#hi I hope this hits close to home bc that's kind of the intent
luigra · 2 years
"I'd rather starve than eat those pies. This is the dumbest policy ever."
"Well, I'm trying to only eat Gigapies, and it already is kind of like starving! Like, okay, they are already pretty much impossible to buy, and then when I do aquire them, they are not kind on my stomach at all. So I'm trying to not eat unless I really need to."
"...Dear god, Joe, don't tell me you are starving yourself."
Joe fell silent. Ey twirled the telephone wire in eir hands, connected to the landline rotary lying on eir bed. Cleo was away in another world, but apparently cell service is available in all of Minecraft, so they took opportunity to stay in touch.
Awkward question.
"...Well, it is better on my productivity? Like, okay, usually the issue is that the time I take to digest food renders me so groggy, I can't effectively work. But like, I guess this involuntary economic paradox makes it easier to think?"
"Joe." Ey could hear the disappointment in their monotone voice and it burnt through em, making em wriggle on the bed in discomfort and shame.
"I know, Cleo."
"You really are taking advantage of the fact that I cannot come over and shove steak down your throat right now."
"Yeah, well, it's a reasonable thing to try and avoid!"
Cleo made a bitter expression. One thing they hated the most, being helpless, now being used against them like that. They genuinely wanted to traverse worlds again, just so they could make Joe eat better, because the disappointed condemnations never seemed like enough. They should be doing more to help.
Nothing more painful in the world than inability to act. Especially when it's about your friend.
Joe fumbled more rambles, none of which were really excuses. 'Cause it's like, ey always envision these moments as cathartic, having someone point out that ey really are tired, not taking enough care of emsself, it's something ey daydream about. But when actually faced with the stern scolding, ey just feel guilty. It's not as pleasant.
Cleo asked Joe to promise to have some lunch today. Joe agreed with ease, which was the least ey could do. But still, Cleo hates making people promise something. Promises are universally unpleasant.
They joke more about the things they'd actually physically do if they were there, and it's just the same reminder of their inaction in reality.
This shouldn't be a normal occurrence, both think to themselves.
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lamnwar · 1 year
Ok I have another req! Could I request a fem reader x taiga who's used to guys only expressing interest in her body and sexuality and sexualising her so when taiga doesn't do that it makes her think that he isn't into her? Angst and miscommunication and misunderstandings but it gets resolved in the end!
Hiiii bby 💕 so so sorry I took so long to work on your request, it took me longer than expected bc the premise kinda hit too close to home and I had a hard time seperating my personal feelings from what I was writing 😭 here it is and I hope you enjoy it! I was very happy to write on Kagami for you again <333
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Doubts // Kagami Taiga x Fem! Reader
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Context: you're so used to boys sexualizing you that when a certain Kagami Taiga enters your life, you don't know what to expect from him anymore. Characters are aged up (18+) for plot context.
Warnings: college!au, angsty, reader is insecure, trust issues, implicit mentions of sex but nothing detailed so still sfw, Kagami being a bit oblivious, reader and Kagami have a little misunderstanding but it's resolved at the end <3 fluff towards the end bc I'm a romantic at the core 🥰
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The sun hits your face as you get out of the lecture hall, the sweet scent of spring reaching you and giving you a false sense of rest. It doesn’t last long; the other students follow behind you, and soon enough you are stuck in a crowd that wander aimlessly, following the flow when really you should be walking the opposite direction. It’s noon, you should be going home to a miserable sandwich, take a quick nap and wake up wondering if you truly want to show up to the next lecture or just do nothing for the rest of the day.
A voice calls for you, and you turn around, tired eyes opening up slightly when you recognize the silhouette coming towards you. Taiga runs to you, big body forcing everyone to get out of his way so he can reach you. And he does, Taiga with his honest smile, and his old backpack nonchalantly hanging on his broad shoulders. You smile, though your body tenses up.
“Wanna have lunch with me?” he asks.
You are tempted to decline the invitation, like every time he comes to you. It’s more a reflex than what your heart truly wants, and you are fully aware of it. So in confusion, you urge yourself to give an answer:
“Was heading home to eat, actually” you say, hoping that he’ll let you go.
But he doesn’t because Kagami Taiga never does. It irritates you in some ways, probably because you can’t make sense of it. He’s not the kind to hang out with you now, is he?
Kagami Taiga has always been the “out of your reach” kind of person.  A handsome guy that walks the campus by turning all heads, yet he appears somewhat oblivious – or maybe he’s grown accustomed to the looks he gets at everything he goes. He’s the one people invite to their parties although they barely know him, and the one girls wish they could date one day. He’s all that, with his cool aura, a constant frown on his face that make him look more intimidating than he really is, and his reputation as the best basketball player the university has ever had.
So, considering all that, maybe it makes sense that you’re suspicious when he’s suddenly taken a liking to you. It cannot be without intentions, and you suspect that they aren’t pure. It’s just something you know. Men always disappoint you.
Your friends tell you that you are dramatic for making such statement, and you’ve wondered for a long while if you’re just not too pessimistic. At the end of the day, men are humans too, aren’t they? What is the point of assuming that they’re not capable of love, or rather, of loving you? You’ve struggled on multiple sleepless nights, grieving the false hopes you’ve built for yourself – just because a guy said the right words, and hold you the right ways, and made your heart pound at the right pace. It’s always started like a dream, too good to be true, you’d repeat to yourself. Because it never took long for your prince to turn into a frog, dropping you the moment he no longer found pleasure in your body. And the circle would start again, with a new guy, and new words, new feelings, till he nonchalantly confessed how you were nothing more than a piece of meat to him. Always a “hump and dump”, so are you wrong, to be suspicious of all men?
“You know, I wanna cook for you one day” Taiga’s voice resonates as you keep walking out of the campus to reach your place.
“Why would you want to cook for me, anyway?”
It’s a genuine question – something like that can hold so many meanings, so you wonder what it could signify for him. You have your own meaning of it: you’ll only cook for the one you love. A gesture of love, exclusive, and that you believe you’ll never get to make, considering how things are going for yourself.
“I’m a fucking good chef, for one, and it’d make me happy to see you eat my food” he replies with his usual straightforwardness.
The romantic undertones of his answer do not go unnoticed and your heart pounds in your chest, despite all your efforts of keeping it down. Every one of his words, every one of his actions, takes you back to the days when you were just a teenager having crushes and dreaming of the kind of romance that you’ve got to learn doesn’t exist in reality.
“Well… we’ll see about that” you reply, not wanting to reject him as the tiny glimpse of hope that he is genuine guides your actions.
He smiles, striking you right in your most sensitive spot – it’s hard not to smile back, but you’d be a fool to do so. He’s no different from the others, you repeat to yourself. Yet, here you are, walking in the soft sun of spring and honestly enjoying his presence. He doesn’t have to do much or say much, his aura somewhat soothing to you. You feel like you’re falling for a spell, aware of it but still uncapable of resisting it. You sigh, looking at the time on your phone as you rack your brain for a way out of here. It’s not quite that you want to leave Taiga, but more that you need to. You fear what will happen if you extend these simple moments with him, if you let your guards down and don’t think twice as the space between you gets smaller, and smaller.
So, you need to flee the situation. For your own sake, for your own heart. It hurts you to leave him, but you’re convinced there’s truly a greater purpose to you digging the distance between the basketball player and you. But you fail, and you really can’t bring yourself from stopping him from walking you home. For a second there, you look up at the sky like it holds these answers you’re seeking for.
It’s insane, how your heart beats at the simple thought of Taiga. His warm smile, the way his hand lingers on your waist when you walk together in crowds, his voice when he calls your name – all so confusing, yet so consuming. And then you stop and think back to all those who were there before him. Those who praised your body at night and ignored your soul in the daylight. Those who charmed you with smiles and words, making you feel at the top of the world for a second, and made you realized that you worthed no more than dust the next second. It’s always promises of stars in your eyes, till it turns out to be nothing but dreams. It’s destructive, this circle you’ve got yourself into inadvertently. And you hate yourself for letting it get the best of you. You hate yourself for letting it install all these doubts in your mind. Maybe you’re too cautious, maybe you’re running away from a true opportunity; there’s just no way of knowing for sure. It’s simply that you’re brought to lose all trust in men, and despite the warmth Taiga brings you, he can’t be an exception.
He can’t be right? It doesn’t matter how he makes you feel, he’ll hurt you, too… won’t he?
But under the soft rays of the sun, he’s no more than a human that you love. You may inch away from him at each step, but he doesn’t give up. And you wait in frustration that he shows himself to be no better than others. The moment he’ll touch you with clear intentions of consuming your body, or that he’ll outright tell how you’re nothing more than an attractive body. He’s yet to say or do anything of that sort – does he even like you, in any way? Taiga has always kept a fair amount of distance, despite never leaving your circle. He stays in proximity, yet never comes to close, and you keep waiting for the moment he’ll reach and turn your fear into reality. You always wonder why he doesn’t do like the others, when he’s had countless of occasions to act. He’s never once let his fingers linger longer than needed on your waist, he’s never once looked at you with lustful eyes, he’s never once made a suggestive comment. But he doesn’t go away either, and here you are, confused and struggling.
“You never give me straightforward answers when you I invite you to stuff” he lets out.
You slow down, struggling to hide your reaction upon the realization that he’s somewhat noticed that habit of yours. Granted, you’re probably not as sly as you think you are. After months of him suggesting things that you may do together, and you answering in the most elusive way possible, maybe it shouldn’t be such a surprise that he’s noticed that pattern of yours.
“I really don’t, do I?” you try to laugh yourself out of the spotlight.
Yet, you fail. He’s caught you, and you still have to figure out how much has he picked up on.
“Well, you know me” he stops mid-sentence to stretch his arms.
You don’t say anything. Do you truly know him, you wonder. He seems to think so, but at the same time, it might just be a ruse. For all you know, you can’t never truly know someone. You don’t see how he’ll be any different.
“Just say it, if I piss you off” he reprises, “I’ve never been good at reading minds.”
“You don’t annoy me” you reply immediately, before you can even think of an answer.
It’s like something has taken over you, a part of you you’d usually repress for you believe it’s incapable of making sensible choices. You sigh, as a silence settles between both your bodies. Only the chirping of the birds and the sounds of cars passing by interrupt the quiet. It’s not comfortable at all. If anything, there’s a lot left unsaid. After each step, each breath, each side glance at each other, you feel the tension build up.
“Hey, d’you even like me?”
Taiga’s voice sounds up, snapping the tension in a sharp move. You’re defenceless, but somehow fishing for a semblance of barricade to build up.
“You can’t ask that kind of silly questions…”
“You can’t keep being avoidant like that.”
He’s really got you cornered. For some reason, the more it goes, the more you feel yourself crumbling. You feel like crying, yet tears don’t fall. You just have the feeling that at any point, you’ll just falter and break in tiny pieces in front of him.
“Yeah… you know what? I better stop right now. I sound like a fucking looser trynna pass for a nice guy. Sorry for being a bitch about my own doubts. They have nothing to do with you.”
You furrow your brows, stopping in your walk as you register his words.
“Are they real?” you ask.
“Your doubts… are they real? Or are you just saying that to make me feel something?”
He ogles at you, seemingly shocked by your words.
“The fuck you’re saying? I just feel like I like you more than you do, that’s just it.”
“Yeah, but do you really like me, Taiga?”
You sniff, your deepest thoughts cracking through your barricade.
“Yes I do! I thought I was being obvious enough” he replies, eyebrows raised in incredulousness.
“Pardon me, but it’s hard to believe so” you reply, not daring to confront his gaze. “Guys like you…”
You stop before finishing your sentence. It hurts you to say these words to someone that you love despite everything. And you feel stupid enough for loving him, like you haven’t learned your lesson yet. You shouldn’t let him in, he’ll use you and leave you, like they all do.
“Hey…” Taiga’s is voice is soft in your ears, comforting, exactly what you need at this instant which makes you even more cautious of him.
“Leave it, Taiga. You don’t have to comfort me” you say as you take a step back. “You don’t have to be nice to me at all, actually. It’s pointless, because…”
You take a breath, wondering why it’s so hard to speak, yet as soon as you open your mouth, it feels like an unstoppable flow of words. Just all your deepest insecurities coming to the surface and embracing you in their vile hands, to the point where you are nothing but your fear of being used by someone you love.
“The moment you’ll realize you can’t get what you want of me, you’ll leave, anyways. They always do, guys like you.”
For a moment, neither of you speak. You can’t say more for your part, and as for him, he doesn’t know what to say. It’s rather conflicting; should he defend himself, or take you in his arms? Or should he, simply, walk away if the sight of him hurts you so much? Despite everything, he finds himself unable to move anywhere further from you. It’s like some force drives him to stay by you, even if you might hate him.
“I’m sorry” he finally says.
If you dare look at his eyes, you might be surprised by the sight. The flame that usually shines so bright in his eyes is almost inexistent, replaced by the wavering glimmer of humid eyes. Your overly cautious self isn’t quite sure what these words mean. It could be an admission of guilt, and that prospect shatters your heart in countless little pieces.
“What for?” you risk yourself asking.
“For not showing you properly how I feel about you. Have I been more straightforward… you’d probably think of me differently. You wouldn’t have to love me back, either way, but I’d have the comfort of knowing that you knew that I was genuine” he answers, hands digging in his pockets. “And I’m sorry I can’t prove myself to be better than the assholes who’ve treated you like shit before. Just say the word, and I’ll go. Or say nothing, there’s meaning to that, too.”
He doesn’t say a single word after that, the sound of cars passing by crashing between your two silent bodies. You feel the tears well up in the corner of your eyes, almost spilling but being kept there, on the edge of your eyelids. The seconds pass by faster than you want them to while you are yet to say or do anything. The more time passes by, the more Taiga feels something break in him. He’s never been really good at relationships – he isn’t a reader of people, and up till recently, he’s never really taken the time to reflect on the way he feels. But things somewhat changed when he met you, the heat you brought to his heart being a novelty he’s been on a quest to understand. And then he figured that it must simply be love. Maybe he’s been expressing it wrong, maybe he should have been more observant, he would have caught on the signs that you’ve lost all trust in others.
It takes everything in him to take a step away from you. Kagami Taiga has never been the kind to give up. But he still fights against himself and move, digging the distance between you. And at the sight of his tall frame going away, your hand reaches forward by itself. You tug at his t-shirt, forcing him to turn around to look at you. Teary eyes stare at each other as your fingers don’t let go of the fabric of his t-shirt.
“Could you… could you hold me then? Just once, to show me that you truly like me.”
Your request surprises him. Everything till now has been convincing him that you need him the furthest away from you, yet, when he looks at your pleading eyes, he realises that this might just be his window. Before he truly has to let you go, he should hold you the way he’s always wanted to.
And he does, strong arms pushing you towards his chest where you hear the erratic beat of his heart. You cry, as his fingers pat your head with a gentleness that you’ve always been craving. You don’t want him to let you go, and by the way he holds you, he doesn’t either. That much is made clear to you, and here in Taiga’s embrace you figure for once that maybe, yeah maybe, someone can truly love you.
“I don’t like you, dummy. I love you” his voice sounds smoothly in your ears.
Truer words have never been spoken to you, and they go straight to your aching heart, somehow mending it back together.
“You do?”
“Yeah, and I’ll prove it to you every day till there’s not a single doubt left in your pretty head.”
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year
There’s gotta be one time when Apollo keeps walking funny and no one can understand why 👀 except Jake ofc
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I have to merge these two bc they came in right after one another and they just fit together too perfectly to not! <3
Obviously, Apollo has done something to warrant this. I’m going to say she was being exceptionally bratty for the morning, refused to get ready for an event and was subsequently late — Jake got in trouble for not sticking to her schedule or something like that. Then, after the event, she has already forgotten about why she was annoyed earlier and now just wants her man. But obviously, Jake’s not going to let her off that easily.
“Come on, Jake, I said I was sorry.” You tug fruitlessly to work your wrist out of his vice-like grip, lips quirking at the corners as he shoots a look back to you. Your grin grows as your heels clack along the wooden floors. “I was just playing around.”
