his hand as he pleasures himself, I wonder if he’s imagining that, that’s me. I wonder if he feels that same way. Does he touch himself to the thought of me at night? Thinking of all of the times that we were play fighting and his fingers grazed my bare skin, all of the tight hugs that we shared, my chest pressed up against him. Does he think about me?
“Shit, oh my god” I squeeze my eyes shut and arch my back at the thought of him wanting me just as much as I want him, maybe even more.
“Fucking cum for me, babygirl.”  Chan groans “I'm so fucking close for you.”
Those words alone throw me over the edge, one of my fantasies is coming true right in front of my eyes.
“Oh my- I'm gonna..” Before I could get another word out my orgasm rushed over me, breathtaking and mind fogging.  I clamped my legs shut and arched my back off of the car door. My moans filled the space around us but I couldn’t hear them, the pleasure was deafening. 
“Fuck, Y/n.” My name fell off of his tongue in a sweet moan and my pussy clenched at the sound of it, sending another wave of euphoria through me. “Oh shit, I'm cumming.” 
He squeezes his eyes shut, his strokes becoming shorter but still just as fast. A rush of adrenaline hit me and suddenly my vision changed. I felt like a rabid animal who was desperate for food. Suddenly, I forgot about everything that was looming over my head. All of my thoughts about Minho and saving our relationship were gone. All that I could think of was pleasure and I was absolutely driven by it, so much so that after the first stream of cum came leaking from Chan’s tip I leaned forward, getting on my knees in the passenger seat and running my tongue up his length. He moved his hand quickly, clearly surprised by my sudden confidence. I licked up to the head of his cock and then took the rest of his length down my throat. His seed spilled into my mouth in warm and delicious spurts, painting my throat with his sticky arousal. Every bit of him tasted like heaven and in this moment I swear that I would do anything that anybody asks as long as I get to stay here. As long as I get to feel him. 
“Y/n” His hand lightly lays on the back of my head, stroking my hair slightly. “Fuck, baby, you feel so good.” I bob my head a couple of times, milking his arousal from him until I’m sure that I’ve got every last drop. Once he’s come down from his high I sit up, releasing his cock from my mouth with a faint ‘pop’ and licking my lips. I sit back into my seat, settling in a bit while we watch each other. Chan’s chest is rising and falling heavily and there’s a ghost of a smile on his lips, once he seem to have composed himself a little the tiniest chuckle falls from his lips as he begins to tuck himself back into his sweatpants
“Do you think that fulfilled your lust for me?” 
“Not even close.”
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krisdreaming · 11 months
One Week
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsuro x f!reader
Summary: You and Kuroo decide to spend the week leading up to your wedding sleeping apart. After all, it will make your wedding night feel that much more special, right?
WC: 2.2k
A/N: Hopefully the text message format I used makes sense 😬 This is 100% inspired by an episode of How I Met Your Mother in which Marshall and Lily do this exact thing. Tbh it's my comfort show and this is like my 5th time watching it, and when the episode came around, the fic idea hit me like a truck. ALSO there is a small reference to one of my old past fics in here, and if you get it you're a real one.
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By the time you get to your best friend and maid of honor's apartment, it's late. The whole day had been spent putting together all of the favors and décor for your wedding, now only one week away. You're so exhausted you feel like you could fall asleep on your feet right here in the entryway, but she pulls you the rest of the way inside, wrestling your bag through the door after you.
"Geez!" She huffs. "Why's this so heavy? You didn't pack Tetsurou in here, did you?"
You roll your eyes. "A week is a long time! I had to pack a lot of stuff. Besides, bringing him would kind of defeat the purpose, wouldn't it?" You raise an eyebrow. This had initially been your idea, after all. You thought that spending the week before your wedding away from each other would make the night of your wedding that much more special. Since you already live together, you figured some time apart would probably do you good, anyway.
"I suppose it would," She agrees, "But I know how you two are." You narrow your eyes at her, but before you can respond, she's already tugging you toward the living room.
"I've got the sofa bed all ready for you," She announces with a proud flourish, and you feel almost like you could collapse just at the sight of it. It's full of fluffy blankets and two giant pillows, and she's even generously loaned you one of her plushies.
"It looks like heaven," You groan, stifling a yawn. "I'm wiped."
"So am I," She agrees, fighting back a yawn of her own. "Guess we'll have to save the sleepover girl talk for tomorrow night," She shrugs. "It'll be just like middle school all over again!" She loops her arm through yours, and you can't help but giggle at the thought. The two of you sure did share some wild sleepovers back in the day. "Alright," She finally says, "I'll see you in the morning."
When you're finally ready for bed, you crawl under the covers happily. You snuggle into the pillows as you cocoon into the blankets, trying not to think about how strange it is to be lying in bed all alone for once. There's no warm body wrapped around yours, and not even your cat to curl up against you. "Guess it's you and me, Mr. Unicorn," You murmur as you tug the plush into your arms, giving in easily to the exhaustion pulling on you.
The next day is busy enough at work. You're only working for the first two days this week, having taken the rest of the week off to focus on the wedding prep. Between tying up all of your loose ends at work and the mental to-do list you keep adding tasks to, the day passes with very little thought of Tetsurou. It's not until you're laying in your sofa bed that night after a movie and snacks that it starts to hit you.
You hug the unicorn plush close again, but you're very aware of the absence of your fiancé. You're so used to his arms around you at night, his nose pressed into the nape of your neck.
Maybe it's silly, but with all of the stress starting to weigh down on you, you find yourself missing the comfort of his presence much more than you'd anticipated. With a sigh, you roll onto your back and reach for your phone. Your thumbs only hover for a moment before you hit send.
I miss you
It isn't long before your screen lights up with a reply.
You literally saw me yesterday you weirdo
Is it bad that even that teasing sentence brings you some sort of strange comfort? You're just about to type a reply when another message comes through.
Which is why it's so ridiculous that I miss you too
You can't help the smile that steals across your face at that. For some reason, the knowledge that he's feeling the same things you're feeling lessens the ache a bit.
It's dumb
You feel confident in saying it, now that you have this thread of connection with him.
You said it, not me
Comes his cheeky reply, quickly followed with,
Mittens won't leave me alone. I think he thinks I murdered you and disposed of the body.
You almost chuckle aloud at that.
Poor guy, he misses me too 🥺 and honestly, his fears are valid
You curl up on your side, holding your phone close.
Uncalled for
And then
I'm about to fall sleep, so I'd better go. I'll see you later this week
You try your best to ignore the disappointment sinking in your gut.
Me too. Goodnight, I love you
His reply comes almost immediately.
I love you too. Night
It's enough to satiate you, anyway. On Friday, only four days away, you'll see him for the rehearsal. That's not really so far away. As you lay there clutching your phone, you can feel your eyes growing heavier.
The next day is just as crazy, as you give your coworkers instructions for your absence and make sure all of your projects have been submitted. After work, you go straight to dinner with your bridesmaids, and the whole evening is spent talking and laughing together.
By the time you make it back to the apartment, you should be so exhausted that you all asleep immediately. You definitely feel it, but from the moment you lay down, the hollow feeling slowly returns to your middle. You hesitate when the thought first occurs to you, but it seems reasonable enough. You'll feel better if you can just hear his voice for a few moments.
"Hey Baby," He answers after two rings.
"Did I wake you up?" You blurt out quickly, instantly feeling guilty and wishing you had just tried to fall asleep.
"Nah," He assures you, "What's wrong?"
"N-nothing's wrong," You sputter. "I just-"
"Missed me?" He finishes for you, and the teasing lilt in his voice is almost enough to make you hang upon him on the spot.
"Maybe," You respond petulantly instead, and he laughs. The sound of it, even through the phone, is enough to set you more at ease.
"Who knew you were so clingy," He muses. "Just can't get enough of me, huh?"
"Maybe I'll just hang up," You huff.
"Wait," He says a little too quickly, and you smile to yourself. Gotcha. "Mittens wants to say hi, too. You can let him know you're not dead." Suddenly, the phone line is filled with the rumble of your cat's purr.
"Hi baby boy," You croon into the phone, "Dad isn't being nasty to you, is he?"
"You're on speaker," Tetsurou warns as Mittens lets out a small meow, and you laugh. "Plus I'm not his dad," he reminds you as he always does.
"Sure, whatever you want to tell yourself," You laugh again. You're feeling so much lighter, in a good way. As your laughter dies down, you try to hold in a yawn.
"Sounds like you're ready to fall asleep. I know you've got to get up early tomorrow to meet the florist."
"Hm, yeah." You acknowledge begrudgingly.
"It'll be here before you know it," He says softly.
"I know." You hold the phone to your ear for a few moments in silence. "I can't wait."
"Me neither. I love you so much." You can tell he's getting tired because he's getting sappier.
"I love you too, Tetsu."
"Say it again," He says it so low that you almost don't catch it.
"I love you," You repeat. "Good night, Tetsu."
"Good night," He echoes. "Love you, Baby." Even after the line goes dead, you can still feel the smile on your face and the warmth in your middle. As you fall asleep, you set an ultimatum for yourself. For the next two days, you won't contact him at all, just like you'd intended. Piece of cake.
The next day, you hold to your promise. After a busy day spent running here and there, the sofa bed has never felt more comfortable. You resolutely set your phone face down on the end table and close your eyes tight. Tonight, you're not going to break. You're a strong, independent woman. You tell yourself that until the long day finally gets the better of you and you drift off to sleep.
Finally, it's Thursday. One day until the dress rehearsal and you see Tetsurou again. You're proud of yourself. Sure, you'd only made it one night without contacting him, but technically, you haven't seen each other at all. You're going to count that as a win.
You actually have some time to relax before bed, and you and your friend pull out all the stops. She's got an array of face masks, fancy lotions, and even a foot spa she'd pulled out from somewhere. You're just laying out the last of the snacks when your phone dings. It's a message from Tetsurou.
You didn't call yesterday
Very interesting.
Sorry, I didn't know we had an appointment
His reply comes almost immediately.
I'm outside. Come out for a minute?
It's all you can do not to laugh out loud. Still, he came all this way. You shouldn't let it be for nothing. You glance at your friend, mind working quickly to think of a valid reason you'd need to leave the apartment at this time of the evening.
"I'm going to get in the shower," She suddenly announces. You can't believe your luck. Your stint as her roommate proved that she is notorious for taking long showers. "Don't eat all of the Takis before I'm back or else."
"Would I do that?" You ask, hand splayed across your chest indignantly. She shoots you a glare and heads for the bathroom. The moment you hear the shower turn on, you slip on a pair of shoes and you're out the door.
You practically run into Tetsurou the moment you step outside. "Hi," he says sheepishly, with his familiar crooked smile. You launch yourself into his arms, and he immediately holds on tight.
"Hi," You breathe back, finally pulling back enough to look into his face again. "We failed," You say solemnly, before breaking into a grin.
"We did," He agrees, pressing a kiss to your lips. "Spectacularly."
"She's in the shower," You explain quickly, "So I shouldn't really stay too long."
"Alright," He says absently, thumbs tracing a pattern against your hips.
"You didn't bring Mittens, did you?" You crane your neck around him to check for the cat backpack you'd purchased on a whim a few years back.
"Don't be ridiculous," He says drily. You pout, and he kisses it away.
"I missed you," You sigh against his lips despite yourself, and you feel his lips curving into a smile.
"I missed you too." He admits. He pulls back again, and you silently drink him in. "We're getting married in two days," He says candidly.
"We are," You agree, grin threatening to burst off of your face.
"And I'll see you tomorrow at the dress rehearsal," He adds.
"Mmhmm," You nod. You glance at the time. "I should get back inside," You say reluctantly. In response, he pulls you in for one last kiss.
"Goodnight. I love you. So much."
"I love you too. So so much." Before he can one-up you, you pull away and turn back inside. "Goodnight!" You call over your shoulder.
The moment you step through the apartment door, you freeze. Your friend is standing there, arms crossed. "How was Tetsurou?" She asks coolly, a smile playing at the edges of her lips.
You open your mouth, then close it. "I was just getting some fresh air?" You finally say weakly.
"And I'm Albert Einstein." She replies, turning for the couch. "Come on," She pats the cushion next to her, beckoning you forward. "You two are disgusting," She adds as an afterthought. She's shaking her head, but she's smiling.
The next 48 hours are a whirlwind, but at the end of it you find yourself at your wedding reception, seated next to your husband. You'd made it here, and now you feel like you can finally draw a breath.
