#hes a bookworm and a monster at the same time
hamilvette · 2 months
Now, because I don't want y'all to think I see Magnífico as some kind of awful parent-monster
Reasons I think Magnífico would be thrilled of having a child
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I'll try to make this less of a ramble and more organised this time around. So I'll go by stages.
Before the arrival of the child
Pregnancy; if his significant other and himself can have a child this way:
Even if at first he can be joyful of the idea or having an heir if their partner also wants that too, it would probably be such a far away concept, but the moment he sees the bump he'll be amazed.
I can imagine him being with his partner like: wow, you're actually creating something magic can't ever compete with: a life. That's amazing, and your body does it by itself!
And the first time he gets to talk to the bump and the baby responds with movement, Magnífico would be absolutely ecstatic. He wouldn't cease to talk or sing to his partner's belly just to feel or see movement, much to his partner's amusement or tiredness. But he can't help but get a heavy sense of pride in watching their baby react to his voice more than to anyone else's.
He would spend days and nights coming to his partner with suggestions for names until they settle in one they like. I'm thinking he wouldn't want to call a son "Magnífico II" cuz he likes being special, and would want his son to be special too, haha.
If his partner and himself decide to adopt a child:
Magnífico would probably just do it if he feels like it's right. Maybe he gets to know a child that has lost its parents and can't help himself but empathize with them, so he would want to help them to have a better life and decide to take them under his wing and guidance. Depending on their age, the bond would develop either slowly or quickly.
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Now, when a baby arrives:
The first time he holds the baby into his arms, he will probably cry. He'll be amazed at how tiny a baby is, and would swear to protect them at all costs 🩵.
He will always be proud of having a baby. Like: this is my child, and everyone must adore him as much as I do, but no one will ever love him as much as I and my partner do. I can picture him holding the baby to introduce them to his kingdom like Rafiki held Simba in the Lion King, LOL.
Magnífico may feel like this is his second chance at having a family like the one he lost, and even if it's not the same, he'd still cherish the opportunity of having a new family.
As much as he and his partner might be stressed about constant crying and both terrified of hurting their baby, they would like whenever the baby cuddles with them, or when the baby gives soft cooes of happiness. Those memories Magnífico will forever cherish.
He would probably try to make a baby mobile for their crib by himself. Not with his bare hands, but with the aid of magic. He'll do something like a modern mobile, but in those years? Absolute magic: maybe a stars and roses themed, or a planet and stars themed, with music and faint lights.
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Having a toddler:
Magnífico will absolutely adore seeing a big eyed toddler looking up at him like he's the center of the world. His ego and love will grow so big it might hurt, but he adores talking to an attentive toddler that babbles back in interest of what he's rambling about.
He would feel so good of hearing laughter from his child, so he would be willing to amuse them with magic tricks, feeling prideful like a peacock whenever the child claps at anything they find amusing
Even if he's occupied being king of Rosas, whenever he has time, he'll like to take his child with him and teach him how "important daddy is."
Magnífico would probably read a lot of books to the child. I consider Magnífico to be a bookworm himself, so he would like to teach his kid the same passion for knowledge. Probably would start with fairytales and things to explore and expand the baby's imagination, but then it won't be such a surprise to find him reading out loud books of alchemy, of basic magic or astrology.
Magnífico would find amusing whenever the child is trying to say a complicated word. Like, he knows and can see the baby is trying, but it's just a baby and finds it hilarious to try to replicate a long word only to come up with gibberish.
He would also find it amusing when the child learns to walk. Seeing such a little thing trying to follow his steps as he walks around in his studio will always make him chuckle.
Magnífico loves his child's laughter, and dreads their cries. Whenever he hears them cry, his heart breaks a little and comes in overprotective mode. He would have such a hard time accepting that he can't just protect his child from everything they find scary.
However, I don't think he's good at consolations/reassurance. He would rather distract the attention of the child than just hold them while they cry.
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With a child:
Magnífico will like playing around. Like: magic tricks everywhere, playing hide and seek in the gardens. A lot of joyful shrieks and laughter might be heard as Magnífico decides to "terrorise" his child with a wild chase around the castle.
Magnífico will be THRILLED when his child asks him to teach them how to do magic. He wants to have the attention and as well teach his child how to wield magic.
He'll bond a lot with his child by teaching them magic. However, he might be a little impatient if his child doesn't take it seriously. He needs them to understand that magic is both a blessing and a curse, not only to do fairy lights.
His patience might wear too thin in magic related things, but will always try to make amends if he ever crosses a line. Magnífico might not apologise per se cuz he's narcissistic and prideful, but would try to make things right.
He would probably grow fond of pillow fights and tea parties, even if with his partner he tries to act as he's just obliged to comply.
Magnífico doesn't like being questioned, however, understanding that a child doesn't know everything beforehand, he'll do his best to satiate curiosity without ever giving away too many details.
And I'm not going to put how it'll be with a teenager cuz in that stage his relationship with his child would probably become weary.
So that's it. I might come around with some other nonsense, but this is my hot take on Magnífico as a parent.
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booksanddarkchocolate · 4 months
So here are my live reactions on the pjo finale:
- I’m not mentally ready for this yet
- Long episode tho :)
- Omg Luke opening gave me chills
- But why are they flashbacks and not just something we saw in ep2?
- I’m still confused on why they chose to reveal the Kronos thing already
- Why is Percy not wearing Annabeths necklace yet 🥺
- Damn slay Percy
- The fight didn’t disappoint I’d say
- Wait are they on Montauk 🥹
- The “please” 😭😂
- “I’m done running from monsters” babes you only just started
- AWWW there is the necklace 🥹
- I feel like Luke mentioning Annabeths arachnophobia is so random even tho he explained it 😂
- Oh hello Zeus
- That is one hell of a good casting choice for Zeus, appearance wise
- Okay Zeus letting Percy go already felt way too easy lol
- Percy you are so lucky
- They’re making Poseidon way too good of a father tho I’m sorry
- Oh I’m gonna listen to their Ancient Greek convo later and slower because I love nitpicking hihi
- I’m not sure whether I like that they changed the Greek coming natural thing, because on one side it feels like an unnecessary change, but on the other side I can still be delusional and think I’m a demigod, because Ancient Greek does not come naturally to me at all sadly
- Wait but does that still mean all demigods have dyslexia (and adhd)? I don’t remember whether they talked about it earlier in the series
- I will be so mad if Annabeth doesn’t have dyslexia and adhd (and still is also a bookworm, we’ve seen her being a nerd but not necessarily a bookworm)
- Awwww Percabeth hug
- Annabeth and Lukes relationship in this interaction was done perfectly
- Does Percy already suspect Luke now?
- That’s one hell of an accusation Percy
- But you know since he figured out about Kronos too it makes sense
- Backbiter name drop yas
- “This isn’t you” okay but how long do you actually know him Percy lol
- I’m very confused on what Luke is doing honestly
- What is he opening? And is the H on purpose, supposed to represent Hermes?
- Oh oh Annabeth is here
- Oh don’t know how to feel about that
- I do know that Leah made me cry, gods the betrayal in her eyes 🥺
- Really not doing the “names are powerful” thing huh😂
- Jason is so perfect for Dionysus
- “It’s a tree, Seaweed Brain, it doesn’t express opinions” 😂
- Leahs hair is so beautiful
- It feels so sudden that she goes to see her dad now, but I don’t remember whether it was less sudden in the books lol
- Annabeth not know what Disneyland is, oh my baby 🥺
- “Go, be a kid” Percy is saying what we’re all thinking
- The trio is trioing 🥹
- What is happening
- That is FOUL
- What is happening part 2
- Yes please listen to your mom, don’t call him grandpa 😂
- I am patiently waiting for the Medusa Gabe scene here
- Please tell me there’s an after credit scene and it happens then
- Every time I watch the credits and every time I feel like it’s not the same
- I have thoughts on the changes of Gabe turning into a statue but I cannot formulate them yet lol
- Ohmygod there’s a documentary
- Watching that tomorrow
Now the season is done I do wanna make an actual review of what I like and dislike both adaptation and just as a show wise
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leslutdepointedulac · 2 months
11, 14 and 15 - Loustat 😀
11. What their first impression was of each other
Lestat's first impression of Louis, was that he was the most stunning, gorgeous creature he had ever laid eyes upon. He thought his sadness was beautiful and that was what drew him in. It was the sad wet eyes, lbr 🥺 He basically took one look at him and thought "Damn girl, you look soggy. How about you be soggy as my boyfriend? 😏"
Louis' first impression of Lestat was that he was a pretty extraordinary, god of a man. He knew almost instantly, before he even said anything, that this man was about to change his life forever (and did he ever lmao). But at the same time, he was wary and was thinking that maybe he shouldn't be so eager to jump at whatever it was he had to say. This was down to being generally cautious, but also because of ✨Catholic Guilt✨ and ✨Repression✨
14. What nicknames they call each other
I mean, what doesn't Lestat call Louis lmao. I think he's probably called him every nickname under the sun at least once. His usual nicknames for Louis though, are things like:
My dusty one
My little worm (it used to be my little bookworm, but one day he accidentally dropped the book bit and just said worm and for some reason it stuck. This now means whenever Louis' in a mood with him, Lestat will say "I'd still love you if you were a worm.")
Choir Boy (this said as a jab re: Louis' Catholic past and is only ever used when they have sex because Louis' being kinda loud)
Louis' nicknames for Lestat are:
Insufferable creature
My beloved god (this is also only ever used during sex, Louis doesn't need Lestat's ego inflated anymore outside the bedroom. It always has Lestat squirming and whining like there's no tomorrow.)
My heart
15. What they would change about each other
For the most part, Lestat thinks Louis is perfection. If you asked him, he'd say there was nothing he'd change and probably get quite offended that you'd even suggest there was anything to change. However, Lestat's real answer would be that he'd want Louis to be happier. On the whole, Lestat loves Louis' cynicism and his sadness and accepts that that's part of what makes him him, but it's when Louis is having one of his especially depressive days, that Lestat wishes he could take that misery from him and make him happier.