Jake tugs you into the office wordlessly and shakes his head. He rounds on you, shoulders squared as his toned chest presses into your front. “Do you know much trouble you got me into today?”
You giggle and lift your leg to hook it around his hip, lifting your hands to loosen the neat Windsor knot around his neck. “So, let me help you relax.”
You’ve talked about this before — about pushing him too far and acting like butter wouldn’t melt afterwards. It isn’t going to fly today and you know that. Still, bent over his knees and his hand print reddened into your burningly warm skin, you feel like his punishment isn’t as effective as he had hoped it would be when you’re moaning into the palm of your hand after every hit.
Jake knows this too. Once he’s satisfied with how hot the bare skin of your ass feels against his palm, he flips you onto your back against the cool, white sheets. You heave contentedly, closing your eyes tightly shut. Now this, his warm tongue lapping at your swollen clit, you almost laugh at him — if he thinks that this is any kind of punishment at all, then he’s a fool.
He makes you cum the first time as he always does, shuddering against his stubbled jaw. Your fingers tug at his short, sand coloured locks and he groans into your soaked core. The second time is a little more uncomfortable, but still too pleasant for you to want him to stop.
As the aftershocks of that pass through your body and he’s still lapping hungrily at every drop of soaking excitement, your brows knit together and your legs are trembling to the point of true discomfort.
“Jake,” You pant out, pushing yourself up on your elbows and shaking your head. “Stop, stop.”
His teeth sink into the meat of your thigh and pull back tenderly, sucking a bruising kiss into the supple skin. Pushing himself up and loosening his tie, his green eyes are an almost mossy kind of dark.
“Mm — that’s not the word that we talked about,” His warm, wet mouth attaches itself to your throat. You whimper softly — the word is right at the front of your mind, you know exactly what it is, but you’ve got no intention of saying it. “Tell me what you did wrong, honey.”
“Picked a boring boyfriend.” You taunt him bravely, propped up on your elbows, still trying to catch your breath. Jake pops open the top button of his white shirt, lips quirking at the corners.
Eyes wolfish, he gives a slow shake of his head. “Oh, honey.”
The next morning, you’re in comfortable tennis shoes and leggings as you walk to the plane back home. Manny frowns a little as he watches you walk up ahead of him. He’s spent enough time with his eyes on you to notice that something’s not quite right. The slight limp in every second step.
“What’s up with her?”
Jake knows that you’re being stubborn, putting on a show for his sake. It would be every single movement if you weren’t being so obstinate.
“Maybe she twisted her ankle or something.” Jake shrugs calmly.
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silv3rswirls · 2 years
It’s Okay to Cry
Anon asks: hiii :) I have a request. y/n was in the studio with her bf Jungkook while he’s singing stay alive and the waves of emotions hit her bc she never knew how much she needed to hear someone tell her to stay alive.
Note: Thank you so much for requesting!
Warnings: Mentions of depression- nothing too graphic. Crying, comfort
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You always loved the rare moments you were able to come to the studio to see Jungkook record, so when he asked you to come today to hear what he and Yoongi had been working on for Bangtan’s Webtoon, you were excited. Perusal you made yourself comfortable on the sofa and sat back out of everyone’s way, making small conversation with Yoongi as Jungkook got warmed up.
You listened intently when things began, Jungkook’s voice something that never ceased to amaze you, so you didn’t think much of it when tears began to prick your eyes. You ignored it and sighed, a small smile turning your lips as you watched Jungkook. They wrapped up the first take, stopping with some notes and suggestions and then going again; though it seemed Jungkook was focused on figuring out how to capture the last lines of the song in a way he enjoyed.
“Please, you stay alive”
Your eyebrows furrowed, your nose scrunched a bit, and your face grew a bit hot; though you weren’t sure if it was because of the tears or the embarrassment you felt, finding yourself on the verge of heavy tears behind everyone. 
It sucked feeling like this. 
Not wanting to interrupt or distract the others, you quietly got up to leave the studio; pressing the door closed as carefully as your could before letting out a shaky exhale. Aimlessly you wandered down the hall, hoping no one would cross your path before you made it somewhere to be alone. You settled at the small waiting area near the elevators, not wanting to stray too far from Jungkook so you get back in time- hopefully, he wouldn’t even notice you had left. You sat down near the windows, looking over the vibrant city outside, despite not being to enjoy or feel it as well. It all felt so heavy, your body and mind- like it had come out of nowhere and begun to drag you down. It wasn’t a new feeling, you were quite familiar with this, but it had been a long time since you found yourself just shutting down like this.
You had always been a giver. Even as a child you sought to make others happy, to be as warm and loving as you could. When your friends had trouble they came to you for help and you always gave everything you could to help them. You loved them. When your parents went through rough times you were there for them to lean on, to listen, and be their light until better times. You were always there for Jungkook as well, his number one supporter in and out of the group's activities.
But often, when it was your turn to face hardship you found yourself less than satisfied. Some of your friends offered comfort, but not the kind you craved. It was all brief, but maybe it was supposed to be that way. Jungkook did too, and it helped, but sometimes you felt bad because no matter how much Jungkook helped and talked you through things, sometimes you just couldn’t pull yourself out of it. 
Stay alive. You thought, had you heard anyone say those words aloud before? When did you start needing to hear it? Your shoulders rocked with a heavy, pent-up sob. The tears fall involuntarily down your face and your bottom lip trembles as you covered your face. 
You knew Jungkook would listen, he always did, but your mind was telling you it was unfair to unload these feelings to him when you barely understood them yourself. He had his own life going on, he didn’t have time to worry about you between his work and life. You told yourself just to be there and support him like you always did, but even now you found yourself struggling to be there. You wanted to go home and crawl into a hole, go to sleep, and just escape the real world. 
How long had you been sitting here crying?
Jungkook approached you, seemingly ready to leave. “Hey, are you alright?” Jungkook tilted his head as he stopped in front of you. 
You bite your lip as your eyes begin to water all over. “I’m sorry I…” your voice wavered, “sorry to keep you wanting...” You moved to stand up, but Jungkook put a hand on your shoulder and knelt beside you.
“What’s wrong?” He asked. 
“I’m fine, really I just-” 
“I can tell somethings up, what’s wrong?” Jungkook wore a small frown, “whatever it is you can talk to me if you need to, you know that.”
“It just never knew I needed to hear someone to tell me to stay alive” you admitted, voice wobbly. Your surroundings began to blur and Suga’s comforting voice was getting quieter and quieter as you tried to push down all the feelings rumbling inside you. A stray tear slipped down your cheek and soon more began to fall rapidly. Your lip quivered as if you were a child again, your breathing quickened, and your throat was beginning to burn from your silent sobs. “I’m sorry-”
But you felt his hands on your shoulders before one moved to tilt your head up to face him. His eyebrows were knit together in confusion, his eyes searching your face with concern. “Hey” he began, voice soft and quiet. “It’s okay to cry.”
That was all you needed to hear before the dam behind your eyes crumbled and a rush of heat hit your face. You cried again. Your mouth began to dry and your throat began to feel raw the longer you went on. He wrapped his arms tight around you, trapping you into a hug.
He wanted to say so much to you, reassure you and help you understand your feelings and solve them. But for now, he knew he needed to remain quiet, to just be there for you.
He wouldn’t say anything more, he'd just let you cry.
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
Makoto NSFW head-canons
request; Makoto NSFW headcanons?? nobody wants to lewd the poor boy and it sucks bc I simp hard for him
warnings; i tried to make the reader as gender neutral as possible, begging, pegging, kinda aural kink? Punishments, pet-play, dress up, skirts, reader either has a dick or a strap, depends how you want to see it, anal, switch!makoto, mention of collars, hickeys, light choking, just your regular ol’ basic sex, praise kink, gender neutral pronouns for reader.
note; don’t worry anon, i share a mutual simpery for Makoto as well, i love the baby boy sm <3 i tried making makoto a switch as to be more exclusive for everyone but as you can see, i am biased :’)
◊ I head-canon Makoto to be a switch, but more leaning on the sub side. If you ever said you wanted to top, he wouldn’t know what you meant, but would still let you. When you explained it to him however, he definitely got a bit defensive. “I-I can top!” Then proceed to try and make out with you roughly, only to very shyly and lightly kiss you, just disproving his point.
◊ When Makoto tops, he’s very awkward but very gentle with you, he’s always asking if you’re alright and if you want to stop. He’s afraid to make you uncomfortable; that’s something he never wants you to experience from him.
◊ He’s pretty slow, and won’t pick up the pace unless you asked him to- well more like beg. Not because he wants you to beg, but because he’s afraid you’re just saying that for his benefit. So you really have to sob for him if you want him to go faster; it sounds sadistic, but Makoto’s true intention is to make sure you really want it before he gives it to you. Like I said earlier, he’s very afraid of hurting you.
◊ When Makoto fucks you, he’s always whispering in your ear praises and reassurances, he loves comfort sex- whether it’s he whom is receiving it or you, he just loves it. “S/o, it’s f-feels so good-! Please, s/o!”
◊ I think he’s definitely the type to whine a lot during sex, most of his barely comprehendible mutters, your name or countless praises he repeats over and over. I head-canon he’s the type to say his partner’s name a ton, as he’s being fucked or the other way around. 
◊^^ Even though he can be very loud, he tries to keep his moans quiet by clamping his mouth shut(he has a reputation as the ultimate hope!! >:0), the small whines that erupt in his throat betraying him. I think he’d be kind of shy of his moans- which wouldn’t make sense at all, because when I tell you,, His moans are incredibly adorable and pitchy, he literally screams like a hentai star; point is, it’s so cute and please make sure he doesn’t cover them up.
◊ If you ever felt a bit insecure, or were just having a bad day, he won’t pressure you but he’d kiss you gently if you asked for some physical comfort. Eventually it leads to sex, the praises he whispers in you ears turning you on(downright adorable), unless, of course, you tell him you’re not in the mood; then he’ll immediately stop and cuddle you instead.
◊ Though he does start off pretty slow and gentle, but eventually gets a bit desperate and starts moving faster unintentionally. He’s already too immersed in it before he could even think about slowing down. Though, he still has some self-control; he doesn’t go that fast.
◊ Now then, Makoto as a bottom :)
◊ If you ever wanted to peg him, or just try out butt sex(with him receiving), he would deny at first, but then as days pass, the thought of being pegged was all he could think of. Eventually he brings it back up, and very, very shyly(and awkwardly) asks if maybe… you could fuck his ass? owo(im sorry-)
◊ A scenario I can very vividly imagine is- You know, I’ll just type it out.
You pounded into Makoto’s hole that was barely able to take your size, taking him missionary style. His legs are widely spread, shaking from the force of your thrusts and how close he was. As you hit his prostate, he brings his hands up to his mouth, muffling screams of your name he couldn’t hold in. 
As Makoto arched his back, he bared his neck to you, giving you access to hold onto his pretty neck. You brought his head back up towards yours to kiss him, hips unrelentingly hitting his sweet spot each time. His whole body was quaking, eyes barely able to look at you properly as you kissed him. He tried kissing back, you could feel it, but he was too busy trying to stay quiet- Catching his bottom lip in between your teeth, you tugged at it lightly, releasing the moans and sobs he tried so hard to keep in. 
You could hear the adorable pleas of your name as you continued to thrust into him until he saw stars. “S-s/o! Pl-please don’t stop, I’m gonna-!” And not only does this boy have the cutest moans, he also has the cutest expressions(it’s not fucking fair-), his nose scrunches up as he gets closer, and you could see his entire face melt into pleasure, mouth wide open and not even trying to hide the moans of your name.
“S/oooooo!” He’d bring his hands up to cover his face when he cums, not wanting you to see his fucked out face; so always make sure to have his hands pinned down so he doesn’t even get the chance to hide it.
◊ He’s pretty vanilla when it comes to kinks- LMFAO YOU THOUGHT
◊ No, he only acts vanilla, as if he doesn’t search online for collars he wants you to buy for him. If you ever found out about the pet-play fantasies he has, wow, he would lose it. He would get extremely embarrassed, but kind of eager at the same time- He hopes that now you know, you might actually take advantage of his kink? I mean, only if you want- :eyes:
◊ A thing I can see Makoto doing is buying a maid’s costume, or just a slutty cat costume(all pink because it’s his colour, jus saying-), and waiting for you to come back home as he sits on his knees in front of the door. 
◊ When you finally come back, he doesn’t say anything, no, he just stares at you with those innocent eyes that held a lust only you knew of. As you shrug off your jacket, you get ready to take your adorable boyfriend, a smirk adorning your face as an excited grin on his.
◊ He secretly really likes wearing pink frilly skirts, especially wearing them when he’s bouncing on your lap, your length hitting the deepest parts of him as he clings desperately onto you.
◊ But yeah, he gets all shy(although he doesn’t deny it), and probably apologizes for thinking such filthy things, only for you to take that as an excuse for punishment.
◊ I don’t think Makoto would ever be a brat however; so punishment doesn’t come often as he’s always good- Except for the times he tries to cover up his moans, in which you lightly slap his thighs, causing him to whimper even louder <3
◊ I think Makoto would probably really like hickeys, I just feel like he enjoys the feeling of looking at the memories of yesterday night littered all over his usual pale skin, now covered in mauve. It thrills him to know that under his sweater, lies a clutter of hickeys leading up from his thighs to his chest, all from you.
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oinkawa-bb · 4 years
first time dads!haikyuu pt.2
request: Hi! I just read your Haikyuu as first time dads and it's so cute! Would you mind writing another one with Iwaizumi, Suna, Atsumu and Osamu? I'm looking forward to seeing more of your writing. Have a nice day! -anon
note: thank u lovely anon for being my first request!!🥺❤️ i enjoyed writing this and i hope you enjoy reading it uwu <33 i really hope i did the inarizaki characters justice b/c i’ve just recently gotten to know them!! owo here is dad!iwa, suna, atsumu, osamu 
mentions/topics: pregnancy, domesticity, timeskip, female reader insert
part one (daichi, kuroo, oikawa)
part three (tsukki, akaashi, yams, kenma)
☀︎—hajime iwaizumi
iwa and you have been trying for months
and he’s been super supportive and comforting when each test comes back negative :/
but this one day, you feel different
and he’s sitting on the ground outside the bathroom door just trying to offer positive affirmations bc he’s waiting for you to finish taking the test
but when the door opens, he sees your face and just knows
you don’t even need to say anything bc he already has a HUGE grin on his face and is pulling you in for a hug
he definitely kneels down to plant kisses on your tummy
your attempts to stop him don’t work they never do
soon to be dad iwa is super protective and cautious
definitely feels most comfortable when he can hold or touch you some way when in public
he likes to place his hand gently around your waist or he’ll grip your hand if there’s crowds
sometimes he’s a little too firm in his affection, and you have remind him to lighten up to which he becomes a lil flustered
“hajime...i can’t feel my hand,,”
but when you do go into labor, he whips out this midwife-like knowledge out of nowhere
similar to daichi, iwa became super well informed by researching a lot (but just in secret, you really had no clue)
he watched videos, read through other people’s experiences, and asked a bunch of people for their input
and now he’s super helpful to you through your contractions in the car and at the hospital
he’s calm and firm, supporting you physically to the hospital and emotionally through the labor
but when iwa’s baby finally makes their appearance
he just becomes all ushy-gushy and weak with watery eyes
his hands are pressed together and placed at his mouth in awe when he finally sees you hold his child
and then when he finally gets to hold the baby,
boy oh boy
iwaizumi actually cries a lot more than either of you expected
he’s so smitten with his newborn, and he can’t stop internally & externally praising your strength for carrying and birthing his child 
like he sees you in a totally different light, and he thought it was impossible but he’s fallen even more in love with you now
and he can’t wait to take care of his new family🥺
☀︎—suna rintarou
suna definitely didn’t see this coming,,,
but nonetheless when he processes the meaning behind the bun you placed in the oven, he doesn’t feel anything but sheer excitement
suna’s actually wanted to have children with you for awhile
but he’s never admitted it out loud uwuwuwu
he holds you firmly in his arms and caresses your hair gently for a long time, and you have to ask him if everything’s ok🥺
but it’s literally because he’s lowkey tearing up and at a loss for words
after a few moments tho, he collects himself and slowly presses light kisses all over your face
“i’m just really happy.”
at night, he refuses to sleep when he knows that you’re struggling to sleep due to discomfort
so he’ll lay awake with you and mumble mindlessly about the future he sees with you until both of you doze off
sometimes he just sees you standing at the counter or something and he can’t resist bc ur just so cute!!!!
he’ll quietly come in for a back hug,,,
and he’ll place his chin on your head and his arms around your belly and close his eyes and just stand there for as long as he wants until... 