"Wait, so did you guys actually last the entire week without seeing each other?" Kenma suddenly asks skeptically, looking between the two of you. You glance at Tetsurou. Clearly, he hadn't shared the truth with his best man. Your maid of honor opens her mouth beside you, but you nudge her under the table with the sharp toe of your shoe. Since it is your wedding day, she stays silent.
"Sure did," Tetsurou says, grinning broadly as he slides his arm around your shoulders, brushing his fingers against your skin affectionately. "It was worth it," He adds, pressing a kiss to your temple. You lean into the press of his lips. Yes, it certainly was.
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il-miele-che-scrive · 4 months
charles leclerc x reader
summary: after a messy breakup and a messier attempt to get back together, y/n gets a text from her ex boyfriend at midnight asking her to come over
words count: 1.6k
author's note: pretty much a 2nd part of drunken mistakes, but if you haven't read it it's fine cause the story is explained
Late night text
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It could've been two weeks since Y/n and Charles almost got back together, but ended up on even worse terms than before. Y/n stopped counting, she didn't want to focus on it.
Of course it hurt, but Y/n decided to silence the pain with work. She didn't even contact George in the meanwhile, she wasn't in the mood for hookups. It could probably even worsen her mental state.
Despite working a lot, there still were nights where Y/n wasn't able to fall asleep and that was one of those. The girl was tossing and turning in bed when she heard her phone vibrate on the nightstand.
She grabbed the device. To her surprise, it was a text from Charles. The girl didn't expect him to text her, but at midnight it was understandable. He could be still upset over Y/n sleeping with George during the relationship break, but it didn't mean he wouldn't contact her for a hookup.
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Y/n's heart pounded in her chest. A part of her yearned for it and this part of her won. Of course she knew Charles didn't want to meet to talk about their relationship, not in the middle of the night.
Y/n knew what Charles wanted, but before he contacted her she was sure it'll be easy to decline. But when it actually happened, it was difficult. Each text brought memories of their relationship.
Maybe it was just a fantasy that would never come true again. Maybe it was naive but Y/n felt hope that maybe, just maybe, they could revive what once was real.
Her naivety made her agree and so 10 minutes later she was in her car on the way to Charles' house. The night air was cool and the streets were quiet.
Arriving at his doorstep, Y/n hesitated before ringing the doorbell. The moment stretched in time as she questioned if this was the right choice.
"Hey," Charles said, opening the door before Y/n could turn away. "It's good to see you."
"Hi," Y/n replied, not knowing what else to say.
For a moment they stood there in an awkward silence. Charles stepped aside, allowing Y/n to enter. The atmosphere inside was heavy with memories, both good and painful.
They walked to the living room. The air was thick with unspoken words. Charles broke the silence, "I didn't think you'd come."
"Well, here I am." Y/n shrugged.
"I've missed you. I know I shouldn't have reacted the way I did." His words were honest.
The moment Y/n had left his place that day weeks ago, Charles immediately regretted his words. He acted in anger, maybe it was his hurt ego speaking. He was angry because Y/n decided to sleep not with a random guy, some man she would never see again in her life, but instead with another driver. But now Charles knew it didn't matter, because Y/n and him had been broken up.
"Yeah, it was a mess," Y/n admitted, her gaze dropping to the floor. "But we were both hurting."
Charles took a step closer, and Y/n could feel the magnetic pull that had drawn them together in the first place. "I've thought a lot about us," he confessed. "Maybe we can try to make things right."
He gently cupped Y/n's face to make her look at him. When Y/n looked at Charles, she could see the vulnerability in his eyes. The wounds were still fresh, but a part of her yearned for the connection they once had.
"Charles, I… I want things to be different too, but we can't just ignore what happened."
"And yet you're here now."
Maybe this encounter tonight wasn't just a temporary escape. Maybe it was an opportunity for a fresh start.
It didn't take long before their lips met, a desperate attempt to bridge the emotional gap. The kiss held a mix of passion and sadness, two conflicting emotions collided.
The familiarity of Charles's touch, the taste of his lips, and the shared history between them allowed Y/n to let go of the hurt she felt moments ago.
"Maybe we can take it one step at a time." Y/n suggested in a soft voice.
Charles nodded, a small smile forming on his lips. And so, in the quiet intimacy of that night, Y/n and Charles decided to rewrite their story.
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Waking up in the morning, Y/n didn't regret the sex they had that night. She knew that what Charles had said weren't just empty words, she trusted him. The night spent together could have been actually a step towards healing.
Y/n opened her eyes. She woke up to their once shared bedroom reflecting the sunshine through the windows. As she turned, she saw Charles still asleep, his features softened by the morning light.
The events of the night before played in Y/n's mind, but they didn't wake any anxious feeling inside of her. Instead, she felt happy for the first time in the past few weeks.
Y/n placed a soft kiss on Charles' cheek, soft enough to not wake him up, and then got up from the bed. She made her way to the kitchen, the kitchen that she used to always drink her morning coffee in.
This morning in a slightly different reality wasn't different. Y/n made herself a cup of coffee and sat down by a table.
When Charles woke up, a feeling of anxiety settled in his stomach. He wondered why isn't Y/n next to him and where could she be instead. He didn't even know when she left.
With a sigh, Charles got up from the bed. Coming to terms with the fact that Y/n most likely went back home when he was asleep, he walked to the kitchen for a glass of water.
In the kitchen, Charles found Y/n, the aroma of freshly made coffee was in the room. Y/n looked up, a warm smile on her face.
"Morning," the girl greeted, her eyes meeting Charles'.
"Good morning," Charles replied, "I thought you left."
Y/n shook her head, her smile never fading. "I wanted to let you sleep. You looked so peaceful."
The tension between them faded away, the air was much lighter and the conversation didn't feel so strange and awkward. The morning held a sense of calm, a contrast to the stormy emotions of their recent past.
"I hope you don't regret last night," Charles said, pouring himself a glass of water. There was a feeling of hope in his heart.
"I don't regret it. If anything, it felt like a step towards something better."
Charles' eyes brightened up at Y/n's words. He took a seat by the table, across from the girl. "I'm glad to hear that," he admitted, his gaze locked on her. "Last night meant a lot to me."
It became clear that the night before wasn't just a fleeting moment. It was a step toward rebuilding what they had lost.
Later on the same day, they went on a walk. They strolled through the streets that were surprisingly less lively and busy than other days.
Charles gently grabbed Y/n's hand, intertwining her fingers with his. She looked at him and smiled.
"I really think we can make this work." The girl said. "Breaking up was the worst idea we've ever made."
"The most stupid one, indeed," Charles laughed, "I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else."
"That's a bold statement."
"You don't know what other things I have up my sleeve," he teased, tugging Y/n to turn right as they continued walking.
"Oh, are we going somewhere specific?"
Charles glanced at her with a grin that hinted at a secret. "Just following the path of... surprises."
As they continued, the familiar streets led way to the iconic Monaco circuit. The atmosphere shifted, and Y/n's eyes widened as she realized where they were heading.
Stopping, Charles turned to Y/n. He took a deep breath and spoke, his voice steady. "Y/n, we've faced our fair share of twists and turns, but one thing has always remained constant. My love for you."
Y/n's heart skipped a beat, realizing the significance of the Monaco circuit. Her eyes widened in realization as Charles got down on one knee, taking out a small velvet box from his pocket.
As the man opened the box, revealing a golden engagement ring with a red stone, the city seemed to hold its breath in anticipation.
"I've realized that life is unpredictable, but some moments are worth planning." Charles continued. "Y/n, will you make this unpredictable journey a forever one?" The glint of the engagement ring matched the sparkle in Charles' eyes.
The question hung in the air, Y/n knew her response would shape the next chapter of their story.
Overwhelmed with emotion, Y/n nodded, tears of happiness visible in her eyes. "Yes, Charles, a thousand times yes."
Charles' face broke into a radiant smile. He slid the ring onto Y/n's finger, sealing their commitment. The city around them seemed to celebrate the moment with a quiet, harmonious hum.
Charles stood up and closed Y/n in a tight embrace. She buried her face in his chest, muttering quietly, "I love you. I'm so sorry."
Charles held Y/n even tighter, reassuring her with a gentle squeeze. "I'm sorry as well, but it doesn't matter now. The past is in the past and you're the love of my life."
As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, the pain of the past seemed to fade away, replaced by the promise of a shared future and dreams.
With a tender touch, Charles tilted Y/n's face up to meet his gaze. "No more apologies. We're starting a new chapter, and I wouldn't want it any other way."
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freelancearsonist · 18 days
el chico del apartamento 512
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➔ Frankie Morales x gn!Reader - 1.6k
➔ There's a rumor going around your building about the resident of apartment 512, and you're eager to investigate.
➔ Rated PG-13 for allusions to sex but otherwise just some plain old fluff and fun. post movie canon wife and kid erasure sorry, takes place in colombia, both reader and frankie speak spanish and everything is translated.
➔ this is my entry for the Selena Drabble Challenge hosted by mi esposa @fhatbhabie <3 sorry i've been sitting on this forever hehe but i hope you enjoy
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Frankie barely manages to pull himself out of the slump he’s in for the first year or so after the absolute disaster in the Andes.
He misses his family, misses his friends, misses his crew–his brothers. He tries to convince himself that it’s for the best, that it’s only a matter of time before those assholes who were in cahoots with Lorea come after him–that the people he loves will be safer and happier if he’s not around them when it happens. And most of the time he can block all that sadness and pain out by throwing his whole mind and body into the earnest construction job he picks up in this new town within this new country. But it catches up to him late at night in dreams and quiet whispers of intrusive thoughts; that he’s a coward for abandoning the ones that needed him most, that he could’ve done more to make that damned mission less of a disaster. That he could’ve come out of it rich and happy if he wasn’t such a fuck-up.
He wakes up screaming in the middle of the night, an ache so deep in his chest that it feels like he’s been shot. He clutches at his sternum and tries to catch his breath but he can’t. His body wracks with sobs and he knows he’ll never be okay again.
But somehow, he ends up okay anyway. Somehow, he falls back to sleep just to repeat the cycle the next day.
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There’s a rumor going around amongst your neighbors that apartment 512 is haunted.
People hear things–weird things. Screaming, crying, banging–and always at the dead of night. And everyone swears up and down that they’ve never seen the guy who supposedly lives there. The people who say they have seen him get more dramatic with their descriptions every time–toweringly tall, shoulders that could stand up to a wrecking ball, hauntingly sad eyes and gaunt face. It’s like he’s a thing of legend–a story they tell their kids to make sure they behave. “Don’t run in the halls or the guy from apartment 512 will get you.”
You figure he’s probably just some guy who works long hours and likes to watch horror movies to unwind or something–not a monster or a ghost, just misunderstood. You haven’t seen the guy yourself, but you kinda like him anyway. The building’s certainly been a lot quieter since he moved in… well, everywhere except his own apartment, at least. 
You find yourself keeping a more vigilant eye out, alert to any face in the building that doesn’t look familiar. It seems kinda silly to want to see someone you don’t know, but you’re a little nosy and a little more than curious. If there’s some truth to the rumors that have been going around by the people who claim to have seen him, you want to find out for yourself.
It’s a completely ordinary night when you notice an unfamiliar face in the mailroom, and you have to do a double take. This stranger is handsome–tall and dark with shaggy brown hair and an even shaggier patch of stubble across his jaw.
He’s just standing there, staring blankly at a row of mailboxes, looking so… foreboding. You approach slowly, cautiously; part of you thinks you should just walk away and let this man do whatever he’s doing. But there’s a large, louder part of you that approaches with curiosity. There’s just something about him that draws you in, that makes you put on your best smile and ask, “Señor? Necesitas ayuda?” (Do you need help, sir?)
He blinks slowly, heavily, and then dark brown eyes flicker towards you.
“Oh!” He clears his throat and it’s like he’s coming back from an out of body experience–the color returns to his face, his eyes lose that glassy sheen, and his posture loosens a bit. He looks friendly now, sheepish even. He wrings his big hands and shifts on his feet, as if he’s been caught at a vulnerable moment. “Lo siento, estaba en la nube.” (Sorry, I was spacing out.)
“Está bien,” you tell him with your most disarming smile. “Andas buscando algo?” (It’s okay. / Are you looking for something?)
“No, solo estoy recopilando mi correo,” he rumbles before flashing you the most charming smile you’ve ever seen in your life. (No, I’m just getting my mail.)
He fishes through his pockets and finds a small silver key–and then he inserts it into the box labeled “512”.
