#hero’s license
vultureboi · 5 months
Bkdk short fic
Katsuki just got his license! Finally! Now he can beat Deku!
“Kacchan! Now we can be hero partners!!” Speak of the devil and he shall come. A groan escapes Katsuki’s throat.
“For fucks sake! Is that all you fucking care about?!? Not worried I’m gonna beat your ass?” Katsuki scoffs.
“Of course not! I’ve planned our entire future together!”
“You- you what?!?”
“Yeah! Like here’s our engagement rings…” Izuku rummaged through his pockets. “Here’s the wedding rings.” Izuku pulls out a photo next as the rest of the class starts to gather and watch in awe. “Here’s the design your mother made for your wedding dress for our wedding day. And here’s mine.”
“WHEN THE FUCK DID YOU GET MY MOM TO DRAW THIS SHIT?!?” Katsuki gapes, looking at the designs.
“Well, you know she’s always been a supporter of us!” Katsuki looks at him in confusion. What the fuck is the nerd talking about?!?
“I like how Bakugou is upset about the fact that his mother designed it without asking him rather than the fact it’s a dress!” Mina laughs, taking the pictures from Izuku.
“Kacchan and I planned to both wear dresses at our wedding!”
“Yup! And ever since I’ve been planning and saving my money for our wedding!” Izuku smiles brightly.
“Wait… Deku… how much money do you have saved up???” Ochako asks confused.
“Uh… a lot. Enough to have the most luxurious wedding ever.” Izuku laughs nervously.
“YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE BROKE!!” Ochako yells at him. “YOU LIAR!! You’re filthy rich!!”
“Did you know about this Bakugou?!” Kirishima asks.
“FUCK NO! I practically forgot about that shit when we were 3?!?” Katsuki is holding one of the rings in shock. “THIS SHIT IS EVEN MY FUCKING SIZE?!?”
“And it matches your hero costume and pretty much every clothes in your closet! Then it’s also made so you can wear it while working, nothing sharp or jagged so you can’t hurt yourself or anyone else by accident! Then the dress comes with…” Izuku starts to rant, pulling out more sheets of folded paper. “Gauntlets made out of red roses! You’ll have a flower crown made of orange flowers and red flowers. Your dress is mostly white with red and orange accents and some black! I made sure to make your heels like boots that even in an emergency scenario you can fight in them!”
The class gathers to watch as Izuku describes the most perfect wedding plan they have ever heard. Especially for pro heroes. Every outfit, every accessory, is made to be able to handle a battle or be used in a battle if necessary. Even involving hidden weapons. Each small detail outlined on several sheets of paper.
“Midoriya… do you just… carry this everywhere?!?” Kaminari asks, concerned.
“Of course! I have a special pocket for it all in my hero costume! In case I need to update anything! Like if Kacchan gets a new scar! Or even if I get hurt! I want to make sure our wedding is absolutely perfect! Even if something goes wrong!” Izuku stands proudly.
“Deku…” Katsuki looks at him, blushing.
“Y-yes… Kacchan??” Izuku suddenly realizes he just spilled a lot of embarrassing things and is getting ready to be yelled at.
“Get the fuck here, right fucking now!” Katsuki growls, pointing to the ground in front of him. Izuku whimpers and steps closer, only to be grabbed by the collar and dragged into a kiss. Izuku’s world explodes.
He just kissed Kacchan. Kacchan kissed him. And is still kissing?!? And Izuku melts into it as he can hear giggles and cheers as well as photos being taken. “Uh, Kacchan…?” Izuku breathes heavily as they separate.
“What need?” Katsuki’s ears blush.
“Does this mean we’re engaged now? Should I get the rings?” Izuku blinks while blushing like crazy.
“Fuck yeah.”
“YOU GUYS ARE FIRST YEARS IN HIGH SCHOOL!” Iida shouts. “You shouldn’t be planning a marriage when you have to work to be a hero! Or even a student!”
“But that’s the thing Four-Eyes! Deku already did the planning. There’s nothing to plan!” Katsuki wraps his arm around Izuku’s shoulder with a smug look. “I always said I wanted my partner to be decisive and smart.”
“Can we kiss again??”
“Yeah, yeah. Alright. C’mere.” They go for another heated kiss, this time with plenty of tongue. The others have to snap them out of their make out session. Oh yeah. They’re going to be great.
“I call the cat in the divorce.” Katsuki smirks playfully at Izuku.
“DIVORCE?!?” Izuku gasps. “OH MY GOD! I didn’t plan for a divorce!! I have to go and plan everything!! Oh who will get the squirrel-proof bird feeder?!? Who will get the couch?!!? And the merch collection?!?” Izuku starts to panic.
“Nerd. Chill. I’m joking.” Katsuki rolls his eyes. “We’re not getting a divorce. You don’t have to plan for it.”