”rin.... i need to pee”
he’ll let go then probably
but when the day finally comes, his mind is literally all over the place and he’s trying to be calm on the outside
in the car, your breathing is getting heavier and sharper, and he’s lowkey a little panicked but he won’t stop reassuring you for one second
“hey, look at me, you’re okay, it’s gonna be okay”
he’s definitely in pain himself seeing you in labor,
but he’ll be by your bedside, gently holding your hand and letting you squeeze his as hard as you need to
but it’s all worth it when he gets to see his baby with his own eyes,,
when he sees you cooing softly and holding his dear child against your chest, silent tears fall out of his eyes
suna swears he’s never seen a more beautiful sight than this
☀︎—atsumu miya
atsumu comes home from an exhausting day of work, 
and right as he walks through the door, he’s whining your name, about to ramble about practice...
but then he sees a tiny pair of volleyball shoes at the front,,,
and he’s like... o w o
even though he’s tired out of his mind, his brain works quickly, and he’s connecting the dots in his head
you’re just standing there at the end of the hallway all giggly n cute
he raises his eyebrow and then his sly smile turns into a huge one as he runs up to you,
he clutches your face in his hands and is peppering kisses all over you to the point where you have to physically pry him away
basically immediately, atsumu starts using little nicknames for the baby, but they change almost every day LOL
he also definitely downloaded the pregnancy tracking app (even though? you already have one? and it’s unnecessary for him to have it too? he doesn’t care tho)
he checks it every day before work, lets you know what size the baby is, and kisses your bump aka his angel/nugget/muffin/dumpling/etc. before leaving
“y/nnnn my lil’ angel is the size of a bell pepper today”
“atsumu... i know.. i already checked”
atsumu also boasts so much when he’s sharing the news with his teammates and family members
like osamu was somewhat looking forward to being an uncle until atsumu hit him with the daily updates of your cravings and symptoms and how the baby kicked when he placed his hand on your belly and on and on
but he also just wants to make you feel hella loved and wanted during your pregnancy
he can sense that your body image and self-esteem sometimes takes a major hit
so it’s not uncommon for him to be showering you in compliments nonstop
but honestly it’s also just because he thinks ur even hotter... if that was possible....
this is embarassing but i feel like he has you saved as “hot mama” in his phone or smth
and then the day arrives, and the whole drive there, he’s going “oh shit” in his head over and over but he’s playing this cool demeanor on the outside
actually, this carries over into the hospital too, but he just decides that he’ll do whatever he can to pamper the hell out of you & make you feel less uncomfortable
upon first sight of the baby,
there’s no other words to describe how he feels other than his heart just melting on the spot. 
it’s game over for him because he knows that he’ll literally do anything for you and this precious baby now
anything. (prepare to be spoiled rotten)
☀︎—osamu miya
osamu returns from work one day,
and you’re just at the stove cooking, so he comes up behind you, snaking a hand up the bottom of your shirt to caress your bare waist while whispering his greeting in your ear
but then you wince when he touches your stomach
and he’s like “oh?”
he’s super puzzled so he intently observes you as you bite your lip and start to blush
“i was going to tell you this over dinner but i just can’t hold it in,”
osamu kind of already knows where this is headed but he watches as you reach for your back pocket and pull out a pregnancy test neatly tucked in a ziploc bag
he’s been waiting for this moment to come his whole life (osamu a sucker for domesticity imo) so he’s literally internally screaming for joy!!!
but outwardly his smile conveys it all, and he’s chuckling as he pulls you close by the waist to plant a kiss to your lips
during your pregnancy, osamu becomes overwhelmingly nurturing
it’s almost like you’re the baby ???
like he cooks even more for you and is always whipping something up asap when you mention your cravings
what if he made onigiri with the foods you crave as the filling
he does research on ways to quell nausea and discomfort and goes out to buy herbs and ingredients that would make you feel better
basically, he wants to take the best care of you possible my baby
at night, he’s going to let you use him in any way to sleep better
most of the times, you want him pressed against your back and his head nuzzling your neck
he whispers soft and sweet declarations of his love for you and the baby when he thinks you’re asleep you’re not
ok but when the day comes,,,
osamu is just so ready for the baby to arrive that he’s as cool and collected as ever
you’re definitely not tho, and he can sense it, so he’ll find every way to calm you down
meaning,,, he’ll play calming spa music in the hospital room, massage your lower back, gently repeat encouraging affirmations, etc, etc.
osamu takes care of you so well uwuwuwu
and when the baby makes an appearance, you bet osamu leaps to dad duty right away
he’s emotional but clear-minded, and he’s already mentally planning his life with you back at home with the baby🥺
he can see the future with you and this sweet baby for eternity and he’s so ready <3333
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kreidewaltz · 3 years
skyblue + thorns + tsukishima <3 congrats sm on 200 luv ily
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about. he knows you're exhausted from all the work you're doing. he decided to bring you to a flower field and he thought he might fall in love all over again.
word count. 1.6k
genre & warnings. fluff, timeskip, comedy, established relationship, mentions of overworking, teeny tiny suggestive.
author's note. i was abt to make this angst but changed the last minute >< sorry for getting to this vv late pls enjoy this bc he's done w all the angst we're giving him he says <3 not prfr as usual okay
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“be careful, dumbass.” he expected you to frown at his choice of words, instead you give him a wide smile before doing dances in the middle of the flower field. he pushes his glasses up to his nose to distract himself since he hears the wild beating of his heart. a gasp leaves your lips when your hand touches the different kinds of flowers and you get enchanted when you look at them closely. the azaleas are your favorite because of the bright color it brings to the field and it blends in beautifully. when your boyfriend mentions you’re going here, the hitachi seaside park, it felt like the worries and problems stacking up in your life disappeared for a moment.
you grabbed your blue instax camera and took pictures of the flowers dancing with the wind and took a picture of your boyfriend under the bright sun. you move the polaroid for a few minutes before hiding it in your tote bag before running through the field and imagine as if you were on a music video. he shoved his hands in his pockets, watching you get exhilarated with a smile dancing on his lips. he trails behind you and glance at the tulips few meters from him. he thinks of picking it but he didn't want to cause worry in the field that's suppose to distract you from work. he recalls the trouble he's forced to go through with you since you became a little reckless but he has no regrets, he's done those things with you after all.
"kei! come here!" you wave your hands while he chuckles to himself before taking large strides towards you. you loop your arms together, walking around the field which looks amazing when you're in it. we should come here again, you noted. 
a part of you is relieved that he thought of going here with you to unwind from everything. you recall the time he carried you in bridal style and covered you with blankets, with that you learned that you have no one to blame but yourself. his preposition began when you keep doing that one thing he tells you not to—overworking then excuse it as a way to be productive.
he wasn’t supposed to find you like this.
he wasn’t supposed to see papers and pens scattered around your desk, the cup of coffee in your coaster that he never saw empty in the time he checked up on you. “kei, ten minutes!” you pleaded with a pout on your lips and look at him, your voice laced with desperation because you really needed to finish this email tonight or as your friend quotes, you’re damned. you rub your hands together and shut your eyes, hoping that he wouldn’t protest or flick you in the forehead. your boyfriend sighs in defeat before going back to your shared bedroom, a joyful aura surrounding your face when he didn’t react violently. 
your co-worker messaged you earlier asking about the client’s response about the presentation he did a few days prior. he spams you with messages asking why it is taking so long to hear about the response and while you’re typing, you remembered your conversation with him last friday. you were supposed to email the client and provide him basic information about the presentation and add the link so he can thoroughly look at it. for once, oikawa wasn’t the irresponsible one between the two of you and you swear he’s not going to let you forget about this. damn oikawa, you curse in your head before stretching your arms.
you shoot him a text saying i’ll send it tonight and add emoticons even though it contradicts on what you’re feeling right now. you went through your emails and drafted what you wanted to say, the link, and double checked if there are grammatical mistakes and whatnot. when you’re sending an email to a client without checking the message and the information, it lacks decency and poor time management, that’s what you tell yourself. 
luckily when you overwork you don’t do it for weeks but you force your work and deadlines on a day. when he heard you saying this, you hear his caring boyfriend scolding as you call it and flicks your forehead with a frown on his face but you got a glimpse of his lips twitching afterwards. while you’re mentally panicking on how to finish the email that reaches your standards, tsukishima is laying down, staring at the ceiling with his hand running on the (your) empty side of the bed, looking for your warmth. he misses your gentle touch when you draw miscellaneous shapes on his back.
he hopes you get yourself together and actually takes care of you but he doubts you’ll do that, you’re stubborn and prioritize work over yourself. he slowly sits up and grabs a pillow to put in between his legs before opening his phone, thinking of what to say that’ll get you out of your desk. he tries to remember an activity or a place that you’ve mentioned because he misses seeing you being happy without worrying about deadlines or your co-workers. after looking around the room he sees the tulips he gave a month ago, looking bright and healthy since you insisted on not letting the flowers die. ah i’ve got it she’ll like this, he thought of a place he knows you’ll enjoy and begins to search on his phone, knowing he’s got you wrapped around his finger.
“hey, c’mere for a second.” your boyfriend rests his hands around your shoulders while you hum, your eyes going back and forth to your laptop and the papers around your desk. he knows you wouldn’t budge so he propped his chin on your shoulder, wrapping his long arms around you. “don’t be a brat.” he whispers too close to your ear which makes you pause on typing and look away because now you’re only thinking about how close he is and the way his voice gets low. 
“consider this as your break, you dork.” he lightly flick your forehead before leading you to the room and the way his face turned to a serious one after locking the door raised suspicions in your head. he grabs the wooden stool and sat there while you’re on the edge of the bed, wanting to know his intentions for locking the two of you. “i’m thinking of going out tomorrow,” he started off gently, and right now he waits for your—
“what about my work?” 
“ah ah, stop talking about work, idiot.” he effectively shuts you up when he rests his finger above your lips and when your shoulders slump and let out a sigh, he knows he’s got your full attention. he pushes his glasses up to his nose to focus himself and clears his throat to continue. he’s getting distracted with the way you look adorable with lounge wear.
“we’ll go to the hitachi seaside park, to get your mind off work and stuff…” you couldn’t hide your enthusiasm and squeal repeatedly while moving your feet around the air. the fondness you have for him never decreases but it grew more and more, but you don’t mind at all. your first reaction was to jump at him and wrap your arms around him but seeing the stool he’s sitting on, you didn’t want to risk having injuries. he remembered, you thought while he looks to the side and act nonchalant about it, but the faint redness to his ears going to his neck failed his cover. you opted to grab the dinosaur plush sitting quietly on the bed and lightly hit him with it, convincing him to let loose. the two of you made eye contact and mouthed thanks and your eyes full of sincerity is more than enough for him. he holds your hand and gives it two squeezes, his way of saying no problem, i got you. 
and we ended up here. 
“babe, i know i’m great and i’m flattered but,” you couldn’t continue to talk as laughter bubbles up your chest and clutch your stomach to laugh out loud. he looks like a long stick a few meters away and you walk back to him, twirling so your dress can spin gracefully. he quickly looks at you when he realized what he did, one is stare at you for too long, and two he got caught. you bat your eyelashes to tease him while he curses under his breath. 
you take a quick glance at your bag to see if the polaroid showed the picture already and your mouth parted seeing the result. the picture looks ethereal, the left side too bright because of the sun, the colors of nature and your boyfriend tying everything together. after hiding it in your bag, you offer your hand. 
“let’s go! don’t leave me there.” a pout coming to your lips before intertwining your fingers together and walking around the field in silence. this is what he needed after the games he had, a day to indulge in whatever he wanted, what you wanted. earlier, you're on your favorite restaurant and got a box of desserts to enjoy when you got home. you’re pulling him where the narcissuses flowers are gathered. 
“mhm, hey give me your camera.” you hum to his question, completely focused on the narcissuses. he presses the button beside the camera and tries to find the angle he’s looking for, he also wears the strap to prevent it from falling. it’s his gift to you in the first place. he takes a few steps to the side and angles the camera to his chest and when he takes a look at it, he wants that scene imprinted on his memory forever. your hands almost cupping the white petals, and pretend to blow it and giggles slip from your lips, thinking you look hilarious. the sky behind you creates a happy yet calming atmosphere to the picture, and there’s one thing left to do—
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lloydskywalkers · 3 years
Heyo! Hope your doing exceptionally well, wonderful and ur staying safe! I was reading ur little oneshots for the movie! Verse and instantly fell in love! Think u have anymore for Kai and Lloyd? (But u don’t need to listen to this, obviously hehe) Have a splendid day!
ahhH thank you, I hope you’re doing well too!! :D oh man it’s been so long since i’ve written something for movie-verse, but I’ve had this little snippet in my head for a while so I guess it’s as good a time as any (and it is, of course, about kai and lloyd bc when is it noT)
it’s a little different than what i usually write, for movie-verse? but i hope it fits the bill! (takes place pre-movie, btw)
Of all his friends, Lloyd thinks Kai is most like the sun. Not just for his codename, and the enthusiasm with which he brings fire to the team, metaphorically and far too often literally, but for how bright he is. Kai reminds Lloyd of the sun at full force, strong and blazing and staunchly refusing to let anyone hide from his warmth. An endlessly combusting ball of stubbornness and passion.
Kai also reminds Lloyd of the sun in the way that he possesses about the same amount of brain cells the sun does, which is zero, because the sun has no brain — much like Kai.
“Hey, ru—de, ow, stop—”
Kai’s petulant response strangles off in cracked pain as Lloyd hushes him, simultaneously pulling the alcohol-soaked cloth from his arm with a sympathetic wince.
“Sorry, sorry,” Lloyd murmurs, wringing the edge of the cloth. “But I’ve gotta — it’ll get infected, if you don’t—”
“Nah, s’okay,” Kai says, breath hissing out through clenched teeth. He gives Lloyd a wavering smile that could almost be encouraging, were he not bleeding over Lloyd’s faded bedspread. “Just caught me off guard, I’m good now. ‘Sides, the — the stitches are gonna be worse, so—”
“It won’t be that bad,” Lloyd promises him, cleaning the rest of the deep slashes that run across Kai’s arm as quickly as he can. The lower ones aren’t so bad — he could get away without stitches, maybe. It’s the uppermost one that scares Lloyd, cutting deep enough into Kai’s skin to pose a threat. And Lloyd has no intention of leaving Kai anywhere near in danger, especially with the reason he’s hurt in the first place.
Lloyd swallows against the thick lump that suddenly forms in his throat, trying to banish the flood of emotions that have been rising since the battle against his father’s forces earlier. Surprise, shock, gratitude—? A swirling maelstrom of a deep-seated kind of aching warmth Lloyd is utterly unfamiliar with. It leaves him off-kilter, and words don’t come easily as they usually do.
Not that words ever come easily to Lloyd, but normally he isn’t quite this stuttering. Maybe. He hopes not. Maybe he’s just hyperaware right now, after everything, and he always sounds this embarrassing.
“I promise,” Lloyd continues, yanking himself from his thoughts as he busies with the needle. “I’ve got a lot of experience, and I’ll be gentle.”
Kai watches Lloyd threading the needle with a thinly-veiled fear, but he nods, the bravado Lloyd’s more familiar with making its way across his face. “Nice,” he says. “I trust you, Dr. Lloyd.”
Lloyd’s hands falter with the needle for a moment, before he resumes sterilizing it, ducking his head. Kai sounds like he means it — Kai sounds like he means everything he says, but the way he says trust hits differently, for Lloyd.