“Tú vives en el apartamento 512?” There’s a strange air of reverence in your voice despite trying to hide it. This is the guy everyone’s been talking about, and he doesn’t seem nearly as monstrous as everyone tried to make him sound. (You live in apartment 512?)
“Uhhh… sí?” He chuckles and looks over to you, and you can see the way his brow furrows at the look of shocked surprise on your face.
You realize you’re actually gaping open-mouthed at the poor guy, and you snap your mouth closed as soon as you see the little crease between his brows deepen. Not soon enough for it to go unnoticed, though–the corner of his mouth flickers up in a pseudo-smirk, and god he’s handsome.
“No hemos tenido la oportunidad de conocernos aún.” You look up at him and give your best, winning smile as you give him your name. There’s a strange, fluttery feeling in your stomach as his dark eyes meet yours–have you mentioned how handsome he is? (We haven’t had the chance to meet yet.)
“Mucho gusto,” he says with a smile. “Soy Frankie. Supongo que vives en el edificio también?” (Nice to meet you. / I’m Frankie. I’m guessing you live in the building too?)
“Oh, sí,” you say with a slight laugh. “No soy ningún tipo de acosador, vivo en el apartamento 526.” (Oh, yes. / I promise I’m not some kind of creep, I live in apartment 526.)
And then you catch his eyes dragging along your form, not even the least bit subtle, and you try your best to be nonchalant about the way you have to lean against the wall to avoid melting into a puddle on the mailroom floor; especially when you see those full lips of his curve into a smile, and you know he’s liking what he’s seeing.
“Nah, no creo que seas un acosador,” he hums–and there’s that damned smirk again. If you don’t get out of here you’re going to start drooling. (I don’t think you’re a creep.)
He grabs two letters from his mailbox, examines the envelopes, and then unceremoniously dumps them both into the trashcan in the corner with a mumbled, “Malditas estafas por correo.” (Damn junk mail.)
“Eso es lo único que recibo ahora también,” you tell him sympathetically. (That’s all I get anymore too.)
He brushes past you slightly as he moves to the door, and you get a whiff of distinctly woody cologne that makes your heart pick up a beat. You try to act normal and go to open your own mailbox, but he stops in the narrow doorway and leans against the jam to look at you.
“Te volveremos a ver aquí?” (Will I see you around again?)
You think the rumors about him were right, at least a little bit. He’s towering and imposing–he fills the entire doorway with ease. He’s firm and broad and sturdy and big. Maybe he would be intimidating to someone else, but all you can think about is climbing him like a tree.
“Sí. Puedes verme cuando tú quieras.” (You can see me whenever you want to.)
His eyes flicker indecisively for a moment, and then he draws his bottom lip between his teeth. “Qué tal viernes por la noche?” (What about Friday night?)
You try not to focus on how you want him to bite into you like that as you tell him, “Sí, eso sería perfecto.” (Yes, that would be perfect.)
“Perfecto. Te veré luego.” And then he flashes you that damned adorable boyish smile again before he retreats from the mailroom. You think he’s going to be trouble for you. (Perfect. I’ll see you then.)
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The monthly building meeting is Saturday morning, and you’re glad to see Frankie’s decided to join in finally. Everyone throws curious looks his way as he walks through the room towards where you’re seated, but no one is curious or brave enough to ask who he is.
“Buenos días, querida,” he murmurs, discreetly ghosting a kiss against your cheek as he drops into the seat beside yours. There’s a hint of amusement in his eyes as they trail over your outfit: the same one you wore to dinner last night, the same one you picked up off his bedroom floor this morning and shoved on hastily to get to this meeting in time. (Good morning, dear.)
Before you get a chance to respond, your neighbor from across the hall plunks down in the seat on your other side.
“Escuchaste ese ruido anoche?” She asks, sounding more amused than annoyed. (Did you hear that noise last night?)
“Qué ruido?” You ask with a raised brow. (What noise?)
She smirks with satisfaction, like she knows something you don’t. And then she looks pointedly between you and Frankie. “Suena como si nuestro fantasma en el apartamento 512 hubiera conseguido un socio para él.” (It sounds like our ghost in apartment 512 got himself a partner.)
You nearly choke on your own tongue, but Frankie just chuckles raspily and wraps an arm around your shoulders. He learned all about the rumors from you last night over dinner, and he thinks they’re hilarious. Besides, they’ll die out soon enough anyway–he’s never slept quite as peacefully as he did last night in your arms–if he doesn’t feed them a little bit. And if feeding the rumors means keeping you moaning and groaning the way he did last night, he can’t say he minds it one bit.
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➔ beta: @shakespeareanwannabe; dividers: @saradika-graphics
➔ Want to see more from me in the future? Follow @freelancearsonist-updates and turn on post notifications to be notified when I post new fics!
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duckwithablog · 11 months
hola!! i saw ur requests were open, and this is kinda my first time making one, so i’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense lmfao TvT
could i maybe request rise! leo with a gn! s/o who has one of those really wheezy, contagious laughs? i happen to laugh like that a lot, and my friends always tease me for it, so i thought it would make a really fluffy x reader idea lol
if you don’t wanna write this, it’s completely fine! have a great day/night :)
— 🍉
FINALLY trying to write again and let me first say that i am SO SORRY this was so late... I hope this makes up for the wait!
Rise Leo x Reader with a wheezy laugh
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Leo is already a pretty giggly guy
He loves to laugh and he loves to make other people laugh; it's kind of his thing
But man... Call it corny but out of everyone else, he loves hearing your laugh the most
Everytime you start laughing, best bet he follows suit
Like when you laugh, it's immediately followed up by his
He always side eyes you with this silly grin before he starts laughing along with you
Sometimes, you guys even laugh in sync! It's kind of impressive, actually-
Makes 10x more bad jokes when you're around in hopes one of them will make you laugh
You can tell he's doing it for you because he keeps glancing at you when he does it
Bro is not subtle at all HAHSAHS
Donnie is so sick of him. The villains are probably sick of him too, because of the amount of puns he keeps making in the middle of battle-
Even if you aren't there and he makes a pun, he'd pause and go
"Ooh, that was a nice one! Hey, you think Y/n would find that funny?"
He has entire file of puns inside his brain SPECIFICALLY to use when with you
Would affectionately tease you about your laugh
As in he'd call you the STUPIDEST nicknames ever
Stuff like "Squeaky chair" or "Dying dolphin" or "Tea kettle" or something equally as dumb
God he'd probably call you Wheezer. Like the band.
"It's the perfect nickname, what are you talking about? See, it's cuz your laugh is wheezy and I'm blue, and you know what else is Wheezy and blue?"
Leo just likes seeing you happy in general, honestly
Will always, always tell you how much he loves hearing your laugh
He is your own personal stand up comedian <33
Oof, it's been a while since I've written any ROTTMNT character... I hope I characterized Leo okay here! Again, so sorry for the long ass wait- I hope you like this!
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 7 months
Thinking about You... | JJK
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Summary: Jungkook has been thinking about your future together Pairing: f!reader x Jungkook Word Count: 1.5k~ Warnings: No real warnings just some cute fluff and a little bit of suggestive comments. Author’s note: Just a little Drabble that I came up with last night after I had seen Jungkook live <3
I've been missing Jungkook like crazy that I feel almost a bit neglected. I know he's been busy working overseas but it seems like he hasn't really had time for me. He explained that he has a lot of things he has to accomplish while he's there but I can't help but miss him even more.
I feel like my hormones have been all out of wack for the past few days so that probably what's caused me to feel so needy, and with neediness that isn't taken care of comes insecurity. I kick my feet in frustration laying in the middle of our bed and pout for the zillionth time today. "I miss you" I say aloud hoping he might hear me. 
*buzz buzz*
My train of thought is interrupted by the sound of my phone vibrating on my nightstand next to me. I flip over to check who it might be and quickly answer without a second glance.
"Kook!" I say so happy but still feeling upset at the fact that he can't be here. "How's my girl doing?" he says with a calm tone but still smiling, happy to see me too. "I miss you" is all I can say not really wanting to say how sad I've been but he can probably tell by my body language.
"Aw baby I miss you too" he says setting the phone down on the table in his hotel room and taking a seat. "Have you eaten yet?" I ask seeing how worn down he looks. "No I skipped my meals today" he says owning up to his negligence.
"Baby! You can't be doing that!" I scold, upset that he hasn't been taking care of himself. "It's okay, we had a huge company dinner last night and I also had to go out to lunch with a few of our clients before that too so I've been eating plenty, don't worry" he says with a sluggish smile.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I question again still concerned for him. "I'm fine love, I promise, I'm just really tired from all the work that we've been doing here. Plus my boss said that if I finish up with all of the tasks that I've been assigned that I could probably come home a few days early" he smiles as he sees my eyes light up at the thought of him coming home.
"Really?" I question, so hopeful that that'll be the case. "Really really" he says admiring me as much as he's able to through the screen. "What time is it over there?" I ask too tired to check my clock app where I had saved the timezone he was in this time. "It's pretty late" he says simply, not giving a clear answer.
"Well shouldn't you be going to bed then?" I say now concerned that I might be keeping him up. "No no I'm okay, I wanna talk to my girl for a bit. I've been so busy lately that I haven't been able to call you these past few day" he says pouting at me. "I hope you know how much I think about you" he says playing with his fingers on the table, feeling shy at his sudden confession
"Baby..." I let out about to tell him the same but he continues. "You know that I'm doing all of this for you right? You're my number one priority, don't forget that" he says tilting his head and paying close attention to me again.
"Are you trying to make me cry over here?" I say laughing as I feel myself start to tear up at his sentiments. "No that wasn't my intention but you know I think you look so pretty when you cry, especially when you're laying under me and I-" "Jungkook" I say getting embarrassed by his sudden switch up.
He chuckles a bit at my reaction and continues "Sorry love I just wanted to make sure you weren't really gonna cry" he says smiling at me cheekily. "Anyways I have a surprise for you when I come home!" he says with a big bunny smile.
"A surprise? What kind? You know you don't have to get me something every time you go away right?" I say giggling at his clear excitement.
"Trust me you're gonna want this one" he continues scrunching up his nose. "Cryptic but okay" I say and laugh it off and changing the subject. 
"What have you guys been doing over there? Is everything running smoothly?" I question laying on my side and propping the phone up on the nightstand so I can lay down comfortably.
"Yeah everything is fine but I don't wanna talk about work right now, I wanna know how you're doing. What have you been up to?" he asks and grabs a mug of ice and starts to poor himself a Highball, no doubt in an effort to help him wind down.
I start telling him about the things I've been doing since the last time we spoke, I don't really get up to much except for the part time job I got not too long ago at a little boutique downtown. I insisted on getting it so I could have something to occupy my time even thought he didn't like it.
He has assured me time and time again that I don't need to work since he makes enough money for the both of us but I said I wanted to at least be able to take care of any personal expenses I may have like when I go out shopping on my own, it's the least I could do.
I'm not a gold digger and I don't intend on living off of my boyfriend even though he always tells me that he wishes I would rely on him more. 
"You really like that job don't you?" he smile sleepily. I nod my head "Yeah the ladies that work there are so nice and the customers are so sweet as well! It's nice to be able to get out of the house and be productive with my time" I say and snuggle under the covers even more.
"Well what about if we decide to have a baby? Would you still want to work there?" he asks out of the blue.
"I'm sorry what?" I say jolting up and fully facing my body towards the camera. "I'm just asking hypothetically if we had decided to have a baby one day would you still want to work or would you finally let me take care of you?" he clarifies.
We've talked about having children in the past but it's been a few years since that topic has been brought up. "You want to have a baby together still right?" he asks now sounding a bit insecure.
"Oh my gosh baby yes, yes of course I do! I'm sorry you just caught me off guard that's all" I say rushing to answer, not wanting him to feel like I don't want the same thing.
"Remember though marriage first then babies" I say and he laughs at my old fashioned ways. "I know I'm just checking, we haven't talked about that stuff in a while and it's been on my mind lately" he admits. 
"What made you suddenly start to think about it?" I question, curious to see where his head is at. "I don't know, I think I've just noticed a lot of young couples with kids lately and it reminded me how much I want that for us" he says starting to get a bit shy with the alcohol clearly taking it's toll on him.
"We would make some pretty cute babies huh?" I say going to lay back down. "Yeah we would" he says nodding in agreement, "I'm looking forward to the process of making one with you though more than anything" he says sporting a cheeky smile yet again. I give him a glare, clearly not amused with the taunting since we aren't able to act on it yet.
"Jeon Jungkook" I say in a warning tone, "Okay that's the last one I swear I won't tease you anymore" he says giggling clearly satisfied with my reaction. 