When it comes to Lestat, most people would expect Louis to say something like, "His vanity", or "His ability to make the worst decisions 9/10 times". But Louis actually loves those things about Lestat, he actually finds them very endearing. Louis would actually change how Lestat feels about himself. He knows that at times, Lestat still has this self-hatred, and this belief that he's a monster and unlovable because of his physical inhuman-ness. Louis wants nothing more than to make Lestat understand that he is loved, he's not a monster and that his distance from humanity, in terms of his physical state, is not something he's repulsed by and Lestat shouldn't be either.
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(steddie tbhk au. kinda.)
--- > Part 2 :)
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Read on Ao3 <3
Here is the thing. Steve is aware that it was his fault. It was his fault for being so self-obsessed. It was his fault for being a bad boyfriend. It was his fault for ignoring his girlfriend when all she wanted to do was to talk with him. It was his fault for being a bad fucking person even though he told himself time and time again that he would finally change.
So he can't really fault Nancy for cheating on him. She found someone better - someone who didn't hurt others for fun, someone who understood her needs and could actually meet them, someone who actually deserved her. She simply had had enough brain to realize that - of course she had, nobody could say that Nancy Wheeler wasn't smart - and enough self-respect to take the opportunity when it arose. He couldn't be mad at her for that. Sure, it would've been nice of her to break up in a different way. Sooner, probably, and not drunk enough for her words to slur into each other. But he knows that he doesn't have any right to complain. It is what he deserves, after all.
Here is another thing Steve is aware of: the supernatural is real.
The discovery wasn't all too surprising, more like the confirmation of something he'd been too scared to properly acknowledge until he couldn't deny it anymore. Hawkins and the supernatural have been closely intertwined for as long as anyone can remember, and everyone who lives here has no choice but to be somewhat aware of it.
There are people who try to deny it, of course. The town has a horrifying history of buried disappearances and mangled unexplained corpses that nobody talks about. More often than not a case will run cold instead of being solved. Officially there are kidnappers and serial killers loose, but nobody searches too hard, and in the end it doesn't matter whether that truly is the case. After all, there is nothing the chief can do against the supernatural, even if he were to acknowledge it. Sometimes it's just easier to live in denial.
Most things are easy to ignore or to write off. A sudden epidemic of lost pens and books and loose change? Children are so irresponsible nowadays. When the same problem extends to locker doors and an entire statue? Well, if you live in Hawkins, you develop a talent for looking the other way.
Steve's parents are firm deniers of the supernatural. If they had spent more time with him, maybe he wouldn't believe in it either. But they didn't. Maybe they felt that there was something wrong - something other - in Hawkins, and they wanted to get as far away from it as possible. It is not like the reason matters. Fact is, Steve had always been on the fence when it comes to that kind of stuff and had decided early on that it's better to be safe than sorry. So he kept his ears open.
Rumor has it that if you step on the fourth step of the stairs near the art room you will be sent to another dimension. Welp, he is going to pay a bit closer attention to where he steps. The spirits of dead students will haunt you if you are in the school library at 23 o'clock. What can he say, he has never been much of a bookworm anyway. Worst case scenario, he slightly inconvenienced himself for nothing. Best case scenario...well.
He can't say he didn't feel a bit vindicated when he saw the monster attacking Nancy and Jonathan.
But the supernatural is insatiable and greedy. Once you have stepped into its grasp, it does not want to let you go. That was when Steve had understood that the denial was a safety mechanism, that sometimes it is better for you and everyone around you if you just don't look too close. Unfortunately it was way too late for him by the time he had had that particular realization.
But still, he tried. Fuck had he tried. He was even more overly cautious of where he stepped and he still refused to go to the school library no matter the time and he still always kept an ear out for any new rumors that might arise. And yet he always managed to become entangled in one thing or another. A week where he doesn't step foot into the netherworld (or upside-down, as the kids call it) is rarer than ones he does, and as soon as he saw his first supernatural creature they suddenly were everywhere. It is kind of horrifying how many live amongst them without anyone noticing.
And now, here he is. Actively seeking out the supernatural. On his own. He didn't even tell anyone so they know to send backup if he doesn't return. If this is where he dies, there is nobody else to blame.
He probably would feel disappointed in himself if he was able to feel anything at all at the moment. This truly would be a very stupid and very preventable way to die. As things are, he doesn't feel anything at all as he makes sure nobody can see him. Neither as he enters the old girls bathroom with the mold everyone does their best to avoid. He also doesn't feel anything as the creaking door of the last stall falls closed behind him, or when he calls for the spirit. He doesn't even feel anything when the spirit doesn't respond and he is just a desperate boy standing around in a moldy female bathroom.
He does feel something when a cold hand suddenly appears on his shoulder.
Here is the thing about humans. They can get used to anything, no matter how ludicrous, if only it happens often enough. Had this been his first brush with the supernatural, he probably would've screamed. Had this only been his second or third time, he probably wouldn't be calm enough to really take in the hand that suddenly materialized behind him. He probably wouldn't have noticed all the rings adorning those slender fingers, as there isn't a difference in temperature between the cold skin and the cold metal. He probably wouldn't have seen that the black nails were only painted and were lightly chipped at places. He probably wouldn't have taken a second to admire how elegant and slender the hand is.
Admittedly, even he is a bit taken aback when he actually turns around. And here he thought he'd seen it all.
"Look, no offence, but aren't you like....supposed to be a girl?"
The spirit, who despite the long hair and bold black makeup is definitely not a girl, seems annoyed with him. It would've been more terrifying if Steve hadn't had multiple spirits try to kill him and come disturbingly close to it before.
"Hey, I'm not the only one who shouldn't be in the girls' bathroom right now, so like, shut the fuck up."
Steve sighs. Perverted and rude. What a fucking jackpot.
"Okay, look. Clearly we both are feeling weird about being here." Even though this is apparently your chosen resting place, he doesn't add. He does still need a favor from the guy. "So like, could we maybe continue this conversation in the hallway? Or at least in the boys' bathroom? I do admittedly feel a bit better at not being the only boy in the female bathroom, but it's still kind of, well... weird, ya know?"
Without a word the ghost turns around floats through the door. Steve takes that as his sign to follow him. The ghost doesn't talk and it takes him some time to realize where the other is leading him. The library. How long has it been since he last was here?
He doesn't know if it is abnormal for the library to be completely empty at this time of the day, but he will probably feel safer if he doesn't ask.
"You aren't a very good little student, you know?"
Steve is growing consistently more concerned. The rumors talked about a girl. Not a boy that can magically know your grades. Oh god, maybe he wanted to take him here so he could force him to study. Now that would be a true nightmare.
"No, I don't mean it like that, oh my god. But it makes sense, I guess. You are already pretty and brave, it would be unfair if you were smart, too-"
"No. I meant that normally when a student succesfully summons me and I deem them worthy enough to be blessed by my presence."
And what a fucking blessing that is.
"They get so scared they run away before they even can make their wish. I'm pretty sure this is the most chill conversation I have ever had with another living person."
"That includes the time you were alive, too?"
"Ha ha ha, very funny. So, what is your wish, my knight in shining armor? Remembering that flattery will get you very far."
Steve can feel the way his face falls in on itself when he remembers the entire reason for this foolhardy plan. This spirit in front of him is so different from any other supernatural being he's met before, much less bloodthirsty or malicous. It's stupid, but for a moment he almost thought they could maybe be...friends. Which is such a dumb thought and definitely way more unrealistic than ghosts. Evidence A, the of yet unnamed ghost floating right in front of him.
"Hey, what is actually your name?"
"That your wish?"
"I- No?! Why would I call upon a wish-granting spirit only to wish to know her- his name and then never talk to him again?!"
"You never want to see me again? Now that's rude. How 'bout that: tell me your name first"
"I asked first"
"YOU are the one who wants something from ME, sweetie. I don't think you are the one with the upper hand in this situation"
Steve sighs. As much as he wants to deny it, the unnamed spirit in front of him is telling the truth. (He ignores the shiver down his spine at the pet name. Nancy had never been a fan of those.) "Steve. Steve Harrington."
"Steve Harrington." The spirit takes his time, savoring every syllable. "If that isn't the fucking most suburban-conservative-little-town-in-the-Midwest name I've ever heard. Well Stevie, you may call me Hanako"
"But Hanako is your title. Not your name."
"That is indeed the truth, darling. You really shouldn't undersell your intelligence like that-"
"I fucking didn't, you just assumed-"
"you are the first one to actually realize that. Unfortunately for you, you haven't unlocked this information yet-"
"like some fucking nerd game?!"
"OR told me your wish. Which is why you are here. Which is why everyone is here, even if you were much better at smalltalk than most. So? I'm all ears for you, big boy."
And now that the time has finally come - with surprisingly little bloodshed or near-death-events, even - his throat closes up. He knows he wants to do it. Needs to do it. He knows that it isn't fair, that it is a just punishment he should shoulder like a man, that he deserves every drop of pain and regret and more, that making a deal with the supernatural always has a price. But the thought of continuing to live with this numbness weighting him down doesn't seem feasible.
He tries to tell himself that it isn't so bad. After all, it's not like he is doing anything to Nancy or Jonathan. Hell, this would actually somewhat help them.
But it is a scary thought. Loving Nancy has become so ingrained into his DNA, he can't imagine who he will become without it. Isn't even sure if he wants to know this Steve.
Still. The choice to search out a supernatural being on his own was not one he had taken lightly, and now it is too late to turn back anyway.
"I- I want to stop having feelings for Nancy."
"...Nancy being?"
"My girlf-, my ex-girlfriend." Silence. "She, she found someone better than me. Someone who actually deserves her. I just...need a bit of help to move on."
