#hero of time agere
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Hero Of Time Agere Flag
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Hero Of Time Simple Agere Flag
💚 - @de-rune
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kakusu-shipping · 5 months
4, 5, and 6 for the agere asks for.... all of your BNHA regressors? :D
That's... a few too many characters for me to answer all in one ask, so let's limit it to just The League sense they all go together well
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minus a Dabi icon because I can't find flags for any of my headcanons for them
Asks from Here
4. Does your regressed f/o collect things? If so, what is it and how much do you enable it?
I'll enable my League babies in anything and everything, first of all. Second, the only one of the four who actively collects things is probably Himiko. She's a bit of a hoarder of anything she deems cute and tends to just pick things up and stuff them in her pockets.
Not an active collection he does on his own but Tomura has more Dog stuffies than much anything else, though he does also have Pokemon and Minecraft ones his older self has placed on shelves he can't reach because they are Mint Condition back at AFO's manor. He use to get pretty fussy about that some times, but it's become less of a problem sense moving to the Bar.
Jin and Dabi don't collect anything, nor do either of them have much that could be considered a collection (or much at all)
5. Does your regressed f/o have any gear that they want really bad? If so, what is it?
Tomura and Himiko both get everything they want without question, so neither of them have anything they really really want at the moment and are rather satisfied with their little gear at the moment.
Jin is constantly back and forth about wanting a pacifier. He's worried he'll chew right through it and ruin it, but it'd make it harder to talk making the other him less likely to say something he doesn't agree with (tantrum triggering when they fight), but also he'd have to take off or at least lift his mask to put it in his mouth which can easily trigger an even bigger meltdown than infighting does, but also also he sees his Big Sister Himiko and Baby Brother Tomura each with want and his tiny baby heart is just so over come with jealously he can't contain it. If I got him one, I'm almost sure it'd fix the whole thing, but just cause another problem, so I'm waiting patiently for him to decide himself what he wants.
Dabi doesn't have any little gear and refuses any I've tried to gift to them. They try very hard to push their regression down and ignore it, and they don't want me or anyone else in the League to be apart of it. I try to give them space, but I have hidden a few of little Dabi's favorite snacks around their room, along with some sparklers to play with. They seem content enough with that for now.
6. What is your favorite thing in your regressed f/o’s playroom?
For Tomura it was back at the Mansion, he had a crib with a mobile on it, it was the only thing his father had ever contributed to his Regression space, so of course it was his favorite. It played a lullaby as it spun I'd never heard before, and always put Tomura right to sleep. I wonder if it's still there...
Himiko has a lot of toys, most of which she's stolen from dollar stores and gas stations, but one Jin got her; A 4ft tall Valentine's day Teddy bear. It's big and soft baby pink holding a big red heart. I ended up cutting the heart free from the bear's stomach so now Himiko can wiggle herself behind it and sleep in the bear's arms. It's very cute <3
Jin doesn't have playroom per say, he doesn't have a lot of gear either. Rather than sit still somewhere with toys and games he'd rather follow me, Magne, or Himiko around while regressed. Though out of the few things I've seen him get attached to I think my favorite is the baby blanket Himiko got for him. It USE to be soft baby blue but he won't let me wash it at all and carried it everywhere with him, cries into it, uses it to cover his face, and sleeps with it, so it's gotten pretty grimy and is more of a muted color now. Himiko thinks it's gross now and won't touch it, but I've convinced her not to comment on it, sense if she doesn't like it, Jin is likely to throw it away... and then regret it.
Dabi, much like Jin, doesn't have a little space or many little items. Usually when they regress they lock themselves away in their room and don't come back out until they come out of it, so I don't know what their little space looks like, or anything they might comfort themselves with... I hope they're okay in there...
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celestiallights515 · 4 months
Snippet 1.4
The next morning, Henchman sat in the infirmary of Villain's Headquarters, the atmosphere as thick as smoke. Henchman figured Villain let slip to someone what they were planning to do the Henchman as a punishment for what they'd done, or maybe even details of how they'd be tortured or killed, or maybe even thrown out for the heroes to round up like a stray dog, most likely with their tongue cut out and hands broken so they didn't stand a chance at revealing anything they'd learned about Villain
They didn't really know anything useful for the heroes anyway. They knew Villain's favorite color (dark blue), favorite foods (anything with chocolate), allergies (blueberries), their least favorite movie genre (horror) and a couple other things they picked up from being around Villain so much.
They learned why Villain didn't get on well with their parents (they very much had a favorite child and it wasn't Villain) and what'd brought on their anger towards the Hero Agency once Villain brought them into their confidence, sure, but they didn't know much more about plans then the average civilian--that would be Right Hand. Their actual duties consisted of watching over supplies, managing other henchmen and keeping an eye on the overall workings of Headquarters.
Henchman hoped that taking down Hero would make Villain proud of them. Would make them allow Henchman into their inner circle and bring them into their confidence. They'd hoped to get as close to Villain as Right Hand--closer, after bringing down Hero. And instead, they'd suffered two humiliating defeats (and several broken ribs).
It all came to a head when Medic came in to check on Henchman's stitches. in addition to the blunt force trauma of being thrown through a window and into a wall, glass shards stuck into their back and left jagged, stinging wounds that oozed blood well into the night. Henchman sat on their cot, facing away from Medic as their wounds were inspected and re-dressed, and even then they could feel the hesitation Medic's hands, which were usually sure and quick.
Silence hung in the room like a dead man.
"What are they gonna do?" Henchman asked in a croaky voice, just barely above a whisper.
Medic paused. Considered. "What?"
"Villain. What are they gonna do to me?"
Again, they were met with silence. Henchman was sure the stress was worse than any answer Medic could've given until... Medic laughed. They laughed. It wasn't a snort or a scoff, or even a giggle--and they didn't even try to hide it! Medic stepped back for a moment, cackling as Henchman's stomach dropped. Of all the answers they were expecting, that was one they hadn't prepared for in the slightest.
"Oh, God, I needed that. You're hysterical."
"I'm being serious!" Henchman whirled around half way before the agony from the mess that somehow made up their abdomen sent lightning-hot reminders of why that was a horrible idea.
"Stop it, you're gonna hurt yourself," Medic scolded lightly, laughter still dancing in their eyes. "Have you really been stressed about that the whole time?"
"YES!" Henchman was near screaming now, though they weren't sure if it was ager or confusion that raised their voice. "Why wouldn't I be? Did you see how furious Villain was before they left? And I haven't seen them since. I left without permission and acted without orders; they have every reason to be upset. And everyone and everything's been so quiet today, it's like I've been handed down a death sentence."
Medic cleared their throat and the last embers of amusement flickered out. "Yeah, well, you're right about that, but you're not the one in danger. Or at least, you weren't when it mattered."
The tone of Medic's voice was dead serious--terrifying--and didn't help the growing pit of anxiety that had hunkered down in Henchman's stomach. They felt like they were going to pass out, woozy and dizzy and like the world was tipping out from under them.
A sharp snap under their nose anchored them a little more steadily to the bed they were sitting on, Medic having circled around the cot to look Henchman in the eyes. "You're fine, relax. The rest of us weren't supposed to tell you because it was bad, even for Villain, but I don't think you're in for anything more than a slap on the wrist, and neither does anyone else."