We continue on with our call for a few more minutes before Jungkook makes his way over to his bed and mirrors me once he finally lies down. We continue on mumbling sleepily to each other before he decides we should call it a night and we end the call after a few 'I love yous' and 'sweet dreams'.
Jungkook gets up to check on the surprise one more time and crouches down on the floor to unzip his carry on bag and dig for the little box sitting at the bottom of it.
Opening it he sees the gorgeous engagement ring he had ordered for you months ago and ended up being one of the many tasks he had to carry out over seas. It worked out in his favor that his business trip ended up being in the same city that he had to go to to pick up the ring. 
"Please say yes" he pleads to himself, desperate to hear your answer, but in his heart he knows that you want nothing more than to spend the rest of your life together. 
Wanna see the proposal? Read Thinking about Us <3
Mini Taglist @jkslipppiercing @trina864 @kaitieskidmore97 @goddesofimortality
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faulty-writes · 1 month
Oh oh I’ve got one! Vash Stampede flirting/dating a shy reader headcannons ♥️ please and thank you (sorry had to resend bc I was afraid my asks wasn’t sent)
It's cool dear anon. I'm so excited, my very first Trigun Stampede request! Please let me know how I did, I adore Stampede Vash but I absolutely love the Vash from the 1998 TV series. Not to say the Vash from Stampede isn't loveable, he's downright adorable. But I don't know, right now I'm a sucker for 98' Vash. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this request and please don't hesitate to request more if you happen to like it <3
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"Come on needle noggin!" Wolfwood snapped after punching Vash in the head. "Just go over there and say hello! It's not like your dumbass hasn't talked to worse. You've stared at them enough to make a point!" While Vash didn't necessarily agree with Wolfwood, it was true that he had fixated on you recently.
"H-hi there!" were the first words he had spoken to you after casually walking up to the counter of the saloon you worked in. You remember how bright and friendly his smile was but how you stepped back out of instinct. "Oh, shy, right? S-sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you! Heh, heh," he awkwardly waddled back to his seat knowing the last thing he needed to cause was trouble for you.
His second attempt started with "Hi there, heh…just thought I'd try to talk to you again." He chuckled as he laid his hands on the counter. "I heard your name is Y/n," he smiled sheepishly, "what a pretty name." Maybe all you needed was a compliment to make you smile, he'd sure love to see that.
"I don't know, I mean they seem pretty shy. I wouldn't want to push them out of their comfort zone, you know? That's kind of not nice," he said, politely turning down Wolfwood's idea to ask you out. "Pff, suit yourself," he mumbled in reply, "but wait too long and someone else is going to snatch them up and you won't like that."
"Hey…it's me again," he said on a quiet night when the saloon was empty of customers. "Sorry if I've been bothering you lately, I know you're kind of shy but…" he chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "I'd be interested in…well t-talking to you, heh. I'm willing to listen to anything you'd like to talk about!" Everyone deserved that, right? And since you were busy dealing with customers all day, he was sure you had a lot to say.
You didn't realize his flirting attempts were flirting attempts at all because well, they didn't exactly make sense. "You know…I really admire the way you fill the glasses up," he chuckled. "You're always so careful to make sure the foam doesn't spill over the top," he smiled at you, hoping you'd say something in return, but you just thought his words were as strange as he was.
After a while, you grew accustomed to his warm smile and gentle voice so much that you looked forward to his visits. You also started to get to know his friends, who seemed a bit on edge but friendly. Vash noticed this slight increase in confidence and couldn't be happier for you.
His idea of asking you out was to suggest something quiet to do together to make you feel safe and comfortable. Of course, you never imagined it would end with the two of you staring at the five moons that hovered in the sky.
It surprised you that Vash always leaned close when you spoke and maintained eye contact. Of course, you weren't used to having someone's full attention. But it was still comforting to know that he was always interested in what you were doing or saying.
"Oh, heh sorry! I d-didn't mean to, really um..." The first time the two of you had fallen asleep together, you woke up to Vash's arms securely wrapped around you as if he were afraid that you'd get up and leave in the middle of the night. Of course, after hearing a few things about his past it was understandable why he felt so scared to lose you.
"Sorry…I guess I couldn't help myself, heh…" His face was completely flustered after he kissed you, as was yours. "I…understand if you don't feel the same way, not many people would want to be with…Vash the Stampede. Heh, the Humanoid Typhoon." He nervously chuckled before asking, "S-so…how do you feel?"
"What?!" Meryl snapped, grabbing your shoulders. "I'm happy for you but are you sure this is what you really want?" she asked. "Why don't you let them make their own mistakes, little miss?" Wolfwood said, stepping between you two. "If they want to date needle noggin, then that's on them…" Although he knew that if Vash messed up, he'd receive a beating.
"Ta-da!" Vash exclaimed as he uncovered your eyes to reveal the ruined city of July leaving you in shock. Why would he insist the two of you come here? "I know it's a little weird, but I thought I'd bring you here for our date because..." he reached over to hold your hand. "I think it's about time this place had good memories again."
He always stuck to his belief in protecting something more than anything else in this world: you. This meant he'd step in front of you whenever suspicious characters were around, or people looked at you the wrong way. Blocking their view of you and being ready for action if the situation escalated was something he was all too willing to do.
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charliedawn · 7 months
Hi Charlie Welcome back!! I don't know if your requests are open or not and if they're not please feel free to ignore this. I've been going through a lot at school and home and feel really burnt out, how would the slashers deal with a burnt out gifted that used to be really smart without trying and now they really struggle and pull all nighters and sometimes even fall asleep at their kitchen table. Even if you don't feel up for it thank you so much
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Bo Sinclair :
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"…Whatcha doin’ still up, darls’ ?"
Bo saw you on the couch with a book in your hand and immediately noticed the dark bags under your eyes. Now, he could work late in the garage, so he usually came back very late. So, of course he would be worried to see you still up to read a book—out of everything you could have done in the middle of the night. Like sleeping. He sighed before sitting down next to you and clicked his tongue.
"Should I really carry ya by the scruff all the way to yer bedroom after spendin’ all day workin’ ?"
You didn’t answer and Bo sighed again before lowering your book to make you look him in the eyes.
"Come on. Won’t ya look at me at least ?"
You sighed before reluctantly lowering your book. You stared him in the eyes—starting a staring contest—until you eventually folded. You closed the book and he smiled. He knew he had won.
"Good girl/boy. Now, to bed ya go."
Norman Bates :
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Norman values hard work. He always told you to learn as much as you can and expend your curiosity far and beyond.
"Learning is the door to opportunities, Y/N. And even though I admire your determination, you mustn't exhaust yourself."
He sat down next to you and looked over your shoulder to see what you were working on. He then went to his personal library to retrieve books on the subject and started reading them so he may help you master the subject faster and save you some much needed sleep time.
Norman *sits down next to you and reads to you*
You *slowly drift off to sleep*
Him *smiles before wordlessly carrying you to bed*
Brahms Heelshire :
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Brahms would force you to bed. Literally. One, because you needed it. And second, because HE needed it. He wanted to cuddle with you and reassure you. But, as he was also a gifted child as a kid, he’d understand the high expectations you set for yourself and would help you the best he can. But, he would NEVER put any expectations on you. Whatever happens, he’d be proud of you. Always.
Brahms *opens his arms wordlessly*
You *collapse into his arms*
Him : "My p…perfect."
He wanted to tell you that you were perfect. That you were human. That you didn’t need to impress him for him to be proud of you, because he already was. So very proud.
He settled for kissing your forehead and hold you closer instead.
Jack Torrance :
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"…School is for fucked up brainiacs. Don’t be one, kid. They end up burnt out at age 25 and live on to be completely unsatisfied with their life. My advice ? Sacrifice whatever you can and have as much fun as possible."
Jack knows what he is talking about. He was a popular kid, but he also worked hard to always be on top of everyone else. At the end, he felt secluded and sad and lonely and depressed. He then found salvation in alcohol and work. Working until he can’t feel himself or his dark thought. Working until he forgets everything else. Working until he doesn’t care. He wouldn’t let you make the same mistakes he did. Not a chance.
Jack *grabs your textbook and throws it out the window before forcing you to take a break*
You : "But—!"
Jack : "No buts. Can wait."
You : "But—!"
Jack : "I said no buts !"
You then spent the rest of the day relaxing and watching TV with snacks.
Jason Voorhees :
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Jason wouldn’t understand. He never really went to school. He tried to understand, he really did. But, the man is worse than a caveman. He only understands basic needs and only cared about your lack of sleep. He had asked you multiple times to go to sleep. He had spent time explaining how sleep was important and that being perfect wasn’t what he wanted from you. He was even reluctant to make you go to school in the first place. Jason has severe separation anxiety. But, seeing you fear and even cry because of school was just too much.
Jason *sees light underneath your door and barges in*
Jason hates it when the people he cares about aren’t feeling well. He’d burn the textbooks if necessary. You’re not getting any lack of sleep under his watch.
Jason *hugs you until you finally give up and sleep*
The next day, he didn’t wake you up and didn’t let you go when you tried to explain that you had to go. He decided that missing one day wouldn’t hurt you…
Freddy Krueger :
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Freddy : "…What’s the problem ?"
You : "…Maths."
Freddy : "Ah."
He doesn’t like school. Never liked it. He finds the system stupid and first chance he got, he was outta the door. The school system never liked him, and he never liked it. He never got past high school, even though he had the capacities. He just wanted out and became a gardener for his old kindergarten. But, he’d understand the need of it for you to become someone great—unlike him.
Freddy *sighs before sitting down next to you and taking a look at your work*
He’d help you the best he can. He’d sit down next to you and go through all of your exercises one by one—explaining what he can. Freddy didn’t like the system when he was a kid, doesn’t mean he was bad at it.
Michael Myers :
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Michael had spent all evening cooking and thought a little meal between the both of you would do you some good. But, he then found you passed out at the kitchen table and he hesitated before bringing you to bed. He then stayed with you—making sure you got the rest you needed. He’d gladly write a well worded letter to your teacher saying you needed a few weeks’ break the next day. But, for now…he’d let you rest.
Michael *brings you to your favourite restaurant and orders everything you want*
Be a nice healthy kid. That’s all he cares about.
Meaning: School can wait. It’s father-child bonding time.
Penny and Pennywise :
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Penny : "My child is unhappy with your teaching. They do not sleep. They do not eat. They do not even want to spend time with me anymore ! How do you intend to fix them ?!"
Teacher *looks at Pennywise*
Pennywise *smiles placidly* : "I believe my brother asked you a question. Better answer quickly. Or, we just might get HUNGRY."
Teacher: "You mean angry, right ?"
Both brothers *smile ominously*
Teacher : "…"
…You had less work to do after that.
For the rest of the year.
They may not understand a thing about the human school system, but they know fear. And they’d be sure you never have to feel fear ever again.
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zoeykallus · 9 months
smh i cannot believe i missed your first maul hc post 🤤
haha omg maul waking in on fem reader doing “self care!” and if you can, a version where fem reader has to seduce maul and another version where maul has to seduce fem reader? (if that is too much, just pick the scenario you like best.)
I'm so sorry for the late response! These days I can barely find time to write. Most of the time, I write at nights when I'm supposed to be sleeping 😅 Which is good and bad. My creative side is wide awake at night, much more so than during the day. The downside is, I don't get nearly enough sleep, I might get mistaken for a zombie and catch a headshot some day. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Okay, enough excuses and crying over spilled milk.
If you don't mind, I really like the idea of Maul walking in on fem!reader doing self-care. He needs to punish her, of course.
Maul x fem!Reader Oneshot - Bad Girl
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Warnings: Smut/Sexual Content/Dub-Con/PiV/Toy Use/Dom Maul/ Sub Reader/Cunnilingus/18+
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These days, Maul is on the road a lot again. You don't know exactly what he does, he doesn't talk much about his missions, the things he does. In any case, you haven't had any intimate contact for a long time. You are ravenous, Maul is on the road again, and you take the opportunity. You have completely undressed, naked self-care just feels better. With one hand you caress and massage your breasts, play with your nipples, the other hand wanders between your thighs. Your fingers dance over your clit. It feels good, always close to the edge, but somehow not close enough. Something is missing. You grab your favorite dildo, a custom one you had secretly made, it's modeled after Maul's cock, with the same nubs, and ridges. A cheeky smile is on your lips. You touch the dildo, it feels deceptively real, in excited anticipation, juices gather in your pussy. You place the dildo on your wet entrance as your fingers continue to rub over your clit. "I've been a bad girl," you say softly as you begin to push the lifelike dildo inside of you. It feels so good, so relieving, almost real. This is it, this is what you've been missing. With a moan, you drop your head back on the sofa cushion and start moving the dildo between your slick walls.