They’ve only been a team for few months, now. Not very long at all, to form any kind of trust in the son of your greatest enemy. Lloyd’s been going to school with some of the same people since kindergarten, and they’ve never looked at him with anything kinder than hatred, much less trust. And yet Kai is here, offering him his bleeding arm in Lloyd’s tiny room, trusting him to repair the damage he only took because he was protecting Lloyd.
Lloyd doesn’t understand. He doesn’t — people don’t — but his team—
They listened to him. Actually listened to him, to Lloyd. They actually listen to him in general, have since they were all thrown together in this odd little grouping, but it hasn’t quite hit home in the way it did tonight, when he’d snapped orders at them in barely-restrained panic, Kai’s blood staining his fingers as he’d staunched the knife wounds meant for him.
They hadn’t flinched back at his raised voice. Lloyd never raises his voice — he’s learned to keep it quiet, soft, unassuming. Even the slightest slip of frustration is enough to send anyone around him murmuring in suspicion, eyes narrowing and hissed whispers of just like his father filling the air.
Lloyd’s voice had been sharp and strained, barking across the rooftop, and they’d listened. No one flinched back, no eyes widened in fear — they’d just listened. They’re still listening, carrying out Lloyd’s orders without question, and it’s — it’s dizzying, if Lloyd had to put a word to it.
Cole and Zane are taking care of clean-up — something Lloyd will have to thank them for later, profusely. Neither were particularly happy about letting Kai out of their sights, but Cole and Zane are better at keeping each other steady than anyone else. It was the right call, Lloyd knows it was. Hopes it was.
But Lloyd hasn’t been having much faith in his calls, tonight. Not after Kai went down.
He swallows, focusing on the sounds reverberating from behind his closed door. Nya and Jay are talking with his mother, Nya’s louder tones easier to hear as she laughs. Lloyd knows her well enough to catch the strain in it, but he knows it’ll fool his mother. They’re distraction — Lloyd’s house was closest, and he’s got the best supplies stashed there. No one questions why he’s the one with the fully stocked medical kit, but Lloyd suspects they’ve all drawn their own conclusions.
He wishes they’d believe him, when he says it’s because he’s worried for them. He grew up with Wu as his uncle, who picks fights on a daily basis — with Morro as his cousin, who picks fights on an hourly basis. Lloyd knows the importance of having the good kind of medical supplies.
He finishes prepping the needle, squeezing Kai’s wrist briefly in warning. Lloyd’s not usually a tactile person — not that anyone would let him be — but he knows Kai soaks up touch like a starved sponge, and Lloyd’s desperate to give any kind of comfort he can before he starts with the needle.
Kai swallows, fixing his eyes firmly on the faded glow-in-the-dark stars plastered across Lloyd’s ceiling.
“Okay,” he says, his voice tight. “Bring it on.”
Lloyd swallows, steels himself, and sets the needle against his skin. Kai flinches at the first prick, eyes squeezing shut briefly, but otherwise he doesn’t move, jaw set stubbornly as Lloyd moves quickly. For his part, Lloyd keeps his eyes locked on the stitches, his hands steady. For all that Lloyd’s made up of bouncing nerves half the time, his hands rarely shake. Never when patching wounds up. He’s always been proud of how steady he can hold a needle, and tonight is no exception.
It’s the least he can do.
Kai suddenly tenses up, a broken-off noise strangling in his throat. Lloyd’s heart twists, but he stays steady, rallying himself. Conversation — Kai likes talking, right? Distraction, he can do that.
“So, um,” Lloyd stutters. On second thought, he’s awful at small talk. But — for Kai. “The way you took down that last guy was, it was really cool. Where’d you learn that?”
Kai bites his lip, exhaling shakily before he answers. “I train too, you know.”
Lloyd’s mouth quirks, despite himself. “Not like that.”
“What, a ninja can’t — can’t get creative,” Kai replies, through half-gritted teeth. Lloyd doesn’t say anything, but Kai rolls his eyes, continuing. “Fine. When I was younger, I ah…might’ve taken a few dance classes. For Nya! ‘Cause I couldn’t let her go alone, y’know, but they were — they were kinda fun, I guess, and maybe they slip into fighting, sometimes.” His cheeks darken, and Lloyd bites back a quiet laugh.
“Nothing like Cole, obviously, ‘cause he’s an actual dancer, but — that’s where I got it from.” He pins Lloyd with a glare, that’s somewhat dimmed by the scrunched expression of pain on his face. “Tell anyone and you’re dead though, okay?”
Lloyd hums his agreement, too focused on the stitches to reply immediately. After a moment, though, he speaks up again. “I did some ballet, when I was little.”
“No way,” Kai says, sounding delighted.
“Yeah, way,” Lloyd says. “I’ve heard from a very reliable source that dancing backgrounds are useful, with ninja stuff.”
“Very reliable meaning your uncle,” Kai grins.
Lloyd shrugs. “Maybe,” he half-smiles. Kai suddenly sucks in another pained breath, but to Lloyd’s relief, it’s likely the last one. He finishes off the stitches with a well-practiced hand, snapping the end of the thread and exhaling in relief.
“There. All done.”
Kai’s eyes widen. “Seriously, already?” He glances down at his arm, his other hand moving up to touch the stitches. Lloyd smacks it away, glaring at him.
“Don’t touch. You still have to watch out for infection. I’ll text you instructions for taking care of it, and everything. Just don’t do anything, ah…”
“No ninja-ing?” Kai finishes for him, crestfallen.
“Probably a good idea,” Lloyd says, apologetic. “But it’s not too bad. Shouldn’t take long, and you can be out, uh, ninja-ing again."
Kai is quiet for a moment, regarding his stitches. Then he turns to Lloyd, who is immediately staggered at the bright smile that stretches across his face.
“Cool. Thanks, Lloyd. You’re good at this.”
Lloyd can’t answer, his throat burning. He forces the welling moisture back, looking away. Kai’s only hurt for him, and that is layered with so much more meaning than Lloyd can comprehend right now.
“No problem,” Lloyd mutters, focusing instead on the voices outside his door in an attempt to find footing again. He can hear his mom laughing at something Nya’s said, open and relaxed in a way his mom rarely is. Lloyd’s heart twists into knots.
He doesn’t deserve them, any of them. Not really.
If Kai reminds Lloyd of the sun, then the rest of the team reminds him of stars. All bright and shining, bursting with warmth in their own way. Maybe not quite at the blazing heat that Kai does, but Nya is a north star if Lloyd’s ever needed one. Jay’s a blinking constellation, scattered stars that form a complex whole much larger than you’d thought. Cole’s the kind of star you see first pop up over the horizon, blending with the oranges and purples of the sunset, like a painting you’d see in soft watercolors. Zane’s the early-morning kind of star, the ones that stay stubbornly after the night’s left, dotting the pale morning with a calm steadiness.
Lloyd would be a planet, he supposes, caught in faithful orbit around the five people who have somehow, for some reason, given him a chance. It’d be generous, though. No, Lloyd is content just to be a moon — with no light of his own, reflecting only the brilliance others give him the best he can.
Kai’s finger taps the edge of his forehead, snapping Lloyd from his thoughts, and he blinks in confusion.
“Lost you there, again,” Kai asks, words mangled through a yawn. “Where’d you go?”
Lloyd shakes his head, turning his attention back to the bloodied thread leftover in his hands. His stomach turns, and he quickly sets it aside. “Just thinking.” He pauses, momentarily lost for words. He settles for jerking his head toward the window, where the smoke trailing from their hard-won battle is still visible against the dark sky, and gives Kai a wry smile. “How much do you wanna bet the cheerleading team comes up with a new song tomorrow?”
It’s been an inside joke for them, the ridiculous songs Chen and his gang keep coming up with to throw at Lloyd, and normally it gets a laugh from Kai. This time, though, Kai is silent, his eyes searching as he stares at Lloyd. Lloyd shifts under the attention, caught off-guard again. He doesn’t know what kind of look this is, that Kai’s giving him.
“They shouldn’t talk about you like that,” Kai finally says. His voice is quiet, but Lloyd can spot the brewing anger in it. Kai’s always got anger to spare.
“Sticks and stones, remember?” Lloyd shakes his head. He’s learned, after a while, that anger changes nothing. “Words will never hurt me.”
“Words hurt when people are throwing sticks and stones at you while they yell about your dad,” Kai grumbles.
“No one’s thrown rocks since second grade, actually.”
“Hm.” Kai’s tone is a mix of thinly withheld anger and mild amusement. Lloyd tilts his head, confused, and Kai gives a huff, anger tugging loose.
“Y’know, people say that if kids throw rocks at you in second grade, it means they’ve got a crush on you.”
Lloyd knows well enough it’s a joke, but he flushes red anyways, heat spreading across his cheeks. “Yeah, sure,” he stammers. Kai laughs at his reaction, though, the odd kind of anger departing, and Lloyd feels he’s found his footing again.
They’re quiet as Lloyd finishes cleaning up the medical supplies, Kai nodding sleepily on his bed while Lloyd carefully washes the needle in the bathroom sink. Maybe he can convince his mom to let Kai spend the night, he thinks. Jay and Nya , too — their apartment isn’t very big, but it’s awfully late to make them walk home, and Lloyd is fine with taking the floor, if he needs to.
Lloyd nods to himself, resolving to ask her once he’s finished hiding the evidence. His mom’s been so thrilled about him having people over at all, he can’t see her saying no. A smile pulls at his lips as he listens to the conversation outside his door again. Jay’s rambling on now, bright and excited without any of his usual reservation. He feels a pang, wondering if Jay’s the same as him — wondering if they’re all the same, playing at muted caricatures of themselves, too fearful to let whatever lies beneath shine through.
He wonders what it means, that they’re the ones with the city in their hands, that weight on their shoulders. Wonders what it means, that Lloyd feels safer with bullets strafing the air around him and his mask on, than he ever has with it off. That Green Ninja will always, always sound better than Lloyd in his ears.
“Hey, uh.”
Lloyd starts at Kai’s voice, twisting the sink off as he turns to face him. Kai looks half asleep, but the smile he gives him is bright as ever.
“Thanks, seriously. Not just for this, but for looking out for us. You’re a good friend.”
Lloyd’s heart skips a beat, his brain latching onto the word friend and holding on tightly, tucking it somewhere safe inside his chest.
“So thanks, Lloyd,” Kai yawns, barely awake at all now, but still stubbornly clinging to the threads of awareness.
Lloyd’s got his own thank you to give back, twisted and strangled behind whatever lump’s formed in his throat, but Kai’s snoring before he gets the chance to say it. So Lloyd tugs the edge of his comforter over his friend — his friend — instead, and runs the words over in his mind again and again, like a treasured line from a book.
On second thought. Maybe Lloyd isn’t so bad. He’s only ever liked his name the way his mom says it, without any of the snapping, harsh emphasis others give it. In others’ mouths, Lloyd’s name is a curse. In his mom’s, Lloyd’s name belongs to a person.
But he thinks, maybe, he likes the way it sounds when his teammates use it, too.
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fcntasmas-archive · 3 years
Sleepover weekend: okay but which one is cogsworth and which one is lumiere 😎 because just when I think I’ve figured it out my brain goes bUT WAIT
Anonymous asked: i - i kinda wanna know more about cogswroth and lumíere buddie
Anonymous asked: No but go on about buddie beauty and the beast, please
dhsldhsldj y’all are way too interested in a half-assed thought oh GOD idk idk eddie’s probably cogsworth, buck’s probably lumiere. mixed with their own personalities, ofc. or maybe just entirely them, but they just turn into a clock and a candle. i genuinely don’t know the logisitcs of the story!!!! maybe maddie is looking for her brother, has been looking for her brother for years. he disappeared a long time ago, but she doesn’t know that until she’s finally run away from doug. she finds this abandoned castle, isn’t exactly held against her will but definitely under false pretenses (“we can help u find ur brother if u help our master find his manners!!!” but no one tells her they really hope she falls in love w him too lol) chim is the beast, but not necessarily bc he was a spoiled kid, i feel like the witch was just mean. mean. tatiana was probably the witch, lmao. she was bitter and rude and cursed the whole castle, and chim isn’t mean, he isn’t Angry, he doesn’t yell, he’s just kind of…….lost. he’s in this beast form and for all intents and purposes he’s kept the major parts of his humanity (his interests, his jokes) but he just finds walking on all fours or eating without chewing with his mouth closed a lot easier because he’s a big beast, dammit, and he doesn’t have to put on a show for anyone, and no one’s gonna love him like this anyway, so he’s basically Given Up by the time maddie comes around (and at around midnight his head goes a little fuzzy and he loses a all of his humanity, which is why he stays locked inside his room, doesn’t let anyone near him, especially not maddie, because he knows what she’s just escaped and he can’t bear the thought of her seeing him like that) and all of this is seen through the eyes of buck and eddie who, along with the rest of the firefam, have been turned into furniture/silverware/fancy home decor, and they don’t really remember a life before they were cursed. they don’t remember who they were, just whatever their names might have been (buck, for example, remembers buck because it’s the name he gave himself — he doesn’t remember evan, who is the person maddie’s looking for cough) and they’re hopeful the curse might actually break because!!!! maddie’s amazing, and she’s kind, and she’s patient, and she listens to chim and chim is actually Trying again and it’s oh so sweet and oh so romantic and it’s all happening in the background of this other love story that people don’t even realize is also happening???
because buck and eddie started off at constant odds, but they’re each other’s parallels, right??? one of them is more task-oriented, realistic, thinks about the practical ways they could help maddie and chim out, and the other one is a dreamer, thinks outside the box, makes the biggest plans for romantic gestures and believes wholeheartedly their days as inanimate/animate objects is soon to come to an end and they work together to create these beautiful magical moments for maddie and chim and in the meantime they’re making moments for themselves, and they’re always learning more about each other — about what they maybe want when they go back to being human, wondering about who they were, who’s waiting for them, and eventually it kind of hits one of both of them that maybe,,,, they’re scared that whatever’s waiting for them on the other side of this isn’t each other. isn’t this other person who’s made this curse bearable, who’s made the days feel less endless, with gestures that are both grand and quiet and special and theirs for buck, it’s eddie who entertained him with a scavenger hunt throughout the castle that lasted days because he’d mentioned to eddie one time he was starting to feel a little down (and he got the entirety of the firefam involved, but he doesn’t talk about how hen pointed out it was obvious he’d done it solely for buck), and for eddie, it’s buck who sat with him on dark nights over one of his favorite books in order to illuminate the words for eddie as he read, despite very obviously being so, so ready to pass out several times throughout, and he never once complained, never once said no and they find companionship in each other, have long talks about what could be, what could have been, the people they care about, the people they know, the people they might have known. it’s with each other that they’ve managed to survive a curse that for all intents and purposes should have left them hopeless, and they near closer every day to just — becoming these objects, forgetting who they are entirely, forgoing a life they might never have again, but at least they knew each other, and that feels like something special eventually the curse is broken because of something self-sacrifical done by chim for maddie, and everyone turns human again and they all get their memories back and it turns out the curse has spread not just inside this castle but it made everyone else forget about them, that they lost them, their families had just — no idea this had happened, and the only reason maddie could remember buck was because she wasn’t anywhere near this place when the curse was placed, and she was working through her own demons, and blah blah happily ever after for everyone eddie finds out he has a son and a grandmother waiting for him now, and buck has maddie, of course, and before they part, before eddie leaves with his family, he kisses buck softly because that’s the one thing he could never do, not really, not as a fucking clock, anyway, and he tells buck that his door is always open, and eventually buck does find his way to eddie’s home, and he meets christopher and his grandmother and they kiss again and they realize that this relationship they built under a curse translates to this life without it!!! because what they had was never dependent on a curse, it was their only hope throughout it, actually and so buck stays, and he sometimes helps eddie set up elaborate scavenger hunts for christopher, and at night, when chris is tucked in and fast asleep, he’ll lay with eddie in bed, eyes closed, head on his shoulder, as eddie reads to him out loud under a lamp light. and for a second it’ll feel like they’re back in the castle, except this time, when buck falls asleep, eddie can keep reading — but he chooses to close the book and hold buck close, instead
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detectivereyes · 3 years
I Watched the Leaves Go From Green to Grey
Summary: When TK gets anxious, he gets into fights.