And they wouldn't understand that even if Henchman wasn't going to be killed, as thankful for that as they were, even a slap on the wrist as Medic said would destroy everything Henchman had been working towards. Everything they'd been hoping for. They should've known going into the fight that they were putting Villain's trust in them on the line, and they had--to a point.
They never expected they would fail as horribly as they did, nor that Villain would react with the kind of quiet fury usually reserved for their rare interactions with heroes or other members of the Agency itself. They hadn't expected to be sent to the infirmary the way that they were, or to be teleported directly to it from an alley just off the main scene of the fight after barely getting away.
And what they really weren't expecting was what hurt most: The fact that Villain had put them here and walked off without another word. They'd spoken in their office, but beyond that, there wasn't even a threatening note, or a warning given through Medic. They'd been effectively put in time out, knowing what might be coming but not having enough confidence to really prepare themselves one way or another.
“Hey, what did I just say?” Medic says, this time with annoyance in their tone. “Even if I don’t know the details, I know you’re gonna be fine, okay? You’re gonna be fine, and I don’t think you’re clocking Villain’s feelings towards what you did to Hero as correctly as you think you are, yeah?”
Their assessment was fair, if not a little stinging. They’d never been good at reading people, but they’d hoped Villain was the exception. Even with their monotone voice and often stony demeanor, Henchman knew how tired they were in a glance after a fight; knew when to call for Medic or coffee or let them get straight to their personal rooms and block everyone else from entering–something Right Hand was usually supposed to do. 
The entire night, they’d tried not to deliberate too much on Right Hand. They’d tried to ignore the stinging jealousy of the fact that there was already someone that was so close to Villain they could almost read their thoughts. They knew Villain kept a certian amount of professionalism and distance between themselves and Right Hand that didn’t seem to be present between Villain and Henchman, but most liekly because it wasn’t seen as necessary. They weren’t close enough for it to matter in the first place. 
“Okay,” Henchman murmured, and one look at Meidc’s face made it clear to even them that they didn’t beleive them for a second. Nevertheless, Medic stepped away. 
“Okay,” they echoed, with much more confidence. “You seem to be healing well, all things considered, and I have other patients I need to take care of, so I’m going to leave you here, okay? Try not to freak out too much on me, yeah?”
Henchman gave a weak nod, and an even weaker smile. They were sure that Medic could see them spiraling form the outside, but if they did, they didn’t say anything about it. “Yeah.”
Tagging: @nameless-beanie @crow-with-a-typewriter @mylovelyme (If you wanted to be tagged and weren't please just poke me with a stick)
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siswritesyanderes · 1 year
Question for you!😁 Which Yandere marvel characters do you think would want/make their darling age regress? Because I see a lot of Yanderes who would want them to depend on them but which characters (even if it varies from era to era) would take it a step further. Even just to treat their darling like a teenager, I think a lot of them would and I’m curious who all you think would most likely? I love your writing and I hope you have a great day!
It's funny you should mention this, because I was recently imagining a situation where a lot of Marvel heroes (and maybe non-heroes) have a get-together and bring their age-regressed, abducted darlings. Like a party of the forced agere yanderes.
(This is outside the canon of "Safe Because I'm With the Apex Predator.")
Druig and Makkari's darling is by far the best-behaved; everyone compliments them on how well-behaved their darling is. Dressed in brightly-colored overalls and knee socks, their hair is neat (which can't be said for a lot of the darlings; they get unkempt when they physically struggle), they greet the other yanderes with a smile when asked, and they say "Yes, Daddy," and "Yes, Mommy," and the like, every time they speak to Druig and Makkari. They don't use any words that a seven-year-old couldn't.
It's clear from the look in the darling's eyes that they haven't caved under the mental stress of their abduction; there's still an awareness there. Occasionally even hostility. But they behave themself, because if they didn't do so by choice, Druig would just make them anyway. So many of the yanderes are lowkey jealous, not just of this darling's good behavior, but of the general vibe of mutual understanding that exists between them and Drukkari. When all the other darlings are going to a "play room", so the "grown ups" can talk in private, this darling calmly asks, "Mommy, can I bring my food with me?"
Makkari answers, "Yes," and kisses them on the forehead before they go.
Meanwhile, Thena and Gilgamesh's darling is absolutely feral. (Or, as one of the other yanderes politely says, "very rambunctious!") Darling's on a leash, and Darling's trying to chew through the leash. They're dressed in a form-fitting toddler onesie and mittens that make it hard to hold anything. They aren't trusted to feed themself, so Gilgamesh feeds them while Thena leads them around on the leash. When Gilgamesh greets people amicably, and Thena greets people with her aloof smile, their darling glares at whoever they're directed to greet and mumbles a grudging "hello".
None of them are embarrassed about this. Thena is amused and enjoys the friction, and Gilgamesh is chill. Looking at all the other captives, darling demands, "How come they're not on a leash?"
Gilgamesh chuckles, "Because you're still biting yours."
Repeatedly, this darling tries to run for it, and Thena nonchalantly reels them back with a firm tug, not even pausing her conversation with the other guests.
Sam and Bucky's darling is shyly clinging to Sam's side. They don't have to say hi to anyone, because Sam and Bucky both enjoy the fact that they don't want to. "They're shy," Bucky says, and Sam pats their head fondly. They're dressed like a very fashionable five-year-old: everything matches, and they have very snazzy tennis shoes. Bucky and Sam are asked where they bought that shirt, those shorts, that cloth cap.
While darling doesn't talk to or look at the other yanderes, they're fascinated with the other darlings. They're kind of scared of the struggling ones, but their eyes are drawn to something brightly colored: Druig and Makkari's darling. Pretty...And they look friendly... Darling accidentally makes eye contact with Druig, who raises an unimpressed (almost challenging) eyebrow, and they quickly look away. When Sam and Bucky eventually run into Druig and Makkari and start making small talk, darling keeps their face buried in Sam's shoulder, so that only one eye can see the colorful darling who's now staring right back at them, curiously.
"Hi," Drukkari's darling says. They're allowed to carry their own plate!
Sambucky's darling waves hello but does not leave the safety of Sam's side.
The Guardians of the Galaxy were not invited to the party, but they showed up anyway. Their darling is as rough-edged as you'd expect from someone who has to trade barbs with Rocket Raccoon on the daily. They're dressed in an outfit composed of articles that have each been scavenged separately. (And an anklet of what looks like braided wood but is really a part of Groot's body, which can at any time grow roots into the ground, preventing them from walking.)
Rather than sticking by their yanderes (like most if not all of the other darlings do, if not by choice then by force), this darling pretty much runs rampant through the room, sneaking food from the banquet tables and making an honest effort to quietly steal a sling ring from Dr. Strange. Occasionally, Rocket or Nebula or Quill shouts at them from across the room to put something down or otherwise stop doing what they're doing. Groot, in the role of the older sibling, sometimes goes to herd them back.
"In what way is that age regression, and not just kidnapping?" Strange asks.
"Oh, that?" Quill says. "They're just going through a rebellious phase. Groot did the same stuff."