“BUT WHAT IF YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND?!?” Izuku starts to sob.
“Izuku.” Katsuki says sternly. Izuku looks at him in shock.
“Oh… okay. Thanks Kacchan.” Izuku smiles, wiping his tears.
“Big crybaby.”
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inkskinned · 1 year
one of the things about having an unstable parent is that it can so easily ruin your future. you want to get out, but getting out takes having agency. it takes the resume and the grades and the stellar community service history.
but you have to choose your battles. you know if you sign up for an after-school activity, it'll be okay for a while, so long as the activity is parent-approved and god-fearing. over time, like all things, it will become an argument (i can't keep carting your ass to these things) or a weapon (talk to me like that again, see if you get to go to practice). sometimes, if you love the thing, it's worth it. but you also know better than to love something: that's how they get you. if you ever actually want something, it will always be the center of their attention. they will never stop threatening you with it. telling you of course i'm a good parent, i came to all of those stupid events.
you learn to balance yourself perfectly. you can either have a social life or you can have hobbies. both of these things will be under constant scrutiny. you spend too much time with her, you should be at home with family is equally paired with you're acting like this because you're addicted to what's on that goddamn screen. you cannot ever actually win, so everything falls within a barter system that you calculate before entering: do you want to learn how to drive? if so, you'll need to give up asking for a new laptop, even though yours died. maybe you can work on a computer at the library. of course, that would mean you'd be allowed to go to the library, which would mean something else has to bleed. nothing ever actually comes free.
and that bitter, horrible irony: you could be literally following their orders and it still isn't pretty. they tell you to get a job; they hate that your job keeps you late and gives you access to actual money. they tell you to do better in school; they say no child of mine needs a tutor. they want you to stop being so morose, don't you know there are people who are really suffering - but they revile the idea you might actually need therapy.
you didn't survive that fall the way other people would. you've seen other people scramble and get their way out, however they could. maybe you were made too-soft: the answer didn't come to you easily. it wasn't quick. it was brutal and nasty. some people even asked you why didn't you just work hard and escape during school? and you felt your head spinning. why didn't you? (they control your financial aid. they control your loan status. they love having that kind of thing). maybe in another life you got diagnosed sooner and got the meds you needed to actually focus and got attention from the right teachers who helped you clear hurdles to get up out of here - but for now? here?
the effort of trying. the effort of not-dying. that kind of effort was absolutely agonizing.
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autumnmobile12 · 2 months
My Hero Academia: CPR + BLS
You know, Pro-Hero is probably one of those professions where it's mandatory to know CPR and Basic Life Support. Because after the villain's been taken out or all the people have been evacuated from a disaster zone, the Pros and their sidekicks are definitely the first responders until the paramedics arrive on scene.
And the idea that Aizawa, Endeavor, Mirko, Best Jeanist, Hawks, Ryukyu, everyone has to re-certify every two years is really, really hilarious to me. It's just so absurdly mundane.
If your job doesn't require CPR certification, let me break this down for you: You sit for two hours give or take, watch a video that's you've probably seen before, maybe take a brief test, and demonstrate that you can in fact perform CPR on a mannequin as well show you can use an AED kit and maybe demonstrate the Heimlich maneuver, and then you wait for an email that has your certification cards. It's tedious and the information doesn't change very much, but it is essential to review, so you suck it up and you be as diligent as you can because there could absolutely come a day where you will be in an emergency situation and need to use these skills. Nonetheless, you really just want to get on with the written and practical tests and get out of there.
That said...Hawks is definitely an annoying prick who keeps asking questions just to purposefully draw out the session.
Kaminari would probably bring snacks, suddenly start choking, and become the unwitting live demonstration.
Iida studied beforehand, took notes throughout, and then got way too into the practical exam. (Because you are often acting out a simulation to prove you are adhering to proper safety measures.)
Mineta...can he even...?
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rooolt · 1 year
The teens as drivers to me:
Lincoln - he’s simply so nervous all the time and moving at a snail’s pace. Did not follow Wilson tradition of being The Driver at all, and instead always rides shotgun and is the worlds worst backseat driver
Taylor - worlds most distracted driver. Eyes on the road about 30% of the time. When they are on the road he’s trying to do some “cool” bullshit in the middle of a crowded intersection. Has a brand new rich kid car that he’s three seconds away from crashing at all times
Normal - he paid a lot of an attention in driver’s ed and thus is so stiff and conscious of the rules. The problem is he kinda always forgets the rules so is always like “can I go? Can I turn here?” Passable driver and you will survive with your life, but no one’s first choice for a ride
Scary - actually like a fine driver, her only problem is that she’s constantly reclining weird and crossing her legs and sitting in strange positions. Saved up for a used car for a really long time and is very protective of it and loves it to death. Horrendous road rage
Hermie - learned to make portals like a year before he was supposed to learn how to drive so he just never did
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puppyeared · 2 years
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Hero of drivers license
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meggie-moo · 8 months
cringe culture is dead btw, i’ve been rewatching bnha because i need COMFORT, in these trying first semester of college times. and i am having the time of my life. like i haven’t binged watched an anime in so long, like i lost that part of myself growing up. it’s been like four days, i’m on s3, something has been resurrected in me.