Notes: for the self-harm square on my @badthingshappenbingo card, or my interpretation of it bc i didn’t want to write a traditional “self harm” fic yk
beta’d by @marjansmarwani and also s/o to loml @seaoflittlefires for providing her objective perspective and fixing all my past/present tense issues 💗
word count: 2.3k
read on ao3
If you asked TK, the first time it happened was definitely an accident. 
He wasn’t planning on getting into a fight, and he wasn’t even that high. Instead he found himself riding out the tail end of a high in some dingy bar in the East Village, trying to numb the pain with whatever alcohol the bartender would give him with a quick flash of his fake ID. At only 16, he knew he didn’t look 21, but the bartender didn’t ask or didn’t care.
It started with a simple misplacement of his elbow, brushing up too close against the glass of whiskey belonging to the burly man sitting next to him. He didn’t even realize what had happened until he heard the glass shatter on the floor between them.
He started to stutter out some form of an apology but not before he felt a flash of pain hit his face, radiating through his lower jaw until his body collided with the ground. Though he was caught off guard, the pain he’s feeling didn’t feel wrong. In fact it made him feel alive.
He hopped back up, managing to throw in a few punches of his own until more of the burly man's friends showed up and he couldn't decipher which direction the blows were coming from. But with each punch or kick, he felt more empowered. Each freshly formed bruise serving as a reminder that he wasn’t actually numb. 
He was here, and he was alive.
Fortunately, he had managed to sneak out before the cops showed up. Unfortunately, the bruises did not go unnoticed by his mom or dad. Though they didn’t press too hard, he knew he would have to be more careful next time.
He never forgot the outlet getting into fights provided. A way to not only relieve the numbness, but relieve stress and have the pain on the outside match what he felt on the inside.
He didn’t get into fights that often, only when the pain built up too much and he needed to let it out somehow. Or sometimes he used it as a way to just quiet the anxious thoughts when substances no longer did the trick.
Even after he got clean, he would occasionally find himself back in some random bar that he hadn’t managed to get himself kicked out of yet. Every bar had at least one drunk asshole who he knew would be easy to pick a fight with.
He quickly learned the right words to trigger the perfect reaction. He also got better ducking and throwing his own punches, and hiding the bruises that did form on his skin until his parents no longer noticed or worried about him.
When he arrived in Austin, he figured it would only be a matter of time before he found himself in a dingy bar on the outskirts of town, opposite of the bar the team frequented to avoid any chance of running into a familiar face.
The numb feeling and colorless vision was too much and Judd’s words only served to exacerbate the pain he was feeling inside. He attempted to fight Judd, knowing his larger frame could do a lot of damage and would do the trick. But he should have known the other man wouldn’t fight back, instead holding him close so he couldn’t do any damage until Paul broke them up.
As soon as the shift ended, TK all but ran into the Uber. The tension in his body wound up too tight and he knew it wouldn’t settle until he got in a fight. 
The fight itself was a blur, but what happened next wasn’t. As he walked out of the police station with his bag of belongings and busted lip still pulsing in pain, Carlos’ words rang in his ear.
You should talk to someone about why you felt compelled to do something so suicidal.
Was it suicidal? He always saw it as a way to remind himself that he was alive, not trying to die. But he'd also never met someone who cared so much about his well being. 
The police officers he usually ran into during his fights never seemed to give a shit about why he did what he did. And if the guys he hooked up with noticed the busted lips or black eyes, they never said anything.
Carlos checked both of those boxes, yet seemed genuinely concerned with what TK was getting himself into.
That was when he knew things would be different here.
And they were for a time. For a while the color returned into his life and the pain that he had grown so accustomed to settled into a dull ache that he barely noticed.
But like everything else, the good could never last. And soon enough the pain grew more noticeable and he felt like he was going to jump out of his skin. He needed to know he wasn't numb. He needed to feel pain. He needed to fight.
So he found himself in another dingy bar, much similar to the one he went to when he got to Austin over a year ago. He knew he shouldn’t be there. He had to call someone. But Carlos was on shift and his dad was on a date and while both would have probably picked up in a heartbeat, he couldn't do that to them. And anyone else he could have called wouldn’t understood or known what to do. 
He knew what he had to do.
On muscle memory he ran through his routine, spouting out the perfect words to trigger the reaction he craved. 
After only a few blows to the face, the punches stopped and the fight broke up as the cops arrived. He scanned the area, letting out a sigh of relief when he didn't see Carlos’ familiar brown eyes, and managed to slip out the back before anyone noticed.
The Uber ride from the bar back to his and Carlos’ home passed by in a blur. If his driver noticed the purple bruises likely beginning to blossom on his face, she didn't say anything.
He made a beeline to the bathroom as soon as he walked through the door, hoping that the damage wasn't bad enough that he couldn't cover it up. There was no way Carlos wouldn't notice, but if cleaned it up a bit and came up with a good story, it might not be as bad.
Flipping on the light switch TK frowned at his reflection. While there were a few scattered bruises all over his body, the worst by far was the one forming around his eye, already turning a lovely shade of deep purple. Above his eye was a short but deep gash, stretching across his eyebrow.
Well, that definitely wouldn't go unnoticed.
TK sighed, rifling through the medicine cabinet until he found the box of butterfly bandaids. He knew it probably would need stitches, but if he could avoid a trip to the ER tonight, that would be ideal, and these bandages would do the trick for now. He carefully placed two on his eyebrow, hissing at the contact as the wound closed. He then shut off the light and settled on the living room sofa, waiting for Carlos to come home. 
By the time he heard the jiggling of keys in the door, a few hours had passed and he had nearly fallen asleep under the soft blanket on the couch. He panicked for a second, not quite ready for Carlos’ reaction when he saw TK’s face.
On impulse, he ducked under the blanket before the door swung open. He could see the light switch on and Carlos’ outlined shape from beneath the cover.
“Babe? What’s going on?” he asked. TK could sense he had stopped in front of the couch but was refraining from coming any closer.
“Don’t freak out,” was all TK could manage to say, and he could only imagine the confusion painting his boyfriend’s face.
“I’m freaking out that you won’t tell me what’s going on,” he stated matter of factly.
TK sighed before slowly pulling down the blanket and peeking his head out, giving Carlos a sheepish grin. 
Carlos’ eyes widened in concern as he sat down next to TK, gently running his fingers over TK’s swollen eye. “What happened, baby?”
“Combative patient,” the lie rolled too easily off his tongue. “Woke up while we were treating him and took a swing at me.”
“I see,” Carlos nodded slowly. “And these other bruises?” he added, trailing his hand over the blossoming bruises on TK’s neck and arms. When he reached his torso, he didn't miss the way TK winced at the contact. TK hadn't even realized how sore he was.
“Must have fallen a little bit in the scuffle,” he shrugged.
Carlos hummed along to TK’s response. TK tried to get a read on what Carlos was making of his story. It was a pretty good one if he gave himself any credit, but he couldn't shake the feeling that Carlos just wasn't buying it. 
“You know how people get when they’re caught off guard,” he quickly added, panicking when he realized he should be adding more details before Carlos could doubt him anymore. 
Carlos though remained silent, studying him carefully. 
“We’re here to help them but they don’t always realize that right away,” he laughed nervously, hoping Carlos wasn't catching on to his anxious rambling.
“TK,” Carlos trailed off, his eyebrows pinching together in worry. He knew something was off, and there was no getting out of it.
Before he could dig himself into a deeper hole, he decided to dam break. He launched into the whole story about how he felt so on edge after his shift and he didn’t know what else to do, which is why he fell back into old habits. Carlos listened intently as he explained what happened when he showed up at the bar and instigated the fight, and ducking out he could get caught.
“I’m so sorry, Carlos. Please don’t be mad,” he said at the end of his rant, still shaking with adrenaline while he waited to see how Carlos would handle hearing the truth. 
Carlos sighed, gently rubbing TK’s shoulder. “I’m not mad at you, TK.”
“You’re not?” TK said, sniffling. 
“No, but I am concerned at why you didn’t think you could call me. And then why you felt like you had to lie about it.”
TK shrugged. “I’m just kind of used to bottling it up, I guess.”
“But you should know you can talk to me about this kind of stuff.”
“I do! But sometimes it just gets to be so much that I don’t know what else to do and I need a way to let it all out.”
“What gets to be so much?” Carlos cocked his head to the side. 
“Everything,” TK quickly responded, as if that clarified anything he was saying. He knew he wasn't making much sense and Carlos was trying his best to understand. But TK didn't know how else to describe the way he was feeling. Like a row of tightly wound string, one pluck away from snapping. 
“TK, what happened that made you want to get into a fight tonight?” Carlos asked. 
“I,” TK started to answer but stopped himself when he realized he didn't even have a good answer. He'd never stopped to consider the reasons for why he felt this way. All he knew was that he felt like he was about to explode and he needed a good way to release it. “I don’t know.”
Carlos nodded, and TK could only admire the patience his boyfriend had with him. The tears started to well up in his eyes and he took some shaky breaths as Carlos pulled him close into a hug, letting him sob into his broad chest. 
“It’s okay if you don’t know,” he whispered softly into TK’s ear. “But I think it is important to examine why you do feel this way. And to realize when it starts to get bad so it doesn’t happen again.”
TK pulled away from Carlos’ embrace, nodding and wiping back the tears while doing so. “It just feels like there’s always this pain, and sometimes I don’t notice it but other times it’s so much that I need to do something about it. And I can’t do the other stuff I used to do to deal with it, but getting into these fights… I don’t know, it helps. Which probably doesn’t make any sense but it’s better than some of my other coping mechanisms.”
Carlos gave him a sympathetic look. “TK, it might not be drugs, but you are just as likely to get hurt.”
TK looked down, nervous squeezing his hands, unsure of how to respond to Carlos’ observations.
“It’s not healthy,” he continued. “I need you to promise me you will call next time. It doesn’t matter what time, or if I’m on shift, or I’m asleep. Talk to me about it. And talk to me about what you’re feeling all the time so we can try to prevent it getting this bad. Okay?”
TK nodded in agreement. 
“Hey,” Carlos tilted TK’s head up so they matched each other's gaze. “I’m here for you. Whatever you need.”
“I know,” he gave Carlos a small smile. “I appreciate it, and your patience with me.”
“You don’t have to thank me for that. We’re a team, and I want to help you in whatever way possible. I love you, TK”
TK melted under Carlos’ soft brown eyes and genuine smile. “I love you too, Carlos.”
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purplylinos · 3 years
hiraeth ♡ lee minho
♡ genre; angsty, vv angsty
♡ pairing(s); gn!reader x minho ft. comforting chan
♡ word count; 1k
♡ description; hiraeth (n.); a homesickness for a home you cannot return to, or that never was.
♡ notes; i cried multiple times while writing this. lino is my baby don’t touch me:( starts below the cut! i don’t expect this to do well bc it’s so old but hhhh
“again?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. 
“y/n, i’m sorry. i really am, i can’t make it tonight,” minho’s voice came through the phone, a pang hitting your chest. you inhaled quickly, holding your breath before sighing quietly.
“it’s okay,” you mumbled softly, leaning back against the couch. “don’t overwork yourself.”
“of course. i’ll see you later.” a soft click hit your ear, signaling that minho had hung up. you let your cell phone fall from your hand, this was the third time that he had to rain check a date within two weeks. you understood that he was a busy person, but you had to admit it was a little annoying. he came home late, and left early. it was like you were losing him, and that wasn’t something you wanted to happen. puffing your cheeks out a bit, you sat up and grabbed a water bottle and a small box, filling it with random snacks your boyfriend could snack on while practicing. slipping into your shoes, you grabbed a sweatshirt off of the coatrack along with your car keys, making your way to the company.
the receptionist at the front desk greeted you warmly, “here to see him?” she questioned, tilting her head slightly. you nodded with a smile, giving a small wave before making your way down the hall, and into the main practice room. 
“min, baby? i-” you called out, pushing the door open. however, what you saw was far away from what you expected. instead of seeing your boyfriend focusing intently on the dance he was talking about only minutes earlier, some girl was sat on his lap, holding his headband in her hand, peppering kisses on his forehead. “minho?” you called out quietly, quickly catching the attention of the boy.
“love,” he started, panic flashing in his eyes.
“don’t fucking ‘love’ me,” you responded quietly, throwing the water bottle and box of snacks at his shoes. “what the hell is this?” you asked, eyes flickering between him and the girl. “this isn’t what i would call practicing,” you muttered through gritted teeth. “i really thought you were busy, that you had something to do with the boys. not sit here and cheat on me. to think that you told me ‘don’t worry’ or ‘my eyes are only set on you.’ i really bought that shit lee minho!” you could see him flinch at the usage of his full name. “to think that you’d stoop so low like this.” tears threatened to fall from your eyes as you backed up to the door. “don’t even bother coming home. your shit will be outside the door.” you threw the girl an icy glare before leaving the room, slamming the door behind you. you gained the attention of chan, who was coming in the front doors.
“y/n? are you okay?” he called out, brows furrowed. you turned to look at him, allowing your face to soften.
“channie,” you mumbled quietly, looking down. before you knew it, chan was making his way towards you, gently squeezing your shoulder.
“hey, come talk with me, yeah?” he offered, nodding his head towards his studio with a soft smile. you nodded and hid your face behind a sweater paw, hoping not to run into any of the other members in such a disheveled state. chan pushed the door open to his studio, guiding you inside with a soft sigh. “what happened? do you want to talk about it?” you immediately shook your head, fighting back sobs you knew would draw attention to chan’s studio. he closed the door behind him as he stepped inside, puffing his cheek out.
“and that’s okay. you know i’m here to listen to you, and if you don’t want to talk about something straight away, that’s okay too.” he smiled gently before reaching into his bag, offering you a water bottle. “sip on this and breathe. whatever it is that’s going on, it’ll all blow over eventually, and everything will be okay.”
“i wish i could say that i agree with you, i really do,” you mumbled, taking the water bottle from his hand and cracking it open. chan gave a sad smile before sitting down, pulling out his headphones. 
“if you need something, just tap my shoulder.” you nodded, laying on the couch behind him, staring at the ceiling. what did you just see, and why did you have to see it? your eyes burned with dryness, making you close them, and with that decision, you fell asleep rather quickly.
you could hear a faint knock on the studio door, waking you. yet, you stayed still and kept your eyes closed. you could hear chan move to open the door, minho’s voice instantly filling your ears. he sounded raspy and tired, as if he had been crying. you sat up and checked the time, realizing how late it was. pulling your sweatshirt down and rubbing your eyes, you got up and gently squeezed chan’s shoulder. “thank you for letting me chill out with you.” chan nodded with kind eyes, moving to let you leave the studio, yet you were stopped by minho.
“y/n, i’m so so-”
“no you aren’t,” you interrupted, sighing quietly. “did you really love me in the first place? did you ever cherish our memories, the countless nights we stayed up late? did you ever think about how many times i’ve stayed awake waiting for you to come home because of how worried i was about you? all of this has gone to waste because you were fucking around with another person.” minho’s ears were beet red, staring down at his shoes. “i can’t do this anymore. i can’t say ‘i love you’ to someone who doesn’t feel the same way.” you finished quietly, pushing past him and leaving the company.
you left his stuff outside of your apartment along with the promise ring he had given you months back, and resorted to hanging out with the other members separately rather than all together in a studio or practice room. you didn’t want to see his face ever again, and although it pained him to do so, minho silently agreed with your decision.
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springday-aus · 3 years
Disney Prince!AU with Seonghwa
★ Seonghwa as Disney’s Prince Charming ★
moodboard link
Group: ATEEZ 
Member: Park Seonghwa
Genre: fluff, romance, hints of angst 
part of the Disney Prince Series - could also be a prince!au
Type: Bulletpoint AU 
Word Count: approx. 3k
A/N: I had to spice things up a bit bc after a rewatch of Cinderella, I have realized they have no flavor and got a bit carried away—so enjoy! 