Separately, Nebula muses to someone, "With a father as cruel as Thanos, I never believed myself to have much of a...nurturing side. But ever since we found- GET DOWN FROM THERE, OR I WILL THROW YOU THROUGH THE WALL!" she suddenly bellows.
"Up yours!" their darling shouts back.
"It's nice to be a mom," Nebula continues solemnly.
(Thenamesh's darling tries to convince them to cut their leash.)
Eventually, Mantis puts them to sleep, and Drax spends the rest of the party with them casually slung over his shoulder.
The Guardians are still probably asked to leave.
Dr. Strange's darling is behaving themself, but they have an attitude. They're terse, with their lips in a sour twist that clearly conveys that they would not be here were it not for their magical captor and his ability to appear anywhere they could think to run. Their clothes are impeccable (and have the look of a boarding school uniform), but their hair is messy, suggesting they did not intend for Stephen to have an easy time getting them here.
This darling is simultaneously annoyed by the darlings who make a spectacle of their attempts to defy their yanderes and disgusted by the darlings who obey too well. The way Sambucky's darling is coddled and doted on is unbearably cloying, but Drukkari's darling being allowed to hold their own plate just absolutely grinds their gears, because Strange's darling isn't allowed to do or have anything, without Strange acting as the middle man. They have to politely ask for each bite of food, politely ask for any book or activity they might use to entertain themself, politely ask to go to the bathroom...And Strange really would let them wet themself, if they didn't ask politely enough.
They drag their feet, when Strange walks over to Druig and Makkari and the golden darling themself. They cross their arms tightly, as Strange chats with the Eternals and Drukkari’s darling meets their glower with a look they can't help reading as supercilious.
Strange's darling refuses to greet Drukkari's darling, and they don't consciously register that their unreasonable animosity toward their fellow abductees signifies a great deterioration in their emotional intelligence.
(I can think of more, but this post is getting long, and I'm not sure how interesting it is to other people, lol.)
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Thank you everyone!
Thank you everyone who as entered something or left a note on our entries :) Here's our list of entries you can vote for, in date order:
My Tiny Lion, masc lion pet regressor + caregiver by @tinykittycatsworld (written work)
Stardew Valley Sebastian, Abigail & Sam petre/animalre by @roseyposie-agere (headcanons)
Big Heros With Tiny Paws, Lego Ninjago kitten regressor Lloyd by anon on ao3 (written work)
Fox regressor Naruto by @dragon-queen21 (artwork)
Cg Chuuya/Kitten Dazai, Bungo No Stray Dogs by @babyminty (written work)
Little Bells On Kitten Collars, Lego Ninjago kitten regressor Lloyd by anon on ao3 (written work)
Cat regression outfit board by @sleepy-lil-kit-kat (moodboard)
Stardew Valley Sebastian, Abigail & Sam petre by @chickpea0 (moodboard + headcanons)
Puppy regressor Jesse Pinkman by @chickpea0 (moodboard + headcanons)
Cats Out Of The Bag by @ar9o (written work, nonfandom)
Ten whole entries! Woo! Well done everyone (including those who were too anxious to enter) You can also view these posts by browsing trl pet takeover 2024: entries.
Polls will close on May 3rd 23:30, GMT time. Winners will be announced May 4th
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gryphis-eyes · 1 year
⊙ Message from spirits
⊙ Welcome to this very simple but (I hope) useful pick a card, I know its been a while and here is my last attempt to get back to tumblr haha.I don’t have more to say , hope you’ll get the message that will light the fire in your !
⊙ How to pick a pile ? There are differents ways to do it, you can do a little meditation while thinking about the 3 images, you can also use a pendulum, remember to listen to your intuition while chosing and reading the messages those are general reading so not everything will be for you or it will ask you to interpret it based on your situation
◇ Deck used : Rider Waite, Shakespeare Oracle, Phenix Oracle
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⊙ Pile 1 : The Cat
Cards ; 3 of cups, 6 of swords R " Tis true. The wheel is come full circle; I am here. ”
One day things go up and one day things go down, such is the nature of Fortuna’s actions. The cards are showing me those 3 muses singing with their cups full of sweet beverage while on the other side of the reading someone is struggling on their boat, going against this raging river’s flow. Some of you seems to be tired of life, you're always fighting, barely resting while other people seems to roam freely through life. Its not fair isn’t it ? I feel like the main issue here is that you're going through a though period and it affect your mental a lot, so of course our brain’s first move is to look at others and be like ”damn look at them, so happy and relaxed while im in this burning house”. Do not throw yourself heartlessly into this path which seems to be the only one, do not look at other, look at you. You might be afraid to do a specific thing (new project ?) Because others seems to do it better or the idea you got already have been done but listen to me ; nobody is doing things better than someone else, succes doesn’t mean its better it just mean it touch more people but it doesn’t mean it is made of quality. That’s why we always got people talking about underated movies, music etc, nothing is better, things are just different. What matter isn’t how amazing you'll do but rather how you will do it because you are not anyone else’s mind, look at the story of the hero with a thousand faces it has been done so so many times in fictions but people dont always realise it, why ? Because all of those fictions have been done by different people so that’s why lord of the ring is so different from star wars. To be honest I was thinking about telling you to go slower but the phenix cards are really telling you to move and just do it ! Be serious about this project wether it mean actually writing a story and publishing it or starting writing it, you got nothing to lose.
⊙ Pile 2 : The Owl
Cards ; 3 of swords R, hangedman ” for there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.To me it is a prison. ”
Ive heard ”a haunted heart” part from on the fence by tv girl in mind while reading your cards. I have no contexte about what happened to you but I can tell that it was a wild ride isn t it ? Sit down my dear its time to rest and listen. Whatever happened didnt happen out of the ”univers” cruelty or a ”blessing in disguise” what happened felt like an attack toward you (from your pov) wether its truly the case or not I dont know but I truly think the cards are reminding you to focus on the present since they are hiding the past from me. Do not search for the why, do not search for a blessing coming from it, what was good what was bad do not try to listen to thousand of readers who will tell you how to act (I mostly got those ”forgiveness” speech that every new ager are repeating). You dont need to focus on that past thing you need to focus on yourself and your needs from the present, not the needs you had 5 month ago. You should let your life calm down, put less effort in the world and put more effort for yourself wether its forcing you to have a self care moment or allowing yourself to have a lazy day or just sit down and do nothing but listen to music. The lyrics from ”after the storm” it carry the whole message im trying to give you. Basically, yes what happened suck but its not an excuse to give up on yourself.
⊙ Pile 3 ; The Snake
The lover, 3 of swords R
" The enemy increaseth every day; We, at the height, are ready to decline.There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat; And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures. "
It's time to risk it all my friend. I have no idea if It's a project, a ritual/spell (I get that most of you are into witchcraft or spiritual thing). See this snake going for the butterfly even if It's small and can avoid the snake’s strike easily, the reptile still go for it. It even look like the snake is using the obstacle in order to jump higher to catch the butterfly. (Idk why I get that you should try to watch samurai champloo). The advice here, is to look at everything that went bad or didn’t work in the past and ask yourself ”why” so now you'll be able to make your action more effective because you have grown a lot since the last time you try that thing or something similar. I feel a big burst of energy so its like everything is here, you just have to act. Like the snake, do not chase your goal or just walk around it until you saw the opportunity. Just go in front of it and strike ! With the Lover I see that this thing is dear to your heart or will light the fire in yourself again. You can do it, you have the power to do so, you can only gain good thing from this situation that will (above of making you happy) will heal something in yourself.