"And...you are sure you don't want to make this Nancy just fall in love with you instead? That is what most people ask for, you know?"
"She gave me way too many speeches about feminism and agency for me to ever do this to her. I...I already messed up enough. Already made her suffer enough. More than enough. She and Jonathan...yeah. I don't think she's ever looked at me the way she looks at him. The way I still look at her. So. Uhm please? Your hair is very...very...wavy. Like, good wavey."
More silence. Steve needs to force himself not to open his mouth again. Maybe his heart wrenching speech just needs a bit more time to settle in.
"I am a bit disappointed, you know?"
"Excuse me?!" He crosses his arms and can almost physically feel himself slipping into babysitter-mode "And what, pray tell, do you mean by that?"
"I mean that every-fucking-time someone calls me it's because of some stupid love shit, yanno? It gets kind of boring. You were the first one who actually bothered with some small talk so i was just hoping for something more interesting I guess. Like, just throwing some ideas out there, have you ever thought about world domination? Like, I didn't really have the time of my life here - pun intended. And I think it would be really fun. Soooo....how about it?"
"Soooo....how about no?"
"Not even if you can take this Nancy as your badass feminist queen and I allow her to be part of our awesome world-dominating partnership? Or well, trio in this case. That Jonathan dude can come, too, if he insists."
Steve does not deem this outlandish suggestion with an answer. Hanako sighs and looks so much like a kicked puppy that Steve almost feels bad for not attempting world domination with him.
"Okay. Look. Can I tell you a secret?"
He raises a brow. "Can I stop you?"
Hanako also tries to raise only one brow and fails. Steve graciously let's it go - he is kind of dependent on the guy right now, no matter how ridiculous he is being.
"You are my favorite so far, okay."
"Aw. I thought spirits weren't supposed to have one favorite victim?"
"Thin fucking ice, Harrington. Just- listen to me when I say that love isn't worth it. Feelings are either fabricated and can never be as genuine as the real deal, or they just go away on their own. Time heals all wounds or whatever", he looks down at his own half-transparent hands. "Or, well, most wounds."
He looks back up and stares Steve directly into the eyes. And like, he knew that Hanako's eyes were brown. But damn were they brown. And warm. And big. If you were to look up "doe-eyed" in the dictionary, the definition would be a photo of the look the guy is giving him right now. Almost makes him reconsider the world-domination idea.
"Deals with the supernatural always have a price. Are you completely and a hundred percent sure that it's worth it?"
And Steve stops. He knew how dangerous the supernatural could be, had seen the ridiculous prizes people paid. How the other side twisted and turned their pleas and wishes just so they could laugh at those stupid and desperate enough to ask for powers beyond their control. He thought that he had made peace with it, thought he had been ready to pay whatever Hanako demanded from him. But now that the spirit himself is warning him...
"It may seem like life or death right now, but it always does in the moment"
And Steve sighs. He knows what the right thing to do is and he knows it would be more than stupid not to take this surprisingly friendly spirit on his chance to walk away.
But he already knew that before he went to the bathroom stall. And it hurts so fucking bad sometimes the weight on his chest makes it hard to breathe.
"What-"he licks his lips, hates how his voice breaks, "What would you suggest instead?"
"Have you already tried watching stupid romcons while consuming a concerning amount of ice cream?
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
Hiii! Could you do a James potter twin reader x Marlene pretty please?? Thx so much!!
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I can do it again if you want?
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Marlene McKinnon x fem! Potter! Reader
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Summary: Marlene thinks her crush doesn't like it because she never talks, when really it's because she's shy...and has a monster crush on her as well
Warnings: swearing, acquaintances to lovers, quiet mutual pining, super shy! reader, first kiss, getting together, established wolfstar and jilly
A/n: 1.8k words, implied Hufflepuff reader but it’s never said x
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Navigation | Marlene McKinnon Masterlist
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You were headed to the library, books clutched to your chest and in your own little world when you spot your brother and his friends. You smiled as you saw he was with Lily, you didn’t know the girl all too well as you mostly hung about with Amos and Alex but you knew she was kind and more than held your brothers heart.
You debated whether or not to say hello, not because you wouldn’t be welcome but more because of one of Lily’ friends, Marlene.
Marlene was beyond gorgeous, confident, out going, complete opposite to you, the quiet, be it nerdy bookworm. She was in all of your classes, yet in almost 7 years of school along with your brother and her being besties, you had never spoken a singleword to her.
Embarrassingly it wasn’t due to the opportunity never presenting itself, it had in fact happened more times than you care admit. She tried to make conversation, using your brother and hers random once a year adventures as an in, yet you offered her nothing but a nervous smile in response.
Due to this, you ultimately decided you would just walk on by with a wave and not stop. Your brother would know not to drag you into conversation, he learned over the years to let you work at your own pace with people, especially extroverts like himself
“Hey little potter” you hear Sirius say with his elbow leaning softly on Remus’ shoulder and you smile at him, not just due to the greeting but the height difference between the two made the whole scene adorable
You offer a wave with your smile, seeing all of them do the same, but really you were focused on the fact Marlene did it, in your eyes or maybe your imagination, a little more enthusiastically than the others. Either way you walked to the library with the biggest smile on your face, she would never know but that small act sent your heart to the stars
“She’s the cutest witch alive ain't she” Sirius comments to the group as they watch your receding figure
Remus hums in agreement “That she is love” he smiles, gently removing Sirius’ arm and replacing it with his own around the shorter boys shoulders
Sirius blushes ever so slightly but luckily the conversation focus' on you so the only one who would tease him for it would be Remus’ later
“Why didn’t she say hi?” Alice wonders out loud, her voice sweet and they all can practically feel Frank melting beside her
James’ eyes light up but they shine when Lily answers for him
“Oh that’s her way of saying hi back is a smile, she’s just really shy” she explains with her head leaning into James’ bicep
Marlene smiles at that
“Does she ever speak?” she asks nicely, her voice softer than normal as it always was when the topic revolved around yourself
“Yeah, just takes her a while to open up” James replies, subtly raising an eyebrow as he was the only one to pick up on the blonde becoming absolutely mush around you
“Took her living in a house with me before she and I actually had a conversation that she led…let me tell you the girl can talk when she gets going, it’s so cute when she geeks out” Sirius notes
“She and I got close by sneaking to the kitchens during parties because they weren’t really our thing” Remus adds
Sirius lets out a laugh “I remember that…and I remember us all thinking you were shagging” his tone changes a little at the end
“Jealous pup” Remus’ whispers while Lily and Peter tell Marlene, Alice and Frank how they bonded with you
Sirius flushes
“Shut up Mr I thought you fancied Marlene still you realised we were just getting high and crying about how we didn’t think the people we loved swayed that way” he whispers quickly back, recalling how Marlene used to pine after Dorcas, or at least thats who he assumed it was considered they dated for a few months, but she never actually said a name
“Oh that reminds me I needed to give y/n her book back” Lily says, pulling it out of her bag “I’ll be back in a jiffy” she says but Marlene stops her
“I can take. I need to go there anyway actually” she lies, really she just wanted to try and talk to you alone, no classmates, no friends, no drunk party goers, just you, her and the books
Lily tilts her head while Sirius just plain asks what they were all thinking
“Why would you need to go to the library?"
“She needs to pick up a book for our Runes assignment” James covers for her
They did have an assignment but the class was a joke, hence why they took it so they could just have fun and Marlene teach James more muggle stuff. Originally it was so he could understand Lily better but then he just enjoyed her company…besides it was likely she would be his sister in law at some stage anyway
Marlene gives James a thankful smile as Lily happily hands her the book, mouthing a ‘thank you’ to him to which he returns with a ‘go get her’
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You sighed as you sat in the corner of the library, resting your chin on your crossed over arms. Looking up and out of the small window nearby, crying over your potions homework could wait a few minutes. Right now you just wanted to stare out of the window and daydream about Marlene
Imagining a confident you…okay a you that could speak and was actually dating her. Imagining yourself laying your head in her lap as she read to you, or her arm around you as she spoke with the group…maybe having a study session late at night and kissing her between the shelves...
The sudden voice had you falling out of your chair, face feeling more than hot as you realised who it was
“You okay dolly?” She asks while you felt yourself die and go to the afterlife
Dolly, she called me dolly
You just nod, scrambling a little as you climb back into your seat and chewing your bottom lip as she takes a seat next to you
“I have Lily’s book for you” she places it on the table with a smile, looking as confident as ever
She wasn’t her confident self though, around you she felt nervous, terrified she would accidentally scare you away. She knew from James you liked girls, so that was one less worry but she was still utterly terrified you didn’t like her. No matter how much James tried to assure her, no matter all the stories of how shy you were, she was still nervous you just genuinely just hated her company and thats why you never spoke
Say something…anything…fuck it, you think
If the library hadn’t been dead quiet, the windows shut and Marlene purposefully listening for even the smallest of squeaks she would have missed it but she didn’t and she heard it. She couldn’t help but wiggle in her seat a little, trying not to just yell my crush since forever finally spoke to me, to the whole world
“Anything for you” she lets slip from her lips and if you weren’t melting before you were sure as merlin a puddle now
You shy away from her, looking out of the window again but she can see the gentle tugging up of your lips
“What are you studying?” she looks over the books “Oh potions…fun”
You giggle at the sarcasm in her tone and it’s perfect. Marlene had imagined your laugh many times, but the real one swept her expectations out of the water
“Fun as Mr Binns telling us about historical mischief” you softly quip
Marlene’ eyes widen, sub-consciously…consciously…scooting closer, giggling unapologetically with a small snort at the end
“Trust him to make mischief boring” she replies and you laugh again “Don’t even get me started on broom history…I frickin love quidditch but seriously who needs to know that the first brooms practically gave the users splinters up their arse” another laugh but this time it’s louder, freer
“You’re funny” you compliment and she gives you the widest smile
“So are you” she returns it, leaning her elbows on the desk, so close they are teasing yours “I’d offer to help but there’s a reason I’m not getting a NEWT in it” she confesses
You smile, your stomach full of butterflies unsure if you may puke or not but at least you can speak now
“It’s okay, Alex is rather good at it I’m sure he can help me later after practice”
“That mean you’re free right now?” she inquires, hope evident in her voice
“I suppose” you let your elbows touch, feeling a small shock rush through you
“You want to maybe go a walk with me?” her voice wavers at the start but she quickly recovers
You meet her eyes, maybe it was the seeds of first love or the way the light was hitting off of the window but you could have swore they sparkled as you said
“Great!” ghe says a little loudly and you let out a small squeak “Sorry” her cheek go a little red...more than a little red
“You know…” you start before taking a deep breath
Yes she asked you to go a walk but what you were about to suggest turned it into a real date
“…Jamie showed me all of the secret passageways, including ones to Hogsmeade” your voice is soft and your words slow, eyes doe like as you watch for her answer
Marlene resists the urge to kiss you…for all of two seconds.