Warnings: family death + mentions of abusive family - you know the classic princess storyline. 
Seonghwa….. is not your average prince
but it’s not depicted in a negative light
so, he’s the prince other nations wished they had
he’s very involved with the state of affairs, often spends time in the villages and conversing with the townsfolk, and often visits schools to read to them or just watch them and it’s so……...wholesome
*cut to him struggling to sit on the carpet with the kids bc his legs can’t fold*
basically everyone loves him because he’s got this angelic aura around him that just makes you feel like you can trust him with anything
and I mean anything
mothers would probably offer him their babies if that was appropriate
he’s just super sweet and tries to remember what he learns in order to take it back and make use of it with the current policies that the parliament is trying to endorse or something
obviously, this is the main image of him to the public
and it’s not fake
but those in the palace know he can get a bit mischievous and sassy
it’s only really seen by those who are close with him, or have been around for a longer time
like assistant!Hongjoong and head butler!Wooyoung
since they’re all close in age and grew up together too, they’re much more comfortable with one another
Hongjoong: *hits his head on a doorway*
Seonghwa: “......... are you an idiot?”
guard!Yeosang and butler-in-training!San: laughing
no, but for real, all of them know he’s basically an angel
the amount of shit he’s putting up with them, but like they make for great entertainment lmao
the older workers at the palace find him adorable
like when Seonghwa tried to sneak-eat the freshly picked strawberries
“my prince, did you just eat a strawberry?”
Seonghwa with a mouthful of them: “no”
he’s like the grandson they all want (and are trying to get, but we’ll get to that later)
other than his charities and visits and public outings, he’s also known to be a good horseback rider
like real good
Wooyoung: “this is the most princely we’ll ever see him”
he’s kidding, but he’s also not kidding
bc lbr: Seonghwa in a horseback riding fit with the shoulder pads and the helmet and the wind and
many gather to see him in his glorious, sweaty state afterwards
it’s funny bc he’s so handsome and there are times when he’ll acknowledge it and other times when he doesn’t
especially since the ateez boys just ignore him or tease him
now it just depends on how he feels that day as to how he’d react
since he’s got such a good reputation, you know what that means?
lots of treaties and lots of marriage proposals
on one hand, many nearby countries know how nice Prince Seonghwa is—and some thought he was naive enough to be deceived by them
and that led to a few wars, but they lost real bad bc they assumed he was too nice
when, in actuality, he’s very knowledgeable since he takes a lot after the king and the queen
that allowed much more respect for the kingdom, especially since he’s the first in line for the throne once he’s married
which leads to the second thing: he gets lots and lots of marriage proposals
have you SEEN him?????
do you know how CAPABLE he is????
the royal family kind of milks this—not in that way tho
it’s in the sense that it’s because they want him to find someone soon and there’s more time for them to learn the ropes about ruling a kingdom
that means lots of balls are thrown in hopes of Seonghwa finding someone to ~catch his eye~ and whatnot
but Seonghwa just uses this as a diplomatic advantage, you know? like a chance for him to meet other royals and build these relationships
and while he has good intentions, the rejected royals are kind of bitter, but they know better than to mess with the Royal Family
meanwhile, party planner!Yunho is lowkey racking in the dough from these events, so he’s fine throwing all these balls lmao
this is where you come in
but, it’s not how others might think
so, you used to be the daughter of a well-of-ish family—you had money for a house and caretakers who adored you and you with parents who loved you dearly
you lived in your own little bubble of love
but then your mother died
when she died, it was almost as if she had taken the lively atmosphere of the household with her
your father buried himself into his work, rarely making time for you anymore and…. there was a drift
one day he came home with a mysterious woman, proclaiming her as your stepmother
along with her came her two daughters, who were as ugly outside as they were on the inside
while you could have done without her passive-aggressiveness, it was nice to see your father happy
but lo-and-behold, you lucked out and he died on a business trip, leaving you alone with strangers to become your only family
it only got worse from there as they openly started to mock you, shame you and push you beyond your boundaries
as they could no longer pay for the staff, they also forced you to clean after them, cook for them, and make all the arrangements that they demanded
or, as your oh-so-lovely stepmother said “you’re below us and you will always be below us”
at first, you put up with it because there’s nowhere else for you
but, slowly, the idea of running away was starting to sound better
and the opportunity came as the palace was starting to look for more servants who would stay in the servants’ quarters
you immediately packed away your things, which wasn’t much to begin with—your mother’s locket being the major trinket you possessed
and ran off to work as a housekeeper, who hid away behind the palace walls and the public eye
since you clean for the palace, it also means cleaning after the balls
other than television appearances, you never really saw the royal family
even as you did work in the palace because……………. they’re running a goddamned country
but, of course, there are rumors and gossip with the other housekeepers which all come from reliable resources
**cough cough definitely Wooyoung cough cough**
so there’s a lot of what you heard, not really from what you’ve seen, despite what some might think when working in the palace
that was until you were called to work at your first ball
which meant you were cleaning after the tables and in the kitchens, going in and out of the ballroom and between dinner tables
getting glimpses of some of the royals
and picking up on some of their juicy conversations
(apparently this one duke almost had an affair with this king’s secret mistress… all the tea)
you get the point
every once in a while you have to work at the balls when they need the extra help
but, there was one that was…………. different
a lot of the balls are for the royals to take and engage and whatever, but there have been so many and Seonghwa………….
Seonghwa hasn’t been interested in a single one despite the purpose being to help him find someone
Hongjoong: “what’s wrong with them?”
Seonghwa: “there’s nothing wrong with them, I don’t want just someone”
Seonghwa: “I want it to happen naturally—call me old fashioned but if this is someone I want to spend the rest of my life with, it has to be someone who knows me”
Wooyoung, in the corner: “that is old fashioned, hasn’t he heard of tinder?”
advisor!Mingi: “I don’t think it would be a good look for the country if the prince is on tinder”
guard!Yeosang: “we should test it out”
butler-in-training!San: “omg reverse pretty woman”
Hongjoong: “everyone get out, you’re all useless”
okay, but like real talk: he’s such a romantic and the whole unofficial arranged marriage is just………. too much
so, his parents were like: so, you want more options?
Seonghwa: “not what I said”
and they expanded the invitation list for one night, meaning ANYONE had a shot with Seonghwa and
he is very popular, so you can imagine how many people were planning on coming and the staff (i.e. you) had to prepare for everything
for the week, the castle was bustling and you were running around to help out and it……. it was all so insane
and then it happens
you’re minding your own business and working and eavesdropping as one does when one works
because everyone is there and who doesn’t love listening to drama that isn’t just from fancy people
but since everyone is here
you failed to remember that a certain group of people were also there
the group of people being your step-mother and step sisters
instinctively, you ducked and hid, moving away from the main room that was swarmed with people who were all trying to obtain Seonghwa’s attention
(who was also trying to hide from everyone else and instinctively failing)
eventually, you found yourself in the gardens, where you tried to make yourself busy
but it ended up being a small walk through the gardens, picking up the occasional liter and small talk with the gardeners
the garden is huge, so you get a bit lost as you wander—physically and emotionally
meanwhile, Seonghwa managed to escape from the others with the help of the other ateez boys
major shoutout to Yunho and Jongho, who insisted on leading the cupid shuffle and cha cha slide
also Yeosang for blocking off people who were trying to shoot their shot with a tired Seonghwa who did not want any of this
he ended up in the gardens as well, walking down a small path with Yeosang trailing a bit farther behind
he spots you on a bench, admiring the flowers under the bright moonlight
and you were absolutely breath-taking
not wanting to disturb your peace, he tried to leave
only to knock into a garden gnome and catch your attention as he tries to not break it
You: “um”
Seonghwa: “I’m so sorry, I was just going to leave, I didn’t mean to disturb you”
You: he looks familiar
You: “I know you from somewhere”
Seonghwa: literally in the most extravagant suit and sparkle make-up as he’s still crouched on the ground trying not to break a gnome that cost like $5 at a Target
also Seonghwa: “have we met before?”
you exchange names and that’s when it clicks
immediately, you try to curtsy or bow or whatever the royals make you do to the ground bc Seonghwa’s still at ground level
and Seonghwa’s just…………. scrambling to try to get you off the ground with flushed ears at you calling him your prince
Seonghwa: “please, you literally do not have to”
You: “I don’t want to be beheaded”
You: “plus, isn’t it like, illegal for me not to?”
Seonghwa: “well, I’m technically giving you orders not to…..”
You: well, can’t argue with that
you slowly get up and dust yourself off, unable to look at him in the eye
even from the corner of your eyes tho, you can see what the fuss is about
bc Seonghwa in that suit and hair swept back is hot™
You: “Prince,  I apologize if I’m speaking out of line, but shouldn’t you be inside?”
Seonghwa: “couldn’t I ask you the same thing?”
You: “but this is in your honor, not mine”
Seonghwa: “is it tho?”
Seonghwa: “I keep telling everyone I would like to fall in love on my own and yet………. everyone keeps meddling and making plans and now everyone in the kingdom is after me when I’m just trying to do my best for our citizens”
you’re a bit silent, unsure as to how to respond
Seonghwa: “I’m sorry for just dumping this on you, but, everyone keeps telling me I shouldn’t be so worried”
You: “well, Prince, I think what you need to hear is that your feelings are valid”
You: “it’s only natural for you to want to find someone on your own—freedom is something everyone wants, which is why it’s so hard to obtain”
there’s a bit of an awkward silence
for one bc you didn’t know what he was really like and if you were allowed to say something like that
two being that you didn’t know if you should leave
but he speaks up
Seonghwa: “you’re right—I did need that”
the air loosens a bit between the two of you
Seonghwa: “so, are you also hiding from an influx of suitors?”
you laugh a little, playing like a twinkling melody to Seonghwa’s ears
You: “no, but I am hiding from people”
Seonghwa: “it’s okay, you don’t have to share if you don’t want to”
you two get to spend a bit more time together, just chatting and getting to know one another
he’s really sweet, but also kind of goofy with a handful of cheesy pickup lines that definitely comes from spending too much time on the internet but also Wooyoung
the time is short but sweet
bc, before you know it, it strikes 12 and Hongjoong has a hold on him by bulldozing past Yeosang who just blinks at the small gust of wind
Hongjoong: “Seonghwa! your parents are looking for you! we gotta go!”
he greets you hastily, before grabbing a hold of Seonghwa and dragging him away—in which Seonghwa is still trying to get one last look at you before you disappear off into the night
or, in your case, back to the kitchen to avoid your stepfamily
the rest of the night passes as expected, at least for you as you busy yourself with washing dishes in the kitchen
but Seonghwa found himself like a mercat, poking his head around trying to find you every once in a while
the time you’d spent together was short, but it was the most fun he’s had at these balls
and it showed, as noted by Hongjoong and Wooyoung with the week that followed after
he was spacing out, wondering what could have been if things were different
basically, homeboy was sulking bc he didn’t know when he could see you again or if you had someone or if you were even interested
Hongjoong: “how are we supposed to help him when we don’t even know who it is?”
Mingi: “didn’t you get a glimpse?”
Hongjoong: “I was busy with other things”
Wooyoung: “so you didn’t even ask for a name?”
Yeosang: “it’s (Y/N)”
all the boys:
Hongjoong: “how do you know that?”
Yeosang: “I was eavesdropping”
San: “um—”
Wooyoung: “wait, we know (Y/N)”
Yunho: “so am I throwing another party or?”
Wooyoung: “we can find (Y/N) first and then throw a party”
so, they kind of hunt you down to where you’re cleaning for the day
and Wooyoung asks you about Seonghwa
lowkey bc he wants the tea but also bc he wanted to make sure you’re not one of those insane people that are completely obsessed with him
(considering what he had to witness during that last ball)
and after passing his vibe check
he sends you to the library “to clean”
which is odd because you already cleaned it for the week but
Wooyoung: “I’m technically your boss, so go”
You: weirded out
also you: “okay”
little did you know, Seonghwa was already there, occupying himself with some new books while Hongjoong and Yeosang were keeping an eye out for you
who was lowkey trying to hide in the shadows and failing miserably bc of all the goddamned windows
Seonghwa spots your shadow, quickly getting up and following you
Seonghwa: “wait! (Y/N)?”
you turn around, a bit startled from the call out
Seonghwa: “I thought it was you”
you give a small bow to greet him
You: “my prince”
Seonghwa: “you can just call me Seonghwa”
Seonghwa: “I didn’t know you were here”
You: “I didn’t know you were here either”
he lets out a small chuckle
Seonghwa: “I meant I didn’t know you were staying in the castle”
You: “I’m not just staying here, I work here prin—Seonghwa”
Seonghwa: “well I guess that makes finding you a bit easier around here”
You: “you were looking for me?”
Seonghwa: “well, I like your company”
You: flushed
Seonghwa: “do you enjoy mine?”
You: “I’d be glad to bask in your presence”
and for a moment, it’s just the two of you
*cut to Hongjoong and Yeosang high-fiving in the back*
after that, the two of you spend more time together
it’s cute bc Seonghwa also likes to clean (which explains why there were never housekeepers needed for him)
so it means he also helps you clean and still have fun doing it
speaking of which, you got to find out how domestic he is and it melts your heart every time
especially when he’s interacting with children who visit the castle
so you can tell he really wants a family
bc he’s so good with kids and knows how to take care of people and what more can you really ask for
he’s also a great listener 
like he really knows what you need based on what you tell him
and when you opened up to him about what happened at home
he was just such a big sweetheart about it, asking if you’re okay and checking with you emotionally and it 
so his parents did find out bc Wooyoung has a big mouth and def blabbed to San and everyone else in the goddamned kingdom who knows Wooyoung
rip Seonghwa
also rip everyone in the kingdom who found out bc again
Seonghwa is very desired amongst many
which also led to a lot of jealous people who gossiped about you but jokes on them bc you still have Seonghwa at the end of the day and they have jack shit :) 
back to what I was saying 
when his parents found out, they were totally accepting of it considering how happy the two of you are
(also you were lowkey fearful they were just gonna straight up kill you bc you aren’t royal, but also, they’re good rulers who care about people) 
which also meant they wanted to train you to help him run the kingdom but that’s a different story
anyways, prince charming!Seonghwa is indeed very charming
and gentlemanly and all that other good stuff
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luvspence · 3 years
prom night
synopsis: you and spence both never got your own prom, maybe this makes up for it
{a/n: i’m projecting a little bit bc i missed my prom, but i hope this isn’t too cheesy}
the east coast was your home
born and raised in dc, school in new york, work in virginia
you wouldn’t have it any different
except for the fact that you lived less than 20 mins outside your childhood home
you loved being able to be close to your family, but it had its downsides
“y/n can you pick up your brother
y/n can you run to the store for me
y/n can you pick up my dry cleaning”
and it was like you were in high school all over again
on one occasion you were at home with your mom and your baby sister, delaney, she was 17, so not much of a baby anymore
“so what’s the hot gos” you said taking a bite out of your gronola bar and looking your sister down
“dont ‘ew’ me”
“well i got asked to the prom yesterday”
your mom nearly dropped her pan
“yes way, is it so hard to believe that someone would like me? i’m not y/n for crying out loud”
you gave her a light punch on the arm
she wasn’t far from wrong though, you were the classic “nerd”
15 years ago when you were in her place, at the exact same high school, you were never asked to prom, you were too busy in math olympiad or physics club to ever want to attend prom
but that was 15 years ago, now you lost the braces and the acne, got 2 degrees, and had a very lovely boyfriend of your own
“it is though, you’re lucky you found spencer, two dorks made for each other” she said taking a sip of her water
“you’re such a bitch”
15 year age gap aside, you were still very much, sisters
“y/n, do you mind chaperoning? that way we don’t have to pay for a ticket” your mom asked
your sister blurted out “oh my god NO”
you were laughing so hard, usually this is the kind of thing you’d pass on, but it torturing your sister was so so so worth it
“okay i’m game, see you prom night”
“spencerrrrrrr” you trailed on as you sat next to spencer on the couch, staring deep into his hazel eyes
“yes my love?”