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littlestzrdoll · 25 days
Izuku Midoriya agere head cannons! ^_^
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recently i've been getting back into mha sooo,,,, here are some little izuku headcannons!! (i will be doing cg izu in another post but for now, have the little guy hehe) . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
ᯓ★ he is both an age regressor and caregiver! Possibly a little lean but it depends how he's doin mentally ᯓ★ when he's small, his headspace ranges from about 2 to 6 but usually falls between 4-5 ᯓ★ his main reasons for regressing are all the problems caused by all the bullying when he was growing up and finding out he was quirkless, crushing his dreams at such a young age. And the constant fighting in wars with villans and such, when in UA. Sometimes he just regresses to get the weight of the world off his shoulders for a couple hours. ᯓ★ found about his regression in the first year of being in UA from mumblings of coping mechanism during therapy. but he didn't really understand or think about it until kaminari was being pretty open about being a regressor himself one eday, so, Izuku being Izuku went down a rabbithole of researching and found it to be a great coping mechanism for himself! ᯓ★ when he's regressed, he prefers to be called "Izu" or "Zuzu" by his close friends who aren't his cg but still know he regresses! ᯓ★ speaking of cg's, he has a couple. Because I like katsudeku, I think that Katsuki is his main cg!! His other main ones are Todoroki and possibly Aizawa ᯓ★ when little, he calls Katuski either "Kacchan" or if he's really small sometimes he'll slip out a "dada". He likes to call Todoroki either "Todo", "Roro" or "Roki". As for Aizawa, usually just a little "Zawa" ᯓ★ Besides his main cg's, most of class 1A likes to care for Izu when he's small and absolutely love it since he's just such a little sweetheart! but kirishima, ochaco, momo, sero and Iida spend the most time with small izu ᯓ★ his love for All Might only grows when small! He just loves to watch All might documentaries, movies, little youtube clips. Dont even get me started on the amount of all might little space gear he would have hehe! paci's, decorated bottles and sippies, onesies, plushies, teethers, absolutely everything! ᯓ★ he's an absolute angel for the most part! especially when around the ages of 3-6 loves to cuddle, always smiley and giggly, just a joy to be around!! howeverrr, when he slips tinier than around 3, he can be a little sleepy, leading him to be fussy ᯓ★ loves to play hero games with his friends and cg's, "saving" them, usually pretending to be all might. ᯓ★ because i headcannon izuku to be autistic, i think he stims a lot more when hes regressed!! he loves to rock side to side and back and forth the most! ᯓ★ he also tends to babble nonsense, just complete babababa and all his cg's can do is just sit there and nod while he has a full conversation with them in baby ᯓ★ his favourite pet/nicknames (and the ones only katuski and shoto are allowed to call him) are baby, sweetie, honey/hun, sweet boy, bunny, bubba, cutie, dear, dearest, little love and munchkin! but everyone else can use little one, buddy, kiddo, things like that hehe thats it for now!! i will definitely be making more little izu posts bc hes just so cute!! i will also be posting little izu stories on my ao3 if anyone is interested :33 bye bye lovelies, hope you have a wonderful day or night!! 💗
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tsukishimasbaby · 3 months
MHA Agere Headcanons
A/N: This is my official post switching over to a primarily MHA blog. I feel obligated to complete the Hazbin Hotel requests in my inbox, but I don’t want to. I’m not into Hazbin Hotel very much anymore. I’ve had a recent experience with someone that sort of ruined it for me, and I’m going to disconnect myself from it for a while, at least for the most part. I’m sorry, but I will most likely be deleting most, if not all, of the requests in my inbox.
With that out of the way, these are my MHA Agere Headcanons! This will be separated into multiple parts. :)
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Flip, caregiver lean. Controversial, I know! Most people headcanon him as a little or a switch with a regressor lean, but something about him makes me think he cares for people more than he gets taken care of.
I mean look at the entire vigilante arc. He cares more than he gets cared for. Although, that does result him in ignoring his own needs and crashing, something we’ve also canonically seen.
When he’s a caregiver, he’s extremely protective and gentle. He wants you to hold his hand at all times when you’re in public, just to make sure you’re safe. It’s dangerous out there, y’know.
He loves to baby you. He gives you compliments, praise, tells you how much he loves you, etc.. He thinks you’re the cutest thing ever. :)
Physical touch is his favorite thing ever. Especially kisses. He loves just kissing your little head and forehead out of nowhere. And he loves holding you. He just loves you.
When he’s a little, he regresses to about 3-4 years old. He’s very hyper and active, but he’s also pretty good at entertaining himself. He’ll usually just play with his little hero action figures, and occasionally he’ll ask you to play heroes with him.
He loves physical contact when he’s little as well. He asks to cuddle and hold your hand ALL the time.
He draws pictures for you sometimes and gets SOOO excited when you put them on the fridge or hang them up on the wall or something.
Caregiver! Maybe this is just me projecting, because he’s literally my fictional caregiver, but I think he’d be a cg more than anything.
He’d take a little bit to get used to it at first, but he’d warm up eventually. He wouldn’t be super soft or gentle, don’t get me wrong. That’s just not in his nature. He still cares about you and loves you very much, though.
He goes to bed early, so one of his favorite bonding activities is to just. Cuddle. And go to bed snuggling. He doesn’t care if you’re technically not allowed in his dorm room after hours. Not his problem. Aizawa can suck it if he finds out.
He cooks for you. Sometimes, if you’re a little older and can manage it, he’ll let you help out! But you can’t do any of the dangerous stuff, at least not on your own. You just do most of the measuring and stuff when you wanna help out. Other than that, he does it.
He SPOILS you rotten. He knows he isn’t good with words, and while he appreciates physical affection sometimes, it gets a bit awkward for him after awhile if it’s in public. So, to try to make up for it and to let you know he still loves you, he buys you pretty much anything you want.
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babyluc · 6 months
Random Diluc agere hcs!
He regresses rather young (Anywhere from 1-4 years old), but initially is determined to be secretive about it and thus doesn't ask anyone for help. This resulted in quite a bit of stress, until one tearful night he decided to confide in Adelinde, who accepted him wholeheartedly.
He gradually let more people know after Adelinde promised to "deal with" anyone who would dare react poorly.
He doesn't buy much agere gear, but he has a small yet growing collection of stuffies. He keeps them in a box in his closet, but when he regresses he spreads them all across his bed!
As an adult he basically never cries, but when he regresses he cries super easily. Dropped sippy cup? Crying. Broken crayon? Crying. Raining outside when he wanted to go play? Crying.
One time Diluc began to slip at the end of a tavern shift, and as he was trying to get the last people to leave, Kaeya made a playful jab at him. When Diluc began to cry instead of saying something mean back, Kaeya was terrified.
He also smiles much more, and much bigger when he's regressed. He gets very giggly over silly things. This has also caught Kaeya off guard before, and probably scared him more than the crying.