Her lips left yours as fast as they met them, it was just a peck but it meant everything to you both, even if Marlene thought she ruined or misread everything as you had gone a tad catatonic
“I’m sorry” she apologies, a sad look on her face
You shake your head a little, an act that would have been so cute to the girl if she wasn’t freaking out.
Your fingers go to your lips, gently tracing along them “Did I…umm” you start to lose your voice once more but fight to keep it “….imagine…” nope it’s a losing battle, she broke you
“I can do it again if you want” she masks her nerves with a small joke but you nod like she was dead serious “Really?” you nod again
Marlene doesn’t rush this one, her hand gently cupping your face as her thumb brushes over your cheek. She admires you for a minute, shamelessly enjoying you swimming in your seat and melting under her touch just like she had always dreamed of
“You have no idea how long I’ve what this dolly” is what she whispers before your lips touch
The kiss is sweet and the girl finds herself smiling into it, you may not be able to speak but merlin did your lips move in sync with hers and when she pulls back your lips chase hers breifly before you press them together, the plumpness evident as well as your want for it to never have ended.
"You coming then dolly" she quickly places your books in your bag, holding out her hand as she stands up
You just take it, voice long gone for this hills by now
“Can I assume our date will be mostly wordless”
You nod with a small pout
She pecks it "No worries dolly" she takes your hand "I can talk enough for the two of us"
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Thank you for reading 💛
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cassiekayscreams · 6 months
Jeckyll and Hyde Miraculous AU
Miraculous has come up again in my hyperfixation cycle, so I’ve decided to revive an old concept I never had the time or energy to do anything with. In fact, I’ll probably just drop this and then disappear into obscurity again. I love the idea of the civilians and superheroes actually being different people - sort of a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde situation. (More directly inspired by Jackson Jekyll and Holt Hyde from Monster High; I never read the original Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde so I don’t know how much of an accurate representation it is.) So instead of the miraculous holder having a Kwami that transforms them into a superhero, the miraculous basically allows the superhero person to “possess”? the person. The holder and superhero share a body, though the appearance transforms when the superhero “takes over.” The holder/host is completely unaware that they are the superheroes/that the superheroes are inhabiting their same body, other than they black out for extended periods of time and come to in different places or situations than they last remember. The heroes, meanwhile, are aware enough that they are inhabiting another person’s body and they’re aware enough of their lives to know things they need to know to protect their identities - where they live and go to school, who their family is, etc. But they don’t share memories with the host so they don’t feel the same way about people. They’re their own separate person with their own separate ideas, relationships, and personalities.
Key Differences from Canon Rather than “miraculous holders” being chosen based on their own personality traits (ie Marinette and Adrien both showed kindness and self-sacrifice in helping Fu), it’s based on if their auras are comparable with and can sustain the miraculous. No kwamis Since holders/hosts don’t really realize they’re the superheroes/villains (am gonna have to come up with a name for this persona/form of them), the miraculous can’t be misused in the sense that the person chooses to use it for evil. Instead, the miraculous itself, and thus the “possessor”, is corrupted and evil. The holder/host may even be a good person and not realize their alter ego is evil. Opposite can be true with heroes, as well.
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Characteristics -Anxious overthinker -Clumsy -Hard time standing up for herself but will absolutely stand up for others, especially her friends -Chronic people pleaser -Very sweet but has a hard time making friends (comes off as shy; is kind of wary of opening up to others) Differences from Canon -Instead of her improved confidence coming from her being Ladybug and also support from Tikki, it’s from her new friends (namely Alya) -No Tikki to help keep her from spiraling
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Characteristics -Fairly serious/no-nonsense -Very focused -Excellent strategist -Civically minded -Major sweet tooth Differences from Canon -Opinions of others not colored by Marinette’s relationships with them (no favoritism to the Ladyblog due to Alya being Marinette’s friend, no crush on Adrien from knowing him at school) -Since Mari is unaware she is Ladybug, Ladybug can’t be used to solve Marinette problems (swinging across town when running late, checking on Adrien, telling Lila off) -Ladybug eats a bunch of sweets instead of Tikki
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Characteristics -Chronic people pleaser -Lonely and isolated -Sheltered sunshine child that’s secretly depressed (neglect’ll do that to ya) -Longs for acceptance, friendship, and love -His father still forced him to be a model, but on his own, he’s actually quite the bookworm/nerd due to using books, video games, and shows/movies for escapism -Totally geeks out over there being real life superheroes, which gives his slight crush on Ladybug Differences from Canon -Doesn’t get the benefits of escape/freedom as Chat Noir -Hasn’t interacted with Ladybug as Chat Noir and doesn’t know about what she’s like in person, so his crush on her is really just a celebrity crush -Not a sentimonster cuz I don’t wanna deal with that nonsense
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Chat Noir
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Characteristics -Chaos gremlin -Somewhat feral and unhinged -Genuinely a Good Boy but comes off off-putting -Public probably wouldn’t like him if not for Ladybug -Easily distracted -I Do What I Want -Sneaky -Cat -Loves cheese, esp Camembert Differences from Canon -Opinions of others not colored by Adrien’s relationships with them -Doesn’t have all of the trauma that comes along with being Adrien -Chat Noir eats the Camembert instead of Plagg
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space-girlllll · 1 year
An AU where Lee Jihye (wmmap) was Kim rok soo’s noona- I actually posted abt this before on a little addition I made to @salaapaoo ‘s post about Rosalyn noona, but I’ve been thinking of it for a while. (the post is here)
 They grew up in the same orphanage and were super close until Jihye left and got a job at mcdonalds . 
 They used to spend time together, reading (their cute little bookworms, together) and hanging out together, maybe they would do their homework together krs gets a tutor to help with class and Lee jihye gets help revising by teaching.
 Maybe when she died she didn’t die from overdose of pills but from monsters destroying her house and killing her in her sleep, probably dyeing during the 24 hour battle, 
 After the whole transmigration they find each other again at a ball where the heroes of roan visit obelia, Athy couldn’t help but notice how choi han’s name was very korean and he looked the part too.
So she walks over to talk to him and overhears choi han and cale talking in korean and she speaks to them in korean and they have a whole:
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kind of moment
When they introduce themselves as like their korean names, the two have a reunion and just hang out and catch up together, (and if GoD got screamed at by Cale later, athy doesn’t need to know)
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ok, I swear this is the last ask I send for today
WHAT IF Cregan finds the piece of Aegon's hair years after the wedding? WHAT IF Angel wasn't as discreet and a good liar as she believed? WHAT IF Cregan started connecting the dots? I imagine a scene like Robert and Cersei talking about Lyana, how their marriage never had a chance and finally being honest with each other.
Bestie please feel free to send me 1,000,000 asks a day, I am always thrilled to receive them! 🥰
I think a lot of people imagine future revelations/confrontations between Angel and Cregan, but lowkey, that man has zero emotional intelligence and doesn't really have any interest in Angel's true feelings. My personal impression is that he never gets suspicious for 2 main reasons:
Cregan is an enthusiastic believer in the "I rescued my wife from the evil Usurper" narrative. It becomes a part of his honorable, heroic identity, and it is the story that is told throughout the North. There is no one around him who questions it; why should he? Cregan also lives in a gender-segregated society. He spends most of his days hunting and making political decisions and doing sword stuff, and as far as he knows his wife is dabbling in her little medical bookworm hobbies and taking care of kids once they have them, and husband and wife will meet up at night for dinner and sex (her marital duty, after all), and that's really as far as Cregan's thinking goes. He's simply not that deep.
Angel is emotionally volatile at times (due to repeated trauma) but she is also very very booksmart, far more so than Cregan or probably anyone else in Winterfell. She has specific objectives throughout her lifetime - ensuring that Jaehaera and Autumn are protected, for example - and she needs Cregan to make them happen. He is the one with immense respect and political capital, not her, and if she endangers the relationship she also jeopardizes the wellbeing of those she truly cares about. Therefore, she is mindful to keep Cregan happy, which doesn't really take a whole lot. If he ever found the braid, she would simply say it was Jaehaera's. Cregan already knows she has a soft spot for the Targ girl since they "survived the same monster" and all that.
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thepoetsvortex · 2 years
Lupin rant by request- he gaslights Snape calling him “Severus” like they’re friendly. Then he has the nerve to pull that boggart stunt to humiliate him while Snape is brewing his wolfsbane potion, which he puts off drinking. What is his problem? Being a werewolf is the worst thing to happen to him but he’ll gladly put the students at risk. Who cares how Sirius sneaks into the castle, who cares if he made it inside the Gryff dorm with a knife, Lupin wants to keep his job because his comfort matters more than the safety of children. Bleh.