“do you love meeeeeeee???”
spencer rolled his eyes, he knew this is how you asked him for a favors
“to the moon and back, why??????”
“okay look, my baby sister, delaney, is going to the prom and i’m chaperoning her, and she called me and you dorks so we have to get back at her by embarrassing the hell out of her at her prom”
spencer laughed
“you’re no better than a petty 17 year old”
you rolled your eyes “so can we?”
he looked at you, than his eyes trailed from the calendar to his watch to you again
“of course”
“yes!” you gave him a hug and planted a kiss on his cheek
“i love you so bad spencer reid!” you said as you ran around the apartment
“even more!” he replied
“incoming call from spencer reid”
“hey y/n?”
“yes love?”
“what color dress are you wearing tonight?”
“green, why?”
“no reason...”
he said before he hung up
you laughed to yourself “what a dork”
you continued to brush the mascara on your eyes, getting ready for your very first prom night
you came running down the stairs in a dark green ankle length dress, while spencer waited to pick you up
he was wearing a suit with a matching bow tie to your dress
“that’s why you asked the color! you look dashing by the by”
you said as you leaned over and gave him a cheek staining kiss
“and this” he said as he handed you a beautiful green corsage arrangement
“spencer! for me? this is gorgeous”
you said as you slipped it onto your wrist
“yeah, penelope knows a guy”
“of course she does, and thank you! i can’t believe you’d go through all of this for me on fake prom” you said as he started driving toward your parents house
“hey this prom is not fake at all to me, i’ve never been to prom before”
you shrugged “me neither, i always thought it was dumb anyway”
“this is sort of embarrassing” spencer said scratching his head
“come on spencer it’s just me”
“okay, you know i went to highschool very young, i hadn’t even gone through puberty. i was the smallest guy in the class and that wasn’t purely based on my age. i was scrawny. but i had this grand idea of going to prom with the most beautiful girl. and i’d be all tal and handsome at that point, and i’d walk into that dance and stick it to all my bullies”
“that not embarrassing! i wish i wanted to go to prom like that. i guess i was too pretentious to go, i was an all star intellectual, there was no way i’d show my face at an event like prom”
“yeah, so i guess we both get do overs. and i get to live my prom dream. now i’m tall, and i have a beatiful girl by my side” he said as he smiled at you
“have i ever told you i love you?”
“not enough” he smiled as he pulled into your parents drive way
you got out of your car to wait inside with your sister for her date to arrive
eventually a tall girl with a equally as beautiful corsage in her hand ended up nervously swaying on the front door and she rang the door bell
spencer answered
“h-hi, mr. y/l/n” she said in a nevrous tone
spencer laughed out loud and you went to intervene
“oh my yeah he’s just my boyfriend, hi i’m delaney’s older sister y/n. no need to be nervous, there’s no dad around here. just a lot of siblings, my mom and my boyfriend!” you said as you welcomed her into the house
delaney went to take the corsage from her date, melanie
your mom lined you spencer and your sister and melanie up for what felt like 800 pictures before you finally decided to get into spencers car to the dance
in the car you turned around to the girls
“sooooo, how’d y’all meet”
delaney burried her head into her knees in embarrassment while her date explained
“well she was in my physics class, and it all went from there”
“physics!!! i love physics, is mr. scott still there?”
“yup he’s our teacher”
“sick” you said to yourself, reminiscing about your days in high school
eventually you pulled into your highschool parking lot, hooking arms with spencer as you walked toward then gym
“god does this bring me back”
you said to him
your sister whispered to her date “god she’s so old”
she gave you the stink eye and whispered in your ear
“please get as far away from me as possible”
all you did was nod as you watched the two of them skip into their dance
you looked up at spencer
“god you’re so cute, i wish i had you here in high school”
“i’m sure you had your boys”
“from the physics club? right”
you walked into the fully decorated gym, wandering around from the punch bowl to the photo booth, you and spencer watching the floor of kids dance to their hearts content
“i think i know why i skipped this in highschool”
spencer laughed
“ i would have killed to be in this very position when i was in high school”
you wrapped your arms around his neck and looked him in the eyes
“killed to be in prom in the first place or to be here with me?”
“with your of course”
he said as he met your lips for a kiss
obviously bringing spencer was a bad idea for your sabotage delany plan, because you got way too distracted with spencer by your side
you spent the entire night talking to him, dancing with him to the slow songs, taking funny pictures in the photo booth
high school stuff you guess
eventually when all the kids were slow dancing, you looked up at spencer
“wanna make a break for it?”
he didn’t know what that meant, but if it was with you he’d do it, so he just nodded and followed you outside
you buried your head into his shoulder as you walked around the campus you grew up on, pointing to the points of interest
you pointed to a big oak tree with seat like roots under it
“that’s where we used have physics club meetings”
then you pointed to a hidden patch behind all the bushes
“this is where i traded homework for money”
he just nodded as you told the stories of your high school experience
you pointed to some old looking railings with a tree standing view it
“that’s where i had my first kiss”
“HUH! i thought you said you got no boys, physics club and all”
“yeah you’re right” you said as you settled on one of the bleacher, overlooking the field and the night sky, spencer joining you
your fancy dress hitting the dirt of the baseball field, the cold april night making you shiver, and spencer putting his blazer coat over you
“you’re right, i didn’t get any boys in high school” you sighed as you cuddled into his arm
“my first kiss was with dylan watson, he was mr blue eyes blonde hair, baseball and perfect social status. and you know i was, braces glasses and physics”
he laughed as you continued to tell the story
“but yeah one day he slipped me a note, i figured he just wanted homework. but he said to meet him there after school. so i did, and he confessed tht he loved me, and wanted to be my boyfriend. and of course i said yes. and the he kissed me. it was the best moment of my life up until then. but as soon as he pulled away he yelled ‘you got that?’”
“oh no” spencer said, listening intently
“oh yes, his buddies had be filming, then they put me on plays all around the entire school, showing the video to everyone. so yeah, that’s why i never want to the prom. i guess it might have been bc i was a nerd, but also because i never wanted to show my face to those kids anymore” you said as you sighed
“you know, i had a similar experience where a pretty girl told me the same thing, but instead the entire school stripped me to my underwear and tied me to a pole. it was awful”
“oh my goodness that’s terrible” you said
“well i guess high school bullying makes great profilers?” yoy laughed
“maybe. i think it also develops character well i’m general too. and hey! you got your first kiss out of it”
“yeah, but high school was the worst, i wish i could tell my 17 year old self that it would get better”
“me too” he said
he said as he tucked his chin into your head and looked up at the stars, faint music echoing from the gym and the sound of your cold shakey breath
“y/n, i’m just glad we got to spend our prom night together”
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koutarousangel · 3 years
━ hometown glory.
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prompt : you were incredibly nervous to return home, especially since you knew that he’d returned home too. loosely inspired by this.
genre : angst to fluff
warnings : i mean at this point i can put swearing as a warning every time cause they’re apart of my everyday vocabulary lmao.
music suggestion : hometown glory - adele, happiest year - jaymes young, from the dining table - harry styles.
author’s note : @asdfghjkl7things​​ thank you so much for your support and your request ! i hope you like it !
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you and hajime started dating during your third year in high school.
it was a surprise to practically everyone who knew you two, but the both of you had promised each other that you’d keep it on the down low as you were getting to know each other. mostly bc the two of you had friends that never knew how to shut up.
and what you had between you wasn’t really anyone else’s business.
you’d comforted him when they’d lost to karasuno, telling him that it wasn’t his fault and that he’d done all that he could, and you told him that if he wanted to, he could play volleyball again, or do whatever he wanted.
he’d consoled you when you failed the one exam that you needed to pass to go to the university of your dreams and he encouraged you to take the make-up exam, studying with you and making sure you were more than prepared.
you were each other’s rock and you genuinely thought that you were going to last.
until you got into an argument which turned into a full-blown fight bc the two of you were moving away from each other to study your respective courses.
you were scared of long-distance bc you didn’t want to hold iwa back, iwa tried telling you that you could make it work, but as you insisted, he accused you of never really loving him and that you were just finding a way out.
four years later, the both of you were college graduates, and something drew you both back to japan.
walking through your hometown felt strange. it was familiar, heartwarming, but at the same time it felt as if you were a tourist, discovering everything for the first time. it had been a while since you’d walked through the streets of miyagi, having gotten used to the streets of london so much that the peace and quiet was almost far too loud. you’d thought about it, staying in london and finding a job there, settling with a brand new life but part of you missed japan so much, your family, your friends … him.
“you know,” your friend looked at you pointedly as she wiped a vegetable piece away from the corner of her mouth, “he’s back in japan, right?” it was almost as if she was fighting a smirk.
a sigh left your lips as you shook your head a little bit, “i know… he posted something on instagram,” the subtle confession that you still followed him on social media came out as a grumble, because you knew that your friend would make it her priority to never let you live it down. which was why you’d never told her that you’d accidentally liked one of his posts.
her eyes widened to the size of saucers and she practically choked on her drink, batting at your upper arm, “you sly fox you, so you do follow him!” you halted her frantic movements by grabbing her wrist.
“i do, which is also how i know that he has a girlfriend,” it was almost comical, how your friend practically deflated at your comment, scowl growing on her face, “it’s been four years, it was bound to happen.”
still, seeing him with his arm around her shoulders made your heart ache and you had angrily swiped away at the tears that spilled down your cheeks, because it was your fault. keeping him back had never been your intention and that’s what you felt you would have done had you remained in a relationship together. all that distance, the drastic time difference, attending separate colleges full of new experiences. you wanted hajime to have the world.
it was almost as if fate was trying to play some sort of cruel trick on you, because as your mind raced with thoughts of your old high school boyfriend, you felt yourself collide with someone and as soon as you heard your name being uttered by the person in question, you swore your heart wanted to jump out of your chest.
“hajime…” his name tumbled out of your mouth in what practically could be constituted as a breathless gasp, as if seeing his face in person after four years had completely winded you.
the man in question took a slight step back, taking a good look at you, almost making sure that you were really in front of him, and not his imagination toying with him. “small world,” was his only comment as he scratched the back of his head, awkwardness settling between you two as you wrapped your arms around yourself, the chill in the air suddenly very prominent.
“would you like to get some-” “i was going to go get some” the both of you spoke at the same time, nervous words overlapping each other. “coffee…” a smile as your shared thoughts fell together in perfect harmony, as if nothing had changed.
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you had walked to the coffee shop in silence, questions of why you’d agreed to get coffee with your ex racing through your mind but the reason was simple … you didn’t want to walk away from him, not yet at least. sneaking glances at him while he grabbed your coffees made your heart thump faster than it had in a while, reminiscent of the first time you’d went on a date together.
there was a slight fear that it would be far too awkward to handle, but the two of you fell into a comfortable conversation, telling stories of your college days, how you’d gotten so drunk one time that you ended up stealing a plant and taking it back to your dorm, or how he’d once gotten so hungry during a late study session that he and his friends went to a mcdonalds drive through, even though they didn’t have a car.
you laughed until your face hurt, and you hadn’t realised, but the two of you had instinctively gotten closer to each other, and his arm had ended up wrapped around your chair, you leaned over and shoved him whenever he said something to tease you.
it was as if these four years apart never happened.
as your shared laughter died down and you finished off your drink, iwaizumi looked down at his lap and shook his head slightly, chuckling to himself and making you smile softly, “what?” you questioned, poking his shoulder.
“it’s still you, you know?” he looked up at you, eyes locking with yours as he gave a slight shrug of his shoulders, “the person i see by my side at the end of the day.”
his words hit you like a punch to the gut and you almost forgot how to breathe. you cringed, nose burning as tears tickled the corners of your eyes as you pushed your chair back, standing up and grabbing your belongings, holding them close to your chest as you rushed out of the coffee shop.
you could hear him calling for you, but the blood had rushed to your ears and you were trying your hardest to keep from crying, but as soon as you felt his hand around yours, you spun around and shoved at his chest, once, twice, tears dripping freely onto the pavement, cheeks burning red with anger and sadness, heart that was excitedly jumping around, now quietly sitting in the corner, thumping cautiously as you felt him grab at your hands to stop you from hitting him any further.
“you can’t say that shit hajime! you can’t say it, not after four years of nothing … you didn’t try to fight for me, convince me to stick with you through it all, and you have someone else! how sick can you be? saying that shit to me, stringing that girl along …” the anger wasn’t making you think straight, words spilling out of your mouth without you mulling them over first. 
it was iwaizumi’s turn to get angry at your words, “you broke up with me!” he pushed your hands away from his before pointing an accusatory finger at you, “you broke up,” and he turned his finger shakily at himself, “with me.”
your mouth dropped open and you closed it again, gaping at the air like a fish out of water, hoping the words would come to you, “i wanted what’s best for you,” you managed to whisper, “i wanted for you to be happy.”
“and you came to that decision on your own!” his chest was heaving now, bottom lip trembling as he tried to keep his strong facade, but it was crumbling, “how dare you, decide for me what’s best for me?” his words were only making your chest ache because they were true. you were scared that you were not enough for him, that you’d never be enough for him, “you were what’s best for me, i wanted to share everything with you!” but you were wrong. 
he let out a strangled laugh, “and that girl? she knew it too. i tried going on one date with her, and when i tried going home with her, she pushed me away and told me that i was just kidding myself and setting myself up to get hurt, because my heart was with someone else.”
the two of you were practically in hysterics, wild stares at each other, tears staining your cheeks and some threatening to fall on his own. this was how the argument was supposed to go four years ago, not with you doing everything in your power to walk away. you needed to talk it out, communicate with each other; the only reason it had reached this point, as if you were two people in some kind of romantic movie on the sidewalk professing your love for each other, was because all these emotions had accumulated during the past four years.
after he let out a couple of strangled breaths, iwaizumi’s shoulders slumped, and he raked his hand through his hair, shaking his head and going to sit down on the sidewalk, arms on his knees and head bowed forward.
you watched him for a couple of moments, hand pressed over your mouth as you tried not to sob. the man who’d held your heart so firmly in his hands even if you were continents away had never given up on you. suddenly you didn’t feel so pathetic, but the guilt was eating you alive. you’d never meant to hurt him so, you adored him and you really did want the best for him.
swallowing back the remainder of the tears, you looked up at the sky and sniffled softly, before taking a couple of brave steps forward, kneeling down and wrapping your arms around his shoulders, burying your face into his neck, “i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry,” you chanted softly, knowing that no matter how many times you said it, silently praying that he’d accept your apology, even though you didn’t really deserve it.
his hand rested gently on your forearm and he kept his head forward, pressing soft kisses to your wrist and the back of your hand. iwa hesitated for a moment, before he rested his hands on your waist, carefully guiding you to his lap and wrapping his arms around you, rocking you back and forth and shushing you quietly as you continued to sob into his chest. the way he said your name was as soft as a butterfly coming to rest on a fingertip, and he gently guided your face up to look at his.
“i forgive you,” he admitted to you, giving you a small smile, “i’m sorry for yelling, i’m sorry for letting you go ... ” his forehead came to rest against yours, and his eyes were closed. you could feel your heart practically soaring, having him so close again, him accepting your apology. 
your hand came to rest on his face, thumb gently drawing back and forth across his cheek, before leaning forward and leaving a tentative kiss on the side of his mouth, watching as his eyes all but shot open, cheeks burning red under the palm of your hand as he looked into your eyes, “i forgive you too hajime.”
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~ three year timeskip. ~
you were anxious. more anxious then you had been ever in your life. 
you’d been with hajime ever since you reconciled now, going through all the motions with settling into your life back in japan, finding a job you both love but still there were struggles. like how hajime worked himself to the bone, hell bent on being the best athletic trainer the national volleyball team had ever seen. you laid blankets on his shoulders when he slept at his desk while he was writing reports or planning injury prevention programs. meanwhile, he carried you to bed whenever you fell asleep on the couch because you couldn’t sleep in an empty bed, or when you were studying for your job and you fell asleep at your own desk.
your relationship was strong, communication prominent during the whole time, because you knew what could happen if it wasn’t there. the two of you never went to bed angry with each other, he always brought home flowers if he fucked up, hiding his face behind the bouquet as he uttered an apology and you always made sure to bring him a cup of tea to bed if you stepped out of line, before cuddling into his side and muttering a small ‘i’m sorry’ into the silence.
vip tickets gave you the perfect view of the volleyball court, adorning the japanese flag on one of your cheeks and a polo shirt that matched hajime’s with ‘iwaizumi’ spread across your shoulders.
it would be your own name anyway, you thought, as you twirled the engagement ring around your finger, grinning brightly before looking up at him and giving him an encouraging wink, mouthing an i love you at him.
you’d returned home twice; to japan the first time, and to iwaizumi hajime’s heart the second time.