Diluc has yes to tell Kaeya about his regression, but Kaeya has basically figured it out himself by this point. He tries to look out for the signs, and is gentler with Diluc during those times.
Diluc took up painting, inspired by his father. He has two sketchbooks, one for serious works, and another filled with wobbly crayon drawings of cool horses and birds.
He goes semi-verbal when regressed, but he will still infodump about his favourite animals if you ask (albeit slightly less eloquently than usual).
When he's regressed, he either has his hair down (too little to do it himself), or in a much more neat than usual ponytail (Adelinde helped him).
He regresses somewhat frequently. It's caused him to have to not work quite such long hours, and to not do the whole darknight hero thing so often. He's a bit frustrated by this, but everyone around him is pleased by how much healthier and rested he looks.
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spydrrr · 7 months
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You can call me Spydr/Parker!
My discord is spydr_00 if you wanna chat!
I use any He/They/She/It pronouns and I'm genderfluid. I'm a 17 year old artist with OSDD!! I usually make system related and fandom art.
My NEW sonas!!
Other blogs!!
Agere/Petre Blog
I do take requests!! I can do art trades as well. I can't take commissions at the moment as I don't have any way to be paid. I prefer art trades, as it's more fair!
(my other post about art requests <----)
As for requests, I can do most fandoms and any kind of oc (fandom related or not) I won't draw characters from fandoms I don't know, soooo ehhh sorry :(
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The fandoms I'm in!
The Amazing Digital Circus
Chainsaw man
Tokyo Ghoul
My Hero Academia
My Little Pony
Monster High
Good Omens
Helluva Boss
Warrior cats
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Please note that I do not know every character in existence sooo there's that!
Also!! I can draw humans, animals, furries, mythic creatures, and simple robots/mechs.
I can't draw super duper complicated, like a transformer for example, but I can draw someone with 12 pairs of wings if that makes sense. And backgrounds are iffy for me!
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Art requests slots!!
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To make life easier on myself, I'm making art requests slots for each week! I'll have 4 slots open and I will announce whenever they are filled or empty! Art trades count too. If I don't finish an art trade by two weeks, I can cancel if you're not satisfied!!
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Do's and Don'ts
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I will not draw anything triggering! Gore is accepted but I will only draw minor gore and give it to someone in dms. I won't draw anything explicit!! So nothing sexual please!
I can draw something lewd/in a sexual manner but I won't show anything at all.
I won't do anything proship or poppytwt. I won't do incest or noncon relationships either!!
I have trouble with backgrounds so don't tell me to draw a detailed city skyline or something lol
I can also make age regression and pet regression art! I've been wanting to draw more of it but I never know what to draw so lmao-
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kakusu-shipping · 5 months
Agere List
To me Carer/Regressor dynamics are different than your typical Romantic/Platonic/Familial type of realationships, so I've decided to make a separate list for F/Os who are my Caregivers, or who I Caregive for.
This is very different from a headcanon list of characters who I think are Caregivers/Regressors, this is characters I personally have this relationship with. I am also only a Caregiver in a Fictional space, and cannot CG a real regressor in the real world.
Thankyou for your attention, list below the cut.
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Alder - Pokemon BW - Grandpa
Darmanitan - Pokemon BW - Babysitter
Whimsicott - Pokemon BW - Babysitter
Maractus - Pokemon BW - Big Sister
Molayne - Pokemon SuMo - Big Brother
Hassel - Pokemon SV - Daddy
Salvatore - Pokemon SV - Trainer
Stoutland - Pokemon BW2 - Companion
Chesnaught - Pokemon XY - Knight
Bloodmoon Ursaluna - Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - Daddy/Yandere
Beware - Pokemon Anime - Mommy
Doctor Mario - Super Mario Series - Doctor/Yandere
Craig Cuttlefish - Splatoon - Grandpa
Callie + Marie - Splatoon - Big Sisters
C.Q. Cumber - Splatoon 2 - Boss/Yandere
Mr. Grizz - Splatoon 3 - Boss/Papa
Papyrus - Undertale - Babysitter
Chara - Undertale - Chaotic/Babysitter
Swatchlings - Deltarune - Butlers
Gaster - Deltarune - Father/Eldritch
Enderman - Minecraft - Companion
Winston - Overwatch - Teacher
Moira O'Deorain - Overwatch - Doctor/Babysitter
Siebren de Kuiper (Sigma) - Overwatch - Grandpa
Sombra - Overwatch - Big Sister
Maugaloa Malosi - Overwatch - Chaotic/Big Brother
Teruteru Hanamura - Danganronpa 2 - Babysitter
Genocide Syo/Jack/Jill - Danganronpa UDG - Chaotic/Yandere
Shirokuma - Danganronpa UDG - Daddy/Yandere
Toy Freddy - Five Nights at Freddy's - Big Brother
Nightmare Fredbear - Five nights at Freddy's - Babysitter
Huggy Wuggy - Poppy Playtime - Guardian
Mommy Long Legs - Poppy Playtime - Mommy
Wally Darling - Welcome Home - Yandere/Neighbor
The Doctor - Little Nightmares - Doctor
Morgo - Little Misfortune - Eldritch/Yandere
Anna (The Huntress) - Dead by Daylight - Mommy/Yandere
Chzo - Chzo Mythos - Eldritch/Father
Kyle + Brett - Drive Time Radio - Chaotic/Eldritch
The Narrator - Stanley Parable - Eldritch/Guardian
Micheal Bleak - Wayward Children - Guardian (former)
Jill Wolcott - Wayward Children - Guardian
Aziraphale - Good Omens - Guardian/Knight
Crowley - Good Omens - Chaotic/Guardian
Edgar + Alan + Poe - Ruby Gloom - Babysitters
Scardy Bat - Ruby Gloom - Big Brother
Beetlejuice - Beetlejuice the Animated Series - Chaotic/Papa
Mashirao Ojiro - My Hero Academia - Babysitter
Mei Hatsume - My Hero Academia - Chaotic/Big Sister
Pantherlily - Fairy Tail - Knight/Papa
Watanuki + Domeki - xxxHolic - Daddies
Chieko - Princess Jellyfish - Mother
Mayaya - Princess Jellyfish - Chaotic/Big Sister
Muta - The Cat Returns - Companion
Baron Humbert Gon Gikkingen - The Cat Returns - Royal/Babysitter
The Storyteller - OC - Eldritch/Guardian
Cyrus - Pokemon Platinum - Permaregressed
Arven - Pokemon SV - Kid
Giacomo - Pokemon SV - Involuntary/Toddler
Saguaro - Pokemon SV - Dreamer/Baby
Hydreigon - Pokemon BW2 - Trauma/New Born/Baby
Smeargle - Monster Mind - Dreamer/Puppy
Princess Peach - Super Mario Series - Baby/Princess
Genji Shimada - Overwatch - Dreamer/Kid
Mako Rutledge (Roadhog) - Overwatch - Trauma/Baby
Toko Fukawa - Danganronpa 1 - Involuntary/Baby
Celestia Ludenburg - Danganronpa 1 - Dreamer/Gothic/Kid
Kyle Klim (K) - Virtue's Last Reward - Kid
Kazuaki Nanaki - Hatoful Boyfriend - Dreamer/Baby
Hitori Uzune - Hatoful Boyfriend - Trauma/Involuntary/Toddler
The Little King - Hatoful Boyfriend - Baby/Toddler/Prince
P03 - Inscryption - Involuntary/Bratty/Baby