Thank you so much lovely anon this was some A+ insight
There really are very very few people in the book who are ALLOWED to call Snape, Severus. That’s Lily Evans, Albus Dumbledore, and Narcissa Malfoy. I mean, and probably his mother, but that’s IT. Lupin is totally violating his very clear boundaries here (yet again) and part of me wonders if this isn’t for Harry’s benefit at least in part because he makes it seem like “oh Harry, look how wise and mature I am. I don’t hold grudges, unlike someone *eyes Snape* and this definitely makes me, the calm, repentant one, more trustworthy than the man who referried a Quidditch match and actually cursed someone sharing a body with the Dark Lord to save you, when I have done no such thing.” It’s manipulation and it’s nasty.
And don’t even get me started on his calling Snape’s justified anger about 7 years of literal abuse “a schoolboy grudge” 🙄
The Boggart incident wasn’t funny as you well know- it was sexist and overall, if he’s trying to get on Snape’s good side, a really really bad idea. Snape is canonically sexually humiliated and demeaned more than any other character. First by Petunia, then by James Potter. And now- now it happens again as an adult in front of his own students and in the same place where he already has so much trauma. All because of Remus Lupin. No one can defend how Snape treats Neville, and it should be addressed, but not this way (canonically it hurts Neville too because it just makes Snape even more mad).
Yeah why does Lupin put off drinking the potion anyway? We never really get a clear answer on this. The first time he waits until Snape leaves so he can intimidate him. He even makes Severus bring it to him, which is just 😡😡😡 What is his problem indeed. Moony certainly seems to be on a good old power trip at the moment. Except, you know, the lives of children are involved but who cares about that am I right.
R.L.’s relationship to his lycanthropy is so weird. Usually he’s all “woe is me” about it, because no one could ever understand, and he’s a monster, poor baby. He knows how to gain undeserved sympathy more than anyone in the series. Then the rest of the time he’s like, endangering Hogsmeade villagers from the time he’s a teenager, running around with animagi thus violating the ONLY condition of his schooling, forgetting his potion- which almost has deadly consequences- and, of course, let’s not forget nearly abandoning his wife and unborn baby because he MIGHT share the same condition (as if you dolt).
Oh it’s worse than that anon. Lupin doesn’t just want to keep his job. He wants to keep Albus Dumbledore’s trust. He wants to keep him out of the loop and in the dark. Right now, he’s got DD wrapped around his little finger and he can’t loose that. I fully believe if he could give up Sirius without exposing his own school day crimes, he would 100% have done it in a heartbeat. Nothing is more important to this man than Dumbledore’s trust and affection. Which ironically, is a trait he shares with Snape who has a much better claim on Albus. Then also, the fact that Dumbledore doesn’t try to keep Remus at the end of POA shows us Lupin lost this trust anyway (there’s some irony for you). So good job I guess?
Anyway, I really love Remus as a character because he is so beautiful and complex and there’s so many layers and I hate reducing him to sad bookworm who would never hurt a fly.
Thanks for indulging my request! What a great ask! I can’t wait for more 😀
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italeteller · 9 months
Is there any modern isekai anime you think are actually worth watching? Or is it all just the same toxic wish fulfilment garbage at this point?
Fear not anon, there's actually some good modern isekai anime still! But first, some hearsay:
-While I didn't personally vibe with it, I've heard a lot of good things about Re:Zero, but I've also heard a lot of bad and cringe things about it, so it's up to you I guess
-Ascendance of a Bookworm is another I don't know anything about, but I've heard good things
Now for the ones I have actually watched:
-My next life as the villainess: all routes lead to doom! is a 2021 isekai where a teen girl dies and gets reborn into the world of her favorite dating sim, but she's in the body of Katarina, the awful rotten-hearted villainess, and to top it all off she's 7 years-old.
Katarina soon realizes that, if her new life progresses the same as the game's, all she's got to look forward to is banishment or death, because game!Katarina is a major bitch so nobody loves her, and she starts taking measures for her inevitable doom: she learns to farm so she'll be able to procure food is she's banished, tries her hand at magic and swordfighting so she'll be able to defend herself, and other stuff like that
She's also a naturally nice person to everybody in the game so all the boys and girls end up falling in love with her, which she completely doesn't notice because she's dead certain that the game has to go on the preplanned route so she has no idea everybody who's supposed to romance and/or befriend the game's protagonist wants to jump her bones instead.
It's a pretty fun series, and while it's no benchmark of storytelling, it does have a few genuinely good plot twists and heartwarming moments. I wish it would end up as a proper bisexual harem, but I knows the odds aren't good, sadly.
Also, if you do watch it, stick to the first season. The second season is bad. Like Bad bad. Makes you regret the time you spent watching it-Bad. There's a movie coming on December, which I hope is good and redeems the franchise, but if not, the first season is good
Saihate no Paladin/The Faraway Paladin is another 2021 isekai where a random dude gets reincarnated as a baby in the ruins where a great evil is sealed, and gets adopted by three undead: a skeleton warrior, a mummy priestess and a ghost wizard. They raise him, teach him to fight, magic and miracles, and then send him off to the world when he turns 15. It's a pretty decent story, it has a slow start, taking some 5 episode to properly set up the MC's circumstances and goals before his journey, and it's got a second season coming on October so if you wanna catch up, you'll get more content soon
My only problem with it is that it should be a fantasy anime. The isekai part is... I mean it's there, it seems like there will be something with the gods and the different cycles of reincarnation, but it could very easily have been a fantasy story and lose nothing. The main character having been a random japanese man before reincarnating doesn't really add anything, so idk if you wanna count it as an isekai or not
Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita is a 2022 isekai-that-should-have-been-a-fantasy where another random japanese dude is reincarnated into a magic sword. He immediately goes "welp, time to discard everything about my previous life and be the best sword I can" and begins slaughtering monsters to grind levels. He eventually becomes a super OP weapon and that's when he gets found by his future master, a preteen catgirl slave whose caravan is escaping from a two-headed zombie bear
The catgirl gets the sword and kills the bear, the sword uses his telekinetic powers to kill the slaver by snapping his neck 180° degrees, burns the slave contract and they team up. The sword restores the girl's name, Fran, which she had lost when she became a slave, and Fran names the sword "Teacher", and they set out to grind levels so that Fran may evolve - because she's a member of the Black Cat race, which is the only race in that world that can't evolve, which is why they're discriminated and sold as slaves, and Fran wants to prove her race can evolve after all
This one I have a love-hate relationship with. It does a lot of the shit I hate on other isekais, but it also does a lot of things I like. Yes, Fran is ridiculously OP with little effort thanks to being able to share Teacher's skills, and she breezes through most challenges effortlessly which is often anticlimactic as hell, but she's got an actual tangible goal and a personality so she's already more interesting than your average isekai MC. There's no romance and almost no fanservice, and when there is it's always with the adult women in the series, so that's another bullet dodged
But on the other hand, the slavery plot is introduced, and then dropped almost entirely except for a bunch of obviously evil people who all get punished, and meanwhile everybody else is super nice to Fran and nobody brings up the fact that hey, she was a legal slave until not too long ago and her race is still being enslaved and nobody's doing anything about it, ain't that fucked up? No? Nobody wanna say anything? Idk, it's a fun romp but it's also very power-fantasy-trash at the same time. It's got a second season confirmed in production, maybe that will do something with the slavery plot
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady is a 2023 series that should really have a shorter name, my god. It's another should've-been-a-fantasy isekai and it's. Hmm. It's got some amazing first episodes, but then they tried to cram A LOT of plot into the rest and fucked it all up. A lot of stuff makes very little sense, character motivations are all out of whack, and you get the feeling that they really needed another cour, or at least 6 more episodes, to fit it all in properly
It's one of those series that you can see the potential it had, how great it could've been if it had been allowed, and it makes you kinda sad that you'll never see it unless you go to read the light novels. The reason for this rush is that the studio wanted to end the series on the end of the third light novel, which is where the main girl gets together with her girlfriend as a canon, explicit, openly gay couple, which is a deeply respectable, dare I even say admirable goal, but I still wish it had had more episodes so it hadn't had to sacrifice the rest of the series for it
The Executioner and her Way of Life is a 2022 series, the final pick of the list, and the one I like the most, so of course it's only got one season and no confirmed sequel because god hates me, personally
The main character, Menou, is a teenage priestess from her world's church, and she's also in charge of killing all the japanese people who get isekai'd into her world. Menou doesn't enjoy the killing and feels guilty for it, but she knows she must do it to stop the ridiculous powers the isekai'd are given from bringing ruin to her world. One such power is the one that turned her whole village, people and buildings alike, into ash when she was little. She was rescued and raised by Flare, the world's strongest warrior, whose power is only matched by her mental instability, which she gladly passed to her apprentice
The story proper begins when Menou meets Akari, the new japanese teenager in town, and finds out Akari's power prevents her from dying. Thus, Menou takes Akari on a trip across the continent to see the sights and find a weapon strong enough to kill her before Akari goes nuclear. Akari, meanwhile, is ecstatic, because she doesn't know Menou wants to kill her, and because she's down horrendous for her from the moment their eyes meet, loudly and openly fantasizing about the romantic adventures they'll have and telling her stuff like "you're the only one for me" to her face
As the series goes on, you start to notice there's something very, very wrong with Akari
Another such character is Momo, Menou's junior who is also loudly and openly in lesbians with her, very annoyed that Menou spends so much time with Akari, and also very off in the head. I hope you're seeing a pattern here
The final character in this delightful ensemble is Asuna, the princess of the realm and the most well adjusted character in the series. She's a wandering knight who loves a good fight and develops the most hilarious crush on Momo, who wants nothing to do with her and is constantly antagonizing Asuna, attacking her, ambushing her and throwing her into deadly traps, only for the princess to walk it off and offer to buy her a drink. It's honestly hilarious
And there you have it, my personal isekai reccommendation list. Hope you find at least one that suits your tastes
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thecollectivefixation · 8 months
What's up guys...😈This is MY first post on this account, and although I may not be as detailed as Bookworm who posted the MK1 post, I am here to rant and share how I feel about my current fixations. WOO!