But then you hear something, it sounds like a growl. You lift your head in surprise. Maul is standing in the middle of the room, staring at you, his gaze gloomy, hard to interpret.
You haven't even heard him coming in. He stands there with his natural crown of horns, his eyes like a burning ember.
Startled, you tear the blanket off the back of the sofa and want to cover yourself, but Maul darts over to you and snatches the blanket from you, throwing it carelessly behind him. You lie there, naked, with the dildo in your pussy, heart racing as he stands over you. He examines you, his gaze falling between your legs. "I guess you couldn't wait for me to come back?" he growls. You swallow, searching for your voice, and finally say, "You've been gone so much lately, it's been a long time since we've.... well-" He interrupts you, "And you thought you were cheating on me with a piece of plastic?" You blink. "Cheating?" you ask, confused. He points to the piece of dildo sticking out of your wet pussy. "Yes, cheating. Or is that my cock in your pussy?" Again you blink in confusion. You know that Maul is prone to jealousy, very much so, but jealousy of a dildo is not what you expected.
"Well, it's basically your cock," you say meekly. He frowns, kneels on the sofa between your legs and grabs the bottom of the dildo, pulling it out a bit, eliciting a small moan from you. His gaze shoots back up to your face. You look at him shyly, cheeks heated. Finally, he looks back down, at the dildo, turning it a little inside your pussy to see more of it. You have to bite your lower lip to keep from moaning again. "That one really looks like mine," he murmurs thoughtfully. He looks back up into your face, a teasing smirk on his face. "Well, in that case," he says, sliding the dildo back in. Your mouth pops open, and you can't hold back the moan. You hear him laugh softly. "While we're at it.... what's that?" He spots the vibration switch, turns it on, eliciting a sweet little sound from you. His grin widens, and he increases the vibration level, all the way up. "Oh gods," you squeeze out, feeling like your whole body is being shaken.
"If you're going to do it, do it right," he says, amused. He lies down between your legs, grips your thighs tightly with his hands, and his mouth descends on your clit. He sucks on it while his tongue slides wildly over it, circling, applying pressure. "Fuck... Maul..." You can't even manage to form complete sentences anymore, the vibration in connection with his tongue play is just too much. You're literally racing towards the edge. His tongue is so fast and deft, the dildo filling you vibrates wildly between your slick walls. You long for the climax, but you're also a little afraid of it. You know he will overstimulate you mercilessly, that's his way of punishment. But you can't stop it, your orgasm lets out a loud moan from your lungs, rolls over your whole body like a wave and makes your thighs quiver. But he doesn't stop. His tongue dances wildly on your swollen, overstimulated clit, the dildo continues to vibrate in your pussy. You moan, twitching, trembling in his hard grip that is sure to leave marks. "Maul... please... no more..."
He waits a few more seconds until he gives in to your pleading. Maul sits up, jerks the dildo out of your pussy, which elicits a surprised sound from you. He doesn't turn the dildo off yet, though. He just puts it aside for a moment, grabs your hips, and flips you onto your stomach. "Spread it," he murmurs. You spread your legs for him as instructed. Maul slides the dildo under your pussy so the toy vibrates right against your clit. You start to twitch again, still overstimulated, but he puts his hand just above your butt on your lower back, pushing you down, onto the dildo. You let out a squeak, and you know he's smiling with satisfaction right now. One leg on the floor, one knee on the sofa, he kneels right behind your bare ass. With his free hand, he opens his pants, freeing his now hard, thick cock. He gives you a good slap on the butt, not aggressive, almost tender. "My bad girl," he says, laughing softly.
In the position, pressed by him into the sofa, naked in front of him, about to finally receive the real cock, your arousal picks up momentum again. Then you feel his tip bumping against your opening, slowly plunging between your slick walls. He penetrates you completely. Maul pauses there a moment with a growl, deep from his chest, he can feel the vibration of the toy as well. "Interesting," he says softly. Then he gets going, his hips starting to thrust back and forth, faster and faster. His pelvis keeps hitting your buns loudly, the clapping fills the room. He now has both hands on your hips, pushing you towards his thrusts and down onto the vibrating dildo as he does so, his balls touching the toy and causing a surprising rush.
His fingers dig into the flesh on your hips as he fucks you harder and harder. You bite into the pillow on which your head has been lying before, your fingers claw into the fabric of the sofa. Your saliva wets the pillow, your eyes roll back. The moment his warm cum spurts into your cleft, your walls twitch around his grooved cock, your orgasm pulsing sweet and heavy through your swollen pussy as he fills you. Both of you are breathing heavily. Slowly, Maul lets go of your hips, you can feel that he has left bruises there. He bends over you, kisses the spots and says, "I had to punish you". You can live with this kind of punishment, you think to yourself silently. But you know Maul knows full well that you like it. He gets you some wipes, so you can clean yourself up, then he says, "Get ready, we're going out tonight." "You're taking me out?" you ask with a smile. He rolls his eyes, but then he also smiles and says, "You're right, I've been out a lot, leaving you alone for too long."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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sw33tsnow · 2 months
You want me exclusively
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Dilf!König x Mechanic!Curvy!F!Reader (18+)
Summary: All thanks to your sister and her part-time job, you’ve found the man - your man. 
Warning: NOT FOR MINORS, age gap (late-20s & mid-40s), size difference, single dad (König is depicted without a hood), slight angst, smut, pussydrunk!König, possessive!f!reader, praising, boobs sucking, blowjob, dick slapping, cunnilingus, face sitting, fingering, flatiron position, unprotected sex, confession, etc. Word count: 6k6
In Badjhur we trust: better imagination (the scenario was different)
Just my dirty thoughts in the middle of the night :3
His teeth were clenching and his eyes were wandering between the front door and the small, flaming cocoon in his hand, König was indeed panicking. With the phone pressed against his ear, he endlessly paced back and forth in the room, her heavy breathing made him lose his composure.
'Hello?' After a seemingly endless ring, a hoarse yet gentle voice spoke up from the other end of the line, causing relief washed over König.
"H-hey, it's me, I'm...I'm so sorry for calling you this late....." König stammered.
'Not at all, is everything alright?' His anxiety rocketed when the rustling sound of the mattress and your uneasy voice reached his ear. The man felt even more miserable for bothering his nanny at three in the morning like this.
"Jütte has a very high fever, I've tried to....I don't know...." Interrogation or generating briefing has never made him so nervous but in this current situation, his daughter was the only priority.
'I'll be there in a minute, the sweat might make her uncomfortable so you need to change her clothes' You calmly instructed König and patiently waited until he answered before hanging up and quickly stormed out of your flat. 
The firm knocks seemed to pull König out of the abyss, he marched to the door and opened it, maybe you overlooked ringing the bell due to such a rush. You stood there with your quickly combed hair, a spaghetti straps tank top stuck to your frame and a pair of rumpled dark loose jeans that’d definitely just been pulled out of your closet. The thin overshirt jacket with both sleeves rolled up and flops made you look so….accessible. The man jumped aside when he realized he was blocking the entrance.  Swiftly took the steaming little thing into your arms, you handed König the bag of medicine as if telling him to prepare it for her to drink. Both of you didn't say a word to each other, the only audible sound was the spoon hitting the cup on the kitchen island beside the difficult breathing of the cotton ball in your embrace.
After putting the girl in the crib with a chill towel placed on her forehead, you gently walked out to the living room where the man was sitting. His hands were clasped together so hard that knuckles were white, eyes closed as a mountain of man sat immobile on a stool in the kitchen.
"I've already put her to sleep, she’ll be as good as new tomorrow" You gently approached, afraid of startling him.
"Mir geht es gut, I really owe you a lot." König's eyes opened to look at you, wrinkles in his eye sockets appearing as he smiled at you, "How about a drink?" The man stood up and turned towards the cabinet to take out the booze and two cabernet glasses.
"Don't think I should be wasted while at work, sir" You teased.
König just laughed and cocked his head at the empty space next to him. You both started drinking and chatting, he once again apologized for bothering you because the grandparents weren't here to help and you’ve to give him the look so he’d stop his guiltiness.
You understood that this little girl is indeed the light of his life, the sweet angel that god brought to him. König always reminded himself to love and care for his child until the day he no longer existed in this world. But you did not expect the man to open up about his last lover to you, have you managed to put him at ease?
As a Colonel in the military, with such a prestigious title, it's clear that his job is quite typical. Not just sitting at a desk with hundreds of paperwork with confidential stamps on or training rookies, deployments that last no less than a couple weeks and returning with new wounds without dying on the battlefield certainly not simple tasks. But that didn’t mean König lacked regard for his ex-fiancee because whenever possible, he always tried to spend all his time with her. About three years ago, returning home exhausted, König was given a big surprise - an ultrasound photo. Nothing could describe the man's explosive happiness at that moment. The colonel picked her up and twirled her around, unable to wait to marry her.
Baby, a baby 
The first time you met König, besides his broad shoulders and impressive height, you were truly captivated by those mesmerized gray-blue orbs. And to this moment, they seemed to be chosen as the stars’ new home when the visible spark glistened because of recalling beautiful memories.
Ironically, what she said extinguished everything, she did not want to marry him and couldn't take the baby with her either. She wanted to abandon the child, their child, and left him with the baby. The man was devastated, yes, the efforts to comfort and tried to overcome difficult stages when he couldn't accompany her only received scolding in return.
Could not salvage, König agreed to let her go and raise his baby all by himself. He loved his daughter more than anything, the little angel was his only connection with the woman he used to love, naming her Jütte - the bright gem. Sleepless nights to lull the baby to sleep, the confusion and stress that occurred to him when she cried due to hunger. You heard him scoff at mentioning sometimes he was afraid that his rough frame or the deep, husky voice were too intimidating for his little princess but every time her eyes lit up and those small hands firmly held his pinkie, all his fatigue vanished as if they never existed. 
He stopped and whipped his head in the opposite direction. You remained silent but moved a little closer, letting him know you were nearby and that he’s not alone. Even though you've only known each other for more than two weeks, you think you've aroused some inappropriate feelings for König, not sure whether to ignore them or let them grow.
The grandparents were delighted to look after their small sweet girl but they’re over the hill now, couldn’t wipe them out like that so the man decided to send his little angel to kindergarten in the morning and hired a nanny for his family when he's on deployment. That's the reason why you're here, no, your sister was here.
“Sis, please please please please…..please” 
The petite girl kept shaking your thighs no matter how clearly the signs of irreversibility appeared on your face. A small sigh escaped your lips, placing the takeout on the table, then you turned your head to where the constant pleading from. Sound of the wheels rolling on the floor and the squeaking sound as you leaned back against the chair made the girl stop rambling.
"Have you asked for the father’s permission yet?" Continue spinning the fork in between your pointer and middle finger. You raised your eyebrows but your face looked helpless, not disappointed. 
"Of course I did, but ’bout your...." A silly smile that perhaps was supposed to save the awkwardness.
"For fuck sake, I should probably call mom to be sure that you’re my sister?" You huffed with an irritated tone. 
Your sister was in her final year majoring in visual arts and she needed to concentrate fully on her upcoming graduation project. You knew how important this was to her and that your sister was indeed a talent. Of course you supported her wholeheartedly, she’s staying at your house, you cooked every meal, and also picked her up at the campus and drove her to work. You told your dumb sister that she only needed to focus on studying and didn't require any help though she’s begging you non-stop, but instead of just doing the laundry and sweeping your house as a gratitude, she found this babysitting job that’d definitely kill her after the whole-goddamn-day at the university. 
“C’mon sis, I’m beggin’.....beggin’ youuuuuu~ ” God this horrible sound, if it weren't for your sister's best friend performing with electric guitar in a band, you wouldn't have your ears tortured like this every single day. 
Your face scrunched as you carefully considered what your sister put in an offer of a few past seconds. It's not that you wanted to refuse her but - a nanny, not only for a nearly four years old little girl, but also for the endearing old spouses. You all have met a couple times when you came to pick up your sister, sometimes your sister was walking the little girl home after going to the park, other times the grandmother had to bring your sister stuff down to the lobby while she rushed down after your phone call. Interacting with strangers ain’t your forte at all but this baby seemed quite well-behaved and the grandparents were also very pleasant, or simply because your sister was more approachable than you. 