Mae Browski - Night in the Woods - Dreamer/Toddler
Lapis Lazuli - Steven Universe - Trauma/Ageless
Nezu - My Hero Academia - Trauma/Involuntary
Tomura Shigiraki - My Hero Academia - Newborn/Baby
Dabi - My Hero Academia - Involuntary/Bratty/Kid
Himiko Toga - My Hero Academia - Dreamer/Toddler
Jin Bubaigawa (Twice) - My Hero Academia - Trauma/Toddler/Kid
Toma E. Fiore - Fairy Tail - Involuntary/Prince
Tamaki Souh - Ouran Highschool Host Club - Involuntary/Prince
Takashi Morinozuka - Ouran Highschool Host Club - Baby
Makoto Katai - Komi Can't Communicate - Baby
Micheal Myers - Halloween - Permaregressed/Evil/Kid
Jason Voorhees - Friday the 13th - Trauma/Baby
Brahms Heelshire - The Boy - Permaregressed/Toddler/Kid
Beetlejuice - Beetlejuice the Musical - Spooky/Horror/Baby
N - Pokemon BW - Permaregressed/Baby/Toddler
Jacq - Pokemon SV - Dreamer/Big Brother
Miriam - Pokemon SV - Dreamer/Nurse
Kieran - Pokemon SV - Evil/Pokemon
Gooigi - Super Mario Series - Big Sister
Kirby - Kirby series - Toddler/Big Brother
Flowey - Undertale - Trauma/Big Brother
Vulkin - Undertale - Pet
Ralsei - Deltarune - Prince/Big Brother
Viktor Humphries - Slime Rancher - Kid
Pheonix Wright - Ace Attorney - Involuntary/Teen
Monokuma - Danganronpa - Dreamer/Object
Kazuichi Soda - Danganronpa 2 - Involuntary/Toddler
Moon - FNaF Help Wanted 2 - Baby/Toddler (former)
Kissy Missy - Poppy Playtime - Trauma/Kid
Boxy Boo - Poppy Playtime - Permaregressed/Object
CatNap - Poppy Playtime - Trauma/Cat
Grendan Highforge - Drawtectives - Dreamer/Old Dog
Rosé - Drawtectives - Pre-Teen
York - Drawtectives - Dreamer/Little Brother
Muriel - Good Omens - New Born/Ageless
Frank + Len - Ruby Gloom - Teen/Toddler
Katsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia - Toddler/Little Brother
Banba - Princess Jellyfish - Hyperfixation/Kid
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cloudy-zephyr · 2 years
Aizawa + age regressor! Reader headcanons (gender neutral as always!!)
So…. I’m nervous posting this one. It could either be very well received or I could be horribly harassed, so I’ll educate you guys some.
What is age regression? Age regression (agere) is when someone, due to trauma, reverts to a mental state and age of a child; usually the age before the childhood trauma was experienced. It is completely SFW and in no way will I tolerate any sexual/ rude comments. You can be mean under any other post of mine, but I will not tolerate any form of hate under this post. My page is a safe space for everyone, I intend to keep it that way and will not hesitate to block anyone I see necessary.
You are more than welcome to leave and not read, but if you want to read then welcome!!
Cw: mentions of abuse/trauma, usage of “daddy, dada” in non sexual context, very brief mention of kink ( literally just the work kink like twice), feelings of shame/embarrassment for regressing
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- telling shota you regress isn’t something you planned on doing, why would you? It’s embarrassing that you need to act like a toddler to be able to cope with the stress in your life.
- he finds out when he comes home and you’re deep in headspace, he scares you because you know he shouldn’t see you like this and you burst into tears
- he is immediately worried, trying to get answers from you. The thing is, after working with kids and being a pro hero for so many years he knows what he sees when he looks in your eyes, he isn’t angry or disgusted at all.
“Oh… my poor baby got spooked, huh? I’m sorry, little one.”
- you’re confused, expecting him to hurt you like you’re used to, but his soothing voice and calm demeanor has you calming down from your hysterics. All you can do is hold your stuffie and nod.
- after that day, you’re much more open with him. Even giving him names when you’re regressed, that’s how he knows you truly trust him.
“Dada, can you help me pwease?”
“Of course he can, kiddo. What do you need?”
- he takes every new discovery of your headspace in stride, the hour long breakdowns and the very happy days
“Shh,, I’m here angel. Daddy’s got you.”
“Oh look at you! I’m so happy my baby is happy.”
- if you want gear, he gets you gear!!
“You keep looking at that sippy cup/bottle/pacifier, love. If you want it put it in the cart.”
“No, I don’t need it.”
(He sneaks it in the cart, anyways)
- he works with you that it’s okay and normal to regress, and helps you into your headspace
“It’s weird, and you’re gonna judge me and think I’m gross.”
“It’s not weird, I would never think you’re gross for the way you need to cope.”
- he takes you being nonverbal in stride too
*incoherent baby babbles*
“Oh, yeah?? Then what happened? No way. Tell me more, little one”
- in public and start to slip? No worries, he knows how to help you and keep it discreet per your request
“Hmm, how about we go get ice cream. Sound good? Knew it would, hold my hand when crossing the street angel.”
- if you wake up from a nightmare and immediately regress, he’s there to hold and comfort you
“Hey hey,, shhh. It’s okay, they can’t hurt you anymore. Dadas here now, okay? How’s a bottle of warm milk sound, baby”
- hate online is a huge thing regressors face, so what would he do if you’re scrolling through the agere tag and see someone calling a regressor and their caregiver gross and playing into kink??
“Turn that off, no more screen time okay? No no, don’t listen to them. You know what you need, not them. No, love. You aren’t gross or weird. I love you to the moon and back.”
- all in all, he’d be very loving and supportive!!! He would definitely go through a learning curve of what you specifically need, but he’d be such a good caregiver I just know it!!
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Remember, if you regress you are soooo valid and loved!! It’s not gross or a kink, and I’m happy you found a healthy way to cope :)
Let me know if you want more of this kinda stuff?? And I am taking requests!! If my asks aren't working (they should be on!!) then just shoot me a dm or comment :)
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artzary · 8 months
Hey guess who's back !!
I got really bored and it's almost midnight- haha-
But, unrequested, I bring to yall...
If there are any questions you have, please feel free to ask me!!
Until the Personality has been added on the Golden Cheese Cookie fandom wiki page, there sadly will not be a Golden Cheese for the time being!! ^^' But for now, please enjoy PV, HB, and DC!!! :D
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playroom-sekaii · 5 months
🧨 📈 and 😀 with Minori for the ask game? - @tr1xth3t1g3r
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I got two sets of asks for her, so here's both! :D
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🧨 - What triggers their regression? (Positive or negative). Minori's very much the type to regress while sleepy, especially if she's with the rest of MMJ!. She also tends to while she's doing something she enjoys, especially if it's nostalgic - looking at old idol videos or songs she used to watch when she was younger is bound to make her slip, especially those from ASRUN.