Today I am writing about Miraculous ladybug (guys...don't judge me help...) AND HOW CRAZY SEASON 5 HAS BEEN HELLO???!! I did NOT. and I mean NOT expect season 5 to be as bombastic, as dastardly, as ridiculously crazy as this. AND this is why I am writing about it today, also because I feel like It's time for someone other than Bookworm to post as well, wouldn't want Worm over there to feel lonely! Heh...heh...heh
ALRIGHT, so let's start off with how the theory about ADRIEN being a senti-monster is POPPING OFF ALL OVER the Miraculous ladybug fandom (yes I am a little bit late I apologise), and this is because of season 5 episode 24, Representation, and other hints in the season.
In this episode we first start off with Adrien, who is looking very sad and lonely... 😱In London, since his father forced him to go to London for his future studies. Lately, Adrien has started to disobey his father, AND THAT IS A GOOD THING! However, the fact is, whenever he tries to do something he really wants to and his father doesn't want him pursuing it, he tries to stand up to him but it's strange because Gabriele decides EVERYTHING for him. From, his career, his friends, his school, everything. And Adrien can't disobey him when Gabriele 'commands' him to do something. But despite this, Adrien has grown so much over the past couple seasons and he has tried to hard to have a life of his own without anyone controlling him.
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(From season 5 episode 24)
Now, we obviously understand now that Felix, Adrien's weirdly identical cousin is a sentimonster, or a senti-human if that makes sense. I DONT know much about what's going with senti-monsters and stuff it's too confusing bye. ANYWAY so In this episode Kagami and Adrien do a little play for Marinette, who is heart-broken that Adrien had to leave for London. AND BTW, I hate how Felix took advantage of her by pretending to be Adrien like let the girl rest for a second. So they do the play and BOOM a huge secret has been revealed to the whole community and we learn that Felix is a senti-monster human little baby and Adrien is...well, I don't really know.
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(From season 5 episode 24)
In this scene, the play states how Felix's father wanted his wife, who is Emilie's sister (ok Ik this is confusing AND IDK IF IM SPELLING THE NAMES RIGHT but u guys know who is who.) to have a child as well. Not just Emilie, who at the time, was pregnant with Adrien, after wishing for a child for so long with Gabriele. Felix's father confronts Gabriele in jealously and anger. However, Emilie felt bad for her sister and wanted Gabriele to do something, to bring a miracle to her sister and her sister's husband just as she was gifted with a miracle. Gabriele confronts Felix's father and says, 'After much studying, I have discovered a solution for you and your wife.' And he offers the peacock miraculous to Felix's father, who hesitated but accepted it in the end. And that is how Felix was born. So, it's safe to say that Adrien could have also been a gift from the peacock miraculous, yet it's hard to make sense from all this and everything is confusing but the answer is right in-front of us. It is also evident that Kagami is a senti-monster/senti-human, since Felix states how they are the same, just like how Adrien and he are the same.
Also, the peacock background behind Emilie when she was pregnant with Adrien carries symbolism, this scene enforces the theory that perhaps she used the Peacock miraculous to finally have a child, and that child would be Adrien Agreste.
No wonder they all suffer from horrible parents, because their lives were never their own, even from the beginning.
ALSO THE STUFF GOING ON WITH LYLA/CERISE IS CRAZY GUYS. First of all, she isn't just a liar, BUT HER HAIR IS A LIE TOO? HELP? THE HAIR REVEAL WAS A SHOCK. But I won't lie she kinda slays the short hair look, IM NOT ON HER SIDE GUYS IM JUST SAYING.
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(From season 5 episode 21)
But yeah, Miraculous ladybug has been super crazy and all over the place lately, I haven't even finished this season yet! But I am looking forward to seeing Lyla as the new villain, (or is she)? Who knows, guess I'll just have to finish watching. A little worried about Adrien but I have faith that he will be alright...heh...heh...Adrien....Heh...WHAT WHO SAID THAT!
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tale-as-old-as-time-au · 10 months
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"Even if she knew it was impossible, Chara kept stubbornly pulling Papyrus' arm in a bad attempt to drag the tall monster through the gardens. Thanks to the adrenaline she was actually able to take a few steps towards the castle, but there was only so much a small bookworm like her could do. 
So, when the king opened one of his sockets, Chara was washed with an immense wave of relief.
-Thank God, you're awake! - she exclaimed, pulling his hand with urgency - Here, get up! Can you walk? That… That thing is gone, the wolves can come back at any minute! C'mon, we need to go!
Papyrus pulled himself up, disoriented. He stumbled forward, placing some of his weight on Chara. He couldn't open his right socket and one of his legs didn't feel quite right.
-Are you ok? - the woman asked, worried, after they managed to establish a decent rhythm - You are bleeding! And you passed out very suddenly back there.
-I'm… I think I'm ok? - the man replied, unsure - I'm guessing summoning that thing used too much energy.
-What on Earth was that?
-No idea. I have never summoned anything other than bones before.
-Alright. Cool - Chara felt the weirdest urge to laugh. She might be in shock - I didn't know skeletons could bleed, by the way. Weird.
-I can also talk and walk, but bleeding is the weird part? I… Ah, fuck!
Papyrus flinched after touching the right part of his skull. There was a nasty cut on the place the wolf's claws hit his socket, no wonder he couldn't open it.
-This one might leave a scar - the man grunted, fighting the urge to keep touching the cut.
The wash of relief Chara had felt for reaching the giant front doors of the castle was suddenly dimmed by her concern.
-But… But you won't be blind in that eye, will you? - she asked, her voice coated in worry.
-It's not an actual eye, so I doubt it - the king replied, finally closing the heavy doors behind them.
They both leaned against the doors and slided to the floor in synchrony, the adrenaline leaving their bodies and being replaced by exhaustion. 
After a minute of silent panting on the floor, Papyrus turned his skull at Chara.
-Hey, are you hurt?
-I'm not - she replied, also turning to face him.
-Great, I can scold you then - he frowned at the human, keeping his voice dangerously low - Haven't I specifically told you "the barrier doesn't affect wild animals so don't leave the castle at night"? It was one of the first things I've ever said to you. What the hell were you thinking?
-I wasn't thinking - the woman replied, also frowning. She suddenly remembered she was mad at him - But I had just found out everything we've been through ever since day one was a huge, huge lie, I was devastated. I didn't think, I just had to leave this place. I had to run. I was too hurt to think.
-I… - Papyrus hesitated for a moment before proceeding - I also told you not to go to the west wing. God, why can't you follow simple instructions?
-Wha… Wait, do you want me to be sorry for discovering your dirty secret? - Chara asked, outraged - Don't you dare to throw this blame on me! I didn't even know I was in the west wing, all the wings look exactly the same!
They DID NOT look exactly the same, but Papyrus held his tongue on that. That girl had the sense of direction of a brick, it was very possible she ended up there by accident. A very, very unfortunate accident that almost got them both killed.
The monster held the bridge of his nasal bone, grunting. What a fantastic day.
Chara's hands were grabbing her dress with so much strength her knuckles were white. Then, she let go of it with a shaky sigh, just as her eyes filled with water.
-I'm really sorry about your injuries though - the woman murmured, gulping - Thank you for saving my life."
Next (someday)
Updates here are very sporadic. Very. Weird thing is, I had 95% of this post (including the drawing) ready for MONTHS. I just couldn't find the motivation to finish it.
(And I love how this Chara gets lost all the time. She's so me!)
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kumeko · 3 months
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A/N: For the Moments of Solitude zine! I wanted to try something a little different with my style for this fic. I also really like bullying Paimon XD.
The world almost ended in a torrent of rain. From the rooftops of Liyue, Xingqiu wiped the water from his eyes as he watched adepti and humans alike fight Osial before it could destroy the city—maybe even the entire country. Swords clashed, sending sparks in the distance, and even over the storm he could hear the din of battle.
And, at the heart of it all, a woman stood resolutely against the waves of enemies. In the gloom, Xingqiu could just make out Lumine’s familiar profile, her confident stance as she raised her weapon again and again. Like a hero of old, she kept fighting no matter what evil was thrown at her.
Even as he fought the monsters below, his eyes were drawn to her again and again.
Lumine’s hands were small, for a world-saver. She had fought Harbingers, abyssal lords, and ancient monsters; every deed added to her name made her feel larger than life. Yet, she was shorter than him, and her hands were small. Xingqiu’s hand covered hers entirely as they both reached for the same book in a second-hand shop. Her skin was rough from battle. A sharp contrast to his own, softer palms.
He smiled automatically as he peered down at a familiar mop of messy blonde hair. “I did not expect to see you here.”
Lumine looked up at the same time, her honey-coloured eyes meeting his. Her lips parted in surprise, though she didn’t retract her hand, her grip on the book firm. It was a funny sense of stubbornness and possessiveness. “Oh.”
“What, did you find it—” Paimon poked her head around the bookshelf. Noticing Xingqiu, she cut herself off and squeaked, “It’s the bookworm!”
Lumine shot her a tired look. Her tone was icy. “Paimon.”
“Oops.” Paimon covered her mouth and giggled sheepishly. She wore all her emotions on her sleeve, the complete opposite of her taciturn companion. Hovering at eye level, she rubbed her neck as she apologized. “Sorry?”
“Are you?” Lumine questioned, her free hand on her hip.
“It is fine.” Xingqiu chuckled, lowering his hand as he ceded the book. It was hard to feel insulted in the face of such guileless honesty. “It is nice to see you two again. Especially after everything that happened last week.”
“Did you see it?” Recovering from her faux pas, Paimon floated up and boxed the air. Her smile was as broad as the sea as she puffed her chest proudly. “Lumine was so strong! And cool!”