“Guarantee they’ll love your cooking” Your sister gave you a mischievous wink and you shook your head in defeat. 
“The problems ain't that simple, sweet pea” 
"Ahhhhhh, you know better than I do that your job isn't supposed to be down here in the garage, plus none of your tattoos are notable" You kept silent and only gazed at her.
Hated to admit but it’s true, you could’ve just sat in the office and accounted for your garages' finances but you chose the opposite. You loved the pleasant jingling sound of wrenches every time you worked with dusty engines and the feeling of adrenaline when you concentrated on some sophisticated details. Frankly, you highly doubted that the smell of lubricating oil that for sure always lingered on your skin mixed together with your sweat would be welcomed by elders and small kids. Being an owner not only gave you a stable income but also helped you meet plenty of friends with similar pursuits. 
Your sister's truly a minx because long pants would fix that tiny issue perfectly.
“You know I wouldn’t ask you if I had another choice” She gave you those puppy eyes, knowing it wouldn’t work but still could make you find it difficult to say no, “You don’t need to do anything specific, just have to pick the girl at six in the afternoon, make sure she's fed and bathed before nine, that's all" You haven't gone out before ten since forever, “Then prepare breakfast and lunch for the grandparents and remember to check for groceries”. What’s more? The nutrition and seasoning have to be noted down and dinner would definitely be served directly. Man, you'd rather lay on the creeper and drain your arms under some random cars for hours than this job.
"Two months" You held up two fingers as if confirming with your sister.
"Yes, only two months and I'll come rescue you" She postured a superhero pose and the two of you burst out laughing, "Only my ass" She's so lucky you love her.
During the first week, everything went smoothly. Jütte and her grandparents absolutely adored the meals you cooked for them, the grandmother even whispered to not telling your sister that she loved your cooking more than hers didn’t fail to make you laugh at the sweetness. You asked your sister if you were allowed to ride the baby on your bike and she agreed without hesitation, also recalled the squeal and the delighted face that she showed every time your sister mentioned you and your bike. No proof needed because the little girl couldn’t stop her curiosity to swirl around and sing happily with a small helmet settled on her head, making you couldn't help but snigger all along the way.
Your office’s door opened and timid footsteps led behind you as if not wanting to disturb. Slowly sitting up straight, you nodded in approval for the person behind you to continue.
"You got a message, Mama" 
Cracked your neck and motioned for the girl with an orange messy bun to take your place before excusing yourself to your customer. Mama, a nickname given to you not because you're the oldest but you're always thoughtful, treating everyone equally, and always responsible in your doing. Or based on your sister, you're the boss. Massaging the girl's shoulder as a thank you, you grabbed your phone and went straight outside to pick up the call. 
"Get off work early, Mama?" That snarky voice caused you to smirk, glancing over at the boy in the tank top who’s looking at you with teasing eyes. You didn't say anything but held up the phone, showing your sister's name on it, making the boy immediately shut his mouth and went to the hook to bring the jacket and your keys to you with the most respectful gesture. 
‘Hey, sorry for the sudden call’ Your sister's voice rang out through the phone’s speaker
“You need me at the campus?” You asked without breaking eye contact with the younger one in front of you, could totally tell he’s so tense right now due to a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. 
‘Oh no no, the father just texted, he'll be home for a few weeks, you can discuss the work with him after dropping Jütte home, bet she'll be so excited to see her father." Her giggle sounded like an early bird’s chirping, so joyful that it made the dumbhead before your eyes almost turned to a ripe tomato.  
“Loud and clear….speaking of which, you’re free this Saturday, yeah?” You used your casual flat tone, ‘Yep, need to unwind a bit’ then you two said a couple more sentences before hanging up.
The lad dramatically collapsed down on the ground and hugged your leg, thanking you profusely. You just pouted in contempt and shot him a mocking side-eyes, feeling powerful being able to command someone so easily. You retreated your foot and shooed away the heavy bastard with one kick, swiftly put on your coat and went down to the basement to hop on your bike.
Entered the code on the lock and pushed the door in, a pair of massive-size boots with mud caked on the doorstep attracted you and the little girl in your arms.
"Papa?!" The girl called out in excitement and surprise.
Not long after, the man in a plain green t-shirt and cargo pants appeared with a bright smile causing the little one in your arms to jump down and run into the arms lowering only for her. You swore the sight was so alluring that you stood like an idiot, that’s apparently the father and he's a lot more attractive than you expected. Sturdy torso with muscles flexed at any of his motion, bulky arms and broad chest, you couldn't get the view of those thighs but fuck, they better be meaty as your mouth watering of the thought. Some milky scars on the man's masculine face and body, he is a Colonel and a soldier, not so surprised.
"You must be the sister"
König and his daughter turned in sync to look at you, they looked exactly alike. You gave a friendly smile and walked over to greet the man, not being pushy so he wouldn't feel cringe, after all that's not who you are. Having the conversation with him, you realized he’s quite reserved but definitely a gentleman, it’s also undeniable that you’re fascinated by his accent. 
"I won't keep you here all afternoon for now, but do you mind if I ask you to pick up my kleines lamm and spare one more dish?" He spoke shyly, "Hate to admit but I'm a pretty bad cook." 
"No worries, that’s not any difficult task, you just saved my time though" You gave him a toothy smile and König's eyes responded back with clear appreciation.
You two exchanged phone numbers and the following days went as planned, you picked his daughter at kindergarten and rustled up meals in that spacious kitchen for them. The man's family has invited you to stay and dine with them, but you don't want to break the atmosphere and you shouldn’t get attached. Seemed strenuous when you both have an invisible bond because what kind of nanny sleeps in the guest room and makes breakfast for the host?  
You regretted drinking too much liquor last night and this splitting headache wouldn't spare you any mercy, decided to get up early and went to the supermarket to buy some toiletries. Cool water laved your entire body, quickly brushed your teeth before entering the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the two sleepyheads. If someone didn't know better, could assume you're König’s housewife.
The smell of sunny side-up eggs and crispy toast aroused König's nostrils, waking him up. Slowly getting up from the bed, he gently opened the door to his daughter's room to see her still sleeping soundly.
"Good morning, süßer engel" His big hand easily picked her up, the man rubbed his nose against the pretty little one below and whispered.
The baby stirred and frowned, oh my, her angry expression at being woken up made König chuckled delightfully. He carried the little girl to the living room and saw you behind the kitchen island, you raised your head and met his eyes.
"Mornin’...." You said as he sat down on the stool, even your weary grin was so beautiful.
“Good morning” Jütte squealed happily before her father could say anything.
"I'll feed her, here….bon appétit" you placed the plate down in front of the man and moved over the table. König's face flustered as your boobs might spill out of your low-cut shirt and his crotch stiffen immediately when your lower belly fat was exposed as you leaned over to take his daughter from his arms. 
"Have you eaten yet?" The man swallowed hard and pressed his hand against the bulge in his pants, "Already, sir, take your time" Sir, thank god he wasn’t standing, otherwise this’d be super embarrassing.
König thought you’d be the same as your sister, always dynamic and lively, but no, totally the opposite. You’re collected and tender. At first, when he didn't know you well, he thought you were stony and unapproachable, but turned out you’re not. You’re very thoughtful and responsible with your work, especially when you smile, your face lit up differently than usual. You respected König's private space and that of his family, perhaps  keeping a safe distance, but he knew there’s something unspeakable between the two of you. The fleeting touches that you both ignored, the soft glances with a hint of lust, and the attachment between Jütte and you was also unlike your sister or previous babysitters. 
This was the last day you took your sister's place as his nanny, but everything was fast as a blink and König’s still confused with his own feelings. If he made his move, would you agree? Or did you simply only see him as your sister's boss?
The sound of the doorbell interrupted the man's thoughts. He quickly stood up and got to the door so you could peacefully continue until Jütte finished her soup. Unpredictably, König never thought he could see this face again on his doorstep, the face that he once loved so passionately and cruelly left him with his child.
A mellow female voice called the Colonel's name, causing you to turn your head. You were on pins and needles when the man did not move after that call, hugging Jütte tightly and carefully walking towards the open door. There stood a splendid woman with gorgeous glassy eyes and her outfit, although not flashy, was certainly top-shelf. The woman's attention turned to you, or rather to the little girl in your arms. A tear strained down her thin cheekbone before she captured and pressed the baby's head to the crook of her neck, the man didn't stop her and you figured out who this woman was. The little girl stared at the strange woman in bewilderment but didn’t scream or cry, perhaps she felt a sense of familiarity, and when the woman approached König - it was like a missing piece of the puzzle - a complete family.
You stood rooted to the spot, deadpan eyes stuck on them and realized how inessential your presence was. What were you even fantasizing about? The baby, who has never met the woman and wasn’t crying, what right do you have to interfere? Even if the mother did not return, such a person would be worthy of standing next to König, not you, sketchy and way too young. 
Moving the dirty dishes to the sink, you grabbed your keys and briskly exited the apartment. Drawing in shaky breaths, your chest tightened and the bridge of your nose began to sting, your brain couldn’t function proper and your heart sank as the elevator doors closed. You could hear every single piece inside you shattered, not a single sob escaped your lips but the tears refused to cease, you weren't planning on stopping them either, this was your way of releasing. You allowed yourself to be vulnerable, allowed your flesh and bones to work the way it's naturally supposed to, then got over shits later. Verbal abuse was forbidden on your tongue and insulting others just to satisfy your immediate emotions made you feel not so different from a failure. 
It's raining but you're not in the mood to care anymore. Observing the surrounding scenery of the city you lived in, your mother was right, Austria is indeed a divine country.
I'm so sorry, sir, but it’s an urgent call from my teacher so I left Jütte at my sister’s place. I promise to text you sooner next time!!!!
Attached below was the address and one of your garages’ location. König's restlessness was so evident that his colleague was too worried to let him take the wheel. It was impossible to describe how much this mountain of man regretted not catching up with you the last time you two saw each other. Though he tried to ask about you through your sister, the young lady always politely refused; the man came to his conclusion that your sister did not know how the incident happened because strictly speaking, there was nothing binding between you and him. No confession had been spoken yet. 
“Sitrep, Colonel” The man with an erotic face went by the callsign Horangi opened his mouth, it's hard to tell if he's joking or serious.
König answered his sergeant with a heavy exhale, his patience was about to run out. In his mind, there were only your lifeless eyes as you paced past him to the door and the frantic calling of his daughter's mother - the woman who gave birth to his little angel, not the one he used to love. He stood dumbfounded at that time because he couldn't explain why after all this time, she chose to come back to look for him, plus he thought this woman had changed. Well, reality hit hard, when she saw König chasing after you, she started shouting at him out of the blue and accused him of sins from god-knows-where-they-came-from. At least the woman made the right choice to shut her filthy mouth as soon as he shot her a deadly glare, she had no authority to say those words after giving up König and his little girl. As for you, the woman did not dare to split anything, the man knew you're too nonchalant to care about bullshit stuff, but he’d not allow anyone who didn’t know you well to offend you.
2200, too late for any service shops to be opened but your garage lights were still on. Carefully parking the truck in the cul-de-sac right next to, the men walked over to the half-closed sliding door and bent down to enter. At the reception desk was a girl with shiny orange hair who was applying lipstick, her back was facing them but her eyes were looking at two men through the mirror she’s using.
"You are Jütte's father, right?" The girl asked with the typical salespeople’s voice. König nodded and the girl immediately picked up her phone to type something, “Mama will come down in a minute, have a seat” she spoke after receiving the message. Horangi raised an eyebrow at him, his intentions clearly written on his face. Mama, maybe that's your intimate name, but it's way too intimate. König darted his eyes around, your garage was indeed large, divided into two sections. One was for cars and the other was for bikes, which can be known by the spare parts and dozens of license plates hanging on the walls. And he saw you, holding his little daughter as you gingerly took your leave from the office above.
Speechless, the Colonel was speechless, unable to take his eyes off you. A long sleeve turtleneck body dress only reaching mid-thigh, delicate one-lined ink mark on your left calf and a thin henna style tattoo wrapped around your left thigh, looking like a bracelet. There’s a bold cut on your cleavage area, revealing a stiletto tattoo with flowers and a snake wrapped around it, heavy makeup and that red lipstick color surprisingly suits your skin. 
You have tattoos, he didn’t know, tattoos, not just one but many. Your thick thighs, waist still have its curve and your plush hips were certainly stunning. You approached them with a smile, the friendly yet unfamiliar smile you gave him when you first met, you nodded your greeting towards Horangi and he also politely returned the favor.