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jackdaniel69nice · 29 days
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Future tokoyami design?~ If it looks similar to hawk’s costume that’s just a coincidence ;)
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Next chapter sometime this coming week!
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retrocgads · 11 months
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USA 1990
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chocmuffinsscones · 1 year
bnha 377 leaks
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2 things.
Izuku using クソ(meaning sh*t) nonchalantly. Given any other time, Izuku wouldn't blatantly use the word. He's too preoccupied rn that the word just came forward naturally. He can't think clearly and organizedly as he usually would even during battle, meaning this fight really is putting him in an incredibly tough spot and he has to shoulder almost everything right that moment.
POOR BOY GOT SO MUCH WEIGHING ON HIM HE LITERALLY CAN'T BREATHE! (Like, things are happening so fast there's not even a chance for a breather) 😭 Not just because of the 2nd's quirk but the chaos then and there really isn't what a boy should handle. Everyone's in danger now that the tide has turned and Izuku being Izuku, he's gonna go plus ultra ×n% more even if his body physically crumbles (as if this isn't his first 🥲).
Can someone please come to his rescue?? Katsuki?? It's high time you wake up and go complete your wonder duo thing 😭
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weaverofink · 2 years
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A+ parenting from endeavor
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I have another idea! Man I am on a roll!
Here me out: Yo Shindo and Monoma being childhood friends. But like a completely healthy friendship and rivalry. (Their classes too.) And celebrate their birthdays together too.
Maybe they knew each other before they got their quirks and a tiny bit after that. Until one of them moved away. And they get back in contact shortly before school starts.
Perhaps Yo went through a bit of what Bakugo did and was pretty trashy. But Mrs. Joke levels him out.
And maybe when they meet up everyone sees a whole new side of them both. Because they’re just really good friends (NO ROMANTIC FEELINGS! The only romantic stuff is Yo trying to ask for relationship advice because Neito is somehow better then him with his own girlfriend LMAO).
Perhaps they banter but genuinely care for the other as a brother. And will comfort, pester, banter, defend and mother-hen each other (when one of them or their classmates get hurt).
They could meet up at U.A and give Class 1A a goddamn heart attack. Because, holy shit these guys know each other??? We’re screwed. Even Todoroki and Bakugo pale a bit.
And maybe they fight against a villain together and show impeccable teamwork. After all there’s no way in hell Neito hasn’t analyzed the fuck out of Yo’s quirk and no way that Yo doesn’t know a lot about Neito’s.
[Any ideas what to call this AU? Need some ideas.
Also if you want to write a fic but don’t have characters for Yo’s class, because we only know like, 4 of them go over to @quirk0-0ideas. They are a mutual of mine and have awesome ideas.]
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The cape got out of their themed vehicle in the middle of the street. Then ordered their sidekick to exit theirs as well. In less than a minute, the second vehicle had been parallel parked successfully, to the cheers of the civilians, the sidekick's nemesis, and Sidekick alike.
When your nemesis gets their driver's license but spends 10 minutes trying to parallel park instead of fighting you then gives in and calls their parent-figure mentor to park for them. Cape could mean either hero or villain in this case.
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tabbyrocks · 10 months
tw for mentions of ptsd and depression, yahoo!
A monoma AU where he gets mad PTSD after the final war and it fucks him up so bad that he has to quit the hero course and move to general studies, which in turn shatters his dreams making him violently depressed
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Soo… A few things have happened tonight. I’ve decided to move back to Australia, which is CRAZY as this is the first time in my life I’ve actually gone back to somewhere, rather than running away and swearing to never return, I also made Jaskier my profile pic again cue the identity crisis coming full circle where I’m happy with who I am, I also asked my old boss for my job back which I got, and I’m GOING HOME 💛💛💛 Guys, if you know me and you know my story, you know I’ve never had a home to go, well, home to before
Also my lute teacher is gonna be so disappointed I haven’t been practicing whilst overseas?? It’s now a mad scramble to make sure I still know all the strings to ‘you are my sunshine’ oh my gods
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silversynaesthesia · 11 months
A civilian, after being saved by Bakugo: Thank you, thank you! That thing was gonna kill me!
Bakugo: Well, what did you expect? Out, alone in this neighbourhood? I got half a mind to kill you myself you half-wit.
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