On the more negative side of things, she'll occasionally end up small after tougher practice sessions, or if she's sore in the days after. She knows it's important to help her become the best idol possible, but all she knows is that she's tired and achey and wants to take a nap!!
📈 - What is their regression age range? She normally regresses to about 3-6 years old! Hyper happy little idol ^w^
🤯 - How did they feel when they first learned about regression? She was quite intrigued! To be able to be a little kid again sounded really fun, and the fact that it'd be good for her mental health and such seemed important too. However, she was a bit concerned about what it would mean for her as an idol, what if she wasn't able to be one, or if it got out and ruined her reputation? Haruka may have accidentally contributed to this idea, warning her out of a desire to not see her dreams get crushed by how cruel the industry could be, but later on she apologized and helped her feel more comfortable and yay :D
😀 - Write about their first regression experience. It was with Kohane actually, both of them had learned about agere at around the same time, but Minori hadn't been wanting to let herself be small due to the fears explained previously. They were over at Minori's house when Kohane had slipped, and Minori was playing with her and found herself wanting to as well, but she couldn't! She was an idol, they can't do stuff like that! Luckily, Kohane was there to help Minori feel alright with it, helping to ease her into feeling small. They ended up playing with plushies together and watching Miku songs, a very nice time overall :)
🐣 - How does their behavior differ from when they're small to when they're big? Is it noticable? She's a lot more clingy, she gives lots of hugs and affection to the people she loves. She's also even more passionate about the things she likes, especially idols, almost akin to early main story Minori. Talking about them any chance she can get, consuming all she can of them; every time she remembers that she's an idol, and her main CGs are ones too she gets incredibly awestruck, and maybe even a bit shy, she wants to impress her heroes! They do their best to help her see that she can just be herself though :) It's not noticable at first glance, but to the rest of MMJ!, Shiho, or Kohane it's clear as day.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Agere Dead Sea Siblings headcanons
Their brains do age regression as a coping and defense mechanism from trauma
Technically all flips but only Percy calls themself a caregiver since Nico and Hazel only take care of him when he's a Little while he does it in general for anybody who needs it due to him being an adult while they're only kids
Hazel's ages are 2-3,Nico's are 3-5 and Percy's are 7-8 with the occasional 2
As a cg,Percy does babytalk sometimes,carries them around,gives them extra kisses and takes them on safe adventures like gardening and playing hide and seek.He's learned how to spot when they're tiny when they try to hide it and eventually it gets to the point where they stop trying because of all his reassurances and how safe she makes them feel so now instead they make a b-line for him when it happens
Percy was actually able to repress his regression out of sheer spite and anger when it started(Poseidon genes)but after his self-eestem improved he told Sally about it and she did research so they could find out what was up with him and by then she'd adopted Nico so they knew he's one too and same goes for Hazel when him and Percy ressurected her at Persephone's request so she'd be a part of the Second Great Prophecy
They're all animal regressors too-Nico's a baby bat,Hazel's a pony/fillie and Percy's a kitty
Little!Nico and Hazel call Percy 'Papa/Mama' as opposed to their usual sibling terms for her since while she's normally already a parental figure to them,their age amps it up big time and they call Little!Percy 'Princess'
And Little!Percy calls them 'Coco' and 'Azie' while Cg!Percy calls them his 'Little Rockstars' and 'Precious'(as in pearls)
Nico likes halloween costumes,card games,chewy tender food,being thrown around and storybased songs,Hazel likes tutus,Monster High,black louisiana food sweet or heavy kinds,playfighting,hyperpop and Percy likes coloring,tickles,bubble baths,fairy tales,themed food(Cookie Monster especially)and Lo-Fi Chiptunes
Nico's a pretty quiet kid and takes naps a lot but still energetic,Hazel's even more of a little shit and gets even girlier and Percy's a handful but not in a bad way
Sally saved up to buy them an easy bake oven,toy phones that match their tastes(A box of fries for Nico,a ghost with a bow for Hazel and a pink cat for Percy)and even made them pacis with the diy skills Percy taught her
The cat themed communication cards Nico and Hazel made Percy as a thank you for all he's done for them come into use her for both Percy themself and them borrowing them since she's cool with it
Hazel plays witch often and Percy's more than happy to be her familiar wether he's big or tiny
Nico likes feeling independent so his siblings don't overdue it so he dosen't cry or throw tantrums.However,he's also extra sensitive to his chronic pain in this state so he also understands he needs help with certain things
Hazel's hair is often filled with colorful butterfly hairclips by Percy's doing at her request,Nico's hair gets put into protective styles for safety by Sally or one of his siblings and Percy perfers having his styles changed throught his regressions
Their favorite shows are Max and Ruby,Kiya and the Kimoja Heroes,Bluey,Blues Clues,Dragon Tales,Adventure Time and Spidey and his Amazing Friends with Percy having a huge (platonic obvs) thing for Gwen Stacy thanks to it and the Spiderverse movies so she has secondhand merch of her and made her Atsv suit for herself so she could wear it
And she also made a Miles Morales one for Nico since they're literally Siblings!Ghost Flower and a Peni Parker one for Hazel based off the Across concept art since Hazel has a huge crush on Peni
Nico also loves Tiny Titans and Hazel is the number one Koriand'r fan and Percy models his drawing style after the DC Superhero Girls 2019 one
Percy started collecting stim gifs for them and they did the same for him but with Sonic the Hedgehog memes and cute fanart
Nico also calls Percy and Hazel 'Squish/Squishy' as nicknames since they're both fat/plus-sized and have expressed that it makes them feel insecure
They have matching Aquapets and Percy's even more into legos in tiny mode than he is normally
They have a big children's makeup kit they all share because it has sections with different kinds and that's why Sally bought it for them(i.e One's goth makeup,another's pink and purple and yellow and the last one's ocean themed along with all of them having glitter options)
Percy's obssessed with Rainbow Dash all the time but copies her speech as a Little and can't play his scary games like Undertale and Deltarune in that state so he plays Nickjr games instead
Hazel's a no impulse control kid but knows what she's doing,perfers figurines over plushies because she likes the texture better and same goes for sneakers over slippers and adores clowns!!
Percy earns the nickname 'Wonder Woman' because of the greek demigoddess and expert at being good with kids combo
Sally made the Familia Jackson Beach Shack 100% child-safe because of them
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cutiecorner · 1 year
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Late Night
Fanfic • agere • regressor! Virgil Hawkins, caring! John Stewart & J'onn J'onzz • AO3
Static Shock brain still going strong. Virgil wins Little Guy of the Year award. I couldn't find any ambient gifs of Dakota so I just used this cute one of Static! Trigger warning for themes of grief.
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Virgil could not be more excited about his summer on the watchtower. A whole month of bashing bad guys with the biggest heroes on earth? Literally a dream come true. He knew he was gonna have a blast with the titans, and maybe save the world to boot. Even the first day was exciting, stopping a joker gang incident in jolly old Gotham. It was a good workout, but he was excited to get back to his quarters. He had packed his suitcase like he was packing for college - It’s not every day you get to say your stuff has been to space. Deep down though, there was one item he was the most happy to see.