"Come to uncle" The comrade walked over and picked up the little sleeping girl in his arms because her father was definitely too absorbed in the lady standing in front of him.
As you spoke, König noticed something shiny inside your mouth. Is that...a piercing? You pierced your tongue? Was there anything about you that he hasn't known yet? The man's ears were buzzing, could only tell that you were saying something and his Sergeant nodded in affirmation. 
“Kö, the lady’s talking to you” A male voice snapped him back to the present, whipping his head back and saw you looking straight at him, waiting for his reply.
“She's already full so you don't have to worry, remember to wear warm clothes for her because babies are easily sick due to the season’s first wind, yeah?” You repeated yourself in a flat tone, “Un-Understood” König stuttered and Horrangi cursed in disbelief in his mother tongue.
Gave both of them a firm nod, you turned away and waved your hand so the orange girl would come join you. The plump ass of your jiggling on every step, König swore he could live between them if you let him.
“Pussy” His subordinate spat, body still rocking so as not to wake the baby; “I will knock your ass out” And he immediately bit back, quick as hell. 
“You won’t, this little angel is gonna stay at my place tonight ‘cause you won’t be back soon after walking into the pub a few blocks away at the intersection” König looked at the shorter man, his sass sometimes making the Colonel forget how qualified this guy actually was.
The two boys and a pretty one, your sister, were waving at you and the tangerine girl in front of the pub. It was a bit more crowded on weekends, so your group chose a table in a hidden corner because you hated being bothered by some drunk assholes. The sound of airy jazz along with elect wine, the perfect combination and if you have a partner, just imagine how great it would be. Fortunately, you have many companions, so it’s perfect for you to forget about that silhouette, until your sight was filled by the enormous shoulders and those unmistakable blue pupils. Unwavering stares, neither of you broke away from the tension, causing your group to stop chatting and peeked. König is an attractive man, with his impressive height it wasn't unusual to be surrounded by ladies who acted like starving vultures when they’ve got their eyes on the perfect prey, but he didn't pay any attention to them. Staring, only, at you. A beam of sadness was evident in your eyes, your eyelashes drooping as your lips opened and closed as if wanting to say something but couldn't. It was really miserable when you ran away from the Colonel's apartment, you weren't good at expressing your emotions and he’s too sweet for someone like you. The man's gaze was unreadable, still the same, making you restless.
“Need my car, Mama?” One lad spoke up and you turned your eyes to his direction to answer with a devilish grin as your fingers gesturing a beckoning sign, “Hand it over” 
Fuck this, let's just say you're not sober anymore, and he's here, for you.
While talking to your group, underneath the table, without anyone paying attention, your knees lazily broke apart and revealed the panties covering your sensitive area. The more your hip bones widen, the more the fabric stretches as if it’s about to tear, but there’s already a pair of slutty eyes glued to your heat and undressing you thirstily. Standing up together, you both naturally paced to the front door and disappeared without any traces. 
The door slammed loudly and followed by a large muscular back hitting it, causing the wall to rattle. One of your hands went to the man's throat, pressing him against the wall while the other hastily undoing his belt and pulling down his pants to free his companion.
"Oh, this’s hard already?" You stood on your tiptoes and brought your face close to König's, cooing, his lips tried to capture yours but you quickly squeezed his cock as a warning.
“Don’t” You glared.
And the Colonel thinned his lips into a straight line. He could only nod repeatedly and this strangely satisfied you somehow. Bringing your hands to the hem of his shirt then sliding them inside without caution, the shirt rose up, revealing the man’s delicious tanned skin.
You aggressively squeezed his breasts, their elasticity felt incredible in your small palms. König didn't move but his heavy breathing sounded pitiful, his eyes trailing every inch of your face and soft moans escaped his lips as you sank your teeth into his flesh without mercy. Rustling sound filled the dark space when you descended, trailing wet kisses down the man's sturdy torso and making him sucked in a sharp breath as you ran your tongue along the length of his cock.
“Use your words" You teased the tip of his cock, your piercing pressed against his opening every time you curled your tongue, making the Colonel unable to keep calm, "Or do you want me to stop?"
"NO…no, it's not like that..I'll-ah-I'll speak" König’s eyes flew open and he struggled to form his words whilst receiving a blowjob, you gave him a few kisses and eventually escalated to deepthroating his shaft, “S-scheiße…just li-like that, mein liebling” The man encouraged, his lines were frequently interrupted by low growls and desperate sounds under his throat. 
You hummed and started pushing deeper, Konig’s so big that you’ve to relax your jaw and mind your teeth more to take him whole. Your nose pressed into his soft fuzzy pubes and his cock settled in the back of your throat. Taking your time, steadily dragging your head to swallow and spit his shaft, you placed your tongue under the base of the large cock, gently stimulating him.
“Bitte, oh....f-fuck, seeing those scratches on my skin gonna drives me absolutely mad” Your nails lightly scratching the man's thighs causing him to tilt his head back, still managed thrusting his hip to match your pace. 
The sudden absence of the warmth of your mouth replaced by the painful pleasure coming from below made the Colonel's hand cling to your shoulder. He let out a sob and looked at you in confusion, “Those goddamn hands touched you here, didn't they?” Another slap landed on his dick, “Mein schatz, please…”  König choked out as his head shook vigorously, he got a bit whiny when you put him in your month again. 
Lust eyes stared straight at each other, embarrassment no longer there when the begging and pet names he called you made your cloth pussy soaked in slick. Faster and faster, your speed gradually increased and the man's whines came to a crescendo, almost at his peak. You hollowed your cheeks as his cock twitched wildly inside your mouth but the Colonel suddenly pulled you to your feet and crashed his lips against yours, teeth scraping and König's tongue pressing in as if he wanted to eat you raw.
"You’re doing so good for me, ja? But I don't wanna cum yet, not like that" You pouted, which made him laugh.
“You know what I was thinking?” König pulled the slit of your dress to the sides, causing your tít to be bouncing back and forth in the middle.
Calloused fingers kneaded at your softness, licking and sucking greedily, you weren't sure if he could breathe with his face pressed firmly against your chest like this.
"I can't stop thinking about getting my mouth on these tits….." The man's accent grew heavier due to the eagerness, his hot breath fanning over your skin, your navel as he knelt down and his large hand gripping tightly on your trembling hips. Swiftly threw your leg over his shoulder, the loss of balance made you yelp but of course König couldn't let you fall.
“And havin’ the taste of this pretty cunt of yours” The man spoke as he took the first lick on your wet panties.
“Oh fu-fuck…König” You arched your back, he wasn’t inside you yet but how come could you regain your self-control under the sensation he’s giving you. 
“Ja?…..hmm, you’re so delicious my dove” The Colonel kept running his tongue along your pussy, every word he said interspersed with every flick against your sensitive clit. Clutching tightly to the door, you tried to steady your breathing and grind down to the person below, König was too focused to notice your revenge intention on him. 
“Not so fast, sweetie” You stopped all movements and dragged your legs off him. Bending down to pull the tangled shirt over his head, the man also stood up to peeled the dress off of your body. As soon as the sleeves slipped off, revealing a Maori style tattoo on your upper arm. König stood gaping, mein gott, the man has seen you in a leather jacket on a fine Harley but imagined how delusionally your exposed biceps would be such a sight.
“My couch” You cocked your head and he nodded stupidly, “Sit on the floor and tilt your head back, can you do that, Kö?”
His cock stiffened at your husky voice, Kö, he wanted to hear his name coming out of those beautiful lips of yours even more. You slowly got rid of your last piece of clothing, climbed up on the couch and situated the man's head between your knees. His big hands crawled up to your pubis as you lowered yourself for him, but when his mouth started to open wide and his chin pointed up to reach your slick heat, you paused.
“Don’t do this to me, mein liebling….” König's rough fingertips dug into your meaty thighs, the beautiful fat spilling out between his gaps and you giggled as you spread your labia, hovering over him, “Please, I fucking need that pretty cunt….all over my face” The Colonel gave you his needy eyes, the man moved his lips to nibble your inner thighs, littering several bite marks.
Shaking your head, you gave up and sat down where the pleading kept coming from. König immediately grabbed your ass cheeks and his mouth sucked on your puffy clit like a starved man, "You feel so good.....uhmm, so right on my tongue like this"
He didn't stop moaning, his tongue continued to lick your cunt tirelessly. You were so drowned in pleasure that you couldn't answer the man, could only hold his hair and sway your lower body back and forth that naughty mouth.
König pushed his tongue inside your pussy, it lapped to sweet spots and as an unconscious practice, you pressed your clit against his nose, peered down with watery eyes.
“Ja, ja…you’re too perfect, looking down at me like that” his tongue swirled inside you, causing your folds and thighs squeezed tighter, “Bitte-bitte, keeps pinching those nipples for me”
Dark blue pupils looked up at you like a praying man admiring his goddess as your palms trailing up to your chest and groping your hard nipples. 
“Spank me, König”
He complied.
“Like tha’?”
“Yes…yes, like that, again”
Surely that hand prints wouldn’t disappear anytime soon, you mewled lewdly and the Colonel quickened his pace so he’d get what he needed. 
An endless loop of praises and the frantic stirring of the mouth fixed to your cunt. Inserting two thick fingers inside, his moist lips kept sucking your clit, creating unholy sounds. The man whined even more than you, way too intoxicated and only begging to taste you. And he was contented, you gripped his scalp and grinded down on him, riding out your orgasm with his fist.
König carefully held you as he sat up, you no longer had any strength left so resting your chin on the soft cushion, back turned to him. Afresh, an upside down stingray, its fins spreaded across your lower back and tail curled and stopped right between of your scapula bones.
"Are there any places else on your body that I haven't discovered yet, Zucker?" You gave him a breathy cackle.
The man placed a comforting kiss on your shoulder blade before wrapping his bulky arm around your waist and leaning your back against his body, thighs on thighs, he sat you down on his shaft. You both hissed out when your gummy walls wrapped perfectly around his length, it was unbelievable how well you could fit him, his dick was so big it made your stomach bulge. Brows pulling in as you're forced to confront your lungs as they fight for air, calloused palm held on your tit, his pelvis started bucking lazily for you to get used to his size. 
“Fu-fucking god Kö, your….” Couldn’t finish your sentence, claws pinned on his bicep and mouth flew open, the man leaned down and captured your lips.
Your neck was killing you in this position but there ain’t no other methods to block your screams as his tip kissed your womb roughly. König reached down to massage your swollen clit, he knew this was beyond your limits but the way you arched your back to receive him made the man want to spill his seed inside you more than ever. 
“I’m nearly…there, schatz” the Colonel growled lowly, teeth gnawed at your earlobe, “Cum with me, baby….bitte, bitte, bitte” chantings non-stop, he’s desperately crying out for your arousal and that beautiful mewls to escaped your stubborn mouth. 
Neither of you could last much longer, drool running down your neck as you pulled away from König to let out a silent scream. Your stomach stiffened as your walls clenched around the man's cock, some last few strokes before his tepid sperm flooded inside. König released so much that when he pulled away, the seed was already flowing out of your cunt, looking like honey spilling out of an eye-catching flower.
Falling on the floor, you collided on top of him and sniggered at his satisfied face. The man still stared at your ceiling, your lids were half closed as his fingers gently combed your smooth locks.
"I'm sorry for not coming to you sooner, liebling"
You understood what he’s talking about. Rolling over, you took his hand and brought it to your lips, placing soothing smooches on the calluses.
"I'm sorry for leaving" König shook his head, "We’re both silly, so let it go, Jütte said I’m not allowed to go home if you’re not coming with me" You giggled and so did he. Let’s considered that as make-up sex, then. 
Taglist: @shadowlali , @ghostlythots
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beautifulblooms · 1 year
Leon S. Kennedy Headcanons+Drabble
Male reader in mind with these, he/him pronouns used, kinda set in Re2 cause I've been playing it and I can't get that specific version out of my head, might do another one like this but Re4 remake cause uhhh, they did him right with that one. Anyways, enjoy this clusterfuck of gay thoughts about the best rookie in all of Raccoon City.
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine-aligned, and male readers!