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princeoftheroses · 3 years
Since you want asks, PLSSSE I want your Utena TH0ughts. WHAT is your favourite black rose episode? actually how do you feel about the black rose arc in GENERAL
black rose arc, black rose arc, oh black rose arc!!! by you adding how do i feel about the arc in general you are unleashed me to make a long post giving my very disorganized thoughts about this arc.
a couple of people call it a filler arc? i guess technically it is because it does not directly contribute to the main storyline and it wasn't in the manga and also the ending of the arc sort of makes it so the whole arc kind of didn't happen???
but also i think if a person labeled it as a filler arc they are kind of missing the point?? even if it doesn't contribute to the main plot (which it absolutely DOES but i'll get to that) it adds so much nuance to the characters of utena.
you get to see side characters and how they tick!! some of which like kozue and shiori become very important later as they become miki and ruka's rose brides in the akio arc! (side note : what was up with ruka he just kind of showed up and disappeared lmaooo)
also, it adds to akio! (tw warning for only the next paragraph, i'm talking about akio so you can except me talking about grooming and abuse)
not only is this where akio is introduced, but he is always so omnipresent. it was ... honestly really terrifying to see how chill he acts with utena here. of course the real grooming begins in the akio arc but you can see how he starts here. how he kind of builds himself as anthy's cool older brother that utena can trust and ask for advice for... but we the audience know that he CANNOT be trusted as even know we see him being shady af in the background. i really feel like if we skipped straight from the first arc to akio arc a lot of the creepiness of akio would not have been realized because of ... just how NORMAL he akio acts to utena. he's charming, he's smart, and he overall is somebody utena SHOULD be able to trust bc we should all be able to trust an immediate family member of a best friend , but of course the world doesn't really work that way. anyway akio tangent over because BOOOOOO akio (he honestly terrifies me so much because of how many predators like that exist and you can meet without realizing their intentions)
one of the main reasons i feel like this isn't a filler arc, at least not in the traditional sense of the phrase, is because it builds a lot character relationships. something that i didn't like when i first watched revolutionary girl utena but now is one of my FAVORITE things is that for a while we don't really get a straight forward utena/anthy episode. because their relationship doesn't need to build in an episode, it just slowly builds over time. we just see these two causally existing and they just start to trust each other.
in the akio arc we get to see just how close utena/anthy have gotten over the series because of their late night conversations. like how if the black rose arc didn't exist akio wouldn't have been as impactful, if the black rose arc didn't exist it would feel more sudden how close utena/anthy have grown imo.
this arc adds a lot to the world as well. as long as the students stay inside of school they will not grow. dead people wander the halls thinking that they are still alive. these two facts contribute a lot to utena theorizing and analysis (mainly, the ideas that ohtori exists within a plain of frozen time literally because of anthy's magic and metaphorically because the cast is very cozy in their coffin) and i could not thank this arc for that enough. not only are these very cool ideas that may or may not have inspired elements in my own story (i can neither confirm or deny that one of my oc story is heavily inspired by utena) but they just add so many layers!
this arc also felt necessary because of the new duelists??? if we went straight from the first arc to the akio arc then it would've kinda gotten very tiring to see the student council constantly duel and lose to utena (with the exception of touga's sole victory to utena in the first arc before she duels him again and wins) but these new duelists possessed by the black rose are very interesting!
if i did have to make a compliant about this arc, though, i will say that at times the stories felt very disconnected to each other. while it was very funny for utena to not even know who keiko was when she dueled her, it would've been nice if sometimes the arc of the black rose duelist intertwined more with utena. as the arc goes on, the student council is on alert and is trying to figure out where the black rose is coming from, but they never really try to ask utena about it and utena never really tries to get involved? she just is chill until she gets the note to go to the duel arena to fight the black rose duelist. i don't really have a solution on how to fix this? maybe have the student council member that the black rose duelist takes the sword from be more involved? idk.
the villain of this arc mikage also really fascinates me??? i... really like him??? but not even as a villain ... i just really pity him. the realization he has in his duel with utena that everything he has been doing is for nothing because mamiya is already dead .. that always really hit me? the horror in his voice when he starts to recall the truth in his false memories.... for some reason, this is one of the most terrifying parts of the show for me. the realization that something you were doing, something you were doing that might've been awful but you were doing it because of somebody you care about deeply and love, it was all for nought. how much time he has wasted...
even before his duel with utena, there's this moment when after he got punched by utena he says something like "if she hadn't seen my duelist ring and challenged me to a duel, she could've killed me" or something like that, he's just so pathetic and i feel very bad for him but at the same time am too disconnected to him to truly feel empathy for him... that's some TOP TIER shit
overall, this part of the show is one of my favorites. the only part i like more is the last few episodes because it makes me very emotional.
favorite black rose duelist: honestly? wakaba. the girl deserves it this is stress relief for her. not only is this duel very emotional as i don't think we've ever seen utena refuse to duel somebody (at least not in the way that she does in this episode) but just the SHEER emotion.
i'm a real sucker for fighting the person you care about the most which is why the dark signer arc in yugioh 5ds is the best yugioh arc and this just really takes the cake in this arc. utena always shows concern for the black rose duelist because they are clearly people in pain who were not able to properly duel with their grief which let mikage manipulate them, but it's taken to a new level here.
the way that after the duel is completed, wakaba comes home to her empty dorm where saionji used to be but now isn't always gets me. she's just such a lonely girl and that's never really resolved for her. a lot of the other duelists have a optimist note to end on (kozue asking miki for a milkshake, shiori and juri saying hello to each other as they walk past, keiko being friends with nanami again, etc.) which is why the fact that wakaba is more alone now then she is ever... it is a feeling i can relate to an almost embarrassing amount.
favorite episode that isn't cowbell of happiness: i'm very torn between the landscape scaped by kozue and thorns of death. shiori and kozue are both very interesting characters that i like a lot. but i'm going to go with thorns of death for now, as while i really like the landscape scaped by kozue, i think my preferred miki/kozue episode is their episode in the akio arc. meanwhile i like thorns of death way more than i liked whispers in the arc (mostly because i just do not really care that much for ruka, but azure paler than the sky was a banger and he was in that?) i just loved the feeling of seeing shiori the girl juri loves so much and juri's reaction to seeing her. the way my heart was wrenched when black rose shiori mocks juri... it really did hit different. but the hopeful ending did make me feel a lot better. i do like the way that juri out of all the student council members is the one closest to self actualization and this really sets that up even if there is still a bumpy road until then.
honorary mention: the boys of the black rose and kanae as a black rose duelist are both really great. i feel like if this wasn't the arc opener it would've had more room to stretch its legs and show how horrific it could've been. kanae is a girl i feel really bad about and similar to wakaba, i don't really think her episode was a very optimistic ending for her especially since akio probably killed her later in the show?
honestly the minute akip appeared on screen, engaged to a girl who HASN'T EVEN GRADUATED and is also emotionally manipulating her so much and having his little sister manipulate her too... throw the whole man away
tl;dr - the black rose arc is very good and i like it a lot, the ending of the arc really fucks me up, somebody give mikage & all the black rose duelists therapy, throw akio in the garbage, and this show probably exists in some sort of time loop / frozen time space as a metaphor for the whole coffin thing but you can probbaly find people smarter than me talking about that.
oh and go rewatch cowbell of happiness it's great
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bound-writings · 4 years
Teru x female reader who's bad at her studies headcannons! Teru has secret crush on her
Teru Helping His Crush Study HCS
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As we all know, Teru, quite frankly, is smart as hell. Good at English, bad with nothing. A ranking of #1 out of #231. A true perfect student. He’s never had too much trouble studying, so when you go up to him wailing about your studies, he’s a bit surprised (and also in awe at how cute you look.)
You quickly opened the door to the student council, slamming the door against the wall, your hand placed on your chest as you furiously looked around the room, looking for a specific cheese head which you secretly adored. You must have looked like a crazy person but you didn’t care right now. 
You whipped your head over to the direction of the voice. Teru was standing over his desk, his head tilted slightly to the side curiously, paperwork scattered about.
Cute, you thought.
You shook your head, trying to get rid of that kind of thought.
“(Name)? Are you ok? You look very frazzled-”
You ran up to him, your feet skidding to a halt as you clutched his shirt. 
“T-Teru… it’s the worst possible situation ever!”
Teru looked down at you. Big puppy eyes and your lip jutting out, small fingers locked onto his shirt and one hand even on his tie, you looked adorable. Your hair was ruffled and pieces were sticking out, some bags under your eye, and your chest was heaving up and down as if you were running for quite a while. The tips of his ears went red as you were so close to him, your warmth was a comfort to him.
“What’s the matter, (Name)?”
You buried his head into his chest, a small whine escaping you. 
“Finals, Teru. FINALS!”
Teru raised his eyebrows as he brought his fingers to his chin.
“Finals, huh…”
“Yes, finals! How and why do you sound so calm about it?!”
“Oh yea.. I almost forgot. You’re the undefeated top-scoring student, amazing at everything…” you sulked, fingers dragging down his chest. You turned your back to him as you crossed your arms, pouting.
“Now, (Name)… why are you so scared about it in the first place? You’re quite capable and smart.”
You whipped around, grabbing his shoulders as you pursed your lips. “That’s not even true! But the worst part is…”
“Is..?” Teru was amused at your antics. You were very entertaining, one of the reasons he loved you.
“Is that I’m absolutely lost when studying!”
Teru blinked his eyes at you, while you stared straight into his own with the most serious expression he’s ever seen on you before he broke out in a chuckle and covered his mouth to try to muffle his laughs. You furrowed your eyebrows at his reaction.
“Teru, this is not a laughing matter! I’m being 100% serious right now!”
Teru smiled at you as he gently removed your hands from his shirt and set them at your side, his heart slightly pounding against his chest as he savored the softness of your hands in his.
“(Name), I’m sure you’re exaggerating-”
“I’m not, Teru! Every time I tried to study, I always got distracted, or I don’t understand the material, and just- grr!” you scowled, running your hands through your hair. “And imagine what everyone will think when they see a member of the student council fail their exams! They’ll call me the dumbest person in the school!”
Then, your shoulders perked up, as you nervously glanced up at him. “T-That’s why I came to ask you to help me.”
“Y-yea!” You glided over to Teru once again and clasped your hands together. “Please, Teru! Help me study!”
“Sure, (Name.)”
“Please, this is a once in a lifetime reque- eh?” You hastily looked up, eyes shining with hope. “You will?!”
Teru smiled as he smoothed your ruffled hair. “Of course, (Name.) Anything for you,” he said, twirling a lock of hair around his fingers.
You blushed as you bowed. “Thank you so much, Teru! Oh, I’ll help you finish all your paperwork and-”
“Oh God, there’s a but?! Teru, please don’t make me do something crazy-”
“Don’t look so scared, I didn’t even say anything yet (Name)!” he smiled, sparkles floating around him.
You squinted your eyes at his suspiciously. Even though you had a secret infatuation with the boy, you knew how he would, well, treat Akane. Teru leaned forward, whispering into your ear.
“You have to listen to one command from me, no matter what it is.” His breath tickled your ear and you were sure you were going to combust.
“If you’re fine with that, come see me after school, (Name).”
The sly mf already knew you were going to say yes. This boy knows how to work his magic to get you to come to him. Not just he means any harm, he’s just itching to spend some alone time with you (even if he appears to be neutral on the surface.) So he’s not surprised when you’re there waiting for him, hands on your hips, cheeks slightly flushed. (All according to plan!)
“I agree to your condition, Teru! But it better not be anything weird!”
He just smiles at you but inside he’s giddy with joy. Some alone time? With you? The most beautiful person he knows, loves, and adores? HELL YES! He doesn’t miss the opportunity to invite you to his house, despite the amount of paperwork he has left to do. (He’ll just dump it on Akane.) When you two arrive at his house, you’re probably marveling at how big it is and he’s just smiling at you all happy because he’s so glad he just snatched you up for some alone time. When Kou and Tiara saw you they got all excited because they love you too!! The two youngest siblings were giving each other looks because the only time their big brother brings anyone home is when he really likes them so they’re like ;) you go get them, tiger!!
Of course, y’all actually have to study, unfortunately. Teru has everything organized already (he prepared just for you!) You would start with the easiest stuff first because he didn’t want you to get overwhelmed too early on. Sometimes it’s hard for both of you to focus. When you’re trying to figure out a question, Teru points and shows you how to do it and his fingers brush ever so gently against yours. Both of you are flustered, but neither of you pull away, because, well, both of you like the feeling. Teru tends to stare at you a lot, whether it’s intentional or not, you don’t know. You are just chewing your pencil, glaring at the question while Teru just stares at you patiently with literal sparkles around him, and when you looked up you are blinded by how precious he looks. Similarly, whenever you get a question right, you always send Teru a closed eye smile, one hand against your cheek and the other making a peace sign. Cue Teru trying not to blush. He just wants to hold your hand and squeeze it every time you got something right and to maybe give you some cheek and forehead kisses every time you did something adorable (which is like 24/7 according to Teru’s logic.) It is actually quite a productive studying session, much to your delight, and Teru is also satisfied because he got to spend time with his beloved and also him you!
Much like a few days ago, you busted open the door to the student council, hopping in while you waved your hands around delightedly. You squealed with glee at the sight of Teru, rushing over to him with a piece of paper in your hand.
“Teru, Teru! Look!” you giggled as shoved the slip of paper that had the grades for your final exams.
“I actually did good!” you twirled around, humming, slightly hoping Teru would praise you.
Teru smiled at you, his face going soft at your adorableness. “I told you that you were going to do fine. You didn’t even need my help.”
“Hey! That’s not true! Without you, I would have failed! So I guess I’m in your debt now!” you grinned, shyly scratching your cheek.
“Of course you are, (Name). Don’t you remember the condition?”
“The condition? What- oh.. that conditon..” your face fell as a nervous grin replaced your previous one. “W-well, Teru, it was nice seeing you but I think I have to go now!” you started backing up towards the door but it was pushed in and your back hit the wall. When did that happen? There was no time to think or escape as Teru was quicker than your tiny little legs.
A hand gently hit the wall next to your face, as you nearly jumped at the sound as you glanced at it. When you glanced back to speak up, Teru’s face was already alarmingly close to yours. His beautiful blue eyes stared at you, and you could see his features close up. He was handsome already… but damn, you could feel your whole body heating up.
“You know, (Name), it’s not good to go back on your word.”
You couldn’t conjure any words to respond. 
“You don’t have to worry though. My request is a very simple one.”
You merely nodded as you averted eye contact, you could barely even stand as your legs turned to jelly.
“Close your eyes for me, (Name).”
You furrowed your eyebrows at his particularly strange request but did as he asked, squeezing your eyes shut as you swallowed in anticipation of something bad to happen.
A hand caressed your cheek, causing you to stiffen in surprise. A finger traced your lips and lifted your chin up. Then another pair of lips brushed against yours, and then smashed onto yours leaving you in complete and utter shock. Teru’s hand gently combed through your locks, and it all sank in.
Teru was kissing you.
He pulled away almost too fast, his hands leaving your body and returning to his side, leaving you in a flurry of emotions and also wanting more of those sweet, delectable, kisses.
“That wasn’t too bad of a condition, was it, (Name)?” he asked playfully, enjoying the sight of your flustered face and messy hair displayed before him.
There was one thing you knew for sure.
If this was the condition for studying with Teru, you’d be very interested in studying with him a lot more often.
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