“Enjoying the view, Pluto?” Virgil picked up the beanie baby puppy and tossed it back and forth, feeling the nice weight in his hands. It had been his favorite toy since he was a baby, and he had to admit, he was a little too sentimental to leave him behind. It was a little piece of home to take with him. Not to mention it reminded him of his mom. He laid on the bed with the dog on his chest, telling him about the day he had. 
“- and then I swooped in and kshoom! Hit him with the energy ball! Then Bam! Take a moped to the jaw!” Virgil took the puppy and looked it in the face, “Wish you could’ve seen it, moms”.
He decided to spend a little of his down time brushing up on his Brawlin Bots game. Cyborg had wiped the floor with him earlier and he was not about to have a repeat of that game. He stayed up late, defeating all the cpus until he couldn’t level them up anymore. He was getting pretty good - good enough for Cyborg, he’d just have to see. He flopped onto the bed, letting the controller fall from his hand. 
Even though he fought crime with them every day, it was easy for Virgil to forget his powers sometimes. There were little things about it that were just unobtrusive enough not to notice - like the slight charge he’d pick up when in contact with electronics for too long. Not only did it drain his battery life, it made him a little sparky. Considering he had just played xbox for 3 hours, it would’ve done him well to remember that. 
He shuffled up to the pillows on his bed, pulling the blanket up to his shoulders. The lights were off, he was in his PJs, only one thing was missing - Pluto. Even heroes needed a good cuddle buddy. He scooped up the plush dog and - its button eyes came flying off! His hands must’ve been so charged he attracted them! He was so startled he jerked his hand away, hard - pulling an arm clean off. 
Call it the late hour, call it the long day - but Virgil felt hot tears well up in his eyes. No no no it’s fine everything’s fine, he tried to tell himself, finding the little lost buttons on the floor, it’s just the only thing you have from mom. He really shouldn’t have stayed up late, he always got weird when he stayed up late. He felt so sensitive, so vulnerable. He really, really wanted his mom. His thoughts came at him fast and it was all so overwhelming.
“Virgil?” Green Lantern, great. “You better not be up playing those games, lights out was an hour ago-”
Virgil choked on his tears, trying to stifle any sound. He prayed Mr. Stewart couldn’t see him in the low light- 
“Hey, hey, what’s the matter?” - no such luck. Stupid green lantern powers. John came around to the edge of the bed, kneeling to try and meet Virgil’s eye. Virgil curled away, to find John’s hand on his back.
“What happened, kid?”
Virgil tried to take some breaths and speak, but all sound got caught in his throat. It made him feel even worse, shrinking into himself in embarrassment, holding Pluto tight to his chest. You’re gonna cry to Green Lantern about a doll? Some hero you are. GL sat down next to Virgil, examining him - and his eye caught the little toy dog. 
“Hey, who’s this? Is this what’s got you worked up?”
Virgil unfurled a little, looking at the eyeless puppy and nodding.
“His name’s Pluto. I… I got him from my mom. And now I ruined him.” He couldn’t help another wave of tears from rolling down his cheeks. John's face softened.
“Hey, hey I get it. If something I got from my dad got messed up I’d be upset too,” He looked down at Virgil, who rubbed his tears away, “and you didn’t ruin anything. It’s gonna be okay.”
GL patted Virgil’s shoulder as he calmed down a notch.
“Let’s take Pluto here down to the infirmary, see what J’onn can do about it.”
Virgil looked up at John with a quizzical brow.
“Bother Martian Manhunter in the middle of the night? About a doll? No way,” he huffed, looking down at Pluto, “... what could he do about it anyway?”
“You’d be surprised Static, I think he’s just the right martian for the job,” With a smile, John got up and offered Virgil his hand.
Down in the infirmary, J’onn was up as usual. He fiddled with various charts for each leaguer, cataloged injuries and the like. Virgil felt sheepish in the doorway, even with GL beside him. He was still sniffling, tipping the martian up to their presence.
“Hey J’onn. I’ve got a special patient for you,” John looked down at Virgil and nodded toward the alien.
“Oh,” his voice was shockingly warm, “is something wrong, little one?” 
Oh wow, Virgil thought. He expected the martian to be terrifying but something about his voice was profoundly calming. Virgil still felt shy though, looking at his socked feet as he presented the doll and it’s torn pieces to J’onn. 
“Oh dear,” J’onn cooed in sympathy as he gently took the toy, “Your toy got torn.” Virgil nodded, still not meeting his eye in shame. The martian placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“I have just the thing. Come with me.”
The two followed J’onn to his desk, where he crouched down to look through one of the drawers. In it was fabric, yarn, and various sewing supplies. Virgil was profoundly confused, watching the martian lay his stuffie gently on the table like a patient in a bed. 
“Here, take this while I’m working. To keep you company.”
Virgil examined what J’onn had given him - a hand sewn… rabbit? Well, not really a rabbit. It had too many eyes? And legs? Maybe they were ears…
“It’s a J’a’khal. They were common creatures on Mars - my own child simply adored them.”
“It’s adorable! You made this?”
J’onn smiled.
“Martians don’t need as much sleep as other species. I have a surprising amount of free time. I have plenty of little pets to choose from, if you'd like to look through them."
J'onn opened another drawer to unveil numerous plushies of other worldly animals. Virgil smiled wide, bouncing over to paw through them.
"I'm glad you like them, little one," J'onn chuckled, "You may take as many as you like."
Virgil huffed from his seat on the floor.
"Hey, I'm not so little."
"Oh?" J'onn paused and smiled, "A mere oversight. You see, Martian lifespans are hundreds of years longer than earthlings. We mature more slowly." J'onn took one of the small plushies from his desk, giving it to Virgil.
"You're little more than a baby to me."
Virgil felt himself flush. He didn't like to think about it, but there was a certain joy he got from being thought of as young. As a hero for one, but even in regular life. He knew he was growing up, but he wanted to be a kid a little longer.
"Anything else I can get you, kid?" John asked, "You look like you're good with Mr. J'onn for now."
Virgil nodded from underneath the litter of stuffies. John smiled.
"I'll be back in a bit to check on you. Hey J'onn, chocos?"
J'onn lit up, "Always." Virgil lit up too. "Bring some for the boy as well, please. "
J'onn got to work on repairing the torn stuffie, sewing and handling it with great care. Virgil watched in awe as he put the button eyes back in place, sewed up the arm, and even put some new beads and fluff in. When he was done Pluto was as good as new. Virgil reached out his arms for the doll, difficult considering how many he was already carrying, and squeezed the lovey tight with a big smile.
“He’s even better than new! Thank you Mr.J’onn!”
    While Virgil was snuggling Pluto, John returned. His eyes were tired but happy to see the boy smiling again. He placed a box of cookies in front of J’onn, accompanied by some glasses of milk. Virgil’s eyes lit up.
“Are these for me Mr.Stewart?” Virgil picked up one of the three glasses.
“Yep. Little midnight snack. Go crazy, kid.”
    J’onn and John chatted and ate while Virgil laid against the desk, feeling his adrenaline cease and sleep start to creep in. He tuned out the miscellaneous chatter from the adults, covering himself with various plushies, Pluto with a special place in his arms. He used one as a pillow, dozing off. He woke up the next morning in his bed, a few of the dolls tucked in with him. Let it never be said the Justice League didn’t have a soft spot.
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