He is honestly adorable
So sweet, very kind-hearted, definition of a lovey dovey boyfriend right here
Definitely the kind of person to try and stay up late to watch movies with you but ends up falling asleep halfway through
Not that you mind cause that just means you can play with his hair and he won’t complain
On the topic of his hair
By the grace of the gods is it soft as fuck
Please, play with it, even if he whines about it, he loves it (definitely not cause he wants you to pull it, never, how could that possibly be a possibility)
Loves cuddling with you
Doesn’t matter the context he just loves it
Early in the morning before you two have to do anything
Late at night before you go to bed 
Hell even in the middle of the day when he needs to recharge
He has a tendency to be very quiet when he’s walking around the house
Neither of you know why he does it, but it does provide him with a lot of good opportunities to scare you
Standing at the kitchen counter, you were mixing up some batter for pancakes, hoping to surprise Leon with breakfast in bed. Too focused on measuring out the next ingredient you didn’t hear or sense Leon walking into the kitchen, eyes half-closed to avoid the sun’s bright light flooding the room. He slowly walked up behind you to see what you were doing, resting his head on your shoulder and wrapping his arms around your waist. The sudden touch scared the absolute shit out of you, making you fling the teaspoon you were holding across the kitchen and jump up in his arms. 
“Fuck me!! Christ Leon, you’re way too good at scaring me,” He merely chuckled and buried his head further into your shoulder, once again trying to hide his eyes from the sun.
“I didn’t mean to, but you left the bed and you know I can’t sleep without you,” Right, he always finds comfort in sleeping with you, he struggles any time he has to go out of town and you can’t go with him. You sighed and shifted around in his arms to face him, holding his hips lightly as he was still gripping onto you. 
“Well if you want to go back to sleep, I’ll be done with these in a few minutes, then we can lay back down together, how’s that sound hm?” He looked up at you for the first time, those beautiful blue eyes staring back at you, half-lidded with sleep. 
“Can we go back to sleep now? I wanna cuddle you,” Sighing again with a small smile you kissed him gently.
“Let me get this in the fridge so it doesn’t go bad on the counter, guess I’m making pancakes later.” Leon smiled and let go of you to head back to your shared bed, awaiting your warmth to comfort him back into slumber. Making your way into the room, he opened his arms and lifted the blanket to let you into the cozy embrace of your beautiful boyfriend. Cuddling up next to him, his head rested against your chest, arms wrapped around your middle while he slowly fell back asleep, taking you into a lovely slumber with him. 
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weemssapphic · 1 year
Hi! Thank you for writing my request last time (Lipstick stains) and I love it! I just love your writing and I couldn't stop myself from requesting another one...
I found this phrase on Pinterest and I thought this would be a perfect smut for either Larissa x Reader or Brienne x Reader...
"I could explain how horny you make me, but I'd rather have you stick your fingers inside me and feel for yourself."
Have fun writing! :3
hello! thank you so much 🥰 i've written quite a lot of larissa smut lately and there's so much more coming so i've chosen brienne this time, i hope you don't mind! it also took quite the different turn but the phrase is in there 😂 i hope you like it <3 as usual, ao3 link in title.
warnings/content: nsfw - pwp, thigh riding, fingering + cunnilingus (r receiving), hair-pulling, fluffy ending (oops ^^)
words: ~2k
Brienne of Tarth x fem!reader
You pace the length of your girlfriend’s chambers, waiting for her to get back from a late meeting with the Small Council. These meetings were often held at the local brothel, mostly at the insistence of Tyrion and Bronn, ending the night with wine and women aplenty. Once the official part of the meeting was done with, Brienne would return to her chambers, greeting you with a kiss and filling you in on everything that had been discussed - mostly letting off steam about the incessant lewdness she’d had to deal with throughout the evening.
You would kneel by her side in front of the hearth, nodding in sympathy and tracing soothing patterns along her skin until she’d calmed down enough to join you in bed, cuddling until the two of you fell asleep in each other’s arms. It was the purest form of bliss, having Brienne’s strong arms wrapped around your middle, feeling her warm breath tickling the skin of your neck, hearing her heavy, even breathing over the crackling of the fire. Intimacy in its sweetest, most domestic form.
Tonight, though, you had other plans. This morning, you’d woken up with a dull ache between your thighs. Brienne had been about to take care of you, fingers grazing your cunt, when you were interrupted by an urgent knock on the door - the Lord Commander’s presence was requested by King Bran. Of course it was. You’d let out a frustrated huff, watching your girlfriend as she dressed quickly in her armor and left you with a peck on the lips and an apologetic smile.
You’d tried to satisfy yourself after that, but nothing you did to yourself could hold a candle to the way Brienne could make you feel and your desperation had only grown as the day wore on. Your thoughts ran rampant all day with images of Brienne’s fingers inside of you, pumping and twisting, Brienne’s warm mouth on your pussy, licking and sucking, Brienne, Brienne, Brienne.
The door to her chambers opens and the Lord Commander herself walks in.
“Brienne.” You smile warmly, instinctively wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling her down towards you for a kiss. It starts soft, it always does, but as you become aware, once again, of the heat spreading in your abdomen, you press your lips more insistently into hers.
You let out a low whine, tongue swiping at Brienne’s lower lip, begging her to let you into her mouth. She acquiesces, reciprocating your own urgency and bringing her hands roughly to your waist, pulling you flush against her.
You take a few steps back into the room, pulling her with you as you go, attached at the lips. Brienne is the first to pull away, taking a deep, steadying breath and pressing her forehead into your own.
“Not that I don’t enjoy a warm welcome, but…” Brienne arches an eyebrow in question.
“Brienne, I need you,” you mewl pathetically, cupping her cheek and nipping at her lips. “You left me hanging this morning, and I have been able to think of nothing else all day.” There’s a desperation in your voice that isn’t lost on the knight, and the blood rushes to her cheeks as your words register in her head.
“Perhaps we should take care of that,” she murmurs into your lips, pulling you back towards the bed.
Her boldness makes you grin, a wetness pooling between the apex of your thighs. Brienne had been so shy at the beginning of your relationship, and was still sometimes hesitant to take the lead in the bedroom. But she was always eager to do whatever it took to please you, and you were enthralled with how she was, slowly but surely, beginning to open up sexually.
You move to straddle the expanse of one of her thighs, busying your hands with the laces at the front of your dress. Brienne’s eyes drift down to your cleavage, drinking in the expanse of your exposed skin, breathing quickening. 
As your hands move to explore your girlfriend’s armor and eventually find purchase on her waist, you begin to roll your hips, grinding your cunt into Brienne’s thigh. You feel her flex her muscle almost instinctively and a breathy moan escapes your lips. You’re already so wet for her, your juices staining your underwear and, beyond that, surely, Brienne’s pants.
Her face is flushed, pupils blown wide, mouth slightly agape. Her hands rest gingerly on the bed and you catch her fingers twitching. You imagine for the umpteenth time that day those long, slender fingers inside you, pumping and twisting, hitting your sweet spot. The thought alone draws another sinful moan from your throat.
You take Brienne’s hands in yours, still rhythmically grinding your pelvis onto her thigh, placing her hands on your hips just under the skirt of your dress as you pick up your pace. Her palms are warm on your skin and goosebumps ripple out from underneath them. Her touch starts out featherlight but as your moans grow louder, her grip tightens, fingers flexing against your hips, nails digging little half-moons into your flesh.
“C-can you…” you begin, a whine from your own throat cutting off your question.
“Can I?” Brienne’s own voice comes out a breathy mess, you can tell she’s trying to remain composed and you wonder how long she’ll be able to keep up the charade. She’s watching you with rapt attention, absolutely mesmerized by how you’re coming undone.
“C-can you flex again?” You grind down harder, trying desperately to find enough friction to send yourself over the edge, nearly seeing stars but not quite there yet. She flexes her thigh again, the muscle stretching taut against your sensitive bud and you find the extra friction you’re looking for.
You rut against her, allowing your head to fall into the crook of her neck. Brienne’s breath fans over your hair, her palms pushing you firmly down onto her lap as you float into your orgasm, thighs closing tightly around Brienne’s leg.
Brienne holds you steady as your breathing evens out. When you look up at her, there’s sweat on her brow and she’s gazing down at you with a hunger that sets you ablaze all over again.
She swallows thickly as you watch her. “Was that alright?”
"My dear Lord Commander,” you tease her with the use of her title, smirking at the woman and sliding off her lap to lean back onto the bed. “I could explain how horny you make me, but I'd rather have you stick your fingers inside me and feel for yourself."
Brienne’s eyes widen and she hesitates for a moment before crawling forward, nearly growling in frustration as her armor gets in the way. You laugh, leaning forward to cover Brienne’s fingers with your own as you help her with the straps of her armor, removing her shoulder plates and her chest plate, stripping her of the pieces one by one until she’s left in only her tunic and pants.
Your fingers come to the laces of your own dress, finishing what you’d earlier started and undoing them completely, watching the blood rush to Brienne’s face as you strip yourself bare. You lean back and allow your legs to fall open, rolling one of your nipples into a hardened peak between your fingertips as your other hand dips between your thighs to gather up the juices leaking out of your core.
You bring your fingers to your mouth, tasting your own arousal on your tongue, amused at the way Brienne is staring at you, stuck in some sort of limbo. Then, suddenly, she sets into motion, her lips crashing into yours in a bruising kiss, tongue fighting yours for dominance, a guttural moan forcing its way past her lips at your taste.
“You taste so good,” she moans as strong hands come to rest on your waist, fingertips pressing so hard you’re sure - you hope - they’ll leave bruises. 
“Touch me, Brienne,” you whisper against the taller woman’s lips.
Her fingers travel down your torso, brushing over the soft curls on your mound until they find your slick. She gasps when she feels how wet you are and you mewl in return. Her fingers start to explore your folds, running up the length of your slit, teasing your entrance before finding your clit and drawing tantalizing circles around the throbbing bud.
“Inside, please,” you gasp, wantonly bucking up your hips to chase her fingers. She slides a digit into your dripping entrance, waiting for a moment for you to get used to the sensation before adding a second and beginning to pump them slowly in and out.
Brienne settles between your legs so that she can latch her lips around your clit, sucking as if her life depends on it as her fingers continue to pump and curl inside of you, grazing at that sweet, spongy spot that has you writhing beneath her.
“That’s it, right there,” you groan, and Brienne hums in acknowledgement, the vibration against your pussy causing you to clench around her fingers. 
You weave your fingers into her golden tresses, nails digging into her scalp, pulling sharply at her hair, just like you know she likes it. “You like that?” You ask, giving her hair another tug. She whines, tonguing at your core with renewed fervor, fingers curling as you meet them with the thrusts of your hips.
“I want you to look at me when I come, Brienne,” you husk. Wide pools of sapphires gaze up at you, hazy with desire. Seeing the normally commanding knight a submissive, blushing mess, drinking from your core is enough to send you over the edge.
Your thighs begin to twitch as you reach your high, Brienne eagerly lapping up the juices that flow from your cunt. You press her face into your center, screwing your eyes shut and arching your back as everything around you begins to grow hazy, the coil behind your navel begins to unspool.
Brienne’s warm tongue soothes over your clit, your folds, the insides of your thighs, cleaning you up. She presses soft kisses to the tender flesh of your thighs, nipping lightly at the sensitive skin, then moving up to settle next to you.
Her lips are swollen, chin glistening with your arousal, hands roaming over your torso and pulling you into her. You soothe your tongue over her chin, her lips, humming at the taste of yourself on her.
She tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, fingertips lingering at your jaw. “Satisfied?” Blonde eyelashes flutter against pink cheekbones, a hint of a smirk tugs at her lips.
You roll your eyes and wrap your arms around your girlfriend, tugging her closer as you pepper her face with kisses. “Satisfied,” you confirm, tugging the furs on the bed around the both of you, enveloping you in a cocoon of warmth.
“Let me hold you tonight?” You murmur in her ear. Brienne scoffs, a smart remark already on the tip of her tongue, but you arch your eyebrow and jut your chin out in defiance and she clamps her mouth shut. She knows better than to argue with you when you’ve got your mind set on something. Her eyes flicker between yours, searching, waiting for you to take back your words, but you hold firm and she nods. 
You reach out your arms and Brienne settles against you, shimmying into position until her back is pressed firmly against your front. You drape your arm over her waist, hand splayed across her stomach, burying your head in the crook of her neck and breathing in her scent. 
“Are you comfortable?” You whisper, breath fanning over her shoulder.
A beat.
A contented sigh.
“Yes.” Brienne’s voice is low and content. It’s the only reply you’ll get, but it feels like a victory nonetheless.
Silence, save for the crackling of the fire.
“Brienne?” Her breathing has begun to even out, so much so that you aren’t sure if she has fallen asleep.
“Yes?” Her voice is heavy with sleep.
“I love you, you know.”
You can hear the smile in her voice when she replies, her own hand coming to cover yours. “I love you, too, you know.”
major thank you as usual to @afeatherformills for beta reading! ily!
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