“You were there too?” Lumine asked, ignoring Paimon entirely. She pulled out the book as she spoke, a volume of Inazuma’s travel guide. He didn’t miss the slight upturn of her lips at the acquisition of her target.
“Yes, mostly to help protect the town and clean up any smaller skirmishes. Nothing compared to what you did.” Even now, he could remember how the sun shone on her on the docks as she stared at the calming seas, her body weary from the battle. A noble profile. Xingqiu smiled at Paimon. “You are right, she did look cool and powerful.”
Paimon chortled. “Of course I’m right!”
Lumine flushed lightly, the back of her neck reddening at the unexpected praise. Despite that, she didn’t deny his words. “It was a hard fight.”
Hard. Xingqiu snickered. Most people wouldn’t use such a simple word to describe a fight with a sea god, let alone one that saved an entire city. Then again, he’d long heard of Lumine’s exploits before he’d met her; maybe this was all in a day’s work for a woman who’d faced a dragon and lived to tell the tale. When Lumine looked at him curiously, he cleared his throat and changed the topic. “That book—are you travelling to Inazuma next?”
“I was thinking of it.” Lumine tapped the book cover lightly, her expression wistful. It was easy to guess who she was thinking of. The posters of her missing brother were plastered on every board. “I’m not sure which place is better to go to.”
Xingqiu laced his hands behind his back. It would be a long time before he could leave Liyue, but it wasn’t like he hadn’t thought of it. He read every travel book, every piece of news, anything that kept him abreast of the world. And all of that had told him one thing: Liyue and Mondstadt weren’t the only places facing a crisis.
Their world could use a hero.
Fortunately, there was one right here. Xingqiu glanced at the book. “Inazuma’s a good choice as any.”
“It is?” Lumine cocked her head slightly, her eyes beckoning him to continue.
“I trust him,” Paimon chimed in confidently, her hands on her hips. “He’s a nerd! He knows everything!”
“I’m not sure if I should let that slide…” Xingqiu frowned, glancing at the hovering sidekick. At least, he assumed she was a sidekick. Considering he had never seen nor heard of anything like Paimon, for all he knew she really was a pet or emergency food at this point.
“Pretend she doesn’t exist,” Lumine replied evenly, talking over Paimon’s horrified gasp. “It’s easier that way.”
Indignant, Paimon stomped her feet in the air and shouted, “What do you mean it’s easier?”
Lumine didn’t even flinch. “Anyways…”
“Anyways!?” Paimon screeched.
Clearing his throat, Xingqiu followed Lumine’s lead. “The other countries are more or less equidistant from here. Inazuma’s a closed-off country, but from what little news escapes its borders, the Electro Archon is keeping her people in a tight grip. In a contract of eternity.”
Liyue had been like that, in a sense. However, it had been a contract that both god and humans alike wanted, one where they had chosen to stay still. And now the contract was broken and Liyue was forced to step forward. Alone. To find its own way, with or without the gods.
It was a strange thought.
Xingqiu forced himself to continue. “I hear the people there could use a hero like you. They require your help.”
Of all the reactions he expected, a frown was not one of them. Lumine shook her head. “I’m not a hero. I’m not interested. I’m only trying to find my brother.”
Something coiled in him at the answer. “I am not suggesting abandoning your brother, only that you can help them like you helped us. All while searching for him. It is no different than your current actions to date.”
“It wasn’t like I planned any of that…” Lumine tapped the book again, her expression thoughtful. “It just happened. I’d rather not get dragged into another mess again. It takes up too much time.”
The coil wound tighter. Mess. The potential destruction of Liyue, and she saw it as a bother, a mess. A time-waster.
Heroes didn’t talk like that.
Lumine gnawed her lip, not noticing his silence. “If it’s closed off…if Aether’s there, of course no one’s heard of him…” She nodded. “Thanks, I think I’ll go there after all.”
It was a usual thing: Chongyun came to find Xingqiu once a week like clockwork, his expression hopeful as he asked for leads for an exorcism. Or rather, a ghost strong enough to last until Chongyun could actually exorcise instead of just relying on his ridiculous aura.
“Found anything?” Chongyun asked, his eyes bright and hopeful.
“I…” And this was the part where Xingqiu normally laid out the groundwork for his next prank, his next stress relief. This was the part where he got Chongyun in trouble yet again and then bailed him out when it got over his friend’s head.
I’m not interested in helping.
His breath hitched. The memory stung.
“There’s a village filled with ghosts,” Xingqiu replied instead, discarding plans he’d made months in advance. “I’ll lead you there.”
“You’re sure it’s here?” Chongyun asked, scratching his head as he glanced around the mountainside. The forest was thick, making it hard to see anything but the small dirt path leading forward. “We’ve been walking for hours now and I haven’t even seen any villagers.”
“The villagers are all ghosts, of course you won’t see them yet.” Xingqiu exhaled softly. His chest still felt heavy, his body wound up. Maybe he was coming down with something. Maybe he should just abandon this all and go back to his original plan.
“I can back that up,” Hu Tao chirped cheerfully as she slung an arm over Xingqiu’s shoulder and effectively blocked any chances of escape. Sometimes, he wondered if she was a mind reader. “Ghost stories are my speciality, of course!”
Chongyun’s eyes narrowed in suspicion, his frown growing deeper as he regarded them. “Somehow, that makes me more suspicious.”
“Huhhh?” Hu Tao drawled in mock shock and horror. She clutched her chest with her free hand. “Why? We’re only trying to help, right?”
It was easy to slip into old patterns, old taunts. Xingqiu didn’t have to think as he buried his face in his hand and sighed. He slumped his shoulders slightly. “I had spent so much time and effort researching cases for you. However, if you do not wish to delve into—”
“Alright, alright, I get it,” Chongyun interrupted, his expression turning apologetic. He rubbed the back of his neck and bowed slightly. “Sorry for doubting you, thank you for the effort, and I won’t let you down.”
Xingqiu suppressed the urge to laugh. Their acting was atrocious, sure, but it didn’t take much to convince Chongyun. Even though by now, after all of their pranks, he should have been ready for it. Yet, despite that, their friend fell for the traps every time. How’d that saying go? Fool me twice, shame on me?
“Ohh, confidence. The village is just up ahead.” Hu Tao grinned like a Cheshire cat as she withdrew, her arm slipping back to her side once more. She cocked her head and taunted, “You need any help? They’re peaceful enough but there’s a lot of them.”
Her voice dropped eerily but Chongyun didn’t so much as flinch as he spun on his heel. His shoulders squared, he marched forward. “I’ll be fine! This problem’ll be solved in no time.”
“Will he?” Hu Tao wondered idly, stroking her chin as they lagged behind. “They’re a stubborn group. I think they’ve been here for centuries.”
“If he could do it in the first place, we wouldn’t be in this situation,” Xingqiu replied, watching as Chongyun started to call out for the ghosts.
“Boo, if we’re both on the same side, we can’t bet on it.” Hu Tao sighed, her cheeks puffing as she pouted. Her disappointment lasted a whole minute before she glanced at him from the corner of her eyes, her expression sharp. “So, what’s up?”
It took him a moment to realize she was asking him seriously. Xingqiu raised a brow. “What do you mean?”
“Well, this is an actual ghost.” Hu Tao clasped her hands behind her back and stretched her arms. The entire time, she kept her eyes on him, studying his reaction. “I only came because you said you’d set up a prank, but this is actual help.”
“It can be both,” Xingqiu replied evenly, averting his gaze. Hu Tao had always been observant in the worst ways. “And I’ve always helped him.”
Hu Tao snorted. “Not with actual exorcising.”
“Even with actual exorcising,” Xingqiu refuted, stubbornly repeating his point.
“And I’m a terrible salesman. You had him actually try to exorcise the last Yaksha last time,” she scoffed, shooting him a disbelieving look.
“The rumours sounded like a ghost story,” he defended, biting his cheek at the memory. “Besides, I helped sort out the situation after.”
“Uh-huh. And that time you sent him to Xiangling’s kitchen?” Hu Tao crossed her arms as she stepped in front of him, forcing him to stop. Despite her short stature, her presence was overwhelming. “So, what really happened?”
There was no point in hiding it from her; she’d only get more annoying and persistent. And Xingqiu had seen the lengths she’d gone through for a sale. He exhaled softly. “The battle last week.”
“Ah, the big one,” she said, as though there was any other one to talk about. Hu Tao shrugged carelessly. “I mean, it was great for business, don’t get me wrong, but…it was a little too close for comfort.”
Even now, Xingqiu could feel the cold sea water pelting down on him, see the choppy waves from Osial’s rage, hear the low din of a fight. He bit his lip. Close was an understatement. “Yes, it was.”
“So?” Hu Tao rested a hand on her hip and leaned closer. Her eyes were flecked with gold. He was certain she’d never heard nor understood the concept of ‘personal space.’ “It’s not like that’s the first time you’ve almost died.”
For some reason, that made him think of Lumine and he felt a sharp twist in his chest. “It wasn’t that.”
“Then what was it?” Hu Tao poked his chest, annoyed. “Get to the point.”
He rubbed the spot she’d hit. “Lumine…I met with her after.”
“Our great hero?” She chuckled gleefully, rubbing her hands together. “Now, she’s good for business and safety. Even without buying a single policy from me, she’s already helped me with some clients. Pro bono!”
“Did she now?” It sounded exactly like Lumine. It sounded so much like her and that was the part that bothered him the most. “For all she claimed she did not want to help others, she does.”
Her laughter faded and Hu Tao regarded him quietly. She reached down and squeezed his hand. “You’re disappointed?”
“Maybe.” He didn’t know what to call the heavy feeling in him, the one that refused to leave no matter how deeply he breathed. “I do not know.”
“You’re disappointed,” Hu Tao repeated, more confidently. She laced her fingers above her and stretched her arms. “Why?”
Xingqiu bit his cheek. “She does not behave like a hero, she does not desire to be one either, and yet…”
“She is one?” Hu Tao guessed, finishing his sentence when he fell silent. “She doesn’t sound like a hero from a story, does she?”
He flinched. “When you put it like that, it sounds childish.”
“It is,” she agreed amiably, though there was nothing scornful about her words. “Lumine didn’t really want to help me either; I kinda forced her to. And she does commissions for money.”
“Anything else?” Xingqiu asked dryly, scowling.
“But, you know, even though she complained, she still helped. And not just me.” Hu Tao smiled brightly, her eyes glowing. “That sounds like one of your stories, right? A reluctant hero?”
“That…” He pursed his lips. Perhaps that was the difference between reading and living through it; stories with heroes like that were more exciting from a distance, where you could clearly see the characters’ thoughts. With a real person, you never knew what they were thinking, why they were acting, where they would end up. The final page was still unwritten.
Hu Tao added, “Besides, we’re at the start of her journey, who knows what she’ll be like by the end.”
Xingqiu stared at her. What a stupidly simple concept. He should have thought of it earlier. He shouldn’t have forgotten something so instrumental to any hero’s journey. With a sigh, he raked a hand through his hair and shook himself out of his stupor. “You’re right.”
“Of course I am!” Hu Tao laughed cockily, jabbing a thumb to her chest. “Who do you think I am?”
“Right, right.” Xingqiu glanced ahead of the path. Chongyun was long gone by now and the forest was eerily silent. “Should we go look for him?”
“Uh…” Hu Tao scratched her cheek before reluctantly nodding. “Yeah, he’s been quiet for too long and that village…he might have bitten off more than he can chew.”
“You said they weren’t dangerous.”
“Mostly?” Hu Tao elbowed him as they hurried forward. “Maybe you can be the hero this time.”
Months later, Xingqiu read about the fall of Baal, the changes in Inazuma, and the blonde stranger who’d instigated it all.
He laughed.
He shouldn’t have doubted in the first place: for all her words, Lumine was a hero.
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alchemist-of-thebes · 10 months
KH OC Week Day 4
Another day, another @khoc-week prompt!
Day 4: Alternate Universes
◾What would your OC's role be in an AU? Examples: Soulmate AU, modern, fantasy, scifi, etc.
KHx-Era Velcia:
An artsy, mousy bookworm in most any circumstance, the KHx-Era Velcia would not likely be found anywhere near the action in most AUs unless she were desperately trying to get away from it. For example, in a setting where a man who has spared no expense has cloned animals of a jurassic nature and placed them into an ill-fated theme park, she would probably be found hiding underneath the kitchen counter desperately hoping she can avoid the notice of the rather hungry raptors who’ve somehow learned to open doors. 
In settings where she is able to find a companion to help support her, she is able to blossom into a rather effective support role and provide valuable information and access to research and knowledge. Her fascination with libraries and archiving information help her excel in remote support, as long as she won’t need too heavy a grasp on technology.
KHII-Era Velcia:
In nearly any universe where Velcia can be found, two things stay constant: Her desire to grow her understanding of her fundamental knowledge of the world around her, and her drive to do everything she can to apply this knowledge to help others. In AUs where magic can be found, she will always be found with a strong magical affinity. In the terms of a Final-Fantasy styled magic-class system, Velcia is quite firmly in the Red Mage class tree.
In Universes without Magic, her interests are likely to diverge greatly. In a Sci-Fi or Modern setting she is likely to be a tech scientist. In a Medieval or Fantasy setting with more restrictive rules towards magic she would likely be found working with medicines or potions. And then, of course, there are a few rare universes where she would be found as a very, very particular chef. Castlevania AU! One fun little tangent I’ve been exploring the last few weeks, after playing through a couple of my favorite old Castlevania games (Rondo of Blood and Circle of the Moon especially!) is a Castlevania AU version of the "Modern" Velcia; where I’ve tried to adapt her over with a couple of the same basic beats. In this version of the story, she still lives in Greece with her father, a well-known magician who used to travel across Europe before his daughter was born. One day, a cult looking to revive Dracula appears and tries to enlist her father’s help and, when he refuses, he is murdered and the Anthes residence is burned to the ground. The young Velcia manages to escape with her life and severe burns to her legs, and once she is healed she redoubles her efforts to learn her father’s trade and becoming a capable magician in her own right.
As time passes, she finds that this group has stayed in Greece. Monsters that nobody has seen before have begun appearing and terrorizing the lands, and certain supernatural individuals (Vampires!) are slowly taking over and manipulating things behind the scenes. Understanding that she is not equipped with the knowledge or tools she needs to defeat them on her own, Velcia travels up North to try to enlist the help of the legendary Belmont clan and rid her home country of the cult of vampires and monsters that now work in secret to revive their dark lord.
But, of course, that’s just a little tangent. I’ve got so many other stories to write, I probably won’t get around to that. I… I shouldn’t, right? Right…?
I might.
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wilygryphon · 1 year
Gryphonverse - Mystery Inc.
The main cast:
Fred Jones- The pure-hearted leader of Mystery Inc.  He has a passion for engineering, building complex traps, although for a while he needs Velma’s help with understanding the calculations.  He is also usually the one who comes up with the plans to catch the villain.
Daphne Blake- The social butterfly and public relations liaison of the team.  She is the best at gathering information through interviewing witnesses and related parties, and she also has a variety of practical skills, including a talent for using items on hand to put together whatever she needs to get out of trouble or pick a lock.  Her parents don’t approve of her preferred friend group or her mystery solving shenanigans, but they see that they make her happy, so they don’t argue too much (although they are often frustrated with the number of times they have to pay the teens’ bail for trespassing and breaking & entering).
Velma Dinkley- The chief bookworm of the team.  While her parents run a library and shop for the occult, Velma is more interested in seeking scientific solutions.  While she has difficulty with picking up social cues, she is fiercely loyal to her friends and family.  She tutors Fred in math, improving his already brilliant engineering feats by helping with the calculations.
Shaggy Rogers- Easygoing and fearful, Shaggy contributes to investigations with street smarts and common sense, while also advising his friends to exercise caution.  While usually afraid to face ghosts and monsters (real or human-in-disguise), he always faces his fears to help his friends.  He surprises his friends with an in-depth understanding of monster lore gleaned from movies and TV shows (he is genuinely a fan of horror movies), and he is a fan of Frank Sinatra.  He also displays a number of quirky skills that somehow always find a way to come in handy.  He adores his little sister Maggie.
Scooby-Doo- A frightful but fiercely loyal Great Dane and a lovable companion, he is Shaggy’s pet and the mascot of Mystery Inc.  He gained the ability to speak imperfect English due to being experimented on by the Barbera Foundation’s Spectral Division, which studied ectoplasm and sought to use it to enhance and empower human physiology.  He escaped when an agent of OWCA went undercover as a test animal and brought the operation down.  Wandering around, he was found by Shaggy, who brought him home where his moms let him keep the dog.  Seeing the SD tag on the dog’s collar from the Spectral Division, Shaggy named him Scooby-Doo.
Katia Goulash- An anti-capitalist ghost who, when alive, opposed the upper class figures who used fearmongering and made-up bogeymen to disenfranchise and persecute marginalized groups.  Returning to Coolsville in the present day through the Ghost Zone rift in the Crystal Cove, she torments wealthy and influential individuals who use ghosts and monsters as scapegoats for their own crimes.  She develops a respect for Mystery Inc. as she watches them solve the phantom hoaxes and expose the crimes of the rich, but she distrusts Daphne, believing her family to be the same as her ancestors who took advantage of her family.  Haunting Blake Mansion brings her directly to the gang’s attention, but the gang manages to clear up all misunderstandings, and Katia apologizes for causing trouble.  She becomes a friend and ally who uses her spectral powers to help the gang solve mysteries, offering services as a contact with other ghosts in town.
The Mystery Begins-
At first, the teens were only somewhat acquainted, but grouped up and had to rely on each other to avoid getting hurt when caught in an alleged haunting.  When Velma’s EMF detector picks up a signal that does not line up with usual ghost readings, and Scooby sniffs out a clue, they begin to think there is more than meets the eye and work together to investigate.  As they piece together the case, they get to know one another and bond.  Figuring out what is really going on, they inform the police, and Fred and Velma construct a trap.  The trap fails due to a fluke, but Scooby overcomes his fear and defeats the villain to protect Shaggy, and Fred unmasks the phony ghost and reveals his criminal plan and tricks.  Enjoying the experience of solving the mystery, they become a friend group and, when some peers come to them for help, form a junior detective business, Mystery Inc.
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see-arcane · 2 years
Gonna be honest, for the different Jonathan as Dracula options, C sounds like the best thing ever to me, but I’d read any and all of them.
If nothing else, it would be the most unashamedly gratifying version for all us bookworms. Just imagine the Big Fight going down, Classic Dracula versus Jonathan Dracula, Jonathan seemingly on the ropes as his mere century goes up against the original's 400 years of knowledge. Full cackling villain mode, mwa ha ha.
Until the Drac Attack Pack 2.0 strikes a blow back. Until the animal minions break his hold in favor of the less vile vampire. Until Jonathan, having devoted his time to practice, to adaptation, to creativity with the gifts he never asked for, starts making more imaginative use of his power than Dracula, in his pride, ever bothered with. After all, the Count was only ever one to stick around in a fight he knew was rigged in his favor. He ran away from a mortal man with a knife and a garlic blossom necklace a hundred years ago.
But now? Now he's up against that same man loaded with a perfect match for his own magic. Plus friends.
Jonathan turns the tide, all teeth and lightning and mist, eyes burning, kukri flashing and thirsty.
"I like to think I was a better man than you once upon a time. I cannot say if I am still that man anymore. But now? Tonight? I know I am the better monster."
Cue beatdown.
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